Jan. 23

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wednesday, january 23, 2013 volume 112, issue 085

Inside Coverage

Don’t stick to the plan

Posh-port photos

Proposed changes could harm student needs

International students critique UNL fashions



Heineman approves pipeline route New route will steer pipeline east of original route and would cross aquifer



unl on the keystone xl pipeline

Daniel Wheaton DN Gov. Dave Heineman approved on Tuesday a new route for TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline, which moves the pipeline away from Nebraska’s environmentally sensitive Sandhills region. In a letter released to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Heineman outlined the specifics for the new route and moved the project one step closer to construction. “I am writing to you today to inform you that the State of Nebraska has completed the evaluation process of a proposed reroute of TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline project through the State of Nebraska,” Heineman wrote. The State Department has the final say on the fate of the pipeline, which would pump tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada through Nebraska to oil refineries along the Gulf of Mexico. The 194.5-mile-long reroute moves the pipeline east of the original route and would cross the High Plains Aquifer. The original route put the pipeline on top of Clarks Wellhead Protection Area, a sensitive region where the aquifer is close to the surface. Environmentalists

It’s a good thing because we’ll see some economic benefits. Also, oil from Canada is better than it going to China.” Eric Kamler

Grand Island

asun president and senior agribusiness major

Original Keystone pipeline Proposed Keystone XL Pipeline September 2012

Steele City KANSAS

gabriel sanchez | dn have said a spill could damage the Sandhills ecosystem, as well as poison the Ogallala Aquifer, which is the source of groundwater for most

of the Great Plains. “Over the past year, we have been

pipeline: see page 3

I expected it was going to happen, but I’m disappointed.” Cindy Cammack associate director of admissions



Director of the Survey Research and Methodology Bob Belli survived a fire in his home Jan. 7. His house of 10 years burned to the ground due to improperly disposed wood ashes in the garage.

Fire victim pledges to give back Belli’s home of 10 years burned down due to improperly disposed ashes

night,” Belli said. American Red Cross volunteers were also first responders to the scene, offering similar essentials as well as hot coffee and food for the Bellis and the firefighters. The “Belli Fire Emergency James Pace-Cornsilk Fund” was set up by his colDN leagues in both the psychology department and the College of Bob Belli watched as his alma Arts and Sciences. mater Notre Dame lost the BCS “Dr. Belli has been at UNL National Championship on for a number of years,” said DaJan.7, not knowing that later vid Manderscheid, dean of the that night he would lose his College of Arts and Sciences, home. “and a very loved professor. I Belli’s house of 10 years really wanted to help him out, burned down around 7:45 p.m. and I knew the college would The fire was caused by wood too.” ashes improperly disposed of in Rick Bevins, UNL psycholthe garage. Belli, his wife Jessie ogy department chair, and Aleand their four cats all made it cia Kimbrough, assistant dean out safely. for business and finance, also Since then, he has received worked to get the fund started. an outpouring of support from “This is the community, his not how I neighbors, the UniThe ones want to grab versity of Nebraskawho should a t t e n t i o n , ” Lincoln College of Belli said. Arts and Sciences, be receiving the He would the psychology demuch rather contributions are partment and his attract atfamily. not ourselves.” tention by Overcome with making a gratitude toward all Bob Belli profound psychology professor who have helped, discovery Belli, director of the in his field Survey Research of cognitive and Methodology program psychology. But, although he and member of the Cognitive was reluctant to have a fund set and Quantitative Psychology up in his name, Belli was not at program at UNL, plans to take all hesitant to decide what to do what he’s received after this with the donations. tragedy and give back to those “If my example serves as a whom have given him so much. catalyst to donate to the first “The ones who should be responders who selflessly and receiving the contributions are courageously helped my wife, not ourselves,” Belli said, “but Jessie and I, then I am pleased those that have helped us in our and grateful that this kind of time of need.” gesture of support has been iniNeighbors have offered Belli tiated by my colleagues,” Belli and his wife emergency clothes, wrote in an email. temporary transportation, care Susan Epps, executive direcfor their cats and warm hospi- tor of the American Red Cross tality. “They pretty much all ofbelli: see page 3 fered us a place to stay that


Junie Collins Williams comforts Janie Collins Simpkins as she recounts her memories of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963. Williams and Simpkins are two of the three sisters who spoke Tuesday about surviving the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.

Three surviving sisters reflect on 1963 bombing story by James Pace-Cornsilk | photos by Kat Buchanan


ove and care for one another. That was the message three survivors of the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Ala., delivered to students and faculty in a moving speech Tuesday night. This is the first time the three sisters, who lost their sister, Addie Mae Collins in the bombing, have presented together at a university. The event marked the first of several University of Nebraska-Lincoln events this week honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As they each recounted the events of that tragic day, the sisters nodded in support of one another, often placing a gentle hand on one another ’s back. “Where’s Addie?” Janie Collins-Simpkins recalled saying. Her flashback to after the explosion triggered tears. Overcoming struggles, both before the bombing and after, and trusting their faith in Jesus Christ has tied the Collins sisters together. Taking a break from telling the story to compose herself, Junie Collins-Williams slowly walked to the other end of the table and gave her sister a comforting hug. Collins-Williams remembers hanging out in the lounge before Sunday school started. She remembers being told several times by a woman to leave and get to her classroom. She didn’t. After the final time she had been told, she decided instead to sit down in a chair in the restroom and be-

16th st. baptist church bombing, sept. 15, 1963 The Ku Klux Klan bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birminghmam, Ala., killing four girls and injuring 22 others. Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley had been in the basement women’s bathroom when the bomb, which was planted beneath their feet, exploded. Though law enforcement had four Klan-member suspects in 1965, the FBI closed its investigation in 1968 without filing charges. In 1977, Robert E. Chambliss was tried and convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison in connection with the bombings. The case was reopened in 1980 and 1988, each resulting in no convictions. But in 2000, Thomas Blanton Jr. and Bobby Frank Cherry were retried. The two were both convicted on four counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

gin reading her Sunday school book. “That was when the Lord brought to my attention, ‘You know, you’re not supposed to be down here,’” Collins-Simpkins said. As she left the lounge and walked up the steps to her classroom, the bomb went off. After it was over, she remembers thinking to herself, “This woman saved my life.” The bombing just added on to a lot of other problems she was dealing with,

more Inside Coverage:

Campus Rec asks for increase in funding In preparation for new facilities, Rec leaders seek fee hikes


Husker men just can’t catch a break NU falls to 1-6 in Big Ten play with blowout loss to Illinois

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Collins-Williams said. And after all she has dealt with in her life, “I’m here, I’m here,” Collins-Williams repeated several times at the end of her testimony, tears running down her cheeks. Sarah Collins-Rudolph, the youngest of the three sisters, was in the church restroom when the bomb detonated and killed Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair. Glass

mlk speakers: see page 2



wednesday, january 23, 2013




on campus what: College of Business Administration Education Abroad Fair where: College of Business Administration when: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. more information: Contact Megan Friesen, 402-472-2310

what: MLK Week servicelearning project where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center when: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. more information: To register, fill out the form at go.unl.edu/ mlkweek2013


Open Mic MLK Tribute Night where: Nebraska Union Crib when: 7 p.m. more information: To register as a performer, fill out the form at go.unl.edu/ mlkweek2013

in lincoln what:

Zumba classes Trinity United Methodist Church, 7130 Kentwell Lane when: 5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. more information: Contact Laurie Fraser, laurie@trinitylincoln,org where:

Campus Rec asks for increased funds The increased fee allocation would allow Campus Rec to pay for new facilities Cristina Woodworth DN Representatives from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Campus Recreation requested $278,440 in increased funding for the 2013-14 academic year at the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska Committee for Fees Allocation meeting on Tuesday evening. Campus Recreation representatives requested amounts to a 4.95 percent increase in student fee funding by $6.08 per student per semester. Campus Rec currently receives $123.07 from each student each semester in Fund B student fees. “One year from right now, we are going to be operating the

Outdoor Adventure Center,” with our student fees and we always try to cap that off.” said Bill Goa, senior associate Goa said $218,905 of Campus director of Campus Recreation. “That’s what the ‘Yes 2 Better Rec Recreations’s proposed funding increase would go toward the Centers’ campaign is all about. Outdoor AdWe need to talk venture Cennow about how ter and other we’re going to One year from Center pay for all of right now, we are Rec improvement these facilities.” associated Goa empha- going to be operating with the “Yes sized the fact the Outdoor Adventure 2 Better Rec that 72 percent Centers” camof students vot- Center. That’s what paign. ed to pass the C a m “Yes 2 Better the ‘Yes 2 Better Rec pus Rec reRec Centers” Centers’ campaign is quested that project in fall their repair 2010, which all about.” and improvemeant students ment budget were aware of bill goa senior associate director of campus remain the the necessary recreation same at $20 fee increases. per-student “Our goal per-semester, was to keep even with the opening of the this phase one of student fees as Outdoor Adventure facility and low as possible,” Goa said. “Everyone who has worked with us an increase in equipment for the City Campus Rec Center. before knows we are very tight

campus recreation request for 2013-2014 • $278,440 funding increase • Increases per student per semester fees by $6.08 • Students currently pay $123.07 per semester

“Yes, that part of our budget gives me heartburn,” Goa said. “Yes, I’m getting gray hair and it’s falling out, but we are trying to do everything we can to keep student fees low.” Andrew Shaw, a senior nutrition and health sciences major and president of the Campus Rec Advisory Council, said the Rec Center ’s budget increase is necessary to continue providing all of its programs and activities to students. “We hope you will find the campus recreation budget appropriately reflects the desires of the students at UNL,” Shaw told committee members. The committee also heard

budget proposals from representatives from Nebraska Unions, which requested their funding to remain the same, and the College Readership Program, which proposed a decrease in funding for the 2013-14 academic year. Representatives from Nebraska Unions requested their student fee funding to remain at just over $4.04 million for the 2013-14 academic year, or $88.21 per student per semester. Representatives for the College Readership Program proposed a budget of $160,000 a $40,000 decrease from the 201213 academic year. news@ dailynebraskan.com

ASUN requests 11 percent budget decrease Decrease in budget request came largely from 475-RIDE savings last semester Conor Dunn DN The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska asked for an 11 percent decrease in its University Program and Facilities Fees request last Thursday. It’s the only Fund A fee user — which includes the Daily Nebraskan, DailyER Nebraskan, University Program Council and Lied Center — to ask the Committee for Fees Allocation for a budget decrease. “There was a lot of pressure from the top to keep student fees low,” said CFA chair Kalby Wehrbein, a senior mechanized systems management major. “Being able to see a fee user really take that to heart and look at areas where they can save money was great to see.”

ASUN President Eric Kamler, a senior agricultural economics major, said the decreased fee request for the 2013-2014 budget came largely from a more efficient management of the 475RIDE program, which is a cab service that provides students with a ride home when they are in an unsafe situation. ASUN switched its 475-RIDE operator from Servant Cab to Happy Cab last semester, which Kamler said offered significantly lower usage rates. Because of this, ASUN was able to ask for $30,000 less in University Program and Facilities Fees (UPFF) funding for the operation of 475-RIDE. ASUN also took $60,000 from its 475-RIDE and ASUN Contingency funds because both contingency accounts stand at $100,000, which Kamler said is healthy for ASUN’s budget. “It was just convenient how the contingencies were bloated,” Kamler said. “You don’t need to have that much money sitting there when you can use it to help your budget.” With decreases in those areas,

UNL master plan concepts unveiled

asun budget request 11 percent decrease in UPFF request The breakdown: • $30,000 decline in request for 475-RIDE programming due to Happy Cab operations. • $60,000 decrease from 475-RIDE and ASUN Contingency funds. Contingency reserves remain at $100,000 each. • Merit increases for all ASUN employees. • $1,500 increase for The Big Event. • $3,500 increase for Conference/Travel & Training. • $300 increase for FCLA end-of-year dinner and added supplies for Big Red Road Show. • $200 increase for Student Legal Services conference. Source: ASUN 2013-2014 Budget Request

ASUN transferred funds to increase salaries for its employees. “It’s important, especially for Student Legal Services, because their case loads have been

increasing significantly over the past few years,” Kamler said. ASUN increased its funding for The Big Event by $1,500 to match the funding for Homecom-

ing. ASUN also gave $3,500 to its Conference/Travel & Training budget for hosting the Homecoming Student Exchange and the Nebraska State Student Association, which is an annual conference ASUN is pioneering for student governments across the state to meet and exchange ideas. Other money was allotted to its Freshman Campus Leadership Associates and other programming. “Being that we were the sole Fund A user to ask for a decrease, they were more than satisfied,” Kamler said in regard to CFA’s reaction to ASUN’s budget request. It will be a challenge to keep the ASUN budget request the same next year, according to Kamler. “There won’t be much room to go any lower,” he said. “I can see about a 5 percent increase at the maximum next year.” CFA will decide the amount of student fees allocated to ASUN on Feb. 7. news@ dailynebraskan.com

mlk speakers: from 1

Plan proposes turning Stadium Loop into green space, increased mobility Cristina Woodworth DN The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s stadium loop might flip from blacktop to green grass under a new campus development plan. More finalized concepts of UNL’s new master plan concept were presented at an open house on Tuesday. The plan will bring more green spaces and increased mobility to City Campus and a new union transportation and loading area to East Campus. “This is an opportunity to stand back and think about the future,” said Greg Havens, a member of Sasaki Associates, Inc., the firm putting the master plan together. “It’s an opportunity to examine and compare your campus to peer campuses. It is also an opportunity to stand back and think about where you are today and where you want to go.” The three main concepts of the new master plan are incorporating sustainability elements on UNL’s campus, improving the connectivity between campuses and downtown Lincoln and developing a better overall learning environment on campus. “We are really looking at landscape, circulation and where additional development can take place,” Havens said. If all the master plan concepts are implemented, it could mean several big changes for both City and East campuses. On City Campus, the stadium loop parking area located east of Memorial Stadium and the section of 17th Street running through campus would

courtesy photo

Proposals for a new master plan for the University of NebraskaLincoln include turning the Stadium Loop into green space. be replaced with green space areas. Several other streets would be redone to include separate areas for bikes, pedestrians and vehicles. Plans for East Campus include constructing a new union area to make it more visible from the perimeter of campus as well as expanding the central mall loop area to accommodate bike lanes and a bigger area for pedestrians. About 30 people attended the open house, including four students. “I don’t think there’s currently enough green space on campus, so I liked that idea,” said Alex Schmitz, a freshman exploratory major. “The roads and sidewalks are kind of a mess with bikes and people running together.” Mitchell Quaiver, a sophomore actuarial science major, agreed and said more recreational areas would greatly improve the campus’s overall look. “The quad next to Memorial Stadium is exciting to think about,” Quaiver said. “I think the parking that is there is

kind of disgusting. It’s not a very nice area.” Every other Big Ten university has some sort of iconic green space, but none are right next to a football stadium, Havens said. “The thought is to convert that space into a really recreational area,” he said. “It could be a tailgating area on gamedays and a shuttle would be allowed to drive around the perimeter and make stops on either side.” Havens said there isn’t a timeline yet for when the master plan changes will begin, but said the Sasaki group will return to UNL in March for further planning and discussions. Patrick Luddy, a freshman computer engineering major, said he has been impressed with the collaboration of Sasaki planners and the public on the master plan concepts. “I think they did the process really well,” Luddy said. “They did a good job of getting a combination of things that everyone wants.” news@ dailynebraskan.com


The Collins sisters spoke Tuesday in the Nebraska Union Auditorium about the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Ala., that killed four girls, including their sister Addie Mae, and injured 22 others. shot into Collins-Rudolph’s face and eyes. Doctors had to operate on her eyes and her sisters continued to pick glass out of her face in weeks to come. “My teacher thought I was spoiled because I couldn’t stitch right,” Collins-Rudolph said. When she remembered thinking her eye was going to fall out and roll across the classroom floor, the audience joined the sisters in laughter. Unlike many victims from events such as these, the Collins sisters were never compensated with medical bills or psychiatric help. They wrote President

Their troubles have got me to where I am successful in life.” Jordan Vargas 2011 unl graduate

Ronald Reagan for compensation, but were unable to get any because they were not currently in pain. The sisters continued to acknowledge their faith as something they could rely on throughout their lives. “Without him, we wouldn’t be here today,” said Collins-

Simpkins. Jordan Vargas, a 2011 UNL graduate, was inspired by the women and their persistence through hardship. “Their troubles have got me to where I am successful in life,” Vargas said. News@ DailyNebraskan.com

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Andrew Dickinson managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Riley Johnson ENGAGEMENT EDITOR. . . . . . . . . .402.472.1763 Nick Teets news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 associate editor Hailey Konnath Jacy Marmaduke assignment editor opinion editor Ryan Duggan Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Katie Nelson assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Andrew Ward Paige Cornwell assistant editor assistant editor Lanny Holstein Design Liz Lachnit chief

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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wednesday, january 23, 2013

Berens: Hagel would be Obama’s asset staff report dn Charlyne Berens’ phone has been ringing a lot lately. Since President Barack Obama nominated Chuck Hagel to be the U.S. Secretary of Defense on Jan. 6, national media have sought the opinion of Berens, a University of Nebraska journalism professor who wrote a biography of Hagel, the former Republican U.S. Senator from Nebraska and Vietnam War veteran. Conversation from both sides of the aisle have flooded the airwaves regarding the qualifications of the president’s Cabinet choices — especially those of Hagel. In 2006, Berens, associate dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, wrote a biography about Hagel, detailing how a plainspoken Nebraskan made his way to the nation’s capital. And Berens said she’s not aware of anything Hagel has said that disqualifies him from secretary of defense. “Chuck Hagel will not set his defense policy, President Barack Obama will set his defense policy,” she said, “and Chuck Hagel will bring his ideas and influence.” Berens said she’s been interested in Hagel since the 1990s. “I was really interested in this guy who grew up in Nebraska, got his degree at (the University of Nebraska at Omaha), then he went off to Washington,” Berens said. “In the early ‘90s he ran for Senate against Ben Nelson, who was the governor at

Kevin Moser | DN

Charlyne Berens, associate dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, meets with Deb Klimes, a CoJMC accounting associate in her office in Andersen Hall on Monday. the time and quite a popular governor. Hagel beat him, and I thought that was very interesting.” After Hagel’s election to the U.S. Senate in 1996, Berens became intrigued about what Hagel could do politically in the years to come. When he was reelected in 2002, “there was some talk that started that maybe he would run for president,” Berens said. That’s when she decided to write his biography. Berens had never met the Nebraska senator, but when she started asking if he would let her write a book, Hagel

was more than willing to assist. Most of Berens’ research and interviews were conducted in the spring of 2004. She met with Hagel in Washington, D.C., and occasionally in his Omaha office. “He let me ride along on the plane to Scottsbluff where I was able to meet his constituents and hear him speak throughout Norfolk and Columbus, Neb.,” she said. She began writing her book in 2005, and it was published in 2006 by the University of Nebraska Press. “He was very generous with his

time,” Berens said. “I spent a lot of hours talking with him and people who knew him.” Berens said Hagel was appealing as a Nebraska politician because he is plainspoken, has a personal understanding of what it means to go to war and has business and political experience. “He has a way of speaking that I think Nebraskans appreciate,” Berens said. Berens noted that despite Hagel’s 95 percent conservative voting record, his oath was not to a president or party but rather to uphold the Constitution. “Particularly after the invasion of Iraq, some of the policies and practices that were happening,” she said. “When he disagreed, he just said so. And he did this with a lot of high-profile issues.” Berens said she had fun working on the project and getting to know Hagel. “Obama is looking for people who think carefully, who are true to their principles, and who will tell him what they really believe,” she said. “So it seems to me that Hagel’s outspokenness would be an asset to the president.” Hagel’s nomination hearing for defense secretary is set for 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 31. “Chuck Hagel: Moving Forward” will begin to be sold in paperback at the Nebraska Bookstore this summer. news@ dailynebraskan.com

pipeline: from 1 unl on the keystone xl pipeline

(The new route) is good because you don’t want to ruin the aquifer. Any oil break would be really bad.” John Poskochil

I’m kind of indifferent. It’s good for jobs, but it can also be bad for the environment.” Freya Tegland

I think it is good because it protects Nebraskans.” Sonia Sandoval

It is a risk because it could break and damage the aquifer.” David Pacheco

listening to Nebraskans as we worked to identify a new route for the Keystone XL Pipeline that avoided the Sandhills, protected sensitive areas and addressed as many concerns as possible,” said Russ Girling, TransCanada’s president and CEO, in a press release. “The NDEQ (Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality) process has clearly taken into account the input from Nebraskans and today’s approval of the Nebraska reroute by Governor Heineman moves us one step closer to Americans receiving the benefits of Keystone XL – the enhanced energy security it will provide and the thousands of jobs it will create.” The Keystone XL pipeline has been controversial since it was initially proposed in 2008. In 2011, Heineman called for a special legislative session to discuss the pipeline. On Nov. 22, 2011, the legislature passed several laws addressing the environmental concerns of the pipeline.

Heineman said pipeline construction would create $418.1 million in economic benefits and roughly $16.5 million in tax revenue to the state. TransCanada estimates the pipeline could carry 830,000 barrels of oil per day. His plan also requires Keystone to develop an emergency response plan to respond to a spill, which would hold the company financially liable for any spill-related damages. Jane Kleeb, executive director of Bold Nebraska and an opponent of the Keystone XL pipeline, said she was disappointed by Heineman’s announcement. She was hopeful that he’d not allow the pipeline because he asked Obama to deny the initial request in 2012. “The governor had a chance to lead by protecting the environment and property rights,” Kleeb said. She said the current proposal doesn’t do enough to protect farmers. Even though TransCanada would be

held accountable for a spill, possible economic losses are not factored in. “Imagine if you are a cattle rancher and a spill taints the water,” Kleeb said. Even with the news, she has not lost hope in her fight against the pipeline. Citing Obama’s inaugural address on Monday, she said Obama will likely act against the pipeline. “We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations,” Obama said in his speech. Obama faces the political challenge of balancing the economic gains of the pipeline with the possibility of environmental harm. The debate over the pipeline has become hyperpartisan outside of Nebraska. Republicans have touted the potential for job creation. TransCanda estimates construction could create up to 9,000 jobs.

Democrats have opposed the pipeline by citing environmental harms — from the tar sands in Alberta to the potential for a leak. Additionally, Kleeb said legal fights against the pipeline might derail the construction. On the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s campus, opinions were mixed. Cindy Cammack, associate director of admissions, said she did not support the pipeline. “I expected it was going to happen,” Cammack said. “But I’m disappointed.” Association of Students of the University of Nebraska President Eric Kamler said he was glad the route was approved because it would bring more oil to the U.S. “It’s a good thing because we’ll see some economic benefits,” Kamler said. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRAKSAN.COM

freshman history major

sophomore theatre major

senior advertising and public relations major

senior mechanical engineering and spanish major

40 years later

photos by Allison Hess above: Sandy Danek, president of Nebraska Right to Life, prepares carnations prior to delivering them to senators Tuesday morning. Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. left: Nebraska Right to Life delivers pink and blue carnations to senators Tuesday morning at the Capitol.


RHA allocates $5,550 to two campus events Funds will assist Campus Nightlife, Friends Without Borders events Elias Youngquist DN The Residence Hall Association of the University of NebraskaLincoln appropriated $5,550 of its $13,000 general programming fund to two events at Tuesday’s meeting. The move leaves RHA with $7,450 left in its general programming budget for the remainder of the spring semester. The majority of the funds will assist Campus Nightlife with the cost of the end-ofthe-year bash. The $5,000 RHA appropriated covers roughly one-third of the $14,489 carnival, which will tentatively include three carnival rides, two carnival games, free food, inflatables, a temporary tattoo artist, wildlife encounters, a magician and other carnival activities. According to Tyson Nickerson, a representative of Campus Nightlife and senior criminology and criminal justice major, every activity at the event will be free except the carnival games, which will cost $1 per round. The proceeds of the game will go back to RHA. “We try to give people events to go to rather than drinking,” Nickerson said. “That’s why we plan our events mostly on Thursday and Friday evenings.” The bill to approve the appropriation was passed unanimously. The other $550 was appropriated to the Diversity Strategic Development Committee (DSDC), a subcommittee of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, for an event that aims to improve relationships between American and international students at UNL. The Friends Without Borders event will allow international students to sign up and stay in a volunteering American student’s house over a week-

end. According to Garret Allen, a representative of the DSDC and a senior philosophy major, the event is a first for UNL. “It works best for Thanksgiving and holidays like that,” Allen said. “We’re running a sort of pilot this upcoming semester. Eventually it will be applied to create relationships on campus and share American culture.” Prior to the weekend stay in March, the event will hold two socials for international students and American students to meet each other and decide whether they wish to go through with the weekend stay. However, a number of RHA senators voiced their concerns over the lack of safety precautions in place. “It sounds like they’re almost working on a Craigslist idea of, we’ll pair you up and you’re on your own,” said Zach Christensen, a Kauffmann senator and a junior biochemistry major. The bill passed to approve the $550 for the event under the conditions that the DSDC would return to RHA with an safety plan before the event was hosted. An emergency contact line and the ability to return early from the weekend were discussed. “You can maybe set checkin points where DSDC members call the students rather than hoping they all make it back safely on Monday,” Christensen said. RHA also approved its spring semester budget unanimously during the meeting. The budget includes roughly $1,000 of rollover in each committee from the previous semester, according to RHA president Meg Brannen. “We usually have more committees and less roll over,” said Brannen, a senior advertising and public relations major. According to Brannen, the format of the committees recently changed, causing the rollover from last semester. news@ dailynebraskan.com

belli: from 1 Water System. Cornhusker chapter, said what Belli is doing is phenomenal. Once the water main was “We don’t get any governextended, the residents of the ment money,” Epps said. “So we Sky Ranch neighborhood would rely completely on donations.” have to upgrade their current According to Epps, the water system in order to accommoney that Belli will donate to modate fire hydrants, which the American Red Cross will need at least a six-inch pipe, go to recruiting and training McElvain said. volunteers, buying necessary According to Belli, the city equipment and supplies and did express concern that there providing temporary housing are no fire hydrants. However, to someone who has lost their the housing association requesthome. ed the annexation – and was so Sitting in his living room keen on getting it in order to watching the football game the hook into the city’s sewer sysnight of Jan. 7, Belli heard what tem – that the city approved it. sounded like a knock on the Two weeks after the fire, door leading to the garage. He Belli said he plans to rebuild in went to investigate. He touched the same location and push for the door knob; it wasn’t hot. installing fire hydrants. He opened the While trying door and was to balance his admet by a wall of They ran out ministrative duties fire. Belli has had to of water, and –interview “Call 911, doctoral we have a fire,” because of that, candidates for the Belli yelled to psychology departhis wife. He the fire continued ment at midnight ran out of the to burn.” – and other work house, losing since the fire, he Bob Belli a slipper along feels three emopsychology professor the way. tions above all. L i n c o l n One is embarrassFire & Rescue ment. showed up promptly, set up “We should have known their headquarters in a neighbetter in terms of how to approbor ’s garage and began battling priately dispose of ashes,” Belli the flames. said. The garage was more clutAnother emotion is regret. tered than usual, Belli recalls, “Because the fire was prebecause of a large number of ventable, you sort of have a clothes and books that he and sense of responsibility over the his wife were going to donate to consequences,” Belli said. veterans. The third emotion: grateful“They doused the fire in ness. the garage fairly quickly,” Belli “(The community’s) willingsaid. “But they ran out of water, ness to help, their well wishes, and because of that, the fire con- and the extent of it, which has tinued to burn.” given both Jessie and I a lot of Ken Hilger, fire inspector for comfort,” Belli said. the city of Lincoln, said that if This community support is there had been a fire hydrant something Belli sees as unique closer to the property, much to UNL. of the house could have been “(Community) gives people saved. a sense that we are not isolated, Once the rural fire depart- which is a very scary place to ment arrived, it took about 30 be,” Belli said. minutes to get their system in After this tragedy, Belli finds place. By that time the house it important for students to recwas too far gone, Belli said. ognize the risks that exist and Belli’s house was in a hous- learn to mitigate them as best ing association a few miles east they can. of Lincoln that was annexed by Epps said Belli’s contributhe city in August. Before the tion is invaluable, but wants to annexation, the housing asso- stress that the American Red ciation was considered a rural Cross’s services are always free, area, one that runs on a commuand no one should feel like they nity well-water system without owe anything. fire hydrants. Today, the hous“It really shows the type of ing association still does not person he is,” Manderscheid have fire hydrants. said. “They incur all of these The Lincoln Journal Star regreat losses…and they still want ported that the annexation was to give back to the community.” approved on the grounds that Donations for the “Belli Fire the housing association resi- Emergency Fund” are accepted dents would provide their own at any Wells Fargo location. water until an agreement was Belli regards UNL as a very made between residents and special place and is happy to be the city about how to extend here. the city’s water main to the as“Material comforts, alsociation. This can take up to though nice, are far less impor18 months and cost around tant than the richness that is ob$500,000 to $600,000, according tained by people caring for one to Nick McElvain, operations another,” said Belli. News@ support manager for Lincoln dailynebraskan.com



wednesday, january 23, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


our view

Plan to add green spaces will create parking problem Sasaki Associates, Inc., a Boston-based planning and design firm, gave more details about UNL’s new master plan concept yesterday. Among the ideas were some good ones and some bad ones. Should the plan go through as is, the stadium loop would be replaced with a green space. A more environmentally friendly, greener and open area sounds nice and relaxing. But UNL has a very real parking problem, and eliminating already existing parking spaces is a step backward on that front. Unless this change can be balanced out with replacement parking elsewhere on campus, the idea of giving up parking for green space isn’t worthwhile. The green space would also have to be impressively resolute if Sasaki expects it to come out of football season in one piece after being driven on and stomped across by football fans every other Saturday. Mix tens of thousands of football fans with a steady rain, and we’ll find ourselves with a messy, muddy and no-longer-quite-green space. Also, a plan to convert the portion of 17th Street that runs through campus into a green space is alarming. Off-campus students: ask yourselves how often you use 17th Street between R and Y streets to get to class or leave campus. Unless traffic was filtered around the area in a very fluid way, this would largely disrupt transit on the east end of campus. We at the DN urge Sasaki to take these concerns into consideration and shift their plans by the time the company returns in March. But the plan isn’t all bad news. We’re an environmentally conscious generation, and Sasaki realizes our want for more and better bike and pedestrian pathways. We support Sasaki’s planned implementation of both on City and East campuses. The proposal to construct a new Nebraska East Union area that is more visible from the perimeter of campus would also benefit the connectivity between City and East campuses. The Nebraska East Union’s current central location makes it hard to see and hard to remember for students who spend a majority of their time on City Campus. Increasing its visibility could increase its use. Yesterday’s open house served as an opportunity for students to hear directly from the Sasaki group about their plan. But only four students showed up. Those four students can’t possibly, by themselves, represent our student body or, through any form of sharing, let all of the campus know what Sasaki is bringing to the table. So we also urge Sasaki to better publicize future open houses. No matter what was done to advertise for yesterday’s open house, it obviously failed in terms of bringing students in attendance as the directly impacted audience that we are.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.


Americans need to be mulitlingual


hat do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. Three languages? Trilingual. One language? American. That joke probably made a few people sour and defensive, but there’s some truth behind it. In my French classes abroad last semester, I was one of two Americans. My class consisted of students from China, Thailand, South Korea, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Austria and Rwanda. The majority of them spoke at least three languages. The United States is definitely behind in foreign language learning. Forbes found that only 18 percent of Americans can speak a language other than English. Comparably, 53 percent of Europeans are at least bilingual. There are a lot of different factors that affect why this is the American reality right now. For one, the majority of other top industrialized nations begin teaching a foreign language to their students in elementary school. The United Kingdom, for example, now requires children to begin learning French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Latin or Greek by age seven. Australia has a National Policy on Languages, and its government has pumped more than $60 million into a national program for studying Asian languages. More than 60 percent of European countries require at least nine years of foreign language study. Meanwhile, most Americans don’t start this study until they’re 14, and many only take the required one or two years to get into college. The research on the existence of a “critical period” for second-language learning is conflicting. Some argue that older learners are better, because learning two languages together at a young age risks the possibility of never having a fully fluent grasp on either. However, most scientists agree on a rule of thumb that “younger is better.” A child’s brain is more “plastic,” meaning it’s better at absorbing a slew of new information. American students have a much smaller list of languages to choose from. My high school, for example, only offered Spanish and French. Many small schools only teach Spanish, if anything at all. A lot of this is because of a lack of qualified teachers. Around 25 percent of elementary schools and 33 percent of middle schools report this kind of shortage. Foreign language education also faces a lack of funding. Because of this, programs everywhere are being cut. The percentage of elementary schools teaching other languages fell

RUTH BOETTNER from 24 to 15 percent. Middle schools fell from 75 to 58 percent. Only about half of universities required it in the 2009-2010 academic year. This was all before the early 2012 budget cut of $27 million worth of grants for foreign language education in the United States. Besides the shortage in general, American education seems to favor German and Romance languages like French, Italian, Spanish and occasionally Portuguese. Mandarin has seen a recent surge, but there’s not much comparable encouragement for languages like Bengali and Indonesian. Although not spoken widely in the States, their speakers are growing in numbers in the context of the global economy. On the other hand, English seems like the language to know. Statistically speaking, the estimates vary between 400 million and 900 million speakers of various levels worldwide. While in France, I scarcely found someone who didn’t speak it at least at a beginning level. I spoke to a couple people (in French) about how they were dismissed from educational or professional opportunities because they didn’t speak English. Why, then, as Americans, should we bother learning foreign languages when we seem to have drawn the lucky linguistic straw? Being at least bilingual has many advantages. Perhaps the most obvious, it’s a resume builder. This qualification will increase your competitiveness as an applicant. Employment in the government, American and international business and health care often require it. Knowledge of a foreign language can also open the door to employment or internships abroad—or it may just soften the blow of culture shock on your European vacation. These stints abroad can also, in turn, be resume boosters. From a purely monetary standpoint, being at least bilingual will also earn you a larger salary.

On average, American workers with this extra language asset receive anywhere between 5 percent and 20 percent more per hour than unilingual employees. Government employees can also earn up to $1,000 of “proficiency pay” for their skills. In Canada, English-French bilinguals have lower unemployment rates than those who speak only one or the other. Foreign language learning and speaking has also been show to aid in cognitive development, improve memory and increase multi-tasking abilities. There is also evidence that second-language learning aids in other areas of education. A study of elementary-age children in Louisiana found higher English state exam scores in those who had experience learning a foreign language. College Board surveys indicated that it also increased verbal and math SAT scores for many students. Most foreign language learning is also coupled with cultural education—cultural education that one might potentially miss out on otherwise. My own K-12 education happened to favor Western (mostly American) civilization and history. My French courses in college exposed me to periods and regions I skipped previously—the French Revolution, African studies, the European colonial empire, etc. As I gear up to write a thesis on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, my knowledge of French allows me to read from sources in French and English. The research possibilities have practically doubled in consequence. Study abroad programs are also easier pickings for the bilingual student, particularly those eyeing exchange. This form of education offers the best kind of language immersion, where a student must speak the language outside of class to get by. At the same time, we observe and learn new customs as they occur in real time. It gives us the equal opportunity to see new things and different versions of what we see every day at home. I firmly believe foreign language links the world. To use a personal example, my classmate from Seoul and I would have never been able to communicate last semester without our mutual knowledge of French. Language gives us the opportunity to speak to people we would have never met otherwise — the chance to build bridges. If we are all meant to stay in our respective countries and never interact with one another, maybe we could get by as unilingual beings. But we left this kind of society behind hundreds of years ago, and we must continue to move forward. Ruth Boettner is a senior French and global studies major. Reach her at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.

Rowing offers athletes unique sports experience


f you gathered a bunch of athletes around a table to argue why their sport is best, most of them would quote the romantic images of practice and winning. Many might also brag about the superior physical demands their sport requires. Every athlete would hopelessly defend and herald their sport as the best. If I had a seat at the table, I could only shake my head because those athletes don’t know that rowing is the best sport out there. I’ve had the pleasure and opportunity to row on the NU crew team for the past year and half. While that is too short a time to claim a full understanding of the entire nature of this challenging and complex sport, it’s been more than enough time to pledge a lifelong allegiance to it. My teammates often gush over the overwhelming beauty of sunrises on the water at morning practice and the thrill of racing other crews. I love these things as well, but it’s not enough to fuel my entire conviction for this sport. I’ve never thought I would have been interested in a sport like rowing, as I’ve always favored more dynamic sports with varied skill sets like soccer, golf, tennis and martial arts. Perhaps I was attracted to the idea of rowing. But my choice to commit to rowing is actually consolidated by the day-to-day suffering needed to succeed in this sport. The winter is the most difficult. We’re forced to sacrifice rowing on water to train our physical conditioning indoors. We began our semester this year waking up at 5:30 a.m., long before any of our first classes. Most mornings our early alarm clocks trigger a brief existential crisis as we question why we push ourselves to wake up so early, walk to prac-

tice in the bitter cold only to arrive to a strenuous physical test for the next two hours. There is nothing pleasurable or romantic about this. While the short-term choices are a struggle, the long-term physical and emotional rewards of rowing are unlike any other sport. Through hard work and physical suffering, rowing is one of the few experiences in life that allows one to face the most honest reflection of his or herself. When other sports carry complicated rules and require a wide range of physical skills, rowing is simple, pure and hauntingly human. Rowing is the best sport anybody, novice athlete or elite competitor, can invest in. The sport is intensely competitive at its highest caliber, but it’s also very accessible for beginners. Rowing is considered low-impact and not particularly straining. The fitness rewards of rowing are incredibly efficient; an athlete could burn more than 1,000 calories in an hour session. Every stroke involves a leg press, pull and a strong and balanced core. Unlike the demands of some other sports, the rowing motion doesn’t require the body to contort or reach into unnatural or dangerous positions and movements. Most people find themselves rowing well with some basic coaching. Well, not necessarily. Excellent rowing technique is certainly more nuanced than it may appear and requires years and experience to master. But the real demands of this sport are within the human nature. Ironically, the greatness of rowing is because it’s defiantly everything a human isn’t. Success in this sport requires a forfeit of individuality and accepting a lack of choice. There is only one motion and one way to win.

JANE SEU There are no points or Hail Mary passes. Rowing requires the athlete to embrace an attitude most would dismiss. Rowers are defined not by their individual achievements as much as the program and the team they come from. Rowing athletes don’t have any of the elusive “flair” of soccer or basketball players. There are no glorious highlight reels of rowing because every montage is the same—oars pulling the boat in unison and grueling practices on ergs — indoor rowing machines. The erg is a unique tool that provides a troubling mental experience in itself. Imagine you were a soccer player who was tested every day on the strength and precision of each of your kicks. A number could measure your day-to-day progress and against all of your teammates. The process creates an environment of hyper self-awareness on the verge of extreme insecurity. There are a few options in rowing. Rowers can race as a single competitor to

as many as nine at a time — eight rowcause it engages a part of the human soul ers and one coxswain, or steersman. In that is a sum of both insecurity and an boats of two or more athletes, individual intense desire for victory, all while forced performance and progress counts, but it’s to completely embrace the need for teamnot what matters. Each rower must perwork. form excellently for the team to succeed, Rowing doesn’t guarantee a monbut no one individual can be celebrated as etary profit, but persistent participators responsible for victory. will receive a payoff. It will put you in the Mechanically, the race cannot be won best shape of your life. More importantly, without perfect unity of the oars and bodit will challenge your entire identity as an ies of the boat. No athlete can move faster individual. or slower than the others and no athlete can In fact, through the process of dilutdeliver less power than is required. No oth- ing individual glory and insecurity, rower sport dares to sacrifice the human ego. ers find the strongest and most secure They rely on it. They put names on the back sense of themselves as a human beings. of jerseys. They have the privilege to define their The spirit of sports is athletic careers by their about creating an environown physical and emoRowing ment where people are altional growth. lowed to express their deepis pure The media are bored est desires and achievements by the rowing formula. sport and allows that cannot be replicated in No one can grab hold of reality. They are metaphors athletes to truly a single figure or even of war, poetry and art. Sports a single moment in the engage in the allow athletes and fans to exsport, because the moperience something they are human experience tion is monotonous and not allowed to feel at school, the outcome predictand condition.” work or parties. able. Every race ends the Many sports are in fact same—some crew will perverted to mere parties, cross the finish line first. with huge colored arenas and parapherFortunately, this means the sport remains nalia stamped with logos and mascots. untainted by superficial distractions. The athletes themselves become false deIn true sports, the aim isn’t to see the mi-gods who are given million-dollar enwinning shot or to cross the finish line dorsements and subjected to media attenfirst. Rather, they give us opportunities to tion where they can flaunt their wealth see a reflection of ourselves different than and extravagance. what we were at the beginning. Rowing is Rowing is pure sport and allows aththe best path to this purpose. letes to truly engage in the human experiJane Seu is a junior political science major. Follow her on ence and condition. Rowing athletes have Twitter @jane_seu and reach her little prospect of million-dollar endorseat opinion@ ments, even at the highest levels. Yet the dailynebraskan.com. sport remains popular and addictive be-


wednesday, january 23, 2013 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk


show me your


lauren cloyed | dn

Being Here, Part 7: Students find American fashion more casual story by Yuliya Petrova | art by Natalia Kraviec | photos by Cara Wilwerding


ach individual may have their own definition of fashion, but culture and country dictate certain expectations of fashion for its citizens. Coming from China to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2011, sophomore advertising and public relations major Yun Hu noticed right away the difference between Chinese and American trends. “Most girls in China don’t wear sports shoes out, they wear high-heels,” Hu said. “In the university, girls wear make-up every day; they try to look pretty going to class, but here for most girls it’s just normal t-shirt and jeans.” Some international students are familiar with American fashion because it has already shown its presence in their home countries. “It was not shocking or anything new for me,” said Gaurav Budhiraja, a graduate student in chemical engineering. “In Delhi, Western environment has already taken over.” Other international students from India noticed the prevalence of informal dress, especially in social situations. “When I first came to US from India, I noticed people here dress more casual; it’s totally

...People here dress more casual; it’s totally different.” ashish singh

junior, management major

different,” said Ashish Singh, a junior management major. “It’s more relaxing here than the Asian countries I would say. With American fashion, nobody cares what you’re wearing, unless you’re going to a party, and only then would girls wear a red carpet dress and guys wear a suit and tie, but in India, if you’re going to hang out with your friends you have to dress up, look nice.” The only space the dress-down culture of the Midwest doesn’t show itself might be in business offices or white collar jobs, said Gennady Yashirin, a custodian at Nebraska City Union. “Kids here are more free,” said Yashirin, originally from Russia, “They don’t pay attention to their clothes. They only wear good clothes when they interview for work somewhere, but in Europe, you see people look good always.” But that lack of high fashion isn’t unwelcome in the eyes of some international students. “In India, people don’t come out in pajamas and sports shorts, but most people here come out wearing that,” said Saichand Palusa, a computer science graduate student. “Here it’s quite different, but amazing. It’s cool, I like the fashion here,” A time-reinforced part of American fashion in-

being here: see page 7

Most girls in China don’t wear sports shoes out, they wear high-heels.” yun hu

sophomore, advertising/public relations major

Fans scramble for Coke on Pepsi campus Pepsi contract forces students to go off campus to find favorite beverages madeline christensen dn

current contract with PepsiCo and LinPepCo brings in a minimum of $1.5 million annually in exchange for exclusive pouring and vending rights.


Coca-Cola advocates on campus will assure you it’s not easy getting by when they’re University of Nebraska-Lincoln surrounded by “that other” brand. students are all Coked up. “I was very mad when I We’re not talking Charlie found out UNL was a Pepsi Sheen, but the bubbly bevercampus,” said Nicole Rein, a age is so hard to get your hands freshman marketing major. “I on at a Pepsi campus, it may as only drink Coke, I don’t drink well be a black market drug. Pepsi.” “When I found out there “Whenever I go home I alwasn’t any Coke on campus, I ways make sure I take some was flipping tables in the dining Coke back to campus with me,” hall,” said Zach Kyle, a freshRein added. “If I go out to eat or man theater major. “Honestly, had I known UNL was a Pepsi something and they have Coke, I’ll spend that extra three dolcampus, it probably would have lars so I can have some.” affected my college decision.” Rein said she Kyle said has no idea what Coca-Cola fans When I it is that makes don’t joke around found out Coke so much about their drink better than Pepsi, of choice. He is there wasn’t any but she can taste one of many students on campus Coke on campus, I the difference. “Sometimes who will go to was flipping tables I’ll resort to great lengths to drinking Pepsi get their daily in the dining hall.” on campus, just carbonated fix. for that cola zach kyle “I’ll get my freshman theater major taste. But it’s alfriends to drive ways really disme to McDonappointing,” she ald’s or wherever said. just to get a Coke,” Kyle said. Talking to die-hard Coke “I’ll never resort to drinking fans, drinking Pepsi really is a Pepsi. I can smell the differ“last resort.” ence.” “I would maybe drink Pepsi if I was pretending it was a THE COLD TRUTH Coke,” said Kelsey Sorlien, a In 1997, university officials sophomore pre-nursing major. announced Pepsi would be the Sorlien came from a Pepsiexclusive drink provider of only high school, and used to UNL, sealing the fate of Coca- walk to a gas station across the street for her Coke fix. Cola lovers on campus for 12 “I will still go out my way years. to get some Coke off campus,” In 2009, the contract was re-upped for another 10 years, Sorlien said. “I will walk to places where there is Coke even following a competitive bid if it’s blocks away.” process that involved primarily Sophomore athletic training Pepsi and Coca-Cola, said Kim major Helen Schneider didn’t Phelps, associate vice chancelstart drinking pop until finals lor of business and finance. week, but she still found she Phelps said the decision was based on a number of factors, had a preference. “If I really need caffeine on including product selection and campus, I’ll drink Cherry Pepsi, pricing, management of recybut it does not taste the same,” clable waste materials and comshe said. “I’m just sick of Pepsi. pensation offered to the campus in exchange for an exclusive It’s everywhere.” However, some students beverage agreement. find the Pepsi contract to be less Pepsi’s 2009 bid was judged of a life-or-death situation. by a committee comprised of “I think it’s kind of silly it’s faculty, staff and students to be such a big deal to people — I’ll in the best interest of the camdrink Pepsi if there’s no Coke pus using these criteria. According to a 2009 UNL News Release, the university’s

Coca-cola: see page 7

Student turns passions into small art business Tyler Sells draws for customers as part of his online service “Drawing Sells” yuliya petrova dn With deadlines looming, late-night study sessions and part-time jobs, some college students don’t always have time for the hobbies they enjoy. Tyler Sells, a sophomore advertising and public relations major and soon-to-be theater major, finds time in his busy college life to turn his passion into commerce with a local business named Drawing Sells. Sells’ comfort level with producing representational art started early. “My mom has a picture of a drawing that I did when I was three, so that was the first docu-

thing and everything as part of mented drawing that I’ve done, Drawing Sells. it was a drawing of my mom, but “I want to draw anything that basically it was just a bunch of you have,” Sells said. “Drawings scribbles,” Sells said. can make a good present, I’ll draw Growing up, Sells learned flowers for an anvarious drawing niversary. Giving techniques both in someone flowers, school and from There’s a the flowers die, his grandmother. beauty in but giving them a “Basically, art picture of flowers, was the only class that it will last as it will last forever. I didn’t hate,” Sells long as you let it There’s a beauty in explained. “I’ve that it will last as always had pretty last.” long as you let it good teachers, tyler sells last.” and my grandma sophomore advertising and The roots of taught me a lot of public relations major Sells’ commercial stuff about drawenterprise were ing. Seeing my planted when he dad’s drawings lent a helping hand to a fellow hanging around our house made me want to try to draw better than UNL student. “Last semester I had a project him. I liked my dad’s drawings, for a copy and concept class and but I just thought that maybe I when I talked to Tyler on a Tuescould do a little better.” Two years ago Sells’ favorite day, in less than 32 hours by Thursthing to draw was cars because day he had the whole campaign he wanted to be an automobile designer, now he’ll illustrate anysells: see page 6

Use loss to shape ambitions that was it, legal standing or no. It’s this control over perspective that I hope I can apply to my own life. In college, it’s so easy to get caught up in small details: how often am I talking to this girl, why didn’t my latest story get more attention, etc. It’s also very tempting to look I shut my laptop down and muted the television, trying to at things the way you think you should versus the way you want. calm down. It was then that the realization hit me: this is not how I am very passionate about the world of professional golf, but bemy grandmother would want me cause golf is conto react. sidered boring by My grandIt’s also very many people my mother was full of endearing qualitempting to age, it’s not anything I bring up ties. The way her often. As a result laughs would fill look at things the of talking about a room; her per- way you think you golf less, I end up petual, warm smile; thinking about it the way she would should versus the less, and like that, swear at bad driv- way you want.” something I’m acers, gasp and cover tually passionate her mouth. about is swept under the rug. One of her best qualities, howI want to care about the things ever, was her ability to shape her I actually care about, like my perspective. Legally, she isn’t my grand- grandma did. College is an anomalous mother. I was adopted at birth world, full of all kinds of influand she was my biological mothences. Many of us, myself includer ’s mother. Not that it mattered. In her eyes, I was her grandchild and Keown: see page 6


tyler keown Sunday evening, I got a message from my mom saying my grandmother had passed away. I looked up from my phone and back at the AFC Championship game. They were showing Tom Brady’s face, three minutes away from the end of his season, full of frustration. “Tom, calm the hell down.” I said aloud. “You are playing a game. You will play more games. My grandma is dead, Tom.” I sat there fuming at Tom Brady and his lack of perspective. I opened my laptop for a moment and read a few Facebook updates. Each one angered me more than the last. How inane is it for everyone to post about the Super Bowl? Who cares?



wednesday, january 23, 2013

Metal band sews deep local roots Nearly twenty years on, Ezra still screams Lincoln death metal scene royalty

if you go: Ezra w/ Speak Loud Advocate, Fair Child

when: Wednesday, Feb. 16, 9 p.m. where: Knickerbockers, 901 O St. how much: $5 cover

joe wade dn

Rebecca Rickertsen | DN

World-Herald archives revive state history Omaha newspaper republishes old articles and photos in book form

Cordes said, “(and) reveal more about Phillips, delve deeper into Osborne’s decision to retire or learn more about what made those teams so successful.” Cordes crafted “Unbeatable” with a combination of old and new material, but that’s not anna gronewold always the case with the Worlddn Herald books. Sullivan said the “At War Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium at Home” series — already two closed its doors in 2010, and books in the making, largely left the Omaha World-Herald about the experience of living searching for a way to commem- in Nebraska during World War orate the landmark for lifelong II and the Cold War, respecCollege World Series fans. It tively — were about 99 percent did so in the form of a 300-page archived material, effectively book filled with past Worldcutting down the total producHerald photos and stories. tion time. The book,“Rosenblatt Sta“A lot of the archives have dium: Omaha’s Diamond on already been thoroughly rethe Hill,” was a surprise hit. searched, edited and reported,” Ever since then, the newspaper he said. “That short-circuits the has been aggressively capital- whole process.” izing on its archived content to But minimal editing doesn’t revive Nebraska history in topmean writing a book is quick or ics ranging from the Cold War easy, especially when the authors to the illustrious career of Tom and researchers Osborne. have other jobs. If news is the The added “Running it first rough draft out of the newsvalue of of history, the room allows for us Wo r l d - H e r a l d ’ s the books is to to do things more archives are a efficiently,” Sultreasure trove enhance our livan said. “But of half-finished brand. We are imagine your boss hard covers. Such telling you, ‘now an enormous ar- permanent and you have to work senal of informaon a book, too.’” reliable.” tion means plenty Though the of ideas for future dan sullivan books have provbooks, according world-herald book editor en lucrative for to Omaha Worldthe newspaper, Herald books edithat’s not the tor Dan Sullivan. chief reason for their creation, “When we started, we took according to Sullivan. ideas from the (World-Herald) “Some of our books are fistaff,” he said. “We have a pool nancially smart, then we had the of ideas already, and they kind idea that it’s worth explaining or of just turn up.” showing people we have faithHenry J. Cordes was one of fully done this over the years,” the newsroom staff to see his he said. idea come to fruition. The auThis idea of permanence thor of the World-Herald’s most is the driving force behind the recent book, “Unbeatable: Tom third installment in the “At War Osborne and the Greatest Era of at Home” series — a book, still Nebraska Football,” is an Omain the works, on the wars in Iraq ha World-Herald staff writer and Afghanistan. Though the forwith a passion for football. mat will be the same, the third “I had the thought that a book will rely on new reporting, narrative account of the Os- different from its predecessors. borne championship years As journalism moves into a would have a lot of appeal and digital future, the Omaha-World make an interesting book,” he Herald is moving right along said. “The 1994, 1995 and 1997 with it. The books demonstrate Huskers were surely great footto Nebraskans that, even 50 to ball teams, but there was also 100 years ago, the newspaper a lot of drama associated with had a history of producing accuthem — on and off the field.” rate, timely news, and intends “Unbeatable” includes cov- to continue that tradition. erage of that drama — Tommie “I’m not sure if, in 100 years, Frazier ’s blood clots, the Lawwe’ll be publishing on paper,” rence Phillips affair and Brook Sullivan said. “The added value Berringer ’s tragic death, among of the books is to enhance our other incidents. brand. We are permanent and “I also thought I could — reliable.” 20 years later — get more into arts@ the back story of those teams,” dailynebraskan.com

keown: from 5 ed, are still shaping the people we will be. Having the right perspective and chasing what matters—those things have huge impacts on us right now. I grew up with her very much a part of my life, with regular visits to Omaha during which she and my grandfather, a judge, would drive me around the city, pointing out notable crime locations. This is my favorite memory of her, she and my grandfather in the front seat, jazz music on the radio. My grandfather points at a hotel and says, a woman was stabbed 11 times there. She grabbed my grandfather’s arm and told him I, 10 years old or so, was too young to hear about that. “Besides,” she added, “I think it was 13 times.” I still remember the two of them laughing for blocks. Toward the end, when she was diagnosed with cancer again, instead of battling through wave after wave of chemotherapy, she chose to let her body be what it was. While this spelled out an end for her, she chose to take the chance

to say goodbye to those that she loved. I had a chance to see her in hospice over break. Even with her body failing her, her eyes sparkled and she laughed with everyone visiting. She grabbed my hand and told me she was proud of everything I’d done. You could tell though she may have not been ready to leave, she was appreciative for the opportunity to survey all of the beauty in her life and family one more time. Even in the grieving stage, when seemingly everything reminds me of her and lyrics sometimes stick in my throat as I try to sing along to the radio, the idea of her passion helps my eyes burn a little less. Going forward, I hope this thought sticks with me. Living a life based on what you love — it’s a universal idea applicable to us all, especially in college, when real life is just about to begin. tyler keown is a sophomore journalism major. reach him at Arts@ dailynebraskan.com.

The Lincoln-based death metal band Ezra has been playing shows around the Midwest for more than 18 years. Despite a few lineup changes since the band started in 1994, Ezra continues to be a favorite among local metal heads. Ezra recently performed live on 89.3 KZUM, is currently working to plan a spring tour and to upload past performance videos to the Internet. The band will be performing Feb. 16 at Knickerbockers. “How would I describe it? Well, old school death metal when we started, but with Ross and Brad playing, I think it gives it more of a modern grind (sound) actually,” said Scott Schlesinger, founder of the band. Ezra is comprised of Scott Schlesinger, on guitar and vocals; Ross “Raws” Schlesinger, on drums; and Brad “Mourningstar” Hensley, on bass. Ezra sprouted from Scott Schlesinger’s desire to work with like-minded, aggressive music fans. “I always liked music as a kid,” Scott said. “My parents would go out for the evening, we’d have a babysitter and would do KISS concerts. Then as I got to be a teenager, it was like what tools did I need to be able to do something like that? It was guitar, then the vocal thing just got thrown in because we were looking for a vocalist, but gigs started coming.” Death metal is a style of music characterized by gruff vocals and fast guitars. Some of the music that inspired the sound Ezra adopted were albums like Cancer’s “Death Shall Rise” and Carcass’s “Necroticism – Descanting the Insalubrious.” “Old school death metal from when I first heard it, 20 years ago or so, it had a groove to it, but it was really fast,” Scott said. “Today the kids that are playing it are getting faster.” Before the band started, Scott was working at a factory when a

Shelby wolfe | dn

The Lincoln metal band Ezra has been active in the scene for the last two decades. Pictured is bassist Brad Hensley, drummer Raws Schlesinger and guitarist and lead singer Scott Schlesinger. coworker introduced him to the albums by Cancer and Carcass. “I heard those and that was the kind of band I want to be involved in; that kind of sound,” he said. According to him it took about a year from hearing those to forming Ezra. Scott was performing covers in his hometown of Duncan, Neb., at the time. Eventually he decided to move to Lincoln to find the musicians needed for the project. Brandon Reischick became his drummer. “The first thing I remember, we didn’t have a bass player or a vocalist yet, there was the open jam downtown,” Scott said. “No one was really doing the death metal thing or the really fast doublebass. Brandon was pretty good at that, and I think it surprised a lot of people. I guess people hadn’t heard of that sound yet here. Which when I was moving from a little town to Lincoln, I thought everybody had already heard of that.” When Ezra first started, there were not many original bands performing, according to Scott. “There were still a lot of cover bands people would go dance to.” The original band, which performed locally, enjoyed a sense of camaraderie and support. “Those were the days when you’d call a bunch of your friends and the word spread that way,” Scott said. “Now, there are a lot

more original bands and there’s a lot more in-your-face advertisement compared to how it was.” Bands in those days would typically hand out flyers and rely on word-of-mouth to attract concertgoers. Ezra would perform a couple nights a week (more regularly than today), frequently playing to builtin audiences, who supported the venue more than the bands performing. “Today it’s definitely bringyour-own audience,” Scott said. “(Back then) you could go play The Hurricane and there was a bunch of people you didn’t know, but they supported that club.” Scott doesn’t do much online promotion himself, however, his brother Ross keeps fans up-to-date via his Axidentuhl Theruhpy web presence. According to Scott, the band is “firing on all eight cylinders” with the current lineup. The experience Ross Schlesinger and Hensley bring to the band “makes it easy,” especially while touring. “(We are) hoping to do a tour this spring for like a week,” Scott said. “We’re like a Midwest death metal band, we do our circles: Minneapolis, St. Louis and the bigger cities in the Midwest.” Minneapolis is one of the band’s favorites because there are many touring metal bands based there, which often perform with Ezra

when they come through Lincoln. When Ezra performs in Minneapolis, it usually plays to a full audience of familiar and semi-familiar faces. “In 2009, Ezra did a slew of Midwest dates with the band Master, who were on tour from the Czech Republic and been around since 1983,” Ross said. “It was cool seeing how this band works after all this time. It was great getting to spend a lot of time with these guys, hanging out and getting to know each other, having beers and partying. This was basically a once in a lifetime moment where you take it all in and keep it with you.” Typically, Ross and Hensley work out the details of the rhythm parts of the songs because both of them have a strong background in bass and drums. The whole band composes the music before Scott adds the lyrics. “It’s a super strong rhythm section, I just try to bring in some riffs and we go from there,” Scott said. “The lyrics are pretty much Catholic-based, that’s how I was brought up, they are positive, but it’s for all people who want a positive message. They do talk about God and I do sing about God in a positive way.” One of the songs, “Drink the Blood,” is about taking communion, for example. “I thought it was cool lyrics, it’s stuff I enjoy, and it’s not pansy sounding lyrically,” Scott said. “I want to make it strong and aggressive for people that like aggressive music. Ezra is what I enjoy. Getting up every day and making my list of people to call and whatever. That’s why I don’t have any side projects myself. I’m always trying to maintain or improve on it.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

being here: from 5 cludes the traditionally recognized pink and blue as indicators of genderized clothes, something that doesn’t necessarily sit well with visitors. “I overall like the fashion culture here, but one thing, girlish and boyish things (are) separated too much, the pink and blue color separation,” Budhiraja explained. “Pink for girls and blue for boys is emphasized too much. The color shouldn’t matter for boys or girls.” Then there’s the matter of fashion availability. Nurul Norman, a senior psychology major, said there’s more variety in American stores than her home country of Malaysia. “I think here there are a lot of fashion choices,” she said. Still, some of choices in the U.S. fade away just as quickly as they came. “American fashion is fast fashion,” said Ye Li, senior business administration student. “Stores like H&M, Forever 21 are popular here, especially for young people. I think Chinese fashion has more variety than American fashion; we have influences from Korea, Japan but also Western culture.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

In India, people don’t come out in pajamas and sports shorts.”

American fashion is fast fashion.” ye li

senior, business administration major

Saichand paulsa

We have small shops in China, here there are mostly chain stores.” ying lu

graduate student, computer science

associate professor of computer science and engineering

sells: from 5 drawn out,” said Austin Peters, a junior advertising/public relations major. Originally, Sells studied as a graphic design major, however he felt that wasn’t the direction for him. “(Graphic design classes expected) me to draw from within my own experiences, draw for myself,” Sells said. “I’d rather look at the world and draw that. I feel like the world is more important than me. It’s better to give it something beautiful back than what may or may not be beautiful to me.” UNL professors notice Sells’ pursuit of passion. “Tyler is a very motivated student, very talented and very motivated,” said Amy Struthers, an associate advertising professor. “The skills he is learning in our advertising and public relations major, and while combining his passion, will help him to achieve his career goals.” Sells is inspired by comic book art, mostly for the bold colors. He uses many different types of media for his drawings, but takes special interest in the use of pencil or penand-ink. “Inspiration can come from anywhere, which is why I like someone having an idea and telling me what they want me to draw,” Sells explained. “Ultimately I just want to help people see what they want to see; my goal is to make people happy through my drawings.” Even those without the selfdisclosed artistic eye can appreciate Sells’ work. “I was always impressed by him, I am not that great of a judge on artistic talent, but everything I’ve seen by Tyler is really good,” said Jacob Tegler, a sophomore psychology major and Sells’ former roommate. In between requests to design

cara wilwerding | DN

Tyler Sells, sophomore advertising and public relations major, draws a poster for his cappella group, Pitch Please. While Sells often draws with a tablet attached to his computer, he also regularly sketches in his notebook. “Sometimes I just take that and draw in the library after class,” Sells said. t-shirts, tattoos, portraits and storyboards, Sells enjoys playing guitar and reading comic books and graphic novels. “I would love to design book covers or do illustrations for books, anything that I could draw, I would,” Sells said. In the course of his college ex-

perience at UNL, Sells has chosen to combine his educational training and pre-existing talents into a business he can develop. “I started doing this because I wanted to do something different than what a lot of college students do,” he said. “Entrepreneurship isn’t really a brand-new idea, but

it’s something I can do that some people can’t. Some people also have this skill and have different styles than me, but I wanted to take what I’ve learned in advertising to try to make it more available.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk


wednesday, january 23, 2013


Stylish ‘Devil May Cry’ Saunders outdoes himself botches plot, dialogue tyler keown dn

New video game falls short of esteemed predecessors in narrative and theme nathan sindelar dn Thank God for pizza. Specifically, thank God for the slice that manages to hide the naughty bits of “Devil May Cry” protagonist Dante as he floats, naked, in slow motion through his whirling mobile home. Of course, by the time Dante lands, safe from the demon’s attack, he’s fully clothed and ready to carry out his unique brand of divine intervention. Ninja Theory’s reboot of the famed hack-n-slash action series, “Devil May Cry,” carries on the games’ trademark flamboyance and ups the already damned absurd ante. Players take the role of Dante — an arrogant exercise in oneliner master craft — a character who’s impossible to identify with and one who’s only occasionally entertaining. In one fell swoop, he learns that, as a child, his memory was wiped, he and his newly discovered twin brother, Virgil, were born of angel and demon parents and the whole world is actually run by an evil demon, Mundus. As players may suspect, a stream of inane, trite and generally useless dialog propels a plot that, at best, suffices to present new environments for the true star of “DmC” to stretch its incredibly fulfilling limbs. Swords, scythes, fists, pistols, hammers, shuriken and sawed-off shotguns serve as appendages — their free-flowing, instantaneous cooperation is the core. Each features its own combinations of attacks and pages of improvements and unlockables gained by slaying demons and completing missions. Outside of these combos’ individual purposes and stunning animations, a ranking system provides another reason to keep playing. “DmC” scores players based on how fast they complete missions and, most importantly, how stylishly those levels are completed. Style, flair, panache: it’s the backbone of the series and the reason Dante is more concerned with his leather coat than his safety. This is the reason to play “DmC.”

courtesy photo

The new 2013 reboot of “Devil May Cry” takes combat options to a new level of complexity and attempts to touch on contemporary themes of totalitarianism via media inundation. Each attack acts as a brush stroke, painting one of the most visually compelling and physically satisfying games in a long time. Where games like “God of War,” — a series heavily influenced by “DmC” — succeed in narrative thrusts and the scale of gameplay, “Devil May Cry” excels through flexibility and the sheer amount of possible variations in combat. Even the loading screen reads, “You can review all currently known combos by pausing...” Currently. Known. Combos. “DmC” also possesses some fantastic level aesthetics. The alternate reality, Limbo, in which most of the game takes place, distorts the normal universe into a twisted exaggeration of itself. Players traverse three-dimensional pundit news graphics in one mission, Tron-esque dubstep audio-waves and an all-around demonically-coated world. It’s unfortunate Ninja Theory has squandered an opportunity to develop a cohesive package. In one instance, the narrative, laughing at itself, promises a knowingly silly parody; the next turns serious, melodramatic and, more than anything else, poorly written. Yes, we know your name’s Mundus. You don’t need to declare that so bombastically. The game’s version of social commentary – conservative media moguls as demon boss-battles, the use of the words “trillion,” “debt,” and “Mr. President” —


DEVIL MAY CRY Ninja Theory PS3, Xbox 360, PC $59.99

ultimately goes nowhere. Other than its simplistic themes of good vs. evil, “DmC” fails to execute in any realm beyond arbitrary references. It’s baffling. This is a game a person pauses when someone walks in the room, not for its gnashing blends of black metal guitars and drum and bass (D&B), not for the outstanding visual design and its visceral combat, but for an embarrassingly handled tale of revenge and oppression. Maybe a mouthful of that pizza is needed to shut the characters up too. arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

In the world of short fiction, George Saunders is standing tall. His newest collection, “Tenth of December,” is his first release since 2007’s “The Braindead Megaphone Essays,” and his first collection of short stories since 2006’s “In Persuasion Nation.” Saunders often sets a stage with stories that seems based in reality, but as the stories go on, bits of the curtain are torn away to reveal fantastical elements. Such was the case in his earlier books, “CivilWarLand In Bad Decline” and “Pastoralia,” and such is the case with “Tenth of December.” The collection is made up of 10 stories, opening with the poignant “Victory Lap.” Evident in this piece, as much as any of the others, are people not unlike ourselves; a boy watches his sister as she is taken by an unknown man and briefly flirts with letting them go and finally getting more attention from his parents. There are constant themes of unreached potential and coping with disappointment. Because of this, “Tenth of December” can presumably be read in three different ways. The first is as a young reader, still unsure of how life will work out. Reading from this perspective creates a cautionary angle to each story; these are lives that aren’t too far from the reader’s and it’s easy to see yourself on the same road. We read of ever-climbing debt, relationship struggles and a lack of acceptance for who (or what) we are. The second is from the perspective of people who live similar lives to the characters in these stories. For those readers, Saunders has elements of finding light in darkness; the fact that your neighbor has more than you doesn’t mean that his family loves him more. Your debilitating illness doesn’t separate you from a life of happiness, it just redefines happiness, and so on. The third is the perspective of the reader who avoided the cruel fates of the characters: being born into poverty, disillusioning yourself into thinking success is overrated, etc. For these readers, this book is a look into a life they could have lived. For all of these readers, Saunders has written beautifully. In an interview with “The Guardian,” Saunders said he wanted readers to “read my book and have it actually matter to you. Not to your constructed literary self. But to you. To the person who has issues and confusions.”

courtesy photo

George Saunders’ latest short story collection “Tenth of December” comes on the heels of several critically acclaimed selections, including “Pastoralia” and “In Persuasion Nation.” Using this quote as a scale, Saunders has succeeded. Each story in “Tenth of December” is more evocative, from “Escape From Spiderhead” questioning emotions and the purpose they serve to “Home,” a heartbreaking story of a soldier returning to a world he doesn’t understand anymore. Without giving much away, “Home” has an ending that arrests the reader, forcing him or her to decide whether to continue reading the next story or just take time to reflect. Another big part of Saunders’ writing is fantasy. While most stories seem to be set in reality, many include out-of-this-world additions, like in “The SemplicaGirl Diaries,” a look at a man’s attempt to keep up with the Joneses by having a few younger thirdworld girls strung up (still alive) in his yard as a sign of his socioeconomic standing. These elements always serve as additions to the story’s message, never as the focal point, so those with a sci-fi prejudice can rest easy. This is a brilliant book from a brilliant author. It’s only January, but 2013 already has a contender


TENTH OF DECEMBER George Saunders RANDOM HOUSE for best read of the year.

arts@ dailynebraskan.com on twitter @dnartsdesk

coca-cola: from 5 around,” said Travis Ray, a junior chemical engineering major. “And I don’t know how much Pepsi is paying UNL — all of the money, probably.” Ray said it’s a slight inconvenience if he really wants a Coke, but he’s not “flipping tables” over it. “If I really need a Coke, yes, I’ll go to Wal-Mart,” he said. “Should I be able to get over it? Yes, I probably should.“


With only Pepsi products at UNL, there’s also a lack of a certain silver energy drink. “Without Coke products, there’s no Red Bull,” said Geo Orozco, a freshman chemistry major. “Without Red Bull, you just can’t get high grades. It’s a high-performance beverage.” Orozco was not amused to discover its absence on campus when he arrived. “Unfortunately, I have to get my Red Bull from other places,” Orozco said. “It’s very inconvenient.” “Especially in this weather,” added freshman horticulture major Clay Hill. Gripes aside, these Red Bull junkies said there could be myriad benefits to seeing their favorite drink in vending machines and dining hall food stops. “If there was Red Bull on this campus, grades would go up, and so would revenue,” Hill said. “Stock prices would rise,” Orozco added. “We could all make six figures.”


Although it’s hard to find a Coke on campus, it’s not impossible. Along with one public CocaCola vending machine at the Lutheran Center, a few others are tucked away in Greek houses. One, located in the basement

of Alpha Xi Delta, has been there for more than 20 years. “This summer we heard from Coca-Cola and they told us the machine is so old we need to switch it out,” said Karen Fecht, the house mother at AXiD. “We’ll have a new one in two or three weeks.” Fecht said she believes their Coke machine has survived the Pepsi contract because it has been “grandfathered” in, and also because the house is privately owned. Rebi Ramm, a sophomore Spanish major in AXiD, said the Pepsi contract has driven her to the Coke oasis on more than one occasion. “I spend a fairly large amount of money for Cokes at our machine, even though it’s only 75 cents for one can,” Ramm said. “It’s very convenient that I don’t have to go outside for one.” Taylor Shotkoski, a junior pre-nursing major, said the Coke machine was probably part of the reason she chose Alpha Xi Delta. “I don’t know what to say — it’s the best thing ever,” she said.

drink ‘em if ya got ‘em

Coca-Cola fans at UNL may be flipping tables and reconsidering their college decisions, but you’d be hard-pressed to find another group of students more loyal to their high-fructose brand. As for avoiding snowy gas station stops and special trips to the store, they’ll have to keep their fingers crossed for future generations. “When the current agreement expires in 2019, it is highly likely that a similar bid process will be conducted, and both Coke and Pepsi will respond with proposals,” Phelps said. Until then, they’d better keep that box of Coke stashed away for emergencies. arts@ dailynebraskan.com

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courtesy photo

Directed by Arnon Goldfinger, “The Flat” examines a family’s discovery that their Jewish grandmother maintained a life-long correspondence with a Nazi couple. The documentary is playing at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center through Thursday.

‘Flat’ poses Holocaust guilt in family lens emily kuklinski dn Sometimes there really are monsters hidden away in the closet, and Grandma is the one who put them there. “The Flat” is a documentary following director Arnon Goldfinger’s pursuit to find out what secrets have been festering in his grandmother’s closet. After the death of Goldfinger’s grandmother, he and his family are given the task to sort and clear out the belongings from her flat. Grandma Tuchler was a native German who was forced to flee to Israel in 1930 to avoid the widespread persecution of Jews. As Goldfinger says, she lived as if she had never left Germany. Her house was decorated with a variety of German books and clothes, and she preferred to speak in her native tongue, if able. At first, Goldfinger and his siblings find trinkets of comical or little significance hiding away in her closet. They make fun

of her mink scarf and are seen carelessly throwing unwanted junk out the two-story window. It seems as though this exercise will simply be a bout of spring cleaning. However, the discovery of letters corresponding with a Nazi family is what shapes the documentary narrative. As Goldfinger looks further into his grandparents’ involvement with Nazi officer Baron von Mildenstein and his wife, he discovers they wrote each other often. Even after the political tumult of World War II the two couples decided to continue their friendship. Knowing Grandma Tuchler’s mother was sent to a death camp begs the question as to why they continued their relationship. Such questions are what shift Goldfinger into a new role: from curious grandson to full-fledged detective. As he travels the world, and meets with the Mildenstein’s daughter Edda, the story changes from that of a genealogical documentary to one that ques-

tions whether ignorance is bliss. Edda, who has lived her whole life believing her father to be an innocent man, rebukes Goldfinger ’s claims, telling him that he was tried in court as a Nazi officer, but was proven innocent. Although the evidence appears to point in Goldfinger’s favor, the situation forces the viewer to ponder whether it is best to live in the false, but favorable memory of a lie, or to be told the horrific truth of having a murderer in the family tree. The manner in which Goldfinger chose to film his family’s story isn’t what made the movie, though. It was the subject matter. The Holocaust, although a historical event the world promised never to forget, still hides away in the shadows many families wish to leave behind closed doors. The only decision “The Flat” leaves us with is whether they’re worth opening. arts@ dailynebraskan.com




Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center



wednesday, january 23, 2013

swimming: from 10

men’s tennis

Husker captains lead young squad becca schollaert dn As any athlete knows, a team’s captains can make or break it. For the 2012-2013 Nebraska tennis season, Eric Sock and Andre Stenger are captains, and Brandon Videtich is the co-captain. Years of hard work and practice have brought them to these positions, and together they hope to lead their team to a victorious season. Videtich, a Nebraska native, has grown up playing tennis since he was 5 years old. He accredits his love for the game to his father, saying his dad took him to watch at Woods Tennis Center. They would also play together at a country club. In high school, Videtich enjoyed the team-bonding factor of the sport. But to him, playing for Nebraska means a bit more. “It’s a lot more exciting playing for Nebraska than it was in high school. You feel more important, and I feel like I’m able to be more of a role model for the younger kids we see at the facility,” Videtich said. In addition to being a role model, Videtich loves the competitive side of things. “I love being on the court and experiencing the ups and downs,” he said. “You don’t just compete with others, you also really compete with yourself.” After a few setbacks throughout his collegiate career, he is back in full swing. He suffered a shoulder injury

heady: from 10 that insists its on a comeback, that just simply can’t happen. Getting a new coach is one thing, and wanting a rejuvenated program is another. But actually acting toward change is the last major step for Nebraska and its fans if they really want their “only a football school” status to wear off. And I get it, you can’t win all Big Ten games (arguably the best conference in America this year) and you can’t expect large crowds like the Creighton game each night. But Illinois was coming off three straight losses, including their last game which was a 68-54 thrashing by unranked Northwestern. Nebraska was coming off their first Big Ten win of the year over Penn State and a win would put them at ninth or tenth in the conference, two or three spots higher than their projected 12th. Nebraska was even favored by four points over the once No. 15 team in the country coming into the game. And the Devaney Center was hardly 75 percent full. I’m not saying the 20-point loss falls on the fans, but every “winner” in college basketball has some sort of home court, and the decency to know that a game isn’t over with five minutes left, down 15. Talk about change needs to cease and actual change needs to begin. Football season may end in November, but the pride of the Husker fans shouldn’t. Chris heady is a freshman news editorial major. you can reach him at sports@ dailynebraskan.com

his freshman year, which resulted in surgery. He also suffered a knee injury last year, and was forced to sit out the 2011-2012 season. It took eight months to complete recovery, but a full year in order for Videtich to feel comfortable on the court again. This is his first season back since the surgery, and he is as ready. “I think right now I’m finally back to where I was playing before the surgery,” Videtich said. The spring season started last week, and the captains are looking forward to begin. Sock and Videtich are both in agreement that they have a young team that competes well. Sock is an influential captain as well. He graduated sock from high school in Kansas has been a strong competitor in his time at Nebraska. However, it was not always easy for him. “When I first started off, I wasn’t a very good athlete,” Sock said. “I really had to go into my body and become quicker stronger and faster.

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their best. “I hope they take away that they should never stop working and believing in themselves in order to get better every day. I want them to follow their goals,” Sock said. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

lenges ahead.” Though they have competed in their last home meet, for Martin and the rest of the seniors, there’s still a lot more competing to be done. “This meet showed that we could hang in there when things get tough, we just have to keep that up, especially as seniors,” Martin said. “The season isn’t over yet.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com


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I put in a lot of hard work to become more athletic in general.” He started playing at 10 years old, and through years of camps, lessons and clinics, he made the decision to come to Nebraska, a decision he says he has thoroughly enjoyed. To him, the best part of playing for Nebraska is to be a part of the tradition and what it stands for. “To actually be a part of the university as an athlete is something else,” Sock said. After three and a half years in Lincoln, Sock has only improved, and looks forward to the future. His fall season next year will be his last at the collegiate level. But Sock is looking forward to his future and plans on playing professional tournaments the following summer at a lower level. As captains, Sock and Videtich are similar in their leadership styles. With such a young team, it is important to both of them to leave behind a strong work ethic. Combined with Stenger, Sock and Videtich use their different qualities to make a solid team of captains. “I try to lead through example and show what working hard looks like, and what it means to show a good attitude and effort,” Sock said. Videtich agrees, saying it is important they motivate players to do

in their first Big Ten Championship. In just under a month, the Huskers will take on the conference again, looking to improve on those standings and create a name for themselves among the Big Ten. “We have specific goals that will hopefully help us make a big jump from what we did last year to this year,” Morales said. “Competing against a team like the Aztecs is just a reminder that the hard work isn’t done, and we still have chal-

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Misc. Services


Student Gov’t NU Student Government Senate Meeting Wed. – January 23 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union

Information and Agenda available at ASUN office, 136 Nebraska Union

Misc. Services

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Student Gov’t Student Gov’t Electoral Commission Meeting

Questions and concerns about the process or the regulations?? The ASUN Electoral Commission will be meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm in the ASUN office at 136 Nebraska Union. All students are welcome to attend.

Misc. Services


wednesday, january 23, 2013

b1g ten teleconference John Groce, Illinois

On hoping to snap threegame losing streak against Nebraska “We haven’t played particularly well. We got to control better. We got to execute better and that’s the biggest thing we’ve been working on these last couple days heading into tomorrow’s game.” On relationship with senior guard D.J. Richardson “He’s the best, I love that kid. The kid loves Illinois. He loves playing at Illinois. He takes pride for playing at his state school. He’s a great teammate. He’s done a good job of leading. He’s a productive player.”

Tom Crean, Indiana

On freshman guard Yogi Ferrell’s development “He continues to improve because he’s got a short memory. He can get over a mistake and he can move on from a success equally fast. That’s not easy to do.” On return of redshirt junior guard Maurice Creek “Maurice is just coming back and has not had any full practices yet. He was available yesterday but it just wasn’t the time nor the place, yet. But that’s coming and that should be this week.”

Thad Matta, Ohio State

On playing against Iowa’s sophomore forward Aaron White Tuesday night “He’s obviously playing at a really high level and he’s what I’d consider a complete player. He does a lot of things, from getting to the foul line, to inside-outside he rebounds the ball well – just a solid basketball player.” On decreasing his team’s amount of turnovers “Saturday we just made some errant passes. I thought we did a much better job in the second half getting it corrected. We’re not as sound as we probably need to be. (We need to) be a little more sure with the basketball, a little more sound.”

Matt Painter, Purdue

On last week’s victory against Nebraska “D.J. Byrd made some big threes and Terone Johnson had a couple timely runners to take the crowd out of it. It was probably the defining moment for us as a young team – in the past week – losing that lead, and still being able to hang on and make the necessary plays to win.” On challenges of playing on the road “First of all, you can’t beat yourself. Anytime you go into an opponent’s arena where they practice every day and they play – it’s going to be harder. Just from human nature with the crowd, and the field that they have and the referees, those factors there – your back’s against the wall just to start the game.”

Bo Ryan, Wisconsin

On why his defense has been successful this season “I don’t want to make it sound like it’s some math class, but it does involve five guys working together. It’s something people have to work at and you got to care. It has to mean something to you.” On coaching in a tough conference “I don’t see it as any surprise, I see it as what was coming, what was next on the agenda. We have to play each other. Trying to be consistent in this league this year, you need to have some lively veterans and some young guys who’ve grown up in a hurry.”

Tim Miles, Nebraska

On road games in Big Ten play “The way we play on the road, I don’t mind going on the road. We’ve performed all right.”

On playing at home in conference “We’re excited to be at home. Hopefully we can get a big crowd at each game. Cheer us on and we can find a way to get some wins.” When asked about the busy schedule this week, coach Miles pointed out that his players had a much needed off day. Miles also goes on to say that there is still a lot more of the season to play. “I think you worry about both you know … they needed an off day so get out of the gym get away from each other. I think that’s really important that they’re able to do those things. At the end of the day, the physical wear and tear is not going away. It’s mid-January … we still got another two months of this if we do it right. We just got to keep the guys fresh, ready to go.

JEFF MEYER, Michigan assistant coach

On the Wolverines’ hard work “Coach (Beilein) spent Tuesday really working on the Michigan Wolverines. Which we do a lot this time of year, but on that particular day, we just really watched a lot of film, worked with our kids on where we felt like where we need to grow as a team.” On defense in the later portion of Big Ten play “We just want our defense to be better as we head down the stretch because our defense does create so much offense for us.”

Bill Carmody, Northwestern

On a possible upset over Minnesota “I know we can beat them (Minnesota). I know they can beat us and we’re going to have to play well to beat them.” On win over Illinois “Well, we had a week where we got a nice win down at Illinois. Road wins are always special.”

Tom Izzo, michigan state

On whether the Spartans are legitimate “I don’t always feel like a 16-3 team, but I got to give my guys some credit. We’re finding some ways to win and we’re doing some good things.” On whether the Big Ten is the best it has ever been “I’ve been debating over my 30 years: has the league been better? Now after watching Iowa, and after watching even Nebraska play Penn State, I don’t think there is any question. The league has been the best it’s ever been, top to bottom.”

Tubby Smith, Minnesota

On recovering from back-toback losses “We got another very tough game against Northwestern, so it doesn’t get any easier. So we’ve got to find a way to recover.” On Northwestern’s defense “They do such a good job of taking away your passing lanes, your reversal passes, going from one side of the court to the other. When they try to swing it, they force you to throw lobs and bounce passes.”

Fran McCaffery, Iowa

On the environment the Big Ten presents “There’s incredible passion on every campus. So when you go on the road, you’re going to play in front of packed house no matter who you’re playing against. It’s also the best league in the country in terms of talented teams top to bottom.” On Chris Street jerseys “It would have to be an exception granted. There have been so many exception requests; I think they decided that the rule stands as it is.” Compiled by Matt nathan and nedu izu

wrestling : from 10 shape. He moves his feet well, better than most of these bigger guys,” Ersland said. “He has to be inside with his positioning. He has to make sure he’s coming off bottom strong. It’s just a matter of staying in good position and then using his strengths, like his conditioning, moving his feet, wearing on these guys to overcome some of those things.” Two weeks into his heavyweight stint, Johnson has already found success wearing down his opponents. “When they get tired, then they don’t move as well,” Johnson said, “so I just smell blood and keep the pressure on them. Keep beating them even worse.” Four days after Spencer Johnson became a heavyweight, his Huskers traveled to Ann Arbor, Mich., for a dual with the Wolverines. His opponent, 19th-ranked Ben Apland, weighed about 270 pounds – more than 60 pounds heavier than Johnson. “He’s about 205 with a ham sandwich in him,” Manning said. “He’s not real heavy, but he wrestles heavier than he looks. He really uses his power and his strength to his advantage.” Apland defeated Johnson 8-3, but the next day, Johnson beat Northwestern’s Jacob Berkowitz 6-0 for his first heavyweight victory. “I don’t think my condi-

tioning was the best in my first match,” Johnson said. “My conditioning’s just going to keep getting better.” A week later, the conditioning showed. Johnson led Illinois’ Chris Lopez 1-0 entering the final period, and he started the period on top. And he stayed on top. “That’s my style,” Johnson said. “You wear the kid out and beating on him: that’s my kind of brawling.” He stayed on top until Lopez got a stalling penalty. He stayed on top until Lopez got tired and he could smell blood. He stayed on top until there were only eight seconds left, and he won the match 3-1, bringing the NU Coliseum crowd to its feet because the victory clinched an 18-15 dual win against the No. 5 Fighting Illini. Johnson’s reaction: “I feel like I could have beat the kid worse.” He’s now 2-1 in his new weight class, and Ersland praised the way Johnson took control of the Illinois match. “I think this was just a good positive experience for him to build on and move forward with,” Ersland said. “It’s still definitely a work in progress.” Johnson, after all, has only had two weeks to become a heavyweight. sports@ dailynebraskan.com


Quiet freshman remains confident Rachel Theriot cracked the Nebraska starting lineup despite quiet nature

Rachel is a very, very good passer, and she can make her teammates better.” connie yori

kyle cummings dn

nu women’s basketball coach

Rachel Theriot is quiet. She doesn’t like to talk, she said. You probably won’t see her talking a stranger ’s ear off or handing out detailed advice in public. But communication – talking and listening – is crucial in order for the Husker women’s basketball defense to run smoothly, coach Connie Yori said. While Theriot is about as likely to give a speech on campus as a timid mime, on the court she feels much more comfortable vocally, she said. “It’s just something I know I’m comfortable with when I’m on the court because I’ve put so much time into it,” she said. “It just comes natural on the court, but in general there’s always room for improvement for communication in my world, because I’m not the greatest talker, so it’s always a challenge sometimes.” In a roller coaster of a season for the Huskers, there is clearly still work to be done, especially in communication for Nebraska, but the freshman has made her presence known on the court already. Theriot is a natural player. She handles the ball with ease, finds openings on the court and fires no-look passes. Theriot worked her way into the starting lineup this season and is now an essential part of the Nebraska women’s basketball team. It’s a lot of give and take.

Taking what she knew from her basketball experience in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, and incorporating what Moore has taught her, Theriot said she is able to mesh better as a player and a teammate. “Rachel is a very, very good passer, and she can make her teammates better,” Yori said after a win at Indiana, where Theriot recorded a career high 14 points and six assists. Her better games generally have statistics similar to that of her Indiana outing. Obviously hitting double digits offensively is a huge boost to the Husker production, but it’s her assists and ball handling that help Nebraska the most, according to Yori. Other than her career game against Indiana, Theriot came up big for Nebraska in an 84-63 win over Minnesota on Sunday. Her 13 points and eight assists marked a solid outing, but recording only one turnover sealed the game as one of her best and helped earn her second Big Ten Freshman of the Week honor. She’s just doing her job, she says. “It’s a team and everyone has to contribute and do their part,” she said. “You’re a part of the team and you have to put effort in to help out.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

file photo by allison hess | dn

Rachel Theriot drives around a defender at the Bob Devaney Sports Center earlier this season. Theriot is the only freshman starter for the Nebraska women’s basketball team this year. Theriot can make plays and open the floor for teammates to score and they bounce back to create opportunities for her, she said. Not only does Theriot’s handling ability have the capability to open a play, but she also adds a different look for Nebraska on fast breaks. “It’s great having another point guard out there with Rachel,” senior guard Lindsey Moore said earlier in the season. “She’s a great play maker, great decision maker so it’s easy for us

to get the ball to whomever on the outlet and just run and try to make things happen in transition.” As Theriot provides a different option for the Husker offense, Moore has given leadership and advice to her freshman counterpart, which has helped further develop her play, Theriot said. “I definitely learn things from her,” Theriot said. “She is obviously a great point guard, great player in general, so you always want to learn things.”


basketball: from 10

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

Tim Miles’ halftime tweet Tim Miles @Coach Miles We played with zero pride. in how we are playing.” Illinois coach John Groce, another coach in his first year, liked the way his team approached the game. Groce said Illinois was aggressive and ready to go in the road win. “Anytime that you can get a road win in this league, you take it, and you run before they change the score,” the coach said. “I thought our guys effort level was off the charts on the defensive end. I think it all started there.” Guard D.J. Richardson led the Fighting Illini with 30 points and four rebounds. The outside shooter was on target Tuesday, hitting 9-14 shots and 6-9 from behind the arc. “DJ was unbelievable,” Groce said. “It’s one thing to get 30, but at the other end you are simultaneously guarding a really good offensive player. The kid (Gallegos) was 1-7 from the field, and he is a terrific shooter... You don’t see a kid go for 30 and expend so much effort on the defensive end while he’s doing it.” Illinois guard Brandon Paul, who leads the team in scoring, went 0-6 from beyond the arc and only hit on four of his 13 shots. Richardson was able to make up for Paul’s struggles, according to Groce. “Richardson’s value to our team is incredible,” Groce said. “It was only a matter of time (until he went off) when you are talking about a career 37 percent 3-point shooter coming into the year. I mean, it’s what he’s done his whole life.” Even with Richardson shooting the lights out, Nebraska stayed within 10 points for most of the game. It wasn’t until the final eight minutes when the wheels came off for the Huskers. “We were that tree that wouldn’t fall over, you

By Wayne Gould

Yesterday’s Answer

know, if you are chopping down a tree,” Miles said. “We were hanging by one more chop, and when a couple things didn’t go our way late, we fell over.” The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation sports@620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 dailynebraskan.com For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 Solution, tips andJuly computer program at www.sudoku.com For Friday, 13, 2012

Edited by Will Shortz Across

27 “___ Gott, vom Himmel sieh 1 “I’m a Survivor” darein” (Bach sitcom cantata) 5 “West Side Story” 30 Memorial Day girlfriend performance 10 Cabinet maker?: 31 Almost in vain Abbr. 36 Road locomotives 14 Icelandic saga 37 Runners often subject seen in windows 16 Long way to 38 Big names walk? 39 Poetic period 17 “Chantez40 Idaho motto Chantez” singer, opener 1957 41 Big guns in the Mideast 18 It’s 180° from X 43 Norman with a 19 Cell division? legendary swing 20 Places to put up 45 Flying ___ 21 It’s taken by 46 Put away some coll. seniors 50 Kosher’s Islamic 22 Business brass equivalent 53 Digital protection 24 Some encumbrances 54 Water flow regulator 25 Class Notes subject, informally 56 Dip ___ in





57 Trafalgar Square figure 58 Lacking 59 Took home courses? 60 Salinger girl Down 1 Hester Prynne’s stigma 2 Journalist Burnett of 55-Down 3 Aid in judging distances 4 School rings? 5 Some patient responses 6 Beverage once sold “in all popular flavors” 7 Press 8 Coastal plunger 9 Some pitcherfuls 10 Southeast Asian soarer 11 Toasts 12 First name in 2000 headlines 13 Venting aids 15 Director Angelopoulos who won the 1988 Palme d’Or 23 The Five ___, 1950s millionselling doo-wop group 24 Slow passage 25 “___ baby!” 26 Singer learning a script 28 Bonehead










No. 0608 9













20 22








24 28



30 33

36 37 38 41
















44 50



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Heady: Fans need to support team

Chris heady

Key players of the Nebraska men’s basketball team watch the final minutes of Tuesday’s blowout loss to Illinois at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The Huskers fell to 1-6 in the Big Ten despite winning their previous game at Penn State.

too much


Nebraska can’t contain Illinois’ D.J. Richardson in loss STORY BY LANNY HOLSTEIN PHOTO BY BETHANY SCHMIDT


he Husker men’s basketball team struggled on the offensive boards Tuesday night against the Illinois Fighting Illini. The team was out rebounded 40-28 in their 71-51 loss, and were down 25-10 on the first half boards as well. Nebraska coach Tim Miles said his teams rebounding woes cost them a chance at their second straight Big Ten win. “I’ve coached a lot of games at a lot of different levels, but I don’t think I’ve been as embarrassed in one area of the game,” Miles said. “You have to credit Illinois. They hadn’t been making threes, so they had to find another area to score, and they hit the offensive glass and got themselves more shots.” Miles said he didn’t blame the discrepancy on any size advantage or technique failures. It was just a matter of the Illini wanting it more, according to the coach. “You just have to have more readiness, more personal pride in those situations,” Miles said. “It seemed like tonight we let too many things on one end of the court hurt us. That tells you a lot about our mentality. We weren’t where we needed to be.” Miles’ team has had a few blunders at home this season, and after Tuesday’s 20-point loss, the coach said he sees a problem in the way the Huskers approach home games. There just isn’t the same focus for Nebraska at home as there is on the road, according to Miles. “We certainly have played better on the road than we have in our environment,” Miles said. “We have been more alive, more energetic, those sorts of things. I think we seriously have to look at this with this group because their appears to be a stark contrast

basketball: see page 9

heady: see page 8

Wrestler excells in new weight class Zach Tegler DN Spencer Johnson had less than a week to become a heavyweight. He had been a 197-pounder on the Nebraska wrestling team’s roster for two years, but he sat out the first half of his sophomore season with a knee injury. By the time Johnson was set to return, junior Caleb Kolb was holding his own at 197 pounds, and the Nebraska coaches decided to move Johnson up a weight class. They told Johnson on a Monday. The Huskers had a meet the following Friday. Even though Johnson was not accustomed to wrestling heavyweights, he found one silver lining the week he started competing with wrestlers 60 pounds heavier than him. “Well,” Johnson said, “I didn’t have to cut weight.” Half a year before Johnson became a heavyweight, he was grappling with a teammate during a summer camp at the wrestling team’s home in the Hendricks Center. “He wrapped his left leg around my right leg,” Johnson said, “and when we fell back down to the mat, I felt a pop.” Torn ACL. After winning 54 matches and six open tournaments over the span of his first two years with the Huskers, Johnson would have to miss the front half of his sophomore campaign. “I know that I was further ahead than even where I am now,” Johnson said. “It’s always going to be difficult when you have an injury like this, and then you always look back at where you were and you’ve just kind of got to put that behind you.”

swimming and diving

Huskers lose to San Diego St. on senior day Nebraska can’t upset the nationally ranked Aztecs in final home meet of the season


Nebraska wreslter Spencer Johnson works for a point in the Huskers’ match against Illinois earlier this season. Johnson has a 2-1 record in his first three matches as a heavyweight for NU. As 2012 turned into 2013 and Johnson eyed his return to competition, Nebraska coach Mark Manning and assistant coach Tony Ersland discussed moving Johnson from 197 pounds to the heavyweight class. “We just felt like we have two solid kids in Caleb and Spencer, and to get them both in the lineup would be the best thing,” Ersland said. “It kind of looked like heavyweight would be a place where he

could handle it for us. He could shore up some things and add to the lineup.” So during the second week of the new year, Johnson began learning the do’s and don’ts of his new weight class, including work with former Nebraska wrestler Craig Brester – an assistant coach for the Huskers. “He gets the better of me most often,” Johnson said. “He was No. 2 in the nation two years in a row,

Yesterday afternoon, the USA Today reported that a Nebraska state trooper convinced a Division II kicker from Western Illinois University to transfer to Nebraska at a routine traffic stop. Rather than give him a ticket, the trooper gave Pat Smith a quick Nebraska pitch, and told him how rich the tradition of winning was and the pride of being a Husker. “It convinced me there’s no place I’d rather be,” Smith said in the article. But that same pride was simply nonexistent last night at the Bob Devaney Sports Center, as the Huskers fell to Illinois 71-51 for their sixth home loss of the year. It got up from their seats and walked out the door with 5:13 left after Illinois called a timeout after claiming a 61-46 lead. Nebraska had battled all game and, though the game was slowly becoming out of reach, they were at least keeping it a fight. But Nebraska fans apparently had enough, as most of the crowd sifted out into the 10 degree cold. Nebraska coach Tim Miles couldn’t find pride on the court, either. “We played with zero pride,” @CoachMiles read on Twitter. This university desperately wants a successful basketball program, a “winner” as Miles calls it, but a “winner” doesn’t just appear. It needs to be revolutionized. And last night, Doc Sadler ’s stink of a program still resonated all over the Devaney Center. During the starting lineups, the crowd was not much more than a dull roar as Herbie Husker waved a gigantic “N” flag at center court. The “Red Zone” wasn’t much louder than 10 ceiling fans the first few Illinois possessions, and the Illini jumped out to an early 15-4 lead. I’ve personally been at a volleyball warmup with maybe 100 people in the gym that was louder than the crowd in the first few minutes last night. For a program

and just runner-up to Jake Varner – and [Varner] was the Olympic champion. So I’m not going to come up against anybody tougher than Craig.” And even though Johnson is a long way from hitting the heavyweight limit of 285 pounds, he makes up for it with his conditioning. “He’s strong. He’s in great

WRESTLING: see page 9

time than ours. We were able to get them there and come out on top, and that really got us going well,” Morales said. “That first win set us up to believe that we could give them a fight.” The hard-fought match would eventually end in a Husker loss, their bailey neel first in any dual meet this season. dn “San Diego State is a top-notch program, they are ranked ahead of The past holiday weekend held a us nationally. We brought them in to full schedule of events at the Bob have a really good last home meet, Devaney Sports Center. Notably, an and that’s what they gave us,” Moimportant meet for the Nebraska rales said. “There were a lot of great swimming and diving team against finishes by our girls though, and a San Diego State. It was senior day, lot of high expectations and for 10 girls, their last were met.” time swimming at home. Bailey Pons broke “A lot of girls were her own school record really sad and emotional in the 1000-yard freeat the beginning of the style while Ariel Weech meet because they call and Taryn Collura split you up and read your first place in the 50-yard accomplishments and freestyle, breaking the congratulate you,” seschool record held by nior Hayley Martin said. Weech. “It’s the last time we will “We posted great swim in Nebraska, in our times, their’s were just pool,” Martin said. “I a little better. It would MARTIN was just excited. I knew I have been great to win wanted to do well in my for the seniors, but I last home meet.” also think that it was good to make Martin did just that when she our girls sweat a little. We have our and her relay team pulled out the eye on the bigger picture, which is to first win of the day in the medley. The have the best conference meet that group won by 31 hundredths of a we could possibly have,” Morales second; a close race that pumped up said. the crowd and the team, according to Last year the team finished 11th Nebraska coach Pablo Morales. “The medley relay was big, beSWIMMING: see page 8 cause on paper, they had a faster

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