April 23

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tuesday, april 23, 2013 volume 112, issue 143

Inside Coverage

Country strong


Local musician preserves country music

Tennis player teaches himself the game


Earth Day every day


Two people walk along the Holmes Lake dam under blue skies. The ever-changing and volatile weather this spring is very representative of Nebraska.

UNL student ‘always had a smile’ Ryan Bostock remembered as always willing to help Story by Daniel Wheaton


yan Bostock wanted to open up his own gym after he completed his degree at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Last week, he had applied for a position at the Campus Recreation Center for after graduation, hoping to get some experience as a nutritionist and a personal trainer. Two Sundays ago, the 24-year-old hung out with his sister, Shelby Bostock. They complained about school and talked about their futures. “Every conversation would be about how we hated it,” Shelby said. “And how in a few months we’d never have to go to class again.” Ryan was only two weeks away from graduating with a degree in nutrition and health sciences when he died in a rollover crash Saturday morning. Ryan was riding in a blue Mini Cooper early Saturday morning with friends Chad Spencer, a 24-year-old Lincoln resident, and Joshua Fagan, also 24 and a UNL student, when the car rolled over southwest of Branched Oak State Recreation Area at the intersection of West Raymond Road and Northwest 98th Street near Raymond. Spencer was also killed in the accident. Fagan, the driver and a senior nutrition and health sciences major, was flown to Bryan West Campus Saturday morning and was in critical condition Saturday. Fagan’s medical status was unclear at press time Monday. Spencer’s family could not be reached. The Grand Island Independent reported funeral services for Spencer are pending at Apfel Funeral Home, 1123 W. 2nd St., in Grand Island. According to the incident report, Sgt. Ryan Schmuecker of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office discovered the rollover at 6:28 a.m., but he said the crash could have happened as early as midnight. The report states Fagan was driving westbound along West Raymond Road and drove off the road and rolled over several times. The report suggests speed and alcohol as possible contributors, and authorities have said they do not know if the men were wearing seat belts. Members of the Bostock family will remember Ryan as someone who always had a smile on his face and was always willing to help out. “He would do anything for anyone if they asked,” said Bethann Bostock, Ryan’s mother, “even a stranger.” Bethann and the rest of the Bostock family traveled to Lincoln Monday from their home in Red Cloud to pick up a few of Ry-


Ryan, Jacob and Shelby Bostock remained close as a family when Ryan and Shelby went to Lincoln for college. Ryan died in a rollover accident Saturday morning.

He would do anything for anyone if they asked, even a stranger.” bethann bostock ryan bostock’s mother

an’s belongings from his apartment. She said he enjoyed coming home to their farm in Red Cloud to get away from the city. “I’m just at a loss of words,” his mother said. Shelby Bostock said she spent most of the weekend in denial of what had happened. During the past few days, the family has been able to talk about Ryan and laugh again. Ryan and Shelby remained close during college. Ryan would often come over to her apartment, and they’d share a meal together. Shelby described Ryan as a “smart aleck” at the dinner table with her. He would jokingly point out ways to make the meal healthier and “would complain about not using whole wheat pasta.”

Ryan had so many friends that Shelby said she “couldn’t keep track of them all.” He moved to Lincoln in 2009 from Rolla, Mo., where he studied at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He had originally planned to go into nuclear engineering, but Shelby said he had a change of heart. “He didn’t want to be responsible for people’s lives if something went wrong,” Shelby said. After transferring to UNL, Ryan switched his focus to health. Ryan’s 16-year-old brother Jared Bostock said he’d remember Ryan every time he would play football or lift weights. The Bostock brothers bonded over football and were workout buddies. Jared said his older brother drove back to Red Cloud for every football game last fall and would give him tips on how to improve. “I’ll remember him in every practice and game and know he’ll be proud,” said Jared, who will be a junior at Red Cloud High School. Services for Ryan will be held in Saturday morning at Red Cloud Lutheran Church. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

‘College Hunt, USA’ comes to UNL Indian reality TV show is set to premiere later this year Colleen Fell dn Surprise, University of NebraskaLincoln. You’re on candid camera. Television crews were a surprise sight this past weekend in Lincoln as production began on a new reality TV show. UNL will be featured in a coming reality TV show exhibiting two young Indian students on American college visits. “College Hunt, USA” was filmed April 18-22 at

various locations around campus. Plans for the show were finalized after a UNL delegation meeting with U.S. Consulate officials in Mumbai this past January. “India is a target market for us and, for the first time ever, we sent a representative to college fairs there in August and January,” said Amber Hunter, director of the UNL Office of Admissions, in a press release. The decision was made after UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman and Prem Paul, vice chancellor for Research and Economic Development, gave a copy of “Tommy Lee Goes to College,” a 2005 series about Lee attending UNL, to the U.S. Consulate officials. The show will air as UNL pushes to increase enrollment to 30,000

students by 2017. “College Hunt, USA” is projected to reach 25 million youth in India. The selection process for the show consisted of an application process and an audition. The two students selected, Cuckoo Gupta and Shashank Sharma, are currently in 12th grade at their respective high schools in India. Both said it is more common for Indian students to study abroad for college. “I haven’t applied to any schools in India at all, but I applied for a few here,” Sharma said. Gupta added that she has only applied to schools in the U.S. and in Ireland. “Out of everyone in my (high school) class, no one is attending colleges in India,” Gupta said. Each on their college visits,

Gupta and Sharma said they were unsure of what to expect from UNL. “I wasn’t expecting (Lincoln) to have such an urban lifestyle,” Gupta said. While in Lincoln, both Gupta and Sharma stayed in Abel Hall with university-appointed roommates. Both said they enjoyed the freedoms and other perks of dorm life. “Teenagers here are much more independent,” Sharma said, “In India, teenagers are spoon-fed.” But the pair did find some things to be overwhelming, such as the dining halls. “There is just so much variety, but Abel is the best,” Gupta said.

tv show: see page 2

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unl reacts to bombing suspect’s charges On Monday, charges were brought against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old surviving suspect in last Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings that killed three people and injured more than 170. The Justice Department gave a statement detailing the charges of one count of using and conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction of property by means of an explosive device resulting in death. If convicted of the federal charges, Tsarnaev could be sentenced to death. The civilian court charges follow a national debate surrounding the suspect’s legal rights. Prior to Tsarnaev’s appearance before a magistrate judge in his hospital room, there was speculation that he would be charged as an enemy combatant and tried by military commission. The deci-

sion in favor of civilian charges was made based on lack of evidence that he was connected to an organized terrorist group and the fact that he is a naturalized U.S. citizen On Friday, authorities found an injured Tsarnaev hiding in a boat in Watertown, Mass. When taken into federal custody, Tsarnaev was not read his Miranda rights, which include the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney and the warning that any statement can be used by prosecutors. The public safety exception allows investigators to question a suspect before granting him or her these rights. Tsarnaev remains in Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston in serious condition, but is able to nod in response to investigators’ questions.

It would make more sense if he was tried in a military court because it is considered a terrorist act. Even if he is a citizen, anyone who sets off a bomb is a terrorist and they should be charged in military court. I think the government should definitely do more than civilian court.” Leandra McLennon

I don’t see how it ties to the military. He is still a United States citizen and is entitled to all legal rights as any United States citizen.” Shane Fredrickson senior mechanized systems management major

junior hospitality, restaurant and tourism management major

I don’t think either civilian or military court is enough for him. I don’t think he should be given as many rights as other people in court because I don’t think he deserves it. Hopefully, he will get an appropriate charge for what he has done.” Christine Mohlman freshman psychology major

I agree with the decision (to try him in civilian court) because he is not tied to any terrorist group. His brother may be, but not him.” Francesco Volpi sophomore broadcasting and global studies major

I would have him tried as a terrorist because I think that was the purpose behind the bombings. It was very deliberately set up to cause terror, and it did. I think we have gotten into so many definitions for what it means to be a terrorist that there needs to be an organization or a greater power behind the act, and I would disagree with that. I think if you are out to cause mass damage and panic and chaos, then that should count as terrorism.” Rachel Rixen junior psychology major

I think he should be tried as a terrorist in military court because he bombed America, and that is a terrorist act.” Helen Schneider

sophomore athletic training major

compiled by mara klecker news@ dailynebraskan.com



tuesday, aPRil 23, 2013




on campus what:

Stress Free Zone where: Nebraska East Union when: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. more information: Free snacks, giveaways, massages, dog petting and more activities. what: Study Break Night at the Sheldon where: Sheldon Museum of Art when: 6 to 9 p.m. more information: Free yoga (bring yoga mat if possible), art activities and places to study.

in lincoln what: Nebraska Literary Heritage Association Adult Spelling Bee where: Brewsky’s, 201 N. 8th St. when: 7 p.m. more information: Entry fee of $30.

Congress limits political science research funding DANIEL WHEATON DN Political scientists across the country have lost a major funding source for their research. U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., submitted several amendments to the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013, a bill passed into law by President Barack Obama in late March that staved off a government shutdown. One of Coburn’s amendments prohibits the National Science Foundation from funding political science research unless the project is “promoting national security or the economic interests of the United States.” Coburn has tried to cut political science funding in the past; his original intention was shifting funding from political science research to cancer research. According to the NSF’s website, the organization represents 21 percent of the federal budget for basic research at colleges and universities. It also requires results be made available to the public once completed. While political science funding was snipped, NSF increased its overall budget request by 8.4 percent to more than $7.6 billion for 2014. “I’m pleased the Senate accepted an amendment that restricts funding to low-priority political science grants,” Coburn said in a statement in late March. “There is no reason to spend $251,000 studying Americans’ attitudes toward the U.S. Senate when citizens can figure

It stymies research. Why can Congress tell us what we can and cannot study?”

elizabeth theiss-morse political science professor

the department. She said the department has received a “fair amount of funding for research over the years,” most of which has focused on public behavior and political attitudes. She said the cut inhibits researchers’ abilities to investigate things elected officials might not agree with. “It stymies research,” Theiss-Morse said. “Why can Congress tell us what we can and cannot study? Smith agreed with TheissMorse’s sentiments. He said he was working on a new application that would have been submitted to the NSF. He has already been a principal investigator on three NSF-funded research projects. He said winning a grant from the NSF is difficult, as the board has a rigorous process of determining what to fund. But while their help can be difficult to obtain, he said the NSF understands research comes with its successes and failures. “I don’t know if (Coburn) had a political science professor who was really mean to him or something like that,” Smith said. “If that was the case, I’d like to find that political scientist and give him an earful.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

that out for free.” The amendment passed in March on a voice vote with 60 yeas. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., released a statement afterward expressing his disappointment. “I am concerned that this amendment will restrict high quality research in critical areas beyond our national security and economic interests and creates a threshold for certifying eligible political science research projects that could eliminate very worthy projects, if it is not applied wisely and thoughtfully,” Levin said. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, members of the political science department will now have to look to other places to fund research. In the past decade, professors John Hibbing and Kevin Smith have both received grants from the NSF. Smith said trusts and other groups also fund research but are more narrow than NSF funding. Smith said the U.S. Department of Defense will sometimes fund research but with the intention of a specific payoff. “Why political science? Why not sociology? Why not any number of areas that use NSF funds?” said Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, political science professor and chairperson of

tv show: from 1

on this day 1997 Admission standards rise

The 1997 freshman class may be the most elite class ever to enter the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, because of new, higher admission standards. Lisa Schmidt, UNL director of admissions, said the (sic) “the strongest freshman class (UNL has) ever admitted” will be brighter and better prepared for college work than its predecessors. Between 200 and 300 prospective students will be denied admission, Schmidt said. A total of 64 freshman applicants were denied admission last year.

1982 Coordinator: Group to halt nuclear testing

“It’s time to say ‘stop—halt’ so we can begin to talk,” said Brian Coyne, state coordinator of the Nebraska Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. Coyne, 23, took the position as state coordinator for the freeze campaign just more than two weeks ago. When he was hired, he was working on his undergraduate honors thesis at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He is a Lincoln native, and graduated from Lincoln East High School in 1977. Coyne said the freeze campaign is not “trying to get rid of all nuclear weapons,” but to stop the testing, production and further development of nuclear warheads, missiles and other delivery systems as a first step towards nuclear disarmament.

1948 Iowa Author To Speak Here At Convocation

Dr. George Mowry, University of Iowa professor and author of several books, will speak at a convocation at 11 p.m. on April 30 in the auditorium of Love library as a part of the Nebraska History meeting of the Nebraska History Teachers association. “Making Foreign Policy in Your Own Backyard,” will be Dr. Mowry’s subject. Besides teaching American History at Iowa, he is author of “American Society in a Changing World,” “Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement,” and other books.

—Compiled by Reece Ristau NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

Blackboard to get new look Blackboard will be offline from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on May 11


One of the main characters in a new Indian reality TV show, Shashank Sharma, 17, from Bhopal, India, goes through an interview with admissions office employees while being filmed by a TV crew. Sharma hopes to study psychology if admitted to UNL. Another positive — Raising Cane’s. “The dip is the best,” Sharma said. Gupta and Sharma said there are many cultural differences between India and the United States. “People’s perspectives (in the United States) of a girl is equal to a guy,” Gupta said. “For example, if I were to be just hanging out by myself with a guy later at night, people would talk, if I was in India. But here, it’s not a big deal.” The duo also noticed many differences between the traffic in India and Nebraska. “Here, you can walk anywhere and not get hit by a car,” Gupta said. “Yes, here, the cars actually wait for you to cross,” Sharma added. During their visits, Gupta and Sharma became familiar with both the academic and athletic sides of the university. Gupta, who plans to study broadcast journalism, made a trip to the College of Journalism and Mass Communications to visit the show “Fast Forward,” which is produced by students studying broadcasting production. Sharma, who plans to study psychology, said he visited the


Sharma and Cuckoo Gupta, 17, from Bangalore, India, are the stars of a new Indian reality show that visited UNL for filming.

psychology research labs at UNL. But he said one of his favorite parts of the experience was getting to use the basketball courts at the Campus Recreation center.

“In India, there’s a big basketball scene, but not really any facilities to use,” Sharma said. While visiting, Sharma participated in a pickup game of basketball with a

few members of the Husker men’s basketball team. “It was actually a dream come true,” Sharma said. He added that he was impressed with the football program and Memorial Stadium. “If I come to UNL, I might switch my sport to football just to play in the stadium,” Sharma said. Late Monday night, the two, along with eight production crew members, flew to Ohio Wesleyan University, in Delaware, Ohio, for their next stop. After Ohio, they will end their journey with a day at State University of New York at Geneseo. The show is projected to premiere as a three-part series later in 2013 on Channel V in India, which is somewhat comparable to America’s MTV. The two are unsure as to whether they will choose UNL, but said they enjoyed the experience. “We weren’t expecting such a warm and friendly welcome,” Sharma said. “Now you guys are making our decision hard. Lincoln is going to be tough to beat.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

sion boards. It will have an option for monthly, weekly or daily viewing. The visual calendar on Blackboard can also be linked to external calendars on Google or on a laptop’s desktop calendar. The new feature of “Video Staff Report Anywhere” is an option in the DN text-editing box, which allows students and faculty to insert The My.UNL Blackboard sysvideo comments, announcetem will be going through some ments or instructions. changes on May 11. Blackboard users need only “(The current version) is a YouTube account and a webstable and has been running the cam attached to their computer whole school year, but with any or laptop to use “Video Anykind of software program, it’s where.” imperfect,” said Jeremy Van Hof, The other new feature is the teaching and learning tech sertest-item analysis. This option vice manager for the University allows instructors to analyze of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Informatest questions and report pertion Services. centages to determine if a test These changes to Blackboard question is too hard. It also exwill include a simplified user amines the quality of test quesinterface (in other words, a new tions based on the overall test, look to the system), extended Van Hof said, and will allow text editing box and improved professors to determine if any discussion boards. It also has the content in a course was inadnew features of equately covered or test-item analyif the students were This will sis for instrucunable to compretors and “Video represent hend the wording Everywhere” of a test question for those with a the single and so forth. YouTube account greatest change in There is a test and a webcam. server of the new Blackboard.” No content will Blackboard availbe lost when the able for student and jeremy van hof change is made, teaching/tech service manager professor to view at nor will any curhttp://bb-test4.unl. rent content need edu. Students and to be transferred faculty will be able to log into the beforehand for the change to hapnew Blackboard using their curpen. rent log-in credentials. “This will represent the single “While the new version of greatest change in Blackboard,” Blackboard is new to UNL, many said Van Hof. “It will look a lot institutions around the councleaner and a lot newer.” try have already done the new The simplified user interface changeover and have received will have a new welcome calpositive feedback,” Van Hof said. endar on the home page for an“The new Blackboard will vastly nouncements and important due improve faculty and student usdates that mimic a Twitter feed. It ers and will really help move will include a global navigation them forward.” menu for all courses and open all Blackboard will be offline previous recently visited courses. from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on May 11 The calendar on Blackboard for the changeover. will have a link between the new news@ visual calendar and the due dates dailynebraskan.com for assignments, tests and discus-

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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tuesday, april 23, 2013


photo column

earth day



ust a day after Earth Day, a holiday near and dear to the state of Nebraska, we photographers bring you a display of what we found when sent out to search the city for environmental photos. We searched for moments, faces, places and actions. We found some of these moments on bike trails and in Antelope Park. We took our cameras around town and found that Earth Day did more than bring people closer to the planet they live on — it brought them closer to each other.

every day

ABOVE: Nick Svoboda, a host of KZUM’s environmental radio show “Earth to Lincoln,” glues eggcrate foam into his paper-mache helmet made to look like Earth at Antelope Park on Sunday. Svoboda was running the KZUM booth at the Antelope Park Earth Day celebration and preparing his Earth helmet for a later performance with Lincoln band Life is Cool at the Rococo Theater. right: Graham Lundberg, 4, blows bubbles into the wind at the Antelope Park Earth Day celebration on Sunday. The Lincoln Earth Day celebration let members of the community participate in outdoor, minimum-waste activities from sunrise to sundown, including a morning Fun Run and a Party at the Park. BELOW: Birds fly over the Fremont Lakes State Recreation Area on Sunday. The Fremont Lakes are a popular spot during the summer months for swimming, boating and camping and are home to many types of birds.




Farmland outside of Lincoln on South Coddington Avenue soaks up snowmelt. Snowfall this winter and early spring has done little to reverse the effects of Nebraska’s on-going drought.

English Ph.D. student receives Fulbright Daniel Nyikos will work on his novel in Hungary next year staff report dn Daniel Nyikos grew up speaking Hungarian in his U.S. home. This fall, he’ll put his language skills to use when he moves to Hungary to work on his dissertation. Nyikos, an English Ph.D. student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, won a Fulbright for the 2013-14 academic year. He is the fifth UNL student to win a Fulbright so far this school year. Nyikos grew up in a military family that moved around the U.S. and in the Netherlands, according to a university press release. He graduated from Utah State University with an English degree. In Hungary, Nyikos will work on his dissertation, which is a novel incorporating Hungarian research. “He is proposing a project that is relevant from the perspec-

tive of both contemporary American and Hungarian cultures, as well as Hungarian-American relations,” Roland Vegso, an assistant professor of English, said in the press release. “His command of the Hungarian language and his familiarity with Hungarian culture are more than just excellent.” Nyikos wants to spotlight the “beauty of daily life” in Hungary, the press release said. “Much of the literature that comes from that part of the world focuses on the ‘victim narrative,’ and I don’t like that,” he said in the release. “So I’d like to tell people’s stories in a way that focuses on the individual and everyday life.” The Fulbright Program awards about 8,000 grants annually. The grants allow recipients to research, study or teach in one of 155 designated countries. Nyikos said he was thankful for the assistance of the UNL Fellowships Office. “I am so pleased that he earned this opportunity to return to Hungary to work on his novel,” Damuth said in the press release. news@ dailynebraskan.com

courtesy photo

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Daniel Nyikos recently received a Fulbright Scholarship to Hungary for the 2013-14 academic year. The third-year graduate student will work on his dissertation there — a novel set in Hungary.




tuesday, aPRil 23, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view


Become more environmentally aware today There’s one week left in April and the weather has decided to go crazy. Tuesday forecasts are predicting snow by the end of the day and forecasts are promising sunny, seasonal 70s in time for the weekend. Environmentalists are shouting global warming, while others have yet to see a significant change in the climate. However, climate change is real, and the best way to appreciate our environment and best take care of the earth is by educating yourself. This week the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska’s Environmental Sensibility Committee is hosting Focus Nebraska week. Each day is jam-packed with events to inform you about the world around you and different sustainability techniques so you can better preserve it. So far, though, Mother Nature has been less than compliant, and some of the events have been moved because of the weather. You can still look forward to the Earth Day Block Party on the Nebraska Union Plaza, which has been rescheduled for Wednesday. Other events to look out for are the Mock Oil Spill and the ASUN Senate Meeting, also on Wednesday. “Trashed,” a documentary, will be screened at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center on Thursday and a Wildlife Encounters event will be on the Nebraska Union Plaza Friday. If you’ve never read the book, “The Giving Tree,” it ends with a dead tree and a sad old man. Let’s take a lesson from the book and this week of events and learn to take care of our earth.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

ian tredway | dn

Do yourself a favor, forget studying


veryone hates finals. They are long. They’re difficult. Not to mention, professors’ questions are worded terribly. Students weigh all of their academic success on doing well on these finals or they may be taking the class again next year. We all know that finals are exhausting, and Dead Week isn’t even “dead.” Dead Week just gives you limited time to study all of your calculus problems and chemistry equations. So why study? Professors may want to stop reading now. If you are a college student, feel free to continue. I know this may seem a bit unethical and preposterous, but take some time to consider, “What if I didn’t study for finals?” With summer break approaching, why should you study for a test when there are only two more weeks of school? Live a little bit. Shout “YOLO ” from the Abel/Sandoz rooftops! What could possibly be the benefit of not studying? Is something really worth jeopardizing my grade for? These benefits do exist, and they aren’t too exuberant or difficult to attain. They are simple, and they will even help you in the long run.

1). You know it already or you don’t.

Quite frankly, you either know the material on your next exam or you don’t. We all know that cramming isn’t the answer. Not only do our professors say this to us all the time, but many of us have learned first-hand that this is quite possibly the worst decision we could have done to prepare for a test the next morning. Not only do you lose an incredible amount of sleep, recite equations and principles all the way to class and blank out on the exam, but you’re risking your success in the class on one night of studying. What a poorly thought-out idea! Instead, if you show up to class during Dead Week (if you have it), and review the material throughout Dead Week, you should have the course’s material in your head already. If not, then all those days you spent on Twitter in class are really going to come back to bite you.

2). It’s basically already summer.

The weather is warming up, and the smell of a fresh-cut lawn is lofting in the air. Noth-

previous mistakes. This won’t only be true for the class you bombed the last semester, but to prevent this from ever happening again, your motivation will increase for other classes. This not only applies to classes you fail, but even if you do well in a class, you will want to do better on tests early to possibly offset the grade you will receive on the final. You know what people say, good things come to those who wait.

4). More college.

And to those individuals who wait, you get more college. This is quite possibly the most beneficial factor for not studying for finals. If you end up failing a class, you get to MARC MAREAN have another semester of college! Talk about all of the fun you are going to have with an ing makes studying worse than looking out- extra semester of college under your belt. You side and having the urge to do some tedious can pick up a minor, take a racquetball class, activity to replace studying. Even chores and finish your goal of eating at every sandwich yard work sound like a better idea than study- shop in downtown Lincoln, (the list goes on ing. So why not do the chores and yard work? and on). Who really wants to stop going to colMight as well do the things you lege? You are only at college for never want to do while you a short time before it’s gone and ...why should you have to earn an intramural have the chance. As I write this, a friend of you study for champions shirt somehow. More mine is putting off his final importantly, another semesproject to pick up leaves from a test when there ter of college means a semester last fall. That’s some serious more of knowledge from a great are only two more dedication. Not only does the university in the Midwest. Of idea of yard work or clean- weeks of school?” course, Selleck Dining Hall Food ing your bedroom sound like and Nebraska football tickets a better idea, but with warmer are potentially the most imporweather comes better opportunities. You can tant reasons for staying. go running, play basketball, visit a public Finals Week is, without a doubt, a stressful park, maybe even swim. Why not get an early time during the semester but it doesn’t have start to summer? Some fresh air never hurt to be. By not studying, you can reduce stress, anyone. increase your motivation for future classes and get all of those tasks done that you have been 3). Increasing future putting off all semester. After all, you know motivation all the material over your time in class during In the off-chance that you do terribly on the your semester or you don’t. Why should you final and fail the class, this isn’t as bad as you cram all the material into one night when you may think. When you fail, you look back over learned it throughout the whole semester? So the semester to see what you did wrong. May- relax, check Facebook a little longer and start be it was skipping a week of class, turning in planning for summer. intentionally low-quality work just to submit Now if you will excuse me, I’ve got some something or forgetting to turn in homework. laundry to do. After looking back on your poor choices, you Marc Marean is a sophomore secnow have a new drive to do well in the class ondary education major. Reach him next semester. You will probably want to show at opinion@ up to class, turn in high quality work and get dailynebraskan.com. homework in on time to avoid repeating your

Place bombing blame where it belongs: on the bombers


Unfortunately, some Americans n times of tragedy, people quickly look for someone or something to blamed Muslims for the bombings. Not blame. People want to know why only that, but Muslims experienced hate something as awful as the Boston crimes after the explosion. The aftermath Marathon bombings could have oc- of the Boston bombings shows that prejudice against Muslims is still alive in the curred. After the bombings, AmerUnited States. icans wanted answers and comfort. Right after the bomb exploded, a byPeople blamed Muslims, Chechnya and politics for the bombings. A Twitter stander tackled a Saudi Arabian because of his ethnicity. Police searched the Saudi’s user asked whether Muslims and Arabs apartment and questioned his roommate were celebrating in the streets while others before ruling him out as a suspect. called them derogatory names like “camel The man was at the wrong place at the jockeys.” Politicians acted like scumbags wrong time. His only crime was being a by trying to use the incident to further their Saudi at the scene of the bombing. political agendas. The New York Post tied the bombings It’s understandable that people want to the man. The paper later admitted its someone to blame after a big tragedy. It’s mistake. still not OK to blame the bombings on an Of course, that wasn’t the entire religion, nation or only mistake the New York political party. The media Post made while covering the A woman and two did the bombings. Other media outboys died in the bombings. More than 100 public a disservice lets criticized the New York Post after its “Bag Men” cover, people suffered injuries, which placed the blame on many of them lost limbs. by giving out false two innocent people, one of A police officer died durinformation.” them 17 years old. ing a manhunt for one of All three people had their the suspects last Thursreputation damaged simply day. because of their ethnicity. The people of Boston have gone The media did the public a disservice through a hell of a week. Blaming innocent by giving out false information. Not only people marginalizes what the city went that, but news organizations helped perthrough. The country saw heroic action in Bos- petuate the stereotype of Middle-Easternton during that week. From the officers ers being terrorists in their rush to get a scoop. who responded to the blast to runners Muslims still face prejudice after continuing past the finish line to donate Sept. 11. After the two suspects in the blood, their actions helped. Their heroic bombings were verified as Muslims, sevdeeds shouldn’t be tarnished by calls for eral Muslims faced hate crimes. A white hate. It’s OK to grieve for the victims. man harassed and punched a Palestinian woman in Massachusetts last WednesWhat’s not OK is blaming an innocent day. The attacker screamed at her, “Fuck person because of his or her race or ethyou Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate nicity.

KIM BUCKLEY you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! Fuck you!” The woman was a doctor; she wasn’t connected to the bombings. She just happened to be wearing some traditional Muslim clothing, a hijab, which is a veil that covers the head. Blaming American Muslims divides the country when we should all be united to help those affected by the bombings. Muslims in America can’t properly grieve over the bombings because of the eagerness of some people to blame them for the incident. Instead, some of them are forced to defend themselves and their religion, even though they had nothing to do with the bombing. Before the FBI released information on the suspect, many Muslims prayed for the bomber to not be Arab or Muslim We still don’t know why the bombings occurred, even with more information coming out about the bombing suspects. The fact that the suspects are Muslim is separate from the fact that they bombed the Boston Marathon. Other Twitter users demanded that the United States declare war with the Czech Republic. Turns out, some people

mixed up Chechnya with the Czech Republic. Oops. Either way, an entire country isn’t responsible for the bombing, especially because this was the work of individuals. Neither the Czech Republic government nor the Chechnya government ordered the bombings. Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov then turned the blame around to U.S. culture. Kadyrov wasn’t the one to blame American culture for the bombing. The Family Research Council said the bombing was because of the moral decay of America. Read: People having sex or getting divorces. Several politicians tied the bombing to opposing party platforms. Yes, the leaders who are supposed to be in charge of the country focused more on mudslinging their opponents instead of helping the people of Boston. For instance, an Arkansas state senator tweeted last Thursday, “I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine #2A”. Democrats tied in the bombings to sequestration. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said the bombings provided proof that sequestration should be turned off. Republicans responded to the bombings by advocating against gun control laws or to complain about the U.S. immigration system. Sen. Rand Paul cited the bombings in a letter about immigration, saying that “the facts emerging in the Boston Marathon bombing have exposed a weakness in our current system. If we don’t use this opportunity to fix flaws in our current system, flaws made even more evident last week, then we will not be doing our jobs.” While the immigration system needs

to be fixed, it is not responsible for the bombings. Even President Barack Obama got blamed for the bombings. The media also made politicallycharged accusations, even though they are supposed to be unbiased. CNN’s Peter Bergen said that a “right-wing extremist group” could have been responsible, while MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said that “Normally domestic terrorists, people, tend to be on the far right.” You shouldn’t stereotype any political group. You definitely shouldn’t do that if you’re a member of the media. To be fair, a lot of Americans showed compassion for the city of Boston and its residents. Several professional athletes and celebrities voiced support for the people affected by the bombings. Comedian Patton Oswalt made a statement on Facebook that concluded with, “So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think ‘The good outnumber you, and we always will.’” We should remember these words before blaming people we shouldn’t. We should blame the actual bombers, not innocent bystanders who had nothing to do with the actual bombing itself. Needlessly blaming a religion or a country won’t help the victims or their families. They deserve better than that. We need to aim our anger at the people directly responsible for the bombings. We can move past this tragedy. To do that, we need to stop blaming Muslims, entire nations and politicians. Kim Buckley is a senior journalism major. Follow her on Twitter @kimceebee and reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.



tuesday, april 23, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk

Lloyd McCarter is a country artist living in Lincoln. He joined his family band when he was 8 years old.


strong Lloyd McCarter preserves country music traditions Story by Cynthia Todd Photos by Morgan Spiehs


ith the various country in major country artists, the idea of creartists crossing over to ating music that holds its own for a few pop music in order to gain weeks on Billboard’s Top 40 is unappeallarger appeal, Lloyd Mc- ing to McCarter, because a lack of lastingness that resides in current hits. Carter is making a career “In 10 years, who’s going to be singout of keeping the traditional country ing ‘Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy)?’ In sound alive. McCarter ’s interest in music began 10 years, people are still going to be singing Johnny Cash’s ‘Prison Blues,’” Mcwhen he was 8 years old and was learning and playing with his parents who were Carter said. “People won’t care about it both musicians. When he was 18, Mc- anymore because it’s old news, and it’ll just wash away.” Carter moved to Lincoln to attend colMcCarter said his music is based off lege, but after receiving an offer to play with Lincoln band FortyTwenty, he hit of touching the hearts of listeners and making music people can relate to while the road as their pedal steel guitarist. After his time with the band, Mc- saving what country music used to be. Carter started his own project, Lloyd Nowadays, he said, most major country McCarter and the Honky-Tonk Revival, hits revolve around an imagined lifestyle in hopes of keeping real country music of country living like riding a tractor, attending a tailgate or going mudding. alive. “Just because you sing about country “A lot of the old country singers, like Johnny Cash, wrote songs about things doesn’t mean it’s a country song,” things that they actually experienced or McCarter said. “I’m not saying country music has to be all depressing like ‘my dog lived through,” McCarter said. “They died,’ but there’s got to be wrote about real feelings. For me, across all genres Just because some realness to the song, some heart, something you of music, money has reyou sing want to share, some kind of ally gotten in the way as feeling, whether it’s happy far as creating a song that about country or sad, some sort of feelwill cross over in pop and things doesn’t mean ing you want to convey to country.” people and when you write In order to gain some it’s a country song.” a song, you want to relate to kind of major radio airplay, people.” artists need producers and Lloyd Mccarter McCarter finds the record labels standing beCountry musician songwriting process rather hind them. For McCarter, easy, only going off of ideas the idea of abandoning his that he experienced himself or in third true roots isn’t worth it the money. person — writing music that he feels any“They transform you to look like what they want you to look like because they one can relate to. “He is a seasoned songwriter,” said know it’s going to sell,” McCarter said. Mike McCracken, guitarist for Lloyd Mc“You show the potential, the ability to sing or write and somebody picks you up Carter and The Honky-Tonk Revival. and goes, ‘We’re going to make a lot of “Working in Nashville, you could always tell the ones that really knew what they money off of you and make a lot of money for you, but in order to do that we need were doing versus the others, so I’m really you to wear this style of jeans, this kind impressed with his songwriting skills.” McCarter said he won’t stray away of shirt, shave your beard this way and from writing about real experiences while all that,’” keeping a traditional country sound. He Aside from the physical changes seen

Lloyd McCarter walks with his wife, LaSchan, near O Street on Wednesday. said the majority of songs people hear on the radio and classify under the country genre tend to lean towards country-pop and that most artists have fallen into the art of crossing over in order to appeal to larger audiences. “Country music has kind of faded away, except for a few people who are kind of in the shadows who keep it alive,” McCarter said. “Producers, songwriters and artists have absolutely destroyed the honesty and integrity of what it used to be.” Despite the distaste McCarter has for a lot of the country stars playing on loop on the radio, he said that some artists, such as Brad Paisley, keep the traditional country sound for the most part. He respects those who try to keep country traditional and don’t fall into the theme of going too pop. “Allen Jackson and George Strait have always really kept that traditional country sounds alive,” McCarter added. “They have so much longevity and they aren’t going anywhere because of that.” All these factors and established artists play into McCarter ’s passion to keep real country music going. He and his band play from the heart and as a result, audiences respond well. “I talk to a lot of people who come up to me and said ‘Man, I hate country, but I love what you guys do,” McCarter said. “It’s funny because what we’re doing is actually country music, but what they think they’re hearing — what they hate — is pop-country music.” McCarter describes his band’s sound

Lloyd McCarter smiles at his wife while he drinks a beer at Duffy’s Tavern in Lincoln on Wednesday. as old school, traditional country music or “drinking music” to those who are new to listening. “We play music where you can drink and have a good time, that’s exactly what we do,” McCarter said. “We’re up there

smiling, laughing and playing good old country music and people are having a good time.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @Dnartsdesk



tuesday, april 23, 2013

Wade: music, wine allow consumer to reminisce I WANT MY MTV ...BACK

joe wade

Courtesy photo

The Target Margin Theater will be making a stop in Lincoln as part of the Lied-Hixon’s Interdisplinary Symposium. They’ll be performing “The Argument” and “The Dinner Party” for local audiences on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Theater troupe offers modern interpretation of Classics Interdisciplinary Arts Symposium views ‘ancient world through modern eyes’ casey kettler DN Thousands of years have passed, and still the wisdom of the great thinkers of Athens resonates through the shape and scope of our society. Such is the idea behind this season’s Interdisciplinary Art Symposium (IAS), sponsored by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing arts. Now in its fourth season, the theme of this spring’s symposium has been “the ancient world through modern eyes.” A two-night showing of Target Margin Theater’s “The Argument” and “The Dinner Party” at the Johnny Carson Theater Tuesday and Wednesday nights will serve as the performance section of this season’s IAS. According to organizer Rhonda

Garelick, the goal of IAS is not sim- able to read and understand the ply to enhance the education and texts was critical.” “The Argument” was written experience of the students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is performed by David Greensbut also, to seek to meld the events pan as an individual monologue or of the university with those of the one-man play, based on Aristotle’s Poetics, and essays by Gerald F. community. “We want to enhance the cur- Else. “They don’t attempt to ‘update’ riculum, yes, but more broadly, we want to tie together the community the ideas as much as place them in a contemporary and at large to create a theatrical context that sort of cross-poltoday’s audience can lination of thinkExpect to understand and relate ing about what see ... rich to,” said IAS associate it is to be a good director Amy Ossian. citizen,” Garelick drama of eternal Previous perforsaid. topics performed mances in this season’s Garelick described writer on stage with wit.” IAS have included film, ballet and Isodora and artistic director of Target MarRhonda Garelick Dance, but Garelick ias organizer says she is excited for gin Theater Dathe two nights of thevid Herskovitz’s ater. interesting path “Expect to see an extremely conthat led to these reworks of classic temporary performance full of aptexts. “David Herskovitz ... is a long- proachable, rich drama of eternal time friend,” she said. “He has two topics performed on stage with wit and sex-appeal,” Garelick degrees in classics from Cambridge said. and because of that, he is able to arts@ read the original works in their dailynebraskan.com original Greek. These texts weren’t on twitter @dnartsdesk originally dramas, so for him to be

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Winter is almost over, but it seems like it should have been gone months ago. Once again, I’ll be saying my goodbyes to all the friends and trends I’ve been getting to know this semester. Once again, I’ll find myself in a familiar, sunny afternoon contemplating the ancient rituals of a life I used to know. Somehow they’re never quite as good as I remember. “The thrill is gone,” to quote B.B. King. Still, there is something magical about the freedom to lie on a hotel bed a day’s drive from home, alone, with a half empty bottle of tequila and absolutely no reservations about listening to Bananarama’s “True Confessions.” OK, I said Bananarama, but I meant The Jesus and Mary Chain’s “Stoned and Dethroned.” Anyway. It’s impossible to reconcile with the emotion that a piece of classic music can provide. I’m not talking about Beethoven but, instead, something more personal, like the feeling aroused by listening to Regina Spektor ’s “Samson” and her characteristic vocal-pop, which used to be the new trend music fans were searching for. Those fans could’ve also related to Death Cab for Cutie’s somber “I Will Follow You into the Dark.” Whatever it was, that type of song sticks out as a moment in musical time. The place it represents feels like a place of pure, nostalgic familiarity. It feels like a home that has been left behind. Sure, YouTube is always there to help us remember but for me, watching a video is never quite the same as the fear and loathing I felt for my music theory professor. She was quite adamant about her affection for

the music of Norah Jones. Years later, I formed my own affection for Norah Jones’s “Sunrise;” It really is one of those songs that has a lasting quality. Every time I listen to it, I can picture the dingy community college classroom and my professor standing at the piano demanding that I name the exact musical interval I was hearing her play. The thought now is enough to cause nightmares, but, somehow, my mind still longs for those moments. Listening to those old songs again is like a ritual that conjures the familiar essence of the people we’ve known and the places we’ve lived. I am again struck by the thought that music is like wine. Songs are vessels of flavor-filled memories. I can listen to Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and picture the clock radio I first heard it on. The memory of the summer night and the cool, country breeze coming in through the open window, while listening to the song, is similar to the images that can be conjured while tasting wine. It’s all mental but there is texture, like feeling the ripe fruit hanging off gnarled vines; there is depth, like the history of the people that worked the vineyard and there is sweetness, like that feeling of relaxation when a song hits all the right notes. There is a depression that follows the swell of nostalgic emotion that is induced by a favorite song or a terrific bottle of wine. It is the feeling of loss from realizing it is just a memory and remembering saying goodbye to something that is now held dear. Some songs, as well as artists, are driven by such emotions.

Those artists, or historians, rather, try to bottle all those feelings into something concrete like a time capsule. The act of opening that capsule, listening to those songs or popping the cork to at last release a trapped aroma can transport the individual back to a bygone trend. Musical history is like a cemetery for those precious things. Songs that conjure images of past road trips and other adventures can play like dirges once the moment of clarity kicks in. Turning to this semester, will we long for the Harlem Shake, The Lumineers “Ho Hey” or anything by Taylor Swift the same way some music fans might long the song “Talk” by Coldplay? I guess what I’ve learned is that, through these new trends and songs, even a great new song such as Depeche Mode’s “Alone,” hasn’t had enough time to foster a nostalgic reference for me. Someday I’ll look back upon them and remember something about the soon-ending, spring semester of 2013. Like Neil Sedaka said, “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.” R e a l l y though, it’s not as bad as all that. Psy, for example, is back and moving hips with his new single “Gentleman.” Also there are several upcoming albums worth checking out over the summer months, the Goo Goo Dolls, Daft Punk and Vampire Weekend to name just a few. Having new music to enjoy is just one of the things worth looking forward to, as are the adventures that come with it. Now that I’ve wrapped myself up in restless nostalgia from anticipating saying my goodbyes and the promise of a lazy summer afternoon it’s time to move on. The way I see it there are two choices: wait for the next trend to surface from the bottom of the bottle or go out and start my own new trend. Cheers. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Songs are vessels of flavor-filled memories.”

Phoenix fails to soar to previous heights ‘Bankrupt!’ doesn’t stray far from the band’s synth-driven style Andrew larsen dn

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After trudging along for the better part of a decade, Phoenix struck gold with “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix,” a tremendous collection of songs guaranteed to infiltrate your brain and nest there for an indeterminate amount of time. It’s been four years, and I’m just now getting its pop hooks removed. Naturally, the next question that comes after a band’s breakout hit is, what’s next? After that longawaited seminal moment, the onus was on Phoenix to either deliver a sequel that somehow topped its previous work or to scrap everything and risk alienating all their newly won fans. “Bankrupt!” allows the band to have their cake and eat it, too. They don’t ditch the pop sensibilities that made them rich and famous, and they don’t deliver on their promise of vast experimentation that they discussed in interviews about the new album last year. Instead they find a middle ground that allows them to deploy a few instantly memorable tunes while not ruining their festival-headlining success story. Phoenix immediately unleashes an all-out assault on the

courtesy photo

After forming in 1995, France indie-pop quartet Phoenix set a lofty standard for themselves with the release of 2009’s “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix.” Their latest release, “Bankrupt!” isn’t as innovative. eardrums with “Entertainment.” In a similar vein to “Lisztomania” or “1901,” it’s the type of song that dares you not to sing along with Thomas Mars’ halting voice and dance to its upbeat rhythms. Unlike its predecessors, the lead single and the songs that follow ditch the penetrating, ambling guitars and fuzzed-out deep bass for Asian-influenced synthesizers and drum machines. The main riff of “Entertainment” gives off a “Turning Japanese” vibe, and that ’80s influence continues throughout the remainder of the album. As the record rolls on the overly produced, glossy sound


Black & White


For Black background, there is a white border around it.



now through




“BANKRUPT!” Phoenix

that was so prominent in the ’80s, it begins to take a toll. Aside from the seven-minute long, dream-like eponymous “Bankrupt!” every song is a synthesizer-scored rush to the finish line. It’s all a breeze to listen to, and each tune is fun in its own way, but it never coalesces to become the collection of pop perfection that was “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix.” Perhaps that’s the problem with finally breaking through to the mainstream, no matter what you do next, it won’t be good enough in the eyes of many. “Bankrupt!” isn’t just an awesome single with a bunch of filler. “The Real Thing,” “Trying To Be Cool” and “Chloroform” help finish what “Entertainment” starts. Each song puts a different spin on their sudden Asian fusion sound, and each should be a concert staple in the future. For Phoenix fans looking for a bigger, slightly bolder pop sound than they got on the last record, this should suffice. For those looking for something deeper than a slick-surface sheen, they might end up disappointed. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


tuesday, april 23, 2013

Snoop Lion reincarnates reggae-rap mix The artist formerly known as Snoop Dogg switches name, shifts style

this week in film Live shows: FREAKABOUT! w/ AZP and Trashin’ the Bird

joe wade dn It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Snoop Lion. But, have no fear because the “D-O-double-G” isn’t going anywhere, unlike when Prince decided not to be Prince anymore. The chronic-iconic artist could be blowing smoke with the new image or music could have a genuine emcee bestowing reggae as a mainstream trend. Snoop Lion’s debut, “Reincarnated,” dropped Tuesday and is a Rastafarian explosion of interest for the music world, predominantly because of Snoop’s new identity. This transformation has some music fans skeptical. Is Snoop Lion’s altruistic endeavor all-true? Maybe it’s a ploy like Joaquin Pheonix’s hip-hop career or maybe it’s a genuine Jahinspired effort to help the reggae genre become as mainstream as rock, hip-hop and pop. Whichever it is, “Reincarnated” is a wellproduced album that deserves to be enjoyed. The 45-minute playing time is a smooth ride that features artists such as Drake, on “No Guns Allowed,” and Miley Cyrus on “Ashtrays and Heartbreaks.” While much of the album is structured around the musical offbeat characteristic of reggae, the predominant feel is a fusion of hiphop, R&B and pop interlaced with the eclectic island-groove. This album never truly becomes a pure reggae experience so keep those Bob Marley and Black Uhuru albums close by. The important part is that the varied styles on “Reincarnated” mix well, similar to the concept of Mumford and Sons’s blend of alt-rock and American roots-music. “No Guns Allowed” is an obvious anthem for a Rastafarian-minded artist who wants to preach love and peace while taking a political stance. The song begins with a steady, offbeat groove that is rich with acoustic vibrations. Snoop Lion’s vocal enters with electric-fluidity and swims in neon reverberation. Cori B., Snoop Lion’s daughter, joins him in duet and is the child-like voice that makes the song into an anthem. The song rhythmically builds and evolves in order to incorporate Drake as he peaks the experience with some rap-riffage before fading back into the sea of harmonized ether.



Saturday, 9 p.m. The Bourbon, 1415 O St. how much: $2 (18+) where:

Talking Mountain w/ Howard and No, I’m the Pilot and Coaxed when:

Thursday, 9:30 The Slowdown, 729 N 14 St., Omaha how much: $8 where:

The Nadas w/ Vago


Friday, 9 p.m. The Waiting Room, 6212 Maple St., Omaha how much: $12 (in advance), $15 (day of show) where:

courtesy photo

With a new identity in tow, Snoop Lion’s first album, “Reincarnated,” features a reggae-centered sound unique to Snoop Dogg’s previous releases. Cyrus is a strange element to add to the flow of the album but it plays well with the overall composition. “Ashtrays and Heartbreaks” is full of repetitive pop hooks and sounds, like a club mix with a subtle amount of Rasta flavor. Cyrus’s vocals tower over the beat in a way that gives the song a 1980s-throwback feel. However, part of the musical inference to the 1980s comes from Steward Copeland on drums. Copeland, along with Sting, was a founding member of the reggae-minded 1980s band The Police. No album by Snoop Dogg, Snoop Lion or otherwise, would be complete without a few bong hits. Most obvious is “Smoke the Weed” but really, the whole album reeks of creative, liberal usage. This song, in contrast to the collaboration with Cyrus, is heavily steeped in the ganja groove and sounds that reggae listeners typically think of. Perhaps the real reason for this album is just to function as a cloud of smoke to escape the gov-

New in albums: “To Be Loved”


Michael Bublé Reprise genre: Big band



“Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor”



Rob Zombie T-Boy/UMe genre: Heavy metal

Snoop Lion ernment’s leash. No matter what the reason for the change in moniker, the new Snoop Lion album is a fresh step forward for reggae fans and a worthwhile listen for anyone who appreciates music. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk




courtesy photo

Snoop Lion’s “Reincarnated” also features guest performances from big name artists including Drake and Miley Cyrus.

Phoenix Glass note genre: Indie rock


Kid Cudi conjures up spacy jams Man on the Moon trumps doubt surrounding last album release

GIMME 5: Songs to add to your summer playlist

jordan bates dn Mr. Solo Dolo. Man on the Moon. The Martian. Mr. Rager. Kid Cudi. Whatever you’d like to call him, rap’s melancholic Hercules is back, and he’s kicking. Scott “Kid Cudi” Mescudi, the once self-proclaimed “lonely stoner” of hip-hop, has returned to his native galaxy with a new album, “Indicud.” An oft-erratic, experimental voyage, “Indicud” features the rapping-singing Cudi fans came to know and adore on “Man On The Moon I” and “Man On The Moon II,” with a twist. Unlike past albums, “Indicud” debuts Cudi himself as the sonic mastermind, and in fact, the entire album is self-produced by the man with the “Mojo So Dope.” After Cudi’s recent foray into alternative-pop rock with WZRD, critics and fans alike questioned when and if he would jump back into the realm of beats and rhymes. With “Indicud,” he’s done just that. While it wouldn’t be fair to compartmentalize the kaleidoscopic “Indicud” as purely a hip-hop album, it is rap-driven. The album features Cudi’s mystical, tantalizing flows throughout and includes guest appearances from distinguished rhymers such as Kendrick Lamar, RZA, courtesy photo King Chip and A$AP Rocky. Sound-wise, the album 29-year-old recording artist Kid Cudi has been on the rap scene since 2003. His latest release, seems to take cues from all of “Indicud,” is his third full-length album. Cudi’s previous work, building upon the foundations of can touch you. Nobody.” This In terms of lyrical content, “A Kid Named Cudi” and both sentiment captures a motif of “Man On The Moon” records “Indicud” will prove an interovercoming and ascension that esting listen for fans who have and even drawing inspiration reveled in Cudi’s introspective recurs throughout the album, from WZRD. The music itself stylings on pre- most notably in songs such as is synth-heavy, vious albums. As “Unfuckwittable” and “Immorspace-trippy, offThe album opposed to the tal.” Although personal transforkilter and immerdepressed un- mation may be the overarching sive. Melodically, features derdog of “Man theme of the album, Cudi enthe album does, at On The Moon” gages many of his classic topics times, suffer from Cudi’s mystical, and the more- over the course of the 18 tracks, Cudi’s lack of pro- tantalizing flows mature-but-still- including madness, drug use, duction experidepressed rager loneliness, women, friendship ence. Songs such as throughout...” and ambivalence toward life. of “Man On The “Young Lady” and All told, Cudi’s willingness Moon II,” the “Burn Baby Burn” to explore the boundaries of his Cudi reflected in “Indicud” is sound a bit clunky and convo“INDICUD” the triumphant “King Wizard”, musical talent makes “Indicud” a luted but admittedly, it’s difficult must-listen for any enthusiast of to know precisely what Cudi was a seemingly self-actualized heroKid Cudi his work. Similar to Cudi’s preCud who has transcended bargoing for on many of the album’s vious albums, this psychedelic riers that suffocated him previbizarre tracks. In Cudder ’s dejourney may take listeners severfense, cuts such as “Immortal” ously. bring the indescribable flavor At the end of the intro track, al run-throughs before the vision and “Red Eye” push the envethat made fans quiver in the first we hear a Macaulay Culkin quote begins to resonate, but as usual, lope of his instrumental range in place. the prize is worth the effort. exciting ways that hint at where sampled from “The Good Son,” arts@ Despite its imperfections, which states, “Once you realize the “Moon Man” may be headed dailynebraskan.com “Indicud” presents an intriguyou can do anything ... you’re next. on twitter @dnartsdesk ingly re-born Cudi who can still free. You could fly. And nobody


Mmm, feel that warm summer air? Hell no you don’t — it’s still pretty shitty out there. Luckily, despite what it may seem like, summer is right around the corner, and there’s no better way to mentally prepare than to start things off with a summer playlist. Add these songs and maybe you won’t want to gouge your eyeballs out during finals week. No promises.


“Get Lucky” — Daft Punk, Pharrell Williams: The newest single from Daft Punk is oozing with sunshine. “Get Lucky,” along with its new album “Random Access Memories,” was recorded on the West Coast and the beachy vibes are everywhere.


“Don’t Worry Baby” — The Beach Boys: The Beach Boys simply are summer. “Don’t Worry Baby,” is one of the group’s best and, like its others, is prime for the summertime.


“Diane Young” — Vampire Weekend: Vampire Weekend is famous for its summertime sound. The completely infectious, “Diane Young,” will be stuck in your head until August.

4. 5.

“That’s What’s Up” — Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: Edward Sharpe’s sophomore album, “Here,” is full of upbeat tracks. “That’s What’s Up,” is the perfect song to sing-along to on a drive with the windows rolled down.

“Bicycle Race” — Queen: A song about bicycles sung by Freddie Mercury. You can’t get much happier than that.

compiled by Gabriella Martinez-Garro | art by gabriel Sanchez




tuesday, april 23, 2013

jain: from 10

muessel: from 10

at one of two schools: William It was like, ‘Hey I deserve to be here just Carey University in Mississippi as much as you do,’ but at the same time or the University of NebraskaLincoln. I kind of had a little chip on my shoulder to Jain would later take a job at beat them.” the local tennis club, Greenwood Athletic Club, as a receptionist Gagan jain in the tennis shop. The pro at the freshman tennis player club was Ryan Haith, a former Husker tennis player. Because Haith worked a little with Jain on his game and started “(Haith) said that (Jain) hasn’t things, and the coaches in the Big to understand his work ethic, he played a lot of tennis, but he’s im8 were all surprised that he did so agreed to put his employee in conproved a ton,” McDermott said. well,” McDermott said. tact with Nebraska tennis coach “So I said, ‘Yeah, that’s fine.’” He proved them wrong. Kerry McDermott. McDermott reached out to Jain That’s the position the 5-footBeginning in April 2012, the and asked him to walk on to the 10-inch Husker tennis player aspiring player reached out to Mc- tennis program. finds himself in. But while he has Dermott, explaining his determiHis reaction? a long way to go to get there, Mcnation to play college tennis. The “He couldn’t even speak to Dermott said he’s made a lot of two stayed in touch throughout us,” his mother said. “He was so positive strides already. the summer, and as Jain competed excited. For instance, when Jain first in a number of tournaments, he More than 20 years ago, there showed up to practice, he was insent the coach his results and upwas a player McDermott remem- timidated. His teammates would dates on his game either by email bers in a tournament in Kansas; talk about big national tournaor phone calls. a local kid who was a walk-on ments, and all the 146-pound Jain “I probably annoyed him,” for the Jayhawks. He wasn’t on could hang his hat on was his Jain said. anybody’s radar nor expected to neighborhood tennis court. Finally McDermott gave him make a splash in college. Now he has more to prove bethe call he was waiting for. “He did some unbelievable cause of it. Purdue Krannert MBA | Nebraska | 7.61" x 4"

8. Athletes aren’t infallible.

“It was like, ‘Hey I deserve to be here just as much as you do,’ but at the same time I kind of had a little chip on my shoulder to beat them,” he said. Still, McDermott wouldn’t keep him on the roster if he thought Jain was incapable of breaking into the starting roster. If that was the case, he wouldn’t allow him to play or practice with the team, McDermott said. “In three to four years, if he busts his tail, we’ll see where it takes him,” the coach said. That’s Jain’s plan, too. He still loves to practice and makes himself do it every day for at least an hour, he said. “I’ll take a day off when my body is telling me to take a day off,” Jain said. “But until then, there’s no reason I can’t practice every day. I’m still young.” And yeah, he still looks up to Federer. “(My teammates) call me Roger because of that,” Jain said. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

They’re full-time students working a job, too, just a different kind. They go to parties, pull studying all-nighters and do bad on economics exams. They also don’t deserve special treatment or entitlement and any other student doesn’t either.

9. Try your damnedest to make it to any away game once a year.

For most people this means football, but you’re following the small sports by now too, right? For football, I recommend Columbus, Ohio, to watch the Buckeyes or Indianapolis for the Big Ten title game. Colum-

bus is a college kid’s dream. East Lansing, Mich., (home of the Spartans) has a nice sports bar called Crunchy’s with drink special that includes a 3-gallon bucket and four frosty mugs. Recanting your memories on the drive home might be the most fun.

10. Make your own traditions.

Whether it’s my weekly 8 a.m. cup of coffee with a splash of hazelnut, or some of my friends’ 8 a.m. cup of a freshlytapped … refreshment, give yourself something to look forward to. Game day is the best day of the week by far, why not make it last as long as possible? Grant Muessel is a senior News-editorial major. you can reach him at sports@ dailynebraskan.com

TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY DISCOVER WHAT THE NATIONALLY-RANKED KRANNERT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CAN DO FOR YOU. APPLICATIONS FOR FALL 2013 WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL MAY 1 (OR UNTIL CLASSES ARE FULL) FOR THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS: Master of Business Administration Master of Science Industrial Administration Master of Science in Accounting Master of Science in Human Resource Management Global Entrepreneurship Program Master of Science in Finance (Class begins in June)


Also, jump-start your skills with Business English Bootcamp, June 3–July 26, 2013.



Housing Roommates 3rd female roommate needed. 3 bedroom house. Clean home, nice neighborhood in Woods Park area. 10 minute bike ride, 2 minute drive to campus. Contact Mark (402)795-2274 in the evening. 730 Marshall Ave. Looking for 1 roommate for this summer for June and July. The house is a 5 br. Rent is $230/month+unilities. Close to City Campus. 1237 Peach Street katerinakris@hotmail.com Looking for fall roommate off-campus. Need 2br., 2 ba., apt. close to campus. If you are looking for a roommate contact me be cell or text: 949-300-5569 Looking for roommates for 5 br., 3ba., house in Bicentennial Estates, only 5-10 minutes north of UNL City Campus. Great neighborhood and plenty of parking. Rent is $300/mo. plus utilities. N/P, N/S email megan.k2288@google.com Looking for someone to take over the lease for my apartment this summer at The View Apartments, 301 W. Charleston St. Lincoln, NE, May - August 1st. It is 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Unfurnished. Rent is $309 per month plus utilities (cable, electric). Rent payments are on an individual room basis so you are just paying for your room within the apartment. The other 3 rooms will be filled randomly. Washer/Dryer in the apartment. Refrigerator, Dish Washer, Microwave and Private Balcony included, 24 Hour Fitness Center, Free Tanning Machine at the Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, Basketball Court, Sand Volleyball Court, Barbeque Grills. This has been a good place to live while I have rented here, I’m just moving home for the summer. Very Safe, no issues with security, haven’t had any problems with our appliances not working. Also, the other rooms will need to be filled so if you are looking for a place as a group or just yourself I can help you accommodate either way. If interested please contact Matt at matthrdlicka@gmail.com or 402-677-7866.

phone: (402) 472-2589 Fax: (402) 472-1761

Roommates Need Two Summer Roommates (Female) to fill a house located in the Highlands Neighborhood. The house is 3 bed, 2 bath and was new in 2005. Lease would be June-Middle August. Contact Allie at allieodell@huskers.unl.edu for more information. Needed a student to share a cozingly finished 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse at 70th & South street. Large one bedroom with oversized windows, spacious closet, and bath, located in nicely finished basement. Laundry room and fireplace on same level. Cost is $500.00/mo. including utilities, W/D, and garage. Call or email Theresa 610-454-7773 or email to amazzengrace@yahoo.com Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to dn@unl.edu and include your name, address and phone number. We are two college students living in a house at 727 S 33rd st. with three more rooms available. The house has two bathrooms a kitchen with dishwasher and combination washer/dryer. Both of us are quiet, friendly people and ideally our roommates would have similar dispositions. So if a house with a lot of natural light that’s about ten minutes from both UNL campuses with friendly, slightly nerdy roommates then email Sam at heylookitsmesam@gmail.com for more information.

Duplexes For Rent Close to campus. 4/5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 stall attached garage, $1150 + utilities. 402-432-8485.

Apts. For Rent 2 and 3 bedroom units, 2 baths, nice. N/P, N/S. Available 6/1 and 7/1. Great East Campus/City Campus location. Call 402-430-4253. LIKE us on facebook at Starr Street Apts.

2 BR. Free Utilities, Cable

700 South 17th. $535. Fully furnished. Parking. Laundry. N/S, N/P. 402-450-8895. 846 N 27th. 2-2 bdrm apt for rent. $500/month. 2nd floor w/large deck. Off street parking. Low Utilities. Available Immediately. Call -402-610-1188 Darling 1br/1ba apt for rent. No one above or below. Great porch, large closets, fully renovated, washer & dryer, new everything, also available for rent is 2br/2ba house attached and 2 car garage. 1240 Peach St 402-730-7778

Houses For Rent Great Houses Close to UNL. Available in August. 402-432-0644 Must See! Reserve Yours Now! 804 Y St........3 Bed....1 Bath....$825.00 1531 N 22nd..3 Bed...2 Bath....$900.00 More information and photos at: www.pooley-rentals.com/b.html Great Houses Close to UNL. Available in May. 402-432-0644. Must See! Reserve Yours Now! 927 N 30th...........6 Bed....2 Bath..$1600.00 More information and photos at: www.pooley-rentals.com

Great off-campus housing. More Space/ Less cost/ Freedom!

2,3,4, &5 bedroom homes all near UNL. Check us out at AmRents.com or call 402-423-1535 Quality student housing. 3,4,5 bedroom houses. Excellent condition. Washer/dryer included. Off street parking. Call 402-499-8567.

Misc. Services

$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4p.m., weekday prior

Misc. Services

Holroyd Investment Properties, Inc.

1-2 & 3 Bedrooms Apartments, Townhomes and Duplexes

402-465-8911 www.HIPRealty.com Live like you mean it at The View, the best in Lincoln student living! At The View you will have the privacy and lifestyle you deserve in an off campus student community that is built specifically with you, the college student, in mind.

Summer Housing 1 BR Furnished 5-plex

Utilities and cable paid. 1810 H, $435/month. Parking & Laundry. N/S, N/P. 450-8895.

Summer Housing

Help Wanted

Sublet 3br, 3 bath, apt. now through August 1st. Completely furnished. Rent is $434/mo. Located at The View. Contact Abbey at 402-525-8355.

Carlos O’Kelly’s is now hiring servers, hosts and cooks for nights/weekends. Apply at 4455 N. 27th St. or 3130 Pine Lake Rd.

Two female roommates needed for house in the Highlands. Partially furnished. $297/mo per person. Available May 5th-August 19th. Please contact Yvette at 402-770-7078.

Join our TEAM TODAY! Aspen Child Development Center is currently accepting applications for full-time head preschool teachers for our 4 & 5 year old classrooms. These positions are Monday–Friday, 40 hours per week. Please send resume to: jschmitz@aspencdc.com or apply in person to 9300 Heritage Lakes Drive. Any questions please call us at 402-483-5511. Position available immediately.

Homes For Sale Remodeled 1 br, 550 sq ft. condo for sale. Very nice. 1630 H St. $29k. 402-438-6338

Jobs Help Wanted Aspen Child Development Center is looking for a Part time Teacher for the summer! 15-20 hours per week M-F Call 402.483.5511. Bockmann Inc. has immediate openings for licensed asbestos workers and non-licensed with construction background. 40/hr. work week with possible overtime and travel. Must have a valid drivers license and pass the DOT regulated drug test. Note to applicants, Bockmann Inc., utilizes E-Verify. Apply in person at Bockmann Inc., 1420 Centerpark Rd. Lincoln, NE. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or go to our website at www.bockmanninc.com Click on “to contact us” and download the application per instructions.

Concrete Laborers and Finishers

Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and transportation. Full-time positions with overtime and benefits. Part-time positions also available. Starting pay $9-12/ hour. Please apply in person at 421 S. 9th Street, Suite 111 or e-mail your resume to Angela@starcityconcrete.com

Customer Support

UN Computing Services Network Provide University-wide and PC application support for the CSN HelpDesk. Answer questions on commonly used PC software applications, enter and route incident tickets, and develop and update documentation. Experience with PC’s and related Microsoft Office/Windows software required. Good communication skills required. Must be able to work 10-15 hours per week, Mon-Fri between 8am-5pm. No evening or weekend work. $6.50/hour. Apply in room 327E Nebraska Hall.

Misc. Services

Deliver Papers Fall Semester

Do you like to exercise daily and get paid for it? Deliver Daily Nebraskans. You can deliver a route in about an hour. Must have own vehicle, ability to lift and carry 30 lbs, be a UNL student and not have classes before 9:00 a.m. For more information or to apply, contact Dan at 402-472-1769, 20 Nebraska Union. dshattil@unl.edu.

EARN UP TO $1000-$1500/WEEK

Upscale & Classy,THE OFFICE GENTLEMEN’S CLUB hiring Exotic Dancers. Vegas Style Gentlemen’s Club Finally comes to the Midwest! Come work at the Best Club in Lincoln. For Information and Interview times: CALL BRENT @ 402-525-8880 or Apply within at The Office Gentlemen’s Club 3pm -2am 640 W. Prospector Ct. Lincoln. (HWY 77 & W. Van Dorn St.)


Please help us help those coping with rare, chronic, genetic diseases. New donors can receive $40 today and $90 this week! Ask about our Speciality Programs! Must be 18 years or older, have valid I.D. along with proof of SS# and local residency. Walk- ins Welcome New donors will receive a $10 a bonus on their second donation with this ad.


Gallup is hiring pt/ft telephone interviewers and bi-lingual Spanish–English interviewers to conduct market research and public opinion surveys. This is not a sales position. You will be helping people’s opinion be heard! Gallup offers: flexible schedules: afternoons, evenings, and weekends; 20-40 hours a week. Base pay starts at $9.75 and full time base pay starts at $14.00. Bi-lingual base pay starts at $11.70 and full time base pay starts at $16.80. You choose the hours you work. A full range of benefits that includes college tuition. Pay for Performance: You control what you earn. In Lincoln: 425 Fallbrook Boulevard and Edgewood at 56th & Hwy 2. Apply today! Log online at www.gallup.com/careers Gallup is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Get Cash Money+ Free Textbooks!

Nebraska Book Company | Neebo is now hiring for temporary positions over summer break. It’s a good job in a cool, air-conditioned warehouse. Here’s the info: 8 hours/day, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. $8.00/hour, plus the chance to get free textbook rentals* For more information or to apply, visit: get.nebook.com/careers *Eligibility for free textbook rentals is based on employment dates and overall job performance

Full time Teacher

Help Wanted

PT teller Mon. -Fri. 12:30pm-6:00pm, and Sat 8:30am-noon. Location at 4638 W St, Lincoln, NE 68503. Applications e-mailed to mvandyke@linconefcu.org

Residential Cleaning Assistant. 5-15 hrs./wk. Duties include assisting with cleaning residential properties. Qualified candidates must have reliable transportation and be responsible and possess excellent work ethic. Please contact Kristy via phone call or text 402-730-3152


Seeking responsible and caring individual to provide child care for our 5 yr. old and 8 yr. old children (10-15 hrs/week). Duties will include transporting kids to activities and caring for children at our home. Candidate must be responsible, caring and have reliable transportation. Having education as a major is a plus. Please contact Kristy @ 402-730-3152


Sell advertising next fall to Lincoln businesses for the Daily Nebraskan. Work between classes in assigned territories, commissions paid. Help businesses reach the campus audience. Any major acceptable, Excellent resume builder. Apply at Daily Nebraskan advertising office, Room 28, Nebraska Union.

Now Hiring for day and evening servers and hosts. Experience not necessary, will train the right people. Flexible hours, meal program, benefits. Apply in person for day or evening, 6820 ‘O’ Street.

Get great experience working with our Camp Nurse ensuring the health and safety of campers and staff. Gain health care experience, work outside, and have fun at YMCA Camp Kitaki. Apply online www.ymcalincolnjobs.org, email campkitaki@ymcalincoln.org or visit our website www.ymcalincoln.org.

Help Wanted

Ka-Boomer’s Fireworks is now accepting applications for summer employment. If you are interested in a high paying summer position as a warehouse employee, email us at kaboomersfireworks@gmx.com for an application and more information. www.kaboomersfireworks.com Hug-A-Bunch Child Care Center Looking for full & Partime help working with kids and kitchen help. Open 24/7. Call for details or apply in person. 6333 Apples Way Suite 101 (402)328-0040 Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit: www.centerpointe.org.


FULL-TIME SUMMER POSITION. Part-time school year position. Runner/Assistant wanted for an ENERGETIC, FUN, FAST PACED law firm. Please send resumes to Office Manager, P.O. Box 30886 Lincoln, NE. 68503


Where quality is not just a word it’s a Culture. Now hiring the Best and the Brightest experienced servers. FT/PT opportunities available Applications are accepted online at www.lazlosbreweryandgrill.com Click “Careers”. EOE Come join our team!

Summer Childcare Staff

The Lincoln YMCA is seeking childcare staff for our summer programs at all Y facilities. Must have previous experience working with children/ youth. Complimentary Y membership available to qualified staff. Apply Online: ymcalincolnjobs.org

Summer construction help wanted in the Lincoln area. Pour concrete footing, and foundations, and can continue to work part time during school. $14/hour to start. Tuition reimbursement program plus end of Summer bonus. Must have clean driving record, and prefer construction management majors. For interview, please call Tom at 402-430-6144.

The Parthenon

Currently hiring servers. Experience not necessary, Apply in person. 56th & Hwy 2 (Edgewood Shopping Center.)

Summer Jobs

Bockmann Inc., has immediate openings for tuck pointers. (Refurbish brick and concrete, masonry building), with construction background. 40/hr. work week with possible overtime. Must have a valid drivers license and pass the DOT regulated drug test. Apply in person at, Bockmann Inc., 1420 Centerpark Rd. Lincoln, NE. 8:00a.m.-4:30p.m. or go to our website at: www.bockmanninc.com click onto “contact us” and download the applilcation per instructions. Note to applicants; Bockmann Inc. utilizes E-Verify.

COLLEGE PRO is now hiring painters all across the state to work outdoors w/ other students. Earn $3k-5k. Advancement opportunities + internships. 1-888-277-9787 or www.collegepro.com.

Help wanted for custom harvesting. Truck driving. Good wages, guarantee pay. Call 970-483-7490 evenings.

Lifeguards & Swim Lesson Instructors

The Lincoln YMCA currently has openings for Summer Seasonal Lifeguards and Swim Instructors. Must enjoy working with youth. Complimentary Y membership available to qualified staff. Apply online at www.ymcalincolnjobs.org.

Part-Time Runner

Court reporting service needs someone to assemble ad bind documents, deliver to clients, and other miscellaneous office duties. Flexible hours. (402) 477-8425

Part-Time Teller

Monday-Friday 10am-2pm. Customer service, cash handling and balancing experience highly preferred. Must be able to process customer transactions efficiently and accurately. Ability to operate on-line teller system and other standard office equipment such as computer, typewriter and 10 key calculator/adding machine is needed. Willingness to learn and to assist members and coworkers with assorted responsibilities. Mail resume to Nebraska State Employees Credit Union or karen@nsecu.org. Part-time/on-call helpers with talents in: construction, painting, drywall/mudding, landscape/mowing. $10-$15/hour. Flexible scheduling. Email your resume /available work schedule tocreativecarpenter@gmail.com. Playmakers is hiring for our upcoming volleyball season. Mulitple part-time positions available. Great atmosphere, fun and energetic place to be. Join our staff today! Experience preferred but not needed. Apply today @ Playmakers Bar & Grill 640 W. Prospector Ct. (Hwy 77 & West Van Dorn St.) Lincoln, NE 68522 Hours 4pm-2am Must apply in person to be interviewed. Call Roger for more details 402-525-3186 PT morning teller Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-12:30pm, and Sat 8:30am-noon. Location at 5705 S 86th St, Lincoln, NE 68526. Applications e-mailed to ahanquist@linconefcu.org.

Announcements 15th WEEK POLICY Dead Week

This refers to the last week of classes before finals week.

Check out the Faculty Senate website main page for the complete revised policy. http://www.unl.edu/asenate/welcome.htm (located in the left column) or stop by the Student Government office at 136 Nebraska Union

Homecoming 2013 General Meeting

Student organizations, greek chapters, and residence hall floors be sure and send your representative to the Homecoming 2013 general meeting. This meeting will be in the City Union, room to be posted on Wednesday, April 24th at 5:00. Attendance points will be given (only one or two members need to be present). For more information or questions contact the ASUN-Student Gov’t office at 472-2581.

Post & Nickel clothing & footwear super sale for men & women! Extra 30% off already marked sale items! Stop in for designer jeans, fashion & footwear! 2 blocks from UNL at 14th & P! Come see us! Also hiring! Apply within!

Meetings Homecoming 2013 General Meeting

Student organizations, greek chapters, and residence hall floors be sure and send your representative to the Homecoming 2013 general meeting. This meeting will be in the City Union, room to be posted on Wednesday, April 24th at 5:00. Attendance points will be given (only one or two members need to be present). For more information or questions contact the ASUN-Student Gov’t office at 472-2581.


tuesday, april 23, 2013


dn Big ten homeroom baseball 1. Indiana (29-8 Overall, 8-4 Big Ten):

file photo by matt masin | dn

Maike Zeppernick congratulates a teammate earlier this season at the Nebraska Tennis Center. Zeppernick and the Huskers won the Big Ten regular season title this weekend.

NU women’s tennis wins first Big Ten regular season title The Huskers make school history with a pair of conference victories

Northwestern, losing the first game in a shutout and winning the second game with a shutout. The series finale ended with a 3-2 Wildcats win that went into extra innings. Next on the conference schedule is a highly-anticipated road series against Indiana.

was senior ace Luke Farrell, who threw a complete-game shutout, tossing nine strikeouts and allowing three hits against the Wolverines.

The Hoosiers retain their top spot because of the fact the team didn’t have any 9. Purdue (11-25, 4-11): conference games The Boillast week. Plus, In5. Ohio State (25-13, 9-6): ermakers diana is most likely Ohio State have lost going to be the first earned its secfive of team in the Big Ten ond consecutheir last to reach 30 wins this year, and the tive confersix conHoosiers are still No. 18 in the coachence series win ference games after being swept es poll. Indiana heads back into Big against Illinois at home by Nebraska. Purdue did Ten play with a home series against this weekend, have control of game two in the Michigan this week. scoring seven doubleheader Saturday. Heading runs in the last two games of the into the sixth inning, the team was 2. Minnesota (23-13, 7-2): Last week series. With no games during the up 3-0 until Big Ten Freshman of was a silent week, Ohio State has plenty of the Week Jordan Minch allowed his week for time to make it three-consecutive first earned run of the game and the Gophers. Big Ten series wins after the week- was taken out, which ended up goThe team end set against Penn State is all ing favoring the Huskers. Nebraska routed the Boilermakers 10-4 only had said and done. one game 6. Michigan State (22-11, 10. Penn State (10-25, 2-10): in a non-conference matchup with 5-4): Penn State Augsburg, where the Gophers came The Spartans won finally won out on top. After that game, a series one game last its first with Michigan State was canceled week against Toconference because of weather conditions. Indiledo and should game of ana is the only ranked Big Ten team, be ready to go this the seabut Minnesota is also receiving votes. week with games son against against Ball State Iowa last 3. Nebraska (19-19, 11-4): and Notre Dame. MSU follows those w e e k e n d. Out of all the Big Ten teams, the matchups with a series against Pur- The Nittany Lions won two out of Huskers had the due, a team that has struggled re- three games in the series and will look to continue to win in a series best week. First, cently. against Ohio State in Columbus, the team was able 7. Illinois (24-12, 6-6): Ohio. to reach .500 with After sweeping Pura 19-19 record afdue, the Fighting Illi- 11. Iowa (14-20, 3-9): ter a rocky beginning to the season. ni had their troubles In the last Second, Nebraska beat No. 10 Arkanagainst Ohio State, 10 games, sas in a doubleheader last Wedneslosing two out of the Hawkday that included the first no-hitter three games. In the eyes have by the squad since 1993. Lastly, with process, Illinois is been the a sweep against Purdue, the Husklosing ground in the Big Ten standweakest ers have the most wins in the Big Ten ings after a successful non-conferteam in Big conference and have the week off in ence showing. Ten play, losing eight of the last Big Ten play. 10 games. It’s not going to get any 8. Northwestern (17-14, 6-9): better for the team with a series 4. Michigan (22-16, 8-4): Last weekend’s series against Minnesota this week. The Wolverwith Michigan started ines had a out with a great atroller coastmosphere in the game er weekend played at Wrigley in Illinois The New Times Syndication Fiel d. York Shining in the Sales Corporation compiled by josh kelly 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 against big league stadium

coach came up to me and said ‘Congrats. We just won the Big Ten,’” Lehmicke said. “I couldn’t believe it. Then I walked over to Mary, and she started to cry. Pretty soon Steph (Weinstein), Patti (Veresova) were crying. It was such an incredible moment,” liz uehling The key to their win was simple, dn Lehmicke said. “Everyone was anticipating the It was an ideal weekend for Nebraswin, but coach Jacobson told us we ka women’s tennis. needed to keep our heads in the A clean sweep of weekend game,” she said. “We took it one matches granted the Huskers their match at a time and ended up with first Big Ten regular season title. the win.” The Nebraska The day couldn’t women’s tennis have ended better for I think team started off its Nebraska. The Huskconference titleSunday was ers celebrated four clinching weekend senior tennis players on the road against just incredibly coach Scott JacobMinnesota in Min- sentimental to us son said are some neapolis. of the most talented all.” The No. 4 duo women he has ever of seniors Patricoached. Maggy Lehmicke cia Veresova and “They all bewomen’s tennis player Mary Weatherholt gan playing (at Neknocked off the braska) at different Golden Gopher optimes,” Jacobson said. “Together, ponent Friday and ended the match they make a great team.” with an easy 8-0 victory. That team still has a chance to Seniors Stefanie Weinstein and prove its regular season title this Janine Weinreich are currently the weekend at the Big Ten TournaNo. 77 doubles team in the nation, ment. Nebraska will face the Penn and they showed it Friday, beating State/Minnesota winner on Friday their opponents 8-3. in hopes of continuing on to the Weinstein opened singles play semifinals. with a win in straight sets. Weinsports@ stein’s win was followed with victodailynebraskan.com ries from her teammates Weinreich, Veresova, sophomore Izabella Zgierska and No. 11 Weatherholt. After toppling the Gophers, the Huskers sat No. 14 in the national rankings with a 9-1 Big Ten record. Nebraska was a single match win away from claiming its first Big Ten title. Sunday not only marked the last regular season match against Wisconsin, but senior day as well. It was much different than any of the previous matches. “I think Sunday was just incredibly sentimental to us all,” freshman Maggy Lehmicke said. Although the team knew what was at stake, Lehmicke said it was less about tennis and more about the seniors and their accomplishments. “We wanted to make Sunday Featuring local, organic, and humanely raised selections great for everyone, especially the seniors,” Lehmicke said. “We were all so excited.” Seniors Weatherholt and Veresova started off the match with a doubles win at the No. 1 slot. The remaining doubles matches went unfinished because the points had been secured by seniors Weinreich and Weinstein in the No. 2 position. As singles matches began, Weatherholt trampled her Badger opponent with a 6-2, 6-0 finish. Next up was Veresova, who came up victorious as well in straight sets. The Huskers needed one more singles win to claim their Big Ten title. On senior day, it all came down to a freshman, Lehmicke. “I just remembered (assistant) coach (Hayden) Perez saying ‘Big Ten rings don’t say co-champions,’” Lehmicke said. She took the court with confidence and was ready to bring her team’s final match to an end. Lehmicke took the match win with a 6-2, 6-0 score. “After I finished with the win,

For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Saturday, September 8, 2012

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63 They’re abandoned in charm school

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Freshman finance major Gagan Jain is a member of the Nebraska men’s tennis team. Jain taught himself how to play tennis in 2007 by watching YouTube videos of professional player Roger Federer.

Gagan Jain looks to impact the NU men’s tennis team after teaching himself the game story by Kyle Cummings | photos by Brianna Soukup


agan Jain was 14 years old when he turned the TV to a Wimbledon match. Roger Federer, the eventual champion that year, was playing. Jain watched Federer ’s powerful serve, swift footwork and looping forehands and was instantly drawn in. “I said, ‘Hey, this guy looks pretty good,’” Jain said. “So I really liked how he made the game look so easy.” Jain idolized Federer. He put him on a pedestal. So the 14-year-old kid began watching YouTube videos of the most dominant tennis player at the time. Jain would break down Federer ’s game in every aspect possible. He would watch slow motion videos that would show every intricate detail to what made the world’s No. 1 tennis player. Jain watched every possible aspect of Federer: his footwork, his grip, his movement, his strategy. Everything. Then he took what he learned to the court, usually with a friend. When nobody was available, he would go to a local park in Littleton, Colo., and work by himself. He’d find whatever he could. A wall. A park. Anything. For the next several years, tennis became

the Indian-born player ’s life. “He was practicing every day maybe four to five hours,” his mother, Prathibha Anil, said. “All he did was tennis.” Most kids that age who are serious enough about tennis, like Jain, have personal coaches to guide the young athletes through the different levels of play. But Jain didn’t have one. So watching Federer pushed Jain to get better, he said. Seeing how Federer could dominate the sport kept Jain itching to hit harder and run faster. Without a coach to motivate him, he used Federer as inspiration. In the eighth grade, Jain enrolled in a tennis camp taught by his high school’s tennis coach, Chad Hanson. The camp, which was held three days a week for about two months, was an introductory summer camp for anyone wanting to play tennis in high school, Jain said. By the end of the camp, Hanson saw something in Jain. So he pulled him aside to talk. His message: “Keep working. Hard work goes a long way.” That’s when Jain knew he had the potential to play tennis at the collegiate level. “So then we thought we could look for colleges where he could play tennis because he’s so focused and hard working,” his mother said. Eventually, Jain decided he wanted to play

Jain, who was born in India, walked on to UNL’s tennis team this year.

jain: see page 8

weekly sports column


Fans should take partake in sports opportunities

Baseball game postponed until Wednesday

write, I’m doing the “what’s the lowest grade I can get on the final and keep my current grade” dance with a couple professors via email. I don’t know what will stick with me after I leave, so let me leave you with my thoughts, advice and memories about the fantastic experience of sports at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

grant muessel Columnist gives his list of things every student should do before graduation I don’t have the words to describe the feeling, but it’s a swirling mess of relief, sorrow and excitement. It’s the feeling of writing this, my final musings that’ll be printed in the sports section of my beloved Daily Nebraskan. I’m less than two weeks from walking out of the newsroom for the last time and leaving the press passes on the sports desk behind me. As I

1. Have perspective.

This means knowing the other teams’ win-loss records, their best players and coaches. You’ll never win an argument about sports if you don’t know anything about the competition. This also means knowing Nebraska’s place in the sports world. It’s not easy to lure 5-star football or basketball players here. Never settle for mediocrity from your teams, but have realistic expectations.

2. Stay until the end. T-shirts and game day hangovers fade away in time, but no one can take away your ability to say “I was there!” Even when it looks bad, stick it out. Leaving the Nebraska vs. Ohio State football game in 2011 at halftime (biggest comeback in school history) haunts me. I can say, though, I saw “the kick and

the pick” against Colorado in 2008, as well as the Wisconsin, Michigan State and Penn State comebacks this year.

3. Look at the big picture.

Don’t be so fickle with sports that your opinion changes with every possession. Keep your preseason expectations in mind when you make a snap judgement after a bad game or even a bad quarter, set or round.

4. Check out a small sport sometime.

You wouldn’t believe how rowdy a Nebraska tennis match gets inside the bubble at the Nebraska Tennis Center. Some of the coolest sports story lines fly under the radar, like the season Nebraska bowling had for months before anyone saw one single match on TV.

5. Get on board with the basketball team before it’s cool.

Husker basketball is sort of a hidden gem — there’s nothing quite like watching college basketball in person. Sure, Nebraska’s no

good, but that could easily change in the next four years under Tim Miles. Like I wrote last week, the new and improved Haymarket is going to be a bangin’ good place to hang out.

6. Never miss a chance to eat a slice of Memorial Stadium pizza.

I wish I could figure out why those individual slices of Valentino’s hamburger pizza are so damn good. My theory is that there’s extra butter in the pizza, somehow. Maybe the added bliss just comes from eating said pizza while baking in the September sun and watching college football.

7. Make it to at least a couple spring baseball games.

There’s nothing quite as purely American and beautiful as watching baseball and chewing sunflower seeds on the beams of a warm spring day. You’re not far from the Haymarket afterward, either…

muessel: see page 8

Staff Report dn Once again, the Nebraska baseball team has a change in schedule because of pending weather. The team announced Monday afternoon that its game against Kansas State will be played Wednesday night instead of Tuesday, the day it was originally scheduled. The game will start at 6:35 p.m. Wednesday at Hawks Field in Haymarket Park. The Nebraska Weather Service forecasts a high in the upper 30s Tuesday, with gusts of wind between 25-30 mph. There is also a 20 percent chance of snow throughout the

day on Tuesday — the main concern among Nebraska officials. Wednesday’s forecast looks more promising for baseball with sunny skies and highs in the upper 50s. This schedule change marks the ninth time this season the Husker baseball team has either canceled or postponed a game because of weather. Fans who reserved tickets for Tuesday’s game will still be able to use those tickets on Wednesday. If fans are unable to attend Wednesday’s game, they can use the ticket for any remaining home game this season. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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