Nov. 29

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Blocking big for receivers

Quite the feeling

Huskers compete for “Perimeter Warrior Award”

Theatrix’s ‘Melancholy’ explores emotion

THURSDAY, november 29, 2012 volume 112, issue 067

‘Finding the right steps’ Visually impaired sophomore finds independence at UNL story by C.L. Sill | photo illustration by Matt Masin


eremy Fifield knows the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus backward and forward, and he’s never even seen it. Blind since the day he was born, Fifield is now a sophomore broadcasting major at UNL. He said maneuvering campus was overwhelming at first but quickly became old hat. “At first, I fumbled my way around, just like everyone else,” Fifield said. “But over time I’ve kind of gotten accustomed to it. It’s really become almost as easy as breathing.” Yet, breathing didn’t always come easily to Fifield. Born three months premature in 1991 alongside his twin brother Eric, Fifield’s lungs were not fully developed. This led the blood vessels in his eyes to grow at an unusual rate that in turn severed his retinas. “The chances (the twins) were going to make it were very slim,” said Jeff Fifield, Jeremy’s father. His brother Eric died shortly after their birth, but Fifield pulled through and was raised in Alliance. After attending Alliance High School and spending a year at Western Nebraska Community College, Fifield enrolled in classes at UNL in the fall of 2011. He said UNL was his first real shot at independence, something he had always wanted. “It was really exciting for me,” Fifield said. “I know now that I’m in a place where I can go where I want, when I want to go there.” The university has been a big help in this freedom, according to Fifield. He said as “long as you talk to people and tell them what you need,” faculty will assist in any way they can. “The Services for Students with Disabilities has been great to work with,” Fifield said. “And from what I’ve seen, most professors will bend over backward to help.” Still, now that Fifield has been on campus for a year, a few things in need of change have caught his attention. Fifield said he has noticed many of the offices on the top floors of Oldfather Hall don’t have braille markings. There are also several touch screen vending machines in the Nebraska Union that blind students cannot operate, according to Fifield. Services for Students with Disabilities could not be reached for comment on these issues. Other than these few problems, Fifield said the process of becoming independent has been very simple, and he noted the problems he faces on a day-to-day basis are no different than what any student might come up against.

fifield: see page 2

NU ranks low on lobbying spending dan holtmeyer dn Every University of Nebraska student contributed about $2 of their fees and tuition toward meals, meetings and research –­ and some free Husker football tickets – for state and federal government officials last academic year, according to public records. With about 50,000 students system-wide at the time added to the university’s other sources of funding, NU spent less than $300,000 on lobbying during that year – just more than one-thirtieth of a cent of every dollar spent. Nebraska’s U.S. senators and representatives were on the receiving end of $150,000, and another $117,000 went to the state government. Figures for this year’s total won’t be available until January, but the amount reported by the university system so far looks to hold steady, much as it has for the past five years. With such a tiny slice of the pie going to lobbying, NU ranks near the bottom of the Big Ten Conference’s members in terms of what’s spent advocating for the university to those in power. But every dollar has been put to good use, NU’s two registered lobbyists say. The last few years have brought an infamously uncooperative U.S. Congress and a state budget either frozen or on the chopping block, making every meeting and email more crucial – and there’s a new Congress on the way.

LOBBYING SPENDING During the past several years, Nebraska University has spent roughly $300,000 each year on lobbying – meeting, researching and even providing meals for state and federal officials to explain how the university and its members would be affected by a proposal or bill. Most of this is directed at Nebraska’s members of Congress.




$300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0


or committee hearings in the afternoon. Early each year, he said, NU President J.B. Milliken hosts a legislative dinner, inviting all state officials. As a result, entertainment spending usually spikes to about $2,000 in the first quarter of each year, according to public filings by State side NU. At the state level, the lobbying The point of these meals or othmoney manifests itself in meetings er meetings is to explain with legislators, the a certain bill’s impact on governor or other ofthe university and “let the ficials, said Ron Wisenator know what our them, NU’s director thinking is about the isof governmental relasue,” Withem said. tions and its state lobDuring the past two byist. years, those issues includOften, that means ed state appropriations taking legislators out – two-thirds of NU’s budto lunch, usually near get – or approval of medithe Capitol. Records cal facilities at several NU available online from campuses. The university the Nebraska Actakes a stance only on bills countability and Diswithem that help or harm it, Withclosure Commission em said. refer to such expenses NU can also give state officials as “entertainment.” small gifts worth less than $50 – un“Lunchtime is the most conveless they’re tickets to state-sponnient time,” Withem said, pointing sored events like Husker football. to state senators’ obligations on “The standard policy has been the legislative floor in the morning




2011 bea huff | dn

rest can come from any part of NU’s … that the chancellor’s office at budget, said Frank Daley, executive UNL makes available to (each senadirector of the accountability comtor) two season football tickets,” Withem said. “They can pay for them mission. NU is a public institution, but or take them (for free).” even an arm of A handful of senathe state governtors, it seems, take the “That’s a big ment needs to second option. Gift with spending spikes every investment. communicate that government, year in the fall, swervWithem said, paring up from near noth- We need to ing to about $10,000, communicate with ticularly when the state pays the instior about the equivatution almost $500 lent of two-dozen sea- the Legislature.” million a year. son tickets. Ron Withem “That’s a big These gifts don’t nu lobbyist investment,” he advance any one bill said. “We need to or issue, Withem accommunicate with knowledged, but they the Legislature.” can help forge working relationNU often appears to get what ships with senators. But most of the state-directed it wants. The last state appropriation stayed the same as the budget money – usually about $80,000 each year – goes to paying Withem and before it even with a state financial the Lincoln-based lobbying firm hole the size of the university’s enRadcliffe & Associates, which also tire $800 million budget. Innovation Campus, a partnership between pricounts Lincoln Public Schools, Boys Town and other prominent Nebras- vate and public research still in its infancy, is moving along on schedka organizations among its clients. The firm’s fees are paid with money from the NU Foundation, lobbying: see page 3 an average of $12,000 each year. The

@dailyneb |

Death penalty debated at forum Mara Klecker DN Nebraska Solicitor General J. Kirk Brown and University of Colorado Boulder Professor of Sociology Michael Radelet debated Wednesday night over the controversial legal, ethical and economic consequences of capital punishment. The two presented their opposing arguments to a full audience at the Lied Center of Performing Arts in a debate entitled “The Death Penalty: Justice, Retribution and Dollars” as part of the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues “Religion, Rights and Politics” Series. In his five allowed minutes of introduction, Brown asserted himself as a proponent of the death penalty and immediately addressed the issue of religion. “I was raised on the King James Christian Bible and the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill,’” he said. Brown went on to explain that newer translations of the Bible

have redefined the order to read, “thou shalt not murder.” “Murder is defined as an unlawful killing. There can be no clearer example of a lawful killing than an execution ordered by a court of law,” said Brown forcefully. Radelet responded with references to statistical evidence as well as sympathetic appeals and examples that addressed both the monetary and the emotional costs of the death penalty. The higher cost of an execution over life imprisonment was a point repeated by Radelet, though it was moderator and UNL College of Law Dean Susan Poser that provided concrete numbers that in California, $90,000 more is spent annually on a death row inmate than a maximum security prison inmate. No comparable figures were available for the state of Nebraska, a point that Radelet criticized. “The state of Nebraska refuses to do a study on how much

e.n. thompson: see page 3

Regents to vote on UNMC addition $370 million cancer center would bring new research, added patient services Staff Report dn The University of Nebraska Board of Regents will consider the program statement and budget for the construction of a $370 million cancer research center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center during its Nov. 29 board meeting. The center would include research facilities, an outpatient treatment center and clinic and a new

hospital tower with more than 100 beds dedicated to oncology patients. “This is a transformational project for all Nebraskans,” said UNMC Chancellor Harold Maurer in a press release. “These facilities will elevate our cancer services, enhance our educational programs and provide a central location and synergy that not only will benefit our clinicians and researchers but, most importantly, patients.” The cancer center is expected to create about 1,200 new jobs by 2020 and funnel $100 million annually into Nebraska’s economy, according to the press release.

regents: see page 2


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Outdoor Adventures center bid accepted Emily Nitcher DN After a delay that lasted several months, construction on the Campus Recreation Outdoor Adventures Center is set to begin in January. Christopher Dulak, assistant director of marketing and development for Campus Recreation, said a bid from Boyd Jones Construction was accepted Nov. 15. Dulak said if Boyd Jones Construction is able to stick to the 300-day building schedule, pending weather delays, the Outdoor Adventure Center could open January 2014.

Campus Recreation and the construction firm are trying to work out a schedule together so they can start building on Jan. 3, according to Dulak. Dulak said Campus Recreation is excited construction on the building will begin soon and is ready for the big pile of dirt to morph into a facility for students to learn and enjoy. The Outdoor Adventures Center was scheduled to open in the fall of 2013, but it was delayed when the bid from contractors was $1.7 million over budget. With the rebid, Dulak said, things like the finishes used on the floor and

windows were changed. “As price goes up we have to start cutting some of that,” Dulak said. “We’re still going to have the same amenities.” Dulak said students would not notice an overall difference. The Outdoor Adventures Center will include a campus bike shop, a climbing wall and bouldering center. It will also offer outdoor gear rentals, adventure trips, a challenge course and classes and activities. The Campus Recreation Outdoor Adventure Center is part of the “YES 2 Better Rec Centers” referendum approved by students in October 2010.

Kristin Schumacher, a senior sociology major, said she’s disappointed she will never get to see the center come to life. “I’m a fifth-year senior so I won’t be able to use it,” Schumacher said. “I think it’ll be a good addition to campus.” Haley Bergstrom, a human sciences graduate student, said she was annoyed the center displaced parking. “It’s frustrating,” Bergstrom said. “They had parking torn up for six months and I lost my parking spot.” News@

Joan of Arc celebrated with art, poetry DANIEL WHEATON DN Wednesday evening, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Medieval & Renaissance Studies program hosted a Joan of Arc festival celebrating the 600th year since her birth. Joan of Arc, a 19-year-old woman who lead France to victory against the British near the end of the Hundred Years’ War and was eventually burned at the stake for heresy, has become the focus of both ridicule and praise, said Carole Levin, Willa Cather professor of history. “There are many of us who greatly admire her,” Levin said. The event, hosted at the Dudley Bailey Library Wednesday evening, also featured music from UNL’s Chamber Singers and excerpts of various plays featuring Joan of Arc. Andrea Nichols, a history graduate student, presented a paper analyzing how the British demonized Joan. “This history of Joan of Arc has become a mutable construct for each society,” Nichols said. British historians who wrote about their military loss attributed Joan’s success to witchcraft, Nichols said. Many historical chronicles refer to Joan as a witch, temptress or “organ of the devil.” “I threatened to burn Andrea as a representation of Joan of Arc, but she didn’t like that idea,” Levin said. Nichols said Joan’s social deviancies made her an easy target for religious attacks. Joan did not wear women’s clothing and commanded French forces much like her male counterparts, Nichols said. Artists from the time struggled depicting her dressed in men’s clothing. Nichols showed art from the time that depicted her as wearing a dress on the


Brittanie Witter, a senior pre-education major, speaks to Emma Gruhl, a freshman Spanish and theatre major, during the Joan of Arc festival Wednesday. They performed excerpts from Carolyn Gage’s “The Second Coming of Joan of Arc.” battlefield. The British focused on her alleged use of witchcraft to explain their military losses in the northern portion of France. “Magic also allowed her to not just be a woman,” which gave the

British justification for the defeat, Nichols said. Joan’s unwillingness to conform to societal norms also deepened the anger from the British, Nichols said. Before Joan was burned at the stake in 1431, she had claimed that

she was pregnant. Nichols said her claim of pregnancy was even more damning because that would prove she wasn’t a virgin. Nichols said this action may be a reason she was excommunicated from the church before her death. “She was not a proper woman,” Nichols said. But the French believed she was a messenger of God, Nichols said. Eventually Joan was deemed innocent by Pope Callixtus III, who declared her a martyr 25 years after her death. In 1920, Joan was canonized as a patron saint of France. Dennis Henry, Jr., a theatre arts graduate student, said Joan’s story makes her a popular subject for playwrights. “Joan was a lot of different things for a lot of different people,” Henry said. Henry directed excerpts from “The Second Coming of Joan of Arc” by Carolyn Gage and a section from Shakespeare’s “Henry VI” for the event. Gage’s play, a one-woman show depicting the history of Joan through her own eyes, portrays her as a woman who would not yield to the demands of men. Jillian Boston, a poet and UNL alumna, read several of her poems featuring Joan. One poem is a rewritten version of Joan’s letter to King Henry VI. “My hour draws near,” Boston said in her poem. “I will make the men leave.” Levin said this event was the first of its kind hosted by the Medieval & Renaissance Studies program. “It is wonderful to see the talent of the students of UNL,” Levin said. NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

‘CSI:NY’ star: Fear shouldn’t stop success Hill Harper speaks at final Diversity Leadership Symposium kelli rollin dn Hill Harper said the road to success may be paved with fear, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from following his or her dreams and helping others do the same. About 200 people filled the Nebraska Union Auditorium on Wednesday for the last part of the Diversity Leadership Symposium to listen to the “CSI: NY” actor and bestselling author. Harper said fear keeps people from following their dreams. “Most of us are living lives smaller than what we are meant because of fear,” he said. Harper said he too once had fears of achieving his dreams. When he was on the Brown University football team, he told one of his friends and teammates that he wanted to go to Harvard Law School. His friend

laughed right in his face. He told Harper he would never achieve that goal. “Some of the biggest dream killers are our friends and family,” Harper said. But he didn’t let fear of failure and disapproval stop him. Harper earned degrees in both law and public administration at Harvard University. While he was at Harvard, Harper said he met a man in the gym playing basketball. Harper befriended this man, and the two remain friends today. The man was President Barack Obama. Harper used Obama as another example of following your dreams. He said Obama was attending law school because he wanted to become something bigger. Even though his family wasn’t pleased because of loans and expenses, Obama pursued his dream anyway. Jessica Sanchez, the events coordinator for the Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services, said Harper was a good candidate for the symposium because he is a person of color who has essentially “made it.” “He inspires students and sets an

example for them,” she said. “I think the fact that he is a success within many different aspects makes him a good candidate.” Harper said his mission was to motivate young people to follow their dreams. Sherita Roundtree, an English graduate student, was impressed and motivated by Harper’s speech and his interaction with the audience. “It’s important that he is still a part of his community and that he didn’t let the fame get to him,” she said. “He really connected the point to the audience.” Harper noted that many people go through life with no energy or passion. Harper said that our lives can dictate us, rather than us dictating our lives. “Passion to me means energy,” he said, “finding what gets you excited. Whatever your heart tells you, whatever makes your heart beat faster, follow that, and apply energy.” Harper found his passion was acting. When he was a freshman at Brown University, he said he had an intuition to take a certain acting class that coincidentally fit perfectly with his football practice schedule. “It

made my heart beat faster,” he said of acting. During the talk, Harper read a letter he got from a 16-year-old boy in jail. The boy had read Harper’s book, “Letters to a Young Brother: Manifest Your Destiny,” and said he wanted Harper to write him back. The boy said Harper was his role model and he’d never had a role model before. Harper said he wanted to help this boy but found it would be more difficult than he thought. Harper said the boy had been convicted of murder and tried as an adult at age 14, which meant he would be in prison for a long time. “I felt like a failure because I was too late,” Harper said. He is still trying to help the boy and encouraged the audience to also help others. “All of us have the ability to save and help those in our sphere,” he said. Harper ended the symposium by saying in unison with the audience, “I will not allow fear to stop me from making the choices that I know I should make. Instead, I will act from courage from my heart and encourage others to do the same.” news@

that would be located across from the Durham Research Center on UNMC’s campus. An ambulatory care clinic is also part of the proposal and would be built near 42nd and Farnam streets in Omaha. The project would encompass a total of 695,000 square feet. Some controversy has surrounded NU leaders to asking for additional local funds, with several state senators saying the project should be backed more by state funds than by local support. State Sen. Brad Ashford said he is planning to ask for $40 million in state funds during the next legislative session to replace the amount promised by the City of

Omaha and Douglas County, according to the Omaha World-Herald. “This is a state project,” Ashford told the World-Herald on Nov. 9. “It ought to be paid for out of state money. The state ought to take the responsibility for funding its own education institutions.” In October, the Omaha City Council approved a proposal to provide $35 million over 10 or more years to help support the construction and maintenance costs of the cancer center, according to the city council agenda notes. The Douglas County Board also voted this fall to provide $500,000 a year for 10 years, for a total of $5 million.

NU President J.B. Milliken said in a statement that the controversy of local vs. state funds was a misunderstanding and shouldn’t overshadow the importance of the facility. “The $370 million Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of the most ambitious and exciting initiatives with which the university has been involved,” he said in the statement. “It will provide tremendous opportunities for cancer research and treatment for Nebraskans, as well as very significant economic opportunity in Omaha – including the creation of an estimated 1,200 permanent, highpaying jobs.” news@

regents: from 1 The Nebraska Legislature has pledged $50 million to help fund the cancer research tower part of the project, with leaders from the University of Nebraska also seeking an additional $40 million in local tax support from the City of Omaha and Douglas County. If the program statement is approved by the board at Thursday’s meeting, construction on the cancer center would begin November 2013 and would be scheduled to be mostly complete by April 2016, according to materials compiled for the board meeting. The entire project would include the cancer research tower, outpatient and inpatient facilities


A man arrested on third-degree assault charges compounded his charges when he tried to break out of a sheriff deputy’s vehicle Tuesday. Allen Chilen, a 42-year-old Martell, Neb., resident, was contacted by the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office for late child support payments and for damage caused by his dogs, Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Wagner said. Chilen’s two dogs allegedly entered his neighbor’s property and killed several chickens on Nov. 11, according to Wagner. He said Chilen was visibly upset when the deputies visited, saying, “Now they know where I live.” The neighbors contacted the sheriff’s office saying his dog killed their chickens. After Chilen received a letter from the department, Wagner said he went over to the neighbors’ house and began yelling. The neighbors called the police. When a deputy arrived, Chilen was cited for third-degree assault. Wagner said it took four deputies to secure Chilen because of his size – he is 6-foot-4-inches tall and weighs about 230 pounds. Wagner said Chilen continued to fight in the vehicle. He banged his head against the window and then tried to kick out the back window. The deputies stopped the car and bound his legs together. Chilen was then brought to the sheriff’s office where he was also cited for resisting arrest. “He just doesn’t like law enforcement,” Wagner said.


A 22-year-old resident in the 1900 block of 1st Street woke up and found his front door open on Nov. 22. Lincoln Police Department Public Information Officer Katie Flood said the man reported his Xbox and laptop stolen. The items had been a few feet away from where he was sleeping. LPD doesn’t have any suspects. Police estimate the total value of the stolen items at $650.


A cyclist and a man riding a scooter were robbed at gunpoint Friday, police said. The cyclist, a 20-year-old man, and a 23-year-old man riding a scooter were riding along the 2200 block of U Street Friday afternoon when someone attacked the cyclist. The man riding the scooter fled. The robber held a gun to the cyclist’s head and demanded his belongings. Flood said the robber hit the cyclist with the gun. The cyclist gave the robber his wallet, which only contained his Social Security card. Flood said police don’t have any suspects.


A man selling magazines has attracted the attention of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office. Wagner said the office has received 15 calls in four days about the salesman. Wagner said the salesman was described as “intense” and will visit houses multiple times, demanding the purchase of subscriptions. Because salesmen do not need permits to sell their wares, law enforcement are unable to do anything about him. He has been seen at multiple addresses along 56th Street south of O Street. “We’re just keeping an eye on him,” Wagner said. The man is described as a black man in his mid-30s wearing a plaid coat and brown pants.


Three out of the four fires in Lincoln in the past week were caused by improperly discarded cigarette butts, said Lincoln Fire & Rescue Battalion Chief Jeanne Pashalek. She said smokers should try to smoke outside during the winter months. She cited data from the U.S. Fire Administration, which said 1,000 people per year die from fires caused by cigarettes. —Compiled by Daniel Wheaton NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

fifield: from 1 “There are things that can prooriginally contacted Samson for a vide (me) stress,” he said. “But few tips on broadcasting and some they’re nothing that can’t provide advice on what it’s like to be a blind other students stress too.” worker in that industry. The two Fifield said the key in keeping have been close friends ever since. that stress to a minimum is main“I think Jeremy has a very bright taining an upbeat future,” Samson said. outlook on his “He’s incredibly creI know now blindness and not ative and he’s deterletting it control that I’m in a mined.” his life. Samson said Fi“I’ve seen a lot place where I can field’s positive outof people whose go where I want, look on his situation lives revolve makes him a great when I want to go around blindness. person to be around. They eat, sleep there.” “He’s got a great and breathe blindattitude,” Samson ness,” he said. said. “And I’m very Jeremy Fifield “And I really don’t proud of him for sophomore broadcast major care.” that.” What Fifield Fifield said being does care about is his career. He’s blind isn’t the focus of his life, and had a passion for music and radio he doesn’t intend to let it stop him since the age of 4 and said he hopes from doing what he wants to do. to go into radio or record produc“If I know I want to do sometion after graduation. thing, I’ll get there,” he said. “It’s “I’d like to have a radio show,” just a matter of finding the right he said. “Classic rock is kind of my steps.” area, so I’d like to specifically be on There is nothing he can do an oldies or classic rock station.” about being blind, he said, so why This career path introduced Fiworry about it? field to his mentor. “Let’s face it, blind people stick Dave Samson is a blind radio out,” he said. “They have a big long broadcaster from Nebraska City, cane, and that’s just they way it is.” news@ Neb., who has known Fifield for a little more than two years. Fifield

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

ASUN supports change to bereavement policy Conor Dunn DN The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska unanimously passed legislation Wednesday to support the addition of a bereavement policy to the University of NebraskaLincoln Attendance Policy. The bereavement policy would formally require class instructors to provide reasonable attendance accommodation for students grieving from a personal tragedy, such as the loss of a loved one or close friend. “This would make things more consistent,” said Juan Franco, vice chancellor for Student Affairs. In the past, Student Affairs contacted instructors and told them to allow students to make up work for classes they’d miss during a grievance period. But some instructors have been more accommodating than others, Franco said. The bereavement policy project started last year, but the Faculty Senate rejected it because the past policy was focused on the time surrounding the funeral, not the entire grief process, according to Academic Committee Chair Reanna Nicholsen, a senior actuarial science major who has been leading the project. The bereavement policy has yet to be approved and added into UNL’s Attendance Policy. Faculty Senate still needs to review the policy. The senate also unanimously passed legislation in support of a 24-hour study space at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center for students looking for a suitable place to study on campus during the remaining weeks of the semester. Beginning Dec. 6, the center will be open 24 hours before resuming normal hours on Dec. 13. Because it is the end of the semester, ASUN will soon lose four senators who are graduating or studying abroad. Thus, ASUN passed legislation to recognize Senators Field McDonald, a sophomore German, global studies and political science major, Nicholas Smith, a junior international business major, Emily Waring, a junior

biological systems engineering major, and Laura Snell, an agronomy graduate student, for their service as members of ASUN’s senate during the fall semester. But not all senators agreed with the usage of the legislation, titled Senate Resolution 13. “If we’re going to have a resolution recognizing someone, then the individual things they’ve done should be recognized,” said Government Liaison Chair Mike Dunn, a senior communication studies major. “This is basically saying we deserve appreciation for our jobs.” On the other hand, Senate Speaker Natalia Santos, a senior nutrition and health sciences major, said she was thankful SR 13 was brought to the floor. “It’s really hard to know what each and every one of us has been working on,” Santos said. SR 13 passed with 16 votes for approval, one against and two abstaining. In Government Bill 10, the senate passed legislation supporting the implementation of a food waste education campaign on campus. The campaign will focus on raising awareness about unnecessary food waste and proper portion sizes in hopes of food waste reduction. UNL Dining Services will fund the cost of the project, which is to be led by ASUN’s Environmental Sustainability Committee and assisted by the Residence Hall Association starting Jan. 1, 2013. The senate also passed legislation welcoming Rutgers University and the University of Maryland to the Big Ten Conference. During open forum, UNL’s new Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst introduced himself to the senate and took questions from senators on how he plans to use his position not just for the athletes but for the entire university. “I really see you all the same whether you’re in athletics or in band,” Eichorst said. “I want to make sure there’s normalcy across the board.” News@

e.n. thompson: from 1 (the death penalty) costs,” he said. “Before this building was built, I am sure they knew exactly how much it would cost. We know the cost of everything except the cost of the death penalty.” Radelet suggested the funds dedicated to capital punishment should be instead allocated to programs to help victim’s families, a view likely shaped by the many conversations he has with family members of victims in his home state of Colorado. In addition to working with families, Radelet has conducted last visits with over 50 death row inmates, testified in high profile cases and written two books and numerous articles expressing his opposition to the penalty. Brown, a University of Nebraska College of Law graduate served as the primary counsel in Nebraska capital murder cases for nearly three decades. He also served as the general counsel for the Texas Department of Corrections, where he witnessed over 20 executions in six years. Radelet ended the discussion with a statement thanking audience members and underlining his belief in the importance of knowledge. “I firmly believe that the more people know about the death penalty, the more people will oppose it,” he said. Stacy Anderson, executive director of Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty, agreed. Along with 15 volunteers, Anderson handed out informational flyers outside of the Lied Center, asking audience members to sign up for email updates and information from the organization. “Our mission is to educate Nebraskans on how the system actually works. Nebraskans are reasonably smart people and if they get the information, they will make the right decision,” she said. Freshman Russian and global studies major Annie Himes felt educated about the topic before she came to the debate. “Honestly, I felt like the debate was a reiteration of the classic death penalty debate statements,” she said. Nebraska is one of 33 states that

authorize the death penalty. Eleven inmates currently sit on Nebraska’s death row, though the last execution in the state occurred in 1997 with the case of State v. Williams. In his final statements, Radelet summed up his main points and then asked the audience, “The question here is what kind of society do we want to be?” News@


lobbying: from 1 ting programs like the Pell Grant. NU lobbied against a provision of one bill in the past year that would do exactly that – it hasn’t passed. Lobbying in the federal arena “Pell Grants are really foungenerally follows the same format dational for students,” Hammons as in the state, with one difference: said. “If you’re eligible for a Pell the food. Grant, then everything else sort of “Generally the gift rules don’t builds off of that.” allow, it sounds strange, but to sit In fact, only one of the nine bills down for a meal,” said NU lobbied for related Matt Hammons, NU’s to appropriations has director of federal govpassed so far: a highernment relations and way funding bill from its sole registered fedthe House of Represeneral lobbyist. tatives that included Because of those – thanks to pressure rules, federal advocacy from universities like centers around emails, NU, Hammons said phone calls and more – an amendment proformal meetings to extecting a transportation plain with one voice training program NU what the university participates in. could gain or lose from NU spent an averhammons Congressional bills, he age of $182,500 each said, often to Nebrasyear on federal lobbyka’s two senators and ing since 2006, according to public three representatives. records available online from the “A lot of it is done at a desk,” Senate Office of Public Records. It Hammons said. “I do go to D.C. has spent $140,000 so far this year, throughout the year, but a lot of it the lowest among the Big Ten – a can be done with email and online fact attributable to Nebraska’s low materials.” population and small CongressioOf the 17 bills Hammons and nal delegation, Hammons said. his team lobbied for in the past Usually, more than half of that year, nine were federal appropria- money goes to Van Scoyoc Assocition bills, which give funding to ates, a prominent lobbying firm in different departments such as the Washington, D.C., that lobbies on Department of Education or the behalf of several cities and univerNational Science Foundation. sities. Many of these budgets include Almost all of the conference research grants that can go to unischools’ spending on lobbying, versities like NU. The Department including NU’s, has steadily deof Education’s funding in particu- creased during the past several lar is tied to federal financial aid, years. Hammons guessed that including Pell Grants that go to spending would soon increase, low-income students. however. “We’re always watching the “I would say over the next funding situations,” Hammons two years, you’re going to see a lot said. more activity,” he said. “There’s a The past two years have been a long list of things that are coming.” bumpy ride for education funding. Chief among them are the guilConcerns over the debt frequently lotine-like spending cuts across the pushed Congress to consider cutfederal government and tax hikes

ule with the state’s support.

Going to Washington

Lobbying equals 0.03% of the total NU budget

bea huff | dn that are collectively known as the fiscal cliff, scheduled to hit in January unless Congress changes the terms before then. A new Congress comes in early next year, which typically brings another bump in lobbying, Hammons said. If Congress does nothing, the cuts and hikes could directly impact college students, not to mention spark another recession,



according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office — all concerns for Hammons to address with members of Congress. “Everybody recognizes the enormity of the consequences,” he said. “I’m hopeful that they’ll work out at least a framework for a compromise this year.” news@ TM


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thursday, november 29, 2012 @Dailyneb

dn e d i t o r i a l b o ard m e m b e rs ANDREW DICKINSON editor-in-chief



Rule No. 011 “The Last Weeks of School”

our view

gabriel sanchez | dn

Donating plasma benefits everyone bea huff | dn

Students’ interests justify university’s lobbying spending At first glance, the numerical components of University of Nebraska federal and state lobbying may seem alarming. About $2 of student fees and tuition from each NU student goes toward things like Husker football tickets and free lunches for government representatives. About $300,000 of NU money is spent on lobbying. Six-digit figures are directed to Nebraska state senators and U.S. government officials. But the spending is justified. Those free lunches and football tickets, paired with research, meetings and countless phone calls and emails, are an integral part of the lobbying system that, whether you like it or not, the university system has to participate in. Federal and state legislation often cross paths with university interests. Think of Pell Grants, interest rates on student loans and funding for national research grants to the university. And don’t forget that state appropriations make up the major component of university funding. It’s the university’s job to advocate for issues that will affect students as well as the institution as a whole, and the expenses that come with lobbying are an integral part of the process. While the costs of lobbying affect students’ pocketbooks, so do the gains. If anything, $300,000 spent on lobbying isn’t enough – it’s one of the smallest spending allocations of all the Big Ten institutions. With fewer students and a smaller budget than most Big Ten schools, it’s unrealistic to ask that NU spend as much as the others do on lobbying, but it’s a goal worth keeping on the university horizon.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.


hen you’re a broke college student, you find yourself doing strange things for some extra cash. When I first moved to Lincoln and was unemployed, a close friend of mine suggested I try donating plasma. I was eager for money so against my mother ’s wishes, I went to the nearest plasma center. When I first walked into Biotest on 17th Street, I immediately wanted to walk right back out. A sketchy man with no teeth and dirty clothes greeted me at the door. The stench of blood and bleach burnt my nostrils and the air was unnaturally cold. I forced myself to stay, and I’m glad I did. Donating plasma is a rewarding experience. Yes, you receive compensation, but you also have the knowledge you potentially saved a life. Before you decide to donate plasma, you should know the requirements for donating, what your plasma is being used for and a few tips to make the process go smoother. For those of you who don’t know, plasma is part of your blood. Plasma centers use blood plasma to diagnose disease and manufacture therapies, according to The first time I visited the plasma center, I was naive and thought it would take about an hour. I was wrong. Donors must be 18 or have a signed permission slip from their legal guardian, which was my first mistake. Donors must also bring a social security card, an ID and a current proof of address (or their NCard). Once these documents are processed and paperwork is filled out, a worker will go over your medical history with you. You will be asked questions about your sexual, medical and drug use history. If you have gotten a piercing or tattoo within the last 12 months, you cannot donate. If you have traveled outside the country in the last 12 months you cannot donate, either. Then, you sign a few papers

bies, burn victims, emergency room patients and hemophiliacs. I only have one complaint about plasma centers: I’d prefer that there was some sort of urine test issued before donating plasma. I often see obvious drug addicts donating beside me. Drug addicts risk exposure to toxic chemicals, HIV and diseases to themselves and others. It is an unsettling sight because they’re clearly unhealthy and these products are needed to help people get better. There a few things you should know before you donate. Schedule an appointment beforehand. I went in at about 4 p.m. and waited forever. The process typically goes faster during JO BALQUIER the morning because there are fewer people. Drink plenty of fluids the day of your donafor liability purposes and a registered nurse tion. Eat a solid meal beforehand; you don’t want to pass out. These things will make your checks your temperature and blood pressure. experience run smoother and faster. After the If either are out of the acceptable range, first session, the rest will take about an hour. donors are deferred for the day and can come At some plasma centers such as Biotest, back the next day to try again. There is also a you can receive additional compensation by lot of waiting in between so be prepared. All in referring friends and famall, it takes roughly two hours beily. If you have certain vacfore you even begin donating. Donating cinations you can earn extra The process takes 45 minutes money. An individual with (give or take). You sit back and plasma certain rare blood types can squeeze a stress ball, and you get earn extra money. You’ll paid to do so. They show relatively is rewarding look like a junkie being in good movies in the donating room. because you there for so long and all “Dumb and Dumber” was playing the time but hey, money is the other day while I was donating. potentially save money. Not the best choice of film consid- lives. ” Hopefully this column ering it hurts to laugh with a needle didn’t discourage you from jammed in your arm. You’re also aldonating plasma. Even though I have a job lowed to bring your phone, books, laptop or now, I continue to give plasma every once in whatever else to entertain yourself. a while because it’s nice pocket change. If you So what you’re probably wondering whether it was worth it. Donating plasma is aren’t scared of sketchy people or needles, go rewarding because you potentially save lives. donate. You get compensation and the knowlAlthough your plasma is used by major phar- edge that somewhere down the line you saved maceutical companies to make a profit, these a life. It is a win-win. Jo Balquier is a freshman English large companies are saving lives too. Accordmajor. Reach her at opinion@ ing to, centers use donated plasma to help pregnant women, newborn ba-

Intellectuals have social responsibility


ave you ever been criticized or mocked for seeing the world differently? If so, you shouldn’t feel too upset because it’s the essence of human mind – to think in a different way. Out of ignorance, people lapse back into their essentialist views of judging different perspectives deemed eccentric. But, as philosopher Bertrand Russell once put it, “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” What was eccentric and heretical in the past has become the mainstream today. That very radical metamorphosis was brought by people, who see things differently and refuse to tame their intellectual feast with ready-made narrative. You may think of Copernicus, Galileo or Einstein, to name a few. These people helped bring what previously looked odd into the mainstream. But what remains unique about intellectuals, in general, is the ability to question what seems natural and think differently from the “herd” society, as Nietzsche once put it. For example, the “herd” stream was easily constructed during fascist regimes and molded to think the same self-esteem. That similar selfcongratulatory image is being framed through the magnificent structures of knowledge dissemination. Now the “common sense” argument of our time is intellectually vacuous. There is a mismatch between learning how to think through subject matter and how to get good grades to move on. What better statement of such intellectual emptiness than Mao Zedong’s contemptuous observation: “(A) man studies through from grade school to university, graduates, and is then considered learned. Yet, in the first place, he cannot till the land; second, he has no trade; third, he cannot fight; fourth, he cannot manage a job, what he possesses is only book knowledge.” Does “book knowledge” make one an intellectual? If not, what makes one an intellectual? Are there different strata of intellectualism?

BEN TALEB The task of an intellectual remains a compelling one. In a bumpy road full of rigid conventions and preconceived attitudes, that task gets thornier. Yet, the intellectual remains distinct by a wide range of universal values of justice, peace, understanding, human dignity and critical to all walks of abuses, despotism and oppression. As French philosopher Michel Foucault once put it, the intellectual is the “bearer of universal values.” For example, we had and still have many intellectuals who are engaged in fighting international causes like injustice, poverty and mortal diseases. These intellectuals look at things differently comparing to those pseudo-advocates of intellectualism. Since the latter are immersed and manipulated by the various state institutions, they cannot understand things away from the norm. One can name two contemporary intellectuals, Slavoj Zizek, a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic, and Noam Chomsky, one of the leading American cognitive scientists and a political critic, who illustrate the very core of universal intellectualism, an act of abusing the stage of notoriety in order to reach the domain of humanity, as the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once argued.

The intellectual’s main cause is in the people. The people’s skin color, culture, walks of life or religions don’t matter; the intellectual bridges boundaries and advocates for global understanding. In contrast, sometimes people are chained by media portrayals and create illusions of themselves to please their self-centered view, while trivializing intellectualism. Imperial powers who invade countries, bomb innocent people, destroy the economy, rob people from their lives and present themselves as “liberators.” By the same token, dictators in certain countries oftentimes present themselves through a self-congratulatory image; showing pride and selfesteem even what they did was horrendous. And yet, some of these egregious acts were conducted with the “blessings” of people deemed “intellectuals.” They present themselves as experts in other people’s cultures. Then they produce a simplified map of the world and hand it not only to military officials, but also to future generations. When the intellectual betrays the public opinion, lingers in the service of the state and makes money out of their naivety, then information, credibility and democracy are under assault. Think of Robert Spencer, Steven Emerson or Walid Shoebat, who present themselves as public intellectuals and experts on Islam and Islamism. While distorting the image of more than a billion Muslims, they feed their egos and make money. We no longer talk about intellectual in the proper sense, but more or less of customers of the state – an agent who serves a hidden memo and perpetuates ignorance. Well, the intellectual of the state betrays the masses, the universal intellectual remains faithful toward humanity. Yes, the day the intellectual fails to be a free subject of universal consciousness, then mediocrity will prevail. Beligh Ben Taleb is a Graduate student in History and a former Fulbright scholar from Tunisia. reach him at opinion@



thursday, november 29, 2012 @dnartsdesk

quite the Theatrix combines unconventional humor with sadness in ‘Melancholy Play’ “Melancholy Play” may be about feeling sad, but it’s not depressing. “Melancholy Play,” written by Tony Award-nominated playwright Sarah Ruhl, will conclude the fall semester season of the student-run organization, Theatrix, under the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Joshua Waterstone, artistic director of Theatrix and a second year graduate student of theater, said in order to understand this play, the viewer first needs to understand the definition of “melancholy.” “‘Melancholy’ is defined as a gentle sadness or a fuzzy sorrowfulness, but it can also be quiet contemplation, a meditative state or being absorbed in thought,” Waterstone said. “At its center, ‘Melancholy Play’ is an exploration of emotions and our need for them. In a world in which we have the capability to prescribe away sadness, does an emotion such as melancholy have a place?” Waterstone said this is an important question, especially when one in 10 Americans report feeling depressed. “We tell each other to ‘cheer up’ when we are down,” he added. “But being melancholy is not just being down; it also deals with nostalgia, with longing, with a want for something more. Should these impulses also be medicated away or wallpapered over?” The play centers around Tilly, played by senior theater major Jessie Tidball, a beautiful yet melancholy character with whom everyone seems to fall in love. Then one day, Tilly suddenly becomes happy. “I think this is a brilliant role for Jessie,” Waterstone said. “In the audition she understood the images and poetry in the text instinctively in a way that would take a long time to instill in an actor. She plays Tilly beautifully and honestly, and I hope that many people get to see her in such a role.” Waterstone said the style of the play sets it apart from other Theatrix productions this season. “The other two plays were in the realism and magical realism realm,” he said. “‘Melancholy Play’ is multiple different styles; it has elements of the poetic, elements of the farcical, elements of realism, magical realism and elements of sincere melodrama.” “Melancholy Play” is also the only play this season that will be scored by a


Story by Madeline Christensen Photos by Dan Holtmeyer

if you go “Melancholy Play”


ThursdaySaturday, 7:30 p.m. where: Temple Building, Lab Theatre how much: $6

ABOVE: Frances, a hairdresser played by senior theater and Spanish major Jenny Holm, gives Tilly a trim in “Melancholy Play,” which runs through Saturday. TOP: Senior theater major Jessie Tidball portrays Tilly, a woman struggling with – or reveling in – a persistent sadness in a dress rehearsal of “Melancholy Play,” organized and performed by the student group Theatrix. live musician. Jake Denney, a graduate of the Johnny Carson School, plays a cello score composed by L.A. composer Michael Roth. Vocal arrangements were also composed by senior vocal performance major Jaimie Pruden. Waterstone said the most rewarding aspect as the artistic director has been seeing the actors begin to “own it.” “This is a wild play that was challenging to direct and is challenging to act in and design for,” he said. “We had to figure a lot of things out together as a cast, design team and crew. To see the elements come together and different ideas go into the pot to make something that could never have been made with only one person’s ideas is why I love theater.” Waterstone said it’s the collaborative nature of working with so many

creative individuals, from set and lighting crews, cartoonists, musicians, costume and prop departments, technical directors, photographers and actors, that really makes a piece of art. Sarah Resch, a sophomore theater design and technical production major, created the lighting design in the Lab Theatre with assistance from junior Joe Shea, also a theatre design major. “It’s a really beautiful show,” Resch said. “It was a lot of fun designing.” Resch hung blue lightbulbs above the audience in theater to represent rain and stars – a major aspect throughout the play. “I used lots of blues and softer hues in the first act to represent Tilly’s melancholy,” Resch said. “Then in the second act, there is angry, bright lighting to show her change in feeling. It

was fun to work with that contrast.” Set designer Vicki Halverson, a first year graduate student, has also enjoyed working with the minimalism of the Lab Theatre. “It’s been fun creating a world that’s a little off-skew,” Halverson said. “I wanted to leave Joshua a lot of room on stage to have fun but still convey all the different rooms and spaces throughout the play.” Halverson hung windows on all sides of the space, so the audience will constantly see the story through them. “They are always interacting with a window,” Halverson said. “I wanted it there, but not in the way.” After completing her undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin, this is Halverson’s fifth show she has designed, but her first at UNL. “It’s been really fun,” she said. “This week hasn’t even been that stressful – the whole team is on the same page so the show has come together really well.” Waterstone is joined by stage manager Ben Adams, a senior theater major, as well as graduate students Erica King and Julie Douglass. Waterstone said “Melancholy Play” is, most likely, a different piece of art than students have seen before, but it will hopefully move audience members in some way. “You might not understand it,” he said. “But it has moments of transcendent beauty that is written in the words and images that Sarah Ruhl has put down.” “When someone says, ‘How are you’ and you are not doing well, what do you say?” Waterstone added. “Is it ever appropriate to just say ‘I’m feeling melancholy?’ So the play explores these questions in a comedic way. It is a comedy about sadness.” arts@

natalia kraviec | dn

Abroad adventures enhance character development, plot Semester in Italy pushes writer to finish NaNoWriMo novel before Nov. 30 emily kuklinski dn The journey of writing an entire novel begins with a single word, or 1,667 words each day, if you are participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). As writers struggled to find the inspiration behind their literary endeavors, sophomore global studies major Adrienne Anderson found hers by participating in a different type of journey. Anderson has been participating in the writing challenge since 2008 and has used her study abroad opportunity in Italy this year as her muse to craft her story. “(Being in Italy) has given me a lot of inspiration; it’s nearly impossible to be in a country as beautiful as this one and not feel inspired to write someone’s story,” Anderson said. “I have been so incredibly lucky not only to have the opportunity to study abroad but, also, to have the resources and support to write a novel while I’m here.” Her experiences have also helped her overcome writing difficulties she was facing before traveling to Italy. “My greatest challenge (was) finding a voice for my main character,” Anderson said. “I came to Italy confident of what I was doing with my own life and within weeks, I was a little bit lost. I think that really translated to my writing and my character development, that feeling of disorientation.” The new and exotic Italian landscape provided the Nebraska writer

with more than enough ideas to feed into her storyline. However, the new variables the country added to her writing also posed a few problems for her. “For one thing, being in Italy (gave) me a lot of opportunities to get distracted from my writing,” Anderson said. “It’s a lot easier to go adventuring, eat gelato and go shopping than it is to sit down and write … I was really worried that I wasn’t going to be interested in writing because I was spending so much of my time learning and traveling in a foreign country.” Despite the newness of her surroundings fueling her writer’s block, Anderson was able to find a few ways to charge past those obstacles. Whether it’s one friend who consistently writes 365 days a year, or one she Skypes each weekend to check in on her progress, other people are what keep her story moving along. “Just the fact that someone is so invested in what I’m doing with my time makes me want to work harder at it,” Anderson said. “When people start to ask about my work and what I’m doing, it provides a little bit of motivation – I never want to sit down and tell someone, ‘Yeah, I’m thousands of words behind, and I’m not really taking it seriously.’” Talking about writing struggles with others is a tactic encouraged by the University of NebraskaLincoln’s Writing Center staff, such as senior pre-theater and English education major Brittanie Witter. As NaNoWriMo has encouraged students to begin starting their own creative writing projects, many face the same problems as Anderson has and, sometimes, talking is the greatest cure to writer’s block. “I’ve learned that the best way

anderson: see page 6

Pattino Shoe pairs big-city fashion, small-town service yuliya petrova dn Traveling to Italy or another country for shoes isn’t necessary, because Lincoln has Pattino Shoe Boutique. Located in the College View district, Pattino sells both shoes and accessories, including some specialty items. “We cater to lots of age groups and different styles,” said owner Jori McCarville. “And anyone who comes in will get great customer service and be treated just like a friend.” She first opened Pattino in 2006 and has been a part of Lincoln’s fashion scene ever since. No stranger to fashion retail, McCarville worked at Abercrombie & Fitch while she was in high school. She graduated from Doane College in 2010, then worked at a local boutique called Fusion. McCarville is also a coowner of The Mix, a shoes and accessories boutique located in Omaha. Sue Lapp, of Omaha, is McCarville’s business partner at The Mix. Lapp said she enjoys working with a motivated partner. “It’s refreshing to work with someone who loves what she does,” Lapp said. “She’s a really hard worker.” McCarville helped her co-workers buy merchandise to sell in the boutiques she worked in before owning her own. Seeing all the new trends and gaining experience in retail inspired her, she said. “I fell in love with the retail as-

pect,” McCarville said. McCarville said she realized fashion retail was the perfect profession for her. After working at a mostly clothing-focused store, McCarville decided to open her own boutique. Because there wasn’t a shoes and accessories shop in Lincoln yet, she said it seemed like a great way to reach a fashion-conscious audience. “I think accessories can really update an outfit without having to go buy a new wardrobe,” McCarville said. “Accessories (are) really fun. I’m able to meet different people; I feel like anyone could come into the store and find something.” Starting Pattino came naturally for McCarville, who said she loves shoes and wearing lots of bracelets. “I’ve always wanted to own my own business,” McCarville said. “It really came to life when this space opened up that we are at right now … we saw it was available to rent and it (was) the perfect location for us … it just felt like the right time.” McCarville said she plans to keep Pattino local. “I love it here; it’s where I grew up; it’s where my family is,” McCarville said. “As much as I love to go visit big cities, I am a small-town girl at heart. “I love all the support here from our customers and I don’t have any desire to leave.” McCarville enjoys picking items to sell in her store. She said she loves

Allison Hess | dn

On a Wednesday night, customers come and go at Pattino Shoe Boutique, located in Lincoln’s College View district. Owner Jori McCarville opened the store six years ago. maintaining close friendships with people that have been customers since the opening of Pattino, as well as meeting new customers and supporters. She added that she includes her customers’ input on what she should sell.

“We listen to what our customers need, so when we go to market, we not only pick out trendy items but also, items we know our customers will like,” said Kayla Mosel, the manager at Pattino. Since Pattino is a boutique, McCar-

ville searches for unique items to sell to her clients, she said. “We want everyone to feel like they got something special from our store,” she explained. “They’re not (going) to see the person next to them

in the same shoes, (they will) feel like they (have) something different and unique, and same thing goes with our jewelry and handbags too.” Customer service is a big part of the retail business and McCarville said she believes it’s important to help clients but also to have fun sharing the shopping experience with them. “It’s not just (the customer) coming in and picking out something new,” she said. “It’s more of a connection that we have, because we sit there and have fun. There is more of a bond between me and a customer when we feel like we discover something together.” Customers receive a personal experience when shopping at Pattino. “When new customers come in, we remember their name when they leave,” Mosel said. “Customer service is what makes us different than just buying a pair of shoes online, or going to a big chain store,” McCarville added. “We even call them or text them if there’s something in (we know) they would like.” McCarville said it’s especially rewarding when both client and retailer walk away with an enjoyable experience. “I really love helping customers and seeing (them) get excited about the same things I get excited about, specifically someone coming into the store and saying to me, ‘These shoes totally made my day,’” she said. arts@


Thursday, November 29, 2012

The DN Arts & Entertainment Staff Does No Shave November >>week one I can’t get a date to the Knickerbockers show tonight! Shaved my legs this month for nothing.”

I’ve never grown a beard before, but this is my year. I know it.”

[ Ally Phillips [

[Chance Solem-Pfeifer[ A&E Editor

[Tyler Keown [

A&E Staff Writer

A&E Staff Writer

>>>>>>>>>>>>week two I’m pretty sure it’s coming in. They say the beard shows up all at once, right?”

[Nathan Sindelar[ A&E Staff Writer

I’ve been having these weird dreams about the sea, as though it’s calling for me.”

I guess there are worse ways to waste my time.”

As the temperature drops, my love life is heating up.”

Everyone keeps telling me I’m going to look like a pirate, but there’s no way.”

This is a terrible idea. What a waste of time.”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>week three The legs are working overtime. Does anyone know how many a numbers a phone can hold?”

Nothing is happening! Screw you guys, I’m not doing this anymore.”

Encrusted with memories and brine, an itchy one, this beard of mine.”

Can we do this again next month?”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>week four Beard … Far … wherever you are and I believe that my heart will go on.”

Doctor says we can’t save the leg. Fatal case of man envy.”

Captain’s log: DAY 28 - Ol’ Nate’s no more, gone down to see Davy Jones. In the morning, Blonde Beards sets sail.”


anderson: from 5 to get ideas moving is to talk,” Witter said. “A lot of people, when they

get stuck, only think about the same thoughts. But when you bring some-

one else into the conversation, they’re able to bring a new point of view and

look at the situation in a different way, which then helps the author look at it in a different way.” Through communicating her progress on her novel with other authors and following the NaNoWriMo’s recommended 1,667 words per day, Anderson has successfully kept up with her writing and has finished her project ahead of schedule. She even added in a few hundred words to her daily total to be sure that she would be done with her novel before she leaves for Paris on November 29. The experiences she has faced

this year on her novel writing quest have proved to be no easy feat to accomplish, but she said it has helped her grow as a writer. “I think my greatest accomplishment during NaNo this year has been just staying on track with my word count,” Anderson said. “I’m proud of myself for making my writing a priority – if I can do it here, with so many opportunities for distraction, I don’t have an excuse in the future to not write.” arts@

this week in lincoln A Night of Jazz


Friday, 7 p.m. Nebraska Club (20th Floor of US Bank), 233 13th St. how much: $10 where:



Friday, 8 p.m. Crescent Moon Coffee, 816 P St. how much: free where:

Thinking about a




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thursday, november 29, 2012

perimeter: from 10

basketball: from 10

dividuals, and that’s what I preach to those guys. It’s cool to see them operate like they have, because let’s face it, we play a selfish game. It can be all about me and my touches, my catches.” It’s safe to assume Bell, Quincy Enunwa or Jamal Turner leads the “Perimeter Warrior Award” standings as the Huskers head into the Big Ten championship game Saturday. The trio has far and away the most playing time, and as Fisher explains it, more plays would mean more chances to accumulate points. “We have different numerical points for the types of blocks that you make,” he said. “You can earn multiple points on a specific play.” Yards-after-catch is a category this season. Although unrelated to blocking, Fisher said he added it to the “Perimeter Warrior Award” formula this season at the request of his players. “We added that one because we wanted to add a little sugar to it,” he said. “And the guys took ownership of it, which is good. It’s theirs.” sports@

maining, freshman Rachel Theriot, who made the first start of her career last night, turned the ball over on the right wing, which lead to an Alyssa Thomas lay-up and foul. Thomas made the free throw, and extended the lead to 12. The Huskers wouldn’t pull within 10 points for the remainder of the game. “They had to adjust to us, and that’s what we wanted them to do,” Thomas said, who finished with a game-high 25 points and added 8 assists. Thomas’ dominance was a key factor for Maryland and was a large problem for Nebraska. “Thomas is one of the best, if not the best, player we’ll face all year,” Jordan Hooper said. Thomas’ presence was felt firsthand by Hooper, who was in Yori’s words, covered like a blanket all game by the AllAmerican forward. Hooper finished with 15 points and six


injuries: from 10 It’s really not a big surprise we lost by 19. They’re just better than us.” connie yori nu head coach

rebounds, but was unable to get into a consistent rhythm all game long. “She needs to continue to get better at moving without the ball,” Yori said of Hooper. Yori also added she believes the team isn’t as deep as it wants to be. Though Nebraska played 11 players, only six played more than 10 minutes. The loss wasn’t a big surprise to Yori. “They’re a really good team. They played well, made shots, they’re well coached, they have a good player at every position,” Yori said. “It’s really not a big surprise we lost by 19. They’re just better than us.”

The loss is the Huskers’ second of the year, and may very well drop the No. 21 team out of the AP poll. “They’re really good,” Hooper said. “We knew they were a really good team, but at the same time, (the loss) stings.” Nebraska didn’t linger on the loss too long. Shortly after the game, Yori said the Huskers are already looking forward to their next matchup against Idaho State on Saturday, their last game before a Dec. 5 game against in-state rival Creighton. sports@

file photo by bethany schmidt | dn

NU defensive tackle Baker Steinkuhler tackles a Michigan State player. Steinkuhler will miss the Big Ten title game this week. just the tenacity with which he plays. It comes down to technique.” Papuchis also said Meredith won’t play inside the whole game. Backup defensive tackles Rome and Thad Randle will also see more playing time, especially Rome. The sophomore logged significant minutes against Iowa and will be expected to play more Saturday, Papuchis said. Along with Rome, injury-plagued Randle will be expected to see a heightened role, though he didn’t play against Iowa. “He better be ready to go,” Papuchis said. “He’s had a good week so far and the plan is Thad is going to be in there a lot on Saturday.” After Steinkuhler congratulated his teammates and listened to his coach’s postgame speech, he left the

locker room. The disappointment was clear on his face as he hobbled through the narrow hallway inside Kinnick stadium. Reporters and team mangers cleared stuff out of his way while he found the exit. “Not having Baker is disappointing not only for him, but for us,” Papuchis said. “It’s not necessarily going to be one guy that steps in for Baker, it’s going to be a group effort. I think that’s why we practice the way we practice. “All of our guys get a lot of reps and when their opportunity comes they need to be ready. For some guys, their opportunity is going to be on Saturday.” sports@

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21 22 23 26 27 28 29

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30 Sharon of “Valley of the Dolls” 31 Club ___ 32 Tightened up 33 Pub hub 36 Legally impedes 39 Math subj. 40 Commando weapons 44 Teakettle feature 45 Ga. neighbor 46 Secluded valleys 47 Stretched to the max 48 Where people are always putting things? 50 Those aboard a U.F.O.




52 Swab the floor again 53 Like 17-, 23-, 33and 48-Across








57 Aegean island on which Homer is said to be buried 59 N.Y. Yankees’ division 60 Castle obstacle 61 Big D.C. lobby 62 Gymnast Comaneci 63 John’s other half 64 Car that “really drives ’em wi-i-ild,” in a 1960s song








17 19


1 2

7 8

S O 9 A K 10 S 11 12 15 S 18 A Y 20 S 23 24 R D 25 S 26

DOWN Inventor’s cry Vine-covered passageway Heroic deed Oil name “In what way?” “Gimme ___!” (start of an Illinois cheer) Ed.’s stack Harry who co-founded Columbia Pictures Server’s wish “Golly!” Expose to light Ribbed Green sci. Storage site Beat by a nose Fermenting locale Nuts, berries, etc., for squirrels Kook Tick-tock maker


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Puzzle by Susan Gelfand

29 Part of a chapter: Abbr. 31 ___ Butterworth 32 It may put someone out 34 Likely 35 Norwegian king 36 Grammy-winning Gloria 37 Burger flipper

38 A bit messy, as the hair

48 Natural talent

41 Closing (in on)

49 Haunted house sound

42 Playfully

51 Slugger Sammy

43 Montreal-toBoston dir.

54 China’s Chou En-___

45 Nina of 1940s-’50s films

55 “Peg ___ Heart”

46 Attends

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Announcements FIFTEENTH (15th*) WEEK POLICY [*the 15th week refers to the last week of classes before finals week] (This policy replaces the former Dead Week Policy) Final examinations for full semester classes are to be given ONLY at time published in the Official Schedule of Classes or another time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all concerned. The only examinations allowed during the last week (15th week) of classes are: laboratory practical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations, and self-paced examinations. However, the following must be applied: Projects, papers, and speeches scheduled for completion during the last week of classes must have been assigned in writing by the end of the eighth week and must be completed no later then Wednesday of the 15th week. This refers to the project and its scope, but not the topic. Furthermore, ALL requirements, except for the final exam, must also be completed no later than Wednesday of the fifteenth week. If the instructor is replacing the final exam with either a project, paper, or speech, the due date can be any time during the 15th week or during finals week (providing that the assignment has been given by the eighth week. The exception to this is a class meeting one day a week on a Thursday or Friday for which all policies/requirements are shifted to either a Thursday or Friday, respectively. The Fifteenth Week policy does not apply to classes offered by the College of Law. If there is a violation a complaint can be filed at the ASUN office, 136 Nebr. Union or call 472-2581.


thursday, november 29, 2012 @dnsports




story by Lanny Holstein | file photo by bethany schmidt Husker receivers track blocking statistics with award system


enny Bell leads Nebraska in receiving with 44 catches for 789 yards and eight touchdowns this season. All Husker fans know he’s the top wideout on his team. What Husker fans don’t know is if the sophomore wideout is leading the race for Nebraska’s “Perimeter Warrior Award” – something wide receivers coach Rich Fisher installed a season ago to track the Husker receivers when they don’t have the ball. The award is given to Nebraska’s top blocking receiver as determined by Fisher’s point system – a system he is keeping a secret from the media. The coach did say players are rewarded for blocks that help the Huskers gain yardage. The point is to make blocking important to them, he said. “We keep those categories updated every week,” Fisher said. “We go to the board, look at the board and see who’s in what place, what they need to do and who’s pulling their weight. It’s a way for guys to compete, because let’s face it, this time of year you have to make it fun for them. I want my guys competing against each other on a daily basis.” The Husker receivers have taken on Fisher’s competitive mentality, according to the coach. They pride themselves on where they stand in the “Perimeter Warrior Award” standings – maybe even more so than on their catches. “Our block can be the difference between a five to ten yard gain and getting Ameer (Abdullah) or Rex (Burkhead) or Taylor (Martinez) in the end zone,” Bell said. “We know that what we do

Kat Buchanan | dn

Nebraska forward Emily Cady goes up for a basket against Maryland on Wednesday. Cady led the Huskers with seven rebounds.

No. 11 Maryland topples No. 22 NU 90-71 Huskers unable to handle Terrapins in ACC/Big Ten challenge contest

Nebraska receiver Kenny Bell reaches for a pass against Arkansas State in September. Bell and the rest of the Husker receiving corps are competing for the Perimeter Warrior Award this season. can make all the difference for our football team.” Comments like that don’t often come out of all-conference receivers like Bell. Usually those guys are talking about burning defensive backs and making plays in the secondary. Nebraska’s top guy is a little different. He still cares about catching the football, but he’s taken

on Fisher’s mentality that he can contribute as a blocker too. “Blocking is an attitude, and I think we have seen the culture grow in that room,” Fisher said. “They take a lot of pride in it because they see the results. There’s a reason that Ameer and Rex and Taylor and those guys are breaking long runs and scoring touchdowns.”

Fisher is proud of the way his group has played on the outside this season. They have broken the mold of the selfish, prima donna receiver, according to the coach. “I just want a bunch of guys in there that want to win,” Fisher said. “I don’t want a bunch of in-

perimeter: see page 9


Injured Huskers dwell on positive Andrew Ward DN The celebration began on the field at Kinnick Stadium. Nebraska just knocked off Iowa, winning the Legends Division and gaining a berth in the Big Ten Championship Game. After some quick handshakes with Iowa players and coaches, the Husker players hugged and high-fived off the field as they ran into their locker room. Baker Steinkuhler waited for his teammates and coaches there, on crutches. The senior defensive tackle suffered a knee injury late in the second quarter against the Hawkeyes. He didn’t show signs of disappointment as his teammates ran into the locker room that Friday afternoon, NU defensive line coach Rick Kaczenski said. Instead, he smiled and celebrated with them. “It’s just the type of kid he is. ‘Don’t worry about me coach, go get

It’s just the type of kid he is. ‘Don’t worry about me coach, go get the win.’” rick kaczenski

nu defensive line coach on baker steinkuhler

the win,’” Kaczenski said. The Husker coaching staff jinxed themselves the week before the game against the Hawkeyes, Kaczenski said. Kaczenski and fellow coaches talked about how healthy Nebraska had been on the offensive and defensive lines this season. However, the injuries hit hard against the Hawkeyes, as Steinkuhler and starting center Justin Jackson went down with injuries. Jackson injured his ankle soon after Steinkuhler injured his knee. Nebraska coach Bo Pelini said it is likely that neither player will play in Saturday’s Big Ten Championship Game against Wisconsin. Not having either player hurts

Nebraska as both have started every game. Sophomore Mark Pelini replaced Jackson against Iowa, but will compete for the starting job with junior Cole Pensick this week. Replacing Steinkuhler won’t be as easy as putting one guy in. It will have to be a group effort, Chase Rome said. “It’s kind of like when Jared (Crick) went out last year, it’s going to be a group effort,” Rome said. “(Steinkuhler) is an impact player and a heck of a guy. He’s got a great motor. I hate using the word replace, but it’s going to take three or four of us to step in for him.” Against Iowa, senior Cameron

Meredith filled in at Steinkuhler’s defensive tackle position, though Meredith normally lines up on the outside at defensive end for the Huskers. At 260 pounds, Meredith would be considered a small defensive tackle if he started at the position against Wisconsin. The average weight for a Division I defensive tackle is 281 pounds, while Steinkuhler weighs 290 pounds. Meredith will also line up against a Wisconsin offensive line that averages 321 pounds a lineman, with the lightest being 301 pounds. Still, Husker defensive coordinator John Papuchis said what Meredith lacks in size he makes up for in other areas. “Obviously, he’s a bit undersized in there,” Papuchis said. “He plays with good technique and pad level though. He’s a competitor and a fighter. The fact that he’s undersized he’s been able to overcome that with

injuries: see page 9

land pushed out to a 17-13 lead. Trailing 19-16, senior Lindsey Moore took over the game, dishing out two straight assists to Emily Cady and Jordan Hooper to take the Huskers’ first lead of the game. Then Moore nailed an open 3-pointer from the right Chris Heady wing, forcing Maryland to call a DN timeout, now down 23-21. Moore finished the half with eight points This year ’s Big Ten/ACC showand five assists, leading the Nedown showcased two of the stron- braska charge. gest teams in their respective “It was good to see we can conferences Wednesday night at hang around a good team like the Bob Devaney Sports Center, that,” Moore said, who finished when No. 21 Nebraska hosted No. the game with a team-high 17 11 Maryland. Atpoints. tendance at the Bob But from there, Devaney Sports It was good Nebraska lost conCenter was the trol of the game to see we highest it’s been as Maryland’s size all year and the can hang around and fast break efmatch-up had evficiency took over erything set up for a good team like in the final few a 40-minute battle. that.” minutes of the But the battle first half. Togethturned out to be no lindsey moore er, Chloe Pavlech senior point guard more than a skirand Laurin Mincy mish, as Maryland hit four straight came to Lincoln and 3-pointers on conshowed Nebraska why it’s an AP secutive Maryland possessions, Top-5 preseason team, and beat the and eventually took Maryland Huskers 90-71. into the half with a 9-point lead. “There’s a reason why they Maryland shot 50 percent from are a top 5 pick,” Nebraska coach the field in the first half, and was Connie Yori said of the 19-point 5-for-9 from 3-point range. loss, and added she doesn’t think After the half, things went Nebraska will play a better team downhill quickly for Nebraska. all year. “They have a legit chance With just under 16 minutes reto win a national championship.” In the first few minutes, the basketball: see page 9 teams traded buckets until Mary-

game scores





Maryland Nebraska

90 71

46 37

44 34

Top scorers: NEB - Lindsey Moore, G - 17 pts, 5 assists MD - Alyssa Thomas, F - 25 pts, 8 assists

Nebraska gears up for first round NCAA tournament action Nedu Izu DN Before Nebraska’s senior night game Saturday, Lauren Cook handed her coach a tiny volleyball with a personal message. The coach, Cook’s father John, said it left a special place in his heart. “I got very emotional right there,” he said. “I was doing everything I could to hold it in.” Cook’s eyes did get a little watery as he thought back through his daughter’s career. “We’ve tried really hard to make it a coach-player experience while I’ve been here,” Lauren Cook said. “He is my dad and I just wanted to do something special for him.” The seniors went out in style winning the match against Northwestern 3-1 (25-15, 25-22, 20-25, 2521) in their last regular season match at the NU Coliseum. After NU’s contest against their Big Ten Conference opponent, Cook placed the ball in a special spot. “When I read what was on the ball I knew I had to keep it and put it in my office,” he said. The coach and daughter are hoping to create another special

moment in their match Thursday evening. The Nebraska volleyball team has a chance to do something it hasn’t done in two years – get past the regional rounds. “This is our unfinished business,” Lauren Cook said. “We’ve been working for this for the past year since we lost to K-State. This has been our focus and we’re ready to go. We’re really motivated.” The last time NU (23-6 overall, 15-5 Big Ten) made it past the second round in an NCAA Tournament was in the 2010 postseason. In the tournament two years ago, Nebraska defeated both Sacred Heart and Auburn in Lincoln to advance and eventually lose to Washington in the Seattle Regional. NU’s stay in the tournament last year was even shorter when Kansas State took it down in five sets (3-2). Cook said his team has used the early exit as motivation for renewed energy this year. “We were taught a great lesson last year,” Cook said. “Everyone’s got to be dialed up this weekend, including our fans. We got to find a way to get to Omaha.” Against Maryland Eastern Shore, the Huskers are hoping to prove they have some wins left in

them. But the No. 4 seed’s matchup against its challengers won’t be easy. The Hawks come into Lincoln with a 28-5 record, including wins in seven of their last eight matches. Although NU must come out victorious against its first opponent Thursday night, Cook said the team is excited about the prospect of avenging its season ending loss from a year ago. “I don’t know if it’s revenge,” the coach said. “For us, it’s unfinished business. It’d be nice to get the opportunity to finish some business. K-State played great last year and found a way to come out here and win.” However, the coach said he doesn’t want his team getting ahead of themselves. The NU squad must focus on defeating the Hawks before even thinking about another opponent. “We have to win Thursday, and they have to beat Northern Iowa,” Cook said. “There’s no guarantee that we’re going to be playing Kansas State. They got their work cut out for them as well. “We got to take it one point at a time.” sports@

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Husker setter Lauren Cook passes a ball during NU’s win against Michigan in September. Cook and company will be looking to make it further than the second round of the tournament this season.

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