31st December,2018 Daily Global Regional Local Rice E-Newlsetter

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December 31 ,2018 Vol 9 ,Issue 12

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The return of the native rice variety M Soundariya Preetha DECEMBER 30, 2018 21:32 IST

Farmers benefit from low input costs R. Yuvasenthilkumar, a post-graduate in organic agriculture, near Modakurichi in Tamil Nadu, used to raise paddy varieties such as IR 20 and ADT 38 on his two-acre farm till 2012. Having developed an interest in native varieties — specifically, ones that grow without the use of fertilizers — he went on a quest for almost a year looking for such paddy varieties. He tried cultivating varieties from the delta areas. However, the yield was not satisfactory. Then, he learnt from elders in his locality that before the 1970s, they used to grow varieties such as Tiruchengode Sambha and Ayan Sambha. However, the seeds for these varieties were not available locally. In 2014, he got 50 gm of seed imported by the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University from the International Rice Research Institute, Manila, for each of the 33 varieties native to the middle Cauvery basin. The seeds were tried out and it was decided to go in for Tiruchengode Sambha and Ayan Sambha. In four years, 45 acres belonging to 12 farmers came under the Tiruchengode Sambha native variety of rice in the Erode-Kodumudi-Tiruchengode belt. Last year, the variety was grown on 11 acres for commercial use. The average yield per acre was 1,700 kg and it was a 135-day crop. ―We do not use even green manure,‖ he said. This year, this variety of paddy would be raised on 33.8 acres for commercial purposes. Farmers are able to get viable price for this rice in the market. One of the advantages for them is that they do not have to spend on fertilizers or pesticides. The paddy straw, got after the harvest, is almost double the quantity compared with the normal varieties, he said.

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One more variety Mr. Yuvasenthilkumar and a group of his friends formed the River Basin Foundation in 2014 mainly to promote the native varieties. This year, they have sown Ayan Sambha on one acre on a trial basis. Native varieties of paddy are highly localised. They grow in a particular area during a particular season in a year. For instance, for the Tiruchengode Sambha, the seeds should be sown between August 15 and October 15, he claims. The foundation plans to promote native varieties of paddy, pulses and oilseeds by identifying interested farmers and expanding area under these. It helps sustain the local varieties, he says. According to B. Shivakumar, a businessman-turned agriculturist and founder of Madras Iyer Thottam, who grows several traditional varieties of vegetables on 12 of his 70-acre farm in Sathyamangalam, yield in terms of number of vegetables per kg is higher in these varieties. For instance, one kg of traditional brinjal will have 40 to 45 pieces against 18 to 20 in a hybrid variety grown with chemicals. He switched over to organic cultivation and traditional varieties over three years ago. ―In the case of brinjal, we tried six to seven varieties and decided to go in for the Sathyamangalam brinjal as it is the most accepted and disease resistant,‖ he says. Farmers will not spend on fertilizers or pesticides and the price realisation for the produce is also relatively higher in the market. ―The nutritional value is high in these varieties of vegetables and farmers will gain in the medium to long term,‖ he says. https://www.thehindu.com/business/agri-business/agribusiness/article25866472.ece

From 'rice bunny' to 'back up the car': China's year of censorship Online freedom has come under sustained assault from Beijing in 2018, with references to Xi Jinping’s new powers among the prohibited phrases Lily Kuo

Mon 31 Dec 2018 02.00 GMT

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Social media companies have helped the internet crackdown, promising to police ‗harmful information‘. Illustration: Getty/Guardian Design Team China stepped up its campaign in 2018 to control what news and information its citizens can see. While censors continued heavyhanded control for any content deemed dangerous for social stability, including Peppa Pig videos and the letter ―n‖, regulators also deployed more sophisticated methods, going beyond Chinese social media and working harder to curate and shape what Chinese residents consume. Authorities have been forcing activists on Twitter to delete their accountsand shutting down the social media accounts of university professors. Apolitical content is coming under more scrutiny. In October, almost 10,000 social media accounts for outlets publishing entertainment and celebrity news were closed. The country‘s largest internet companies have also stepped up self-censorship. The messaging platform WeChat issued a statement in November, promising to step up its policing of ―politically harmful information‖ while in April, the boss of Jinri Toutiao, a content aggregator, issued a public apology more similar to self-criticisms in Mao Zedong‘s era. WeChat groups were regularly shut down and users sending messages to friends often found themselves the victim of censorship when their messages appear not to go through. ―WeChat group takedowns and news item deletions are happening with greater regularity across a shifting slate of topics,‖ said Rui Zhong, a programme assistant at the Kissinger Institute on China. These were some of the banned phrases this year: ‘Amend the constitution’ At the March annual meeting of China‘s national legislature, lawmakers voted almost unanimously to abolish term limits for the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, allowing him to stay in power indefinitely. In the leadup to the meeting and afterwards, phrases like ―amend the constitution‖, ―I don‘t agree‖, ―proclaiming oneself emperor‖ and the letter ―n‖ were censored. ―Emigration‖ and ―Winnie the Pooh‖, a reference to Xi that has been censored off and on over the years, was also blocked. ‘Back up the car’ In September, Chinese economist Wu Xiaoping released a controversial commentary arguing that the utility of the country‘s private sector had been exhausted and such companies should now step aside.

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Commentators quickly criticised Wu‘s proposal as ―driving history backwards‖ to a time of a command economy. As a result, the term ―back up the car‖ was also censored. In addition to domestic issues, Chinese regulators also tried to limit how much the US-China trade war was discussed, and censored certain types of articles and comments on US vicepresident Mike Pence‘s polemical speechon China, and the arrest of senior Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. ―Censorship focus shifted from local issues to China‘s global image, foreign affairs and economy,‖ said King-wa Fu, head of Weiboscope and WeChatscope at Hong Kong University‘s School of Journalism and media studies, a project analysing Chinese censorship. ‘Rice bunny’ In January, a woman named Luo Xixi published allegations against a professor who forced himself on her when she was a student 12 years ago. Inspired by her account and the subsequent firing of the professor, other women began posting under the hashtag #MeToo or in Chinese version, woyeshi #我也是 . When that phrase was censored, internet users began using a homonym mitu#米兔 or ―rice bunny‘. That too was blocked. Still the movement expanded and has led to revelations against professors, journalists, heads of NGOs, the head of a large Buddhist monastery and a wellknown CCTV host. ‘Quangong carbon leakage’ In November, officials in Quanggang in the southern Fujian province reported a spillage of C9, a crude oil that is toxic to humans, off the coast of Fujian. Local residents posted photos and accounts online of residents being sent to the hospital, arguing that the leak was more serious than officials claimed. Internet searches for ―Xiamen Quangong carbon leakage‖ were blocked and video and posts related to the spill were deleted. Officials initially reported that only seven tonnes of the chemical were dumped into the water. At a press conference later that month authorities admitted that almost 70 tonnes had been spilled. As 2018 draws to a close…. … we‘re asking readers to make an end of year or ongoing contribution in support of The Guardian‘s independent journalism. Three years ago we set out to make The Guardian sustainable by deepening our relationship with our readers. The same technologies that connected us with a global audience had also shifted advertising revenues away from news publishers. We decided to seek an approach that would allow us to keep our journalism open and accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live or what they can afford.

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More than one million readers have now supported our independent, investigative journalism through contributions, membership or subscriptions, which has played such an important part in helping The Guardian overcome a perilous financial situation globally. We want to thank you for all of your support. But we have to maintain and build on that support for every year to come. Sustained support from our readers enables us to continue pursuing difficult stories in challenging times of political upheaval, when factual reporting has never been more critical. The Guardian is editorially independent – our journalism is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians or shareholders. No one edits our editor. No one steers our opinion. This is important because it enables us to give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful and hold them to account. Readers‘ support means we can continue bringing The Guardian‘s independent journalism to the world. Please make an end of year contribution today to help us deliver the independent journalism the world needs for 2019 and beyond. Support The Guardian from as little as £1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/31/from-rice-bunny-to-back-up-the-car-chinasyear-of-censorship

China Green Light on U.S. Rice Seen as ‘Goodwill’ Trade Gesture Stock Markets11 hours ago (Dec 30, 2018 07:20PM ET)

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© Reuters. China Green Light on U.S. Rice Seen as ‗Goodwill‘ Trade Gesture

(Bloomberg) -- China, the world‘s top rice producer and consumer, is allowing imports of the grain from the U.S. in a move seen as ―a goodwill gesture‖ while negotiations continue to resolve a trade war between the two countries. Registered U.S. suppliers can export rice to the Asian country with effect from Dec. 27, according to a statement from China‘s customs administration on Friday. That follows the conclusion of a phytosanitary agreement and comes before a resumption of bilateral trade discussions in China in January. ―This is a goodwill gesture from the Chinese government before the talks,‖ said Ma Wenfeng, an analyst with Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant Co. But U.S. prices are not competitive compared with supplies from Thailand and Vietnam, China‘s main suppliers, and import volumes will probably be limited, said Ma. U.S. supplies would also still be subject to retaliatory tariffs. 7|www.riceplusmagazine.blogspot.com , mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com

China is the world‘s biggest rice importer, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with purchases estimated at 5 million metric tons in the 2018-19 year. Seven U.S. suppliers have registered to export to China, including Farmers‘ Rice Cooperative and American Commodity Company LLC, China‘s customs said in a separate statement. To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Niu Shuping in Beijing at nshuping@bloomberg.net To contact the editors responsible for this story: Anna Kitanaka at akitanaka@bloomberg.net, James Poole

China Green Light on U.S. Rice Seen as ‘Goodwill’ Trade Gesture Stock Markets11 hours ago (Dec 30, 2018 07:)

© Reuters. China Green Light on U.S. Rice Seen as ‗Goodwill‘ Trade Gesture

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(Bloomberg) -- China, the world‘s top rice producer and consumer, is allowing imports of the grain from the U.S. in a move seen as ―a goodwill gesture‖ while negotiations continue to resolve a trade war between the two countries. Registered U.S. suppliers can export rice to the Asian country with effect from Dec. 27, according to a statement from China‘s customs administration on Friday. That follows the conclusion of a phytosanitary agreement and comes before a resumption of bilateral trade discussions in China in January. ―This is a goodwill gesture from the Chinese government before the talks,‖ said Ma Wenfeng, an analyst with Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant Co. But U.S. prices are not competitive compared with supplies from Thailand and Vietnam, China‘s main suppliers, and import volumes will probably be limited, said Ma. U.S. supplies would also still be subject to retaliatory tariffs. China is the world‘s biggest rice importer, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with purchases estimated at 5 million metric tons in the 2018-19 year. Seven U.S. suppliers have registered to export to China, including Farmers‘ Rice Cooperative and American Commodity Company LLC, China‘s customs said in a separate statement. To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Niu Shuping in Beijing at nshuping@bloomberg.net To contact the editors responsible for this story: Anna Kitanaka at akitanaka@bloomberg.net, James Poole

Government working on ease of living while keeping middlemen at bay: Modi Government working on ease of living while keeping middlemen at bay: Modi Varanasi, Dec 29 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the Central and state governments are working full-time to ensure that all projects and schemes rolled out are centred around ease of living and ease of doing business besides keeping middlemen at bay.

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Addressing a summit of the ‗One District One Project‘ (ODOP) in his parliamentary constituency, the Prime Minister said that ODOP was an extension of Make in India with the potential of ―firmly placing Uttar Pradesh on the world map‖. In an oblique reference to the Congress regime, the Prime Minister said his government was committed to keeping middlemen away by making necessary changes in the government system by making it more transparent. He asked people if ―some people were being troubled because of a tradition of allowing the middlemen.‖ When the gathering responded with an applause, Modi said for the prosperity of the nation, some pain has to be borne to keep middleman at bay. He also lauded the Union telecom ministry for launching a digital pension project, saying it would benefit pensioners immensely, reflecting the citizen-centric approach of his government. ―This is our approach to minimum government and maximum governance,‖ the Prime Minister said. People can now track the pension status on their mobile phone and don‘t have to made rounds of offices for pension-related issues. Referring to strides taken in different sectors under the present regime, the Prime Minister said internet connectivity had increased to 65 per cent in the past two years and India now had 50 crore active internet users. This, he said, was special because the growth of internet was equally big and significant in villages. Under his government, he said, 1.25 lakh panchayats have been connected by broadband of which 29,000 villages are in Uttar Pradesh. Purchases by government departments had been shrouded in doubts and charges of favouritism, he said, adding government‘s e-market place (GEM) can enable the smallest of traders to sell their products. ―This is the best platform for the MSME sector,‖ Modi said. Online loans up to Rs 1 crore are now being disbursed in 59 minutes without any red-tape or exploitation, the Prime Minister said.

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The quality of Ganga water has considerably improved as tested by scientists. He said while schemes had been made for long, the Ganga remained polluted, but not any longer. ―Jab niyat saaf hai to Ganga bhi saaf hogi (if the intention is clear, the Ganga will be cleaner),‖ he said as people applauded and raised slogans of ‗Har Har Mahadev‘. Talking about the industry in Varanasi and nearby areas, Modi said there were 1.5 lakh weavers and 70,000 power looms in the region, and that right from funds to facilitation in marketing their produce, the state and the Union government were working out things for the weavers. ―We will keep extending job opportunities through such schemes,‖ he said. Uttar Pradesh‘s MSME Minister Satyadev Pachauri informed the Prime Minister that so far loans worth Rs 5345 crore had been given to 65,000 artisans in the state and that Rs 75,000 crore loans will be disbursed by banks in the state. The Prime Minister laid the foundation stones for 14 infrastructure projects and inaugurated 12 projects, totalling Rs 279 crore. Earlier Modi inaugurated the International Rice Research Institute and interacted with scientists.

Alvi stresses use of modern farm technology APPDecember 29, 2018 KARACHI: Describing agriculture as backbone of the country’s economy, President Dr Arif Alvi on Friday stressed for the use of modern technology to enhance agricultural productivity keeping in view the less water resources. While addressing the Rice Exporters Award ceremony at Governor House, he said the cultivation of rice and other agricultural commodities could be enhanced through research in agriculture sector. The awards distribution ceremony was arranged by the Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP). The president said since Pakistani rice was well recognised the world over, the government would facilitate the rice exporters in every way.

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He said despite less-resources better cultivation of crops could be ensured through effective policies and productive ways. The president appreciated the holding of Rice Exporters Award as a good step towards further encouraging the exporters of this commodity. He said the rice crop was a sensitive crop from seed germination till final outcome phase. The global demand of rice had been surging every year and in order to cope with the modern requirements, necessary steps must be taken, he added. The president said that the rice crop of Pakistan was of outstanding quality in 1970s and was admired around the world. He said that Pakistan faced problems in cultivation of rice owing to shortage of water. ―Research must be done in the field of mechanised farming and agronomics in order to improve the yield of rice besides converting it from water-expensive crop to low or moderate water consuming crop,‖ stressed the president. He said that losses in the cultivation of rice crop must be eradicated and emphatically called for submitting a holistic proposal, categorically catering the issues of rice industry, so that improvement in crop quality could be achieved. Published in Dawn, December 29th, 2018 https://www.dawn.com/news/1454276

Pakistan Market Price Bulletin, December 2018 REPORT

from World Food Programme Published on 28 Dec 2018 — Download PDF (1.25 MB) Highlights 

In November 2018, the average retail price of wheat increased by 0.5% while it decreased by 0.1% for wheat flour, from October 2018; the prices of rice Irri-6 decreased by 0.1% and rice Basmati increased by 0.4 in November 2018 when compared to the previous month;

Headline inflation based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased in November 2018 by 0.11% over October 2018 and increased by 6.50% over November 2017;

12 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


The prices of staple cereals and most of non-cereal food commoditiesin November 2018 experienced negligible to slight fluctuations when compared to the previous month‘s prices; 

In November 2018, the average ToT slightly increased by 2.6% from previous month; 

In December 2018, the total global wheat production for 2018/19 is projected at 733.41 million MT, indicating a decrease of 0.10 million MT compared to the projection made last month https://reliefweb.int/report/pakistan/pakistan-market-price-bulletin-december-2018

Pakistan Tunisia talks to proceed ahead for finalizing PTA DECEMBER 29, 2018

13 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Adel Elarbi, Ambassador of Tunisia in Pakistan was invited for meeting by Secretary Commerce Mohammad Younus Dagha Friday to discuss bilateral trade issues and proceed ahead with remaining work on Preferential Trade Agreement. Tunisian Ambassador mentioned the warm, cordial and brotherly relations between the two countries and desired to make the trade relations commensurate with the political relations. Tunisian Ambassador appreciated the ―Look Africa Policy‖ of Ministry of Commerce and assured his full cooperation for any proposed bilateral engagements. Dagha, Secretary Commerce warmly reciprocated the sentiments of Tunisian side and emphasized on boosting the existing trade ties. Secretary Commerce emphasized the need for holding 3rd meeting of Joint Working Group (JWG) on Trade and signing of Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between the two countries. Request List of Pakistan for the proposed PTA was presented to the Ambassador. He assured to expedite the submission of Request List by Tunisian Ministry of trade followed by expert level talks. He expressed interest in exporting Tunisian olive oil, dates and fertilizer to Pakistan. Secretary Commerce explained that Pakistan desires to make Tunisia, a hub for enhancing exports to North Africa under Look Africa Policy, which was appreciated by the Tunisian Ambassador. Secretary Commerce also shared Ministry of Commerce‘s plan of holding a Single Country Exhibition in Tunis in 2019 with the Ambassador along with visit of high level officials and requested him to ensure fruitful participation of Textile business delegates from Tunis in the TEXPO 2019 (11-14th April 2019 in Lahore). Tunisian Ambassador welcomed the suggestion of holding single country exhibition in Tunis and assured cooperation for making this exhibition a successful regional event. Pakistan will exhibit textiles, sports goods, rice, pharmaceuticals, surgical instruments etc. in the exhibition. Both sides emphasized that in order to translate excellent brotherly relations into meaningful economic and trade cooperation, early conclusion of PTA and frequent engagements at G2G and B2B level coupled with trade promotional activities will be ensured. Both sides also agreed on cultural exchanges/ participation of cultural troupe in major events in near future. https://dailytimes.com.pk/338317/pakistan-tunisia-talks-to-proceed-ahead-for-finalizing-pta/

All about having her cake By Grace Bondad Nicolas BY THE MANILA TIMES DECEMBER 30, 2018 Cakes are considered as staples in just about every occasion for most Filipinos. For Merle Mendoza Balicao, it is literally her bread and butter as her brand has become a landmark at her hometown in Los Baños Laguna.

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Merle started Mer-Nel‘s Cake House and Variety Shop in 1996. Mer-Nel is a combination of her name and that of supportive husband, Nelson. With the lofty objective to make Mer-Nel‘s known nationwide and to become part of every Filipino occasion and celebration, Merle focused on her mission to provide fine customer service and put emphasis on offering high quality and affordable products while providing more job opportunities as their business continues to grow. Merle started her career as a food service employee in a canteen at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna from 1979 to 1989, while Nelson started as a baker at the International Rice Research Institute cafeteria, also in the same town. So, they do know a thing or two about the industry they‘re involved in.

Merle Mendoza Balicao of Mer-Nel‘s Cake House and Variety Shop Starting with just three employees in 1986, Mer-Nel‘s now operates with three branches in Laguna with over 100 employees. The branch includes a multiple-story events place and restaurant along Barangay Maahas, Los Baños, one branch at SM Calamba City and one at Barangay Batong Malake in Los Baños, Laguna. When asked if she considered herself as an entrepreneur, Merle said; ―Entrepreneurs are people who choose to run their own business rather than work as employees. An entrepreneur is someone who creates a business from scratch, with all the risks and rewards it implies. It is my personal conviction that, yes, I consider myself as entrepreneur.‖

15 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Merle inspiration is her family, her children and her clients, and still see herself establishing additional shops in every town in Laguna and beyond. ―I see myself helping many people and putting up bigger commissary and into franchising,‖ she added. When asked about what makes Mer-Nel‘s different from other similar pastry establishments,‖I always wanted to give my best and I listened to our customers concern and their advices. My husband is very hardworking, my children are also in our company. The lord has also given us loyal and hardworking employees.‖ Because of the success of Mer-Nel‘s, its operations was featured on several television. Merle has also been recognized with several awards already, the latest of which was the special award under Asia Leaders Awards 2018 held at Makati Shangrila Hotel last November. As for her advice to budding entrepreneurs? ―You must be hardworking, persevere, listen to your customers, love your employees, be a strong leader, focus, keep on learning new technologies, you must have passion, know what you‘re doing, be honest to your customers, do not spend more than you‘re earning, be humble, and lastly, always pray. https://www.manilatimes.net/all-about-having-her-cake-by-grace-bondad-nicolas/489474/

PM attacks Cong on loan waiver promises calls them lollipops PTI December 29, 2018 17:28 IST (Eds: More quotes, new intro) Ghazipur (UP), Dec 29 (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday accused the Congress of misleading farmers on loan waivers, saying its governments had handed over ―lollipops‖ instead of what was promised. "Be wary of the Congress and its lies,‖ he said at a public meeting here after laying the foundation stone for a medical college and releasing a postal stamp on legendary king Suheldev. On a day's visit to the Purvanchal region, his second trip to Uttar Pradesh this month, Modi said the Congress promised loan waivers to lakhs of farmers, but the JD(S)-Congress coalition that came into power did not deliver. ―Lollypops were handed over. The loan waiver was given to only 800 farmers,‖ he claimed. He said the ―lollypop company‖ had similarly ―forgotten‖ the promises it made before the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. The Congress has in the past denied similar charges made by the Bharatiya Janata Party.

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Modi‘s recent remarks on farm loans follow the waivers announced by the Congress governments in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh after this month‘s assembly polls. Congress president Rahul Gandhi recently said his party would not let Modi rest till he writes off farm loans across the country. Modi claimed that under the Congress rule, loans were given to people who were not eligible, while farmers were forced to go to private lenders and fall into debt traps. The prime minister described himself again as a ‗chowkidar‘ (watchman) of the people, a term ridiculed by Congress president Rahul Gandhi. ―This chowkidar of yours is toiling very hard day and night, and with honesty, to brighten your future and that of your children,‖ he said. "Because of this chowkidar, some thieves are having sleepless nights. It is your faith and blessings on me that will take the thieves to their rightful place one day," he said. He described Maharaja Suheldev as a brave warrior. ―Maharaja Suheldev is among those bravehearts who had struggled for the honour of `Maa Bharti‘,‖ he said. ―All people hailing from the deprived and the exploited sections of society seek inspiration from him. Remembering him strengthens the mantra of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas (inclusive development)," he said. The PM's rally here is also being seen as an effort by the Bharatiya Janata Party to woo the Rajbhar community, which reveres Maharaja Suheldev. However, BJP ally Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party has distanced itself from the event. SBSP chief and Uttar Pradesh minister Om Prakash Rajbhar has claimed he was not invited in time. Modi said his government will not let the memory of those who defended the country and worked for society to fade away. "There are bravehearts of the country who have not been given the due respect by the previous governments. Our government is paying tribute to them,‖ he said. "Several important steps have being taken to transform Purvanchal into a big medical hub and to strengthen small industries in UP," Modi said. He said when a government works with transparency and public interest is put above selfinterest, big tasks are accomplished effectively. "Today even the poorest of the poor are heard. The government has been able to lay the foundation of a strong monument," he said. Modi mentioned Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana and said for the first time healthcare had been given so much emphasis. The prime minister listed several agriculture-related projects for the region.

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These include the International Rice Research Institute in Varanasi, cargo centres in Varanasi and Ghazipur, a fertilizer plant in Gorakhpur and the Bansagar irrigation project. Modi slammed the Congress for not implementing the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission on minimum support price for crops. He said the government has now fixed the minimum support price of 22 crops at one and a half times the cost of production. Mentioning connectivity projects, Modi said work is in full swing for the Purvanchal Expressway. The recently opened waterway between Varanasi and Kolkata would also benefit Ghazipur, he added. PTI NAV SMI ASH https://www.theweek.in/wire-updates/national/2018/12/29/del17-up-2ndld-pm-ghazipur.html

Varanasi: Narendra Modi Dedicates Rice Research Institute to Nation POLITICS ANI Dec 29, 2018 05:59 PM IST

PM Narendra Modi during | (Photo Credit: Twitter)

Varanasi, December 29: With an aim to double farmers' income, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the IRRI South Asia Regional Centre (IRRI SARC) in Varanasi on Saturday.

18 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


The Prime Minister dedicated the country the 6th IRRI SARC campus here which will serve as a hub for rice research and training in South Asia and SAARC region. This new Centre is expected to deliver advanced research, teaching and services in order to improve crop production, seed quality and the nutritional value of rice. It will also work with national partners to enhance farmers' knowledge and income. Not only that, the education and training arm of IRRI SARC, IRRI Education, will also teach scientists and agriculture leaders about the latest technologies and innovations for sustainable farming; and laboratories for digital crop monitoring and assessment, and demonstration fields where variety testing is conducted. PM Narendra Modi Teleconference: BJP to Filter Questions After Puducherry Party Worker's 'Embarrassing' Query. View image on Twitter

PM Modi to visit Uttar Pradesh tomorrow. He will dedicate 6th International Rice Research Institute South Asia Regional Centre (ISARC) campus to the nation in Varanasi&attend One District,One Product Regional Summit at Deendayal Hastakala Sankul in Varanasi. Twitter Ads info and privacy The major aim of IRRI is to improve livelihood and nutrition, abolishing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition among those countries which depend on rice-based agri-food systems. Speaking at the inaugural function, Dr. Matthew Morell, IRRI Director General stated, "This is a landmark moment for India and IRRI. This state-of-the-art rice research centre will catalyze South-South collaboration, strengthen the research expertise and capacity of rice-growing countries in the region, and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals." "It is only through the support of our network of global partners, such as the Government of India, that knowledge and innovations gained at this centre can be speedily tailored to meet needs of farmers in India, across South Asia and across Africa." he added. Moreover, IRRI SARC facilities will include the Centre of Excellence in Rice Value Addition (CERVA), a suite of modern laboratories where rice grains are assessed for ;quality and nutritional value and sensory evaluations for grain taste, texture, and aroma are conducted; onsite facilities. The inaugural function was graced by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Governor Ram Naik and several other dignitaries. https://www.latestly.com/india/politics/varanasi-narendra-modi-dedicates-rice-research-instituteto-nation-563818.html

PM Modi dedicates International Rice Research Institute South Asia Regional Centre to nation Ani29 December 2018 Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited 6th International Rice Research Institute South Asia Regional Centre campus in Varanasi today. Prime Minister dedicated the institute to the nation. He was accompanied by Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath and Governor Ram Naik. The hi-

19 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


tech campus will serve as a hub for training and rice research in South Asia and SAARC. PM Modi is on his Uttar Pradesh visit to inaugurate several developmental projects. https://in.news.yahoo.com/pm-modi-dedicates-international-rice-114000062.html

Rice exports from India witnesses a downward trend owing to elections India is the world's largest rice exporter and in 2017, it had accounted for 25% of the global rice trade valued at US$ 7.73 billion, primarily due to its competitive cost advantage Virendra Singh Rawat | Lucknow Last Updated at December 29, 2018 22:52 IST

Belying expectations of upswing, the rice exports from India have witnessed a downward trend owing to elections that took place in some states and upcoming general elections apart from global geopolitical factors in the ongoing season.

20 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


While global factors pertain to recessionary trends in key export markets and persisting payments issue with Iran, the domestic factors include among others, big traders avoiding taking long positions due to impending Lok Sabha election in the early months of 2019, as a caution before the results could reflect in amended export terms with any change in political equations. India is the world‘s largest rice exporter and in 2017, it had accounted for 25% of the global rice trade valued at US$ 7.73 billion, primarily due to its competitive cost advantage. India‘s net rice exports touched 12.7 million tonnes (MT) last year. Basmati exports had stood at about 4 MT with almost 80% of the consignment going to the Gulf countries, including Iran. The decline started from August this year ahead of state elections. Although arrival of new season crop was also awaited. And during april-November 2018, exports of basmati and non-basmati are down 6 per cent to $4.67 bn. All the fall has been attributed to lower exports of non-basmati rice. Devendra Vora of Friendship Traders, New Bombay based rice exporter, told Business Standard that the state elections that ended and coming 2019 Lok Sabha poll has been a major reason for the ―big players‖ shying away from holding long positions in domestic market for export related procurements since a change in political equations could bring radical changes in export policies. Owing to basmati crop loss coupled with higher purchase price, the net availability of the crop for exports was on the lower side but realised value has improved while non-basmati exports have fallen in quantity and even realisation was lower. Vpora said that, ―the recessionary trend in export markets, including Iran and Europe contributed to weaker sentiments. Environment in rice export market has been comparatively subdued than last year due to several factors, including low international demand and higher purchase price in India resulting lower viability, which dented the cost competitiveness to some extent,‖ Vora added. In the past, the change of government brought about export ban on staple food grains, which caused economic loss to exporters holding large inventories meant for exports. ―At the same time, the banks have become jittery about extending credit to exporters due to stricter norms. This has resulted in complex paper works and delays, which has also affected trade,‖ a north India based exporter said.

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Drip Capital, a US-based trade finance company, in its research report ‗Rice Commodity Insights‘ outlining the evolving dynamics in the Indian rice export market in 2018, forecast the current decline in rice exports was part of a regular annual cycle. ―There is little need for panic, as demand and export volumes should rise into 2019,‖ the report said. The lingering process of payment terms with Iran has played its part in pulling down rice exports. Iran‘s annual basmati import market is pegged at almost a MT. ―The Iran market is still to open to potential, since their payment norms are not clear yet and are in the process of being finalised,‖ Kohinoor Foods joint managing director Gurnam Arora said. Iran, which had been facing wide ranging US sanctions, was allowed barter deals and trade valued in Rupee terms. Commenting on the China market, Arora said exporters were getting enquiries from China, mainly for long grain rice and that the country would take some more time to become a major export destination. ―We need to explore the China market with roadshows and exhibitions before it attains scale in the next 1-2 years,‖ he added. A few months back, a buyer-seller meet was organised in China, where some Indian rice exporters had participated, while the Dragon has approved about two dozen domestic rice millers for the purpose. https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/rice-exports-from-india-witnesses-adownward-trend-owing-to-elections-118122900181_1.html

Agricultural production can be improved through mechanized farming: President Alvi ByAPP December 29, 2018

ISLAMABAD: President of Pakistan Dr Arif Alvi has stressed the need to adopt modern technology in the agriculture sector to increase per acre yield. Addressing an award ceremony of Rice Exporters Association in Karachi, he said that agricultural production could be improved through mechanized farming and better agriculture policy. The president suggested establishing ‗seed bank‘ to provide quality seeds to the growers for a better crop. He said the shortage of agricultural water was the main problem which could be resolved by using effective water management.

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Arif Alvi appreciated the efforts of Rice Exporters Association for increasing the rice exports by using their own resources. Later, the president distributed awards among prominent rice exporters and companies. Earlier this month, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar said that the agriculture cooperation will be expanded between Pakistan and China under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Khusro Bakhtyar said that the government was committed to promoting the a

griculture sector https://profit.pakistantoday.com.pk/2018/12/29/agricultural-production-can-be-improvedthrough-mechanized-farming-president-alvi/

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Varanasi: Narendra Modi Dedicates Rice Research Institute to Nation POLITICS ANI Dec 29, 2018 05:59 PM IST

PM Narendra Modi during | (Photo Credit: Twitter) Varanasi, December 29: With an aim to double farmers' income, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the IRRI South Asia Regional Centre (IRRI SARC) in Varanasi on Saturday. The Prime Minister dedicated the country the 6th IRRI SARC campus here which will serve as a hub for rice research and training in South Asia and SAARC region. This new Centre is expected to deliver advanced research, teaching and services in order to improve crop production, seed quality and the nutritional value of rice. It will also work with national partners to enhance farmers' knowledge and income. Not only that, the education and training arm of IRRI SARC, IRRI Education, will also teach scientists and agriculture leaders about the latest technologies and innovations for sustainable farming; and laboratories for digital crop monitoring and assessment, and demonstration fields where variety testing is conducted. PM Narendra Modi Teleconference: BJP to Filter Questions After Puducherry Party Worker's 'Embarrassing' Query. PM Modi to visit Uttar Pradesh tomorrow. He will dedicate 6th International Rice Research Institute South Asia Regional Centre (ISARC) campus to the nation in Varanasi&attend One District,One Product Twitter Ads info and Regional privacy Summit at Deendayal Hastakala Sankul in Varanasi. The major aim of IRRI is to improve livelihood and nutrition, abolishing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition among those countries which depend on rice-based agri-food systems. Speaking at the inaugural function, Dr. Matthew Morell, IRRI Director General stated, "This is a landmark moment for India and IRRI. This state-of-the-art rice research centre will catalyze South-South collaboration, strengthen the research expertise and capacity of rice-growing countries in the region, and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals." "It is only through the support of our network of global partners, such as the Government of India, that knowledge and innovations gained at this centre can be speedily tailored to meet needs of farmers in India, across South Asia and across Africa." he added. Moreover, IRRI SARC facilities will include the Centre of Excellence in Rice Value Addition (CERVA), a suite of modern laboratories where rice grains are assessed for ;quality and nutritional value and sensory evaluations for grain taste, texture, and aroma are conducted; onsite facilities. The inaugural function was graced by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Governor Ram Naik and several other dignitaries. https://www.latestly.com/india/politics/varanasi-narendra-modi-dedicates-rice-research-instituteto-nation-563818.html

Relax yield norms: Rice millers to govt Eye Rs 580-crore additional profit; Khattar does their bidding, writes to Paswan

24 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Dec 30, 2018, 12:08 AM; last updated: Dec 30, 2018, Sushil Manav Tribune News Service Chandigarh, December 29 After arm-twisting the state government to stop conducting physical verification of their stock following recovery of PDS rice, rice millers in the state are now eyeing additional profits of Rs 580 crore by pressuring it to relax norms for custom milling of rice. Under pressure from the strong rice millers‘ lobby, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has already written a demi-official letter to Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan, requesting him to relax norms of yield of rice from paddy in custom milling from 67 kg per quintal to 64 kg. A similar letter has been written to the Food Corporation of India (FCI) by the state government. Notably, a large majority of big rice millers are located in Karnal, Khattar‘s Assembly segment. ―It is highly unlikely that the FCI will relax norms as it will have to give similar relaxation to Punjab, where paddy procurement is three times that of Haryana. Millers are pressuring the state government to provide this benefit from its own funds. Millers are giving the example of Uttar Pradesh, where the total procurement of paddy is hardly 3 lakh MT,‖ said sources. The sources said with elections to the state Assembly less than 10 months away, millers are hopeful that their demand will be accepted by the state government. Rice millers have 58.5 lakh MT belonging to state procurement agencies, against which they have to deliver 39.2 lakh MT of rice to the government after custom milling. If the demand of rice millers is accepted, they will have to deliver 1.76 lakh MT rice less than the quantity earlier agreed upon, which would amount to a financial burden of over Rs 580 crore to the state government. According to the sources, there are about 1,100 millers in the state, of which 200 are big millers. If the demand is accepted, each of them is set to get an additional benefit of between Rs 2 crore and Rs 5 crore. Besides this, millers are demanding extension of deadline for delivery of rice from March 31 to June 30 without holding charges, citing delay in start of milling due to rain in November.

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The sources said poor quality rice, including PDS rice, had again started coming to Haryana from Uttar Pradesh and other states and some unscrupulous millers mixed it with freshly milled rice to earn more profit. In October, millers had gone on strike after recovery of PDS rice from some mills and forced the government to stop physical verification of their establishments as a precondition for starting custom milling. Opposing the millers‘ demand, Gurnam Singh Charuni, president of the Bhartiya Kisan Union, alleged that the millers had already exploited farmers in the name of moisture in paddy at the time of procurement and were now claiming benefits from the government. ―If the government wants to alter norms, it should be at the time of procurement. The parameter of moisture content in paddy should be increased from 17 per cent to 19 per cent,‖ he said. Vinod Goel, senior vice-president of the Haryana Rice Millers and Dealers Association, said they had purchased paddy during untimely rain. ―This affected the quality and yield of paddy. The moisture in paddy led to discolour, broken and damaged grain. In such circumstances, we are not able to return 67 kg rice per quintal to the FCI after milling. The UP Government has recently relaxed norms and reduced it to 64 kg rice per quintal,‖ he said. Asked about the demand of extending the three-month period for delivery of rice after milling, he said due to work to rule in the FCI from October to December 10, they were not able to deliver their rice to the FCI as only a few trucks were allowed to unload rice, resulting in delay in delivery.


China allows first US rice imports ahead of talks China opened its rice market when it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. (Reuters) Updated 29 December 2018 REUTERS December 29, 2018

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BEIJING: China has opened the door to imports of rice from the US for the first time in what analysts took to signal a warming of relations between the world‘s two biggest economies after a frosty year marked by tensions and tit-for-tat tariffs. The green light from Chinese customs, indicated in a statement posted on the customs authority‘s website, comes in the run-up to talks between the countries in January after US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to a moratorium on higher tariffs that would affect trade worth hundreds of billions of dollars. It was not immediately clear how much rice China, which imports rice from within Asia, might seek to buy from the US. But the move, which comes after years of talks on the matter, follows pledges from China‘s commerce ministry earlier this week of further US trade openings.

―I wouldn‘t be surprised to see importers trying to move rice into China from California but I don‘t know if it will be in breathtaking quantities right away,‖ said Stuart Hoetger, an analyst and rice trader based in California. As of Dec. 27, imports of brown rice, polished rice and crushed rice from the United States are now permitted, as long as cargoes meet China‘s inspection standards and are registered with the US Department of Agriculture. The USDA on Dec. 11 forecast US rice production at 6.93 million tons while Chinese rice imports were estimated at 5 million tons. Rice makes up only a small portion of US agricultural exports, which are dominated by shipments of soybeans, grain, tree nuts and meat. ―The permission for US rice suggests an improving US and China relationship,‖ said Cherry Zhang, an agriculture analyst with consultancy JCI. Zhang said she expected any imports would likely be ordered by state-owned companies. Officials at a government-affiliated think tank in Beijing said the price of US rice was not competitive, compared with imports from South Asia, and said the move to formally permit imports from the US should be interpreted as a goodwill gesture. China opened its rice market when it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, but a lack of phytosanitary protocol between China and the US effectively banned imports, according to trade group USA Rice.Nonetheless, in July China formally imposed additional tariffs of 25 percent on US rice, even though imports were not permitted atthe time. http://www.arabnews.com/node/1427551/business-economy

China customs gives green light for US rice imports 27 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Published December 29, 2018, 6:54 PM By Agence France-Presse China‘s customs administration announced Friday it had approved US rice imports, a move that comes during a 90-day tariff truce between the two countries which are engaged in a bruising trade war.

US rice that meets inspection and quarantine requirements will be allowed to enter the country, according to a notice by China‘s customs authority (AFP / MANILA BULLETIN) US rice that meets inspection and quarantine requirements will be allowed to enter the country, according to a notice by China‘s customs authority released Friday and dated December 27. Requirements for US rice exporters include registration with the US Department of Agriculture and adherence to US and Chinese phytosanitary laws and regulations. The approval comes more than a year after the two countries agreed on a phytosanitary protocol that would allow US rice imports in China for the first time. Relations between China and the US have continued to thaw following a truce agreed by both leaders on the sidelines of the G20 in Buenos Aires.

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Earlier this month, China‘s major state-owned grain stockpiler said it had resumed buying US soybeans, and Beijing announced it would suspend extra tariffs added to US-made cars and auto parts starting January 1. On Thursday, China said that trade negotiators from China and the US are planning to meet in January for talks. https://business.mb.com.ph/2018/12/29/china-customs-gives-green-light-for-us-rice-imports/

China allows US rice imports for first time ahead of trade talks 29.12.2018 | UkrAgroConsult China is allowing rice imported from the U.S. for the first time ahead of trade talks between the two nations, Reuters reported Friday. Trade talks are scheduled for sometime next month, according to China. President Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping had announced that they would be halting the implementation of more tit-for-tat tariffs for 90 days as the two sides seek to resolve their disputes. As of Dec. 27 the U.S. can export brown, polished and crushed rice to China, although according to Reuters it is still unclear how much can be sent. This change may be indicative of improved trade relations between the two nations. ―The permission for U.S. rice suggests an improving U.S. and China relationship,‖ Cherry Zhang, an agriculture analyst with consultancy JCI, told Reuters. China technically opened its rice market when it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, but protocol issues between the U.S. and China basically banned imports, per Reuters. http://www.blackseagrain.net/novosti/china-allows-us-rice-imports-for-first-time-ahead-of-tradetalks

Prices Of Imported Rice Still High After Christmas By Iseghe Ajayi December 30, 2018

Imported Rice

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Contrary to the expectations that prices of imported rice which skyrocketed barely a week to Christmas would witness a decline as after the celebrations, owing to low demand, the reverse is the case.

Visits to various markets across some states indicated that prices of the commodity still remained high. Despite the complaints of low patronage by most of the traders, they did not bring down the prices, blaming the high cost on high cost of transporting the commodity to selling points. Some of them however, believed that reducing prices of the commodity would affect their principal adversely. During the week, prices of a 100kg bag of imported rice at the Ogbeogologo Market, Asaba, that went for as high as between N19,500 and N20,000 last week remained unchanged. A man named Ndubuisi Igho, who trades in the commodity at the Ogbeogologo Market, Asaba, said high demand because of the Christmas celebrations coupled with high cost of logistics were responsible for the exorbitant prices.But a lady who came to shop for food items said that once the festive period is over, traders had no option than to reduce prices of imported rice if they

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really desire to recoup their money or principal as failure to do so would ease some of them out of business. The same could be said for Ose Market, Onitsha, especially with the prices of a 50kg bag of imported rice still going for between N18,500 and N19,000, indicating no significant variance from what was sold in the previous week. Mr. John Obinna at the Ose Market, Onitsha, linked the hike to the season of celebrations which is usually seen by traders as a period to hike purchases especially staple food such as imported rice owing to high demand and penchant for it by consumers. The situation had always left traders with no option than to up their purchases due to increased patronage but that of this year was not really encouraging as purchases were done mostly in small measures due to lack of money. At the Umuahia Main Market, Abia State, prices of a 50kg bag of imported rice that sold within the region of N19,500 and N20,000 last week declined slightly to between N19,000 and N19,500. Many of the traders at the Umuahia Main Market, Abia State, said the slight reduction had not translated into huge sales due to the state of the economy. But Mrs. Abigail Uchechukwu, who came to buy the commodity at the Umuahia Main Market, said that prices of imported rice since the ban by the Federal Government had not been favourable. According to her, the slight increase in the prices of the commodity prior to Christmas was not shocking news. That of Itam Market, Uyo, still remained high, currently going for between N17,500 to N18,500 of which many of the traders attributed to high cost of logistics.

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The trend was not different from that of the Northern Region, although quite cheaper because of the penchant for their local delicacy. For example, the price of a 50kg bag of imported rice In Dawanau Market, Kano, that attracted N15,500 last week reduced by 5 percent and currently ranged from N14,700 to N15,000 depending on the quality and haggling power of the customer. In Markarfi Market, Kaduna, prices of a 50kg bag of imported rice still remained stable at between N15,500 and N16,000 from what was sold last week. Enebeli, a trader at Markarfi Market, Kaduna, linked the hike to high cost of transporting the commodity from neighbouring countries and inadequate supply. Visit to the Bodija Market, Ibadan, revealed that prices of the commodity witnessed a slight decline from what was sold in the previous week. For instance, a 50kg bag of rice that was sold for between N16,500 and N17,500 last week dropped marginally to between N16.000 and N16,500 within the review week. Many of the traders attributed the slight reduction to low patronage owing to lack of purchasing power. For that of Lafenwa Market, Ogun State, prices of 50kg bag of imported rice were still stable at between N14,500 and N15,000. Mr. Ibrahim Disu, a trader at the Lafenwa Market, Ogun State, opined that the Christmas celebrations did not have an adverse effect on the prices of the commodity due to low demand occasioned by lack of money. At the Ejigbo Market, Osun State, the commodity prices declined marginally from what was sold previously. For example, prices of a 50kg bag of commodity that went for between N16,500 and N17,500 last week dropped to N16,000 during the week, of which most of the traders attributed to poor sales. In Lagos, visits to popular markets such as Mile 12, Daleko and Iddo indicated that prices of a 50kg bag of imported rice which increased rapidly prior to the Christmas celebrations decreased during the week to between N14,000 and N14,500 from N15,000 sold last week. Traders ascribed the reduction to low patronage and lack of purchasing power.

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Mr. Emeka Orji who retails in all kinds of grains at the Oshodi Market, said most of the traders had no choice than to reduce the prices of the commodity to increase patronage and recover their money despite procuring the commodity at an exorbitant rate. https://www.independent.ng/prices-of-imported-rice-still-high-after-christmas/

Is the Stock Market Open on New Year's Eve? Yes, the stock market is open on New Year's Eve during normal trading hours. New Year's Day is a stock market holiday.

Getty Images


December 30, 2018 The stock market is open for regular trading on Monday, Dec. 31, 2018. However, the bond market closes early on New Year's Eve, at 2 p.m. ET. New Year's Day is a stock market holiday. The bond market is also closed on Tuesday.

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The following is a schedule of all stock market and bond market holidays for 2018. Please note that regular trading hours for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq Stock Market are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern on weekdays. The stock markets close at 1 p.m. on early-closure days; bond markets close early at 2 p.m. 2018 Market Holidays





Bond Markets

Jan. 1

New Year's Day




Jan. 15

Martin Luther King Jr. Day




Feb. 19

Presidents Day/Washington's Birthday






Early close (2 p.m.)






Early close (2 p.m.)

March 29 Maundy Thursday

March 30 Good Friday

May 25

Friday Before Memorial Day

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Bond Markets

May 28

Memorial Day




July 3

Day Before Independence Day

Early close (1 p.m.)

Early close (1 p.m.)

Early close (2 p.m.)

July 4

Independence Day




Sept. 3

Labor Day




Oct. 8

Columbus Day




Nov. 12

Veterans Day (Observed)




Nov. 22

Thanksgiving Day




Nov. 23

Day After Thanksgiving

Early close (1 p.m.)

Early close (1 p.m.)

Early Close (2 p.m.)

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Bond Markets

Dec. 5

President Bush Funeral




Dec. 24

Christmas Eve

Early close (1 p.m.)

Early close (1 p.m.)

Early Close (2 p.m.)

Dec. 25

Christmas Day




Dec. 31

New Year's Eve



Early Close (2 p.m.)

Holiday observations When a holiday falls on a weekend, market closures are dictated by two rules:  

If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the market will close on the preceding Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the market will close on the subsequent Monday. https://www.kiplinger.com/article/investing/T038-C000-S001-is-the-stock-market-open-on-newyear-s-eve.html


36 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


THE PRODUCTION of farmers whose areas are troubled by drought or insufficient water supply will be greatly affected. Because of the problem, farmers with insufficient water supply are advised to adopt early-maturing varieties or with maturity days less than 110 this coming dry season.

Early-maturing varieties require lesser water, as they can mature faster than other inbred varieties, says Philippine Rice Research Institute‘s (PhilRice‘s) in-house agriculturist and Text Center lead agent Fredierick M. Saludez.

A rice crop that matures in 100 days will require approximately 1,000-mm of water while a crop that matures in 150 days will require 50 percent more.

For rainfed and irrigated areas, using these varieties will reduce the water needed and the number of days in supplying water.

Farmers in irrigated areas are recommended to plant the following varieties, include PSB Rc 4 (Molawin), Rc 8 (Talavera), Rc 10 (Pagsanjan), Rc 82 (Peñaranda), NSIC Rc 118 (Matatag 3), Rc 120 (Matatag 6), Rc 130 (Tubigan 3), Rc 134 (Tubigan 4), Rc 140 (Tubigan 6), Rc 144 (Tubigan 8), Rc 146 (PJ7), Rc 148 (Mabango 2), Rc 152 (Tubigan 10), Rc 154 (Tubigan 11), Rc 238 (Tubigan 21), Rc 242 (Japonica 2), Rc436 (Tubigan 37), Rc 438 (Tubigan 38), and Rc 440 (Tubigan 39).

While the PSB Rc 12 (Caliraya), Rc 14(Rio Grande), and NSIC Rc 192(Sahod Ulan 1) are suitable in rainfed areas.

Average yield of these varieties ranges from 4 to 10 tons per hectare.

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They mature between 105 and 110 days compared with 115-125 days for other varieties.

Reduction in yield happens when rice plants are exposed to various stresses like drought, especially during the flowering stage.

With the early-maturing varieties, this is less likely to happen. A series of studies from the PhilRice‘s Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Division showed an average of 64 percent yield reduction, under drought condition, during dry season from 2015 to 2018.

PhilRice also recommended water-saving technologies, such as the alternate-wetting, and drying (AWD).

AWD is a water-saving technology that reduces the use of irrigation water without penalizing crop yield.

Based on studies, rice farmers in lowland areas can save water by up to 50 percent, if properly implemented.

Locally available materials such as bamboo or PVC tubes with 4 inch diameter and 25-cm in length are used to install AWD.

A farmer from Masinloc, Zambales testified that the AWD is an effective, as it helped him save water in irrigating his farm.

It was learned that he used to irrigate his area twice a week.

But with the AWD, he found out that he can just pump water once a week. 38 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m , mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com

Technology promoters advised that farmers should also put holes (3-5mm) to serve as a water passage, around the tube with 5cm distance.

This will be inserted into the soil up to the 15cm marked for dry season and 20cm marked for wet season.

The researchers said that farmers will just have to wait until the water subsides down to the bottom of the tube before the next irrigation./PN https://www.panaynews.net/water-requirements-of-early-maturing-rice-varieties/

Evolving global demand & geopolitical relations driving new avenues for Indian rice exporters: Report Evolving global demand & geopolitical relations driving new avenues for Indian rice exporters: Report New Delhi, Dec 27 (KNN) Despite, rice being exempted from GST, exporters are unable to access the credit they need to finance their workings, said Drip Capital report on ‗Rice Commodity Insights‘-outlining the evolving dynamics in the Indian rice export market in 2018. It said ―While GST has had minimal impact on rice exports (courtesy rice being exempt from GST), exporters are still facing credit issues, potentially affecting their future growth.‖ The report said ―Evolving global demand and geopolitical relations driving new avenues and growth for Indian rice exporters.‖ It said that the fresh markets are also opening for Indian rice exporters, with China being touted as a major opportunity. However, Drip Capital‘s research shows exporters will start seeing benefits from Chinese trade only in the long-term. According to the findings of report, India exported 26.3% of the world‘s total rice exports, valued at US$5.5 billion, in 2017 alone. The country also has a massive competitive advantage in the international rice trade, it added. The report further pointed that the current decline in rice exports over the last few months is part of a regular annual cycle.

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It said ―Overall export volumes of rice have also improved compared to last year- by end of Q3 2017, there had been 58,736 shipments, valued at US$5.8 billion; the calendar year 2017 saw 78,300 rice export shipments overall, valued at US$7.39 billion.‖ In comparison, by the end of September (Q3) 2018, 62,112 shipments had been logged, with a value of US$6.875 billion, report added. Thus, there seems to be little need for panic, as demand and export volumes should continue rising into 2019. Further, report highlighted that the Punjab is top rice exporter, contributing over 30% of country‘s exports. Exports to Bangladesh have seen stellar growth, despite a slump in April-September this year; overall shipments to Bangladesh in the first three quarters have grown $91.7 million year-onyear, said report.Based on heavy increases in demand, the research report also suggests six other potential market opportunities for Indian exporters – Qatar, Yemen, Israel, the Philippines, Kenya, and Ukraine.Rice is the most widely consumed staple food in the world and the thirdmost-produced agriculture commodity in the world (over 740 million tonnes as of 2016). One of the rice exporter from Mumbai said ―India, as an agricultural country, is getting more educated [sic], as farmers are starting to grow products specifically aimed to meet consumption patterns and tastes of different markets.‖He said that the Chinese rice tastes are very different given their preference for sticky rice, but with the potential for more trade in the future, there is a possibility farmers will start growing those varieties to meet demand. Hence, China could pan out as a viable export market, but only in the long term, he added.Cofounder and Co-CEO, Drip Capital, Pushkar Mukewar, added, ―As per Drip Capital data, the top 100 rice exporters from India have exported shipments worth over $183 million so far in this quarter (as of November 2018).‖As the annual seasonal demand from the Middle East picks up, and more non-basmati rice gets shipped to China, Indian rice exporters can expect business to pick up in the coming months, he added. However, he said that the exporters are unlikely to see the due benefits from this increased opportunity if they are unable to access the credit they need to finance their workings. Drip Capital is a US-based trade finance company, leveraging technology to provide collateralfree post-shipment finance to SME exporters with instant approvals and minimal documentation. https://knnindia.co.in/news/newsdetails/knowledge-resource/evolving-global-demandgeopolitical-relations-driving-new-avenues-for-indian-rice-exporters-report

District administration to crack down on black market sale of PDS rice TNN | Updated: Dec 29, 2018, 12:16 IST

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TRICHY: Following reports that rice meant for public distribution has been sold in black market, district administration has come out with a stern warning, stating the guilty would face action and might lose their rice entitlements under Public Distribution System (PDS). Collector S Rajamani said that if anyone is found indulging in selling and buying rice meant for free distribution through 1,213 fair price shops in civil supplies and consumer protection department in the district, they would be prosecuted under Tamil Nadu Scheduled Commodities (Regulation of distribution by card system) Act, 1982. The collector emphasized that even government officials colluding with rice smugglers would not be spared. The smart cards of department have been divided into five catagories – priority households (PHH- all commodities including sugar), PHH-AAY (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) (all commodities including 35 kg rice), Non-PHH (all commodities including rice), NPHH-S (all commodities except rice- option for Sugar) and NPHH-NC (no-commodity). Each card in PHH and NPHH is entitled to 20 kg of rice every month while PHH-AAY card is eligible for 35 kg free rice. Collector warned the status of the card would be changed to NPHH-NC. In Trichy, around 1.2 crore kg of rice are distributed to around 7.24 lakhs cards out of 7.95 lakh cards every month. While majority of the poor families fully utilize the free rice for their own purpose, most of middle class people neglect them citing its poor quality. However, the officials maintained that the free rice is on a par with others available in the market. Officials said the rice provided free to priority households (PHH) cards are either sold to rice mills for making flour or to some poor people. On an average, one can gather around 100 kg a month. ―Though we seized some quantity of rice, we could not get the details of person who sold them. We can act only on information,‖ said an official.

Social worker S N Kamakodi Sundar said the several middle class people gave the free rice to their housemaid and poor people known to them. ―The poor people sell the rice to the Idly batter manufacturers for Rs 10 per kg,‖ he said.

The practice of feeding the milch cows with the gruel made out of PDS rice is rampant among the farmers in villages in the district for several years now. Though the cost escalation of cow feeds is said to be one of the reasons for adding the rice gruel to the menu, the soaked rice mixed rice water (vaicha kanji) dish was being offered to the cattle previously. Since the price of normal quality cooking rice has touched around Rs 35 and the best quality reached Rs 60, people have started going for PDS rice that is available at throwaway price.

PM inaugurates Rice Research Institute, to improve production of crop It will also work with national partners to enhance farmers' knowledge and income and deliver advanced research, teaching and services in the connection ANI | Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) [India] Last Updated at December 29, 2018 19:20 IST

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the IRRI South Asia Regional Centre (IRRI SARC) in Varanasi on Saturday. This new Centre is expected to improve crop production, seed quality and the nutritional value of rice.It will also work with national partners to enhance farmers‘ knowledge and income and deliver advanced research, teaching and services in the connection.With an aim to double farmers‘ income, the Prime Minister dedicated the country the 6th IRRI SARC campus here which will serve as a hub for rice research and training in South Asia and SAARC region. Not only that, the education and training arm of IRRI SARC, IRRI Education, will also teach scientists and agriculture leaders about the latest technologies and innovations for sustainable farming; and laboratories for digital crop monitoring and assessment, and demonstration fields where variety testing is conducted The major aim of IRRI is to improve livelihood and nutrition, abolishing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition among those countries which depend on rice-based agri-food systems. Speaking at the inaugural function, Dr. Matthew Morell, IRRI Director General stated, ―This is a landmark moment for India and IRRI. This state-of-the-art rice research centre will catalyze SouthSouth collaboration, strengthen the research expertise and capacity of rice-growing countries in the region, and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.‖ ―It is only through the support of our network of global partners, such as the Government of India, that knowledge and innovations gained at this centre can be speedily tailored to meet needs of farmers in India, across South Asia and across Africa.‖ he added. Moreover, IRRI SARC facilities will include the Centre of Excellence in Rice Value Addition (CERVA), a suite of modern laboratories where rice grains are assessed for ;quality and nutritional value and sensory evaluations for grain taste, texture, and aroma are conducted; on-site facilities. The inaugural function was graced by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Governor Ram Naik and several other dignitaries. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Rice exports from India witnesses a downward trend owing to elections India is the world's largest rice exporter and in 2017, it had accounted for 25% of the global rice trade valued at US$ 7.73 billion, primarily due to its competitive cost advantage Virendra Singh Rawat | Lucknow Last Updated at December 29, 2018 22:52 IST

42 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Belying expectations of upswing, the rice exports from India have witnessed a downward trend owing to elections that took place in some states and upcoming general elections apart from global geopolitical factors in the ongoing season. While global factors pertain to recessionary trends in key export markets and persisting payments issue with Iran, the domestic factors include among others, big traders avoiding taking long positions due to impending Lok Sabha election in the early months of 2019, as a caution before the results could reflect in amended export terms with any change in political equations.India is the world‘s largest rice exporter and in 2017, it had accounted for 25% of the global rice trade valued at US$ 7.73 billion, primarily due to its competitive cost advantage. India‘s net rice exports touched 12.7 million tonnes (MT) last year. Basmati exports had stood at about 4 MT with almost 80% of the consignment going to the Gulf countries, including Iran.The decline started from August this year ahead of state elections. Although arrival of new season crop was also awaited. And during april-November 2018, exports of basmati and non-basmati are down 6 per cent to $4.67 bn. All the fall has been attributed to lower exports of non-basmati rice. Devendra Vora of Friendship Traders, New Bombay based rice exporter, told Business Standard that the state elections that ended and coming 2019 Lok Sabha poll has been a major reason for the ―big players‖ shying away from holding long positions in domestic market for export related procurements since a change in political equations could bring radical changes in export policies.

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Owing to basmati crop loss coupled with higher purchase price, the net availability of the crop for exports was on the lower side but realised value has improved while non-basmati exports have fallen in quantity and even realisation was lower. Vpora said that, ―the recessionary trend in export markets, including Iran and Europe contributed to weaker sentiments. Environment in rice export market has been comparatively subdued than last year due to several factors, including low international demand and higher purchase price in India resulting lower viability, which dented the cost competitiveness to some extent,‖ Vora added. In the past, the change of government brought about export ban on staple food grains, which caused economic loss to exporters holding large inventories meant for exports. ―At the same time, the banks have become jittery about extending credit to exporters due to stricter norms. This has resulted in complex paper works and delays, which has also affected trade,‖ a north India based exporter said. Drip Capital, a US-based trade finance company, in its research report ‗Rice Commodity Insights‘ outlining the evolving dynamics in the Indian rice export market in 2018, forecast the current decline in rice exports was part of a regular annual cycle. ―There is little need for panic, as demand and export volumes should rise into 2019,‖ the report said. The lingering process of payment terms with Iran has played its part in pulling down rice exports. Iran‘s annual basmati import market is pegged at almost a MT. ―The Iran market is still to open to potential, since their payment norms are not clear yet and are in the process of being finalised,‖ Kohinoor Foods joint managing director Gurnam Arora said. Iran, which had been facing wide ranging US sanctions, was allowed barter deals and trade valued in Rupee terms. Commenting on the China market, Arora said exporters were getting enquiries from China, mainly for long grain rice and that the country would take some more time to become a major export destination. ―We need to explore the China market with roadshows and exhibitions before it attains scale in the next 1-2 years,‖ he added. A few months back, a buyer-seller meet was organised in China, where some Indian rice exporters had participated, while the Dragon has approved about two dozen domestic rice millers for the purpose. First Published: Sat, December 29 2018. 12:18 IST

Protecting Nigeria’s rice revolution Published December 31, 2018

44 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Punch Editorial Board Nigeria‘s quest for self-sufficiency in rice production has, without doubt, got off to an enthusiastic start, with some states already earning for themselves the epithet of ―riceproducing.‖ States like Kebbi, Kaduna, Kano, Jigawa and Ebonyi have taken frontline roles in the battle to wean the country off foreign rice consumption by providing much of the local alternative. Yet, it is also becoming increasingly clear that realising this dream will not only be dependent on a massive cultivation of the staple but, even more significantly, on how Nigeria is able to efficiently police her porous borders to shut out smuggled rice from neighbouring countries. Smuggling has over the years been the bane of the Nigerian economy, rendering ineffectual whatever policies the government introduces to firm up the economy or address identifiable areas of vulnerability. A good example of a thriving sector of the economy that crumbled under the asphyxiating impact of smuggling is the textile industry. At the peak of its glory, the Nigerian textile industry was the highest employer of labour in the country, accounting for more than three million direct and indirect jobs. According to a former Minister of State for Industry, Trade and Investment, Aisha Abubakar, who is now in charge of Women Affairs and Social Development, the country boasted over 175 textile mills between the 1980s and 1990s. With Lagos, Kano, Kaduna, Aba, Asaba, Funtua, Port Harcourt and Gusau playing host to some of the mills, the textile industry reportedly contributed 25 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product of the country. But, in one fell swoop, cheap textile materials from China and India, two of the world‘s largest producers, flooded the Nigerian market and practically wiped out all the gains of the textile revolution. Nigeria faces the prospect of a similar occurrence in her current drive for self-sufficiency in rice production. Despite investing billions of naira in rice cultivation and processing through the Anchor Borrowers Programme of the Federal Government and the Central Bank of Nigeria, smuggling remains a major threat that could roll back the tremendous progress already made in

45 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


rice cultivation. Aside from increasing the cultivation of rice in the country, the government has to take an interest in what obtains in the neighbouring countries of Benin, Cameroon and Niger. Recently, the Nigeria Customs Service announced the seizure of 238,094 bags of rice between January and November this year. This is a staggering figure that could set the country back in her rice self-sufficiency bid. Considering the fact that the Customs, for reasons including the lack of capacity and compromise by some of its unscrupulous officials, might not be able to stop every bag of smuggled rice from making it past the border, it could be taken that the seizure is just a fraction of what must have entered the country. This is why Customs officials sometimes take their battle from the borders to within the country, raiding shops and warehouses which they claim are harbouring smuggled rice. To appreciate the progress Nigeria has made so far, it is important to reflect on the situation of things in the recent past. Before the government decided to take the bull by the horns and curtail unbridled rice imports, official figures showed that Nigerians were consuming between 5.5 million and six million metric tonnes of rice annually. The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment under Segun Aganga said Nigeria was spending N360 billion annually on rice imports, almost a billion naira per day. At a naira exchange rate for the United States dollar that was half the prevailing rate, it was a burden the tottering oil-dependent economy could not realistically bear for too long. Of course, this situation earned the country the dubious distinction of becoming the second largest importer of rice, next only to China, the most populous country in the world. This also sent the overall food import bill through the roof, quite unacceptable for a country with boundless potential for self-sufficiency in food production. It was indeed very disheartening to hear the Minister of State for Agriculture, Heineken Lokpobiiri, say recently that neighbouring states were taking advantage of the ECOWAS protocol to flood Nigeria with re-bagged imported rice. Once again, as in many areas of life, the Nigerian government is showing despicable weakness and helplessness when it should act decisively to prevent the country from becoming a dumping ground for foreign goods.

46 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com


Without mincing words, it should be stated that there is no serious country that takes the security of its borders for granted. It should be noted that the current government shut-down in the United States, whatever the political dimension to it, has to do with border policing. In North Korea, for example, anybody that so much as strays across its border illegally is in for a long term imprisonment. As has been seen in cases involving Americans, only very high levels of diplomatic negotiations have been able to free any border violator from the repressive claws of the reclusive government. As long as Nigeria‘s borders remain largely porous, the economy will never get out of the woods. Nigeria should learn to take the policing of her borders seriously. Failure to do so has been at the root of the country‘s current security crisis, spawning the influx of arms and the free movement in and out of terrorists and killer Fulani militia. It has been extended to the area of food security, which is a very delicate and dangerous national issue. Immediately it became obvious that the shipment of rice into Benin Republic and Cameroon had spiked, a responsive and responsible government should have taken the initiative of forestalling the likely diversion of the commodity to Nigeria through the borders. No action should be too severe to take when it comes to policing the country‘s borders, even if it means a complete closure of borders as was done during the Olusegun Obasanjo administration. That singular action curbed the free movement of bandits from Benin that specialised in stealing vehicles in Nigeria. President Muhammadu Buhari has to act now to save the rice revolution. https://punchng.com/protecting-nigerias-rice-revolution/

China Green Light on U.S. Rice Seen as ‘Goodwill’ Trade Gesture Bloomberg News Dec 28 2018, 3:47 PMDec 31 2018, 1:03 PM (Bloomberg) -- China, the world‘s top rice producer and consumer, is allowing imports of the grain from the U.S. in a move seen as ―a goodwill gesture‖ while negotiations continue to resolve a trade war between the two countries. Registered U.S. suppliers can export rice to the Asian country with effect from Dec. 27, according to a statement from China‘s customs administration on Friday. That follows the conclusion of a phytosanitary agreement and comes before a resumption of bilateral trade discussions in China in January.

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―This is a goodwill gesture from the Chinese government before the talks,‖ said Ma Wenfeng, an analyst with Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant Co. But U.S. prices are not competitive compared with supplies from Thailand and Vietnam, China‘s main suppliers, and import volumes will probably be limited, said Ma. U.S. supplies would also still be subject to retaliatory tariffs. China is the world‘s biggest rice importer, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with purchases estimated at 5 million metric tons in the 2018-19 year. Seven U.S. suppliers have registered to export to China, including Farmers‘ Rice Cooperative and American Commodity Company LLC, China‘s customs said in a separate statement. https://www.bloombergquint.com/global-economics/china-green-light-on-u-s-rice-seen-as-goodwilltrade-gesture#gs.iC2A6s4

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