February 4

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2013 volume 112, issue 093

Inside Coverage

Gluten-free scene Lincoln’s best options for gluten-free eats


Buckeye beatdown in Lincoln

No. 11 Ohio State proves to be too much for the Huskers on Saturday at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Nebraska made more field goals than the Buckeyes, but OSU completed almost 20 more free throws than the Huskers to seal the win.

life of pi unl to turn 20-year-old house into parking garage

Using condom sense

2 The final pin at the NU Coliseum

10 The colonial way Mali intervention perpetuates colonialism


The “Pi House” at 314 N. 18 St. was bought by UNL in 2012. UNL and a private developer have plans to tear down the house to clear the lot in the near future.

story by elias youngquist | photos by brianna soukup


he peeling, pink house at 314 N. 18th St. sits vacant, awaiting its execution date. Only echoes remain from its former life as a house show venue — echoes and a few dozen beer bottles. Onehundred-and-twenty-five numbers of Pi are scrawled across the door, an extension from its house number 314. “Welcome to the shack bitches,” is scrawled above the door. In the center is the outline of a footprint where the door knocker should be, waiting for one last kick to knock its doors down. In September, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Board of Regents acquired the Pi house for $63,800. After more than 20 years of student tenants and many house shows, the house will be torn down so a mixeduse parking garage can occupy the block. Steve Carper, previous landlord of the building, said he and his wife weren’t looking to sell the house when UNL officials approached them last summer. “We did not want to give up the property,” Carper said. “The university came to us, we negotiated with them, and they forced us into condemnation. We kind of had to settle for whatever they decided. It was a good investment property; it wasn’t our intent to sell it.”

house: see page 3

UNL and a private developer has plans to build a 10-story mixeduse parking garage on the lot where the “Pi House” currently stands.

Jam spotlights conservation Sarah Cohen DN

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Sheehy resigns following infidelity claims DANIEL WHEATON, JAMES PACECORNSILK AND REECE RISTAU DN

Study says using condoms doesn’t decrease pleasure

Wrestlers win in dramatic fashion Friday night


To Bill Taddicken, the four saddest words in the English language are “you should have seen.” “Each spring something magical happens: America’s greatest migration,” Taddicken said to a crowd of at the Great Plains Art Museum on Friday night. “Millions of birds take to the Platte River and rely on it for survival. Today the habitat for America’s great migration is nearly gone.” The museum hosted University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s first ever Conservation Jam, an event in which leading conservationists and UNL professors took to the microphone to present their opinions, arguments and lessons regarding the preservation and conservation of the Great Plains

conservation: see page 2

Elias Youngquist DN

Shelby wolfe | dn

sheehy: see page 3

Loke strives to integrate students Student coordinator plans events to unite international, domestic students

People gather at the Great Plains Art Museum on Friday, Feb. 1, to listen to leading conservationists express their perspectives on nature preservation during the University of NebraskaLincoln’s first ever Conservation Jam.

Nebraska Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy resigned Saturday morning after an investigation by the Omaha WorldHerald found thousands of phone calls made to four women on his state-issued cellphone. Until Saturday, Sheehy had been considered the front-runner in the coming gubernatorial race in 2014. G o v . Dave Heineman announced Sheehy’s resignation at a press conference that morning. “As public officials, sheehy we are rightly held to a higher standard,” Heineman said. “I had trusted him, and that trust was broken.” The Omaha World-Herald found Sheehy made 2,300 late-night phone calls to the women. None of these women were his wife. “I don’t respect that at all,” said Tom, a criminal justice major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who chose not to disclose his last name. “If you can’t have dignity and honor and respect for your own personal life, you can’t treat us as citizens with any respect.” Among other UNL students, reactions were mixed. “I don’t think having an affair warrants the resignation of a public official,” said Michael Dunn, a senior communications studies major. “But the fact that he didn’t think to use something other than his stateowned cell phone means he may lack the common sense required to be a lieutenant governor and gubernatorial candidate.” Liz Fillman, a sophomore political science major, said she believes elected officials need to be held to a higher standard because they serve as role models. She said that even though former President Bill Clin-

Jessica Loke hops from country to country in her faded red Converse, making sure each table is getting along. As she shuffles between Turkey, Malaysia and France, she works to build relationships between domestic students and students from the 20 countries represented at the Celebration of Nations last Thursday in Selleck Dining Hall. “I tried to do one table for

each country, but they decided to sit together and mash together,” Loke said. The little flags at each table represent less than a quarter of the 132 nations represented at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln — Loke’s new employer. Loke has served as UNL’s residential international student coordinator since August 2012, and she’ll hold the position for another year and a half. Since August, Loke has been planning events that bring domestic and international students together, running a student mentor program, answering international students’ day-to-day questions and living with the international students in Selleck Residence Hall.

loke: see page 2



monday, february 4, 2013




on campus what: Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience Seminar Series with professor Chang-Beom Eom of the University of WisconsinMadison where: Jorgensen Hall, room 136 when: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

in lincoln what: Torch Singer 101 Concert where: Zen’s Lounge, 122 N. 11th St. when: 7:30 p.m. more information: Hosted by jazz vocalist Jackie Allen

Felice Gaer to present on human rights Staff Report DN

if you go

Felice Gaer will present “Protecting the Human Rights of Religious Minorities Worldwide” in the latest E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Monday night. Gaer is the director of the American Jewish Committee’s Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights, the vice chair of the U.N. Committee Against Torture, the Leo Nevas Task Force on Human Rights of the United Nations Association of the USA and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. “She is here to speak about human rights and torture,” said Katie Cergaer vantes, the event coordinator of the E.N. Thompson Forum. Gaer has written more than 40 articles on international human rights and has been a women’s rights activist addressing human rights issues. Her speech will be held in the Lied Center for Performing

WHAT: Felice Gaer presents “Protecting the Human Rights of Religious Minorities Worldwide: International Religious Freedom in U.S. Policy” WHEN: 7 p.m. WHERE: Lied Center for the Performing Arts HOW MUCH: Free MORE INFORMATION: enthompson.unl.edu

Arts at 7 p.m. “It is a gift to listen to prominent speakers,” said Lloyd Ambrosius, a history professor and chair of the E.N. Thompson Forum Program Committee. The event is free and open to the public. The next E.N. Thompson Forum will be held Feb. 26, when Shirin Ebadi, a Nobel Laureate, will deliver her speech titled “True Islam: Human Rights, Faith, and Women.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

loke: from 1

Cara Wilwerding | DN

Jessica Loke, residential international student coordinator, helps international students Gayathiri Virendra, a junior chemical engineering major (left), and Vedita Saraf, a senior chemical engineering major, find their country’s flag at Selleck’s Celebration of Nations dinner.

sitting around, talking, maybe As dozens of international watching ‘The Real Housewives students came and went from the dining hall, Loke knew almost all of New Jersey.’” It can be hard to convince stuof their names, each hailing from a different language and country. dents that it’s OK to not study all the time, Loke said. According to Loke, even fig“Students will figure, ‘Oh, uring out how to get to Target by bus can be problematic for inter- I have some free time, I may as well sit in my room and do some national students. homework.’ But getting them “Students will come to hang out and meeting out in my ofother people is fice, message me The biggest important, too,” on Facebook,” challenge Loke said. Loke said. “I’ll be Vedita Saraf, brushing my teeth (for international an international in the bathroom, student from Inand they’ll come students) is to dia and past resiup and ask me a integrate.” dent of Loke’s question.” floor, said fear is Loke, a native Jessica loke a large part of the of Malaysia, gradresidential international divide between uated from UNL student coordinator domestic and induring spring seternational stumester 2012 with degrees in psychology and reli- dents. “It’s the fear of the unknown gious studies. She was hired for the two years remaining on her — once you get past the unknown you may get them interstudent visa but plans on applying for a work visa after her stu- ested in your country and maybe get them to come to the country,” dent visa expires. “The biggest challenge (for said Saraf, a senior chemical international students) is to in- engineering major. “It’s importegrate and find it comfortable tant to not be shy and not think to talk with their peers,” Loke you’re representing your whole said. “For instance, ‘hanging-out’ country.” In the future, Loke plans to is foreign. I can’t translate the phrase to Chinese. You know, just host a Chinese New Year event

complete with Chinese-inspired Peking pizza, a lion dance and a station to send postcards to family. She also plans to work on a speed-friending event, “like speed-dating without the dating.” A “Fear Factor”-style eating event is also in the works to show Chinese cuisine such as octopus or seaweed to other students. Loke likened the “Fear Factor” event to any other interaction with international culture. “It’s educational,” she said. “You always have that certain fear, like eating Chinese food.” While planning for events and working with students, Loke also leads a peer-mentoring group for international students who will eventually replace her. “Instead of just me, it will be a bunch of students doing this job,” Loke said. Loke has stayed on campus each holiday break since being hired in August, so that she could be with international students during Thanksgiving and Christmas. “There are people around then who need some company,” Loke said. She will finally begin her winter break Feb. 6. news@ dailynebraskan.com

Pickin’ rocks


Maron Waltman, age 6, decides which rock to keep from the Dinosaurs and Disasters event at Morrill Hall on Sunday, Feb. 3. The ninth annual event held at the State Museum of Natural History in Morrill Hall ran from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Scientists, teachers, and local students gave demonstrations and had hands-on activities about icebergs, meteorites, fossils, and more.

Study: Condoms don’t reduce pleasure Conor Dunn DN Condoms really aren’t that inconvenient, according to a study published last month by the Journal of Sexual Medicine. With or without a condom, Americans report to find sex satisfying. “There’s this commonly held belief that condom use makes sex feel less natural or pleasurable,” said the study’s lead author Debby Herbenick, associate research scientist and co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University in Bloomington in a recent Health.com article. “But when people use them, sex happens to be great.” Researchers analyzed data from the 2009 National Survey of Sexual Health, which included responses from 5,865 men and women ages 18 to 59. Both genders, heterosexual and homosexual, reported their sexual experience as highly arousing and pleasurable, despite condom or lubricant use. The study’s participants were asked to report on their most recent sexual event. Further data analyzed whether the sexual experience involved performing or receiving oral sex, and engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse. The study also looked at the gender and relationship status of their partners. Data was collected based on whether the partner was a spouse or domestic partner, girlfriend or boyfriend, friend, new acquaintance or “transactional sex partner” (prostitute). The men in the study reported the ease of their erections based on condom and lubricant use had no significant impact on their sexual pleasure.

UNL STUDENT CONDOM USE Percentage of students surveyed who reported using a condom or other protective barrier within the last 30 days




2.5 59.6 26.7

3.9 50.4 11.5

3.2 54.4 19

Oral Sex Vaginal Intercourse Anal Intercourse


The study also found women less able to identify the condom’s material than men. About 24 percent of women were unsure compared to 9 percent of men. The study suggested this was probably because men typically buy condoms. Church & Dwight Co, Inc., the maker of Trojan Brand condoms, funded the study. “I’ve met some of the researchers at Trojan’s,” said Lee Heerten, sexual health coordinator for the University Health Center. “They do take ethics really seriously. That’s important when you have a company funding this research.” Most sexual health studies are disease-based, he said. “The Centers for Disease Control probably funds the majority of research related to sexual health, and it’s very negative-focused,” he said. “I’m glad there are companies like Trojan out there funding research on a pleasure basis, because I think that’s important to people.” At the University of NebraskaLincoln, more men than women reported using a condom or other protective barrier during intercourse in their most recent sexual activity, according to a sampling of UNL’s student body in the health center’s


fall 2012 American College Health Association study. In terms of oral sex, more women than men reported using a condom or other protective barrier when it came to oral sex. Only sexually active students were included in the survey. Heerten said many reasons factor into a couple’s decision to use a condom during sex, including condom availability and ability to find the “right condom for them.” “A lot of pleasure and condom usage comes down to having the right fit,” he said. “People don’t understand condoms come in different sizes. They might try one condom and not like it, and decide condoms are not for them, when really that might not be the case.” People may also choose not to use condoms for religious reasons, or they may have too much to drink and not remember to use condoms, Heerten said. “I think often times when we talk about sexual health, we think about negative outcomes that can occur,” he said. “We don’t think about the positive things it brings to peoples’ lives. Pleasure is one of those things.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

conservation: from 1 — all in three minutes or less. Speakers addressed global climate change, energy independence, ecotourism and wildlife preservation, issuing calls to action to the audience. Taddicken, director of the Rowe Sanctuary at National Audubon Society, was among the speakers. A theme of loyalty and protection of Nebraskans’ homeland was apparent. Kenneth Dewey, a professor in the School of Natural Resources, argued conservation starts with accepting what science proves and becoming aware of misinformation campaigns. “I know and accept that the global climate is changing, and I know and accept that humans are causing much of this change,” Dewey said. “Talk show hosts are not science experts. They talk about it publicly in order to influence public opinion.” Dewey believes humans, regardless of political affiliation, can have a common goal of energy independence and renewable energy use. “It’s a simple concept, really,” Dewey said. “What we do in our generation will determine the des-

tiny of life on our planet, and the choices we make in the next 10 years will determine what we can do in the next 50.” Richard Edwards, director of the Center for Great Plains Studies and a professor of economics, brought ecotourism to the table of discussion. He said ecotourism greater public awareness and could provide revenue to parks and reserves. “Ecotourism builds political support for conservation measures as well as nearby communities with an economic stake in conservation,” Edwards said. “We need to change this region from a drive-through country to a drivein country.” Jane Kleeb, founder of Bold Nebraska, spoke about the Keystone Pipeline and the detrimental potential it has in the Midwest. She urged audience members not to be passive players. The Great Plains are worth fighting for, she said. “(The pipeline is) going to potentially cross 200 bodies of water and take away farmlands from people who have homesteaded this land for over a century,” Kleeb said. She also reminded the audi-

ence of the upcoming Feb. 17 Bold Nebraska protest. More than 100 Nebraskans will march from the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. to the White House in opposition of the pipeline. “We want to make sure President Obama actually honors his words that he gave in his inaugural address to protect our climate and to actually do something on climate change,” Kleeb said. Closing speaker and American landscape and Great Plains photographer Michael Forsberg reminded the audience of the gravity these speakers’ arguments hold for humanity. Forsberg said conservation starts with communication and needs community. “Having been very fortunate to spend so many years traveling up and down the Great Plains, I have learned one thing that harkens to what every speaker said tonight, and that is there is no finish line in conservation,” Forsberg said. “We must keep reminding ourselves and each generation that comes after us why this place is important.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

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monday, february 4, 2013

In 2012, 88 percent of freshmen report education is important for future James Pace-Cornsilk DN With one foot out of Omaha Marian High School’s door, Macy Potts had long known where the next foot would land: college. Raised by the idea that college is the natural next step after high school, Potts considered a college education necessary for success. This year’s freshman survey, released by the Cooperative Institutional Research Program on Jan. 24, says that freshmen, now more than ever, are coming to college determined to land a job upon completion. “I know that now, compared to maybe 30 or 40 years ago, going to college and getting a degree definitely has a bigger impact on your success,” said Potts, a freshman biology major. The survey reported that in 1976, two-thirds of college freshmen said the chance at a better job was an important reason to go to college. In 2012, this number jumped to 88 percent, an all-time high. The unstable economy is likely a force driving freshmen to go to college for job-related reasons, rather than to get an education or gain an appreciation for new ideas, according to the survey, which was given to 192,912 freshmen last fall at 283 four-year colleges and universities. “When you have an economic downturn, recession, depression, whatever the terms are that we’re going to use, there’s more pressure on the choice having a clear economic benefit,” said Bill Watts, assistant dean for student success for the College of Arts and Sciences. Another record statistic was the number of freshmen — three out of four — who said earning a good living and making more money was a reason to pursue a college education, the survey said. Andrew Makovicka, a freshman business administration major, looks forward to a good job and steady pay after college. The same wish was echoed by Anna Kuhl, a freshman pre-veterinary medicine major, and Potts. “I’ve always wanted to be a doctor, and I want to feel like college is going to prepare me for that,” Potts said. Watts said there could be more

students seeking professional vocational training, rather than liberal arts degrees. He said the university is seeing growth in pre-medicinal majors, leading to an increase of students in the sciences. “If you looked, you might see that some of the areas — philosophy, religious studies, English, history — might not demonstrate that same kind of growth,” Watts said. “They might be flat or slightly down.” This year’s freshmen are also adamant about graduating in four years, the survey reported. Watts said the debt issue is the largest driving factor to influence freshmen to graduate on time. “We’re hearing in the news, fairly regularly, from the pundits about the cost of college education, the debt loads students are taking on,” Watts said. “If I was 18, that would have me worried, if I were the parent of an 18 year old, that would have me worried about going for more than four years.” Potts said she wants to complete college as quickly as possible because of how long the road is until she is settled into her field. “I have at least four years in medical school, and then I have an internship, a residency,” she said. The survey found that freshmen are becoming less likely to venture farther away from home. Many stay within 50 miles. Mackovicka, Kuhl and Potts all fit this statistic perfectly — they’re from York, Tecumseh and Omaha, respectively. These three freshmen all looked into going to Kansas State University as well. While Kuhl said cost was the reason she did not end up at Kansas State, Potts said UNL’s proximity to home comforted her. “I know my family is close,” Potts said. “I’ve had a lot of family that has gone to the University of Nebraska.” Watts said because UNL is the only research university in the state, high school students who want that type of experience have no choice but UNL, unless they want to go out of state. However, cost is still a burden. Freshmen surveyed also considered themselves emotionally and physically unhealthy, according to the survey. Half of the students surveyed said their stress levels were above average, and 87 percent have felt overwhelmed in the previous year. “I think now it takes more to be successful than it used to,” Potts said. news@ dailynebraskan.com

ian tredway | dn

UNL to compete in Recyclemania 2013 REECE RISTAU DN For the fourth year in a row, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will try to go the extra green mile. UNL will participate in Recyclemania 2013, a nationwide competition of colleges and universities to see which student body can recycle the most. The competition runs from Feb. 3 through March 30 and consists of more than 600 schools, including several from the Big Ten. Students can recycle paper, plastic, metal and other materials. Prabhakar Shrestha, coordinator of the project at UNL and a natural resource sciences graduate student, said an active approach of students is needed for the project to succeed. “We’re focused on more student participation this year,” Shrestha said. “We have reached out to different colleges on campus to ensure this.” UNL Recycling, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences and Sustain UNL are working in collaboration to get students participating on Facebook. Contests are planned with prizes for the students and groups who are the most active and innovative. The first chance for students who want to get involved is to like the UNL Recycling Facebook page. Students can post their ideas for recycling to the page and two winners will receive iTunes gift cards. Additional contests throughout the competition include a trivia con-

test, a photo and video contest and a special emphasis on registered student organizations and other formal student groups. All of these will have prizes, with the top RSOs receiving money for its efforts. “We want people to be creative,” said Jeff Henson, another coordinator on the project and a community and regional planning graduate student. “There are such diverse skill sets on campus and we’re excited to see what ideas others have.” Recyclemania has different categories schools are judged on such as overall waste reduction, net recycling, cardboard and office paper. UNL started with $250 of funding for the competition, but by working with colleges on campus the group was able to raise more than $2,000 to help promote the event. There is a heavy reliance on strong student participation this year, the UNL Recycling coordinators said. “Recycling is really helpful especially for such a big organization like UNL,” said Scott Baier, a nutrition graduate student. “What can be recycled on campus amounts to a lot of material so it’s a good thing to do certainly.” UNL Recycling has set the goal of recycling more than 325,000 pounds of paper and other materials this year. “It’s important for UNL to do well,” Henson said. “But it’s more important to have people do their part to recycle and to inspire others to do the same.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

house: from 1 According to Carper, the condemnation meant that a public entity, in this case UNL, could purchase the property for public use. “We were probably bitter because we never intended to sell the property,” Carper said. “It was a good investment for us.” The plan for the house was to have a nephew and niece of Carper live there once they got to college, he said. “I felt like the university had used their force and really had no consideration about our investments in it,” Carper said. Carper and his wife, Gayle, purchased the building from a friend of Carper’s 20 years ago for the purpose of investing into the building and earning money through its tenants. With the $63,800 appraisal value, Gayle and Steve Carper bought additional real estate to add to the other investment houses they own. In its glory days — if glory ever was the right word — the house became a venue for a series of house shows. “We never really had any disturbances,” Carper said. “There was a couple of tenants who were in bands, and occasionally they’d have something. We never really knew too much of what was going on.” According to Jeremy Buckley, a past tenant of the Pi house, there

were about 22 house shows in the 18 months he lived there starting in 2009. Bands on tour would stop through and play a concert for a packed living room. “It was kind of known as always being a musician practice place,” Buckley said. “Bands would always live there or practice there.” Buckley said before he was given contact information for the landlords from the previous tenants, they interrogated him to make sure he would keep the house show tradition going. “It can be an exhausting place to live really,” Buckley said. “It’s fun to do for a while but you can’t do it forever. You do it awhile, and then it gets tiresome.” Because of the proximity to the downtown area, the house frequently had run-ins with rowdy homeless people. In all 22 indie rock shows he held, the only time police came to the house was during one such run-in. “Once, during a concert, this homeless lady passed out in our driveway, and my roommate almost ran her over,” Buckley said. The homeless woman got up and proceeded to threaten to cut bystanders’ throats, which prompted Buckley to run half a block to the UNL Police Department headquarters. “She’s yelling, ‘I’ll kill you fuck-

ing kids,’” Buckley said. “You could hear the bass from outside and all our friends are over.” The police drove the woman away and warned Buckley to not have any minors at the party. “We’re like, ‘done,’” Buckley said. “That was the best part about holding shows. No one’s calling in a noise complaint because our closest neighbors were a parking garage and a fire station.” After his roommate moved out, Buckley couldn’t afford the rent on his own and began looking for another resident to take up his lease. Dustin Hunke, his co-worker at the Bourbon Theatre, stepped in and began holding punk and metal house shows for a period of six months. “I was at another (venue) in the North Bottoms, but it had black mold, so the timing was advantageous,” Hunke said. According to Hunke, he hosted between 10 and 15 shows at the Pi house in the six months he was there. However, the local homeless grew more obtrusive. “When Buckley was there, homeless people had taken over the garage,” Hunke said. “They had partitions that they had set up in the garage. I stepped into the garage once to grab my bike, and it smelled bad. I looked down and realized I had just missed stepping

on a homeless person passed out drunk.” Faulty breakers, lack of privacy from the parking lot on all sides of the house and a small living space made Hunke regret moving in from the minute he stepped in, he said. Despite the more rowdy shows, he said the one time he received a ticket for noise was during the smallest show. “I went outside and I come back, and there’s four cops in the driveway on Segways,” Hunke said. “It was for keeping a disorderly house. I was like, ‘Yeah, keep it down and then start it up as soon as they get going.’” After Hunke, the next residents weren’t as huge of music fans and the tradition stopped. “I think it’s unfortunate,” Hunke said. “It’s weird to think I was the last one there to throw shows. It’s not a great house. I wouldn’t wish living there on anyone, but the Pi house has been around a long time.” Buckley shares Hunke’s somber acknowledgement of the passing of the Pi house. “It’s a passing of an era,” Buckley said. “It’s kind of a bummer to have that go. House spaces are limited, the authorities aren’t super into them but it’s kind of a part of music. There’s a do-it-yourself part of it that is kind of romantic.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

On lookout photo by kat buchanan Gracia Levesse scouts the prairie for groundhogs at the Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center in Denton, Neb., on Saturday, Feb. 2. Spring Creek hosted their inaugural “Groundhog Tales” presentation and hike in the Nebraska tallgrass for Groundhog Day.

sheehy: from 1 ton’s image was colored by the Monica Lewinksy scandal, his image is still widely positive. “On the other hand, maybe his personal ethical choices that do not affect public policy should remain private,” Fillman said. Alex Meitl, a junior industrial engineering major, commends Lt. Gov. Sheehy for doing the right thing and stepping down. “Everybody sins,” Meitl said. “I think that he can be forgiven for what he’s done.” Last July, Connie Sheehy filed for divorce after 29 years of marriage. The World-Herald found that the calls spiked after Sheehy filed for divorce. Sometimes he would call more than one woman a night, sometimes three different women. Saturday afternoon, the WorldHerald spoke with one of the four women, Theresa Hatcher, a Bellevue doctor. According to the World-Herald’s telephone records, Sheehy spoke with Hatcher 367 times mostly from 2009 until 2011. Hatcher said her relationship with Sheehy began in 2008. She described how the two would meet in Omaha’s Old Market and planned out secret rendezvous when Sheehy was traveling. She told the World-Herald about their long, sexually charged phone calls when they were unable to meet. Hatcher didn’t know about other women Sheehy was speaking to at the time. She said she heard some rumors about additional women when the relationship had a falling out. She dismissed the rumors at the time. Hatcher said Sheehy had promised to marry her and that he was unhappy with his wife. “I regret now that many of my understandings and impressions about his marital status were later found to be inaccurate,” Hatcher told the World-Herald. “I have

nothing but the utmost respect for Rick and Connie and wish them both nothing but the best, both personally and professionally.” Sheehy was also speaking to Michele Ehresman, former head of the Holdrege Chamber of Commerce and two other women from Texas and Colorado. Ehresman, who is recently divorced, declined to speak to the press. The other two women said the conversations were not sexual in nature. In July 2011, Sheehy called Ehresman on 27 out of 31 days, talking for 852 minutes in 102 conversations. He also called Hatcher 18 times that month, talking for 104 minutes. By comparison, he exchanged cellphone calls with his wife 14 times that month, and none of the calls lasted longer than five minutes. Morgan Erickson, a freshman electrical engineering major, believes the media are blowing this scandal out of proportion given the circumstances and how scandals such as this have become commonplace. “It’s their life,” Erickson said. “Just because they’re well-known doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have privacy in their own life.” Dona-Gene Mitchell, an assistant professor of political science, said the events surrounding Sheehy were mundane compared to other political scandals. Mitchell has studied political scandals. She has a coming journal article about how timing impacts the fallout of political scandals. “The timing of the scandal is interesting,” she said. “Having a hastily prepared press conference on a Saturday morning when the media is focused on the Super Bowl and other things.” Mitchell said because of the conservative nature of Nebraska, Sheehy’s political career is likely over. Oanh Pham, an accounting and finance major, explains the impli-

cations of a scandal such as this on cancer. Heineman doubted Sheehy the public’s opinion. would still run in 2014. Heineman “My parents are refugees. rescinded his support. When they hear these things, “I’ve got a knot in my stomthey’re kind of devastated,” Pham ach,” Heineman said. “I’m deeply said. “Hearing these things makes disappointed.” you think that it’s happening more, He will begin the process of reand that it’s hard to trust who you placing Sheehy Monday morning. vote for.” Heineman did not lay out details of Michael Wagner, assistant prowhy Sheehy had resigned. Heinefessor of journalism at the Univerman was notified of the matter on sity of Wisconsin-Madison, said Friday, and he and Sheehy had a Sheehy’s reaction was atypical beprivate discussion. cause he resigned before the news Sheehy’s resignation letter of the scandal broke. does not include any details about “If Lt. Gov. Sheehy had decidthe phone calls. The letter only ed that he wanted out of politics thanks Heineman for the time they because of reasons related to the worked together. scandal, then the “It has been a sooner he left ofprivilege to serve you fice, the better,” I don’t think and the great people Wagner said. “If of our State as Lieuhaving an he decides to run tenant Governor,” for governor or affair warrants the Sheehy wrote. if he returns to Sheehy has politics soon, he resignation of a served as Lieutenant will have to face public official.” Governor since 2005. the scandal again Sheehy was seen as plus questions michael dunn a rising political star. about him being senior communications studies Previously, Sheehy major a quitter.” was the mayor of Wagner, a Hastings and a memUNL alum and ber of the City Counformer political science professor, cil. In December 2011, Sheehy had said the situation leaves the Nefiled the paperwork to enter the braska GOP without a clear candi- 2014 race. date for the election. Sheehy has not spoken with John Hibbing, a UNL political any reporters. He did not return science professor, spoke with CNN any calls made by the Daily Neabout the coming race. braskan. “(Sheehy) was a little bit under Sheehy also deleted his Twitthe radar and Gov. Heineman was ter account before the press concalling the shots,” Hibbing said. ference. Although Heineman ap“He’s been the Nebraska equivapeared dismayed by the news, he lent of the vice president.” said he wasn’t offended by the inHe said Attorney General John vestigation. Bruning or State Sen. Charlie Jans“I believe in our public records sen of Fremont might run for the and transparency in government,” GOP. Heineman said. “We as governFormer Speaker of the Legisla- ment officials live in a very public ture Mike Flood withdrew from the arena, and that’s the way it should race in December because his wife be. I believe in transparency.” had been diagnosed with breast NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



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monday, february 4, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view

Lt. Gov. resignation reveals relevance of journalism Nebraska Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy surrendered his post with a two-sentence letter of resignation Saturday morning. The letter brought his political career of nearly 20 years to an abrupt halt and effectively took him out of the race for Nebraska’s next governor in 2015. Those two sentences, likely the last he’ll ever type on his government-issued stationery, are the end result of a monthlong investigation by the Omaha World-Herald that revealed 2,300 phone calls Sheehy made to four different women on his state-issued cellphone. And those two sentences are why journalism matters. Omaha World-Herald reporters Paul Hammel and Robynn Tysver found a loose thread in Sheehy’s public record and pulled it. It only took one firm tug – in the form of their public records request for Sheehy’s email, office phone and cell phone records – for Sheehy’s reputation to unravel. Amid concerns about media bias and trivial entertainment coverage, Hammel’s and Tysver’s reporting serves as a reminder of the true role of journalists: to seek the truth and report it. The ability of a 2,000-word article to prompt the resignation of a state official second only to the governor shows the true power of journalism. If it weren’t for the Omaha World-Herald investigation, the rumors surrounding Sheehy’s life as a public official might have remained unverified. After all, the players involved stood only to lose from the scenario: Sheehy for the public unveiling of his misconduct, and his colleagues for their misguided trust of him. Sheehy’s wife filed for divorce in July 2012, but in the six months since, not a peep emerged from the administration. Sometimes, it’s easier not to pull the loose thread. Certainly that would have been easier for Sheehy. It would have been easier for Gov. Dave Heineman, who hand-selected Sheehy as his second-in-command. And it would have been easier for the thousands who voted for Sheehy in 2006, and again in 2010. But easy isn’t always right. Not if it means that our public officials aren’t being held accountable for their actions. The next few days and weeks will be a scramble of distraught public reactions, frantic cover-ups and political musical chairs. But that scramble shouldn’t distract us from the simple beauty of the Sunday morning headline that changed everything. There’s something beautiful about the moment that truth prevails.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

ian tredway | dn

Aid in Mali supports colonialism


ith neocolonial projects in Afghanistan, Iraq and the new “scramble for Africa,” it seems colonial appetite hasn’t been entirely eradicated with the collapse of European empires. Mali, in this regard, is not an exception, but another case of post-colonial experience. Before getting there, historical context is essential. In fact, the lights of colonialism have not tersely turned off with the existence of a “collaborator system” in place–colonial agents, like a puppet operating on behalf of their colonial power. But, if that string-puppet is enBALIGH BEN TALEB dangered by popular revolt or local resistance it drives the colonial power nuts. It may cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives for from external influence and a springboard tothe sake of maintaining that agency in place. ward sovereignty. Take for example the former French forDuring the last few weeks, the western eign minister, Michèle Alliot-Marie, who ini- African state of Mali has been enduring antially offered French help to quell the uprising other colonial experience. To set the stage, in Tunisia. the story has been wrapped within the old When colonial powers do intervene, think cliché of humanitarianism — protecting Maof the narrative that is often wrapped within a lian people from regional threats, including ‘benevolent’ attitude of liberalism and humanlocal “Touaregs.” You may not be the only one ism. You can think of Libya as another case in who shrugs your shoulders to this narrative point, where thousands of people because numerous observers benignly thought of the military of colonial rhetoric are sick of Has the intervention as catalyzed by hulistening to the same colonial manitarian cause. Yet the recent Syrian blood jargons. declarations of former Italian France and its Western Prime Minister and media tycoon become cheaper allies claim the overarching Silvio Berlusconi demystified purpose behind the military that normative sentiment when than the Malian intervention was to allegedly he admitted that “NATO’s inter- uranium?” halt the advance of the rebels, vention in Libya was orchestrated or members of Touaregs, who by then French President Nicolas control the northern parts of Sarkozy who wanted to get a share of Libya’s the West African nation and protect the Manatural gas and oil.” lian government and its people. But it’s really Iraq offers another case where many peoto do with uranium and Western corporations ple swallowed the humanitarian hemlock of in West Africa. the Bush administration while the daily events Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-Afrimade human tragedies a diurnal experience, can News Wire, asserted that “the French are to say the least. there to serve the interests of not only their These examples and many others render own government, but also in an attempt to the idea of full independence a sham. prop up an unstable military regime that had Any military action brings in a political ditaken power last year in Mali.” saster more than it solves any putative crisis. By the same token, member of the Belgian So, it would be farcical to think of the end Chamber of Representatives Laurent Louis of European colonial rule in Africa as a break stood up in parliament and exposed what the

war is all about. “Today in the name of democracy and the fight against terrorism, our states grant themselves the right to violate the sovereignty of independent countries and to overthrow legitimate leaders,” he said. Mali can’t be an exception in front of imperial projects. They say truth is the first casualty of war. Indeed, a satisfactory interpretation of colonial history in the region holds the key to understanding such neocolonial reality. The equation has exponentially turned enigmatic, particularly with the hostage operations in Algeria, as it deteriorates the stability of the entire region. But this is not a novelty per se, since Africa has a history as a playground for imperial dominance. China is now Mali’s largest export trading partner and no doubt, to counter its growing economic presence in Africa, the U.S., under its Africa Command, or AFRICOM, is politically and militarily invested in the region as well. The “neo-scramble for Africa” is about securing geopolitical interests and keeping the upper hand on the areas of vast natural resources. This is not a Marxist-Leninist approach on historical analysis. But wherever there is a colonial act, the first question should be, “why?” Why a swift military intervention in Mali in this particular time while more than 60,000 people were massacred in Syria? Neither France nor any “benevolent” power intervened to end that bloody quagmire. Has the Syrian blood become cheaper than the Malian uranium? In some eyes, yes! The irony is that these powers have been identifying the same group deemed “extremist” through a zero-sum game in which the collaboration of some signifies the demonization of others. There are always unattended consequences for military action, but the question now is how long will Africa be under the Western “scramble”? Baligh Ben Taleb is a former Fulbright scholar from Tunisia and a PhD student in history, reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com

Novelties no longer, 3-D films tarnish industry


oming to a theater near you this spring is “Lincoln” in 3-D! Is it just me or does that sound like the most ridiculous idea ever? Thankfully, the director of the Academy Award-nominated film didn’t choose to make a mockery of one of the most loved presidents in history by turning him into a gimmick. Unfortunately, that has not stopped most new movies from jumping onto the newest craze in filmmaking — the 3-D movie. It’s because of the excessiveness with which moviegoers are being overwhelmed by 3-D movies that most of their mystique is gone. Nowadays, what was once a special attraction feature of a few select movies is now a dime-a-dozen commodity. As to the history of 3-D films, some contrasting opinions exist. According to IGN.com, “Some debate still exists as to what technically qualifies as the first 3-D films. The popular pick is a 1903 short called ‘L’arrivee du train.’ This short by the Lumiere brothers depicted an oncoming train roaring into a station. The quality was apparently good enough to convince several members of the audience they were about to be run over.” People had never seen anything like this new imagery before. 3-D movies were a marvel to behold, a modern technological miracle. Horror movies were often the most popular choice for the application of 3-D technology in the 1950s. Directors

like Vincent Price and Alfred Hitchcock began experimenting with the new 3-D format during this time. It is from movies such as Hitchcock’s beloved “Dial M for Murder” that the 3-D movies gained much of their popularity and legitimacy. Even with these advances, however, 3-D movies fell out of popularity. Knowing that 3-D movies lost momentum sometime in the 1950s, however, one could reasonably expect for the trend to slow. Although the technology would surely still be used and not completely discarded, no one in their right mind would have anticipated the gross overkill of 3-D that has become a spectacle of the 2000s. Now fast forward to 2013. 3-D movies haven’t faded out of the limelight. They’ve actually been increasingly replicated as if by the same freak accident that would multiply gremlins. According to the Motion Picture Association of America, “despite a record total of 47 3-D movies being released in 2011, the overall domestic box office receipts were down 18 perent to $1.8 billion from $2.2 billion in 2010.” Forty-seven 3-D movies in one calendar year is a rather large amount to produce. Especially when time progresses and the movies that directors are choosing to put into the format are often of questionable caliber. Don’t get me wrong, there have been good 3-D movies that were successful when released. Avatar, the visually stun-

AMANDA KEENAN ning story of a utopian society of blue beings is the best-selling IMAX movie of all time at $134 million in sales according to an article from 2010 on the AfterDawn website. “The Avengers” and the latest “Spider-Man” installation were also incredibly successful 3-D ventures with special effects and graphics that are ideally suited for 3-D or IMAX situations. It’s obvious that a good 3-D movie can be done and no one is arguing that. My argument simply is that there are too many movies being made in 3-D. Movies that have absolutely no business being made to reflect a third dimension. “Titanic,” the tragic love story and former highest-grossing film of all time, was remade in 3-D. What need could

there possibly be to remake a classic story movie about street dancing in 3-D? Movie of love and loss surrounding an Ameri- prices have gotten so high that it’s often can tragedy into a 3-D joke? difficult to get out and see movies in the Movie studios have also begun re- theaters anymore. With the added cost of releasing animated movies in 3-D. For the 3-D glasses and film-upgrade charge, example, “Toy Story 3”, “Monsters, Inc.,” could the studio have really thought that and “Finding Nemo” have all been re- a movie about popping and locking out leased in 3-D. These movies are typically of the screen at people would be a recorddirected at families with small children breaking blockbuster? and those who loved the movie the first I feel like the world, and Hollywood time around that they saw it. especially, would benefit from stepping What the executives at these movie back from the one up game and return studios either don’t realto a time when less was ize or don’t care about is more. Movies used to that whether the movie is have substance and were What was in 3-D doesn’t really matsuccessful on the merit of once a ter to a little kid. I bet they caliber performances and barely even know what’s special attraction production. The more that going on most of the time. we continue to indulge feature of a few From friends have told me the people responsible for who now have kids, they select movies is creating abominations of often fall asleep when you cinematic work, the more take them to the movies now a dime-ainclined they will continue anyway. dozen commodity.” to create crap and slap the Horror movies are still 3-D namesake on it. a popular outlet for 3-D Movies are such a part movie producers. However, movies like of our global culture and in America in “Piranha 3-D” and “My Bloody Valentine particular. Unless we want to lose out on 3-D,” were more ridiculous and cliched the true beauty and simplicity of creative than actually frightening. works we should stop 3-D overload from Last but not least in the ridiculous continuing. Otherwise, what used to be category for 3-D movie creations is the something special and a standout addilatest installation of the “Step Up” movie tion for movies will be lost in a sea of franchise. What exactly were the master- white noise. White noise … in 3-D. Amanda Keenan is a senior minds of this brainchild smoking when public relations major and can they decided that we needed to have a be reached at opinion@



monday, february 4, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk



story by Anna Gronewold | photos by Morgan Spiehs

Maybe you enjoy bread that tastes like cardboard, or maybe you’re trying to impress that hipster girl down the hall who doesn’t eat meat, dairy, eggs, wheat or food. Maybe a doctor diagnosed you with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Whatever the case, you’re eating gluten-free, and it’s a challenge. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and

rye, is responsible for the shape and texture of bread dough. It’s also used as a binding agent in everything from soy sauce to Twizzlers. In recent years, doctors and celebrities alike have touted the benefits of a gluten-free diet to improve digestion, energy levels and skin quality, among a host of other health disparities. A gluten-free diet is hardly conducive to a

stereotypical university lifestyle. It means careful planning and label-checking. It means beer, pretzels and pizza are out of the question. Low-carb is great, but sometimes spinach and hummus isn’t going to cut it. Sometimes you need a burger and fries, pronto. When the urge hits to splurge on real food, Lincoln is here to help, without the wheat.

Sportscasters Bar & Grill

Le Cupcake

3048 N. 70th St.

Beckee Moreland was diagnosed with celiac disease 20 years ago ­— the same year her husband was opening Sportscasters Bar & Grill. About five years ago, the restaurant introduced an extensive gluten-free menu, featuring gluten-free burgers, a variety of gluten-free beers and Moreland’s favorite, chicken nachos. “We wanted people to be able to come in here and have the same experience as everyone else,” Moreland said. Today, Moreland is a consultant for the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA). She also manages Gluten-Free Resource Education and Awareness Training (GREAT) food service programs across the country. GREAT programs ensure that employees at restaurants such as Sportscasters learn how to avoid cross-contamination with gluten in the kitchen. Sportscasters currently acquires hamburger buns from gluten-free company French Meadow Bakery. But according to Moreland, the restaurant plans on working with Lincoln bakery Eazy Eatz for a local effort. Few restaurants carry gluten-free buns, and Moreland said customers are grateful. “We’ve had a really good experience,” she said. “I think we have a good price point, too. I didn’t want people to have to eat at a really high-end restaurant for quality glutenfree food.”

5563 S. 48th St.

Yvonne Loy was teaching at Lincoln Christian when she began testing prototypes for her business, Le Cupcake, on her students. “I was bringing in cupcakes, and I had these two girls with celiac disease in my class,” Loy said. “They’d just sit there with long faces.” Loy decided she needed options for Lincoln’s expanding gluten-free population. She said she loves the joy she is able to bring to those with dietary restrictions. “Its been fun to be able to provide a wedding cake for a bride who wouldn’t otherwise be able to have a cake on her wedding day,” Loy said. Le Cupcake’s gluten-free cupcakes include strawberry champagne, double chocolate cheesecake, piña colada, peanut butter cookie, chocolate cherry brandy cheesecake, blackberry pomegranate and pumpkin cream cheese. Loy said customers don’t forget flavors like those. “You know, our gluten-free customers are the most appreciative customers we have,” she said. arts@dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

Sam & Louie’s provides gluten-free crust with almost all of its specialty pizzas.

Sam & Louie’s

1332 P St.

Sportscasters Bar & Grill has several gluten-free options for food, as well as a selection of glutenfree beer. The gluten-free menu was introduced about five years ago.

Nebraska-based pizzeria Sam & Louie’s takes its commitment to gluten-free diners seriously. The company was one of the first to introduce a gluten-free crust to Nebraska’s pizza lovers. Along with several salad options, the company can make almost any of its specialty pizzas on a gluten-free crust. Sam & Louie’s waitress Stacy Crisler said her favorite order, on any crust, is the carnivore. “It’s basically just a giant meat-lover’s pizza,” she said. “The Hawaiian luau is great too.” The restaurant is a hotspot for students with and without dietary restrictions. As well as in-house Wi-Fi, Sam & Louie’s is the first restaurant in Lincoln to allow students to pay with NCards, as long as the NCard account is linked to a Wells Fargo account. According to owner Paul Johnson, the restaurant is also looking into late-night delivery options, allowing students to enjoy gluten-free pizza when they really want it ­— at 3 a.m.

Author holds history as framework for fiction jordan bates dn When Tracy Chevalier left the United States for London 25 years ago, she couldn’t possibly have anticipated the foreign lands that she would discover. And invent. An author of historical fiction, Chevalier has been publishing novels since 1997. Her most popular work, “The Girl With the Pearl Earring,” sold 4 million copies worldwide and was made into a movie in 2003. Her zeal for history and knack for creating vibrant worlds of fiction is evident in her newly published novel, “The Last Runaway.” The novel tells the story of Honor Bright, a Quaker woman who moves from England to Ohio in 1850. Upon arriving, Honor finds herself overwhelmed by the unfamiliar culture of the United States. She is forced to confront the reality of slavery firsthand, which leads to her involvement in the Underground Railroad. A rich and nuanced tale of self-discovery and transformation, “The Last Runaway” has been wellreceived by Chevalier’s fanbase. Despite her hectic schedule, Chevalier took the time to speak with The Daily Nebraskan about “The Last Runaway” and her relationship with writing. Daily Nebraskan: Why tell the story of “The Last Runaway”? What makes this novel, or any novel of yours for that matter, worth writing? Tracy Chevalier: I often ask myself if it’s worth the paper — or computer space now, I suppose I should think. I write books that fill gaps, answer questions we may not have even realized we were asking. What is that girl in the painting thinking? Who made those tapestries? Is the world divided into opposites? What made people start to think of the creation of the world as a long

‘Regions’ sets scene for James’ spiritual musings andrew larsen dn Jim James has always been a spiritually curious man. With his main band My Morning Jacket he wrote “Gideon,” which examined his disconnect with religion. In Monsters of Folk he collaborated on “Dear God (sincerely M.O.F.),” a song in which the various members try to reach a higher power. His eternal struggle with God continues on his first solo venture, “Regions of Light and Sound of God.” In a recent interview with The New York Times, James was discussed his obsession with God and said, “For me, it’s more powerful to hear peo-

courtesy photo

Tracy Chevalier is the author of seven historical fiction novels, including the widely popular “Girl with a Pearl Earring,” which has sold 4 million copies worldwide since its release in 1999. process? With “The Last Runaway,” I wondered what it was like to be an immigrant in the age when slavery was being challenged. It’s one thing to be opposed to slavery in principle, but what if a runaway slave appeared in your yard one day — do you send them away or break the law and help them? DN: You’ve included real people like Johannes Vermeer and William Blake as characters in past novels. Are Honor Bright and the supporting cast of “The Last Runaway” entirely fictional? What are the challenges of writing a purely fictional character versus one based in history? TC: All of the characters are fictional, though I did use a couple of

names from the time, and the places and buildings, apart from Faithwell, Ohio, are real. In some ways it’s easier to write fictional characters, because you’re not limited by someone’s biography. You can make them look and sound how you like and do whatever you want. There’s almost too much choice. A real person brings a biographical structure and limitations to a book that I find really helpful. It’s hard making everything up. Much easier to have that biographical bone structure laid down, then the fiction is the flesh you add to it to make a whole person.

chevalier: see page 6

Le Cupcake sells gluten-free cupcakes with flavors such as strawberry champagne, piña colada, peanut butter cookie and chocolate cherry brandy cheesecake.

ple sing about God than love in most circumstances because I’ve been hearing people sing about love for most of my life. I don’t really believe in a God, like a white man with a beard in the sky. But most of the music that I enjoy, they do it with such passion, I know it doesn’t really matter what they’re calling God, because we’re talking about the same thing.” With My Morning Jacket, James and company are adept at pulling off any number of musical styles, but they are “WHISPER” most known for their expansive, rocking guitars. It’s a bit jarring Whisper Text LLC to get through all 38 minutes of


iPhone, iPod, iPad

Jim James



jim james: see page 6


Whisper combines apps for location-based venting cameron mount dn If you’ve ever felt that the trouble with secrets is that they’re just way too secretive, the Whisper app has you covered. Last year, the get-it-offmy-chest PostSecret app was pulled out of the App Store for attracting an influx of threatening posts. Since then, the Whisper app has picked up where PostSecret left off, with constant moderation and a flag feature to curb inappropriate content and bullying. Users choose a photo from their

phone or the Internet, add an Instagram-like filter then enter up to 200 characters of text. Most posts are like a watered-down Tumblr, with insubstantial observations about cats, relationships and food, though anonymity brings out more risky divulgences like abuse, disorders and all the existential musing that can be managed in 200 words. Where Whisper makes things interesting is its “Nearby” feature, which shows posts made within a mile radius and for a fee, allows private, anonymous messaging (only the conversation initiator pays). This

means you’re going to see a number of lonely shirtless dudes looking for attention, continuing Vine and Chatroulette’s proof that we can’t have nice things. Still, Whisper seems to moderate its adult content successfully, and the streamlined interface is simple to use. If you’re a Facebook venter, this app is for you. By all means, get thoughts off your chest without bringing your entire friends list down with you. The constantly updating stream makes for app-

whisper: see page 6



monday, february 4, 2013


night in america

from Blackouts to beyonce : Our favorite super bowl tweets

Super bowl commercials exemplify twisted societal standards

2:24 p.m. @DNartsdesk BREAKING: The NFL has scheduled the “Super Bowl” for tonight. More details as they come in. 4:48 p.m. @DNartsdesk Where are all the promises kid Kaepernick wrote himself that didn’t turn out? “I will be a dinosaur / astronaut / not a goon, etc.” 5:13 p.m. @DNartsdesk But honestly, isn’t it cooler not to have tattoos? #Kaepernick 5:29 p.m. @DNartsdesk Heads. Gambling addicts everywhere just lost their grocery money. #CoinFlip #SuperBowl 5:36 p.m. @DNartsdesk You know Niners punter Andy Lee is embroiled in some kind of IRA conflict in the off-season. #SuperBowl47 5:41 p.m. @DNartsdesk A fact: The “Red Zone” is named after Ray Lewis’s propensity to get messy during bloodsport. 5:44 p.m. @DNartsdesk What a victory for all high-schoolers with Audis. That socio-economic group really needs a bump. #Commericials 5:46 p.m. @DNartsdesk During Go Daddy Kissing Commercial... @katielee_nelson “I hate this commercial.” @tylerkeown “I’m OK with it.” 6:00 p.m. @DNartsdesk Same number of Super Bowls and presidents! #SuperBowl49 6:06 p.m. @DNartsdesk “What is this, ‘Fast Six Sex Furious’?” - @chancesp716 6:15 p.m. @DNartsdesk Doritos: at the forefront of challenging the definition of heteronormativity. 6:18 p.m. @DNartsdesk Why don’t more players lead with their heads when they tackle? The helmet is hardest part of their uniforms! 6:22 p.m. @DNartsdesk “The way in which the wind blows is a mystery unto man.” -Phil Simms on a 12-yard Dennis Pitta catch #SuperBowl47 6:26 p.m. @DNartsdesk Yeah, if you count people that died with the TV on and have yet to be found, CBS is probably the most “watched” network. 6:28 p.m. @DNartsdesk Joe Montana couldn’t cheat on his wife these days if he tried. 6:33 p.m. @DNartsdesk Shannon, Boom, Skipper, Billy, Bobby, Ol’ Jim, CoopCoop, Coach Cowher, and Thorin Oakenshield with your halftime report! #CBS #SuperBowl47 6:37 p.m. @DNartsdesk Jamaica is an impoverished country. #VW #BobbyMcFarin #SomeShit 6:43 p.m. @DNartsdesk Great job staying thin and relevant, Jared! America tips its hat to you. 6:52 p.m. @DNartsdesk RAY LEWIS STAT UPDATE: tackles: 2, sacks: 0, guys killed: 1 7:03 p.m. @DNartsdesk It’s halftime! Welcome to the bridge of the Starship Enterprise! #CBS #Boomer #SuperBowl47 7:08 p.m. @DNartsdesk If I like it, I will put a ring on it. 7:14 p.m. @DNartsdesk This performance is super-thighzed! 7:38 p.m. @DNartsdesk Only when the lights come back on will we know how many souls were taken by Ray Lewis. #SuperBowl47 7:46 p.m. @DNartsdesk Great reaction time, FEMA! 8:02 p.m. @DNartsdesk How many officials does it take to change a light bulb? None, that isn’t what happened; it was a power surge, fool. 8:13 p.m. @DNartsdesk You know, it’s not like anyone expected San Francisco to win. This isn’t the NBA. 8:16 p.m. @Dnartsdesk Having Kevin from the Office in a Subway commercial is like having a fat guy in a Subway commercial. 8:36 p.m. @DNartsdesk Budweiser: at the forefront of horse-man relationships. 8:47 p.m. @DNartsdesk That was really nice of Baltimore’s D to let Akers try that kick again. When you’re learning how to kick field goals, it’s all about reps. 9:43 p.m. @DNartsdesk Over/under five minutes Ray Lewis spends on the ground here in a minute. #RavensWin #SuperBowl47 9:44 p.m. @DNartdesk “There is a rule buried deep in the rule book, a kind of ‘National Treasure’ situation.” -Jim Nantz #CBS #FinalPlay #SuperBowl47 9:45 p.m. @DNartsdesk He’s done it! Ray Lewis has killed a man! 9:47 p.m. @DNartsdesk Joe Flacco is truly a man among other average men! #RavensWin #SuperBowl47

Poehler’s turn to shine in a Best Buy spot where she put her trademark, easy-to-love, over-caffeinated persona on display. Early in the night, she was one of the first recognizable celebrities to appear and was charming doing it.

Nerdy Men

chance solem-pfeifer The game is the game. Someone will win and someone will lose. Maybe you rooted for a team because you thought Randy Moss deserved to be taught a lesson that life had not yet been doled out, or that Ray Lewis was actually being framed as a batshit madman. But a vast segment of the population tuned into Super Bowl XLVII for the hits between the hits. Super Bowl commercials are often pop culture touch-tones. From Joe Greene drinking Coke to Apple’s lauded 1984 commercial, it’s a stage (or should be) for the biggest stars and the products that will define the year before the next big game when the Harbaughs lose in the divisional round and Roger Daltry wheels himself out for halftime again. Of course, certain groups and figures step out of the wave of ads better reputed and more famous than ever, and others are (to put it lightly) exploited.

The Winners: Amy Poehler

Last year, it was Poehler’s thenhusband Will Arnett who appeared in a half-dozen Hulu ads, the most recurring face of the Super Bowl spots. With a separation between them, this time it was

As seems to be the rule in hypermasculine advertising, if you’re not an Adonis, the average man in car/beer/bodywash commercials is a scrawny introverted man incapable of associating with women because his biceps aren’t big enough. Women, portrayed as the sex-crazed mannequins (we’ll get to this), are thus uninterested in instantaneous intercourse. But on Super Bowl night, they broke all the rules (by reinforcing all the rules). Models were kissing nerds. Dweebs were kissing prom queens. Oh baby, our superficial culture was getting a real makeover. With sex!


You must have really enjoyed how shitty last night was. These commercials were by-and-large not great, folks. Lots of shrugs and making fun of the way white people speak when they imitate Jamaicans imitating themselves in, let’s say, “Cool Runnings.”

Melodramatic Composers In the coveted first-after-halftime slot, Oprah usurped Clint Eastwood. But this time, instead of a confused indictment/love note to America, the lines were more clear-cut: support the troops. But the music was as overwrought as ever. Between that and a CBS commercial wherein the only decipherable lyric was a blue eyed soul singer crooning “Fam-i-ly,” there were still plenty of Super Bowl ad jobs for violin ensembles and piano players with a soft side.

that’s why I write it. Also once I’ve left myself behind, it’s much easier to be objective. And research is wonderful: it brings up all sorts of possibilities I probably wouldn’t have thought of myself. DN: “The Last Runaway” is your seventh novel. How has your experience of publishing a novel changed since “The Virgin Blue” in 1997? TC: It has changed a lot, primarily for two reasons. First, there are a lot more novels published out there now, not just by traditional publishers, but self-published, fan fiction, online stuff. Stories are all over the place. Second, people buy books differently. They no longer just go to bookstores and look around. Much browsing and buying takes place online, and it’s harder to work out how to reach potential readers. Luckily that is not really my problem, but my publishers’. People still love to read stories, so my job is safe, for now. arts@ dailynebraskan.com

The Rock

I feel like what you really want, Dwayne, is to go away and do some push-ups in the quiet of your own home. But we won’t let you. Fight aliens for the pleasure of drinking milk! Star in “Fast & Furious 6: No-One-Catches-My Drift.”

The 49ers

Because of losing.


We didn’t know how much awful programming you had before you made us watch it in montage form. Neil Patrick Harris is clearly dying inside. The very existence of “2 Broke Girls” (as evidenced by the stripper poll spot) seems to be an insult to half of the population ... more, if men have any respect for what media they consume. Chance Solem-Pfeifer is a senior english major. reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com.

The Kiss The GoDaddy commercial featuring Jonah Hill and blonde soand-so kissing was maybe the best moment of the entire game. The passion displayed in that scene was fierce yet tender, offering viewers a moment to escape into the fantasy of love. Plus, Danica Patrick is the hottest woman in the world, according to ESPN.

The Scream

Here’s about the thighs of it: She came out, fire exploded from the heavens, a million Beyonces came from the ground like so many springtime flowers, and Jay-Z wasn’t even there. Beyonce’s thighs stole the show, however, when they detached from her torso and transformed into the other two members of Destiny’s Child, finally fulfilling the foretold Destiny(‘s child).

Ray Lewis stands in a storm of confetti and ecstatic players. His head flies back and the ghosts of his past begin to gather in his chest. His throats open and the ghosts release into the world; ghosts of the men he has killed inadvertently and advertently. As the semi-transparent celestial beings dispersed, Lewis collapses. His career has ended. His career has ended, he has won the Super Bowl and he definitely killed another human being.

Lights Out When the power surge struck midway through the third quarter and killed some of the lights, the party began. Ray Lewis killed the entire A-D seating section, Colin Kaepernick and his bicep kissed a lot, Bane blew up the field and Jim Nantz got a bit Nantzy about the whole thing.

jim james: from 5 cause it challenges everything we’re used to, from the big — say, a political system — to the small, what we spread on bread or whether we have screens on our windows. When I first moved to England, I was astonished that they spread margarine or butter on their sandwiches (to keep the bread from going soggy, I believe) and didn’t have screens on the windows. In the summer they just opened them and all the flies came in. Crazy. But these things force you to look at the stuff you take for granted and ask yourself, “Why should only mayo or mustard go on sandwiches?” Also, foreign places allow you to try out things you might not at home. I only ever buy art when I’m traveling — it wouldn’t occur to me to do so at home. DN: What is it about the process of researching and writing historical fiction that keeps you returning for more? Why has it been your genre of choice? TC: I like writing historical fiction, because it takes me away from myself and my daily life. People often read fiction to escape reality; well,

You took a pounding, ladies, and I’m sure if Audi and GoDaddy could talk, they’d say you were asking for it. Seriously (and nod to One Sad Bastard for pointing it out first), was that Audi commercial not the embodiment of rape culture passed off as the underdog finally getting his? You win, America. Let’s play it back. Ignored guy gets cool car and then walks up on the prom queen and kisses her without asking. The commercial then lets us know this was something she wanted the entire time. I’m not sure an advertiser has ever tapped into one of our violent problems of gender so pointedly, while still not getting it at all.


by chance solem-pfeifer and tyler keown

DN: The Underground Railroad is a widely known, almost mythical aspect of American history. While researching “The Last Runaway,” did you discover anything shocking or unexpected about the Railroad or slavery in general? TC: The Underground Railroad has indeed been made almost larger than life. In researching it I was surprised by how few slaves actually escaped: 30,000 over the course of 50 years, which is great but minuscule compared to, for instance, the 3.9 million slaves alive in 1860. It’s also been suggested recently that actually more African Americans worked on the Underground Railroad than white people, though of course it’s hard to tell because it was all so secretive. I tried to keep that in mind as I was writing. DN: In the novel, Honor Bright’s life-changing journey begins with a difficult move to America. As an expat, do you think a foreign culture is fertile ground for personal transformation? How so? TC: Foreign culture definitely pushes personal transformation, be-


GIMME 5: memorable characters, moments from Super Bowl XLVII

arts@dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

chevalier: from 5

The Losers:

the album and realize the guitar has mostly been relegated to the background. James favors a more subtle sound collage, which is an impressive feat as he plays every instrument himself. His voice sounds like it was designed by God to echo around arenas, but the howls are kept to a minimum here. While the scope of the album is obviously large, the songs are short and intimate. My Morning Jacket is perfect for cruising with some buddies and singing along to, but “Regions of Light and Sound of God” is best with some headphones and plenty of time for introspection. It would have been a nice nod to his MMJ devotees to throw at least one fast-paced rocker in the mix but the album grooves nonetheless. Thankfully this new solo outing isn’t a Bob Dylan-esque mid-career conversion. It’s James letting the questions he’s been dealing with during his career take center stage. The passion James spoke of in refer-

The Dance Jacoby Jones catching that bomb, falling over, juking that one dude and then flat-out outrunning that last defender to pick up his first touchdown was absolutely the best dance of the night, Beyonce or no. tyler keown is a sophomore journalism major. Reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com.

whisper: from 5 ence to his idols fills “Regions of Light and Sound of God,” especially album highlights “Know ‘Til Now” and “A New Life.” On an “A New Life” he utilizes his softer side and whispers about a second chance with love. With “Know Til Now” James opines about his eyes being opened, but by who or what is left unclear. The rest of the album is surrounded with open-ended, probing questions. James is a restless soul, and that’s on full display here. Hardcore My Morning Jacket lovers might be a bit disappointed with the lack of fuzzed-out aggression on display, but this is a worthwhile album. The consistently mellow tempo drags a bit towards the end, but the inquisitive lyrics and lilting vocals more than make up for it. God and love are grand ideas that will always lead to more questions than answers, which makes for an endlessly interesting listen. arts@ dailynebraskan.com



Whisper Text LLC iPhone, iPod, iPad Free addiction potential, and the local element does make it seem slightly more worthwhile than yelling into the wind. Ultimately, though, Whisper does little to differentiate itself from anything more than Tumblr’s annoying little brother. arts@ dailynebraskan.com


monday, february 4, 2013


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Misc. Services

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monday, february 4, 2013

Nebraska splits pair of home matches this weekend Huskers beat Illinois State, then fall to Oklahoma State two days later Mark Disomma dn The Nebraska men’s tennis team started off its weekend well with a victory against Illinois State on Friday, but the Huskers then fell to Oklahoma State on Sunday 4-3. The Huskers received a muchneeded boost during their home opener Friday from the bottom of their roster in the singles competition. As the top of their order struggled, the bottom four spots all swept their opponents, scoring the victory against Illinois State. Nebraska Freshman Marc Herrmann fell to Illinois State’s Alexander Pelaez in straight sets. After battling back and winning his second set, fellow freshman Dusty Boyer lost the third and final set to Illinois State’s Erik Brunskog. Nebraska dropped the doubles competition 2-1 to Illinois State, with the only win coming from the duo of Boyer and freshman Bradford Zitsch. The Huskers did little to improve upon that doubles performance as they dropped all three matches to Oklahoma State. Nebraska coach Kerry McDermott was not troubled, though. “I really thought we were gonna come out on top,” McDermott said. “In my mind, I felt if we win at the one or two spots, we’ll win the match. If we win one of those spots, we’ll win the match. I felt really, really confident in our three, four, five and six spots.” Despite that slow start, the

Huskers soon took control of the match. Boyer quickly defeated Denys Pume in straight sets to earn the Huskers’ first victory. Shortly after, Oklahoma State’s Brady Bohrnstedt fell to NU junior Tom Blackwell. NU senior Eric Sock claimed the final victory for the Huskers, defeating Matt Campbell in straight sets. From there on, it was all Oklahoma State. Husker senior Andre Stenger fell to Chris Haworth after two closely contested sets. Olesky Arovin’s victory against freshman Andre Dzulnsky tied the team scores at three apiece. The match between Hermann and Oklahoma State’s Rifat Biktakov would determine the team winner. In what was easily the closest and most hard fought match of the day, Biktakov narrowly defeated Hermann in three sets (3-6, 6-4, 6-4). Hermann, who was perhaps the most highly touted recruit from last year, has been struggling to adjust to college tennis, and he has dropped his last three matches. “I played really good today,” said Hermann after the match. “ Those seniors, they play number one. They’re used to it. It’s kind of new for me. I’m getting used to it. I’m there. I’m close. I just try to play on and win the match next week.” “He’s gonna be a very, very good player for us,” McDermott said about Hermann, “We know he can play with the best of them.” Hermann will have plenty of tough matches, as the Huskers begin a difficult part of their schedule this week as they host No. 43 Drake on Friday before a doubleheader at home Feb. 10 with No. 31 VCU and Creighton. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

bethany schmidt | dn

Marc Herrmann focuses during his match at the Nebraska Tennis Center on Sunday. Nebraska knocked off Illinois State on Friday, but then fell to Oklahoma State on Sunday.

Women’s tennis squad remains perfect

MENs: from 10 no surprise, according to Ohio State coach Thad Matta. “They’ve got the capability to get rolling, and you have to be careful with it,” he said. “We had a couple of careless possessions there that gave them easy baskets, and those are things you can’t do on the road.” Despite the sudden surge by the home team, the four-point deficit would be as close as the Huskers would get the rest of the night. Although, a pair of layups and a couple of made free throws by sophomore forward David Rivers sparked a 9-2 run to minimize Ohio State’s lead to 53-58, Nebraska was unable to complete what could’ve been a remarkable comeback. Rivers, who scored just two

points in the first half, led the Huskers with 13 points on the night, while Talley and Gallegos finished with 12 and 11 points, respectively. Nebraska, unable to capitalize on its possessions down the stretch, went on to lose by seven points to drop its ninth conference game of the season. The defeat marks a sweep for Ohio State, after they defeated the Huskers 70-44 on Jan. 2. Despite holding Thomas to 15 points Saturday and keeping poised against its 11th-ranked opponent, a loss is a loss, Talley said. “We played better than we have, but we know we can play this way, so it’s no surprise,” Talley said. “We are upset we didn’t win.” sports@ Dailynebraskan.com

No. 17 Nebraska defeats No. 55 Ohio State on the road with ease Liz Uehling dn

The No. 17 ranked Huskers took on the Buckeyes this weekend and ended up victorious in their battle against the No. 55 Ohio State team. The games were played on the Buckeye’s home courts, which began late Saturday morning. Going into the match, the women knew they had to be on By Wayne their best game. Playing Big Ten Gould teams brings on a different form of competition than their previous Every row, opponents who are outside of the column and 3x3 Big Ten. box should “Both Big Ten and out-ofcontain the conference teams are good ... (but) numbers 1 thru 9 Big Ten teams are consistent, and with no repeats we expect a challenge,” senior across or down. Mary Weatherholt said. The Ohio State team definitely brought a few challenges for Yesterday’s Nebraska, but no matter the outAnswer come, the Huskers competed until the end, according to Nebraska coach Scott Jacobson. Starting off the competition were the doubles duo freshmen Maggy Lehmicke and junior Maike Zeppernick. They gave a The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation fight but ended up losing to 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018good the Ohio State squad with an 8-3 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 score. For Monday, July 23, 2012 Solution, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com Weatherholt and senior Patri-


Edited by Will Shortz 54 McCarthy-era attorney Roy 57 1968 song with the lyric “We all want to change the world” 61 1968 song 28 1969 song with Across with the lyric the lyric “Once 1 Piquancy “Remember to there was a let her into your 5 Feel in one’s ___ way to get back heart” homeward” 8 Sycophants, 64 Suffix with zinc slangily 33 Common people 65 “Amos ‘n’ ___” 15 1/12 of a ruler 34 Lament loudly 66 Candid, as a 16 Durham sch. 35 Sick photo 17 South Pacific 37 Singer DiFranco 67 Pecan or cashew region 38 1965 song with 68 Some HDTV 18 Nebraska tribe the lyric “These screens are words that go 69 Slip-ups 19 “___ Beso” (Paul together well” Anka hit) 70 Car rte. displayer 42 Low island 71 Comfort 20 1970 song 43 Election mo. with the lyric “Whisper words 44 “Am ___ late?” Down of wisdom” 1 Jewish homeland 45 Heredity unit 21 1965 song with 2 Inner: Prefix 46 1965 song with the lyric “Isn’t he 3 Garbage boat the lyric “Think a bit like you and of what you’re 4 One of filmdom’s me?” saying” Avengers 24 Wealthy Brits 52 Bear: Sp. 5 “C’est la ___” 25 Fictitious 6 Invisible 53 Nebraska 26 Chow down neighbor 7 Cartoonist Nast 8 German cathedral ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE city 9 Cold cube O R G A N S S O C I A L I Q 10 Sink, as the sun N A U S E A E D I T M E N U 11 Jeanne d’Arc, R U N S O N T E R I Y A K I e.g. A C C E N T R O C S D M Z 12 “Do ___ others M O A T A M A N A M O A N …” P U S S Y C A T S Z O R R O 13 Mr. ___ (soft drink) S S E E R I E K O P E K S 14 Mailing encls. E L U L C A N E S C H U L Z M O N K L S D 22 Conclusion C H A R S B A B Y S P I C E 23 “For ___ know …” H A L O L E T B E O T I C I T T J E D I W A S H E R 26 Disney’s “___ and the Detectives” S E E P E D I N E L A I N E 27 Up to the task M A R I T I M E S E D U C E 28 First Moody S U S P E N S E T E A M E D Blues hit

Note: When this puzzle is done, the circled letters, reading from left to right and top to bottom, will reveal who wrote the seven songs in the theme.








No. 0618 8









29 34 38


44 46










42 45



52 55







24 26





25 28





file photo by kaylee everly | dn

Janine Weinreich returns an opponent’s shot during a match earlier this season at the NU Tennis Center. Weinreich and the Huskers knocked off No. 55 Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio, this weekend.

cia Veresova came out victories against their Buckeye opponents in the doubles match, ending the final set with an 8-3 victory. At the end of doubles play, there was a point up for grabs both Ohio State and Nebraska were fighting for. Janine Weinreich and Stefanie Weinstein gave the Buckeye competitors all they had and fought for the 9-8, 9-7 win. Weinreich knew she would have to be at her best. “I really wanted to win the match because it was the deciding point for doubles,” Weinreich said. She also said she would have to play fearlessly and not change anything about the way she was playing. “If (I would have) changed, it would go to (my) head,” Weinreich said Both Weinreich and Weinstein have good chemistry on the court, which was evident in their nervebending doubles match. “I just know I can trust (Ste-

Lehmicke had what Weathfanie) and what decisions she makes,” Weinreich said. “I knew erholt said was a great singles she was going to get it done at the round, even though she ended her net. I trust her just as she trusts match with 7-5, 6-7 (4-7), 1-0 (11me.” 9) defeat. The Huskers “Maggy had ended up winning a really good Big Ten the doubles pormatch,” Veresova teams are tion of the match said. “She was and continued on the last match consistent and to singles, which on the court, and held a number of we expect a we were all there challenges as well. cheering her on.” challenge.” At the No.1 The Huskers singles position, fought through Mary weatherholt both Weatherholt won victories senior women’s tennis player both sets against and defeats her Buckeye opagainst the Buckponent, walking eyes. Their sucoff the court with a cessful weekend 6-4, 6-3 win. left them with their first Big Ten Teammate Veresova competed victory of the season. The Huskat the No. 2 position and ended ers are now 5-0 overall and 1-0 Big her match with a 6-3, 6-1 victory. Ten. Weinstein competed at the Their next competition begins No. 3 position during singles on Friday at Charlottesville, Va., and sophomore Izabella Zgierska as they begin the ITA National Incompeted at the No. 6 position. door Team Championships. sports@ Both ended their matches with a dailynebraskan.com victory.



57 62


58 64










Puzzle by Peter A. Collins

29 Martini garnish 30 Delta competitor: Abbr. 31 Houston sch. 32 Bias 33 Enthusiast 36 Soapmaking stuff 38 Unaccounted-for G.I.’s 39 “Pay ___ mind” 40 Mooer

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56 Syringe, for short 57 Cherry and ruby 58 Ancient Peruvian 59 Bookies give them 60 Big Board inits. 62 Troopentertaining grp. 63 “In excelsis ___”

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women’s: from 10 fense was needed to take down Minnesota’s leading scorer, sophomore guard Rachel Banham, who averages 21.1 points per game. The first time the Huskers played the Gophers this season, Banham scored lower than her average with 15 points. On Sunday, Nebraska did an even better job with Minnesota’s leading scorer, limiting her to only 11 points on the night. The key to shutting down Banham, Yori said, was being aware of where she was at all times. Nebraska’s defensive pressure was a game changer. Moore, who briefly left the court for an injury, managed Banham through most of the game. But in a defensive mindset, no player affected the game as much as Laudermill. Laudermill’s presence, which led to two steals, several turnovers and a few annoyed Gophers changed the game. “(Laudermill’s) defensive pressure was definitely a key in the game, and she made shots,”

GAME LEADERS LEADERS Points Rebounds Assists

NU Hooper, 27 Cady, Hooper, Theriot, 7 Theriot, 5

Yori said. After building an eight-point lead going into the break, Nebraska closed out early in the second half to secure the victory. The Huskers overhauled the Gophers 42-26 in the last 20 minutes, including 19 points off Gopher turnovers. “They weren’t gelling like usual, but I don’t know if they actually fell apart,” Hooper said. “They’re a really good basketball team, and they were still hitting buckets down toward the stretch and everything.”

MINN Riche, 12 Riche, 7 Mullaney, 5

Sunday’s win against Minnesota completed Nebraska’s first full week back from its bye week. After giving players a couple of days off, Nebraska has gone 2-0 against Ohio State and Minnesota. Nebraska had been playing with eight players for the past several games, but thanks to the rest of a bye, sophomore guard Brandi Jeffery re-entered the lineup against the Gophers. Jeffery added two points, but more importantly 16 minutes for the Huskers. sports@ dailynebraskan.com


monday, february 4, 2013


Nebraska takes 6 event titles in Frank Sevigne Husker Invitational NU track and field players dominate field of 24 Division I schools Jacy lewis dn

The Nebraska track and field team returned home to win six event titles Friday and Saturday. The Frank Sevigne Husker Invitational finished on Saturday after two days of competition that consisted of 24 Division I teams. On day one, the Huskers led in long jump with wins on both the men’s and women’s side. Patrick Raedler won with a leap of 25-5 1/4, which places him second in the Big Ten and fourth in the nation. Fellow jumper Teddy Lampkin finished fifth in the same event. On the women’s side, Mara Griva won with a season-best leap of 20-4 1/2, keeping her place

tathlon. Teran Walford placed as No. 1 in the Big Ten and tied fourth with 5,314 points. Japheth for sixth in the nation. Kari Heck jumped 19-2 3/4 placing her fifth Cato, the defending champion, earned 6,024 points winning the in the meet and seventh in the Big event title. Ten. In men’s shot put, In pole vault, Chad Wright placed Christian Sanderfer third with a throw of recorded a mark of 166-7, putting him sec8, placing him third ond in the Big Ten at the meet, and he is and 10th in the nation. tied for eighth in the Luke Pinkelman won Big Ten. Anne Marthe event with a mark tin placed third in the of 65-2. Veronica Grizpentathlon with 3,901 zle placed fourth in the points. Jordan Stiens women’s shot put with followed in fourth a throw of 51-10 1/2. place with 3,827 Patrick Raedler points. andric competed in the men’s Katie White placed triple jump, placing third in the 5,000-meter run recording a time of 17 min- fourth with a jump of 51-7. This jump keeps him at No. 2 in the Big utes, 40.69 seconds. On the men’s side, Trevor Vidlak finished sec- Ten and No. 7 in the country. Janis ond recording a time of 14:13.62, Leitis finished second with a mark of 52-10 3/4 as he currently holds which places him second of allfirst place in the Big Ten for the time for Nebraska records. The second day started with long jump and triple jump. Nebraska assistant coach the completion of the men’s hep-

Dusty Jonas, a former Nebraska jumper, swooped in for the win, taking the event title with a jump of 7-8. He competed as an unattached athlete and tied for first place in the world, breaking the Husker Invite and Devaney Center records. Jonas was pleased with how the meet was progressing after his event. “Pretty well, I have been keeping up mostly with the field events,” Jonas said. “Overall, we are coming out and competing well and getting good results.” The 600-meter run ended in a duel between Huskers Tommy Brinn and Cody Rush. Brinn came out on top with a time of 1:17.95, while Rush finished second with a time of 1:18. London Hawk placed third recording a time of 1:18.68. Brinn is second in the Big Ten with Rush taking the third spot, and Hawk placed fourth. On the women’s side, El-

women’s swimming and diving

Baily Neel dn The Nebraska swimming and diving team competed in its last regular-season meet this past weekend and came out with a record 23 years in the making. The Huskers finished with a 12-3 record for dual match meets. With 12 wins, this season surpasses the school record of 11, set back in the 1989-90 season. “I think that our record is a testament to how far we’ve come this year, how much we’ve buckled down and how hard we’ve been working,” senior Bailey Pons said. “We have taken every opportunity this season to show ourselves and the rest of the con-

place in the 100-yard backstroke, ference what we are made of.” As a senior, the Northwestern while redshirt freshman Taryn Collura finished first in the 100Invitational was Pons’ last regular-season swim meet of her col- yard freestyle. Pons was runnerlege career. For Pons and the other up in the 1,650-yard freestyle. These finishes senior swimmers, this amounted to a 198-171 also means the end of victory against Northa competitive swimwestern, but a loss to ming life, something Ohio State and Iowa. that has been a cenRegardless of the losstral part of their lives es, the girls said they for so long. are confident about “It’s scary, but the coming conference definitely exciting to meet. be this close to the “I believe we are goend of the season being to see some really cause now we can regreat things,” Collura ally show off what we Collura said. “I’m confident in can do at conference, my team and all of the and I’m confident that effort that we put in to we can end on a good prepare for the conference.” note,” Pons said. “This is an exThe team has roughly three citing time, we want to make the weeks to ready itself before travmost of it.” eling to Minneapolis in search of a Pons and the other NU swimmers made the most of their meet Big Ten title. “These next couple of weeks, this weekend when they took on our workouts will be more fothree rivals at the invitational. cused, and we are preparing Senior Hayley Martin took first

ourselves in other ways too, like eating better and getting more sleep.” Collura said. “A quote that our assistant coach (Patrick Rowan) says is ‘introduce the other teams to our preparation,’ and that is really just a great way of looking at it does a great job of motivating us,” Aside from ensuring that the team is physically prepared for the four day conference meet, the coaches have done a great job preparing their team, Pons said. “It is a group effort, and coach (Pablo Morales) has done a great job building up this team to a new strength in the pool and out,” Pons said. “He is doing everything in his power to make sure that we are ready for that weekend as far as workouts go, but he is also helping us understand that swimming is a goal and winning is a goal, but after we graduate, it’s the team that we will remember.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Nebraska’s Jamie Schleppenbach poses after a routine Friday at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The Huskers knocked off Illinois in front of a crowd of 1,725 Friday night.

No. 7 Nebraska wins third Big Ten match Huskers overcome inconsistent performance for victory Matt Duren dn The Nebraska women’s gymnastics team overcame early struggles Friday night to earn a 195.750194.750 win against conference foe Illinois at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The No. 7 Huskers (3-1 overall, 3-1 Big Ten) won all four events in front of a crowd of 1,725 fans to hand No. 19 Illinois (2-4, 1-2) its fourth loss of the season. Nebraska women’s gymnastics coach Dan Kendig said although he wasn’t satisfied with the score, he liked his team’s effort. “We were on both ends of the spectrum tonight,” Kendig said. “Some was good and some was bad. It’s hard to get on them, though, because they know they can do better too. I am proud of the effort tonight, though.” The Huskers will have a full week of practice coming up with

their meet being scheduled for next Sunday. “The full week will really be good for us,” Kendig said. “It is our first full week of practice since the season started. We are going to go hard this week, and we will post a better score next Sunday.” Junior Jamie Schleppenbach said there were some good things to take away from the meet. “Even though we had our lowest score of the season, I think we are a better team after this meet,” Schleppenbach said. “There are a lot of good things we can take away from this, and we just made a few mistakes. We know what we have to correct by next week.” Sophomore Jessie DeZiel led the way for the Huskers as she was the lone all-around performer, posting a season-best 39.425 en route to her first all-around title of the season. “Jessie had a very good week of practice,” Kendig said. “She had a different mindset to her and put in some good time this week at practice.” Schleppenbach also put on a strong performance for Nebraska. The returning All-American posted a season high on vault

son came in fifth with a time of 21.44 seconds and is ranked seventh in the Big Ten. Miles Ukaoma recorded a time of 8.02 seconds and placed sixth in the 60-meter hurdlers. The Husker 4x400 meter relay teams placed first on the men’s side and fourth on the women’s side. Mila Andric was able to come back from being able to finish in the 60-meter hurdles to help secure the women’s fourth place finish. “Of course right after the race I was mad and sad,” Andric said. “But then I tried to focus for the relay and calm myself down. So it went pretty well.” No. 7 Florida and No. 9 Central Florida proved to be the Huskers toughest competition. The Huskers were better prepared to handle the higher level of competition after competing at the Razorback Invitational last weekend, and it showed. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

men’s gymnastics

Huskers end duel season with 1 win, 2 losses Nebraska tops Northwestern, but falls to Iowa, Ohio State this weekend

lie Grooters placed second with a time of 1:32 seconds. She is currently eighth in the Big Ten. Shawnice Williams came in third with a time of 1:33.04. Nolan Border won the men’s 800-meter run with a substantial lead recording a time of 1:55.22. On the women’s side, Jelena Andjelkovic finished fifth with a time of 2:12.63 in the 800-meter special. Jessica Furlan won the women’s mile event title with a time of 4:47.63, she is currently placed 11th in the Big Ten. Conor Gibson placed third in the men’s mile with a time of 4:7.27, keeping his place at 12th in the Big Ten. In the men’s 400 Ricco Hall placed third with a time of 46.99 seconds, and Levi Gibson came in fourth recording a time of 48.60. In the men’s 200, Dexter McKenzie placed seconds with a time of 21 seconds, which keeps him first in the Big Ten and tied for ninth in the nation. Tim Thomp-

We were on both ends of the spectrum. Some was good and some was bad. It’s hard to get on them though.”

Dan kendig

women’s gymnastics coach

with a 9.925. She also scored a 9.85 on the floor exercise. “Jamie was solid tonight,” Kendig said. “We had been holding her out a little bit, just for her to get stronger. She has come back solid for us, and I was really pleased with her performance tonight.” Nebraska started the evening on vault, and posted a solid score of 49.300. Brittany Skinner led the way with a 9.90. After a slow start on the bars, the Huskers ended strong thanks to its last three performers. Emily Wong and DeZiel each scored a 9.90, and senior Janelle Giblin posted a season-best 9.95. The second rotation took the Huskers to the beam. Nebraska struggled a bit, posting a score of 48.800. Jennifer Lauer did post a strong score of 9.85, taking the

beam title. Kendig is confident the beam team can return to its past strong performances. “I love what Heather has been doing with beam this year,” Kendig said. “Beam will continue to improve and do better. Overall, things will come together fine.” Nebraska finished the night off strong on the floor with a 48.975. DeZiel and Schleppenbach each tied with a 9.85. Illinois was paced by Giana O’Connor, who posted an allaround score of 39.050. Alina Weinstein also scored a 39.000, including a 9.900 on vault. Nebraska will continue at home next weekend, facing Penn State at the Bob Devaney Sports Center on Sunday Feb. 10. The meet is scheduled for 2 p.m. sports@ dailynebraksan.com

2nd-place finish leaves gymnasts wanting more Huskers knock off Illinois-Chicago, but can’t defeat Minnesota

“It would’ve been so much better if the team would’ve won.” Even though the Huskers had individual success, Chmelka wants the team to gain more consistency. “Each week, it’s a different guy struggling on a different skill Eric Bertrand in a different event,” the coach DN said. The mistakes made by the The ninth-ranked Nebraska men’s Huskers were not characterisgymnastics team fell to the sixthtic errors, Chmelka said. In each ranked in Minneapolis on Saturevent, it was the second to last or day. the last player who would make The Huskers did outscore an error, and those two slots are the University of Illinois-Chicago where the big scores are expected, Flames for the second straight Chmelka also added. meet, but falling during routines Junior co-captain Eric Schryver and not being able to stick the didn’t have the success in this landings were commatch he has been mon mistakes that having. According to held the Huskers Schryver, he was makback. ing uncharacteristic The Gophers mistakes. Schryver finished with a total also has a method of score of 431.2, Huskdealing with this kind ers scored a 419.75 of performance. and the Flames “I get mad, then earned a 392.1. frustrated,” he said. “We need to just “I allow myself to do the little things to have my pouty moget back in it,” Nement, but then I try to braska coach Chuck move on. Also with Ringle Chmelka said. moving on, I look Although the back on the mistakes Huskers didn’t do as and work hard to fix well as they could’ve during the them.” meet, a few players had strong Schryver was only able to performances. practice twice last week due to Junior co-captain Mark Ring- a shoulder injury. Schryver said le had a bounce-back perforhe will be fine for his next meet mance after struggling the week in Las Vegas. before. The Huskers will send “Personally, the match went Schryver and Perdue to the Winvery well,” Ringle said. “I had a ter Cup for the upcoming weeklot better execution on my events end, while the rest of the team this week.” will stay here and practice. The Ringle said he scored a capractices will focus on necessary reer-high on the high bar event improvements, Chmelka said. with a 14.90, and “The practiche also scored well es will be getting I can only in the floor exermore intense and have so cise and parallel will be focusing bars. on dismounts and much happiness Another strong working out the for myself.” performance came problem areas of from sophomore routines,” ChmelLouis Klein. He ka said. “We don’t competed in all of need to be making Grant perdue the events except the same mistakes sophomore gymnast for the pommel over and over horse, and he put again.” up high scores in each routine. The players feel a loss like “Just went up there and didn’t this will only help the team gain think about it,” Klein said. motivation to do better in future Klein’s best events were the competitions. floor exercise and high bar, scor“This is a blessing in dising a 14.95 and a 14.70, respec- guise,” Perdue said. “It will make tively. us work harder in the gym so it Sophomore Grant Perdue led doesn’t happen again.” the team by finishing first in both Nebraska will have a couple events he competed in, the floor of weeks off as they prepare for exercise and the vault. Perdue their Big Ten match against Iowa scored a 15.15 in both events. in Iowa City on Feb. 23. “I can only have so much hapsports@ dailynebraskan.com piness for myself,” Perdue said.

WRESTLING: from 10 match, Nebraska sophomore Robert Kokesh had some words of encouragement for the freshman. “He comes over and was like, ‘All right it’s all up to you, dude. It’s all up to you. Go out there, wrestle good, get this win for us,’” Wilson said. “It’s nice to have teammates backing you up like that, getting you ready and wanting you to win just as much as you want yourself to win.” Kokesh, the No. 3 174-pounder in the country, got the dual off to a fast start for the Huskers with a good performance of his own. He earned a technical fall in the meet’s first match to give Nebraska a 5-0 lead and extend his winning streak to 22 matches. Senior 184-pounder Josh Ihnen expanded the Huskers’ lead with a 6-1 decision, which was followed by a Caleb Kolb victory for the Huskers at 197 pounds. Ridge Kiley, the other senior in the Nebraska lineup, won in an 8-2 decision at 141 pounds. Ihnen, Kiley, Tyler Koehn, Ross

Grande and Michael Klinginsmith were honored before the dual for Senior Night. The Huskers lost matches at heavyweight and 125 pounds before a forfeit at 133 pounds. No. 7 149-pounder Jake Sueflohn was pinned by Michigan State’s Dan Osterman, giving the Spartans a 19-14 lead, thenNo. 7 James Green won 5-2 at 157 pounds to set up Wilson’s match at 165 pounds. “When you give up 12 points like we did, with the forfeit at 33 and a pin where we thought we were probably going to get a pretty decent win,” Manning said, “wild things can happen. All of a sudden it’s, ‘What?’ I couldn’t believe my eyes.” And on a night when Nebraska former athletic director Tom Osborne — also a Hastings native — sat on the bench as a guest coach for the Huskers, how fitting was it for Wilson to earn the walk off win? “I don’t know about that,” Wilson said. “It was just coincidence, I guess.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

10 THE


monday, february 4, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports



Huskers win the final match at the NU Coliseum STORY BY ZACH TEGLER | PHOTO BY STORM FARNIK

Nebraska wrestler Austin Wilson pumps his fist after his win gave the Huskers a victory against Michigan State on Friday. The win was in Nebraska’s final match at the NU Coliseum.


few hours before Austin Wilson brought the NU Coliseum’s last crowd to its feet, he didn’t even want the circumstances of his final match heroics to come up. “Before weigh-ins I was like, ‘I really hope I’m not the last match,’” Wilson said. “Sure enough, I’m the last match of the night.” By the time the Nebraska freshman

took to the mat for the 165-pound match against Michigan State’s Nick Proctor, the No. 13 Huskers trailed the Spartans 1917. The dual’s outcome depended on the result of Wilson’s contest at 165. “I tried not to think about it, because when I tell myself I can’t lose, I nerve up. I get stiff,” Wilson said. “I tried to just wrestle my match, pretend that the dual really wasn’t on the line.”

Trailing 2-0 in the second period, Wilson ended the match, the dual and the wrestling team’s stint in the Coliseum with a pin. The fall gave the Huskers a 23-19 win, and the last Nebraska crowd to watch an event in the Coliseum roared into the arena’s rafters as Wilson celebrated with a roar of his own on the mat. Three and a half minutes into the match, Wilson wrapped Proctor up,

flipped him backward over his body and slammed Proctor onto his back. It’s called the “twister” — and Nebraska coach Mark Manning said it’s a risky move. “You have to expose your own back,” Manning said. “If you hesitate, you’re done. It’s like doing a flip. You’re going to land on your back if you stop halfway through.”

Wilson, a native of Hastings, has used the twister since he was a kid and won a high school state championship with the move, but the first two times he tried earlier this season, he couldn’t convert. “I’ve hit that move twice before this year and didn’t get the pin and ended up losing both of those matches,” Wilson said. “Finally, I was able to finish it off.” Just before Wilson went out for his

WRESTLING: see page 9

kat buchanan | dn

Huskers sophomore Tear’a Laudermill dribbles during Nebraska’s win against Minnesota Sunday. Laudermill finished with 14 points, one of five Huskers to score in double figures.

Laudermill, Hooper lead NU to win over Minnesota kyle cummings dn Nebraska has finally found its groove. The women’s basketball team’s 80-56 thrashing against Minnesota Sunday marked the Huskers’ fourth conference win in a row. “After the first Minnesota win (Jan. 20), that was definitely the turning point for us,” junior Jordan Hooper said after the game. Hooper led Nebraska in the win with 27 points and seven rebounds. Before the women’s fourgame win streak, Nebraska dropped two in a row to No. 8 Penn State and Illinois. After that disappointing stretch, sophomore guard Tear ’a Laudermill said the team held a meeting to sort out the problems on the court. “We just came together as a team,” Laudermill said. “We knew as soon as we had those losses, we knew like, ‘Hey, this isn’t us, we don’t play like this.’ So we just had to step it up.” Laudermill, who finished

the game tying her career high of 14 points, said the seniors on the team, guard Lindsey Moore and forward Meghin Williams, talked a lot about dropping distractions and meshing as a team. Ever since that team meeting, Nebraska coach Connie Yori has talked a lot about the boost in aggressiveness the team has shown. The recent stretch of success has Yori optimistic with the team’s progression. “We’re playing closer to our potential,” Yori said. “We did a lot of things right, and we shared the ball. The stat: 18 assists, 9 turnovers is a great stat.” While Hooper collected a solid outing on Sunday, her 27 points were added to nicely by four other players recording double digit scores. Laudermill’s 14 points, along with Moore’s 12 points, freshman guard Rachel Theriot’s 11 points and sophomore forward Emily Cady’s 10 points, completed a well-rounded offensive effort for the Huskers. But more than a solid of-

WOMEN’S: see page 8

morgan spiehs | dn

Nebraska freshman Shavon Shields (31) covers his face in frustration during the final minutes of Nebraska’s loss to Ohio State Saturday at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Shields finished with just six points in the contest.

No. 11 Ohio State too strong for the Huskers Nedu Izu DN Dylan Talley launched his eighth shot attempt from behind the 3-point line with seconds left to play. The desperation shot landed off the rim and into the hands of an Ohio State player. The Huskers’ hopes of beating the No. 11 team were over. Missed 3-pointers and rebounds plagued the Nebraska men’s basketball team as the Buckeyes (17-4 overall, 7-2 Big Ten) beat the Huskers 63-56 Saturday night at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The Huskers (11-12, 2-8) were 6-for-26 from 3-point land, while allowing Ohio State to corral 25 defensive rebounds. Although the loss dropped the team record under .500 for the first time all season, Nebraska coach Tim

Miles said he was pleased with his team’s competitive play against its elite conference opponent. “I thought our mentality was really good,” Mile said. “I thought our effort level was really good. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to come out on top.” Going into the game, the Huskers knew if they had any chance of keeping with the fast-paced Buckeye offense, they’d have to contain junior forward Deshaun Thomas. The Pre-Season All-American came into the match leading the conference in scoring (20.3 points per game), including a 22-point performance against the Huskers in their first meeting Jan. 2. Nebraska’s defense was able to silence Thomas through the game’s first 10 minutes of the game, forcing him to go scoreless in his first six shot

attempts. Thomas’s lack of production aided Nebraska to its first lead of the game after freshman guard Benny Parker’s four consecutive points capped a 9-3 run to put Nebraska up 16-14. However, it wouldn’t take long for the Buckeye’s leading scorer to bounce out of his funk. A pair of layups and made foul shots by Thomas helped anchor his team to a 32-23 lead at halftime. The forward finished the first half leading all scorers with eight points. Although both teams finished the first half shooting 34.5 percent from the field, the difference in the score came from the free throw line. Ohio State was fouled five times, coming up successfully on all 10 free throw shots, while Nebraska’s presence at the line was non-existent. The Husker’s inability to draw

fouls in the paint and lack of discipline on defense hurt its chances to minimize its scoring deficit, according to Miles. “That was a huge impact on the game,” the coach said. “(Ohio State) is a very good team and they are on the attack. They do a great job of not fouling. You have to credit Ohio State.” It wasn’t until two minutes into the second half that a Husker would be sent to the foul line. Senior forward Brandon Ubel knocked in a pair of his free throw shots to close the Buckeyes lead to six. Two possessions later, Talley would knock down his second 3-pointer of the game to help Nebraska inch closer, 32-28. The offensive energy by the Huskers to start the second half was

MEN’S see page 8

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