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FRIday, august 24, 2012 volume 112, issue 006

Violation of the sorority’s hazing policy by a member can potentially result in ‘termination of membership or suspension, withdrawal or dissolution of charter.’” Sigma Lambda Gamma handbook

Sorority placed under 1-year suspension for hazing Sigma Lambda Gamma receives punishment for prohibited actions Staff Report The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma, Nu Beta, was suspended this summer for hazing, according to the national organization of Sigma Lambda Gamma. The chapter has been placed under one academic year suspension for violating the national chapter ’s “human dignity policy” and “national hazing policy,” the organization said in a press release. The historically Latina sorority may be able to resume activities in June 2013 if they comply with the national office. The national organization did not release details on the extent of the hazing. UNL chapter leaders would not comment and several attempts to reach the chapter ’s attorney were unsuccessful.

Linda Schwartzkopf, director of Greek Affairs at UNL, said neither she nor the Greek Affairs office would comment on the sorority’s suspension because Sigma Lambda Gamma’s National Headquarters Office issued the suspension. In 2009, nearly a dozen Sigma Chi fraternity members at the UNL were charged with hazing misconduct after allegations they verbally and physically abused pledges, including allegations that the victims were penetrated by a stripper with a vibrator. UNL’s Nu Beta chapter is not the first chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma to be suspended for hazing. In 2009, the University of Florida’s Sigma Lambda Gamma chapter was shut down for five years for initiating new members through push-ups, running, sleep deprivation and restrictions on Facebook usage as reported by the Independent Florida Alligator. The Alligator reported that the same chapter was suspended in 2003 for three years. Hazing, as defined in the Sigma Lambda Gamma handbook, is

“any act or tradition that endangers the physical, mental or emotional well-being of an Associate and/or Initiated member.” Examples of such hazing include embarrassing or required stunts and costumes, harassing, personal services or deprivation of sleep, and the handbook added that any chapter officer found responsible for allowing such activities shall be removed from office. Violation of the sorority’s hazing policy by a member can potentially result in “termination of membership or suspension, withdrawal or dissolution of charter,” according to the handbook. “The National Headquarters Office will be facilitating a Re-Education meeting with all current members to evaluate risky behaviors/practices,” the release said. Members of the sorority will also be trained to become certified educators of the National Associate Member Education Program. The sorority has also been found as violating the organization’s national “human dignity policy.” The policy states primarily that “each chapter/colony will ex-

press its disapproval of hazing.” The suspension comes as several multicultural Greek organizations on campus prepare for Friday’s Multicultural Greek Stroll-Off on the Nebraska Union Plaza, which Schwartzkopf said the sorority would not be competing in. Sadid Carrillo, the Multicultural Greek Council President and a senior finance major, also said he could not comment on the nature of the suspension but did say “it will impact multicultural Greeks with one less group being visible on campus.” Carrillo added that, in terms of the Multicultural Greek StrollOff, “I guess it just means one less competitor.” Sigma Lambda Gamma was founded in 1990 at the University of Iowa. The sorority has since aimed to be an organization for all cultural backgrounds and touts almost 3,000 members from more than 110 different nationalities according to the sorority’s national website. news@

Peterson Brink, assistant archivist at Love Library’s Archives & Special Collections, stands in a row of the archives in the basement of Love Library on Thursday. “(Working in the archives) is a way to see the whole world’s history on a smaller scale,” Brink said.

document detective story by tammy bain | photo by bethany schmidt

Archivist Peterson Brink investigates university’s history while preserving documents, artifacts in Love Library’s Archives & Special Collections


document that requests a sick leave and another requesting promotion — both complete with Napoleon Bonaparte’s signature — lay on the table. To their right was a letter from Albert Einstein to show his support for Hermann Broch’s Nobel Prize nomination in literature. On the left is a sheet of Willa Cather’s last handwritten manuscript before her death, complete with pencil scratches and edit marks. The finds aren’t in a prestigious museum. Each one is in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Archives & Special Collections, in the basement of Love Library South. They don’t have a count on the collection, but if all laid out, the archives would span 3.1 miles, equaling more than 54 football fields. That’s from Love Library to the College of Law, according to the archives’ website. Peterson Brink, assistant archivist for the university, makes sure each document not only maintains good shape, but also has its story told. Coming from a family of teachers and fueled by a love of history, Brink found his

way into the archivist post where he now cares for unique texts and often plays the role of document detective. “We deal with old records, but there’s something new every day,” he said. “I feel like I get to go to work and play.” Brink found his way into Love Library by first finding out he didn’t want to pursue teaching at UNL — it wasn’t a good fit, he said. Growing up in York, Neb., Brink always loved history and he achieved his undergraduate degree in the subject. He continued graduate school at UNL in museum studies, a program the university has since eliminated. After interning in the UNL archives in 2001, he worked for the state of Nebraska in the vital statistics department, and later at the Ford Conservation Center in Omaha. Just as that temporary position wound down, UNL’s Archives had an opening and Brink found his passion. In addition to Napoleon’s signature and Cather’s handwriting, the archives contain university records, rare books, manuscripts and documents.

When researchers and students alike come to the archives, Brink has the artifacts ready for study. Before being entered into archives, the artifacts — often donated — undergo careful evaluation. “It’s important to know your mission,” Brink said. Each artifact is relevant to UNL’s history or its researchers. Sometimes the archives turns down a donation, but will redirect the donor to a more relevant institution, such as the Nebraska State Historical Society, located just down the street. “You can’t read every word on every page, or you can’t get anything done,” he said. Some documents come in neat and organized, Brink said. Others take a little — or a lot — more work. Since a large part of his job is preparing documents for research, Brink doesn’t get to do many of his own investigations. Fortunately the other four workers in archives under-

archives: see page 2

Discovery of microbes on Mars suggests signs of past life Dan holtmeyer DN In 2004, scientists thought they’d hit the jackpot when NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity discovered “blueberries,” the BB-sized spheres of a rust-like mineral that seemed to have formed in liquid water. It was enough to call the rover mission a stunning success. Work by a team including three University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers and a research assistant, however, suggests the rover might have been looking at the petrified signature of not just water, but also of life. Their findings show microbes likely had a hand in forming rust balls here on Earth — iron oxide concretions that look a lot like


“They do really look like an those Opportunity found embedorange,” she said. ded in a Martian boulder eight These metallic orbs could be years ago. It all started with a simple found almost anywhere and had been known for question, centuries. They “How does the If you even had an sphere just form?” remove life, old nickname: said Karrie Weber, a marbles, geomicrobiology aswould you get the Moqui named after a sistant professor at Native AmeriUNL and the lead re- same result? That can tribe in the searcher of the study, we don’t know. Southwest. which was published But the most earlier this month in Karrie Weber common explathe journal “Geology.” geomicrobiology assistant nation for how These concretions professor they formed or can range in size from took on their BBs to several inches shape didn’t seem quite right, across and have a hard, neatly said Richard Kettler, an associate spherical shell of rust encasing a professor of geochemistry who softer sandstone interior, Weber joined Weber in this study. said.

He voiced his thoughts to Dave Loope, the third faculty researcher and a sedimentologist who’d seen the concretions around for years but hadn’t given them much thought. “His eyes kind of lit up,” Kettler said. After more discussion of offhand chemical equations in Kettler ’s hotel room, “I said, ‘We’ve got to talk to Karrie Weber about this.’” The key was an iron carbonate mineral called siderite, Weber said. The normal explanation of the concretions’ formation seemed to hit a dead end at a solid ball of oxidized siderite cement holding sand grains together. To get the right kind of concretion, something else would have to come into the mix, move the

iron to the outside and dissolve the carbonate cement left over inside, leaving nothing in the center but tightly packed sand. According to the professors’ findings, certain kinds of bacteria fit that bill perfectly. They could cluster around a nugget of siderite, use the iron in the siderite for energy, deposit the resulting rust as a spherical shell and generate acid to dissolve the carbonate left behind — a perfect Moqui marble and, perhaps, a perfect Martian blueberry. To support this conclusion, the researchers, along with research assistant Trisha Spanbauer, took a closer look at that metal shell and found perfectly pre-

more Inside Coverage:

Lincoln ice cream shops side-by-side A&E section runs down the best Lincoln spots for summer treats


ZombieFest 2012 kicks off Friday Organizers expect night for the living dead to remember

@dailyneb |

mars: see page 2

the implications The discovery of BB-sized spheres of a rust-like mineral in 2004 pointed to water on mars’ surface — new research from UNL could mean life played a role in similar formations on Earth. NASA’s rover Curiosity landed on Mars this month and will look for conditions friendly to life and went on a test drive this week.



NUtech collaborates with university startups to launch products “We’ve been working hard on canvassing and developing solid ideas the past couple years,” Cottingham said. “NUtech will approach Red Brain wanting to explore different directions and give us some ideas on how to market our own Carl Mejstrik ideas.” DN NUtech has helped 68 UNL professors and graduates start NUtech Ventures’ new Startup their own company or help get Mentor and Accelerator Proan idea off of the ground. Partgram is taking the nonprofit nerships between UNL startup organization’s mission to build companies and NUtech are partnerships between the Uni- now up to 32 major companies versity of Nebraska and the pri- in fields that include animal vate sector one step further. health, improved crop genetics, The new program, develnanotechnology and innovative oped to reach more University technology. of Nebraska-Lincoln innovators “The new program will looking to get an idea on the bring increased attention and market and aimed specifically expertise to university startat university startups, is led by ups, better preparing them for entrepreneur-in-residence Brian investment, market penetration Ardinger and NUtech fellow and overall success,” said David Luke Smith. Conrad, NUtech When a prodexecutive direcThe new uct is developed tor, in a press reprogram will lease. by a UNL innovator, the prod- bring increased Stephen Diuct or idea ofMagno, a Unificially belongs attention and versity of Neto the university. expertise to braska-Lincoln NUtech helps the chemistry profesinnovator license university sor and co-foundthe product. It er of Ground startups, better also introduces Fluor Pharmabusiness mod- preparing them ceuticals, and els and conducts his company for investment, market research negotiated with so the innovator market NUtech to license can make a sales a technology he penetration and pitch to possible developed, which investors. increases the efoverall success.” Take Ian fectiveness of PET Cottingham. scans by using raDavid Conrad co-founder and dioisotopes. nutech executive director president of Red “There’s a Brain Inc., a softmutual interest ware developshared by the ment firm, Cottingham helped company and the university to develop CrimeView NEARme, see technologies pioneered in a mobile device application that academic research laboratories shows the location and detailed become successful commercialinformation of nearby crimes. ly,” DiMagno said. While he originally developed Ground Fluor Pharmaceuthe app to assist the Lincoln ticals has seen success with its Police Department, Cottingham innovative research on breakwanted to market it to a wider through iodonium chemistry audience. That’s where NUtech and was awarded a $150,000 stepped in. Small Business Innovative reOpen since 2009, Red Brain search award by the National and Cottingham have worked Science Foundation. closely with NUtech to create news@ marketing strategies.

New mentoring program aims to help entrepreneurs find success in market

Andrew Dickinson | DN

A Lincoln zombie walker is sprayed with blood prior to the start of the Lincoln Zombie Walk on Aug. 27, 2011. The walk returns to Lincoln this weekend.

6th annual Zombie fest invades Lincoln STAFF REPORT DN Organizers expect more than 3,000 people to participate in the sixth annual ZombieFest this weekend, which kicks off at 6 p.m. on Friday at the Pershing Center and continues with the main event — the Lincoln Zombie Walk — at Saturday night. The festival has humble origins and started out as a 130-person flash mob in 2007. “I have a friend in Orlando who posted a video of their Zombie Walk ... and I thought, ‘We could do this,’” ZombieFest organizer Rebeca Rose said. “That first year, we had 132 people participate, and it’s just grown.” To accommodate the large numbers of zombie enthusiasts, ZombieFest takes place during two days. Friday’s “zombie market” begins at 6 p.m. features about 20 vendors, face painting and a photo booth from Chimera Studios. “Night of the Living Fashion Victim,” a “theatrical fashion show set during a very gruesome prom night,” will begin at 8 p.m., according to the festival’s website. In addition, five “walkers” from AMC’s “The Walking Dead” will be available at a panel for photos and autographs Friday

I have a friend in Orlando who posted a video of their Zombie Walk ... and I thought, ‘We could do this.’”

if you go

Rebeca Rose

lincoln zombiefest organizer

evening and for questions and autographs Saturday. Friday, hypnotist Jeff Martin will entertain the audience. A zombie character costume parade will follow. The night will end with the “Humans’ Last Party” with DJ Jon “The Animal” Terry supplying a mix for the crowd. Saturday’s Zombie Walk, a crosstown trek of all zombie-fied participants, begins at 6 p.m., with a so-called “resistance” attempting to control the growing horde. But before the volunteers can lurch their way into the streets, they need to look their best. Makeup stations will open seven hours before the takeover. Makeup is $5 for face or body. The opportunity to take professional pictures of the final bloody product will be available from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., complete with a custom horror backdrop. Saturday afternoon, choreographers will offer to teach any zombies the steps to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” with the zombies performing outside at 4:45 p.m.

All zombie-fied participants meet outside for a group picture, followed by a mandatory pre-walk game plan, outlining rules, regulations and the two separate routes. The zombie walk departs in two sections at 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Both sections eventually converge on UNL’s greenspace by Broyhill Fountain, where the members of the human “resistance” make their final stand. All participants then make their way back as one horde to Pershing by 7:20 p.m., where the costume contest winners will be announced. Then, the zombies will celebrate their victory during a street party. For those who haven’t had their fill of zombies after Friday and Saturday, tickets are available to an exclusive brunch on Sunday at The Egg and I with the famous five “walkers.” The $40 ticket covers one meal and one drink. Organizing such a large event requires meetings of a sevenmember board beginning in January, and committee heads are in

what: ZombieFest KickOff when: Friday, 6 p.m. where: Pershing Center, 226 Centennial Mall what: Lincoln Zombie Walk when: Saturday, 6 p.m. where: Pershing Center, 226 Centennial Mall how: Participants can make themselves zombies from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Makeup will be available for $5.

charge of security, entertainment and sponsorship. “It takes a lot of manpower,” Rose said. To learn more about ZombieFest 2012, visit the website at Admission is $5 per day or $8 for a two-day wristband. news@

archives: from 1 stand each other’s special interests, so an archivist can spend more time on a new artifact that caters to his or her interest, Brink said. Each document gets a wax-free folder or box, and the process transitions into digitization work to preserve the antique pieces into more modern forms of media. The temperature in the archives is kept between 70 and 72 degrees with “stable humidity,” Brink said. Documents in the archives are not allowed to leave their location. Food and drink are banned and all notes must be taken in pencil. That way, if someone drops a pencil in Shakespeare’s “First Folio,” the first book containing all of his plays, accidental markings can be erased, Brink said. Gloves are used when handling metal artifacts, such as a trophy given to the 1910 Nebraska women’s basketball team. Brink loves seeing anyone come into archives, which can be accessed by anyone with some form of ID, he said. “These are your documents as students and the public,” he said. One person Brink shares the university’s history with is coworker Andy Jewell, associate professor of digital projects. “(Brink) knows about our collections that cover a huge range of things,” Jewell said. “He knows the collections and knows the stuff.” The two have collaborated on such projects as a student researching Aaron Douglas, a Nebraska artist. “Pete found materials no one knew about,” Jewell said. Ultimate-

mars: from 1 served microbes — apparently killed off when they ran out of iron from the center of the ball, Kettler said. “We find these beautiful microbial fossil structures,” Weber said. “And they’re coated in iron oxide.” It’s too late for Opportunity to take a look at Martian blueberries, and Weber and the others still have more questions to answer. “If you remove life, would you get the same result?” Weber said. “That we don’t know and that’s something we’re interested in looking into.” But studying the microorganisms involved in this process and the way they can move iron,

uranium, carbon and other compounds also has implications in groundwater quality and the carbon cycle here on Earth, Weber said. Curiosity, the NASA rover that landed on Mars early this month, is also ready to look around for possible signs of life after its first test drive this week. This research, Weber said, can help scientists point the rover toward the right rocks and formations from millions of miles away. “If one of those structures is observed, it provides a target for exploration,” Weber said. “Otherwise, how do you find that needle in the haystack?” news@


bethany schmidt | daily nebraskan

Peterson Brink points to a document signed by Albert Einstein. The archives boast one of the world’s best Willa Cather collections and documents signed T.S. Eliot and Napoleon Bonaparte. ly, a museum found the student’s project online and came to the archives to use the materials. Brink told a similar story about his favorite find, a picture of Abraham Lincoln when he was still a lawyer and not yet on the presiden-

tial campaign. The one-of-a-kind image was donated and the Smithsonian Institute contacted UNL, ultimately using a blown-up version of the picture for their own collection. “On the surface, it’s all univer-

sity records and it’s really boring, but in those records are a whole breath of information,” Brink said. “It’s cool to be a detective and chase down the information.” news@

In an article published Wednesday, Aug. 22, titled “UNL-built ANDRILL voyages to Antarctica,” the Daily Nebraskan mistakenly reported the name and cost of a hot water drill system headed for Antarctica. The ANDRILL Science Management Office at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln built the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling, or WISSARD hot water drill system, which cost $2 million to manufacture and will cost $1 million to operate for two years. The hot water drill will arrive at McMurdo Station in Antarctica in late October and will continue across the Ross

Ice Shelf to the Whillans Ice Plain in December. It will use hot water drilling to bore into Lake Whillans, using a special hose constructed for the project that recirculates decontaminated water through the system. The National Science Foundation provided the funds to Northern Illinois University, Montana State University and the University of California, Santa Cruz; UNL was subcontracted by the universities to manufacture the drill. Although the team attempted to purchase all materials from American companies, a few had to be imported.

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Andrew Dickinson managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Riley Johnson news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 associate editor Hailey Konnath Jacy Marmaduke assignment editor opinion editor Ryan Duggan Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Katie Nelson assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Robby Korth Chris Peters assistant editor Brandon Olson assistant editor visuals chief Anna Reed Kevin Moser assistant chief

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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news briefs three unl students receive presidential fellowships

The University of Nebraska has granted 2012-2013 Presidential Graduate fellowships to three University of NebraskaLincoln graduate students. The fellowships, which honor NU graduate students for academic and personal performance, entail a stipend that allows recipients to pursue their studies full-time, according to a university press release. The three UNL recipients are Kathryn Haymaker, a doctoral student in mathematics studying coding theory, Jeff Johnson, a Ph.D. candidate in business studying personal selling, sales management and marketing strategy and Nathan Probasco, a doctoral candidate in history studying the history of colonization and technology in the early modern Atlantic world. Probasco and Johnson are both Nebraska natives, while Haymaker hails from Pennsylvania.

education grant funds CYFS research

A $700,000 U.S. Department of Education grant will fund two University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers in their efforts to analyze several decades’ worth of studies on how parents influence their children’s grade school performance. Postdoctoral fellow Elizabeth Moorman Kim and Susan Sheridan, director of UNL’s Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, will employ a process called meta-analysis to acknowledge inconsistencies and discrepancies in past research, according to a university press release. The two will specifically seek to identify which methods parents can use to best benefit their children as students. The results of the metaanalysis will create the largest database of family connection and family-school partnerships in the country, the release said.

brannen ends 23year career

Paul Brannen, associate director of Information Services, will end his 23-year career at University of Nebraska-Lincoln when he retires Sept. 4, according to a university press release. Brannen graduated from UNL in 1974 and began his career at the university as an accountant for the former Computer Resource Center. He went on to establish budget and accounting processes for Information Services, the release said. Send emails to pbrannen1@ and cards or letters to Information Services, 413 LLS.

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friday, august 24, 2012



ANDREW DICKINSON editor-in-chief

dn editorial board members @Dailynebopinion

4 our view

Often, individuals who endure a traumatic experience together develop a bond that is unique and exclusive. They are tied together by a sense of camaraderie, and anyone who lacks their experience simply does not understand. Relationships like this develop between veterans, victims of crimes or those who have lived in extremely desolate conditions. If one has not gone through the same tribulations, he or she cannot fully understand the other. However, an intentional, fully conscious effort to create a bond through traumatic experiences by means of hazing is absolutely ludicrous. Any sense of morality is thrown out the window by anyone who insists that such an action be done, and any self respect or common sense is forfeited by an individual who complies with such a demand. As for those responsible, there is not much to say. Your logic is confounding. Morals are missing and your strategy of obtaining camaraderie is disgusting. There are better ways to build group unity than from binge drinking, public humiliation, exposure to extreme conditions or physical abuse. However, to spend the time highlighting alternative activities would be a waste of space, because the logic with which your mind functions would not know what to do with anything that pertained to civility.

letters to the editor policy

The thought that someone would find themselves in such humiliating conditions under the guise of fitting in is sickening and very sad. Understandably, the drive for acceptance can be a very blinding force, but students need to realize their self-worth is much greater than earning the respect of the backward individuals responsible for initiating the hazing. More often than not, hazing is associated with fraternities and sororities. Thousands of students are members of these groups all over the nation, and thousands of these students are great, respectable people. It is a shame to see the acts of certain individuals who are involved in hazing tarnish the reputation of all other Greek houses. Not only are you doing a disservice to your house, you are doing a disservice to the entire Greek community. You are creating a reputation that others have to work hard to erase, because for one evil a thousand goods are needed to remove its impression. Positive strides have been made to ensure that hazing does not take place in Greek organizations and that members do not lose focus on what they stand for. However, incidents like the one at Sigma Lambda Gamma prove to be an unfortunate step backward.

Hazing unfairly disgraces entire Greek system’s reputation

editorial policy

The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@dailynebraskan. com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

ian tredway | dn

resentations illustrate some aspect of the world that may be difficult to picture. When many of us think of a graphic novel, we picture a pasty, nerdy guy trying to justify working in comics. You can almost hear the sneer: “They’re called graphic novels!” While that person may certainly exist, he isn’t necessarily wrong. Graphic novels and comics aren’t just the cheesy superhero stories that so many of us think of. Comics and graphic novels tell important stories of valor, pride and, of course, good and evil. Comics have given us iconic heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man and the Hulk. And these heroes will endure in our culture, not unlike F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Jay Gatsby, Homer’s Odysseus or Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet. As culture changes, so too does the format in which we present ideas. For example, hardly anyone ever gathers around a fire late at night to tell the stories of their ancestors. Stories are not all told in poetic form anymore, as in the times of Homer and William Shakespeare. Even hard core Shakespeare fans hardly insist on seeing the plays in their original format, in a round theater where all the parts are played by men. Graphic novels will probably never usurp the works of Shakespeare, Bram



books, story lines and, most importantly, bodies of words. Many think reading is involved with literature and rightly so. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word literature comes from the Latin word “litteratura,” meaning “writing” or “system of letters.” Therefore, literature should be something that consists of words. Without a doubt, graphic novels have words in them most people point to this as proof that graphic novels are literature. However, just because something has this quality doesn’t make it literature. I’m 10 percent German, but I don’t I identify as German, nor do I think I could. Likewise, if a book is 90 percent pictures and 10 percent words, it is no longer literature. A graphic novel may contain literary elements, but as a whole, it isn’t literature. Let’s look at it this way — a movie, by the definition above, isn’t literature. Movies may very well be based off of literary works and the scripts themselves constitute literature, but the movie itself isn’t. However, if the movie is being watched with captions, is it now a piece of literature? No. Without a doubt, it is a work of art and a noble creation on its own, but it’s not literature. Movies serve the same purpose as books in that they can tell a story, be edu-

are loved by fans and hailed by critics. Both “Watchmen” and “Maus” are part of many college literature courses. To deny the artistry and storytelling genius of these stories would be incredibly foolish. Graphic novels are the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of novels: They put two wonderful things, art and stories, together to make storytelling even better. As Henry Fitzroy, a graphic novelist and vampire from the underappreciated TV show “Blood Ties,” said, “Art and literature have always been my passions. I finally found a medium where I could fully realize the both of them.” Dismissing the art or storytelling of graphic novels is ridiculous and snobbish. If anything, the art demonstrates the skills of the artists through their interpretation of the characters and the world they inhabit. Graphic novels may not look like a traditional book because of the amount of visual art contained within their pages. Instead of judging a book on what it looks like, let’s judge it on its ability to tell a compelling story in an interesting way. Rhiannon Root is a senior news-editorial and history major. Follow her on Twitter @rhiannonroot and reach her at opinion@

cational or convey news, but they do it using a different medium. Graphic novels work the same way. They can easily have the same effect as a book full of words, but in a different way. They are based on visuals, like movies and convey the story line through these visuals with words acting as an auxiliary force. Any book consisting primarily of words works in the opposite manner. They may have pictures and graphs to add to the message being portrayed by the words, but the visuals act merely as a secondary force. Therefore, I would argue that words have to be the primary medium on which the message is portrayed in order for a work to be considered literature. An easy way to determine this is by looking at how the actions in the work are carried out. Often, graphic novel scenes that show movement or fighting use a sequence of pictures to portray those actions with very little use of words, if any. However, in a piece of literature, actions (and everything else) have to be conveyed using words. The point where many problems arise is in the varying definitions of the word literature itself. In some instances throughout history, the word has taken on the meaning

of “written work valued for superior or lasting artistic merit.” In this definition, we get the sense that for something to be considered literature, it has to be a grand work of art as well as educational and worth reading. Because of this, it is easy to falsely conclude that if something is not literature, it is not a great work of art and not worth our time. In terms of books, this is absolutely right. More often than not, the worthier books are considered literature, while the lesser writings aren’t. When it comes to graphic novels, they don’t even qualify to be judged as great literary works because they deal so little with letters. Quite frankly, there is nothing wrong with that. Just as certain paintings have been able to define an age and remain with us through time, graphic novels have the potential to become great artistic works. They just can’t do it under the name of literature. I don’t doubt the artistic integrity of graphic novels, but when something strays so far from the use of words and relies so heavily on visuals, it can no longer be considered literature. Ryan Duggan is a Senior English and Classical Languages major. Reach him at opinion@

Literature is marked by words


f you have ever taken an English course, it’s likely that at one point your professor asked the question: What is literature? Every student attempts to give an all-inclusive answer, which is inevitably discredited and revised. The professor creates an ever-broadening definition until it can be concluded that it’s uncertain what exactly constitutes literature. Eventually you have to admit that according to your own definitions, newspapers, graffiti, advertisements and even shopping lists are considered literature. Though I’m not able to give the exact definition of literature, I can tell you one thing that isn’t literature: the graphic novel. Like most students, you might think literature is something pertaining to

Stoker or Mary Shelley, but they do have a place on the bookshelf next to these traditional novels. Some artists have recently taken it upon themselves to present classic tales such as “Dracula” or “Romeo and Juliet” in a visual format, making the stories more accessible to readers. Good stories shine through no matter what their format, be it a movie, TV show, graphic novel or a book. Of course, this assumes that the interpreters of the original story care about presenting the tale accurately. . Graphic novels are an excellent way to tell particular stories. In journalism, we often discuss the idea of how we present a story. Complicated, intricate stories are usually in print. Photo stories are visually striking and full of drama and emotion. Videos are great for presenting stories with action and drama. Each story’s particular elements determine how it must be presented. The same is true with graphic novels. Would “Watchmen” or “Maus” be the same in a purely textual format? Would Frank Miller’s “Sin City” drip with the same amount of noir and sleaze if it were a traditional book? Each story’s emotional impact would be entirely different if its medium were changed. All three of these books

Graphic novels redefine literature



torytelling is a vital part of any culture. As a culture shifts, so does the format for storytellers and their tales. In our increasingly visual culture, it’s no surprise that a lot of great storytelling is combined with stunning artwork. Is every graphic novel literature? Probably not. However, a graphic novel can become literature like any other book. A graphic novel is structured like a novel: There’s a beginning, middle, end, dramatic tension and dynamic characters in interesting situations. The major difference, of course, is that instead of relying on description to convey the action of the story, an artist represents the world for you. Often, these visual rep-


FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2012 @dnartsdesk


cold spots

Larkin Barry, 6, eats ice cream outside of Ivanna Cone on Thursday.

701 P St. #101

Ivanna Cone

A&E’s Brandon Perchal gives you the rundown on Lincoln’s ice cream shops

Located in the Haymarket, Ivanna Cone gives customers new flavors of ice cream every day with the exception of their two permanent signatures, Dutch Chocolate and Sweet Cream Vanilla. If you want to sample flavors before making your final selection, the friendly staff will happily accommodate.

ran d




UNL Dairy Store East Campus iew



114 East Campus Loop

ice cream: see page 6


The UNL Dairy Store is just one of East Campus’ many hidden gems. Although their menu does not change with new flavors every day, it gives Ivanna Cone a run for its money. The vanilla was about as flavorful as vanilla can be, but be wary of the Cappuccino Chocolate Chip: You’ve got a serious caffeine kick coming.















Eve by Kaylee

Yeasayer relies on innovation to navigate music industry tyler keown DN Since emerging in 2006, Brooklynbased Yeasayer has been on a tear. Their psychedelic pop beats and oddball lyrics have led to comparisons to Animal Collective and Hot Chip. In 2010, the Hype Machine dubbed them to be the most blogged about band of the year. Their first two albums, “All Hour Cymbals” and “Odd Blood” were met with critical acclaim. Prior to the release of “Fragrant World,” their latest album, the band hosted an online scavenger hunt where they hid videos of each of the new album’s tracks in various spots around the Internet, a move to combat piracy and an example of the creative fan interaction the band is known for. Yeasayer will play in Omaha this Saturday night at the Slowdown. The Daily Nebraskan recently spoke with Ira Wolf Tuton, Yeasayer ’s bassist, about the scavenger hunt, sex symbols and other happenings with the band. Daily Nebraskan: How’s the tour going so far? Ira Wolf Tuton: It’s been good. We got some new sounds going. It’s going well. DN: Everything’s full steam

ahead? IWT: Yeah, yeah, totally. DN: Okay, a few generic questions. Do you have a favorite venue to play? IWT: There’s been a few shows that have stood out in my memory and that’s usually based on the crowd more than anything everything, but places like Paris and Amsterdam certainly stood out. And there’s places that are kind of like stepping stones, like the first time we played Fillmore’s (in San Francisco). We had a two night-stand there. It was pretty special to us. Now it’s about trying to place new places. We’ve got tour stops planned in Greece and in Russia, in China and in India. DN: Yeasayer seems to really have a ton of influences going into the music. How do you balance everything? IWT: We start to record, we really pour a lot of things into it, add, add, add and then get as many things as possible into a track and then we start pulling away and looking at the different relationships between different elements and we end up with a lot of happy accidents. Certainly, that is the challenge, to try and take multiple, various influences and try to turn it into a cohesive track. That’s the craft, I guess. DN: So when you write music,

courtesy photo

Yeasayer, a Brooklyn-based psychedelic pop band, will visit Omaha on Saturday night for a 9 p.m. show at The Slowdown. do you have an idea of what will work or is it more of a situation where you throw different things at the wall and see what sticks? IWT: I mean, it isn’t completely random. People ask us if we have a producer, but the three of us have always acted as producers to one another. It’s part of the

joy of it. We all have different skill sets and over time we’ve really come to work with one another well. DN: So what would you say you offer in the band? IWT: The muscle. (laughs) DN: Describe the new album for me.

IWT: Isn’t that sort of your job? DN: To some extent, probably. IWT: I don’t know. I just feel like talking about piece of art is weird. It just stands as what it is. I guess it’s just not the most comfortable thing for me to talk about. DN: Understandable. IWT: I can say that we decided to go in a different direction and take advantage of different equipment at different times and different physical space. I do think we accomplished progressing and moving forward in a way that isn’t regurgitory. DN: Let me ask you about the Internet scavenger hunt you guys are doing. Where did that idea come from? IWT: That was a result of a lot of discussion about different things we could do within our organization. Our manager actually put out our first album, so he’s kind of more invested in the identity side of the band than most managers are. It was an exciting idea he had, to try to release music in a new way, you know? The climate is always evolving so fast, so to do things in a new way can kind of be difficult. Another big thing was the control it gave us. Instead of the album just being shat out onto the Internet, we were able to have

extended interview Visit us online at to read the DN’s extended interview with Ira Wolf Tuton of Yeasayer a hand in the process, because either way, it was going to be leaked. It was a little more exciting and engaging for us to do it this way. DN: So piracy played a role in the decision to do the scavenger hunt? IWT: That’s the thing, you basically know that we exist in a climate that album will be leaked. So it was simply reactionary to what the situation is; it was us trying to battle against that in a creative way. I think that’s the way we’ve always tried to approach the things we do. I mean, we exist as a band in large part because of the Internet and the blogosphere. That’s where we got our start, so we have to embrace that, and we do. It’s just, you know, we need to

yeasayer: see page 7



Machete Archive calls it quits after 5 years Lincoln-based rock favorite reflects on community as the trio disbands

Cinema reflects culture, creates conversations I'LL HAVE WHAT HE'S WATCHING

Katie Fennelly DN In 30 years, when an inquisitive local DJ, arts reporter or musician digs back into the Lincoln music scene of the late 2000s and early part of this decade, there’s bound to be talk of a band called The Machete Archive. On Saturday night at Duffy’s Tavern, the Lincoln trio will perform live for the final time on a stage they’ve come to know very well. UUVVWWZ and Jodie Loves Hinckley will open. The instrumental progressive rock group has been creating music for about five years, appearing as regularly as anyone on Lincoln’s biggest stages for local music. Saber Blazek, the band’s bassist, is sad to see it end, but feels that it is time to move on. “It’s been a hard thing to accept, but we have to do what’s best for all of us,” Blazek said. “There’s no hard feelings between us. This is just where we are.” He said that while it’s been an unforgettable experience for the band’s members, it was time to “stop beating a dead horse.” “The end, it eventually happens to everybody, that’s just how it goes,” Blazek said. Before the band calls it quits, they will be playing an in-studio set on 90.3 KRNU’s “KRNU Sessions” on Saturday at 4 p.m. The set and interview program, which features both local and national acts, is hosted by Joe Teplitsky, KRNU’s music director and a senior broadcasting major. “There aren’t any other bands like (Machete Archive) here,” Teplitsky said. “Whether you want to call it prog rock or math rock or whatever — simply listening to them or seeing them play is unlike any experience I’ve had ... you can see just how well-respected they are as musicians when you take a look at what other projects they’re involved in.” And the band members are busy these days. Blazek is preparing for a fall tour with Icky Blossoms. Guitarist Ryan Thomas recently moved to Omaha and has been juggling the band and a career. Drummer Ian Francis plays with Low Horse, Classes and Eli Mardock

cameron mount

courtesy photo

The Machete Archive wil play their farewell show this Saturday. and attends college. “I’m sad to see them hang it up, even if it is just temporary,” Teplitsky said. “They’re one of my favorite local groups and they’ve been ardent supporters of KRNU and the local scene as a whole. They’re even better people than they are musicians and that’s saying something. “They may not play together again, but at least we can still have them as part of our community,” he added. It’s that community which inspired the band to develop their own style in the first place. “Seeing somebody local doing something different lights the fire under your ass to do something different, as well,” Blazek said. “We’ve been inspired by others and hopefully we’ve been able to affect others in the same way.” Blazek said the band has al-

if you go Machete Archive w/ UUVVWWZ, Jodie Loves Hinckley


Duffy’s Tavern, 1412 O St. when: Saturday, 9 p.m.

ways had a strong relationship with the Lincoln music community and fans and as a way to express their gratitude, they will be playing as many songs on Saturday night as time allows. “There’s been talk of another Omaha show, but (Lincoln) is our hometown,” Blazek said. “It feels right to end it here. This is it.” arts@

ice cream: from 5

Cold Stone Creamery 2910 Pine Lake Rd.

Nestled in the SouthPointe Pavilions, this chain ice cream store does well to avoid the flat, generic tastes one might associate with a national franchise. Cold Stone Creamery is known for its great customer service and unique (and generous) portion sizes: Like It, Love It and Gotta Have It. On a weekday afternoon, the store is an excellent little retreat from the hustle and bustle of downtown.

Originally made famous by the Men’s College World Series in Omaha, Zesto also offers its dynamic soft serve in Lincoln. Zesto’s atmosphere resembles a 1950s outdoor ice cream parlor, which makes it unique compared to other shops in town. More than any other ice cream stop in Lincoln, Zesto is a hangout.

Why do we go to the movies? I am not asking, “Why do we watch movies?” That’s simple: movies entertain. They’re more enjoyable than staring at a blank wall. But that doesn’t fully explain why we speculate about upcoming releases, make aggressive demands of our friends (“Dude. Dude. You HAVE to see it. You HAVE to.”) and meticulously consider what merits our Facebook likes. This energy is maintained through the cultural importance of cinema. In an alternate universe, this importance might be concentrated elsewhere. Maybe there, the red carpet is reserved for video games, the Lincoln Grand showcases shadow puppets and Redbox rents out Chia Pets instead of DVDs. But in the here and now, our cultural conversation is dominated by the movies. We identify ourselves with our favorites films, develop bonds with others through our shared judgements (You don’t like “The Lion King?” You have five seconds to explain yourself before this friendship window closes forever) and process day-to-day experiences by comparison with what we’ve absorbed through the media. Some of this we own proudly, some happens subconsciously, but to some extent, film makes us who we are. The most exciting part, the part that keeps us coming back, is that the cinematic landscape is constantly evolving. Why is “The Dark Knight Rises” so dark and what does it mean for superhero movies to come? Is comedy different during the Obama administration compared to the Bush administration? What will happen when animation is indistinguishable from real life? This column is not to complain about the state of the movie industry. The movie industry is more alive than ever. High quality video and special effects no longer require gobs of money, allow more experimentation and freer expression. Collaboration, like through Amazon Studios’ screenwriting service or a Kickstarter campaign, is now matching talent in situations previously reliant on chance. Movies today are more prepared to reflect the complexity of the present. Learning from the mistakes of a remarkably short existence (moving pictures have existed for barely a century) and currently at the highest point of the information age, movies can even represent our nostalgia with ever-increasing nuance and skill. Take, for example, two of the year’s best movies, one currently


Pick of the Weekend

Glengarry Glen Ross Alec Baldwin might now be synonymous with “30 Rock,” but back in 1992 he was delivering electrifying F-bomb-laced speeches to Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris and a handful of “oh-yeah-that-guy” actors. “Glengarry Glen Ross” follows these burned-out real estate salesmen as they are given rarely interested clients (“leads”) and must use any means necessary to make the sale. It’s a bleak and dishonest job, brought to unbearable tension when Baldwin comes to “motivate” (or verbally assault for 10 brutal minutes) the employees and promises to fire all but the top two the next

Gimme 5: Rejected Column Names

1501 Pine Lake Rd. Located in Great Scott’s Food Court, this chain ice cream restaurant is decent, but does not compare to other spots in town. Unlike Cold Stone Creamery, the generic taste of BaskinRobbins comes through their ice cream loud and bland. Although the employees were friendly, its 31 famous flavors could not hold a candle to the originals at other locations.

111 Northwest 12th St.

week. The film is based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning play and follows it almost exactly, except for one crucial part: Baldwin’s famous scene was created especially for the movie. It’s an all-star cast with perfect chemistry. “Glengarry Glen Ross” has a 96 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and is arrival to Netflix instant streaming. compiled by Cameron Mount — Arts@

o st.



playing at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center in Lincoln and another soon to hit DVD: “Beasts of the Southern Wild” and “Moonrise Kingdom.” Both films speak to the power of film to represent nostalgia on the big screen. “Moonrise Kingdom,” the latest from Wes Anderson (“The Royal Tenenbaums,” “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou”) starring Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand and Edward Norton, might as well be a 90-minute injection of pure, unfiltered nostalgia. What stands out immediately is a color scheme exclusively of soft pastels. It looks and feels unreal and artificial, but in a childlike way that makes perfect sense. Over and over the young characters demonstrate heroic absurdities, like outrunning a mob after purposefully being hit by lightning. It’s like the impossibility of becoming your favorite superhero made possible on screen. The plot itself pits two child lovebirds (with the maturity of middleagers) against the jaded and outmoded adults. “Beasts of the Southern Wild” is “Where The Wild Things Are” meets “Slumdog Millionaire,” telling the story of a 6-year-old girl in a fictitious island community near New Orleans, whose imagination guards her from her overwhelming reality. Avalanches and giant prehistoric creatures invade the screen with all the vividness and mighty scale of childhood. Both movies use special effects impressively, but neither cost much to make or appear flashy (Anderson has been accused of style-oversubstance, but in the right place his style has a specific and meaningful effect). Both are uplifting films that use fantastic exaggeration to capture and amplify the feeling of childhood innocence. If you were born in the ‘80s or ‘90s, at some point with friends you have probably dissected Nickelodeon cartoons with an alarming intensity. In the same way, “Beasts of the Southern Wild” and “Moonrise Kingdom” are bottled nostalgia, reinterpreting and re-enlivening our shared culture. Every week, movies are released which add something new to the conversation. They interpret our world differently as the world continuously becomes a different place. These conversations speak to the power of cultural moments, trends and memories in shaping who we are. If you prefer to complain about 3-D movies and remakes, this column probably won’t be for you. As long as people keep living, movies will express that life with freshness and beauty. And that’s something worth talking about. arts@


Gimme 5 Cameron Mount column titles that didn’t make it


Lights, Cameron, Action


Lock, Stock and Two Bags of Popcorn




Dr. Mount Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cinema


21 O St. compiled by cameron mount | art by natalia kraviec

this week in film At the Ross: “5 Broken Cameras”

directed by: Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi

“Mosquita y Mari”

directed by:



“Beasts of the Southern Wild”

directed by:



New In Theaters: “Premium Rush”

directed by:




Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jamie Chung, Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez, Aasif Mandvi

“The Apparition”


Todd Lincoln Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan, Tom Felton, Julianna Guill, Luke Pasqualino


DN Weekend Pick: “Premium Rush” directed


by: David


Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jamie Chung, Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez, Aasif Mandvi



yeasayer: from 5 think outside the box and find different ways to embrace it.

DN: Yeah, that seems apparent with your fan interaction.

Join the excitement of nebraska Women’s basketball The Huskers are looking for male volunteers to practice with our team. Open TryOuT (Must be current UNL student) Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 7 p.m. Hendricks Training Complex

COnTaCT Dominique Kelley – 472-6462 or

910 Y St. 9am-7pm Kitchen and bath fixtures, small kitchen appliances, flags, healing jewelry, and lawnmowers. We Sell Car Batteries: $69/each-NEW $37/each-RECONDITIONED We Buy Car Batteries: $8-$15/each (402) 467-0555

Housing Roommates 1 roommate needed for school year perferably until lease ending in May, rent is on the low side. Location close to both campuses, 1541 Whittier. Contact if interested. 3 Female UNL students looking for one female UNL student over age 21 for a house located in the area of 11th and Van Dorn. Easy access to campus from either 13th or 10th St. Rent is $335/mo + utilities/internet/cable (total cost split between all roommates) with lease from August 2012-August 2013.Possible roommate must be serious about academics. For more information, please contact Brooke at either 402-679-3067 or Looking for 1-2 responsible females to share house colse to East Campus, 43rd & Y streets. One year lease. Available immediately. $250/month +utilities. Contact Anna at Looking for a roommate to share a house. Totally furnished. Minimal storage space. $500 a month plus half utilities. Location at East Ridge area. Contact Ron at 402-560-9554. Looking for roommate for 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment at 54th and Adams. Close to east campus and Weslyan. Rent is $280 a month plus electricity and internet/cable. Call or text Lis at 402-321-3260 My name is Brittany Weber and I am looking for 2 roommates to live with me at 4206 Knox St. This is a 3 bedroom/1 bath house located in a quiet neighborhood. The house is just off of 41st and Adams, and is within biking distance of east campus. Rent is 310 a person + utilities. The house has had new windows installed which helps with the cost of utilities. If anyone is interested please contact me at (308)-380-6405 Room for rent in fully furnished, two bathroom, house. Free laundry facilities. $395 utilities/internet included. Call or text Erin 402.601.0190 Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number. Two male UNL students looking for roommate in 3 bedroom, 2 bath house to stay with us till at least the end of December, ASAP. About a 6 to 9 minute bike ride to campus. Clean and quiet with cable and high speed Internet. Fully furnished except for the vacant bedroom. Off street parking. Washer/dryer. Full kitchen. Weight set. Rent is $265 per month. With utilities, it’s around $400 per person per month. 1311 S. 13th St. Call or text Garrett at 402-362-8749 after 1 p.m.

Rooms For Rent Lower Half of Walk-Out Ranch Home in a quiet, secluded acreage neighborhood. 3 Bedrooms, large living room, 3/4 bath and private entrance. No Kitchen but ample room for microwave and refrigerator. Owner will consider sharing laundry. Prefer female(s). NO SMOKING! $800 per month which includes utilities. 2 month’s rent due in advance and damage deposit of $1000.Strong references are required.Inquiries: (402) 560-9558

Misc. Services

if you go Yeasayer w/ Daughn Gibson


The Slowdown, 729 N 14th St., Omaha when: Saturday, 9 p.m. how much: $20 (in advance), $23 (at the door) IWT: I’m surprised it took so long for everyone to realize. DN: Is that his role in the band, then? If you’re the muscle, he’s the sex symbol? IWT: Oh, for certain. He’s the face of the band; I’m the bod. arts@ dailynebraskan

$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4p.m., weekday prior

phone: (402) 472-2589 Fax: (402) 472-1761

8/23/2012 10:23:58 AM

Houses For Rent 1907 Garfield Street, 5 BDR, 2 BTH. Fenced Yard, Garage, Pets Allowed. $1500/ month. 1 monthes rent deposit. Call: 402-326-6468

Between Campuses-August

Apts. For Rent 1821 C Street

Roomy 1 br. apt. in historic dist. Avail. Aug. 15th. Heat and water pd. Lease, dep., N/S, N/P Call or text 402-499-9434 for appt.

4 BR, 1.5 BA, 236 N. 33rd, $875 4 BR, 2 BA, 5234 Leighton, $875 All C/A, Parking. Call Bonnie: 402-488-5446

Between Campuses-August

4 BR, 2 BA, 5234 Leighton, $875 All C/A, Parking. Call Bonnie: 402-488-5446 NEAR UNL STADIUM 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house, washer/dryer, central air, dishwasher. $900/$1000. 402-770-0899.

Duplexes For Rent Great duplex close to city and east campus! 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, attached 2 car garage. Includes all appliances. Pantry, double closets, whirlpool tub in lower level bath. Ready TODAY! $1400 per month. 1344 North 25th Street. Contact

Apts. For Rent

4 blocks from Memorial Stadium Now leasing for the 12-13 school year! 402-474-7275

Jobs Help Wanted Academic Advantage CDC is now hiring opening/closing staff (approximately 7am-10am and/or 3pm-6pm) as teachers’s assistants for children ages 6 weeks - 12 years, at three Lincoln locations. To apply, please visit us at 630 N. Cotner Blvd. Ste. 200, or any of our Lincoln centers.

CNA/Nursing Students

Holroyd Investment Properties, Inc.

1-2 & 3 Bedrooms Apartments, Townhomes and Duplexes


Apts. For Rent

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Are you looking for extra income? Do you need flexibility with your work schedule? We currently have openings for home health aids on evenings and weekends. Student nurses who have completed nursing fundamentals are welcome to apply. We offer excellent pay and flexible scheduling. Call or stop by to apply. EOE. FirstCare Home Health 3901 Normal Blvd., Suite 102. 402-435-1122. Crooked Creek Golf Club is looking for individuals to work during the school year and during summers. We will work around your school schedule! Looking for individuals who are willing to work in multiple aries: snackbar / drink cart / parties as well as in the Pro-Shop. Must enjoy working with the public. If you can work at least one weekday and one weekend day during the school year, and are willing to work 30-40 hours per week during the summer, apply in person. Located at 134th and “O” Street. 402-489-7899.

Apts. For Rent

Help Wanted


Carlos O’Kelly’s is now hiring servers, hosts and cooks for nights/weekends. Apply at 4455 N. 27th St. or 3130 Pine Lake Rd.

Part-time Cashier and grillers needed all shifts, CheeseSteak Grille. Apply at store; 16th & Old Cheney. 402-420-5646

The Office of Admissions is looking for a marketing copywriter intern to work closely with the Electronic Communications Coordinator for the fall semester. This position will be responsible for creating/editing/proofing written content on the Admissions websites, social media outlets and help with maintaining ClubRed. The ideal candidate would have previous experience with creating written content for web. Internship will begin in mid/late September. 10-15 hours/week, $10.00/hour. A resume and writing sample should be submitted to the Office of Admissions, 1410 Q St, no later than September 14th. Please contact Mike Sammons for more details.


LPS is seeking Coaches and Officials for Middle School Flag Football & Volleyball. If interested, please contact Adam Bonesteel at

Dietary Aide

Milder Manor, a Long Term Care and Rehabilitation Facility, is looking for energetic, caring people to join our Dietary Team! Ideal candidates would have experience working with the elderly and desire to provide a pleasant dining experience for our residents, and provide “Dignity in Life.” Hours are: Part time, 430-830pm, and every other weekend. Apply in person at front desk, 1750 South 20th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, or print off application on-line at Drivers wanted- Domino’s Pizza. Flexible hours, cash nightly from mileage and tips. Highest per run compensation in Lincoln. Apply at any Domino’s. EARN MONEY on commission sales! needs a campus sales representative. Resume East Lincoln Christian Church is looking for a Contemporary Worship Leader. Person must display a deep love for God, passion for worship, and be well versed in the contemporary/modern Christian music genre. Ability to play the acoustic guitar and/or piano is preferred. Compensation depends on skill level, experience and availability. Please contact Pastor Jayme Harvey at or call 402-486-4673.

Part-Time Runner

Court reporting service needs someone to assemble ad bind documents, deliver to clients, and other miscellaneous office duties. Flexible hours. (412) 477-8425 PT Marketing/Advertising assistant-Rixstine Recognition is looking for in individual to help in our marketing department. Position includes setting up trade shows and putting together advertising flyers. Must be a detailed individual. Work day hours. Could lead to full time. Apply in person Rixstine Recognition, 2350 O Street, Lincoln NE 68510

Needed Servers/Servers Assistants/Line Cooks/ and Dishwashers. Located at 6540 O S t . Apply online at Now hiring for nights and weekends. Apply at Mum’s Liquor. 2202 O Street.


Part Time The University of Nebraska Medical Center seeking individuals to interview respondents by phone for survey research. No Sales! Set your own hours, earn an hourly wage plus excellent incentives. Flexible work schedules varies 9am-10pm weekdays, 9am-5pm Saturdays, and noon-6pm Sundays. Requires ability to verbally communicate effectively, to read materials clearly verbatim, and to address sensitive subject material in a mature manner. Position will be located in Lincoln, NE Bilingual Spanish/English required. Apply online - reference job #5495. “EEO/AA- Individuals from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply”

Fedex Ground

Part-time positions available loading and unloading trucks. Two shifts are available. Hours for the morning shift are Tuesday-Saturday from 5:00am-7:30am and wages start at $9.00/hour. Hours for the evening shift are Monday-Friday 6:00pm-8:30pm and wages start at $8.50/hour. Both shifts have incremental raises after 30 days and $1,500 tuition assistance after 60 days. Paid holidays and vacations after 6 months. Apply in person at 6330 McCormick Dr. Harvest help wanted. Experience necessary and CDL preferred. Contact Mark 402-665-2523 or 402-429-2967. Join the CenterPointe Team! Part-time positions available in residential program working with substance abuse/mental health clients in a unique environment. Must be at least 21 years of age and be willing to work a varied schedule including overnights and weekends. Pay differential for overnight hours. For more information visit:

PT sales assistant-Rixstine Recognition is looking for an energetic person to help in our sales department. Business classes or experience in the sales industry is helpful but not required. Could lead to full time. Work day hours and some Saturday mornings. Apply in person at 2350 O Street, Lincoln NE 68510

Seeking athletic men and women.

Solid Rock Gymnastics is now hiring part time gymnastics instructors. Evening and weekend hours. CALL Katheryn @ 476-4774 to inquire or email Shift runners needed, apply at Domino’s pizza. Flexible hours, will work around your class schedule. STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM Paid Survey Takers Needed in Lincoln. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys. Tired of those student loans? Replace them with work. Janitorial positions available. Hours 5-20 per week. $8 to $10 per hour. Good English, valid drivers license, reliable transporation requried. (402) 438-6598

Wayne S U D O K U P U Z Z L E By Gould

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

Yesterday’s Answer


The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550

Wanted: Backstage Crew at the Lied Center. Must have some entire weekday mornings or afternoons free. Irregular hours, must be able to lift 40 lbs. More information available with application. No experience necessary, we will train. Applications must be picked up and returned before August 30th at the Lied Administrative Office, 301 N. 12th, St. North side of building. Looking for Keno Writer, Cocktail Waitress, Bartender, and Doorman. Apply in person. Lancaster’s Lounge at 40th & Old Cheney. Call 402-421-2511.

Villa Tierra Apts: 2 Blocks South Of 27th & Hwy 2 Call: (402) 421-3034 Georgetown Apts: 70th & Van Dorn Call: (402) 488-0400 Willows Apts: 2 Blocks North of 18th & Cornhusker Call: (402) 437-8322 Southwood Village: 27th & Hwy 2 Call: (402) 432-5420

Ivy supporters



Many fans are running during this


It’s developed in a sonata




Three-toed wading birds


Parts of kingdoms




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Needs for some games of tag



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Present-day cry?

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Holds forth


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Storming-out sounds











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think that’s completely bullshit. I think it doesn’t exist anymore and hasn’t existed for years. The music industry is clawing around, trying to figure out what its new identity is and has moved way slower than the climate and realities around it have. You have to be active and engaged and try to figure out how to exist and take advantage of our world, you know? And like I said before, like with blogs, that’s just one person in their bedroom creating pop culture. DN: So do you have other things planned in the same vein? IWT: It’s all secret. (laughs) It’s like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory over here. DN: All right, last questions. Your bandmate Anand Wilder was voted the second sexiest man in indie rock by Nerve. How do you react to that?


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Like, when you released “Henrietta” as a single earlier this year, you guys mailed out a free copy of it to everyone on your mailing list and with the scavenger hunt, you can mail in a link to all of the videos and possibly win a prize. What spurs that kind of thing? IWT: Maybe it’s the fault

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They may be odd


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It hasn’t yet been interpreted


Sign of availability


Strikes out



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football practice notes FIRST FOE TOUGH TO PLAN FOR The Huskers turned their focus to Southern Miss for the first time on Thursday. Coaches have been looking at film for a while now, but the players experienced their first taste of game preparation at practice. “It was the first day that we really introduced some of the ideas,” defensive coordinator John Papuchis said. “We got some good work against some scouts and kind of got a feel for what the game plan is.” Southern Miss went through a coaching change this offseason, so Husker coaches are a bit unsure of what to expect from the Golden Eagles in the season opener on Sept. 1. The Husker defensive coaches are at the greatest disadvantage going into the game. “We try to turn over every rock and look at the sources that are out there and use your best judgment,” Papuchis said. “We don’t know exactly what they are going to try to do coming in. It’s all

about trying to get the best idea that we can possibly get.” Nebraska’s staff used background information on the new Southern Miss staff to compile its breakdown of the team’s offense and defense. Papuchis says that should be enough.

CORNER COMPETITION CONTINUES The cornerback spot continues to be a hotly contested one. Coaches say multiple players will be used in at least the first few games or until a few guys separate themselves from the pack. The coaching staff is not worried that it doesn’t have one or two guys taking the reins. It’s too early to be worried about that, according to Papuchis. “I think going into the year, it might be a situation where we play multiple guys in the game,” Papuchis said. “It’s a good problem to have. We’re looking for people to maybe take the job, but when the competition is there and it’s good and equal to an extent, we might

Malbar Vision

play a couple guys and see how it plays out next Saturday.” Andrew Green, Josh Mitchell, Mohammed Seisay, Stanley Jean-Baptiste, Antonio Bell and a few others are in the running for the two outside jobs. Ciante Evans and Charles Jackson are working on the inside at nickel and dime. There are so many players in the running, Papuchis said, and not enough snaps to make time for all the deserving players. “It might not be realistic to get six guys in, but we will take maybe the top four going into Saturday and see how it’s going,” Papuchis said.

MITCHELL IMPRESSES COACHES Cornerback Josh Mitchell made a huge jump this offseason according to Papuchis. The Corona, Calif., product is listed at 5 feet 11 inches and 155 pounds on the official roster, but coaches say he is

not afraid to stick his nose in there on some run fits. “Josh is really a good tackler,” Papuchis said. “He is slight, he’s not the biggest guy out there, but he knows that. Because of it, he tackles low and he does a good job taking people’s feet out. That’s the way he has to tackle.”

BECK STILL LOOKING FOR IMPROVEMENT Offensive coordinator Tim Beck stresses ball security whenever he can, but the Husker offense is not up to his standards at this point in the year. “It is not as clean as I want it to be, but probably cleaner than it has been,” he said. “We are not where we need to be. We still have a long way to go. I think we’ve had improvement from last year, but we’re still not good enough.” — Compiled by Lanny Holstein

offensive line: from 10

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compete with Jeremiah Sirles for the starting spot. Neither are expected to switch to left tackle, and it is anticipated that Qvale will be handed the reins to the starting left tackle role, challenged only by career-backup Brandon Thompson and 17-year-old Givens Price. “Brandon Thompson’s done some things there before and Givens Price is really coming on,” offensive coordinator Tim Beck said. “I’m really impressed with what he’s been showing us. I really like our guys. We have some veterans over there that have a lot of playing experience, and good, young talent coming up.” It’s not enough to be comfortable with the personnel, though. To permanently fix the leak in the pipeline, coaches first need to polish the imperfections in the way the line operates as a unit. “They have to get lined up quicker, and they don’t stay at the line of scrimmage very long so they have to know their stuff better,” Cotton said. “We want to get the ball snapped. At the first scrimmage, all of our snaps were at the 20-25 second mark on the 40-second clock. So, you’re not up





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at the line of scrimmage for very long surveying things. It’s forcing everyone to be better mentally. We can’t communicate. Sometimes we just have to see it and go.”

As the play clock wound down on the start of the season, Moore’s transfer threw a wrench into the team’s plans on offense. But as the clock ticks down near zero now, less than two weeks af-

ter losing their left tackle, it appears as though the coaches will simply have to, in the words of coach Cotton, “See it and go.” sports@

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by andrew ward dn It’s that time of year again: When Vine Street Fields turns into Memorial Stadium, when the Campus Recreation Center basketball courts turn into the Bob Devaney Sports Center and when Mabel Lee Fields turn into a World Cup venue for the average college student. It’s intramural sports season, and the University of NebraskaLincoln offers quite the array of events. “We try to offer a variety of team, individual and dual activities here at Nebraska to try and attract as many students as possible to our program,” said Ron Miller, assistant director for intramural sports. Hundreds of UNL students participate in the 31 fall semester events put on each year. The main events are flag football and softball, but other sports range from indoor soccer to chess. Sand volleyball kicks off the year on Tuesday. The flag football and softball sign-up deadlines are the same day, with play beginning Sept. 11 and 12, respectively. A new event this fall semester is an indoor soccer

tournament, which begins Sept. 23. Even with all of the options the intramural office offers, Miller said participating in the sports is not necessarily competitive. “Some sports get competitive, but we try to make it more recreational,” Miller said. “Some teams take it to a competitive level, but the majority of the teams are out there just to have fun.” While there is definitely a variety of competition throughout the intramural events, it all depends on the student. Some like to play for the social aspect. Others like to stay active, including junior accounting major Ben Kruger. He played football, basketball and baseball and ran track in high school. Kruger said he wants to remain active throughout his college career. “I wanted something to do to stay active so I plan on playing a lot of sports,” Kruger said. Students benefit from staying active in college. According to Miller, the more involved a student is on campus, the more they will succeed in the classroom. Miller said many students

mark intramurals as one of their favorite things about college. “As kids leave the university, it’s amazing how many of them say intramurals was important in their development as not only a student, but the extracurricular part of it as well,” Miller said. To sign up for an intramural sport, students can go to the Intramural Sports Office, located in the Rec next to the check-in desk. You must bring your NU ID and the amount of money needed to sign up for your sport. At least one member of each team should attend a mandatory captain’s meeting at some point during the semester. “For the new students coming in, intramural sports are a great way to begin networking on campus to meet new people,” Miller said. “For the new students who are in a dorm, it’s a great way to get to know the students on your floor and as you’re playing, get to know kids from other dorms,” Miller said. “You broaden your horizons and meet a lot of people this way. It’s a very social activity program.” sports@



Soccer team looks to rebound from early losses Weekend games vs. Virginia Tech, New Mexico will test team still seeking first win

“That is what is difficult for the freshmen,” Bartels said. “They haven’t played on this level. They might lack confidence of older girls.” Bartels hopes that with the experience that some of the younger players lack, she can help them By angela hensel out and be a strong force offendn sively. “I want to step up into more A win would be a pretty big deal of leadership role, trying to be infor the Nebraska women’s soccer volved in a lot of the play. Being program this weekend. a leader out there will obviously After dropping its first two help guide the freshmen,” Bartels games of the season last weekend said. against Oklahoma and Drake, NeBoth Bartels and Conroy braska will face some stiff compe- agreed that the problems last tition in the Husker Classic this weekend weren’t because of deweekend. fensive issues, but offensive ones. Participating in the tournaIn both of their first two games ment will be Virthis season, the ginia Tech, New Huskers led their opMexico and Iowa Each win ponents in shots on State. While Negoal, but still ended is crucial braska won’t face up with two losses. Iowa State, it will for the NCAA The problem for Netake on Virginia braska lies in conTournament. Tech on Friday, necting and finishing followed by New When you go into those shots, someMexico on Sunthing it looks to fix conference play, day. this weekend. Both teams you have to have “It’s only 90 minhave strong proutes. If you let up grams that will that confidence one time, that can give the Huskers or teams will run let the other team a tough run. Virscore,” Bartels said. over you. ginia Tech is cur“We need to finrently ranked No. ish our technique in 16 in the nation, Stacy bartels the box. A lot of our and both teams nu junior forward shots went over, out made the NCAA or wide.” Tournament last If the Huskers season. can get their offense together, But with such a young team, they hope to secure a win against each game is a learning experiteams that last year had success ence and a chance to improve for where the Huskers didn’t — makthe Huskers. ing the NCAA Tournament. “Our style of play is a lot dif“Each win is crucial for the ferent, it is more demanding than NCAA Tournament,” Bartels high school and club soccer,” for- said. “When you go into conferward Mayme Conroy said. ence play, you have to have that While Nebraska junior forconfidence or teams will run over ward Stacy Bartels was redshirted you.” her freshman year and had the Part of the Huskers’ confichance to gain a year of experidence problems have come from ence before playing, most of the the lack of experience of the freshmen on this year ’s Husker nickolai hammar | dn younger players, as well as losing roster are seeing playing action the first two games of the season. Nebraska junior forward Stacy Bartels, right, knows the Huskers need to get their offense going in order to win games. Nebraska right away. Four of the nine fresh“I think that’s our problem, started the season 0-2 and will face Virginia Tech and New Mexico this weekend in the Husker Classic at the Nebraska Soccer Field. men have started in games this we don’t believe in our potential,” season. Conroy said. “If we lose, some Stepping up to a starting posiplayers might get down and start tion immediately can be difficult peat that success on Friday. ting up,” Bartels said. to lose their confidence. If we win, played against both Virginia Tech co, they did come away with a 4-3 for some of the players to adjust it will boost our confidence.” sports@ “It’s just basically about finand New Mexico. While they double overtime victory against to the team. ishing off our games and not letthe Hokies and hope they can reLast season the Huskers dropped their game to New Mexi-

football: from 10 been working to get since I got here, and it’s a nice extra thing to have.” Maher didn’t break any of Henery’s records, but he managed to impress the coaches enough to get that scholarship. One thing Maher and Henery did have in common was Mangieri snapping the ball to them. Mangieri began snapping in seventh grade, and snapped all the way through high school. The Peoria, Ill., native also played defensive and offensive line in high school. Mangieri actually walked on at Nebraska as a lineman. Fellow Big Ten school Purdue also showed interest in him. Mangieri chose to stay close to home, and when the opportunity came to get on the field for Nebraska as a snapper, he took it and never looked back, he said. Now, in his fourth season as the Huskers’ snapper, Mangieri has perfected the position. Rarely does a snap stray from where Mangieri wants it to go. “Perfection is always the goal,” Mangieri said. Repetition after repetition caused Mangieri to become as good as he is at his position, he said. Since he’s repeated the same motion so often, it’s easy to tell when he’s not perfect, Mangieri said. “It’s to the point now when the top of the ball leaves my hand I can tell where it’s going to be,” Mangieri said. “Whether it’s six inches higher than I wanted it or six inches lower, to the right or left. I can close my eyes now and tell you where it ends up without turning around.” The ball will end up in different hands than in the past when the Huskers attempt a field goal. Long-time holder Austin Cassidy, a starting safety for Nebraska in 2011, graduated last season, leaving a new holder for the first time in a while. Now senior cornerback walkon Jase Dean takes over the holding responsibilities for Mangieri and Maher. So far, the snapper and kicker have no complaints with Dean. “Jase Dean has done a great job for us so far,” Maher said. “It has been a pretty seamless transition and something that I don’t think is going to have an effect at all.” So when the game is on the line and Nebraska needs a field goal to win, the kicker, snapper and holder will all be ready to go, Mangieri said. “I think it’s going to be an exciting season as far as special team goes,” Mangieri said. SPORTS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


Volleyball: from 10

jon augustine | dn

Brett Maher, right, follows a long line of successful kickers at Nebraska. Maher proved his worth to the football team last season and was awarded with a scholarship this year.

she led all Huskers with 18 kills but was handed an early upset by in the match. But that’s not the the unranked Wildcats, 3-2. That’s why the new theme the only thing that impressed the Husker players created, “unfincoaching staff that night. ished business,” seems fitting for “The biggest thing most of this season, Meske said. the staff took away was that the “It’s an oath to how last seafreshmen are ready to help us out in any way this season,” Meske son ended as well as to how we said. “All five of them will make don’t want unfinished business an impact and play a significant this season,” he said. “We have role for us.” the mentality of not letting a loss Fans will get a chance to see get to you twice. We have a lot newcomers Kelsey Fien, Meghan of motivated athletes in our gym Haggerty, Cecilia Hall, Alicia Osthat will make for a very exciting trander and Alexa 2012 volleyball Strange in the mix team.” It’s an oath this weekend. Although the Mancuso said team begins the to how last she’s thrilled to be weekend playplaying alongside season ended ing the Billikens the freshmen in the on Friday and as well as to team’s second season finishes with a how we don’t in the Big Ten. match against “We’ve worked Notre Dame in want unfinished so well in practice Omaha on Sunwith each lineup business this day, it’s no secret we’ve been put in,” that the team is season. We have Mancuso said. “The excited for Saturchemistry’s been the mentality day’s opponent, great and it shows of not letting a Mancuso said. that we have a lot Defending loss get to you of depth and we all national champimesh well.” UCLA will twice. We have a ons Although their be NU’s second lot of motivated time in the postseaopponent of the son concluded soonyear, and Manathletes in our er than what most cuso said she might have expected, gym that will wouldn’t want it the season itself was any other way. make for a very anything but disap“If we win, pointing. it’s going to be exciting 2012 In its first season great confivolleyball team.” adence in the new conferbooster,” ence, Nebraska imshe said. “If we pressed its new oplose, it’ll show us Dan meske ponents by finishing nu assistant volleyball coach what we need to 25-5 and capturing work on. Either the Big Ten title. This way, we love to season’s expectabe challenged. tions are no different either. This is Nebraska, and we’re defiEarlier this month, the No. 4 nitely excited about it.” Huskers were selected to repeat But before they host the topand win the conference title in ranked Bruins, the team must the coaches’ preseason volleyball stay in the mindset of defeating poll. St. Louis, Meske said. Mancuso said that although The second-year coach said the prediction is flattering, the he’s eager to watch the Huskers team must remain focused and play their first regular-season not fall into the hype. matchup of 2012 and added that “It doesn’t make us more the fans are in for a real treat. excited, and it doesn’t make us “The first team of the year more nervous,” she said. “We feels like Christmas in Auknow what we want, and it’s a gust,” Meske said. “We are Negoal we have set out to reach each braska volleyball. We’re not last year. We can’t let any outside exyear ’s team or next year ’s team. pectations get to us at all.” We’re now. This is our chance to Nebraska knows how it feels show everyone how hard we’ve to not meet expectations as well. worked, and I couldn’t be more In last season’s postsea- excited to start the year.” sports@ son tournament, Nebraska was picked as the No. 2 overall seed



friday, august 24, 2012 @dnsports

Tyler Moore sits on the sideline during a 42-29 win over Fresno State on Sept. 10, 2011. Junior Brent Qvale is likely to start at left tackle after Moore’s departure.

Plugging the Leak S t o r y by C h r i s Pe t e r s | P h o t o by A n n a R e e d




Left Tackle

Brent Qvale Givens Price Seung Hoon Choi Brandon Thompson Cole Pensick Justin Jackson Spencer Long Jacke Cotton Andrew Rodriguez Jeremuah Sirles

Junior Freshman (RS) Senior Senior Junior Senior Junior Sophomore Junior Junior

Left Guard Center Right Guard Right Tackle

After putting in time, Qvale gets chance to replace departed Moore at all-important left tackle position on offensive line


here appears to be a leak in the pipeline. Just as Nebraska’s offensive line was on the precipice of regaining its elite status, one of the team’s top returning linemen, Tyler Moore, left the team. Moore was expected to play an integral role in cementing an offensive line that could join the ranks of historic NU lines, which once earned the Nebraska unit the nickname “The Pipeline.” But personal issues stirred within the sophomore and after mulling for nearly six months over a decision to head home to Florida, Moore finally pulled the trigger. Now, one week until the 2012 season begins, Nebraska’s coaches have to fill the 6-foot-6-inch, 300-pound void at the starting left tackle spot. “There hasn’t been any change other than the fact our depth was hurt from the

loss,” said Barney Cotton, NU’s offensive line coach. Left tackle is arguably the most important role on the offensive line — it’s the man who is solely responsible for protecting quarterback Taylor Martinez’s blind side, a role normally reserved for the most elite lineman on the roster. Moore was that elite talent. A four-star prospect out of high school according to 247Sports, Moore became the first Husker lineman to start as a freshman in the season opener. Moore’s projections were off the chart, and he was on the fast-track to legendary status among Husker faithful. But while Moore ponders a potential return to Nebraska — a move that wouldn’t come until next season if he


Mangieri, Maher keep special teams tradition strong BY ANDREW WARD DN

a foot lower than the right hip, but that doesn’t count,” Mangieri said. “If I hit him on that hip, it’s P.J. Mangieri stands about 10 the fastest and most efficient way yards away from Brett Maher, Brett can get the punt off.” Nebraska has had its fair share squats and grabs the ball with both of solid kickers, espehands. cially in recent history. Mangieri, the Josh Brown and Alex Husker long snapper Henery are enjoying for the past three seaNFL careers right now, sons, looks between his Brown at Seattle and legs at Maher, NebrasHenery at Philadelphia. ka’s place-kicker and Henery was one of punter for the second the most accomplished straight year. place-kickers in NCAA Mangieri snaps history. Henery comthe ball. It spins with a pleted an NCAA-record perfect spiral, stopping 89.5 percent of his field after Maher catches goal attempts, including it, directly at his right mangieri 18 of 19 attempts his sehip, ideal for the rightnior year. footed punter. The long Maher entered last snapper repeats the action nine more times, each as per- season as Henery’s replacement. The former walk-on earned a fect as the last. Both Mangieri and Maher scholarship this fall after making play this game during almost ev- 43 of 44 point-after attempts and ery practice. Mangieri must hit 19 of 23 field goal attempts. “It’s really rewarding,” MaMaher ’s right hip 10 times in a row. If he doesn’t, the game starts her said. “It’s something that I’ve over. football: see page 9 “It could be a foot higher or

doesn’t choose to switch to Florida or Florida State — coaches will have to groom his successor. The most likely prospect is 6-foot-7-inch, 315-pound behemoth Brent Qvale. “He was a multi-sport guy in high school, he was a big guy at that size,” coach Bo Pelini said. “His athleticism needed to develop. That’s one of the problems.” “It takes a lot of technique, work and fundamentals to get where you want to go. It’s not going to hapqvale pen overnight. The idea that these kids are coming into college football ready to play is absurd,” Pelini said. “It takes a rare situation and it’s

not an ideal situation most of the time for a freshman to come in and play. So you expect, especially at the offensive line position, that it is going to take a few years.” Qvale has done a lot in his few years with the team. Despite his size, coaches played Qvale inside as a guard in his first three years in the program. Qvale acted as one of the top backups at guard and saw action on special teams, thanks in part to his quick footwork, which helped him earn an all-state basketball selection in high school. This season, however, the best chance for Qvale to see the field was at tackle, a position more suited for his body type. Former guard Andrew Rodriguez switched to right tackle in the spring to

offensive line: see page 8

Volleyball team ready for ‘fresh’ start Mancuso, teammates look to start anew; Freshmen impress, may contribute early Nedu Izu Dn Gina Mancuso is ready for a new season of volleyball at the NU Coliseum. In their last matchup, the senior and her teammates lost in the 2011 NCAA Tournament to Kansas State to end the season. The match marked the lone NU loss at the Coliseum all season. But that was last year. The Husker squad is ready to hit the court and start anew this year. After four spring matches and the annual Red-White Scrimmage last Saturday, the Nebraska volleyball team will kick off what will be a three-game weekend season-opener against St. Louis this Friday at 7 p.m. Mancuso said this weekend’s three matchups will be a true test on how much the team has improved since last year. “Everyone’s really excited and ready to start,” Mancuso said. “We’re ready to show what we’ve been working on and how we’re going to be a great team this year.” And the team showed that in their exhibition match last weekend, according to NU assistant coach Dan Meske.

anna reed | dn

Nebraska senior Gina Mancuso, above, said the volleyball team is excited for the season to start. Five freshmen may make an impact on a team disappointed with how last season ended. Mancuso showed why she was named a 2011 AVCA firstteam All-American and firstteam All-Big Ten selection when

volleyball: see page 9

We’re ready to show what we’ve been working on and how we’re going to be a great team this year.”

gina mancuso

nu senior outside hitter

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