march 7, 2018 high 35°, low 28°
t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r a c u s e , n e w yor k |
N • Speaker announced
P • Luck of the Irish
MSNBC political analyst and anchor Joy-Ann Reid will speak at Syracuse University as part of the University Lectures series on April 3, SU announced Tuesday. Page 3
Blake Condolora, an SU senior, has combined his interest in world cultures with his love of photography to create books about Celtic and Nordic culture. Page 7
S • Get Ma-wrecked
Marek Dolezaj led the charge as Syracuse, with its NCAA Tournament hopes on the line, pulled off a big win against Wake Forest on Tuesday night. Page 12
Drone zone Mayor’s pledge to support drones gets mixed reactions By India Miraglia staff writer
student association
Election dates announced By India Miraglia
ayor Ben Walsh plans to expand Syracuse’s involvement in a major regional drone initiative, a move that has raised concerns from a local anti-drone action group and support from drone research and development organizations. In his January “state of the city” address, Walsh pledged to help Syracuse become a more active partner in the drone initiative as development continues on unmanned aerial systems in the region. “Soon, Syracuse will be the largest city in the nation covered by the instrumentation and software necessary to fly unmanned craft safely and efficiently for commercial purposes,” Walsh said
staff writer
Elections for Syracuse University’s Student Association will start this semester on April 9 and run until April 12, a week earlier than last year’s election. SU students will be able to vote on MySlice for SA’s next president, vice president and comptroller, as well as assembly representatives. SA plans to officially announce the election dates this Friday.
see drones page 4
what is sa? The Student Association is the student government body of the university. SA is currently in its 61st session, and James Franco is president. Outside of the cabinet, there are five committees and four boards, which report to the association.
illustration by sarah allam head illustrator
Mahoney touts economic progress in speech By Jordan Muller asst. news editor
Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney touted her administration’s achievements during her “state of the county” address Tuesday night, detailing progress on citycounty shared services, infrastructure projMAHONEY ects and local
graduation rates. Mahoney delivered the speech to government officials, including Mayor Ben Walsh and other community members in a packed Oncenter Carrier Theater in downtown Syracuse. In her wide-ranging address, Mahoney at times praised some officials such as Walsh, and pleaded with the Onondaga County Legislature to pass a sustainable development plan that hasn’t been updated since 2012. When Mahoney praised newlyelected County Legislator James Rowley for his ability to quickly
merge the Town of Clay Police Department and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department, she said fellow county legislators might not want to implement policies with such speed. “Not all of your colleagues like to be pushed,” Mahoney said, looking at Rowley. “They tend to like to read, and read, and read, and talk, and study, and convene committee meetings.” The county executive, though, described what she said were the county’s accomplishments in recent
years, including the 2017 completion of the first city-county shared services plan, which she said identified $5 million in potential savings. She pointed to a recent partnership between the county and 35 government entities such as cities, towns, villages, school districts, the airport authority and Oswego County to buy salt for winter weather. The partnership, she said, resulted in savings that were 15 percent greater than if each entity bought salt through the previous state contract. see mahoney page 4
Initially, SA’s Board of Elections and Membership committee chose April 2 as the beginning of elections, but President James Franco and Vice President Angie Pati decided that date was too early, Pati said. Pati said campaigning is hard and candidates need to be able to reach out to people and connect with their bases. An April 2 start date would be too short of a time frame for candidates to do that, she said. Last year’s elections started on Monday, April 18 and ended at midnight on Thursday of the same week. This year’s earlier election date will help facilitate “a smooth transition in general” between the two legislative sessions, Pati said. SA wants to ensure longevity for the programs and initiatives created this year, Pati added. Giving newly appointed members more time to be involved with SA before summer begins may help with that goal, she said. Members work throughout the summer in preparation for the next academic year, so it’s beneficial to start those efforts as soon as possible, Pati added. “The date lets the new members to form a relationship with the assembly before next year begins,” she said. April 9 was also chosen because it was far enough away from the last weeks of the semester so candidates could campaign, talk with students and meet with current SA members without added academic pressure, said Evanna Ojeda, an SA assembly member who serves on see elections page 4
2 march 7, 2018
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The Daily Orange is an independent newspaper published in Syracuse, New York. The editorial content of the paper — which originated in 1903 and went independent in 1971 — and its online platforms are entirely run by Syracuse University students. The D.O.’s coverage of the greater SU area is disseminated through 125 issues during the 2017-18 academic year with a circulation of 6,000 copies, a readership of 30,000 and online circulation of about 500,000 during publishing months. The paper is published Monday through Thursday when SU classes are in session, Fridays before home football games and select basketball games and in the cases of notable and newsworthy occasions. The D.O.’s online coverage is 24/7, including while SU is on break. To help support The D.O.’s independent journalism, please visit
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In a Monday story titled “Turning back the dial,” the location of the premiere party for ““The Miracle Microphone: The Impossible History and History Makers of WAER Radio” was misstated. The party was held at WCNY Broadcast and Education Center on the Near Westside. The Daily Orange regrets this error.
letter to the editor policy The D.O. prides itself as an outlet for community discussion. To learn more about our submission guidelines, please email opinion@dailyorange. com with your full name and affiliation within the Syracuse community. Please note letters should not include any personal information pertaining to other people unless it is relevant to the topic at hand. All letters will be edited for style and grammar.
corrections policy The D.O. strives to be as accurate in our reporting as possible. Please email to report a correction.
The Daily Orange is published weekdays during the Syracuse University academic year by The Daily Orange Corp., 744 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210. All contents Copyright 2017 by The Daily Orange Corp. and may not be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Orange is distributed on and around campus with the first two copies complimentary. Each additional copy costs $1. The Daily Orange is in no way a subsidy or associated with Syracuse University. All contents © 2017 The Daily Orange Corporation
noon hi 35° lo 28°
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Green technology As part of the Campus Framework plan, SU aims to improve sustainability programs. See Thursday’s paper
And the winner is... Mayor Ben Walsh will be at SU on Wednesday to announce winners of a “hackathon” competition. See Thursday’s paper @dailyorange march 7, 2018 • PAG E 3
MSNBC analyst to speak at Hendricks By Jordan Muller asst. news editor
A big win TAREA TEASLEY, a Syracuse resident, won $10 million at the Tops Friendly Markets on Nottingham Road after buying a winning lottery ticket Monday. She was presented with a giant novelty check at the Tops on Tuesday. The Tops is near Syracuse University’s South Campus. Teasley said she chose the ticket because of its color. kai nguyen photo editor
university senate
Report supports faculty education on ethics By Sam Ogozalek news editor
A University Senate committee report supports recommendations to establish new educational policies revolving around campus LGBTQA populations, among other things. The Senate’s Committee for Diversity will publicly detail the report Wednesday during the governing body’s first March meeting. “We find it unacceptable that Syracuse University does not have a program in place to oblige ALL faculty and staff to be informed about sexual misconduct,” stated one rec-
ommendation by the College of Arts and Sciences’ Humanities Council, referenced in the Senate report. The Committee for Diversity, in its report, supports that recommendation and others made by the Humanities Council. The Humanities Council has proposed several policy ideas, including a way to “educate faculty on the ethics of interaction with students and other University members,” according to the Senate report. Chancellor Kent Syverud, in his January campus address, said a review of the university’s policies governing faculty and student
sexual relationships is a priority this spring. As the rule currently stands, faculty can have sexual relationships with undergraduates as long as they do not teach, advise or supervise them. Syverud in January, referencing the #MeToo movement, said senators and administrators should provide recommendations on the policy by the end of the semester and said it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible. “It’s time to reassess whether or not we have the best policies and practices in place at Syracuse,” Syverud said at the time. The
chancellor also mentioned a possible policy review during a Senate meeting in December. A report by the Senate’s committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics released in February stated that it had reviewed two Title IX investigations conducted by SU’s Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services this academic year. Those investigations were conducted after complaints were filed against faculty, according to the AFTPE report. see report page 4
Student leader says conflict, tensions must end By Izzi Clemens
contributing writer
SUNY-ESF’s administration has faced scrutiny throughout the semester following the abrupt dismissal of three academic chairs, as tensions continue to rise between faculty and college leadership. The college’s TAYLOR faculty union last week overwhelmingly voted to recommend President Quentin Wheeler’s contract not be renewed, the union’s president said in an email
obtained by The Daily Orange. Academic Governance, the college’s faculty governing body, last week also voted to remove chair Klaus Döelle. The move came after it received complaints about whether Döelle was properly appointed to his position as chair, among other things, according to an email obtained by The D.O. The D.O. recently spoke with Ben Taylor, president of the college’s Undergraduate Student Association, about the ongoing conflict at SUNY-ESF.
The Daily Orange: Earlier this
semester, three department chairs were removed from their positions.
How did you feel about this decision and the way it was communicated to students and faculty? Ben Taylor: I can’t comment on how it was communicated to faculty, but the decision’s timing I was a little bit disappointed in. It really threw us, the whole campus, for a loop right at the beginning of the semester. It was communicated to students a few days after it was communicated to faculty and staff, which was then difficult for students to get the correct information quickly. So we basically went to social media and found out about all this. It was frustrating because stu-
dents had the wrong information. The information that was out there was generally true, the timeline of events no one was disagreeing with, but the biases and everything that goes through these different articles and different people and Facebook made it challenging to communicate with students. The D.O.: More recently, Executive Chair Klaus Döelle was voted to be removed from his position. What are your thoughts on this removal? B.T.: Well, the vote was certainly telling. A significant amount of people voted, including myself. I’m not really sure what the next steps on that will be. I mean, we voted see taylor page 4
Joy-Ann Reid, an MSNBC political analyst and anchor of a weekend talk show, will speak at Syracuse University on April 3 as part of its University Lecture series, SU announced on Tuesday. REID Reid’s appearance, co-sponsored by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and WAER, will take place in Hendricks Chapel at 7:30 p.m. The journalist, talk show host and former Barack Obama campaign press aide currently anchors MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” a weekend political talk show. She frequents the TV network as a political analyst and writes columns for The Daily Beast. Reid is also an adjunct professor of race, gender and the media at SU’s Fisher Center in New York City. Before her current jobs at MSNBC, Reid was managing editor of, a news website targeted at black American audiences. She’s also a former freelance columnist for The Miami Herald and produced and hosted Radio One. Reid is author of the book, “Fracture: Barack Obama, the Clintons and the Racial Divide.” @jordanmuller18
state news Here is a roundup of the biggest news happening around New York right now. MIGOS SUED BY ALBANY VENUE
Rap trio Migos is being sued for allegedly starting a riot at an Albany concert. Six people were stabbed at the Washington Avenue Armory when the ruckus broke out. The venue accused the group of showing up to the venue three hours late, refusing to do a preorganized meet and greet and encouraging attendees to fight while they laughed and provoked the audience. source:
A suspect who caused a lockdown at Utica College on Monday for several hours, after telling police over the phone that they had a gun in a building on campus, was not found Tuesday. Officials said they will not share any information they have as a safety precaution. All buildings were safely evacuated Monday and no students were injured, police said. source:
4 march 7, 2018
from page 1
drones in the speech. He said his administration has been meeting with leaders of the initiative, as well as private sector employers. Walsh was not made available for an interview on this article. Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance is engaged in ongoing talks with Walsh, said Ret. Maj. Gen. Marke F. “Hoot” Gibson, in an email. Gibson is currently the chief executive officer of the NUAIR Alliance. “Mayor Walsh is an important partner in our efforts to develop an ecosystem of support for unmanned aircraft testing companies looking to grow in our region,” he said. Headquartered in Syracuse, the alliance is a coalition of private and public entities and academic institutions that oversee and operate drone testing in New York, Massachusetts and Michigan, Gibson said. The nearest test site, one of seven, is the New York UAS Test Site at Griffiss International Airport in Rome, New York. The site researches and develops technologies to facilitate the safe integration of drones into the United States’ commercial airspace, Gibson added. NUAIR Alliance focuses on commercial drones, Gibson said. Potential uses of commercial drones include roof inspections, agricultural production, search and rescue missions and humanitarian aid, he added. Ed Kinane, a member of the Upstate Drone Action advocacy group that has protested the deployment of military drones from a Syracuse air base, said he thinks that discussions around drones in domestic settings tend to from page 3
report The Humanities Council, in one of its recommendations supported by the Committee for Diversity, stated that it found it “unacceptable” that SU not oblige faculty and staff to be informed about sexual misconduct, according to the Senate report.
It’s time to reassess whether or not we have the best policies and practices in place at Syracuse. Kent Syverud
syracuse university chancellor
The Humanities Council’s recommendations were based off of concerns regarding SU’s Campus Climate Survey, according to the Senate report. A summary of that major survey’s results was published by the university in late 2016. The survey was developed in response to recommendations made by Syverud’s Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence.
ignore the military aspects of the technology. “The thing to bear in mind is developments in commercial and domestic drones crosspollinate with developments in weaponized drones,” he said. The action group was created in response to the announcement that the Hancock Field Air National Guard Base was acquiring MQ-9 Reaper drones, Kinane said. The Hancock base acquired remotely-controlled Reaper drones that allowed pilots in Syracuse to fly the aircraft into war zones across the world, reported in December 2009.
Soon, Syracuse will be the largest city in the nation covered by the instrumentation and software necessary to fly unmanned craft safely and efficiently for commercial purposes. Ben Walsh
syracuse mayor
The group holds nonviolent demonstrations at the base to protest the presence of drone technology in upstate New York, Kinane added. Kinane said Upstate Drone Action is concerned with the military applications of drones and the legality of their use. “We want the public to understand this,” Kinane said. “We’re hoping that, by our demOf the survey’s 5,617 respondents, 714 responders, equivalent to 12 percent, indicated they experienced a form of unwanted sexual contact. Undergraduate students, women, transgender respondents, LGBTQ respondents and respondents with a disability cited the most incidents. The majority of respondents did not report any unwanted sexual experience, according to the summary. While the Committee for Diversity stated that it supported the council’s ideas, it also “strongly” recommended that various diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as workgroups or task forces, create one “comprehensive document” to outline all recommendations that support streamlined faculty trainings, according to the report. Other recommendations made by the Humanities Council included: • Educate all faculty about conduct with LGBTQA populations on campus • Educate all faculty about conduct with students, faculty and staff with disabilities as well as training on unconscious biases (racial and gendered) • Educate faculty about the unique needs of international students • Invest in educating new departmental chairs and administrators on “abovementioned topics” | @Sam13783
onstrations at Hancock, that some of the drone personnel will think about what they’re doing.” Kinane added that the group also has worries about using drones commercially and domestically. “I just know in my heart that with all these drones overseas, they’re going to come home to roost,” he said. “They’re going to be used by a government that really could care less about civil rights and human rights.” Kinane said he thinks Walsh’s plan could be a way to appeal to voters who want more jobs and development in the area. During his “state of the city” address, Walsh said “drones are one example of the way technology in the digital age is creating an explosion of job opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math.” Students of the Public Service Leadership Academy at Fowler High School are already actively engaged in the regional drone initiative, Walsh added. Through the school’s P-Tech program, students learn skills necessary to pilot, engineer and repair drones. Any possible benefits of domestic or commercial drones are outweighed by the military and civil rights applications, Kinane added. “I would rather that drones had never been developed, whether for military, domestic or commercial use,” he said. Gibson said it’s understandable that people are concerned about new and growing technology, but he thinks that further drone development has “the potential to greatly and positively impact lives.” There is a “distinct” difference between military and commercial drones, he added.
from page 3
taylor to remove, but I’m not sure if our bylaws say that it’s instantly binding. The executive committee is going to look at (the) next steps, so I’m guessing those next steps have to do with who, then, will be appointed or how we’re going to undertake an election. The D.O.: How will the administrative problems of this semester impact incoming students? B.T.: (Incoming students) should be insulated. The tensions that (have been) experienced this semester I don’t think will really cause an impact on the students of the future. The decisions that have been made within this time period, and before this time period of tensions, will have an impact on students ... my optimistic hope is that next semester, whatever happens with college leadership, we will … move on from this. We have to be. We have to move on from this, or we just won’t be financially stable and nobody will be able to get along. We won’t be able to get things done. So we really need to move along this semester and be done with it. The D.O.: How confident are you in President Wheeler’s ability to follow up with the requests made in the “Resolution 03.1718, A Call for Campus-Wide Reconciliation,”
from page 1
mahoney “Consolidated purchasing works,” Mahoney said. Mahoney during her speech touted the economic benefits of the Lakeview Amphitheater, which the county completed in 2015. The amphitheater, near Onondaga Lake, cost the city just over $49 million to build and has generated $100 million in economic activity, Mahoney said. She also detailed progress on local infrastructure projects, including improvements at the New York State Fairgrounds. Projects there include the construction of an expo center and pavement of a now-dirt parking lot. When Mahoney took office in 2008, she said there was not direct involvement between the county and area schools. But, since then, Mahoney said county government has stepped in to provide services to students who need support. The county executive, during the speech, also took time to officially congratulate Walsh on his historic mayoral win last November. The two have enjoyed a cordial relationship since Walsh took office in January, a marked departure from Mahoney’s years of feuding with former Mayor Stephanie Miner. She said members of her staff have been meeting with Walsh’s team in the 65 days since he was inaugurated. “We’re making a lot of progress,” Mahoney said. “We’re really happy to have a partner in that progress.” | @jordanmuller18
such as increasing his presence and informal interactions on campus? B.T.: He has. For three weeks now it has been really good. We’ve seen President Wheeler at Trailhead, they did the small science discussion, the provost has been at events. We’ve been pleased with the administrative presence on campus in the past couple weeks and we look forward to that continuing — for them to continue to reach out to not only students but the faculty and staff as well, because the faculty and staff are hurting. The D.O.: With a little over half of the semester left, what does USA hope to accomplish as far as addressing the campus climate? B.T.: So this week, Thursday night, I will be releasing our follow-up statement to our resolution. Last week we reevaluated campus climate and we will have a response coming out on Thursday, once we vote on it. After that, we are done. We’re done. We have to move on. This needs to transition from the students’ burden to the administration’s burden. Everything rises and falls on leadership, and the leadership of this college needs to make some critical decisions on how to reengage the distraught faculty and staff on this campus. And there’s clearly a lot of them. So, this is in their court.
from page 1
elections the BEM committee. It allows candidates to “promote awareness of this election cycle without having to deal with outside factors,” she added. Petitions to run for office are due on Friday. Candidates must receive a minimum of 500 signatures from SU’s undergraduates to run. Once the petitions are submitted, the BEM committee will use spring break to review the applications for approval, Ojeda said. Ojeda said the April 9 start date will give BEM members enough time to make sure candidates are aware of the rules and regulations that are in place for SA elections. She added that BEM has not been made aware of any complaints or concerns from the student body or other SA members about moving elections to a week earlier in the spring semester. “If there are concerns, we are more than willing to have that conversation,” she added.
An earlier Student Association election this spring will facilitate a “smooth transition” between the two legislative sessions, said Angie Pati, the organization’s vice president. SA is currently in its 61st legislative session. colleen cambier staff photographer
OPINION @dailyorange march 7, 2018 • PAG E 5
editorial board
SA elections are platform to speak up As campaigns are announced and the 61st session of Syracuse University’s Student Association wraps up ahead of elections April 9-12, The Daily Orange Editorial Board encourages students to be part of the conversation. Every year, The D.O. follows the campaigns of registered candidates and breaks down their stances on issues related to SU’s campus. Our editorial board publishes the transcriptions of sit-down interviews with candidates at and endorses an SA campaign team it feels best meets the expectations and standards of the campus community.
As part of this process, we want students to tell us what they want to see out of our election coverage by submitting ideas to or at We also invite students to submit letters to the editor to opinion@dailyorange. com to raise topics SA should have on its agenda or endorse candidates who will represent undergraduates in the 2018-19 academic year. Letters to the editor are published online and in our print edition on page five. Following the 2017 SA election, in which less than 2,500 students voted, students
must know their participation doesn’t start and end in April. SA exists to fulfill the needs of the student body, so students must feel their voices are heard. And as an editorial board, we hope to be a platform to amplify those voices this election season and beyond.
The Daily Orange Editorial Board serves as the voice of the organization and aims to contribute the perspectives of students to discussions that concern Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse community. The editorial board’s stances are determined by a majority of its members.
Letter to the Editor policy To have a letter printed in The D.O. and published on, please follow the guidelines listed below: • Limit your letter to 400 words • Letters must be emailed to • Please include your town of residence and any relevant affiliations • Topics should pertain to the Syracuse area • Letters should not include any personal information pertaining to other people unless it is relevant to the topic at hand, which will be decided at the discretion of The D.O.’s editor-in-chief and managing editor • Any links to third-party websites will also be published at the discretion of the editor-in-chief and managing editor • All letters will be edited for style and grammar Thank you in advance for following these guidelines.
letter to the editor
Sprint toward affordable health care in local race Christian Health Service of Syracuse (CHSOS), a local medical mission, is excited to be hosting our 5 Annual Good Samaritan Run/ Walk 5k & 10k event on Saturday, April 14 at Long Branch Park in Liverpool. We would really like you to be a part of our special event. CHSOS is a nonprofit organization that strives to make primary healthcare available and affordable to all patients, regardless of their financial needs or level of insurance coverage. Our mission is to reach the medically underserved of Central New York with high quality healthcare coupled with the love of Jesus Christ and prayer. Presently, about 70 percent of our patients are financially disadvantaged or are medically underserved and on Medicaid, Medicare or are self-paying. The Good Samaritan Run/Walk, our main fundraiser, has raised over $50,000 the last four years, and has helped support an additional 500 patient visits per year to individuals and their families who cannot afford primary healthcare otherwise. The fifth annual Good
Samaritan Run/Walk begins at 10 a.m. The cost is $25 for the 5k (children 12 years old and under are free) and $30 for the 10k. The certified course will be an out and back on the West Shore Trail of Onondaga Lake, and the regular 5k will be on the East Shore trail of the lake. The event includes a Kids’ Sprint ($10 per child) for ages 5-12 beginning at 9:30 a.m., with an awards ceremony, concession stands, familyoriented activities, live music and vendors included at the event. All proceeds benefit the Christian Health Service of Syracuse. Registration information can be obtained at www. You can also email us at goodsamaritanrun@ We thank you for any support and assistance you can provide and we hope you will come and be part of our event. We look forward to seeing many college students and faculty. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” - Matthew 25:4
Richard Carrier, Syracuse, New York
gender and sexuality column
International Women’s Day requires action, especially under Trump
ith every milestone in women’s rights history, we’re reminded of how much we’ve accomplished and how much work remains to be done. Celebrated since the 1900s and adopted by the United Nations in 1975, March 8 marks International Women’s Day. The day is celebrated across the globe as communities highlight women’s achievements while calling for more gender parity. And this year, International Women’s Day is just as important as ever. Women are still underrepresented in global political leadership, and we’re more than 200 years away from attaining global gender parity, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap 2017 Report. In the United States, the Trump administration has endorsed policies that roll back women’s access to reproductive healthcare. Trump has also been accused of sexually assaulting multiple women, and recently defended an aide accused of domestic violence against multiple women. The administration’s “America
First” agenda has also harmed women immigrants and refugees and hindered international feminist coalition building. For these reasons, we must commemorate events like International Women’s Day as part of a greater effort to resist the normalization of gender discrimination on all fronts. Donna Moore, a member of the Syracuse organization New Feminists for Justice, highlighted aspects of discrimination such as equal pay, a disproportionate amount of attention paid toward men’s sports and the lack of an Equality Act to protect women going forward. “Women’s International Day is important to continue to highlight that we still have work to do to bring full equality to women in the workplace, in sports, in all aspects of life,” Moore said in an email. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #PressForProgress, a title influenced by the momentum of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, in addition to the
News Editor Sam Ogozalek Editorial Editor Kelsey Thompson Feature Editor Colleen Ferguson Sports Editor Andrew Graham Presentation Director Ali Harford Photo Editor Kai Nguyen Head Illustrator Sarah Allam Digital Copy Chief Haley Kim Copy Chief Sara Swann Digital Editor Emma Comtois Video Editor Lizzie Michael Asst. News Editor Catherine Leffert Asst. News Editor Jordan Muller Asst. News Editor Kennedy Rose Asst. Editorial Editor Allison Weis Asst. Feature Editor C aroline Bartholomew Asst. Feature Editor Taylor Watson Asst. Sports Editor Billy Heyen Asst. Sports Editor Josh Schafer
Asst. Photo Editor Molly Gibbs Asst. Photo Editor Hieu Nguyen Special Projects Designer Lucy Naland Senior Design Editor Bridget Slomian Design Editor Casey Darnell Design Editor Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm Design Editor Maddie Ligenza Design Editor Amy Nakamura Design Editor Talia Trackim Asst. Copy Editor Eric Black Asst. Copy Editor Sandhya Iyer Asst. Copy Editor Shweta Karikehalli Asst. Copy Editor Haley Robertson Asst. Copy Editor Jessi Soporito Asst. Copy Editor Kaci Wasilewski Social Media Director Myelle Lansat Social Media Producer Andy Mendes Asst. Video Editor Rori Sachs Asst. Video Editor Mackenzie Sammeth
global women’s marches. The theme reflects the celebratory history of the day and its agenda to improve women’s standing globally. In 2017, Syracuse University commemorated International Women’s Day with events organized by community and university partners. This year, local organizations including ArtRage and Women TIES have organized events that bring women together to acknowledge local women’s achievements and celebrate the day. On SU’s campus, aerospace engineering students Dalya Omar and Bridget McDonough produced a short film highlighting the achievements of women in STEM. The video, which includes interviews with SU faculty and administration from the College of Engineering and Computer Science, was released via the COSMIC RESONANCE YouTube
channel on Saturday in honor of International Women’s Day. Events like these are essential, especially when they’re mobilized to create spaces for more women to lead. Without progressive action, the day risks becoming filled with acts of ceremony instead of supporting acts of social justice. “Political activism efforts go hand in hand with our efforts,” Moore said. “Giving women platforms where they can speak and find support is essential to giving them the power to run for political office.” Perhaps the best way to celebrate Women’s International Day this year is to contribute our time and resources toward creating more support for women in leadership and the creation of organizations and traditions that raise awareness of gender discrimination through a variety of lenses. This would mean more intersectional activism, which Moore acknowledged as an essential ingredient for women’s empowerment. “We need to find ways to build relationships with women of color
t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r ac u s e , n e w yor k
Alexa Díaz
Alexa Torrens
Asst. Digital Editor Asst. Digital Editor Asst. Digital Editor Digital Design Editor Digital Design Editor Digital Design Editor
Michael McCleary Lydia Niles Danny Strauss Kevin Camelo Katie Czerwinski Eliza Hsu Chen
Digital Design Editor Anna Henderson General Manager Mike Dooling Assistant to the GM Michael Ceribelli IT Manager Bence Kotis Asst. IT Manager Zhen Xin Tan Ruan Business Assistant Tim Bennett
and immigrant women so their voices will have an equal platform,” Moore said. In addition to engaging more with the voices and experiences of women of color, feminist movements must continue to advocate for folks who identify as transgender and non-binary. As we celebrate women on Thursday, we should reflect on how we support inclusive practices in everything we do. From making purchases from companies without wage gaps to supporting womenand-minority-owned businesses, we need to be increasingly conscious of which institutions and brands we support and the reputations they have regarding gender discrimination and the reinforcement of gender stereotypes. And these are the questions we should ask ourselves every day, not just on International Women’s Day.
C.C. Hendricks is a doctoral candidate in composition and cultural rhetoric. Her column appears biweekly. She can be reached at
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6 march 7, 2018
Twitter fingers
That’s the spirit(s)
Erik Benjamin reacts to President Donald Trump’s tweet criticizing the Oscars. See
The Last Shot Distillery in Skaneateles is working on bottling a new gin. See Thursday’s paper
Looking around If you’re staying in central New York over spring break, take some day trips to these five nearby towns. See Thursday’s paper @dailyorange march. 7, 2018
slice of life
Celtic connection SU senior combines love for photography and Celtic culture in book, tarot cards
Students film video for women in STEM By Taylor Watson
asst. feature editor
Growing up, Bridget McDonough liked science fiction. She was into math and learning about how rockets work. But she didn’t see a lot of women with those same interests. Now a junior aerospace engineering major at Syracuse University, McDonough has met women who share her interests — and her frustrations. McDonough and Dalya Omar, a senior aerospace engineering major, were disappointed by the lack of women in their field. But they still felt empowered by the women students, professors and administrators they encountered in STEM, Omar said.
24% of women make up STEM jobs source: economics and statistics administration
BLAKE CONDOLORA hopes his spirituality will shine through his work. His past photography projects have focused on Celtic culture and trees. molly gibbs asst. photo editor
30% of all STEM degree holders are women
By Hanna Horvath staff writer
lake Condolora isn’t afraid to show his cards. In fact, he welcomes it, fanning them out on the table in front of him. Images of oak, yew and gorse trees cover the table, each representing a different divination or aspect of Celtic culture. This set of tarot cards is more than just a side project for Condolora — the art photography senior has used the project to drive his studies and pursue his passion at Syracuse University. “I was looking for a project, and I saw
other photographic tarot cards, and I thought to myself: I can do that, and I can do it better,” he said. “So I made it my goal.” Condolora recently released a book titled “The Grove: A Celtic Divination Tool & Ogham Set” that contains his photographs and comes with tarot cards, too. It focuses on the Celtic spiritual guide to nature — specifically, trees. Condolora first got into photography in high school when he took a basic black-and-white photography course. His mother bought him a camera and his passion grew from there, shooting wherever and whenever he could. Struggling with stress and anxiety, Con-
dolora found photography was a good way to express his thoughts and ideas. As time went on, Condolora developed a stronger sense of “earth-based” spirituality and looked for ways to convey that in his work. He said he discovered different divination systems and hoped to create “pictures so people could understand what they were.” “There was always this little whisper in my ear saying that was how I identified with the world,” he said. Condolora added that he wanted to educate people about traditions like these, see condolora page 8
illustration by talia trackim design editor
source: economics and statistics administration
So McDonough and Omar created a 10-minute video featuring inspirational women from the College of Engineering and Computer Science, simultaneously shining light on the lack of women in STEM and celebrating the women in the field. The video was released Friday in advance of International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every year on March 8. “We not only wanted to celebrate the women around us who inspire us every day, but we also wanted to support them and give them a platform to share their ideas and talents to the world,” McDonough said. Omar points to the lack of women representation in STEM as a reason why women don’t stay in the sciences. “If you don’t see examples of people like you succeeding in the field, it’s hard to see yourself succeeding in the field,” she said. Omar added that the video was a way for her to act against sexism. see stem page 8
8 march. 7, 2018
from page 7
condolora ones that he often saw misrepresented in the media. To prepare for this project, Condolora did his research. He traveled around the Syracuse area, photographing different tree species in upstate New York that also had a significance in Celtic culture. He said the Celts viewed trees as sacred. He studied hundreds of species of trees — he jokes he can identify more types of trees on campus than his friends at SUNYESF can. He also said he used to identify his cultural background: Italian, Nordic and Celtic. “I dealt with a lot of people accusing me of cultural appropriation when I first started,” he said. “And I found out specifically what my ancestors were, and now I will only work specifically within the realms of what my ancestry is.” When he showed his professors, Condolora said they had “no idea” about the cultural context of the photos. While the photos themselves are high-quality, their place in Celtic culture is what makes them stand out. These photographs would be used to create tarot cards, a set of playing cards that can also be used to gain insight or connect with the supernatural. Each set of cards comes with a book, written by Condolora, that denotes each card’s symbolism in the Nordic or Celtic culture. Condolora decided to self-publish the set of cards and the corresponding book online. So far, he has sold 50 copies. But he didn’t do it for the money. He said he published the books because he felt there was a need. “I wanted to bring (my) ancestors’ culture to the forefront,” he said. “The money was just an extra bonus.” John Harris, a jewelry and fashion designer, supervised Condolora throughout an internship while he was studying at Onondaga Community College. Harris said he helped Condolora along the way with direction, especially when it came to pub-
BLAKE CONDOLORA traveled around Syracuse to photograph local trees that have significance in Celtic culture. He used these pictures to create tarot cards, which are sometimes used to connect with the supernatural. molly gibbs asst. photo editor
lishing the finished product. “I pushed him early on saying, ‘Make sure you’re asking the right questions internally,’” Harris said. “If you are depicting cultural concepts and motifs, and you want to make sure you are depicting accurately. And that was something he took very seriously.” Condolora completed his second set of cards and book last month, these ones celebrating the Nordic culture. While the Celtic cards were more nature-based, the Nordic cards are more “hearth and home” based. He plans to start selling the book in the next couple of weeks. Many of these photos include models
donned in Nordic costumes. Condolora’s friend Katie McLaughlin modeled a couple of times for him, and said the project was “really interesting” — especially, she added, as books related to Nordic culture have “become more mainstream.” “He’s willing to work with really anyone,” she said. “You definitely get some weird looks in the outfits, though. No one really tries to mess with you when you are walking around with a sword or a bow and arrow.” Condolora continues to look ahead toward future projects. Outside of photography, he plays in a band and is planning to write a book
of fanfiction. His other pastimes include crystal collecting, woodworking and reading: John Green books are his guilty favorite. With everything he plans to do, he hopes his spirituality will shine through his work. He said he hopes he can one day make his spiritual beliefs a main source of earning money. “I really just want to tell my ancestors’ story, so our stories are never forgotten,” he said. “A lot of stories are told orally, and through my own means I am trying to retell the stories. If I don’t do it, I don’t think anyone else will.”
from page 7
“The video is meant to be biting and unapologetic,” Omar said. Beyond resonating with people in celebration of International Women’s Day, the video also aims to be close enough to home that it creates a sense of community among the women in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, Omar said. It’s important to have a day dedicated to women, McDonough said, because it’s easy for people to get wrapped up in their dayto-day lives, and it’s nice to take time to highlight and appreciate the dynamic nature and talent women have. The video has received positive reaction in the days since it was released. “Our social medias have been blowing up,” Omar said. Jonathan Hoster, undergraduate recruitment specialist at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, has been sharing the video online and throughout the engineering community. Hoster said the video could have a particularly strong impact on parents. It’s common for little boys to receive Legos to play with, but it’s not as automatic for girls, Hoster said. He recalled the controversy over Target removing gender-based signs from their toy aisles, and a Verizon commercial that highlighted how girls are sometimes treated in ways that may dissuade them from following their passion for science. “These might sound like simple things,” Hoster said, “but I think the accumulation of these kinds of experiences that children have can direct their interests in one way or another. … Bringing this to light and maybe encouraging parents to think differently about gender roles when their children are young, I think can be important.” McDonough said being able to see women who are challenging the stereotypes of what it means to be a woman engineer or computer scientist is so influential to the younger generation of women, and that is what the video intends to do. “We hope to inspire not only the future generation of women in STEM, but also inspire the current generation to keep pushing boundaries and making strides,” McDonough said.
She recalled growing up in the “sexist society” of Saudi Arabia, adding that her “aggressive need” to address gender inequality stems from that experience. The students began planning the video in mid-January and started filming in February, Omar said. The video features 12 women, ranging in experience from students to program directors to department chairs and the dean.
I think if I had had more female representation, it would’ve been so much easier for me to embrace that and not be afraid of going into STEM Bridget McDonough
su aerospace engineering junior
Julie Hasenwinkel, senior associate dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, said she was somewhat surprised to hear students talk about having the same challenges that she had as a woman student in engineering. “It’s disappointing that as a field, we haven’t made more progress,” she said. “There’s still a long way to go.” Hasenwinkel, who is featured in the video, said she was enthusiastic to be part of such a timely, meaningful project. “I think it’s important for (students) to see the great work that students are doing,” she said. “The female students in the video are great leaders in our college, and they themselves are great role models.” The women featured in the video were receptive when asked to be part of the project, Omar said, which surprised her because she and McDonough weren’t affiliated with any organization. They wanted to be free of restrictions in making the video, and they had help from some friends who study film.
From the
stage every wednesday in p u l p @dailyorange march. 7, 2018
Father-daughter duo Fred and Marya Grandy to star in “On Golden Pond,” opening at Redhouse Arts Center By Haley Robertson asst. copy editor
hen the cast of “On Golden Pond” leaves the rehearsal room, they put on hard hats before walking through hallways still under construction at the brand new Redhouse Arts Center. Ernest Thompson’s “On Golden Pond” is the inaugural show at the new arts center, which is now home to three theaters, the largest seating 425 people. The organization recently said farewell to its South West Street venue and is now located at 400 South Salina St. Leading the cast are Fred Grandy, known for his role as Gopher in “The Love Boat,” and his daughter, Marya Grandy. They play Norman Thayer and Chelsea Thayer Wayne, respectively. The duo is taking on the father-daughter roles made famous by Henry and Jane Fonda in the movie version of “On Golden Pond,” which was released in 1981. “There’s much more comedy in this play than I think a lot of people remember,” Fred said. “It’s a very tender, poignant scene about growing up and growing old, but it’s also funny.” Vincent Cardinal, the play’s director, said the staff wanted to celebrate the opening of the venue with a forwardthinking show, but also one that’s rooted in the United States’ entertainment tradition. “We thought of ‘On Golden Pond’ because it does point to the next generation and hope for the future,” Cardinal said. “And then I thought of Fred Grandy, who is so much a part of the psyche of our entertainment world.” Cardinal, chair of musical theater and professor of music at the University of Michigan, has worked with the Grandys in the past. Cardinal directed Marya in Yale School of Drama’s production of “Sweeney Todd,” and directed Fred in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” at the Connecticut Repertory Theatre. About a year ago, Cardinal reached out to Marya and Fred to see if they were interested in “On Golden Pond” at Redhouse. The decision was an easy yes for both of them, Marya said. Fred and Marya have worked together on smaller projects in the past, but none like this. “This is quite a different feeling, and a much more rewarding and fulfilling one, I think,” Fred said. Marya’s background is heavily rooted in musical theater, whereas Fred is best known for his screen work. He believes his TV exposure, particularly from “Love Boat” and the more recent “The Mindy Project,” helped to reignite his stage career. Both TV and stage require different discipline, but Fred finds the two forms to be “very synergistic.” “For me, no stage experience is the same,” Fred said. “It is a great luxury to be able to proceed methodically through an ensemble and a performance.” For Marya, the rehearsal process has allowed her to see where she and her father differ in their artistic approaches. Fred showed up to the first day of rehearsal with all of his lines memorized, which Marya credits to his graduate education in Shakespearean acting where the text always comes first. “Because the bulk of my work is in musical theater, I’m generally not off-book until things are staged,” Marya said. “I need to get it in my body in order to get it in my brain.” After only a few weeks of rehearsal, “On Golden Pond” is set to open on Friday at 8 p.m., with a preview on Thursday at 7 p.m. Tickets are available online or by calling the box office at 315-362-2785. The play also stars Jan Radcliff as Ethel Thayer and Justin Dunn as Billy. Dunn is a local sixth-grader whom Fred said is a “delight to work with” and a “thorough professional,” considering his young age. The cast, crew and staff are eager to share the energy of the new performance space with the Syracuse community. “It’s really rare at this point in history to find a brand new theater,” Cardinal said. “The idea that they’re doing this in this town at this point in history is kind of a miracle.”
FRED GRANDY and his real-life daughter, Marya, will portray Norman Thayer and Chelsea Thayer Wayne, respectively, in the upcoming production. julia catalano contributing photographer
JUSTIN DUNN (LEFT) AND JAN RADCLIFF (RIGHT) star alongside Fred Grandy as Ethel Thayer and Billy, respectively. Dunn, a sixth-grader, is the youngest cast member. julia catalano contributing photographer
10 march 7, 2018
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march 7, 2018 11
Hansen, Teran thrive in new positions for Syracuse By Eric Black
asst. copy editor
Alicia Hansen and Gabby Teran have been nothing short of perfect for the Syracuse defense this season, combining for zero errors in almost 100 chances in the field. Teran, at second base, leads the team with 53 flawless opportunities. Hansen, at center field and first base, is second on the team with 45. Neither play the position they played last year. The two players have HANSEN started each of the 16 games for the Orange (10-6) this season, often batting at the top of the order. Teran has made an immediate impact as a freshman. She’s batting .313 and sits tied for second on the team with eight RBI. The Atlanta native has TERAN filled in at second base after playing shortstop in high school. A junior who played second base last season, Hansen has lived up to her positional billing, as the utility player shifted between center field and first base due to Teran’s emergence. No matter where they play, from page 12
replacements speed so that way I can make up for my time,” Fernandez said. Fernandez’s aggressiveness has not only led to Desko giving him more playing time than he expected in the wake of Helmer’s injury, but he is normally one of the two wings on faceoffs. When Virginia stormed back and tied the game at 11 on Sunday, faceoff specialists Danny Varello and Justin FERNANDEZ Schwenk knelt down to take what could be the deciding faceoff with 1:41 left on the clock. Fernandez stood on the far wing. Once the whistle blew, he broke toward the grappling faceoff specialists. The loose ball was popped away by Varello. He KENNEDY charged after it but Fernandez was already there. He scooped the ball and spun by UVA’s Ian Laviano and passed. A minute later, freshman Tucker Dordevic scored the game winner. “He frankly is a pain, because he gets on you and is checking your stick, always bothering you,” Desko said. “… It’s really his quickness and athletic ability. He’s got great acceleration along with speed.” Fernandez finished the game with five ground balls and a caused turnover. But shortly after winning that last ground ball of the faceoff, he dropped to the ground. He tried dragging himself off the field before being met with trainers a few feet away from where he fell. His status from page 12
dolezaj As Dolezaj spoke at his locker after the game, the Slovakian freshman seemed transported back to Europe. Each time someone asked him, “Have you ever done …” he smiled shyly and said that, yes, he had done something like this before. Back in Europe, back with the under-18 national team, he said he once scored 48 points, once dunked three times in one game and once played like the flying, slamming, swatting bulldozer he became Tuesday night. When asked how his performance felt, Dolezaj said seriously, “It was a little fun. I enjoyed this game. I’m going to get some rest for tomorrow’s game.” All of it started with a simple jumper from the high post. It was the shot fans in the Carrier Dome have begged Dolezaj to put up all season. It was the shot Boeheim has frantically motioned him to take. It was one of the Dome’s main frustrations during Syracuse’s Saturday win
Teran and Hansen have been staples for an SU team that’s heated up lately. Despite a sophomore year in which she played the middle infield and was second on the team in batting average, Hansen was forced to change positions when Teran was recruited. “You have two very outstanding athletes, both of them are going to be in the field in some capacity,” head coach Mike Bosch said. “It’s just a matter of what can one athlete do versus the other.” Hansen had played shortstop her whole life before coming to Syracuse, where she was placed at second base as a freshman. The change startled her because it was a different outlook on the field, causing a slow transition. Her freshman statistics reflected the struggles, illustrated by a .213 batting average and a .962 fielding percentage, last among seven SU players with at least 60 chances. As a sophomore, Hansen broke out offensively for the Orange. Her 12 doubles lead the team and her .376 average placed her second on the team behind All-American Sydney O’Hara, but her defensive woes continued. Her fielding percentage dipped to .949, and she committed a team-high nine errors. This year’s transition to the outfield has been the most difficult, Hansen said. However, the Liverpool native’s athleticism has made her more consistent than ever for SU. In fact, remains unknown ahead of SU’s game on March 10 against No. 17 Johns Hopkins. Complementing Fernandez on the wings for faceoffs is usually redshirt freshman Kennedy. For the majority of the last two weeks, Desko has used two long poles on faceoffs and against UVA, it seemed to pay off —the duo combined for 10 ground balls against the Cavaliers. Kennedy’s biggest contributions, however, have come late in games. As the clock ticked under 25 seconds against Army, the Black Knights’ Conor Glancy took the ball at the X. He dashed farside, causing Nick Mellen and Austin Fusco to slide over to the senior attack. They left Sean O’Brien wide open. Glancy quickly turned and fired a pass. Kennedy saw the opening and closed in on O’Brien who tried to pass the ball to the top of the key. Kennedy knocked the ball out of the air and boxed out O’Brien before scooping the ground ball. Kennedy’s offense helped Syracuse jump out to an early lead against Virginia. Most defenders don’t try and run in transition with the offense. But once a Syracuse player scoops a loose ball, Kennedy begins sprinting upfield. Four separate times against UVA, he found himself alone in the attacking third with the ball in his stick. Every time, he took the shot. And twice the ball beat freshman goalie Alex Rode. “He’s got a nose for the ball,” Desko said. “… He was almost overly aggressive when he came here and now he’s got a much better feel for the game.” Desko said Bomberry will likely be back soon and that Helmer is out for a while longer. And if Fernandez’s unknown injury is severe, then Syracuse will just do the same it did two weeks ago: use the next man up. | @charliedisturco
over Clemson, because when Dolezaj got the ball in the high-post, he refused to shoot. “A lot of people told me shoot the ball,” he said, “but I’m trying to focus on my game and what I can do.” Early in the first half, Dolezaj drilled one from the high-post. Then he fell into a funk. He threw the ball away, missed his follow-up jumper and picked up a foul boxing out. Then Wake Forest big man Doral Moore whacked him in the face with his elbow and Dolezaj transformed. After that play, Dolezaj finished an and-1 despite getting stonewalled by two larger defenders. He tear-dropped a floater and the bench mob sprang to its feet to emulate his shot. He finished at the rim and, once, when a pass from Chukwu deflected off a defender’s hands, he snared the ball from midair and jammed it home. When asked when he knew Dolezaj was turning a few baskets into a bona fide career night, Brissett grinned. “He caught like three bodies,” Brissett said, referring to the trio of defenders Dolezaj dunked on. “So, probably the first one. I haven’t really
despite only playing the position for a couple months, center field has already become Hansen’s favorite position, and her enthusiasm has positively affected her play in the field. Her success has rubbed off on Teran, who was mentored by the upperclassman prior to the season. “Coming in, we both worked hard at second base,” Teran said. “She gave me a lot of advice, just tips about how to play at the college level.” Teran started slow, notching only two hits in her first 18 at-bats at Syracuse. But she’s hit her stride in the past nine games, going 13-30 and tallying all eight of her RBI in the span. She’s done it all while playing second base, the position she’d played growing up but had stopped because in high school shortstop was the best fit for her. The transition back hasn’t seemed to affect her, though, as she’s responded by leading the team in assists thus far this season. With more at bats and playing time, Teran’s play has risen. It began prior to the season, when she faced Syracuse pitchers in practice. Once the regular season started it took a little bit of time to adjust, but the eventual acclimation to the normal game routine has helped her get used to playing at the college level. Her success is unsurprising to Bosch, who had high expectations for Teran out of high school. But it’s somewhat shocking to Hansen, from page 12
awaits. The Tar Heels survived a late push from SU a few weeks ago. SU has just a 17 percent chance of making it to the next round, per The Orange will have to defy the numbers to avoid missing the NCAA Tournament for the third time in four years — something that hasn’t happened in Boeheim’s 42-year tenure as head coach. An opening similar to Tuesday’s wouldn’t hurt. A hot offensive start, highlighted by a sequence where sophomore guard Tyus Battle stole the ball, dunked and converted an and-one on the next possession, gave the Orange an early 20-4 edge. “I told the guys they were going to make a run. They’re an explosive team,” Howard said. “… We knew what they did to us down in their place. We took an L to them.” On the other end, SU’s defense rattled Wake Forest. The Demon Deacons hit just one 3 before the half. They mailed crosscourt passes out of bounds. WFU’s ability to flip to zone brought the expected close contest. Syracuse cooled, committing a bundle of its nine first-half turnovers. “You see the defense there standing around,” Brissett said. “If it’s man, you feel like you could beat anybody. But in the zone, it’s like the whole team is guarding you once get the ball.” The margin crept closer as Wake Forest attacked SU from the high post, often times with a guard. A jumper from Bryant Crawford and a Doral Moore posterizing dunk later, the flood of Orange in the seats lost its raucousness. With about five minutes left, junior center Paschal Chukwu swatted a ball out of seen him dunk on someone like that before.” Late in the first half, Wake Forest switched from a man defense to a zone. Boeheim saw defenders departing Dolezaj in the middle and the short corner to leave him open. Methodically, Syracuse dissected Wake Forest’s zone with passing inside between center Paschal Chukwu, who had three assists, and Dolezaj. Wake Forest started to press late in the game and Dolezaj became the primary breaker. In that scenario, he dunked twice. Boeheim told him since the defender always ran out to stop the ball, Dolezaj would have an open lob to Chukwu. On the last time he carried the ball up, with the game winding down, and with the Orange’s lead stretched to nearly 20, that’s exactly what happened and Chukwu flushed Dolezaj’s alley-oop. Of all his plays, though, no moment was more revealing than his and-1 dunk, when he launched himself through contact to jam. His team bounced and hollered in disbelief. “I was pretty impressed to see that,” Tyus Battle said, “because we know he has the one-foot
her second base predecessor. “My freshman year I struggled, and she’s not,” Hansen said. “I thought that she was gonna be kind of like me, but it’s just the complete opposite, she’s moved up in the order to batting three because she puts the ball in play.” Teran’s struck out just four times in 48 at bats this season and leads the team with five sacrifice hits, three more than the secondmost on the team. She’s also SU’s most prolific base-stealer, swiping five bags in six attempts. Meanwhile, Hansen is currently on pace to set career-highs in runs and doubles, as well as slugging and on base percentage. She’s even tallied two triples this season after zero in her first two seasons. The two not only make up half of the Orange’s front end lineup, but also serve as two of its key pieces in the middle of the Syracuse defense. If not for their adaptability, SU might be struggling to find consistency on both sides of the ball. “Gabby, she does a great job, I don’t expect her anywhere else,” Hansen said. “That’s her spot and she does a really good job with it. And I absolutely love center field, even if I was playing second or first or anywhere, I would get comfortable with it … I enjoy playing anywhere, as long as I’m playing.” | @esblack34
bounds. Orange fans erupted. But the ref called goaltending.A 16-point lead was down to four points. Head coach Jim Boeheim pushed his palms toward the hardwood and issued a directive to his team: calm down. In the second half, Syracuse found the movement necessary to best the defense it knows so well. Marek Dolezaj opened the second half with five-straight SU points to pad the lead to nine. He finished with 20 points. He operated within the paint using polished passes and a quick trigger. He dunked thrice. “It makes the game so much easier,” Battle said of Dolezaj’s contributions. “Especially when they’re in that 2-3 zone, teams extending out on Frank and I, trying to not let us shoot. When Marek sits in the middle and developed that 15-footer, he can shoot that shot and make the decisions down low.” Then Howard added an and-one floater. Battle answered a WFU 3 with one of his own. Again, the Orange came out of the locker room playing good basketball. With just over ten minutes to play, Howard ran the fast break. He had numbers. He looked to his left. The ball went the other way, right into the grasp of an ascending Brissett. The freshman forward didn’t have his best day. But he did not miss this time, dunking with so much momentum that he pulled his head above the rim. Syracuse led by 15. Wake Forest chiseled. It nailed its 3s and drew a few charges. The lead fell into single digits, but the Orange had answers. It will need a few more on Wednesday to fend off concerns about the most important thing in March. | @jtbloss
bounce, but I was surprised about the two feet.” As he came down from the rim, Dolezaj himself broke the blank, impassive face he’d worn nearly every minute of this season. He appeared to yell over to the same bench that had egged him on earlier and betray a quick smile, a window that closed as quickly as it opened. On this night, on this stage, the young, lightly recruited, Flat Stanley-thin foreigner played his best game of the season. After it was over, as the quiet settled like a fog and the team hurried off the court and the fans shuffled back to the exits and real life, the bright light of an ESPN camera found Dolezaj. The reporter put the microphone in Dolezaj’s face. The player disappeared; the person withdrew. Dolezaj didn’t think he spoke English well enough to give a national TV interview. He felt uncomfortable. Adrian Autry, standing beside him, waved away the camera. Dolezaj walked to the locker room. He showed everyone everything they needed to see. | @Sam4tr
SYRACUSE 73, WAKE FOREST 64 @dailyorange march 7, 2018 • PAG E 12
MAREK DOLEZAJ drives to the basket against Wake Forest on Tuesday night in Barclays Center. Dolezaj had a career game, scoring a game-high 20 points and going 6-of-7 from the field. He also had four rebounds and two blocks in the 73-64 win. courtesy of shea r. kastriner
Marek Dolezaj’s career night propels SU past Wake Forest By Sam Fortier
senior staff writer
EW YORK — Everything was settled, but freshman forward Oshae Brissett understood there was one thing missing in this moment. The orange sea of fans writhed in the Barclay’s Center lower bowl. The players knew they got to play tomorrow. The team’s unlikely star, though, had a near-perfect night. Near. Brissett walked up to Marek Dolezaj and told him what he needed to do. “You’re not leaving here with 19 points,” Brissett told him. “You need to get 20.” On the next in-bounds, Brissett found Dolezaj, who was fouled and went to the line with 31 seconds left.
He followed Brissett’s instructions to post a new career-high, but not before missing the first free-throw and hitting the second. Two games ago, Dolezaj didn’t attempt a shot. Tuesday night his game-high 20 led No. 11-seed Syracuse (20-12, 8-10 Atlantic Coast) to a 73-64 victory over No. 14-seed Wake Forest (11-20, 4-12). This was the first-ever ACC tournament victory for the Orange. The win sent Syracuse into a secondround matchup with No. 6-seeded North Carolina on Wednesday night at 9 p.m. at the Barclay’s Center. Dolezaj was an instrumental part of that, Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim said, adding, “He was very, very good today.” see dolezaj page 11
Syracuse solves WFU’s 2-3 zone to stay alive in Brooklyn By Joe Bloss
senior staff writer
EW YORK — A little less than two weeks ago, Duke gave Syracuse an opportunity. In their Feb. 24 matchup, the Blue Devils missed their first 15 3-pointers. Syracuse lost that game because it too had an ugly offense. It finished with 44 points, its lowest total of the season. The shortage came because the man in charge of the other bench, Mike Krzyzewski, threw SU a defense it knows all too well — the 2-3 zone. And during the most worrisome periods of Tuesday night’s 73-64 Syracuse (20-12, 8-10 Atlantic Coast) win over Wake Forest (11-20, 4-14) in the ACC Tournament’s opening round
at the Barclays Center, it was WFU’s own version of the 2-3 that helped it climb back after Syracuse started well. SU’s ability to adjust in the second half landed it another game to play Wednesday night. “I think in the second half we attacked the zone better” Boeheim said. “I thought Frank (Howard) did a great job, Marek (Dolezaj) was tremendous getting into the open spots.” SU entered this tournament knowing Day 1 was a stepping stone to the matchups that can boost its chances of making the Big Dance. Syracuse had never won a game in the ACC tournament since joining the conference. Until now. Sixth-seeded North Carolina see zone page 11
men’s lacrosse
Kennedy, Fernandez replace injured players for SU By Charlie Disturco senior staff writer
Whenever a player goes down, teams constantly preach the nextman up mentality. Most of the time, there’s a drop off in production. But for Syracuse, two absences may have had the opposite effect. Two weeks ago, before the Orange hosted then-No. 9 Army on
Feb. 24, starting defender Tyson Bomberry and second-line longstick midfielder Andrew Helmer were listed as out with injuries. Replacing the two were Brett Kennedy and Jared Fernandez. The difference was minimal, as No. 6 Syracuse (3-1, 1-0 Atlantic Coast) won both games on late goals. Kennedy and Fernandez were at the forefront on some of those game’s biggest
plays, totaling 18 ground balls and five caused turnovers. After wins against Army and then-No. 4 Virginia, both opposing head coaches mentioned the added defensive pressure Fernandez had provided. Army head coach Joe Alberici said the team wasn’t expecting him to be a pest on the defensive end. “(Fernandez) gave them a lot of
energy as the second pole,” Alberici said. “… He got into some people’s gloves, made some plays.” Fernandez constantly pressured opposing midfielders. Standing at 5-foot-7, he doesn’t have the height advantage on most players. So he compensates with speed and aggressiveness. Syracuse head coach John Desko noted Fernandez’s quick recovery
time. Fernandez said he likes to attack and be aggressive because it normally gets the opponents nervous and unsure whether to pass or try and dodge. If someone beats Fernandez, he sprints back and is quickly on his assignment. In those split seconds, the opposition rarely has time to shoot. “If I’m a little bit late, I try to go full see replacements page 11