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Manufactured Making a rivalries music city



hey blair, i thought that no matter if this runs small or large, I’ve drawn it up to run really horizontally. It can take up a lot or a little side room either way you put it.


Historically high hotness






Capital City Ribfest returns with famous fare


story by Adrienne Andersen art by Spenser Albertsen

eginning on Aug. 11, the Capital City Ribfest will greet barbecue lovers from around the state. A four-day festival, Ribfest boasts great music, fun festivities and, most importantly, award-winning barbecue from vendors hailing from cities around the country and world. These selling points are the reason Ribfest is now in its 15th year. “Each year is a little bit different. We book different entertainment,” said Derek Andersen, the Pershing Center’s marketing director. “The one thing that is constant is great barbecue and great music.” Year after year, people gather in downtown Lincoln to hear bands play everything from jazz to country and eat award-winning ribs that come from the big city scene in Chicago, the “Golden Triangle of North Texas” and the coasts of Sydney, Australia. Vendor Bill Milroy of Texas Rib Rangers out of Denton, Texas, gives an alternate perspective. “We’ve been coming to Ribfest since the second year, and we travel all around the country,” Milroy said. The Texas Rib Rangers no longer have a restaurant and only sell their barbecue sauces at competitions. “This is our 19th year that we’ve traveled around,” Milroy said. “We’ve cooked in 35 states and won in 29 of those 35 states.” The vendors that have been invited to sell their barbecue at Ribfest are the cream of the crop from around the world. Milroy said his Texas Rib Rangers fare has won three world title. The music also promises to be an important part of the atmosphere at Ribfest. On Thursday, Chris Sayre will be opening the festival with his folk and traditional music. Throughout the weekend, there will also be performances by country music band the Derailers, the R&B/reggae band D*Funk and the Blues Orchestra, among others. Ribfest begins at 11 a.m. on Aug. 11, and runs from 11 a.m. to midnight for the first three nights. On Aug. 14, festivities will begin at 11 a.m. and wind down at 3 p.m. The festival grounds will be in downtown Lincoln on the grounds of Pershing Center. Adult admission is $4, and kids under 11 can get in free. For those who are interested in charity donations, there is a free admission on Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a can of food donation for the Food Bank. ADRIENNEANDERSON@DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM






U.S. faces record- Nebraska sees rise high areas of drought in entrepreneurship KIM BUCKLEY


MAXWELL ARBORETUM WALKING TOURS WHEN: Aug. 9 from noon to 1 p.m. WHERE: Maxwell Arboretum on East Campus WHAT: Tour by horticulturist Emily Levine of Maxwell Arboretum and learn about the plants in the arboretum. COST: Free and open to the public CONTACT: Emily Levine at 402-472-6274 or elevine2@unl.edu WRITING RIGHT FOR THE WEB WORKSHOP WHEN: Aug. 10 from 9 a.m. to noon WHERE: Hamann Auditorum in the Law College WHAT: Workshop on upkeeping and creating a website while integrating text, photographs, video and other content.

no drought conditions. According to the moniDAILY NEBRASKAN tor, 92.24 percent of NeJuly was a harsh braska has no drought month for farmers condition with about 7.76 in the southern percent with abnormal drypart of the coun- ness. try, according “Nebraska as a state overto the National all has had a good year in Drought Mitiga- terms of precipitation,” tion Center at Fuchs said. the University Nebraska has seen hot of Nebraska-Lin- and humid temperatures coln. with a fair amount of rain. The percent of “It’s a warm stretch in a U.S. land area expe- typical Nebraska summer,” riencing exceptional Fuchs said. drought, the highest rank However, agriculture has in the drought monitor, was still been affected by floodthe largest in the history of ing and the hot temperathe monitor in the month tures. of July. The rankings range Keith Glewen, an extenfrom abnormal dryness to sion educator at UNL, said moderate, farmers severe, are alextreme ready seeThe heat will take ing some and exceptional loss of its toll on crops drought. yields in T h e crops like in Nebraska. This most recorn. cent reweek and last week “It’s not port clasa perfect will have an effect on g r o w i n g sified 59 percent of n ,” corn yield especially. shee a s osaid. the United States as “Let’s put droughtit that free with way.” KEITH GLEWEN 41 percent This is UNL EXTENSION EDUCATOR having because anywhere the hot from abnormal dryness to temperatures at night aren’t exceptional drought. good for the corn, Glewen While this summer has said. been hot, Brian Fuchs, a “The heat will take its climatologist at the Na- toll on crops in Nebraska,” tional Drought Mitigation he said. “This week and last Center, said the hot weath- week will have an effect on er in July actually began corn yield especially.” about 10 months ago with Glewen said there wasn’t La Nina, a cooling of water anything the farmers could in the Pacific. really do about the weather. Texas, in particular, has He said it was possible been hit hard. for the temperatures to cool “What’s unique in this down and save some of the situation is that it’s about yield that could be lost. the entire state of Texas,” If the weather continues, Fuchs said. Glewen said it could affect Normally, it would only another major cash crop in be parts of Texas that would Nebraska — soybeans. see some drought, he said. “It’s unfortunate for evThe U.S. Drought Moni- erybody because we’re all tor shows that currently, dependent on food,” he Texas has 73.49 percent of said. “It’s affecting everyits land ranking exceptional body.” on the monitor’s scale with KIMBUCKLEY@ DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM only 0.07 percent having

Experts attribute state’s modest gain in Index rankings to successful economy, educating youth in business opportunities KIM BUCKLEY DAILY NEBRASKAN

Businesses in Nebraska are encouraging new entrepreneurship in the state, according to a study by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The study found that Nebraska rose in the rankings of the State Entrepreneurship Index. In 2008, the state placed 24th in the rankings. In 2010, Nebraska moved up three spots to place 21st. “Nebraska rose in the rankings because of a high business formation rate,” said Eric Thompson, director of the Bureau of Business Research and an associate professor of economics at UNL. While Nebraska saw improvement, Thompson said the state still falls within the middle of the pack. “I think that Nebraska in recent years has had a more

successful economy than the nation,” he said. He said the study shows students and young people there is an opportunity to study entrepreneurship and succeed. “I think there’s been parts of our economy with new opportunities to pursue,” he said. “I think more young people or people who might live in the state see the opportunities in Nebraska are great.” For instance, the agricultural industry and the insurance industry have done well. He said he also hopes that a part of this increase in entrepreneurship is a result of the private and educational sector encouraging entrepreneurship and seeing the benefits from those efforts. “Over the last two or three years, there’s been very modest improvement year to year,” he said. “I think Nebraska will continue to improve, but I’m not expecting any big leaps.” Offices like the Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development make themselves available to encourage new entrepreneurship. The partnership has tools and resources to offer people interested in business, said Jason Ball, director of business development at the partnership. He said he wasn’t surprised

ONLINE EXCLUSIVE This week check out Cameron Mount’s review of the film “30 Minutes or Less” starring Jesse Eisenberg, Aziz Ansari, Danny McBride, and Nick Swardson. Check it out at dailynebraskan.com. You can also follow the Daily Nebraskan on twitter: @dailyneb, @dailynebopinion, @dnartsdesk, @dnnebcomm

COMMUNITY DESK COST: Free CONTACT: Andy Schadwinkle at 402-472-1683 or aschadwinkel2@unl.edu MOVIES ON THE GREEN: BOB AND CAROL AND TED AND ALICE WHEN: Aug. 11 at 9 p.m. WHERE: Kimball Recital Hall, greenspace WHAT: Showing of the 1969 film starring Natalie Wood, Robert Culp, Elliot Gould and Dyan Cannon. COST: Free

on high-throughput organic synthesis. COST: Free and open to the public CONTACT: DeNeice Steinmeyer at 402-472-3523 or dsteinmeyer2@unl.edu

MOVIES ON THE GREEN: CACTUS FLOWER WHEN: Aug. 18 at 9 p.m. WHERE: Kimball Recital Hall, greenspace WHAT: Showing of the 1969 film starring Walter Matthau, Ingrid Berman and Goldie Hawn. COST: Free



CHEMISTRY COLLOQUIUM WHEN: Aug. 17 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Hamilton Hall, room 112 WHAT: Lecture by Special Alumnus speaker Kevin R. Woller from Abbott Laboratories in Abbott Park, Ill.,

NEBRASKA CENTER FOR MATERIALS AND NANOSCIENCE CAFE: STEM CELL RESEARCH WHEN: Aug. 18, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. WHERE: red9 at 322 S. 9th St. WHAT: Lecture by Srivatsan Kidambi, a UNL assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering about the area of stem cell research and the role nanotechnology is playing in that research. CONTACT: Terese Janovec at 402-472-2716 or tjanovec3@unl.edu

FROM RECIPE TO REALITY WHEN: Aug. 19, all day WHERE: Nebraska East Union WHAT: All-day workshop hosted by the Food Processing Center for people interested in starting a food manufacturing business. Registration deadline is Aug. 10. CONTACT: Jill Gifford at 402-472-2819 or jgifford1@unl.edu



CD GSA KICK-OFF EVENT WHEN: Aug. 19 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. WHERE: Yia-Yia’s Pizza and Beer at 14th and O streets. WHAT: Event to start off the new school year for graduate students CONTACT: Graduate Student Association at gsa@ unl.edu


about the growth of new businesses. “Part of the reason, at least in the Lincoln area and the broader parts other state, I see the good stuff,” he said. “I see people staying in Nebraska to start their businesses. People are seeing they can make it work.” While Ball said there were areas of improvement to hit, getting funding has become easier and personnel issues have started to improve because people want to stay in the state. He said while he didn’t know what has caused that shift in more people seeing opportunities in business in Nebraska, he said that it “took a few people to plant their ship here.” This increase in business formation has helped the economy and helped give stability to Nebraska, Ball said. “It’s good overall,” he said.


DAILY NEBRASKAN Founded in 1901, the Daily Nebraskan is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s only independent daily newspaper written, edited and produced entirely by UNL students.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. . . . 402.472.1763 Emily Bliss ASSISTANT EDITORS Bea Huff Bob Al-Greene NEWS EDITOR Kim Buckley OPINION EDITOR Rhiannon Root SPORTS EDITOR Brady Jones ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Noah Ballard COPY Sarah McCallister EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Marcus Scheer ART Spenser Albertsen DIRECTOR DESIGN CHIEF Blair Englund WEB CHIEF Kevin Moser GENERAL MANAGER Dan Shattil ADVERTISING. . . . .402.472.2589 MANAGER Nick Partsch PUBLICATIONS BOARD.402.616.3742 Eric Hamilton CHAIRMAN PROFESSIONAL ADVISER.402. 473.7248 Don Walton GENERAL INFORMATION The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly on Mondays during the summer and Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except during finals week. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. The board holds public meetings monthly. Subscriptions are $95 for one year.


The Daily Nebraskan accepts job applications year-round for paid positions. To apply, visit the Daily Nebraskan offices, located in the basement of the south side of the Nebraska Union.


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Local literary magazine awards authors in print STAFF REPORT DAILY NEBRASKAN

Nine years ago, Hilda Raz, a former editor of the Prairie Schooner, imagined a contest that would give aspiring authors the greatest prize: the honor of seeing their work in print. The Prairie Schooner Book Prize has grown in the years since its conception, offering writers from around the country and the globe the chance to submit their fiction and poetry manuscripts for judging. “Every year, from January to March, we get book-length manuscripts and then we have a screening process and pick one fiction and one poetry manuscript,” said Marianne Kunkel, the interim managing

editor of the Prairie Schooner. A panel of judges reads through the submitted manuscripts, offering authors the chance to eventually become published. “Book prizes have been pretty popular,” Kunkel said, relating the history of why the award was created. “There’s enough other literary journals hosting similar prizes that it just became something on our radar that we wanted to do.” The award, though in conjunction with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, isn’t intended for UNL students. There are benefits for UNL students, however, in that UNL graduate students contribute to the screening process. “(The contest is) not something to support writers at UNL, although there are other

GRADUATION CEREMONIES Within the next week, some students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will graduate. There will be two graduation ceremonies to honor those graduates — the graduate degree ceremony and the baccalaureate ceremony. If graduating students have not picked up regalia, they should go to the University Bookstore on City Campus because they will need it when they arrive at the Bob Devaney Sports Center for graduation, said Jennifer Verhein, an assistant director of registration and records. It’s best if students pick up their cap and gown by the day before the graduation ceremony (Aug. 12 for graduate degree commencement and Aug. 13 for the undergraduate ceremony) so they can hang up the gown and let the wrinkles drop, she said. The graduates will be the first to wear a biodegradable gown as part of the university’s commitment to sustainability, Verhein said. Students should arrive on time to be placed in line, Verhein said. John Hibbing, a Foundation Regents University Professor of political science at UNL, will give an address at the postgraduate ceremony and John Rosenow, founder and president of the Arbor Day Foundation and a UNL graduate, will give the address at the baccalaureate ceremony. If students have any questions, call the graduation service office at 402-472-3636.

book prizes for that,” Kunkel said. “We’re looking for national and international submissions.” This year, the Prairie Schooner received almost 1,000 submissions, and from that stack, two were chosen. Karen Brown received the fiction manuscript prize, and first-time published poet Susan Blackwell Ramsey received the poetry prize. “It’s a great honor for them,” Kunkel said. “Both of these authors were very surprised to receive these phone calls. Being that it’s a book prize, they get free publication of their books and it’s a pretty big bump in their careers. We’re really proud of the work we selected.”


On July 30, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was able to see the art in agriculture. The UNL Lester F. Larsen Tractor Test and Power Museum and David City’s Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art hosted the Art & Ag event on East Campus. The public was able to attend the event free with a can of food to donate to the food bank for an ear of sweet corn. This was the first Art & Ag event UNL has had, said Jeremy Steele, manager of exhibitions and collections at the Lester F. Larsen Tractor Test and Power Museum.

“The whole goal behind this event is to introduce the masses to the museums to create audiences,” he said. In particular, the event was geared toward artists. “Not a lot of artists know what we have here and the resources we have to inspire their work,” Steele said. There were several events at Art & Ag. The event was a market type atmosphere with a corn-course, sponsored by the Nebraska Corn Board, Steele said. There were also corn demonstrations of arts and crafts and pieces on display as well as things intended to create some smiles, he added. For this particular event,


WHEN Aug. 12 at 3 p.m. (graduate degree ceremony); Aug. 13 at 9:30 a.m. (baccalaureate ceremony). Students in the graduate degree ceremony should arrive at the indoor track by 2 p.m. Students in the baccalaureate ceremony should arrive at 8:30 a.m.


Event shows art in agricultural life KIM BUCKLEY

Bob Devaney Sports Center

HOW MUCH Free and open to the public, no tickets needed. The ceremonies will be live streamed at the UNL website at www.unl.edu.

Steele said the museums kind of switched things up by putting the tractors outside during the events and the artists inside the building. “There’s just some very talented people coming and they get to see what we do,” he said. KIMBUCKLEY@ DAILYNEBRASKA.COM

College Students! Earn up to $1,130 in your spare time.

HOW TO DRESS FOR AN INTERVIEW Students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln … What a person can wear to a job interview can be in a broad range, from professional dress to business-casual clothing, said Christina Fielder, assistant director of Career Services at UNL. “They really need to market themselves,” she said. “Every element has to be in place, including, hopefully, dress.” Here are some tips for students to make a good visual impression on potential employers.

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BASE WHAT YOU WEAR ON THE ORGANIZATION Make sure you know the dress code of the office of the organization you’re interviewing for.

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Dress codes can include range from professional dress to business-casual. Professional dress includes a neutral color suit that has a solid color or a very subtle design, Fielder said. For females, skirts should be knee length. Business-casual allows a wider range of what is acceptable. “It allows for more creativity and freedom, but you still have pay attention to neat, clean and put together.” Fielder said. This can range from jeans that look good with no holes to almost professional dress. For guys, this most likely means trousers and a button-up shirt and tie, but not a suit jacket. For females it could mean a blouse and trousers. STAY AWAY FROM EVERYDAY CLOTHING Students are able to wear what they want to class, but Fielder said some of the clothing worn by students on a daily basis may not be appropriate to wear for an interview. STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL DRESS Students sometimes think it’s OK if they wear what they normally do when they dress up to socialize with friends, Fielder said. This isn’t a good idea as that type of clothing can be too trendy, and for the girls, the skirts can be too short, she added.

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monday, august 8, 2011

editorial board members emily bliss editor-in-chief BEA HUFF RHIANNON ROOT assistant editor opinion editor BOB AL-GREENE SARAH McCALLISTER assistant editor copy chief

Political hijinks prove fruitless A week ago, the country seemed ready to crack under the pressure of the impending debt ceiling crisis. Whenever the word “armageddon” starts getting thrown around on serious news programs, you know an issue is really super-duper serious. Likewise, now that a deal of some sort has been passed (though America could not dodge a downgraded credit rating after all), voices on both sides of the aisle and of the public debate have bemoaned it. This is probably a very good sign too — if for no other reason than if everyone is complaining, then no one’s agenda was fully realized. The problem still remains, however, that the debt “crisis” was a manufactured issue. For an item that has been voted on more than 100 times in its history, the debt ceiling and its intricacies were fairly unfamiliar to the public at large when voices started rising at the outset of the debacle. Most times, ceiling adjustments are passed without controversy. Yet this time, Congress (which the public must now see as some Snidely Whiplash villain) drew out the debate until the 11th hour... to what end? Was it some attempt to torpedo our current president’s political capital? A grandstanding distraction? A bona fide ideological last stand? Who profits from “armageddon”? Regardless of the answers to any of these questions, it should be clear to Americans now (as it is apparently clear to many of our peers around the world) that such political hijinks cannot continue. This is a country based on the principle of compromise; we wouldn’t have survived as a nation without negotiations and caveats, no matter how ugly. But the polarization which characterizes modern Washington needs to end. Perhaps it will, once the Republican Party gets over its mutliple personality disorder or once the Democratic Party grows something resembling a progressive backbone. Perhaps not. Either way, if you’re unhappy with the way things are going poltically in this country, the time has never been better to look for ways to get involved. From caucusing to volunteering to running for some low public office, or maybe just leaving a voicemail with your elected officials. It might sound cheesy, but now is the time to speak for the future of the country.


editorial policy The editorial above contains the opinion of the spring 2010 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author; a cartoon is solely the opinion of its artist. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of Daily Nebraskan employees.

bob al-greene | daily nebraskan

Rivalries form on field, not in press


ast week, I had the opportunity to attend Big Ten Media Days in Chicago. For two days, football coaches and players participated in a series of interviews. It officially kicked off the Big Ten football season, and everyone was abuzz about the conference’s newest team: Nebraska. At the event, Iowa athletic director Gary Barta and Tom Osborne announced a new tradition. The day after Thanksgiving, the Huskers and Hawkeyes will face off in the Heroes Game. The winner of the game will receive the Heroes Trophy. When the two athletic directors called it a rivalry, I had to roll my eyes. This rivalry is the worst kind: a forced one. Good rivalries don’t start in press conferences, they start on the gridiron. A rivalry is defined simply as two groups who are competing for the same objective. By definition, you can call the Hawkeyes a rival — we will both be playing to take home the trophy. Rivalries are important to the coaches, players and especially the fans. So why don’t I feel excited about this? Rivalries can take a number of

kevin moser different forms. The Oklahoma-Nebraska rivalry will probably be remembered as one of the greatest in college football. I consider this to be a true one. No one declared the other as a rival in a press conference. No one was looking to start a new tradition. It arose out of intense games on the field. Moreover, the Huskers and the Sooners had a mutual respect for each other. These qualities made it one of the best. On the other hand, some rivalries are one-sided. The Nebraska–Colorado rivalry started in 1982. Colorado head coach Bill McCartney decided Nebraska would be their rival. At the time, Nebraska was one of the best programs in the country. McCartney hoped the

rivalry would motivate the Buffs to victory. However, the feeling wasn’t mutual. That year, Colorado posted two wins — Nebraska went 12-1. The Buffaloes were the least of the Huskers’ concerns. In 1986, Colorado finally claimed victory in the so-called rivalry. Still, the fans weren’t convinced. I took the Colorado-Nebraska rivalry seriously for the first time in 2001. The Huskers experienced an embarrassing loss that should have ended their chances for a national title. Since 2001, they only lead Colorado 6-4. Although it started one-sided, Colorado was a legitimate rival when Nebraska left the Big 12. Finally, there is this new type of rivalry. Consider Nebraska’s history with Iowa: Since 1946, the Huskers have only faced off with the Hawkeyes six times. Nebraska won five of those games. Moreover, in the most recent games, the Huskers have decimated Iowa. The last time they played was 2000, when NU delivered a 42-13

moser: see page 8

Blind faith can lead to physical, mental dangers


ometimes the courts come through for the people. On Thursday, Warren Jeffs, a leader of a fundamentalist Mormon church that emphasized polygamy, was convicted of two counts of sexual assault on a child. One of the girls was 12 years old and forced into a marriage. DNA evidence also shows that Jeffs fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl. Both girls were forced into these “spiritual marriages.” Both were sexually assaulted. So here’s my question: Why did their parents let this happen to their daughters? This case brings up a lot of questions, but that’s the one that sticks out to me. Religion can and is used to abuse children. Such a thing is unforgivable and must be condemned. When we were children, those of us who grew up in religious homes generally were taught many things about the faith our parents had. We learned morals from stories. We learned how to pray. We learned how to worship our god(s). We learned many things about our faith, but many of us didn’t learn how to question it. Actually, I’d be willing to bet that many of us were punished if we did ask questions.

Many parents believe they are doing the right thing in sharing their faith and traditions with their child. For many of us, this is how we show who we are as a culture or a family; religion is a way of educating the next generation on our heritage. However, sharing these ideas or traditions isn’t always a great idea. In June, an Oregon couple was convicted of criminal mistreatment of their infant daughter. The daughter developed a condition called hemangioma, where a birthmark above her left eye grew abnormal blood vessels. The growth caused the infant to lose her vision and have a goopy discharge. Now, I’m not an expert, but if something on your body is causing you to lose your vision and has a discharge, I’d say that it’s time to head to a hospital. However, Timothy and Rebecca Wyland, the child’s parents, didn’t seem to think so. Instead of taking their daughter to a hospital, they tried to heal her with prayer and anointing her with oils. They belong to Oregon City’s Followers of Christ Church. This church rejects medical treatment because they believe accepting treatment is a rejection of faith.

Rhiannon root This isn’t the first time members of the church have had this problem. In the other two cases, the children died. Thankfully, this little girl is alive, no thanks to her parents. The court ordered medical treatment for her. The problem isn’t recent and it isn’t limited to an area of the country or an area of the world. Cases like these pop up a lot. A Colorado girl died because her parents refused to get her diabetes treated on religious grounds. A young woman died in England in 1994 because her family refused to let her get a blood transfusion on religious grounds. There is nothing wrong with having faith. There is nothing wrong in worshipping in a respectful and courteous way. However, there is something

deeply wrong in a parent refusing to give his or her child medical treatment because of faith. It’s one thing if you, as an adult, choose to deny yourself a life-saving blood transfusion when you are fully aware of the consequences. It’s not fair nor right if you’re a child and unable to make your own legal decisions. Now, I imagine some of you are shaking with anger right now and shouting, “But the parents were trying to save their child’s soul!” If your god isn’t kind enough to forgive such a thing that your child had no control over, perhaps your god is unworthy of praise. It’s possible your child will “atone for such a sin” later in life if he or she chooses to follow that faith. Or it’s entirely possible that your child will choose another faith, which means different rules to follow. In any case, it’s unfair for the parents to refuse treatment for their child on religious grounds, because that child hasn’t made that choice yet. Not all cases of religion and child abuse are as obvious as child marriage and refusal of medical treatment. Sometimes it’s not a physical violation of personhood, but an emotional or psychological one. We can see this

phenomenon with “Hell Houses” and Christian counseling (“pray away the gay” treatment here). Hell Houses are over-the-top plays about the consequences of various sins (e.g. homosexuality and abortion, among others). They are pretty much designed to scare the audience into pious belief. It sounds silly and overdramatic, but the thing is, these plays are scary, especially for a child. These plays and even vivid stories about Hell can induce all sorts of nightmares and phobias. Ditto for the “pray away the gay” counseling, which can really mess somebody up for the rest of his or her life. The American Psychological Association discredited gay reparative therapy in 2009, saying it wasn’t only ineffective, but could have harmful effects. If a religion has to suppress part of who you are or scare you into following it, that isn’t healthy. If you follow a faith just because you are afraid of the consequences of, say, Hell or eternal punishment, that faith isn’t genuine.

root: see page 8

California Grilled Veggie Sandwich

monday, august 8, 2011 Ingredients * 1/4 cup mayonnaise Big Al’s K.C. Bar-B-Q Sauce * 3 cloves garlic, minced Ingredients * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 2 cups ketchup * 1/8 cup olive oil * 2 cups tomato sauce * 1 cup sliced red bell peppers * 1 1/4 cups brown sugar* 1 small zucchini, sliced * 1 1/4 cups red wine vinegar * 1 red onion, sliced * 1/2 cup unsulfured molasses * 1 small yellow squash, sliced * 4 teaspoons hickory-flavored liquid smoke * 2 (4-x6-inch) focaccia bread pieces, split horizontally * 2 tablespoons butter * 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese * 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder * 1/2 teaspoon onion powder Directions * 1/4 teaspoon chili powder 1. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, minced garlic and lemon * 1 teaspoon paprika juice. Set aside in the refrigerator. * 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 2. Preheat the grill for high heat. * 1/4 teaspoon ground3.cinnamon Brush vegetables with olive oil on each side. Brush grate * 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper with oil. Place bell peppers and zucchini closest to the * 1 teaspoon salt middle of the grill, and set onion and squash pieces around * 1 teaspoon coarsely ground blackforpepper them. Cook about 3 minutes, turn and cook for another 3 minutes. The peppers may take a bit longer. Remove from Directions grill and set aside. 1. In a large saucepan over medium heat,ofmix the mixture on the cut sides 4. Spread some thetogether mayonnaise ketchup, tomato sauce, brown sugar, wine vinegar,each molasses, of the bread, and sprinkle one with feta cheese. Place liquid smoke and butter.on Season with garlicside powder, onion the grill cheese up, and cover with lid for 2 to 3 powder, chili powder, paprika, celery cinnamon, minutes. Thisseed, will warm the bread, and slightly melt the cayenne, salt and pepper. cheese. Watch carefully so the bottoms don’t burn. Remove 2. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for up to 20 minutes. For from grill, and layer with the vegetables. Enjoy as open thicker sauce, simmer longer, for sandwiches. thinner, less time is facedand grilled needed. Sauce can also be thinned using a bit of water, if necessary. Brush sauce onto any kind of meat during the last 10 minutes of cooking.

Kansas City

California Grilled Veggie Sandwich

Ingredients for a thicker, molasses-based sauce and *Famous 1/4 cup mayonnaise an* 3inner-city style, Kansas City style barbecue traces cloves garlic, minced its* roots to the lemon early juice 20th century, when Henry Perry 1 tablespoon served ribs wrapped in newsprint out of an old barn. * 1/8 cup olive oil The Bryant Brothers, Charlie and Arthur, later turned * 1 cup sliced red bell peppers the place into a legitimate restaurant that is a must for * 1 small zucchini, sliced goes as far as meat in Kansas enthusiasts. Anything * 1 red onion, sliced City barbecue — pulled pork, pork ribs, burnt ends, * 1 smallsausage, yellow squash, sliced smoked beef, chicken, turkey … even fish! *Kansas 2 (4-x6-inch) breadstyle pieces, Cityfocaccia has a twin tosplit the horizontally east in St. Louis. * 1/2styles cup crumbled feta cheese large amount of spicy Both use a distinctively

and sweet sauces. St. Louis residents, in fact, are said to consume the most barbecue sauce per capita in Directions America. 1. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, minced garlic and lemon

juice. Set aside in the refrigerator. 2. Preheat the grill for high heat. 3. Brush vegetables with olive oil on each side. Brush grate with oil. Place bell peppers and zucchini closest to the middle of the grill, and set onion and squash pieces around them. Cook for about 3 minutes, turn and cook for another 3 minutes. The peppers may take a bit longer. Remove from grill and set aside. 4. Spread some of the mayonnaise mixture on the cut sides of the bread, and sprinkle each one with feta cheese. Place on the grill cheese side up, and cover with lid for 2 to 3 minutes. This will warm the bread, and slightly melt the cheese. Watch carefully so the bottoms don’t burn. Remove from grill, and layer with the vegetables. Enjoy as open with Texas. Because everything is bigfacedDon’t grilledmess sandwiches.


ger in the Lone Star State, the last of the four Ameri-

grees C). Place ribs can barbecue categories is actually divided into four er four clovesitself: of Central, Eastern, Southern and Western. parts 2 1/2Central hours. Cool barbecue is likely to include beef ribs and

brisket, chicken and pork ribs and sausage. The fo-

ar, paprika, salt,is the quality of the meat — if sauce is even cus here umin.available, Rub spices it is a side dip. East Texas barbecue, dominant in urban areas like Houston and Dallas, means ernight. chopped n sugar, cider pork or beef on a bun. Expect to taste some hot sauce. ire sauce, lemon Western, or “cowboy style” barbecue, a over more direct mesquite wood grill. Goat and arlic.uses Simmer mutton are ur. Reserve a smallpopular. And finally, as we stray closer to the Rio Grande, we’ll get a taste of Southern Texas pping sauce.

barbecue, heavily influenced by Mexican flavors. Here, pulled beef or pork is known as “barbacoa” ut 12— minutes, the original Spanish term that Caribbean slaves ely browned broughtand to America centuries ago.


Marinated Grilled Shrimp Ingredients * 3 cloves garlic, minced * 1/3 cup olive oil * 1/4 cup tomato sauce * 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar * 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper * 2 pounds fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined * skewers Directions 1. In a large bowl, stir together the garlic, olive oil, tomato sauce and red wine vinegar. Season with basil, salt and cayenne pepper. Add shrimp to the bowl and stir until evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes to one hour, stirring once or twice. 2. Preheat grill for medium heat. Thread shrimp onto skewers, piercing once near the tail and once near the head. Discard marinade. 3. Lightly oil grill grate. Cook shrimp on preheated grill for two to three minutes per side, or until opaque.

Big Al’s K.C. Bar-B-Q Sauce


Marinated Grilled Shrimp

Grill Master Chicken Wings Ingredients * 3 cloves garlic, minced Ingredients * 1/3 cup olive oil * 1/4 cup tomato sauce * 1/2 cup soy sauce cup Italian-style salad dressing * 2 tablespoons red wine* 1/2 vinegar * 3 pounds * 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basilchicken wings, cut apart at joints, wing tips discarded * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1/4 teaspoon cayenneSauce: pepper 1/4 cupand butter * 2 pounds fresh shrimp,* peeled deveined * 1 teaspoon soy sauce * skewers * 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce (such as Frank’s RedHot®), or to taste Directions


the DN’s guide to

daily nebraskan

1. In a large bowl, stir together the garlic, olive oil, tomato Directions sauce and red wine vinegar. Season with basil, salt and 1. Combine cup soy cayenne pepper. Add shrimp to the 1/2 bowl and stirsauce, until Italian dressing, and chicken wings in a large, zip-top bag. evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes toClose one bag and refrigerate four hours to overnight. hour, stirring once or twice. 2. Preheat an outdoor for medium heat. In a small 2. Preheat grill for medium heat. Thread shrimpgrill onto saucepan, butter. Stir head. in the 1 teaspoon soy sauce skewers, piercing once near the tailmelt andthe once near the and the hot pepper sauce. Turn off heat and reserve. Discard marinade. 3. Remove wings 3. Lightly oil grill grate. Cook shrimpthe onchicken preheated grillfrom for the marinade and pat dry. wingsopaque. on the preheated grill, turning occasionally, two to three minutes perCook side,the or until until the chicken is well browned and no longer pink, 25 to 30 minutes. 4. Place grilled wings in a large bowl. Pour butter sauce over wings; toss to mix well.

recipes compiled by Sarah McCallister


Just the basics — ribs or sandwiches (or sammiches for the connoisseur). Ribs can be served either wet (brushed with sauce) or dry (with an herb rub). In Central Southern regions like Tennessee, smoked andChicken hand-pulled rather than chopped pork is popuGrill Master Wings lar, as is a sweeter tomato-based sauce. In addition Ingredientsto cole slaw, cornbread and french fries are favorite sides. * 1/2 cup soy sauceThough Memphis is the center of this area of the Barbecue Belt, its borders extend to Arkansas, * 1/2 cup Italian-style salad dressing beans potato * 3 poundswhere chickenbaked wings, cut apartand at joints, wingchips tips are prevalent. discarded It’s important to distinguish traditional Southern Marinated G barbecue trends — slow cooking meat in low temSauce: perature fires — from the more Northern concept of Ingredients * 1/4 cup butter backyard barbecue. Dishes like shredded or pulled * 3 cloves gar * 1 teaspoon soy sauce chicken are Northern, though they are inspired by * 1/3 cup oliv * 1/4 cup hot pepper sauce (such as Frank’s RedHot®), or to Memphis pulled pork.

Ingredients * 2 cups ketchup * 2 cups tomato sauce * 1 1/4 cups brown sugar taste * 1/4 cup tom * 1 1/4 cups red wine vinegar * 2 tablespoo * 1/2 cup unsulfured molasses Directions * 2 tablespoo * 4 teaspoons hickory-flavored liquid smoke 1. Combine 1/2 cup soy sauce, Italian dressing, and chicken * 1/2 teaspoo * 2 tablespoons butter wings in a large, zip-top bag. Close bag and refrigerate four * 1/4 teaspoo * 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder hours to overnight. * 2 pounds fre * 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 2. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat. In a small * skewers * 1/4 teaspoon chili powder saucepan, melt the butter. Stir in the 1 teaspoon soy sauce * 1 teaspoon paprika and the hot pepper sauce. Turn off heat and reserve. Directions * 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 3. Remove the chicken wings from the marinade and pat dry. 1. In a large bow * 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon Cook the wings on the preheated grill, turning occasionally, sauce and Starting on the East Coast, barbecue can be defined as red w * 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper until the chicken ischopped well browned and no longer pink, 25 to cayenne or sliced pork, with a peppery vinegar sauce,peppe * 1 teaspoon salt 30 minutes. evenly coated. C according to Dove. Sides include hush puppies and cole * 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper 4. Place grilled wings in asimilar large bowl. Pouryou butter saucesee over stirring on slaw, to what might at a coastal hour, seafood wings; toss to mixshack. well. Further south in this region, you can find the 2. Preheat same grill f Directions kind of prepared meat, but with yellow mustard sauces andpiercin skewers, 1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, mix together the “hash” — stewed organ meats. Brunswick stew Discard — com-marinad ketchup, tomato sauce, brown sugar, wine vinegar, molasses, posed mostly of veggies and chicken — is also popular. 3. Lightly oil gri liquid smoke and butter. Season with garlic powder, onion two to three mi compiled by Bob Al-Greene | map by Bea Huff powder, chili powder, paprika, celery seed, cinnamon, cayenne, salt and pepper. 2. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for up to 20 minutes. For Barbecued Ribs thicker sauce, simmer longer, and for thinner, less time is needed. Sauce can also be thinned using a bit of water, if Ingredients necessary. Brush sauce onto any kind of meat during the last * 4 pounds baby back pork ribs 10 minutes of cooking. * 4 cloves garlic, sliced * 1 tablespoon white sugar * 1 tablespoon paprika * 2 teaspoons salt California Grilled Veggie Sandwich * 2 teaspoons ground black pepper * 2 teaspoons chili powder Ingredients * 2 teaspoons ground cumin * 1/4 cup mayonnaise * 1/2 cup dark brown sugar * 3 cloves garlic, minced Grill Master * 1/2 cup cider vinegar * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 1/2 cup ketchup * 1/8 cup olive oil Ingredients * 1/4 cup chili sauce * 1 cup sliced red bell peppers * 1/2 cup soy * 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce * 1 small zucchini, sliced * 1/2 cup Itali * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 1 red onion, sliced * 3 pounds ch * 2 tablespoons onion, chopped * 1 small yellow squash, sliced discarded * 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard * 2 (4-x6-inch) focaccia bread pieces, split horizontally Sauce: * 1 clove crushed garlic * 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese * 1/4 cup butt * 1 teaspoon s Directions Directions * 1/4 cup hot 1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Place ribs 1. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, minced garlic and lemon taste on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Scatter four cloves of juice. Set aside in the refrigerator. sliced garlic over ribs. Cover, and bake for 2 1/2 hours. Cool 2. Preheat the grill for high heat. Directions slightly. 3. Brush vegetables with olive oil on each side. Brush grate 1. Combine 1/2 2. In a small bowl, mix together white sugar, paprika, salt, with oil. Place bell peppers and zucchini closest to the wings in a large black pepper, chili powder and ground cumin. Rub spices middle of the grill, and set onion and squash pieces around over cooled ribs. Cover and refrigerate overnight. hours to overnig them. Cook for about 3 minutes, turn and cook for another 2. Preheat an ou 3. In a small saucepan, mix together brown sugar, cider 3 minutes. The peppers may take a bit longer. Remove from saucepan, vinegar, ketchup, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce, lemon melt grill and set aside. and the juice, onion, dry mustard and one clove garlic. Simmer overhot pep 4. Spread some of the mayonnaise mixture on the cut sides 3. Remove the c medium-low heat, uncovered, for one hour. Reserve a small of the bread, and sprinkle each one with feta cheese. Place Cook the wings amount for basting; the remainder is a dipping sauce. on the grill cheese side up, and cover with lid for 2 to 3 until the chicke 4. Preheat grill for medium heat. minutes. This will warm the bread, and slightly melt the 30 minutes. 5. Place ribs on grill. Grill, covered, for about 12 minutes, cheese. Watch carefully so the bottoms don’t burn. Remove 4. Place basting with the reserved sauce, until nicely browned and grilled w from grill, and layer with the vegetables. Enjoy as open wings; toss to m glazed. Serve with remaining sauce for dipping. faced grilled sandwiches.

The Carolinas


page 6


monday, august 8, 2011

Making A

MUSIC city

››EDITOR’S NOTE: This story was also published on hearnebraska.org. The reporter is working as both an intern for Hear Nebraska and a reporter for the Daily Nebraskan. He could have said something. Here I am bumbling about on the piano, cobbling together a string of chords I’d learned earlier that day. And there he was, behind the production controls and, no doubt, thinking of a myriad of ways the piano part could be more sufficiently played. But Tyler Larson of Good Times Studio isn’t that kind of guy. Sure, he’ll pore over that recording, honing the mix no matter how many hours it takes. He’ll invite you back in to listen to his work a week later and consider suggestions for changes. And still, the 16 years of classical training on piano will take a backseat to a certain respect for his clients. I first came to know Larson at the Bourbon Theatre’s open mic, when he introduced himself and said I should be recorded, and oh, also, the first song is on the house. Over the next couple weeks, I would see ads for his 100 Singles of Summer, a ridiculously low-priced deal on four hours of studio time. It seemed like he wasn’t in it for the money. “Establishing a recording studio, investing the time and the money into that, my hope is that by taking baby-steps, I can pull out the established singers and songwriters out of the woodwork of Lincoln, Neb., and transform Lincoln little-by-little into that music city,” he said, Larson might be committing heresy by saying Lincoln isn’t quite qualified as a music city yet, but maybe he’s right. For the community of musicians, producers, journalists, photographers and fans, calling it a music city strengthens the bonds among us all. But it can also rest us upon some laurels of which we aren’t exactly deserving. So it takes folks like Larson to keep driving at a new goal to get closer to that title. Larson started his foray into recording about five years ago, after he had begun studying at a Bible college. “When I was taking classes, I’d go to school during the day, but I’d stay up all night recording electric guitars and amplifiers with really shabby equipment, like a $10 Radio Shack mic,” Larson said. “I told myself that over the next three years or so, if I could get solid guitar sounds out of this Radio Shack microphone, it might be time to start moving up and learning more intense software.” Larson learned the tools of his trade by emulating production heroes such as Roy Thomas Baker. He would take elements of layering or reverb he’d read about and incorporate them into his own recordings. “I would have little projects that would focus on, say, ‘I’m gonna aim for the closest Queen harmony replica that I possibly can using the tools this guy has talked about,’ and over time you get closer and closer.” As he’s gotten more proficient, he’s also developed a work ethic with a pretty rigid schedule. To start off, he’ll welcome a client at the front door and do his icebreaker. He said the most intimidating part of playing music for him are the one-on-one scenarios, so he’s

Skins group hurt by current views MUSINGSÊFROM THEÊMOSHÊPIT

Neil Orians

courtesy photos

crafted his regimen and his studio to ease the tension. “Something I pride myself on is that we haven’t knocked a hole in a wall and installed glass between me and the musician,” Larson said. “There’s definitely a place for that closed-off environment, but being a musician, that sounds like a whole lot of awkward to me.” Larson’s recording studio is in his house, adjoining the living room. He said he and his wife bought the house with the intention of using it in part for making music. So with that in mind, Larson said that by the fourth or fifth take, a musician is comfortable and practiced enough to deliver the one that counts. Once he has every track laid down in Logic Pro, Larson will let the music sit for a day or two then come back to it with fresh ears. He’ll start with checking audio levels, then adding

compressors to even out the volume between soft and loud signals. A little panning, a little reverb and delay are tossed in the mix like pinches of salt, and he’ll lastly master the song to make sure the highs, mids and lows are shining through properly. Of the differences Larson cites between his studio and others in Lincoln, he said the final step is one that is rare in any recording situation: He parts with the recorded material by uploading not only a high-quality wav file and mp3, but also each individual master track in case the musician wants to remix the song. One of Larson’s clients, Nick Jester, said, “Tyler was really cool about letting me use my ideas, and he’d add his own input. It was very relaxed and fun.” Another, Anna Christensen, said, “It was by chance that I heard about Tyler, but now that I’ve worked with him, I’d

like to go back and record more.” And record Larson will. He said he’d like to see more musicians from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Music; word-of-mouth has already brought in a handful of students. He also offers piano or guitar lessons, and for the pianists who are recording, he will be respectful of their musicianship and give suggestions on how to better their playing. “The big thing we’re pressing is an environment to grow singers and songwriters,” Larson said. “Other recording studios are operating under the basic mentality that Lincoln is already a music city, and I’m operating under the assumption that it’s not yet, so my goal is to help Lincoln grow into that music city that we’re all hoping it will become.” michaeltodd@ dailynebraskan.com

Skinheads today are mostly associated with the neo-Nazi movement in America. They’re racists who wear clothing reminiscent of the Hitler youth — red swastika armbands and all. However, the modern view of skinheads give them a bad rap. Skinhead culture wasn’t originally a masculine Aryan movement. In fact, Nazi ideology and bigotry hijacked the skinhead culture and created the strong associations with fascism. Skinheads can be traced back to 1960s England, where the working class rose up against the institutionally enforced class system in a symbolic and physical rebellion. Short hair was favored by the mods and skin punks as both a stylistic preference in rebellion to hippie culture and for utilitarian means. After all, long hair can be quite troublesome in an industrial plant or street fight. Skinhead was a punk movement, through and through. It was a reaction to the upper class gaining access to better education and employment, leaving behind the lower and working classes to fend for themselves. With these white skinheads and mods in the trenches were the rude boys from Jamaica. As a result, ska and rocksteady grew up hand in hand with the skins. The second wave of ska music, as a result, is referred to as “two-tone,” as reference to the peaceful union of black and white cultures. England, after all, has had just as many race relation issues as America. The lead singer of the Specials, one of the main two-tone bands, was a total skinhead. The very first skinhead I met in Des Moines, Iowa, was Japanese. Skinhead is not a race thing at all. It never was. So when did it all go wrong? Why is it that Nazism is so strongly attached to something that had strong integrationist

orians: see page 8




3 5 4 7 9 6 1 2 6 9


5 1


9 7 8 8 3 2 4 2 6 7







8 #1


6 8





3 4








9 5 6 2 9


7 8 to the board. The boss relents and RISE OF THE emphasizes to Rodman that he 9 to talk about1the profit 8po5PLANET OF needs tential, not curing diseases. THE APES 6 4goes7ter- Starring: James Predictably, something Franco ribly wrong and suddenly Franklin Wide release has3to kill all of 1the2chimps in 5the 8 4 lab. And predictably, Franklin can’t 8 kill an infant chimp and he 6Grade hands him off to Will. Will raises the chimp, which appears to have 7 the2strain4that was 6ap- 9undeveloped. 1 Only Lithgow and inherited plied to his mother, “Bright Eyes.” Labine manage to bring warmth 7becomes 6 3in- to an otherwise cold film. Lithgow The chimp, Caesar, credibly intelligent and even wears is moving in his struggle with Alclothes 6 at one point.9 2 zheimer’s, 3and Labine brings a life However, predictably, some- to what could have been a forgetthing goes 3 wrong again. Caesar table5role. His animal-lover chimp gets stuck inside an animal con- scientist wasn’t on screen nearly

Creating a prequel to a classic sci-fi movie isn’t an easy feat. Unfortunately, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” proves this. The movie lacks warmth, charm and vivid characters. You know a movie sucks when the CGI chimp has more personality than the majority of the human cast. This movie should have been subtitled “That Chimp is Totally Pissed Off, Dude!” The apes are truly the only part of this movie that consistently display any emotion at all. And when your audience is more empathetic with a holding cell with a lot of apes film’s CGI, you ought to consider trol EASY and a few workers, one of whom a new director. It’s disappointing because the is incredibly cruel for no apparent idea had promise, especially with reason (Tom Felton). Caesar then the cast of the film. However, it’s leads the apes to freedom. This movie is technically well ultimately disappointing, especially for fans of the original “Planet of done. The scenery, the sets, the edits and cinematography are the Apes.” The plot centers on Will Rod- all excellent. The special effects man (James Franco) and his quest and CGI are, again, well done, except the apes move just# 2a bit to find a cure for Alzheimer’s #1 4 3 6 7 8 1 9 5 2 5 disease, which afflicts his father, too smoothly to be truly believ8 1 9 3 2 5 4 7 6 3 able. This doesn’t save the movie, Charles (John Lithgow). So Will 2 7 5 9 6 4 8 1 3 9 studies the disease and finds a pos- though. 1 5 8Franco 2 7 3does 6 9an4 adequate job of7 sible treatment in ALZ 112, a virus 3 2 4 5 9 6 7 8 1 4 that can repair brain cells. Along portraying Will, however knowing 6 9the 7 caliber 1 4 8 of 3 actor 2 5 Franco is, the1 with his buddy Robert Franklin 1 4 3 2 5 is6 disappointing. 9 We2 (Tyler Labine), they study the ef-7 8performance 9 4see 2 very 6 5little 7 1development 3 8 6 or actufects of the virus in chimpanzees. 8 1 9 from 2 4 7his character. It’s8 Will is certain of the potential5 6al 3emotion of the virus strain and begs his rather obvious that Franco wasn’t greedy, self-centered bosswww.sudoku.com (David into the concept or the character. The vast majority of the charOyelowo) for a chance to present acters in this movie are flat and



predictable, but the characters LOVE WILL were underdeveloped and flat. FIND A WAY DAILY NEBRASKAN The only defining characterBarbara Freethy istics of the characters were “Love Will Find a Way,” by Barbara Freethy, is the most their relationships with each Avon/Harper Collins story unfolds, $3.99 predictable romance novel other. As #the EASY 2 I’ve read this summer. When more is revealed about RaRachel Tanner, a recently chel, Gary and Dylan’s pasts, widowed mother, is refused but none of the information Grade the money from her hus- was surprising. During Rachel and Dylan’s band Gary’s insurance due into Gary’s blood to be close. The novel to suspicious circumstances investigation also addressed the issue of surrounding his death, she death, they uncover many se- second chances and how it crets from Gary’s past, causing seeks out Gary’s best friend, is never too late to make the Dylan Prescott. Dylan is ner- them to doubt each other and right decisions. Gary. Freethy seemed to be vous about speaking with RaIf you’re looking for an easy chel because of a kiss 6 the 1 two trying to keep the reader in the read to finish 8 5 4 6out your 2 sumshared the night before her dark, along with Rachel and mer vacation, Freethy’s novel Dylan, about the events that wedding to4Gary, but 3Rachel 1 6 is perfect for 3 you. 8 The writing insists Dylan help her clear lead to Gary’s untimely death. was decent, if a little dialogue 9 name. 2 3 Unfortunately, her attempt 2 at heavy. 5 Extensive dialogue can Gary’s When Dylan agrees to help, a mysterious plot line was un- be a great thing, but it created 7 together to4 prove successful. 9 5 8 the two work some problems for me beDespite the things that that Gary did not kill himself, 6 8 7 7 4 it stopped 1 5 from because me caused me to be frustrated and their tense friendship blosing able to get into the scene. the novel, there were also soms more. 2 into something 6 7 with 1 While this5contributed to me many aspects I thought were Their relationship causes not being able to connect 9 of great. 2 The main theme of the the characters 8 on a deeper 4 with outrage6among the citizens levRachel’s small town, especially book, family, was covered ex- el, it helped the story to prog7 5 6 9 1 7 tensively. Thankfully, Freethy since Dylan is more mysteridid not just stick to the routine ress more quickly than many ous than Gary was. Dylan feels 1 3 9 6 3 9 novels, 7 which enhanced the guilty about being with his picture-perfect family. She feeling of being light summer MEDIUM # 1 MEDIUM #2 explored the effects of broken best friend’s wife, especially reading. since he has been avoiding her homes on future relationships RACHELSTAATS@ since their kiss nine years ago. and pointed out that families DAILYNEBRASKAN.COM Not only is their relationship do not need to be related by




Romance novel falls flat with plot

‘Apes’ prequel lets down sci-fi series 3

4 4 6

5 6 4


enough. # 3 But those two performances aren’t enough to carry this film. There are other major flaws in the work, such as throwing out a huge plot point of “Planet of the Apes.” Sure there are a few Easter eggs for fans (“Bright Eyes,” the statue of liberty toy, the hoses and of course, “Get your paws off me, you damn dirty ape”). The last Easter egg #3 1 2 4 9have 7 3been 6 8 left out — should the 1 8 4 6 5 was 2 1 forced 9 7 moment and Felton 9 6 7 1 have 3 8 the 2 4chops 5 to pull it off. 5 didn’t 3 6“Rise 8 2of4the 9 Planet 5 1 of the Apes” 3 2 5 on 9 multiple 7 1 6 8 counts. 3 fails It fails first 8 9 8 5 6 3 4 7 2 and foremost because it can’t pull 7 4 9the 7 sci-fi 1 5 elements. 8 3 6 off Good sci-fi 4 7 ultimately 3 2 8 9 5a 1discussion 4 is on mo- 6 5 1 3and 4 6humanity. 7 2 9 rality This comes 2 off as a lecture on how the science of all. 25 of animal testing willPage doom1 us

8 5 4

4 9 7

8 4 9

3 7 5 3

2 9 8

4 6 1 7

7 5 2

7 2 3

5 9 4



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4 by 6Wayne 2 8 6 Gould 5 3 7 9 Previous 2 6 5 2 4 answer Solution, tips and com29 4 8 2 at7www. 3# 4 7 3 8 5 1 4 9 2 6 7 5 4 9 6 5 3 program puter 3 1 2 8 7 6 5 5 1 4 6 9 2 7 3 8 3 4 1 7 5 8 gamehouse.com 8 6 4 7 3 1 9 6 9 2 8 3 7 1 5 4 2 4 6 1 2 1 2 9 5 8 7 8 4 45 8 6 7 5 3 2 1 9 “Medium” 4 3 7 1 5 2 6 1 7 3 9 2 8 6 4 5 1 5 2 6 1 4 6 3 2 4 8 6 9 3 1 2 5 9 4 6 1 3 8 7 5 7 7 6 3 2 9 8 9 4 1 3 7 5 8 6 2 9 The5 New 17 1Times 3 9 Sales 2 Corporation 7 9 5 2 1 4 3 8 2York 4 6 Syndication 5 9 3 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 9 8 1 4 6 5 7 3 6 5 2 8 9 4 7 1 7 1 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 #3 For Release Saturday, JulyMEDIUM 24, 2010 24 Jul 05




Edited by Will Shortz #1


35 Takes form #2

56 QB OʼDonnell

36 Words said 1 with 6 4 a look of 2 8 3 innocence6 1 5

40 See 23-Down

17 Plans to harm www.sudoku.com 18 Attends

41 Peak on the PakistaniChinese border

19 Think again 20 Closerʼs triumph

43 Examines closely

21 The “I” of E. I. du Pont

45 Poles are found in it

22 Person getting into oneʼs head?

50 ___ fide

24 No mere jaunt

51 Moniker for a ballplayer with a bat named Wonderboy

27 She loved Endymion 28 See people 32 Like many objections

54 Indexing abbr.

55 Drives directly to the final destination?

34 Use excessively, briefly


1 of2825 1 Precious, Page in Poitiers

2 Exploration vehicle 3 Dennis the Menaceʼs mom 4 Traffic guide


9 6 1 4 8 7 5 2 3



1 2 6 9 4 8 7 3 5

3 9 8 7 5 2 4 6 1


4 7 5 3 1 6 8 9 2



6 3 4 1 7 5 2 8 9





13 Café de Paris setting 14 Added to the database 23 With 40-Across, meal for a wolf eel 25 Donkey, in Düsseldorf


9 2 8 7 1 4 5 6 3

7 1 3 8 5 6 9 23 2 4


5 1 4 167 6 5 2 186 9 2 3 208 1 4 8 3 7 9


6 3 9 5 4 1 8 7 2

4 8 2 3 7 9 6 1 5


2 9 4 1 6 7 3 5 8

3 6 7 4 8 5 2 9 1


8 5 1 9 3 2 7 4 6

24 Ju

33 36




12 End of some pitches






11 It often grows in winter










9 One not mixing well




8 Teacherʼs deg.




7 Class in which some basic strokes are learned

7 5 2 8 9 3 6 1 4


34 37

8 1 9 6 2 4 3 5 7

6 Less easygoing




5 8 7 2 3 1 9 4 6




2 4 3 5 6 9 1 7 8


10 Charges



5 Small organs



#3 5 9 7 1 8 4 6 3 2 15 2 57 9 Start 3 8 7of 5some 5 6 pitches 7 4 9 1 17 8 2 9 7 4 3 9 7 8 4 58 3 Decorative 1 2 5 6 items 19 37 What an investor 4 3 2 6 59 7 Kind 5 1 8of 9pliers 7 2 1 3 5 8 9 6 4 builds 21 8 5 6 9 4 2 3 1 7 39 Took back3 4 9 7 1 6 5 2 8

8 3 5 9 4 6 1 2 7 7 12 Place 4 1 8to3use 6 9a 5 9 1 rake 6 2 5 7 8 3 4 6 5 7 8 3 4 2 1 9 11 Twilled, e.g. 1 8 9 5 7 2 4 6 3 215 4 Shrine 3 6 9 dedicatee 1 7 5 8 5 6 8 4 1 9 3 7 2 16 Have ___ 3 9 2 7 6 8 (be 5 4 1 4 7 connected) 1 3 2 5 9 8 6

No. 0619

45 52






Puzzle by Samuel A. Donaldson

26 Ilia ___, figure skater who won Olympic gold in 1998

31 Spellbinds 33 8:00-9:00, say 35 Swift, e.g. 38 Hi-___ 28 Result of some 39 Humdrum hovering 42 Pop maker 29 Something good 44 “___ Magic for the sole? Changes” (“Grease” song) 30 Like some 5846 Yammer Across

47 Home of an America East Conference team 48 Fly holders 49 Professeurʼs concern 52 Instead

53 Triage consideration

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past a new way to cover ($39.95 campus rec teams puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. and sports clubs. Now, on Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


daily nebraskan

monday, august 8, 2011

orians: from 6 roots? When the movement came to America, it latched itself onto the hardcore punk scene. Agnostic Front was among these Oi! bands that led the American skinhead movement. And let’s be honest, hardcore

moser: from 4

punk is as associated with anger as the Green Lantern Corps. is associated with strong will — the two were practically made for each other. Nazis saw this and exploited it. They took this angst and frustration originally fueled by

the domination of the upper class and forced it onto immigrants, Jews and blacks. Much like Hitler convinced the Germans that the Jews were the roots of their plight and not the poor decision-making of many countries’ governments, these neo-Nazis took a wonderful subculture and ruined its reputation for everyone else. The idea of one apple in the bunch spoiling the whole barrel is very relevant to what happened to the skins. Today, the roots skins cling to the Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) ideals. It’s a neverending fight between the true skins and the neo-Nazis. Unfortunately, in pop culture, the neo-Nazis won. So here I am, reciting my skinhead history for the umpteenth time in an effort to truly restore something that used to be a wonderful asset to England’s race relations. The next time you see a skinhead on “Law & Order” or hear about their hatred, remember that there used to be a time when racism and skinheads were separated. In the words of No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani, “Oi! to the world!” neilorians@ dailynebraskan.com



ass-kicking. For these reasons, we can safely say this rivalry didn’t start on the gridiron. The fans are another important part. This is the only area that this new rivalry has. Geography often plays a role in rivalries. Programs in the same state often have pretty strong feelings about each other. The same is said for universities sharing a border. While Nebraska fans are apathetic toward the Hawkeyes, many Iowa fans have an intense dislike for Nebraskans. I’ve been approached by many Iowa fans who want to give me a piece of their mind. Apparently, they think Nebraska fans write Iowa off

and we are full of ourselves. Oh, what was that? I got a little distracted by all our trophies. Of course, Iowa fans only talk big when the other team is in the gutter. I’ve been asked if I felt like committing suicide after a big loss — it’s like they’re the jealous next-door neighbor. Don’t get me wrong, Iowa is a football program that deserves respect. I’m excited to play all the new teams, Iowa included. I think it will be a challenge to adapt to a completely new schedule. However, I am much more excited to play teams like Ohio State and Wisconsin. Also, I don’t want to rag

root: from 4

However, if you come to the conclusion that there is a god through reflection and information, that is a stronger and more legitimate faith. Many of us are forced into a faith before we really have time to explore our options. It seems to me that having questioned your faith and deciding for yourself what you do and don’t

believe is the best defense against those who wish to exploit the naivety of children. So let’s try this: not assuming a child will follow his or her parent’s faith. Let’s allow children to make their own decisions about faith when they come of age. Let’s stop the scare tactics and abuse of children, especially in the name of


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Apts. For Rent 1 bedroom, 1 bath, in 7-plex, clean, quiet, laundry. All Electric. N/P/S. 2040 ‘F’ St. $365/month. 402-560-9400. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. NICE. N/P, N/S. ONE available August 1 and ONE available Sept 1. East Campus/City Campus location. On FaceBook at Starr Street Apartments (402) 430-4253. 300 S. 16, 1-bedroom apartment, $400, Three blocks to campus. 503-313-3579, Jablonski.Joe@gmail.com.

religion. If your faith can’t stand the test of a child’s questions or relies on anything less than a genuine devotion, you ought to consider converting to something more substantial.

Rhiannon Root is a senior news-editorial and history major. Reach her at rhiannonroot@ dailynebraskan.com

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kevin moser is a senior psychology major. reach him at kevinmoser@ dailynebraskan.com

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on the Heroes Game at all. Every year, the trophy will feature the names of a new hero from each state. Fans will nominate heroes in their lives and each university will select one. The Heroes Game will truly be an exciting new tradition. Just don’t call it a rivalry. At least, not yet. Let the teams play it out on the field and let the fans decide when the pot is ready to boil. Because that is how the best rivalries begin. And hey, we’re the Huskers. The best deserves the best.

Apts. For Rent

Apts. For Rent

Apts. For Rent

Apts. For Rent

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