Oct. 3

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2012 volume 112, issue 033

First-person student

Dropping the ball

Call increases for academic study of video games

Fumbles, other unforced errors harming Huskers

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Privatization of Health Center worries students Conor Dunn DN For Allison Skinner, a free visit to the University Health Center is everything. A graduate psychology student, Skinner visits the health center about three times a semester and is enrolled in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Healthy Option Student Plan, the health center’s insurance plan, which also allows her two free exams in the dental office. UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman announced plans to privatize the health center on Sept. 11, and he sent a request-for-proposal (RFP) the following day asking local health care providers to submit bids to fund a new health center at 21st and Vine streets. The university says it will search for a provider that agrees to offer the same services the center currently offers at the same or cheaper prices. But Skinner isn’t convinced. Lately, she’s been trying to get the most use out of her insurance because she’s worried privatization might eliminate the plan and its benefits. “I didn’t know what the changes would be, so that’s why I’m coming now,” she said. Skinner was one of more than 15 students interviewed in the health center and around campus Tuesday who said they feel uninformed about the health center’s privatization process. In fact, Philip Malchow, a senior psychology major, didn’t realize the center was even in a privatization process — and he uses the health center’s counseling services once a week. But Malchow said he isn’t too concerned with privatization plans. “If it’s still up in the air, I’m alright with not being aware until it’s solidified,” Malchow said in regard to the details of the services and costs the new provider will offer to students. Some students, like freshman Elizabeth Hruska, learned about UNL’s health center privatization plans by email. On Sept. 21, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Juan Franco sent an

email to students notifying them of the health center’s privatization process. Franco said students could also check the Student Affairs website for answers to frequently asked questions. It was the first time students were directly informed of the university’s plans following Perlman’s State of the University address in early September. Hruska, a general studies major, said the information provided was vague. “I wish we could have more definitive answers,” she said. Sophomore Jessica Carlson agreed. Carlson, a meteorology-climatology major, was visiting the health center for a sinus infection. Although she only uses the health center every couple months, she said she appreciates the service because of its low-cost pharmaceutical prices. And because Carlson is on her parents’ insurance and has to pay higher fees for certain services than students on the center’s student plan, she is happy she doesn’t have to pay a co-pay fee when she needs to use the medical clinic. If a for-profit provider takes over the health center, Carlson said she is worried that convenience will disappear. “It would suck,” she said. “I’ll be back to square one with paying out of pocket.” And not everyone who uses the health center is a student. Tom and Rebecca Randa, 31 and 28 of Lincoln, use the health center because it’s the only provider in Lincoln that offers travel immunizations. Because they are not students, they pay community fees. Although they consider the cost of using the health center high because they are not students, the Randa family said it’s a convenience not to have to travel to Omaha each time they want to travel to another country. Travel immunization services haven’t been outlined specifically in the RFP — the Randas are worried the convenience of the center’s location will

health: see page 2

RHA disapproves of mixed-use garage Senators say private apartments project on campus blur lines for students Emily Nitcher DN A resolution opposed to building private housing on top of a new parking garage spurred the first lengthy debate of the semester for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Residence Hall Association Tuesday. The resolution — which passed with 13 votes yes, four no and 18 abstaining — was to show disapproval for a proposed UNL plan to build private apartments on top of the new parking garage at 18th and R streets. The Board of Regents tabled the plan at its September meeting, and the plan could be up for a vote at the board’s next meeting on Oct. 26. RHA President Meg Brannen, a senior advertising and public relations major, said the private apartments would mean students living on campus could walk across the street to drink and return to the residence halls, putting a bigger burden on hall staff. It would create an unclear distinction between what is UNL property and what is private, Brannen said. The private apartments would pay UNL $120,000 for using the space, but Brannen said she did not know which UNL department would receive the money. Zach Christensen, a senator from the Kauffman Academic Residential Center and a junior biochemistry major, said he felt RHA was making a lot of assumptions about the effects the private housing would have on the university.

Christensen said the $120,000 UNL would receive from the apartments could help keep future costs down. “They raise our fees all the time,” Christensen said. “Money is money.” Treasurer Nate Watley, a junior computer engineering major, called the $120,000 a “drop of water in the money well.” Christensen abstained from voting but said he didn’t know abstaining would mean the resolution would pass without a twothirds majority. He said he would have liked to table the resolution for another week, pointing out the Board of Regents tabled the plans themselves. Vice President Ryan King, a senior computer science major, said a two-thirds majority was only needed for constitutional amendments and budgets. The resolution will be given to Association of Students of the University of Nebraska President Eric Kamler, a junior agricultural economics major, to present at the Oct. 26 Board of Regents meeting. Kamler is a student regent and will speak on behalf of RHA. Brannen was happy with the level of discussion in RHA’s first controversial issue of the year. “I’m so glad people were really thinking and formulating opinions,” Brannen said. “I’m happy they asked so many questions.” Sue Gildersleeve, director of University Housing, spoke in open forum to tell RHA senators about a market study Housing plans to do on Burr and Fedde halls on East Campus. Gildersleeve said Housing has been looking to update all the residence halls, and the study will help formalize that process. News@ DailyNebraskan.Com


Dick Evans, senior agriculture economics major, gives a small speech to his fellow Sigma Chi members during the fraternity’s Monday night dinner in the basement of the Sigma Chi house. The fraternity was suspended in 2009 and returned this year.

“Be better men” After 3 years of suspension, Sigma Chi rebuilds Elias Youngquist dn For two years, the house at 1510 Vine St. sat empty. Construction crews came and went, people occasionally stopped by, but the house was decidedly devoid of fraternity members. This summer, the house sprang to life once again. Three years after its suspension, Sigma Chi has returned to campus at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, though most everything has changed, but the name. The vast majority of the house was renovated, its bylaws and constitution have been rewritten and only two of the original members remain in the fraternity. “We’ve taken all the good things we used to do and gotten all the bad out of them,” said Daniel Pfingsten, a senior nutrition exercise and health sciences major and Sigma Chi president. The fraternity was suspended for four years in September 2009 after several members were charged with hazing, procuring alcohol for minors and sexual assault, the last

of which was dropped. Following the suspension, Sigma Chi underwent a membership review and dropped nearly half of its members, Pfingsten said. The members who remained undertook the rewriting of the bylaws, constitution and pledge class materials. “They put a lot of hard work in for very little pay off,” Pfingsten said of the members of Sigma Chi who worked on the rewriting. Despite being suspended for four years, the fraternity petitioned for a reinstatement after two years and was able to recruit two years earlier than the original 2013 date, Pfingsten said. The fraternity emphasizes quality over quantity with only 25 members, 15 of whom are pledges, Pfingsten said. This leaves the house 30 members below capacity with very few juniors and seniors. Many of the members, though, view this as a positive. “I can rise to power so much faster,” said Colin Costello, a freshman general studies major. “I want to rise the house up.” During house’s vacancy period, a $2.6

million remodeling project was undertaken. Because of the renovation and smaller member size, the fraternity is one of the most expensive on campus. “We pay about eight grand with everything, but it’s still cheaper than regular housing,” Pfingsten said. “It’s probably more pricey than the rest, but it’s worth it. The bed I got, nobody had slept in that bed before. It wasn’t a disgusting frat-house bed.” After revamping nearly the entire fraternity, the chapter received the “best improved” award from the national Sigma Chi organization earlier this year. The fraternity has also implemented weekly Bible studies and a scholarship program for grade point average and involvement in the fraternity and around campus. In February of 2008, a pledge told police he and others were forced to drink vodka and Tabasco sauce shots until they vomited and forced to stare at the ceiling for two hours while members verbally assaulted them. In one instance, the pledge said, a

sigma chi: see page 3

Rep. Deb Fischer meets with students dan holtmeyer dn Fresh off Monday evening’s debate with Democratic rival Bob Kerrey, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Deb Fischer got a chance to stand on her own and talk to students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Tuesday evening. In a relatively rushed half-hour, sandwiched between two other campaign stops, Fischer laid out her beliefs and policy ideas to about 50 students and other Lincoln residents, most sporting blue Deb Fischer stickers. After chatting with most of those in attendance, the candidate — a rancher from Valentine, Neb., and state senator since 2004 — largely stuck to the same script she did in Monday’s debate, stressing what she said was an urgent need to cut federal spending and regulation and rein in a $16 trillion federal debt without raising taxes. “Everything else stems from that,” Fischer said. “You talk to any business, you talk to any hospital, you talk to any school, you talk to any manufacturer, and they’ll tell you government is out of hand.” On other hot issues, including energy, health care and defense,

dan holtmeyer | dn

Deb Fischer, Republican candidate for Nebraska’s open U.S. Senate seat, chats with supporters in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center’s Unity Room, where she briefly spoke and met with students Tuesday evening. Fischer agrees with her party: Use the country’s oil and coal reserves, repeal the Affordable Care Act or ‘Obamacare,’ and prevent the defense budget from being reduced by $500 billion. “You have the Secretary of De-

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fense (Leon Panetta) saying those cuts will be a bullet to the head,” Fischer said. “That doesn’t provide security for our nation and it certainly, certainly doesn’t provide security for the world.” Fischer’s audience was largely

friendly to her message and many attendants said they were glad for the opportunity to talk with her in person. “I hear about Fischer a lot, so I wanted to come check her out for myself,” said Maggie Glogowski, a junior elementary education major. With Fischer’s background in education — she served on her town’s school board — Glogowski said she trusted the candidate’s judgment. Drake McNally, a student at Lincoln High School and self-described conservative, said attending was a way into the political world. “This is the first real event that I’ve been to,” McNally said. “I have to say, I agree with almost all of her views.” A handful of opponents were in the audience, as well, including Tyson Johnson, a senior in political science and economics. Johnson said he appreciated Fischer coming out to the university, but added he was somewhat frustrated by the event’s shortness. “She continued to be very vague, specifically in her largest claim of getting a balanced budget,” he said. “I was really hoping for an

fischer: see page 3



wednesday, october 3, 2012

Speaker forecasts U.S. faiths, future Mara Klecker DN

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Students learn about health at a Area Health Education Center in Nebraska. A new center will be opened on the Doane College campus to serve the Lincoln area.

Lincoln receives grant to build health center Students will receive hands-on experience at a new rural health center maren westra dn Gretchen Forsell has seen a difference in Norfolk, thanks to the Area Health Education Center. Now Lincoln is set to get its own. Forsell directs Norfolk’s Northern Nebraska Area Health Education Center, which focuses on recruiting and retaining health care professionals in rural or underserved communities around Nebraska. Since the program’s implementation in 2002, Forsell said she has seen an improvement in her community through the number of students pursuing health-care careers. “We have a variety of health professionals in the region … who started out in our programs when they were in high school,” she said. With a five-year grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the University of Nebraska Medical Center is building a new center in Lincoln and renewing its funding for the other Nebraska centers.

There are four existing Nebraska centers: Norfolk, Grand Island, Scottsbluff and Omaha, according to a UNMC press release. Dr. Michael Sitorius, chairperson of family medicine at UNMC and director of Nebraska Area Health Education Center in Omaha, said the Lincoln center will be on the Doane College campus. The centers are part of a national program present in almost every state, he said, and they educate students, as well as offer hands-on experience. “The focus is in rural areas specifically … (and) on education,” he said. “The goal of the whole program is to try to build a health care work force … We’re hoping that the end result is more healthcare professionals.” Forsell estimated that upward of 75 percent of students who become involved in the program during or before ninth grade are still involved when they graduate high school, and they don’t expire out of the system when they graduate, either. Forsell said some of the programs offered by the Nebraska health education centers include a popular summer camp and a “huge” job shadowing program that involves professionals in over 300 different careers in the health care world. These careers range from the IT professionals who work in hospitals, to surgeons, dentists and more, she said. “It’s giving us an opportunity


A 13-year-old boy selling popcorn in Memorial Stadium Saturday was hit in the eye after a man pushed through the crowd surrounding the boy, according to University of Nebraska-Lincoln police. University police said James Krasomil, a 63-year-old Lincoln resident, tried to push his way through a crowd in section 1 at 7:50 p.m. and became frustrated. Police say Krasomil hit the boy’s popcorn bag, which swung around and scratched his eye. Police charged Krasomil with third-degree assault.


Officers patrolling downtown Lincoln near the corner of 16th and P streets saw a man punching another man in the face early Friday morning. Austin Kardell, a senior construction management major, was cited for third-degree assault and battery. Police said Kardell was drinking at The Bar and was making fun of the person he assaulted because he was a male nursing student. Kardell followed the other person out of The Bar. He had a 0.205 blood alcohol content and was sent to detox, police said. Kardell refused to speak to police. Police said the victim did not suffer major injuries.

Lost phone call leads to assault

A UNL freshman returned to The Village Saturday night and tried to call her ex-boyfriend when the phone call was dropped. Police said Emily Osborne, a freshman general studies major, went to her exboyfriend’s dorm room where an argument and fight broke out. Police were called to the scene after 2 a.m., but the fight occurred earlier. Osborne was cited for third-degree assault. —Compiled by Daniel Wheaton NEWS@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM

to show students what they (don’t) know about,” she said. Sitorius said other events include eighth grade science fairs and health fairs for fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Nebraska centers have received federal funding for 13 years, according to the press release. Sitorius said all federal funding must be “matched,” meaning the centers must come up with an equal amount of money, and all of it is split between the different Nebraska centers. Sitorius also said that since the first two Nebraska health education centers were established 13 years ago, “there are more opportunities … and there has been increased interest.” But he added that the overall success is difficult to quantify because many of the students who were first involved are just starting to graduate into larger endeavors and are still being tracked. According to Forsell, Nebraska health education centers serve 26 counties in the state. To reach rural and underserved students, it is necessary for staff and programs to travel, she said. “We try to showcase careers that are going to be important in the next few years that people don’t think about,” Forsell said. “(Healthcare professionals) can make a tremendous difference in someone’s life.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

There is an ever-growing religious chasm in America. That was the message acclaimed author and Harvard University professor of public policy, Robert Putnam, delivered to a packed Lied Center for Performing Arts Tuesday night. Putnam’s presentation, “American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us,” based on his award-winning book of the same title, was the first in the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues “Religion, Rights, and Politics” series. The book interprets collected data from “two of the most comprehensive surveys ever conducted on religion and public life in America,” according to Putnam’s website. Indeed, the presentation hinged on empirical and statistical data. Graphs and charts pointed to drastic changes in American religious views and attitudes over the past half-century. The power of his message, however, came from the in-depth questioning of what the findings mean for the nation’s future. “We (Americans) are religiously devout and religiously divided and, in most parts of the world, that is a prescription for mayhem,” Putnam said. “The puzzle is ‘Can America be religiously devout, religiously divided and religiously tolerant?’” The answer is complicated, Putnam admitted, but he said an increasing trend of tolerance in America will prevent the chaos that is evident in Middle Eastern religious clashes. Putnam’s data pointed to a division among age groups. Many of the trends among older adults clashed with the statistics gathered on the younger generation, a finding that Putnam attributes, in part, to the occurrence of 9/11 at an impressionable time in childhood. According to his research, the percentage of Americans under 30 who identify as having “no religious preference” skyrocketed from 5 percent to 35 percent in the last 50 years.

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Robert Putnam talks to a capacity crowd at the Lied Center while delivering his speech, “American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us,” at the first E.N. Thompson forum of the 2012-13 academic year. This trend, Putnam stated, is still accelerating and represents a frustration with organized religion. “College is the low point where most people are the least religious,” Putnam stated. College years, however, are a time of political activism, Putnam said. This is where the polarization comes in. “Young voters say, ‘If that’s all religion is about — homophobia and politics — then I’m out of here.’” Veronica Riepe, director of Student Involvement at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, came to hear Putnam speak after reading his book. “I was surprised that such a large percentage of young people are considered non-religious,” she said. Isaac Wells, a freshman chemistry major, found the findings fascinating, but not surprising. “It was interesting to see that a lot of young people are still as spiritual as they used to be, but they don’t go to institutional religions because of politics. I wasn’t surprised by it.” Katherine Hunt, a political sci-

ence graduate student, wanted to know more about Putnam’s claims about the generosity of those who identify as religious. “Putnam’s findings that religious people tend to be ‘nicer’ was particularly interesting to me, though I think there may be explanations that were not explored,” she said. The Harvard professor didn’t want his message to be entirely negative. “I’m an optimistic kind of guy, despite all the writing I do on problems,” he said to the group of 30 students that attended a questionand-answer session at the Nebraska Union Tuesday afternoon. “America really is a good country.” Putnam also left the students with words of inspiration. As he sat on a desk in the front of the Union Auditorium, slightly swinging his dangling feet, he said, “Your generation is the first spark of hope. You actually have the potential of being the first generation in a long time to fix (these problems).” news@ dailynebraskan.com

Kalu said everything was readily available to be paid upfront through student fees, so she didn’t have to worry abou t paying out of pocket. But Kalu fears that won’t be the same with a new provider. “I am petrified of the costs of going into an emergency room,” she said. Location was also a convenience for Kalu. The center is at the heart of campus and directly north of Selleck Quadrangle, a residence hall where international students typically live, Kalu said. “They know where to go,” she said. If services and location changes, international students will likely become confused, Kalu said. “They really dropped the ball on this one,” she said in regard to the university not having re-

searched the effects of privatization or the current health services the health center offers. “Nobody knows how this is going to happen,” Kalu said. “There are a lot of stakeholders in this, and (students) haven’t had a say at all.” Tuesday morning, Perlman met with center staff to answer questions about the privatization process. When Perlman was asked by the health center if the Daily Nebraskan could attend the meeting, Perlman refused, saying the Q&A session was for health center staff only, health center officials said. The health center’s RFP bids are due Friday. A review board consisting of staff, faculty and two students will review the bids and determine which provider fits UNL’s expectations best. news@ dailynebraskan.com

health: from 1 vanish. Perhaps the largest concern lies with the international students, who are required to enroll in the health center’s insurance plan unless they have a plan of their own. Chi Kalu, an advertising graduate student as well as the center’s graduate assistant of marketing, knows what it’s like to be both an international student and health center employee. “It’s going to screw a bunch of international students,” Kalu said in regard to the privatization. Kalu came to UNL from Nigeria in 2005 as an undergraduate. “I came here not knowing what insurance is,” she said, which is a problem Kalu says international students frequently face when they study in an unknown country. With the center’s insurance plan,

Military vehicles help fire departments Refurbished trucks serve as useful tools for Nebraska’s fire departments kalee holland dn Smoke is rising in a pillar to the sky. Sirens can be faintly heard in the distance, but they’re getting closer. Instead of a boxy, red brick cresting the hill, it’s a big black truck with flames painted on the hood. Those with military experience would identify this truck as an M35A2: a two-and-a-half-ton, sixwheeled transport vehicle used by the U.S. Army. Today, though, it is used by the Eustis Fire Department for off-road fire control. The Nebraska Forest Service’s Wildland Fire Protection Program refurbishes used military vehicles, such as Eustis’ truck, for rural Nebraskan fire departments. “We’re a state agency embedded within the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” said forester Don Westover. “We’re all university employees.” In the early ’60s, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service started the Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Program, a government vehicle-reconditioning system, according to fire equipment manager Lew Sieber. Sieber retired from the National Guard 23 years ago with experience working on emergency vehicles. “We’re basically a government recycling program,” Sieber said.

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A refurbished military truck that now helps Nebraska fire departments fight fires is shown above. The trucks are given to departments by a Nebraska Forest Service program. The process begins in Mead, where outdated and unused government vehicles are first inspected for damage and potential upgrades. From there, the mechanical repairs and additions are made and the trucks are sent to participating departments. “We recondition the trucks. We don’t do the paint jobs,” Sieber said. “We encourage the local fire departments to do their best (painting).” Hence the flame-hooded M35A2.

The program has taken models that include M978s, M1078s, M816s, M35A2s and M1008s, Sieber said. “When they’re finished, they’re mainly used as grass rigs and tankers,” he said. “They haul water across fields to wherever the fire is.” And the program doesn’t take only military vehicles. “We also take the runway trucks that are used during emergency and crash landings,” Sieber said. “(They) can hold upwards of 1,000 gallons of water.”

Nebraska has 478 fire departments, according to the Nebraska State Fire Marshal’s Office, and the program has at least one truck in about 50 percent of them, Sieber said. “My personal goal is to get into the 60-70 percent range,” Sieber said. Some fire departments have been reluctant in the past. “People are initially timid to use (the reconditioned fire trucks), but we have had very few dissatisfied customers,” Sieber said. The program has taken some financial blows in the last two years. The Wildland Protection Program has seen around $70,000 in cuts during that time, along with the loss of a reconditioning mechanic and the Wildfire Suppression Training and pre-suppression planning programs. But Sieber doesn’t see the reconditioning program going anywhere. “Were our program to close down tomorrow and the government to pull back all of our trucks, the volunteer fire department would have to (collectively) raise about $30 million to replace the lost vehicles,” Sieber said. Westover agreed. “This program is the pride of the Nebraska Forest Service,” he said. “At a time like this when the economy is pretty low and fire departments have a limited budget, this program fits their needs quite well,” Westover said. news@ dailynebraskan.com

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wednesday, october 3, 2012


Sigma chi: from 1



Sigma Chi members dig into their Monday night dinner buffet. Every Monday the fraternity goes over announcements, says a prayer and commences their group dinner. stripper allegedly anally penetrated him with a dildo. “I guess the thing is, the sexual assault in our eyes didn’t happen,” Pfingsten said. “I was there, it didn’t happen. It got completely dropped, but as far as campus goes, we’re the ‘dildo guys.’” Pfingsten said much of the hazing wasn’t as malicious as it was portrayed. “You knew they weren’t right, but it’s such a group-think idea,” Pfingsten said. “Some of the stuff was fun. So everything they did bad to us, we did back. And that’s what built the brotherhood. They poured water on us. We’d shove them in the shower. It was fun.” Pfingsten mentioned one such instance when the pledges were made to stand for two hours and stare at the ceiling. The pledges were also reciting bylaw and con-

stitutional information, but that part wasn’t mentioned in the media, Pfingsten said. Pfingsten is one of the two members who witnessed the house’s suspension and its subsequent rebuilding. “There was a lot of good guys here, it’s just the culture,” Pfingsten said. “It was the norm to us at the time. It’s so easy to slip into a downward spiral.” At the time, Pfingsten said he felt the activities of Sigma Chi were normal for a Greek house on campus, which is why the suspension came as a huge shock to the fraternity. “We knew it was coming about a month or two before we got charged,” Pfingsten said. “We just didn’t know the severity of it. I don’t want to say we were made an example of, but we kind of were.” While some members left the

fraternity, most members of Sigma Chi moved to scattered houses offcampus and maintained a “pseudo-fraternity,” Pfingsten said. “It was a tough time for us when we found out we were getting kicked off,” Pfingsten said. “I’ve never seen any house be so demoralized so fast. I know a lot of the houses still haze here and not as bad, but I’d tell them, it’s not worth it. You can actually be better men without it.” Pfingsten said the past few years have been a roller coaster. “I’ve had my ups and downs,” he said. “Coming out of it, I’ve become a leader. It was weird being Greek and not recognized as being a Greek, but I’ve come out of it for the better. The easy way out was quitting.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

fischer: from 1 opportunity to question her, just to have a civil conversation.” The event was just the latest stop in the campaign for one of Nebraska’s Senate seats up for grabs with Sen. Ben Nelson’s retirement. With Senate control hinging on each seat, both sides are watching Nebraska’s contest carefully, and Fischer said Tuesday this year’s race is the most important race in her memory. Her talk was organized by Students for Fischer and sponsored by the Association of Students of the Univer-

sity of Nebraska and Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society. “It’s been an ongoing effort to bring political figures … throughout the year,” said Sergio Wals, an assistant professor of political science and ethnic studies and Pi Sigma Alpha’s faculty advisor. “All of these events are run on the students’ initiative.” The event was possible, Wals said, thanks to the effort of Mairead Safranek, a junior studying public relations and political science, one of his students and an assistant scheduler for Fischer.

Next on the docket is to hold a similar event for Kerrey, a Vietnam veteran and former Nebraska governor and senator who is running against Fischer. Pi Sigma Alpha recently reached out to the Kerrey campaign and an event for him should come in the next few weeks, said Mike Wehling, the honor society’s president. “Hopefully we’ll get that soon,” Wehling said. “It’s good to have both sides here on campus.” news@ dailynebraskan.com

Zach Coppersmith, a junior civil engineering major, talks with Gallup’s Director of Talent Sourcing Jodi Kennedy during the engineering and technology career fair Tuesday on the second level of the Nebraska Union. Gallup has hired three to four interns from UNL previously and is looking to double its internship opportunities.

Tech, engineering job fair kicks off Carl Mejstrik dn Well-dressed and seeking employment, more than 300 students attended the Engineering and Technology Career Fair at the Nebraska Union on Tuesday. At the first of three Fall Career Fair Days, students were invited to exchange resumes and speak with professionals at 126 companies, including Cabela’s, Garmin International Inc. and Microsoft Corp. For some students, like Brett Thompson, Tuesday’s career fair was a familiar experience. “This is my fourth career fair, and by this point, I’m basically just going through the motions,” the senior mechanical engineering major said. Although he had not received any internships or employment opportunities in the past, Thompson arrived armed with 15 resumes to distribute to companies such as HDR, Inc. and Spirit AeroSystems. “I’ve only given out five so far, but I did get an interview with Union Pacific tomorrow,” Thompson said. Almost every companies’ booths had some sort of handout for students such as pens, keychains or candy. Kellogg’s representatives gave away miniature boxes of Apple Jacks and Fruit Loops and LeaseTeam Inc. distributed calculators. Kristin Luedtke, human resources manager of JEO Consulting Group, Inc. and her partner presented students with drawstring bags.


Jason Chambers of Lincoln Industries gives his card to a career fair attendee Tuesday in the Nebraska Union. Chambers is an alumnus of UNL’s teaching college.

links employers and job seekers. On Wednesday, the career fair continues with 126 more companies in the business, service, government, liberal arts and science fields at the Nebraska Union from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fair concludes Thursday in the Nebraska East Union where 66 agricultural science and natural resource companies will be on site from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. news@ dailynebraskan.com

“We hire an intern from the career fair at least once a year,” Luedtke said. “It’s not very difficult for our company to sell ourselves because so many students are here looking for these job opportunities.” Outside the Centennial Room, where booths were set up, there was a “Take a Professional Photo” booth — another chance for students to connect with employers. The booth allowed job seekers to have their photograph taken and then uploaded onto their LinkedIn account, a website that

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wednesday, october 3, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @Dailyneb

d n e d i tor i a l boar d m e m bers ANDREW DICKINSON editor-in-chief




our view

New ‘therapy’ law encourages safety, promotes equality California will become the first state to prohibit licensed therapists from performing “reparative” or “conversion” therapy on patients under 18. Reparative therapy is used in attempts to change sexual orientation, specifically to eliminate homosexual tendencies and reinforce heterosexuality. California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the legislation into law on Saturday night and it will take effect on Jan. 1, 2013. “This bill bans non-scientific ‘therapies’ that have driven young people to depression and suicide,” Brown tweeted. “These practices have no basis in science or medicine.” Despite assertions by several prominent psychiatric organizations of the ineffectiveness and harmful potential of reparative therapy, proponents of the treatment insist that the law will hinder parents’ right to seek psychiatric help for children experiencing gender confusion. A Christian legal group even filed a lawsuit on Monday to overturn the law. This law, which states that mental health providers who use reparative therapy on patients under 18 would be engaging in unprofessional conduct and subject to discipline by their respective state licensing boards, serves two purposes. First, it protects minors from being forced into reparative therapy. Secondly, it helps reinforce the idea that homosexuality is not a disease that needs to be cured. In cases of trauma and sexual confusion, therapy can be helpful for patients who undergo sessions willingly. However, most minors who are subjected to reparative therapy are forced into it by their parents or guardians. The American Psychiatric Association, the world’s largest psychiatric organization, determined that reparative therapy poses a great risk to patients, including increased likelihood or severity of depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior. Practitioners who approach homosexuality as a flaw that needs to be fixed can actually end up reinforcing self-hatred that patients already feel because of societal prejudices against homosexuality. “The longstanding consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality per se is a normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation,” the association says. The Daily Nebraskan would like to applaud Gov. Brown and the state of California for passing this historic law and encourage lawmakers in Nebraska and across the country to follow his example. This law not only serves to protect minors from potentially harmful practices, but it also promotes tolerance and equality.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the fall 2012 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

letters to the editor policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned or removed from online archives. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major, and/or group affiliation, if any. Email material to opinion@ dailynebraskan.com or mail to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, NE 68588-0448.




lauren vuchetich | dn

Christians: Love, don’t judge


rowing up, I was always aware of the existence of homosexuals. However, I never knew what I was supposed to think about them. Both of my parents are fairly conservative Christians, and I appreciate everything I learned from them. However, they failed to teach me about certain issues. The only conversation about homosexuality I remember having with my mom was after I learned Ellen DeGeneres was lesbian. This talk fell along the lines of “love the sinner, not the sin,” and wasn’t particularly helpful. Don’t get me wrong, I was never explicitly told that homosexuality was evil. Instead, it became a coldly taboo topic; forbidden before I knew it needed to be. Unable to talk about it, I was lost between assuming it was a greater issue than it needed to be and ignoring it entirely. Then in 10th grade one of my close friends came out. For his privacy, I’ll call him Matt. Before he came out, we had chatted frequently. We’d share frustrations over relationships, expectations from parents and school assignments. I thought I knew who he was. I’d never thought he might be different. Then, as we talked and he told me what he’d been going through, I realized he wasn’t different at all. Obviously, he was still Matt. He still worried about how he was going to do on our Algebra II test. He still hated it when any of his friends were in a fight. He still had big dreams for how he was going to make the world better. Thus I learned: if this great guy was the same person he’d always been, then it didn’t matter what his sexual orientation was. Somehow, though, I was missing something. I wasn’t thinking about what being gay actually meant for him or how it would change his life. However, Matt’s life did change. His parents refused to even acknowledge his coming out. They assumed it was another “teenage phase.” During the next few years, I saw Matt lose a number of friends and get kicked out of his house. While he grew more thoroughly into himself, he had to struggle more against the world. Our senior year, Matt was done with the life he didn’t want and the parents who didn’t know him. He dropped out, moved to New York City, and began acting and modeling. The sheltered

AMY KENYON rule-follower in me worried about him not finishing school and being on his own. More than anything, though, I was proud of him. Few of us can claim to have earnestly pursued our dreams without question and without giving up. Matt did this despite being alone in an unfamiliar city and despite the prejudice he faced at home and in the larger community. Matt has since done amazingly well for himself. He works consistently, has a fabulous apartment in the city and has earned his General Education Diploma. Since then, several more of my friends have come out to me, and I have accepted them. However, the beliefs I had grown up with were beginning to clash with my dedication to friends. I needed to reconsider and clearly define my beliefs. Before this realization, I wasn’t remotely interested in politics or current events. I found the news depressing and irrelevant. My freshman year of college, however, I became exposed to a much more politically active culture and a constant stream of information. When I began to write for the Daily Nebraskan, I learned that I couldn’t simply ignore political, moral, societal or religious issues. To write intelligently I had to truly consider and formulate opinions on those issues. As I’ve formed opinions, I’ve focused on the fact that as a Christian, I believe I never have the authority to judge others. I’m one person, and I wouldn’t presume that I know everything about

what is right or wrong. I do, however, believe in the Bible’s message of love. Many people, even non-Christians have heard John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The bit that people forget, however, is John 3:17: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” The key is belief in God. No one is perfect and everyone sins. Christianity is not about becoming perfect. Quite the contrary, faith in God means believing he will accept you exactly as you are. I figure if Jesus didn’t deny the existence of people regardless of their style of living, then neither can I. Jesus was all about love. Love is kindness, patience and acceptance. Love means respecting the ability of individuals to rule their own lives. Some may believe homosexuality is a sin, but that belief doesn’t give them a right to hate or to harm other people. Religious or not, every group has to respect the laws of human dignity. I don’t get to tell someone who they should be or how they should live. I believe in God and in Jesus’ message of love. I believe that loving someone isn’t about tolerating him or her or “loving the sinner not the sin” because that’s my Christian duty. Instead, I love those people for who they are in their entirety. That means accepting homosexuality as an integral part of their identity, not dismissing it as an unfortunate disease or a corruptive behavior. Ignoring LGBTQA issues may be easier or more comfortable than examining our beliefs. However, the struggle for gay rights will continue and citizens are going to have to learn how to talk about it. For children to become informed, active citizens, parents can’t abandon them to the world without a groundwork of understanding. However, bombarding children with a single viewpoint is equally irresponsible if it’s excluding the importance of love. I don’t have all of the answers. I don’t presume to speak for the LGBTQA community. I just know I’m an ally and my friends are courageous. Amy Kenyon is a sophomore English and Theater Education major. Contact her at Opinion@dailynebraskan.com

LGBT history builds community, needs attention


n honor of LGBT History Month, it’s pop quiz time! Answer as many as you can: 1. When did the American Psychiatric Association remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses? 2. Who was the first openly gay elected public official in the U.S.? 3. What does “LGBT” stand for? 4. Where is it legal for gay couples to get married/civil unionized? The answers are: 1. 1973. 2. Harvey Milk. 3. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. 4. Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. So, how did you score? If you’re like most, you probably knew one. Pat yourself on the back if you answered two correctly. If you Googled some answers, at least you showed some initiative. The LGBT community is often misunderstood because the general population is taught nothing of its history. We learn about black civil rights and women’s suffrage in elementary, middle and high school. Yet in order to learn the basics about gay history, you have to take college-level courses specifically addressing it. Not that we discuss civil rights or women’s suffrage enough – but that’s a different subject. My point is simple: those movements get a small chapter in a textbook. LGBT history gets nothing. Without teaching our history, people are

left with many inaccurate impressions. The first major problem is that people perceive homosexuality and gender identity issues as something new. This is simply untrue. LGBT people have been around since history has been written. Even though there is a lot of debate and speculation in regards to the sexual oreintation of historical figures who weren’t explicitly “out”, here are a few who are considered part of the LGBT community by various scholars. Alexander the Great: Macedonian ruler and successful commander reigning from 336-323 BC. Bisexual. Michelangelo: Italian artist in the 15th to 16th century, most revered for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Rumored to have been gay. Oscar Wilde: famous Irish author and playwright in the late 1800s. He was openly gay and jailed for it on multiple occasions. Willa Cather: the woman whom Cather Hall on campus is named after. She was a famous Nebraskan author and poet. Lesbian. J. Edgar Hoover: first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1924 until his death in 1972. Gay. Frida Kahlo: Mexican artist, most known for her abstract self-portraits. Bisexual. Salvador Dali: Spanish artist, most famous for his “Persistence of Memory” painting which depicts melting clocks. Gay. Lana Wachowski: co-director of the Matrix trilogy and V for Vendetta. MTF (maleto-female) transgender. Maurice Sendak: author of the beloved

DAMIEN CROGHAN “Where the Wild Things Are” children’s book. He lived with his life partner, Eugene Glynn, for 50 years. Gay. Sally Ride: American astronaut who flew aboard the space shuttle Challenger in 1983 and recently passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Lesbian. An issue many historians run into is the self-identities of LGBT people throughout history. Maybe people in history didn’t identify as LGBT, or maybe they were closeted. Is it the historians place to “out” them? The trials and complexities of LGBT people need to be a part of public discourse. With understanding comes acceptance, and that’s exactly what the LGBT community is looking for. Gay history is left out of the public’s knowledge base. Oftentimes, this is done

because the discussion of sexual orientation is taboo. However, it’s the responsibility of our educational institutions to teach us about these people. This would benefit not only the general population, but would give LGBT teens a greater sense of community. A huge issue among LGBT youth is feeling isolated, alone and alienated from their peers. People fear what they don’t understand – the definition of a phobia is the irrational fear of something. Homophobia and transphobia stem from ignorance. Maybe learning about LGBT people in the classroom would help bring an end to LGBT bullying and could save LGBT teens from attempting suicide. That isn’t to say there haven’t been improvements. The It Gets Better Project shows thousands of LGBT individuals discussing how coming out isn’t the end of the world. Strides have been made since gay people were tied together and burned alive, like bundles of sticks. This is where the modern sense of the word “faggot” comes from. Also, LGBT people are no longer stigmatized as being mentally ill. There is another noticeable trend, too: more people are coming out. As we move forward through history, we begin to see more examples of prominent, out LGBT people. As LGBT individuals gain visibility, their social standing improves. An understanding of the past leads to more legal victories, laws to protect the LGBT community are made. Knowledge of LGBT history helps with

understanding landmark victories for LGBT people in the present. These include California’s recent decision to ban reparative therapy. Until this occurred, LGBT teens were subject to attending “therapy” sessions to “cure” them of their homosexual tendencies with the consent of their parents. Knowing this part of history may spur more people into action. Reparative therapy is still legal in other states. History isn’t just the past; it’s happening in the present. Being aware of injustice is the first step toward fixing it — history in the making. Simply put, LGBT people and their allies need a sense of history for a community to exist. A common ground. A starting point. Without that point of origin, people are left with this impression that our community is a new phenomenon or “phase.” As if the culture itself was manufactured by the media rather than forged with the hard work and dedication LGBT individuals and their allies. The LGBT community is simply asking for inclusion. While most imagine “inclusion” to mean marriage equality and other forms of legal enfranchisement, but that’s only the beginning. Include our history in the classrooms. Legitimize us in the mainstream culture. We are more than gay pride parades. We are a culture with a history. Damien Croghan is a senior news-editorial and international studies major. Reach him at opinion@dailynebraskan.com


wednesday, october 3, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @dnartsdesk


first-person student Call increases for study of video games in academia nate sindelar dn The transition of video games from small beginnings to the multi-billion dollar industry they are today has spurred an interest in developing forms of study and analysis related to them. However, the idea has yet to reach a large majority of colleges. Some enthusiasts feel the field of study can no longer be ignored and these pockets of interested journalists and scholars push their passions for electronic entertainment forward. Some people want to know why Mario jumped. Marco Abel, associate professor of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, is not a “gamer,” but that doesn’t mean he discounts them. “I don’t see a reason why academia should not eventually pay as much attention to video game culture as it did, and does, to TV or the cinema,” Abel said. “I suspect that game studies will, in a few decades from now, be fairly mainstream in academia, especially once the next generation of scholars enters academia who’ve grown up with games and, in fact, have seen it rise to a dominant cultural form.” Nico Dicecco is a Simon Fraser University Ph.D. student of English and the project manager at mediumdifficulty.com. The website is self-described as having, “an interest in critical analysis of games and their place in a larger cultural context.” Dicecco said gaming is dominated no more by young men, but by a variety of people all playing for different reasons. “What this adds up to is the reality that gaming culture is incredibly complex, intricate and dynamic; that means that it’s worth studying,” Dicecco said. Kyle Carpenter, also a Ph.D. student of English at Simon Fraser and the submissions editor for Medium Difficulty supported that point of view. “Games are, without a doubt, worthy of study — largely because they command a degree of cultural influence that I think many conservative scholars miss,” Carpenter said. “I think the fact that an entire subculture where people identify themselves as ‘gamers’ attests to this fact.” In 2009, the NPD (National Purchase Diary) released a report stating 63 percent of the US population plays video games. Dicecco and his colleagues, Carpenter and Karl Parakenings, are excited about furthering the ways in which games are

“Games are, without a doubt, worthy of study — largely because they command a degree of cultural influence that I think many conservative scholars miss.”

Kyle carpenter

submission editor, mediumdifficulty.com

Studies: see page 7 chris rhodes | dn

UNL grad founds socialism club Staff report dn


David K. Watkins poses for a portrait in his office at Bessey Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 2. Watkins is a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, teaches a course in oceanography. He is known for his classroom passion and off-the-wall stories.

Professor stresses ocean health UNL Professor David Watkins deals in environmental and life lessons andrew larsen dn David Watkins wants to save your life. “At least twice a semester, I tell them something that can save their life,” said Watkins, a professor of oceanography and quantitative methods in paleontology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Things like, how to survive

when you’re trapped in a rip current, what to do if your boat capsizes, and how to escape a shark attack. First swim in the opposite direction, Watkins said. And if that doesn’t work: “If you punch hard enough and fast enough, you can punch a shark in the nose and disorient it,” he said, adding, “Every class in the university ought to have something in it that can save your life.” Current and aspiring professors, you’ve been warned. Bobbi Brace, a graduate student in geology, can attest to Watkins’ unique teaching methods. Before becoming Watkins’ teaching assistant, she took three of his courses, including a “very intense” four-person class.

“There’s no hiding ... he’s always pushing you,” she said. After becoming one of his assistants and working with him on nanofossil research, Brace said the work “is never dull.” She highly recommends anyone with a passing interest in geology or oceanography take a class with the professor, as he has “magic powers of persuasion” that could lead students down roads they never knew existed. Watkins’ interest in paleontology stretches back as far as he can recall. “Ever since I was a little boy, I knew that’s what I wanted to do ... save the world, get the girl, you know.” After receiving his Ph.D. from Florida State University, Watkins

worked his way to the Midwest for the region’s paleontology reputation. “There is a long series of renowned paleontologists that have worked here (at UNL),” Watkins said. “All through Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado (and) throughout the west are remnants of an ancient seaway that stretched from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Then around 95 million years ago the ocean invaded.” What the ocean left behind for Watkins and others “are the greatest little fossils the world has ever seen.” These microfossils or “chalk,” as he calls them, are what Watkins studies.

oceanography: see page 7

University campuses have long been thought of as hotbeds of liberal activism in the United States. Stereotype or not, 2009 University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate Charles Holm recently founded the only Socialist Club on campus. Currently a teaching assistant in ethnic studies, Holm attended Catholic school until sixth grade, when he began taking his religion seriously. He started questioning the differences between rich and poor, the government and exploited workers in China, but teachers discouraged him. “As a kid, I thought we should be taking care of the poor, because that’s what Jesus said,” Holm said. “So I found it weird that the Church was telling me not to follow up on that line of thinking.” Through fifth and sixth grade, Charles began reading about the more radical interpretations of the Bible: ideas such as relinquishing material possessions and giving them to the poor. These beliefs led Holm to an interest in socialism, despite having no idea what the term meant at the time. At a young age, he participated in charity work and food drives. “I guess on a basic level, that’s the point of socialism,” Holm said, “taking care of your community.” Holm identified as a socialist in high school. To him, the political ideology is more than just a form of government. It’s about creating a society where the majority of people make decisions about their everyday lives. Holm has been inspired by famous poet Walt Whitman, writer Upton Sinclair and early 20th century African-American literature. He said he admires Malcolm X for his social justice work during the civil rights movement. More contemporary artists speak to him, as well. “(In music) I like artists, like Lupe Fiasco, who write

pop songs but also have a message behind them,” Holm said. “Lupe Fiasco’s last album has some really radical stuff on it, challenging U.S. foreign policy, the war on public education and racism.” Though the club is new this academic year, common misconceptions about socialism and communism ring in the ears of some students on campus, Holm said. In his view, the political powers that be, in China for instance, do not reflect true socialism. Chinese workers do not have control over the products they produce, which are then bought and sold in capitalist markets, Holm explained. “Socialism is working people fighting to create a better world,” Holm said. “I am a revolutionary socialist. I believe that capitalism fundamentally is a crooked system and that as long as it exists, there is going to be mass inequality in the world. Not only that, but if it continues to exists, we are not going to have a world in which human beings can live.” Holm’s interests and activist pursuits have evolved over the years. His latest stance was the creation of the Socialist Club on campus. Events such as the Wisconsin Uprising, the Arab Spring and worker strikes in Greece and Spain persuaded him to found the club here and now. “Right now we’re doing several things,” Holm said of the club. “We’re getting people to read Marx. We’re going to start a reading circle, and we want to support other things going on in terms of activism in Lincoln, like the Slut Walk that’s coming up.” The club will also be bringing in speakers for its members and holding reading discussions of what they consider to be crucial texts. Information can be found weekly on the bulletin board of the City Union, with fliers and a Facebook page coming soon. arts@ dailynebraskan.com



wednesday, october 3, 2012

Lincoln Zoo can’t satisfy college visitors MISADVENTURES OF MEG & ME

courtesy | dn

The Celtic rock band Gaelic Storm found international attention and acclaim in the wake of an appearance in the blockbuster “Titanic.” The group will play at the Lied Center on Wednesday evening.

Acclaimed Celtic rock band to visit Lied stage Gaelic Storm brings fiery, upbeat world music to LIncoln Wednesday night madeline christensen dn If you’ve ever seen the movie “Titanic,” you remember the scene where Jack and Rose ditch a firstclass dinner party for a night of dancing below deck with a steerage band, complete with high-energy percussion and an Irish fiddle. It’s no surprise their evening took a turn for the better. Bill Stephan, Executive Director at the Lied Center for Performing Arts, said Gaelic Storm has that kind of effect on a crowd. Gaelic Storm brings a unique blend of traditional Irish and rock music to the stage. A one-time Celtic pub band made famous by its appearance in the movie “Titanic,” they find themselves at or near the top of the Celtic/world music genre. “They are an amazing group of talented musicians,” Stephan said. “Plus, they are true entertainers. They have a party on stage.” Gaelic Storm came together in 1996. Band members Patrick Murphy, Steve Twigger and now former members Steve Wehmeyer and Brian Walsh performed at an Irish pub in Santa Monica, Calif., where Murphy worked. The group experienced

major success in 1997 after appearing in “Titanic” as the steerage band performing “An Irish Party in Third Class,” and has since added members Ryan Lacey, Pete Purvis and Jessie Burns. The group plays Celtic music that hearkens back to its roots in Ireland, as well as drawing worldly influence and giving its music an American rock and pop feel. Gaelic Storm will be performing at the Lied on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. This is the third time Gaelic Storm has come to Lincoln; first in 2004 and again in 2010. “Last time they were here, we had a huge response,” said Matthew Boring, the marketing and sales coordinator at the Lied. “240 students have already purchased tickets for this year’s performance.” Both Stephan and Boring agree that Gaelic Storm is a great opportunity for University of NebraskaLincoln students to experience what the Lied has to offer. “Gaelic Storm is a night of great entertainment,” Stephan said. “Students have busy and sometimes stressful lives. This concert is a midweek break from the books that they will remember far into the future.” But students shouldn’t expect the usual fare from the Lied, Boring said. “It’s not every year we have these big shows,” he said. “It’s highenergy Celtic rock with a concert at-



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if you go: Gaelic Storm when: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. where: Lied Center for Performing Arts how much: $29 (public), $11 (students) mosphere. It’s timely and relevant, and of course, it’s recognizable from ‘Titanic.’” Gaelic Storm has now had three albums debut at No. 1 on the Billboard World Albums Chart, including 2012’s “Chicken Boxer.” “‘Chicken Boxer ’ has a little bit more of an acoustic feel,” Boring said, “But it still has that layered sound with unique instruments.” In recent years, Gaelic Storm has performed on the same bill as acts like Zac Brown Band and the Goo Goo Dolls, and at events as varied as the Telluride Bluegrass Festival and Milwaukee’s Summerfest. Stephan is confident Wednesday’s performance is a must-see. “Gaelic Storm will put on one of the best entertainment concerts of the year in Lincoln.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com


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When: Thursday, 4 p.m. Where: City Union How much: Free

“Out of the Past” Lecture

When: Thursday, 5 p.m. Where: Great Plains Art Museum, 1155 Q St., Hewit Place How much: Free

Russian Club Night

When: Thursday, 7 p.m. Where: City Union How much: Free

William McMullen Faculty Recital

When: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Where: Kimball Recital Hall How much: Free


When: Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Where: Temple Building How much: $10 (students), $16 (public)

First Friday Reception: The Geometric Unconscious

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Age not just a number in ‘love’


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Wind Ensemble

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That could have Gone Better: an ongoing series about relationships that didn’t go on

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the glass and kicking up shredded paper. It was a scene out of a crack house. I guess I would act the same way too if I bore an Lincoln Children’s uncanny resemblance to a dick Zoo bores, robs and lived in a plastic tube. Outside shortly after beginnon-children, ning our zoo journey, we found Jourdyn and Ringo the bobcat. The cat mostly just stood there, being a bobcat and such, and did a couple of howls jourdyn kaarre for us. A man next to me told his young son, “He’ll tear your face off, man.” No doubt the son is The Lincoln Children’s Zoo is in counseling now. the dingleberry Omaha’s HenNext we headed to a hut and ry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium dropped on its way to becoming bought 50-cent tattoos. I about lost it when I found a tat that one of the top attractions of its read, “Go Meat!” which was ackind in the world. tually “Go Team!” but after such If you college students are a horrific letdown, I decided not considering visiting the Lincoln to make the 12-year-old volunChildren’s Zoo, you should save teer apply the tattoo to my neck. those monies and distribute After one of the more disapthem elsewhere in your budget. pointing moments in my life, Anywhere else in your budwe carried on to the penguins. get. You could visit the Omaha zoo, enjoy a Monday through However, we could only stand the stench of fish sticks for 17 Wednesday cocaine bender, buy minutes, so we left. Amigos soft shell tacos, adopt The white-handed gibbons. a cat, buy a flu shot, make origami or just throw the money in Do not fux with them. Ringo and I were enjoying a garbage can. our last leg of the journey in I don’t like to diminish the front of the glass hard work of othat the gibbon exers, so I’ll blame To really hibit. One gibmy lack of enthuend our bon was chillin’ siasm for the zoo and swinging on on: a) sleeping experience with a the ball and the on a tile floor the other was eyeing night prior and bang, we hopped us from the tree. b) the absence of on the train. The Like a bat out of the West African hell, the gibbon dwarf crocodiles. locomotive circles in the tree swung Because of the perimeter of full force and Meg’s everslammed into growing depen- the zoo twice, so the glass right in dency on bath at least you don’t front of us. He salts, she missed did it four times. out on this rivet- get your money’s We screamed eving adventure. I worth. ery time. Loudly. can’t be liable for Those guys were endangering the bastards. lives of others. You can feed However, I camels at the Lincoerced my other accomplice, Ringo, into joining coln Children’s Zoo if that is something you’re into. Ringo me. Ringo is more a girl of the liked that. diva/debutante variety. She The West African dwarf said things like, “That little girl crocodiles. There were none. just fondled my ass,” or “Hey, To really end our experience little bitch, stop chasing the peawith a bang, we hopped on the cocks,” or “Hey, kid, I like your train. The locomotive circles the Bulls jersey.” perimeter of the zoo twice, so at Because I see most of the zoo animals on my daily walk to least you don’t get your money’s worth. I thought about caclass, I’ll just highlight the best sually falling out and/or stickofferings. ing my arms and legs out of the The naked mole rats. We train at all times just to get any spent a great deal of time looking at these penises with teeth sort of juices flowing. The zoo is great if you’ve and legs. They are also maybe the dumbest creatures on the fornicated and procreated. For asshole, childless 20-year-olds planet. They ran forward and maybe donate some cash to the backward down the tubes and zoo and spare yourself from besometimes wedged themselves into a helpless position, like ly- ing surrounded by bad hair and dad jeans. ing on their backs and scramjourdyn Kaarre is a bling to flip over. I can’t be junior journalism major. sure, but I think one of them Reach her at arts@ was having sex with a stick? dailynebraskan.com. Another was running toward

Campus Events

Relationship could have gone better for short-lived couple’s junior member ››Editor’s Note: To avoid the deflating long-term effects of sheer embarrassment, the names of all parties in the following column (Part 5 in our series of failed romance stories) have been changed. Relationships, hey, hey, hey. We met at the cop shop. I realize that sounds like we met in jail, but believe me when I say it’s far less romantic than that. I spent the summer reporting for a local radio station, and that’s when I met him. Every morning, local television, radio station and newspaper reporters would meet with the police department for stories about crimes that occurred the night before. At first I didn’t notice him sitting behind me, but as I twisted in my chair to pop my back, I caught my first glimpse. A smart smile

and just the right amount of stubI spent the summer reporting for a local ble. He was visibly mature and, radio station, and that’s when I met yet, a hot mess. I was intrigued. I made a note to pop my spine him. Every morning, local television and radio in a sexier way next time, blushed stations and newspapers would meet with the and worked to focus on the police officer telling me about the mug police department for stories about crimes shot projected on the wall in front that occurred the night before.” of me. The next few weeks were agDawn was creeping over the notes about the fire before packing gravatingly slow between us. We up for the day. I hadn’t seen him horizon, and we fell asleep for a talked after police briefings, exfew short hours before going to at the scene and much to my own changed flirty glances through reshame, I was a little disappointed. work again. Before going to the ports of stabbings, robberies and people exposing themselves along I began packing up my equipment cop shop again. before noticing a slight shadow He caught up with me after bike trails. work, “How old are you?” Finally, after about a month, creeping over me. I looked up. It “20. And you?” he caught me as I was leaving was him. He bent down and helped me “Holy shit. I’m 28. I thought the police building and asked if pack my microyou were at least 25.” I would get a coffee phone. My heart “No,” I responded. “I thought with him. I couldn’t; He bent was going wild. you were closer to 25.” I had to go back to “Want to get We looked at each other and the radio station and down and coffee tonight?” he assured me he didn’t care. A sideliver the news. I he asked. lence fell between us that we both offered my number helped me pack “Of course,” I knew no casual conversation, no as compensation for my microphone. answered, reeling reports about shootings or teenagturning him down, a bit. ers masturbating in parks could encouraging him to My heart was We agreed to cut through. He looked down; I ask me out again; I going wild. meet at a free jazz looked away. We filed single-line would make sure I “Want to get concert near caminto the briefing room. was free next time. pus. The evening And that was the last converStill more time coffee tonight?” went unbeliev- sation we had. passed and the rouably smoothly. At first I drove myself crazy tine continued. He he asked. Both of us were trying to figure out what I had seemed to find me on top of our done wrong, but I finally gave up. sexiest when in a He and I continued to see each room full of journalists, police of- games; the sexual tension could be cut with a knife. other during cop briefings, but ficers and reports of crime. I don’t I thought it best to leave him did our best to casually ignore blame him; I also like to live on the dangerous side. But he didn’t wanting more by ending the night each other. early, but I found myself at his And that coffee date? It never text or call, and, as can be expectapartment only a few short hours happened; we moved a little fasted, I began losing interest. later. er than that. Then, one fateful day, an He leaned in, and I gave in. And it could have gone better. apartment building caught fire, arts@ Clothing piled on the floor. and I was sent out to cover it. I dailynebraskan.com He said all the right things. collected interviews and scribbled



wednesday, october 3, 2012

Lecture to address roles women in Chinese art ‘Out of the Past’ to address Western interpretations of Chinese culture

evant again,” she said. Her talk will involve a number of still images and some film clips, including some rare segments of films from before 1949. While the Mary Martin McLaughlin Memorial Lecture has always been sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s rachel staats medieval and renaissance studies dn program, this year ’s lecture is cosponsored by a number of other Disney’s animated movie “Mu- groups, including UNL’s women lan” may not be a truly accurate and gender studies programs, the representation of Chinese culture department of history, the Neor tradition, but it has made more braska Humanities Council, the people in Western culture aware Confucius Institute and the Asian of a popular Chinese character. Community and Cultural Center. “The figure of Mulan is such “I wanted this year to show a globally recognized figure at that we are very interdisciplinthis point,” said ary and also global Kristine Harris, asin our approach to “I want to sociate professor of medieval and rehistory at the State make some naissance studies,” University of New said Carole Levin, York at New Paltz connections director of the meand a scholar on between what dieval and renaisthe history of early sance studies prothey might be Chinese film. gram at UNL. Harris will be familiar with The interdisthis year ’s speaker ciplinary nature already and the for the third anof this lecture is a nual Mary Martin phenomenon of change for Harris, McLaughlin Meas well. morial Lecture, the celebration of “It’s a little difwhere she hopes these medieval ferent (from other to illustrate the lectures) because changes between women in the I’m speaking to a Chinese and West- modern period in broader audience,” ern interpretations she said. “I want to of traditional char- another part of make some connecacters — like Mu- the world.” tions between what lan — at her talk on they might be faThursday. miliar with already kristine harris Harris’ lecand the phenomlecture speaker ture, “Out of the enon of the celebraPast: Women of tion of these medithe Middle Period Re-imagined eval women in the modern period in Chinese Film and Visual Culin another part of the world.” ture,” will focus mainly on ChiHarris has been interested in nese characters created during the Asian culture since her earliest Middle Period and how they have years when she lived in Japan. been changed and adapted to be “I’ve always been fascinated used in contemporary Chinese vi- by Asia,” she said. “I was particusual art. larly fascinated by Chinese char“What’s really interesting to acters.” me ... is the way they get revised It was this fascination that and re-imagined in the modern lead her to study abroad in Beiperiod and why they become rel- jing in college and now to share

if you go: Out of the Past: Women of the Middle Period Reimagined in Chinese Film and Visual Culture when: Thursday, 5 p.m. where: Great Plains Art Museum, 1155 Q St., Hewit Place how much: Free her knowledge with others. She was asked by Levin some time ago to come and give a lecture as part of the medieval and renaissance studies programming, but scheduling has been difficult because of Harris’ teaching schedule. This year, however, she is conveniently on sabbatical and said she looks forward to visiting UNL and sharing a slice of lost or under-recognized culture and history. “China had this rich tradition of legends and mythologies and a very long history — thousands of years of history — so it was drawing upon all that even as it was modernizing,” Harris said. “That, in a way, is kind of the subtext of this talk.” Levin, whom Harris has known for a number of years and whom Harris cites as a mentor for her teaching career, said she believes this year ’s talk will be more accessible to students of other disciplines, making the memorial lecture even more successful. “This is something that’s drawing on many different interests and disciplines,” Levin said. “I hope that makes it very accessible and very exciting to a range of students.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com

kyle henderson | dn

New headphones come with great responsibility

tyler keown “Vanity is the heart of creativity.” Do you know who said that? (Me. It was me who said that.) As I walk the sidewalks, I am aware of the camera that follows me. I like to act like I’m unaware, a la The Truman Show, but the twinkle you see in my eye isn’t as

spontaneous as you think. I’m just kidding, of course. My life isn’t a television show, as much as I wish it were. Rational thoughts have never affected how I think overall, however. My mindset is a blur of “You’re the star, Tyler!” and “Why didn’t anyone email me last week about that being-carried-by-owls thing?” I’m not really sure what I’m writing about. I have plans in about an hour with a friend, and really, I’m just phoning this column in. Feel free to go read someone else’s work if you want now. I bet whatever Jourdyn wrote for today was good. I’m sorry for this (and for everything else). Here is what this column is about this week: me

listening to music while I walk to class and how it becomes a soundtrack for my life. I recently bought a pair of Sony MDR-XB500 headphones (the “XB” stands for ‘xtra bass) and while they are very large, giving my already oversized head a Mickey Mouse look, I’ve enjoyed them so far. I wear them a fair amount, and they’ve led to situations of note. I’ll list them for the sake of content. I was headed to class, listening to “Hurt” by Johnny Cash. I watched a guy fall off his longboard at the same moment Cash croons “You can have it all/ my empire of dirt/ I will let you down/ I will make you hurt,” and if I didn’t know better, I would

have said the spirit of Cash was living in that longboard. Last week, I was sitting outside the Union, soaking up the sun and listening to Roy Orbison’s “You Got It.” I looked across to the fountain, where a boy sat with a girl that was presumably his ex-girlfriend, because she was both crying and furious. That one wasn’t as funny. It was just interesting that there was such contrast between the song I was enjoying and the life events of that couple. This column can’t be all humor all the time. That just isn’t realistic, and if I am anything, I am realistic. I am also really good at puns. You could say I am reallyistically good at puns. The other instance of music af-

Oceanography: from 5 “Chalk doesn’t come from fossils, chalk is fossils,” he said. The microfossils Watkins studies are more important than just chalk, though. If one looks closely, “a hell of lot of closer,” Watkins said, one can see thousands of tiny skeletons that make up that fossil, or piece of chalk. In the professor’s experience, these fossils are crucial to our lives. “They provide you with most of the oxygen that you need to survive, through photosynthesis,” he said. “The hard part of the fossil provides oxygen, while the soft part provides oil and gas.” Without that soft part, there are no fossil fuels, and, thus, no modern life. Watkins described our use of fossil fuels as an addiction. “It’s like alcohol,” he said. “It’s like

heroin. We know one of these days it’s going to do bad things, but we keep using them because they’re abundant and relatively inexpensive ... but they are doing us harm.” The ecosystem of the seas and the oceans are a big part of Watkins’ life. He’s gone on many drilling expeditions, trying to decipher the secrets and details of the ocean. “(I’m trying to find out) how warm is the water, how old is it, when (ocean-dwelling organisms) had lived and died, how salty was the water, how nutrient rich was the water, keys to reconstruct how the ocean worked in the past.” After spending six weeks to two months at a time at sea and having traversed every ocean except the Arctic, Watkins is more comfortable

rachel hohlen dn Rian Johnson’s “Looper” is a futuristic science-fiction thriller that tells a multi-layered tale of ethics and adventure through time travel. In the universe of “Looper,” time travel has been invented, but its use is just as complex and illegal as the ethical dilemma it presents. As a result, time travel is used only by crime organizations under wraps. In 2072, the mob employs assassins, “loopers,” who live and work in 2042. The mob captures its targets in 2072 and beams them back to 2042 masked and attached to a sack full of silver. There, loopers are waiting to blunderbuss the target, dispose of the body and collect their

silver salary. Because of the illegal nature and sticky implications of time travel, loopers work with an understanding that their employment is temporary. When it’s time to terminate his or her position, or “close the loop,” the looper finds his or her latest victim from the mob is themselves and is strapped to a pack of gold, rather than silver. The gold gives the looper the next 30 years to live in as much luxury and lewdness as they please – and many do. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Joe, a looper and junkie who cares for little more than his next fix, his next assignment and his 30 years of freedom. But when 2042 Joe is finally assigned 2072 Joe, his world both in the present and in future begin to unravel. Joe’s confrontation with himself results in the core of the message of “Looper.” Beneath the booming gun fights, street chases and time travel, “Looper” is a requirement for Joe to confront not only himself in the present and the future, but the choices he’s made in between.


wasn’t as funny as I thought it was, but hey, it’s already typed out. You get what you get in life. You almost never get Skrillex. Check with me next week when I’ll explain why even the preachers in front of the Union won’t talk to you. tyler keown is a sophomore broadcast journalism major. Reach him at arts@ dailynebraskan.com.

studies: from 5 being wet than dry. He’s been to the Southern Ocean (where waters from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans converge), which is so far from land that he dealt with “40, 50, 60-foot waves” and unpredictable wind patterns. Watkins said the health of our oceans is serious to our future, not only because it represents 70 percent of our planet, but because it’s such a large part of our food chain. “Once our whole system begins to change, we may be unable to change it in some way,” he said. In his view, we’re dealing with the problems we are now because too many people in the world take the attitude of ambivalence or disdain toward the planet. Despite Nebraska’s landlocked status, Watkins said he believes

that citizens here have a serious environmental responsibility to the oceans, as well. “Even the actions we take in the middle of the continent can make a difference,” he said. Watkins cited Midwestern farmers using too much fertilizer and the excess of vehicle-produced air pollution from Chicago, causing huge areas of the Gulf Coast to become hypoxic, “dead zones” which cannot support life. Watkins’ “saving lives” rhetoric is more than just classroom banter. It’s the current that runs through his academic and professional life. “Our actions do have consequences,” he said. arts@ dailynebraskan.com

Questions of morality drive ‘Looper’ Latest Rian Johnson film transcends stale action, raises ‘what if’ questions

fecting my thoughts happened a few weeks back. I was listening to Skrillex (hey, what’s the good in having ‘xtra bass if you’re only listening to a ‘ormal amount?) and noticed about 30 yards ahead me was a student with a half-shaven head of hair and a small, bony frame. How could it be anyone other than Skrillex himself? A divine power had brought us together. I lengthened my stride and got closer to him, still like 89 percent sure that I was standing near the guy responsible for all the bass that’s been dropped on campuses everywhere for the past couple years. It wasn’t Skrillex. It wasn’t even a male. I shortened my stride in disappointment. Reading that anecdote, it

“Looper” is more a picture about priorities, love and loyalty than it is about future technological innovation. As Joe is required to confront his present and future, it’s also a reflection on his past and whether his decisions have truly made him happy, much less successful. The greatest attributes to “Looper” are Gordon-Levitt’s and Bruce Willis’ performance as Joe. Gordon Levitt’s role as Joe is a nice followup to his foray into darker roles with Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” and “The Dark Knight Rises.” Willis’ role as “future Joe,” checking his golden pocket-watch for assassination appointments, is done nearly as well as when he checked his golden pocketwatch in “Pulp Fiction” years ago. Overall, the fast-paced action and suspense drive “Looper” forward, though its just under two hours long. However, its consideration of ethics and morality, in both the present and the future, extend far beyond that. arts@ dailynebraskan.com

examined. However, they understand the difficulties in establishing entire areas of study. “To install a new department of study — particularly in these troubled economic times — will require a massive degree of public awareness and perception, similar to the fight to make English Literature its own study in the early years of the 20th century,” said Parakenings, the editor-in-chief at “Medium Difficulty.” Laura White, professor and Vice Chair of English at the UNL, said curriculum takes time to develop because of the many levels of approval it must undergo, ranging from departmental committees to the university, as a broader institution. “The bulk of courses have to already be there,” White said of the potential for games studies classes. “So, the chance of having a major or minor in 10 years is slim.” Aside from the challenges creating new classes and programs present for proponents of game studies, the actual methods for breaking down video games appear complex, as well. According to Parakenings, games are an interdisciplinary medium that must involve several departments of a school working together to successfully explore games. “Similarly to a theater production, hundreds of people work to-

gether from different fields to produce a video game,” Parakenings said. “Examining it from the viewpoint of only its narrative, only its game design, only its filmic framing, etc., seems less than appropriate.” Elements from the technical side of development, social sciences and humanities are all considered when analyzing games. The University of Michigan’s video game studies web page mentions the employment of “media studies, popular cultural studies, American studies, psychology, sociology, education and literature departments.” “At the moment, it’s a pretty nebulous field, but it’s coming together more and more each year,” Dicecco said. Through the efforts of websites such as “Medium Difficulty” and a general rise in awareness, the potential for classes, minors and majors for the analysis of games is rising. The University of Southern California and the University of Michigan are moving toward interdisciplinary courses that can apply to the diverse ways in which games and the surrounding culture can be understood. “We need critical analysis of games to better understand the role that games play in our culture,” Dicecco said. “Half of the equation is looking at how we play games, the other half is looking at how games play us.” arts@ dailynebraskan.com



wednesday, october 3, 2012

marrow: from 10 He recommitted to the Crimson Tide and enrolled at the school in 2009, the same recruiting class as current Alabama starting running back Eddie Lacey and Cleveland Browns starting running back Trent Richardson. The trio became roommates and good friends. However, Marrow needed another kind of connection other than friendship. He needed a family connection. He was too far from home in Holland, Ohio. “Once I realized that no one could make it down because of busy schedules, that’s what made me want to transfer and be closer to home,” Marrow said.

Kids are comfortable coming here. You are always more comfortable when you have people here from your hometown.” Mike Marrow Junior Fullback

Marrow transferred to Eastern Michigan after redshirting his first year at Alabama. However, when Marrow went to school at Eastern Michigan, his dad, Vince Marrow, took a job as a graduate



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assistant at Nebraska. Mike followed his family there the next year. Adjusting to Nebraska has been easier for the junior fullback, especially with the amount of Ohio connections in the program. NU coach Bo Pelini is from Ohio and played high school basketball with Vince Marrow. Nebraska also recruits heavily in the Ohio area, particularly near Mike Marrow’s hometown of Holland, which is a 15-minute drive from Ohio Stadium, “The Horseshoe,” where Ohio State plays its football. “I think because of my ties, there are probably some areas of Ohio that we are going to recruit harder than other areas of Ohio,” Pelini said.

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By Wayne Gould

Every row, column and 3x3 box should contain the numbers 1 thru 9 with no repeats across or down.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

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Student Gov’t

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1 5 10 14

15 16 17

21 22


27 29 30 31

35 36 38 39

For Release Monday, May 14, 2012

Wine barrel Tear to pieces “Porgy and ___” Words after “here,” “there” and “everywhere” in “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” “Pet” annoyance For grades 1-12 Negative reaction to failure Emergencyrelated Snake along the Nile Dublin’s land Former congresswoman Bella Sort of words that sailors are famous for Flip over Synthesizer designer Robert Circumvent It’s about six feet for a turkey vulture ___ de Janeiro Other half of a hit 45 Refinery material Source of the word “karma”

42 44

45 47 51 52 53 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65

Ken and Barbie Deadly 1966 hurricane with a Spanish-derived name “Cats” poet Feuding families, e.g. Chilling, as Champagne Purple spring bloomer Drunk’s interjection Fascinated by Sugar craving Sewing line Like names starting “Ff-” Unadulterated Sea eagles English class assignment River of Hades

DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Spanish house “Famous” cookie man Chowder eater’s utensil Seoul’s home: Abbr. Perfume application When repeated, a crier’s cry Ward off


























14 18


21 23













19 22





29 31









44 48





No. 0409 8






















8 9 10 11 12 13 18 24







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Each subject who completes the study will be paid $200. If you are interested and qualify, please conact Daniel Traylor in the UN-L Human Performance Labratory (MABL 141) at dtraylor21@unlserve.unl.edu or call (402) 472-2690

Find yours here.

abled him to get tickets for his ing on, he will smack you around. family. Mike Marrow said he He’s a big, physical guy.” Marrow also has the advanwent to many games in the Horsetage of talking to his former Alashoe growing up, especially rivalry games against Michigan and bama teammates, who know a Penn State. thing or two about becoming bigMike Marrow’s time football Nebraska teammates players. When he ask him what the atHightower understands currently plays mosphere is like at the legendary Buckeye linebacker for what’s going on, stadium. Marrow tells the New Engthem the truth. he will smack you land Patriots “I told them that and Ingram it’s going to be the around. He’s a big, plays running loudest stadium physical guy.” back for the they’ve played in,” New Orleans Marrow said. “It’s big Saints. Ron Brown here, but Ohio State is T h o u g h Running Backs Coach just as big if not bigMarrow talks ger.” to the duo that Marrow is ready hosted him to go for Saturday night’s game, when he stepped on Alabama’s according to running backs coach campus four years ago, their talks Ron Brown. At 6 feet 2 inches and usually aren’t too serious. How250 pounds, Marrow is ideal for ever, he still learns from them in short yardage situations. their own way, he said. Brown said Marrow could be“They just tell me to keep come a dangerous weapon for the working hard and stay focused, Huskers in big time games. everything else will work itself “He’s got the potential to be out,” Marrow said. sports@ an outstanding fullback,” Brown dailynebraskan.com said. “He shows explosive power. When he understands what’s go-

“Kids are comfortable coming here,” Marrow said. “You are always more comfortable when you have people here from your hometown.” Nebraska already has nine Ohio players, including Marrow. Sophomore defensive lineman Kevin Williams is also from Marrow’s hometown of Holland. All of those Ohio guys return home this weekend when Nebraska takes on Ohio State in Columbus Saturday night. Marrow said as many as 30 of his close family and friends will be at the game. “It’s going to be crazy and a lot of fun,” Marrow said. “I know a lot of the guys on the Ohio State team.” Experiencing the Horseshoe won’t be as big of a deal for the Husker players from Ohio, especially Marrow. Growing up, Vince Marrow mentored Ohio State football players. Vince Marrow enabled Mike Marrow to interact with the Ohio State players. A couple players especially close to the Marrow family were Maurice Clarett and Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Troy Smith. Vince Marrow’s job also en-

25 26 27 28

Preceding night ___ Moines Register Mattress invaders “My Fair Lady” lady Shoulder gesture Long, drawn-out attack Icy cold Awestruck “___ live and breathe!” Surrounded by All’s opposite Autos Athletic shoe brand



33 34 36 37 40 41 42 43 45

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wednesday, october 3, 2012


Freshman shows signs of a star Angela Hensel DN

file photo by matt masin | dn

Eric Sock returns a serve. Sock has played four years at Nebraska, sliding in and out of the lineup. This season is Sock’s final year at Nebraska, which allows him the opportunity to leave one last impression on a program that allowed him to grow independently.

Sock aims to cement NU legacy Senior tries to establish reputation separate from proplaying brother Matt Nathan DN Eric Sock has had quite the career at Nebraska. The senior has been playing tennis since the age of 10, but has known his inspiration for the game of tennis all of his life — his brother Jack, the 2011 US Open mixed doubles champion. “(My biggest inspiration is) probably my brother honestly … he’s always had like a natural talent for the game and sort of a big passion for it,” Sock said. “From an early age … it’s always kind of like pushing boundaries and like getting better and winning.”

Sock puts his inspiration for the game along the lines with his favorite tennis player. “Obviously Roger Federer is one of my favorites, one of the best of all time and a great ambassador to the sport and always handles himself really well,” Sock said. “Besides him, I cheer for my brother like all the time but besides him, Federer.” Sock said that if it were not for tennis, his life would be very different. “It would change dramatically,” he said. “(Tennis) gave me an opportunity to try to pursue something. “Before I started playing tennis, I was not that athletic — not that coordinated.” Sock also recalled some of his favorite moments playing tennis, one of which being Nebraska’s trip to the NCAA tournament two seasons ago. His top memory, how-

ever, tracks back to high school. “Winning a high school state championship with my brother was one for sure,” he said. During his career as a Husker, Sock has established his own reputation, a separate one from his brother. Sock has made quite an impression on both his teammates, but also on his head coach Kerry McDermott. “He’s a very hard worker, loves tennis and he’ll give you 100 percent on and off the court,” McDermott said. “He’s been a good character, good guy.” McDermott knows that Sock represents a lot to his program. “I think his experience and being around for four years for the program is going to help, especially our young guys coming into the program this year and show them what it’s all about and he’s a pretty positive kid.”

McDermott detailed the number of ways Sock has changed his program in his time in Lincoln. “By his dedication … everyday coming to practice and gives it 100 percent, he commits to the program,” he said. “I think others have seen how dedicated he’s been to the program. “He’s been in and out of the lineup over the last three years.” McDermott acknowledged what he will miss about Sock once he graduates this year. “His smile, he always has a smile on his face,” McDermott said. “When you see Eric … he talks about like, ‘Hey, did you see the football game last night or how do you think the football team going to do or did you see women’s volleyball?’ He’s always bringing something to practice, something to communicate and a good smile on his face, a good character.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

continue to do so. Perez said that while the Huskers had been looking at Lehmicke since her juMaggy Lehmicke’s family is what nior year of high school, she still brought her to Nebraska, even worked to improve upon her game all the way throughout her high though she may be more than school career. 1,600 miles away from them. “She’s all what a Husker is The freshman Nebraska womabout,” Perez said. “She’s a real en’s tennis player from Kirkland, fighter on the court.” Wash., said that she always knew That competitive fierceness she wanted to play for a Big Ten of Lehmicke has school. Both of Lehmhad Perez compare icke’s parents were from Lehmicke to one of Minnesota, and she knew her teammates who the Midwest would be a has had a great deal good fit for her. of success in her While taking official time: senior Mary visits at a few other Big Weatherholt. Ten schools, between the “She reminds us atmosphere and the peoof Mary Weatherholt ple, Lehmicke knew that in that she competes Nebraska was the one with no fear,” Perez when she visited. said. “She will absoAnd so far, she belutely compete with lieves that she has made lehmicke anyone you put her the right choice. against.” Lehmicke said that With that style of while it was hard adjusting to colplay from Lehmicke, she said she lege life and being away from her family at first, she has adapted hopes she can accomplish a great deal while at Nebraska. Among pretty quickly. her list of goals include making it “It’s been a pretty smooth to NCAAs, but she said that she transition so far,” Lehmicke said. “I feel like I fit right in, it hasn’t really isn’t sure where she will end up in her career here. Lehmbeen too much of a struggle.” icke said her main goal is to just Lehmicke got her first chance find a balance between tennis and to compete at the collegiate level academics. in the Racquet Club Collegiate In“I’m not sure where that will vitational in the middle of September. Lehmicke teamed up with se- be, but I’m excited about all the possibilities,” Lehmicke said. “I nior Patricia Veresova for doubles and put together a strong match in want to give it my all on the court the first round before losing to the and be the best player I can be.” Despite being on the team tournament’s top doubles seed in the second round. Lehmicke also for a short time, Lehmicke said she wants to have success with competed in singles as well, again the team as well as individually. losing in the second round. Lehmicke said she didn’t get to Despite some difficulties, experience a real team atmosphere Lehmicke believes that for her first with playing club tennis in high collegiate tennis match, she had a school, and has enjoyed that so far strong start. at Nebraska. “All that really mattered was “It’s been mainly positive just fighting and doing well,” Lehmto have a team there to support icke said. you,” Lehmicke said. Despite only being a freshman, But as Lehmicke has just startLehmicke has the chance to make ed her young career, she said all an immediate impact and much she can do throughout her four more. Coming out of high school, years here is just continue to work Lehmicke was a four-star recruit as hard as she can. Everything else and ranked No. 74 nationally. will come from there, and that is “I think the thing that drew us all Perez said he wants from his to her was how she competed,” NU assistant coach Hayden Perez tennis players. “They are going to accomplish said. “We figured she was going to what they are meant to accombe a great person for our team.” plish,” Perez said. Perez said that Lehmicke’s sports@ desire to compete has already dailynebraskan.com brought her success and will

dn Big ten teleconference Brady Hoke, Michigan On Dennard Robinson’s poise - “His poise has improved. There are still things we are all working toward, we need to get better at. Us playing on the road is something we all have to get better at as a team.” On Purdue’s offense - “They’ve got a lot of playmakers on offense. The guys up front have a lot of experience on the offensive line. Caleb TerBush is making good decisions. They are very skilled. They can run with good team speed. They seem to be in a good rhythm offensively.”

Mark Dantonio, Michigan State On growing up in Ohio - “You grow up on football in that state. It’s very organized from the bottom up. There are a lot of strong high school programs and strong traditions throughout the state. It’s just one of the things you grow up with.”

On depth on the offensive line - “We lost two very good players. Travis Jackson is lost for the season. We do have six players who are available and have started for us in the past. We got some guys with some different things we can work with. We need to go on and make things work.”

Bo Pelini, Nebraska On playing Big Ten road games this year - “Every week is different. Every challenge is different. I don’t think it really matters where you are, but you have to play your best football. We have a challenge for us on Saturday playing a good football team.”

On the play of the linebackers against Wisconsin - “We haven’t played much base going into that game. For the first extended amount of time we were forced to, and really needed to play that kind of defense – our guys responded well.”

Phil Parker (Defensive Coordinator), Iowa

Tim Beckman, Illinois

On Anthony Hitchens’ play - “He’s a very active player. He’s been around the ball and been a productive player. He’s still working on the things he needs to work on, just like everyone else. He’s done a good job with the tackles so far. We just got to keep improving what he is already doing.”

On Penn State quarterback Matt McGloin - “He progressed in our football game. Just standing there on the sidelines, you could see the leadership that he possessed and the command he had on the football field also.”

On defense against Minnesota - “Our kids have really focused on playing hard and improve every week. What we try to do is get them in the right spots. I think they were playing smart football and being physical. We still have a lot of improvement to do.”

Jerry Kill, Minnesota

On interceptions for Max Shortell - “Well after looking at the film only one of those interceptions was his fault. It’s a consolation of working with young receivers. We have to do a better job of knowing the offense and running better routes and catching the football.” On what to work on in the bye week - “We are going to do exactly what we did last year. There are some fundamental things we need to do. We got to clean things up fundamentally and we got to get healthy. Those are the two things we have to do.”

Pat Fitzgerald, Northwestern

On the play of Michael Mauti - “Michael is terrific with his key reads. He’s a great tackler, physical at the point of attack. He’s been able to overcome two major injuries. That is the hallmark of his career. He’s a two-way player, great in the run and pass game.” On Matt McGloin’s success against the Wildcats “Matt’s had a ton of success against us. He’s killed us. We have to be gap sound. He’s got the ability to escape and move in the pocket. He understands where to go with the ball and the protection of the line. He’s very crafty.”

On bouncing back from back-to-back losses - “The things that we continue to stress is trying to take our program and get it better each and every week. There’s things that have happened these last two weeks that have really bitten us. We’ve really been our own worst enemy.”

Kevin Wilson, Indiana

On defending the run heavy Michigan State attack - “If you stack it up, you better be able to hold up out there one-on-one. It’s just the dynamics of playing a good team.” On the Indiana quarterback situation - “We don’t want to have a revolving door. I personally like them both, though I need them to both significantly improve. That’s all we’re asking them to do.”

Urban Meyer, Ohio State

On taking deep shots in the passing game - “After our players have proven to me that we are capable of doing it, from spring practice and what I’ve seen last year, my only concern is that you can take all the shots you want, but if you don’t hit them, you are wasting time.” On the process of exchanging video with opponents - “It’s very standard. That’s between the video coordinators, but it’s very standard from everything I know.”

Bill O’Brien, Penn State

On if he considers the emotional state of his kicker before deciding to kick a field goal or go for it on fourth down - “I don’t think about that at all. I think about having a good play. If I have a play to call there, I think about where the ball is, what the situation of the game is. I really don’t think about how (placekicker) Sam (Ficken) is going to feel next week if we kick a 12-yard field goal.” On the leadership of senior linebacker Michael Mauti - “He’s a leader and a guy that works really hard, but there’s a lot of guys there. He’d be the first to tell you that he is a member of strong senior class that loves Penn State and works extremely hard.”

Danny Hope, Purdue

On what he thought of his quarterback - “I was pleased by the play of our quarterback, Caleb TerBush. We were able to manufacture some drives on offense, and I thought it was his best performance of the season.” On what he has learned about his team thus far - “I think we’ve done a lot of great things already throughout this season. We’re obviously a competitive football team, a team that cares about winning. We’ve beaten the teams we were supposed to beat like we were supposed to beat them and played a top ranked Notre Dame team down to the wire.”

Brett Bielema, Wisconsin

On the loss to Nebraska - “We had some success, but we had some failures that ended up costing us a chance to win on the road in a very tough environment.” On defending the spread offense - “It’s unique because I think everyone in this league runs a different type of spread. A lot has to do with what that quarterback wants to do, you know, what his strengths are.” -Compiled by Andrew Ward and Lanny Holstein

football practice notes Buckeyes rising with Meyer

Ohio State coach Urban Meyer has the Buckeyes on the rise, according to members of the Nebraska coaching staff. Meyer is off to a 5-0 start in his first season as the head man in Columbus. He has the Buckeyes winning games, even with a postseason ban hanging over its head. Husker defensive coordinator John Papuchis said on Tuesday he isn’t surprised by the coach’s immediate impact. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for him as an offensive coach, and as a coach in general,” Papuchis said. “His team is really well disciplined, and they play well.” Nebraska coach Bo Pelini seconded that notion earlier in the week at his weekly press conference. “When (Meyer) was a graduate assistant at Ohio State, he was energetic and a hard-nosed football coach

then,” Pelini said. “It’s carried over into who he is today.”

Miller the focus of Nebraska’s defense

Buckeye quarterback Braxton Miller is the focal point of Nebraska’s defensive preparation this week. The sophomore signal caller is leading the team in passing and rushing yardage through five games, and has the Buckeyes off to a 5-0 start and a national No. 12 ranking in the AP poll. His production accounts for much of the team’s offensive success, according to Nebraska defensive coordinator John Papuchis. “We’ve got to always know where he is,” the coach said. “He is like 67 percent of their total offense, I think. He does a great job making plays, improvising, making something out of nothing. He’s obviously a talented

runner, but he throws the ball, too.” Long passes have characterized Miller’s game thus far this year. His arm strength and ability to locate receivers downfield make him a dangerous player. “Probably the thing that impresses me more than anything is his ability to throw the deep ball,” Papuchis said. “He does do a good job with that, and we have to limit the big plays as well.” Miller’s legs are obviously threatening as well, Papuchis said. The Huskers need to stay the course with a quarterback like him. Over pursuit can kill the defense, he said. “We’ve got to have 11 guys flying to the football,” the coach said. “And we’ve got to make sure we tackle well when we get our shots.”

Buckeyes to spread the field

Nebraska’s defense will use a smaller personnel

package this week when they face off against the Buckeyes. The team will see another spread offense this week after playing its first traditional opponent a week ago in Wisconsin. The defensive backfield must be ready for the task, according to Papuchis. “Versus their open looks, we’ll put more defensive backs out there,” he said. “That’s all dictated by what they are doing, but if they stay with what they have been doing, we will play more nickel personnel this week.” The coach went on to say he thinks the Buckeyes will spread the field more this week than Wisconsin did. Ciante Evans, the Husker nickel back, figures to play more snaps because of this, Papuchis said. -Compiled by Lanny holstein



WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2012 dailynebraskan.com @dnsports



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Rex Burkhead fumbles on the second offensive possession of Saturday’s game. The Huskers fumbled six times in the contest.

file photo by jon augustine | dn

Fullback Mike Marrow blocks a Wisconsin player in Saturday’s win. Marrow, who’s father Vince is a coach at Nebraska, is a Holland, Ohio, native.

Self-inflicted wounds hurt Huskers hardest

Former-Alabama recruit Marrow leads wave of Ohioans returning home

Fumble issues costly for team despite strong offensive showing in 2012

football and take care of the penalties, we’re not going to beat anybody,” Beck said. “I don’t care if we are good, bad or whatever.” Abdullah likes where the Huskers sit right now. They got the win against Wisconsin and have time to fix their mistakes beLanny Holstein fore the Ohio State game. That’s DN all a team can ask for, he said. “If you look at the statistics, As Wisconsin pulled away from when we are not turning the ball Nebraska in the first quarter of over, when we are in the plus Saturday’s football game, there category, we’re very hard to stop was an air of confidence on the offensively,” Abdullah said. “But Nebraska sideline. Although when we turn the ball over, we down by 17 points at one point, make it very hard to win like you the team felt like it was still in saw on Saturday.” control. With the Buckeyes looming on Fumbles and a few other unSaturday, Nebraska can’t afford forced errors gave the Badgers to continue beating itself early the lead early on, but Nebraska if it wants to come out on top at felt like it could put an end to the end. “Fixing us” is the mantra those mistakes. echoed around the Husker pracRunning back Ameer Abdultice field. lah is glad they did. “It’s been a conscious effort “Thank God since the season we came back,” began, but it’s When we he said. “We don’t starting to become are not want to be put a necessity with in those predicaleague play comturning the ball ments, so we have ing up,” Abdullah to do the right over ... we’re very said. “One or two things. If we do plays are going hard to stop.” those things, you to decide a game, know, carrying the and we don’t want Ameer Abdullah ball well, being to be on the losing Sophomore Running Back conscientious, the end of that.” sky is the limit.” Abdullah said Nebraska has a penchant for the Huskers know how to “fix beating itself. Saturday’s per- us”; they just have to focus earformance versus Wisconsin was lier in the game than they did this merely the latest example of the week. phenomenon, and the Huskers Coach Bo Pelini said it is a are working to fix those mistakes. matter of execution at his week“I’m sure a lot of teams say ly press conference on Monday. it, but it’s been a testament to us There isn’t anything wrong with this season,” Abdullah said. “Last the Nebraska pregame routine, he week really opened up my eyes said. that we could be really great if we Ohio State brings a similar don’t turn the ball over. We came challenge to the Huskers this all the way back from 20-3. When week, according to Abdullah. He we locked the ball up, you saw and the rest of the Huskers aren’t what happened.” intimidated by the Buckeyes’ No. Nebraska has great potential, 12 ranking. according to offensive coordina“There beatable, you know. tor Tim Beck, but avoiding the They’re not world beaters,” he kind of plays that allow a team said. “They’re quick, they’re athto beat itself is key. The Huskers letic and they’re a good ball club, feel like they hold the key to their but no one is a world beater.” eventual success. sports@ “If we don’t take care of the dailynebraskan.com

file photo by jon augustine | dn

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini participates in an interview. Pelini is a Youngstown, Ohio, native and former Ohio State defensive back returning home.

Story by Andrew Ward

file photo by anna reed | dn

Receiver Tim Marlowe carries the ball. Marlowe is a graduate of Cardinal Mooney High School in Ohio. Marlowe was added to the team’s travel roster as the 71st spot, an exemption by the NCAA.

Once I realized that no one could make it down because of busy schedules, that’s what made me want to transfer and be closer to home.” Mike Marrow Junior Fullback


ike Marrow knew Alabama was the place for him when he stepped on campus in 2008. He already committed to Penn State, but when Alabama coach Nick Saban called, Marrow couldn’t resist. The top five football program, five-star players and a prestigious head coach could

have sold Marrow to the school on its own. But when All-American linebacker Dont’a Hightower and future Heisman Trophy winner Mark Ingram hosted Marrow for his visit, that was all Marrow needed to change his mind. “I just wanted to do my own thing, go out and grow up on my own,” Marrow said. “When I took that visit, I loved Alabama.”

marrow: see page 8

Torn ACL sidelines sophomore shortstop Fowler Jacy Lewis DN Sophomore Mattie Fowler had a break-out freshman season. She started all 55 games for the Huskers, one of only three players to do so. This season hasn’t had the same hot start that last season had. This year, Fowler is starting off her season injured. During the summer, she tore her ACL while playing softball. She is on track, as of now, to play in the spring season. Even though she changed positions multiple times — playing third base, pitcher and shortstop — she finally settled in as shortstop, her original position. She produced a .248 batting average and 27 RBIs during her freshman campaign. Fowler is adjusting to watching from the dugout. She has been making the most out of her time there and is doing what any loyal teammate would do. “I have been cheering my teammates on,” Fowler said. “It has been really exciting seeing everyone compete during our games.” Her teammates have been helping her get through not being able to play and having to watch from the sidelines. They have been encouraging her to get better and to have high spirits. “They have provided a great support system for me to rely on,” Fowler said. Fowler continues to learn from the sidelines. She is getting a different

file photo by morgan spiehs | dn

Mattie Fowler throws a softball before tearing her ACL. Fowler, who started all 55 games for Nebraska as a freshman, is aiming for a return during the spring season, when the softball season begins in full swing. Fowler has made three position changes while at NU. perspective of plays that she didn’t get last year because she was usually

on the field. Sitting out has made her realize a few things as well.

“It makes you appreciate the game a lot more than you would have

if you weren’t injured,” Fowler said. Head coach Rhonda Revelle ac-

knowledges that Fowler’s injury hurt the starting lineup. She would like to keep a positive attitude toward it and she knows that other girls will step up, while Fowler is injured. “It is never easy when you lose a starter to an injury,” Revelle said. Fowler’s injury has been a detriment to the team, but the team has recovered and is having a good start to its offseason. They have won three out of the four games they have played so far. With Fowler returning before February, the team will have a fresh look that will benefit it during the beginning of the regular season. Fowler has the potential to be a secret weapon the team will unleash on unsuspecting opponents. The spring season is when the softball team has its competitive play. During the fall is when the games serve as more of a practice. This allows the team to ease into competition and figure out how its system is going to work. She is eager to get back on the field particularly because the Huskers will be hosting the Big Ten tournament for the first time this season. Fowler’s dedication to softball and to her teammates has motivated her to get back onto the field by February. “I am excited to get out there and play,” Fowler said. “I want to help the team go farther than we did last season.” sports@ dailynebraskan.com

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