1 minute read

A message from Finance Manager, Josh Trenchard

Hey! My name is Josh Trenchard and I am the Finance Manager for the Fall semester of 2022. I study Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences with an interest in foreign politics and markets. This is my second semester at the Daily Pennsylvanian but my first as Finance Manager. When I first joined last semester, the finance department was in a sort of ‘beta test run’, if you will. I, alongside another student, were selected to work with the Business Manager and various professional staff in order to tackle the project of the semester – a comprehensive budget for FY23. I was able to learn a lot about the finances and how the company operates, and I have taken all of that experience (along with much trial and error) and have been using it to run a finance department with eight dedicated analysts. With all of the extra manpower, we are freed to take up some more interesting projects, while also making sure that everyone is trained in the necessary dayto-day skills of company operations. Right now I have our team split into two groups; one that is working on analyzing the pay structure for managers and editors at other collegiate newspapers in order to present to the business and executive boards on how we might want to amend our pay structure, and the other is working with myself and Steven Molberger (our Director of Development) on drafting a budget for the new building we hope to acquire. I am excited to see the future of this team and hope that managers that follow can expand the department even further, while keeping the top applicants engaged and content with working and contributing to the Daily Pennsylvanian!

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