april 17, 2018 high 39°, low 32°
t h e i n de p e n de n t s t u de n t n e w s pa p e r of s y r a c u s e , n e w yor k |
N • Collecting taxes
P • For the record books
Common Councilors questioned a city department head on Monday about the funding for a new Municipal Violations Bureau, which will enforce Syracuse’s codes. Page 3
Books & Melodies, a local store selling books and vinyls, doesn’t plan events for Record Store Day, but employees see an uptick in customers on the annual holiday. Page 7
S • Dome makeover
Experts weigh in on proposed Carrier Dome renovations, including the localization of food products and the addition of better WiFi services. Page 12
Open door
student association
City leaders praise Mayor Ben Walsh for transparent start in office By Casey Darnell design editor
MAYOR BEN WALSH has prompted the city to install live-streaming equipment in the Syracuse Common Council’s chambers. kai nguyen photo editor
We’re all in this together. I can’t be successful without the Council working hand-in-hand with us. Ben Walsh
syracuse mayor
n his victory speech five months ago, Mayor Ben Walsh heralded his first term in office as an opportunity to “set aside politics and instead work together.” Just over 100 days into that term, members of the city’s Common Council said Walsh has stayed true to that vision. In interviews with The Daily Orange, councilors praised the mayor’s open-door policy and transparency, as well as his focus on constituent services. “We’re all in this together. I can’t be successful without the Council working hand-in-hand with us,” Walsh said last week after he presented his first budget proposal to the Council. Councilor Joseph Carni, of the 1st district, said it’s nice to have a mayor’s administration that’s always willing to answer questions. “I’m able to go down and talk to him on a regular basis and just have open dialogue, which I think is crucial,” said Carni, the Council’s sole Republican. Councilor Latoya Allen, recently elected to the 4th district, said Walsh gave the Council a heads-up before he announced a new sledding area in Burnet Park. Walsh, who campaigned as an independent last fall without the backing of any major political party, also made sure to invite councilors to the event, she said. Councilor-at-large Steven Thompson said the Common Council has weekly meetings with Walsh and that his administration has kept the Council informed throughout the budget process. Thompson, who previously served as the city’s police chief, also said Walsh has kept him involved in the search for a new police chief to replace current Chief Frank Fowler. Fowler was scheduled to retire last year but will stay on the force until the city finds a replacement. As part of that search, Deputy Mayor Sharon Owens has held public forums that give residents opportunities to ask questions and voice concerns about the next police chief. The third and fourth of the eight forums were held last week. Allen said Walsh has made progress on his campaign promise to improve constituent services by “being more accountable about what’s going on here and how it’s translated to the community.” Walsh’s administration has returned people’s calls when they have issues the city can help with, said Joe Driscoll, councilor of the 5th district. “The most frequent criticism you hear of government is that they’re not listening to the people, that they’re not making effort to hear from the people they’re meant to represent,” Driscoll said. Walsh’s administration is taking its position as a “public servant very seriously,” he said. The Walsh administration has increased public access to government through both public forums and live streaming of city hall meetings. As promised in the “state of the city” speech earlier this year, cameras were installed in the Council chambers in time for April budget hearings. In that same address, Walsh announced see walsh page 4
President details security cameras By Ryan Dunn staff writer
Student Association President James Franco praised the installation of security cameras along a portion of Euclid Avenue during the organization’s Monday night meeting. The security cameras are placed on light poles along Euclid Avenue and span cross streets between Comstock Avenue and Westcott Avenue. Crime in the surveilled area decreased roughly 50 percent between 2016 to 2017, Franco said. Reported incidents of the eight most prevalent types of crime, including burglaries, larcenies and car breakins, decreased from 49 incidents in 2016 to 24 incidents in 2017, he said. Franco said it may be too early to draw conclusions about the cameras’ effectiveness. The cameras were installed in fall 2017. But early see cameras page 4
su athletics
Tax law may affect SU sports programs By Matthew Gutierrez senior staff writer
Earlier this year, Tom McMillen was catching up with some members of the United States Congress. McMillen, a former professional basketball player and congressman himself, said he wanted to know why the sprawling tax reform bill seemingly targeted college athletics revenue. “They told me they felt college sports started looking more like a business,” McMillen said. “And they feel like athletic departments should be taxed more like a business.” Last month, the NCAA reported generating $1.06 billion in revenue for the 2016-17 school year, and some athletic departments have recently reported record revenues. McMillen is president and CEO of LEAD1, an organization that represents athletics directors and programs at the FBS level. While college sports remain largely tax exempt, McMillen said he
see taxes page 4
2 april 17, 2018
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In an April 9 story titled “Sip & savor,” Michelle Dellilo was misnamed. The Daily Orange regrets this error.
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Congressional race SU professor Dana Balter is running against former SU official Juanita Perez Williams for Congress. See Wednesday’s paper
Tax Day protest Syracuse residents plan to protest outside Rep. John Katko’s office on Tuesday afternoon. See Wednesday’s paper @dailyorange april 17, 2018 • PAG E 3
state news Here is a roundup of the biggest news happening in New York right now. BINGHAMTON MURDER
A Binghamton University student was stabbed to death late Sunday night. Binghamton police are still searching for a suspect and said it does not appear to be a random attack. The student was 19-yearold freshman engineering student Joao Souza. source: cny central
The average temperature since the first day of spring in Syracuse has been colder than any year since 1975. The temperature is five degrees colder than the average Syracuse spring. Only three days since the start of spring have had normal spring temperatures. source:
Security updates JAMES FRANCO (LEFT) AND ANGIE PATI, Syracuse University’s current Student Association president and vice president, respectively, discussed several initiatives during the organization’s Monday night meeting. Franco said the Euclid Avenue security camera program, which launched at the start of the academic year, could be expanded in the future. colleen cambier staff photographer
Officials express concern over violation policy By Daniel Strauss asst. digital editor
Syracuse Common Councilors on Monday expressed concerns about the city’s department of finances budget during a twohour-long hearing. The department of finance is currently broken down into three bureaus: accounts, parking and treasury. David DelVecchio, Syracuse’s commissioner of finance, said the department is also working to develop a Municipal Violations Bureau. Councilor Joseph Carni voiced concerns over whether the finance department’s budget included enough money to hire qualified employees to make the violations bureau successful. The budget includes $92,000 for sala-
ries, Carni said. Carni said the bureau’s goal is to make sure residents are compliant with city codes and improve the city, but not to generate revenue to fund itself or other programs. “My concern is that I don’t believe with what we’ve (budgeted here), that’s it’s going to accomplish what we’re looking for,” Carni said. The department is looking to hire a chief administrative law judge, who would act as the director of the Municipal Violations Bureau, DelVecchio said. Candidates for the new position must have at least fives years of legal experience, budget records show. “Do we believe that we’re going to find a qualified candidate that’s an attorney with five years legal experience in this field, that’s going to
capable of handling this?” Carni said. Carni also said finding and keeping qualified candidates at the base pay rate is probably a city-wide problem. Councilor Timothy Rudd said the size of the budget for the Municipal Violations Bureau seems small compared to the city’s parking bureau. Several councilors on Monday also asked DelVecchio about the city’s strategies and policies for tax collection. Councilor-at-large Steve Thompson asked about what the city is doing to collect more than a $1 million in uncollected city taxes. DelVecchio said the uncollectible tax rate has been pretty consistent in the past few years. “Right now, the city is moving forward with seizure of property and sale to (the Greater Syracuse
Land Bank) as the mechanism to generate revenues,” DelVecchio said. The land bank is a not-forprofit that aims to help revitalize vacant and abandoned properties. Rudd questioned whether or not the city’s method for charging late fees on property taxes is covering the cost of applying those penalties. The city currently adds an interest charge of 1.5 percent per month, up to 12 percent per year, for residents who fail to pay property taxes on time, DelVecchio said. DelVecchio was unable to provide specific numbers in response to Rudd’s question. Rudd also asked if there was a way to add an additional fee on top of the interest already being charged for late payments. | @_thestrauss_
Damage to a water tower near Syracuse University’s South Campus may cost upward of $3 million to repair. The roof of a water tower at Morningside Reservoir near Manley Field House collapsed several weeks ago, but city officials have not yet determined the cause of the collapse. Mayor Ben Walsh said there’s no money in his proposed city budget to pay for the repairs, so the city is working with the state and federal governments to try to find funding. source:
Zephyr Teachout, a prominent New York Democrat, endorsed Dana Balter in the 24th Congressional District Election. Balter is running against Rep. John Katko (R– Camillus) in the 2018 midterm election, but she must face off against other Democrats including Juanita Perez Williams to secure her place on the ballot. source:
A man who jumped from a bridge on Erie Boulevard onto West Street was seriously injured. He was taken to Upstate University Hospital. It is unclear how far the man fell, but police said it appeared he jumped of his own volition. There will be no criminal investigation. source:
university politics
College seeks to advance major strategic plan
West Genesee High School was evacuated following a bomb threat made on Monday afternoon. The caller said the school district must pay a particular student a sum of money in the next 30 minutes or else a bomb would detonate in the building. The school remained closed in the evening and all afterschool activities were canceled.
By Jordan Muller asst. news editor
Syracuse University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science has hired an assistant dean and promoted its director of advancement in an effort to strengthen its 10-year transformation plan. Fred Brown, who previously worked as a senior major gifts officer at Gettysburg College, was hired as the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s assistant dean of advancement and external affairs, according to a Monday SU News release. Debra Perkins, currently the college’s director of advancement, will expand her role to streamline the college’s internal processes to con-
nect the strategic plan with advancement efforts, per the release. The personnel moves come as the College of Engineering and Computer Science undertakes a 10-year strategic advancement initiative, called “Transforming our Future.” The initiative, which is being funded by donations, includes plans to launch additional scholarship programs, a $6 million innovation center and endowed faculty and fellowship positions. Brown, the college’s new assistant dean of advancement and external affairs, will help develop and execute the college’s fundraising strategic plan and direct fundraising and engagement efforts, according to the release. He’ll also
oversee the advancement, external relations and communications marketing staff. Brown will report to Teresa Dahlberg, the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s dean, and Peter Cronin, SU’s vice president for development. Perkins, in her expanded role as the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s director of advancement, will help grow the college’s engagement efforts and major gifts portfolio, according to the news release. Perkins previously helped secure funding for three collaborative classrooms in Link Hall, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles lab at the Syracuse Center of Excellence, a new computer classroom
in the Life Sciences Complex and upgrades to a Link Hall auditorium. The College of Engineering and Computer Science’s multimilliondollar plan seeks to increase student diversity, create broader career opportunities, increase inter-university collaboration and grow research, Dahlberg has said. The plan’s first draft includes a $10 million fundraising goal for “people,” $15 million for programs and $25 million for physical space. Dahlberg has said the Transforming our Future plan is part of SU’s broader Academic Strategic Plan, a multi-year effort to improve the SU’s research capacity and student experience.
source: local syr
The number of opioid overdose deaths fell 36 percent in 2017 in Onondaga County. There were 91 deaths from opioid overdoses in 2017, compared to 142 deaths in 2016. There is not enough information to determine whether the data illustrates a downturn in opioid-related deaths. source:
4 april 17, 2018
from page 1
walsh plans to improve accountability through a new performance management system, called the Office of Accountability, Performance and Innovation. That office will focus on customer-focused services. In addition to a focus on transparency, Walsh’s administration has prioritized improving the quality of life for residents.
His budget proposal, if passed, would add an additional class of police officers and firefighters. Walsh said the city will increase security and environmental maintenance in downtown Syracuse by raising the downtown special assessment, a property tax paid by property owners in the downtown area. Walsh said one of his administration’s largest accomplishments in its first 100 days is viewing technology as infrastructure to help the city make smarter, data-driven decisions.
He mentioned his plan to acquire the city’s streetlights from National Grid and retrofit them with LED lights, which are more energy-efficient. “It really opens up an entire world of technological opportunities we’re currently not using here,” Walsh said. While he hopes for economic growth, Walsh said one of the biggest challenges facing the city is its large operating deficit. City department heads cut about $2.8 million from their
projected budgets, but the city will still run an $11 million deficit next year, he said. Councilors said they believed Walsh was moving in the right direction to address the city’s financial issues. Driscoll said Walsh has been able to cut costs without reducing staff. “I sit here on the day that I delivered my first budget to the Council,” Walsh said. “I feel like we’ve accomplished a lot, but, really, we’re just getting warmed up.”
STI testing clinic
The program would be expanded to four clinics during the 2018-19 school year, Pati said.
start circulating in fall 2018. Incoming firstyear and transfer students starting at SU this fall will pay a $3,300 tuition premium as part of the plan. Total cost of attendance next year for undergraduate students is expected to be north of $70,000. Ghufran and Rosenblum said during their campaign they would push SU administrators to release a detailed cost report breaking down Invest Syracuse’s funding allocations.
from page 1
cameras statistics have been promising, he said. “It’s not long enough to show causation or correlation, but it is encouraging overall just for that area,” Franco said. Franco, as outgoing SA president, added that he would pass along the camera statistics to next year’s SA leaders, President-elect Ghufran Salih and Vice President-elect Kyle Rosenblum. from page 1
taxes fears the tax law rolling out in 2018 could hurt non-revenue-generating sports. Two of college sports’ largest income streams, television revenue and corporate sponsorships, are not taxed. But athletic departments such as the one at Syracuse University have started navigating a new terrain under the tax law. Among the law’s provisions: A nonprofit’s five highest paid employees will generally subject their employer to a new 21 percent excise tax of some of their pay if they make more than $1 million a year in taxable compensation. Boeheim, the university’s head basketball coach, was paid $1,957,449 in reportable income by SU in Fiscal Year 2014. Also under the law, any contributions linked to the right to purchase season tickets are no longer considered charitable donations. On Tax Day, here are five takeaways from the law and its effects on schools such as SU:
Charitable donations
In December, SU Athletics representatives worked extra hours to accommodate fans wishing to take advantage of a prepayment. Fans who prepaid for tickets by the end of
Student Association Vice President Angie Pati said a recent sexually transmitted disease clinic organized by SA, Health Services and Be Well SU filled 99 of 150 possible testing appointments. Pati said less than 15 people attended the first clinic on April 5. That number was north of 70 people for the April 6 clinic, after an informational email was sent to the student body, she said. the 2017 calendar year likely would have preserved the 80 percent tax deductibility that was part of a season-ticket plan, which often requires a donation. Before the start of the year, that donation was deductible, which is why SU encouraged fans to prepay and take advantage of the deductible for tickets covering 2018-19 and 2019-20 seasons.
They told me they felt college sports started looking more like a business. Tom McMillen president and chief executive officer of the lead1 association
For decades, SU and other colleges had required fans to make a mandatory donation to buy the right to seats. At SU, the Orange Club Premium Seating Plan started when the Carrier Dome opened in 1980. Seats near the playing surface require a season ticket and an annual donation to SU’s Orange Club. But the right to buy the best seats at the
Invest Syracuse transparency
Responding to concerns regarding the status of the Invest Syracuse initiative, Franco and Pati met with Chancellor Kent Syverud to discuss increasing transparency around the plan, a $100 million academic fundraising initiative. Pati said periodic reports informing students of Invest Syracuse’s progress would Carrier Dome, and hundreds of other college football and basketball venues, won’t come with a tax deduction any longer. Experts said there will be fewer donations as a result because fans will not be able to write off donations associated with purchasing expensive seats. “There really is no magic bullet to resolve this issue,” said Scott Donaldson, a partner and director of exempt organization tax services at Ernst & Young. “The bottom line impact to your donors is it raises their outof-pocket costs on their season tickets in premium seating areas roughly 30 to 40 percent.”
Non-revenue-generating sports
Last month, Syracuse Director of Athletics John Wildhack told The Daily Orange that he “would be fearful, very fearful, what would happen to the non-revenue-producing sports,” if athletes were compensated. While athlete compensation is not part of the tax law, McMillen said Olympic sports will feel the effects of the elimination of the tax break and possibly experience a decline in contributions. There are not many defenses against provisions affecting athletics, he said, because of the commercialization of basketball and football. “I think that was unfortunate,” McMillen said. “Most sports don’t make money. The
big two support Olympic sports. I fear a lot of them will be cut in coming years.”
Excise tax
Men’s basketball and football coaches at large universities, as well as some athletic directors, will force universities to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars more in taxes under the new law. Almost every coach in the Atlantic Coach Conference league in recent years has been paid more than $1 million as a salary, 990 forms and school announcements show. Nonprofits have to foot the bill under this provision, not individual employees. Boeheim earned $2,151,736 in FY 2015. It’s unlikely Boeheim’s annual salary has dipped below $1 million since then. The excise tax on high earners is an attempt by Congress to discourage schools of paying employees seven-figure salaries, said Erika Mayshar, a partner at McDermott Will & Emery. “This was intended to place nonprofit organizations and for-profits on more equal footing,” Mayshar said. John Petosa, a professor of practice at the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, said Congress was “taking a shot at big-time sports.” | @Matthewgut21
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OPINION @dailyorange april 17, 2018 • PAG E 5
gender and sexuality
editorial board
Colleges should promote assault discourse Representation key as Salih, Rosenblum take lead T he time is up for sexual harassment in the workplace, and universities must address it. Educating students about the prevalence of sexual assault across industries can provide them with the tools to address the issue. Universities should implement more on-campus discussions about sexual assault and harassment and encourage students to talk freely about how these issues may arise in a workplace environment. The Women in Communications organization at Syracuse University recently hosted a panel on sexual assault in the workplace in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will host a discussion on the evolution of women’s roles in media in light of the #MeToo movement on Wednesday. Learning about sexual assault and harassment in the workplace may not minimize students’ fears, but these conversations do provide an outlet to speak to how to change the culture around sexual assault. Allie Wahl, president of SU’s Women in Communications organization, said that before this
semester, her professors didn’t always discuss harassment in the workplace. But now, it’s become a common classroom topic, given the unveiling of sexual misconduct in media professions. Wahl said she knows sexual assault happens across all professions, and she wanted to add more to the conversation as a student. “As a graduating senior, I have more stake in the conversation of knowing what I’m going into about a month, which is crazy,” she said. “But I think it’s important to hear about (sexual assault in the workplace).” When conversations about sexual assault start in the classroom, they can take root to create proactive change. Future generations will become less tolerant of sexual assault and misconduct, and the mysteries surrounding these problems can be addressed with collective action. Amanda Nickerson, director of
the Alberti Center of Bullying Abuse Prevention at the State University of New York at Buffalo, said in an email that although it’s critical to have conversations about sexual assault on college campuses, they shouldn’t be exclusive to college students. UB recently held an event called “#NotMe: A Panel Discussion on Preventing Sexual Harassment and Assault in Adolescence,” which included high school students. “… I think this is even a more neglected group in terms of these conversations than college students,” Nickerson said. Conversations like these must stay alive because with this spread of knowledge comes the power to address and prevent assault and harassment incidents. So, the next time you see a poster advertising these discussions, make time in your schedule to go. You’d be surprised at what you’ll learn. Through these conversations, universities can create braver students and compassionate professionals.
Lianza Reyes is a sophomore broadcast and digital journalism major. She can be reached at or on Twitter @ReyesLianza.
The first Student Association meeting since the election of Ghufran Salih and Kyle Rosenblum was held Monday night, marking a new beginning for leadership of Syracuse University’s undergraduate student governing body. The Daily Orange Editorial Board congratulates Salih and Rosenblum for their election as president and vice president, respectively, of SA’s 62nd legislative session. As outlined in the editorial board’s endorsement of Salih and Rosenblum, the team’s commitment to diverse undergraduate perspectives will be essential as initiatives like Invest Syracuse — which will fundamentally redefine the SU student experience — move forward. Ahead of election night, Salih and Rosenblum’s campaign promoted initiatives to improve on-campus mental health services and sexual assault reporting
resources. The pair emphasized the importance of listening, and their willingness to let students advocate on behalf of themselves — as opposed to speaking for student communities — has the potential to facilitate greater discourse and, ultimately, action. As the spring semester winds down, the editorial board looks forward to following Salih’s and Rosenblum’s tenure at a critical time for undergraduate representation in university-wide decisions.
The Daily Orange Editorial Board serves as the voice of the organization and aims to contribute the perspectives of students to discussions that concern Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse community. The editorial board’s stances are determined by a majority of its members. Are you interested in pitching a topic for the editorial board to discuss? Email
letter to the editor
Syracuse resident responds to new plan I’m not an SU student, but I’m married to one. My wife is a firstyear graduate assistant; my infant daughter and I are dependents on her health insurance. As the result of an April 4 vote by the Graduate Student Organization Senate, our insurance will be switched from the current SU employee plan to a student plan provided by Aetna. In the week following the vote, GSO Executive Board President Jack Wilson told The Daily Orange he had only received one letter that was critical of the change. I am the author of that letter. Mr. Wilson has yet to respond to me, but since he seems to think that policy outcomes should be measured by the volume of mail he gets, allow me to offer an alternative perspective. My family is in the process of treating several chronic health
Letter to the Editor policy To have a letter printed in The D.O. and published on, please follow the guidelines listed below: • Limit your letter to 400 words • Letters must be emailed to
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issues — some of which may require surgery — and our young daughter was born with a disability. My wife and I decided to take the risk of relocating our family to Syracuse, precisely because of the strength of the employee health plan. Now, seven months later, we learn that 24 students have decided to replace the plan we chose with one they have picked for us. How will this affect my family? We still don’t know. Aside from a handful of cherry-picked bullet points, little information about the plan has been made available. But serious concerns, including ones my wife shared with members of the GSO as well as Mr. Wilson prior to the vote, have consistently been ignored. At the April 4 meeting, the proposed change was presented as a binary choice between high and low • Please include your town of residence and any relevant affiliations • Topics should pertain to the Syracuse area • Letters should not include any personal information pertaining to other people unless it is relevant to the topic at hand, which will be decided at the
Asst. Photo Editor Molly Gibbs Asst. Photo Editor Hieu Nguyen Special Projects Designer Lucy Naland Senior Design Editor Bridget Slomian Design Editor Casey Darnell Design Editor Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm Design Editor Maddie Ligenza Design Editor Amy Nakamura Design Editor Talia Trackim Asst. Copy Editor Eric Black Asst. Copy Editor Sandhya Iyer Asst. Copy Editor Shweta Karikehalli Asst. Copy Editor Haley Robertson Asst. Copy Editor Jessi Soporito Asst. Copy Editor Kaci Wasilewski Social Media Director Myelle Lansat Social Media Producer Andy Mendes Asst. Video Editor Rori Sachs Asst. Video Editor Mackenzie Sammeth
premiums that needed to be made immediately, even though many senators seemed unsure of what exactly they were voting on. Several members of the GSO have nonetheless described this plan as serving the “greatest good,” but who are they to make that claim? Rather than serve the student body, this process has turned the health of the SU graduate student population and their families into a zero-sum game, with winners and losers selected by a small group of students suddenly empowered to make healthcare choices for their peers. This is an outrage. Instead of standing up for every graduate student, members of the GSO and Mr. Wilson remain dismissive of the needs of people they claim to represent. My family deserves better.
Christian McKinney
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Happy bat appreciation day! bridget slomian senior design editor
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6 april 17, 2018
Super selections
Making history
Erik Benjamin ranks his top five Avengers movies before “Infinity Wars” hits theaters. See
Music columnist Jalen Nash reacts to rapper Kendrick Lamar winning a Pulitzer Prize. See
Closing time Hungry Chuck’s closed its doors a year ago. Learn how the bar scene has changed since then. See Wednesday’s paper @dailyorange april 17, 2018
slice of life
Students to host day of service By Sandhya Iyer asst. copy editor
The Eastwood shop receives new items every day, which adds to its “energy” and extensive collection that spans five rooms and a basement. The collection includes $2 records and $3 DVDs.
Oldies but goodies After 25 years, Books & Melodies is a central New York hub for eclectic items Story and photos by Connor Fogel
O Local residents can bring items like comics, DVDs and collectibles to the shop to be purchased and resold.
staff writer
pen space is hard to find at Books & Melodies. The cash register sits on a table made of books, and the counter next to the register has a constant flow of new arrivals. Thousands of books, comics, vinyl records, DVDs and collectibles cover the tables, fill the shelves and line the walls of the store’s five rooms. The walls feature posters and artwork — some that owner Jon Goode paints himself. At the corner of James Street and Woodbine Avenue in Eastwood, the used book and music store has welcomed locals and visitors since it opened in 1993. The shop has evolved and changed hands over its 25 years, but Books & Melodies has established itself as a central New York hub for the eclectic mix of items it carries. “Every day we’re getting something in. Between books and see records page 8
syracuse spotlight
SU engineers develop sustainable laundry balls By Jiaman Peng staff writer
Charles Keppler was browsing through the app Curiosity Makes You Smarter, which sends users information on five new topics every day, when he came across an article on microfibers. Eighty-five percent of human-made pollution found on shorelines comes from the polyester and acrylics used in clothing, according to findings from ecologist Mark Browne.
During the six-week Invent@SU Invention Accelerator program last summer, Keppler and Serena OmoLamai created a device to try and combat that statistic. FibreFree, a microfiber trapping device resembling a laundry ball, features a porous shell with a recyclable filter on the inside. The filter consists of dense, interlaced strands that lodge microfibers while allowing free flow of water and heat. Keppler and Omo-Lamai, both students at Syracuse University, will travel to Albany with 11 other
SU student venture teams to present FibreFree at the ninth annual New York Business Plan Competition on April 27. Their invention will compete for the grand prize in the Clean Technology category. Preliminary testing done by the duo showed that the laundry ball catches about 40 percent of the microfibers shed from synthetic clothing fabrics. The filter is made up entirely of recyclable and replaceable polyethylene and can filter fibers down to one microm-
eter. FibreFree eliminates the need for washer balls, dryer balls and dryer sheets. Keppler, a senior studying aerospace engineering, physics and applied mathematics, and OmoLamai, a sophomore bioengineering major, met during Invent@SU. Their first idea was to place a filter at the back of the washing machine with the drain to trap microfibers. However, after consulting with a General Electric representative see fibrefree page 8
Despite its intentionally vague name, The Big Event a specific mission: to make Syracuse University students aware of what exists beyond campus. Organized by OrangeSeeds, a first-year leadership program for SU and SUNY-ESF students, The Big Event is SU’s largest studentrun day dedicated to community service. Every year, the first-year “Seeds” of the organization choose nonprofits in the Syracuse area to volunteer with. This year’s event will be held on Saturday. The first-year OrangeSeeds students making what they want of The Big Event is part of the reason its name is so ambiguous, said Greg Mytelka, the organization’s community relations chair. A lot of people don’t know about nonprofits in the area, said Nyla Mulcahy, a Seed and communication and rhetorical studies major, and these organizations need volunteers to operate.
The hope is that The Big Event inspires people to get back out into the community and do that longterm service. Cole Massie
co-director of orangeseeds
During the fall semester, OrangeSeeds members take part in weekly Saturday service events with the Seed class to bring them outside the bubble of campus and familiarize them with local nonprofits, Mytelka said. Planning for The Big Event begins at the start of the spring semester. The freshmen are divided into three committees: logistics, which deals with transportation and coordinating locations for kickoff and registration; marketing, which uses graphics, flyers, social media and tabling to promote the event around campus; and community outreach, which secures partnerships with the nonprofits. The Seeds recommend and present information about nonprofits in the Syracuse area that could be part of the service event, Mulcahy said. As head of the community relations committee, Mulcahy and her team did additional research to curate a group of nonprofits that serve different communities and offer a variety of services. Fifteen community groups will be part of this year’s event, including Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, the Ronald McDonald House and Vera House, Mulcahy said. “All of our sites are relatively see orange
seeds page 8
8 april 17, 2018
from page 7
records records, there’s something for everybody,” said Nicholas Oliver, who works alongside Goode to manage the store. Saturday is Record Store Day. Although Books & Melodies doesn’t take part in Record Store Day-specific releases, employees notice traffic from people looking to stop by a record shop. Oliver said the shop has many regular customers from the Eastwood neighborhood and from as far away as Utica and Watertown. Locals bring in items for the shop owners to purchase, then the shop resells them. Certain customers come in with specific requests. Oliver said one customer looks to purchase records of people singing in Italian. He added that this customer calls the shop to make sure its workers are still looking for these records when people come in to sell their old ones. One morning, Oliver pointed out another customer who regularly comes in looking for DVDs, which the shop sells for $3 each. from page 7
orange seeds right off campus, so you really engage with the outside community,” said Dibya Patnaik, a Seed and management pre-law major. While long-term community service is still the most effective and The Big Event is a one-time annual occasion, particifrom page 7
fibrefree judging the program, the solution was found to be unfeasible. Moving on to the laundry ball idea, their first 3-D-printed prototype was football-shaped and collected nothing, Keppler said. They went through four or five design sketches, trying to incorporate concepts from other designs on the market. They refined effective features from other products to arrive at the current version
With new items coming in nearly every day, Oliver said customers don’t necessarily come in with a specific book or record in mind, but rather to see what the shop has in its different sections. But he does tell customers looking for a particular book or record to come back and check in a couple days because it probably will show up. “Jon likes to say, ‘The shop provides. Whatever we need, the shop provides,’” Oliver said. Goode began working at the shop in 2009 under its second owner, who renovated the shop by painting the walls, rearranging the sections and organizing the books and records. After two years, the owner told him that he was moving to Colorado and made Goode an offer to buy the shop. It was “heavy” for Goode to hear that all at once, he said, but he took the offer. He worked six days per week until Oliver started working at the shop a few years later. Goode said his favorite part about Books & Melodies is the energy within the shop’s collections. “There’s sort of energy in everything,” he
said. “If you have a thing you love and play it every day, it has energy. All this stuff has been loved by someone else. There’s a lot going on.” That energy flows through the store’s rooms upstairs and continues into its basement, where even more used items are organized for customers to dig through — like the $2 records. Oliver remembered how packed the spaces were when the original owner ran the store for its first 15 years. There was a lot of interesting stuff because the owner would buy nearly anything that piqued his interest, placing it in piles around the store. People will always have the desire for something physical when looking for music and books, Oliver said, which means customers consistently come through the door. Physical CDs and vinyl records outsold digital download sales in 2017 for the first time since 2011, according to a report by the Recording Industry Association of America. Rodger and Laura Sauer, who have been shopping at Books & Melodies for more than 20 years, said they remember the time when piles of items filled the store. Rodger remembered coming in
for records when it opened. That’s what he still looks for, while Laura mainly looks for books. “They always have good stuff,” Rodger said. “You can always find a good rotation.” The Sauers moved to the Eastwood neighborhood five years ago and said they come to the store about every other month. Laura homeschooled her kids and would find books at the store for them. These trips helped the family develop their own collection of books for all ages. Oliver notices people of all ages visit the shop. He said everyone can find something they’re interested in, whether that’s art majors looking for magazines for collages, musicians looking for inspiration or collectors looking for specific printings or pressings. He added that he’s always surprised when people come to the store for the first time. “It’s been here for 25 years,” Oliver said. “And if you’re a reader or a music person or just like cool places, if you didn’t know this was here, it’s kind of amazing.” -30-
pants can still have an effect on the organizations and connect with people in the community, said Cole Massie, co-director of OrangeSeeds. “The hope is that The Big Event inspires people to get back out into the community and do that long-term service,” he said. The slogan for this year’s event — “What’s Your Why?” — encourages people to under-
stand why they do community service. It brings a sense of mindfulness and reflection, Massie said. The kickoff event for this year’s Big Event will be hosted in Hendricks Chapel, a central location on campus that houses the Office of Community Engagement. There will also be a “breakdown” after the main event to encourage participants to
stay involved in community service rather than volunteer in The Big Event for a few hours and never return. “We live on a very secluded campus,” Patnaik said, “and I think it’s important to embrace this opportunity and go out and learn and gain more perspective on the outside community.”
of FibreFree. Omo-Lamai said one of the things she learned the most was tenacity and being able to follow through with an idea. “It’s an approach to problem-solving as opposed to a body of knowledge about solving problems,” Keppler said. He also added that the duo shared a complete lack of business knowledge as they ventured into student startups. They received help from the Science and Technology Center at the College of Law and the Blackstone LaunchPad. Linda Hartsock, executive director of SU’s
Blackstone LaunchPad, reached out to Keppler and Omo-Lamai last summer when she saw FibreFree’s potential to turn into a business venture. Hartsock said the best ventures are cross-disciplinary, and that any invention without a path to market “is just a good idea.” To commercialize FibreFree, Keppler and Omo-Lamai had to learn a variety of legal and business knowledge such as license strategy, economic models, fixed and variable costs and operating budget, Hartsock said. “You have to balance all of your responsi-
bilities while also trying to learn this entire other field of operations,” Keppler said. Their next step is to secure seed money to pay for independent third-party testing that will validate FibreFree’s function. They will also need to re-submit the provisional patent application before it expires in June. FibreFree has won funds from the RvD iPrize at the School of Information Studies and the Impact Prize competition at the Blackstone LaunchPad.
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studio every tuesday in p u l p @dailyorange april 17, 2018
Seattle soul
The Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio, known for genre-melding sounds, to perform in Syracuse
(FROM LEFT) GUITARIST JIMMY JAMES, ORGANIST DELVON LAMARR AND DRUMMER DAVID MCGRAW comprise the jazz-soul group, which will perform at Funk ‘n Waffles on Thursday. courtesy of delvon lamarr organ trio
By Tighe Gugerty
staff writer
he Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio, a Seattle-based group that creates a blend of jazz and soul, is about to embark on its first nationwide tour. The Daily Orange spoke with frontman Delvon Lamarr to discuss the band’s formation, its influences and what the group members are excited to eat on tour. The trio will perform at Funk ‘n Waffles on South Clinton Street on Thursday. The Daily Orange: How would you describe yourself to people who’ve never heard your music? Delvon Lamarr: We have a really big kind of soul and soul-jazz feel to us. So, people into the old Motown … things like that, like Otis Redding. Kind of the Stax, not Motown but Stax Records. Booker T. & the M.G.’s, Otis Redding, The Meters. We still have a new-school feel to us as well, people like Soulive and The New Mastersounds. We cross a lot of spectrums. The D.O.: Could you talk about your new album? D.L.: The album itself is a reissue. We self-released it a couple of years ago. When we recorded that album, we didn’t plan on recording. We got a message from a studio engineer buddy of ours asking if we wanted to record. So, we went to the studio and a lot of the songs were figured out there. We were playing a weekly gig at this club in Seattle called The Royal Room, where we would just jam and create things on the spot. When we got to the studio some of these songs weren’t even finished, and we finished them once we got to the studio. It kind of blossomed from there. The D.O.: Is improvisation a big aspect of your music, then? D.L.: It is. It’s the jazz aspect of what we do. It has a strong soul feel as kind of the predominant thing that stands up, but it’s all improvisational.
It has the same jazz format with melodies and improvised solos. The D.O.: As a group, how has your sound evolved? D.L.: The songs are the same, but we have a certain (spontaneity) to our playing. We were just talking about it the other day while listening to the album. Between me and Jimmy James, we have such a musical chemistry, and our musical backgrounds — the stuff we grew up listening to — is pretty much identical. Sometimes we’ll be playing a tune, and he’ll break off and start playing something familiar mid-song. I’m always listening, so I hear what he’s doing and I jump right in, and David McGraw jumps right in it. We can take one song, change it into another and change it back into the same song. We never know what we are going to do, it just happens.
Number of cities the organ trio will visit on its tour
The D.O.: How did you get started playing
the keys? D.L.: Actually, I started off playing trumpet and drums. I’ve been playing (those) probably since the seventh grade. I didn’t start playing the organ until I was about 22 or 23. … I got a call to play drums in this organ trio, and it was the first time I had seen anybody play the organ outside of the pastor’s wife at church. So when I started, I listened to the organ player and thought, “This is dope.” I had never heard anything like it. We had been playing for a year about once a week, and one day a drummer comes in and sits in
on drums. I asked if I could play the organ, and we played some blues. I played as if I had played the organ forever, foot pedals and all. I pretty much learned organ by watching. The D.O.: How would you describe your live shows? D.L.: Our live shows are heartfelt, they are intense. ... It’s pretty much every emotion you can possibly have. We got the soul for the souls, we got the jazz for the jazzers, we got the rock ‘n’ roll for the rock ‘n’ rollers. We appeal to pretty much every demographic. We’ve played rock clubs, jazz clubs, and the response is the same. They dig. The D.O.:How did the trio form? D.L.: The trio was actually formed by my wife, Amy Novo. I’d been playing on the scene in Seattle for a long time, with different bands and stuff. For one reason or another, even though they were really good bands, they just fell apart. People go off and do things in other bands, nobody was really committed. … My wife got tired of me complaining about these not going anywhere. She told me, “You get the musicians in the room, and I’ll do everything else.” That’s how it formed. She did all the work. We just wrote music and played it. All of our success so far is her. The D.O.: Are there any cities you look forward to visiting? D.L.: All of them. Like I said, I’ve never been anywhere. All this stuff is new to me, and I’m really looking forward to seeing the differences between cities. One thing I’m really excited to do is eat. I’m not a big boy, but I can put them away, I’ll tell you that. Every city and state has their food item they are known for, and that’s one of the things I’m looking forward to. I want to find what each city is known for and find the best place everyone is talking about, and I got to try it at least once. Music ain’t even the most exciting part — the food is right now.
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april 17, 2018 11
Shkudun looks ahead to coaching after playing career By KJ Edelman staff writer
Anna Shkudun walked off the court with tears running down her face. It was her final home match for Syracuse, and she had won. Behind all of the excitement and emotions after she clinched the win for the Orange in a 7-5, 6-2 win against Notre Dame on Sunday, one thought filled Shkudun’s mind: her future. Coming in to SU an SHKUDUN experienced international prospect, Shkuden looked to a potential future as a professional player. In 2016, she became the first SU player invited to the NCAA tournament since 1996. But Shkudun dealt with pain in her left knee, leading to a surgery in November 2016. Shkudun, who still wears a knee brace durfrom page 12
renovations “The Arena,” a book about sports stadiums. They can also be a revenue source. Popp said Chicago’s United Center learned to profit from the Michael Jordan statue outside the venue. Staffers noticed that busloads of visitors stopped solely to see Jordan’s statue, so they decided to monetize it. There is a coffee shop and merchandise shop nearby, from which they drive revenue. For Syracuse, Johnson said statues of famous figures in the university could be effective, including people such as head men’s basketball coach Jim Boeheim. Not to mention, a Hall of Fame or similar exterior experience outside of sports venues can be effective. “The walk-up becomes part of the experience,” said Brian David Johnson, a professor of practice at Arizona State’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society. “Outside the venue, food trucks and mobile bars on game days become an experience in itself. The Quad could be an area to explore for more entertainment options.”
The interior
The trend nationwide hinges on open-air, open-concourse and natural-light-filled facilities. They have extensive food options, gift shops, bars and, sometimes, swimming pools (EverBank Field) and barbershops (Barclays Center). Several experts suggested that from page 12
tooker meets or how to bounce back from hard workouts. Colin Bennie and the other senior distance runners also set an example for Tooker to follow. “It’s leading by example more than anything,” Bennie said. “It’s showing him how to act on these trips and, by proxy, he goes and tells the other guys about it, so on trips that we’re not on or when he’s hanging with the younger guys, he can show them what’s up.” Now, Knight is preparing to move on from Syracuse along with his fellow distance-running seniors Philo Germano, Andy Paladino and Bennie. Knight and Fox agree that Tooker will have to step up next year in the seniors’ absence, but he will not be alone: Juniors Kevin James and Simon Smith will likely lead with Tooker. There is no blueprint on how to recover from page 12
martin focused on offense. “I used to make fun of him that he couldn’t guard his own shadow,” Jefferson Martin said. But when Martin came to Syracuse in 2015, there were 16 offensive midfielders and only a handful of defensive midfielders. He saw that as an opportunity to contribute earlier, he said. During his 2016 freshman season, Martin redshirted and spent practices working on his short-stick defense, a role that he wasn’t completely used to. But he also continued to practice facing off. Martin switched to a long-pole defender last season, but still
ing matches, struggled in 2017, posting a 2-13 singles record. Her dream of becoming a professional tennis player was crushed. To stay in the game, she decided to take up coaching. “Unfortunately, I do not have any components to help me play professionally because of my knee,” Shkudun said, “I would have to start everything from scratch, and I can’t do that anymore. I’m not the first singles player I was.” Shkudun knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life around tennis, so she looked for other options. Shkudun was upfront with herself, she said, and made a personal decision to skip the professional tennis scene. “Coaching was my second plan,” Shkudun said, “I knew I wouldn’t play tennis my whole life anyways, so it’s just going to happen a little earlier than I expected.” Shkudun started to observe what it really takes to be a “good coach,” looking at what was working for her teammates and mixed the qualities of her coaches at SU to create her
own coaching style. SU head coach Younes Limam brings more of a strategic approach to matches, while volunteer assistant coach Len Lopoo focuses on positive reinforcement to gear players in the right direction. Shkudun narrowed it down to four qualities: intensity, support, energy and positivity. “She’s gonna tell you not what you want to hear,” junior Libi Mesh said, “but what you need to hear.” The same authenticity that led Shkudun to bypass a professional career has rubbed off on her teammates. While Shkudun said she has to change her perspective from a collegiate tennis player to a coach, Mesh believes Shkudun acts as a player-coach for the team already. When Mesh first arrived to SU, the same year as Shkudun, Mesh struggled to cope with the new environment. “She made me realize to enjoy the little things in life,” Mesh said, “She cares so much and speaks from the heart. I can’t wait for her
to continue it on.” After SU won against then-No. 3 Georgia Tech on April 1, Shkudun interviewed to coach at a tennis club outside of New York City. The meeting in Drumlins Country Club lasted more than two hours and she was ultimately offered a position to coach players of all ages. For the first part of the interview, Limam spoke on her behalf. “I just told them about how much she has a passion for tennis,” Limam said, “She doesn’t do it because she has to do it, so it was pretty obvious to support her on this decision.” As Shkudun’s tenure as a member of the Orange dwindles, the graduate student wants to leave her options open but knows tennis will be a part of her life for a long time. Though coaching was not her initial plan, Shkudun believes her decision is the right one. “I get to help people reach their potential, and I get to stay in tennis,” Shkudun said. “It’s everything I want.”
removing the cinder-block walls between the playing surface and the main concourse could open up the arena while allowing fans to watch the game as they stand in line for food. “It’s a bit like jail in these old stadiums,”
needs of most fans, he said. Experts didn’t agree on whether improved seating would lead to more ticket sales. Stadiums are reducing the number of seats to add more luxury boxes and sections, said Robert Malekoff, a lecturer at North Carolina’s School of Exercise and Sport Science. Luxury boxes are a key revenue driver for many athletic departments and front offices. In 2005, Courtside seats were introduced for SU men’s basketball games to combat drying up Big East revenue. They now offer the university about $2 million per year in revenue. “It’s not uncommon to reduce the number of actual seats in the venue and add more luxury seating,” Malekoff said. “The Dome would be a little unique in that it’s the only show in town. But luxury box seats? I would be absolutely stunned if that wasn’t part of the priority of a renovation there.”
one another. “WiFi is a deal breaker,” Kohan said. “If you don’t have fast WiFi, you’ll hear about that.”
That’s how you get them to commit and go again. It may not be because of that touchdown, but because of that smashed avocado toast. Thilo Kunkel
temple assistant manager of sport management
Johnson said. “You can’t leave the seats. You can’t watch the game. It’s closing everybody off. We need a free-flowing experience.” But Kohan said opening up the concourse could be expensive and difficult to complete. Older facilities such as the former Yankee Stadium, or the Dome, could embrace the contrast of walking from a dark concourse to bright seating area and playing surface. Kohan also recommended segmenting arenas, or creating miniature “neighborhoods.” Dividing concourse areas to appeal to children, working professionals and loyal, older fans fulfills the after graduating the best distance runner in the nation. Fox says the post-Knight era will be different, but it won’t be a transition year and SU should still contend with Tooker as the top option. “We’ll have a really young team,” Fox said. “But with Aidan and Noah (Affolder) and Nathan (Henderson) and Joe Dragon and Dominic Hockenbury … That’s a team that should be top-15, maybe top-10 in the country.” Tooker is already following in Knight’s footsteps because of their similarities –– both highly touted recruits didn’t redshirt their freshman years and exceeded expectations. They both have a seemingly interminable stash of energy and tend to have a silly side foiling their intense race-day demeanors. “I see a lot of myself in him,” Knight said. “I just hope that I can take some of the stuff he’s passed down to me,” Tooker said.
worked in the “sandbox” — SU’s faceoff practice area — with specialists Ben Williams and Danny Varello. Now back to short-stick defense, Martin has wowed his team in crucial situations, assistant coach Lelan Rogers said. Entering this season, Martin became the short-stick defender on SU’s man-down defense. As the lone short-stick, Martin has to play “quarterback.” He has to see the rest of the field and communicate with his long poles where they need to slide. Against then-No. 7 Notre Dame, SU’s mandown defense held the Fighting Irish scoreless in all eight of its opportunities. What makes Martin so useful on the man-down is his offball ability, vision and lacrosse IQ.
If given five minutes to consult with an athletic department, Temple assistant professor of sport management Thilo Kunkel would keep his message simple: upgrade the WiFi. The wireless network OrangeHotspot was installed in 2013 inside the Dome. In the summer of 2016, SU upgraded WiFi speeds, as well as video boards and scoreboards. Fans may be accustomed to fast WiFi speeds at venues such as Yankee Stadium and New Era Field, Johnson said, and faster speeds allow them to post on social media while interacting with
A walk around Walt Disney World’s Epcot Theme Park takes a visitor around the world, where various food options are offered. It’s an element that has translated to sports venues, said experts including Popp. The idea is to provide as many options as possible to satisfy fans, including the growing gluten-free and vegan crowds. To appeal to casual fans, Kunkel advises more craft beer, regional food and healthy options. He said rather than sell traditional hot dogs, sell a New York hot dog. And rather than selling generic beer, sell craft beers brewed in central New York. “That’s how you can get fans who are not there for the football but because they are tagging along,” Kunkel said. “That’s how you get them to commit and go again. It may not be because of that touchdown, but because of that smashed avocado toast.” As football games lengthen, Johnson said fans are growing accustomed to viewing the game from their seats. Small, themed restaurants and cafes along the perimeter of venues can attract guests to view the game from areas other than their seat. Improvements to Carrier Dome concessions, experts said, is a relatively small-scale investment that can make fans want to come back for the food alone. | @Matthewgut21
JUSTYN KNIGHT (FAR LEFT) AND AIDAN TOOKER (FAR RIGHT) were two of SU’s top runners. Tooker will lead the team next year. courtesy of su athletics
“He can see things before they happen,” said teammate Nick DiPietro, who also plays on the man-down unit. “Martin already knows where people are going, and he can point that out.” Against the Fighting Irish, the coaches decided against playing their typical zone with Martin in the middle. They wanted him to faceguard Mikey Wynne, who is tied for the UND lead in man-up goals. Wynne did not shoot a single time on the man-up. “Nick’s a very intelligent player,” Rogers said. “He’s the smartest player on the team GPA-wise (4.0 in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management), and he plays that way on the field.”
Against Army, Martin wasn’t supposed to play due to a shoulder injury. But in double overtime he was called on to help the man-down unit prevent an Army gamewinner. SU killed the penalty and won in the next overtime. As the season has progressed, Martin’s role on the team has grown, and so has his recognition. Martin and his family received dozens of phone calls, texts and emails from other family, friends, former coaches and even some Syracuse lacrosse alumni after Su’s win over Duke, Martin said. “He’ll do some things we don’t even coach sometimes that makes us look like geniuses,” Rogers said.
Player coach
Falling down
Anna Shkudun hopes to turn to coaching after her playing days end with Syracuse tennis. See page 11
Syracuse women’s lacrosse fell for the second-straight week in the Inside Lacrosse poll. See
Banded together Learn the story behind Syracuse men’s lacrosse player Jamie Trimboli’s calf band. See Wednesday’s paper @dailyorange april 17, 2018 • PAG E 12
What should be done?
track and field
Tooker next man up for SU By Danny Emerman staff writer
Aidan Tooker wasn’t just racing Virginia Tech’s Peter Seufer. He was chasing the man everyone chases: Justyn Knight. Tooker, a sophomore, dusted Seufer, but only after Knight crossed the finish line for gold in the 3000-meter race at the ACC Championships on Feb. 23. Seconds after, Tooker secured second place and embraced Knight in a watershed moment for the SU track and field program. Knight, the greatest runner in SU’s history, is set to graduate this spring and is passing the metaphoric torch. Tooker, who sees Knight and other graduating seniors as mentors, is prepared to lead the program next year as the top runner, he said. The Syracuse University Board of Trustees will discuss replacing the roof of the Carrier Dome at its May meeting. Sports-business experts said there are other ways the university could improve the fan experience at the Dome. daily orange file photo
Experts say stronger WiFi, local food and more beer could make the Carrier Dome a better venue are some of their ideas on how SU could make the facility a better place.
By Matthew Gutierrez senior staff writer
The roof and exterior
ith a decision to come by late spring on the Carrier Dome roof, per Syracuse Director of Athletics John Wildhack, The Daily Orange asked several sports-business experts how the university could spruce up the venue. Their insight is based on industry best practices, trends across the college athletics landscape and research of their own. Most experts agreed an air conditioning system would be costly and probably not worth the investment. Experts also said the same in regards to a retractable roof. Nonetheless, the Dome, built in 1980, is a key piece of the Syracuse skyline and one of the most recognizable structures in central New York. Here
Experts suggested creating an open concourse to improve the fan experience. jessica sheldon staff photographer
A new or recently renovated roof will not drive fans to the game, said Nels Popp, an assistant professor of sport administration at North Carolina. But a welldesigned roof contributes to the overall fan experience in that it contains the sound better, which would only add to the Dome’s nickname, “The Loud House.” Beyond the roof, five experts agreed that a relatively cheap addition with a high payout would be exterior signage. A large “S” plastered on the stadium’s wall could be read from Interstate 81. Another orange “S” on the ground could function as a destination for visitors and a meeting spot for fans before games. Such signage gives fans a “sense of place and arrival,” said Rafi Kohan, author of see renovations page 11
men’s lacrosse
Martin contributes on faceoffs, man-down By Matt Liberman staff writer
Susan Martin cried tears of joy in the stands of Koskinen Stadium at Duke. Sitting next to SU defender Marcus Cunningham’s parents, she hollered as her son Nick won faceof f after faceoff in the fourth quarMARTIN ter, sparking Syracuse’s comeback over thenNo. 3 Duke. About 825 miles away, Nick Martin’s brother Jeff’s phone
was blowing up with texts from Susan. Jeff waded through the crowds of Ultra Music Festival in Miami to see his brother’s highlights from the end of SU’s win. But for Martin, entering his first career ACC game down by two in the fourth quarter, winning five straight faceoffs was business as usual. “Any time my number is called I just try to be ready and fortunately we got a lot of good bounces,” Martin said. “I just had to keep the ball down for 3-5 seconds. It was a really big win for us as a team.” While the rest of SU’s faceoff specialists combined for 7-of-27 at
the faceoff X, Martin went perfect in the game’s final five minutes. Martin has entered games in tough situations all season. As a backup faceoff specialist and the short-stick defender on No. 9 Syracuse’s (7-4, 4-0 Atlantic Coast) man-down unit, Martin is often called on sporadically to give his team a lift. And almost always, he has delivered. Through 11 games, Martin is 8-for-11 at the faceoff X. While the bulk of his minutes have come on the man-down unit, he occasionally faces off — even though many people told him he would never do so in college, Susan said. In high school, Martin took
faceoffs for Detroit Country Day School (Michigan) all four years. Although he holds his high school’s record for faceoff wins, Martin’s only season as a specialist came during his freshman year. He hated just taking faceoffs and not being involved in other parts of the game. But he wanted to play and did whatever he could to see the field, his father Jefferson Martin said. That is part of the reason why Martin plays the short-stick on the man-down unit. In high school, Martin technically played offense and defense. But like most highschool midfielders, he said he see martin page 11
Tooker finished seventh at the 2018 ACC Indoor Championships, 25 seconds behind Justyn Knight who won the race
“I’ve just been doing my best to take him under my wing because this is my last year here and it’s truly his team after I go,” Knight said. The night before the 3000 meter, Tooker labored through the 5000meter race. He finished in seventh place, 25 seconds behind Knight, the winner. Tooker said Knight told him, “Even the best of the best aren’t always on.” SU head coach Chris Fox said he expects Tooker to be the best runner on the cross country team next year and hopefully an All-American in both cross country and track. By winning silver in the 3000 at ACCs, Tooker proved he is “where he should be at the moment.” “It was nice to see Aidan fulfill the promise that we thought he had,” Fox said. “To tell you the truth, we expected that. Anything less than that would have been disappointing.” Tooker runs the 1500 meter, the 3000 and the 5000. But he specializes in the steeplechase, a distance event involving hurdles and puddle obstacles. He won silver in last year’s NCAA outdoor 3000-meter steeplechase with one of the fastest times ever recorded by a freshman. Tooker perfects his steeplechase skills on casual post-workout jogs, where he loves to hurdle anything in his path. Knight calls him a “ball of energy.” “Aidan loves jumping over stuff,” Knight said. “Sometimes I’ll tell him, ‘Hey, you gotta let your legs rest.’ Or ‘Maybe don’t jump over that trash can because you might miss it and injure yourself.’ Little stuff like that.” Knight has taken on a big brother role with Tooker by providing advice about how to handle himself during see tooker page 11