Dec. 6

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dn the

thursday, december 6, 2012 volume 112, issue 072

Inside Coverage

Drumming up support UNL grads seek interest in antiausterity effort


Mix and match

A&E columnist creates many options with small wardrobe

Heoya’s owner Minh Nyguyen takes a customer’s order Wednesday afternoon from his food truck. Heoya is an Asian-Fusion mobile restaurant that travels throughout different locations daily in Lincoln.


K E E P ON W truckin’

Engineering merger met with resistence

I n - p r o g r e s s o r d i n a n c e f r o m L i n c o l n M ayo r ’ s o ffic e c o ul d o p e n up d o w n t o w n t o f o o d

The administrative structure of the two campuses is already a little tricky to understand. The UNL College of Engineering is the only engineering college in Nebraska, which means the programs in Omaha are part of UNL, not UNO. All engineerCristina Woodworth ing courses at the Omaha campus DN are taught by UNL faculty and the engineering students at UNO The University of Nebraska- are technically classified as UNL Lincoln’s two engineering cam- students. puses – one in Omaha and one in The merger, then, would be Lincoln – offer similar classes but within the UNL College of Engihave very distinct neering between programs. These the Computer & We study separate programs Electronics Enmay soon be comgineering protheory, but bined as part of a gram in Omaha proposed merge our main focus is and the electrithat some oppocal engineering hands-on labs.” nents are saying program in Linwill shorthand the coln. Omaha campus and Jane-Stewart Timothy hinder the collabEngebretson, Struble-Larsen orative approach to the communicauno engineering and engineering classes tions and marphysics major there. keting manager “The engineerfor the College ing department at of EngineerUNO is special,” said Timothy ing, said the merge would alStruble-Larsen, a senior electron- low both engineering programs ics engineering and physics ma- to combine their expertise and jor at the University of Nebraska resources. The proposed merge at Omaha. “We study theory, but our main focus is hands-on labs.” engineering: see page 3

UNO students worry combining programs will change culture, quality

s t o r y b y li s a r n e s o n | ph o t o s b y a lli s o n h e s s

Stephanie Coler picks up an order Wednesday afternoon from Heoya, a mobile food truck based out of Lincoln. Coler said she enjoys Heoya because their food is healthy, and they provide good service.

hen Minh Nguyen, his wife Linda and their business partner Yao Hua opened Heoya in August 2011 – an Asian fusion food truck serving everything from barbecue steak tacos to firecracker rangoon – they were hoping to make Lincoln a little more “hip.” “We wanted to do something, we just didn’t know what,” said Nguyen, a Chicago native. “We looked at what Lincoln had compared to other cities. We also have a passion for food.” Currently Heoya moves between 10 different U-Stops around town and operates an indoor location at 33rd and Superior streets. If an ordinance being drafted by Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler ’s administration is passed by the Lincoln City Council in the coming months, food trucks like Heoya will be allowed downtown, according to a Nov. 28 article in the Lincoln Journal Star. The mayor ’s administration hopes to take the food truck ordinance to the city council by early spring. Nguyen said right now there is no ordinance for food trucks in downtown Lincoln. The ordinance in place pertains to ice cream or hot dog vendors. “That’s what we’ve been wanting – ordinance for food trucks,” Nguyen said. “When we heard that the mayor ’s office was working on it, we were pretty excited about it.” Under the new ordinance, a few spots downtown would be available for food truck vendors to apply for, according to the Journal Star. Vendors would then pay the city a fee for a spot. Nguyen said Heoya would consider the potential expense before applying for a spot. “It just depends on the fee,” Nguyen said. “If they’re going to ask for a crazy amount, then we probably couldn’t afford it. But if it’s within reason, then for sure, yeah, we would.” Even if they take advantage of the ordinance in the future, Nguyen said Heoya wouldn’t be parked downtown every day. “The purpose of a food truck is to be mobile and to move around, so we wouldn’t be at that location five days a week,” he said.

food trucks: see page 3

Lincoln panhandling remains permit-free despite national trend No plans to add more restrictions to pandhandling on city property Elias Youngquist DN Every day, David takes up his familiar stoop with a cardboard sign on the corner of P and 12th streets. The southwest corner of the Lincoln Grand Cinema forms a concrete bench where the panhandler spends his day taking in between $20 and $30 a day. “I started out last year (panhandling) to put gas in my van,” David said. “But now that my van is broken down, to be honest it’s to put gas in me. Three or four beers usually does it at night.” What David does daily is legal, according to Lincoln city ordinances and perhaps not even considered panhandling by the city. According to the ordinances, passively sitting with a sign seeking donations is not panhandling. But things could be different if David lived somewhere else. Towns in states such as South Dakota, Ohio and North Carolina have begun to require licenses to panhandle. Others, like one town in Colorado, are considering banning it altogether. How-


ever, according to Todd Ogden, marketing director for Downtown Lincoln Association, there hasn’t been any talk of furthering the already existing ordinances. “I don’t think any more of that (licensing) is needed,” said David, 53, whose last name isn’t being published to protect his identity. According to Ogden, high numbers aren’t the issue when it comes to panhandling in Lincoln’s downtown. “We don’t have a quantity problem as much as a quality problem,” Ogden said. “Compared to other downtowns, we don’t have the mass numbers, but I think we have a few, strongly aggressive panhandlers that are much more visible than others might be.” According to Ogden, there is a type of panhandling that is illegal called aggressive panhandling by the Lincoln Police Department. Under Lincoln’s current ordinances, only a vocal request for donations is considered panhandling – which means that David’s cardboard sign doesn’t technically count. After panhandling was legalized in 2004, the city instead passed ordinances prohibiting aggressive panhandling­ – touching the solicited person without consent, panhandling a person waiting in line, blocking the path of a person, using profane language


David, 53, who chose not to give his last name, poses for a portrait on the corner of P and 12th streets on Saturday. A stranger and his family provided him with the Wendy’s food and drink beside him. David has been panhandling for two years. while soliciting and following a person after attempting to solicit

them. It is illegal in the city of Lincoln to panhandle at night, at a

bus stop, in public transportation, within 20 feet of an ATM or bank

more Inside Coverage:

Do we have to? Multiple holiday performances bring in revenue for theaters, part of family traditions


Husker coach preps squad for Creighton Miles looks to bring wins to Nebraska squad

@dailyneb |

entrance or panhandle in groups larger than two. “We really haven’t had an issue with it on campus,” said Sgt. Jeffrey Hohlen of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department. “If there’s an issue, we ask them to go to the north side of the (Nebraska) Union, where people are able to talk and use freedom of speech.” However, Hohlen said panhandlers mostly stay in the downtown area and off campus. “I think everybody knows that students don’t have a lot of change on their person,” Hohlen said. “So it’s not going to be very productive for them to spend all day and get no money.” Rather than push for more ordinances, the Downtown Lincoln Association started a panhandling awareness campaign in 2008, Ogden said. “More of an awareness campaign is useful for panhandling downtown as far as where people can direct their money instead, places like People’s City Mission and Matt Talbot’s Kitchen,” Ogden said. While panhandlers frequently are associated with the homeless, they aren’t necessarily homeless themselves. And if they are homeless, they are a minority in

panhandlers: see page 3


thursday, december 6, 2012

UNL grads seek support for new RSO

lpd briefs MAN accused of IMPERSONATING A FUNERAL DIRECTOR A man allegedly impersonating a funeral director was arrested when he tried to take a deceased woman’s property, Lincoln Police Officer Katie Flood said. Terry Kurtzhals, a 58-year-old Lincoln resident, walked into the Wadlow Rozanek Funeral and Cremation Services on 5200 R St. and asked for the engagement rings of Jeskurtzhals sica Johnson, a 34-year-old woman who died on Nov. 20. Kurtzhals was dressed in a suit and wore a nametag that read “funeral director.” Flood said the desk workers informed Kurtzhals that property of the deceased can only be obtained by the next of kin. As the conversation continued, the workers asked Kurtzhals about his history as a funeral director. Kurtzhals said he was “from a small town.” As he was asked more questions, he became agitated, police said. A desk worker then called the police. When the police arrived, Flood said, they interviewed him and discovered that Kurtzhals had in fact worked as a funeral director – but his license was revoked in 1996. Flood said Kurtzhals was engaged to Johnson, and he wanted the rings back. The two rings were worth about $500. He was jailed on charges of impersonating a funeral director. “This is something that I’ve never seen before,” Flood said. Flood said the police found more information when they looked at his criminal record. Kurtzhals was imprisoned for felony possession of burglary materials and released in January. On Nov. 6, a desk worker in the Lincoln Hall of Justice saw Kurtzhals wearing an “I voted” sticker and notified police. They looked at the voting records and found that he did cast a ballot. He was charged for voting as a felon.

UNATTENDED HOUSE burglarized On Nov. 25, Lincoln police were called to a house on the 3700 block of Northwest 50th Street. Someone had broken in through the house’s garage and a number of items were missing. The police report states that four flat-screen televisions, a computer, printer, sewing machine, violin and boxes of documents were stolen from sovereign the house. Flood said a neighbor called the police when a car parked there numerous times. The owner of the house was hospitalized for most of November, and the neighbor was concerned to see an unfamiliar car there. Police tracked down the car’s owner, Benjamin Sovereign, 36, of Lincoln, and searched his home. They found some of the missing items including the violin and the sewing machine. When Sovereign was arrested on Tuesday, police found 12 grams of methamphetamine in his jacket pocket. Sovereign was cited and jailed for burglary and possession of narcotics. The spouse of a deceased LPD officer owns the house, Flood said. Some of the documents stolen may contain police-related material.




A Dodge Journey was pulled over Tuesday night for speeding on Interstate 80. When the deputy stopped the car, he reported a strong smell of marijuana, Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Wagner said. The deputy searched the car and found 4.66 pounds of high-grade medical marijuana. Wagner said the marijuana is worth slightly less than $25,000. Stanley Burt, 37, of Ukiah, Calif., and Tynesha Kethchum, 33, Sacramento, Calif., were arrested and jailed for possession of marijuana with intent to deliver. —Compiled by Daniel Wheaton NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

correction The Nov. 30 article titled “Husker swimmers prepare for Hawkeye Invite” should have stated that Amanda Paulson swam for Iowa State, who did not compete

in the Hawkeye Invitational.

If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

Alumni look to add United Front Against Austerity group on campus dan holtmeyer dn The “fiscal cliff” of scheduled tax hikes and across-the-board federal spending cuts is less than a month away, and compromise – a bargain between political parties that generally favor revenue or cuts, not both – is the increasingly urgent buzzword around Washington, D.C. But as the cliff approaches, some, including two recent University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduates, say there is another way. Graduates Dan Buhrdorf and Joe Johnson are working to launch a student organization at UNL that promotes an anti-austerity approach to the fiscal cliff, which would avoid spending cuts. After President Barack Obama was reelected one month ago, he and Republican House Speaker John Boehner both said they would meet in the middle. Both sides have proposed some revenue increases and more controlled cuts of federal departments and social programs like Social Security and Medicare. Policies that cut spending are often collectively called “austerity.” But taxing Wall Street’s sales of

stocks, bonds and other segments of the stock market at a rate of 1 percent, Buhrdorf and Johnson say, could erase the country’s financial worries without calling on the middle and lower class to give up part of their social safety net. “The idea is to make the bankers pay for the depression they caused,” Buhrdorf said, referring to Wall Street speculators whose risky bets on the success or failure of other stocks helped spark the financial meltdown in 2008. “That program is to reindustrialize America and get people working again.” Buhrdorf and Johnson’s plans began at a New York meeting in October – the beginnings of the United Front Against Austerity, of which Buhrdorf, a former Daily Nebraskan editorial cartoonist, is a member. “Everybody was concerned about young people – ‘We need more young people in the movement. We’ve got to get more young people,’” he said. “So at UNL what we hope to do is have a student group that will work for this noausterity program.” Nationally, that program revolves around the 1 percent transaction tax as well as a five-year student loan repayment freeze. Here at UNL, Buhrdorf said, the group’s political and mobilizing efforts, like awareness-raising events and protests, would focus on what he called the “three no’s”: no tuition increases, no cuts to faculty and no cuts to staff.

3 professors named national science fellows Demetria Stephens DN Three University of NebraskaLincoln professors have been n a m e d fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. They’ll be recognized for their alfano achievements at the AAAS annual meeting in Boston in February. The AAAS publishes the journal “Science,” one of the most cited magazines in the world. The association awarded fellowship to 702 members this year. I t ’ s the first time three UNL scientists became nastasi fellows in the same year. But UNL still lags behind Big Ten conference members, according to lists on the AAAS website. The University of Michigan had 19 fellows elected, the most among all institutions listed on the website. M i c h a e l Nastasi, E l m e r Koch professor of mechanical and smith materials e n g i n e e ring, was named an AAAS Fellow in the section of industrial science and technology. He researches selfhealing materials of nuclear reactors to make materials in nuclear reactors last longer, he said. Nastasi quoted Madonna’s song “Material Girl” to describe his interest in engineering. “We’re all living in a material world,” he said. “It’s true, everything around us (is material), and it’s very rich, scientifically.”

Nastasi came to UNL a year ago and has had multiple fellowships, including one at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, where a colleague, Amit Misra, nominated him for the AAAS fellowship. Peers have nominated colleagues as AAAS fellows since 1874 based on efforts to advance science or its applications. Nastasi is also the director of the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research, which started in 2006 as a research collaboration between UNL and the Nebraska Public Power District. While Nastasi isn’t teaching right now, he’s writing textbooks so others can benefit from his research. L. Dennis Smith, emeritus president of the University of Nebraska and emeritus professor in the UNL School of Biological Sciences, was named a fellow in the section on biological sciences. The organization gave him its Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility in 2002 for his handling of a 1999 controversy over University of Nebraska Medical Center stem cell research, according to a UNL press release. Smith couldn’t be reached for comment on the AAAS fellowship. James Alfano, a plant pathology professor at UNL, was named a fellow in the section on agriculture, food and renewable resources. The recognition doesn’t bring money to his lab but rather brings exposure to his work and UNL’s research, he said. “It’s kind of a feel-good thing,” he said. He studies bacterial pathogens of plants, specifically type III protein secretion systems, which work like “molecular syringes” injecting bacteria into plants, he said. The two main goals of his research are to make plants more resistant to pathogens and to find ways to apply the research in the medical field. Alfano, who has worked at UNL since 2000, was nominated by UNL plant pathology professor James Van Etten, also an AAAS fellow. Though the AAAS only lists 29 fellows from Nebraska over the years, Nastasi said the three AAAS Fellows at UNL this year show the university’s potential. “I think what you’re seeing is an indication of the rise of UNL,” Nastasi said. “So as people do more and more outstanding research, there will be more and more rewards of these types for the people working at UNL.” news@

The idea is to make the bankers pay for the depression they caused.”

Dan Buhrdorf

unl alum

UNL’s administration enacted a $5-million budget cut last year, which included the elimination of several major programs and jobs, because of tight appropriations from the state. The federal government and most other states also have budget problems, with federal debt recently surpassing $16 trillion, or roughly $50,000 per U.S. citizen. “You can pay for that with the Wall Street sales tax,” Buhrdorf said, because the United Front’s plan includes the revenue being split in half between the federal government and the states. According to an analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan Congressional panel, this tax would indeed go a long way toward filling the debt hole. The committee looked at a proposal last year to tax Wall Street transactions at 0.03 percent and found it would generate an average of $39 billion each year in the next decade, thanks to the huge volume of annual transactions. If scaled up from 0.03 percent to 1 percent, that revenue balloons to an average of more than $1.3

trillion each year, roughly equal to each year’s federal deficit that contributes to the debt. As a UNL graduate, Buhrdorf can’t participate directly in any RSO, which would basically be a chapter of the United Front Against Austerity, he said. But he and Johnson have been working to drum up interest on campus among students and faculty with positive results. “There were a lot of people that were apathetic, but I think as many wanted to see what was in the pamphlet after they heard the sales pitch,” Johnson said. Among the interested was a professor who said he’d never agreed with people passing out pamphlets on the Nebraska Union Plaza until then. Several students have expressed interest in joining the RSO, even becoming officers, Buhrdorf said, though efforts to reach those students by press time were unsuccessful. An RSO could be up and running by next semester, he said. “I think it’s going to be a formidable program,” Johnson said. “It’s ready to go in that regard.” news@

Fresh-cut trees provide safe, fun holiday tradition CL Sill DN

color, but Adams said most trees at retail stores have been sprayed with green coloring to make them As Clark Griswold said in “Na- appear more wholesome. He sugtional Lampoon’s Christmas Va- gested hitting the butt of the tree on the ground to see if any green cation,” it’s all part of the experineedles fall off, or running the neeence. dles through your fingers to see if Choosing a Christmas tree is they are brittle. an essential piece of the holiday All of this can be avoided if the season, and Dennis Adams of the tree is chosen at a farm, which is Nebraska Forest Service said nothwhat Adams recommends. ing can beat heading out to a tree “If you actually go out and cut farm and chopping one down a tree, you can’t get much fresher yourself. than that,” he said. “It’s much more of an experiOnce the decision is made and ence than just going to a grocery the saw has completed its work, store and picking a tree out of the the next task is getting the tree parking lot,” he said. safely to your living room. Adams Adams has worked for the forsaid there is no need to cover the est service for the better part of 40 tree on the trip home as some exyears. During that time, he’s become perts suggest. “I don’t know any growers somewhat of a Christmas tree exthat do that,” he said. “People pert and said choosing the right aren’t usually taking them 500 tree begins with personal prefermiles or anything.” ence. Before putting a tree up, anoth“Everybody has their own style of tree,” Adams said. The er cut should be made to its trunk. Adams suggested cutting about 1 most commonly grown trees in inch off the bottom of the tree. This Nebraska are white and scotch “opens the pores” pine as well as of the tree and alseveral species of It’s much lows it to absorb fur and spruce, he water. more of an said. Once the tree Deciding be- experience than is in its stand and tween these opthe buyer is busy tions depends on just going to a untangling the giwhat a family is grocery store.” ant ball of lights looking for, acstuffed in the cording to Adams. Dennis Adams closet for the last The pines offer year, Adams said nebraska forest service a shorter, softer keeping a good needle while speamount of water cies like the blue in the tree’s base is spruce will give the buyer a more imperative. “prickly” tree. “The first few days are the When it comes to cost, Adams most critical,” he said. “I’ve seen said the price is fairly standard across the board, with most trees trees that will take up to a gallon of water a day at first.” running between $5 and $7 per This practice will not only alfoot. low for a healthy, long-lasting tree, While there might not be any Black Friday deals, the Friday after according to Adams, but will also Thanksgiving is one of the busiest curb any safety hazards that go along with having a live tree. days of the season for Christmas “The main thing is to make tree farms, according to Christy sure it’s got plenty of water,” he Lade. said. “If you do that then your tree “I call it ‘Green Friday,’” said Lade, who has been operating Stone will be no more flammable than a Ridge Farm with her husband Bruce cut flower.” Lade reiterated Adams’ adfor the last 13 years. She said the three weekends after Thanksgiving vice, saying if a tree has the proper amount of moisture, its chances of are the most crowded at her farm, catching fire are “almost zero.” but it usually thins out during the Lade works long hours week. throughout the year, doing everyOffering much of the same advice as Adams, Lade said buying thing from planting and watering from a tree farm will ensure fami- seedlings to mowing around the existing trees. She said even with lies a high-quality Christmas tree. all of the hard work she puts into “It will stay fresh much lonher business, this time of year is ger,” she said. incredibly fun. If someone does decide to take “We serve hot cider and have the easier route and pick a tree little kids running through the that has already been cut, Dentrees playing hide and seek,” she nis Adams said there are several said. “It’s delightful.” things to watch for in getting a news@ fresh tree. The first thing to look at its

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thursday, december 6, 2012


Americans want more innovation in higher ed, poll says

no more

Survey respondents think universities, colleges need change to stay competitive

photos by Allison Hess

ABOVE: Scott Davis, a sophomore exploratory major, enjoys the Stress Free Zone Wednesday afternoon in the Nebraska Union. He and many other students came to enjoy crafts, cookie decorating and a photo booth. BOTTOM LEFT: Xuemei Li, a senior business administration major, takes a break from studying to decorate a cookie at the Stress Free Zone Wednesday afternoon. This event was sponsored by the University Health Center, Campus Recreation Center and Lincoln Pet Partners to help students unwind right before finals.

engineering: from 1 would work to streamline the two programs as well and cut down on the number of duplicate courses, Engebretson said. “This merger has been proposed to help the college become more efficient and to streamline our programs and offering to provide the best undergraduate and graduate education in these areas,” Engebretson said. With the merge, the Omaha campus would gain an electrical engineering program to add to its six other engineering programs: computer, electronics, civil, construction and architectural engineering. Engebretson said the computer and electronics engineering program would stay in Omaha and a possible Ph.D. program in computer engineering would also be offered there. She said the merge would allow the College of Engineering to gain more status among other Big Ten schools. “We want to become a recognized Big Ten engineering college, focusing on our students, faculty, staff and academic and research offerings,” she said. “Ultimately, this emphasis will increase the value of the degrees our students earn.”


The proposed merge has neering professor. “I am concerned UNO’s engistirred up controversy among neering program would begin to those who say combining the programs will ruin the different cul- resemble UNL’s,” he said. “I see tures seen at the Omaha and Lin- the merger as beneficial to UNL. As for the Peter Kiewit Institute, coln campuses, though. which was supposed to become “The two programs are very different,” said Margaux Hoa- independent from UNL, it seems rather harmful.” glund, a junior Engebretson electronics engiWe want said the different neering and mathatmospheres of the ematics major at to become campuses would UNO. “The proa recognized Big still be taken into gram based in Linaccount during the coln is very much Ten engineering merge. theory-based and “All of our is a great funda- college...” engineering promental program Jane-Stewart grams have their for a researchown individual based institution. Engebretson cultures, and we college of engineering The program in are focusing on Omaha, however, providing the best is designed to meet engineering education we can the needs of industry. It is one of the most hands-on programs in in all areas,” she said. Engebretson said engineering faculty at the country and it does an excelboth campuses are committed to lent job in doing so. By merging the programs, it will be very dif- achieving a balance between educational and research components ficult to meet the needs of both to appeal to students at both camprograms.” Struble-Larsen said he expe- puses. Hoaglund, though, voiced rienced both UNL and UNO’s engineering programs after trans- concerns about having to either take a bus to Lincoln or participate ferring from UNL when he said he in virtual courses to take classes had a bad experience with an engi-

that will no longer be offered at the Omaha campus. “Busing would turn a onehour class into a minimum of a three-hour trek,” Hoaglund said. “And the idea of having a professor in a different city lecture you through a television does not sound appealing or promising.” UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman said the merge is a practical way to improve the College of Engineering programs. “The proposed changes are designed to improve the educational opportunities of all engineering students and to enhance our service to the Omaha community,” Perlman said. “We can do this by taking better advantage of the assets we have at both locations.” Some UNO students are still not convinced. “I think the merger will cause a decline in the enrollment and the program will eventually die,” Hoaglund said. Faculty from both campuses are currently discussing the merge and a proposal is expected to be sent to the University of Nebraska Board of Regents sometime next semester. news@

Journalism professor John Bender said the need to innovate at the collegiate level comes up on a fairly regular basis. “When I was an undergraduate, they were talking about the need to innovate,” Bender said. “It’s kind of a continual proLIS ARNESON cess of self-examination, which DN is good. I’m not sure if it’s any worse or acute now than it was in Americans are proud of universi- the 1960s, 1980s or the 1920s, for ties in the United States, but think that matter.” higher education must innovate Survey respondents expressed to stay globally competitive, acconcern about tuition increases cording to a national opinion poll and college accessibility. Eightyreleased Nov. 26 by Northeastern six percent of respondents said University. college costs are an obstacle to Three-fourths of survey re- obtaining a degree. spondents ranked U.S. universiBender said that while many ties above those of other nations, are questioning the value of a colyet more than 80 percent of re- lege education in the U.S.’s curspondents said universities need rent economic state, he still beto change to remain competitive. lieves a degree is worth the cost. Four-fifths of respondents said But he said financial concerns the government should spend should be addressed. more than it currently does on “In terms of financing, that’s a higher education. real problem. A lot of the problem University of Nebraska Reis that the state government has gent Chuck Hassebrook said the cut back on funding for universimost critical competitive advanties,” Bender said. “If states contage the U.S. can have is a welltinue to cut back, the cost is going educated society. to have to be borne “We live and other ways. One Globalization in work in a knowlof the ways is takedge economy, and is inevitable; ing it out of the the higher the skill pockets of students level, the more it’s not going to and parents. And competitive our that’s not going to stop.” state and our nabe the best thing tion will be,” Hasfor society in the Field McDonald sebrook said. long run.” german, global studies, For students to political science major NU Regent Tim do well in college Clare said comand to move on, pared to its peers, they need to learn the university has kept tuition from their earliest years, Hasselow and predictable. brook said. This necessity places “I think if you look at the last emphasis on American education seven years, our tuition hasn’t from the preschool level through gone up more than 4.5 percent,” college, he said. Clare said. “We’re 28 percent beIncreasing high school gradulow our peer average.” ation and college-going rates Clare said programs like Colshould be a top concern, accordlegebound Nebraska, the univering to Hassebrook. sity’s expanded financial aid pro“For our democracy to be gram, have helped to keep college strong, we need to prepare all of education accessible and affordour citizens to be lifelong learnable in Nebraska. ers – to be informed and active so Moving forward, Clare said that they can guide this nation to the university should remain foits best future,” Hassebrook said. cused on its land-grant mission. Field McDonald, a sophomore “I think that we need to conGerman, global studies and potinue to keep our eye on our mislitical science major at the Unision to provide education to our versity of Nebraska-Lincoln, said students,” he said. “The research colleges should work to be more that we’re conducting only enwelcoming to international stuhances the education that’s being dents. provided to students. It’s attract“Globalization is inevitable; ing better faculty and creating it’s not going to stop,” she said. better students.” “So these are discussions that we news@ need to be having.”

panhandlers: from 1

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6pks wm.....................


24pks wm...................

Lincoln’s homeless population according to Ogden. There are two types of homelessness, Ogden said. Crisis homelessness, is when individuals or families typically are made homeless because of domestic abuse or an event like a job loss or catastrophic medical problem and are using the resources available to them to get back on their feet. On the other hand, chronic homelessness is defined by individuals who are not working with local agencies, like some panhandlers, to improve their situation. Many have alcohol or substance abuse issues or suffer from mental illness. According to the Downtown Lincoln Association, the chronic homeless are a very small percentage of the 1,200 homeless people in Lincoln. “A lot of them that panhandle aren’t homeless, they just do it to

make a buck for the day,” Ogden said. While that may be true for some panhandlers, David said he lives in his broken-down van that a friend lets him park a driveway. While he admitted that he typically spends his collections on beer after a day on the street, at least his Saturday take would be going toward propane to heat his car. “I’m hoping, since it’s the holidays, it’ll get better,” David said. “When I had my dog, I made up to $80 a day. I used to say it was the dog making all the money.” But David lost his dog, a black lab mix named Sasha, in July. “Somebody stole my dog,” David said. “I guess they thought homeless people don’t need a dog.” news@

food trucks: from 1



Kessler 1.75L...





allison hess | dn

Heoya opened in August 2011 and serves Asian-fusion fare, including barbecue steak tacos and firecracker ragoon. “It would probably just be a couple days a week.” Nguyen said he hopes the ordinance encourages more people to open food trucks. Pepe Fierro, owner of Pepe’s Veggie-Mex Bistro located at 6220 Havelock Ave., will open a food truck in the coming months. Fierro said even if this ordinance is passed, he doesn’t plan on parking his food truck downtown because there are several eateries already there. “Right now I think I’ve seen like seven corporate restaurants move in around the 14th and P area in the last two months,” he said. “I think food trucks probably would not do that great downtown. If the mayor wants to make a difference, he should really push for locally owned res-

taurants that are buying from the local farmers.” Fierro’s food truck menu will resemble his restaurant’s menu – seasonal, local vegetarian and vegan entrees. Several locations, including places like NET Radio, Cycle Works and Zesto, have invited Fierro use their space for his food truck at little or no charge. Last year, Heoya was often parked at 16th and S streets on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. But through a UNL student, Nguyen said Heoya developed a connection with U-Stop and now pays “reasonable” rent to park the food truck. “That’s how you do it,” Fierro said. “You help each other out.” news@



thursday, december 6, 2012 @Dailyneb

dn e d i t o r i a l b o a r d m e m b e r s ANDREW DICKINSON editor-in-chief



Rule No. 012

“Don’t spend time thinking of something funny for the cartoon when you have two tests, two projects,and three papers due ”

our view

‘DOOMED’ decision reflects abominably on journalism On Dec. 3, the New York Post published a cover photo of a man on subway tracks who was about to be run over by a train. The headline for the cover read “DOOMED.” Bloggers and online comments have taken issue with the Post’s decision to publish the image of 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han on the tracks, and we at the Daily Nebraskan wholeheartedly agree that the decision to publish the image on the cover, especially with such a callous headline, was wrong. More debatable, however, is what blame, if any, should be placed on the photographer. It can be easy to jump to the conclusion that the photographer, R. Umar Abassi, a freelancer for the New York Post, should have thrown his camera down and saved Han. But no one who is currently reporting, following or commenting on this story, was on that train platform when this event occurred. It’s possible Abassi was doing all that he could do, as he says he was, by flashing his camera toward the train conductor. It’s also possible that, in this situation, a rescue could have put Abassi himself in danger and made for two deaths rather than one. Let’s give the photographer the benefit of the doubt before we destroy his public image forever. And whether you agree with this sentiment or not, it’s good this discussion is being prompted. As student journalists, we see an industry in decline ahead of us. Much of the talk about our future in this industry is full of doom and gloom. But we still commit to the field without hesitation – we don’t get in to journalism as students to become famous or to make a lot of (or even a little) money. Most of us do it because we care about telling people’s stories, and we hope we’ll do some good along the way. But we also are taking notice of another change, and it’s worse than an industry in decline. We see a huge group of the public losing faith in journalists’ ability to be unbiased witnesses seeking only to inform the public on the news of the day. Take note of the responses on the Internet from other news organizations across the board – the resounding answer is that publishing this image in this way was wrong. Don’t take the Post’s mistake as common behavior from the journalism industry. The power of pictures featuring death, or imminent death, is undeniable. Glance through an online archive of Pulitzer Prize-winning images and you will find plenty of death. Eddie Adams’ Pulitzer-winning photo of a Viet Cong prisoner being executed was iconic of the war. But Han’s death on those tracks didn’t drastically affect any nation. It didn’t affect the global balance of good and evil in the world. It affected Han’s family – and for the New York Post to exploit his family’s loss for the sake of garnering attention is deplorable.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

gabriel sanchez | dn

‘Don’t fear failure; fear stagnancy’


t’s Dec. 31, and as the clock strikes midnight, people across the world shout in celebration for the year to come. As confetti rains down and noisemakers ring out, the joy among strangers and friends alike is palpable. Once we’ve had the time to reflect on the past 365 days, each individual is faced with the decision to make resolution or not. One will make the conscious choice to either change behaviors and habits or to continue traversing current paths. But we make resolutions, what prevents us from sticking to them? According to a study done by Statistic Brain, the list of top 10 most popular New Year ’s resolutions from 2012 included things such as weight loss, organization, spending less/saving more, learning a new skill and quitting smoking. While 45 percent of Americans actively make resolutions, only 8 percent are successful in achieving their resolutions, while a resounding 24 percent fail on their resolutions each year. When considering these numbers it’s difficult to ignore that nearly one in four people find it impossible to keep a promise they’ve made. To many, the draw of New Year ’s resolutions is simple. It’s a fresh start. A way to improve in some way or make amends with poor habits. A metaphorical “reset” button, for all the gamers out there. What could be more tempting? Not one of us is perfect; therefore, we are vulnerable to making mistakes, often the same ones repeatedly. However, the mistakes that we make are a part of what make us uniquely human. More than any other species, we have the ability to make mistakes and learn from them if we so choose to. This desire to change often leads us to purchase self-help materials in droves. According to, “Americans spent $11 billion in 2008 on self-improvement books, CDs, seminars, coaching and stress management programs.” Even after spending such an enormous amount on the materials that should make keeping our resolutions within our reach, people still fail miserably at them overall. In the same study done by Statistic Brain mentioned earlier, they found that 25 percent of those who make New Year ’s resolutions don’t maintain it past the first week. Just one week out of 52. Such neglect of our resolutions has led to them becoming something of a joke. If this were for a grade, we’d all fail.

AMANDA KEENAN With New Year ’s quickly approaching, some of you may already be putting thought into whether or not you want to make a resolution. Some of you may have even decided already to do so, but are now pondering what resolution to make. Whatever actions having led to this point will often serve as a guide to changing what it is that we hate or improving what we like most in ourselves. And even though most studies show that those of us “who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions,” the failure to success rate is staggeringly discouraging. The importance of learning to keep one’s promises, not only to others but also to one’s self, is at the root of a New Year’s resolution. What stops resolution-makers from accomplishing these tasks are often the same things that stop us from doing much that we want to do. If one does intend to make a resolution, he or she must remain steadfast; it won’t be easy. One needs to go into a commitment like this with 100 percent of his or her heart in order for a change to be made. In an article for Psychology Today, psychology professor Jim Taylor offered his opinion of what it takes to be successful in sticking with New Year ’s resolutions. “Change starts with a simple, yet powerful, epiphany that comes from a very deep and personal place inside of us: ’I just can’t continue down this same road any longer.’ Emotions can be potent motivators for change, whether positive, such as hope, inspiration, or pride, or negative, such as fear (e.g., of losing a job). Courage is essential because change requires risk and risk is scary. Courage to change means the willingness to acknowledge and confront aspects of

ourselves that we may not know about or may not like. Because change is uncertain, the only way to change is to take a leap of faith that involves a fundamental belief in the vision of who, what, and where we want to be in the future. Finally, we need an unwavering determination to resist the obstacles and pursue our goals. This resolve motivates us to engage in the moment-to-moment process of change, especially when it gets difficult.” With these words as guides with how to approach resolutions on an emotional level now one only needs to find ways to make the mental/physical demands of keeping them more realistic. This way it is easier to maintain and hopefully keep a resolution. Here are some of my tricks that you might consider: 1. Choose a resolution that you are truly passionate about – this should make it easier and more important to keep. 2. Choose something you have always wanted to do – this should keep it exciting. 3. Choose something you were afraid to do before. By facing our fears, we are empowered. This could lead to even more changes. Don’t fear failure. Fear stagnancy. 4. Choose something small and manageable – sometimes it really is about baby steps. 5. And last but not least: allow yourself to slip and make mistakes. Once we eliminate some of the pressure that we put on ourselves, it should be easier to stick with. No one is perfect, and what is important is long-term commitment, rather than shortterm perfection. I hope that you find yourselves inspired, my fellow Huskers, to branch out and make any changes that you’ve been putting off or never thought possible. When the stroke of midnight hits on New Year ’s, I hope that you remember the words of the band fun.: “Tonight, we are young. So let’s set the world on fire, and we can burn brighter than the sun.” Let’s start off 2013 with the fiery passion and determination to make change both in ourselves and in our communities. Let’s allow New Year ’s resolutions be the springboard to greater things that show the world what this generation is really made of. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year full of potential. Amanda Keenan is a junior Public Relations major and can be reached at opinion@

Fragility of life mandates unconditional love


ast year, Brad Pitt starred in “The Tree of Life.” This movie wasn’t a blockbuster, but it was Brad Pitt at his finest. On a base level, this movie is about a boy who is stuck in the middle of his parents’ different viewpoints following the death of their first son. But it’s really about so much more than that. With its pictures of the universe and its presentation of God, it begs the questions “how did we get here?” and “where are we going?” The fragility of life is expressed by showing the smallest atom, the birth of a child, a giant tree, the universe. It shows how everything is connected in an absolutely stunning way. In the big picture, human lives are so small, but they aren’t insignificant. It’s our job to make the most of life. In the words of Gandalf, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” That includes caring about the people and things around you and appreciating just how miraculous it is that you even exist. Just the probability that you are here and you are you is 1 in 10 to the 2,685,000th power. That’s basically zero. But what happens when our already short, but wondrous lives are cut even shorter? I think we all collectively sigh and get a little sad when someone young dies because, even if we didn’t know the per-

son, it’s tragic. But then we thank God it wasn’t anyone we were close to and go back to our lives. Until it happens to someone we know. Someone we are close to. I recently experienced this. Last year, we had a couple student deaths on campus, and I, like many, was sad, but didn’t really think much about it after I’d put down the newspaper articles. This last summer, my friend Riley and I were both interns in Little Rock, Ark. We got on each others’ nerves and we had our fair share of misadventures, but through all that, he became one of my favorite people. However, two weeks ago, Riley, went into cardiac arrest and nearly died. He’s only 22. He didn’t die, thank goodness, and he’s going to be OK, but it got me thinking about the fragility of life. As college students, as 20-somethings, we tend to think we’re invincible. We’re blessed with these beautiful bodies. We think we can do anything. We think there’s no way we can die and no way we can hurt ourselves. That only happens to old people, we say. Our bodies are still nimble. But we, too, are human, and we, too, can break. Remember that you are a miracle, but don’t live life in a glass box. Be stupid. Be young. Make mistakes. But remember that you are human. Befriend someone who makes you

DANAE LENZ think and makes you realize there’s more to life than school, your job and your social life. Recently, I met such a friend. He made me think about different things than I have ever thought of, and he made me rethink a lot of things I think about a lot. For those of you who just have friends who don’t challenge you, that’s fine, but I urge you to break out of your comfort zone. Befriend someone who makes you think uncomfortable thoughts. That is, perhaps, where all this thinking of mine started. Every year around Christmas, people get nostalgic. We begin to think of our families and friends as perfect even though they are far from. The people who

usually annoy us become much more loves each other, as much as my parents, tolerable. We see people through rosebrother and the rest of my family love colored glasses. me. Sure, we don’t always get along. We I don’t want to sound like an overargue sometimes, and I lose my patience used Hallmark card: “This holiday seafaster than I’d like to admit, but we love son, spread the love.” That’s a great mes- each other unconditionally and we let sage, but it should go further than that. each other know that consistently. Here’s my challenge: Don’t just tolJust think: If someone you loved died erate those people when it’s Christmas. tomorrow, would there be anything you Appreciate them for who they are all the wish you’d have said? time. Love them year-round. It’s terrifying to me Love those people even when to think that my parHere’s my they make you mad. Love ents are getting older. challenge: those people even when they Just thinking about life do something stupid. Love without my parents is Don’t just them even when they do something that keeps something really great. Just tolerate those me up at night. What love them. am I going to do when people when it’s Love the homeless man I don’t have them to on the corner. Love the old Christmas.” knock sense into me? lady in front of you in line But that’s part of life. at the convenience store who I’m getting older, too. insists on writing checks like we’re still One day I will have creaky bones, and in the 1990s. Roll your eyes and love the I might not be able to hear when “those hipsters who insist they’re cooler than kids” talk to me, but that’s part of life. you. Love those people in your Spanish When I am gone, I will become part of class who just don’t get it. Love the forsomething else. I can only hope I’ll be reeigners on an adventure in your land. Afincarnated into a bookstore cat. ter all, the lives of those people are just as Life is fragile. Handle with care. Danae Lenz is a senior miraculous as yours. journalism major. Reach her Every family has a black sheep. In on Twitter at @danaelenz or at my family, I am that black sheep. But you opinion@ would have to search far and wide to find a family that loves as much as my family


thursday, december 6, 2012 @dnartsdesk

Mix& Match

a&E lauren cloyed | dn

BLUEBARN stages holiday murder mystery

Fashion columnist recommends ways to create, lock down individual style with fewer items in closet

Column by Ingrid Holmquist | Art by Natalia Kraviec


t’s post-Thanksgiving: the time where I patiently wait to see what my extended family has conjured up for my siblings and me come Christmas. A couple years ago, my four brothers and I were lucky enough to receive assorted Disney princess watches from my grandpa. Personally, I was pumped. My brothers, on the other hand, thought they outgrew Disney when they sprouted their first chin hairs. Spoiler alert: Nobody outgrows Disney. your I’ve found that my most succloset, figure cessful accumulation of clothingout how much related gifts came when I created money you a very specific wish list, or when I can reasonably bought myself a Christmas present, spend. which happens annually for Valentine’s Now comes Day, my birthday, Christmas and Arbor the core of the Day. capsule method. First However, the contents of my pocket are and foremost, every piece usually limited to lint, lipstick and a couple should be durable and as leftover nickels from that morning’s cup o’ high quality as you can joe. As a poor college student with a love afford. Once your list is of fashion, it’s important to encapsulate my made, don’t get too crazy wardrobe and include articles that contribknowing that you hypothetically have $100 ute to that in my Christmas and birthday to spend. Practice patience and build your wish list. capsule wardrobe slowly but surely. What exactly is wardrobe capsuling, The beauty of having a slim, yet veryou may ask? It’s a set of clothing that cresatile wardrobe is that you will feel less ates a wide variety of outfits, allowing one inclined to go shopping every other weekto stay within a budget and preventing an end. Instead, you can simply overwhelming amount of saunter over to your closet clothing. and have a combination of The beauty I’m sure at this point chic outfits at your fingerof having a you’re doubting me. tips ready for any occasion. “But Ingy Pingy,” you slim, yet versatile As my column is coming say, “how can I condense to a close, I thought it would my wardrobe this holiday wardrobe is that be useful to hand off a list of season?” my favorite fashion resourcyou will feel less First of all, it’s important es. Searching for more inforto recognize that a “great inclined to go mation on current fashion wardrobe” isn’t always the trends? Consult fashion blogs shopping every closet that’s overflowing. The Sartorialist, GQ, FashAfter a shift of paradigm has other weekend.” ionista, Omiru and Jezebel. been implemented, it will be I hope, if you have learned easier to accept that less can anything from this fashion be more. column this semester, you have found that a Next, it’s important to assess what you slim wallet doesn’t need to limit how fashionwant your fashion sense to say about you able you feel and that having a personal style and what your clothing necessities entail could never be deemed unfashionable. Also, (for example, I don’t need a professional that Macklemore isn’t the only one who can wardrobe, so putting dress slacks and pengo thrift-shopping. What, what. cil skirts on my wish list would be extraOver and out. neous). Lastly, recognize what flatters your arts@ body type. After you have come to terms with the types of clothing or styles you’d like in

‘Who Killed Santa?’ invites audiences to solve hilarious holiday homicide rachel hohlen dn Christmas is typically regarded as a time to enjoy family and friendship, but the holidays are also ripe with scandal. There’s grandma getting run over by a reindeer, mommy kissing Santa, and the Grinch attempting to steal Christmas. University of NebraskaLincoln students heading home to Omaha over the break, or anyone searching for holiday hijinks in Lincoln’s neighboring city can find them at a dinner party put on by Kris Kringle himself in “Who Killed Santa?” The BLUEBARN Theatre is offering the Christmas-meetsClue Neil Haven play as part of its 24th season. Neither decked in blue nor a barn, the BLUEBARN Theatre currently resides in Omaha’s Old Market district, with plans to move to 10th and Pacific in 2014. Managing director Shannon Walenta said the theater was founded and has since been run by graduates of the theater conservatory at the State University at New York-Purchase (SUNYPurchase). Walenta said the background of the BLUEBARN’s founders has helped develop the theatre’s reputation and identity in Omaha’s drama scene. “We have carved our niche here in Omaha by doing awardwinning scripts that are either newly off of Broadway or from a larger city, that haven’t been produced in the area,” she said. Walenta added that BLUEBARN’s payment and casting system sets it apart from other theaters. The BLUEBARN Theatre hires equity actors alongside those from the community. “We are a professional theater company,” she said. “All of our designers, actors and technicians are paid.” “Who Killed Santa?” premiered Nov. 23 at the theater, selling out its first show and

every performance through its final night on Dec. 15. However, the theater’s website encourages hopefuls to arrive at the theater before nightly performances to see if any tickets have become available. Walenta said what sets “Who Killed Santa?” apart from other holiday plays is audience participation. The basic premise of the show revolves around a dinner party thrown by Old Saint Nick, who invites his guests, Drummer Boy, Frosty, Tiny Tim, Rudolph and Chastity, to come over for dinner. Meanwhile, the audience watches events unfold after Santa’s murder and determine whodunnit. The play’s detective decides he needs two impartial people to decide who’s guilty, so two audience members are brought up on stage. “(The audience members) have to decide – based on what they’ve seen up to that point – which of Santa’s guests is guilty,” Walenta said. “The rest of the play, then, depends on whom they condemn.” Omaha resident Heike Langdon attended one of the early showings of “Who Killed Santa?” with her husband, Adam, because she’d enjoyed other BLUEBARN productions. The play was “funny, light and a little irreverent,” Langdon said, adding the actors’ talent, as well as their enjoyment and silliness onstage, made the play worth viewing. “We knew the Christmas play has a reputation for being silly and fun,” she said. “We also knew it was selling out even faster than previous years, so that made us want to see it even more.” Holiday scandal and Christmas capers aside, Langdon recommended “Who Killed Santa?” most for the light-heartedness it brings to a season that can typically be overshadowed by the hustle and bustle. “It really was a nice break from all the holiday stress – giving yourself permission to escape the rush and sit in a dark theatre and laugh for an hour and a half. (It was) very therapeutic.” arts@

FREAKABOUT! settles into scene, aims high jourdyn kaarre dn After a FREAKABOUT! show, there is usually a good chance one of Cortney Kirby’s band mates will receive a Facebook message from an adoring male fan, inquiring about her marital status. “If anyone talks to Cortney, it’s to talk to Cortney. If anyone talks to us, it’s to talk to Cortney,” said Aaron Galvan, the band’s guitarist. Kirby’s good looks, bluesy vocals and flirtatious attitude on stage capture attention. But the men in the band – Galvan, Alex Drvol and Zach Zoellner – don’t seem to mind. They’re all here to make music. And music they make. “We describe ourselves as a mix between Hanson and Insane Clown Posse,” Galvan said. “Or Dixie Chicks gone Teletubbies with a little bit of Axel Rose.” Kirby added. “We’re like Aaron Neville, only softer,” Galvan said. They also keep lightheartedness as part their image. What they really are a mix of Drvol’s death metal, Galvan’s ’80s hairband rock’n’roll, Zoellner ’s hip-hop jazz and Kirby’s blues influences. The varied influences each member brings help to create an overall rock sound. But they want you to take that with a grain of salt, as “rock” has very different

interpretations. Instead, they’d rather you decide for yourself. “If people give us a chance, I feel like they’ll like us,” Galvan said. “If anything, you’ll have fun at our shows because you can move to it a little bit.” The band, which formed a little over a year ago, has already made a name for itself in Lincoln and at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln – a name they hope to keep buzzing. They’ve played at venues such as the Bourbon Theatre, Duffy’s Tavern, Knickerbockers and the Zoo Bar, among others. Earlier in the semester, they played outside the union for the “Stay Alive for Another Ride Campaign.” Last March, the band toured the West Coast, playing in various venues from Seattle to Santa Monica, Calif. But it all began at UNL. Really, it all began with scrambled eggs. Kirby and Galvan were cooking eggs and hanging out with friends one night when one of their mutual friends suggested they sing together. For the following weeks, Galvan bugged Kirby to play. Eventually she agreed to “jam.” During their first practice, they were able to write a couple of songs. Kirby’s vocals and Galvan’s guitar-playing needed a drummer to form a rock band. They chose 20-year-old Zoellner. Drvol joined shortly after as the bassist. The band soon hit the music

if you go FREAKABOUT! w/ Desert Noises and Good Show Great Show


Friday, 9 p.m. Bourbon Theatre how much: $6 (21+), $8 (18+) where:

bethany schmidt | dn

FROM LEFT: Zach Zoellner, drums; Alex Drvol, bass; Cortney Kirby, vocals; Aaron Galvan, guitar. FREAKABOUT! combines influences from death-metal, rock’n’roll, hip-hop and blues to create their own music. scene, one it found welcoming with help from All My Friends Are Dinosaurs whom they refer to

as their “big brother band.” During their year in the Lincoln music scene, they’ve maintained a sense

of community by performing with bands differing from their sound, while encouraging people to come

out to shows. “Come to the show because you’re bound to like at least one of the bands, even if you don’t like us,” Galvan said. After they tackle the Lincoln music scene, band members said they hope to make a career with their music. For Zoellner and Galvan, the band has given them purpose, something to be a part of and motivation to pursue their musical talents and dreams. For Kirby, creating music helped her find herself. “It’s totally freed me,” she said. “I used to think that, ‘oh, I’m a girl and I went to a catholic school, so I have to be in a sorority and do everything that girls do.’ Then I was like, ‘No, I like rock ‘n’ roll. I like getting a little nitty-

freakabout: see page 6


thursday, december 6, 2012

‘Little House’ revisits Ingalls family, Christmas tradition ‘A Little House Christmas’ celebrates classic series, simple seasonal traditions

A Cornhusker Christmas

when: Thursday – Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m., 12-16, 20-23 where: TADA Theatre, 701 P St., Suite 203 how much: $18, Thursday, Sunday, $20, Friday, Saturday

yuliya petrova dn Forget shopping malls packed with customers looking for the perfect gift; forget the never-ending loop of contemporary Christmas music on local radio stations; forget the elaborate decorations and the lavish dinner and step back in time to an

era where Christmas meant more than just presents under the tree.

The Complete Works of Christmas (Abridged)

The Lincoln Community Playhouse will put on the production, “A Little House Christmas,” which is based on the books written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. “It’s a trip to Christmas past,” said Morrie Enders, executive director of The Lincoln Community Playhouse. “A Little House Christmas” focuses on the non-materialistic side of Christmas. “It’s centered on a simple Christmas … centered on family,” Enders said. “It shows people caring for each other in this little community that is centered around the Ingalls’ house. The kids in the audience I think will be interested to see how (this) Christmas is different from how we might be experiencing Christmas today.” The production includes characters of different ages. “When we’re able to do a play that has a mixture of adults and children in it, that is really representative of community, and we are the Lincoln Community Playhouse,” Enders said. “When different generations are on the stage, as well in the audience, I think that’s a great (definition) of what makes a community theater.” Director Mary Douglass will be getting the cast ready for their roles in the 90-minute production which includes dancing, laughter and overcoming hardships. “I think the best part of the production is the relationships between family members and friends … how they come through,” Douglass said. “I think people will like the square dancing scene,” Enders said. Over 100 people auditioned for “A Little House Christmas,” all hoping to bring to life the wellknown characters with which so many Midwesterners grew up. “Those who have seen the television shows will enjoy seeing the characters revisited,” Enders said. “Familiar friends with new faces.” The role of Laura Ingalls will be played by 13-year-old Ellie Swanson. “I grew up on the movies,” Swanson said. “It’s a great family (story) ... I think a lot of people can relate to it.” Eric Ojeda, a Lincolnite who has been acting for 13 years, will be playing the role of Charles Ingalls, better known as Pa. “It brings back memories from

when: Dec. 6-8, 13-15, 7:30 p.m., 10 p.m. (mature audiences) Dec. 9, 16, 2 p.m. where: McDonald Theater, 51st and Huntington Ave. how much: $15 adults, $10 seniors, $7.50 students

kaylee everly | dn

The cast of “A Little House Christmas” dances for a Christmas party at the Ingalls’ house during rehearsal at the Lincoln Community Playhouse on Monday. The play focuses on simplicity and family values. “I like that it’s a small cast so that since the show’s really about family and relationships, you are able to form the bond that you need throughout the show,” said Eric Ojeda, who plays Charles “Pa” Ingalls.

if you go “A Little House Christmas”

when: Friday, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, 2 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m., Dec. 13, 14, 7:30 p.m., Dec. 15, 16, 2 p.m. where: Lincoln Community Playhouse how much: $10

Acoustic Roots with the McGovern String Band

watching it as a kid,” Ojeda said. “Being familiar with the books (and TV show), it will (be) nice to see it live and in person, see how the characters were like.” 12-year-old Greta Gessert will be playing the role of Mary Ingalls (Laura’s sister). “The Ingalls family is such a cool family,” Gessert said. “It’s a really touching Christmas story, I think.” “A Little House Christmas” brought the holiday feeling to the series readers, TV viewers and, now, to a live audience. “The play has a lot of heart,” Enders said. “It’s warm; it’s family; it’s friends. It really takes us back to the traditional meaning and values of Christmas.” arts@


Friday, 8 p.m. Crescent Moon Coffee, 140 N. 8th St., lower level how much: free where:

35th Annual Chocolate Party


kaylee everly | dn

Ellie Swanson, 13, (Laura Ingalls) strings popcorn in “A Little House Christmas,” while Greta Gessert, 12, as Mary Ingalls, tries to show her how during a rehearsal at the Lincoln Community Playhouse on Monday. The play centers around a storm that makes it difficult for Santa to deliver their presents. “A Little House Christmas” opens Friday night.

cara wilwerding dn

Theatrical and musical performances have become a staple for American families during the holidays. But after seeing the same plays repeated year after year, it’s necessary to question whether these performances are a tradition or an obligation. Matthew Boring, marketing and sales coordinator for the Lied Center, said with enough variThe New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018ety, holiday performances can be Solution, tips and computer program atFor Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 fresh every year. In years past, the

Yesterday’s Answer

For Monday, June 25, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz 1 Mix with a spoon 5 Not go

9 Political science subj.

13 Biblical water-towine locale 14 Snapshot

15 Flightless bird of South America 16 “Incidentally …” 18 Performs in a play 19 Response of sympathy

20 Suffix with ranch

21 Cozy dining spot 22 Lone Star State

23 Beef jerky brand 25 Egg-hatching spot

27 Filmmaker with style and total control 30 Pairs

33 ___ Hoop












66 Indian woman’s attire 67 Found’s opposite 68 Rear end 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 17 23 24 26

28 A W 29 L A 30 D S O N 31 U T 32 S

Down Sir Walter who wrote “Ivanhoe” Western lake near Squaw Valley E-mail folder Some stylish sunglasses Pronoun for a ship Locker room handout Big name in arcade games ChineseAmerican virtuoso cellist Rock associated with hardness “Let’s be serious here …” Presidential rejection Chore Deg. for a prof Zap with a stun gun A lumberjack might leave one behind “Knocked Up” director Apatow Sound heard in a movie theater Loosen, as laces Some whiskeys Flabbergasted state Consumer “You’ve gotta be joking!”


















46 49 57


36 39

























No. 0521



47 50


















Puzzle by Ian Livengood

34 Chemical in drain cleaners 35 Have a meeting of the minds 38 Rowers 39 Withdraw, with “out” 42 Packaged pasta brand

Friday, 6:30 p.m. 841 Goodhue



how much:

$20 advance, $25 at door

Lincoln offers fresh takes on holiday classics

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

36 1968 A.L. M.V.P. and Cy Young winner ___ McLain 37 Cigarette’s end 38 “Holy cow!” 40 Dedicated poem 41 Striped equine 43 Suspect, in cop lingo 44 Pairs 45 Goofs 47 Carve into, as a plaque 49 Performing in a play, say 52 Following the law 56 Skating jump 58 Sony rival 59 Southwest desert that includes Death Valley 60 Sound heard in an empty hallway 61 “Never mind” 63 Secluded valley 64 Like much diet food, informally 65 1970 Kinks hit

Away in the Basement: A Church Basement Ladies Christmas

when: Friday, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m. where: Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $30

Wayne S U D O K U P U Z Z L E By Gould


this week in Lincoln

44 2011 Oscarnominated film about AfricanAmerican maids 46 Leisurely walk 48 Drain cleaner target 50 Sound heard before “Gesundheit!” 51 Large fishing hooks

53 Swamp critter 54 Walled city in Spain 55 Allow to attack 56 Pants fillers 57 The Bruins of the N.C.A.A. 59 Muscular actor with a mohawk 62 Grain in Cheerios

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:

Lied Center ’s artistic director Ann Chang did a good job of mixing up holiday performances, according to Boring. They’ve hosted a 12-piece brass group playing Stan Kenton’s Christmas carols and a vocal trio, The Celtic Tenors, among others. “We really try to vary the programming so we’re not presenting the same production of ‘A Christmas Carol’ every year,” Boring said. “I think that’s why so many people attend the Lied Center every year.” But while diversity is what keeps the Lied going, tradition is the driving force behind productions at Wesleyan University. This year, students and staff are putting on “The Complete Works of Christmas [Abridged],” a change from their traditional production. “Wesleyan had done ‘A Christmas Carol’ five years before changing shows this year and found that many people in the community wanted it back,” said senior theater production major Darrin Bergers. “We as a theater listen to what sounds attractive to the community and try to do the shows that are in demand.” Just because the production had been done five years in a row doesn’t mean it became any less entertaining, according to Bergers. He added they circulated directors and chose different adaptations of the play, along with a new cast, every year. “We do our best to keep things fresh,” Bergers said. Embracing both diversity and tradition this December, the Lied Center is presenting “Away in the Basement: A Church Basement

Lady’s Christmas” and Mannheim Steamroller ’s Christmas Show. T h e Mannheim Steamroller show has been sold out since July. Boring said the group never disappoints with a huge display of music, lights and video screens. “Mannheim Steamroller is one of the most prolific Christmasbased groups in the country, and they’re very popular everywhere they go,” Boring said. “Nebraskans and people in Lincoln get the chance to hear what is, for many people, their favorite Christmas group.” Boring expects to see a combined 7,000 audience members at these holiday plays, which makes up approximately 10 percent of the Lied Center ’s annual attendants. Most audiences during the holidays are made up of families and church groups throughout the entire state. They also see businesses that make performances an annual tradition for employees. “I don’t think it’s an obliga-

natalia kraviec | dn

tion,” Boring said. “Having high-quality entertainment options is a great way to bring people together during the holidays. They certainly get a lot of enjoyment out of it from performances I’ve seen in the past.” arts@

freakabout: from 5 gritty and letting my dark side show.’ I have one; I’m human. It’s exhilarating. It’s given me a better perspective of myself and who I want to become.” And the band does hope to become something. When asked what venue to play at would be considered their pinnacle, Kirby replied with, “Red Rocks,” Zoellner said, “Madison Square Garden” and Galvan responded, “Wembley Stadium.” “Those are some gigantic dreams,” Galvan said. “The way technology is going, I want to do

some straight-up ‘Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century’ stuff. Play the space station.” “Zoom, zoom, zoom” Kirby added. “I can guarantee you if we do play on the space station, we will cover ‘Zoom Zoom Zoom,’” Galvan said. “My supernova girl!” Kirby sang in response. FREAKABOUT! is made of characters, rather than band members. There’s Kirby, the spunky lead vocalist who can work the crowd. Zoellner is “Nebraska’s Travis Barker,” as

Kirby put it, with his over-thetop drumming. Galvan gets in the zone, and when he does, “gold” exudes from his instrument. And Drvol uses his talent to perform whatever his bandmates throw out at him, sometimes the show is his practice, because he does not live in Lincoln. In essence they’re a young band full of passion. Galvan added, “If you have a fallback plan, then you’re not committed to your plan.” arts@

thursday, december 6, 2012



thursday, december 6, 2012

Finals Tip: Get plenty of sleep the night before. You won’t recall what you studied if you can’t think straight!

thursday, december 6, 2012

HUSKER NightLife


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It’s the last issue of the semester! Good luck on Finals and Have a Great Break!



thursday, december 6, 2012

Huskers assess worth of season after losing to Badgers Chris Peters DN Nebraska coach Bo Pelini challenged his team after a 63-38 throttling at the hands of Ohio State in October. Winning out would be the only way to control his team’s goal of a conference title. Six wins later, the prize was in view.

One more win, against an unranked Wisconsin team who Nebraska had already beaten, and the team would accomplish its goal of a Big Ten Championship. But Wisconsin had other plans, dismantling the Huskers’ hopes at ending a 13-year championship drought in a 70-31 romp. Nebraska had fought all season, enduring five second-half deficits to piece together a 10-win


season, but couldn’t close out the Big Ten race. “We failed,” Pelini said. “We failed to win a championship. This was the goal coming in and we didn’t get it done. “I apologize for it. I apologize to the football team. I apologize to the coaches, the fans, like I said, everybody associated with it. Because at the end of the day, it falls on me. I’m the one responsible for it. We didn’t get it done.” The coach tried to find the words to describe what unfolded at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis for the Big Ten Championship Game. Execution, most prominently on the defensive front, was the main culprit. Pelini made it very clear that the game against Wisconsin was an oddity, not the new norm. “We just won six straight. We went 10-2 in the regular season,” Pelini said. “It’s not indicative of the foundation of this program.” All-Big Ten guard Spencer Long echoed his teammates, saying the Huskers need to make a big statement in the Capital One Bowl when they face off against Georgia. “We don’t want a four-loss season,” Long said. “We’re just going to work hard and try and get that W for the bowl game.” In each of Pelini’s four com-


file photo by jon augustine | dn

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini argues a call during NU’s 70-31 loss at the Big Ten championship on Saturday. Pelini lost his third straight conference title game after falling to Wisconsin. plete seasons at Nebraska, he has finished with four losses and nine or 10 victories. A win in the bowl game would be most wins for a Nebraska team since 2001. “Take care of the bowl game and win that, and then you’ve



Have a very

got 11 wins,” NU safety P.J. Smith said. “We came short of our goal and that’s frustrating, but the season’s not over yet. We have one more game to leave our mark some type of way.” A win against the Bulldogs

would help salvage a potentially great season that slipped away from the Huskers. While there would be no conference championship, there would be 11 wins and a win against a team that was five yards short of a BCS National Championship Game berth. Though the team has 29 seniors graduating after this year, key starters still return at a number of positions, providing optimism for future teams. The defensive backfield, which posted an elite-level pass efficiency this season, will return six players with starting experience. The offensive line also returns six players with starting experience, while the receiving corps returns its top three targets. “We’re still a relatively young football team,” Husker running backs coach Ron Brown said. “We’ve got a number of people coming back.” When Brown looks at his team, he sees a squad with a lot of potential. Players like Taylor Martinez, Kenny Bell and Ameer Abdullah are all team-leaders in yards at their respective positions, which Brown sees as a strong sign moving forward. “There’s a lot to look forward to,” he said. sports@

basketball: from 12



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kat buchanan | dn

Nebraska guard Lindsey Moore drives against a Creighton defender during her squad’s loss in Omaha. Moore scored 15 points in NU’s loss. for Creighton as well, who had 18 points in the paint and countless layups. The Jay’s were lead by McKenzie Fujan, who finished with 13 points, and freshman Marissa Janning, who finished with 19 points. “We expected that,” Moore said. “We came into the game not communicating well.” The second half was an uphill battle for the most part of the game, and Nebraska had a tough time creating shots for themselves and stopping Creighton’s penetration, a problem Moore again attributes to lack of communication.

For more on Husker bowling check out


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Misc. Services


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“We were not where we needed to be and that’s something we need to fix and should fix,” Moore said. “We also weren’t pressuring the ball like we needed to, so they got simple skip passes that lead to some shots.” Nebraska finished the night shooting just 2-for-12 from the three point range and excluding Moore and Sample, no one score more than eight points. “They did a good job of playing their system, and we didn’t,” Moore said. sports@

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The Parking Advisory Committee will meet Friday, December 7, 2012 at 1:30 PM at Parking and Transit Services, 625 Stadium Drive Suite A.

thursday, december 6, 2012


miles: from 12 “The only way to go is up, “Can I coach the JV team?” Tim,” Bortke said. Miles asked. Bortke said no. Miles asked a When Miles recruits players, he different question. “Can I go to all the coaches’ looks at three criteria. The players have to be good meetings?” citizens, academically accountable Bortke said yes. And Miles nevand competitive. er missed one. This didn’t surprise Miles, who graduated seventh Bortke at all. He always knew Miles in a high school class of 13, said if would be a coach. he can be academically accountMiles furthered Bortke’s intuable, so can any player out there. ition when he attended Bortke’s “I’m average in every way, coaching theory class. Then a seshape and form,” Miles said. “Avnior, Miles would constantly baderage height, average weight, averger Bortke with questions throughage intelligence. If I can go to the out the class period. University of Mary and get two deWhat if we ran it this way? grees, elementary (education) and Can’t we teach that a different way? (physical education), go out and “I said ‘Tim, you’re probably get a master’s degree, anybody can too advanced than the other people do it. I mean that with our guys and in this class. You were probably I expect them to walk out of here intimidating people in the class,’ ” Bortke said. “He was ahead of the with a degree.” Miles also curve.” doesn’t see the One time, when I said ‘Tim, point in getting a Miles was studentyou’re player who doesn’t coaching, Mary was have the right pergetting beat badly. probably too severance or menMiles watched the tal toughness. game in silence, but advanced than “I always say, when the opponent the other people ‘If you can’t help stretched its lead furus win at Wisconther, he leapt out of in this class. You sin, at Michigan, his seat and called were probably then why should I timeout. You just play you?’” Miles don’t do that under intimidating said. Bortke. people in the As North Da“Damn it, did kota State’s coach you just call time- class.’ He was from 2001 through out?” Bortke asked ahead of the 2007, he played Miles, as he looked three-on-three over. curve.” pickup games with Miles gave a Al Bortke other members of sheepish grin and tim miles’ former coach his staff and footnodded his head. ball coaches. For “All right, you the most part, the called timeout, you games were fun, but competitive, coach,” Bortke said. Miles said. Miles coached the team in the “I usually threatened to fire timeout and then Bortke took over somebody each game,” Miles joked. again after the players broke the “They usually end up where some huddle. student manager would cheap shot “He must have saw somean assistant coach and the coach’s thing we weren’t doing and got ego would get in the way and I’d so wrapped up in the game he have to yell at everybody.” called timeout,” Bortke said. “He One time, he wanted to know didn’t do a bad job in the timeout, if he liked running a version of the though.” Princeton offense called “Chin.” This Then again, Bortke knew he version can be run with three people would do a good job. He knew he’d faking handoffs and cutting backdo a good job even when Miles door. took his first head coaching posiMiles and two of his coaches, tion at Mayville (N.D.) State, an who were his teammates for that NAIA school in a town of less than game, watched film on the offense 2,000 people. and ran it. The football coaches play“It is impossible to fly anyone ing against Miles’ crew didn’t know out there. It was a pit to recruit what hit them. Two of those coachplayers,” Bortke said. es, Bob Babich and Gus Bradley, Mayville State went 2-22 two now coach for NFL teams. seasons before Miles took over the “I think Bob almost broke his job in 1995. He won two conference knuckles one time from punching titles and went to two NAIA nathe floor he was so mad,” Miles tional tournaments during his three said. years at the school. Miles knows it takes a little When North Dakota State came more effort and preparation to stay calling after his stint Mayville and competitive and tough, but that’s Southwest Minnesota State, Miles what separates the good players called his old coach in 2001 to see if from the great players, he said. he should take the position.

Miles heard about the accident as he was packing up his house in Fort Collins, Colo. He had just got back from a recruiting trip in Kansas City, and needed to help his wife move to his new home in Lincoln. He got a call from a former assistant at Southwest Minnesota State, Greg Stemen. Brad Bigler’s baby was dead. “It was sickening,” Miles said. “So many things go through your head.” Miles didn’t know all the information. How was Brad? How was Heather? The newly hired Nebraska basketball coach continued to pack his house after hearing the news, but in a different mindset. “How would you feel in that situation if it was your family?” Miles said. “You’re just trying to search all of those empathetic situations.” Miles moved into his new Lincoln house a couple days later. Then he blew off the 100 other things he had to do as the Huskers’ new basketball coach and hopped into his car to drive north. “Your schedule doesn’t matter. It’s life,” Miles said. He drove the 293-mile drive to Sioux Falls, S.D., three days after Bigler’s life had changed. Miles says he is always tough on his point guards. He compares them to quarterbacks in football. Those are the guys you have to lean on to make plays, Miles said. Bigler, as Miles’ first starting point guard when he coached at Southwest Minnesota State from 1997 to 2001, was treated just like other point guards. “He taught me how to be mentally tougher and that is something that helps me today,” Bigler said. Miles is known for fiery halftime speeches, Bigler said. One time at SMSU, Miles yelled so loud, he blacked out and had chest pains the whole second half. “When they find me someday and do the right tests, they are going to ask me, ‘Have you ever had a heart attack?’” Miles said. “I’m going to say, ‘Yeah, Concordia St. Paul, September 1999.’” Another time, SMSU trailed Wayne State by 10 points heading into halftime. Bigler knew Miles would be fired up. The Mustangs sat on benches in the basement of Wayne State’s gym. The area looked nothing like a college locker room. Miles came in and stood in front of his team and began to yell. Mid-scream, he tried to pick up a six-pack of Gatorade water bottles off a training table, acting as if he were going to throw them across

the room to make his point, Bigler ketball games in four days ahead of them that week. said. CSU went on to lose in the Miles strained and managed to tournament’s title game to Buffalo. only pick up the bottles a couple Those early years at Colorado State inches, not realizing they were full. were tough for Miles; he didn’t win The bottles managed only to travel more than 10 games as far as the trashuntil his third seacan in front of the You know son. table. basketball One time, the “I didn’t know Rams were losing if he was trying to can be played just by eight points to a make a point or 3-6 Denver squad what,” Bigler said. how cookies can heading into half“It was one of those be made. There time. Miles came in moments where the locker room and we couldn’t laugh are all kinds of shattered a large because of the mo- recipes, there’s dry-erase board bement we were in, longing to Denver’s but later we had a all these types of basketball program. good laugh about ingredients, you After the game, it.” which CSU lost, “First of all, if can do it anyway Medved went up those guys would to the other team’s have played bet- you want, but coaching staff and ter in the first half you still end up said they would we wouldn’t have pay for the board. those halftime is- with really good A month later Miles sues,” Miles said, dessert. Our way received a bill from laughing. is going to be Denver University The thing for $480. about Miles’ half- different than the “He liked to time speeches: break dry-erase His teams usually way it was done boards, so you had played better af- before.” to take a couple exter them, which tra with you on the might be one of the Tim Miles road,” Medved said. reasons he took a nu men’s basketball coach Nonetheless, Southwest MinMiles built a winner nesota State team with one winning season in 13 at Colorado State, leading the Rams years to a conference champion- to a 20-win season and a berth to ship and 28-win season his first the NCAA tournament in 2012, his year. He went 78-39 in four sea- final year at CSU. sons at SMSU. “You just have to be patient with him,” Medved said. “He’s a Miles’ teams were monsters on builder that puts programs on the neutral courts when he was at Col- national map. It doesn’t happen orado State the last five years. overnight, but he’ll build a proThe Rams won the Top of the gram.” World classic in Alaska his first year as coach, despite going 0-16 in Miles does absurd things to get conference play that same year. fans in the seats. The next year, Colorado State He Tweets at halftime. He headed to the Hawaiian Islands buys pizza for students standing for the Rainbow Classic. When the in line for a game. He gives away team got to the islands, a storm hit free Runzas when Nebraska scores and caused the Rams to lose power over 70 points. He goes to fraternity for 12 hours, Colorado State assis- houses and talks about basketball tant Niko Medved remembers. with the guys. The team had a banquet by Miles is looking into new things candlelight that night, then the to get the students involved. He coaches and players headed off to thinks about opening a Facebook their rooms. account. He made a movie to ask “We couldn’t watch film or any- fans to support Nebraska when it thing, so we didn’t know what to plays Creighton Thursday night. do,” Medved said. When he first came to Nebraska The coaches got bored eventuhe tried to use the hashtag, AskTimally, and went down to the con- Miles. When you are No. 5 among venience store to get some “adult Division I basketball coaches with beverages.” As they waited in line, more than 35,000 followers, it’s Miles came up with an idea. hard to answer all the questions. “Miles says, ‘You know what, The most constant thing he you’re only in Hawaii once. Let’s does though to draw a crowd at go swim in the ocean,’ ” Medved games is win. said. Miles is 6-1 in his first season Sure enough, the entire coachat Nebraska. He has double-digit ing staff of a team that went 7-25 wins at Wake Forest and at home the year before had a midnight against USC. Both times Las Vegas swim in the ocean, with three bas- had the Huskers as underdogs.

“There is an unbelievable amount of support here (at Nebraska),” Miles said. “People want to support you. There are more things in place here so I expect success sooner. First of all, I have to stay patient and teach, teach what your expectations are. “You know basketball can be played just how cookies can be made. There are all kinds of recipes, there’s all these types of ingredients, you can do it anyway you want, but you still end up with really good dessert. Our way is going to be different than the way it was done before.” Miles talked with Bigler’s dad and the Southwest Minnesota State athletic director. “I was worried about Brad,” Miles said. “I didn’t want him to just rush into work, because there are a lot of things you can do to mask your grief. Nothing breaks your heart more, because I’m a parent, when you see one of your guys and he’s just lost a child.” Miles says he understands what Bigler is going through. He has been around suffering in his life. A friend showed up for Miles’ wedding reception. On the way back, the friend was killed in a car accident. He was hit head on by a semi. Another time, an SMSU player was killed two weeks after he transferred to a different school. “You give a mom a kid’s jersey … that’s about the worst thing you can do,” Miles said. So when Miles sat next to Bigler ’s hospital bed, he wanted Bigler to know he cared. “You go through a lot of things as a coach and a lot of things that are emotional and things (when) you find out what’s important,” Miles said. “I just told him that his son is in a great place, in heaven.” Miles’ predecessor had recruited Bigler. When SMSU hired Miles the spring before Bigler enrolled at school, he didn’t know if he wanted to stay. He did. “It was the best decision of my life,” Bigler said. The two talked that early August day about life and adversity. They talked what Bigler wanted to talk about, Miles said. “You know he has a great sense of humor and love for the game, but he’s even better as a person,” Bigler said. “Just his presence being there was just unbelievable and something I’ll never forget.” Bigler had to get healthy. He had to plan the funeral of his son. He had to be a caring husband to a grieving wife. He had a basketball team waiting to be coached in the fall. Miles sat next to him, making him tougher once again. sports@

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tender toughness

Husker hoops coach builds winners with unique style story by andrew ward file photo by matt masin


rad Bigler lay in a bed at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, S.D., in early August. The Southwest Minnesota State men’s basketball coach lay there with 10 broken bones, including some ribs and his clavicle. He also had a collapsed lung. The accident happened just a few days earlier, when Bigler ’s wife, Heather, was driving him, their 5-month old son Drake and Heather ’s grandmother down Minnesota Highway 29 in a 2008 GMC Acadia. A drunk driver in a 2005 Dodge truck swerved into Bigler ’s lane and hit the Acadia head on. Heather suffered minor injuries, while her grandmother and husband were listed in critical condition. Drake had been born that February after an upset win over St. Cloud State, the No. 24 team in NCAA Division II. The baby didn’t survive the accident. Bigler knew he could get through it, though. He had lost a loved one before. He saw his mother die in a kayaking accident last year. He made it through that. Mostly, though, he says he’s mentally tough enough because of the person who was sitting next to his hospital bed. That guy in glasses was tough on him when Bigler played basketball at Southwest Minnesota State. Nebraska basketball coach Tim Miles, Bigler ’s former coach, is always tough on his point guards. Husker fans know Miles looks more like an insurance salesman than a basketball coach. They know the first-year NU men’s basketball coach talks like a car salesman trying to meet his quota for the month. They know he likes to crack a joke more than Larry the Cable Guy. What they don’t know is Miles is the kind of guy who likes to break grease boards during halftime speeches. They don’t know he is the kind of guy to turn down the opportunity to play basketball in order to coach it. They don’t know he is the kind of guy to call his buddies from his hometown of Doland, S.D., before he calls a Colorado State booster member who gives $100,000 a year to the school. But that’s the kind of guy Miles is. He Tweets at halftime, he orders pizza for students standing in line to attend a game and he visits a former player in the hospital. On top of all that, he’s turned around four basketball programs using a combination of doofus, tenderness and toughness. Coach Al Bortke called Miles and another University of Mary senior player into his office in Bismarck, N.D., one day early in the season. He had to ask the seniors a question: Did they want to remain as players or become student-coaches? At Mary, Bortke played eight guys and if a senior didn’t make that cut, he gave them the choice to continue as players and play only in scrub minutes or become a coach. Miles chose the latter.

Nebraska men’s basketball coach Tim Miles barks orders during his team’s win against Valparaiso on Nov. 15. Miles is looking to turn around a Husker hoops squad that’s never won an NCAA Tournament game in program history.

Huskers ready for I-80 rivalry game NU welcomes No. 16 Jays for 7 p.m. tip in in-state rivalry matchup Lanny Holstein DN Nebraska men’s basketball coach Tim Miles isn’t shying away from the Creighton Blue Jays. In fact, he’s embracing the in-state rivalry in his first season. “Of course,” he said of whether or not he looks at the game as a rivalry. “How could you not? They’ve got a marquee program right now, and we want to get to that level, and we are not there. But can we do it? Absolutely we can do it.” Miles released a video message earlier this week urging Husker fans to come out and pack the Bob Devaney Sports Center on Thursday. The coach wants the arena to be rocking for his first matchup with Creighton. Nebraska comes into the game at 6-1 and has turned some heads with its improved play thus far. In fact, Nebraska is expecting a sell out for the game and encourages anybody who wishes to attend to get there as early as possible. Windows open at 5:30 p.m., for the 7:02 p.m. tip. “The most important thing is we want to encourage fans to arrive early so they are in their seats for tipoff,” Nebraska Executive Associate AD Marc Boehm said in a press release. “There is a lot of excitement for this matchup and we want to make sure that fans plan accordingly.” But despite the hype, Miles’ team is still projected to finish at the bottom of the Big Ten by most outlets – something Miles said his team uses as motivation every day. “We know what everyone expected,” he said. “That hasn’t changed. We’re not picked any higher in the Big Ten. We just have to keep going out and proving to

file photo by anna reed | dn

Nebraska forward Brandon Ubel guards Creighton big man Gregory Echenique during the squads’ matchup last season in Omaha. The Huskers will look to make a mark with an upset.

We know that it’s an important game with an in-state rivalry... They’ve got a great team, a team of a lifetime.

tim miles

nu men’s basketball coach on the jays

ourselves that we’re not that team.” Creighton comes into Thursday’s game ranked No. 16 in the AP poll and No. 13 in the USA Today Coaches Poll. The Blue Jays present Nebraska with its toughest challenge of the season, according

to Miles, but also with their biggest opportunity. “We know that it’s an important game with an in-state rivalry,” Miles said. “We know they are nationally ranked. They’ve got a great team, a team of a lifetime.”

Creighton is led by forward Doug McDermott’s 21.3 points per game and 7.1 rebounds per game. The six-foot, eight-inch junior was a Naismith Award finalist a season ago and is on the watch list for college basketball’s top individual award this season as well. Nebraska’s big men haven’t faced a player scoring as much as McDermott yet this season, but Husker forward Brandon Ubel said they have the pieces in place to slow him down. Ubel said he knows how to guard top big men from playing against them the last few seasons. “It’s always fun going against (Dewayne) Dedmon, McDermott and those g u y s , ” Ubel said. mcdermott “I’ve played against (Jared) Sullinger, Cole Aldrich, the Morris twins, so I’ve kind of been through the gauntlet already.” Nebraska will counter Creighton with a trio of players scoring double digit points on the offensive end. Guards Dylan Talley, Ray Gallegos and forward Ubel, have been Nebraska’s biggest threats thus far. Ubel said the team is coming along under Miles. “We’ve been getting better every game,” he said. “With the exception of Kent State, I think you’ve seen us take a step in the right direction. I think you’ll see us take another step forward Thursday.” Ubel won’t give any predictions for Thursday’s game, but he seems confident going into the contest. “It will be fun,” he said. “A ranked opponent comes into your place, and you have an opportunity to beat them. That’s big time for us, so hopefully we can pull it together and get the win.” sports@

miles: see page 11

women’s basketball

Huskers fall to Blue Jays in Omaha game Chris Heady DN OMAHA — The Nebraska women’s basketball team just couldn’t catch a break here Wednesday night losing to Creighton 66-57. After battling back from being down 12 early in the second half, Nebraska finally cut the lead to three after a Lindsey Moore 3-pointer made it 40-43. On the ensuing possession, Creighton’s Jordan Garrison snapped the Huskers’ 11-2 run with an lay-up and a foul that sent her to the free throw line. Garrison missed the free throw, only to be rebounded by Creighton freshman Marissa Janning, and put it in for an easy lay-up. Just like that it was 47-40, and the Huskers wouldn’t get closer than that for the remainder of the game, as the No. 25 Husker fell for their third loss. “They just exposed our weakness, really,” senior Lindsey Moore said after the game, who finished with 15 points and six assists. The Huskers dropped to 6-3 on the season after the loss as Creighton improved to 4-2. As a team, Creighton shot 9-22 from the three point range and 56 percent from the field, both season highs. But the main story from the Creighton perspective was their defense. They’ve held teams only had one team to score more than 62 points on them, but their greatest defensive accomplishment came tonight, when they held Nebraska’s Jordan Hooper, coming into the game off of a season high 29 points, to no points on 0-7 shooting.

The Blue Jays’ defensive strategy was to keep Hooper in check, and play off of forward Hailie Sample. “We took a gamble, we decided we were gonna not play Sample and stick camp-outs in the lane and cut off Moore’s penetration and Hooper’s post points,” Creighton coach Jim Flanery said. Creighton’s strategy worked almost to perfection. Sample took advantage of the opportunity and doubled her career high to 20, and held Hooper scoreless for the first time in her career. “They were helping on Lindsey and Emily so it was kind of just like, if I cut (my teammates) would find me,” Sample said. The first half started slow as both teams shook off nerves. Neither team got much going in the first few minutes. The final few minutes, however, Creighton got hot, hitting three 3-pointers in three possessions to take a 27-21 lead in the first half. Sample shortened the lead to four with two free throws, and drew a charge against Creighton’s Marissa Janning on the ensuing possession, swinging momentum Nebraska’s way. They then cut the lead to two with a long Emily Cady jumper. Then Creighton turned things up, scoring on their final four possessions to go into the half up 36-27. The Creighton offense was firing on all cylinders in the first half. The Jay’s shot 62 percent from the floor, and hit six three-pointers, most in transition after a missed Husker shot. Penetration was easy

basketball: see page 10

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