april 16, 2018 high 48°, low 33°
t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r a c u s e , n e w yor k |
N • Budget takeaways
P • Wheelin’ and dealin’ Good Uncle is looking to expand its delivery-only food service to colleges across the East Coast. The service offers one-time orders and a meal plan. Page 7
Syracuse will face an $11 million deficit in 2019. Here are three takeaways from the budget proposal Mayor Ben Walsh released in early April. Page 3
on campus
Fraternity suspended for conduct violations
S • Sticking with it
Alfie Jacques has been making wooden lacrosse sticks by hand for the past 57 years on Onondaga Nation land, just a few miles from SU. Page 12
Salih, Rosenblum win election STUDENT ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS 2018
university senate
Committee to present relationship policy review By Casey Darnell design editor
By Jordan Muller asst. news editor
Syracuse University suspended its chapter of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity after a months-long investigation into hazing. SU’s Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs publicly posted the fraternity’s suspension on its website last week. Sammy is the third SU fraternity suspended for Code of Student Conduct violations during the 2017-18 academic year. “Syracuse University has a zero tolerance policy for hazing and is committed to fostering a safe and healthy community,” a university spokesperson said in a statement Friday. “We take violations of our Code of Student Conduct seriously and any behavior contrary to our values and community standards is met with swift action.” An alleged hazing incident occurred at Sammy in mid-December 2017 and was reported to SU’s Department of Public Safety two days later, according to crime logs. But specific details of Sammy’s violations, and the length of the suspension, are unknown. Bradley Bostwick, Sammy’s president and a sophomore in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, did not respond to multiple requests for comment on this story. A phone call to Sammy’s national office Friday afternoon went unreturned. “Due to the sometimes sensitive nature of cases, and to maintain students’ privacy, we do not share specifics of sanctions,” the spokesperson said. Sammy is now one of nine Greek organizations currently banned from operating at SU, according to FASA’s website. SU suspended three of those organizations during the 2017-18 academic year. The SU chapter of Delta Tau Delta was suspended in fall 2017 for conduct violations that included hazing. SU suspended Alpha Epsilon Pi in February 2018 for conduct that threatened the safety of a student participating in the new member process. The Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity was supposed to be suspended for conduct violations related to hazing, but the decision was appealed in January, its president said. DKE is now on disciplinary and social probation. According to FASA, the following fraternities are being disciplined for code of conduct violations: see violations page 4
KYLE ROSENBLUM (LEFT) AND GHUFRAN SALIH were ecstatic when they were told they were elected Student Association vice president and president, respectively. kai nguyen photo editor
By Sam Ogozalek and Kennedy Rose
the daily orange
hufran Salih and Kyle Rosenblum sat together on a small sofa in an Ackerman Avenue house, nervously waiting for a phone call. It was about 12:10 a.m. on Friday. The Student Association presidential and vice presidential candidates were waiting for a committee representative from SA’s board of elections and membership to deliver the 2018 election results. Salih’s phone went off, her ringtone the “Law & Order” theme song. A few moments later, she grinned and put her head on Rosenblum’s shoulder as the room exploded into cheers. The two sophomores had just won the election. “We can’t wait … to make sure student voices are heard,” Salih said after the announcement, as a crowd of about 20 friends and campaign staffers mingled. Salih, an information and technology major, and Rosenblum, a psychology major, defeated two pairs of candidates early Friday morning: Kaitlyn Ellsweig and Ryan Houck, and John Jankovic and Serena Fazal. Sophia Faram, chair of SA’s board of elections and membership committee, said 2,810 undergraduates voted in this year’s election, about 400 more votes than last year. In 2016, more than 4,100 students voted in elections. Faram said Ambrose Gonzalez, a junior management major, was elected comptroller for the 2018-19 academic year. In an interview Sunday night, Salih said she and Rosenblum want to sit down with current SA President James Franco and Vice President Angie Pati for meetings to become as acclimated with SA as possible. see elections page 4
A University Senate committee is planning to urge Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud to ban all sexual relationships between faculty and undergraduate students. The review, which was conducted by senators on the Women’s Concerns committee and the Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics committee, was compiled by the AFTPE chair and sent to the Senate’s email listserv on Thursday afternoon. It will be presented during Wednesday’s Senate meeting. The proposal comes three months after Syverud publicly announced a review of SU’s policy on sexual relationships between faculty and students. In a January address, Syverud cited the #MeToo movement — an international protest against sexual harassment and assault — as a motivating factor for the review. Syverud, in a February Senate meeting, said he was “strongly inclined” to support a ban on consensual sexual relationships between faculty and undergraduates “because of the unequal power dynamic.”
what is usen? The University Senate is the academic governing body of the university and is made up of faculty, students, staff and administration members. The majority of the work is done in 17 standing committees, which report to the full senate at least once a year.
Currently, the university’s Faculty Manual bans sexual relationships between faculty and undergraduates if the faculty member advises, supervises or teaches the student. The university also prohibits graduate teaching assistants from entering into sexual relationships with undergraduates they teach, advise or supervise, according to the manual. Relationships between graduate students and any subordinates whose work they supervise are discouraged, rather than banned. SU’s relationship policy was last updated in 2012. According to the new Senate report, which was written by AFTPE chair and political science professor Thomas Keck, AFTPE urges the chancellor to ban all
see relationships page 4
2 april 16, 2018
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The Daily Orange is an independent newspaper published in Syracuse, New York. The editorial content of the paper — which originated in 1903 and went independent in 1971 — and its online platforms are entirely run by Syracuse University students. The D.O.’s coverage of the greater SU area is disseminated through 125 issues during the 2017-18 academic year with a circulation of 6,000 copies, a readership of 30,000 and online circulation of about 500,000 during publishing months. The paper is published Monday through Thursday when SU classes are in session, Fridays before home football games and select basketball games and in the cases of notable and newsworthy occasions. The D.O.’s online coverage is 24/7, including while SU is on break. To help support The D.O.’s independent journalism, please visit
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In a Thursday story titled “Why graduate students are still divided over a new health insurance plan,” GSO President Jack Wilson was misquoted. Wilson said a complete transfer from copay to coinsurance under the new health plan is a misconception. The Daily Orange regrets this error.
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Common councilors and other city officials discuss Mayor Ben Walsh’s leadership style. See Tuesday’s paper
SA meeting The Student Association will discuss campus initiatives at its Monday night meeting. See Tuesday’s paper @dailyorange april 16, 2018 • PAG E 3
source: sophia faram
Percentage of SU’s undergraduate student body that voted in the 2018 SA elections
Here is a roundup of crime in Syracuse last week, according to police bulletins. MURDER
Sophomores Ghufran Salih and Kyle Rosenblum were elected Student Association’s 2018-19 president and vice president, respectively, early Friday morning. Here’s a breakdown of the voting percentages from SA’s most recent election and how it compares to past elections.
crime briefs
We can’t wait … to make sure student voices are heard.
2,810 2,468
A Syracuse man, 20, was arrested on the charge of second degree murder for the deaths of his nephew, brother, sister and mother, according to when: Monday at 11 a.m. where: Syracuse Police Department RAPE A Syracuse University senior in the College of Arts and Sciences was arrested on the charge of rape. when: Monday at 1:45 p.m. where: 117 Redfield Place ARSON A Syracuse man, 35, was arrested on the charge of arson. when: Monday at 2:18 a.m. where: Syracuse Police Department
Ghufran Salih
graphics by bridget slomian senior design editor
sa president-elect
A Syracuse man, 20, was arrested on the charge of arson in the first degree. when: Monday at 4:45 p.m. where: Syracuse Police Department ANIMAL CRUELTY
3 takeaways from mayor’s 1st budget proposal By Kennedy Rose asst. news editor
Mayor Ben Walsh recently proposed a new plan that aims to slowly close the city’s multim i l l ion- dol la r budget deficit. Here are three takeaways from the proposal and subsequent budget hearings, WALSH organized by the city’s Common Council:
Deficit and schools
Syracuse will have a $245 million spending budget next year, not including funding for the Syracuse City School District. The school district proposed a $437 million budget for 2018-19. The city will face an $11 million budget deficit next year, compared to an initially expected $16.5 million deficit.
Walsh said the budget is unsustainable, even though it’s lower than expected. Syracuse will use money from its reserves to close the gap in funding. SCSD did not obtain all of the expected financial aid from New York state to close the gap in the district budget. District officials asked for $12 million to help close a $24 million budget deficit, but only received $4.6 million in state aid, according to SCSD will use money from district savings to close the gap instead, Syracuse. com reported.
Spending cuts
Walsh, in the budget proposal, said the city could cut spending in areas such as social security, medical insurance, parks conservancy, the department of public works and city employee, police and fire retirement systems. The DPW will see cuts across the
board, including in areas such as street repair, street cleaning and snow and ice control. Parks, recreation and youth programming will also experience spending decreases. The city’s employee retirement system will face a 14 percent cutback, and social security will have a 1.3 percent spending cut. Walsh has also proposed a freeze on hiring and salary increases. In Fiscal Year 2018-19, spending will be flat across all city departments. “We know we cannot continue to operate at a deficit, but we think that we’re putting the right pieces in places to work towards eliminating that deficit,” Walsh said.
Police expenditures are expected to rise by more than $630,000 next year, with most of that money going toward field services. Field services include patrols, K9 units, crime reduction, the traffic division, the community policing
division, recruitment functions, uniform bureau staff and the investigations team, Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler said at a police budget hearing last week. The SPD currently has 403 police officers and the city is projected to lose five officers by May, Fowler said. Walsh has hired 25 to 30 police officers to fill vacancies and cut down on overtime costs earlier this year. The city spent more than $8 million in overtime wages for sworn field officers in 2017 and anticipates spending $8.2 million on overtime in 2018, according to the budget proposal. There are currently about 61 positions in the SPD that are unfilled but funded by the city, at present, Fowler said at the budget hearing. Spending cuts are expected to help divert funding to hiring more police officers and firefighters.
A Syracuse woman, 48, was arrested on the charge of animal cruelty. when: Tuesday at 10:40 a.m. where: 160 Didama St. MENACING A Syracuse woman, 16, was arrested on the charge of menacing in the second degree. when: Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. where: Syracuse Police Department SALE OF CANNABINOIDS A Syracuse man, 25, was arrested on the charge of the sale of cannabinoids. when: Wednesday at 5:17 p.m. where: 1000 Park Ave. PETIT LARCENY A Syracuse woman, 40, was arrested on the charge of petit larceny. when: Thursday at 10:28 a.m. where: Destiny USA A Syracuse woman, 24, was arrested on the charge of petit larceny. when: Thursday at 1:30 p.m. where: Destiny USA
News briefs: 4 stories you may have missed
A Syracuse woman, 40, was arrested on the charge of prostitution. when: Thursday at 10:28 p.m. where: 1009 Oak St.
By Daniel Strauss asst. digital editor
Here are some of the biggest stories from around Syracuse that you may have missed this weekend:
Mayfest headliner: Quinn XCII
Quinn XCII will be headlining Mayfest 2018 alongside rapper YBN Nahmir and DJ-producer Orange Calderón, University Union announced on Friday. Mayfest will be held on April 27 at 1 p.m. in Walnut Park prior to the start of Block Party, which will take place in the Carrier Dome. Gucci
Mane, SZA and Medasin will perform at Block Party. Quinn XCII is known for bringing together elements of pop, electronic, soul and hip-hop music. One of his most famous songs, “Straightjacket,” has been streamed more than 39 million times around the world. YBN Nahmir, an 18-year-old rapper from Alabama, is well known for his song “Rubbin Off the Paint” which hit No. 79 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart and No. 33 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop chart. DJ-producer Orange Calderón has performed in a Jeep Commercial and opened for Skrillex
and Outkast. She was also the first woman to win a national DJ competition in 2016.
SU students relieve finals stress South Campus Residence Director Jasen Nieves-Herrera hosted an event for Syracuse University students to relieve their stress from finals by smashing a car with baseball bats and sledgehammers, reported. SU students could either pay $5 or donate five food items to Hendricks Chapel to participate in the event, per Syracuse Habitat for Humanity, Disaster Relief for Puerto
Rico and the Hendricks Chapel Food Pantry will split the donations. The event was hosted at the Goldstein Student Center on South Campus.. Final exams will begin during the first week of May.
Residents mourn at Fitch Street fire memorial
Hundreds of Syracuse residents on Saturday mourned four family members who were killed in a fire last week, reported. Susan Wagner, 45, and two of her children — 18-year-old Korinna DuBois and 16-year-old Michael Dubois — were killed in the fire at their see briefs page 4
HARASSMENT A Syracuse woman, 25, was arrested on the charge of harassment in the second degree. when: Saturday at 5 p.m. where: 204 Allen St. ROBBERY A Syracuse woman, 25, was arrested on the charge of robbery in the first degree. when: Saturday at 5 p.m. where: 204 Allen St.
4 april 16, 2018
from page 1
elections Upon taking office, Salih also said she wants to push the university to recognize American Sign Language as an official language at SU to improve accessibility, especially for registered student organizations who want ASL interpretation at events. “It’s important for us to learn as much as we can, for as long as we can, before we actually assume the positions,” Salih said. Salih and Rosenblum, who announced their campaign in March, focused on five pillars: diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, transparency in the Syracuse University administration, community engagement and an “unwritten” fifth theme. Students will eventually decide what the fifth theme is, Salih said. “We are so grateful for this opportunity to just run a campaign and to be able to serve,” Rosenblum said. During the campaign, the pair called on SU to release a detailed cost report of a five-year, $100 million academic fundraising initiative called Invest Syracuse. The initiative includes a new $3,300 tuition premium for first-year and transfer students starting school this fall. Salih and Rosenblum also said that, if elected, they would push the university to increase funding for the Slutzker Center for International Services, the LGBT Resource Center and the Counseling Center. While Rosenblum has served on SA’s health and wellness subcommittee, Salih from page 1
violations • DKE is on disciplinary probation through December 2019, and social probation through December 2018, for conduct violations related to hazing. • The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity is on disciplinary probation through March 2019, and on social probation through May 2018. The nature of the conduct violations is currently unclear. • The Sigma Chi fraternity is on disciplinary reprimand through September 2018. The nature of the conduct violations is currently unclear. • The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity is on disciplinary reprimand through December 2018. The nature of the conduct violations is currently unclear. • The Psi Upsilon fraternity is on disciplinary reprimand through October 2018, and social probation through May 2018. The nature of the conduct violations is currently unclear. The Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha from page 1
relationships sexual relationships between faculty and undergraduates, regardless of whether the faculty member teaches, advises or supervises the student. Several senators said the review was necessary and timely. But they also expressed concern about complications that can arise when determining what constitutes consent between graduate students and professors. “That becomes a little bit more complicated, because graduate students oftentimes are much older,” said Tom Perreault, a member of the AFTPE committee who directs geography graduates studies in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. “It’s a different kind of relationship.” Rochelle Ford, a senator and chair of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications’ public relations department, said it can be hard to know whether relationships are consensual or not. The large number of older students attending SU, whether as graduates or part-time students, presents “complicated scenarios” that need to be addressed, Ford said. Perreault and Ford both said they weren’t aware of specific sexual relationships between faculty and students. But they said such relationships are possible. The committee will recommend that sexual relationships between faculty and graduate students be “prohibited,” rather than “discouraged,” if the faculty member is in the same department or program as the student, or if the
SERENA FAZAL (LEFT) AND JOHN JANKOVIC hug after they were told they lost the SA election for president and vice president. molly gibbs asst. photo editor
has no formal experience with the organization. Salih is involved with other campus groups, including First Year Players and the Muslim Student Association. Rosenblum and Salih met each other through mutual friends during the second half of their freshman year, but didn’t become close until Welcome Week 2017. The pair, who were both orientation leaders, participated in a retreat when the whole
group decided to take a night hike. Salih, who described herself as super clumsy, was afraid of tripping in the dark. On South Campus, Jankovic and Ellsweig hosted separate election watch parties Friday morning with a small group of friends in their respective apartments. After the results were announced, Ellsweig said she was “a little disappointed,” but excited for Salih and Rosenblum.
“(I’m) grateful to have the opportunity to run and have met so many amazing people that we wouldn’t have met otherwise,” Ellsweig said. Jankovic, on possibly running for SA president again in the future, said: “I wouldn’t discard it, the passion is still there.” Both he and Fazal also congratulated Salih and Rosenblum. The three campaigns had similar platforms. During a debate hosted by SA earlier this month, all of the candidates also agreed that sexual assault is a problem on campus. xRosenblum, at the time, said he and Salih would request and release a sexual assault and relationship violence report if elected, similar to an SA mental health report published a few semesters ago, which he said prompted the school to hire more counselors. James Franco, SA’s current president, and Angie Pati, the current vice president, attended Salih and Rosenblum’s party. Faram also stopped by. Franco said all three campaigns ran a great race. He added that he’s excited to pass the torch on to Salih and Rosenblum. Still sitting on the couch, a few moments after the results were announced, Salih gave an impromptu victory speech. She said it wouldn’t have been possible without her campaign staff. “I can’t wait to work alongside my best friend,” Salih said. — Staff writer India Miraglia and senior staff photographer Alexandra Moreo contributed reporting to this article. | @SamOgozalek | @KennedyWrites
Number of Greek organizations currently now allowed to operate at Syracuse University source: office of fraternity and sorority affairs
sorority is currently under investigation for policy violations, according to FASA’s website. Alicia Torres, SIA’s president and a junior in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, declined to comment on the investigation. Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity, is also being investigated for policy violations. Alexandra Goodnough, AKP’s president and a junior in Whitman, did not respond to a request for comment on this story. | @jordanmuller18
faculty member supervises the student. AFTPE has also proposed adding language that would prevent graduate students or faculty members from having “evaluative or supervisory authority” over a student they previously had a relationship with. The recommendations will be discussed at Wednesday’s meeting, where senators will decide whether to accept the policy revisions. The chancellor and his administrative staff will then determine if and how they should implement the changes. It’s unclear why AFTPE recommends a ban on some, but not all, relationships between graduate students and faculty members. Keck did not respond to a request for comment. A Senate subcommittee, created to review the policies and present information to the Women’s Concerns and AFTPE committee senators, used existing policies from several of SU’s 16 peer institutions as a basis for its recommendations, according to the report. Similar to SU’s current policy, most peer institutions only ban consensual relationships between faculty and students when the faculty member has an advisory or supervisory role over a student. Few differentiate between undergraduates and graduates in their relationship policies, and only three — the University of Rochester, the University of Notre Dame and Northwestern University — completely ban relationships between undergraduate students and faculty. Cornell University, a peer institution, hasn’t updated its policy since 1996. Last
A Department of Public Safety investigation into incidents of hazing at the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity began in December. jordan muller asst. news editor
December, Cornell President Martha Pollack created a committee to review the university’s policy on faculty-student relationships. Syverud’s charge also came in December, but it wasn’t announced publicly until his annual speech in mid-January. The Cornell committee released a proposal last month that would ban all romantic or sexual relationships between faculty and undergraduates and relationships in which the faculty member has power over the “academic progress or professional advancement” of any student, whether undergraduate or graduate. The university’s review noted that it did not include a proposal for how SU should handle relationships between students and non-teaching staff. Notre Dame, Northwestern and Tulane University all specifically ban relationships between undergraduates and athletics staff. The committee was only able to propose changes to policies regarding “faculty” and students, the report noted, because Syverud’s charge did not include examination of the university’s policy regarding “staff” and student relationships. AFTPE has recommended that the university’s policies governing relationships between students and staff be “reviewed and updated,” according to the report. The committee has also recommended a review of SU’s policy on relationships between graduate teaching assistants and undergraduates that includes input from graduate students.
from page 3
briefs home on Fitch Street. Korinna DuBois’s child, 1-year-old Hunter, was also killed. Charles DuBois, the brother of Korinna and Michael, is currently facing first-degree arson charges and second-degree murder and assault charges in connection to the fire, according to His charges stem from an accusation that he set two fires at 3:15 a.m. on April 5, while his family was sleeping, reported. The Saturday event took place outside St. Lucy’s Church on Gifford Street. More than 200 people attended the funeral, Syracuse. com reported. Wagner’s father and one of the DuBois’ cousins spoke at the funeral. They said they felt “empty and broken” after losing their family members, reported.
Man stabbed in buttocks
A 25-year-old man was stabbed in the buttocks on West Genesee Street on Saturday night, reported. The stabbing occurred near Brooklyn Pickle, according to The Syracuse Police Department said at the time the injuries didn’t seem to be lifethreatening, reported. The victim was taken to Upstate University Hospital for treatment, reported, and the medical staff found an unknown object near the man’s injury. The medical staff said the object could be “possibly some type of projectile” or a piece of the knife, reported. | @_thestrauss_
OPINION @dailyorange april 16, 2018 • PAG E 5
editorial board
Power dynamics at play in relationships The Daily Orange Editorial Board commends Syracuse University for acknowledging the complicated power dynamics between facultystudent relationships ahead of the release of potential revisions to SU’s sexual relationships policy. In January, Chancellor Kent Syverud announced his support for the policy change, citing the #MeToo movement as a reason why SU was conducting the review. In a culture where institutional power imbalances make marginalized communities particularly vulnerable to sexual assault and non-consensual relationships, the university must stand with its student body. This is critical when there are students on campus who simply don’t trust SU to have their best interests in mind when it comes to assault, considering there is
Letter to the Editor policy To have a letter printed in The D.O. and published on, please follow the guidelines listed below: • Limit your letter to 400 words • Letters must be emailed to
a generation of students whose first year at SU was marked by the clumsy handling of the Sexual Assault Advocacy Center closing. The university should host a town hall-style meeting and create an online discussion forum to encourage feedback on the policy. On Wednesday, the University Senate’s Women’s Concerns committee and the Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics committee will present a review of the policy during a Senate meeting. The recommendations made in the review would ban sexual relationships between faculty members and undergraduate students. SU’s current policy only prohibits relationships between faculty members and undergraduate students they’re teaching, advising or supervising. Sexual misconduct allegations
came to light against current and former School of Architecture professors last month, and two internal Title IX complaints were filed against faculty members this academic year. This is why it’s vital that administrators review these policies, critically assess power dynamics on campus and prioritize the welfare of students.
• Please include your town of residence and any relevant affiliations • Topics should pertain to the Syracuse area • Letters should not include any personal information pertaining to other people unless it is relevant to the topic at hand, which will be decided at the
discretion of The D.O.’s editor-inchief and managing editor • Any links to third-party websites will also be published at the discretion of the editor-inchief and managing editor • All letters will be edited for style and grammar Thank you in advance for following these guidelines.
The Daily Orange Editorial Board serves as the voice of the organization and aims to contribute the perspectives of students to discussions that concern Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse community. The editorial board’s stances are determined by a majority of its members. Are you interested in pitching a topic for the editorial board to discuss? Email
business column
How to make the most out of tax returns
yracuse University students have a serious decision to weigh in the coming weeks: how to spend their tax return checks. It’d be easy to throw it away on Schine quesadillas or latenight Good Uncle orders, but it’s important to make smart financial decisions sooner than later. Those who’ve yet to file their taxes have until midnight on Tuesday. Students employed by SU can access their W-2 on MySlice, making it easy to fill out an online tax return on portals including Turbotax. The process takes less than an hour, so students have no reason to pass on saving time and money. The IRS announced in March that it still has $1.1 billion of unclaimed tax returns from the 2014 tax season. Don’t contribute to this year’s total — claim your return and put it away for later. Lavet Lorenz-McClurg, a financial literacy coordinator in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs at SU advises students with a tax return check to be intentional. “It might be a smart money News Editor Sam Ogozalek Editorial Editor Kelsey Thompson Feature Editor Colleen Ferguson Sports Editor Andrew Graham Presentation Director Ali Harford Photo Editor Kai Nguyen Head Illustrator Sarah Allam Digital Copy Chief Haley Kim Copy Chief Kathryn Krawczyk Digital Editor Emma Comtois Video Editor Lizzie Michael Asst. News Editor Catherine Leffert Asst. News Editor Jordan Muller Asst. News Editor Kennedy Rose Asst. Editorial Editor Allison Weis Asst. Feature Editor C aroline Bartholomew Asst. Feature Editor Taylor Watson Asst. Sports Editor Billy Heyen Asst. Sports Editor Josh Schafer
MONEY SPEAKS. PEOPLE TALK. decision for one student to use their tax return to pay down the interest accruing on their unsubsidized student loan,” LorenzMcClurg said. “The best decision for another student might be to pay an overdue bill and gain traction paying their bills on time going forward. Still another student could best use their return to create an emergency fund.” In any case, college students must decide how to stretch their dollar, so buffalo chicken calzones may not be the best option. But students aren’t alone in their reckless spending, considering 20 percent of adults aren’t saving a portion of their paychecks, according to a recent Bankrate study. Citing high expenses and low incomes, people often put savings lower on their priority list, leaving their financial independence on a short fuse. Forty-four percent of American adults say Asst. Photo Editor Molly Gibbs Asst. Photo Editor Hieu Nguyen Special Projects Designer Lucy Naland Senior Design Editor Bridget Slomian Design Editor Casey Darnell Design Editor Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm Design Editor Maddie Ligenza Design Editor Amy Nakamura Design Editor Talia Trackim Asst. Copy Editor Eric Black Asst. Copy Editor Sandhya Iyer Asst. Copy Editor Shweta Karikehalli Asst. Copy Editor Haley Robertson Asst. Copy Editor Jessi Soporito Asst. Copy Editor Kaci Wasilewski Social Media Director Myelle Lansat Social Media Producer Andy Mendes Asst. Video Editor Rori Sachs Asst. Video Editor Mackenzie Sammeth
they’d be unable to pay a $400 emergency expense, per the Federal Reserve. This paints a grim picture for the probable use of SU students’ tax returns. Students should take advantage of the university’s Office of Financial Literacy, which offers peer training for budgeting, prioritizing expenses and other useful financial practices. Outside one-on-one meetings, the office’s website features smart money tips and budgeting tools. The staff is also available to present to campus organizations looking to perfect their personal finance skills. “This isn’t just a tax return — it’s an opportunity to grow in knowledge, be empowered and gain traction toward aspirations,” Lorenz-McClurg said. As another Tax Day comes and goes, SU students must be intentional with their tax return checks and use the extra money wisely.
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6 april 16, 2018
P PULP @dailyorange april 16, 2018
Setting the table Good Uncle finishes first year of meal plan, expands to other campuses
By Haley Robertson asst. copy editor
wo years ago, Dylan Gans’ interest was piqued after hearing about a new food delivery startup at an event on campus. He was hooked on the idea of getting bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches on a New York bagel delivered to his Syracuse University dorm room. After he graduates next month, Gans will work full time in New York City to help bring Good Uncle, a Syracuseborn delivery service, to campuses along the East Coast. Good Uncle started as a delivery-only kitchen in 2016. Now, the company is wrapping up its first year serving SU students through campus meal plans. Good Uncle also has a presence on the University of Maryland and University of Delaware campuses and will expand this fall after finding success in central New York. The company will expand to about 15 campuses along the East Coast, including possible launches at George Washington University, Pennsylvania State University, Villanova University and American University. The goal is to open at 50 to 100 campuses in 2019, said Wiley Cerilli, CEO and co-founder of Good Uncle. “Syracuse really took off and continues to grow, and we’re really fortunate for that,” he added.
The Good Uncle story
Since its launch, Good Uncle has found success on a college campus. Cerilli said students were drawn to the company’s free delivery and lack of a delivery minimum, as well as its late closing hours. Good Uncle is open until 3 a.m. Thursday through Sunday and until midnight the rest of the week. Many students were interested in either complementing an existing meal plan or replacing theirs completely with a Good Uncle setup. In addition to one-time deliveries, Good Uncle offers semester-long meal plans. The company will cap the number of meal plans offered at SU in the fall at 750 — a 150-student increase from this semester. SU students can reserve their meal plan spot online. Five meals per week on a Good Uncle meal plan is nearly half the cost of five meals a week on an SU meal plan, Cerilli said. He added that price differences vary depending on the plan, but students on a Good Uncle meal plan can expect to save 30 to 50 percent. “(Dining halls) typically charge a very large amount for food that is pretty subpar, and students don’t even eat all those meals,” see good
uncle page 8
slice of life
SU professor highlights sustainability in fashion design By Taylor Watson
asst. feature editor
Almost everything humans do is an imitation of nature, Adriana Gorea said — we try to fly like the birds, to swim like the dolphins. That’s why Gorea, an assistant professor of fashion design at Syracuse University, draws inspiGOREA ration from nature in both the aesthetics and mechanics of her work. Her latest project is a prototype of a sports bra, framed
around the concept of biomimicry. Biomimicry is a design and production process based on the emulation of nature, a principle Gorea wants to emulate in her prototype. She balances that innovation while also teaching students the importance of sustainability in fashion. As she searched for a theoretical framework to model her designs while earning her Ph.D. at Iowa State University last year, Gorea learned about biomimicry. The framework captured her interest in science, mathematics and design, she said. “Everything looks so beautiful,” Gorea said, “but it is actually a
very engineered system inside. I’m thinking not only about aesthetics but the behavior of nature and trying to apply that to garments.” Most activewear is made to wick away moisture and dry fast, Gorea said. But in nature, most organisms are made to absorb water — like a thirsty plant. Gorea looked at the mechanics of creating a structure that absorbs moisture and inflates. The material changes when it gets wet so the sports bra becomes more supportive. When it dries, it becomes soft. She is working with Tiago Barreira, an assistant professor in the exercise science program, for a subject trial for the sports bra. They
will use a 3D human body scanner to measure changes in the body of someone wearing the bra before and after sweating to see what the material does, she said. Barreira said the 3D body scanner takes 150 measurements in three seconds. Gorea expects to start testing in two to three weeks. Moving forward, Barreira said he is interested in researching whether there’s any improvement in performance level while wearing the bra during a walk or jog. “The goal is to see if the bra offers compression,” Barreira said. “The idea is for women exercising to benefit from wearing this bra.”
The garment is meant to change with the body, but most garments are not designed to be changed, Gorea said. To enable her garments to adapt, she uses techniques including stretchable fabrics and silhouettes that include pleats or fullness to accommodate for bodily changes. It’s important to create lasting garments that evolve with the consumer because of the alarming rate at which textiles are being thrown away, Gorea added. Garments are made with a fast-to-market philosophy as consumers are pressured to keep up with the trends. Fashion is one of the biggest
see fashion page 8
8 april 16, 2018
slice of life
‘You Otto Run’ 5K to benefit local refugees campus, and King was placed at North Side because he wanted to work on refugee development. He has been working with refugees for about a year. The North Side Learning Center was founded in 2009. Its mission is to aid in literacy development for people of all ages and to be “instrumental in teaching self-sufficiency and self-actualization to newcomers in our community,” according to its website. “These people, in the absence of any alternative, are basically on their own,” King said of the Syracuse refugee community, “and I want to really give back and contribute to their cause.” King has fundraised for the 5K with help from Student Association and donors from his neighborhood in Miami. King developed a relationship with the super-
intendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools and said he’s tapped into a successful pool of people who have been inspired by his work at SU. He raised $2,000 in five days via GoFundMe. Those funds will help purchase items including medals, balloons, banners and T-shirts. The “You Otto Run” 5K is meant to be a pilot event. King hopes that if the run is successful, it will evolve into an organization that will continue to host the run after his time at SU is over. “This is going to people who seriously need assistance, and this is an easy way their life gets one step close to normalcy,” King said. The “You Otto Run” 5K will begin Saturday at noon in front of Schine Student Center. There is a $10 registration fee.
from page 7
pes and our chefs … so we can essentially serve better food.”
Mytelka said. “I think sometimes for the quality of food, the price doesn’t match that.”
Cerilli said. For Gans, eating in the dining hall was exciting as a freshman, but his taste changed as he started to miss home-cooked meals. The bagel sandwiches from Ess-a-Bagel, one of Good Uncle’s restaurant partners, reminds him of home in New Jersey. “So many of these food companies think that college kids just want the same Jimmy John’s sandwich, but really our tastes are a little more advanced than that,” he said. Good Uncle features recipes from popular restaurants in New York City, including Essa-Bagel, No. 7 Sub, Joe’s Pizza and Croxley’s. One of the most popular menu items is chicken tenders from Sticky’s Finger Joint. As a delivery-only restaurant, Good Uncle saves money on rent and front-of-house costs such as waitstaff and furnishings, which Cerilli said allows them to invest in the food itself. “We’re going to bring the dining experience to you,” Cerilli said. “We can invest in our reci-
Student feedback
Inside the kitchen
By Mateo Estling staff writer
Valentino King has one more year left at Syracuse University, and he wants to make it count. His volunteer work with refugees at the North Side Learning Center inspired the junior to organize the “You Otto Run” 5K to benefit refugees living in Syracuse. “I wanted to do something that could leave an indelible impact on campus, and I thought about that in the form of a 5K,” said King, a junior political science major. King learned about the North Side Learning Center through the citizenship and civic engagement program in SU’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. The program required students to volunteer off
good uncle
Nicole Salpini, a freshman management and finance major, purchased the Good Uncle meal plan to accommodate her gluten-free diet. As a first-year student with celiac disease, Salpini had a difficult time eating in the dining hall her first semester. Her favorite Good Uncle menu items are the salads and protein bowls. Greg Mytelka, a sophomore theater management major, joined the Good Uncle meal plan last fall because there are no dining halls near the Syracuse Stage/SU Drama Theater Complex, which is where he spends a lot of his time. Mytelka’s favorite menu items are the veggie burger and breakfast burrito. Mytelka won’t be purchasing the meal plan next semester, though, because he’ll have access to a kitchen in off-campus housing. He added that he’d like to see dishes added more frequently to the menu and adjusted prices. “I wish (Good Uncle’s) prices were lower,”
The Friends of the Central Library (FOCL) Presents
This fall, “Iron Chef America” contestant Erik Battes is working with Good Uncle as the executive vice president of culinary to bring a line of healthier meals to the menu. Good Uncle has observed from looking closely at customer data that SU students generally seek healthier items compared to other campuses, Gans said. At the Good Uncle kitchen on South Crouse Avenue, culinary production manager Akiva Stewart works to ensure every meal is representative of the company’s standards. She said deciding to work here was the “best decision.” Having worked in the restaurant business for more than 20 years, Stewart said Good Uncle is family-focused and open to new ideas from their employees — something she hadn’t experienced at her previous jobs. “I really stand by the food,” Stewart said. “Hopefully I’ll be a part of the long haul and help (Good Uncle) move forward and expand.”
from page 7
fashion polluters, Gorea said, especially in the Western world. As a professor training new designers who could potentially do more damage, Gorea said she has to teach them that something must change. “We have to slow down the creation process,” she said. “Instead of 10 T-shirts per day, just make one, but do it in a way that that person would love it so much they would never get rid of it.” Lawren Cappelletti, a senior fashion design major in Gorea’s senior collection class, said the professor enforced a sustainability requirement for the students’ collections. Cappelletti chose to use biodegradable, 100-percent natural fibers, while other students used items like polyester made from recycled bottles or eco-friendly dyes that use less water. Gorea also encouraged the students to try to create less waste, and Cappelletti said she pushes them to make sustainability a priority. “I think it’s cool to have that sustainability factor because it makes you really think about what you’re doing, and she does talk a lot about, ‘Is this going to end up in a landfill?’” Cappelletti said. All the players in the fashion industry are aware of the ecological damage, but there are more players beyond the industry, Gorea said. The consumer has to be aware. The big brands won’t make sustainable products unless there is a demand for them. But Gorea is trying to do her part to make the fashion world more sustainable. Biomimicry is an engineering model that is not totally understood, Gorea said, as there are still mechanics in nature that are not understood. “If we put more science into that, if we find out what is happening, then we can apply that to more things we create at the human level,” Gorea said.
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Historical hops
Congress Beer originated at the Haberle Brewery, one of the few breweries that managed to endure the Prohibition era. Willow Rock Brewing Company plans to revive the beer. The brewery’s co-owners are working to modernize its taste. gillian pelkonen staff photographer
Willow Rock Brewery, Onondaga Historical Association to revive local beer first brewed in 1857 By Adam Lehner staff writer
once-iconic Syracuse beer will be hitting local shelves again this summer. Willow Rock Brewing Company has partnered with the Onondaga Historical Association to revive Congress Beer. The beverage was originally brewed by the Haberle Brewery from 1857 to 1962, said OHA Executive Director Gregg Tripoli. The idea of reviving Congress Beer was born five years ago and will be brought to fruition this summer. Haberle was one of the many breweries to take advantage of central New York’s ideal environment for growing hops. This helped the region become the country’s top supplier of hops in the late 19th century, Tripoli said. No amount of hops could offset the Volstead Act, better known as Prohibition, which served as a dagger to a number of unsuspecting local breweries in 1919. Haberle, though, saw the writing on the wall and took steps in advance to ensure they outlived Prohibition. Bob Searing, curator of history at the OHA, said that since Haberle merged with local brewery Crystal Springs, in 1892, they were more established when the Volstead Act came into play. “They had a large productive capacity, they had smart investors and they had diversified their product in advance — they were more prepared than other breweries,” he said. Various sodas and Congo Beer — a “near beer” containing a minimal amount of alcohol — helped Haberle endure. This paved the way for their popular beer, Congress, to keep locals coming back into the years of the Kennedy administration. Eventually, pests swarmed the region’s hops crops and put the remaining breweries out of business. Though Congress Beer has been gone for nearly 60
years, its legacy has thrived in the OHA gift shop through popular merchandise. As the paraphernalia flew off the shelves, Tripoli had the idea to look for a recipe in the OHA’s archives on the off-chance they had something. “It turns out, they came up with a recipe for Congress,” Tripoli said. “Here was a universe conspiring.” Fast forward a few years, and after an arduous legal process with a wealth of paperwork, the OHA secured rights to license and sublicense Congress Beer, Tripoli said. The association only needed to find a brewery to take on the task.
1892 Year that Haberle Brewery merged with Crystal Springs Brewery
Enter Willow Rock Brewing Company. The brewery’s co-owner, Kevin Williams, said he and his business partner, Rockney Roberts, were familiar with the iconic Congress Beer brand. They had actually planned to look into bringing back the label once their business expanded. “For us, the partnership with Willow Rock was perfect on all levels,” Tripoli said. “All the stars aligned — they had done their homework, they had paid their dues, they have a great following, they have an amazing reputation for consecutively good beer and they’re poised to grow. They’re ready.” Though Syracusans will soon be afforded the
opportunity to down Congress Beer like their grandparents and great-grandparents, the beer itself will likely taste a little different. Williams said the recipe they were given was more like an outline, focusing on the process behind brewing the beer than the actual ingredients used. He and Roberts are working from what was popular at the time, aiming to still modernize the beer for the taste buds of today. Willow Rock is still running test batches to try and lock down their final recipe, which will likely show some local love. “We want to make it as close to a 100-percent New York state beer as possible,” Williams said. “We want to try and source all of our ingredients locally and make this something that not only the city, but the state can be proud of.” Interest in Congress Beer has piqued elsewhere too, leading the OHA to secure licensing for distribution in Washington, D.C.; Maryland; and Virginia. But Willow Rock is keeping its focus local at first. Williams said it’ll expand the beer outside the area once it’s hit every Syracuse taste bud it can. “There’s a connection, and people here love that, love that nostalgia,” Tripoli said. “We happen to think, of course, that history adds value to anything — it adds depth, substance and meaning.” Congress Beer is expected to be released in August in kegs and on tap at Willow Rock, before eventually rolling out cans throughout the local region. Also in the works is the OHA’s “Brewseum,” a museum dedicated to Syracuse’s rich beer history that will also offer food and beer. When asked if the OHA has plans to eventually revive any of Congress’ other brews, like its Bock or IPA, Tripoli smiled. “If it means that we get to taste more beer,” Searing said.
10 april 16, 2018
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from page 12
jacques evening. It’s a no-frills operation that begins with selecting the best shagbark hickory trees and ends by fusing a message onto the stick, along with a trademark stamp. The inscription is often custom, especially if the stick serves as an award or gift. A stick he recently made reads: “Leader, friend.” “This is the Creator’s Game,” he said. “It’s a lot more than people think. People think of the Native American as a savage, godless creature that’s out to kill people. They say we’re poor, uneducated, on a reservation, totally controlled by the white people. That’s how they like their Indian. We’re always fighting against that kind of prejudice. So we embrace one another and the game of lacrosse.” Because of an extensive drying process, each stick takes 10 months to make and sells for about $350. Yet he maintains a drive for his craft because for many Native Americans, lacrosse is sacred. Men are put to rest in a casket with a lacrosse stick. Many of his sticks are made for people living on the Onondaga Nation reservation, where lacrosse is used to heal and lift the spirits of community members. “Lacrosse is who we are as a people,” Jacques said. “And this is the mecca of lacrosse. People come from all over to watch the old Indian guy make lacrosse sticks.” His shoulders, fingers, wrists and back hurt after he logs six- to 10-hour days. Jacques said he makes about 200 sticks per year now, down from about 11,000 in 1972. In the 1960s and 1970s, he made sticks for many Syracuse, Cornell, Siena and Cortland men’s lacrosse players. He learns more about the stick creation process every time, and often tells people who buy his sticks that they’re “the best stick I’ve ever made.” “Each stick is a work of art,” said Jacques’ sister, Freid. “He never hurried up so he could make more and make a lot of them, so he could make more money. That’s never the purpose. It’s to make an excellent stick.” Since many traditional stickmakers have died or retired, Jacques is running one of the last old-school stick-production joints in the country. He works in a shed with a few lights, alongside cats named Obama and Michelle, on a wooden bench he built with his father in 1969. His father, Louis, introduced lacrosse to him, setting him on a path to become a star at nearby LaFayette High School. from page 12
notre dame Before the match, Shkudun and senior Nicole Mitchell were honored during a short ceremony for senior day. While Mitchell did not play during the match, Shkudun competed in doubles and singles for the Orange. In third doubles, Shkudun and Sofya Golubovskaya cruised to a 6-0 victory to start off a strong day for SU. Knutson and Miranda Ramirez opened first doubles with a quick 3-0 lead but dropped three of the next four games. Early, Knutson missed three easy volleys which each led to quick moments of frustration. Unfazed by early mistakes, Ramirez opened the eighth game with an uncontested ace. The No. 13 pairing in the nation flashed a smile at each other after the serve and proceeded to win seven of the last eight points to clinch the doubles point for the Orange. In first singles, Knutson looked to recover from a three-set collapse to Duke’s No. 5 Samantha Harris on Friday. After winning eight straight games to start the match, Knutson fell apart in a 6-0, 4-6, 0-6 loss two days prior. Knutson opened the match against UND’s Allison Miller with an ace, but dropped the first game to go down a break. After falling behind 2-1, the junior won on a net cord — her ball clipped the top of the net before dropping to the other side — to start the fourth game. “On Friday, I was worried I wouldn’t win those long crosscourt rallies,” Knutson said, “Today, I just had to overpower (Miller) to get back to being me.” Knutson took the first set, 6-3, and
In the decades since, when traveling to games and conventions, he’s had a frontrow seat to the rise in the game, which he correlates with the rise in plastic heads. He maintains an appreciation for the innovations that drove a stark decline in demand for wooden sticks. He has no hard feelings, because he said it’s what brought lacrosse across the country and world. “If we had relied on Indians making wooden sticks,” Jacques said, “the game wouldn’t have grown as big, as fast.” The Syracuse men’s lacrosse team has not visited Jacques’ workshop, he said, but visiting teams sometimes do on their trips to play the Orange. Notre Dame and Virginia have watched him make sticks. Last year, UVA head coach Lars Tiffany looked back to his time growing up on a ranch in LaFayette — near Onondaga Nation — by busing his entire team to Jacques’ barn. Players packed into a back room. “The Onondaga Reservation reminds us all of the beauty of this game,” Tiffany said. “Alfie’s stick-making is at the core of lacrosse.” The foundation for the best-quality lacrosse stick begins about a year before it’s even used in a game. Tree selection is not paramount — Jacques said all steps are integral — but finding the right tree is make-or-break. The living nature of the tree is believed to transfer into the lacrosse stick and the person using the stick. A bad tree makes it impossible to construct a stick, said Jacques, who surveys forests in the LaFayette, Cortland, Cazenovia, Ithaca and Oswego areas.
Lacrosse is who we are as a people. And this is the mecca of lacrosse. People come from all over to watch the old Indian guy make lacrosse sticks. Alfie Jacques
lacrosse stick craftsman
There can be no knots or limbs for the first 3 meters. The tree must be at least 100 years old. Each log costs about $50. Sometimes, he’ll pick five hickory trees out of 200. He cuts them down himself, and he brings seeds and plants new trees. Then Jacques splits the tree into eighths using a wooden mallet, axes and wooden opened the second set with a forehand winner past the outstretched arms of Miller, who got tangled up in netting after the point. Knutson controlled the second set with her serve, she said, and recorded two second-serve aces in the process. By putting pressure on Miller from the start, Knutson took the match, 6-3, 6-2, and gave SU its second point. “Matches like this give me confidence,” Knutson said. After not playing singles in SU’s last two matches, Mesh replaced Masha Tritou and did not disappoint. Mesh opened the match by sweeping the first set. By avoiding mistakes during long rallies, Mesh overpowered UND’s Rachel Chong from the start. The junior closed the match by only dropping two games and won 6-0, 6-2. With one point remaining to give SU a win, Shkudun took advantage of the spotlight. Despite a three-game lead disappearing in the first set to go 5-5, Shkudun prevailed in the final two games and won 7-5. As the crowd honed in on presumably Shkudun’s final set at Drumlins, the graduate student clinched the match for the Orange in a 7-5, 6-2 win. SU’s 4-0 victory against the Fighting Irish gives the Orange 10 home wins, which doubles its total from last year. As for the implications of this match, Limam said this match “gets (SU) on the right track.” “Against Miami we played good and against Duke we didn’t fight hard enough,” Knutson said. “There was a lot of potential in those losses, but we didn’t punch them hard enough at the end like we did today.”
Because of an extensive drying process, the sticks take 10 months to make. Jacques makes nearly 200 per year. alexandra moreo senior staff photographer
wedges. He uses a knife — made in 1832 and passed down to him by his father — to remove bark and to carve the stick to its final form. He straightens the handle, balances the piece and puts final trims on. There is no playbook or measuring tools, just his own estimation that comes from 57 years of experience. The drying process alone is about six months. He completes each stick by sanding it, burning his logo, dating and stamping. As a large green belt-sander hummed last week, Jacques sat on an old wooden bench and carved a stick. He paid special attention to how the knife traveled. He explained that you don’t just pull the knife along the wood. A defining characteristic of a good stick lies in the handle. Don’t minimize the handle. “It’s therapeutic,” Jacques said. “You have a wood stove on, pot of coffee, just make chips all day. When you’re done, the floors are covered with chips. It’s a relaxing thing to do. Everything you do in this work has purpose to the end product. There’s no gravy. You don’t just cut for cutting sake. You cut with purpose. You
saw with purpose, carve with purpose, drill holes with purpose.” He’s crafted wooden sticks for nearly six decades, factoring in his introduction to stick-making. Back in 1960, his family couldn’t afford a stick, which went for $5, so he and his father cut down a hickory tree in the backyard and made a stick without much background knowledge. Since then, a lot has changed. The game of lacrosse has blossomed. Many fellow stickmakers have died. Lacrosse fans have come from far beyond the edges of Onondaga Nation for his sticks. As the internet boomed, he never felt the urge to have social media or advertise on a website. There may even be a few thousand more sticks in his future, though he looks forward to scaling back in retirement. His sticks, at that workshop at the bottom of the hill, have remained a constant through it all. “This is what I live for,” he said. “This is what I can do all of the time, every day. This is my life.”
from page 12
After dropping serve the next game, Shkudun regained her composure. She won eight of the final nine points of the set, breaking serve with a forehand passing shot at 5-all, then serving the set out with an ace up the middle. Shkudun shouted, fist pumped and gazed at Ally Bojczuk across the net. “I’m always relying on my serve,” Shkudun said. “I like to serve.” Continuing with the rollercoaster of the first set, Shkudun dumped serve in the third game of the second set after back to back winners from Bojczuk. Shkudun grabbed the break immediately thereafter and held serve with a backhand passing shot that caught part of the sideline. At that point, Shkudun led 3-2 in the second, and the Orange led the duel 3-0. However, SU’s graduate student was the only player of the four remaining with a lead. The Orange needed Shkudun to close out the match with Miranda Ramirez and Golubovskaya entering third sets and Dina Hegab trailing. Instead of serves, Shkudun used her aggressive returning to break the second set wide open. She allowed herself to get inside the baseline from the opening ball of the rally, forcing Bojczuk to defend. Shkudun even came up towards the service line to hit swinging volley forehand winners. She grabbed back to back breaks, running away with the final set to earn SU’s fourth point. “It was very fitting, that’s what we told them in the team meeting,” Limam said. “She means a lot to the program I think she took the program to new heights.” Shkudun and the Orange still have the regular season finale, the ACC tournament, and a likely NCAA appearance to play for this season. But today, Shkudun walked off the court at Drumlins for the final time with flowers, a Syracuse plaque and a smile.
shkudun “It’s a very tough day for me, personally. These three years have changed my life a lot,” Shkudun said. “I tried not to think that it’s my last home match. I was trying to ignore that and play the ball.” In doubles, Shkudun took control of the court from the start, frequently stepping inside the baseline and taking balls early. She SHKUDUN put away a crosscourt volley to earn the first break for SU, then held comfortably to put the Orange halfway to the finish line in 12 minutes. With another break point opportunity in the fourth game, Shkudun stepped inside the baseline, smashing the return. The forehand put SU on the offensive and later set up an easy winner from Golubovskaya to earn the double break lead. Leading 5-0, Shkudun won a long rally by splitting the Notre Dame pair in half, ripping a backhand up the center service line to clinch the shutout, 6-0. She continued the success in singles, dominating with her serve and forehand, her two favorite shots. Shkudun built up a 5-1 lead until her vision went blurry. She said something got into her eyes and she couldn’t see clearly for multiple games. The irritation continued until the score was 5-4, when she couldn’t cope any longer. One of the SU trainers came over during the changeover with eye drops and she rinsed her eyes with the saline solution. “It’s not a joke but I got something in my eye,” Shkudun said. “I couldn’t see the ball and I couldn’t call the trainer until the changeover.” | @Matthewgut21
Play ball
No. 42 Remembering the Negro Leagues in upstate New York a day after Jackie Robinson Day. See
Fixer upper
SU softball hosts Binghamton on Tuesday in a doubleheader at Skytop Softball Stadium. See
Find out what fans and experts have to say about pending Carrier Dome renovations. See Tuesday’s paper @dailyorange april 16, 2018 • PAG E 12
The craftsman Alfie Jacques has made wooden lacrosse sticks on Onondaga Nation land for nearly 60 years By Matthew Gutierrez senior staff writer
s steam formed inside a rusty oil tank, Alfie Jacques cra f ted wooden lacrosse sticks at a barn down a dirt driveway on the Onondaga Nation reservation a few miles south of Syracuse University. The tank in question measures a few feet wide and about 8 feet long. Its temperature was set so high that steam shot out of the 1,000-liter drum filled with water.
Jacques, 69, stuck a piece of wood into the tank, pulled it out and bent it. “This boil starts steaming like hell,” he said. “The wood doesn’t just bend. You have to muscle it.” A few dozen logs sat under a tarp on the grass behind Jacques. About 15 yards away is his barn, home to what he believes is the best stickmaking in the world. The air smelled of wood. There is no plastic, no music, no TVs, no signs of assembly-line production. There’s just Jacques, his wood, his equipment and his
devotion to a technique — a way of life — that has lasted nearly six decades. It has spanned the United States and Canada, and created more than 100,000 onepiece wooden lacrosse sticks, each made by hand. Seven days a week, 40-something weeks a year, Jacques wakes up at his Fayetteville home and drives his red van to a spot on the Onondaga Nation reservation that doesn’t show up on Google Maps. He opens up shop, crafts some sticks and locks up in the
JACQUES carves the sticks with a knife that was made in 1832. alexandra moreo senior staff photographer
see jacques page 11
SU shells UND, 4-0, ends skid
Shkudun lifts Syracuse in final homestand
By KJ Edelman staff writer
After beating then-No. 3 Georgia Tech on April 1, Syracuse was stuck in place. SU lost its next three matches. But in its last home match of the season, SU f lipped the script and ended its season at Drumlins Country Club on a high note. “The win couldn’t happen at a better time,” head coach Younes Limam said.
10 of 12
Syracuse won 10 out of its 12 home matches at Drumlins Country Club this season
Behind all-around doubles and singles play, No. 28 Syracuse (156, 7-6 Atlantic Coast) shifted its recent momentum and coasted to a 4-0 win against Notre Dame (10-12, 2-10). After the Orange took the doubles point quickly, Gabriela Knutson, Libi Mesh and Anna Shkudun led the way to give SU the win. “This win shows we’re ready to fight,” graduate student Shkudun said, “and come back no matter what.” see notre
dame page 11
By Anthony Dabbundo staff writer
Anna Shkudun tried to fight off the tears as they streamed down her face. Moments before lineups were announced, she walked alongside coaches Younes Limam and Shelley George and received a standing ovation at Drumlins Country Club. Shkudun couldn’t hide the reality of the afternoon: On Sunday, she
would take the court at Syracuse for likely the final time. In Syracuse’s (15-6, 7-6 Atlantic Coast) 4-0 win over Notre Dame (10-12, 2-10), Shkudun delivered two strong performances to lift the Orange in potentially her final homestand. Following a dominant performance in third doubles with partner Sofya Golubovskaya, she got a singles win to clinch SU a match victory. see shkudun page 11