November 5

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tuesday, november 5, 2013 volume 113, issue 049

Inside Coverage

Local faces, new spaces

A seasoned professional

Vega aims to provide fresh atmosphere

Retired professor named top beef industry player



UNL study: Both genders fixate on female body Mara Klecker dn

what women have long suspected: men’s gazes fixate on the curves of the breasts and the hips, especially when asked to judge the woman’s Excuse me. Eyes up here. attractiveness. The surprising piece It’s a thought that many womof data, however, showed that en have as they feel a man’s stare landing somewhere below the face. women exhibited a similar gaze A study done by psychologists at pattern toward each other. When the University of Nebraska-Lin- asked to focus on a woman’s personality, however, both men and coln, however, indicates that men aren’t the only ones with wander- women tended to focus more on the face than did the group judging ing eyes. attractiveness. Associate psyWhen a chology profesThe takewoman feels that sor Michael Dodd gaze, it can lead and assistant psyhome to negative consechology profesquences, Gervais sor Sarah Gervais message here is to said, referencing used eyetracking be aware.” other research. technology to map “We see that the visual behavior reports of the obSarah gervais of both men and gaze women as they assistant psychology professor jectifying are related to a were shown imbunch of conseages of females of different body types. About 65 un- quences: women feeling anxious dergraduate participants were fit- and ashamed of their bodies and ted with a sensitive eyetracking de- even performing less well on cognitive tests,” she said. “Until now, vice and were then asked to rate the though, we hadn’t focused on the female on a seven-point scale based on either attractiveness or person- trigger, just the consequences.” The study found that objectiality. The device tracked eye movefication had little to do with body ments up to 500 times per second and recorded where the gaze fix- shape. “You might think that people ated first, how long the participant viewed certain body parts and how would be more likely to objeche/she viewed the face in compari- tify women with more voluptuous son to the rest of the woman’s body. The study results confirmed study: see page 3

Nebraska state Sen. Danielle Conrad talks with her fellow members of the privacy versus security panel: Doug Bereuter (center), former Nebraskan 1st District congressman, and Roger Lempke, former adjutant general of the Nebraska National Guard. The panel met Monday night to discuss the controversy surrounding the National Security Agency and the conflict between the values of privacy and security.


conversation At Andersen Hall panel, 5 experts debate privacy versus security in post-9/11 society story by Nicole Rauner | photos by Stacie Hecker

Joseph Moore, a graduate student studying journalism, talks about why he believes Edward Snowden did the right thing by blowing the whistle on the National Security Agency. The panel’s moderator David Kotok, retired managing editor at the Omaha World-Herald, asked the audience who believed Snowden’s actions made him a hero.


he “Privacy vs. Security: Where Do We Draw the Line?” panel drew a full house on Monday night in the University of NebraskaLincoln Andersen Hall. Drones, Sept. 11, 2001, the National Security Agency and social media were all topics during the 90-minute panel discussion, which included five members: former Nebraska Congressman Douglas Bereuter, former Nebraska National Guard Adjutant General Roger Lempke, Nebraska Sen. Danielle Conrad, Prairie Fire Publisher W. Don Nelson and former Omaha World-Herald Managing Editor David Kotok. Conrad, the Nebraska legislator, discussed social media and how privacy factors into the age of the Internet. “You still decide what you want to post… that’s an important distinction that needs to be made,” Conrad said. “It’s critical to human dignity to keep some stuff private. You choose what to share.” Conrad also said that it’s not just criminals that desire privacy, but it’s all citizens. People that want to hide things aren’t the only ones who desire privacy. Another question Conrad answered was about Congress and if they were or weren’t taking action based on re-election.

security: see page 2

UNL Ethics Bowl team wins 1st regional competition Ethics bowl pits teams against each other with moral dilemmas, one UNL team ends up on top Lane Chasek DN For the first time in three years of competing, one of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Ethics Bowl teams won the Ethics Bowl regional competition in Boulder, Colo., last Saturday. Seven teams total competed, with UNL sending two. The winning UNL team defeated University of Colorado at Boulder to become one of 10 teams to compete in the 18th national Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Championship in February. The winning team consists of Katherine Miller, a senior philosophy major, Oliver Tonkin, team president and political science and global studies major, Madeline Bien, a junior anthropology major, Anthony Moran, a senior philosophy major, and Sarah O’Neill, team vice president and a junior political science and global studies major.


A good deal of research went According to Allison Fritz, one of the team’s two coaches, UNL into developing team members’ arguments, according to Adam has had an Ethics Bowl team for the past four years. However, be- Thompson, the Ethics Bowl team skills coach and a graduate student cause of difficulties in recruiting in philosophy. Team members not students onto the team in the past, only had to think on their feet and UNL has only competed in the regional competition for the past give compelling presentations, but also had to back up their claims three years. with factual information. According to O’Neill, much The two UNL Ethics teams preparation went into making met four hours per week to disUNL’s regional victory possible. cuss their cases and argumenUNL’s Ethics Bowl team retative strategies ceived its cases for throughout fall sethe regional comBut our mester. As Regionpetition on Sept. als approached, the 4. These cases conentire teams practiced for sisted of ethical group has a up to six hours per and moral dilemweek. mas which team wide range of During Regionmembers discussed als on Saturday, during the regional different majors.” each team went competition. Sarah O’neill through three preThe moral and ethics bowl team president liminary rounds, ethical issues perfollowed by a fitained to certain nal round between current events from UNL’s winning team and CUthe past year, such as the handling Boulder. of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body after In each round during Regionthe Boston Marathon Bombing and als, anywhere from one to five a case in which a newborn’s father team members presented a case prohibited a black nurse from carand their viewpoints on that case. ing for his child. The opposing team then agreed One of O’Neill’s main cases with, rebutted or added certain was titled, “Paying for Bone Marideas to their competitors’ interrow,” in which O’Neill argued pretation of the case. that tissues such as bone marrow should not be sold and traded as commodities. ethics: see page 3

courtesy photo

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln sent two teams to the Ethics Bowl regional competition on Saturday. One of the teams advanced to February’s Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Championship.

more Inside Coverage:

‘Escape from Assisted Living’ Americans should be more accepting of aging population


Husker defense makes stand NU’s defense - not its offense kept the Huskers in the game

@dailyneb |


tuesday, november 5, 2013




Retiree earns spot on Top 50 beef industry list Animal sciences emeritus professor, Terry Klopfenstein recognized by BEEF magazine Melissa Allen DN

On campus what: Wellness Outreach East Campus hands out prizes to students wearing #UHCinspired buttons when: 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. where: Around East Campus what: Maxwell Arboretum fall walking tours when: noon to 1 p.m. where: Maxwell Arboretum on East Campus

what: “Man Up” – Carlos Andres Gomez when: 7:30 p.m. where: Nebraska Union

Terry Klopfenstein has the teaching genes. Eight months into his retirement, the emeritus professor continues to work in his office, help out students and faculty members – and rack up accolades. His latest, a spot on BEEF Magazine’s Top 50 people in the beef industry, was awarded in September. Klopfenstein, who just ended a teaching career of nearly half a century, was the first in the beef industry to use distiller grains in cattle diets as an energy and protein source. Beef’s role in Nebraska’s agricultural sector is one point in the golden triangle of the state economy, Klopfenstein said. The other two points are ethanol and corn. “It’s the synergy of those three points that makes things work very well in Nebraska,” he said. “Because of natural resources like water, we have great corn production, and we are No. 2 in both ethanol production and cattle feeding. This triangle works better in Nebraska than anyplace else.” Animal Science Department Head Larry Berger has known Klopfenstein since he was Berger’s adviser while he was a graduate student earning his Ph.D. in 1975. “Terry has been a very innovative and creative researcher who is taking basic science and knows how to apply it to real-world beef cattle production,” Berger wrote in an email. “Terry, more than any other

Professor argues technology does not harm literacy they’ve always felt nervousness toward literacy, Lunsford said. Stanford author These outbreaks usually coincide with breakthroughs in says students can technology. For example, the still focus and learn, television was supposed to be extremely problematic, Lunsford although Internet said. provides distractions Lunsford backed up her argument with the findings from the Stanford Study of Writing that took place from 2001 to 2006. gabrielle lazaro In the study, written material DN was collected from 36 different students during their four years The director of Stanford Universiof college and a year after they ty’s writing and rhetoric program graduated. The written matetold a packed Bailey Library in rial varied from a hip-opera about Andrews Hall Monday afternoon three generations of black women that the current generation isn’t to various kinds of poetry. The illiterate, but rather that literacy written material included in and is changing. out of class work. There were also Andrea Lunsford, also an interviews conducted with the English professor at Stanford, has students. This all amounted to written books including “Everyover 15,000 pieces of research. thing’s an Argument” and “The The study found that students Everyday Writer.” University of were reading and writing more Nebraska-Lincoln English De- than ever, and more of the writing partment faculty said her lecture was being done outside of class. was highly anticipated. Student collaboration in class “We only have to look as far wasn’t very high, but outside of as our halls to see her influence class it was and students were ushere,” said Shari Stenberg, Enging digital tools in every way they lish department could. composition direcLunsford also The tor, in reference to brought up the problem, I Lunsford’s books, challenges stuwhich many stu- think, is that it’s dents face when it dents read for comes to concenso easy to be classes. tration. Various well“The problem, distracted online.” known people have I think, is that it’s andrea lunsford so easy to be disbeen criticizing stanford english professor digital media and tracted online, so this generation’s if you’re trying to intelligence level. read a 100-page For instance, English actor Ralph piece of dense text online and Fiennes commented on how he something keeps popping up thinks Twitter is ruining the Eng- tempting you to go here or there lish language. American writer it’s hard to do that,” she said. Nicholas Carr has been known for “But can they concentrate? Absosaying he’s a part of the “dumbest lutely you guys can concentrate, generation.” I’ve seen you.” Lunsford strongly disagrees Students should have the freewith these comments. dom to “mash it up a little bit” “I’m a fan of Twitter, not that and shouldn’t always be expected I post that much, but I do have an to quietly and politely consume, account,” Lunsford said. Lunsford said in reference to exLunsford said the U.S. goes pectations of students in the past. through a literary crisis every 30 Lunsford concluded with tellto 35 years. ing the audience that her wish for “We’ve never gotten over our them was just to find something insecurity of being a colony and that they love and can say 45 not having a king and queen,” she years later that they loved every said. minute of it and more. Because Americans have nevnews@ er had a certain dialect to follow,

faculty member in the U.S., has impacted the beef industry by how his students are taking leadership roles in various capacities throughout the beef industry.” Klopfenstein’s mother was a teacher who began her career when she was 18 years old. Klopfenstein’s two children also spend time teaching others. Growing up, his father taught him the importance of higher education because he never had the chance to do so during the Great Depression. He instilled the same motivation for knowledge in his students, according to Galen Erickson, an animal science professor. Erickson came to UNL as a graduate student in 1995 so he could study under Klopfenstein. Now as a colleague, he still finds inspiration from his former mentor. “He really cares about students,” Erickson said. “The most important thing he’s taught me is how to work with students to make them a priority, and what I’ve learned from him is something I want to emulate in my career.” Klopfenstein has had more than 150 graduate students, many of whom are now his fellow colleagues. He said they’re the reason he’s worked so hard. “It’s because of students,” he said. “Knowing that you gave the opportunity for a student to grow and develop and become successful in the cattle industry. So I don’t know how to react to (professional awards). It’s good, but it’s not the goal.” At his emeritus office in the Animal Science Complex on East Campus, photos of his family and gifts from students hang on the wall. “What do you notice on the walls?” he said. “There are no plaques. I keep those in the garage at home. You can tell what I find is more important.” Growing up on a farm in West Unity, Ohio, Klopfenstein developed a love for cattle. The emphasis to go to college from his dad and his inter-

Amber baesler | DN

Terry Klopfenstein, a retired University of Nebraska-Lincoln animal science professor, was named one of the 50 most influential leaders of the beef industry in the last 50 years by BEEF magazine. est in animals got him to Ohio State University where he majored in animal science with a focus in animal nutrition. His animal nutrition professor, Bill Tyznik, had a profound effect on him there. “He was the very best college professor I had,” Klopfenstein said. “He had a dramatic influence on me.” Beef nutrition isn’t the only field of interest Klopfenstein has his foot in. Besides his contribution to the university, Klopfenstein also teaches Sunday school with his wife for fifth graders at St. Mark’s Methodist Church, teaches bible study for the elderly on Thurs-

The most important thing he’s taught me is how to work with students to make them a priority, and what I’ve learned from him is something I want to emulate in my career.” Galen Erickson animal science professor

day nights and is part of the TeamMates Program. For the program, Klopfenstein mentors a freshman at Lincoln North Star High School.

“So I have two families,” he said. “My biological family and my students.” news@

security: from 1


Danny Frisby-Griffin, a doctoral candidate in political science, poses a question to the panel discussing security and privacy issues on Monday night. When the discussion moved “(Ask yourself) if I’m not willing to do the right thing to- to 9/11, Lempke addressed what day why am I trying to come he called a misconception about back for another term?” Conrad analysis of information after the attack. said. “Politicians have to want “9/11 wasn’t an issue with something greater than their lack of data; it was lack of colegacy.” ordination between agencies,” But she summed up her main Lempke said. message in a single sentence. Panel member, W. Don Nel“We have a duty and a right to ask these questions and de- son, previous state director for U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson, said the mand reform,” Conrad said. American government overAnother panel member, spends on secuBereuter, a previrity. But beyond ous 1st district We have a government, he congressman and duty and a said Americans’ vice chairman of privacy is violated the Select Com- right to ask these in other ways. His mittee on Intelexample: Google ligence, brought questions and ads. up former NSA demand reform.” “I’m saying, contractor Edward Snowden, danielle conrad ‘WTF? How is it nebraska state senator that the Google who leaked ingods are working formation in May on gathering that about the NSA’s surveillance practices. He argued information?’” Nelson said. Nelson said when it comes Snowden didn’t disseminate the to privacy and security, the cure information properly. is worse than the disease. He ar“There were ways for Edgued that the U.S. government ward Snowden to bring that to went beyond the call of duty in Congress,” Bereuter said.


Andersen Hall hosted a panel discussing the values of privacy versus security and the trade-off Americans must consider in the face of institutions such as the NSA. regard to security. Regardless of opinion, Bereuter said the debate is one of international significance. “This isn’t just an American

problem,” Bereuter said. “It’s a problem for other countries as well.” news@

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tuesday, november 5, 2013


Students voice Ag secretary to discuss current policies opinions on male stereotypes Ruth Jaros DN

This week, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln celebrates Men at Nebraska Week 2013. With the theme of “Living Outside of the Box,” the Men at Nebraska and Women’s Center have organized a week’s worth of events to raise attention to issues affecting men on campus and in America.

-Compiled by Jacob Elliott

The Daily Nebraskan asked students:

“What stereotypes do you think men face?” I’d say they probably face, like to be more muscular, if we’re talking about looks. And go into business in college and do something like that — a more masculine profession.” Danielle Shultz

sophomore psychology major

They have to be big and strong. Maybe they always have to make the first move if they want to date a girl or something. That they are not very good communicators.” Kadee Korgel junior finance major

The need for strength, I guess. Upper body strength, lower body strength. The need to be stronger than the average person. I’m not the most physically fit person; I’m kind of a scrawny little guy.” Jacob Bryant

senior journalism major

There is a large expectation to have a certain body type or a certain attitude. For a lot of body types, if you watch movies or things, a man is expected to be of military size - so about six feet or taller. To be broad-shouldered, muscular and slender is what most people feel what most men should be when they think of what a man should be. And for personality, they should be self-reliant, strong-willed and very masculine.” Clayton Walter sophomore biology major

They probably face a lot of masculine stereotypes — players and jocks and that sort of thing.” Jenny Powers

sophomore athletic training major

Men have to get a good job. Men have to take care of their families.” Soon Chan Jung

sophomore accounting major

are working on agricultural policies, said Judy Nelson, educational media coordinator. The United States Secretary of Ag- lecture will cover new income opportunities, climate solutions riculture Tom Vilsack will give the second Heuermann Lecture through conservation and the possibility of expandof the season on Tuesing renewable and day. bio-based product The title of Vilcreation. sack’s lecture is “RuVilsack has been ral America: New the U.S. Secretary Markets, New Underof Agriculture since standing, Unlimited 2009. Prior to his apOpportunity.” The pointment, he served lecture, which also as governor of Iowa. functions as the keyThe Rural Futures note address for the Institute decided to third day of the Rural partner with the UniFutures Conference, versity of Nebraskawill take place from vilsack Lincoln Institute of 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Agriculture and Natuin the Cornhusker Horal Resources to prestel Ballroom, 333 S. 13th St. ent the lecture as a part of its Vilsack will discuss how the U.S. Department of Agriculture conference because the lecture’s topic is related to the conferand the Obama administration

ence’s goal, said Kim Peterson, outreach program specialist of the Rural Futures Institute. The lecture is relevant to people who are not actively involved in agriculture, too, she said. “People are impacted by what goes on in rural America,” Peterson said. Peterson said many people don’t feel connected to agriculture, even though they depend on it to provide them with food and other goods. “There are fewer and fewer people involved in agricultural decisions like legislation and policy,” Peterson said. The Heuermann Lecture series, which is in its third year, addresses whether food and energy production will keep up with future population growth. “What we’re trying to do is focus people on the idea of food security,” Nelson said.

if you go

what: Heuermann Lecture from United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack where: Cornhusker Hotel, 333 S. 13th St. when: Tuesday, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

The topic of the Rural Futures Conference is “Beyond Boundaries.” The conference, which started Sunday and continues through Tuesday, will focus on finding ways for rural communities to address new and complex opportunities. The lecture is free and open to the public. news@

WasteCap holds sustainability events Layla Younis DN WasteCap Nebraska is hosting three events on Tuesday and Wednesday to educate students about environmental, social and economic problems for future business leaders. The events include a public forum, public policy panel and the 2013 annual Sustainability Summit. WasteCap is non-profit organization in Nebraska that offers education, training and services to help businesses and communities reach their full potential through practices that support economic, environmental and societal priorities, according to its website. The events directly connect students with their environment, said Chris Funk, director of Zero Waste Program of WasteCap Nebraska. The public forum is from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, and the public policy panel is from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, both in Hardin Hall on the University of NebraskaLincoln’s East Campus. The public forum is open to all students. “It’s an opportunity for a lot of

questions,” Funk said. The 2013 Sustainability Summit, called “Greenovation,” takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, at the Hilton Omaha Hotel. The summit will have breakout sessions to encourage students and businesses representatives about sustainability, decision-making and community engagement. Registration for the summit is closed. The public-policy panel discussion is about energy, solid waste and community sustainability, Funk said. The speakers includes Nebraska Sen. Ken Haar, Milo Mumgaard, senior policy aide for Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler, Marilyn McNabb, president of the board of directors of the Lincoln Electric System, Duane Hovorka, executive director of Nebraska Wildlife Federation, and Carrie Hakenkamp, executive director of WasteCap Nebraska. Joshua Skov, founder of Good Company, a company known for its executive-level decision-making related to sustainability, will speak at all three events.

“The (panel) will really be an opportunity to hear from some local officials,” Funk said. Vivian Nguyen, a senior environmental studies major and intern at WasteCap Nebraska, said in an email that Skov was chosen because he can educate students about sustainability and climate change without using too much scientific jargon. “Josh will actually be steering away from issues and will be discussing solutions,” Nguyen said. “Students know that climate change exists, they just don’t think they can do anything to prevent it.” Matan Gill, sustainability coordinator at UNL and a graduate student in community and regional planning, is moderating the events. “The world that we are facing is a little bit different than 50 years ago or what our parents faced,” he said. “You just have to be a little bit more considerate in the line of business and any business in environmental, social and economical aspect of doing business.” Climate change and environmental issues are important

if you go Public events held by WasteCap Nebraska this week what: Public forum when: Tuesday, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. where: Hardin Hall what: Public policy panel when: Tuesday, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. where: Hardin Hall

because they affect everyone, Nguyen said. She said it’s bogus for students to say they have to get a degree before they help the community. “You don’t have to wait to get a degree to make change,” Nguyen said. “Change can start now.” News@

Support group offered for women veterans Women’s Center, UNL Student Veterans Organization provides myriad services for women veterans Kelli Rollin DN A support group for women in service that was started last year will continue offering opportunities to debrief with an open forum on Tuesday. The group, sponsored by the Women’s Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the UNL Student Veterans Organization, is open to women veterans and allows them to share their military experience with each other. It will be held from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday in Meeting Room B in the Nebraska East Union. Kimberly Moore, a readjustment therapist with Veterans Affairs, runs the women service members debrief and said female veterans are different than men.

Task Force, which provides supMoore said female veterans are unique because in addition port to all student veterans and to the threat of the enemy, they military service members. “Participating in this discushave the threat of being assaulted sion/support group is a good by fellow soldiers. She said, for example, when resource for women veterans and military service members who she was deployed in Afghaniare making the transition to civilstan in the service, she and other women had a different level of ian life, with a special focus on hyper-vigilance than other sol- being a college student,” Deeds wrote. diers. They even Moore said took weapons There’s that there hasn’t been with them into the common consistent attenshower. dance of the supShe said some belief that port group, but she buildings soldiers said it’s important stayed in were whatever you do, to keep offering it. made of wood you have to do it She said it’s and some people harder for women would drill holes twice as good as through the wall what the men do.” in service to adjust to surroundings to peep on women. when being deAlong with having Kimberly moore ployed and knowmore awareness, readjustment therapist ing that women she said women in aren’t alone in service have certheir experiences. tain expectations. “I do think it’s a little bit hard“There’s that common belief er to adjust because you don’t rethat whatever you do, you have to do it twice as good as what the ally know who you can trust and it takes a while to know that,” she men do,” Moore said. Jan Deeds, director of the said. Moore said some women in Women’s Center, wrote in an email that the Women’s Center is service may feel like they can’t part of the UNL Student Veterans relate to the outside world and

study: from 1 ures but instead, there was a general tendency to objectify independent of body type,” Dodd said. “The more curvaceous women, however, were rated as having better personalities.” Gervais said the findings were interesting in that fixating on the body before the face is, in some ways, counterintuitive, for the most information can be gathered by appraising facial features and expressions. The study found that women first fixated on the face while men first fixated on the body. “It’s telling because previous psychological research shows that faces draw our attention because your face brings a whole wealth of information,” Gervais said. “What’s interesting is that the focus is going to the body, when in fact, you can’t tell one’s intention toward you just by looking at their body. It makes sense for men who aren’t viewing women as fully human and aren’t considering intention.” For Dodd, the findings were a good news, bad news situation. The good news: people do look at faces, especially when appraising personality. The bad news: both men and women also fixate on sexualized body parts, no matter what their task. Though the study itself can’t confirm the reasons behind the findings, Gervais said she believes a man’s gaze is likely related to appraising reproductive potential in women, then exacerbated by the barrage of objectifying images in the media. For women, however, the “up-down’ gaze may be related to social comparison, Gervais said. The study has been written about in USA Today as well as published in the journal Sex Roles. Jay Leno even mentioned the findings in one of his opening monologues.

if you go what: Women in Service support group where: Meeting Room B, Nebraska East Union when: Noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday

don’t fit in because of what they’ve experienced. She said the support group helps break down those feelings. “I think there’s a sense of relief when you’re around somebody that knows how it is to take a weapon to the shower with them,” she said. Last week, Moore worked with a 94-year-old male veteran. She said she wishes he had a support group like what Veterans Affairs offers when he was young. She said she encourages all veterans to reach out to Veterans Affairs for help. Moore said support is important and that’s what she wants all veterans, including women, to have. news@

ethics: from 1

courtesy photo

University of Nebraska-Lincoln psychology researchers Sarah Gervais and Michael Dodd used eyetracking technology to investigate male and female gazes. While the media attention has put UNL’s research in the limelight, it has not focused on most important aspects, Dodd said, instead reporting that a study has confirmed what people already know about men’s stares. “I think the main thing largely missed by the media is the degree to which women engage in this behavior too, in addition to how task set changes behavior,” Dodd said, referring to the fact that both men and women tend to focus more on faces when directed to rate the woman on personality. Both Dodd and Gervais see this as promising. “If we are in any way able to make people more aware of when they are engaging in objectifying gaze, in addition to giving them tips on how to reduce it, it can only lead to positive outcomes,” Dodd said. The findings won’t directly change Dodd’s behavior. At 37 years old, working alongside col-

lege-aged students, he said he is always aware of the ways he interacts with women. “Because I’m already at a point where I think I’ve been aware of and in control of these behaviors for years, my personal reaction to the findings was more optimistic in that we showed you can reduce objectification by adopting a personality focus,” he said. Gervais is also optimistic. She said she looks forward to expanding the research beyond collegeaged students and finding participants with a diverse range of age, relationship status and experience. “The take-home message here is to be aware,” Gervais said. “My hope is that this is a reminder that if you find your eyes meandering to places they shouldn’t be, remind yourself that this is a person, a human being with a personality. Then your eyes should get back on track.” news@

Rather than having to refute the opposing team’s argument, teams could either agree or disagree with their opponents, O’Neill said. This makes Ethics Bowl competitions different from regular debate tournaments. Teams were not judged on how well they refuted their opponents but rather on how well they supported their arguments. Ethics Bowl teams from throughout the country consist primarily of philosophy and political science majors, O’Neill said. “But our entire group has a wide range of different majors,” O’Neill said. “I really think that gives us an edge in competition.” UNL’s Ethics team won’t receive the cases for the national competition until January. Until then, O’Neill said, the Ethics team will take a week-long break from practice. Following the break, weekly practices will be held to help team members improve their general argumentative skills. Thompson feels confident in the team’s chances for victory in February. “We have a strong team and we have every reason to believe we have a chance at winning,” Thompson said. “Just as long as we can keep up the effort we’ve been putting into our practices, we should do fine.” According to Fritz, final decisions will be made in the coming months as to which group members, including 10 regular competitors and two alternates, will be sent to the national competition. news@



tuesday, november 5, 2013

d n e d i to r i a l b oa r d m e m b e r s HAILEY KONNATH EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


FAIZ Siddiqui

opinion editor




assistant opinion editor





sports EDITOR



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our view

mike rendowski | dn

Benefits of vaccines outweigh risks

T inge johannsen | dn

American people need to be aware of NSA policies A panel discussion in Andersen Hall on Monday night discussed the difficult balance of privacy and security in America. The discussion, titled “Privacy vs. Security: Where Do We Draw the Line?”, burrowed into a topic of great significance just months after former CIA employee Edward Snowden leaked details of the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs to the press. The debate of privacy versus security is a heated one in today’s political climate — and the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board won’t attempt to solve it with a 300-word editorial. But we’re glad people are talking about it. The NSA won’t release information about how much crime its security features have prevented. Although it’s no surprise the agency is reluctant to reveal information, it’s disconcerting that Americans can’t even identify the value of their sacrifices. We now know that the NSA can access without warrant information stored by America’s technology giants and tap into our phone and Internet records, and we know the extremes to which the agency has gone with regard to violating privacy. So what’s the payoff? Snowden faces numerous charges at the hands of the American government, but whether he’s a hero, a villain or something in the middle, he’s opened up a world of discussion and debate previously unparalleled. If he hadn’t leaked those documents, Monday’s panel discussion likely would not have even taken place. The truth is, the most important part of the privacy versus security discussion is the very fact that it’s happening — that Americans at least have some inkling of what their government is doing behind the scenes. America needs people like Snowden to fill the dark corners of government operations with light. Without these leaks, citizens would be completely in the dark. And that’s the worst violation of all.

editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2013 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

here have always been controversies over vaccinations and their claims of decreasing risks of infectious disease. Although there is strong scientific and medical evidence in favor of the benefits of vaccinations, many still state they don’t work and may be harmful. Furthermore, parents are worried the advantages of vaccinations don’t outweigh the adverse effects on their children. Vaccines are intended to protect children by preparing their bodies to fight potential diseases — diseases that could cause illness or death. Vaccinations may pose risks, but their benefits far outweigh their costs. With the possible dangers harmful pathogens present, parents should still seek to vaccinate their children at an early age. Americans 1 year old and younger obtain more than 10 million vaccinations each year. However, according to a new study from the Kaiser Permanente Colorado Institute for Health Research, 49 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 24 don’t receive all of the recommended vaccinations or aren’t vaccinated at all. Millions of people are missing out on their benefits, which put them in danger of illness by harmful pathogens. Before immunizations were available, there were various cases of children passing away from diseases that vaccines today can prevent. These diseases include whooping cough, measles and polio. Diseases are absent today because of vaccinations. These diseases were once serious killers. Consider the polio vaccine (IPV). Many are against this vaccine because they think it’s unsafe and doesn’t work. People against vaccinations also argue improvements in sanitation conditions in countries are the real reasons why the number of polio cases has declined throughout the years. Looking at countries where sanitation conditions are low such as China, Indonesia and Ethiopia, yet polio is

Sinan Akkoseoglu

eradicated can easily disprove this. The question then arises: Why should parents be concerned for their children if scientists have proven vaccines’ life-saving qualities? The answer lies within the possible side effects of these immunizations. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for every 1 million vaccinated for smallpox, between 14 and 52 people could be inflicted with a life-threatening reaction to the vaccine. The odds of these side effects are low. To put it into perspective, you are 10 times more likely to die in a car accident this year than be affected by these side effects. The occurrences of these side effects are negligible compared to the millions of lives that have been saved by vaccinations. Perhaps the most common reason why parents don’t vaccinate children is because they believe vaccinations can cause autism. This claim has been based on a few studies that haven’t been replicated with the same result. Furthermore, at least 25 reputable sources, including the Immunization Safety Review Committee, have scientifically refuted this myth. It’s much safer to fight a weak strain of a pathogen rather than the full-blown virus. In both cases, we build up immunity, but at a different level of risk on the body’s immune system. Facing the full-blown pathogen is considerably riskier. For example, earlier this year in Florida a baby died from whopping cough because the parents chose not to vaccinate the

child. This death was preventable. Newborn babies are immune to many diseases because of passive immunity. This kind of immunity differs from active immunity obtained through vaccinations or from when the body defeats a pathogen. However, this passive immunity abandons the child’s body during the first year of life. If a non-vaccinated child is exposed to a harmful pathogen, his or her body may not be strong enough to defend against the disease. Since a child’s immune system is relatively weak, it would be better to protect children from harmful diseases that may result in death like the previously mentioned child in Florida. It’s better to vaccinate our children now and face the minimal risk of side effects than to let them experience the disease first-hand. Vaccinations not only benefit the child, but also the community as a whole. “Herd immunity” is a secondary benefit of vaccination referring to the protection of everyone in a community when there are high vaccination rates. It’s difficult for a disease to get a foothold when there’s a threshold of people immune to it. As an example, yearly immunizations for the flu are available to stop a potential pandemic. This is why it’s essential for everyone in a community to obtain the recommended vaccinations at an early age and throughout their life. Fewer people will get sick, and lives will be saved. Getting vaccinated, especially at an early age, will help make the community a healthier place. Research and development on vaccinations have exponentially improved and saved many lives. We shouldn’t let children face the consequences of fighting dangerous pathogens when a safer alternative exists. Do it for yourself, for your kids and the community: Get vaccinated. Sinan Akkoseoglu is a freshman biology major. Follow him on twitter @SinanAkkoseoglu. Reach him at opinion@

Getting old doesn’t mean life is over


ast week, when I went to see “Escape Plan,” I thought it was going to be awesome. I grew up with the two ultimate action heroes in the flick, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I was looking forward to seeing some butt-kicking from my favorite dudes. Even the premise sounded like perfect brain-dead explosions – they are tasked to break out of an impossible prison. Naturally, I thought most people would want to share in this throwback joy, which is why I was surprised to discover no one wants to see them anymore because they’re old. That’s when I started to wonder, why do we care how old they are? Yes, it’s true: Both Stallone, 67, and Schwarzenegger, 66, are nearly 70, which means they’re definitely old enough to be my grandparents. It’s true both of them are doing who-knows what to try to maintain their bodybuilder physique, and it’s also true they play almost identical one-man destroyers in every film. Neither has a particularly good claim to being a gifted student of the acting craft, and their brand of pop culture can definitely come across as violent, sexist and just plain stupid. But judging them based on their merits isn’t the point, and it’s also not what is currently taking place. “Escape Plan” isn’t being ridiculed because it may or may not be silly, but because of the age of the two actors. This is a direct result of Western society’s attitude towards aging. As children, we are told what a joy it is to be young and how much it stinks to be old, and this is reinforced throughout our lives. This is what is commonly known as ageism. It’s a prejudice that has real consequences, and it’s around us all the time. Don’t believe me? Just turn on a TV. The only place you see old people in advertising is when someone is trying to sell them diapers or prescription drugs. Old people are also noticeably absent from pop culture at large, except for when they are making fun of themselves or we are honoring them for their contribution to something in the past. The key phrase there is

Devin Grier

“in the past.” Old people often get fired from the jobs they have been doing for decades not because their quality of work worsens but because they are simply perceived as being too old to be valuable anymore. But this type of discrimination is tough to prove. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, only around one-seventh of age discrimination cases are settled in the employee’s favor. As George Hayes, a 54-year-old from New Jersey who was fired from the advertising agency McCann puts it, “Any company can fire you when there’s a reason. There didn’t seem to be any other reason (for me to be fired) other than how old I was.” The elderly also often don’t receive the preventative medical care needed to stay healthy. There aren’t even enough doctors interested in treating them. According to the American Geriatrics Society, by 2030 around 36,000 geriatric specialists will be needed, but currently there are only around 7,300 of these physicians certified nationwide. Old people are also the targets of younger generations who assume once a person is beyond 50 years old, they have a mental or physical disability. Younger generations also tend to view the elderly as a strain on society. The Administration on Aging estimates by 2030, people 65 years and older will represent 19 percent of the population, when in 2000 they were only 12.4 percent. It’s not much of a leap to conclude this increase will cost the country more in Social Security benefits and Medicare. But the most disconcerting thing to me was when I heard David Letterman mention the movie “Escape Plan” with an alternative title:

“Escape from Assisted Living.” The irony here is that David Letterman himself is 66 years old – which is the same age as Schwarzenegger and only one year younger than Stallone. This is the sort of thing we’ve all heard an older person say, and the reality is even the elderly perceive themselves negatively. The question then becomes, why does it matter? Sure, we’re all going to grow old eventually, but isn’t it a given that being old is terrible? Shouldn’t we just accept it? I personally don’t spend a lot of time thinking about being old, so these questions were hard for me to answer. But then I started to think about the amount of time actually involved in living. The current life expectancy in the U.S. is almost 80 years, according to the World Bank, which is more than four times longer than I have yet lived. That also means that if after 50 years old our lives are guaranteed to go downhill, we’re all going to spend 37.5 percent of our lives wasting away. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. We are always hearing stories about someone who ran their first marathon at 50 years old or who finished their 30th marathon at 90 years old. There are stories of old men and women making drastic changes in their lives – switching jobs and chasing dreams. We want to hear these stories because they inspire us and give us hope that maybe we can be like them. Because everyone has a stake in this. As college students, we’re supposedly in the prime of our lives, and it’s easy to forget that one day we will have wrinkles or our loved ones will need medical care. We might even avoid thinking about these things because they’re depressing, but the truth is that they shouldn’t be. Getting old doesn’t have to stink. Our bodies may not be in top form forever, but we can still keep them healthy and lead active lives. Just look at Stallone and Schwarzenegger. They may be old, but they’re still kicking butt. Devin Grier is a freshman biological systems engineering major. Reach her at opinion@



tuesday, november 5, 2013 @dnartsdesk




spaces story by Gabriella Martinez-Garro

Liz Bachmann(center), a senior advertising major, and other new employees begin training at Vega on Nov. 1, in preparation for their opening the next day.

Photos by Craig Zimmerman

music venue, vega, joins lincoln scene, brings open atmosphere to audience


ing something like this,” Carrie said. ega is here. “For Eli and I, after touring for a The brand new music venue number of years all around the U.S. opened its doors for the first time on Saturday afternoon and its and Europe, we had a lot of ideas about opening our first concerts took place own venue. Since we on Sunday night. We want knew Jeremy Buckley The four owners of and Jeremy Wardlaw Vega are certainly no Vega to be from playing shows in strangers to the LinLincoln, we knew that coln music scene. Jer- a place for fans they each had similar emy Buckley founded of every type of ideas for a new venue, the Lincoln Calling music.” plus a ton of experimusic festival, Jerence and expertise as emy Wardlaw has both carrie mardock well, and that the four booked and bartended vega owner of us partnering toat Duffy’s Tavern and gether would make a Eli and Carrie Mardock really great team.” are local musicians. The The owners contacted a friend four owners had similar thoughts of involved with real estate to find a loopening a music venue separately and after learning about the others’ aspi- cation for the venue. After learning about the new Railyard area, the fourrations, the idea of opening Vega was some leapt at the opportunity to build conceived. a venue downtown. “We were all at various stages of “At that time, for them, they were starting to seriously think about do-

Jeremy Buckley (standing) helps prepare for the opening. The Vega stage will host a Pink! pre-show this Saturday at 6 p.m.

‘Ender’s Game’ delivers in screenplay, aesthetics perfect blend of cocky and empathetic. The movie is hinged in Based on the 1985 many ways on the young lead’s performance, and he delivers. novel, the movie Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley and keeps true to original Viola Davis all deliver strong supporting performances. Ford’s themes, raises many work is especially pleasant beheavy social questions cause, though in many ways it’s a version of his gruff old-man persona, he manages to bring more dynamism to this characSean Stewart ter than he has shown in recent DN years. He emulates the conflicts of a desperate man with poise. In 1985, Orson Scott Card released The most important thing the his ground-breaking science ficfilm does right is remain faithful tion novel, “Ender’s Game.” The to its source. The book raises book immediately shook the genre many heavy questions, and I with both its immense popularity was afraid the movie would shy and its abandonment of science away from its social implicafiction clichés in favor of original- tions. Gavin Hood, however — ity, topped with a plot steeped in who wrote the screenplay and thick social commentary. The idea directed the film — is aware of to turn the book into a movie has the responsibility to the masprobably been around as long sive fan base and the integrity as the book itself, but the novel’s of the story itself. His screenplay unconventional narrative coupled moves the story briskly along, with the special effects needed to but doesn’t pull any punches. do it justice made an adaptation Like the novel, the movie is a unlikely. Almost 30 years after the meditation on the morality of release of the novel, war, sending we’re finally given our youth into The most an “Ender’s Game” the trenches important movie. and our comIt was worth the mon refusal thing the wait. to truly unAfter the hu- film does right is derstand our man race is nearly enemies. It’s a remain faithful to annihilated by an scathing indictalien species, the in- its source.” ment of the milternational military itaristic tendeninitiates a training cies of much of program to muster an army of Western civilization. elite youth to combat the enemy And it’s a lot of fun. in the future. Ender Wiggin (Asa Special effects-laden films Butterfield) is the brightest can- have become the norm. It’s indidate of the program. As Ender creasingly uncommon to find advances through the levels of an action or science-fiction film the program his peers constantly made that places more value in isolate him because of his almost its storytelling than its massive unconscious talent for strategiz- budget. As I sat in the theater ing the war games the cadets waiting for the movie to start, compete in that are designed to I sat through trailers for “I, prepare them for war. The stakes Frankenstein,” “47 Ronin,” and continue to rise, however, and other similarly dubious films. time is short before the alien I haven’t seen the full films so threat becomes immediate again. I won’t make an absolute judgAs Ender, Butterfield is the ment, but the trailers showed me

vega: see page 7

Puppet company presents colorful ‘Dream Carver’


Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld


Gavin Hood

little more than high-definition animated monsters and explosions. I couldn’t tell you much else about either film. That kind of senseless reliance on computer-generated images repulses me, but midway through “Ender ’s Game” I realized I was actually thankful for them. Countless big-budget films using extensive CGI are made each year and many of them fall into the trappings a large budget can bring. Every now and then, however, a creative team manages to use CGI to accent their story rather than drive it. When that happens, to me, the result is worth all of the movies that ran off the rails. The special effects in “Ender ’s

Ender’s Game: see page 7

courtesy photo

Swazzle’s “Dream Carver” puppet show will be at the Leid Center for Performing Arts on Tuesday. Akua Dawes dn An award-winning story book is coming to a stage near you. “Dream Carver,” put together by the Swazzle puppet company, is coming to the Lied Center for Performing Arts on Tuesday, Nov. 5. The bilingual musical features Broadway-trained puppeteers and welcomes all ages. Dream Carver tells the story of a young boy, Mateo, living in Oaxaca, Mexico, who learns from his dad how to carve traditional wooden toys. But, after dreaming of fantastic colors and animals one night, he wakes up and wishes to carve these dream animals himself. His father is skeptical of Mateo’s idea of creating such

imaginative animals. can folktale and make the puppet The story of this puppeteer show bilingual.” show is based on a children’s What started as a simple idea picture book by Diana Cohn. Alturned into a three-year project, though Swazzle has with one season made puppets for of library travshows such as “The eling like past The best Simpsons” and “The shows, then, with part is Pee-Wee Herman the support of Show,” this is the seeing it come the Segerstrom Swazzle’s companyCenter for the first, large-scale pro- together.” Arts, transformed duction. into a full perfor“We were develmance. oping a new travelAlthough sean johnson swazzle co-owner ing library puppet most of the pupshow that was to be peteers who come based on an internato work for the tional theme,” said Sean Johnson, show have had past experience, co-owner of Swazzle. “Being in they still have two-week rehearsthe Los Angeles area, we thought it would be good to adapt a MexiSwazzle: see page 7


tuesday, november 5, 2013 President of Men at Nebraska and the men’s program coordinator Lawrence Chatters explains what the Man Box means to freshman Danny Gamboa after stepping side the box in the Nebraska Union on Monday. The Man Box is the first event of Men’s Week on campus.

think outside the

box Photos by MORGAN SPIEHS

The Man Box symbolizes the narrow masculine role men are expected to play that can be limiting and unrealistic. The theme for Men’s Week is to step out of the box.

Filter keeps alternative sound staff report dn Like jelly shoes and punk rock, Filter is attempting to make a comeback from its 1990s’ fame. Lead singer and guitarist Richard Patrick started Filter in 1993. He prides himself with the band’s consistent rebellion and “industrial rock” sound, a marriage between punk and alternative metal. Since Filter’s first album, “Short Bus,” was released in 1995, the band has released five more albums, including the latest “The Sun Comes Out Tonight,” released in June. The Self Inflicted Tour has a heavy emphasis on their new music. And, a new band member – Tim Kelleher, previous member of 30 Seconds to Mars. “It’s a new guitar player, a new label – we’re so grateful we signed with Wind-up Records,” Patrick said. “Gregg Wattenberg (label coowner and chief creative officer) is so supportive, the label is amazing; it’s a whole new idea. It was so easy to be angry on this record. There are songs about betrayal and pure evil, there’s so much heavy stuff (on this record) but there’s moments of light, songs about happiness and love. It’s our analysis of the human condition.” Patrick, previously the guitar-

If you go: Filter When: Tuesday, 6 p.m. Where: Vega, 350 Canopy St. How much: $15, (18+)


Alternative rock band Filter is the first show to Vega, a new music venue in Lincoln. Filter plays at 6 p.m. Tuesday. ist for Nine Inch Nails, is the backbone of Filter and is the only consistent member of the band. He prides himself with “shoving a fist in the face of tradition” and his unorthodox creative process. This consistent disregard of authority has been Filter’s motive

for 20 years and continues to maintain the band’s fame still today. With their release of “The Sun Comes Out Tonight” Filter has stayed true to the nontraditional and innovative sound, utilizing new technologies and iconic heavy bass instrumentals.

“It’s all drum machine, just like Short Bus,” Patrick said. “I like that we’re getting away with something that’s wrong. There’s almost this notion that someone like Skrillex is less of a talent because his music centers around making a computer do incredible things. Music is an interpretive art form.” The Self Inflicted Tour is bringing Filter to Nebraska with Fight or Flight. Filter is debuting Tuesday as the opening show for the new venue Vega, located in the Railyard. Filter fans also have the opportunity to meet the band with the purchase of a VIP ticket. The ticket includes entry to the show and an exclusive invite to an after party with the band. arts@

courtesy photo

The backround story in video game “Braid” is revealed only to users who complete levels as an incentive to keep playing.

‘Braid’ frustrates rather than excites gamers more things than it should. On one hand it attempts to be an incredibly challenging piece of work for any puzzle-game fan or secret military strategist wanting miles to see if they can help play Sean rothlisberger Connery’s sidekick in a new Tom Clancy-esque film. However, the fact the game’s subtle, albeit good, story is kept from people who are unable to complete the challenges is a shame. While the incentive to Game lacks engaging complete all the challenges in plot, but offers some order to get to the end is wellintentioned, the story is too scant challenges, difficult to become the singular motive levels for players to complete the game. Without any real plot or narrative to it, the game’s slow progress ends up being dull and makes trudgIf one has been outside of the ing through the damn frustrating abysmal pit known as the Xbox parts not as enjoyable as it could Live marketplace, then one might be. not quite know the game “Braid.” The beautiful graphics and Critically acclaimed for its pitiful porcupines can only carry subtle plot and artistic design, the game so far before one just the game definitely mesmerizes – loses interest. when it’s not infuriating players Again, this is a real pity, for with its ridiculous difficulty level the story, once actually taken as a that is. whole, can leave one awe-struck The time-warping platformer and haunted. Without ruining sets players as a character known anything, themes of betrayal, simply as “Tim,” who must save a self-worth and shame are presprincess from an evil captor. Tim ent. Also, the eerie red and ormust traverse through the beauange glow of the city landscape tifully designed levels, jumping that Tim stands in front of at the over porcupine-like creatures that beginning of the game starts to seem too adorable to just stomp become even more unsettling and on and reaching the end. But ghastly once players finish the there’s a catch — in fact, many end or even look up the allegories catches. that the game In “Braid,” represents. players must also “Braid” The difficulty of manipulate time still stands in strange and puz“Braid”can be as a beautiful zling ways in order and powerful to complete levels, quite infuriating and independent whether that means jarring at times. ” video game manually maniputhat holds lating the flow of many good time with the press parts: elegant graphics, challengof a button (which rewinds Tim ing gameplay and a dense story. before he died or jumped off a Yet, these good things don’t necplatform) or just by walking or essarily make a perfect game; one doing certain actions. It’s actually would find the same result if they all very confusing, which makes put chocolate, gold and puppies for some difficult puzzles. The in a bowl and mixed them up hardest parts about the levels, without a second’s care. however, are the puzzle pieces The difficulty of “Braid”can that Tim must collect in order to be quite infuriating and jarring at fully complete a level and progtimes, thus halting the pace of the ress to the end of the game. Congame, and its graphics and story trolling time to manipulate platdo not have enough grip to save forms, enemies and other factors it from itself. can really be mind-bending and So if masochists want to play about as painful or frustrating as a slow-burner of a game, then dropping a 16-pound cinder block “Braid” may fill that itch. Howon one’s toes. ever, the patience of a statue may However, by now, the masochbe needed to make this game as ists reading this column are used enjoyable as it can be. to the harrowing and bleak chalMiles Rothlisberger is lenges that await them. They’re a freshman journalism ready for the punishment and can major, but a senior video take it. On other days, the chalgamer. Sing his praises at lenge would be welcomed and arts@ praised. But “Braid” sets off to be

New Batman video game carves own way in franchise Miles Rothlisberger Dn

later. Batman also shows more of his less admirable traits. Seeing him “Batman: Arkham Origins” has fi- mercilessly crack skulls and pummel thugs to the ground while baring his nally arrived for all Batman or video teeth in a snarl makes it all too appargame fans in general. ent that Batman has not developed There have been multitudes of questions on whether or not this the heroic discipline or restraint that comes with age. new game, under a new developer Otherwise, the actual plot defiinstead of the beloved Rocksteady, would be able to at least survive in nitely proves its worth in salt as it the shadow of the previous team’s portrays Gotham City as bleakly and critically acclaimed “Arkham City.” grittily as before. The assassin aspect And, well, there’s some good news of the story delivers some interesting points to it, as they essentially serve and some bad news. as “tests” for Batman to overcome The good news is this new entry into the franchise most defi- in order to transcend and finally benitely carves its own way, holding come the beloved Dark Knight. However, beits own. The bad cause not too many news is that Warner Anyone recognizable villains Bros. Games’ new from the core Batman title possesses flaws who wants franchise (aside from some fans may not superb action Penguin, The Joker appreciate. and Bane) make an The story takes with plenty of appearance, the game place on Christmas feels a tad strange, Eve night, when atmosphere alienated from the Batman’s life will should pick this rest of the franchise. ultimately transIt just does not have form. Only a couple game up.” that nostalgic and faof years into his miliar vibe that made new career as the the other games such hits. night vigilante, Bruce Wayne must Though, one cannot blame the survive Gotham’s wrath as he faces developers for trying to tread some eight assassins hired under the mob new ground with different characboss, Black Mask. Here too, he must ters. also make his first contact with an Even as the story proves excepundocumented madman known as tional, the gameplay serves as the The Joker. most enjoyable element of the game. The premise of the story stands firm with confidence and style that The free-flowing melee combat that was in the previous games is back sets itself apart from the previous games. This younger Batman has not and has never been better. The action feels marginally more violent (breakyet established himself as the Dark ing bones sound even more cringeKnight that people cherish and appreciate, and this shows. For one, worthy), the enemies are surprisingthe police are out to arrest him, in ly tougher, and the actual structure of the combat that every Arkham fan their eyes, a full-fledged criminal or crazed freak just as bad as any other knows and loves has remained intact. Also, the boss fights are largely thug, not the hero they see him as improved and feel more unique than

“Batman: Arkham Origins” excels in gameplay and interesting story lines, but relys on the series’ past too heavily. the repetitive and anticlimactic battles in the first two entries. Players will especially love to try and fight Deathstroke, a boss that requires restraint more than buttonmashing. However, even with all positive qualities, “Arkham Origins” just cannot escape the bar that “Arkham City” set. The game feels fresh, yet

also contrived at times from the series’ past. As said before, it just does not have that familiar vibe to it that made the previous games so enticing and grand. “Batman: Arkham Origins” dons Batman’s cowl and can do the job well enough, yet it just feels like a cold replacement at times. Most gamers have now gotten accustomed

to a high-quality Batman game, and the fact that the newest one cannot break much ground garners some disappointment. “Batman: Arkham Origins” could be called a great game for its still-solid gameplay, surprisingly interesting story and adequate boss battles. However, it could also be considered a game that tries to dis-

courtesy photo

tance itself from the others while also riding on their slippery coat-tails. Anyone who wants superb action with plenty of atmosphere should pick this game up. But, for those willing to play it, just do not expect a pinnacle landmark of awesomeness. arts@

tuesday, november 5, 2013

Ender’s Game: from 5


Vega: from 5

craig Zimmerman | dn

courtesy photo

“Ender’s Game,” directed by Gavin Hood, showcases social commentary throughout its plot. Game” are beautiful, but rather than suffocating the story they empower it. “Ender ’s Game” delivers. It’s a blockbuster science-fiction movie, but isn’t afraid to have a brain. Instead of neutralizing the

plot to prevent its audience from thinking, it is so full of social commentary that its impossible not to. It has the one key thing most blockbuster films are missing: a purpose. It skillfully marries the didactic responsibilities

of film with the medium’s immense potential for enjoyment and escapism. It’s what a blockbuster should be. arts@

difficult,” Johnson said. “A lot of thought had to go into how they were going to move and how we were going to achieve the unique color schemes.” But the resulting show is worth all the work, he said, noting the colors, music and bilingual script in the show makes it friendly for all ages. “The best part is seeing it come together and watching the audience reaction,” Johnson said. “In a show like Dream Carver, puppets gives us the opportunity to bring Mateo’s fanciful and

multi-colored dream animals to life.” Past the performance, the Lied Center is working together with Swazzle to work behind the stage as a part of the Lied Center’s “FamFest.” “Artists love performing on the Lied Center stage,” said Bill Stephan, the executive director of the Lied Center. “But I think that Swazzle were particularly excited about the behind-the-scenes activities we had planned for them.” arts@

Swazzle: from 5 als to prepare for the show and to build large-scale puppets. “Puppets generally take two to three weeks to make depending on the design,” Johnson said. “Some puppets take longer, for example, Rosa the Jaguar from Dream Carver took a team of people nearly four weeks to construct.” The transformation of the book into a 55-minute puppet show proved to have its own difficulties, Johnson said. “Creating the dream animal puppets proved to be the most

A new employee starts to memorize the menu, featuring many different styles and culturally inspired hot dogs and salads. just getting the laws passed from the city council to create this entertainment district,” Buckley said. “It sounded kind of too good to be true. I think we might have been even the first tenants to ask for a letter of intent. We asked them to hold a space for us while we got a venue together. Here we are.” Though local bands A Ferocious Jungle Cat and The Wondermons were the first to take Vega’s stage, alternative rock band Filter will be the venue’s first major performance on Tuesday. In addition to its state-ofthe-art sound system and open space, Vega’s owners plan to set the venue apart from others with their gourmet American cuisine, primarily hot dogs. Buckley said the idea to serve food came from the Mardocks’ experience with touring across the globe and encountering great cuisine. “Apparently hot dogs were a big deal all across Europe,” Buckley said. “We wanted something that people would sink their teeth

into and think it was amazing.” Buckley said the vision for Vega’s atmosphere was to have something clean and modern. The owners also wanted to create an open space where music could be enjoyed and heard from any point in the room. “We just wanted to do something that made sense today and hopefully it holds up over time,” Buckley said. “A lot of music venues we went to, there were pillars in the middle, but there are no pillars in the middle of the room. So no matter where you’re sitting, there’s nothing impeding your sight lines. We knew that sound is important for a music venue, so we invested some time in seeing what sound would work for a room in the 300-400 person capacity. We just wanted it to be a place where people would walk in and be like, ‘Hey, this place looks great.’” As for the music itself, Vega will book bands of various genres. A burlesque show, a jazz performance and comedy is also in the works to be held at the venue.

“We want Vega to be a place for fans of every type of music that is welcoming to all ages and all types of people,” Carrie said. “In our first month we already have a really good variety of bands from super-buzzed indie artists to hard rock to classical to pop. And of course lots of local bands because Lincoln has some amazing ones.” Though Vega hopes to attract audience members with open atmosphere, diverse bands and menu, Buckley said the point is not to be better than other venues, but to join the already established music scene in Lincoln. “I don’t think we want to set ourselves about from the rest,” Buckley said. “We want to complement what’s here. I think if we’re bringing anything new here it’s just that our room is designed for music. We’re not competitors with the other music vendors in town, they’re our friends. We just want to join the club versus breaking it up.” arts@

Cory Soukup, Austin Blankenau, Jackson Hedrick, Nolan Sullivan and Dominic Ciofalo pass out after drinking a cough syrup and ibuprofen concoctions as a part of a cult ritual during an International Waters sketch.

Dominic Ciofalo, Austin Blankenau, Nolan Sullivan, Logan Gee, Jackson Hedrick and Cory Soukup perform during International Waters’ first stage show at the Haymarket Theatre on Sunday night.


Goes Photos by Tiago Zerno

Leah Keller and Nathan Hansen act in one of several comedy routines as part of International Waters, a student-organized entertainment series. Hansen’s character, fed up with men in dresses, rips his clothes off on stage.

Nolan Sullivan, Ian Snyder, Cory Soukup and Logan Gee portray multiple characters during International Waters opening performance. Soukup, a senior film and new media major at UNL, began the comedy series after he returned from his summer internship at Nick at Nite.


tuesday, november 5, 2013

soccer: from 10

volleyball: from 10 She had six kills in the three set sweep against Illinois last Wednesday. Nebraska coach John Cook said the team needs balance to have a successful attacking game. Despite Rolfzen’s struggle on offensive, her blocking game has been a consistent play throughout the season and Big Ten play. This is the part of her game that has helped the Huskers, Cook said. She tallied six block assists against Northwestern last Saturday, but it seemed like she was consistently getting a hand on the ball. Rolfzen is second on the team in block assists (64) and total blocks (67) for the season. In the blocksper-set (0.91) category, Rolfzen ranks third on the team. When her attacking game started to slump at the beginning of Big

Ten play, her blocking started to skyrocket. In just Big Ten play, she has 42 block assists, which is behind middle blocker Cecilia Hall, who has posted 68. Hall has put up 20 block assists in the past two games. Rolfzen’s blocks-per-set average is 1.05 in conference competition, which trails Hall (1.52) and sophomore Meghan Haggerty (1.17). The middle blockers are typically going to lead teams in blocking categories, but Rolfzen is starting to put up big blocking numbers as Big Ten Play continues. Her best Big Ten blocking game was against Wisconsin, when she recorded seven block assists and one solo stuff block. With the exception of two Big

Ten games, Rolfzen has earned three or more block assists in all the conference games. Even for the Huskers’ offensive leader, Robinson, Amber Rolfzen’s block is something for outside hitters to fear. “She’s a scary block,” Robinson said. “You don’t want to go up against her as an outside.” Robinson also said she doesn’t get to face Amber’s block in practice, and is glad Rolfzen is on her side of the court when the game starts. “I know if I was on the other team, I wouldn’t want to play against Amber.” Robinson said. “She just shuts other team’s big hitters down and demoralizes them.” sports@

“We had to make sure that we would get the ball back down three, and that’d at least put us in a situation where we could kick a field goal.” If Northwestern pounds in the touchdown, who knows how the rest of the game turns out? Maybe Ron Kellogg III doesn’t settle in after one of the worst starts of a game. Maybe Abdullah doesn’t make a stretch for the first down on fourth and 15. Maybe Kellogg doesn’t get

in position to throw the 49-yard bomb. And, yeah, maybe Jordan Westerkamp doesn’t grab, what will become, one of the most famous catches in recent Husker history. Without the defense’s turnaround on Saturday, Nebraska never had a chance in the game against Northwestern. sports@

3-pointers from Tyler Shields, pulling to 46-27 with just more than 17 minutes remaining. But again, the Huskers responded with a run of its own, sparked by a one-touch fastbreak pass from Webster to Smith, who laid it in uncontested. Webster went on to lead Nebraska on a 14-5 run over the next four minutes to give Nebraska a 60-32 lead. The Huskers would then keep that lead for the remainder of the game for a final score of 90-61.

Nebraska’s first regular season game is at 8 p.m. Friday, against Florida Gulf Coast, which made the Sweet 16 last season as a 15-seed. Miles says the Huskers will have a lot of work to do before Friday. “We’re not going to be as good as we want to be against Florida Gulf Coast,” Miles said. “We didn’t do some things we practiced hard and well that we’re going to need to better against Division I competition.” sports@

football: from 10 “That first play didn’t really go as we wanted. He kind of leaked through. They went big. We went big.” Northwestern converted a field goal on fourth and four, but couldn’t stamp on the six points. That meant a huge chance for Nebraska, because after all, 24-21 feels a lot better than 28-21. “They (the defense) were talking about getting turnovers, getting the ball out,” Papuchis said.

A lot of underclassmen kept telling us that they were playing for us, playing for the seniors, giving it our all.” emma stevens senior goalkeeper

all their hard work. “A lot of underclassmen kept telling us that they were playing for us, playing for the seniors, giving it our all,” Stevens said. “This could potentially be our last home game depending on what happens with NCAAs, so we just have to come out and fight.” Although senior day has its part in the season, the seniors treated every game like it was their last game, which could be the reason this year has been the most successful season for any player on the team. “Every game we go like it’s our last,” Stevens said. “That’s how we’ve been approaching it because we don’t want to get a different attitude towards the games. We want to make sure that it means something to everyone.”

In the 3-1 win against Indiana, many of the seniors made contributions to the team’s conference clincher. Jackson had an assist in the first half to give the Huskers a 1-0 lead. In the second half, Stevens scored an insurance goal, her first goal as a goalkeeper for the team to make it 3-1 against the Hoosiers. After winning the Big Ten title, the underclassmen couldn’t be happier to give the seniors something to be proud of before exiting the program. “I think it’s really memorable for them, and it’s awesome to go out on that foot,” junior forward Mayme Conroy said. “For that senior class, there’s six of them, and they’re all a big part of the team. So it’s really good for them.” Now that the Huskers have taken

the regular season title, the Big Ten Tournament is the next challenge awaiting them this week in Champaign, Ill. As the No. 1 seed in the tournament, Nebraska will face No. 8 seed Minnesota, who the Huskers defeated earlier this season on the road in a 1-0 win. With the postseason upon them, the seniors know the implications for each game, and they not only want to continue playing soccer, but to get the program to another level in what has been their most memorable season. “We have to do everything in our power to win,” Stevens said. “Not only for the seniors but with what’s on the line for us.” sports@

Basketball: from 10 running floater down the lane and a banked 3-pointer to spark the run. The highlight of the first half was from Shields with just more than seven minutes remaining in the half. Parker found Shields on the baseline on a semi-fast-break; Shields then drove and dunked over three UNK defenders, giving Nebraska a 33-13 lead. UNK came out fighting in the second half, starting the half off with a 10-2 run that started with two



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20 PROSE 23 24 25

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67 68

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No. 0621
























42 47


44 49





48 52

55 59





36 39








23 28
















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tuesday, november 5, 2013


dn Big ten homeroom destiny in the Leaders Division and have a showdown with Nebraska at Memorial Stadium on Nov. 16 after a bye weekend.

5. Nebraska (6-2, 3-1)

The Huskers were able to get by Northwestern 27-24 on Saturday and all it took The No. 4 Buckeyes conwas a third-string quartertinued their winning ways back throwing a Hail Mary to in the Big Ten Conference 3. Wisconsin (6-2, 4-1) a freshman who had never by rolling over Purdue 56-0 The No. 24 Badgers overcaught a touchdown in a on Saturday. Since sophocame a slow start to defeat Husker jersey. Ameer Abdulmore quarterback Braxton lah now leads the conferIowa, 28-9 on Saturday. Miller’s return to the lineup Wisconsin has continued its ence with 1,108 rushing on Sept. 28 against the winning ways in the Big Ten yards on the season. A point Wisconsin Badgers, the with a very familiar formula: of concern for the Huskers Buckeyes are scoring 44.8 is how the three teams they running the football and points per game. Miller has playing good defense. The have defeated in Big Ten completed 72.5 percent of play are a combined 0-13 running back tandem of his passes this season and in the Big Ten this year. Like Melvin Gordon and James has thrown 15 touchdowns White has combined for Michigan State, Nebraska and just three interceptions. 1,878 yards this season. still controls its own destiny Ohio State has a bye week in the Legends Division. Gordon is averaging 8.7 before the team looks to yards per carry, which is continue its nation-best 21- fourth in the nation. The game winning streak at 3-5 Badger defense has been Illinois. one of the best in the country this year, giving up just 15 points per game.

1. Ohio State (9-0 overall, 5-0 Big Ten)

7. Penn State (5-3, 2-2)

Following last week’s 49-point loss to Ohio State, Penn State defeated Illinois 24-17 in overtime to keep things from getting worse. The bright spot has been the connection of true freshman quarterback Christian Hackenberg and junior Allen Robinson. Hackenberg leads the conference in passing yards, and Robinson leads the conference in both receptions and receiving yards. The defense is still a big question mark, allowing 41 points a game through its first four Big Ten games.

9. Indiana (3-5, 1-3)

Indiana has fallen short in comebacks against Michigan and Minnesota in back-to-back weeks. In both games, the Hoosiers were able to trim a three-touchdown deficit to one. Junior receiver Cody Latimer’s 44 catches and 695 yards this season are both fourth in the Big Ten. Indiana gets a break from a difficult part of their schedule, hosting Illinois this Saturday before taking on Ohio State and Wisconsin on the road in back-to-back weeks.

2. Michigan State (81, 5-0)

4. Minnesota (7-2, 3-2)

Since dropping the first two The No. 17 Spartans pound- games in Big Ten play to Iowa ed rival Michigan 29-6, and Michigan, Minnesota has allowing just 168 total yards looked like a different football in East Lansing on Saturday. team on its current threeMichigan State’s defense is game win streak. The Golden one of the best in the coun- Gophers followed up their try, allowing 11.6 points per emotional win over the Huskgame, which is third in the ers by defeatingthe Hoosiers nation. Junior running back 42-39 on the road Saturday. Jeremy Langford has rushed The Gophers’ three-game Big for 775 yards and 10 touch- Ten win streak is their longest downs this season, includsince 2008. Their seven wins ing four straight games of are already the most they’ve more than 100 yards. The had in a season since Jerry Spartans control their own Kill took over in 2008.

football practice notes

8. Iowa (5-4, 2-3)

The Hawkeyes continued their offensive struggles, scoring only 9 points on Saturday against the Badgers. They average just 17.4 points through five Big Ten games. However, Iowa’s defense has been rock solid so far, only allowing 19.2 points a game, which is No. 17 in the nation. Their three Big Ten losses have been to the top three teams in the Big Ten. They look to get back to .500 in the conference when they travel to Purdue next weekend.

10. Northwestern (4-5, 0-5)

What looked like it could have been the best Northwestern football season in 100 years has quickly turned into a nightmare. Since being ranked No. 16 in the AP poll, the Wildcats have lost their first five Big Ten games of the season, and the last three have been by a combined 13 points. The Ron-Kellogg-toJordan-Westerkamp Hail Mary was the latest in a string of Big Ten heartbreakers this season.

At the time of the 49-yard Hail Mary pass to give Nebraska football a comeback win, about 500 people waiting for the night’s volleyball contest were watching the game in the Bob Devaney Sports Center, according to Nebraska coach John Cook. Cook said he just left his office to check in with a recruit’s parents when the game was coming to a close. Then he said he heard the shrieks and cheers coming from in the court. “I hear all this screaming, and I run to see what’s going on, because I think something’s happening in Devaney,” Cook said. “It wasn’t yelling, it was screaming.” Then, he saw the play on the big screen and realized what had happened, he said. Later that night, No. 11 Nebraska volleyball would go on to battle the Northwestern Wildcats. The Huskers also made a comeback to win in five sets. “Well, we tried to one-up football,” Cook said. Cook said he doesn’t get what makes teams with the primary color of purple hard to beat in Nebraska. “That dang purple, man,” Cook said. “Something about it in Nebraska, and it’s always an adventure.”

Changing up Starting Lineup

file photo Matt Masin | dn

Huskers find motivation from Hail Mary

Cook switched up the lineups for the Huskers for the Northwestern match. He gave freshman Brenna Lyles her first collegiate start over freshman Justine Wong-Orantes, who has started every game for the Huskers this season at libero. “She earned it in practice,” Cook said. “The kids that showed they were ready to play got to play.”

—Compiled by Brett Nierengarten sports@

Cook said Lyles did a solid job in her first start. “I think after she settled down, she did a nice job,” Cook said. “Her stats were pretty good. She could’ve served out Game 5, if she served it in the court maybe.” Freshman Melanie Keil earned a start over sophomore Meghan Haggerty at middle blocker. But Keil was pulled in the second set, and Haggerty was put in. Haggerty went on to help lead the Huskers’ block with 8 block assists. Cook said he will not have a lineup ready this week until after he sees how everyone performs in practice.

Another Win

When the Huskers defeated the Wildcats on Saturday, Cook said it was a great win over a team getting into a rhythm. “They’re hot right now,” Cook said. “They are .500 in the Big Ten. What was good was we were able to find a way in Game 5 to play really well and take it up a notch.” The coach also said the win should give the team confidence because it didn’t have to play its best to find a way to get a win. The Huskers have started a four-match winning streak since losing to Purdue. Cook said he doesn’t know if the team has momentum building, because it approaches matches with different mindsets. “We just take it day-by-day really,” he said. Compiled by Eric Bertrand

What kind of doctor do you want to be?

logg said of the stadium. “You would think that with all those people it would be really loud, but I guess the design of the stadium is so flat that it can’t embrace any noise into the stadium. So I guess that’s the most surprising thing.” Abdullah, on the other hand, remembers the experience a little differently. “The Big House two years ago, they killed us up there,” Abdullah said. “I was kind of shellshocked. Michigan fans are nasty, man. They are ruthless. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s Big Ten football. They always sell out.”

Emotions were high on Saturday night following Nebraska’s final-second Hail Mary win over Northwestern. Still, several challenges stand in the way before Nebraska can take a sigh of relief. According to Nebraska coach Bo Pelini, he’s sure his team has what it takes to make a return trip to Indianapolis for the Big Ten Championship game. As junior running back Ameer Abdullah said, it’s the same position Nebraska found itself in last season. “Every game we were down and had to come back,” Abdullah said. “Some miracle games like Huskers happy for Kellogg For four years, Kellogg was known mainly as Michigan State. We always tell our team we are in the exact same position as last year. We can either Nebraska’s back-up quarterback. In Saturday’s last-second win over Northwestpack it up and say try again next year or you can ern, Kellogg found his moment to fight to the end.” shine and many teammates expressed While his players enjoyed the I spent most their joy for the back-up quarterback. memorable win on Saturday night, the ultimate team guy in Pelini said he was already looking of Saturday that“He’s he’s not so worried about how ahead in the schedule. much playing time he gets or any“I spent most of Saturday night night thinking thing else,” Pelini said. “He’s about thinking about what the next step about what the winning and doing whatever he can is for this football team to keep in whatever role we ask him to be in doing to finish out this season the next step is.” to help our football team win. He’s way we want to finish it out,” Pelibo pelini what you look for in a teammate. I’m ni said. “Believe me, I know we are football coach happy for him. That was a great mogoing to have some serious chalment for Ron.” lenges over the next four weeks. I Still, the throw caught some by have time to look back on things when the season is over, and your life isn’t going surprise, including Westerkamp. “I think that ball might have been in the air 100 mph. Believe me, it made my Saturday night a for 50 yards,” Westerkamp said. “I know when he lot more pleasant than it would’ve been.” threw it his whole body just kind of flipped forward a little bit. I mean it was impressive. He’s Nebraska ready for Big House got a cannon.” As redshirt freshman receiver Jordan WesterKellogg said he has been told his throw on Satkamp has said twice now, Nebraska enjoyed Sat- urday was the first successful Hail Mary in Memourday’s win for 24 hours. Now the Huskers are rial Stadium. looking forward to Michigan. “I’m just glad all my friends and family were Two years ago, Nebraska played at the Big able to witness it,” Kellogg said. “Hopefully it House for the first time in the Big Ten Conference, stays in the record books for a while.” and Michigan beat the Huskers 45-17. Quarterback Ron Kellogg III, though, said it didn’t feel like the —compiled by Kyle Cummings biggest college football stadium in the country. sports@ “What I noticed is that it is really quiet,”

The Boilermakers season didn’t get much better after being blown out by the Buckeyes on Saturday. The offense is putting up just 11.5 points per game, which ranks 121st out of 123 Division I FBS teams. The team has also scored just seven points in the last three games. Purdue’s only win came against FCS-school Indiana State, and tickets for this week’s home game against Iowa are now selling for as low as $1.

volleyball practice notes Trying to beat Football

Fifth-year senior Ron Kellogg III celebrates the Huskers’ victory as he leaves the field. He threw a last-play 49-yard touchdown pass to beat Northwestern 27-24.

Saturday’s 24-17 overtime loss to Penn State was the first time Illinois even came close in a Big Ten game this season; the Illini lost their first three by an average of 27.3 points per game. The Illini are currently on an 18-game conference losing streak that dates back to Oct. 8, 2011. Illinois will hope to build off the close game with Penn State with winnable games against Indiana, Purdue and Northwestern still remaining on the schedule.

12. Purdue (1-7, 0-4)

6. Michigan (6-2, 3-2)

Michigan’s 23-point loss to Michigan State Saturday was its largest loss at the hands of its in-state rival since 1967. The Wolverines’ inconsistency has plagued them all season and finally did them in. Jeremy Gallon has continued to impress, adding five catches for 67 yards to bring his totals to 50 catches for 898 yards; both are second in the conference. With the loss to Michigan State, Michigan will need a lot of help to reach the Big Ten Championship game. They host Nebraska on Saturday in the Big House, where Brady Hoke has never lost as Michigan’s coach.

11. Illinois (3-5, 0-4)

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tuesday, november 5, 2013 @dnsports



A STAND Husker defense steps up in big spot late against Northwestern, keeps Wildcats out of end zone in 2nd half story by Kyle Cummings


aylor Martinez sat slouched in a chair six levels above Tom Osborne Field on Saturday afternoon. Jamal Turner sat just a few seats away from him. Senior offensive lineman Spencer Long is out for the season, while his brother, tight end Jake Long, was injured for Saturday’s game. Kenny Bell paced the sidelines without a helmet. Meanwhile, redshirt freshman quarterback Tommy Armstrong Jr. was doing his best Tommie Frazier impression, trying to lead Nebraska over Northwestern with a banged-up offense. Early in the game, it appeared he was going to be pretty successful. The question became, though, would Nebraska’s defense aid the freshman signal-caller with a few stops? Early in the game, it appeared the defense would not be very successful. Armstrong took the first snap of the game, dropped back and completed a pass to Bell directly to his right, who made a move for 7 yards. Working the option-read and using the legs of Ameer Abdullah, Armstrong led Nebraska down to the Northwestern 19-yard line. In the red zone for the first time of the game, Armstrong rolled out to the left, faked an option-pitch, embarrassed a Northwestern defender and ran for 14 yards. Two plays later, the redshirt freshman ran in a 1-yard score. Though beaten up themselves, quarterback Kain Colter and the Northwestern offense ran all over Nebraska. In the first quarter alone, Colter and running back Treyvon Green each rushed for 58 yards, while Green ran in two touchdowns. Then, the Nebraska defense settled in.

file photo Nickolai hammar | dn

Nebraska safety Corey Cooper (left) and defensive end Avery Moss tackle Northwestern quarterback Kain Colter at the 1-yard line after Northwestern had first and goal at the 7-yard line with less than two minutes left. The Huskers forced a field goal. After Northwestern scored its third and final touchdown early in the second quarter, the Husker defense forced the Wildcats to punt 10 times on top of defensive end Avery Moss’s snagged pick-six. “Confidence,” defensive coordinator John Papuchis said about the difference between the first and second half defensively. “You start feeling good about yourself, you start feeling more confident, and you have more belief that you can be successful, and I think that’s what you saw from our guys. They started to feel confident in what they’re doing. They started believing in themselves. They started having fun.” As the game progressed, Nebraska’s defense was in total control. Then the question became, would Nebraska’s short-changed offense reward the defense’s efforts by mustering another score? As the game progressed, Nebraska’s offense had no control. With less than three minutes left in the knotted-up game, Armstrong threw his third interception of the contest to Tyler Scott, who took the possession back to the Nebraska 7-yard line. Northwestern was all of a sudden 7 yards away from punching in

the go-ahead score for its first victory since September. But Nebraska’s defense stepped onto the field with a mission. A challenge. A chance. With their backs pinned, the Husker defenders drew in the crowd, waving for more noise. First down and seven to go: Colter snuck by the line and was grabbed by Moss and knocked down by Corey Cooper on the Husker 1-yard line. Second and one: Colter handed off to Green. Nebraska defenders met the back at the line of scrimmage, pushing Northwestern back a yard. Third and three: Colter faked a handoff, rolled out and darted toward the right edge of the end zone. Randy Gregory met the quarterback two yards deep. Fourth down. The Nebraska defense did its job. “They took that field with an attitude,” Nebraska coach Bo Pelini said.

football: see page 8

Scoring runs lead NU over UNK Chris Heady DN The Nebraska men’s basketball team opened up its tenure at Pinnacle Bank Arena with its first exhibition game against the University of Nebraska atKearney on Monday night, winning 91-60. Twelve of the 13 players who got playing time for the Huskers scored, as Shavon Shields shot a perfect 7-for-7 from the field and led the team with 16 points. “I think it was a good first game in front of a crowd with all the new guys together,” Shavon said, who started with four new players to the program. Freshman Tai Webster was one of those new players. Webster ran the point guard position for the first time and produced well for the Huskers, scoring 12 points on 3-of-5 shooting and adding five rebounds, three assists and two steals. Webster became the second true freshman in two years to start for Nebraska coach Tim Miles. “I thought he got better as he got the nerves out,” Miles said. Some other new faces played for the first time Monday, including transfers Walter Pitchford and Terran Petteway. Pitchford and Petteway both started, with Webster, Shields and Leslee Smith. Pitchford scored 9 points on three 3-pointers, and Petteway was 4-for-8 for 10 points and three rebounds. Though Nebraska blew out UNK, Miles was not pleased with the way his team performed. “We have a lot of work to do,” Miles said. Nebraska dominated the first half of play and went into halftime with a 44-17 lead over the Lopers. Nebraska held UNK to just 24 percent shooting while shooting 57 percent from the field. Shields led all scorers with 12 points on 5-of5 shooting from the floor and also

Craig Zimmerman | dn

Freshman point guard Tai Webster scored 12 points on 3-of-5 shooting for the Huskers, and he recorded five rebounds, three assists and two steals in the Huskers’ 91-60 exhibition win. added five rebounds. Terran Petteway was 3-for-7 with 7 points and 3 rebounds, and Webster dished out 3 assists with 4 points on 1-of-2 shooting. “In the first half, they jumped out to such a big lead that it was obviously over at halftime,” UNK coach Tom Kropp said after the

game. Nebraska started out hot with a 10-3 run to begin the game. Benny Parker hit an easy layup to extend the lead to 10-3 after Tai Webster knocked the ball loose. UNK made a push in the second passage of play after the first media time out, cutting the lead down to 13-7 after

a layup by Kendal Gildden. Shields responded a few possessions later with a 3-pointer to push the lead back to 16-7. After the Shields 3-pointer, the Huskers offense finally clicked and went on a 16-2 run. Petteway hit a

file photo by andrew barry | dn

Defender Ari Romero (right) and the other five Nebraska seniors have experienced more success this season than they have before, and they won their last regular-season home game.

Seniors honored Freshman makes impact on block in last-game win Eric Bertrand DN

The No. 11 Nebraska volleyball claimed two victories last week, against Illinois and Northwestern. Senior outside hitter Kelsey Robinson and freshman outside hitter Kadie Rolfzen continued to lead the attacking portion in both of the games, but the third hitter in the mix made an impact that could not be overlooked. Freshman outside hitter Amber Rolfzen made key contributions against Northwestern in all aspects of the game. Because of Robinson’s clutch performance in Game 5, when she racked up five kills on seven swings and also marked two block assists, it could be easy to miss Amber Rolfzen’s overall performance.

She notched 11 kills on 25 swings in the match, which is her fourth-highest mark this season. Her career best was 16 kills against St. Mary’s early in the year, but it came on 34 swings. Her offensive game has not been consistent in Big Ten Conference play so far this year, with just a .147 percent hitting clip and an average of 1.76 kills per set. Her best attacking performance in Big Ten play came in the loss to Purdue, when she recorded 13 kills and an attacking percentage of .300 percent. After the Purdue match, Rolfzen started to find some consistency in the attacking game by blasting eight or more kills in three of the squad’s next four matches.

volleyball: see page 8

Basketball: see page 8

Team sends leaders out with victory as seniors earn league title at end of time with Nebraska Josh Kelly DN

file photo andrew barry | dn

Freshman outside hitter Amber Rolfzen, whose play has been overshadowed by that of Kelsey Robinson and Kadie Rolfzen, has increased her blocking productivity in conference play.

Friday’s win against Indiana could have been the last time six Husker soccer players compete at home. Before the game, the six seniors had to go through what every Husker player must go through at some point. Each of the six players was introduced to the home crowd for the final time.

“It’s been very emotional,” senior defender Ari Romero said. “We’ve just taken it each game, and for the seniors it’s a little bit more meaningful, but needless to say, it’s a game.” The seniors on this year’s roster are Romero, goalkeeper Emma Stevens, forward Jordan Jackson, midfielder Stacy Bartels and defenders Kylie Greischar and Maritza Hayes. The players were called out before the regular player introductions and greeted by coaches while receiving an ovation from fans. After that, the teams took the field and began play. With a Big Ten Conference regular season title on the line for the team, the younger players on the team thought the game was the best way to commemorate the seniors on

soccer: see page 8

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