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Betty and Clarence Taylor, then and now.

Taylors celebrating 77 year of marriage
Betty and Clarence Taylor of Clarkston will celebrate 77 years of marriage Dec. 15.
They met at a dance in Clarkston. One year later, they married in Portland, where Clarence worked in the ship yard. In 1945, Clarence went into the Infantry Service.
Clarence worked at Potlatch Forests Inc. (now PotlatchDeltic) for 37 years. Betty worked for the Clarkston School District as the cafeteria supervisor for 19 years. After retiring from Clarkston School District, she worked at Lee Morris for six years.
After retirement, Clarence was instrumental in getting the Pautler Senior Center (now the Valley Community Center) in Clarkston started. They spent most of their time in the mountains at their cabin and traveling with friends. They have been at Evergreen Estates for the past six years.
They have two living children, Gene and Debi Taylor and Jeanette and Ben Krause, both of Clarkston. They also have five grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Their son, Don, died in 1999.
The family also recently celebrated Clarence’s 97th birthday, which was Nov. 24.
Golden Times prints anniversary announcements for couples married 70 years or more. We’ll try to run your love story, along with a wedding portrait and current photo, in the Golden Times edition that corresponds to your anniversary month. Here’s what we need: A brief synopsis of how you met, your lives together and, most importantly, how you managed to stay together all this time. Submissions should be 500 or fewer words as told by the couple, please.
Text and photos submitted by email are preferred and may be sent to goldentimes@lmtribune.com. Paper copies may be delivered to the Lewiston Tribune offi ce at 505 Capital Street or mailed to P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501.
Questions may be directed to Golden Times editor Julie Breslin at (208) 791-6635. Deadline for the January edition is 5 p.m. Dec. 17. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020

Don’t let your space heater fool you.

Space heaters can actually increase your winter bill if used improperly. Only use them to heat a single, occupied room, and be sure to lower the temperature setting on your furnace while the space heater’s in use.
For more ways to save this winter, visit myavista.com/winterbill.