10 minute read
Thanksgiving quiz


How to host virtual holiday celebrations e 2020 holiday season gures to be vastly di erent everyone gathered and gifts nearby so no one is scramthan seasons past. e novel coronavirus COVID-19 bling in and out of view. has transformed daily life in many ways. e public has Position the camera at eye level become accustomed to wearing masks while shopping, Try to set up the camera so you’re not looking up or limiting the number of people in public venues and down. Practice looking straight into the camera instead keeping their distance from friends and loved ones. of at yourself in the minimized window or even others Many events have been reimagined as virtual celebra- on the screen. is way you’ll appear engaged. tions because of social distancing protocols. For those Use mute when not speaking with large families or people with inherent risk factors Muting yourself (and encouraging others to do the that make them more susceptible to illness, sharing same) when you are not speaking will limit the amount the holidays over video conferencing apps may be the of background noise. As the host, serve as the modsafest way to go in 2020. erator and encourage everyone to speak one at a time. e following tips can help holiday hosts make the Choose a visual cue to signal when someone has the most of a virtual holiday experience. oor to speak, such as raising a hand or even showing Pick a bright, festive spot a festive picture. Set up your tablet, smartphone or computer in a bright Tune into virtual worship area with a festive backdrop. You’ll want others who While some places of worship have reopened to some join the virtual hangout to be able to see you clearly. A capacity, others may still be o ering hybrid services. Christmas tree or a decorated replace in the back- If your place of worship o ers services via YouTube ground can set the scene. or another video platform, gather around and watch Choose the right conferencing app together and participate just as if you were there in Certain programs may work better than others de- person. Better yet, share the link with other family and pending on your needs. For example, if everyone has friends so they can tune in as well. the same operating system platform (iOS or Android), Share dinner ‘together’ you may be able to use an app inherent to that system, Set up your camera source so it captures the holiday which won’t require a separate download or login. table. All parties gathering virtually can then sit down Apps also may be chosen depending on how many to the holiday meal as one and enjoy one of the seapeople can be invited in, as some set limits. Do your son’s more endearing traditions. homework and conduct a test run prior to the holidays. Virtual celebrations may continue through the holiday Keep props nearby season. Adapting with some video conferencing tips If the goal is to open gifts virtually, be sure to have can ensure everyone enjoys the festivities.

Arnold's Ranch & Home opened its doors in 1973. After over 45 years, we are proud to still be family-owned and serving the people of Kittitas County with all of their Hardware, Farm & Ranch needs, as well and Work Wear & Clothing.

HaveHave a a SafeSafe andand JoyousJoyous ChristmasChristmas andand a a HappyHappy NewNew YearYear

Kitchen Safety Tips from The American Red Cross: Dos and Don’ts
DO – make sure you have a working smoke alarm near your kitchen and in each level of your home (near sleeping areas, inside and outside bedrooms). Be sure to also test that they are working and change the batteries regularly.
DON’T – wear loose sleeves or clothing that will dangle while you cook.
DON’T – leave anything frying, grilling, or boiling unattended. Stay in the kitchen or turn o the stove.
DO – regularly check anything that is simmering, baking, roasting, or broiling.
DO – use a timer to remind yourself that to stove or oven is on.
DO – keep kids and pets away from the cooking area, preferably at least three feet away from the stove.

DO – keep anything that can catch re (potholders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper or plastic bags, towels, curtains, etc.) away from your stove, oven, or any other appliance that generates heat.
DO – clean cooking surfaces on a regular basis to prevent grease buildup.
DO – always check the kitchen before going to bed or leaving home to make sure everything is turned o and cooled. Consider purchasing a re extinguisher to keep in your kitchen. Contact your local re department on proper use of extinguishers.

BONUS TIP: e Red Cross First Aid App provides expert advice for common mishaps or emergencies including cuts, burns and what to do if someone is choking. Download the app for free in your app store or text GETFIRST to 90999.
Winter Driving Tips for Holiday Travelers

e National Safety Council (NSC) has released tips for staying safe while driving in the cold weather. With many individuals planning on traveling to see family, friends, and loved ones this holiday season, the NSC has several suggestions to keep you and yours safe in icy conditions.
Before you go:
• Test your battery; cold weather can a ect a vehicle’s battery power. • Check your tire pressure as tire pressure can drop when the weather drops. Check the conditions of your wiper blades and be sure your windshield wiper uid is rated for -30 degrees, so it won’t freeze. • Be sure to keep your gas tank at least half full to prevent the cold weather from freezing your fuel. • Clean your car’s side-view mirrors of dirt and water stains so you can properly see out of them.
On the road:
• Avoid using cruise control in wintry conditions • If your car is sliding, steer in the direction of the skid. When your vehicle regains traction, you won’t have to overcorrect and can better stay in your lane. • Accelerate and decelerate slowly. • Keep following distance 8-10 vehicle-lengths away. • Try not to stop your vehicle while traveling uphill. • If visibility is severely limited due to a whiteout, pull o the road to a safe place and do not drive until conditions improve. • According to the NSC: “remember- you are your car’s best safety feature. Take precautions to ensure you arrive safely at your destination. If you become stranded, do not leave your car behind. Light ares around your vehicle and ensure the exhaust pipe is not clogged by snow, ice, or mud.”

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), pets are at a higher risk for injury around the holidays than any other time of year. is typically has to do with unhealthy treats, like table food and scraps, as well as excess sugar. Something that pet owners may not know is that danger to their pets could be lurking around the house—in seasonal décor. To keep your holiday pets safe this season, read on. One of the most important holiday decorations is the Christmas tree. To keep your pets safe, be sure to securely anchor your Christmas tree so it doesn’t tip and fall. e ASPCA says that when authentic trees tip and fall, the tree water is considered a breeding ground for bacteria and may contain fertilizers that can make your pets’ stomach upset. Other holiday plants that can prove toxic to cats and dogs include mistletoe, holly, lilies, and poinsettias. e ASPCA recommends that arti cial plants made from silk or plastic are the best bet to avoid gastrointestinal issues in your beloved pets this holiday season. Aside from authentic holiday houseplants, did you know that certain arti cial decorations can also prove harmful to your pets? Its true. ings to watch out for include tinsel; kitties love sparkly, light-catching objects, and if swallowed can cause severe digestive issues. Cats have very sensitive little bodies and swallowing something that doesn’t belong can lead to surgery and a hefty veterinary bill. e ASPCA also recommends that you try your best to avoid tinsel. Adding to the list of arti cial décor that can cause unintended harm to your fur-babies: avoid exposed wires, batteries, and glass ornaments. Wires can pose electrical harm, batteries can puncture and cause burns to the mouth and skin, and glass ornaments have the potential to break and leave shards scattered around your pet’s play area. When it comes to giving your pets treats this time of year, be wary of table scraps and leftover human food. Secure the lids on your trash cans tightly. e ASPCA discourages pet owners to o er fatty and spicy foods to their pets and—surprisingly—bones. eir digestive tracts are not built for human-oriented foods. All in all, to avoid costly medical bills around the holidays for your pets, keep these tips in mind. Keep your fur-babies safe throughout the holiday season.

anksgiving celebrations are steeped in tradition, but how much do you know about the history of this holiday? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
1. During which historical event did anksgiving 6. Why did President Franklin Roosevelt move up become an annual federal holiday? anksgiving by one week in 1939?
a. World War I a. To coincide with the launch of the nal phase of b. e Civil War the New Deal c. e Great Depression b. To allow soldiers to spend time with their families d. e American Revolutionary War before deployment c. To appease businesses that wanted a longer 2. When was the rst Macy’s anksgiving Day Christmas shopping season Parade? d. To make sure the annual football game wouldn’t a. 1904 be held in the snow b. 1871 c. 1989 d. 1924 7. When was the rst Turkey Trot? a. 1831 b. 1643 3. Under which president did the turkey pardon c. 1919 become an annual tradition? d. 1896 a. George H. Bush b. Abraham Lincoln c. Jimmy Carter d. Dwight Eisenhower 8. What types of protein were likely eaten at the rst anksgiving celebration in 1621? a. Venison and seafood b. Turkey and bu alo 4. How long had the Wampanoag been living in the c. Quail and ham Cape Cod area when the English settlers arrived? a. 100 years b. 1,000 years c. 10,000 years d. Chicken and lamb ? ? d. 100,000 years

5. Which classic Christmas song was originally meant to be sung on anksgiving?
a. Silent Night b. Jingle Bells c. Winter Wonderland d. Deck the Halls

Happy anksgiving! Answers: 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B, 6-C, 7-D, 8-A
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year