Street: In the Service of All Nations

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Thursday november 12, 2015

The Daily Princetonian

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IN THE SERVICE OF ALL NATIONS In honor of Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11, Street dedicates its issue to the Princeton community’s personal, intellectual and historical relationship with war. We spoke to four current students who have served or plan to serve in the military about their experiences there and how they’ve informed their times on campus.


hen they were in the military, Max Kim ’16, Michael Liao ’17 and Ann Thompson GS began each day hours before the typical college student gets out of bed. Kim, who spent 25 months between his freshman and sophomore years in the Republic of Korea Air Force, would wake up at 6 a.m., report for roll call and go for a 30-minute jog before reporting to the logistics command office where he worked. Liao, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps for five years before starting at Princeton in 2013, generally rose at 5 or 6 a.m. for an hour of physical training with his unit — except when he was deployed to the field, in which case, he said, “you’re essentially on call 24 hours a day, and you just try to work in your sleep and chow schedule as you can.” Thompson, who got out of the U.S. Army in August after four years as a military intelligence officer, had to be up in time for physical training at 6 or 6:30 a.m., followed by formation and an hour and a half of working out; on deployment in Afghanistan, she would be reading reports and setting the day’s agenda for herself and her soldiers by 7 a.m., seven days a week. On training days, a senior cadet in Princeton’s Army ROTC battalion whom we spoke to (who asked that her name not be used as a precautionary conf lict-zone safety measure) is also starting training by 6:30 a.m. The cadet will be joining the Army after graduation; like Thompson, she hopes to be a military intelligence officer. Just because the three veterans are no longer in active

service doesn’t mean they’ve left those early mornings behind, however. When asked how their military experiences have inf luenced their time on campus, all four students agreed that discipline has translated to skills that are important in an academically demanding environment like the University. “Time management — that’s a challenge that every student has to face here, but you have a fair skill at it, having to deal with it in the military, especially if you’re a leader of troops,” Liao said. “You have to incorporate that, otherwise you’re going to flounder in the military.” At the University, because of the “mental atrophy” from the five-year gap in his education, “sometimes I need to struggle more over subjects and assignments that may come more naturally to my peers,” Liao wrote in a post-interview follow-up email. “[B]ut I always try to compensate … by being proactive in working ahead whenever possible.” Kim echoed Liao’s appreciation of time management skills, which Kim cultivated while in the ROK Air Force. “I wake up at 7 a.m., even now, and I go to the gym every morning,” he said. He also added that his two years in the ROK Air Force helped him become more “mentally and physically mature,” and he is more motivated in the classroom than he was in his freshman year. The students have gained new perspective in other areas as well. In international relations and policy classes, “having a background in tactics and the military, and looking to the future as a military member — I think it gives me a unique perspective in the sense that

it really challenges me to ask questions and be really active about what the country’s doing, why it’s doing it,” the ROTC cadet said. “I think the perspective part is big,” Thompson said. “Certain things just don’t really faze veterans in the same way.” She added that the leadership experience she gained from positions that had her overseeing over 100 personnel and millions of dollars’ worth of equipment was invaluable. “It’s almost ridiculous to say it, but I kind of despise the person I would have become if it weren’t for the military,” Liao said. “I think I would have had much less bias toward action, would have been much less decisive and assertive.” These students’ reasons for joining the military are much more varied. For Kim, as for all South Korean men, military service in the ROK Armed Forces is a requirement for citizenship. Liao, on the other hand, signed up for the U.S. Marines — a choice of branch he made “because it seemed to be the toughest branch,” he said over email — and originally intended to attend college before serving. After his high school graduation, however, in part because of the ongoing “War on Terror” and in part because he “needed to take a sabbatical from academia,” he decided to go into the Marines first. The senior cadet first thought about joining the military when, as a middle-schooler, she attended a cousin’s graduation from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. “From that day on, I was like, ‘I’m going to go to West Point,’ ” she said — and she almost did. “I saw [the military] very much as an opportunity to have more of an effect with my talent,” she

added, “as a way of to do more than I could do by myself.” Thompson, too, framed her decision to join the military as a way to make an impact. “I wanted to serve in some way, especially during a time of war,” she said. “I felt like I’d had a lot of opportunities given to me by virtue of being an American citizen, as cheesy as that sounds. I wanted to give back in some small way, if I could.” When she began her undergraduate career at Stanford, she decided to give ROTC a try and ended up sticking with it all four years, commissioning in the Army after graduation. The path forward also looks very different for these four students. Kim, an economics major, does not plan on returning to military service. “In Korea, since everyone does military service, it’s not a profession that people pursue,” he said. “It’s a bit different compared to the American military, where if you’re a military veteran, or if you serve in the military, people respect you.” Thompson, who is working toward her Master in Public Affairs at the Wilson School, is eager to explore other work in public service, perhaps in the U.S. Department of State. When asked if he would return to the Marines, Liao was open to the possibility: “There are aspects of the job that are really terrible, and you swear you’re never going to go back, but then there’s other aspects like the brotherhood, [and] being compensated for being physically fit isn’t a bad deal either… I think the brain selectively remembers the good parts.” At the same time, as an electrical engineering major, he is also interested in moving to the Bay Area or to Texas

to work in computer architecture. The cadet, a Near Eastern Studies major who speaks Arabic, French, and some Persian, is commissioning in the Army; she hopes to eventually deploy to the Middle East. Right now, Liao is the only undergraduate at Princeton who is a veteran of the U.S. military. Among graduate students, there’s still only a small population of veterans or active-duty officers, mostly concentrated in the Wilson School. Liao would like to see that change. “A lot of people in the military [have] sort of established a glass ceiling for themselves, thinking, ‘Well, Princeton’s an Ivy League school, so that’s probably out of my league,’ or ‘My G.I. Bill’s not going to cover that,’ ” he said. “You’ve got to somehow motivate people in the service right now to look more at this school.” Thompson agreed: “It’d be nice to see more veterans on campus, especially in the undergrad population. I think it’s valuable having the ROTC program here,” she said. “It fosters more engagement between cadets and civilians.” The ROTC cadet, who has noticed she receives more attention when she walks around campus in uniform, echoed what Thompson said. Sometimes, she gets interesting remarks about the significance of being female in the military — but mostly, she said, “I see it as an opportunity to have a conversation with people, get to know people.” “That’s one of the things I love about Princeton, the wide variety of people that are here, and getting to know all of them,” she said. “It’s almost an excuse to do so, so I think it’s a good thing.”


The Daily Princetonian

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Thursday november 12, 2015

UNFAMILIAR STREET Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Japan LIN KING

Street Editor ‘Unfamiliar Street’ is a column series in which we take you around the world and introduce you to a cool STREET far from the well-trod gravel of Prospect Avenue. first learned about the bombing of Hiroshima in the ninth grade. We were assigned John Hersey’s “Hiroshima,” a long-form article that follows six survivors as they navigate the horrific aftermath of the atomic bomb. The article told of a city completely leveled, of all-engulfing fires, of dying infants, of severed breasts, of burnt skin melting off of faces and limbs. The images made a deeper impression on me than did most things from my high school education. I thought I knew about Hiroshima — what had happened, what had followed. This fall break, I had the opportunity to visit Hiroshima for the first time with ART 429: Visual Japan, Past and Present. Prior to our trip, my professor had assigned Hersey’s book as well as the first volume of “Barefoot Gen,” a renowned autobiographical manga of one survivor’s childhood after the bomb. I had thought myself prepared for the descriptions of suffering and of gore — prepared, albeit in a cursory sense, for the “facts.” Nevertheless, the Hiroshima

examined the rainbows of cranes, we found ourselves surrounded by a group of Japanese elementary schoolchildren. At their teacher’s cue, the children began to recite pledges: pledges to be good to their parents, to value their friends, to recognize the importance of the people in their lives. This was followed by a song, one of the lines being, “The lives of my country’s peoples and other countries’ peoples are worth the same.” Behind them, LIN KING :: STREET EDITOR older children salute the statue and hold mo- View of the A-Bomb Dome through the monument arch of the Memorial Cenotaph. ments of silence. The remaining road arch that, when looked through design’s intention for visitors to the museum is no less satu- its center, aligns the Flame, to look back on all these monurated with such explicit saluta- the Children’s Peace Monu- ments seems intuitive. Yet the tions to peace — from the Peace ment and, all the way across distractions were endless: the Flame, lit in 1964 and which will the river, the A-Bomb Dome — sprawling crowds of visitors continue to burn until every the building closest to the hy- (despite it being a regular weeknuclear weapon in the world is pocenter of the explosion that day), the songs, the potent symdestroyed, to the Peace Foun- remained partially standing. bolism of each monument and tain, erected in honor of the The Dome has been kept in its the schoolchildren approaching burn victims’ requests for wa- half-ruined state for 70 years foreigners with their field trip ter, and finally to the Memo- now, and stands as a symbol for assignment, nervously asking rial Cenotaph near the center of reflection on the nation’s cata- in English for people’s homethe park. The Cenotaph, which strophic memories. towns and “peace messages” in holds the names of all those In hindsight, when approach- exchange for paper cranes. killed by the bomb, is covered ing a straight-edged boulevard Whatever the reason, the imby a saddle-shaped, concrete with an arch in its center, the age through the arch came as a shock. It is a shock that, even after writing all this, I have yet to fully digest. What does it mean to maintain a ruin as a ruin, a gaping wound in a healing city? What does it mean to condemn violence with images of the most extreme violence? How does one teach children to categorically promote “peace,” almost as a motto, and why don’t we see this more often? I have long been told that Hiroshima is a place that every person in the world should visit. In this sense, seeing it in person was somehow both underwhelming and overwhelming; I was not shaken to tears, like many have reported, but I was certainly shaken, and thoughtful, and will continue to be for LIN KING :: STREET EDITOR — the cliché is not used lightly Left: the path leading up to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, featuring the Cenotaph. Right: the statue at the top of the Children’s Peace Monument. here — the rest of my life.


Peace Memorial Park took me by utter surprise. The “street” I am writing about today has no name. It is a straight path, wide enough to be a boulevard in any large city, that leads from the northeast entrance of the over 1,300,000-square foot park to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. The long series of monuments begin at the northern end with what is known in English as the Children’s Peace Monument (the Japanese literally translates to “Statue of the Children of the Atomic Bomb”). The statue, which depicts a girl with a large origami crane above her, is based on the true story of Sadako Sasaki, a bombing victim who was only two years old in 1945 and suffered from no long-term symptoms until 1954, when she developed leukemia and died just one year later. Sadako’s belief that she would be cured if she folded 1,000 paper cranes became the origin for the now-universal connotation of peace found in paper cranes. Nowadays, Sadako’s statue is surrounded by thousands of paper cranes sent from all around the world, enclosed in an enclave of glass cases. (Some of the recycled cranes have been made into postcards that act as entrance tickets to the museum.) As we

SOC 250: The Western Way of War



ociology professor Miguel Centeno’s course, SOC 250: The Western Way of War, is an iconic course on campus. While the class is listed as a Historical Analysis distribution requirement, The Western Way of War is not simply a history course: according to the course registrar, the class offers a “historical and analytical overview of war focusing on the origins and consequences of organized violence, the experience of battle, the creation and behavior of warriors and the future of such conflicts.” The course is also one of the most popular lecture courses on

campus, with 282 students currently enrolled. “P​ut simply, war is seductive,” Zoë Rose Buonaiuto GS, a second year Ph.D. candidate in the history department and preceptor in the course, said in an email statement. “It has been such a central part of human history and societal change. In our collective historical consciousness, war dominated the 20th century in an unprecedented scale.” What, then, does the phrase “Western way of war” mean? In Centeno’s class, the “West” of the title is broadly defined to include parts of the classic Middle East, medieval and modern Western Europe, post-18​th century North America and post-­Meiji Restoration Japan. As for the concept of a Western way of war, much of the ideas in the course are derived from or motivated by Victor Davis Hanson’s 1989 book, “The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece.” In his book,​Hanson argued that the “Western way of war” is unparalleled in its effectiveness compared to non-­ Western war strategies, an argument that is one of many that the COURTESY OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY course examines. WhethProf. Miguel Centeno, Sociology Professor. er this particular form of

military conflict is a significant characteristic of Western Civilization is one of the many contemporary questions that motivate the class. “[Twenty-first] century warfare­­[from] 9/11 on­­has already differentiated itself, and I think students recognize they are bearing witness to an important period of change,” Buonaiuto said. Part of the central attraction to students taking the course, however, are Centeno’s lectures. “Professor Centeno’s lecturing style really makes the course come alive,” Buonaiuto said. “His enthusiasm is palpable in lecture, and he makes the material relatable and accessible, despite the horror.” Centeno’s style derives from a mastery of the material and a willingness to engage in a simultaneously meticulous, and but less scripted way. “I have taught the course enough times (10+) that I feel confident about covering the material and this allows me to be spontaneous in my lecture including discussion of latest scholarship I have read,” Centeno said, in an email statement. “It’s the best of both worlds: tried and true, but always evolving.” The course’s reading list is

diverse and spans thousands of years, ranging from ancient Greco-Roman cultural touchstones such as Homer’s “I​ liad” and Virgil’s “A​ eneid,” to​ Thomas E. Ricks’ work on the U.S. Marines, “M​aking the Corps.” “The syllabus is full of classics, but I’m most drawn to ‘T​ his Republic of Suffering’​ by Harvard historian and president Drew Gilpin Faust,” Buonaiuto said. “The book is a model for my own research on World War II military casualties, and I look to it often for inspiration.” Students are drawn COURTESY OF AMAZON to the course for a variety of reasons. Victor Davis Hanson’s 1989 book provides some Madelyn Baron ’18 de- of the basis for the course of the same name. cided to take the class to learn about conflicts in the course can be useful in many Middle East. contexts. “I wanted to learn more about “I think [the class] slows the conflict in the Middle East them to do two things: study a which will be learning about fascinating social phenomena last,” Baron said, in an email with which they are not familstatement. “I also have a military iar, and use this to discover unfamily and wanted to see what derappreciated aspects of their other perspectives on that are.” own lives and experiences,” In all, Centeno believes the Centeno said.

The Daily Princetonian

Thursday november 12, 2015

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PRINCETON AT WAR Princeton has been a campus integrally linked to America’s wars. In celebration of Veteran’s Day, we take a look back at moments from the Daily Princetonian archives during the two world wars. And yes, it’s true: Hitler rejected the Triangle Club.

AUGUST 15, 1945: The University celebrates Japan’s surrender and the official end to the Second World War.


Anne Thompson,

DECEMBER 9, 1920: U.S. President and former president of Princeton, Woodrow Wilson, class of 1879, is named the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

OCTOBER 31, 1917: Princeton students awarded with the French cross for their work in the Verdun sector.

MAY 9, 1945: Bells tolled for V-E Day, but University activities did not cease as they would for V-J Day three months later.

“A POWERFUL, IMPORTANT, TIMELY FILM.” Scott Mantz, Access Hollywood

OCTOBER 11, 1941: After the Triangle Show was pre-emptively banned from Nazi Germany for its anti-Nazi skits, the Triangle Club contacted Adolf Hitler for permission to tour the country out of curiosity. They received an “emphatic ‘no’” in response. MARCH 14, 1950: The 1950s saw a movement for people to “adopt” war orphans through remote financial support of $15 a month. James M. McCoy ’52 was only 20 when he became an honorary foster parent. Princeton undergraduates interested in adoption were encouraged to contact the Foster Parents’ Plan for War Children headquarters in New York City.



Triangle sets sail for “Tropic Blunder” Interviewed by

HARRISON BLACKMAN Associate Street Editor


his weekend, the Princeton Triangle Club will present its 125th musical comedy, “Tropic Blunder.” The show concerns the recipients of an all-expenses-paid island vacation, who have just so happened to win a soda company’s contest. When the island turns out to be cursed, Triangle’s particular brand of musical comedy ensues. To talk about the nauticalthemed adventure, Street sat down with Tori Rinker ’16, the president of Triangle. “Tropic Blunder” will run Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. in McCarter Theatre. Daily Princetonian: How does Triangle choose the theme of the show? Tori Rinker ’16: Our writers work under the supervision of two writing professionals, Pete Mills and Jeremy Desmond. The writers workshop and brainstorm and come up with different ideas for what the show could be this year. And once they decide, they write material for the show and

they’ll pitch it and sort of do a read-through of a draft of the script at Reunions of every year. Everyone in the club who’s there, plus the trustees, will get feedback, saying this worked, this didn’t work, and then they’ll take the summer to revise it and go from there. DP: What was challenging about this particular production? TR: I think what was different and exciting for us this year was that it was a book show, in that in the past it has been a musical upon a review, where it’s sort of like [Saturday Night Live] — there are sketches here, songs here, sketches here. In this one, the writers did a really wonderful job of having an entire plot the entire show, every single step. It was a little different from a plot, because it means we’re playing actual characters, we’re not sort of just copping



My partner and I are considering trying a cock ring, but we don’t quite know how it works. Do you know what it does and if it is safe? We’re hoping that it will be a fun, new addition to the bedroom.

— Trying to Put a Ring on It

Dear Trying,

Assuming that both you and your partner are interested, trying new things can be a great way to spice up sex. Cock rings, also known as “erection rings” or “tension rings,” are rings that are placed around the base of the penis/testicles, restricting blood from leaving the penis. Most often, these rings are used to sustain a longer erection, make an erect penis harder and larger, and delay and heighten pleasure during orgasm. However, every penis is different, so the experience varies from person to person. As with all sex toys, cock rings function effectively and safely when used properly. Cock rings encircle the shaft, and at times, fit over the shaft and the testicles/scrotum when the penis is not fully erect. The ring should only increase the size of the erection minimally and should not cause pronounced swelling. It is crucial that these rings are not worn too tightly or for more than 20 minutes, as they do restrict blood flow — leaving them on too long is unsafe and can cause

damage to the penile tissue. If there is any discomfort, pain or bruising, remove the ring immediately. Additionally, as with all sex toys, rings must be cleaned after each use to get rid of bacteria and lower the risk of Sexually Transmitted Infection transmission. A variety of cock rings are available to fit all preferences. Some can be found with vibrators for added stimulation, snaps for easy release, or even two-ringed to fit over the penis and the testicles. They can be made of many materials, including metal, silicone, leather and rubber. For rings that are not adjustable, the right size needs to be carefully picked to ensure a proper fit. For the less experienced, elastic materials are most common and are safer to use. The ideal cock ring is one that stays in place when the penis is flaccid, but can be slipped off easily or unsnap when the penis is erect. A water-based lubricant can be added to make putting on or taking off cock rings easier. Consider visiting a reputable sex toy shop, where the staff can help answer any questions you may have about which cock rings are best suited for your needs, safety and enjoyment. Some people use cock rings if they are experiencing problems getting and/ or maintaining an erection, or with premature ejaculation. However, not much research has been done on the effective-

TOP TEN Orange and Black Ball Considerations

characters from scene to scene, which just means you just get to know your character a little more. DP: What is the difference between the fall and spring shows? TR: The fall show is also a musical, it’s just the audience is more college-centered as opposed to everyone — family, friends, uncles, cousins — and just the way the schedule is. The spring show is a little more fun because it is a different audience which means we can get away with a little raunchier stuff. We do our staff transition at the end of January. So it’s kind of nice that everyone gets a show underneath their belt. DP: Are there any scenes we should look out for? TR: I love that there is a love story in this show. We haven’t had a love story in a couple years. I’m really excited, there’s this pop star character that was kind of based off Miley Cyrus. We just rehearsed that number, and the costumes, the dancing, the music — that’s the most fun for me because I’m also in it but I think it’s going to come together pretty well. Also the kick-line is scheduled as well. It’s also very colorful, the kick-line is. DP: [The kick-line is] pretty essential. TR: Yeah. It’s what we do.

ASK THE SEXPERT This week, we discuss cock rings. Dear Sexpert,


ness of cock rings for these issues. Before trying a cock ring for any of these reasons, it would be best to consult a medical provider. Such problems can be due to psychological, behavioral or physical issues. Stress related to school or anxiety about performance (in and out of the bedroom) can negatively impact sexual performance. Behavioral causes, such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption and underlying medical conditions (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain medications, etc.) can also contribute to erectile problems. Sexual Health and Wellness at McCosh Health Center has great clinicians who are willing to answer any questions you and your partner may have. As you explore your options, it’s important to continually talk to your partner about what is best for you both, as any decisions regarding your sexual relationship should be made together. Best of luck finding that perfect cock ring!

— The Sexpert

Interested in Sexual Health? The Sexpert is always looking for members of the community to join the team of sexual health educators who, along with fact-checking from University health professionals, help write these columns. Email for more information and questions about sexual health. Don’t be shy!


Whig-Clio Tiger statues vandalized yet again, as sacred guardians of Cannon Green, the Tigers demand sacrifice in retribution

of IRS at Cruz ’92 proposes dissolution annual presidential debate, proposes instead tribute of insincere folksiness

Trick-or-Feed raises $7,601, collects 760 non-perishable items, and 76 slightly creased Ivy passes on Princetoween

UMatter, TigerTransit to provide nighttime weekend bus service, with a monorail in the pipeline

Analysis shows Frist, MurrayDodge most popular places for free food distribution; proves that learning R was good for something

Princeton Neuroscience Network e approved as official, 24/7 neuro servic dedicated to finding missing or malfunctioning brains

1 3 5 7 9

“Casino Royale” is better than “Spectre”

2 4 6 8 10

But “Skyfall” is the best Yet there will be donuts

In a James Bond-themed dance

I’m confused

Live music, free food But James Bond and donuts

Also, Sam Smith sucks They better play Adele, (hello) When the sky falls, we’ll stand together

CAMPUS PICKS THEATER PRINCETON SOUTH ASIAN THEATRICS PRESENTS “THE TRUMP CARD” Wilson Blackbox Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday, 5 p.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. A few reasons why PSAT’s “The Trump Card” may be the best publicity campaign by student groups this semester: it has a topical component, and it poses Donald Trump in a position of meeting non-white foreigners who are, gosh forbid, successful. Adapted from Anubav Pal’s 2009 mockumentary “The President is Coming,” six young Indians vie to meet the President of the United States who, in what PSAT calls a “dystopian future,” is none other than Mr. Trump. Sounds like a foolproof recipe for funny!

DANCE EXPRESSIONS DANCE COMPANY PRESENTS “APEX” Frist Performance Theatre Friday, 9 p.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. eXpressions hasn’t, as far as we can find, explained the theme of its fall show, “APEX,” beyond an excellent pun about “reaching new heights.” From what we gather from past eXpressions shows and the promotional photos and videos, however, you can expect superhuman feats of flexibility, coordination, grace and some badass choreography. Buy your tickets early for a free eXp shot glass or some treats. Don’t miss out!


What better way to celebrate homecoming than to boo Yale in a respectful, culturally sophisticated way in the beautiful Richardson Auditorium? None that we can think of. Join the Princeton and Yale Glee Clubs for the 102 yearold tradition of the pre-game concert, featuring traditional choral repertoire from both groups as well as the Princeton and Yale football medleys. Don’t forget to bring your ‘Kale’ signs.


For the fifth year, HighSteppers will be hosting “Hit ‘Em with the Beats”, an annual step competition featuring teams from all over the Northeast United States. This year, the competition will include Temple University’s Ladies of Elegance, SUNY Albany’s Organized C.H.A.O.S., the Howard University Step team, Delaware State University’s iStep and REVELution Step, a collegiate team based in the D.C. area. The show will be one night only, with Princeton’s own HighSteppers opening and closing the event with their own sets.

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