25th march,2014 daily global rice e newsletter by riceplus magazine

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25th March, 2014

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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU Latest News Headlines… Rwanda targets rice surpluses by 2017 What Makes America's Favorite Scientist Such an Anomaly Agriculture chief asked to scrap plan to commercialize ‘golden rice’ DOLE, DAR Surigao Norte turn-over new rice miller to coop AEC lures Thai rice millers to invest in Cambodia INDONESIA PRESS-Tiga Pilar to build new rice mill this year-reports Vietnam drops rice price in its bid to win Philippines' deal Power consumption drops 7% in Q1 TABLE-India Grain Prices-Delhi- March 25 Nagpur Foodgrain Prices Open- March 25 Commerce Ministry to rekindle rice deal with Iraq Annual rice production expected to reach 26 million tons ACC: Vicha to remain panelist probing rice pledging fraud Rwanda Targets Rice Surpluses By 2017 Nigeria: 11 Ships With Rice Expected At Lagos Port Chhattisgarh rice millers threaten indefinite strike from April 1 Aftermath Nigeria’s policy reversal, rice ships flood Lagos port New bid to pay farmers AEC lures Thai rice millers to invest in Cambodia

NEWS DETAILS: Rwanda targets rice surpluses by 2017 DEVELOPING MARSH LAND: The government is helping farmers by supplying inputs such as fertilisers.

KIGALI, Rwanda - Rwanda has seen continuous growth in rice production which indicates substantial reductions of imports of the crop by 2017.

―This increase has been achieved over the years and is a stable increase and therefore by the year 2017 we expect no further importation of rice to Rwanda,‖ Claude Ndagano, a specialist with the Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) said.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

He is in charge of Cooperative and Marketing Rice program (post harvest).Ndagano said in 2011 to 2013 June, Rwanda imported over 126,931 tonnes of rice which contributed to an increase in imported expenditure of the country. ―In 2012 we got over 85,882 tonnes of rice whereas in 2013 June it was 94,362 tonnes which is a big improvement,‖ he said.―This was so because of the constant encouragement to farmers to improve on practices and techniques of growing rice, the increase in developed marshland, plus the supplying of fertilizers by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MINAGRI) on a subsidized price hence making them easily accessible by farmers,‖ he said.Ndagano said as RAB they have a target of producing over 167,186 tonnes of rice with a consumption need of 137,053 which will see the country with surplus rice hence help stop importation.

―As of 2012, the budget we had of meeting such a target was over $136 million (Rwf 92.5 billion), and so far we have over $ 54million (Rwf37.1 billion), with a need of about $81 million (Rwf55billion) more,‖ he said.Rice processors said that imported rice affects prices of local rice since when such rice is brought in it is sold at a low price.―Pakistan rice for example was sold at Rwf 17.000 per 25 kilograms but since December 2013 it is sold at Rwf14.000 and this has affected both us the processors plus the rice farmers,‖ Lauren Basabira from Nyagatare Rice mills said.He said to be able to completely stop rice importation to the country hence promote local rice, heavy taxes needed to be levied on such rice.However the government of promises to do all that is possible to stop rice importation hence promote Rwandan local rice which will help both farmers and rice processor to develop.Rwanda has placed improved agricultural productivity at the centre of its growth policy. By Agnes Bateta, Monday, March 24th, 2014

What Makes America's Favorite Scientist Such an Anomaly What Makes America's Favorite Scientist Such an AnomalyImage Credit: AP Many factors make Neil deGrasse Tyson unique – his ability to make complex ideas accessible, the fact that he hosts his own primetime TV show.But he‘s also a rare breed in the world of American science: a black astrophysicist. Considering the stark absence of African-Americans in STEM fields, his position is nearly as important from a racial standpoint as for what he‘s accomplished professionally.NPR‘s Code Switch recently

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

published an article on the subject, outlining the struggles Tyson faced during his formative years:"There are very, very few African-American astrophysics PhDs," he said. "That's for a reason. I was doing something people of my skin color were not supposed to do. ‖Perhaps unsurprisingly, he faced racism throughout his education, especially as a grad student at the University of Texas at Austin: "I was stopped and questioned seven times by University police on my way into the physics building," he explained. "Seven times. Zero times was I stopped going into the gym — and I went to the gym a lot. That says all you need to know about how welcome I felt at Texas."Tyson maintains few illusions about the challenges facing black people in America, and the barriers that prevent blacks from entering the STEM fields in larger numbers. Of his ambition to become an astrophysicist, Tyson adds: ―I got to see how the world around me reacted to my expressions of these ambitions. All I can say that is the fact that I wanted to be a scientist, an astrophysicist was, hands-down, the path of most resistance through the forces of society.‖ But the reasons for this phenomenon are harder to quantify. Jesse Washington proposesthat ―a complex equation of self-doubt, stereotypes, discouragement and economics‖ accounts for the low and falling numbers of blacks in science and mathematics. Numbers are down among other ethnic groups as well, but with blacks they are especially pronounced.In 2009, black students received just 7% of all American STEM bachelor‘s degrees, 4% of master‘s degrees and 2% of PhDs, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. To break it down specifically, they accounted for 1% of science technologies PhDs and 2% of PhDs in the physical sciences.As for the black scientists who do pursue such degrees, their experiences are often defined by ―survival strategies‖ designed to compensate for their dwindling numbers. J.C. Holbrook conducted a qualitative study compiling interviews and personal accounts. She found that oftentimes black science students isolate themselves and self-medicate as coping mechanisms.Even professional scientists feel like their blackness is often viewed as a deficit. When Grinnell College president Raynard S. Kingston published a paper about how similarly qualified black scientists receive less project funding that white scientists, the backlash was racially tinged. A rebuttal made the point to identify him as an ―African-American‖ scientist, which he claims ―seemed to … plant a small seed of doubt about either [his] integrity or [his] competence as a scientist.‖―Why am I an ‗African-American scientist‘ while others are simply ‗scientists?‘‖ he adds.While these incidents aren‘t completely unique to black science students, their frequency combined with the disproportionately slim numbers of blacks with STEM degrees make them that much more disconcerting. Neil deGrasse Tyson has overcome many odds to get where he is today. Hopefully he inspires more black youth to do the same. Image Credit: Geek Tyrant

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Agriculture chief asked to scrap plan to commercialize ‘golden rice’ Category: Agri-Commodities 24 Mar 2014 Written by Jonathan L. Mayuga and Marvyn Benaning INSISTING on the potential threats of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to human health and the environment, environmental groups on Monday urged Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala to scrap the government‘s plan to commercialize ―golden rice.‖The protesters said Alcala, an organic-farming practitioner and advocate, should consider the potential threats of releasing the genetically modified rice variety currently being field-tested by scientists in the Philippines.Led by Greenpeace, members of the Kasarian-Kalayaan Inc., Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment and Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya staged a picket in front of the Department of Agriculture (DA) office in Quezon City, expressing their sentiments and fear against the commercialization of ―golden rice.‖The protesters, carrying baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene, insisted that GMOs are unsafe and the promised benefits of golden rice, a genetically engineered rice variety rich in beta-carotene, are an illusion.They argued that viable, working solutions to eradicate vitamin A deficiency (VAD) already exist, proving that genetically modified golden rice is unnecessary given its inherent risks to human health and the environment. Golden rice, the protesters said, is being marketed in developing countries like the Philippines as a quick-fix solution to eradicate blindness among children and solve world hunger, but they claimed that despite the hype and decades of research and development, GMO proponents still do not have scientific proof that golden rice will, indeed, solve VAD. ―Secretary Alcala needs to see the truth that golden rice is the wrong approach and a risky distraction to the real solutions to combat VAD and malnutrition,‖ Daniel Ocampo, sustainable agriculture campaigner for Greenpeace Philippines, said in a statement.He said the Philippines has local crops, like sweet potato, that contain five times more beta-carotene than golden rice. In fact, he argued there are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are affordable, easily available and undoubtedly rich sources of beta-carotene and other nutrients which the government can promote to combat VAD.―It just doesn‘t make sense for the Philippines to grow golden rice, or any GMO for that matter,‖ he said.Ocampo said a balanced Filipino diet should be sourced from a variety of food groups.He cited the 2008 National Nutrition Survey in the Philippines that revealed how VAD incidence in the country has significantly decreased owing to successful government-program interventions based on vitamin A supplementation, food fortification and the promotion of diverse diets.Ocampo called on the DA to look into long-term solutions to encourage people to diversify their diets with food grown in a system of ecological farming, instead of advocating false solutions like golden rice. ―We want to remind Secretary Alcala that golden rice will ultimately kill all initiatives leading to integrated and diversified organic-farming systems, which are the sources of natural vitamin A and other nutrients,‖ said Rene Cerilla, Pakisama president.By promoting GMOs, the DA undermines all efforts to implement the National Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, which Secretary Alcala championed while he was in Congress,‖ Cerilla said.They want Alcala to stop the field trials and scrap the plan to commercialize golden rice in the Philippines.―The DA should not allow itself to become conduits for GMOs. Should the DA secretary fail to

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

protect the Filipinos from further GMO invasion, President Aquino should see to it that our agricultural practices and financial resources support ecological practices as envisioned by the National Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, instead of an industry-driven system of GMOs and pesticides,‖ he said. Greenpeace is known to oppose the commercialization of GMO in the Philippines. In 2003 its campaign against the commercialization of Bacillus thuringensis (Bt) corn failed after government regulators decided that it is safe.Currently, Greenpeace claimed victory in securing a permanent injunction order against the field testing of Bt eggplant, pending resolution of its petition to ban the genetically engineered eggplant variety from being commercially released in the Philippines. Bt corn and Bt eggplant are genetically engineered with Bt, a soil bacterium that kills insects. For Bt corn, it repels the Asian corn borer, while Bt eggplant repels shoot borer. Both pests can potentially wipe out an entire corn and eggplant plantation in a matter of days.

DOLE, DAR Surigao Norte turn-over new rice miller to coop Tuesday 25th of March 2014 7 0 0 0 2

SURIGAO DEL NORTE, Mar. 25 (PIA) – The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Caraga Regional Field Office and Department of Agrarian Reform – Surigao del Norte provincial office turned-over recently a new rice milling machine worth P300,000.00 to the Cantapoy Farmers and Fishermen Credit Cooperative (CAFFCRECO) in a turn-over ceremony at the CAFFCRECO‘s coop building, Brgy. Cantapoy, Malimono, this province.The newly turned-over machine is part of the Integrated Livelihood Program of DOLE to around 140 CAFFCRECO members that will benefit the said milling machine.As it can be recalled, CAFFCRECO started engaging in rice milling services in 2001 following their acquisition of a second-hand rice milling machine, after identifying that the business was feasible since there are quite a number of palay producers in their area but not millers.For more than a decade of their operation, their lone milling machine has become obsolete and sometimes malfunctions and causes delay to their daily operations which in effect pushes their farmer customers to have their palay milled to other millers and in turn decreasing their expected profits.On this premise, then Development Facilitator (DF) Lorna G. Maturan, an Agrarian Reform Program Technologist, together with the Medium and Small Scale Industries Coordinated Action Program (MASICAP II) Development Foundation, Inc. drafted and formulated the CAFFCRECO‘s rice milling services project proposal and submitted the same to the DOLE.The coop‘s request came into reality on the day the check was handed to them by DOLE-Caraga regional director Atty. Johnson G. Cañete.Dir. Cañete during the ceremonial turn-over stressed that the CAFFCRECO beneficiaries were lucky to have received the said grant, the first beneficiary in the entire province. He also reminded the members of CAFFCRECO of their duties and responsibilities in making the project a fruitful one and be of more service to their constituents.On the other hand, the members were just so grateful of the project because it will surely help lessen the burden of their coop‘s operations and hoping to fully serve their farmer customers in the area and most importantly it will help in generating additional income for CAFFCRECO.The said event was also graced by DAR Surigao del Norte Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Officer (CARPO) Ma. Elizabeth L. De Guzman, MARO Alfredo E. Alvarez, Labor and Employment

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Officer III Felibeth Bonono and Rhium Truce C. Salvador of DOLE. (SDR/Daryll M. Tumbaga-DAR/PIASurigao del Norte)

AEC lures Thai rice millers to invest in Cambodia Published: 25 Mar 2014 at 01.02 Newspaper section: Business

Thai rice millers are lining up to build mills in Cambodia to cash in on imminent regional economic integration, with experts warning Cambodian rice is likely to flood Thailand.A rice mill in Phichit province was found to have illegally imported 50,000 tonnes of rice from Cambodia amid the rice-pledging scheme scandal.An industry source said several millers from Thailand's central and northeastern regions are preparing to set up rice mills in Cambodia, mainly for export purposes, citing increasing production and relatively lower production costs in the neighbouring nation.More importantly, the quality of Cambodian rice, especially Cambodian jasmine rice — phka malis in Khmer — is becoming more widely recognised in the world market.Cambodian jasmine rice won the world's best rice award in 2013 after it won for the first time at the competition in Bali in 2012.Cambodia's local operators have limited experience in marketing and exporting rice, while there is a dearth of sophisticated rice mills in the country. This offers room for Thai and foreign exporters and millers to expand their investment, particularly to capitalise on Cambodia's rice policy that aims to raise exports to 1 million tonnes next year.Cambodia is now capable of producing 9-10 million tonnes of paddy a year or 5 million tonnes of milled rice but exported only 370,000 tonnes of milled rice last year.Cambodia's total rice consumption is estimated at 2.1 million tonnes for a population of 15 million.The source said Cambodia's promising rice market has drawn several foreign firms to set up large rice mills including Taiwa Seiki Corporation from Japan and Asia Golden Rice and CP Intertrade in Thailand.Chookiat Ophaswongse, honorary president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association, said a key area of concern after the installation of the Asean Economic Community late next year is an influx of Cambodian aromatic rice. "Thai rice will be hard hit if Cambodian fragrant rice gains popularity among Thai consumers," he warned."It's essential that Thailand steps up efforts to develop and upgrade its rice varieties after the government's rice-

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

pledging scheme has undermined the Thai rice market over the last three years."Mr Chookiat said that over the last few years, Thai Hom Mali fragrant rice has declined in quality due partially to the rice-pledging scheme, which offers relatively higher prices than the market prices, leading most farmers to ignore improving the quality of their grains.He also warned that some farmers might mix cheaper Pathum fragrant rice varieties with more expensive Hom Mali rice, then pass off the rice as 100% Hom Mali.This unscrupulous practice might lead many consumers to think the aroma of Thai Hom Mali rice has diminished, Mr Chookiat added.

INDONESIA PRESS-Tiga Pilar to build new rice mill this year-reports Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:32am IST

Rice producer PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera plans to start building a new rice mill worth around 350 billion rupiah ($30.8 million) in East Java this year, said CFO Sjambiri Lioe. The mill will be completed in mid-2015 and have a capacity of 240,000 tonnes per year.Tiga is targeting annual rice production of 480,000 tonnes for 2014, with revenue seen 37 percent higher at 5.5-6 trillion rupiah ($483.3-$527.2 million). (Kontan, Investor Daily) Note: Reuters has not verified this story and does not vouch for its accuracy. ($1 = 11380.0000 Indonesian Rupiahs) (Compiled by Jakarta Newsroom; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier)

Vietnam drops rice price in its bid to win Philippines' deal Monday, 24 March 2014By NNT

BANGKOK, 24 Mar 2014, Vietnam will likely drop its rice prices during the upcoming auction, in its bid to win Philippine deal, says the Thai Rice Exporters Association .Mr. Chukiat Opaswong, President of the Association, made the statement ahead of the Philippines‘ bid to purchase 800,000 tons of rice soon. He predicted that Vietnam might offer its 25% white rice at 310 - 320 US dollars per ton, a sharp drop from the current price of 350 USD per ton quoted by both Vietnam itself and Thailand.

Thailand has not yet decided whether it will adjust the prices to compete with Vietnam, adding that the Philippines has yet to reveal the auction date.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Mr. Chukiat expressed his concern that Vietnam might win the auction, judging from the fact that the country has forged solid commercial relations with the Philippines in the past 3-4 years, giving the country the edge on other nations as it knows the in's and out's of the Philippines‘ auction.Vietnam has recently lost rice deals with China, Malaysia and Africa to Thailand, further pressuring the nation to resort to more desperate measures, said Chukiat.

Power consumption drops 7% in Q1 Tuesday, 25 March 2014 By MCOT March 25 – Thailand's ongoing political turmoil, which resulted in declining tourist arrivals, has also diminished Thailand‘s power consumption in the first quarter by 7 per cent, according to the Energy Ministry.Suthep Liumsirijarern, permanent secretary for energy, said the dropping temperatures early in the year also contributed to reduced power consumption, which will jump higher in April with hot weather.

Power consumption is predicted to peak to about 27,200 megawatts when the summer equinox occurs on April 26, he said, adding that the energy-saving campaign has continued.The Energy Ministry earlier submitted a plan to the Election Commission (EC) to build more plants at the Mae Moh power site to generate 600 megawatts of additional power.Mr Suthep said the EC instructed the ministry to urgently work out details of the plan and resubmit it for approval.

TABLE-India Grain Prices-Delhi- March 25 Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:15pm IST Rates by Asian News International, New Delhi Tel: 011 2619 1464 Indicative Previous Grains opening close (in rupees per 100 kg unless stated) ---------------------------------------------------------Wheat Desi 2,200-3,000 2,200-3,000.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Wheat Dara 1,860-2,125 1,860-2,125. Atta Chakki (per 10 Kg) 215-240 215-240. Roller Mill (per bag) 2,150-2,450 2,200-2,500. Maida (per bag) 2,400-2,600 2,400-2,600. Sooji (per bag) 2,150-2,350 2,150-2,350. Rice Basmati(Common) 8,500-9,600 8,500-9,600. Rice Permal 1,900-2,500 1,950-2,550. Rice Sela 2,700-2,900 2,700-2,900. I.R.-8 1,900-2,000 1,900-2,000. Gram 3,300-3,750 3,340-3,770. Peas Green 3,000-3,500 3,000-3,500. Peas White 3,200-3,400 3,200-3,400. Bajra 1,100-1,300 1,100-1,300. Jowar white 1,450-2,350 1,400-2,300. Maize 1,350-1,450 1,350-1,450. Barley 1,500-1,600 1,500-1,600. Guwar 3,500-4,000 3,500-4,000. Source: Delhi grain market traders.

Nagpur Foodgrain Prices Open- March 25 Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:13pm IST FOODGRAINS & PULSES GRAM * Gram varieties ruled steady in open market here but demand was poor. TUAR * Tuar gavarani recovered further in open market on increased demand from local traders amid tight supply from producing belts. * Moong varieties declined sharply in open market here on lack of demand from local traders amid good arrival from producing belts. * Batri dal zoomed up in open market here on good demand from local traders amid weak supply from producing belts. Reports about damage of crops because of unseasonal rains also boosted prices. * In Akola, Tuar - 3,900-4,100, Tuar dal - 6,100-6,300, Udid at 6,100-6,500, Udid Mogar (clean) - 7,200-7,700, Moong - 8,000-8,200, Moong Mogar (clean) 9,300-10,000, Gram - 3,200-3,300, Gram Super best bold - 3,800-4,200

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

for 100 kg. * Wheat, rice and other commodities remained steady in open market in thin trading activity, according to sources. Nagpur foodgrains APMC auction/open-market prices in rupees for 100 kg FOODGRAINS Available prices Previous close Gram Auction 2,300-2,800 2,200-2,800 Gram Pink Auction n.a. 2,100-2,600 Tuar Auction 4,300-4,400 4,150-4,250 Moong Auction n.a. 6,100-6,300 Udid Auction n.a. 4,300-4,500 Masoor Auction n.a. 2,600-2,800 Gram Super Best Bold 4,000-4,300 4,000-4,300 Gram Super Best n.a. Gram Medium Best 3,500-3,700 3,500-3,700 Gram Dal Medium n.a. n.a. Gram Mill Quality 3,650-3,700 3,650-3,700 Desi gram Raw 2,900-3,000 2,900-3,000 Gram Filter new 3,300-3,600 3,300-3,600 Gram Kabuli 8,500-10,800 8,500-10,800 Gram Pink 7,900-8,300 7,900-8,300 Tuar Fataka Best 6,400-6,600 6,400-6,600 Tuar Fataka Medium 6,000-6,200 6,000-6,200 Tuar Dal Best Phod 5,900-6,000 5,900-6,000 Tuar Dal Medium phod 5,700-5,800 5,700-5,800 Tuar Gavarani 4,300-4,400 4,250-4,350 Tuar Karnataka 4,500-4,600 4,500-4,600 Tuar Black 7,600-7,700 7,600-7,700 Masoor dal best 5,800-6,000 5,800-6,000 Masoor dal medium 5,600-5,700 5,600-5,700 Masoor n.a. n.a. Moong Mogar bold 10,000-10,500 10,200-10,800 Moong Mogar Medium best 9,500-9,800 9,500-10,000 Moong dal super best 8,800-9,000 8,800-9,300 Moong dal Chilka 8,400-8,600 8,100-8,300 Moong Mill quality n.a. n.a. Moong Chamki best 8,400-9,200 8,600-9,600 Udid Mogar Super best (100 INR/KG) 7,500-7,800 7,500-7,800 Udid Mogar Medium (100 INR/KG) 5,800-6,500 5,800-6,500 Udid Dal Black (100 INR/KG) 4,900-5,100 4,900-5,100

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Batri dal (100 INR/KG) 4,500-6,000 4,500-5,500 Lakhodi dal (100 INR/kg) 3,200-3,300 3,200-3,300 Watana Dal (100 INR/KG) 3,350-3,450 3,350-3,450 Watana White (100 INR/KG) 3,400-3,500 3,400-3,500 Watana Green Best (100 INR/KG) 4,800-5,100 4,800-5,100 Wheat 308 (100 INR/KG) 1,700-1,800 1,700-1,800 Wheat Mill quality(100 INR/KG) 1,850-1,900 1,850-1,900 Wheat Filter (100 INR/KG) 1,650-1,850 1,650-1,850 Wheat Lokwan best (100 INR/KG) 2,400-2,500 2,400-2,500 Wheat Lokwan medium (100 INR/KG) 1,900-2,100 2,050-2,200 Lokwan Hath Binar (100 INR/KG) n.a. n.a. MP Sharbati Best (100 INR/KG) 3,000-3,600 3,000-3,600 MP Sharbati Medium (100 INR/KG) 2,400-2,900 2,400-2,900 Wheat 147 (100 INR/KG) 1,600-1,700 1,600-1,700 Wheat Best (100 INR/KG) 1,700-1,750 1,700-1,750 Rice BPT new(100 INR/KG) 2,600-2,900 2,600-2,900 Rice BPT old (100 INR/KG) 3,000-3,500 3,000-3,500 Rice Parmal (100 INR/KG) 1,700-1,850 1,700-1,850 Rice Swarna old (100 INR/KG) 2,500-2,700 2,500-2,700 Rice Swarna new (100 INR/KG) 2,300-2,400 2,300-2,400 Rice HMT new (100 INR/KG) 3,800-4,000 3,800-4,000 Rice HMT old (100 INR/KG) 4,400-4,600 4,400-4,600 Rice HMT Shriram (100 INR/KG) 5,300-5,800 5,300-5,800 Rice Basmati best (100 INR/KG) 11,000-13,500 11,000-13,500 Rice Basmati Medium (100 INR/KG) 6,300-8,000 6,300-8,000 Rice Chinnor (100 INR/KG) 5,500-6,000 5,500-6,000 Rice Chinnor new (100 INR/KG) 5,000-5,500 5,000-5,500 Jowar Gavarani (100 INR/KG) 1,400-1,600 1,400-1,600 Jowar CH-5 (100 INR/KG) 1,700-1,800 1,700-1,800 WEATHER (NAGPUR) Maximum temp. 37.2 degree Celsius (98.9 degree Fahrenheit), minimum temp. 22.6 degree Celsius (72.6 degree Fahrenheit) Humidity: Highest - n.a., lowest - n.a. Rainfall : 1.4 mm FORECAST: Partly cloudy sky. Rains or thunder-showers likely towards evening or night. Maximum and Minimum temperature likely to be around 38 and 23 degree Celsius respectively. Note: n.a.--not available (For oils, transport costs are excluded from plant delivery prices, but included in market prices.)

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874









BANGKOK, 25 Mar 2014, (NNT) - The Department of Foreign Trade has announced that a team of trade representatives is visiting Iraq, in the department’s bid to revive a stalled rice deal with the Middle East nation.

According to Mr. Surasak Riengkrue, the department‘s Director General, the negotiation team‘s visit, from Monday to Friday of this week, would seek to make a rice deal while regaining the country‘s confidence in the kingdom‘s product. He lauded Iraq‘s market as one with great potential and predicted Thailand would be able to sell a lot of rice there if the negotiation is successful.According to Mr. Paiboon Kuansongtham, CEO of the Kawchaiporn Co. Ltd., some of Thailand‘s private rice exporters previously failed to deliver to Iraq, promised rice of top-notch quality and in appropriate quantities, causing the middle eastern nation to lose interest in purchasing further rice from the kingdom.He voiced his opinion that these particular companies should explain themselves and issue formal apologies to the Iraqi authorities, thereby taking responsibility for their actions. Mr. Paiboon also suggested that the Department of Foreign Trade move quickly to help change the impression that Iraqi authorities now have about Thailand‘s rice quality, in order to regain the nation‘s trust.

Annual rice production expected to reach 26 million tons Tuesday, 25 March 2014By NNT

BANGKOK, 24 March 2014 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Yukol Limlaemthong has expressed belief that the 2014 rice yields will total 26 million tons and hopes that the rice market will return to its normal state. Based on the estimation of the Office of Agricultural Economics, Mr Yukol said the amount of rice to be harvested this year could be about 26 million tons, dividing into 8 million tons from off-season cultivation and 18 million tons from in-season. Of that total, 10-11 million tons will be sold domestically.Since the government might not carry on the rice mortgage scheme, the deputy premier indicated that the sales of rice in the market should be able to return to the way they were before the scheme was implemented. He said all provincial governors had been instructed to establish a new panel, of which members would come from rice-related agencies, in order to supervise the management, production and distribution of rice in their areas.An understanding of the market mechanism and rice price trend will be instilled among farmers while useful advice will be given by exemplary farmers whose productivity exceeds 700 kilograms per rai.As for the agricultural zoning program, Mr Yukol reported that out of the current 70 million rai of paddy fields nationwide, 43 million rai was found to be suitable for growing rice, whereas the

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

other 27 million was not. The latter group is being gradually turned into land for cultivating other cash crops, such as sugarcane.

ACC: Vicha to remain panelist probing rice pledging fraud Date : 25 มีนาคม 2557 BANGKOK, 25 March 2014 (NNT) – The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has resolved to keep Commissioner Vicha Mahakhun as a member of the panel investigating the case against the Prime Minister in connection with the rice pledging scheme. The NACC has convened to deliberate a request by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to remove Mr Vicha from the investigative panel handling her rice-related case. As a result, NACC Secretary-General Sansern Poljiak announced that the commission had decided to allow Mr Vicha to continue his role in the panel, deeming the request unreasonable. Ms Yingluck, who is being charged for negligence of duty in her management of the rice pledging scheme, previously submitted the request to the NACC via her legal team. The request claimed that Mr Vicha was biased and had given interviews regarding the case with a condescending attitude. The premier is scheduled to acknowledge her charges and make clarifications on March 31. So far, she has not made any contact with the NACC about her arrival.Vanguard: "Nigeria: 11 Ships With Rice Expected At Lagos Port"Kigali — Rwanda has seen continuous growth in rice production which indicates substantial reductions of imports of the crop by 2017."This increase has been achieved over the years and is a stable increase and therefore by the year 2017 we expect no further importation of rice to Rwanda," Claude Ndagano, a specialist with the Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) said.He is in charge of Cooperative and Marketing Rice program (post harvest).Ndagano said in 2011 to 2013 June, Rwanda imported over 126,931 tonnes of rice which contributed to an increase in imported expenditure of the country."In 2012 we got over 85,882 tonnes of rice whereas in 2013 June it was 94,362 tonnes which is a big improvement," he said. "This was so because of the constant encouragement to farmers to improve on practices and techniques of growing rice, the increase in developed marshland, plus the supplying of fertilizers by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MINAGRI) on a subsidized price hence making them easily accessible by farmers," he said.Ndagano said as RAB they have a target of producing over 167,186 tonnes of rice with a consumption need of 137,053 which will see the country with surplus rice hence help stop importation. "As of 2012, the budget we had of meeting such a target was over $136 million (Rwf 92.5 billion), and so far we have over $ 54million (Rwf37.1 billion), with a need of about $81 million (Rwf55billion) more," he said.Rice processors said that imported rice affects prices of local rice since when such rice is brought in it is sold at a low price."Pakistan rice for example was sold at Rwf 17.000 per 25 kilograms but since December 2013 it is sold at Rwf14.000 and this has affected both us the processors plus the rice farmers," Lauren Basabira from Nyagatare Rice mills said.He said to be able to completely stop rice importation to the country hence promote local rice, heavy taxes needed to be levied on such rice.However the government of promises to do all

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

that is possible to stop rice importation hence promote Rwandan local rice which will help both farmers and rice processor to develop.Rwanda has placed improved agricultural productivity at the centre of its growth policy.

Rwanda Targets Rice Surpluses By 2017 24 MARCH 2014Kigali — Rwanda has seen continuous growth in rice production which indicates substantial reductions of imports of the crop by 2017."This increase has been achieved over the years and is a stable increase and therefore by the year 2017 we expect no further importation of rice to Rwanda," Claude Ndagano, a specialist with the Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) said.He is in charge of Cooperative and Marketing Rice program (post harvest).Ndagano said in 2011 to 2013 June, Rwanda imported over 126,931 tonnes of rice which contributed to an increase in imported expenditure of the country. "In 2012 we got over 85,882 tonnes of rice whereas in 2013 June it was 94,362 tonnes which is a big improvement," he said."This was so because of the constant encouragement to farmers to improve on practices and techniques of growing rice, the increase in developed marshland, plus the supplying of fertilizers by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MINAGRI) on a subsidized price hence making them easily accessible by farmers," he said.Ndagano said as RAB they have a target of producing over 167,186 tonnes of rice with a consumption need of 137,053 which will see the country with surplus rice hence help stop importation."As of 2012, the budget we had of meeting such a target was over $136 million (Rwf 92.5 billion), and so far we have over $ 54million (Rwf37.1 billion), with a need of about $81 million (Rwf55billion) more," he said.Rice processors said that imported rice affects prices of local rice since when such rice is brought in it is sold at a low price. "Pakistan rice for example was sold at Rwf 17.000 per 25 kilograms but since December 2013 it is sold at Rwf14.000 and this has affected both us the processors plus the rice farmers," Lauren Basabira from Nyagatare Rice mills said.He said to be able to completely stop rice importation to the country hence promote local rice, heavy taxes needed to be levied on such rice.However the government of promises to do all that is possible to stop rice importation hence promote Rwandan local rice which will help both farmers and rice processor to develop.Rwanda has placed improved agricultural productivity at the centre of its growth policy.

Nigeria: 11 Ships With Rice Expected At Lagos Port The Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA) says 11 ships carrying rice will arrive in the Lagos ports between March 24 and 26.The NPA, in its daily bulletin, "Shipping Position," said that the ships would berth at ENL, ABTL and GONL, all in the Apapa quays.It said that the ships would include Silvretta, Star Capella, Quest, Aeolos, Lake Hakone, Maraki, Wariya Naree, Aqua Runner, Hector and Atlantic Trade.The bulletin said that other ships would sail in with containers of sugar, wheat, fish, steel product, fertiliser and general cargoes.It said that five ships carrying petroleum products were already waiting to berth at various terminals at the ports.The ships will berth at Fishery Wharf and New Oil Jetty. (NAN

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Chhattisgarh rice millers threaten indefinite strike from April 1 Anuja Jaiswal,TNN | Mar 25, 2014, 07.41 PM ISTRAIPUR: Over 1500 rice mill owners in Chhattisgarh have threatened to go on an indefinite strike from April 1 to protest against government's decision to extend duration for mandatory custom milling from 2 months to 6 months and it's failure to increase custom milling charges from Rs 35 to Rs 75 per quintal. Talking to TOI, State Rice Miller Association president, Yogesh Agarwal said that as per government policy, two months custom milling was mandatory in Nov last, which barred the sale of rice made through private custom milling units during this period. However, the government modified the policy last week back and has extended the mandatory period to six months, which would hit the rice millers financially, he said. Asserting that this was not acceptable to the Association, Yogesh said if the government does not revert to it's old policy, they would be forced to go on an indefinite strike. According to the Secretary of the of the Association, Pramod Jain in last fiscal, 5 lakh tons of paddy was damaged due to improper storage facilities and government was pressurizing them now to use the same for custom milling. "They expect us to provide superior quality of rice from damaged paddy", he said adding that wasn't possible. He also alleged that the FCI had not paid over Rs six crore of transportation charges for 201213 and state government was not doing anything about it, he said. However, officials in food and civil supplies department said that we have sent the paddy for test milling and only if the product meets the criteria, custom milling would be undertaken. When contacted, Principal Secretary, Food and Civil Supplies, Vikas Sheel, said he had not received any notice of indefinite strike so far from the association. However, he was candid in saying that the government would not succumb to any pressure tactics. "It will be their loss, not our", he said adding that rice millers in the state were being paid Rs 35 per quintal (including Rs 10 received from the centre), as compared to only Rs 10 in other states. Officials in food and civil supplies department claimed that the strike would not impact any of the government's social welfare schemes. "We have enough stocks to fulfil our commitment of Rs 1 per kg of rice for the next six months", they said.

Aftermath Nigeria‘s policy reversal, rice ships flood Lagos port Premium Times;Published: March 24,2014

11 ships carrying rice will arrive Apapa port within three days. A few weeks after Nigeria‘s Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, announced a reversal of the government‘s rice policy, the Nigeria Ports Authority, NPA, says 11 ships carrying rice will arrive in the Lagos ports between March 24 and 26.The NPA, in its daily bulletin, ―Shipping Position,‖ said that the ships would berth at

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

ENL, ABTL and GONL, all in the Apapa quays.It said that the ships would include Silvretta, Star Capella, Quest, Aeolos, Lake Hakone, Maraki, Wariya Naree, Aqua Runner, Hector and Atlantic Trade. The bulletin said that other ships would sail in with containers of sugar, wheat, fish, steel product, fertiliser and general cargoes.It said that five ships carrying petroleum products were already waiting to berth at various terminals at the ports.The ships will berth at Fishery Wharf and New Oil Jetty.The federal government recently reversed its policy to increase tariff on rice importation. The policy, one of the highlighted successes of the Agriculture Minister, Akinwunmi Adesina, was to improve local production of rice, the most consumed staple food in Nigeria.The government said it was reversing the policy because of increased smuggling of rice from neighbouring countries that had reduced their import tariff following Nigeria‘s increase. (NAN)

New bid to pay farmers Kittiratt says B20bn will be found soon Published: 26 Mar 2014 at 06.43 Newspaper section: Business The caretaker government has pledged to find additional funds of nearly 20 billion baht to pay suffering rice farmers by April, a senior official said after a cabinet meeting in Bangkok yesterday. Luang Pu Buddha Issara opens a rice-milling facility at the anti-government protest site at the Government Complex on Chaeng Watthana Road yesterday to assist farmers. THITI WANNAMONTHA The sourcedisclosed that caretaker Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong reported to the meeting, chaired by caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, that the government can borrow tens of billions of baht to ease the burden of farmers who have been waiting for ricepledging payments since last October.Mr Kittiratt did not inform the meeting how he would obtain the funds.However, another source said this would be an extremely tough task for the government since even if he could borrow that amount of money to pay farmers, the government was obliged to find another 20 billion baht for the central budget that was recently borrowed by the Commerce Ministry as an advance fund to pay farmers. The repayment is due in May. "The most possible way to get funds is to sell rice in stocks, as the government is not in a position to borrow money within a week. But how can it sell enough to get 20 billion baht?" said the senior official.Even if the central budget payment is made by the end of this month, the government still owes the farmers 97 billion

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baht.The caretaker government has failed to pay farmers for the rice it bought in the 2013-14 season that began last October.It has also failed to sell massive stocks, as it has been buying rice from farmers at more than 40% above market price for three years.The government is short of liquidity to finance the scheme, while the fiasco has scared away lenders including state-owned financial institutions, which fear a caretaker government may not be legitimate to be a loan guarantor or borrow new funds for policies that affect votes."Mr Kittiratt told the meeting that he could find the money for sure. Even though the government is unable to pay out the total pledged money for the latest main crop in April, he vowed that at least one-fifth of a total of 96 billion baht would definitely be achieved," said the source.Chularat Suteethorn, director-general of the Public Debt Management Office, said his office is attempting to seek borrowing from the money market to solve the problem.Somchai Sujjapongse, director-general of the Fiscal Policy Office, said his office has discussed concerns over loans with the Thai Bankers' Association (TBA).The TBA is demanding a confirmation letter that says the caretaker government guarantees the legality of funding for the rice scheme. Relevant parties are ready to proceed to ensure the rice farmers are paid as soon as possible, said Mr Somchai.Another channel for seeking funds is to sell rice stocks through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET).However, its goal of selling as much as 1 million tonnes through AFET and raising not less than 18 billion baht is far from being achieved, as it has sold only 389,000 tonnes and raised 4.8 billion baht since last October.

AEC lures Thai rice millers to invest in Cambodia Published: 25 Mar 2014 at 01.02 Newspaper section: Business

Thai rice millers are lining up to build mills in Cambodia to cash in on imminent regional economic integration, with experts warning Cambodian rice is likely to flood Thailand.A rice mill in Phichit province was found to have illegally imported 50,000 tonnes of rice from Cambodia amid the rice-pledging scheme scandal.An industry source said several millers from Thailand's central and northeastern regions are preparing to set up rice mills in Cambodia, mainly for export purposes, citing increasing production and relatively lower production costs in the neighbouring nation.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

More importantly, the quality of Cambodian rice, especially Cambodian jasmine rice — phka malis in Khmer — is becoming more widely recognised in the world market.Cambodian jasmine rice won the world's best rice award in 2013 after it won for the first time at the competition in Bali in 2012.Cambodia's local operators have limited experience in marketing and exporting rice, while there is a dearth of sophisticated rice mills in the country.This offers room for Thai and foreign exporters and millers to expand their investment, particularly to capitalise on Cambodia's rice policy that aims to raise exports to 1 million tonnes next year.Cambodia is now capable of producing 9-10 million tonnes of paddy a year or 5 million tonnes of milled rice but exported only 370,000 tonnes of milled rice last year. Cambodia's total rice consumption is estimated at 2.1 million tonnes for a population of 15 million.The source said Cambodia's promising rice market has drawn several foreign firms to set up large rice mills including Taiwa Seiki Corporation from Japan and Asia Golden Rice and CP Intertrade in Thailand.Chookiat Ophaswongse, honorary president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association, said a key area of concern after the installation of the Asean Economic Community late next year is an influx of Cambodian aromatic rice."Thai rice will be hard hit if Cambodian fragrant rice gains popularity among Thai consumers," he warned. "It's essential that Thailand steps up efforts to develop and upgrade its rice varieties after the government's ricepledging scheme has undermined the Thai rice market over the last three years."Mr Chookiat said that over the last few years, Thai Hom Mali fragrant rice has declined in quality due partially to the rice-pledging scheme, which offers relatively higher prices than the market prices, leading most farmers to ignore improving the quality of their grains.He also warned that some farmers might mix cheaper Pathum fragrant rice varieties with more expensive Hom Mali rice, then pass off the rice as 100% Hom Mali.This unscrupulous practice might lead many consumers to think the aroma of Thai Hom Mali rice has diminished, Mr Chookiat added.

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