Nov. 30

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dn the

friday, november 30, 2012 volume 112, issue 068

Inside Coverage

Hi-Way Patrol All-night stint at 24-hour diner yields tall tales


Starting Out the Right Way

Nebraska volleyball kicked off its NCAA tournament run with a 3-0 sweep over Maryland Eastern Shore at the NU Coliseum. The Huskers will take on UNI in the next round Friday. Nebraska lost in the second round of the tournament last year to Kansas State.


lonely few


story and photos by Dan Holtmeyer

Native students confront economic obstacles, invisibility at UNL

The Big Showdown The Huskers vie for Big Ten title on Satruday

10 Approaching the fiscal cliff How should the tax system be reformed?

4 online

Nothing could keep us apart Lincoln’s The Millions reunites two decades later


ne Tuesday evening this month, the University of Nebraska InterTribal Exchange – a group for Native American students – gathered in a kitchen full of stainless steel appliances, wooden cabinets, fluorescent lighting and conversation. Kendra Haag, her long, dark hair in a loose braid, kneaded a basketball-sized blob of gooey dough in a black tub – destined to become Indian tacos for a fundraiser the next day. Six other UNITE members pressed and folded their own dough-blobs, while two more chopped lettuce and tomatoes. Ashley Fast Horse and Chandler Hunter, freshmen from Omaha working on the same dough, chatted together on one side of the room, frequently bursting out with laughter. Haag, UNITE’s president, asked the group at large if her dough needed more flour – she’d never made a batch this big. Zach Watson, a sophomore marketing major, nonchalantly tested the group’s dough consistency with his little finger, prompting more laughs. Then the subject of other Native American students at UNL – those not in the room – came up. Tewentenhawihtha Aldrich, a Winnebago from the reservation north of Omaha whose friends call her Wihtha, spoke up from her chopped tomatoes. “Where are they?” the freshman general studies major asked bluntly – most of the others she had met at UNL were standing in the room. “I want to know.” For almost all of Nebraska’s Native college-aged people, the answer is simple: not here. Among the more than 24,000 students currently enrolled at UNL, 266 – about 1 percent – identify themselves as at least partly Native American, according to Institutional Research and Planning Associate Director Mary Werner. Only 74 – 0.3 percent, or onefourth of their proportion of the state’s population – identify as Native American only. UNL is home to twice as many students from both India and Malaysia. Almost 1,000 others are from China. A comparison to past numbers of Native students is impossible, Werner said, because the university changed the way it counted students by ethnicity in 2010 to match new federal guidelines. Many agree the number is too low. “That’s pretty depressing,” said Fran Kaye, an English profes-

Kendra Haag (center), president of UNL’s Native American group UNITE, stands flanked by other group members for a portrait. Native students make up a fraction of UNL’s enrollment – the university is home to more students from China than from the United States’ first nations. sor who teaches Native American literature and maintains connections with several Native students. “This is a landgrant university. Whose land was granted?” For the Native students who are here, attending UNL requires navigating a cultural and economic obstacle course that they say predominantly explains why their numbers are so low here. Even after arriving, the university proved a lonely place for several Native students, and many said they rely on whatever others they could find as family.

Quarters for Laundry

Haag, a Kickapoo and a senior biology and sociology major, left her home in Kansas to come to UNL. Her family and many others can’t contribute much to her schooling,

she said, but after arriving she ran into an unexpected problem. “I couldn’t afford to do laundry,” Haag said, laughing at the memory. “All my friends felt bad and gave me quarters.” Money is a big concern for any low-income college student, but Native students and their families in particular often have a hard time covering higher education’s ever-rising costs – a wall that rises before college is even in the picture. Half of Nebraska’s Native households make less than $27,000 a year – a median income almost $25,000 less than that of the state’s white households, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and lower than any other ethnic group, except blacks. The story of why that’s the

natives: see page 3

Kendra Haag (right) inspects the texture of her frybread dough for Indian tacos on Tuesday evening in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center’s kitchen. The taco fundraiser was one of the group’s final events marking Native American Heritage Month in November.

Regents approve budget for cancer research center At Thursday meeting, board also approves name of athletic complex @dailyneb dailynebraskan

LIS ARNESON DN In Thursday’s five-minute meeting, the University of Nebraska Board of Regents approved the program statement and budget

for the construction of a $370 million cancer research center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The center will include a hospital tower, research space, an outpatient cancer clinic and an inpatient cancer unit. A new ambulatory care clinic will provide additional space for outpatient care. A $110 million cancer research tower portion of the venture will receive $50 million from the Nebraska Legislature. Lincoln Regent Tim Clare, the

Board’s Business Affairs Committee chairman, approved of the research center ’s statement and budget. “There was unanimous approval and excitement about this project, and what not only it will do for the University of Nebraska, but what it will do for health care in Nebraska,” Clare said. Construction on the center, which will be located opposite the Durham Research Centers at UNMC in Omaha, will begin in November 2013 and is scheduled

There was unanimous approval and excitement about this project and … what it will do for health care in Nebraska.”

Tim Clare

nu regent

to be mostly complete by April 2016, according to the meeting agenda. The project will displace Swanson Hall, which is currently used for research labs and clinical faculty office space. According to the Oct. 22 pro-

gram statement, the center is “proposed to increase the health of Nebraskans by providing additional infrastructure for cancer research, cancer drug discovery,

regents: see page 2

friday, november 30, 2012


the gender pay gap


20% 15% 10% 5%


Number of UNL students STACIE HECKER | DN

Kendra Haag, a senior biology and sociology major, prepares a homemade Indian taco for a customer. The proceeds from the taco stand go toward a powwow being held in the spring.

lis Stone, a lecturer with the Nehaven’t been able to trace what braska Humanities Council, was tribe I’m from.” filling in for her granddaughter, Haag said the group spent two hours making the dough for freshman history major Alana Stone, who was unthe frybread on able to help at the Wednesday eveWe always taco sale. ning and started have people Indian “She has class frying bread at 8 all day,” Phyllis a.m. on Thursday. who look forward Stone said. The group to the event.” Proceeds from tried a new frythe taco sale will bread dough recgo toward UNITE’s ipe this year. The kendra haag senior biology and Academic Achievesale was originalsociology major ment Spring Powly scheduled for wow, which will be Wednesday, but held on the greenswas postponed because the dough didn’t turn pace outside of the Nebraska Union. Haag said the proceeds out. Haag said for the next Indian taco sale, they will go back to the are used to pay for things like drums and dancers for the powfamiliar recipe. wow. “It’s a lot of fun, but it is The next Indian taco sale will stressful to run the event,” Haag likely take place in February, said. Haag said. Because of UNITE’s small news@ size, Haag said her mother was helping. Haag’s mother, Phyl-

250 200 150 100



Journalism and Mass Communications


Fine and Preforming Arts



LIS ARNESON DN A familiar fair-food staple was available for students dining in the Nebraska Union at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln during lunch hours on Thursday. For $5, students could consume a frybread Indian taco, with proceeds going toward a spring powwow for the University of Nebraska Inter-Tribal Exchange (UNITE). The group usually holds an Indian taco sale twice a semester, UNITE President Kendra Haag said, but this was the only Indian taco sale held by UNITE this semester. “We always have people who look forward to the event and who are asking us a couple of weeks in advance, ‘When are you having your next one?’” said Haag, a senior biology and sociology major. Indian tacos consist of Indian frybread in place of a taco shell. Toppings included refried beans, taco meat, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa, onions, sour cream and cheese. UNITE member Chandler Hunter said she was surprised by the sale’s popularity. “I like Indian tacos, but I didn’t know anyone on campus would,” said Hunter, a freshman hospitalities, restaurant and tourism management and advertising and public relations major. “They’ve gone really fast.” Hunter said being a member of UNITE is a way for her to be connected to her Native culture. “I know I’m part Native American,” Hunter said. “I



UNITE hosts Indian taco sale Proceeds will go toward Academic Achievement Spring Powwow

results showed significant polarization. Students claiming to be on the ideological extremes either greatly supported or opposed it, while few people had mixed opinions on the issue. Legalization of marijuana saw similar splits as well. Sixty-one percent of “very conservative” respondents said it was “not at all favorable” compared to 43 percent of “very liberal” respondents who said it was “very favorable.” The survey also asked questions about Obama’s religion. One-half of respondents were asked “What is Barack Obama’s religion?” and another half were asked “What is Barack Hussein Obama’s religion?” Students asked the first question overwhelmingly said Obama is a protestant Christian, with only 32 people claiming he is a Muslim. Students receiving the question that included his middle name still chose the correct answer, but 149 people said he is a Muslim. Sholes said the size of the poll was similar to polls conducted by presidential campaigns. The results had about a 1.5 percent margin of error, Gruszczynski said. He noted the poll results likely depicted the views of the more politically engaged students on campus. “People responding are students who are actively engaged as well,” Gruszczynski said. “That may be shown in some of the results.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM



According to the study, a manageable student loan debt burden is 8 percent or less of a person’s salary. In 2009, 20 percent of women paid more than 15 percent of their annual earnings to student loan debt compared to 15 percent of men. Timm said she believes societal norms are changing, though, and becoming especially more accepting of men and women taking non-traditional roles – which could help diminish the gender pay gap. “We’re seeing more men be the stay-at-home dads and that seems OK,” she said. Deeds agreed that things seem to be getting better, but she said attitudes still need to change. “I think in part, people feel powerless to create change,” she said. “(The pay gap) has the effect of lowering women’s ability to take care of themselves and achieve as much as they could.” news@

Education and Human Sciences

SOURCE: american association of university women

University of Nebraska-Lincoln students mirrored the Nebraska population in a recent poll analyzing the political beliefs and ideological divisions at UNL. The third annual UNL Political Attitudes and Associations Poll, conducted by political science graduate student Mike Gruszczynski’s elections, political parties and special interests class, asked questions regarding domestic, foreign and campus-related issues. Thirty-two students created and promoted the poll, and the results were released Thursday. The poll was emailed to all students on Oct. 31 and remained open until Nov. 5. About 2,000 students participated, said Michael Sholes, a senior broadcasting major. Of the students polled, 34 percent identified as Republicans, 30 percent said they were Democrats and 26 percent identified as Independents. Additionally, political ideology followed a bell curve. A majority of students identified as moderates, with relatively equal amounts claiming to be liberal or conservative. Also, 10 percent of respondents claimed to be “very liberal,” compared to 7 percent who claimed to be “very conservative.” The survey also categorized students’ political affiliation within their colleges. The College of Agri-

Business Administration

• Female college graduates earn 82 percent of their male counterparts’ earnings • Across all occupations, women with bachelor’s degrees earn about $7,500 less than men with equivalent degrees • Women who reported working 40-hour weeks made 84 percent of men’s 40-hour earnings • Women were more likely to choose lower-paying career fields like education and social science • Women also were less likely to negotiate for higher salaries

cultural Sciences and Natural Resources had the highest proportion of Republicans, followed by the College of Business Administration and the College of Engineering. The College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and the HixsonLied College of Fine and Performing Arts had larger proportions of Democrats. “When people talk about the liberal bias in the media – well, here you go,” said Andrew Brey, a junior political science major who introduced the results at a press conference. Additionally, the poll asked questions about the election. The poll results predominantly stayed along party lines with support for President Barack Obama and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Among students who identified as political Independents, more than half supported Obama. “Obama may have won the popular vote on campus,” Sholes said. Approval ratings of the presidential candidates followed party lines as well. All political groups disapproved of Congress’ actions by a margin of more than 50 percent, mimicking national poll numbers. According to Gallup numbers released Monday, about 18 percent of Americans approve of Congress’ actions. On issues, most responses fell along party lines. For abortion, the

Arts and Sciences

The study’s researchers controlled for some of these factors, though. Of students who majored in computer and information sciences, women earned an average of $36,618 compared to an average of $51,296 for men. Among those who worked 40Cristina Woodworth hour weeks, women earned 84 DN percent of men’s earnings. The study said women tend The pay gap between men and to be less likely to negotiate for women begins early, with female higher salaries, which also concollege graduates earning 82 pertributes to the pay gap. cent of their male peers’ salaries “When you apply for a job, just one year after entering the you quote what salary you’re workforce, according to a recent looking for,” Deeds said. “I don’t study released by the American know that women always ask Association of University Womfor the most. You may not know en. what you’re worth or you may The AAUW report “Graduatbe cautious about asking for the ing to a Pay Gap” shows women most. I think that’s part of it.” are less likely than men to secure The AAUW study shows that full-time employment one year after considering variable facafter college graduation and, tors in employment and educawhen they are fully employed, tion, women earned an average earn less. Across all occupations, of 93 percent of what their male women with bachelor ’s degrees counterparts earn. The 7 percent earned an average of $35,296, difference appears to be attributcompared to their male peers’ able solely to gender, according average salary of $42,918, acto the study. cording to the study. “It’s really hard to pick (gen“I think (the pay gap) is defider discrimination) out,” Deeds nitely still an issue,” said Jan said. “I know there are still people Deeds, associate director of the who think women only get a job University of Nebraska-Lincoln until they have children or that Women’s Center. “We still have the women’s income will just be to figure out why that is. Is it a second income since they will because there’s actual gender most likely be married. There’s discrimination going on? Is it still some of that mindset. It’s rebecause women aren’t trained ally hard to pinpoint, though.” to ask for what Chris Timm, they’re worth associate direcI think (the from employers?” tor of UNL Career pay gap) is The study Services, said she sample included definitely still an doesn’t hear very 15,000 students much about genwho received a issue. We still have der discrimination bachelor ’s degree occurring in the to figure out why between July 1, workplace. 2007 and June that is.” “I’ve spent 30, 2008 and who more time talking jan deeds took the survey in to women who are associate director, 2009. pregnant about unl women’s center The AAUW how talk to emconducted a simiployers about that,” lar gender pay Timm said. “And gap study in 2010, when it was about both men and women who found that women earned an av- are in relationships and are entererage of 80 percent of what men ing the work force.” earned. Timm said Career Services Educational and occupationdoesn’t currently offer any genal differences between men and der-specific programs but does women help explain some of the broach the topic when it’s more gender pay gap, according to the relevant, such as when they conreport. For example, women are duct presentations for the Society more likely to choose lower-payof Women Engineers. ing careers in the education and The study emphasized that besocial science fields while men cause women earn less right after are more likely to pursue careers graduating college, their student in higher-paying math and sciloan debt is more of a burden than ence areas. it is for men.


Educational differences account for some, but not all, of pay gap

Poll analyzes political affiliations of UNL students

Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Study: Female college graduates earn less than male peers

Percent of UNL students


50 0

Source: Political Attitudes and Associations student poll results

regents: from 1 clinical trials, translational research and clinical service.” The center is slated to create about 1,200 new jobs by 2020 and channel an annual $100 million into the state economy, according to a university press release. “This is a transformational project for all Nebraskans,” UNMC Chancellor Harold Maurer said in the press release. “These facilities will elevate our cancer services, enhance our educational programs and provide a central location and synergy that not only will benefit our clinicians and researchers but, most importantly, patients.” Regents approved the purchase of a $700,000 mass cytometry instrument, which sorts cells and identifies the structure of chemicals on the surface of cells,

for UNMC. Maurer said the instrument is critical for immunology, among other things. In other business, regents approved naming University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Nebraska Athletics Student Life Complex the Dick and Peg Herman Family Student Life Complex in honor of Dick and Peg Herman and a donation to the university from the Herman family. Dick Herman is a former NU regent. NU President J.B. Milliken said it gave him a great deal of pride to recommend the naming of the athletic complex after the Hermans. “The Hermans have been long-time friends,” Milliken said. “From the time Dick was doing business in Fremont, he’s been a great supporter of the University

Cancer research center by the numbers construction budget:

$370 million

new buildings:

Four 108 total facility size: 695,000 square feet inpatient beds:

new jobs created by

2020: 1,200

of Nebraska. He’s been a tremendous friend of the university.” news@

daily nebraskan editor-in-chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1766 Andrew Dickinson managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 Riley Johnson news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1763 associate editor Hailey Konnath Jacy Marmaduke assignment editor opinion editor Ryan Duggan Rhiannon Root assistant editor arts & entertainment. . . . . . . 402.472.1756 editor Chance Solem-Pfeifer Katie Nelson assistant editor sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.472.1765 editor Robby Korth Chris Peters assistant editor Andrew Ward assistant editor visuals chief Matt Masin Kevin Moser assistant chief

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Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students. General Information The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL

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friday, november 30, 2012

ADHD medication may lower crime rates, study finds Those taking drugs for ADHD are less likely to be convicted of a crime

Ritalin could have a long-term effect on crime rates. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, diagnoses of ADHD among children increased by 2 percent from 1998 to 2009. Roughly 12 DANIEL WHEATON percent of school-aged boys DN were diagnosed between 2007 and 2009, compared to 6 percent A new study suggests people of school-aged girls. Usage of taking medication to address Ritalin, and other similar drugs, attention deficit hyperactivity has increased as well. disorder might be less likely to Wright said it’s important commit crimes than those with for parents to be willing to see ADHD who do not take medica- if their child has behavioral tion. problems, but they shouldn’t go The study, published in The overboard on treatment. New England Journal of Medi“It’s not poor parenting, but cine under the title “Medication sometimes we are quick to medifor Attention Deficit Hyperaccate,” Wright said. tivity Disorder and Criminality” Robert Reid, professor of spein November, analyzed more cial education and communicathan 25,000 Swedish people tion disorders at the University diagnosed with ADHD. Reof Nebraska-Linsearchers looked at coln, said readtheir medical and It’s not poor ers should take criminal histories the study with a parenting, and compared the grain of salt. In crime rates. but sometimes his classes, Reid The study teaches stratewe are quick to found that men gies for teachers taking medication medicate.” to effectively infor ADHD were 32 struct students percent less likely john wright with behavioral to be convicted associate professor of problems. criminal justice, of a crime, while “The theory university of cincinnati women taking that I ascribe medication were 41 to is that Ritpercent less likely alin helps with than those not taking medicaa bump in the road,” Reid said. tion. Many of the people were “Some children face several diftaking stimulants like Ritalin, ficult years in their development, which activates the brain and so medication may be a means to heightens its ability to focus. solve the problem.” John Wright, an associate He said many children who professor of criminal justice at take the medication often stop the University of Cincinnati, after a few years. Some children said cognitive changes that oc- stop because of social stigma or cur in the brain when it’s under side effects of the medication, he the influence of stimulants may said. have contributed to the study Reid said he agrees that Ritresults. alin can help improve cognitive “ADHD creates a weakened ability, but parents and pediatriability to control impulses,” cians shouldn’t overuse the drug. Wright said, “This is a risk fac“Pills don’t make skills,” tor in criminal behavior.” Reid said. “Ritalin isn’t going to He said medications like Ritturn a kid into a honor student.” alin heighten the executive funcWright said better undertions of the brain. These func- standing of minds of criminals tions, which include memory, could lead to more effective replanning and attention, serve as habilitation programs. means to control behavior. “There are even some corre“Poor executive functions lations between crime rates and are a predictor of who will com- IQs,” Wright said. “We should mit crime,” Wright said. continue to study criminal He said Ritalin’s effect on minds.” impulsivity could be a reason NEWS@ for the study’s results. HowevDAILYNEBRASKAN.COM er, Wright was unsure whether

correction An article that appeared Wednesday on the University of Nebraska’s spending on lobbying state and federal government officials incorrectly reported the fraction of the budget that is devoted to lobbying. It said that portion was 0.03 percent of the total NU budget for the 2011-2012 year; in fact, it is 0.03 percent of the value of NU’s operating budget, which goes to salaries and class expenses and

is about $800 million of the overall, $2 billion system-wide budget. Only part of lobbying expenses come from the operating budget. The article also incorrectly said Nebraska’s state budget shortfall last year was the size of NU’s total budget. It was instead the size of NU’s operating budget.

If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

from opinion:

Justice and human rights aren’t relative to society Professor Radelet argued during the E.N. Thompson Forum that capital punishment (CP) is unjust. He reasoned thus: (1) Justice is relative to the standard of society. That is, justice is relative to the majority. (2) Most people in our society believe that CP is unjust. (3) Therefore, CP is unjust. Society should, therefore, outlaw CP. I suggest that premise (1) is false, for two reasons. First, some acts are unjust even if the majority believes that they are just. Infanticide, for example, is unjust whether or not the majority believes that it’s unjust. The same holds for state law. Some acts are unjust even if they’re legal. The Romans may have legalized infanticide, but they didn’t make infanticide just

by doing so. Thus ‘justice’ isn’t the same as ‘the standard of society’ or ‘what is legal.’ Second, human beings have human rights – rights in virtue of being human. Society can’t grant human rights. Human rights aren’t made by society; they can only be acknowledged by society and secured by government. They are ‘endowed by their Creator ’ and ‘to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.’ Thus, human rights aren’t dependent upon society. Moreover, human rights are good by nature. To violate them is always unjust. Therefore, justice isn’t relative to society, implying that justice is a real feature of the world. In short, it’s an ageless principle that stands apart from human society.

Jonathan K. Metcalf

junior Philosophy

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.


Lincoln ranks No. 7 of top downtowns Kaitlin Karins DN Lincoln has been named No. 7 on’s list of the Top 10 Downtowns 2012 with populations between 100,000 and 300,000 people, beating out nearly 500 other considered cities in the United States.. Livability is a website dedicated to exploring America’s best places to live. Downtown Lincoln made the list because of its many renovation projects, including the Pinnacle Bank Arena – which has a target date of completion in fall 2013, according to the website. “The arena will give the Haymarket more business than it already has and I feel it will be a huge hot spot in Lincoln once events, concerts, and sports take over the arena,” said Kate Meyer, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln sophomore advertising and public relations major who works as a host at Vincenzo’s Italian Ristorante. Livability named the Haymarket as a popular place for college students and freshman Hamilton Hasty, a business Administration major, agreed. “I think the Haymarket is a great place for history and community with many great businesses, and it’s a great place to spend your time,” Hasty said. Hasty, who is a projectionist at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, said he enjoys working downtown and how close everything is to City Campus. He said working there “is as convenient as going to school.” Meyer agreed. “I think downtown Lincoln is a huge social get-together,” she said.

KAT BUCHANAN | DN, a website that ranks the best places to live in America, placed Lincoln at No. 7 on its list of Top 10 Downtowns 2012, which featured cities with between 100,000 and 300,000 people. O Street is a bustling staple of downtown night life in Lincoln. “The restaurants and shops and little neat places make each place individual and the best part is that every place downtown is unique.” But the best part of downtown Lincoln, Meyer said, is its gameday atmosphere.

“There is truly no place like downtown Lincoln on a football Saturday,” Meyer said. The website based its top-10 list on resident and visitor experiences, signs of economic growth, plans for redevelopment and residents’ aver-

age income levels. Fort Collins, Colo., ranked No. 1 on the list, with other contenders including Boise, Idaho, and Little Rock, Ark. news@

natives: from 1

case begins with the long history of conflict between Native peoples and European-Americans. That history would likely require thousands of pages to adequately explain, but it can be symbolized by the country’s 310 reservations: plots of land, often rural and of poor quality, that were allotted, often forcibly, to Native tribes by the U.S. government as its settlers and armies expanded the U.S. into Native homelands. According to the state government, more than a third of Nebraska’s Native Americans live on the state’s three reservations: Winnebago and Omaha to the northeast, and Santee Sioux on the northern border. The Winnebago reservation, just more than 100 miles away, is the closest to Lincoln. With lives uprooted, poverty soon set in, like a football penalty that a team would need to try even harder to overcome. As a result, many Native UNL students are the first in their family to make it to college. Many parents can’t help with applications or financial aid. For Haag and others, reservadan holtmeyer | dn tion and public schools – many Kendra Haag and Tewentenhawihtha Aldrich (right) coordinate by text message with other memwent to Lincoln or Omaha’s disbers of UNITE to buy more supplies for Indian taco preparation Tuesday. The group has about a tricts – weren’t much help, either. Advisers and teachers offered dozen members – often the only other Native students its members have met at UNL. little preparation for applying to college or succeeding once there, they said. common, many Native students The image of he was out with an injury. A few Many high schoolers simply students in the stands came to the said. Several other UNITE memsuccess give up before they arrive, start- game wearing feathered headbers who said they knew Native The fact remains, despite all ing the cycle all over, if they even dresses, which carry sacred signifstudents who made it to UNL only of these trends, patterns and obmake it to high school gradua- icance to original Native cultures, to drop out later. tion. Almost half drop out before and other dress. “We like to be enclosed and stacles, that many Native students then, according to around family a lot,” said Gerald make it to college and earn some Native students Nebraska’s CoordiLittle Owl Jr., an undeclared fresh- success. – and prospective You’re kind Nearly all of those interviewed nating Commission man from South Dakota. “At times, students – noticed. of on your for Postsecondary I have thoughts, I feel like going gave at least some of the credit to “It was on natheir parents – for many of them, Education. Hope of own. It takes a lot tional TV, all over home.” getting into college UNL doesn’t do enough to skipping college was never an opESPN and stuff,” tion. is low all around. of initiative. It’s shrink this cultural gap, said Kaye, said Tobias Grant, “College was just the next step “You’re kind the English professor. Even small a Native student for me,” said Jade Farmer, a sophoof on your own,” not to say they matters like finding a parking spot pursuing a busiHaag said, if col- can’t. They just in a relatively large town like Lin- more psychology major from Winness degree at lege is the plan. “It coln become opaque cultural walls nebago who wants to be a positive, Doane College. “I don’t know how.” takes a lot of initiafor prospective students from reser- independent role model for her was thinking about brothers. tive. It’s not to say coming to UNL at vations or their parents. “My mom said, ‘You’re going they can’t. They “It never occurs to them that kendra haag the time.” just don’t know senior biology and sociology some junior in high school might to college or going to the Army or The episode – major something,’” Farmer said, adding how.” and what many Na- be scared shitless by trying to park Once college here,” Kaye said. “If you’re not with a laugh, “So, college for me!” tive students said Watson, the sophomore marappears on the racomfortable in white society anywas a lackluster redar, money becomes a more obsponse from student government way, the university is the last place keting major, also took inspiration from his parents, though in a very vious barrier to coming to UNL. and university administration at you’ll feel comfortable.” different way. When he was 6, WatSince 2008, Nebraska has banned To counter this, the university the time – is just a part of a culany scholarships from taking race sends recruiters to reservations and son and his little sister were taken tural chasm between many Native or ethnicity into consideration. students and the dominant Ameri- public schools with high Native from their mother and put in a fosAgain, because the counting populations, meeting students on ter home. Five more foster homes can culture, several students said. method changed, it is impossible Describing a pattern of ste- their home turf, Hunter, the admis- followed. At 10, he was adopted, to say whether this impacted Nareotype or invisibility, Haag said sions director, said. Each year UNL like his mother had been. Watson doesn’t know his spetive numbers here. also hosts the American Indian she has encountered students who cific tribal heritage But a number of students said Leadership Sympowere surprised to learn Native but has always that because of this, many Native sium for high school people were still alive or were alMy mom identified as Native, students are more likely to constudents. Several lowed off of reservations. he said. He hopes to sider more affordable tribal comcurrent UNITE “It’s a heavy burden to be Nasaid, ‘You’re go into community munity colleges like Little Priest said tive, just FYI,” Payton Canku, a members perhaps Tribal College in Nebraska and sophomore from South Dakota they’d seen these ef- going to college or politics, continuing to law Haskell Indian Nations Univerforts at work. studying sociology, said with going to the Army school and higher sity in Kansas. “UNL has laugh. “If you’re not Native, you levels of govern“Prior to the affirmative action worked very hard or something.’ So, can’t understand it.” ment. ban, UNL had several scholarthe last few years to college for me!” One professor, who’s tasked “As I was growships specifically designed to remake sure middle with recruiting Native students ing up,” Watson cruit and retain Native American and spoke strictly off the record, and high school stujade farmer said, “I told myself students,” said Amber Hunter, dents take college sophomore said he’d actively encourage Napsychology major I’d never let my director of UNL admissions, by preparatory course tive students to consider tribal kids be like this.” email. “Due to the ban, we no loncolleges instead of UNL to be work so UNL has Once they get ger have these scholarships availthe ability to recruit more at ease. able … Our ability to be competiGrant went to Haskell in Kan- them,” Hunter said. “The Office of here, many Native students suptive financially has diminished.” sas before transferring to UNL, Admissions will continue to recruit port each other. At least three of But that alternative is often then to Doane almost two years aggressively with the aspirations to those interviewed separately rehardly an equal option. Many increase Native American student ferred to others as family. ago. Though he eventually left Most Native students interstudents said Native community Haskell for a year at UNL, Grant enrollments at UNL.” viewed agreed that, even with a colleges can’t match the opporStill, none of these recruiters are said his experience was much tunities and intellectual growth devoted solely to Native recruitment, university and culture that they more comfortable in the tribal a public university offers, nor do university, and not only because Hunter said, and she declined to say feel forgets them, coming to UNL they prepare students to transfer if any came from a Native back- or another public university is the professors gave more time to to those universities. Some spoke clear up students’ questions after ground – potentially problematic if worth it. “Of course it’s worth it,” said with relief when they said they cultural bridge-building is the goal. lectures. managed to avoid those schools. “The university hasn’t activated Aldrich, the freshman from Win“It’s kind of hard to find (Na“A community college is a Indian studies faculty in recruiting,” nebago, who might go into educative students at UNL) if they’re good option – if your heart’s not said John Wunder, a retired UNL tion. “Nothing’s going to stop me not in your dorm or class,” he in getting a degree,” Haag said. said. “At Haskell, they’re every- history professor who specialized from coming here.” That sentiment often came in Native history. “That’s something where.” with a caveat, however. Transferring to UNL left him that should happen.” ‘You can’t “I would encourage (others) The university could also beoverwhelmed, especially with the understand it’ job he needed to keep to pay for it, come actively involved in groups to do that, get a higher education Three years ago, when UNL Grant said. So he tried the smaller for Native students like UNITE, as it and learn as much as you can,” was still part of the Big 12 Confersaid Grant, the Doane student. does for athletes, Wunder said. Doane. ence, Oklahoma University’s foot“There’s some support group ac- “But I would tell them that there’s The narrative of sticking to ball team traveled to Lincoln for a tivity for students, and it could be a hardly any Native Americans at smaller, tribally controlled colNovember game. lot stronger,” he said. “I think that’d UNL.” leges and retreating from more Sam Bradford, a Cherokee, news@ be a good thing for the university to difficult, faster-paced and culturwas their quarterback, though invest in.” ally separate public institutions is



friday, november 30, 2012 @Dailyneb



Urgency to reduce national debt calls corporate, civilian details of current tax code into question


Implementing the FairTax system will create a fair tax break for everyone, spur job growth and increase revenue


o you want a simple tax system that will eliminate the IRS as well as income, capital gains, payroll, estate, gift, social security, Medicare and Medicaid taxes, and give you the power to pay taxes how you see fit? How about one that will not disenfranchise the poor or overburden the wealthy? How about a tax system that is completely constitutional, creates jobs and will double the size of the U.S. economy in less than 15 years? I’m not arguing about race, poor versus rich or left versus right. I’m going present to you a tax system that will satisfy all, and make America more prosperous than ever before. “FairTax” and the information presented in this column were presented to me in “The Fair Tax Book,” written by former Rep. John Linder and talk show host Neal Boortz. The book has insight beyond our current tax system and its method was introduced in a bill to Congress (H.R. 25 in the House, and S. 25 in the Senate) in 1999. It has been reintroduced every year since. Our current tax system is derived from the 16th Amendment, which is used with very ill intentions. It is manipulated by lobbyists and congressmen for personal gain. Technically, under the current system, only 52 percent of all income earners pay 100 percent of income taxes. Congressmen use this tax system to create class warfare by telling certain constituents they will get a tax break if they vote for them. Plus, they appease certain powerful corporations that will fund their campaigns if they promise to give them tax breaks. Even those who think they are getting away with not having to pay income taxes still pay what is called an embedded tax. Corporate taxes are just a way for the government to disguise how much we are paying in taxes, and a way to tax those who don’t technically pay income taxes. Corporations unfairly pass taxes down to the consumer by embedding them in their products, also known as an embedded tax. Essentially, an embedded tax is a tax that you pay when you buy any consumer item and thus freeing the corporation from the taxes they are supposed to pay by forwarding them on to you. Take a bag of cookies, for example. A bag of cookies needs ingredients, and those who produce the ingredients pay taxes. So do those who ship the ingredients, those who make the trucks, those who produce the gas for the trucks, the company that sells the cookies … You get the point. Guess who all these taxes are passed on to? You, the consumer. On average, 22 percent of what you pay for in a consumer item goes to the government. According to Harvard economics professor Dale Jorgenson, this money covers all of those taxes passed on to you. Add that to income tax, not to mention social security and Medicare taxes, and you are paying the government more than your fair share of taxes. Now, the FairTax would do away with income taxes and, in turn, embedded taxes. Companies would no longer have to keep their prices high to compensate for the taxes they have to pay. How do I know this? Because if businesses would like to cash in on the extra money, simple economics would prevail through what is called underpricing. If one company tries to keep prices high to cash in on the extra money without an embedded tax, other companies will under price them to appeal to a wider audience. This will drive prices down approximately 22 percent. However, we all know that a government can’t run on air. So, what exactly is the FairTax? It’s a 23 percent “inclusive” federal consumption tax on all goods levied at the retail level – once and only once. A 23 percent “inclusive” tax would mean that a $100 good would cost the consumer $130. Why? If a manufacturer wants $100 for its product, they must charge $130 in order to pay 23 percent to the government. The price you see on the sales tag is the price you will pay (excluding state sales taxes). Essentially, 23 percent of that price will go to the government. This may seem high, but remember you no

ZACH NOLD longer have a 22 percent embedded tax and you are taking home your whole paycheck without your income being taxed. What about the poor, you ask? Don’t worry. The FairTax has what is called a prebate. A prebate in the form of a check would be sent to a family or individual every month based on poverty level analysis done every year. This prebate would cover the taxes on all goods considered the necessities of life such as food, gas and clothing. So, all their money could be spent up to the poverty level tax free. Yet, this doesn’t just apply to only the poor, it applies to the rich and poor alike. It covers everyone to the poverty line, which makes the tax progressive and completely fair. Along with not unfairly taxing anyone, this tax will also create jobs by bringing businesses to America. Imagine a tax system that doesn’t force companies to pay outrageous taxes which make businesses go overseas. America’s current system does exactly that, but the FairTax won’t. After the FairTax is enacted, companies can minimize costs and produce goods in America, which will be the only country in the world to not have a tax resembling corporate or income tax. Essentially, America would become a tax haven. All of those who move to America will be paying into our tax system for purchased goods, contributing to this great country. As a nation, we spend $500 billion just trying to figure out how to file our taxes. That’s 18 percent of our GDP. The FairTax would do away with that. Those who get away with not paying any taxes, including illegal immigrants and drug traffickers will have to pay taxes on the goods they buy. It broadens the tax base without hurting the poor, or targeting the rich. So, as the economy grows and the wealth of this nation increases, so will the number of eligible consumers. In turn, this leads to more goods being purchased, and more taxes being paid. Yet, you won’t see anyone complaining because they get to choose how they are taxed. It is estimated that our economy would grow by 10.5 percent in the first year of FairTax alone. I n t h e end, you, t h e consumer, w i l l be able to pay t a x e s how you want to. What other tax plan can grant the United States of America the ability to fund every program they have now – includi n g s o cial

art by Natalia Kraviec

security and Medicare – while increasing the size of our economy and creating jobs? I encourage you to go to fairtax. org and read “The FairTax Book” by Boortz and Linder. You will not regret a single word you read. Simply put, the FairTax is more American than apple pie and football. It’s a no-brainer. Zach Nold is a Senior English major. Follow him on Twitter @ZachNold or reach him at opinion@

The current tax system needs to be simplified for average citizen, as well as improved to match modern economy


his country is in debt and there are only two ways to get out of it. We can either choose to pay it off or declare bankruptcy. If paying off the debt is the option the United States decides to choose, then this county has to do at least one of the two: cut spending or increase revenue. Currently, most of the debates are focusing on cutting spending and changing the tax rates. However, they missed the point. Improving how the current system works matters the most. First of all, spending cuts are too complicated, especially as the nation faces the potential “fiscal cliff.” There are already plenty of opinions on what to cut

and not to cut. Under the current system, it’s very difficult to cut any of the government programs. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the total amount of debt held by the public will not decrease. However, the amount of debt as a percentage of the gross domestic product will decrease. That’s through the growth of the economy, or the tax base. In fact, based on CBO’s baseline projection (no major changes in any current law), if the country decides to do nothing the economy will still grow faster than the debt. Relatively, the U.S. will owe less money to its debt holders even if the country chose to do nothing. However, since the fiscal cliff is approaching, it’s an important time to discuss options about how to increase revenue. In the United States, the government doesn’t really own companies that make profits. The United State Postal Service is owned by the government. Currently, the USPS doesn’t help to decrease the deficit. In fact, it adds more burden to the govern-

JIAJUN “ABE” XU ment budget. If the government can’t make money through operating enterprises, then the majority of the revenue has to be from tax. Most people will relate taxes to a bigger government and a less productive economy. However, a tax system that works will do more good than harm to the economy. And, to in-

crease tax revenue doesn’t necessarily mean to increase the tax rate. First of all, we need to make the tax system match the modern economy. The sales tax is one of the most ancient taxes. People still have to pay sales tax in most states, and it’s very inefficient. For example, let’s say after graduation you decide to operate a small coffee store. You would probably get most of your inventory from a wholesale store like Sam’s Club. When you pay, sales tax is included. When you resell those items in your coffee store, your customer has to pay sales tax again. As a result, the government will collect sales tax from the same item twice. If you look at the tax code close enough, you will find the sales tax is only levied on the sale of a good to its final end users. However, to a small coffee shop owner, he or she will surely have something more important to take care of than the sales tax. With the small profit margin that coffee shops may have, it probably doesn’t make much sense for them to spend thousands of dollars on accountants or lawyers to figure out where they can save more taxes. Those are not all the problems about the sales tax. If you understand how to place an order online, then congratulations, there may not even be a

sales tax for you. If your hometown is on the border of two states, you can place your order in one and pick your items up in another without paying any taxes in any state. Nothing has changed but the purchasing methods. The second scenario saves the business accounting fees and some sales tax money. The government probably won’t lose too much tax revenue from these small businesses, but what if large businesses try to play similar tricks on a larger scale. In fact, most developed countries adopted value-added tax system to eliminate this type of problem. That kind of tax is only applicable to values added to the products or services. Literally, that’s the difference between the initial price you pay for the muffin and the higher price you charge in your coffee shop. However, that doesn’t happen in the U.S.

That’s just sales tax. The tax code is so complicated today most people don’t know what’s in there. If you find a good accountant, you might be able to save a lot on taxes. However, your company needs to be big, or you have to be wealthy. No doubt, a complex tax system will create more jobs for certified public accountants. It will also make regular people and small businesses feel helpless in face of filing taxes. As a result, for small business owners, the time which should have been spent on developing their businesses was spent on finding a good and affordable accountant to save them tax money. The purpose of taxing is not to widen the gap between the big and the small businesses, or the rich and the poor people. As many people focus on the tax rates, we need some people to debate on how the tax system should change to meet new challenges in the new century. If people can read, then they should be able to understand the tax code, at least for personal income tax. If citizens are willing to learn about the tax code, then legislatures shouldn’t try to keep it so complicated that people will surely give up. Jiajun (Abe) xu is a senior finance and economics major. Reach him at opinion


friday, november 30, 2012 @dnartsdesk


HI-WAY patrol

story by and shelby fleig and jourdyn kaarre photo illustration by kat buchanan mugs by kat buchanan and stacie hecker

all-night stint at 24-hour diner yields tall tales, bleary eyes and an eclectic cast of dead-of-night characters

In preparation for our 10-hour stint at the Hi-Way Diner, a 24-hour restaurant off Highway 2 in Lincoln, we ate Amigos in the diner’s parking lot. What lay ahead of us – the lifelong friends, impromptu musical performances and people-watching until we had to hold each other’s eyes open – we never would have guessed. Reporting for 10 hours anywhere is daunting, let alone a 24-hour diner known for its eccentric customers. Right off Highway 2, just minutes from downtown, our home for the night was lit by a majestic sign and impressively full parking lot. Walking in, Jourdyn was taken aback by the decor. Antique signs and objects are bolted to every free space on the wall and ceiling. The tablecloths seem to be infinitely sticky. Neither of us knew what we were truly getting into, but posted in our corner booth, we were safe for the time being. The crowd changed substantially from academically dutiful college students to a loud group of musicians when nearby bars closed. When they left, the longest half-hour of our lives ensued. Staying awake as the only people in a restaurant at 5 a.m. is not easy, and our eyes started to drift off to the dull hum of a vacuum. Just in time to jolt us back to life, diner regulars started to drift in and drink their coffee before heading to work, seemingly unaware of the vile shenanigans that ensued in the same leather booths just hours earlier.

The College Students


Bekah Miller tries to win a toy from the crane machine while MaKayla Densberger cheers her on at the Hi-Way Diner.

The Musician

At 1:12 a.m., James Burke, 24, stumbled into our booth. He sat next to Shelby and inquired as to our presence at the diner. He then proceeded to talk for two hours, delving into life with his cat Juke and his job moving pounds of Satan’s “stuff” for miles all day. Burke works as a musician by night. But he dislikes playing for the bar crowd, as they are unappreciative of his songwriting, he said. He said they often request cover songs instead like, “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd and “Sweet Home Chicago” by Robert Johnson, which he’s not about. Our new friend was willing to play his harmonica for us, which he retrieved from his friend’s car after proclaiming he was “goddamn good at the harmonica.” Fresh off a show, he was tired, and he made that very clear. “I stop here because I’m very tired,” Burke said. “And also because I’m very tired. And I hope to meet other people that are very tired.” Burke’s witticisms were endless: • “I come here when other people are paying. I frequently stop here when I am certain that another person is going to pay for me not only to eat food, but also ketchup. My favorite thing to eat on the menu when someone else is paying is water. Then food because that comes next. Value fries? Do they have that? I will eat pepper. I will eat salt. I will eat garnishes. I will eat things that people say that they think are funny and I don’t because I am hungry. I will eat things that I don’t think are funny because I’m hungry, also.” • “I’m like the John Mayer that doesn’t get written about. But if you give me time, I swear people could hate me as much as they hate John Mayer.” • “I’m not going to drink this water … yes, I will.” • “Enjoy my meal? Enjoy my meal? Enjoy my ride home with a guy that has three kids from three different divorces? Yeah, I’m going to enjoy my meal.” • “Hey, guess what? I’m not trying to sleep with either of you. How great does that sound? Not good to me.” • “I’ve never been thrown out of Duffy’s.”

hi-way: see page 7

If you’re sober at Hi-Way Diner, you’re probably studying. We met both experienced and first-time diners who occupied booths most of the night while cramming for finals and eating pie. “I don’t feel bad for loitering because they’re open 24-7,” said A.J. Matthies, a senior business administration and marketing major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Matthies and his fellow students from the university were studying, as well as being entertained by the incoming crowds of guests. “We’re all people-watchers,” said Kayla Hass, a sophomore inclusive early childhood education major. They unanimously agreed when visiting the Hi-Way Diner, you should sit where you can see the door. Matthies also admitted to sometimes being one of the people who – on a different night – is entertaining to watch. Mackenzie Miller, an undeclared freshman at UNL, sat in a booth with friends until nearly 3 a.m. She was a first-time guest at the diner, but wasn’t turned off by its unconventional 24-hour atmosphere. “I don’t think it’s sketchy,” she said. “I think it’s really cute. It’s a good place to study.” The Hi-Way Diner is often the last stop for college students after a night of drinking on the weekends, but on Wednesday night, the academic crowd remained mellow and studious until the wee hours of the morning.

Hi-Way Diner Google Searches: Maltese Lynyrd Skynyrd Jack Daniel’s Whiskey Drizzy Dre Various adjectives Ratchet Sausage farm

Top 10 Live Tweets of the Night: 1. A man rubbed his head and proceeded to lick his fingers. 2. “I don’t want to say I’m better than Mozart, but I certainly am.” 3. DN: Do you work? Guest: “I work in hell. For Satan. He’s like, ‘I need you to do 320 lbs of Satan stuff. Do you think you can do that?’” 4. “I’m not completely bald under this hat.” 5. “I’ve been with multiple women. Literally one.” 6. “Don’t put me on TMZ.” 7. “I had teeth marks on my neck for two weeks!” 8. Things overheard: “Nebraskans choose the bottom shelf of everything! Bread, meat, cheese!” 9. DON’T WORRY WE’RE STILL HERE 10. mom come get me

Notes on the Bathroom Stalls: HI MOM just got back from Coldplay!!! 7-24-09 :) (Arrow pointing to this message: “So jealous!”) Wilhem + Suzy forever! Heaven –N- Amy “Coco + Snipe” with a large heart around it Meow :) Hello strangers Tim + Alex Banksy wuz her


friday, november 30, 2012

‘90s Lincoln band reunites for unreleased album gabriella martinez-garro dn When The Millions recorded their new release, “Poison Fish,” George H. W. Bush was in office, East and West Germany had just reunified and “Home Alone” was in theaters. “We had finished writing a collection of 14 songs and made plans to record them in Los Angeles,” said Harry Dingman, drummer for The Millions. “We hopped in a van and left Lincoln on a Saturday night, just before a big snowstorm hit the Midwest, and headed for sunny California.” The Millions were once Lincoln staples and one of the biggest bands to come out of the local music scene. After signing to a major label, the band moved to California to record their first album and worked with Rush producer, Terry Brown. “In one night, (singer) Lori Allison and I went and saw The Sugarcubes, PIL and New Order,” Dingman said. “On the same night, Marty (Amsler) was invited to a party with David Bowie, for Bowie’s new band, Tin Machine. We were experiencing a different world and that put us in a great place to make an album. (There was) a certain energy at that time in our lives when we were happy just being a unknown band.” At the height of their success, the Lincoln natives toured across the US, playing packed halls and experiencing success with the single, “Sometimes,” off their debut album “M is for Millions.” The song became extremely popular within college radio stations and rivaled U2’s “The Fly” for airplay. Following their second album, the group toured as an opening act for Sheryl Crow on her European tour. After a tumultuous near rise to

fame, The Millions disbanded in 1995. “All of the sudden, we had everyone giving us advice and making decisions for us: label presidents, producers, publicists and managers,” Dingman said. “These people had good intentions, but not necessarily our intentions. But we listened, followed through and tried to move ahead. No one had a good feeling about the break up.” Despite their differences and the passing of nearly two decades, The Millions couldn’t be kept apart. Seventeen years later, the band is back and ready to perform again at The Bourbon Theatre on Dec. 1. “There was something that brought us together back then and that seems to be bringing us together once again,” said Marty Amsler, original bassist for the band. “Our initial experience as a band was pretty intense. I think a few years apart and some perspective have really made us appreciate each other and what we’ve created together.” Though The Millions haven’t been in the spotlight for years, Amsler said he still keeps in contact with past fans and hopes to create some new bonds at their upcoming show, as well. “We’ve stayed in touch with many of them, Facebook is great for that,” Amsler said. “We’re hoping some younger people who are curious might show up, but music is music. I’m personally not too interested in when it was made, just if it makes me feel something.” In addition to the reunion of The Millions, the band’s first and previously unreleased album, “Poison Fish,” is now available for listen. “A few longtime friends and fans of the band had been gathering as many unrecorded Millions songs as

if you go The Millions


Saturday, 8 p.m. Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O st. how much: $10 advance, $12 at the door where:

courtesy photo

Defunct since the mid-1990s, The Millions will reunite on stage Saturday at the Bourbon Theatre. The Lincoln-based band toured nationally and recorded in Los Angeles before breaking up. they could during the past seven or eight years,” Amsler said. “One of the recordings they came across was an entire album – ‘Poison Fish’ – recorded in 1990, but never released. Randy Le-

Power pop group tailors sound to vinyl experience joe wade dn Mixing up the Lincoln music scene with mop-top enthusiasm and radical eclecticism is The Renfields. It started as a one-man side project for Nick Westra in 2001, but has grown into what it is today, a full-fledged band committed to working together every Thursday evening. Last Friday, The Renfields showcased their new self-titled LP at Knickerbockers, which was released on Tuesday. The album fosters the sound of the 1960s power pop (a la The Kinks with Westra’s recognizable whine) and is the first album with the official lineup of Westra on guitar, keyboard and vocals, Jarek Olivetti on guitar, percussion and vocals; Malcolm Miles on bass; and Brandon McKenzie on drums. “We each kind of played on each other’s stuff, like other bands and other projects,” Olivetti said. “(Nick and I) played with Crush the Clown for like a decade and we’ve been playing together since we were like 15 years old.” McKenzie said he envisions Olivetti and Westra, in old age, sharing a hospital room “crying in perfect harmony.” McKenzie approached Westra in 2004 and offered to play drums, resulting in the eventual formation of a band. “I think I suggested it, I might have,” he said. “I can’t take full credit for it, but I do remember approaching Nick and being like, ‘You’ve got these great songs. I figured he’s got enough songs obviously for another band, so I offered up my drumming services.” The one element the band was missing was someone to play bass guitar. Given their long-standing friendship and musical partnership, it was obvious to Westra that Olivetti would also join the band. “The funny thing is somebody offered us a show and we didn’t have a bass player,” Westra said. “As soon as I got the message that we had a show lined up, Malcolm walked by and I think I was talking to Brandon on the phone and I said, ‘Oh here comes Malcolm, I’ll ask him.’ We’d known him for quite a while.” Westra and Miles had worked together previously, specifically on the “A Situation” compilation series. The compilations, according to Miles, were an effort to support the local music scene by including songs from various local bands. Miles was the coordinator and producer for the series from 2004 to 2008. “Nick agreed to record all the bands and we agreed to play some shows to raise money to help produce the CDs,” Miles said. “We also agreed that each band would select a band not directly connected to them by mem-

Masters, of Randy’s Alternative Music had always wanted to put out a set of unreleased and rare CDs and this was his first. Though most of the original band

will be performing at the Bourbon, The Millions also have a new addition: drummer Brandon McKenzie. McKenzie said aside from playing for the band, he counts himself a fan of The Millions’ previous work and hopes to bring positive energy to their performance. “I really like ‘In Generations,’ ‘Poison Fish,’ ‘Delicate Balance,’ and ‘Everything’s Been Said,’ but they are all most excellent,” he said. As for the band’s original members, Dingman said he is excited to bring their songs to light once again. “It was a rewarding and fun experience to write and record those songs over 23 years ago and it’s even a better experience to play them now,” Dingman said. Though time has separated the band, Amsler said the chemistry within the band makes it feel as though nothing has changed. “It feels exactly the same,” he said. “We actually still have most of the same instruments. The vibe, excitement and energy was like it was in the early days. One of the most exciting things is going to be seeing everyone again. The music scene in Lincoln in the ‘80s and ‘90s was a really special thing to be a part of.” arts

Hospital film lacks cure for irresolution tyler keown dn For all the tension and suspense of a surgery, sometimes the real drama occurs before you ever even see the doctor. “The Waiting Room,” directed by Peter Nicks, is a look at the waiting room of an emergency room in Oakland, Calif. Many of the patients interviewed in the documentary are either uninsured or don’t speak English as their first language, and in many situations, both. Through the use of interviews and footage of the doctors working with patients, the documentary tries to make some commentary on the state of medicine in certain areas, but it doesn’t quite diagnose the probTHE WAITING ROOM lem clearly. “The Waiting Room” is a quiDIRECTED BY PETER NICKS et film. There’s never too much Mary Riepma Ross going on visually or audibly. The interviews with the patients are Media Arts Center often drawn out, showing the laughs and tears of people from of how we can better our hosall facets of life. There are a lot pital systems or if it’s more of a of scenes that just show hospital here’s-kind-of-a-problem type of work being done without anymessage. one speaking. These long-lasting This is a shortcoming because moments help to slow down the it’s unclear just what response tempo of the documentary and or even kind of response, the are nice for reflection, especially piece is asking after watching three for. Should we or four people in Should feel as though a row give heartthe people on we be breaking interviews the screen won, about their health concerned, because they problems. eventually got The score adds because our help for their to this subdued health care medical probfeeling, never really lems, even if it overpowering any system is set up in did take quite scene, instead addsome time bea way that doesn’t ing accent to the forehand? Or emotions of the per- supply enough should we be son currently talkbeds to those who concerned, being. cause our health The documen- need them?” care system is tary does a great job set up in a way of helping viewers that doesn’t relate to the patients. Each person supply enough beds to those who has a unique story and different need them? background, and it’s hard not to This problem is further exroot for each person coming in, acerbated by the scene in which even the guy who keeps relapssomeone dies. A 15-year-old vicing on hard drugs. tim of gang violence passes after The same can’t be said for the being attacked, but the next scene doctors and nurses, which feels is of a young girl having her strep like a missed opportunity. throat treated. The two scenes There’s one nurse who comes juxtapose poorly and send an inoff as annoying and a doctor who decipherable message. seems like a nice enough guy, but “The Waiting Room” could “The Waiting Room” never takes be a powerful documentary if it the chance to look at the ups and intends to be. The issues its calldowns of being in that role. ing out are like a tumor; possibly Another big problem is the benign or malignant, but it’ll take message the documentary tries to time to find out which. send. It’s hard to tell whether it’s arts@ trying to send a specific message


courtesy photo

Lincoln power pop four-piece The Renfields released their selftitled album, years in the making, last week digitally and on vinyl. bership to be on the second (compilation) in the series. Bands on the second CD picked the bands on the third and so forth over the five years we did this.” According to the band all of them grew up playing music in school and had an early desire to be in a band. The desire to play music wasn’t the only thing that helped create The Renfields, though. “I bought a bass amp from a friend of mine and later found out that it was Brandon’s amp originally,” Westra said. “I started playing bass in a local band, a high school band,” McKenzie said. “We played punk covers, like Ramones and Sex Pistols covers. That was the bass amp I used in high school to play those punk rock songs.” Not yet knowing that it was his future bandmate’s old amp, Westra decided to write and record an album in one night in honor of the transaction. According to Westra, that’s exactly what he did and the EP he created became the first album for The Renfields. The name for the band came from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula,” which Westra was reading at the time. “I was thinking about how I was going to present the EP, I recorded everything but wanted it to sound like it was a fictitious band or something,” Westra said. “So I took the cast of ‘Dracula’ characters and assigned them to a different instrument. Jona-

This Week in Film

than Harker was like the guitar player and Mina Harker was the keyboard player; I think Van Helsing played bass or something. But Renfield was the singer/songwriter in this fictitious band and I decided to call it The Renfields.” The new album is available as a digital download and on vinyl. CDs, according to the band, “are dead.” “Nobody has physical copies of anything,” Olivetti said. “So for a physical copy what’s better than to have something that’s big and crazy as that? Vinyl is supposedly the largest dynamic range that you can hear with human ears. Digital waves go up and plateau like stair steps whereas vinyl is a smooth wave.” The decision to put this album on vinyl, according to the band, developed out of their past experiences with local music, both on and off stage. Westra said when he began following the local scene in the mid to late 1990s, many of the bands put their albums on vinyl. Also according to the band, none of them had released an album on vinyl before, but this new release was worthy of being pressed into a glossy, black disc for listeners to feel its warmth. “I feel like this album is the result of all the things we’ve been doing all these years,” McKenzie said. “Somehow this record sums it up perfectly.” arts

At the Ross: “Keep the Lights On”

directed by:

Ira Sachs • Friday - 4:55 p.m., 7:05 p.m., 9:15 p.m. • Saturday - 12:35 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:55 p.m., 7:05 p.m., 9:15 p.m. • Sunday - 12:35 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:55 p.m., 7:05 p.m.

“The Sessions”

directed by:

Ben Lewin • Friday - 5:05 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:25 p.m. • Saturday - 5:05 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:25 p.m. • Sunday - 5:05 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

MET Opera Live in HD presents “La Clemenza di Tito” • Saturday - 11:55 a.m. • Sunday - 1 p.m.

New In Theaters: “Killing Them Softly”

directed by: Andrew Dominik starring: Brad Pitt, Scoot McNairy, Ben Mendelsohn, James Gandolfini

“Anna Karenina”

directed by:




Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Aaron Taylor-Johnson

“The Collection”

directed by: Marcus Dunstan starring: Christopher McDonald, Daniel Sharman, Lee Teregesen

DN Weekend Pick: “Killing Them Softly” Andrew Dominik directed by:

Take ‘Twilight’ only for what it’s worth: silly entertainment I'LL HAVE WHAT HE'S WATCHING

cameron mount Have the last two weeks felt darker to anyone else? At first I thought it might be the approach of finals or my slow adjustment to the end of Daylight Saving Time. But then I realized the source of this void: the Twilight franchise is no more. “Breaking Dawn: Part II” was released a full two weeks ago, and it’s taken the entirety of that span

to fully digest the hard-hitting dialogue, emotional plot twists and deep social commentary the series poses. I was there the night of its midnight release, doing what a true movie fan does: pissing off a theater of fans by laughing hysterically for two straight hours. Few series have built up as much undeserved anger as “Twilight.” Excess melodrama, a not-sosubtle abstinence message and legions of screaming fans have made it an easy target. Much more so than with similar piles of trash, however, seeing “Twilight” has become a way to easily label someone. Either

that person has no taste or they are a victim of being in a relationship with someone with no taste. It’s an unfair, unwarranted generalization for films with legitimate, though mostly mindless, entertainment value. Try telling a movie fan you’ve seen “Twilight.” The judgment radiating from their reaction is palpable. When I rationalized to others how I was at the premiere, I felt like an Alcoholics Anonymous member at his first meeting. My name is Cameron, and I saw “Breaking Dawn” at midnight. But “Twilight” fans aren’t taking the movies nearly as seriously as critics seem to think. When Kristen Stewart bolted absurdly through the forest, Taylor Lautner took off his shirt or the comically creepy bad guy, Aro, let out a highpitched cackle, many fans in the audience rightly laughed. It’s ridiculous, and everyone knows it. Compare “Twilight” to “The Ex-

pendables 2,” which is 90 minutes into a deadly chasm, and Darth Vadof aging action heroes exchanging er-worthy “NOOOO”s are bellowed each others’ tired catchphrases. amid countless awkward facial When Bruce Willis looks at Arnold expressions. If that’s not entertainSchwarzenegger and says “I’ll be ment, I don’t know what is. back” and SchwarThe other zenegger replies “Yip110 minutes are Few series pee ki-yay,” what do comprised of Jahave built you do? You laugh, cob explaining to you shake your head up as much the Cullens how and remark how ludihe’s fallen in love undeserved anger crous it is, and you enwith their infant joy the scene for what as ‘Twilight.’” daughter, quotit is. able gems like The same goes for “You named my “Twilight.” daughter after the Loch Ness monThe climax of “Breaking Dawn: ster?!” and Stewart’s character bePart II” is a preposterous 10-minute ing taught how to act more human fight scene in which the Cullen crew – a satisfying metaphor for an acbattle the Volturi (who look like tress with no more than two facial what would happen if David Bowie expressions. designed “The Matrix” costumes) by The difference between a viewsprinting toward each other at top er who watches “Breaking Dawn” speed and leaping 20 feet into the seriously or ironically is not insurair. Dozens of heads (including Damountable. Almost everyone has kota Fanning’s) are literally popped favorite “escape” movies. These off, the icy mountain ground splits films aren’t meant to be analyzed,

but instead appreciated for the fantasy world they offer. Action, horror and comedy do this all the time, and these fans are rarely ridiculed for their enjoyment. It is possible to engage with flawed, flat characters, earnestly wonder how the plot will develop and still take a step back every once and a while to laugh at it all. Either way, you’re being entertained. When you overhear someone passionately dissecting Bella and Edward’s relationship, remember that’s just one lens through which to enjoy a safely entertaining, often hilarious and relatively shortlived phenomenon. There will be more phenomena to come and with an open mind, they don’t have to be so insufferable. My name is Cameron. And I enjoyed “Twilight.” Cameron Mount is a Senior English education major. Reach him at arts


friday, november 30, 2012

hi-way: from 5 • • • • •

Another regular, Ron Colin, 65, has stopped at Hi-Way Diner at 5 a.m. every morning since his other favorite restaurant closed years ago, he said. “I come here about this time every morning, read the paper, have a cup of coffee and head to work,” he said. The regulars at the diner come in like clockwork, the first stop on a day that will wind to a close and ultimately bring them right back.

“I came here with a piano player who doesn’t have money.” “The waiter is going to come to the table and tell me to leave because I don’t have money.” “This is weird. It’s nice to have people pay attention to me again.” “I work in hell. I work with Satan.” “I spend most of my money on action figure Ninja Turtles.”

The Regulars

Among the group of regulars who stopped in for their routine breakfast and coffee before work, there’s a shared opinion Hi-Way is the most convenient option for their unconventional schedules. “I get up early,” said Oris Smith, a 70-year-old Lincoln Public Schools bus driver. “It’s one of the only restaurants open before 5 a.m., besides Perkins. But I don’t like Perkins,” Smith also shared his go-to menu items.

The Employees


Bailey Foss, a senior horticulture major at the UNL, grabs some fuel at the Hi-Way Diner during a late-night study session. “I love their eggs and hash browns,” he said. “But I also love their oatmeal. They have great oatmeal.”

Cab driver Craig Barnadoe said he and other drivers stop in on their late nights and early mornings for sausage and eggs.

The employees at the diner never seemed to mind our half-day presence. The night waitress, 27-year-old Stephanie Madsen, has worked at Hi-Way Diner for a little more than a year. After working Friday and Saturday nights, she’s accustomed to the waves of demographics throughout the night. “After 2 a.m., it’s always drunk people,” she said. “It’s usually just people who want to finish off their

Give me time, I swear people could hate me as much as they hate John Mayer.” James burke

hi-way diner customer

night and have a good time.” Rick Parent, the graveyard cook, works from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. five nights a week and claimed there are patterns in ordering for the rowdier patrons. “The partiers usually order Hot Strippers, Haystacks, chicken clubs or the Number 5 breakfast meal with eggs, meat, hash browns and magic toast,” he said. For having to deal with two reporters occupying their corner booth for 10 hours, numerous drunk individuals and other rambunctious folks, the employees of the Hi-Way Diners are extremely laid back. Once the rowdies left, they were nice enough to refill our sodas and allowed us to pay for a $3.26 bill with a credit card.

out alive

We like to think we’re stronger human beings for having endured such a traumatic experience. Not physically stronger – our bodies will take years to recover. Not mentally, either – that will be an even longer recovery. But emotionally, we are at our pinnacle … specifically from the ear candy that flowed from Burke’s heavy panting and slobbering into his harmonica. This is an experience we will never forget nor ever attempt again. But really, we are very tired so will someone please come pick us up now? arts

UNMC College of Public Health Fall 2012 Open House DISCOVER PUBLIC HEALTH A Career, A Discipline, A Passion

Come explore how UNMC’s College of Public Health trains professionals to tackle health problems from neighborhoods to global populations. A multidisciplinary approach that promotes healthy communities, eliminates disparities and ensures clean environments. When: Friday, November 30th, 2012 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Where: University of Nebraska Medical Center University of Nebraska Medical Center Maurer Center for Public Health Omaha, Nebraska

RSVP on the Open House website:


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Answer to Previous Puzzle

Need new tenants to take over 3br apartment in Claremont Park Apartments at North Bottoms. $1075 a month + gas/electric. Water/garbage/parking/internet/cable paid for. Lease is till August! Email or call to schedule a viewing! Craiglist listing:

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Puzzles by Pappocom

ACROSS 1 Hawaiian entree 9 “___-Koo” (old ragtime standard) 15 Emphatic call from the flock 16 And so on 17 Honoring at a banquet, say 18 Scotland’s Loch ___ 19 Natal native 20 50th state’s bird 22 Kind of sandwich 23 First-year J.D. student 24 Street child 25 Like the area around an erupting volcano 26 Rock layers 28 Tennis whiz 30 One in la familia 31 One concerned about charges

33 Alter 35 Assumes, as costs 38 The Lizard constellation 40 Ones on the move 41 President ___ 43 Bow shape 44 Redheaded boy of 1960s TV 46 Bouquets 50 Hard to find in Latin? 52 Cure again, as leather 54 All-night party 55 Sacked out 56 “The Heat ___” 57 Modern home of ancient Elam 58 Batman’s home 60 Being borrowed by 63 Pupil surrounder


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64 1997 Carrey comedy


65 Spanky or Alfalfa


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6 Burgundy bud 7 Skin colorer 8 Former world heavyweight champion Johansson 9 ___ Curtis, onetime cosmetics giant 10 “How was ___ know?” 11 Home of MacDill Air Force Base 12 Part of many a convent 13 Comment made while elbowing someone 14 “And so on” 21 Violinmaker Amati 24 Raiment 27 Many a classical sculpture 29 Soapbox derby entrant 32 Glimpses

















44 51







56 59



45 52

55 58



27 31







18 20

3 Doctor, ideally 5 Dojo floor covering



2 Check figure 4 Asbestos, for one




1 Seder servings


No. 0516

57 60







Puzzle by Kevin Adamick

34 Some anniversary events 35 Petri dish gel 36 South Pacific island 37 Generates, as fluids 39 ___ early age 42 Modernizes, as a factory

45 First 47 1964 Hitchcock thriller 48 2009 James Cameron blockbuster 49 Madrid madam 51 Like some committees

53 Musical with the song “N.Y.C.” 59 Indicator of how something is done 61 Actress ___ Park Lincoln 62 ___ pro nobis

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friday, november 30, 2012


Husker swimmers prepare for Hawkeye invite Nebraska looks to hawkeye invitational improve on previous when: Friday times as it enters where: Iowa City, Iowa weekend meet schools competing: Staff Report DN

Denver, Milwaukee, Michigan, Nebraska, Northwestern, Iowa, Washington State

As the last swimming and diving competition of 2012 nears, Nebraska is ready to make a petitor. With multiple records statement at the Hawkeye Invialready set, Kabacinski recenttational. ly finished the 50-freestyle in The NU diving team will be23.12, earning a legacy at Iowa gin competing Friday morning with the second-fastest time in in Iowa City, Iowa at the Hawkthe school’s history. If all three eye invitational Friday. Iowa, competitors face each other in Denver, Milwaukee, Michigan, the finals, there is no doubt that Northwestern, Washington the 50-freestyle could State and Nebraska have the potential to will make up the become a defining competition at the moment for Weech at meet, which will last this weekend’s invite. through Sunday. The 50-freestyle U n d o u b t e d l y, is not the only race to the invitational will keep a close eye on. come with intense Although the competition and Hawkeyes and Huskhigh tension as the ers are easily spotted women compete for matchups, the other the win. weech competitors will also Wa s h i n g t o n be sure to give NU State’s Loree Olcompetition. son recently swam The Hawkeye sophomore the 200 backstroke with a time Becky Stoughton is a returnof 2.02.89. NU senior Hayley ing All-American and 1,650 Martin competed at the Kansas freestyle competitor, who finClassic is a close match to Olson, ished ninth at last year ’s NCAA finishing her 200 backstroke a Championship with a 16:03.42. 2.02.81. A close match to say the least, Olson will be Martin’s NU’s Bailey Pons will also have her competition set out for her. main competition in this event She placed first in the 1650-meduring the weekend’s invitater freestyle with a 16:48.88 durtional. ing her last performance at the One NU swimmer to keep Kansas Classic. Pons will have an eye on is senior Ariel Weech. During the Kansas Classic, to swim her best race to compete with Stoughton’s quick speed in Weech was a top performer for the water. the Huskers, which finished the The Hawkeye Invitational invitational in third place. will be the last event of the year It is expected that Weech for Nebraska. will again face Amanda PaulWith a much deserved son, a Hawkeye competitor, in break, the team will begin holithe 50-yard freestyle. The two competed against one another day training in January to prepare for their next competition, at the Kansas Classic. Hawkwhich will be on January 19. eye’s Paulson out-swam Weech, They will compete against San finishing with a 23.37, beating Diego State at the Devaney NaWeech by .22 seconds. Also on the Huskers’ radar is Olivia Ka- tatorium. sports@ bacinski, another Hawkeye

file photo by anna reed | dn

Ameer Abdullah bounces off a defender against Southern Miss on a Sept. 1, 2012. The Nebraska Athletic Department announced Thursday that next year’s game against the Golden Eagles will be played in Lincoln.

Nebraska to play Oklahoma in 2021 Staff Report DN Husker fans will have to wait nine years, but they will get the game they want. The Nebraska Athletic Department announced Thursday a home-and-home series with the Oklahoma football team in 2021 and 2022. The first game will take place on Sept. 18, 2021, in Norman, Okla., and Nebraska will host the Sooners on Sept. 17, 2022, in Lincoln. “Our rivalry with Oklahoma has been one of the great traditional matchups in the history of college football,” Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne said

in a press release Thursday. “The to nonconference games against games between the two schools high-profile opponents like Oklahoma. I’m pleased we were generwere able to finalize ally to decide Our rivalry this series.” Osborne a conference with said. championship, Nebraska and and many times Oklahoma has Oklahoma hold a helped deterstoried tradition as mine the nation- been one of the the two teams have al champion. great traditions in played each other 86 Those matchups times. The Sooners were always history of collegte hold a 45-38-3 record played with football.” over the Huskers. great intensity The last time Nebrason the field, but Tom osborne nu athletic director ka and Oklahoma with a great deal faced each other was of respect from in the Big 12 Chamboth sides and pionship Game in 2010, with the among the fan bases.” “I know our fans look forward Sooners winning 23-20.

idaho state: from 10

Another scheduling change was announced Thursday as Nebraska’s matchup with Southern Miss in 2013 has been moved back to Lincoln. The game was originally scheduled to be held in Hattiesburg, Miss., on Sept. 7. The game will be the second of a three-game agreement. “There were discussions about moving this game to a neutral site, but as we continued to talk with Southern Miss, moving the game to Lincoln became an option,” Osborne said in a press release Thursday. “That opportunity appeared to be the most beneficial for both schools at this time.” sports@


NU prepares for unexpected in Las Vegas The Huskers prepare for a 32-team field this weekend at Cliff Keen Invitational

kat buchanan | dn

Lindsey Moore dribbles past a Maryland defender during Wednesday night’s matchup. The senior point guard hopes her team will perform better against Idaho State this weekend at the Bob Devaney Sports Center.

with 17 and five respectively. She attributes the loss to miscommunication on defense. “There wasn’t a lot of great communication out on the floor,” Moore said, who started her 105th-straight game Wednesday night. “We just kind of got tired and let them get transition buckets, we weren’t necessarily talking on defense like we were in the first half.” Idaho State comes into Lincoln with a 3-2 record with losses to No. 25 Kansas State and Kansas. Despite being ranked in the preseason polls, Idaho State has recently fallen out of the polls and is searching for their first win against a ranked opponent. NU freshman Rachel Theriot is expected to get the second start of her career against Idaho State after starting her first game against Maryland. Theriot sported solid numbers in the first half, with six points and six rebounds. However, she struggled handling the ball against Maryland’s defensive pressure, turning the ball over five times and failing to score in the second half. Mostly, Yori said she saw flashes of a solid starting point guard. “It’s a growing experience for her,” Yori said. “She’s young and she’s not super physical, but there are things she can do for us that we don’t have other kids doing consistently.” Tip off against Idaho State will be at 2:05 p.m. at the Bob Devaney Sports Center and can be heard on Sports@

file photo by matt masin | dn

Nebraska women’s basketball coach Connie Yori directs her team against Maryland on Wednesday night. The Huskers take on Idaho State on Saturday.

just never let down.” Snyder said in order to stay ready for their next opponents, the wrestlers cannot look ahead. “When you have that many guys in a tournament you have to be prepared for whatever,” he said. “But also have the chalZach Tegler lenge to be able to take one DN match at a time and not look forward.” The Nebraska wrestling team To Green, no will have to be ready matter what stratfor anything. egy his opponent When the No. 9 might employ, the Huskers hit the mat in most important asthe Cliff Keen Invitapect of the tournational, a double-elimment is wrestling at ination tournament the pace he wants in Las Vegas, they – fast. will not know who “You have to be they are wrestling in ready for any style, their next matches or, but at the same more importantly, the time, you can’t let Green style of their next opthat affect you,” ponents. Green said. “I ac“We’ll see how tually have to go out there and our guys hold up throughout wrestle my style match. I can’t the course of the day, multiple let someone’s style change the matches and really different way I wrestle … keep attacking. styles of wrestling,” NU assistant Just keep my pace up. That’s coach Bryan Snyder said. “We’ll about it, because that’s my see a bunch of different types of style.” schools, but really tough competiThe field at the Cliff Keen tion.” includes nine ranked schools, Nebraska enters the 32-team including Big Ten opponents tournament with a record of 4-1 – Ohio State and Michigan. But the lone loss to No. 1 Minnesota. in a tournament brimming with But this event presents the Husknumerous tactics and strategies, ers with their first opportunity Snyder said only one scheme to gauge their performance on should matter to his wrestlers: a postseason tournament-like their own. stage. “We’re a pretty disciplined “It’s always a fundamental good benchmark,” team,” SnyWe’ll see Snyder said. “It’s der said. “Not not as tough as the a bunch of knowing who national tournawe’re necesment, but you’re different schools, sarily going to going to see a num- but really tough wrestle gives ber of weight classus a chance to competition.” es where there’s gofocus on us and ing to be a number what we do Bryan snyder of All-Americans. well. I think we assistant wrestling coach It’s a good scrap.” just continue to Last year, Nedo what we do. braska finished Wrestle with fourth in the invitational. Five good fundamentals and wrestle Huskers finished in the top four, with a lot of fight and high pace including returners senior Josh a lot of passion. Expect to win.” Ihnen and sophomores RobNo. 6 Green certainly exert Kokesh, Jake Sueflohn and pects to. James Green, who finished third “We’re just looking out there after losing in the waning mo- to show everybody that Nebrasments of a semifinal. ka is out there to wrestle, com“So this year, just going out pete for a national title,” Green there and finishing, wrestling said, “and right now we’re trythe whole match through,” ing to get this Las Vegas title.” Green said. “Keeping good posports@ sitions. Keep my attacks up and

friday, november 30, 2012


scouting report Big Ten Championship Game Indianapolis, Indiana

stadium: Lucas Oil Stadium (62,421 capacity for football, expandable to 70,000) features: Retractable roof, FieldTurf tenants: Indianapolis Colts (NFL), Super Bowl XLVI (2012), NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four (2010, 2015), NCAA Women’s Basketball Final Four (2016), NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament (Sweet 16 and Elite 8, 2013, 2014) last year (inaugural game): No. 15 Wisconsin def. No. 13 Michigan State 42-39 game mvp: Wisconsin QB Russell Wilson – 17-24, 187 yards, 3 TD

stadium: rivals:

Wisconsin Badgers Madison, Wisconsin

Camp Randall stadium (80,321 capacity) Iowa, Minnesota

636-470-51 All-Time

claimed national titles:

0 13 (won last two) heisman trophy winners: 2 notable current players: RB Montee Ball, WR Jared Abbrederis, LB Chris Borland courtesy photo notable former players: RB Ron Dayne, WR Elroy Hirsch, QB Lucas Oil Stadium is the home of the NFL team the Indianapolis Colts and the site of Saturday’s Big Ten Championship Game between Arnie Herber, C Mike Webster, FB Alan Ameche, QB Rus- Nebraska and Wisconsin. The Stadium also hosted the men’s basketball Final Four in 2010. sell Wilson, DE JJ Watt, OT Joe Thomas last meeting with nebraska: The Huskers battled back from a 27-10 third quarter deficit to open the Big Ten season schools in its top 16, including the School of Education NU DB Ciante Evans vs. WIS WR Jared Abbrederis with a win. Nebraska’s win over the Badgers was the (12th), the School of Medicine and Public Health’s priAbbrederis torched Nebraska for 142 yards and a first of five second-half comeback wins for the team. mary care (13th), the La Follette School of Public Affairs touchdown earlier this year. However, in the second (14th) and the College of Engineering (16th). half, Nebraska switched to Ciante Evans, having him what makes it unique: Wisconsin has been given the title Coach: Bret Bielema shadow Abbrederis, helping shut down the Badger “Public Ivy,” meaning that it is a public university that overall head coaching record: 67-23 (7th year) offense. The Huskers will likely adopt that model right offers education comparable to Ivy League schools in playing career: Defensive Tackle – Iowa (1989-1992) away. If the Badgers want to get the ball moving, Abterms of quality. head coaching career: Wisconsin (2006-present) brederis will have to get open. notable assistant coaching stops: Iowa (GA – 1994-95, LB – Key Matchups 1996-2001), Kansas State (Co-DC – 2002-03), Wisconsin NU Offensive Line vs. WIS LB Chris Borland (DC – 2004-05) Rex Burkhead and Ameer Abdullah are expected to NU LB Will Compton vs. WIS RB Montee Ball play large roles in Saturday’s game. Wisconsin will Earlier this season, Nebraska held Heisman-hopeful The University of Wisconsin-Madison running back Montee Ball to fewer than 100 yards, but likely focus a lot of stopping the Husker ground attack. established: 1848 allowed him to enter the end zone three times. Unless That all starts with standout linebacker Chris Borland Public University coming in and creating havoc. Nebraska’s offensive the Huskers plan on getting into an offensive battle, students: 42,595 (Fall 2010) line will need to key in on Borland if they hope to esthe Blackshirts, led by linebacker Will Compton, will motto: God, our light tablish a consistent rushing game. need to keep Ball out of the end zone. –Compiled by Chris Peters specializations: US News & World Report ranked four conference titles:


football: from 10

Mickelson returns, hopes to boost Huskers Nebraska’s senior bowler is playing healthy for the first time this season as NU enters weekend

the difficulty of coming back from an injury physically and psychologically. “I can’t predict the future, but I do think, at the very least, Kristina is going to be healthier,” Straub said. At NU’s first tournament this season in Valparaiso, Ind., Mickelson bowled, but was still going Sara Hinds through rehab for her elbow. The DN underclassmen played a big part in the third place finish out of 10 Warmer weather and a healthier teams. Sophomore Liz Kuhlkin Kristina Mickelson are expected bowled the highest average of for NU’s women’s bowling team the tournament with this weekend. The threea 230.6. Straub credday Track Kat Klash its the work she put tournament is in Huntsinto bowling over ville, Texas, where temthe summer. He’s peratures are expected looking at Kuhlkin to be in the mid- to upto bowl strong again per-70s. this weekend with But it’s the continuMickelson still not at ing recovery of Mickelfull strength. son that is more of a con“Thankfully cern. The right-handed when we were in senior broke her right Valparaiso all the elbow after a car accistraub new people we had dent before the start of stepped up to help the season this year. She isn’t at 100 percent yet. Nebraska kind of lighten the load for her as best they could,” Straub said. coach Bill Straub acknowledged

“Hopefully this weekend, they’ll still be able to do well and Kristi is more healthy than she was in Valpo. I hope it can show.” Besides Mickelson and Kuhlkin, the other women competing this weekend are junior Yan Ling, sophomore Elise Bolton, sophomore Andrea Ruiz and freshman Beth Hedley. The tournament starts Friday with Baker matches and continues on Saturday before concluding on Sunday. Even if she’s not bowling how she planned to her senior season, Mickelson is invested in the team. “I just really want to see the team succeed,” Mickelson said. “My biggest hope is always just getting to nationals, so we need to make sure that we win all our matches and have a really good match play record so that we can get into nationals and that’s really the main goal of all tournaments. “It’d be great to win a tournament. (It’s) Coach (Paul) Klempa’s birthday on Friday and we have a thing where we’re going to win for him.” Sports@

ning back for the Badgers. As mate-controlled indoor stadium Nebraska attempts to limit the with a retractable roof. Wisconsin ground-and-pound Quarterback Taylor Martinez said last week’s conditions lim- attack, the team will try to do so without defensive tackle Baker ited Nebraska’s offense, and that Steinkuhler, who registered 5 the zero-wind, room-temperatackles and 2 tackles for loss in ture environment will allow the the initial meeting against the offense to flourish. Badgers, but sustained an injury “It should help us out trelast Friday. Starting center Justin mendously,” Martinez said. “Hopefully we can go out there Jackson will also miss the game due to a leg and run our offense.” injury. Both teams run To hold Two of rush-heavy offenses, them to that Wi s c o n s i n ’ s with Nebraska averaginjured star ing more than 40 yards many yards, it’s players, wide passing than Wisreceiver Jared consin. The Badgers kind of a fluke. Abbrederis (7-5, 4-4) will likely They’re going to and linerely heavily on their get some yards backer Chris ground attack, hoping Borland, will to improve from the (this week).” both play in sub-100 yard rushing Saturday’s game they displayed Rick KACZENSKI game, giving against Nebraska back defensive line coach Wisconsin a in September. boost. Husker defensive P e l i n i line coach Rick Kaczenski said he’s seen tremendous said when he looks at Saturday’s improvement from Wisconsin’s matchup, he doesn’t look too hard at injuries or what hapoffensive line since that game, and believes the Badgers will be pened in the past. He’s trying to use whatever players he has tough to stop on the ground. available to combat whoever “They’re a completely different team,” Kaczenski said. “To Wisconsin plays. “They are a dangerous team hold them to that many yards, no matter what,” Pelini said. it’s kind of a fluke. They’re going “They are a good football team. to get some yards (this week).” They’re physical, they are exThe Blackshirts will try to tremely well-coached and I don’t stop the NCAA record holder for career ushing touchdowns, put any stock into what has happened up to this point. It’s going Montee Ball, who starts at run-

to be 60 minutes of football. The team that earns it on Saturday is going to come away with the win.” A win Saturday would give Nebraska its first conference championship since 1999. Senior tight end Ben Cotton said the team needs to remove itself from the moment and treat the game just like any other. If the team doesn’t, he fears Nebraska could find itself in a similar situation as it did earlier this year against Wisconsin, when it trailed by 17 points in the third quarter. “A lot of guys were extremely excited, extremely psyched up and I think it kind of dulled us down at the beginning of that game until we were able to settle in and be who we really are,” Cotton said. As the team charged back, the offense gained momentum and minimized mistakes. Offensive tackle Brent Qvale said the team needs to focus on what got them the win earlier this year – calming down and getting into a good offensive rhythm. “I think our tempo came into play in that game,” Qvale said. “Hopefully we can match it this game and just keep playing hard and give it all.” “This is the big game now. This is what it all comes down to.” Nebraska and Wisconsin kick off at 7:15 p.m. Television coverage is available on Fox. sports

volleyball: from 10 “Any opportunity I get, I’m althe first set. UMES stuck with its ways ready to go out there and play counterparts, trailing midway into the set as close as 10-9. But it was only with my teammates,” she said. Although the Hawks gave NU a a matter of time until Nebraska would scare with a 4-0 run kick its offense into secto tie it at 10 apiece, ond gear. Behind two kills Who doesn’t the Huskers would finish with the last and an ace by Manwant to laugh. cuso, the Huskers Mancuso’s pulled away to a 21-12 play for a crowd blast in the final set lead and take the rest assisted the Huskof the set to win 25-14. like this? It’s ers to a 25-18 vicMancuso finished the awesome.” tory to live another first set with four kills day. swinging a .571 hitting Allson McNEAL senior volleyball player The Omaha percentage. native finished the And the NU offenmatch swinging sive attack wasn’t fin.435, while Werth led the team with ished yet. her .667 hitting performance. After its three blunders to begin The victory advances Nebraska the match, the Huskers began the to the second round where they will second set with three aces to jump out to a 9-2 lead on the Hawks. After face-off against Northern Iowa on FriWerth’s second kill on the night made day at 7 p.m. In the first match Thursday, the it 18-6, senior Allison McNeal came off the bench and was greeted by a loud Panthers defeated Kansas State 3-0 (25-18, 25-13, 25-21) with the help of standing ovation from the Sea of Red. The response from the blaring fans Megan Lehman, Macy Ubben and Krista Degeest, who all posted 11 kills. left the middle blocker speechless. Although Northern Iowa’s sweep “It was super exciting,” McNeal against the Wildcats may have come said. “I mean who doesn’t want to play for a crowd like this? It’s awesome.” as a surprise, Cook said he’s treating She scored with her first block and its next opponent with the same goal. “For us, it’s still purple,” he said. kill to extend the NU lead to 20-7. She would go on to nail another kill and “We have some unfinished business to take care of.” finish the set with a block to help Nesports@ braska go into the third set 2-0. McNeal finished the match with three kills (.400 hitting percentage) and two blocks. After playing in just 50 sets all featured page 1 year, she said it felt great to make an photo by enormous impact in the first round of matt masin | dn the tournament.

matt masin | dn

Allison McNeal (16) celebrates a point with her teammates during Thursday’s match agaisnt Maryland Eastern Shore. The NU senior recorded three blocks on the night and provided an emotional boost for the Huskers.

friday november 30, 2012 @dnsports





Ben Cotton runs after he catches a pass against Wisconsin at Memorial Stadium in late September. The Huskers look to win their first conference championship since 1999 by beating the Badgers for the second time this season on Saturday.

Nebraska takes on Wisconsin in the Big Ten championship at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on Saturday Story by Chris Peters | File photo by Anna Reed


wo months after Nebraska stormed back from a 17-point second-half deficit to defeat Wisconsin, the Huskers are preparing for a rematch. Saturday’s Big Ten Championship Game features a Nebraska team riding a six-game winning streak and a Wisconsin team that has revamped its offensive line since last meeting the Cornhuskers. Nebraska coach Bo Pelini is trying to approach Saturday’s game just like he would any other game, even though both teams

have already met. “You can sit there and dissect it all day on how they are going to approach it and how we are going to approach it,” Pelini said. “At the end of the day, it’s going to come down to blocking and tackling.” Nebraska (10-2 overall, 7-1 Big Ten) is coming off a win against Iowa in brutal conditions, including a swirling wind and the coldest game-time temperature of its season. Saturday, both teams will have the luxury of playing in Lucas Oil Stadium, a cli-

football: see page 9

Mancuso, McNeal lead Huskers to win No. 4 seed Nebraska advances to the second round of NCAA tournament Nedu Izu dn Nebraska completed its first step in its quest to a national championship when it defeated Maryland Eastern Shore 3-0 (25-14, 25-10, 25-18) Thursday night in the first round of the 2012 NCAA Tournament. Outside hitters Gina Mancuso and Hannah Werth tallied 12 and 11 hits respectively to lead the Huskers to a .455 team hitting percentage en route to their first-round victory. “Our goal was to be balanced tonight and I think we were pretty balanced,” NU head coach John Cook said after the match. “Maryland came out on fire for about the first 10 points, but our team adjusted to them and did a nice job and we’re happy to be playing tomorrow.” NU began the match shaky, recording three service errors to begin

volleyball: see page 9

women’s basketball

Huskers look to rebound at home Nebraska takes on Idaho State at the Bob Devaney Sports Center on Saturday Chris Heady DN

Matt Masin | DN

Gina Mancuso spikes the ball past Maryland Eastern Shore blockers at the NU Coliseum on Thursday night. The Husker senior finshed with 12 kills.

After a disappointing 19-point home loss to No. 11 Maryland on Wednesday night, the Huskers continue their home stand Saturday afternoon against last year’s Big Sky regular season champions, Idaho State. The Bengals return four of their five starters from last year’s 24-win squad. The loss to Maryland was the Huskers’ biggest point deficit of the season, leaving them with a 5-2 record. Though the score

seemed drastic, head coach Connie Yori said she was pleased with the overall effort of her squad. “I was really excited about the way our team competed tonight,” Yori said in Wednesday’s postgame press conference. “They showed me a little more toughness than I think I was giving them credit for; we can learn a lot from tonight’s game.” All-American Jordan Hooper was shadowed all night defensively by Maryland’s Alyssa Thomas, and struggled from the field, shooting just 5-15. She ended up with 15 points, five of which came in the final two minutes. Senior Lindsey Moore lead the Huskers in scoring and assists

idaho state: see page 8

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