March 8, 2018

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march 8, 2018 high 33°, low 24°

t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r a c u s e , n e w yor k |

N • Hackathon winners

S • Beaten in Brooklyn

The winners of a local “hackathon” snowplow competition were announced at SU’s iSchool on Wednesday at a press conference attended by Mayor Ben Walsh. Page 3

Spring Break Guide see page 8

Syracuse faced off with North Carolina on Wednesday night in the second round of the ACC tournament at the Barclays Center, falling to the Tar Heels, 78-59. Page 16

university senate

Faculty discuss pay equity efforts By Sara Swann

senior staff writer

All but three of Syracuse University’s deans have submitted proposed salary equity adjustments for faculty in their school or college, Vice Chancellor and Provost Michele Wheatly said during Wednesday’s University Senate meeting. The salary adjustment recommendations come in response to a recent Senate faculty salary report that found women faculty at SU earn less than their men colleagues on average. Wheatly said that once all of the deans’ recommendations have been submitted, work can start to correct some of the pay inequity for women faculty. The goal is to have this completed by the end of the fiscal year in June. Dana Cloud, a professor in SU’s see salaries page 6

university senate

For-profit prisons resolution passes

On their heels OSHAE BRISSETT AND FRANK HOWARD sit on the bench as SU failed to top North Carolina. The Orange struggled on the glass against UNC, one of the country’s best rebounding teams. With Paschal Chukwu and Bourama Sidibe in foul trouble, the Tar Heels cruised to a 78-59 win in the second round of the ACC tournament. alexandra moreo senior staff photographer

fraternity and sorority affairs

Phi Kappa Psi to change alcohol, pledging policies By Jordan Muller asst. news editor

The national Phi Kappa Psi fraternity on Tuesday announced sweeping changes to its pledging and alcohol policies in the wake of hazing, alcohol abuse and sexual assault reports on college campuses across the country. The organization’s decision comes as some universities nationwide move to shut down or tighten restrictions on Greek life. The Syracuse University chapter

of Phi Psi has not been disciplined for hazing, or any other student Code of Conduct violations. Jack Johnson, who SU lists as Phi Psi’s president, did not respond to a request for comment on this story. Four fraternity pledges died in the United States last year, though, while participating in their respective new member processes, CNN reported. One of them was in Texas State University’s chapter of Phi Psi. “Not one of these men figured that joining a fraternity could

be deadly,” the Phi Psi fraternity said on its website. “Nor did the members of these groups, including Phi Kappa Psi, ever figure


Number of fraternities suspended from Syracuse University during the 2017-18 academic year

that the choices they would make — or did not make — would have profound impacts on their own lives and the reputations of themselves, the organizations they represent and the host institutions they attend.” Hazing or alcohol is suspected to have been a factor in each pledge’s death in 2017, CNN reported. Phi Psi, in the next six months, will ban hard alcohol over 15 percent alcohol by volume in chapter houses, according to the national

see fraternity page 6

By Sara Swann

senior staff writer

Members of the University Senate passed a resolution on Wednesday calling for Syracuse University officials to publicly commit to not investing in for-profit prisons. Jackie Orr, an associate professor of sociology, and Janice Dowell, graduate director and professor of philosophy, gave a presentation to senators on for-profit prison divestment and why it would be significant for SU to make a public statement. As of February 2017, SU had no direct investments in for-profit prison companies or their major suppliers, Dowell said. But it’s unclear what the university’s current status is, she said, so SU making a public statement on the issue could remove confusion. Dowell added that she does not believe SU is invested in for-profit prisons, but confirmation would be appreciated. Commitment to divestment from for-profit prisons would have little see divestment page 4

2 march 8, 2018

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The Daily Orange is an independent newspaper published in Syracuse, New York. The editorial content of the paper — which originated in 1903 and went independent in 1971 — and its online platforms are entirely run by Syracuse University students. The D.O.’s coverage of the greater SU area is disseminated through 125 issues during the 2017-18 academic year with a circulation of 6,000 copies, a readership of 30,000 and online circulation of about 500,000 during publishing months. The paper is published Monday through Thursday when SU classes are in session, Fridays before home football games and select basketball games and in the cases of notable and newsworthy occasions. The D.O.’s online coverage is 24/7, including while SU is on break. To help support The D.O.’s independent journalism, please visit

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letter to the editor policy The D.O. prides itself as an outlet for community discussion. To learn more about our submission guidelines, please email opinion@dailyorange. com with your full name and affiliation within the Syracuse community. Please note letters should not include any personal information pertaining to other people unless it is relevant to the topic at hand. All letters will be edited for style and grammar.

inside P • Family-owned distillery After spending years making pastries all over the country, SU culinary specialist Chris Uyehara now owns and operates Last Shot Distillery. Page 8

noon hi 33° lo 24°


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S • Swamped Behind another strong offensive performance, No. 4 Syracuse defeated No. 8 Florida 17-15 at the Carrier Dome on Wednesday. Page 16

The Daily Orange is published weekdays during the Syracuse University academic year by The Daily Orange Corp., 744 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210. All contents Copyright 2017 by The Daily Orange Corp. and may not be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Orange is distributed on and around campus with the first two copies complimentary. Each additional copy costs $1. The Daily Orange is in no way a subsidy or associated with Syracuse University. All contents © 2017 The Daily Orange Corporation

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Spring break Keep up with any SU news that occurs while classes are out for spring break. See @dailyorange march 8, 2018 • PAG E 3

fast forward syracuse

Carbon footprint reduction planned By Jessi Soporito asst. copy editor

As part of Syracuse University’s major Campus Framework plan, officials have said they want to reduce the university’s carbon footprint and utilize more solar energy systems.


MILLION Cost threshold for LEED requirements to be necessary for a Campus Framework project source: joe alfieri, director of su’s campus planning, design and construction

Name change? JAMES DUAH-AGYEMAN discussed a possible name change to the University Senate’s Committee for Diversity during the governing body’s meeting Wednesday in Maxwell Auditorium. Faculty have proposed changing the diversity committee’s name to the Committee on Race and Ethnicity. Duah-Agyeman is chair of the Committee for Diversity. leah degraw contributing photographer


iSchool snow ‘hackathon’ winners announced By Sam Ogozalek news editor

Mayor Ben Walsh was at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies on Wednesday as winners were announced for a competition that encouraged people to brainstorm ways to improve city snow plow services. The competition, called a “hackathon,” was based on a dump of data related to snow plow operations, said Sam Edelstein, Syracuse’s chief data officer. Edelstein, along with Walsh, attended a brief press conference Wednesday at the iSchool, alongside Dean Elizabeth Liddy. “The projects were really

impressive. We’re excited to do more and to implement these ideas so that we can use them in the future,” said Edelstein, an SU alumnus. The hackathon was held in partnership between the city, iSchool and AT&T. Liddy said 36 teams, with 90 participants, registered as part of the competition. Sixteen of those teams submitted their final projects for review, the dean said. Dean Olin, a Camillus resident, and Alex Sinfarosa of Ithaca won first place in the competition. The duo designed a way for Syracuse to view realtime updates on what city roads were plowed and the amount

of time elapsed since those roads were last plowed, Edelstein said. “Basically we did a timelapse map,” Olin said. “The colors of the roads change, depending on how long it has been since a plow has been (there). So it gives you a visual idea of … ‘Oh, this neighborhood always goes last, they always seem to be red.’” Olin graduated from Cornell University in December with a bachelor’s degree in information science, he said. Sinfarosa did not attend the event. Olin said he met Sinfarosa in Ithaca. In total, Olin said he spent about 40 hours on the project. Sinfarosa spent about 25 hours, he added.

Snow removal has become a hot-button topic in Syracuse since Walsh was inaugurated in January. The mayor hosted a “snow safety summit” in February after reported residents were being forced to walk in streets due to unshoveled sidewalks. Syracuse is known as one of the snowiest cities in the United States. It has received almost 125 inches of snow throughout the 2017-18 snow season, according to The Golden Snowball Award is a competition among upstate New York cities, including Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse over who receives the most snow in

see hackathon page 7


Council to consider supporting voter reform bill By Casey Darnell design editor

The Syracuse Common Council will consider on Monday a resolution to support New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s voter reform bill that would allow early voting throughout the state. Councilor Latoya Allen, of the 4th district, proposed the resolution during Wednesday’s council study session at City Hall. Allen represents portions of Syracuse University’s campus. New York is one of 13 states that currently has no early voting.

With New York state having one of the lowest voter turnouts across the country, we must address (this) reform and make them a reality. Dustin Czarny onondaga county elections commissioner

Cuomo’s proposal, announced in January, would provide state funds for counties to establish a 12-day period of early voting before Election Day. “With New York state having one of the lowest voter turnouts across the country, we must address (this) reform and make them a reality,” said Onondaga County Board of Elections Commissioner Dustin Czarny at Wednesday’s session. New York had the eighth worst voter turnout in the United States during the November 2016 elections, according to Politifact. Czarny said he wants the state to

implement early voting in time for 2019 local elections, so the county can “get ready to perfect it for the big 2020 presidential election.” Cuomo’s proposal requires counties provide a minimum of one polling station for every 50,000 registered voters. According to 2016 New York state data, Onondaga County had 300,795 registered voters, which translates to a minimum of six early voting stations if the governor’s legislation is passed. The BOE would choose the location of the early voting stations, Czarny said.

But those ideas are still in early planning stages, and it’s unclear how long it will be there is concrete action in SU’s efforts to bolster sustainability initiatives under the framework. More than a year after the first draft of the framework was released, SU still does not have specific plans on how or when it will conduct studies on possible renovations of the steam station, said Nathan Prior, director of energy systems and sustainability management. The station, which heats the university’s Main Campus and is near the Brewster/Boland/Brockway Complex, is included in the Campus Framework draft as a target for SU see framework page 6

state news Here is a roundup of the biggest news happening around New York right now. WEATHER ADVISORY

Syracuse was removed from the National Weather Service’s Winter Weather Advisory list Wednesday after expectations for large amounts of snow in the area dwindled. Onondaga County was initially expected to get hit by a Nor’easter snowstorm. source: local syr


The Syracuse City School District will host a public comment session Monday at 5:30 p.m. at the Westside Academy at Blodgett Middle School to hear the community’s opinion on the possibility of changing the district’s recognition of Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. The school board tabled a resolution last year on the matter because commissioners said they wanted to get more public input before making any change. source:

4 march 8, 2018


National case study recognizes SU citizenship program By Olivia Cole staff writer

A program in Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs has been recognized as a national model for the incorporation of civic responsibility into undergraduate majors. The Association of American Colleges and Universities, earlier this year, chose the college’s Citizenship and Civic Engagement program as part of a national, online case study on how to structure majors with a focus on civic impact. The Daily Orange spoke with Anne Mosher, an associate professor of geography and faculty chair of the Maxwell CCE program, to discuss the distinction and online case study.

The Daily Orange: What is CCE? Anne Mosher: It is a dual major program

where students are able to take their learning from a companion major and put it toward the public good. It serves as a platform where students can design their own experience through sophofrom page 1

divestment financial impact on the university, Dowell said. As of June 2017, SU’s endowment was about $1.29 billion. By making a public statement, Dowell said SU would help bring attention to the issue of mass incarceration in the United States and how forprofit prisons contribute to that problem. “We’re asking the university to put a ring on it, make (the divestment) status public and official,” Dowell said. By passing the resolution, SU joins several other universities, including Georgetown University, Columbia University, Hampshire College and the entire University of California

more, junior and senior year that culminates with a senior action plan. Seniors work with some community problem at the local level in partnership with a nonprofit, government agency or a grassroots group. The D.O.: Do you see any trend between what majors dual with CCE? A.M.: It was initially designed mainly for the Maxwell social science majors. What we have noticed over the years is that we have attracted a lot of people from Newhouse, Whitman and Falk. I think there is potential for some really nice synergy between (the College of Visual and Performing Arts) and engineering. Every unit on campus has the potential to partner with us. The D.O.: What does it mean to be featured as an online case study? A.M.: It is pretty cool. It was a really interesting experience for us to go through. You can compare and contrast each case study, so you can see all the different ways the colleges and universities tweaked aspects of civic education. The D.O.: Why was your program recognized? A.M.: The Maxwell School is nationally

unique. We are one of the top ranked schools for public policy. We have a number of interdisciplinary programs that are focused on training students to become public servants, public administrators — to do more international relations work — but we also have the social science departments. That’s really rare. Usually the social science departments are housed in a different place on campus than the public affairs. The fact that we coexist makes Maxwell a really unique platform. When we designed the program, we wanted to build on the strengths Maxwell has and incorporate the Maxwell DNA into the undergraduate experience. The D.O.: Can you explain the “teamtaught” MAX course dynamic?

system to make its investment status public, according to the resolution. In December 2016, Syracuse Divest, a group of SU students and faculty, requested information from the university regarding its status of investment in for-profit prisons and their major suppliers, Orr said. A few months later, with continued persistence from Syracuse Divest, the university confirmed it had no investment in the for-profit prison industry at the time. This semester, the university’s Graduate Student Organization unanimously passed a resolution supporting Syracuse Divest’s efforts to garner a public statement from the university on the matter, Orr said. Dowell also discussed for-profit prison divestment at a Student

public divestment

A.M.: The team aspect of this starts in the introductory courses, MAX 123 and MAX 132. These courses have been around for a long time, more than 20 years. It is interesting for students because you get faculty from all these different departments getting together and talking publicly about big issues, either globally or in the United States, and bringing their perspective

Colleges and universities in the United States that have publicly divested from for-profit prisons: - Georgetown University - Columbia University - Hampshire College - University of California system

Association meeting last semester. After Orr and Dowell’s brief presentation during the Senate meeting, a few professors asked questions about wording or specific facts included in the resolution. Others attempted to redirect the focus back to voting on the resolution, rather than debating some details.

from their home majors on to this problem. That whole idea, being a team and bringing people from different majors, was really important when we created the program. CCE was invented by a group of Maxwell faculty from all of the different departments. The D.O.: How long has Maxwell had CCE? A.M.: The first graduating class was in 2016. The D.O.: Where would you like to see CCE go in the future? A.M.: In our strategic plan, there are a couple of things we are focusing on. One of which is internationalizing the program. To date, we have been very locally focused in Syracuse. Certainly there is a lot of things for students to work on here. But there are a lot of students interested in the international scope. For those students, they want to have an opportunity to take their CCE learning global. This semester we have students in Serbia, a senior working on her action plan. She is working on human rights. She is our test case. If that goes well, we will explore other ways of supporting international interest.

Tom Perreault, a geography professor, shared his personal experiences during the meeting and related them to the divestment resolution. He said that when he was a student at the University of Colorado, he advocated for the university to divest from South Africa and the Apartheid regime. “At the time people quibbled about the wording and said one university is not going to make a difference,” Perreault said. “But I don’t think there is anyone now who would argue we were on the wrong side of history. It’s time to take a moral stand on this issue and I am in strong favor of this resolution.” With 73 percent of the vote approving the resolution, the resolution will now be sent to the Board of Trustees for action. | @saramswann


OPINION @dailyorange march 8, 2018 • PAG E 5

environment column

Study to save the earth with SU’s pending eco-sustainability major


igher education could be getting a little greener. Syracuse University has filed a proposal for its first major with a broad focus on the relationship between humans and the planet. If approved, the “Environment, Sustainability, and Policy” integrated learning major between SU and SUNY-ESF will assess the ways in which “careful stewardship of natural resources requires the integration of multiple scientific disciplines and an understanding of the complexities of human societies,” said Shere Abbott, a professor of geography at SU’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the vice president of sustainability initiatives at the university. The

major is on track to be certified by the fall semester. The beauty of ESP is it can be combined with other majors, which would allow students to incorporate a focus on sustainability into their primary field of study. This flexibility is powerful because if the future of the planet — and our species — is important to us, we must start integrating sustainable initiatives into every discipline. This includes everything from law and politics to engineering and agriculture. And it’s high time such a major appeared at SU. More than 100 American colleges offer a sustainability studies major, according to StartClass’ 2017 analytics. Abbott said the need for


ECO EMISSARY communication between scientists and politicians is becoming more prominent as environmental issues grow in complexity. That’s why the ESP major is designed to help students view the humanenvironmental relationship through a holistic lens. “The purpose (of the major) is to blend natural and human sciences thinking and to integrate science and policy,” Abbott said. To achieve this integration, students pursuing the ESP major will be required to maintain

gender and sexuality column

A strike on Int. Women’s Day can keep sexism at bay


o honor the contributions women have made in all realms of life on International Women’s Day, it’s important we remember how lost we’d be without them — especially if, say, they were on strike. As part of the International Women’s Strike LIANZA USA, Syracuse REYES GIV ING YOU University’s ‘ THE TA LK’ women’s and gender studies department will join the cause and close its office for a couple hours on Thursday, per an email sent to the WGS student listserv. The department office will remain closed from noon to 2 p.m. before resuming normal work hours. The strike, according to the strike’s website, “will be a day of feminism for the 99%: a day of mobilization of black and brown women, cis and bi, lesbian and trans women workers, of the poor and the low waged, of unpaid caregivers, of sex workers and migrants.” It’s meant to bring further awareness of recent campaigns that have advanced feminist movements, including the #TimesUp and #MeToo. And these campaigns are exactly why we need to join. On International Women’s Day, I encourage you to commit to something meant to recognize intersectional feminism. You don’t need to take a strike, but creating change in a small way that honors News Editor Sam Ogozalek Editorial Editor Kelsey Thompson Feature Editor Colleen Ferguson Sports Editor Andrew Graham Presentation Director Ali Harford Photo Editor Kai Nguyen Head Illustrator Sarah Allam Digital Copy Chief Haley Kim Copy Chief Kathryn Krawczyk Digital Editor Emma Comtois Video Editor Lizzie Michael Asst. News Editor Catherine Leffert Asst. News Editor Jordan Muller Asst. News Editor Kennedy Rose Asst. Editorial Editor Allison Weis Asst. Feature Editor C aroline Bartholomew Asst. Feature Editor Taylor Watson Asst. Sports Editor Billy Heyen Asst. Sports Editor Josh Schafer

their “base major” in one of the schools at SU. Students will also be expected to take core courses in environmental science, environmental humanities and data analysis in addition to a major-specific course on scientific policy, as well as a senior capstone project. The combination of a base major and the ESP major would allow students studying anthropology, biology, geography, engineering or other disciplines to add the integrated learning major to their base major. And this eco-conscious initiative isn’t mutually exclusive to Syracuse. Cornell University unveiled its own sustainability major this past fall. Kathryn Boor, dean of Cornell’s College

Maizy Ludden is a senior biology major. Her column appears biweekly. You can reach her at


Safe travels!

women across the globe — many who face disadvantages due to other sectors of their identity — affects the feminist community in more ways than one. Calling attention to the day on social media or reminding your friends that their identities are valued and important speaks volumes. And, if you’d like to go the extra mile, take a couple minutes to educate yourself on the International Women’s Strike’s website. In doing so, we’re not only standing with the world, but with members of our own community. On a smaller scale, taking a stand means joining in solidarity with the women’s and gender studies department. This department fights for intersectional feminism and intercommunity solidarity, and we should constantly seek ways to further connect with and learn from those part of the WGS community. Take a stand today. Give a few minutes of time for the women of the world, regardless of who they are and whether you agree with them. Recognize where you are privileged, recognize where you are not and take a stand today — big or small. By standing up for others, you not only represent yourself, but every other woman of the world as our fight rages on.

Lianza Reyes is a sophomore broadcast and digital journalism major. Her column appears biweekly. She can be reached at and followed on Twitter @ReyesLianza.

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of Agriculture and Life Sciences, said student demand and practical necessity coupled to bring about the major. “Not only are students interested in environment and sustainability, but also there is a strong, growing need for students who can understand environmental issues from different disciplinary vantage points,” Boor said. The excitement about sustainability at SU, Cornell and elsewhere in academia is a promising sign. With an ESP major on the horizon, students can be the change they wish to see in an ecofriendly world.

josh schafer asst. sports editor

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6 march 8, 2018

from page 1

fraternity organization’s website. Alcohol above 15 percent ABV can only be provided and served by a licensed, third-party vendor at an off-site location, per the new Phi Psi policy. The fraternity will also cut its new member period, known as “pledging,” from six weeks to 10 days. Phi Psi on its website acknowledged that hazing has been a concern among Greek organizations. “Although this change will not completely eliminate all forms of hazing, it will reduce the amount of time where new members are potentially subjected to illegal hazing practices, and will empower young men to take action,” the national organization said. SU’s Anti-Hazing Policy prohibits hazing activities conducted by individuals, groups, teams or recognized student organizations. But two fraternities at SU, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Delta Tau Delta, have been disciplined for student conduct violations related to hazing during the 2017-18 academic year. Delta Tau Delta was suspended from SU in fall 2017 on conduct violations related to hazing. Delta Kappa Epsilon was initially going to be suspended for hazing violations, its president said, but the university’s decision was appealed and the fraternity is now on extended disciplinary probation. The SU chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu is currently under investigation for hazing, according to SU’s Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs and Department of Public Safety crime logs. “Phi Kappa Psi can no longer stand on the sidelines and watch as the old system from page 3

framework to reduce its carbon footprint. But there’s no confirmed date for when those plans will be finalized. “We’re back to the drawing board reworking some of those,” Prior said of framework plans regarding the steam station in the next 50 years. The framework is Chancellor Kent Syverud’s 20-year infrastructure document detailing short- and long-term campus development initiatives. It includes several major projects, including the ongoing National Veterans Resource Complex construction at the intersection of South Crouse and Waverly avenues. Prior also said SU does not yet know how many solar panels the university will purchase as part of the plan. The second draft of the Campus Framework stated one of its “opportunities” was to install additional solar panels in campus buildings. Because studies are still being conducted, the exact number of solar panels on new buildings is still unknown. But the panels are always considered when SU works on any project that requires the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, said Joe Alfieri, director of SU’s Campus Planning, Design and Construction. According to the framework’s second draft, “significant reductions in energy consumption from nonrenewable sources are expected” once the plan is implemented. The exact amount of money and energy that will be saved by the plan is currently unknown. “A lot of that’s going to depend on the new technologies that will be adopted as part of what’s being constructed as part of the Campus Framework,” Prior said. “Without knowing exactly what is going to be constructed when, it’s very difficult to quantify.” The framework also stated that SU could from page 1

salaries communications and rhetorical studies department, asked Wheatly which deans had not yet submitted their recommendations, but Wheatly said she was only told a number, not names. When Cloud pressed the issue and asked again, Wheatly joked that Cloud wanted to “bust” people. “(The recommendations) are all trickling in,” Wheatly said. “The deadline is close, so we should expect to see the others soon. All the deans are in this room, so they’re all listening to this.” Deborah Pellow, an anthropology professor, asked Wheatly what will happen after the adjustments are made. The vice chancellor said SU has made a commitment to address the faculty salary

The Syracuse University chapter of Phi Kappa Psi is not among the SU Greek organizations found responsible for conduct violations. sam ogozalek news editor

“use electric cars and buses for campus vehicles.” But Prior said the university will decide whether those ideas could be used “a little further down the road.” SU can also “produce renewable energy using rooftop solar panels and purchase renewable wind energy,” according to the plan’s second draft. Twenty percent of the university’s annual electricity spending is from state-generated wind power, per the document. But Prior said SU will not buy more wind power in the future. It will, though, improve renewable energy usage on campus by generating more wind power, he said. Because there is no exact timeline for the plan, officials can focus on energy reduction as a project-to-project basis, instead of all at once, Alfieri said. Alfieri said that, as part of that effort, the university is focusing on LEED standards, a rating system designed by the United States Green Building Council to evaluate environmental performances of buildings. LEED buildings save energy, water and resources; generate less waste; and support human health, according to the USGBC’s website. The second draft of the Campus Framework calls for all related projects that cost more than $5 million to be LEED-certified. But Alfieri said that, as of now, any frameworkassociated project that costs more than $10 million must meet the LEED standards. Two of the framework’s biggest projects, the multimillion-dollar renovations at Archbold Gymnasium and $62.5 million National Veterans Resource Complex, are both on track to meet LEED standards, Alfieri said. “The priority at this point in time is to invest in campus facilities in order to make them more energy efficient, instead of just purchasing offsets,” Prior said. | @jessisoporito

disparity now, and after adjustments are made, the administration will work with deans to continue any work that needs to be done. Diane Lyden Murphy, dean of the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, said there has been significant inequity among faculty salaries in Falk for years. She said she’s grateful to finally see progress to correct the issue. But she added that it’s easy to have progress and then lose it, if not careful. “Going forward, once we correct (the disparity), what do we do?” Murphy said. “Because we’ll go right back into (inequity), if we don’t watch it.” Murphy suggested that the SU administration work in conjunction with the Senate’s Women’s Concerns Committee and other groups “in a very robust way” to produce annual reports updating the campus commu-

continues to put members in peril,” the organization said. SU confirmed in February that the Alpha Epsilon Pi was suspended from campus after the safety of a student was threatened during the new member process. The Code of Conduct violations that led to the fraternity’s suspension, though, were not related to hazing. Instead of a six-week pledging period, Phi Psi will implement a longer continued education program. The continued education program will be introduced in fall 2018, according to the fraternity. Phi Psi is also introducing an adviser certification program that will require volunteer fraternity advisers to receive online and inperson training on Title IX, ethics and codes of conduct, hazing, substances abuse and other topics. By August 2019, all advisers will be required to complete the certification program, according to its website. The policy changes, which the fraternity said are being implemented to promote a safer environment for members, were finalized at a Phi Psi governing council meeting in February, according to its website. Conversations about the policy changes started in fall 2016. After the death of a Florida State University pledge in November 2017 and the two unrelated arrests of fraternity members on drug trafficking charges, FSU temporarily suspended all fraternity and sorority activities while it worked to improve student safety. Sanctions on Greek activities were also introduced at Texas State University, Indiana University-Bloomington and the University of Michigan, among others, USA Today reported. | @jordanmuller18

NATHAN PRIOR, SU’s director of energy systems and sustainability management, said the university still has no concrete plans on how or when it will conduct studies on possible renovations to the steam station. kai nguyen photo editor

nity on the status of pay equity among faculty. It’s important to strive toward some kind of parity so the university does not revert back and lose progress on the issue, the dean said. LaVonda Reed, associate provost for faculty affairs, said the faculty salary committee will be able to continue analysis of faculty pay at the university after the adjustments are made.

Other business

Faculty on Wednesday also discussed the proposed name change to the USen Committee for Diversity. Members of the committee recommended in their report that the name be changed to the Committee on Race and Ethnicity. The reasoning behind the name change, the report stated, is that there are already established committees focused on specific identity

groups, such as the Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual Justice and Advocacy and the Committee on Women’s Concerns. But there’s not a specific committee dedicated to race or ethnicity. While some senators agreed with the proposed name change, others said they worried about the absence of a committee focused more largely on diversity and the intersection of various identities. Murphy said that, while it’s important to have a committee focused on race and ethnicity, the Senate currently does not have a committee for every identity group. The proposed name change was not put to a vote Wednesday, but was presented for discussion. The change would require an update to the current Senate bylaws. | @saramswann

march. 8, 2018 7

from page 3

hackathon a given year. Michael Phillips, a master’s student studying computational linguistics in the College of Arts and Sciences, received second place in the competition for creating a project that would allow residents to “easily search” what streets were plowed and at what time. A group of iSchool graduate students won third place: Suchitra Deekshitula, Anish Nair, Ashmin Swain, Rahul Sarkhel and Shikhar Agrawal. The team designed a optimization algorithm for snow plow trucks. The snowplow competition was Syracuse’s second “hackathon” event partnership. Last year, the competition focused on city infra-

structure improvements. Since taking office, Walsh has expressed a willingness to partner with local universities and has spoken at both SU and Le Moyne College. In January, he said the city would work with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs to host a “Fiscal Summit” in hopes of identifying ways of addressing the city’s multimillion-dollar deficit. Walsh, who wore a small SU pin on his suit coat Wednesday, received a master’s degree in public administration from Maxwell in 2005. “In every decision we make, we are trying to make data-driven decisions,” the mayor said of city policy. “We were thrilled with that participation level this year. We look forward to doing it again next year.” | @Sam13783

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BEN WALSH, Syracuse’s mayor, attended a press conference for the city’s “hackathon” competition Wednesday at SU’s iSchool. sam ogozalek news editor

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Spring Br Upstate adventu




illustration by ali harford presentat

Enjoy regional foods and h in these 5 towns across By Adam Lehner

contributing writer



ropical spring break vacations aren’t for everyone. For those missing out on a warm-weather trip next week, upstate New York offers many day trips you can take without breaking the bank.


When the members of the “Bills Mafia” aren’t leaping through flaming tables outside New Era Field, they’re likely gobbling up chicken wings in a local bar. On the eastern shore of Lake Erie sits Buffalo, the primordial American Rust Belt city. It’s home to dozens of restaurants, and, of course, the namesake of Buffalo wings. Duff’s Famous Wings in Amherst has been a consistent award winner for its spin on the city’s culinary claim to fame.

1. Rochester is home to the Genesee Brew Ho 2. Lake Placid is a snowy drive away through t 3. The National Baseball Hall of Fame is in Coo 4. The hall of fame has three floors of baseba 5. Niagara Falls is a 20-mile drive north of Buf 6. Seneca Falls honors the women's rights mo

Professor runs local distillery By Hanna Horvath staff writer

Chris Uyehara was looking for a passion project. He had been teaching food studies courses at Syracuse University for over a decade, and wanted an additional source of income to help his family. Thinking of opening a new eatery, Uyehara considered sushi restaurants, coffee shops and even a fast-food ramen place. But the high-risk aspect of these ventures steered him away. When a friend told him about the lower failure rates of distilling, Uyehara knew what he wanted to do — and Last Shot Distillery was born. “I’ve been doing this for two years now, and I’m still learning,” he said. “It’s fun for me, still.” Tucked away alongside a stream in Ska-

neateles, the family-owned distillery produces spirits in small batches and distributes to local restaurants, bars and stores all over upstate New York. Last Shot is looking to expand its products, and is currently developing a gin with plans to bottle it in the next month, Uyehara said. The distillery allows visitors to view the brewing and barreling process and gives them a chance to taste liquors for themselves. Anyone coming to Last Shot Distillery will get an inside look at the distilling process and will be able to taste high-quality spirits for a low price, Uyehara said. Uyehara came into the liquor-making business with nothing but a desire to learn. A chef by trade, he’d spent the better part of 40 years see distillery page 10

reak Guide @dailyorange march 8, 2018


ure 5

tion director

historic sites s New York Jeff Feather, Duff’s co-owner, said the eatery has the best wings in Buffalo. Duff’s offers 11 wing sauces, though newcomers should be wary of those on the hotter end of the spice spectrum — “suicidal” sauce and “death” sauce pack a knockout punch. “I can’t even smell them, and I’ve been here for almost 40 years,” Feather said with a laugh. “If I take a deep breath of them, my eyes start watering.” Distance from Syracuse: 2.5 hours Fun fact: A 20-mile drive north pits travelers at Niagara Falls, the region’s natural wonder, which forms a border between the United States and Canada.



Like Hollywood’s tantamount relationship with cinema, Cooperstown has become synonymous

see upstate page 11

ouse. adam lehner contributing writer the Adirondacks. courtesy of john savage operstown. courtesy of milo steward jr. all history. courtesy of milo steward jr. ffalo. courtesy of zach mazzochetti ovement. adam lehner contributing writer

Visit these local breweries By The Daily Orange Pulp Staff

beer styles and supports local farmers.

There are plenty beer-friendly destinations for those looking for something to do over the upcoming spring break. Check out these craft breweries to stay warm and explore the local scene.



illustration by sarah allam head illustrator

Located just off the Seneca River, Seneca Street Brew Pub is about 20 minutes from Syracuse in Manlius. The family-owned craft brewery is offering events during spring break, including “Tuesday Trivia” and “Thirsty Thursday.” Thirsty Thursday features $1 off guest taps and $1 off any glass of wine from 5-9 p.m. The pub’s selection specializes in all-natural and classic

Skaneateles is about a 30-minute drive from the Syracuse University campus and is home to a beer garden and restaurant called Finger Lakes on Tap. This spot offers more than 50 craft beers — all locally brewed — for sampling. The beer garden, which opened in 2015, sits right off Skaneateles Creek and features items like a “Port Wine Cheese Fondue” and “Soft Baked Bavarian Pretzels” on the menu.


WT Brews is a microbrewery located 25 minutes from Syracuse in Baldwinsville. Instead

see breweries page 11


10 march 8, 2018

from page 9

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distillery making pastries all over the country. Though he admits his passion lies in teaching, he wanted to explore something new. When he decided on spirit making, Uyehara began watching YouTube videos to learn more about the process. He also took a distilling course at Cornell University to perfect the craft. Once he mastered the art, Uyehara looked for the perfect space to open his distillery. He was eventually connected with John Menapace, who would soon become his co-owner. Last Shot, which opened in 2015, is a family-run business: Uyehara’s extended family pitches in, and Uyehara hopes the distillery will be available for his children. Andrew Leubner, Uyehara’s son-in-law, is currently training under Uyehara to distill. “I’m watching and just seeing what he does, helping out a little bit and slowly doing things myself,” Leubner said. Leubner said his favorite aspect of the job is how unconventional it is. It’s a time-consuming process, but it’s worth it in the end, he said. His drink of choice? Bourbon. The top portion of the distillery is the tasting room. Bottles available for purchase line the walls, and at one end of the room sits a long wooden bar, fashioned from a tree that fell in Uyehara’s yard last year.

At the bar, for $3 per three tastings, visitors can select from a vast number of spirits. All liquors are made from locally-grown ingredients and average around $30-35 a bottle. Classics include vodka and lightning whiskey. The distillery also offers two different types of fermented maple syrup, Uyehara said, which have a similar smell and taste to tequila. Visitors have the chance to purchase bottles in-store and can sip on a custom-made cocktail for $5. Uyehara is hands-on with the distilling process, and his inner teacher comes out when talking to visitors: He’s quick to tell a story or go in-depth on how to create the perfect whiskey. Last Shot is located just a couple of miles away from the lakefront in Skaneateles, on 4022 Mill Road. Visitors can come visit the tasting room on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Last Shot products can be found in several local restaurants, bars and liquor stores in the area, and online at New York Craft Spirit’s website. Sitting in the basement of Last Shot, on one of the workbenches, is a bottle of the first batch of whiskey Uyehara ever brewed. He said he keeps it there on purpose. “My dad said the first ingredient you have to put into anything is quality,” Uyehara said. “Use good ingredients, pay attention to what you’re doing, and you get success. I still hear him telling me that every day.”



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CHRIS UYEHARA opened Last Shot Distillery as a passion project, and he's currently developing a gin he hopes to bottle soon. dan lyon staff photographer


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Spring Break Guide

march 8, 2018 11

humor column

Spring break is the time to go wild, or not


he long-awaited spring break is upon us. Your days leading up to this have probably been spent consumed by work, with frequent breaks to throw up from a night of drinking. But you deserved it. It’s important to take time for yourself and blow off some steam, right? Showing up to nearly 70 percent of those classes was hard enough. To reward yourself, now you get to continue your college career without any of those pesky classes getting in the way for the next week. Ideal. I’m no stranger to spring break. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve had one nearly every year since I started school. To describe them in a word? Riotous. This break will obviously be no different. I’ve got some fun, sexy plans lined up for the next week. If you can, try to incorporate them into your own plans. It’ll be like we’re raging together, but apart. My Fun and Sexy Week™ really starts on Monday, when I start with shots at 9 a.m. Novocaine shots. That’s right, I’m kicking off my week feeling both swollen and numb, and what could be better than that? It will leave the rest of my day wide open for fun activities like touching my face to see if it’s still there and having spit dribble down my chin for hours without noticing. from page 9

upstate with baseball. The village lies halfway between Syracuse and Albany on the shores of Otsego Lake. Standing tall on Main Street, the National Baseball Hall of Fame functions as the nucleus of the village. Visitors can wander the three-floor museum from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, browsing the 323 faces of the Plaque Gallery and the display of the 113 World Series championship rings, said Jon Shestakofsky, vice president of communications and education at the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Shestakofsky said Cooperstown “evokes idyllic Americana,” with a main street filled with mom-andpop shops, a beautiful lake and views of forested hills. He added that visitors don’t necessarily need to be avid baseball fans to truly appreciate the museum, though. “The Baseball Hall of Fame is as much a baseball shrine as it is an American history museum,” Shestakofsky said in an email. “Our exhibits touch on the game itself and accomplishments on the field, but also the cultural touchpoints that have made baseball so important to the last 150 years of America’s development.”

Distance from Syracuse:

Just under 2 hours Fun fact: Brewery Ommegang in Cooperstown offers daily tours and tastings, which include eight “Game of Thrones” themed brews.


A three-hour drive through the snowy


HAS YET TO BE DESCRIBED AS APPROACHABLE I warned you, this week was going to get #sexy. On Tuesday, I’m planning on experimenting with some prescription drugs. No, not those kinds. The prescription? New glasses. The drug? That 20/20 vision, baby. Watch out Syracuse, because when I return, I’ll be changing my seat to the back of the class since I can now see the board. Now, Wednesday. For many Spring Breakers, this is when the week hits a lull. But not. For. Me. I have the stamina of a bird hitting the window while trying to get in the house. That’s right. It’s time for a full checkup at the doctor’s office. We’re talking blood pressure. We’re talking getting weighed. And you know what that means! Taking off the layers of jean and sweatshirts and shoes because you’ve been conditioned to place value on that number. We’re talking cold stethoscopes. Deep breathing. Short breathing. Interrogative questions by your doctor who’s supposed to be ON YOUR SIDE. Dr. C and I have been Adirondack Mountains may evoke haunting memories from Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining.” For those who can brave the deja vu, a hotbed of sports awaits in Lake Placid. Immersed in scenery reminiscent of a Bob Ross painting, the village hosted the Winter Olympic Games in 1932 and 1980. Today, the Olympic sites that were once the center of the sports world remain open to the public. A $35 Olympic Sites Passport grants visitors access to the many complexes. Alison Haas, director of the Olympic Museum, recommends beginning in the museum. “It’s a great way to start your tour of Lake Placid, giving you a great background history of the Olympic Games before you set out to see the other sites,” she said. Inside the Olympic Center, visitors can ice skate in Herb Brooks Arena, the site of Team USA’s astonishing victory over the Soviet Union in the 1980 hockey semi-final. The Bobsled Experience gives visitors the rare opportunity to ride a bobsled down the official Olympic track, while the Discover Biathlon program tests participants’ aptitude for freestyle skiing and rifle marksmanship.

Distance from Syracuse: 3.5 hours

Fun fact: A busy day surveying

the sites can be completed with a Cloudsplitter Gondola ride up Little Whiteface, included in the Passport.


The midpoint between Buffalo and Syracuse, Rochester is

from page 9

breweries of locally sourcing craft beers, WT Brews makes them itself. The restaurant purchases local ingredients and farms its own hops. While the weather may not allow use of it this spring break, the brewery offers an outdoor patio overlooking the Seneca River.



This brewery’s name sums it up: Local 315 Brewing Company features a variety of homegrown hops in the 315, specifically in Camillus. It’s located right on the farm, offering happy hour on Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m. and Fridays from 3-5 p.m. The brewery’s hops farm

events bar There's no shortage of day trips, group activities or even solo adventures to embark on over the coming week. From comedy and concerts to a ballet or a bout of roller derby, here are some things to do during the week off. PAINT NIGHT: PATRONS BENEFIT Learn to paint like a professional and enjoy hors d'oeuvres at Point of Contact Gallery’s 2018 Patrons Benefit. Wine & Paint Time will host an art class where attendees can paint a piece in the style of the gallery collection. All proceeds benefit Point of Contact artists through The Pedro Cuperman Memorial Fund. when: Thursday at 6 p.m. where: Point of Contact Gallery, 350 W. Fayette St. cost: $25 for students

illustration by sarah allam head illustrator

through some rough spring breaks together, but we’ve made it out on the other side. But she best not test me this time. These are the years we’re supposed to make mistakes and impulsive decisions. So, I’ve preemptively, impulsively decided to plan a haircut for Thursday. And I’m getting bangs. We’ve been on a long journey, bangs and I. Don’t get me wrong, they worked, OK? No, I can tell you’re questioning it, but they did. Barb said so. Barb and I go back. It was actually her decision that I get bangs. She really convinced

me with the argument, “I’m your mother. I decide or no TV.” Which, fair. I’m not going to argue with that logic. So, I think with this decision to revert to bangs I’m looking to recapture some of that youthful glow. You guys probably have similar plans, right? Right, guys? Wait, where are you going? Oh, Mexico? Oh yeah, that’s cool too, I guess…

another blue-collar city with its own culinary magnum opus: the garbage plate. First dished up by Nick Tahou’s Hots during the Great Depression, the plate has been threaded into the cultural fabric of the city. It features two hot dogs or burgers atop a bed of home fries and macaroni salad, smothered with a Greek-style, meat hot sauce. Most establishments around the city offer their own version of the sacred dish. You can grab a vegan version at Red Fern in the city, but a traditional local favorite is Dogtown. For first-timers, Rochesterians usually recommend trying the original at Nick Tahou’s. For those looking to experience Rochester without rattling their digestive system, the Genesee Brew House is a trendy spot for lunch or dinner. “We have been one of the staple businesses in Rochester for over 100 years,” said Malcolm Franklin, the restaurant’s general manager. “When you think of Rochester, you think of Genesee.” Free tours of the pilot brewery are offered at the top of each operating hour. And, for just $4, patrons can order a flight of four different brews from the tasting bar.


1.5 hours

Fun fact: The It’s a Wonderful

Distance from Syracuse:

Fun fact: The Memorial Art Gal-

lery on University Avenue houses original works from Monet, Rembrandt and Matisse.

started in 2011 and uses its own fresh honey and eggs. Local 315 is located about 20 minutes from campus in Camillus.


Located about an hour outside Syracuse, Finger Lakes Sausage & Beer is a bar and grill in the heart of Geneva. The weekend spot offers

Lauren Perlowski is a senior broadcast and digital journalism major. Her column appears biweekly in Pulp. She can be reached at

March is Women’s History Month, and, as the birthplace of women’s rights, Seneca Falls provides ample opportunity for those seeking to celebrate and learn about the subject. Seventy-two years before the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote, the first-ever women’s rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. “It was a revolutionary thought at the beginning of a revolution,” said Denise Ruth, historian at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park, of the convention. The park’s sites include the Wesleyan Chapel, the site of the first convention, where Frederick Douglass joined Cady Stanton in declaring that women deserve full suffrage. As a historian, Ruth said she always feels connected to a place where such historic events occurred. Visitors can check out the landmark site each day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at no cost. A few blocks down the road, the National Women’s Hall of Fame celebrates accomplished women in history, with inductees ranging from Anne Hutchinson to Oprah Winfrey.

Distance from Syracuse: 1 hour

Life Museum celebrates the local legend that Seneca Falls served as Frank Capra’s inspiration for his 1946 classic film, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

16 varieties of sausages, homemade burgers and sliders that pair with craft beers, ciders and wine. The restaurant opened in 2016 and underwent a menu overhaul in 2017 when new ownership stepped in. Now, the bar and grill offers a variety of foods outside sausage, including nachos, chicken wings and sandwiches.

ROLLER DERBY This Friday, Assault City Roller Derby will face the Albany All Stars at this season’s home opener. Following the bout will be an afterparty at The Pale and Bucket Pub, where fans are invited to meet the team members. when: Friday at 6 p.m. where: SRC Arena, 4545 W. Seneca Turnpike cost: $10 general admission "ALADDIN" BALLET The Disney classic is brought to life on stage by Syracuse City Ballet. Choreographed by the company’s artistic director Kathleen Rathbun, Aladdin and Princess Jasmine will guide audience members through enchanting caves under the desert sun. when: Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. where: The Oncenter Crouse Hinds Theater, 411 Montgomery St. cost: Tickets start at $20 KEVIN HART: "IRRESPONSIBLE" TOUR Kevin Hart began his career sizing people for footwear. After a chance performance at a Philadelphia comedy club, Hart has become one of the most prominent comedians of today’s entertainment industry. He’s now touring the nation doing his critically acclaimed stand-up comedy in his “Irresponsible” tour. when: Sunday at 7 p.m. where: The Oncenter War Memorial Arena, 515 Montgomery St. cost: Tickets start at $75 KNUCKLE PUCK CONCERT Chicago-based band “Knuckle Puck” is best known for its raw, gritty vocals and intense pop-punk stylings. The concert also features Free Throw, Hot Mulligan, Jetty Bones and Boston Manor. This event is for those 16 and over. when: Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. where: The Lost Horizon, 5683 Thompson Road cost: $18-$22 "KINKY BOOTS" ON TOUR Broadway’s Tony Award-winning musical is strutting into Syracuse this spring break. With music by Cyndi Lauper, “Kinky Boots” is based on the true story of shoe factory owner Charlie Price and drag queen Lola, who work together to save the family business. when: Tuesday, Wednesday and March 15 at 7:30 p.m. where: The Oncenter Crouse Hinds Theater, 411 Montgomery St. cost: Tickets begin at $35 See more at

13 march 8, 2018

women’s lacrosse

Asa Goldstock stars in goal as SU beats Florida, 17-15 By Michael McCleary asst. digital editor

Asa Goldstock got set in her position and tapped the back end of her stick once and then again off the crossbar. She clenched her fists and in the split second before the referee blew the whistle, she locked in. Syracuse had its first lead of the game and on the ensuing shot, she wasn’t ready to give it up. Not yet. “I watched a lot of film on them and on their shooting. But, they’re good shooters,” Goldstock said. “Luckily, I have some even better shooters in practice shooting on me.” Goldstock’s season-best performance ignited No. 8 Syracuse (4-1, 0-1 Atlantic Coast) in a 17-15 win over No. 4 Florida (4-2). The sophomore had 14 saves and stepped up in positions the Orange needed her to, dominating free-position opportunities and making big saves in big moments of the game. Despite her confidence in her preparation, Florida proved to be no easy test for Goldstock. UF had the ninth-ranked scoring offense in the country entering the game (16.0 goals per game) and its best performances have come against ranked-teams, putting up 17 goals apiece on then-No. 3 North Carolina and then-No. 23 Loyola Maryland. Before Wednesday, Syracuse and Florida ranked 4th and 5th, respectively, in free position percentage. But Syracuse had scored only 16 free position goals to Florida’s 24, with Gators’ senior Shayna Pirreca and junior Lindsey Ronbeck combing for 18 of those goals. All season, it had been the goalies that have suffered at the hand of the Gators’ dominant free-position attack. But, on Wednesday, that changed. Goldstock allowed two goals on 10 opportunities, as the Orange was able to gain momentum by being bailed out

even after committing penalties. “I thought Asa stepped up her game,” SU head coach Gary Gait said. “14 saves. Huge, huge game.” Her impact on the game wasn’t exclusively in the net, though. On one save late in the second half, she walked the ball out by the 30-yard line, scanned the field and found an SU player flashing upfield. She fired a looping clear which set up a shooting space penalty for SU. Attack Nicole Levy pocketed the ensuing free position shot. After that, she walked the ball toward midfield on every opportunity and panned for open teammates, who were simultaneously cutting towards the goal. “Asa can handle it herself,” freshman midfielder Sam Swart said. “We did a very good job on clears and Asa was our quarterback.” Goldstock was the first person to take the field out of halftime. Carrying nine lacrosse balls in her stick, she ran out to her second-half cage, dropping the balls in the center of the yellow circle in front of the goal before taking her position. She took shots from her goalkeepers coach, Matt Palumb, starting at different positions in the circle to emulate a free position shot in-game. She watched a few go by, but she kept trying. Again and then again she dove for shots in the turf, making a big last save and jogging off the field to her team, still readying to exit the tunnel. Just like the first half, Goldstock was prepared and the second half brought much of the same results. Each of her six saves in the frame was bigger than the last, as the Orange started to take control of the game. Even when the offense caused her to turn her back and watch a majority of the earlysecond half from the large screen behind the goal, she remained a vocal leader on the field for Syracuse. On defensive possessions, her volume persisted. On almost every play, her

ASA GOLDSTOCK stopped eight shots in the first half and six in the second as part of her season-best day against the Gators. max freund staff photographer

voice could be heard louder than anyone on the SU side of the field. With fewer than 30 seconds to go before the buzzer and with Syracuse down a player, Florida got another chance at a free position shot. Goldstock held her stick straight out to her right and this time she opted not to tap, but to slam her stick against the pole three times — CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! — before getting set. It was the Orange’s final stand of the game. Just seconds remained and SU held a twogoal lead, but one getting by could’ve put SU in a precarious position.

“You’re never really comfortable until the final buzzer goes off,” Levy said. The Florida player stepped up and took the shot, hitting nothing but the netting of Goldstock’s stick. Just like that, Goldstock and Syracuse were in the clear. Even as the pressure heightened and the ball ended up more frequently behind her, Goldstock still knew one thing for sure: she’d make the stops when it counted. “Save it,” she said of her mentality on Wednesday. So, she did. | @MikeJMcCleary

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14 march 8, 2018

from page 16

carolina SU’s best inside defender, the catalyst for Syracuse’s comeback last time it played UNC, had to watch as No. 6-seed North Carolina (239, 11-7 Atlantic Coast) cudgeled No. 11-seed Syracuse (20-13, 8-10 ACC) inside for an eventual 78-59 win in the second round of the ACC tournament on Wednesday night. Since the ACC tournament expanded to five days in 2014, none of the 10 teams to win on Tuesday had won again on Wednesday. This year, by the final buzzer, two had, but Syracuse was not in that number. North Carolina’s right hook leaves the Orange teetering on the bubble’s edge, in danger of not appearing in the NCAA Tournament for three times in four years, which would be the first time in Jim Boeheim’s 42 seasons as head coach. “It all depends,” bracketologist Patrick Stevens told The Daily Orange at halftime. He listed Baylor, Kansas State and Washington as teams to watch in their conference tournaments. “The thing that helps Syracuse is there’s not a lot of bad (losses) in their resume.”

Two weeks ago, Syracuse seemed able to hang with North Carolina. The Orange tied them in the Carrier Dome with three minutes to go after the Tar Heels went, in head coach Roy Williams’ words, “brain-dead” in the second half and sped themselves up when Syracuse pressed. This time, there was no such illusion. The discombobulated Orange struggled to find their footing from the get-go. In the first half, out of the under-8 timeout, the UNC student section counted down the shot-clock with more time than the actual clock had. The buzzer sounded. Battle, confused, stopped dribbling at the top of the key. He was unaware time had dripped away and turned to fling his arms in frustration at the Syracuse bench. It was neither the first nor the last time Syracuse didn’t get a shot off in time on Wednesday. At times, Syracuse’s offense struggled to rattle to life at all. Howard turned the ball over five times in the first half alone, mostly on errant passes, and never synced with his coach or teammates. “Come up!” he pleaded at one point to four players hovering around the

baseline, but they didn’t. Boeheim and Howard kept up a consistent, sour-faced dialogue. For its part, UNC pounded Syracuse inside, picking up more offensive boards than defensive ones in the first half and finishing with 20 second-chance points. Fifteen minutes into the game, both Syracuse centers had three fouls apiece courtesy of interior Tar Heel agitators Theo Pinson and Luke Maye. From there, the pair led UNC as it kept attacking more tentative big men and used its penetration to create drive-and-kick looks from the perimeter. Oshae Brissett’s 3s from beyond the arc constituted the Orange’s only reliable offense. He hit five of them throughout the night. The Orange needed a quick spark to start the second stanza that it never received. Pinson hit a jumper and Joel Berry II knocked down a 3 to key a 12-4 run that put the Orange away for good. In one early sequence, Chukwu fouled out, Battle accrued Syracuse’s fourth or fifth shot-clock violation and UNC’s Kenny Williams hit a 3. Sidibe nabbed his fourth foul seconds later, but Syracuse stuck with what

it had. Boeheim was hesitant to use reserve forward Matthew Moyer, who sat between Boeheim and associate head coach Adrian Autry near the top of the bench, his warmup on, arms folded across his knees, staring blankly at the court. Late in the second half, Syracuse revved back. Howard hit one jumper. Then another. Then another. Battle chipped in a pair of freethrows, then a jumper of his own. Another Battle free throw melted UNC’s 20-point lead back to single digits with four minutes to go. The Barclays Center, still strong in orangeattired fans even as the clock neared midnight, cheered. This was going to be worth spending money on, worth slogging through a powerful snowstorm, worth staying up late. The moment never came. Within two minutes, UNC had stretched its lead back up to 17 and both teams sent in the walk-ons. After the buzzer, the North Carolina band played and Syracuse traipsed off the floor. Their night, their run, was over. Their future was uncertain. | @Sam4tr

from page 16

florida the first half. After a Gators goal 33 seconds into the second half tied the game at 9-apiece, it would be all Syracuse until it was too late. Sam Swart started the second-half SU scoring much like she did on a first-half goal of hers. She set up on the right wing, hopped up and down a few times and then burst to her stronger left side. After blowing by her defender, she whipped a shot from her left hip below the stick of Hicklen and into the net for a hat trick. “I feel like our passing is so fast around in a circle, the defense couldn’t keep up,” Swart said. “… We just continue, continue, continue.” A few minutes after Swart’s goal, Emily Hawryschuk was fouled and got a free-position shot from the left slot. She wound up and fired a low shot from her hip that skidded off the ground and past Hicklen’s right hip, putting Syracuse up two. The Orange run was far from over. Three quick goals, either in transition or on easy finishes in front of the cage, brought the run to five-straight goals. Then, Donahue went low again. Twice more. Hicklen entered Wednesday’s contest ranked third in the country in saves per game (13.0) and fifth in save percentage (54.6). But besides a few minutes she sat out in the first half, the Orange had her number all game long. The recipe, as it was on SU’s sixth-straight goal in the second half, never wavered from finding the bottom of the net. It worked and Donahue’s simple finish below Hicklen’s stick made it 15-9 with fewer than 15 minutes left. Less than two minutes later, Donahue completed her shooting-low hat trick. Alie Jimerson, stationed behind the net, picked Donahue out cutting right down the center of the field, who scooped the ball low and by Hicklen’s left ankle for an easy finish. The Orange had scored seven straight. “I think that for that 7-0 run, we ran them off the field in the midfield,” Gait said, “and really took advantage of our two-line midfield system, and I think it showed.” The run ended with a Shayna Pirreca goal with 12:30 remaining. But that wouldn’t end up mattering. Syracuse’s final goal of the game came from its game-leader, Levy, and it featured one more low finish. Set up at the X behind the net with about eight minutes left, Levy was marked tightly. She spun once but didn’t gain an edge. She spun again, still no edge. So she just used a quick first step to her right, wrapped around the cage and shot between Hicklen’s legs. The Florida goalie still didn’t have an answer for that spot, and although Syracuse didn’t beat her again, the Orange had beaten her low a few too many times for the Gators to hang. Florida scored five goals in the closing minutes to keep the game within reach and keep Syracuse on edge. But the Gators’ comeback wasn’t enough to overcome a seven-goal deficit. “I was very proud of our team how they responded throughout the game,” Gait said. “We didn’t allow them to make their run until the very end.”

EMILY HAWRYSCHUK tallied one point on two shots for the high-scoring Syracuse offense, which scored at least 16 points for the fifth-straight time. The Orange used a 7-0 run in the second half to pull away. max freund staff photographer

ASA GOLDSTOCK was a stalwart in goal for the Orange on Wednesday, tallying a season-high 14 saves. The sophomore dominated free-position opportunities, stopping 8-of-10 chances against the Gators. max freund staff photographer

After Tuesday’s practice, Syracuse had gathered in a circle near one of the end zones on the Carrier Dome turf. Gait implored his players to get a good night’s sleep and to relax

their minds before Wednesday’s game against Florida. His final message was simple. “Great opportunity to get back to where we were a few days ago,” Gait told his team.

Syracuse took advantage of the opportunity. Behind an offense that just keeps scoring, the Orange is back where it wants to be. | @Wheyen3

march 8, 2018 15

track and field

Hurdlers Goss, Moore primed for NCAA indoor nationals By Eric Storms staff writer

Hurdlers Matt Moore and Angelo Goss only joined Syracuse’s track team this fall as transfers from Tennessee and Alabama, respectively, but the pair has been quick to adjust. Both are headed to the NCAA Indoor Championships to compete in the 60-meter hurdles on Friday. They are two of the four Orange runners who qualified for the meet, and Moore and Goss both agree the deep hurdling group at Syracuse has given them an advantage. Syracuse’s stacked unit includes assistant coach Freddie Crittenden, a 2017 graduate and five-time All-American, and senior David Gilstrap, who finished fourth in the ACC Indoor Championships last weekend. Juniors Richard Floyd, Chevis Armstead and freshman Jamil Adams have also run well, with each recording at least one top-three finish. Goss, a senior, who finished 11th at the indoor championships in 2016 for Alabama, said both his teammates and coaches have provided him with the extra guidance he needed. “The guys around me, the hurdle crew,

they do a good job telling us what to do and critiquing us on everything,” Goss said. “That’s what I didn’t have at Alabama.” With the added help while transitioning, Goss produced right away for the Orange this season. He racked up one win and four secondplace finishes in the 60-meter hurdles this season. At the ACC Indoor Championships, he finished first in his preliminary but ended up with a DQ in the final. Just as the team gave him support upon arrival, Goss has tried to help younger runners, contributing to environment of learning. He has aided them with the technique he referred to as “the get down,” which emphasizes getting off each hurdle and on to the next one with more speed. Moore was also able to jump start his career with the Orange, with his best performance of the season coming last week at the ACC Championships where he won the silver medal in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 7.74 seconds. Moore, who has never been to nationals, recalls not having other hurdlers to train with at Tennessee. He looked at the sport differently with a group of older teammates once he joined Syracuse.

“I had to bring my A-game every day and it was pretty challenging going with the older guys,” Moore said. “Having them next to me every day made me work harder. ... I don’t know what I’m going to do without them when they leave next year.” Assistant coach Dave Hegland, who specializes with the hurdlers and sprinters and recently won USTFCCCA Northeast Region Assistant Coach of the Year title for the third-straight year, said he has been happy with what Goss and Moore have been able to do already. He noted only 16 hurdlers in the country qualify for the meet, a testament to their consistently strong times this season. But despite the successful moments, it hasn’t been an easy season for the two runners. Goss said he is still trying to get his groove back after being hurt for a couple weeks, though he still was able to compete in the ACC Indoor Championships last weekend and the Cornell Deneault Memorial the week before. Moore missed significant training time after a knee ligament injury sidelined him for five weeks, followed by a hip injury that kept him out another two to three weeks. However,

he said he was able to get through it by following his rehab and staying positive. When he came back he only had two weeks to train for the season, but is glad it didn’t compromise his performance. “For me to execute the season that I’ve been doing,” Moore said, “it just says a lot, so I’m pretty excited. I’m very grateful this season.” Despite his youth, Moore isn’t intimidated by older competition. He pointed out that opponents are the same regardless if a runner is a freshman or a senior. And he knows if he competed the best way he could, he would challenge the top runners. The development of young runners is made easier with Syracuse’s team culture. Hegland said the goal is to always have a competitive practice environment, which these hurdlers have achieved organically just with their talent. However, he noted that the team’s support for each other has been a key part of it. “The rising tide lifts all boats,” Hegland said. “The better they are collectively as a group the better they are individually as well.”

from page 16

reactions off second-chance opportunities. UNC is the best rebounding team in the nation (42 per game) and has the second-highest offensive rebounding percentage at 38.7, according to It showed. Oshae Brissett’s fourth 3-pointer on the half’s final possession sweetened the mood, but just prior SU had one of its most telling sequences. Joel Berry II missed a triple, but 6-foot-3 freshman guard Andrew Platek snagged the rebound. Then Luke Maye missed a layup, but 6-foot-11 freshman forward Sterling Manley cleaned up with a backboard-shaking dunk. The Heels monopolized the glass. SU recovered, losing the total rebound count by just five, but the deficit inflicted early left a cut too deep to heal.


The fact that both of SU’s centers had three fouls 15 minutes into the game couldn’t have helped the Orange’s cause on the boards. Both junior Paschal Chukwu and freshman Bourama Sidibe bit on multiple pump fakes. Instead of playing straight up, they often clamped both arms down on Tar Heels attacking the rim. On a day where SU would need above average efforts to combat UNC’s greatest strength, its bigs played with little discipline. Chukwu picked up his fourth foul less than three minutes into the second half. Boeheim kept him in. That decision backfired less than a minute later when Chukwu was again caught in the air courtesy of a Maye shot fake. Chukwu was disqualified with five fouls before the first media timeout of the half. Getting Sidibe to play bonus minutes on a less-than-perfect left knee is a tough ask. Getting him to do it against a team that rebounds better than anyone is ridiculous. He earned

TYUS BATTLE shot 1-of-11 and committed a turnover in the second half after going 3-of-10 from the field in the first. Syracuse shot 31.7 percent and committed 12 turnovers, leading to 14 UNC fast break points. alexandra moreo senior staff photographer

his fourth foul with a little less than 12 minutes left. And just when it seemed like he would make it to the final buzzer, he got a little too close to Kenny Williams on a fast break and was disqualified.

Don’t call it a comeback

Five 3-pointers by Oshae Brissett — a night after he was timid with his trigger — boosted an otherwise struggling SU offense, and a Frank Howard floater with eight minutes to go cut the lead to 15. That margin would feel like a lot if it wasn’t for the memory of these

2018 CRUZE

two teams’ matchup two weeks ago, where a double-digit lead evaporated into a tie game with three minutes left. Not this time. Not in March. Not when UNC earned a six-seed when everyone on the Tar Heel bench would say it is the best team in the conference, victimized by a deep conference and three of its last four league losses coming by a total of 11 points. The Orange deployed its press to no avail. One time it got beat so quickly that Howard fouled a streaking Berry intentionally.

Another, Williams went deep and hauled in an over-the-shoulder lob for a layup. The press wasn’t stopping UNC. It did two weeks ago only because the Heels foolishly beat it and drove straight into its last line of defense, Chukwu, who could only watch from the bench on Wednesday. In the game’s final minute, Chukwu’s fellow starters joined him there. The walk-ons entered for a second-straight night. This time for SU, it was for the wrong reason. | @jtbloss

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S PORTS @dailyorange march 8, 2018 • PAG E 16

Wait and see

TYUS BATTLE missed a season-high 17 shots on Wednesday against UNC, one day after shooting 5-for-9 in SU’s win over Wake Forest. As a team, Syracuse took 19 more shots against the Tar Heels than it did Tuesday but made three fewer field goals. alexandra moreo senior staff photographer

Syracuse fails to add resume-boosting win By Sam Fortier

senior staff writer


EW YORK — Syracuse took a timeout early in the second half and Frank Sinatra’s voice wafted through the Barclays Center. “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie,” he crooned as an introduction to a video-board promotion. The screen showed a host of Atlantic Coast Conference players in polos picking what they liked better: New Yorkstyle pizza or Coney Island hot dogs. A host of eyes in the Syracuse timeout — at least a portion of players, coaches and other staff — gravitated away from the huddle, away from the team in a hole so deep it seemed inescapable, and up toward the distraction. Scowls from the fouls and turnovers and missed shots and everything else that doomed the Orange were, for a second, replaced by grins. Syracuse center Paschal Chukwu did not smile. He stood off to the side, his head down and a white towel draped over it. Chukwu fouled out with more than 16 minutes to play.


Number of quadrant one wins SU enters Selection Sunday with

Reactions: 3 takeaways from SU’s loss to UNC By Joe Bloss

senior staff writer


EW YORK — The comeback that kept the two teams close two weeks ago never materialized and Syracuse (20-13, 8-10 Atlantic Coast) fell to North Carolina (23-9, 11-7 ACC), 78-59, on Wednesday night at the Barclays Center in the second round of the ACC Tournament. SU maintained respectability for most of the night, but its interior, wilted by foul trouble and an adversary that rebounds like no other, was outdone early. That ultimately made the difference. The loss means SU likely will not play in the NCAA Tournament for the third time in four years. That has never happened during Jim Boeheim’s 42-year tenure as head coach. Here are three takeaways from Wednesday’s game.

On a platter

UNC took a 39-29 lead to halftime. Being down by just 10 was a gift, considering by that point Syracuse had allowed 12 points off turnovers and the Tar Heels accumulated 17 more

see carolina page 14

see reactions page 15

women’s lacrosse

SU shoots low to key 2nd-half run in 17-15 win over Florida By Billy Heyen

asst. sports editor

Syracuse entered Wednesday’s game against Florida leading the country in scoring offense at 18.75 goals per game. Florida was only allowing 11.20 goals per game. Something had to give. Florida’s defense yielded, and Syracuse didn’t stop scoring until the game was out of reach. Even

though the Gators came out of the gates strong and hung tight in the first half with goals of their own, it was the Orange’s offense that proved to be enough in the Carrier Dome. Against No. 4 UF (4-2), SU’s (4-1, 0-1 Atlantic Coast) offense boosted it to avoid a losing streak and pick up a 17-15 win. The offensive outburst was keyed by a 7-0 run in the middle of the second half. After falling to then-No. 11 Virginia on Sunday, SU

bounced back against UF by beating Florida’s star goalie Haley Hicklen, again and again. “Our offense did what they needed to do,” SU head coach Gary Gait said. “They kept scoring goals.” Syracuse emerged from the first half up 9-8 after a back and forth affair. Of those nine SU goals in the first half hour, six came from low shots on Hicklen, who had saved 16 shots in an upset of now-No. 3 North

Carolina on Sunday. Midway through the first half, SU’s leading goal-scorer last season Riley Donahue spun to her right and burned her defender. No defender stood in front of her, but to shoot from her stronger left side, she’d have to be creative. No problem. Donahue brought the head of the stick down toward her left ankle and flicked the ball towards the cage. It went right between Hicklen’s legs

and into the back of the net, the most eye-catching of six goals that were too low for the UF goalie to stop in the first half. “We definitely watched film on (Hicklen),” SU’s Nicole Levy said. “But I feel like when you’re in tight on someone, it’s easier to just hitch high and put it low.” The scoring frenzy was stunted for the final eight minutes of see florida page 14

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