feb. 14, 2018 high 46°, low 36°
t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r a c u s e , n e w yor k |
N • STEM publication
O • Leaning lefter
A group of Syracuse University researchers recently published a book on the similarities between malicious anomalies in technology, including credit card fraud. Page 3
Anarchy columnist Sam Norton commends the establishment of a Democratic Socialists of America chapter in Syracuse to curtail the effects of capitalism. Page 5
Valentine’s Day Guide Starts on page 7. Read stories on ... SU’s power couple • A Dino-BBQ singles event Where to take your S.O. • Singing love-grams
S • The aftermath
Syracuse men’s and women’s lacrosse teams had to suspend their fall seasons, leaving athletes and coaches to determine how to best prepare for the spring. Page 16
university politics
Ombuds Office opens Office to provide closed conflict resolution By Kennedy Rose asst. news editor
REV. FRED DALEY, of the All Saints Roman Catholic Church, has offered room at the parish as sanctuary to undocumented immigrants with limited resources facing legal battles. kai nguyen photo editor
On a prayer
Four Syracuse churches offer public sanctuary for undocumented immigrants By Delaney Van Wey senior staff writer
s members of the All Saints Roman Catholic Church on University Hill head to mass on this Ash Wednesday, they will notice a bright orange banner hanging above a set of pews. “IMMIGRANTS & REFUGEES WELCOME,” the banner reads. Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus cross its folds. Through the Central New York Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition, four local parishes, including All Saints, have committed to providing and supporting sanctuary for undocumented immigrants in Syracuse.
Clergy and church members said this pledge was motivated by President Donald Trump’s “nationalistic, racist” rhetoric toward undocumented immigrants. Advocates for undocumented immigrants say this sanctuary commitment is positive action, but more assistance is still needed from both parishes and individual residents. “As a Christian, I thought about taking this as an aspect of faith, and not just a political statement, but as part of my faith commitment,” said Mary Kuhn, a member of St. Lucy’s parish, which is on the city’s Near Westside. “Jesus talked about welcoming the stranger.” Rev. Fred Daley of All Saints said his church is the see sanctuary page 4
engineering and computer science
Dean addresses plan to transform college By Catherine Leffert asst. news editor
Syracuse University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science plans to launch additional scholarship programs, a $6 million innovation center and endowed faculty and fellowship positions — all through an iniDAHLBERG tiative funded by alumni donations, called the
Transformation Plan. Dean Teresa Dahlberg, in a recent interview with The Daily Orange, addressed the college’s plan, which is part of the university’s broader Academic Strategic Plan. Chancellor Kent Syverud, in a speech last month, said all of the university’s schools and colleges now have their individual Academic Strategic Plans drafted. Dahlberg said the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s initiative seeks to expand student diversity, create broader career opportunities, increase
inter-university collaboration and grow research. “Basically any strategic plan is about setting aspirational goals for the future,” Dahlberg said. “In
$25 million Amount of money allocated for increased space in the College of Engineering and Computer Science as part of the Transformation Plan’s first draft
any university or organization, you want to undertake continuous improvement.” The six initiatives in the plan will be funded by alumni, Dahlberg said. Goals in the plan’s first draft included $10 million for “people,” $15 million for programs and $25 million for physical space. Dahlberg said these four goals were chosen because the priority was making a degree from the College of Engineering and Computer Science, “more valuable.”
see plan page 4
After years of discussions, Syracuse University officially opened an Ombuds Office and appointed Professor Emeritus Samuel Clemence as its interim ombudsperson on Tuesday. Graduate students, faculty and staff can use CLEMENCE the new office to address grievances, air concerns or question university policies confidentially. Some campus community members have previously voiced frustrations with how long SU has taken to create an Ombuds Office. Information relayed in the
I think it’s all for the good. We have to see how it gets implemented, but you know, I’m optimistic. Margaret Susan Thompson co-chair of university senate’s committee on women’s concerns
Ombuds Office cannot be given to the Office of the Provost. The Daily Orange, in 2016, reported that all records collected by an ombudsperson would be destroyed. “We’re just excited that the office is now open,” said Jack Wilson, president of SU’s Graduate Student Organization, after the university’s announcement. “It will give grads a much-needed venue to address grievances in a private and confidential setting.” An ombudsperson cannot take any formal action in regard to complaints, but can help complainants file paperwork so issues can be addressed by appropriate offices. The new office is in Suite 215 of the SU Health Services building. A permanent ombudsperson is expected to be hired by the end of the spring semester. Wilson is on the search committee for the permanent official, along with Clemence and several other professors and university administrators. “I think it’s all for the good,” see ombuds page 11
2 feb. 14, 2018
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The Daily Orange is an independent newspaper published in Syracuse, New York. The editorial content of the paper — which originated in 1903 and went independent in 1971 — and its online platforms are entirely run by Syracuse University students. The D.O.’s coverage of the greater SU area is disseminated through 125 issues during the 2017-18 academic year with a circulation of 6,000 copies, a readership of 30,000 and online circulation of about 500,000 during publishing months. The paper is published Monday through Thursday when SU classes are in session, Fridays before home football games and select basketball games and in the cases of notable and newsworthy occasions. The D.O.’s online coverage is 24/7, including while SU is on break. To help support The D.O.’s independent journalism, please visit
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letter to the editor policy The D.O. prides itself as an outlet for community discussion. To learn more about our submission guidelines, please email opinion@dailyorange. com with your full name and affiliation within the Syracuse community. Please note letters should not include any personal information pertaining to other people unless it is relevant to the topic at hand. All letters will be edited for style and grammar.
inside P • Single celebration Eat, drink and be messy on Valentine’s Day at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, which is hosting a singlesthemed event complete with drinks and live music. Page 8
S • One more goal Stephanie Grossi set the points record for Syracuse hockey on Saturday, but the senior forward still has another goal in mind. Page 16
The Daily Orange is published weekdays during the Syracuse University academic year by The Daily Orange Corp., 744 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210. All contents Copyright 2017 by The Daily Orange Corp. and may not be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Orange is distributed on and around campus with the first two copies complimentary. Each additional copy costs $1. The Daily Orange is in no way a subsidy or associated with Syracuse University. All contents © 2017 The Daily Orange Corporation
noon hi 46° lo 36°
digital spotlight Lacrosse Guide • Syracuse lacrosse is back for the 2018 season. Our guide provides the stories behind six key players and a timeline of SU’s famed No. 22 jersey.
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ReZone Syracuse
Biotech research
University Hill business owners have mixed opinions about the major city zoning initiative. See Thursday’s paper
Syracuse University faculty are working on groundbreaking biotech and forensic projects. See Thursday’s paper @dailyorange feb. 14, 2018 • PAG E 3
state news Here is a roundup of the biggest news happening in New York right now. SKATING BANNED Ice skating was prohibited on a pond in a Fayetteville park after New York state officials said village workers cannot work on the ice or near water until the village creates a policy detailing how workers will be protected. People have gone skating on the pond since the mid-1800s, and the activity was popularized after the pond became a park. source:
DEFRANCISCO ENDORSEMENT New York state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan endorsed New York state Sen. John DeFrancisco for governor on Tuesday. DeFrancisco represents the area including Syracuse and announced his campaign against Gov. Andrew Cuomo two weeks ago. source: cny central
STUDENT SERVICES SUNY Oswego students are offering free tax-return services to local residents through April. The program is coordinated by Beta Alpha Psi, the college’s finance and accounting honor society.
Going vertical Construction is continuing on The Marshall, a private student housing complex on South Crouse Avenue. The building has replaced restaurants and bars such as Funk ‘n Waffles, AppeThaizing and Hungry Chuck’s. They were closed and demolished last year. Work on the eight-story building is expected to be completed by start of the fall semester. jason mussman 5th medium
ask the experts
Researchers publish book on tech anomalies By Olivia Cole staff writer
Engineering and computer science professors in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences have published a new book on the similarities between malicious anomalies in computer technology. Malicious anomalies include credit card fraud, electronic seizures in heart-monitoring technology and malware in computer systems. Algorithms used to discover
these anomalies are detailed in the new book, “Anomaly Detection Principles and Algorithms,” which was written by SU Research and Emeritus Professor Kishan Mehrotra, Professor Chilukuri Mohan and alumnus HuaMing Huang. The Daily Orange spoke with Mohan, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science, to discuss algorithmic anomaly detection.
The Daily Orange: What are anomaly detection algorithms?
Chilukuri Mohan: There are
lots of data describing human behavior, as well as other various scientific and engineering problems … characterized by some normal behaviors. Anomalies are variations from these norms. For instance, with credit card fraud detection, if you usually make certain kinds of purchases and suddenly there’s a purchase that is from a completely different place, or different country or something that you have never bought before
— a substantial variation from your normal behavior — will be flagged by the credit card company. Credit card companies frequently do this. There are many other examples in health. If you look at an (electroencephalography), there is a normal pattern you would expect and then an irregular heartbeat that would create a variation in the pattern. Similarly, in cybersecurity, usually there are certain kinds of messages, and when something
see anomalies page 4
source: cny central
SRIRACHA AND SALT BAR Syracha’Cuse Gourmet Sauces and the Syracuse Salt Company will open a joint kiosk in Destiny USA as a tasting bar. It will be located on the first floor of the mall near The Disney Store. The companies are selling 20 infused salts, seven hot sauces and seven mustards. source:
KATKO ENDORSEMENT The Onondaga County Republican Committee has endorsed Rep. John Katko (R-Camillus) of the 24th Congressional District for the 2018 midterm elections. The committee voted unanimously for Katko. The 24th district represents several counties in central New York, including all of Onondaga County. source: auburn pub
Public colleges fail to report student suicides
New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo has gotten a new dog, a 14-week-old mix named “Captain.” The dog is a mix of a shepherd, Siberian and malamute breeds.
By Carolina Espinal contributing writer
Some of the United States’ largest universities failed to report student suicide statistics, a recent investigation by The Associated Press found. Even when colleges did track student suicides, there were inconsistencies in the data they provided. The investigation studied the nation’s 100 largest public colleges and universities and discovered that only 46 schools currently track student suicides. The Clery Act, enforced by the United States Department of Education, requires universities to report crimes on campus. But gaps in data appear as institutions struggle to decide when to include a suicide in their report, a determination complicated when suicides do
not occur on campus. “We might be able to see trends. If it is certain subpopulations, marginalized groups, students associated with certain academic departments or athletic teams or other subcommittees in the university, that may then indicate an area that needs attention or some targeted outreach,” said Lee Swain, director of JED Campus, a mental health organization that focuses on college issues. Concerns over mental health have correlated with an increase in college students seeking treatment since the 1990s, according to the American Psychological Association. Medical professionals, though, said there’s a caveat when publicizing the causes of death in explicit detail, which may have other implications associated with the con-
tagion effect, a process prompting more suicides through glorification. Research shows that suicide rates can increase when vulnerable people view reports and data that detail suicides, said Elaine de Mello, training and education service manager of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. “The flip side is true, which is if you put out messaging that instead of focusing on how many people die, you focus on how many people are getting help, where and how they’re getting help — that actually increases the likelihood that people … will try to seek help,” de Mello said. Collecting data helps institutions gauge preventative measures and responses, de Mello said, but there are other factors universities must consider to respond appropriately. In an effort to prompt future
conversations and solutions, some professionals are turning to the AP investigation. “I think that we have to be courageous as colleges. We have to be courageous in our honesty about what is really happening in our campuses and sometimes that means that we’re going to have uncomfortable conversations,” said Lisa Adams, president of the American College Counseling Association. Adams said she supports universities tracking data on student suicides, but the reports should not contain much detail so they do not prompt other students to also commit suicide. She said the only way to address an issue is to admit there is one. “We need to do better, and we can do better and we will do better,” Adams said.
source: times union
CLEANUP CUTS President Donald Trump proposed cuts to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative by 90 percent. The program was launched in 2010 to pay for cleanup projects in the Great Lakes and has helped clean up Onondaga Lake thanks to more than $2 billion in funding. source: new york upstate
STABBING HOSPITALIZATIONS Two people were transported to Upstate University Hospital with nonlife threatening injuries after they were stabbed and shot on Monday night. One man had a gunshot wound to the abdomen. source: cny central
4 feb. 14, 2018
from page 1
sanctuary only one of the four other sanctuaries that is able to provide physical space for sanctuary, as of now. The space would be available for undocumented immigrants with limited resources who are going through legal battles in immigration court, Daley said. The apartment that All Saints is offering, which is part of its parish annex, can only accommodate one to two people, but it is furnished and has a working kitchen. While the space may be minimal, it speaks volumes symbolically. All Saints is near Syracuse University’s Main Campus on Lancaster Avenue. The other three churches — St. Lucy’s Church, University United Methodist Church and Plymouth Congregational Church — have committed to material and spiritual support of undocumented immigrants and those in sanctuary. “By and large, it’s the community standing up and saying the present system is unjust and is causing great suffering,” Daley said. Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh has been hesitant to publicly use the “sanctuary city” phrase to describe Syracuse, about a year after the terminology received national recognition after Trump’s administration implemented a controversial travel ban that affected several majority Muslim countries. Walsh has said, though, that he plans to keep in place policies enacted by former Mayor Stephanie Miner, though, that do
not require police to arrest people based on immigration status — a policy frequently implemented by sanctuary cities. But that’s still concerning for some activists. “It’s a sad state of affairs in a city in which hundreds of people have sometimes come out and said that they want Syracuse to be a sanctuary city,” said Rebecca Fuentes, a lead organizer of the Workers’ Center of Central New York. “I hope that there’s more and there should be more.”
As a Christian, I thought about taking this as an aspect of faith, and not just a political statement, but as part of my faith commitment. Mary Kuhn
member of st. lucy’s parish
Daley said the vote at All Saints was 454 affirmations to seven abstentions and 16 dissensions. At St. Lucy’s, the vote was 201 affirmations to four abstentions or dissensions, said Dave Pasinski, a member of St. Lucy’s parish. Although Kuhn has been politically active all her life, this is the first time she’s worked with a church on developing sanctuary. Both she and Pasinski, though, said this work is directly in line with the greater social justice missions of All Saints and St. Lucy’s.
from page 1
Officials have worked on the college’s “Academic Achievement Plan” for several years, Dahlberg said. When Chancellor Kent Syverud released the Academic Strategic Plan, a university-wide academic initiative, the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s achievement plan was edited to more closely align with the university’s. Dahlberg said the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s student makeup is roughly 20 percent underrepresented minorities, and about 25 to 28 percent women. Those statistics are in line with national trends, but Dahlberg said SU hopes to increase those percentages. Two initiatives included in the Transformation Plan are the ECS Ambassador Scholars Program and ECS Leadership Scholars Program, which would provide scholarship amounts of $28,000 to students recruited to the college. The ECS Ambassador Scholars Program aims to increase recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities. That program, which has evolved in the last five years from the Donofrio Scholarship program, has yielded a 95 percent graduation rate, Dahlberg said. The ECS Leadership Scholars Program targets high-performing students, specifically in the Renée Crown Honors Program who want to advance research in the intersection of technology and people. Other initiatives in the Transformation Plan include Invent@SU, a collaborative six-week intensive invention and entrepreneurship summer program, hosted either on SU’s campus or in New York City. “It’s not about being something just for engineering students,” Dahlberg said. “It’s
And they are not alone. More than 1,000 other churches participate in the sanctuary movement, according to Church World Service, with more than half of those joining after the 2016 election. Pope Francis, known for his more liberal viewpoints in relation to traditional Catholic doctrine, also stands with them. He has repeatedly called for more Catholics to take refugees into their homes. While in the United States on a visit in 2015, he discussed migrants during a joint session of Congress, saying they should be seen “as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond as best we can to their situation,” according to The New York Times. Coalition organizers emphasized the element of protest in their offer of sanctuary. That is partially because, if these churches offer sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, it would be public, Daley said, both through announcements and media coverage. Because of this, what All Saints is doing is not illegal, but it also means that they cannot physically shield anyone from the police or Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents, Daley said. Although it seems contradictory to announce the location of an undocumented immigrant, Daley said there is a tradition of law enforcement honoring the sanctity of the church in the U.S. Perhaps more importantly, though, Fuentes said there are tangible benefits for undocumented immigrants to enter sanctuary publicly. When the public knows about
the status and location of someone in sanctuary, they form a support network for that person, she said. Fuentes also said it shows the government that these people are not fugitives trying to defy the law. Ultimately, Fuentes said aid for undocumented immigrants is sorely needed right now, as the situation they face becomes more and more desperate. “The government right now is really closing all the doors,” Fuentes said. “Many people have to jump through all the hoops that are put out, all the obstacles … and the government is still not giving them anything, any relief or any support.” Increased ICE activity means activists must be more active, Fuentes said. Besides simply providing physical space, Fuentes said, people can help by participating in rapid response teams, raising money for families and legal expenses and advocating for fair immigration reform. All of those actions are included in the CNY Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition’s three main goals: to advocate for, support and fundraise for undocumented immigrants in need. For parish members of All Saints and St. Lucy’s churches, these goals are not just political. Pasinski echoes his spiritual leader, Pope Francis. “On a humanitarian level, this is the respect that people are due,” Pasinski said. “We are not declaring people illegals in a situation that is so arbitrary.” | @DelaneyVanWey
TRANSFORMATION PLAN A new innovation center and an increase in funding for scholarships are two initiatives funded by the plan
$6 MILLION Bill and Penny Allyn Innovation Center
ECS Ambassador Scholar and ECS Leadership scholarship
Up to 28% of the college’s makeup is women
$50 MILLION graphics by talia trackim design editor
Initial fundraising goal
about filling a niche or gap in the whole SU entrepreneurship ecosystem available for all students.” As part of an effort to increase the college’s retention rate, which currently stands at about 80 percent over the course of two years, Dahlberg said she hopes to increase career services and student services. Currently, she said only about 30 to 50 percent of the students use the services offered, so one of the initiatives of the Transformation Plan is to build an innovation
center on the south side of Link Hall. Dahlberg added that 70 percent of the $6 million needed for that project has already been collected for the Innovation Center, which will house all career and student services in an open, atrium-like facility. The dean said she’s currently unsure of how many faculty positions will open due to the plan, but John Liu, the university’s vice president for research, has the intention to hire 100 new faculty in various specific research fields, using Invest
Syracuse funds. “As we continue to evolve, as those cluster areas, those cross-campus themes are defined, then the ones that we feel we contribute to, we will certainly put on our Transformation Plan,” Dahlberg said. Dahlberg said the Transformation Plan isn’t about “completion,” and that it’s always in a draft stage to be continuously edited. ”We’re always going to continue to be changing,” Dahlberg said.
from page 3
normal traffic is supposed to look like and find the variation from that.
The D.O.: What is the next step in this field? C.M.: There are a number of important
sticks out as unusual we signal that. Anomalies lie in practically every human activity.
The D.O.: How long have you been working
certain point which describes this behavior and does this behavior stick out from all the other points?
The D.O.: How long have these anomalies
The D.O.: How do these algorithms work?
been known about? C.M.: For a very long time. In cybersecurity, traditionally one approach is to look for patterns that are known to be problematic. This is like a blacklist approach, you know that there is something wrong with this — there is a signature of a malware — so you look for something similar to it. On the other hand, anomaly detection tries to catch cases where you know what the
on these algorithms? C.M.: For about six years.
How can they be used to detect credit fraud? C.M.: There is a few different variations. Some involve what happens overtime … a person may have normal behavior and you try to get an impression of this normal behavior then look for something that stands out from this normal behavior. Another approach depends on the kinds of data. We abstractly say, in a multi-dimensional space, at any given point there is a
The D.O.: Will they aid in prevention
from criminals online? How? If not, is there something coming out that will? C.M.: This inherently aids in prevention, but in detection first. When something is detected, then activity occurs to prevent that detection from becoming a problem.
The D.O.: Who is this book mainly for? C.M.: This is for beginners who don’t know
much about the field but are interested. This may be students, as well as practitioners in the software industry, or banking and other areas where this topic is important. | @ccleffert
applications people work on. We are currently working on a psychiatry application. My students have developed an app which attempts to figure out where there is a depressed patient of a psychiatrist. It would show if there is something wrong mentally with them, like if they are about to hurt themselves. In medicine, there are a number of applications. Diseases are manifested in a number of symptoms, so when there is a substantial change in those symptoms you can measure them and find out if something is going wrong. There are a number of applications. This is going to continue to be very important in a number of fields.
OPINION @dailyorange feb. 14, 2018 • PAG E 5
editorial board
SU’s new career advising program makes the grade Syracuse University recently announced plans to update its career advising model as part of the $100 million Invest Syracuse initiative, successfully allocating funding for a program that will strengthen student prosperity. The program would hire advisers and life coaches for several colleges on campus, including the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Arts and Sciences currently has two career advisers for more than 5,000 students, and VPA has none. The new advising program is a welcomed use of SU funding that will influence students’ success in finding internships and careers post-graduation. Tailoring advisers’ plans to students based on their majors and graduation requirements more closely mirrors students’ expectations and needs. Having an adviser specialized in a specific field is beneficial for students hoping to restructure resumes and cover letters, plan their semester schedules and tailor their academic trajectory based on internships and study abroad plans.
While comparing SU to fellow Carnegie Institutions is challenging due to varying tuition prices and student populations, it’s still an important benchmark for the university to hold itself accountable to and strive to match. Comparing SU’s budget to peer institutions isn’t a cut-and-dry solution, but it does encourage the university to tailor programs to assist students in becoming qualified and exceptional job candidates. The career advising program is a plan that promotes students’ livelihoods, which falls in line with Invest Syracuse’s emphasis on cultivating a more robust student experience.
The Daily Orange Editorial Board serves as the voice of the organization and aims to contribute the perspectives of students to discussions that concern Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse community. The editorial board’s stances are determined by a majority of its members. Read more about the board at Are you interested in pitching a topic for the editorial board to discuss? Email
sarah allam head illustrator
anarchy column
Syracuse Democratic Socialists of America chapter revitalizes leftism
he largest and fastestgrowing socialist organization in the United States has come to Syracuse, speaking to the emerging consensus that capitalism isn’t an effective or humane way of organizing a society. Some reject capitalism and an oppressive government by ignoring them and living their lives outside their pull. The Democratic Socialists of America, on the other hand, favor mediating the relationship between capitalism and the government to make each more bearable and work toward a more equitable future. Since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the DSA’s membership has ballooned from about 6,000 to more than 32,000, with branches in 48 states. Much of that popularity can be attributed to the rise of
Bernie Sanders, who identifies as a democratic socialist. Democratic socialism is defined in its belief that socialist tenets — like worker ownership, control of the workplace and direct democracy — can be achieved through the electoral system. DSA itself isn’t a political party, though. The group does direct activism to make people’s lives physically better, organizes public demonstrations and assists candidates from official parties they endorse. While I don’t necessarily agree with the DSA-majority perspective that socialism can be achieved through the electoral process, the real measurable work DSA activists are doing to improve people’s lives is incredibly important, and I stand in solidarity with their work. Matt Huber, a geology professor at Syracuse University and a founding member of
News Editor Sam Ogozalek Editorial Editor Kelsey Thompson Feature Editor Colleen Ferguson Sports Editor Andrew Graham Presentation Director Ali Harford Photo Editor Kai Nguyen Head Illustrator Sarah Allam Digital Copy Chief Haley Kim Copy Chief Sara Swann Digital Editor Emma Comtois Video Editor Lizzie Michael Asst. News Editor Catherine Leffert Asst. News Editor Jordan Muller Asst. News Editor Kennedy Rose Asst. Editorial Editor Allison Weis Asst. Feature Editor C aroline Bartholomew Asst. Feature Editor Taylor Watson Asst. Sports Editor Billy Heyen Asst. Sports Editor Josh Schafer
Asst. Photo Editor Molly Gibbs Asst. Photo Editor Hieu Nguyen Special Projects Designer Lucy Naland Senior Design Editor Bridget Slomian Design Editor Casey Darnell Design Editor Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm Design Editor Maddie Ligenza Design Editor Amy Nakamura Design Editor Talia Trackim Asst. Copy Editor Eric Black Asst. Copy Editor Sandhya Iyer Asst. Copy Editor Shweta Karikehalli Asst. Copy Editor Haley Robertson Asst. Copy Editor Jessi Soporito Asst. Copy Editor Kaci Wasilewski Social Media Director Myelle Lansat Social Media Producer Andy Mendes Asst. Video Editor Rori Sachs Asst. Video Editor Mackenzie Sammeth
on the New York Campaign for Health, he said.
ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE Syracuse’s DSA, argues that a democratic socialist policy platform is becoming clearer and more influential. “It’s becoming clear, this kind of Bernie-esque platform: Medicare for All, free college, simple things that would solve so many problems and that people can understand and see how they benefit their lives,” Huber said. When not working with candidates for office, the DSA puts its progressive worldview into action in other ways, such as directly advocating for Medicare for All. Huber said the DSA decided in August to commit to a national Medicare for All campaign. On a more local level, the DSA is focusing
if you go
DSA meeting Where: Recess Coffee When: Feb. 23, 7 p.m.
The New York Campaign for Health is a pre-existing statewide Medicare for All ballot initiative. Jeanette Zoeckler, another founding member of Syracuse DSA and the director of research and special projects at Onondaga Community College’s Occupational Health Center, supports Medicare for All and has been working on the issue locally since before Syracuse DSA’s founding. “For three years it’s my understanding that they have been successful in getting the
t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r ac u s e , n e w yor k
Alexa Díaz
Alexa Torrens
Asst. Digital Editor Asst. Digital Editor Asst. Digital Editor Digital Design Editor Digital Design Editor Digital Design Editor
Michael McCleary Lydia Niles Danny Strauss Kevin Camelo Katie Czerwinski Eliza Hsu Chen
Digital Design Editor Anna Henderson General Manager Mike Dooling IT Manager Bence Kotis Asst. IT Manager Zhen Xin Tan Ruan Business Assistant Tim Bennett Advertising Manager Lucy Sutphin
New York Health Act through the assembly in the state, but that there are a few more senators that would need to be swayed across the state in order to have it pass,” Zoeckler said. The DSA’s extra bit of organizing can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Syracuse DSA is in preliminary talks to partner with existing organizations and efforts to provide more services to those in need. Huber, Zoeckler and other members of Syracuse DSA said they’re excited to hash out local goals, positions and strategies. Whether or not the DSA can bring about broad revolutionary change in America, the Syracuse chapter will be sure to bring grassroots solutions to local problems.
Sam Norton is a senior advertising and psychology dual major. He can be reached at
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6 feb. 14, 2018
Make your Valentine’s Day reservation with Stone’s and receive a complimentary glass of champagne
Can’t make it in for dinner? Receive a sweet treat with your gourmet take out meal Reservations accepted at 3220 Erie Blvd Syracuse, NY 13214 • 315.214.5408 Vegetarian & gluten-free options available!
Valentine’s Day Guide @dailyorange feb. 14, 2018
Going steady Eric and Judy Mower met as SU undergrads in 1965. Now, they’re on the Board of Trustees. By Amy Nakamura design editor
ric Mower and Judy Cotey were elected to the student court at Syracuse University in 1965. They had their first date on Marshall Street and were married in Hendricks Chapel. Now, the SU power couple serves on the university’s Board of Trustees and recently celebrated 50 years of marriage. Since meeting at Syracuse University, Eric and Judy Mower have become pivotal figures in the university’s growth and development. The Mowers are the only current husbandwife duo serving on the university’s Board of Trustees. They’re also only the second trustee couple in SU’s history — the first couple on the board was William and Eloise Nottingham, who graduated in the late 1880s, Judy said. “We couldn’t be more different in terms of background,” Judy said of she and her husband. Eric is originally from New York City, but she grew up in a small town. Syracuse brought them together. The pair met while serving on student court. Eric served as chief justice and Judy served as associate chief justice. When one of Eric’s sisters was coming up for a visit and needed a place to stay, he asked Judy if she could put her up in her sorority house. After requesting a place for his sister, he also asked Judy out on a date. For their first date, the Mowers went where
ERIC AND JUDY MOWER have become pivotal figures in the university’s growth and development since being appointed to the board. courtesy of eric and judy mower
many Syracuse couples find themselves: on Marshall Street. Eric recalled taking Judy to a bar and dancing the night away with his future wife. Both Eric and Judy received their undergraduate degrees in the late ‘60s. After earning his first degree in 1966, Eric stayed at SU to earn his master’s degree from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. Once she finished her first degree in 1966, Judy began teaching science at a nearby high school. The two got married in May the following year, celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary last spring. From there, the newlyweds further pursued their career goals, each contributing their respective skills to the Syracuse area. Eric joined a local advertising agency as an account executive in 1968, a year after he and Judy
got married in Hendricks Chapel. In 1980 he bought the company and it became Eric Mower and Associates, per EMA has seen success with Eric as its head, consistently ranking among the top advertising agencies in central New York. Judy, after taking three years of maternity leave, went back to SU part-time and received a master’s degree in psychology. She went on to earn a Ph.D. in social psychology from Syracuse in 1984. Judy became an organizational management consultant, working with multiple nonprofit boards and companies. She spent more time in the classroom as an adjunct professor, teaching a course in organizational development in the Maxwell School’s public see mowers page 10
We would not have found each other if it were not for Syracuse. I don’t know what my life would’ve been like if I hadn’t gone to there, but I wouldn’t have met someone as wonderful as my wife. Eric Mower
chief executive officer, ema
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que to host Valentine’s Day singles event By Taylor Watson
asst. feature editor
Syracuse-area singles will have a place to go this Valentine’s Day to eat, drink and be messy. That’s the idea behind Dinosaur Bar-B-Que’s Wednesday event, geared toward those not in relationships and complete with drink specials and valentines, said Jason Ryan, marketing director at the restaurant. “It’s just something kind of fun and different for Valentine’s Day instead of that typical date thing,” Ryan said. Dinosaur, located downtown on
West Willow Street, hosted a Valentine’s Day event last year, but Ryan said this time around it’ll be bigger and better. The specials will be offered the entire day on the 14th during the restaurant’s hours of 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Only slightly more than half of adults in the United States plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day this year, according to the National Retail Federation. Three in 10 of those who aren’t celebrating still plan on having some type of plans, in a “treat-yo-self” or “Galentine’s Day” manner for those familiar with “Parks and Recreation.”
This includes purchasing anti-Valentine’s Day gifts or getting together with family and friends, which is what Dino is playing off of. The most popular age group intending to do so are 18 to 24-year-olds, per the study. Heather Lewis, a bartender who’s worked at Dino for eight years, said they have never hosted a themed event to this scale before. “We’re really excited about the (event) this year,” Lewis said. “It’s something for people who might be single or might not like Valentine’s to come and laugh and have fun and still be able to eat and not be sur-
rounded by couples. It’s not uppity or awkward for them to go out. They can still come hang and enjoy the night.” There will be five drink specials: Bucket of Love, a beer bucket; Right Swipe, a vodka soda; U + Ur Hand, a whiskey sour; Lyft Home Alone, a vodka cranberry; and Donkey Punch, a Dinosaur original drink. The Lyft Home Alone drink is a partnership with Lyft, Ryan said. When a customer purchases the pink drink, they receive a promotional discount code which results in $20 of free ride credit for new users. The Donkey Punch — a drink
with three rums and fruit juice, topped off with Bacardi 151 — is a crowd favorite, Lewis said. It’s served in a mason jar to go with the barbecue theme, and the pink color coincides with Valentine’s Day. Ryan said the restaurant is also giving out “Dino-branded” valentines to anyone who purchases a drink, with messages like “‘Rawr’ means ‘I love you’ in Dino” or “We have the best rack around.” In years past, there has been a Syracuse University men’s basketball game on Valentine’s Day, so the see singles page 10
feb. 14, 2018
Date night
By The Daily Orange Pulp Staff
Whether it’s your first Valentine’s Day with your significant other or you two are seasoned pros, the holiday can be tricky. Even if you’re not in a long-distance relationship, college couples can run into a ton of problems, from budget to transportation. There are plenty of ways to turn Syracuse into the city of love and make this holiday special for your significant other. Check out this questionnaire to plan the perfect date.
How serious is the relationship? We’re basically dating
We’ve been dating for a few months
We’re in it for the long haul
Are you the adventurous type?
Is your S.O. totally into the holiday? No
Yes Are you on a budget?
Walk down to Cafe Kubal and get your S.O. one of the homemade red velvet cookies
Yes Go downtown to Clinton Square Ice Rink for a $3 admission fee, take a couple laps and then grab some hot chocolate milkshakes at Modern Malt
No Take a trip to Destiny USA and grab a bite at The Cheesecake Factory. Afterward, you can catch a movie – maybe “Fifty Shades Freed,” released last Friday.
Take a walking-distance trip to the outskirts of campus and grab dinner at Phoebe’s Restaurant
Make reservations for the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel and Conference Center’s “Ultimate Valentine’s Day Experience,” and enjoy a night of painting and fine dining
Do you have a car or have access to one?
Drive down to Tennity Ice Pavilion, which offers free admission for students, and warm up with Netflix after
Order in their favorite food, eat a candlelit dinner and take a late-night trip to Tennity Ice Pavilion
No Grab dinner at Pastabilities. While you wait, walk around Armory Square and buy a gift at one of the local shops for your S.O.
Make a V-Day playlist and eat homemade dinner to the tunes
Get tacos at Alto Cinco and catch the “Big Something” show at The Westcott Theater
Is your S.O. a foodie?
Are you a sporty couple? Yes
Is live music a must?
Are you artistically inclined?
Is it cold out?
Yes Use CVS and the dining hall to make homemade chocolate-covered strawberries, buy flowers and watch a movie together
Grab dinner at Bleu Monkey Cafe and surprise your S.O. with V-Day-themed Insomnia Cookies after
First Year Players to sell V-Day singing grams on campus By Caroline Bartholomew asst. feature editor
Members of First Year Players are forgetting the classic chocolate and flowers this year. To FYP, nothing says “I love you” like sending that special someone a personal live performance. FYP will continue its tradition of spreading song throughout the Syracuse University campus by selling Valentine’s Day Singing Grams on Wednesday. The organization has sold the holiday grams for more than five years, allowing people to send serenading students
illustration by ali harford presentation director
to their friends, significant others or anyone else they want. “We got the idea from being a performance org and striving to spread the love we have for performance on this holiday,” said Cella Desharnais, a sound designer for FYP, in an email. FYP, a student-run group for non-drama majors that allows first-year and transfer students to perform in a musical produced by upperclassmen, will sell the grams for $5. The songs available are “L.O.V.E.” by Frank Sinatra, “Can You Feel The Love Tonight”
by Elton John and “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent, but other song requests may be possible, according to FYP’s Facebook event page. Sign-ups are in in Newhouse from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday. Grams will be delivered between 5-7:30 p.m. anywhere on or within a block of campus, per the event page. The group usually sells about 50 Valentine’s Day Grams. All funds go toward FYP’s spring show, which will be “Young Frankenstein” this year.
10 feb. 14, 2018
from spread
mowers administration department. The Mowers have kept up their involvement at their alma mater — both are currently members of various committees on the university’s Board of Trustees. Eric has been on the board since 1989 and serves on the Newhouse Advisory Board, the facilities committee, the academic affairs committee and the advancement and external affairs committee.
He also received the Arents Award in 2015 — SU’s highest alumni honor — for his achievements in advertising and public relations. Judy serves on the Board of Trustees as well as the centennial planning committee, the student affairs committee, the chancellor search committee and the academic affairs committee. She also proudly holds the position of chair of the university Library Advisory Board, she said. “I wanted to work for something that benefits the university as a whole,” Judy said. “I wanted to support something where the uni-
versity as a whole is benefited. The libraries are important places.” Judy also coordinates periodic meetings with other local trustees. She has the group meet with particular deans or faculty members so that she and her colleagues can better understand university affairs. The couple stressed that their contributions to SU are just a small part of the many donations SU receives, and they are happy to help. “I wouldn’t call it a labor of love because it’s certainly not a labor for the university. It’s more
of an affection,” Eric said. “It’s a great institution, not just on how it affects our lives but how it has affected the lives of millions of others.” For Eric, his and Judy’s lives wouldn’t be the same without SU. “Syracuse University changed our lives profoundly,” Eric said. “We would not have found each other if it were not for Syracuse. I don’t know what my life would’ve been like if I hadn’t gone to there, but I wouldn’t have met someone as wonderful as my wife.” | @nakamura_amy
from spread
singles crowd is usually large at Dinosaur, Lewis said. This year, Syracuse faces North Carolina State in the Carrier Dome on Valentine’s Day at 9 p.m., so they expect a crowd for that. “People crave our food, so going to Dinosaur on Valentine’s Day either by yourself or with a bunch of friends is a comfortable atmosphere,” Lewis said. “So you can maybe meet your special someone that day, or just hang out with a bunch of your girlfriends or guys and watch the game and mingle.” Local band Miss E will perform at the restaurant at 8 p.m. Wednesday. The band, which fluctuates between a solo artist, duo and trio, will perform original music and covers of songs by artists including The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana and Prince, said lead singer Missy Ragonese. “I normally play songs about peace, love and the human condition. That’s kind of the way I roll, so that’s what we will be doing,” she said. “Some of the songs will be love songs … I like to keep it even keel, we don’t like for anybody to feel left out. We like for all kinds of people to come out and have a good time.” On Wednesday, she’ll play guitar alongside percussionist Kevin Dean, who’ll play the cajon. Like Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, Ragonese isn’t taking Valentine’s Day too seriously. “I just look at it as love yourself as you love other people, every day if you can. If you can’t, then, you know, just smile and say nothing,” Ragonese said with a laugh.
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que will host its Eat, Drink and Be Messy event on Valentine’s Day, featuring five drink specials: Bucket of Love, Right Swipe, U + Ur Hand, Lyft Home Alone and Donkey Punch. courtesy of dinosaur bar-b-que
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feb. 14, 2018 11
Officials encourage students to promote inclusivity By Jessica Andreone contributing writer
SUNY-ESF officials are encouraging students to promote inclusivity and diversity as one of the college’s committees works to expand religious diversity, among other things. The college’s Inclusion, Diversity and Equity committee is working on new programs at SUNY-ESF and a bias reporting system is currently being developed at the college. Malika Carter, SUNY-ESF’s chief diversity officer, President Quentin Wheeler and Vice Provost and Dean of Student Affairs Anne Lombard met with Programming Director of Chabad at Syracuse University and SUNY-ESF Zalman Ives, Carter said in an email. Carter, the board of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and other faculty members are working to create a CEO Against Stigma from page 1
ombuds said Margaret Susan Thompson, a cochair of the University Senate’s Committee on Women’s Concerns and an associate professor of history and political science. “We have to see how it gets implemented, but you know, I’m optimistic.” The average salary of an ombudsman at a university is about $71,000, according to A job opening for SU’s ombudsperson was posted to on Tuesday. According to the job description, the new ombudsperson will report to Chancellor Kent Syverud. Clemence was a professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science for more than 35 years and served as interim dean of Hendricks Chapel from 2015-17. Students were previously able to seek
Campaign, which will help reduce the impact of the stigma of mental illness around campus and other professional spaces, Carter added.
It helps our faculty, it helps our staff, it helps our students find their interests and their voice. Scott Blair suny-esf director of student diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
“Inclusion/Diversity/Equity initiatives, both new and pre-existing, help the community to recognize and acknowledge the constant relevancy of bringing all to the table assistance in conf lict resolution at the Office of Student Assistance; the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities; the Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services and the Student Grievance Processes. The university on Tuesday encouraged undergraduate students to continue using those services. The establishment of an Ombuds Office was a short-term recommendation by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion. A report calling on SU to establish an Ombuds Office was submitted by the University Senate’s Committee on Women’s Concerns in March 2016. At the time, the committee said an Ombuds Office would help mitigate feelings of uncertainty and stress at the university, according to the report. “I have to give credit to Martha Hanson, who was a professional librarian at Bird,
“You could tell just by looking at him that he was not someone who cried often... He didn’t try to wipe away his tears. He tried to take the heels of his palm, and jam everything back into his eyes, as if everything was just gonna go right back where it came from.” - Daisy Rosario
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of human interaction,” Carter said. Carter said inclusion, diversity and equity are essential elements to the school’s efforts to reflect the global community that supports diverse individuals. Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Scott Blair said these efforts, in the past, included a panel discussion with SU’s Office of Multicultural Affairs on the Dakota Access Pipeline, the 2016 presidential election and community policing and the Black Lives Matter movement. Blair said the initiatives taken by the committee help people think about relevant topics that are happening across the country, not just Syracuse. “It helps our faculty, it helps our staff, it helps our students find their interests and their voice,” Blair said. “Especially when we are talking about being a student on a (science, technology, engi-
neering and math) campus.” Both Blair and Carter said there are plenty of ways students can get involved in improving diversity and inclusion on campus. The Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives team created a student diversity advisory council that meets once a month and encourages students to attend. “Come on in, let us know about the experience that you’re having or that you’re hearing that your fellow students are having,” Blair said. Carter encouraged SUNY-ESF students to embrace diversity and create a culture that meets the needs of all participating in the community. “To create a more diverse campus, celebration, appreciation and acknowledgement of identities seen and unseen in the academy need to be in the fore,” Carter said.
who was a co-chair of the women’s concerns committee, at the time, because she did (an) extraordinary amount of research,” Thompson said. “I don’t want her to be forgotten. She’s since retired.”
Syverud’s Fast Forward Syracuse initiative and the Voluntary Separation Incentive Program, which offered a one-time payment equal to half of a year’s salary to staff members whose combined age and years as an employee were greater than 65, according to the report. Syverud tasked LaVonda Reed, associate provost of faculty affairs and a professor in the College of Law, with the Ombuds Office project. “The good news, from my perspective … is that when we met with Ms. Reed in January, I believe it was, she said that many of the guidelines and goals, in terms of who they hire and how they setup the office, are based upon our report,” Thompson said. — News Editor Sam Ogozalek contributed reporting to this article.
MARCH 2016 A University Senate committee first called on SU to establish an Ombuds Office in March 2016
Those feelings stemmed from structural changes at SU, including new leadership, the Academic Strategic Plan component of
12 feb. 14, 2018
Golubovskaya struggles with net play during doubles By KJ Edelman staff writer
Following Syracuse’s (4-1, 0-1 Atlantic Coast) only lost point in doubles this season against Connecticut, SU’s Sofya Golubovskaya wasn’t happy with her play in a 3-6 loss alongside Anna Shkudun in first doubles. “I missed everything,” Golubovskaya said. “(It was like) I was not there.” Friday’s match was the freshman’s first experience playing No. 1 doubles after three previous doubles matches this season. Golubovskaya cited a lack of movement and preparation as reasons for her first doubles loss of the season. This season, Golubovskaya has primarily played alongside Shkudun, with exception to one match, but chemistry has not come instantly. After arriving to the United States on Jan. 10, Golubovskaya has had a little more from page 16
guards Howard say the primary goal is to exploit the inherent size advantage they have. Given their importance to everything SU does on both ends of the floor, how well they exploit that advantage will influence much of Syracuse’s overall play in the final weeks of the regular season. Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim said that smaller players are no quicker than taller players. But SU players said shorter guys can hide between or behind taller players like Battle and Howard, putting themselves in position to poke the ball out on defense or dribble through tight spaces on offense. Howard, point guard of the tallest team — by average height — in the country, per, said the floater is an effective way to combat how small guards defend. They have no chance at stripping the ball, he said. Whereas if he were to lay a ball off the glass, it may be easier for the defender to alter the
than a month to become in sync with her doubles partner. On top of that, she didn’t play a lot of doubles matches back home in Moscow, she said.
She just has to understand to be brave, to not panic and not just wait for things to happen. Younes Limam su head coach
Problems started to arise on Jan. 26 against Colgate. After pairing up with Libi Mesh to ball as Howard brings it from the lower, more vulnerable spot on his hip. “When you’ve got smaller guards,” SU associate head coach Adrian Autry said, “the only play they can make is at the ball. (Assistant coach Gerry McNamara) talks about making sure you protect that ball strong, because that’s the only play they can really make. There’s nothing else they can do.” Battle, who averages a team-high 20.3 points per game, said he doesn’t change much of his approach against shorter guards. He feels he can get past anyone to the basket. But he tends to anticipate when shorter defenders play closer. They hold onto you longer through the lane, he said. They nag at the ball. Taller guards like those in SU’s backcourt may not find extra space just by dribbling more, Autry noted. Bounces give smaller guys an opportunity to get a hand in. Thus, Battle said he tries to beat defenders with a quick first step by getting his lead foot out long and low. This gives him the power to
win their doubles match, 6-0, Golubovskaya felt discomfort in her legs. She could barely run, she said, so the team decided to hold her out from competing and practicing for a couple of days. Since then, Golubovskaya has found success in her singles matches, like her 6-1, 6-1, victory against Connecticut’s Jacquelyn FitzRandolph on Friday, but has fallen into a personal slump during doubles. Syracuse focused mainly on singles preparation leading into the UConn match, Golubovskaya said, and she felt that she was unprepared to step into a first doubles role. “It confused me,” Golubovskaya said when asked about not working on doubles the week prior. To correct her current struggles, net play will be a point of emphasis for her. On Friday, Golubovskaya missed numerous opportunities to nail volleys for easy points and elected
to defer the ball to Shkudun. “It’s hard,” Golubovskaya said about playing close to the net, “I’m not too good at it.” Despite the slow start, head coach Younes Limam highlighted her serve as a key to her future success in doubles. Limam believes Golubovskaya has “the tools to play very good doubles” later on this season. “She just has to understand to be brave,” Limam said, “To not panic and not just wait for things to happen.” Golubovskaya and Syracuse lost in doubles against Connecticut, both for the first time this season, but it didn’t stop SU from winning. With five of its next seven matches on the road, and three of those seven against Atlantic Coast Conference opponents, Syracuse needs the best version of Golubovskaya in doubles.
drive off and cover a greater distance toward his final destination: the basket. Then there’s defense. The success of Boeheim’s 2-3 zone rests heavily on activeness, which Boeheim discusses after nearly every game.
need to push out to contend. By chasing them off the perimeter, opponents feel forced to enter the paint, where SU bigs roam. Putting activeness at the forefront is integral to stopping shorter, quick guards. “At times we don’t use our length to disrupt them,” Autry said. “Just need to keep them in front of us. We’re tall, but (opponents) are just as fast and athletic. They can space us out a little bit, so we just have to be active with our hands.” The combined wingspan of Battle and Howard side-by-side can make entry passes into the high post difficult. That’s the goal: minimize inside-outside ball movement against the zone. Because they usually have a couple of inches in height advantage, Syracuse’s guards also strive to contest 3-pointers. Not necessarily to block shots, but to contest. Every inch counts. “We’re one of the tallest Syracuse teams in a while,” Battle said. “We’ve got to utilize that.”
Average height, in inches, of a Syracuse men’s basketball player. SU is the tallest team in the country. source:
Chances are that if his guards were active, SU won the game or played close. Boeheim said smaller guards don’t change anything he teaches his players or how they operate. But he later said that when guards hit shots, his guys | @Matthewgut21
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15 16 14 1 Chest protector 4 Decorated, as a 19 17 18 cake 21 22 8 Petition to a deity, 20 once 25 26 24 14 Freudian topic 15 Christen 27 28 29 16 Jury panel 34 35 17 Completely happy 30 31 32 33 19 Some role players 40 41 39 20 Variety of limestone 45 46 43 44 21 In favor of 47 48 49 23 Torn 24 Oater group 50 51 52 53 25 Hoarding 27 Rumpus 59 60 58 29 Top Tatar 63 64 61 62 30 Kid spoilers 35 Postulate 66 65 39 Hokkaido native 40 Scottish 69 68 landowner Copyright ©2018 42 Camera part 43 Helical 12 Big ape 69 Graf ___ 45 Turnips and beets, 70 Old verb ending 13 Cozy home e.g. 18 Cheer starter 47 Berth place Down 22 Common 49 Fall behind deciduous tree 50 Ready 25 Fountain order 1 Jazz style 53 Ward off 2 Block house? 26 Possesses 58 Ode or haiku 3 Gets really 28 Flirtations 59 “___ what?” steamed 30 Kind of station 60 Come to light 31 Dead letters? 4 Rather 61 Verse form 5 Eatery 32 Cuckoo bird 63 “Hamlet” setting 6 It’ll never fly 33 Nanny 65 Stop working 34 Military address 7 Dutch pottery city 66 Go ballistic 8 Eclipse 36 Miss the mark 67 Dry, as wine 9 Author Stout 37 ___ Grande 68 Comments to the 10 Inherent 38 Kitchen meas. audience 41 Crucifix 11 Traffic stopper
2 9 3 9 2 51 1 2 4 6 7 6 5 3
4 5
1 7 5 3
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6 5 1 9 2
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44 Mont Blanc, e.g. 46 Wood eater 48 Country club figure 50 Ends of the earth 51 Any of various straight muscles 52 Decorative jugs 54 Poetic dusk 55 Plain writing 56 Everglades bird 57 Parasite 58 Prefix with legal 60 Feudal worker 62 E.U. member 64 Once around the track
1 9
8 96 9
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2 7 8 3 4 1 9 6 5
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9 4 1 5 8 6 2 7 3
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14 feb. 14, 2018
from page 16
grossi is now the most prolific offensive player in Orange history and holds numerous records, but she couldn’t care less about any of them. She wants that elusive conference championship. Syracuse’s struggles in the CHA final are well-documented: six losses in eight years, including each of the past three. Grossi is one of five players in an Orange senior class who’ve had their seasons end in the same fashion every year of their careers. Grossi and her fellow seniors have only been thinking about finishing their careers in style. “I haven’t really focused on (setting the record),” Grossi said earlier in the season. “We’ve lost the championship three years in a row. I really want to bring that home, because finishing second for three years … it’s heartbreaking.” Currently third place in the conference standings with four games remaining, Syracuse will likely be an underdog heading into the CHA playoffs. It won’t be the first obstacle this season for SU, which has faced six Top 10 teams. It’s also not new for Grossi, who grew up playing the role of the dark horse. Her parents dragged her to her brother’s hockey games when she was growing up, but she wasn’t interested in playing the sport until she was 6 years old. It was then that she first began to become more attentive to her brother’s games and professional leagues as well. “She’d listen to some of the comments in the stands,” her mother, Cheryl Grossi said. “Then she’d watch Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday night.” from page 16
mumps mumps hit.” The situation unfolded in early October. Several men’s and women’s players said the formal announcement of the suspension occurred at meetings with their respective teams. SU defender Tyson Bomberry said members of the men’s team received texts about the situation. Asa Goldstock, the starting goalkeeper on the women’s team, said SU Athletics compliance sent mass emails to the women’s team informing them of the suspension. On Oct. 6, Syracuse Athletics issued an official notice that all lacrosse events for the remainder of the fall season were canceled. At that time, there were eight confirmed mumps cases at SU, including members of both teams. After the fall seasons were canceled, players were held out of SU Athletics facilities, including Manley Field House and Ensley Athletic Center, among others. With no available facilities, there was no practice, no formal team meetings. Nowhere to develop on the field. Players on both teams said the teams were absent from the facilities for nearly the whole season. The women were restricted from early October to early December, and the men were restricted from early October to midNovember. The university, citing students’ privacy, declined to comment on the identity and number of people on the lacrosse teams with the mumps. The isolation effect spreading beyond those who were officially diagnosed. On Oct. 7, one day after the university announced the cancellation of team events, Widner posted a photo to her Instagram account of herself Photoshopped in front of the Sheraton. The photo was captioned, “Hi MTV and welcome to my crib.”
The number of confirmed cases of mumps on SU’s campus as of Monday source: su health services
In a text message to The Daily Orange, Jill Widner, Morgan’s mother, said Widner was quarantined in the Sheraton with an unknown illness while SU waited on test results. The tests revealed Widner had the flu, not the mumps.
When she was 6, Stephanie Grossi began power skating because she told her parents she wanted to be a fast skater before she started playing hockey. When she began hockey the next year, it was in a boys league. Grossi, who currently stands 5-feet, 2-inches tall, was smaller than most of her teammates and opponents. That didn’t stop her from excelling. Her coaches liked that she could think on the ice and see plays before they developed, Cheryl said. Grossi held her own because she was cerebral and anticipated what other players would do. It’s also a major part of why she’s been so consistent in her success at SU, scoring at least 30 points in each of her first three years with the Orange. “When you look at her individual skills, she’s a little bit above-average speed, she shoots the puck average,” head coach Paul Flanagan said. “For her, when she’s playing the game, it’s kind of in slow-mo. She gets it. She’s that driver in a busy intersection, she gets through it. Some of our other kids, there’s bad accidents.” Grossi never looked out of place during her career playing with boys, and once she began playing with girls at age 14, she took off. Along with a position change from defense to forward came an offensive boost as Grossi set herself apart from her competition. Her parents never considered how talented their daughter was in relation to her peers. They knew she was good, but they just went to her games to enjoy watching her play as opposed to taking stock in her play. When Grossi began playing with girls, however, her parents couldn’t get away from the fact that their daughter was special.
“It was never really us that considered her good, it was everybody else telling us she was good,” said her father, Rob Grossi. “… We weren’t concentrating on her being better than anyone. Other people were telling us that.” Grossi began to receive constant attention from colleges when she was 13, so much so that her family had to keep all the recruitment letters in a binder. Most attention came from Ivy League teams and schools closer to home in Canada, but an improving hockey program and opportunity for a biochemistry degree drew Grossi to Syracuse. From the get-go, she shined for the Orange. As a freshman she led the team in assists (21) and points (30) while notching a point in eight-straight games during a pivotal conference stretch. It was apparent from her first practice that she wouldn’t back down despite her inexperience. “She’s little, but she’s feisty,” said Piacentini, who was a junior during Grossi’s debut season. “She brought that mentality to the rink that she was gonna give it her all every day.” As her Syracuse career comes to an end, Grossi has been taking everything in more so than previous years. She’s learning to enjoy it more and savoring everything that happens, on or off the ice, Cheryl said. With less than a month left in the career of one of the best players he’s ever coached, Flanagan isn’t prepared for the season to come to a close. He isn’t just losing a great player, he says, but an even better person. “She’s been our leading scorer last three years, she’s a captain and she does it all with a big smile,” Flanagan said. “She’s the heartbeat
of our program in so many ways. I’m already missing her talking about her. “It’s not that often that you luck out with a player like this.” For at least the next handful of years, Grossi’s name will be etched in Syracuse record books as one of the greatest players ever at SU. But she wants to be known for a different reason. Grossi and her fellow seniors aren’t just playing for themselves in pursuit of the CHA championship. They’re playing for the six other classes of Syracuse players who have fallen in the finals, the three now-graduated classes that played along with this year’s seniors, and every player who’s ever worn an SU jersey, Grossi said. Piacentini, who lost in the CHA final twice in her career, once told Grossi that “every time you step on the ice, you have to prove that you belong there.” Grossi’s done that. She’s a two-time firstteam All-CHA player. She sits atop numerous lists in the Syracuse record book. And now, she’s the all-time leading scorer. That may seem like proving yourself and having success to most people, but not to Grossi. “If I could finish my college career with a CHA title, that’d be ideal,” she said. “If we work hard as a team and we accomplish that as a team, then individually we’ll have success.” In about two weeks, SU will play its first game of the CHA tournament at the HarborCenter in Buffalo. It’s there, almost four years after it began, that the career of Syracuse’s captain and greatest scorer of all-time will be determined, in her eyes, as a success, or a failure.
“I think everyone was so worried about containing the mumps that quite a few kids were quarantined as they waited for results,” Jill said. A university spokesperson said in an email that any student who presented “any possible symptoms of mumps” was immediately isolated “out of an abundance of caution.” The outbreak caused teammates to separate for much of the time off. To stay in shape and ready for the upcoming spring season, the players had to improvise. Freshman Sam Swart, a midfielder on the women’s team, said she got a membership to Planet Fitness and worked out routinely with fellow freshman Hannah Van Middelem. Junior goalkeeper Bri Stahrr ran a lot. Bomberry, who hasn’t had an offseason in as long as he could remember because of playing box lacrosse in the summer, took advantage of the break. “I was just focusing to get better physically,” Bomberry said, “and trying to get faster and stronger and actually do things that people can do in an offseason.” Stahrr said if it were up to her, she’d have spent time with her teammates, but she resigned to doing things almost exclusively on her own. Stahrr declined to comment on whether the team was told to stay separate during the suspension. The most common response about the difficulty of the stretch was that players couldn’t spend time with their teammates as much as they would’ve liked. The women’s team took it upon themselves and reached an agreement, collectively deciding they “don’t want this spreading,” sophomore attack Emily Hawryschuk said. By keeping players away from the facilities, Hawryschuk agreed, SU was trying to prevent players from having one specific area where they could all meet and spread the mumps further. An SU spokesperson did not directly say whether players on each team were instructed to stay apart from each other during the suspension to limit spread of the mumps. “We were in constant communication with our entire campus community,” a university spokesperson said in an email, “including our student-athletes, to educate them on how to detect and treat mumps and how to prevent the spread of the disease. This included enforcing our aggressive response protocol, which included placing infected students in isolation and sanitizing areas that infected students may have come into contact with.” In addition to practice, SU lost out on scheduled scrimmages. The men’s team was stripped of all its fall games, and the women’s team missed three tournaments, which tend to be three games each, Goldstock said.
Already without practice time, losing fall games made it difficult for players to focus on their development. The ways they could improve their skills also remained unclear. Goldstock played wall ball, an individual drill in which a player repeatedly throws a ball off a wall back to themselves. But, Nicole Foringer, her friend and a Boston University lacrosse player, said Goldstock claimed she was basically a “non-athlete” during the time SU was absent from the facilities.
ferent rules, didn’t receive a waiver. “NCAA staff frequently work with schools to provide flexibility to NCAA rules in cases that impact student-athlete wellbeing, and this case is a good example of that cooperation,” the spokesperson said. Liz Robertshaw, Boston University women’s lacrosse head coach, said she was “not a fan” of the NCAA’s decision to permit a waiver for SU to start the season early. A scheduled SU-BU matchup in the fall was canceled due to the suspension. She said since the rule is so new, the NCAA should’ve stood its ground in enforcing it. To make up for lost time, the Orange women traveled to Florida on Jan. 6 for a weeklong camp, marking the first time the Orange officially practiced since the fall season was called off on Oct. 6. In Florida, Stahrr said, the team had two- to three-hour practices. SU players spoke glowingly of the sessions. Junior Natalie Wallon said she recognized growth from the team, adding that the Orange has “some of the best on-field chemistry” she’s seen in a while. The men’s team had a similar experience. In its first weeks back at practice, the Orange participated in numerous intrasquad scrimmages. The competition was “electric,” Porter said, adding that the scrimmages were some of the most intense he’d experienced in his two years at SU. While much of the early dialogue following the cancellations paralleled “what do we do?”, Widner said, Porter preferred to use the phrase “what’s next?” Months after the cancellations, Gait sat at the podium following SU’s season opener, wearing a stone face. It was the Orange’s first game action since late September, and most players had the day marked on their calendars since the fall was cut short. For two months, players and coaches were prevented from coming together as they always had. They missed it. Now, they were back. Gait didn’t waste any time to savor the moment. “Wow,” he said, pausing to exhale. “It’s great to be back playing lacrosse.” With the events of the fall behind them, back in the locker room before his team took the field for the second half, Gait offered them one more piece of motivation. To that point, the game hadn’t been pretty. The Orange had a one-goal lead after faltering several times. He challenged his players to go on the field in the next frame with a different mindset. Before leaving the locker room, Gait sent his team out with one final instruction: “Now let’s go play the 2018 season.”
It was kind of just crazy, we were getting into it and we were having a good time, (then) mumps hit. Morgan Widner sophomore draw control specialist on the women’s team
Though both teams suffered a considerable loss to practice time, the men’s team, for reasons players said they weren’t aware of, were allowed back into facilities a week before Thanksgiving break. Men’s lacrosse head coach John Desko said the team made up most of the practices it previously thought were lost later in the fall. Sophomore goalkeeper Drake Porter said the team was allowed to practice for about five days before Thanksgiving break and roughly two weeks between Thanksgiving and winter breaks. The women’s team lost the entirety of its remaining fall practices. Goldstock said a small portion of the team met for “captain’s practices” in December, when they were granted access into facilities again. But the coaches weren’t present for the practices, she said. “We had about a week at the end of the fall when we were together and we regrouped again,” Hawryschuk said. “Then we went on winter break.” According to NCAA bylaw 17.14.2, which was revised in April 2017, women’s lacrosse teams are not permitted to start practicing until the third Saturday of January. Syracuse requested a waiver from the NCAA to start practice early to make up the time it lost. “I just asked my compliance office if we could get any of our time back,” Gait said. “... And they did it.” The women’s team started practice “two weeks early,” an NCAA spokesperson said in an email. The men’s team, under slightly dif- | @esblack34 | @mikejmccleary
feb. 14, 2018 15
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Net loss
Lone wolf
Sofya Golubovskaya has struggled with adjustment to doubles since joining SU tennis. See page 12
Early returns
Check out all there is to know about North Carolina State before the 9 p.m. start Wednesday. See
Eunice Boateng joined Syracuse track in January and has had immediate sprinting success. See @dailyorange feb. 14, 2018 • PAG E 16
isolated When SU lost fall seasons to mumps, players struggled to fill the lacrosse void
By Michael McCleary asst. digital editor
illustration by sarah allam head illustrator
he excited screams could be heard from inside the tunnel. From the moment the Orange women’s players stepped on the field, they couldn’t erase the smiles on their faces. They screamed so loudly their voices cracked, and players skipped with every stride. When the buzzer sounded, signaling the start of the game, SU experienced the growing pains it didn’t have a chance to deal with already. The struggles weren’t a sign of the future, but rather a reminder of the past. Going to the locker room at halftime having already allowed eight goals, SU head coach Gary Gait addressed his team and told them the next time they stepped on the field would be different. “That was fall ball,” Gait said of the Orange’s first half, “I hope you enjoyed it.” Last fall, due to an outbreak of the mumps that affected more than 100 people on Syracuse University’s campus, including members of the varsity men’s and women’s lacrosse teams, SU suspended the teams’ fall seasons. During the suspension, players were barred from athletic facilities and, without the opportunity to meet up and practice with their teams, spent most of their newfound free time by themselves. An SU spokesperson said in an email that the decision to suspend the fall season was “isolated,” adding that only the lacrosse teams were considered in the decision-making process since they were the only teams with confirmed mumps cases. The suspension of the seasons was met with confusion by some involved in the Syracuse lacrosse programs, with players and coaches forced to figure out how to cope with the lost time. “It was kind of just crazy, we were getting into it and we were having a good time,” said Morgan Widner, a sophomore draw control specialist on the women’s team, “(then)
see mumps page 14
OCT. 6
JAN. 6
JAN. 21
FEB. 9
FEB. 10
SU suspends all team activities due to mumps
Syracuse men’s lacrosse is granted access back into SU Athletics facilities
SU women’s lacrosse arrives in Florida for its first official practice since the cancellation
Syracuse men’s lacrosse participates in its first scrimmage since the fall
Syracuse women’s lacrosse plays its first regular season game against Connecticut
Syracuse men’s lacrosse plays its first regular season game against Binghamton
ice hockey
men’s basketball
Grossi seeks more after milestone SU’s guards use height to advantage By Eric Black
asst. copy editor
On the bus after a 6-0 victory against Rochester Institute of Technology on Saturday, Stephanie Grossi did what she does after every game: texted her parents. After talking a little bit about the contest, Grossi ended a text with the same phrase she’s been using for years. “Next, the CHA championship,” she typed. Little was discussed about the fact that Grossi had just set the all-time scoring record for Syracuse (11-17-2, 10-5-1 College Hockey America) with an assist in the second period against the Tigers. It was the 113th point of her career, one more than former teammate Melissa Piacentini and 17 more than the third-place mark, where Grossi began the season. Grossi see grossi page 14
By Matthew Gutierrez senior staff writer
STEPHANIE GROSSI (8), pictured on Nov. 10, became the all-time top scorer in SU history on Saturday. phil bryant staff photographer
Frank Howard has been watching a lot of film lately, and he developed a startling conclusion: He should play bigger. Smaller guards force him to be “over-quick,” the 6-foot5-inch tall Howard said. What he means exactly is that smaller guys can speed him up. They can more easily jab, hop back and forth and they try to get lower than him to pick up a steal. Howard can see above smaller defenders when shooting and creating offense, but shorter players may sneakily get a hand on the basketball in the lane.
“With me attacking, I need to start using my size again,” Howard said. “Put defenders on my hip, try not to do too much to totally beat them. Just use my size advantage, try to incorporate that.” Howard and fellow backcourt mate 6-foot-6-inch Tyus Battle have the double-duty of both anchoring Syracuse’s (17-8, 6-6 Atlantic Coast) offense and the top of its 2-3 zone. Oftentimes, they match up against guards a few inches shorter, which means they both almost always defend and shoot against players who physically look up to them. Both Battle and see guards page 12