27th October,2018 daily global regional local rice e-newsletter

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October 27 ,2018 Vol 9 ,Issue 10

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Trade agreements should incorporate CPO import quota’ BR ResearchOctober 26, 2018

An interview with Abdul Rasheed Jan Muhammad, Director Westbury Group Abdul Rasheed Jan Muhammad is Chairman of Pakistan Edible Oil Refiners Association (Peora) as well as the director of Westbury (Pvt) Limited and Dalda Foods (Pvt) Limited. He has been associated with the edible oil sector for more than three decades. BR Research met up with Jan Muhammad to learn about the challenges faced by the edible oil sector and the way forward for its development. Here are edited excerpts of the conversation: BR Research: Can you give us an overview of the Westbury Group? Abdul Rasheed Jan Muhammad: Westbury Group is a holding company. Under the Westbury umbrella we have a synergy in the edible oils sector. We started as an import agency representing a few Malaysian suppliers. These suppliers invested in Pakistan in the form of joint venture in 1993 with the Westbury Group, and the main company signing the joint venture was Federal Land Development Authority (Felda). This JV was witnessed by Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad from Malaysia and the then Minister of Industries, IIlahi Bukhsh Soomro, from Pakistan in 1993.That is how Malaysian FDI in the edible oil sector started flowing in. Our first project was to set up bulking installation to store palm oil and palm olein. By 1995, under the name of Mapak Qasim Bulkers (MQB), we started operations with the capacity of 13,000 tons, which is now expanded to 138,000 tons.After MQB terminal, we put up an edible oil refinery at Port Qasim and then later a dedicated edible oil jetty, which is a BOT (Built-OwnTransfer) project with Port Qasim Authority. Fourth project was a crushing plant; we import soybeans and canola seeds, crush them and refine the oil in our refinery. Crushing seeds also produces meal, which is sold to the poultry feed industry. BRR: Can you also tell us how Dalda and Tullo came under the Westbury umbrella? ARJM: Unilever Pakistan decided to disinvest from the edible oil sector similar to Hindustan Lever, which sold their Dalda brand in India and Bangladesh in 2003. The reason was that edible oil was high capex low margin business unlike FMCG products like detergents etc. So in 2004, we participated in Unilever‘s tender for their Edible Oil business and acquired Dalda brand and its factory. In 2009-2010 we acquired Tullo from Wazir Ali industries. BRR: Given ghee’s importance, what impact would the Punjab Food Authority’s ban on ghee have on the local market? ARJM: Punjab Food Authority has not banned ghee. It is an incorrect perception. PSQCA has given a formula about blending of oil to make ghee. Soft oils‘ blend is essential for making qualitative ghee. Qualitative ghee/vansapati is trans-fat free. Pakistan has institutions to ensure that ghee without proper hydrogenation and blending is not introduced in the markets.

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BRR: From your drift, it would appear that the edible oil sector is not expecting the ban on ghee to be enforced by 2020. ARJM: I don‘t think the ban will be imposed and I hope it is not. It is not practical to ban ghee because cooking oil is a lot more expensive. Further ghee/vanaspati is a necessity and same is indeed a healthy food product if made properly. Cooking oil is made of canola, sunflower, and soyabean oil. These oils are at least $100-$150 per ton more expensive than palm oil and also have higher duties levied on them. The common man will not be able to afford cooking oil if ghee is banned. I am absolutely convinced that ghee is much healthier. BRR: Is the cooking oil consumption increasing in comparison with ghee? ARJM: Previously the perception was that cooking oil belongs to the urban areas whereas ghee is preferred by the rural areas. But now cooking oil is getting popular in the rural areas as well. Right now the market is probably 60 percent ghee and 40 percent cooking oil, previously the proportion was 80:20. It could be a matter of change in tastes. BRR: If ghee consumption is reduced drastically, would Pakistan’s palm oil consumption and hence imports decrease? ARJM: Not necessarily, as import volume is going up due to increase in population. If soft oil imports would rise, their imports will become more expensive than palm oil. BRR: Why are these oilseeds not grown here? ARJM: Firstly, for a crop to be grown in Pakistan, good support price needs to be given. Sugarcane, rice, and wheat have much higher support prices than oil seeds. Secondly, the acreage under wheat is so high that we have surplus wheat. As a result, Pakistan exported wheat this year for which a hefty subsidy had to be provided. We have requested the authorities that area under wheat, which is producing in excess of domestic requirements should be given over to oil seeds for cultivation. BRR: We have the potential to grow oil seeds, but what about the potential to grow palm oil trees? ARJM: In the latter half of 1990s, there was a seminar on the subject of palm cultivation. Malaysia had given seeds for sowing and the goal was palm cultivation in Pakistan. Stakeholders were invited to discuss feasibility. At that time, I had expressed my reservations since palm trees cultivation requires a lot of water, which we do not have sufficient access to. This reservation was not considered and coastal areas of Thatta and Winder were chosen to set up projects. 20 years later today, neither of the farms has been able to produce any crude palm oil (CPO). Palm oil fruit has a cycle of seven years. It is possible that fruit were grown but since they did not put up a CPO mill, the fruits could not have been crushed. BRR: What is your opinion about the FTA/PTA signed with Malaysia and Indonesia respectively? ARJM: Honestly speaking, I am not a great fan of FTAs & PTAs for import oriented economies. Under these trade agreements, the government has given 15 percent discount in import duty on palm oil imports but has not received concessions in return despite being one of the largest consumers of palm oil. For example, Malaysia buys 1 million ton of rice but not even 100,000 tons is exported from Pakistan. Yes, it makes sense for them to buy it from nearby Asean countries but as one of the

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largest consumers of palm oil and signatory to FTA, we should have been able to leverage our purchasing power to convince them into buying rice from us. Since palm oil is mostly exported by Malaysia and Indonesia alone, giving them preferential treatment means that the government is compromising on tariff revenue. That should be compensated by increase in exports, which is the purpose of any FTA. Let me give you another example. FTA with Malaysia was signed three years before PTA with Indonesia. Bulog is an Indonesian government agency, which is a big importer of rice. Pakistan should have ensured rice contracts from Indonesia before giving them same preferential tariffs as Malaysia. Whenever we talk about these trade agreements, we talk about exporting kinnow. Palm oil is worth $550 per ton whereas kinnows are not even $50. While Pakistan does not have products worth $550 per ton to balance out imports, it does have rice valued at $350 per ton, which we should export instead. When we crush oil seeds, we get meal which is exported to Indonesia but the bulk of it is sourced from Asean countries though it too can become part of our trade agreement. BRR: Speaking of meal, can Pakistan benefit from the US China trade war to export to China? ARJM: The US soybean market has fallen because China was their biggest importer and China is not buying from USA due to trade war. Since soft oils, oil seed prices, and palm oil prices are interlinked, we have benefited from lower prices but this had led to volumetric growth in imports. Coming to your question, Pakistan does not have access to China‘s meal market. License is needed to export GMO Meal to the Chinese market but despite repeated attempts; we have not been able to get the license. This is a big market that we are not able to tap and given the trade war, now is the right time to do it. BRR: Why have we been unable to get license? ARJM: In Pakistan, three institutions are involved: Ministry of Food Security, which makes the import/export rules; Ministry of Climate Change that provides permission for GMO import and export; and Department of Plant Protection for phytosanitary standards. Coordinated efforts are needed from all three Institutions to have some appropriate modus operandi for the export of meal to China. Furthermore, we have to get a license from China that will allow us to export GMO meal. Our association is already working on this subject as we believe there is huge potential of meal export, which is not only good for our seed extraction industry but also for Pakistan. This case needs to be pursued more in the upcoming visit of our Prime Minister to China. BRR: Regarding developing the local edible oil refineries, what can be done about the export tax structure of Malaysia and Indonesia that restricts exports of crude palm oil (CPO)? ARJM: Pakistan set up its edible oil refineries in 2006, graduating from the batch system to continuous technology, which is used globally. We used to import CPO, refine it and get 94

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percent refined palm oil and 5 percent fatty acids distillate, which was used by the soap industry. The rest was processed loss. Unfortunately, Malaysia and Indonesia imposed export tax on CPO, which made this product completely unviable for our refineries. Similar to our PSX, they have a Malaysia Derivative Exchange (MDEX). If the MDEX is above RM 2250, an export tax of minimum 4.5 percent is imposed. It is a slab system with the highest rate of export tax being 10 percent. Since then, CPO imports from Malaysia dwindled away because its C&F value became higher than imports of refined oil. Similarly, Indonesia has a structure to restrict CPO exports. They encourage export of refined palm oil/olien instead of crude palm oil. This resulted in Pakistan‘s edible oil refineries not being able to process palm oil (we shifted to soft oils but it is a smaller volume). Initially, we took this matter up with the Malaysian and Indonesian authorities directly but could not make headway. Then we went to Ministry of Commerce and FBR to request them to leverage the trade agreements but we were never invited during FTA / PTA negotiations, and this matter has not been addressed as yet. The US China trade war has resulted in a falling market. In October and November, the MDEX was below RM 2250. Indonesia and Malaysia have excess stocks on their hands. Since MDEX is below RM 2250, export of CPO has commenced, which will allow our refineries to operate for a short time period. BRR: Are there any solutions that can circumvent this problem and allow Pakistan’s refineries to continue operating? ARJM: Our suggestion is to fix a quota system. We should be given by Malaysia / Indonesia at least 500,000 tons of export tax free CPO and if we import more than export tax can be formulated. This will ensure a continuous supply of CPO to allow our refineries to operate. https://www.brecorder.com/2018/10/26/449278/trade-agreements-should-incorporate-cpoimport-quota/

Fiji imports $40m worth of rice annually: Agriculture ministry JESSICA SAVIKE 25 October, 2018, 9:20 pm Ministry of Agriculture deputy secretary Jone Sovalawa and Li Zhi with the senior agriculture officials and representatives from China after the signing. Picture: SUPPLIED

FIJI imports about $40million worth of rice every year. This was revealed by Ministry of Agriculture‘s deputy secretary Jone Sovalawa during the signing of a new contract between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Yuan Longping High in an effort to strengthen Fiji‘s rice industry.

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Mr Sovalawa said the Tech Agriculture Company Limited of China would continue with the second phase of the rice project between the two countries. He said the ministry was ready to work together with the Chinese team to ensure rice production was increased and expanded to potential rice growing areas in Vanua Levu and Viti Levu. Mr Sovalawa said during phase II of the project, a specialised machinery expert would be part of the team who would look into the issues in regards to machinery repairs and availability of spare parts. He said it was expected that seed quality system would be established and also provide agro inputs/spare parts and technical services to the Fiji National Rice Breeding Laboratory. Mr Sovalawa said that two new hybrid rice varieties would also be introduced, which would assist in maximising rice production. https://www.fijitimes.com/fiji-imports-40m-worth-of-rice-annually-agriculture-ministry/

BPS‘ rice data crucial to decide imports: Minister Marchio Irfan Gorbiano Jakarta | Fri, October 26 2018 | 02:50 am Statistic Indonesia‘s (BPS) much-anticipated rice production data will hopefully end arguments between government institutions surrounding rice imports, said a senior Cabinet member, while also shedding light on Indonesia‘s domestic production capacity of the staple commodity.Coordinating Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said in Jakarta recently that the production data released by the BPS, w... http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/10/26/bps-rice-data-crucial-decide-imports-minister.html

Punjas Imports India Gate Basmati Rice

Punjas Group Marketing manager Gopal Jadhev (right) and Umesh Adaveemath of KRBL Ltd on October 24, 2018. Photo: Charles Chambers


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Punjas have been appointed exclusive importers and distributors of India Gate Basmati Rice. The company has already imported 60 tonnes of the rice from India and which was presently being sold in supermarkets and shops around the country.

The unique feature of this rice is that it is grown at the foot of the Himalayas in India and some parts of Pakistan and nowhere else around the world. KRBL Limited, India‘s first integrated rice company, are the producers of India Gate Basmati Rice and company representative Umesh Adaveemath was in Lautoka demonstrating the qualities of the rice. He said: ―We are proud to be associated with Punjas who are committed to making India Gate a top brand of Basmati rice in Fiji and I am really impressed with the nationwide distribution network and sales and marketing support. ―Today our flagship brand India Gate is recognised both in India and abroad with strong presence and impressive market share.‖ Mr Adaveemath said the rice had earned the respect and patronage amongst consumers and retailers over the years and they were proud that the rice had now hit Fiji. The rice is aged much longer than other rice. ―Just like wine, the longer its left the better it is,‖ Mr Adaveemath said. KRBL Ltd‘s biggest markets are in the Middle East but the rice is exported to many countries around the world.

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Punja‘s Group Marketing manager Gopal Jadhav said the rice was presently being sold in the 1kg and 5kg packs and the rice is becoming a hit. http://fijisun.com.fj/2018/10/26/punjas-imports-india-gate-basmati-rice/

INDONESIA PLEDGES ACCURATE RICE DATA TO COMBAT VAST MISREPORTING 10/26/2018 By Bernadette Christina Munthe JAKARTA, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Indonesia's statistics agency is introducing technology such as satellite imagery combined with app-based, on-the-ground checks to more accurately estimate rice production after huge discrepancies in official data.

Previously, agriculture officials have admitted to routinely inflating rice harvest data to present a rosy picture to the government or win subsidies, often leading to last-minute imports once shortages became apparent. (https://reut.rs/2RakYLz) The supply of the staple food is politically sensitive and surging prices in the past have triggered civil unrest, while importing rice tends to be criticised by farmers and the opposition given selfsufficiency targets. Under its new methodology, the statistics agency (BPS) this week estimated 2018 unhusked (unprocessed) rice production at 56.5 million tonnes, far below the agriculture ministry's 83 million tonne estimate in September.

The BPS stopped publishing rice data in 2016 and has been working to improve its reliability. The head of the agency conceded that in recent decades many people had felt its data was "inaccurate". "Now we can have future projections that are more accurate, so policy planning can be more focused and on target," BPS Chief Suhariyanto, who uses one name, told reporters. Processed rice output this year is estimated at 32.4 million tonnes by the BPS, against an estimate of 48.3 million tonnes put forward previously by the agriculture ministry. Suhariyanto said more accurate forecasting meant government officials would not have to "waste energy" disputing rice data. In May, Indonesia ordered an additional 500,000 tonnes of rice

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imports after state food procurement agency Bulog reported shrinking stocks. Bulog has imported 1.8 million tonnes of rice this year from countries like Vietnam, Thailand and India. Despite lower than expected output, the government is yet to decide whether Indonesia will issue additional import quotas, said Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution. Nasution said a forecast surplus this year of 2.85 million tonnes of rice, based on estimated demand per capita last year and the current population, is much lower than in the past when the figure would reach 20 million tonnes. The latest method will employ satellite imagery and ground verification to measure areas under cultivation. Officers will do on-the-ground monitoring each month, said Suhariyanto, adding that this would increase transparency. Officers will visit more than 200,000 locations across Indonesia and input data into an Androidbased app to assess the rice growth phase. BPS's latest calculations showed Indonesia's rice cultivation area has fallen to 7.1 million hectares (17.5 million acres) this year, compared with 7.8 million hectares in a 2013 survey. Similar methods are due to be applied to assess Indonesia's corn production next year, said Suhariyanto. Syukur Iwantoro, secretary general at Indonesia's Agriculture Ministry, did not say why his ministry's data was so different but welcomed the "improvement" in data. "This has been proposed since the previous administration, but only this government dared to change the methodology," he told reporters. (Reporting by Bernadette Christina Munthe; additional reporting by Maikel Jefriando; writing by Fransiska Nangoy; editing by Ed Davies and Richard Pullin) https://www.agriculture.com/markets/newswire/indonesia-pledges-accurate-rice-data-to-combatvast-misreporting

DTI opens application for direct rice importation PRINCESS CLEA ARCELLAZ October 25, 2018

IN LINE with President Rodrigo Duterte‘s directive to allow unimpeded rice importations to tame inflation, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has opened the applications for direct importation of rice. In a statement sent to Sun.Star Pampanga, DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez said the agency is now ready to accept rice retailers or importers who want to have direct access to importation.

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Lopez said that application for the program dubbed as ―Presyong Risonable Dapat!‖ is open to rice retailers who can guarantee that selling price of rice will not exceed P38 per kilo and sugar, P50 per kilo. The DTI will be guided by "first come, first served" policy and each applicant will only be allowed to import a maximum of 20,000 metric tons to allow more retailers to participate in the program. To apply, retailers must submit a letter of intent addressed to Lopez indicating the desired volume in metric tons, the retailer‘s outlet and list of branches, a duly accomplished application form, a notarized undertaking form, and payment of appropriate tariff and other necessary fees. ―This importation scheme is also being implemented by the government to mitigate the effects of inflation on food prices,‖ said Lopez. Lopez stressed that submission of monthly inventory and sales report, and other such necessary reports will also be required to ensure compliance with the undertaking and the conditions set in the application. Interested applicants may submit the required documents to the Consumer Policy and Advocacy Bureau through their e-mail at cpab_pmu@dti.gov.ph. Deadline of submission of requirements will be on October 30,2018, said Lopez. https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1770987

Senators eye Rice Tariffication Law passage in December By Sarwell Meniano October 26, 2018, 5:32 pm

RICE TARRIFICATION BILL. Senator Juan Edgar Angara explains to Tacloban-based reporters the status of Rice Tariffication Bill in the Senate during the 10th 'Oktubafest' in Tacloban City . (Photo by Sarwell Q. Meniano)

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TACLOBAN CITY -- Senators are eyeing the passage of the Rice Tariffication Bill before the year ends as one of the measures to ensure stable supply of rice and provide safety net for local farmers. Senator Juan Edgar ―Sonny‖ Angara is confident the proposed law, which is now up for third and final reading in the Senate, will be signed by President Rodrigo Duterte by December. ―We give to private sector the power to import rice since only NFA (National Food Authority) and few traders are in control of rice importation. This measure will not allow the big traders to dictate the price of rice,‖ Angara told reporters. The law will ensure stable supply of rice in the market and generate more taxes from rice imports, Angara said. The Senate has started the interpolation of Senate Bill No. 1998 on September 19. The proposed bill replaces the quantitative import restriction on rice with tariffs and lifts the quantitative exports restrictions on rice. The measure has been certified as urgent by President Rodrigo Duterte in his recent State of the Nation Address. Senator Grace Poe, in a separate interview, said since rice tariffication will affect local producers, the bill has placed some safety nets to minimize losses among farmers. ―Collections from rice tariffs can be used as financial assistance to farmers‘ groups for the procurement of seedlings, fertilizers, pesticide, and other production support needs,‖ Poe told reporters. A key feature of the bill is the creation of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund or the Rice Fund with an initial appropriation of PHP10 billion sourced from the national budget until such time there is enough collection from tariff. The two senators were in this city Friday to join the 10th Oktubafest, the showcase of best local wine known as ―tuba‖ (coconut wine). The festival is the local version of the German beer fiesta known as ―Octoberfest.‖ Thousands of tuba producers, officials, and students gathered at the City‘s Astrodome for the annual event organized by An Waray Partylist. (PNA) http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1052238

Japanese firm seeks Cambodian rice supplier 11 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Sok Chan / Khmer Times A forklift moves sacs of rice in a warehouse in Phnom Penh. KT/Chor Sokunthea A Japanese firm is now scouring Cambodia for suppliers of fragrant rice, which it intends to ship home, where demand for Cambodian rice is on the rise, an official of the Cambodia Rice Federation said. Moul Sarith, CRF secretary-general, yesterday told Khmer Times that representatives of Tanaka Food Industry Corporation have approached his organisation in search of a partner that will supply them with Cambodian fragrant rice, whose reputation abroad continues to improve after a local brand took home this year‘s World‘s Best Rice award. Mr Sarith said that it is the first time the Japanese company looks for rice suppliers in the Kingdom. He said it imports around 100 tonnes of rice from Thailand a year. Japonica rice continues to be the most demanded variety in the Japanese market, but fragrant rice‘s share of that demand – 30 percent – is also significant, he added. He said farmers in the Kingdom are now beginning to plant Japonica to feed the Chinese, Korean and Japanese markets, but that this is being done at a small scale. ―The company has not told us how much they are interested in importing. So far, they just want us to arrange meetings with local suppliers, which is what we are doing,‖ Mr Sarith said. The Japanese government has a rice quota in place that limits its imports of the product to just 4,000 tonnes a year, Mr Sarith explained. ―If Japan increases its rice quota, the Cambodian government or CRF would negotiate with Japan to increase our shipments of rice,‖ Mr Sarith said. ―We could potentially grow more of the Japonica variety if demand from Japan were to increase,‖ he said. Mr Sarith said Cambodian rice is gaining popularity with consumers abroad, particularly after Cambodian premium fragrant rice Malys Angkor won the World‘s Best Rice award – the fourth time a Cambodian brand has taken home the award. The ceremony took place in Hanoi, Vietnam, during the World Rice Conference held on Oct 1012.Cambodian brands have been crowned the best in the contest on four occasions – in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2018. ―This recognition boosts our country‘s image, adds prestige to our rice, and gives us more exposure abroad,‖ Mr Sarith said. According to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture, Cambodia exported 389,264 tonnes of rice in the first nine months of 2018, a drop of 8.4 percent. China continues to be Cambodia‘s top export market. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50544119/japanese-firm-seeks-cambodian-rice-supplier/

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Chinese to Have More Indian Rice on Their Plates ASIA & PACIFIC

16:52 25.10.2018(updated 18:40 25.10.2018)

India has capitalized on the opportunity thrown up by the tariff war between the US and China since the beginning of 2018. Government data shows that during April-August 2018, India’s exports to China grew at an average of 52.9% yearon-year, subsequently helping India to reduce its trade deficit with China by $2.8 billion. Further liberalizing its policies on farm imports from India, China has allowed five more Indian rice mills to export rice to the country, bringing the total to 24 rice mills. The first 100-ton consignment of Indian non-basmati rice was shipped to China in September this year. "China is the world's largest producer and importer of rice and buys more than five million tons per year. There is potential for India to export one million ton of rice to China in a few years. India's total rice exports increased from 10.8 million ton a year earlier to 12.7 million tons last fiscal. This allowed India to retain the top slot in global trade of the commodity," India's Ministry of Commerce said in a statement.

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Tug of Trade War: India Sees Chance to Cash In on US-China Tariff Battle

The decision was taken after officials from China inspected rice mills that are capable of exporting nonbasmati rice to China. 19 rice mills and processing units were cleared for export to China in May this year.

"India is keen to export agri products like rice and sugar to China in order to bridge the widening trade deficit," the Commerce Ministry added. When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited China in June this year, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between China's General Administration of Customs and India's Department of Agriculture on phytosanitary requirements for exporting rice from India to China. Earlier this week, China also lifted a 7-year-old ban on import of rapeseed meal from India. The ban was imposed in 2011 and India's export of rapeseed meal was worth $161 million that year. India has a surplus of 500,000 tonnes of rapeseed meal for export every year. Rapeseed and soybean meals are used as a protein source for animal feed in China.

China imposed tariffs of 25% on a list of American products, including rapeseed meal and soybean meal, in July this year and subsequently removed tariffs on these products from five Asian countries, including India.

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Bloomberg reported on Wednesday that India's Commerce Ministry also planned to boost shipments of 200 more products to China. Besides, India also wants China to scrap levies on items including uncombed single cotton, castor oil, menthol, granite, diamonds and glass envelopes for picture tubes. https://sputniknews.com/asia/201810251069210373-indian-rice-chinese-plate/

Rice import takes its toll on local mills; 600 closed in Naogaon 


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UPDATE DATE - OCTOBER 26, 2018, 02:46 PM

Millers at a press conference in Naogaon recently. Photo: UNB Naogaon, Oct 26 (UNB) – More than 600 rice mills in the district have been closed due to staggering losses reportedly caused by rice import, leaving thousands of labourers out of job. Millers claimed that they have been compelled to roll back their business as the price of local rice dropped due to ‗unnecessary‘ import from India.

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According to the millers, they had taken loan, amounting to Tk 500 crore, from different banks and financial institutions for the development of their business, but they could not repay it due to sharp fall in the rice prices.

There are some 1,800 rice mills across the district. Of them, some 600 have been closed while 300 will be closed in the coming days if necessary steps are not taken immediately, the millers said. On October 7, the leaders of district Rice Mills Owners‘ Association sent a memorandum to the Commerce Minister through the deputy commissioner of the district after organising a press conference at Alupotti in the town. At the press conference, the millers described their sufferings caused by the ‗unnecessary‘ import of rice from the neighbouring country. They urged the authorities concerned to immediately stop the rice import to protect the interest of the local millers.

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They also urged the banks and financial institutions to bring the interest rate to nine percent as suggested by the government. Rafiqul Islam, president of district Rice Mills Owner Association, said the country experienced food shortage due to a natural disaster in the past years. ―Then the government cut down the import duty from 28 percent to two percent and opened the door for the importers to import huge rice to meet the local demand,‖ he said. The millers also said the government fixed bank interest rate at 9 percent for industries, but the local banks are still charging 12 to 14 percent interest from the rice millers. Although the farmers across the country have harvested bumper yield of rice this year, the government continues the rice import from India, said Rafiqul Islam. As a result, he said, around 80 percent of rice mills have been closed. ―This also makes the rice growers and farmers to face huge losses because customers are not interested to buy local rice,‖ the leader added. Contacted, district food officer Md Abdus Salam said this is not true that 80 percent mills in the district has been closed. ―Except the automatic rice mills, a section of mill owners, in fact, do seasonal businesses and keep their mills closed in other time,‖ he added. http://unb.com.bd/category/Special/rice-import-takes-its-toll-on-local-mills-600-closed-in-naogaon/5089

PM Narendra Modi bats for new technology in agriculture sector as he inaugurates ‘Krishi Kumbh’ in Lucknow By: PTI | Updated: October 26, 2018 7:30 PM:Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday inaugurated the 'Krishi

Kumbh' in Lucknow as he expressed hope that the event will pave the way for new technology to be imbibed in the agriculture sector.

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PM Narendra Modi bats for new technology in agriculture sector

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday expressed confidence that farmers would pave the way for new technology to be imbibed and hoped better opportunities would be created in the agriculture sector. Addressing the three-day ‗Krishi Kumbh‘ on its opening day here via video conferencing, Modi appreciated the UP government for its efforts in augmenting substantially, the procurement of foodgrains. He asserted that farmers are the ones who take the country forward. The prime minister reiterated the Centre‘s commitment to double the income of farmers by 2022. In this context, he mentioned the series of steps that the government is pursuing to reduce farm input costs and raise profits. He also mentioned that a large number of solar pumps will be installed in farms across the country in the near future. ―The Government is working to deliver the benefits of science to agriculture,‖ he said. Modi also said that the Rice Research Centre being set up in Varanasi, is a step in this direction.

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The Prime Minister spoke of the importance of value addition in farming and mentioned the steps being taken in the food processing sector. He said that after the Green Revolution, emphasis now is on milk production, honey production and also on poultry and fisheries. The PM called for discussions on matters such as judicious use of water resources, better technology for storage and use of latest technology in farming, during the Krishi Kumbh. Amid concerns over rising level of air pollution in the national capital, Modi emphasised on the need to evolve new technologies and ways that will help eliminate the need for farmers to burn crop stubble. Speaking on the occasion Union Agriculture minister Radhmohan Singh said, ―Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country is transforming at a fast pace. With doubling of their income by 2022, the farmers of the country will be strengthened.‖ The three-day Krishi Kumbh is a high profile conglomeration of farmers, scientists, industrialists, research institutions and policy makers to generate awareness among farmers, to define latest technologies and to showcase the business opportunities in agro processing for business houses. The event is spread in an area of over 13 hectares for showcasing the best agro practices in the country. It will provide an opportunity to the stakeholders to understand the requirements of each other for investment benefits. UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said, ―The production potential of our soil is that it can fulfill the food requirements of the entire world. However, it could not be realised primarily due to lack of techniques and awareness. If the farmers who have assembled at the Krishi Kumbh can gain knowledge from international experts, and implement them, then there is no doubt that the income of the farmers will be doubled by 2022.‖ UP Agriculture minister Surya Pratap Shahi said nearly 2.5 crore farmers from UP are likely to be benfitted from the Krishi Kumbh. ―Development of farmers in UP, will eventually result in development of farmers in the country,‖ he said. https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/pm-narendra-modi-bats-for-new-technology-in-agriculturesector-as-he-inaugurates-krishi-kumbh-in-lucknow/1362438/

Pacific Northwest Welcomes Think Rice Road Trip 19 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


By Michael Klein LAKE OSWEGO, OR - The second of three legs of the Think Rice Road Trip wrapped up here this weekend after traveling another 1,000 miles, conducting 10 more consumer events, and distributing 800 rice cookers and samples of U.S.-grown rice to consumers in Washington and Oregon. The effort is part of a new, highly-unusual consumer campaign that has USA Rice promotion teams traveling the countryside, interacting directly with consumers and handing out Aroma rice cookers, U.S.-grown rice, recipes, cooking tips, and more to crowds hungry for information, and just plain hungry. "We've seen a spike in our social media followers on this trip and that has translated to people actually physically following us and our truck around," said Deborah Willenborg, director of communications for USA Rice and one of the four drivers on this leg. "In Seattle, people saw us arrive in one of the neighborhoods more than an hour before a scheduled event and they started calling and texting friends and family - we were swarmed before we had time to fully set up; the Seattle Police and staff from Occidental Park actually had to help us with crowd control!" The team also received positive receptions at the three farmers markets they visited: the Capitol Hill Farmers Market in Seattle, the Woodlawn Farmers Market in Portland, and the Oregon City Farmers Market in Oregon City. The latter two heavily promoted the truck and the event on social media channels.

"We were about 20 minutes behind schedule for Oregon City and a line had formed where we were going to be set up," said Katie Maher director of strategic initiatives for USA Rice and one of the team drivers. "When the truck turned the corner and came into sight of the market, we actually heard a cheer go up!" As on the previous leg, college students continued to be a receptive target audience and the Think Rice truck held an event on campus at the University of Washington. "These kids may have initially been drawn to us because they heard there was something free, but they stayed and engaged with us, asking sophisticated questions about trade policy and agriculture and the environment," explained Asiha Grigsby, manager of International Promotions who was loaned to the Domestic Promotion team for this trip and is actually an alumna of the University. "They are young consumers, probably out on their own for the first time, and forming brand loyalties that will last them a lifetime. That event was a really good one."

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The team also held an event outside a QFC Supermarket in Seattle where they were able to educate both consumers on their way into the store, as well as store employees who are now more knowledgeable third-party messengers for the U.S. rice industry. The Think Rice Truck has made its way to northern California and the team will pick up in rice country on November 9 for the final leg, pushing through to San Diego, where it will be on display at the USA Rice Outlook Conference. You can continue to follow along using #RideWithRice on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Wild elephant steals rice from farmer's home By Ben Hooper

Oct. 22 (UPI) -- A family in India who noticed food going missing from their farm decided to hold a stake out and captured video of the culprit -- a wild elephant.

The Natarajan family in Thadagam, Coimbatore, said they noticed vegetables, fruits and grains stored outside their home were being stolen over night, so they left some rice out Saturday night and hid nearby to keep watch.

The family ended up capturing video of the thief: a wild elephant known to locals as Vinayaka.

The elephant fled when the family shouted at it for stealing the rice.

Members of the family said the elephant had accidentally eaten some fertilizer while stealing the rice. https://www.upi.com/Wild-elephant-steals-rice-from-farmers-home/7471540234020/


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By Bernadette Christina Munthe JAKARTA, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Indonesia's statistics agency is introducing technology such as satellite imagery combined with app-based, on-the-ground checks to more accurately estimate rice production after huge discrepancies in official data. Previously, agriculture officials have admitted to routinely inflating rice harvest data to present a rosy picture to the government or win subsidies, often leading to last-minute imports once shortages became apparent. (https://reut.rs/2RakYLz) The supply of the staple food is politically sensitive and surging prices in the past have triggered civil unrest, while importing rice tends to be criticised by farmers and the opposition given selfsufficiency targets. Under its new methodology, the statistics agency (BPS) this week estimated 2018 unhusked (unprocessed) rice production at 56.5 million tonnes, far below the agriculture ministry's 83 million tonne estimate in September. The BPS stopped publishing rice data in 2016 and has been working to improve its reliability. The head of the agency conceded that in recent decades many people had felt its data was "inaccurate". "Now we can have future projections that are more accurate, so policy planning can be more focused and on target," BPS Chief Suhariyanto, who uses one name, told reporters. Processed rice output this year is estimated at 32.4 million tonnes by the BPS, against an estimate of 48.3 million tonnes put forward previously by the agriculture ministry. Suhariyanto said more accurate forecasting meant government officials would not have to "waste energy" disputing rice data. In May, Indonesia ordered an additional 500,000 tonnes of rice imports after state food procurement agency Bulog reported shrinking stocks. Bulog has imported 1.8 million tonnes of rice this year from countries like Vietnam, Thailand and India. Despite lower than expected output, the government is yet to decide whether Indonesia will issue additional import quotas, said Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution. Nasution said a forecast surplus this year of 2.85 million tonnes of rice, based on estimated demand per capita last year and the current population, is much lower than in the past when the figure would reach 20 million tonnes. The latest method will employ satellite imagery and ground verification to measure areas under cultivation. Officers will do on-the-ground monitoring each month, said Suhariyanto, adding that this would increase transparency.

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Officers will visit more than 200,000 locations across Indonesia and input data into an Androidbased app to assess the rice growth phase. BPS's latest calculations showed Indonesia's rice cultivation area has fallen to 7.1 million hectares (17.5 million acres) this year, compared with 7.8 million hectares in a 2013 survey. Similar methods are due to be applied to assess Indonesia's corn production next year, said Suhariyanto. Syukur Iwantoro, secretary general at Indonesia's Agriculture Ministry, did not say why his ministry's data was so different but welcomed the "improvement" in data. "This has been proposed since the previous administration, but only this government dared to change the methodology," he told reporters. (Reporting by Bernadette Christina Munthe; additional reporting by Maikel Jefriando; writing by Fransiska Nangoy; editing by Ed Davies and Richard Pullin) https://www.agriculture.com/markets/newswire/indonesia-pledges-accurate-rice-data-to-combat-vastmisreporting

Japanese firm seeks Cambodian rice supplier Sok Chan / Khmer Times

A forklift moves sacs of rice in a warehouse in Phnom Penh. KT/Chor Sokunthea

A Japanese firm is now scouring Cambodia for suppliers of fragrant rice, which it intends to ship home, where demand for Cambodian rice is on the rise, an official of the Cambodia Rice Federation said. Moul Sarith, CRF secretary-general, yesterday told Khmer Times that representatives of Tanaka Food Industry Corporation have approached his organisation in search of a partner that will supply them with Cambodian fragrant rice, whose reputation abroad continues to improve after a local brand took home this year‘s World‘s Best Rice award. Mr Sarith said that it is the first time the Japanese company looks for rice suppliers in the Kingdom. He said it imports around 100 tonnes of rice from Thailand a year. Japonica rice continues to be the most demanded variety in the Japanese market, but fragrant rice‘s share of that demand – 30 percent – is also significant, he added. He said farmers in the Kingdom are now beginning to plant Japonica to feed the Chinese, Korean and Japanese markets, but that this is being done at a small scale.

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―The company has not told us how much they are interested in importing. So far, they just want us to arrange meetings with local suppliers, which is what we are doing,‖ Mr Sarith said. The Japanese government has a rice quota in place that limits its imports of the product to just 4,000 tonnes a year, Mr Sarith explained. ―If Japan increases its rice quota, the Cambodian government or CRF would negotiate with Japan to increase our shipments of rice,‖ Mr Sarith said. ―We could potentially grow more of the Japonica variety if demand from Japan were to increase,‖ he said. Mr Sarith said Cambodian rice is gaining popularity with consumers abroad, particularly after Cambodian premium fragrant rice Malys Angkor won the World‘s Best Rice award – the fourth time a Cambodian brand has taken home the award. The ceremony took place in Hanoi, Vietnam, during the World Rice Conference held on Oct 1012. Cambodian brands have been crowned the best in the contest on four occasions – in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2018. ―This recognition boosts our country‘s image, adds prestige to our rice, and gives us more exposure abroad,‖ Mr Sarith said. According to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture, Cambodia exported 389,264 tonnes of rice in the first nine months of 2018, a drop of 8.4 percent. China continues to be Cambodia‘s top export market. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50544119/japanese-firm-seeks-cambodian-rice-supplier/

Flood Destroys 120,000 Hectares of Rice Farms in Jigawa October 26, 2018 4:27 am

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Ibrahim Shuaibu in Dutse Jigawa State Government yesterday stated that flood ravaged 120,000 hectares of farmlands in the state this year, while a number of villages were also submerged by water. The State Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Alhaji Kabiru Ali, told journalists in his office that 140, 000 farmers in the state were affected. The commissioner disclosed this when he received the Sasakawa Global (SG) 2000 Country Director, Professor Sani Miko, who visited the state in continuation of SG 2000 media field day tour.

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According to him, ―A lot of villages were submerged, schools were closed and in some areas, you see classrooms filled with water. ―Most of the crops along the river banks, including rice, sourgham, cowpea, groundnut and millet were destroyed by the flood,‖ he added. The commissioner also explained that the state government had already procured improved seeds worth N500 million for immediate distribution to farmers to enable them plant them during the dry season farming. He called on the Sasakawa Global 2000 to come to the aid of farmers in the state especially in the area of granting credit facility to farmers as well as capacity building for extension workers to enhance their performance. According to him, most of the local farmers are poor and they needed support to enable them remain in the farming business. In his remarks, Miko expressed the readiness of the organisation to expand the area of collaboration between it and Jigawa goverment to boost agricultural production in the state. Miko said Sasakawa Global 2000 would introduce ‗Climate Smart Agriculture‘ to overcome some of the challenges being faced by the state in view of the fact that the state is prone to desertification. ―We will intervene through the introduction of early maturing crops to cushion the effect of the flood disaster suffered by the farmers in the state‖. https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2018/10/26/flood-destroys-120000-hectares-of-rice-farms-injigawa/

Rice Prices 26 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


as on : 26-10-2018 10:40:48 AM Arrivals in tonnes;prices in Rs/quintal in domestic market. Arrivals Current

Price % change

Season cumulative


Prev. Modal

Prev.Yr %change

Rice Cachar(ASM)































































Published on October 26, 2018


Working With China To Grow Our Rice Industry 27 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Economic and Commercial Councillor from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Li Zhi and the Ministry of Agriculture's deputy secretary (Agriculture Development) Jone Sovalawa. Photo: DEPTFO News

October 26 11:002018 by DEPTFO News The Ministry of Agriculture in an effort to strengthen Fiji‘s Rice Industry recently signed a contract with the Yuan Longping High – Tech Agriculture Company Limited of China to continue with the second phase of the rice project between the two countries. As part of the contract a number of Chinese Rice Experts specialising in different fields will work closely with agriculture officials in Fiji which will see planting experiment and promotion of high quality hybrid rice varieties from China. Ministry of Agriculture‘s deputy secretary (Agriculture Development) Jone Sovalawa, while signing the contract, thanked the Government of the People‘s Republic of China in regards to the past assistance and cordial relationship between the two countries especially to the Ministry of Agriculture in relation to rice development and capacity building program over the last five years.

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Mr Sovalawa said the Ministry of Agriculture was ready to work together with the Chinese team to ensure the rice production is increased and expanded to potential rice growing areas in Vanua Levu and Viti Levu. During Phase II of the project, a specialised Machinery Expert would also be part of the team who will look into the issues in regards to machinery repairs and availability of spare parts. It is also expected that seed quality system would be established and also provide agro inputs/spare parts and technical services to the Fiji National Rice Breeding Laboratory. Mr Sovalawa said that two new hybrid rice varieties will also be introduced which will assist in maximising rice production. ―I look forward to a successful partnership between the Chinese experts and Ministry of Agriculture rice team in lifting Fiji‘s rice sector to a new level,‖ he said. Fiji continues to import about $40 million worth of rice every year and Ministry of Agriculture is fully confident that cooperation like this will assist in the increased rice production in Fiji. Source: DEPTFO News Feedback: jyotip@fijisun.com.fj http://fijisun.com.fj/2018/10/26/working-with-china-to-grow-our-rice-industry/

Partnership to strengthen rice industry FILIPE NAIGULEVU 26 October, 2018, 5:00 am

Economic and Commercial Councillor Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in Fiji Li Zhi and Deputy Secretary Agriculture Development Jone Sovalawa. Picture: SUPPLIED FIJI‘S Ministry of Agriculture recently signed a contract with a Chinese company in an effort to strengthen Fiji‘s rice industry. The ministry sealed the deal with Yuan Longping High – Tech Agriculture Company Ltd to continue with the second phase of the rice project between the two countries. As part of the contract, a number of Chinese rice experts specialising in different fields will work closely with agriculture officials in Fiji which will see planting experiment and promotion of high quality hybrid rice varieties from China.

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Ministry of Agriculture‘s deputy secretary (agriculture development) Jone Sovalawa said the ministry of Agriculture was ready to work together with the Chinese team to ensure the rice production is increased and expanded to potential rice growing areas in Vanua Levu and Viti Levu. He also thanked the Government of the People‘s Republic of China for the past assistance and cordial relationship between the two countries – particularly the Ministry of Agriculture in relation to rice development and capacity building program over the last five years. During the Phase II of the project, a specialised machinery expert will also be part of the team who will look into the issues in regards to machinery repairs and availability of spare parts. It is also expected that seed quality system will be established and also provide agro inputs/spare parts and technical services to the Fiji National Rice Breeding Laboratory. Mr Sovalawa said two new hybrid rice varieties would also be introduced which would assist in maximising rice production. ―I look forward to a successful partnership between the Chinese Experts and Ministry of Agriculture rice team in lifting Fiji‘s rice sector to a new level,‖ he said. Fiji continues to import about $40million worth of rice every year and Ministry of Agriculture is fully confident that cooperation like this will assist in the increased rice production in Fiji.


Secretary Sonny Perdue appoints new members to USDA NAREEE Advisory Board 

U.S. Department of Agriculture

WASHINGTON, DC — On Oct. 24, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced the appointment of 10 members to serve on the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board. ―These members of the NAREEE Advisory Board help ensure that our work at USDA is factsbased, data-driven, and customer-focused,‖ Perdue said. ―They bring real-world knowledge and expertise that is invaluable to our efforts.‖

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The NAREEE Board regularly advises the secretary and land-grant colleges and universities on top national priorities and policies related to food and agricultural research, education, extension, and economics. The Board‘s main objective is to contribute to effective federal agricultural research, education and economics programs through broad stakeholder feedback and sound science. Board members also perform an annual review of the relevance of the research, education, economics, and extension programs at USDA and the adequacy of funding for those programs. The 10 appointees announced today will serve three-year terms that expire September 30. They are (the category of stakeholder that each represents is noted in parentheses): Lisabeth Hobart, government relations manager, GROWMARK Inc., Bloomington, Ill. (Category B. Farm Cooperatives). Chalmers Carr III, owner, Titan Farms, Ridge Spring, S.C. (Category D. Plant Commodity Producer). Dr. Edmund Buckner, dean and director, land grant programs, Alcorn State University, Lorman, Miss. (Category E. National Aquaculture Association). Dr. John Coupland, professor of food science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. (Category H. National Food Science Organization). Dr. Sarah Francis, associate professor of human sciences, nutrition and wellness, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Category J. National Nutritional Science Society). Dr. David Baltensperger, department head, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (Category K. 1862 Land-Grant Colleges and Universities). Dr. James Allan, executive director of the School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Ariz. (Category V. National Forestry Group).

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Chad Ellis, industry relations, manager, Noble Research Institute, Ardmore, Okla. (Category W. National Conservation or Natural Resource Groups). Dr. Robert Zeigler, director general and CEO emeritus, International Rice Research Institute, Portland, Ore. (Category X. Private Sector Organization involved in International Development). Dr. Jayson Lusk, department head, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. (Category Y. National Social Science Association). Each of the 25 NAREEE Advisory Board members represents a specific category of U.S. Agricultural stakeholders as outlined in the Agricultural Act of 2014. The categories include farming or ranching, food production and processing, forestry research, crop and animal science, land-grant institutions, non-land grant college or university with a historic commitment to research in the food and agricultural sciences, food retailing and marketing, rural economic development, and natural resource and consumer interest groups, among many others. Each member serves a 2-3 year appointment. Terms for members overlap so that approximately onethird of the Board is replaced and/or reappointed each year. For additional information, please contact Michele Esch, Executive Director, NAREEE Advisory Board, Room 332A, Jamie L. Whitten Building, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-0321, Telephone: 202-720-3684, Fax: 202720-6199, or e-mail: nareee@ars.usda.gov or visit our website at nareeeab.ree.usda.gov https://www.farmforum.net/farm_forum/secretary-sonny-perdue-appoints-new-members-to-usda-nareeeadvisory/article_34d5241e-b008-5ef5-956e-23c965a7a9c0.html

PM Narendra Modi bats for new technology in agriculture sector as he inaugurates ‘Krishi Kumbh’ in Lucknow By: PTI | Updated: October 26, 2018 7:30 PM:Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday inaugurated the 'Krishi

Kumbh' in Lucknow as he expressed hope that the event will pave the way for new technology to be imbibed in the agriculture sector. PM Narendra Modi bats for new technology in agriculture sector

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday expressed confidence that farmers would pave the way for new technology to be imbibed and hoped better opportunities would be created in the agriculture sector. Addressing the three-day ‗Krishi Kumbh‘ on its opening day here via video conferencing, Modi appreciated the UP government for its efforts in augmenting substantially, the procurement of foodgrains. He asserted that farmers are the ones who take the country forward. The prime minister reiterated the Centre‘s commitment to double the income of farmers by 2022. In this context, he mentioned the series of steps that the government is pursuing to reduce farm input costs and raise profits. He also mentioned that a large number of solar pumps will be installed in farms across the country in the near future. ―The Government is working to deliver the benefits of science to agriculture,‖ he said. Modi also said that the Rice Research Centre being set up in Varanasi, is a step in this direction. The Prime Minister spoke of the importance of value addition in farming and mentioned the steps being taken in the food processing sector.

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He said that after the Green Revolution, emphasis now is on milk production, honey production and also on poultry and fisheries. The PM called for discussions on matters such as judicious use of water resources, better technology for storage and use of latest technology in farming, during the Krishi Kumbh. Amid concerns over rising level of air pollution in the national capital, Modi emphasised on the need to evolve new technologies and ways that will help eliminate the need for farmers to burn crop stubble. Speaking on the occasion Union Agriculture minister Radhmohan Singh said, ―Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country is transforming at a fast pace. With doubling of their income by 2022, the farmers of the country will be strengthened.‖ The three-day Krishi Kumbh is a high profile conglomeration of farmers, scientists, industrialists, research institutions and policy makers to generate awareness among farmers, to define latest technologies and to showcase the business opportunities in agro processing for business houses. The event is spread in an area of over 13 hectares for showcasing the best agro practices in the country. It will provide an opportunity to the stakeholders to understand the requirements of each other for investment benefits. UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said, ―The production potential of our soil is that it can fulfill the food requirements of the entire world. However, it could not be realised primarily due to lack of techniques and awareness. If the farmers who have assembled at the Krishi Kumbh can gain knowledge from international experts, and implement them, then there is no doubt that the income of the farmers will be doubled by 2022.‖ UP Agriculture minister Surya Pratap Shahi said nearly 2.5 crore farmers from UP are likely to be benfitted from the Krishi Kumbh. ―Development of farmers in UP, will eventually result in development of farmers in the country,‖ he said. Get live Stock Prices from BSE and NSE and latest NAV, portfolio of Mutual Funds, calculate your tax by Income Tax Calculator, know market‘s Top Gainers, Top Losers & Best Equity Funds. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/pm-narendra-modi-bats-for-new-technology-in-agriculturesector-as-he-inaugurates-krishi-kumbh-in-lucknow/1362438/

34 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Govt taking series of steps to reduce input costs & raise profits for farmers:PM New Delhi | Friday, Oct 26 2018 IST Reiterating the Union Government's commitment to double the income of farmers by 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that the Government is taking a series of steps to reduce input costs and raise profits.Addressing the Krishi Kumbh in Lucknow, via video conference, the PM said that a large number of solar pumps will be installed in farms across the country in the near future. He said the Government is working to deliver the benefits of science to agriculture. He said the Rice Research Centre being set up in Varanasi, is a step in this direction. Speaking of the importance of value addition in farming, the PM mentioned the steps being taken in the Food Processing Sector.. He said that after the Green Revolution, the emphasis now is on milk production, honey production, and also on poultry and fisheries.The Prime Minister expressed confidence that this gathering of farmers would pave the way for new technology to be imbibed and better opportunities to be created in the agriculture sector.The Prime Minister appreciated the State Government of Uttar Pradesh, for its efforts in augmenting substantially, the procurement of foodgrains. The Prime Minister called for discussions on matters such as judicious use of water resources, better technology for storage, and use of latest technology in farming, during this Krishi Kumbh. He emphasized the need to evolve new technologies and ways that will help eliminate the need for farmers to burn crop stubble. https://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/India/20181026/3462250.html

Basmati price firms up on weak rupee, low carryover stock By Parshant Krar, ET Bureau| Oct 26, 2018, 05.58 PM IST Traders are shelling out higher price for paddy also as low output last year had depleted the carryover stock. Chandigarh: Basmati paddy price is ruling around 20% higher in India 35 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m , mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com

compared with last year due to the depreciating rupee, the government‘s decision to increase the minimum support price for non-basmati rice and a low carryover stock. The price is likely to firm up further as sentiment from global markets is positive and traders are keen to replenish stocks. Farmers in Haryana are selling their early basmati paddy — the aromatic long-grain rice in its unshelled form — at Rs 30-31 per kilogram compared with Rs 25-26 last year. The price has increased 10% in the last one week as arrival of the basmati 1509 variety is coming to an end and the premium 1121 variety is likely to reach the markets in the coming weeks. Exporters are struggling to honour their advance export commitments as the basmati output is expected to miss previous estimates due to untimely rains, a Karnal-based rice exporter told ET. India exports much of its basmati output and the fall in the local currency‘s value means more income in rupees against their earnings in foreign currency. The countryon average ships about 4 million tonnes of the premium rice annually to more than 120 countries. The bulk of it goes to the Gulf nations, including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Exports are expected to pick up now as Saudi Arabia, the second largest importer from India, decided to withhold the stringent minimum residue levels rules. Shipments to Saudi had taken a hit after Riyadh sought undertakings from exporters on the minimum residue levels in their consignments. Prospects have improved to export to the US and Europe as well, with farmers cutting down on the use of pesticides and insecticides on the crop this year to conform to new residue regulations. ―The sentiments from global exports markets are positive for basmati export from India,‖ said AK Gupta, director of the Basmati Export Development Fund, an arm of the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority. Gupta attributed the higher price to the base price effect in the Indian rice industry, after the government increased the MSP for nonbasmati rice to supplement the income of farmers. Traders are shelling out higher price for paddy also as low output last year had depleted the carryover stock. The crop area had witnessed an 8-9% fall in Punjab, the second largest producer of the premium rice, in the previous season as remuneration for farmers had come down due to adverse financial conditions in the global market. ―There is not much carryover stock left in the current year and exporters are ready to pay higher price to replenish their stocks,‖ a Delhi-based exporter said. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/commodities/news/basmati-price-firms-up-onweak-rupee-low-carryover-stock/articleshow/66379767.cms

36 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


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