September 08 ,2018 Vol 9 ,Issue 9
Clock is Ticking for 2018 Farm Bill By Jamison Cruce WASHINGTON, DC -- The House and Senate Farm Bill Conference Committee held its first official meeting Wednesday morning where the 56 conferees, nine Senators and 47 House Members, comprising the committee made brief statements on legislative provisions and issues they support or oppose in the two chambers' bills. Although the leaders of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees met several times throughout August to reconcile differences between the two versions of the Farm Bill before the current law expires on September 30, the most contentious differences still remain, particularly in the commodity, conservation, and nutrition titles. One outstanding issue is a harmful provision included in the Senate version aimed at further restricting access to the farm safety net. "In both chambers, we've crafted policies not to make the good times better, but to make the tough times bearable. But, we are not without our differences," said Senator John Boozman (RAR) to his fellow conference committee members. "I'm deeply concerned that the actively engaged eligibility provisions included in the Senate bill will only exacerbate the pain being felt throughout rural America by arbitrarily excluding some farmers from Title I programs. This is often characterized as a regional difference, but let me be clear, this provision does not discriminate against regions, it discriminates against farmers and those who feed and clothe this nation." "The proposed changes to the actively engaged rule for commodity program eligibility would be devastating to the program's intent to provide a modest safety net for farmers during times of declined prices, and market and trade uncertainty," said Joe Mencer, Arkansas rice farmer and chair of USA Rice Farmers. During Wednesday's meeting, Congressman Ralph Abraham (R-LA) highlighted a provision in the House version that is a priority of USA Rice, allowing for the expansion of the family definition for commodity program eligibility to more accurately reflect modern day family farm management structures. Abraham said, "A sudden death in the family can unravel a family farm that's been running for generations. We can fix this with the bill and preserve the family farm, a vital part of the fabric of rural America, and I support including nieces, nephews, and first cousins in the definition of 'actively engaged.'"
Collective sentiment among legislators revolves around the need for the 2018 Farm Bill to be passed on time. Just 10 legislative days remain with the House and Senate both in session before September 30, leaving Congress little time to forward the bill to the President's desk to be signed into law. "USA Rice is thankful to have great advocates in Washington working to pass a farm bill with positive farm, conservation, trade, and food aid provisions for the U.S. rice industry," said Charley Mathews, Jr., California rice farmer and chairman of USA Rice. "With yet another declining net farm income forecast for 2018, a reliable safety net and other critical farm bill programs will be essential to ensuring rice farmers and our industry can weather the storm." USA Rice
Rice Gene-Editing Research Cited as Among WorldChanging Science Sep. 07, 2018
Photo by Fred Miller Vibha Srivastava is experimenting with gene editing as a tool that may one day assist conventional rice breeders develop improved varieties.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Research published by a University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture scientist has been recognized by an international publisher for its high-impact potential. Vibha Srivastava, professor of crop, soil and environmental sciences for the Division of Agriculture, has been experimenting with gene editing, a technique that induces mutations in plants. Her goal is to develop technologies that will one day assist rice breeders develop advanced rice varieties for Arkansas growers. Division rice breeders develop improved varieties to help farmers keep ahead of nature's tendency to change growing conditions. These conditions include plant diseases that mutate to overcome resistance and insects that eventually adapt to defeat a plant's natural defenses. Environmental changes can include climate changes that affect air temperature or water availability, or the invasion of new weeds or insects. Conventional breeding requires scientists to cross many generations of plants in order to move useful mutations that occur in nature from wild cousins of rice into breeding lines that may lead to new cultivated rice varieties. The process can take decades to accomplish. Gene editing can speed up the process, Srivastava said. Srivastava emphasizes that gene editing is not the same as genetic modification, in which genetic code from one organism is inserted into another organism. "A plant's genetic traits are developed through mutations that occur naturally in response to environmental stresses," Srivastava said. Those mutations could be viewed as naturally occurring gene editing that results in new information being stored in the plants' genes. As a tool for plant breeders, Srivastava said, gene editing provides a way to copy and paste that information from rice plants' wild or distant cousins into available breeding stock. "We use the information from the wild plant to try to induce the same mutation in breeding stock," Srivastava said. To accomplish this, Srivastava is adapting a technology called "CRISPR/Cas9." CRISPR is scientific shorthand for "clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats." These are segments of DNA that contain short, repetitive base sequences. Cas9 stands for CRISPR associated protein 9, a type of protein that can be guided by CRISPR to induce cuts or double-stranded breaks in DNA. Srivastava said the cut is repaired by the cell through an error-prone process that using mutations. "There are two techniques for gene editing," Srivastava said. "Point mutations attempt to induce a mutation in a single gene and defined deletions attempt to excise a larger chromosome section." Srivastava was attempting to delete a chromosome section by inducing cuts at two different points that mark the beginning and end of the section she wanted to remove.
Removing genetic code might seem an unlikely goal, but Srivastava said it has the potential to eliminate a yield- or quality-limiting plant characteristic. One such gene segment, she said, controls rice grain quality. When it is activated, by high nighttime temperatures, it causes a decline in quality. Deleting that set of genetic instructions could help improve rice grain quality in the face of a common climate problem for Arkansas rice growers. "What we found out," Srivastava said, "is that creating deletions is extremely difficult." Srivastava had hoped that mutating the two points that defined the target gene section would result in the section being deleted. But what she found was that it simply mutated those two points and left the intervening section intact. Research may not always take you where you expected, Srivastava said, but it advances knowledge that can help design a new experiment or even lead to unexpected discovery. With accidental discovery in mind, Srivastava and research technician Shan Zhao are growing the gene edited plants in a greenhouse to maturity so they can evaluate whether any advantageous traits have been induced. No gene edited plants leave the greenhouse or her lab, Srivastava said. Gene editing is still experimental and is not used in Division of Agriculture plant breeding programs. Srivastava learned that colleagues in other research institutions were conducting similar experiments and encountering the same difficulties. "But no one was reporting it," she said. Some scientists may be reluctant to report when their experiments don't succeed in accomplishing their intended goals. But Srivastava believes the knowledge gained is valuable, even if only to point ongoing research in new directions. It is said that Thomas Edison said of repeated failures in his lab that he learned 1,000 ways not to make a lightbulb. The story may be apocryphal, but the point is valid in Srivastava's view. And Springer Nature, publisher of many peer-reviewed scientific journals, seems to agree. The publisher chose Srivastava's research paper on her attempts to delete chromosome sections, to feature in their online "Change the World — One article at a time" section. Springer Nature selects stand-out research articles from its research journals in various scientific disciplines. The high-impact papers are nominated by the publications' editors'-in-chief and submitted to the publishers. Srivastava's article, titled "Dual-targeting by CRISPER/Cas9 for precise excision of transgenes from rice genome," was originally published in Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture: Journal of Plant Biotechnology.The journal's editor-in-chief nominated it for inclusion in "Change the World." This recognition gives Srivastava's research article free access, making it available to a wider audience of researchers, including those who may be trying to blaze a similar trail in plant biotechnology.
About the Division of Agriculture: The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture's mission is to strengthen agriculture, communities, and families by connecting trusted research to the adoption of best practices. Through the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, the Division of Agriculture conducts research and extension work within the nation's historic land grant education system. The Division of Agriculture is one of 20 entities within the University of Arkansas System. It has offices in all 75 counties in Arkansas and faculty on five system campuses. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs to all eligible persons without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. About Springer Nature: Springer Nature is a global publisher that advances discovery by publishing robust and insightful research, supporting the development of new areas of knowledge, making ideas and information accessible around the world, and leading the way on open access.
Cajun Country Rice, local stores helping out the food bank
KATC News 12:23 pm September 6, 2018
In honor of September being both Hunger Action Month and National Rice Month, Second Harvest Food Bank — with Cajun Country Rice and dozens of area grocery stores — hopes to collect at least 40,000 pounds of rice for people facing hunger in South Louisiana. The ―Have a Rice Day!‖ promotion runs all month. Throughout September, for every purchase of a five-pound bag of Cajun Country Rice (mediumor long-grain), Falcon Rice will donate an additional half-pound of Cajun Country Rice to Second Harvest. Shoppers may also choose to donate the five-pound bag of rice at their grocery store for later pickup by Second Harvest to help reach our goal of 40,000 pounds. ―We‘re thrilled to partner with Falcon Rice, producer of the Cajun Country Rice brand, for this promotion at Walmart, Rouses, Kroger, and Super 1 Foods locations throughout South Louisiana,‖ said Second Harvest Food Sourcing Specialist Natasha Curley. ―Rice is such a perfect food to donate as it provides nutrition and meal flexibility for the thousands of families we serve every month, and our locally-grown rice is some of the best in the world.‖ Falcon Rice, located in Crowley, is a regular donor to Second Harvest‘s mission to fight hunger.
―We just want to be here for the community, and we have a product that stretches so far when you‘re talking about feeding families,‖ said Robert Trahan, Director of Sales and Business Development at Falcon Rice. ―We‘re proud to support what Second Harvest does for Acadiana and all of South Louisiana.‖ Visit for more information.
Cutting almost complete, yields good in rice varieties rice harvest
Rice harvests in a four county area including Wharton, Matagorda, Jackson and Colorado counties are wrapping up along with the rest of the Gulf Coast with near-record yields of good quality grain with many producers considering a second harvest. Ratoon cropping early planted fields might improve net profits, according to Lee Tarpley, AgriLife Research crop physiologist, not pictured. Later- planted fields could be ratoon cropped if temperatures remain above 50 degrees into early November. ―If it stays warm they could see another harvest with less input costs, and that could mean a better bottom line,‖ Tarpley said. L-N Photo by Melony Overton Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 5:15 am By MELONY OVERTON |
The rice harvest is winding down along the Gulf Coast and producers are almost done in El Campo with many considering a second harvest. Dick Ottis, president and chief executive officer for Rice Belt Warehouse, Inc., with locations in El Campo, Ganado, Bay City, Edna and Blessing, said the harvest in El Campo is 95 percent complete. Facilities can run 18 to 24 hours a day to dry rice. ―Company wide, we are 80 percent complete with the harvest. Some locations are more complete than others,‖ Ottis said. ―We have other areas that aren‘t that far along (as El Campo).‖ The Bay City facility, for example, takes in many hundred weights of organic rice that is a growing trend among producers in Wharton, Matagorda, Jackson and Colorado counties. ―That rice is usually a little later in maturing. That sets their harvest back later,‖ Ottis said. The majority of the organic rice the Bay City warehouse receives comes from upper Wharton County and Colorado County, Ottis said.
―It started very slow, but it has picked up to where I assume we probably have 13,000 to 14,000 acres of rice in these four counties that is organically grown.‖ For the most part, producers have seen a ―very good yield for the different rices we dry,‖ regarding conventional and hybrid rice, Ottis said. According to Lee Tarpley, an AgriLife Research crop physiologist, a near record yield is expected for producers who planted their fields early in spring avoiding heavy spring rains that caused delays for other growers. Late planted rice was exposed to hot spells and heat damage, Tarpley said in a Texas A&M University crop and weather report. M.O. Way, AgriLife Research entomologist, said in the same report that about 190,000 acres of rice were planted this season statewide with half the acreage planted in hybrid varieties. Ottis has witnessed that other growing trend in the four-county area, too. ―I think we‘ve seen more hybrid rice grown in our local area this year than in all years past. We‘re probably growing 75 to 80 percent hybrid and the rest is conventional varieties,‖ he said. The reason for more hybrid rice grown over the conventional varieties could be because conventional rice yields less with the first crop when compared to hybrids, Ottis said. According to the Texas Rice Crop Survey conducted by Texas A&M, the rice acreage for the 2018 crop season in Wharton County is 38,602 up 7.6 percent from 2017‘s 35,892 acres of rice. The U.S. Department of Agriculture 2018 crop acreage report also shows an additional 3,871 acres of rice intended for seed this year. Way said good growing conditions have many farmers considering growing a ratoon crop, or allow another crop to grow from the stubble left after the harvest. Ratoon cropping could produce an additional 35-50 percent of the main harvest, with little input costs beyond fertilization and water, Way said. About 60 percent of Texas rice acres are ratoon cropped typically. ―In rice, we actually have two crops for conventional and hybrids,‖ Ottis said. ―We have that first crop that is cut in July and August. Then we have the ratoon or second crop that is harvested in late October and end of November. We may go a lot longer if there is a lot of it, you just never know.‖
Rice millers to boycott paddy storage over milling policy Say state has imposed unrealistic conditions on the industry Sep 8, 2018, 1:22 AM; last updated: Sep 8, 2018
Rice millers during a state-level meeting in Sangrur on Friday. Tribune photo
Tribune News Service Sangrur, September 7 Rice millers from across the state after a state-level meeting here on Friday announced to boycott storage of paddy in their mills from the forthcoming season if the state government fails to make required changes in the custom milling policy.
Around 1,200 millers alleged that the state government had imposed unrealistic conditions on the rice industry.
―In the new policy released last month, the government has imposed numerous conditions and no one can fulfil all. If required changes are not made in the policy, it will ruin the rice milling industry,‖ said Rajnish Kansal, state media incharge of the Rice Millers Association, Punjab. The main demands of the millers included abolition of five per cent bank guarantee, end of interest over from miller over quality cut, government should take 67-kg rice from 99-kg paddy and one per cent dry benefit should go to miller, advance payment of user charges to miller to help miller maintain purchase and end of undertaking for levy security 350.―A majority of rice millers are under huge debt due to the wrong policies of the state government. The new policy will only add to their woes,‖ said Kansal.Punjab president Gian Chand Bhardwaj attended the meeting.―The Congress has always supported the rice industry of the state. We will take required steps to redress their grievances,‖ said Cabinet Minister Vijay Inder Singla, who called the millers to his residence in Sangrur for discussion.
600 containers of Pakistani rice stuck at Kenyan ports By Our Correspondent Published: September 8, 2018
The delay in clearance of containers is resulting in heavy demurrage costs and increase in landing cost of Pakistani rice each day. PHOTO:FILE LAHORE: Almost 600 containers of Pakistani rice have been stopped at Kenyan ports by the customs authority, said Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) Chairman Sameeullah Chaudhry. The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and Customs were examining the containers for security check and verification, which Chaudhry said was unfair considering that the certificates of conformity were in order. He lamented that despite having necessary approvals
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and a clean bill of health from the agencies recommended by KEBS, the containers were being inspected to check compliance with phytosanitary standards and their physical characteristics. The delay in clearance of containers is resulting in heavy demurrage costs and increase in landing cost of Pakistani rice each day. As per rules, rice is not allowed to enter Kenya based on 2-5% higher broken quantity. ―It is a matter of great concern because in agriculture commodity 2% is considered insignificant variation,‖ he added. ―This has jeopardised our rice exports. We want a level playing field.‖ Despite the intervention of the Pakistan High Commission and commercial counsellor to resolve the crisis, the Kenyan inspection team was not cooperating, he pointed out. The REAP chairman suggested that reciprocal steps may be taken in the case of Kenyan products destined to the Pakistani market. ―Our consumer health and protection is equally important and we must take reciprocal measures to protect our consumers from any inferior quality of Kenyan products being imported into Pakistan,‖ he said.He warned that if the matter was not tackled, Pakistan risked losing its share of rice exports – 475,000 tons or 12% of total exports, which would enhance the country‘s trade deficit and imbalance. Published in The Express Tribune, September 8th, 2018.
Rice Prices as on : 07-09-2018 12:18:14 PM Arrivals in tonnes;prices in Rs/quintal in domestic market. Arrivals
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% change
Season cumulative
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Rice Ghaziabad(UP)
Indus(Bankura Sadar)(WB)
Tamluk (Medinipur E)(WB)
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Published on September 07, 2018
U.S. rice farmers losing market share in Mexico, Latin America The numbers behind the monthly WASDE projections point to some troubling signs for the U.S. rice industry.
Forrest Laws | Sep 06, 2018
U.S. rice exports are expected to increase 13 percent in the 2018-19 marketing year, according to the USDA Economic Research Service‘s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates or WASDE report.
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Normally that would be good news for U.S. producers, who would benefit from the increased sales. But, this time, the numbers behind the monthly WASDE projections point to some troubling signs for the U.S. rice industry. U.S. rice prices continue to be significantly higher than its competitors, says Dr. Nathan Childs, senior rice economist for the USDA-ERS, and a speaker for a recent University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Food and Agribusiness Webinar. As a result, U.S. prices will have to come down to make that prediction a reality. Another factor: the U.S. is continuing to lose market share in Latin America, a region that used to be a ―99 percent‖ American market, according to Childs, whose presentation was titled ―U.S. rice growers projected to face higher ending stocks and lower prices in 2018-19.‖ (See video at ―I brought this up earlier, and I‘m going to bring it up again,‖ he said. ―South American exporters continue to gain market share in Mexico, which has been the largest quantity market for U.S. rice. There‘s no other market that buys as much quantity.‖ Mexico is a strong market, purchasing 900,000 metric tons of rice in 2017, he said. ―That‘s a lot of rice. The U.S. was probably once 99 percent or a rock solid 95. We‘re probably not even at 80 percent of that market now.‖ Exports to Mexico
Childs displayed a graphic of the last eight years of U.S. exports to Mexico that showed shipments falling off a cliff to less than 300,000 tons. ―This is calendar year and only through May,‖ he said quickly. ―Exports haven‘t dropped off for the whole year. Look at the proportion. One can see the U.S. is the dominant supplier, but not to the degree it was maybe eight or nine years ago. That‘s the largest U.S. market.‖
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Latin America currently accounts for about 60 percent of U.S. rice exports, taking slightly more than 4 million metric tons in 2016-17. U.S. shipments to the region were just approaching 3 million metric tons in June with one more month to go in the 2017-18 marketing year. ―It will be lower, but not this much lower, he said, referencing another slide. ―But you can see how Mexico, and then the rest of Latin America are important to the U.S. rice industry. A lot of that is rough rice; way over half. This slide is just long-grain,‖ he noted. ―Latin America is about 80 percent of U.S. long-grain exports. So let‘s say it‘s even more important for the southern Rice Belt. California doesn‘t ship much to Latin America. But for the South, Latin America is critical.‖ Costa Rica
Costa Rica is nowhere near as large as Mexico, but is ―a rock solid market,‖ purchasing well over 100,000 tons a year.―You can see that the U.S. was absolutely dominant; Costa Rica bought just a little bit of rice from South America,‖ he said. ―Now the U.S. is still the largest supplier, supplying more than half, but not dominant.‖ Childs says the increased competition from South American exporters to Mexico, Central America and Venezuela has to be a key concern for the U.S. rice industry in the 2018-19 marketing year. ―These are key U.S. long-grain rough rice markets where the U.S. share has been declining for several years,‖ he said. ―And, in many of those markets — most of those markets — the U.S. still is a big supplier to Mexico, much of Central America. ―Will Asian exporters ship milled rice into South America, Central America and Mexico?‖ he asked. ―They had been shipping some. They backed off. But they‘re a possibility.‖
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Other question marks include Iraq, where the U.S. sold 30,000 metric tons in August. Last year, they sold 90,000 metric tons. ―Will the U.S. pick up any medium-grain sales to North Africa and the Middle East?‖ he asked. With Australia‘s crop reduced and Egypt‘s falling crop prospects, analysts believe the latter could purchase around 400,000 tons. ―So will Egypt buy U.S. rice? And what type and class of rice?‖
Increased U.S. rice acreage and increased production this harvest are expected to result in U.S. long-grain ending stocks rising by 31 percent for the 2018-19 marketing year, says Childs. ―Prices are expected to go down for all classes of rice,‖ he said. ―That will pull the all rice price down. We expect more supplies. and to move the rice, prices have to be more competitive.‖
Government procures 38 mn tonnes rice so far in 2017-18; exceeds target PTI|Sep 07, 2018, 01.43 PM IST
For the current year, the government has fixed paddy MSP of 'common' grade variety at Rs 1,550 per quintal, while that of 'A' grade variety at Rs 1,590 per quintal.The Centre's rice procurement has surpassed the target at 38 million tonnes so far in the ongoing 2017-18 marketing year that will end this month, a senior food ministry official said Friday. The rice procurement target set for this year was 37.5 million tonnes. The government had procured 34.35 million tonnes during the last marketing year (October-September), surpassing the target
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of 33 million tonnes set for that year. "Rice procurement is coming to closure this month. So far, we have procured 38 million tonnes. We have purchased more than the target set for this year," the official told PTI. Much of the rice was purchased from states like Punjab, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. Over 33 per cent of the country's total rice production has been procured at the MSP. The paddy is procured at the minimum support price (MSP). State-run Food Corporation of India (FCI) and state agencies have undertaken procurement operation. For the current year, the government has fixed paddy MSP of 'common' grade variety at Rs 1,550 per quintal, while that of 'A' grade variety at Rs 1,590 per quintal. The country is estimated to have harvested a record 112.91 million tonnes of rice in 2017-18, as against 109.70 million tonnes last year, as per the official data.
Rice and Proclamation 572 September 8, 2018, 12:05 AM
Dr. Florangel Rosario Braid Proclamation No. 572 seeking to revoke the grant of amnesty given to Senator Antonio Trillanes and the soaring inflation primarily due to the rising price of rice, are the two most important concerns today. They have already created unrest in many quarters and have undermined faith in the capacity of government to address these concerns.The first clearly challenges the rule of law, violates the Constitution, and like in Senator de Lima‘s case, was an attempt at vendetta against the most outspoken critics of
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PDu30. It was done while the President was out of the country. The timing of release of the proclamation was done while the Senate committee presided on by Sen. Trillanes was investigating Solicitor-General Calida for the controversial ownership of a security agency. Thus, the proclamation and arrest order and the Senate hearing happened at the same time. And the two events were simultaneously shown on television. The Executive proclamation was accompanied by an order to arrest him but this was preempted by the intervention of the Senate which insisted on its prerogative of keeping Trillanes in the Senate premises. It now appears in all reports that Trillanes was accused of not filing amnesty and that he and his co-accused had not admitted guilt. They were wrong as there was proof that Trillanes had filed an application for amnesty, and that he and his co-officers had admitted guilt. Former President Aquino himself said that he had given amnesty to Trillanes and the other Navy officers. This unjust exercise of power is playing out while the people are groaning from the effect of soaring prices of food. We have not had this kind of inflation in the past. Statistics showed that In 2015, our inflation rate was only 1.41%; in 2017 it was 4.1 and now it is the highest among our Asean neighbors – 6.4% which is a nine-year high. The price of rice is blamed for the crisis. Senator Cynthia Villar, chair of Agriculture says there is no rice shortage. If the administration doe not do anything about the rice crisis despites the growing anger of the public, there is something wrong. Farmers are at the mercy of traders as the National Food Authority refuses to buy palay from farmers saying their palay has moisture content. But this is just a mere excuse. Traders are hoarding rice. We have a rice cartel, a garlic cartel, an onion carter, Sen. Villar noted. The solution? Government must enforce a price cap and traders must sell rice at a reasonable cost. It‘s about time that government, specifically NFA or whatever structure is set up to replace it, start being proactive and to utilize existing research in policy-making on rice and other food security concerns. Let us trace the roots of the problem before it gets worse. Arsenio Balisacan et al, in a chapter in a Food and Agriculture publication, Rice Crisis, Market Policies, Food Security, edited by David Dowe (2010), they recommend short and medium term to long-term strategies – For short term, expanded conditional cash transfer to poor farmers complemented with a targeted rice subsidy program in conflict and depressed areas, reduce tariffs and bring in more private traders to participate in importing or marketing of rice, and for NFA to focus on better stock input. For long term solutions , since the food crisis is a result of imbalance between demand and supply, and to keep pace with demand and growth, to (1) develop rice technologies appropriate for local conditions; (2) provide incentives for human resource development ; (3) overhaul of rice extension programs from top-down to LGU-led development; (4) irrigation development;
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and (5) reducing cost of doing business by investing in connectivity transport, telecommunication and removing efficiency-inhibiting regulation. A 2016 doctoral thesis by Paul Balesky of the University of Queensland in Australia, further states that few governments have allowed the domestic rice sector to be influenced by global market supply and demand factor. Rather, governments had intervene in rice markets by providing low prices for rice and giving some support for the livelihood of farmers. As far back as 1975, noted rural sociologist, Gelia Castillo had written ―All in a Grain of Rice, a Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research publication, to highlight the impact of modern rice varieties and the new technology of the farmer. All in a Grain of Rice gives a highly objective analysis of income distribution, employment, labor and migration and well as participatory development. Because of the enormity of the rice and food security issues, we encourage our government planners and those involved in the production, market, and supply chain to use research knowledge to transform the present food security system. My email,
Rice Bran Oil Market Report 2018: In-Depth Study of Significant Production Demand and Consumption Growth Ratio till 2025 Phillip Campbell September 7, 2018 Rice Bran Oil Market Report 2018: In-Depth Study of Significant Production Demand and Consumption Growth Ratio till 20252018-09-07T10:15:29+00:00
Global Rice Bran Oil market survey provides key information about the industry, including very helpful and important facts and figures, expert opinions, and the latest developments across the globe. It provides Detailed understanding of consumption by individual product categories to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market. The Research begins with the Overview of Global Rice Bran Oil Market Analysing Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers. The Research Also Provide Information about Manufacturers, Market Competition, Cost, Market Effect Factors with Market Forecast (2018-2025). This enables the buyer of the report to gain a telescopic view of the competitive landscape and plan the strategies accordingly.
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This report focus on global and regional market, providing information on major players like manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, traders, customers, investors and etc., major types, major applications from global and major regions such as Europe, North America, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and etc. Data type include capacity, production, market share, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, growth rate, consumption, import, export and etc. Industry chain, manufacturing process, cost structure, marketing channel are also analysed in this report. Major Topics Covered in Rice Bran Oil Industry Research Report are as follows: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
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Key Points Covered in Rice Bran Oil Market Report: Global Rice Bran Oil Market Research Report 2018 Global Rice Bran Oil Market Competition by Manufacturers Global Rice Bran Oil Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2025)
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Global Rice Bran Oil Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2018-2025) Global Rice Bran Oil Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type Global Rice Bran Oil Market Analysis by Application Global Rice Bran Oil Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Cost Analysis Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders Market Effect Factors Analysis
Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Report 2018: Global Market expands as Influencer to grab Huge Lead with Prominence by 2025 sambit.k September 7, 2018 Organic Rice Protein Consentrates market report evaluates important changes in consumer behaviour to identify profitable markets & areas for product innovations. It analyse the current and forecast market position of the brands to identify the best opportunities to exploit. Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Size, Status and Forecast 2018-2025 The following Companies as the Key Players in the Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Research Report 2018:
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Axiom Foods, Inc. AIDP, Inc. Ricebran Technologies Shaanxi Fuheng (FH) Biotechnology Co., Ltd Shafi Gluco-Chem (Pvt.) Ltd. Bioway (Xi‘an) Organic Ingredients Co., Ltd. Golden Grain Group Limited Ribus, Inc. The Green Labs LLC Top Health Ingredients Inc. Request a sample copy of Report: It provides Detailed understanding of consumption by individual product categories to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market. The Report also calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of This Report and technologies by various application segments. The Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market has been segmented as below: By Product Analysis:
90% Organic Rice Protein Consentrates
95% Organic Rice Protein Consentrates
Other Purity
For Enquiry for Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Report at: Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam))
South America (Brazil etc.) & Middle East and Africa (North Africa and GCC Countries)
The market research provides a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the regional and Global, focusing on the capacity and production volumes, Producers, prices, import & export, market forecast and consumers, including the unbiased historical data and long-term forecasts. This report provides detailed analysis of worldwide markets for Global Climbing Machine Market Research Report 2018 and provides extensive market forecasts 2018-2023 by region/country and subsectors. T
23 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
Purchase Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Research Report for: The Key Stakeholders in the Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Research Report 2017:
Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Manufacturers
Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Distributors/Traders/Wholesalers
Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Subcomponent Manufacturers
Industry Association
Downstream Vendors
Key Points Covered in Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Report:
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Research Report 2018
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Competition by Manufacturers
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2018-2023)
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Market Analysis by Application
Global Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis
Organic Rice Protein Consentrates Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Market Effect Factors Analysis
Global Rice Milk Market Report 2018: Rising Impressive Business Opportunities Report Forecast by 2025 sambit.k September 7, 2018
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Rice Milk market report evaluates important changes in consumer behaviour to identify profitable markets & areas for product innovations. It analyse the current and forecast market position of the brands to identify the best opportunities to exploit. Global Rice Milk Market Size, Status and Forecast 2018-2025 The following Companies as the Key Players in the Global Rice Milk Market Research Report 2018: Pacific Foods Vitasoy WhiteWave Foods DREAM Costco Wholesale Fine Japan Ecoideas SunOpta Freedom Foods Pure Harvest Request a sample copy of Report: It provides Detailed understanding of consumption by individual product categories to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market. The Report also calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of This Report and technologies by various application segments. The Rice Milk Market has been segmented as below: By Product Analysis:
90% Rice Milk
95% Rice Milk
Other Purity
For Enquiry for Rice Milk Market Report at: Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam))
South America (Brazil etc.) & Middle East and Africa (North Africa and GCC Countries)
The market research provides a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the regional and Global, focusing on the capacity and production volumes, Producers, prices, import
25 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
& export, market forecast and consumers, including the unbiased historical data and long-term forecasts. This report provides detailed analysis of worldwide markets for Global Climbing Machine Market Research Report 2018 and provides extensive market forecasts 2018-2023 by region/country and subsectors. T Purchase Rice Milk Market Research Report for: The Key Stakeholders in the Global Rice Milk Market Research Report 2017:
Rice Milk Manufacturers
Rice Milk Distributors/Traders/Wholesalers
Rice Milk Subcomponent Manufacturers
Industry Association
Downstream Vendors
Key Points Covered in Rice Milk Market Report:
Global Rice Milk Market Research Report 2018
Global Rice Milk Market Competition by Manufacturers
Global Rice Milk Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)
Global Rice Milk Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2018-2023)
Global Rice Milk Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Global Rice Milk Market Analysis by Application
Global Rice Milk Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis
Rice Milk Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Market Effect Factors Analysis
Rice Transplanter Machines market to 2025: consumption volume and sale price analysis examined in new market research report 26 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
, September 7, 2018 Rice Transplanter Machines Market Research Report A new research report titled, ‗Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Research Report‘ has been added to the vast repository of research reports by Garner Insights. The report presents the current landscape and the growth prospects of the Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market during the forecast period, along with the market dynamics such as the growth drivers, restraints, challenges, threats, and the potential growth opportunities. The research report focuses on the leading competitors of the global Rice Transplanter Machines market and provides information such as the company overview, product portfolio, key developments, price, cost, value, volume, revenue, capacity, production, and contact information. Upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis have also been carried out in this report. The report also analyses the current development trends and patterns, as well as the distribution and marketing channel. In the last section of this report, the feasibility of the new investment projects is evaluated and overall research conclusions are offered. Get a Sample PDF Report:
Major Key Players of the Rice Transplanter Machines Market are: BASF
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Aldon Corporation Arrow Fine Chemicals Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (MCF) Addcon Group GmbH Hydrite Chemical Co., Norbright Industry Shandong ShunTian Chemical Group Co., Ltd Anhui Haoyuan Chemical Industry Group Co Ltd Jinshi Group Co. Ltd. Weifang Ocean Fortune Chemical Co. Weijiao Group Co. Ltd Sure Chemical Co., Ltd. Anhui Haoyuan Chemical Industry Group Co Ltd Longcom Enterprise Ltd Major Types of Rice Transplanter Machines covered are: Agriculture Grade Industrial Grade Food Grade Major Applications of Rice Transplanter Machines covered are: Food and Beverage Industry Plastic and Rubber Industry Agriculture Industry Pharmaceutical Industry Others Get Discount on this Report: Key findings of the report: – Industry overview of the global Rice Transplanter Machines market – Market dynamics, including the drivers, restraints, challenges, threats, and the potential growth opportunities – Capacity, production, cost, price, value, volume, gross, profit, gross margin and revenue analysis of Rice Transplanter Machines market by geography, type, application, and industry
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verticals – Consumption volume, consumption value, and sale price analysis of Rice Transplanter Machines market by geography, type, application, and industry verticals – Supply, import, export and consumption analysis of 684 market – In-depth analysis of the key players operating in the market -Strengths and weaknesses of the leading industry players
Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market 2018 Major Players – Dupont Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer CropScience, Nath, Advanta, Nirmal Seeds, Longping High-tech, China National Seed David September 8, 2018
Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market Research Report 2018-2025 documented by is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the industry with a focus on the Chinese market. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Hybrid Rice Seeds manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry. DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLE REPORT: Hybrid Rice Seeds can be used by enterprises to support a wide range of business decisions ranging from operational to strategic. Basic operating decisions include product positioning or pricing. Strategic business decisions involve priorities, goals and directions at the broadest level.The report covers diverse segments such as industrial applications that are analyzed thoroughly in terms of technology developments, market conditions and opportunities, along with five-year forecasts. Hybrid Rice Seeds is estimated to have a significant growth in the market during the forecast period owing to increasing demand for real-time data analytics and rising revenue.Firstly, the report provides a basic overview of the industry including its definition, applications and manufacturing technology. Then, the report explores the international and other major industry Dupont Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer CropScience,
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Nath, Advanta, Nirmal Seeds, Longping High-tech, China National Seed Group, Hainan Shennong Gene, WIN-ALL HI-TECH SEED, Hefei Fengle Seed, Zhongnongfa Seed, RiceTec, SL Agritech in detail. Based on Geography, it is leading the market due to the development and implementation of new strategies, on sales of industrial goods in major regions North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa. In addition, the report also covers the many issues concerning the merits and future prospects of the business, including corporate strategies, technologies and the means for providing these products and service offerings. It also covers in detail the social, political, regulatory and economic issues that so many regards as critical to the industry‘s current state of change. READ FULL REPORT: The report addresses the global market for Hybrid Rice Seeds during the period from 2018 through 2023. Estimated values used are based on manufacturers‘ total revenue and research grants awarded towards R&D. Projected and forecast revenue values are in US dollars, not adjusted for inflation. Scope of the Report: The report also highlights the competitive landscape of the market, positioning all the major players according to their presence in different regions of the world and key developments initiated by them in the global digital transformation spending in logistics market. The comprehensive market estimates are a result of in-depth secondary research, primary interviews, and in-house expert panel reviews. These market estimates have been analyzed considering the impact of different factors along with the current market dynamics affecting the global digital transformation spending in logistics market expansion. Conclusion: Report helps in understanding and analysis of business data through constant study and investigation of historical business performance to expand decisive insights for business planning. Through the application of statistical methods and tools in business performance data, the Hybrid Rice Seeds
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Market Research Report 2018-2025 performs predictive analysis to derive decision making insights and inputs.
Customization of the Report:This report can be customized to meet the client‘s requirements. Please connect with our sales team (, who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs.
Rice Cooker Market Size, Growth, Research, Applications, Shares & Insights to 2023 Rice Cooker Market By NIDHI BHAWSAR
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Global Rice Cooker Market Research Forecast Study to 2022 presents an in-depth strategic assessment of the Rice Cooker. The study highlights influencing factors that are impacting or reinforcing market environment such as Government Policy, Technological Changes etc along with key market drivers. The research study is forecasted taken into consideration the primaries from industry experts and includes key data (revenue, market Size, growth rate, and product price) by important players such as Midea, Joyoung, Panasonic, PHILIPS, SUPOR, ZO JIRUSHI, TIGER, Povos, Toshiba, Matsushita, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, Philips & LG and segmented by products such as , Electric Rice Cookers & Gas Rice Cookers. Request Sample of Global Rice Cooker Market Insights, Forecast to 2025 @: This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porter‘s Five Forces Analysis. The Rice Cooker market was valued at Million US$ in 2017 and is projected to reach Million US$ by 2025, at a CAGR of during the forecast period. In this study, 2017 has been considered
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as the base year and 2018 to 2025 as the forecast period to estimate the market size for Rice Cooker. The research study also provides Global Rice Cooker Sales (K Units) and Revenue (Million USD) by Top manufacturers that includes Midea, Joyoung, Panasonic, PHILIPS, SUPOR, ZO JIRUSHI, TIGER, Povos, Toshiba, Matsushita, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, Philips & LG for forecasted period 2017-2022. Each player highlighted in the research study contains companies Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors, in-depth business overview, geographic footprint and contact information. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to SWOT Analysis. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography we can provide customization accordingly. Global Rice Cooker (Thousands Units) by Application (2017-2022)
Market Segment by Application
Market Share (%)2022
CAGR (%)
Browse for Full Report at: Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with Sales, revenue, Market Share (%) and Growth Rate (%) of Rice Cooker in regions/countries such as United States, Europe, China, Japan & Other Regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast).
Market Segment by Regions
Share (%)
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CAGR (20172022)
United States
Other Regions
In addition to this Global Rice Cooker Market Split by Product Type such as , Electric Rice Cookers & Gas Rice Cookers and also presented nicely through graphs and tables. The objectives / scope of this 118 pages study is to define, describe, and analyze the Rice Cooker market on the basis of product type, application, and region. To forecast and analyze the size of market (in terms of value) in key regions, namely, United States, Europe, China, Japan & Other Regions To forecast and analyze the Rice Cooker market at country-level in each region Total sale of Rice Cooker in United States, Europe, China, Japan & Other Regions To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trends and its contribution to the Rice Cooker market To analyze opportunities for stakeholders by identifying high-growth segments of the market To provide significant market trends and factors driving or inhibiting the growth of the Global Rice Cooker market and its regional markets To analyze competitive developments and landscape such as expansions, joint ventures, new products launches, mergers and Acquisition. To strategically profile key players in the market and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies. Buy Single User License of Global Rice Cooker Market Insights, Forecast to 2025 @
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There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the Global Rice Cooker market. Chapter 1, to describe Rice Cooker Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Rice Cooker, with sales, revenue, and price of Rice Cooker, in 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2017; Chapter 4, to show the Global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Rice Cooker, for each region, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in United States, Europe, China, Japan & Other Regions; Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application [Houshold & Commercial], from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 12, Rice Cooker market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Rice Cooker sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Enquire for customization in Report @ Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. About Author: HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the ―Accurate Forecast‖ in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their ―Goals & Objectives‖.
Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218
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Future Industrial Demand for Hybrid Rice Seeds Market Research Report Forecast to 2016-2025 The Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market Report includes a comprehensive analysis of the present market. The report starts with the basic Hybrid Rice Seeds Market overview and then goes into each and every detail. QY Reports September 7, 2018
Hybrid rice is grown from hybrid rice seed which is produced by growing an inbred rice variety having sterile pollen which is cross pollinated with normal pollen from adjacent rice plants of a different inbred variety. In 2016, Global Hybrid Rice Seed total consumption reaches 411356 MT, and it was 341621 MT in 2012. The CAGR of global hybrid rice seed consumption from 2012 to 2016 is about 4.75%.
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From an insight perspective, this research report has concentrated on different levels of analysesindustry analysis, market analysis of foremost players, supply chain analysis, and organization profiles, which together comprise and discuss about the essential perspectives on the competitive scenario; emerging and high-growth segments of the Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market; highgrowth regions; and market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. Top Key Vendors in Market: Dupont Pioneer, High-tech, China National Seed Group, Hainan Shennong Gene, WIN-ALL HI-TECH SEED, Hefei Fengle Seed, Zhongnongfa Seed, RiceTec, SL Agritech Get Sample Copy of this Report @: The Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market is an exceptionally divided, niche market with the presence of a limited number of merchants. Suppliers in the market participate based on estimation, development, benefit, reputation, distribution, and promotion. As the market is still in its development stage, small merchants with inventive solutions have the odds of being acquired by leading players in the market. Get Upto 30% Discount on this Report @: The report also implements primary and secondary research techniques for gathering the most crucial pieces of professional information and applies a number of industry-best techniques upon the data for projecting the future state of the Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market. On the basis of the current market growth, the report includes an investigation of how activities such as mergers and shapes the market‘s future. If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want. Table of Contents Global Hybrid Rice Seeds Market Research Report Chapter 1: Hybrid Rice Seeds Market Overview Chapter 2: Global Economic Impact on Industry
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Chapter 3: Global Market Competition by Manufacturers Chapter 4: Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region Chapter 5: Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions Chapter 6: Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type Chapter 7: Global Market Analysis by Application Chapter 8: Manufacturing Cost Analysis Chapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers Chapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders Chapter 11: Market Effect Factors Analysis Chapter 12: Global Market Forecast For more Information: About Qy Reports: We at QY Research(, a leading market research report publisher cater to more than 4,000 prestigious clients worldwide meeting their customized research requirements in terms of market data size and its application. Our list of customers include renouned Chinese companies multinational companies, SME‘s and private equity firms. our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering you accurate, in depth and reliable market insight, industry analysis and structure. QY Research‘s specialize in forecasts needed for investing in an and execution of a new project globally and in Chinese markets. Contact us:QY Reports Jones John (Sales Manager) +91-9764607607
Rice Transplanter Market | Global Research Insight 2018-2025 ( Yanmar, Kubota and Branson ) and more… 38 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
Kenneth Rowell Global Rice Transplanter Market Research Report analyzes world market regions, product categories, with sales, market revenue, product cost, Rice Transplanter market share and growth trends, focusing on leading Rice Transplanter industry players, market size, demand and supply analysis, consumption volume, Forecast 2018 to 2025. Overview of Global Rice Transplanter Market insights: The Global Rice Transplanter report provides a comprehensive scenario of the present world market and market forecast up to 2025, Rice Transplanter market strategies, development strategies and growth opportunities. Starting a discussion on the current state of Rice Transplanter industry, the report further analyses the market dynamics affecting each category present in it. Rice Transplanter industry report includes upstream raw materials, equipment, and downstream consumers analysis. Global Rice Transplanter Market Regions Wise Analysis : In the next part, the Rice Transplanter Market Report evaluates the gross margin analysis of numerous regions i. e. (US, EU, Asia(China, India and Japan)). Other regions can be added as per the requirement. It shows manufacturing capacity, Rice Transplanter market share during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022. The report further studies the Rice Transplanter insights of the companies and recommendations that will help the readers to have up-to-date knowledge of the Rice Transplanter industry. To Get Detailed Knowledge About the Report Click Here: The Comprehensive scenario of Global Rice Transplanter Market 2018 and top sellers: Nantong FLW Agricultural Equipment, Kubota, DongFeng, Yanmar, ChangFa, Toyonoki, Iseki, Branson and ShiFeng Global Rice Transplanter Market 2018 (Type Analysis): All-Automatic, Semi-Automatic Global Rice Transplanter Market 2018 (Application Analysis): Residential, Commercial
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Do Inquiry Before Buying to get better Report result by clicking Here: – History Year: 2013-2017 | Base Year: 2017 | Estimated Year: 2018 | Forecast Year 2018 to 2025 Browse Full Report with TOC Click Here (To Get An Immediate Access): List Of Global Rice Transplanter Market Chapters : * Chapter 1 Rice Transplanter Industry Overview. * Chapter 2 Rice Transplanter Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis. * Chapter 3 Rice Transplanter Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis. * Chapter 4 Rice Transplanter Production by Regions, Technology, and Applications. * Chapter 5 Rice Transplanter Sales and Sales Revenue by Regions. * Chapter 6 2018-2025 Rice Transplanter Productions Supply Sales Market Status and Forecast. * Chapter 7 Rice Transplanter Key Manufacturers Analysis. * Chapter 8 Rice Transplanter Price Gross Margin Analysis. * Chapter 9 2018-2025 Rice Transplanter Industry Development Trend. * Chapter 10 Rice Transplanter New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis. Lawrence John, +1(857)5982522. Prudour Pvt. Ltd. 420 Lexington Avenue Suite 300 New York City, NY 10170.
China's 'father of hybrid rice' says willing to promote product in Africa 2018-09-07 16:40:35Ecns.cnEditor : Mo Hong'e
Yuan Longping, China's "father of hybrid rice" , speaks at the 4th Investing in Africa Forum in Changsha City, Hunan Province, Sept. 7, 2018. (Photo/Screenshot on China News Service TV) Special: Forum on China Africa Cooperation 2018
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(ECNS) - China's "father of hybrid rice" Yuan Longping said he is personally willing to help develop hybrid rice to address food shortage in Africa.
At the 4th Investing in Africa Forum in Changsha City, Hunan Province, Yuan said hybrid rice has proven to have high yields in China as well as African countries such as Sierra Leone and Libya. In Madagascar, hybrid rice cultivation has reached 20,000 hectares with a yield of about 7 tons per hectare. Average local production is about 2.5 tons per hectare, according to Yuan, indicating hybrid rice has a promising future on the continent. Yuan also shared his experience in rice research. In 1964, he happened to find a natural rice plant to use in his hybridization experiments that had obvious advantages over other species. The Investing in Africa Forum, an outcome of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on ChinaAfrica Cooperation in 2015, annually alternates between China and African countries. Participants had in-depth exchanges on a broad range of issues including modern agriculture, culture and education, healthcare, the digital economy and innovation, and climate change.
Global Portable Scales Market Outlook 2018- LAB-KITS, Rice Lake Weighing Systems, Brechbuhler Scales Inc, H&L Mesabi, Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Company, Modern Machinery Co., Inc. 41 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
7 September 2018 - by Hiren.S
The report on the global ―Portable Scales market‖ offers detailed data on the Portable Scales market. Elements such as dominating companies, classification, size, business atmosphere, SWOT analysis, and most effectual trends in the industry are comprised in this research study. In this report, the global Portable Scales market is valued at USD XX million in 2018 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2025. In addition to this, the report sports charts, numbers, and tables that offer a clear viewpoint of the Portable Scales market. The dominant companies OHAUS, AND, Precia Molen, KERN, PCE, LAB-KITS, Rice Lake Weighing Systems, Brechbuhler Scales Inc, H&L Mesabi, Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Company, Modern Machinery Co., Inc. are additionally mentioned in the report. Get Free Sample Copy sample.html?repid=11899
The latest data has been presented in the global Portable Scales market study on the revenue numbers, product details, and sales of the major firms. In addition to this, this information also comprises the breakdown of the revenue for the Portable Scales market in addition to claiming a forecast for the same in the estimated timeframe. The strategic business tactics accepted by the noteworthy members of the global Portable Scales market have also been integrated in this report. Key weaknesses and strengths, in addition to claiming the dangers encountered by the main contenders in the Portable Scales market, have been a fraction of this research study. Furthermore, main product type and segments 100g/0.01g, 200g/0.01g, 500g/0.1g, 1000g/0.1g, Others and the sub-segments Medical, Education, Chemical, Others of the global market are depicted in the report. The global Portable Scales market report includes a profound summary of the key sectors of the Portable Scales market. Both quickly and slowly growing sectors of the Portable Scales market have been examined via this study. Forecast, share of the market, and size of each s and subsegment is obtainable in the study. The key up-and-coming chances associated to the most quickly growing segments of the market are also a fracturing of this report. Furthermore, classification based on geographies as well as the trends powering the leading regional markets and developing geographies is offered in this research study. The global Portable Scales market report wraps regions that are mainly classified into: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. Read full Research Report Study at @:
42 | w w w . r i c e p l u s m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m
The report on the global Portable Scales market furthermore offers a chronological factsheet relating to the strategically mergers, acquirements, joint venture activities, and partnerships widespread in the Portable Scales market. Remarkable suggestions by senior experts on tactically spending in research and development might help up-and-coming entrants as well as reputable companies for enhanced incursion in the developing segments of the Portable Scales market. Market players might accomplish a clear perception of the main rivals in the Portable Scales market in addition to their future forecasts. The report also analyses the market in terms of volume [k MT] and revenue [Million USD]. There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Portable Scales market Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Portable Scales , Applications of Portable Scales , Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Portable Scales , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Portable Scales Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Portable Scales Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Portable Scales ; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type 100g/0.01g, 200g/0.01g, 500g/0.1g, 1000g/0.1g, Others, Market Trend by Application Medical, Education, Chemical, Others; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Portable Scales ; Chapter 12, Portable Scales Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Portable Scales sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Enquire Here Get customization & check discount @:
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe, South America, Middle East & Africa. Contact US:
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Rice Transplanter Machines Market by Production, Capacity Utilization Rate, Factory Price, Revenue, Cost, Gross and Gross Margin Analysis By Phillip Campbell September 8, 2018
The Rice Transplanter Machines Market report firstly announced the Rice Transplanter Machines Industry fundamentals: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. This report describes the development of the industry by upstream & downstream, industry overall and development, key companies, as well as type segment & market application and so on, and makes a scientific prediction for the development industry prospects on the basis of analysis, finally, analyzes opportunities for investment in the industry at the end of the report. Get Sample Report of Rice Transplanter Machines Market @ Premium Wireless Routersmarket competition by top manufacturers/players, with Premium Wireless Routers sales volume, Price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including: Yanmar, Iseki, Kubota, TYM, CLAAS, CLAAS, Shandong Fuerwo Agricultural Equipment, Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery, Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery, Changfa Agricultural Equipment etc
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On the basis on the end users/applications, Rice Transplanter Machines market report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, including: – Application 1, Application 2, Application 3 Table of Contents: Chapter 1 Rice Transplanter Machines Market Overview 1.1 Definition 1.2 Classification Analysis 1.3 Application Analysis 1.4 Rice Transplanter Machines Industry Chain Structure Analysis 1.5 Market Development Overview 1.6 Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Comparison Analysis 1.6.1 Global Import Market Analysis 1.6.2 Global Export Market Analysis 1.6.3 Global Main Region Market Analysis 1.6.4 Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Comparison Analysis 1.6.5 Global Market Development Trend Analysis Inquire for further detailed information about Rice Transplanter Machines Market Report @
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Raw Materials
Consumer Preference
Industry Overall:
Development & Trend
Market Competition
Trade Overview
Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East, Africa):
Regional Market
Production Development
Regional Trade
Regional Forecast
Rice Transplanter Machines Market report also contain Company Profile
Product & Service
Business Operation Data
Market Share
Investment Analysis:
Market Features
Investment Opportunity
Investment Calculation
Purchase Full Report with $ 2600 @
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Reasons to Purchase:
Identify growth segments for investment.
Outperform competitors using accurate up to date demand-side dynamics information of Rice Transplanter Machines
Facilitate decision making based on historic and forecast data and the drivers and restraints on the Rice Transplanter Machines
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Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable highquality data and analysis
Gain a global perspective on the development of the Rice Transplanter Machines
Stay abreast of the latest customer and market research findings.
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In the end, Rice Transplanter Machines Market report provides the main region, market conditions with the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. Rice Transplanter Machines Market report also Present new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.
Rice Transplanter Machine Market Industry Analysis, Key Research Findings & Growth Forecast To 2021 Sampada.p September 7, 2018 Rice Transplanter Machine Market covers the present scenario (2013-2017) and the growth prospects of the Rice Transplanter Machine market. The research report includes key market information related to the present market size, share, key performing regions, leading brands present in the Rice Transplanter Machine market space. The analysis done in this
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report is done both for regional level as well as global level. So, the report is helpful for readers who are looking to tap the regional Rice Transplanter Machine market or global Rice Transplanter Machine market. Forecast Year– 2021 | No. Of Pages: 101 Market driver
Shift toward mechanization
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market challenge
Lack of finances for small farmers to replace old machinery
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market trend
Product innovation
For a full, detailed list, view our report
About Rice Transplanter Machine The rice transplanter machine was introduced in Japan by Kubota during the 1960s. It is specifically designed for transplanting rice seedlings in paddy fields. Farmers are required to drive the machine along a straight line to transplant the seedlings in rows. The rice planter comprised of three parts, namely the motor, running gear, and transplanter device. The transplanter consists of a seedling tray, seeding tray shifter, and pickup forks. The seedlings are fed into the seedling trays from where they are picked up by the forks and placed into the ground. Industry analysts forecast the global rice transplanter machine Market to grow at a CAGR of 9.35% during the period 2017-2021. Access sample of the Rice Transplanter Machine market report with detailed TOC @ Key objectives of this Rice Transplanter Machine market research report:
To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.
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To analyze and study the Rice Transplanter Machine market sales, value, status (2013-2017) and forecast (2017-2021);
Focuses on the key Rice Transplanter Machine players, to study the sales, value, market share and development plans in future.
To analyze the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, to study the sales, value and market share of top players in these regions.
Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.
To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.
To analyze the global and key regions market potential, advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.
To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the Rice Transplanter Machine market growth.
To strategically analyze each Rice Transplanter Machine submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the market
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
For A Pre-Order Enquiry visit @ Top Players Of Rice Transplanter Machine Market Space: Kubota, Iseki, Yanmar, TYM, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery, CLAAS, Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery, Changfa Agricultural Equipment, Shandong Fuerwo Agricultural Equipment, Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery, Promising Regions & Countries Mentioned In The Rice Transplanter Machine Market Report:
North America ( United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe ( Germany, France, UK, Russia & Italy)
Asia-Pacific ( China, Japan, Korea, India & South-East Asia)
South America ( Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, EQYPT, Nigeria & South Africa)
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The report covers the volumes, prices, historical growth and future perspectives in the Rice Transplanter Machine market and further lays out an analysis of the factors influencing the supply/demand for Rice Transplanter Machine, and the opportunities/challenges faced by industry participants. Purchase the full detailed Rice Transplanter Machine market report for $3500(SUL) @
Global Rice Transplanter Machines Market Overview 2018: Yanmar, Iseki, Kubota, TYM, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery ann.castro The global ―Rice Transplanter Machines market‖ report is a meticulous study of the global Rice Transplanter Machines market portraying the state-ofthe-art details in the market. It also predicts its growth in the next few years. The Rice Transplanter Machines report evaluates various aspects that determine the growth as well as the volume of the global Rice Transplanter Machines market. Additionally, it presents a determined business outlook of the market along with the summary of some of the leading market players. In this report, the global Rice Transplanter Machines is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2023, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2023. The prominent players in the global Rice Transplanter Machines market are Yanmar, Iseki, Kubota, TYM, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery, CLAAS, Shandong Fuerwo Agricultural Equipment, Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery, Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery, Changfa Agricultural Equipment. Get Access to the FREE sample report:: The global Rice Transplanter Machines report covers the product contributions, revenue segmentation, and business overview of the leading players in the Rice Transplanter Machines market. It utilizes the latest developments in the global Rice Transplanter Machines market to assess the market share of the prominent market players in the upcoming period. The report highlights the limitations and strong points of the well-known players through SWOT analysis. It
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also assesses their growth in the market. Additionally, the global Rice Transplanter Machines market report covers the major product categories and segments Mechanical, Manual along with their sub-segments Commercial, Household in detail. The assessment is estimated with the help of in-depth market research. It also highlights the impact of Porter‘s Five Forces on the market expansion. The Rice Transplanter Machines market study analyzes the global Rice Transplanter Machines market in terms of size [k MT] and revenue [USD Million]. Further, the report analyzes the global Rice Transplanter Machines market based on the product type and customer segments. It also calculates the growth of each segment in the Rice Transplanter Machines market over the predicted time. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at:: The global Rice Transplanter Machines research report presents data collected from various regulatory organizations to assess the growth of every segment. In addition, the study also assesses the global Rice Transplanter Machines market on the basis of the geography. It analyzes the macro- and microeconomic factors influencing the market growth in each region. The global Rice Transplanter Machines market is further bifurcated on the basis of the regions Latin America, Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa too. There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Rice Transplanter Machines market Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Rice Transplanter Machines , Applications of Rice Transplanter Machines , Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Rice Transplanter Machines , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Rice Transplanter Machines Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Rice Transplanter Machines Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Rice Transplanter Machines ; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Mechanical, Manual, Market Trend by Application Commercial, Household; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;
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Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Rice Transplanter Machines ; Chapter 12, Rice Transplanter Machines Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Rice Transplanter Machines sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Enquire Here Get customization & check discount for Rice Transplanter Machines market Reasons for Buying Rice Transplanter Machines market This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growthIt provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
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