April 3

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dn the


wednesday, april 3, 2013 volume 112, issue 129

Inside Coverage

Women’s basketball review Beat writers grade the Huskers season

10 Google Glass half empty New Google product doesn’t ring in revolution

5 Spring concert funds denied RHA senators vote down UPC funding request

2 BioShock and awe

When Mother Nature calls

Sarah, a 2-month-old squirrel, eagerly sucks formula out of a syringe in the home of Wildlife Rescue Team volunteer Gail Moss. The volunteer organization rehabilitates thousands of injured and orphaned animals across the state each year.


a new


way to


New technology could enhance on-campus parking

story by Cristina Woodworth | art by Gabriel Sanchez


new type of parking garage technology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln could eventually lead to a smartphone app that would show available parking spaces on campus, although officials say the cost of such an app might outweigh the benefits. Dan Carpenter, director of Parking & Transit Services at UNL, said he hopes to implement a radio-frequency identification system at all of the university’s parking garages starting in fall of 2014. The RFID system involves small antennae being placed under university-issued parking permits that would be scanned by an automatic reader in order to gain access to university parking garages. Carpenter said every parking garage on campus would have a gated entrance similar to the gates already used at the Stadium Drive parking garage. Only a valid permit for each garage

would be able to open these entrance gates. “(RFID technology) speeds up the transactions for entering parking garages so you’re not having to drive up, roll down your window to get a ticket and wait for the gate to open,” Carpenter said. Permits for the Stadium Drive parking garage have included the RFID technology since 2009, but Carpenter said it has been too expensive to implement the technology at the university’s three other garages until now, as the cost of the system has begun to decrease. Carpenter said he submitted a bid earlier this year for several changes and repairs to the university’s parking software system, including an upgrade to the RFID system, but the bids came in over-budget. He said he plans to submit another bid for the project in fall 2013.

parking: see page 3

‘Infinite’ reaches majestic heights in aesthetics

7 online

Men’s tennis plays Iowa Wednesday Huskers look to keep rolling against Hawkeyes

Mock UN grows at UNL State Dept. hosts RSO inspires new course to prepare students for model UN conference James Pace-Cornsilk DN

@dailyneb facebook.com/ dailynebraskan

Last week, a group of University of Nebraska-Lincoln students were given the opportunity to represent Lithuania. The students were a part of the UNL Model United Nations, a 2-year-old recognized student organization that attended the yearly National

Model United Nations conference in New York City. Students from the UNL Model UN club were split into different bodies of the United Nations and paired with students from Sweden, Germany and Australia, as well as other countries, to compete in a simulated UN meeting. This year, participants deliberated creating resolutions to the issue of piracy in Somalia. “It’s a really good lesson in diplomacy and compromise,” said Ian Chapo, vice president of the UNL chapter and a senior political science and economics major. “Because you

might represent a country that you fundamentally disagree with, but it’s your job to represent that country as accurately as possible.” No first-, second- or thirdplace ribbons are given in the competition. Competitors are judged based on their abilities to communicate and compromise with other countries. “We did well, but there’s not a ribbon attached to that,” Chapo said. “It was a lot of fun. Everyone on the trip had a fantastic time.” He said he enjoyed meet-

Model UN: see page 3

pipeline hearing

Arkansas oil spill heats up debate over Keystone XL pipeline’s future DANIEL WHEATON DN Supporters and detractors of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline have a chance to air their

grievances to the government in an upcoming hearing. The public hearing will be held on April 18 in Grand Island, according to the State Department. For people who can’t make the trip to Grand Island, the State Department has a place on its website for public comments, which can be submitted until April 22. The Heartland Events Center, 700 E. Stolley Park Road, will host

hearing: see page 2



wednesday, april 3, 2013




On campus what:

Nebraska Young Artist Awards where: Sheldon Museum of Art auditorium when: 3 p.m. more information: Kathe Andersen, 402-472-9355 what:

Chinese Corner Nebraska Hall




6 p.m. to 7 p.m. yangzhengiao@gmail.com more information:

what: WET INK! Student Composers where: Westbrook Music Building 119 when: 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. more information: Mike Edholm, 402-472-6865

Students forgo Facebook for fear of narcissism Recent studies show decline in user satisfaction with the popular website paige osborne dn James Marson doesn’t want to be a narcissist. That’s why the University of Nebraska-Lincoln junior agricultural business major, like many of users across the country, decided to ditch Facebook for good. “It gives us this self-entitlement,” Marson said. “We think we should know everything about everyone, and it makes everyone really nosey. There’s no freedom in that.” According to the Pew Research Center ’s Internet & American Life Project released in February, 27 percent of Facebook users plan to spend less time on the site this year, with 38 percent of those users in the 18-29 age group. And 42 percent of Facebook users ages 1829 said the time they spend on Facebook daily has decreased over the last year. Facebook has nearly 1.1 billion monthly active users and 680 million mobile users, according to CNET. The finding that some millenials have moved away from the social network comes as research released in the past couple of years and has highlighted some side effects of Facebook’s

Communication is a big part expansive presence: narcissism and tension between the Face- of Clancy Nelson’s problem book identities of users’ home- with Facebook. Nelson, a freshman broadtown and college selves. cast journalism major, said it A study last year in the journal Personality and Individual bothers her when people post Differences validated Marson’s pictures of a sick dog or a sick child, encouraging people to qualms with the social media site. The study suggested a re- share it with everyone. “That’s not the right forum lationship between the number of Facebook friends a user has for what people are trying to do,” she said. and narcissism; Nelson uses the more friends You only the site socially a user has, the want to and primarily for more likely that photos. user is to be a check Facebook Gabby Schennarcissist. kelberg, a fresh“It makes you when you want to man secondary kind of selfish,” use it.” education major, Marson said, said she thinks “and that’s why I Torie Monroe Twitter is eclipsgot rid of mine.” sophomore ing Facebook. A Yale School “Our culture of Public Health study said there is underlying is one of change, and we’ve found a new form of social meage discrimination toward the dia that we find more interestelderly on Facebook. ing,” she said. “I don’t think it Researchers Amanda Holhas so much to do with Faceman and Jenna Stephenson Abetz, both communication book than it does with our everchanging society.” studies graduate students, conRegardless, Facebook is ducted their own study at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln rumored to be launching a examining how students com- “home” app this Thursday that bined their lives they left in their could turn an Android phone into a Facebook phone. hometowns with their lives at Some UNL students remain college on Facebook. leery of the idea. “We didn’t know what to ex“I feel like I wouldn’t want pect, but our findings show that managing one’s identity and old it always in my face,” said Torie relationships from home and Monroe, a sophomore finance new relationship in college is and marketing major. “You only not always easy, and there are want to check Facebook when you want to use it.” a lot of tensions in how people news@ communicate on Facebook,” dailynebraskan.com Holman wrote in an email.

cop briefs NARCOTICS, marijuana, alcohol FOUND IN POUND

Early Sunday morning, University of Nebraska-Lincoln police were called to investigate the smell of marijuana coming from a Pound Hall dorm room. A non-student, Consuelo Deollos, 19, and Joshua Melendrez, a freshman broadcasting major, denied officers consent to search the room. Officers left and returned with a search warrant. Police said they found open containers of Keystone beer, a multi-colored pipe with residue of marijuana and a scale, also with residue of marijuana on it. Police said officers also found two blue and white pills, later identified as Vyvanse, a type of amphetamine used to treat ADHD. Deollos was cited for minor in possession and Melendrez was cited and lodged for possession of a controlled substance.



Four UNL students were cited early on the morning of March 26 for possession of alcohol. Officers were called to Sandoz Hall by community service patrollers who smelled alcohol on the group. Officers approached a dorm room and said they could hear loud voices coming from the open door. Officers saw the occupants and an open bottle of Southern Comfort. Police said Faith Pusic, a sophomore communication studies major, Elizabeth Moran, a freshman journalism major, Andrew Murphy, a freshman psychology major and Alissa Shanahan, a freshman journalism major, all admitted to consuming alcohol. Police reported Pusic had a BAC of .15, Moran had a BAC of .20, Murphy had a BAC of .11, and Shanahan had a BAC .081, according to officers. The four were cited for minor in possession by consumption.


A UNL student was involved in a car crash Monday morning in a parking lot at the intersection of Salt Creek Roadway and Stadium Drive. A 2004 Chevy Impala turned into an open parking stall while a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero was backing out. The Alero struck the Imapala on the passenger side, police said. Mayme Conroy, a sophomore pre-elementary education major, was cited and released for unsafe backing.

—Compiled by Reece Ristau NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

RHA denies UPC funds for concert Senators reject lastminute appeal, elect new president, vice president Lis Arneson Dn The Residence Hall Association of the University of NebraskaLincoln denied funding to the University Program Council for its spring concert during a meeting Tuesday. UPC requested $1,500 from RHA’s programming fund to cover the artist fee for Icky Blossoms, the opener for its April 18 concert also featuring Grouplove. UPC originally requested $3,500, but amended the amount during RHA’s meeting due to funding they received Tuesday afternoon from Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Juan Franco, according to

Mike Dunn, an Association UPC vice president Riley Vanek. of Students of the University of RHA voted against the fundNebraska senator, spoke against ing with a vote of 15-17-3. UPC’s request during open foSeveral RHA senators said sponsoring the spring concert rum. “I think UPC should come to would leave $300 in RHA’s prous in advance to work out ways to gramming fund for the remainpartner with RHA der of the acain the planning of demic year. the spring concert RHA treabefore requesting surer Nate Watfunds,” Dunn said. ley said that by “If they had come requesting fundto us with this reing from RHA, quest last semesUPC would be ter, this would be “double-dipa different story. ping” into stuThis last-minute dent fees. Mike Dunn asun senator request puts pres“I don’t sure on senators to think RHA pass this bill. It is should fund irresponsible.” this,” Watley Vanek said the last-minute resaid. “I think UPC should find a way out of their own budget. quest is due to the graduation of UPC’s president Jason Dunn, who UPC gets a set amount of student fees handed down from ASUN primarily worked with RHA. “We did attempt to reach out,” each year.”

This last minute request puts pressure on senators...”

he said. “We were unclear on how to draft a bill.” UPC sent out form emails to about 14 campus groups asking if they were interested in sponsoring the concert. ASUN allocated $300 to UPC’s spring concert this year, according to meeting documents. “UPC needs to get better in learning that certain organizations are valuable partners,” Dunn said. “Sending out a blanket email is kind of insulting. They decided we weren’t worth having a conversation. We were worth an email.” RHA also announced Tuesday night that Matt Knapp won the bid for RHA president and Sydney Weddleton will serve as RHA vice president. RHA did vote to allocate $600 to Cather-Pound Residence Association for its End of the Year Luau and $1,000 to Abel Residence Association to purchase a

hearing: from 1 the hearing and will have two ster their argument against the sessions — one from noon un- pipeline. “The pipeline in Arkansas is til 3:30 p.m, and another from 4 a fraction of what damage Keyp.m. until 8 p.m. A similar meeting was held in Lincoln’s Persh- stone XL could do to Nebraska’s land and water,” said Bold Neing Center in 2011. The pipeline, if constructed, braska Executive Director Jane Kleeb in a statement Tuesday. would carry more than 800,000 “The KXL pipeline would carry barrels of oil from the Alberta tar over 800,000 barrels a day of tar sands to the Texas Gulf Coast. sands and benzene versus the The pipeline has faced delays and reroutes because of possible 90,000 barrels a day the Exxon pipeline carried in Arkansas.” environmental dangers to the Bold NebrasSand Hills. ka, a group opA decision The pipeline posing the pipeon the project is line, had already expected from in Arkansas begun mobilizPresident Barack is a fraction of ing. Kleeb said Obama sometime they plan to host in the fall. Since what damage a parade, prayer last Friday, pipeKeystone XL could circle and sevline opponents eral other events, have become galdo to Nebraska’s both in Grand Isvanized by a spill land and water.” land and in other in Mayflower, communities Ark. jane kleeb affected by the On Friday, an bold nebraska pipeline. oil pipeline burst On April in a residential Fools’ Day, Bold neighborhood Nebraska sent out an altered there, spilling 12,000 barrels of copy of Heineman’s 2011 letter to oil. Exxon Mobil, the operator of the pipeline, has been working former Secretary of State Hillary on the cleanup. Members of Bold Clinton and Obama supporting Nebraska used this event to bol- the pipeline. In the fake version,

Heineman asked Obama to deny TransCanada’s permit. “It turns out the real joke is on Nebraska landowners and citizens who expect our leaders to honor their word,” Kleeb said, commenting on the news release. “In January of this year, despite the same problems with the current proposed route, Gov. Heineman flip-flopped and approved TransCanada’s route. Nebraska citizens are holding Governor Heineman accountable.” Members of the press and the governor ’s office weren’t impressed. “This is a childish act on behalf on Bold Nebraska that clearly illustrates the immaturity of Jane Kleeb and her group,” said Jen Rae Hein, the governor ’s spokesperson. “This April Fools’, the joke is on them.” Heineman approved a reroute of the pipeline in January after the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality studied the possible harms of a spill. Kleeb, and most pipeline opposition, contend the NDEQ’s report does not adequately address the possibility of the spill. Dr. Richard Perrin, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln profes-

if you go: Public Meeting on Proposal Keystone XL Pipeline


Heartland Events Center, 700 E. Stolley Park Road, Grand Island when: Session one: Noon to 3:30 p.m., Session two: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. sor of agricultural economics who wrote a report against the pipeline in 2011, said fears of oil spills have been overhyped. “The Ogallala Aquifer is not a bathtub,” Perrin said. He explained the impact would be minimal, only harming the affected section of land. Even though the political drama is building, Obama is expected to remain mum on the pipeline until the entire process is completed. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

on this day April 3, 2000 Baseball stadium clears final hurdle

KEARNEY— The waiting game is finally over for baseball fans in Lincoln. The University of Nebraska Board of Regents unanimously approved five amendments on Saturday and agreed to join with the city of Lincoln and Nebco, Inc. to build a new baseball and softball stadium complex. Ground could be broken as early as next week on the $32.1 million project that will be located west of Memorial Stadium and north of the Haymarket. Nebraska Athletic Director Bill Byrne, who gave a short speech to the regents that included a two-minute HuskerVision presentation, said the complex is scheduled to be finished by spring of next year.

April 3, 1991 UNL officials to form policy on harassment

Creation of a policy to deal with harassment at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln still will be pursued but is sure to be a sticky issue, a UNL official said. James Griesen, vice chancellor for student affairs, said UNL officials are not necessarily looking at adding a fighting words policy to the Student Code of Conduct, but do not want to address harassment problems as a whole. Last year, UNL debated adding a fighting words policy to its Student Code of Conduct but abandoned the concept.

April 3, 1916 These Co-Eds Discovered New Vacation Joys

Their (sic) are various ways of enjoying a spring vacation. Some people who already know too much, and others who don’t quite enough, double their allotted time in the library, cramming their rusty “domes” from musty tomes. The Delta Gammas go to Beatrice house parties, and the Delta Zetas go to Shubert. Eppersons plans new policies for The Nebraskan. Still others go away on the 5:15. But Marion Hall and Helen Curtice, aided and abetted by Helen Cook at times, have another way. They roller skate. The warning cry of “Track! Track!” has startled more than one staid pedestrian in South Lincoln, who has skipped agilely aside just in time to save his dignity from hurt, while Miss Hall and Miss Curtice scooted swiftly by on the oiled rollers. —Compiled by Reece Ristau NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Andrew Dickinson managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Riley Johnson ENGAGEMENT EDITOR. . . . . . . . . .402.472.1763 Nick Teets news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 associate editor Hailey Konnath Jacy Marmaduke assignment editor opinion editor Ryan Duggan Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Katie Nelson assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Andrew Ward Paige Cornwell assistant editor assistant editor Lanny Holstein Design Liz Lachnit chief

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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wednesday, april 3, 2013

Faculty senators decry lack of campus influence Senate seeks more say in ACE program reform, discusses campus software Jacy Marmaduke DN The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Faculty Senate could be on its way to developing an ad hoc subcommittee to examine issues within the Achievement-Centered Education program and make suggestions for its improvement after a motion made at the April 2 senate meeting. Computer and electronics engineering professor Tad Wysocki made the motion, which the senate will address at its next meeting later this month. Senate members were uncertain which body has the authority to make changes to the ACE program. Individual colleges approved the program when it was first implemented in 2008, and since then, all undergraduate students have been required to complete courses in the 10 ACE categories. Wes Peterson, a professor of agricultural economics, said the senate was left out of the decisionmaking process entirely. “I was president-elect (of the senate) at the time, and we got whacked pretty solidly by various

colleges,” he said. It’s unclear whether the senate has the authority to make changes to the ACE program, said Faculty Senate coordinator Karen Griffin. The new subcommittee would operate separate from the University Curriculum Committee, which currently oversees the ACE program, Wysocki said. Wysocki’s motion came near the end of a two-hour meeting riddled with concerns regarding the senate’s lack of influence on administration. Faculty Senate has very little voice at the Board of Regents level, senate president Mathias Schubert said. He cited Innovation Campus and the 120-hour degree programs as two changes that dropped “out of the blue sky” on unsuspecting senate members who could have influenced the decision-making process. Dell KACE, a software management system the university is licensing from Dell to preserve security, dominated much of the meeting’s discussion. The system allows the university’s information technology department to remotely access faculty members’ computers, although the access is subject to university privacy policies. The system has been a part of UNL for about two years, and faculty members are no longer required to use it on their computers. Senate members raised concerns

about why the faculty wasn’t included in decisions on the program. “I take responsibility for that,” said Mark Askren, chief information officer for Information Services. “And this past year we are doing a lot better (at seeking faculty feedback). That is my job to get that right.” Askren said administration will seek faculty feedback in the fall as it begins to evaluate Blackboard, which is nearing its license renewal in about two years. Chancellor Harvey Perlman spoke at the senate meeting about some of his future plans for the university. He said he will hire a law student this summer to review and clarify university bylaws. He said no particular event inspired the review. “At some point you can get in trouble by not having things organized, so we’re trying for that,” he said. “But I hope you aren’t concerned that I have an agenda here because I don’t.” Perlman also addressed the master plan for the university. Sasaki Associates, the firm that’s creating the master plan, will report to senior administration for the last time Wednesday morning, Perlman said. Administration will take the proposed changes to the Board of Regents in September. news@ dailynebraskan.com

parking: from 1 “The technology is starting to come down in price and continues to keep improving,” said Carpenter, who said he does not know the specific price of installing RFID technology at each of the university’s garages. When the new RFID system is eventually in place, Carpenter said there will be more opportunities to collect data on student, staff and visitor parking behavior. “The technology would only allow valid permit-holders into the garage,” Carpenter said. “This would cut down on the number of violators we have in the garages, and there were a bunch this year, especially in the garages that have open entrances. This would allow us to cut down on the parking en-

forcement costs.” Barney McCoy, an associate professor of broadcasting and member of the university’s Parking Advisory Committee, and Carpenter said the RFID system could also lead to the development of an app that shows where available parking spaces are on campus. “It would be nice for students who depend on parking to get to class on time to know exactly where parking spaces are available on campus,” McCoy said. “People wouldn’t have to keep driving around in circles searching for a parking spot. They could just pull up the university parking lots on their phone and see where open spaces are located.” McCoy said the app would also

give the university real-time data updates about on-campus parking availability. “Ultimately, the idea is that it would give the university real-time parking intel for all of the parking areas on campus,” McCoy said. Carpenter said the app is still just an idea though, and the cost of developing such an app is being examined. The university would have to go through a private company that would collect and publicize the parking data. “There are a number of fees associated with creating an app or website that shows parking availability,” he said. “I haven’t been able to make a case for justifying the costs yet.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

model un: from 1

Courtesy Photo

Students from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Model United Nations chapter attended the National Model United Nations conference in New York City last week.

ing and getting to know students from around the world. Transportation and hotel rooms were paid for by club members. However, UNL and NMUN did fund a portion of the trip. The UNL Model UN club has already worked to create a new class that will be offered next year to help prepare students for this conference and other conferences around the United States. The class, offered through the College of Arts and Sciences, will be a onecredit-hour class and also available to students not in Model UN. But it’s not all just traveling and role playing, said Courtney Hillebrecht, assistant professor of political science at UNL. Model UN is a challenging academic experience, she said. Hillebrecht designed the course. “I wanted to acknowledge the work that the students were doing, the academically rigorous work the students were doing to prepare them for the competitions, and get them some course credit for that,” Hillebrecht said. During the class, students will

I don’t think anybody really questioned that this was worth course credit.” Courtney Hillebrecht

assistant professor of political science

learn more about the UN and the contemporary issues it faces. The topics discussed will change from year to year as new world issues arise. The students will also prepare a research binder filled with information about the country they will represent at the next conference and issue areas affecting that country. “I don’t think anybody really questioned that this was worth course credit,” Hillebrecht said. Even though Model UN and the accompanying course are academically challenging, the students involved plan to work to grow their club and attend more conferences per year. They plan to hold fundraising events, and will appear at Big Red Welcome

to spread the club’s name. “We try and make it fun,” Chapo said. “We really try and build a sense of camaraderie, make it something that people want to come back to.” He said Model UN gives students the opportunity to practice diplomacy, a skill that is vital for any career in international affairs. “It really is a dynamic experience, unlike anything you get in the classroom,” Chapo said. “You can be taught about the structure of the United Nations, but until you go to the United Nations building and participate, you don’t understand it in the same way.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

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wednesday, april 3, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view

gabriel sanchez | dn

Princeton letter sets women back

I Lauren Cloyed | dn

Parking technology promises benefits if student costs do not increase Parking and Transit services has been considering implementing technology in campus garages that would read parking permits and allow access only to those with the proper permit. The Daily Nebraskan thinks the addition of this technology would add to the value of a parking permit and be a good step forward for making parking easier on campus, if the cost is right. Fancy technology that could ease parking and lead to the creation of an app that would allow students to see where available spaces are is an alluring idea, and the DN commends Dan Carpenter, director of Parking and Transit Services, for waiting until the price of the technology drops. It’s definitely not a necessary service. But it has its obvious benefits. What may serve as an annoyance is the addition of gates at garages. Have you ever parked in a garage with the hope you don’t get ticketed? With a gate, this illegal parking would stop completely. While this may make getting to your 9:30 a.m. class without plugging a meter more difficult, it will cut costs on parking enforcement, a plus for reducing the budget of Parking and Transit Services. If Parking and Transit Services is spending less on paying parking enforcement officers, maybe they won’t have to increase the costs of permits. In an ideal world, the cost could decrease, which would be a major victory for students’ wallets in the battle against parking. Furthermore, a potential app that shows available spaces is something that would make parking much easier. But this app is only possible if the technology is installed on all campus garages. One has to wonder how students would safely check their phone for available parking spaces while driving down 17th Street. If one student is injured in an accident and it’s discovered that they were searching for a parking space on a university app, Parking and Transit Services will have plenty of people up in arms. While the app sounds promising, safety must be considered. Lastly, if everything goes well, and down the road there is a hands-free app created, Parking and Transit Services shouldn’t increase the price of a permit to cover the cost of the app creation. We feel that the price of a parking permit is already too high. By making the app available to students and keeping parking permit costs flat, students will start to feel like the hundreds of dollars they are putting toward a permit is more worth it.

Opinion@ dailynebraskan.com

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

n the movie “Mona Lisa Smile” it was 1953 when Katherine Watson arrived on the conservative campus of Wellesley College, a women-only private liberal arts college in Massachusetts. Back then, marriage was considered the ultimate goal for every woman, college-educated or not. Watson, an art history professor with progressive and controversial views played by Julia Roberts, bucked the conformist shackles of marriage. She believed that women deserved the same freedoms and opportunities as men. She encouraged her students to be bold and live for more than just the life of a wife and mother. Sixty years later things have changed monumentally for women. The world could potentially be our oyster. According to Forbes, as of 2008, “on a national scale, public universities had the most even division between male and female students with a male-female ratio of 43.6-56.4.” So, why is it then that Susan Patton, a woman and a Princeton alumna, would tell the young women of her alma mater that they should focus on finding husbands before graduating? In a letter to the editor to the Daily Princetonian, Patton wrote, “Men regularly marry women who are younger, less intelligent, less educated. It’s amazing how forgiving men can be about a woman’s lack of erudition, if she is exceptionally pretty. Smart women can’t (shouldn’t) marry men who aren’t at least their intellectual equal.” Perhaps if this were the era of June Cleaver, the fictional mother from “Leave it to Beaver,” or even of Jacquelyn Kennedy Onassis, we would be or should be content to play house, cook and clean all while flawlessly groomed. But life isn’t a 1950s sitcom. Now more than ever it truly is possible for women to do just about everything men can do, including military combat. In recent history we have even had a female Secretary of State and Speaker of the House in Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, respectively. Overall it seems that even fellow Princeton alumni don’t agree with Susan Patton. In an article for the “League of Ordinary Gentlemen,” a website geared toward men, Will Truman writes, “Princeton alum Maureen O’Connor calls the advice sexist (pushing women – and women alone – to define themselves by their spouses and to make life choices according to an outmoded understanding of romantic attraction).” Nina Baduhar, also a Princeton grad and assistant editor for the Huffington Post for Women, wrote in retort to the letter that Patton published in the Daily Princetonian, “Susan, I’m sure that you’re a lovely woman, but I will be forever grateful that no one ever offered me such advice when I was a freshman, or sophomore, or senior at Princeton.” Baduhar goes on to ask a series of questions seeking answers that all former and present Princeton women along with the rest of the free estrogen-producing world now are curious to know the answers to.

Amanda Keenan One of the questions specifically dealt with the maturity level of the average college graduate. Or as Baduhar put it, “In what universe is the majority of a graduating college class ready to get married?” The answer to the question seems almost too obvious. According to Baduhar, “most students are 22 or 23 years old when they graduate. Many don’t even know who they are yet. According to a 2012 report, the average age at first marriage in the U.S. is 28.7 for American men and 26.5 for American women.” That being said, it‘s more often that it’s better to delay marriage. Even if you think that you have found the right person at 20 years old, and I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen or is impossible; the likelihood of you getting divorced by the time that you’re 30 years old are greatly increased. When the letter hit the paper on Friday, many suspected it to be some form of an early April Fools Day prank. However, later that day, upon confirmation from Patton in a phone interview that she was completely serious, the metaphorical feces hit the fan. People were understandably outraged, women especially. Can you blame them? Social media began lighting up with every insult you could think of being directed at Patton and her antiquated beliefs. The Daily Princetonian site actually crashed for a brief time after so many were attracted to the site and moved to comment on the lunacy. According to The Daily Beast, the lucky recipient of the phone interview with Patton, “One female undergrad wrote, ‘Because the reason I worked my ass off to get into Princeton was to find a man. This article only reinforces the stereotype that women here are looking to get their MRS, instead of a worldclass education. Disappointing.’ She signed herself, ‘a woman who is here to get an education, not a husband.’” The author of the article, Eveline Chao went on to state that, “Patton was also called a ‘WASP,’ ‘offensive,’ and ‘sheltered.’ One person said, ‘Thank god you didn’t have daughters.’ On Twitter, @ DesiderioAArnaz tweeted, ‘Feminism just died at Princeton.’ Another user named @dylanmatt appended the link with, ‘A stirring call for the genetically gifted to band together and form a master

race.’” In her interview with Chao, Patton did nothing to flatter herself or retract any of her statements. “I’m just saying, you increase your odds of being happy in your marriage, happy in your life, if you find a husband who is appropriate for you. Which gets harder after you graduate,” Patton said. Some of the points Patton made in her letter suggest that from the moment a woman sets foot on campus, her dating clock begins to tick. “As freshman women, you have four classes of men to choose from. Every year, you lose the men in the senior class, and you become older than the class of incoming freshman men. So, by the time you are a senior, you basically have only the men in your own class to choose from, and frankly, they now have four classes of women to choose from. Maybe you should have been a little nicer to these guys when you were freshmen?” Patton wrote. This is the kind of ridiculous nonsense spewing from the mouth of someone who graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the country! Even with the best of intentions, Patton would have to have known that she would face some controversy. Whether it be from those who felt insulted that she made it seem as though Princeton women were the only ones worthy of marrying an intelligent man, or from those who worried their likelihood of finding someone would be slim to none after graduation, she rubbed people the wrong way. If her beliefs are true that “for most of you, the cornerstone of your future and happiness will be inextricably linked to the man you marry and you will never again have this concentration of men who are worthy of you,” then at the ripe old age of 30, I may as well give up. Even better for those of you that don’t care to get married at all or think it may not be for you, it seems as though in Patton’s opinion, you may as well be going against nature. We need men. We need to feel wanted and to have someone to serve, someone to give us a reason to use all the fancy kitchen appliances that we’ve been dreaming of owning since we were children. Certainly no one, especially a woman, could ever be content without having that incredibly important MRS in front of her name to give her existence validity. Give me a break! Betty Friedan offered better words for young women in 1963 than Sutton offered in 2013. “The key to the trap is, of course, education. The feminine mystique has made higher education for women seem suspect, unnecessary and even dangerous. But I think that education, and only education, has saved, and can continue to save, American women from the greater dangers of the feminine mystique.” Susan, wherever you are, 1950 called and they want their ideals back. Amanda Keenan is a senior Public Relations major. Reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com

New pope embodies love, humility


may not be a devout Catholic, but I dig the new pope. I have always thought of the position of “The Bishop of Rome” as some kind of mystical, royal and secretive office found only in “Hardy Boys” novels. Seeing Pope Benedict XVI’s giant hat and scepter just gave me some weird ideas as to what being the pope was all about. In contrast, Pope Francis is using his leadership to influence others to love and be humble. Good on ya, Your Holiness. Scandals within the Roman Catholic Church, accompanied by our increasingly secular society, have tarnished the image of the church. Most religions suffer from criticisms, but the Catholic Church has definitely been under fire for the better part of the last decade, if not longer. This won’t last long if Pope Francis has anything to do with it. On March 22, he invited Vatican gardeners, garbage collectors and cleaning crews to attend the morning Mass. This isn’t terribly dramatic or Earth-shattering, but it does show us that the pope wishes to live among the humble, given the office he holds. He even referred to himself as “Jorge” in his conversation with the newspaper salesmen as opposed to “Pope Francis the First.” The world saw the lavish throne and décor used by the previous pope replaced by much simpler chair and some plants. Even his papal regalia have been toned down to nothing more than a white tunic and cap. Late last week, Pope Francis stunned the world by washing the feet of 12 people in a youth detention center, two of them Muslim females. I love it. While many secular institutions are advocat-

Mark Diaz ing human rights, the church maintains its position on many issues like same-sex marriage. This leads to the notion that the church is a hateful group of people who want to take us back to the 1550s. However, thanks to new papal leadership and some introspection, it seems the church has eased the tension between itself and the gay community. “We gotta do better to see that our defense of marriage is not reduced to an attack on gay people,” the Archbishop of New York said. Obviously, you’re never going to hear the church full-on support same-sex marriage, or abortion, or adultery or idol worship, or…(you see where I’m going with this). Nevertheless, it is good to see that the church leadership is aware of its attitude regarding social “hot button” issues and is taking a position of love, not hate. Our nation is still polarized, almost evenly split when it comes to issues like these. Misinterpreting doctrine into hateful words and ac-

tions greatly affects how our society interacts and works as whole. A lot of this stems from the type and quality of leadership within the organization. It isn’t just limited to the Catholic Church. I grow weary of listening to the Westboro Baptist Church preach hate, and I grow ever so weary of the average Christian speaking in the same hateful manner. It’s not so much a matter of belief, but a matter of respect. I absolutely love bacon, but I’m not going to publicly harass those who choose to eat a kosher diet. Even if we don’t agree with the lifestyle the opposing group may live, we still need to respect that group like the human beings we are: religious, nonreligious, gay, straight, left, right, up or down. Religion will always have a place in our society. People will always have their own set of beliefs they live by. Many choose to decide these beliefs on their own, but there is still a large population that looks to their church leadership for guidance and wisdom. One doesn’t need to be Catholic to appreciate Pope Francis’ new tone in the Vatican. Pope Francis told his priests that if they wish to bring home missing sheep, they better return smelling like sheep. This is a sentiment I can really get behind. It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about doing what you think is right in a humble way. It’s hard to imagine one man undoing the damage done to the church’s image over the last… um… 1,000 years, but it seems like his heart is where it should be and he’s making an effort to love the sinners, care for the poor and feed the hungry. It’s almost as if he read the Bible or something! Mark Diaz is a junior psychology major. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com



wednesday, april 3, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk

Mother nature Wildlife rescue team rehabilitates injured animals, many damaged via human actions story b y C ar a w i lw e r di ng | p hoto s b y s tor m fa r n i k

Nancy Schuster tends to an injured mallard in the garage of her home in northeast Lincoln on Monday. Schuster is the president of Wildlife Rescue Team, Inc.


ancy Schuster, the president of Wildlife Rescue Team, Inc., thinks of rescuing injured animals as saving children in peril. “Any animal that you release after you’ve worked day and night caring for it, it’s such a wonderful feeling to know that I saved that life,” she said. “It’s nothing different than a child; that’s somebody’s child.” Wildlife Rescue Team has been rescuing injured, orphaned and abandoned wildlife throughout Nebraska for nearly 40 years. After rescuing them, volunteers take various animals into their homes, rehabilitate them and then release them back into the wild. “These animals were here long before we ever were,” Schuster said. “We’re just trying to lessen our carbon footprint on this earth.” A self-proclaimed animal lover, Schuster’s dedication to the organization is evidenced in her effort. She put more than 2,000 miles on her car answering rescue calls last year, and she also allows volunteers to drop animals off at her house at 5326 Colby St. “We need to coexist with each other and with these animals,” she said. “It’s their world, too.” While she said she believes Wildlife Rescue’s mission is extremely important, Schuster is always worried about money. The organization is a non-profit, funded solely by donations. Food and medication cost up to $10,000 per year, and veterinary visits can add up to another $6,000, Schuster said.

“Every year we kind of cross our fingers and hope we have enough money to finish the year out,” Schuster said. “We are desperately seeking donations.” Schuster encourages university organizations, sororities and fraternities to get involved with Wildlife Rescue. They can donate money or other supplies such as cages, feed, towels, blankets and baby bottles. Volunteers are also a crucial part of the Wildlife Rescue Team. The organization is seeking hands to help with feedings and cage maintenance, even if they can’t take an animal into their own home, Schuster said. Active members work directly with the wildlife, while associate members help complete other tasks. All members pay yearly dues, which help fund veterinary care, food and medications. Nancy’s son, Jamison Schuster, a senior computer engineering major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, picks up any extra work the organization has. “If (Nancy) is out of town, I usually have to go take care of the ducks in the backyard,” Jamison said. “Other than that, I occasionally help feed baby squirrels, mostly because it’s entertaining, I guess.” Jamison explained how easy it is to get involved with Wildlife Rescue. Volunteers may show up to monthly meetings at Grace Lutheran Church, call the organization’s hotline or visit the website.

wildlife: see page 7

A week-old baby squirrel squirms in Wildlife Rescue Team, Inc. volunteer Gail Moss’ palm. The organization rehabilitates thousands of squirrels each year.

Composition professor merges film, music madeline christensen dn In the basement of the Westbrook Music Building, among hundreds of instrument lockers, bleak walls, not a student in sight, the vibrant sound of a saxophone comes from the office of Damon Lee. “I always like to end the day with a little sax,” the University of Nebraska-Lincoln digital arts and music composition professor said. The instrument in his hands was a gift from his mother when he was 16 years old, growing up in Michigan. After graduating high school, he brought it to the Eastman School of Music in New York and then to Cornell for his doctoral studies. Ten years abroad brought Lee and the sax to Tokyo — where it was lost on a subway for a while, but returned by a policeman — and then to Berlin for a research fellowship. Lee spent seven years at a German conservatory, followed by a one-year lectureship in England, until he and his sax finally made their way to the middle of the United States. It’s been 22 years, and the sax always finds its way back to him. It’s never needed to be fixed. Lee said he has taken lessons with


Damon Thomas Lee, a professor of digital arts and music composition, sits in front of his digital music editing software at his office in the Westbrook Music Building. many different instruments, but there’s just something about a sax that draws him in. “I like the idea that you can improvise on a sax,” Lee said. “You get the main melody, and you can play that through, but everybody gets the chance to have

a solo and improvise. It’s kind of freeing. Everybody ... can just play.” Contrast that with the highly structured environment of being a composer and writing out every single note, and it almost goes in slow motion, Lee said.

“I have a piece now for an orchestra that took me seven months to write — it’s literally note, by note, by note,” he said. “So seven months later it’s like 13 minutes long and hundreds of thousands of notes. And that’s slow pace.” Lee said his interest in composition came from an early fascination with film scores. “I grew up watching a lot of movies, like I think a lot of us do,” he said. “We had a symphony where I grew up, but I didn’t know about it until I left and was already in college, so my first experiences of what an orchestra sounds like came from films like ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ and ‘Star Wars.’ So that’s a language that exists from my childhood, and I remember exactly how that music sounds.” “When I watch images, I can channel that mode of thinking and imagine what music works well with what I see,” Lee added. “It’s probably because I spent so much time watching films. Seriously, tons and tons of films. I went to a lot of film festivals, watched like four or five films a day.”

lee: see page 7

Google Glass reflects advancement, not tech revolution jordan bates dn In the beginning, computers were the size of large rooms. Now, many of us carry them in our pockets. And soon, we may be wearing them on our heads. At least Google thinks so. Google Glass is a wearable computer that looks similar to a pair of glasses. The device displays information to the user in a smartphone-like, hands-free format and can interact with the internet via voice commands. Google envisions Glass becoming a ubiquitous, mass-market product and has announced that Glass will eventually work with lenses matching the wearer ’s potential prescription. The idea of head-mounted computer technology is not a new one, but Google’s take on what was once purely a matter of science fiction has attracted significant attention.

Google recently sold an estimated several thousand “Explorer Editions” of Glass to contest winners who posted creative 50-word-or-less statements of intent on Google+ or Twitter, accompanied by the hashtag #ifihadglass. Although to some Google Glass might seem to be wildly futuristic, computer science professors are reluctant to call it revolutionary. “Project Glass is not a revolution,” said Ian Cottingham, the associate director for design studio in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management. “Let me stress that: this is not a revolution. Most of us right now have devices in our pockets that are considerably more capable than Glass from a functional and technical standpoint: smartphones. Glass is a novel concept, but is not a revolution in the same sense that

google glass: see page 7



wednesday, april 3, 2013

Lighting professor illuminates subtlety of technique cynthia todd dn When the curtain closes and the audience is applauding, Laurel Shoemaker knows she’s had a successful show if no one has noticed the pivotal role she played in the theater. She was both in the shadows, and controlling the ones on the stage. “If you’re doing your job well, people aren’t thinking about the lighting, they’re just happy to see what they see,” said Shoemaker, an assistant professor of lighting in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Shoemaker came to UNL as an undergrad planning on pursuing scene design, but decided to focus on lighting instead. “I can’t draw and I wanted to be part of a production team, part of the show and you don’t necessarily have to be able to sketch as a lighting designer,” Shoemaker said.

side. She worked all over the coun“I didn’t get into it thinking what the important role would be, but in- try from Iowa to New York, lighting stead, finding how I could be a part shows while keeping her job in architecture. of it.” “It’s a funny joke, but I would Shoemaker attended Florida say ‘I’m going for coffee’ and then State University for her master’s of I’d come back having lit a fine arts. Afterward show,” Shoemaker said. she moved to New But the careful conYork and went on tour struction of theatrical as an electrician with lighting is no cup of tea. a dance company. While working at the She then worked with firm, Shoemaker freeother professional lanced at UNL. She ended theaters as a designer up teaching a lot while the and electrician. university was between “None of this reprofessors. When the poally makes a lot of sition opened, she applied money, so I got out and got the job. of it and went back “I always think I to school and learned shoemaker wanted to teach, even as how to draft,” Shoean undergrad,” Shoemakmaker said. “I didn’t er said. “I think that one needs to go just drop back into this job.” Shoemaker spent 22 years work- out and get some professional expeing at an architectural firm while rience and see what the live world freelancing with lighting on the is like first.”

Film student forges on-set relationships Senior Jimmy Helm creates lasting connections working with ‘Nebraska’ crew ally phillips dn Jimmy Helm will graduate in May and slightly regrets not majoring in both film studies and film and new media while at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Focusing on just film studies for now, he felt that working on the set of Alexander Payne’s “Nebraska” would be a good way to step into the world of bethany schmidt | dn filmmaking. Jimmy Helm, a senior film studies major, sits at the Coffee “I think that as a film studies major, working on a movie House on March 11. Helm was a location assistant during filmhas definitely helped me because ing for Alexander Payne’s film “Nebraska.” now when I watch a movie, I know it’s a lot more exhausting,” bering the time Payne called where to park. Helm said. “You’re really aware “(That) was actually my fa- him over to stand next to the diof how much work it takes to rector while he filmed a scene. make movies and just how every vorite part of the job because “He’s such a cool guy,” Helm you got to say ‘hi’ to everybody department has to come together said. “He doesn’t treat anybody in the morning,” Helm said. to create this.” “You were able to get to know better than anyone else.” Helm was originally selected Besides being in close proxeverybody, too.” to participate as an intern for Helm was nervous imity to Payne, Helm enjoyed “Nebraska” getting to know sound mixer Jose the first day of filmthrough the I really want on ing because he had never Antonio Garcia, known for his university, to be friends worked on a film. He work in “Argo” and “The Avengbut the proers.” Helm was able to talk to soon learned to push his gram fell with these guys Garcia about his past films. nerves away. through. “He was one of the most “As soon as it starts, “To me, for the rest of my you don’t have time beautiful people I’d met in it was really life.” to be nervous because terms of personality,” Helm devastating said. “He was so observant and everything is very fastbecause I jimmy helm willing to teach. He’s just a paced, but this was an was really senior film studies major incredible environment,” great guy.” looking forWorking with current and Helm said. ward to it,” former UNL students was a While on set, Helm Helm said. said he was reminded of an inter- great part of the experience for With class registration no lonview George Clooney did along- Helm. He particularly enjoyed ger an option, Helm didn’t know checking in with Benito Sanside Payne. Clooney said that what to do until he received a call chez, a UNL senior film studies Payne creates a sense of peace to interview for a job in the film’s major, and Rudy Jansen at the locations department. His expec- on set, as opposed to other directors who choose to work out end of the day. tations coming out of the inter“(Helm and I) knew each of chaos. Helm agreed. view were less than optimistic. “Alexander does a very other pretty well through high “I was convinced I did not get the job,” Helm said. “They good job creating a relaxed school,” UNL alumnus Jansen and calm environment, so even said. “While we were at UNL, I called a few weeks later saying didn’t see him as often. I kind of though you’re working and it’s ‘We want to welcome you to the fast-paced, it’s still calm,” Helm ran into him on the shoot, and team.’ That was exciting.” that was pretty cool.” said. As the locations assistant on “I really want to be friends Most of the time, he was on “Nebraska,” Helm was one of with these guys for the rest of set for 12 to 16 hours. Helm ofthe first people on set to help my life,” Helm said. “They inopen up and tell the caterers ten clocked out while filming was still happening. And a lot spire me too, seeing them work where to go. He would often arof times he would stick around hard. Everybody makes each rive on set around 4:30 a.m. other want to work hard.” the set just to watch the film unWhen cast and crew startarts@ ed to arrive, Helm was there fold. dailynebraskan.com Helm said he likes rememto greet them and show them on twitter@dnartdesk

Watching her students grow and succeed is Shoemaker’s favorite part about teaching. Her drive to help students discover new ways to work with light is what she finds exciting. “She’s very hands on and wants you to learn it and do it yourself, but you don’t have to figure it out yourself,” said Aja Jackson, a senior lighting design major. “She makes you feel excited about learning and that’s what makes me want to work with her even after I graduate.” Shoemaker is not only passionate about teaching others how to understand lighting, but also about making light part of the storytelling process. The light in a production controls what the performers look like and sets the scene for the audience. The spotlights are used to gravitate the audience’s eyes to the central action taking place in a piece. “You don’t really realize how

much power it has until you kind of start controlling lights and controlling what people look at and start telling a story with light,” Shoemaker said. “Once you kind of start doing that, it dawns on you that it’s the coolest thing ever, and secretly, you have all the power.” From setting up the lights to choosing what colors to include, hours and hours are put into lighting. Shoemaker’s favorite part when working with lighting is the use of color and how much of a role it plays in productions. “It’s like Christmas everyday, kind of, because that’s when most normal people use colored light,” Shoemaker said. Aside from backgrounds like sunsets and thunderstorms, the color used in lighting can change a person’s appearance on stage when it comes to physical demeanor and emotional status. “I’ve made people fall in love

just by a light cue in,” Shoemaker said. “It’s all in the color and that’s exciting.” Dance is Shoemaker’s favorite performance style to light. Her mentor at Florida State lit the Pittsburgh Ballet. “In dance, it’s about the movement of the bodies and usually there’s not that much scenery to work around, we work around it happily, but if there isn’t any we are happier,” Shoemaker said. For Shoemaker and her students, it takes a special eye they’ll carry with them as they move through the world. “All my students are a funny little group that are excited about light. You have to admit, that’s a strange deal,” Shoemaker said. “You don’t walk down the street and see a lot of people excited about how the streetlight is working, but we are.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Norfolk native stands in for Forte on ‘Nebraska’ set ally phillips dn On the set of Alexander Payne’s “Nebraska,” Lance Heybrook went from helping in the costume department to being the stand-in for actor Will Forte. Heybrook joined the team of college-aged staffers for “Nebraska” last semester. With a degree from the Kansas City Art Institute, Heybrook has a background in animation, but had always wanted to dabble in the film world. “The idea between animation and film, they’re not that different,” Heybrook said. Heybrook heard Alexander Payne was filming in his hometown of Norfolk and wanted to be a part of it. “I’ve wanted to move to Hollywood and start working ... but it hasn’t worked out, until this point when Hollywood comes to be in my hometown,” Heybrook said. He originally applied for the position of production assistant, but missed the phone call for that offer. After a while, he was asked to help out in the costume department. When he met the casting director, Heybrook was told he has the same build and was the same height as Forte. On those physical similarities, they offered him the position of stand-in for the actor and “Saturday Night Live” alumnus. “I was very wary about that because I had already made this commitment to the costumes department and I really wanted to follow through,” Heybrook said. “(But) I thought it could be good as far as contacts with future film work.” As a stand-in, Heybrook helped to block the scene and set up what was going to happen until the director was ready for Forte to come in and film. Working as a stand-in for a famous comedic actor was an eye–opening experience for Heybrook. Despite a lot of down time, Heybrook enjoyed the experience and said he learned a lot. “(The process) really isn’t that awesome,” he said. “It’s a lot of standing around and watching ... but to be on the set and to be in that close proximity of Alexander (Payne) ... as he was figuring out the shot, it was super cool.” Jimmy Helm, senior film studies major, was able to watch Hey-

bethany schmidt | dn

Lance Heybrook sits on his front porch in the North Bottoms on March 8. Heybrook acted as the stand-in for former “SNL” star Will Forte on the set of Alexander Payne’s film “Nebraska.” brook work as stand-in during his own downtime. Helm said he and Forte had a conversation about how hard of a worker Heybrook is. “(Forte) is a really cool guy, and with Lance, anything you give him you know he’s going to put 110 percent into it,” Helm said. Helm described the first time watching Heybrook stand in as “awesome.” “There was so much dedication,” Helm said. “Lance put a lot of effort into everything he did and he always jumped up when they needed him.” Often Heybrook found himself watching famous film veterans buzz around him. “I was the lowest man on the totem pole,” he said. “I was trying to keep out of everybody’s way. People are jetting around you 100 miles a minute trying to do their part in this larger thing. You have to keep out of everybody’s way but you have to keep watching because there’s certain things you have to know.” Though Heybrook had met Forte informally during his time in the costume department, he was still nervous to meet the actor on the first day of filming. “You see these people and you don’t want to bombard them with ‘Oh my god, you’re famous and I see you all the time,’” Heybrook said. “You just kind of stand back and wait for them to come to you.”

During filming, Heybrook was able to get to know Forte during brief pauses and scene changes. On the last day of primary filming, it was announced to the crew that it was a wrap for Heybrook. He said Forte was a little confused, but went along with it. As Heybrook was leaving, the stand-in wrangler told him that if he found a place to stay, they could get him to the filming in Montana. Heybrook enjoyed working with Alexander Payne directly. He said Payne “uses million dollar words.” “You just do your best not to look stupid in front of him,” he added. One of the biggest lessons Heybrook learned on the set was the importance of forming friendly and sound relationships with fellow staffers. “People want to work with people that they enjoy being around,” Heybrook said. “They want to be able to go out and have a drink with you and be able to have a good time or whatever. I had always assumed it was like that, but I definitely saw that you’re not going to make it in the entertainment industry if you’re not able to branch out and create these relationships and be able to rely on those people for help in the future.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

sorship post as a part of the Digital Arts Initiative, where he was given the opportunity to design his own courses. Drew Conely, a sophomore film and new media major, is a student in Lee’s Digital Audio Production and Composition class. “Dr. Lee doesn’t simply tell his students what to create; instead, he explains a musical concept or demonstrates audio production software and then lets the student compose in their own unique way using the lessons as tools,” Conely said. “A lot of our class time is devoted to actively listening to pieces of music and analyzing their core musical components and production elements. Dr. Lee has a keen ear for these elements, and because of that, he can easily explain to his students the techniques used by artists like Daft Punk, Radiohead and Wagner.” Senior vocal performance major Hannah Kurth also said Lee has significantly impacted her musical education. “He makes it clear from the beginning of the semester that he will tailor the class to the students’ needs and interests,” Kurth said. “On the first day of class, for example, he asked about each of our musical preferences. He used that to inform the projects we’ve done — we’ve worked with music very similar to our interests, but also other genres, pushing us to explore different styles of music.” Composing is about structure and reflection, Lee said. “It’s about analyzing a piece and finding what I like about how the notes are put together,” he said. “Sometimes it’s just the beauty of a chord, and how I can bring a listener along as I unpack the ideas that are embedded in that kind of music.”

This summer, for instance, Lee was inspired by a Wagner piece while in Germany. The fabric of the piece just stuck with him, finding its way into his own work. “It wasn’t going to go away, so I put a little of it in my piece and transformed it quite a lot,” Lee said. “So it’s a bit autobiographical.” Lee said he would compare finishing a composition to landing a plane. “You can keep working on a composition, but there’s deadlines,” he said. “So as you’re approaching it, you’re like, ‘OK, you’ve got to do this, and I still have to do this, and this and I’ve only got five days. I need to pick my spots.’ And then when you’re done you have to kind of reluctantly hand it over, and then you’re left with this kind of this empty feeling.” It’s that sensation of emptiness that the composer always finds a bit unexpected. “You would think it would be exhilarating, like running through a finish line,” he said. “Instead it’s like, ‘oh, that’s over now.’ So it’s a little bit sad when it’s over, because you put so much of yourself into it.” But in a way, every composition is a part of you, Lee said. Giving that away, then, is intuitively difficult. “It’s not a part of your brain that you’re using to deal with daily stuff, and you’re not so fixated on the details, but you can understand the person that wrote it,” he said. “So it’s like, ‘oh yeah, that melody makes sense to me.’ Kind of like having a conversation with an old friend — they just get you.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

lee: from 5 That life-long fascination means that, for Lee, films are constantly on the brain, even alongside his musical livelihood. “I’ve got this stamina for watching films, and the stamina for recitals and classical music concerts didn’t get developed until I was in my 20s, maybe,” he said. “Now it’s really strong, and I really love that music. It takes an equal part of my thoughts during the day, but it used to be I would think about film all the time. I feel

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like there’s a natural connection for me to film scoring, because it’s so tied in to my youth.” Many of Lee’s recent works are experimental videos accompanied by his own compositions to compliment the footage. “The most interesting thing to film in Nebraska for me was the bird migration — the Sandhill cranes,” Lee said. “That was the one thing everybody mentioned to me, so I thought I would get out there and check it out. I brought

my camera with me and took some footage. And then I went to a Bikini Bull Riding competition — and that was just one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen. I snuck in a camera the next time and took some footage of that, too.” The end results were two audiovisual works entitled “Falling From the Sky” and “Natural Selection.” “Creating the music sort of begins when I’m there filming, because I can hear the sounds of the bird themselves calling each other, for instance,” Lee said. “It has this sort of honking quality to it. The instrument from the orchestra that sounds most like birds is the flute for that trill-y, blowing sound, or the oboe where you get that honking, duck sound. The ensemble that I chose had an oboe in it, so there was a natural one-to-one correlation of the actual sound I was hearing and the instrument that I chose later to write in the piece. So I would describe that bird piece as very woodsy sounding and natural.” Lee said it’s hard to say if his

composition style has changed over the years. “In a way, when you’re a baby, you’re the same kind of person,” he said. “My brothers and sisters are the same now as they were when they were little, more or less. And I’m sure they’ve changed in some ways, but even now when I see them sitting in a restaurant, I see them ordering the same foods they liked when they were a kid, and having the same mannerisms they had as a kid.” Musical tendencies, Lee said, often linger with even the most prolific composers. “I think I’m changing, and a lot of composers probably think they’re changing, but I bet there’s a lot of similarities from then and now,” he said. “Maybe just a little bit more refined and a little more ripe, but probably the same underlying personality traits. But they’re not ‘personality’ personality traits, it’s a musical personality — tendency towards certain chords, or certain kinds of melodies, or drama.” Lee came to UNL for a profes-


wednesday, april 3, 2013


‘Infinite’ soars as gaming landmark Pardon my French, but not the class experience

Nathan sindelar dn In 2007, Irrational Games brought players to a city at the bottom of the sea, a utopia where science, art and commerce could develop free from any restriction or barrier. But, by the time players stumble upon this Rapture, its decadence remains only as a remnant, its walls and floors no longer decorated in just neon and streamers, but in the blood of its denizens, too. Andrew Ryan, a man of fierce will and catastrophic ambitions, courtesy photo built this city and watched it Columbia is a utopian city in the clouds with a dark side. It’s also crumble into squalor beneath the troubled setting of the new game “BioShock Infinite.” The him. He told players, “We all make choices, but in the end our game is available via PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. choices make us.” More than five years later, Irrational Games’ choice to flip the its predecessor, the beauty and Ken Levine — the game’s creative franchise on its head comes to magnificence of this city serve director — is falling into the same dangers his infamous character, fruition in the form of “BioShock only to mask a sinister underbelly Andrew Ryan, did with Rapture. Infinite” and its city in the clouds, that works to rot its ideological But in its execution, “Infinite,” foundations from their core. Columbia. and by extension, Levine, makes This time, though, players Where the first “BioShock” the case for video games’ capabilsuffocated players a with sub- partake in the downfall. In an instant, that freedom to ity to pull this off. merged and claustrophobic atmoColumbia may be the most sphere, “Infinite” allows them to breath given by “Infinite” is takartistically, aesthetically cohesive en away when Columbia’s guise breathe. A city floating above America shatters, revealing the true na- space players have been allowed ture of this world, to explore ever, in any medium. at the beginning This is no movie; this is an exa people led to of the 20th cenviolent and hate- perience in which the audience, Columbia tury, Columbia is ful extremes by the participant, dictates the pace. a magic-hour, sunmay be the Half of the game’s thrill surfaces the manipulative drenched United Comstock. And in the moments between bouts of States severed most artistically, from this moment, fighting, just looking, listening and from reality. Clean aesthetically “BioShock Infinite” walking through a universe as fanstreets and citizens, launches itself on a tastical as it is menacing. And it’s parades of zeppe- cohesive space through the pacing, story structure trajectory that will lins and carnivals reach religion, race, and player interaction that each of wonder shroud players have been the metropolis in a allowed to explore class, faith, trust, idea is touched on and worked with in due depth. honor, identity, comfortable glow “Just put them in a world with multi-dimensional of peace and assur- ever, in any as much visual information as you theory, choice in ance. All entrance medium.” games, choice in can, without overwhelming them, to the city is set to and let them bathe in it,” Levine life and redempthe tune of the 1907 said in an interview with Tom Bishymnal “Will the Circle Be Unbro- tion, to name only a few. “‘And the Lord saw the sell. ken?” Plus, “Infinite” strives for more Booker DeWitt, the player- wickedness of man was great,’” character and a man in debt to the Comstock preaches. “‘And He than any other triple-A title has in wrong people, has been hired to repented He had made man on terms of its narrative, immersive, the Earth.’ Rain! 40 days and 40 thematic qualities. But it still feafind a girl, Elizabeth, and bring her back from the sky to the world nights of the stuff. And He left not tures all of the traditional trappings a thing that walked alive. You see, of first-person-shooters that drive a below. my friends, even God is entitled flowing relationship of action and As it turns out, this mysterious Elizabeth has unknown pow- to a do-over. And what is Colum- environmental exposition. This combat is divided into er and is imprisoned by Colum- bia if not another Ark, for another layers. First, the typical assortbia’s leader and self-proclaimed time?” It may seem audacious, like ment of weapons acts as the most prophet, Zachary Comstock. Like





PS3, Xbox 360, PC $59.99 common form of communication between players and enemies. Second, the “Vigors” of “Infinite,” or what essentially are super powers, spice up the gunplay. Third, throw Elizabeth’s transdimensional abilities into the mix, and, lastly, add the Skyline transportation system that simultaneously delivers rollercoaster thrills between the floating sections of city, terrain traversal functionality and absolutely dynamic battle engagements. What players end up with culminates in a playground of emergent gameplay opportunities that leave each stretch of combat fresh, ripe with possibilities and replayability. They end up with a tremendous melding of disparate conceptions behind games, that of the play vs. that of the more experiential narrative. And “BioShock Infinite” achieves these while telling one of the most successful stories games have delivered. “BioShock Infinite” is the better home that has awaited us in the sky. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

google glass: from 5 Cloud or mobile computing are. It is, frankly, the kind of technology that one would expect from the emergence of mobile computing platforms.” Part of the reason why it may be inappropriate to characterize Glass as a revolutionary product is that its current form is still reliant on other technology. “If you look at how Google Glass works now, it still needs a smartphone to be able to transmit the data, either through wi-fi or through the data plan of the current smartphone,” said Anita Sarma, an assistant professor of computer science and engineering. “Having Google Glass be able to support data transmission without a local hub – the smartphone – will require a lot of battery consumption, which the current form of the glasses won’t support.” Regardless of whether Glass can be called revolutionary, its captivating nature and utility may still lead to its integration into mainstream culture. “I think that it has the potential to become mainstream,” Cottingham said. “The idea of ubiquitous computing is something that captures peoples’ imaginations. Being connected to data and content all the time has many advantages, and Project Glass represents one more way in which we are able to integrate computing into our daily lives. If an app ecosystem evolves around Glass, then I would expect it to become a more mainstream product.” With the possibility of Glass exploding on the technology market come a number of questions about safety and the intrusiveness of the technology. “Wearable computing has been in research for a long time, but has not made it into mainstream consumption yet. And while Google Glass is the most sophisticated and least intrusive form of wearable computing, it is still intrusive,” Sarma said. “Imagine walking or driving and you are getting continuous notifications right above your eyes, all the time. What about while you are driving and trying to watch a YouTube video?”

I imagine it would be similar to what you see in ‘Iron Man’ with his display. It was more cool, not distracting.” Robert Perry

graduate history student

Lauren cloyed | dn

As with many other modern technologies, critics foresee problems arising in the area of privacy. “Using Google Glass, one can now take pictures or videos very, very unobtrusively, which is disconcerting,” Sarma said. “(One) bar in Seattle is pre-banning the glasses because of privacy concerns. Also, from the perspective of the Glass wearer himself or herself, now Google can capture not only what websites I visit, but everything that I see or do in the physical world.” Despite these potential privacy issues, Cottingham said he feels that Glass doesn’t bring any earth-shattering concerns to an already-complex privacy debate

I feel like I’m already on my phone 24/7, so it’d just be one more step from that. It would be overwhelming.” Dana Nielsen

senior marketing major

in the sphere of technology. “I can already discretely record video with my phone or any number of other small devices that are commercially available,” he said. “I don’t think Glass fundamentally changes the privacy debate, which itself is a much more complex topic.” Some might see Google Glass as a logical step toward further integration of technology and biology. This may be a source of skepticism for those who are wary of a future in which humans become ever-more-inseparable from machines. Cottingham, however, claimed that Glass should not be cause for anxiety in light of pre-existing conditions. “Integration of technology

I think it’s weird, but it does make me excited about the biomechanical advantages we’ll have in the future.” Kyle Stewart

junior mechanical engineering major

and biology is nothing new,” he said. “There are people with integrated technology with whom you interact every day. Anyone with a pacemaker or a Cochlear implant, for example, has electronic devices that provide assistive functions. The leap from a set of electronic glasses to brain implants is significant. Will integrated technology become more available in the coming decades? Absolutely. Will it lead to a cyborg army that brings about the zombie apocalypse? Unlikely.” Despite many of the questions that surround Glass, both professors agreed that the product presents fascinating new possibilities for the world of technology. “I think where Google Glass can be really, really cool, is where a remote operator needs to see exactly what I am seeing or what I am hearing,” Sarma said. “I can see a case of emergency evacuation or emergency conditions – plane crash, fire, etc. – where centralized operators can get different perspectives and continuous information from ground operators, especially when ground operators need their hands free.” “Another interesting application will be for augmented reality or language translation, where as I am seeing the data, interpretations or additional information is overlaid to what I am seeing,” Sarma added. Although Cottingham said that the innovative uses for a product such as Glass are difficult to predict, he speculates that Glass may open the door for software that integrates a multitude of technologies. “The creative power of the collective imagination of the developer community is as remarkable as it is unpredictable,” Cottingham said. “I think that a product like this does have the potential to allow people to see mobile devices in a different way and will inspire the creation of very interesting software applications that integrate many technologies, not just the glasses themselves.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartdesk

I worry about over-reliance on technology. What if the whole system crashes?” Jasmine Edison sopmore business administration major

Tyler Keown I am bonjour bad at French. Because of University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s harsh, harsh rules, I have to take another three terms of French after I finish this one (if I finish this one.) That bums me out. Like all languages, the process of learning French is fraught with confusion and anger. More than once, I have stared at my computer screen in absolute contempt, not because of the computer or the class, but because humans should have definitely developed a universal language early on, if only to spare me the trouble. In a lot of ways, though, learning a language is the perfect microcosm for college itself. Consider this: learning a language is both exciting and terrifying. Do you remember your first day of college? I do. Well, sort of. I remember a lot of labored breathing and shaky hands. I also remember meeting a couple people that made me feel like I was perhaps in a place I belonged. Such is the same with French. Often, I imagine myself strolling the streets of Paris, baguette in my pocket as per French tradition. I’m acknowledging pretty woman after pretty woman, occasionally whispering “oui” or “fromage” as they pass by. I also see myself moving home after failing out, my only friends my three dogs and a sense of regret. But that’s where the excitement comes from, right? Walking that tightrope, the carnival floor littered with starved ‘gators. On the other end, a divine light shines through. The “oohs” and “ahhs” of the crowd (see also: your friends and relatives) only spur you on, because they want to see you succeed and reach that light, unless they are like my friends, who are poking the ‘gators with sticks in hopes of increasing the beasts’ ire. Another thing about French that really gets my goat is the

conjugation of verbs. Do most languages do this? I’m glad English doesn’t. I’d rather have a hodgepodge of random rules that give words multiple definitions based on context. A mess is only a mess if you don’t know where everything is. I feel the same way about UNL. I have a fairly eclectic group of friends, some more odd than others, and I love it that way. I’d rather not have the same-y kind of person in my life, which is the sense I get when I conjugate French verbs. It makes me feel as though I am taking a beautiful word and forcing into a box that it doesn’t necessarily fit in. Would I ever force a friendship like that? Hell nah! One perk of French class is the sense of brotherhood it gives me with my classmates. I’m not someone who talks a ton during class, but it’s very easy for me to talk with a neighbor when I see that same gleam of horror in their eyes that I see in the mirror. We may be suffering, but we are not suffering alone. This is similar to the point I made earlier, but it’s very easy to find comfort in others when they are dealing with common problems. A close deadline, a dreaded test, love struggles; many of us are dealing with the same issues. When someone can relate to you from personal experience, it makes it that much easier to grow close and trust them. It’s a nice side effect of the hard part of college. In a lot of ways, I have enjoyed learning French. It makes me feel like I’m part of a bigger picture and like I’m doing something constructive with my time. It also makes me consider whether vagrancy may be a life I could handle. But like I said, it also serves as an example of college as a whole. There’s me repeating my thesis. Check back next week when I reveal who my UNL crush is. Until then, bonjour. Tyler Keown is a sophomore journalism major. reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com

wildlife: from 5

Storm Farnik | DN

Wildlife Rescuse Team, Inc. volunteer Gail Moss feeds a 6 -week-old squirrel in her home in southwest Lincoln on Monday. Moss said she currently houses 12 squirrels ranging from one week to two months old. “(The organization is) always in need of help, or, at the very least, in need of people to be on call to drop off animals for a day,” Jamison said. “Even if you don’t have a whole lot of time, there’s still something you can do.” Wildlife Rescue, which is sanctioned under the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, accepts all animals except for adult skunks, deer and poisonous snakes. Nancy said it’s illegal for volunteers to keep wildlife without a license, so it’s important they register with the organization before participating. In her view, education is always an important factor in animal rescue. “There are specific things that have to be fed to these animals,” Nancy said. “You can’t just give them cow milk because that will kill them.” Wildlife Rescue experiences a 96 percent success rate with orphaned animals and a 75 to 80 percent success rate with injured adult animals. Many of the animals that Wild-

volunteer Anyone interested in volunteering can reach the Rescue Team at (402) 473-1951 or visit the website at http:// www.wildliferescueteamincne.org/.

life Rescue works with were originally hurt by humans, deforestation or cars. That’s why we have a duty to help these animals when they’re in need, Jamison said. “I think it’s important,” he said. “It’s giving back to the environment. It’s fairly rewarding in that you know you helped something survive and released it back into its habitat.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


wednesday, april 3, 2013


men’s golf

NU faces in-state rival Creighton

Men’s golf team places 18th in Arkansas meet

matt nathan dn

bailey neel dn After two full days of competition, the Nebraska men’s golf team finished the ASU Red Wolf Intercollegiate in 18th place. “It was kind of weird because of how well we played at the last tournament,” junior Manuel Lavin said. “We went into this tournament thinking we were capable of doing just as well at this one.” The Huskers have consistently had top-10 performances in their spring season, and this tournament in Arkansas is the lowest they have finished since the fall. “We were expecting something totally different,” Lavin said. “Usually if you have a rough start the first day or the first holes you have all day to recover, and we just couldn’t.” By the end of the second day, Lavin was leading the Huskers for the first time all season and ended up tied for 39th with six other players. “I guess the scores showed that I played pretty good,” Lavin said. “It was nice to be leading the team, but I know I could have played smarter.” The teams final-round score was a 303 added to the day one totals of 316 and 301. The Huskers walked away with a total of 920 points, just two short of the next highest-ranked team. Freshman Kolton Lapa was the second highest-finishing Husker, tying for 72nd place. “This tournament was a little rough for us,” Lapa said. “We were really looking forward to this and just all of us had a bad two days. I mean, that’s going to happen, sometimes you just can’t move up the leaderboard like you want to.” Other Nebraska final scores were junior Matt Record with a 234, senior Jordan Reinertson at 236 and senior Neil Dufford with a finish of 242. The men finished 84th, 92nd and 102nd respectively. “We tried to put the first day’s performance behind us and go

It was nice to be leading the team, but I know I could have played smarter.” manuel lavin nebraska golfer

into the second day focusing on the positives,” Lapa said. “You just try to go into it thinking about doing your best shot by shot, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen.” While poor playing conditions are usually a source of grief for most golf teams, Nebraska actually embraced the wet and windy weather that came with Tuesday’s competition. “After the first day didn’t really go the way we wanted it to, we were kind of hoping to get some tough conditions because that’s what we are used to playing in,” Lapa said. “And usually other teams aren’t used to it. We did kind of get the conditions we wanted but it wasn’t really enough to turn our momentum around.” The team will have two weeks to prepare for its next tournament. The Hawkeye-Great River Entertainment Invitational in Iowa City, Iowa, will take place April 13-14. “In golf you have to take the positives with the negatives,” Lapa said. “We will be looking at our weaknesses and where we need to improve before Iowa.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

Roommates Looking for a roommate to move into 3 bedroom/2bathroom house located 1.5 miles from UNL campus. Rent is $350/month plus utilities.Email Dana at: dkucirek@huskers.unl.edu. Looking for someone to take over the lease for my apartment this summer at The View Apartments, 301 W. Charleston St. Lincoln, NE, May - August 1st. It is 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Unfurnished. Rent is $309 per month plus utilities (cable, electric). Rent payments are on an individual room basis so you are just paying for your room within the apartment. The other 3 rooms will be filled randomly. Washer/Dryer in the apartment. Refrigerator, Dish Washer, Microwave and Private Balcony included, 24 Hour Fitness Center, Free Tanning Machine at the Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, Basketball Court, Sand Volleyball Court, Barbeque Grills. This has been a good place to live while I have rented here, I’m just moving home for the summer. Very Safe, no issues with security, haven’t had any problems with our appliances not working. Also, the other rooms will need to be filled so if you are looking for a place as a group or just yourself I can help you accommodate either way. If interested please contact Matt at matthrdlicka@gmail.com or 402-677-7866.

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Roommates I am looking for a roommate for a 2 bedroom apartment. Rent is $280/mo. I would prefer a female roommate. 1520 S Folsom St. Contact Aly at 402-620-8382 Looking for roommates for 5/Bed, 3/Bath house in Bicentennial Estates, only 5-10 minutes north of UNL City Campus depending on how fast you drive. Great neighborhood, and the house is large and was built in 2006. It’s on a corner with plenty of parking. Rent is $300/month plus utilities. Email megank2288@google.com if interested! Need Two Summer Roommates (Female) to fill a house located in the Highlands Neighborhood. The house is 3 bed, 2 bath and was new in 2005. Lease would be June-Middle August. Contact Allie at allieodell@huskers.unl.edu for more information. Needed a student to share a cozingly finished 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse at 70th & South street. Large one bedroom with oversized windows, spacious closet, and bath, located in nicely finished basement. Laundry room and fireplace on same level. Cost is $500.00/mo. including utilities, W/D, and garage. Call or email Theresa 610-454-7773 or email to amazzengrace@yahoo.com Room available at Northbrook Apartments, $348 rent plus 1/3 utilities. Pets are okay. Looking to move out ASAP. If interested contact Lia at (402) 617-7652 Roommate needed in a three bedroom house. House is located off of W South St. The house is a new build. Rent includes electric, cable, water, internet,etc, and a spot in garage. $500.00 per month. Contact Emily at (319) 415-3056

Third female roommate needed for rental home near Woods Park. Clean home, nice neighborhood within biking distance of UNL. 402-795-2274

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Roommates We are two college students living in a house at 727 S 33rd st. with three more rooms available. The house has two bathrooms a kitchen with dishwasher and combination washer/dryer. Both of us are quiet, friendly people and ideally our roommates would have similar dispositions. So if a house with a lot of natural light that’s about ten minutes from both UNL campuses with friendly, slightly nerdy roommates then email Sam at heylookitsmesam@gmail.com for more information.

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Fi n d y o u r s h e r e .

file photo by storm farnik | dn

Softball coach Rhonda Revelle gives instructions during a softball game earlier this season. Revelle and the Huskers take on Creighton Wednesday in Omaha.




Wednesday the Nebraska softball team will take on rival Creighton in Omaha. The Huskers are on a hot streak, winning three of their last four games. For freshman infielder Hailey Decker, there is no secret to the team’s success. “Well … I don’t really think there’s a secret,” Decker said. “We just come out every game hard and try to have the same attitude against every team. I know that with Creighton, we split with them in the fall, so we’re going to come out hard for sure.” Nebraska coach Rhonda Revelle said for any matchup, stats don’t matter. The winner of the last series shouldn’t even be taken into consideration. “This matchup is always one where I think you can throw statistics out the window,” Revelle said. “I always think you can throw who won the last game, the last series. Every game with Creighton is always very unique, its own separate world.” Revelle has her eye on an individual Blue Jay, Becca Changstrom. Changstrom is a Lincoln native, who throws the ball with a lot of spin and movement. “They (Creighton) have a great pitcher in Becky Changstrom, who’s right here from Lincoln,” she said. “She’s tough. She competes, she keeps the ball around the zone she has a lot of spin, and she moves it around. That’s going to be the key for us offensively is being able to hit a good pitcher.” Hailey Decker doesn’t have a different routine for playing Creighton. “I mean we’re just going to keep doing the same things we do everyday,” she said. “We talk about being clutch. So if we keep playing

like we have, we should stay with our success.” For Coach Revelle, her mission is to get the Huskers better everyday. “We’re just trying to get better everyday and that starts at practice,” Revelle said. Decker realizes the HuskerBlue Jay matchup is a huge deal for the state of Nebraska. These are the only Division I schools in the state. “It becomes an in-state rivalry because there’s no other (team); there’s not a Nebraska State,” Revelle said. “So Creighton’s a big game for us. I know that they’re good competitors … they’re a scrappy team, so we just got come up like we’re playing any other huge D-1 school.” “I don’t know that we really distinguish against our opponents as far as who they are,” Revelle said. “We just try to take into consideration what their strengths are and how to counter those. Whether it’s their hitters, or how they run their offense or defense or anything like that.” No matter the outcome, Decker and the Huskers will do what they always do. They’ll go back to practice and keep focusing on their hitting and fundamentals. “After we play Creighton, we’re going to come home and have another practice before we leave for Iowa on Thursday,” Decker said. “We’re just gonna do the same thing we do everyday at practice. Our hitting and everything like that and just try to keep a solid focus on us and our fundamentals.” Once the game is over, all attention will be on the Iowa Hawkeyes match Friday. “As soon as the Creighton game is over, our focus goes to Iowa,” Revelle said. “But not until them. Right now it’s all Creighton.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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Announcements * UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, April 3 6:30 p.m. Installation of 2013-2014 Execs, Senate, CFA & Academic Fees, 7:30 p.m. Wick Alumni Center Info, and agenda available at 136 Nebraska Union *

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Homecoming Royalty applications are now available ONLY online at http://unlhomecoming.com. Homecoming week this year is early in the Fall 2013 semester, September 30 – October 5. Applications and interviews for the 2013 Homecoming Royalty will be completed this Spring semester. Any full-time student who has completed at least 75 hours with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA as of the end of the Spring 2013 semester is eligible to apply. The application must be submitted online by Wednesday, April 3rd before 11:59pm. If you have any questions, please contact Natalia Santos at asun1@unl.edu or 402-305-5315. Thank you and good luck! Post & Nickel clothing & footwear super sale for men & women! Extra 30% off already marked sale items! Stop in for designer jeans, fashion & footwear! 2 blocks from UNL at 14th & P! Come see us! Also hiring! Apply within!

Student Gov’t * UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, April 3 6:30 p.m. Installation of 2013-2014 Execs, Senate, CFA & Academic Fees, 7:30 p.m. Wick Alumni Center Info, and agenda available at 136 Nebraska Union *

STUDENT GOVERNMENT 2013-2014 Positions Open

Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Applications available for 25 different committee openings for over 150 positions for next academic year. Applications available at 136 Nebr. Union or online at unl.edu/asun. Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m., April 5.


wednesday, april 3, 2013


Offensive line aspires for consistent pass protection Husker linemen talk about keeping defenders off Martinez this season

“I let up a couple of sacks last year that I wish I wouldn’t have let up,” he said. “We can always improve. You’re never going to be perfect unless that’s what you strive for, so we’re striving for perfection.” Garrison said his senior linemen have stepped up this spring in different ways. “I think Qvale’s doing an outstanding job. He’s a very vocal, intelligent guy. He pushes guys. Spencer Long’s one of those guys who would rather not. I think he feels comfortable just being a leader by example,” Garrison said. “Sirles has done a great job. I think Andrew Rodriguez is doing an outstanding job of showing it physically, mentally, and really being involved.” But he added that just because his group is composed mainly of seniors, he can’t let them rest on their laurels. “Our whole offensive line is basically seniors. I don’t know if there’s more expected from the coaches, but we expect more of ourselves,” Sirles said. “We expect to go out there and be a dominant offensive line in the Big Ten because we finally are that veteran group up front.” Sirles said the three keys toward achieving that goal are finishing drives, preventing turnovers and minimizing penalties. But one thing that has improved already this spring is communication — echoing calls from one side of the line to the other. That comes with experience, and the current Nebraska offensive line has plenty of it. “We all came in together,” Qvale said. “We’ve all been together for four years. We know each other really well.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com.

Zach Tegler DN Sept. 8, 2013: Pasadena, Calif. Nebraska and UCLA are tied 27-27 with nine minutes to go. The No. 16 Huskers have firstand-10 on their own 5-yard line. A split second after the shotgun snap, UCLA defensive end Datone Jones bursts unimpeded into the Nebraska backfield between right guard Spencer Long and right tackle Andrew Rodriguez. Jones sacks Nebraska quarterback Taylor Martinez in the end zone for a safety. UCLA goes on to win 36-30. Four months later in the Capital One Bowl against Georgia, Nebraska trails by 14 in the fourth quarter and has the ball on the Bulldogs’ 36-yard line. Right tackle Jeremiah Sirles has a false start, and Martinez is intercepted on the next play. Earlier in the game, in the second quarter, the Huskers had firstand-10 at the Georgia 19, down by 7. But after a third-down sack, Nebraska settles for a field goal. Georgia goes on to win 45-31. Three months after that game, Sirles, Long and Rodriguez, along with Brent Qvale and Cole Pensick, enter the spring giving the Huskers five seniors on the offensive line with a combined 78 starts. And they all have something to prove. “I want us to finish drives, and I don’t want us to give up penalties and turnovers,” Sirles said. “We don’t want to finish with field goals. We want to fin-

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Members of the Nebraska offensive line up during a practice this spring. The offensive line struggled in pass protection last season, but the unit led a strong Husker run attack. ish with six. We don’t want to put the ball on the ground and we don’t want to have holding penalties or offside penalties or anything that kills a drive.” Sirles, Rodriguez, Qvale and Pensick have all played since their freshman season in 2010 , and Long

has played in every game for the past two seasons. In the three previous years, Nebraska’s offensive lines have paved the way for rushing offenses that finished ninth, 15th and eighth in the country. In that same time, though, Nebraska’s passing offenses have

finished 113th, 104th and 91st nationally. Pass protection is a point of emphasis for this group of seniors. “Their consistency, I think in the run game, has been pretty good,” said NU offensive line

coach John Garrison. “I think our key is protecting on those third and longs.” Sirles said the offensive line has shown glimpses of greatness in the past few years, but he and his teammates need to be more consistent.



Martinez keeps his own laid-back style

Bats go silent for Huskers in loss

grant muessel That’s enough. It’s time to stop speculating about Taylor Martinez’s personality. Not knowing the nuts and bolts of something doesn’t give anyone the excuse to make assumptions about how it works. A quarterback who’s calm and collected is unusual, not wrong. A local radio host posed the stale question once again, just before this weekend’s spring game: What will players and coaches say about their quarterback 20 years from now? Are the positive comments about Martinez the product of training? Come on. It’s already unfair to make assumptions about the quarterback who’s only heard twice a week behind a podium surrounded by TV cameras. It’s far too much to call his teammates’ honesty into question. Those quick to judge are usually the quickest to be wrong. I won’t pretend to know Taylor Martinez any better than you, but I’ve spent this spring talking to those closest to him, like Joe Ganz, Tim Beck and his roommate, Brodrick Nickens. The common theme I’ve gathered about Martinez’s seemingly distant nature is as simple as trust — he takes longer than the average person to warm up to someone new his life. True or not, it makes his quiet tone and brevity of answers behind the podium more understandable. Now let’s focus on the 60 minutes of gameplay before Martinez steps up to the podium. Ganz said criticism is unavoidable, no matter what the players say to the media. “They can say whatever they want about my play on the field,” Ganz told me. The former Husker quarterback only got upset when the media criticism and speculation got personal. Which is good for Martinez, because he fumbles too much. His passing makes you cringe from time to time. Sometimes he makes decisions before giving the play time to develop. Those assessments are not only fair, but hard to argue. When it comes to his sideline demeanor, however, there’s much left to our imaginations. Sure, he appears complacent on the sideline after throwing a pick or putting the ball on the ground, but he’s also stone-cold after throwing a 70-yard touchdown pass. Isn’t that what everyone wants? A quarterback with ice water, nay, liquid nitrogen in his veins and a short memory?

And who cares if he’s an introvert? Some of my best friends spend their Friday nights enjoying Netflix at home alone. They’re also going to enjoy their $70,000 salaries when they step off campus. There’s more than one personality type. I sympathize with Taylor. Sure he looks apathetic, but no one knows what’s going on under the hood. He’s not Joe Namath, so fans seem to fill in the blanks of his identity too quickly. I’m a sports reporter, but I watch the cooking channel just as much as I watch ESPN. I’m college-educated writer, but I have more tattoos on my body than I have collared shirts in my closet. I’d rather watch PGA Tour golf than NBA basketball in most cases. I’m far more boring than most people, and I’d still hate to be judged four hours a week during the fall. Grant Muessel is a senior news-editorial major. reach him at sports@ dailynebraskan.com.

Nebraska struggles with lack of offense, errors in loss against Kansas State Lanny holstein dn The bats never got going for the Huskers Tuesday night in a 9-1 loss to Kansas State. Over the course of nine innings, Nebraska was only able to push a single run across the plate. Kansas State used a combination of five pitchers to befuddle the Huskers throughout the night. A midweek game, both teams tried to run as many guys out there as they could. For Kansas State, the combination of Blake McFadden and Nate Williams was enough to get through the king game’s first six innings without much damage. The duo held Nebraska to one run on two hits and got the Wildcats off to a strong start. “They did a nice job keeping the ball down, sinking it a little bit,” Nebraska coach Darin Erstad said.

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Nebraska wasn’t as lucky with the first pitchers it used. Starter final stats Tyler King - normally a middle reliever - went three innings for the Huskers, but he was unable to keep the Wildcats off the scoreboard. He gave up three earned runs on five hits to start to game, Hits 5 14 putting the Huskers in an early hole. “I think Tyler is throwing the Strikeouts 5 4 ball really well,” Erstad said. “He just keeps shooting himself in the foot by adding base runners, and Runs 1 (Kalkowski) 9 (Witt, 3) you can’t do that. The way the ball is coming out of his hand, it works, but being able to stay Errors 3 1 in there for innings at a time has been an issue.” After King, Nebraska settled down a bit in the middle innings with Luke Bublitz and Jeff ChestHere’s the deal, in baseball, it’s a round nut on the hill. The pair ball and a round bat. That’s why teams didn’t allow an earned run through three innings, aren’t built on hitting. It’s hard to do.” though they did allow an darin erstad unearned run apiece. But nebraska baseball coach they turned things over to Colton Howell in the seventh inning, and he proceeded to allow three. wasn’t there for the Huskers ei- game. Before Sunday, the Huskers The biggest issue for the ther. After starting the season with had yet to make that many defenHuskers Tuesday was the the bulk of its games on the road, sive miscues in a single game. lack of offense. The team couldn’t “It’s maintaining that focus,” Nebraska is a little tired, according string any hits together against to Coach Erstad, but that’s not ex- Erstad said. “When you look at the Wildcats, something that has cuse. our errors, they are routine plays... plagued Nebraska all season long. “The guys were not ready to Those are plays that you take for “Here’s the deal, in baseball, it’s play tonight, and that is all on granted, that you don’t stay locked a round ball and a round bat,” Erme,” he said. “I didn’t do my job. in. Playing good defense is contastad said. “That’s why teams aren’t gious, and you can see that a little We didn’t show up, and I didn’t built on hitting. It’s hard to do. It’s feel like the effort and attitude was bit.” going to come and go, so you have there for us, and that’s all on me. The Huskers will take the next to play good defense and throw I’ll have them ready to play this couple days off from competition, strikes down in the zone. You’re but get back on the field Friday The Newweekend.” York Times Syndication Sales Corporation not going to hit every night.” The Avenue, lack of effort to Nebras620 Eighth Newled York, N.Y. 10018for a three-game set at Iowa. The energy and motivation For sports@ ka’sInformation second-straight three-error Call: 1-800-972-3550 dailynebraskan.com For Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Web site help section, for short 4 Doorframe part 8 William Tell, for one 14 Mich. rival in the Big Ten 15 “Peek-___!” 16 Historian Will or Ariel 17 Ipanema’s city, for short 18 A.T.M. printout 20 “La Danse” painter Henri 22 Some loaves 23 Golden ___ (senior) 24 ___ Park (F.D.R.’s home) 26 Get well 30 Scroll in the ark 32 Joe Six-Pack’s overhang 35 Persian Gulf state 37 War heroes from Tuskegee, e.g. 38 Actress Thurman










41 Yellow “Sesame Street” character 43 Driver’s license datum 44 Hang on to 46 “___ a vacation!” 48 Portable sources of music 50 Big wheel 54 Do the crawl, say 55 “Now it makes sense!” 57 Marat’s counterpart in a Peter Weiss title 58 Word before rack or mitt 61 Galvanic cell component 63 It appeared before Moses on Mount Horeb 67 Fell for a come-on, say 68 Caught sight of 69 One-half base x height, for a triangle 70 Peach State capital: Abbr.

71 Ones without permanent addresses 72 Lab job 73 Bit of scheduling luck at a tournament

DOWN 1 Adjust the margins of, for example 2 Hard Italian cheese 3 One reciting others’ lines 4 Verbal zingers 5 Make red-faced 6 Container in an armored car 7 ___ choy (Chinese cabbage) 8 Forever and ___ 9 Announce a decision 10 Uninvited partygoer 11 ___ Solo of “Star Wars” 12 Britannica, for one: Abbr. 13 Road map abbr. 19 “Desperate TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Housewives” H A S T E A W E D role E R N I E C O V E 21 One side in a 1980s war E N T A N K C R E W A S I F V E R N E 25 Headgear for Laurel and S S U C H A P I T Y Hardy E R T H U N T S 27 O’Neill title trees I E D A B O V A 28 Sheltered, at N V I S I B L E M A N sea A L L L A T E L Y 29 Wildcat with L M S S E C T tufted ears A P A R T K E A T S 31 Diplomat Philip P A O N E B O A 33 “Still mooing,” as burgers go H I N D U D E I T Y A S I G N O D E S 34 Ex-senator known as T O N Y S N E M O “Amtrak Joe”












25 32





























35 40















No. 0724






51 57










Puzzle by Andrew Marc Greene

36 Ex-Yankee Martinez 38 Cities, informally 39 Feline’s “feed me” 40 Yours, in Ypres 42 Lacking confidence 45 Strong-smelling cleaning ingredient

47 Imprecise recipe amount 49 Ped ___ 51 Thick-trunked African tree 52 Item fit for “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!” 53 Classic VW 56 Makes more bearable

59 Went head to head 60 Means justifier, for some 62 “Not ___!” 63 Stiller of film 64 G.I. entertainers 65 Letters after 33 or 45 66 Echolocationusing mammal

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wednesday, april 3, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports


women’s basketball year end review

offensive mvp: jordan hooper

file photo by allison hess

Emily Cady (23) and Meghin Williams (10) celebrate during a game earlier this season at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The Huskers had a lot to celebrate this year as they tied for the best finsh in school history with a deep run in the NCAA tournament.

a sweet finish

Jordan Hooper led her team in scoring for the secondstraight year, averaging 17.9 points per game and scoring 607 points on the year. The deadly shooter scorched the nets with 81 3-pointers on the year, and shot 40 percent from the floor. Hooper made her mark this season with a careerhigh, 36-point effort in Nebraska’s win over then undefeated Florida State. This came just days after shooting 0 for 11 against Creighton. She scored 33 points two games later against Oral Roberts. Hooper had 13 games with more than 20 points and had more than 25 points eight times. The junior surpassed 1,500 career points in 2013, one of the quickest to do so in Nebraska history. She currently sits at No. 10 on Nebraska’s all-time list for total points scored (1,679) and is second in career 3-point field goals made with 215. Next year, Hooper will be asked to do more for Nebraska on the offensive end, especially creating shots off the dribble and driving to the basket. compiled by chris heady women’s basketball beat writer

defensive mvp: tear’a laudermill

compiled by chris heady and kyle cummmings | file photo by morgan spiehs

Jordan Hooper •Big Ten Player of the Week for two consecutive weeks, Feb. 5 and Feb. 12. •First-Team All-Big Ten for the second-straight year, the only player to repeat that honor. •Wade Trophy, Naismith Trophy and Wooden Award candidate, honors for National Player of the Year. •Honorable mention AP All-American in 2013. file photo by kat buchanan

Lindsey Moore •In her final game for Nebraska, Lindsey Moore picked up enough assists to bump her final total to 699 assists – a program career high. •Not only does Lindsey Moore hold the career assist record, she also tied the season record with 195 assists on the season. •No other player in Husker history has started more games than Lindsey Moore. Her 132 consecutive starts is a school record. •Moore has recorded the most wins in Husker history, averaging 23.5 wins a season en route to 94 wins on her career.

Rachel Theriot •Big Ten Player of the Week three times, Dec. 31, Jan. 22 and Feb. 5.

The Huskers caused many offensive problems to opponents throughout the year, so picking a defensive MVP on this team is tough. But sophomore guard Tear’a Laudermill earned this award. The Husker defense played solid without her; but with Laudermill, the team played to a whole new level. “She just changes us,” coach Connie Yori said. Her pressure defense was annoying to other teams; it was common to see opposing coaches complain to referees about her. She recorded 33 steals in the season. She’d force bad passes, allowing steals from teammates, cause turnovers or pressure the point guard long enough the opponent wouldn’t have enough time to run a play. Yori called her a gnat, someone that’s going to annoy the other team. Laudermill lived up to that title this year. Her hounding abilities made Nebraska a tough team to score on. compiled by kyle cummings women’s basketball beat writer

dn staff grades

•Theriot was named to the All-Big Ten Freshman Team.

2012-13 season’s highest and lowest points high point:

Low point:

March 25, Nebraska advances to the Sweet sixteen

Jan. 17, loss to Illinois at home

Nebraska no longer looked invincible. A snapped win streak and an early exit from the Big Ten tournament piled up on Yori’s crew. But on March 25, Nebraska was back on top. A 7463 win over No. 9 Texas A&M sent the Huskers to the Sweet Sixteen for only the second time in program history.

The low point of the season came on Jan. 17 with a 62-52 home loss to a 10-7 Illinois sqaud. Nebraska shot 32 percent from the floor, and 29 percent from 3-point range. It was Nebraska’s second-straight loss, and third loss in four games, putting them at 2-3 in the Big Ten.

compiled by kyle cummings

compiled by chris heady

a- a-

For a year that included the second-longest win streak in program history and tying the best NCAA Tournament run in program history, it’s safe to say Nebraska did all right for itself in 2013. The Huskers 25-9 record may not be as prominent as the 2009-2010 year (30-0 regular season), but this team will certainly be remembered as one of the best in recent memory.

Chris Heady women’s basketball beat writer

The only thing separating this team from a perfect A+ was the shortened Big Ten tournament. Sure, the Huskers had a few bumps early in the season, but a 10-game winning streak and a trip to the Sweet Sixteen built Nebraska’s stock. Kyle cummings women’s basketball beat writer

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