Oct. 11

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Thursday, october 11, 2012 volume 112, issue 039

Inside Coverage

Call of the Wilderness

Talk it through

Omaha band looks to nature to define sound

ASUN to host town hall for health center



Making a local call



The Lincoln Calling music festival continues through this weekend. Acts like UUVVWWZ, Kill County, Life Is Cool and The Renfields will perform throughout the week. See inside for a complete event schedule.

Research group aims to film molecules in 3D story by Cristina Woodworth | photo by Kat Buchanan


artin Centurion’s movie will probably never be a blockbuster hit, but it will allow people to see things they’ve never had the ability to see before. Centurion, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and his team of researchers are working on putting together a series of 3D images to make videos of photosynthesis and other ultrafast molecular changes. “What we have is the first frame for our movie,” Centurion said of the team’s first successful 3D capture of an isolated molecule. “We’ve shown we can do this very fast. Now we need to turn this into a sequence of pictures.” The ability to actually see the structural changes a molecule undergoes is a major advancement in understanding how light can be transformed into energy sources. Centurion said his technique could eventually help develop more efficient solar energy panels

molecules: see page 3

Martin Centurion, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a team of researchers, are working on putting together a series of 3D images to make videos of photosynthesis and other ultrafast molecular changes along with a team of researchers. Centurion’s new technique could eventually help develop more efficient solar energy panels.

Conference to Bryan Health guards plans for UHC bring human trafficking into spotlight Only bidder won’t talk details until after the university reviews its bid conor dunn dn

Public speakers to include former child slave, UN representative Dan Holtmeyer DN This weekend, for the fourth consecutive year, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will play host to human trafficking experts and researchers whose work to combat the problem has taken them as far away as Southeast Asia and as close as here in Lincoln. Their goal is to help end the global, multi-billion-dollar trade of humans for labor and sex, which, according to most

estimates, has ensnared at least 27 million people. Lured by false promises or knowingly enslaved, hundreds of thousands of these people are shipped into and across the U.S., including within Nebraska, each year. The UNL Conference on Human Trafficking was first organized to bring together experts from several fields – marketing, business, communications, human rights and law enforcement, to name a few – to settle what is known about this problem and what challenges remain in addressing it. That remains its goal today, said Ron Hampton, an associate professor in marketing and one of the conference’s organizers.

trafficking: see page 3

Bryan Health, the lone bidder for the proposed privatization of the University Health Center, is keeping details regarding how it would run the new center close to the vest until the University of Nebraska-Lincoln completes its review process. “Bryan Health respects the University of Nebraska’s request for proposal review process, and all inquiries should be directed to

the University of Nebraska,” wrote Bob Ravenscroft, Bryan Health’s vice president of advancement in an email Tuesday. The Daily Nebraskan asked Bryan Health, a locally owned not-forprofit healthcare organization, about its interest in UNL’s health center, its experience with student health, how it plans to fund the construction of the new health center and make up those costs and how it plans to meet the university’s expectations of providing the UHC’s current healthcare and offer it to students at an equal or lower price. “We’ll be happy to address (those questions) after the university completes its RFP review process,” Ravenscroft said. If the university chooses to proceed with Bryan Health as the pro-

vider, the University of Nebraska Board of Regents will review a contract in January. Information regarding Bryan Health’s bid and the RFP review committee will not be public, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance Christine Jackson said. The university plans to ask Bryan Health to give a presentation to the review committee, UHC staff and students about the information within its proposal, but the date for that presentation isn’t set, UNL news director Kelly Bartling said. Bryan Health operates two acute-care facilities and several outpatient clinics. With nearly 5,000 physicians, staff members and volunteers, Bryan offers more than 25 different medical services, according to its

website. The medical company also offers undergraduate degrees in nursing and health professions, a graduate degree for nurse anesthesia and certificate options for both undergraduate and graduate students through its College of Health Sciences. Bryan Health has been in Lincoln since it opened its 60-bed Bryan Memorial Hospital in 1926. It opened its Bryan School of Nursing the same year with 37 students enrolled. Bryan Medical Center now has 356 beds, and the college has 700 students registered for the fall semester. According to the most recent survey data collected by the US

bryan health: see page 3

BRYAN HEALTH A not-for-profit, locally owned healthcare organization

Community benefits distributed in 2011 Medical services offered Staff Operations Projected date of University Health Center takeover

$72.7 million 25+ 5,000 two acute-care facilities and several outpatient clinics May 2013

more Inside Coverage:

‘Climate change is real’ UNL climate professors issue statement in debate’s wake


Time for the Husker midterm


DN staffers give Husker football a progress report for 2012

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thursday, october 11, 2012

Data suggests UNL students don’t report domestic abuse Domestic violence has been reported only twice at UNL this semester

control of the situation. After talking with police, information about the perpetrator would become publicly available, she said. “Looking at national statistics, at least one-third of college students report being in an DANIEL WHEATON abusive relationship,” Morgan DN said. The most important thing Across the University of Ne- she tells her clients, Morgan braska-Lincoln campus, nusaid, is the crime wasn’t their merous instances of domestic fault. violence and sexual assault go “I spent six hours with a unreported, said Jan Deeds, diclient helping her navigate her rector of the Women’s Center. way through UNLPD, (the LinOnly two instances of docoln Police Department) and mestic violence have been re- then medical advocacy with the ported this semester, according help she needed,” Morgan said. to data from the University of “A lot of people come to the Nebraska-Lincoln Police DeVictim Advocate unsure about partment. Domestic violence how to navigate the system.” statistics aren’t tabulated for Morgan estimated half of the Clery Act, which requires the people who experience campus police to submit an anabuse will tell their friends. But nual report of campus crime. she said most friends of victims Deeds said the silence are unsure if they makes people should report it less likely to inWe know to police. Deeds tervene if they said it is the it is see a friend in an friends’ responabusive relation- happening. There sibility to help ship. identify possible “We’re in the are a number abuse. Midwest,” Deeds of barriers “ Yo u n g e r said. “Mind your are stopping us (from) populations own business.” still defining She described understanding it.” what a healthy domestic abuse relationship is,” as any abusive Morgan said. Jan deeds or controlling A number women’s center director behavior that imof programs pacts someone in are available to a relationship. victims of domestic violence. “If your partner calls you Deeds advises PREVENT, a stufat all the time or accuses you of dent advocacy group that helps cheating, you might not think students know what bystanders of this as abuse,” Deeds said. should do to help. Physical abuse is much easMorgan is also a part of Voicier to put a finger on, she said. es of Hope, which provides a cri“It’s easier to spot if it’s a sis line for anyone needing help. punch in a face,” Deeds said. Deeds said UNL Judicial AfUNLPD has two investiga- fairs and University Housing can tors to help prosecute domesmake changes to help the victic violence and sexual assault: tim. She said victims can switch Officers Vanessa Butters and classes or dorm rooms to avoid Kristy Beitler. Police have set further contact with the perpeprotocols to give victims infor- trator. mation to seek help. Deeds said she hopes her Morgan – whose last name work will encourage more peohas been redacted for her pro- ple to step forward and speak tection – serves as UNL’s victim up. advocate. Morgan has seen nine During “Week Without clients this semester seeking Violence” Deeds wants to ilhelp for sexual assault. She said luminate dating and domestic this means most people who violence issues. She said the experience physical violence biggest problem is a lack of unaren’t seeking help. derstanding. “The pattern is that there is “We know it is happenno pattern,” Morgan said. ing,” Deeds said. “There are a Deeds said more people number of barriers stopping us report what has happened to (from) understanding it.” victim services instead of police NEWS@ because they don’t want to lose DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

dan holtmeyer | dn

Clint Rowe, a professor in UNL’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, and four of his colleagues released a public statement three weeks ago that said there’s no doubt humans play a role in climate change and something must be done about it.

Professors: Climate change exists Dan Holtmeyer DN Nebraska remains in the grip of one of its warmest and driest years ever recorded, but the weather didn’t push five University of Nebraska-Lincoln climate professors to speak out on climate change. A political debate did. In the campaign between Deb Fischer and Bob Kerrey for Nebraska’s open U.S. Senate seat, Fischer, a Republican, has said she doubts humanity’s role in the planet’s warming temperatures. According to 2010 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences data, 97 percent of scientists pin much of the blame for shifting climates on human activity. So the UNL professors decided to set the record straight in late September with a definitive statement on climate change – directly from the scientists in the field. “We kind of just decided it would be good to get the scientific perspective out there,” said Clint Rowe, a professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, in his book-lined office in Bessey Hall Tuesday. “Nobody’s really talk-

Free depression screening offered for UNL students Studies show the college-aged have highest rates of depression, suicide kalee holland dn In honor of National Depression Screening Day and Mental Illness Awareness Week, Screening For Mental Health, Inc., will provide free depression screenings all day Thursday on both campuses. Screenings will be conducted in the Nebraska Union and Nebraska East Union from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at the Campus Recreation Center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Screening For Mental Health heads the event every year and provides mental illness screening opportunities for military bases, universities, communities and workplaces worldwide. “Some people describe (depression) almost like a physical pain,” said psychology professor Debra Ann Hope. Hope highlighted the signs of depression, saying that it can occur with a dramatic lifestyle change or after the death of a loved one or another traumatic experience. Depressed people may have

difficulty performing basic tasks, subset. The college-age group holds the like getting up in the morning and highest percentages of suicides and attending class, she said. Or eating depression, according to Portnoy. habits may change radically. “As people start college, it’s “Some feel guilty and feel they’ve a high-pressure situation,” Hope made a lot of mistakes,” Hope said. said. “And the transition from high “Most people have occasional days school to college can make people like that, but when it lasts a couple feel isolated and unstable. Some weeks or more, that’s when counstudents find it hard to go and pay seling should be sought.” attention in class, and may not feel According to Bob Portnoy, the motivated to go out and do things.” director of Counseling and PsyA century ago, the onset of dechological Services, the American College Health Association reported pression occurred around age 30, Portnoy said, when in its fall 2011 asmost individuals sessment that 8.4 As people were already out to 9.1 percent of start of college and in the college populathe work force. Totion was diagnosed college, it’s a day, however, the with depression, average age has along with 8.5 high-pressure dropped to about percent of the 601 situation.” 23. And it’s been a anonymously insteady decline, he terviewed students said. attending UniverDebra Ann Hope “Based on sity of Nebraskapsychology professor a population of Lincoln. 24,000, around 336 Of 44 postsecsuicide attempts ondary institutions surveyed, 25.4 percent of males and were made by UNL students last 32.5 percent of females reported year,” Portnoy said. “That’s part of the reason why the screening is feeling so depressed it was difficult being offered: to alert (the students) to function in the last year. UNL’s to the services offered here on campercentage sat at 38.5. Additionally, 6.2 percent of males and 6.7 percent pus, and if it’s appropriate, get (them) treatment.” of females said they’d seriously news@ considered suicide in the last year, dailynebraskan.com along with 7.8 percent of the UNL

ing about it in the exact, correct terms.” About three weeks ago, he brought up the idea to fellow professor of earth and atmospheric sciences Robert Oglesby, who quickly typed up a statement that laid out those terms in black and white. “Climate change is real, and human activities have a profound effect on the way in which it is occurring,” said the statement, signed by Oglesby, Rowe, associate professors Mark Anderson and Adam Houston and assistant professor of applied climate science Martha Shulski, who heads the High Plains Regional Climate Center. “Over the coming decades it will get warmer in Nebraska, by 4-10°F,” they continued, with significant effects on rainfall, drought and other extreme weather across the country. “The time for debate is over. The time for action is here.” Taking a proactive, public stance on the issue was a first for the department, said Rowe, who’s entering his 27th year at UNL. The statement left little ambiguity,

and that’s just the way the professors wanted it. “It was intended to be straightforward, unambiguous and provocative,” Oglesby said, because that reflects today’s climate science. Global temperatures have been creeping upward for more than a century when temperature cycles spanning hundreds of thousands of years indicate they should be decreasing. Most climate scientists agree humans contribute to the rising mercury by burning fossil fuels for energy. Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from oil and coal acts as a planetary blanket, preventing heat from escaping and edging up the temperature. That heat, then, causes widespread effects on weather patterns and global ecosystems on which humans depend. In the US, the issue has become political and controversial, and Fischer isn’t alone in her doubts. Since their statement, however, the two professors said they hadn’t received much negative reaction. “You don’t expect everything

to be positive,” Rowe said, but that has been about the shape of the response. Even some strangers have thanked him and the others for getting the science out to the public. “I think people are ready to understand this,” Rowe said. It was their duty as scientists to spread their knowledge, he said. National and international climate groups have reported these findings for decades, but the key to affecting the public discussion on the issue might instead be local statements here and there. “The idea is, yeah, maybe we need to start at the local level,” Rowe said, though he added, “We certainly didn’t plan it that way.” Oglesby offered another benefit to the local approach: avoiding pressure from national interest groups that have taken a stand against ideas of human-caused climate change. Referring to the prominent climate change skeptics David and Charles Koch, Oglesby joked, “The Koch brothers certainly didn’t call and offer me $2 million.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

All University Majors Fair shows exploratory majors their options tammy bain dn As Katie Kerr, assistant director for the Exploratory and PreProfessional Advising Center, explained the pre-requisites of the University of Nebraska Medical Center to an inquiring student, another student showed interest and moved closer to listen. Answering questions was the intent of the All University Majors Fair on Wednesday in the food court of the Nebraska Union. From 12:30 to 2 p.m., students met with advisers of different majors in various schools throughout the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as well as advisers from the exploratory center. Formerly the Division of General Studies, the exploratory center changed its name this summer, and general studies majors are now called exploratory majors. The center aims to help students without a major and those who are considering a new direction, minor or concentration, said Kristin Plath, an academic adviser for the exploratory center. But the fair and exploratory center aren’t about reducing the number of exploratory majors, Plath said. “(It’s) just to serve them better,” she said.

Plath said the fair gives students a central location to ask questions about different majors and departments, instead of asking numerous advisers in several places. Students are more likely to look for new majors after they complete more ACE requirements and as priority-registration time approaches, Plath said. Because the re-branding took place just last summer, the center hasn’t released data regarding an increase or decrease in the number of exploratory majors, Kerr said. But on average, approximately one out of every five students begins as an exploratory major, Plath said. Even before the exploratory center was created, the All Majors Fair existed for at least the past four years, Plath said. About 30 minutes before the fair ended, Plath said she felt the fair’s turnout was good, though the number of satisfaction surveys, which each attending student was asked to complete, hadn’t been counted yet. As a freshman exploratory major, Riley Deisley began the search for her major by visiting the exploratory center’s webpage. “Coming here has given more information than just looking at the website,” she said. Freshman exploratory major Haley Beyersdorf agreed.

“It’s easier to talk to someone about it,” she said, regarding her own search for a major. The girls hadn’t visited each booth yet and were still undecided about their majors, they said. But so far, they felt the fair was effective. Students aren’t the only ones who sought help from the fair. As the assistant director for academic and student affairs at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Karen Fulton informed interested students about studying criminal justice at UNL. “(The fair) gets it out to students we have this major available,” she said. “They’re aware we’re here.” But Fulton said she doesn’t try to sell the criminal justice program to every student. She asks each one what his or her interests are and whether criminal justice is a good fit. “Sometimes,” she said, “I’m referring (the students) to other colleges based on their interests.” While Fulton answered students’ questions, some about particular requisites, others about all course requirements, Plath and Kerr also answered any questions they could. But Plath said she didn’t expect students to choose a major more quickly – “just more effectively.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chemistry Day entices highschoolers Future chemistry majors experience classes, lab work and life at UNL staff report DN More than 150 high school students will come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Saturday to awaken their senses. That’s the theme of the Department of Chemistry’s 12th annual Chemistry Day at Hamilton Hall. Having seen a successful turnout in the past, the event aims again this year to give high school students a chance to experience what their academic life will be like within their major as well as an opportunity to chat with and get to know their professors before they sit down in the classroom. “This year is by far the largest number of students, teachers and parents who have registered,” said Peg Bergmeyer, the undergraduate staff assistant for the Department of Chemistry. According to Bergmeyer, high

school students from Kansas, alumni a chance to speak to the South Dakota and California will power of their chemistry major attend, with Nebraska students at UNL and how it launched their careers in the field. from as far away as North Platte Preparation for Chemistry making the trip to campus as well. This year ’s Chemistry Day Day starts with monthly spring theme will give high school ju- planning meetings, and durniors and seniors and their par- ing the month of October “many ents an up-close-and-personal hours are spent preparing handouts, ordering malook into the chemterials, registering istry program at This year is participants, makUNL as well as by far the ing nametags and 15-minute guided preparing the demtours of the facili- largest number of onstrations,” Bergties with hands-on experiments and students, teachers meyer said. “We have tried d e m o n s t r a t i o n s and parents who to change up the throughout the format every year,” day. Fourteen re- have registered.” Bergmeyer said. search professors “Over the years, will open their labs Peg Bergmeyer features for tour sessions, undergraduate staff assistant popular have been Dr. Mark giving prospective Griep’s Chemistry students and their parents a look at the department’s in the Movies presentations (and) we have blown up numerous balfacilities. This year, participants can loons, shot off bottle rockets and tour the Nuclear Magnetic Reso- incinerated various gummy bears. nance Facility and see how its Demonstrations and research lab instrumentation can be used to tours have always rated high on engineer fragrances and get a our evaluations.” High school senior attendees chance to use chromatography to who meet specific requirements tie dye T-shirts. Chemistry Day also gives are eligible to enter to win one of

five scholarships, with more than $4,000 up for grabs for prospective UNL chemistry majors for the 2013-14 academic year. UNL’s chemistry department plans to award the money to seniors who have plans to declare chemistry as their major, have completed a high school chemistry course and have an overall GPA of B-plus or higher, according to a university press release. The event will culminate with the announcement of scholarship winners at the end of the day. The Department of Chemistry hopes the event will introduce high school students to the opportunities available to them at UNL and help the department see an increase the number of UNL chemistry majors. “We want to have high school students become more familiar with the UNL Chemistry department and UNL in general,” Bergmeyer said. “Students can find out what they need to know to be able to do well with their college classes and the opportunities available to someone with a degree in chemistry.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

trafficking: from 1


Town hall planned to address concerns about health center Conor Dunn DN University of Nebraska-Lincoln administration will meet with students in the Nebraska Union next Thursday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. to answer questions about its plans to privatize the University Health Center. Vice Chancellors Juan Franco, Christine Jackson and UHC director Dr. James Guest will be the speakers at the town hall meeting. Association of Students of the University of Nebraska senator and senior nutrition and health sciences major Andrew Shaw will act as the mediator between students and the speakers. Although students will be able to write their questions on flashcards at the town hall, the main questions answered will be those located in the frequently asked questions section on the Student Affairs website, according to Senate Speaker Natalia Santos at ASUN’s Wednesday meeting. This is because ASUN doesn’t want the university spending time addressing questions it cannot answer at this time, such as the effect on student fees and how the potential new provider will operate the health center, said Santos, a senior nutrition and health sciences major. Students can’t be directly involved with or receive in-depth information regarding the university’s review process due to legal reasons, Santos said. “We know there can’t be very much student representation in this process,” she said. Thus, the town hall serves to inform students of the university’s plans, answer questions as to why the health center is being outsourced and let students express the services they expect to receive with a new provider. No legislation was addressed during ASUN’s senate meeting. Senators discussed the projects they’ll work on during the academic year. Sophomore business administration major Sen. Adrian Corral is working on bringing Megabus

to UNL’s campus. Megabus is an inter-city bus travel service that has served more than 18 million passengers in more than 80 major cities across North America, according to its website. Omaha is the only Nebraska city where Megabus makes a stop. Government Liaison Chair Mike Dunn, a senior communication studies major, plans to host a watch party for the third presidential debate on Oct. 22. A panel of political science professors will be at the watch party for a panel discussion after the debate, Dunn said. Environmental Sustainability Committee Chair Matan Gill, a senior construction management major, is working to promote a food waste reduction campaign with Dining Services, market UNL as a green university, host a roundtable in November for students to speak with experts about energy, water and sustainability issues and also work with local farmers to help find solutions to farming problems in Nebraska. “Matan’s a shining star example of the work that ASUN can do,” said ASUN internal vice president Kaitlin Mazour, a senior English and history major. Gill was the senator with the most project ideas at the meeting. A junior psychology major, Sen. Allison Morton is working with Parking and Transit Services to fix parking lot potholes, large cracks in sidewalks and other landscape problems across campus so that students have less difficulty with travel once winter arrives. Sen. Mike Wehling, a senior political science major, is continuing former ASUN president Lane Carr’s work to change the university’s policies regarding mandatory tests. Wehling is concerned about professors who require students to take tests or turn in assignments on days during funerals or when the student suffers a serious injury. Nine senators were not present to discuss their projects at the meeting. news@ dailynebraskan.com

bryan health: from 1


James Kofi Annan, a former child slave from Ghana, will give a public talk in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room at 7:30 p.m. Thursday as a part of the UNL Conference on Human Trafficking. United Nations and the conference’s keynote speaker. “That gives us the international focus,” said Ari Kohen, who directs UNL’s Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs program and joined the conference organizing team for the first time this year. “She provides a really nice, broad look (at trafficking) beyond our borders.” James Kofi Annan, a former child slave from Ghana in West Africa, who now fights child labor there, will give a public talk in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. And Friday evening, the conference is also sponsoring a public showing of “The Pink Room,” a documentary on sex trafficking in Southeast Asia, at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. This year ’s emphasis on public events reflects a shift in public consciousness of the problem in Nebraska since last year ’s conference, Kohen said. The state legislature introduced and passed two bills relating to the problem this year, including one that formed a task force to find and measure trafficking within the state’s borders.

“This is a really good first step,” said Anna Shavers, a law professor who helped organize the event and specializes in immigration law. “The problem can be addressed by having legislation put in place that will discourage human trafficking,” whether by helping victims or punishing traffickers. Shavers will give a presentation on the role of law and the media in fighting trafficking during the conference. She also serves as co-chair of the Nebraska task force’s research subcommittee. Members will report their findings to the legislature next year, Shavers said, and this conference could go a long way to help that effort. “We can learn from some of the other states that have already gone through this process,” she said. For example, Colorado re-

and solve different kinds of vision tures of molecules, but only by a certain amount of guesswork problems. “These processes are happen- after looking at two-dimensional images first. ing very fast,” Centurion said “People have of the molecular been trying to changes that are We tried a do this in difsometimes faster ferent ways,” than one-trillionth lot of times, he said. “What of a second. “We probably more we’ve done that want to be able to is unique is we understand on a than 100 times can actually get fundamental level before we got the a real-life, threehow molecules indimensional imteract with light.” first 3D image.” age of the molTo render a ecule.” 3D image, the rejie yang A $750,000 search team works Department of with molecules in physics/astronomy grad Energy Early a gaseous state. student Career Research The molecules are Program award hit with a highfunds the projpowered laser pulse that aligns all of the atoms ect. So far, Centurion and his team have created a 3D image of a simto face the same direction for a split second. At the same time, a ple five-atom molecule, but they stream of electrons is blown to- have plans to work their way up ward the molecule, which creates to looking at light-induced reacan electron scatter pattern. Cen- tions in different molecules. “We’ve done a (small) molturion and his team create the ecule,” said Jie Yang, a physics image by analyzing the scatter and astronomy graduate stuof these electrons. dent. “Next, we will go to tens In the past, Centurion said scientists have created 3D pic- of molecules. A biological mol-

ecule can be really complex so you need to take some steps to get there.” Yang said the group experimented with its 3D imaging process many times before getting the first successful picture. “We tried a lot of times, probably more than 100 times before we got the first 3D image,” Yang said. He said it takes 10 hours for their technology to take one good image. “We have to check frequently when the experiment is going,” Yang said. “The laser would always drift where it was pointing so we’d have to go in and fix that and make sure everything else was working well.” Yang said the aspect he finds most intriguing is the ability to see things no one has ever seen before. “You get to see a step-by-step progression of how this structure is changing,” he said. “This way we can really see how this process changes. That’s the interesting part of this research.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

“It’s truly an interdisciplinary conference,” Hampton said by phone. “With more minds coming to the table with different perspectives and different backgrounds … we’ll have a better chance of stopping this problem.” Though often seen as a purely social or humanitarian issue, Hampton said, human trafficking is, above all, a business with supply and demand dynamics that could provide the key to fighting the sale of people. To that end, the organizing team, mostly UNL professors, but including outside experts, has lined up researchers from universities, non-profits and other organizations battling human trafficking to give presentations this Friday and Saturday on ways to find, measure and end the problem. A handful of events are open to the public. The conference kicks off Thursday at noon, with a public panel discussion in the College of Law auditorium on East Campus. The panel will include local law enforcement and state officials ,as well as Kristiina Kangaspunta, chief of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons Unit of the

There’s not a day that goes by that someone isn’t being trafficked across our state. (Trafficking) is alive and well.”

Ron Hampton

associate marketing professor

cently completed its own study, and researchers from the state will be attending this weekend. And while numbers are hard to come by, Hampton said there is little doubt human trafficking exists here in Nebraska, even in Lincoln. Many victims of trafficking work in agriculture or construction, and Interstate 80, which runs north of Lincoln on its way from New York and Chicago to San Francisco, is an ideal conduit for sex workers. “There’s not a day that goes by that someone isn’t being trafficked across our state,” Hampton said. “It’s alive and well.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

News & World Report, 64,521 patients visited Bryan Medical Center’s emergency room in one year. The hospital had a yearly total of 21,336 admissions, and its physicians performed 5,602 inpatient and 5,990 outpatient surgeries. Last year, Bryan Health distributed more than $72.7 million in community benefits, including unreimbursed costs of Medicare, Medicaid and other public programs, health professionals education, community benefit services, charity donations and community building activities, according to its annual community benefits report. In 2010, Bryan Health distributed more than $78 million in community benefits. The university sent direct re-

quests for proposal to fund the construction of a new health center to eight medical providers, according to UNL’s Office of Procurement Services. The Daily Nebraskan contacted three of those providers, including the Nebraska Medical Center, Catholic Health Initiatives and Methodist Health System, to ask why they did not submit bids for UNL’s health center, but did not receive a response. If the Board of Regents selects and approves Bryan Health, the organization will take over the health center in May 2013 and move it to the new building at 21st and Vine streets in 2014. news@ dailynebraskan.com






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Thursday, october 11, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb


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Private citizens are not ready for inevitable drone invasion

Journalism, combat call for drone acceptance BENJAMIN WELCH


dd investigative journalism to the list of professions about to be replaced by machines. OK, maybe that’s a little sensationalist, but the concept is almost visible on the horizon. Enter the age of drone journalism. Drones were originally developed by the military for surveillance and warfare. Now, we can envision a future with skies full of drones from all media outlets, providing live video feed from an array of incidents. As exciting as that sounds, that is a distant future, unfortunately. Simply put, it’s too early for the public to accept news drones. As technology advances and creates many new opportunities for media coverage, drones offer a window into an efficient means for gathering news. Theoretically, the drones aren’t much different than news helicopters, except they are cheaper, smaller, prepared with equipment and don’t require launch pads or pilots. The technological kinks haven’t quite been worked out yet. Malfunctions can occur, putting people and property at risk on the ground, in buildings and in other aircraft. If a drone crashes or, god forbid, gets sucked into a 747, death is likely to happen. The drones could also lose their route or connection with the controller. A pilotless aircraft is one thing, but being both unmanned and unplanned is quite another. These glitches will most assuredly be worked out in the future. As of right now, however, drones would be dangerous to use in the newsgathering process. Especially because drones were developed by the military, the public is apt to be leery. Government-created intelligence gatherers hovering unseen above the community sphere is generally an unpopular proposition. According to a study by the National Constitution Center, 35 percent of respondents named unmanned drones as the greatest potential threat to privacy. It sounds like something out of George Orwell’s “1984”: “In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered for an instant like a blue bottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the police patrol, snooping into people’s windows.” While this could factually be far from the truth and actual intentions of newsrooms, it’s feasible the public will expect ulterior motives. Though the majority of drones that could feasibly be used today are about the size of a desk, this could quickly change. When will they be able to fly through doors or hide behind a bush? The word “drone” itself recollects a few negative associations: military combat, terrorism and espionage.

When citizens now hear their local news outlets are using this same technology, cynicism is likely to be rampant. Hearing of citizens using the devices for a little skeet-shooting practice wouldn’t be surprising. Few things make individuals more afraid than the concept or belief that they are being watched at all times. Legally, however, individuals should always assume their actions in the public sphere aren’t private. One’s perception of being seen or unseen is irrelevant in the eyes of the law. As long as the ability exists for that person to be seen by the general public, he or she can have no reasonable expectation to privacy. Legislation on this aspect could possibly face redefinition, though, because drones are small enough to barely be seen in the sky. Where do we draw the line? A drone flies unseen at 18,000 feet, recording audio and video of a person in their backyard. Does that person have a reasonable expectation of privacy, since he is on his own fenced-in property with no houses or people around? It’s unfair to think society should expect intense surveillance unless they are inside their places of residence. But could we trust ourselves or others to be perfectly ethical? Is the ability to go beyond what we’re legally allowed to do too tempting? Drones could be used by desperate or rogue journalists to legitimately invade the privacy of others to access a story. The ability for anyone to easily peer into a highrise apartment window or tap private conversations could be a gold mine of contentious story ideas. Sure, this is possible now with sophisticated equipment, but widespread availability of drones would give the general public the accessibility to snoop. The public’s right to know doesn’t infringe upon the private dealings of any person. Even if said person is a government official or other public figure. Technology has advanced far enough that we can report precisely, for the most part, with the tools already at our disposal. Until the public’s association with drones is more congruent with societal norms, the possibility of widespread panic just isn’t worth it. As with all great technological advances, suppression is extremely unlikely and its advocacy would be futile and foolish. Drone journalism, if handled responsibly, boasts plenty of merit. But current laws should be congruent with privacy issues we’re facing today before attempting to tackle the next. That hasn’t happened yet. Someday we’ll be ready, but that day won’t be tomorrow. Benjamin Welch is a graduate student of journalism. Reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.

Until the public’s association with drones is more congruent with societal norms, the possibility of widespread panic just isn’t worth it. “



nce upon a time, microwaves terrified humans. Yes, these seemingly common modern conveniences led paranoid mothers astray. The misconception was that the microwave would leak radiation. This leaked radiation would penetrate the body and instigate the rapid production of tumor cells. Of course, today, we know that the microwave is a harmless tool used to make our lives substantially easier. Just like all new technology introduced to the public, misconceptions and fear always arise before true merit. An old-fashioned fear of microwaves is paralleled by our current day fear of robots. Since the invention of the first modern robot, the Unimate 50 years ago, we have integrated robots into our everyday lives. From nanorobotics, used extensively in white blood cell repair, to Roombas, the popular robot vacuum, robots inescapably populate our lives. An emerging and contradictory group of robots are the ones that have taken to the sky. Unmanned aerial vehicles, otherwise known as drones, in headlines like “Drones kill X in Pakistan, Iraq or Afghanistan,” are all too familiar now. Much of the conflict surrounding the use of drones stems from their use in modern warfare. While drones are primarily a military tactical weapon, popular media has drowned out alternative uses of these highly intelligent machines. Drones have the potential to revolutionize the way we live. While some disapprove of their useage in warfare, the potential in these machines is too great to dismiss. Drones are slowly being used more in journalism, disaster relief, conservation (wildlife management), transport and science. I believe the benefits of UAVs greatly outweigh the associated disadvantages. The concept of drone journalism has recently piqued the interest of major news corporations and amateur civilians. When you hear the term “drone,” you most likely conjure up the image of a slim, metallic plane with the chainsawsounding engine, as popularized by “The Bourne Legacy.” This is a distorted image. A drone simply refers to a highly intelligent, unmanned vehicle that is controlled autonomously. In November 2011, the quadroter helped launch the concept of drone journalism. A Polish activist cleverly flew his quad copter drone over riot police lines in order to get a glimpse of the violent demonstrations occurring in the protests. He later posted the otherwise unattainable images on the Internet where they went viral. The activist’s bird-eye video offered images that would be missed by typical run-of-the-mill coverage. Matt Waite, a University NebraskaLincoln journalism professor, has taken interest in the foreign concept of drone journalism. The same month the Polish activist released his video, Waite founded the Drone Journalism Lab. This research project’s primary goal is to investigate the viability of airborne media via drones.

UAVs, having proved useful in Poland, once again displayed their journalistic abilities in amateur reporting. SUASNews featured a report of a Dallas resident and his DIYUAV exposing a Dallas Meat Packing Plant conducting environmental violations. The environmental hazards, which included the dumping of pig blood, were brought to the attention of the public. Now, multiple investigations are being led and six government agencies are involved. The low cost, flexibility and portability of drones are all attractive features for the media. “News organizations have been using fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters for big stories for a long time, and owning one is expensive,” Waite said. Besides cost issues, UAVs have also proved to be much safer than helicopters. This supposition is easily illustrated in the 2007 Phoenix news helicopter collision. During a police pursuit, two news station helicopters collided in mid-air above a school park in Phoenix. Four people died. The benefits of drone journalism are apparent. With drones, a reporter in Los Angeles can broadcast a live report on an event taking place in Beijing, some 7,000 miles away. The enhanced perspectives that can’t be obtained through conventional journalism are also enticing advantages. With new angles and distances, there is a greater appreciation for news. Finally, from an economic standpoint, UAVs are cheap, yet effective. However, the benefits of drones aren’t just seen in drone journalism. The United States military employs drones in everyday operations. A moral case can be made for drones used in warfare. The innocent lives of civilians are often a result of collateral damage in war. Saturation bombing, otherwise known as carpet bombing, caused massive civilian casualties in Japan during World War II . Today, nearly 110,000 to 120,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed from the violence in Iraq. With drones, the casualties of innocent civilians are drastically reduced. Operators of the UAV can view a target for days before a strike. With this time advantage, operators are able to identity terrorists more accurately than ground troops or air force pilots. UAV operators can, therefore, strike at an opportune time, when innocent civilians aren’t in the vicinity. With YouTube, it has become harder to ignore civilian war casualties. The routine slaughter so common in previous wars is no longer acceptable. The drone acts as a more effective alternative. As technology advances, human lives are also catapulted into the future. Robots are becoming an integral part of our lives and we must capitalize on the technological advances. UAVs will soon become standards in journalism, warfare, science and many more areas. Embracing the change is the only thing we can do. Jai Kumar Mediratta is a Freshman Biochemistry, Physiology and German Major. Follow him on Twitter @ jaaaihooo and reach him at opinion@ dailynebraskan.com.

While some disapprove of their use in warfare, the potential in these machines is too great to dismiss.”

| dn


thursday, october 11, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk



Weekend calls


Members of local rock band, Low Horse — Anthony Slattery Frank Holm, Craig Reier, Nick Tarlowski and Ian Francis — pose outside of Holm’s house on Wednesday. The band has been writing songs together for a year. Low Horse will play its first Lincoln Calling set on Thursday at midnight at the Zoo Bar.

‘Shoegaze pop’ band awaits Lincoln Calling gaby martinez-garro dn

Allison Hess | DN

Daniel Dorner, the guitarist and songwriter for Classes, sings to a crowd at The Bourbon Theatre as part of LIncoln Calling on Wednesday.

Chicago band touring ‘easy-going’ record lindsay McCoy dn The Chicago-based band The Bears of Blue River is making its way to Lincoln. First they stopped in Indiana. Next they made two stops in Mississippi, where they said they slept at a shack called Big Mama’s House and relaxed to the blues. The road took them to Arkansas Tuesday night, Kansas last night, and on Thursday, they’ll be on the Zoo Bar stage for Lincoln Calling. The band will perform songs from its newest album, “Dames.” Band innovator Gavin Wilkinson (leads vocals) is complemented by Margaret Gard, also on vocals. Wilkinson started the band with a fellow Indiana musician, Justin Spring. The two have played every show together since they were 16 years old. The men met Gard while working at a sandwich shop. Gard would come in to “visit the fish tank of attractive men that worked there,” Wilkinson said. “She would come hang out with all of us, and I helped her get a job there,” he said. “Then I saw a video online of her singing, and I was like, ‘you’ve got to play music with me.’” Shortly after the band was formed, they picked up and moved

if you go Bears of Blue River @ Lincoln Calling

when: Thursday, 10 where: Zoo

14th St.

how much:

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The Bears of Blue River are currently on a national tour. They will make a stop at the Zoo Bar on Thursday for Lincoln Calling. to Chicago, but not without taking a piece of home with them. Their name, The Bears of Blue River, was borrowed from a book about a young 19th-century Indiana boy. “I used to have to read it a lot as a kid,” Wilkinson said. “I lived with my grandparents for a while, and it was considered mandatory reading in the house.” Since arriving in Chicago, the sandwich shop crew has spread out. Wilkinson got a job at an electric pia-

no shop, Gard began flipping pizzas and Spring took up bartending. They worked during the day to pay rent, but didn’t clock out at night. The group spent nights recording in their apartment-turned-studio, sometimes until 4 a.m. “When we get in the studio, we’re very productive,” Wilkinson said. “We’re all liquored up, but we’re productive.” They moved from the apartment to a warehouse studio to record

p.m. Bar, 136 N.

$5 (cover)

“Dames.” The band began recording in a professional Indianapolis studio. They also began to enjoy making frequent stops at the taco joint down the street, La Parada. Real clips of the band “shooting the shit” in the studio pop up at the end of many “Dames” tracks, Wilkinson said. Although completely irrelevant to the songs, Wilkinson said the clips are meant to give a taste of the band’s easy-going spirit. The group encourages people to come out and see them during their Lincoln Calling performance. “We always played at Duffy’s in Lincoln and stuff like that,” Wilkinson said. “I’m excited to play at the Zoo Bar. I went and watched some shows at the Zoo Bar last summer, and I like their room.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

Low Horse is pumped. The band, which was formed about a year ago, will be playing its first Lincoln Calling set on Thursday at The Zoo Bar. “We are excited to be playing Lincoln Calling,” said Craig Reier, the lead vocalist, guitarist, and keyboardist in the band. “It’s just cool to see a bunch of people out to see music and just wandering around.” Drummer Ian Francis; bassist Frank Holm; lead vocalist, guitarist and keyboardist, Craig Reier; guitarist and keyboardist Anthony Slattery; and guitarist and backup vocalist, Nick Tarlowski have all played in multiple bands prior to Low Horse. But most say they’ve finally settled down into one band. “We’ve all played in bands with each other forever,” Reier said. “Me and Frank and Ian were playing with each other at first, and we wanted to play some smooth music. Then something went terribly wrong. Now we have Low Horse.” Due to their busy schedules and lengthy songwriting process, the band has only a small number of songs and does not intend on releasing a full-length album anytime soon. “We’ve been slowly writing songs for about a year now,” Reier said. “We almost have 10 songs, or not even. We have about eight. We’ve discussed the idea of doing two songs on a 7-inch or something, but at the speed we’re going, it might take us until we’re way too old to put out a full record. I mean it took us a year to put our EP out, so I don’t think a full-length will ever happen.” Low Horse also said while they do have plans to tour, it will likely be for only short periods of time. “Maybe we’ll play SXSW or something, then come home before our livers fail,” Tarlowski said. The band said they’ve jokingly referred to their sound as “sorrow

if you go Low Horse @ Lincoln Calling


Thursday, 12 a.m. Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th St. how much: $5 (21+) where:

pop,” but said it has been described as Americana or shoegaze pop. “It’s weird because this is the quietest, slowest band I’ve ever been in, and it’s still way louder than a lot of bands,” Tarlowski said. “I have a hard time pigeonholing (this band). Craig does a lot of the lead singing, and a lot of the bands that we were in together and separately, the vocals are a lot different. The singing is a lot softer, but the music is definitely loud.” Other members of Low Horse also said this band’s sound is a departure from the music they are used to. “We all listen to different types of music,” Francis said. “I don’t think any of us agree too heavily on any particular groups that we listen to,” “But Craig writes a lot of the stuff,” he added. “We’ll write stuff together as a group or in practice, but when we go away for a week for work or whatever, he’ll put a bunch of the work in and kind of structure it more.” Among the other acts to play Lincoln Calling, Tarlowski said he was especially excited to see Desert Noises, which performed Tuesday night at the Bourbon Theatre. “Desert Noises — they are awesome,” he said. “They can play to a bar of people that don’t give a shit about music and keep them entertained. They’re great musicians,” Low Horse said they hope the audience will think only one thing after their highly anticipated Lincoln Calling debut: “Well, they pulled that one off.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

Lincoln calling 2012 Schedule Thursday, October 11

$13 for day pass (age restrictions may apply) Bourbon Theatre 9:30 p.m. Cowboy Indian Bear (Lawrence) 10:30 p.m. UUVVWWZ (Lincoln) 11:30 p.m. Laetitia Sadier $8 adv, $10 dos 18+ Duffy’s Tavern 9 p.m. Shipbuilding Co. (Lincoln) 10 p.m. The Lepers (Omaha) 11 p.m. Christopher the Conquered (Des Moines) 12 a.m. Poison Control Center (Des Moines/Ames) $5 for 21+ Zoo Bar 8 p.m. Bonehart Flannigan (Lincoln) 9 p.m. the Big Deep 10 p.m. The Bears of Blue River (Chicago) 11 p.m. The Spring Standards (New York) 12 a.m. Low Horse (Lincoln) $5 for 21+ The Spigot 9:30 p.m. Discourse (Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Skullskowski (Lincoln) 11:30 p.m. Diamondz R 4Eva (Lincoln) 12:30 a.m. Piss Poor (Lincoln) $5 for 21+ Black Market 7 p.m. Guilty is the Bear (Omaha/Lincoln)

8 p.m. Fraternal Durango (Lincoln) No cover, all ages The Alley 9 p.m. Alex Walker (Lincoln) 10 p.m. Intergalactic Fu (Lincoln) 11 p.m. Zed Tempo (Lincoln) 12 a.m. Drum and Disorderly (Lincoln) $5, 21+ Fat Toad Nick the Quick (Lincoln) Adam A (Lincoln) No cover, 21+ Mix Barcade Grindhouse presents Digitalove featuring $pencelove (Lincoln) Cocky Cat (Lincoln) Cake Eater (Lincoln) No cover, 21+ Yia Yia’s 10 p.m. Professor Plum (Lincoln) 11 p.m. Powerful Science (Lincoln) 12 a.m. Time Hammer (Lincoln) No cover, 21+

Friday, October 12

$10 for day pass (age restrictions may apply) Duffy’s Tavern 8 p.m. The Betties (Lincoln/ Omaha) 9 p.m. Kill County (Lincoln) 10 p.m. The Kickback (Chicago)

11 p.m. Masses (Lincoln) 12 a.m. DEERPEOPLE (Stillwater) 1 a.m. Universe Contest (Lincoln) $5, 21+ Zoo Bar 5 p.m. Tijuana Gigolos (Lincoln) 6:15 p.m. The Mezcal Brothers (Lincoln) 7:30 p.m. My Brother (Lincoln) $5, 21+ 9:30 p.m. Manny Coon and the Spotlight Killers (Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Lil’ Slim (Lincoln) 11:45 p.m. Black Cohosh (Lincoln) $8, 21+ The Spigot 9:30 p.m. Haggard Mess (Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Gallows Majesty (Lincoln) 11:30 p.m. Dope Pope (Lincoln) 12:30 a.m. Wooden Coat (Lincoln) $5, 21+ The Alley 9:30 p.m. Stonebelly (Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Vibenhai (Lincoln) 11:30 p.m. FREAKABOUT! (Lincoln) 12:30 a.m. Midland Trio (Lincoln) $5, 21+ The Black Market 7 p.m. Mildred Bonk (Lincoln)

8 p.m. Talking Mountain (Omaha) No cover, all ages The Fat Toad Fusion (Lincoln) Kronan (Lincoln) No cover, 21+ Mix Barcade Think 2wice Records showcase featuring Brent Tactic (Kansas City) B-Stee and Archie (Kansas City) Ra Cailum (Kansas City) Andrew Thomas Sinclair (Kansas City) No cover, 21+ Yia Yia’s 11 p.m. Amy Schmidt (Lincoln) 12 a.m. Tie These Hands (Lincoln) No cover, 21+

Saturday, October 13

$13 for day pass, does not include admission to Wolfgang Gartner show (age restrictions may apply) Bourbon Theatre Rad Kadillac nd HLN Productions present Wolfgang Gartner’s “Love and War” tour w/ Pierce Fulton and Popeska 8 p.m. doors, 9 p.m. show, $10 w/ all access pass, $18 adv, $20 dos Duffy’s Tavern 6 p.m. Academy of Rock

(Lincoln) 8 p.m. The Static Octopus (Lincoln) $5, all ages 9 p.m. Dastardly (Chicago) 10 p.m. Snake Island (Omaha) 11 p.m. Ideal Cleaners (Lincoln) 12 a.m. Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapelles (Minneapolis) 1 a.m. The Killigans (Lincoln) $5, 21+ Zoo Bar 6 p.m. Academy of Rock (Lincoln) 7 p.m. Entendre Entendre (Lincoln) 8 p.m. Everyday/Everynight (Kansas City) $5, all ages 9:30 p.m. Gerardo Meza (Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Andreas Kapsalis & Goran Ivanovic Guitar Duo (Chicago) 11:45 p.m. JARANA (Lincoln) $10, 21+ The Spigot 8 p.m. Ghost Hollow Road (Springfield, IL) 9 p.m. Saint Christopher (Lincoln) 10 p.m. Mob Action (Quincy, IL) 11 p.m. SS Web (Milwaukee, WI) 12 a.m. Beaver Damage (Lincoln) $5, 21+

Black Market 6 p.m. Windpants (Lincoln) 7 p.m. Green Trees (Lincoln) 8 p.m. John Klemmensen and the Party (Omaha) No cover, all ages The Alley 9:30 p.m. All My Friends Are Dinosaurs (Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Dude Won’t Die (Lincoln) 11:30 p.m. Voodoo Method (Omaha) 12:30 a.m. AZP (Lincoln) $5, 21+ The Fat Toad Ponce de Leon (Lincoln) DJ Jab (Omaha) No cover, 21+ Mix Barcade The JHAM (Lincoln) No cover, 21+ Yia Yia’s Pizza 11 p.m. The Renfields (Lincoln) 12 a.m. Dark Satellites (Lincoln/Kansas City) No cover, 21+

Sunday, October 14 Duffy’s Tavern 9 p.m. Eli Mardock (Omaha/ Lincoln) 10 p.m. Life is Cool (Omaha/Lincoln) $3, 21+ Zoo Bar 6 p.m. Gooding $8, 21+



thursday, october 11, 2012

Omaha band’s music hinges on nature, family ties jourdyn kaarre dn Bands of brothers stick together. After playing together for nearly half of their lives, the brothers of Tenderness Wilderness sought to find a sound to call their own. Two years ago, they found that sound by rooting themselves in inspiration from nature. The collaboration includes three brothers, Pat, Mikey and Kevin Kelly. Ben Volkman joined the band a year ago. He is not a blood relative, but they still consider him one of their own. “Ben is like a brother from another mother,” Mikey said. After trips to the Niobrara River and camping in the north woods of Wisconsin and Minnesota, the band members began using music to reflect on their natural surroundings. “I wouldn’t call us hippies,” said Mikey Kelly, one of the band’s guitarists and vocalists, “but we appreciate nature.”

Pat Kelly, also a guitarist and vocalist, agreed, “Inspiration comes from the people I care about in life and nature,” “Nature is definitely a huge part of our songwriting process,” he added. To incorporate nature into their album, the group captured the sound of waves on a lake in Lutsen, Minn., and used the sounds as transitions between songs. “Someone thought it was a lawn mower between songs, which is kind of ironic,” Mikey said. They added natural sounds to ensure the album is “anchored in something that’s real,” according to Mikey. The band came up with their name, “Tenderness Wilderness,” during one of their various camping trips. Mikey and Pat were camping on the Niobrara River, enjoying a campfire and listening to their band’s sound. “We discussed how it (the sound) can be both hard and soft while often we change melody

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Omaha’s Tenderness Wilderness incorporates natural sounds into its music. They performed as part of Lincoln Calling on Wednesday. and time signature mid-song. And it can be wild and tame,” Pat explained, “hence, the name Tenderness Wilderness.” The other members agree their tracks tend to transition mid-song.

Mikey described the music as “pretty quiet and reserved,” while at other times it’s a “wall of noise.” “It’s hard to put us in a genre,” Volkman, who plays guitar and bass, said. “Guitar rock with a

Capitol Steps to deliver flippant political satire rachel hohlen dn Capitol Steps, a D.C.-bred political satire group, will be arriving at the Lied Center for Performing Arts alongside the slew of political paraphernalia that’s currently, well, everywhere. Capitol Steps, according to their website, “puts the MOCK in democracy” and intends to leave Friday’s audience laughing with “Saturday Night Live”-esque humor. Matthew Boring, marketing and sales coordinator for the Lied Center, assisted in bringing the show to the Lied Center during an election year, so as citizens prepare to select their leaders, they can also laugh at them. “We typically try and book them (Capitol Steps) during election years because, (it’s) when everyone’s usually kind of inundated with all the political advertising,” Boring said. “It’s usually a fun show for them to take a break with it.” Capitol Steps not only hails from Washington D.C., but was formed by employees of the very government agents who are satirized. “Almost all the cast were political staffers on Capitol Hill at one point or another; that’s how it started, actually,” Boring said. “They started small, in D.C. and now they tour nationally every year.” While Capitol Steps is steeped in political humor and mockery, it avoids political bias by poking fun at everyone with an equally merciless nature. “I would say that they try to keep the punches pretty even on both

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The political satire group, Capitol Steps, aim to trade partisan tension for humor during the months leading up to the elections. sides,” Boring said. “Unfortunately nobody gets spared, but maybe it’s better that way.” Ultimately, the main intention of Capitol Steps is to encourage the audience to laugh at their government and politicians but not to depress them or to influence their vote with any particular bias. Instead, the show is a light-hearted critique of the system as a whole. “Anytime you get political satire, different humor can rub people differently,” Boring said. “With as much money as is spent on political attack ads, everything that way can get kind of negative, so any kind of humor that you can add to the situation usually receives pretty well.” Michael Kappen, campus involvement intern for the Lied Center, is also planning on attending the show Friday. He said he is looking forward to the humor, rather than


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if you go Capitol Steps


Friday, 7:30 p.m. where: Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $35-40 (public), $17.50-20 (students) potential underlying bias or thoughtprovoking undertones. “The primary goal with any satire is the entertainment and comedy aspect,” Kappen said. “With the election coming up, they might put in their two cents, but at the same time, the primary goal is to create comedy from what’s going on in real life.” The Lied Center has given away some free tickets to Capitol Steps, but so far some seats are still open. Students can reserve them online. Any tickets not yet picked up by showtime will be available at the front door to the first few people. arts@ dailynebraskan.com

rachel staats dn Colorful costumes, live music and elaborate dances are only a part of what the audience can expect at Ballet Folklorico de Mexico’s performance this Saturday. Mexico’s premiere ballet company will perform for the first time at the Lied Center for Performing Arts this weekend. In the process, they will have the opportunity to share a bit of their culture with those who attend. Ballet Folklorico, one of the original ballet groups from Mexico, is an international touring company, performing for decades in some of the world’s most prominent venues. The show, comprised of about 40 dancers and musicians, will take the audience on a journey from ancient Mexico to the modern day. “As Riverdance is to Ireland, Ballet Folklórico is to Mexico,” said Bill Stephan, executive director at the Lied Center. “There’s a wide variety of cultures within Mexico, both historically and geographically, and this show really tries to capture (that).” “Ballet Folklórico has been on the radar screen of the artistic director and the executive director for some time,” said Maureen Ose, director of marketing and public relations at the Lied Center. “This particular one is one of the originals and is known for its quality and creativity.” While they try to make sure a number of genres are represented every year, this year happened to be a particularly strong year for dance, Ose added. Stephan said the Lied does everything it can to bring artistic and entertaining shows. “Our programming philosophy is to try to provide something for everyone,” he said. “We try to make it so you don’t have to travel around the world to experience the world. You can experience the world right here at the university.” He added that one of the goals of the Lied Center to bring the best of the best of each art form, and that this

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“It’s fulfilling, like eating a piece of cake,” he said. “It’s a natural thing; it’s nourishment.” Their Wednesday performance at this year’s Lincoln Calling festival is only the beginning for Tenderness Wilderness. So long as the process is fun, the band will continue making music, according to Pat. He has hopes for the band to travel around the U.S. and “follow the music.” After finding a sound and a name, the group is ready for an audience. The youngest brother and drummer, Kevin, said, “Playing for people to hear is one of the best aspects.” Pat agreed. “When it comes down to why we do it: it’s for the people who come to listen,” he said. “That’s why we do it. We do it for the people who come to see us play. At the end we look forward to putting it out there and seeing how people react.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

Ballet to embody Mexican culture


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mixture of folk and country blues. We play a lot of different styles.” The members have played together since high school. Volkman and Mikey used to play “Rilo Kiley” covers on guitar, which was when they first started making collaborative music. Though the brothers headed to different colleges, they continued to email recordings to one another for critique. Playing together as brothers for so long has only strengthened their relationship. Many times they said they find it easier to work together because they are so close. “The fact that we’re brothers helps keep us in perspective,” Pat said. “At the end of the day, we’re all still family and small stuff doesn’t matter.” Because the band members have been playing for nearly half their lives, they said the music is in them. When he hasn’t played with his band, Mikey said he starts to get antsy. He described making music as a part of him.

courtesy photo

Ballet Folklorico de Mexico will bring Lied audiences a mix of entertainment and education regarding Mexican folk culture. production is likely to bring in a wide audience. “We really work hard to get the artists that are at the top of their game that really represent the art form at its finest level,” Stephan said. “(Ballet Folklorico) is really a quite spectacular production. I know, for people from all backgrounds, from students to senior citizens, it’ll be a real treat.” Ose agreed that bringing in Ballet Folklorico is a mark the Lied is accomplishing this goal; if they aren’t the best, they are truly one of the best companies performing this type of ballet. The show is expected to cater to a wide variety of audiences. “I think it’ll be a show that will please both aesthetically, from a dance perspective, and culturally, (because) there will be a lot of history involved in it,” Ose said. “It’s a very affordable way for people to see something that is really at a world class level.” Stephan said not only are the dances going to be exciting, but the show will also include bright costumes and a live mariachi band. “Not only do you have this huge troupe of dancers, but you have a very large, authentic music group to back it up,” he said. “Being able to hear one of the most premiere mariachi bands along with a huge, highly skilled group of dancers is certainly what I’m looking forward to most.” Both Ose and Stephan said this show is ideal for students, not only because of the show itself, but because the Lied Center is intended to encourage student participation in the performing arts. “The vision of (the Lied Center)

if you go Ballet Folklórico de México



Saturday, 7:30


Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $9.50 (students) $19, $30, or $35 (public)

was to provide students the opportunity to see world class performing arts,” Stephan said. “Part of our mission is to provide that cultural education so that you can have a taste of different cultures from around the world.” Ose said she believes the cultural significance can enhance students’ understanding performance. “I think this will broaden the typical UNL college student’s understanding of what dance is,” she said. “That’s another reason we like to have such a wide variety here, so that (students) get used to making the performance arts a part of their life.” In addition to student attendance, Ose said she hopes more people from the community will attend. “I think there’ll be a little bit of something for everybody,” she said. “I can’t imagine anyone being bored by it.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com


pick of the week The Game

courtesy photo Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) is a meticulous investment banker who describes his job as “moving money around from one place to another.” His brother Conrad (Sean Penn), who seems to be harboring deep-seated family issues, gives him The Game as an Oct. 11 birthday gift. The Game is run by an elusive, mysterious corporation called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS). Director David Fincher keeps the action tense as the viewer is led to believe no one is trustworthy, and anyone, anywhere could be part of The Game. Early on, it’s as if

Douglas is channeling his Gordon Gekko character from “Wall Street.” We see him fire people with pleasure and hoard his wealth alone in a cold, museumlike mansion. As the taut thriller progresses, Douglas becomes more and more unhinged until he reaches his low point, begging for a ride after losing his precious fortunes. Perhaps more of the 1 percent should view “The Game.” It might teach them how the other 99 percent live. -Compiled by Andrew Larsen arts @ dailynebraskan.com


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swimming & diving

NU’s Reiter preps for a North Dakota homecoming The pressure’s on to represent and do well and show that we’ve made it four years and that we’re still loving the sport.”

Zach Tegler DN For swimmer Ashley Reiter, it was nice enough when North Dakota visited Lincoln for a dual two years ago. But this Friday, Reiter and the rest of the Nebraska swimming and diving team will travel to Grand Forks, N.D., for a two-day meet with UND and St. Cloud State. Reiter, a senior from Fargo, N.D., and Sara Weinberg, a senior from Bismarck, N.D., will make their first collegiate appearances in their home state. “The pressure’s on to represent and do well and show that we’ve made it four years and that we’re still loving the sport,” Reiter said. “Hopefully that carries on and inspires other people from North Dakota, too.” Even though a pair of NU swimmers is returning to their home state, NU assistant coach Patrick Rowan said the trip will not be entirely enjoyable. The team will travel to North Dakota and compete on the same day. The combination of that, a full week of training and conditioning the day of the meet, will make Friday exhausting. “We’re kicking around the idea of having them in the pool that morning before we get on the bus,” Rowan said. “We’re limiting the amount of down time from training.” He said he and NU coach Pablo Morales work the squad hard even on competition days with long-term goals in mind. “No rests before meets,” Rowan said. “We want to get up and race, and we want to use those to get ready

ashley reiter nu swimmer

for our end of the season meets and midseason meets. But by no means are we going let that affect how we’re training the girls.” Rowan added that this training schedule is fairly common among other programs around the country, and if the regiment costs the Huskers a win, he will not be upset. “As long as we swim with great efforts, we’re going to be OK (with) a loss,” Rowan said. “Because at the end of the year, it’s going to be there.” Two weekends ago, when the Huskers’ season started with the Intrasquad Meet and Alumni Meet, Rowan had the team run track intervals and lift weights before the competition. And although those duals were not against outside competition, they offered the coaches a chance to watch their squad perform tired. “I know they were tired because that was my intent,” Rowan said. “It’s more of a mental thing coming into it going, ‘We’re tired and coach expects us to swim fast.’” Even though Nebraska has not yet competed in a meet against actual opponents, Rowan and Reiter said

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they can already gauge how much the team has progressed, and they both like what they see so far. “We’re way ahead of any year that I’ve swam here,” Reiter said. “We’ve definitely swam way faster at that first meet than we have at a long time, so I think it’s going to be a fun year. A lot of good times are going to go down.” The meet this weekend will provide the Huskers with a transition from the preseason to the regular season, but Reiter said they should not underestimate their competition. “Some of those D-II schools, they have great completion. It’s just they don’t have the depth,” she said. Reiter also knows some of the people on St. Cloud State’s team and said it will be fun to see them and her family in her home state. She said she is feeling some pressure to swim well there and joked about the traditional lack of North Dakotan swimmers. “There’s not a whole lot of swimming blood there,” Reiter said. “I mean it’s freezing. Who wants to swim?” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

Husker freshman brings talent Denise Martin might be in her first year at NU, but she has 10 years of experience Sara Hinds DN Chewelah, Wash., to Denver. Denver to Georgia. Georgia to Germany. That last stretch across the Atlantic was rough. Freshman Denise Martin said the nine hour flight was “incredibly long.” The Washington native flew across the country and over the ocean for her passion, which sparked 10 years ago with a third place finish in her local 4-H. “That was actually the first time I ever heard of shooting as a sport,” Martin said. “And that was also the first time I ever held a gun. “When I was littler I was like a total tomboy and so I thought, ‘oh shooting is kinda like a guy type thing, it sounds fun.’ So I just got into it. My dad was like, ‘OK.’ So he signed me up.” A few years later, Martin flew to Germany for the 2010 International Shooting Sports Federation Junior World Championships in Munich. She not only competed for the U.S., but she trained with Germans. Martin spent 10 days in Germany, spending most of her time shooting in a town outside Frankfurt before the championships. “That experience was actually one of the best experiences I’ve ever had so far besides NCAA athletics,” Martin said. Her experience in NCAA athletics has only just begun. The freshman shot for points for NU’s first and second matches of their season. Martin shot the top air rifle score in Friday’s match against a

ranked North Carolina State and in Sunday’s upset win against AlaskaFairbanks. Shooting in college was Martin’s dream once she found out it was an NCAA sport. She visited other college campuses, but when she made the trip to Lincoln, it was game over for the others. “I loved the environment of the school,” Martin said. “The feel of it was just probably the best thing I’ve ever felt going to a school.” Martin said NU was the right fit for her, and head rifle coach Stacy Underwood agrees. Martin’s experience shooting nationally, internationally and as a three-time Washington state champion has been the boost for her phenomenal start in her first collegiate match. That will help the rest of the program in its

first year under Underwood as head coach. “(Martin’s experience) has really helped our team as we try to break into kinda (the) next level in terms of being the top rated team,” Underwood said. “And so that confidence, I think her teammates can kinda feed off that a little bit too and knowing that Denise is gonna be a great competitor for us when she squatted on the team, and that kinda gives a little bit of ease to the other members of the team as well.” Martin’s come a long way in 10 years, but she said she has never felt burnt out from all the shooting she’s done. “I’ve always loved it,” Martin said. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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42 46 48 49

50 52 54 55 56 57 58 59

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file photo by bethany schmidt | dn

NU shooter Denise Martin looks down the range during Nebraska’s win against North Carolina State last Friday. Martin shot the top air rifle score in the match.





thursday, october 11, 2012



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27 29 30


32 33 34 37

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Medicinal tea source


Narcolepsy drug


Totally shaken


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See 49-Down


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Walls of the heart


With 44-Down, it had its grand opening on 10/1/1982


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thursday, october 11, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports

football midterm Offense Midterm Grade


Nebraska football is halfway through its regular season. Just like University of Nebraska-Lincoln students are given grades from their professors at the halfway point in each semester, the Daily Nebraskan is giving grades to the football team in our first-ever Husker Midterm.

file photo by nickolai hammar | dn

The offense is the bright spot on an otherwise gloomy report card. The Huskers have the sixth best rushing attack in the nation (292 yards per game) and the tenth best scoring offense (43.7 points per game). They hung 73 points on Idaho State and have yet to face an opponent that could slow them down for more than a couple drives in a row. The only reason this unit doesn’t get an A or an A+ is its penchant for turning the ball over in key moments. Several fumbles against Wisconsin nearly cost the team its only Big Ten win, and quarterback Taylor Martinez compounded Nebraska’s defensive problems against Ohio State with three interceptions and a lost fumble. But, this unit has carried the team thus far.

- compiled by lanny holstein

defense midterm grade

file photo by anna reed | dn

Nebraska fans have been on a roller coaster this season. NU coach Bo Pelini’s seat is starting to warm up, according to several media outlets, as NU fans begin to grow restless with poor performances, especially after two primetime Husker losses so far in 2012.


big ten standings

Where the Huskers stand


file photo by val kutchko | dn

The Blackshirts are still miles away from earning the hallowed black practice uniforms that give them their name. Nebraska’s defense has flatlined this season and currently resides in the bottom quarter of the Big Ten in scoring defense and total defense. The Huskers are giving up nearly 32 points per game after playing three games against BCS-level competition and three games against non-BCS teams. The weakest point by far has been defending the run. UCLA and Ohio State exposed Nebraska’s weakness to the spread offense, with both teams winning at home against Nebraska behind 100+ yard rushing performances by running backs and mobile quarterbacks. The Huskers look lost and exhausted trying to defend against the spread. Nebraska has a lot of self-discovering and adjustment to do before this defensive unit can deem itself worthy of the Blackshirts.

T1. Iowa 3-2 overall, 1-0 Big Ten T1. Michigan 3-2, 1-0 T3. Northwestern 5-1, 3-2 T3. Michigan State 4-2, 1-1 T3. Nebraska 4-2, 1-1 6. Minnesota 4-1, 0-1

offense yards per game - 507

yards against - 367



national: 16 big ten: 1

national: 49 big ten: 9

points per game - 43.7

points against - 27.7



national: 10 big ten: 1

national: 76 big ten: 10

Leaders T1. Ohio State 6-0, 2-0 T1. Penn State 4-2, 2-0 3. Wisconsin 4-2, 1-1 4. Purdue 3-2, 0-1 T5. Indiana 2-3, 0-2 T5. Illinois 2-4, 0-2

- compiled by lanny holstein


dn staff grades

special teams midterm grade


Overall Midterm Grade:

file photo by anna reed | dn

Heading into the season, this was arguably Nebraska’s most trustworthy unit. Senior kicker and punter Brett Maher achieved preseason All-American honors as a kicker after a superb junior season. If it weren’t for those high expectations, Maher’s season would probably be considered solid. Maher is 8 for 13 on field goal attempts this season; he’s already missed more than all of last season. He has made a comeback in the last few weeks, but still misses field goals in the 35-45 yard range, which last year were a chip shot for Maher. The Huskers also have been abysmal in coverage, giving up a kickoff return and a punt return for a touchdown so far this season. Opponents average almost 16 yards a return against Nebraska in the punt game. Ameer Abdullah boosts this unit’s grade because of his return ability, but the special teams unit needs some work. -compiled by Andrew Ward

Overall Midterm Grade:

Overall Midterm Grade:

Overall Midterm Grade:

The offense can be great, but it continues to shoot itself in the foot with penalties and turnovers. The defense has shown signs of life particularly against Wisconsin. Even with all of Nebraska’s problems though, the Huskers still only have two losses and a real shot at a Big Ten title.

Through six games, the Huskers have shown multiple faces. At times the Husker offense has looked potent and downright scary, while at other times it has shot itself in the foot. As for the defense, the unit flat out cannot defend the spread; the only optimism comes with seven guys in the box.

C+ C+ b- C-

Nebraska has played well below my expectations to this point. The defense is allowing an alarming 27.7 points per game (75 nationally), and the offense has made too many mistakes with the ball. After Saturday’s 63-38 blowout loss to Ohio State, saying this season has been a disappointment is an understatement.

- Lanny Holstein DN football beat writer

Nebraska is 1-2 against BCS power conference schools, and that’s not good enough for this program. The Huskers are far too streaky to contend for a Big Ten title in their current state. NU has to step it up in the second half of the season if it wants to make it onto the dean’s list by the end of the semester.

- Robby Korth DN Sports Editor

- Andrew Ward, DN football beat writer

- Chris Peters DN Assistant Sports Editor

husker season timeline Southern Miss (W 49-20) “He was on the money. He made a lot of good decisions, and he got us out of some bad plays and into some good plays. He ran the offense well and did a heck of a job during the game.”

-Coach Bo Pelini on the performance of quarterback Taylor Martinez

UCLA (L 36-30) “We missed a lot of tackles, and the ones that we missed hurt us. Sometimes there wasn’t just one, there was two, and that is what some of the spread offenses do to you. They spread you out, and you have a quarterback run game, which makes you have to cover the whole width of the field.” -Pelini on his defense’s tackling woes

Wisconsin (W 30-27)

Arkansas State (W 42-13) “I wasn’t feeling well. It’s as simple as that. I have never had health issues. I still don’t have health issues. I feel great. I just didn’t feel well going into the football game, and I didn’t feel well in the locker room. When it got progressively worse, to be honest with you, it alarmed me a little bit.” -Pelini on his health scare

“We knew if we wanted to get back in the game we’d have to stay focused on our adjustments we made at halftime and in our game plan. We made some mistakes early on and we bounced back from them.” -Running back Rex Burkhead on coming back from a 17-point deficit

Idaho State (W 73-7) “Coach Beck told me throughout the week to be ready, so I went in with the same mindset, having the mental game aspect down. Being able to go out there and actually perform was something that I’ve been dreaming about since I could walk, so it was pretty fun.”

-Quarterback Ron Kellogg III on playing most of the second half versus Idaho State

Ohio State (L 63-38) “No one is more disappointed than I am. Obviously we didn’t play our best football. We need to win out.”

-Pelini on where the loss leaves the team

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