Oct. 24

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012 volume 112, issue 045

Inside Coverage

Beginning of the end

Special teams struggles

Digital media kills Newsweek hard copies

Nebraska special teams work to clean up mistakes


ASUN neutral on privatization As UNL moves to privatize the health center, ASUN will wait to take stance conor dunn dn With the hype surrounding the University of Nebraska-Lincoln leaders’ plans to privatize the University Health Center, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska has become the liaison for connecting the administration to the student body. But ASUN has not taken a formal stance in support or against the privatization plans, according to ASUN president Eric Kamler. “Now isn’t the right time,” said Kamler, a senior agricultural economics major. The university is currently reviewing the proposal from the lone bidder, Bryan Health, and ASUN has only acted as an informational resource, telling students why the health center is being privatized and what might be expected with a new provider. And that’s all ASUN leaders say the body should do at this time.

“Our role is — and should just be — to provide as many answers as we can,” said ASUN internal vice president Kaitlin Mazour, a senior English and history major. To provide those answers, some ASUN members met with Chancellor Harvey Perlman, asked Student Affairs to have a FAQ regarding the privatization plans on its website and hosted a town hall meeting last Thursday with University Health Center Director Dr. James Guest, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance Christine Jackson and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Juan Franco to answer students’ questions. The primary concern of students has been the continuation of quality health care with a new provider, Kamler said. Although there are still many unanswered questions, Kamler said he believes “a lot of the fear factors have died off.” There isn’t a need for ASUN legislation regarding the health center at this time because it won’t push or change anything in the request for proposal review process, according to ASUN Senate Speaker Natalia Santos. Santos, a senior nutrition and health sciences major, also said no one has asked ASUN to take a for-

A lot of the fear factors have died off.” eric kamler asun president

Our role is — and should just be — to provide as many answers as we can.” kaitlin mazour

asun internal vice president

mal stance or write a piece of legislation yet. Kamler, Mazour and Santos, as well as other ASUN members involved, have all taken a neutral stance. “We can’t say ASUN as a whole feels the same way,” Santos said.

The Request for Proposals review process that may determine a new health center provider is expected to be complete by January. A chosen provider will then be presented to the University of Nebraska

uhc: see page 2


allison hess | dn

Karen Silva, a graduate entomology student, and Felipe Alves, a junior agriculture engineering major learn how to ballroom dance together Tuesday night at the Nebraska East Union. Both are originally from Brazil, but have chosen to study their specific fields in the United States.

Ballroom dance lessons provide new life skills Campus Recreation hosted the first of four dance lessons this fall Maren Westra Daily Nebraskan On Tuesday night, 60 people waltzed, spun and twirled across the Great Plains Room in the Nebraska East Union for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s first ballroom and country dance lesson of the fall semester. The lessons, offered every semester, are hosted by UNL Campus Recreation and are held every Tuesday from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for four weeks. The last session is Nov. 13. The price is $20 per UNL student or $15 per student if signed up as a couple. The general public may attend for $25 per single or $22.50 per person in a couple. According to Vicki Highstreet, senior assistant director of Campus Recreation, the instructors spend the beginning of each session reminding students of past steps before moving on to new dances. She said even if a class is missed, students will benefit from coming to the next one. Students are still able to register for the next three lessons. The sessions are led by Don and Polly Andersen, dance instructors for Southeast Community College and Pla Mor Ballroom. The Andersens met at Pla Mor in 1957 and married later that year, Polly said. They have been teaching dance together for 50 years. Laura McClintock, a senior elementary education major, signed up for the lessons with dance partner Nathan Moses, who is not a UNL student. “I love swing dancing at Pla Mor and wanted to learn some new types of dance,” McClintock said. “It was a lot of fun.” Highstreet said Campus Rec-


reation offers the lessons because the organization wants to help students try new things on an affordable budget. “What we’re trying to do is introduce new activities,” she said, adding that she wants students to have the opportunity to find hobbies that will last a lifetime, and dance may be one of them. Don Andersen, who earned a business degree from UNL in 1964, became interested in dance after coming in second place in a U.S. Marines Corps dance contest in California. He said he took second place because he didn’t know how to do the Latin dances. So he decided to learn them. After six months of training at Arthur Murray Dance Studios, he was offered a position as an instructor. The Andersens opened Don’s School of Dance in Lincoln in the 1950s but closed it in 1967 to instruct at other venues. “(Dance) gives (students) social confidence,” Polly said. “It’s good physically and mentally for you.” According to Polly, the dances they are planning to teach include basic steps, the waltz and other ballroom and country basics. If students progress quickly enough, they may also teach the tango. She said knowing how to dance provides better “dexterity, grace and poise,” and helps prepare people for weddings and other social situations where knowing how to dance is important. Alex West, a law student, went with dance partner Emily Nealeigh, a junior animal science major. Nealeigh said she doesn’t have much dance experience but thought the instructors made the moves easy to learn. She said she liked having professional instruction. West said he encourages others to come to the lessons as well. “It’s not too late to join,” he said. “It’s a great time.” News@ DailyNebraskan.com

Freshman pre-health major Ghazal Mahjouri Samani poses for a portrait in her Lincoln home. Ghazal has lived in Lincoln with her family since 2003 after they left Iran to escape religious persecution.

finding story by jordan huesers photos by morgan spiehs


To escape oppression, Bahá’í, family moves to U.S.


hazal Mahjouri Samani was only 7 years old when her parents made the decision that changed their lives. They would no longer face oppression from the Iranian government because of their religious beliefs. They would move to a country where their daughters could receive education, where their family could practice their religion freely. Ghazal, a freshman pre-health major at the University of NebraskaLincoln, and her family are Bahá’í, a faith that emphasizes the oneness of God, all religions and mankind. When she was 9, Ghazal came to the U.S. in 2003 to escape persecution and get an education. As a promise to her parents who staked so much in their immigration to the U.S., Ghazal said she’s committed to her education at UNL and working hard for her family. “If I don’t get the best education I can, I’ve completely let myself down,” she said. “I’ve completely let my parents down. I’ve let my entire family in Iran down. It’s a lot of weight on my shoulders to become a successful person, but at the same

time, that’s the only reason I am here.” Ghazal said Bahá’ís face oppression from the government in Iran. The government is a theocracy based on the Islamic religion. Back in Iran, Iranian soldiers also broke into Ghazal’s home in the city of Saman on multiple occasions when she was a small child. One soldier stood barricading the door, while others stormed the house in a desperate search for important family mementos to take. Ghazal and her family could only watch as they watched the men take away baby videos, wedding tapes and wedding certificates. “In Iran, they have been treating us like criminals,” said Behzad, Ghazal’s father. “They came into our house, go through everything like we are criminals.” When she was a first grader, Ghazal experienced discrimination in her school. The administration sold frozen treats to students. Children selected from two different types: an orange popsicle and a fudge bar. One day she ordered an orange popsicle from


Bahá’í,: see page 3

more Inside Coverage:

Victorian houses: From elegance to eek! Art historian tells tale of the style’s changed symbolism


Love on the Lake Shore Theatrix’s “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” opens Wednesday

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Caspian Sea



Iran Saman

Iraq Persian Gulf

chris rhodes | DN



wednesday, october 24, 2012

Members of Sigma Chi to stay on campus Upperclassmen of the suspended fraternity unsure of plans next semester

violation of their probation,” Beavers said. “They knew for a while that one more big mistake and they were in trouble.” Beavers asked the members to be cautious about their social planning in light of the suspension. Elias Youngquist “This should serve as a reDN minder for you all when you’re in your house meetings,” BeaDespite being suspended invers said. “Let it be a reminder definitely, the University of to you for making safe deciNebraska-Lincoln’s Sigma Chi sions. I know people want to chapter house at 1510 Vine St. have a good time, but listen to will remain occupied, possibly your risk manager. Listen to until the end of the semester, your national chapter.” Jeff Beavers, assistant director Beavers also announced the of Greek Affairs, announced at Scarlet Cup Recognition proTuesday’s Interfraternity Coungram that could possibly be cil meeting. implemented under the larger “The freshmen are out of the Show Your Red program house,” Beavers told the Daily “We’ve been wanting to Nebraskan after the meeting. (implement a recognition pro“If (those living gram),” Beavers in the house) are said. “It’s hard to u p p e rc l a s s m e n , Let it be a sometimes know they’re living within IFC, withreminder there like they in Greek Affairs, would off cam- to you for making how all the chappus.” ters are doing and safe decisions.” The fraterhow their benchnity members marks are doing. are able to retain The only way we jeff beavers residence in the can kind of tell is assistant director of greek house because it GPA.” affairs is owned by the Beavers addnational Sigma ed he doesn’t Chi organization, have a lot of but Beavers said what will hapinformation to give curious pen long-term is still “up in the parents and students about air.” Representatives from the the various houses on campus national chapter of Sigma Chi other than GPAs and house inwill be traveling to the univerformation. The program would sity in the near future to meet require each house to submit with UNL officials on the future information about what acof the building and Sigma Chi tivities it does throughout the on campus. year. Fraternity members were reApplications for IFC execuassured by Beavers at Tuesday’s tive council are due Oct. 29 at 5 Interfraternity Council meeting p.m. and elections will be Nov. that Sigma Chi’s suspension 13. Vice president Ty Schurr was not the Office of Greek asked that delegates tell their Affairs targeting chapters. Frahouses about the open positions. ternity members were also told “Please be good leaders, unabout a new method that may derclassmen or upperclassmen,” be implemented to gauge the said Schurr, a senior agribusiprogress of fraternity chapters ness major. “Just stress to them on campus. to sign up for a position.” “The reason they were susnews@ dailynebraskan.com pended was it was a very clear


High winds blew a large dumpster and a portable toilet into vehicles parked in the East Stadium loop parking lot on Thursday, according to University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police. The portable toilet slid several feet into the rear panel of a 2005 Honda Accord, leaving scuff marks and scratches. A large brown dumpster was also wedged between a green Jeep and a red Ford Fusion. The Fusion’s side-view mirror was damaged, leaving cracks to the frame and glass. The Ford Fusion and the Honda Accord both suffered $250 in damage, police say. South of Memorial Stadium, a chain link fence erected for construction also fell over onto a 2012 Jeep Patriot. Police estimate the Jeep suffered $50 in damage.


Officers were called to the “Prismatic Flake Geometric” sculpture on Oct. 17 because it was covered with fake dollar bills. The sculpture, which is located to the east of Love Library, had one face covered in the bills. The bills had a message reading, “Isn’t your tuition money beautiful?” University Police have not named any suspects.


A student reported a watch worth $13,000 lost or stolen Sunday afternoon. He left the Breitling watch inside of his backpack while he was playing tennis in the courts north of the Robert E. Knoll Residence Center. Police say they have not located the watch and are unsure if it was lost or stolen.


Police say a Mongoose bike was stolen from the bike racks near the Animal Sciences Complex on Friday. The bike was locked to the bike rack, and the cable lock was missing as well. Police have notified area pawn shops about the bike, but it has not been located. —Compiled by Daniel Wheaton news@dailynebraskan.com

Valerie Kutchko | DN

Yadira Bernadac, a junior elementary education major, holds up a white sign during the Take Back the Night march around campus with Nessa Wang, center, a senior accounting and finance major and co-organizer of the event, Lisa Chase, center right, a sophomore management and finance major, and Oanh Pham, right, a sophomore accounting and finance major on Tuesday at the Nebraska Union Plaza. The group of men and women shouted chants such as “No more silence! No more violence! Take Back the Night!”

Walk seeks more assault awareness Take Back the Night event brings light to domestic, sexual abuse kelli rollin dn Kandy Do didn’t think much about domestic violence. At least, not until her sorority, Sigma Psi Zeta helped lead a vigil and walk promoting domestic and sexual abuse awareness Tuesday night. Along with about 15 University of Nebraska-Lincoln students, Do, a sophomore nutrition science major, walked around City Campus and shouted “No more silence! No more violence! Take back the night!” Take Back the Night march and vigil was co-sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Women’s Center and the Sigma Psi Zeta sorority. Do said until Sigma Psi Zeta announced its Take Back the Night philanthropy, she was not aware of the severity of this issue or events such as Take Back the Night. In addition to the walk, Sigma Psi Zeta is also co-sponsoring a screening of “Telling Amy’s Story” and discussion on Oct. 24.

Take Back the Night events oc- Morgan said. Take Back the Night says women are no longer taking cur in communities across the naresponsibility for these crimes comtion, but there is a specific need to mitted against them; it is the perpehave this event in a campus setting, trator’s fault, not the victim’s, she said Morgan B., a UNL victim advosaid. cate from Voices of Hope who does Nessa Wang, who represented not give out her last name for safety Sigma Psi Zeta at the event and reasons. helped coordinate the walk, also There were 243,800 individual said the event helped promote sexual assaults reported in 2011, acawareness for a crime that’s somecording to the U.S. Department of times never reported. Justice’s National Crime Victimiza“We want to show that women tion Survey. Rape, Abuse and Incest are not silent, and National Network that we are not (RAINN) averaged We shouldn’t weak, but that we justice department have to fear are stronger,” said data and calculated Wang, a senior acthat every two min- the night in our counting and finance utes someone in the major. U.S. is sexually as- community or on She said the saulted. our campus.” event helps promote “Women have a safer community a right to feel safe Morgan b. so people can ultion campus without voices of hope advocate mately live a better the threat and fear life. of violence … we About 25 people participated shouldn’t have to fear the night in our community or on our campus,” in the Take Back the Night walk, which, according to Morgan, may Morgan said. prove how many people are not Morgan said women have been conditioned to fear the night, aware of these problems or are not and Take Back the Night stands willing to stand up to them. Morup to that fear while empowering gan said she loves having these marches and thinks they are great, women and survivors of violence but these crimes are still happening and abuse. “It shatters the silence that surrounds these problems,” and “there is no major change in the

video online at www.daily nebraskan.com

statistics (of victims and domestic violence cases).” That underscores the importance of walks such as this one, she said. “The more steps we take to educate people, the more steps we are taking to help end the problem,” Morgan said. Because these violent crimes are still occurring in large numbers, Morgan said, “We march tonight because our fight isn’t finished.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

RHA encourages halls to use up budget RHA doled out funds Tuesday for tailgate, international food and election events Emily Nitcher DN The Residence Hall Association at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln allocated $1,475 to three different student organizations at its meeting on Tuesday night. With nearly $10,000 left in this semester’s general programming budget, RHA members were ready to hand out money to student-sponsored events. The Iron N, Abel and Sandoz halls and the UNL International Food Bazaar all received funds for upcoming events. If RHA does not use all the money in its programming fund this semester, the money will roll over to next semester’s budget, said RHA

President Meg Brannen, a senior advertising and public relations major. Nate Watley, RHA treasuer and a junior computer engineering major, said he wanted the senate to realize how much money RHA has for events this semester. “Go back to your residence halls, plan events and come back and ask for money,” Wately said. “That’s how this works.” Watley said RHA hasn’t allocated more than $1,000 to different events this semester. The Iron N requested $945 for its tailgate that will be this Saturday on the Nebraska Union greenspace before the football game against Michigan. Kevin Rush, senior special education major and programming coordinator for the Iron N, said the tailgate will create a fun and safe event for students to attend before football games. Rush said $825 dollars will be used for inflatable games such as an obstacle course, sumo wrestling and bungee rope. Marketing ma-

terials will cost $70. The additional $50 will be used for other expenses, Rush said, and that money will be returned to RHA if it is not used. The Iron N is a new student organization and does not have a budget of its own, Rush said. The funding for the black towels given to students at the Wisconsin-Nebraska game was provided by the athletic department, Rush said. Rush said Saturday’s tailgate is a trial run for the organization. The Iron N is looking into either having a tailgate for every home game or one large-scale event. RHA allocated $100 to the Nebraska University Malaysian Students Association for the International Food Bazaar event. The International Food Bazaar will be held on Nov. 16 at the Nebraska Union and will feature different international student organizations preparing local cuisines from their respective countries. Abel and Sandoz representatives asked RHA for $150 dollars

for an election party on Nov. 6. The event will feature a blow-up screen showing the election results, soap carving, a mock election and a photo booth. The discussion for the event was positive and Brannen was excited about the fun educational program. “This sounds awesome,” Brannen said. The event is expected to draw hundreds of residents from Abel, Sandoz and other residence halls, and RHA decided to allocate an additional $300 for Raising Canes chicken to entice more students to come to the event. “This is probably the only way they could have made this event better,” Brannen said. Justin King, chief of staff and a sophomore anthropology major, said he thought with RHA’s large budget they should allocate the additional money to the event. “We are rolling in dough, so I say let’s make it rain,” King said. News@ DailyNebraskan.Com

tization came to the ASUN senate floor, she believes it would be closer to that board’s meeting. “It’s really hard to be for or against something right now,” San-

tos said. “From some view points, we understand privatization would be a good move. There’s a lot of pros to it, and the cons are mainly the ambiguity. But I don’t think that we

would like to be against something just because we’re unsure with it, especially with something so big.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

uhc: from 1 Board of Regents for approval. Regents issues are often a topic for ASUN legislation, Mazour said. If a resolution showing support for or against the health center’s priva-

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wednesday, october 24, 2012



Bahá’í,: from 1 an administrator, but changed her mind after the administrator left. She decided to swap out the popsicles herself. She then headed to recess. “The next thing I know, there is the principal, the principal’s daughter, the vice principal are marching down the stairs speaking into a microphone,” she said. “They humiliated me in front of many of my peers. They claimed I stole a popsicle. And this just proves I am Bahá’í. “They were giving me a chance, and I proved I don’t deserve a chance,” Ghazal said. “Just like every other Bahá’í, I am not worthy of anything.” About 98 percent of Iranians practice Islam, and Bahá’ís are a sliver of the remaining 2 percent, according to the CIA. According to a 2003 International Federation for Human Rights study of persecution of religions in Iran, approximately 300,000 Bahá’ís live in Iran and represent the largest minority.

the Risk of living in iran

Behzad said Bahá’ís are not included in the three recognized religious minorities in the constitution. The Islamic regime classifies all Bahá’ís as “unprotected infidels” and “heretics” and gives them no legal rights or protection. Behzad said the Bahá’í religion is not officially accepted because the government is led by Muslim religious leaders. “They do not like Bahá’ís,” ​ Ghazal said. “They get discriminated against. They get persecuted. They get put in prison. They are segregated — every problem you can possibly think of, Bahá’ís go through. It’s a risk living in Iran.” The 2003 study credits the persecution of the Bahá’í faith to Iran’s Supreme Revolutionary Cultural Council and the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who collaborated on an official document in 1933 calling for the oppression of the Bahá’í faith. Behzad said he and his wife decided to move to the United States to provide a better opportunity for their daughters to receive higher education. As a Bahá’í living in Iran, Ghazal would not have been able to go to college because the government would have denied her the opportunity. Ghazal and her family first went to Turkey to live as refugees. They traveled by three trains and one ship, and it took four days. Typically, refugees must wait approximately six months before being allowed to leave. But, shortly after her family arrived in 2001, the 9/11 attacks happened and there was even more of a delay. “We stayed there for two years as refugees, which was hard on my parents,” Ghazal said. “Turkey’s amazing, I love Turkey. But just the living conditions as a refugee were not good.” In Turkey, Ghazal and her family lived with another family in a small home. The only jobs available to the adults involved hard labor, and children would not attend school. The family went to public


Mother Ghonchen Ebrahimi and daughters Bahar and Ghazal Mahjouri Samani pose outside of their home in Lincoln. Ghazal explained that because of their Bahá’í religion, her younger sister and she couldn’t have gone to college. “We had absolutely no other rights,” she said. baths to shower because the house had no heated water. Every morning, Ghazal went to the police station with her parents to sign in. Refugees are not allowed to leave the city unless they have a scheduled interview and had to prove they hadn’t left. Every day, her parents also checked the status of their case in the hopes they would be able to leave for the United States soon. The only money Ghazal and her family had was what her father brought from Iran. “The conditions are hard because you are wanting to go somewhere else and you’re waiting, but you don’t know how long you are waiting,” she said. “You could possibly run out of money. You are kind of simply floating in the air. You don’t have any stability until you get to come to the United States.” Finally, after 22 months, the family passed all the interview, fingerprint and physical processes and were allowed to leave.

Upon arriving in the United ​ States, Ghazal and her sister began attending school. She said their way of life changed drastically. “Materialistically, we lost ev​ erything,” she said. “If we would have lived in Iran, my mom never would have worked a day in her life. I would never have worked a day in my life. I work two jobs, my mom works two jobs, my dad works a really hard job, just to basically get by.” Behzad made a drastic transition in jobs coming to the United States from Iran. In Iran, Behzad worked as a businessman and acted as his own manager. He made good money and easily provided for all his family’s needs. In the United States, Behzad works for Lincoln Industries, and while he appreciates his job, he is forced to work more for less money. “Considering the Persian pride and mentality, it killed him having to do such hard labor jobs here,” Ghazal said.

Lecture connects fear to Victorian houses Carl Mejstrik DN Once a symbol of elegance, Victorianstyle homes have now seen an eerie role reversal, Sarah Burns, one of today’s foremost art historians, told a crowd of more than 220 in a Halloween-inspired lecture at the University of NebraskaLincoln on Tuesday. “These types of houses were once at the height of fashion for affluence, elegance and taste,” Burns said to the capacity crowd in the Sheldon Museum of Art. “Now they are a signifier of decay, destruction and death. They’ve become a prime, sinister place of the modern American imagination.” Burns had much of the audience laughing throughout the evening with her offbeat, light humor. “She had a very cool interaction and had a dark quirky humor, which I like,” said Rebecca Rickertsen, a senior fine arts major. “This was Halloween-themed, which was cool because these lectures usually aren’t like this. I’m really glad I came.” Titled “Better for Haunts: Victorian Houses and the Modern Imagination,” Burns, a Ruth N. Halls Professor Emerita in the department of art history at Indiana University, spoke of the relationship between the Victorian houses in the Gilded Age of architecture and how they have become associated with the stereotypical haunted house. Named after Queen Victoria of England, Victorian-style houses were a popular form of architecture from the late 1860s until the turn of the century when the Progressive Era began, she said.

These houses came to be looked at as architectural turds.”

sarah burns art historian

Featuring mansard roofs, verandas and towers, these houses became known for casting a looming, dark shadow, shape and contrast. Dark windows, odd geometry and high ceilings made for cold, breaking light. The insides of Victorian houses, known as parlors, were often used for funerals and had deep closets and horse hair upholstery, which became unpopular by the early 1900s. “These houses came to be looked at as architectural turds,” Burns said. “And you couldn’t just flush away these turds. In the interwar period, between World War I and World War II, ‘Victorian’ became a dirty word among architects.” However, during this time, realism artists such as Charles Burchfield, Edward Hopper and Mabel Dwight, began to paint images of these houses because of feelings of unease and anxiety the architecture could bring out in people. “When we look at paintings such as Edward Hopper’s 1924 Haskell’s House, we have to ask ourselves, ‘Can we imagine a happy childhood in this house?’” Burns asked. By the Great Depression, many Victorian-age houses were either abandoned or demolished to make room for more commercially built housing. “Looking at pictures of these old, empty houses, it should only surprise us that ghosts did not re-

side in these houses,” Burns joked. During the 1930s, Victorian houses began to become incorporated in popular culture, particularly horror and mystery stories and films, which became known as the dark house genre. “The houses served as templates for scenes of the crime murder-mystery like ‘The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck,’ which I’m sure inspired Stephen King because it was set in Maine,” Burns said. In 1945, Charles Addams debuted his drawing of the Addams Family Mansion in The New Yorker for his Addams Family comic strip. The Bates Mansion, used in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 film, “Psycho,” has become synonymous with murder and its infamous shower scene, she said. “These houses are perverted compared to the picturesque American house,” Burns said. “But now every haunted house looks like this. There are Martha Stewart haunted house cakes, a Phantom Manor in Disneyland Paris and a haunted house hobby kit … I would kill to get one of these.” Despite her humor, Burns ended the lecture with a serious note to the everlasting quality that these houses connect with fear. “There’s an iconic status of these brooding, enduring mansions, and (they) have a capacity to stir emotions that have hardly faded.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

‘I Have my family’

After everything Ghazal and her family have been through, they’ve developed a level of appreciation for each other deeper than most families, she said. Assimilating to American culture was easy for her and her sister, she said, but they continue to respect the more traditional beliefs her parents have from Persian culture. “We have no one else but each other here,” she said. “We don’t have grandparents here. It’s just the four of us. At the end of the day, I have my family.” Ghazal feels a profound respect toward her parents, a respect rooted in their decision to move to America

for their children. “They do everything they do for my sister and I — everything they do,” she said. “They left everything for us. They gave up everything for us. They started from zero and are building themselves and our family up for us. They work so hard for us.” Ghazal went back to Iran this ​ past summer to visit family members before beginning college. While there, she talked with many family members and encouraged them to come to the United States. They told her they felt an obligation to stay in Iran to keep the Bahá’í faith strong and stand against the oppression. “I am thankful for the choice my


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parents made,” Ghazal said. “It’s been hard. It’s going to be hard. But, it’s all worth it. I didn’t know that really until I went back to Iran this summer, then I came back, and I realized we do have a good life.” Other than her close friends, not many people know about Ghazal’s experience and why she is here. ​“If I want to sit down and talk about my life story, there’s a lot,” she said. “There’s a lot to me. It’s not just something you sit and tell people. People don’t usually come to that. To most people, I am just another person.” NEWS@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

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wednesday, october 24, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb

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chris rhodes | DN

For Halloween, celebrate with some sense With Halloween around the corner and a slew of holidaythemed activities about to kick off, the Daily Nebraskan wants to wish you a happy holiday season. Be sure not to let the semester stop you from partaking in time-honored Halloween traditions. Go to a haunted house, go to the pumpkin patch, carve a pumpkin or watch a horror movie. Halloween is a wonderful excuse to have a better-thanaverage time. However, it isn’t an excuse to be reckless. The Daily Nebraskan would also like to extend a friendly reminder to be smart this Halloween. Making good decisions doesn’t have to subtract from any of the fun. Keep an eye on your friends. Keep an eye on your surroundings. Drink some water. Halloween has the potential to be a top-notch week of celebrations, but it also has the potential to encourage some lessthan-desirable decisions. Don’t fall into the trap. And when deciding whether to attend class Thursday, at least make sure there isn’t a test or quiz.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.

iPad Mini iPad


lauren vuchetich | DN

Halloween can be enjoyable for all ages


nce you’re too old for trick-ortreating, how do you properly celebrate Halloween? It’s simple: throw your own party! After being the sad attendee of many terrible costume parties, I’ve decided to plan my own Halloween extravaganza. This has proven to be difficult. There’s the problem of high cost and finding a location, among other things. All you need is $5 per friend/acquaintance, a Pinterest account, a quick visit to Redbox and inspiration for costumes. Your friends should pay you $5 to help cover the cost of the interesting drinks you’re going to make. If you need inspiration, Pinterest is a godsend. There are tons of holiday recipes you can look through. Everything from apple cider to black-and-orange martini recipes are available. The $5 per friend will also help offset the cost of decorations (which are necessary). Get some fake spider webs, black lights and other fun props. If you’re struggling with setting up the decorations, go to Pinterest once again. Scan through the Décor pages. Maybe type “Halloween party” into the search bar. Also, what’s a Halloween party without a good scary movie playing at some point? Go to your nearest Redbox to rent your favorite zombie film. It’s also good for sobering up after a costume party where alcohol is served. As the party is dying down, pop a classic horror flick into your DVD player. Both intoxicated and sober people will be entertained. Another problem that has come up is nonfestive friends. That is, people who claim they have no good ideas for a costume, or who aren’t willing to spend any money on Halloween festivities. Thankfully, we live in the age of the Internet. There are tons of resources you can use to get ideas not only for costumes, but for drink recipes, decorating tips and makeup tutorials. Let’s move to costumes. Are you struggling to find the perfect combination of unique-yetrecognizable? One that also shows some skin but isn’t just skanky? Finding a costume can be frustrating. The first step is to get creative. You can always go the “Mean Girls” route and just

DAMIEN CROGHAN wear lingerie with animal ears, but cats and mice are overdone. Maybe dress up as a more obscure animal like a giraffe, or go mythological and get a unicorn horn. If you’re going to show some skin, don’t be generic. If you’re 90 percent sure someone else at the party will dress up as your idea, they will. Find a new one. Do a Google Image search for ideas. You can also check out Spirit Halloween (located on 48th and R streets) or Fringe and Tassel (located in the Haymarket) for local inspiration. For more of the do-it-yourself approach, go to Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Playing with gender is also a good way to be creative. For example, I’m dressing up as the husband of Frankenstein, and a girlfriend of mine is going as a female version of the original Frankenstein monster. You could always go as a genderflipped superhero (Wonder Man, a female Green Lantern, or Cat Man are examples of where you could go with this). Crude costumes are rarely, if ever, funny. “Skeleboner,” a skeleton costume complete with a blow-up erection, is tacky. It’s also likely to attract bad attention. “Dr. Seymour Bush, gynecologist” is gross, too. Also, make sure to read labels for paint. I learned the hard way that there is a major difference between face paint and normal paint. Not only does normal paint flake off of your face (making you find yellow paint chips in your drink), it also causes you to break out in a rash.

Racially insensitive costumes are never acceptable. I’ve sadly viewed costumes called “Pow-wow Princess” and “Mexican Man,” among others. If your costume dehumanizes a group of people, you’re not being festive, you’re being an asshole. YouTube is also a good place to find inspiration. Doctor Horrible could be an example of this. Just get a lab coat and a Nerf gun—labeling the gun “death ray” with some duct tape—and your simple, yet fun, costume is complete. You could also go as Psy, singer of “Gangnam Style.” It will get a good laugh, and it’s not too difficult to coordinate. Just get a blue suit jacket, black bow tie and black pants. More than likely, you own some of these things or can borrow items from a friend. Morph suits are usually tacky, but can lead to interesting costumes. I’ve seen a few guys dressed up as green Army men. It’s simple: you just need a morph suit, military weaponry and helmet spray-painted green, and ta-da! Pop stars are also easy to imitate. There are tons of Lady Gaga wigs, and since she wears many outlandish clothes, mimicking her for a Halloween costume is perfect. Ke$ha is another example. All you need is some clothes from Urban Outfitters, spray-on glitter and a peculiarlooking dress. At the very least, those ideas above should have caused some brainstorming to occur, so don’t let your friends say they can’t come up with an idea. Worried about spending too much money on a costume, only to wear it once? Wear it again! One of my friends threw an “Aprilween” party. This is just an excuse to re-wear your costume. And hey, if you’re willing to show some skin in the cold end-of-October weather, you should have no problem doing so in the spring. If you follow these steps, and your friends are cool enough to follow suit, Halloween will now prove to be more fun than your trick-or-treating days. Damien Croghan is a senior news-editorial and international studies major. Reach him at opinion@dailynebraskan.com

Some still prefer print in digital age


he Internet and other forms of digital media are killing print media. Imagine: It’s a rainy day and you want to catch up on the news, so you go and purchase a magazine or a newspaper. You grab a cup of coffee and open the magazine or newspaper to current world events. Life is good. But what if those newspapers and magazines were no longer available for purchase and you had to lug your computer with you everywhere? You’d constantly be looking for Internet hotspots while possibly running your battery down to get caught up on the news. This seems to be the forthcoming reality. Newsweek announced this week that it will no longer be printing hard copies of its magazines; they will only be available for purchase online. It seems like a good idea, but in reality print media is a huge part of our culture. Yes, online news media may be convenient and seem like the better way to go, but I bet online subscriptions will make readership of these magazines go down. I am more likely to pick up a newspaper than read the online version of that same newspaper. I like having a physical copy of the magazine or newspaper because it makes reading the news more of an experience. Turning page by page as the stories unfold themselves is a much more personal reading experience than just clicking a mouse to “turn” the page. There’s a sense of completion and satisfaction of having progressed through the newspaper page by page. The effects TIME Magazine and Newsweek images have had on our society are numerous. If these were published only online, they wouldn’t have the same impact they do now. There’s just something about holding a magazine in your hand and being shown an image — whether it be an image of a natural disaster, or a dog lying by its owner’s casket — which makes the experience of a printed image more personal and lasting. With a website, once you scroll down to the next paragraph the image is lost. When you are reading a magazine or a newspaper, the image becomes a part of the story because it takes longer to read a page before you can turn to the next. The image is there longer and can make more of a lasting

VICTORIA HARTZOG impact. Also, magazine and newspaper covers lose their shine when they are strictly online. Think of how many controversial covers Newsweek and TIME Magazine have had throughout the years. Most recently, in Newsweek there has been the cover of “Hit the Road, Barack” for the coming election and TIME’s “Attachment Parenting.” There is this impact of such controversial images that make readers want to buy and pick up that magazine. If the images and stories were online, only readers who are actively seeking the news will see them — not the people randomly walking by a newsstand. Even though Newsweek is the only major magazine right now that’s going completely online, who knows when the other major national magazines will follow suit? This effort to completely digitalize news will be very detrimental to print media and also to the readership of magazines and newspapers. According to The Wall Street Journal, the move to complete online publication for Newsweek is still a gamble. They will more than likely lose advertising revenue if print subscribers don’t switch to the new digital version of Newsweek, offsetting the savings of the switch. They will also have to make cuts to their staff of 270 employees, according to The Wall Street Journal. Fewer journalists will be able to cover the news, which means the remaining journalists

will be trying to do more tasks at once. This problem could potentially make the quality of Newsweek’s stories go down, and this, in turn, makes the reader less informed or ill-informed. The Wall Street Journal writes that Newsweek magazines will be sold online for $4.99 per issue, which is the current price in print. However, once news goes online, people will no longer want to purchase the $5 magazine when they can get the same news from a free website or from a cheaper magazine in print. Readers will more than likely buy a lower quality magazine just to have a physical copy. If digital news becomes more convenient by means of tablets and iPhones, but the reliability and the quality become depleted, is it really worth it? Even if the quality somehow happens to remain, apps are seldom used. I have a news app on my iPhone for the New Yorker and The New York Times, but I actually haven’t opened them once to read anything. I know that the convenience of having the news is in the palm of my hand, but I still feel compelled to pick up a hard copy of the news. We’re in a digital age, but that doesn’t mean that everything has to be strictly online. Think of how sore our eyes will be from staring at a computer screen reading our daily newspaper. It’s a reality I don’t want. I like receiving the Sunday newspaper and reading the comic strips and cutting coupons, while at the same time learning about current events. You don’t get that with the Internet. The future of print media seems to be up in the air. I hope that print media will not disappear, but I suspect that there will only be a few newspapers that will be in circulation in future years. When Newsweek prints its last issue on Dec. 31, more major news outlets could be persuaded to become digital. Or the news could possibly continue as normal with Newsweek being the one exception. I hope it’s the latter of the two. Victoria Hartzog is a Junior English major. Follow her on twitter @VictoriaHartzog or email her at opinion@dailynebraskan.com



wednesday, october 24, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk

Joan played by Molly Hammond, Bernie played by Spenser Stokes, Deborah played by Abby Uecker and Danny played by Ryan Rabstejnek dance in a dress rehearsal of “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” Monday night in the Temple Building. The play has 36 scenes that take place in an episodic fashion over the time period of one summer in 1978 and touch on the trials of friendship, love, sex and life.

love on the

lake shore

‘Sexual Perversity in Chicago’ explores rising, falling relationships story by ally phillips | photos by kaylee everly Relationships begin, flame on for moments or for decades. But every one, one way or the other, ends. “Sexual Perversity in Chicago,” written in 1974 by David Mamet, is a play set in the late 1970s, but its depictions of tangled amorous and physical relationships between lovers have stood the test of time, which is perhaps the most important aspect for the cast and crew of University of Nebraska-Lincoln theater students who will bring it to the stage this week. “I think that age 19- or 20-year-olds, which is predominantly my cast, they’re experiencing the same kind of relationship problems that the characters in the play are experiencing,” said Jonathan Sell, graduate directing student and director of the UNL Theatrix production of “Sexual Perversity in Chicago.” The production follows a relationship between Danny Shapiro and Deborah Soloman.

“There are two young lovers, the more naive ones, who are trying to figure it out,” Sell said. The other two main characters, Bernie Litko and Joan Webber, act as mentors of sorts for the youthful lovers, Sell said. “They kind of are the teachers of the younger ones, trying to help them through giving them their philosophies on all of that kind of stuff,” he said. The play is known for its intimate and alternately explosive moments between conversing characters, pressed against a regionalist portrait of Chicago in the late 1970s. Sell said he hopes the audience walks away thinking about how the events of this play could relate to their lives: some funny, some touching and some forboding.


Finding costumes for a production set in the 1970s wasn’t easy. Costume and makeup designer Katie Davis, a sophomore theater major, had to find outfits that represented Chicago 40 years ago, but were still functional for the actors. “We had to find ’70s dresses that were short enough to look fun and kind of sexy, but still long enough that they stay covered and yet flowing enough, so that they can do some

high kicks and dance around without ripping the dress or anything,” Davis said. “And same with the guys because ’70s stuff was a little bit tight.” Davis ran into a problem with the theater department’s costume shop, which had a shortage of casual 1970s clothes. She said in that time period, the students and faculty were focused on Shakespearean and classic plays,

Though the city of Chicago plays a large and lively role in Mamet’s play, paramount to the success of Theatrix’s “Sexual Perversity of Chicago” is director, Jonathan Sell’s vision for each of the four players, as the piece is fundamentally character-driven. “I was looking for actors that appeared older, stronger and a little executed (for Bernie and Joan) and the other ones (Danny and Deborah) a little bit more naive and kind of figuring things out,” Sell said. Sell cast three UNL theater performance students — Spenser Stokes, Abby Uecker and Ryan Rabstejnek — and theater minor Molly Hammond as Bernie, Deborah, Danny and Joan, respectively. Chock full of adult themes, “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” was a welcome risk for a cast looking to branch out. “It’s a genre of play I haven’t been in,” said Ryan Rabstejnek, a junior theater major. “(It’s a) sexual, risqué, possibly offensive play, which also is very fun.” Abby Uecker, a sophomore

costumes: see page 6

theater major, found her character to be captivating on the human level. “She’s kind of awkward in a way and new to what she is experiencing,” Uecker said, “and that’s kind of how I am as a person.” Spenser Stokes (Bernie), on the other hand, found an appealing challenge in staging character he said he hopes is far different from himself. Stokes described Bernie as a misogynistic male and compared him to a less charming version of Barney Stinson from “How I Met Your Mother.” “It’s fun to be someone completely different from yourself,” Stokes said. “Playing bad people sometimes can be a lot of fun.” Molly Hammond, a junior English major, plays Bernie’s counterpart, Joan. Hammond said Joan features a lot of layers and puts on a front for the world. Her challenge in rehearsal has been trying to also show that Joan isn’t one-dimensional. Other character elements

acting: see page 6

teach the routines to the actors. One of the first things Herling did was read the script. “I had to learn about their characters,” she said, describing the way different dances were tailored to the nature of Mamet’s four protagonists. The dances are meant to act as another example of the change in the play’s relationships. Each dance tells a different story of where the four characters are at that point. Ryan Rabstejnek (Danny) found

choreography: see page 6

Sets and lighting With the play to be staged in the relatively small Lab Theatre of the Temple Building, Greg Rishoi, post-baccalaureate student and scenic designer, faced challenges in set design leading up to opening night Wednesday. “(Some) things ... look good on paper until you get into the space and you have to work with what you have,” Rishoi said. Sell and Rishoi decided to create a set that incorporated main settings in the production, such as the bar, the bedroom and the office where the four character

sets: see page 6

Veronica Allshouse, a senior psychology major and set manager for “Sexual Perversity in Chicago,” watches as another student pours fake drinks for a bar scene in preparation for Monday night’s dress rehearsal.

perversity: see page 6


Molly Hammond, a junior English major, who plays Joan in “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” gets dressed before Monday night’s dress rehearsal in the Temple Building. “Wednesday’s gonna be fun,” Hammond said. “It’s going to be nice to get all the stress of final rehearsals out of the way.”

Dance numbers weren’t in the original script for “Sexual Perversity in Chicago.” As director Jonathan Sell continued his research on place and setting, he said he discovered how much influence music had in the 1970s and decided to incorporate three dance numbers into the show. “I think it adds a little bit of flavor, spice to a play that is generally just talking about maybe no music at all,” Sell said. He asked Marisol Herling, a junior dance major, to choreograph and


The cast of Theatrix’s “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” works out dance steps during a Monday night dress rehearsal. The play was choreographed by junior dance major Marisol Herling.

taches were in that Though makedecade, according up isn’t a domito her research. “In nant feature in that period it was Theatrix’s proalmost a natural duction of “Sexthing.” ual Perversity in Chicago,” The actors Katie Davis, were told to grow sophomore thefacial hair when ater major and they first heard costume and they were cast in makeup de“Sexual Perversity signer, has inin Chicago.” stituted a piece “I started of facial maskgrowing (my facial ing that can’t be hair) immediateremoved after ly,” Spenser Stokes rehearsal: facial (Bernie) said. “It’s hair. coming in better “It’s part of than I thought it the joy of being would. I persona male actor,” ally don’t like the Ryan Rabste- Ryan Rabstejnek, a junior theater performance major, and Molly mustache, but it’s jnek (Danny) Hammond, a junior English major, prepare for the dress rehearsal so ‘70s.” said. “You can of “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” Monday night in the Temple Rabstenjek said do different Building. “Once the show opens then it’s ours instead of the he enjoys playing things with fa- designers’, director’s and anybody else’s, and once it’s happened, the part of a ‘70s cial hair and man, but someplay a totally it’s the best you can do,” Hammond said. times forgets about different charhis “makeup.” acter than you have before.” “I think it’s fun in the show, but then you have to The beards, as with much of the setting and costume leave, walking about with sideburns and long hair,” Rabwork in the play, is all part of being authentic to time and stejnek said. “You forget it happens and you’re like ‘Oh place. yeah. I have sideburns.’” arts “It’s the small details that really bring out the ’70s,” @dailynebraskan.com Davis said, citing how prominent sideburns and mus-



Freshman Abby Uecker (Deborah), junior Spenser Stokes (Bernie) and junior Ryan Rabstejnek (Danny), all performance majors, act in a scene where Danny introduces Deborah, his new girlfriend, to Bernie, his best friend in “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” Monday night during dress rehearsal in the Temple Building. “It’s a very interesting and fun experience being able to play someone in the 1970s,” Rabstejnek said.

Director Jonathan Sell spent six months researching and creating new ideas for “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” to make the production his own. After bouncing between three different time periods, Sell decided on the year 1978, just two years later than David Mamet’s original script dictated. “That was kind of the end of the sexual revolution,” Sell said. “That’s kind of why I eventually chose that time period.” Sell spent six months on what would be the founding ideas for costuming, makeup, sets, lights and music in the Theatrix production. “I think any director has to — no matter when the play is or what they are doing — compile as much research and different concepts as possible before you ever cast or get to the first rehearsal,” he said. Since Sell didn’t have the benefit of a dramaturge, a theatrical historian, he had to do a lot of the background research and comb over the finer details of Mamet’s chosen world himself.

directing: see page 6



wednesday, october 24, 2012

that could have gone better: an ongoing series on relationships that didn’t go on

Date with ex ends in severe internal strife

››Editor’s note: To avoid the deflating long-term effects of sheer embarrassment, the names of all parties in the following column (Part 7 in our series of failed romance stories) have been changed. Relationships, hey, hey, hey. Maybe it was the relationship gods telling me, with a violent slap to the face, going on a date with an ex was a bad idea. Or maybe it was just the sushi. Either way, when I nearly shit my pants on the ride home from the date,

I knew right then things could’ve gone better. The night started out wonderfully. I abolished my past tendencies to keep him waiting. Previously in our relationship, I still primped and plucked at myself minutes after his arrival to pick me up. He’s a trooper. On many occasions, he engaged in conversation with my mother, the same woman who walked in on us doing some unexplainable things to each other a couple years prior. But this time was different. I talked to my mother and waited for him. He came to the door. Two for two. He cleaned his car for the occasion. He either still loved me, his mother cleaned it for him or he was really shooting for home plate. I liked to think it was all three. After circling the downtown area, we arrived at a quaint Japanese restaurant. We sat down, engaged in easy conversation and consumed raw fish. Feeling satisfied and smitten, we left

and headed on to our next eating endeavor: ice cream. He footed the bill for the sushi, so I did my part as a 21st-century woman and paid for the ice cream. On a bench outside, we sat in the chilly breeze and ate our chilly ice cream. We made sure to sit leg-to-leg and shoulder-to-shoulder. Things were going to go exactly where I suspected they would go. As the night went on, we enjoyed a walk downtown, talked about our feelings and other stupid stuff. Anyway, we headed back to my house. We held hands, talked about music, and then it hit me like a train. It came from nowhere. The gurgling began, and I could feel my stomach fluids make their way to my lower intestines. I started to sweat. “Hey, can you speed? Um, now? I have to pee really bad” were the only words I could muster at the time. I’ve known the kid since middle school, and we’ve dated on and off for about three years, but I still couldn’t

The gurgling began, and I could feel my stomach fluids make their way to my lower intestines. I started to sweat. bring myself to inform him that I was on the brink of an eruption that would leave fecal matter all over the car his mother (probably) just cleaned. I gripped the passenger door handle and squirmed in my seat. I breathed heavily. “Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,” I muttered under my breath. What if I didn’t make it? I could shit in the garbage can in our garage. I could just do it now. Anything would be better than that feeling. I called my mom. What if she didn’t answer? That’s an extra minute I would waste typing in the garage door and waiting for it to rise. Thankfully, she answered. I told her to open the garage door immediately and to get out of the way, please. Sweat still beaded on my temples. I unbuttoned my pants. We rolled into my driveway. I

kissed him quick on the cheek, which actually may have been his ear or even his hair. I promised him I was not trying to get out of a proper goodb— I couldn’t finish the sentence. I ran in the house. I shoved the door open, threw off my purse, chucked my phone across the room and slammed the door to the bathroom. The rest is history. It could’ve been the raw fish. It could’ve been the relationship gods. Perhaps the lesson here is nothing good can ever come out of reconnecting with an ex. Although, once I told him the true matter of my emergency, he laughed. Not many exes would. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t have gone better. But it could’ve been worse. arts @dailynebraskan.com

Elevated autumn fashions boost student self-esteem

tyler keown My eyes flicker as I hear the alarm clock. I look at my phone. One missed text. It’s from me, sent at 4:17 a.m. “If my name was Gabe, I would make people call me ‘The Renegabe.’” I text myself back to agree and look out the window. The trees outside my window have turned a vivid orange. I look at the park across the street. A young couple is walking hand-in-hand, wrapped in their fall coats.

“Today, I dress well,” I think. I take a quick shower, eat a breakfast that wasn’t just a packet of Zebra Cakes and head toward my closet. I grab a collared shirt and throw it on. A sweater goes over it, because it’s past August and that’s fashion law. I consider throwing on a jacket, but as with Photoshop the more layers you use, the more I don’t know how to use Photoshop. I head out the door, confident to the point of impudence. I see the couple sitting at a bench outside of my apartment complex. We exchange nods and theirs says, “Look at our collars and the choice fabrics we are wearing. Will we meet later at the cigar lounge to discuss how many shares of Berkshire Hathaway we own? Yes.” This, to me, is the biggest appeal of autumn. Everyone dresses better because of the cooling weather, and as a result, everyone is ripe with self-esteem. We walk campus in leather jackets and

dence in anyone. That’s like someone offering you an ice-cream cone and you choose to instead cut off a large swatch of your own hair and eat that. Seriously, fall fashion is all inclusive. Old, balding man? A striped sweater for you! Four-foot-10-inch, 79-pound freshman girl? Have a peacoat and one of those weird droopy beanies. Weight problem? Tuck it under four layers of fashion! “Tyler!” you yell at the computer screen or newspaper sitting in front of you. “Who made you the chief of fashion? You guys already run a fashion column every other week!” Me. I decided I dress well. Stop yelling so much. As for the other fashion column, I go to school here. I’ve walked among you. Fashion advice is not something we can afford to limit. We’re a Big Ten school, damn it. Let’s dress like one. Winter is coming (not a “Game of


Thrones” reference, calm down, you nerd) and soon we’ll be bundled in our marshmallow coats and moon boots, awkwardly trying to not fall over every time we step in slush. Fall gives us a chance to look like what I assume Tom Brady looks like year-round, and I love the fact that most of us take it. For the rest of you: c’mon. Have some selfrespect. Check back next week when I release a list of every student, past and present, and rate them on a scale of one to 10. tyler keown is a sophomore journalism major. reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com.

acting: from 5

costumes: from 5 not thinking about future realist productions set in their present. “I’ve scoured a lot of secondhand stores,” Davis said. “Here and there you just find the occasional gem that pops out, and it’s always fun when you do find the fun stuff that’s kind of crazy, but if I put it with this, then it might work.” When it came time to reveal the costumes to the actors, Davis said their faces lit up. “Oh my gosh, I’m so ’70s,” Spenser Stokes (Bernie) said. “I love it all.”

high boots like we just stepped out of Burberry ad. We all secretly wish smoking wasn’t so hazardous to our health, because nothing would complement our outfits like a cigarette perched Fonz-style on our lower lips. It’s like two months of being in a movie, really. Every conversation, especially those held outside, turn into Hollywood-appropriate sessions of crossed arms and shifting feet to keep warmth in. Eye contact is held for a second longer because of the confidence boost. We play with our jacket zippers and blow into our ball-up fists, just like we should. The subject of our encounters doesn’t even matter, because look at how well we’re dressed. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, eat your heart out. Of course, there are those who don’t take advantage of the opportunity. Ratty old sweaters advertising rod runs and hooded sweatshirts embroidered with that weird, old, loopy Husker logo will not and should not instill confi-

The actors found it easier to get into character once they donned their costumes in rehearsal. “To have everyone put their stuff on, to have Spenser’s ridiculous mustache, to have the men with these chains on, it’s funny,” Molly Hammond (Joan) said. “I think everybody put the costumes on and stepped it up. Here’s the swag that we’ve been talking about having and here’s the confidence. It just oozed ‘70s after that.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

are more superficial, but just as important come opening night on Wednesday. Hammond tried to pick up Joan’s smoking habit using a non-addictive

electric cigarette. She said her fellow actors were able to tell her how to smoke without her looking “stupid.” “That was a level of preparation,”

she said. “I took the fake cigarette home every night and practiced.” arts @dailynebraskan.com

and laugh a little bit, also maybe think about past relationships, present relationships and maybe what to do and what not to do,” Sell said.

All tickets for “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” performances are sold out. arts @ dailynebraskan.com

perversity: from 5 “It’s kind of a roller coaster ride just with the stages of relationships that we stage in a matter of 95 minutes, and hopefully people come away

choreography: from 5 that dance and its kinetic elements was an intriguing way to get to know Danny in rehearsals, as he had to focus on the routine and then dance like his character would at that moment. He said the second routine in particular runs the gauntlet of character emotion. “It’s very interesting to watch that dance because there is sensual and sexy (movement) and then a slap and ‘don’t touch me,’” Rabstejnek said. “So getting that together is also really fun.” Herling said the actors were able

to catch onto the routines fairly quickly and continue to work on the character aspect of the dance. “I think all of us have enough experience where it was a fun thing to learn to do,” said Molly Hammond, a junior English major who plays Joan. A key element to the choreography was making sure the moves were authentic to the 1970s. “I got all of my choreography from things that I saw,” Herling said. “There isn’t a whole lot of new stuff in (the cho-

directing: from 5

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Meet the Dietitian

when: Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. where: Nebraska Union, Wellness Booth how much: Free

Take Back the Night: Film



Wednesday, 7


Nebraska Union Free

mow much:

Theatrix: “Sexual Perversity in Chicago”

when: Wednesday Friday, 7:30 p.m. where: Temple 304, Lab Theatre how much: $6

Surgical Sterilization, Regret and Race: Contemporary Patterns

when: Thursday,




Nebraska Union Free

how much:

EPA Gameday Recycling Challenge by Sustain UNL


Saturday Memorial Sta-



how much:


Dia de los Muertos


Sunday, Noon Sheldon Museum of Art how much: Free where:

“Protestant Reformers and Islam”


Monday, 7 p.m. Andrews Hall, Dudley Bailey Library how much: Free where:

sets: from 5

Jonathan Sell, director of “Sexual Perversity in Chicago,” critiques Monday night’s dress rehearsal at the Temple Building. “The nature of it being an episodic play has been the biggest challenge for both myself, the cast and the design team,” Sell said. “One day I was trying to figure out how to pronounce a certain bar name that the actors talk about,” Sell said. “I actually just called the bar in Chicago and listened to the guy answer the phone and asked him, ‘How do you pronounce your bar?’ and he told me.” The bar is just one setting for the production. There are 36 total scenes among the tiered set structure, which results in the stories of the characters ending and returning a few scenes later. “They connect but don’t really have an actual straight line connection,” Sell said. “It’s not (that) the (stage) just lights up and the actors are on stage for two hours and lights

reography). It’s pretty much stuff that you would always see. That way I knew I wasn’t doing anything too modern and not from the 1970s.” Herling found the experience of working with actors, rather than dancers, a beneficial one. “I’m not used to making counts for the dances that I do in the dance department,” she said. “I had to make sure there were counts with it. They did great.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

this week in campus events

never go down and you see the actors all through … so you have to figure out how to connect (scenes) even though there might be 45 minutes … between them.” Learning how to work through this challenge was Sell’s favorite part of the production. He also enjoyed learning how to help actors change their characters’ emotions at the drop of a hat or the flicker of a stage light. “Figuring (that process) out was the most challenging but the most rewarding,” Sell said. “I’ve never directed a play that was like this, so having that under my belt is great.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

correction In an Oct. 23 article titled “Fuzzy’s Tex-Mex fails to stand out,” the Daily Nebraskan incorrectly reported the number of locations of Fuzzy’s Taco Shops across the United States. According to David Hofer, the owner of the Lincoln, Neb., Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, there are “roughly 65 stores in 11 states.” The Daily Nebraskan regrets the error. If you spot a factual error in the Daily Nebraskan, please report it by calling (402) 472-2588. An editor will place the correction that will run in the print edition, also using bold type.

Matt Rightmire, graduate student in technical production, adjusts the projector to fill the screen with an image of the Chicago skyline before the Monday night dress rehearsal of “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” at the Temple Building. “I’m making sure the set and all physical parts of the show are built and ready on time,” said Rightmire, the play’s technical director. “I make sure all of the things we plan on doing for each show are physically possible and within budget.” routinely interact. “I love the design that Greg came up with,” Sell said. “It’s aesthetically pleasing to the audience when they walk in and see all the different kinds of things going on. It’s fun to have a scene here and go down there and go back up there. It never really gets old.” Throughout the production, actors move from one scene to the next as the lighting fades in and out to move the audience’s attention to a new scene. “When I did the levels, I made sure they were all one step apart, so it was an easy transition between one level to the next, so when the cast is moving one level to the next, it’s easy for the cast to step through,” Rishoi said. Along with the different levels of scenes, came the limited stage height of the Lab Theatre. The height of the set leaves just enough room for the lights, just a few inches, Rishoi said.

Joey Burbach, lighting design graduate student, was able to create the foundation for the lights when the set was close to being finalized. “It was a lot of communication between me and Greg,” Burbach said. “I wanted (lights) to go pretty fast because the production moves fast, and I wanted to keep it going.” Along with being fastpaced, the lighting helps to reflect the time period of the play. During the dancing scenes, Burbach uses many colors to help portray the feel of disco. “It’s fun to use a lot of color in (the Lab Theatre), because in a bigger theater, trying to get ... really deep blues (to show up) is really hard,” Burbach said. “In here it’s really easy because it’s not that much space for the light to shoot at.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com


wednesday, october 24, 2012




wednesday, october 24, 2012

Basketball tryouts offer rare opportunity for walk-ons Maybe I should warm up my jump shot. Nebraska basketball is holding open tryouts to walk on to the team, beginning with an informational meeting on Thursday. The Husker hoops team is looking dangerously thin. The time is ripe to take a shot. Okay, so maybe my switchhanded jump shot with the lefthanded follow-through isn’t suited for Division I basketball, but the campus recreation center is flooded with amateur ballers, some of which have some real

chris peters


game. The odds are low for making any DI team on tryouts, but if you can make a shot and take a charge, the chances might be higher than ever at Nebraska. New head coach Tim Miles inherited a team that returns only 26.1 percent of its minutes and 24.3 percent of its points. Eleven players are on scholarship, but only nine can play this season, with Terran Petteway and Walter Pitchford sitting out because of transfer. Potential walk-ons are looking at a rare opportunity to become a

starter at a Division I school. It’s Nebraska’s best big-man options at 6-foot-10. The 7-foot-1 Sergei going to take two or three years for Miles to build this program Vucetic stands tall, but is a slender 236 pounds up from the ground for his height and floor, and he’ll likely Any player is a true freshinsert a few walk-ons who can man, raising conalong the way, like he did at Colorado come in and impress cerns, at least in the short term. State, to make that ... could have an At the same happen. time, the HuskGot a friend immediate impact.” ers are looking to who’s seven-foot tall? lock down a point I’m sure coach Miles wishes he did. The Huskers are guard, with a multitude of options, eventually whittling down hurting for help in the paint, with to a freshman again – the most Brandon Ubel looking like one of

men’s golf: from 10

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Friday. Lapa said at the Wimberly, he found some adjustments to his swing that he hopes will carry over to the next tournament and beyond. “The last round I hit the ball really good, but I just putted bad,” he said. “I hit my driver the best I think I ever have in a long time.” NU coach Bill Spangler said before the Wimberly that Lapa, who is the only Husker to start in all four events this fall, has developed into one of his team’s top players. “He hasn’t even scratched the surface yet either,” Spangler said. “He’s done quite well.” Lapa was one of only 13 players in the 75-player field to finish under par for the tournament. It didn’t hurt that the tournament was held near his native state, on a course that made him feel right at home. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

the added factor of mountains near the course that cause subtle breaks on the greens. “It was just difficult to read them correctly,” Lapa said. As a team, NU placed seventh out of 12 schools with a final score of 9-over 861, 20 strokes behind runaway winner Wichita State. While the tournament on Monday and Tuesday marked the first time in seven tournaments, dating back to last year, that the Huskers shot better than 300 as a team in all three rounds, the finish left the squad eager to play again. “We’re getting better. I feel like in the past, the team would be OK with that,” Lapa said of the finish. “And now, the team is kind of still angry and ready to get back to some more tournaments.” Luckily for the Huskers, they will not have to wait long. After a day off on Wednesday and a practice round Thursday, they will be back in action at the UTEP Miner Invitational in El Paso, Texas, on

r e k a h S e n Bo k c a l B h Pitc


likely option being Benny Parker. No matter the size – SUV or Smart Car – Husker basketball is desperate for talented depth. Any player who can come in and impress at Miles’ open tryouts could have an immediate impact. So lace up the sneakers, wring out your sweatband and start running lines. There’s no better chance than right now. Chris Peters is a senior journalism/advertising and public relations major. Reach him at sports@ dailynebraskan.com

24 26

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27 29

31 33 35 36 39 40 41 42 44 46


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53 54 57 59 61




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wednesday, october 24, 2012


Versatile Meredith boosts battered Blackshirts Coaches get creative, use defensive ends in multitude of roles to find success Chris Peters DN Nebraska turned to its jack-of-alltrades, Cameron Meredith, when it needed a playmaker to fill a huge void on the defensive line on Saturday. Entering the game against Northwestern, the Huskers were without defensive tackles Kevin Williams (knee) and Chase Rome (concussion), players with starting experience who would miss the game because of injury. Behind them were Thad Randle and Todd Peat Jr., both of which were battling lingering injuries and couldn’t play at 100 percent. Next up on the depth chart was a true freshman, Aaron Curry. So the Huskers plugged in Meredith, a defensive end by training. Dating back to 2010, Nebraska coach Bo Pelini has relied on Meredith’s versatility, trying him out as a linebacker, defensive end and defensive tackle over the course of his career. “You look for the different combinations that are going to provide different things for you,” Pelini said. “Rather than go with a young, inexperienced guy, you go with some experience. “The guy is able to move in there. He’s a veteran guy. If we

feel that’s the best thing for us, made us more aware as a d-line and as a defense.” that’s what we are going to do.” When Meredith got winded, In a game where the Huskers were trying to do all they can to coaches moved fellow-defensive limit mobile quarterback Kain end Jason Ankrah to the inside, Colter, Meredith had to come up mimicking their scheme with Meredith. The benefits showed on big for his team. By game’s end, the senior had accumulated five the field, but coaches and players maintained that much of the reatackles and a sack, taking on a number of double-team blocks en soning behind that was the injuryriddled group of defensive tackles. route to his team’s 29-28 win. “I just think they were being “Cam played well,” Pelini safe with those guys,” Meredith said. “We knew we’d move him in there probably Tuesday or said. “I know how to play tackle, I’ve been in the system for four Wednesday of last week. We gave him some reps, and I thought he years now – I’m in my fifth year — so, I don’t think it was that hard. did well in there.” “Moving inside is a little differ“I thought I did well,” Meredith said. “I thought I held up ent, but you’re still playing the guy in front of you.” pretty good.” This season has The speed and Moving inside been an opportunity awareness offered for Meredith to disis a little by Meredith proplay his versatility. vided a unique different, but you’re Pelini has used Merdynamic to the Needith in a variety of braska defensive still playing the guy roles for multiple line, which had a in front of you.” seasons now, but the breakout game, recording 23 tackles Cameron Meredith frequency at which Meredith is moving as a unit, limiting nu defensive end inside to tackle or Northwestern’s ofdropping back as a fense to 301 total linebacker is rising. yards. As the Big Ten slate wears on, “We knew when Kain Colter was at quarterback, there was a the Blackshirts may have found a nice wrinkle — using Meredith 70 percent chance for him to run,” Meredith said. “When he was in and other defensive ends as a tool the game, we were definitely a lot to help defend against the spread. more aware of the quarterback run As far as Meredith is concerned, he’ll play wherever the coaches game. “We were just well prepared stick him. “I don’t mind. I actually like for the quarterback run, more than we have been in the past. Just it,” Meredith said. sports@ knowing about Colter and how he dailynebraskan.com can run as a quarterback, it just

file photo by anna reed | dn

Senior Cameron Meredith celebrates with defensive end Eric Martin after a play. Meredith has played a number of positions in 2012, ranging from defensive end to defensive tackle and linebacker.

Challenge course fosters bonding “Socially acceptable playground” offers fun challenge with 50-foot climbing wall

provided class bonding, said Becca Grosskurth, a sophomore marketing and environmental studies major. “You had to trust people to belay you or hold you up when you’re climbing,” Grosskurth said. “That can be kind of scary, especially when you know the people doing it haven’t Cara Wilwerding had experience climbing. You have to dn trust each other with that and encourage each other.” It’s not every day that you get to proGrosskurth has worked for Outpel your classmates 50 feet into the air. door Adventures for seven months But that’s exactly what environmen- and has gone on a number of climbtal studies students did when they ing trips with the group. She said visited the University of Nebraskathe alpine tower is not as physically Lincoln’s Challenge Course a couple demanding or technical as serious weeks ago. climbs, but still offers a fun challenge. The point of the challenge course “It’s kind of like a big playis to improve interaction and comground,” Grosskurth said. “A socially munication within small groups, said acceptable playground for college Kyle Hansen, coordinator for Outkids.” door Adventures. While having fun is important, “It’s a unique Hansen said the main experience that all purpose of the course It’s kind of members of the is to bring groups like a big group go through closer together. He together,” Hansen said many groups playground. A said. “It’s unifying leave the course with to share experiences socially acceptable a different attitude like that.” than they had before. Activities in- playground.” “From the outclude a number of side looking in, Becca Grosskurth low and high course there’s definitely a environmental studies major events on telephone sense of accomplishpoles and platforms, ment and a renewed cave rescue scenarexcitement for the focus they’re with,” ios, a 50-foot Alpine Tower, a giant Hansen said. “People are proud of swing, a double-tree diamond and a what they’ve achieved while they 50-foot climbing wall. were out there.” The Environmental Studies 101 The challenge course is open to class, led by Sara Cooper, spent the student groups, community memmajority of its time on the Alpine bers, youth groups and corporate Tower. The structure features 19 dif- clients. Rates vary depending on the ferent routes to the top platform, ingroup size. Typical rates are $10 per cluding climbing ladders, rock walls, person for a half-day program or $20 swinging logs and even a teeter-totter. per person for a full-day program. “It wasn’t just a normal rock Hansen encourages groups to wall,” said Jed Perkins, a sophomore give the challenge course a try. environmental studies major. “There “It’s an environment where you were a bunch of things to do on it, can push and challenge yourself to so I thought that was really cool. I achieve a number of different things,” thought it was a lot of fun.” Hansen said. Because a three-person team besports@ dailynebraskan.com layed each climber, scaling the tower

cara wilwerding | dn

Sarah Spier balances on a teeter-totter on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Challenge Course on Oct. 3. Spier completed the course as a group bonding exercise with her environmental studies class.

On Braxton Miller’s status - “I’ve seen him this morning work out. Once again, he passed all his tests and everything. He’s good to go for practice. There’ll be no contact. Our biggest concern is just how sore he is.”

Defense Prepares for Michigan Nebraska faces a daunting task this weekend when Michigan comes to town. The Wolverines boast one of the Big Ten’s more explosive offenses, led by Big Ten Player of the Year candidate Denard Robinson. The senior signal caller leads the conference in rushing this season. However, Nebraska defensive coordinator John Papuchis said Robinson isn’t the only player the Husker defense needs to worry about. “Fitzgerald Toussaint is a great running back and Roy Roundtree is a great wide receiver,” Papuchis said. “I really think they are talented across the board, and I think they present some challenges. “They are dynamic at all levels, and you have to make sure you aren’t focusing on Robinson the whole time.” Michigan is one of the Big Ten’s better rushing teams led by Robinson and Toussaint. The Wolverines rank fourth in the conference in rushing. Papuchis said Michigan throws the ball a little less than it did last season. “They have run the ball more, and I think it’s because they have had success with the run,” Papuchis said.

Michigan’s Defense Poses Challenge

cara wilwerding | dn

Members of a small group participate in the challenge course, which features a 50-foot climbing wall and a number of other challenges that teams can compete in.

Big ten TELECONFERENCE Urban Meyer, Ohio State

football practice notes

As much credit as the Michigan offense gets, the defense has quietly been one of the Big Ten’s best. The Wolverines rank second in the Big Ten in total defense. Nebraska tight end Kyler Reed said the Michigan defense will be the biggest challenge the Huskers have faced this season. “They are real physical,” Reed said. “They fly to the ball, so as a tight end and part of the offensive line, we have to keep them off our running backs and off (quarterback Taylor Martinez). We are going to get in there and fly around. They are well-coached. They had a good plan heading into last year’s game, and they knocked us off our chemistry.” Nebraska’s offense managed just 17 points against the Wolverines last year in a turnover-plagued

game at Ann Arbor, Mich. One of the problems was the different defensive fronts the Huskers faced. Michigan changed up the number of down linemen on a regular basis. Reed said it shouldn’t be a problem this time around. “We saw that all throughout the Big 12,” Reed said. “That wasn’t really the problem last year. We’ve seen odd a lot this year to prepare for it.” Reed said the Huskers have a better game plan heading into this year’s game and offensive coordinator Tim Beck added some new wrinkles to the offense. “We have a better game plan this year,” Reed said. “We have a better understanding to them this year. We have to match their intensity.”

Third Down One of the keys to this weekend’s game will be third-down conversions. Michigan ranks at the top of the Big Ten in third-down conversions while Nebraska struggled last week against the Wildcats on third downs. If the Husker defense wants to stop Michigan’s offense, it begins on the third down, Papuchis said. “We are getting closer to where we want to be,” Papuchis said. “The challenge this week is to be consistent. We have had some good defensive performances, but we haven’t put it together in back to back weeks. So we have to do that.” Consistency is something Nebraska’s offense is aiming for this weekend. Reed said the Husker offense didn’t execute well on third down in last week’s win over Northwestern. “We watched the film and we have to convert those (third-down plays),” Reed said. “They are the money downs; if we want to score we have to convert those. We put a big emphasis on that Monday.”

Side Note Cornerback Josh Mitchell is back and practicing. He missed last week’s game with an ankle injury. He is expected to play Saturday against Michigan. -Compiled by Andrew Ward

of a temper, and we both like to compete.” On preparing for Braxton Miller - “We’re preparing for Braxton Miller. He’s an excellent player, one of the top players in the country. He does everything well. He can run, he can throw, he’s instinctive and he runs Urban’s offense very well. At the end of the day, that’s the guy that we have to prepare for.” ››-Information from the Associated Press was used.

Brady Hoke, Michigan

On who will be playing quarterOn Michigan’s win against back on Saturday “We’re going to have two ready. Kenny GuiMichigan State last weekton and Braxton are a little bit different players. They’re both end - “Any time you win good athletes, so we’ll still have the elements of the run and a game against a rival it’s option and the things that Braxton does so well. Kenny is a always important, but that great manager, a great — what’s the word I’m looking for — game’s over. We’ve got to distributor. He does a very good job. He’s like a coach on the move forward.” field. So he gets you in the right plays very easily. We’re going to have both ready. And it’s not that much different.” On Michigan’s hopes for a Big Ten championship - “Besides ››-Information from the Associated Press was used. graduating and honoring your name ... the expectations are to win Big Ten championships, especially at Michigan. We emBill O’Brien, Penn brace it, we’re not going to shy away from it and we’re going State to be honest about it.” On the comparison between ››-Information from MLive was used. him and Matt McGloin - “Uh, I don’t know. He’s a much better ››Today’s teleconference is incomplete because the Big Ten athlete than me and he has a Conference had yet to post audio on its website upon the lot more hair than I do. At the teleconference’s completion. Reports from various sources, end of the day, we’re both Irish, as noted, were used. maybe we both have a little bit ››-Robby Korth, DN Sports Editor -Compiled by Angela Hensel


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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports

not so

Special story by andrew ward

men’s golf

Arizona natives thrive at NMSU Zach Tegler DN

file photo by brianna soukup | dn

Wide receiver Kenny Bell returns a kick. In Saturday’s game against Northwestern, Bell and fellow-returner Ameer Abdullah each fumbled once. Special teams miscues were also an issue last year against Michigan.

Nebraska’s special teams unit struggles to find groove


inconsistent. meer Abdullah waved his “A lot of different things have popped hand in the air, signaling for a up at different times,” Pelini said. “We’ve fair catch. lost some field position. The other day, we Just before the football had the two dropped punts. Then we finally landed in his arms, the Husker get a good kickoff return or we hold someI-Back took his eyes off it, letbody. We’ve started backed up a number of ting the ball slide through his hands. Northtimes that’s hurt us.” western recovered the muffed punt 14 yards Pelini said the coaching staff is makaway from the end zone. The Wildcats scored four plays later to ing personnel changes on the unit. Howtake a 7-3 lead against the Huskers late in the ever, the group needs to be more consistent first quarter of Saturday’s game. Nebraska against Michigan this weekend, Pelini said, especially after what happened last year ended the game with three lost fumbles, two when the Huskers played the Wolverines. of which came on dropped fair catches. Michigan manhandled Nebraska in “It’s something that can’t happen,” Ann Arbor, Mich., last year 45-17. The main Abdullah said. “I can’t put the defense in a problem came from Nebraska’s special situation like that. It just made the game a lot teams unit in the second tougher than it had to be.” half. The next time NeI can’t put Bell returned the openbraska prepared to return a the defense ing kickoff of the second punt, wideout Kenny Bell half 33 yards, but fumbled dropped back to receive. He in a situation like at the end to give Michigan misjudged the ball, letting it a short field. The Wolverslip through his fingers as that. It just made ines capitalized to take a well, giving Northwestern the game a lot 24-10 lead early in the third a short field once again as quarter. the Wildcats recovered the tougher than it On the ensuing Nebrasfumble. had to be.” ka possession, Maher mis“Putting Kenny in there Ameer Abdullah handled a snap, allowing probably wasn’t a good nu kick/punt returner Michigan to block the punt. move,” running backs coach The Wolverines took a comRon Brown said. “They were manding 31-10 lead at that line-driving (their punts) or rolling the ball up, so we put Kenny in a point after leading 17-10 at halftime. When Nebraska attempted to come tough situation. I put that on me.” back later in the game, a roughing the The Huskers forced Northwestern to punt that possession. When Abdullah caught punter penalty and another kickoff return the ensuing Wildcat punt, Husker fans let out fumble demoralized those chances. “Our guys understand what needs to be a sarcastic cheer. Those fans were frustrated, and right- done,” Pelini said. “I promise you this; those guys out there weren’t trying to drop the fully so. Many believe the special teams unit ball on punts. You just have to execute when for Nebraska has not lived up to expectathe time comes.” tions so far this season. The mistakes seem to come often for The Huskers gave up a kickoff return for a touchdown against Southern Miss. in Nebraska’s special teams’ players. Brown said the unit is resilient, though. the season opener, kicking off the season on After Abdullah caught the punt and a sour note. Then, the unit gave up a punt return for a touchdown against Ohio State, a listened to the sarcastic clapping from Nebraska fans, he walked back to the huddle. key momentum swing in that game. Senior place kicker Brett Maher has He didn’t fumble again the rest of the game. missed more field goals (five) in seven He just tuned out the critics, he said. “I’m not going to beat myself up for it,” games than he did all of last year (four). Abdullah said. “I have a really good supNebraska seems to be losing the field position battle so far this season as well. The porting cast with my teammates, and they Huskers rank eighth in the Big Ten in punt- picked me up. Time doesn’t stop when you make a mistake, so you’ve got to move on ing and kicking this season. They have a net and keep rolling.” punt average of 36 yards and a net kick avsports@ erage of 38.9 yards. dailynebraskan.com When asked about the special teams, one word came to coach Bo Pelini’s mind:

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Brett Maher punts a ball. This season has been uncharacteristic of the 2011 Big Ten punter and kicker of the year. Maher has missed more field goals through seven games this season than the senior did all of last season.

Kolton Lapa felt right at home at the Herb Wimberly Intercollegiate in Las Cruces, N.M. Lapa, a freshman golfer from Mesa, Ariz., struggled with the transition to the tighter, precision-demanding Midwestern style of golf courses earlier this semester. But at the New Mexico State University Golf Course, he knew the mindset he needed. “As soon as I got to the course, I was like, ‘This reminds me of Arizona,’” Lapa said. “I could visualize some Arizona golf holes that I’ve had really good success on.” L a p a shot a threeround total of 2-underpar to finish tied for dickson seventh place at the tournament to lead the Nebraska men’s golf team. Junior Matt Record, also an Arizona native, and sophomore Ross Dickson also finished in the top 30 for the Huskers, with scores of 4-over and 5-over, respectively. Rounding out Nebraska’s scoring were senior Neil Dufford, who finished at 11-over, and junior Manuel Lavin, who shot 12-over. Lapa said with his experience on desert-style courses, he was able to offer some advice to his teammates. “I just told them if they missed a shot, then don’t worry about it,” Lapa said. “There’s going to be a shot, and there’s going to be an opening to make par or even birdie.” He added that the course was set up to be more difficult on Tuesday, the second day of play. With tougher pin placements and slower greens, Lapa struggled to putt as well as he did on Monday. He and his teammates were all helping each other read putts, with

men’s golf: see page 8

men’s basketball

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Wil Richards celebrates a special team tackle. Richards and the kick coverage unit have had the most success of the speical teams units, especially lately, successfully containing Big Ten returning yardage leader Venric Mark.

Hoops plans open tryouts Staff Report DN

High school hot-shot competes early Freshman Deeg pushes senior Wright for top spot after decorated H.S. career Jacy Lewis DN Cassie Deeg may only be a freshman, but she has already made an impression on the NU golf scene. Her best finish for the Huskers has been at the Price’s “Give ‘Em Five” Invitational where she tied for 12th place. Deeg is currently averaging 76.22 for her stroke career, which places her in the No. 2 spot on the team. Deeg was recruited heavily by other schools such as Missouri State and Idaho. Recruiters from Big Ten school Illinois even had their eyes on her. She decided on Nebraska instead, even though she was a bit apprehensive in the beginning. “At first I didn’t want to visit, but when I visited here it felt like home,” Deeg said. She had an exceptional high school career in Hugo, Minn., at Stillwater Area High School. Deeg

file photo by anna reed | dn

Cassie Deeg sails a shot for the green. Deeg, a Minnesota state champion in high school, has had an immediate impact at Nebraska and currently sits at No. 2 on the team, pushing for first. won the state championship in 2011 and was the Minnesota women’s match play runner-up in 2012. In 2008 and 2011, her state titles qualified her for the National Junior Girls tournament. Deeg also helped her high school team se-

cure runner-up finishes at state in 2011 and 2012. Deeg began playing golf when she was in the sixth grade. She grew up in a family who golfed regularly; it was only a matter of time until she started playing, too.

“My dad and my brother used lege golf in the short time she has to play all the time,” Deeg said. spent in the program. “When my dad lost his golfing “She is one of the best freshbuddy, he got me golfing lessons men I have had, with her matuand at first I wasn’t very excited rity and being prepared to play,” about it.” Krapfl said. In time, Deeg fell in love with As for her new career at NU, the game. Nebraska coach Robin Deeg has consistently tied during Krapfl noticed her spirit for the first- and second-round play with sport when on a recruiting trip. senior Katelyn Wright, the top “We have a player from Minnegolfer on the team. Deeg golfed sota, (junior) Steffi the best round by Neisen,” Krapfl a Husker so far said. “I went up to this season, with She is one a tournament and a three-under-par of the best watched Cassie. I 69 at the Golfweek was impressed by freshman I have Conference Chalher strokes.” lenge in Wolcott, had.” Collegiate level Colo. golf is very difKrapfl said she Robin Krapfl ferent from high is pleased with women’s golf coach school golf, with Deeg’s accomplisha vastly increased ments so far this level of play, so Deeg has been enseason, giving her further faith in during an adjusting period in her her recruiting in Minnesota. She first season. She said this has just said she believes that the junior made her more motivated to im- program in Minnesota prepares prove her game. their players to be able to play at “It’s a lot different because in the collegiate level. high school there would be a cou“She still needs to learn a few ple of good players,” Deeg said. shots here and there,” Krapfl said. “But in college, you are playing “She is really good at everything, with girls who will go pro.” so we just want to make her great.” sports@ Krapfl thinks that Deeg has dailynebraskan.com done a great job adjusting to col-

Nebraska men’s basketball coach Tim Miles might be trying to create a stable of walk-ons much like the program for NU’s football team. The Nebraska hoops team will have a mandatory informational meeting this Thursday at 3:30 p.m. for any students interested in walking on to the program. Any student who wishes to join the team must be taking a minimum of 12 hours from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln during the fall semester and needs to bring a valid NCard to the meeting. Any student who wants to walk on will learn about the tryout process and how to go about joining the program. Last season, walk-on Mike Fox was a regular player for the Huskers. Fox averaged 9.6 minutes per game in 23 appearances under former NU coach Doc Sadler. Fox left the program after the departure of Sadler to focus on academics. Students who walk onto the program will be added to Nebraska’s already deep stable of depth. Kye Kurkowski, Jordan Tyrance and Trevor Menke are the walk-ons to return from last season’s squad. Miles has already added two Nebraska-natives as walk-ons this season. Max Ritchie, a walk-on freshman guard from Nebraska City, scored more than 1,000 points in his high school career. Western Nebraska Community College transfer Mike Peltz also joined the team as a guard to help replace starters Brandon Richardson and Bo Spencer. Peltz averaged more than six assists per game for the Cougars. sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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