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Diversity committee

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The Daily Orange Board of Directors, which consists of D.O. alumni and current and former D.O. staffers, formed the diversity committee in 2020 as a permanent committee on the board. Each semester, the committee conducts a staff demographic survey and tracks the diversity of the paper’s content before compiling the findings in a diversity report and publishing it after the semester ends. The committee will share each diversity report with the editorial staff and board and will publish a diversity report at least once each academic year.


Committee membership

The editor-in-chief and managing editor serve as co-chairs of the diversity committee. All voting student members and at least one alumni member of The D.O.’s Board of Directors are required to be on the committee. The spring 2021 staff and management team contributed to the report by gathering and compiling data on the diversity of The D.O.’s content. The spring 2021 management team also conducted a demographic survey of the spring 2021 staff for this report. All D.O. contributors and editors are also welcome to join the committee and provide recommendations for improvement.

The members of the diversity committee are as follows:

Spring 2021

Richard J Chang, student board member Casey Darnell, editor-in-chief KJ Edelman, digital managing editor Stacy Fernández, alumni board member Emma Folts, managing editor Amy Nakamura, student board member Talia Trackim, student board member

Fall 2021

Cori Dill, student board member Stacy Fernández, alumni board member Mandy Kraynak, managing editor Katie McInerney, alumni board member Marnie Muñoz, student board member Mark Nash, advertising manager Emily Steinberger, editor-in-chief Abby Weiss, digital managing editor Tyler Youngman, student board member

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