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Nebraska Football is back as spring practice begins


Martinez more comfortable heading into year two of T im Beck’s offense page 10

Researchers at Northern Illinois University say site profiles offer more insight than traditional job evaluations page 2

monday, march 12, 2012

volume 111, issue 120


Bedbug sweeps finish campus rounds frannie sprouls daily nebraskan

The sweep is complete. All University of Nebraska-Lincoln residence hall rooms have been checked for bedbugs as of Wednesday afternoon, nearly two months after the first case of bedbugs was reported in Abel Hall. Dogs inspected Burr Hall, Fedde Hall and Love Memorial Hall on East Campus and Husker Hall Wednesday. Two rooms were confirmed in Burr, one in Love and six in Husker. Rooms confirmed last week brings the number of confirmed rooms to 197. “We’re glad to be completing the sweep process and very grateful for the cooperation and support from our residents,” University Housing Director Sue Gildersleeve wrote in an email Friday afternoon. “I know that the process was disruptive for some students, but overall we received many ‘thank yous’ from students who appreciated the extra effort to check on every room.” The first room confirmed was in Abel Hall on Jan. 9 and Housing sent out an email about the room and a couple of others on Jan. 20. After the Daily Nebraskan story about a Selleck resident assistant who said she was asked to lie about the bedbugs in her room, Housing held a media gathering on Feb. 1. At the media gathering, Housing informed the media of its efforts to eradicate the bedbugs from campus. The efforts included purchasing equipment and performing an all-hall sweep with bedbug-sniffing dogs. Eight dogs were brought to UNL during the last two months to search 3,256 rooms. While some are grateful for

Tears well up in Doc Sadler’s eyes as he speaks at a press conference announcing his firing as Nebraska’s men’s basketball coach on Friday.

Sadler fired as men’s basketball coach

NU athletic department will owe former coach $3.4 million through June 30, 2016 Story by Robby Korth Photos by Andrew Dickinson


n Thursday night’s 79-61 loss to Purdue, Nebraska men’s basketball team sported throwback jerseys from the 1949-1950 season. That season was the last time Nebraska won any part of a conference championship as it split the title with Kansas and Kansas State. But the old jerseys and old-school basketball preached by NU coach Doc Sadler weren’t enough to save the season — or Sadler’s job. After six seasons as the coach of NU, Sadler was fired Friday. The final decision came from NU Athletic Director Tom Osborne after the Huskers’ loss in the first round of the Big Ten basketball tournament and was announced during a press conference Friday afternoon. “I have decided to make a change in the basketball program,” Osborne said during the press conference. “I’ve had to do some difficult things in my lifetime and I’d say this is as difficult as any of them. Doc Sadler is a good man, an honorable man, and I consider him to be a good friend.”

sadler: see page 3

Athletic Director Tom Osborne answers questions from reporters in the hallway of the sixth floor of Memorial Stadium after speaking at the press conference on March 9.

bedbugs: see page 3

Women’s Week Senator: Pay boost can help diversity 2012 to focus on empowerment jacy marmaduke daily nebraskan

Sarah Miller Daily Nebraskan

The f-word, to Jan Deeds, isn’t the curse word. It’s feminism. “We want people to think about, ‘What does ‘feminism’ mean?’” said Deeds, director of the University of NebraskaLincoln Women’s Center and associate director of Student Involvement for Gender Programs. Beginning today, the Women’s Center is hosting the 2012 Women’s Week. The week’s events will consist of lectures, luncheons, performances and even trick roping, the act of spinning a lasso. This year’s theme is “The

green page 4

Art of Empowerment,” which focuses on empowerment through art, but also how empowerment can be an art in itself, said Amy Vanderpool, programming assistant at the Women’s Center and a senior political science and French major. “Little Waves,” an exhibition in the Rotunda Gallery Display, is one of the highlights of the week and is hosted by Womanhouse, a local feminist art group based off an original group started by the California Institute of the Arts in 1971. The exhibit will run from 10

women’s week: see page 2

When Sen. Amanda McGill of Lincoln was elected to the Nebraska Legislature in 2006, she knew the $12,000 salary would be a stretch. She knew the job would expand beyond the 60- or 90day legislative sessions. She knew she’d have to work another job to make ends meet. “What I didn’t understand was how hard it would be to maintain another job while I was in the legislature,” McGill said. “I thought I’d find something and they’d work around me and I’d take a pay cut while I was in session. But nothing like that really popped up.” So when McGill lost her job in advertising in 2008 because of the economy and her savings began to dwindle, she took a job as a sales

Artist page 5


associate at Target, where she works 10 to 15 hours a week during session to bridge the income gap. McGill holds another part-time position at the YWCA of Lincoln. Combined, the three jobs pull in just enough income for the senator, who is unmarried. “I don’t have kids yet, so I don’t have to worry about buying my kids’ shoes to play soccer, or worse, putting food in their stomachs,” McGill said. “I can live paycheck-to-paycheck and live off savings. But there are a ton of great people who have families and great careers that should be in the

Andrew Dickinson | DAILY NEBRASKAN

State Sen. Amanda McGill poses for a portrait at the Target store at 48th and R streets on March 9. McGill works multiple jobs to support herself and spends two evenings per week working at Target. legislative body but don’t run, in part because of the pay.” Voters approved the last increase in senator pay from

Track and Field page 10

mcgill: see page 3

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republican leaders fail to live up to conservative ideals

LIncoln sculptor comments on fall of society in artwork

Huskers earn Five All-American Honors at NCAAs

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$4,800 to $12,000 in 1988. McGill was 8 years old at



monday, march 12, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Facebook can impact hiring decisions

women’s week 2012 schedule March 12 ··Leadership Luncheon: “Feminist Psychology: Perspectives on Research and Practice” at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union ··Guerrilla Girls on Tour: “Feminists Are Funny” at 7 p.m. at the Sheldon Museum of Art

conor dunn daily nebraskan

Your Facebook profile may know more about you than you know about yourself, according to a new study published online in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Researchers at Northern Illinois University, the University of Evansville and Auburn University conducted two studies to determine whether a person’s Facebook profile was a better indicator of job performance than an IQ test. “A lot of actions are taken based on Facebook profiles — people are hired, fired, suspended — but this is the first study to systematically examine whether using Facebook to help make such decisions has any validity,” said Don Kluemper, an NIU management professor and lead author of the study, in a recent article published by NIU Today. The researchers asked six human resource specialists to rate about 600 undergraduate students based on Facebook profiles. They looked at five personality traits commonly assessed in employee personality tests, including extraversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, agreeableness and openness to new experiences. The HR specialists considered wall posts from the students’ friends, pictures, favorite movies and other profile features when determining the overall content of each profile. If the subjects had a lot of friends posting on their profiles, it indicated high scores of extraversion. If they had vacation pictures, it could signal openness to new experiences. The evaluators spent five to 10 minutes assessing each Facebook profile. At the same time, the students completed IQ tests and self-evaluation forms, which rated their own personality traits. According to NIU Today, the students were asked to rate their agreement with statements

women’s week: from 1

March 13 ··Student Parent Research Fair at 10 a.m. to noon in the Nebraska Union Plaza ·Leadership · Luncheon: “Evolution of Feminist Thought” at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union

lauren vuchetich | daily nebraskan

like, “I am the life of the party.” For raters, the question was, “Is this person the life of the party?” After six months, the researchers contacted employers of the sample group and asked them to complete a job performance evaluation. Of the 56 employers that responded, the researchers determined Facebook profiles were more accurate predictors of future job performance than the score from a subject’s self-evaluation. Some students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln think looking at Facebook during the hiring process is an invasion of privacy. “They (employers) shouldn’t form a negative opinion on that person just because they don’t agree with some information on that person’s Facebook, like their religion or political views,” said Cindy Martinez, a freshman business management major. “But at the same time I don’t think the potential employee should have anything inappropriate (on his or her profile).” Morgan Watters, a senior political science and women’s studies major, said assessing Facebook profiles during the hiring process is coming dangerously close to employment discrimination, because things like a person’s race, appearance

and whether they have a disability might all be visible on that page. “That being said, you can’t stop them and therefore should be prepared for that,” Watters said. Employers don’t have a binding contract with potential employees during the hiring process, said Shelley Stall, an attorney of law and director of ASUN Student Legal Services. “If there are no legal restrictions, employers will go fishing,” Stall said. The reality of the situation is that anyone can use the Internet to do research, according to Chris Timm, associate director of UNL Career Services. “People don’t really realize what they’re signing when they submit their job application,” Timm said. “You’re granting the rights to do a background check.” She said it’s common for employers to Google a person’s name to check for a Facebook account. In fact, the social media service Reppler found in a 2011 study that 91 percent of recruiters and hiring managers are looking at an applicant’s Facebook or Twitter page when they’re hiring. “For an employer not to have a social presence,” Timm said, “limits their opportunities.” Timm said people should think about their overall

reputation when posting on Facebook. “I once heard that you shouldn’t put something on your social media site that you wouldn’t want your grandma to see,” she said. She said the same goes when posting on a friend’s profile. “You may keep your stuff clean, but ranting and raving on someone else’s page might not be the right thing to do either,” Timm said. According to a study published last month by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, young adults are more likely than older people to delete unwanted comments from their Facebook pages. Fifty-six percent of 18- to 29-year-olds deleted comments that others made on their profiles. The study also said women are more likely than men to restrict their profiles. Sixty-seven percent of women set their profiles so that only their “friends” can see it, according to Pew. Only 48 percent of men did the same. Kluemper, the lead researcher of the NIU study, said employers need to tread carefully here. He said because it was the first study of its kind, there needs to be repeated studies to confirm results, as well as to explore the legalities of the issue. conordunn@

March 14 ··Leadership Luncheon: “Women’s Careers in Agriculture and Natural Resources” at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the East Campus Union ··Joan Wells: World Champion Trick Roper at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska East Union ··Womanhouse “Little Waves” Reception at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, Rotunda Gallery ··“Miss Representation” Showing + Movie Talk at 7:30 p.m. at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center Thursday, March 15 ··Leadership Luncheon: Luycille O’Neil: “Walk Like You Have Somewhere To Go” at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center ·Chancellor’s · Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Status of Women reception and awards ceremony at 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union ··Seventh Annual Women’s History Month Banquet at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center ··Leadership Luncheon: “Getting Ahead Without Losing Your Mind: Achieving Work/Life Balance” at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nebraska Union a.m. to 5 p.m. every day and features art and interactive displays to encourage people to create discussion about feminism through artwork, Vanderpool said. “It’s sort of a look at how feminism interacts with art,” Vanderpool said. The week will also include free leadership luncheons people can register for to give them a chance to discuss gender roles in different areas. People can register by calling 402-4722598. “I think there’s still a lot that’s overlooked,” Deeds said. “We want people to think how gender interacts with your leadership abilities.” Other events this week include Guerrilla Girls On Tour performing “Feminists Are Funny,” a feminist comedian show; Joan Wells, a women’s world champion trick roper, who will present a performance of trick roping; and a showing of “Miss Representation,” a documentary that looks at media

representations of gender. “It’s an opportunity to have sort of a platform for people to know what the Women’s Center does and what our resources are,” Deeds said. The Women’s Center is located on the third floor of the Nebraska Union and has a library of books, magazines and videos, but also works as a place to discuss topics like feminism. Deeds has been interested in how gender impacts people’s lives since she was a teenager and said she hopes others begin to think about that after attending Women’s Week events. March is Women’s History month, but has only been celebrated since the 1970s. “I think just giving people perspective on where we’ve come and where we have yet to go is one of the biggest things,” Vanderpool said. “You can go and be in these different fields now, but how is that different from 20 years ago, 40 years ago?” sarahmiller@

Community desk Mission to a Major when: Tuesday, March 13, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Room 225 what: Career Services will host an open house for undeclared students or those wanting to explore majors. Students can visit with a career counselor and a general studies adviser to explore individual interests and skills and how they could translate to University of NebraskaLincoln majors. Snacks will be provided. contact: Career Services at 402-472-3145 or Students for Ed Reform (SFER) meeting when: Tuesday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Passionate about education? SFER is a new organization focusing on educational outreach, awareness and advocacy. Meet others who share your interests and to discuss ideas for community engagement. Non-education majors are also encouraged to attend.

Cookies, coffee and juice will be provided. Special Event: Extreme Couponing Class when: Wednesday, March 15, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: The Student Money Management Center will host a class to teach participants how to start couponing and save hundreds of dollars each month. Register at cost: $5 (cash only) Student Appreciation Night when: Thursday, March 15 where: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center what: Students can get $1 tickets, $1 popcorn and $1 soda by showing their N-Card. The deal is good for all regular screenings of “A Separation” and “Crazy Horse” that night. Czech Movie Night when: Thursday, March 15, 7 p.m. where: Nebraska Union what: Komensky Club will host a screening of the

Czech movie “Men About Town.” The movie is a comedy about three bricklayers who yearn for a night living in high class. The movie has English subtitles. contact: Katarina Cermakova at 402-472-3386 “Economy of Love” Study when: Thursday, March 15, 8 p.m. where: Lutheran Student Center what: Discussion on how to be Christians in a world of poverty. It’s part of a fiveweek study on a video series by author Shane Claiborne. Phi Mu Greek Man of the Year when: Thursday, March 15, 8 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Ballroom what: Phi Mu hosts a male beauty pageant with men from campus fraternities. The event will benefit the Children’s Miracle Network. cost: $4 in advance, $5 at the door contact: Jessica Guy at 402641-5912 or jessica.guy@

Rave for Push Thursday, March 15, 10 p.m. where: Pershing Center what: Pi Kappa Phi will host a party/light show to benefit Push America. cost: $5 in advance, $7 at the door/non-UNL students contact: Christian Jewett at 402-519-2307 or christian. when:

Write Winning Grants seminar when: Friday, March 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Auditorium what: The Office of Research and Development will offer a grant writing seminar for faculty, staff, post-doctoral research fellows and graduate students. Participants need to choose one of four different workbooks depending on the sources from which they plan to seek funding. The seminar will include lunch. Register at http:// grantseminar/. cost: Free contact: Liz Banset at 402472-7003

Sunday with a Scientist: Ashfall Fossil Beds when: Sunday, March 18, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. where: Morrill Hall what: Program that will focus on paleontology of Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park. Visitors can interact with paleontologists and view fossil specimens and volcanic ash samples. contact: Dana Ludvik at 402-472-3779 or dludvik2@ ASUN Collaborative Think-tank (ACT Green) when: Wednesday, March 14, 7:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union, Heritage Room what: Forum for ASUN, Recognized Student Organizations, academic advisers and students to discuss and collaborate on sustainability projects and goals on campus. National Quilting Day when: Saturday, March 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. where: International Quilt Study Center and Museum

what: The center will celebrate National Quilting Day with demonstrations and lectures on all floors. There will be free admission from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Book Signing: Jeff Barnes when: Sunday, March 18, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. where: A Novel Idea Bookstore what: Author Jeff Barnes will sing copies of his book “The Great Plains Guide to Custer: 85 Forts, Fights and Other Sites.” To reserve a copy, call A Novel Idea Bookstore at 402-475-8663. contact: Jeff Barnes at — Compiled by Kim Buckley, community@

Community Desk runs in the paper every Monday and is updated daily on the Daily Nebraskan website. Submit an event to Community Desk by emailing the date, time, location, cost, contact information and general information about the event to community@

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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Daily Nebraskan

Study: Bullying persists into college years bullying

Tammy Bain Daily Nebraskan

The high school bully who stuffed kids in lockers grew up and went to college. Christine MacDonald, a professor of educational and school psychology at Indiana State University, conducted a study called “Cyber bullying among college students: prevalence and demographic differences.” In the study, 15 percent of students reported being bullied in college, while nearly 22 percent said they were victims of cyber bullying. Multiple studies about bullying throughout high school and middle school existed, but no reports had been done about these issues in college, MacDonald said in a news release. Thirty-eight percent of students knew someone who had been cyber-bullied, while about nine percent said they had bullied others. Catherine, or “C,” Balta, a junior advertising major, waited six years before coming back to college, but still sees bullying at the University of NebraskaLincoln. The only big difference from high school was that people were older, she said. She saw an “uncomfortable climate for the LGTBA community,” and people still using terms like “Jew’d” to make fun of others’ religions. “Our society, especially in Nebraska, is an assimilation,” she said. “Everyone wants to assimilate.” While attending school in California until she was 9, Balta attended a diverse school, “where the minority was the white girl,” she said. It doesn’t help that bullying is built into the nation’s structure, she said. “In the whole structure of society, there isn’t much protection,” Balta said. “Anybody can be picked on for no matter what reason.” As a second-year master’s student of secondary education, Stacey Cleveland has also seen bullying in college. As a student transitions from high school to college, he or she looks for the same peer group. When that peer group is established, so are the same stereotypes that existed in high school, she said. “Unless a lot of those stereotypes are challenged, you’re

According to a study done by Christine MacDonald, a professor of educational and school psychology at Indiana State University, students reported still being bullied, or being a bully, during college. ··15 percent of students said they’ve been bullied in college ··22 percent said they’ve been cyber-bullied in college ··38 percent of students knew someone who had been cyberbullied ··Nearly 9 percent said they had been the bullies going to continue believing what you’ve always believed,” she said. There is a difference in the bullying that occurs before college and during college, Cleveland said. “Most of the situations I’ve seen in college are in jest,” she said, giving banter in dining halls as an example. “(The bully) didn’t think they were being malicious, but it’s still bullying.” Cleveland also spoke of anonymous cyber bullying on blogs and in forums. “I think people know how to behave,” she said. “If they want to bully, they’ll find a more anonymous way to do it.” Professors across campus have been bullies as well, she said, such as those who have the attitude of “none of you will get an A in my class” or “none of you will meet my standards.” Jan Deeds, the director of the UNL Women’s Center and associate director of Gender Programs at UNL sees sexist bullying. Men are being told by their peers what being a man means, she said. She has also experienced sexual harassment aimed at women, as well as critiques on a woman’s shape. Deeds said the numbers of bullies in college and high school are the same, yet there is less authority to police the situation. “People don’t know who to talk to about it,” she said. “People are less likely to reach out for assistance if they don’t know who to ask.” While she spoke of the campus’ anti-hazing policies and programs, “in terms of campuswide anti-bullying efforts, we don’t do enough,” she said. If a person was a bully in high school, they are likely to bully in college, she said. Acts such as name calling don’t stop. Sources said bullying

continues after college, too. Balta spoke of marriage inequality and gender roles in the workplace. Cleveland spoke of a friend who is constantly bullied at his own workplace, with constant name-calling. Deeds said she sees it on a national level, mentioning Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, famous talk-show hosts. “The name-calling is just rampant,” she said, adding that they often bully their guests. Some felt college is too big for the bullying that took place before. Jamal Ma, a senior management major, said the torment changes from a physical to an emotional form, but a student still feels it when it occurs. “Words are just as hurtful as being physically abused,” said Max Luber, a senior accounting and finance major. Patrick Barney, a junior international studies major, said he’s heard of many forms of racism across campus. He said a friend was attacked for his race, and another thought Barney’s friendly “hello” in Madrid Chinese was just more racism that the friend had experienced. Yet Vu Do, a junior Nutrition major, said he’s never been bullied for his Vietnamese culture. Regardless of their stance on bullying, sources said there is hope in the transition from high school to college. “A lot of people learn more and are interacting with a lot of people,” Balta said. “It’s definitely a benefit.” Cleveland agreed. “Hopefully they’re more educated,” she said. “But that’s not always the case.” “People like to use the word bullying because it’s something they like to say just happens on the playground,” Deeds said. “But it continues.” Tammybain@

bedbugs: from 1 the all-hall sweep, others voiced concern. “Other thoughts are that we have undertaken something unusual in our efforts to check every room,” Gildersleeve wrote. Some universities with bedbug issues went the extra step to evacuate students from the building in order to fumigate and treat the entire building, like a case at Reinhardt University in Waleska, Ga., in September 2010. Gildersleeve wrote in an earlier email that Housing was not advised to evacuate any of the residence halls. Evacuating the whole building was not the ideal situation because money would have to be spent in relocating residents for the period of time it would take to fumigate and treat the building, said Stephen Kells, an associate professor of entomology and extension entomologist at the University of MinnesotaTwin Cities, in a telephone interview. “If you end up with more than five separate complaints in a dorm room or building, they should be inspecting the whole building,” Kells said. “My experience is, you have satellite rooms and if you get separate complaints, it usually means there have been multiple introductions into the building.” But waiting for complaints isn’t an option either, Kells said. “One in four people are not

going to be responsive to bedbugs,” Kells said. “If you just handle it on a complaint by complaint basis, it’s going to take longer to eradicate the issue.” There would be the chance of residents who are living at infestation points but aren’t responding to the bites. “My personal preference is looking at doing room-byroom, floor-by-floor, inspections,” Kells said. “And get the tenants involved.” Once spring semester ends in May, Housing will be checking all the rooms once more before conference and camp guests arrive for the summer, Gildersleeve wrote. Rooms will be inspected again before students arrive in August. “We will of course need to provide for these additional costs in our future budgets,” she wrote. “As far as covering this year’s expenses, the good news is that we have had a mild winter, resulting in lower utility costs than budgeted, and we will devote those savings to pay for our costs this semester.” In addition to paying for the nearly 200 heat treatments in the past two months, Housing also purchased equipment for use in the future. Eight heat-treating PackTite duffle bags were purchased to treat luggage, backpacks and other small items. A “heat chamber” was built

in the basement of Abel Hall to treat couches, chairs and other large items. The chamber will be operated by Housing Facilities personnel, as well as the moveable heating trailer. Housing also purchased a carbon dioxide unit to freeze treat bedbug-infested furniture and other common area items. Gildersleeve wrote the CO2 unit is chemical-free and non-toxic and is mostly used in hotel and hospital industries. Gildersleeve wrote Housing will be enhancing its bedbug education efforts for residents in the fall. The education will focus on awareness, how to look for bedbugs, the best ways to avoid bringing bedbugs home and what to do if bedbugs are in a resident’s room. Resident assistants will have more training on bedbugs as well, but Gildersleeve did not have specific details about the training. “We particularly want students to understand that they are found in virtually every community in the country — and Lincoln is no different in that regard,” Gildersleeve wrote. “Most other large campuses nationally have been dealing with this issue for some time now, and we’re in the process of researching other schools’ education materials to determine what will be most effective for our use.” franniesprouls@

letters from opinion: from 1 Ron Brown, a Nebraska football coach, talked before the Omaha City Council in opposition to an ordinance that would ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Several people have written me asking if his remarks represent the position of the university. I want to be clear that they do not. The university defends the right of its faculty and students to

participate in public dialogue and to express their personal views. I understand that there were also faculty and students from the university who testified in favor of the ordinance. We do ask individuals associated with the university to make it clear in their public statements that they are speaking only as an individual and not on behalf of

the university. Unfortunately in this instance Coach Brown did not make it clear in his comments that he was asserting his personal viewpoint and not representing the university. I have asked him to make that clarification explicitly in the future.

Harvey Perlman,

chancellor University of Nebraska-Lincoln

monday, march 12, 2012

sadler: from 1 Sadler spoke to reporters for about five minutes after Osborne finished. He was visibly emotional, having to leave the room for a moment while holding back tears. “Obviously, you’re not looking at one of the smarter guys in this business,” Sadler said, holding back tears at the press conference Friday afternoon. “But you’re looking at a guy that … that tried.” Sadler finished his career at Nebraska with 101-89 record in six seasons. Sadler only once coached the Huskers to a .500 conference record, going 8-8 in the Big 12 in 2009. NU extended Sadler’s contract last March until June 30, 2016. That extension will cost Nebraska $3.4 million, unless Sadler finds another job, in which case NU will owe him the difference in salary. This season Nebraska opened up the Hendricks Training Complex, an $18.7 million facility that features everything an 18-year-old kid would want from state-ofthe-art floors to those notorious speakers in the shower heads. And the complex combined with the $179 million Pinnacle Bank Arena project should have been enough to land recruits. Part of the contract extension was to help Sadler land recruits, according to Osborne. “I think if you’re a coach, your base salary is important, but your guaranteed salary is even more important in terms of recruiting ability,” Osborne said. “I think his guarantee was only $300,000 to $400,000 and I was embarrassed by that. I thought that’s not fair to Doc.” Nebraska’s inaugural season in the Big Ten marked one of the low points in Sadler’s tenure and that of Nebraska’s basketball program.

Despite having four seniors in the starting lineup for much of the season, Nebraska only managed a 12-18 record, including a record of 4-14 in Big Ten play. In conference regular-season games, Sadler’s Huskers had a record of 34-64. And when the Huskers hit the road in conference play they went 9-40 under the Greenwood, Ark., native. But hopes were high for this season’s Huskers. Nebraska returned four starters from the previous season and point guard Bo Spencer was supposed to deliver for the Huskers. The LSU transfer was 15th in scoring in the SEC with 14.5 points per game and averaged 2.7 assists per contest. And Spencer’s production stayed on par as he averaged 15.4 points per game and 3.3 assists as a Husker, all the more reason for the air of disappointment from Osborne. “I thought personally, this would be Doc’s best team,” Osborne said. ”He had quite a bit of experience back and a point guard that looked like he was going to be very talented. “It looked pretty promising at the start of the year.” To Osborne, it might have looked like Sadler would finally capture an elusive NCAA Tournament bid that’s eluded the Huskers for 13 seasons. But it just wasn’t to be. In his time at Nebraska, Sadler was unable to dance in March, and when the Huskers were able to qualify for the NIT three times Sadler’s squads only managed a single victory. “I know the reason I made the decision, because there comes a point in every athletic program and every team where you either begin to build to momentum and things begin to look brighter or you begin to lose momentum,” Osborne said. “When


Obviously you’re not looking at one of the smarter guys in this business. But you’re looking at a guy that ... that tried.” doc sadler

former nu men’s basketball coach

you start losing momentum then recruiting gets more and more difficult.” But now it’s time for Nebraska to search for a new coach, a search that will likely be delayed until after the conclusion of the NCAA Tournament, according to Osborne. “You’re looking for a special person — someone that can do all those things and still win a fair number of basketball games,” Osborne said. “Believe me, winning isn’t everything. You look at the process, you look at recruiting and how things are going, and at some point if you do enough things right, the winning takes care of itself. “We’ll look at a variety of things, but right now I have nobody in particular in mind.” When asked what the new coach would be paid, Osborne said the athletic department would look to be competitive on a national level. Sadler was informed he was relieved of his coaching duties Friday afternoon by Osborne, a decision Sadler said he didn’t all together agree with, but one he accepted. “(Nebraska) is a very, very special place,” Sadler said. “It’s been a great, great place for the Sadlers. It’s one that we’ll always remember.” Doug Burger contributed to this report. Robbykorth@

mcgill: from 1 the time. A proposed resolution would request voter approval of the fifth-ever salary increase in the body’s 78-year history — this time to $22,500 a year. Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh of Omaha introduced the resolution, which must pass as an amendment to the state constitution, to adjust senator pay based on the increase in cost-of-living since 1988. Sen. John Wightman of Lexington, Executive Board chair, said the board advanced the bill to floor debate in hopes of increasing the diversity of the Legislature. “(The current salary) pretty much rules out about 50 or 60 percent of the population that would be qualified to serve,” Wightman said. “It’s limited to either retired people or people with a family business that have quite a bit of money, or in a few cases, very young people who want to have a career in politics.” McGill said the current salary dissuades potential candidates of all professions from running for the legislature, because the job necessitates a full-time commitment during session and a parttime commitment otherwise. Most individuals can’t afford to simply leave their jobs for a portion of the year, McGill said. The body composes no doctors or health care professionals. “That hurts our legislature in terms of health care policies,” McGill said. “We’re debating issues like chemotherapy bills and health care reform, and we need a doctor in this place to give some form of expertise.” Speaker Mike Flood of Norfolk said a body that creates “policy for all Nebraskans” should likewise include representation of the entire population. “You certainly want the folks who have all the life experience in their retirement stage of life, but you also want the folks who are five, six years out of college and ready to tackle the world and make Nebraska a better place for their children to live someday,” Flood said. Lautenbaugh’s original resolution requested a $32,000 salary, which Wightman said stood “a zero chance of

salary history 1934 to 1951: $600 a year 1952 to 1959: $1,200 a year The 1952 increase maintained senator purchasing power because the value of the dollar had been cut in half: By 1952, $2.01 had the same buying power as $1 in 1934. 1960 to 1967: $2,400 a year Although senator salary doubled in 1960, the value of the dollar had shown only a slight decrease since the previous salary change. In 1960, $1.11 had the same purchasing power as $1 in 1952. 1968 to 1987: $4,800 a year This time around, senator salary more than doubled although the value of the dollar again showed only a slight decrease. In 1968, $1.15 had the same purchasing power as $1 in 1960. 1988 to present: $12,000 a year The 1988 increase once again more than doubled senator salary, but the value of the dollar had greatly decreased. In 1988, $3.40 had the same purchasing power as $1 in 1968. A proposed increase to $22,500 would be in accordance with the sinking value of the dollar, which has been nearly cut in half since 1988. Source: Dollar Times inflation calculator, transcription of Executive Board meeting in 2007

passing.” Past resolutions for pay increases, including one voters rejected in 2006, have included built-in increases for the cost of living. Senators said Lautenbaugh’s increase bears a stronger chance of passing because of the more modest figure. But another resolution to extend senator term limits from two terms to three could be a roadblock if both appear on the ballot in November. “Voters are going to think that it’s very self-serving,” Wightman said. “Not only do they want to extend their term, but they want to increase their pay so they have this big salary — that’s the impression they’ll get.” Legislators reached a 30-12 consensus in first-round debate on the term limit extension, but some senators, including McGill, plan to drop their support in favor of the salary increase. Flood said senators would have to prioritize between the two resolutions. “I’m supporting the pay raise knowing full well it will not impact me,” Flood said. “Institutionally, it’s a much bigger deal for the Legislature than anything else.” Legislators advanced the salary increase 28-9 in firstround debate. Two more senators will have to approve

the resolution in order to prompt a citizen vote. Those opposing the resolution argued the new salary would create career politicians and decrease the citizen nature of the body. “They feel that it’s not about the money — it’s about serving their constituents,” Flood said. “I feel the same way but I think we should keep some case with what Nebraskans are earning.” McGill agreed that the resolution wasn’t designed to further line senator’s pockets. “It’s absolutely not that we don’t want to have other jobs,” she said. “I love being at the YWCA and working directly with girls and women — and I love being at Target and helping people pick out a pair of shoes. And other people here love their day jobs. But it’s about compensating us for the time we are here and aren’t able to do those jobs.” And fairer compensation would result in a fairer system, McGill said. “Every type of person can learn how laws are made and do a good job here,” she said. “We should be encouraging participation in democracy, and the salary right now is a disincentive.” jacymarmaduke@


page 4

monday, march 12, 2012

DAILY NEBRASKAN editorial board members IAN SACKS editor-in-chief CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER arts & entertainment editor opinion editor HAILEY KONNATH RHIANNON ROOT ZACH SMITH

news assignment editor

assistant opinion editor

our view

Sadler contract extension shows poor judgment

On Friday, Doc Sadler was dismissed as coach of the Nebraska men’s basketball team after six years in the position, amassing a record of 101-89. After finishing the 2011-2012 season with a record of 1218 and a last-place 4-14 mark in conference play, the Daily Nebraskan agrees with Athletic Director Tom Osborne’s decision to end Sadler’s tenure as coach. Considering Sadler’s more than a half-decade’s worth of opportunities to turn around the perpetually struggling NU basketball program and the high spirits and expectations that came with the move to the Big Ten, a season tainted by slipping fan morale makes Sadler’s ousting appropriate. All this said, what’s still in question now more than ever is the rationale behind affording Sadler a contract extension last spring. The extension would have put Sadler in the driver’s seat of NU basketball through 2015-2016 and now could allow him to be paid up to $3.4 million, while he searches for a new coaching position. Obviously a year ago, the extension was representative of a vote of confidence in Sadler, coming off a season where NU nearly broken even in Big 12 play and was about to enter a new conference. But fast forward a year and that vote unraveled. Granted, things can change during a season of basketball, but the Athletic Department not considering the possibility that Sadler’s first year in the Big Ten might not meet expectations seems short-sighted. If Osborne possessed even the slightest inkling that Sadler might be fired after the 2011-2012 season, the contract extension seems like a backward decision in the first place. Still, it’s admirable the care and class with which Osborne handled the situation on Friday, saying, “Doc is a good man, an honorable man, and I consider him a good friend. I thought it was wise at this point to make a change.” We would like to thank coach Sadler for his class and for carrying himself in a manner becoming of this university.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

letters Perlman: Ron Brown’s statements not in line with university views

it clear that the university does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. And only the board can speak on university policy and practices. Recently

The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska has made

letters: see page 3

bryan klopping | daily nebraskan

GOP contradicts conservativism


ow can conservatives say they are against the government meddling in everything, yet many want the very same government to declare abortion illegal?” Nebraskan conservatives owe the writer of this quote thanks. He perfectly captures the contradiction involved in talking about wanting freedom and individual liberty while seeking to ban a use of such principles. To thank him is easier than you’d think. He’s Attorney General Jon Bruning. Once a liberal law student, Bruning’s now a far-right Republican running for the Senate. However, this isn’t about Bruning. This is about what it means to be a conservative in today’s society. The backbone of conservatism is a rightful fear of hasty change. As conservative scholar Russell Kirk once said: “Hasty innovation may be a devouring conflagration, rather than a torch of progress. Society must alter, for prudent change is the means of social preservation; but a statesman must take Providence into his calculations, and a statesman’s chief virtue, according to Plato and Burke, is prudence.” The sexy term of the day in American politics is “progress.” Everything about the current system is bad. We have to make progress happen in order to be a better society. We should stop at nothing. Commercials on late-night TV tell you a pill can make you slim without diet or exercise. Politicians preach a similar vision. Everything will be better if you just submit to progress. That claim simply isn’t true. It especially isn’t true when said by a representative of the party who claims to hold conservative principles. For decades, the GOP has stood against revolutionary progress. It has rightly pointed out change isn’t always for the better, and even when changes are needed the GOP has worked to ensure that such changes are incremental and cautious. The Republican Party, once a paragon of conservatism, is now just as radical as the progressive Democratic

justin green Party. That’s bad for conservatives. That’s worse for our nation’s political system. As a result of the absence of conservatism in Washington, D.C., we have a public debt larger than our GDP. We have wars we can’t afford. We have accepted the idea that government should bear the cost of healthcare, education and retirement. We acquiesce to more government power. We ignore the shameless lack of respect for the United States Constitution. Conservatism is about preserving the best aspects of our society. Today, a truly conservative party would slow down efforts to crush capitalism. A conservative GOP would focus less on sex than on basic rights. A GOP that gave a damn about the most important document in American history would protest undeclared wars and presidents who believe they’re above the law. Right now, the GOP and Congress are broken. That doesn’t require starting from scratch or reinventing the wheel. When something’s broke, you fix it. Conservatives need to reclaim our GOP from radicalism. We need to demand caution instead of revolution. We need to prioritize the rights of individuals ahead of government. We need to reintroduce responsibility to our nation’s capital. Most of all, we need to make the truth matter once again. President Barack Obama has constructed a house of cards in Washington, D.C. He wants you to believe raising taxes on the rich and passing more regulations is enough to solve our nation’s woes. It isn’t. The GOP wants you to believe cutting taxes and raising defense spending

will solve our problems. It won’t. To right our financial ship will require across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts. Don’t consider Social Security and Medicare your primary retirement options. There is no guarantee they’ll still be solvent. Americans need to get over this new idea that people are entitled to free things from their government. Nothing is free. The list of things you are entitled to from your government is conveniently spelled out in a piece of paper called the Bill of Rights. Our nation needs grown ups in charge of Washington, D.C. We need to tell the truth to our taxpayers. We need to respect law and work to preserve the best of our institutions and traditions. Our nation’s political system may be imperfect, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. We are blessed to live in a nation founded upon the highest ideal: political equality. In the United States, people can have a reasonable certainty of living their lives in peace while coming together to solve collective problems. That’s neither conservative nor progressive nor liberal. That’s America. At its best, America is an oasis of respect for human dignity. It’s a beacon of light in a confusing and frightening world. It’s an example worthy of emulation. Ronald Reagan understood that in the 1980s. The Soviet Empire collapsed. Let’s not join them in the graveyard of empires. Freedom and liberty are more than just words. Basic rights, honest political discourse and limited government are the best of the conservative tradition. Our nation needs an Edmund Burke rather than a Rick Santorum. We need a William Howard Taft rather than a Mitt Romney. We need conservatives. Demand caution and prudence from your representatives. Get out and read those constitutions. Hold true to principle above party. Reclaim our GOP.

Justin Green is a Senior Political Science major from Sutton, NE. Read his blog at Tweet him at BearGreenZ@twitter. com. Email him at justingreen@

KONY2012 campaign shouldn’t be another trend


urbys, Silly Bands, Heelys, Ed Hardy. What happened to these trends? They died off and were replaced with something “cooler.” We think about former trends when we feel nostalgic. We might post a status update about how much we miss them, but we do little else. It’s OK for childhood toys or atrocious hoodies with tattoo “art” and rhinestones sewn in to lose their followers. But trends aren’t just toys or fashion. Important social issues become trends, and just like an old toy they’re thrown away and forgotten. Since its unveiling one week ago, KONY2012 has been viewed by nearly 80 million people on YouTube and Vimeo. If you’ve been on Facebook or Twitter recently, you know what this is. Or at least have a vague idea. The video campaign is dedicated to helping the world recognize Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda. The child soldiers Kony has forced to fight in a bloody civil war, as well as the children who escape his

grasp by commuting nightly from villages to Kampala, are known as the Invisible Children. They’re hardly invisible anymore. But that doesn’t mean their situation is going to change drastically, because Twitter addicts use hashtags and Facebook junkies update their status. Kids of the Internet, please rise above your ego. Unless you’re going to do more than post a video on Facebook, stop acting like you’re mobilizing to help a great cause. Charity bandwagoners are blowing up my news feed more than usual. I would feel better if they updated explaining how they donated to charity or showed up to an Invisible Children meeting on campus. Instead, it’s the same thing over and over. Same video post. No explanation of how they plan on helping Uganda. The name “Invisible Children” seems ironic now. Recognition of the organization has skyrocketed in the past three weeks because of the KONY2012 campaign. As an active participant in various Invisible Children events since high school, it’s annoying to see

damien croghan an influx of interest come through social media. Why? Because this movement could become a trend and lose momentum. Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Haiti earthquake in 2010. Japan tsunami in 2011. What do these events have in common? They’re natural disasters, and people flocked to help these causes initially. But as time passed, these issues have become nothing but a follow-up story. A dying trend. In a generation of Twitter and ADD, it’s like Heidi Klum says: “One day you’re in, and the next, you’re out.” There are examples of social media working to achieve social justice though. Uprisings in the

Arab Spring are a primary example of this. However, it wasn’t just Twitter that enabled people to topple former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Twitter was one of many tools used to mobilize people into action. Without action, the momentum gathered from KONY2012 will fade away faster than public approval of Crocs. Obviously, I’d love to be proven wrong. Kony deserves to be imprisoned for life. He’s a terrible person, and no one contests that. But how much does the average American genuinely care about capturing Kony? He’s become sensationalized. Plus, when most people refer to Africa, it’s usually to emphasize why they need to finish their dinner, not help fight for human rights violations in Uganda. When we were young and didn’t want to eat our vegetables, parents often said, “There are starving kids in Africa!” to explain why we needed to eat the rest of our meal. However, you will never hear a parent say, “There are kidnapped children in Uganda being forced

to fight in a civil war!” to explain why children need to enjoy basic freedoms they take for granted. Much criticism of the organization has come in recent days. There are claims that most of the proceeds aren’t going directly to helping Ugandan children. Others claim the money is being put to use by helping the Ugandan Army, the “lesser evil” only in comparison to Kony and the LRA. Regardless of how you feel about Invisible Children’s methods, one thing is clear: The organization has shed light on a very serious issue. At the very least, a dialogue has been created. How effective is this dialogue? Only time will tell. When KONY2012 is no longer trending, will people stay interested? It seems doubtful. The Ugandan civil war will remain relevant until people find something more hip to post about on Facebook. Like what outfit to wear on yet another Thirsty Thursday bar crawl. #firstworldproblems

Damien Croghan is a senior news-editorial and international studies major. Reach him at damiencroghan@



Art literature

monday, march 12, 2012

pagE 5


now story by katie nelson photo by morgan spiehs he gallery contains giant insects, manT gled human forms, sea creatures and some things that are unidentifiable, save for

the small placards nearby. A DJ is blaring some form of techno music in the corner. The genre doesn’t matter — it’s just loud. And Jar Schepers stands in the midst of his “Manifestations” show at the Tugboat Gallery’s March 3 First Friday exhibition, observing the looks of horror and fascination flashing across gallery-goers’ faces. “I don’t really know many other people who work like this,” Schepers said. “I’ve been told it’s like (a) B-rate horror film, but that’s not really an art term.” But a second glance at the forms hanging from the walls, standing on the floor, tangled within their own wires and served up on a platter — literally — makes it hard for viewers to pull their eyes away. And that is exactly what Schepers wants. Each of his pieces comes packed with a visual message. Even if someone can’t figure it out at first glance, Schepers says his goal is for people to leave thinking. The message? Apocalypse. “If that’s what you’re asking about — what kind of work I make — it would be apocalyptic ... apocalyptic metaphors,” he said. Jar Schepers sits near his sculpture work, on display at Lincoln’s Tugboat Gallery. The three, floor-to-ceiling sculptures are Like many artists before him, Schepers discovered his love for art at a young age. He titled “Revelatory Catharsis” and are Schepers’ attempt to protest surveillance technologies. recalls drawing his own albums covers for adding his personal art collection also inSchepers said he plays into the “shock technology can be defined as anything peometal bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden. cludes works from his friends and other art- factor.” ple use as crutches, including cars. “Some In middle school, Schepers put down the ists. “When you make stuff like this that’s so in- of that stuff really rubs me the wrong way.” pencil and picked up materials. Many of the sculptures hold personal Still, it’s hard to understand how he can tricate ... I find it gets people to stick around His first sculpture was a replica of the Stay sleep with some of these creatures looking the pieces longer and diagnose them,” he memories for Schepers. Puft Marshmallow Man from “Ghostbusters.” at him, especially after he admitted his work said. “Also, to spread the word as far as to When he was 12 years old, one of his “I did it from memory, too,” Schepers stems from his own anger, fear and feelings their experiences and why it’s important to brothers suffered a broken neck and spent said. “I went back and watched the movie of desperation with recent developments in come and witness this.” between six and nine months in hospitals and it’s, like, incredibly off.” Schepers points out his piece, “When Will on the East Coast. the human race. But despite the malformation of his first Years later, Schepers found himself recre“Humans took themselves out of the loop We Cease To Be Human?” Each figure in piece (he insists it was still recognizable), a long time ago,” he said. “We separated the three-part sculpture has eight legs, like ating the experience through his sculpture Schepers was hooked on sculpture. He con- ourselves, first with the acquisition of fire.” a spider, but a torso like a human. The legs “An Adolescent Interpretation of Sibling Spitinued sculpting throughout his years at LinSchepers explained his belief that people’s are attached to the torsos with braces, in an nal Chord Injury.” Schepers hid the sculpcoln Southeast High School and graduated ability to cook meat allowed them to eat and attempt to make people think about the dis- ture from his injured brother, with whom he in 2004 with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree have more protein and in turn, allowed their comfort of the creature. lived at the time. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. brains to develop more than other animals. “It came back 13 years later,” he said. The piece is a protest against genetic enSchepers completed his MFA at the UniverChristopher Kingsley, a friend of Schepers gineering. Schepers uses the piece to ques- “Whenever I run into something that I really sity of Texas at San Antonio, staying at the and consumer of his work agrees with tion whether experimentation with human like, I’ll take it and transform it in a bunch of university for three years after graduation to Schepers’ work message. evolution has gone too far, a pseudo-puppet different ways.” teach sculpture and ceramics. Schepers moves on to a different piece “I purchase Jar Schepers’ work, because I that represents humanity’s helplessness unNow back in Lincoln, Schepers works his believe he has this unique understanding of der big government and scientists. and a different memory. way around the quiet studio, cleared of First the compression and expansion of time out“Revelatory Catharsis” depicts three floor“We are all at the mercy of technology, Friday goers. side of humanity,” he said, adding he is glad and we really don’t get a say in what’s going to-ceiling wasps that have been defiantly “I live with most of this stuff,” he said, Schepers is using his work to warn people. to happen in the future,” he said, explaining segmented and caged. Schepers began

schepers: see page 7


UNL alumna publishes first novel: a coming-of-age tale Emily Danforth discusses her first novel titled “The Miseducation of Cameron Post” chance solem-pfeifer daily nebraskan

We all grow up and this is easy for, well, none of us. Perhaps that’s why the coming-of-age story is so enduringly attractive. In “The Miseducation of Cameron Post,” the first novel from former University of Nebraska-Lincoln Ph.D. student Emily Danforth, the turmoil of adolescence is compounded by the struggles of growing up gay in a place like Miles City, Mont., surrounded by the tenants and values of country life. Malinda Lo of NPR called the novel “an important book — especially for teens growing up today in communities that don’t accept

them for who they are.” Danforth, now an assistant professor of English and creative writing at Rhode Island College in Providence, took a moment away from the AWP (Association of Writers & Writing Programs) Conference in early March to chat with the Daily Nebraskan about her novel. Daily Nebraskan: A line that jumped out at me very early on in the novel was when a young Cameron says of herself and Irene in a pretty touching bit of irony, “We’re good at secrets.” It seems that a lot of LGBTQ adolescents and teens have the misfortune of being forced to be “good at secrets.” Are you big proponent of irony? Should all writers be? Emily Danforth: I don’t know if I’d say that I’m a “big proponent of irony,” and I almost never make claims about techniques or approaches that “all writers” should utilize. I think we live in a culture that is — and has been for so

long now — hyper-ironic in a way that’s maybe now grown a bit stale. I’ve been noticing, lately, an interesting sort of shift to earnestness or even sentimentality, though some of that is also, of course, fairly performative, and doesn’t necessarily speak to fiction so much as it does to the cultural material that a fiction writer might attempt to portray if s/he writes representational realism. In fiction I think situational and dramatic irony can be effectively utilized to do everything from increase tension to offer social commentary without, hopefully, being too heavyhanded. DN: Any qualms about the young adult novel designation? Was that something you intended all along or a publishing decision? ED: I “intended” to do nothing other than write a coming-of-age novel. The only audience member I have in mind when I write fiction, quite honestly, is me. I don’t write with audience peering over my

courtesy photo

Emily Danforth recently published her first novel, “The Miseducation of Cameron Post.” shoulder. If I did, I’d never be able to finish a story or novel. That having been

said, I have no “qualms” whatsoever about the book being published as YA

danforth: see page 6

upcoming events Stephanie Elizondo Griest on Travel Writing when:

Monday, Noon where: Andrews Hall, Bailey Library how much: Free

Paul Haar

when: Monday, 7:30 p.m. where: Kimball Recital Hall how much: Free

Feminists Are Funny – Guerrilla Girls on Tour when: Monday, 7 p.m. where: Sheldon Art Museum how much: Free

Criminals are People Too where:

when: Monday, 7 p.m. Indigo Bridge Books 710 P St. how much: Free


monday, march 12, 2012

Daily Nebraskan

Author to hold travelwriting seminar at UNL

Award-winning writer Stephanie Griest will give students advice on travel writing Rachel Staats Daily Nebraskan

For those who prefer spending time on a train, plane or car and in any city that’s not his or her own, travel writer Stephanie Elizondo Griest may be the poster child. “You just live longer when you travel,” Griest said. “More fully, more lifetimes.” Self-described as a merger of memoir, literary journalism and travel writing in her works, Griest seeks to portray places and people by using research, art and reflection and to improve her own life in the process. “She is an extraordinarily accomplished, award-winning and respected young writer whose work has been nationally recognized and honored,” said Joy Castro, professor of English and ethnic studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and coordinator for Griest’s UNL visit. This afternoon, Griest will present an hour-long travel-writing seminar, as well as a public reading at the university. Attendees will receive a 10-page handout that will condense eight weeks of information into one hour, which will provide the basis for a crash course in travel writing. “Students who attend her travel-writing seminar will learn about writing and publishing their travel narratives from an intrepid and successful professional,” Castro said. Topics discussed at the seminar will include how to raise money for trips, how to handle the travelling experience and how to capture the essence of a city or place through writing. Griest has been visiting places, writing and teaching others about her work for many years. In fact, from 2006 to 2009, she lived entirely on the road. “I’ve done a couple hundred events in the past eight years or so,” Griest said. “I love to share experiences with writers — especially young writers.” According to Griest, writing and traveling are two things she has been exposed to from an early age. “I feel like wanderlust is encoded in my DNA,” she added. Her family history is laced with characters straight out

courtesy photo

Stephanie Elizondo Griest, an award-winning travel writer, will hold a seminar and reading at UNL Monday. of adventure books, and as a child she heard those stories. Whether it was her great-great uncle — the hobo traveling around the country in freight cars — or her mother’s family — migrant workers who crossed into the United States from Mexico on foot — many of her ancestors were featured in the “magical bedtime stories” her father told her. “As soon as I was old enough to grasp a pen, I wrote them down,” Griest said. Her love of stories and adventure has led her to a profession with a unique set of difficulties she has had to overcome. According to Griest, the most difficult aspect of travel writing is traversing the “ethical landmines” of the process. “Anyone you meet can and will be in your book,” Griest said. This creates difficulties because, as an author, she inserts herself into people’s lives to write about them. “Sometimes I feel like

if you go Stephanie Griest Reading when: Monday, 7 p.m. where: Andrews Hall, Bailey Library how much: Free

I should wear a sign that says, ‘Warning: Anything you say or do can be published in my book,’” she said, jokingly. Because it’s so easy for friends to join what Griest calls the “literary petri dish,” she worries that her job is not entirely ethical. To head off any potential problems, she always introduces herself as a writer and carries a notebook so people can see she is gathering information. One solution Griest found to create fewer problems between her and the people who appear in her works is to allow them to have the final say in whether their names are changed, what their names are and even whether they will appear in a manuscript. “I’m always really aware and wary of the fact that these people have these sacred stories,” Griest said, “and they’ve entrusted them to me.” Although she has traveled to nearly 40 countries, Griest said her favorite place to travel is Mexico, because there is something ancestral about the land that helps her feel her roots there. Even if she didn’t have this feeling, she said it would still be the greatest place on Earth because of the people, the food, the music, the architecture and the landscapes. “To me it’s just ... the superior country,” Griest said. She added Nebraska is also a special place for her. She wrote her book “Mexican Enough: My Life Between the Borderlines” at the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska City. She cited this as a very important time for her and, because this is her first trip to Nebraska since then, she is very excited to be back. With her vast array of accomplishments, one might wonder what her favorite part is. “Oh, hun,” she said. “the traveling!” rachelstaats@

danforth: from 5 (young adult). I’m thrilled to have had it taken on so effectively and impressively by the very skilled folks at Balzer+Bray, a YA imprint of HarperCollins. I think that most people (mostly fellow fiction writers and academics, actually) who have asked me about the YA designation don’t necessarily have a very clear sense of the depth and breadth of YA fiction being published today. And to be fair, nor did I two years ago when I first sold the book to B+B. I’m so lucky to have now had a proper education in the field. I think of YA much more as an umbrella term or a marketing category than as a genre. While all YA novels feature adolescent characters and often rites of passage or “coming-of-age” moments, that’s about where the unifying similarities end. In his recent interview with Stephen Colbert, famed “children’s author” Maurice Sendak said, “I don’t write for children. I write, and somebody says that’s for children.” He was being a little bit cheeky, I think, but I appreciate his sentiment. I wrote a coming-of-age novel and what I care about most, is that it finds its way into the hands of readers who respond to that kind of fiction. DN: What’s one aspect of writing the book or the experience of having written it that you didn’t or couldn’t have predicted beforehand? ED: I didn’t want to let the book go. Or maybe I didn’t want it to let me go — I’m not sure which. Perhaps both. Once you publish a novel, it doesn’t really belong to you anymore. It’s out on its own, fending for itself — sort of like sending a kid off to school for the first time is what one my friends said. For years, Cameron and her family and friends and many exploits were all mine, and I suppose I grew a bit precious about that. But there’s absolutely nothing precious about having your book out there to be embraced or judged or torn apart, whatever it might be. There’s so much of me in that novel. It’s my first. It has autobiographical elements. It was this thing I worked on or around for years. But I’ve learned, fast enough, that the easiest way to move on is to get yourself immersed in writing another novel, which I have. DN: The NPR review of your novel asserted that stories like Cameron Post’s “need” to be told. What are your feelings about that sentiment? When you’re writing, does the narrative ask to be told? When it comes to a story like this, is it the human rights/social aspect that demands telling? Do those two become intertwined? ED: I don’t think you can invest yourself in a project that’s as lengthy and involved as writing a novel if you don’t believe that you need to do it. That’s not the same thing, however, as saying that you’re telling a story that “needs to be told.” I don’t know that I’d ever feel comfortable saying that about my own fiction. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t, though I’m of course completely honored/humbled that Malinda Lo (the NPR reviewer) would offer that commentary about my book. Of course I want to see more compelling LGBTQ characters in fiction — and not just fiction for teens, but fiction for all. But I think that, in her review, Malinda Lo was also partially reacting to the belief, common among some LGBTQ-identifying writers, that the “coming out” novel has been done and done again and is essentially a stale form. Some of these call, now, for “post-gay” fiction or fiction that features LGBTQ or perhaps non-identifying or just non-straight characters who don’t struggle with that aspect of their

lives but just are. And trust and Nebraska, is it fair me, I’m excited for more to say you’ve come into of that kind of fiction, too. your own as a writer in In fact, I’m writing some of the presence of wide open it currently. spaces? How big of change DN: When you were is Rhode Island and has it writing “The Miseducation crept into your writing as a of Cameron Post” with so setting you’re comfortable much focus put on the writ- with? ing of a good novel with ED: I am completely all the elements of fiction in love with Providence, in their proper place, did it Rhode Island and Newport feel counter-intuitive at all and Boston and Cape Cod, to have readers and critics for that matter. We love play up the social relevan- living in the Ocean State, cies of the coming-out sto- so close to beaches and ry instead? Or would you seaside towns and I’m parnot think/talk about form ticularly enchanted with independent of Cameron’s the many old, red brick story? factory buildings dotting ED: Several of the na- Providence, and the coltional reviews of the book, lection of incredibly disthus far, have focused per- tinct neighborhoods, the haps more on the storyline architecture in general. and its importance to teen- But I can’t say that I’ve age readers, or the work yet done enough writing the novel does exploring from this location to see it conversion therapy, or “creeping into” my fiction. what this novel might have Not yet, anyway. Time will to say about our current tell. political/religious climate, DN: I’m sure there were etc, than they necessarily numerous instances, but have on approach or aes- can you point to a piece of thetic. advice or instruction from Given that this novel is your time at UNL that was mostly constructed of what important to this novel? John Gardner would call ED: Gerry Shapiro gave “representational realism,” me really useful and spe(it’s certainly not a work cific advice about makof formalism), I think this ing the character of Cam’s is entirely understandable evangelical Aunt Ruth and not at all “counter in- more full and compeltuitive.” I did not approach ling and less a sad, sort of this novel hoping to put stupid antagonist. I’m so my mark on the novel glad I took that advice, or form as a formalist. I tried to, anyway. I think DN: Since you’re teach- the novel is better for it. ing creative writing now, Judy Slater also had rewhat advice might you ally useful things to say give students trying to about themes she saw bring to life a place like emerging (after she’d read Miles City? Granted you the first few chapters only) grew up there, but isn’t and it was so useful for me that something under- to hear those and think graduate writers struggle about how I might further with — bringing vibrancy develop some of them, or (and not overly disdainful just even to be aware of vibrancy) to a place that the ways the book might might be considered “bor- resonate with readers. ing?” And, importantly, both ED: There are plenty of she and Timothy Schaffert people, right now, bored and Gerry were continuin their apartments or im- ously encouraging me to pressive jobs, what-have- finish it. Really, just their you, in plenty of glam- encouragement to keep orous or exotic locales: working on it, that it was Manhattan and West Hol- a worthy endeavor, was so lywood and Prague and crucial. “Finish your novel, Malaysia. I know some of already.” I needed to hear these people personally. that a lot. It’s always possible to find DN: With your writing a place — particularly the and teaching, does co-edplace you grew up — bor- iting The Cupboard inform ing. Though I wouldn’t either? If so, how does it necessarily call ennui, par- round out your relationticularly ship to writoverripe ing? a d o ED: I’m But there’s lescent often inabsolutely ennui, spired when general I see the risks nothing precious b o r e some of my about having your dom: it’s creative writbook out there sharping students er and are taking to be embraced m o r e in their own or judged or torn defined work. Even apart, whatever it t h a n if they’re not that. yet quite pullmight be.There’s Howing these risks so much of me ever, as “off,” just to in that novel, it’s for my see them deadvice: light in utilizmy first, it has F i r s t , ing technique autobiographical r e a d in a particular elements, it We l t y ’ s way or writcrucial ing about a was this thing e s s a y subject matI worked on or “Place in ter that makes around for years. Fiction.” them uncomYou can fortable, but easily doing it anyemily danforth former University of Nebraskafind this way. I also Lincoln Ph.D. student on the get such a Interthrill out of net, but introducing I would recommend pur- published work to stuchasing your own copy of dents that they’re not yet “The Eye of the Story — aware of — writers and Selected Essays and Re- stories and novels that are views,” and you’ll find it in completely new to them — there as well. Then read it and then, the biggest reagain. Really, it’s so good. ward: when they actually She says so many useful respond to it. I’m teaching things about not just craft- a grad class in the novel ing place, but in using right now and we’re lookPOV, specifically, to do so. ing at a range of approachI’m completely enchant- es to a “novel-length work ed by this idea of “setting of fiction.” We’ve just him (a character) to scale moved onto the most plotin his proper world.” In driven novel we’ll be readmy novel, the world is all ing: a huge, sprawling, built from Cam’s POV. Of- Dickensian-esque historiten I would remember a cal novel by Sarah Waters local attraction from my called “Fingersmith” (such youth in a particular way a delight!), and several of — in that hazy, watercol- the students who had inior sort of hue that so of- tially balked at the length ten encases my youthful told me last week how memories. But that’s my much they are loving it. own material: It doesn’t (Or loved it — one student “belong” to Cameron, my had finished her reading a character and my narrator. week early.) This thrills So while I mined from that me to no end and, again, material, the Miles City in inspires me to get back to the novel really belongs my own fiction. chancesolem-pfeifer@ only to Cameron Post. DN: Between Montana

Daily Nebraskan

monday, march 12, 2012


schepers: from 5 creating them after hearing about the development of surveillance technologies. He also uses the sculptures as a protest against human attempts to replicate nature. “I think we should leave (nature) alone,” he said. “Let it be what it is ... just be amazing.” But the sculpture is also influential because it was a landmark in the evolution of his work. The wings of the wasp are distressed. Schepers began distressing his work after he accidentally put a hole in one of the wings. He said he was “irate,” until he discovered the visual element it added. He finished that wasp and the other two by whipping the wings with chains to fracture them. “I’ll usually make something perfect and beautiful, then distress it, so it looks like it’s had a life,” Schepers explained. He moves through three more pieces, “Transgenic Abomination,” “The Average Consumer” and “Catalyzed

Chrysalis,” talking about his creation process. On average, Schepers works on three to four pieces at a time, depending on the size of the sculpture. However, he has worked on as few as two pieces to as many as eighteen at once. Despite the inherently political and social messages portrayed by the final projects, Schepers doesn’t begin creating with those in mind. All of his pieces begin through experimentation with materials. “I can tell when something’s done right away,” he said. “It’s a feeling that you get.” In his piece “Transgenic Abomination,” he used deer and dog bones to create another negative message about genetic engineering. “Genetic engineering is served up to us whether we want it or not,” Schepers said. “Even if the government outlawed it, it is still going to happen. Renegade scientists are going to be doing this in

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as societies or cultures. The centipede (society) is then wrapped up in the bonds of religion. “I wanted to make a sculpture of God, but not like the Bible definition of what he looked like, which was totally wicked,” Schepers said. When he was 11, his parents forced him to get confirmed in the Methodist Church. “After I was confirmed, everybody in my whole family quit going to church,” he said. “It was just for face value.” It was as that time he declared himself an atheist, although he says he still believes in the concept of powers and energies in the universe. “There’s no real answer to the question of religion and where it comes from,” Schepers said. “I could be totally wrong — everybody could be totally wrong. It’s caused so much war and hate and all those things that we’re all just tangled up in.” Schepers usually creates work for himself and for his

Apts. For Rent


Roommates Doctoral student (25 year-old female) looking for a roommate to share 3-bedroom, 3-bath townhome in South Lincoln. You would have your own room, bathroom, and garage spot. Lots of space and washer/dryer. Rent $475/month plus utilities (to be split evenly). VERY close to Target, Southpointe, and Williamsburg Trail. Negotiable move in date, preferably beginning of April. Non-smoker and no animals please. E-mail Paige at or call (908) 246-7881 if interested. Looking for 1 or 2 Female roommates to share newer 4 bedroom 2 bathroom duplex. Close to city campus and east campus right along bus route. Rent is $287.50a month per person plus affordable electric and internet. Available April 1st. E-mail if you are interested. Need a place to stay this summer? Female student seeks roomie for two bedroom apartment. Gender doesn’t matter. You get the larger bedroom with half bath. Can be used for one person or two. Rent is $295 if we split it two ways plus utilities. Water paid by landlord. Call or text 804.503.2778 or email Need to sublease nice 1 bedroom apartment beginning in May -lease lasts though July 31 . VERY CLOSE within walking distance of UNL. at Claremont Park . Price is $ 560/mo plus $75.00 for cable . Contact Peter at 402-331-6179 or 816-510-9613 or email at Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number. The master bedroom I’m subletting is at Chateau Meadow Apartment on 61st and Vine. This apartment is a 2 bed 2 bathrooms so you will be getting your own bathroom, walk-in closet and a storage to yourself. Washer and dryer in the unit. Electricity only, no gas bill. Internet bill is about $15 per person. The monthly rent is $390. There should be a deposit when we both come across to signing the sublease paperwork. The lease needs to be continue till Feb 2013. Email to Two female, juniors at UNL looking for a roommate to share a 3-bedroom loft, 2-bath apartment in Northeast Lincoln. The name of the apartments are Fountain Glen. You would have your own room and share a bathroom. Rent $267/month plus utilities. Utilities will be split evenly between all three of us. Washer and dryer are on same floor of apartment. Only ten to fifteen minutes from UNL campuses. Apartment complex takes care of snow removal, landscaping, maintenance etc. Needed by beginning of May. Non-smoker and no animals please. E-mail Erika at or call (402)490-1932 if interested.

Three rooms for rent in 4 bedroom, 2 bath energy-efficient home. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, most furniture, and kitchen appliances included. Deck for grilling, walk-out basement, and fenced-in backyard. Friendly neighborhood five minutes from campus (driving). One spot available now, others open in May. Rent averages to $350 after utilities split amongst renters. Please text/call (308) 379-6537 or e-mail Gary at for more information. Two females, one male looking for someone to move into a 2008 4 bedroom, two bath duplex. Gender doesn’t matter. Close to campus over in the Turtle Creek area. $300 per person plus electric a month. No internet, cable, water, or trash bills. Can move in ASAP. Cleanliness is preferred. If interested, email malnmeier or text 308-390-0457.

___ Men (“Who Let the Dogs Out” group) 5 Remove, as pencil marks 10 Ones ranked above cpls. 14 Black, to bards 15 ___ Doone Across cookies 1 Spanish Navajo terrain 16 bull 6 Split Chicken 17 a bill___ evenly 10with Packsomeone member, 19 Throat clearer for short? 20 Throat 13 Top dangler 21 14“Zip-___-DooWhat going 100 Dah” might result in 22 a fall 17Do “You ___chore one” 23 “I’ve had 18 1980s-’90s hipenough!” hop show co25 Ruble hosted: Russia by Fab:: 5 ___ : Poland Freddy 27 Way, for 19Milky Ingurgitate 21one Delectable 30 New Zealanders, 22 Joins informally 24 Food item 33 Unrestrained whose name revelry means 36 Hot temper “pounded” 37 Fanglike 25 “Patton” tooth setting 38 Prefix with 27 Relieve classical 28 They often 39 Flip out accompany 41 Genetic stuff discoveries 42 iPad, for 29 Congregation, example metaphorically




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2 36

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Business Opp’ties 8 9


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Announcements 4 9 8



Alcoholics Anonymous meeting Mondays 7:30 PM at University Lutheran Chapel 1510 ‘Q’. Public Welcome.

HARD Misc. Services








45 21


48 23

50 25 26 57







52 60 29


53 27




63 37








42 48

2 3





41 43




2 9




1 4



8 4

3 9 7

J. Alfred 45 Kind of day, 52 53 54 55 Prufrock’s grooming-wise S. ___ creator T. dept. 56 57 58 47 Blunders 56 “Bad forGiuliani 6 Liberal mayor 5 Northarts Pole 26 “Fine by me” bacteria” brand 7 Midway, e.g. toymaker 48 Six years, for a 59 60 8 Fratricide victim 58 Setting for the U.S. senator 28 Rainbow’s shape DOWN 6 Civil rights of pioneer myth Parks 61 1996 62 63 50 Mystery writer’s 29 Office copy, say 1 Commenced documentary 9 “Meet the ___” award 7 Saharan 2 “When From the 31 Quaint lodgings We Were (major-league Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley 52 andInfomercial Caleb Madison knife beginning, in Kings” fight song) 8 Dwarf who’s 32 Plane Latin HARD 53 Finished blessed a lot? 59 “Funny People” 10 Bye lines? 50 Onetime Moore 33 Alterassignment ___ amicus 45 Like some 3 actor Yawn-inducing co-star doughnuts and 54 “Here, piggy 11 Data 9 Painter’s stand 34 Follow 33 Not fooled by eyes piggy piggy!” 1210Artist’s supply 52 Longtime 36 It34rolls across urging Librarian’s Get to work (on) 46 Makings of a ANSWER TOTO PREVIOUS ANSWER PREVIOUSPUZZLE PUZZLE 55 [Horrors!] Yankee moniker fields 15 Line at a water model, maybe 35 Fail financially 11 Malfunction 56 Nobel Peace E M M A H O B O A H A N D fountain, maybe 37 Gorgon, e.g. 47 Billet-doux M E S A S P A R M C I G 54 Nocturnal bear 37 Prague native Prize city Long,out hard recipients L O A LS ET CE E VP O F I I C NE E 1612Burned 38 Business that’s OS UA TI D journey 39 Mannerly bumpHamlet55 No ___ (store 58 When G I N G T E L E G R A M 20 Échecs piece always cuttingman,48 Some OS WI EN M E Y O M T V R A P S briefly producers sign) dies 13 Amount between back? A N I O N A W A Y S P A S D E V O U R L U S C I O U S 23 Modern-day none and all 42 Disinclined 40 In the style of 49 Computer 59 Stickythat stuff Y E A R N S E N E S C O E N R O L L S P E S T O pointer pioneered in CD- 57 Rhinology T E E H E E S T O R M S 33 # 34 18 Dr. Zhivago’s love 43 Casual shoes 63 Hip-hop’s ___ #Def 7 short 9 8 6 5 4 3 1 44 Put on ROMs expert,2 for T U N I S I A R I D 25 Part of a bar S H U R E I N S O R T O N Solution, tips and com6 4 5 2 3 1 8 7 9 A H A S S H E E P N I H order For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with M A R I E A N T O I N E T T E 3 a 8 credit 1 puter 4 7 9program 5 6 2 at www. answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814P U S H T H E E N V E L O P E 26For card, 1-800-814-5554. “Dream on!” 5554. E L E N A S H I R E E T E 1 5 3 6 8 4 2 9 7 A H H H A R P O A P S E 27Annual Annual for subscriptions are available the of Sunday the best of Sunday crosswordsfor from thebest last 50 King,subscriptions e.g.: Abbr.are available 4 2 6 1 9 7 3 5 8 E S C A R P E L A T E R L U G R A G W E E D years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 8 9 7 3 5 2 1 4 6 A S S A I L N O R M A L 30 Like ’40s AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit B A C O N A A M I L N E 7 3 2 “Very 9 4 8easy” 6 1 5 for more information. boppers M C M L P R I M O R I B I for more information. A M Y A D A M S R A C K U P Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past 5 6 8 7 1 3 9 2 4 A L E U T I A N I S L A N D S 31Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, Colossal, to L I S T E R I N E Z A I R E crosswords ($39.95 a year).puzzles, ($39.95 a year). 9 1 4 5 2 6 7 8 3 N U R M I T E S H T A U T Coleridge Share tips: S E T H R O G E N E R N S T Share tips: N E A P S E S T E A L L S 32 Christmas order Crosswords for young solvers: A S S D A R T D E G A S Crosswords for young solvers: 51


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47 22




Pioneers and Holmes Golf Courses are now hiring for Beer Cart/Snack bar and Pro Shop. Apply in person at either clubhouse.






40 44



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24 25 26 Edited by Will Shortz

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Driver, local deliveries. CDL required. Monday-Friday. Some heavy lifting. Good driving record required. Apply in person. 200 West South St. Shelter Distribution.

4 blocks from Memorial Stadium

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Edited by Will Shortz The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New5 York, N.Y. 10018 Flamenco cheer 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 Second to none Release Saturday, 15 March 10, 2012 16 Old-fashioned For 14

music hall 17 Bet on a one-two finish 20 49 Procrastinator’s word 23 51 Natural barriers 27 between yards 60 “Pietà or 32 Org. studying 55 Sport that’s been 33 34 35 by Revolution viruses called “a good Night” artist walk spoiled” 35 Be daring 61 38 Jerk 39 after 57 Sound Pull along 62 Zip “Lower … lower 42 43 60 Safari animal, … that’s it!” 63 “L’Amateur informally d’estampes” 46 40 61 Noted “___ sow, so painter entertainer shall …” with 49 a whistle 62 Leave the 41 Site of a in the Down drawers 56 religious retreat 1 55 drawer, say Subjunctive, e.g. 42 64 Oaf Speak drunkenly 2 61 Dutch chess 43 cause grandmaster 65 Sneeze ___-Detoo of Max 64 46 Salad bar “Star Wars” 3 First N.B.A. 66 offering “Understood” 67 player to light 49 about 67 Writer Boston ___ a the Olympic bear (orchestra) cauldron 51 & Julia” 68 “Julie Replies to an 4 Caution co-star 4 The clue for invitation 25-Across, nuns e.g. 53 69 Amass Former New York 5 French 47


$9.00/15 words $5/15 words (students) $1.00/line headline $0.15 each additional word Deadline: 4 p.m., weekday prior

Help Wanted

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Find yours here. For Release Monday, March 12, 2012


Then he was off to “Homage to the Porcelain God,” part of which is made from a plastic toilet seat. The sculpture embodies his belief that humanity separated themselves from nature with the development of organized sewage systems. Schepers also screen printed shadows behind the skeleton-like creature to remind viewers the sewage system is underground and in a way, hidden from society. “If organized sewage goes down, all of society falls,” he said, adding humans are already encountering an overarching deterioration of infrastructure they cannot afford to fix. But despite the gloom of some of Schepers messages, Kingsley sees a visionary. “His perspective is what separates him,” Kingsley said. “I think he’s a rare and unique talent and I don’t see him going anywhere but up.”

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entire audience, but there are exceptions. He just recently finished “Into the Black — Tribute to Jeff ‘Metal’ Sayers R.I.P” for Sayers. Before the piece was finished, though, Sayers committed suicide. Schepers was able to talk about every other piece with confidence. He offered explanations of each piece and descriptions of materials used to create them, but at this sculpture he stopped. Hesitantly, he offered only one word: captivity. “It seemed like he felt captive in life,” Schepers said. “That suppression came out in his work — suppression and anger, just being pissed off at the whole situation — it just got the better of him.” Schepers immediately resumes his chatter about the tape rolls he used to create the sculpture’s body, pausing only a second to add, “He was probably the closest friend I’ve ever had do that.”


For Sale

their little laboratories.” Kingsley added he also fears the experiments that scientists may be conducting. “I think there’s clear evidence now that there’s alliances between corporate and government forces,” he said. “All of these things are being done in our name, which is most offensive.” Aside from his use of literally miles of saran wrap to create a fleshy outside to some of his work, most of Schepers’ materials are recycled. In his piece “Entangled in the Great Mystery,” Schepers not only uses recycled materials he pulled from dumpsters and the print shop at which he works, but from different generations of his family. The sculpture resembles a caterpillar or centipede tangles in a series of wires and dangling from a roof or steeple. Schepers said each part of the creature represents a different part of humanity, such

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monday, march 12, 2012

Football: from 10 the offseason and provided a better understanding of the offense, Pelini said. If Carnes can make Martinez sweat a little bit for the starting job, it will only make the team better, Pelini said. “I’m excited about Brion Carnes,” Pelini said. “I think this competition will ramp up this spring, and I think Brion has made a lot of strides this off-season and through the winter. “He will be fun to watch as the spring goes on, and I think the position as a whole has to keep refining and getting better and working on strengths.” As far as mechanics go for Martinez, he still has a lot to work on if he wants to secure his previous job, Beck said. Martinez said his footwork was an issue in his first two seasons. However, the junior focused on improving his overall mechanics during the offseason, along with the footwork, he said. “We’ve had some people look at my footwork and we know what to fix now,” Martinez said. “During the season, it’s hard to change up your footwork. I mean, I tried to change a little bit during the season, but by the time the game comes, you don’t remember it.” Now that Martinez has had a full year to get comfortable with game management, Beck said it’s time to focus on the other mechanical errors that have plagued Martinez throughout his career. “Now you work on that other part, now you’re out of the foundation and you’re building the walls and the roof and those types of things,” Beck said. “As I look back I say, ‘Whoa, there are some issues here that we got to fix.’ So that’s what we focused on in the offseason and he saw them and he’s been working on those.” andrewward@

Daily Nebraskan

practice notes Solidifying the base There was a lot to take in at Saturday’s practice — the first of the spring for the Huskers. New coaches, new players and new positions were abundant Saturday. Nowhere were changes more widespread than on the offensive line. Former five-star offensive guard Andrew Rodriguez, a starter in 2011, was playing on the second team. Seung Hoon Choi was practicing with the first team in Rodriguez’s place. In addition, Cole Pensick took the majority of the first-team reps at center as the search begins to replace Mike Caputo. A number of other players took reps at center, including coach Bo Pelini’s nephew Mark Pelini, as well as Justin Jackson, who moved back to center from defensive tackle, where he played in 2011. Following the graduation of starters Yoshi Hardrick and Marcel Jones, sophomore Tyler Moore and

junior Jeremiah Sirles filled the offensive tackle slots. Moore played left tackle and Sirles moved to right tackle, a switch for both players from 2011. Right guard Spencer Long was the only starter from 2011 to take the majority of the reps with the first team at the same position he held last season. Coaching Carousel Saturday was the first day Nebraska’s two new assistant coaches attended practice with the team. Terry Joseph, who was hired as NU’s secondary coach last week, joined Rick Kaczenski, the Huskers’ defensive line coach, in working hands-on with their players for the first time. “Kaz has been here for a while and he’s pretty much up to speed,” Pelini said. “Because of Terry’s familiarity with me and our system, he hit the ground running. It’s like there hasn’t been any changes at all.”

Both coaches didn’t hold back on their first day. Kaczenski was extremely involved during the Huskers’ full-team drills, hollering at players and working to correct their form. Joseph’s most noticeable quality was the effort to make players accountable. With a stiff competition expected at both safety and cornerback, Joseph’s decisions and coaching over the course of the spring will likely have a heavy weight on the improvement of the defense. “I thought it was a crisp tempo and we got a lot of guys reps,” Pelini said. “It was a good day; very productive for us.” While two new coaches joined the Huskers permanently, one coach made a special appearance for one day with the Huskers on Friday. New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick spent Friday at Nebraska for the annual coaches clinic. “I thought it was great

having coach Belichick here,” Pelini said. “I think we share a lot of the same things philosophically.” Belichick also spent time speaking with Nebraska’s players and worked out a few graduating Huskers before April’s NFL Draft. Linebacker Lavonte David, cornerback Alfonzo Dennard and offensive tackle Marcel Jones all worked out with Belichick, who Pelini said ran a tight schedule and could only work out a few players. “I think he walked out of here feeling pretty good about his day here, too,” Pelini said. Other notable happenings at Saturday’s practice: •Quarterback Taylor Martinez wore a camera on his helmet for a small portion of practice. “It’s just another tool for us to evaluate where their eyes are,” Pelini said. “We didn’t use it the whole time

out there, but it’s something that we’re toying with to see if it’s a tool that will help us and help them.” •Cornerback Antonio Bell played a considerable amount of snaps with the first team alongside Andrew Green and Ciante Evans. Stanley Jean-Baptiste, Josh Mitchell and junior college transfer Mohammed Seisay all split reps with the second team. •Wide receiver Steven Osborne played a considerable amount with Nebraska’s first team. Pelini said Osborne’s brother, Courtney — who started at safety in 2010 — is healthy and is poised for a strong senior season. •Defensive tackles Chase Rome and Todd Peat Jr., as well as offensive lineman Jake Cotton, will miss spring practice because of injury. Jay Guy and Thad Randle saw the majority of the reps alongside Baker Steinkuhler at defensive tackle. — Compiled BY Chris Peters

swimming and diving

Season ends with high goals for next year Huskers miss out on NCAA qualifications in Iowa City Staff Report Daily Nebraskan

Although the season may have ended for the Nebraska women’s diving team, the divers held their own against some top competitors. The Huskers competed in the Zone D Diving Championships March 8 to March 10 in Iowa City at the University of Iowa Aquatic Center. The meet is a qualifier for the NCAA

Championships next week in Auburn, Ala. Posting the top spot for the Huskers was junior Amy Herman, who finished eighth in the platform diving finals on Saturday with a score of 499.85. Winning the event was Minnesota’s Sarah McCrady with a score of 559.10. Sophomore Payton Michaud held the next highest spot for the Huskers. Michaud was 14th in the preliminaries for the threemeter on Friday with a score of 279.00. She later improved upon her position by finishing 12th at 569.70. Texas A&M’s Jaele Patrick won with a score of 706.90.

Kaitlan Walker, Alyson Ramsey and Kailey Harmon concluded the lineup for the Huskers by each competing in all three events. 12 divers from Zone D qualify michaud in each event for N C A A Championships. However, once a diver qualifies for one event, they get to compete in the remaining diving events as well, as long as they competed in them at zones. Based on this format, both Herman and Michaud missed out on qualification for NCAAs. Despite falling short, Michaud left with her head held high. “I did good on the three-meter. I felt very

consistent,” Michaud said. “I thought I did pretty well considering the tough competition.” Even with this tough competition, Michaud didn’t let the intimidation get to her. “I just came in trying to do the best I could do,” Michaud said. “I have been a lot more mentally prepared this season than last.” Being a sophomore, Michaud has one season under her belt, but didn’t compete in the zone diving meet last year. In 2011, Ramsey was the only member of the Huskers to travel to the zone competition. But for Michaud, her hard work and improvement gave her placement among the top at this year’s zone competition. “I tried to work my hardest throughout the season,” Michaud said. “I thought my duals went especially well.” As Michaud is only a

sophomore and no other members of the Huskers zone team were seniors, Nebraska hopes to continue its competitive diving program. “Next year I want to make NCAAs,” Michaud said. “I hope to break personal best scores from this season.” Although Michaud did have some mishaps at the zone diving meet, she knows what went well and what she needs to improve on as she works toward making these goals. “I feel like I could have done better in the one-meter,” Michaud said. “It didn’t go as planned since I have done pretty well at it all season.” Despite setbacks like these, Michaud remains optimistic about all that she has accomplished this season as she looks to the future. “I ended on a high note,” Michaud said.

Luke Pinkelman, an AllAmerican in 2011, fell one place short of earning an All-American distinction in

his first event loss of the season. A personal-best throw of 20.08 meters or more would have put Pinkelman in fourth place. However, Pinkelman maxed out at 18.85 meters, fouling off his final two attempts. In another disappointing moment at the meet, 2011 All-American Nate Polacek finished tied for 11th with a jump of 5.30 meters in pole vault. “It’s not like a car where you can take it to the shop and fix it up and it’s ready to go. These guys are human beings,” Grimes said about Pinkelman and Polacek. “Sometimes you’re just not quite right.” In Polacek’s case, he had bad luck keeping the bar steady. Grimes said there were a few attempts where Polacek was a considerable distance over the bar, but got unlucky on the descent and clipped the bar, resulting in a foul. On the women’s side, Breanna Bussel capped off her senior season indoors with an 18th place finish in the pole vault, behind a jump of 4.10 meters. Long/triple jumper Mara Griva didn’t compete in the event because of hamstring and back injuries. The Huskers experienced a mix of highs and lows at this weekend’s meet, with athletes accustomed to dominance falling a bit short and with athletes reaching new personal records. Grimes said that in an event of this caliber, the pressure is on. “The competition is so extraordinarily good here,” Grimes said. “If you slip up just a little bit, someone’s going to jump ahead of you.”


track: from 10 there and competing in two events in two days it’s tough,” Grimes said. “You’re body takes a beating.”






Daily Nebraskan

monday, march 12, 2012


Hagemann, NU bats lead to 3-1 weekend Team climbs back above .500 with 28 runs in four games at Mizuno Classic Zach Tegler daily Nebraskan

A week after the Nebraska softball team plated only five runs in five games at the Texas A&M Invitational, the Huskers’ offense rebounded in the form of 28 runs in four games at the Mizuno Classic in Stillwater, Okla. “I was proud of our offensive production, especially because the week before we really struggled offensively,” NU coach Rhonda Revelle said. “To come out and score 28 runs in four games this weekend felt good.” Nebraska lit up the scoreboard from its first contest of the weekend, scoring nine runs in the first inning against Arkansas Pine-Bluff Friday. The Huskers went on to run-rule the Golden Lions 16-0 in five innings. Revelle said the offensive output was the product of more than just a couple batters.

“I think it came from up and down the lineup,” she said. “We got production from a lot of different players and really struck early and struck often in that first game.” Although the Huskers sped to a fast start in the weekend schedule, they were shut down in their second game Friday. NU did not score against Oklahoma State in a no-hitter from Cowgirls’ pitcher Kat Espinosa. But even though OSU defeated Nebraska 2-0, the Huskers had a great pitching performance of their own. NU senior Ashley Hagemann allowed only three hits and one earned run in the contest. Hagemann said she enjoys playing a part in a pitchers’ dual like the one she shared with Espinosa Friday. “It’s always fun,” Hagemann said. “I have to tip my hat to Kat. She shut down a really good offense.” Revelle said her offense could have adjusted better to Espinosa’s performance. “You’ve got to attack early in the count,” Revelle said. “She was always around the strike zone and hitting her spots very well, and I just thought we weren’t as aggressive as we needed to

be in managing our counts and coming out attacking. I think if we had a chance to face her again, that would be our main adjustment.” Hagemann added she had a different mindset in that type of game and tried to keep her offense within striking distance. “Really just keeping it within two or three because I knew that if we did score, I knew we could score those runs,” she said. “It’s just playing my part. I felt like I went out and did my best, so there’s nothing really all that much you can do.” Following their loss, the Huskers came back to finish the weekend with two wins Saturday against LoyolaChicago. After a hitless outing against Oklahoma State, the Nebraska offense returned and surged to 12 runs in 8-0 and 4-2 victories. Revelle said it was crucial for Nebraska to start scoring runs again. “It was important that we did that,” she said. “You’ve got to have a short memory, and we play a lot of games. It’s just a matter of letting it go and coming back stronger the next day.” NU’s rediscovered offensive production was also

a significant aid to Hagemann. “It’s always easier to pitch with the lead,” she said. Hagemann started all four games in the four-game stretch, earning two victories and having a hand in two shutouts. “I thought she had a solid weekend,” Revelle said. “It’s the time of year where she does what she does to help the team win.” Even though her coach had high praise for her, Hagemann still expects more. “I just kept improving and getting to where I want to be,” she said. “I’m not where I want to be right now. Just keep taking the opportunity to pitch against new batters.” The 3-1 record during the weekend improved Nebraska to 13-12, but more importantly, the Huskers found their bats and Hagemann turned in four quality starts. “It’s really a confidencebooster to just go out and control my stuff and not really worry about what happens,” Hagemann said. “Just throwing and then dealing with whatever is thrown at me.” zachTegler@

File Photo By Andrew Dickinson | daily nebraskan

Pitcher Ashley Hagemann gave up just three hits and one earned run in Friday’s pitchers’ dual against Oklahoma State’s Kat Espinosa. OSU won the game 2-0.

»men’s » golf

Huskers back in action after 2-week lay off Sqaud looks to bounce back in Nevada after 21st-place finish Lanny Holstein daily NEbraskan

Nickolai Hammar | daily nebraskan

Nebraska senior Madeleine Geibert stretches for a forehand lob on Friday against the Iowa Hawkeyes. Geibert took over No. 2 on Nebraska’s career combined wins list during the weekend.

Win streak hits 13 for women Jacobson gets career win No. 299, defeating Iowa and Tulsa J.C. Reid Daily Nebraskan

Two ranked opponents weren’t problems for the Nebraska women’s tennis team this weekend. The Huskers extended their winning streak to 13 matches after a pair of weekend victories over No. 58 Iowa and No. 30 Tulsa. “They were both very good programs — we just stepped up,” senior Mary Weatherholt said. “We rise up to the level of our opponents.” While two ranked victories are certainly a worthy cause for celebration, it was the historic value of the weekend that stood out. For starters, senior Madeleine Geibert, who recently missed three matches with an injured finger, returned to the court on Friday. Geibert’s doubles win allowed her to surpass Imke Reimers for the No. 2 spot on Nebraska’s career

combined wins list. (She is currently six wins behind No. 1 Sandra Noetzel.) On Sunday, she also recorded the match-clinching point against Tulsa. “The fact that she can come back right away and play tough opponents is awesome,” Weatherholt said. The importance of her presence wasn’t lost on coach Scott Jacobson either. “She’s an amazing, amazing tennis player,” he said. “We just need to get her back into rhythm.” And while Geibert remains on pace to break the record in late March or early April, Jacobson will likely reach his own milestone before the end of the month. Sunday’s victory against Tulsa marked his 299th career victory as Nebraska’s coach. Jacobson, in his 21st year as NU’s coach, is a two-time Big 12 Conference coach of the year selection. He has guided the Huskers to four NCAA Tournament appearances in the past seven years, including consecutive appearances in 2010 and 2011. NU is on track to continue that streak this

year, and Jacobson will have a chance to reach win No. 300 when the team plays at Long Beach State on March 20. “I’m not surprised at all. He’s a great coach,” Weatherholt said. “I think you can attribute his success to how much he truly cares for his team. There’s not one coach who cares more for their team. As a player, it’s impossible not to recognize that.” Friday’s match was historic for another reason: NU’s victory over Iowa (5-4, 0-1 Big Ten) marked the team’s first conference win as a member of the Big Ten. The Huskers swept all three doubles matches for the 13th time this season en route to their victory. Despite tweaking her ankle late in the second set, No. 55 Weatherholt fought through the injury to crush Iowa’s Shelby Talcott, 6-0, 6-1. Janine Weinreich, Patricia Veresova, Izabella Zgierska and Maike Zeppernick all recorded victories en route to NU’s 6-1 victory. When the Huskers met Tulsa on Sunday, they were hoping to end Tulsa’s recent string of dominance.

There’s not one coach who cares more for their team. As a player, it’s impossible not to recognize that.” Mary Weatherholt nebraska tennis player

Tulsa had been victorious over the Huskers in the last three matches. “It felt really good to get this one,” Weatherholt said. “We’ve come close the past few years, so it felt good to get out there and get the result against them.” NU’s Veresova finished her perfect weekend by defeating the No. 82 singles player Anastasia Erofeeva, which marked her second ranked singles victory for the weekend. Nebraska will take a few days off for rest and recovery and won’t be back in action again until March 20 when the Huskers travel to Long Beach, Calif., to take on 47th-ranked Long Beach State. jcreid@

It’s been two weeks since the Huskers have hit the golf course with anything more important than practice on their minds. The Husker men are in Primm, Nev., Monday and Tuesday for the Jackrabbit Invitational hosted by South Dakota State for their first tournament since the Wyoming Desert Intercollegiate on Feb. 25 and Feb. 26. The Huskers finished 21st in that tournament. “It’s always good to have a little time off,” coach Bill Spangler said. “We have played in two really good tournaments with some really good teams, and we have two coming up right a w a y . The guys definitely needed a break.” T h e course t h e Huskers played on in spangler P a l m Desert, Calif., proved to be an exceptionally difficult one for the team to handle as they finished with a team score of 910. “I was playing pretty good the first day and then I missed a few shots and got off track,” sophomore Manuel Lavin said. “The golf course was pretty tough and I made a couple of bad decisions that cost me a couple of strokes. There was a lot of water and some intimidating shots. When there is a lot of water and some bunkers you need a lot of concentration to hang on and do your best.” Scott Willman, the Huskers’ senior leader and top golfer, was a bright spot for the team during that tournament and played well enough to be honored as the first Nebraska men’s golfer to be named Big Ten Golfer of the Week in the

conference. He shot a team low, 1-over-par 217 in his 54 holes two weeks ago. “A deserving honor,” Spangler said. “He could have won it a time or two earlier in his career. He did very well in the match play event and in California. He is as good a player as there are on any of the other teams.” The extended break between matches allowed the team ample time to make the needed corrections in its swings and in its approaches before heading to Nevada. Spangler said he wants improvement in the depth of his team’s score this time out. “We need every guy to minimize his mistakes,” he said. “We need to throw out a good score. The key to winning is being able to throw out a score you like, and we haven’t had that kind of depth in our scores to do that.” The Husker lineup is shaken up a bit from the last time out. Willman will stay in the familiar No. 1 spot, but junior Jordan Reinertson and freshman Ross Dickson move up to the No. 2 and No. 3 spots this tournament. Lavin at No. 4 and Neil Dufford at No. 5 round out the scorecard for the team. “They earned their spot,” Spangler said. “We primarily let the lineup determine itself with qualifying scores, and we have had some time to get some guys out on a qualifying round this week. That’s just the way that it turned out. You never know how they will do in an actual tournament, so we will see how it plays out.” Nebraska will be playing in the Jackrabbit Invitational for the third consecutive year when they take to the course on Monday. The Huskers have had success in the tournament before, taking fourth a year ago and winning the team event in their first-ever appearance in 2010. “It’s just a course that we seem to play well on,” Spangler said. “The guys enjoy it down there. Some of the holes seem to file up pretty well for us. It’s just a really well run tournament.”



page 10

monday, march 12, 2012


of Spring

The Huskers opened practice saturday behind a confident taylor martinez. the junior hopes to become more comfortable in year two of Tim Beck’s offense Andrew Ward Daily NEbraskan

Something was different with Taylor Martinez and the other Husker quarterbacks at Saturday’s opening spring practice. They looked confident and comfortable with the offense. Martinez successfully audibled out of a play in response to a defensive change while backup Brion Carnes answered offensive coordinator Tim Beck’s questions with confidence. Last season, Beck instituted a new offensive system, and the signal callers had problems figuring out the up-tempo style. Unfortunately, the quarterback is the most important part of the Beck’s offense, Beck said. “When you build the foundation, you have to build it from the inside

out,” he said. “You can’t build a foundation from the outside in. So it was a lot more about how to play the position; how to manage the game; how to be a leader.” Nebraska’s improvement in those aspects mentioned by Beck is crucial for the Huskers’ offensive success. Martinez, as the returning starter, needs to show even more improvement than the other players in those categories, Beck said. After a freshman year hindered by injuries, Martinez’s sophomore campaign provided better decisions from the signal caller — his interception total went down from 12 to eight last season. This season, Martinez will be asked to fill more of a leadership role as he enters his third year as a starter. In the offseason,

he improved his leadership abilities and looks to grow more in that aspect during the spring, coach Bo Pelini said. “Well, I think he has made that adjustment to an extent,” Pelini said. “I think he has been different this offseason than he was last. He continues to grow, and I like his evolution up to this point but he has to continue to grow.” This will be Martinez’s second year under Beck’s system — the first time in his career he will be under the same system for multiple years. Pelini also said competition for quarterback will be better this year with the development of Carnes. The sophomore stepped up in

Football: see page 8

File Photo By Patrick breen | daily nebraskan

Nebraska quarterback Taylor Martinez enters spring practice as the starting quarterback, but coach Bo Pelini said a more mature Brion Carnes will add more competition to the QB battle.

track and field

NCAAs earn Nebraska 5 All-American honors Chris Peters Daily Nebraskan

Ashley Miller was all alone out in front. The senior and fan-favorite had dragged Nebraska’s distance medley relay team from near the back of the pack. Now she was leading the pack, staring down a finish line and a national championship with just two laps remaining. Then she ran out of gas. First, it was just one athlete passing Miller on the outside. Then it was two or three, and before half a lap had gone by, Miller found herself in seventh, where the Huskers would finish the race with a time of 11:05.20. “That first leg, Jessica (Furlan) was getting pounded around pretty good,” NU assistant coach Kris Grimes said. “She didn’t run the leg she wanted to, and it got us out of the race a little bit.” Grimes said Miller knew she had to gun it early in the final leg to make up for the deficit. By the time the final laps came along, there simply wasn’t much energy left to give. The DMR team of Furlan, Miller, Mara Weekes and Ellie Grooters still managed to hang on for an AllAmerican distinction with a top-eight finish. Two other Huskers joined the DMR squad as All-Americans. The Husker men finished tied for 23rd with 9 points and the women came away in 55th with 2 points at this weekend’s NCAA Championships in Boise, Idaho. Both national champions, Florida on the men’s side and Oregon on the women’s side, claimed their third consecutive titles. Senior Bjorn Barrefors earned the top finish for the Huskers at this weekend’s NCAA Championships when he placed fourth in the heptathlon with a personal-best score of 5,894 points to earn his fifth AllAmerican distinction. “It’s not something that just happens at the meet,” Grimes said. “He really had his head ready for this weekend.” A facility-record total

File Photo By Kyle Bruggeman | daily nebraskan

Nebraska pitcher Tom Lemke pitched effectively through 6 2/3 innings, but the offense failed to score in Sunday’s 4-0 loss to California.

Bats go cold as No. 21 Cal takes series lead Huskers hope to earn split Monday at Hawks Field Sean Whalen daily NEbraskan File Photo by Kyle Bruggeman| daily nebraskan

Nebraska jumper Chris Phipps recorded a 7.82 meter mark in the long jump during the weekend’s NCAA Championships. of 6,138 points by Duke’s Curtis Beach locked up the NCAA title for the Blue Devils after he recorded a facility-record time in the 1,000 meters — the final event of the heptathlon. A first-place finish in the shot put by Barrefors gave him the steam to hold on to fourth place. Nebraska’s All-American long jumper Chris Phipps repeated as an All-American with a jump of 7.82 meters, 0.01 meters short of a personal-best, to claim fifth place in the national meet. Phipps placed sixth at last year’s NCAA nationals. One of Phipps’ biggest goals entering the meet was to get on the board consistently. Every one of Phipps’ six attempts registered a score, with none going foul, including three jumps of 7.70 meters or more.

Familiar Big 12 foes Marquis Goodwin of Texas and Bryce Lamb of Texas Tech got the best of Phipps, placing third and fourth, respectively. New Mexico’s Kendall Spencer took home the long jump title with a facility-record jump of 8.01 meters on his third attempt. Phipps also competed in the triple jump, qualifying in the 17th and final spot. He wound up improving by two places in the meet, claiming 15th with a jump of 15.39 meters. Troy Doris of Iowa took fourth nationally with a jump of 16.18 meters, while Omar Craddock’s facility-record jump of 16.75 meters gave him the win and gave his Gators another 10 points. “When you’re going out

track: see page 8

The previously well-oiled Nebraska scoring machine fell apart Sunday afternoon. And “fell apart” may be putting it a bit too mildly. After scoring 20 runs in the first two games of a four game set against California, the Nebraska bats went silent, earning just three hits in a 4-0 loss to Cal. The loss dropped NU to 9-6 overall and 1-2 in the series with the Golden Bears. Sunday was the first game in the series — and just the second game all year — that never looked to be going NU’s way. While Cal’s pitching was strong, coach Darin Erstad felt his Huskers just weren’t ready to play, repeatedly taking responsibility for the lacking performance. “That’s the way it goes sometimes,” Erstad said. “We didn’t come to play today. I don’t know if we thought it was going to rain, but it’s on me — I’ve got to get them ready to play and I didn’t do my job today.” The lack of thunder ruined

a strong start by junior Tom Lemke, who threw 6 2/3 strong innings, giving up three runs and allowing no walks. If catcher Sam Stucky hadn’t dropped the ball during a tag in the seventh, his line would have been two earned in seven full innings. Erstad was pleased with his starter. “He pitched great, fantastic,” Erstad said. “I was probably a little concerned with the colder weather with his arm; didn’t know how it would respond. But he did a fantastic job of keeping us focused and keeping us in the game.” Lemke found Cal’s offense, which did get nine hits off him, to be formidable. “One through nine, they’re really scrappy,” Lemke said. “They take advantage of your mistakes.” Dylan Vogt had another strong game in relief, finishing out the final 2 1/3 innings of the game, giving up one run and no walks. In fact, Nebraska had no errors, walks or hit batters, meaning all of Cal’s base runners came off their 13 hits. There were few bright spots on the offensive end for NU. Cal starter Kyle Porter threw four no-hit innings to get the win, and NU as a team got its first hit with two outs in the seventh inning. Kale Kiser, after a walk

We didn’t come to play today. I don’t know if we thought it was going to rain, but it’s on me...”

Darin Erstad

nu baseball coach

and two sacrifices in the sixth, was the only Husker to reach third base. Overall, the Huskers had six total base runners, with three hits, two walks and a Cal error. The offense will hope to get going again tomorrow, as the Huskers and Bears play the final game of their four-game set. Tyler Niederklein will take the mound for NU, hoping to guide Nebraska to a series split. A key to the game will be whether NU can set the pace. Cal has taken at least a three-run lead to start each game so far this series, something that worries Erstad. “It’s an ongoing process and we’ve shown signs of doing it on a consistent basis,” Erstad said. “We’re good at responding to a fight, but we’re not good at starting a fight. And that’s something we need to work on.”


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