Nov. 16

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FriDAY, november 16, 2012 volume 112, issue 062

Crime of fashion

Football home finale

Native Americans resist commerical theft of cultural

Minnesota marks last home game of 2012 season

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Hayley Archer, a freshman exploratory major, keeps her arm elevated after donating blood at the Corn Bowl Blood Drive Challenge in Abel Hall Thursday afternoon. UNL and the University of Iowa are competing to collect the most blood donations leading up to the football game on Nov. 23. (TOP) Sammy Sandquist, a freshman psychology major, endures the momentary pinch of a needle at the blood drive Thursday afternoon. Dale Ling, a Nebraska Community Blood Bank employee, places the needle. This was Sandquist’s third experience donating blood. (MIDDLE) A needle is placed into the arm of Alec Johnston, a senior computer science major, by a Nebraska Community Blood Bank employee. (LEFT) A blood donor receives a free t-shirt from NCBB staff in return for his donation. The Corn Bowl trophy – which UNL won rights to after defeating the Iowa Hawkeyes in last year’s Heroes Game – is displayed at the entrance to the blood drive.

out for blood

photos by jon augustine

Arson suspected UNL chemist speaks on new way to fix bones in Smith Hall fire After three cases of vandalism in the past month, residents are fed up with damage

ment to determine who caused the fire,” Gildersleeve said. UNLPD Assistant Chief of Patrol Operations Charlotte Evans said, because of the nature of the fire, it is being investigated as arson. She said the building was evacuated without incident and Daniel Wheaton and students were asked to go to SchEmily Nitcher ramm Hall, Harper Hall or HarpDN er Dining Center. The damages to the corkboard are estimated to be When Michael Weber and Connor $400.50, according to the police Strong opened their door at 4:49 report. a.m. a plume of smoke wafted “We are grateful this didn’t into their room. This time, the fire become a situation that threatalarm was not a drill. ened the students’ safety,” Evans Smith Hall was evacuated said. Thursday morning when someGildersleeve one lit a corkboard in said doors to the lobby of the third the lobby closed “I just floor – Weber and and kept most care about Strong’s floor – on of the smoke fire. The incident – catching whoever contained. which is being inves“ T h e r e tigated as arson, ac- is doing this. “ wasn’t enough cording to University activity that Ryan Major Police – is just one of sprinklers were smith hall resident several acts of vandaltriggered, which ism on the third floor helped keep the of Smith this year. damage minimal,” Gildersleeve Strong, a freshman business said. administration major, said walkThe Lincoln Fire & Rescue Deing into a hallway full of smoke partment was called to the scene. was a scary experience. The alleged arson occurred on “We went all the way down state property, so the case was (the hallway) to the stairs,” Strong handed over to the Nebraska said. “It was getting smokier and State Fire Marshal. The office desmokier.” clined to comment because the Weber, a freshman exploratocase is still under investigation. ry major, said he could not see the All students, except residents hallway’s ceiling. on floor three, were allowed back Sue Gildersleeve, director of into Smith about an hour later, University Housing, said HousGildersleeve said. ing is taking the incident seriStrong, a business administraously. “We are working very closely with the campus police departarson: see page 2

Redpenning’s research could help to heal severe bone injuries dan holtmeyer dn

Jody Redepenning’s puzzle is broken bone, and his quest is to put it back together. Under the corrugated tin ceiling and five-foot World War II airplane models of the Haymarket coffee shop The Mill Thursday evening, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln chemist explained how it might be done for people wounded from combat, cancer or car accidents. The talk was the fifth of a series called NanoScience Cafes, put on once or twice a year by the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience to clearly explain some of UNL’s research, said Education Outreach coordinator Terese Janovec. Redepenning used plain language and expansive gestures to explain chemistry and biology concepts, often waving around a pair of shiny, metallic, clubshaped objects – titanium hip implants – as he spoke to an assembly of Lincolnites. “I know there are people in this audience who have these in elbows and knees and hips,” Redepenning told the group of about 20 people – many with graying hair and cups of hot chocolate, though a few university and high school students were also in attendance. There’s a major problem with these titanium rods, he said: They fail. They don’t stick to the thigh bones doctors shove them

dan holtmeyer | dn

Jody Redepenning, a UNL chemistry professor, explains his work with composites that can replace injured bone at The Mill Thursday evening in an ongoing series of talks UNL’s nanoscience program calls NanoScience Cafe. into, even with toxic polymers and cement. They wear down. They get rejected by human immune systems that anxiously hunt down any foreign object. These problems, along with a lucky conversation with a former boss years ago, pulled Redepenning, a self-described electrochemist, into the world of biology and bone, he said. Other strategies for repairing bone, including implants or even zapping bones with low levels

@dailyneb |

of electricity, weren’t doing the trick, Redepenning said, because their results could never match bone’s natural strength and flexibility. “Your bones are a wonderful composite,” he said, referring to a combination of materials that can be stronger than any of its parts alone. “You’re a bit springloaded.” The body has plenty of bonebuilding calcium and phosphate floating around, so Redepenning

decided to try bringing them into the game of bone repair. His work has focused on a white mineral called hydroxylapatite, a crystal of calcium and phosphate that makes up much of tooth enamel and bone. Redepenning combined hydroxylapatite with the cement used to hold implants in place – fusing the natural and the synthetic – to see what kind of mate-

nano cafe: see page 3


friday, november 16, 2012

news briefs ‘Fulfilling the Dream’ Award nominations sought

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is accepting nominations for the 2013 Chancellor’s “Fulfilling the Dream” Award. UNL wants to remain committed to the ideals and diversity supported by Martin Luther King Jr., according to a UNL press release. The award is a platform to celebrate and recognize contemporary leaders who are role models on and off campus. Nominations should include a letter of nomination and no more than three letters of support. They should be sent to Jody Wood, MLK Committee Secretary, 128 Canfield Administration Building or by email at

Pianist to perform at Sheldon

Adam Tendler will perform at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Sheldon Museum of Art Friday night. The event is free and open to the public. Tendler, a New York-based pianist will perform John Cage’s landmark work, “Sonatas and Interludes,” according to the UNL press release. A preconcert talk with Cage will begin at 7:30 p.m. and a reception in the Sheldon’s Great Hall will follow.

Behlen Observatory hosts last public night of 2012

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Behlen Observatory will hold its last public night of 2012 Friday. The observatory will be open from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., and if the sky is clear visitors should be able to see the moon, planets Jupiter and Uranus, two kinds of star clusters, double or multiple stars and the Ring Nebula in Lyra, according to a UNL press release. The event is free and open to the public.



Director of the Juvenile Justice Institute at UNL, Anne Hobbs found her passion for working with young people after spending time with underpriveled children at a summer camp in New York during her time studying at the University of San Fransisco.

Director shaped by diverse experiences Hobbs worked in numerous fields across the country before UNL

arson: from 1

CL Sill DN

courtesy photo

A fire on the third floor of Smith Hall that started on this corkboard forced the hall’s evacuation early Thursday. The floor has experienced a slew of vandalism this semester.

said. “And for whoever has to go tion major, said all residents of clean it up, it’s incredibly inconhis floor had to sit in the lobby for three hours. During that time, siderate.” The total cost of the damages each resident was individually inwill have to be paid by residents terviewed. on the floor, Gildersleeve said. This is just the latest act of She said that policy is common vandalism on the third floor. in most university housing situOn Oct. 27, the laundry room ations. and communal living area were That cost is not yet known, vandalized. The sink in the laundry room had been intentionally Gildersleeve said. “I don’t agree clogged with a with the fact we cloth, police It’s an act have to pay for the said, and the damages,” Austin water had been that, at Braun said, a sophoturned on, floodmore PGA manageing the laundry the very least, ment major and floor room and soak- inconveniences three resident. “We ing some of the can’t prove someone floor ’s carpet. the residents on on the floor did it. If Police said washthe floor.” we found out someing machines and one on our floor did dryers had been moved, and some sue gildersleeve it, I would agree.” Ryan Major, a of the electrical UNL housing director freshman computer cords were cut. engineering major, The lint filters also lives on floor three and said to the dryer were hidden in the lounge. The seat cushions in the he just wanted to find the person responsible. lounge were also torn, with stuff“Personally, at this point, I ing strewn across the room. Unidon’t care about actual vandalversity police are still investigatism,” Major said. “I just care ing who vandalized the area. The about catching whoever is doing collective destruction caused $299 this. They’re obviously very unin damages. stable.” After the laundry room inciStrong agreed that he was dent, a chair in the lobby was also apparently defecated on during tired of the vandalism. “I’m furious,” Strong said. the week of Nov. 4. Gildersleeve “I’m ready to move out.” said the chair has been destroyed. Gildersleeve said Housing Gildersleeve called the chair would continue to work with incident “very disappointing,” but said it was not uncommon in university police and is asking anyone with information to call a college setting. “It’s an act that, at the very UNLPD at 402-472-2222. News@ least, inconveniences the dents on the floor,” Gildersleeve

A bar filled with oil miners, the streets of Harlem and a classroom at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. These places have nothing in common, other than Anne Hobbs. Director of the Juvenile Justice Institute at UNL, Hobbs’ windy and sometimes bumpy road to Nebraska began in the middle of Alaska. Born and raised in Anchorage, Hobbs attended the University of San Francisco, where she majored in English. During her time there she worked at a summer camp for underprivileged children in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood. It was there that she realized her passion for working with young people. “I was really given everything,” she said of her own childhood. “But seeing some of those kids who were left on the streets made me want to work with them.” Hobbs spent most of her time in Harlem wandering neighborhoods in search of children who were without anything to do but get in trouble. Camp workers stopped them, asked if they wanted to go to summer camp and got them off the streets for

ing school, he wound up back in the day. “Today you’d probably get Anchorage searching for work. “He called looking for a job, arrested for that,” Hobbs said. She knew after this experi- and I was looking for a bartender,” Hobbs said. ence she wanted to go to law It worked out perfectly, acschool, but that was put on hold cording to Chris Hobbs. “It was when she returned home after almost like fate,” he said with a graduation to run the family bar laugh. and restaurant in Anchorage. The couple married in July of Hobbs took over The Gar1990, and after the birth of their den of Eatin’ in 1989 and said its first child, Hobbs decided it was title sometimes gave people the time to leave wrong impression. the Garden of “People always I like the Eatin’ to purthought it was a strip club or some shady hopefulness sue her law degree. place,” she said. “But This landed it was a family busi- and the energy of the Hobbs famness.” college students.” ily in Lincoln Hobbs’ cliental for the first consisted mostly of time. By the grisly oil workers, anne hobbs time she comwho would come director of juvenile justice pleted her law down off the rigs afinstitute degree at UNL, ter two weeks on the Hobbs’ family job in search of good had grown by two. food and plenty of booze. “For each year in law school “It was kind of a rowdy enviwe had a newborn,” Chris said. ronment,” Hobbs said. The first of those two newIt was rowdy enough, in fact, that Hobbs once called the po- borns came quite literally “during school.” Hobbs went into lice after a fight broke out, only to have them tell her a weapon labor with her son Christopher in the middle of a proctored conneeded to be drawn before they stitutional law exam. would respond. “I used to tell (the professor) “I said, ‘I don’t want a weapthat her exams were hard enough on drawn!’” she recalled. “I was to induce labor,” Hobbs said. totally pissed.” It all worked out of course, It was also during this time and Christopher is now back in that Hobbs married her husband the classrooms at UNL taking exChris. ams of his own as a sophomore The two had known each computer engineering major. other in high school, and after a After a short stint back in stint in the United States Army Anchorage, the Hobbs’ famand some time spent in bartend-

ily returned to Lincoln. Hobbs has since done everything from working in a private law office to establishing Lincoln’s first formal youth diversion program. She went back to school again in 2005 where she earned her Ph.D, and in the process was offered her current job. She said teaching suits her, and she is currently instructing a course that pairs students with a local child in need of mentoring. “I like the hopefulness and the energy of college students,” Hobbs said. Through it all, she has continued to practice the passion she discovered on the streets of Harlem more than 20 years ago: helping young people. “She just absolutely loves kids,” Chris said. “She gravitates toward them and they gravitate toward her.” Her experience consists of everything from breaking up bar fights to passing the bar exam, and Hobbs said this gives her a unique advantage in helping understand the lives of young people. “I can look at (a problem) as an attorney or a professional bar owner or maybe even a juvenile delinquent myself,” Hobbs said. And she believes her job is the perfect way to put those skills to use. “It’s a combination of working directly with the youth and professionals in that field,” she said. “I find that very rewarding.” news@

Part-time staffers experience different UNL Balancing studies and teaching can be struggle for some, gratifying for others tammy bain dn Lindsey Wylie had just gotten her dissertation proposal on obesity back. But her adviser said a study in her proposal needed to be improved. On top of taking four courses and teaching upper-level research methods. Wylie was feeling the pressure. A recent survey issued to faculty members by the Higher Education Research Institute said part-time university employees increasingly make up large parts of universities. These part-timers, the survey says, share conflicting views about their current positions and future career opportunities. Wylie said she doesn’t see unfairness in her position or pay, which she says is lower than that of a full-time professor.

“The faculty is supervising us, so we’re still learning,” she said. Wylie, who wants to someday teach college psychology and law, said the future looks bleak. She said she doesn’t expect to be hired by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Higher Education Research Institute survey, which is given every three years and administered to 23,824 full-time and 3,547 part-time instructors at four-year institutions, broke out opinions of part-time faculty for the first time this year. But in both full-time and part-time survey respondents, a hopeful attitude was found. Wylie was also optimistic. “Thankfully, we live in Nebraska, so the cost of living is lower,” Wylie said. She will look for jobs all over but would like to end up in her home state of Florida. A second-year master ’s student in English, Danielle Metcalf also knows the stress of balancing teaching and studying. “There are a lot of days where I wish I could just do one

or the other,” she said. Metcalf is also in the process of writing a novel, a portion of which will be used for her master ’s thesis. She plans to eventually publish the novel, as well. She said the workload in the UNL English Department is heavy. Metcalf teaches two fall classes and will teach two spring classes as well. Teaching gives Metcalf both a discount on her degree and a stipend divided into different payments, which she said is reasonable. While Metcalf is more interested in writing and publishing than teaching, she’s heard the job market in teaching college humanities is “very tough.” One friend told her of a job opening for a professor at a private Nebraska college that brought in around 300 applicants. It makes students look into other job markets, such as publishing, she said. Not every part-time teacher sees a bleak job market. Markeya Dubbs, a first-year master ’s student, said the market for her in educational psychology looks

optimistic. And teaching an academic success class helps her gain experience, she said. The pay of part-time graduate student employees is fair, she said. What she doesn’t think is fair, she said, is the number of hours expected from the parttime employees and the work load the employees put in. Other part-time employees at the university are not graduate students. As a professional photographer, Paul Schumacher was hired by the College of Journalism and Mass Communications to teach his trade in eight-week visual literacy classes, which are required for all journalism majors. While it’s hard to take a trade and teach it, Schumacher said, he’s learned as much as his students. “I don’t think it’s as stressful of an experience for me as it is for some,” said Schumacher, who is also a local gymnastics coach. “Being an adjunct (instructor) is a good way to learn about what you’re doing.” news@

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friday, november 16 2012


Improvement seen in breastfeeding spaces DANIEL WHEATON DN

Matt masin | dn

Duchesne High School Math Day class B champions ,from left, seniors Jackie Grode, Pooja Barman and Erica Hedrick think over the solution to an equation during the championship Math Bowl versus Elkhorn High School. After Elkhorn won the first round, undefeated Duchesne took the next round to win.

High Schoolers challenged in Math Day Students from all over Nebraska converge on UNL for competition Cristina Woodworth DN Pencils scribbled furiously, cheers erupted and high fives were exchanged on Thursday in one of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s most cutthroat competitions of the year: Math Day. “Math isn’t just boring stuff in a classroom,” said Rachel Jarvis, a freshman from Lincoln Northeast High School who in attendance at this year ’s event. “It runs our world and affects a lot of the stuff we use everyday.” More than 1,300 high school students from around Nebraska traveled to Lincoln to compete in team and individual math contests as part of UNL’s 23rd annual Math Day. “I hope everyone has a good time,” said Lindsay Augustyn, outreach and communications coordinator for UNL’s Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education. “I really hope there are some exciting matches in the Math Bowl competitions this year.” Every student begins the day taking a multiple-choice math exam with the top 50 high scorers invited to take a second, more in-depth math essay test. The top 10 students overall were awarded UNL scholarships of up to $8,000. “The test was super hard,” said Lane Laucomer, a senior from Scottsbluff High School. “Other than that, the day has been pretty fun.” The real excitement of the day came during the Math Bowl competition rounds where three of the best math students from each high school were pitted against one other in a buzzer-style competition. “It’s really entertaining to watch our quiz bowl team,” said Joslen Beitel, a senior from Lincoln East High School. “They’re so smart, and they can answer the questions so quickly.” The Math Bowl was double elimination. Two teams from each class eventually advanced to the championship round held in the auditorium at the Nebraska Union. The winning teams were awarded trophies, along with bragging rights for the next year. “It’s fun getting to compare yourself to other people from around the state and hopefully win,” said Jacob Eckel, a senior from Gibbon High School who said he attended Math Day for the first time this year. “You don’t usually get to compete like this with a school subject, and you get to see who’s the best at math.” Gordon Woodward, a mathematics professor at UNL, said he and a colleague came up with the

Matt masin | dn

Elkhorn High School’s Drew Dudley, third from left, reacts to a wrong answer given by his team during the Class B championship Math Bowl in the Nebraska Union auditorium during Math Day Thursday. idea for UNL to host a math day for high schoolers in 1990 because they wanted to give students an opportunity to experience a different side of math. “I think it gives high school students a better sense about the different variety of people who enjoy mathematics,” Woodward said. “It puts them in a situation that’s close to an athletic contest, but it’s an academic one instead.” Woodward said the idea for UNL’s Math Day came from a similar event at Colorado State University. “We thought it looked like a good idea and wanted to start something similar here,” he said. “It’s really just a good math competition for all the high schools to attend.” Augustyn said all of Lincoln’s public high schools participate in Math Day and most of Omaha’s high schools attend as well but the rest of the students come from every area of Nebraska. “They really come from all over,” she said. “There aren’t very many other opportunities like this in math, so it’s important to take advantage of them.” Several Math Day participants said they enjoy getting to do something they love. “I love the reasoning it takes to do math and the challenge of it,” Jarvis said. Jade Krivanek, a junior from Omaha North High School, said math is appealing to him because of its solidity. “Math always has a right answer, which is nice,” he said. “It’s always made sense to me.” news@


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Matt masin | dn

Candy Qu, junior at Brownell Talbot High School, shuts her eyes for a moment during a long day of equating and solving at Math Day on Thursday.

Matt masin | dn

Jesse Holmes, a junior at Elkhorn High School, keeps his finger pressed on the buzzer box, ready to answer an equation.

nano cafe: from 1 rial would come out. “We heated it up to the point that it melted and came back the next morning,” he said, “and we had a block.” This block was special. Even when frozen with liquid nitrogen and beaten with a hammer, the block broke with jagged edges instead of along the line between the hydroxylapatite and the cement. In other words, the bone and cement had combined into a strong whole, a breakthrough implants hadn’t been able to accomplish. “So, who cares?” Redepenning asked his audience. Potentially the armed forces and anyone who endures a severe bone injury, it turns out. He turned first to the military. “Early on in (the Iraq and Afghanistan) conflicts, you know, there was a lot of talk about why don’t our troops have body armor,” Redepenning said. Those troops have body ar-

Your bones are a wonderful composite. You’re a bit spring-loaded.” jody redepenning unl chemist

mor now, he went on, but that also means “things that would’ve killed people in other wars now obliterate their extremities.” “There’s frequently large pieces of bones missing,” he said. Redepenning’s composite of hydroxylapatite and cement can provide a durable but flexible placeholder in those gaps. Because it contains a building block of natural bone, the body should react to its presence by growing instead of attacking. Then the composite can slowly disappear, leaving nothing but bone. The whole process also could be harnessed for bone tumors, car accidents, even sports

injuries. “It’s not just the military applications that are important here,” Redepenning said. That’s the hope, but he said there’s a long way to go. Animal trials on rats have just begun. If the work continues by plan, it would move onto larger animals like goats. Only after that would humans enter testing, and there are still plenty of smaller puzzles, such as the speed the composite fades away. “This stuff is way slower than the Army would like,” Redepenning said. “The problem is getting the match.” news@

Along the north corridor of Oldfather Hall, a new room has been added. It’s one of several new or improved spaces across campus that allow mothers to breast-feed their children. “We wanted to improve spaces available on campus,” said Emily Allen, digital prepress specialist and member of the University of NebraskaLincoln Chancellor ’s Commission on the Status of Women. The commission coordinated with UNL Facilities and the Office of the Chancellor to complete the project. Allen said the push to improve the spaces came from new requirements in the Affordable Care Act. The act reGo to quires employers to make it easier for women to breast-feed at work. This includes giving to see the full them enough time and a private space to breast-feed or to collect list of unl milk. “Before this, some of the lactation spaces weren’t very private,” support rooms Allen said. Allen described the semion campus private areas as a lounge or an area in a bathroom that could be curtained off. Some spaces – like the women’s lounge on sion, decided to refurbish the the first floor of the Nebrasspaces in Oldfather Hall, the ka Union – are too public for Home Economics Building and breast-feeding mothers to actuNebraska Hall. More locations ally use, Allen said. “For example, the room in will be improved as funds are available. Oldfather was free J o s h to intrusion,” Allen “We looked Ward, assosaid. project Before the convery closely ciate manager of struction, the OldFacilities father room was an at each space Planning and open area attached and decided what Constructo the first-floor tion, said the could be done.” women’s bathroom. project was According to completed bill nunez UNL’s Lactation associate to the chancellor using UNL Support Program reFacilities port, there are nine workers. Afsemi-private and 22 ter coordinating with Nunez, private spaces available for lacFacilities decided to make each tating women. Each room has renovated space include deada contact assigned to it to help bolt locks for privacy. “Each mothers work out the logistics. of the new rooms are in or ad“The University acknowljacent to first-floor women’s edges the health benefits of breast-feeding and believes restrooms,” Ward said. “So visibility and access are no issue.” that the university should make Facilities also installed new private, accessible and comfortable lactation rooms available signs that read “Mothers’s to its employees and students Room” and additional signs that indicate if the rooms are in who want to express milk while use. on campus and away from their “Bill Nunez has been instruinfant,” the report states. mental in getting this done,” Allen said the Chancellor ’s said Anne Duncan, associate Commission on the Status of professor of classics and reliWomen pushed for the imgious studies and member of provement of the rooms to prothe Chancellor ’s Commission mote healthy breast-feeding. on the Status of Women. “I have a coworker who just Nunez said they agreed on closes her office door,” Allen making the spaces for lactation said. “But not everyone can do only. that.” “We’ve still got more work Additionally, the small reto do,” Nunez said. frigerators can be borrowed for Kelly Bartling, UNL news women to store their milk. Bill Nunez, director of Insti- director, said the university has drastically improved the tutional Research and Planning spaces. and associate to the chancellor, “When I was a student, I walked with the commission as was nursing my 6-month-old they evaluated spaces across daughter,” Bartling said. “I had campus. to stop because there was no “We looked very closely at place to do it. That was a long each space and decided what time ago. But I wished there could be done,” Nunez said. had been these facilities here From there, he requested funds from the chancellor. back then.” NEWS@ Nunez, along with the commisDAILYNEBRASKAN.COM


friday, november 16, 2012 @Dailyneb


save thebucks or saveyourself? Financial, safety priorities on Black Friday fuel opposing views on America’s commercialized holiday Black Friday represents part of American consumerism, tradition of bargain-hunting with family, bonding with shoppers


y alarm goes off and it’s 2 a.m. – time to hop in the car to Best Buy with Mom and Grandma. It’s Black Friday, and it’s a tradition. We’ll grab a quick breakfast and then spend the next two hours waiting in line in the cold, November air. Black Friday isn’t just a shopping day in my family; it’s a holiday all in its own. I’ve celebrated every Black Friday with my family for as long as I can remember, and the last two CHRISTIANNA FRIEDMAN years I’ve had the pleasure of Working in retail on Black working on Black Friday. Despite Friday sounds like a horror film what some may think, this hasn’t to many people, but for me it has altered my perspective on it. If always been kind of fun. The last anything, it’s only reinforced my two years I’ve had to work the love for the holiday. Black Friday morning shifts, but it’s not the is a time where all shoppers alike worst thing in the world. Here’s come together to get great deals the thing: It’s busy, you get tired at incredibly cheap prices, and it and, yes, you do have to deal with brings us together as a community. annoyed customers complaining Getting up early sucks, espethat there aren’t enough checkcially when it’s not for school or outs. Aside from that, it’s not bad. work. But hey, if you’ve got the Retailers are also pretty good chance to save 50-70 percent off, about taking care of their staff. My it’s worth it. I wouldn’t advise work always provided breakfast staying up all night, though. You’ll for us. We’d get extra breaks to need energy to get through the get through our long shifts and we next few hours that lay ahead. Eatgot to wear comfortable clothing. ing a good breakfast and drinking Someone always pops in a good a lot of coffee will keep you alert and help you enjoy the day. Black For a student on a limited budget, Black Friday is a great day to Friday is a get all the new gizmos and gadhuge part of our gets at low, affordable prices. Last year, there was killer deal at WalAmerican culture.” Mart on the Nintendo Wii console, and being the gamer that I am, I had to jump on it. I ended up getting my Wii for half the regular price, and if you’re a student on a movie in the break room, and evbudget, that $100 of savings can go eryone’s had their dose of caffeine a long way. so the energy is pretty lively. Also, Also, Wal-Mart usually has reeveryone has a list of things they ally cheap prices on games. This have to get done, so there’s very year, you can get $60 games for little confusion. $10 to $15. The retailers are also Another thing that I always pretty good about increasing the enjoyed about working on Black stock, so there’s a good chance Friday is how quickly the shift you’ll get what you want. If you goes. Most days I would stand add up how much you typically around waiting for something to spend on items and compare it to do because we weren’t that busy Black Friday prices, it’s definitely in my department. On Black Friworth the 2 a.m. wake up call. day, however, every department Waiting in line is another elhas crazy lines, and we are conement of the day that prevents stantly ringing people up. My first people from going. Standing in year working on Black Friday I litline might be a bit boring, but if erally stood at the counter ringing you find people to go with you, people up with my co-worker for time passes quickly. Every year over five hours. It was exhilaratI go with my family and a few ing, and time flew by so fast we alfriends. We prepare ahead of time most missed our breaks. We were for the long wait, often bringing just that busy. UNO cards or MP3 players. Even Also, one of the benefits of just talking to the people around working on Black Friday is that you as you’re waiting to check out you get to use your discount on is nice. Everyone’s there for the top of the Black Friday price. As same reason: to get some awesome an associate, you don’t even have deals. So just bring a friend and a to go shopping that same day to friendly attitude, and the time will get the discount, which was a nice pass. thing for the people working. Af-

ter work, you don’t have to wait around to purchase your items; you can just go home and get some sleep. However, a lot of questions have been raised about whether it’s even safe to go shopping on Black Friday with how intense people can be. Speaking from personal experience, that can be a bit of an exaggeration. Within recent years, because of past indiscretions, securities in major retailers have been on their game. Last year, Target only let in 30 people at a time in order to help with crowd control. Nebraska Furniture Mart also has paramedics and EMTs on site to help incase anything goes awry. Many stores feel as if it’s their duty to protect people. Leia Mendoza of the Omaha World-Herald did an interview with Nebraska Furniture Mart Executive Vice President Bob Batt who said, “We have a tremendous safety team that is there very early in the morning, keeping things orderly. Safety is No. 1; it always has been and always will be.” Wal-Mart, a place of big worry for many people, has been a lot safer to go shopping since the decision to remain open 24 hours. They allow people to come in early and wait. There’s no running and pushing to get to the items you want, and you show up early and you get a ticket. Other retailers have seemed to adopt this idea. Last year, Toys R Us gave tickets for some of the big ticket items and allowed a few people to enter at a time in order to help with crowd control. It was fairly easy and pretty well organized for the most part. When I was working we had several security guards and police men walking around the store assuring everyone’s safety. It was comforting to know that if anything went wrong, they were there to help out. Fortunately, no major accidents occurred, and if something seemed questionable, our guards were out there to help. Whether or not you celebrate, Black Friday is a huge part of our American culture. It‘s the one holiday that I have come to embrace since childhood. Black Friday is more than just getting sweet deals; there’s a sense of community when you wait in line with the other hundreds of eager shoppers. The great deals are just an added bonus. You’ll have fun, you’ll get to know some awesome people and you’ll get some cool, new stuff. Christianna Friedman is a Junior Secondary Education Major. follow her on Twitter at @ChristiFriedman or reach her at Opinion@

Avoid dangerous crowds and potential injuries, shop at local businesses and take to the Web for Cyber Monday


lack Friday. These two words used in the same sentence make many adults giddy. But there are those whom it strikes fear in. Bungee jumping, cliff diving and hunting with Dick Cheney are activities that are shied away from simply because they’re risky. Much like the aforementioned activities, this manic “holiday” has a potential to be fatal. However, there are still individuals who see nothing but insanely low prices and decide to brave the mob-like crowds. While the bargains are almost good enough to make your mouth water, nobody should face bodily harm while shopping. There have been countless cases of people, old and young alike, being injured, or even killed, due to the sheer passion and violence of others on Black Friday. Though every financially conscious person enjoys good deals as much as the next, safety should be top priority. There is no need for someone to put themselves in danger so as to get a discount. With each year escalating in violence from the previous, it seems that it has peaked, thus far, in 2011. Many Black Friday shoppers last year got more than they bargained for as retailers began to open. Several shoppers experienced injuries, hospitalization and, tragically, deaths. An image of mob-like crowds’ shoving their way to the next deal personifies the tragic effect of the failing economy on the public. The often quoted story of a Wal-Mart worker being trampled to death by manic crowds is one of many horrific occurrences on Black Friday. The drastic measures taken by shoppers seem to know no bounds. Two men, while shopping at a Toys R Us in California, proceeded to wield rifles and open fire on one another while in a crowd of thousands. Adding more panic to the already tense situation, this caused many shoppers to be hospitalized for suffocation and being trampled. A woman who was 8 months pregnant was among the victims. Reports of individuals fighting over products like $2 waffle makers, or pepper spraying each other so as to get the perfect bargain on gaming systems, have also surfaced. Besides the possible physical

KERBY HANSON hazards to Black Friday shopping, there are deeper impacts to this phenomenon. Black Friday is a tribute to the increasing consumerism plaguing the United States. The fact that demand has stayed the same but money has decreased is the reason for Black Friday’s existence. Christian groups have spoken out against Black Friday. They believe that the rush that ensues takes away from the family and spiritual bonding of Thanksgiving. Because many shoppers cut the dinner and dessert short to head

An image of mob-like crowds shoving their way to the next deal personifies the tragic effect of the failing economy on the public.” out for shopping, these groups believe the virtue of Thanksgiving is being depleted. Retailers, like Wal-Mart, Kohl’s and Best Buy, have begun to start their Black Friday sales at the wee hours of Thanksgiving night. The extension on sales is the cause for many who partook in “Occupy Wall Street” to call upon the masses for an “Occupy Black Friday.” This resulted in many individuals standing in lines holding signs stating their anti-consumerism beliefs. The Daily Illini, campus newspaper of University of Illinois, quotes one occupier who shouted, “We are here today to ask you to shop local … and not reward the 1 percent, large corporate stores like Macy’s, whose profits enrich

the 1 percent, while they pay next to nothing to their workers, the 99 percent.” With all the crazed shoppers flocking to large chain stores for the bargains, where does this leave local businesses? The smaller, local shops are left in the dust on days, such as Black Friday, where large-box stores can offer the same product for a fraction of the price. Black Friday is a cruel reminder that big business will forever trump local businesses. These old fashioned “mom and pop” shops are closing left and right due to the invasion of larger stores. Black Friday only accelerates the dominance of these faceless corporations. Though it’s nearly impossible to do all your shopping at the local level, these smaller entrepreneurs shouldn’t be getting the cold shoulder. Low price is not equivalent to higher quality. Smaller shops should thrive alongside the larger and more dominant big-box chains. If you choose to forgo Black Friday, but still hunger for bargains for your holiday shopping, why not partake in Cyber-Monday? The Monday immediately following Thanksgiving provides large markdowns for online shopping. This is a great way to avoid the dangerous crowds of Black Friday while also getting your holiday shopping done for less. Popular outlets such as, and many others can provide the products you want, at the price you want. The best part is that you can get the great deals from the comfort of your own home. No need for the hellacious rush and barbaric shoving. With Cyber Monday you are able to stay in your pajamas and enjoy the pre-holiday deals without the hassle. This Black Friday, avoid the crowds and head to small, locally owned stores, or simply shop from home. Not only might you help out local entrepreneurs, but you are escaping the hassle of dealing with potentially violent crowds. Most of all, focus on being thankful with your family, not greedily desiring more on the day after Thanksgiving. Kerby Hanson is a freshman Broadcasting and Political Science major. Follow him on Twitter @Kerbstomp867 or reach him at Opinion@

letter to the editor Positivity and respect between PSU and NU fans shown in Lincoln A very special thanks to the students, alumni and fans of the University of Nebraska. We appreciated the kind, gracious and heartfelt greetings we re-

ceived from the moment we got to Lincoln until the time we departed. If any fanbase is looking for the model on how to treat away guests, that model is Nebraska. I can’t speak for the rest of us, but from this Penn State alum: Go Big Red!

Steve Newman

(PSU class of ‘85) West Des Moines, IA

letters to the editor policy


The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

5 WEEKEND crime friday november 16, 2012 @dnartsdesk



fashion story by Cameron Mount | art by Ian Tredway

Native American voices resist reappropriation of cultural symbols for commerical use


n a headdress, dancing in a teepee with a wolf at her side, Gwen Stefani drew a lot of controversy in No Doubt’s “Looking Hot” music video, released Nov. 2. No Doubt removed the video and issued an apology within 48 hours, but this case of Native American stereotyping in pop culture was far from an isolated incident. At a Nov. 7 runway show, Victoria’s Secret model Karlie Kloss wore a leopard-print lingerie set and war bonnet, and Victoria’s Secret recently pulled the footage from the show’s broadcast in response to public outcry. In the last two months alone, singer Lana Del Rey, fashion designer Paul Frank, and Gap clothing stores have been embroiled in Native American stereotype scandals of their own. “I feel like right now, we’re not really in control of our image in the media,” said Racheal Whitehawk Strong, a graduate student in the Native Daughters project in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Journalism. Strong is also a member the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and works at the Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs on the Sovereign Native Youth Leadership Program. “There are other people who have more power in the media who are able to portray Native people, and they don’t do it in a very accurate way,” she added. Strong said scandals like No Doubt’s don’t come from overt racism, but from an unawareness of the meaning beyond the images represented. “I don’t think that the members of No Doubt are racists,” she said. “I think the general frustration with the video was that there was a lot of misuse of culturally sacred objects, like the eagle feather staff and the headdress. In order to understand why that’s offensive to Native people, you have to understand what place those things hold in Native culture.” Just as military medals might be considered a restricted symbol in the United States, wearing

courtesy photos

Lana Del Rey (top), Gwen Stefani (left) and Victoria’s Secret model Karlie Kloss have all come under fire recently for projecting stereotypical images of Native American culture via pop culture channels, like music videos and runway fashion shows.

crime of fashion: see page 6

Student engineers cutting-edge robots, Facebook hoaxes cljourdyn kaarre dn Walter Bircher reaches and pulls one orange and a bundled paper towel from his backpack. He unfolds the paper towel, revealing five red peppers. They’re from a recent trip to the supermarket where Bircher typically buys gobs of fresh produce, including the peppers, which he seems perfectly comfortable unpacking on the table. “More than anything, I’m more than just into eating things in their original state,” Bircher said. If you recognize Bircher from around campus, it might be because he often rides his bike at breakneck speeds, totes around fresh produce and drinks black coffee from a mason jar. Or maybe it’s just because he’s recognizable. “If he bought deer legs or something, he might look exactly like Mr. Tumnus, which is kind of funny,” said close friend Dillon Jones, a junior English and philosophy major. For his distinguishable exterior, there are many layers to Walter Bircher. There’s brilliant Bircher, who developed a robotic arm used in surgeries. There’s internet troll Bircher, who pulls Facebook pranks and types incoherently with undulating upper and lowercase letters and no punctuation, save a half dozen exclamation points. There’s aquarium extraordinaire Bircher, whose only goal is to create a biotope in a 1,200-gallon tank. World-travellerBircher spent two summers in Turkey and a vacation in China. And, there’s everyone’s friend Bircher. But, none of these parts alone are

enough to describe the whole. “He gets along with everyone he meets,” said Peter Bock, Bircher’s roommate and friend. “He’s good at making friends quickly. He’s really personable and has beautiful, icy blue eyes. He’s also just brilliant.” For a man with so many hats, it’s only fitting to start at the beginning. Playing with Legos as a child was Bircher’s cornerstone experience with engineering. Without a TV in his house in Omaha, he grabbed the shapes and began to build. Bircher attended Conestoga Elementary School, where his mathematics journey began. The school gave weekly math tests, in addition to an online program through Stanford University for gifted youth. This mathematics background in elementary school, Bircher believes, helped to guide him on the path of engineering. Once he attended middle school and high school, the robotics competitions, engineering programs and upper-level mathematics courses began. Despite his early start with engineering, Bircher still found himself at a fork in the road when it came to choosing a career path. At the age of 4 years old, Bircher also picked up the violin. Both of his parents are in the Omaha Symphony Orchestra and encouraged him to play music. “I wanted to play the saxophone, but my dad said, ‘Nope. You know, Walter, I heard that the saxophones went extinct like dinosaurs so you can’t play them anymore,’” Bircher said. “And I was like, ‘Noooo!’ Then they told me I could play the violin and I was like, ‘Eh, alright.’”

However, Bircher didn’t stick with just the violin. He learned to play the drums in middle school and formed a rock band with friends. Their claim to fame: playing with Disney Channel’s Drake Bell at an Omaha mall opening. Bircher wanted to be a rock star, but ultimately decided to choose engineering. “You can be a professional engineer that has music as a hobby, but probably not a professional musician that engineers as a hobby,” he said. Now, there’s Bircher today, crunching on his red peppers and spinning his orange on the table. Last summer, Bircher spent his time in the Advanced Surgical Robotics Technologies Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He designed and constructed a robotic arm on his own. The “Inspection Arm” he created has a retail value of $60,000. Bircher made his for $2,000. The device was used in a surgery of a pig to measure the abdominal volume of the animal. After fixing a few glitches, he is currently en route to submitting a paper to bring the robotic arm to the Design on Medical Devices Conference hosted by University of Minnesota. In the physics lab, where he is one of the only engineers, he is working on project using a highpowered laser to view molecules. After explaining these projects in detail, he racked his brain to think of what else he has on his plate. He remembered. He pulled out a clear bag with pieces of black plastic in it. One of his father’s friends, who is a trombone player, approached

Wyn Wiley | DN

Walter Bircher, a junior engineering student, works in a lab in Jorgensen Hall on Monday. Here he spends countless hours and many late nights. Bircher is known around campus for his humor, indie fashion, and his dedication to robotics, science, fresh produce and Pabst Blue Ribbon. Bircher with a problem. The trombone slide can be very uncomfortable on a player’s hand when it is stuck in the corner of the brass for long periods of time. Bircher had a solution for that. He made a design for a plastic hand rest and had it printed out at a rapid prototyping

company. He held up one piece still intact. He held up another, taped together with masking tape. “The second design broke instantly, which is fun,” he said. But he’ll go back and try again, he said. Earlier this year, one of Bircher’s

friends in the engineering college developed a new track spike. Bircher agreed to operate the website for the new design. He was fit for the job, of course, because he’s been maintaining and coding websites

bircher: see page 7


friday, november 16, 2012

this week in film At the Ross: “The Sessions”

directed by:

Ben Lewin • Friday – 7:15 p.m., 9:25 p.m. • Saturday – 12:45 p.m., 2:55 p.m., 5:05 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:25 p.m. • Sunday – 12:45 p.m., 2:55 p.m., 5:05 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

“Bel Borba Aqui”

directed by: Burt Sun, Andre Costantini • Friday – 4:55 p.m., 9:30 p.m. • Saturday – 12:40 p.m., 7 p.m., 9:05 p.m. • Sunday – 5:30 p.m., 7:35 p.m.


directed by:

Érik Canuel • Friday – 7 p.m. • Sunday – 3 p.m.

UNL College of Architecture Hyde Lecture • Friday – 4:30 p.m.

Husker Football on the Big Screen — Nebraska vs. Minnesota • Saturday – 2:30 p.m.

NET Coffee & Conversations presents “Solar Mommas”

directed by: Jethane Noujaim • Sunday – 1 p.m.

New In Theaters: “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2”

directed by: Bill Condon starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner

Beat boxing student gives voice to silenced DeWayne Taylor expresses himself through UNL speech team, beat boxing

ry of beat boxing and performed original beats for the crowd, who screamed and clapped throughout his portrayal of the emotions “anger,” “jealousy” and “excitement” through sound. “He owned the audience, which was an audience that shelby fleig probably never would have put dn themselves into a situation where they’d learn about DeWayne’s DeWayne Taylor woke up ten skill and the beat boxing world,” minutes ago. said Scott Winter, Taylor ’s jourHe already warmed up his vo- nalism professor and fellow cals with facial stretches and beat TEDxLincoln speaker. boxing. Four years ago, Taylor was a Changing his clothes in his freshman at Lincoln Southwest dorm room, Taylor continues to High School. During the off-seabeat box. He doesn’t have a roomson from track, he picked up beat mate to worry about waking up, boxing as hobby to occupy his so he continues without reserva- down time, but never got serious. tion. “My mom initially was like Walking to class, Taylor is still ‘Cut that racket out!’ But once I beat boxing – attracting attention figured out how to put it as songs, from strangers who look at him they liked it more,” Taylor said. like he’s insane. Taylor ’s freshman oral com“I can’t be munications teachafraid to practice in er told him he had public just because (Beatboxing great speaking people will think skills and should is) just one I’m weird,” said join the speech Taylor, a 19-year- of those things team. Taylor old advertising/PR thought otherwise. that if you love it, student at the Uni“I was like versity of Nebras- you have to do it.” ‘Please! Speech? ka-Lincoln. “It’s Are you kidding just one of those dewayne taylor me?’ But somehow beat-boxer things that if you he got me to do it love it, you have to and I just fell in do it.” love with it,” he And Taylor has no reason to be said. ashamed. UNL recruited Taylor for the After all, he performed at his speech team upon graduation. senior prom, Big Red Welcome, The team practices at least four The Bourbon Theatre with Scru times a week in preparation for face Jean, taught children’s beat numerous competitions. boxing classes at The Lincoln Taylor described speech as Children’s Museum and books having the opportunity to tell consistent shows at Knickerbock- well-known movies, documentaers. ries and plays the way he thinks If you don’t know him as the they should be told. No props. No noisemaker walking around cam- teammates on stage. pus, you may recognize him from “Just me in a nice suit, looking his October TEDxLincoln talk. fly, doing my thing on stage for Taylor was one of 16 speakers and ten minutes.” the only UNL student asked to “DeWayne has natural charisspeak. ma, which he combines with hard Taylor spoke about the histo- work and dedication,” said Aaron

nickolai hammar | dn

DeWayne Taylor, a freshman advertising and public relations major, freestyle beatboxes Tuesday afternoon. Taylor placed in the top 30 at a national beat box competition earlier this year. Duncan, UNL speech and debate director. “When you put talent together with hard work, you get success.” Duncan said Taylor’s passion sets him apart from other UNL students. Speech used to serve Taylor as a way of self-expression and chance to “get everything out.” Taylor said college has opened his eyes to the real motivation behind his love for the process. “A lot of the pieces we perform in college are outlets for people who can’t speak,” he said. “In essence, people in other places are literally dying for things we’re saying. Whenever I perform I’m thinking ‘someone somewhere would love to say this, but would

Lincoln power pop band pays homage to ‘60s Renfields play up fresh nostalgia with latest, self-titled record joe wade dn The 1960s Brit-pop sound permeates the surface of music often, but rarely does a band produced an album richly dedicated to that sound. The influence of the Beatles is everywhere, so much so that it’s annoying to note that over-sentimentalized observation over and over again. Nevertheless, a band at some time, somewhere, was bound to actually capture the essence of the 1960s sound without drenching it with the unfiltered Lennon/McCartney-isms. Behold, Lincoln’s The Renfields. Their self-titled LP (that’s vinyl, folks) scheduled for release on Nov. 27 is everything a post-Beatles, psychedelic music fan could hope for. The mixture of Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour-styled guitar solos with The Kinks rock-pop rhythm mastery and vocal inflection is uncannily similar to the late 1960s precursor to the heavy metal and punk genres of the 1970s. Fans should also mark The Renfields’ calendars for the album release show at Knickerbockers on Nov. 23. Put down the needle (literally) and bask in the warmth during these winter months. The first song on side one, “Optimism,” affectionately reminds the listener “it’s gonna be a pretty good day” while a back drop of glittering guitar harmonies swirl around a groovy atmosphere.

A robust bassline slow dances with drums and the vocals find the perfect balance of brilliant lyrical phrasing with nasally British whine. The effect is other-worldly, despite the nostalgia. It’s obvious this group is very tightly knit and the seamless quality makes it all the more fun to let go and enjoy the ride. Closing out the first song, the guitars trade solos and provide a lush, soaring sound with just enough fuzz to remind the listener of the quintessential purity of rock ‘n’ roll. This album has the retro sound that would have been sparring with the Beatles on the music charts 50 years ago. It’s exciting to hear that style of music again. The overall heavy moodiness, which The Renfields have mastered on this album, embodies the brief era following the Summer of Love. It was the time when flower power was dead and a new angst was filling the scene masked by the iconic 1960s pop style. The difference that emerged during that era was a slightly slower rhythm and lyrics no longer preaching love and peace. The Renfields bring that heavy vibe to a head on “Inside Out,” which is the last song on side one. A piano mournfully pours out emotion. This is definitely a good song to listen to alone in the dark with a candle burning. The guitar solo in this song is a power ballad gem reminiscent of the solo on Pink Floyd’s song “Comfortably Numb” and, cleverly, the song ends with what could be considered a tribute to John Lennon’s song “God.” The lyric is: “I don’t believe in Beatles/I don’t believe in Stones/I don’t believe in Renfields/or Ramones.” If the listener wants the eerie awesomeness


“THE RENFIELDS” The Renfields

of the song, he or she really has to hear it on good ol’ scratchy vinyl to get the full effect. Flip the album over to side two and depart from the gloom with the upbeat “La Villa de Miguel de Cervantes.” It’s swinging Latin feel, Spanish lyrics and trumpets will heat things up. Even more impressive is The Renfields managed to produce the same retro sound on this song too. “La Villa” is the oddball song on the album, but it strangely makes it feel complete. Side two playfully continues its journey through the psychedelic era with a flowery flute melody and pseudo-Dylan phrasing. The Renfields have tapped into a side of music often forgotten by the mainstream. Go find a record player and get this album. It’s what a real music fan would do. arts@

crime of fashion: from 5


directed by:

Steven Spielberg starring: Daniel DayLewis, Sally Field, Jackie Earle Haley

“The Sessions”

directed by:

Ben Lewin John Hawkes, Helen Hunt, William H. Macy


DN Weekend Pick: “Lincoln”

directed by:

Steven Spielberg

a headdress without knowing its significance can be considered unfair appropriation. In the “Looking Hot” music video, Gwen Stefani throws eagle feathers to the ground. Strong said that in Lakota culture, eagle feathers symbolize fortitude and bravery, and casual mistreatment like this is highly inappropriate. “It’s a proud thing to have an eagle feather,” she said. “With little kids, parents will tie really tightly the eagle feathers onto their regalia, because if you drop the eagle feather at a powwow, you can’t just pick it up. They have to do a dance and special ceremony before you can even pick it up off the ground. Because you’ve mistreated it, and that feather no longer belongs to you. You then have to give it to somebody else. You give it away because you’ve dishonored that.” While No Doubt pulled their video and issued an apology, singer Lana Del Rey defended her choice to wear a headdress in her music video for “Ride,” released in October, calling the video an “ode to the spirit of dance and freedom” she experienced working on Indian reservations. Princella Parker, a member of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and associate producer for the 2009 documentary “Standing Bear’s Footsteps,” said even well-intentioned uses like these are dangerous.

Paul Frank and Victoria’s Secret “It’s not an honor to our culapologizing and removing their ture to mock our sacred and respected ways of life by objectify- offensive material. The popular ing it,” Parker said in reference to fashion company Paul Frank, which in September hosted a the Lana Del Rey video. “It may “Dream Catchin’” event, includbe personal to her and what she ing neon headdresses and warbelieves, but how does that honor the ‘spirit of dance and freedom’ painted employees, announced when it’s ripped, copied and du- they were hiring a Native designer plicated in mass quantity? It loses for a fashion line whose earnings will go toward a this spirit when it Native American becomes an object It’s not an charity. worn by a non“Inaccuracies native with no conhonor to our are still happenception of what it’s ing,” Strong said. intended for in the culture to mock “But I feel like it’s first place.” going in a positive Parker has di- our sacred and rected her passion respected ways of way. We’re using social media and for filmmaking other forms to have toward combat- life by objectifying a voice to express ting the limited it.” ourselves, that it’s and negative portrayals of Native princella parker not OK to do that.” Dialogue is Americans she’s member of omaha nation more possible than seen as the norm in ever and awaremedia. “I grew up mainly in Omaha ness is improving, but Parker said the public has a long way toward off reservation,” she said. “What I would get asked is ‘do Natives understanding what is and is not appropriate in Native representalive in teepees?’ and ‘what do they wear?’ and I (didn’t) have long tion. “It’s perceived as harmless hair like they thought Indian peobecause America is a melting pot ple do. The stereotype I hear again and we have shared cultures in and again are of drunken Indian, non-existent or extinct Indian, diversity,” Parker said. “But this is not diversity. This is a bastardizapoor Indian.” tion of Native culture.” While these stereotypes are arts@ very much alive, Strong pointed out the significance of No Doubt,

die if they did,’ so I’m relaying the message for them.” With the mission of being the voice for voiceless person around the world, Taylor’s determination to improve his craft doesn’t go unnoticed. “You have to care and have that fire to be successful in this activity or anything,” Duncan said. Nobody is making Taylor beat box eight hours each day as he’s working at Sam & Louie’s Pizza, walking home and doing everyday tasks. He admitted it’s a constant – and needs to remain that way so he never becomes complacent. Last February, Taylor placed in the top 30 at a national beat box competition. This year, he hopes to

break the top 15 to qualify for finals in New York City. Perfecting and compressing beats all day, every day, Taylor remains inspired by music of all genres. He wants to spread the influence of beat boxing in the Midwest and break the popular mindset of what the art form sounds like. “People think of that old school Biz Markie when it’s gone a little past that; you can do dubstep or electronic or jazz and so many things that people aren’t aware of,” Taylor said. “Every beat I do, I want people to say, ‘Oh, that’s a D-Wayne beat.’” arts@

Phone users disrespect movie magic I'LL HAVE WHAT HE'S WATCHING

cameron mount Theaters wrongly dictate common movie courtesy with bribes, threats Like parents who lavish gifts on their unruly children for the tiniest acts of decency, theaters will now reward you for not being an ass for 90 minutes. Cinemark, the third largest movie chain in the United States, introduced a service this week aimed at combatting texting in theaters with outright bribery. This latest development in moviewatching etiquette hints that the distinct cinema experience is on shaky ground. Turn on “CineMode” within the Cinemark iPhone and Android app and your phone’s screen will dim and remind you to turn off the volume. If you stick with the app for the duration of the movie, the program will send ticket and concession coupons to the app’s “Rewards” section. Other chains have gone with less sympathetic tactics. The Austin-based Alamo Drafthouse recruited celebrities like Will Ferrell and Patton Oswalt to communicate their zero-tolerance policy, and used a customer ’s hilariously livid voicemail as an anti-texting PSA. Their “Don’t Talk or Text During Movies” contest opened three weeks ago and invites the public to attack the problem creatively through original commercials. In September, London’s Prince Charles Cinema began employing ninjas – volunteers in black skintight bodysuits – to covertly guard screenings and confront (and presumably scare the living hell out of) misbehaving audience members. While unpaid ninjas probably won’t determine the future of cinema etiquette, unlike Cinemark’s response, it’s an appropriate, commendable and, yes, a vaguely absurd reaction. But Cinemark has shifted the argument from “being rude during movies is bad” to “not being distracting is the exception to the rule.” The act of consuming movies has changed dramatically in recent years, but this is a dangerous precedent to set. Watching movies is no longer all about fully experiencing all parts of a film. With all the mediums and outlets at our disposal, we pick and choose according to our mood or purpose. It’s

easy to scoff at someone watching your favorite movie on an iPhone on a bus, but they’re still absorbing story and dialogue on an otherwise boring ride. Movie fans might cringe when a Netflix favorite is constantly paused, talked over and tweeted about during, but there’s a gained layer of shared experience. Are these examples of the full film experience? Not at all. Instantaneous access to media has complicated our relation to media in a number of positive and negative ways, but at the core of film is always an artistic work ideally appreciated through immersion. Great films are shot-by-shot constructed to convey specific tones and emotions at specific moments. Like great literature, it requires investing every ounce of focus on the story in order to be sucked in. Once someone disrupts a couple times, the mind starts expecting distraction and becomes even more removed. If you truly aren’t removed from the movie experience when a light flashes or an audience member talks to their neighbor, you are in the minority. Home theaters are becoming more sophisticated and less expensive, but they’re no substitute for cinemas. Cinemas are where the art of film both envelops you personally and becomes a shared experience. A living room screening might be tailored to your needs, but it isn’t a gathering of otherwise unconnected people engaged in the definitive version of this experience. Like a football game, it’s better with like-minded fans; unlike a football game, that energy is hurt by outside intrusions. In August, Apple won a patent that would allow systems to limit a phone’s functions depending on location. Theaters, classrooms and airplanes could theoretically cut off phones’ functionality or dim their screens. As much as I’d like to see cell phones kept away in theaters, this is dangerously close to a Big Brother response, especially considering emergencies that inevitably come up. What needs to be changed are cultural expectations about what the cinema setting is for, not forced compliance or bribery. Next time you’re at the movies, leave the phone in the car, speak up to your friend who insists on checking messages and help that change happen before these new manners become an unshakable habit. Cameron Mount is a senior English Education major. Reach him at arts@

friday, november 16, 2012

‘Sessions’ excels with resiliant story Religion and sexual desires shown in different light with a polio-ridden hero andrew larsen dn For those uncomfortable with 90 minutes of frank discussions and deep exploration of the human body, including numerous scenes of full-frontal nudity, “The Sessions” may not be for you. What those people will miss is a beautifully-crafted film by writer/director Ben Lewin and an incredible performance by John Hawkes. In “The Sessions” Hawkes plays Mark O’Brien, a man who was stricken with polio at age six and later becomes a poet/journalist. Hawkes is good in every role, but this one is especially impressive because he brings a real human being to life with only his voice and facial expressions. He’s on his back for the entire movie, yet he always seems like the most powerful presence in the room. O’Brien never succumbs to a desire for pity and he faces his life with dignity and a vivacious sense of humor. The only qualms he seems to have with his upcoming demise is that it seems likely he’ll die a virgin.

As a 38-year-old who only spends three hours a day outside of his Iron Lung, or as O’Brien describes it “the only piece of bedroom furniture I own,” and repeats the mantra “scratch with your nose” when faced with an itch, he understands better than anyone his sexual options are limited. After much deliberation with his caretakers and his closest friend, Father Brendan (William H. Macy), O’Brien finally decides to set up a meeting with a sex surrogate named Cheryl Cohen Green, played with honesty and bravery by Helen Hunt. “The Sessions” goes to great lengths to let the audience know the difference between a prostitute and a sex surrogate. “A prostitute wants your return business, I do not,” Greene explains. She also sets up a strict six-session limit that hangs over the proceedings like the Sword of Damocles. It’s clear Greene and O’Brien will most likely forge a special bond as they get further into their sessions and each other ’s psyches, but the beauty of the film is not in finding out what happens, but in watching it happen. Hawkes and Hunt spend a good deal of the movie in bed, laying their bodies and their souls bare, for us to peer into. But

as we all know, if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back, which is what “The Sessions” is counting on. The film is a remarkable achievement in that it takes two things audiences can be leery of – disabilities and honest portrayals of sexuality – and makes them not only relatable, but almost uncomfortably realistic. Another controversial issue “The Sessions” assuredly and competently brings forth is religion. O’Brien amusingly describes his relationship with God succinctly. “I can’t possibly imagine going through life without having somebody to blame for all of this,” he says with a smile. When Hawkes isn’t in bed or thinking about sex, he’s talking to Father Brendan about sex. William H. Macy brings the priest to life with an open heart and friendly personality. When O’Brien comes to him asking permission to see the sex surrogate, Brendan surprisingly gives him his blessing. “I think the Big Guy will give you a pass on this one,” he says. A perusal of the plot summary in “The Sessions” may not start any hands clapping, but a certain level of observation reveals a beautiful film remarkably relevant to our sexualized culture. It’s a film about a man’s desire to simply love and be loved, some-

True colors of Brazilian artist shine in documentary First-time directors succeed with day-inthe-life look at artist Bel Borba emily kuklinksi dn


The 500-year-old city of Salvador, Brazil, is getting a facelift by “the People’s Picasso,” artist Bel Borba, and, boy, does it look good. Decorated with spurof-the-moment paintings and mosaics, each street corner and building is gifted with a splash of color and love by the city’s native artist. Captured in the documentary “Bel Borba Aqui,” directed BEL BORBA AQUI by Burt Sun and Andre Constantini, Borba has been at work reDIRECTED BY BURT SUN, kindling the spirit of his homeA NDRE CONSTANTINI town for 35 years. Its artwork which he reveals comes straight Mary Riepma Ross from the heart rather than from Media Arts Center excessive planning. From empty coke bottles to steel beams, his imagination flows effortlessly Salvadorians, the movie fails to through whatever tools he is given. Although he never truly allow the viewers a greater inknows what his final prod- sight into Salvador ’s history or allow the population to speak uct will be when he starts on a for itself. Even though these new piece of art, it never disapaspects are not integrated into points. Borba’s story, it doesn’t affect its The enthusiasm Borba has great joy. for his craft and The film itself the musical tone The film is put together of his laughter like a cinematic itself is put has a contagious mosaic. The first effect and paints together like a time directors, him to be as personable as he is cinematic mosaic.” Sun and Costantini, meld variacknowledged to ous stills of the be by his commucity, Bel Borba and his artwork nity. together with Brazilian music. The documentary is shot in The cinematography is beauti“day-in-the-life” style where the ful and does well to keep the audience follows Borba and is viewers as entertained as Borba able to witness his artistic techis with his own works. nique in action. Viewers are also Presenting an artist who given the opportunity to see proclaims “I don’t really underhow the gears in his mind begin stand the meaning of art,” “Bel to turn as his work takes shape and Borba hones in on his phil- Borba Aquí” gives audiences the ability to further make sense of osophical outlook on art and who Borba is as an artist and as what it means to be an artist. a human being. However, for a man who is arts@ so in love with his city and is widely acclaimed by his fellow




Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center thing every human being on earth can relate to. arts@

bircher: from 5 since the sixth grade. “My mom always says, ‘You’re a web master, a master of the web,’” Bircher said. “So that’s kind of fun.” Bircher developed and currently maintains websites for his engineering friend (and business partner), a physics professor, the Society of Women Engineers, the Engineering Advisory Board, the former Party Party (from the 2012 ASUN election), and the non-profit Power Village. Bircher uses it to his advanced knowledge of Photoshop and web coding for recreational use, as well. Bock has experienced Bircher’s online whimsies firsthand. Bock, a junior management/entrepreneurship and marketing major, is a member of the University Program Council (UPC). Earlier this year, Bircher created a mock UPC poster announcing Nickelback and Daughtry as the performing acts at the university this fall. “He sees himself as an internet troll,” Bock said. Bircher explained himself. “I hopped on Photoshop, shared it with 20 people and waited to see if it would propagate … it’s a really bad character trait, but it’s fun,” he said. It did. Bock said people began inquiring the veracity of the poster. It’s something, Bock said, his friend enjoyed. “I don’t actually get mad about it,” Bock said. “I think it’s kind of

beat the crap out of that one.” funny whenever he does it. I know He’s also learned how to prioriall of my friends think it’s funny too. It’s all in good fun. Sometimes tize the experiences which stimulate his mind and enhance his intellectuit’s relentless.” al and personal lives. When Bircher is not designing Scholarships took Bircher products, constructing robotic arms abroad to Turkey for two summers. or trolling the Internet, he someHe lived with a host family and times sits in his Coleman folding studied the language every day for chair directly in front of his 20-galfive hours. He ate vegetables for lon Amazonian fish tank. breakfast and used what he referred Bircher only has Cichlids now, but he tried to make the tank as to as “actual” public transportation. Besides learning the Turkish lanclose to a biotope of the Amazon guage and lifestyle, he discovered River as possible. Bock said Bircher pieces of himself. purchased $50 of imported drift“I really learned how important wood and stole rocks from neighborhoods in Omaha to complete the it is to never instantly judge something that’s differtank. ent,” Bircher said. In the future, You just “It’s really easy to Bircher hopes to gotta put it be close-minded. So own a 1,200-galbeing in Turkey both lon aquarium. He in your mouth... those times, you get wants to create a biotope down to the who knows what’s in the mindset there symbiotic relation- going to happen?” are going to be new things. You tell yourships of the fish. self, it’s not good, it’s As for how he Walter Bircher not bad, it’s just difdeals with such a junior engineering student ferent. If you don’t busy academic, prothink about that fessional and social kind of stuff, then I think you’re schedule, Bircher uses a unique prone to missing out on a lot of cool metaphor. things.” “The way I think about it is like, The open-mindedness Bircher there’s a bunch of zombies everygained from this experience is rewhere, and I’m in the middle,” he flected in his life at home in the said. “One’s getting closer, and by United States. On campus, he’s that I mean a deadline is approaching. You just got to beat the crap out known to reach out to international of that zombie and don’t take any students through Lincoln Internatime to get to the next zombie to tional Networking Community,

Housing Roommates 2 females looking for a roommate to move in second semester. Should be studious, yet laid back, and enjoys having fun. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment at Eagle’s Landing. $267 a month + LES and Time Warner. Lease ends in August. Please contact Katie at Are you looking to live on campus next semester? Currently seeking one female, who is a sophomore status and who is at least 19 years old, (must have turned 19 before the start of the fall semester), to take over a housing contract for The Village for the Spring 2013 semester! 4 bed/2 bath apartment style dorm. Two free meals a week plus all of the convenience of living on campus. Can meet roommates prior to moving in. Contact Rebecca at 402-990-1176 for more information! Looking for 2 roommates. 500/month each. Clean, quiet modern townhouse in a great location, just off of 15th and Superior Street. All utilities included, free satellite TV, free internet, no smoking or pets, laundry facilities available. Available October 1st. For more information please e-mail Looking for one roommate to live with one male and two female students for the second semester. Can move in January, or in December after graduation. $275/month plus utilities. Near East Campus! Contact Elizabeth at Roommate ads are FREE in print and online. E-mail yours to and include your name, address and phone number.

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correction misidentified “Beauty and the Beast” star Robby Benson as Robbie Benson. The Daily Nebraskan regrets the errors.

An article on Nov. 15 profiling voice actor Stan Brown incorrectly identified Jordan Deffenbaugh as the artistic director at The Haymarket Theatre. Deffenbaugh is the associate and technical director of the venue. The article also

If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

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Conversation Partners and by simply forming easy friendships. “That’s the unique thing about him,” Bock said. “He’s liked by everyone. Nobody really can come up with a reason not to like him. He’s just friendly, funny and overall a good guy.” Bircher is a man with many faces. He maintains these various aspects of his life because he enjoys them, because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be doing them. “He has such a determination and specific life goal,” Bock said. “He’s so smart. I know that he’s going to do whatever he wants to in his life, and probably do some pretty incredible things in robotics. He knows exactly what he wants to do.” That clear vision has led Bircher to mock UPC, to shoulder more professional and academic work than might seem possible and to invest much of his college experience in far-off corners of the world, seeing through his adventure. “You just gotta put it in your mouth,” said Bircher, referring to foods he tried on a summer trip to China, but seemingly laying out a mantra, as well. “Who knows what’s going to happen?” And, as if conquering the world isn’t enough, “I can wiggle my ears,” Bircher said. And then he does with a grin. arts@



1 6 11 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 33 34 35 38

Across Cornered “Quiet!” Program abbr. Prop up Canned pumpkin, e.g. Spot for a band Winner of a pea-preparing contest? Maker of the Soul and Optima Figure skating jump Shoemaker’s tool Portents Hypotheticals Names on fake IDs, perhaps Lotharios’ lines in a singles bar? Waxed enthusiastic, say “Neato!” “___, Brute?” Cause of some weaving, for short

39 Early TV star with a biography titled “Schnozzola” 42 Western alliance, for short 43 Build up a nest egg 45 Desertlike 46 Store featured in “Miracle on 34th Street” 48 One preparing corn for long hours? 51 Prince who married Kate Middleton 53 F1 neighbor on a PC 54 Bird with prized plumes 55 Measure of electrical resistance 57 Campus near Beverly Hills, briefly 61 U.N. agency for workers 62 Phony wedding?















66 Gehrig on the diamond 67 Take the lid off 68 Commandeer 69 The “L” in 57-Across 70 Past its sell-by date 71 Tree with a namesake ski destination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18


W 23 A S 25 H 26 27 R A 28 S 29 P



30 31 32 36

Down Group whose music is heard in “Mamma Mia!” Fearsome dino First, second, third or home Mimic “You’re right!” Gush Ship’s framework Virtual address Meet with Valiant Assesses one’s options carefully Pickling solution Accumulate Barn door fastener Fabricate Elmer with a big gun Makes up (for) Light, rhythmic cadence Seed containers Early stop in a presidential race Gallant Edvard Munch depiction White with age “Rent” actor Diggs

Edited by Will Shortz 1






14 18


21 24 29





39 44 48











19 22














No. 0508







42 47





55 63














Puzzle by Lynn Lempel

37 Old NATO target 40 Fed. agency entrusted with food safety 41 Outback sprinters 44 Magazine whose name sounds like a letter of the alphabet 47 Charges in court 49 It turns red in acid

50 Spheric opener? 51 Kurt who wrote the music for “The Threepenny Opera” 52 Domed home 55 Like the Sabin polio vaccine 56 Extravagant publicity

58 Part of a poker player’s pile 59 Take it easy 60 Last part of Handel’s “Messiah” 63 One often on the march 64 “His Master’s Voice” company 65 Cryptologists’ org.

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friday, november 16, 2012

women’s gymnastics

Huskers look to build on last season’s successes Nebraska gymnasts open season with intrasquad meet as newcomers seek to make early mark Angela Hensel DN The Nebraska women’s gymnastics team might have some pretty high expectations coming off last season. Last year, the Huskers made their mark as Big Ten champions during their first year in the conference with a roster that featured four All-Americans. Sophomore Jessie DeZiel was named Big Ten freshman of the year and junior Emily Wong was the Big Ten allaround champion. With only two graduating seniors on last year’s roster, Nebraska will look to continue some of that success into this season. But for the Huskers to return to that success, they have to go back to the basics. “We came in a little behind, I thought, but this team has worked really hard,” NU coach Dan Kendig said. “I think this team has the potential to be better than last year’s team, but we’ve got to stay on task, stay healthy and keep working hard.” The Huskers will have the

beam on Friday. She said the meet chance to see where they’re at on Friday with their first competi- will allow her to see the progress she has made so far in getting back tion of the year – an intrasquad to full health. meet. Although the meet will only “I basically just want to hit both involve the Huskers competing against themselves, Kendig said events and do the best that I can – just stay positive and have fun with having the meet will allow them to it,” Blanske said. compete in a meet-like setting and Even with the Huskers beginget scores from the judges to see ning the season with their first where they are. “Bottom line is hitting the rou- competition Friday, it will still be a while until Nebraska tines, staying on the gets into full competiequipment and getting tion mode. Nebraska a base,” Kendig said. “It won’t have another gives them a base score, meet until Jan. 12 and then of course we against Michigan, alcan work from there.” though Kendig said the This year’s roster Huskers will probably features four incoming set up another intrafreshmen, and with this squad meet before then being their first chance to allow his team some to compete, it will be more practice. especially important to But with that long see how they stack up blanske time in between compeat the collegiate level. titions, the Huskers will One of those freshhave plenty of time to men looking to make a statement will be Hollie Blanske. work out the kinks they need to in After Blanske hurt her right knee order to return to being one of the last spring and was forced to have top teams in the nation. “I’d say the big things are surgery, she has spent much of her starting to come around and then time since then rehabbing. “I’m really excited because it’s we can start to fine-tune the little been a while since I’ve competed, things,” Kendig said. “Nobody’s since I got hurt at the end of last going to be happy with their score on Friday, and if they are, then season,” Blanske said. Blanske said she isn’t back to we’ve got problems.” sports@ competing in all four events yet, but will be competing in bars and

Fri, Feb 22

OPPONENT Intrasquad Michigan* Michigan State* Ohio State* Illinois* Penn State* Arizona

LOCATION Mabel Lee Hall at Ann Arbor, Mich. Devaney Center at Columbus, Ohio Devaney Center Devaney Center at Tucson, Ariz.

Masters Classic Boise State, Iowa State Devaney Center

Mon, Mar 04 Sat, Mar 09 Sat, Mar 16 Sat, Mar 23

Iowa* Devaney Center Minnesota, Arkansas, Centenary at Minneapolis, Minn. California at Berkeley, Calif. Big Ten Championships* at East Lansing, Mich. NCAA Championships Sat, Apr 06 NCAA Regionals at TBA Fri, Apr 19 Semifinals at Los Angeles., Calif. Sat, Apr 20 Super Six Team Finals at Los Angeles., Calif. Sun, Apr 21 Individual Event Finals at Los Angeles., Calif. *Conference Games

Rifle team sets sights on higher scores in Colorado Sara Hinds DN The sixth-ranked Nebraska rifle team is hoping to post a big score this weekend to improve the Huskers’ three NCAA qualifying scores they already possess. The first of two matchups this season against No. 7 Air Force is Saturday in Colorado Springs, Colo. NU has shot just above and just below the 4640 team total mark all season; their lowest score a 4635 and their highest a 4643. Saturday is the day to change that. “If I had it, kinda my way to end the season I really like to try to get one more big number,” NU coach Stacy Underwood said. “A ‘50’ or a ‘60,’ 4650, 4660. Since we have three qualifying scores right now at the 40 mark, you know we had a really good baseline, and so now’s the time to let loose and to see what kind of number we can post.” With the consistent scores the Huskers have been posting, they haven’t peaked yet. It’s not a guarantee for Saturday to be the day for peaking. “You can tell it’s the end of the season,” Underwood said.

WOMEN’S GYMNASTICS 2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Fri, Nov 16 Sat, Jan 12 Sat, Jan 19 Fri, Jan 25 Fri, Feb 01 Sun, Feb 10 Sat, Feb 16

file photo by Bethany Schmidt | dn

Nebraska senior Katelyn Woltersdorf said the Huskers are going to try to keep pushing themselves in hopes of hitting higher marks.

TIME 6:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA

“It’s a little bit harder to get up in the morning and to get to practice especially with being a little colder, but they have to remember this is just … the last little stretch before fall semester ’s over.” Throw in an Air Force team that is coming off a Nov. 3 win against Army, Coast Guard and Navy with a 4639 team score. Underwood doesn’t let the latest opponent or circumstance fog up her team’s initial plans for progressing from the beginning of the season. She said the Huskers will be fine if they shoot like they have been in practice. “I think we’re exactly where we need to be if we just stay within ourselves and stay within those principles that we’ve really been working on,” Underwood said. “I think some good things are gonna happen.” In order to put together the high score Underwood and the team have in mind, the individual scores have to be consistent, too. This match, Underwood is bringing the whole team to shoot rather than just the travel team, which consists of five shooters. She hopes to give some of the women a chance to shoot for team points. A match consists of

a smallbore and air rifle portion, with five players from each team shooting for scores that contribute to the team score. The Huskers usually have the same five women shooting for smallbore and air rifle. On Saturday, one new shooter will compete in the event for NU. Junior ReAnn Wilson will shoot air rifle and senior Katelyn Woltersdorf will shoot smallbore. “I wanna reward ReAnn for her training and also to get Kate an opportunity to work on what she’s been trying to do in (smallbore),” Underwood said. Underwood hopes the switches will help the Huskers get one more team score worthy of replacing one of their current three NCAA qualifying scores. Woltersdorf knows that’s the goal for this weekend. “We’re really just trying to pump it up just even further and get out of our comfort zone for this weekend,” Woltersdorf said. “Be more comfortable with higher scores and so we’re just trying to push ourselves that little extra. Hopefully this weekend produces good scores.” sports@


Husker swimmers, divers split for weekend competitions Nebraska swimmers to compete in Kansas, while divers head to Houston for meets Matt Nathan DN This weekend, the Nebraska swimming and diving team is splitting up. The divers will compete at the Phill Hansel invitational in Houston, while the swimmers will head to Topeka, Kan., for the Kansas Classic. The competition Nebraska will be facing includes Kansas and No. 18 Notre Dame.

then in February for Big Ten,” she Nebraska sophomore swimmer Alexandra Bilunas realizes said. This meeting, in what her goals should Bilunas’ eyes, is very be going into this important. weekend. “It’s pretty impor“My goals are to tant (the meet) because train as hard as I can, so far we are undehelp push the other feated going into the girls so they can train invite,” she said. “And hard, so that for the it would be pretty awenext competition, we some if we came out can all go.” winning it all.” Sophomore teamJenkins has a difmate Ciara Jenkins has JENKINS ferent opinion of this goals similar to Bilumeeting. She feels that nas. it’s important because “My goals this weekend are just to train hard and of their coming events: Iowa in two weeks and eventually the Big to keep my positivity so that I can do well in two weeks in Iowa and Ten Championships in February.

“I wouldn’t say it’s the most competition will be stiff. “There’s some pretty fast important meet,” Jenkins said, teams that are going “but it’s pretty imto be there this weekportant because it’s end. Notre Dame is getting us ready and really fast,” she said. prepared for our mid“They’re all going to season taper in Iowa be tapered, and we’re in two weeks. It’s like not going to be tapered a practice for what we so I don’t know how will experience in two we’re going to level weeks and then evenout that way, but I tually in Big Tens.” know the girls are goThe competition ing to swim well and will help the Huskers BILUNAS keep our reputation improve. high.” “No matter how Bilunas doesn’t good we’re ranked, going into the Big Ten is going to do think anyone in particular on the team has to rise to the occasion great things,” Bilunas said. Jenkins said the weekend’s this weekend. She just wants ev-

Minnesota preview: from 10 When the ball is kicked, the Golden Gophers aren’t likely to care much for sentiment. Minnesota will have a chance to damage Nebraska’s conference title hopes with a win. The Huskers (8-2, 6-1) will need to come ready to play. “They’re a pretty good football team over there,” defensive coordinator John Papuchis said. “They’ve won six games now, and they are a much better football team than the one we played a year ago.” Early in the week, Nebraska practiced in half-pads, hoping to recover from a physical stretch in which the Huskers faced three of the top four defenses in the Big Ten. Wins against Michigan State, Michigan and Penn State in the past three weeks have left the team battered and bruised. “It’s been a physical six or seven weeks,” Papuchis said. “When you look at Penn State, Michigan State, Michigan and Northwestern, each week has been a physical game. In my opinion, Penn State was one of the most physical teams we’ve played since I’ve been here, and we have to be smart with our guys and make sure we still have something left in the tank for this last stretch.” They key is to not let off the gas too much, as the team tries to protect a lead in the Legends Division. Minnesota boasts the No. 30 defense in the country, while the offensive side of the ball is run by freshman quarterback Philip Nelson, who has averaged nearly 200 total yards per game in his four starts this season. “He’s tough, and he’s athletic,” Papuchis said. “He runs the offense pretty well for a freshman, and he brings an athletic dimension to what they do. He’s one of those guys that just finds a way to win games.” Papuchis and Pelini both said they were proud of the progress the defense has made as the season has gone on. Pelini called the team

eryone to do well. “I would say no one (has to step up),” she said. “Everyone on our team just has to do their job.” Jenkins on the other hand, pointed out that one group should step up. It is among one of her own, the breaststrokers. She points out that a lot of her breaststroke teammates have made a lot of improvements during the course of this year. “Kristin Strecker really has been improving a lot this season,” she said. “Ellan Dufour has been doing awesome. Hayley Martin and Katie Davis also have been doing awesome.” sports@

Valpo: from 10

matt masin | dn

File photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Senior linebacker Will Compton tries to break up a pass in Nebraska’s 32-23 win over Penn State on Nov. 10. Compton will make his final home start against Minnesota on Saturday. one of the closest he has ever been around. For Papuchis, seeing his players take the field one last time at home is going to be tough. “It started to hit me as the season started winding down that some of these guys aren’t going to be with us anymore,” Papuchis said.

“P.J. Smith, Will Compton, Alonzo Whaley, Courtney Osborne, Cameron Meredith, Baker Steinkuhler, Eric Martin and all of the seniors are a big part of what we do. It goes beyond football with the relationships that you build. I’m happy that they’re finishing their year with some success, but a part of me is also

sad that this is our last home game with those guys. “I’m sure Saturday will be a pretty emotional day.” Nebraska and Minnesota kick off at 2:30 p.m. with TV coverage available on the Big Ten Network. sports@

Nebraska forward Brandon Ubel attempts a shot over a Valparaiso defender in the Huskers 50-48 win Thursday night. ing to have to do. It was big for us tonight.” The Nebraska defense stepped up once again in the second half, holding Valparaiso to 13.3 percent shooting (2-for-15) from the threepoint line. The Huskers held Broekhoff to eight points, including an 0-for-5 performance from the beyond the arc. The clutch outside guarding

was what made a difference in the game’s outcome, according to Miles. “It was a good win,” Miles said. “The kids took away threes and ran just enough offense to be OK.” Nebraska’s next game in the Joe Cipriano Nebraska Classic will be Sunday at 2 p.m. against NebraskaOmaha. sports@

friday, november 16 2012


scouting report Minnesota Golden Gophers

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Senior wrestler Ridge Kiley (right) will be filling in the the injured Jake Sueflohn at 149 pounds in this weekends dual meets.

Wrestlers host No. 1 Minnesota Nebraska, still facing injuries, prepares for dual with nation’s top-ranked team Zach Tegler DN If the No. 9 Nebraska wrestling team thought it had a challenging weekend last week, it might want to think again. Last weekend, the Huskers got through duals on the road against No. 19 Wyoming and Northern Colorado with an injury-depleted lineup, and they drove home through snow and arrived back home in Lincoln at 1 a.m. Monday. “Tough week. Good though,” NU coach Mark Manning said. “I told our guys when not everything’s perfect, you’re going to grow and develop. That’s how you build mental toughness.” This weekend, 2-0 Nebraska will not face an eight-hour long bus trip, but the Huskers do face Minnesota Friday night at the NU Coliseum. The Golden Gophers enter the dual as the No. 1 team in the nation – something NU senior Ridge Kiley did not know.

“I really don’t pay attention eling fans,” Kiley said. “I’m sure it will be an exciting environto the rankings,” Kiley said. ment, but all of us just need to Last season, Minnesota destay calm and compete just like it feated Nebraska 26-7 in Minneapolis. This season, Manning would be anything else.” However high the excitement wanted to spread out his team’s in-conference competition be- level climbs Friday night, the yond the months of January and Huskers will come back Sunday for home meets February, and he against North Carand Minnesota I think our olina and South coach J Robinson Dakota State. Kiagreed to hold team will ley said he and their dual early in respond well his teammates will the campaign. not be fazed by the “It’ll be good because then we turnaround. to have them,” “We’re defiManning said. have a couple nitely used to it,” “A lot of highly weeks off. They he said. “A day ranked wrestlers in between. We’ll on both sides. know it will be get to concentrate Going to be some kind of a shorton some certain great matchups, and that’s what lived grind here on things, work on certain situations the sport’s really and just prepare about. It’s about the weekend.” for Sunday.” who has the will mark manning Manning said to win. It’s going nu wrestling coach his squad will to be some hard have no trouble fought matches.” readying for Sunday’s action afKiley thinks Friday’s dual ter the Minnesota dual. will carry more emotion not only “Those dual meets on Sunday because of the opponent but also count on their record just like the because of the environment in meet on Friday, so you’ve got NU’s first home meet. to be ready,” Manning said. “I “I guess it’ll be up a little bit since it’s a home dual. I’m sure think our team will respond well because then we have a couple there’ll be a big crowd because Minnesota has some good trav- weeks off. They know it will be

kind of a short-lived grind here on the weekend.” The grind begins with topranked Minnesota, which boasts nine nationally ranked wrestlers against Nebraska’s four ranked wrestlers, one of whom – Jake Sueflohn – will be out with an injury. Kiley will fill in for him at 149 pounds. Two matches in the Nebraska/Minnesota matchup will feature two top-10 wrestlers. NU’s Robert Kokesh, No. 7, wrestles UM’s No. 5 Logan Storley at 174 pounds. At 184 pounds, No. 6 Josh Ihnen of Nebraska faces No. 4 Kevin Steinhaus of Minnesota. Manning said he thinks the Huskers will come back well after two weeks marred by injuries. “We just want to have all our guys firing on all cylinders,” Manning said. “We’re a little more healthy. We’ll have a little bit more complete lineup.” And to Kiley, who does not invest much in the national rankings, Minnesota’s top ranking will motivate him and his teammates. “I guess the competitive nature makes you want to prove to everyone that we’re No. 1,” Kiley said. “We’ve got to show up and compete and bring it.” sports@

Minneapolis, Minnesota stadium: TCF Bank Stadium (50,805 capacity) what makes it unique: The stadium, built in 2009, is the newest in the Big Ten by 49 years, bettering second-place Indiana/Penn State, who built their stadiums in 1960. rivals: Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan all-time record: 653-48244 claimed national titles: 7 (most recently in 1960) conference titles: 18 heisman trophy winners: 1 notable current players: WR MarQueis Gray, QB Philip Nelson, CB Michael Carter notable former players: RB Bruce Smith, FB Bronko Nagurski, WR Eric Decker, DE Carl Eller, DT Leo Nomellini, TE Charlie Sanders, WR/DE/Coach Bud Grant, Coach Tony Dungy connection to nebraska: Minnesota is Nebraska’s most common Big Ten opponent, with the pair having played 52 times. Minnesota leads the all-time series 29-21-2, though the Huskers are winners of 15 straight in the series. ››



Jerry Kill (second

overall head coaching record:

136-83 (9-13 at Minnesota) playing career: Linebacker – Southwestern (Kansas) (1979-82) head coaching career: Webb City High School (Missouri) (1988-1990), Saginaw Valley State (1994-98), Emporia State (1999-2000), Southern Illinois (2001-2007), Northern Illinois (2008-2010) notable assistant coaching stops:

Pittsburg State (DC 1985-87, OC 1991-93)


University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

NU women end home stand Huskers close stretch with Northern Arizona before playing South Dakota State on road Chris Heady DN Friday will mark the end of the Nebraska women’s basketball team’s three-game home stand to kick off the season, as the Huskers face Northern Arizona at 7 p.m. at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Nebraska (2-0) has started off hot, already moving up to No. 15 in Associated Press poll. Its average margin of victory is a convincing 21.5 points per game through the first two competitions, and the Huskers are hoping to keep their hot streak up but stay humble at the same time. “We still have a lot of work to do, on both sides of the ball,” All-American Jordan Hooper said in the postgame press conference after a 25-point victory over Temple on Sunday. Hooper hasn’t had quite the season she has a year ago, only averaging 9.5 points per game (she averaged 18.9 points and 9.3 rebounds per game last season as a sophomore), but she has received plenty of help around her, especially from All-American candidate Lindsey Moore, whose 12.5 points and three assists per game have balanced out scoring. Sophomore Brandi Jeffery, who started her first game this season in the first meeting against North Carolina A&T, has contributed 10 points and 3.5 assists per game, keeping her point guard position solid when Moore is unable to take the ball up the court. But what’s keeping teams out of reach of Nebraska is its suffocating defense. Its high-energy press has forced 42 turnovers so far this season and allowed an average of only 44.5 points per game. Nebraska coach Connie Yori attributed the convincing win against Temple, a team that won 23 games last year, to the effort and defensive pressure. “Our effort through the first two games has been very good,” Yori said. “I think our defensive pressure really bothers (teams).” Yori has already had an historic season, becoming the winningest coach in Nebraska women’s basketball history with the win against Temple. Yori has 192 wins in 11 seasons and was the 2010 national coach of the year. She needs just eight more wins to reach 200.


1851 University students: 51,853 motto: A common bond for all the arts specializations: US News & World Report ranked the chemical engineering program third nationally, public

also placing the doctor of pharmacy program third. The publication also ranked Economics PhD, Psychology, Audiology and medical school primary care in the top 10 nationally. what makes it unique: Minnesota has the fourthlargest main-campus student body in the United States and the second-largest student body in the Midwest. ››

Key Matchups

Minnesota DBs vs. Nebraska WRs Minnesota’s defense ranks No. 30 in points allowed to opposing players, but Nebraska’s offense ranks in the top 30 in points scored. Most of the Huskers’ offensive production comes from its rushing game, and the NU receivers will be hoping to make progress against Minnesota’s defensive backs, led by senior Michael Carter.


NU DBs vs. Minnesota WR MarQueis Gray Nebraska needs to find a defensive back to cover Gray. The big-bodied wide receiver, who transitioned from quarterback and plays with a tight end build, is the best weapon Minnesota has, and the Huskers are still trying to find someone to cover him. Defensive backs coach Terry Joseph only ruled out one player for the job: 155-pound cornerback Josh Mitchell.


Nebraska vs. The “Easy Win” Minnesota is 2-4 in the Big Ten, and many people are writing this game off as an easy win for the Huskers. Nebraska needs to focus on the task at hand and prepare for the Gophers, or the Huskers risk losing a chance at a Big Ten Championship.

volleyball: from 10

file photo by bethany schmidt | dn

Nebraska senior setter Lauren Cook (2) is one of several seniors playing well down the stretch for the Husker volleyball team. Cook said she’s proud of how NU has responded after losses.

file photo by Matt masin | dn

Nebraska junior Jordan Hooper’s numbers through two games aren’t eye-popping, but the Huskers are still finding ways to win.

Our effort through the first two games has been very good. I think our defensive pressure really bothers (teams).”

connie yori

nu women’s basketball coach

Moore has also made some noise this year in the record books: the game against Temple

was her 100th consecutive game as a starter. She has a 71-29 record as a point guard and started

every game since the beginning of the 2009-10 season. Northern Arizona is a struggling team, 0-2 this season with losses to New Mexico and CalState Bakersfield. The Huskers will also hit the road to face South Dakota State on Sunday at 2 p.m. in Brookings, S.D. sports@

The seniors’ outstanding play against its opponent Sunday is assisted the offense to a team .312 even better. hitting percentage. It was the first In 16 contests against Wisconsin (16-13, 4-12), the Huskers have time the Huskers had hit more than .300 since its defeated the Badgers .310 performance in 14 matches, while We won two against Illinois tying one. NU swept at home, Oct. 21. UW in its last meeting In order to be Oct. 12. which we needed in good position Though both of for the NCAA those matches were to do. Now we Tournament at the won at home, the end of the month, Huskers are excited got to find a way the Huskers must to get the chance to to win some this continue their ofdefeat the two teams fensive surge the as the away team this weekend.” rest of November, time around. John cook Cook said. “We won two at nu volleyball coach “We don’t home, which we needwant to let oured to do,” Cook said. selves go where “Now we got to find we went last year; that’s the ultimaa way to win some this weekend.” tum,” the coach said. “We’re playIn their last outing against Puring well and we ought to carry that due, seniors Lauren Cook, Hannah Werth and Gina Mancuso all momentum in the tournament.” Husker fans can catch Friday’s recorded double-doubles. Lauren 7 p.m. match against Minnesota on Cook tallied 53 assists and a careerBTN. high 25 digs, while Mancuso and sports@ Werth nailed 20 and 18 kills, and 12 and 13 digs.

friday november 16, 2012 @dnsports



Huskers head north to take on Minnesota, Wisconsin Nebraska tries to build momentum in later part of season to help team get ready for NCAA Tournament Nedu Izu DN

Senior tight end Ben Cotton gestures to the crowd after Nebraska’s 30-27 comeback win over Wisconsin on Sept. 30. Saturday’s game against Minnesota will be the final home game in Memorial Stadium for Cotton and his fellow seniors.



Saturday’s home finale at Memorial Stadium against Minnesota marks last chance for many fans to see seniors play

Barney Cotton has stood by his son, Ben, for five years at Nebraska. The pair arrived from Ames, Iowa, in 2008 when Bo Pelini took over as head coach. Saturday, the tight end Ben Cotton will play his final snap at Memorial Stadium. “I can’t believe it’s been five years,” said Barney Cotton, Nebraska’s offensive line coach. Thirty-four years ago, Cotton played his final snap for the Huskers. Saturday, he will watch his oldest son do the same thing. The coach said although Saturday is Senior Day, the last chance players will get to play in front of a home crowd, he doesn’t expect it to hit his son until after the bowl game.

Story by Chris Peters Photo by Morgan Spiehs

“I don’t think that will really affect either one of us until it’s really over,” Cotton said. “Even when I was a senior, I didn’t really think it was over until I got on the bus for the last time as we walked out of the locker room. “As competitive as he is, I would imagine that’s probably the way he’s going to look at it.” The week preceding Saturday’s matchup with Minnesota (6-4, 2-4 Big Ten) was filled with reminiscence and storytelling from seniors and their teammates. Some players said they were going to have to fight off tears, while others said they were going to treat it like just another game.

Minnesota preview: see page 8

It’s back on the road again for the Nebraska volleyball team. After winning both its matches at home last weekend, the No. 9 Huskers (20-5 overall, 12-4 Big Ten) will head north for a pair of Big Ten conference matches against Minnesota and Wisconsin. Unlike its last time out before hitting the road, the Nebraska will enter this road trip with momentum on its side. After its comeback 3-2 victory against No. 21 Purdue last Saturday, the Huskers have reason to look forward to their road matches this weekend, according to John Cook. “It’s going to reenergize our team a bit,” the NU coach said. “That’s what we’re talking about this time of year – trying to play well.” It wasn’t until the final set of its last match Nebraska really took off and showed its drive to play well. With the Boilermakers beginning the match capturing the first two of three sets, the Huskers found themselves one game away from losing their fifth conference match. However, the NU offense made sure not to let its losing ways continue. After tying the match at two each, the Huskers’ momentum was put on full display in the fifth set. Behind senior Lauren Cook’s seven assists, Nebraska captured the final set 3-2 to earn its 10th conference victory. The setter said it wasn’t just the team’s different approach toward the end of the match that assisted the team to a victorious weekend. “It was also just the fact we have lost the past two matches, and that was unacceptable for us,” Lauren Cook said. “I think that’s why we came out so strong.” Nebraska’s comeback win against its conference opponent was one the coach said he’d never forget. “It was one of the best volleyball matches I think I’ve coached here,” Cook said. “The level of play from both teams over five games was tremendous.” It’s that level of play the coach said he’s hoping to see continue this weekend. NU leads the all-time series against No. 14 Minnesota (207, 11-5) 29-4. In the teams’ last matchup Oct. 14, the Huskers defeated the Gophers 3-1 at the NU Coliseum. Nebraska’s all-time record

volleyball: see page 9

Huskers hold off late Valparaiso rally for 2nd win Senior forward Ubel leads Nebraska with 17 points as NU hangs on after giving up 11-point lead Nedu Izu DN A new winning streak has begun. The Nebraska men’s basketball team kicked the Joe Cipriano Nebraska Classic off with a bang, defeating Valparaiso 50-48 in a game that came down to the wire. After nearly giving up an 11-point lead in the last few minutes of the game, Nebraska coach Tim Miles said he was pleased with Thursday night’s outcome. “I thought we played all right,” he said. “We got a lot to get better at, but that was a good win.” But Miles’ second win as the Huskers’ head coach didn’t come easy. Nebraska (2-0) knew what type of opponent they were dealing with Thursday. In its first two games of the season, the Crusaders shot for 54 percent from the 3-point line, including 6-of11 shooting from last year’s Horizon League player of the year, Ryan Broekhoff.

It seemed that the forward and his team would present an early season challenge to Nebraska. However, the Huskers’ performance all night showed the complete opposite. In the first half, the Huskers contained the Crusader offense to just two successful 3-point shots in 13 attempts. The defensive pressure held Valparaiso to 16.7 percent shooting from behind the arc, a major decrease from the Huskers’ 37.5 percent letup against Southern in their first game last Sunday. The Huskers were led by Ray Gallegos and Brandon Ubel who scored eight and seven points respectively for their team in the first half. The NU offense mixed with its defensive pressure led to a 28-22 halftime lead. The emotion the players showed in the locker room was something new, according to Miles. “There was a spark in the team I had never seen before,” the coach said. The Huskers continued the spark in the second half, beginning it with a 7-4 run to stretch their lead to 35-26. Another 3-pointer by Gallegos followed by a layup from point guard Benny Parker would go on to increase the lead to 40-26. But it would be the largest the team would hold all night. After a third personal foul on Ubel, Valparaiso’s Matt Kenney

matt masin | dn

Nebraska coach Tim Miles (right) high-fives assistant coach Craig Smith after the Huskers’ 50-48 victory over Valparaiso Thursday night at the Devaney Sports Center. Miles is 2-0 as NU’s coach. would make a 3-pointer to cut the Husker lead to 40-31. A jump shot by teammate Ben Boggs cut the Husker

lead to seven. Though the Huskers would pull away to a 48-37 lead with eight to

play, the 6,324 fans in attendance wouldn’t see Nebraska make another field goal.

“They switched into a zone, and that kind of got us out of whack for a second,” Ubel said. “We started settling for jump shots.” After extending their lead to 11, the Huskers would be silenced by the Crusader defense the last seven minutes of play from the field. Nebraska was forced to pick it up on defense, according to Ubel, and they did. “The biggest thing for us was on the defensive end,” the senior forward said. “We let them get a few baskets there that we shouldn’t have, but in the end we got enough stops to win the game.” Although Valparaiso (2-1) cut the Huskers’ lead to 48-46 off a couple field goals and six foul shots from forward Kevin Van Wijk, its offense wasn’t enough to break NU’s defense. With a minute left of play, Broekhoff was forced to foul Ubel for a oneand-one opportunity. The senior made both free throw shots and helped the Huskers escape with their second victory, 50-48. Despite having a lead almost vanish, Ubel said he was proud with how the Huskers were able to stop the Crusaders down the stretch. “That’s a very good Valparaiso shooting team,” he said. “We did it on the defense, which is what we’re go-

valpo see page 8

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