dn the
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2013 volume 112, issue 097
Inside Coverage
Sharing the ‘Love
Scratching and clawing
UPC lands Grouplove for spring concert
Huskers get tight win in Evanston 55-50
Former DEA agent Robert Stutman and editor emeritus of High Times magazine Steve Hager debate the legalization of marijuana. The pair has traveled and debated against each other for the past 10 years.
Heads vs. Feds
2 Nebraska senators, business owners debate LB406 DANIEL WHEATON DN
more closely examine its options and come up with a better solution. “You still have a negative outlook on it,” he said during the meeting. “You are saying there’s no hope to make any money on online editions. This allocation is almost meant to light a fire beneath the Daily Nebraskan so that something is done and we don’t just keep floating along.” Several CFA members criticized the subcommittee’s harsh language in its report for the DN, which said the paper’s managers needs to change their ways of “fiscal recklessness.” “Looking through the letter, it seems to be very emotionally charged language,” said CFA member Evan Marolf. “It’s not that (the DN) is being reckless. Papers everywhere are struggling right now. I really find it
A much smaller crowd gathered in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature Thursday to hear testimony for and against LB406. LB406 is the smaller of the two bills reforming Nebraska’s tax code. This bill only cuts $395 million in sales tax exemptions and retains the individual state income tax while eliminating the corporate income tax. The other option, LB405, eliminates $2.4 billion in sales tax exemptions and eliminates the corporate and individual income tax. LB405 drew dozens of testifiers Wednesday in a hearing that lasted nearly 11 hours. Sen. Galen Hadley of Kearney, chairman of the Revenue Committee, actively tried to speed up the hearing for LB406. The hearing ended in less than five hours. “You gave us way too much time yesterday, and I’m glad for that,” Gov. Dave Heineman said during his brief testimony. “I stayed up way past my bedtime to listen.” Heineman and the two senators who introduced the legislation were joined by only one other supporter. Heineman and Sens. Beau McCoy and Brad Ashford of Omaha reiterated their statements from yesterday on LB405. The three men both gave their testimonies within four minutes. Sen. Burke Harr of Omaha, a member of the committee, was equally as subdued. Harr had asked numerous follow-up questions to the testifiers Wednesday. A coalition of farmers, businessmen, medical professionals, nonprofits and other citizens testified against the bill. “Today, we should hear from other citizens,” Heineman said. Many of the bill’s opponents argued that ending sales tax exemptions would put an unfair burden on lower and middle class individuals. Kathy English, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha, said the bill would harm many of the people her hospital serves. English estimated ending the applicable tax exemptions would increase costs by 7 percent. “The last thing families should face is a barrier preventing them from helping a family member,” English said. She said 44 percent of patients at Children’s Hospital are on Medicare, and those patients would be adversely affected by ending exemptions in general. Carolyn Rooker, executive director of Voices for Children in Nebraska, specifically targeted the earned income tax credit. She explained that people who benefit from the tax credit often struggle to make ends meet. “For people working at minimum wage, every single penny counts,” Rooker said. Roger Furrer, a member of the Community Action of Nebraska, said eliminating the corporate and income tax makes Nebraska’s tax system regressive. “Those who are struggling will have to pay a greater percentage of their income in taxes,” Fur-
cfa: see page 3
hearing: see page 2
Melissa Lein, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate student in forensic entomology, and Karl Reinhard, a professor at the School of Natural Resources, stand in a lab in Hardin Hall on Thursday. Lein and Reinhard were part of a group that used a special process called acetolysis to determine the time of death of a Sicilian mummy.
UNL researchers study intestines of Sicilian mummies to discover secrets of the past story by heather haskins | pHOTO BY BETHANY SCHMIDT
s one University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor and his colleagues found out, you can learn a lot about a person who lived long ago just by taking a look at his mummified intestines.
A National Geographic article that featured Karl Reinhard, a forensic scientist and professor in the School of Natural Resources, delved into the research that Reinhard and others conducted on the intestinal contents of a Sicilian mummy.
The mummy, named “Piraino 1”, was one of 26 mummies found in the Piraino Mother Church’s Sepulcher of the Priests, located in northeastern Sicily. The church dates as far back as the 16th century. This particular mummy, unlike
other mummies in the crypt, did not have identifying documentation. “We don’t know whether he was a priest or whether he was a person who was just revered,” Reinhard said. Reinhard has been looking at
mummy: see page 3
Committee for Fees Allocation denies DN budget proposal CFA members criticize ‘fiscal recklessness,’ suggest alternative funding Cristina Woodworth DN Members of the Committee for Fees Allocation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln voted down the Daily Nebraskan’s proposal for an increase of $50,000 in student funding at a threehour meeting Thursday evening. CFA members voted instead to keep the DN’s funding the same at about $109,000 for the 2013-2014 academic year, or $2.49 per student per semester. The DN currently receives 11 percent of total student fees.
“It’s not our intention to kill the newspaper,” said CFA member Jared McKeever. “We do not want to kill the newspaper as it stands today. We want to keep a viable news source alive. I would like to see an online edition of the DN because I believe that’s where this is headed.” In a lengthy debate, CFA members suggested several alternatives for the DN rather than increasing the paper’s student funding, such as printing three days a week instead of five or printing an eight-page paper rather than the usual 10 pages. Representatives for the DN had proposed a $50,000 increase in funding to cover printing and distribution fees, tablet and smartphone website accessibility, development of apps for niche content, multimedia equipment, symposiums and for the creation of a digital staff.
Andrew Dickinson, DN editor-inchief and a senior journalism major, said the DN would like to move more to an online format, but said the paper can’t do that without having an increase in allocated student fees. “The print issue is what we’re holding onto, to keep ourselves from just plummeting down,” Dickinson said. “The plummets are something that are absolutely out of our control. Nobody has figured out a solution.” The DN is a Fund A user, meaning UNL students are able to opt out of paying student fees toward that organization. Other Fund A users include the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska and the Dailyer Nebraskan. Several CFA members said the extra costs of moving to an online DN edition should be pulled from the paper’s own reserves, but DN represen-
tatives said those funds would quickly be depleted. “We believe the DN should make an investment in its own future,” CFA chair Kalby Wehrbein said. DN manager Dan Shattil said about $200,000 has already been used from the paper’s reserve funds to invest in online editions and other expenses. “We can’t make as much money with our online edition,” Shattil said. “Our future financially isn’t online, but we know the future of journalism is online. We will be less self-sustaining in the future and the only way to make that up is with student fees.” Shattil said the DN would be able to generate a maximum of $60,000 with online advertising revenue compared to the $350,000 to $400,000 the print edition currently brings in. Wehrbein said the paper needs to
@dailyneb | facebook.com/dailynebraskan
friday, february 8, 2013
On Campus what: UNL Faculty/Staff “Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students” where: Nebraska Union Centennial Room when: 2:30 - 5 p.m. more information: Tonda Humphress 402-4723755
In Lincoln what: Shoot Your Mouth Off Comedy Show where: The Grove, 340 W. Cornhusker Highway when: 8:30 p.m. more Information: No door charge
hearing: from 1 rer said. Cassy Fogale, of the Nebraska Association of Public Employees, said LB406 would stretch the state’s ability to fund basic programs. “Look at Kansas,” Fogale said. “They passed a similar tax measure and (are) expected to have a $4.2 billion budget shortfall.” Sen. Hadley disagreed with some of Fogale’s claim, saying she had “real jumps in logic.” Following the testimony of the bill’s authors, Harr and John Cederberg discussed how the bill could affect businesses. Cederberg, representing the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the chamber supports tax reform but fundamentally disagrees on how the discussion has gone so far. Speaking on both bills, Cederberg said it was “bad tax policy, something we should avoid doing.” He said he disagreed with the governor’s notion that a better tax climate could keep people in Nebraska. He said a drastic change would be the only way to incentivize business growth. Cederberg also mentioned his concerns with how the new laws would alter young people’s behavior. “It is difficult for me to identify taxes that affect younger people and affect young married families,” Cederberg said. “They respond to opportunity.” Fremont Sen. Charlie Janssen asked Cederberg which exemptions he’d be willing to end. Cederberg didn’t name any specifics. He said any tax changes must not damage any growing portions of the economy. “We have the second lowest unemployment rate,” Cederberg said. “We don’t want to mess with that. We don’t want Omaha, Lincoln or Grand Island to compete with Las Vegas on unemployment.” Representatives of many businesses spoke out against the bill as well. Dirk Petersen, general manager of Nucor Steel in Norfolk, said the bill would drastically increase the costs of production for his company. “We need to be competitive in Nebraska,” Petersen said. “We would like to see LB406 killed.” Laura Kapustka, vice president and chief financial officer of Lincoln Electric Systems, said the bill would raise the cost of electricity between 1 and 1-and-a-half percent. She said this would have the greatest impact on businesses because the cost would be passed down to the consumer, resulting in a comparative disadvantage. Farmers, ranchers and cattlemen also joined the dissent, saying the bill would decrease profits for all people involved in agriculture. These bills were introduced on Jan. 18, following Heineman’s announcement on Jan. 15. Even though the bills have received significant opposition, Heineman, McCoy and Ashford still remain positive. “The time to act is now,” McCoy said. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM
UNL hosts Heads vs. Feds debate on marijuana legalization Steve Hager spoke in favor of pot while Robert Stutman spoke against it
Student election candidates will provide information for voter guide
REECE RISTAU DN On Thursday night University of Nebraska-Lincoln students voiced their questions on marijuana legalization with a hashtag. UNL hosted Heads vs. Feds, a student-led debate on the legalization of marijuana presented by the University Program Council. The debate featured Steve Hager, the former editor-in-chief of High Times magazine, and Robert Stutman, a former drug enforcement agency special agent. Hager and Stutman debated and responded to questions from the audience and Twitter. The debate began with a video introducing the two debaters, with Stutman having been called “the most famous narc in America” by the New York Times and Hager having been called “the most famous pothead in America.” Stutman and Hager each gave 15-minute opening statements that were followed by rebuttal. “The government controlling marijuana is like someone standing in a hurricane and the government telling us the wind is not blowing,” Hager said. “Marijuana is the true sacrament of our culture.” In his argument, Hager listed the five major points about marijuana legalization he believes are most important: • Marijuana makes good medicine • Hemp is good for the environment • America has too big of a prison system • Corruption must stop being funded • Marijuana contributes to a culture of no violence The most important aspect about the debate, Stutman said, is that it has nothing to do with cannabis or drugs. “Most Americans don’t care about the culture of marijuana or its medical uses,” Stutman said. “They only want it legalized because it’s the recreational drug of their choice.” Stutman’s main points included the fact that Americans are not allowed to grow any other types of medicine, that ultimately medical marijuana will still be controlled by pharmaceutical companies and that of the hundreds of chemicals in marijuana, only two are beneficial to health. “Doctors don’t let patients
andrew barry | DN
Editor emeritus of High Times magazine Steve Hager speaks to the crowd about legalization of marijuana on Thursday evening in the Centennial room of the Nebraska Union.
Marijuana is a gray area. You can’t go back once it’s legalized. It would be going farther than before.” mickey mcconkey
junior advertising major and member of upc
Marijuana is the only plant in the world that has been prohibited for 75 plus years – alcohol wasn’t even that long. We need to fight for our right to grow.” bill hawkins
farmer for hemp nebraska
vote on what medicine they take,” Stutman said. He said that this is why marijuana legalization should not be held up to a vote. Students have mixed responses to marijuana legalization on both sides of the spectrum. Luke Maher, a junior finance major is against legalizing the drug. “I don’t think it’s a gateway drug, but it does put a damper on productivity,” Maher said. “Corporations drug test for a reason.” Hager refuted Stutman’s claim that marijuana causes dependency with the idea that jogging, TV and sugar also cause dependency.
The banter between Stutman and Hager resulted in Hager inviting Stutman to smoke with him in California, an invite that Stutman turned down with a chuckle. When asked by an audience member whether the government has the right to protect citizens from themselves, Stutman said that the government requires seatbelts to protect people from themselves, and that this is the same concept. “Taxpayers pay for stupid people all the time,” Stutman said. “Marijuana should be no different.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM
Feds initiate scam investigation Financial scams target university students through credit cards tammy bain dn The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Jan. 31 announced plans to launch an investigation into the impact of products marketed to students through colleges and universities, the CFPB said in a press release. In 2009, the Credit CARD Act ended certain practices used by financial institutions at colleges, like giving out “tangible items,” or prizes, to anyone younger than 21 who applies for a credit card. The act also restricted campus locations that issue card applications, and anyone younger than 21 who applies for a credit card must now have a cosigner or show the independent ability to repay, said Rohit Chopra, the student loan ombudsman and associate director of the bureau. But CFPB officials said there is less information about other products marketed to students, like banking accounts and debit cards. Now, the bureau is asking students, families, people in the higher education community and others for their feedback on student financial products through March 18. “With student loan debt topping $1 trillion, students want to avoid paying fees that get them deeper in debt,” Chopra said. “We plan to share what we learn from our request for information about fees and other costs of student checking accounts, debit cards and other financial products with students so they can make informed decisions when choosing
ASUN passes voter guide bill
all the red stuff,” he said. among these products.” But Gentry said it’s not just But Angie Kaipust, spokeswommarketing that can put a student in an for Wells Fargo of Nebraska, said Wells Fargo has never used the above trouble. He mentioned how college seniors may buy a pricey car as soon schemes when selling students a new as they get a good-paying job. bank account or service. “They don’t realize how much “Our company has never been about offering gifts to people for money they won’t have,” he said. “We’re always optimistic. We always opening a credit card,” she said. Kaipust said what Wells Fargo think it’ll work out.” When it comes to scams, Gentry likes to do with all of its customers – student or not – is sit down with felt the elderly, who he said are often less educated than college-aged stuthem and figure out each one’s finandents, are more vulnerable. cial needs. “(College students) are better She said this practice can be to educated than the help students estabaverage person,” he lish credit for longsaid. “They’re just a term needs or just to They don’t naive with the gain beneficial finanrealize how little lack of experience.” cial habits. He didn’t see it “Every conver- much money they likely that a bank on sation, every interwon’t have.” a college campus, action we have is such as Wells Fargo seeing what’s in the Jim Gentry at UNL, would scam best interest of the unl marketing professor students willingly. customer,” she said. “People hate Dr. Jim Gentry, banks,” he said. a professor of mar“They have to be very careful with keting at University of NebraskaLincoln, said legal responsibilities are their image.” Still, Gentry said there are ethiincreasing when it comes to marketcal practices that must be followed in ing practices. marketing, and he said some go for “We’re not our brothers’ keepers, but we should be more aware than “a short-run profit, rather than what’s good for mankind.” this one transaction,” he said. “Most finance people, most marBut Gentry said not every marketing people are decent human beketing scheme is a scam. ings,” he said. “You find a few who He used an anecdote about a young man who goes to college and aren’t, and they learn to make money gets a credit card, unlike his friend in a hurry.” Instructions on submitting who doesn’t attend college. “If he cuts it up and ends up in comments to the CFPB can be found at its website: http://www. debt, was he taken advantage of, or consumerfinance.gov/students/ was he treated like an adult?” Gentry whats-the-deal/request-for-informaasked. Gentry said he has noticed mar- tion-regarding-financial-productsketing techniques used on college marketed-to-students-enrolled-ininstitutions-of-higher-education/ students. news@ “Kids walk on campus – look at dailynebraskan.com
Wullschleger. “When a bill like this had been debated, it seemed like it went on for an hour, if there was any point you thought you didn’t have enough information to make a decisive opinion, that should’ve been sorted out Staff Report before we went into a vote,” DN Wullschleger said. SB4 is the first piece of apThe morning after the Associa- proved legislation that will be tion of Students of the Univer- enacted by the current Senate sity of Nebraska-Lincoln voted that has an effect on the ASUN down legislation at its Wedneselections. Previous attempts to day meeting to include a voter reform the election rules were information guide for the upapproved by the senate but coming ASUN elections, ASUN then vetoed by ASUN President officials reviewed their consti- Eric Kamler, a senior agricultution and discovered Senate tural economics major. The senBill 4 had actually passed. ate failed to override the veto. In order for the Senate to Wullschleger said he pass legislation, there must be a doesn’t foresee any more legismajority vote. Twenty-four senlation coming to the senate that ators were in attendance, so the would affect this year ’s election majority vote was 13 approvals season. to pass legislation. ASUN members are now The vote on SB4 was 12 apcompiling the contact informaprovals, 10 against and two abtion of every candidate for the staining from voting. However, ASUN election. Wullschleger according to the ASUN consti- will lead the compiling and tution, abstentions do not count solicitation toward the total of the candivote. date’s inforI did not “The majormation. expect ity is based on the One unbinumber of votes, the legislation ased person not the majority will be apof members pres- to receive the pointed by ent,” said Sen. Mi- criticism it did.” Kamler and cah Wullschleger, a approved by senior English and Micah Wullschleger the senate to anthropology major asun senator review the who submitted SB4. voter inforWullschleger stood mation guide up and left the room when his for any obscenities before it is legislation was voted down. put on the website. “I did not expect the legisThe candidates will be lation to receive the criticism it asked to provide their name, did,” he said. college, major, affiliated stuSB4 received criticism from dent election group and posisome senators because they tion they’re running for. They believed there wasn’t enough will also be asked to say why time to collect all of the candi- they decided to run for an electdates’ information. They beed position and what they hope lieved that if a candidate failed to accomplish in their term of to submit their information, office. it would be creating a bias by ASUN will begin putting only listing the submitted prothe information on the website files. Some senators also said after Feb. 19. it wasn’t their responsibility to “There’s a greater good provide information about the here in providing voters with candidates. adequate information,” WulThe two senators who ablschleger said. stained from voting were saynews@ ing they didn’t have an opinion dailynebraskan.com on the legislation, according to
Career Services to host professional networking event 2nd annual reception provides opportunity for all majors to meet with professionals Lis Arneson Dn Students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will have the opportunity to mingle with professionals from various organizations at the 2nd Annual Professional Networking Reception on Monday. The event, which will last from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Ballroom, is organized by Career Services, Students of Color Career Advisory Committee and the Multicultural Business Student Association. Jake Kirkland Jr., assistant director of Career Services, encouraged students to take advantage of the opportunity the reception offers. “It’s a good way to make some future connections,” Kirkland said. “You’ve got everything to win and nothing to lose. You guys are in school to gain a body of knowledge. Once you’ve got the body of knowledge, what are you going to do with it? These people are hopefully going to give you some ideas as to how to shape it.” Students will be able to engage with professionals in advertising, agribusiness, broadcasting, business, community health, criminal investigation, education, engineering, government, graduate/professional schools, journalism, law enforcement and others during the reception. Edwin Owusu-Ansah, a senior biological systems engineering major and member of
the Students of Color Career Advisory Committee, said the networking reception is worthwhile for all students. “You never know who you’ll meet at these things,” OwusuAnsah said. “It will give you a chance to meet professionals and graduates in your interest area.” Some of the participating organizations include Union Bank & Trust Company, Creighton University School of Law and KETV NewsWatch. Even students who haven’t settled on a major will get something out of the networking event, Owusu-Ansah said. “If you’re still kind of thinking about your major, you should definitely come,” he said. “It might give you a chance to find out what you want to study. It will help you figure out what you like.” Owusu-Ansah said students should dress business-casual and can bring a resume if they wish. Students are encouraged to RSVP at www.surveymonkey. com/s/unlnetworking, where they can also view a complete list of participating organizations. Kirkland said students should take a look at the list before attending so they have an idea of who they would like to speak with. “Come with a mindset that you want to meet somebody,” Kirkland said. “You don’t have to go too far to have this opportunity – all of these organizations under one roof, at one time. You have choices when you get in here, and it’s in a relaxed environment. You can’t go wrong.” News@ dailynebraskan.com
daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Andrew Dickinson managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Riley Johnson ENGAGEMENT EDITOR. . . . . . . . . .402.472.1763 Nick Teets news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 associate editor Hailey Konnath Jacy Marmaduke assignment editor opinion editor Ryan Duggan Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Katie Nelson assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Andrew Ward Paige Cornwell assistant editor assistant editor Lanny Holstein Design Liz Lachnit chief
visuals chief Matt Masin Kevin Moser assistant chief copy chief Frannie Sprouls web chief Kevin Moser art director Lauren Vuchetich Natalia Kraviec assistant director Gabriel Sanchez assistant director general manager. . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1769 Dan Shattil Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.2589 manager Penny Billheimer Matt Jung student manager publications board. . . . . . . . . . 402.677.0100 chairman David Bresel professional AdvisEr . . . . . . 402.473.7248 Don Walton
Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL
Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 685880448. The board holds public meetings monthly. Subscriptions are $115 for one year. job applications The Daily Nebraskan accepts job applications year-round for paid
positions. To apply, visit the Daily Nebraskan offices, located in the basement of the south side of the Nebraska Union. Check out DailyNebraskan.com for access to special features only available online. ©2013 Daily Nebraskan.
friday, february 8, 2013
Students finish 5th in tech competition 5 students use GIS to plan wind farm location in New Hampshire
Teamwork united a group of five University of Nebraska-Lincoln students for a fifth-place finish in an international technology competition. In the 2012 Smarter Planet Challenge, an international competition for college/university teams to create technology solutions, the team’s goal was to find a place in New Hampshire through a geographic information systems (GIS) analysis suitable for a wind farm and able to provide electricity to a nearby city with minimal cost and damage to the environment. Electrical engineering graduate students Salman Kahrobaee and Dingguo Lu led the team. Although the group didn’t visit New Hampshire for their project, Cara Wilwerding | DN data collection helped them pre(Clockwise) Anthony Nguy-Robertson, graduate student in natural resources, Dingguo Lu and pare, the members said. David Gibbs, a second-year Salman Kahrobaee, both graduate students in electrical engineering, Tarlan Razzaghi, graduate graduate student majoring in ge- student in natural resources and David Gibbs, graduate student in geography, stand in Othmer Hall ography, worked on the system, a Thursday. The group took fifth place in the 2012 IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge for their wind computer-based tool that helped farm suitability and planning study. the team figure out where to place the wind farm. Members had to look for Team member Tarlan Razzaa place where the wind farm what is gis? wouldn’t interfere with local ghi, a second year Ph.D. student bird populations and would be studying GIS and remote sensing, A geographic information system (GIS) is a way of far away from airports and high said the initial idea came from a interpreting and visualizing information to show slopes, according to the final re- previous project that they worked on, but the team needed to change port of UNL’s team’s submission patterns in the data. The data is collected, managed it to fit within the of the project. and shared via computer. With GIS, researchers can put Smarter Planet “We really (We were) quantities, densities, locations and more on a map. competition. didn’t have any “We slightly Source: esri.com problems,” Gibbs very proud changed (the previsaid in reference to ous project),” Razfinding the perfect of ourselves and zaghi said. spot for the wind being successful with the project,” Lu said. “We “My guess is probably not,” In total, it took farm. have made some achievements the members a se- said team member Anthony After gather- with the project.” Nguy-Robertson, a second year throughout the semester,” mester for the preing data, the team Dingguo lu Another reason they were so Ph.D. student studying GIS and vious project and decided to place its team leader successful was because everyone remote sensing. then another sewind farm north of had a science background and it For their efforts, the team won mester to finalize Gorham, N.H., and $1,000 for winning fifth place was an interdisciplinary project their submission south of Berlin, that connected students from both and plans to evenly split the cost for the Smarter Planet CompetiN.H., both of which are located in East Campus and City Campus. among all five members of the tion. If implemented, the wind the northeast part of the state. “One reason we won was team. farm could power 25,000 houses, Gibbs said they came up with because we worked together,” When the team members Kahrobaee said. the data together and mostly used found out they won fifth place, Nguy-Robertson said. Members are unsure if their online reports from government news@ they were excited. project will actually become a reagencies that are public to everydailynebraskan.com “(We were) very proud of ality in New Hampshire. one. ourselves and being successful
mummy: from 1 mummies for more than 20 years. Anthropologist Dario Piombino-Mascali of the Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity in Palermo leads the Sicily Mummy Project, which looks at uncovered details of how the religious men ate and dealt with death and disease hundreds of years ago. “Piraino 1” was a man in his 40s who lived in the late 1800s. Reinhard said the bodies were mummified by a process called enhanced spontaneous mummification. This process is when humans aid the natural process of mummification by draining the body of fluids and stowing it in a ventilated chamber, as well as stuffing the body with straw or bay leaves to help it keep its shape and ward off odors. “People recognized that deceased individuals would mummify if they were kept dry and the flies were kept off it,” Reinhard said. Months later, the body would be washed with vinegar, dressed in its best clothes and then laid in a coffin or hung on a wall. Using radiology, Reinhard’s team found that “Piraino 1” had a form of cancer called multiple myeloma that likely killed him. After looking at samples taken from the intestines, Reinhard and his colleagues found that the man had milkwort in his system, a plant with antitumor agents – indicating that the Sicilian people had medicinal knowledge. Melissa Lein, a graduate student in natural resource sciences with an interest in forensic science, helped to look at the milkwort pollen grains found in the samples. Lein used a process called acetolysis to get rid of cellulose and stains the pollen grains, which can then be put onto a mounted slide. She said she hopes some of the team’s pollen grains can lead to new forensic science techniques. Many aspects of the man’s life and death can be obtained from looking at the pollen grains, such
Study: Coming out relieves stress for LGBTQs Conor Dunn DN
Layla Younis DN
Bryan knew things weren’t going to change. He was tired of praying for his attraction to men to go away. “For a while, I wasn’t comfortable with it because I was raised very Christian,” said Bryan, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student who didn’t want to disclose his full name to protect his family. “I was always taught that this is wrong, that the feelings are okay to be there, but you can’t act on them.” During the past year, Bryan has gradually come out to his friends and family, and he says he’s never been happier. Bryan isn’t alone. Being open about sexual orientation can bring emotional and physical relief, according to a study published Jan. 29 in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine. Canadian researchers at the University of Montreal looked at 87 men and women who identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. All of the study’s participants were about 25 years old. About half of the participants identified as heterosexual while the other half identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. The researchers found that lesbians, gays and bisexuals who were out to others had lower levels of cortisol in their body’s systems. Cortisol is a stress hormone associated with chronic stress, anxiety, depression and burnout. The study also found gay and bisexual men had lower depressive symptoms and allostatic load levels than heterosexual men. Allostatic loads wear and tear on the body from too much stress. “Once they relieve the stress of finding who they are, that’s one less stressor that will weigh on them,” said Charlie Foster, a mental health practitioner for the University Health Center’s Counseling and Psychological Services. “They could eat better, sleep better.” Men and women who aren’t attracted to the opposite sex, or are attracted to both sexes, often fear being open about their sexual orientation because of how they might be judged, according to UNL LGBTQA Resource Center Director Pat Tetreault. “If people are afraid to be out, then that means they’re living in fear, and living in fear and always wondering if somebody finds out, that just adds stress,” Tetreault said. In her role as LGBTQA Resource Center Director, Tetreault communicates with many closeted and open students, and from her experience and through a 2009 student survey, Tetreault said more people are coming out at a younger age and families are becoming more accepting. The LGBTQA Resource Center distributed the assessment survey to
the student body. Out of the about 70 students who responded, Tetreault said the students who were out had a better perspective of the campus climate at UNL. “There’s a difference between being out and living openly,” she said. “A lot of students said (in the survey) that they’re out to the friends they hang out with. Maybe someone in their family knows. It doesn’t mean that they’re always coming out all the time.” Tetreault said it’s difficult for people to come out if they’ve grown up in an environment where people have negative attitudes toward gay and lesbian people. She also said it’s easier for people to come out in college. “When you come to college, that gives you a little more freedom and you have more access to information,” she said. Bryan is a sophomore and identifies as bisexual. Foster said it can be more difficult for a bisexual to come out than for gays and lesbians. “It’s really hard because people who really are bisexual are being sort of judged for not saying they’re one way or the other,” Foster said. “That’s part of their journey. You don’t know them fully, you don’t live in their head.” Since coming out, he has also met and begun dating his boyfriend of several months, who is also a student at UNL. Bryan said he has been blessed for not being judged harshly by those around him. However, his mother and grandparents still don’t see eye-to-eye with him on his sexuality due to their faith. He said they are okay with his attraction for men, but that he should “give his feelings away to God” and not act upon them. “I prayed for change for so long, and it never came,” Bryan said. “I finally have the reassurance I’m doing the right thing. It’s not something that’s going to go away, and it’s not something I’m going to deny any longer.” Foster said she is excited research is being done on the health aspects of coming out. Both Tetreault and Foster said there hasn’t been a lot of research done on the well-being of LGBTQ populations. “We can explain the stress there, but I don’t think we can give a magical answer that’s going to make it easier for people to come out,” Foster said. Bryan’s advice for other students struggling with coming out is to do what is right for them. “Your mom is going to take the burden and pain she wants to,” he said. “It’s her fault if she wants to hurt herself with this, but you cannot hide yourself to make her happy. I’m just letting her take her time, and in her time, it’ll happen.” news@ dailynebraskan.com
sidewalk UPDATE Staff of Lincoln’s Public Works and Utilities Department on Thursday worked with a contractor to create a pedestrian path on the section of 8th Street that was without sidewalks the day before. Contractors blocked off parking, put up fencing and created a protected pedestrian path on the northwest corner of 8th and Q streets, said Roger Figard, a Lincoln city engineer.
bethany Schmidt | dn
After undergoing acetolysis, the sample, taken from the intestines of the mummy, was used to determine the mummy’s seasonal time of death and his diet. as what season he died in, what he ate and the location he lived in, Lein said. “It is very interesting that you can use just a simple pollen sample and find so many things,” Lein said. Pollen wasn’t all Reinhard’s team found in the mummy. The man was also found to have a large whipworm infection involving more than 600 worms. This parasitic worm was common in that time period. Reinhard said it’s possible to have a large whipworm infection without showing any symptoms. “Whipworms have evolved with humans throughout human evolution,” he said. One of the substances found in the intestine was grape pulp, which leads them to believe the man died in the winter because that was a
It is very interesting that you can use just a simple pollen sample and find so many things.”
Melissa lein Graduate student
time when grapes were commonly consumed. Sara LeRoy-Toren, a teacher in Lincoln Public Schools’ Zoo School, examined the macro remains from the intestinal tract. She said she enjoyed working with scientists from around the world. In her examinations of samples from the mummy’s intestines, she was surprised to find evidence of a natural sausage casing, most likely pork. LeRoy-Toren bought a natu-
ral casing sausage from a grocery store, cooked it and compared it to the sample. She also compared the mummy’s intestine to the fragments found to make sure that it wasn’t a fragment of the mummy’s intestines. “What we discovered was that it wasn’t human,” LeRoy-Toren said. “It’s fun actually, if you’re into that kind of thing. It’s like being a detective.” news@ dailynebraskan.com
cfa: from 1 hard to believe how much blame is being put on the Daily Nebraskan for the struggles they are having which are almost entirely due to the changes in journalism that are being done and the shift to online journalism.” Also on Thursday, CFA members voted to approve budget pro-
posals for ASUN and the Dailyer Nebraskan. ASUN had proposed an 11 percent decrease in student funding while the Dailyer Nebraskan had requested to receive the same 15 cents per student per semester that it currently receives. news@ dailynebraskan.com
CFA meeting results • CFA members voted on budget proposals for three Fund A users on Thursday night: • -Voted against the Daily Nebraska’ns request to increase funding by $50,000, voting instead to keep it the same at $108,974 • -Voted to keep the Dailyer Nebraskan’s budget the same at $6,400 • -Voted to approve ASUN’s request for an 11 percent decrease in its budget
friday, february 8, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb
our view
gabriel sanchez | DN
Everyone should be protected from domestic violence This week, the U.S. Senate has spent hours debating whether to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. VAWA was instated in 1994 and greatly reduced sexual abuse and domestic violence of women until it expired in 2011. Senators now want it reinstated, but with a few changes. These additions include protection for LGBT victims and immigrants, and would allow for Native American tribunal courts to prosecute non-Indian abusers. A GOP proposal to exclude LGBT victims and eliminate the Native American tribunal court rights was rejected on Thursday. It seems as though this bill has truly brought out a spirit of bipartisanship and equality in the Senate. Not surprisingly, the bill has received nearly unanimous support, save for a select few. Not only has Sen. Mike Johanns declared he will not support the bill because he regards the stipulations for Native Americans as unconstitutional, but Sen. Deb Fischer was the only woman who refused to co-sponsor the bill. The actions of both our state senators are disappointing and somewhat shocking. It’s especially unfathomable that Fischer is rejecting the opportunity to co-sponsor such a necessary bill. This bill isn’t meant to make one side look better than the other; it’s not meant to draw party lines. The bill is meant to curb a horrific problem that, unfortunately, affects many women in the United States. By drawing these lines, our senators are basically saying certain people deserve protection while others don’t. All women are entitled to safety and if, for some reason, that safety is violated, they are entitled to justice. That is why we support the Violence Against Women Act, and we think our state’s senators should, too.
editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.
letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.
natalia kraviec| DN
Politicians need to be kept in check
ot damn, Nebraska can be a funny place sometimes. Speaking of “hot,” it’s been getting that way in her(r)e lately. You’re probably aware by now that our former lieutenant governor is a philanderer of Woods-ian, Weiner-esque proportions. (Puns unfortunate, but not intended). Rick Sheehy, either the smartest or dumbest politician in state history – definitely the smoothest – somehow managed over four long years to attract four different lovers in four different places: Lincoln, Bellevue, Colorado (an entirely different state) and Texas (an entirely FAIZ SIDDIQUI different country). This was unbeknownst, we’re told, to everyone. people involved in the scandal – at least five Which brings me to my next point: damn. women, and possibly some government offiSheehy purportedly engaged in this shamecials – did so too. As for our Casanova of an less, borderline unsustainable infidelity from a ex-lieutenant governor, after almost escaping state-issued cellphone, apparently thinking he scot-free in this elaborate scheme and remaincould partake in government-sponsored foo- ing a frontrunner in the governor ’s race as lin’ around without consequence. Reports say these affairs unfolded, can you blame him? the former lieutenant governor contacted his Consider the correspondence on the very “mistresses” a total of, not one, not two, but incident in question for a prime example of 2,300 times during the period via that same how we fail to hold public officials accountphone. Bear in mind that, as the term “misable in Nebraska every single day. tresses” indicates, he was marOn Saturday morning, Gov. ried through most of the ordeal. Heineman held a press conferHis wife filed for divorce in July. Sheehy, ence to declare his lieutenant And yet, the lieutenant govergovernor ’s resignation. The it seems, nor would call these women up announcement of a weekend to two times a night. Sometimes took the people meeting with reporters came as he’d call three women in the a surprise, but what followed of an entire state same night. should have come as an outStill, we’re told, no one for fools for four rage. Heineman basically spent knew. The governor had only his time at the podium deflectwhole years.” heard “rumors.” ing the issue at hand, neglecting “Let’s just say we had a conto even once mention the actual versation or two and leave it reason for his second-in-command’s deparat that,” Heineman said, before leaving it at ture. “that.” “I’ve got a knot in my stomach,” Heineman This paragraph is brought to you by a Ne- said, vaguely, without specifying why. “I’m braskan’s apparent inability to connect even deeply disappointed. He’s done a lot of good the most logical series of dots–dots that are things for the state, but that trust was broken, literally pelting him or her in the face. and he’s resigned.” The fact is, someone – everyone – got It was only after the Omaha World-Hermajorly played here, and not just one of five ald reported on its investigation of Sheehy’s women who will inevitably come to mind. cell phone records that we found out the real Sheehy, it seems, took the people of an entire reason of his ousting. Meanwhile, Heineman state for fools for four whole years. And the droned on about transparency in the most
opaque way possible: by obstructing the information. “I believe in our public records and transparency in government,” Heineman said, again failing to reveal the nature of the incident involving the man below him. “We, as government officials, live in a very public arena, and that’s the way it should be. I believe in transparency.” The irony. Even more disturbing was Sheehy’s response, or lack thereof, to the discovery of his incessant cheating. Ever since news of the incident broke out, the former lieutenant governor has remained out of the public spotlight, virtually unreachable by phone. He has yet to comment on the incident. His Twitter feed has been shut down. His phone has been disconnected. All this after he spent hundreds of hours talking, talking, talking. One might be inclined to think the state’s decidedly shrewd, former lieutenant governor has made a great escape, ran from his fate and turned his back to the people he once served. Prying into politicians’ personal lives is a nasty business – people should be free to pursue their own romantic interests – but when they hold their constituents in such low regard it’s hard to sympathize with them. For the people of Nebraska, surely victims in this whole scandal, consolation might come in the story’s latest development. On Monday, according to the World-Herald, a state political accountability official said Sheehy could face a fine and possibly jail time for making nonessential personal calls on a state cellphone. A bit harsh, but at least it’s that all-too-elusive measure of accountability. One thing’s for sure: In a state where politicians can openly obfuscate facts, ignore their constituents and partake in frivolous extramarital affairs, an incident like Sheehy’s is anything but isolated. In Nebraska, it seems, there’s a lot more “funny business” to be discovered. As of right now, I can think of at least 2,300 reasons why. Faiz Siddiqui, like ex-Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy, is an eligible bachelor this Valentine’s Day. Hit him up @faizsays, or reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com
University needs to invest in current students
f the university truly wanted to become a leader in the Big Ten, it would invest in its students. Since the University of Nebraska-Lincoln moved to the Big Ten, I’ve heard what amounts to the grand vision for the university: 30,000 students by 2017, a new CBA building, a new health center, the Nebraska Union’s facelift, a new recreation center and additions to Memorial Stadium. This vision has been proffered by university leadership as the solution to “becoming the university the state of Nebraska envisions.” That would mean the university the state of Nebraska envisions is one that prioritizes athletics and aesthetics over affordability and opportunities for students. This plan doesn’t address the fact that attending UNL is expensive, (but it’s a “bargain”) and continues to get more expensive every year. It doesn’t address the reality that once students graduate they’ll be hurled unkindly into a job market that isn’t prepared to accommodate them. It doesn’t address the fact that they’re getting a degree from a state school with an academic reputation for athletics. This program will not prepare students for the real world. Luckily, there’s another option which makes a hell of a lot more sense: The university cracks open its piggy bank and makes an investment – a real investment – in its students. By piggy bank, I really mean the university endowment. An endowment is
the accumulation of donated money and property over an extended period of time. According to a report from the Nebraska Foundation, the non-profit that manages the University of Nebraska endowment, as of May 2012 our rainy day fund stands at a modest $1.2 billion. Look hard at that number. Write out all the zeros under the DN masthead. It’s worth noting that, according to a report published by US News, the average university endowment hovers around $300 million; there are only 66 institutions with endowments that exceed $1 billion. So yeah, we’ve got a bigger phallus than most universities. But like all dickmeasuring contests, this one is just as superficial. You might be thinking that, considering the substantial amount of capital our university has on reserve, we should be privy to certain benefits. For example, a decrease in tuition or something equally as pragmatic. But we aren’t, because U.S. university endowment policies are bullshit. I’ll explain. Unlike non-educational private institutions, universities aren’t federally required to spend any of their endowment annually. Educational institutions, private and public, are exempt from a federal tax law that requires private foundations to spend 5 percent of their endowment annually, lest they face a penalty. The thinking behind this law assumes (correctly) that unless a foundation is required by law to spend money
DILLON JONES in “charitable and administrative purposes,” then they’ll just hoard the money away like goblins because they can. Make no mistake: All universities jealously guard their endowments, ours included. Now, if what I’ve written so far has left you frothing at the mouth and ready to phone UNL’s leadership in demand of an explanation, I’ll save you the trouble. This is what they’ll tell you: “Unfortunately, endowments are a little more complicated than you think. The university is not able to spend endowment money as it pleases. The donors themselves often restrict donations given to the university. We would love to, as you’ve suggested, lower tuition costs, but again, we are unable to do so.” This is a sly half-truth. When universities get donations that go into their
endowment fund, these donations are often earmarked for specific purposes and must be spent for these specific purposes, thereby limiting the universities ability to spend flexibly. But to say that the university has no say in how donations are earmarked is false. The university and the Nebraska Foundation actively solicit donations. If you take a look at the 2012 annual report out of the Nebraska Foundation, they explicitly ask for “gifts” in support of specific projects. Thus, the university and the foundation have considerable influence in determining how donors restrict their donations. If you ask them why they feel the need to sit on such an excessive amount of money, they’ll probably say something like this: “The endowment acts as the university’s rainy day fund. The purposes of endowments are to provide very long-term financial support for various specific or general institutional purposes. The university wants to be prepared in the event there’s a financial crisis.” Translation: We are more concerned about the financial security and collegiate experience that future UNL students and faculty members, who haven’t been born yet, than helping you lowly students of the present pay for college and access experiences that might help you in the immediate future. Also, we want to be prepared for a fantastical rainy day of apocalyptic proportions.
If the above translation leaves you quizzical and a little sad, it should. The fact that the university is financially capable of decreasing tuition costs for every student in the University of Nebraska system, and keeping them low, annually at minuscule cost, but instead raises tuition every year whilst languishing on an endowment equivalent to the GDP of a third world country, is inexcusable. Just for fun, let’s imagine that the university committed to lowering tuition costs every year. How long do you think it would take to acquire 30,000 students? What if the university established a series of grant funds that enabled every student to take an unpaid internship, or study abroad? These policies would benefit both the students and the university in the long run. Students would have the opportunity to attend college at low cost, while taking advantage of programs that enable them to acquire real world experience, and prepare them for the job market. I have no doubt in my mind that these students would become donors, and give back to the university. Additionally, investing in students would make UNL an irresistible destination, bringing in coveted tuition dollars. Everybody wins. Therefore, invest in us. We are more than worth the money. Dillon Jones is a junior English major. Follow him @doornut_ jazzy or email him at Opinion@ dailynebraskan.com
friday, february 8, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk
love me some
courtesy photo
The Los Angeles-based indie rock band Grouplove emerged in the international spotlight in 2011 with their debut album “Never Trust a Happy Song.”
UPC announces popular indie band Grouplove for 2013 spring concert story by Katie Nelson
or the past few years, UPC has brought various R&B and hip-hop acts, including Mac Miller, Macklemore and Mike Posner to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln greenspace. This spring, it’s out with rap and in with indie. Grouplove will take the Nebraska Union greenspace stage Thursday, April 18 at 8 p.m. UPC is still in the process of picking out the opening act, but sophomore advertising major and UPC public relations chair David Anderson promises the act will compliment the indie sound of the main act. “We promise … it will be high energy,” he said. Grouplove surfaced in 2011 with their debut album “NEVER TRUST A HAPPY SONG,” but they formed nearly two years before that. In a seemingly impossible twist of fate, band members Christian Zucconi on vocals and guitar, Hannah Hooper on vocourtesy photo
grouplove: see page 7
55th annual grammy awards
2013 Grammys: staff picks and predictions
Mumford & Sons
Taylor Swift
Record of the Year
• “Lonely Boy” – The Black Keys • “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” – Kelly Clarkson • “We Are Young” – Fun. featuring Janelle Monáe • “Somebody That I Used to Know” – Gotye featuring Kimbra • “Thinkin Bout You” – Frank Ocean • “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” – Taylor Swift IF WE COULD PREDICT A WINNER... ”Somebody That I Used To Know” (Gotye)
There are big records and then there are monsters. We’ll look for this one on VH1 in 10 years.
IF WE COULD CHOOSE A WINNER... ”We Are Young” (Fun.)
This category is made to reward popularity, and Fun. found a pop stride in 2012 with a message that couldn’t be more derivative, but a musical backing just different enough to blur studio effect with a live presence.
IF WE COULD ADD A WINNER... Ho Hey” (The Lumineers)
Folk pop, front and center. Here’s a song that attracted car companies and “Silver Linings Playbook” and 38 million YouTube views and came out the other side still sitting raw and pretty.
Album of the Year
• “El Camino” – The Black Keys • “Some Nights” – Fun. • “Babel” – Mumford & Sons • “Channel Orange” – Frank Ocean • “Blunderbuss” – Jack White IF WE COULD PREDICT A WINNER... ”Some Nights” (Fun.)
Song of the Year
Pick one hat, and one hat only, for LL Cool J to wear at the award show.
A trucker hat from 2003 that says, “Jesus Is My Homeboy”
Best New Artist
• Alabama Shakes • Fun. • Hunter Hayes • The Lumineers • Frank Ocean
• “The A Team” • “Adorn” • “Call Me Maybe” • “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” • “We Are Young”
Fun. is getting some love Sunday night, we can feel it. If lauding Adele for a soulful pop Diva sound – harkening to a sad Aretha Franklin – was 2011, 2012’s best pop was dominated by the Brooklyn boys, who highlighted electronic sensibility.
The band crafted a hook that people simply couldn’t escape, not that they wanted to. Grammy voters tend to choose songs that make an impact on the year and they will likely pick “We Are Young” over the other inescapable tune of the year, “Call Me Maybe.”
IF WE COULD CHOOSE A WINNER... ”Blunderbuss” (Jack White)
IF WE COULD ADD A WINNER... “Shields” (Grizzly Bear)
IF WE COULD ADD A WINNER... “Hold On” (Alabama Shakes)
Even a full year after its initial release, “Blunderbuss” still rings as a perfect embodiment of the latest Jack White balancing act: that of the volatile rock star and the new bowler-wearing Vaudeville troubadour.
Mid-year critics speculated “Shields” could be Grizzly Bear’s coming-out party to a wider audience, making it a Brooklyn-bred year in mainstream music. Critical praise, yes, but we’ll have to wait on an uncomfortable, Justin Vernon-style acceptance speech from Daniel Rossen.
Fun. deserves this one. With their homage to youth, a night out on the town and hope for the future, the band crafted a song that will live on through graduations and last calls for years to come.
The first single from the Alabama natives is a triumph of southern rock. No matter how many times you listen, the song just doesn’t get old. While the song has gained some traction recently, prepare for the next single from the band to blow up.
What to watch for at the Grammys What are the biggest storylines at this Sundays 55th annual Grammy Awards? If you can answer these hot-button industry questions, you’re ready. We tried, so now it’s your turn.
Frank Ocean
If you could choose one of Sunday night’s performers to spontaneously combust, who would it be?
Mumford & all three of his Sons. They will play their banjos and mandolins so furiously that they will eventually pass the point of no return. I’m not saying that I want to happen. I’m just saying that it’s inevitable.
Frank Ocean vs. Chris Brown in the battle of life … Who wins?
Well, one is clearly a musical dynamo in a genre that people love to see perpetually resurrected and honored. The other is a spineless, abusive hothead who starred in the movie “Takers.” And didn’t even survive the movie. (Don’t see “Takers.”)
But really, Will Taylor Swift ever get back together with that guy?
After a successful year, I think Taylor has shown a lot of personal growth. I can definitely see her reconciling and reuniting with the love of her life, Jake Styles. I mean, Harry Jonas. Sorry, Joe Lautner. Connor Gyllenhaal?
grammys: see page 6
The R&B singer made headlines after coming out and then proved his fame was worth more after releasing the well-received “Channel Orange.” Grammy voters will likely reward Ocean, and his fans, after such a triumphant year.
The band’s debut album simply didn’t have a bad song and perfectly fused together soul and rock ‘n’ roll. Brittany Howard’s flawless voice is worthy enough of the Best New Artist award by itself.
The star is already huge in the U.K. and with good reason. Not only does the singer/songwriter have a unique style of mixing acoustic melodies with rap, but has also written hits for other artists like One Direction.
For a complete list of the 2012 Grammy Nominees, visit www.grammy. com. Tune in for the 55th annual Grammy Awards this Sunday at 7 p.m. on CBS.
lauren cloyed | dn
arts@dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk
friday, february 8, 2013
Swedish band sticks by melodic medal
This Week in Film
joe wade dn
At the Ross: “The House I Live In “
directed by: Eugene Jarecki • Friday – 7:15 p.m., 9:35 p.m. • Saturday – 12:15 p.m., 2:35 p.m., 4:55 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:35 p.m. • Sunday – 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15 p.m.
“Oscar Shorts 2013 Animation Program” • Friday – 5 p.m. • Saturday – 2:25 p.m. • Sunday – 12:30 p.m.
“Oscar Shorts 2013 Live Action Program”
• Friday – 7 p.m. • Saturday – 4:25 p.m. • Sunday – 2:30 p.m.
Heavy metal fans might be looking for something warm to chase away the winter blues and, if so, a band from across the pond is about to set fire to Lincoln’s ears. In Flames, from Gothenburg, Sweden, and is one of the bands that pioneered melodic death metal. They started in 1990 and have released 10 albums to date. The latest, “Sounds of a Playground Fading,” was released in June 2011 and the band is planning to start work on a new album once this tour cycle has concluded. Despite lineup changes since the band began, In Flames is currently going strong with Anders Friden, vocals; Bjorn Gelotte, guitar; Daniel Svensson, drums; Peter Iwers, bass guitar; and Niclas Engelin, guitar. In Flames will be play Saturday at the Bourbon Theatre. Daily Nebraskan: I’ve heard that In Flames doesn’t write songs on the road, why is that? Daniel Svensson: Yeah, we tried but we can’t. We focus so much on the tour and it feels like we want to close this chapter before starting a new one. We tried once when we had a lot of touring, but it didn’t really work out so: When we tour, we tour and when we write music, we write music. It works best for us. DN: Is there a difference between the sound of heavy metal from America as opposed to the sound from Europe? DS: I don’t think the differences are as big anymore as it was 10 or 15 years ago. I think European bands are more melodic, it’s like more melancholic in a way and American bands are a little bit more hard-core so-to-speak. But, all these differences are evening out. It’s so much easier now to listen to the bands. You don’t have to
‘Cards’ success calls Netflix profits into question
“Oscar Shorts 2013 Documentary Program 1”
• Friday – 9:25 p.m. • Saturday – 6:50 p.m. • Sunday – 5 p.m.
• Friday – 9:25 p.m. • Saturday – 12:30 p.m., 9:20 p.m. • Sunday – 7:35 p.m.
“Side Effects”
directed by:
Steven Soderbergh starring: Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law, Catherine Zeta-Jones
“Identity Thief” Seth
Melissa McCarthy, Jason Bateman
DN Weekend Pick: “Side Effects”
directed by:
Steven Soderbergh
cameron mount Last Friday night, unsung heroes sat bleary-eyed and drained as they completed an unprecedented mission: marathoning an entire television series that had never before aired. Six hundred sixty-one minutes of Kevin Spacey, Kate Mara, and Robin Wright – the stars of “House of Cards,” which premiered on Netflix that day – prompted a new way of thinking about television consumption in the age of streaming media. A misguided approach to this television model is to debate, “I like watching shows straight through” versus “I like anticipating each episode’s premiere.” For Netflix, which spent $100 million producing the first two seasons of “House of Cards” for an audience that could sign up for a free trial, watch the show, then cancel, the question is if this model makes economic sense. This remains to be seen, but it’s very risky. A show like “Breaking Bad” gains fans when a particularly intense episode (“Face Off,” “The One Who Knocks”) prompts fans to emphatically harass their friends and family. Even shows like “The Office,” long on the decline and now in its ninth and final season, have the power to ignite conversations and ratings boosts through controversial twists, like the appearance of Brian, the fourth-wall-breaking, Pam-pining boom mike-operator. If these roller coaster storylines hadn’t been released in
New In Theaters:
be safe, be sexy
CoNdom Week February 14-21
ference: HBO is part of a media empire with huge support to fall back on. With Netflix continuing to generate negative cash flow, spending billions to secure rights to shows viewers can get from cable, Netflix is right to bank on HBO-like content you can’t weekly episodes, with time for get anywhere else. Glowing rethe viewership to process and views for “House of Cards,” use discuss clues and to theorize who language like “dangerous unlives, dies and breaks up, would predictability” and “‘Game of they hold the cultural weight Thrones’ in Modern Day DC,” they do? Maybe, but not in nearshowing a striking tendency to ly the same way. The Internet position Netflix next to the likes may be vast, sprawling and deof HBO and Showtime rather bamanding, but that doesn’t mean sic or even regular cable. Simiit’s uninterested in the in-thelar to HBO’s “Girls,” critics are moment community of memes quick to add cultural import to and prediction. shows which demand exclusive Netflix doesn’t demand a support. new social function of television, Netflix needs this to stay especially if the streaming video afloat, but they also need an apgiant loses money by insisting proach which keeps them in the on it. “Breaking Bad” makes cultural conversations. The best headlines with every episode support for an equivalent “all preview, revelation and upcomat once” release ing season (and would be in the mid-season) preThe Internet Harry Potter semiere. “House of Readers may be vast, ries. Cards” may make stood in line for a bigger splash as hours because sprawling and an “event,” but each book was peters out much demanding, but an “event.” They more quickly and then stayed up doesn’t draw from that doesn’t mean all night and day, the strength of col- it’s uninterested in skipping meals lective ‘surprise to finish 700 twist!’ commotion. the in-the-moment pages in one sitIf it’s there at all, community of ting. Likewise, that response will there are many sound more like memes and who will praise muddled, frag- prediction.” Netlfix’s release mented whispers. system and the Rebecca Green‘event spirit’ it field of The Atlantic does the encourages. math, and Netflix hasn’t toWith production costs in the tally lost its mind here. In fact, hundreds of millions, however, a they desperately need original season of a TV show is quite difcontent. At $7.99 monthly subferent than a novel. Execution is scriptions, the service will need everything. 520,834 new subscribers stayThere’s no doubt the basic ing on for two years in order to concept of streaming original break even. Netflix CEO Reed content will continue to grow. Hastings is planning five new This year alone, the return of original shows per year, meaning “Arrested Development,” an 2.6 million new subscribers for Eli Roth horror thriller (“Hemeach year. With 33 million users lock Grover”), a Ricky Gervais worldwide, that represents a reacomedy (“Derek”), and a comsonable 10 percent growth. In the edy-drama starring Jason Biggs last year alone, the U.S. Netflix (“Orange is the New Black”) will viewership grew 13 percent. undoubtedly attract followings. By comparison, HBO reBut whether Netflix has cracked coops about $7 a month from its the code or thrown itself off a 30 million subscribers (though cliff is a much finer line. it charges more, half of its profcameron mount is a its go to cable companies). This senior english education makes HBO fairly comparable to major. reach him at arts@ Netflix, with one important difdailynebraskan.com
“Oscar Shorts 2013 Documentary Program 2”
directed by:
shows on this touring cycle and this is probably the last couple of months we do on this album. It’s always cool during the summer playing the big festivals in Europe when you play in front of like 30,000 people, which are the highlights, but we also really enjoy playing these kind of shows that we do on this tour with the smaller clubs (where) you can really feel the energy from the crowd. We’re really grateful that we can do all these different kinds of shows. DN: Do you have any good concert or tour stories you can share? DS: I don’t know, not really. We’ve been lucky. We just don’t have any trouble or other crazy courtesy photo stuff happening. I think we are The Swedish metal band In Flames is currently touring their 2011 pretty laid back and we don’t realalbum “Sounds of a Playground Fading” across the United States. ly stress about shows. Sometimes you fuck up but that’s how it is, The band will stop at the Bourbon Theatre this Saturday. you know: we are humans. I think people enjoy watching you more if you are having fun than if you’re run out to the record store and buy old and we like all the old men stuff now. Anders played with standing there afraid of playing albums, you can sit at home and the wrong notes. Alice Cooper in Sweden, when he explore in front of the computer. DN: In Flames has gone was playing Stockholm. DN: In one of your past inthrough a few lineup changes DN: What can you tell me terviews you said that you like to interact with the fans and then, about the upcoming show in Lin- since it started. What was that process like? Also what can you coln? looking at the band’s Facebook DS: I don’t know if we’ve ever tell me about the current lineup? page, I saw that fans were submitAre things better played there beting videos of themselves playing than ever? your songs. What can you tell me fore, probably not. European DS: We are a Hopefully we’ll get about that? really tight unit, DS: I just saw it today, that the chance to see (metal) we play so many people can send in their covers. a lot of new fans shows together and We try to interact with the fans and hopefully give bands are more we are like a big them a good set melodic; its more as much as possible and use sofamily. I think in with a mix from all cial media a lot. We want to give the beginning, in the albums. And, a melancholic...” something back to the fans bethe early 1990s, In cause they’ve been with us for so light show. This is Daniel Svensson Flames was more long and without them we’d have a tour with small in flames drummer like a pop band, venues, but we try been nothing. side-project for to bring pretty cool DN: I heard that, aside from people. Then when production. music, you also really like golf. In Flames started to tour, some DN: Thinking of this tour, DS: Yeah, Anders and I play a lot of golf, unfortunately it’s not what are you most looking for- people couldn’t really stand tourward to or what is the best part ing, so that’s why people dropped really the season now, but when off. When In Flames released “The we tour in the summer we, used about it? DS: We’ve played so many Jester Race” the lineup became to, bring our clubs. We’re getting
Walk into any of our health centers and receive 6 free condoms and lube. 5631 S. 48th St., Ste. 100, Lincoln www.ppheartland.org | 1.877.811.7526
if you go In Flames w/Demon Hunter, All Shall Perish, Battlecross
Saturday, 6:30
Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St. how much: $25 (advance), $29 (day of)
kind of steady. Then in 1998, when “Colony,” came I joined and since then, it’s been the same guys. DN: Throughout your career as a musician, what is the biggest lesson or advice you can offer to other musicians? DS: I think it’s dangerous to jump on trends. Trends come quickly, but then they die in the end. And, try to play as good live shows as possible. DN: In Flames seems to tour quite a bit, about how many shows do you play per year? DS: Let’s say were away for six months on average per year, so yeah, pretty much half time away and half time at home. DN: What’s next for the band? DS: We’re going to tour up until the end of August and then hopefully we’ll record a new album in the fall and winter. Then release it next year sometime, so, that’s what’s in the pipeline right now. DN: And then back on the road? DS: Yeah, then it starts all over again. Hopefully start touring again next summer. That is the plan, at least. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk
Drug War lambasted via first-hand stories andrew larsen dn Since 1971, more than $1 trillion has been spent fighting the War on Drugs. The United States has 2.3 million people behind bars. Our country houses 5 percent of the world’s population and 25 percent of its prison population. While the numbers are shocking, they don’t truly show the scope of human misery that occurs in our communities everyday. They can’t show the systematic, deep-rooted racism that drives our harsh, outdated drug laws. The true horror of the “The House I Live In” surfaces when it deals with ordinary lives that have been ravaged by the War on Drugs. Documentary filmmaker Eugene Jarecki (“Why We Fight”, “Freakonomics”) stumbled into this project after reconnecting with his childhood caretaker, named Nanny. After discovering that her son died by acquiring AIDS from using dirty needles, Jarecki started asking more questions about what kind of toll drugs and the “war” on them have really taken on our society. He puts himself in the story, including a few shots of him on camera, but it’s not anywhere near Michael Moore levels of insufferable egotism. Jarecki’s personal involvement actually aids the telling of the story, as one can sense the affection he and Nanny still have for each other. There’s also some guilt involved, because while he was raised by two parents and Nanny in an affluent suburb of New York City, her kids were back in Connecticut, ending up involved in what many poor kids experience: drugs. Any impactful documentary takes a stance on an important, polarizing issue and challenges the system involved with that issue. “The House I Live In” does this through powerful talking head interviews with experts from various backgrounds. The most effective among these is with former journalist David Simon, now known worldwide for creating the television show, “The Wire.” The acclaimed HBO drama was an intense, often angry look at the hypocrisy and failure of the War on Drugs in urban Baltimore. Simon’s frustration at the lack of progress pierces through the screen. “Let’s take a look at where we are 30 years later,” he says. “What drugs haven’t destroyed, the war against them has. It’d be one thing if it was Draconian and it worked, but it’s Draconian and it doesn’t work.” Another tenet of a powerful
Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center documentary is the ability to take a giant issue and zoom in on a tiny part of it. Jarecki accomplishes this by focusing on a few lost souls, who have now become part of the prison industrial complex in America. We follow one non-violent offender on his day of sentencing and witness him sentenced to 20 years in prison, due to the mandatory minimum laws. Another man in the documentary was arrested for a third time, the first two being marijuana possession and the last time being three ounces of methamphetamine. He’s now serving a life sentence with no parole. These tragic, personal insights do an excellent job of conveying the utter exasperation and hopelessness many feel when dealing with the War on Drugs. If done right, a documentary film can be more powerful than any drama one could script. Not even the best actor in the world could match the awful sadness and despair dominating the screen in this film. Eugene Jarecki and company have delivered a bold wake-up call to every American. The war on drugs is not about the “other”; it’s not about taking down violent criminals threatening our society. It’s a war on minorities and a war on the poor. Quite frankly, if this film doesn’t make the audience question its beliefs in our American justice system, nothing will. arts@ dailynebraskan.com
grammys: from 5 Over/under five years until you’re ready to hear “somebody that I used to know” again?
Just under, maybe. It’ll be a long road back for that song. If Gotye wins and the song plays Sunday night, I wouldn’t be surprised if the crowd lets out a collective groan.
If Jack White wins another Grammy, will he stop being so mad at us?
Is the sky orange? Is Meg White Jack’s real sister? Was Steve Buscemi voted People magazine’s Sexist
Man Alive? No, not yet. But maybe one day.
Does it bother you that the Grammys openly admit their popular, talentblinded bias by having both RECORD and SONG OF THE YEAR category?
Pick your poison. But we like music and we like celebrities. And, honestly, this isn’t a bad field of nominees at all.
Fun is the first artist since Amy Winehouse in 2007 to have
a shot at sweeping the four major categories. The only person ever to do it is Christopher Cross (1980). Do you know who Christopher Cross is?
Only because of Liz Lemon jokes. Sadly, there’s not a lot of room in the public memory for pop stars who look like gym teachers and wear Houston Oilers jerseys.
The multitude of Grammy categories clearly demonstrates how ridicu-
lous genre classifications can get. What’s your favorite made-up genre? Altreggae? Post-PopPunk?
I’m gonna have to go with World Music on this one. What does that even mean?
Would you watch the Grammys if it wasn’t your job?
Would I watch the Pro Bowl if it was on again this week? What was the question? arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk
friday, february 8, 2013
Chocolate fair caters to adventurous sweet tooths Madeline christensen dn If you’re flying solo this Valentine’s Day, don’t fret. Eating your weight in chocolate doesn’t require a date, and it benefits the Lincoln community too. Chocolate Lovers’ Fantasy has been the go-to destination for Lincoln residents with a sweet tooth for 27 years. The event, which will take place this Friday at the Embassy Suites, is sponsored by the Lincoln Haymarket Development Corporation, a non-profit organization aimed toward preserving the historical downtown Lincoln area. Diane Cunningham, of Burlington Antiques in the Haymarket, has volunteered as the event coordinator for 10 years. “Chocolate Lovers’ Fantasy was just something that was created to try and raise money for the organization, and it just grew and grew,” Cunningham said. The annual event began as a simple chocolate tasting in the Haymarket’s old candy factory. “It started out with maybe 50 to 100 people, and now we expect
more like 500 to 600,” Cunningham said. “There’s a silent auction now, we have live music, different chefs – it’s always changing.” Regulars, The Darryl White Jazz Quartet, will return once again this year for live entertainment, but the rest is really a surprise, Cunningham said. “We never know what the chefs will do, and we won’t know until they bring it,” she said. “It makes it more interesting. We have 15 chefs and they do everything from savory things to sweet.” And they’re not just talking cup-
gabriel sanchez | dn cakes. “We’ve had everything from chocolate sushi to chocolate-covered crickets,” Cunningham said. “Buzzard Billy’s had chocolatecovered alligator two years ago.” Chocolatier Blue, a Lincoln
grouplove: from 5 cals and keys, Sean Gadd on bass and vocals, Andrew Wessen on guitar and vocals and Ryan Rabin on drums met in Greece at an artist’s colony. Although they decided to return to their various corners of the globe, they soon reunited and will bring their sound someplace even more exotic: Lincoln. The group has performed at various music festivals, including Bonnaroo, and claims two chart-topping hits, “Tongue Tied” and “Colours.” “We’re catching them at a good time,” Anderson said. Steph Meyer, the UPC grad assistant, said several members of UPC suggested Grouplove when the organization was trying to choose the main act for the spring concert. She said several students said they’d seen the band before and said they were a must-see event. “The students are trying to take this concert up a level from last year,” she said. And that doesn’t just include the musical act. Grouplove merchandise will be available at this year’s show, and UPC
is working on a t-shirt for the event. The program council is also reaching out to more sponsors this year, in an effort to create a more festival-like atmosphere. “We want to build the spring concert as something the students look forward to every year,” Anderson said. Even with the expansion of the event, Meyer said the cost is going to be the same. “We want to keep the budget the same but bring more to the concert for the students,” she said. Anderson and Meyer said they based their choice of Grouplove on surveys they sent out to UNL students last semester. Indie music was among the top options submitted, although Anderson added it wasn’t the only popular genre, but those can wait until next year. “They’re (Grouplove) a very highenergy indie rock band,” Meyer said. “You know they’re having a good time on stage,” Anderson added, “so they’re really fun to see.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com
Roommates Looking for one roommate to live with one male and two female students for the second semester. Can move in January, or in December after graduation. $275/month plus utilities. Near East Campus! Contact Elizabeth at espring@jaensch.us Roommate needed to complete duplex on hilltop road, we have an opening starting Jan 21st, going until the end of July when the lease ends. $260 a month, not including LES, trash, gas, water and internet. comes up to be just over $300 a month. Includes double garage, spacious kitchen, back deck and some yard space. Email Josh at jhaze1@hotmail.com for questions or interest.
Diane Cunningham
co-owner, burlington antiques
sweet shop featured in the 2013 chef lineup, won “Most Delectable Chocolate” at Chocolate Lovers’ Fantasy last time around. Chocolatier Blue, which opened in Lincoln two years ago, is no Hershey’s kiss. Their assortment of chocolates, hand-crafted by Nebraska native Chris Blue, comes in flavors like passion fruit caramel and vanilla rum and look more like art projects than boxes of sweets. Sean Blue, owner of the Lincoln store, said the exposure Chocolate Lovers’ Fantasy offers businesses is priceless. “Especially for a young business that’s trying to get people to find out about them, it’s great,” Blue said. “And having the event a week before Valentine’s Day is really timely.” Last year was Chocolatier Blue’s first time at the event. “We didn’t really know what
to expect,” Blue said. “We had our gloves on, ready to talk to people and offer some samples.” What they didn’t expect were hundreds of people lined up at the door with chocolate on the mind. “All these people rushed in the second the doors opened,” Blue said. “It’s big.”
Other participating businesses include Lazlo’s Brewery and Grill, The Mill, Russ’s Market, Le Cupcake, Venue Restaurant, Chefs on the Run and more. Between handfuls of chocolate, there’s still time for attendees to participate in a silent auction and a raffle, as well, with prizes including a year of beer from Empyrean Brewing Company and a year’s worth of pizza from Ramos. Dozens of sheet trays and thousands of chocolate confections later, Blue is ready for another year. “All in all, it’s a good experience, and for a great cause,” Blue said.
Chocolate Lovers’ Fantasy
Friday, 7-10
Embassy Suites, 1040 P St. how much: $25 (at the door) arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk
The Summer editor will develop online content to be posted and updated constantly during the summer and oversee two printed editions along with the four weekly Jazz in June editions. The editor-in-chief will hire and train the staff, write and edit many of the online and print articles, and be responsible for the photography, graphics and design of the print and online editions. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan. The editor reports to the UNL Publications Board, must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours during the spring, summer or fall sessions, maintain a 2.0 minimum G.P.A., and not be on academic probation. Applications are available at DailyNebraskan.com under “About” and must be returned to Andrew Dickinson, 20 Nebraska Union, by 5 p.m. , Feb. 13.
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if you go
Editor to Build Summer Online Coverage
Chocolate Lovers’ Fantasy was just something that was created to try and raise money...it just grew and grew.”
Edited by Will Shortz Solution, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com
Note: Parts of six answers have been entered in the grid for you. Across
26 Greeting often made just before asking for 6 Federal org. something issuing standards 29 Literally, “great king” 9 One begins “The king shall joy in 33 Align thy strength” 34 J.D. holder 35 S.A. land 14 Big-time 15 Passes for a flick, 36 Make 37 Macho he’s not say 39 One being put to 16 “So sad” sleep? 17 City in Arkansas 40 Bygone travel or county in option, Missouri informally 18 Standard golf 41 U.S.P.S. outing deliveries 42 Badgerlike 20 Jingle-janglers 44 Mosaic squares 21 “Dawson’s 46 Appeals to the Creek” girl masses? 22 Dramatic 47 A long time confession 48 Say sexily 23 Hebrew month 49 It’s full of 25 Monster diamonds 1 HI hi
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friday, february 8, 2013
men’s golf
Huskers to be No. 11 seed in Match Play Nebraska gets No. 5 seed Purdue in opening round of Big Ten tournament
file photo by bethany schmidt | dn
Nebraska men’s tennis player Tom Blackwell takes a hack in return to a volly during a recent match. He knows the Huskers have a gauntlet set before them this weekend with VCU, Drake and Creighton on the docket.
VCU, Drake, Creighton await NU Nebraska tennis gets a pair of ranked opponents, then instate rival Creighton Kyle Cummings dn After coming up one match short of a 2-0 weekend, the Nebraska men’s tennis team is back in action Friday evening and Sunday – this time hosting VCU, Drake and Creighton at the Nebraska Tennis Center. “Going into (last) weekend I thought we could be 2-0,” Nebraska coach Kerry McDermott said. “I actually told the team I thought both matches would be super close.” While the Huskers knocked off Illinois State 4-3, they were unable to hold on against Oklahoma State last weekend, losing in the final match 3-4. Coach McDermott said not being able to finish last weekend was disappointing, but he thinks the loss to the Cowboys can be a tool to learn from. This weekend, Nebraska has even more intimidating matches as VCU ranks at No. 31, Drake
sits at No. 43 and Creighton, week. With three matches, McDermott said this weekend could while only one match into the also provide a chance for playspring season, is undefeated so ers who haven’t had any experifar. The Huskers, even though ence a shot to play, particularly unranked, have a shot at finish- against Creighton. But Creighton ing 3-0 this weekwill not be taken end, McDermott We have to lightly. said. “Creighton “We feel like make sure has improved a they’re both winton,” McDermott nable matches we take them as said. “We’re never against those Drake and VCU.” going to look at two schools,” the somebody who is coach said, “But not ranked as an we’ll have to play Tom BlackWell easy match. Our a little bit better men’s tennis player guys know me too than we’re playwell that we take ing. We feel like everybody we the two teams here this past weekend, these teams play seriously.” Tom Blackwell, who plays will be better. How much better? No. 5 singles for Nebraska this Probably not a whole lot.” season, is in his third year of The biggest difference beplaying for the Huskers and tween Nebraska and the Top 25 is consistency, according to Mc- knows Creighton brings just as Dermott. If Nebraska can build much competition as they’ve consistency, they’re a contender faced so far. “If we take Creighton lightagainst any ranked team. ly, they could be us,” Blackwell Three matches in a weekend is a ton of tennis, but the team said. “We have to make sure we knows what is expected of them, take them as Drake and VCU.” Blackwell has confidence in McDermott said. He gave the team a day off the team as well as himself this from lifting to prepare for a long weekend, he said. Staying high on the team becomes rather easy weekend, but didn’t change any sort of practice routines this when wins are flowing, and in
spring play, Blackwell is undefeated. He has recorded single wins over Louisville, Illinois State and Oklahoma State, and a sweep this weekend, Blackwell said, would let the team see their potential as he does. “I have a lot of confidence in our team,” Blackwell said. “I think (going 3-0) would give everyone the same confidence I have.” The key to taking all three matches this weekend, McDermott said, is grabbing the doubles point off the bat. Nebraska’s doubles have not played as consistent as he’d like, but picking up a win in doubles play would greatly reduce the pressure on the rest of the team, he said. “If you don’t win that point it goes from like 50-50 to like 20-80 with that doubles point,” Blackwell said. Nebraska is set to open the weekend with Drake at 6 p.m. Friday, followed on Sunday by VCU at 10 a.m. and Creighton at 6 p.m. “The competition is a little tougher,” McDermott said, “but I feel like our guys can rise to the occasion and hopefully pull some upsets.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com
PSU presents challenge on mat No. 9 Nebraska looks to continue string of recent success on the mat
“Tuesday’s beam practice was good, but Thursday’s was great.” Kendig has been very pleased with the way beam coach Heather Brink and an infusion of depth has improved the beam this year. “This week there are nine girls competing for the six spots,” KenMatt Duren dig said. “I love that because it dn makes the competition every week so great. They need to focus every The No. 9 Nebraska women’s gymweek in order to get that spot.” nastics team will continue its twoHaving so much depth also week home stand Sunday, hosting forces the girls to have the right the Penn State Nittany Lions (7-3, mindset each week, especially for 2-1 Big Ten) at the Bob Devaney the six performers in the starting Sports Center. spots. The Huskers (3-1, 3-1 Big Ten) “Everyone on the team is makwill hit the mat at 2 p.m. looking ing the one above work harder,” to bounce back from their lowest Kendig said. “You can’t get comoverall score in a win over Illinois fortable with where you are at. last weekend. One week you can be in the rotaPractice has helped the Husktion, and if you have a bad week ers, according to sophomore Jessie you will be out of the rotation. It DeZiel. can happen really “We had a long quick. But it makes We have week of practice,” us better.” DeZiel said. “I to show up On the other thought the team side of the gym, Sunday with a did really well this Penn State comes to week. We are ready purpose.” Lincoln after postto go this weeking a season-best end.” 195.575 in their win Nebraska over Ohio State last Dan Kendig coach Dan Kendig weekend. women’s gymnastics coach also felt really good The uneven about the last week bars have been the of practice. event to carry the Lions so far this “This last week has been really year. The team ranks 11th nationalgood,” Kendig said. “I feel really ly with an average score of 48.940. good about where we are at, and Leading the way for Penn State I feel good about going into this is senior and 2012 Big Ten Gymnast weekend. We have to show up of the Year Sharaya Musser, who Sunday though with a purpose.” has earned three all-around titles Last week in the win against in four meets this season. Her seaIllinois, Nebraska made their first son best all-around mark is 39.525. mistakes on the year in bars and With Sunday being Pepsi Packbeam. That cost the team a higher the-House day, the Huskers are extotal score. pecting a large crowd, something “I thought they were just some they welcome. minor mistakes,” DeZiel said. “I “For me, the bigger the crowd, thought we worked extra hard this the better the team performs,” week and corrected them in pracKendig said. “The crowd can tip tice.” the momentum for the home team Kendig says he is still not in a big way.” pleased. DeZiel also says the crowd “I think we still need to get a helps the team perform better. lot better in bars, but our beam did “I think we as a team, love the very good this week,” Kendig said.
file photo by morgan spiehs | dn
Nebraska Gymnast Jessie DeZiel performs a flip during her balance beam routine. DeZiel is looking forward to playing in front of a friendly audience this weekend. big crowd,” DeZiel said. “When they are loud it makes for a great environment, and gets us really pumped up.” Nebraska will open the evening on vault, then move to un-
even bars. Their second rotation will take them to the balance beam, and the Huskers will end the night on the floor exercise. sports@ dailynebraskan.com
freshman Kolton Lapa. Lapa leads the NU team in stroke average, averaging a score of 74 through 14 rounds of golf. He and Dickson are the only golfers on the team who competed in every invite during the fall season. Dickson’s stroke average is 74.43. Staff Report His best finish is a tie for third at dn the D.A. Weibring Intercollegiate in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The Nebraska golf squad begins Palmer, who was added durits first tournament of the spring ing the offseason to the NU rosseason this weekend at the Conter, and Reinertson have yet to see cessions Golf Club in Bradenton, action so far this season. BringFla. It will be the fifth ing a lot of experience annual Big Ten Match from the fall season Play Championship. is Record, who has a The weekend constroke average of 74.72 sists of all 12 golf through 11 rounds teams in the Big Ten of golf. The best finconference. The top ish that Record has two seeds heading had so far this season into the invitational was when he tied for are No.1 Illinois and eighth individually at No. 2 Northwestern, the Price’s Give ‘Em who came out on top Five Invitational in as last year ’s chamEl Paso, Texas, which pion in Bradenton. was the final invite to gillick This year the Huskers round out the fall seaare seeded 11th in the son. bracket and will face Although Nebraska is enterNo. 6 seed Purdue early Friday ing the 12-team tournament as the morning teeing off on the tenth No. 11 seed, they are building on hole at 7:10 a.m. CT. success from the fall. NU placed Purdue came in third place in the top 10 four out five times in last year ’s Big Ten Match Play in the fall including a first place Championship when they eventufinish at the Fairway Club invitaally fell to the champion, Minnetional. Helping NU in that tournasota, in the semi-final round. ment was Kevin Gillick, who tied Representing the Boilermakfor first individually with a score ers are senior Jakob Ziegler, junior of 219. He shot a 77, 69 and a 73 in Adam Schenk, sophomores Justin his three rounds. He is currently Cho and Ben-Marvin Egel and averaging 75 through six rounds freshmen David Cooke and Jonaof play. than DiIanni. Purdue placed top The winner between the Husk10 in eight of their 10 invites last ers and Boilermakers will face fall, three of which they placed in No. 3 seed Iowa in the quarterthe top five. final round on Friday afternoon. This weekend the Huskers Competition will end Saturday will contend with senior Kevin afternoon. Gillick, junior Matt Record, sophsports@ omores Ross Dickson, Cameron dailynebrasakn.com Palmer and Josh Reinertson and
men’s basketball
Eight games remain for Husker seniors Lanny Holstein dn
the Huskers were embarrassed by Braxton Miller and the Buckeyes 63-38. “But really, we have to The college basketball season can get on top. We have to win more go by in a flash, according to Ne- games.” Winning those games is about braska coach Tim Miles. One day effort and focus, according to the it’s a new season, and the next the coach, and the Huskers have been year is almost over. below par in those categories eyes With eight games remainthus far, he said. ing on the Husker slate, Miles is “We have to have that urgenstaring to think about sending cy, and our younger his senior class off the guys owe it to those right way. He wants to (older) guys to make get a few more Big Ten it happen for them,” wins for a group that Miles said. has carried his team Playing a borderthrough their first sealine top 10 Ohio State son under him. team to the wire has Miles said after the Huskers believSaturday’s 63-56 loss ing they can make to Ohio State that he a run of their final understands what coleight games. Forward lege basketball means David Rivers said it to some of his playmight just be the kick ers, and he knows how ubel the team needed to quickly a senior season spark a few wins. can go for those guys. “I think it could “These guys have eight cracks give us a boost, but I don’t feel at it left, you know,” Miles said. “Pretty soon you are going to like (winning big games) is anyblink, and it’s going to be five. thing we aren’t capable of,” RivThen you are going to wake up, ers said. “I think we can do what and it’s going to be two. Then you we did every night if we lock in, because I am with these players are going to be done, and all you everyday, and it is just a matter of are going to do is wish you were a doing it and getting it done.” college basketball player again.” Talley doesn’t want to settle For seniors Brandon Ubel, Andre Almeida and Dylan Tal- for calling a game a “moral vicley, it’s been an up and down ca- tory” or a “boost” anymore this reer. The trio saw early playing season. Time is running out on his career, and he just time under former wants to win. coach Doc Sadler “We played We need to but never achieved better than we the kind of success win out... have, but we they would have know we can play liked on the court. but really, we this way, so it’s As seniors learning need to get on not a surprise,” a system they will the guard said. only run for a year, top.” “We are upset we Miles said he apTim Miles didn’t win.” preciates the effort men’s basketball coach Miles thinks those players have his team is right given him. there. He made no After the Ohio State game, he put down an ulti- predictions Saturday, but he did offer a bit of positive foresight. matum for the rest of the season “We can play with these guys, that will ensure those guys are we can get over the top,” Miles sent out on top. said. “It is certainly very close.” “We need to win out,” Miles sports@ joked, referring to the comments dailynebraskan.com of football coach Bo Pelini after
friday, february 8, 2013
file photo by kaylee everly | dn
Nebraska outfielder Brooke Thomason rounds the bases after a home run. She tied for the team lead in round-trippers with Tatum Edwards with seven in 2012.
file photo by bethany schmidt | dn
Husker doubles partners Patricia Veresova and Mary Weatherholt congratulate each other after winning a point. The pair are the leaders on a team that swept its way into the ITA National Championship this weekend in Virginia.
NU to play in ITA Championship Staff Report dn The time has finally arrived for the Husker women’s tennis team to compete in the ITA National Team Indoor Championships. This is the first time in program history that the Huskers have ever made it to this event, which has been held annually for the past 25 years. The competition is hosted
by Virginia at the Boar ’s Head Sports Club in Charlottesville, Va. It is an elite tournament consisting of the country’s top 16 teams. Play will begin noon Friday for Nebraska and will continue through elimination until Monday. The Huskers will face No. 10 Miami in their opening match of competition. Miami is a seeded team, sitting at the No. 8 position. The Huskers are unseeded.
Getting to the ITA National Championship is a result of two things for Nebraska. The first was earning a top 16 seed and hosting the regional round of the tournament. The Huskers ended 2012 ranked No. 15, so they were given the host title. Second, they won the ITA Kick Off to compete this weekend in Virginia. Five conferences were selected to compete. The Huskers, how-
ever, will not be the only Big Ten team in Virginia this weekend. They will be competing alongside No. 14 Northwestern and No.15 Michigan. Big 12 teams in the tournament will be Baylor and Texas. The Huskers will see plenty of familiar faces this weekend and hope to come playing their best games. sports@ dailynebraskan.com
New coaches bring squads to NU North Carolina, Alabama bring first year leaders to Mark Colligan Memorial jacy lewis dn The Nebraska track and field team kicks off Mark Colligan Memorial Saturday against two teams with new coaches, but old legacies. NU will be hosting North Carolina and Alabama for the Huskers’ third scored meet at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. “They have very long and very glamorous traditions in track and field,” Coach Gary Pepin said. Pepin is unsure of any individual outstanding athletes the teams will bring, but he is confident there will be good competition. “Both of those teams have real good athletes and coaching staffs,” Pepin said. “I’m sure they will have some athletes that will give us real good competition.” The North Carolina Tar Heels are bringing four women who are file photo by kat buchanan | dn ranked in the top 25 in the nation. Husker long-jumper Mara Griva makes a splash in the Bob Devaney Sports Center sand. She and Chrishawn Williams is ranked 11th in the long jump, Ariel Rob- the Huskers will host the Mark Colligan Memorial Saturday. erts is ranked No. 23 in the high jump, Briana Hudson is ranked No. 24 in the triple jump and after an injury in her knee preCameron Overstreet is ranked won six event titles and produced weekend’s performance there is sure to be a close finish between vented her from running during multiple season bests. No. 23 in the pole vault. Some of the last meet. Mara Griva is tied for ninth in the two. London Hawk placed the Tar Heels will be competing “I’m recovering from a minor third after Rush in the 600 meat the Husky Classic in Seattle, the nation in long jump, and she injury,” Weekes said. “If I run all ters. Elli Grooters placed second is tied for eighth in the nation in Wash. which will split the team triple jump. On the men’s side, in the women’s 600 meters and of my events this weekend, and if between two meets. I run them well, I will be content Janis Leitis and Pat- Shawnice Williams came in third. Alabama will bring with any time I run.” Nolan Border won the men’s rick Raedler contop competitors Sarah I’m sure tinue to lead the Big 800 meter run and Jelena AndjelWeekes is confident she is Thomas in the 60 meback to 100 percent after her short kovic placed fifth in the women’s in the jumping ters, Krystle Schade in they will Ten time off. 800 meters. Jessica Furlan won events ranked first the high jump, Chloe The NU men jumped 13 spots the women’s mile, while on the and second. Hetherton in the triple have athletes men’s side Conor Gibson placed this week to be ranked No. 14 in In throws, Chad jump and Wilamena to give us real third. In the men’s 400 meters the USTFCCCA NCAA Division Wright placed third Hopkins in the shot I National Team rankings. The in the shot put at the Ricco Hall placed third, and Levi put for women. On the competition.” women are currently No. 34 in the Gibson came in after Hall to finHusker Invitational men’s side, Joel Lynch Gary Pepin ranking. ish fourth. and Veronica Grizin the 400 meters, Ken track and field coach This weekend’s meet is named Dexter McKenzie placed seczle placed fourth in Taylor in the 800 meters, ond in the men’s 200 meters. The after former head coach Mark women’s shot put. Austin Duckworth in Colligan. In his 20 seasons at NU, Husker men’s 4x400 relay team Christian Sanderfer the 3,000 meters, Kamal Colligan coached five individuplaced first and the women’s placed third in pole vault. Carlos Fuller in the long jump, Jonathan als to 12 NCAA championships, Hernandez came in behind his team placed fourth. Reid in the triple jump and Elias and 68 of his athletes earned AllJames White will be competcoach Dusty Jonas to place fourth Hakansson in the weight throw. ing at this meet after he missed American awards. The Huskers are coming off in the men’s high jump. sports@ last weekend’s meet. Mara WeekTommy Brinn and Cody Rush of a successful Frank Sevigne dailynebraskan.com will run the 600 meters. After last es will also be back at this meet Husker Invitational, where they
northwestern: from 10 Hooper also surpassed 1,500 career points in the Husker win, and finished with a game high 19 points and 7 rebounds. Yori was glad she had Hooper to rely on down the stretch. “Jordan shot the ball well early and made free throws and had a big rebound late, which was huge,” Yori said. “Yeah, we kinda like Jordan on our team.” It was an offensive struggle for both teams in the first half, each team shooting below 30 percent from the floor. Hooper began the half with a three and a jumper, pulling Nebraska out to a 5-0 lead in the first minute. From there, the teams traded baskets for most of the half, until Emily Cady hit two free throws to
The bottom line is, it’s a ‘W.’ You aren’t always going to win pretty.” Connie Yori
women’s basketball coach
finally extend Nebraska’s lead to 17-13. High pressure defense from T’era Laudermill and Moore kept Northwestern at a safe distance, and held the Wildcats to shooting just 21 percent (7-32). Hooper led Nebraska with seven points in the half, and Hailie Sample had seven rebounds to help Nebraska out to a 25-17 lead. Both teams heated up in the second half, Nebraska especially, who went on a 10-2 run and extended their lead to 15 by the 13
minute mark. But Nebraska’s inability to score and Northwestern’s transition offense made it a game that came down to free throws and stops. “The bottom line is, it’s a W,” Yori said. “You aren’t always going to win pretty. It wasn’t ideal. Sometimes you have to find ways to win in different ways, and tonight, it was with defense and field goals.” Nebraska’s defense held a team in the 50s for the third straight
game, and Hooper says she’s loving the Husker’s new strategy, playing both zone and man. “I really like it,” Hooper said. “We just run around as hard as we can. We’re aggressive with it, and if you’re aggressive with things, things work out.” Just over the mid-way point in the Big Ten season, Yori says her players are tired, but likes the direction things are headed. “Bottom line is, it’s not always gonna be pretty,” Yori said. “It’s a long season. Our kids are tired, that’s normal. And it’s not that Northwestern wasn’t tough tonight, they were, we were just a little bit tougher.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com
Softball team looks forward to fresh start After finishing 38-22 a year ago, Huskers looks to improve on first Big Ten season
all-conference selection, enters her third year as a starter for NU. Senior Gabby Banda, who received All-Big Ten honors in 2012, returns to the infield. Junior Tatum Edwards also returns for the Huskers. She’s the only pitcher on the team josh kelly with experience at the collegiate dn level. Following Tatum is her twin sister Taylor Edwards, the After a season of unfulfilled ex- only All-America catcher the pectations, the Nebraska softschool has ever had. Like her ball team gets a fresh start with coaching staff, Taylor is more the upcoming season. excited about the freshmen class Coach Rhonda Revelle heads than worried about it. into season No. 21 as the coach “We’re going to rely a lot on for Nebraska, and if things go the freshmen, because there are well this year, she will be the a lot of them,” she said. “They’re school’s all-time talented, and it wins leader for helps they want We haven’t all sports. to learn and take talked about in their roles. Revelle is focused on what last year since last Even the freshis at hand this men don’t feel season. In 2012, year... It wasn’t like freshmen NU fell short and necessary.” anymore. It’s remissed the postally cool to help season, only the the younger playRhonda Revelle second time in softball coach ers and see how 18 years that has they progress.” happened. They Even though ended up with a record of 33NU had a phenomenal season at 22, 15-1 when playing at home the plate last year, holding a batin Lincoln. This year ’s returning ting average of .294 and setting starters along with the coaches many school marks, Edwards haven’t dwelled on last season still wanted to work on every at all though. part of the game including of“We haven’t talked about fense, during the offseason. last year since last year,” Rev“I worked on my mentalelle said. “So many new people ity at the plate. I sort of had a on the team, we felt it wasn’t backwards season last year,” she necessary.” said. “I also want to do my part The Huskers are optimistic and help communicate with the heading into the 2013 season. pitchers.” Nearly half of the team consists NU begins season play this of freshmen, but for them this is weekend at the Hotel Encanto not a rebuilding year. Invitational in Las Cruces, N.M. “We don’t use the term reThey have two double headers building at all,” Revelle said. on tap for the weekend beginning “We have enough talent in the with matchups against Illinoisfreshmen class. We need to be Chicago and New Mexico State. more consistent defensively and All in all, the Huskers are more well-balanced. Excited to looking ahead at this season with have more team speed. We have more anxiety than nervousness. a lot of power in offense which “Our expectations never should help the defense.” change,” Revelle said. “We exSix starters return for the pect to go to the NCAA tourna2013 season, and there is a lot ment and be in the hunt for a Big of valuable experience return- Ten championship.” ing to carry a heavy work load sports@ for the team. Senior outfielder dailynebraskan.com Brooke Thomason, a two-time
iowa: from 10
file photo by morgan spiehs | dn
Robert Kokesh attempts to pin his opponent in a recent dual. He has only lost one match this season, and that was to the nation’s top ranked wrestler.
wrestled ranked grapplers in into Sunday’s dual, the Huskers three consecutive meets, James have had a recent spike of moGreen has met two top-five mentum themselves. At the end wrestlers in his last four matches of last Friday’s meet against and Kokesh has defeated four Michigan State, NU freshman top-10 opponents Austin Wilson in the Huskers’ earned a pin to It was cool past five duals. give his team But Manning the dual victory. to get that doesn’t see their His teammates recent gauntlets as win, but it’s just jumped off the Ihnen, Green and bench in a flurry back to work.” Kokesh having to of fist pumps, go through some but Ihnen said Josh Ihnen of the nation’s best they have setwrestler wrestlers. tled down since “Some other then. people are wres“That was tling our best guys. That’s how I really cool, a cool way to end it, look at it. I don’t look at us bow- but I don’t think that it’s going ing down to anyone,” Manning to have a whole lot of bearing said. “Who cares if the guy’s on the rest of the season,” Ihnen ranked first, tenth or 27th. That’s said. “It was cool to get that win, someone’s opinion. Our guys are but it’s just back to work.” sports@ trying to win national titles.” dailynebraskan.com Just as Iowa rides a hot streak
friday, february 8, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports
sports wrestling
Wrestlers head to No. 2 Iowa for next Big Ten test Nebraska to take on the Hawkeyes in first game since closing out Coliseum Zach Tegler DN
courtesy of melody song | daily northwestern
Nebraska guard Emily Cady dribbles up the court against Northwestern Thursday night. Cady and the Huskers needed everything they had to hold off the Wildcats near the end of the game.
Husker women hold on to late lead in 55-50 win
Story by Chris Heady
he Nebraska women’s basketball team narrowly escaped an upset Thursday night with a 55-50 win over Northwestern, despite not scoring a field goal for the final seven minutes and 26 seconds. The Huskers almost gave up a 15 point lead in the final eight minutes, but free throws by All-American candidates Jordan Hooper and Lindsey Moore closed the game out. Nebraska improved to 17-6
(7-3 in the Big Ten) and won their fifth straight game. “I knew it wasn’t over,” Yori said after the game. “Northwestern came back down 15 against Iowa to win, and earlier in the season they came back down 19 and made it a game, so I knew they would make a comeback at some point.” Northwestern’s Lauren Douglas led the Wildcats with 14 points and 6 rebounds, and was helped by Maggie Lyon, who had 12 points and two assists. North-
western (11-12, 3-7) has now lost five of their Big Ten games by less than 10 points. Lindsey Moore knocked down two free throws with 17.4 seconds remaining to put the game at 53-48, sealing the win for Nebraska. Moore made Husker history twice Thursday, the first time for starting her 121st straight game, more than any other basketball player, and she also surpassed 1,500 career points. Moore finished with 16 points and four steals.
northwestern: see page 9
A week after the No. 13 Nebraska wrestling team closed its tenure in the NU Coliseum with a victory, the Huskers are headed to another historic venue. Sunday afternoon, NU hits the mat at No. 2 Iowa’s CarverHawkeye Arena, which set an NCAA wrestling attendance record with an average of 9,000 fans last season and sometimes draws upwards of 15,000 spectators. “The atmosphere’s going to just be awesome,” NU senior Josh Ihnen said. “It’ll be packed.” The Hawkeyes enter the dual after defeating No. 3 Minnesota on the road two weeks ago and handing No. 1 Penn State its first loss last week. Iowa (16-1) also goes in as the last undefeated team in Big Ten competition. Nebraska (10-4) rides some momentum into Iowa City as well, having gone 4-1 in its last five conference duals – with the lone loss coming at Penn State. “We’re looking forward to building on the performances we’ve had this last month. We’re trying to get better, trying to get 10 guys better,” NU coach Mark Manning said. “Iowa’s a good team. It’s one dual meet. I’m looking forward to our guys competing.” The Husker on the hottest streak is 174-pound sophomore Robert Kokesh, who moved up to No. 2 in the country after his 22nd consecutive win against Michigan State last week. Kokesh’s only defeat of the season came against No. 1 Logan Storley of Minnesota in December. Kokesh gets another top-five opponent this Sunday – Iowa’s No. 4 Mike Evans, who defeated Kokesh in last year’s dual. The Hawkeyes’ lineup contains three more wrestlers ranked in the country’s top five: No. 1 Matt McDonough at 125 pounds, No. 2 Tony Ramos at 133 pounds and No. 1 Derek St. John at 157 pounds. Although Iowa has nine ranked wrestlers, compared to Nebraska’s four, Ihnen believes the Huskers stack up better than it might seem. “I think we match up very well in places with them,” Ihnen said. No. 8 184-pounder Ihnen has
iowa: see page 9
Huskers focus on effort as they take on PSU I’d call it a good learning experience to understand the mental toughness that you need to play with every night out.”
Miles believes his team can compete if they bring the right level of intensity
Tim Miles
basketball coach
Nedu Izu DN After coming up short against No. 10 Ohio State last weekend, 63-56, Nebraska looks to change its fortune when it hosts Penn State at the Bob Devaney Sports Center Saturday. The Nittany Lions come to Lincoln with an 8-14 overall record and sit at 0-10 in the Big Ten. And as if their last place standing wasn’t bad enough, Patrick Chamber ’s team has also lost 10 games in a row. However, their opponents haven’t looked all that spectacular this season either. Nebraska (11-12, 2-8) has had a monkey on its back and lately its name is ‘inconsistency.’ Whether it’s been the latest dreadful performance behind the 3-point line (12 out of last 44) or a measly two wins in the conference, the title has hung over Nebraska’s head for some time now. In their last five games, the Huskers have gone 2-3 against conference opponents, including a season sweep against Ohio State. Sophomore forward David
file photo by matt masin | dn
Nebraska forward David Rivers drives on Ohio State’s Deshaun Thomas in a recent game. The Huskers feel like they can compete with anyone if they give the right level of effort. Rivers said the Huskers’ latest game against a ranked team was
tougher to swallow. He said it was hard seeing their effort go for not.
“I’m with these players every day in practice, and I see it,” Riv-
ers said. “It’s just about doing it and getting it done.” Rivers, who began the game scoring two points in the first half, finished the match as Nebraska’s leading scorer after dropping 13 baskets in the game’s last 20 minutes of play. The sophomore’s effort didn’t go unnoticed by his coach. “Rivers did not play well the first half, and I thought he was the player of the game the second half,” Miles said. While down 49-56 with two minutes left in the game, Rivers sunk a pair of layups and foul shots to pull the Huskers within five. Although the team went on to eventually lose the game by seven points, the defeat did help them learn a few things about themselves, according to Miles. “I call it a good learning experience to understand the mentality you need to play with every night out,” the coach said. Although its matchups against Ohio State and Penn State did have different outcomes, the effort displayed by the Huskers in both were very similar. In its first game against Penn State Jan. 19, the Huskers escaped
with a nail-biting win, 68-64. Senior Brandon Ubel drained four free throws down the stretch to help the Huskers leave Pennsylvania with its first conference victory this season. This time around, it won’t necessarily be who will sink in the most shots, but more so which team will miss the least amount of shots. Both teams will head into Saturday’s matchup last in the conference with Nebraska shooting 41.5 percent as a team, while Penn State sits dead last, nailing 38.5 percent of their shots from the field. If the Huskers can play with the same amount of effort they played with last Saturday, plus the poise shown in its first game against PSU, they could see themselves back above .500. Come tip-off Saturday, the Huskers are going to have come out of the locker room with the energy they left with last Saturday, Miles said. “If we can capture that lesson, then we can come out and make it happen,” he said. sports@ dailynebraskan.com