Jan 13

Page 1

Debating america’s struggle with racism

Keeping the train Rolling

Columnists argue whether America will ever overcome racism, prejudice PAGE 4

NU extends win streak with comeback victory against W isconsin PAGE 10

friday, january 13, 2012

volume 111, issue 080

DAILY NEBRASKAN dailynebraskan.com

art by gabriel sanchez

Voter ID bill taken off agenda

story by justice jones

Sen. Janssen hopes to reintroduce the bill next session LEGISLATURE

Abel residents battle bed bugs

dan holtmeyer daily nebraskan

With help from UNL Housing, two students stomp out dorm-room infestation


hen freshman nutrition and health sciences major Emily Mrzlak returned to Abel Residence Hall on Jan. 6, she didn’t expect to spend her evening with bed bugs. Mrzlak, who didn’t notice the unwelcomed guests until she saw them on her roommate’s comforter, immediately broke into a panic. “I had my boyfriend kill them because bugs freak me out,” Mrzlak said. “After they were dead I didn’t think anything else about it and just went to bed” But her panic wasn’t over. “That night I couldn’t go to sleep, I kept feeling these pinches of nerve pain all over my legs and arms.” Although she figured it was merely a figment of her imagination,

Mrzlak woke up the next day with multiple bug bites on her legs. These bites occurred at night, because bed bugs are nocturnal. They usually reside in dark spaces such as cork boards or mattresses until a human source is available to feed on, according to Keith Zaborowski, associate director of Housing Residence Life who has also done research on the insects. As soon as Mrzlak found the bites she took major precautions; she threw her sheets in the washer and dryer to kill them with heat. She then texted her roommate, because they were the same bugs they saw on her bed the night before. But the bugs returned. Mrzlak’s roommate, Ashleigh Auman, a freshman mathematics major, decided to go to their floor’s resident assistant, who pointed her to the Abel Facilities office. When notifying Facilities, Mrzlak and

Nebraska’s proposed voter ID bill, LB 239, has been removed from the legislature’s agenda, according to Associated Press reports Thursday evening. The bill would have required voters to present a valid, current photo ID, or qualify for one of several exceptions, before receiving a ballot on election day. It had been introduced last session by State Sen. Charlie Janssen of Fremont and carried over to the session that began this month. The bill was one of dozens around the country that have recently been introduced or enacted, mostly by Republican controlled state legislatures. According to reports from the Omaha World-Herald, Janssen pulled the bill to give himself more time to counter “misinformation” spread by the bill’s opponents. Several reports said he planned on bringing it back later in the session. Janssen said in an interview Wednesday that the proposal was meant to protect the integrity of the vote by preventing voter fraud,

Auman said they learned that the maintenance staff was reluctant to believe there were actual bed bugs in the room. “We went down to talk to them and they didn’t really believe it was bed bugs at first, but they came to set traps up in our room anyway,” Mrzlak said. As soon as the staff realized the insects were indeed bed bugs, they set traps. However, once they discovered just how many had infested the room, they decided to call an exterminator. During the fumigation, the extermination company also checked other places in the room in case the bugs were tucked away i n dark hidden spaces. “When they searched the room, they found the bugs living in the cork

bed bugs: see page 3

voter id bill: see page 3

Chancellor to present annual MLK awards Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

Every year on the third Monday of January, schools are closed to remember Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments. And every year on the third Monday of January, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chancellor’s Office presents the UNL Chancellor’s Program for students and community members. This year’s presentation will be on Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. The event consists of the presentation of the Chancellor’s “Fulfilling the Dream Awards” to two recipients, which is followed by the keynote speaker. At the beginning of the event, Chancellor Harvey Perlman will present the award, said Patrick Jones, associate professor of history and ethnic studies and cochair of the committee running the event. “It’s usually two [recipients],

“My hope is that the UNL community will have an opportunity to reflect on Dr. King’s dream for freedom and justice.” Catherine WilsoN associate law professor

one to a campus individual or organization and one individual or organization that is community oriented,” Jones said. This year, the award will be presented to the African American and African Studies Program and Zainab Al-baaj and the MENA Hope Project. After the awards presentation is the keynote speaker Mary Pipher, a renowned writer and psychologist from Lincoln. Pipher is the bestselling author of “Reviving

mlk: see page 3

martin luther king jr. events UNL will honor the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. with a week full of events that celebrate diversity. These events include lectures, a film screening and an open mic night. All students are encouraged by the university to attend these events. MLK Freedom Breakfast when: Friday, Jan. 13, 7:30 a.m. where: Embassy Suites Hotel what: Keynote Speaker is Larry Williams, executive director of the Clyde Malone Community Center. cost: $20 per person contact: Jody Wood at 402-4720085 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Chancellor’s Program when: Monday, Jan. 16, 2 p.m. where: Nebraska Union Auditorium, City Campus what: Features Keynote Speaker Dr. Mary Pipher, a therapist, writer and speaker. Film Screening and Discussion: “Soundtrack for a Revolution” when: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union Auditorium, City Campus what: Screening of the film “Soundtrack for a Revolution.” Dr.

DN Flashback page 2 Hip hop page 5

Patrick Jones from the History/Ethnic Studies Department at UNL will moderate the post-discussion. Lecture: “Martin Luther King Jr. and the Global Struggle Against Racial Discrimination” when: Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7 p.m. where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center what: Lecture by Professor Brian Lepard, University of Nebraska College of Law. Service Learning Project when: Thursday, Jan. 19, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center what: Students can volunteer at various spots around the community to help accomplish Dr. King’s vision for community outreach. contact: Joe Ruiz unlmlkcommittee@ gmail.com

Open Mic MLK Tribute Night when: Thursday, Jan. 19, 7 p.m. where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center what: Open mic that showcases student creativity through poetry, dance, spoken word and song and addresses topics surrounding the work and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Afrikan People’s Union MLK Banquet when: Friday, Jan. 20, 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union Ballroom, City Campus what: Afrikan People’s Union MLK Banquet with keynote speaker John Ewing, Douglas County treasurer. The theme is ‘Looking Back to Go Forward.’ cost: $10 per person or $70 per table contact: Rhaniece Choice at niece24choice@yahoo.com Compiled by Kim Buckley, kimbuckley@dailynebraskan.com

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Good time for No. 2

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friday, january 13, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Pipeline future stalled by doubts, political tension Keystone XL pipeline problem remains unsolved Dan Holtmeyer Daily Nebraskan

Late last year, Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality was handed a big, new job: find another route for TransCanada’s Keystone XL oil pipeline. The Nebraska Legislature made the decision in a special session after months of controversy over the original route, which crossed the state’s Sandhills on its way from Canada’s oil sands to refineries in Texas. The department, the state government declared, would work with the federal government and TransCanada to reroute the pipeline around the ecologically sensitive and groundwater-rich area. But despite that success in negotiation, for now, the DEQ is essentially sitting on its hands. Doubt and political tension now clouds the project’s future, and whether the pipeline will survive seems to depend on who’s asked. “We’re proceeding with our part of the process,” said Jim Bunstock, spokesman for the department. That includes assembling a small, internal team of geologists, water management experts and others that will use both satellites and eyes to judge the route, he added. However, they can’t get to what Bunstock called the “meat of the project” and actually find a pipeline path until the U.S. State Department releases its master formula for the teamwork, called a memorandum of understanding, and TransCanada submits its ideas for the route. “We’re still waiting on that to come about,” Bunstock said. Those steps likely haven’t happened because of persistent political uncertainty that began back in

file photo by dan holtmeyer | daily nebraskan

Dozens of Nebraskans wait to give testimony to the Nebraska Legislature’s Judiciary Committee, which is considering a bill that would give the state power over the route of pipelines like the Keystone XL. A month after Nebraska joined the mix, the project’s future is in question. November. That’s when the Obama administration delayed its decision on the pipeline’s construction until 2013, after the presidential election. The extra time was needed to find a new route through Nebraska, officials said. Many observers, including Michael Wagner, political science professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, also pointed to Obama’s spot between a rock and a hard place. Environmentalists, spurred by the risk of oil leaks and opposition to oil sands, wanted the pipeline gone. Labor unions from around the Midwest, on the other hand, wanted the pipeline, saying it could potentially provide thousands

of temporary jobs. Both groups historically support Democrats, Wagner said in a phone interview, meaning whatever Obama would decide, somebody would be unhappy. “Making a decision that ticks off one of those sides in an election year is not something the president wants to do,” Wagner said. But congressional Republicans weren’t eager to let Obama slide past this socalled “Keystone Conundrum,” and in December, they forced the president to come to a decision by February. The administration has said that without enough time to evaluate new paths, it will simply say no to TransCanada. But whether that will

actually happen still isn’t quite so clear, both Wagner and Shawn Howard, a TransCanada spokesman, said. “I think every time we think it’s dead, it rises again,” Wagner said. He pointed to TransCanada’s last-minute agreement to shift out of the Sandhills. The old route was a lightning rod for much of Nebraska’s exceptionally emotional opposition to the project, but the company had maintained for months that a change was too costly and time consuming. Eventually, Wagner said, the company changed its mind, and the project was given new life. “We don’t know, and nobody knows, what the White House will do,”

TransCanada’s Howard said. The project has been under review for more than three years, he pointed out, a time period with its fair share of twists and turns. TransCanada’s agreement to shift out of the Sandhills was arguably the biggest surprise. Most of the route is also approved already, Howard said. The piece through Nebraska is the only question mark on the map, and is less than 6 percent of the pipeline’s 1,700 mile length. Bunstock, from Nebraska’s DEQ, said the department’s goal for completing its route approval is Sept. 1, far beyond Congress’s deadline. But Howard said construction could begin in the other five states the pipeline passes through while Nebraska’s

government reviews TransCanada’s eventual request, solving that problem. Howard wouldn’t speculate on reports that TransCanada is eyeing other pipeline routes, in particular one that would lead to the Pacific Coast to facilitate sales to China. “Our focus right now is on the application that we’ve made,” he said. Meanwhile, Nebraska’s DEQ will just do what it can for now, and wait, Bunstock said. When asked if the political delay would impact the department’s September goal, Bunstock said that deadline was still “certainly doable.” “It’s not a process that can be hurried,” he said. “But we’re fairly comfortable.” danholtmeyer@ dailynebraskan.com

UNL faculty raise big Lied Center aims to bucks for good cause continue Arts for All »Committee » for Fees allocation

Emily Nitcher Daily Nebraskan

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Committee for Fees Allocation met on Thursday night to hear a presentation from the Lied Center for Performing Arts, a user of student fees that is requesting the same amount of funding it was granted last year. Matthew Boring, marketing and sales coordinator for the Lied Center, talked about continuing the effort toward the Lied’s goal of all UNL students having had at least one arts experience at the Lied before they graduate. The fall season averaged 139 unique students per show, with a total of 1,803 students. The Lied expects to reach 5,000 unique students for the entire 20112012 Season, more than one quarter of the student

population. Michael Kappen, senior finance and music major and the campus involvement intern at the Lied Center, explained the “Arts for All” program, established in 2010, which provides free tickets to students for more than 15 events in the 20112012 season. Boring and Kappen introduced improvements for the 2011-2012 season after polling UNL students. “We want to meet the needs of the students who are paying the fees,” Boring said. These improvements include making it possible for students to sit with friends at shows and implementing a strike system that will hopefully prevent students from reserving tickets and then not attending the performance. The strike system drew

questions from the CFA about whether student funds were being wasted by students who don’t pick up reserved tickets. Boring said this is a small percentage of students, but a policy has been implemented that allows all reserved free student tickets to be given to students waiting in line 30 minutes prior to the start of each show. The Lied Center is asking for $140,000 for the 20122013 school year to continue the Arts for All program and to continue to offer 50 percent discounted tickets to students. Before concluding the presentation, Boring noted Nebraska remains the only Big Ten school to offer free tickets to students. The vote on the Lied Center’s budget will take place on Jan. 25. EmilyNitcher@ DailyNebraskan.com

Nearly $415,000 raised by staff for Lincoln-area charities Frannie Sprouls Daily Nebraskan

In November 2011, the Combined Campaign for Health and Human Services set a goal of raising $403,000 to help the greater community. University of NebraskaLincoln faculty and staff reached that goal and beyond, donating $414,568 to the campaign. “I thought it was a tremendous goal to reach,” said Darin Erstad, baseball head coach and co-chair for the campaign. “I can’t thank everybody enough.” The Combined Campaign is a fundraiser for United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County, Community Health Charities of Nebraska and Community Services Fund of Nebraska. The campaign

took place from Nov. 1-18 last year. But the amount of donations was not the only goal accomplished during the campaign. “We also had more employees contributing than ever before,” said Kelly Bartling, UNL news director. “1,821 employees contributed. That’s an increase of 20.6 percent over last year.” In 2010, 1,510 employees donated money to the campaign. Erstad said it was fantastic that so many UNL faculty and staff members made contributions, no matter how much they donated. “We really stressed how important it was for everyone to participate,” he said. “It all matters. And the more people, the more powerful it will be.” Erstad said United Way was a great cause for people to contribute to. “They help so many people, it’s ridiculous,” he said.

It all matters. And the more people, the more powerful it will be.

Darin Erstad

head baseball coach

“It’s just great that they offer so many ways to help. They affect many people.” Erstad was the co-chair along with UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman. “I was there to rally the troops and speak to a lot of the volunteers (who) were going to give their time to get people on board,” Erstad said. Erstad has confidence in UNL’s faculty and staff to raise even more money when the next Combined Campaign comes around. “You got to keep trying,” he said. “That’s when you reach goals. You go for even loftier ones. Challenges are awfully fun.” franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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Daily Nebraskan

voter id bill: from 1 such as when a voter pretends to be someone else to cast more than one ballot. His first vote, he said, was from his station in the Persian Gulf War. “It meant something to me to do that,” Janssen said. “I’ve always held that sacred.” Repeated attempts to contact Janssen and the Speaker of the Legislature’s office were unsuccessful. Nebraska’s AARP, NAACP chapters in Omaha and Lincoln, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska and more than a dozen other groups quickly organized against the bill. The opposition held a lobbying rally and press conference in the Capitol Rotunda Wednesday. Voter ID laws, they said, disproportionately impact student,

dn flashback

low-income, minority and elderly voters. Students and low-income voters, for example, are more likely to change addresses often and would require a new license every time at a cost of about $26 to vote. Elderly voters, on the other hand, have a more difficult time getting to their DMV, opponents said. A 2009 report from the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, co-written by University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor Michael Wagner, found little to no impact on voter turnout in areas with voter ID laws, though it stressed that such laws warrant increased scrutiny. Janssen and his opponents have also sparred over how pervasive voter fraud is. Janssen has said his

opponents underestimate the potential for fraudulent votes. Both sides often cite their own research on the prevalence of fraud. But Dave Shively, Lancaster County Election Commissioner, told the Daily Nebraskan he couldn’t think of any instances of voter fraud. Larry Dix, executive director of the Nebraska Association of County Officials, said in an interview that no officials from any of Nebraska’s 93 counties have reported a problem. NACO opposes the bill. Dix also said the cost of carrying out the law and training poll workers would be between 15 and 55 cents per registered voter per election. Neal Erickson, deputy secretary of state for elections said Nebraska

rights struggle, going back to the 1800s, and very current Nebraska issues. She mentioned there is a new human rights topic that she’ll speak about, but preferred not to say prior to her speech. Pipher said she is very honored and very excited to be giving the keynote speech. “Obviously, I’m not competing with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speaking power and influence,” she said. “I want to honor his memory, and if he were to be in the audience, I would want him to be proud of it. “I’ve taken this very seriously and I’m really eager to deliver it.” Jones said he is looking forward to what Pipher has to share with the community.

“I think she brings a unique perspective to the keynote,” he said. Catherine Wilson, associate law professor, wrote in an email that the Chancellor’s Program is not the only event during the week of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Other events include an international human rights lecture by Brian Lepard, a law professor at UNL, and an open mic night at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center. “My hope is that the UNL community will have an opportunity to reflect on Dr. King’s dream for freedom and justice, to honor members of our community who have worked tirelessly to promote Dr. King’s vision and to inspire one another to continue

has 1.13 million registered voters. According to these numbers, carrying out the law would cost between $169,000 and $621,000 each election. Janssen has said the law would cost county governments $15,000 to implement. Adam Morfeld, executive director of Nebraskans for Civic Reform, which has organized the opposition, said in a phone interview the fight wasn’t over. Morfeld is also a law student at the university and a member of the UNL Publications Board that oversees the Daily Nebraskan. “As the opposition coalition, we’re going to remain vigilant,” he said. “We’re going to continue to keep pressure on the body to fight election laws like this.” danholtmeyer@ dailynebraskan.com

mlk: from 1 Ophelia” and “The Shelter of Each Other.” She has also received two American Psychological Association Presidential Citations, the highest award a psychologist can receive. One of her APA awards she returned to protest against the psychologists participating in enhanced interrogation in Guantanamo Bay. Pipher currently works with refugee and immigrant communities in Lincoln. “We decided to place an accent on the human rights aspect of Dr. King’s vision,” Jones said. “[Pipher] has had a wide range of experience and perspective on human rights, diversity and ethical issues.” Pipher said she plans to talk about the history of the human

if you go when: Jan. 16, 2012, at 2 p.m. where: Nebraska Union Auditorium “Fulfilling the Dream” Award recipients: The African American and African Studies Program and Zainab Al-baaj and the MENA Hope Project. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mary Pipher The event is free and open to UNL students and the Lincoln community.

efforts to strengthen our community,” Wilson said. franniesprouls@ dailynebraskan.com

bed bugs: from 1 board

above my roommate’s bed,” Mrzlak said. “After removing it they realized that the bugs had been living there for a while.” Not only had the insects lived in the cork boards of Mrzlak and Auman’s room, but they also produced a litter of new bugs. “Housing ended up having to replace both cork boards over the beds, and we both got new mattresses and chairs. They also washed our walls and ended up spraying our room a second time.” Mrzlak said. During the fumigation, the pair could not stay in the room. They were relocated to an emergency room in the hall, and Housing had to bag all of their soft items such as clothes and blankets during the spraying. According to Housing, this is the first time that bed bugs have ever affected that room, but due to the maturity of the bugs they are not sure how the bugs got into the room. Mrzlak said having bed bugs in her room was a shock to her and Auman. They were used to cleaning

their room multiple times a week and didn’t understand how it could have been infested since no one had been in the dorm for weeks. But to their knowledge, the bugs have been living in the room since August. According to Zaborowski, bed bugs can “hibernate for about two years and revamp when there is a host present.” Because these bugs use human blood to survive, they were able to live in the room without a host during the winter break, he said. “They stay close to whatever the host is, so whatever the room might be they won’t leave,” Zaborowski said. The report from Mrzlak wasn’t the first that Housing received about bed bugs this year. “We have received numerous reports from students who thought that there could be bed bugs in their room.” Zaborowski said. “Out of all of them there were only two cases: Abel Hall and the Village.” Reports that come into Housing go to the Facilities

opinion on the web

bed bug quick facts ··Bed bugs are nocturnal ··They feed on humans and other warm-blooded animals ··Bed bugs can only be killed by heating or freezing ··They can hibernate for up to two years ··If you wake up with a mysterious bite, you may have bed bugs ··If you find bed bugs in your sheets or pillows, put them in the dryer immediately ··Notify your resident assistant or landlord about the problem right away ··Make sure your RA contacts the Housing Facilities office ··Make sure an exterminator is contacted to set traps ··If you are being fumigated, find a place to stay ··Be careful with luggage as bed bugs can travel ··Depending on the stage, bed bugs can multiply staff, Zaborowski said. The staff investigates the rooms to identify the insects. “98 percent of reports that we get are something else,” Zaborowski said But if bed bugs are found, or any other infestation, Housing calls Brooks Exterminating Service to take care of it. As of Wednesday, Mrzlak and Auman have now moved

back into their room. There have been traps placed in the room, and so far the blood-sucking bugs haven’t been spotted. “It was kind of ironic that this happened, because we got the chance to rearrange our room,” Mrzlak said, “so it ended up working in our favor.” Justicejones@ dailynebraskan.com


A graph accompanying EPA’s Game Day a Game Day Challenge Challenge waste per recycling story in capita formula: Waste the Jan. 12 issue of per capita = (Pounds the Daily Nebraskan of trash + Pounds of incorrectly swapped recyclables + Pounds of the waste per capita / Total SCHOOLS AIM TO HAVE THE LOWEST WASTEcompostables) PER CAPITA data of the 2010 and attendence. IN ORDER WIN If you spot TO a factual error in the 2011 competitions. The Daily Nebraskan, please report proper information is of trash Diversion rate = (Pounds of recyclables and compostables / Pounds + it by calling (402) 472-2588. An listed in capita pounds Pounds of recyclables and compostables) x 100.below, Waste per = (Pounds ofwill trash editor place the correction of waste per person. + Pounds of recylcables + Pounds of compostables) / Total attendance. that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

Online editorial cartoon 50

43.32% Today’s editorial cartoon marks the first of a weekly feature of online animated and/or interactive cartoons. See today’s animated40 .gif at www.dailynebraskan.com

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Each week, we’ll be hosting an 20 online reader poll, the results of which will run in next week’s paper. Respond before Jan. 20 to see your opinion represented.

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2010 2011 Waste Per Capita

Another UNL student dies of typhoid fever Jan. 13, 1912 Charles H. Kuebler, a first-year pharmacy student of the University of Nebraska, died Wednesday morning of typhoid fever at his home at Milford, Nebraska. The death of Mr. Kuebler is the second mortality from the typhoid fever epidemic which is prevalent among a portion of the students of the University. More than 30 cases of typhoid fever and other sicknesses were reported to the Nebraska office Friday, and the majority of the cases were diagnosed as typhoid. Grippe, pneumonia and bronchitis made up the list of causes for other students out of school. Alumni seeking more active part in frats March 26, 1912 At a meeting of fraternity alumni, held at The Lincoln Hotel Saturday night, the reorganization of the present interfraternity council in such manner as to give the alumni a larger share in the determination of questions relating to fraternities was taken up and discussed. As a result of a statement made at the meeting by Professor J.T. Lees, who is chairman of the interfraternity council, relating to the need for a revision in the scholastic requirements and pledging regulation and to the apparent inability of the present interfraternity council to handle, a committee of five alumni were appointed to draw up recommendations and to present them to the Board of Regents. Ivy day for seniors May 10, 1912 Ivy Day, the one day in the year devoted to friday, january 13,class 2012 festivities exclusively in honor of the senior will be May 22. This day has every year proven a feature of intense interest not only to the senior class, but to the three others as well. The program, the form of which is traditional, contains activities in which a very large number of organizations are represented and in which every student in school may find more or less enjoyment. Fashions appall mere men Oct. 1, 1912 The cold, rainy days of early autumn seem to have little effect upon the beautiful finery of the co-ed. Verily Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed like one of these. The gaily bedecked throngs of beautiful maidens passing to and fro from the various buildings help us to forget the austerity of the grim old institution and the dull, monotonous grind of study. That tall, stately blonde with the beautiful Parisian coiffure is made all the more radiant by the rich warm red of a Norfolk jacket. The brunette just descending the library steps is quite bewitching in a large black picture hat with a “stick-up” on it, and she is robed in a deep blue Mackinaw. A number of fussers seated upon the steps are awestricken by the appearance of this goddess from above and fail to recognize in her an old acquaintance. A bluejay in the Linden tree falls to the ground, dead, as she passes, his heart eaten out with jealousy. Play Chicago Thanksgiving Nov. 27, 1912 Turkey Day games having been tabooed, the football season of the University officially ended last Saturday, when Oklahoma succumbed to the superior skill of the Huskers. Tomorrow, the Lincoln High team hopes to bring its season to a similar finish with the defeat of the strong Wendell Phillips aggregation from Chicago. Coach Lindley has been training his men steadily towards this end, and asserts that the team is in the pink of condition and a much stronger machine than the one which met Omaha several weeks ago. — Compiled by mitch mattern, mitchmattern@ dailynebraskan.com



page 4

friday, january 13, 2012

point | counterpoint




Accepting our beliefs, choosing which beliefs to act on, is how we will come to terms with our racism


n today’s society some people use the “n” word without even thinking about what it means. We may not intend to be supporting racism, but are we? Decades ago the same word was used to refer to African Americans . They did not have the same rights or privileges as white people. Racism was very prevalent and obvious. During winter break I had the opportunity to travel to Tuscaloosa, Ala., with other UNL students to aid in disaster relief. On the way down we stopped in Memphis, Tenn., to visit the Lorraine Motel, the site of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. The National Civil Rights Museum is also at that location. As I walked past the pictures and displays I couldn’t help but wonder what it must have been like to live in those days. Evidence of racism was seen in the pictures of “colored” people hanging from trees with nooses around their necks, as well as the pictures of signs designating “white” and “colored” restrooms. A video showed “colored” people sitting at the counter in a diner. The area was designated for white people, so they were beaten and asked to leave. Even though racism in America has evolved during the years it still exists and always will. Imagine you’re waiting at the airport, standing in a group of about 15 people, all are Caucasian. A man walks up and stands with the group as well. Instantly — almost subconsciously — you clutch your purse and hold it against your stomach. Why? Why would you make this move when this one man joined the group? The answer: He appears to be of Middle Eastern descent. Because of the Sept. 11,2011, attacks, Americans will forever fear other people who resemble the attackers. There are many other incidents of racism still occurring every day in America. The difference is we try to cover up our feelings to prove that we are open to everyone. Also, the acts are not as extreme as they once were. More individuals are subjected to racism rather than the “colored” population — or any other race — as a whole. The truth is, many of us believe we aren’t racist. However, you’d be

tiffany mewes-dunn surprised to find that subconsciously, you probably are. Implicit Association Tests can measure racism levels in people through

a simple classification of pictures. If you are interested in your own results, I encourage you to take the test for yourself [https://implicit. harvard.edu/implicit/ demo/selectatest.html] which will show whether you have a preference for white over black. So why will we Americans never overcome racism? Because if the word is present and America is aware of it, someone will believe in it. It doesn’t matter if people are told it’s wrong or even illegal. Rules against racism will not help, since we all know “rules are meant to be broken.” More than that, however, many people go against the rules just to be a rebel. Beyond the legality and morality of the situation, there will ultimately always be people who believe their race is superior to others. America is a diverse place full of every race, color, religion and way of thinking. There are always two sides to every story, and so there will also be supporters for each side. There are ways to overcome racism, but America will not follow through with what must be done in order to achieve a racism-free country. In order to overcome racism, America needs to make it non-existent, meaning nobody knows of it. It would have to be

removed from dictionaries and encyclopedias. Every aspect of racism and its counterparts would need to be eliminated from history, including books and museums. History would have to be forgotten. This will never happen, as most people believe the past must be remembered, and people today need to know what their ancestors have been through and done. People are too afraid of the risk involved in losing history. Furthermore, it would be nearly

impossible to achieve this feat. The government would have to use its power to override all of American society. A dystopian society would have to be formed similar to the one in “The Giver” or “Brave New World.” The eccentrics of life in these novels seem unreal or unachievable. So how would we ever expect America to reach that standard? So yes, racism will always exist in America. Is that a bad thing? It doesn’t have to be. I’m not supporting racism here, but there are ways to deal with it. And since it will always be around, that’s what we must do. Racism is a belief, a way of thinking that your race is better than all the others. Racism isn’t the act. We as individuals can choose if we act upon our beliefs. We can still have racism without the violence, either physical or psychological. I’m going to take it back to grade school and bring up the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Keep this in mind as you choose which of your beliefs to put into action.

tiffany mewes-dunn is a senior international business and psychology major. reach her at tiffanymewes-dunn@ dailynebraskan.com.

The key to eradicating racism lies in education, continuing the work of civil rights activists like MLK


r. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, but has this dream been

realized? No. Don’t freak out just yet. I’m not finished. His dream is on the cusp of realization. Racism can be conquered, as long as people realize there’s room for improvement. Prejudice, while still very much alive in the United States, is dying. I’m suggesting that it can be terminated. You kill ignorance with awareness. Consider what you’re about to read Awareness 101.

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their vision.” Like King, I believe there will be a time when race no longer holds a viselike grip on the subconscious of American culture. That time is soon. But we have to ring in this new, nearly hate-free era. Step one is acceptance. We need to accept that the color of one’s skin can serve as a barrier in our society. Don’t believe me? Here are the statistics. According to the current UNL Factbook, there are 24,593 enrolled students for the 2011-2012 academic year. Of those students, 584 are black. Translation: Blacks make up approximately 2.4 percent of our student population. According to the U.S. Census, Nebraska is 86.1 percent white and 4.5 percent black. The proportion of Nebraska’s black population to Nebraska’s total population is about 200 times that of UNL’s black student population to the total number of students. If you think that this racial discrepancy only applies to African-Americans, I’m sad to report this isn’t true. Of our 24,593 students, 947 are Hispanic, which is 3.9 percent of our student population. The state of Nebraska’s

damien croghan Hispanic population is 9.2 percent, meaning that enrollment reflects less than half of the state’s Hispanic makeup. Don’t lose hope quite yet. Asians make up 1.8 percent of Nebraskans, yet they make up 2.1 percent of

UNL’s student populace. Still, there is a problem with low black and Hispanic student enrollment. Only by acknowledging that there is a problem can we change it. While the university’s racial makeup doesn’t match up to the state or country, it’s making an effort to do so. Construction of the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center will surely result in some improvements. This isn’t enough, though. In 2009, Nebraska banned affirmative action. This compromised the status of many minority scholarships. Many subscribe to a belief that affirmative action enabled preferential treatment. I would argue that it simply leveled the playing field for college-aged minority students to actually make it into our four-year institution. Yes, Jim Crow is gone. Society has thrown out segregation in favor of integration. The world where people were expected to use different water fountains based on the color of their skin is foreign to our generation. However, just because we’re not living in a darker past doesn’t mean improvement in the present should be hindered by denial. We allow whites to reach for the stars, yet only allow blacks to reach for the stratosphere. Yes, the stratosphere is pretty high, but it’s not the same as touching a constellation. And there have been many prominent black figures emerging from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Since George Flippin became the first

African-American Husker football player in the early 1890’s, others such as Tommie Frazier have entered Memorial Stadium. Clinton T. Ross was the first known African-American to earn a law degree from UNL in 1915, and now there are currently seven African-Americans enrolled in the graduate law program. Wait. Seven? Shouldn’t that number be higher? Black History Month is a step in the right direction, but why aren’t these people taught about in everyday curriculums? Why didn’t I learn about Fred Shuttlesworth, the co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference who died last October, in high school history? The fact that “history” immediately brings up images of old white men is startling. College has taught me a lot, but honestly, some stuff should have been review rather than newly acquired knowledge. Just acknowledging MLK Day doesn’t make the racist climate better. Instead, do something productive. Read about something you knew nothing about that’s associated with African American history or culture. Watch a documentary on Discovery or National Geographic. My point is simple: do something. Understand that we are moving forward, but our society only progresses if people realize there is something to improve or fix. The climate toward race in this country definitely has room for improvement. Go to an on-campus event to celebrate MLK Day. You have no excuse; you should be in class, but you’re not because it’s a federally recognized holiday. Do something in this courageous man’s memory instead of sitting by idly and allowing progress to stagnate. Can we eliminate racism entirely? No. But can we make enlightened, unprejudiced people the overwhelming majority in this country? Yes. There will always be the lone dumbass, stuck in the past and unable to budge in his or her ridiculous system of belief. However, prejudice and discrimination will only end if we change how we celebrate holidays such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Instead of just acknowledging that civil rights activists worked their asses off, continue their work. It’s our job as educated Americans in the 21st century to see the fight against racism through.

damien croghan is a senior news-editorial and international studies major. reach him at damiencroghan@ dailynebraskan.com.




Arts Entertainment friday, january 13, 2012

pagE 5

Benefit concert assists Jacob’s Well Kelsey Haugen daily nebraskan

Although playing in any show can be exciting for performers, one that benefits a great cause tends to have an even bigger impact on both the performers and the audience. Singer/songwriter Nick Jester, a junior music major at Columbia College in Chicago, was strongly impacted by a show he put on Wednesday night at Knickerbockers. Jester, a former University of NebraskaLincoln student, originally booked the show to have the chance to perform with and entertain friends. However, Jester and his friend Drew Jagadich, a junior sociology major at UNL, decided to add a helpful purpose to the event by making it a benefits show for the Jacob’s Well organization. “I really look forward to having a presence at Knickerbockers, seeing friends and also benefiting a good cause,” said Jester prior to Wednesday night’s show. Jacob’s Well was created as a religious non-profit outreach program that works to feed homeless families and mentor children, among other things. The event’s cover charge of $5 and all other donations went to the organization. Jester planned the show hoping many people would come and support the performers as well as the organization, though he had no idea how many people would come. “We just wanted to raise as much as we could,” Jester said. After finalizing preparations for the show, Jester and the other performers made their way to Knickerbockers Wednesday night, met by a crowd of supportive friends, family and others. For three hours the event showcased musicians, including Sophia Wennstedt, a freshman engineering major at Harvard University, and the Amateur Geologists. There was also a special appearance by the

jester: see page 7


story by cara wilwerding courtesy photo

hip-hop artist hooligan employs fun, socially conscious lyrics in burgeoning omaha rap career


immy Hooligan raps about tube socks and fly swatters. Hooligan, also known as M.O. Caiaus, isn’t concerned with what people think; he’s just out there to have fun. But that’s just when he’s being comical. His more somber lyrics tell stories of his days in jail and the drug abuse that used to define his life. Originally from Arizona, Hooligan has cleaned up his act and made a name for himself in Omaha’s hiphop community. With many live shows under his belt, Hooligan says he does it for the fans. He interacts with audience members by having them chant phrases, put their hands up and jump up and down: the kind of standard, but always enticing, live hip-hop traditions that get a crowd moving. “For me, it’s a great time,” he said. “It’s fun to get up there and watch everybody have a good time.” Often on stage with Hooligan are rap artists Big Mista (Ronald Aultman) and DJ Surreal (Zach Hennings).

Both say Hooligan’s greatest strength as an artist is his work ethic. “He’s kind of like a feisty dog how he doesn’t back down,” Hennings said. “He’s not lazy; if he gets knocked down he gets up and tries again.” Now in their 30s, Hooligan, Hennings and Aultman look at the industry in a different way. To compete with other artists, you have to be serious about the business and be ahead of the game, Aultman said. “Hooligan is so focused and believes so much in his movement and what he’s doing,” Aultman said. “We’re all older guys; we’re not young kids anymore. In order to keep this going you’ve got to be balls to the wall. Go hard or go home.” Nirvana, Tupac and JayZ are only a few of Hooligan’s diverse influences. He started rapping at age 18 and now draws ideas from almost anywhere. “Every hip-hop artist I listen to might influence me in some way,” Hooligan said. Aultman described his music as real and honest.


However, he can still make changes and develop as an artist. “I don’t want to put nobody in a box because once that person is figured out, they aren’t interesting anymore,” Aultman said. “The whole point of music is to evolve. Right now he’s just 100 percent real.” Hooligan will perform Friday night at Omaha’s Slowdown with a number of other artists. The show is a birthday celebration for Lisse Hall, the lead singer of Cursed By Moonlight who will also be performing at the show. Other acts will include Byleth, The Matador and Anestatic. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the all ages show begins at 8 p.m. “I’ve never played at the Slowdown, but I’ve heard its one of the nicest venues in the country,” Hooligan said. “From what I hear, it’s selling out so it should be a good time.” This will be his first live show since he opened for Hollywood Undead Dec. 2 at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs. Playing a show in front of an audience of 71,000 was unusual

for Hooligan, who is used to entertaining only 300 to 500 people. “My man was unsure at first and he was like ‘hey you know, people might boo me,’” Aultman said. “I was like ‘nobody’s gonna boo you dawg, you’re Jimmy Hooligan.’” Just as Aultman predicted, the enormous crowd was exceedingly responsive to Hooligan’s performance. Hooligan said the audience ramped up their enthusiasm to pretty insane levels during the show, asked for his autograph and bought a multitude of CD’s and T-shirts. According to Aultman, Hooligan’s gear is everywhere in Omaha these days. “He’s one of the biggest hustlers in the business with merchandise,” Aultman said. “He’s selling himself as a brand. You can’t go anywhere now in the city without seeing someone with a Hooligan shirt or hat.” Hooligan is excited to tour in Kansas City and Texas this March to build his fan base. He has also

if you go


Slowdown, 729 N 14th St., Omaha, Neb. when: Friday, 8 p.m. how much: $10

toured regionally in Iowa, South Dakota, Grand Island and Lincoln. With a total of five albums to his credit, Hooligan has experienced success locally. His most recent album, “M.O. Strikes Back,” was released in September 2011. It features indie rock artist Orenda Fink as well as Bizarre, of Eminem’s hiphop group D12. One of his most conscious tracks on this album is “Snowglobe,” featuring Orenda Fink. Hooligan is currently working on a sixth studio album but doesn’t yet know when it will be released. He plans to continue producing CDs, because it makes the fans happy. It’s no surprise this brings Hooligan gratification as an artist. “I do it first because I

hooligan: see page 6

“Melancholia” portrays stunning apocalypse tom helberg

Justine, a new bride, and the section of the film daily nebraskan LEfirst HAVRE takes place at her wedding It shouldn’t be surprising Starring: André Wilms, Battling with dereception. Katifilm Outinen that a Lars von Trier pression and unknown iswould be a downer,Mary but Riepma this sues, Ross it seems that Justine time he’s bringing the apoc- would rather be anywhere alypse with him. but surrounded by guests. “Melancholia” is the au- Her sister, Claire (Charlotte Grade teur’s latest tale of depres- Gainsbourg), and brother sion, but it looks stunningly in law, John (Kiefer Sutherbeautiful for a portrayal of land), try to keep her in the world’s end. A newly check. discovered planet is headed The first half of the film is toward earth, and scientists populated with wonderful incorrectly predict that it actors including Stellan and will pass by safely. The film Alexander Skarsgård, Charis split into two main sec- lotte Rampling and John tions, named “Justine” and Hurt. At times it’s plodding “Claire” for the heroines of and self indulgent, but the each piece, and the story pace picks up considerably is preceded by a gorgeous in the second half. slow motion prologue. After a failure of a wedKirsten Dunst gives a sur- ding night Justine stays with prising performance, one Claire and John. Claire tries that took the best actress to take care of her sister but prize at the Cannes Film Fes- she battles her own fears. tival last year. Dunst plays John checks his telescope


MELANCHOLIA Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg Mary Riepma Ross



and tries to reassure everyone that the planet will be spared. In the end, not even science can save them. Those with the most to lose are least equipped to face the end, but Justine seems to welcome the idea. While the film suffers a bit from pacing issues, “Melancholia” is itself a work of filmic art, delivering incredible imagery and great performances. tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com

courtesy photo


friday, january 13, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

courtesy photo

Oswalt exhibits “Le Havre” whispers lead role potential of nostalgic comedy courtesy photo

Cameron mount

tom helberg Many of our great (and notso-great) comedians in film and television started out doing stand-up. Tim Allen and Ray Romano, among others, started with stand-up and later received their own sitcoms. Patton Oswalt also followed this path, landing a supporting role in “The King of Queens.” You can hardly call an actor who had a role on a long-running network sitcom an up-andcomer, but recently Oswalt has broken into film in a major way. With this semester’s column, I will discuss supporting actors in film; the character actors and bit players that may be familiar, but have not ascended to the A-list. You might know the face but not the name. I think that’s the case for Patton Oswalt, who looks like he has a long and intriguing film career ahead of him. Over the years, Oswalt has done off-television roles and some voice over work. He has also managed plenty of bit parts in film over the years, recently in “Observe and Report” (2009), “The Informant!” (2009), and as a mall Santa in “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas” (2011). His first starring role in a

film was high profile, yet no one say his face when Oswalt lent his voice to Remy the rat in Brad Bird’s “Ratatouille” (2007). The rat who wanted to be a chef was a perfect fit for Oswalt, who voiced the character with geeky passion. Bird cast Oswalt after hearing his stand-up routine about the menu at the Black Angus Steakhouse. There is a spark of earnest affection and eagerness in his voice every time he talks about food. Maybe it was that passion that landed the actor his live action starring role in indie drama “Big Fan” (2009). Written and directed by Robert Siegel, who also penned “The Wrestler” (2008), “Big Fan” is about Paul, a New York Giants super-fan who gets badly beaten by his favorite player at a night club. At the beginning of the film, Oswalt’s character is passionate and alive when discussing what he cares about. During his frequent call ins to a late night sports radio show his mini-monologues are brimming with energy. As the narrative takes the character to darker places Oswalt proves he is a formidable actor capable of great nuance. Much of what we learn about Paul comes only from Oswalt’s facial expressions. His character goes through complicated emotional changes that no one around him understands. Oswalt often conveys multiple emotions at the same time, each perfectly readable. The film is more of a


character study than a sports drama, and Oswalt’s performance holds up under intense scrutiny. Though both roles in “Ratatouille” and “Big Fan” were leads, no one saw Oswalt in the former and few people have seen the latter. Oswalt also appeared in Jason Reitman’s “Young Adult” (2011), which is still in theaters. Oswalt’s character, Matt, is bitter and resentful, but somehow he remains likable. The character was badly beaten up in high school by some jocks who thought he was gay. But as it turns out, he wasn’t gay and it wasn’t a hate crime, just a fat kid getting wailed on. Matt, disabled as a result of the beating, remains in his small hometown to live with his sister and make custom action figures. In a lesser film the character would be mocked. Played by a lesser actor the character would merely be a loser. But thanks to Oswalt’s innately likable qualities, he holds his own against Charlize Theron and is the highlight of the movie. Oswalt is a very capable actor who can deliver the goods with surprising depth. I hope we see him on the silver screen for years to come.

daily nebraskan

Though Ari Kaurismaki’s quiet comedy “Le Havre” takes place in present day France, it isn’t the modern world we know. Things are a little too quaint, with little in the way of technology; too friendly, with neighbors who illegally harbor a refugee without question; and much too tidy, with loose ends that resolve themselves almost miraculously. But still, Kaurismaki has expertly crafted a modern fairy tale, utilizing the story of a French shoeshiner befriending a runaway African immigrant to convey the simple attainability of kindness, loyalty and decency. At the center of the

film is Marcel Marks (André Wilms), a former Bohemian who now shines shoes in the port city of Le Havre. His neighborhood is the kind where grocers lend out products without question and everyone knows each other’s names. Just as his wife, Arletty, is hospitalized with a serious illness, Marcel finds himself hiding a boy escaped from a cargo ship container. Jean-Pierre Darroussin plays a grimly serious detective (trench coat and all) assigned to the case of the missing boy, whose sad eyes let him establish a cautious trust with Marcel. The more sentimental and archetypal aspects are handled with deadpan and whimsical humor, Kaurismaki’s method of preserving the nostalgia his film is


Starring: André Wilms, Kati Outinen Mary Riepma Ross



embedded in. A more absurd example comes when Marcel must reunite the “Le Havre Elvis” with his wife for a charity concert, but under the dreamlike atmosphere of the film this is welcomed without question. Consciously simplistic, the film never breaks new ground or incites big laughs, but as a love letter to French cinema and optimistic living “Le Havre” is a thoroughly comforting gift.

cameronmount@ dailynebraskan.com

video online:

When i was a girl The story of the trials of a local drag King

video by morgan spiehs

Tom helberg is a senior film studies major. REach him at Tomhelberg@ dailynebraskan.com.

hooligan: from 5 love to do it and second because people actually listen to it,” he said. Hennings thinks Hooligan has progressed greatly since they first started working together in 2000. While his music used to be angry, Hennings said he’s lightened up and matured, thus drawing a wider audience. “When he first came out only people who listened to rap would like him,” Hennings said. “He didn’t have any crossover appeal and now he does, I think.” As a fellow artist, Hennings always sees room for Hooligan to push harder and aim higher, namely to try and break out of his comfort zone and become more artsy in the studio. By allowing more room for experimentation, Hennings thinks Hooligan could attract many more fans. But as a friend, Hennings knows why Hooligan makes music. “I think that’s how he expresses himself best,” Hennings said. “That’s how he kind of tells the world what he thinks of his experiences and where he wants to head.” Hooligan’s genuine love for music is what has made him a hip-hop star in Nebraska and what will continue to attract fans, according to Aultman. He said not everyone can relate to Hooligan’s music but he’s a conscious guy who has already


courtesy photo

done huge things and has even more on the horizon. “He’s just a white kid out of Nebraska that likes to rap,” Aultman said. “He

never thought for a minute he would get this far. But he’s partying like a rockstar now.”

carawilwerding@ dailynebraskan.com


Daily Nebraskan

friday, january 13, 2012


jester: from 5 Bathtub Dogs, which Jester was a part of during his two years at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Nick and I have been trying to play a show together for a long time now, so I’m glad we finally got to,” Wennstedt said. Overall, the night seemed to be a reunion for Jester and his friends, but everyone present seemed to thoroughly enjoy the show and the fact that it was all benefiting a good cause. Even though the show was three hours long, Jester kept everyone entertained, with

very few people leaving before it was over. “I’m glad I got to play this show in Lincoln,” Wennstedt said. “Jacob’s Well is a really awesome organization.” Wennstedt, who is part of an a capella group called the Veritones, performs her acoustic/folk-pop style of music in shows about once a month. Her first ever show was at Knickerbockers, so she was thrilled to return back to the location for the event. The founder of the Jacob’s Well Organization, Mark Thorton, said he was


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more than satisfied with the amount of money raised as well as the atmosphere of the show. Although Jester is used to performing from his experience in past bands, as part of the Bathtub Dogs and in his current band, Second Wind, this benefits show was a unique adrenaline rush for him as well as a way to get others to support a worthwhile organization. “It was an absolute blast,” Jester said. “I’m thrilled with how many people came.”




ecstatic that the show’s proceeds were going toward his cause. His house is used to mentor around 30 kids each week, so he plans to use the money to help renovate his garage to make more space for the kids. Jacob’s Well also assists families in need by doing a food distribution twice a month through the Food Bank. “We want to support the Food Bank and reinvent the cycle,” Thorton said. With these great causes in mind, Jester was excited to donate the proceeds to the organization. He was

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For Release Friday, January 13, 2012



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Visigoth king who sacked Rome Play book? Black, yellow and white, say One that’s in your field? Crabtree & ___, purveyor of skin care products Bug out Bring into the business “The worst is upon us” mentality Income source on a 1040: Abbr. Pig of children’s lit Sighed word “CSI” forensic scientist Grissom Yiddish for “connoisseur” Went down, in a way Summer ailment Parent company of Reebok Hoppy beverages Poet ___ Wheeler Wilcox Wedding reception groups Pop singer born Ellen Naomi Cohen

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50

52 53 54 55

Discharge Think of, to some surprise 1.0 is not a good one Musica, e.g. Window holder “Awesome!” Longest-serving French president “Twin Peaks” actress Sherilyn Join in one place #1 Dolly Parton country hit with the lyric “I’m beggin’ of you, please don’t take my man” Forced to leave home Supplies an address Versatile openers “Oh me, oh my!”

DOWN 1 2

First-rate Second wife of Aeneas With eyes wide open Rub the wrong way Dangerous to drive on, say Private meetings

2 1




Edited by Will Shortz









HARD 19 23




40 43




49 52 54

17 McGovern’s 7 1972 running mate 6




# 21

1 5 7 FedEx 9 Ground 5 4 1

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Jobs 3 2 1 9

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9 5

9 5

3Tears apart Egg foo yung, essentially


45 48





21 23



3 50



2Victorious fleet



commander at Actium 35 Racetrack regulars 36 Screws up # 23 totally? 37 Go along with 38 Reached across 39 Depression 41 Heavy cycle 44 El Greco’s birthplace 47 Furry denizen of # 23 4 Endor 7 6 1 1 Standard 5 3 4 48 7 2 9 8 51 Sudbury Basin 5 export 4 1 7

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6 7 8

SU DO KU: by Wayne Gould


friday, january 13, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

wisconsin: from 10 Marquette and Michigan State. “I don’t think they’ll be sleepy playing at home,” Sadler said. “They haven’t been sleepy very many times since Bo Ryan has been there. It’s going to be a difficult game.” The Huskers’ players are also aware that the Kohl Center can be just as hostile as Camp Randall. “It’s going to be difficult,” guard Brandon Richardson said. “It’s our team and it’s the coaches against the crowd and everybody else.” After a 70-58 win against Penn State — NU’s first Big Ten victory — confidence for this game should be higher, according to Bo Spencer. “It’s kind of tough to lose four straight and stay as confident as you would like,” Spencer said. “We still had players that had confidence, but it was kind of tough being on a losing streak. I think if we had any gone, we got it back against Penn State.” With their newly reclaimed confidence, the Huskers are ready to challenge the Badger squad that beat them by 24 points last month. “It’s revenge for us,” Richardson said. “They came in and stole one, and hopefully we can do the same thing on their home court.” robbykorth@ dailynebraskan.com

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Nebraska guard Brandon Richardson (3) and the Huskers will look to build on their win against Penn State Wednesday when they face the Badgers in Madison this weekend. Wisconsin defeated Purdue Thursday night to end a three-game losing streak.

swimming and diving

men’s gymnastics

Winter break weight training prepares NU for spring slate Austin Epp daily Nebraskan

file photo by mary-ellen kennedy | daily nebraskan

NU coach Pablo Morales and the Huskers hope to break a more than 10-year losing streak in Lawrence this weekend against the former Big 12 Conference foe Jayhawks.

Huskers ready for tough KU squad WEston poor daily nebraskan

The Nebraska swim team is preparing for its debut at the Big Ten Conference championships on Feb. 15 — but first it has to get through its regular season schedule. The divers will travel to Lawrence to compete against Kansas, whom the Huskers haven’t beaten since January 2005, at Lincoln’s own Devaney Center Pool, The swim team hasn’t claimed a win in Lawrence since 1999. Despite the ominous conference championships on the horizon, the girls plan to have a good weekend in both swimming and diving. Coming off of two intense training camps in San Diego and Lincoln over the winter break, the team will be fatigued, but well

prepared for the Jayhawk competition, according to coach Pablo Morales. “We found San Diego to be pretty good. The girls enjoyed it, and as a result we had really good and effective training,” Morales said. “The Lincoln camp was hard, so the girls had to get into the mind and body separation, where the body is saying no but the mind keeps saying yes.” Morales said the girls fought through camp, but it ended up being a really good experience. The KU swim and dive team also completed a week-long training camp over the winter break, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. The Jayhawks have competed in seven meets during the 2011-12 season, including the Missouri Invite. The Huskers have competed in five meets,

including the TYR invitational for swimmers in November and the Hawkeye Invitational for divers in December. In addition, the diving team sent three girls to the U.S. Diving Nationals in Knoxville, Tenn.: Kailey Harmon, Alyson Ramsey and Kaitlan Walker. Walker and Ramsey placed ninth overall in the 3M synchronized competition. Amy Herman, a junior on the diving team from Lincoln, said she qualified for the U.S. Diving Nationals but was unable to go, due to finals week conflicts. Herman looks forward to the meet this weekend, and hopes to do well against the team that has plagued the Huskers for so long. “We’ll see what happens here at the dual, we haven’t won a dual against them in a long time,” Herman said.

“We have a shot to do well, and we should be able to take home the top three spots in diving.” Diving coach Natasha Chikina is confident in her diving team’s ability, not only to perform well this weekend but also in the upcoming conference championships. Chikina believes each girl has something to offer to the team, and that, though they excel in some areas and are weak and others, the team’s goal is to make the top three. “This is the second part of the season, so it’s time to sharpen up,” Chikina said. “This meet, we should come ready to compete; we’re all going to be the best we can be on the diving board to get ready for the conference.” westonpoor@ dailynebraskan.com

For the 12th straight year, the Nebraska men’s gymnastics team will begin its season at the Rocky Mountain Invitational, hosted by Air Force. The meet is set to begin at 6 p.m. Saturday, in what will be the Huskers’ first competition as members of the highly competitive Big Ten Conference. Last season, NU finished second at the event behind the Oklahoma Sooners, who are ranked No. 1 in this year’s preseason polls. “We’re hungry and ready to go,” coach Chuck Chmelka said. “We have a young team, so our goal is to be successful early, in order to build some confidence for the guys.” Six teams will compete in the Rocky Mountain invitational, including Air Force, Oklahoma, Arizona State, Washington, Nebraska and members from the Olympic training team in Colorado Springs. The Huskers are ranked No. 9 in the national preseason polls behind five other Big Ten programs, an example of the difficulty of competition in the Big Ten Conference. In order to keep up with the high standard the conference sets, the Huskers began a new elite training program this offseason, one which involved hitting the weight room. In three-week cycles, the team started lifting one out of every three mornings it practiced. During the next cycle, the team increased the number to two times per week, eventually reaching the point where they lifted every practice session. “Strength is everything in gymnastics,” Chmelka said, “and I feel like we are now stronger than we ever have been.” According to Chmelka, the guys have enjoyed the extra training, and feel significantly stronger. Performance-wise, Chmelka believes the team will be able to hold positions longer,

perform more difficult routines and, most importantly, stick the final dismount more consistently. “In the past, we have struggled at the end of our routines because our bodies were too worn down,” Chmelka said. “I think we’ll be much stronger in that phase this year.” Leading the Huskers this season will be seniors Andreas Hofer,David Jacobs and Michael Killeen. However, with the team currently battling some injuries, it will be up to the underclassmen to step up early in the season. FortuJacobs nately, the Huskers have six strong freshman coming in. According to Jacobs, the young guns should have no problem filling the spots. “They are very well prepared,” Jacobs said. “I believe they will perform how they are expected to, by hitting their routines.” Hofer also expressed confidence in his younger teammates. “We need the freshman to step up,” Hofer said. “However, they do not see this a pressure situation, but as an opportunity to have fun and show off what they are capable of.” Even with such a young team, Chmelka believes the kids are ready to be thrown in the fire, and says that each and every kid has a strength they bring to the team. Furthermore, thanks to strong senior leadership, Chmelka knows his guys are ready: “These seniors have all been through this program, and know what it’s all about. I expect them to excel on and off the court, and so far they have. I couldn’t be more pleased with their leadership.”

austinepp@ dailynebraskan.com

Daily Nebraskan

friday, january 13, 2012

women’s gymnastics



Busacker ready to compete Huskers spend Nedu Izu Daily Nebraskan

When it came to joining the Nebraska women’s gymnastics team, Katelyn Busacker described the journey in one word: remarkable. “It’s a dream come true,” she said. “I always questioned my abilities though, and I went elsewhere because of that.” Last season, the Papillion, Neb., native went to Ball State, w h e r e she competed in gymnastics from 2008 to 2 0 1 0 . But after having a child last year, busacker Busacker t r a n s ferred to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for her senior year to be closer to family. At first, Busacker thought when she came to UNL she would never compete in gymnastics again. “I initially thought after my junior year my gymnastics career was over,” she said. It was in her Advance Nutrition 455 class where Busacker would meet her future teammate Lora Evenstad and former Husker

gymnast Maddie Steinauer. Evenstad, who was initially going to be the Cornhuskers only senior on the 201112 roster, said the timing of their meeting was perfect. “One day we were walking past each other on our way to class,” Evenstad began, “And I noticed she was wearing a Ball State gymnastics T-shirt. The next day I showed her around campus and around the gym.” After considering the idea, Busacker met NU coach Dan Kendig. Kendig, who’s in his 19th season at Nebraska, said he’s used to hearing from girls who want to be on his gymnastics team, but he noticed Busacker’s story was different. “Maddie said there’s a girl here who’d like to be on the gymnastics team,” Kendig said. “I hear that a lot, but she started talking more and more about her ... [so] I called the Ball State coach to hear more.” “(Nadalie Walsh) told me nothing but good news and said we’d be lucky to have her on this team.” After going through tryouts, many tests and paperwork, Busacker was told she’d made the gymnastics team. “To finally be on this team and compete here is crazy and unbelievable,” the senior said. “I went to many of

their meets growing up, and they have a great program. I have always loved Nebraska gymnastics. “To come to Nebraska and then meet Lora and Maddie is just surreal in itself.” One big difference fans will notice between this season’s team and last year’s are the six new faces that will be sorted into the four lineups. With five freshmen recruits, Kendig said he’s happy to have Busacker’s maturity and experience on the team. “She’s been the captain the past two years at Ball State, before she came here,” he said. “I think people look up to her because they know what she’s gone through. She seems to fit in and has taken more ownership of the team.” Nebraska’s first meet will be Jan. 13, against the Denver Pioneers. The competition begins at 7 p.m. at the Devaney Center. Prior to the season, the Huskers were picked by the other Big Ten Conference coaches to finish first in the conference. Evenstad said they won’t let the great honor get to their heads. “There’s always pressure to reach your full potential,” Evenstad said. “I think we feel very honored to be picked No. 1, but that

doesn’t mean anything until we go out there and prove it.” She also said Busacker will add more depth to the team, and that she can’t wait to see her senior teammate make her debut as a Husker. “We were joking at first to have her walk-on,” she said. “But the whole idea seemed to be like a planted seed that just seemed to blossom. I’ve never been more excited to have someone new on this team.” Friday will be Busacker’s first meet as a Husker and her first competitive meet since the end of the 200910 season at Ball State. Although she performed at the Bob Devaney Center in NU’s last intrasquad meet Dec. 9, she said Friday’s meet will take on new meaning. “I remember when I was younger, my club meets were at the Devaney,” Busacker said. “It’s a whole new experience being on the team now. All the girls are extremely welcoming and have made this transition easier for me. “I just want to take each day here and appreciate gymnastics. I think if I do that, it will be a great ending to my career, no matter what happens.” NeduIzu@ dailynebraskan.com

basketball: from 10 This was a great, great win for us on the road.” Moore scored more than 20 points for the second straight game with 28, also adding three rebounds and five assists. Moore had to pick up the slack once again, as Wisconsin’s focus was on NU leading scorer, Jordan Hooper. Hooper finished with a season-low of 10 points, but was still a factor on the defensive end, with a pair of blocks while adding six rebounds. The Badgers switched a lot of screens, which might have confused the Big Ten’s second leading scorer. Moore said the sophomore also struggled as a consequence of the faster defenders guarding her. “Jordan struggles at times when she has smaller, quicker defenders on her, because she loses control of the rock,” Moore said. “However, she is such a hard worker, she’ll be unstoppable again here soon.” Both teams had four players in double figures, and shot more than 45 percent. The Badgers came into the game shooting 31 percent from behind the arc, but made a season high, with nine triples on 52 percent three-point shooting for the night. “They did some things we didn’t expect them to do tonight,” Yori said. “We had a scouting report and only two days to practice, so we had to work through it on the fly tonight. “However, we have some tough kids and they battled

Austin Epp daily nebraskan

The eight-time national champion Nebraska women’s bowling team resumes its season this Friday in the Mid-Winter Classic, hosted by Arkansas State in Jonesboro, Ark. According to coach Bill Straub, the girls enjoyed a mental break from the game during the holidays, some girls stayed in town and others returned home. Senior Valerie Calberry said she’s fresher than ever. “It’s good to have a break,” Calberry said. “As much as we practice, it’s easy to get burnt out. After spending some time with family, we’re ready to get the show on the road.” On the other hand, senior Kayla Johnson and junior Kristi Mickelson spent a couple of days c o m peting in the T e a m U S A Trials in Las Ve g a s , Nev. johnson “I bel i e v e their trip was very worthwhile,” Straub said. “Going out there and competing against some of the best players in the world was a good area of experience for both of them.” The Huskers sent seven bowlers to Jonesboro, including Calberry, Johnson, Mickelson, Liz Kuhlkin, Yan Ling, Jackie Sutton and Shalima Zalsha, The tournament is expected to be the first with great

competition this season. According to Straub, the best teams out of the central and eastern divisions will be competing in the Mid-Winter Classic, including Arkansas State, Sam Houston State and defending national champ i o n Maryl a n d Eastern Shore. All tog e t h e r, t h e r e will be mickelson 17 teams competing. “All the hard work we’ve done since our last event should pay off,” coach Straub said. “We have a history of doing well when the competition is good,” This will be the sixth straight year Nebraska has competed in the event. The team finished in fifth place the past two seasons. Although the group is a young squad that hasn’t been together as long as past Husker teams, Calberry said there’s a lot of growth happening as a team. Straub also commented on the team’s youth. “Yes, we don’t have a lot of experience,” Straub said, “but our future looks really bright, and I believe the best is yet to come.” Calberry thinks the Huskers have the potential to win the tournament: “We are expected to perform as well as we know how, and if we do that we’ll win.” austinepp@ dailynebraskan.com

wrestling: from 10 file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Nebraska coach Connie Yori (pictured from a game earlier this season) led the Huskers to their ninth-straight win Thursday night. through it. It was a good experience for us.” Besides Hooper and Moore, two freshmen were in double figures for Nebraska: Woodberry and Cady. Woodberry was a perfect 5 for 5 from the field, with a career high of four 3s to finish with 14 points, while Cady had a quiet 11, along with four rebounds and five assists. Woodberry in particular kept the Huskers in the game early, knocking down three triples in the first half, during a stretch where she and Moore accounted for 21 straight points for Nebraska. The contributions from Woodberry in the first half and Cady in the second

helped NU seal the victory, according to Yori. “Becca was great tonight,” Yori said. “Going 5 for 5 and playing some of the most minutes she has played all season was great for her and us. “Emily also hit a big shot late in the game, and she is just getting stronger and stronger every time she takes the ball to the basket.” Taylor Wurtz led the way for the Badgers with 20 points, while Morgan Paige and Anya Covington added 14. Jade Davis recorded 13 points in a losing effort for Wisconsin. Nebraska will now look ahead to a rematch with preseason Big Ten favorite Penn

State, in Lincoln, Sunday afternoon. The Huskers took the first matchup at Penn State in their Big Ten debut, once again coming back from an 11-point deficit. Fans have been asked to wear red at the Bob Devaney Center, with the first 100 fans receiving towels to wave during the game. Moore said she and her teammates are looking forward to returning home for a game. “It’s been forever, it seems, since we’ve played at home,” Moore said. “We’re excited for this one, and we really need our home crowd to come out and support us as best as they can.”

men begin the season at No. 5, seven spots higher than last year’s debut. Martin said he’s not concerned with how high the teams are ranked. “It doesn’t make a difference to us,” he said. “We know we have the talent to be successful in the Big Ten. We’ve always been focused on staying talented and improving. I think we have great depth and quality.” Ukaoma said he thinks this season’s men’s sprint lineup is stronger than the previous year’s. “We have freshmen Ricco Hall and London Hawk, who are going to be just as good as I am, if not better,” the sprinter said. “They’re pushing each other in workouts. I worked with them as well, to get myself

better. We’re hoping to produce four strong freshmen this year.” The meet will consist of many Division II and III schools and will include Big Ten foe Minnesota. Martin said this weekend will be more about runners getting experience, rather than focusing on personal times. “This weekend will be a showing of talent,” the coach said. “It’s a chance for the returning athletes to have a starting point and get themselves going. For the new kids, it’s a good test of how their college careers will begin. There will be a variety of talent levels. “It’s the first step on our journey to having a successful year.”

andrewward@ dailynebraskan.com

Track: from 10 he’s found his technique. He’s a guy we can expect to carry the load, run multiple events and help us win relays. He’s become one of our leaders this year.” In the race, Ukaoma finished 16th with a time of 51.33. The Maize, Kan., native said he was surprised to receive the prestigious honor. “I personally thought I ran a bad race,” Ukaoma said. “I think the race I had at regionals was better. But it was awesome and great to be honored. It just taught me that the older you get, the more you have to be consistent.” In the summer, Ukaoma set many goals and tried new workouts to improve for his second season at NU. The sophomore said he did many workouts to increase

break resting, competing at national event

his time and speed, including some recommended by coach Billy Maxwell. “He has a lot of good workouts he makes us do,” Ukaoma said. “My main event is the hurdles, so I did a lot of speed work and balance. We did a lot of cardio training; nothing too strenuous, but enough to get your cardio up. “I’m pretty excited. I’ve been waiting for the season to start for a while now.” The Huskers’ first meet will begin Jan. 13, when the team hosts the Holiday Inn Invitational at the Devaney Center Indoor Track. The competition starts at 4 p.m. Friday, and wraps up on Saturday at noon. Both teams start the season ranked in the top 25, with the women’s team debuting at No. 25, while the

Neduizu@ dailynebraskan.com

a one-point defeat against No. 3 Oklahoma State. “We know they have a lot of talent on their team,” NU coach Mark Manning said. “We know they’re well coached — they’re going to be well prepared, “They come ready to wrestle. We’re going to come ready to wrestle, too.” After battling a ranked team in its Big Ten opener, Nebraska will face an even stronger test Friday night at the Coliseum. Manning said the competition in the Huskers’ new conference will not let up. The two-dual gauntlet to open the league schedule has invigorated the team. “It’s brought a lot of excitement to our program,” Manning said. “You’ve got a lot of good teams up there. You’ve got to come to do battle every week here in the Big Ten.” Despite finding itself ranked No. 4 in the nation, Iowa is ranked behind two other Big Ten programs. Penn State and Minnesota are the top two teams in the country. Five of the NCAA’s top 10 squads compete in the Big Ten. “It just shows the great competition of the league,” Ihnen said. “You’re going to have tough guys, week in and week out, and I think that’s where our program wants to be: having those challenges throughout the year.” Regardless, Nebraska enters the conference season with a head of steam. With three of its 10 victories this year coming against ranked opponents, the Huskers already have plenty of momentum. “It was great start. Hopefully we keep it going,” NU true freshman James

Green said. “I’m proud to be a part of it.” Manning, though, is cautious about the effects of heightened confidence. “It only helps when you walk on the mat and use it to your advantage,” he said. “It’s all what you do in that present moment.” That said, the Huskers are optimistic about their chances against the Hawkeyes. “They’re just another team,” Ihnen said. “We’re just going to go wrestle our match, and what happens from that happens.” Green used the win over No. 6 OSU as an example: “It shows that we can get it done, Obviously, numbers don’t mean anything. It’s just all about our guys versus their guys and who holds up the longest.” Iowa has ranked wrestlers in eight of 10 weight divisions, including six ranked in the nation’s top 10. Nebraska, on the other hand, has five wrestlers rated in the top 10 in the country, and seven ranked wrestlers overall. That combination could make for a very competitive dual. “They’re going to have their team ready to wrestle,” Manning said. “We’ve just got to get ours ready to go. It’s going to be a tough battle, I can tell you that.” The Huskers are prepared for that battle, and hope to keep their record-setting start on track. No matter the outcome Friday night, NU still has bigger things to contemplate. “I think the confidence has been building all year,” Ihnen said. “I don’t think we’re going to worry about winning or losing, in regards to our confidence.”

zachtegler@ dailynebraskan.com


page 10


friday, january 13, 2012

men’s basketball

Sadler, Ryan focuses on own squads for round 2 Three weeks after Badgers won 64-40 in Lincoln, teams to meet again in Madison Nebraska guard Lindsey Moore scored 28 points in the Huskers’ 75-69 victory against Wisconsin Thursday night in Madison. It was her second-straight game with 20 points or more.

file Photo by Morgan Spiehs Story by Andrew Ward

Huskers end game on 21-8 spurt to extend their winning streak to nine games, improve to 15-1


ebecca Woodberry shot 100 percent from the field, Emily Cady was in double digits, but Thursday night’s game belonged to Lindsey Moore. Nebraska’s junior guard came up big when the No. 15 Huskers

needed her the most, in a 75-69 win against a pesky Wisconsin team. Led by Moore, Nebraska needed to come back from 11 points to win its ninth straight game and improve to 15-1 overall and 4-0 in the Big Ten. “People love to chalk up wins

before they occur,” coach Connie Yori said. “We knew that this was going to be a battle tonight, and our kids did a great job stopping a team that was kind of feeling it.

basketball: see page 9

Robby Korth daily Nebraskan

Nebraska students might think the last time NU played Wisconsin in a Big Ten opener was in October for a hyped up football game that featured ESPN’s College Gameday and two top-ten squads in Madison, Wisc. But there was another Big Ten Badger-Husker opener that occurred during winter break in basketball at the Bob Devaney Center. That game featured the No. 11 Badgers, who got their conference season off on the right track with a road win over the Huskers 64-40, in a contest where UW was able to control the tempo and keep the Huskers from scoring. And now it’s time for take two of the matchup as the unranked Huskers travel to the Kohl Center Sunday evening to take on the now unranked Badgers in a game televised on the Big Ten Network. But despite two matchups within a three-week period neither coach is confident that being familiar with his opponent is any sort of advantage. NU coach Doc Sadler

“I’m not going to worry about them. We’re gonna try and do what we do, and hopefully it’s good enough.”

Doc Sadler

nebraska basketball coach

believes that there is no way to speed up the Badgers when they come on offense, so his only option is to play his game plan. “I’m not going to worry about them,” Sadler said. “We’re gonna try and do what we do, and hopefully it’s good enough.” His counterpart, UW coach Bo Ryan, feels the same way. NU and Wisconsin having met so quickly won’t have any effect on Ryan’s coaching strategy, something the coach feels is an essential part to coaching basketball. “To me it’s always about what your team is doing, not necessarily who you’re gonna play,” Ryan said. “I think that’s pretty much universal with coaches and with players.” Ryan has had much success as a coach at UW, including a 162-14 home record going into the game against NU. Sadler doesn’t think the Huskers will catch the Badgers off guard, despite three of those losses coming this season to Iowa,

wisconsin: see page 8

»track » and field

NU to begin spring season this weekend at Devaney Nedu Izu daily NEbraskan

file photo by morgan spiehs | daily nebraskan

Nebraska coach Mark Manning has his squad off to its best start ever. NU is 10-0 to begin the season and is coming off an upset victory of Ohio State last weekend at the NU Coliseum.

No. 8 Huskers set for No. 4 Iowa Zach Tegler daily Nebraskan

Last Friday, the Nebraska wrestling team defeated sixth-ranked Ohio State. The 18-16 win against the Buckeyes was monumental for a number of reasons:

it was Nebraska’s first triumph in Big Ten Conference competition, catapulted the Huskers into the top 10 for the first time since 2009 and gave them their school-record 10th consecutive victory to open the season.

However notable the win may have been, it came at the midpoint of the season, and NU went back to work knowing greater challenges are ahead. This week, another obstacle comes to Lincoln, in the form of No. 4 Iowa.

“Iowa’s always a tough team,” NU junior Josh Ihnen said. The Hawkeyes have only one loss this season:

iowa: see page 9

It didn’t take long for track and field athlete Miles Ukaoma to settle in and prepare for the 2012 season. On Dec. 9, at the Huskers’ annual intrasquad meet, the sophomore sprinter shattered the 2 0 0 6 , 400-meter dash record of 47.83, formerly held by Tim Gr eier, Ukaoma finished Ukaoma the race with a time of 47.35, a personal best. NU coach Matt Martin said it was exciting to see the sprinter snap the record. “Regardless of the time, the way he ran the race was amazing,” Martin said. “It’s something we saw glimpses of last year. We saw his strategy on how to run a great race pay off. He took

the things he learned from last season put it into good use for this season.” Ukaoma said that although he broke the record, he’s more concerned with the team’s improvement and personal bests. “It’s pretty cool, but we still have to focus,” Ukaoma said. “It was just a warm up meet, and we’re still trying to get better. It’s a cool accomplishment, but there’s still a lot to be done.” Breaking the 400-meter dash record isn’t the only personal best Ukaoma has achieved in his career at Nebraska. During the 2011 Adidas Classic, the sprinter tabbed a personal-best time of 47.80 in the 400-meter dash. But it was as a freshman in the 2011 NCAA Outdoor Championships when Ukaoma earned All-American honors. “He proved himself to be a guy with tremendous talent,” Martin said. “He was raw as a freshman, and now

Track: see page 9

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