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Through achieving an innovative club culture that values industry best practice, clubs proactively support their members and wider community by implementing measures to reduce harm. By going above and beyond, clubs exceed the expectations of their members. When a proactive mindset is implemented, community needs are heard and community values respected, clubs increase their stakeholder engagement. Stakeholder engagement is achieved through providing reassurance to members and the general public that measures are in place to support safe gambling practices that focus on harm minimisation and not just basic compliance. Achieving positive stakeholder engagement amongst patrons is critical to building rapport with members and building a strong community-based reputation.
Clubs are built upon our local communities, listening to their needs, and consequently providing offerings that contribute to driving our communities further. In listening to our communities, clubs are given direction to innovate and diversify to continue to grow and succeed. A rising concern in our communities is the social impact of gaming entertainment. Industry-wide there is increasing pressure for the Club industry to implement proactive measures that minimise gaming harm towards patrons and their families.
The Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) course has been developed by Liquor and Gaming NSW to give senior staff the advanced knowledge, confidence and practical skills required to effectively interact with patrons, and the leadership skills required to competently guide and support junior staff in creating a safe gambling environment. Throughout the course, individuals learn to strengthen their interpersonal skills to enable them to effectively anticipate, prevent and manage high intensity situations involving angry, aggressive, distressed, or suicidal patrons and concerned family members.
Advanced RCG provides venues with the opportunity to be proactive in training their staff with the resources required to identify the signs of problem gambling and assist patrons and their families in seeking assistance to minimise harm. Clubs have a responsibility for the social effects that their business activities may have on their patrons and the general public. By implementing a proactive approach which focuses on harm minimisation, Clubs can achieve compliance as well as fostering a safe gaming culture in their venue. This demonstrates a Club’s commitment to their members’ wellbeing and achieves industry best practice.
By placing innovation and best practice at the forefront of mind, clubs become more sustainable over the long term as patrons are more likely to return if they are confident that the venue provides a safe gambling environment. In addition, having an innovative and proactive approach to gambling builds a positive reputation within local communities that clubs are socially responsible businesses who are aware of potential social and environmental impacts their activities may have, and do their best to minimise any associated harm. This also contributes to wider community acceptance of the gambling industry, as the industry is seen to be socially responsible. Businesses and industries that achieve best practice and are deemed socially responsible experience long term sustainability and financial viability as they become well respected and trusted places of entertainment.
The Advanced RCG course is suitable for senior staff including gaming floor managers and supervisors along with any other staff that hold their RCG standard course competency and are interested in improving their knowledge and skills in managing difficult situations. The course explores how to identify, approach, and assist patrons showing signs of problematic gambling behaviour, report patrons to appropriate support services (including self-exclusion), understand and apply key conflict resolution strategies and lead and support a culture of responsible gambling and proactive harm minimisation. The course is delivered face to face which takes 6 hours (excluding breaks) and can be attended by individuals or group training facilitated in your venue.