Feb. 6

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wednesday, february 6, 2013 volume 112, issue 095

Inside Coverage

To shoot or not to shoot

Beer barons

Columnists discuss NU’s Ray Gallegos’

Empyrean doesn’t shy from experimentation



Innovation helps heat new campus Cristina Woodworth DN

project, which will eventually be a 240-acre public-private research and technology park built at the Officials at the University of Ne- former State Fair Park in Lincoln. UNL officials announced the first braska-Lincoln say they plan to use wastewater runoff from a Lin- private tenant for the campus last November when they partnered coln water plant to heat and cool a large portion of the Nebraska In- with food giant ConAgra. The first construction phase novation Campus. Dan Duncan, executive direc- for Innovation Campus will cost tor of Innovation Campus, said about $80 million and will include creating 280,000 square feet about 1.5 million square feet of of space the campus’s 2.1 million through square feet will likely be The the conheated and cooled using truction runoff from the plant, advantages sand renowhich sits on the campus’ are that it reduces vation of northeast corner. “We want the cam- the environmental four buildings. Work pus to be as sustainable will also and as environmentally footprint and at be done on friendly as we can in an the same time laboratory, economically fashionable may reduce greenhouse, way,” Duncan said. conference Runoff from the costs.” and office wastewater plant would be diverted through a harvey perlman spaces. U N L heat exchanger, where unl chancellor Chancelheat would be added or lor Harvey subtracted from the waPerlman ter and would then be used to said using the wastewater runoff heat many of Innovation Campus’ buildings. Duncan said the waste- will benefit Innovation Campus in water plant involved processing several ways. “The advantages are that it re15,000 gallons of 60-degree water per minute into Lincoln’s Salt duces the environmental footprint and at the same time may reduce Creek. “We’re just using that water costs,” Perlman said. Duncan said they expect the resource that we have to help heat savings from the project to become the campus,” he said. Construction is currently under way on phase one of the water: see page 3

LB173 would allow people with only an out-of-state ID to purchase alcohol. This was previously illegal, although something that liquor stores and bars rarely had an issue with.



Proposed bill will allow out-of-state IDs for buying alcohol story by Daniel Wheaton | photo illustrations by Matt Masin


eople with out-of-state identification cards may soon be able to purchase alcohol in Nebraska using their IDs. On Jan. 14, State Sen. Colby Coash of Lincoln introduced LB173, a bill clarifying the proof of age requirements in the Nebraska Liquor Control Act. Current law allows vendors to accept valid driver ’s or operator ’s licenses, Nebraska state identification cards, military identification cards, alien registration cards or passports to confirm age, but out-of-state IDs are not considered valid. The bill would validate out-of-state IDs. Senators voted 30-0 on Friday to advance the measure. The bill must be voted on and approved twice more before it can be signed into law. Coash said the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission informed him of the current law and asked for a clarification. “There were just questions if they could or could not accept it,” Coash said. “So I looked into the statute.” He said he heard of a few instances where out-of-state visitors were not able to drink because of the current law. Justin Parsons, manager of N Street Drive-In Liquor Store at 1801 O St., said he was glad the bill was proposed. But while managing, he said he has rarely had to deal with out-of-state IDs because most of his customers have driver ’s licenses. “It is just kind of weird,” said Parsons, who’s worked at the store for more than two years. He said most state IDs look very similar to driver ’s licenses, but he routinely checks to make sure they’re valid. For example,

UNL drill reaches Antarctic lake Researchers say the drilling will provide a glimpse into untouched reservoir

andrill: see page 3


We want to make sure people don’t drink and drive, and that makes sense. But if you can’t drive, you can’t buy alcohol.”

dominic ciofalo

junior film and economics major

Nebraska’s identification cards follow the same design, but have a golden banner reading “Identification Card” instead of a blue banner reading “Operator ’s License.” “It is not that much of a difference,” Parsons said. “I don’t understand why it wasn’t acceptable before.” Parsons said he is more concerned with fake IDs than out-ofstate ID cards. Dominic Ciofalo, a junior film and economics major from South Dakota, said the current law was “ludicrous.” Ciofalo has a driver ’s license, but he said he has had bartenders look up what a South Dakota driver ’s license looks like to make sure it is valid. “It doesn’t make sense to me,” Ciofalo said. “We want to make sure people don’t drink and drive, and that makes sense. But if you can’t drive, you can’t buy alcohol.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

CFA votes down UPC’s increased funds request Cristina Woodworth DN

JAMES PACE-CORNSILK DN For the first time ever, scientists have uncovered water and soil samples from a lake hidden under ice in Antarctica. And it was all made possible by a hot-water drilling system designed and built at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The first-of-its-kind drill broke through 800 meters of ice, nearly half a mile, to reach Lake Whillans on Jan. 28 local time. The Science Management Office at UNL has been building and maintaining the drill, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, for about 18 to 20 months. “And for something this size, it’s an almost impossible task,”

Out of state IDs differ from out-of-state driver’s licenses and LB173 would allow those with an out-of-state ID to purchase alcohol. N Street Drive-In Liquor Store says their customers usually have driver’s licenses, and dealing with someone who only has an out-of-state ID is rarely an issue.

courtesy photo

Frank Rack, executive director of the ANDRILL Science Management office, discusses the operation of the drill’s UV collar that’s used to decontaminate hoses and cables deployed downhole.

Members of the Committee for Fees Allocation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln voted down a proposed $45,000 increase for the University Program Council at a meeting Tuesday night. CFA members voted unanimously to keep UPC’s funding the same at just over $205,700 for the 2013-14 academic year. UPC currently receives $4.49 in per student per semester funding, which amounts to 20 percent of total Fund A UPFF funds. Several committee members said they were not expecting UPC’s request for increased funding this year. “The things we’ve voted on in Fund B, we knew were coming,” said Kalby Wehrbein, CFA’s chair. “This was something that came out of the blue to a lot people. It’s something that’s a possibility

more Inside Coverage:

RHA opposes Nebraska tax reform

Senators take a stance on LB405 proposal to raise housing prices


Sophomore takes over ‘hound’ role Tear’a Laudermill improves on the defensive end for Nebraska

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cfa budget changes After hearing budget proposals for all Fund B users, CFA recommended the following budget changes: • Campus Recreation: 4.9 percent increase • College Readership Program: 20 percent decrease • Transit Services: 62.3 percent increase • University Health Center: 1.6 percent decrease

in the future, but to have it introduced out of the blue didn’t sit well with me.” UPC representatives had proposed a 98 cent increase in per student per semester funding for the 2013-14 academic year. Most of the increase in funding would have gone toward enhancing the scale of the Homecoming concert each year. Last fall, UPC brought Gloriana with the Emmett Bower Band to UNL. Some committee members

said they would rather see UPC focus more on their larger-scale events than putting money into niche events. “We want to see bigger shows and not so many smaller shows that aren’t attended as much,” said CFA member Adrian Corral. UPC members said putting on a variety of smaller events helps them appeal to more of the student body, though.

cfa: see page 3



wednesday, february 6, 2013


RHA voices opposition to tax plan



on campus what: Spring Career Fair – Business, Service, Government and Liberal Arts where: Nebraska Union when: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. more information: Contact Christina Fielder, 402-472-8029

in lincoln what: Lunch at the Library with poet Twyla Hansen where: Bennett Martin Public Library when: 12:10 p.m. more information: Contact the Nebraska Literary Heritage Association at 402-4418516

Elias Youngquist DN The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Residence Hall Association passed a resolution voicing RHA’s opposition of LB405. The tax plan proposed by the bill would remove tax exemptions for residence halls and raise residence hall prices by 7 percent. The bill was passed with little discussion at the Tuesday meeting. Thirty-three RHA members voted in favor and one abstained. RHA Treasurer Nate Watley warned against voting without being informed prior to the voting period. “Tax policy is very timeintensive,” said Watley, a senior computer engineering major. “I doubt half of you have read it. I want people to consider this is much further reaching than just our vote.” RHA President Meg Brannen will testify on behalf of UNL students at the legislative hearing on Wednesday. “The big thing is showing exactly how it affects students and what it means to individuals,” said Brannen, a senior advertising and public relations major. “It starts at 1:30, but we have no idea how long it will take.” Brannen said she may speak anytime in the afternoon or evening. RHA also passed a combined $1,221 in bills including a new Razzle machine for Neihardt Hall and five new televisions for Courtyards Residence Hall. The Neihardt Residence council asked for $221.04 from RHA to use towards another Razzle machine to use for hall events. The Razzle machine mixes ice cream with toppings

RHA Legislation •SR10: Opposition of LB405 in the Nebraska Legislature Resolution voices RHA’s opposition to the Nebraska Legislative bill that would remove tax exemptions for residence halls. Bill passed - 33 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining •SB16: Allocation of Funds for Neihardt for Purchase of Razzle Machine Bill allocates $221.04 for the purchase of an additional Razzle machine for Neihardt Hall. Bill passed - 31 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstaining •SB17: Allocation of Funds to Yard Association for Lounge Televisions Bill allocates $1,000 to go toward purchasing five new televisions for The Courtyards’ lounges. Bill passed - 29 in favor, 0 opposed and 5 abstaining such as candy or fruit. According to RHA Sen. Emme Grafton, the slow Razzle production speed is what kept Neihardt residents from holding more events using the existing Razzle machine. “At the fundraising event it took between 20 to 30 minutes to get a Razzle and we had 200 people come,” said Grafton, a senior English major and Daily Nebraskan columnist. Grafton suggested the machine could be shared between other residence halls on a checkout basis. The bill passed with 31 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstaining. The final bill passed was Special Bill 17: Allocation of Funds to

Yard Association (the governmental body for The Courtyards) for lounge televisions. The bill asked for $1,000 to supplement The Courtyard’s budget for five new televisions for the residence hall’s lounges. The $1,000 came out of the residential initiatives and improvements fund, which has not been used yet this year and has nearly $4,000 in it, according to Watley. The other $1,140 for the televisions will come from The Courtyards. The current televisions cannot play the movie channel. The bill was passed with 29 in favor, and 5 abstaining. news@ dailynebraskan.com

flapjack nation


Gov. Dave Heineman said he is looking for a new lieutenant governor who will promise not to run in the 2014 gubernatorial race. Former Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy resigned Saturday after the Omaha World-Herald reported he had made 2,300 phone calls to women who were not his wife. Former Nebraska State Sen. Tony Fulton told Nebraska Watchdog Sunday that he would like to be considered a replacement for Sheehy. Much of the focus has been on the 2014 gubernatorial race, not on filling the vacant position. “I think the primary on both sides will be very competitive,” Heineman said. “And that will be good news for the people of Nebraska, and let them make the choice.”


President Barack Obama asked Congress to pass a small package of spending cuts and tax reforms Tuesday to avert large spending cuts set to go into effect on March 1. Republicans said no. Congress made a deal in early January to put off scheduled across-the-board spending cuts known as “the sequester.” The spending cuts may derail the economy’s slow recovery. During the discussions early this year, Republicans agreed to a tax increase for the wealthy and Democrats agreed to delay the sequestration instead of ending it. “Congress is already working towards a budget that would permanently replace the sequester,” Obama said during a press conference. “At the very least, we should give them the chance to come up with this budget, instead of making indiscriminate cuts now that will cost us jobs and significantly slow down our recovery.” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said the spending cuts are necessary to address budget and deficit issues.


Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel faced further criticism from his confirmation hearing last Thursday. Hagel was nominated by President Barack Obama to replace outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. The majority of Hagel’s opposition has been Republican. “I hope the administration will reconsider his nomination,” said South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to Fox News on Tuesday. But Republicans are not expected to filibuster Hagel’s nomination vote. His views on Iran and Israel have been their major concern. “Chuck Hagel is a good man, but these are dangerous times. What kind of signal are we sending to the Iranians when our nominee for secretary of defense seems clueless about what our policy is?” Graham said. Hagel has won the support of most Democratic senators and a few Republicans including Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns. His confirmation is considered likely.

—Compiled by Daniel Wheaton news@dailynebraskan.com


University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police cited and released a Schramm Hall resident Friday for possession of less than 1 oz. of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Around 1:30 a.m., campus security officers notified university police about possible drug use on the ninth floor of Schramm. Officers said they could smell the odor of marijuana coming from the room upon arrival. Virginia Gormley, a freshman economics and marketing major, allowed officers to enter her room and she turned over the marijuana and rolling papers to police.

Woman found sleeping in lounge gets trespassing warning

photos by storm farnik top: A ‘shortstack’ of strawberry syrup drizzled over buttermilk pancakes attracts breakfast eaters at IHOP on 27th and Superior streets on Tuesday. IHOP offered every customer a free plate of three of their famous buttermilk pancakes in honor of National Pancake Day. left: Eli Solano eats strawberry and banana pancakes at IHOP on 27th and Superior streets on Tuesday. “The pancakes were delicious - and of course, you can’t complain about beginning the day with a free breakfast,” Solano said.

A non-student found sleeping in a lounge in The Courtyards Saturday was warned about trespassing. The woman, 22, was found around 3 a.m. asleep in a study lounge by a community service officer, police said. When the officer asked her to present identification, she grew hostile and left. University police contacted the trespasser on the north side of 19th and Vine streets and could smell alcohol. The woman claimed to be a UNL student and a resident of The Courtyards. Police took her to detox. Police later discovered she was not affiliated with UNL and was from out of state. She was issued a trespass policy letter and released. Police do not know how the woman gained access to The Courtyards.

Freshmen receive alcohol citations

Police went to Pound Hall Friday after community service officers said they smelled alcohol coming from a room on the 13th floor. When university officers were admitted to the room, the residents initially denied the presence of alcohol in the room. They eventually said there was beer in the room. Two freshmen, Taylor Osborn and Zachary Bilek, were cited and released for possession of alcohol. A third freshman, Logan McLaughlin, was lodged at Lancaster County Jail on resisting arrest, minor in possession and providing false information charges. The students’ BACs ranged from 0.06 to 0.10, police said.

—compiled by daniel wheaton news@dailynebraskan.com

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wednesday, february 6, 2013


lauren cloyed | dn

‘Sunday’ event to feature spiders Staff Report DN Children and their families can learn about spiders and other arachnids during “Eight-Legged Encounters,” the University of Nebraska State Museum’s Sunday with a Scientist program on Feb. 17. Hands-on activities offered at the event include: viewing a scorpion under a black light, weaving a spider web, learning about spider courtship dances, temporary tarantula tattoos and molding spiders out of clay, “Eight Legged Encounters” will include activities on two floors of the museum. The event will be led by Eileen Hebets, an associate professor in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s School of Biological Sciences. Hebets will be assisted

by graduate and undergraduate students, as well as volunteers from the American Tarantula Society and the Prairie Hill Learning Center. The event will take place from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Morrill Hall, south of 14th and Vine streets on the UNL City Campus. The Sunday with a Scientist series highlights the work of State Museum scientists as well as others from various UNL departments and institutions in an effort to educate children and families about science and natural history. Regular admission for adults is $6, $3 for children ages 5-18, and free for UNL students and children ages 4 and under. The next Sunday with a Scientist will be held March 10 and will have an archeology theme. news@ dailynebraskan.com

Behlen Observatory to host moon-viewing staff report dn An opportunity for Nebraskans to observe the universe is on the horizon. The University of NebraskaLincoln’s Behlen Observatory, near Mead, Neb., will be open to the public from 7:30 to 10 p.m. on Feb. 15. If the sky is clear, visitors will be able use the observatory’s 30inch telescope – along with smaller telescopes set up outside of the observatory – to view various objects in the night sky, according to a UNL press release. The moon, the planet Jupiter, the Great Orion Nebula, a star cluster, and double or multiple stars should all be visible. The evening’s event will feature an illustrated talk about ce-

lestial bodies at 8 p.m. by a member of the observatory staff. On the night of Feb. 15 the moon will be near first quarter phase. While in this phase, evening hours are the optimal time to view features of the moon’s surface. Because no atmosphere hides the moon’s surface from the Earth, craters, lunar mountains and smooth plains should be visible through a telescope. The observatory event is free. For more information, including maps and directions to the observatory, visit the observatory website: http://astro.unl.edu/ observatory. The next public nights at the Behlen are scheduled for March 8 and April 12 from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. news@ dailynebraskan.com

Students and alumni gather for a ballroom and country dance lesson at the Nebraska East Union last night. Instructor Don Andersen teaches the class how to do the hustle, a traditional line dance. Don and his wife Polly Andersen have been teaching ballroom dance for 55 years.

and we danced photos by shelby wolfe

Hilary Wolf, a senior animal science major, and her partner, Matt Perlinger, a junior, laugh after a moment of clumsiness while learning how to dance the slow dance.

The men turn their partners in a country dance during the ballroom and country dance lesson held at the Nebraska East Union last night.

water: from 1 more apparent after the campus has been operating for a while. “We’ll be able to heat the building at the same (rate) as the rest of Lincoln is at right now,” Duncan said. “Long-term, we think there’s a possibility we could be saving on the costs, though.” A contract with the wastewater plant is still being negotiated, Duncan said, so no official numbers are available yet. Duncan said he is looking forward to seeing the benefits from the wastewater heating project. “I think it’s a great idea,” he said.

“I have no concerns at all with the project.” Once completed, NIC is expected to have up to 7,000 people on the campus working in a collaborative environment that fosters innovative ideas. The main vision for the campus will focus on food, fuel and water, according to the NIC website. Duncan said the developers and engineers for Innovation Campus suggested using the wastewater runoff to help heat and cool the campus. “It’s pretty unique actually,” he said. “I think there’s just a handful of other places that do it. It’s a renew-

cfa: from 1 “When you put all your eggs in one basket, you kind of straightline yourself to appeal only to one demographic,” said UPC president Tim Kinoshita. “It’s with those smaller events that we’re able to take more risks and tap into a new demographic that we didn’t even know existed.” Wehrbein said he would need to see more of a clear-cut plan before voting on an increase for UPC. “Money is tight,” Wehrbein said. “We have to give money to other people. You have to prove to us that you’re going to use this money. That’s all across the board.

That’s just the way it’s going to be.” After hearing budget proposals from all Fund B users, CFA members have approved a budget increase of 4.9 percent for Campus Recreation and an increase of 62.3 percent for Transit Services. If ASUN senators approve CFA’s recommendations, student fees for Fund B will increase 5.6 percent for the 2013-14 academic year, or $27.85 per student per semester. Students currently pay $496.14 per semester to Fund B student fee users. news@ dailynebraskan

Polly Andersen, instructor of the ballroom and country dance lessons at the Nebraska East Union, gives two students pointers about how to do the waltz.

andrill: from 1 said Steve Fischbein, senior re- construct this machine. The drill’s designers took their conceptual search associate with the Antarctic Geological Drilling program design to the machine shop and Science Management Office at outfitted six large shipping conUNL. “Especially when you re- tainers, much like the ones seen on trains. ally have, for a lot of The drill’s it, about five people Like going to designers working on it.” a moon like also built Several instituin a shop tions placed bids to Europa, it’s totally along West NSF, but UNL was O Street chosen because of frozen. What would the previous ice drilling happen if we were able near Highway experience through to be up there and drill 77 interANDRILL. change. The massive drill through that ice into T w o was built in colthe laboration with the the liquid underneath?” of shipping Northeast Professteve fischbein containsional Engineering senior research associate with the ers hold Consultants group antarctic geological drilling program heaters for of North Franklin, science management office at unl heating Conn., and Brainard, water to Neb. penetrate The Engineering the ice. Another container has a and Science Research Support Facility in the Walter Scott Engineer- water filtration and decontamination system that was built at ing Center provided the space to

the University of Wisconsin from a design conceived at Montana State University and shipped to UNL. Preserving and not contaminating this previously unexplored lake is a big concern to the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling Project team. Another container houses the real control unit – complete with one kilometer of drill hose and horizontal traction drive – which was designed by drill manager Dennis Duling. This section was built locally in Friend, Neb. EAD Control Systems, Inc., was subcontracted by the team to provide all the control panels for the drill, according to Fischbein. “The drill is very complex,” Fischbein said. He explained the real control unit directs all motors, drives and other components that must work together for the machine to work properly. While the ANDRILL Science Management Office at UNL was responsible for designing the drill,

getting it to Antarctica and operating while it was there, there is another side to the WISSARD project. NSF gave an award to multiple institutions to work on the WISSARD project, according to Fischbein. Scientists from Northern Illinois University, Montana State University and the University of California Santa Cruz make up the primary list of science team members. The science side of WISSARD is responsible for dropping their tools into a 30-centimeter-wide borehole, collecting the samples and analyzing them. The scientists hope to find evidence of life in this extreme environment, Fischbein said. “If life is found … then it becomes an analog for space exploration,” Fischbein said. “Like going to a moon like Europa, it’s totally frozen. What would happen if we were able to be up there and drill through that ice into the liquid underneath?” Since the drill broke through

the final inches of ice and scientists began collecting samples, they have discovered small evidences of life, according to an article on Discover Magazine’s blog. After the project in Antarctica is finished, Fischbein said there are projects the drill could be used for, but funding is not quite there. One of these projects, which would be another first, is to drill into the grounding line on Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf. The grounding line is the point at which the ice shelf no longer is ground to land, but floats over water. The purpose of this project would be to drill a hole in the ice above the sea, deploy a robot that swims along the grounding line and looks at the depositional environments under the ice sheet. When ambitious scientists raise the money for such projects, UNL researchers say their drill will be ready to be deployed. news@ dailynebraskan.com

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wednesday, february 6, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view

Nebraskans should embrace more sports than football Today is signing day for college football programs throughout the nation. ESPNU has live coverage all day, looking at where the top recruits in the nation will be heading to school. On top of that, analysts will break down the top 25 recruiting classes in the country. In Nebraska, this day might be larger than even ESPN can make it. Nebraska is a football state; everyone knows it. And whenever Nebraskans get a chance to talk about football instead of another sport, they relish in it. So when Husker recruits sign their letters of intent to play for Nebraska, that will be the news of the day. Not whether the men’s basketball team can beat Penn State Saturday. And not whether Husker wrestler Robert Kokesh can continue his impressive 22-match win streak. The news in Husker nation will be which 17-year-old kid will play football for Nebraska this fall. The question is: Why? There are many successful sports in Nebraska, including nationally ranked wrestling, gymnastics and tennis teams. Not to mention Nebraska will have a new, $179 million arena for its basketball teams next fall, which will hold almost 15,000 people. So instead of worrying about which teenager the Husker football program can recruit, why not focus on the other sports? Nebraska has a men’s basketball program in desperate need of support right now. The Huskers can barely fill up the Bob Devaney Sports Center, and probably one of the main reasons is Nebraskans pay too much attention to football. Earlier this season, the Huskers trailed perennial Big Ten power Wisconsin by five points with five minutes to go. Fans started leaving the Devaney Center in one of Nebraska’s best home games this season. Nebraska is a football state; everyone knows it. But if Nebraskans want to start embracing other sports, especially men’s basketball, they have to forget about football for a while. That starts with eliminating the signing day hype.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

gabriel sanchez | dn

Advertisements hinder democracy


etween downs, luxury car makers placed the key to bravery, fame, fortune and an unlimited stock of sex-crazed women within reach of every hypermasculinized American male. They tell us?“ Buy this Mercedes, and you will run down European streets with a pack of females chasing after you.” Or “The keys to dad’s Audi are literally your key to escape from your dweebiness.” Of course, Super Bowl watchers are too sophisticated for such obvious fantasy. They won’t be fooled, will they? In fact, Mercedes even portrayed the consequences as a dream sequence. The punch line? You don’t need to make a Faustian deal for your soul to get everything a teenage boy would want after watching the trailer for “Fast & Furious 6.” All you need to do is buy things. Constant bombardment of the public with advertisements has eroded any serious notion of democracy or a free market in the U.S. Commercial advertising gives a substantially larger say to a small portion of society and leaves many voices marginalized. What is a commercial? If you were in charge of a profit-motivated corporation with millions to spend on advertising, what would you want to convince people of? Are there fundamental consumer qualities that are valued by corporate interests besides an appreciation of its product? Basic questions like these aren’t simply floating around in the public consciousness today. Advertisements have become ubiquitous to the point that they seem to be a fact of life. On average, Americans are exposed to 5,000 advertisements a day. If pressed, I could probably recall just two or three of those. Disturbingly, ads now seep into nearly every corner of our lives, playing an integral part in defining beauty, taste and ethics. Sunday night, corporations spent an average of $1.5 million just to produce a Super Bowl ad, bringing the total cost for a 30 second spot to $5 million. In the U.S., the PR industry is especially powerful, claiming $142.5 billion of the $467 billion spent annually on

litical positions were placed in the same category as commodities, which are marketed to consumers. Brute force as a means of coercion stopped being effective in most modern, Western governments, but concentrated power with an interest in self-preservation still exists as it always has. Usually when people think of democracy, they think of a system where every citizen has an equal say in the government, free from coercion. Conversely, when they think of a totalitarian society, a vision of concentrated power brainwashing the masses comes to mind. For some reason, I can’t shake the idea that these SHARIQ KAHN two categories aren’t necessary to describe the current condition of any state. Of course, I don’t mean to say the U.S. is advertisements. Still, these expenditures are comparable to North Korea, but where should basically nothing compared to the $1.4 trillion, the line be drawn between totalitarian and or approximately 10 percent of the GDP, spent on the public relations industry in the U.S. It democratic? How much lack of freedom of opinion is acceptable? Is a 20/80 totalitarian/ doesn’t take any special powers democratic split still deof logic to estimate the consequences of exposing Americans Advertisements mocracy? Usually when I see to 5,000 advertisement messages a grotesquely Photohave become per day. shopped model, an ad for Advertising works. ubiquitous to the “clean coal” or virtually It’s almost a truism that the any alcohol commercial, public relations industry con- point that they seem I laugh at how overt the tinues to grow because there’s a to be a fact of life.” psychological tricks are in direct relationship between dolthe ad. Then I remember lars spent and the way consumthe tricks really do work, ers think. If companies have discovered how and they have certainly worked on me and my skilled advertising will lead to you craving subconscious. The point of propaganda is that more and more of their product, why would viewers aren’t allowed a choice in what they they stop at merely one product? Why not influence your attitude toward consumption in think. I can laugh, but that doesn’t mean I’m general? Why not change the way you think unaffected. Ultimately, Americans have to ask themabout public policies that have an effect on selves whether they actually believe in democtheir profits? Not doing so would clash with racy. By working proactively and strengthenthe basic goals of any for-profit business. ing real communication between people, even For the benefit of both groups, commercial advertising is political advertising, and politi- my personal Gucci-Ralph-Lauren-mistress overlords can be toppled. cal advertising is corporate advertising. Shariq Kahn is a freshman microIn 2008, President Barack Obama won biology major. Reach him at opinion@ the “Advertising Age’s Marketer of the Year” dailynebraskan.com Award, topping Apple, Zappos and Nike. Po-

Western fads harm other countries’ well-being, culture


f there’s one thing people from weren’t at all appreciative of this camthe Western world love, it’s be- paign. Victor Ochen of the African Youth ing trendy. Sites everywhere from Initiative Network called the video “ofTMZ to the Huffington Post report fensive” and explained how victims of on the “Top 20 Best and Worst the LRA didn’t want Kony promoted; Dressed” and solicit opinions from they just wanted to move on. Invisible the public about “that blah blah blah de- Children also failed to note the LRA was signer dress that one actress wore to that no longer considered a legitimate threat to Ugandans. one awards show.” One thing I noticed before the KONY Three bandwagons Westerners, particularly Americans, love to jump on 2012 trend started was who was posting are Internet-viral philanthropies, cheap, about it on my Facebook. I knew most of healthy foods and “world” fashions – them pretty well; I went to high school especially if all they require are a few with a few of them. Never in my life bucks or metaphorical shouting via so- had I heard them mention a thing about Uganda or even Africa in cial media. However, many the past, save for maybe people don’t consider their You need to something school-related. bigger-picture implications have a real Suddenly, this American on their countries of origin. organization pointed out We can see this tendency in understanding of this “crisis,” and they KONY 2012, TOMs shoes, went into SAVE AFRICA! quinoa sales and the retail what lies behind mode. company Urban Outfitters. these trends.” I call it a trend beFlashing back to 2012, cause these media promoone of the most relevant tions, etc., of non-Western examples of this was the cultures are usually only viral for a while. KONY 2012 movement. For those who have put this out of their mind, Invisible KONY 2012 has now dropped out of the Children attempted to raise awareness news completely. One trend related to Africa in particof Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda, in hopes the ular that has withstood is TOMS shoes. world would seek a way to end his reign I’ve only had the privilege of trying the shoes on because I can’t justify playing of terror. The video promoting the cause blew up all over Facebook news feeds. more than $40 for slip-ons. The political left was up in arms when Americans everywhere expressed their it discovered a possible alliance between outrage. TOMS and Focus on the Family, one of You may have noticed this is no longer on anyone’s radar. This may be due marriage equality’s biggest enemies. The rumor turned out to be completely false. in part to Invisible Children creator Jason However, you’re still contributing to Russell’s very public meltdown. Regardsomething problematic if you choose to less, it’s probably for the best. buy these shoes. Why? TOMS shoes exists under an incorrect For one, Ugandans on the ground

RUTH BOETTNER assumption that there are no shoemakers in the communities where they’re being sent. There are, in fact, local workers – TOMs just doesn’t associate with them. Instead TOMS steals their agency. The creator of SoleRebels, an Ethiopian shoe company, put it well: “If you give a kid shoes, they wear out or they grow out of them, and then what do they have? If you give the kid’s parents a job, the whole family will always have shoes.” Also, TOMS are another “American” product made in China. SoleRebels has about 100 employees who receive payment three times the typical Ethiopian’s salary. The company also covers the cost of healthcare for its workers and school for their children. I highly recommend you consider buying from SoleRebels instead of TOMS next time you need a new pair of shoes. Another hot topic in the media is quinoa. If you’re not familiar, it’s a slightly bitter edible seed packed with protein. Since its “discovery” by vegetarian and

vegan westerners as a suitable replacement for meat, the demand for it in the United States and Great Britain has gone up considerably. The United Nations went so far as to dub 2013 “The Year of Quinoa.” Perhaps this might seem like something to celebrate, but this surge in sales has caused a major problem for the countries who harvest quinoa. Now poorer folk in nations like Bolivia and Peru can barely afford the grain-like plant that was once a staple. In Lima, Peru, it costs more than chicken. Peru is also a major player in the world market for asparagus. Consequently, Peru has had to expand its cultivation, which has depleted a large chunk of water supply. Others have encouraged that we not blame vegans. One writer for Guardian News claimed it’s the meat industry to blame for widespread hunger and global warming. Although some points in this argument have merit, this doesn’t make the blows against local farming economies any less important. Quinoa isn’t the only cheap source of protein vegans have – leafy greens like spinach, for example. Instead of a quinoa burger, make a nut burger. A non-economic example of the exploitation is seen in various examples of cultural appropriation – defined as “taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission” by Fordham University Law professor Susan Scafidi. Urban Outfitters has been found guilty on multiple occasions of blatantly racist or anti-Semitic products. The company also uses white models to show off

Native American headdresses and clothing, etc. Offending products include a board game called “Ghettopoly,” shirts adorned with the Star of David (reminiscent of the Holocaust), “face gems” (which are actually just cheap bindis) and white models wearing Native American headdresses because they’re “cute.” Not to mention not only does UO use sweatshop labor, it is public about it. One of UO’s other gimmicks is selling “hipster”-esque clothing but at a price that is, in my opinion, really unreasonable. Instead of looking for quirky fashion at UO, try actually going to a thrift shop. You know, like Macklemore. Now, I’m not suggesting that liking any of these above-mentioned things makes you a horrible person – (1) you may have not even been aware of these realities, and (2) everyone is guilty of liking something problematic, except say maybe Mother Teresa. But you need to have a real understanding of what lies behind these trends. Privilege is laughing at “Ghettopoly” while simultaneously having no idea what life in the ghetto is actually like. Privilege is having budget that allows you to buy $40+ slip-ons – the same kind that will fall apart on a child from the other side of the world’s feet. And privilege is sticking a plastic bindi on your head and having it seen as “adorable” rather than as a sign of your “otherness.” Remember what is now trendy or amusing to you may be linked to an everyday, sometimes painful, reality to someone else. Ruth Boettner is a senior French and global studies major. Reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.


Wednesday, february 6, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk


New beer upholds diverse Empyrean tradition Lincoln’s popular brewing company continues excellence, popularity in drinks casey kettler dn

Anna Otto hands out beer samples to a group of people on a beer tour at the Empyrean Brewing Co. on Monday night. Otto has worked as the event coordinator for Empyrean for almost 11 years.

Beer Barons Lincoln’s Empyrean Brewing Co. preserves commitment to experimentation story by Casey Kettler | photos by Brianna Soukup


hen it comes to the Lincoln Brewery scene, Empyrean Ales is Brad Pitt in “Moneyball.” With consistent products and meticulous attention to market research, the Empyrean brew crew is in the fortunate position to expand their brand and do what they love. Business has been booming according to Operations Manager Jim Engelbart. “Our sales grew 22 percent last year and have been up at least 3 percent each year we have been in business,” he said. “I’m not the first to point out that you won’t get rich making beer, but we are definitely business oriented.” That’s not to say the standards of the beer are tied to the whims of a fluctuating market. For Empyrean, the consistency of their enduring beers is the route to continued success. “Quality and consistency pays bills,” Engelbart said, “There are a lot of people out there making good beer, but it is very difficult to make good beer the

same way every time.” Rich Chapin, head brewer at Empyrean, echoed these sentiments. “Even if costs of production spike, we will find a way to create our product as close to the specifications as we can,” Chapin said. “Our only weakness is maybe a tendency to overanalyze,” Engelbart said. “So sometimes we are a little slow to react, but when we do, we react correctly.” However, Empyrean isn’t only worried about making and bottling the almost 7,000 barrels of its year-round brews. They are still every bit a craft brewery, with all of the creative experimentation that category suggests. “Our commitment to consistency hasn’t changed who we are,” Chapin said. “We’re passionate about creating true English ales, but everything we try is full-fledged product.” “For example our chocolate cherry stout,” he added. “We could have used

empyrean: see page 6

Empyrean Brewing Co. brews all of its beers locally in Lincoln and its operation is connected with Lazlo’s restaurant in the Haymarket.

‘My Little Pony’ attracts unlikely, avid fan-base UNL Bronies strive to propagate messages of friendship, kindness gabriella martinez-garro dn Reed Felderman enjoys video games, internet surfing, anime and, of course, ‘My Little Pony.’ Like many other young men with his specific tastes, Felderman is known as a brony. Bronies are fans, usually young men, devoted to the cartoon television show, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” Though it may seem surprising that a children’s show centered around the popular toys would gain such an avid following, fans of the show Storm Farnik | DN claim the cartoon is one of the From left, Jessica Payton, a senior classics and religious studies best-written around. “I’d say it’s one of those few major; Emily Sherburn, a senior biology and German major; and well-drawn cartoons of today,” Reed Felderman, a junior English major, proudly display their Brony said Felderman, a junior English pride in Sandoz Hall on UNL’s City Campus on Tuesday. major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Our generation still enjoys things like ‘Avatar: The fans. Felderman, who was skep- er people like you.” Last Airbender,’ which has a cult tical of the show at first, said the Though the term “Brony” following like us; Pokémon, which appeal for men lies within the abilmostly covers males, there are, of as a cult following like us. But I do ity to connect with others and the course, female fans of the show, think that it is a good cartoon that nostalgia factor. as well. Jessica Payton, a senior has a good musical “It just appeals classics major, is the president of a soundtrack, those Brony club on campus, called My to our childhood,” There’s inside adult jokes Felderman said. Little Bronies, and has been a fan that children don’t actually “The stereotypi- of the show since 2010. Still, she get which we can said she has mostly encountered cal male has to be recognize and talk quite a lot more into sports or comic male fans of the show. about. There are guy friends than “There’s about, at best, 25 perbooks or action or also some easily fighting. There was cent girls,” Payton said. “There’s girl fans.” identifiable characnever any possibil- actually quite a lot more guy ters.” ity in 1999, when I friends than girl fans, that come Jessica Payton Though the apto meetings at least. Some girls was 7 or 8, to be into brony rso president peal of the show ‘My Little Pony,’ or call themselves, ‘pegasisters,’ but I may be difficult to be proud of the fact don’t really like that. Brony started grasp for outsiders, that I was into it and survive in my off as a guy thing, but it’s kind of it might surprise bystanders even playground. That wasn’t going to become a gender neutral term.” more that the show would garner happen. So, nowadays, you’re able such a strong response from male to connect in the internet with othbronies: see page 7

At this juncture, Empyrean is synonymous with Lincoln beer. It has inundated nearly every local retailer and most bars, and if you are of age and a beer drinker, you have almost certainly had it. That said, Empyrean offers such a diversity of brews that unless you are an enthusiast, you probably haven’t tried them all. Reviewing the noteworthy powerhouses Chaco Canyon, Burning Skye, Third Stone and Luna Sea, would almost be as tedious as it is obvious. Watch Man IPA is the most recent addition to Empyrean’s year-round bottling lineup. Head brewer Rich Chapin notes that to capitalize on a recent boon in popularity of IPAs nationwide, maybe Empyrean was a bit too slow. “It was like the horse was out of the gate, and we were still in the stall,” he said. This is a case that validates the axiom “better late than never.” Watch Man, bearing the image of a giant, humanoid stone formation, lives up to the imagery on the label. It’s hoppy. Audaciously hoppy. This beer boasts 58 International Bitterness Units, which, to give some perspective, is 17 IBUs higher than the score of their next most bitter brew, Winter Axis Festival Ale. And yet – forgive the slightly gauche phrasing – it’s highly quaffable. It has the innate tendency to disappear a bit quicker than one expects. Fallen Angel Sweet Stout is the presently available seasonal offering from Empyrean. This is a very sweet stout, made with roasted malts that keep the palate at attention. It is certainly a fullbodied beer: the added lactose gives it a nectarlike-consistency – ideal for a sweet stout. For a limited time, Empyrean features a beer quite similar to the Fallen Angel Stout in the Chocolate Cherry Porter. Made with real cherries and choco-

review: see page 6

TFA capitalizes on strong UNL ties shelby fleig dn Sadie Stockdale knew the statistics. Only 49 percent of Native American students graduate from high school. A member of the Cherokee Nation, Stockdale told herself she would do her part to help anyone with a diminished chance at a solid education. Teach For America (TFA) is a non-profit education program founded in 1989. The program recruits recent college graduates to commit to two years of teaching in low-income urban and rural schools as a part of its mission to “eliminate injustice by recruiting, developing and supporting leaders committed to creating change,” as stated in the 2012 TFA press release. Stockdale is now the manager of recruitment for TFA at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A former educator in the TFA program herself, Stockdale said her students’ reading levels advanced three standardized years in just one year of teaching. She said she believes in the program and wants to grow its reach at UNL. “My students grew because their belief in their own potential grew day by day as each small success built on the one before and turned into larger successes,” Stockdale said. “I personally care about TFA because I have seen what happens when committed educators – TFA and non-TFA teachers alike – care deeply about students’ futures.” More than 40 UNL graduates have been accepted to the program, including Aaron Bredenkamp. Bredenkamp taught in Chicago for three years before moving back to Omaha to teach and was recently chosen to be one of 12 teaching ambassador fellows by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. This year alone, 46,000 people applied to TFA. Ten thousand educators will be chosen this school year, each giving a two-year com-

lauren cloyed | dn mitment to take on hard-to-fill positions, like science and math teachers in low-income areas. According to TFA’s 2012 statistics, its press release for that year states “the most rigorous studies have found that corps members’ impact on student achievement exceeds that of other teachers in the same high-need schools – even when compared with veteran and fully certified teachers.” Sam Stinson is currently applying to the Master of Arts and Ph.D. programs at UNL with emphasis in school, society and reform. After finishing his undergrad in 2008, Stinson said he seriously considered applying to TFA, but eventually decided it wasn’t for him. However, Stinson believes in the program as a way to fill the teaching jobs that wouldn’t be otherwise sought out. “I do think it’s a good program in the sense that it allows for interdisciplinary thought,” Stinson said. “The people (who) are doing it are passionate and young and go into it with wonderful intentions.” However, the program has recently become the subject of

heavy criticism as education and reform are becoming hot button political topics. The New York Times published an Op-Ed last year written by Julian Vasquez Heilig, an associate professor of educational policy and planning and African diaspora studies at the University of Texas-Austin. His piece called the program “a glorified temp agency” and a “resume builder.” The article stirred up more discussion on the issue of graduates without teaching degrees going to teach in underprivileged schools, the same schools some reformers argue most need wellqualified and carefully trained teachers. “Sadly, Teach for America is a revolving door of inexperienced teachers for the students who most need a highly qualified one,” Heilig writes. Stinson disagreed with the popular Op-Ed, claiming degrees aren’t the only measures that qualify professionals to work. “Just because you go through the moves to become a teacher doesn’t mean that someone who hasn’t can’t be an effective educa-

teach: see page 7



wednesday, february 6, 2013

Designer’s artistic life culminates in teaching With a background in fine art, Bill brings an exciting mixture of skills.”

Graphic designer Bill Shaffer brings life experiences to COJMC classrooms

natalia kraviec | dn

UPC to showcase marijuana debate for students jordan bates dn

If you go:

In the ongoing debate surrounding marijuana legalization, you’d be hardpressed to find two people with more expertise on the subject than Steven Hager and Bob Stutman. Hager is the editor-in-chief of High Times Magazine and a long-time pro-legalization activist. Stutman is an ex-DEA special agent who was once labeled “the most famous narc in America” by New York Magazine. Since 2001, this unlikely duo has journeyed to more than 200 college campuses nationwide to debate the topic of cannabis legalization before live audiences. The University Program Council (UPC) will bring “Heads vs. Feds” to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus Thursday evening. “This is a debate going on (both) on our campus and around the country,” said UPC Diversity Education Chair Trevor O’Hara, who is coordinating Thursday’s event. “Our campus is diverse, and many people have differing opinions on the subject. This is a great event to bring those opinions together and constructively discuss the topic.” In recent months, the question of whether marijuana should be legalized for medical and/or recreational purposes has risen to the forefront of contemporary social issues. Because of this, debaters Hager and Stutman feel the event is as relevant and worthwhile as ever. “It is important for a campus to host this event because it is a major issue that will affect not only the students, but their families, friends and in the future their kids,” Stutman said. Hager echoed that sentiment, also pointing out many states have already begun to take matters into their own hands when it comes to cannabis. “Legalization of marijuana is at the forefront on many fronts these days, and two states have already legalized, while 18 have recognized medical use, which the government says doesn’t exist,” Hager said. The debaters themselves are not alone in recognizing the increasing significance of discussions surrounding marijuana policy in the United States. “Like it or not, this issue is only getting bigger over time,” said senior economics major Chris Johnson. “Earlier this year, Barack Obama confirmed that the cannabis issue was a valid topic for discussion, which is the first time a president has addressed the issue. It doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon.” The increasing prevalence of marijuana-related discourse nationwide

UPC presents Heads vs. Feds when:


Thursday, 7:30


Centennial Room, Nebraska Union how much: Free (students), $5 (public)

has prompted students to acknowledge the need to understand and consider the competing perspectives. “It’s crucial that students are asked to think critically about an important topic like this,” said junior finance and marketing major Murphy Larson. “Many of us, myself included, have grown up in an environment where that type of behavior is looked down upon, when … marijuana use is much safer than alcohol, in my opinion.” Because of the topic’s timeliness, many UNL students are excited to see an awareness-raising event taking place right on campus. “It will be nice for interested students to listen to an informed discourse between people knowledgeable in the field,” said junior criminal justice major Christian Gaillard. “College, and the few years before and after, seem to be the most popular time for people to explore marijuana, so it will probably be reaching an interested audience.” Regardless of any individual’s personal beliefs about the topic, the event is an opportunity for students to expose themselves to what Stutman assures will be a stimulating discussion. “What they will see is a rational, passionate, intellectual debate about a very complex issue by two people who probably know the subject better than any two people in the country,” Stutman said. For UPC, exposing students to this type of event is crucial because it encourages them to form educated opinions on current issues. “Students should attend this debate because Steve Hager and Bob Stutman have been doing this debate for years,” said UPC President Peter Bock. “Students are going to hear incredibly well-thought-out opinions on both sides of the issue, from debaters (who) have been refining their arguments for years. Students who are looking to have a strong opinion on an important current events issue should attend this debate.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

empyrean: from 5 cherry extract and Hershey’s syrup. We used real cherries – the real McCoy. (For the chocolate) we experimented with chocolate powder, an extract and even carob. Again, we chose the real powdered chocolate.” An equally important facet of Lincoln’s oldest and most voluminous brewery is capitalizing on synergy with its sister company, Lazlo’s restaurant. “We had the food (of Lazlo’s) in mind when we made our beers initially,” Engelbart said. “Luna Sea ESB – Rich’s recipe that we have made since 1990 – is a perfect compliment to Lazlo’s barbecue sauce. It has a smoky note that pairs up with the smokiness of the sauce.” Now in its 23rd year, the brewery’s business-oriented approach has paid dividends for Empyrean Ales. Now the largest brewery in the state


of Nebraska, Empyrean bottles a seasonal beer and four beers year-round. The brewery also holds a regular beer tour, in which they feature the seasonal brew and beers from other regional craft breweries free of charge. Engelbart and Chapin make themselves and their comprehensive array of beer knowledge available to the guests, taking on any questions about the brewery or beer in general. The event draws quite a crowd with plenty of regulars, often lining up outside for more than an hour before the event, even in the depths of winter. “If you won’t spend an hour in the freezing cold for free beer, you’re probably not a real American,” said tour regular and UNL alum, Gabe Williamson. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

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shelby fleig dn

luis peon-casanova

Bill Shaffer won “Artist of the Year” of Omaha Benson High School newspaper more than 40 years ago. That title would prove itself time and time again in the coming years in places Shaffer didn’t expect. Places that led him back to Lincoln. Shaffer is in his 10th year of teaching graphic design part time at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Part of the Visual Literacy Department in the College of Journalism and Mass Communication (CoJMC), Shaffer ’s past as an artist and graphic designer fuel his unique eye for design and passion in the classroom. Since he can remember, Shaffer thought visually. He loved creating art and posters for local businesses growing up, but computers meant very little in graphic design courses. Shaffer focused on his drawing and painting, eventually graduating from UNL with a bachelor ’s degree in fine art. One thousand six hundred miles away, the punk rock scene was blooming in Seattle. Shaffer moved there shortly after graduating with his then-girlfriend, who couldn’t pursue her forestry major in the prairies of Nebraska. “The punk movement was all DIY – ‘do it yourself,” he said. “Basically whatever you wanted to do would work.” Most of Shaffer ’s work in Seattle began by making friends with bands and offering to do art for posters and album covers. He said his fine arts background gave his work a quality that separated it from most others. Inspired mostly by the punk music itself, Shaffer remembers using Xerox machines to make some of his designs for the bands. He created relationships with the bands he worked for and his fellow designers. He said the scene was unlike anything he had been seen before. “It wasn’t all fun and games though,” he said. With the punk lifestyle came destructive people, drugs, alcohol and a level of uncertainty. “When you’re in the middle

Shaffer ’s largest focus remains teaching. “I was just a student myself just 10 years ago and being an un-traditional student, I could really tell which professors are just dialing in and not preparing,” Shaffer said. “I really try to improve every semester, so you get your money’s worth. I don’t want to be one of those guys you can sleep through.” “With a background in fine art, Bill brings an exciting mixture of skills that range from painting and drawing to illustrations and commercial art in addition to his vast knowledge in graphic design,” said Luis PeonCasanova, visual literacy coordinator in the CoJMC. His art background isn’t the only thing that sets Shaffer apart. His collection of antique romance magazines and comic books are now rewards for the students voted to have the best work by his classes – something he’s become somewhat notorious for among students. Two years ago, Shaffer redesigned the graphic design curricula in an effort to make all material consistent with the photo, video and multimedia sections. “Bill’s curricula, lesson plans, assessment tools and support material package provides the consistency that is utilized by other adjunct instructors, particularly the new ones,” PeonCasanova added. Even in the rush of the semester, the experiences which led Shaffer to this moment in his professional and artistic lives are at the front of his mind. “I love it,” he said. ”Art is a really solitary business. I just love the interaction. I’ve always done things visual and all these different aspects of making visual things, teaching is the first time I could pull all of them together, and it all made sense finally.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

visual literacy coordinator

courtesy photo

Bill Shaffer, seen above in a self-portrait, has been teaching graphic design at UNL for 10 years. Shaffer grew up in Nebraska and returned by way of the Seattle punk scene. of the scene, there’s a lot of nihilistic people who really took it seriously,” he said. “People started dying. It was scary.” Shaffer worked as the artistic director of the “Desperate Times,” an independent punk publication in Seattle with the friends he made during his time in the midst of the music. They produced the entire paper in Shaffer ’s apartment and when it was finished, they threw parties to celebrate, which he admitted sometimes got out of control. After breaking up with his girlfriend, Shaffer moved back to Lincoln to pursue his mas-

ter ’s degree in fine art in 1999. Soon after, a friend in Chicago sent him an old article from 1899 that declared nobody visited Lincoln unless for the state penitentiary, state capitol or state asylum. That article inspired his series of 24 colorful posters of Lincoln, each capturing a unique spot. Shaffer is still working on this series, even expanding it to include Omaha and western Nebraska. He plans to make one for the Niobrara River next. After countless years of school, working in the industry and creating art on his own,

Students, horses alike strive for freedom A STUDY IN SCARLET

tyler keown Walking into the Daily Nebraskan offices, I am panicked. It’s Tuesday, I think. Tuesday is column day. Time to find a new way to look at the habits of students. I sit down at what I consider my desk, but what is really just a computer jammed in the corner meant for public use. I begin thinking of potential topics. Today is (was) National Pancake Day. I could write about pancakes and how UNL students … are like them. Nope. Wait, what about Greek Life, I wonder. Have I written about Greek Life yet? You don’t know anything about Greek Life, I remind myself, like being knowledgeable about the column subject has ever been a prerequisite. Leggings? Nah, that’s old hat for the DN. I look around my desk for a

better idea. Sitting next to my monitor is a horse calendar my editor gave me as a birthday present last year. Aptly named “HORSES,” (though the “S” is covered by a giant “$2” sticker) the calendar is 16 months of nature’s foremost beasts doing what they do. UNL students are kind of like horses, I begin. In a lot of ways, even. There’s no looking back. “This might be dumb,” wails a tiny voice in the back of my head. “You can only go so far with this irrelevancy thing. The walls are going to start coming down.” The night is darkest before the dawn, I remind myself. HorseFact: Did you know that when a horse is released from domestic life, it quickly sheds all of the traits of a domestication? I didn’t. That might not even be true, but the first result in a Google search for “wacky horse facts” told me it was, so it’s true. This is actually a good parallel between students and horses.

As college goes on, more of my yourself a disservice. Open your friends have graduated or near horse eyes, guys, and let life seep graduation, and the most com- into your oversized retinas. mon thing I hear from them is HorseFact: Horses’ teeth take how different life is when you get up more space in their heads than out of school. their brains do. That makes sense. With colMaybe don’t aspire to that as lege, we’re conditioned to have much. ever-changing schedules, everOr do! If one of your life looming homework goals is to someassignments and how have bigger I have ever-vigilant RAs teeth than brains, making sure we’re do it up. If one of terrible not drinking in the your dreams is to habits ... involving dorms. It’s a differnot have a gallent world here, un- ‘not trying hard’ bladder (Horselike anything else Fact!), then get and ‘gnawing.’” you’ll find in the that sucker out world, except mayof there. If one be the military. of your column (In the interest of full discloideas is to mash horses and stusure, my only knowledge of milidents together, it will probably tary life comes from a viewing work out. of 1981’s underappreciated Bill I’ve addressed this theme beMurray romp, “Stripes.”) fore, but life is short, and so long Will we shake our college as you’re not hurting others, do habits when “real life” approachwhat you want. es? Hopefully. I have terrible Have you ever seen a horse habits, mostly involving “not trygallop through a field? It is a ing hard” and “gnawing.” sight. Life does not concern this HorseFact: They have the bighorse; only freedom. gest eyes of any land animals. Why? Because it was willing Students should aspire to to do what would make it happy. this, at least metaphorically. With And that’s what this column big, metaphorical eyes, students is about. Happiness. can see the world and what it ofCheck back next week when I fers. somehow get away with it again. tyler keown is a There is so much to see outsophomore journalism side of school and to walk into major. reach him at arts@ it with tiny, human eyes is to do dailynebraskan.com.

review: from 5

Taste: B+ Variety: B+ Atmosphere: A Value: A

Empyrean is in the pole position of Nebraska brewers.” late, the flavors are surprisingly subtle. This is a great beer to pair with dessert, and even may unexpectedly pair well with a lightlyseasoned steak. Empyrean is in the pole position of Nebraska brewers, effectively balancing diversity and quantity. Though the allure is ever-present to drink the classics – they won’t disappoint – you should feel comfortable trying any of the concoctions the brewery comes up with. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


Gabe Williamson drinks his first, or perhaps second, cup of Empyrean beer before the brewery tour started on Monday night in the Haymarket.



wednesday, february 6, 2013


let’s play...should I leave this party? LET’S PLAY

chance Solem-Pfeifer paige cornwell Chance: Twice a week college students make an incredible important decision. And it’s got nothing to do with class … or dignity either. Most every Friday and Saturday night we’re faced with a big decision at the faultline where socializing turns to falling asleep in public, or worse. Yes, every party has a tipping point, and the real question is when to bail. Leave too soon and you deprive yourself genuine fun. Leave too late and you might not leave. Let’s bring in Paige. You know a thing or two about when to leave social

functions, eh? Paige: I do. I have left many a social function, with only one ending that I can’t quite recall. I’m told I had a great time, though. Chance: That must have been reassuring for you! Paige: Very. This was before the age of Instagram, you young ones. Like, two years ago. Chance: Who even remembers!? Paige: Crazy, right? I can only imagine how great I would have looked flirting with a chair under a Kelvin filter. Chance: Like Van Gogh. I don’t understand technology. Paige: Please don’t cut your ear off. Your head is crooked as it is. Chance: Would you say there is an objectively right time to leave parties? Paige: Yes, and I think I have pinpointed the exact time, though it doesn’t involve numbers. Chance: Good. Well, then without further ado … let’s play … SHOULD I LEAVE THIS PARTY!? Scenario #1: You’re at a house gathering where the hosts have vacated the premises. This could mean disaster is imminent or that it’s time to steal literally all of their shit. Paige, should you

leave this party? Paige: You should leave this party. There are only two reasons hosts would leave a party. The first is they really, really want D’Leons. And who could blame them? That chicken burrito. Oh man. Now, if that is the case, that means they will be back soon. D’Leon’s is fast. Unless it’s 2:12 a.m. Then it’s a drunken madhouse. But even then, pretty quick. So not only will they be back soon, but they will be wellnourished. The second reason is they know the police are about to bust through the door. Even if you’re over 21, there’s always that one minor who managed to sneak in. Or that one freshman your 22-year-old friend is having a thing with, and no one can really figure out why. And they inevitably get discovered then EVERYONE gets arrested for procuring and maybe even ends up in the cops briefs of the Daily Nebraskan. Chance: In my understanding, that’s an honor of sorts … Where did you land on stealing stuff? What if you filled your arms full of Blu-rays and beers and made a break for it? Ethical? Paige: But what if you get caught? You’ll become known as the kid who got caught stealing “Legally Blonde.” I don’t care how many cans of PBR you’ve got in your American Apparel bag. That ruins ALL hipster cred. Chance: That’s fair. Scenario #2: You’ve spent the evening at

Paige: He stays constant. Persomething called a “Wine Party”, but with none of the sophisti- fectly content reciting “Cantercation you expect when adults bury Tales” to whoever will listen. gather for wine and cheese … and He would probably make a good wafers, if we’re getting really un- wing man, actually. Chance: Scenario #3: Let’s get necessary. It’s just Crazy Town, but with wine. Around midnight, down to brass tacks. You’ve been people start toasting to Dionysus, playing cat and mouse with this guy Greek god of fermented grapes all night, hot and cold, chatting intimately on an overly springy couch and exuberance. Is it time to leave and then he runs off to do whothis party? Paige: A wine party is always knows-what. The last time you chatdangerous, because you never ted around 11 p.m., he says he really admires how easy you are to talk to, know how someone will react and he digs your lady hair, but then with wine. Someone might start he runs off again reciting Chaucer, saying, wait, he’ll be while the guy next Yes, every back in ten minutes. to him starts talkPretty flighty! Do ing about how party has a you leave this party much he liked your or stick around beshort hair because tipping point, and cause hope is beauit reminded him of the real question tiful? his grandmother. Paige: Hope IS Not that that, uh, is when to bail.” beautiful. Use those happened. Chance 10 minutes to do Chance: I like some discreet Interyour current hair! Solem-Pfeifer net stalking. Find Answer the queshim on Facebook. Is tion! he married? Does his photo feature Paige: Thanks! I look like a femore than two cats? Was his most male again! Chance: Let’s not get ahead of recent status update two years ago and vaguely mentions “going away ourselves. Paige: I say stay around for for a while”? If so, leave. Run, even. Chance: He went to get the one more hour. There’s probably chains and chloroform! And if the a girl there who rarely talks but is background checks out? about to make a move on the guy Paige: Perhaps he is just nerwho always stares at his feet. And that, my dear, is how love blos- vous and is running to call his mom to tell her he finally found the love soms. of his life! Chance: Is she in it for the feet Chance: And that’s good? … too? Paige: If you’re into that sort of Paige: Probably. Chance: Does the Chaucer thing. Chance: Scenario #4: We both guy get better or worse?

‘Ni No Kuni’ lacks kick for 50-hour game New video game proves tedious, too long to maintain player interest nathan sindelar dn The first few hours of “Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch” are pure magic. A world ripe with fairytale wonder, lively characters and unequaled beauty casts a spell on players, enrapturing them in the promise of gaming nirvana. But beware of this game. Avert your eyes because once sucked in, players may meet a disappointing demise. Co-developed by Level-5 and famed animation team, Studio Ghibli, “Ni No Kuni” comes to the world as a melding of the duo’s long-honed talents. Level-5 brings its role-playing practice and Ghibli, responsible for the likes of “Princess Mononoke” and “Spirited Away,” lends its classic artistic direction to the look and feel. The story revolves around 13-year-old Oliver, who is transported by the “Lord High Lord of the Fairies” Drippy to the paralellel world, Ni No Kuni, after his mother ’s death. Here, Oliver discovers he’s actually a wizard – the fabled “Pure-Hearted One.” He agrees to leave his old life behind and help the newfound universe, after learning there may be a way to resurrect his recently perished mother by finding her “SoulMate.” To save this place and his mother, Oliver must battle Shadar, an evil spirit who’s breaking the hearts of Ni No Kuni’s denizens. Healing those hearts, traversing the duality of worlds and preparing for Shadar form the plotline’s crux for at least the 20+ hours I was able to play (hardly

any involvement from the subtitle’s “White Witch” yet.) Part of preparing for the villain involves tracking down the lost pages of Oliver ’s “Wizard’s Companion.” Each page features information about the environment, the item-crafting system, monsters, friendlies and the spells that account for the protagonist’s repertoire. It’s a clever way to incorporate learning about “Ni No Kuni” and allows for solving puzzles through research. While the characters generally exude charisma and colorfully populate the game, a story sometimes driven by lines of dialogue that tell players, “You are not strong enough to beat Shadar, go get stronger,” fails to resonate. It’s bland. Most RPGs involve some form of becoming more powerful, but when that trope alone, drives several narrative moves, the desire to continue must come from somewhere else. Initially, part of this desire resides in a promising combat system that blends the dueling that players have come to expect from the “Pokemon” series with freedom of movement and real-time ability selection. Instead of the pokemon, though, “Ni No Kuni” employs “familiars” to do players’ bidding. Each familiar can be captured, leveled, evolved (metamorphosis) and equipped with varieties of stat-improving gear. This system proves engaging and deep, giving purpose to the usually repetitive side quests that offer rewarding items. Plus, the little munchkins are just adorable. However, the way these aspects are actualized is in secondto-second battle fumbles. Instead of attacks, spells and defenses being attributed to separate buttons, players access abilities, live, via menu. “Ni No Kuni” forces players to scroll through onscreen options, select individual actions and wait as those actions

courtesy photo

“Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Watch” is the PS3 product of a collaboration between developers Level-5 and Ghibli. The full game clocks in at more than 50 hours. play automatically through a timer. While not initially problematic, further into the game the combination of the unreliable timers and new familiar and group combat mechanics raises the level of chaos, highlighting the anti-functional methods. To boot, the uninspired music accompanying these encounters gets old – fast. Over the course of this roughly 50-hour game, expect to hear these same fleeting sounds hundreds, if not thousands of times. It’s unfortunate when games like “Ni No Kuni” are stretched thin over tedious content, marred by incongruous controls. Frequent grinding to improve familiars and follow-the-arrow tasks foster barren stretches of mindless input, holding back far too much of the wonderful offerings this game otherwise possesses. Though the absolutely gorgeous visuals, silly characters and addictive catch-and-train system of “Ni No Kuni” still compelled me, albeit hesitantly, will it do the same for others? Relative to its length, this game’s enchantment wears thin

quickly, its book of spells still lacking essential pages. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

As a subculture, the Bronies are a strong community. The show itself places an emphasis on friendship, something which its fans take with them in the real world. Many communities of Bronies in various states and cities, join together to discuss the show and fan-created media. Like most places, Nebraska has its own community of Bronies. PonyCon, a convention specifically centered around ‘My Little Pony,’ took place in Bellevue in 2012 and will reappear later this year in Omaha. In addition to conventions, there is a ‘Nebraska Bronies’ internet group that includes more than 300 members. “We meet up at least once a month either in Lincoln or in Omaha, and we watch episodes together, we play video games (and) we talk about what’s been going on,” Felderman said. “We’ll distribute art and music that we’ve made. I’d say I could identify probably 25 Bronies in Omaha just by their face, from hanging out with them and being their friends. And then through Facebook, I’m friends with another 50 of them.”

Payton, who is part of the ‘Nebraska Bronies’ group, said she decided to start the club on the UNL campus so those from Lincoln and various parts of Nebraska could have a meeting place. “There is an online group that meets in Omaha pretty frequently, but a lot of people are from Lincoln or further west in Nebraska, and they were like, ‘Why can’t we have meeting in Lincoln?’ and I realized we could if we were an RSO and had student members and did things responsibly. So, I started it.” Though the show’s fanbase is growing rapidly among young men and women, these Bronies still feel a degree of discrimination and stigma, especially on the internet. Though it may seem unfair, Felderman said he understands why some Internet and forum users might find the occasional Brony to be a nuisance. “One of the reasons that people hate it is that ponies seem to get everywhere,” Felderman said. “It’s unstoppable. I can understand that it can get obnoxious. We understand that not everyone

is a Brony, and I just wish that we could not talk about it 24/7 because then they only see us as bronies.” Despite the hate some fans face, the emphasis on kindness and friendship is still strong within the community. Like the characters on the show, Bronies try and use positivity to create change and goodness around them. “Now, because the community is so large, there is always going to be the hate monikers or the internet trolls who try and cause chaos and being rude to others,” Felderman said. “For the large majority of us, we do try and express the core values of the show. We do understand that friendship, loyalty, honestly, trying to help one another … there’s nothing wrong with that. If everyone tries to do those things, it will literally make the world a better place. We know that half of the time it won’t work in the real world, some people can’t be dealt with simply by kindness, but we can try.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

they have led students to strong results in the classroom,” she said. Despite the controversy, TFA has a sizeable alumni network to its name. Two-thirds of the 28,000 TFA alumni remain in education although just 10 percent reported planning their

careers in education before TFA, according to the press release. As more graduates apply to TFA each year, the program seems to be gaining popularity even at the dismay of some nonsupporters. “I don’t think this program is going to die out unless the

positions are filled by teachers,” Stinson added. “As long as there are vacancies to be filled, I don’t think criticism will trump the necessity for children to get educated.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk



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teach: from 5 tor,” he said. “I really do believe that.” Stockdale added that TFA educators go through a highly competitive application process that selects the best of the best. “These leaders understand what it takes to give students an excellent education because

College graduation grief comes to bear with denial stage OH, THE HUMANITIES

bronies: from 5 Like Felderman, Payton said she was at first skeptical of the appeal of the show, but was roped in by a friend who was a Brony. “I had a friend who was really into ponies and … none of us really understood why,” Payton said. “So he challenged me to watch one episode of the show and tell him that I didn’t want to see more. So I watched one episode of the show, and I thought it was pretty cool.” According to Felderman, the popularity of the show first began on the image-based site, 4-chan. Soon, the fans of the show took to forums and threads all of the internet, including the popular site, Reddit. “I’m a follower on reddit.com, and because Bronies were getting so popular on reddit, their top posts of images and jokes would get into the ‘all’ section, so even if you weren’t subscribed to the ‘My Little Pony’ images, they would still pop up on your screen whether you knew what it was at all,” Felderman said. “So I would see random jokes, songs, artwork about the show without ever seeing it at all.”

have younger siblings. Let’s say you’re at a party, and it’s a mixed group of people, some older and some younger, and when things are really getting loose, your baby sibling shows up. Weird chance to connect or impending disaster? Do you leave this party? Paige: I’m in a unique position in that my brother is a bodybuilder. So inevitably I end up yelling “CARL. PUT THE GIRL DOWN.” It’s very awkward. Chance: He’s like a Frankenstein’s monster in that way. A lady WILL get lifted off the ground. Paige: Precisely. You leave that party. And drag him/her out with you. Chance: Kudos to you for saving that stranger from one of the people you love most. Alright, last one … You arrive at a party, and you find that I am there. Do you leave this party? Paige: Yes. Chance: Why can’t we hang out though!? WHY? Paige: You told me I look like a boy once. Now, he was a very beautiful person. In fact, I would like to get to know him better. Is that weird? Chance: No, you deserve him. Not to hang out with me, who would only make more mean jokes. I think this means you win. Paige: WINNER. Chance: Congratulations. I’ll see you about the town, Paige! I’ll be the guy toasting to Greek gods. Paige: Just don’t stare at your feet! arts@

stages of grief.” College was a new, scary place upon arrival. There were so many people … many of them very pretty. After half a decade, it’s become a cozy cocoon hiding me from the dangers of the real world. andrew larsen On May 4 (my birthday!), the graduating class of 2013 will be ejected from its safety net and Senior draws deposited into whatever the opsimilarities between posite of a safety net is. Many to deny this reality by changgraduation, post-high try ing their majors from Zoology school voids to Business and extending their college careers into super-super senior-dom. After all, it’s normal to go to college for seven years, During the second semester of my right? senior year of high school, I was as Another way to deny the imfree as a bird. minent future is to throw myThere was an arduous class self into schoolwork. Mirroring schedule that lasted from 7:57 my last semester of high school, a.m. to 11:25 a.m., including Cuthese last 12 credit hours are right linary Baking and Team Sports in my wheelhouse. Courses like (one of these was taught by my “Being Human in a Digital Age” father). After that glorious 5th and “Ethnicity in Film,” distract period bell rang, an intense speed me from graduation and make walk to the parking lot ensued. Rush Limbaugh’s soul whither. Then I would hop in the backBut interesting coursework seat of a friend’s car, and we’d can only take you so far. Evenmake the perilously speedy trip tually you’ll hit that lull where to Burger King, Wendy’s or some you’re once again procrastinating other gross place. With a belly full and dreading all the work you of grease, I’d laugh at the noobs have left to accomplish. Ineviwho had to go back to school for tably, my stupid brain wanders more classes, as I leisurely made back to the thought of graduation my way home to and the bleak watch television, questions that surf the internet follow. How Inevitably, or other various will I support activities that myself without my stupid aren’t fit to print. a full-time job brain wanders Not only was lined up? Will my schedule inmy friends with back to graduation credibly easy, all good jobs and and the bleak I had on the hofiancées/wives rizon was startsecretly judge questions to ing at Southeast my pauper stafollow.” Community Coltus? Will any of lege that October. this matter once After earning my “Breaking Bad” prestigious high school diploma returns in June? in June, I was bombarded with Those halcyon high school questions on what would I do days of maximum freedom and during the dog days of July, Au- minimum responsibility seem gust and September. Turns out, a like a long time ago, but they little work, a little play and a lot shouldn’t be forgotten, because of “The Wire.” they can provide an important I had my entire college career lesson. in front of me to do whatever I There were an endless numliked. I’d always been horrible ber of roads I could have traveled at math and science, but who down to get where I am today. knows, maybe I could get in with As my family is fond of remindthe IT crowd and become a rich ing me, it only takes one bad engineer. choice to wind up dead in a ditch. I could have joined a frat and Yet somehow I ended up here, meet a bunch of ladies and besurrounded by lovely friends come valedictorian, if only I’d and family, getting paid (small been cool in high school or knew amounts) to do what I love, pullwhat “valedictorian” meant. The ing in a decent GPA, just three point is, the world was my oyster. months away from graduating. Now I find myself as a second Starting college was slightly semester senior once again, five scary, partly exciting and mostly years older and five years wisobligatory. Leaving college is all er? Now in 2013, I look back at of the above, but at least I have the naïve 2008 version of myself some experience with life under with bemusement. Why didn’t my belt. The outside world can I work harder? Why didn’t I try be dark and lonely, and I truly more things outside of my comhave no idea what’s going to hapfort zone? Why did I eat so many pen next. My time at UNL has cheeseburgers? taught me that venturing into the I stand on the precipice of unknown can be a pretty special graduating with a diploma that experience, whether I’m ready or actually means something, and not. the world is once again my oysandrew larsen is a ter. I’ve never been more terrified. senior film studies major. I’m going through the first Reach him at Arts@ dailynebraskan.com. stage of the Kübler-Ross model, otherwise known as the “five



wednesday, february 6, 2013

IZU: from 10 The senior went 8-for-10, including 4-for-6 from downtown to finish the first half against the Gophers with 20 points. The 6-foot2-inch guard was electric. The nine-point difference from his total the previous game was not one to be overlooked. Little did Gallegos know that when he’d walk out of Williams Arena, he’d finish with a careerhigh 30 points and become the first Husker to clip that mark in five years. The last player match to match the incredible feat in a Nebraska uniform was Aleks Maric in 2008. It was the fifth time this sea-

son Gallegos had set a career-high this season. And his last year with the Huskers isn’t over yet. Fast-forward to today. Sure, Gallegos hasn’t played as consistently as he, or Miles, might have envisioned all season. His five-point performance against Illinois and his season-low three points against Kent State are far from marvelous. But those single-digit totals are a rare sighting from the four-year Husker. As a starter, Gallegos has led, or has at least finished second, for Nebraska as their leading scorer this season more times than not. His team-leading 13.3 points per

game this season, and 13.8 in conference play, proves that. Bottom-line: Every shooting star has their ups and downs. Besides the 30-point showing last Tuesday, has he only made 31.2 percent of his shots from the field? Yes. Has he only knocked down 15 out of his last 45 threepoint attempts? Yes. Gallegos is due. I sense a streak coming soon. Maybe this five-day break from competition will do the guard some good and help him breakout out of his latest slump. I say let the haters keep on hatin’. Don’t for a second, think

into a rhythm. And once that Gallegos’ rhythm is started, watch out. Gallegos runs into a problem, though, when he takes shots on the run or moving away from the basket. The Huskers are so desperate to get him the ball that they run him off screens just to get him a shot, and it puts him in tough spots. Bottom line, Gallegos is a good shooter but not a great one. He should be a secondary option in an offense – a guy that roams the 3-point line looking for a defender to fall asleep on him. He should be a silent assassin, a thorn in an opponent’s side, but not the main weapon.

But that’s not the way Nebraska’s roster is set up this season. Gallegos is the man, and there’s no way around that. The Huskers just need to be careful with his shot selection. If Gallegos takes a pass and has a defender draped all over him, he should make a pass. If he comes off a screen and doesn’t have time to gather himself for a good shot, he should make a pass. There will be opportunities for Gallegos to shoot. For him, it’s not about getting up the shots. It’s about getting up the right shots. Lanny Holstein is a junior broadcasting major. Reach him at sports@ dailynebraskan.coM

HOLSTEIN: from 10 think Nebraska needs to reign the guard in a bit. It’s one thing to give a

shooter the green light and another to let him throw up anything he wants. Gallegos is automatic when he gets an open look and has time to go through his motion. We saw it a week ago, when he couldn’t miss against Minnesota. The guard found a little space in the Gopher defense and got

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Gallegos doesn’t want to finish his eight final games with a Husker uniform as a hot shooter. Just watch for the scoring leader to go off against Penn State in front

of the Sea of Red Saturday at the Devaney Center. Who knows, maybe he’ll set his sixth career-high performance and lead the team in scoring for

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Questions and concerns about the process or the regulations ?? The ASUN Electoral Commission will be meeting Wednesday Feb. 6 at 5:00 in the ASUN office at 136 Nebraska Union. This is a mandatory meeting for Executive candidates. All students are welcome to attend.



gymnastics: from 10

Golfers embrace new culture International golfers get used to new country while competing for NU Becca Schollaert dn College is a difficult experience for everyone. Freshman year is full of new experiences and life changes no matter where a person comes from. Imagine, though, if you didn’t even know the location of where you were going? Ross Dickson and Manuel Lavin are not only on the golf team together, they are also both international students. Dickson, a sophomore, is from London, and Lavin, a junior, is from Aguascalientes, Mexico. Dickson has been golfing since he was six years old, and heard about the opportunity to come to Nebraska after he started playing national tournaments in England. After a two day visit to Lincoln, he committed, and “hasn’t looked back since.” When asked what was the biggest challenge about coming to Nebraska, Dickson laughed and said finding it on a map was difficult. Other than that, his struggles were almost like any other freshman’s: adapting and learning the new life style. In the two years he has spent in Lincoln, Dickson has noticed different ways he has been “Americanized.” The biggest change was the American phrases that he has picked up.


wednesday, february 6, 2013

“The first week I went back visit Lincoln his senior year of home I was corrected by my high school. “It was not hard to make the friends because I said the word choice to come here after seedude,” Dickson said. ing my other options. I realized Dickson gets to go home about twice a year, over Christmas and Nebraska was the best choice for summer break. Although he me,” Lavin said. Because of his participation doesn’t go home that often, his parents make a solid attempt to in American tournaments, he did not suffer as big of a culture shock come to as many golf tournaments as Dickson. However, it wasn’t all as they can. In fact, they will be at Big Ten Match Play in Bradenton, smooth sailing. He said not knowing what to expect Fla., this weekend. made him nervous at Like Dickson, Lavin first. He credits the gets to see his family other team members over the longer breaks. in making him feel They both miss their comfortable though, families and friends. saying he fit in quickly Dickson also misses the and had a great time socializing and culture of right away. London, saying there’s Leaving their just a difference in the country and coming to way people are. Nebraska has caused Lavin, on the other both Lavin and Dickhand, misses his family son to grow up. and only his family. He Dickson “I became a more has truly come to love independent person living in America, and without my dad or mom. I had to has adjusted quite well. look after myself,” Lavin said. Although they are both from Dickson echoed this, as he said different continents and cultures, he was always shy where everyone common thread between Dickson and Lavin was the “big thing was comfortable. Even little things, such as traveling, is a step shock” of Husker Nation. up. “When I visited I didn’t realThey have both grown as golfize how big Lincoln was. I wasn’t familiar with the Husker culture. ers as well after coming to Lincoln, and they both credit the coaches It was a big shock,” Lavin said. and facilities to their success and “I love the passion this country has for sports, especially col- happiness here. Both are looking forward to getting better and lege sports. There’s nothing else like this in the world,” Dickson competing more. “You just have to practice, said. Lavin started golfing when he practice, and practice,” Lavin said. was 10 years old, and has been sports@ participating in tournaments in dailynebraskan.com America since then. He came to

“They have been a huge part of my success,” Giblin said. “They do a great job of looking out for your best interests in the gym and out of the gym. My coaches and teammates have helped me a lot over the past four years.” Kendig noticed she could be something special during the recruiting process. “Janelle has a lot of talent,” Kendig said. “I knew she had a lot of potential coming out of high school. She had a good foundation in California. Her club coaches were very good, and they are now the coaches at the University of California.” Giblin said she has made strong improvements from her junior year to her senior year. “I think I made a lot of improvements,” Giblin said. “I think I am a better leader to the rest of the team. I have gained a lot of experience over the past four years that have really helped me improve.” Kendig has seen vast improvements from Giblin from last year. “She has been so much more confident in beam,” Kendig said. “So far this year as a senior, she has shown a sense of urgency. She wants to finish her Nebraska

career strong.” Giblin’s parents have also been in attendance for each of her meets this season. “Her parents in the past have been to most, but not all of the meets, since it is hard to travel from California,” Kendig said. “I think it has been really special


school, Yori said her speed and tenacity made her stand out. “When I saw her play initially, I’m like, ‘This kid could be a great hound for us,’” Yori said. “Now she’s really bought into that role.” It took a while, but she’s grown into her defensive role through her quickness. Laudermill is the fastest player on the team and she is expected to use it. Her speed is one of the main reasons she was recruited to be a Husker. It’s through this speed that she has made such a vital impact on defense. Her speed is her reputation. Even if she loses one sprint in practice, she’ll hear about it. “T, you should be whipping everyone!” her teammates say. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

1. Penn State (18-3 Overall, 8-1 Big Ten):

7. Iowa (16-7, 5-4):

Despite a shocking loss to Wisconsin on Jan. 31, Penn State still seems to be the best in the Big Ten. A 69-61 win over No. 13 Purdue reaffirmed the Lady Lions dominance after the Wisconsin loss.

Iowa snuck into the Associated Press poll at No. 24 last week, only to lose to Illinois by 12 and Northwestern by two. Morgan Johnson has been consistently the best Hawkeye this year, but struggled, only scoring 11 and six points in the two losses last week.

2. Purdue (18-4, 7-2):

8. Minnesota (14-9, 3-6):

It seems Purdue will always be Robin to Penn State’s Batman. A 69-61 loss to the Lady Lions kept Purdue at a safe distance away, at 7-2 in the conference. The trio of Courtney Moses, Drey Mingo and KK Houser continue their impressive seasons, averaging 14, 12 and 10 points per game respectively.

The 14-9 Gophers have lost five of their last six games, with their only win coming against Michigan on Jan. 31. Match ups against Iowa and Illinois this week will give Minnesota opportunities to break that streak, but could easily be two more losses for them.

3. Nebraska (16-6, 6-3):

Though 11-11, Northwestern has kept things interesting in the bottom half of the Big Ten. Though incredibly inconsistent, Northwestern beat then No. 24 Iowa by two, lost to 18-4 Michigan state by five and lost to then No. 15 Purdue by five. They may not be contending, but they’re making sure no one has an easy ride.

9. Northwestern (11-11, 3-6):

Four wins in a row have Nebraska at a threeway tie for third place in the Big Ten with 6-3 records. Lindsey Moore and Jordan Hooper have been tough to stop, combining for 34 points per game. Rachel Theriot won Big Ten Freshman of the Week for the second time in three weeks, as this hot Nebraska team will be tough to cool off.

10. Ohio State (12-10, 2-7):

4. Michigan State (18-4, 6-3):

dn Big ten homeroom MEN’S BASKETBALL 1. Indiana (20-2 overall, 8-1 Big Ten):

The Hoosiers secured a big win over Michigan this past weekend in Assembly Hall. Indiana is a great shooting team, led by Cody Zeller and Victor Oladipo, who happen to be two potential national player of the year candidates. Tom Crean also has a deep bench, as no one on the team averages more than 30 minutes a game. That will help in the long run.

2. Michigan (20-2, 7-2):

7. Northwestern (14-10, 4-6):

Losing Drew Crawford early in the season did not help the Wildcats case, but no one really has stepped up to take his scoring load. I think Northwestern relies on the three ball a little too much, and that can sometimes get them in a little bit of trouble. The Wildcats show some inconsistency at times, evidence by wins over Minnesota and Illinois, but losses to Illinois-Chicago and Nebraska. The Boilers have had a tough go so far this year. They have had some bad losses to Eastern Michigan and Bucknell. They did beat then No. 11 Illinois, but that win is not looking as good any longer. This is a very good rebounding team however, led by A.J. Hammons, who will be very good down the road.

3. Michigan State (18-4, 7-2):

9. Iowa (14-8, 3-6):

Tom Izzo continues to amaze year after year. With veteran Keith Appling leading the team, and one of the best frontcourt’s in the Big Ten (Derrick Nix, Adreian Payne, and the athletic Branden Dawson), the Spartans look ready for another long run in March. The last few months of conference play will provide very tough competition.

So far this year, Iowa has beaten who they should beat, and lost to teams they were expected to lose to. Aaron White has come a long way in his sophomore year. Some key winnable games ahead could determine if the Hawketes have a chance to get to the NCAA Tournament.

10. Illinois (15-8, 2-7):

Illinois is headed down the same path as last year. Start well, only to go on a skid. Year one has been I am still not completely sold on the Buckeyes. up and down for John Groce. To me, this team has Besides DeShaun Thomas, I do not trust any too much talent and leadership in Brandon Paul one else on the team to consistently score a and D.J. Richardson to fade away. Indiana and lot of points. Nevertheless, Thad Matta and Co. Minnesota this week will tell the tale. continue to win. We will see if they are for real with games at Michigan and home vs Indiana in 11. Nebraska (11-12, 2-8): Year one under Tim Miles has been tough. A the next week. lack of scholarship players and inconsistency on the offensive end has been the key. Dylan 5. Wisconsin (15-7, 6-3 Big Ten): Defense is the key for the Badgers. They have Talley has transitioned well to point guard, and kept every conference team they played, with the Huskers might have a star in the making in the exception of two, under 60 points. Their of- Shavon Shields. The Husker defense has been fense is the tricky part. Losing Josh Gasser to another key factor in keeping games close. This the ACL injury is tough, and Wisconsin has got- team looks on the upswing in future years. ten inconsistent play from its guards.

4. Ohio State (17-4, 7-2):

6. Minnesota (17-5, 5-4):

The Gophers thought this could be their year, then they lost four games in a row. They have rebounded nicely, but their lack of bench play is a concern. They are not getting a lot of production from anyone other than their starters. Trevor Mbakwe and Rodney Williams, Jr. anchor the front court nicely for the Gophers.

12. Penn State (8-13, 0-9):

The Nittany Lions are still the bottom dwellers in the Big Ten. Losing Tim Frazier, their best player, makes a difference, but Penn State just doesn’t have the talent to compete with the depth the Big Ten has to offer. D.J. Newbill and Jermaine Marshall have been key contributors for the Nittany Lions. A tough schedule remains. — compiled by matt duren

A 61-46 win over Michigan gave Michigan State the boost it needed after losing two straight to Nebraska and Purdue, and barely squeezing by Northwestern. The 18-4 Spartans could break their three-way tie for third place with a win over No. 8 Penn State on Feb. 10.

Tayler Hill continues to be carrying the load for Ohio State, scoring 21.2 points and 4.6 rebounds per game. The Buckeyes kept close against Nebraska on Jan. 31, losing 62-53, then rebounded and beat Indiana 70-56 a few days later. Ohio State still struggles to get production from anyone besides Hill, which hurts them significantly.

5. Illinois (13-8, 6-3):

11. Wisconsin (10-12, 2-7):

The last of the teams in a three-way tie for third place is Illinois, a 13-8 squad on a three-game win streak. Illinois has controlled the bottom half of the Big Ten thus far, beating Northwestern, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin easily.

With quite possibly the biggest upset in the Big Ten this year, Wisconsin shocked everyone with a 63-61 victory over then No. 7 Penn State. The Badgers then promptly lost to Illinois on Feb. 3, 64-56, keeping their “inconsistent” title firm.

6. Michigan (16-6, 5-4):

12. Indiana (10-12, 1-8):

Indiana hasn’t won in almost a month, losing every game since a Jan. 6 match up against Northwestern. Thanks to Wisconsin’s miraculous win against Penn State, Indiana now stands alone at 1-8, and last in the Big Ten.

Once one of the hottest teams in the Big Ten, Michigan has seemed to hit a bit of a wall. Three straight losses to Iowa, Minnesota and Michigan State have the Wolverines standing at a tie for fourth with Iowa at 5-4 in the Big Ten.

8. Purdue (11-11, 4-5):

Trey Burke is one of the best guards in the country, along with swingman Tim Hardaway, Jr. Michigan is also one of the best 3-point shooting teams nationally, led by Nik Stauskas. Freshman Mitch McGary brings energy and emotion off the bench.

for Janelle and her family this year that they have been able to be at the meets.” For Giblin, this award is just the start to what will be a special last season as a Husker. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

dn Big ten homeroom

basketball: from 10 points,” Laudermill said. “For me, to bend her knees or to play in a stance. Through her film sessions, defense is what motivates me.” Laudermill picked up how to be One year can make all of the that hound. Her time in the film difference, though. Laudermill room has paid off. She’s now a stands far and away as the best much more comdefensive hound player than this season, acMy defense was plete last year, she said. cording to Yori. “She had the Last year, she really shaky last same speed north fought for even a year. Coach would be and south a year shot at that posiago,” Yori said, tion. scared to put me in.” “but her ability “My defense to contain a dribwas really shaky tear’a laudermill bler wasn’t nearly (last year),” Lauwomen’s basketball player as good as it is dermill said. now.” “Coach would be Even before scared to put me Laudermill spent day after day in.” watching film, Yori knew LauderSo Laudermill spent hours in the film room, mastering her mill would fit the defensive role fundamentals. She watched ev- perfectly, the coach said. From ery day, so coaches wouldn’t yell watching Laudermill in high


Janella Giblin extends her body in the middle of a bar routine at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Giblin won the Big Ten’s Event Specialist of the Week.

The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 compiled by chris heady For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 “Deliverance” instrument 6 Return of a lob, maybe 11 Corp. money manager 14 Reason for a February thank-you speech 15 Chaplain, to a G.I. 16 PC hookup 17 Actor’s order to sock an N.B.A. legend? 19 Get totally right 20 Julian Assange posting 21 Bobble 22 Ladies’ man 24 Teammate of the 17-Across legend avoiding toilet trainin’? 28 Saturday morning cartoon dog, informally 31 “C’est ___” (“Camelot” song) 32 Veracruz vane direction

33 Old comic actor’s Little Bighorn headline? 37 Some purse items, for short 38 California’s Big ___ 39 Bedevil 40 Grimm tale figure 43 Threaten a classic comedienne like a talkshow host? 46 Maritime greeting 49 Noted flagraising site, for short 50 Full of passion 51 Writerturned-Utah carpenter? 55 Delivery doc 56 Barrister’s deg. 57 “Copernican revolution” philosopher 61 Sac fly stat 62 Controls a prison guard like a pop singer? 66 Public-house offering























67 Greek gathering spot of old 68 Rapscallion 69 ___ Paul guitars 70 “Full court” tactic 71 Go along (with) DOWN 1 Postseason grid matchup 2 ___ Stadium (facility near Citi Field) 3 Org. with brackets 4 Super payoff 5 Mork’s planet 6 Have on 7 Kneeler’s words 8 Put in 9 Mrs. abroad 10 Artist Rousseau 11 Jumper cable ends 12 “Let’s be honest!” 13 Score in a pitcher’s duel, maybe 18 Riff, e.g., in “West Side Story” 23 Taking customers 25 Eligible for “The Biggest Loser” 26 Dry Italian wine 27 Falsified, as a check 28 Many an ology: Abbr. 29 It’s a mouthful 30 Old spy org. 34 Brush with the law 35 He-man’s asset 36 Banish to Siberia 40 Loop transports







14 18


21 24 29




39 44












56 63









43 47



31 34


19 22














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wednesday, february 6, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports


To shoot

or not to shoot Lanny Holstein and Nedu Izu discuss whether NU’s Ray Gallegos should have the green light

lanny holstein When he’s hot, he’s hot. And when he’s not, he’s not. There are times – like the Minnesota game – when Nebraska guard Ray Gallegos is shooting the lights out, knocking in every 3-pointer he lines up for. But there are also times – like the most recent Ohio State game – when Gallegos can’t get the lid off the basket. Watching the Husker guard can be a frustrating experience. He looks so smooth, so easy and in rhythm. He floats above the floor on his jump shot, rising with ease and releasing a high-rising arc. From a purely He isn’t aesthetic viewpoint, Gallegos’ a good shot is a thing of beauty. But there are times when enough shooter it doesn’t fall. Before Tuesto take bad shots day’s Minnesota game, which and make them.” Gallegos went 12-17 and set a career high with 30 points, the guard was shooting just 32.7 percent in Big Ten play. Behind the arc, only 23.6 percent of his attempts were going through. But he continued to shoot six, seven, eight 3-pointers a game – his number actually went as high as 16 against Michigan, making only four in that game. And Nebraska coach Tim Miles told him to do so. The coach wanted his junior guard putting up shots because he felt like Gallegos was the best shooter on the team. Now let’s be clear on this: Gallegos is the best shooter on the team, but only when he is getting good looks. He isn’t a good enough shooter to take bad shots and make them. Nebraska doesn’t have a pure scorer on its roster. There is not one player Miles can look to when the opposition has just gone on a run and the Huskers need an answer. There is nobody the coach can faithfully lean on with the shot clock winding down. So he leans on Gallegos. I get that, but I still

To be a quality shooting guard in college basketball, there are two skills one must demonstrate: a sense of where to find the open shot and when to release it. Nebraska’s Ray Gallegos possesses both. If you’ve followed the senior guard during the 2012-13 men’s basketball season, you know he’s a shooter. Since putting a Husker jersey back on for the first time in nearly two years, Gallegos has been a workhorse. Take Nebraska’s game against Northwestern Jan. 26 for example. The senior was the last Husker out of the Bottom gym the night before line: every and the first warming up that Saturday morning, shooting star according to Nebraska has his ups and coach Tim Miles. “I get (to the Bob Dev- downs.” aney Sports Center) this morning at 8 and he’s got a full sweat going because he’s already been there,” Miles said after the Jan. 26 game. “Nobody’s harder on themselves than Ray.” The first 20 minutes of that game was one to forget for Gallegos. The senior went ice cold from the floor, scoring zilch going into halftime. But like he’s done several times before, it wouldn’t take long for Gallegos to starting sinking his shots after halftime. He would come back to nail three consecutive 3-pointers midway through the second half to anchor his team to its 11th win on the season. “In the first half, I was pretty quiet, but my teammates encouraged me to stay confident,” Gallegos said. Whatever it was his teammates told him, it worked. After shooting a goose egg to begin the game, the guard finished the game with 11 points against the Wildcats. His pre-game work ethic would continue pay off in Nebraska’s following matchup against Minnesota. IZU: see page 8

HOLSTEIN: see page 8

gabriel sanchez dn

Sophomore likes ‘hound’ role Nebraska’s Laudermill improves defensively in her second year Kyle Cummings dn Ever been on the verge of falling asleep when a pesky fly decides your nose is the ideal landing spot for the twelfth time? How about soaking in a baseball game under the lights while batting away mosquitoes? Well, that’s Tear ’a Laudermill. She’s that pesky bug. “She is a gnat,” Nebraska women’s basketball coach Connie Yori said. “There’s no doubt. She bothers our opponents and she’s pretty darn quick.” While Laudermill does not start for the women’s basketball team, she plays one of the biggest roles – the defensive hound. Each game, she waits for her number to be called. Then when she gets the green light, she has one thought on her mind. “I’m thinking full speed, hungry sharks smelling blood,” she said. “Go after them, go get them.” That’s exactly what she did against Minnesota. Laudermill worked the Gophers’ point guard, shuffling her feet in either direction with ease and constantly pressuring with her hands. Minnesota’s point guard called for a screen. Forward Kionna Kellogg set up camp right next to Laudermill. Her screen didn’t work. Kellogg repositioned and tried again. Didn’t work. Laudermill darted past her again. Kellogg became visibly upset and

Nedu Izu

women’s gymnasTICs

Women’s gymnast wins Big Ten weekly honor Janelle Giblin honored with Event Specialist of the Week in conference Matt Duren dn


Tear’a Laudermill dribbles past a Michigan State defender earlier this season at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Laudermill’s role has increased defensively this season. was pulled from the game. Laudermill’s intense pressure not only forces turnovers and provides a spark from the bench, but also motivates teammates to step up as well. “Her hounding ability is outstanding,” junior forward Jordan

Hooper said. “I think we all feed off that, so we kind of all get more aggressive on defense and take some chances we wouldn’t normally take if T isn’t out there.” Laudermill prides herself on being a defensive player. Offense comes easy to most players, she

said, but defense is what she wants to be known for. In fact, her ideal stat line at the end of the game would consist mostly of steals and rebounds, she said. “I could care less about

basketball: see page 9

For the second time this year, a member of the Nebraska women’s gymnastics team won a conference honor. Emily Wong won the conference honor two weeks ago and this time, it was Janelle Giblin, a senior for the No. 9 Huskers. Giblin, a native of San Ramon, Calif., captured the Big Ten Event Specialist of the Week award for her accomplishments on bars this past weekend. When told at practice Monday of the honor and what she thought about it, she was surprised and speechless. “You’re going to put me on the spot like that?,” Giblin said laughing. All joking aside, Giblin excelled on uneven bars this past weekend in the Huskers win over Illinois. She won bars on Friday with a score of 9.95, tying her career best. That also tied the fourth-highest

score in Nebraska history. Janelle Giblin has worked long and hard to get the position she is in. However, she is all about the team. “The whole team worked hard to get where we are, not just me,” Giblin said. “It is exciting to see everything come together, and its been a long year preparing. I am excited about the progress we are making and we need to keep improving.” The senior said the season is early, and there is a lot to improve on. “Every meet we need to keep getting better,” Giblin said. “We have been performing pretty well but we can’t get comfortable where we are at.” Nebraska women’s gymnastics coach Dan Kendig said Giblin could be doing a lot better if not for an illness she had around Christmas time. “These are the scores she could have been starting with,” Kendig said. “The illness kind of held her back a little bit, but she has really come back strong. Overall though, Janelle is a very fine young lady, and she will do really well after college.” Giblin gave a lot of credit back to the coaches for her success.

gymnastics: see page ?

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