August 27 ,2018 Vol 9 ,Issue 8
Several export products of Pakistan face MFN tariff in India By HUSSAIN H ZAIDI Published: August 27, 2018
From $402 million in 2013, exports went down to $392 million in 2014 and further to $312 million in 2015. In 2016, exports marginally increased to $348 million. PHOTO:FILE ISLAMABAD: The low volume of Pakistan-India trade has been the subject of much discussion. All else being equal, because of lower transport costs and similarities in consumer behaviour, neighbouring countries are better placed than others to trade with one another. What are the factors which have hobbled trade between South Asia‘s two largest economies?
At the time of birth of Pakistan, India was its largest trading partner. In 1948, when the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organisation‘s (WTO) predecessor, came into being, both Pakistan and India became its members and granted each other the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status. Contrary to its meaning as well as popular perception, the MFN status means only normal trading relationship. Bilateral trade relations were disrupted by the 1965 war and remained suspended till 1973. When trade resumed, the MFN principle was disregarded by both countries and trade was conducted on the basis of positive lists. The positive list approach meant that only the specified goods could be traded. ICCI stresses export promotion In 1995, the WTO was born and adopted the MFN as its constitutional principle. Accordingly, in 1996 India restored Pakistan‘s MFN status. Pakistan, however, continued to maintain the positive list, thus restricting imports from India. The positive list was gradually expanded and when in 2011, it was replaced with a negative list, it consisted of 1,963 products or tariff lines. The replacement of the positive list with the negative list, which is less restrictive than the former, was part of Pakistan‘s efforts to normalise trade with India. However, no further headway was made. At present, Pakistan‘s negative list for imports from India consists of 1,209 tariff lines. Pakistan and India are also members of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (Safta), under which they accord preferential tariff (between 5% and 8%) treatment to each other. However, in spite of Safta, the products placed on the negative list cannot be imported from India. Moreover, under Safta, both countries maintain sensitive lists on which no tariff concessions are being offered. The sensitive lists of India and Pakistan consist of 614 and 936 tariff lines
respectively at six-digit HS code. The foregoing gives the impression that whereas India has opened its market for Pakistani products, Pakistan has not reciprocated the gesture. Such an impression is only partly correct. Trade imbalance Before we explain why this is so, let‘s look at the volume of bilateral trade in recent years. Naya Pakistan needs new ideas for economic gains As per Comtrade data, in 2017 total Pakistan-India trade was $2.03 billion including $334 million in exports from Pakistan and $1.70 billion in imports from India. The $1.36-billion trade imbalance was in favour of India. The 2017 data reveals a persistent pattern in bilateral trade ie India running substantial trade surplus with Pakistan. In 2013, Pakistan‘s trade deficit with India was $1.47 billion, which increased to $1.71 billion in 2014 before falling to $1.36 billion in 2015 and to $1.30 billion in 2016.Over the years, Pakistan‘s exports to India have registered either decline or nominal growth. From $402 million in 2013, exports went down to $392 million in 2014 and further to $312 million in 2015. In 2016, exports marginally increased to $348 million. Imports from India have also shown a more or less similar pattern. From $1.87 billion in 2013, imports went up to $2.10 billion in 2014 before falling to $1.67 billion in 2015 and to $1.64 billion in 2016. Between 2013 and 2017, Pakistan‘s exports to India have declined 16.91%, while imports from India fell 9.1%. In total, bilateral trade has fallen 10.96% during the period. In the last five years (2013-17) on average, imports from Pakistan have accounted for merely 0.08% of India‘s global imports while imports from India have made up 3.78% of Pakistan‘s global imports.
Likewise, during the same period, on average, Pakistan has accounted for 0.29% of India‘s global trade while India has accounted for 3.1% of Pakistan‘s global trade and 6.1% of Pakistan‘s total trade deficit. This shows that while Pakistan has a miniscule share in India‘s global trade, by comparison India has a considerable share in Pakistan‘s global trade as well as overall trade imbalance. It is Pakistan‘s growing trade deficit with India that has been the major cause of concern. Hence, if bilateral trade is opened, cheaper Indian goods will flood Pakistan‘s market. This will not only cause serious problems for the import-competing domestic industry and subsequently large-scale unemployment, but will also worsen Pakistan‘s trade deficit with India and hence aggravate an already challenging current account position.
Major export goods To delve deeper into bilateral trade, let‘s look at the performance of Pakistan‘s top exports in the Indian market. Globally, Pakistan‘s top 10 exports are home textiles ($3.95 billion), cotton fabrics ($3.49 billion), knitted garments ($2.51 billion), woven garments ($2.46 billion), cereals including rice ($1.75 billion), articles of leather ($0.631 billion), sugar and confectionary ($0.511 billion), medical and precision equipment ($0.410 billion), fish ($0.406 billion) and cement ($0.385 billion). These products account for 80.46% of Pakistan‘s global exports. However, they have a meagre presence in the Indian market. Home textile exports to India stood at $1.18 million, cotton fabrics $1.13 million, knitted garments $1.29 million, woven garments $2.69 million, articles of leather $0.920 million, sugar and confectionary $0.819 million, medical and precision equipment $11.78 million, fish $0.166 million and cement $87.18 million. There was no rice export from Pakistan to India in 2017 despite the fact that India imported $1.28 billion of rice from other countries. Out of the 614 tariff lines included in India‘s sensitive list under Safta, 182 pertain to textile and clothing while 139 are agricultural. Textile and clothing and agriculture are the mainstay of Pakistan‘s exports. Hence, several products of export interest to Pakistan face MFN tariffs in India, which are on the whole high. For instance, on textile and clothing, India applies compound (both ad valorem and specific) tariffs, which in some cases are in excess of 100%. On leather products, fruits and vegetables, and cereals, maximum Indian-applied tariffs are 70%, 100% and 150% respectively. Then there are non-tariff barriers (NTBs) maintained by India such as para tariffs (education cess for example), tariff rate quotas, cumbersome customs clearance and standard compliance
procedures, restrictive routes through which merchandise can pass and frequent use of trade defence measures like anti-dumping duty. By and large, Indian NTBs are more stringent for textile and clothing and agricultural products. Though these barriers are not Pakistan-specific and are applied on MFN basis, they do constitute a serious obstacle to Pakistan‘s market access and by implication export growth. The writer is an Islamabad-based columnist
Published in The Express Tribune, August 27th, 2018.
How Pakistan wastes its water Special ReportUpdated August 26, 2018
By: Syed Muhammad Abubakar The year 2025 has been marked as the year when Pakistan — if it doesn‘t mend its ways soon — will turn from a ―water-stressed‖ country to a ―water-scarce‖ country. Warnings about water running out have been issued separately by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR). And as the alarm bells began to ring, the chief justice of Pakistan launched a campaign to build the Diamer Bhasha and Mohmand Dam. In his inaugural speech, Prime Minister Imran Khan, too, has announced his backing for the plan. Whether a single dam is the panacea to all of Pakistan‘s water woes is, of course, questionable. Pakistan is now a severely water-stressed country. But while everyone is vocally concerned about the scarcity of water and obsessed with constructing large dams, we continue to squander the resource we already have Consider the facts: per capita surface water availability of 5,260 cubic metres per year in 1951 turned into around 1,000 cubic metres in 2016. This is likely to further drop to about 860 cubic meters by 2025. The PCRWR describe that Pakistan reached the ―water stress line‖ in 1990 and crossed the ―water scarcity line‖ in 2005. The Indus river system receives an annual influx of about 134.8 million acre feet (MAF) of water. The mean annual rainfall ranges from less than 100 millimetres to over 750 millimetres. Surface water comprises glacial melt up to 41 percent, snowmelt up to 22 percent and rainfall 27 percent. In terms of groundwater, Pakistan is currently extracting 50 MAF from underground aquifers — this has already crossed the sustainable limit of safe yield. The 1960 Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) enabled Pakistan to enhance water availability at canal headworks to about 104 MAF through construction of dams. However, this has decreased due to increased siltation. Pakistan‘s water woes can largely be bifurcated into issues of quality and quantity. The water coming into our systems over the past decades hasn‘t changed much. But demand has soared due to an exponential rise in population. Existing reservoirs‘ storage capacity cannot sustain this population boom while its capacity has also been reduced over the years. Meanwhile, the water reaching the end user has also decreased due to further losses along the way. Our water management practices are highly inefficient — one illustration is how freshwater is used for irrigation purposes. The kind of crops we grow — rice and sugarcane, for example — and the way we irrigate them isn‘t sustainable, either. Because many people’s livelihoods are tied to growing more rice and more sugarcane, these crops will remain popular. Without any education or awareness about how not to waste water or how to utilise efficient irrigation methods, the wastage will continue. While doomsday is just seven years away, it took over 70 years for Pakistan to draw up its firstever National Water Policy (NWP), approved in April this year. The policy is still riddled with
some significant gaps but at least, it lays out a few principles that ought to be adhered to. But in some ways, it is merely a compilation of suggestions. Water sustains life, society and the economy, and therefore, the scope of the crisis involves many actors and solutions need to be integrated. A major rethink is required at all levels. Hell or high water The Pakistan Economic Survey, 2017-2018 (prepared by the Ministry of Finance) details the state of the economy over the past year. It announces that the agriculture sector recorded a ―remarkable‖ growth of 3.81 percent (as opposed to its targeted growth of 3.5 percent). The high water-need crops of rice (8.65 percent growth) and sugarcane (7.45 percent) both surpassed their respective production targets for 2017-18. Prosperity brought by high water-need crops has meant that more farmers have preferred planting more rice and sugarcane. The Pakistan Economic Survey, 2017-2018 notes that while rice was sown over 2,724 thousand hectares last year, it rose to 2,899 thousand hectares this year. ―[H]igher domestic prices and availability of inputs on subsidised rates, good advisory along with increase in export,‖ according to the survey, contributed to more land being used to grow rice. This 6.4 percent increase ultimately yielded a production high of 7,442 thousand tonnes. Last year, 6,849 thousand tonnes of rice were produced in Pakistan. The survey also shows that sugarcane was cultivated on an area of 1,313 thousand hectares, an increase on last year‘s area of 1,218 thousand hectares. ―[G]ood economic return encouraged the growers to bring more area under cultivation and [so did] comparatively timely payments from sugar mills last year,‖ explains the survey. This 7.8 percent rise in acreage translated into a 7.4 percent hike in production: from 75.482 million tonnes to 81.102 million tonnes. There is a flip side, however. More water is utilised in growing these water-intensive crops. For instance, sugarcane requires 1,500-2,500mm of rainfall (or water from other sources) to complete the growth cycle. In other words, to produce a kilo of sugarcane, between 1,500 and 3,000 litres of water are utilised. Similarly, at 0.45 kilograms per cubic metre, Pakistan‘s rice water productivity is 55 percent lower than the average water productivity of one kilogramme per cubic metre for rice in Asian countries. Because many people‘s livelihoods are tied to growing more rice and more sugarcane, these crops will remain popular. Without any education or awareness about how not to waste water or how to utilise efficient irrigation methods, the wastage will continue. Policy versus reality It follows, therefore, that a country tethering on the edge of water scarcity ought to de-incentivise the growing of water-intensive crops. In practice, this means convincing the farmers that they will not be hit by a financial loss were they to switch to other crops.
The NWP acknowledges that irrigated agriculture is the backbone of the economy and consumes around 95 percent of the water resources. Furthermore, around one million tube wells in the country pump about 55 MAF of underground water for irrigation, which is 20 percent more than what‘s available from canals — signalling how highly water-intensive the agriculture sector is. This is all unsustainable. On the other hand, while there is great water wastage in the rural sector, providing potable water to the cities has become a challenge. One of the more achievable targets set by the NWP is the access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation facilities for all. Towards that end, the policy has also urged the promotion of greater urban water management and revision of urban water tariffs. It also encourages enhancing recovery and reducing system losses, treatment of industrial effluents and provision of sustainable supply of water for everyone. But it is still the agricultural sector whose water utilisation needs to be under the microscope. Till now, the policy seems divorced from the financial compulsions of those whose livelihoods are associated with the agricultural sector. Dr Pervaiz Amir, director of the Pakistan Water Partnership (PWP) believes that policies are designed and implemented for the people and the civil society should have been engaged in debates and discussions towards this end. ―Balochistan has already prepared its water policy whereas Punjab and Sindh are working on theirs,‖ explains Dr Amir. ―It is very important that the provincial policies are congruent and must not be in conflict with the national water policy of Pakistan.‖ For him, the federal water ministry is weak and there is an urgent need to strengthen Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda). ―Instead of reviving old horses, a better option is to establish a new institution which has a diverse set of experts, not just engineers,‖ he adds. The PWP chief points out that the policy fails to explain the most important question of where the resources will come from. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one option; the Chinese are already operating a plant to provide potable water to their engineers working in water-scarce Gwadar. But will such measures have broader utility? ―Through CPEC, investments are going to increase,‖ continues Dr Amir, ―and the question about how CPEC is going to integrate with water demands immediate attention. We should know the supply and demand side.‖ Tahir Rasheed, CEO of the South Punjab Forest Company (SPFC), also laments the absence of stakeholder consultations in all provinces, including Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. He sees the need for the water policy to be linked with national, regional and international commitments such as Pakistan‘s Vision 2025 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ―Integrated watershed management should be promoted,‖ says Rasheed, ―including ecological conservation practices in uphill watersheds, by exploring the possibility of joint watershed
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management of trans-boundary catchment areas with neighbouring countries. The policy is also silent on reactivating centuries-old traditional wisdom of water management and use of tools such as Rodh Koi system, Sailaba, Karez systems, etc. It should also address the trans-boundary water pollution aspect, on which even the Indus Waters Treaty is silent.‖ Dr Tariq Banuri, the founding executive director of Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), a senior climate expert and currently heading the Higher Education Commission (HEC) as its chairman, agrees that Pakistan is wasting its water resources due to inefficient consumption patterns and negligible recycling. When asked if the water policy will help address the indiscriminate wastage of this precious resource, he said: ―Our systems are inefficient. The National Water Policy does spell a range of issues with respect to water but it doesn‘t have details that can help to operationalise it. Its strategic and operational steps are not devised as yet. The environmental aspect of water in sustaining the environment has not been recognised in the policy either.‖
Citizens from the upscale locality of Clifton protest the absence of potable water and the monopoly of the
‗tanker mafia‘ | Shutterstock Banuri explains that population growth has played a major role in decreasing the available amount of water per person and clearly shows that the lower riparian will not be able to receive their due share. ―The existing water system is actually on first-come-first-serve basis and this is not useful,‖ he says. ―The water policy does recognise it but its details have not been worked out as yet.‖ Ali Tauqeer Sheikh, CEO of the Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD)Pakistan and a senior water expert, termed water a provincial matter and urged the need for a national-level framework that acts as a guiding tool for provinces.
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―The water policy is an enabling document,‖ comments Sheikh, ―which will lead to the establishment of national level water institutions, and unless the institutions are endowed and empowered, we won‘t be able to achieve desirable results.‖
Young men draw water for home use from a school pipe | Shutterstock Ali urged the federal government to earnestly address the reservations of the provinces concerning the water policy and also informed that the policy framework will make an overdue start. ―The policy will require sectoral plans and unless they are developed for key departments, things won‘t go very far. First of all, there should be an overall implementation plan and then sectoral implementation plans should be developed for agriculture, climate, energy and other sectors,‖ sums up Ali. While experts have termed the policy a step in the right direction, they have also recommended some measures that will make it further inclusive and bridge possible gaps. Now that the policy has been approved, the government must work aggressively to implement it in letter and in spirit if it is serious to address the water crisis that the entire nation is grappling with. Syed Muhammad Abubakar is an environmental journalist who works on climate change, water, deforestation, food security and sustainable development. He tweets @SyedMAbubakar
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Assam: IRRI DG concerned over rice production, decrease in workforce | SMITA BHATTACHARYYA | JORHAT | August 26, 2018 12:01 am
Matthew Morrell, DG of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, speaking at a function in AAU, Jorhat, on August 25, 2018. Image - Northeast Now 4 min read Matthew Morrell, Director General of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines on Saturday expressed concern over a decreasing agriculture workforce, increasing population, climate change and the need for capacity building. Morrel, while addressing a host of scientists at the Assam Agricultural Universityhere on Saturday, said that the challenges to meet the world food requirement in 2040 which meant a 25 pc increase in production from the present were a great many, the biggest one being a likely reduction of 50 pc less people working in agriculture. Morrell is in Assam on a week-long visit in regard to implementation of the World Bank funded APART (Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project.He also said that in keeping with changing times, there had also been a change in research of the leading rice research institute in the world. Innovation, catalyzes and change in the lives of the farmers were three watchwords on which IRRI research was now based, he said. Regarding innovation, Morrell said that discovering genes to help in combating climate stresses, new methods of growing rice, growing nutrition fortified rice varieties were some of the innovations, IRRI was working on.
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Later he mentioned the Golden rice, a transgenic variety, and fortified with vitamin A, produced by IRRI which would be released in Bangladesh, US, Australia after the regulatory process was over. ―We cannot rest till so many children are suffering from malnutrition,‖ he said. Regarding transmission, Morrell said that the reach to land impact was important in order to reach the people who need it. Morrell stressed that research should be so aimed that the benefits devolve to the farmers and make a clear difference to their lives. ―If a farmer invests he should know that there is a potential of good returns which will aid him to educate his children and fulfil his dreams and life‘s ambition,‖ he said. In this regard, he said that youths would be attracted to agriculture only if the returns were high. In response to Assam Agricultural University Vice Chancellor‘s proposal that apart from collaborating in research whether AAU could collaborate with IRRI in academics, the students working in rice being able to complete the research part of their studies in IRRI, Morrell said that as both were into teaching and research, something could be worked out.
Scientists at AAU, Jorhat. Image – Northeast Now Morrell further said that IRRI‘s strategy to work with partners to reach where it mattered had worked but now they were decentralized their activities to India, Africa and some other countries.
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Hr also spoke on how farmers could be advantaged if they worked together in farming and forming enterprises. The advantage of involving women in agriculture. He referred to the value chains like cropping systems. During the Boro season, the shorter duration rice varieties were on the anvil, a Ranjit variety of 135 days would soon be released, he said. He also spoke of production which would yield more. US Singh, director, South Asian Research Centre informed that two flood resistant rice varieties produced by AAU in collaboration with IRRI, Ranjit Sub 1 and Bahadur Sub 1 would soon be launched in Nepal. AAU VC Bujarbaruah said that out of the net sown area of 20.11 million hectare in Assam, rice was sown on 24.5 lakh hectare and the amount of rice produced was 5.2 million tonnes which could be increased to 12 million tonnes. ―If rice production was increased from the 6 million tonnes to 10 million tonnes, then Assam could contribute to the National food basket or to the nearby states,‖ said Bujarbaruah. Bujarbaruah spoke about the ongoing research being done at AAU‘s three rice research stations, North Lakhimpur, Karimganj and Titabar. He said that till now, AAU had produced 55 different rice varieties and 60 per cent rice cultivated in Assam were of these varieties. Bujarbaruah stressed on biotechnology making a difference in climate resilient varieties. Regarding drought resistant variety he said that Australia had got the best drought resistant gene from wild rice races and sought that they could collaborate with Australia in this sphere. ―Australia now holds the key to world rice given the ongoing climate changes,‖ he said. IRRI provides technical guidance on improving rice production systems and management practices by promoting climate resilient technologies, encouraging their adoption on-field, and facilitating market linkages.
Chinese scientists develop smart app to identify pests on crops Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-25 16:05:08|Editor: LiangyuHEFEI, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- It is difficult for even veteran farmers to recognize every pest variety, making choosing the right pesticide to
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kill them difficult. But Chinese scientists have made the work as easy as using a smartphone to photo them. A pest-recognizing application developed by the Hefei Intelligent Machine Institute with the Chinese Academy of Sciences has tested successful for recognizing over 50 varieties of rice pests. Xie Chengjun with the program said excessive use of pesticide and a lack of pest monitoring and farming technology support for farmers were the primary problems in China's agriculture. He said the application developed with artificial intelligence technology and a database of 1 million pictures of pests could immediately match the photo with pictures in its memory, diagnose pest types and give tips on how to accurately use pesticide to control the damage. "The system will provide strong support to help the country reach the goal of curbing the growth of pesticide use by 2020," Xie said. He said the institute had teamed up with experts from the Anhui Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to rapidly extend the system's applications to recognize more pest varieties in agricultural plants ranging from wheat, corn, soybean, to rapeseed, vegetables and fruit trees.
GUV ASKS AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS TO FOCUS ON NEW AGE TECHNOLOGY Sunday, 26 August 2018 | PNS | Ranchi | in Ranchi Governor Droupadi Murmu during the inaugural ceremony of 57th Annual All India Wheat and Barley Research Workers Meet at Birsa Agricultural University (BAU) here on Saturday asked the agro-scientists to focus on three major domains — doubling farmers‘ income, optimum utilisation of new age technology to meet the targets of increased food production, including using fallow lands, in the off seasons for achieving the crop production target on a massive scale. ―Income from a single crop will not fulfill the target of doubling farmers‘ income. Diversification of activities which yields better remuneration should be promoted among the farming community,‖ said the Governor while addressing the assembly of 300 agro scientists gathered at the agricultural varsity from India and across the globe to attend the three-day national event. The Chancellor of the universities further stated that cropping intensity in the State is merely about 120 per cent against the national figure which is142 per cent, hence, agro experts should devise strategies for bringing the unused land under cultivation during Rabi season too. ―In the absence of assured irrigation facilities in Jharkhand, over 14 lakh hectare rice fallow area of the State remain unused which need to be brought under cultivation for increasing the farmers
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income by developing short-duration varieties of wheat, barley, pulses and oilseeds using residual moisture,‖ the Governor added. In addition, the Governor stated that to meet targets of increased food production for future requirement apt use of biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology (IT) has become the need of an hour. ―The scientists have to use their skills combining the new age technology to reach the most underprivileged population of over 6 lakh villages of India as there is lesser land, water and workforce available,‖ the Governor further added. Further, emphasising on effective dissemination of suitable farm technologies and recommendations to farmers‘ fields for changing the scenario of rural Jharkhand, the Governor said that scientists‘ performance would be judged not on the basis of number of research papers, books and bulletins published, PhD students produced but on the basis of contribution made in revolutionising farmers lives. ICAR Director General (DG) Dr Trilochan Mohapatra during the session asserted that wheat production in the country in 1950-51 was only 11 million tons which has gone up to 98 million tons in 2017-18, registering an increase of about nine times. The DG further giving credit to the policies, programmes and schemes adopted by the government, technological development and farmers‘ efforts, said, ―This year we are zeroing in on 100 million wheat production. Food Security Act, we are providing food to more than 60 per cent of our population at Rs 2/ kg. Country‘s population by 2050 is expected to touch 1.6 billion and to meet the requirement; ICAR is targeting the productivity of 10 tons per hectare.‖ Meanwhile, BAU Vice Chancellor Dr Parvinder Kaushal said that BAU will be an important partner in bringing green revolution in Eastern India and we are targeting to cover 5 lakh hectare rice fallow areas under wheat cultivation in a few years. Notably, eastern regions which includes Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, West Bengal, Odisha and eight North-Eastern States accounts for almost 8.5 mha under wheat. According to third Advance Estimates released by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI, Wheat and Barley together account for about 37 per cent of the country‘s total food grains production.
Kebbi State earned N150bn from rice sales in 2017 – GOV ON AUGUST 27, 20184:59 AMIN BUSINESS, FINANCE, NEWS29 COMMENTS By Godfrey Bivbere The Kebbi State government last year earned about N150 billion from the sale of its locally cultivated rice, the Governor, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, has said. The governor disclosed this when he played host to Executive Secretary of Nigerian Shippers Council, NSC, Hassan Bello, in his office. Gov. Bagudu Bello had gone to inform him of the plan to develop an Inland Container Depot, ICD and a Truck/Trail Transit Park in the state. Bagudu assured the management of NSC that any people oriented project embarked upon by
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them that will ensure trade facilitation and sustained economic growth will be supported by his administration. As part of measure to earn more from the popular staple food and shore up the economy of the state, the governor said three giant rice millers, Wocat Rice Processing Mill, Dangote Rice Processing Mill and Dadangari Rice Processing Mill are working at full capacity with the state earning about N150 billion from sale of rice last year alone. He equally stated that Kebbi State as an agrarian state has enormous potentials in agriculture coupled with acquatic splendour which positions the state as part of the Blue Sea economy. Bagudu explained that the ICD and the Transit Park are strategic projects given the enormous agricultural and mineral potentials in the state. Kebbi State with a population of about 15 million, sharing borders with Niger and Benin Republics places it on an advantage in terms of trade facilitation and export of commodities. The state has 7 big rivers with River Niger traversing all the 3 Senatorial Zones of the state while Argungu River that houses the International Fishing Festival has become a tourist destination. According to Bagudu, Kebbi State is the highest producer of rice, onions and pepper in the country. This places the state on advantage for the Lolo Inland Container Depot and Vehicle/Truck Transit Park to help in the evacuation of farm produce from the hinterland to the urban areas and for export. He further informed the NCS team that the Federal Government‘s grand design to open the hinterlands so as to achieve sustainable growth will help Kebbi State as the agricultural belt of the nation. ―We have provided enabling environment to our teeming farmers in the rural areas with farm implements, seedlings and fertilizer thereby encouraging them for all season farming,‖ he stated. Explaining further why his administration is desirous to partner with NSC on the proposed projects, the governor revealed that apart from his being the National Vice-Chairman of Food Security Committee, a nation‘s health and economic growth is measured on food reliance and self sufficiency. ―A nation that cannot feed its people will suffer a lot of international market vagaries. The Lolo Inland Container Depot will help in galvanizing the evacuation of farm produce to the urban areas and for export. ―We have also entered into partnership arrangement with an indigeneous company for an ultra modern World Class Sugar Processing Plant with a total cost of about $330million when completed. The project is sited in Augie Local Government Area, a border town between Kebbi State and Sokoto State. All these agricultural transformation drive of this administration has encouraged farmers to not only be active and productive but has to a large extent reduced youth restellness as the state is adjudged as the most peaceful state in the northern geo-political zone . We believe that your twin projects can que into our model,‖ Bagudu noted. In his remarks, Executive Secretary of Nigerian Shippers‘ Council Hassan Bello informed the Governor that
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their decision to construct the two projects in the state after a careful study showed that Kebbi State is strategically located not only to stimulate the economy of the state but the multiplier effect of its location is enormous.
Water scarcity likely to bite rice output in Sindh Listen
August 26, 2018 KARACHI: Rice output in Sindh is feared to decline this year as farmers reduced the crop sowing area due to water shortage, agriculture experts said on Saturday. Muhammad Ismail Kumbhar, professor at Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam said there was late sowing in the province due to water shortage and around 30 to 40 percent acreage has been left out of the paddy sowing. ―Yield will also remain low,‖ Kumbhar said. Pakistan produces around 6.5 million to seven million tons of rice, including Basmati every year; of which, around four million tons are produced in Sindh that mostly grows non-basmati varieties, including IRRI and some hybrid varieties. Major portion of non-basmati comes from Sindh. Usually, paddy seedling starts in June and July, which was delayed by one to two months this time around. Some growers started sowing in early August. ―Due to late sowing, crop has also become vulnerable to pest attack under cloudy season,‖ Kumbhar said.
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He said it is alarming that farmers and land workers are migrating to big cities, as major crops of Kharif (summer), including cotton, are badly affected. He added that fodder prices also increased this season. Badin, Sujawal and Thatta districts usually grow paddy in lower Sindh, while Dadu, Larkana, Shikarpur, Qamber-Shahdadkot and Shikarpur are famous for paddy in upper parts of the province. ―These all areas remained vulnerable to water shortage,‖ Kumbhar said. ―Some growers at the head of the canals in the banned areas were also involved in paddy sowing, which was dangerous, and affected the crop in tail-end areas.‖ Several growers have sown hybrid seeds this year, which need proper water and weather, ―which was not available‖. Mehmood Nawaz Shah, secretary general of Sindh Abadgar Board, agreed that sowing in several areas did not come under cultivation because of water scarcity. ―This is first time in Kharif that severe water shortage has been noted,‖ Shah said. ―In some areas, sowing starts in May while water reached to lands in August.‖ He said the loss was not uniform for all the growers. ―Some might have not sown crop on 80 percent of their lands while some might have completed sowing,‖ he added. ―Sowing at the heads of canals might have been better along with sowing on perennial canals.‖ Shah the damage was done to the crop in any case, as harvesting season started. Rafique Suleman, senior vice chairman Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan, said crop size has been low by this time. ―Usually, rice arrivals remained high at this period, but this time it is too slow,‖ he said. Suleman hoped that rice crop would reach at the previous year‘s level of around 6.5 million tons to seven million tons in the country.
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He said Sindh government banned paddy sowing in some areas of the province, which affected production of around 0.3 million tons. ―This is an agriculture country and any ban on rice growing will affect the economy,‖ he added.
Raksha Bandhan 2018: Special recipes by sisters to celebrate the bond of love As Raksha Bandhan falls on August 26 this year, we asked food bloggers and contributors on what they would like to cook for their brothers on this special day.
Maleghat‘s eco-friendly rakhis go global: Bamboo rakhis made by tribals in over 100 designs sent to
Raksha Bandhan is observed to celebrate the beautiful bond between brothers and sisters and what better way to celebrate than with some good food. We asked food bloggers and contributors on what they would like to cook for their brothers on this special day, and here‘s what they shared with us – two desserts and a main. Ashima Goyal Siraj, Food blogger and contributor ―I grew up in a joint family and we were six kids living together — five sisters and one brother. In a joint family, there is no concept of cousins and real siblings. We all had three mothers and three fathers and we were all very close. Our brother, being the only one, often found himself on the wrong side of a fight. While we (the sisters) did tease him, bully him, made him do a lot of work for all of us, we also spoilt him pretty bad. And Rakhi was the time when he kind of became the king of the house. All of fasted until we had tied him a rakhi and he would take his own sweet time to get ready just so that we would wait. But he also made sure he had a special gift for each one of us. His weakness is chocolate and while the rakhi thali had lots of regular sweets, I always got him a big dairy milk on the side. And then we grew up and each of us left home, first for college and then for marriage. Every time we get together, all we talk about is our childhood days. And on Rakhi,
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the phone calls run into hours. He is 30 himself and yet he is still our ―little brother‖ who continues to get lots of sweets every rakhi. Since I am a food blogger, he has specifically told me that I can never send him something from the market. This year I‘m making him some Chocolate walnut brownies, to celebrate our bond and his love for chocolates.‖ Chocolate Walnut Brownies Chocolate Walnut Brownies. Prep Time: 10 mins | Baking Time: 20 mins | Makes: 24 pieces Ingredient 200g — Dark chocolate (or milk chocolate if you like that) 200g — Butter 3 — Eggs at room temperature 1 tsp — Vanilla extract 3/4 cup — Fine sugar 3/4 cup — Maida 1/2 cup — Walnut, chopped Method *Line a baking pan with parchment paper. I used a 13X9X2.5‖ baking pan. *Preheat oven to 180ºC. *In a deep pot, melt butter and chocolate on low flame. Keep stirring in between so that the chocolate doesn‘t burn. Once melted, remove from heat and keep aside. You can also melt and combine them in a microwave. *In another bowl beat together sugar, vanilla and eggs. Add the chocolate and butter mix to the bowl. Beat on medium speed for 30 seconds. I simply use the handheld beater right in the bowl to combine everything smoothly. *Add flour, mix first with a fork or spatula and then beat for another 30 seconds. Follow with folding in the chopped walnuts. *Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan.
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*Bake for about 20 mins and remove on a cooling rack. Brownies become dry very quickly. Since they continue to cook as they cool down, you don‘t have to wait for a tester to come out clean before removing the brownies. *Once cooled, cut into squares, pack and send!
Anushruti RK, Food blogger, Mumbai ―My younger brother has always been the apple of my eye. On the special day of Raksha Bandhan, I would love to acknowledge his special presence in my life and to mark the occasion I would like to cook rice dishes for him since he loves rice. Fairly simple to make, Tomato and Coconut Rice is a dish that is packed with beautiful flavours of tomatoes and coconut and the spices subtly enhance the dish, making it exquisite. I would pair this rice with some exotic vegetable curries, a raita and a baked yogurt tart with fresh cherry sauce to round off the meal.‖ Tomato and Coconut Rice Recipe Tomato and Coconut Rice Recipe. Serves: 4 Ingredients 300g — Basmati Rice 1 ½ cups — Coconut milk 1 ½ cups — Tomato Puree (made from about five medium sized tomatoes) 6 — Cloves 1 — Cinnamon 1 — Bay leaf 2 to 3 — Green chillies, slit length ways 2 tsp — Vegetable oil 2 tsp — Salt or to taste Method *Wash and rinse the rice in a colander in a running stream of water for about a minute or until the water runs clear and soak the rice for 15 minutes to ½ hr, with enough water to cover the rice.
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*Remove the eye of the tomato and make cross slits on the other end of the tomatoes. This makes it easier to peel the skin. *In a medium sized saucepan, bring water to a boil and the tomatoes. Cook until their skin starts to peel. *Cool the tomatoes, remove the skin and grind to a puree in a blender or food processor. Strain the puree to remove the seeds. *Prepare fresh coconut milk or use prepared ones off the shelves. *In a medium sized pot with heavy fitting lid, heat the oil over a medium flame. *Add the cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf and green chillies, stir and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until the spices release their flavours into the oil. *Lower the flame, strain the rice and add into the spiced oil. *Stir briefly for about a couple of minutes, taking care not to break the rice grains. *Pour in the boiled tomato puree and coconut milk, add the salt, cover the lid and cook on the lowest flame for 15 to 20 minutes. *When the rice grains are cooked, remove the lid, allow the steam to escape for about 2 to 3 minutes, fluff with a fork and serve hot. *Alternatively, make the rice in a rice cooker. *After adding the liquids into the sautĂŠed rice, transfer all the contents into the rice cooker and cook till done. This rice tastes great with plain yogurt/curd or cucumber raita.
Chitrangada Kundu, Food blogger, Kolkata ―Popular sandesh from Bengal can be made ready in five minutes. We all need something quick in our busy lives, so I will prepare this sandesh on the special occasion of Rakhi for my brother, simply because it is the easiest dessert and being slightly less sweet, it is liked by all.‖ Sandesh Sandesh. Ingredients
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1 lt — Milk (full fat) 3-4 tsp — Lime juice or vinegar Sugar as per taste 1/2 tsp — Green cardamom (powder) Few strands — Saffron (soaked in milk) Pistachio (finely chopped) to garnish Method *In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, add lime juice or vinegar to curdle it. *Place a cheese cloth on a strainer and strain the curdled milk, drain excess water from the whey. When the water from the curdled milk is drained off the cottage cheese is ready to use. *Take the cottage cheese in a plate, add green cardamom powder, saffron (soaked in warm milk), sugar. Add sugar as per your taste. For 1 cup of cottage cheese start with 6 tablespoons of sugar, taste and add more if needed. Knead it well till smooth. *Take a microwave safe bowl, grease it with little ghee or butter. Put the cottage cheese in the bowl. Press with your finger to make sure the cottage cheese is evenly distributed. *Cook it in a microwave oven, in micro mode in high power for 5 min or till the cottage cheese starts to bubble up. Let it stand for few minutes, take it out of the oven and cool down. *Cut into square or any shape of your choice. Garnish with chopped pistachio, almonds or any other nuts and dried rose petals. Serve cold or at room temperature.
Retail outlets limit sale as subsidised rice arrives in Zamboanga City August 25 2018 11:49 PM A long queue snakes toward the main Zamboanga City market, with people clamouring for cheap rice.
By Al Jacinto/Manila Times The National Food Authority (NFA) has started releasing rice stocks to retailers in Zamboanga City in southern Philippines, but traders are limiting the sale of Vietnam rice to three kilos per person until supply normalises. ―We are only allowed to buy three kilos of rice a day because traders say the stocks they are
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getting from NFA are limited,‖ said Lucia Gallo, a 39-year old mother of five, who was among dozens of people lining up in the market to buy rice imported by the government from Vietnam. One rice trader said they were only given 20 bags of 50-kilo rice and sold those at P32 a kilo per person a day. ―Once we sell everything, we need to get fresh stocks again from NFA. And this is also the reason we limit the selling of rice to only three kilos per person a day so everybody may avail themselves of the cheap rice,‖ he said. Local legislators have passed a resolution placing the city under state of calamity due to shortage of rice supply. Even supermarkets have run out of rice stocks. The city agriculturist has started monitoring rice prices in different areas to ensure traders follow the suggested retail pricing of grains and prevent hoarding. The lack of ample supply of rice was largely blamed by traders on the NFA‘s failure to deliver cheap rice to the market. Just this week, the NFA said it released 10,000 bags in Sulu province. Sulu‘s rice stocks were depleted the past weeks after the provincial government purchased over 5,000 bags of rice to feed thousands of people displaced by a huge fire in Jolo town. Shortage also occurred in the cities of Lamitan and Zamboanga following the burning of many houses that displaced thousands of people. The supply of rice from nearby Malaysia — which helps stabilise the prices of commercial rice in Zamboanga, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan and Sulu — also declined due to a strict government campaign against ―traditional‖ barter trading in the area. A bag of 25-kilo rice from Malaysia only sells at P650 while commercial rice retails at P1,200 per bag of 25 kilos. Some traders also blamed unscrupulous businessmen for hoarding rice. ―That is happening, but we are only small time traders and the big ones are controlling the prices of commercial rice. They opposed the entry of rice from nearby Malaysia and it resulted in scarcity of Malaysian branded rice such as Triple A and Sunrise. It is all about controlling the business and make huge
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profits,‖ said one local rice trader at the public market. Rice stocks from as far as Isabela province in northern Philippines and imported rice from Thailand, India and Vietnam are already available and prices of rice are slowly stabilising. Mayor Maria Isabelle Salazar said NFA made available 40,000 bags of rice with additional supply coming from Cotabato and Zamboanga Sibugay provinces. ―This is a very positive development. We are looking at the normalisation of rice supply pending harvest this September,‖ she said, adding, ―the NFA and the Department of Agriculture have noticed reduction in rice prices as well as rice availability in the market. Other short-term and long-term measures are also being explored including the purchase of rice from Cotabato following the declaration of a state of calamity.‖ Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Pinol, quoting rice industry stakeholders, said the unusually high prices of rice in the market would taper off and stabilise in the fourth quarter when farmers start to harvest their last cropping for the year, and rice stocks imported by private sector have been completely brought in by the end of September. According to Pinol, the first shipment of 250,000 metric tonnes of NFA rice had arrived in the country and the next 250,000 metric tonnes would start arriving soon. Rice from Vietnam, Thailand and Pakistan imported by traders have also arrived.
SPEEDY ARROYO The ‗small but terrible‘ newly minted Speaker moves with lightning speed to push key pieces of legislation in the House, and both friends and foes are in awe. By Jovee Marie N. Dela Cruz / Mark Joseph Fernandez & Joahna Lei Casilao - August 25, 2018 In Photo: Representative and former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo waves at the plenary hall of the House of Representatives together with other allied legislators on July 23, 2018. ON July 23, 2018, in what was supposed to be a usual State of the Nation Address (Sona) of President Duterte, an unexpected turn of events changed the dynamics of the Lower House—the sudden ouster of former House Speaker Pantaleon D. Alvarez and the election of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as his replacement.
The abrupt change of leadership took place starting from before until after the Sona proper. As an organized protest timed with the Sona—which was said to be the biggest in number of participants—was happening a few blocks from the Sandiganbayan, some House members inside
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the Batasang Pambansa Complex‘s plenary hall were also having their own ―protest‖ to oust Alvarez via a manifesto. They said Arroyo should replace Alvarez because the country ―will benefit from the experience, competence, sobriety, steady and unifying leadership‖ of the former president.
Ousting the then-Speaker took a whole day because Alvarez was not present during the morning, when the manifesto was raised, effectively putting the matter on hold. However, after the 50minute Sona of the President, the manifesto resurfaced as Alvarez was already in the hall. Some 244 members of the House of Representatives resumed session that evening, formally replacing Alvarez with Arroyo in a landslide 184 affirmative votes against 12 abstentions.
Arroyo is the first female Speaker of the Lower House, and for her first 12 session days as new leader, bills in various stages were rapidly being approved.
With the quick turn of events in the Lower House, what accomplishment could have been achieved so far from House Speaker Arroyo‘s 12 session days? What was the effect of this event on the dynamics of the Lower House and how did the management of ―Speedy Arroyo‖ manage to rapidly address so many bills that were left at bay during Alvarez‘s term?
ONE of the most significant laws that were passed is the Bangsa-moro Organic Law (BOL), which initially became collateral damage in the chaos triggered by the coup against Alvarez. But the new Speaker quickly ensured the bill would get right back on track, and the bilateral conference committee version was quickly ratified by the chamber, and the law was signed by President Duterte in July 2018.
BOL, officially known as the ―Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao,‖ creates the Bangsamoro region and abolishes the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
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The Bangsamoro region would be headed by a chief minister and a ceremonial leader called a Wali.
Under its structural government, the region would have a parliament of 80 members composed of 50 percent party representatives, 40 percent district representatives and 10 percent sectoral representatives.
Except for energy-producing bodies of water like Lake Lanao that would be handled jointly by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Bangsamoro region, the latter would oversee all inland bodies of water.
The coverage of the region includes current ARMM provinces such as Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, Basilan, Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur, while the outcome of a regional plebiscite is being awaited.
The law provides that ―the six municipalities of Lanao del Norte and the 39 barangays of North Cotabato could vote to join the territory in a referendum to be conducted in the mother territory of the areas involved.‖
Under the law, 75 percent of the national government taxes, fees and charges collected in the Autonomous Region in the Bangsamoro shall be shared with the Bangsamoro, including the shares of the local government units, and the remaining 25 percent goes to the national government.
Meanwhile, on revenue sources, the law states that ―the Bangsamoro Government shall have the power to create its own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees and charges.‖
The sources of revenue of the Bangsamoro government shall include taxes; fees and charges; annual block grant from the national government; revenues from exploration, development and utilization of natural resources; dividends from Bangsamoro government-owned and -controlled corporations (GOCCs), financial institutions and other corporations; grants and donations; and loans.
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Rice tariffication bill
Another important bill that had languished but was quickly pushed is House Bill (HB) 7735, or the Revised Agricultural Tariffication Act, which was approved on third reading on August 14.
The rice tariffication bill is among the urgent measures presented by the President during his third Sona. HB 7735 was transmitted to the Senate, which is still deliberating on its own version at the committee level.
The bill aims to convert quantitative restrictions or caps on rice imports, into tariffs—a move seen to help lower prices of the staple.
The measure also mandates pooling the duties on rice imports into a ―Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund,‖ which will help rice farmers become competitive, with low-interest beneficial loan services.
The bill gives powers to the National Food Authority in managing the direct importation of rice to check its quality and stock control.
Meanwhile, the President will also have the authority to control the applied rate, regulate rice exports, impose temporary regulations or restrictions on the volume of imports of rice and enter into trade negotiations or renegotiations relating to the bound or maximum rates committed to or to be committed by the Philippines in relation to rice. Cha-cha update Meanwhile, Arroyo said the House of Representatives will wait for the Senate‘s move on the resolution for the two chambers to convene as a Constituent Assembly (Con-ass) to amend the 1987 Constitution.
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Also, Arroyo already filed a resolution ―expressing the sense of the House‖ that both chambers vote separately in a Con-ass to break the stalemate on the manner of voting and for Congress to advance the administration‘s push for federalism. Under the resolution, Arroyo said senators are a vital part of Charter change (Cha-cha) to reach a federal system of government. Arroyo has also directed lawmakers to discuss all proposed amendments to the Constitution during a Constituent Assembly and not in committee hearings. Section 1, Article VII of the Constitution provides that ―any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution may be proposed by: (1) The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths of all its Members.‖
Senators, however, argued that voting should be done separately because the greater number of the House would practically drown out the Senate position. Despite Arroyo‘s stand that both chambers should vote separately when the Con-ass tackles Charter amendments, several senators are wary, saying the Speaker‘s stand does not represent the entire chamber and there is nothing that stops certain House members from pushing to have a joint voting, where the senators will certainly be outnumbered.
Trabaho law
Meanwhile, the House Committee on Ways and Means has endorsed for plenary approval the second package of the Duterte administration‘s Comprehensive Tax Reform Package, since renamed by congressmen as the ―Tax Reform for Attracting Better and High-quality Opportunities‖ or Trabaho law.
HB 7982, or the proposed Corporate Income Tax and Incentives Reform Act, which is now pending for second reading approval, seeks to modernize the country‘s incentives regime and reduce corporate income taxes.
According to Rep. Dakila Carlo E. Cua of the Lone District of Quirino, the ways and means chairman, the bill contains several features geared toward employment generation.
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―It gives new investments outside urban areas an additional two years of incentives. At the same time, it gradually lowers the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent by 2029,‖ he said.
From the current 30 percent, the bill said the rate of corporate income tax shall now be 28 percent beginning January 1, 2021; 26 percent beginning January 1, 2023; 24 percent beginning January 1, 2025; 22 percent beginning January 1, 2027; and 20 percent beginning January 1, 2029.
The measure, however, provided that the President may advance the scheduled reduction in the corporate income tax when adequate savings are realized from the rationalization of fiscal incentives, as certified by the secretary of finance.
The bill is in line with the President‘s priority of reviewing and modernizing the current incentives regime. At the same time, the bill proposes measures that will minimize the impact of moving to a new regime.
For the first two years, the bill retains the current set of incentives. This gives investors enough time to study the new regime and apply for new incentives appropriate to their respective activities.
Moreover, Cua said the new tax reform will be front-loaded in the plenary as it was declared a priority bill of both Arroyo and Duterte.
Islamic banks
The House Committee on Banks and Financial Intermediaries also recently approved an unnumbered bill that aims to provide for the regulation and organization of Islamic banks.
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The substitute bill, authored by Speaker Arroyo and Party-list Rep. Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman of Anak Mindanao, aims to fill the financial needs of the underserved Muslim population.
The measure will act as the core of Islamic banking business in accordance with Shari‘ah principles. The bill will have authorization by the Monetary Board, with the discretion to include conventional banks and foreign Islamic banks in the Muslim community.
Meanwhile, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) will still regulate and supervise the activities within the proposed Islamic banks. 4Ps
A bill institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and giving the poorest families cash grants of up to a maximum of five years is also nearing approval after the House recently approved it on second reading.
HB 7773 seeks to reduce poverty and promote human capital development in the country by breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, promoting gender equality, and ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education.
The 4Ps is a major antipoverty program of the government that started during the term of thenPresident Arroyo and was continued by her two successors.
It mandates the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to select qualified households nationwide using a standardized targeting system to conduct a revalidation of the beneficiaries every three years.
The measure also mandates the provision of a lump-sum conditional cash transfer to be received by each qualified household-beneficiary equivalent to P2,200 per month for health/nutrition and education expenses, or the equivalent of P26,400 per qualified household-beneficiary per year.
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The bill defines the poor as those households whose income falls below the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and Development Authority and who cannot afford in a sustained manner to provide their minimum basic needs of food, health, education, housing and other essential amenities of life.
Under the bill conditionalities of coverage by the program include:
Children aged 0 to 5 must receive regular preventive health checkups and vaccinations; Children aged 1 to 18 must avail of deworming pills twice a year; Children aged 3 to 4 must attend day care or preschool classes at least 85 percent of the time; Pregnant women must avail themselves of pre- and post-natal care and give birth with the assistance of a skilled or trained health-care professional in a health facility. The appropriation shall continue until the program has covered 60 percent of the total number of extremely poor households in the country, as may be determined by the Philippine Statistics Authority at the time of the enactment of the Act.
BSP capitalization
The House of Representatives has also endorsed for Senate approval a measure increasing the BSP capitalization from P50 billion to P200 billion.
HB 7742, or ―An Act Reinforcing the Corporate Viability of the BSP,‖ will strengthen the Central Bank‘s monetary and financial stability functions and enhance its regulatory powers, amending for the purpose RA 7653, or the New Central Bank Act.
The bill seeks to enhance the administration of the country‘s monetary, credit and banking system.
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It also aims to strengthen the supervisory, regulatory and examination powers of the BSP. To strengthen the Bangko Sentral‘s prudential supervision functions, the bill proposes to expand the entities under its supervision to include other categories of financial institutions, and grant authority to impose sanctions on transfers and acquisitions of substantial shares of banks and quasi-banks without BSP approval.
Besides the additional capitalization, the measure seeks to restore tax-exempt status, especially on its governmental functions.
Earlier, Rep. Ben P. Evardone of the Lone District of Eastern Samar, chairman of the House Committee on Banks and Financial Intermediaries, said the measure will ―help transform the Bangko Sentral into a more effective and dynamic central monetary authority that can keep pace with the demands of its mandate.‖
Meanwhile, among other important measures that have been approved on third reading include:
HB 7373, or ―An Act Requiring the Planting of Trees for Any Construction of Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Public Buildings.‖ The measure is an economy-friendly bill, which mandates the planting of trees in every construction projects for residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings.
HB 7437, or ―An Act Prohibiting the Privatization and Corporatization of Public Hospitals, Public Health Facilities and Public Health Services, and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof,‖ prohibits the privatization and corporatization of public hospitals and facilities.
Indeed, she has not been called ―Speedy Arroyo‖ for nothing. Among her first and most significant moves as newly elected Speaker was to meet with the economic managers, ―from one professor to another,‖ and ask for options on how to slay inflation, which has been lashing all sectors and which was being blamed on the first of the tax-reform packages. With the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law getting the brunt of public ire for its higher
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excise taxes on fuel and sugar-sweetened beverages, among others, it was becoming difficult for lawmakers to endorse any of the succeeding tax reforms of the administration. It was this kind of initiative—behaving like a ―President‖ while serving as Speaker—that has caused Arroyo to be regarded with both awe and grudging admiration by believers and critics alike. How she will continue to change the political landscape, as she makes her moves in and out of Congress in the months leading to the 2019 elections, is something worth watching.
Global Rice Bran Oil Market 2018 | Major Companies, Industry Dynamics And Growth Factors 2025 August 25, 2018 Roxanna Invant Research published a new market research report Global Rice Bran Oil Market that includes the exact detailed data which can help you top in the market. This research study provides an analysis of the most important trends expected to impact the market outlook during the forecast period. The research report includes high quality and well-researched data that can be helpful to all the analysts, managers, industry experts, etc. This research report is ready to access by anyone and we have included every possible detail of the market. Invant Research predicts an emerging trend as a major factor that has the potential to significantly impact the market and contribute to its growth or decline. We have also included graphical illustrations such as charts, graphs, and tables, etc. that help in better understanding of the research report. Due to huge growth in the market, the competition has increased as well and to help you eliminate the competition we have shared some exclusive strategies. We also provides customized market research report please feel to connect with us with your requirements @ Looking for more information on this market? Request a free sample report: This report studies the global Rice Bran Oil market status and forecast, categorizes the global Rice Bran Oil market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, India, Southeast Asia and other regions (Central & South America, and Middle East & Africa). The global Rice Bran Oil market is valued at 1170 million US$ in 2017 and will reach 1480 million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 3.0% during 2018-2025. The major manufacturers covered in this report Ricela Kamal BCL SVROil Vaighai A.P. Refinery 3F Industries
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Sethia Oils Jain Group of Industries Shivangi Oils Balgopal Food Products King Rice Oil Group CEO Agrifood Limited Kasisuri Surin Bran Oil Agrotech International Tsuno Rice Fine Chemicals Oryza Oil & Fat Chemical Wilmar International Wanyuan Food & Oil Jinrun Shanxin Jinwang Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America Europe China Japan India Southeast Asia Other regions (Central & South America, Middle East & Africa) By Application, the market can be split into Food Cosmetic Industry Other Scope of Rice Bran Oil : Rice Bran Oil Market report evaluates the growth rate and the market value based on market dynamics, growth inducing factors. The complete knowledge is based on latest industry news, opportunities, trends. The report contains a comprehensive market analysis and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors. To Get Full Report With Table of Content:- Key Highlights of Rice Bran Oil Report on Global Rice Bran Oil Market 2018 – 2025: – Rice Bran Oil Report on Global leading vendors profile and sales statistics. -Overall size and growth rate factors of Rice Bran Oil Report on global Market -Challenges faced in Rice Bran Oil Market -Major changes in the upcoming Rice Bran Oil Market -Dynamics of Rice Bran Oil Market 2018-2025 -Leading competitors of Rice Bran Oil Market -Leading geographical regions with huge potential -Scope and product overview of Rice Bran Oil Market 2018-2025
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Rice Market Business Status and Outlook 2018 to 2023
Rice Market Business Status And Outlook 2018 To 2023
Global Rice Market Professional Survey Report 2018�provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global Rice sector. The global Rice market is expected to reach USD XX billion by 2025, from an estimated USD XX billion in 2018, growing at a CAGR of XX% during 2018-2025. Sales of Rice on basis of each region for each year is analyzed in the report. Report provides Rice market size by regions, type and applications. It also provides market share by regions, type and applications. Request sample of the report @ Customization of the Report The report could be customized according to the clients specific research requirements. No additional cost will be required to pay for limited additional research. This study helps in understanding the competitive environment, the market�s major players and leading brands. The five-year forecasts can help to assess how the market is predicted to develop. This analysis provides a study on the regions that are expected to witness fastest growth during the forecast period. Identify the latest developments, market shares and strategies employed by the major market players by reading complete report. The Rice Market report profiles the following companies, which includes AsiaGoldenRice CapitalRiceGroup ThanasanGroup AkeRiceMillCo.,Ltd
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Alobha Kohinoor LalQilla Daawat ADMRice AmericanRice GulfRiceMilling,Inc REIAgroLtd KRBLLtd KohinoorFoodsLtd LakshmiGroup Each major player�s companies overview, revenue and financial analysis, revenue split by business segment and by geography, recent news are covered in the report. Competitor�s regional analysis is done where as high, low and medium penetrating regions are analyzed. Rice Market Report gives emphases on market dynamics where general trend, Technological Advancement, growth drivers, challenges ahead, market restraints and market opportunities are considered.Report also provides forecast of basis of trends, trade analysis and on other macroeconomic factors. �Avail Discount on this 116 pages report @ Further, the market is segmented based on the applications such as Household FoodServices FoodIndustry The report gives in depth industry analysis on Rice market. It helps in visualizing the composition of the Rice market across each indication, in terms of type and applications, highlighting the key commercial assets and players. Report Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change.This independent 116 pages report guarantees you will remain better informed than your competition. Overall Market Analysis 2018-2025 Table Global Capacity (K Units), Sales (K Units), Price (USD/Unit), Cost (USD/Unit), Sales Revenue (M USD) and Gross Margin of Tooling Board 2013-2018 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Capacity (K Units)
Sales�(K Units)
Price (USD/Unit)
Revenue (M USD)
Cost (USD/Unit)
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Gross (USD/Unit)
Gross Margin
The report also provides such graphically represented data of manufacturers by sales, Revenue, Revenue Share, and Average Price. It also provides information on Competitive situation and Trends. A report also makes sure to give updated information on major�Mergers, Acquisition and Expansion�happening around the globe. There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the Global Rice Market. Chapter 1,�to describe Rice Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2,�to analyze the top manufacturers of Rice , with sales, revenue, and price of Rice , in 2013 and 2018; Chapter 3,�to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2013 and 2018; Chapter 4,�to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Rice , for each region, from 2013 to 2018; Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,�to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions; Chapter 10and 11,�to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018; Chapter 12,�Rice market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2025; Chapter 13, 14 and 15,�to describe Rice sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Browse Full Report @ Reasons to Purchase this Report:
The report analyses how the stringent emission control norms will drive the global Rice Analyzing various perspectives of the market with the help of Porters five forces analysis. Study on the product type that is expected to dominate the Rice Study on the regions that are expected to witness fastest growth during the forecast period. Identify the latest developments, market shares and strategies employed by the major players of Rice To obtain research based business decision and add weight to presentations and marketing material and also gain competitive knowledge of leading players.
The global Rice market report caters to various stakeholders in this industry, including investors, device manufacturers, distributors and suppliers for Rice equipment, government organizations, research and consulting firms, new entrants, and financial analysts. Various strategy matrices
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used in analyzing the Rice market would provide stakeholders vital inputs to make strategic decisions accordingly. Then, the report focuses on global major leading industry players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specifications, sales, market share and contact information. What�s more, the Rice Market industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors. About Us:�� MarketInsightsReports�provides syndicated Market research reports to industries, organizations or even individuals with an aim of helping them in their decision making process.�MarketInsightsReports�has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain. +1 (704) 266-3234 | Post Views: 14 Rice Sales Rice Sales Forecast Rice Sales Indusrty Rice Sales Market Rice Sales reportsRice Sales Research Rice Sales Trends Uncategorized Post navigation Safety Sensors Market Production, Consumption and Quality Overview 2017 to 2023 Remote Patient Monitoring Products Market Development, Innovation, Opportunities and Growth to 2023
Rice Seed Market Research, Growth Opportunities, Outlook and Forecast 2023
Home Rice Seed Market Research, Growth Opportunities, Outlook and Forecast 2023
August 25, 2018
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Rice Seed Market Research, Growth Opportunities, Outlook and Forecast 2023 The main objective of this study is to define, describe, and forecast the Rice Seed market based on type, end-use industry, and region. In this report, the Rice Seed market has been studied in North America, Europe, APAC, the Middle East & Africa, and South America. The report includes detailed information about the major factors such as drivers, opportunities, restraints, and challenges influencing the growth of the ion exchange resins market across the globe. The report strategically analyzes market segments with respect to individual growth trends, growth prospects, and contribution to the overall Rice Seed market. Request sample of the report @ Customization of the Report The report could be customized according to the clients specific research requirements. No additional cost will be required to pay for limited additional research. Companies DuPontPioneer Bayer NuziveeduSeeds Kaveri Mahyco RiceTec Krishidhan RasiSeeds JKseeds Syngenta LongpingHigh-tech ChinaNationalSeed GrandAgriseeds DabeiNongGroup HefeiFengle Win-allHi-tech GansuDunhuangSeed DongyaSeedIndustry KeeplongSeeds GuangxiHengmaoAgriculturalTechnology
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OpulentTechnology Zhongnongfa AnhuiNongken SaprotanUtama
Geographically,thisreportstudiesthekeyregions,focusesonproductsales,value,marketshareandgrowthopportunityin NorthAmerica Europe China Japan SoutheastAsia India Wecanalsoprovidethecustomizedseparateregionalorcountry-levelreports,forthefollowingregions: NorthAmerica UnitedStates Canada Mexico Asia-Pacific China India Japan SouthKorea Australia Indonesia Singapore RestofAsia-Pacific Europe Germany France UK Italy Spain Russia RestofEurope Central&SouthAmerica Brazil Argentina RestofSouthAmerica MiddleEast&Africa SaudiArabia Turkey RestofMiddleEast&Africa
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Each major players companies overview, revenue and financial analysis, revenue split by business segment and by geography, recent news are covered in the report. Competitors regional analysis is done where as high, low and medium penetrating regions are analyzed. Avail Discount on this 120 pages report @ Objectives of the study: To determine and forecast the customer engagement solutions market based on component, deployment type, organization size, vertical, and region from 2018 to 2025, and analyse various macro- and microeconomic factors that affect market growth To forecast the size of market segments with respect to 5 main regions, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), the Middle East & Africa (MEA), and Latin America To provide detailed information regarding major factors such as drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges influencing the growth of the market To strategically analyse each submarket with respect to individual growth trends, prospects, and contribution to the market To analyse opportunities for stakeholders by identifying high-growth segments of the market To profile key market players and provide comparative analysis based on business overviews, product offerings, regional presence, business strategies, and key financials with the help of inhouse statistical tools to understand the competitive landscape To track and analyze competitive developments such as mergers & acquisitions, agreements & contracts, joint ventures, partnerships, and strategic alliances in the customer engagement solutions market Research Framework The research methodology used to estimate and forecast the size of the market began with obtaining data on key vendor revenues through secondary sources, such as annual reports, white papers, certified publications, and databases, such as Factiva and Hoovers, press releases, and investor presentations of customer engagement solutions vendors, as well as articles from recognized industry associations, statistics bureaus, and government publishing sources. Vendor offerings were taken into consideration to determine the market segmentation. The bottom-up procedure was used to arrive at the overall size of the customer engagement solutions market by estimating revenues of key market players. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market was split into several segments and subsegments, which were verified through primary
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research by conducting extensive interviews with key individuals, such as Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Vice Presidents (VPs), directors, and executives. Data triangulation and market breakdown procedures were employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and subsegments. This study estimates the size of the organic pigments market for 2018 and projects its growth by 2023. It provides a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the organic pigments market. Secondary sources such as D&B Hoovers, Bloomberg Business Week, and Factiva were used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive, commercial study of the organic pigments market. Primary sources such as experts from related industries and suppliers of organic pigments were interviewed to obtain and verify critical information and assess prospects of the organic pigments market. Browse Full Report @ About Us:�� MarketInsightsReports�provides syndicated Market research reports to industries, organizations or even individuals with an aim of helping them in their decision making process.�MarketInsightsReports�has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain. +1 (704) 266-3234 |
Fall in rice consumption in AP state THE HANS INDIA | Aug 25,2018 , 11:45 PM IST
Monthly per capita consumption of rice in the state is 8.7 kg in the urban areas and 10.56 kg in the rural areas, according to the latest NSSO survey Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu also raised upon the food habits of the people in the state in his speech while speaking about the food security initiatives in the state at a summit in the city Some reports suggested that people are trying different foodstuff and cutting down their rice intake even in south due to lifestyle issues
Visakhapatnam: As the steep fall in rice consumption in the state is paving way for alternative crops.
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The fall in consumption is attributed to change in food habits in view of rising cases of lifestyle ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, obesity and also health consciousness.
The monthly per capita consumption of rice in the state is 8.7 kg in the urban areas and 10.56 kg in the rural areas, according to the latest NSSO survey.
While the millets consumption is rising sharply across the state. From 14,49,540 hectares in 2014, the cultivation area has been increased to 15, 41,282 hectares in 2016-17. Now, the agriculture department has also taken up a research to find out the food consumption trend in order to carve out a plan to ensure food security in the state. According to the agriculture officials, the production of rice is more than enough and good amount of rice is being exported, and it indicates that the domestic demand is going down. Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu also raised upon the food habits of the people in the state in his speech while speaking about the food security initiatives in the state at a summit in Visakhapatnam.
Some reports suggested that people were trying different foodstuff and cutting down their rice intake even in south due to lifestyle issues. Hence, alternative crops should be explored, he added. As per the data from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) survey on household consumption suggests that between 2004-05 and 2011-12, the monthly per capita consumption of rice in urban areas declined from 6.77 kg to 6.24 kg. The consumption of rice is gradually decreasing every passing year.
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Speaking to The Hans India, additional director of agriculture J Ravi Kumar said: ―We are conducting a research to find out the food habits as the outcome will help us to chalk out a plan to ensure food security in the state.
People are cutting down the rice intake, especially in the urban areas due to health issues,‖ he said and added that millets consumption is rising sharply across the state.
How the US rice deal with Iraq will boost Acadiana‟s market value
Josh Meny 7:07 pm August 24, 2018
The United States is in the process of setting up a $15,000 metric-ton rice sale to Iraq.Iraq is projected to increase its rice imports by 200,000 tons this year, with those imports coming from South America, Asia and right here in Acadiana. Long grain rice is the type of rice that‘s predominately produced in Louisiana, and the USDA projects long grain rice yield to be up by 20% nationwide this year, which is creating an oversupply that‘s driving prices down. But, this new deal with Iraq could level them out. ―I think, more than anything else, what this purchase does is it gives hope that we‘ll see additional, more consistent buying from Iraq going forward. And, it comes at a really good time. We‘re about 70% harvested in the state. Typically, when we‘re in the middle of harvest, that‘s when we begin to see some downward pressure on some prices,‖ explained LSU Extension economist and Southwest Region Director Dr. Kurt Guidry. The Iraq deal is already given a boost to Louisiana rice prices. ―We‘ve actually scene futures prices for rice go up about 30 cents since over the last several days,‖ explained Guidry. A farmer near Eunice says the Iraq deal is a positive for him, and other farmers around the state as they near the end of their first rice harvest. ―It‘s always a benefit to us, especially here in Louisiana this time of year, because we have a lot of new crop in. They haven‘t really started harvesting in other parts of north Louisiana,
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Arkansas; they‘re just getting started, and we already have a lot of crop in the bins ready to go,‖ explained Fruge Farms owner and operator Michael Fruge
Non-basmati rice: Two firms win China export orders Two Indian companies — Sukhbir Agro Energy and Pattabhi Agro Foods — have bagged export orders of 600 tonnes of non-basmati rice from China. By: FE Bureau | New Delhi | Published: August 25, 2018 4:44 AM
The Centre is keen that rice exports to China materialise, as it will help India tap a hitherto untapped major market where it is one of the staple foods.
Two Indian companies — Sukhbir Agro Energy and Pattabhi Agro Foods — have bagged export orders of 600 tonnes of non-basmati rice from China, paving the way for the first shipment of the cereal to the neighbouring country after it agreed last month to import it from India. The exports will take place soon after the rice processing plants of these two companies are approved by China.
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Amid the stand-off with the US on tariffs, China appears to be serious on importing rice from India, exporters said. In recent weeks, Beijing allowed a clutch of rice processors in India, including Chaman Lal Setia and Adani Wilmar, to export the cereal to the world‘s second largest economy after inspecting their facilities, while some companies, including Sukhbir Agro Energy and Pattabhi Agro Foods, were told to improve their storage conditions. The Centre is keen that rice exports to China materialise, as it will help India tap a hitherto untapped major market where it is one of the staple foods. India‘s total rice exports increased to 12.7 million tonnes last fiscal (valued at Rs 49,838 crore), from 10.8 million tonnes a year earlier, which allowed the country to retain the top slot in global trade of the commodity. Apeda, the agri-export promoting agency of the government, is planning to take a business delegation of Indian rice exporters to China around November to explore trade opportunities, sources said. According to sources, while Sukhbir Agro Energy, which has rice processing facility in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, has got an order for supply of 500 tonnes of rice, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh-based Pattabhi Agro Foods will export 100 tonnes. Protik Guha of Sukhbir Agro Energy said discussions were still on with the buyers on the time of shipment, varieties of rice and other issues. Pattabhi Agro‘s CEO BV Krishna Rao said: ―The consignment will be sent after China approves the company‘s processing plant for export. It is an in-principle order.‖ Within a week after visiting 14 rice processing plants in different states during July 9-17, China‘s General Administration of Customs approved five more rice processors in India, including Chaman Lal Setia and Adani Wilmar, to export rice to the world‘s second largest economy. In 2016, China had agreed to import from 14 Indian rice exporters, all of whom were based in the northern region and mainly deal with basmati. However, it never allowed actual import citing quarantine issue claiming presence of a pest called ‗khapra‘ (cabinet) beetle.
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After prolonged discussion, an MoU was signed between China‘s General Administration of Customs and India‘s Department of Agriculture on phytosanitary requirements for exporting rice from India to China during Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s visit to the neighbouring country in June this year. China, the world‘s largest producer and importer of rice, buys over 5 million tonnes of the cereal per annum mainly from Vietnam, Thailand and Pakistan. There is a potential of exporting 1 million tonnes of rice, including basmati variety, to China in a few years if there is free trade allowed, exporters said. By Prabhudatta Mishra Get live Stock Prices from BSE and NSE and latest NAV, portfolio of Mutual Funds, calculate your tax by Income Tax Calculator, know market‘s Top Gainers, Top Losers & Best Equity Funds. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Achieving Food Security is not Rocket Science By Dr Florence Wambugu on Posted onAugust 24, 2018 • Inefficient production. Kenya relies on only 10% of her landmass for food while 89% of the country‘s landmass, home to 36% of the country‘s population, is arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) and over 3 million people are severely food-insecure. The country‘s food is produced by millions of smallholder farmers on land as small as quarter an acre, practicing rain-fed agriculture with inefficient traditional farming methods. The result is record shortfalls in food supply due to poor harvests. Irrigation could help, but only 19% (105,000 ha) of our potential has been developed. Agricultural production in developed countries is profitable due to higher productivity, an area of concern for Kenya. We produce 2 tons of maize per hectare compared to global averages of 4 tons and 12 tons in USA. Average sorghum production in Kenya is 1 (One) Ton compared to 10 tons per Hectare in USA. 1 billion dollar food import bill This shortfall in production magnifies vulnerability of an-already food-insecure population. Spikes in staple food prices and increased imports have led to the rise
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in our import bill, by 12.55%, to Kes. 109 billion (US$ 1.08 billion) in June 2018. The bulk of these imports are staples like maize, wheat, rice and sugar that can be produced locally. Maize imports increased to nearly 800% (1.2 million tons) in 2017 while sugar imports increased by nearly 655,500 in the same year. An overhaul of the agricultural sector is thus necessary, if the country is to achieve food self-sufficiency and security. Not rocket science Transforming agriculture, reducing food deficit and nutritional challenges facing the country is not rocket science. Development partners like Africa Harvest, a non-profit organization specializing in the development and deployment of improved agricultural technologies in Africa to increase productivity, have expertise and experience that can be called upon. Banana production in Kenya, hit a high of 1 million MT of fruit a year in 1987 and then declined to a low of 500,000 MT in 1995 due to pests and diseases. In response to this challenge, Africa Harvest pioneered tissue culture (TC) banana technology and gradually developed the value chain in Kenya and East Africa over the last two decades. This technology and investment in good agronomic trainings enhanced access superior banana varieties with enhanced pest and disease resistance and increased yields; from an average of 14 to 32 tons per Hectare. Banana production has since increased steadily to current levels of between 1.2 and 1.4 Million MT of fruit, annually. By introducing sorghum varieties with a ready market and training smallholder farmers on good agronomic practices, Africa Harvest has also helped spurs increase in sorghum productivity by 4 times, in some cases, while linking farmers to ready markets, diversifying utilization and increasing household consumption of the grain. The experience with sorghum farmers in Tharaka Nithi demonstrates how the import bill can be reduced through targeted investments in crops like Sorghum. Commercial off-takers like East African Maltings Limited (EAML) looking to reduce their cost of raw materials, can benefit through large volumes of high quality sorghum grain, delivered in a timely manner. Working with partners in the value chain, Africa Harvest introduced improved sorghum varieties from research done by KALRO and ICRISAT, with funding from IFAD. Training in good agronomic practices helped increase productivity from 400 kg to an average of 2 tons per Ha. Introduction of the aggregator model helped enhance access to mechanization for land ploughing and grain threshing and increase volumes, assure quality and timely grain delivery to EAML. Incomes improved, as prices increased from Kes. 5 to Kes. 33 per kilogram while EAML benefitted through increased supply of raw materials from local sources, reducing imports and improving local economies. These models can be applied to rice, beans, wheat, potato and others crops, thus enhancing production, productivity and concurrently reducing the import bill. Government investment With food security as a key pillar in the Big Four Agenda for sustainable development, deliberate action to support adoption of early-maturing drought-, pestand disease-tolerant varieties and the use of good agronomic practices is required. Policy and capacity support to increase the use of inputs like fertilizer and other soil fertility approaches, increasing mechanization and expanding irrigation are also required. Investment in the
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agriculture sector and the participation of all stakeholders, for enhanced results and sustainability are thus key. Increasing rice production to 400,000 tons by 2022, from the current 81,198 tons, calls for increasing acreage under rice and investment in climate-resilient varieties, like the upland rice, through introduction of drought-tolerant varieties grown without the need for irrigation. To help fast track this goal, Kenya requires to be a member country of AfricaRice. This will enhance access to improved varieties, including the Nericas, and the opportunity to improve local varieties of rice through joint research and development activities. The Green Revolution in India (late 1960s) transformed the country from dependency on food imports, mainly rice and wheat from the USA, to self-sufficiency through drastic policy changes by decision-makers to invest in agricultural production by reallocating the funds spent on food imports. High yielding rice and wheat varieties from research were introduced, investments made in farmer training, mechanization, irrigation, postharvest grain storage facilities, and improved transport infrastructure for grain aggregation and market distribution. These approaches and the lessons learnt can be replicated in Kenya. One approach would be to reallocate sectoral budgets towards local production, technology and infrastructural development, financial access, pest and disease surveillance and diet diversification to reduce overdependence on maize. Partnership Partnerships with donors and investors as well as directing support to high-value and climateresilient value chains like sorghum and Millets is critical to success. Diversifying production into crops like cassava and sorghum with industrial potential in starch, ethanol and animal feeds, can help open up new markets, reduce the import bill and promote manufacturing. Developing and strengthening markets, supported by increased productivity and linkages with private sector players will enhance overall success and sustainability. Dr. Florence Wambugu, a recipient of numerous international and local food security awards and accolades, is the Chief Executive Officer of Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International. Read more at CapitalFM:: Achieving Food Security is not Rocket Science
A dismal September with rising inflation? EDITORIAL Published August 25, 2018, 12:05 AM In a few more days, it will be September. In so many years in the past, September was welcomed as the beginning of the ―ber‖ months associated with the Christmas season, the most welcome part of the year to Filipinos. This year, however, it is awaited with apprehension by many, for it is the final month of the third quarter of the year which Socio-economic Planning
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Secretary Ernesto Pernia said will see the peak of inflation – rising prices – in the country.
Consumer prices have been steadily rising these past few months, with many blaming the TRAIN Law which imposed excise taxes on diesel and other fuels, while raising taxes on alcoholic drinks and sweetened beverages. Government economists insist the major reason for the inflation – 5.7 percent as of July, a five-year high – is not the TRAIN Law but rising global oil prices and a fall in the value of the Philippine peso. But the fact is that the combination of these factors have pushed prices to new heights. And Secretary Pernia sees them continuing to rise until the third quarter of the year. For Filipinos, the key consumer item is rice, the national staple. The government imports hundreds of thousands of metric tons of rice every year just to keep prices down. Our own farmers are close to producing enough for the country‘s needs but at costs much higher than in Vietnam and Thailand. So our National Food Authority (NFA) imports from these two countries, and NFA rice is made available everywhere in the country at about P40 per kilo, half
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the price of the best Philippine rice. The availability of cheap imported rice is expected to keep over-all rice prices steady. Despite the recent importation, however, rice prices have continued to rise, the Philippine Statistics Authority reported last Tuesday the average retail price increased to P45.71 per kilo this month, up 9 percent from last year. The NFA said the recent imports have not had the desired effect of lowering overall prices. Secretary of Agriculture Emmanuel Pinol believes there is need to cut down on the tiers of middlemen and traders who control the food supply chain in the country. Albay Rep. Joey Salceda fears inflation may go beyond 6 percent this month unless aggressive economic measures are carried out. He urged the NFA to import and distribute more rice at P27 a kilo, targetting poor communities. He also urged President Duterte to issue a directive to all regulatory agencies – those regulating water, energy, tolls, etc. – to defer approval of price adjustments. There had been earlier reports that President Duterte will issue an executive order, after Congress goes on a break this week, to reduce tariffs on certain food imports. Some economists continue to blame the TRAIN Law‘s imposition of tariffs on fuel where there was none before, but no official has raised this issue, as it would have a major effect on the government‘s revenues. There are so many proposals, all aimed at stopping the rising inflation which Secretary Pernia hopes will ease after September. But, of course, this is just a hope and there are those like Congressman Salceda, who fears inflation will rise beyond 6 percent. We hope the many proposals to stop the inflation – especially as it affects food, particularly rice – will lead to specific action in the coming weeks. Or we will have not only a sad September but an entire dismal Christmas season this year.
Rice smuggled via Sabah sparks crisis Published on: Saturday, August 25, 2018
Kota Kinabalu: The rice crisis in Zamboanga City including provinces of Basilan, Sulu and Tawi Tawi in southern Mindanao where prices have soared to P70 per kg, is seen as a warning to the country not to rely on imported rice. The crisis in these areas might spread to other areas if the government continue to depend on imports including smuggled rice to satisfy local demand .This was disclosed by the country's Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Emmanuel Piñol in a interview aired nationwide including in social media.
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"For many years, these areas have relied on smuggled rice from Vietnam and Thailand, which are brought into the country via Sabah, Malaysia.
However, despite the decision of to strictly curb illegal activities at the borders of the two countries, traders continue to actively bring smuggled essential goods from Malaysia through Sabah. Smuggled rice is sold in the market at prices lower than locally-produced commercial rice and local officials hardly lifted a finger to stop the illegal activity," Pi単ol said. The supply shortage came the after Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and President Rodrigo Roa Duterte agreed to stop illegal activities in the borders of both countries. While the move was aimed at addressing the movement of terror groups, it also stopped rice smuggling operations, thus cutting the supply of cheap rice to Zamboanga and nearby regions. "When smuggling was stopped, prices of rice in the markets started shooting up and consumers asked for the government subsidised rice from the National Food Authority (NFA) which they ignored in the past," Pi単ol said. Pi単ol emphasised there was no serious effort to develop and support the rice industry in the affected communities as good quality smuggled rice was available for only P29 to P35 per kg. "Rice farmers abandoned their farms and shifted to other agricultural activities, including fishing because there was no way they could compete with the cheaper smuggled rice," Pi単ol said. "Even local rice traders who used to buy and sell locally produced rice, including legally imported rice, abandoned the business because they said they could not sell their stocks," he added.
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The country would be highly dependent on imported rice and the rice exporting countries could dictate the prices. The Philippines would end up paying more for imported rice just like what happened in 2008," he warned. The arrival of fresh stocks, she said, is expected to stabilise the prizes. Meanwhile, the population of the world's rice exporting countries is growing, just like the Philippines. There will be a time in the near future when the demand for food by their own people would effectively prevent these countries from exporting. Filipinos farmers are now producing 93 percent of the country's total rice requirements and the Department of Agriculture is only targeting to reach the 95 percent level to allow a five percent window for imported rice. - Nikko Fabian
„CHOMP CHOMP! MAHATHIR WANTS MALAYSIANS TO EAT CARS‟: NAJIB CAMP TAKES POTSHOTS AT „DANGEROUS‟ PM – YET WHO COULD HAVE DESTROYED MALAYSIA AS MUCH AS NAJIB HAS Politics | August 25, 2018 by | It is very dangerous for a country to have a prime minister who thinks like that. The first thing a prime minister should be thinking about is how to feed the people. If the country produces only 30-70% of its food requirements, like Malaysia, that is putting the population at great risk. And the fact that Malaysia has been independent for 61 years and is still not selfsufficient in food production is criminal. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tidak kisah sekiranya rakyat Malaysia menolak projek kereta nasional ketiga dan mahu meneruskan aktiviti tanaman padi dan tangkapan ikan. “Don’t have any industries because industries sometimes lose money, you see? Let’s be padi farmers or fishermen. That’s all we can be. If you like, if that’s what you voted for, okay, we’ll do that.” That was what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today in
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response to those who are opposed to his third national car. The way Mahathir put it, being a farmer or fisherman is akin to being a pariah. It is something shameful. It is very dangerous for a country to have a prime minister who thinks like that. The first thing a prime minister should be thinking about is how to feed the people. If the country produces only 30-70% of its food requirements, like Malaysia, that is putting the population at great risk. And the fact that Malaysia has been independent for 61 years and is still not self-sufficient in food production is criminal.
Since Merdeka, the problem with Malaysia is we do not produce enough food. Everything that we need is imported. And when LPN (which was later changed to BERNAS) was set up, they focused mainly on importing rice (because they made more money selling APs) than on the rice self-sufficiency program (which was the purpose for setting up LPN in the first place: rice selfsufficiency). Malaysia was supposed to be self-sufficient in rice production a few decades ago (when Mahathir was Prime Minister) but until today we are still not. And a report submitted to the cabinet back in the 1990s (when Mahathir was Prime Minister) was that if war breaks out or if there is any serious problem in rice production in our suppliers‘ country, then Malaysians will have to go back to eating ubi kayu (tapioca) like during the Japanese Occupation in WWII. It was the then Trade Minister Rafidah Aziz who grumbled that Malaysia does not produce enough food. Everything we eat is imported, said Rafidah. Rafidah argued, while industrialisation may be good, we cannot eat cars so Malaysia needs to balance between industrialisation and agriculture.
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Yes, maybe Rafidah should be appointed as a member of the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) to advise the government to stress more on agriculture and food production so that Malaysia‘s 32 million population can be fed and the country does not need to depend on imports to feed its people. If you leave it to Mahathir, he wants to produce more cars and less food.
For 61 years Malaysia has had to depend on imports to feed its people and it keeps increasing every year This was what The Star reported on 15th March 2015: Malaysia is still heavily reliant on imports to feed the population, despite efforts to be more selfsustainable in the near future. Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said Malaysia’s food import bill was RM45.39bil last year. “In the same year, our food export was only RM27bil, so the efforts to reduce the RM18bil deficit is a huge responsibility for the Government.” Malaysian Reserve had this to say on 27th September 2017: Malaysia will continue to depend on rice imports as the country’s production of the grain is nearly 30% short from the three million metric tonnes (MT) self-sufficiency level (SSL). Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said the industry is expected to narrow the SSL gap from 72% presently to 80%, but the country will remain dependent on other countries for its rice supplies. He said the industry has to cope with the rising population and demands, ageing farmers, pest attacks and harvesting process inefficiencies.
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These Thai boats catch the fish off the Malaysian coast in the South China Sea and then export the fish to Malaysia by road through the Malaysian-Thai border On 25th April 2018, The Edge Markets reported: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) said Malaysia rice imports are forecasted to drop 10% to 900,000 tonnes in 2018 from one million tonnes in 2017 as the government reduces ending stocks to 400,000 tonnes in 2018 from 480,000 tonnes in the previous year. In its Grain and Feed Annual 2018 report, the USDA said Malaysia rice imports are seen improving to 950,000 tonnes in 2019 as the government needs to replenish ending stocks to 380,000 tonnes. “There will be no increase in planted areas, and the increase in imports is in line with projected population growth of 3% annually from 2018 to 2020. Increasing urbanites that switch from traditional local rice breakfast (nasi lemak) to a healthier breakfast such as cereal and bread lead to less consumption of rice. For 2017, the USDA said Thailand and Vietnam supplied more than 80% of rice imported into Malaysia with total volume of 630,000 tonnes. Other major exporters of rice to Malaysia were Cambodia, Pakistan and India.
The rice import business is a cash cow for Mahathirâ€&#x;s cronies and because of that Malaysia is still not self-sufficient in rice production Malaysia has been independent for 61 years. And yet we still need to import 30% of our rice and fish requirements and up to 70% for some other types of food products. While the figures show that Malaysia also exports food, for example fish, the reality is Malaysia exports the higher quality fish and imports the lower quality fish for local consumption. For example, the higher quality fish that is caught in, say, Terengganu is exported to Singapore (or Kuala Lumpur) while the lower quality fish for the locals to eat is imported into Terengganu from Thailand.
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So, one thing to note here would be, the figures of RM45 billion food imports versus RM27 billion food exports is misleading. In terms of value the deficit may appear only RM18 billion more imports over exports. But since we export high-priced food products and import low-priced food products, the gap between imports and exports is even larger than what we think. For 61 years Malaysia has never been able to meet its food consumption requirements. People like Mahathir look down on fishermen and farmers and idolise industrialists. The number of people facing acute malnutrition, severe hunger and risk death all over the world is 100 million. In 1961, an estimated 30 million Chinese died in the Great Famine, almost the size of Malaysia‘s population. All it takes is one catastrophe to create a food shortage in Malaysia. And if Thailand, Vietnam, China and those other countries supplying Malaysia food stop exporting food to Malaysia, many Malaysians are going to starve. But then most Malaysians feel this is never going to happen, until it does.
Chinese scientists develop smart app to identify pests on crops Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-25 16:05:08|Editor: Liangyu
HEFEI, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- It is difficult for even veteran farmers to recognize every pest variety, making choosing the right pesticide to kill them difficult. But Chinese scientists have made the work as easy as using a smartphone to photo them. A pest-recognizing application developed by the Hefei Intelligent Machine Institute with the Chinese Academy of Sciences has tested successful for recognizing over 50 varieties of rice pests. Xie Chengjun with the program said excessive use of pesticide and a lack of pest monitoring and farming technology support for farmers were the primary problems in China's agriculture. He said the application developed with artificial intelligence technology and a database of 1 million pictures of pests could immediately match the photo with pictures in its memory, diagnose pest types and give tips on how to accurately use pesticide to control the damage. "The system will provide strong support to help the country reach the goal of curbing the growth of pesticide use by 2020," Xie said.
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He said the institute had teamed up with experts from the Anhui Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to rapidly extend the system's applications to recognize more pest varieties in agricultural plants ranging from wheat, corn, soybean, to rapeseed, vegetables and fruit trees.
Koko calls NFA main problem, calls for abolition
August 25, 2018
Written by Marlon Purificacion
Published in Top Stories
ADMINISTRATION ally Senator Koko Pimentel has joined the call for the abolition of the National Food Authority (NFA) which he said has already lost its purpose after now becoming the main problem in achieving a rice-sufficient country. In calling for the grain agency‘s abolition, Pimentel said the government instead should implement tariffication or tariffs on rice imports instead of having a monopoly controlled by the NFA. ―I-abolish na lang natin ‗yan at kung ang gusto lang natin ‗yung nag-stockpile para mayroon tayong warehouse, gawin na natin ‗yun. ‗Yung pag-aangkat ng bigas, eh, tariffication na hindi na ‗yun, ngayon kasi monopoliya ng NFA tapos mayroon lang minimum access volume. Iyan lang ang pintuan na bukas para sa mga private, so, monopolya pa rin,‖ said Pimentel. When asked if there would be a bigger problem if the NFA were abolished, Pimentel said the NFA itself is already the problem. ―Eh, pagdating sa bigas ang number 1 suspect natin ay NFA kasi siya ang taga-warehouse, tagaplace kaya nga may regional warehouses ‗yan, siya rin ang tagabigay ng permit, siya rin ang taga-angkat, so, may mga G to G pa pinagsasabi. So bakit malaki ang problema. So, NFA must be the problem,‖ Pimentel said. He further explained that with the Department of Agriculture and NFA working together to endure plenty of rice supply, the country should have not encountered any problem. With the rice crisis in Mindanao, Pimentel said that someone is not playing their roles in the government.
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To abolish the rice agency, Pimentel said a law must be crafted by the Congress. He said he will support the call of his colleagues for its closure since it has not served its purpose. ―Kasi wala na rin akong nakikitang anong purpose ngayon ng NFA. Kung warehousing tama na ‗yung andiyan, andami pang controversy nag-aaway pa ang administrator sa council. Ano bang pinag-aawayan dyan? Lahat naman public servant, bakit ano bang mayroon d‘yan bakit nagaaway?‖ the senator asked. He also questioned why NFA‘s debt has ballooned to billions of pesos when it is being subsidized by the government and should be able to sustain its operations being the primary distributor of rice in the country. ―‘Yung bilyong pera na dapat daw pang stabilize ng presyo ng corn at bigas pero ginamit sa ibang bagay pambayad sa utang. Kita mo konektado lahat eh. Kaya naman ngayon nagtaasan ang presyo ng bigas, so, wala na siyang function na nagagampanan n‘ya nang maayos,‖ he added. However, to ensure that the country has a sure buffer supply of rice, Pimentel proposed that the warehousing function of the NFA be given to the DA. But he insisted that strengthening the capability of local farmers to produce more rice and other agricultural products must still be the main priority of the government which must not rely alone on importations. ―Pero dapat ang ultimate objective natin ay kaya na nating i-produce ‗yung mga pagkain na araw-araw nating kinakain. Kasi para sa akin kung 100 million plus na rice eaters tayo 3x a day pa, imagine mo ‗yun 300 million mouth ‗yun a day na kumakain ng bigas. ―Eh, hindi magandang merkado ‗yun for Filipino farmers, bakit natin ibibigay ngayon sa foreign farmers?‖ Pimentel added.
Piñol wants special rice imports for Zambasulta area The proposal comes after Zamboanga City and Basilan both declared a state of calamity over rice prices reaching as high as P70 per kilo
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Ralf Rivas Published 1:40 PM, August 27, 2018 Updated 1:45 PM, August 27, 2018
MORE IMPORTS. Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol wants more rice imports to solve the rice crisis in Zamboanga City and Basilan. Photo from Piñol's Facebook page MANILA, Philippines – Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol proposed additional rice imports for the Zamboanga-Basilan-Sulu-Tawi-Tawi (Zambasulta) area due to sky-high prices. Zamboanga City and Basilan earlier declared a state of calamity due to rice woes. Rice prices in these two areasreached as high as P70 per kilo. Piñol also said a kilo of rice in some areas in Tawi-Tawi reached as high as P100 after Eid'l Fitr. In a Facebook post, the agriculture chief said he submitted a memorandum to President Rodrigo Duterte to allow the special importation of 132,000 metric tons of rice from the private sector for the affected areas. He also proposed the establishment of a rice trading center where all imports would be "unloaded, charged with minimal tariffs, and distributed only in the Zambasulta area." He also wants local governments to establish a rice production project with an initial 1,000 hectares as pilot area. "Tawi-Tawi has already committed 10,000 hectares while the 3 others have committed 1,000 hectares each," Piñol said.
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What caused the rice crisis: Piñol said the rice crisis in the Zambasulta area was heavily influenced by smuggled rice. Once that supply was cut off, prices jumped. (READ: Philippine Coast Guard seizes smuggled rice in Basilan) "Smuggled rice was sold in the market at prices lower than locally produced commercial rice and local officials hardly lifted a finger to stop the illegal activity. There were reports that some local officials and their relatives were actually behind the smuggling operations which deprived government of revenues," Piñol said. He added that quality rice in Zambasulta was sold as low as P29 per kilo. The supply of smuggled rice was suddenly cut after Duterte met with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and they agreed to act on illegal activities of both countries. "The move, I believe, was primarily aimed at addressing the movement of members of terror groups, but it also effectively stopped the rice smuggling operations," Piñol said. What the government has done: The Department of Agriculture, together with private rice traders and the National Food Authority, opened the Bigasan ng Masa (Rice for the Poor) in Zamboanga City. Each person can buy up to 5 kilos a day of NFA rice for P27 and P32 per kilo. Because of the initiative, Piñol declared the rice crisis in Zamboanga City "over." However, some news reports indicated that both Zamboanga City and Basilan have not yet lifted their state of calamity declarations. Moreover, only around 100,000 bags of rice were allotted to Zamboanga City, which could only last for 16 days. –
Infested rice DEMAND AND SUPPLY - Boo Chanco (The Philippine Star) - August 27, 2018 - 12:00am Are Filipinos only good for imported bukbuk-infested rice? Or did some people make money on the latest NFA import? Did we pay for good commercial rice, but did NFA agree to receive old stock rice about to be reclassified as animal feed?
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The sight of all those little critters running all over the sacks of NFA rice being unloaded from a ship at Subic is appalling. So now the agriculture secretary is saying the rice can still be eaten after fumigation. Fumigation involves spraying chemicals to kill those bugs. I don‘t know about Duterte‘s top agriculture official, but any human being should have a choice not to eat rice tainted with fumigation chemicals. This proves Sen. Win Gatchalian is right about abolishing the NFA. It has brought nothing but problems even as it eats up a lot of our tax money in subsidies on their operations. Beyond infested rice, we are in a race against time to fix our agricultural sector. The sector‘s growth had been flat, even as food inflation was at a high of 7.1 percent last month. Food accounts for a significant part of the consumer basket measured for inflation. The first thing that should to be done is to figure out how to lift the farmer out of poverty. There should be focus on improving his productivity to keep him above subsistence farming. Otherwise, who will want to be a farmer? Food production is growing at a slower pace than population growth. It is also ironic that for an archipelago, we are now importing galunggong. When I was growing up, it was plentiful and cheap, the poor man‘s fish. Not anymore. Duterte‘s score on food security: we now have to eat fumigated old stock imported rice and imported galunggong laced by formalin. As if this administration is not done trying to kill us, its Department of Energy initially wanted to force oil companies to sell low grade diesel with all its chemical pollutants. Luckily we have a very alert health secretary who raised a fuss about the galunggong and the diesel. Former finance secretary Gary Teves wrote me in reaction to our previous columns on agriculture. He basically agreed with our comments and offered additional suggestions and updates. Here are some of Gary‘s points: “On the agriculture sector not getting enough help. (Agree) ―Agriculture is still not in the top budget priorities of the national government, but passage of the rice tariffication bill would supplement agriculture‘s limited budget. It is estimated to raise P28 billion in additional revenues, which will be used to create a fund to improve the competitiveness of Filipino rice farmers through mechanization, financing, subsidized inputs, education, R&D, etc. ―However, we suggest removing government‘s requirement to license rice importers. Rice, upon the implementation of tarrification, should be treated just like any other imported food product.
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“On too fragmented farms and the need for economies of scale. (Agree) ―Three decades of agrarian reform have shown that merely giving a farmer ownership of land will not significantly improve his life. ―We have been advocating to relax CARP restrictions on transferability. Congress should give agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) the flexibility to lease their lands to agro-entrepreneurs, provided that the latter provides the necessary farm inputs that will increase land productivity and raise small farmers/agrarian reform beneficiaries‘ incomes. ―Manpower can be provided by the ARB under a profit-sharing arrangement with the agroentrepreneur, resulting in a win-win situation. “On the problem regarding agricultural financing: ―Universal/commercial banks unable to lend directly to agri and ARB sectors now have options for alternative compliance. As of March, there were 30 accredited rural financial institutions (rural and cooperative banks) which bigger banks can turn to by wholesale lending and/or invest in to comply with the Agri-Agra Law‘s requirements. ―Alternative compliance includes investments in bonds declared eligible by the DA and DAR, loans for construction and upgrading of infrastructure, loans to the NFA and NFA-registered warehousemen, millers, and wholesalers. “On Landbank, originally designed to help agrarian reform beneficiaries, becoming more of a commercial bank: ―Starting 1998, Landbank board and management had been pursuing the bank‘s mission of returning to its original mandate by allocating more and more of its loanable funds to small farmers, fisherfolk, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), rural infrastructure and agribusiness. ―In 1998, 68 percent of Landbank‘s loanable funds were allocated to commercial borrowers and only 32 percent to small farmers, fisherfolk and MSMEs. By 2004, however, this was reversed with 65 percent going to small farmers, fisherfolk and MSMEs, and 35 percent to commercial borrowers. ―The bank‘s profit continued to grow, amounting to P14.5 billion in yearend 2017 and the sharing of 65 percent (agri-related) to 35 percent (commercial lending) has been maintained up to the present. This information was verified by Landbank‘s EVP Julio ―Junet‖ Climaco. “On encouraging conglomerates to do industrial farming and contract growing. (Agree) ―San Miguel Corp., for instance, already has a contract growing program for cassava, sweet potato, sorghum to supply raw materials for its feed mill facilities.
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“On government having a vision/grand plan for agriculture. (Agree) ―Philippines needs to create a cohesive master plan on how to develop the agriculture sector. Gov‘t also needs to seriously consider other more high-value crops in which we have more competitive advantage, e.g. cacao and coffee, to give farmers more income security. “On opening the agri industry to foreign investors who can share modern technology to improve productivity. (Agree) ―Philippines should lift the restrictive economic provisions and allow foreign investors who have the capital, technology and expertise to develop agriculture. ―In summary, the government should give more attention and resources to agriculture to increase productivity, generate more jobs, and, hand-in-hand with the private sector, enable it to become a primary mover of the Phillippines economy. ―A higher agricultural growth rate is needed to grow the Philippine economy faster and attain more inclusive growth and development sooner.‖ Boo Chanco‘s e-mail address is . Follow him on Twitter @boochanco
Rice exporters told to meet Chinese quality requirements as shipments slump Update: August, 27/2018 - 09:00
Rice bags are loaded into a vessel at a port in HCM City for export. — VNA/VNS Photo
Viet Nam News HCM CITY — To sustain their rice exports to China, a large buyer, Vietnamese firms need to focus on meeting food safety and traceability requirements and carry on official instead of border trade, according to experts.According to the Department of Agro-
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product Processing and Market Development, Việt Nam‘s rice exports were estimated at 3.9 million tonnes worth nearly US$2 billion over the first seven months of the year, a year-on-year increase of 12.2 per cent and 29.2 per cent. China continued to be the biggest importer of Vietnamese rice, accounting for 26.8 per cent, followed by Indonesia (18.2 per cent) and the Philippines (10.4 per cent). But exports to China were down 27.7 per cent in volume and 14.6 per cent in value from the same period last year. A total of 891,000 tonnes were shipped, with sticky rice accounting for a large share. In July China raised import tariffs on rice from ASEAN member countries, including to 50 per cent on sticky rice from the earlier 5 per cent. As a result Việt Nam‘s exports dropped sharply. Another reason was stricter control by Chinese agencies, which raised the plant quarantine standards for exporters. Nguyễn Thị Mai Linh of the Ministry of Industry and Trade‘s import-export department said exporters met with certain difficulties after China adjusted tariffs on ASEAN rice. Enterprises said they do not have many new contracts for sticky rice and are mainly fulfilling earlier contracts. They have called on farmers to reduce the cultivation of sticky rice and switch to other varieties to avoid too much dependence on China. Currently, more than 80 per cent of sticky rice goes to China. A spokesperson for a rice export firm said Việt Nam and China share a long-border and so for a long time rice was largely exported through the border. But the Chinese side now wants to control border trade to better manage quality and avoid tax losses and has instructed importers to do official imports, he said. Therefore, to keep this market, Vietnamese firms need to ensure compliance with China‘s food safety and traceability requirements, he said. But they should diversify their markets to avoid too much reliance on that market, he said. To help promote exports to China, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has invited 15 rice importers from China to discuss direct exports. — VNS Read more at
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PHL needs to fast-track rice tariffication–Pimentel By Butch Fernandez August 26, 2018 Sen. Aquilino L. Pimentel III asserted on Sunday that rice tariffication is a ―priority all the more now‖ that the country is feeling the pinch from high prices as supply- shortage issues persist. Pimentel, chairman of the Senate‘s Trade and Commerce Committee, also noted that the Philippines has already used up the grace period given by the World Trade Organization to transition from quantitative restrictions, or a cap in rice imports, to a tariff-based system as observed in all WTO member-countries. Moreover, the senator voiced concern during a radio interview about continuing problems of the National Food Authority (NFA) in ensuring adequate supply of cheap rice after the imported rice sitting in Zamboanga City‘s docks was found infested with weevil, further delaying distribution and causing rice prices to spike anew. He said NFA officials appear to be ―complicating compliance with their duty,‖ but Pimentel did not elaborate beyond suggesting that ―[NFA] should address its debts and prioritize rice buffer stocks.‖ Pimentel pointed out that the NFA is ―a monopoly, as it is the only one that can import, but why can‘t they come up with an accurate computation?‖ The senator suggested the need for the Senate to conduct ―a review of the NFA‘s mandate and the people running it…what do they know about rice trading?‖ ―Let us review the qualifications of NFA officials led by Aquino; he might be getting bad advice,‖ said Pimentel, noting reports reaching his office that ―the NFA administrator and the NFA Council are at war.‖ In a separate interview, Sen. Francis G. Escudero observed that the NFA officials do not seem to ―realize that rice is a political commodity‖ and that it also affects ―a big sector of rice farmers.‖
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―If we rely on rice exports, what will happen to the farmers?‖ asked Escudero, adding that he expects the chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Sen. Cynthia A. Villar, to summon Department of Agriculture officials for an explanation. Escudero recalled that the NFA was earlier put to task for failure to maintain buffer stock, but he thumbed down suggestions to abolish the agency. ―I say no to NFA abolition. Its mandate is to buy and sell rice at low cost. Nobody will do that.‖ Meanwhile, Pimentel clarified that the congressional recess from August 16 to 27 was not explicitly called to enable President Duterte to issue an executive order on rice tariff and other possible tariff-related measures as a faster mode for busting inflation with commodity prices rising. Lawmakers and the economic managers had pitched for the reduction of tariffs on meat and fish to ease inflation, which accelerated to 5.7 percent in July, from 5.2 percent in June.
Rice Transplanter Market Application, Sales, Size, Growth Drivers, Product Segment, Analysis and Forecast 2023 By Phillip Campbell August 26, 2018 Global Rice Transplanter Market Report covers the manufacturers data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume and value, as well as price data. It also covers different industries client‘s information, which is very important for the manufacturers. Rice Transplanter Market Report Covers an extensive view of Key Players, Market situation and circumstances which are covered deeply in this Report. Global Rice Transplanter market explains the current industry situations on large scale that give you the Rice Transplanter market developments tendencies, market size and progression approximations. These data help the
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consumer know about the competitors better. It also covers different industries client‘s information, which is very essential. Request a Sample of this report @: The following Companies as the Key Players in the Rice Transplanter Market Research Report: Yanmar Kubota Branson Nantong FLW Agricultural Equipment Iseki Toyonoki DongFeng ChangFa ShiFeng Following are the Applications of Rice Transplanter Market: Residential Commercial Following are the Types of Rice Transplanter Market: All-Automatic Semi-Automatic Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Rice Transplanter in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. Major manufacturers of Rice Transplanter are mainly in US, EU, Japan and China. The main production is gradually shifted to China. There are less than 10 large manufacturers all over the world and Rice Transplanter is produced industrially in large quantities. However, Rice Transplanter business may not expanse because of the effect of raw material cost and technology.
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Since the earthquake of Japan and the unexpected stop of Shell Rice Transplanter equipment, China is becoming a driver of Rice Transplanter market in international trade. The worldwide market for Rice Transplanter is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly xx% over the next five years, will reach xx million US$ in 2023, from xx million US$ in 2017, according to a new study. It likewise demonstrates an entire research of Global Rice Transplanter showcase focused display, marketplace drivers, demanding situations, key upgrades, propensities, destiny regulations, strategies and well worth chain. From that point record offers a specific synopsis of different development openings, innovative enterprise strategies, product scope, advertise degree, improvement estimations, marketplace income, current and up and coming change developers. Investigation Process consists of a business enterprise profile and financial execution, overdue advancements, innovation offerings, product diagram and enterprise tentative arrangements. The Rice Transplanter Market report contains detailed information about the following points: Rice Transplanter Industry Overview: Definitions, applications, classification and other basic information about the industry is covered in this part. Chain structure of the industry is given along with an analysis of various policies and news. Development of the industry is assessed with the information of current status of the industry in various regions. Have Any Query? Ask Our Expert @: Production Analysis: Capacity and production are analysed for various types, regions and manufacturers. Also, revenue analysis for Rice Transplanter market is given with respect to these three aspects. Methodological Data: Assembling process for the Rice Transplanter is contemplated in this area. The investigation covers crude material providers, gear providers, material cost, hardware
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cost, work cost and different expenses. Limit and creation of different assembling plants, their circulation and R&D status are additionally given. Key Points Covered in TOC: There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Rice Transplanter market. Chapter 1, to describe Rice Transplanter Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Rice Transplanter, with sales, revenue, and price of Rice Transplanter, in 2016 and 2018; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2018; Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Rice Transplanter, for each region, from 2013 to 2018; Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions; Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018; Chapter 12, Rice Transplanter market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2022; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Rice Transplanter sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source Purchase the Rice Transplanter Market Report at (Single User License2480$): Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate of Rice Transplanter for these regions, covering North America Countries
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South America Countries Africa Countries Asia Countries Europe Countries Other Countries
Farm-gate price of palay continues to rise By Jasper Y. Arcalas August 26, 2018
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In Photo: PHOTO shows NSIC Rc 222, one of the rice varieties developed by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice). The Philippine Statistics Authority said in a report that the average farm-gate price of unmilled rice reached a new record in the second week of August. The average farm-gate price of unmilled rice rose for the third consecutive week in mid-August and reached a new all-time high of P22.28 per kilogram (kg), according to data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). In its report, the PSA disclosed the latest average quotation of palay in the second week of August was 13.5 percent higher than last year‘s P19.63 per kg. The figure was also 0.63 percent higher than the previous week‘s average farm-gate price of P22.14 per kg. During the reference period from August 8 to 14, the PSA recorded the highest farm-gate price of palay in Central Visayas at P24.28 per kg. The government‘s statistical agency observed the lowest quotation of P19.88 per kg in the Caraga region. At the same time, wholesale and retail prices of both well-milled and regular-milled rice sustained increments in the second week of August. The average wholesale prices of well-milled rice was estimated at P43.71 per kg, which was 11.36 percent higher than the P39.25 per kg recorded in the same period last year. The figure was also slightly higher than the previous week‘s average price of P43.44 per kg. The retail price of well-milled rice expanded by 9.17 percent to P46.06 per kg, from last year‘s average quotation of P45.94 per kg. It was also slightly higher than the previous week‘s average price of P45.94 per kg. The average retail price of well-milled rice recorded in the second week of August was the first time that it breached the P46-per-kg level. Data from the PSA also showed that the average wholesale price of regular-milled rice in midAugust rose by 13.93 percent to P40.32 per kg, from last year‘s P35.39 per kg. The wholesale price a week ago averaged P40.16 per kg.
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At the retail level, the price of regular milled rice averaged P42.65 per kg. The figure was 12.27 percent and 0.73 percent higher than the average prices recorded in the previous week and a year ago, respectively. Farmers said the increase in the average farm-gate price of unmilled rice is due to the continuous hike in their production cost. Traders were also buying palay at higher prices due to the low rice stockpile of the National Food Authority (NFA), according to industry sources. Traders are aggressively buying palay at a higher price to beef up their stocks, effectively edging out the NFA in the market. The inability of the food agency to buy rice from farmers was a major factor in its failure to beef up its stockpile in recent months.
Barind farmers happy with high Aush paddy yield Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha . Rajshahi | Published: 01:22, Aug 27,2018
Farmers are happy with satisfactory yield of newly harvested BRRIDhan-48 in the region, including its vast Barind tract, in the current season.Amidst this glowing atmosphere the farmers are now very busy harvesting the paddy variety in the region as part of their effort to mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change. BRRIDhan-48, a short duration and drought tolerant paddy variety innovated by Bangladesh Rice Research Institute for Aush season, has gradually been gaining popularity among farmers in the Barind tract in the last couple of years. ‗I got 22 mounds of paddy per bigha through cultivating the variety on seven bighas of land this year,‘ said Shafiul Alam, 39, a farmer of village Matikata of Godagari upazila in the district. He could get hardly 10 mounds of paddy per bigha if he cultivated Parija, a conventional variety of the region. Sabiar Rahman, 58, another farmer of village Pirijpur of the same upazila, expressed his happiness over cultivating the variety saying its average yield is from 15 to 23 mounds per bigha. He mentioned that the conventional parija variety is being replaced by the new variety which is a good sign for the region in terms of boosting yield. All the government and non-government organizations concerned are promoting the variety in
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the Barind tract as effective means of addressing the adverse impact of climate change. Under a project titled, Integrated Water Resource Management, around 1,000 volunteers are working in the Barind region to motivate farmers to promote water-saving crops like BRRI Dhan-48 paddy farming. Barind Station of On-Farm Research Division under Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute has inserted the paddy variety into its four-crop based cropping pattern in a bid to lessen the gradually mounting pressure on underground water in the drought-prone area. DASCOH Foundation and Swiss Red Cross are jointly implementing the project in 39 UPs and three pourasabhas in Rajshahi, Naogaon and Chapainawabganj with financial support from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation-SDC since 2015. Shakhawat Hossain, team leader of OFRD (Barind Station), said there has been an enormous prospect of bringing harvesting intensity coupled with increasing food production through a successful promotion of the Aush-Aman-Lentil-Mungbean cropping pattern. To maintain sound soil health, it could be advisable to grow rice especially Brridhan48 using a different system in order to improve compatibility between monsoon rice and upland winter crops. The newly innovated paddy variety has opened up a new door of enormous prospects of food security along with mitigating the crises of irrigation water. It has been giving satisfactory yield with scanty rainfall and limited irrigation during the Aush season in the area. This would also go well with a shift in economic importance of the winter crops over monsoon rice. ‗We are arranging training and other motivational programmes for the farmers to adopt the cropping pattern to boost agricultural production through the best use of modern technologies to feed the gradually increasing population,‘ he added. Terming the development of the drought-tolerant varieties a demand of the time, Hossain says that the variety has started contributing a lot to ensure food security. Sharing their experiences, two female farmers — Anwara Parveen and Nazma Akhter – have told the news agency that the BRRI Dhan-48 variety has brought enormous benefit for them in cultivating rice in drought prone rain-fed environment. They have urged the authorities concerned to remove the existing seed crisis of the variety to encourage more farmers towards cultivating the variety. By virtue of early harvesting characteristics the variety supplements the farming of transplanted
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Aman and various Rabi crops like tomato, brinjal, mustard and vegetables as the region is conventionally famous for farming these crops abundantly.
Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Research 2018 : Key Players Iseki, Kubota, TYM, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery
Home Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Research 2018 : Key Players Iseki, Kubota, TYM, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery
The Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Research 2018 is helping in the economic growth of both the developed and the developing nations. Due to booming industrial demands and technological advancements, the importance of the Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market has raised around the world.
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The Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market has shown an incredible growth in the past decades and is expected to reach an applaudable height in a coming decade too. Our market research report has covered all the factors of the Rice Transplanter Machines Market on the regional and global level, along with other socioeconomic factors impacting the concerned market. Sample Copy of Research Study : The principal objective of our report is to enable our readers to grasp the body of the Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market with utmost assurance. Our readers come from various backgrounds, and hence, we choose to deliver data and facts in simple language. Market research reports by our company are nothing a but a ready-to-be-understood data, on the basis of which our readers can make more informed, stable and result in fetching business decisions. Various elements covered in this report by Market Research Explore Include:
Types of Rice Transplanter Machines . Applications of Rice Transplanter Machines . End Uses of Rice Transplanter Machines . Rice Transplanter Machines Market Features Investment Opportunity in Rice Transplanter Machines market. Investment Calculation. Past,Present & Future of The Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market. Dominant/key players operating in the Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market. Government Policies Affecting The Market. Effective Business Strategies in The Market.
All the data and analysis involved in this report is factual and is based on the first-hand data collected by our team of researchers. This report will share a reliable information on the Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market, which will help you to make more informed and full proof of business decisions. This report will help readers,
To analyze and study the Rice Transplanter Machines market along with key players and competitors. To understand the market potential and know the SWOT details. To know the prime factors ruling the market
Analysis on the basis of the crucial research parameters : The Key players of the Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market, who are contributing the most are :
Iseki Kubota TYM Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery CLAAS Shandong Fuerwo Agricultural Equipment
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Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Changfa Agricultural Equipment
The Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market segmented on the basis of application:
Commercial Household
The Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Types:
Mechanical Manual
To Provide you a wide view of the market by segmenting it on the basis regions:
North America (USA, Canada, Mexico) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc) Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Iran etc) Africa (Egypt, South Africa, etc)
Kindly find detailed research Insights here: If you have any customized information need to be added regarding Rice Transplanter Machines , we will be happy to include this to enrich the final study. Contact us @:
Man held for cheating 400 rice mill owners in 3 States By AuthorTelanganaToday | Published: 27th Aug 2018 12:07 am
Hyderabad: The Central Zone Task Force arrested a man on charges of cheating 400 rice mill owners across Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka by promising them discounts on machinery spare parts. According to the police, M Ram Krishna, a resident of Balanagar, is suspected to have collecting Rs 20,000 to Rs 35,000 from each mill owner, police said. Krishna fraudulently took their phone numbers from the Rice Mill Association and contacted
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them posing as the owner of Ramakrishna Engineering Company. He promised to offer them spares on a discount as an introductory offer. After gaining their trust and taking orders over phone, Krishna asked them to transfer the deal amount to his account so that the material could be delivered to their addresses. Once he received the amount, he would switch off the phone and go incommunicado, police said, adding he used around 20 SIM cards. Preliminary inquiry revealed that Krishna cheated about 400 rice mill owners across the three States to the tune of Rs 10 lakh in the last two years. Officials said so far seven cases were booked against him at several police stations in Telangana.
PADDY VULNERABLE TO RISING RAINFALL & HEAT PATTERNS IN C'GARH Monday, 27 August 2018 | SR | RAIPUR | in Raipur The yield of crops is projected to be more vulnerable to increasing frequency and intensity of extremes in rainfall and rise in temperature during the last 40-50 years in Maharashtra, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Assam for rainfed paddy, Central and East India for wheat; Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan for irrigated paddy, the Central Government has informed. Studies indicate that there is an increasing frequency and intensity of extremes in rainfall and rise in temperature during the last 40-50 years resulting in adverse effects on agriculture, it informed. Further, decline in wheat yield in Eastern and Central India due to terminal heat stress and unseasonal windy rainfall during February-March; damage to horticultural crops such as mango, guava, papaya, brinjal, tomato, potato due to cold waves; damage to horticultural crops due to hailstorms in Maharashtra, upward shift in apple production zones in Himachal Pradesh etc. have been experienced in the recent past. This may lead to projected average reduction of yield by 6 per cent in wheat, 4-6 per cent in rice, 18 per cent in maize, 2.5 per cent in sorghum, 2 per cent in mustard and 2.5 per cent in potato. Recognising the likely impact of climate change on agriculture and allied sectors, Government through Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has initiated a network project, National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) during 2010-11. It encompasses multi-pronged strategic research, technology development, capacity building of stakeholders and technology demonstrations at farmers‘ fields. The impact of climate change is also expected in economic viability and production of livestock systems through poor availability of quality feed and fodder, decreased reproductive performance and decline in milk production. Further, ICAR- CRIDA has also mapped 572 districts of the country for their vulnerability to extreme events due to climate change. The Central Government has taken several initiatives to reduce GHG emissions and improve agricultural productivity through promoting rice cultivation under System of Rice Intensification
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(SRI) and Direct Seeded Rice (DSR), Neem coated urea, judicious use of water and fertilizers, water saving technologies and shifting area from transplanted rice to other cereals, pulses and oilseeds especially in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. Further, location and crop specific efficient management practices for conservation agriculture (CA), resource conservation technology (RCT), broad bed furrow (BBF) method of sowing, micro irrigation has been developed by ICAR institutes, which reduce GHG emission from crops and have been demonstrated through Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs). Under Technology Demonstration Component of NICRA, the climate resilient interventions are implemented by taking one representative village in 151 climatically vulnerable districts of the country. Major interventions implemented under the scheme for climate resilient agriculture include efficient management of natural resources, adoption of resilient agronomic practices, adoption of stress tolerant varieties, efficient management of livestock, poultry and fisheries and strengthening local institutions. Government is also addressing the issues of climate change through National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). The NMSA as pragmatic intervention aims at adopting location specific, integrated/ composite farming system; soil and moisture conservation measures; comprehensive soil health management, efficient water management practices and mainstream rainfed technologies. Besides, climate resilient interventions have been embedded and mainstreamed into Missions/Programmes/Schemes of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC & FW) through a process of restructuring and convergence.
Rice Bran Oil Market Overview Growth Analysis and Research 2018-2025 By Phillip Campbell August 26, 2018 The report covers the Current scenario and the future growth prospects of the � Rice Bran Oil market� for 2018-2025. To calculate the market size, the report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. Rice Bran Oil Market Report provides an analytical assessment of the prime challenges faced by this Market currently and in the coming years, which helps Market participants in
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understanding the problems they may face while operating in this Market over a longer period of time. In this report, the global Rice Bran Oil market is valued at USD XX million in 2018 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2025 Various policies and news are also included in the Rice Bran Oil Market report. Various costs involved in the production of Rice Bran Oil are discussed further. This includes labour cost, depreciation cost, raw material cost and other costs. Request a Sample of Rice Bran Oil Market research report from – The production process is analysed with respect to various aspects like, manufacturing plant distribution, capacity, commercial production, R&D status, raw material source and technology source. This provides the basic information about the Rice Bran Oil industry. Further in the Rice Bran Oil Market research reports, following points are included along with in-depth study of each point: Production Analysis – Production of the Rice Bran Oil is analysed with respect to different regions, types and applications. Here, price analysis of various Rice Bran Oil Market key players is also covered. Sales and Revenue Analysis – Both, sales and revenue are studied for the different regions of the Rice Bran Oil Market. Another major aspect, price, which plays important part in the revenue generation, is also assessed in this section for the various regions. Supply and Consumption – In continuation with sales, this section studies supply and consumption for the Rice Bran Oil Market. This part also sheds light on the gap between supple and consumption. Import and export figures are also given in this part.
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Competitors – In this section, various Rice Bran Oil industry leading players are studied with respect to their company profile, product portfolio, capacity, price, cost and revenue. Other analyses – Apart from the aforementioned information, trade and distribution analysis for the Rice Bran Oil Market, contact information of major manufacturers, suppliers and key consumers is also given. Also, SWOT analysis for new projects and feasibility analysis for new investment are included. For Enquiry for Rice Bran Oil Market Report at: The following firms are included in the Rice Bran Oil Market report: Ricela Kamal BCL SVROil Vaighai A.P. Refinery 3F Industries Sethia Oils Jain Group of Industries Shivangi Oils Balgopal Food Products King Rice Oil Group CEO Agrifood Limited Kasisuri Surin Bran Oil Agrotech International Tsuno Rice Fine Chemicals Oryza Oil & Fat Chemical Wilmar International Wanyuan Food & Oil Jinrun Shanxin Jinwang Rice Bran Oil Market Dynamics along with Scope of the Report: Competitive Landscape (2018-2025):
Rice Bran Oil Market Competition by Manufacturers
Rice Bran Oil Market Overview by Development Trends
Market Segmentation by Trends:
Rice Bran Oil Market Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Analysis of upstream raw materials, downstream demand
Market Size Forecast (2018-2025):
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Industry growth curve under the study period of 2018 – 2025.
By Type/Product Category, By Applications/End Users, By Regions/Geography.
Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Forged Rice Bran Oil in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. The Rice Bran Oil industry research report analyses the supply, sales, production, and market status comprehensively. Production market shares and sales market shares are analysed along with the study of capacity, production, sales, and revenue. Several other factors such as import, export, gross margin, price, cost, and consumption are also analysed under the section Analysis of Rice Bran Oil production, supply, sales and market status. Purchase the Rice Bran Oil Market Report at: The Rice Bran Oil Market has been segmented as below: By Product Analysis:
90% Rice Bran Oil
95% Rice Bran Oil
Other Purity
By Regional Analysis:
North America
Southeast Asia
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The Rice Bran Oil Market report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years, the Report also brief deals with the product life cycle, comparing it to the relevant products from across industries that had already been commercialized details the potential for various applications, discussing about recent product innovations and gives an overview on potential regional market shares. Table of Contents: Chapter 1 Rice Bran Oil Market Overview 1.1 Brief Overview of Rice Bran Oil Industry 1.2 Development of Rice Bran Oil Market 1.3 Status of Rice Bran Oil Market Chapter 2 Manufacturing Technology of Rice Bran Oil Industry 2.1 Development of Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Technology 2.2 Analysis of Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Technology 2.3 Trends of Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Technology Chapter 3 Analysis of Global Rice Bran Oil Market Key Manufacturers 3.1.1 Company Profile 3.1.2 Product Information 3.1.3 2012-2018 Production Information 3.1.4 Contact Information Chapter 4 Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Cost Analysis 4.1.1 Key Raw Materials 4.1.2 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials 4.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 4.1.4 Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials 4.1.5 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure
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4.1.6 Manufacturing Expenses Chapter 4 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders 5.1.1 Marketing Channel 5.1.2 Direct Marketing 5.1.3 Indirect Marketing 5.1.4 Marketing Channel Development Trend 5.1.5 Market Positioning 5.1.6 Pricing Strategy 5.1.7 Brand Strategy 5.1.8 Target Client 5.1.9 Distributors/Traders List
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