February 18

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monday, february 18, 2013 volume 112, issue 103

Inside Coverage

Wrestlers fall in final

Shaking up Shakespeare

Nebraska loses to No. 10 Cornell at NWCA invite

Haymarket’s ‘Hamlet’ redoes classic theater



UHC board asks regents to delay privatization vote UHC board says regents should vote after university answers questions Cristina Woodworth DN The University of Nebraska-Lincoln University Health Center’s governing board drafted a statement Friday asking the University of Nebraska Board of Regents to delay a vote on the controversial proposal to privatize the university’s health center. “(We) encourage the Board of Regents to delay a vote on the current proposal to allow for the involvement and input of key constituent groups and for the administration to provide answers to lingering questions,” stated a section of the governing board’s opinion, which is still under review by UHC board

members. The University Health Center’s governing board comprises UNL faculty, staff and students as well as medical experts from the community. At this point, the board has not outlined how long the board should postpone its decision. The NU Board of Regents is scheduled to vote at its March 15 meeting on a contract with Bryan Health that would allow the company to construct a new health center and take over student health operations at UNL. An initial vote on the proposal was set for the board’s January meeting. “Privatization might be the right answer,” said Dr. James Guest, director of UHC and a member of the governing board. “I don’t know if it’s right, though. I haven’t seen any other options. I’m not being oppositional as much as I want more information.”

A boy examines a robot during the Nebraska Robitics Expo in Ashland on Saturday, Feb. 16.

lego land

Nebraska Robotics expo instructs participants to address geriatric issues

s t o r y b y k e l s e y h i l l | p h o t o s b y r y a nn l y nn


he fourth annual Nebraska Robotics Expo took place all day Saturday at the Strategic Air & Space Museum in Ashland. About 800 youths from all over Nebraska participated in the expo, which was split into the CEENBoT showcase and the FIRST LEGO League (FLL). The Expo is a collaboration among the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Nebraska at Omaha, among others. The theme for this year ’s FLL was “Senior Solutions.” Each team met with a senior partner to identify an issue affecting the elderly and later present his or her research solution to the judges. In the league, teams are judged based on project presentations, core values and robot design. “It’s not only about the robots in FLL, we have that real world application of their learning as well,” said Kathy Morgan, FLL operational partner in University of Nebraska-Lincoln 4-H Youth Development. In the tournament, the groups compete in “missions” with their robots. Each mission has a different level of difficulty and is worth a range of points, so the teams must be selective about which missions to attempt to complete in their allotted time of two and a half minutes. Warriors, a Girl Scout team hailing from Lincoln, said they find preparing for the FIRST LEGO League tournaments stressful at times, but ultimately they’ve brought cohesion to the group. “This is really important to us because last year we did it, but we were one place away from making it to state,” team member Elyssa Clatt said. “But this time we were in the top five, top 10. We were really, really surprised.” Youth ages 9 to 14 compete in the FLL tournaments, and children ages 6 to 9 compete in the junior section. Brad Barker, UNL 4-H Youth Development Science and Technology specialist, is working with volunteer Keith Mandachit, an electrical engineer with Huffman Engineering Inc., to create a FIRST Tech Challenge for students in grades nine to 12.

uhc: see page 2

Over 40 teams competed in a CEENBoT Foosball tournament at the Strategic Air & Space Museum on Saturday. “What we (want to) do is have children be able to come in at 6 years old and go all the way through 18 years and have a continuum of experiences in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and robotics,” Barker said. The CEENBoT Robotics Showcase made up the other half of the expo. Teams use CEENBoTs, a robot platform that is the result of educa-

robots: see page 2

Senate postpones Hagel nomination DANIEL WHEATON DN

photo illustration by Storm farnik | dn

A new study shows that certain foods like oatmeal, chocolate and oranges can actually reduce stress.

On Friday, Senate Republicans blocked former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel’s secretary of defense nomination with cloture vote — a kind of filibuster. Unlike regular votes, which only require a simple majority, clotures need 60 votes to approve. The vote was 58-40-1. Concerns regarding Hagel’s views on Iraq and hagel Iran inspired this historic move. “This is the first time in history that a presidential nominee for sec-

This is the first time in history that a presidential nominee for secretary of defense has been filibustered. What a shame.”

retary of defense has been filibustered,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the floor. “What a shame.” The Senate is now in a 10-day recess that will end on Feb. 25, meaning the official vote on Hagel may not occur until March. President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough told ABC’s “This Week” that he had “grave concern” that delays over Hagel and Obama’s CIA director pick John Brennan would put the nation in danger because they haven’t been able to transition into their posts. The delays in Hagel’s nomination process come at a precarious time for the Department of Defense. Leon Panetta,

current defense secretary, plans to leave his post as soon as he can. Also, planned spending cuts known as “the sequester” set to go into effect on March 1 fall heavily on the department’s budget. These facts have troubled McDonough. “Because I don’t want there to have been something missed because of this hang-up here in Washington,” McDonough said. Even with the ongoing controversy, Senate leaders believe Hagel will eventually be nominated.

Democrats, who have a majority in the Senate and support Hagel, have enough votes to approve both nominees. Four Republicans — including Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns — have joined their ranks, bringing the total number of expected yea votes to 59. The Senate fell one vote short from overcoming the filibuster. Sen. John McCain, a former friend of Hagel, said he believes

the opinion that the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline is about the climate. Brodersen is a sophomore environmental studies and biology major. He’s president of Sustain UNL and said he’s always been interested in climate-related issues. “Realizing that climate change is going to impact the earth and every natural system is very real, so we need to keep in mind preparation and preservation is really

important,” Brodersen said. In fall 2012, Sustain UNL reached out to Bold Nebraska to see just what could be done regarding the Keystone XL Pipeline. On Dec. 1, Brodersen and Sustain UNL went with Bold Nebraska to Omaha to hear Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, speak. This began Bold Nebraska’s partnership with Sustain UNL. According to Broderson, six UNL students and six recent alumni attended the Forward on

Climate rally. “Bold made an effort to get as many Nebraskans there as possible,” Kleeb said. “It’s our job to make sure President Barack Obama honors his words to protect our climate and actually do something about climate change.” Brodersen said the pipeline would accentuate the climate crisis and speed up climate change, which makes it a top priority to be

Harry Reid

senate majority leader

7 healthy foods relieve stress Climate rally attracts UNL alumni James Pace-Cornsilk DN

Although an orange may not be the first food people crave when they are stressed, a recent article shows that this fruit and other foods help reduce stress more than your favorite junk food. Huffington Post Healthy Living posted an article on Feb. 5 citing citrus fruits, milk, oatmeal, dark chocolate, leafy greens, fatty fish and tea as the best foods to relieve stress. Students, however, are not


likely to warm up a big bowl of oatmeal if they’re feeling overwhelmed. “I’d probably just drink more,” said Katrine Limseth, a sophomore journalism and public relations major. Limseth was the only student out of all that were interviewed to actually confess to craving fruit when she is stressed. Kyle Schumacher, a sophomore fisheries and wildlife ma-

food: see page 3

SARAH COHEN DN On Feb. 17, University of Nebraska-Lincoln student Reed Brodersen was one of nearly 40,000 Americans in Washington, D.C., participating in the Forward on Climate rally. Jane Kleeb, founder of Bold Nebraska, said the rally was to draw attention to the climate crisis and emphasize to the president

more Inside Coverage:

Saturday delivery at risk for USPS Postal Service considers nixing 6-day standard to save billions


Spartan strong Michigan State outrebounds Huskers by 18 in win

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hagel: see page 2

climate: see page 3



monday, february 18, 2013




on campus what: “Celebrate Awesome” National Engineering Week where: Peter Kiewit Institute, 1110 S. 67th St. Omaha when: All week more information: Contact Nebraska Engineering Omaha, 402-554-6009

Study: Diet soda causes faster intoxication Andrew Barry DN Binge drinkers and college partyers may have a new calorie-cutting way to enjoy alcoholic beverages. According to a recent 16-person study conducted by Cecile Marczinski, a cognitive psychologist at Northern Kentucky University, consuming diet soda with alcohol encourages a more rapid rate of inebriation than consuming alcohol with regular soda. It demonstrates what many doctors and scientists already have confirmed — alcohol metabolizes faster when there are fewer sugars working to slow the rate of absorption. Many sources suggest that an alcohol and diet soda mixer actually increases intoxication. The research found that there were higher

breath alcohol concentrations in the subjects who consumed the diet soda mixture than the sugary alternative. Anne Wigda, a registered dietitian at the University Health Center, said that based on her analysis of the study’s findings, the combination shouldn’t affect consumers’ level of intoxication. “The way people are interpreting these articles is that combining alcohol, mixing it with a diet drink, increases your intoxication level,” Wigda said. “It doesn’t do that. It increases the rate at which alcohol gets into your blood stream. It doesn’t make you any more or less drunk.” The level in which alcohol affects the body is reliant on a variety of factors. There are studies that show it takes more alcohol to inebriate males than females. Height


Hold ‘Em Poker The UnderGround, 3233 S. 13th St. when: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. more information: 402423-8637 where:

uhc: from 1 Guest questioned whether university administrators had considered enough alternative options before proposing privatization, such as recruiting private donors to provide an updated health center building or increasing revenue by charging students for each health center visit. “Those options were not explored,” Guest said. “Did anybody take a step back and look at this? The decision being made unilaterally by the chancellor is a decision that’s going to affect generations of students on this campus.” Other members of the UHC governing board expressed concerns that they had not been consulted more during the discussion stages between UNL and Bryan Health. “The opportunity to be involved in this process has been surface level,” said L.J. McElravy, a human sciences graduate student. “We weren’t able to look at the details of all of this.” McElravy also said there should have been more opportunities for the general student body to voice their opinions on the privatization of the health center. Bryan Health hosted several open forums last semester to discuss its plans for the health center. The events were not widely attended by UNL students. “To me, student involvement means understanding what it takes to get students involved in the process and really valuing what they have to say,” McElravy said. “Hosting open forum meetings and students not attending those open forums is not really engaging the student body. You have to understand the population that you are serving.” Juan Franco, UNL vice chancellor for Student Affairs, said he believes there were ample chances for students to give their thoughts on the privatization plans. “We had the open forums,” Franco said. “Students, faculty and staff were invited and, understandably, we had more staff come than students. The opportunities were there, though.” UNL administrators have said privatizing the UHC will provide the university with a brand-new health center building at no cost to students. Bryan Health officials also have said they plan to continue offering the same services the current health center provides for students. There are seven members on UHC’s governing board: Guest; Franco; McElravy; Natalia Santos, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska Senate speaker and a senior nutrition and health sciences major; Dr. Michael Germer of Lincoln Pediatric Group; Anton Van Metre, president of UHC’s Student Advisory Board and a senior biological sciences major; and UNL professor Lani Zimmerman. news@ dailynebraskan.com

Anne Wigda uhc dietician

your blood faster. If you mixed a drink with anything that doesn’t have calories, it would be absorbed just as fast as with diet soda.” Brittany Obermeyer, a senior business administration and marketing major, doesn’t drink soda unless she is downtown. She said the study could have an impact on students. “Most people drink for the effects or to be drunk,” she said. “Downtown is kind of expensive sometimes. So if you’re like, ‘I’ll just get diet soda

and weight are also widely known factors regarding how much alcohol a person can handle. This study focuses on how what is consumed before and during alcohol consumption could affect level of inebriation. “It’s a well-known concept that the rate of alcohol metabolism is dependent on a lot of things, one of them being what you have in your stomach,” Wigda said. “There’s no nutrient in there to slow down the absorption, so the alcohol gets into

instead, I’ll just get drunk faster and I won’t have to spend as much money on more drinks.’” Obermeyer is concerned that students may not be aware of how a faster intoxication rate may affect them. Linda Major, assistant to the vice chancellor for Student Affairs, has data that suggests of the 75 to 80 percent of the UNL students who have consumed alcohol in the last year, 40 percent report binge drinking. Among this group, Major does not expect a rise in diet soda mixers. “The majority of students drink beer, which they wouldn’t pair with anything,” Major said. Marczinski’s study is to be published in April by the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. news@ dailynebraska.com

speak out

in lincoln

what: Poetry at the Moon with Melissa Breazile where: Crescent Moon Coffee, 140 N. 8th St. when: 7 p.m. more information: 402435-2828

It increases the rate at which alcohol gets into your blood stream. It doesn’t make you any more or less drunk.”


Rose Walsh stands among the stacks of books in Love Library on Saturday afternoon.

Tau Sigma transfers receive scholarships Melissa Allen dn University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s transfer student fraternity is cashing in. For nine straight years, UNL’s Lambda Chapter of Tau Sigma has received 10 Tau Sigma national scholarships, and every application for scholarships submitted from UNL’s chapter has received scholarship money. “Anytime people hear ‘scholarship winners’ it perks up people’s ears,” said JoAnn Moseman, academic transfer coordinator and Tau Sigma adviser. “I’m pretty proud of our students because it shows what sort of students transfer here and the successes they have.” This year, the national scholarship awards went to Yen Ven Loh, a senior management major, who received $750, and Rose Walsh, a senior elementary education major who received $500. “I couldn’t believe the email when JoAnn Moseman announced that Vivian (Yen Ven) and I had won,” Walsh said. “I felt very honored to be one of only 34 students nationally to receive financial support.” Karla Pick, president of Tau Sigma and a senior agronomy major, said the scholarship opportunities given to UNL’s Tau Sigma chapter have not only helped the students receiving the awards but have increased recognition of the fraternity, as well. “It makes the members of Tau Sigma that more noticed within the large pool of students on campus,” she said. “Having the news of our scholarship winners make it on the UNL Announce was great awareness for our chapter, and it is just what we need to expand our members and our involvement.” According to Walsh and Loh, the application process for the scholarship money was simple. “I have to say that it wouldn’t

have gone smooth without JoAnn,” Loh said. Every member was sent a scholarship form asking about involvement in three areas: the Tau Sigma chapter, the university and the local community. From there, Moseman narrowed down the list of applications sent to Auburn, Ala., where the national office of Tau Sigma is located. Moseman said the success of UNL students is because they stand out in both academics and community involvement. “Students need a 3.5 GPA in their first semester to be accepted into Tau Sigma,” she said. “They are the kind of students to get involved, sometimes directly with the chapter, or through the local community and other organizations. They come here to get involved and look for opportunities in a school like UNL.” Pick, Walsh and Moseman agree that although transferring to UNL from other schools left them feeling disadvantaged, becoming involved in Tau Sigma and other organizations has helped them become more connected with school and the community. “UNL at first was scary for me,” said Pick, who attended Northeast Community College in Norfolk before transferring. “However, in time, I got adjusted and finally got a grasp of how the grading works here and how teachers write their exams.” Prior to attending UNL, Walsh took the credit transfer program at Southeast Community College. “When I began at UNL, I felt a little disadvantaged compared to my classmates because I had to adjust to a new campus,” she said. “I was very proud to receive an invitation to the Tau Sigma Honor Society because I felt confirmed in my decision to transfer to UNL and in my success in a large university.” News@ dailynebraskan

photo by allison hess Lauren Schaal, a senior communications and political science major, competes at the Nebraska Inter-Collegiate Forensics tournament Saturday at the CBA. Schaal competed in six different events, including extemporaneous speaking. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln speech team won the NIFA tournament, beating the University of Nebraska at Omaha by 48.5 points. UNL had 29 of their 66 individual events break into the final round of competition. UNL had four champions in the 11 events, five runners-up and four members place third. Reece Ristau, a sophomore exploratory major, won Oratory and qualified to the Interstate Oratory competition in Shreveport, La.

robots: from 1 tional research and development by the Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in Information Technology collaboration between the UNL Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering and the UNO College of Education. It was funded by two grants from the National Science Foundation. “We’re really looking at the future leaders of tomorrow,” said Neal Grandgenett, the Haddix Community chair of STEM Education in the Teacher Education Department at UNO. “We’re trying to get (kids) excited about technology in the current area. It’s a great place to do this in the Strategic Air & Space Museum, and it really is a testimonial to the proud heritage of engineering that we’ve had in the past.” Barker said he thought the kids enjoyed the expo. “The thing that tells me (the expo) is successful is that you can’t get them to stop,” Barker said. “They’re not sitting there watching the clock; they’re very engaged.” The kids are learning how

Ryann Lynn | DN

Students studying science, technology, engineering and math show off their robotic creations at the 2013 CEENBoT Robotics Showcase. to cooperate with each other and work together in finding a solution to a problem, Morgan said. “The focus is on the celebration of their learning,” she said.

“We do give out awards for FLL, but at the end of the day, it’s really about having fun.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

hagel: from 1 Hagel will be confirmed once the recess is over. McCain grilled Hagel during his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and was one of 40 Republicans who voted to delay his vote. Last week, he admitted that some of the ill will coming from Republicans was because of Hagel’s criticism of former President George W. Bush regarding the Iraq War. Still, McCain’s vote on Hagel remains a no.

“No, I don’t believe he’s qualified, but I don’t believe we should hold up his confirmation any further,” McCain said. “I think it’s a reasonable amount of time to have questions answered.” Charlyne Berens, associate dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Hagel’s biographer, said McCain’s actions are surprising. Before more recent events, she thought McCain would cross par-

ty lines and support him. Berens traveled with Hagel in 2004 when she wrote his biography. “He’ll be a very good secretary of defense,” Berens said. Joining McCain, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has softened his attacks on Hagel. He said he believed Hagel to be “one of the most unqualified, radical choices for secretary of defense in a very long time.” Graham was one of the harshest voices opposing Hagel during

his hearing. “But at the end of the day,” Graham continued, “this is the president’s decision. I give him great discretion.” Alec Kaus, a sophomore political science and art major, said the controversy is an example of Republican obstructionism. “They view him as a turncoat and a traitor, which is an exaggeration to say the least,” Kaus said. “He’s a moderate that bases his positions on logic and merit rather

than partisan politics.” Kaus cited Hagel’s views on Israel, previous criticisms and his endorsement of Sen. Deb Fischer’s opponent Bob Kerrey as reasons for the Republican’s actions. If confirmed, Hagel would be the first Vietnam veteran to have served on the ground to be a secretary of defense. He would also be the lone Republican in Obama’s cabinet. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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monday, february 18, 2013


2 bills would create stricter seat belt laws Legislation would allow police to pull over, fine drivers who don’t buckle up DANIEL WHEATON DN Forgetting to wear your seat belt could soon cost you $125 and put a mark against your driver ’s record. Two bills introduced in the legislature, LB10 and LB189, would allow police to pull motorists over for not wearing a seat belt and give them a fine. The first bill, LB10, would require all occupants of a vehicle to wear a seat belt. Violators would receive a $25 fine. Sen. Bob Krist of Omaha introduced the bill. During his testimony, he focused on some of the additional injuries that could come from not wearing a seat belt. Additionally, he said airbags often cause more harm in car accidents if the passengers are not buckled in. On Feb. 11, the Transportations and Telecommunications Committee held hearings on the two bills. The proposals came in as traffic fatalities increased in 2012, with 207 traffic-related deaths compared to 181 and 190 in the past two years. So far in 2013, there have been 34 fatalities. The other bill imposes harsher penalties. LB189 makes not wearing a seat belt a primary action, which would allow police to pull over a driver not wearing a seat belt. It would also impose a $100 fine and add one point to the motorist’s driving record. Under current law, not wearing a seat belt is a secondary action. Police are only allowed to pull motorists over if they are committing a primary action. Even though not wearing a seat belt is illegal, police cannot pull citizens over unless they are committing a primary offense. The bill would also add a point to the driver ’s licence. The point system is used by insurance companies to gauge the

driving habits of the insured. Scottsbluff Sen. John Harms introduced LB189. During Harms’ testimony, he cited data from the Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services, which found medical costs were more than twice as high for individuals who were not wearing their seat belts. Harms said the average medical cost for an individual who was in an accident and not wearing a seat belt was $5,000 compared to $2,000 for those wearing seat belts. Harms described the increase in cost as “staggering.” He also introduced LB118, which would make texting while driving a primary offense. That bill was not discussed at the hearing. Elizabeth Gamero, a senior forensic science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said she supported LB189. However, she wasn’t certain if it would change certain people’s habits. “Since we’re creatures of habit, some people may not change what they do until they get in trouble,” Gamero said. Several people testified in support of the bills and no testifiers opposed. Bev Reicks, CEO of the National Safety Council of Nebraska, said states that have similar laws have higher rates of seat belt usage. Even high-risk drivers, such as drunken drivers, are more likely to wear a seat belt if they fear a fine. Reicks said the number of people wearing their seat belts has remained stagnant since 2004. Andrew Frazier, the state project specialist for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, testified in support of the bills. She said Nebraska had 90 fatalities in 2012 because of drunk drivers. “Drunk drivers are the least likely to buckle up,” Frazier said. “Therefore, being able to stop them for not wearing a seat belt may reduce the number of drunk drivers.” The committee did not take any action on the bills after the hearing. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

serving science photos by brianna soukup above: Participants at UNL’s Women in Science Conference go through a buffet line at the Embassy Suites on Friday night. The conference is a weekend-long event that takes place at both the Embassy Suites and throughout campus. left: Attendees at UNL’s Women in Science Conference listen to a speaker on Friday night at the Embassy Suites. The conference aims to spark an interest in science for girls from Nebraska and Kansas high schools.

climate: from 1 discussed. He said he would also like to see an emphasis on renewable energy at the rally. Setting standards on emissions so that the renewable energy industry can be incentivised would be a step in the right direction, Brodersen said. Broderson has participated in localized Bold Nebraska and pipeline rallies, but he said the Forward on Climate event was the biggest rally he’s ever been a part of. He said that the rally, for

him, was another way to show support to Obama. “What I’d like to see, first of all, is the president saying no to the pipeline,” Brodersen said. “The president has mentioned climate change on several occasions, and he needs our help to put emphasis behind that priority.” Brodersen said tangible steps need to be taken soon in the form of setting standards for carbon emissions, pushing for renewable energy industries and increasing vehicle fuel efficiency.

In the future, he would like to see this momentum carry on and for more UNL students to get involved with environmental issues. “I think it is really important as college students and members of this generation that we need to take responsibility for climate change,” Brodersen said. “We need to realize that it’s our future and our children’s future that will be affected by our actions now.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

food: from 1


Tim Immonen, a postal service worker for two months, delivers mail on a Saturday afternoon. On Feb. 13, United States Postal Service officials requested congressional permission to stop delivering mail on Saturdays. The five-day delivery schedule would begin in August.

USPS plans to begin 5-day mail delivery in August staff report DN

schedule without approval from Congress. Since 1981, a congressional mandate necessitated a sixday schedule. The Postal Service Come August, friendly neighborargued that the current resolution hood mail carriers may not be no longer directly requires this around so often. schedule. On Feb. 13, United States If implemented, the U.S. will Postal Service officials requested join many other countries that congressional permission to stop already have five-day delivery delivering mail on Saturdays. The schedules, such as Australia, Canfive-day delivery schedule would ada and Sweden. begin in August. Brian Hall, a The announcesophomore broadment came due This is too casting production to financial losses big of a cost and advertising and from the Postal public relations maService, which savings for us to jor, said the Postal lost $15.9 billion Service might ultilast year alone. ignore.” mately lose money If implemented, to companies like Patrick R. the new schedule UPS and FedEx that would cut about Donahoe will continue to de$2 billion a year postmaster general liver on Saturdays. from losses. “It might deter “Our financial people from uscondition is uring them,” Hall said. “I think in gent,” Postmaster General Patrick the short term it might look like R. Donahoe said at a press conferthey’re saving money, but in the ence. “This is too big of a cost savlong-term it’s risky.” ings for us to ignore.” The Postal Service has made The announcement raised leattempts to switch to a five-day gal questions, with claims from schedule in the past, with Conlawmakers that the Postal Service cannot change its delivery gress delaying or objecting to them.

A poll conducted by The New York Times found that seven in 10 Americans would support the change as a way to help the Postal Service deal with billions of dollars of debt. The announcement is part of a long-term plan by the post office to return the agency to profitability. Since 2010, the Postal Service has been reducing hours, cutting staff and decreasing the number of processing plants. Additionally, the price of a stamp rose to 46 cents last month. Despite these efforts to cut costs, post office officials said they are not enough to make up the financial differences. A government mandate requires that the post office offer health benefits to future retirees. This requirement, along with increasing use of email and online services, means that the Postal Service is losing money. If the five-day schedule does begin, post offices will remain open on Saturdays, and the delivery of packages will continue. “I work in a mailroom,” Hall said. “So it’ll mean less work for me.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

jor, was not hesitant about reAs you eat (junk food), typically you vealing potato chips and other don’t feel that great afterwards junk food as his source for stress relief. physically...” “Those foods are always Jean Fischer convenient and quick to grab,” extension educator for department of nutrition and health sciences Schumacher said. Schumacher said he would be willing to try these healthier, stress-relieving alternatives now chocolate being the exception. a leafy green salad. Leafy greens that he knows about them. This can be purchased from contain magnesium, which can But his habits may be diffimany places on campus. calm the nerves. cult to break. “I like some of those foods,” The calcium in milk can help According to Jean Fischer, said Amy Thomassen, a junior reduce mood swings, at least extension educator for the Decriminal justice major. “But none when it comes to premenstrual partment of Nutrition & Health of those are like my go-to foods.” syndrome, according to the Sciences, eating junk food when Thomassen also said that choco- Huffington Post article. you’re stressed can create an un- late was a frequent craving of Fatty fish, such as salmon or healthy cycle. hers when stressed. tuna, are high in omega-3 fatty ac“As you eat (junk food), typiDark chocolate contains anids. Omega-3 fatty acids can calm cally you don’t feel that great aftioxidants called flavonoids. Fla- anxiety and keep cortisol from terwards physically,” Fischer said, vonoids not only aid relaxation, skyrocketing in the face of stress“which can impact emotional but can also prevent aging. A sufful events, according to a Womhealth as well…that can impact ficient amount of antioxidants in en’s Health article. Cortisol is a your exercise level if they’re one’s diet can also prevent memohormone bodies secrete in stresschoosing a lot of things that ry decline and depression. ful situations that can heighten would be really high caffeine inTea, specifically black and alertness, memory and help protake that can disturb their sleep green tea, contains similar antioxi- tect you, according to Fischer. She patterns, and create somebody dants to dark choco- also said studies have shown that who’s more falate, plus an amino people with higher cortisol levels tigued, which Yeah, when acid called theanine. tend to store their fat around their can lead to works waist. I’m stressed, Theanine more stress and to calm your mind Having high cortisol levels depression.” and increase concan also lead to chronic stress, maybe I want to Healthy centration, accord- according to Women’s Health. eating can be have some potato ing to a Los Angeles That is where the citrus fruits one of the best chips.” Times article from come in. coping strateMay 2009. IncreasCitrus fruits, high in vitamin gies for stress, Pam Edwards ing concentration is C, help bring cortisol levels, as according to dining services not the only benefit. well as blood pressure, back down Fischer. Theanine can also to normal. Pam Edhelp you get a better Edwards explained that to wards, assistant director of Din- night’s sleep, waking up well- make the transition from eating ing Services, said that the menu rested and less stressed the next junk food to eating something committee works hard to give morning. healthy, people need to get abanstudents a wide variety of fruits, A bowl of oatmeal in the don the “all or none” mentality. grains and other healthy foods, morning could produce the lon“Yeah, when I’m stressed, while still offering food that stugest-lasting stress relief of all. maybe I want to have some potato dents may enjoy more. The carbohydrates in oatmeal chips,” Edwards said. “But may“We’re always going to have cause your brain to produce se- be I can have some carrots along people who go for the wings or rotonin. with it.” the French fries,” Edwards said. Serotonin is a chemical that Edwards explained that, “And that’s their choice, but acts as a neurotransmitter, actihopefully, people would recogwhat we’re trying to educate vating brain cells that send mes- nize they do not need the potato them about is that it’s OK to have sages from one part of the brain chips, and recognize how much those things, but also remember to the next, according to an arti- better they feel when snacking the fruits and vegetables.” cle in The New York Times from healthily. Students can find most of May 2011. “It takes a willingness to try,” these seven, stress-relieving But the next time you are Edwards said. foods in any campus dining hall news@ nervous about giving a presentaon any given day, with dark dailynebraskan.com tion in front of class, try eating



monday, february18, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view


lauren vuchetich | dn

Regents should delay health center privatization vote On Friday the University of Nebraska-Lincoln University Health Center ’s governing board drafted a letter asking the University of Nebraska Board of Regents to delay a vote on the health center ’s proposed privatization by Bryan Health. The Daily Nebraskan supports a delay in the vote. There are still many questions that remain unanswered, and these should be addressed by Bryan Health and university administration before the board votes. Students should also have more opportunities to vocalize their opinions on the proposed privatization. UNL administrators said students have had ample opportunity to express themselves and learn at a number of open forums UNL and Bryan Health hosted last semester. But these were lightly attended. It’s Bryan Health and the university’s responsibility to provide adequate information about these forums, but the responsibility of the students to attend. The Daily Nebraskan supports any action to give university officials more time to research options and communicate this with students and staff. If University Health Center officials don’t feel informed enough about the privatization to make a decision, neither should students and administration.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

ian tredway | dn

ASUN awareness benefits all


aise your hand if you know what the acronym ASUN stands for. Keep it raised if you know how many dollars from your annual student fees are allocated to ASUN. Raise your other hand if you know where the ASUN office is located. Keep them raised if you can name the ASUN executives. Stand if you can name more than one ASUN committee and the projects they’re currently working on. Remain standing if you can answer any of the following questions: Can you name the student senators who represent your academic college or pick them out of a crowd? If yes, do you know what projects they’re currently working on, or in other words, how they’re defending your needs and rights as a student at this university? Do you know the steps required to run for ASUN office? For those standing, congratulations, you know more than 90 percent of the student body. Now, sit down if you can locate the election rules on ASUN’s website. Allow me to save you some time: You won’t be able to. Stay standing. To everyone else: Shake your hips if you know there are currently three groups of students vying for control over this acronym. If you do, sashay over toward the person nearest you, lean down close to their face and shout the names at the top of your lungs. Go ahead, they won’t mind. Now, do a bastardized version of the Harlem Shake if you think remaining ignorant of ASUN comes without a cost. You should see how ridiculous you look. In reality, ASUN’s activities have an impact on every single student at the university. For those of you in need of a little context, this is for you: ASUN, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska (read: college student government), is allocated over $500,000 of your student fees each year. This is a fairly large sum, and I’d like to reiterate that you, the student, fund ASUN. Two of ASUN’s most important responsibilities are: the allocation of student fees toward student organizations and government advocacy efforts at the local, state and national levels. You should be familiar with the ASUN committees responsible for carrying out these tasks. ASUN’s Committee for Fees Allocation (CFA) oversees the yearly allocation of student fees toward student organizations and institution. Examples include the DN, Campus Recreation and the University Programming Council (UPC). Although the CFA’s decisions should be bound to the will of the student body (it’s our money), one of the most recent decisions regarding UPC’s proposed fee increase reveals its flippant disregard for student opinion. If you’ve been reading

DILLON JONES the DN lately, you already know this story. UPC asked for a fee increase and justified the increase using, among other things, student survey data gathered during the last two semesters that show that the majority of students support, and more importantly, are willing to pay for, an increase in UPC’s budget. Despite professed student support, CFA denied UPC’s request. Confused? I invite you to email CFA Chair Kalby Wehrbein and ask him to explain the committee’s decision. He serves at the behest of the students, and he has an obligation to reply to any inquiry. My point here is that one of ASUN’s most important committees is making decisions that directly contradict the opinions of the students they represent. Moreover, no attempt is being made by CFA itself to solicit student opinion on the decisions before them, or even tell students outside of ASUN that they exist. CFA isn’t the only ASUN committee that fails to inform students of its activities and solicit their opinion. The Government Liaison Committee (GLC) is the branch of ASUN that advocates for legislative bills, positions, and projects that serve in the best interest of the students. According to the ASUN website, it is also “responsible for reaching out to students and informing them of not only the positions that GLC advocates for, but also informing the student body and engaging us all civically of the critical issues that affect us on a consistent basis.” Please recall the last time GLC ever sought your opinion about the bills, positions or projects they’re concerned with, or sought to educate you about the bills, positions or projects they’re concerned with. Before reading this column, did you know that GLC was a thing? To clarify: I’m not saying that GLC is at the state capitol advocating for legislation that will

harm UNL students. I’m saying they, like CFA, do a piss-poor job at educating students on their activities. I admit it’s a little unfair to only pick on the shortcoming of these two committees, because in truth, this is a systemic problem that affects all ASUN committees. This is truly unfortunate, because as I’ve demonstrated, ASUN does some fairly cool and important things, and it deserves recognition. But it deserves considerable criticsm as well. There’s a reason you don’t know how to run for ASUN office. There’s a reason the information isn’t posted on the website or calendar. There’s a reason there wasn’t any election reform this year. There’s a reason ASUN hasn’t done as much as it can to educate the student body on its activities, or done much to communicate how much it really does for students. Here’s the thing: Your ignorance of ASUN benefits the students in ASUN. In other words, the less students who know about ASUN, specifically how to run for ASUN office, insures that the positions and “power” will stay in the hands of ASUN insiders. Did you know only about 11 percent of UNL students vote in ASUN elections, on average? This isn’t mere happenstance. ASUN campaigns pander to the same students every year (largely Greek students) because that’s a voter base that always turns out. It’s good strategy, but it ensures the same people get elected year after year. It also means those elected are only beholden by those who are paying attention — those who are going to vote. You, the average student, have a responsibility as a student at UNL to educate yourself on the parties running for ASUN election, to attend the debates and to take five minutes to vote on March 6th. If you think your vote doesn’t matter in ASUN elections, you’re wrong. Make no mistake: every non-vote is essentially a vote for the establishment, and they’d prefer you remain indifferent. There’s more: You, as a UNL student, also have the responsibility to pay attention to how ASUN is spending its time and demand that it become more accessible to the average student. It’s inexcusable that the election rules aren’t provided to every student. It’s inexcusable that committees can disregard student opinion if they choose and not suffer any consequences. ASUN works for you, not above you. It’s your responsibility to remind them whose government it is. Dillon Jones is a junior English major, and plans on voting March 6th. You should too. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com

Carnival Triumph reinforces fear of cruising


gers had to sleep on the top deck. fter a couple of days taking After hearing this news, I knew one exams and writing a few thing was sure: If you want to have fun papers, a vacation from the University of Nebraska- and enjoy a nice break from work, school, or maybe even family, cruises shouldn’t Lincoln sounds like a pretty good idea, doesn’t it? I be on your list. World history tells us wouldn’t mind going somewhere hot and there are better ways one can spend relaxing with the ocean in my view. How- money and get a more worthwhile trip experience than going on ever, with the recent turn a cruise. of events on the Carnival When I think A Midwest native, I Cruise ship, Triumph, I’d was skeptical of cruises prefer UNL. of a relaxing even before these recent For those of you who are unaware, a cruise ship vacation, I think of events. Now, my perception of cruises being “24 coming back from Mexico staying on some hours of fun a day” has on Sunday was 150 miles gone down the drain. If my from the shore when a sort of land.” vacation left me to poop fire occurred in the engine in a bag for 5 days with room. This blaze also shut sewage running down from the walls, down the power, which, of course, left cold food, ruined possessions and lack no electricity or plumbing for anyone on the entire ship. The ship was instantly of privacy, I’d be afraid to go on a vacation again. If I returned from a vacation crippled and left floating 150 miles off thankful to be back at college, clearly my the coast of Mexico, ultimately getting tugged all the way back to the United vacation was a tragedy. When I think of a relaxing vacation, I States. Newspapers reported the sewage leaks in the lower compartments of the think of staying on land: dirt, sand, grass, boat were so terrible, many of the passen- rocks, you name it. Having the option to

MARC MAREAN pay out a large sum of money to go on a boat for a couple of days in the middle of the ocean just doesn’t seem relaxing. If something happens on a cruise ship – pirates, fires, bad weather, icebergs – it’s going to take a while for someone to come help. That being said, I would much rather take a trip exploring the United States than be hauled out in the middle of the ocean where something could go wrong

and a delayed rescue would ensue. Also, take seasickness into consideration. It would be a horrible time for cruise-goers if they weren’t used to being on a boat for a couple of days. Despite the fact that there are pills to combat that sort of experience, seasickness is just one more factor you have to consider. Finally, cruises don’t supply you with any sort of freedom. If you go on a vacation to a city, for example, you have options. If plans fall through or conditions are no longer desirable, there are ways to get around that and still relax. On a cruise, if it rains for the two days that you are on your “ideal” island getaway, you are going to have to plan your day around the few attractions that don’t require good weather. But in a city you can choose to take advantage of indoor city attractions such as shopping centers, museums, local eateries or just choose just to end a day earlier and save some money. There are plenty of other disasters that could happen onboard. Let’s take the Titanic example. Though sinking may be unlikely, it could happen. First, you are going to have to get on a lifeboat

fast enough before the boat sinks. If you somehow get on a lifeboat quickly, you’ll end up with a compilation of screaming children and mothers for a couple of days before help comes. Just remember, this is the best option. If you don’t get on the lifeboats, you’ll eventually fall overboard or you’ll end up in the water. Whatever happens, sharks are now a potential threat. There is the possibility of hypothermia, and there will be a lot of treading water where, once again, sharks will most likely be involved. Regardless, people should not have to imagine this scenario during their vacation. Choosing the right vacation doesn’t have to be stressful. It was never made to be. Power outages and no electricity should never be on the itinerary for any vacation. Staying on land and going on a trip without a cruise line’s help will, without a doubt, keep your excitement and your opportunities afloat. It will also keep you away from sharks. Marc Marean is a Sophomore Secondary Education Major. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com



monday, february 18, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk

‘Hamlet’ retelling proves clever, creative



Rob Burt, Jessie Tidball, Richard Sibley DIRECTED BY Jordan Deffenbaugh STARRING

Haymarket Theatre Anna Gronewold DN

Haymarket Theatre executive director Rob Burt plays the title role in the venue’s production of “Hamlet.” Jessie Tidball portrays a frightened Ophelia, Hamlet’s love interest. The play will run through the later part of next week.

Director Jordan Deffenbaugh uses an iconic image in his modern take on a Shakespearean classic.

story by Anna Gronewold | photos by Ryann Lynn


s soon as Viggo Mortensen’s character takes off his shirt, his loyalties are clear. In the 2007 crime thriller “Eastern Promises,” a series of crude tattoos communicates characters’ histories with the Russian mafia. That is how executive director Rob Burt describes the Haymarket Theatre’s retelling of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” The Haymarket Theatre created a complex dystopian culture for its alternative rendition of “Hamlet” — one in which the characters are branded with tattoos distinguishing their places in society. “It’s a reinterpretation, at least in regards to certain characters,” Burt, who plays Hamlet in the production, said. “(We’re) still operating in the same language as the Elizabethan

To be orNot to be

Haymarket Theatre creates dystopian rendition of ‘Hamlet’, breaks Shakespeare norm

doesn’t mean Haymarket Theatre’s “Hamtragedy, but based around a deviant social caste system. There are a few upper class, let” is void of Shakespearean magic. Deffenbaugh didn’t change or reorder any of the and the rest are mostly pee-ons.” original text. Burt, who spent several years performing “With the actors, I wantclassic Shakespeare with Lined the text to shine through,” coln theater company FlatwaYou don’t Deffenbaugh said. “The text ter Shakespeare, said setting need to put is beautiful.” isn’t all that distinguishes Deffenbaugh said, at this version of “Hamlet” from on huge gestures, least for Lincoln’s standards, other renderings. “it’s a very non-traditional “(There’s a) really differ- overact and put approach.” But he added he ent, really wonderful pacing on a voice.” doesn’t believe Shakespeare to it,” he said. “The cut of the fits into a single mold. script the director cut himself, jordan deffenbaugh “There’s no right way it’s a much shorter version of ‘hamlet’ director to do Shakespeare — there’s Hamlet.” good ways to do it — but Director Jordan Deffenbaugh’s cutting is nearly half the run-time there’s no hard and fast way,” Deffenbaugh said. “What matters, though, is if you’re of the bard’s original — from four hours to treating the text with honesty.” two and a half — according to Burt. But that

if you go where:


Haymarket Theatre, 803 Q St. when: Feb. 21-23, 7:30 p.m. how much: $15 (general admission), $12 (students/seniors)

hamlet: see page 6

Marcellus’s famous line, “There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark,” might be referring to characters’ disgusting moral decline since the king’s death. Or he might be talking about the toilet seat topping a pile of garbage in the back corner. Lincoln’s Haymarket Theatre debuted its version of “Hamlet” this weekend with leather, tattoos and ripped sleeves. Director Jordan Deffenbaugh and playwright Ashley Namuth combined cuts of the Shakespearean text with a dystopian urban setting for an eerie take on the tragedy. Decay is the most accurate way to describe the “Hamlet” set, and the intimacy of the Haymarket Theatre is the perfect vehicle for the grittiness of Deffenbaugh’s imagined world. Heaps of trash line the back of the stage, a chain link fence hangs from the rafters and set dividers feature rough skull-and-bones graffiti. The audience members tread through aisles of shredded paper to get to their seats, and haze-machine fog gives the theater a dream-like quality. Once the play begins and the depraved state of Hamlet’s kingdom unfolds, the set ceases to be surprising. In fact, even Shakespeare die-hards might wonder if the wasting city is a superior way to embody the themes of madness, betrayal and filth for which “Hamlet” is known. In their mini-skirts and tattoos, the cast delivers Elizabethan text with sincerity. A leather-clad Rob Burt as Hamlet nails the iconic blend of angst and euphoria that demonstrates his slip into insanity. Other standouts include Jessie Tidball’s frail Ophelia and Richard Sibley’s Polonius. The actors’ appreciation for the text shows through the physicality with which they communicate their lines. The problem with any reinterpretation, however, is its inaccessibility. To fully appreciate Haymarket Theatre’s creativity, one must be moderately familiar with the original “Hamlet.” Shakespearean nuances are strange enough on their own, but to a rookie, their revisions are meaningless and bland. The writhing trash bag symbolizing the ghost of Hamlet’s father, for example, is a brilliant technique for connecting the set to the play’s paranormal elements.

review: see page 6

Writer in residence Lee touts art as route to human ‘singularity’ jordan bates dn

but intensive period of time each year,” English professor Grace Bauer said. “We have varied our choices In the diverse world of contem- of visiting writers to include poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction so porary poetry, Li-Young Lee has that as many students as possible earned the respect of readers and writers alike by negotiating subjects can benefit from the opportunity to work with these writers universal to the human and get perspectives on experience. their own writing beOriginally born yond what they receive in Jakarta, Indonesia from UNL faculty.” to Chinese parents, In considering the Lee immigrated to the worth of his upcoming United States with his time at UNL, Lee said he family in 1964. Fortyfeels the most valuable nine years later, he is a gift he can share with distinguished and celother creative writers is ebrated American poet, his passion. widely regarded for the “I think if one cresimplicity, candidness ative writer can inspire and depth of feeling he lee passion in another writinfuses into his work. er … that’s the most they From Feb. 18 to March can do,” Lee said. “You 1, Lee will visit the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as the English De- know, a real passion in the language and a belief in themselves and a bepartment’s writer in residence. lief in their importance – that they “The writer in residence prohave something to say. And that, gram allows students in our graduthrough hard work and a lot of ate creative writing program to thought and devotion, a person can work with nationally and internationally known writers for a short, discover what they have to say and

what they know.” In addition to working with creative writing students, Lee will deliver a public reading of his work on Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Plains Art Museum. “Anyone interested in listening to a poet of incredible insight, sensitivity, brilliance and accessibility should enjoy hearing Li-Young Lee read,” English professor and Prairie Schooner editor Kwame Dawes said. “He is one of the major poets writing in America today, and the moment you hear him, you understand why. He does not leave you feeling like you might have in middle school when you were asked to say what a poem meant. Instead, he leaves you wondering why you have not made poetry a part of your daily life.” Moments of daily life are, in fact, precisely the topics addressed in Lee’s poetry. Through the investigation of the everyday, Lee’s aim is to consider the greater questions of our existence. “Trying to come to terms with my death,” Lee said, listing some themes addressed in his work. “Try-

courtesy photo

Acclaimed contemporary poet Li-Young Lee will visit UNL, starting Monday. Lee will hold a public poetry reading on Feb. 27. ing to come to terms with my life. My earthly identity, my spiritual identity. Love. I think those are my subjects – love, death and the sacred. I think those have been my subjects throughout my life, and they continue to interest me. I think (poetry) is

perfectly suited for (coming to terms with those subjects). In fact, I think that it’s one of the best mediums. I think any art form is a path toward greater understanding.” Lee’s quest for understanding, combined with his attention to the

physical details of his life, make his poetry intriguing for students. “Students are always drawn to his work, and many end up listing him as one of their favorites at the end of the semester,” Bauer said. “I think that’s because most of Lee’s poems are immediately accessible to any attentive reader/listener; they are grounded in the world of physical details, and yet convey a sense of mystery that rewards repeated readings.” That sense of mystery, captured in Lee’s work, may be representative of his complex sense of his own human identity. Lee said he believes an art form is a path to defining the originality of oneself. “Like the thumbprint, we are absolutely singular,” Lee said. “We are prime, and we don’t know how to manifest our prime number-hood or our singularity except through the practice of an art form. And through rigorous practice of an art form, I think we can arrive at our singularity. And I think if we don’t practice an art form that we somehow be-

lee: see page 7



monday, february 18, 2013

lincoln exposed: Saturday coverage

this week in art & literature GAllery showings: New work: Larry Griffing


Gallery 9, 124 S. 9th St. when: through Feb. 24 how much: free BRIANNA SOUKUP | DN

A to Z Printing “Alternative Visions: A Group Photography Exhibit”


Sheldon Museum of Art when: through Feb. 28 how much: free

“Growing Home”


Tugboat Gallery, 116 N. 14th St. when: through Feb. 23 how much: free

New in fiction: “Nothing Gold Can Stay”


Ron Rash Short Stories publisher: Harper Collins price: $24.99 genre:

New in nonfiction: “The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend”


Glenn Frankel Bloomsbury





“The Vatican Diaries”


John Thavis Viking Adult price: $27.95 publisher:

review: from 5 But that significance is lost on audience members unaccustomed to Shakespeare’s affinity for the supernatural. Likewise, Haymarket Theatre’s portrayal of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as promiscuous women is a lovely twist on character chemistry, but without understanding the original roles, the women seem a bit out of place. Despite a straightforward plotline, Haymarket Theatre’s “Hamlet” is not an introduction to Shakespeare or even a simplified version for Shakespearean rookies. Instead, it is an innovative and fast-paced approach to re-exploring classic themes and characters. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

hamlet: from 5 “You don’t need to add huge gestures, overact and put on a voice,” he added. “You just say it. As long as you’re using the language, there’s going to be something happening. It’s going to be electric.” Contributing to the “electricity” of the production is the largest and most engaging set than the theater has ever seen. Actors and set utilize every inch of Haymarket Theatre’s stage, according to Deffenbaugh. “It’s absolutely visually stunning,” Deffenbaugh said. “The lighting designer lit it like a dance: side lights, and really, really interesting coloring choices.” According to Deffenbaugh, the inventive visual and audible elements break the stigma Shakespeare has for being monotonous and high-brow. “At lot of the stuff that happens, it moves quick, the dialogue is fast and furious,” he said. “You won’t get bored. There’s not a boring moment in the show.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

More Machine Now Than Man takes the stage at Duffy’s Tavern for Lincoln Exposed Saturday night. It was the last band to play on Saturday and performed to a packed crowd.


The Mezcal Brothers close their set at the Zoo Bar on Saturday night. It was one of six acts to perform at the Zoo Bar on Saturday for the last night of Lincoln Exposed.

Scene characters turn out in force full for last night of Lincoln Exposed Chance Solem-pfeifer dn There’s always that concert moment in a music scene as diverse and deep as Lincoln’s, where you stop and ask yourself, what exactly am I looking at? Maybe you’re being spit on by M F Saints or the Halz & Oate singer is ripping off his clothes and playing the pelvis (more on that later). A concert review is as much classifying what you’ve seen as recounting it, so there’s a tangible pleasure to encountering a happy red-headed step child. Zed Tempo at Duffy’s forced me to have that discussion with myself: six people on stage, one omnipresent flutist and singer Craig Mustard, who looked like he was considering auditioning for a bit part in “The Matrix.” It was jam music in the very ‘90s definition of the phrase, afraid of communism, but not dreadlocks. That’s not to disparage. I was as pleased as I was amused with 6-minute songs spear-headed by two acoustic guitars and the mantra “We are Zed Tempo, and you are Zed Tempo.” I don’t know what that means, but I recall thinking, I didn’t mind. If you’re asking me to join your band, I can play the piccolo because you’re only going to have one soprano woodwind on stage at a time? Please. If you’re saying that the world is your band, then the next round is on me, earthlings. Free love aside, sharing the room with a band like Zed Tempo is a crucially important part of Lincoln Exposed, depending on how you view the mission

the strength of live performance. of the festival, or how you take If you can entertain as many your exposure. Maybe someone who’s never been to a show people as those four schooled musicians did last night with downtown takes in Eli Mardock or Manny Coon for the first time. such heart, it couldn’t matter less They are, after all, only staples if what I write about it (oops). You you’re familiar with the scene. see a performance like that and For me, Zed Tempo is an impor- the yellowed flyers of history on the Zoo Bar walls come alive like tant reminder that there’s always more. Continued exposure is just rock ‘n’ roll Harry Potter. Also, Lloyd McCarter is as meaningful as initial expomaybe the smoothest dancer I’ve sure. On the flip side of the coin, ever seen. You can tell I like lessons, seeing the Mezcal Brothers in but I don’t know what the hell I full effect for the first time was learned from Halz & Oate, maybe like suddenly glimpsing a party you’ve always been invited to, but that you can do absolutely anything on stage if you have the at which you came way, way late. Everything the band did spoke to energy to pull it off. The selfproclaimed proponents of “bitheir longevity and proficiency: sexual arena rock” from the crowd immediately made banter that felt If you’re their subversive more like comfortsaying the intent clear with able inside jokes their gritty reithan obligatory world is your maginings of rock talking and having standards like a set-ending song band, then the “Creep,” “Ziggy they’ve played next round is on Stardust” and “Imenough times to migrant Song.” call the “Mezcal me, earthlings.” But, forewarning, National Anthem.” one band’s misIt was the best and most comfortable crowd I saw in sion to “steal back the songs they (popular rock musicians) stole four nights, present to share in a from us, is another man (my unRockabilly showcase. acquainted Zoo Bar table-mate) Gerardo Meza absolutely exuded confidence the way a front- watching the “butchering (of his) glory years.” man should. You could spot the Listen, Darin Schlake parading foremost members of Lincoln’s around in silver, leather pants (and hippest indie/alternative bands a leather vest that didn’t make it lining the walls, envious of the through one song) is not for everyman in black. Charlie Johnson’s upright bass antics (“Look, now one. The leftover crowd from the he’s upside down. “How does he Mezcal Brothers show (a majority get his leg up on it like that?”) demographic which probably appreciates classic rock) maybe likes were maybe the prime example of how easygoing even perfor- their air left unhumped. I don’t know. mance insanity can look when Saturday night’s alright for you’ve been doing it for two decades. And still the crowd roared fighting the impulse to impose your musical expectations on a in appreciation. scene with character and characI’ve often wondered if there ters. is an unfair bias toward indie arts@ rock/pop in our coverage of the dailynebraskan.com Lincoln scene, but the Mezcal on twitter @dnartsdesk Brothers were another appeal to

Celebrate this Presidents’ Day like our commander-in-chiefs

katie nelson dn Today I opted to put new music on my computer instead of turning in this column on time. In my defense, I was putting More Machine Now Than Man’s “Ze Snake and Ze Fox” on my iTunes. As lead singer billy d’s vocals stream through my headphones, memories of last night’s (somewhat drunken) escapade floated through my mind. I started the evening much later last night, on account of attending the Husker Men’s Basketball game. You can read all the details in the sports section, but, basically, we played a team and lost. Duffy’s was my go-to start spot, and I arrived mid-Dirty Talker. I could tell these guys were more hard core than most bands because of the shark shirt the lead guitarist was sporting. Their music was laced with gruff vocals and heavy guitars. I joined in head-banging and crossed my fingers the few elbows thrown and legs kicking would lead to an all-out mosh pit. Their set was part-music, partdrinking game, as audience members brought shot after shot and beer after beer to the stage. The band did their best to oblige the buyers by drinking all they were given and to please the listeners by continuing to play. The drinking game only ended after one audience member ’s attempt to bring a completely loaded tray of shots and beers to the stage ended in him spilling the drinks all over the band and its equipment. But it didn’t matter. The set was over, and it was time to move on. I checked my events list and walked over to the Zoo Bar and ordered another beer. Lucas Kellison was taking the stage. From this point on, the night could only be described with one word: funky. Kellison and his men did their best to give the audience something that would make those hips move. They did a pretty good job, because people were flocking to the front of the stage, hand-inhand or even solo to dance. I even let loose a little and tried my feet at a pseudo-waltz.

Kellison was spot-on in his performance, but it was very rehearsed. Even when the soloists cut loose, there was an element of rehearsal to their jamming. And, like my dancing, it seemed more like someone going through the motions. A vodka shot and a whiskey sour later, I was letting loose in front of More Machine Now Than Man. It was a funky set, similar to what I’d heard earlier with Kellison, but different. People were going nuts. They were dancing by themselves or together. They were throwing arms and tossing their heads (again, I crossed my fingers for that mosh pit) and hooting and hollering. More Machine finished the set, and they begged for more. As the CD, this column and this weekend draw to an end, I’ve begun to realize there’s something very satisfying about holding an album that has hand-drawn cover art and a handwritten track list inside. It’s the feeling you know something others don’t. It’s the secret of music that rivals the big names, and it’s available in your backyard. It’s dancing with strangers in front of a modest stage. It’s the intimacy of the relationship between up-and-coming artist and the first and most loyal groupies. Whether I liked every band or musician I saw at Lincoln Exposed is not the point. The point is that, beginning last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to watch local talent perform on local stages. Sure, the hope is that they will eventually be able to reach greater audiences with their music, but that won’t be the same as what happened this past weekend. People were able to touch these artists. There was no security force telling them they couldn’t talk with them. They offered these musicians praise or asked questions. Lincoln Exposed is more than the music and the alcohol. It’s the uncensored ability to form a relationship with the local music scene and those involved in it. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartdesk

Intense suffering from ‘Amour’ characters shuts out audience chance solem-pfeifer dn

casey kettler It is unclear what exactly one ought to do on Presidents Day. Absent are the embedded traditions of most other holidays. Is it simply an opportunity to reflect on the military genius of our iconic first president? Is it a testament to the governmental efficacy of a powerful monarchic governor? Aside from elementary school children who gleefully paste macaroni to Styrofoam plates in the shape of Abraham Lincoln’s face, each adorned by a construction paper hat, there really isn’t a prescription for how to observe Presidents Day. So why not celebrate like the presidents? If imitation is, indeed, the most sincere form of flattery, we ought to craft a celebration in the mold of the glorious leaders being honored. A proper Presidents Day celebration would begin with a skinny dip in the local stream or river with deference to John Quincy Adams, who swam the Potomac regularly in his birthday suit. Nothing is quite as liberating or invigorating than a sunrise swim in nothing but your skin. Swimming, especially naked, never fails to conjure an appetite. Ideally a William Taft-sized breakfast would follow, preferably in bed with a petroleum jelly

ian tredway | dn head massage. Calvin Coolidge probably liked to have this done by his White House servants, but a significant other or roommate would do just fine. By mid-morning, it is time to light up the first presidential cigar. Ulysses S. Grant smoked thousands of them. Probably unrelatedly, he died of throat cancer. A proper Presidents Day celebration requires some forethought, as one ought to remember to schedule a duel with pistols for high-noon. Andrew Jackson would stir in his grave if he knew how few ceremonial duels were held in his honor. Because one would do well to not duel unclean, a ritual pre-duel bath is in order in honor of our largest president. The massive Taft infamously had the bathtub in the White House expanded to accommodate his rotundity. Bathers gonna bathe. Now, the specifics of such a duel are open for negotiation, but assuming that you are still alive and not incarcerated, it is now time to fashion yourself a drink. Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender, so make it well.

Hit the links in the afternoon, keeping Woodrow Wilson in mind (and, of course, sitting president and recreationalist Barack Obama). Don’t forget to place wagers on the game; Warren Harding was an avid gambler. And we certainly wouldn’t want to forget Warren Harding, notorious philanderer. Round out the day with espionage of your every adversary, a saxophone solo and a heroic amount of alcohol. The most powerful person in the world has a lot of weight on their shoulders, and often booze is the only remedy. Every year that a Presidents Day goes by uncelebrated is a travesty on a national scale. I think I speak for both sides of the political spectrum in saying that something needs to be done. Here, I have outlined a five-point plan to address the utter lack of Presidents Day activities, in the spirit of addressing this governmental oversight. God bless all of you, and God bless the United States of America. casey kettler is a senior political science major. reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com.

It was a surprise to most critics when “Amour” crashed the Best Picture nominee party last month, triggering a scramble to assess the foreign language film next to a field of old and new American history counterparts like “Lincoln,” “Argo” and “Zero Dark Thirty.” What the film is, is spare and slow, resistant and emotionally challenging. What it’s not is particularly forthright or mobile. “Amour” communicates in a series of portraits — extremely long, still shots of Parisian couple Anne and Georges eating breakfast, lying in bed, or Georges caring for his wife — Anne’s descent from able-bodied octogenarian to double stroke victim. That decline is the center of the entire movie. Plotwise, that’s what “Amour” offers: a close look at the heartbreaking trials that come with the flight of physical and mental health, while the spouse acts as a 24-hour caretaker. There are complications, too: incompetent nurses, the distant daughter who thinks a nursing home might be the better alternative to in-apartment hospice and a persistent pigeon who keeps slipping in through the window. But as suggested by its title, the big question is how love survives under such duress. Or take an even more difficult query: whether love is quite the same as the devoted, solitary martyrdom Georges shows. The latter is probably an explanation for the distance in Jean-Louis Trintignant’s performance as the husband, which is enough to dispel rumors that “Amour” is a sentimental, senior citizen tearjerker. On the contrary, Georges is a man who makes most of his decisions without a word and certainly without acknowledgment to how or what he feels. If a long, still take of Trantignant’s face isn’t enough to demonstrate (it very often is not) a detectable emotion, try the last fifteen minutes of “The Notebook.” By this token, “Amour” is far from heartless, but it has every qualm about letting you put an ear to its chest.



Emmanuelle Riva, Jean Louis-Trintignant


Michael Haneke

It’s more a question of whether Michael Haneke’s film stays mum on too much. To the extent the audience is treated as a silent third observer in Anne and Georges’ beautiful fourroom apartment, “Amour” takes a near documentary-style approach to answering how love perseveres or doesn’t. But is there a point at which the portrait film becomes more than just demanding, but rather taxing to the point that it’s just intentionally unenjoyable? Yes, but it might be irresponsible to portray slow, aggravating death as anything but slow and aggravating for every party involved. Spoonfeeding sauce-food into an immobile shell of a person who spent a lifetime time loving you should be should be shown for as excruciating as it is. It’s Georges’ absolute unwillingness to share in his suffering — even in conversation with his daughter or sympathetic neighbors — that makes the “Amour” experience too bottled to fully appreciate. There’s so little room in the movie for characters other than a stoic Georges and a prone Anne, there may not be room for us. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


lee: from 5

deadly Dinner Participants in the Grand Manse’s 3rd annual Valentines Murder Mystery event on Friday, Feb. 15 converse over dinner in Grand Hall. The dinner was followed by a set of clues provided throughout the evening to solve a sudden murder that took place at Mardi Gras.

come versions of others.” Unfortunately, Lee fears our modern society is losing a sense of the importance of the arts and of claiming our unique human identities through their practice. “The sad part is that we’re born original, but by the time we’re parented or schooled for 12 years, we lose it somehow, and I think that we need to practice art to get back to our singularity,” Lee said. “And I just think that that’s so important, and it’s sad that most programs, most school systems now, are phasing out their art programs, and the money for the arts is drying up. And I think it’s because we don’t understand how important the arts are to this singularity of each individual.” Dawes agrees with Lee on the immense value of the arts in a society. For Dawes, engagement with poetry is a path to empathy, and this is why it is essential UNL provides students with opportunities like a writer in residence. “I have devoted much of my life to the proposition that all societies who claim to be civilized are only so if they come to value poets and poetry in a real and meaningful way,” Dawes said. “Poetry teaches us about the value of the imagination and its role in our quest to be empathetic people who live in a world full of other people. So having a poet in residence at UNL speaks to the broader civilization of our culture as a university. For many students, these opportunities will represent the only chance they will have to experience the arts. We need to give them this opportunity.” In contemplating what he can offer those who will interact with him and hear him read during his stay, Lee tries to demonstrate the empathy and selflessness that are at the heart of his poetic life. “I hope – my sincere hope – is that they recognize how deep they are,” Lee said. “I feel like if they read my work or if they hear me read and they walk away thinking, ‘Wow, he’s a really smart guy’ or ‘He’s an interesting guy,’ in a way I failed. But if they walk away thinking ‘Wow – my life is that deep too, and I need to get to it. I need to live my life at a really deep level. I need to embrace my fate, my destiny, my life,’ then I feel I’ve succeeded, I’ve made a difference. I want them to recognize how deep and profound and what a gift their lives are and what a gift it is to be alive, and to live from the deepest centers in our beings.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

photos by shelby wolfe

LEFT: Couples talk with the Grand Manse acting troupe during the Grand Manse’s 3rd annual Valentines Murder Mystery event on Friday, Feb. 15. ABOVE: A member of the Grand Manse acting troupe dresses up in Mardi Gras attire for the Grand Manse’s 3rd annual Valentines Murder Mystery event on Friday, Feb. 15.



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Edited by Will Shortz Across 33 “Put it there” 60 What a wide indicator receiver or an 1 Like areas where Oscar broadcast cattails thrive 36 Novelist Grey might do 7 Much ado about 37 Complete set of 61 Milk source nothing 12 shapes formed 62 Gambler’s stake by this puzzle’s 15 Descriptive of this black squares

puzzle’s grid

17 Its symbol is AA on the New York Stock Exchange

41 Game piece 42 Oaf

43 Runs

18 Volt/ampere

47 Run-___

19 Potting material

48 Hatcher of a “desperate” plot?

20 Whom Uncle Sam wants

49 Call to a calf

21 Go commando?

50 2011 Grammywinning song by Jay-Z and Kanye West

23 Jack Kerouac’s last novel

24 Long-running NBC staple, for short

52 To be in France? 53 Twirled

25 Stevedores, say 28 Good name for an investment adviser?

54 Like this puzzle’s 37-Across

31 Mount in Exodus

59 Sports venue

58 A monomaniac has it

29 Secret supply


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1 7







No. 0627 5













25 29



23 27



33 37





36 39





28 32

43 48













58 59

60 61


Puzzle by Mike Buckley

32 Mariner’s org. 34 Radio tower, for one 35 Pioneering jazz standard of 1917 37 Former Ford subcompact 38 “Hamlet” castle 39 Electric shaver brand

40 Commercial prefix with Clean

51 Bone-muscle connector

41 Donald or Daffy Duck

52 Singer James

44 Encroach 45 “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” e.g. 46 “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” e.g.

53 Penniless, in Pennington 55 Hawaiian goose 56 It’s between Kan. and Tex. 57 “Let’s get goin’!”

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monday, february 18, 2013

NU tennis rolls to 9th win of season kyle cummings dn Following a 2-1 record at the ITA National Indoor Tennis Championships, the Nebraska women’s tennis squad continued to roll this weekend, knocking off Illinois State and Colorado State. Nebraska coach Scott Jacobson said it has been fun watching his “tremendously gifted” athletes rise to great heights this season. So far, the Huskers have only lost to No. 10 Miami, 4-2. Nebraska senior Mary Weatherholt, who usually plays No. 1 singles for the Huskers, was named the Big Ten Athlete of the Week for women’s tennis for the second time this season. Weatherholt, though, did not play for Nebraska. In hopes of keeping Weatherholt healthy, Coach Jacobson decided to not put her on the roster for the weekend’s play, he said. The Huskers didn’t seem to need Weatherholt, though, when they downed the Illinois State Redbirds 6-1 Friday evening, in their first match since the indoor championships. Then-No. 15 Nebraska turned around to face Colorado State on Sunday afternoon. Nebraska jumped to a 1-0 lead early against the Rams thanks to an 8-1 doubles win from senior Patricia Veresova and freshman Maggy Lehmicke, and an 8-0 win from the No. 1 duo, seniors Janine Weinreich and Stefanie Weinstein. “I think we just felt really confident, so we kept being really aggressive at the net from the beginning on, and it just worked out,” Weinreich said. Their experience of playing together has allowed their doubles play to mesh well, Weinstein said. “Since we’ve had some matches together,” Weinstein said, “we kind of know what the other person is doing. I think it’s basically that we have different playing styles; that helps a lot in doubles.” “She’s (has) more tricky shots,” Weinreich said. “So that fits perfect together in doubles,” Weinstein said. Part of the confidence Weinreich and Weinstein have can be rooted to playing in top-level tennis for three

days at the ITA National Indoors, Jacobson said. “I think those three matches made us so much better as a team,” Jacobson said. “There’s no substitute for competing at that level.” Building on the confidence of playing against some of the best tennis teams in the country and a dominant doubles’ performance against Colorado State, Nebraska headed into singles play Sunday afternoon with a 1-0 lead. The Huskers out-matched Colorado State in single’ play as well. Weinreich quickly put away CSU’s Mollie Cooper at No. 4 singles 6-1, 6-0, before teammate Maike Zeppernick defeated Lauren Pick 6-1, 6-1 at No. 5 singles. Then, almost at the same time, Nebraska picked up wins from No. 1, 2 and 3 singles. The only match remaining featured freshman Lauren Wagner at No. 6 singles. In her first match of the season, Wagner dropped the first set 6-2. After shaking off some nerves and receiving a few calming words from her coach, she felt much better heading into the second set, she said. Wagner turned around and took the second set 6-3, forcing the match to a decisive 10-point tiebreaker. Wagner dug herself in a hole early, giving her opponent, Maddie Buxton, five different opportunities for match-point. She rallied back from a 9-4 deficit, and eventually won the tie break 12-10 and the match 3-6, 6-3, 1-0. “Her mind was right with the start of the second set, and that allowed her to win,” Jacobson said. “When she’s down 9-4 in the breaker, she played some of her best tennis and some of her most courageous tennis, so that was good to see. I was really proud of the courage she played with late in the match.” Wagner’s tie-break win gave the Huskers a clean 7-0 sweep on the day. Jacobsoon was most impressed with Nebraska’s attitude, he said. “It was a very business-like approach,” he said. “The kids came out; they knew what they needed to do. I thought their minds were right and we were very centered. When you approach every day that way, you get better as a team.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

matt masin | dn

Nebraska senior Stefanie Weinstein serves to an opponent this weekend at the Nebraska Tennis Center. Weinstein and teammate Janine Weinreich are undefeated in doubles this season.

Bowlers finish 3rd in tournament The Nebraska women’s bowling team took third place in the James Brown Invitational in Towson, Md., this past weekend. The Huskers started the tournament strong, but lost early in the final day, preventing the team from winning its third straight tournament. The Huskers competed against 28 teams, the largest tournament field the Huskers will be in this year. After the first day of the meet, the Huskers were first in the standings with the highest pinfall total. According to the Nebraska coach Bill Straub, day one was a success. “To be in first was the hope for us going into this, and the hope was realized,” Straub said. Straub felt there was a good effort from the entire team, and overall it was a nice start to the tournament.

Rifle scores 2nd highest season total jessica west dn


Eric Bertrand Dn


The next day, each of the Kuhlkin said. “They are No. 1 Huskers bowled one game to add and we are No. 3, so a win against to their total pinfall number. Ne- them helps us in the rankings.” At the end of the tournament, braska finished day two in second behind No. 1 Central Missouri, Nebraska finished in third place with a match record of who finished with a 9-3. total pinfall of 9,032, “Winning a tournawhile Nebraska rement isn’t everything, corded an 8,945. and we were able to The Huskers better our record for bowled for the trophy the NCAA qualifiers,” on Sunday. Kuhlkin said. “We are Nebraska started happy with our 9-3 rethe morning against cord.” the second-ranked First place went University of Maryto Eastern Shore Lady land Eastern Shore Hawks with No. 4 ArLady Hawks. Nekansas State taking braska came up short kuhlkin second. against the Hawks. Mary Wells of Cen“It was an untimely loss to start the day that tral Missouri won the individual really kept us from winning,” competition with a total pinfall sophomore Liz Kuhlkin said. “We of 1,097 and a average of 219 per game. Kuhlkin finished 12th in bowled well, but they just outthe tournament overall with an bowled us.” average of 202 a game. The Huskers played Central “I stayed neutral in my bowlMissouri later in the day and won ing today,” she said. “I know I by a decision of 4-3. “It was a big win for us,” could do better, but I’m glad to

help the team, and that’s the important thing.” The Huskers said the lanes got tougher to bowl on as the day went on, and they were not transitioning lanes as well as they could have. “The lanes were pretty dry at the end of the day,” Kuhlkin said. “We are one of the best teams in the NCAA on fresh lanes.” Although the Huskers could not win their third straight tournament, the team said they felt the match went well. “We are not disappointed, we just know we can do better,” Kuhlkin said. The Huskers will look to continue their success into the Greater Ozark Invitational in Kansas City, Mo., March 1-3. “We will use this tournament as a stepping stone, with a 9-3 record, to carry the momentum into Kansas City next week,” Kuhlkin said. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

year. “We all feel that Coach Underwood is a great inspiration,” Dutton said. “She makes sure The Nebraska rifle team saw that when we practice, we have success Sunday when it compet- the same mentality of being in a match. It has really helped us ed in the NCAA Qualifier match get to where we are.” in Murray, Ky. The team shot its “It’s weird to think about second-highest score of the seahow this one day is so imporson at 4,650. tant,” Underwood Going in to the said. “The whole match, the Huskers season of training were ranked in eighth comes down to this place, only a couple of one day.” points shy of seventh. Dutton said the Their high score almental focus of the lowed the Huskers to team before the take seventh place and match took place increase their chances was also a major of qualifying for the factor in the outNCAA Tournament. come. The NCAA quali“Everyone fying score is based underwood went into this on two things. Fifty match with a repercent of the score is laxed attitude,” based on the score of Dutton said. “We shot the same the match that took place this past weekend. The other 50 per- way we have been training to cent consists of the average of shoot, and we treated this match the three top scores from differ- as any other. There really wasn’t ent tournaments. With the suc- anyone that was nervous. There cess of the season and the suc- was excitement, maybe, but not cess of this match on Sunday, nerves.” “The team knew that it was the Huskers are likely to qualify important to focus on shooting for the NCAA Championships, according to Nebraska coach the way Nebraska shoots,” Underwood said. “We can’t control Stacy Underwood. the outcome of the other teams Senior Janine Dutton said the team was ecstatic when they so we had to remember to focus on ourselves. More importantly found out how well they did. we had to remember who we “Everyone was so excited,” shoot for and represent. NeDutton said. “There was a lot braska.” of screaming, and there was so The official field for the much high energy. I do believe that we have a great shot at NCAA championships will be announced on Wednesday. Until qualifying.” then, the team has to continue Underwood said her team on as normal to prepare for the has worked hard for this, and it coming conference championhas every right to be excited. ships. “We had a really good team “When we get back, it’s gomeeting before the match,” Uning to be practice as normal,” derwood said. “Everyone was Underwood said. “We have hugging each other, and we rethe conference championships alized that this is what it’s all coming up we have to focus on. about, the 10 people around us.” When Wednesday comes, we Underwood said she is proud of her team and their will know if we qualified, and hard work. The girls on the team then we will go from there.” sports@ said Underwood is a large part Dailynebraskan.com of the success they have had this

track & field: from 10 the women’s 200 meters with a time of 24.21, while Mila Andric placed seventh with a time of 24.66. Lexie Oak placed fifth in the women’s 400 meters with a personal-best mark of 56.59, and Ellie Grooters placed sixth with a personal-best of 56.68. On the men’s side, Jodi-Rae Blackwood placed third with a time of 48.48, and Jake Bender finished fourth recording a mark of 48.87. “I’m excited about my P.R. (personal record) in the 400,” Gooters said. “It’s nice when you can do your best at the end of the season.” The Huskers swept the women’s 600 meters. Shawnice Williams earned the event title with a personal-best time of 1:31.71 which puts her at eighth in the Big Ten. Jelena Andjelkovic finished second with a personalbest mark of 1:32.39 and is currently ranked 10th in the Big Ten. In the men’s 800 meters,

Sidney Madlock won the event title with a personal-best time of 1:52.96. Alney Tobias placed second posting a time of 1:53.10. Katie White earned second in the women’s mile with a personalbest time of 4:57.92. Sarah Plambeck came in after White, also with a personal-best, recording a time of 4:59.88. Andric placed second in the women’s 60 meter hurdles, recording a time of 8.60. Jordan Stiens placed fifth, posting a time of 8.67. Tibor Koroknai placed second on the men’s side with a personal-best 8.05, and Sean Pille took fifth place, recording a time of 8.14 seconds. “It went well; we had some people who were competing for spots on the team, and it helped us make some decisions there on filling out a roster,” Nebraska coach Gary Pepin said. “We had some athletes get some seasonal-bests.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

wrestling: from 10 In the 197-pound and heavyweight classes, Kolb and Johnson were two of five Huskers to win matches in both duals Sunday. “Both of them gained a lot of confidence,” Manning said. “They’ve been working their tail off, and they went out there and they executed what we’ve been practicing, so it was good to see.” Nebraska 125-pounder Eric Coufal fell in his second bonus-point defeat of the day to begin the regional final dual against No. 10 Cornell, and 133-pounder Shawn Nagel lost a 3-2 decision. Kiley lost in a decision to No. 13 Mike Nevinger, and three matches into the dual, Cornell had a 10-0 lead. Sueflohn got the Huskers on the board with a 12-3 major decision against No. 14 Chris Villalonga. “He wrestled pretty well,” Manning said. “Probably wrestled better against Cornell than he did against Virginia, but a little bit different styles and so on.” Nebraska and Cornell traded victories for the rest of the dual. At 165 pounds, No. 1 Kyle Dake of Cornell pinned NU’s Tyler Koehn to give the Big Red a 16-7 lead that the Huskers could not make up. “We didn’t score enough bonus points,” Manning said. “We left a couple matches; 33 we lost a tight match, 41 we lost a tight match and 84.” While Cornell moves onto the National Dual finals next week, the Huskers will wait until March 9 to return to competition at the Big Ten Championships. Manning thinks his squad is beginning to peak. “As a team,” he said, “we’re starting to put things together.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

file photo by storm farnik | dn

Nebraska’s James Green wrestles earlier this season at the Nebraska Coliseum. Green and the Husker wrestlers beat No. 11 Virginia, but then fell to No. 10 Cornell in the NWCA tournament Sunday.


monday, february 18, 2013


basketball: from 10

andrew dickinson | dn

Dylan Talley covers his face during Nebraska’s loss to Michigan State on Saturday. Talley led all scorers with 28 points.

FILE PHOTO BY morgan spiehs | dn

Nebraska’s Brook Thomason stands in the batter’s box last season. The Huskers went 4-1 at the Hillenbrand Invitational in Tuscon, Ariz., this weekend.

NU wins 4, loses 1 in Arizona Huskers improve to 91 on the season with only loss coming to Arizona this weekend Staff Report dn The undefeated Nebraska softball team, led by coach Rhonda Revelle, competed at the Hillenbrand Invitational during this weekend in Tucson, Ariz., at Hillenbrand Stadium. Also competing were Southern Utah, Utah State, Drake, Purdue and No. 16 Arizona. The Wildcats hosted. Nebraska had two games on Friday and Saturday, finishing off the weekend with a game Sunday. The Huskers kicked off the weekend with a matchup versus Southern Utah on Friday. The team excelled in almost every aspect of the game against

the Thunderbirds and received strong performances from the young freshmen on the team. Leading NU was freshman righthander Emily Lockman, who threw her first career shutout. She only allowed four hits in the game, all of which were singles. On the offensive side, freshman Hailey Decker had two home runs and freshman teammate Kiki Stokes finished the game batting 3-for-3. The Huskers won their opening game 7-0. Later that day, Nebraska faced No. 16 Arizona. The Wildcats proved to be the toughest matchup that weekend, surrendering only four hits to the highpowered Nebraska offense. On the mound for the Wildcats in that game was junior Shelby Babcock. She went the entire game, throwing five strikeouts and shutting out the Husker offense in the process. The Wildcats went on to win the game 1-0 in a matchup with multiple missed

opportunities by both teams. Nebraska left six runners on base in the matchup. The next morning was a fresh start for the Huskers, facing a Utah State squad that hadn’t won a game up to that point. The Huskers scored early in the first inning, scoring two runs off back-to-back walks. Later in the game, senior Brooke Thomason hit a grand slam for her team, becoming the first Husker to hit three grand slams, which helped contribute to NU’s nine run total that. Highlighting the outing though was Lockman again. The right-hander improved to 3-0 by throwing her first no-hitter in her fourth career start. The Huskers won 9-0. Nebraska rounded out Saturday with a game against the Drake. NU had another shutout and won 2-0 against the Bulldogs. On the mound for Nebraska was junior Tatum Edwards, who pitched her first shutout of

the season against Drake, allowing four hits. After a successful Saturday, Nebraska capped the Hillenbrand Invitational with a close game against Big Ten foe Purdue on Sunday. The Boilermakers fired first by breaking out three runs in the second inning due to a pair of errors committed by Nebraska. In the bottom of the fourth inning, the Huskers fired back with a timely two-run home run from Thomason, which put Nebraska down by one. The Huskers tied it up the next inning, which led to the winning run from a sacrifice fly hit by Decker in the bottom of the sixth inning. The game ended 4-3 and gave the Huskers another win on the weekend. They went 4-1 in the Invitational and are now 9-1 on the year. The Huskers will head to Cathedral City, Calif., to compete in the Mary Nutter Collegiate Classic Feb. 22. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

began the next 20 minutes makbounds, assisted the Spartans to a ing three consecutive jumpers to 60 percent field-goal shooting in pull the Huskers within three. the second half. Shields then made his next shot Despite mixing up the lineup from downtown to throughout the shorten the Spartan game, none of I don’t lead to 38-36. Miles’ players were Shields stelenough to halt care about lar performance Michigan State’s the 28; we lost. helped him earn his inside game, Miles first career double I would rather said. double (19 points, “I tried to play scored five.” 13 rebounds). big, and we just “He was so couldn’t,” Miles dylan talley good,” Miles said. said. “That’s the senior basektball player “He’s fun to watch one thing that helps when he gets going when we play Branlike that, isn’t he?” don Ubel at the four, The same couldn’t be said for Andre (Almeida) at the five, then at all the Husker shooters. one of the wings Shavon or David A pair of misses by Husker or Dylan.” guard Ray Gallegos assisted to a “That’s a pretty good reboundMichigan State run. The senior ’s ing lineup for us, but rebounding is sixth and seventh missed shots one element of the game.” from downtown helped the SparAlthough he led his team with tans extend their lead to 45-40. a career-high performance, Talley “It seemed like it got worse,” said the personal-best meant nothMiles said. ing without a victory. The Huskers’ offensive de“I don’t care about the 28; we ficiency led way for Michigan lost,” the senior said. “I would State’s Adreian Payne to take have rather scored five and we over. The junior forward scored win. But we just got to keep push11 of his 13 second-half points ing.” in the final eight minutes of the Nebraska will try to change game and finished the game with its fortune when it hosts Iowa this 15 points. Thursday at 8 p.m. sports@ Payne, who also finished the Dailynebraskan.com night with a team-high 14 re-

men’s tennis

Nebraska knocks off 2 ranked opponents Husker tennis players win a pair of close duel matches this weekend

morgan spiehs | dn

Nebraska’s Emily Wong spins during a bar routine at the Bob Devaney Sports Center earlier this season. Wong and the eighthranked Huskers knocked off Arizona this weekend to win their fifth-straight match.

Gymnasts hold off No. 14 Arizona Matt Duren dn The No. 8 Nebraska women’s gymnastics team held off a late comeback from No. 14 Arizona to win 195.625-195.400 in a close meet Saturday evening at the McKale Memorial Center in Tucson, Ariz. The Huskers (5-1 overall, 4-1 Big Ten) won three event titles and the all-around to beat the Wildcats (9-6, 0-4 Pac 12) in their home gym. Nebraska women’s gymnastics coach Dan Kendig was proud of the effort his team showed. “I thought we did (well) overall,” Kendig said. “It wasn’t our best day, but we did some good things. We won all but one event, so that was a highlight.” The Huskers started the evening on bars, but not in the fashion they would have liked. A fall on the first routine didn’t deter the team, however. The last five Husker gymnasts hit their rou-

tines, so the fall was not counted in the score. Junior Emily Wong led Nebraska on bars with a 9.825, which also earned her the event title. Janelle Giblin, Jessie DeZiel and Hollie Blanske also posted strong scores, with the trio scoring 9.80 each to finish in a threeway tie. Brittany Skinner earned a score of 9.70. “I thought we did (well) in bars today,” Kendig said. “We had a mistake to start out, but the next five hit. I’m proud of the way we rallied.” The first rotation of the evening took the Huskers to vault. Nebraska ended up posting a team score of 48.950. Skinner won the event title with a 9.90. Giblin, Wong and Desire Stephens added identical scores of 9.775, while Jamie Schleppenbach and Jessie DeZiel added 9.725 each. The next event was floor exercise, where Nebraska put together a strong overall performance.

Blanske and Wong paced the Huskers with a 9.825 each. Stephens added a career-high of 9.80 and Schleppenbach earned a 9.775 as well for the team. “Even though we didn’t win the event, I thought that routine on floor was the best we have done all year,” Kendig said. “The first three put up some very good scores, and hopefully this is something we can build off of for floor.” Nebraska went into its last event knowing it would have to put up a solid score to win. The team did just that. The Huskers scored a 48.775. Senior Kassandra Nathe led the team with a meet- and seasonbest score of 9.85. DeZiel added a 9.825 and Wong contributed with a 9.80 to aid the Huskers. Arizona had a late surge on floor, finishing with a 49.275, but it was not enough, as Nebraska edged out the Wildcats to win its fifth consecutive meet. Although Nebraska ended

with its lowest team score of the year, that did little to dampen Wong’s optimism. “The score wasn’t great, but we did enough to win,” Wong said. “We know we can do a lot better, but we have a lot of confidence right now and a lot we can carry over into our next meet.” Arizona was led by Aubree Cristello, who came in second in the all-around at 39.175. That included a 9.775 on bars. Kristen Klarenbach and Amber Wobma each earned scores of 9.825 on vault. The Wildcats, though, only picked up a score of 48.475 on bars. Their score of 48.675 on beam pulled them closer, but in the end it was not enough to upset the Huskers. Nebraska will return home next weekend as it hosts the 23rd annual Masters Classic at the Bob Devaney Sports Center on Friday, Feb. 22. sports@ Dailynebraskan.com

sophomore Sebastian Florczyk and Sofiane Chevallier. Chevallier took the first set 7-6, but Florczyk battled his way back and took the final two sets 7-5, 6-4. That point sealed the upset for the Huskers, but they couldn’t celebrate too much. They had to face staff report off against an equally formidable dn opponent in East Tennessee State. The Huskers dominated their The Nebraska men’s tennis team doubles play, winning 8-6 and 8-7. came out of one of the most pivotBoyer scored the first singles al non-conference weekends with point for the Huskers, sweeping two huge wins. The Huskers first Jorge Varon 6-1 and 6-2. East Tenbeat No. 60 Georgia State in a 4-3. nessee State’s Juan Ramirez defeatOnly a few hours later, they deed Eric Sock in straight sets 6-4, feated another ranked opponent 6-3. Herrmann won his second in No. 74 East Tennessee State 4-2. match of the day 6-4, 6-4 against Those two wins give the Rogerio Ribeiro, but Stenger fell Huskers an impressive four-game to Jesus Bandres in three tough winning streak, sets 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. with three of those But Blackwell nailed wins coming against the coffin shut on ETSU. ranked opponents. He remained perfect and They are now 5-3 claimed his eighth vicon the spring seatory in the spring season. son. With Big Ten After dropping the first play opening in two set 6-4 against Roger Orweeks, the Huskers deig, Blackwell reboundappear to be one of ed by winning the last the hottest teams in two sets 6-1, 6-1. the conference. The Huskers return But Nebraska was from Bristol, Tenn., with in danger of losing a ton of momentum for herrmann its match to Georgia their coming matches State from the start. against Wichita State and The Huskers dropped Denver. The Huskers have rattled the doubles point as the duo of Anoff four impressive victories, and dre Stenger and Marc Herrmann they could easily be riding a sixnarrowly lost the final match 8-6. game winning streak into conferThe singles round began just as ence play next month. poorly when Stenger was swept Consistently stellar play by by the No. 75 player in the counBlackwell has been a cornerstone try, Victor Valente, 6-1, 6-2. The for the Huskers’ victories this seafirst victory for the Huskers came son, but recently, other members when Herrmann defeated Thom- of the team have stepped up. Heras Cook 6-1, 6-3. Georgia State rmann, a freshman from St. Inginched closer to victory as Husker bert, Germany, has improved each senior Eric Sock was defeated 6-4, match this season. He began the 6-2 by Robert Shulze. spring season struggling, starting From there it was all Nebraska. out 0-4. Since then, he has been a Senior Dusty Boyer fought off Luperfect 4-0, and contributing even cas Santa Ana to narrowly win 6-7, more, playing for doubles’ points 6-4, 7-5. Junior Tom Blackwell ad- alongside Stenger. vanced to 7-0 on the season as he The Huskers now have week knocked off Andrew Zedde 6-7, off to rest and prepare for Wichita 6-3, 6-3. State on Monday, Feb. 25. But the match of the day was sports@ the final one between Nebraska dailynebraskan.com



monday, february 18, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports

spartan strong Michigan state flexes its muscles in win over nebraska s to ry

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d i ck i nson


eith Appling threw the ball up hoping to score the game’s first points. The Michigan State guard’s attempt was interrupted by Nebraska’s Dylan Talley, sending Appling to the foul line for three shots. The Spartan junior made all three free throws, giving his team a 3-0 lead. It was that kind of game for the Huskers all night long. The No. 8 Spartans (22-4 overall, 11-2 Big Ten) forced 20 personal fouls en route to their 73-64 win against the Huskers (12-14, 3-10) Saturday night at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Michigan State went 23-for-29 from the charity stripe, leading to its second win against Nebraska this season. And it wasn’t just the easy shots from the foul line that assisted in Michigan State’s season sweep. The Spartans outrebounded Nebraska 42-24. The tough athleticism from their opponents was no surprise, according to Nebraska coach Tim Miles. “They do such a good job, and that’s their brand,” he said after the game. “It’s what they do, and we’re not quite there.” After beginning the game at the line for three uncontested points, Michigan State would go on an 13-3 run to take a 23-12 lead halfway through the first half. But it wouldn’t take long for Nebraska to catch up to the Spartans. A pair of 3-pointers by Husker senior forward Brandon Ubel and Talley sparked a 7-0 run with five minutes left to cut the Spartan lead to four. Talley finished the night with a career-high 28 points. Minutes later, a dunk and layup by freshman forward Matt Costello helped Michigan State go into halftime with a 29-24 lead. Although the Spartans turned the ball over 10 times, they blocked the home team five times. Miles said he considered his team lucky to head into the locker room down only by five against the top-10 opponent. “It was like a minor miracle,” the coach said. “I just feel like we didn’t do anything that well. I feel like we didn’t play offense that well. I felt fortunate we were only down by five.” However, it seemed like the intermission was all Nebraska needed to regain its energy, especially for Shavon Shields. The Husker freshman guard began the second half as a new player. After missing all three of his first-half shots, Shields

basketball: see page 9

Shavon Shields (right) dives for a loose ball while Brandon Ubel (left) watches during Nebraska’s loss to Michigan State on Saturday. The Huskers were outrebounded in the game by 18.


Wrestlers fall in regional final of NWCA tournament Zach Tegler DN The No. 13 Nebraska wrestling team led No. 11 Virginia when James Green hit the mat Sunday at the NWCA National Duals in Ithaca, N.Y. Nebraska’s Green, the No. 6 157-pounder in the country, delivered with a 5-2 decision against Virginia’s Nick Sulzer. Sulzer is No. 7 in the country at 165 pounds. Green hasn’t wrestled at the weight class in competition, but he has in practice. “It’s not like it’s a new thing , wrestling heavier guys,” Green said. “I just went out there and wrestled how I usually wrestle.” The Huskers went on to beat the Cavaliers 28-8 in the first round of

the Cornell Regional of the tournament before losing to host Cornell 19-17 in the regional final. Despite an early deficit against the Cavaliers, NU coach Mark Manning said his team didn’t have to do anything special to take control of the dual. “We just wrestled hard and executed our stuff,” Manning said. “That’s it.” Against Virginia, Nebraska dropped the first two matches of the dual and found itself trailing 8-0. Then NU senior Ridge Kiley shut out No. 20 Joe Spisak 5-0 at 141 pounds to spark eight straight wins for the Huskers on their way to victory. “I saw him be persistent in his attack,” Manning said of Kiley’s performance against Spisak. “The match came to him. He didn’t force things.” NU sophomore Jake Sueflohn

(No. 10) kept things rolling for the Huskers with a 2-0 decision against No. 20 Derek Valenti. Virginia had to forfeit the match at 157 pounds — Green’s normal weight class — and Manning didn’t want to keep one of his best wrestlers on the bench. The sixth-ranked Green wrestled up a weight class to defeat the Cavaliers’ highest ranked grappler. “I thought James could beat their ‘65-pounder,” Manning said. “Mentally, it’s good for him. Challenge people. Test people. Get them outside their element.” Wins by No. 4 Robert Kokesh, No. 8 Josh Ihnen, Caleb Kolb and Spencer Johnson rounded out the Huskers’ victory.

wrestling: see page 8

track and field

Nebraska Tune-Up prepares NU for Big Ten championship Huskers dominate in the final home meet of the season, win 9 event titles Jacy Lewis DN The Nebraska track and field team dominated its last regular indoor season meet. The Huskers won nine event titles during the one-day Nebraska Tune-Up. NU topped many season and personal bests during the meet, putting the athletes in a better position going into the Big Ten Indoor Championship. Tristen Sharp started off the meet winning the women’s weight throw recording a personal-best throw of 56-6. On the men’s side, Cole Ingram placed second with a throw of 57-6 1/4. In shot put, Taylor Shapland won the men’s event title with a mark of 54-6 3/4. Carlie Pinkelman won the women’s shot put with a personal-best mark of 50-7 1/4. Sharp came in second post-

al-best of 48-3 1/4, while Travis ing a personal-best mark of 47-10 Englund placed second with his 1/2. personal-best leap of 47-9. Tess Merril won the women’s Volunteer coach and former pole vault with a height of 12-8 Husker Dusty Jonas competed 3/4, and Maggie Maher came in unattached at the Nebraska Tunesecond with a mark of 12-4 3/4. Up. He won the men’s high jump On the men’s side, Craig Driver placed third with a vault of 16-9 title with a height of 7-5 1/4. James White placed second, 1/2, while Erik Sutterfinishing with a mark field placed fourth with of 7-4 1/4. a mark of 16-5 1/2. On the women’s In the women’s side, Marusa Cernlong jump, Kari Heck jul placed second took second with a with a jump of 5-9 jump of 18-9 3/4, and 3/4, while Jillianna Anne Martin placed Scanlan came in after third with a leap of 18-6 Cernjul with a mark 1/2. of 5-8 1/2. Teddy Lampkin In the women’s 60 won the men’s event meters, Mara Weekes title posting a jump of earned the event title 23-9-inches, while Nigrooters with a time of 7.48, kita Pankins placed secwhich puts her eighth ond with a leap of 23-6. in the Big Ten. BreunMara Griva placed na McCarty placed fourth, recordsecond in the women’s triple ing a time of 7.72, while on the jump with a mark of 41-5 3/4, while Anna Weigandt placed men’s side, Tim Thompson placed third with a time of 6.91. third with a leap of 40-9 3/4. The Weekes placed second in Husker men triple jumpers swept the event. Devandrew Johnson won the event title with a person-

track & field: see page 8

file photo by kaylee everly | dn

Branden Pierce makes a pitch during a game last season. Pierce and the rest of the Husker pitching staff struggled on the weekend, as Nebraska lost four games.

NU opens season with 4 losses in California Lanny Holstein dn

State Bakersfield, Cal State Fullerton in the first game and USC before losing in the later innings. Those leads could have been greater – possible Nebraska baseball struggled out of the gate once again, going 0-4 in its season victories – had the Huskers taken advantage of their opportunities. opening road trip to California. “When you play teams that are The Huskers dropped their opener 9-4 to Cal State Bakersfield Friday quality opponents, you only get so night before losing two games to No. many opportunities, and if you don’t 22 Cal State Fullerton on Saturday, execute, that’s what happens,” Erstad said. “Unfortunately, we are learning 10-5 and 9-0. They fell against USC on the hard way right now.” a two-out single in the bottom of the The Nebraska leadoff man ninth inning to round out the weekreached second base with no outs end Sunday. twice against USC, but the Huskers The 0-4 start comes a year after the Huskers went 0-3 against Gonzaga to were unable to bring the run home. start the 2012 season. Nebraska coach Strikeouts and other unproductive atbats stranded too many base runners Darin Erstad’s club has had a rough for the Huskers to be successful, actime getting off on the right foot, but cording to Erstad. the coach takes the “As coaches, we weekend as a poshave to make them unYou can say itive. Nebraska derstand that those little hung in there with we are 0-4, if things matter, and until quality teams and easily could have you are going to look they play quality opponents and realize that picked off a game at wins and losses, those things made the or two, according difference, we have to but we could have to Erstad. keep on them,” he said. “You can say been 3-1, maybe 2-2 Nebraska’s nonwe are 0-4, if you conference schedule is are going to look very easily.” loaded with ranked opat wins and losses, ponents and teams that but we could have Darin erstad play in warm-weather nebraska baseball coach been 3-1, maybe climates. Matchups with 2-2 very easily,” Texas, New Mexico, UC Erstad said. “So Irvine and Cal State Fullerton await it’s one of those things where that fine the Huskers during the next month, of a line that you walk in this game, so they are getting their toughest chaland they need to understand that.” Nebraska held leads against Cal lenges without much time to solidify their positions on the team.

“The fall scrimmages were great, but you don’t know what you are really going to get until the season starts,” centerfielder Rich Sanguinetti said. “There’s this whole readjustment period where you find out your roles, stuff like that.” The opening weekend of action exposed Nebraska’s starting pitching, maybe before everything was in place. Kyle Kubat, expected to be one of the top pitchers in the rotation, sat the weekend out with arm soreness, and the guys behind him struggled to go deep into the game. Brandon Pierce, Nebraska’s opening-day starter, only went two innings, giving up five runs, and none of the Husker pitchers made it to the sixth inning. Offensively, the Huskers were led by sophomore second baseman Pat Kelly’s .375 average and two doubles. Catcher Tanner Lubach recorded a solo homer, hitting .364 on the weekend as well. It wasn’t the start Nebraska was looking for, but there are opportunities coming up for the Huskers to make a splash in this young season. “We’d love to come out of here and get a couple wins, but that didn’t happen,” Erstad said. “This was a great challenge for our team mentally, and it’s coming right again next week. I mean, it’s not going to stop. These kids have to learn, and we have to get them ready to play quality baseball night in and night out.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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