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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU Latest News Headlines…
Brazil Exports 760,724 Tons Rice in January-July 2014 Myanmar Plans to Finalize Rice Export Agreement with China What Would a West African Grain Reserve Look Like? Oryza Shares Press Release: IFAD President Visits ICRISAT, Elevates Partnership for Making Smallholder Farming a Profitable Business Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap – Price Ideas Hold, Despite Impressive Export Sales Thailand May Consider 'Flexible Pricing System' for Rice Auctions Oryza Weekly Global Weather Outlook Nepal 2014 Rice Production Set to Decline due to Poor Rains and Slow Planting Asia Rice Quotes Unchanged Today Russia Excludes U.S. Rice and Wild Rice from Food Import Ban Oryza Global Rice Quotes Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today – India Rupee Rallies 0.8% Philippines Rice Stocks Stand at 2.03 Million Tons as of July 1, 2014; Down 12% m/m and Down 8% y/
Brazil Exports 760,724 Tons Rice in January-July 2014 Aug 14, 2014 Brazil exported about 760,724 tons of rice January - July, 2014, down about 41% from about 1.29 million tons rice exported in full calendar year 2013, according to data released by the Rice Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IRGA).Venezuela was the largest rice importer of Brazilian rice so far in this year with about 141,524 tons of rice (about 19% of total Brazil's rice export so far this year), followed by Cuba, which accounted for about 115,329 tons of rice (about 15% of total Brazil's rice export so far this year), according to IRGA data. Brazil also exported about 98,747 tons of rice (about 13% of total Brazil's rice export so far this year) to Sierra Leone, about 75,545 tons of rice (about 10% of total Brazil's rice export so far this year) to Senegal and about 65,739 tons (about 9% of total Brazil's rice export so far this year) to Nicaragua, according to the IRGA.
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Tags: Brazil rice exports, Brazil rice production
Myanmar Plans to Finalize Rice Export Agreement with China Aug 14, 2014 Myanmar is planning to discuss and finalize a rice export agreement with China to avoid legality issues, according to local sources. China has been complaining for a long time that the quantity of illegal rice exports from Myanmar has been increasing and has expressed concerns that Myanmar rice is not adhering to China’s plant quarantine rules. The Chinese government had also recently demanded a formal sanitary and phyto-sanitary agreement on rice standards with Myanmar. Myanmar's Commerce Minister told local sources that they will begin negotiations with the China's Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) authorities next month seeking a framework highlighting aspects for legalizing rice exports to China. They will also seek to fix an export quota to ensure that all rice exports from Myanmar are legal. Further, they are also planning to finalize a free trade agreement (FTA) with China, including rice as well as other agricultural products.According to Myanmar Trade Promotion Department officials,
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
currently Myanmar exports rice to China under an agreement, which encourages crop substitution and deters opium poppy cultivation in borders. They say these exports are legal for Myanmar, but are considered as illegal by China.In 2013, Myanmar exported around 747,000 tons of rice to China through its northern borders as per this agreement. Rice exports to China increased almost 125 times since 2011, according to a report by the World Bank in June this year. Myanmar's total rice exports are likely to reach around 1.1 million tons in FY 2013-14, down 47% from 2.1 million tons exported in FY 2012-13 fiscal, according to the Minister of Commerce. USDA estimates Myanmar's rice exports in 2014 to grow to around 1.3 million tons, up about 12% from the previous year's level of around 1.16 tons. The country's milled rice production is estimated at 11.96 million tons in MY 2013-14 (January 2014 - December 2014) against a consumption of around 10.5 million tons. Tags: myanmar rice exports, myanmar rice production, Myanmar rice exports to China
What Would a West African Grain Reserve Look Like? Aug 14, 2014 The Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) which has 15 members, stretching from Senegal in the west to Nigeria in the East has estimated that in order to deal with shocks which lead to food crises, the region would have to stock 411,000 tons of grain. In the worst case scenario of an intervention requiring 100% of the reserve the cost would be $996 million.This might at first sound like an excessive amount of resources for dealing with a food crisis, but West Africa is arguably one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to such crises. Even in the absence of food crises, the region is home to 34 million undernourished people therefore the region is already relatively food insecure at the best of times. There are a number of causes behind food crises in West Africa. These include climatic shocks such as droughts, floods and pest outbreaks. Many parts of the region, particularly the coastal cities are exposed to international food price shocks as they are highly dependent on food imports such as rice. The region has also seen its share of social and political conflicts such as the civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the 1990s and 2000s and Mali more recently. Local and national grain stocks are seen as the first and second line of defense against shocks but ECOWAS sees a regional grain reserves as an important complement. The setting up and maintenance of the regional reserve is projected to cost $264 million over eight years, averaging $33 million per year. As noted above, an actual intervention would be far higher. This is because the food reserves would be transferred directly to recipients for free which satisfies World Trade Organization rules as the program would not directly distort food prices.To begin with, the ECOWAS grain reserve would stock five key foodstuffs in the region; millet, sorghum, maize, rice and tubers, but the aim would be to introduce a more diverse range of foods once the reserve was up and running. Also, only a third (140,000 tons) of the reserve would be a physical stock of food while the remaining two thirds would be a financial stock the equivalent of 271,000 tons in value. In order to fund the regional grain reserve, ECOWAS proposes to introduce a 0.5% levy of all imports to the region.
Tags: West Africa, ECOWAS, regional grain reserve, food crisis, Adam John
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Oryza Shares Press Release: IFAD President Visits ICRISAT, Elevates Partnership for Making Smallholder Farming a Profitable Business Aug 14, 2014
Hyderabad, India (12 August 2014) – With 75% of the world’s extremely poor people living in the rural areas and dependent on agriculture, Dr Kanayo Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) underscored the crucial need for rural transformationand gender empowermentto sustainably reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition, and to drive inclusive agricultural growth in developing countries. Dr Nwanze was on a visit to the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) global headquarters in Hyderabad where he held discussions with the management and several key scientists on how to elevate the IFAD-ICRISAT partnership to make farming a profitable business in the marginalized regions of the world.“About 80% of the food consumed in developing countries is produced bysmallholder farmers, who ironically comprise 75% of the world’s poorest people, 90% of whom are women. If we are to eradicate hunger and poverty, we need to level the playing field byeconomically empowering small producers, particularly the rural women,” Dr Kanayo said. “To have economically viable and vibrant rural economies complementary to sustainable cities, we must address the centrality of smallholder producers, put massive investment in rural infrastructures, and change our mindsets to think that agriculture is a business that feeds the people, generates incomes and creates jobs.”“Investing in rural women is investing in the community. When women are economically empowered, they make sure their children are fed, get proper nutrition, and stay in school, which in effect can reversethe migration trend from rural to urban areas among the youth,” Dr Kanayo continued. Dr William Dar, ICRISAT Director General, highlighted the importance of the IFAD-ICRISAT partnership. “We share similar goals. IFAD and ICRISAT both aim to eliminate poverty, hunger and malnutrition, and to raise productivity and incomes of poor marginal farmers particularly in the drylands,” he said.“In over 40 years, the CGIAR system has shown that for every US$1 dollar invested in agricultural research for development (AR4D), US$9 worth value is returned on the investment, clearly showing the importance of scientific innovations in coping withfood security and rural development challenges,” Dr Dar emphasized.ICRISAT is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, a global agricultural research partnership for a food-secure world.
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
During the visit, ICRISAT scientists gave the IFAD President an insight into the Institute’s work and facilities integrating AR4D across the whole value chain – high-end sciences using genomics and phenotyping, insect rearing and bioassay, community watershed management and crop improvement field experiments, through to village level studies to understand on-the-ground realitiesof the rural poor, ICT innovations in agriculture,and agribusiness and innovation platform. These areas complement each other as part of ICRISAT’s efforts to provide holistic science-based agricultural solutions to alleviate the plight of smallholder farmers in the drylands. As a highlight of the visit, ICRISAT honored Dr Nwanze with aSpecial Awardas “an outstanding scientist, a global leader in agricultural research for development, and a global champion for smallholder agriculture.” The recognition, which was conferredby Dr Dar, was received by Dr Nwanze on behalf of IFAD at a dinner reception celebrating his fruitful and memorable return to the ICRISAT headquarters in India where he worked as a scientist.Dr Nwanze joined ICRISAT in 1979 as Principal Cereal Entomologist in Ouagadougou, which was the beginning of an 18-year career with the Institute which spanned assignments in Niger for 5 years and at the headquarters in Hyderabad for 10 years. He left Hyderabad in September 1996 to take up the position of Director-General of the Africa Rice Centre which he held until 2006 before joining IFAD. “ICRISAT is the foundation of my professional career globally, and I am humbled by this award. As a former scientist, I have seen with my own eyes what we can achieve when research is people-centered and responds to the needs of smallholders and poor rural communities,” he said in accepting the award.IFAD has supported ICRISAT since its inception – with more than 22 large grants contributing some US$20 million to the research programs and initiatives of the Institute and its partners. IFAD, a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established as an international financial institution to finance agricultural development projects for food production in the developing countries. ### About ICRISAT The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) is a non-profit, non-political organization that conducts agricultural research for development in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with a wide array of partners throughout the world. Covering 6.5 million square kilometers of land in 55 countries, the semi-arid tropics have over 2 billion people, and 644 million of these are the poorest of the poor. ICRISAT innovations help the dryland poor move from poverty to prosperity by harnessing markets while managing risks – a strategy called Inclusive MarketOriented development (lMOD). ICRISAT is headquartered in Patancheru near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, with two regional hubs and six country offices in sub-Saharan Africa. It is a member of the CGIAR Consortium. About ICRISAT: www.icrisat.org; For ICRISAT’s scientific information see: http://EXPLOREit.icrisat.org CGIAR is a global agriculture research partnership for a food secure future. Its science is carried out by 15 research Centers who are members of the CGIAR Consortium in collaboration with hundreds of partner organizations. www.cgiar.org Tags: ICRISAT, Smallholder Farmers, Profitable Business
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap – Price Ideas Hold, Despite Impressive Export Sales Aug 14, 2014 As of today, offers held steady near $13.33 per cwt fob farm (about $294 per ton) while bids were unchanged around $12.85-$13.25 per cwt (about $282-$292 per ton) for September-October delivery however no trades were reported.
In the meantime, today the USDA reported that cumulative net export sales for the week ending on August 7th, totaled 124,400 tons with increases reported for the following destinations including: 87,500 tons to Mexico, 14,100 tons to Haiti, 9,200 tons to Saudi Arabia, 3,500 tons to El Salvador, and 2,700 tons to Venezuela. U.S. rice exporters shipped 72,000 tons with the primary destinations including: 32,700 tons to Venezuela, 23,000 tons to Haiti, 7,800 tons to Saudi Arabia, 2,400 tons to Colombia, and 2,200 tons to Canada. Tags: U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market, U.S. rice news
Thailand May Consider 'Flexible Pricing System' for Rice Auctions Aug 14, 2014 Thailand government may consider amending rice auction conditions, including setting up flexible floor prices, to ensure smooth sales as well as receiving realistic bid prices, according to local sources. The Director General of Foreign Trade Department (DG-DFT) is planning to propose to the National Council of Peace and Order (NCPO) to introduce a "price range" instead of a specific floor price so that it would be more easier to adjust floor prices in accordance with the bids received. She told local sources that though a floor price was specified during the previous auction, it did not serve the purpose as most of the bidders submitted bids below floor price. Due to this, the government has decided not to sell any rice from that particular auction despite receiving overwhelming response for the auction. About 46 exporters, millers and traders participated in the last week’s auction to sell around 167,000 tons of rice.The DG-DFT also suggested that government needs to take steps to ensure grain quality along with the introduction of flexible floor price system in the forthcoming auctions. Local sources say she may ask the NCPO to at least reduce the floor price, which was relative high in the last auction. Rice exporters are also preferring lower floor prices in order to be able to procure more rice as demand for Thai rice in increasing in the international market, according to local sources. Thailand exported around 4.68 million tons of rice in the first six months of 2014, up about 60% from around 2.93 million tons exported during the same period in 2013, according to data from Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA). The TREA President is expecting Thailand to export more than the targeted 9 million tons of rice in 2014 due to increased demand from China, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Tags: Thai rice auctions, Thai rice exports, Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA)
India Main Rice Crop Planting Reaches 29.623 Million Hectares as of August 14, 2014; Down 1% from Last Year - August 14th, 2014 Russia Excludes U.S. Rice and Wild Rice from Food Import Ban - August 14th, 2014 Asia Rice Quotes Unchanged Today - August 14th, 2014 Myanmar Plans to Finalize Rice Export Agreement with China - August 14th, 2014 Nepal 2014 Rice Production Set to Decline due to Poor Rains and Slow Planting - August 14th, 2014 Brazil Exports 760,724 Tons Rice in January-July 2014 - August 14th, 2014
Oryza Weekly Global Weather Outlook Aug 14, 2014 Oryza.com Southern Yunnan, northern Hainan, central-south western Guangdong, northern Fujian, southern Zhejiang, central and south of Jiangsu, south-eastern Tibet and Inner Mongolia in China can expect heavy rain today and tomorrow. Last week's rain boosted moisture supplies for rice in Yangtse valley. Across southern China, it rained intermittently, but seasonal moisture remained favourable for late-season rice. Heavy rain is expected across north and the northeast Thailand today and tomorrow. Thereafter showers are expected across Thailand for next three days. Monsoon showers maintained beneficial moisture supplies for rice in most of Thailand, but more rain is necessary in the Central Plain Region to eliminate seasonal rainfall deficits.Isolated showers are expected across Vietnam on Thursday and Friday.Heavy rainfall is likely to occur at West Bengal,Bihar, Uttarakhand, East Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand in India from Thursday to Saturday. Favourable monsoon rainfall and improved moisture conditions for rice in parts of eastern India. Kashmir, Islamabad, upper Punjab upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan can expect scattered rain in the next two days. Isolated heavy rain may also occur in Malakand, Hazara, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala divisions and Kashmir on Friday and Saturday.
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Moderate rain is likely to occur at most places over Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong & Sylhet divisions in Bangladesh during today and tomorrow. Scattered showers are expected across Indonesia on Thursday and Friday.As on August 10, 71% of the U.S. rice crop was at heading stage, 3% ahead of last year. Producers in Louisiana have reported the start of rice harvest, but are being slowed by thunderstorms and uneven ripening, according to the USDA. Overall, 73% of the rice was reported in good to excellent condition, up about 2% from the same time last year. Weather may remain dry in the Plains and Midwest on Thursday. Scattered showers are expected from the northern and central Plains into the Upper Midwest on Friday.
Tags: Oryza, country, global, weather, rice report. china, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Unites states of america
Nepal 2014 Rice Production Set to Decline due to Poor Rains and Slow Planting Aug 14, 2014
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Nepal's 2014 rice production in likely to decline significantly due to delay in planting and lack of rains, according to local sources.Local sources quoted the Ministry of Agriculture Development as saying that this year's planting is nearly 20% less compared to last year. According to the Agriculture Ministry, this year only 78% of rice planting has been complete since the beginning of planting period in June, while around 98% was complete during the same period last year. So far planting has been completed in 14 districts in high hilly area, 39 districts in mid hill and 20 districts in Terai region.Last year, Nepal produced around 5.2 million tons of paddy rice from around 1.486 million hectares.USDA estimates Nepal's MY 2014-15 (October - September) milled rice production to decline to around 3.1 million tons, down about 8% from an estimated 3.36 million tons in MY 2013-14. It estimates Nepal to import around 250,000 tons of rice in 2014 and around 350,000 tons in 2015. Tags: Nepal rice production, Nepal rice imports, Nepal rice planting
Asia Rice Quotes Unchanged Today Aug 14, 2014 Asia rice sellers kept their quotes mostly unchanged today. 5% Broken Rice Thailand 5% rice is quoted at around $445 - $455 per ton, about $5 per ton discount to Vietnam 5% rice quoted at around $450 - $460 per ton. India 5% rice is quoted at around $435 - $445 per ton, about $10 per ton discount to Pakistan 5% rice quoted at around $445 - $455 per ton. 25% Broken Rice Thailand 25% rice was last quoted at around $350 - $360 per ton, about $55 per ton discount to Vietnam 25% rice quoted at around $405 - $415 per ton. India 25% rice is quoted at around $390 - $400 per ton, about $5 per ton discount to Pakistan 25% rice quoted at around $395 - $405 per ton. Parboiled Rice Thailand parboiled rice is quoted at around $445 - $455 per ton. India parboiled rice is quoted at around $425 - $435 per ton, about $25 per ton discount to Pakistan parboiled rice quoted at around $450 - $460 per ton. 100% Broken Rice Thailand broken rice, A1 Super, was last quoted at around $310 - $320 per ton, about $35 per ton discount to Vietnam broken rice quoted at around $345 - $355 per ton. India broken sortexed rice is quoted at around $340 - $350 per ton, about $15 per ton premium on Pakistan broken sortexed rice quoted at around $325 - $335 per ton. Tags: Vietnam rice prices, India rice prices, pakistan rice prices, Thailand rice prices
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Russia Excludes U.S. Rice and Wild Rice from Food Import Ban Aug 14, 2014
The Russian government announced this week that it is banning most of the food imports from the U.S., the European Union, Norway, Canada and Australia for next one year in retaliation to Ukraine sanctions, according to local sources. The ban would be effective on imports of meat, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables and milk products from 13 August 2014.However, local sources quoted the Russian Prime Minister as saying that the food import ban does not include U.S. rice and wild rice. The U.S. exporters noted that they are monitoring the developments.The U.S. mostly exports medium-grain rice to Russia. The U.S. rice exports (including wild rice) to Russia have increased significantly between 2009 and 2013. They increased by about 5 times to around 7,355 tons in 2013 from around 1,471 tons in 2009. Rice exports from the U.S. are understood to have declined by about 4% during the first six months of 2014, compared to the same period last year. USDA estimates Russia to import 250,000 tons of rice in 2014, up about 4% from around 240,000 tons in 2013. Tags: Russia rice imports, Russia food import ban, U.S. Rice exports, Medium-grain rice
Oryza Global Rice Quotes August 14th, 2014 Long grain white rice - high quality Thailand 100% B grade 460-470 Vietnam 5% broken 450-460 ↔ India 5% broken 435-445 ↔ Pakistan 5% broken 445-455 ↔ Cambodia 5% broken 470-480 ↔ U.S. 4% broken 535-545 ↔ Uruguay 5% broken 610-620 ↔ Argentina 5% broken 610-620 ↔ Long grain white rice - low quality Thailand 25% broken NQ ↔ Vietnam 25% broken 405-415 ↔
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Pakistan 25% broken 395-405 ↔ Cambodia 25% broken 455-465 ↔ India 25% broken 390-400 ↔ U.S. 15% broken 525-535 ↔ Long grain parboiled rice Thailand parboiled 100% stxd 445-455 Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd 450-460 India parboiled 5% broken stxd 425-435 U.S. parboiled 4% broken 630-640 ↔ Brazil parboiled 5% broken 595-605 ↔ Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ ↔ Long grain fragrant rice Thailand Hommali 92% 1015-1025 ↔ Vietnam Jasmine 590-600 ↔ India basmati 2% broken NQ ↔ Pakistan basmati 2% broken NQ ↔ Cambodia Phka Malis 875-885 ↔ Brokens Thailand A1 Super NQ ↔ Vietnam 100% broken 345-355 Pakistan 100% broken stxd 325-335 Cambodia A1 Super 365-375 ↔ India 100% Broken stxd 340-350 Egypt medium grain brokens NQ ↔ U.S. pet food 470-480 ↔ Brazil half grain NQ ↔ Medium grain milled U.S. Calrose 4% broken 1025-1035 Egypt medium grain 6% NQ ↔
↔ ↔ ↔
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↔ All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel, oryza.com
Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today – India Rupee Rallies 0.8% Aug 14, 2014
U.S. dollar index was weaker -0.01% from the open today, when it traded at 81.594 at the close. Euro was stronger +0.02% by the close, trading around 1.3367 by end of day, after trading between an intraday high of 1.3410 and low of 1.3350. Thai baht was +0.03% stronger, trading at 31.840 at the close of business.
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Indian rupee was stronger +0.75% at 60.7700. Brazilian real was stronger +0.66% at 2.2666 reais per dollar. Pakistan rupee was -0.16% weaker at 99.6423. Vietnamese dong was +0.02% stronger at 21200. Mexican peso was stronger +0.01% today, when it traded at 13.0704 pesos per dollar by the close of business. Chinese yuan was +0.02% stronger at 6.1531. Argentine peso was weaker -0.03% at 8.2768 pesos per dollar. Tags: foreign exchange rates, Rice currencies, gloabl rice trade
Philippines Rice Stocks Stand at 2.03 Million Tons as of July 1, 2014; Down 12% m/m and Down 8% y/y
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Total rice stocks in the Philippines as of July 1, 2014 reached around 2.03 million tons, down about 12% from around 2.31 million tons recorded in June 2014, and down about 7.7% from about 2.19 million tons recorded during the same period last year, according to the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS). According to the BAS, household stocks (which account for about 43% of total rice stocks in the country) have reached around 880,000 tons as of July 1, 2014, up about 8% from year-ago levels of around 810,000 tons. Commercial warehouse rice stocks (which account for about 34% of total stocks) have reached around 690,000 tons as of July 1, 2014, up about 0.7% from about 680,000 tons recorded during the same period last year. The rice stocks with the National Food Authority (NFA) (which account for 23% of total stocks) stood at about 460,000 tons, down about 35% from around 700,000 tons recorded in July 2013.nth-on-month, household rice stocks are down about 19%, NFA rice stocks - in which about 94.4% are imported rice - are up about 12% and commercial warehouse rice stocks are down about 16% from the previous month levels, according to the BAS. The BAS says that the Philippines' rice stocks as of July 1, 2014 are enough to last for 59 days (household stocks are enough for 26 days, commercial warehouses stocks are enough for 20 days and stocks with NFA are enough for 13 days). Tags: Philippines rice stocks, NFA, Household rice stocks, Commercial rice stocks
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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874