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Outdoor Experiences Wildlife Viewing, Birding, Golfing, Horseback Riding
outdoor experiences
Snoqualmie Pass Hill No matter the season, Kittitas County offers picturesque scenery and a chance to get outdoors.
For those who are patient, viewing wildlife in Kittitas County is possible just about any time of the year.
Depending on the season, the Yakima Canyon southeast of Ellensburg provides dramatic views of eagles, hawks and other raptors, a variety of birds nesting in the canyon walls, big horn sheep, deer, elk, coyotes and smaller mammals.
From late December through as late as early April, state Fish and Wildlife Department personnel daily provide hay to a herd of elk at the end of Watt Canyon Road, 15 miles northwest of Ellensburg. Feeding begins at 8 a.m. and visitors can watch from behind a wildlife fence and parking area.
Wildlife viewing also is possible on designated state-owned wildlife areas in Kittitas County — the Colockum, L.T. Murray, Quilomene, Whisky Dick and Wenas areas. n BIRDING
Late winter is prime time for viewing bald eagles in Kittitas County.
The best place to view bald eagles is northeast of Ellensburg in the Fairview and Naneum areas during calving season from February through late April. In addition to the late winter/spring visits, bald eagles also can be found in the fall, feeding on salmon.
The Umtanum Creek Trail in the Yakima River Canyon is a good location to find golden eagles and other birds. The Kittitas Audubon Society organizes a guided birdwalk the first Saturday of the month at 8 a.m. at the parking lot to Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park on Umptanum Road.
Kittitas County is a great place for golf in the spring, summer and fall. There are three main options — the Ellensburg Golf Club, SunCountry Golf near Cle Elum QUICK CONTACT NUMBERS
GOLFING: Ellensburg Golf & Country Club, 509-962-2984 Sun Country Golf & RV, 509-674-2226 Suncadia, 866-715-5050

and courses at the Suncadia Resort.
The Ellensburg Golf & Country Club is a nine-hole course with alternate “back nine” tee boxes that provide an 18-hole experience. The course covers 2,988 yards from its longest tees. Practice facilities also include a driving range and putting green, and the club has a lounge and restaurant. 3231 S Thorp Hwy, Ellensburg, WA, 509-962-2984.
SunCountry Golf & RV is an 18-hole course coupled with an RV park. The course covers 5,715 yards and is open from April through October. 841 Saint Andrews Drive, Cle Elum, WA, 509-674-2226.
Suncadia Resort has two public and one private 18-hole course. The public Prospector course offers 7,100 yards of championship golf, and it was named one of the best new public courses by Golf Digest magazine in 2006.
Rope Rider is a public course that was built along the site of historic Roslyn mines. A practice range, private instruction, junior golf, group instruction and golf clinics are available for players of all ages and skill levels.
The private Tumble Creek Course provides picturesque views over a par-71, 7,070-yard Tom Doak signature layout. For tee time reservations, instruction, or more information, call 866-715-5050.
Horseback riding is a way of life in Kittitas County, and there are many places for backcountry and trail adventures.
The county is home to the Washington State Horse Park in Cle Elum, which has events throughout the summer, including major hunter-jumper shows, horse trials, numerous small clinics, camps and breed clubs. The horse park also serves those interested in less formal equestrian activities such as trail riding and back country packing. For more information, go to washingtonstatehorsepark.org, 877-635-4111 or 425-486-0272.
Ellensburg plays host to the annual Backcountry Horsemen of Washington Rendezvous in the spring.
A variety of groups — from the Roslyn Riders to the Kittitas County Roping Club — host events throughout the year, and offer encouragement to riders.

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Explorewindandsolartechnology attheWild HorseWindFacility
The visitor center willreopen summerof2021.Outdoorexhibitsare accessiblefromApril-Nov 30. Forinfoontoursandrecreationpermits, go to pse.com/wildhorse