April 16

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tuesday, april 16, 2013 volume 112, issue 138

Inside Coverage

New: poems and prose

Dealing with disaster

UNL literary journal “Laurus” available today

Honor victims, first responders in Boston tragedy



unl reacts to bill to abolish death penalty Nebraska has executed three people since 1976, when the capital punishment became constitutional. Eleven convicted murderers sit on death row in Nebraska today. Those men could have Sen. Ernie Chambers to thank for their lives if Chambers’ LB543 passes through the state legislature. The bill, which advanced 7-0 in the Judiciary Committee last month, would abolish

the death penalty in favor of a life sentence without parole. Nebraska would be the seventh state to abolish the death penalty if Chambers’ bill passes, the Lincoln Journal Star reported. And use of the death penalty has declined: There were 43 executions nationwide in 2012 compared with 98 in 1999, according to a Death Penalty Information Center report.

It sounds like it’s logical. Killing people without knowing for sure if they are innocent or not is not (right).” Brett Willms

I agree that there shouldn’t be a death penalty, so I would support the bill.” Calena Morehead junior psychology major

freshman business accounting major

I guess I’m all for (the bill). I mean, I’d rather people not be dying if we are trying to make up our minds about, rather than killing them and thinking, ‘Maybe this is wrong.’” Emma Nelson

I don’t think anyone deserves the death penalty, but I wouldn’t want them ever let out of jail. I would totally agree with the bill.” Brianna Meyer freshman pre-nursing major

senior music major

I would say that it’s difficult to gauge because its a polarizing issue. Personally, I’m against the death penalty and I would support the bill.” Ryan Nielson sophomore journalism major

I don’t think they should do that. I think they should still have the death penalty. I just feel like if somebody is willing to commit the crime against humanity, they should have the ultimate punishment of life.” Dylan Hostetler visitor

Courtesy photo by Kenshin Okubo | The Daily Free Press

Spectators of the Boston Marathon run away from two explosions that occurred near the race’s finish line. The blasts caused three deaths and 134 injuries at press time.

Lincoln, UNL feel effects of Boston Marathon explosions Famous race ends in destruction, heartbreak story by Daniel Wheaton


year ago, Sammy Nabulsi completed the Boston Marathon in about four hours. Monday afternoon, two bomb blasts rang out during the marathon about four hours after the race began, killing three people and injuring more than 130. Nabulsi did not run in the race this year, but had he completed it with a similar time, he would have been very close to the blast. “It’s still really hard to believe it happened,” Nabulsi said. “It felt like a really sick movie. It’s tough to conceptualize.” Nabulsi, a 2011 University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate, now lives in Boston where he is pursuing a law degree at Suffolk University Law School. Questions were plentiful and answers sparse Monday afternoon when the two explosions occurred near the end of the marathon. The Associated Press broke the news at roughly 3 p.m., eastern time, as images of the explosions circulated on social media and several Vine videos of the aftermath went viral. Shortly after, Boston police reported three deaths, and 134 people were reported injured at press time. Nabulsi was one of many people in Boston with connections to Lincoln and UNL. As incoming student body president for his law school, Nabulsi spent the afternoon making sure students were safe. He said all six runners in the race from his school have been accounted for. Several hours after the blast, President Barack Obama held a press conference discussing the events. “The American people will say a prayer for Boston tonight,” Obama said. “Michelle and I send our deepest prayers and thoughts to the families and victims in the wake of this senseless loss. We don’t yet have all the answers, but we do know that multiple people

Courtesy photo by Kenshin Okubo | The Daily Free Press

Emotions were raw Monday evening as people search for news of loved ones at the marathon. “I think it was an attack; we don’t know whether it was homegrown...or a foreign perpetrator,” said President Barack Obama. have been wounded — some gravely — in explosions at the Boston Marathon.” During his comments, Obama reiterated that there are few facts. He extended federal resources to Boston Mayor Tom Menino and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick to aid in the investigation and tend to the wounded. Whether there are any connections to terror organizations remains unanswered. “Any event with multiple explosive devices — as this appears to be — is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror,” an anonymous official told Reuters. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein said she believes the

explosions constituted a terrorist attack. “I think it was an attack; we don’t know whether it was homegrown … or a foreign perpetrator,” she told The Washington Post. According to the marathon’s website, 85 Nebraskans took part in the race, 19 from Lincoln. All are safe, according to the Lincoln Journal Star. Eddie Walters, a sophomore criminal justice major, finished the marathon about an hour before the blasts occurred. Once he finished the race, he was on the subway headed back to his hotel when the first responders to the scene started clearing the area. “At first I really didn’t think much about

boston: see page 3

Global Friends of Japan raises money for relief efforts andrew barry dn The people of Japan are still feeling the economic and social aftershocks of the March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, but one University of Nebraska-Lincoln organization hopes to lessen the country’s struggle to rebuild. Global Friends of Japan held


a spring fair on the greenspace Monday to raise money for the Japanese Red Cross Society, which provides relief to people affected by the tsunami. The fair incorporated Japanese culture into a medley of unique carnival games people paid to participate in. The group hopes the spring fair and other fundraising events will raise $1,000 or more to help rebuild the Tohoku region of

Japan. Group member Aiko Carter, a sophomore English major at UNL, hopes the games will provide an important source of income to a cause she said has lost much of its initial support. “I think people have forgotten about the tsunami,” said Carter, who is the treasurer of GFJ. “I think that we need to make sure people

don’t forget that the tsunami may be over, but there are still people suffering from it. We’ve had members of the club whose families have been affected.” At some carnival events, festivalgoers could win prizes, much of which were handcrafted by organization members or donated. Daruma Otoshi was one of the games people could play. In this game,

there are multiple short cylinders stacked on top of each other, and the goal is to knock out the lower body of the stack one by one, without causing the top cylinder to fall. Many media reports estimated the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami caused $200 billion to $300 billion in damage. Besides the almost 19,000 people who were killed, many people were

more Inside Coverage:

Mobile media takes center stage Grant to create new lab focusing on mobile journalism awarded


Clutch strike Nebraska bowling team captures fourth national title

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displaced from their homes because of the radiation fallout at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, according to the Associated Press. “There’s still a lot of effort for the recovery because it’s completely wiped out,” said Ben Norton, a senior international business major

GFJ: see page 2



tuesday, aPRil 16, 2013



16 on campus what : Chancellor’s University Safety Committee quarterly meeting with open forum where : Nebraska East Union when : 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. more information : This is an opportunity for faculty, staff or students to bring their safety concerns to the committee.

what : Gender, Race and the Missing Link: Science and the Transatlantic Debate on “The Negro Question” where : Nebraska Union when : 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

what: “The Selected Letters of Willa Cather” publication celebration where: Mary Riepma Ross media Arts Center when: 7 p.m.

Donation creates mobile media lab REECE RISTAU DN

room, according to a UNL press release. Gary Kebbel, professor at the College of Journalism and Mass In addition to its Drone Journalism Communications and the head of Lab, the University of Nebraska-Linthe Mobile Media Lab, said the focus coln will now be a leader in college will be on cross-campus participajournalism innovation in a new area: tion. mobile media. “This allows us The UNL journalto pull together difism college has received ferent students in a $250,000 from the John variety of new ways S. and James L. Knight and teach new skills Foundation to create a that employers are Mobile Media Lab and demanding,” Kebbel continue its funding of said. the Drone Journalism He said a mobile Lab. The majority of the media lab would engrant, $200,000, will go to compass students not the Mobile Media Lab. only in journalism, The purpose of this but also in marketkebbel new lab is to create deming, programming, onstration projects showdesigning and many ing the type of work and research that could be done at such other areas. “It will require working in teams a lab and to create projects or classes that integrate the latest mobile tech- and creating partnerships,” Kebbel said. nology knowledge into the class-

He said the goals of the lab are also building a hexicopter that has six rotors. to teach students to be multidisciThe Knight Foundation is the plinary and use mobile media to largest philanthropy for journalism, solve problems and disseminate ingiving out close to $100 million each formation. year. The foundation foUNL also recuses on journalism that ceived $50,000 from solves community inforthe Knight Foundamation problems, Kebbel tion for the Drone said. Journalism Lab, Both Kebbel and which began in 2011 Waite applied to receive as a tool to teach futhe funding from the ture journalists how Knight Foundation. drones can be used Kebbel emphasized responsibly for newsthat the Mobile Media gathering. Lab is not a physical lab, “So far, the monbut rather just the name ey has gone primarily of the project that he is toward getting equipwaite spearheading. ment for the lab,” said “Mobile media is reMatt Waite, the director of the Drone Lab and a UNL pro- ally important to me,” Kebbel said. “We need to study it more and how fessor of practice in journalism. it can be used for newsgathering and With the money from the Knight news distribution.” Foundation, Waite said the lab has NEWS@ purchased two sophisticated unDAILYNEBRASKAN.COM manned aerial vehicles. They are

Collective bargaining unions prove beneficial kelli rollin dn

unionized, actually has lower graduation and retention rates than UNL. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, UNL, a A new study suggests public univernon-unionized school, had a freshsities with faculty collective bargainman retention rate of 84 percent ing unions are better off than univerfrom fall 2010 to fall 2011. In the same sities without them. time period, UNO, a Mark Cassell, an unionized school, had a associate professor of freshman retention rate political science at Kent of 71.8 percent. State University, conAlso, UNL had a ducted the study, which four-year graduation includes more than 23 rate more than twice years of data and took a that of UNO, 32 peryear to finish. He found cent to 15 percent, for unionized schools tend students who started to have higher graduaschool in 2005, accordtion and retention rates ing to the center. and lower budgets than Cassell said he renon-unionized schools. ferred to the National cassell Unions promote colCenter for Educational laboration between emStatistics and collected ployers and workers to data on budgets and graduation negotiate things such as wages and health and safety in the workplace. rates from every school that receives financial aid. He then looked at the In 2006, the Directory of Faculty data and merged it with informaContracts and Bargaining Agents tion from the National Center for in Institutions of Higher Education the Study of Collective Bargaining reported 320,000 faculty members and determined which schools have were involved in 575 separate collecunions and for how long. tive bargaining units. The units were Cassell factored in other data in separated into 491 higher education his research, such as economics, popinstitutions across 1,125 campuses. ulation of the school and Republican The University of Nebraska-Lindominance of the area. coln is non-unionized. The UniverHe said the United States differs sity of Nebraska at Omaha, which is from other countries because people

find unions questionable, while “other countries have higher union rates and higher productivity.” John Kretzschmar, director of the William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies at UNO, said people in Nebraska have a negative image of unions. “From my understanding, unions were never fully accepted by the populous,” Kretzschmar said. He said from the start of unionization, media misinterpreted the purpose of unions, and now people have a negative image of them. Unions are meant for employees to collaborate and voice their opinion on issues in the workplace, but many people view union members as greedy, he said. Kretzschmar said the negative connotation is “still with us today.” Kretzschmar said a lot of “emotional content” goes with talking about unions, but they are an important piece to have in an institution. He said people get frustrated when their voice isn’t heard, but collective bargaining gives them the chance. Cassell found institutions with faculty unions tend to have a lower budget and more money is devoted to construction, rather than administration. He said he also found unionized schools to usually have lower salaries, which could be a

factor. “The common view is that unions drive costs up, so it was a little surprising that there was a difference at all,” Cassell said. Kretzschmar said faculty unions are about more than just finances, but are about making the academic institution a better place. “I am a big believer that the more heads are working together on a problem, the better the solutions will be,” Kretzschmar said via email. “Faculty did not get into teaching for the financial rewards. From my experience, faculty want to teach in ways that improve/ deepen a student’s understanding of the content material, and administrators want to do that in a way that leaves a positive experience in the heads of students.” He said his theory is when workplaces contain little partnership or interaction, there can sometimes be a “dismissive attitude toward faculty inputs.” However, Cassell’s research charted unmarked territory where no one has studied a lot about before. “It’s useful to actually have some data and critical analysis and not ideology driving the discussion, so hopefully this is helpful,” Cassell said. news@ dailynebraskan.com

GFJ: from 1

ON THIS DAY April 16, 2003 NU athletes fine after fatal crash

Details have cleared up surrounding a fatal automobile accident involving a bus carrying the Nebraska women’s tennis team. On Monday evening around 7:15, a 1992 Buick LeSabre driven by 17-year old Justin Ankersen drifted into the left lane of U.S Highway 77 and collided nearly head-on with a charter bus carrying the tennis team, Nebraska State Patrol Officer Teri Teuber said. Ankersen of Wymore was pronounced dead at the scene and was not transported to a hospital. “Our sympathies go out to the family of the person who died in this tragic accident,” Nebraska Athletic Director Steve Pedersen said in a statement released the same night.

April 16, 1993 First lady’s visit keeps city busy

Long before Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in Lincoln today, UNL and the rest of the city were feeling the effects of her appearance. From the economic impact the first lady’s visit had on the capital city to the inconveniences caused by it, Lincolnites were busy Tuesday preparing for her visit. Duane Vicary, executive director of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, said any time a national political figure came to the city, there is some type of impact. But it often seems bigger than it actually is, he said.

April 16, 1983 Board approves O’Hanlon as Teachers College dean

brianna soukup | dn

Yusheng Song, left, Shiyuan Tang and Takuya Wakamatsu play a festival game with a toy dart gun on Monday afternoon in the Selleck greenspace.

brianna soukup | dn

Jerry Osmond, left, Demetria Stephens and Ben Norton try to stay warm at the Spring Festival hosted by the Global Friends of Japan on Monday afternoon. The proceeds from the festival go to the Japanese Red Cross. val, especially because he remembers GFJ’s initial fundraisers for the tsunami relief raised more than $10,000. BRIANNA SOUKUP | DN “I expected more people to Marina Powers, a freshman English education member, and come,” he said. Takuya Wakamatsu, a senior marketing major, write notes on a Wakamatsu has not forgotpaper Japanese flag. ten the day the Tohoku tsunami washed away much of eastern Japan. said they were excited to be hostand GFJ member. “A lot of the peo“I was in Selleck dining hall, ing this event and helping Japan and then I saw that CNN was ple who were living in that region in its progress, there were a few broadcasting tsunami is coming to moved to bigger cities, but obviousgrumbles about the uncooperative ly their way of life has completely the Tohoku region,” Wakamatsu changed because their area is more Nebraska weather. said. “At that time there was a fe“Our spring festival has turned male exchange student from Japan, rural.” into a winter festival,” Norton said. Carter said the GFJ wants to and she was crying a lot. I was Takuya Wakamatsu, a senior help Japan prosper in the midst of there, and I was like, ‘God, what’s the devastation still remnant in the marketing major and GFJ’s current going on in Japan?’” president, said he was unhappy Tohoku region. news@ with the low turnout for the festiAlthough the group members dailynebraskan.com

EARTHQUAKE TIMELINE An earthquake of 8.9 magnitude occurs 231 miles northeast of Tokyo, Japan triggering a tsunami that strikes the Japan’s east coast.

Mandatory evacuation for more than 83,000 people living within a three-mile radius of two power plants.

March 11, 2011

March 13, 2011

The majority of rubble has been cleared and reconstruction is slow. Some people showing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder.

March 11, 2013

Acting dean of UNL’s Teacher’s college, James P. O’Hanlon, was approved unanimously as the new dean of the college by the NU Board of Regents Saturday. O’Hanlon, a Blair native, received his bachelor’s and doctorate of education degrees from UNL and his master’s degree from Ohio State University. O’Hanlon, who has been acting dean of the Teachers College since July, will receive an annual salary of $58,600.

›› March 12, 2011 U.S. Navy mobilizes seven ships to Japan to reinforce relief undertakings.

Aug. 15, 2011 Japan’s National Police Agency releases death toll at 15,698 people with 4,666 still missing.

— Compiled by Reece Ristau NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

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tuesday, aPRil 16, 2013


campus briefs Forums to encourage feedback on union changes

Tuesday morning, students, faculty and staff will get a preview of proposed plans to renovate the Nebraska Union. A forum in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Unity Room from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. will showcase the plans developed by Workshop Architects, a Milwaukeebased firm. Redevelopment of the union is being considered to “increase UNL branding within the building, to adapt to the changing needs of students and as a student recruitment tool that could increase enrollment,” according to a UNL press release. Charlie Francis, director of the Nebraska Unions, said he wants to make the union a space students come to hang out in instead of where they come to get things and then leave. “We want to be sure that we offer students the right offices adjacent to each other, and that the right services and amenities are in the correct places within the builidng,” he said in the release. Feedback garnered at the forum will help shape any final renovation plans, Francis said. “This is all in the planning and idea phase,” he said. “Once we have a plan available, then we’ll start having other conversations about the future of the Nebraska Union.”

bold messages photos by brianna soukup Alexandra Keriakedes makes signs at the BOLD Nebraska headquarters on 13th and Washington streets on Monday afternoon. Keriakedes and a few other volunteers made numerous signs in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline that they will take to the public hearing in Grand Island Thursday. The public hearing Thursday afternoon is the only hearing on the Keystone XL pipeline in the United States.

Professor to speak on race in lecture

Jeannette Eileen Jones, an associate professor of history and ethnic studies, will deliver the last lecture in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program Spring Colloquium Series. She’ll speak at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Jones’ lecture, “Gender, Race and the Missing Link: Science and the Transatlantic Debate on ‘The Negro Question’” will address the “transformation of evolutionary thought preand post-Darwin on transatlantic debates,” according to a press release. This year’s series’ theme is “Science and Gender Matters.”

Cather Circle accepting applications

A UNL women’s networking group for students and alumnae is accepting applications for the 2013-2014 school year. Cather Circle has a goal of “promoting the growth and education of women and creating a nationwide network of female leaders with ties to UNL,” according to a press release. Full-time students in good academic standing may apply. Applications are due May 15. Students accepted must attend biannual meetings on Thursdays and Fridays. Students can also participate in Cather Circle committees and task forces. For more information, visit http://go.unl.edu/ah4.

boston: from 1

Courtesy photo by Kenshin Okubo | The Daily Free Press

First responders tend to the wounded near the end of the marathon. Tents meant to help dehydrated runners became makeshift emergency rooms after the blasts.

Police create online reporting system Staff report DN Reporting Lincoln crimes will now be just a click away. The Lincoln Police Department launched an online reporting system on April 8 that allows citizens to file police reports

for certain crimes 24-hours-aday. The system can be accessed through the LPD’s website at lincoln.ne.gov/city/police/stats/ incident.htm. The crimes are limited to theft, loss and damage that total less than $500. People may not file online reports for incidents

such as motor vehicle accidents, crimes with a suspect or crimes that involve a weapon or injury, according to the City of Lincoln’s website. Officer Katie Flood of the LPD said police have received several requests for such a system.

“We saw a need within the public for online reporting, so we started looking into the feasibility of it,” Flood said. As for the success of the system thus far, Flood said the reporting system is still new and kinks are being worked out. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

it,” Walters said. The police didn’t tell the runners what happened and only asked them to clear the area. “Then my phone started blowing up with people asking if I was alright,” he said. He said the crowd remained largely calm as they were directed away from the finish line. Brian Robertson, a professor of mechanical and materials engineering, was just short of the 26-mile mark when he saw the smoke and the blasts. “Immediately the volunteers and the police … came into the roadway and stopped runners and turned them around — told everyone to get away

— and so we did,” he told NET News. For Nabulsi and other Bostonians, the marathon is part of a larger celebration — Patriots’ Day, a civic holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Lexington and Concord battles in 1775. Massachusetts schools were closed Monday. The day, and the marathon, began with cannon fire. When Nabulsi heard the explosion, he thought it was just a part of the celebration. “This (event) is particularly weird,” Nabulsi said. “It still hasn’t sunk in.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.com

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tuesday, april 16, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view

Reflect, fact-check before posting about Boston Nebraska had 85 runners registered in the Boston marathon, according to the Boston Athletic Association. Hundreds, thousands of runners came from other states. Undoubtedly, what occurred yesterday was a disaster that shook our nation as a whole. We at the Daily Nebraskan would like to offer our thoughts and prayers to those who were killed or injured and to their families and loved ones. This truly tragic event is an uncomfortable reminder of the world we live in. With an act of terror such as this comes a certain amount of anger; a certain amount of disbelief; a certain amount of fear. It’s important that we, as consumers of information in a 24-hour news cycle, rely on facts and double check information before we let it spread. These types of situations stir people up – and rightly so – but don’t let that cloudiness determine how quickly you believe information. As most people believe, the media aren’t perfect. Death counts were initially misreported by certain organizations yesterday. The simple fact is that not every news organization gets everything right all the time. The burden is ultimately on the media, though, to be cautious in their coverage while still taking risks in seeking to give information to the public as quickly as possible. But in that haste, errors shouldn’t be allowed to happen. On the side of the citizenry, though, we urge you to wait on these facts to come. Finger pointing without valid information should be avoided. On numerous comment threads around news sites, you can see the finger pointing starting already. We urge Nebraskans, and all Americans, to wait until information about the bombers comes to light. Until then, let’s not shuffle blame around on the Internet for the sake of having an outlet for our grief. But off the Internet and on the ground, we saw hope in those who helped yesterday. As we’ve seen in the past, first responders didn’t hesitate to act in the face of danger. Police, national guard members, marathon runners and even members of the media can be seen on video assisting as best they could. We are thankful for their courageous efforts to tend to the wounded as quickly as possible. We also urge you to donate to any organizations who are aiding those affected by the bombings. The people of Boston have been violated - let’s help them get right. As we always have, let’s come together and move forward again.

Opinion@ dailynebraskan.com

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

lauren vuchetich | dn

Autism deserves awareness of all


n April 6 at 7 p.m. the Nebraska State Capitol Building joined 7,000 other iconic buildings by lighting up blue in order to kickoff Autism Awareness Month. My first encounter with autism was when my nephew was diagnosed. He was 2 years old. It wasn’t until he got older that we discovered how severe autism really was. He wasn’t speaking yet. He seemed very disconnected. We tried to figure out why. My nephew is now 8 years old and mute. His autism has slightly improved but not as much as it could be. This is because of coverage under my brother’s health insurance. This is a problem many families, like mine, face. There’s an ongoing debate whether insurance companies should include autism and autism-specific treatments in their policies. Including this in their policies could mean more affordable treatment for children diagnosed with autism. Insurance companies should include autism-specific treatments in their policies. Let’s first begin our discussion by talking about what autism is. According to AutismSpeaks.org, autism is “a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. They include autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDDNOS) and Asperger syndrome.” There’s wide range of autism disorders that affect one in every 88 children in the United States every day. And of that, one in every 54 boys and one in 252 girls are diagnosed with autism. The biggest problem many families face is insurance coverage. Right now according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ”In addition to medical costs, intensive behavioral interventions for children with ASDs cost $40,000 to $60,000 per child per year.” That’s just per child, and also according to the CDC, “Parents who have a child with an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) have a 2 percent–18 percent chance of having a second child who is also affected.” Since there’s a greater risk of having a second child affected with autism, there’s a chance families may have to pay higher insurance rates. That

CHRISTIANNA FRIEDMAN makes it difficult for a family on a budget to make ends meet. The problem is many insurance companies nationwide don’t cover autism therapies. Some companies even go as far as to make autism a diagnostic exclusion. This means they refuse to cover any Autism-specific services. With this lack of coverage, many families are forced to pay out of pocket. In a recent news report from ABC News, a family shared their story of the financial problems they’ve had with their autistic son, Zachary. The father, Blythe Stewart said, “We had over $25,000 in savings to make a down payment on a house. Our entire savings was drained. We have claimed bankruptcy twice. Our credit score is 500 and we can’t qualify for a mortgage.” The family’s home state is Utah. As of right now Stewart’s insurance doesn’t cover diagnosis or treatment of autism. According to the story, Utah has the highest autism rate in the country. Another report from NBC News tells the story of a 2-year-old who was denied treatment. According the article, Andrew Cuomo signed a bill to reimburse families for ABA treatment. However, at the last minute the New York Department of Federal Services made a quick amendment. The amendment stated that, ”insurance companies to deny coverage if an ABA provider does not also possess an additional license for psychiatry, psychology, social work or similar professions.” The article goes on to say, “Most ABA providers are not state-licensed counselors and New York does not offer a license specifically for behavior analysts.” Such red tape makes it nearly

impossible for families in New York to get this kind of treatment. Autism Speaks is trying to start an initiative that would force companies to provide insurance coverage and help for families with children with autism. According to Autism speaks, the 2013 Nebraska Autism Insurance Reform Bill would “require up to $70,000 a year in coverage for behavioral health treatment, such as Applied Behavior Analysis, for the first three years of treatment. The limit would be $20,000 annually thereafter until the age of 21. Families paying thousands of dollars a year in insurance premiums would gain coverage for the screening, diagnosis, testing and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for individuals up to the age of 21.” This coverage would go a long way and will help thousands of families across Nebraska. It’ll help the families make ends meet, and the kids with autism will start seeing vast improvement. It’s time we need change and we have to start taking this issue seriously. Why should you care? With the skyrocketing rates of autism, more and more children are going to be affected. Eventually, some of us will become parents or will have to work with people with autism at some point in our lives. It’s good to be informed on some of the issues families go through, in case you or someone you care about becomes involved. Also we need to have more people in support of this issue because right now your government isn’t taking this issue seriously. The more people we have fighting for these rights, the more the government is going to take notice. Two voices are better than one, and a million could go even further. These are people who live on this planet with you. You work and connect with them every day and they need your help. If you want to do more for the cause, you can look sign the petition on AutismSpeaks.org. You can also make these voices heard by contacting your local congressman or congresswoman and telling them that we need change. Another way you can get involved is participating in the autism walks which now run every fall. Get involved and fight for the rights of your loved ones. Christianna Friedman is a Junior and Secondary English Education major. Follow her on Twitter at @ChristiFriedman and reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com

Tipping well applies to all in the service industry


hen I was 16, shortly were cold and still leave a 20 percent tip. Many customers don’t value the work after I started my first people in the service industry do for job, I went out for coffee with my mom. I paid them. They think of it as “just doing their job.” However, the service industry is so for my drink without much more than that. We sell our persontipping the barista. My mom took that moment to give me a piece alities. We do this so we can make money of life advice: “If you don’t have money so we can better ourselves. But it doesn’t always pay off because we rely on huto tip, you don’t have money to eat out.” mans – and humans can be frustratingly She’s given me a lot of good advice, but that’s something I’ll never forget — espe- inconsistent. It doesn’t matter how well cially because it now directly affects me. we dress or how friendly we are; people Now that I’ve worked in the food service who don’t want to tip, won’t tip. At my coffee shop job industry where many I tried to conduct an exof the workers revolve We want periment to see if when I around tips, I see just was dressed nicer (such as how right she was. If you you to wearing a dress and actucan afford a $50 meal, you acknowledge that ally taking the time to apply can afford an $8 to $10 tip. makeup), I got tipped more. If you can afford a $5 cof- we did something When I first started, it did fee drink, you can afford a seem that people tipped 50-cent tip. However, not skillfully for you.” better when I looked better. everyone realizes the imHowever, when I did the portance of tipping well. math, the days I made the most money I’ve had a lot of time to examine how people tip during my five years at a restau- in tips were the days I know I looked the least professional. The only consistent rant and during my more recent stint as a barista. I’ve come to a single conclusion: thing I found in my observations is that young people, especially those in their There’s no consistency to how people tip. 20s are more likely to tip and tip well — None. Sometimes when I ask a customer how which is an entirely different mystery. In a coffee shop, we’re happy with the meal was, he or she will say the meal just about any tip — from 2 cents to $5 was fantastic and the service just as good or more. and then only leave $2 on a $25 bill. SimiWe want you to acknowledge that we larly, someone might point out that his or did something skillfully for you. Someher meal was just “OK” and say the eggs

DANAE LENZ thing you probably couldn’t do as well on your own. In order to understand how important tips are, especially to servers in the restaurant industry, you have to understand how servers’ wages work. The federal tipped minimum wage — for people who earn gratuity as part of their wages — is $2.13 an hour. That wage hasn’t increased since 1991 — more than 20 years ago. That $2.13 might have been frustrating in 1991, but it’s especially frustrating now when that same money doesn’t go as far. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, $2.13 in 1991 had the same buying power as $3.63 does today. Rebecca Williams, who has waited tables for 30 years, said in a Huffington Post article written last year, “As far as

income goes, I made more 20 years ago than I do now, effectively … My affluent friends, their jaws drop when I tell them.” That’s crazy. Since the first enactment of the federal minimum wage in 1938, there has never been a gap of 20 years that the government hasn’t raised the wages of non-tipped workers. In fact, the longest gap was 10 years between 1997 and 2007. Most recently, the federal minimum was raised to $7.25 in 2009. Essentially, servers are penalized for making tips. Instead of their tips being actually tips for good service, those tips are their wages. Recently, an Applebee’s waitress was fired for taking a photo of a credit card receipt. The customer had written on the receipt, “I give God 10%. Why do you get 18?” Besides the fact that this is irrational because it goes against what Jesus asked of Christians — to treat others as you would want to be treated and to give to those less fortunate than you — it disses an entire group’s way of making a living. I’m willing to bet that bad tipper never worked for tips a day in his or her life. Chelsea Welch, the waitress, said in a post for the Guardian, “I’ve been waiting tables to save up some money so I could finally go to college, so I could get an education that would qualify me for a job that doesn’t force me to sell my personality for pocket change.” A recent Jezebel post explains it this way: “When a customer withholds a tip

for whatever reason — be it because they didn’t like the service, they’re strapped for cash, they’re cheap, they’re disrespectful, or they’re religious (??) — they are withholding livelihood for another human being. Nobody is waitressing for their love of the game; everyone’s just trying to earn a living. Unfortunately, waitressing is a profession where your ability to live is dependent on the whims of an entirely unpredictable party. Or parties. Of 18. Who don’t tip.” When it comes to the restaurant industry, any number of things could go wrong. Maybe you ordered your food wrong. Maybe the cook messed it up. Maybe your food got switched with someone else’s. Maybe the server put your order in wrong. If something goes wrong, it could be the server’s fault, but it could also be someone else’s fault. Don’t punish the server, who is relying on your tip and may have no control over the situation. Tip well no matter what. We are all human. We all make mistakes. And this rule doesn’t just apply to servers and baristas; it applies to anyone who serves you with a special set of skills, whether that person is a tattoo artist, hair stylist, masseuse or anything similar. Be considerate and be consistent. When in doubt, tip well. Danae Lenz is a senior journalism major. Follow her on Twitter @danaelenz and reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.


tuesday, april 16, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk




UNL’s ‘Laurus’ allows aspiring writers to experience the publication process story by Joe Wade | art by Ian Tredway photos by Kat Buchanan


t’s about that time of year to peak into the minds of young writers and discover the foreign places the written word can take a reader. Perhaps the place is a dystopian society or maybe it’s a place in the mind where ethical questions are raised because of a machine that takes away a persons existence for the purpose of creating characters. Some of the undergraduates at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have submitted just that with works of poetry, prose and art to “Laurus,” a UNL-based literary journal. The 20th edition of the publication

is now available. This year, the 170-page book features first-place winners Kelsey McIntyre, for poetry, and Blake Easter, for prose. “The purpose of ‘Laurus’ is to get writers on campus the chance to experience the publication process,” said Joe Kozal, a senior English major as well as the vice president, treasurer and senior fiction editor of the student-run publication. “It’s also a great way for people interested on the editing side of the publishing field.” “’Laurus’ is a compilation of works from a bunch of different sources,” he said. “The process we went through after we had the

editors’ board in place was the initial promotion, on campus, attempting to get as many writers aware of what we do and what we would like to do for writers.” Aside from awarding $50 to the first-place winners, Kozal said undergraduate students who submit their writings during the fall semester each year gain the experience of going through the publication process. Creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry and visuals are the things “Laurus” strives to publish in each issue. “There’s a lot of diversity that goes on, and it’s really interesting to see how few common themes

there are,” Kozal said. “Every writer seems to have unique viewpoint and a unique idea of parts of life they want to focus on.” This year, Kozal said, the Literary League was recruited to judge the contest and pick the winners. The editors at “Laurus” narrowed down the submissions to their five favorite poetry pieces and five favorite prose pieces before sending them for the final round of judging. “I guess what I look for is something unique about the piece, like a new way to look at the world or a unique voice of

a character,” Kozal said. “I look for something that catches me off-guard or something new and forces me to have a new perspective.” Copies of the 2013 issue will be available for $5 at the “Laurus” launch party Tuesday. The event will be held in the Dudley Bailey Library, located on the

second floor of Andrews Hall, from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Coffee and snacks will be provided. On Wednesday and Thursday, “Laurus” will have a booth set up in the Nebraska Union during lunch. For anyone wishing to get a copy outside of planned events, contact the faculty adviser for “Laurus,” Michael Page. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

‘Laurus’ prose winner’s piece ‘puts a funhouse mirror up to the world’ Blake Easter

Blake Easter, a senior broadcasting and English major, was the “Laurus” prose winner for his piece, “Behold.” Easter’s story examines society through a negative lense. Easter was driven to write the piece after experiencing dissatisfaction with the literary canon and academia in general.

Blake Easter is a senior broadcasting and English major from Atlanta, Ga., who describes himself as a screen or image junkie who watches too much hockey and plays too many video games. He was the prose winner for his piece, “Behold,” which is about a girl named Macy, who grows up in a society where celebrities are worshipped, the police are beautiful and ugly people are treated as criminals. “I wrote it because, in this day and age, it is very unpopular to be human, and the resources that are dedicated to enforcing this perspective are astronomical,” Easter said. “Mentally, I was pissed off at literary canon and academia.” “I am passionate about creating, observing and learning. I am a glutton for sensory stimulation and information,” he added. “Prose is the only way that I can elaborate on stories as much as I want to. Art is the closest we can get to God, because it is creating, and if I’m going to create, I want to build worlds.” Life should not be taken so seriously that it makes a person selfconscious, according to Easter. “Emotions and sense are what give life its essence,” he said. “Make something that makes people feel, not just makes them think.” Young writers, according to Kozal, have a tendency to play it safe by not working with different styles of form or character ’s voice. However, Easter ’s submission had that unique element, which Kozal said he felt was special. “The thing I think Blake does best is putting you in the mindset of this girl, and you see how warped her thinking has become because of how she’s raised,” Kozal said. “They say that good art puts a mirror up to the world but, with Blake’s, he kind of puts a funhouse mirror up to the world.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

First place poetry winner draws inspiration from everyday experiences Kelsey McIntyre All it took was waiting in line to go to confession at church, and Kelsey McIntyre, a junior English major from Raymond, was inspired to write her first-place poem for “Laurus,” “Paperless.” “I noticed that the entire row of people ahead of me was wearing black coats,” she said. “Watching them standing there, I thought of how you see lines of black birds on telephone wires. That image just sparked the rest of the poem. Lately, it seems like all my writing: plays with ideas about storytelling or the physical materials writers use to capture thoughts.” She began keeping a writing notebook when she was 14, she said, and while reading an anthology of short stories, she remembers trying to write a story which would have fit in with the theme of the collection. “Almost immediately I could tell it was awful, but I kept plowing ahead for maybe seven pages before I dropped it for a different bad idea,” she said. McIntyre is an aspiring novelist and, according to her, wants to focus on publishing short stories in order to get an agent. She also wrote a short story, which will be in “Laurus.” It is titled “The Character Machine.” The story is about a machine that can take people and turn them into fictional characters but the catch is that they lose their existence, according to Kozal. “She’s got some very wise viewpoints of the world that are not typical of people our age,” Kozal said. “Her stuff is very enriching to read.” “It’s weird,” McIntyre added, “but I’ve seen my drawings from before I could even read. I used to fill the pages with scribbles and symbols, like mock-writing, and I guess I was attracted to writing really early on.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Kelsey McIntyre, a junior English major, was awarded first place in poetry in the “Laurus” writing competition for her poem “Paperless.” Copies of the 2013 issue will be available for $5 at the “Laurus” launch party Tuesday in the Dudley Bailey Library, located on the second floor of Andrews Hall, from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.



tuesday, aPRil 16, 2013

Jack Hotel members sound out songs, spin tales tyler keown dn

always picture him without a face or blurring into a crowd,” Voelker said. “It’s kind of dreamlike.” When asked how the band Halfway through band practice, there was a knock at the door. It was formed, the members began to reminisce. the Jimmy John’s guy, four sand“A few years, Günter was playwiches in hand. ing with Ember Schrag (a local musiJack Hotel didn’t stop playing. They were halfway through “Lady cian),” Rector said. “Two years later, About Town,” and they were going we were both with our ladies eating to finish it, even with Jimmy John’s at Blue Orchid.” “Had it really been that long?” feet away. With a quick jerk of his Voelker asked. head, Marty Steinhauser, who owns “Yep,” Rector said. “So I just went the practice space, motioned for the guy to come in. The guy set the up to him as I was leaving. I had always wanted to play again with sandwiches on the table, took a look Günter. And then everything fell in.” around at the band and headed off. Last September, the band grabbed The song wrapped up and the quartet took a break to enjoy dinner. Steinhauser and Joe Salvati, who Sandwiches were passed out. Stein- plays the steel guitar and gave birth hauser, who plays the upright bass, to Lincoln’s newest folk group. “When I first met everyone, they leaned his instrument against the wall seemed like cool guys,” Steinhauser and grabbed a chair. said. “Turns out, they are cool guys.” Violinist Josh Rector pointed out After laughing and agreeing that the iPhone sitting on the table, recordeveryone present was cool, Rector ing everyone. “Those things are nice,” Rector commented whether the band was said. “That’s what Günter uses to re- still feeling the excitement that comes with a new project. cord when he writes songs.” “We’re still in a honeymoon Günter Voelker, guitarist and vocalist for Jack Hotel, also serves as the period, I would say,” Rector said. “Though I don’t want to call it a honlyricist and sort-of composer for the eymoon period. I think we’re all exgroup. “He’s like a conveyer belt,” Rector cited just to be a part of this.” As his bandmates talked about said. “He writes so much.” Voelker set down his beer for a Jack Hotel, Salvati sat with his head down, lightly playing the new steel minute to describe his process. “I could probably be easily clas- guitar Steinhauser owned. He wasn’t sified as a frustrated prose writer,” playing any song in particular, inVoelker said. “Songwriting has been stead just wandering through different exhilarating to me, though, because melodies, checking out what the guitar was capable of. you actually finish something. It This improvisational element is a doesn’t have to be long or elaborate. large part of the band. Even when talkAll you have to do is ing, none of the musicut to the core of the cians could keep their story. When you hands away from “I’ve had a lot play with their instruments, if more luck finishing only to flick out a few songs than I have good musicians, more random notes. short stories.” “I guarantee you Literature is kind you’ve got to be 35 percent of what of a theme with the on.” you hear is made up,” band. If you go to its Rector said. Facebook page, the joe salvati It takes a trained jack hotel member biography simply ear and quick fingers reads “Who the hell to be able to play is Jack Hotel?” through a Jack Hotel song, let alone The answer can be found at the library. Jack Hotel is a recurring char- improvise through one. “When you play with good muacter in the Denis Johnson short story sicians, you’ve got to be on,” Salvati collection, “Jesus’ Son.” said. “I’ve got to react to everything. “He just kind of floats on the periphery of every story,” Voelker said. Luckily, I feel like the musicianship in “Something weird is always happen- this band helps to bring my skill level up.” ing to Jack Hotel.” With four talented musicians, the Voelker interrupted his thought sky’s the limit. Voelker recalled his prebriefly to ask Steinhauser if he’d given vious experiences when talking about him a copy of “Jesus’ Son” yet. the band and playing together. He hadn’t. “I’ve been an accompanist only “Whenever I picture Jack Hotel, I

Live shows: GWAR w/ Wilson and Warbeast


Thursday, 7 p.m. The Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. how much: $17 (in advance), $20 (at the door) where:

Orion Walsh w/ Jordan MorganLansdowne and Bolzen Beer Band

Ryann Lynn | Dn

Jack Hotel is a local folk band created by Josh Rector on violin, Joe Salvati on dobro, Marty Steinhausen on upright bass and Günter Voelker, who is the lead vocalist and plays guitar. before this band,” Voelker said. “I know what it feels like to be bumbling and stumbling through a song. I know these guys have really good listening ability and playing skills. I can trust that when I bring a song to these guys, it’s going to eventuate in a good place.” And they do. During the practice, the room was filled with dancing strings and tales of mysterious strangers met on trains. At one point during a song, Voelker yelled out, “Josh!” and Rector tears into his violin. When he yelled for Joe, Salvati took to his steel guitar. That’s how a Jack Hotel practice goes. Four skilled musicians sit around and tell stories, some meant to make each other laugh, some meant to eventually thrill listeners when their album comes out. The best story, though, may be about the one of Jack Hotel. And it’s only in the first chapter. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

staff report dn

The Lazzi Improv Troupe might just be the quickest-thinking group of kids on campus. Similar to the show, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” the troupe, which is finishing its debut year at the University of NebraskaLincoln, spends its time playing games, becoming characters and thinking on its feet. Brittanie Witter, a senior secondary education English and theater major, said she has been doing improv since high school and was immediately interested in joining a troupe on campus once she heard fellow student Billy Jones was starting one. “When I found out they were holding auditions, I totally went to it,” Witter said. “Improv is just so much fun; I love being able to be silly in a constructive way. I knew once I heard that they were officially starting one, I wanted to be a part of it.” Like most improv groups, Lazzi has a variety of games that take their members to unexpected, and often unfamiliar, places. A popular game for the troupe is “Party

Quirks,” which is also in “Whose Line.” The game takes one normal host and four guests with strange quirks who must then interact with one another until the host guesses the four quirks. Witter said her favorite game is one that tests her ability to think of new sounds, places, people and action on the spot. “I know one of my favorite games is called ‘New Choice,’ and it’s a three-person scene where Billy, who’s the leader of the improv troupe, runs the game and the three people do something or act out a scene and Billy says ‘new choice,’” she said. “So if I say, ‘I’m going to the grocery store,’ and Billy says ‘new choice’ then I say, ‘I’m going to the mall.’ Sometimes it’s ‘new choice — action,’ or ‘new choice — sound.’ The more Billy says ‘new choice,’ the more creative we have to be. There’s no more spur-of-themoment improv than being told, ‘Do something different now.’” Though only relatively small right now, the 10-person troupe still hosts a wide variety of members. For some members, Lazzi is the only improv experience they’ve had, though Witter said some members have been doing improv for a long time. “All of us are performers at heart,” Witter said. “It’s always fun doing something with your friends, but it’s even more fun doing something with your friends in front of

Friday, 9 p.m. Duffy’s, 1412


O St.

how much:


He’s My Brother She’s My Sister w/ All Young Girls Are Machine Guns


Friday, 9 p.m. The Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., Omaha how much: $10 where:

Ryann Lynn | DN

When Jack Hotel was founded in September 2012, lead vocalist Günter Voelker had only been writing songs for about two months. The band played at Crescent Moon Coffee April 5.

What I like is that we take the ordinary, everyday things in life and make them extraordinary.”

brittanie witter

senior secondary education/theatre major

a whole bunch of people. I think we rehearse improv to eventually perform. In the future we’ll have a lot more performances because I think that’s the most fun thing about improv: performing in front of people.” The troupe has already performed once this year and will perform again April 16 at the Temple Building. Witter said the group’s first performance exceeded everyone’s expectations and the crowd was blown away. “Oh my gosh, it was so much better than any of us had expected,” she said. “We’re really bad at advertising, I don’t know why. So, most of these people were from a Theatre 112 class who were told they could come to our performance for extra credit, so a lot of people weren’t really there because they wanted to be but because they thought they had to be. But it was wildly better than anyone had expected and they were laughing at everything we don’t think is funny but everyone else does. Thinking about it just gives me goosebumps.”



Lazzi Improv Troupe bases success on importance of practice Practice sessions smoothe kinks in improv performances

this week in music

Despite the success that the troupe has had this year, Witter said some people still underestimate the importance of improvisation. When it comes time to act out a scene, there’s so much more than just thinking on the spot. “Some people don’t really realize how hard improv is,” Witter said. “I told my friends, ‘I’m going to rehearse for improv,’ and they don’t get it. There’s so much more to it than just thinking on your feet. Like, for ‘Party Quirks,’ not only do you have to think on your feet, but you have to know your quirks and know everything, essentially. It’s not just about knowing everything about that character, it’s about portraying it to a heightened extent. If I were to play a student, I could just walk in and be myself but no one would get it. I would have to be really over the top so everyone know what I’m doing.” Because of the difficulty of improvisation, rehearsals for the troupe are highly important. Not only do they allow each member to strengthen their improv skills

as an individual, but the practice allows the troupe to work together as a whole. “The main reason why we’re rehearsing is because you can’t have good improv if you don’t have a good bond with your troupe-mates,” Witter said. “Last semester and this semester, our main goal has been to work cohesively and suggest something and know what the other person is going to say. Like, if I’m in a scene with someone and ask ‘Where are you going today?’ I already know the answer because of working with him. That’s why we’re so successful and why audiences love it so much because we put together a scene and not going for the cheap jokes. We can’t work at all if we can’t work together.” Above all, Witter said the troupe believes in the importance of improvisation. She said that she believes life is one giant improvisation and improv is so much more than just people acting goofy. “What I like is that we take the ordinary, everyday things in life and make them extraordinary,” she said. “We can take something as simple as ordering ice cream at an ice cream parlor and make it the most enjoyable thing ever. Everyone can benefit from improvisation.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

New albums: “Save Rock and Roll”


Fall Out Boy Island genre: Pop punk label:



Kid Cudi Universal Republic genre: Rap label:

“The Terror”






The Flaming

Warner Bros. Experimental



Yeah Yeah Yeahs label: Interscope genre: Alternative rock

Eli Young Band discusses new record, national Kenny Chesney tour cynthia todd dn At the end of the day, the Eli Young Band stays true to its country roots while experimenting with new sounds. The quartet consists of lead vocalist Mike Eli, guitarist James Young, bass guitarist Jon Jones and drummer Chris Thompson. The band is known for hits such as “Crazy Girl,” which won an ACM in 2012, and “Even if it Breaks Your Heart.” Both went platinum. The band is constantly working, and a new album is in progress for 2013. The group is touring with country star Kenny Chesney while playing a few headline shows here and there. The Eli Young Band will be playing at the Bourbon Theatre this Friday. The band’s drummer, Chris Thompson, took time to talk with the Daily Nebraskan about the new record and tour. Daily Nebraskan: How would you describe your band’s sound? Chris Thompson: We are a country roots rock band at our core. DN: Which one of your songs would you want a new fan to listen to when checking out your band for the first time? Why? CT: I would want someone who was checking out our band for the first time to listen to songs like

“When It Rains” and “Small Town Kid” from our “Level” record because those were some of our first songs to gain popularity before we started having radio success. We have a lot of pride in our long history as a band. DN: You’ve opened up for a lot of big names in country music, including Miranda Lambert. How has experiences like that been when building a fan base and getting your music out there? CT: Any time your band gets to play in front of a huge crowd or to play in front of a crowd that is there to see a headliner that isn’t you is a great opportunity to grow your fan base. We enjoy playing in front of people who don’t know who we are and winning them over. DN: How’s the tour with Kenny Chesney going? What makes it different from past tours? CT: The Chesney tour is the biggest and craziest tour we have ever been on. Kenny has given us the opportunity to play in stadiums in front of thousands of people every night. He is one of the most gracious people we have met in this industry. The Chesney tour is different for us from other tours because of the level of production involved. This is our first time touring with our own lights and stage sets. DN: What can fans expect from this tour?

courtesy photo

Eli Young Band members say they try to stay true to their country-rock roots, but they expect to add to their sound on their upcoming album. They will stop at the Bourbon Theatre on Friday. CT: Fans can expect to be completely blown away by this tour. The lineup is incredible and, musically, everyone has a different and cool thing going on. Kenny’s show is world class. DN: How has the audience and fan reaction been on this current tour?

CT: Fan reaction to us on the Chesney tour has been wonderful. People are coming out early and singing along to our songs. It has been a blast. DN: The past few years have been crazy for you guys with ACM nominations and wins. What has that experience been

like for you? CT: We have been a band for a long time and have had very steady and gradual growth. Over the past two to three years, things have accelerated quite a bit but because of our long history, we know to enjoy the success as it comes. DN: You guys are working on a new album for 2013, how will this one differ from past records? CT: We began working on a new record at the beginning of 2013. We are working with a new producer for the first time in two records. We are expecting to have a new and exciting sound on this album. I think our fans will be surprised. DN: Any songs on the new album stick out to you? Why? CT: We have started playing a song called “Drunk Last Night” off of the new unreleased album live. We love the song because it is about having one too many and questioning why you then reached out to someone from the past. I think we have all been there. When we recorded the song we were very excited, because it felt like the kind of track that we could walk out of the studio and play live that night. Audiences have been really digging it. DN: What do you hope fans will get out of upcoming, new music?

if you go Eli Young Band


Friday, 7 p.m. The Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. how much: Sold Out where:

CT: The new album is feeling really upbeat and, as always with EYB, there are a lot of songs about love. The past few years have brought us new families and success that we are very grateful for, and I think those themes resonate in our writing. Still, though, there are a few tracks that explore some darker subjects like regret and cheating. We always try to round out our albums so they take the listener through many emotions. DN: What other plans do you have for 2013? CT: In 2013 we will finish our new album and release a new single to country radio. We are crisscrossing the country with Kenny Chesney and adding in our own headlining shows on off days. Next fall we will go out on another headlining tour of our own. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


tuesday, aPRil 16, 2013


courtesy photo

Bonobo has been making music for more than a decade. His latest album, “The North Borders” continues to explore the style he has come to be known for: strong basslines, coupled with a variety of instruments and vocals.

Despite tragedy, Bonobo serves as reminder of growth courtesy photo

He’s My Brother, She’s My Sister has forged a unique blend of folk, country, blues and cirque rock to create their signature sound. Last year, they released a full-length album, “Nobody Dances in This Town,” and began a national tour. They’ll stop in Omaha on Friday.


‘He’s My Brother’ member talks rivalry, touring cara wilwerding dn Traveling with family can be stressful, but L.A. folk band He’s My Brother She’s My Sister has learned how to turn it into a positive experience. Siblings Rachel and Rob Kolar, both vocalists, formed the band in 2009, and now tour with upright bassist Oliver “Oliwa” Newell, slide guitarist Aaron Robinson and tap dancing drummer Lauren Brown. Mixing a number of different styles including folk, country, blues and cirque rock, HMBSMS can’t be tied to one genre. According to LA Weekly, “(Their) voices mingle like glamour in the desert” and they serve up “party music for coyotes drunk on champagne.” After producing a self-titled EP in 2010, the group released its first full-length album, “Nobody Dances in This Town” in October 2012. They’ll play at Omaha’s Slowdown this Friday. The Daily Nebraskan caught up with Rob Kolar to discuss touring, tap dancing and sibling rivalry. Daily Nebraskan: How would you describe your sound in one word? Rob Kolar: Oh that’s tricky. I like the word mélange. It’s a French word, but it’s been adopted by the English language. It’s basically the French word for mixture, or a blend of different things. It’s kind of got a weird sound to it, and we’re a bit of a weird bunch. DN: Nylon Magazine listed you as one of the top five bands you should know this year. What’s your reaction to that? RK: That was a nice surprise. Every now and then you get a nice bit of press and that was a cool one. I’ve been reading Nylon on and off for the last two years, and they pick up on some cool bands.

I was stoked about it; we were all stoked about it. DN: What emerging band do you think people should know about? RK: Well, we kind of emerged from a cool L.A. folk scene. There’s kind of a cool group of bands like us that mix different styles and had some odd instrumentation or different sounds that you don’t think necessarily go together. Amanda Jo Williams was playing out here for a long time. Tommy Santee Klaws, we like a lot. Our friend Jenny O just put out an EP and she’s now touring with Rodriguez. Those are a few L.A. artists that we’re friends with, and we also love their music. DN: What’s it like to have a tap dancer as a percussionist? Do you guys ever tap dance with her? RK: We’ll sometimes stand on the drum and do a little jig and Lauren will just laugh. A lot of our fans are tap dancers, and they’ll come up to Lauren after the shows and get really excited. We’ve talked about the idea of them coming up for a song and incorporating fans into the show. What I like is that she’s been able to adopt the drums. She used to just tap dance but now she drums and I think that takes it into a different stratosphere. DN: After touring with bands such as Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Local Natives and Dawes, what’s it feel like to be headlining your own tour? RK: We did do some tours early on, but we’ve been headlining now for a quite a while. Most of it’s been built from the ground up. Each time the venues get a little bigger. It’s been a long haul; we’ve been touring for about two to three years straight and playing locally before that. It’s great and inspiring to play with big bands, a lot of our heroes as musicians. But when we get to headline, we

On the last tour, the cops had to take down a report because the fight got out of hand. I barely remember it, to be honest.”

rob kolar

vocalist, he’s my brother she’s my sister

feel like the crowd is really excited to see the show, they’re singing along. When we get to headline we can throw different songs into the set. DN: What’s your songwriting process like? How has it evolved over the years? RK: There is so much because my sister has become so involved in song writing. It varies. “How am I Gonna Get Back Home Tonight” is from an album I recorded 15 years ago when I was, like, 19. It was a very different version of it that we adopted and rearranged. A lot of times Rachel and I collaborate. She’ll send me a demo and some lyrics, and I’ll come up with a melody. Each song has a different process and different existence and coming-to-be. DN: As brother and sister, how much do you argue and bicker on tour? RK: There’s usually one extreme fight every tour. But the more we work together, the better it gets. On the last tour, the cops had to take down a report because the fight got a little out of hand. I barely remember it, to be honest. It was something to do with a shitty hotel room. We both wanted the nice room, that’s what it came down to. I think if we pace ourselves and we don’t push too hard ... generally it just comes out of exhaustion — that’s when people get a little on edge. But for the most part it’s been pretty positive. DN: Do you pull pranks on each other? RK: Sometimes we like to scare each other or do some-

thing silly like that. Nothing too extreme, but we’ll mess around with each other for sure. On stage, there’s been moments where it’s gotten a little out of hand. I think one time I got a little angry with her and people in the crowd were like, “Hey, that’s your sister.” We definitely call each other out on stage a little bit, but I think that’s part of our repertoire as a band. DN: What’s your favorite tour memory so far? RK: There’s not much to choose from for this tour. I guess just being able to fit everything into the van. But tours in general ... once we camped up close to the border of California and Oregon, and we jumped off like this six or seven story bridge. That was really thrilling to do something like that, which has nothing to do with the music, but instead, with the experience of touring the country. DN: What’s next on your plate? RK: We’ve got some exciting potential things happening. We’re going to England over the summer to play a great festival called the Secret Garden Party. We just signed with a Japanese label so were planning to tour in Japan. And it looks like we might have this exciting opportunity to go to Australia, and that is looking more and more positive. A lot of exciting traveling around the world, which we’re looking forward to, and then starting to work on a new album. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


“GHOST ON GHOST” Iron & Wine

‘Shaking the Habitual’ challenges listeners’ norms joe wade dn Take the vocal styling of Bjork, the progressive compositions of Tool, the experimental flavor of Radiohead’s “Kid A” and blend it together with European-electronic beats for just the tip of the iceberg that is The Knife’s new album. “Shaking the Habitual” was released April 9 and is a tribal, beat-infused departure from how average music fans hear music. The Swedish duo’s previous studio album, “Silent Shout,” was released in 2006 and showed signs of change from early albums. The feeling was darker and more introspective. For fans, this band has always an ability to craft progressive songs with a flair for ambiance. It is not uncommon for the female vocalist to use studio effects to sound male which may sound a little strange for those not accustomed with musical oddities such as Bjork. Compared with radio-friendly pop tunes, which are filled with candy-coated musical hooks, The Knife has strived to stay freshly unique but this time, the band has gone off the deep end to create something a little ahead of its time. The two-disc version of the album contains the 19-minute song “Old Dreams Waiting to Be Released,” which is a length that will raise any music fan’s eyebrows and is surprisingly sparse. While minutes of bare, eerie sounds flow past the listener ’s consciousness like a horror movie, there is a moment of realization that this is supposed to be a song. Right? There it is, the love it or hate it moment. One listener might find that what he or she is listening to is mere noise and, unquestionably, a waste of time. Another listener, however, might hear the beauty of an interrelated soundscape that has broken away from familiar, melody-driven music. Instead of a song going from verse to chorus in a cyclical way, track after track, “Shaking the Habitu-



courtesy photo

The Knife is a Swedish group, known for taking risks with their music. Their latest album, “Shaking the Habitual” delves into a sonic arena that might even challenge music-lovers. al” flows meditatively in a linear movement and relies more on a rhythmic pulse. The album still has plenty of bob-your-head moments to groove on, but the fascinating elements are abstract. “Fracking Fluid Injection” is

a 10-minute chant composed of what sounds like a violin bow dragged across strings made of bedsprings. The vocalist moans in an almost Hindu Om which occasionally sounds like the cawing of birds. It’s haunting. A lis-

tener can get lost in the tension and anticipation of the musical buildup while waiting for a melodic resolution. The release from the tension is so subtle that it almost doesn’t come. When listening to a song every listener expects that resolution of ending in a place of tonal consonance. It’s habitual; it’s like sex but not all acts of foreplay end in orgasm. “Without You My Life Would Be Boring,” conversely, is much more fluid and less intense on mental faculties. There is a melody, counter melody, drums, vocals and all the other things that make it more recognizable as a typical song. “A Tooth for an Eye” is similar, as is “Full of Fire” and provide the pleasure of something to dance to. The beats revolve within each other and feel like techno, club mixes with just a sprinkling of abstraction. Overall this album is mindblowingly tantric and the point is that there is a lot to listen to and absorb. Some music fans might consider “Shaking the Habitual” a little more work to listen to but, for others, it’s like being given the key to a candy store. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

inevitably becomes. After the show, we went to a nearby house party with the local hippies, on the promise that the band would come by. Our faith was shaky, but we were still youthful and full of optimism. And, unlike the optimism of casey kettler childhood figures, unlike the optimism of hippie ideals, the promise the Lawrencian hippies came true. Writer refuses to shut of We met Green, vocalist Andreya Triout Bonobo, despite ana, the drummer and one other fellow I don’t really remember. connections to lifeThen, what could only be described as a strange musical juxtapochanging event sition, the local hippies and traveling Brits teamed up for a five-part harmony rendition of a traditional folk Seven years ago, I sat in a full- song. I can’t for the life of me rememsize igloo built from the bound- ber what song it was. less energy of a couple of juniors As the driven, by this time I had in high school. switched to caffeine. As the party I nearly suffocated trying wrapped up and the band left, we to light a fire in that thing. As it were left with a choice. We could turns out, there is more to making sleep on Brittany’s hardwood floor, a functional igloo than one would the energy of the night still flowing think. Michael and I had to punch freely through us, or make the drive through the painstakingly crafted back to Lincoln. roof to get to the life-giving oxyI knew that I wouldn’t sleep a gen that saved us from immortalwink uncovered on a cold wood ization in a late edition of The Dar- floor, so I made the executive deciwin Awards. sion to drive back. Cameron had For a few years there, Michael to work the next afternoon, and and I were best friends. It feels neither Mike nor Dito objected. We weird to say actually, what with the loaded back up into the Mazda and state of gender norms, and people set out for Lincoln. indiscriminately bandying about Not a few miles outside of the terms about stick city, we were run bundles and such. over. We didn’t I think But we were. We leave the car, and built an igloo tothat for we didn’t stop. We gether, and if that were on cruise condoesn’t say some- everyone, music is trol at the speed thing very specific more than just the limit. My Mazda about a friendship, sedan was overI don’t know what sum of notes and taken and quite does. literally run over rhythms...” One of my by the intoxicated most fundamental driver of a stolen personality traits Toyota Tundra. is, to be generous, I hit my head on the steering personality mirroring. To be less wheel and blacked out. Apparentgenerous, it is blatant thievery. I ly I regained consciousness in time will try to steal the best emulat- to will the car off the road, out able thing about you in a heartfrom under the truck. It was late beat. From Michael, I stole a fa- November, and the back of my car vorite band: Bonobo. was torn open. From the back, you At the time, I was mired in the could see through to the driver’s depths of an unhealthy jam-band seat. The back seat was gone, and phase. The repetitive rhythms inside Cameron and Dito sat, soothed my adolescent mind, moaning in pain. Through my shivand the unique vocal utterances ering and crying, we saw that a car of one Dave Matthews were all I had stopped to call the police. It was needed to get down. nearly 3 a.m. But the first time I listened to After something like this, it is Bonobo, a door opened for me. difficult to describe anything as I’ve never asked Michael why he lucky, but Mike and I made it out likes Bonobo, but for me there is with a few scrapes. something somatic about it. Not in If that car hadn’t happened terms of the brain structure, but in along, I may have lost two of my terms of the dystopian drug of Huxbest friends that day. Cameron ley’s “Brave New World.” didn’t make it. Dito broke nearly It all began with “Recurring,” every bone in his body and was just more than five minutes of poly- put in a medically induced coma, rhythmic, cross-synthesized piano but has since made an incredible and sequenced drums, bassoons recovery. and basses, flutes and thumb piano With the amount of baggage — it just made sense. It was the ar- tied up in the music of Bonobo, it cane age of CD burning, so I had to might seem right to avoid or even pillage his music collection with a disdain it. Yet I still listen to the plastic disk. entire catalog. I think that for A few years later, Michael and I everyone music is more than just got to see Simon Green, the man be- the sum of the notes and rhythms, hind Bonobo, live in Lawrence, Kan. but the whole of the associations The band was touring for the release and contexts to which we relate of its new album “Black Sands,” an it. For me, Bonobo’s music is asalbum focused more on the dance sociated with the most salient elements of electronic music. and transformative moments in We brought along our good my life. It provides a steady polyfriends Cameron and Dito and made rhythmic reminder of the friends a road trip out of it. At the show, we and experiences that have shaped met up with our friend Brittany, who who I am, and I can’t help feeling was with some fellow Jayhawks. I the evolution of their music has would say that the set list was great, coincided with my growth as a but it didn’t really matter what the person. band played, I knew every song. arts@ Freshly 21, legitimately consuming dailynebraskan.com the overpriced house alcohol was on twitter @ still a thrill, instead of the burden it dnartsdesk

review online at www.daily nebraskan. com


“GHOST ON GHOST” Iron & Wine



tuesday, aPRil 16, 2013

Softball team wins series against Wisconsin 2-1 Huskers are now 30-9 on the season and 8-3 in Big Ten play josh kelly dn The No. 18 Nebraska Huskers hosted a three-game series against the Wisconsin Badgers this weekend at Bowlin Stadium, where the team won two out of three matchups in the conference series against its Big Ten rival. The first game kicked off the series with a 4-0 victory for the Huskers. It was scoreless until the fifth inning when the team hit three of its six hits in the inning and with a few walks the team was able to score all four of its runs in the inning. Up to that point, the game was going faster than expected for freshman Hailey Decker, she said. “It kind of went fast,” she said. “The whole team came together and took it piece by piece and we didn’t try to do too much with it.” Her and junior Taylor Edwards helped out offensively in the inning

for the Huskers, both putting up RBI singles for their team. Wisconsin wouldn’t have been shut out if it weren’t for junior pitcher Tatum Edwards, who played the entire game, pitching seven strikeouts and only allowing three hits from the Badgers. This gave Edwards her seventh shutout of the season to get her overall record to 18-6. “Tatum did really amazing, and she was hitting her spots well,” Decker said. “Her changeup was great, and when she’s hitting her spots it really helps us defensively.” For Nebraska, the second game was a different story. Wisconsin defeated the Huskers 5-2. Nebraska had the lead until the top of the sixth inning, up 2-1. Freshman Emily Lockman allowed an RBI double that tied the game before being relieved by Tatum Edwards. Her first pitch coming into the game was then hit over the fence in right-center by senior third-baseman Shannel Blackshear to give the Badgers the lead and Wisconsin retained to lead throughout to hand Nebraska its third Big Ten loss of the season. Fresh off of a loss on Saturday the offense helped fuel the Huskers

Sunday, defeating Wisconsin 11-2 which ended with a run rule in the fifth inning. During the third inning, all tied up at two, the Husker offense broke out. 14 players were able to reach the plate that inning that included five walks and six hits that helped produce eight runs in the inning. Notably making an impact on the game were Taylor Edwards, senior Brooke Thomason and freshman Alicia Armstrong. Edwards hit her ninth homerun of the season while both Thomason and Armstrong drove in three runs in the game that ended early to finish the home series. The Huskers are now 30-9 on the season, 8-3 in Big Ten play. “Every series, we’re trying to sweep,” Decker said. “But it’s really important to take every game one at a time. We’re going to stick to the hitting plan that we have right now.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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3rd female roommate needed. 3 bedroom house. Clean home, nice neighborhood in Woods Park area. 10 minute bike ride, 2 minute drive to campus. Contact Mark (402)795-2274 in the evening. 730 Marshall Ave. Looking for someone to take over the lease for my apartment this summer at The View Apartments, 301 W. Charleston St. Lincoln, NE, May - August 1st. It is 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Unfurnished. Rent is $309 per month plus utilities (cable, electric). Rent payments are on an individual room basis so you are just paying for your room within the apartment. The other 3 rooms will be filled randomly. Washer/Dryer in the apartment. Refrigerator, Dish Washer, Microwave and Private Balcony included, 24 Hour Fitness Center, Free Tanning Machine at the Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, Basketball Court, Sand Volleyball Court, Barbeque Grills. This has been a good place to live while I have rented here, I’m just moving home for the summer. Very Safe, no issues with security, haven’t had any problems with our appliances not working. Also, the other rooms will need to be filled so if you are looking for a place as a group or just yourself I can help you accommodate either way. If interested please contact Matt at matthrdlicka@gmail.com or 402-677-7866. Need Two Summer Roommates (Female) to fill a house located in the Highlands Neighborhood. The house is 3 bed, 2 bath and was new in 2005. Lease would be June-Middle August. Contact Allie at allieodell@huskers.unl.edu for more information. Needed a student to share a cozingly finished 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse at 70th & South street. Large one bedroom with oversized windows, spacious closet, and bath, located in nicely finished basement. Laundry room and fireplace on same level. Cost is $500.00/mo. including utilities, W/D, and garage. Call or email Theresa 610-454-7773 or email to amazzengrace@yahoo.com Room available at Northbrook Apartments, $348 rent plus 1/3 utilities. Pets are okay. Looking to move out ASAP. If interested contact Lia at (402) 617-7652 We are two college students living in a house at 727 S 33rd st. with three more rooms available. The house has two bathrooms a kitchen with dishwasher and combination washer/dryer. Both of us are quiet, friendly people and ideally our roommates would have similar dispositions. So if a house with a lot of natural light that’s about ten minutes from both UNL campuses with friendly, slightly nerdy roommates then email Sam at heylookitsmesam@gmail.com for more information.

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Freshman Hailey Decker said the Huskers took its game against Wisconsin this weekend “piece by piece.”

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Misc. Services

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tuesday, apRil 16, 2013

men’s golf

Team shows signs of improvement with 5th-place finish zach tegler dn

three rounds, we were pretty much even with them.” The Huskers sat in fourth place A couple of weeks after a season- after the first two rounds, but in the final round, three of the five golfers shot worst 18th place finish at an event in Arkansas, the Nebraska men’s golf their worst scores of the tournament. “If we just play like we’re capable team rebounded to finish fifth at the of that last round, I have no doubt we Hawkeye-Great River Entertainment could have been there at the end,” Invitational in Iowa City, Iowa. The Huskers shot a three-round Spangler said, “so in that respect it total of 887 — 33 strokes better than was a little disappointing not to play better the last round. But the good their total in Arkansas, thing is we put ourselves even though windy and in position to win the rainy conditions toughgolf tournament.” ened play. Junior Manuel Lavin “It was nice to see shot a three-round total that we played better of 222 to finish in a tie for on a better golf course 18th, his best finish of the and a more difficult golf season. course than we did in “He’ll hit it and Arkansas,” NU coach work on some stuff in Bill Spangler said. “That practice, but yet hasn’t makes our performance transferred that into a that much better because tournament,” Spangler of the quality of the golf reinertson said. “He finally started course and the difficult doing that which was conditions.” nice to see.” Nebraska senior JorReinerston ended up one shot dan Reinerston said he and his teambehind Lavin to finish tied for 23rd, mates displayed mental toughness in the bad weather — particularly ju- and freshman Kolton Lapa wound nior Matt Record, who led the Husk- up tied for 37th with a score of 228. “I had one good round and two ers by finishing ninth with a 2-over bad rounds at Arkansas State, so I was 218. “I thought that Matt played re- definitely wanting to get rid of that bad taste in the mouth, but I played ally well out there in Iowa,” Reinerwell out there and hit the ball pretty ston said, “and he showed a lot of mental toughness in going out there good,” Reinerston said. He said recent work on his short and posting three solid rounds, and then with the top ten finish in a very game paid off well, and Spangler said putting improved across the board good field.” The field included five other Big between the meets in Arkansas and Ten teams: Michigan State, Penn State, Iowa. Reinerston said that heading into Wisconsin, Minnesota and host-school the postseason, the Huskers’ high finIowa, which finished second to Kansas on its home course. With the other con- ish in Iowa will give them much-needed momentum. ference opponents in the tournament, Spangler said the result helped his Nebraska was able to get a gauge of team regain it. how next week’s Big Ten Champion“What we did in Iowa was basicalships could play out. “We knew how we kind of stacked ly play about the same quality golf we played previous to Arkansas,” Spanup against a couple of those teams, but gler said, “so it was good to get back to it was nice to beat Michigan State, who that level where we were peaking and was ranked fairly high,” Spangler said. competing against other good teams.” “And we went toe-to-toe with Iowa on sports@ their home golf course. For two of the dailynebraskan.com

baseball: from 10


NU track and field secures 20 titles Team opened its outdoor season at home this weekend, a relief for many Huskers

said, “but when it comes to competition, we are looking to beat each other. It’s not acceptable to a friend to beat us, because you want to beat them. It’s very good, positive. We cheer for each other; then when it comes to competition, it’s game time.” In another one-two finish, Annie Jackson threw for 53-1 in shot put, finishing just ahead of Husker teammate Carlie Pinkleman, who recorded a second-place, 48-7 3/4 throw. “Of course we’re the best of friends, but when we get out here we like to fend for ourselves,” Jackson said. “We’re always pushing each other, and I think that’s a great part that we have here. Even though we didn’t have all our shot putters here today, we have great competition, so you can’t let up or someone is going to pass you. That’s what I love about it.” Freshman sprinter Levi Gipson has also learned to work against his teammates. Often, the freshman runner said, it’s his own team that brings the best competition. Gipson won the 400-meter just ahead of teammate Cody Rush, clocking in at 46.64 seconds. “I was on the back stretch and almost started laughing because me and Cody are almost always neck and neck,” Gipson said. “If this was practice I probably would have reached out and pushed him.” Nebraska also recorded wins in the women’s javelin, high jump, pole vault, 100 and 200 meters, while the men took home top honors in the triple, long and high jump, 200, 400 and 3,000 meters, 110 meter and 400 meter hurdles along with both 4x100 and 4x400 meter relays. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

kyle cummings dn The Nebraska track and field team opened its home outdoor season by hosting Wyoming, South Dakota State and Tulsa on Saturday. The Huskers secured 20 victories on the day, while Wyoming took seven and Tulsa finished with five. For many Huskers, it was a relief to finally be able to compete in the elements. “For the entire indoor season, I felt kind of sad, like a caged bird of some sort,” junior thrower Chad Wright said. Wright, the No. 1 men’s discus thrower in the Big Ten, continued his string of success on Saturday by picking up a win with a throw of 1996. While Wright was happy with his mark, he’s still looking to improve to around 220 feet. In order to get there, he said he needs to stay focused and keep practicing. Similar to Wright, long jump winner Kara Mostoller’s main goal on Saturday was to improve her technique and her runs, she said. Mosteller won the event with a jump of 18-5 3/4, but she isn’t satisfied with the jump, she said. “I’m not quite where I want to be at yet this year at the distance,” she said, “but I think it’s a good start and slowly getting to where I want to be. It’s a good point to be at in the middle of the season.”

kat buchanan | dn

Junior thrower Chad Wright prepares to throw the discus during Nebraska’s first outdoor home meet of 2013. Mostoller is set on jumping around 19 and a half feet and has until the Big Ten championships to tweak her jumps, she said. “Every meet until (the Big Tens) I’m just trying to get everything down and get my technique down,” the sophomore jumper said. “Then at Big Tens, we’re just really looking for what can you do for the team.” Just around the corner of the track from Mostoller stood Craig Driver alongside teammate Christian Sanderfer. The two Husker pole vaulters were the lone participants left in the competition.

After the bar was raised to 17-feet, Sanderfer was knocked out. On his third attempt, Driver cleared the bar, fell to the mat and let out a scream. “That’s unreal,” Driver said. “I’ve been chasing that bar for probably three or four months.” While 17-feet isn’t his end-ofthe-year goal, it’s a goal that will add confidence throughout the season, he said. Helping push Driver to his ultimate goal, he said, will be silver medalist Sanderfer and other teammates. “We are all best friends,” Driver

Women’s tennis beats Michigan State liz uehling dn

a high note as Weatherholt competed against No. 28 Emina Bektas for the win. As the day progressed, No. 7 Michigan made it clear it had The women’s tennis team gained another win but accumulated an- the upperhand. All players but Weatherholt ended their singles in other loss this weekend during loses. their trip to Michigan. Sunday’s match was held in The team’s first match was held in Ann Arbor, Mich., against East Lansing, Mich., where the Huskers faced the Michigan State the University of Michigan. The Spartans. After their first Big Ten Wolverines were ranked No. 7 upon the day of competition and loss, the women of the tennis team were even more dethe Huskers sat at termined to pull out No. 12. Although The goal is with a win. the Huskers have Doubles matchto be No. had a successful es looked someseason with a re- 1, but we take thing like Saturday cord of 18-4, 7-0 Big as Weatherholt, Ten, they earned everything one Veresova, Weintheir first confer- match at a time.” reich, and Weinstein ence loss on Satpulled through with urday against the patricia veresova the win. Lehmicke Wolverines. senior tennis player and Zgierska were Early in the defeated in their match, the Huskdoubles match. ers took the lead in Weatherholt was victorious in doubles. The senior team of Mary the her singles match against her Weatherholt and Patricia Veresova Spartan competitor. Veresova folearned a win (8-4) as seniors Stelowed behind in the No. 2 posifanie Weinstein and Janine Weintion with a smashing 6-1, 6-2 win. reich also competed for an 8-4 win. Weinstein, who competed at the The fall to Michigan began No. 3 position, had a close first set, during sophomore Izabella Zgierwinning 6-4, but finished her secska and freshman Maggy Lehmond set 6-1. icke’s doubles match, which they The two losses during the did not finish. The final score for Michigan State match were Zgiertheir match was 3-7. ska’s singles match and Lehmicke Singles matches began with and Zgierska’s doubles match.

file photo by bethany schmidt | dn

Senior tennis player Mary Weatherholt defeated Michigan State’s Marina Bohrer this weekend in East Lansing, Mich. Lehmicke and junior Maike Zeppernick earned an additional two singles wins. As the Husker’s season comes to a close, wins are in their highest hopes. Early in their season, Veresova made it clear that it wasn’t so much about the wins, but about doing the best they personally could. “We want to win… The goal is to be No. 1, but we take everything one match at a time,” Veresova

said. There are only two regular scheduled matches left for the Huskers before competing in the Big Ten Championships. “We’ll have to be prepared to compete,” coach Scott Jacobson said. Their next match is Friday at 2 p.m. against Minnesota in Minneapolis. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

shelby wolfe | dn

Senior Kash Kalkowski runs to first base at the Ohio State game Sunday. Nebraska lost the three-game series 2-1. On Sunday, Buckeyes’ starter King was wheeling and dealing from the moment the game began. King allowed just three Nebraska hits through seven innings of scoreless work. “I talked to our guys and asked them ‘What’s the deal here? We’re hitting more fly balls than we’ve ever hit,’” Erstad said. “They were like, ‘Coach we’re trying to stay flat.’ He was making them not take good swings.” Nebraska’s starter was unable to pitch as effectively as Ohio State’s was. Tyler King took the mound for the series’ rubber match and faced only 10 batters in just 2 1/3 innings of work. Ryan Hander came into relief with two on and one out and would go on to strike out the side. The senior continued to deal and retired the following six consecutive batters before allowing a Buckeye single to make it 3-0. Hander’s hard throwing kept Nebraska in the game through six innings, but the relief pitchers that followed weren’t able to match. “Two four-run innings beat us this weekend,” senior Rich Sanguinetti said. “They were the better team for two-innings. That’s just how it was.” Following Hander, juniors Luke Bublitz, Caleb Hawkins and Brandon Pierce allowed four combined runs and six hits off Ohio State bats to increase Nebraska’s deficit to 7-0. But Nebraska was able to brew a rally in the bottom of the ninth. “Today was one of those days where we’re down for eight innings,” Sanguinetti said. “And then it’s kind of like new life.” After scraping out one run in eighth, the Huskers began the game’s final inning getting the first five hitters on base. The Huskers were driven to end the weekend on a positive note, Sanguinetti said. “We’re out here giving everything we got and everyone’s emotionally invested in this thing,” Sanguinetti said. But Nebraska finished the ninth three-runs short as a Pat Kelly foul pop-up down the first baseline ended its chance at a comeback. It wasn’t Nebraska’s lack of energy that was the problem, according to Erstad. The Nebraska coach said the player’s fight was on display all game, but it wasn’t enough to outmatch the Buckeye’s strong pitching.

“Batting practice was great...you can’t tell me our guys just decided to turn it on at the end,” he said. “We gave a fight there at the end, heck we had the winning run at the plate. That just shows me that their pitcher is doing something good. We just got flat out beat.” And the coming mid-week matchup won’t be any easier. On Tuesday, the Huskers will play its first of a two-game series against No. 10 Arkansas. The Razorbacks will enter the matchup leading the nation with a 1.56 team ERA. When asked if the outstanding pitching statistic intimidates the offense, Sanguinetti answered: “No. We can hit. We faced Fullerton; they can throw. I can’t imagine Arkansas’ that much better than Fullerton. They’re the No. 4 team in the country; we hit them. “It’ll be good thing to see where we’re at as a team.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

bowling: from 10 the score 186-197. The third game also went the Commodores’ way, with both teams leaving many open frames. This gave Vanderbilt a 2-1 game lead over the Huskers. During the fourth game, the team had key strikes from sophomore Liz Kuhlkin, which tied the game at 190. This meant the game score was 2.5-1.5 in favor of Vanderbilt. The adjustments started to work during the next two matches, Straub said. Clutch strikes and a turkey gave NU a 3.5-2.5 game lead. The team needed one more game to win the trophy. With six consecutive strikes, the Huskers came away with the victory. “It’s really surreal. I mean for me, this is something I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little girl,” Kuhlkin said. The Schenectady, N.Y., native also recalls when Nebraska won the championship in 2009.

of them would make a comment gram, he said. “Watching Nebraska in 2009 “Hopefully it still helps relike, ‘We’re going to win it for on TV, and seeing them hoist up you,’” Mickelson said. “For it to cruiting. The more kind of extra that trophy, to be actually doing actually happen was just such a special attention we get for the it now with the team that I imagined is absolutely unbelievable,” great feeling. Knowing that the things we do, ends up with more team got us there and did what attention to the program,” Straub Kuhlkin said. said. “We’d like to think it’s gowe needed to do, so that I could Mickelson said the team was end my season with such a great ing to be benefiting us for a long constantly reminding her they time.” with Syndication great girls.”Sales Corporation were going to win the championThe Newfeeling York Times sports@ Straub feelsNew thisYork, championship for her. 620 Eighth Avenue, N.Y. 10018 dailynebraskan.com ship will only Call: help1-800-972-3550 build the pro“At least once a week, one For Information For Monday, September 3, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Translucent mineral in sheets 5 Telephone wire, for a bird 10 Trudge 14 Santa ___ (hot desert winds) 15 Hodgepodges 16 Prefix with plane 17 Alternative name for 42-Down 19 Buzzing annoyance 20 Greek god of the ocean 21 Go together perfectly 22 Buddy 23 “___ the twain shall meet” 24 Capital of the Philippines 25 Prefix with lateral 26 QBs pass for them 27 Treat, as leather

28 Moon landing vehicle, for short 29 Upside-down six 31 Mustachioed plumber of Nintendo games 33 Alternative name for 42-Down 39 Having pricked ears 40 Like 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. 42 Twice, in music 45 Foxlike 46 Insult, slangily 49 “Am ___ blame?” 50 Middle part of a Shakespearean play 52 What an aphrodisiac may produce 53 Schlep 54 Call playful names, say 55 Topple 57 Central





















58 Alternative name for 42-Down 60 Farming prefix 61 Green military cap 62 Geese flying formations 63 Robin’s haven 64 Numerical data 65 Opposite of subtracts DOWN 1 “What, me worry?” magazine 2 Hysterical 3 Area between Georgia and Virginia 4 Questions 5 Paid (up) 6 Says “o’er” for “over,” e.g. 7 Severity 8 Lawyer Roy of the McCarthy hearings 9 F.D.R.’s successor 10 Carl who hosted “Cosmos” 11 Protein-rich vegetarian soup 12 Future revealer 13 Hometown of 42-Down 18 ___ State (Ohio university) 21 Craze 22 So-called “lowest form of humor” 24 Fourth rock from the sun 27 Letter after sigma










No. 0730 9









24 27

30 33


31 34





39 43







18 20




40 45





41 49
















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46 47 48 51 52 55 56 58 59

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tuesday, apRil 16, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports

women’s basketball

Moore picked 12th overall in WNBA draft Former women’s basketball point guard was selected by Minnesota Lynx staff report dn

bethany schmidt | dn

Senior bowler Kristina Mickelson reacts to sophomore Lizabeth Kuhlkin’s answer during a press conference Monday at Memorial Stadium. The Nebraska bowling team won the NCAA Women’s Bowling National Championship Saturday in Canton, Mich.


strike Nebraska bowling captures fourth national championship story by Eric Bertrand

file photo by kaylee everly | dn

Senior Kristina Mickelson approaches the lane during a bowling tournament last season. Mickelson, the lone senior on the team, provided inspiration for younger bowlers.


he Nebraska bowling team won the NCAA national title on Saturday in Canton, Mich. This victory marks the fourth championship for the Huskers since the 2003-04 season, when the NCAA declared bowling a sanctioned sport. “We kinda take it on a frame-by-frame basis, so we are trying to have the kids do the best they can each time they’re given an opportunity,” coach Bill Straub said. The competition started on Thursday with the Huskers bowling against every team in the tournament. The Huskers had decisive victories against two-time defending champions University Maryland Eastern Shore and the University of Central Missouri. The team’s losses were to Sam Houston State Uni-

versity and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. The Nebraska team finished the day with a 5-2 record and the top seed in the tournament. The Huskers took on UCM, UMES, and Arkansas State in the second day of the competition, and defeated all three programs by a score of 4-1. With the Huskers going 3-0 on the second day, the team earned its spot in the finals against No. 7 seed Vanderbilt. The championship match aired on ESPNU on Saturday, and this affected players’ nerves as well as the lane conditions. “All the hot lights that are necessary to try to help

the TV production crew, it can have an adverse or a beneficial benefit to what’s going on with ball reaction,” Straub said. “And it just took me a while to figure out what that ball reaction needed to be.” Senior Kristina Mickelson said she found it frustrating to be bowling on TV. “To come in on Saturday, and the lanes just weren’t exactly the way we pictured them,” Mickelson said. “It took a lot of serious concentration to not allow that to get under our skin.” The championship round started off with the Huskers taking the first game by a score of 211-199. The team then lost the second game of the match with

bowling: see page 9


Team drops first conference series of season Huskers also experienced first defeat at home since beginning of season nedu izU dn There’s an old proverb that goes: “There’s a first time for everything.” Nebraska baseball coach Darin Erstad has never seen his Nebraska baseball team lose two games in a row since Big Ten play began, let alone suffer defeat at home since the beginning of the season. However, both scenarios were met this weekend against Ohio State as the Huskers lost the series finale 7-4 to drop its first series on the season at Hawks Field. After losing on Saturday 6-5 to the Buckeyes (23-11, 7-5 Big Ten), yesterday’s loss also marked Nebraska’s (14-19, 8-4) first series loss in the conference. Erstad said Ohio State’s pitching

was just too much for the Huskers’ bats. “They pitched well,” Erstad said after Sunday’s game. “(Brian) King did a very nice job. He was establishing both sides of the plate, changing speeds. He had us off balance all the time.” On Friday, Nebraska took game one 11-2 behind stellar pitching, hitting and defense — a combo the team hasn’t executed to perfection all season. “We haven’t really put a full game together,” Erstad said. “Today was by far our most complete game we’ve played. We can be a pretty decent ball club when we do that.” Senior first-baseman Kash Kalkowski went 2-for-4 and drove in four RBIs, while junior Christian DeLeon threw eight successful innings to anchor the Huskers to its eighth conference win on the season. However, the offensive burst and impressive pitching seemed to be the only bright action for Nebraska all weekend.

baseball: see page 9

Former Nebraska women’s basketball point guard Lindsey Moore was selected by the Minnesota Lynx as the 12th pick overall in the 2013 WNBA draft Monday night. Moore, who was one of 12 collegians invited to the draft at ESPN headquarters in Bristol, Conn., lead Nebraska to the 2012 N C A A Sweet 16. moore She closed her career with Nebraska record 699 assists, 132 games started and 94 victories. As a senior in the 2012-2013 season, she averaged 15.1 points, 5.7 assists and 1.8 steals per game. Moore is the third first-round pick in Nebraska women’s baasketball history. Kelsey Griffin was the third overall pick in the 2010 WNBA draft. She was also drafted by the Minnesota Lynx, then traded to the Connecticut Sun. Nicole Kubik was selected by the L.A. Sparks as the 15th pick in 2000. Last week, Moore said getting the opportunity to go to the WNBA would be a “dream come true.” “I’ve always thought that it would be really cool to do something that you love and to get paid to do it,” Moore said last week. Moore is the only Husker starter to play in two NCAA Sweet 16s during her career. The Huskers also went to the Sweet 16 during her freshman year in 2010. Moore also helped the team achieve a No. 3-ranking, the highest in school history, and the longest winning streak in Big 12 and school history with 30 games. Moore is the fourth member of Nebraska’s 2010 starting five to get an opportunity to play in the WNBA, joining Griffin, Cory Montgomery, who was selected by the New York Liberty in the 2010 third round, and Yvonne Turner, who signed a WNBA training camp contract with the San Antonio Silver Stars in February. The Lynx lost in the WNBA finals last year. Training camp officially begins May 5. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

Volleyball loses final game at Coliseum eric bertrand dn The Nebraska women’s volleyball team lost to in-state rival Creighton on Friday in five sets. Not only was this match the final home spring game for the Huskers, it also marked the end of an era. Last season, the Huskers were celebrating the final season in the NU Coliseum, but players and coaches knew they had just a couple more games to be played when the regular season came to an end. “The final, final, game in the Coliseum is a little saddening. It brings tears to your eyes almost,” senior Hayley Thramer said. “Its been a honor and such a blessing to play here, and that’s something I’ll have forever and all these girls will have forever.” The last game didn’t only affect the Husker squad but a Lincoln native on the opposing team as well. “Ever since I was little, I was always in love with volleyball and this is where it happened,” Creighton freshman Lauren Smith said. In the match-up, both teams had one thing in common: errors. Between the Huskers and the Bluejays, there were a total of 29 service errors alone, with NU having 15. The service problems and errors were on the minds of both coaches after the game. “I didn’t think either team played the best match of their season,” Creighton coach Kirsten Booth said.

allison hess | dn

The Nebraska volleyball team prepares before a set during the Creighton game Friday. The team lost in five sets. “I think when they’re missing 15 serves and we are missing 14 serves; there’s obviously things that we have to go back and work on.” Nebraska coach John Cook may have thought a little more about the mistakes. “I can understand making ag-

gressive errors, but making 15 service errors and 37 attack errors is just bonehead,” Cook said. “We can’t make a run because nobody can serve the ball three times in a row on the court.” To add to the Huskers’ mistakes, Creighton was able to rack up 16 total blocks in the match.

“Creighton just got in front of us and we just made really poor choices,” Cook said. “I mean when a hitter gets blocked straight down, that’s just a hitter pulling it down and making a very poor choice.” Both teams had a dismal attack for the entire game, with both teams struggled to have a hit percentage above .200 percent in a set. Creighton achieved this twice, in the first set (.500) and in the fifth set (.233), while the Huskers only managed to hit a .205 percent in the fourth set. The Huskers also showed their inexperience at the setter position. “We keep trying to give Alexa (Strange) feedback and encouragement, and not let her get too disappointed with the sets not there,” Thramer said. “You’re new, and we get that, and we need to make better shots, too.” The Huskers converted on 62 of 174 kill attempts for the match, with sophomore Kelsey Fien leading the team in hit percentage with a .235. She was able to convert on 12 of her 34 attempts with only 4 errors. Kelsey Robinson was also able to add another strong performance to her spring season with 21 kills on 48 attempts, but had 10 attacking errors, which gave her a hit percentage of .229 in the game. The Huskers will travel to Wichita, Kan., to take on Wichita State for their final spring game of the year on Saturday. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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