11th September ,2018 Daily Global Regional Local Rice E-Newlsetter

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September 11 ,2018 Vol 9 ,Issue 9

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USA Rice Website Update Offers New Features and Resources By Lesley Dixon

ARLINGTON, VA -- After months of hard work, diligent research, and tireless attention to detail, the new and improved USARice.com is ready for its debut. The redesigned website

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features a bold, modern style that lends the U.S. rice industry the strong digital presence it deserves, and creates an experience that is streamlined and intuitive, laying out resources and information so that both members and non-members can find exactly what they need, when they need it. "USA Rice is the national leader and go-to resource for the rice industry, so we wanted our website to reflect that," said Katie Maher, director of strategic initiatives at USA Rice, who spearheaded the redesign project. "It was important for us to listen to the needs and suggestions of members and staff, and that feedback provided the foundation for our redesign. Not only is the site easier to use, but it also has a lot of innovative new features that we think members will appreciate." Visitors exploring the revamped USARice.com will find new resources at their fingertips, including full board and committee listings, detailed overviews of international markets highlighting USA Rice promotional activities, and a calendar of upcoming industry events. Members also benefit from a personally tailored Member Documents portal that provides access to the USA Rice eBrief, talking points on current issues, meeting materials, and more. One of the most exciting new features is an innovative search tool designed by USA Rice that will help rice farmers find conservation programs available in their state. The reorganized site forges a clearer path for web traffic to its sister site, the consumer-facing ThinkRice.com, making it easier for visitors to find rice recipes, nutrition information, foodservice trends, teaching tools, and facts about U.S.-grown rice. The Rice Foundation now has its own designated place within the USA Rice website, highlighted clearly at the top of the homepage, which showcases all the great work it does for the rice industry. The site-within-a-site shares recent news on the Foundation's activities, as well as information on research projects and easy access to apply for the Leadership Program. "It's been a long planning and production process, but now that the new website is up and running, we are excited for everyone in the rice industry and beyond to click through and see what USA Rice is all about," said USA Rice President & CEO Betsy Ward. USA Rice daily

Arkansas rice research makes a big leap forward A new high-tech greenhouse at the Rice Research and Extension Center in Stuttgart, Ark., will get new varieties into growers‘ hands faster and also quicken research. Photo courtesy of Ehsan

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Shakiba. greenhouse provides new avenues of study

David Bennett | Sep 10, 2018 A new, technologically top-notch greenhouse recently opened at the Rice Research and Extension Center (RREC) in Stuttgart, Ark. The greenhouse was opened in a bid to improve rice research efforts and provide producers with new varieties much faster. Among those responsible for, and using, the new facility is Dr. Ehsan Shakiba. Since 2015, Shakiba has worked at the center as an assistant professor, rice breeder and geneticist. His specialty is developing hybrid cultivars. In late August, Shakiba spoke with Delta Farm Press about the possibilities the greenhouse provides for research, the need for new angles of study and how the facility will condense the amount of time needed to provide the rice community with answers to pressing questions. Among his comments: How will the new greenhouse fold into your work?

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―We wanted a multipurpose greenhouse so we can develop and evaluate hybrid parental lines under controlled conditions and produce seeds during the winter. For example, during the winter, we can grow our plants in the greenhouse. Maybe we don‘t have much seed to send to a winter nursery, but we can grow what we have here and then gather more seed. ―There are two systems for hybrid rice production: a three-line system and a two-line system. We are working on both systems. Presently, our focus is on developing male sterile lines for the twoline system. ―In hybrid production, in a two-line system, we‘re working with a male sterile that is specific to temperature. If the temperature (is at a certain point) — say, 85 degrees — the plant can be sterile. When the temperature is below that threshold, the seed will be fertile. ―It‘s usually very difficult to do a seed increase outside because of the environmental changes. But if we‘re going to capitalize, especially in the early stages of line development and ensure the plants are fertile, the best place to test plants is the greenhouse. ―Meanwhile, when developing populations, we pick our plants, bring them to the greenhouse, and make a cross. That ensures no outcrossing will happen.‖ On the new dynamic with winter nurseries in light of the new greenhouse… ―At the earliest stages of development, F1 or F2, there is usually very little seed available to send to winter nurseries. That seed also requires special care. Therefore, we prefer to germinate what seed we have on the station. ―When we have more seed available, at F3 or F4, we‘ll send it to a winter nursery. But at the earliest stages — and it doesn‘t matter if you‘re working with a hybrid or other type of rice — the best place to do the seed increase and evaluate your lines based on molecular studies is the greenhouse.

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―Developing new rice varieties is different than other crops in that yield isn‘t the only thing to look for. Quality is very important. Just because a line yields well, it may not have good eating quality and will go nowhere. ―So, we have to make sure the plant has proper quality. To do that, the best thing is to grow the plants in the greenhouse, collect leaf samples from each single plant and take them to our molecular genetic lab. There, we analyze each sample via a set of molecular markers to see if the plant has the genes related to the desirable agronomic traits. ―If the line has those genes, we can go ahead and develop it. If a line doesn‘t have a gene associated with ... agronomic traits such as eating quality and disease resistance, it can be eliminated. We only choose the best ones.‖ On the physical layout of the greenhouse… ―This greenhouse is very unique for us. When we got the budget to build it, we did our homework. We — me, Dr. Glenn Bathke (RREC project director) and Dr. Nathan McKinney (at the time, interim director at the RREC) — traveled to different states and checked greenhouses. We asked those working there, ‗If you were to build this greenhouse again, what would you change?‘ They told us the advantages and disadvantages. We took all that information together and then came up with exactly what would work best for us. ―It‘s very important everyone knows the greenhouse is a result of support from the checkoff funds and the Arkansas Rice Promotion Board. ―We can control the heating, the humidity, the CO2, the temperature. We also have sensors attached to a computer and it can control all environments in the greenhouse. It can also be programmed to what we desire for study.

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―There are three systems for controlling temperature. If temperatures are very hot, we can use a curtain on the ceiling to control light. ―When the temperature or humidity changes, for example, the greenhouse signals that to the computer. The computer then tells us immediately what is going on and can turn on the cooling system or release water through sprinklers. ―Another thing our system has is a place for flash drives. That way we can collect data for 24 hours on what‘s happening in the greenhouse. We can also receive information over our telephones telling us something is wrong and we can come fix it quickly. ―The greenhouse facility also has two walk-in growth chambers. These growth chambers are presently being used for high nighttime temperature project. We can use the large size growth chambers to evaluate number of rice variety at the same time in control conditions.‖ Using this new facility, are you expecting to team up with other facilities interested in your research — maybe, say, your high nighttime temperature work? ―Yes. Our research station is already collaborating with others outside the state and also internationally. We‘d welcome more of that type of research.‖ As mentioned previously, ―the breeding programs (are conducting) a high nighttime temperature project. High nighttime temperature stress has become an issue in Arkansas rice production. When the temperature rises during seed developing stage, it affects seed quality by increasing chalk in seeds. ―This is a collaborative study between geneticists, plant breeders, and a plant physiologist at the RREC. Currently, our scientists are evaluating more than 70 rice verities under control conditions in the greenhouse and growth chambers to identify tolerant varieties to this stress. Then, we will identify genes associated with high nighttime temperature stress via advanced

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molecular techniques. The results can be used for developing new rice lines that tolerant to such stress. ―Work in the high nighttime temperatures is important and this greenhouse provides enough controls so a researcher can gain better data more quickly.‖ On more research… ―Right now, our rice breeding program is looking at long-grain, medium-grain and hybrids. We may be working on different projects but feel we‘re part of the same team. ―We‘re doing molecular studies to identify genes associated with yield. We‘re evaluating the threshold of the temperature for the male sterile. ―Most importantly, in the high nighttime study we‘re looking at the effects on seed quality. We want to know how best to address the issue.‖ https://www.deltafarmpress.com/rice/arkansas-rice-research-makes-big-leap-forward

Greenhouse gases from rice paddies may be 2x higher than thought September 10, 2018 by Kerry Sheridan

Farmers prepare a paddy field to cultivate rice in Naypyidaw on July 28, 2018. The way some irrigated rice paddies are managed worldwide, with cycles of flooding followed by dry periods, may lead to twice the planet-warming greenhouse gas …more The way some irrigated rice paddies are managed worldwide, with cycles of flooding followed by dry periods, may lead to twice the planet-warming greenhouse gas pollution as previously thought, researchers said Monday. Since rice is a major staple for at least half the world's seven billion people, the way it is managed has significant effects on the Earth's warming climate, said the report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a peer-reviewed US journal. For the study, researchers at the non-profit Environmental Defense Fund took a closer look at emissions of nitrous oxide, a long-lasting atmospheric pollutant that is more potent than methane or carbon dioxide. N2O rises when rice fields are allowed to dry before being wetted again.

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This process, called intermittent flooding, happens when water falls below the soil level several times per year.

It is encouraged by some agricultural organizations affiliated with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization as a way of saving water and reducing methane, another major greenhouse gas emitted by rice paddies. It remains unclear how many farmers do it. "When the soils are frequently wetted and dried, they repeatedly become ideal environments for microbes that produce nitrous oxide," explained lead author Kritee Kritee, senior scientist at the EDF. "Methane on the other hand is produced by microbes that require soils to be submerged in water," she told AFP in an email. It is widely assumed that "almost all irrigated farms in the world are continuously flooded and it is a fact that continuously flooded farms do not produce significant amounts of nitrous oxide," she added. But it is not true that all farms are continuously flooded. That's why Kritee says the "full climate impact of rice farming has been significantly underestimated." 200 coal plants Currently, the amount of unaccounted-for N2O global emissions from rice may be as high as the annual climate pollution from about 200 coal power plants, according to the authors. In India alone, where the study took place across five intermittently flooded rice fields, nitrous oxide emissions "could be 30-45 times higher than reported under continuous flooding," researchers estimated. Overall, they calculated that nitrous oxide per hectare (2.5 acres) was three times higher than ever reported by research on intermittently flooded farms before.

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"When this new information is extrapolated across the world and embedded into estimates of methane emissions, the net climate impact from both methane and nitrous oxide could be two times higher than previous estimates," Kritee said. Experts say a better way would be for all irrigated rice farmers to shallowly flood their fields, meaning the water level stays within five to seven centimeters of the soil level. "This flooding regime produces the least amount of methane and nitrous oxide," Kritee said. As of now, N2O from rice-growing simply isn't being tracked on a broad scale, and is left out of greenhouse gas inventories reported to the United Nations by major rice-producing countries including China and India. But as water becomes scarcer around the globe, many rice farmers may look to wet and dry cycles as a solution, not knowing the danger they are posing to the planet. To avoid that, scientists need better tracking and reporting of N2O worldwide, the EDF said. Explore further: Greenhouse gas 'bookkeeping' turned on its head More information: Kritee Kritee el al., "High nitrous oxide fluxes from rice indicate the need to manage water for both long- and short-term climate impacts," PNAS (2018). www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1809276115 https://phys.org/news/2018-09-nitrous-oxide-emissions-rice-farms.html

Rice farming up to twice as bad for climate change as previously thought, study reveals Levels of overlooked greenhouse gas are up to 45 times higher in fields that are only flooded intermittently  

Josh Gabbatiss Science Correspondent @josh_gabbatiss

Rice is a vital crop that provides people with more calories in total than any other food ( STR/AFP/Getty Images ) Rice farming is known to be a major contributor to climate change, but new research suggests it is far bigger a problem than previously thought. Techniques intended to reduce emissions while also cutting water use may in fact be boosting some greenhouse gases, meaning the impact of rice cultivation may be up to twice as bad as previous estimates suggest. Scientists at the US-based advocacy group the Environmental Defense Fund suggest the shortterm warming impact of these additional gases in the atmosphere could be equivalent to 1,200

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coal power plants.Considering the importance of rice as a staple food crop, providing more calories to the global population than any other food, the researchers have recommended ways to adapt farming practices and make its cultivation more climate-friendly. Past estimates have suggested that 2.5 per cent of human-induced climate warming can be attributed to rice farming. The main culprit is methane, a potent greenhouse gas emitted from flooded rice fields as bacteria in the waterlogged soil produce it in large quantities. However, there is another gas produced by rice fields that can have a harmful climate effect. Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is also produced by soil microbes in rice fields. Partly in a bid to reduce methane emissions, several international organisations have promoted intermittent flooding of rice fields, but this practice comes with problems of its own. ―The full climate impact of rice farming has been significantly underestimated because up to this point, nitrous dioxide emissions from intermittently flooded farms have not been included,‖ said Dr Kritee Kritee from the Environmental Defense Fund, who led the research. Analysis by the team showed that process of alternately wetting and drying rice fields – while reducing methane levels – is producing up to 45 times more nitrous oxide than constantly flooded fields. The intermittent flooding and airing of the fields results in pulses of microbial activity that in turn leads to increased nitrous oxide levels. These results, obtained by working with farms in southern India, were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.―Increasing pressure on limited water resources under a changing climate could make additional rice farming regions look to intermittent flooding to address water limitations and concerns about methane emissions,‖ said Dr Kritee.

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―Water management on rice farms needs to be calibrated to balance water use concerns with the climate impacts of both methane and nitrous oxide emissions.‖ Despite being a powerful greenhouse gas in its own right that traps even more heat in the atmosphere than methane over long time periods, most rice producing countries do not report their nitrous oxide emissions. Nicola Sturgeon mocks Donald Trump over climate change ahead of UK visit Dr Kritee said it was essential that scientists began investigating this overlooked threat so that nations can tackle it effectively. ―We now know nitrous oxide emissions from rice farming can be large and impactful,‖ said Richie Ahuja, a co-author of this study. By considering each farm individually and taking into account their methane, nitrous oxide and water use, the scientists suggest that specific strategies can be used that can minimise emissions of climate harming gases. ―We now also know how to manage the problem. Major rice producing nations in Asia are investing to improve the agriculture sector and could benefit from the suggested dual mitigation strategies that lead to water savings, better yields, and less climate pollution,‖ said Mr Ahuja. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/rice-farming-climate-change-global-warming-india-nitrousoxide-methane-a8531401.html

Warriors win over Ashland  

Sep 9, 2018 RICE LAKE — The Ashland High School boys soccer team struggled in its biggest tests of the season so far Saturday in Rice Lake, where the Oredockers dropped a pair of non-conference matches to the Warriors.

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Amery posted a 10-0 shutout against Ashland (1-7-0) in the opening match, while host school Rice Lake defeated the Oredockers 4-0 in the second game later in the day. Thank you for reading your community news site! Some articles, including this one, are now readable for subscribers only. These subscriber-only articles are denoted by a gold check mark in a black circle next to the headline. Public alerts, weather, obituaries, classified advertising, and select content will remain available for free to all readers. We encourage you to become a subscriber if you are a regular reader of our publication. Pricing starts at only $3.50/month ($7.50/month for Ashland Daily Press) for online only. Longer terms and print delivery options are available. If you only want to read a few articles, we do offer a 99¢ one-day access option. http://www.apg-wi.com/ashland_daily_press/paywall/warriors-win-overashland/article_6c47b8be-b495-11e8-ab27-43cea317e79c.html

Plastic bags for rice to be exempted from SST: Guan Eng By Bernama - September 9, 2018 @ 11:11pm ALOR STAR: Plastic bags used by distributors and traders to pack rice will also be exempted from the Sales and Service Tax (SST), Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said today. This, he said, is to ensure that distributors would then be able to reduce the cost of packaging rice, which is among the items exempted from SST. "There is a request from the distributors and traders not to tax the plastic bags and since rice is exempt from taxes, we will also exclude the plastic bags for rice from being taxed. We hope this will reduce their costs," he said. Lim was speaking at a press conference after delivering a SST briefing to more than 500 traders and representatives of business associations at a hotel here which was also attended by Customs Department director-general Datuk Seri T. Subromaniam. Earlier, during the session, there were traders who had raised the plastic bag issue claiming that they would have to spend almost RM1 million to buy the before SST part from the cost for rice.

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Lim also said the government would also exempt the management and maintenance services charges from SST equally for homes with strata titles as well those with non-strata titles. Lim said previously only the former was exempted from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) to encourage homeowners to apply for strata titles. "We have to bear in mind that it is not the owners who do not want to apply (for strata ownership) but it could be problems related to bankers and financing, so the government does not feel it is necessary (to charging SST for management services charges for residential owners without strata titles)," he said. Commenting on the price of imported vehicles after the implementation of the SST, Lim said the government had given tax exemptions to companies that were re-assembling vehicles in the country if they used local components. "To encourage them to use local components, the government granted them exemptions to exclude the Industrial Linkage Programme (ILP) costs, so that when the ILP is removed from the price for sales tax purposes, its impact would be lesser than the during the GST and SST 1.0 period. "That's why the response of the automotive industry is very positive. They respond by reducing the price of their respective vehicles, but that's only for vehicles that have local inputs, and if there are higher local inputs, the costs would be a lot lesser,‖ he said. -- BERNAMA

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Lim Guan Eng was speaking at a press conference after delivering a SST briefing at Royale Signature Hotel. (NSTP/SHARUL HAFIZ ZAM)


Transferring sorghum’s weed-killing power to rice ARS scientists are testing rice to determine if they can transfer sorghum's weed-killing properties.

USDA researchers studying potential to transfer sorghum weed-killing compound into rice. USDA | Sep 07, 2018 Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have transferred a biochemical pathway found in sorghum, which produces a weed-killing compound, into rice plants. The compound, sorgoleone, secreted by sorghum, helps the plant combat weeds. It works so well that some other crops struggle to grow in fields where sorghum has been raised, causing problems for growers who want to rotate different crops in those fields.

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Scientists at ARS‘s Natural Product Utilization Research Unit (NPURU) in Oxford, Mississippi, are investigating whether sorghum‘s weed-inhibiting properties can be transferred to other crops like rice and used as a bioherbicide. Producing sorgoleone in other crops would potentially give those plants the ability to fight weeds and reduce reliance on synthetic herbicides, says NPURU molecular biologist Scott Baerson. Prior to this research, nothing was known about the genes that make sorgoleone, Baerson says. After years of research, the NPURU team, which include Baerson and molecular biologist Zhiqiang Pan, recently reached a milestone that allowed them to transfer the sorgoleone compound into rice. The impact of this research, part of which was recently published in New Phytologist, is twofold, according to Pan and Baerson. The rice plants that produce sorgoleone should require less herbicides to control weeds. At a minimum, the natural compound could reduce the amount of synthetic chemicals sprayed onto food crops. Secondly, growers would spend less on buying and applying chemicals—a major part of their overhead cost. In addition, a crop that produces its own herbicide potentially would be more efficient— increasing profits for farmers and food processors. Ultimately, these savings could be passed on to consumers, Baerson adds. In earlier studies, the researchers successfully increased sorgoleone to make sorghum more resistant to weeds, which would help growers who do not rotate sorghum with other crops. They also stopped sorghum plants from producing sorgoleone, which would benefit farmers who want to rotate different crops with sorghum. The next step is to see if rice plants grown in the laboratory will produce sorgoleone as they grow and have the same weed-fighting ability as sorghum. ARS has five patents on this technology.Source: Sandra Avant, USDA https://www.deltafarmpress.com/rice/transferring-sorghum-s-weed-killing-power-rice

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Rice Radio By Kurt Richter To listen to an audio podcast, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to download and subscribe to podcasts. Description Rice Radio is an inside look at all things related to the California Rice Industry and the Sacramento Valley. Produced and Hosted by California Rice Grower, Kurt Richter, Rice Radio covers the crop, the market, water, water and property rights, conservation, regulations, and much more.


Description For decades, rice has been a key piece of the Sacramento Valley's identity. But in the last 20 years, that has changed.

1 Episode 11: Times are a'Changing Rice acres have diminished at the hands of other crops. More specifically, rice fields are being replaced by... The month of May is perhaps the busies t month the Sacramento Valley sees each 2

Episode 10: Planting Rice & Summer Weather Forecast

year, as all farmers (especially rice) are rushing to plant their crops for the season at hand. This May was no exception. Find out in this episode how planting... Spring has arrived, which means we rice

3 Episode 9: Plant '18, and The Future!

farmers jump into action on our

2018 rice crop. It's a season where swings in the weather can both help us and hur

17 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com



Description It's March in the Sacramento Valley, which means farmers are chomping at the bit to start working ground. In this


Episode 8: Preparing For Planting, Chinese GMO & The Road To New Storage

episode of Rice Radio, we check in at the shop as the countdown to planting season draws to a close. We also debunk a meme... The ongoing saga of Sites Reservoir and Proposition 1 made news this month, but not for good reasons.


Episode 7: Sites Reservoir, Snowpack & The Farm Show

In this episode, I sat down with Jim Watson, General Manager for Sites Project Authority, to break down the hysteria around Sites. Rice... Sacramento River salmon runs have been on the

6 Saving Salmon in the Sacramento Valley

decline for years, with almost no glimmers of hope or upticks in fish

18 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com



Description counts for more than a decade. Several years ago, the farmer and water agencies who pump off the river decided to take matters... The USA Rice Federation held its annual Outlook Conference in early December. It's a change for people from


The USA Rice Outlook Conference: Growing Rice, Selling Rice, and Telling That Story.

all avenues of the industry to get the latest on what's going on with rice in the United States and globally. What's happening in... In February of 2017, the residents of Oroville, California, along with other downstream


Episode 4: The Oroville Dam: Past, Present, and Future

communities of the Feather River, had their lives turned upside down by the threat of flooding from failed structures at the Oroville Dam site. It was a...

19 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com



Description Lodged rice, equipment breakdowns, parts shortages, crazy geese! In this episode of Rice Radio, we recap a


Episode 3: Harvest ‘17, Waterfowl & Water Storage Outlook

California Rice Harvest that has been called one of the most difficult of the last 40 years. I also talk to Fish and Wildlife about... It's autumn in California, which means rice harvest is in full swing. In this episode of Rice Radio, we check in

10 Episode 2: Harvest, Shorebirds, and Roxy

at harvest and see how things are coming along. I'll also introduce you to a new development in California Rice, which could change how... The premiere episode of the new podcast, Rice Radio. Topics covered include a

11 Episode 1: Welcome to Rice Radio! recap of the 2017 rice season, including wild weather and flooding. Also covered,

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Description army worms, weedy red rice, and the Chinese market finally opening up to U.S. Rice. 11 Items

Customer Reviews Engaging and informative by Shirley155 For the thousands of drivers that head up and down the monotonous i5 corridor and want to know more about the sea of rice fields they are passing through, this will inform and entertain you on your journey. For those in the industry, hearing Mr. Richter‘s fresh perspectives may give you something new to consider. Whether you are in the industry or not, this podcast will hook you in. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rice-radio/id1298082371?mt=2

Rice prices jump to new highs in 4th week of August Cheap rice from the National Food Authority once again fails to bring prices down Ralf Rivas Published 8:45 AM, September 10, 2018 Updated 9:45 PM, September 10, 2018

RICE PROBLEM. Individuals queue to buy NFA rice at the Commonwealth Market. File photo by Darren Langit/Rappler MANILA, Philippines – As poor Filipinos struggled to keep up with elevated prices of fish, meat, and vegetables, prices of rice accelerated further to new highs in August. According to the latest price monitoring report of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the average retail price of regular milled rice rose to P43.86 per kilo during the 4th week of August, while well-milled rice soared to P47.12. These prices were 15.2% and 11.6% higher compared to prices during the same period last year. (IN CHARTS: This is how bad August 2018 inflation looks like in regions)

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The prices were much higher in some regions and provinces.

For instance, regular milled rice in Western Visayas, the Davao Region, Soccsksargen, the Zamboanga Peninsula, Central Visayas, Northern Mindanao, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), and Eastern Visayas were much higher than the national average. Regular milled rice in the Ilocos Region and Cagayan Valley were below the P40 level. Well-milled rice in Western Visayas, the Zamboanga Peninsula, the Davao Region, and Soccsksargen were above P50. Both the Ilocos Region and Cagayan Valley had well-milled rice at around P43 per kilo. (READ: Taming rice prices: What lawmakers, experts say) Rice prices in Basilan continued to be problematic, with regular and well-milled rice priced at a hefty P60 and P58 per kilo, respectively. Sulu enjoyed the cheapest prices. Regular and well-milled rice there were at P38 and P31, respectively. These levels can even compete with National Food Authority (NFA) rice priced at P27 and P32, respectively. Long lines for NFA rice

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The NFA assured the public that it will continue to distribute cheap rice to ensure that consumers will have alternative sources. The agency distributes rice through almost 16,000 market accredited retailers and outlets. From January to August 23, the NFA had already distributed a total of 4,443,082 bags of rice through its accredited retailers, outlets, and other recipients. However, access to cheap rice remains limited. While the NFA allows up to 5 kilos per individual, some have reported that they were only allowed to purchase less. Cathy Estavillo of Bantay Bigas said they have received reports that there were people being turned away despite patiently waiting for their turn. "May bigas pero halatang kulang pa rin kasi iniipit nila. Hindi rin nila binaha ang merkado ng murang bigas kaya hindi naapektuhan ng NFA ang presyuhan ng regular rice,"Estavillo said. (There's rice but it's obvious that it's not enough because they're limiting purchases. The NFA wasn't able to flood the market with cheap rice, that's why it wasn't able to influence prices.) The NFA Council has approved additional importation of 250,000 metric tons (MT) of rice to boost current stocks. "The additional importation can increase NFA's active participation in the market by as much as 20%," the NFA said. The NFA Council also approved the immediate importation of 133,500 MT of rice by the private sector for distribution to Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi (Zambasulta) to bring down prices. Additional allocation for NFA rice is also expected for consumers to have access to cheaper alternatives. Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piùol previously said he expects prices of the staple to stabilize by November. – Rappler.com

Click Next Link to watch the Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxMm0R_BxMQ https://www.rappler.com/business/211584-rice-prices-philippines-4th-week-august-2018

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Organic Rice Syrup Sales | Global Market Analysis till 2023 Including (SuzanneŒÍs Specialties , NatureŒÍs One Wuhu Deli Foods) and more… By SEAN HALVERSON

Global Organic Rice Syrup Sales Market – The Present and Future An Industry research report on Global Organic Rice Syrup Sales Market 2018 has been recently carried by 99MarketResearch.com. The report is a well-drafted one for those who are eager to understand the existing competitive market status at the global level. This is a key document analyzing the market trends and could be of much use to industries, as well as, clients in the space. The global market scale is changing, and the report covers the regions that matter the most to draft a future plan. Existing Status The existing market status is a key factor in the Organic Rice Syrup Sales market. Similar is the case in respect of the previous market research data that covered the period 2013 to 2017. While the base year is taken as 2017 for the research report, historical data also assumed importance for projecting the outlook for the period between 2018 and 2025. There are some key aspects that will form some interesting aspects for those involved in the sector. For instance, the Organic Rice Syrup Sales market has been categorized into different types like application, region, type, and industries. The research report has covered a major part of geographical regions, as well as, sub-regions throughout the globe. The researchers have taken pains to evaluate the market size, product sales, and opportunities available for growth in those regions. These are vital data since several countries in the emerging markets have initiated steps to reform their economy. That is an opportunity for those engaged in the business to probe into such markets. More details, inquiry about report and table of content visit our website: www.99marketresearch.com/global-organic-rice-syrup-sales-market-report2018/10542/#Free-Sample-Report Competitive Analysis

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An interesting aspect of the research report is that it focused on the existing competitive analysis of the global Organic Rice Syrup Sales market. Apart from that, it has provided some useful insights to both industries and clients thus helping them to plan strategies. The researchers believe that this would help the stakeholders to not only expand their business but also penetrate into a new market to get their own slice of share. The researchers think that it is important to have the competitive research analysis so that others could not only understand but also plan to execute their strategies to their strength. In a nutshell, the competitive research analysis is meant to offer a competitive advantage to every player in the global Organic Rice Syrup Sales market. While the report indicated history years as 2013 – 2017 and base year as 2017, it will provide estimation for the year 2018 and outlook for the period 2018 – 25. Geographical Scope of this report includes : The West, Southwest, The Middle Atlantic, New England, The South, The Midwest Major players in the report included are : SuzanneŒÍs Specialties , NatureŒÍs One , Wuhu Deli Foods , Axiom Foods , California Natural products (CNP) , ABF Ingredients , Cargill Incorporated , Archer Daniels Midland , Wuhu Haoyikuai Food , Gulshan Polyols Types covered in the Organic Rice Syrup Sales industry are : Brown Rice, White Rice Applications covered in the report are : Baking, Confectionery, Beverages, Processed Foods, Dairy Products To Access PDF Sample Report, Click Here: www.99marketresearch.com/global-organicrice-syrup-sales-market-report-2018/10542/#Free-Sample-Report The global markets are expanding in some regions while it is remaining either stagnant or falling a bit in some other regions. In effect, it is a mixed one though the global market is different. Still, there are some of the big players and region that are useful for industries and clients to focus in the upcoming years. The emerging or developing economies cannot be taken lightly since they provide enough opportunities. Therefore, the research report will be much useful.

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If you want to inquire about what the report covers, click here: www.99marketresearch.com/global-organic-rice-syrup-sales-market-report2018/10542/ About 99 Market Research: 99marketresearch has been providing in-depth and accurate industry reports from so many years. It is one of the Trusted and Reputed companies in the Market Report Research Industry. We have served more than 100+ Fortune 500 Clients since our launch and servicing more and more daily. Contact Us: Kasey Miller (PR & Marketing Manager) 3294 Gnatty Creek Road Huntington, NY – 11743 Sales@99marketresearch.com https://hotbitt.com/organic-rice-syrup-sales-global-market-analysis-till-2023-includingsuzanne%C2%8Cis-specialties-nature%C2%8Cis-one-wuhu-deli-foods-and-more/

2018 Summer Science Research Program September 10, 2018 – by Reilly Wright ‘20 Ohio Wesleyan professor Robert Harmon and student Amanda Jewell ‘19 conduct research at OWU‘s Perkins Observatory. They are exploring starspots – dark regions of heavy magnetic field – on the surface of the star LO Pegasi. (Photo by James D. DeCamp)

Ohio Wesleyan Students Complete Original Research with Faculty Mentors From songbird communication to atomic nuclei, this summer was one for the books – and the microscopes, petri dishes, and pipettes – for Ohio Wesleyan students participating in the University‘s annual Summer Science Research Program. Over the course of 10 weeks, 21 OWU students participated in this year‘s program, working side by side with faculty mentors from May to July to conduct original research both on and off

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campus. Seven students from other institutions across the nation traveled to Ohio Wesleyan to participate in the prestigious program as well.

Students will discuss and present their findings during the annual Patricia Belt Conrades Summer Science Research Symposium at noon Sept. 24 in the atrium of Schimmel/Conrades Science Center. Meet some of this year‘s SSRP participants and read about their Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) experiences. Investigating Neuronal Development Landry Cowles ‘19 Landry Cowles ’19 of Louisville, Ohio; Benjamin Arnold ’20 of Tiffin, Ohio; and Maddie Meyer ’20 of Marion, Massachusetts, researched ―The Role of miRNA-7 in Neuronal Development‖ with faculty mentor Suren Ambegaokar, assistant professor of neuroscience and microbiology. Ambegaokar‘s research involves neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases of the nervous system, and the intersection of the two.―It has been eye-opening to see the knowledge from my previous courses come together and actually observe the

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interplay of chemistry, biology, and neuroscience,‖ says Cowles, a pre-medicine and molecular neuroscience double major and Spanish minor. Arnold, a neuroscience and pre-medicine double major and chemistry and psychology double minor, says, ―Because the research we are doing is extremely applicable to the medical field, it has led to a lot of thoughtful conversation and reading of scientific articles related to the origin and possible treatment of different brain cancers.‖ Benjamin Arnold ‘20 Arnold says his research has led him to heavily consider pursuing a Ph.D. through a joint program at a medical school that would allow him to not only practice medicine, but also conduct his own research.Meyer, a neuroscience and biochemistry double major, says a major lesson she learned from Dr. Ambegaokar is the importance of communication. ―This is true within a single lab group,‖ she says, ―but it‘s also encouraging to see that researchers all over the nation and world will make time to share information with other researchers who they have never met, and everyone is only one phone call or email away.‖ After graduation, Meyer hopes to attend graduate school while both Cowles and Arnold plan to attend medical school. Why did these three student-scientists choose OWU? Maddie Meyer ‘20

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Cowles says, ―I chose OWU because I wanted a smaller campus, and it had an established neuroscience department.‖Arnold says, ―Because of my mother‘s career in higher education, I knew I wanted to attend a private, liberal arts school that offered a neuroscience program. Like most other OWU students, upon my initial visit, I fell in love with the Delaware area, academic opportunities, and beautiful campus. The connections I‘ve made since – both with peers and faculty members – have made my first two years at Ohio Wesleyan the best of my life so far!‖ And Meyer adds, ―Professors were very helpful and welcoming when I visited campus – even those outside my majors were happy to help and show me around campus.‖ Studying Invasive Species Aidan Shumaker ‘20 Aidan Shumaker ’20 conducted a study on the ―Impacts of Invasive Species on Ecological Processes in the Kraus and Bohannan Nature Preserves.‖ Shumaker, a microbiology major and computer science and data analytics double minor from Loveland, Ohio, conducted his research under the mentorship of Laurie Anderson, professor of botany-microbiology. ―Working with Dr. Anderson has shown me what it is really like to think in a practical sense in field and laboratory work, including all the processes of how to start a project, obtain funding, and planning out how to perform the tasks that will provide answers,‖ he says. After graduation, Shumaker hopes either to attend graduate school or work with microbiological interactions for an agricultural or medical company. Why did he choose OWU? ―I chose OWU because of the Patricia Belt Conrades Summer Science Research Symposium,‖ Shumaker says. ―I was motivated by hearing students talk about their experiences, opportunities, and connections gained from their experiences.‖

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Exploring Video Game Exposure Mickey Rice ‘20 Mickey Rice ’20 of Louisville, Kentucky, and Lexi Lease ’20 of Toledo, Ohio, concentrated research on ―The Effects of Video Game Exposure on Cognitive Control.‖ Rice and Lease, both psychology and neuroscience double majors, worked under the guidance of Kira Bailey, assistant professor of psychology. ―I have taken multiple classes at OWU that have discussed research methods, how research has been impactful in the scientific community, and the significance of a well-executed study,‖ Rice says. ―My experience with SSRP has allowed me to put this knowledge into action, as well as learn all of the intricacies and nuances required to conduct a study with human participants.‖ Rice says the process of creating ideas to carrying out an authentic scientific study has sparked her interest in pursuing experimental psychology or clinical neuropsychology in graduate school, an ambition shared by Lease. Lexi Lease ‘20 During spring semester, Lease took cognitive neuroscience taught by Bailey. There, she learned the foundations of the biological processes underlying our thoughts and this summer‘s research heavily built on concepts gained from the class. ―Experiences like the SSRP matter because they allow students to transition what they have learned in the classroom to actual concrete practice,‖ Lease says. Why did these student-researchers choose to attend OWU?

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Rice says, ―I chose OWU because I loved the layout of the campus and the city of Delaware. I was also very interested in OWU‘s neuroscience program and was impressed by the all the faculty members I met. I knew I wanted a close relationship with my professors and advisors, and OWU has provided me with that opportunity countless times.‖ And Lease adds, ―I was impressed by their neuroscience program. I also wanted an opportunity to be mentored by a professor. I knew that with a smaller school, my chances of getting a mentor would be higher, and SSRP has given me that experience this summer.‖ Undertaking a Salty Experiment Becca Porter ‘20 Becca Porter ’20, an English and zoology double major from Washington Grove, Maryland, and Katie Vonderembse ’19, an environmental science major and classics minor from Toledo, Ohio, conducted ―The Global Salt Experiment.‖ They explored how freshwater ecological communities interact internally and environmentally under the mentorship of Amy Downing, professor of zoology.―I‘m able to see for myself the ways that human-caused threats, like runoff, can disrupt entire ecosystems and drastically change their composition and viability,‖ Porter says.Porter plans a career in marine conservation ecology and says this summer‘s experience introduced her to techniques and equipment valuable for her future career. Vonderembse says, ―Dr. Downing has taught us that large experiments, like the one we are undergoing, can be tedious, but also rewarding. Hot or rainy days in the field or long days at the microscope pay off when interesting findings pop up during the process.‖ Katie Vonderembse ‘19

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After graduation, Vonderembse plans to pursue an advanced degree in ecology or environmental science, while Porter says she wants to work for a few years before enrolling in graduate school. Why did these student-scientists select OWU? Porter says, ―OWU fit my needs as a liberal arts institution with small, often discussion-based classes, and lots of opportunity for research and travel.‖ And Vonderembse adds, ―I wanted to attend a small college that would challenge me academically. I am glad I did choose OWU because I have had so many great opportunities, like SSRP, that I do not think would have been the same at another school.‖ Examining Artificial Intelligence Eugene Kramskoi ‘19 Eugene Kramskoi ’19, a computer science major from Lewis Center, Ohio, researched ―Artificial Intelligence for Modern Board Games‖ under the mentorship of Sean McCulloch, professor of math and computer science. ―With this project, I‘m having to combine a lot of the different knowledge of algorithms and programming I‘ve learned into one large independent program,‖ he says. ―This is a great learning opportunity since this kind of holistic project is usually not possible in a normal class setting.‖ Kramskoi plans to find a career in software development once he graduates. Why did he choose OWU? ―The main reason I chose Ohio Wesleyan is for the small classes and the chance to get to know my professors,‖ Kramskoi says. ―My relationship with my professors is actually what led me to this research in the first place.‖

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Studying Health and House Wrens Cailynne Angelo ‘20 Cailynne Angelo ’20, a pre-professional zoology and sociology/anthropology double major with a chemistry minor, studied the ―Stress Response and Immune Function in Female House Wrens.‖ Joe Brush ’20, a pre-professional zoology major, concentrated on the ―Social Modulation of Testosterone and Corticosterone in Two Species of North American Wren.‖ Both students worked under the guidance of Dustin Reichard, assistant professor of zoology. Angelo, from Monaca, Pennsylvania, says the skills she has gained, including laboratory techniques and procedure, are helping her to prepare for the future. ―[This experience] has given me the opportunity to enjoy what I am doing in order to pursue my goals,‖ she says. ―It has reminded me that, while end goals are important, so is stopping to take in more of the experiences that are meant to prepare you for it.‖ Joe Brush ‘20 Brush, from Lawrenceburg, Indiana, says, ―I want to work with different types of animals in the future, so getting to handle birds every day this summer and learning more about them is going to be a huge asset moving forward. This experience is invaluable in that I have gained insight into the ways in which we go about understanding phenomena in the natural world, a process I definitely took for granted while learning out of a textbook.‖ After graduation, Angelo hopes to study healthcare in graduate school, while Brush plans to focus on mixed animal medicine in veterinary school. Why did these future healers choose OWU?

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Angelo says, ―I chose Ohio Wesleyan because of the opportunities it provided for world travel and valuable experiences through study abroad, travel-learning courses, and grant programs.‖ Brush concludes, ―I chose Ohio Wesleyan because it had everything I wanted in a school: a strong zoology program and a great soccer team. The small class sizes make being successful in academics possible for anyone, and the opportunities to get involved on campus are extensive.‖ Learn more about Ohio Wesleyan‘s Summer Science Research Program at www.owu.edu/ssrp. https://www.owu.edu/news-media/details/2018-summer-science-research-program/

India study: greenhouse gases from rice paddies may be two times higher than thought Amount of unaccounted-for N2O global emissions from rice may be as high as the annual climate pollution from about 200 coal power plants PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 11 September, 2018, 8:44am UPDATED : Tuesday, 11 September, 2018, 8:44am

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Since rice is a major staple for at least half the world‘s seven billion people, the way it is managed has significant effects on the Earth‘s warming climate, said a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a peer-reviewed US journal. For the study, researchers at the non-profit Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) took a closer look at emissions of nitrous oxide, a long-lasting atmospheric pollutant that is more potent than methane or carbon dioxide.

N2O rises when rice fields are allowed to dry before being wetted again. This process, called intermittent flooding, happens when water falls below the soil level several times per year. It is encouraged by some agricultural organisations affiliated with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation as a way of saving water and reducing methane, another major greenhouse gas emitted by rice paddies. It remains unclear how many farmers do it.

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―When the soils are frequently wetted and dried, they repeatedly become ideal environments for microbes that produce nitrous oxide,‖ said lead author Kritee Kritee, senior scientist at the EDF, on Monday. ―Methane on the other hand is produced by microbes that require soils to be submerged in water.‖ It is widely assumed that ―almost all irrigated farms in the world are continuously flooded and it is a fact that continuously flooded farms do not produce significant amounts of nitrous oxide,‖ she added. But it is not true that all farms are continuously flooded. That is why Kritee says the ―full climate impact of rice farming has been significantly underestimated‖. Currently, the amount of unaccounted-for N2O global emissions from rice may be as high as the annual climate pollution from about 200 coal power plants, according to the authors.

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In India alone, where the study took place across five intermittently flooded rice fields, nitrous oxide emissions ―could be 30-45 times higher than reported under continuous flooding‖, researchers estimated. Overall, they calculated that nitrous oxide per hectare (2.5 acres) was three times higher than ever reported by research on intermittently flooded farms before. ―When this new information is extrapolated across the world and embedded into estimates of methane emissions, the net climate impact from both methane and nitrous oxide could be two times higher than previous estimates,‖ Kritee said. Experts say a better way would be for all irrigated rice farmers to shallowly flood their fields, meaning the water level stays within 5cm to 7cm of the soil level. ―This flooding regime produces the least amount of methane and nitrous oxide,‖ Kritee said. As of now, N2O from rice-growing is not being tracked on a broad scale, and is left out of greenhouse gas inventories reported to the United Nations by major rice-producing countries including China and India. But as water becomes scarcer around the globe, many rice farmers may look to wet and dry cycles as a solution, not knowing the danger they are posing to the planet. To avoid that, scientists need better tracking and reporting of N2O worldwide, the EDF said. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/2163638/india-study-greenhousegases-rice-paddies-may-be-two-times

Civil Supplies Dept completes sapling planting target in one day! Hyderabad, Sept.10 (NSS): The Civil Supplies Department has taken Haritha Haram program prestigiously and completed the target set by the government in one day only. It supplied one sapling with each cylinder delivered at household in some parts.

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The State government communicated District wise and Department wise tree planting targets for implementation target to Civil Supplies Department 1,29,600 plants. The Department took the project prestigiously and took measures in that direction. It has given responsibilities to Department and Corporation officials in the district levels and also involved the stake holders — Consumer Forum, LPG Dealers, Ration Dealers, Petrol Bunks and Rice Millers in the program. On Monday, Commissioner for Civil Supplies Akun Sabharwal planted a sapling at Hyderabad MLS point. The District officials planted saplings at various Civil Supplies godowns, Petrol Bunks, LPG godowns, Rice mills and so on.


Agriculture Sec. Piñol: 'Rice prices to stabilize by November 2018' Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol made this forecast during deliberations on the Department of Agriculture (DA)‘s proposed P55.9-billion budget for 2019 by the Senate finance sub-committee, chaired by Sen. Cynthia Villar. Paolo Romero (The Philippine Star) - September 11, 2018 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines — Rice prices are expected to stabilize in November when the harvest season starts, although prices will not likely go below P40 per kilo, Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol said yesterday. Piñol made this forecast during deliberations on the Department of Agriculture (DA)‘s proposed P55.9-billion budget for 2019 by the Senate finance sub-committee, chaired by Sen. Cynthia Villar. Prior to the price surge, commercial rice was sold at P35 to P40 per kilo while National Food Authority (NFA) rice was at P27 per kilo. The agriculture chief said the new price level was because traders are now buying from farmers ―fresh‖ palay at P22 to P25, and P29 per kilo for ―dry‖ palay.

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―If it‘s any comfort, the price change has led to expansion of more rice areas,‖ he said, adding that farmers are already starting their harvest this month and which is expected to end by October.

Villar and Sens. Joseph Victor Ejercito and Juan Miguel Zubiri supported Piñol‘s push to revive his proposal to give beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) rice instead of cash to buy food to help them cope with the rising inflation while helping farmers increase their income. There are about 4.4 million families benefiting from the 4Ps who were allocated P89 billion for this year under the budget of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Piñol said 4Ps beneficiaries – or the poorest segment of the population – are given additional cash subsidies supposedly to allow them to buy rice. However, he claimed that there is no guarantee the beneficiaries were using the cash grants to buy rice, adding that over P35 billion would be infused to the farming sector if the subsidy was converted to grain. He told the senators the program was ready for implementation with the involvement of farmers‘ cooperatives but the DSWD opposed it, saying it was difficult to implement. Sen. Francis Escudero questioned why the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) slashed the DA‘s proposed budget by P49 billion when the country was experiencing what can

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be argued as a food crisis. Piñol said he was warned by economic managers not to lobby before senators to increase the budget. Meanwhile, House appropriations committee chairman and Davao City Rep. Karlo Nograles yesterday called on the NFA leadership to start procuring palay from farmers this early. ―The NFA has not had a good track record in procuring rice from local farmers, but if there is a time for them to step up and intensify their rice procurement operations, this is it,‖ he suggested. The NFA Council, according to him, should also increase the buying price of palay from the current P17 to at least P22 if it wants to compete with local rice traders. Nograles said that with rice buffer stocks down to three days as reported by the NFA and imported rice not expected to arrive in the country until November, ―the onus is on the NFA to find and purchase additional rice stocks as soon as possible.‖ The three days is far lower than the minimum 15-day buffer stock the NFA is required to maintain. ―The NFA has to try to secure as much rice locally because one, if they do not buy the palay stocks, these might be adversely affected by the coming super typhoon. Two, if the country continues to get hit by strong typhoons, the NFA will need a healthy buffer stock to allow it to distribute rice for government relief operations in the provinces that will be affected,‖ he added. In Bulacan, the Department of Trade and Industry, NFA and private rice traders are expected to launch several outlets that will sell rice at only P38 per kilo in several depressed areas in the province. Roderico Sulit, vice president of the Golden City Business Park Association and spokesman for the Bulacan Rice Millers Association, informed Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez that the plan was hatched after the association members coordinated with rice importers and NFA on the possibility of selling imported rice at cheap prices. – With Delon Porcalla, Ramon Lazaro


Full-time Customs exec eyed to handle rice import permits By Bernadette D. Nicolas September 11, 2018 A man arranges sacks of NFA rice at the agency‘s warehouse in Quezon City in this file photo.

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Malacañang is looking to designate a full-time Customs person who will focus on authorizing the issuance of import permits for rice. This, after August inflation soared to a nine-year high and the delayed delivery of rice imports to the warehouses of the National Food Authority (NFA) was delayed partly for causing the supply pinch.

Presidential Spokesman Harry L. Roque Jr. said on the designation of the Bureau of Customs point person is being owing to the delays in rice importation in terms of logistics and the actual signing of relevant documents like import permits from the BOC. Sometimes, he said in Filipino, ―importation gets delayed because…the one who authorizes the issuance of permits is with the chairman of Customs, so rice import permits pile up or some import permits are not being signed. That‘s why imported rice cannot be unloaded.‖ Bad weather has delayed rice imports‘ delivery to the NFA‘s warehouses and it has also hindered the agency from immediately distributing cheaper rice to local markets.

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―We know the problem. We have the problem in logistics. We have a problem sometimes on the time gap when it comes to signing the relevant documents at Customs. All of those are being addressed by the government,‖ Roque said. Earlier, the economic managers agreed to recommend to the President the issuance of a directive to further simplify and streamline the licensing procedures for rice imports of the NFA. Roque also said in a radio interview over the weekend that the President has made some decisions on the NFA, but he refused to give details yet on what such decisions are. Asked if it is related to sacking NFA Administrator Jason Aquino, Roque said, ―I‘d rather that the President make that declaration if he has made up his mind on it.‖ The President is also set to speak to the nation through a press conference later at 3 p.m. on Tuesday at Malacañang. As of press time, there were no details yet on what prompted this sudden call for a press conference or what the President will be announcing. After the press conference, the President will also be attending the Cabinet meeting, where the government preparations for the upcoming super typhoon, expected to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility on Wednesday night, might be discussed. Roque also urged the public to start preparing for the upcoming typhoon and gave assurances that the Department of Social Welfare and Development is ready to provide humanitarian assistance. https://businessmirror.com.ph/full-time-customs-exec-eyed-to-handle-rice-import-permits/

Import delays, hoarding may have caused rice woes, says DA chief ABS-CBN News Sep 11 2018 10:42 AM

Workers unload sacks of rice at a warehouse in Manila on August 07, 2018. George Calvelo, ABS CBN


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MANILA -- Delayed imports and hoarding by some traders might have caused the spike in rice prices, Agriculture Secretary Manny Pi単ol said Tuesday.

Imports are expected to account for 7 percent of requirements of the staple grain, with local production accounting for 93 percent, Pi単ol told DZMM. "Na-delay ang importation, ngayon pa lang ibinibaba. In fact, may nagrereklamo nang importers na mukhang mabagal ang pag-release ng Bureau of Customs," he said. (Imports were delayed, some are just arriving. In fact, some importers are complaining about the slow release by the Bureau of Customs.) Asked where the record palay harvest of 19.28 million metric tons in 2017 went, Pi単ol said hoarding was possible."The only explanation there is somebody getting it. In the eyes of the government, that's hoarding," he said. Pi単ol said the lack of NFA rice supply earlier this year and discussions on the effects of tax reform could have triggered speculation in the rice market. The Agriculture chief told senators on Monday that he expected rice prices to stabilize in November as imports arrive, adding there was no shortage of the staple. https://news.abs-cbn.com/business/09/11/18/import-delays-hoarding-may-have-caused-ricewoes-says-da-chief

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Senate to pass rice tariffication bill in September By Jasper Y. Arcalas

September 11, 2018

In this May 7, 2014, file photo, workers unload bags of rice imported from Vietnam at North Harbor in Manila. THE head of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food vowed that the upper chamber will pass the rice tariffication bill within the month after the Economic Development Cluster‘s (EDC) recommended fast-tracking the measure as one of the nonmonetary inflation busters. The rice tariffication bill, which would convert the country‘s quantitative restriction (QR) on rice into tariffs, is seen by the EDC as crucial in arresting the accelerating inflation and rising prices of the staple. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) last week reported a 6.4-percent inflation

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in August, beating all estimates. All rice varieties also posted double-digit price increases during the month. ―Yes. We will try hard,‖ Sen. Cynthia A. Villar, committee chairman, told reporters, when asked if senators can pass the bill within the month. She spoke to journalists after the budget hearing of the Department of Agriculture (DA) on Monday. Villar said her committee has already released its report on the rice tariffication bill, and the measure is already on the Senate floor. The House of Representatives passed last month on third reading its version of the rice tariffication bill. NFA powers However, Villar did not say whether her version of the rice tariffication bill includes a provision that would remove the regulatory powers of the National Food Authority (NFA) in relation to imports, particularly its licensing role. ―The things that I will only defend on the floor are the rice tariffication and the rice competitiveness enhancement fund,‖ she said. Villar said she would seek a clarification with the Department of Finance (DOF) regarding the removal of the licensing power of the NFA in relation to the tariffication of rice imports. ―From my understanding, when I talked to the DOF, once we pass the rice tariffication [bill], then our rice importation will be liberalized,‖ she said. ―The NFA will [no longer have the] power to determine importation. That‘s why I was shocked when they [DA officials] said that it is [not the case],‖ she added. During the DA‘s budget hearing, Agriculture Undersecretary for Policy and Planning Segfredo R. Serrano said the tariffication of rice imports is not tantamount to full liberalization. Despite

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the conversion of the QR into tariffs, Serrano said the current import regime, where imports are monitored by the NFA, could stay. ―Our commitment after the expiry of our waiver is to tariffy rice. Meaning to say, [we just have to] put a tariff value,‖ Serrano said. ―You put a tariff but the import regime can stay as it is. [We can still have the control] until we touch the mandate of the NFA, which has the import licensing function,‖ Serrano added. Full liberalization of the rice sector would entail scrapping the minimum access volume, import licensing power and all administrative measures that control the entry of the staple, according to Serrano. ―The whole point, madam chair, is that when you say tariffy, it doesn‘t mean you fully liberalize the sector,‖ he said. Nonetheless, Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol said he will continue to push for the retention of the NFA‘s licensing power on rice imports in a post-QR regime. https://businessmirror.com.ph/senate-to-pass-rice-tariffication-bill-in-september/

New twist Posted By: The Nation On: September 11, 2018 In: Uncategorized

Nigeria’s rice sector economics gets trickier by the day Rice production and consumption in Nigeria have long become a conundrum that must be of grave concern to both the government and Nigerians. The reason is that Nigerians‘ love for and consumption of imported long grain rice has

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assumed the status of a troubling phenomenon. But even more troubling is that Nigeria‘s attempt at producing the major staple locally has continued to be stumped. The seeming addiction of Nigerians to imported rice, which makes smuggling of the commodity through the land borders a very profitable venture, is yet one reason local production suffers. Another is the lack of capacity and / or collusion of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) in the lucrative smuggling trade. Lastly, the inability of government to muster the will to build a sustainable rice sector has made the rice crisis seemingly intractable. Solving what has become Nigeria‘s rice albatross would therefore require an especial ingenuity and dedicated effort to span at least a decade. And it must be said that the effort would be well worth it. In the last seven years or so, the Federal Government has been making spirited efforts, including spending billions of naira to grow enough rice for local consumption. During the Goodluck Jonathan administration, a 2015 deadline was proclaimed for achieving self-sufficiency in local rice production. The period marked a renaissance of sort as paddy fields were expanded and for the first time, modern rice mills were installed in some parts of the country. At the end of 2015, neither the target was achieved nor was serious dent made to Nigeria‘s rice import bill. The Muhammadu Buhari administration intensified efforts at rice production with more mills, more loans to local farmers and increased sensitisation of the populace. Both the private sector and even state governments have shown more interest in the last three years more than ever before. However, contrary to government‘s claims, results remain shockingly dismal. While it is claimed that Nigeria saved about $800 million (N288 billion) from rice imports, there are indications that

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the country may have actually lost close to N1 trillion (over $2billion) in the last one year. Chief AuduOgbeh, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, caused a stir early in the year when he asserted that the Thai ambassador to Nigeria had lamented to him that increased production of local rice had caused warehouses to shut down in Thailand, one of the chief exporting countries to Nigeria. However, a global trade portal, Index Mundi, has released figures stridently repudiating government‘s numbers. The outfit noted that while Nigeria imported 2.6 million tons of rice in 2017, as at 2nd quarter of 2018, Nigeria had reportedly imported 3.0 million tons. It suggests that domestic consumption may have risen sharply to nearly 7.0 million tons from 6.4 million tons in 2015 while local production may have stagnated since 2015. What this boils down to is that Nigerians‘ crave for imported rice far out-strips supply. Measures like high tariff and strictures in foreign exchange availability for rice imports have not tamed demand for it; not even the ban on imports through the land borders. Ironically, more foreign rice is imported and smuggled through the neighbouring countries of Benin Republic and Cameroun than come in officially through Nigeria‘s sea ports. It becomes double jeopardy as huge revenues are lost to these countries which now find rice business as their economic mainstay. We urge government to review its rice policy once again. First, it must think long term, during which to achieve sufficiency and second, it must initiate bilateral engagements to secure the buyin of her neighbours. The NCS must raise its game; there is so much more the service can do to cage the monster of smuggling. Then there is need for a massive, well planned and sustained attitudinal change campaign to get Nigerians to see the good in their local rice. Finally, a privatesector driven and sustained large scale rice production process must be put in place.

48 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Providing home-grown rice for a population inching towards 200 million will conserve ample forex and give the Nigerian economy a big boost. http://thenationonlineng.net/new-twist/

Vietnam to grow rice shipments; PH among main markets By Asia News Network, Inquirer.net|September 09,2018 - 11:37 PM

Jade Mesias, Asturias‘ municipal agriculturist, checks on the tungro-affected rice crop in Barangay Lunas in Asturias during a field inspection on Sunday. CDN PHOTO/TONEE DESPOJO HCM CITY — Vietnam‘s rice exports are expected to rise in the remaining months of the year thanks to increasing demand in many markets, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

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Higher demand has been forecast in China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Iraq, and Southern African countries, it said. The Philippines, for instance, plans to import 500,000 to 800,000 tonnes to supplement its depleting stocks and stabilize prices. A new decree, which takes effect in October, is expected to remove difficulties and legal barriers faced by rice businesses in expanding exports.Rice exporters said they are likely to see positive signs from October but also challenges.Lam Anh Tuan, director of the Ben Tre Province-based Thinh Phat Foodstuffs Co Ltd, said if the Philippines and Indonesia buy in the near future they would buy through bids or negotiations at low prices.Prices of certain varieties of Vietnamese rice are higher than their rivals, he said. http://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/193223/vietnam-grow-rice-shipments-ph-among-mainmarkets

600 rice containers from Pakistan held up at Kenyan port The Newspaper's Staff Reporter

Updated September 08, 2018 LAHORE: At least 600 containers of Pakistani rice are stuck up at Kenyan ports as the customs authorities there have subjected the consignment to 100 per cent scrutiny and verification against the norms. Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (Reap) Chairman Sameeullah Chaudhry says the Kenya Bureau of Standards and Customs started full verification and sampling of rice containers reaching Mombasa port, Kenya, for inspecting phytosanitary standards and physical characteristics (broken, damaged) since one month. The step is being taken despite appropriate certificate of conformity at the loading port by the agencies recommended by KEBS including SGS, Intertek and Bureau Veritas etc, he says, adding the detention of containers is causing heavy demurrages and thus landing cost of the rice is increasing with each passing day. He says that there is only one lab in Kenyan capital Nairobi to conduct the heavy metal tests whereas the cargo is stuck up at Mombasa port and thus the testing process is taking extraordinary time.

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Mr Chaudhry demands that the foreign office should take up the issue with their Kenyan counterparts for Pakistan High Commission as commercial consular‘s requests are not being entertained by Nairobi. Kenya is one of the largest markets for Pakistani rice as it imports at least 475,000 tonnes or 12pc of the total rice exports of Pakistan. Published in Dawn, September 8th, 2018 https://www.dawn.com/news/1431656/600-rice-containers-from-pakistan-held-up-atkenyan-port

Nigeria: Tough Time Awaits Nigerians, As Price of Rice Soars Photo: P.TumwebazeBy

Gbenga Akinfenwa

Nigerians would need to brace up for another round of hardship, with the soaring price of rice, considered as a staple food for households in the country.Based on feelers from industry analysts, The Guardian reliably gathered that the price might escalate in few weeks to come and may last till December or beyond if urgent provisions are not made to address the challenges.Currently, a 50kg of parboiled rice initially sold between N12, 000 and N12, 500 has risen to between N13, 000 and N14, 500, depending on the area, in the last two weeks. This has not only resulted in panic buying and hoarding, it has also added to stress of already distraught Nigerians, as the price is gradually taking the commodity beyond their reach. Attesting to this development was the release of several bags of the Lake Rice, penultimate week by the Lagos State government to designated retail outlets; high end markets, super markets, open markets and stores in large quantities across the state, to cushion the effect of the price hike. According to the state Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr. Oluwatoyin Suarau, through a statement: "The attention of the state government has been drawn to the skyrocketing price of other rice brands in the market and as such it behooves government to ensure all year round availability of Lake rice to residents at affordable prices." Shaming the much-hyped success of the Federal Government in achieving a 90 per cent reduction in the importation of rice, The Guardian learnt that importation of rice has not been

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reduced by 90 per cent because 80 per cent of food consumed locally is still imported, as smugglers have become warlords under the direct nose of government officials. Based on the Federal Government's claim, the current yield per hectare of rice has increased from 2.5million tons in 2005; 3.5 tons in 2010 to 5.5 tons in 2018. Contrary to government's claims, the country's import bills keep increasing by the day, thereby reducing the foreign reserves. The country is ranked the largest producer of rice in West Africa, at the same time she is ranked second largest importer of rice in the world as at 2017, incurring an average import bill of N1b daily on rice import. According to the import data from a global trade portal, Index Mundi, the country imported 5.6 million tonnes of rice between 2017 and now, at the global price of $410, which amounts to $2.29m. This is contrary to claims by the Bank of Agriculture (BOA) that Nigeria had saved $800 million from importation of rice. Experts in the rice industry have attributed this to several factors: low productivity, which triggers scarcity in the market; ban on rice importation; unavailability of local rice as alternatives; and scarcity of paddy rice. The Managing Director/CEO of Bama Farms, Prince Wale Oyekoya, told The Guardian that he is not surprised by the sudden sharp price rise, said the development was expected because of government's insincerity about the state of the country's economy. "Our economy is struggling with low production of food, especially the carbonate section of Agric produce that the government is heavily promoting, such as rice and cassava. The production is so low and it triggers scarcity in the market, and price increase. Banning of rice importation is another factor that shoots up the price because smugglers are having a field day with Nigeria Custom Service. "The economics of scale is effective here where the product is very scarce and demand is high thereby forcing the price to go up. The price will continue to increase, especially with Christmas approaching. We will continue to have price increase on staple foods until the central government can have people-oriented policy and not selfish policies that increase the amount of their bank accounts."

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Chairman, Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN), Kebbi State Chapter, Muhammed Augie, who told The Guardian that scarcity of paddy rice has hit the market, said inability of rice processors to get paddy, is the major cause of the price increase. "This is a lean period where supply from the market is declining, due to the fact that harvest season is still far away, prompting current price hike." The local rice that should have served, as alternatives are currently not much in circulation as expected, and the few ones in the market are expensive, more than the imported rice. For instance, a 50kg bag of local rice in Kebbi State was N15, 000, compared to the imported type that was around N12, 500. For those buying retail, a measure that was N300 is currently N350. In the Southwest, a measure of Ofada rice, which contains about 12 Dericas, is currently N4, 000, as against N3, 100 price of the imported type. The same goes for local rice from Asaba, Ebonyi and the likes, originally to crash the market. Adekoya, who was Chairman, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)'s agriculture sector, berated government for lack of capacity. "Production will improve if the government introduces policy that will favour the masses and not the elites or cabals. The government has no business doing agriculture business, but instead it should provide enabling and conducive environment for farmers to do business. "Our government is the problem of our economic woes where they want to be in charge of everything and in the process get confused and misappropriate our funds. Importation has not been reduced by 90 per cent because 80 per cent of food we consume in the country are still been imported, where smugglers have become warlords under the direct nose of government officials. "The only solution to avert more food crises is for the three tiers of government to do more in rolling out conducive environment for farmers to strive and survive thereby increasing production of our farm produces and provide adequate storage facilities, provide very low interest rate soft loans with adequate moratorium to pay and to use farmers asset debentures, instead of draconian demand of collateral from farmers to access loans," he said. https://allafrica.com/stories/201809100018.html

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India summer crop sowing edges up; rice area expands 2.3 percent MUMBAI (Reuters) - Indian farmers have planted summer-sown crops on 104.17 million hectares as of Sept. 7, up 0.2 percent from a year earlier, government data showed.Cotton sowing was down 2.4 percent, while rice planting rose 2.3 percent.Monsoon rainfall was 7 percent lower than normal as of Sept. 7, but in some states such as Manipur the rainfall deficit was as high as 53 percent, data compiled by the state-run India Meteorological Department (IMD) showed. India‘s monsoon rains, a crucial element for the country‘s farm output, are likely to be below average in 2018, after the country experienced lighter than usual rainfall during the first half of the season.The following figures are provisional and are in million hectares. Some numbers have been rounded, and the table does not include all crops. Crops 2018/19 2017/18 Rice 38.193 37.336 Pulses 13.441 13.745 Pigeon peas 4.520 4.511 Cereals 17.431 18.164 Corn 7.861 7.870 Oilseeds 17.395 16.920 Soybean 11.192 10.526 Sugar cane 5.194 4.986 Cotton 11.810 12.098 Total 104.165 103.957 Reporting by Rajendra Jadhav; editing by David Evans Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. https://in.reuters.com/article/india-crops-sowing/india-summer-crop-sowing-edges-up-ricearea-expands-23-percent-idINKCN1LN26F

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Hot right now: Our top trending food and beverage stories on social media By Gary Scattergood 11-Sep-2018 - Last updated on 11-Sep-2018 at 09:13 GMT Share to Faceboo kShare to TwitterShare to Lin kedIn

Check out what is gining traction online. ©GettyImages In the first of our monthly reviews of the top five stories finding favour on social media, we highlight the latest developments at Nestle, DuPont and around palm oil and e-commerce. 1 - Nestlé Philippines responds to Greenpeace waste criticisms following Manila's 'plastic waves' Our most popular story on social media covers Nestlé Philippines‘ response to criticisms from Greenpeace over packaging waste, with the firm issuing reassurances that steps are in place to ‗reduce its environmental footprint‘.

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Tropical Storm Yagi (local name: Karding) hit Manila earlier this month, and its aftermath saw enormous waves of plastic waste crashing into the shores. This comes just months after Manila made international headlines for its ‗trash bin‘ waterway, Estero de Magdalena, being covered in plastic bags, bottles and food containers. “At Nestlé Philippines, we are committed to play our part. We continuously find ways to reduce our environmental footprint,” said Nestle Philippines in an official response to queries from FoodNavigator-Asia. 2 - ‘Fabricated hysteria’: Food firms making dubious ‘no palm oil’ claims under fire as GAR highlights sustainability gains In second place is our spotlight on palm oil giant GAR, which claims sustainability practices in Indonesia are slowly reaping rewards, while arguing that manufacturers which make unjustified ‗no palm oil‘ label claims are merely cashing in on ‗fabricated hysteria‘. Palm trees were responsible for 270k hectares of annual tropical forest loss, while cattle-rearing and soy farming was responsible for 2.7 million hectares and 480k hectares of forest loss, according to Supply Change Report 2017. “There is increasing evidence that the efforts being made by the palm oil companies, particularly in Indonesia, is slowing rates of deforestation,” Anita Neville, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Sustainability Relations from Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) commented on palm oil sustainability efforts in an interview with FoodNavigator-Asia. 3 - Beating the market rate: DuPont seeks to accelerate sales growth in Japan with new innovation centre Next we have news that DuPont aims to drive sales growth that is four to five times higher than the market rate for its Japan‘s health and nutrition business. In an interview with FoodNavigator-Asia and NutraIngredients-Asia, Kobus De Klerk, global innovation leader (sales application food ingredients) of DuPont Nutrition & Health and Dr Li YongJing, regional president (APAC) of DuPont Nutrition & Health, revealed DuPont‘s aspiration for its newly opened innovation centre in Japan. Located in the Kanagawa Prefecture, Tokyo, it is hoped that the 700m2 innovation centre will boost sales growth by providing an array of customised food and nutrition solutions. 4 - Philippine rice crisis escalates as shortages push prices to a three-year high In fourth spot is the rocketing price of rice in the Philippines, which has increased for the eighth month straight and hit a three-year peak, despite the injection of rice imports.

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Rice costs continued on an upward trend despite imported supplies arriving in June. Philippines‘ National Food Authority (NFA) has admitted the lack of effect the imports have had on the predicted lowering of prices, especially in Manila, the nation‘s capital city. “As of now, no effect. There are areas that have minimal reduction but here in Metro Manila, where we do not have rice production, there is none,” it said in a statement. 5 - Newly-launched UAE organic food e-commerce site seeks to become region’s biggest Our final story concerns UAE-based Organic&Real.com (O&R), which is aiming to become the biggest online marketplace for certified organic and natural, vegan, gluten-free and free-from healthy food products. Founder and CEO Manu Mahdi said the e-commerce site already carried almost 2,000 products, and will be crossing 3,000 in a month‘s time. “Our target is to reach more than 15,000 products by the end of the year, which would be one of the largest stores carrying exclusively organic range of products,” Manu told FoodNavigatorAsia. https://www.foodnavigator-asia.com/Article/2018/09/11/Hot-right-now-Our-top-trending-food-andbeverage-stories-on-social-media

Barley up on scattered demand PTI | Sep 10, 2018, 14:42 IST New Delhi, Sep 10 () Barring a marginal rise in barley prices on mild demand, other grains held steady at the wholesale grains market on Monday. Traders said scattered enquiries from consuming industries led to rise in barley prices. Meanwhile, activity in the market remained restricted as enquiries from neighbouring states remained negligible due to 'Bharat Bandh' call given by the Congress and several other parties against rising fuel prices. In the national capital, barley traded higher by Rs 10 to Rs 1,570-1,580 per quintal. Following are today's quotations (in Rs per quintal): Wheat MP (desi) Rs 2,320-2,420, Wheat dara (for mills) Rs 2,000-2,005, Atta Chakki(delivery) Rs 2,010-2,015, Atta Rajdhani (10 kg) Rs 250-280, Shakti Bhog (10 kg) Rs 275-310, Roller flour mill Rs 1,070-1,090 (50 kg), Maida Rs 1,170-1,180 (50 kg) and Sooji Rs 1,220-1,230 (50 kg).

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Basmati rice (Lal Quila) Rs 10,700, Shri Lal Mahal Rs 11,300, Super Basmati rice Rs 9,900, Basmati common new Rs 7,900-8,000, Rice Pusa (1121) Rs 6,850-6,950, Permal raw Rs 2,4252,450, Permal wand Rs 2,525-2,575, Sela Rs 3,050-3,150 and rice IR-8 Rs 2,025-2,075. Bajra Rs 1,350-1,355, Jowar yellow Rs 1,650-1,700, white Rs 2,850-2,900, Maize Rs 1,3601,365, Barley Rs 1,570-1,580. SUN KPS SHW ADI ADI http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/65753181.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_mediu m=text&utm_campaign=cppst

PDS rice, wheat worth Rs 8.2 lakh misappropriated: police TNN | Sep 10, 2018, 04:48 IST Mangaluru: City police have confirmed the misappropriation of food under the public distribution system by private firms. On receiving information of commodities under PDS being transported to a private godown in Manjalpade near Bondel under Kavoor police station limits, the police had on Friday raided a godown and seized 290 quintals rice and 9 quintals wheat. These items were supposed to be supplied to a ration shop and three hostels meant for minorities. The total value of the edible commodities is estimated at Rs 8.2 lakh. A lorry, a mini lorry and a pick-up truck, of a total value of Rs 9 lakh, were also seized. In addition, the police also seized an electronic weighing machine costing Rs 4,000 and a machine to stitch gunny bags. A driver of one of the vehicles, Mobeerul Islam Rajabarabhuya, 21, was detained. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mangaluru/pds-rice-wheat-worth-rs-8-2-lakhmisappropriated-police/articleshow/65745803.cms

Vietnam to grow rice shipments; PH among main markets 

Cebu Daily News

10 Sep 2018

HCM CITY — Vietnam‘s rice exports are expected to rise in the remaining months of the year thanks to increasing demand in many markets, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.HCM CITY — Vietnam‘s rice exports are expected to rise in the remaining months of the year thanks to increasing demand in many markets, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Higher demand has been forecast in China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Iraq, and Southern African countries, it said.

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The Philippines, for instance, plans to import 500,000 to 800,000 tonnes to supplement its depleting stocks and stabilize prices. The Philippines, for instance, plans to import 500,000 to 800,000 tonnes to supplement its depleting stocks and stabilize prices. A new decree, which takes effect in October, is expected to remove difficulties and legal barriers faced by rice businesses in expanding exports. Rice exporters said they are likely to see positive signs from October but also challenges. Rice exporters said they are likely to see positive signs from October but also challenges. Lam Anh Tuan, director of the Ben Tre Province-based Thinh Phat Foodstuffs Co Ltd, said if the Philippines and Indonesia buy in the near future they would buy through bids or negotiations at l ow prices.Prices of certain varieties of Vietnamese rice are higher than their rivals, he said. https://www.pressreader.com/philippines/cebu-daily-news/20180910/281556586717007

Measures to curb inflation underway: Lambino By PTV News - AVDS September 10, 2018 MANILA – An official of the Department of Finance (DOF) allayed fears surrounding the country‘s elevated inflation rate, citing recently approved measures aimed at addressing supply constraints. DOF Assistant Secretary Tony Lambino, during the launch of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) program ―The Presser‖ at the PIA Auditorium Monday, said the eight-point measure approved by the Economic Development Cluster (EDC) last week should address lack of rice supply, among others.This, amid the further acceleration of food inflation due to supply issues created by weather disturbances. Headline inflation rose to 6.4 percent last August from month-ago‘s 5.7 percent, bringing the average to date to 4.8 percent. Average inflation in the first eight months this year is already way beyond the government‘s two to four percent target band until 2020.

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The eight-point measures include replicating the issuance of certificates being issued by the Department of Agriculture (DA) to allow importation of fish to be distributed in wet markets in Metro Manila and other parts of the country, and immediate distribution of 4.6 million sacks of rice that are available in warehouses of the National Food Authority (NFA) to markets nationwide. Members of the EDC expect the delivery by the end of this month of about two million sacks of rice that have been contracted earlier. The supply is expected to be boosted further after the NFA Council authorized the importation of five million sacks of rice for delivery in the next one-and-a-half-months and another five million sacks in early 2019. Since rice shortage is high in the areas of Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, the EDC agreed that 2.7 million sacks will be allocated in these areas. Lambino said average price of rice, a staple food in the Philippines, in these four areas in Mindanao rose to about PHP42.85 per kilo last August from below PHP40 in the past. ―So over the short-term, the National Food Authority is helping address high rice prices by sending more stock to affected provinces and importing more rice,‖ he said. Lambino said the NFA is sending around 4,000 bags of rice to Zamboanga alone on a daily basis thus, covering some 80 percent of the province‘s rice requirement. Tarrification He said economic managers have also called on Senators to approve the proposed rice tariffication bill to liberalize rice importation.To date, rice importation is covered by a quantitative restriction (QR), which allows importers to purchase rice from overseas based on their license.

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With the proposed tariffication, Lambino said NFA would be mandated to ensure adequate emergency buffer as well as proper logistics ―to make sure that this buffer stocks gets to where it‘s needed.‖ He said the proposed measure is beneficial to local farmers since it will help increase their production or allow them to shift to higher value crops. ―Under a tariff regime, the tariff will be collected from anyone who wants to import rice and that money will be used to support our farmers,‖ he said. Other recommended measures Aside from measures aimed at increasing rice supply, the EDC also agreed to recommend to President Rodrigo R. Duterte the issuance of a directive that will further simplify and streamline the licensing procedures for importation of rice. Other measures include: the formation of monitoring teams to be composed of representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), NFA, Philippine National Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI); farmer groups to closely watch the transport of rice from ports to NFA warehouses and retail outlets; reduction of gap between farm gate prices and retail prices of chicken; the opening by the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) of sugar importation to direct users to moderate costs for consumers; and for the Bureau of Customs (BOC) to prioritize the release of essential food items in the ports. Lambino said the rate of price increases should decelerate once the eight approved measures have been implemented.―The point is this – implementing the solutions is the priority of the Duterte administration‘s economic development cluster. They are based on an understanding of the problem based on data from PSA, not speculations,‖ he added. (Joann Villanueva/PNA) https://ptvnews.ph/measures-to-curb-inflation-underway-lambino/

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Customs seize 200 bags of rice stashed under banana bunches Author: Nnenna Ibeh Category: Local news, Politics - About 200 bags of rice hid under bunches of banana by smugglers have been seized - The contraband was seized by operatives of Nigerian Customs Service in Imo state - The service said the Duty Paid Value on the means of conveyance (truck) was N2.1 million, while the DPV on the contraband consignment was N5.1 million The Nigerian Customs Service on Monday, September 10, said it intercepted and seized a truck conveying over 200 bags of contraband rice covered with plantains and banana. The service said the contraband items were seized by operatives of the Federal Operations Unit, Zone C, Owerri in Imo State The Customs area comptroller in charge of the zone, Kayode Olusemire, said the 20 feet container truck, with the registration number, Lagos AGL 408 XR, was intercepted along the Benin stretch of the unit on Saturday, September 9. READ ALSO: Just In: Boko Haram launches fresh attack on military base in Borno He said the Duty Paid Value on the means of conveyance (truck) was N2.1 million, while the DPV on the contraband consignment was N5.1 million. ―The total DPV on that transaction alone is N7.2 million. Assuming the truck was not intercepted by the operatives of the unit that is how the Federal Government would have lost such a huge sum of money. It is very painful that smugglers had continued to nip the economy of the country in the bud. ―This was a calculated act to beat customs men on the road. It was very unfortunate for them and they met their Waterloo. READ ALSO: 2019: Southern, Middle Belt leaders speak on meeting with Atiku ―Why should we encourage the importation of foreign rice and lose a lot of money in the international market, which we can use to enhance the production of rice in the country. The ban is also to encourage the consumption of made in Nigeria products. ―The importation of foreign rice reduces government revenue, stifles domestic rice industries in addition to distorting supply and consumption data usually applied by the government as references for sound policy planning,‖ he noted. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigeria‘s #1 news app Meanwhile, NAIJ.com previously reported that NCS confiscated vehicles carrying bags of foreign rice along Kaduna, Zaria and Kano. The assistant comptroller and commander, strike force of the command, Ekanem Wills. Wills had said: ―We were able to confiscate eight Golf wagons and three J5 vehicles conveying smuggled rice." Market Survey: Check out what traders

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said at Nigeria's food basket - on NAIJ.com TV Read more: https://www.naija.ng/1191334customs-seize-200-bags-rice-stashed-banana-bunches.html#1191334

Rice Transplanter Machines Market Research 2018: Region Wise Analysis of Top Players in Market by its Types and Application Umang.s September 10, 2018 Rice Transplanter Machines market Report gives overview of Related Market including Types, Applications and Top Manufacturers with characteristics, technology and market chain with Analysis and latest market trends and growth. The Rice Transplanter Machines market research report also explains future Industry Supply, market demand, value, competition and its analysis of key player with industry forecast from 2018 to 2023 Description: The global Rice Transplanter Machines market will reach xxx Million USD in 2018 and CAGR xx% 2018-2023. The report begins from overview of Industry Chain structure, and describes industry environment, then analyses market size and forecast of Rice Transplanter Machines by product, region and application, in addition, this report introduces market competition situation among the vendors and company profile, besides, market price analysis and value chain features are covered in this report. Rice Transplanter Machinesmarket competition by top manufacturers/players, with Rice Transplanter Machines sales volume, Price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including: Yanmar, Iseki, Kubota, TYM, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery, CLAAS, Shandong Fuerwo Agricultural Equipment, Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery, Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery, Changfa Agricultural Equipment, Request for sample copy of Rice Transplanter Machines market report @ http://www.360marketupdates.com/enquiry/request-sample/12123541 On the basis of Product Type, Rice Transplanter Machines market report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, covers: Mechanical, Manual On the basis on the end users/applications, Rice Transplanter Machines market report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, this can be divided into:

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Commercial, Household, Scope of the Rice Transplanter Machines Market Report: This report focuses on the Rice Transplanter Machines in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. Target Audience of Rice Transplanter Machines Market: Manufacturer / Potential Investors, Traders, Distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers, Importers and Exporters ,Association and government bodies. Rice Transplanter Machines market report provides regional analysis forecast (20132023) including following regions: 

North America(USA, Canada and Mexico)

Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)

South America(Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)

Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

Have any special requirement on above Rice Transplanter Machines market report? Ask to our Industry Expert @ https://www.360marketupdates.com/enquiry/pre-orderenquiry/12123541 Some key points of Rice Transplanter Machines Market research report: –Rice Transplanter Machines Market Effect Factor Analysis. -Technology Process/Risk Considering Substitute Threat and Technology Progress In Rice Transplanter Machines Industry. -Consumer Needs or What Change Is Observed in Preference of Customer. -Who Are Rice Transplanter Machines Market Key Manufacturers? Along with this survey you also get their Product Information (Type, Application and Specification). -What Overview Rice Transplanter Machines Market Says? This Overview Includes Diligent Analysis of Scope, Types, Application, Sales by region, manufacturers, types and applications. -What Is Rice Transplanter Machines Market Competition considering Manufacturers, Types and Application? Based on Thorough Research of Key Factors –Rice Transplanter Machines Market Manufacturing Cost Analysis ;This Analysis is done by considering prime elements like Key RAW Materials, Price Trends, Market Concentration

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Rate of Raw Materials, Proportion of Raw Materials and Labour Cost in Manufacturing Cost Structure. -Political/Economical Change. -What is Rice Transplanter Machines Market forecast (2018-2023) Considering Sales, Revenue for Regions, Types and Applications? Purchase Rice Transplanter Machines Market Report with $ 2980 @ https://www.360marketupdates.com/purchase/12123541 The next part also sheds light on the gap between supply and consumption. Apart from the mentioned information, growth rate of Rice Transplanter Machines market in 5724 is also explained. Additionally, type wise and application wise consumption tables and figures of Rice Transplanter Machines market are also given. https://newsofenergy.com/rice-transplanter-machines-market-research-2018-region-wiseanalysis-of-top-players-in-market-by-its-types-and-application/

Nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms are a cause for concern for global climate Carefully chosen rice farming practices can help mitigate combined climate impact of nitrous oxide and methane emissions, says new research in PNAS ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND Intermittently flooded rice farms can emit 45 times more nitrous oxide as compared to the maximum from continuously flooded farms that predominantly emit methane, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This raises the prospect that rice farming across the world could be responsible for up to twice the level of climate impact relative to what was previously estimated. According to an accompanying global analysis released by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms could have the same long-term warming impact as about 600 coal plants (1,900 MMT per year CO2e100). In the short-term, this warming impact could be as much as 1,200 average-sized coal power plants (3,600 MMT per year CO2e100) because nitrous oxide lasts many more decades in the atmosphere than methane. The short-term vs long-term climate tradeoff

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The authors also found an inverse correlation between methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice farming: water and organic matter management techniques that reduce methane emissions can increase nitrous oxide emissions. This is crucial because nitrous oxide is a long-lived greenhouse gas that traps several times more heat in the atmosphere than methane over both 20 and 100-year time frames. "The full climate impact of rice farming has been significantly underestimated because up to this point, nitrous dioxide emissions from intermittently flooded farms have not been included," said Kritee, Ph.D., senior scientist at EDF and the lead author of the paper. "Increasing pressure on limited water resources under a changing climate could make additional rice farming regions look to intermittent flooding to address water limitations and concerns about methane emissions. Water management on rice farms needs to be calibrated to balance water use concerns with the climate impacts of both methane and nitrous oxide emissions." To monitor and mitigate rice farming's nitrous oxide impact, the authors call on 1) scientists to map flooding regimes and measure nitrous oxide emissions at a diversity of rice farms across the world; 2) countries to report these emissions; and 3) rice producers to optimize water, nitrogen and organic matter use to reduce emissions of these two important greenhouse gases. "It is essential for scientists to measure both nitrous oxide and methane emissions from rice fields in order to develop policies effective at meeting food demand while mitigating rice farming's climate impacts," said Kritee. Rice is a critical source of nutrition for the world's rapidly growing population, providing more calories to humans than any other food. But growing rice is also resource-intensive: rice cultivation covers 11% of the earth's arable land, consumes one-third of irrigation water. Focus on methane leaves nitrous oxide underestimated Most studies on the climate impacts of rice have measured methane emissions from continuously flooded rice farms. In addition, current climate mitigation strategies for rice production focus on reducing methane emissions by alternate wetting and drying, or intermittent flooding. Most rice producing countries - including the Unites States and the world's biggest producers of rice (China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh) - do not report nitrous oxide emissions associated with rice production as part of their national greenhouse gas inventories submitted to the United Nations. The findings of today's study suggest that under intermittent flooding nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms across the world might be 30 to 45 times the maximum of current estimates,

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equivalent to annual climate pollution from 200 coal power plants to our atmosphere without accounting for methane emissions. With the help of local partners, the authors investigated greenhouse gas emissions from rice farms across southern India and found that nitrous oxide emissions from rice can contribute up to 99% of the total climate impact of rice cultivation at a variety of intermittently flooded farms. These emissions contributed substantially to global warming pollution - far more than the estimate of 10% previously suggested by multiple global rice research organizations. Solutions to reduce methane and nitrous oxide The authors found that carefully chosen farming techniques at individual farms reduced net greenhouse gas emissions from rice cultivation by as much as 90 percent by integrating shallow (mild-intermittent) flooding with co-management of nitrogen and organic matter. If all irrigated rice farmers only used the proposed shallow flooding instead of continuous or intense forms of intermittent flooding, estimates in the accompanying analysis shows that the rice farms with irrigation have the potential to reduce their global climate impact by 60 percent (450-550 MMT CO2e100 years) "We now know nitrous oxide emissions from rice farming can be large and impactful," said Richie Ahuja, a co-author of this study. "We now also know how to manage the problem. Major rice producing nations in Asia are investing to improve the agriculture sector and could benefit from the suggested dual mitigation strategies that lead to water savings, better yields, and less climate pollution." ### Note: Access to an embargoed copy of the study is available to journalists via EurekAlert. Please register or access your account here. The name of the study is "High nitrous oxide fluxes from rice indicate the need to manage water for both long- and short-term climate impacts" Environmental Defense Fund, a leading international nonprofit organization, creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. Connect with us on Climate411, Twitter and Facebook. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-09/edf-noe090518.php

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Rice Transplanter Market Research, Global Analysis, Industry Demand and Forecast 2018-2023 Posted on by Sagar Jagtap

Rice Transplanter Market Report Provided Full Details of Executive summary Scope of the report Research Methodology Introduction 2018 Market landscape Market segmentation by type Segmentation by application Latest Geographical segmentation Decision framework Drivers and challenges Market trends Vendor landscape Key vendor analysis. Download and Get Sample PDF File Of Rice Transplanter Industry: https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/sample/143722 An exclusive Rice Transplanter Market research report created through broad primary research (inputs from industry experts companies and stakeholders) and secondary research the report aims to present the analysis of Global Rice Transplanter Market by Type, by Application, and by Region – North America Europe South America Asia-Pacific Middle East and Africa. Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year – 2013 Base year – 2018 Forecast period – 2018 to 2023 Rice Transplanter Market is broadly classified into segments such as type application deployment model and geography. Application segment is further sub-divided into clinical analytics financial analytics and administrative analytics.

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The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment evaluation. Besides the report also identifies and analyses the emerging trends along with major drivers challenges and opportunities in the global Rice Transplanter market. Additionally the report also highlights market entry strategies for various companies across the globe. The key countries in each region are taken into consideration as well such as United States China Japan India Korea ASEAN Germany France UK Italy Spain CIS and Brazil etc. Enquire here get customization & check discount, please click: https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/discount/143722 Rice Transplanter Market Analysis to 2023 is a specialized and in-depth study of the Testing, Inspection and Certification industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global Rice Transplanter market with detailed market segmentation by product/application and geography. The global Rice Transplanter market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Rice Transplanter players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market. The report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global Rice Transplanter market based on product and application. It also provides market size and forecast till 2023 for overall Rice Transplanter market with respect to five major regions namely; North America Europe Asia-Pacific (APAC) Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM) which is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report evaluates market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e. drivers restraints opportunities and future trend and provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions. Also key Rice Transplanter market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles products and services offered financial information of last 3 years key development in past five years. Buy Complete Report With TOC and Company Profiles at https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/buy/143722 Key Topics Covered: PART 01: Executive summary PART 02: Scope of the report PART 03: Research Methodology PART 04: Introduction PART 05: Market landscape PART 06: Market segmentation by type PART 07: Segmentation by application PART 08: Geographical segmentation

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PART 09: Decision framework PART 10: Drivers and challenges PART 11: Market trends PART 12: Vendor landscape PART 13: Key vendor analysis About Us: Worldwide Market Reports is your one-stop repository of detailed and in-depth market research reports compiled by an extensive list of publishers from across the globe. We offer reports across virtually all domains and an exhaustive list of sub-domains under the sun. The in-depth market analysis by some of the most vastly experienced analysts provide our diverse range of clients from across all industries with vital decision making insights to plan and align their market strategies in line with current market trends. Worldwide Market Research‘s well-researched inputs that encompass domains ranging from IT to healthcare enable our prized clients to capitalize upon key growth opportunities and shield against credible threats prevalent in the market in the current scenario and those expected in the near future. Contact Us: Mr. Shah Worldwide Market Reports Tel: +1 415 871 0703 Email: sales@worldwidemarketreports.com Visit our new Website: https://www.coherentwire.com https://www.industrychronicle.com/rice-transplanter-market-research-global-analysis-industrydemand-and-forecast-2018-2023/

‘FOOD INSECURITY’ Rice too expensive? Try alternatives, Ilonggos urged By Glenda Tayona Tuesday, September 11, 2018

EXPENSIVE STAPLE. Many locals are complaining about the high prices of rice. The staple could cost up to P64 per kilo, as shown by tags in this stall at the Iloilo Terminal Market. Prices of regular and well-milled rice started soaring in March. The following month, the National Food Authority announced they had zero buffer stocks. IAN PAUL CORDERO

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ILOILO City – With the price of rice surging, consumers should try alternatives such as root crops, according to the National Nutrition Council (NNC). ―Food insecurity‖ could result to ―nutrition insecurity‖, warned NNC regional nutrition program coordinator Nona Tad-y.

―For every increase in the price of rice, there is a corresponding decrease in the food consumption of households. We do not want that to happen,‖ said Tad-y. There are substitutes to rice – a carbohydrates source – to ensure one’s nutrition, she stressed, such as root crops. ―In the absence of rice, they can form part of our diet,‖ said Tad-y, stressing the need to inform the public about these alternatives because some people do not know about them. ―We must increase the public‘s level of appreciation on our root crops. Many of these that are unsold just rot in our markets,‖ she lamented.

Aside from the rising price of rice, Tad-y said, another factor bringing about food insecurity among households is dismal food production.

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―There are areas that are not really suitable for rice production. If there is no food security there is nutrition insecurity. This is why we also promote vegetable gardening,‖ she said.

Backyard gardening of fruits and vegetables can help ensure food production and proper nutrition, Tad-y stressed.

Those who lack space may try vertical gardening, she added.

A vertical garden is a garden that grows upward (vertically) using a trellis or other support system, rather than on the ground (horizontally). ―There is always a season in a year nga ginakulang sang pagkaon ang aton pamilya. Pero indi ini rason para magutom kita because we have other alternatives,‖ said Tad-y.

The regional nutrition program coordinator also reminded the public not to waste food, especially rice. “Sa pinggan naton damu bilin, ipanghaboy ta lang. Dira pa lang disiplinahon na naton ang aton kabataan, mga miyembero sang pamilya. Kada mumho is very important,‖ Tad-y emphasized.

An average of five cups of steamed rice is cooked daily for every Filipino but nine grams (around three tablespoons) of this is wasted, according to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). These morsels add up to more than 300,000 tons a year.

State-run Philippine Rice Research Institute and the Department of Agriculture called for a nationwide campaign to change Filipinos‘ wasteful consumption patterns.The Philippines, with a rapidly growing population now over 100 million people, uses rice as the staple food. It recent

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years it has become the world‘s biggest importer of the grain. Imports peaked at 1.8 million tons in 2008 during a global shortage triggered by poor harvests and bad weather./PN https://www.panaynews.net/food-insecurity-2/

The new Rice Krispies contain much less rice and much more sugar. South Africans seem to hate it Helena Wasserman , Business Insider SA Sep 10, 2018, 05:56 PM

The old Rice Krispies (left) versus its replacement, Rice Krispies Vanilla. 

Kellogg's has replaced its Rice Krispies cereal in South Africa with a new product, called Rice Krispies Vanilla.

The new cereal contains much less rice, which has been replaced with corn and whole wheat flour.

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Its sugar content has also more than doubled.

Many South Africans have objected to the change on social media, but Kellogg's is sticking to its guns - for now.

Judging from the wall of hate on social media, the launch of new versions of Rice Krispies, Coco Pops and Strawberry Pops in South Africa has not gone smoothly for Kellogg‘s. The move from single grain to whole-grain in both Coco Pops and Strawberry Pops did not receive an altogether enthusiastic response, its seems. But the changes to Rice Krispies – now known as Rice Krispies Vanilla - sparked the bigger outrage.

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Rice Krispies, which first went on sale in 1928, are traditionally made from a paste of rice and sugar, which are then toasted. (The kernels are hollow, and when milk is added, the rice walls collapse, causing it to ―snap, crackle and pop‖.) But in South Africa, the US company replaced the rice in Rice Krispies with a new formulation. Rice now represents only 48% of Rice Krispies - from 89.8% before. Corn flour (13%) (which may be genetically modified, according to the company) as well as whole wheat flour (10%) are some of the new ingredients. In addition, the company added much more sugar. ―In order to enhance the crispiness of Rice Krispies Vanilla, the new formula does have a thin coating of sugar – which is equivalent to 1.5 teaspoon per serving,‖ said Xolile Mbatha, director of research, nutrition and development at Kellogg‘s South Africa. The new Rice Krispies Vanilla now contains 21.7g sugar for every 100g – from only 9g previously. ―In light of the obesity crises, diabetes and sugar tax (in South Africa) I am alarmed, both as a parent AND a food scientist, to note that the new formulation contains more than double the amount of sugar,‖ one consumer remarked on the Kellogg‘s Facebook page. ―I specifically buy this cereal for my child due to it having much less sugar than other children's cereals on the market.‖ Please send help , the vanilla Rice Krispies are really disgusting. Please, I mean We can handle everything here in South Africa, we survived apartheid , but we won‘t be able to survive this

guys .. please


4:33 PM - Sep 10, 2018 See sgelekeqe es‘focused's other Tweets

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Mbatha says the new recipe was tested among 400 mothers and kids, half of whom ate Rice Krispies regularly. The other half were either new or ―lapsed‖ Rice Krispies eaters. ―While we understand there are differences in everyone‘s taste, the results from this market research indicated that the Rice Krispies Vanilla concept and food was significantly liked across all consumers.‖ View image on Twitter

Eish Lomuntu@kk_chiloane Come from buying @KelloggCompany rice krispies coz my daughter wouldn't eat breakfast saying they taste bad. How would 1 spot the difference. That small label isn't eye catching for 1 to notice the difference. 6:49 PM - Sep 10, 2018 See Eish Lomuntu's other Tweets

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Rice Krispies Vanilla is also available in Canada, but Mbatha says the local version was specifically formulated for the South African palate. The rest of the world apparently still has traditional Rice Krispies. Mbatha said the move to new multi-grain formula in Rice Krispies Vanilla allowed Kellogg‘s to source local ingredients. ―Previously we imported all main ingredients.‖ (South Africa is the ninth biggest importer of rice in the world, due to a shortage of local rice crops.)

Hitekani V.@Hitekani__B

Some of us even bought the new and improved Vanilla Flavour of Rice Krispies without knowing, those things do not even pop anymore. 3:23 PM - Sep 10, 2018 See Hitekani V.'s other Tweets

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She added that the company has seen some ―uplift in sales‖ since the launch of the new Rice Krispies in July, after the company shared samples ―which helped to engage with new/lapsed users‖. But Business Insider South Africa could not see any enthusiasm for the change in hundreds of social media messages, both on Kellogg‘s platforms and consumer websites.

Please. They Are Refusing To Negotiate. We Are Being Treated Like Terrorists. Im On My Last Box And It‘s The Small One, I Never Buy The Small One. I Had To Hunt For It. Idk What Will Happen To Me And My Family After This One Finishes. I Have A Young Sister. She‘s Still In School. pic.twitter.com/XKGkEHgIcx 2:47 AM - Sep 10, 2018

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On its social media pages it has acknowledged ―that there is more we can do to bring awareness around this new product. We are working with our marketing teams on this, so

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keep an eye out on social media and in-store.‖

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It is recommending that those unhappy with the new Rice Krispies try Kellogg‘s Corn Flakes – ―crisp, light flakes of sun-ripened corn that not only taste good but also give your family a nutritious start to the day‖. https://www.businessinsider.co.za/revolt-over-new-rice-krispies-2018-9

Jasmine Rice Market Research Key Players, Industry Overview, Supply Chain and Analysis to 2018 – 2025 September 10, 2018 Sampada.p Uncategorized Jasmine Rice Market report analyzes worldwide competitive outlook, restraints, opportunities, key challenges, trends, future growth potentials, key drivers, and value chain analysis. Jasmine Rice Market report also presents a detailed analysis of market sizing, product type, application, manufacturers, and region. Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Type, covers: Whte, Brown, Others Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into: Supermarkets And Malls, Online Shopping Sites, Retail Stores, Others Get Jasmine Rice Market Sample PDF Report Here (Corporate e-mail id required) Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers: COFCO, Fu Tai Long, Wilmar, Zhong Lv Bai Chuan, Jing Chu Da Di and many others. In this introductory section, the research report incorporates analysis of definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers: 

United States




Southeast Asia

and India

The Jasmine Rice market analysis report speaks about the growth rate of Jasmine Rice market in 2025 manufacturing process, key factors driving the Global Jasmine Rice market, sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Jasmine Rice Market, distributors, traders and dealers of Jasmine Rice Market.

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Browse Detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, Charts and Companies Mentioned in Jasmine Rice Market Research Report @ https://www.360marketupdates.com/11720692 Some key points of Jasmine Rice Market research report: – -Jasmine Rice Market Effect Factor Analysis. -Technology Process/Risk Considering Substitute Threat and Technology Progress In Jasmine Rice Industry. -Consumer Needs or What Change Is Observed in Preference of Customer. -Who Are Jasmine Rice Market Key Manufacturers Along with this survey you also get their Product Information (Type, Application and Specification). -What Overview Jasmine Rice Market Says This Overview Includes Diligent Analysis of Scope, Types, Application, Sales by region, manufacturers, types and applications. -What Is Jasmine Rice Market Competition considering Manufacturers, Types and Application Based on Thorough Research of Key Factors -Jasmine Rice Market Manufacturing Cost Analysis –This Analysis is done by considering prime elements like Key RAW Materials, Price Trends, Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials, Proportion of Raw Materials and Labour Cost in Manufacturing Cost Structure. -Political/Economical Change. -What is Jasmine Rice Market forecast (2018-2025) Considering Sales, Revenue for Regions, Types and Applications Purchase Jasmine Rice Market Report at @ https://www.360marketupdates.com/purchase/11720692 Next part of Jasmine Rice Market Research Report contains additional information like key vendors in Jasmine Rice Market space, Jasmine Rice Market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Jasmine Rice Market, opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Jasmine Rice Market. The process is analysed thoroughly with respect three points, viz. raw material and equipment suppliers, various manufacturing associated costs (material cost, labour cost, etc.) and the actual process. The next part also sheds light on the gap between supply and consumption. Apart from the mentioned information, growth rate of Jasmine Rice market in 2025 is also explained. Additionally, type wise and application wise consumption tables and figures of Jasmine Rice market are also given.

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Jasmine Rice Market Research Key Players, Industry Overview, Supply Chain and Analysis to 2018 – 2025 September 10, 2018 Sampada.p Uncategorized Jasmine Rice Market report analyzes worldwide competitive outlook, restraints, opportunities, key challenges, trends, future growth potentials, key drivers, and value chain analysis. Jasmine Rice Market report also presents a detailed analysis of market sizing, product type, application, manufacturers, and region. Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Type, covers: Whte, Brown, Others Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into: Supermarkets And Malls, Online Shopping Sites, Retail Stores, Others Get Jasmine Rice Market Sample PDF Report Here (Corporate e-mail id required) Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers: COFCO, Fu Tai Long, Wilmar, Zhong Lv Bai Chuan, Jing Chu Da Di and many others. In this introductory section, the research report incorporates analysis of definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure Jasmine Rice Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers: 

United States




Southeast Asia

and India

The Jasmine Rice market analysis report speaks about the growth rate of Jasmine Rice market in 2025 manufacturing process, key factors driving the Global Jasmine Rice market, sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Jasmine Rice Market, distributors, traders and dealers of Jasmine Rice Market. Browse Detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, Charts and Companies Mentioned in Jasmine Rice Market Research Report @ https://www.360marketupdates.com/11720692 Some key points of Jasmine Rice Market research report: – -Jasmine Rice Market Effect Factor Analysis.

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-Technology Process/Risk Considering Substitute Threat and Technology Progress In Jasmine Rice Industry. -Consumer Needs or What Change Is Observed in Preference of Customer. -Who Are Jasmine Rice Market Key Manufacturers Along with this survey you also get their Product Information (Type, Application and Specification). -What Overview Jasmine Rice Market Says This Overview Includes Diligent Analysis of Scope, Types, Application, Sales by region, manufacturers, types and applications. -What Is Jasmine Rice Market Competition considering Manufacturers, Types and Application Based on Thorough Research of Key Factors -Jasmine Rice Market Manufacturing Cost Analysis –This Analysis is done by considering prime elements like Key RAW Materials, Price Trends, Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials, Proportion of Raw Materials and Labour Cost in Manufacturing Cost Structure. -Political/Economical Change. -What is Jasmine Rice Market forecast (2018-2025) Considering Sales, Revenue for Regions, Types and Applications Purchase Jasmine Rice Market Report at @ https://www.360marketupdates.com/purchase/11720692 Next part of Jasmine Rice Market Research Report contains additional information like key vendors in Jasmine Rice Market space, Jasmine Rice Market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Jasmine Rice Market, opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Jasmine Rice Market. The process is analysed thoroughly with respect three points, viz. raw material and equipment suppliers, various manufacturing associated costs (material cost, labour cost, etc.) and the actual process. The next part also sheds light on the gap between supply and consumption. Apart from the mentioned information, growth rate of Jasmine Rice market in 2025 is also explained. Additionally, type wise and application wise consumption tables and figures of Jasmine Rice market are also given. https://www.newszak.com/2018/09/10/jasmine-rice-market-research-key-players-industryoverview-supply-chain-and-analysis-to-2018-2025/

85 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms are a cause for concern for global climate Carefully chosen rice farming practices can help mitigate combined climate impact of nitrous oxide and methane emissions, says new research in PNAS September 10, 2018 Intermittently flooded rice farms can emit 45 times more nitrous oxide as compared to the maximum from continuously flooded farms that predominantly emit methane, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This raises the prospect that rice farming across the world could be responsible for up to twice the level of climate impact relative to what was previously estimated. According to an accompanying global analysis released by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms could have the same long-term warming impact as about 600 coal plants (1,900 MMT per year CO2e100). In the short-term, this warming impact could be as much as 1,200 average-sized coal power plants (3,600 MMT per year CO2e20) because nitrous oxide lasts many more decades in the atmosphere than methane. The short-term vs long-term climate tradeoff The authors also found an inverse correlation between methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice farming: water and organic matter management techniques that reduce methane emissions can increase nitrous oxide emissions. This is crucial because nitrous oxide is a long-lived greenhouse gas that traps several times more heat in the atmosphere than methane over both 20 and 100-year time frames.

―The full climate impact of rice farming has been significantly underestimated because up to this point, nitrous dioxide emissions from intermittently flooded farms have not been included,‖ said Kritee, Ph.D., senior scientist at EDF and the lead author of the paper. ―Increasing pressure on

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limited water resources under a changing climate could make additional rice farming regions look to intermittent flooding to address water limitations and concerns about methane emissions. Water management on rice farms needs to be calibrated to balance water use concerns with the climate impacts of both methane and nitrous oxide emissions.‖ To monitor and mitigate rice farming‘s nitrous oxide impact, the authors call on 1) scientists to map flooding regimes and measure nitrous oxide emissions at a diversity of rice farms across the world; 2) countries to report these emissions; and 3) rice producers to optimize water, nitrogen and organic matter use to reduce emissions of these two important greenhouse gases.

―It is essential for scientists to measure both nitrous oxide and methane emissions from rice fields in order to develop policies effective at meeting food demand while mitigating rice farming‘s climate impacts,‖ said Kritee.

Rice is a critical source of nutrition for the world‘s rapidly growing population, providing more calories to humans than any other food. But growing rice is also resource-intensive: rice cultivation covers 11% of the earth‘s arable land, consumes one-third of irrigation water.

Focus on methane leaves nitrous oxide underestimated Most studies on the climate impacts of rice have measured methane emissions from continuously flooded rice farms. In addition, current climate mitigation strategies for rice production focus on reducing methane emissions by alternate wetting and drying, or intermittent flooding. Most rice producing countries – including the Unites States and the world‘s biggest producers of rice (China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh) – do not report nitrous oxide emissions associated with rice production as part of their national greenhouse gas inventories submitted to the United Nations. The findings of today‘s study suggest that under intermittent flooding nitrous oxide emissions from rice farms across the world might be 30 to 45 times the maximum of current estimates,

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equivalent to annual climate pollution from 200 coal power plants to our atmosphere without accounting for methane emissions.

With the help of local partners, the authors investigated greenhouse gas emissions from rice farms across southern India and found that nitrous oxide emissions from rice can contribute up to 99% of the total climate impact of rice cultivation at a variety of intermittently flooded farms. These emissions contributed substantially to global warming pollution – far more than the estimate of 10% previously suggested by multiple global rice research organizations.

Solutions to reduce methane and nitrous oxide The authors found that carefully chosen farming techniques at individual farms reduced net greenhouse gas emissions from rice cultivation by as much as 90 percent by integrating shallow (mild-intermittent) flooding with co-management of nitrogen and organic matter. If all irrigated rice farmers only used the proposed shallow flooding instead of continuous or intense forms of intermittent flooding, estimates in the accompanying analysis shows that the rice farms with irrigation have the potential to reduce their global climate impact by 60 percent (450-550 MMT CO2e100 years) ―We now know nitrous oxide emissions from rice farming can be large and impactful,‖ said Richie Ahuja, a co-author of this study. ―We now also know how to manage the problem. Major rice producing nations in Asia are investing to improve the agriculture sector and could benefit from the suggested dual mitigation strategies that lead to water savings, better yields, and less climate pollution.‖

For additional resources, including a global risk map of rice nitrous oxide emissions, visit edf.org/riceN2O. https://www.edf.org/media/nitrous-oxide-emissions-rice-farms-are-cause-concern-global-climate

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