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Community spaces

A guide to community spaces and student groups

By ISABELLE SARRAF the daily northwestern @isabellesarraf


Across the country, people have had ongoing national conversations about racial injustice and economic inequality, and those discussions have played an active role within the Northwestern bubble — and will likely continue throughout the academic year. For students that identify as a member of a marginalized community on campus, it can be tough navigating your first year without a community that keeps you grounded amid the chaos. Here are just a few student groups and resources to ease your transition into college:

Multicultural Student Affairs

Walk into 1936 Sheridan Rd. and you’ll find a hub dedicated to enriching the cultural experience of Northwestern students. Multicultural Student Affairs hosts some of the most enriching and educational events of the year, from Transgender Day of Remembrance to Indigenous Peoples’ Day to Día de los Muertos. MSA also oversees spaces like The Black House, now temporarily at 1856 Orrington Ave., a “home away from home” for black students on campus. The temporary Black House offers two floors of community spaces, including meeting rooms for black student organizations. The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center is also run by MSA. Located on the third floor of the Norris University Center, the resource center is a comfortable space for LGBTQ students to socialize, study and meet each other. It includes a small library.

For Members Only

Northwestern’s black student alliance For By DAISY CONANT the daily northwestern @daisy_conant

Hello, you eager incoming-student you. I know you’re ready to take Northwestern by storm — why else would you be reading an article about the lovely academic system? Hopefully this guide will provide some tips on how to make it from your first class to your final assignment, and through your first quarter at NU in one piece. If not, don’t worry! You’ll get the hang of it.

The start of something new (aka “syllabus week”)

Ah, syllabus week. A time for settling in, spending time with friends and doing anything but schoolwork. I wholeheartedly embrace this approach — these first few days of lectures are focused on introducing you to the structure and content of each class, and your homework is often to simply read the syllabus — hence why many call it “syllabus week.”

You only have until Sept. 22 to add a class to your schedule that you weren’t previously registered for, so using those first few days to “shop around” is key to avoiding being stuck in a course that isn’t for you or missing out on taking a great one. If you’re as indecisive as I am, register for five classes at the beginning of the quarter, and then drop whichever one (or two) you like the least before the Week Eight deadline.

Also, this is the only week I can (almost) promise you won’t have a midterm. Revel in it.

Wait, midterms? Shouldn’t those happen in the middle of the quarter?

Okay, so the word “midterm” at NU is used very loosely, often to describe evaluations (think: exam, essay, project) that occur in a course anytime between Week One and Finals Week. If your professor has any semblance of a heart, they’ll assign a midterm and return your grade to you before the drop deadline (more on that later), probably sometime in the Week Three to Seven period. You can have multiple Members Only is the representative and political voice on campus of the black undergraduate student body. Committed to serving Northwestern’s black community, FMO hosts cultural and communitybuilding events throughout the year, such as the Black Family Reunion, State of the Black Union and an annual Spring Concert. The organization also hosts a mentorship program for freshmen, designed to support black first-year students by matching them with a returning student. FMO is also a hub for oncampus activism and has most recently led the charge for Northwestern to invest in its black students and divest from law enforcement. Currently, FMO meets at Black House.

Rainbow Alliance

Originally established in the 1970s as the Northwestern Gay Liberation Front, Rainbow Alliance serves as the premier undergraduate LGBTQ student group at Northwestern. The group is dedicated to providing a safe space for students of all genders and sexualities by grounding itself in a supportive and social environment. Rainbow frequently hosts

The Black House, located at 1914 Sheridan Rd., is currently under renovation.

Daily file photo by Marcel Bollag on-campus events, like Rainbow Week in the fall — an entire week of programming leading up to National Coming Out Day. LGBTQ students and their allies: Mark your calendars in advance for Rain bow’s Amateur Drag Show in the winter. Even during quarantine, Rainbow has shown its commitment to actively bringing the LGBTQ community on cam pus together by hosting community check-ins, queer movie nights and a Pride Month celebration.

Advancement for the Undocumented Community at Northwestern

Advancement for the Undocumented Community at Northwestern, though the newest student group on this list, has been integral in fostering dialogue on campus about supporting and showing up for undocumented students. The group frequently takes to social media to educate the wider Northwestern community about action items, such as how to contact local rep resentatives and voice your concerns about legislation that threatens undocumented people. AUC has also provided resources for undocumented students in the face of ICE raids and police violence, and hosted a March for DACA last year to show support for and stand in solidarity with the undocumented community.

Student Enrichment Services

The Student Enrichment Services office primarily serves first-generation, low-income, undocumented or DACA students on Northwestern’s campus. Last year, 13 percent of incoming freshmen were the first in their families to attend college and about 20 percent were Pell Grant recipients. At a predominantly white and wealthy institution, SES seeks to help the FGLI community foster identity development, navigate campus resources and build a community. Some resources SES offers include their Books for Cats program, which loans STEM textbooks to low-income freshmen. During Wildcat Welcome, SES hosts a meet-up to review services that Northwestern provides and allows a space for FGLI students to socialize.

An insider’s guide to the academic system at NU

isabellesarraf2022@u.northwestern.edu even if it is just moving from your desk to your bed.

So how much reading actually happens during Reading Period?

For those who are unfamiliar, Reading Period is the four-day period between the end of your Weinberg classes and Finals Week. I know, quite cheeky of NU to only give Reading Period to courses housed in Weinberg, but I digress. Anyways, the answer to your question depends on who you ask, and what classes you have in your schedule. If a class is in Weinberg: Students who don’t have classes often use the free time allotted during this period to study, go to teaching assistant-led review sessions or relax. I recommend a healthy combination of the three. However, teachers can still assign projects, essays, etc. to be due over these days, and the language department will also often schedule oral exams during Daily file photo by Catherine Buchaniec this period. So while reading isn’t required during this The Office of the Registrar, where the magic of course selection, academic scheduling and grade requesting small break, you may find yourself with some work. happens. They also outline the dates of each quarter; this Fall Quarter will stretch from Sept. 16 to Dec. 8. If a class isn’t in Weinberg: you’ll still meet during midterms in a class, or you could have none at all. The “Week Seven slump” (dun dun dun) the regularly scheduled period, only now you’ll do so remotely, as in-person classes are suspended before the It’s not uncommon that after cramming for a few Reading Period begins. However, it’s common that You mentioned a “drop deadline?” midterms or overloading on caffeine while finishing professors will decide to use those last few meetings Please explain. an essay, you may feel a bit burnt out. This usually as their own finals period — meaning you’ll take an

Nov. 6 is the last day to “drop” a class, or stop happens around the Week Seven mark, unaffectionexam or turn in a project before Finals Week, but you’ll taking it altogether without any penalty. If you ately dubbed the “Week Seven slump.” But never fear also be done with the class forever. drop a class before the deadline, it won’t show — after pooling a representative sample of students up on your transcript, and you can take it again from every school (fine, one student from every school And then, finally, we have finals? later if you wish. Although you often don’t need — sorry to my Introduction to Empirical Methods Correct! Finals Week falls on the 11th-ish week of an advisor’s approval to drop a class, it’s definitely professor), I’ve accumulated a few tips for getting the quarter, this year spanning between Wednesday, helpful to consult them, your professor or someone through the slump. Dec. 2 and Tuesday, Dec. 8. Depending on the profeswho has taken the class before to see if it’s worth First, take time for yourself. I won’t tell you how sor, your final could be anything: papers, projects, oral staying. to destress, but a quick walk around the Lakefill or exams, music videos, you name it. But if it’s a timed

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “If I drop attending whatever (virtual) theatre performance/ exam, it will likely take place during these seven days, a class, won’t that mean I’ll only be enrolled in A&O event is happening that week are always great during a period assigned by the Office of the Registrar. three? Is that ‘underloading?’ How will I graduate options. That Netflix show isn’t going to watch itself. That means that your final won’t necessarily be the on time?” While taking four credits is an averSecond, make sure you balance your time well. length of your normal class, take place during the same age course load, it’s not required that you do so, It’s okay to skip out on that club meeting. If you hours of the class, or even fall on the day your class usuand one of the few silver linings of the quarter need to grind through an assignment but are hav ally meets. I’ve sat for finals at 9 a.m. on a Monday and system is that there is flexibility (credit-wise) ing awful writers block, you can utilize the Writing 7 p.m. on a Friday (both equally fun). You’ve got this. to take three classes here and there throughout Place to help you make sense of the prompt. If it’s your time at NU. 99¢ She always wanted you to have a Mom always loved you best... 99¢ Breakfast, Brunch safe, change up your study spot every few hours, daisyconant2022@u.northwestern.edu Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch good breakfast. Breakfast She always wanted you to have a good breakfast. or Lunch Buy one entree at regular price and get your second Buy one entree at regular price and get your second entree at Le Peep. Mom would be Breakfast at Le Peep. Mom would be pleased. entree of equal or lesser value for just 99¢ Offer good Monday-Saturday only of equal or lesser value for just 99 ¢ pleased. Mon. - Fri. 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun. 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Offer good only at restaurants listed Limit one offer per coupon. Offer expires 09/30/20

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