The Portland Daily Sun, Thursday, March 24, 2011

Page 1

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State budget cuts prompt groups to hold info-meeting

‘Promise’ of spring in Portland Melissa Howe and Luca Richards chat in front of an Arnold Promise witch hazel tree at Post Office Park Wednesday. The cultivar name “Arnold Promise” alludes to Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University, where hybrid seeds were collected in the 1940s. “’Arnold Promise’ is the very best of the earlyblooming witch hazels, at least for New England gardeners. It is a far better plant than either of its parents, particularly in regard to its flowering,” wrote Richard E. Weaver Jr. in a treatise about the origins of Arnold Promise. Information on this tree was provided by city arborist Jeff Tarling. See the Bloom Burg report on page 9. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Services, immigration key issues are a lot of different BY MATT DODGE THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN changes proposed that could affect all comTonight a variety of munities — especially local political groups working and lowand state delegates income families,” said will host a public Reinholt. forum at King Middle Such changes School to discuss the include an overhaul state budget, immiof the state’s general grant issues and voter assistance program, Russell registration legislachanges to qualification currently pending tions for MaineCare, in Augusta. pension reform, the Tempo“Education is a really imporrary Assistance for Needy tant part of the budget proFamilies (TANF) program, the cess, so opportunities like the state’s tax/rent refund "Cirone [tonight] really provide cuit Breaker" program and the a chance to really engage the ability of Maine voters to regiscommunity in conversation ter at the polls on election day. about the budget,” said Lizzy “These are all proposals that Reinholt, communication coorcould have a real impact on dinator for Engage Maine. Maine families and communiReinholt said that recent ties,” said Reinholt. legislation in the legislature District 120 representacould seriously affect some tive Diane Russell will be on low-income Mainers and parts hand to hear concerns from of the immigrant community, members of her own district. and that the forum is a chance Russell said the idea for the for members of these commucommunity forum started earnities to educated themselves lier this month when a busload on changes to state assistance of members from Portland’s programs. “In the state budget there see CUTS page 3

Activist or terrorist? UMF students bring Ayers for ed talk BY CURTIS ROBINSON



A controversial icon of protest against the Vietnam war is headed to the University of Maine at Farmington to discuss education policy next week, being sponsored appropriately enough by both the Student Education Association of Maine and Peace Acivists in Training (PAinT).

The days, most of us may think of the “Weather Underground” as a good website to check ski conditions, but in the 1970s the words identified a group on the vanguard of violent protest against the Vietnam “police action.” They

surfaced during the Chicago Seven trial and most famously bombed the Pentagon among other targets; whether they were a terrorist group or political activists depends partly on point of view, and partly on how much history you’ve soaked up. Eventually, charges against them were dropped — I don’t see AYERS page 5

Bill Ayers worked as Assistant Deputy Mayor for Education in Chicago in 1990. (Photo courtesy of the Rag Blog, http://theragblog.blogspot. com)

‘Ghost Hunters’ at Fort Knox to air

Egg-spectations on new dumb laws

Maine Handicapped Skiing gets a lift by going downhill

See story on page 3

See Bob Higgins on page 4

See Marty Basch’s ski column on page 6

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79 (NY Times) — Elizabeth Taylor, the actress who dazzled generations of moviegoers with her stunning beauty and whose name was synonymous with Hollywood glamour, died Wednesday in Los Angeles. She was 79. A spokeswoman at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center said Ms. Taylor died at 1:28 a.m. Pacific time. Her publicist, Sally Morrison, said the cause was complications of congestive heart failure. Ms. Taylor had had a series of medical setbacks over the years and was hospitalized six weeks ago with heart problems. In a world of flickering images, Elizabeth Taylor was a constant star. First appearing on screen at age 9, she grew up there, never passing through an awkward age. It was one quick leap from “National Velvet” to “A Place in the Sun” and from there to “Cleopatra,” as she was indelibly transformed from a vulnerable child actress into a voluptuous film queen. In a career of more than 70 years and more than 50 films, she won two Academy Awards as best actress, for her performances as a call girl in “Butterfield 8” (in 1960) and as the acid-tongued Martha in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (in 1966). Mike Nichols, who directed her in “Virginia Woolf,” said he considered her “one of the greatest cinema actresses.” When Ms. Taylor was honored in 1986 by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, Vincent Canby wrote in The New York Times, “More than anyone else I can think of, Elizabeth Taylor represents the complete movie phenomenon — what movies are as an art and an industry, and what they have meant to those of us who have grown up watching them in the dark.” Ms. Taylor’s popularity endured throughout her life, but critics were sometimes reserved in their praise of her acting. In that sense she may have been upstaged by her own striking beauty. Could anyone as lovely as Elizabeth Taylor also be talented? The answer, of course, was yes. Given her lack of professional training, the range of her acting was surprisingly wide. She played predatory vixens and wounded victims. She was Cleopatra of the burnished barge; Tennessee Williams’s Maggie the cat; Catherine Holly, who confronted terror suddenly last summer; and Shakespeare’s Kate. Her melodramatic heroines would have been at home on soap operas.


Big girls need big diamonds.” —Elizabeth Taylor

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


3DAYFORECAST Today High: 37 Record: 68 (1938) Sunrise: 6:37 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 38 Low: 23 Sunrise: 6:36 a.m. Sunset: 6:59 p.m.

Tonight Low: 27 Record: 6 (1906) Sunset: 6:58 p.m.

Saturday High: 34 Low: 20

DOW JONES 67.39 to 12,086.02 NASDAQ 14.43 to 2,698.30 S&P 3.77 to 1,297.54



DAILY NUMBERS Day 5-0-3 • 9-3-8-2 Evening 3-2-9 • 6-7-2-1

MORNING High: 3:02 a.m. Low: 9:27 a.m.

1,511 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan.

EVENING High: 3:44 p.m. Low: 9:42 p.m. -courtesy of

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

New woes at Japanese plant Radioactive iodine detected in Tokyo’s water supply, prompting run on bottled water BY KEITH BRADSHER THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Japanese electricians who bravely strung wires this week to all six reactor buildings at a stricken nuclear power plant succeeded despite waves of heat and blasts of radioactive steam. The restoration of electricity at the plant, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, stirred hopes that the crisis was ebbing, but nuclear engineers say some of the most difficult and dangerous tasks are still ahead — and time is not necessarily on the side of the repair teams. The tasks include manually draining hundreds of gallons of radioactive water and venting radioactive gas from the pumps and piping of the emergency cooling systems, which are located diagonally underneath the overheated reactor vessels. A health warning that infants should not drink tap water — even in Tokyo, far from the stricken plant — raised alarms about extensive contamination. “We’ve got at least 10 days to two weeks of potential drama before you can declare the accident over,” said Michael Friedlander, who worked as a nuclear plant operator for 13 years. Western nuclear engineers have become increasingly concerned about a separate problem that may be putting pressure on the Japanese technicians to work faster: salt buildup inside the reactors, which could cause them to heat up more and, in the worst case, cause the uranium to melt, releasing a range of radioactive material. Richard T. Lahey Jr., who was General Electric’s chief of safety research for boiling-water reactors when the company installed them at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, said that as seawater was pumped into the reactors and boiled away, it left more and more salt behind. He estimates that 57,000 pounds of salt have accumulated in Reactor No. 1 and 99,000 pounds apiece in Reactors No. 2 and 3, which are larger. The big question is how much of that salt

Kokona, an 8-month-old baby, received a medical examination at a temporary clinic in Hadenya, Minamisanroku, Japan. Engineers have checked facilities at the central control room for Reactors Nos. 1 and 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant as fears of radiation permeate the nation. (Ko Sasaki for The New York Times)

is still mixed with water and how much now forms a crust on the reactors’ uranium fuel rods. Chemical crusts on uranium fuel rods have been a problem for years at nuclear plants. Crusts insulate the rods from the water and allow them to heat up. If the crusts are thick enough, they can block water from circulating between the fuel rods. As the rods heat up, their zirconium cladding can ignite, which may cause the uranium inside to melt and release radioactive material. Some of the salt might be settling to the bottom of the reactor vessel rather than sticking to the fuel rods. But just as a heating element repeatedly used to warm tea in a mug tends to become encrusted in cities where the tap water is rich with minerals, boiling seawater is likely to leave salt mainly on the fuel rods.

The Japanese have reported that some of the seawater used for cooling has returned to the ocean, suggesting that some of the salt may have flowed out again rather than remaining in the reactors. But clearly a significant amount remains. A Japanese nuclear safety regulator said on Wednesday that plans were under way to fix a piece of equipment that would allow freshwater instead of seawater to be pumped in. In a separate report, The New York Times reported that radioactive iodine detected in Tokyo’s water supply prompted Japanese authorities on Wednesday to warn that infants in Tokyo and surrounding areas should not drink tap water, adding to the growing anxiety about public safety posed by Japan’s unfolding nuclear crisis. The announcement prompted a run on bottled water at stores in Tokyo.

‘Hunger Banquet’ marks 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT Today from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at DiMillo’s Restaurant in Portland, speakers such as Congresswoman Chellie Pingree; Cheryl Leeman, regional representative to U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe; and Alec Porteous, from the office of U.S. Sen. Susan Collins will present at a local celebration of the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day. International humanitarian organization Oxfam America will join leaders from Maine’s business, agricultural, environmental, culinary, non-profit, faith and

philanthropic communities, according to organizers. The event will strive to raise awareness about the women on the frontlines of global hunger and climate change, and celebrate the role women play in feeding the world, organizers said in a press release. Diane Atwood, former health reporter for WCSH6, and Cathy Lee, managing director of Lee International, will serve as Masters of Ceremonies. The evening will also feature women farmers, chefs and restaurant owners from around Maine, including Karen Volkhausen of Happy Town Farm in Orland. Volkhausen said, “It’s an honor and a

privilege to represent women farmers in Maine who are doing our part to keep small, local agriculture alive and vital in our communities.” “The Oxfam America Hunger Banquet is a unique event in which guests draw straws to see who gets a full meal and who gets just rice for dinner,” the press release stated. “This simulation of the real life impacts of hunger and poverty allows participants to experience firsthand how policies and decisions made here at home affect women around the world.” To learn more, go to

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 3


“Ghost Hunters” TV show personalities, Grant Wilson and Ami Bruni, reveal their findings to Friends of Fort Knox executive director, Leon Seymour, in February. (Photo courtesy of Friends of Fort Knox)

‘Ghost Hunters’ hit Fort Knox DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT The Friends of Fort Knox, working in partnership with the Maine Department of Conservation’s Bureau of Parks and Lands, reported Wednesday that the SyFy Channel’s, “Ghost Hunters” TV program, will air the results of their investigation of the Fort, on Wednesday, April 6, at 9 p.m. The investigation and filming took place in February when a film production crew arrived at Fort Knox, where Friends of Fort Knox executive director, Leon Seymour, provided the “Ghost Hunters” a tour of the site and recounted visitor reports of paranormal experiences, the group reported. A live public screening of the “Ghost Hunters” Fort Knox episode, titled “Residual Haunts,” will take place on Wednesday, April 6, from 7:30 p.m. until 10 p.m., at the Bucksport Golf Club, Route 46, in Bucksport. The special event fundraiser, sponsored by the Friends of Fort Knox, will provide people an opportunity to meet people who have reported paranormal experiences at the Fort and watch the show on a big screen TV. Advanced tickets for the TV event are $7 per person ($10 night of the event) and may be purchased by calling 469-6553 or

stopping by the Friends office at Fort Knox. Attendees will receive snacks, and a cash bar will be available. At the conclusion of the investigation, “Ghost Hunters” stars, Amy Bruni and Grant Wilson, presented their paranormal investigation findings to Seymour. This portion of the investigative process known as the “reveal” has been kept confidential until the TV program airs. The visit by the “Ghost Hunters” group was more than a year in the making. It began when the Friends of Fort Knox received an email from the producer of the program in December 2009, the group reported. Over the past several years, local paranormal investigating groups have approached the Friends of Fort Knox to enlist their help facilitating nighttime research. Some of these paranormal research groups, such as Bangor Ghost Hunters, Central Maine Paranormal, East Coast Ghost Trackers and Maine Supernatural, have posted their investigation results on the Internet. The Friends of Fort Knox helped the TV show’s producers by identifying individuals who had reported having paranormal experiences to the organization during the past several years.

Russell to discuss immigrant issues CUTS from page one

immigrant community traveled to Augusta to weigh in on proposed budget cuts. “There were a number of people we didn't have room for on the bus, and we wanted to make sure we had an opportunity where people could not just weigh in, but get informed on what was happening,” said Russell, who will be leading a discussion on immigrant issues during tonight’s forum. “We want to people to hear the facts versus the myths, ask questions, hear from experts, be fully informed and provide an opportunity for them to weigh in on the political process, because not everyone not everyone is able to make it to Augusta during the day,” she said. While the event will be primarily educational, some local state representatives and senators will be on hand to respond to their constituency

and will collect contact information for those wishing to learn more about legislative action in Augusta. The forum is a non-partisan event, according to Reinholt, who said that the Maine Can Do Better colation she works with has not yet decided to to endorse or condemn such legislative action. “We are hoping to have many of the communities targeted by legislation or the budget show up to learn more about what is happening and how they can support legislators push back against it,” reads the press release for tonight’s event, sponsored by AARP, City of Portland, Homeless Voices for Justice, ILAP, LULAC, Maine Can Do Better Coalition, Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition, NAACP Portland Branch and the Portland Legislative Delegation. Tonight’s community forum will begin around 6:30 p.m. at King Middle School (92 Deering Ave).


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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––

Editor takes side of slumlords Editor, Thanks to Curtis Robinson for taking up the cause of slumlords and absentee owners who milk their properties (“Disorderly house proposal shifts burden again,” PDS opinion section, March 22). How dumb of me to think owners should be responsible for their buildings. The current threshold (eight calls and three convictions/month) is a very high barrier for police. How would you like the cops stopping by your building twice a week ? What about the times when the activity might not be quite worthy of a call to dispatch? Would YOU want to live in a building like that? Robinson suggests that the police are going to be cruising around looking for trouble spots. As someone who lives in a neighborhood with several properties that do now or have in the past meet the disorderly standard, increased vigilance on the part of police and inspections can only be a good thing. A disorderly house around the corner from me recently had so much trash (the “responsible” owner stiffed the trash hauler) that rats were seen scurrying around the dumpster. And, oh yeah, did I mention the dead body found in a snowbank outside the house? I did now. We have to be careful not to punish landlords who like to let their tenants get down. Not to mention the real life drama of seeing the 5-0 show up at the place down the street. Who doesn’t like a little action on their block? In the meantime, PARTY AT CURTIS’ !!! Steve Hirshon Portland

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, You may FAX your letters to 899-4963, Attention: Editor.

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper Curtis Robinson Editor David Carkhuff, Casey Conley, Matt Dodge Reporters THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Spofford News Company

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Egg-spectations on new dumb laws While perusing some of the bills up before the legislature this session to see if there were any Quasimodos, I came across one particularly hunchbacked bell-ringer. Titled “An Act To Amend The Labor Laws Relating To Certain Agricultural Employees,” this bill would be better called the “Jack DeCoster Profitability Act.” The bill was sent back to the Labor Committee for work, but I wonder what it will get attached to on its way to passage. In a nutshell, this seems targeted at three major egg farms in Maine, all with ties to Jack DeCoster, a man who owns a multi-state empire of getting eggs to market. The bill is designed on a simple concept: If you can’t make enough money selling eggs without cutting corners, why, just get a law passed that would exempt your workers from state overtime laws. Sponsored by Representative Dale Crafts of Lisbon, the bill has a very narrow, almost laserlike focus. The changes will only

Bob Higgins ––––– Daily Sun Columnist effect “individuals employed for or at an egg processing facility that has over 300,000 laying birds” to be denied overtime pay. Additionally, the bill will repeal “the laws that govern labor relations between agricultural workers and an agricultural employer that operates an egg processing facility that has over 500,000 laying birds and that employs more than 100 agricultural employees.” Three farms, all with ties to one man. We’ve all heard horror stories of labor and living conditions for those workers who toil in the chicken farms of this state. Every aspect of operations from OSHA violations to FDA fines have been levied, but appar-

ently to no avail. Every year, the industry finds another place to cut corners. Think about that this morning while that sunny-side up egg is staring back from the plate. Unless you paid for the happychicken upgrade, that egg was very likely gathered and processed by someone making very little to start with, working long hours in a fetid stench, and now “they” have put in a bill to take away that guys overtime. If that 10 cent egg didn’t make you sick before, it just might after thinking about how it got to you. By what scrambled logic did this bill end up in the legislature to begin with? I’m not going to go down the road of writing a long article about farm workers, but this bill shouldn’t have ever been sent to the Labor Committee. It should be looked at now as less of an economic issue and more as a matter of public safety. Feed and fuel costs are rising, and the heat from groups like PETA bringing those pesky see HIGGINS page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– STAFF OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Ayers to speak in Maine next Wednesday AYERS from page one

believe Ayers himself was ever specifically accused of a crime, but had to hide out anyway. It eventually came to light that the investigators may have committed a crime or two along the way. But here in Maine, where Tea Party folks just helped turn the entire state lawmaking process from Democrat to Republican, the arrival of William “Bill” Ayers is sure to draw some of the same attention he received when GOP activists tried to make him then-candidate Barack Obama’s version of Willie Horton (they knew each other slightly in Chicago). But Doug Rawlings, the UMF adviser to PAinT, says Ayers is coming not because of his radical youth but because of his educational credentials. “We’re hosting Dr. William Ayers, not Billy Ayers,” said Rawlings. If it seems odd that a member of the country’s anti-war hall of fame (if it existed) would visit UMF, then maybe you’ve not been paying attention. Rawlings is part of the university’s “social and environmental activists for change” program that has fomented peaceniks for years with teach-ins and the like. And they are radicals there left and right — heck, in a reckless embrace of controversial figures they’re even hosting Gov. Paul LePage this week. In the classrooms — can you believe it? Rawlings, who said he reached out to Ayers via mutual friends and the university is not paying a speaker’s fee, acknowledged the presentation might spark controversy. But he stressed that the school is marketing the presentation on educational grounds. Indeed, the announcement makes no mention of bombs or Vietnam, identifying Ayers as “... a proponent of social justice, democracy and education, and the political and cultural aspects of schooling.” In his presentation, the announcement promises, “... he will talk about creating schools where democracy is lived and not merely talked about,

Curtis Robinson ––––– Usually Reserved Doug Rawlings, the UMF adviser to PAinT, says Ayers is coming not because of his radical youth but because of his educational credentials. “We’re hosting Dr. William Ayers, not Billy Ayers,” said Rawlings. practiced rather than ritualized. He will discuss creating schools and classrooms that assist in the formation of public citizens; where students and teachers alike can find socially meaningful work to do; and where children can read critically, speak openly, think freely and where everyone can find ways to make a difference.” The presentation is titled: “Lesson One: I Would Sing. (Re)Framing Education for Democracy and Liberation” and the university also touts Ayers current resume as an “... award-winning author, Ayers has written extensively about social justice; democracy and education; the cultural contexts of schooling; and teaching as an essentially intellectual, ethical, and political enterprise. With close to 20 books to his credit, he has also written articles that have appeared in many journals including the Harvard Educational Review, the Journal of Teacher Education, Teachers College Record, Rethinking Schools, the Nation, Educational Leadership, the New York Times and the Cambridge Journal of Education.” Well, good luck with that educational marketing — I for one recall that Hunter S. Thompson included Ayers on a very particular sort of Honor Roll. That’s the sort of credential you don’t get from reforming education, but for facing fast, strange times in fast, strange ways.

William Ayers was named “Citizen of the Year” for his work by Business and Professional People in the Public Interest in 1994, an award presented by Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley, according to William H. Schubert, Professor of Education and University Scholar, University of Illinois at Chicago. (Photo courtesy of the Rag Blog,

The presentation is free, open to the public and will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 30, in Lincoln Auditorium, in UMF Roberts Learn-

ing Center. (Curtis Robinson is editor of The Portland Daily Sun. Contact him at

Correction In our regular Usually Reserved column on Tuesday we reported that new “disorderly house” regulations being considered by the city would count domestic violence calls in making the disorderly designation. Domestic violence calls are exempt from the police-call counts.

Quality Egg of Turner produces over 9,000 cases per day for shipment HIGGINS from page 4

investigative reporters into chicken farms just adds fuel to the fire. Taking a big chunk of the paycheck of the guy who is gathering up the eggs and cleaning up the chicken poop so a major chain store can sell you a 10 cent egg just reeks of scratching at the margins of profitability. If sending this bill to the chicken-feed hopper kills the Maine egg industry, and I bet it won’t,

then so be it. One farm alone, Quality Egg in Turner, produces over 9,000 CASES of eggs per day for shipment throughout the Northeast. Some go straight to market, others end up in any myriad products that you might make for your family. Let’s, as a state, make it an issue that doing the job is just so expensive, producers have a hard time paying their legal fees and fines doled out by various state and federal agencies.

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But it’s your dime, and your egg. Just honestly ask yourself what your reaction would be in suddenly finding out that your overtime might be going bye-bye, all due to the cracked logic of a silly bill in the Maine legislature. There will egg on all our faces if this ever becomes the law of the land. (Bob Higgins is a regular contributor to The Portland Daily Sun.)

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Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPORTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Maine Handicapped Skiing gets a lift by going downhill BY MARTY BASCH SPECIAL TO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

It's a day to make a difference and give back. It's also a day to have fun and raise money for program that touches hundreds of lives. That program is Maine Handicapped Skiing which takes those with physical disabilities and connects them to skiing and snowboarding. Since its origins more than 25 years ago, children and adults with various backgrounds have come together with the aid of enthusiastic staff, support and volunteers to foster a positive ideology. It's biggest fundraiser is a Ski-aThon Saturday at Sunday River. "The Ski-A-Thon is the largest fundraiser for Maine Handicapped Skiing's year-round adaptive recreation programs for children and adults with physical disabilities," said MHS outreach coordinator Eric Topper. "We typically raise more than $300,000 or over fifty percent of our annual operating budget through this single event. This funding, along with our host sites and volunteer instructors, helps keep all MHS programs entirely free of charge for over 350 participants." The 26th annual Maine Handicapped Skiing Ski-a-Thon attracts both teams and individuals. The event is part of a busy weekend at the eightpeak resort with the Dumont Cup Friday and Saturday, and the Fire-

The 26th annual Maine Handicapped Skiing Ski-a-Thon is the largest single event fundraiser for the organization. (COURTESY PHOTO)

fighters Race/Chili Cookoff (also an MHS benefit) Sunday. Hundreds of people take part, getting together a team of five snow lovers and raising at least $1,000 in

pledges. In exchange, they get a day of skiing, breakfast, lunch, an apres ski dinner, t-shirt, goodie bag and lots of satisfaction knowing they have helped put smiles on the faces of children and adults who constantly prove that yes, they can. There's also a Giant Slalom race. "The only competition that we truly encourage and promote is the fundraising and while many individuals and teams take this very seriously as they raise thousands and thousands of dollars for MHS, most people don't want to compete that way and just try to get 10 to 15 people to give $15 to 20 or so each so that they can participate in the day's events," he said. Teams are comprised of the serious and silly, with names like Sunday Snowflakes, Perfect Pickle People and Crack of Noon. Individuals can sign up after raising a minimum of $200. Registration is still open at www.skimhs. org or by calling 800-639-7770. "The MHS Ski-A-Thon is a timetested event and model with a huge group of loyal participants and supporters," he said. "However, we try very hard to provide new activities and energy to inspire increased participation and keep things fresh for our regulars." MHS started at Sunday River. The organization began in 1982 and does its magic from a nondescript lodge and tiny offices past the South Ridge base area. The group caters to children from age 4 to adults with physical disabilities and introduces them to skiing, snowboarding and cross-country. Once the snow melts, sports turn to paddling, golf and cycling. For some skiers, just getting down the hill is a gold medal performance while others have podium dreams for the 2014 Paralympic Games in Russia. Volunteers are the backbone, serving as coaches, instructors, techs, guides and blockers who make sure

there's enough white space for the entourage. They also are their to teach them to use equipment like sitskis and outriggers (poles with little skis at the end). Though largely recreational, former MHS skiers have gone to national and international competitive glory. "Many Ski-A-Thon participants are members of the MHS community," he said. "It's a great way for someone who benefits from our free programs to give something back, and our volunteers to give in a fun and different way. However, most of the people who take part in the Ski-A-Thon are just other skiers, riders, snowshoers, etcetera who find it an active, fun, rewarding and easy way to support a program and mission they believe in." • In other notes from the slopes, two-time Olympian Ross Powers won the inaugural Sugarloaf Banked Slalom last Saturday, an event hosted by his boarding buddy Seth Wescott who finished third. Powers crossed the finish line about five seconds ahead of second place finisher Kevin McMahon of Stratton, Vt. Powers has won two Olympic medals — a gold and bronze — in halfpipe. He attempted to make the U.S. boardercross team for the 2010 Olympics but fell short. The race attracted 141 snowboarders. Shawnee Peak is ending its season this weekend, starting with $19 lift tickets Friday. Saturday is the mattress race. Night skiing is over. They are planning on adding a couple of yurts this summer for overnight use with the idea of offering that in winter, too. Sugarloaf, Sunday River and Saddleback are looking to make May (with Saddleback weekends only after April 3). (Marty Basch can be reached through

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 7


Thursday, March 24 Unleashed: A Documentary Film and Concert from Marion Grace 8 p.m. A showing of the documentary film created at Marion Grace’s sold out CD Release concert at Port City Music Hall one year ago in Portland. The documentary was filmed by Acadia Studios and this night will feature the premiere screening of this film as well as live music performances by the band and special guests. Marion Grace was conceived years ago by namesake lead singer and songwriter Ralph Marion Graceffa and the current members have been together since 2008. The name Marion Grace is anchored to a childhood memory of a woman met through pictures and stories only, but is a person they will all carry in remembrance through the spirit and Grace of the music. The band is a family of musicians with a core group of players that write and shape the material. The idea behind Marion Grace is to be real, be steady, be human. “We are who we are.” They have been quoted many times saying, “it’s an amazing feeling to share music with the world, whether it be in a small cafe in Portland, Maine or on a large New York City stage. $8, all ages. One Longfellow Square.

Friday, March 25 Steve Forbert at One Longfellow 8 p.m. “Given the mythic nature of Forbert’s early career, one can be forgiven for wondering what he’s done since parting company with Geffen Records after they released The American in Me in 1992. The fact is that Steve Forbert has never stopped writing, singing and performing and has released twelve studio albums, three live sets and four DVDs since 1978 - to say nothing of the several compilations and archival releases that are available through his website ( The freedom to release music when he chooses to and follow his own muse without having to cowtow to the fickle whims of musical fashion has ironically resulted in his creating albums like Evergreen Boy, Mission of The Crossroad Palms and Strange Names and New Sensations that must surely be considered amongst the best releases of his career.”

Saturday, March 26 Nikolai Lugansky on piano 3 p.m. “Hailed as the next in the line of great Russian pianists, Nikolai Lugansky has been a prizewinner at the Tchaikovsky International Competition, the International Bach Competition, and the All-Union Rachmaninoff Competition, among others. With a glittering career that spans the globe, Lugansky frequently performs with esteemed ensembles such as the Tokyo and the Los Angeles Philharmonics; the London, Cincinnati and San Francisco symphony orchestras; and the Royal Concertgebouw. Possessing a soulful stage presence, the young pianist has over 30 major concertos in his repertoire, ranging from Bach to Rachmaninoff.” Merrill Auditorium, Portland.

Bad Seeds: Dead Man’s Clothes, Panda Bandits, and the Dirty Dishes Burlesque Revue 7:30 p.m. The Oak and the Ax, Biddeford. For this show, the Panda Bandits will be releasing their debut cassette EP, titled REVOLVER. The seductive and subversive Dirty Dishes Burlesque Revue offer an inspired feast. And Dead Man’s Clothes return home from their SXSW tour. Has there ever been a better reason to venture down the back alleys of Biddeford? Email

MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

your mailing address to theottersden@ to request a hand printed show invitation designed Kris Johnsen’s Emblem Studios. $10 if you are a Good Seed. $6 if you are Bad Seed. Good Seeds will receive a flower at the door. All advance ticket holders will receive $1 off the purchase of the Panda Bandit’s REVOLVER EP. Get your tickets. Bad Seeds: $6 / Good Seeds $10.

Animal Hospital / Planets Around the Sun 6 p.m. During performances, Animals Hospital’s Micka buries himself in a pile of electronics-shelves of effects, mixing consoles, amps and delay units-while patiently constructing a layered nest of loops consisting of live drum beats, guitar chords, scrapes, chucks, chimes, and melodies resulting in anything from more conventional songs to meticulously crafted ambient movements on to full on improvisation. Planets Around the Sun specialize in Droning, turning, advancing, receding, melting, growing, flowing, bending, sounds from beyond the imagination. Possible noise set in the works for this special show. Of The Trees brings ambient hip-hop, trip-hop, flip-hop. Great stuff. Local musician Tyler Coombs mans the gadgets and puts you on ice nicely. Keeps it fresh and real, for real. $5, all ages, 26 Poland St. (DIY House show).

Kevin Burke and Cal Scott 8 p.m. “Legendary Irish fiddler Kevin Burke of Bothy Band and Patrick Street fame teams up with versatile American guitarist Cal Scott in celebration of their critically acclaimed release Across the Black River. Since the early 1970s Kevin has been a wellknown figure in the Irish music world. His 30 years of recordings and performances have made him a highly influential figure both as a soloist and as a member of such esteemed groups as the Bothy Band, Patrick Street and The Celtic Fiddle Festival. In 2002 Kevin was awarded a National Heritage Fellowship in acknowledgement of his valued contribution to traditional music. Cal Scott is a native Oregonian who has played in folk, rock and jazz ensembles for three decades. He has recorded and produced over twenty CDs including nine with The Trail Band, an eight-piece American Roots folk group. Cal is also a composer for film having scored over thirty documentaries for PBS.” One Longfellow Square.

Monday, March 28 Decompression Chamber Music 6 p.m.“Concert No. 3 ‘USA’ music by our own violist, Mark Berger, and Schubert. Bring someone who has never been to a Chamber Music Concert and the newbie gets in free! This ‘rush hour’ concert series is designed for you! Stop in for an entertaining hour on your way home from work. Bring a date! Have glass of wine, listen to beautiful music, become a connoisseur.” ($10 adv/$12 door, 6 p.m.) One Longfellow Square.

Tuesday, March 29 Gordon Lightfoot at Merrill 8 p.m. Larry Shaeffer Presents, Gordon Lightfoot at Merrill Auditorium. “The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down…” are lyrics from one of his most famous ballads, but they just as easily could be used to describe the phenomenal career of iconic s i n g e r- s o n g writer, Gordon Lightfoot. Fellow Canadian, Robbie Robertson calls him a national treasure, while millions of fans the world over continue to be touched by Gordon Lightfoot’s remarkable contribu-

tions to music history. Lightfoot, who celebrates his 72nd birthday later this year, shows no signs of slowing down.”

Titus Andronicus with Brenda 8:30 p.m. With critics falling over themselves to cite Titus Andronicus’ epic second album “The Monitor” as one of 2010’s top releases, the New Jersey band is poised for further ascension in 2011. They effortlessly glide through ambient drones, blazing saxophone, pianos homages to “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” complete marching drumlines, Thunder Tube solos, fourteenminute Billy Bragg knock-offs, backwards liturgical pieces, bombastic country duets, garbage cans hit with tambourines, choirs of angels with bromantic faces, probably too many spoken word interludes lifted from cassette tapes, and, of course, the hissy-fit punk songs and off-key warbling that suggest Conor Oberst in a vat of acid. In summary, this band rules. Portland’s own indie rock darlings, Brenda, start out the night right. $10, 18 plus. SPACE Gallery.

Wednesday, March 30 William Fitzsimmons 8 p.m. “William Fitzsimmons is one of the oddest people you will ever meet. Born the youngest child of two blind parents, William was raised in the outskirts of the steel city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Due to the family’s inability to communicate through normal visual means, William’s childhood home was filled with a myriad of sounds to replace what eyes could not see. The house was suffused with pianos, guitars, trombones, talking birds, classical records, family sing-alongs, bedtime stories, and the bellowing of a pipe organ, which his father built into the house with his own hands. When his father’s orchestral records were not resonating through the walls, his mother would educate him on the folk stylings of James Taylor, Joni

Mitchell, Bob Dylan, and Simon & Garfunkel. By the completion of his youth and schooling, Fitzsimmons had become well-versed at a variety of instruments, at the minor expense of social standing, interactional skills, and a knowledge of proper shaving technique.” One Longfellow Square. www.williamfitzsimmons. com

Thursday, March 31 Golden Ghost / Tiger Saw at Apohadion 8 p.m. Joined by Nat Baldwin, Golden Ghost and Tiger Saw kick off their tour tonight at The Apohadion. All ages, $5 donation.

Friday, April 1 Eastern Block Party at Mayo St. Arts 8 p.m. Cinder Conk plays music drawn from the Black Sea the wellspring of Europe’s deepest and most diverse musical traditions. It is the sound of celebration and lament of those who have lived on its coasts for thousands of years Roma, Jews, peasants, and nationalists. Cinder Conk mixes frenzied accordion riffs and thundering double bass counterpoint with a classic bardic lyricism that invites and transcends. Zemya is eleven women singing vibrant world music. They have performed around Maine for the past few years, attracting audiences with unusual harmonies and strong meaningful lyrics. From as far north as Belgrade south to the Portland area, the eleven women of Zemya blend beautiful and edgy harmonies without accompaniment. They share folk and traditional songs from the Balkans, United Kingdom, Africa, the Americas and more and they have fun doing it! Zemya means “earth” in Bulgarian, and these songs grow from the deep soul of the world’s folk music heritage. $12. Mayo Street Arts.

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

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CAPE ELIZABETH — Town councilors here have approved a plan allowing up to five vendors to sell food during the warm-weather months in Fort Williams, a park popular with locals and tourists that’s home to the iconic Portland Head Light lighthouse. The Portland Press Herald is reporting that permitted sites will be clustered around the lighthouse. Permits will be available from May 1 to Oct. 31. The decision to allow vendors represents an ongoing effort by the town to raise revenues from the park. Last year, residents beat back a proposal to begin charging visitors to park their cars at the oceanfront site. According to the Press Herald, the town spends $236,000 per year maintaining the 90-acre facility, which was a military outpost for many years. Permits will cost $2,000 per year, and vendors are required to submit their proposals to the town by April 8, the paper reports.

LePage demands removal of labor history mural AUGUSTA — Labor groups are questioning Gov. Paul LePage’s decision to remove a mural depicting the state’s labor history from the state Department of Labor, calling the move “mean spirited,” the Lewiston Sun Journal is reporting. LePage is also demanding new names conference rooms in the same building named for labor icons, the paper says.

Administration officials tell the Sun Journal that the mural and the conference room names represent a “one-sided decor” that clashes with LePage’s probusiness agenda. “The message from state agencies needs to be balanced,” LePage spokesman Dan Demeritt told the Sun Journal. He added that “some business owners” who complained it was hostile to business. The paper says Demerrit wouldn’t say which business owners complained. The 36-foot mural was installed in 2008 in part through a $60,000 federal grant. Artist Judy Taylor, of Seal Cove, told the Sun Journal her 11-panel mural was a “depiction of facts” and not meant as a political statement. Images of the mural shown in media reports include images of striking Maine workers, as well as female “Rosie the Riveters” at Bath Iron Works.

Unitil announces major gas line upgrade Unitil, the largest natural gas provider in Southern Maine, has announced a 14-year, multi-million dollar project to replace or upgrade more than 100 miles of natural gas pipeline throughout Portland and Westbrook. The company says the effort is one of the largest of its kind ever undertaken in the Northeast. Unitil says there are no imminent safety concerns with the existing system, much of the project will involve replacing cast iron pipes — some more than 100 years old — with state-of-the-art plastic piping. The company says the project will modernize the area’s gas infrastructure,

and make it more reliable. New England Utility Constructors (NEUCO), will complete the first phase of work, which is scheduled to begin on April 4, in Portland’s Old Port.

Boarding school for troubled teens closes The for-profit Elan School, which opened 41 years ago in Poland Spring as a private boarding school for troubled teens, has shut down, the Sun Journal is reporting. Executive director and owner Sharon Terry told the paper declining enrollment, in part from an ongoing Internet campaign against the school, as the main reason for shutting down. She told the paper an ongoing Internet campaign on aimed at the school did not help matters. The site, reportedly edited by a former student, alleges students were forced to participate in staff-sanctioned “fight clubs,” and says free-thinking students were put into isolation. The site also claims one student would occasionally be subjected to screams and taunts by dozens of other students. Terry said recent investigations by the Maine Department of Education “vindicated” the school, according to the Sun Journal, but that the negative publicity took its toll.

Aetna laying off workers after losing state contract Health insurance giant Aetna this week announced plans to eliminate 34 jobs in South Portland, according

to the Portland Press Herald, after the state ended a $7 million per year contract with the company. State officials say the decision to end the contract, which was due to expire at the end of the current fiscal year, will shift some administrative services to state workers, the paper said. Aetna handled administrative services for the state’s MaineCare program, which is operated by the state Department of Health and Human Services. It’s not immediately clear how many people will lose their jobs. Aetna tells the paper some of the affected employees may be able to shift into different positions. “We’ve already begun talking to them about alternatives,” Tom Kelly, president and chief executive officer of Schaller Anderson, which is owned by Aetna, told the Press Herald. “We’re hopeful we’ll get a bunch of them something else to do.”

Anthem proposing 10 percent rate increase PORTLAND — Health insurer Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is proposing a 10 percent rate increase for Mainers who buy the company’s individual health plans, according to the Associated Press. The request is still being considered by the state’s insurance superintendent. AP reports that one Maine couple pays $900 per month for a health insurance plan with a $3,000 deductible, leaving less money to invest in their web design business. A spokesman for Anthem says the increases are driven largely by the rising cost of health care.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 9

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BLOOM BURG –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

A tree with a Harvard pedigree

Loring trail washout repaired DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT Last week, a severe washout on the new Loring Memorial Trail on Portland’s East End tested support for a local trails organization, according to a press release from Portland Trails. “Rain and snow melting had washed out a few steps and the landscaping surrounding them,” Portland Trails wrote about the incident. “Parts of the trail were almost impassable to the many walkers, joggers and bikers who use the trail daily as a connection to the Eastern Promenade Trail, Back Cove Trail or the Bayside Trail. In just a day and a half, however, the trail had been restored to its normal condition — backfilled with rock and stairs stabilized to accommodate the many daily trail users.” “It was amazing how fast it happened,” said Diane Davison, president of Friends of the Eastern Promenade, as quoted in the press release. “The snow melted and it was fixed immediately.” The group credited “the help of corporate partners who fund trail maintenance and repair through the Adopt-a-Trail program.” Quick attention to the Loring Memorial Trail was made possible because of the sponsorship of that trail by Gorham Savings Bank, the press release stated. Trails Manager Jaime Parker, along with Trails Foreman Charlie Baldwin, were able to head over to the trail with their mechanized wheelbarrow and put the trail back together in time for the morning

“Arnold Promise” witch hazel, a tree with a Harvard pedigree, is in bloom at Post Office Park in Portland on the Market Street side, notes city arborist Jeff Tarling. According to Richard E. Weaver Jr. in “Outstanding Plants of the Arnold Arboretum,” “Seven plants grew from the original hybrid seeds collected by William Judd in 1928. The colors of the flowers varied from reddish through coppery-orange to yellow. Most bloomed rather sparsely, and the flowers on others were partially obscured by persistent withered leaves, an unfortunate trait inherited from their Chinese parent. But one was spectacularly different with its profuse, slightly fragrant, clear yellow flowers. Its merit was eventually recognized and it was given the clonal name ‘Arnold Promise.’” The name, he goes on to explain, refers to the arboretum at Harvard University, Arnold Arboretum, where some of the original seeds were found. As Weaver wrote, “The original plant is still tucked away in a corner of the Administration Building (at Harvard) out of view from the passing public. However, its modest position, close at hand, keeps it always in mind of the staff of the Arboretum. They see in it, as Donald Wyman put it so well ‘an old friend, known for its performance, counted on because it has been there a long time, and not considered unusual for these reasons.’ But the ’Arnold Promise’ is special. Its promise is the promise of spring.” (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Climbers to scale Mt. Washington on Saturday for cancer fundraiser DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT A team of climbers will brave the elements to scale New Hampshire’s Mt. Washington on Saturday, March 26, part of an annual effort to raise money to fight cancer. The fifth annual Climb for Cancer Care is led by Patrick Connolly, a fourth grade teacher at Longfellow School in Portland. Connolly founded the fundraiser to honor the memory of his late uncle, Rockin’ Rod Scribner. Four previous Climb for Cancer

Care expeditions — to Mt. Rainier, Wash., and Mt. Hood, Ore. — have raised $78,690.99 towards Connolly’s goal of $100,000. Funds benefit The Marshall L. and Susan Gibson Pavilion at Maine Medical Center, an inpatient center of care for adults battling cancer. This year Connolly and his team of 22 climbers will celebrate the fifth annual Climb for Cancer Care by ascending Mt. Washington on Saturday (weather date is April 2). For more information, visit www.mmc. org/climbforcancercare.

commute, the press release noted. Last fall, on Thursday, Oct. 21, Paul Loring and Margaret Loring-Scott, brother and sister to war hero Maj. Charles Loring, snipped the ribbon to mark the dedication of the Loring Memorial Trail on the Eastern Promenade. The trail is named in honor of Maj. Charles J. Loring Jr., a U.S. Air Force pilot who sacrificed his life in the Korean War and was awarded the Medal of Honor.

Peter Bloom (left) and Josh Edlund with Three Stone Landscape of Portland position a step in the Loring Trail along the Eastern Prom. This key trail link from the top of Munjoy Hill to the Back Cove and Eastern Prom trails was finished last year. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)


by Lynn Johnston by Paul Gilligan

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You will crave the feeling of winning. A touch of competitiveness can add texture to a relationship, but too much of it will ruin the delicate balance that exists in all friendships. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There will be a few invitations sent your way. Show up to them all if you can! There will be a benefit for you in every event. Plan to show up strong. A wardrobe update might be part of your preparation. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You will argue your point and argue it well. You may or may not gain the agreement of the other person, but at least you’ll give him something to think about. And this isn’t over -- not yet. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It has been illustrated in your life time and time again: No man is an island. You’ll need to work with others and give them what they need in order to attain what you need. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). In your efforts to eradicate a personal flaw, you may very well be making it worse. Focus instead on what you do well and what you enjoy -- that’s when the problem will diminish. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 24). You will listen to your heart and follow its dictates. There’s never a dull moment in April, as your social life sparkles with excitement. Your clever resourcefulness will get you promoted (and perhaps even married) in June. Business deals strongly favor you in July and November. Sagittarius and Scorpio people are your adoring fans. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 2, 15, 35 and 42.

Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s someone you want to impress, but you really don’t have to. You are already attractive to this person -- not despite all imperfections, but because of them. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll touch base with a handful of friends. Being a social butterfly requires you to flit from one location to the next, which is so much easier to do when the conversation is light and upbeat. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have met some heavy emotional demands lately, and you may be feeling like you need a recharge. You already know the activities that will best facilitate your energy reboot, so go ahead with them. CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s no surprise that you find yourself among those who love and need you. In your presence, they find a feeling of safety and acceptance. Refrain from trying to solve all their problems, though. Establish healthy boundaries. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll broaden your horizons by branching out socially. Consider participating in games in order to get to know people, make new friends and enjoy the perks of being on a team. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You do not like to use pressure to get your way, and you find it distasteful that anyone else would do this to you or your loved ones. Avoid situations where you’re likely to be “hard sold.” LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You cannot possibly reach your goal without the cooperation of others. Do what it takes to restore the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie -- or create it where it never existed in the first place.

by Aaron Johnson


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

ACROSS 1 Marine Corps, for short 5 Trenches around castles 10 Performs 14 Ark builder 15 Incite 16 Italy’s dollar before the euro 17 Facts & figures 18 Without companions 19 Astonish 20 Do surgery 22 Sled dog 24 Fellow 25 Hells Angels member 26 Smooth and glossy 29 __ Aviv, Israel 30 Can wrapper 34 Word of regret 35 Switch positions 36 Give to a cause 37 Purse 38 Handicraft maker

40 41 43 44 45 46

64 65 66 67

Pistol Come forth Put on, as garb Late actor Foxx Less common Morning grass moisture Shoe bottoms Gives up __ and hers Dressmaker’s paper design Crazy Mixture Helped Havana’s land Drug addict Northeastern U.S. state Building wings Promising Winter toys Tavern drinks

1 2 3

DOWN Take apart Daytime serial Partner

47 48 50 51 54 58 59 61 62 63

4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 38

Fees Like stew with plenty of beef Eye flirtatiously In the past Lymph tissue often removed from the throat Move furtively Contestant who does not win Metropolis Accurate Beach surface Black-and-white bird Honeydew, e.g. In addition to Cavalry sword Peruvian beast Enthusiastic Explosive letters Popular roll Piano piece Loans Crude mineral VP __ Quayle Concur

39 Mother pig 42 Priest’s home 44 Rashlike facial problem 46 In __; refusing to face facts 47 Moral vice 49 Amounts equal to 1/8 ounce

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60

Satan’s region Rain heavily Too Neckwear Fold __ and void Capable Be impudent Pass away

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Thursday, March 24, the 83rd day of 2011. There are 282 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On March 24, 1765, Britain enacted the Quartering Act, requiring American colonists to provide temporary housing to British soldiers. On this date: In 1882, German scientist Robert Koch (kohk) announced in Berlin that he had discovered the bacillus responsible for tuberculosis. In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill granting future independence to the Philippines. In 1944, in occupied Rome, the Nazis executed more than 300 civilians in reprisal for an attack by Italian partisans the day before that had killed 32 German soldiers. In 1955, the Tennessee Williams play “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” opened on Broadway. In 1958, rock-and-roll singer Elvis Presley was inducted into the Army in Memphis, Tenn. In 1976, the president of Argentina, Isabel Peron, was deposed by her country’s military. In 1980, one of El Salvador’s most respected Roman Catholic Church leaders, Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, was shot to death by a sniper as he celebrated Mass in San Salvador. In 1989, the supertanker Exxon Valdez (vahl-DEEZ’) ran aground on a reef in Alaska’s Prince William Sound and began leaking 11 million gallons of crude oil. In 1999, NATO launched airstrikes against Yugoslavia, marking the first time in its 50-year existence that it had ever attacked a sovereign country. One year ago: Keeping a promise he’d made to anti-abortion Democratic lawmakers to assure passage of historic health care legislation, President Barack Obama signed an executive order against using federal funds to pay for elective abortions covered by private insurance. Today’s Birthdays: Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti is 92. Fashion and costume designer Bob Mackie is 72. Actor R. Lee Ermey is 67. Singer Nick Lowe is 62. Rock musician Dougie Thomson (Supertramp) is 60. Fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger is 60. Comedian Louie Anderson is 58. Actress Donna Pescow is 57. Actor Robert Carradine is 57. Actress Kelly LeBrock is 51. TV personality Star Jones is 49. Country-rock musician Patterson Hood (Drive-By Truckers) is 47. Actor Peter Jacobson is 46. Rock singer-musician Sharon Corr (The Corrs) is 41. Actress Lara Flynn Boyle is 41. Actor Jim Parsons is 38. Actress Alyson Hannigan is 37. NFL quarterback Peyton Manning is 35. Actress Lake Bell is 32. Rock musician Benj Gershman (O.A.R.) is 31. Actress Keisha Castle-Hughes is 21.


Dial 5 6






13 17


MARCH 24, 2011



10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CTN 5 Community Bulletin Board

Community Perfect The Office Parks and Couples “Garage Recreation WCSH (N) Å (N) Å Sale” (N) “Camping” American Idol “One of Bones Remains are WPFO 11 Voted Off” A contes- found at the Jersey tant is eliminated. Shore. Å Wipeout Obstacles in- Grey’s Anatomy PlanWMTW clude Flipsy Daisy. (N) (In ning a baby shower for Stereo) Å Callie. (N) Å Maine Conversa- Doc Martin “Blood Is tions with Thicker” Bert hides a MPBN Watch Maine heartbreaking secret. Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop Musicians WENH perform. (In Stereo) Å

30 Rock Outsourced News “Plan B” (N) Å (N) Å News 13 on FOX (N) Frasier (In Stereo) Å Private Practice “A Step Too Far” Sheldon falls for a book critic. Ferrets: The Pursuit of Excellence (In Stereo) Å

Tonight Show With Jay Leno According to Jim Å

News 8 Nightline WMTW at (N) Å 11PM (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Aretha Franklin Presents: Soul Rewind (My Music) Soul hits from the 1960s and ’70s. (In Stereo) Å

The Vampire Diaries Nikita “Alexandra” Alex Entourage TMZ (N) (In Extra (N) Punk’d (In runs into a person from “Aquaman- Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Stereo) Å WPXT Damon plans a dinner party. (In Stereo) Å her past. Å sion” Å Å College Basketball NCAA Tourna- College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: WGME ment, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA. Teams TBA. From Anaheim, Calif. or New Orleans. (Live) Å (Live) Å Without a Trace Å Curb Local Late Night Star Trek WPME Without a Trace Å


DISC Man vs. Wild Å

Man vs. Wild (N) Å


FAM Movie: “Billy Madison”

Movie: ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996, Comedy)

The 700 Club Å


USA Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU

Burn Notice Å


NESN NHL Hockey: Canadiens at Bruins


CSNE Celtics Old School


ESPN 2010 Poker

2010 Poker


ESPN2 Baseball Tonight Å

MLB Baseball Å

Criminal Minds Å


Man vs. Wild “Belize” Fairly Legal “Bridges” Daily

Instigators Daily



SportsNet Mike


Baseball Tonight (N)

Criminal Minds Å



DISN Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Phineas

36 37

TOON Regular


NICK My Wife

My Wife

MSNBC The Last Word

SportsCenter Å NFL Live

Criminal Minds Å



Man vs. Wild Å

Criminal Minds Å



King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Chris




Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show (N)

Wizards Fam. Guy

The Nanny The Nanny The Last Word


CNN In the Arena (N)

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å


CNBC New Age of Wal-Mart


Marijuana USA

Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor




The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



Bones (In Stereo) Å






AMC Movie: ›› “For Love of the Game” (1999, Drama) Kevin Costner. Å


HGTV House

First Place Selling NY Selling NY House


TRAV Carnivore

Carnivore Man, Food Man, Food Bizarre Foods


A&E The First 48 Å


BRAVO Housewives/NYC

Reba Å

Movie: ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Å Reba Å

Reba Å

Police Women: Chases Police Women

The First 48 (N) Å

Reba Å

CSI: NY Å Reba Å

Charlie Sheen

How I Met How I Met Police Women “Quick-Dead”




Barbecue Paradise

Manhunter Manhunter Manhunters: Fugitive




HALL Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel


SYFY Movie: ›› “Saw II”

“Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Beginning”



ANIM Bear Feeding Frenzy

Blonde vs. Bear Å

Blonde vs. Bear (N)

Bear Feeding Frenzy


HIST Modern Marvels Å

Swamp People Å

Ax Men Å

Modern Marvels Å

Rip the Runway 2011


Movie: ››› “New Jersey Drive” (1995) Å

Gold Girls Gold Girls Chrono

The Mo’Nique Show




COM Futurama



South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Colbert

Two Men

Two Men

Two Men

Two Men

Archer (N) Archer





62 67 68 76



College Basketball

SPIKE Gangland Å


Death Rce Roseanne

College Basketball TNA Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å


Snapped Å

Snapped Å


OXY Snapped Å


TCM Movie: ›››› “On the Waterfront” (1954) Å



1 7 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 26 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 40 42 43

Snapped Å

Movie: ›››› “Ninotchka” (1939) Greta Garbo.

ACROSS Isle of Dogs’ river Like some successful people Roman goddess of dawn Some statistics Nude Wicked female spirit Urgent letters? Worn-out horses Track? Grease job Doesn’t feel well Pacifying concession Carvey and Ivey Hot tub Rolling stone’s lack? O’Connor of the Supreme Court Hunting blind? Arrange by categories Tampa Bay team Rainbow band

46 “Still Me” writer 47 Mammalian coat 48 Eyeball lasciviously 49 Soften 50 Due for a defeat? 53 Put in a reclining position 55 Moore of “Indecent Proposal” 56 Single lenses 60 Southwestern tribe member 64 Superlatively damp 65 Ten Commandments 66 Struggles for superiority 67 Annoying inconvenience

1 2 3 4

DOWN Follower of sigma Attila follower Bowlike shape Grinding teeth

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 32 34 35 36 38 39

Wipe memory Assassinated Egyptian leader Downcast Get back to level Geneva’s lake Aquatic croaker Stag nation? Mature __ Plaines, IL Back-and-forth curve Chase group How __ your day? Part of a pelvis Slips by Orator’s platform Experience Drinks counter ISS partner Orator’s platform Paddock mother Calendar abbr. Bashful Former sweetheart? Propelled, as a boat

40 __ we there yet? 41 __ of Cortez 44 South African golfer Ernie 45 Mark of poor performance 47 Best there is 48 Garnishes for martinis 50 Mah-jongg pieces 51 Tithing fraction

52 54 56 57 58 59 61 62

Cornhusker city French play part CCX x X Tic-tac-toe winner Anais the diarist Rds. Gore and Franken Prince of Broadway 63 Be in debt to

Yesterday’s Answer

Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

P a u lP in k h a m N A B a ck B a y A u to OW

Portland students advance in Geographic Bee




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On Friday, April 1, young geography whizzes across the United States and U.S. territories will participate in state-level Geographic Bees, competing for a spot in the national competition in Washington, D.C., in May. Local entrants include Eric C. Youth of Breakwater School; William M. Bourque of Nathan Clifford School; Ellianna K. Boothe of Lyman Moore Middle School; Benjamin I. Jones of Lincoln Middle School; Patrick J. Schnupp of St. Brigid School; and Matthew F. Knowles of King Middle School; and in the Greater Portland Region, Aidan McGarrity of Scarborough Middle School; Lars T. Gundersen of Merriconeag Waldorf School in Freeport, Maxwell Johnson of Gorham Middle

School; Graham Hauptman of Falmouth Middle School; Jacob H. Connors of Middle School of The Kennebunks; and Tia M. De Simone of Loranger Middle School in Old Orchard Beach. The Bee is organized by the National Geographic Society. This year’s Bee is sponsored by Google Inc.; at the state level, the Bee is also sponsored by Plum Creek. Up to 100 fourth- to eighthgraders in each of the 50 states, District of Columbia, U.S. territories and Department of Defense Dependents Schools have qualified for the state Bees. Each state winner will receive $100, “The Complete National Geographic” on DVD and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., for the national finals May 24-25 and the chance to be crowned National Geographic Bee champion.

First prize in the national competition is a $25,000 college scholarship and lifetime membership in the National Geographic Society. Second- and third-place finishers receive $15,000 and $10,000 college scholarships, respectively. Additionally, the national winner will travel (with one parent or guardian), all expenses paid, to the Galápagos Islands. Travel for the Galápagos trip is provided by Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic. The top 10 national finalists from both 2010 and 2011 are eligible to be selected for the three-person team to represent the United States at the National Geographic World Championship to be held at various locales in the San Francisco area in July with the finals taking place at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif.


For Rent

For Rent

For Rent

DEAD or alive- Cash for cars, running or not. Paying up to $500. (207)615-6092.

PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 1 bedroom heated. Newly installed oak floor, just painted. $675/mo. (207)773-1814.

St. Judes - $5

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I am one of four adult siblings in a family that has always had difficulty communicating. I haven’t spoken to my brother, “Tom,” in many years. After getting married, Tom never bothered to invite our parents over, and he and his wife missed all the holiday celebrations. His wife is distant and didn’t try to establish a relationship with my parents, even though she is very close to her mother. Eventually, Tom stopped speaking to Mom and Dad altogether. A few years ago, Dad passed away. I sent Tom an e-mail and called to let him know. He was aggressive and rude on the phone and didn’t show up for the funeral. He never called our mother to console her. Needless to say, she is still devastated that her only son could behave in such a way. My parents were never able to confront my brother and ask why he was so mean to them. I have the same problem. I want Tom to know that he has caused a lot of hurt, and that he needs to explain himself. How should I do it? -- Angry Sister Dear Sister: These efforts don’t always turn out the way you think. Telling Tom how much hurt he has caused will make him defensive. Asking him for an explanation will make him angry. Had he thought he was behaving poorly, he would have fixed it. Instead, he has found a way to justify his actions. If all you want to do is vent, go ahead and write Tom a letter, with the understanding that you are not likely to get a useful response. If you are looking to reconcile, you will need to be patient, tolerant and forgiving, with no guarantees. Decide what you hope to achieve by contacting your brother, and then do what will cause your mother the least amount of pain.

Dear Annie: I am 14 years old and live with my aunt and uncle, who are also my legal foster parents. I absolutely hate it. My aunt is always nagging me about the littlest things, and when I try to reason with her, she says I am giving her an attitude and need to be more respectful. When I talk to her, I am calm and speak normally, but she gets angry. My sister and another cousin also live here. My aunt is really overprotective about where we are and who we’re with. She also makes us call my uncle “Dad.” I think this is wrong, and it hurts my father’s feelings. How can I reason with my aunt? And how do I tell her that I don’t like her parenting methods? -- Frustrated Niece Dear Frustrated: We’d skip that last one. Most adults would find the parenting criticisms of a teenage girl to be disrespectful. We understand that you don’t get along with your foster parents, but it is perfectly proper for adults to know the whereabouts and the companions of children in their charge. However, insisting that you call your uncle “Dad” is presumptuous and inappropriate. Your aunt and uncle are not going to behave according to your preferences, but it will help to assume they mean well. We also suggest you discuss this with your school counselor. Dear Annie: You’ve printed a couple of letters from people who have found some long-lost friend on the Internet and are getting together for lunch or whatever. When my husband tried that, I said, “OK, if you want to meet her for lunch, I will tag along. If it’s as innocent as you say, neither of you should be averse to having me there.” Believe me, Annie, that put a quick end to those meetings. I don’t know if it would work for everyone, but it sure did for us. -- The Mrs.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

For Rent


PORTLAND- Danforth Street, 2 bedrooms, heated, newly painted, hardwood floors. $850/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.

CHANGING Times Landscape Lawn maintenance, Spring clean up from A to Z. Office 207-453-2585.

PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $475-$850. (207)773-1814. WESTBROOK large room eff. furnished, utilities pd includes cable. Non-smokers only. No pets. $195/weekly (207)318-5443.

For Rent-Commercial FALMOUTH- 381 Gray Rd, 2 bay garage with office and bath. Zoned commercial. Plenty of parking. Great visibility on Rt100. $850/mo. Call 318-5010. PORTLAND Art District- 2 adjacent artist studios with utilities. First floor. $325-$350 (207)773-1814.

For Sale BED- Orthopedic 11 inch thick super nice pillowtop mattress & box. 10 year warranty, new-in-plastic. Cost $1,200, sell Queen-$299, Full-$270, King-$450. Can deliver. 235-1773 BEDROOM7 piece Solid cherry sleigh. Dresser/Mirror chest & night stand (all dovetail). New in boxes cost $2,200 Sell $895. 603-427-2001 CUSTOM Glazed Kitchen Cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. May add or subtract to fit kitchen. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,750. 433-4665 STORE Closed sale- 50% off or more. Saturday 9-3pm, Sunday 10-2pm. fotoshops, 517 Congress St.

CLEAN-UPS, clean outs, dump disposal, deliveries, one truck 2 men, reasonable rates. Ramsey Services (207)615-6092.

DUMP RUNS We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

GARY’S PC REPAIR upgrades, network setup. In home service available. (207)317-1854.

PHOTO BOOTH We bring the photo booth and the fun to your occasion. (207)776-8633.

Wanted PAYING cash on the spot for vintage wristwatches and old violins. (207)831-4089.

Wanted To Buy I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. (207)233-5381.

Yard Sale SOUTH Portland Coin/ Marble Show- 3/26/11, American Legion Post 25, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.

CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 699-5807 DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Thursday, March 24 ‘Fracturing the Burning Glass’ at MECA 11 a.m. The Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art presents “Fracturing the Burning Glass: Between Mirror and Meaning,” an exhibition that examines perception through the manipulation of reflectivity, both metaphoric and corporeal. “Fracturing the Burning Glass highlights the work of Gwenaël Bélanger (Montreal), Susan Leopold (New York), Daniel Rozin (New York), and Alyson Shotz (New York). The exhibition includes sculptural installation, photography, video, and mechanical and digital interactive media. Artists’ screenings and educational programming will occur throughout the run of the exhibition, including video works by Sue de Beer, Mircea Cantor and Körner Union.”

100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day 6 p.m. Oxfam America Hunger Banquet. This March marks the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day. To celebrate, Oxfam America — an international development and relief organization that creates lasting solutions to poverty, hunger and social injustice—is organizing more than 150 events worldwide. Around the world — from Maine to Mali — women are leading efforts to find solutions to the complex challenges of hunger, poverty and climate change. DiMillo’s Restaurant & Lounge, 25 Long Wharf.

the Company has selected some of its most beloved dances for a commemorative performance, ‘By Request,’ at the John Ford Theater at Portland High School on March 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m.” Audience members will be treated to such favorites by the company’s professional dancers as Bolero, Pas de Quatre, Not as Planned, Triste, Dancin’ Dan, Push Me Pull You, Do Not Go Gentle, and classical variations from Giselle, Raymonda, Sleeping Beauty and Don Quixote. The selection of a mix of contemporary and classic pieces is intended to represent the broad repertoire of the company and showcase the dancers’ athletic and artistic abilities. Eugenia O’Brien, artistic director of the Portland Ballet Company, said, “We hope this performance serves as both a thank you to all of the people who have supported us throughout the years and as a welcome to those who are interested in the beauty, and art of ballet.” Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets at or by calling 1-800-838-3006. Ticket prices range from $15-$35 in advance or $20-$40 at the door. For more information, please contact Portland Ballet at 772-9671 or visit

Fairy Tale Players

7 p.m. In March, Acorn Productions presents the second production of the season by the “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of kids, teens and adults who have studied at the Series on transportation: ‘Moving Greater Acorn Acting Academy. The troupe’s new production is JoJo Dubois Meets His Match, an Portland ... toward a transit-focused region’ adaptation by local writer DeLorme Taylor of 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PACTS series. The Portland Seven at One Blow, the Grimm Brothers story Area Comprehensive Transportation System is the featured in the Disney cartoon The Brave Little Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Portland Tailor. Acorn’s Producing Director Michael region. It was established to improve the coordination Levine directs the story of a tailor who uses his of transportation planning and investment decisions wit to parlay a relatively minor feat into a kingby state, municipal and public transportation dom, though Acorn’s “fractured fairy tale” verorganizations. Open house and appetizers at 6 sion is set in 1940’s Louisiana, where the king p.m., Westbrook Middle School, 471 Stroudwater becomes a mafia don, and his enemies corrupt St., Westbrook. An intensive interactive “town hall” government officials. Against this backdrop, style presentation and frank discussion about where JoJo Dubois Meets His Match tells the story Greater Portland stands, where it is going, and what of a professor with a knack for knots who finds it could look like as informed by local data and best his heart tied up over a gang boss’ daughter. practices from around the country and around the The production runs from March 11 to 27 in the globe. On March 24th and 25th, the PACTS Executive Acorn Studio Theater in Westbrook, with tickCommittee presents: Moving Greater Portland … Towards a transit-focused region,” create choices, Today at One Longfellow. Square, Marion Grace will be releasing a documentary made by ets $7 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. Unlike previous productions by the fledging save money, generate economic opportunity, build Acadia, and the band will be performing a special set with guests. (COURTESY PHOTO) group, “JoJo” will feature several teenage actors community. Also Friday morning, March 25, 9 a.m. and is best suited for audiences 8 and up due to to 12:30 p.m., coffee, fruit and pastries at 8:30 name Marion Grace is anchored to a childhood memory of the piece’s more mature themes. Friday, March 25 at 7 p.m.; a.m. Disability RMS, One Riverfront Plaza, Westbrook. A a woman met through pictures and stories only, but is a Saturday, March 26 at 3 p.m. (note change in time); Sunday, hands-on, mark-up session to brainstorm concepts for person they will all carry in remembrance through the spirit March 27 at 2 p.m. Acorn Studio Theater, Dana Warp Mill, 90 future transportation investment and land use patterns as and Grace of the music.” One Longfellow Square. Bridge St., Westbrook. Cost is $7 adults; $5 kids 12 and under. informed by local and national planners, developers, and FMI: or 854-0065. employers who will make it happen. Both events are in Friday, March 25 Westbrook; in the evening at the Middle School Performing ‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage Arts Center, 471 Stroudwater St., and Friday morning 8 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The downtown at Disability RMS, 1 Riverfront Plaza. Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Perfor‘Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us?’ mances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday mat6:30 p.m. Film screenings at the Portland Museum of Art. ‘Avenue Q’ at Merrill inees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing Friday, March 25, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 26, 2 p.m.; 7:30 p.m. “Coming to Portland for one night only, ‘Avenue times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 Sunday, March 27, 2 p.m. NR. “Bees are the engines that Q’ is the smash hit Broadway musical about real life in New p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. keep the earth in bloom. Queen of the Sun presents the bee York City as told by a cast of people and puppets through a or call 899-3993 crisis as a global wake-up call and illuminates a growing hilariously irreverant, Tony-Award winning book and score. movement of beekeepers, community activists, and scienCalled “Sassy, savvy and delicious” by the New York Times, tists who are committed to renewing a culture in balance ‘Avenue Q’ tells the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed colSaturday, March 26 with nature.” lege grad who comes to NYC with big dreams and a tiny bank account. Featuring songs like “What Do You Do with ‘Killer Joe’ — Opening Night ‘Gettysburg Bodies and Other Stories’ a B.A. in English”, and “Schadenfreude,” ‘Avenue Q’ is ‘one 7:30 p.m. Doors at 7 p.m., starts at 7:30 p.m., $12 gen10 a.m. “Dead Men’s Pockets: Gettysburg Bodies and of the funniest shows you’re ever likely to see’ (Entertaineral/$10 members, 18 plus. Preview on Thursday. “Killer Other Stories,” Margaret Creighton, Professor at Bates ment Weekly).” Mature content. Merrill Auditorium. https:// Joe.” “(Please note: Due to graphic violence, nudity and College, Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress St. strong adult content, no one under 18 will be admitted.) Spirits Alive, the advocacy group for Portland’s Eastern Drugs, guns, sex, and country-western: this ain’t your dad‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage Cemetery will offer a three-lecture series of presentations dy’s night at the theater. Something like the love-child of 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The around the theme, “Death and Survival in the Civil War.” Sam Shepard and Quentin Tarantino, ‘Killer Joe’ lures you Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. PerforSupported in part with funding from the Maine Humaniwith pitch black humor into the trailer-trash world of a greedy mances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matties Council, admission is free, but donations are sugand vindictive Texan clan desperate enough to murder their inees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing gested. The theme of the lecture series was chosen in mother for her insurance policy. Unable to pull off the dirty times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 support of the 150th Anniversary of the American Civil deed themselves, they hire a contract killer who sinks his p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. War (2011-2015). “These lectures will offer insight into claws into their young daughter and sends their plan or call 899-3993 this country’s greatest national crisis in relation to death raling out of control. In his first play, Pulitzer Prize-winner Marion Grace documentary, concert and dying. It is estimated that up to 700,000 people, or Tracy Letts pushes Southern Gothic to a pulpy, shocking 8 p.m. “Unleashed: A Documentary Film and Concert from 2 percent of the population died in the War Between the extreme, creating a visceral experience that builds tension Marion Grace.” $8 adv/$10 door. A showing of the docuStates. One of the first Maine regiments to be mustered to a jaw-dropping, hilariously depraved climax. Directed by mentary film created at Marion Grace’s sold out CD release in, The Forest City Regiment included 1,046 men from Sean Mewshaw. Starring Brent Askari, Shannon Campbell, concert at Port City Music Hall one year ago in Portland. southern and central Maine, and left Portland in July Brian Chamberlain, Christopher Reiling, and Casey Turner. The documentary was filmed by Acadia Studios and this 1861. After 3 years, this fighting regiment mustered out Designed by Colin Sullivan-Stevens.” night will feature the premiere screening of this film as only 193 — the rest were killed in action, died from disPortland Ballet Company 30th Anniversary well as live music performances by the band and special ease, were wounded, deserted, or transferred to other 7:30 p.m. “The Portland Ballet Company’s impact on guests. “Marion Grace was conceived years ago by nameregiments.” dance has been felt at home in Maine and beyond during sake lead singer and songwriter Ralph Marion Graceffa and see next page the course of its thirty years. To celebrate its anniversary, the current members have been together since 2008. The

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Family Finances Seminar 10 a.m. to noon. “The Institute for Financial Literacy has launched a new interactive personal finance seminar series. Taught by certified educators and open to the general public, the seminars are designed to improve financial literacy in Maine. In this session, you will learn how to manage your family finances like a business, teach your children important financial literacy skills and gain valuable insight into important family decisions involving credit, debt, insurance and retirement planning. All seminars are being held at the Institute’s new campus conveniently located near the Maine Mall at 260 Western Ave. in South Portland.” Cost is $50 per adult/$75 couple. Attendance is limited and advance registration is required. 221-3601 or email help@

Childrens’ Puppet Workshop at Mayo Street 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. “A Magic Carpet Ride with Pierre in the Air” featured, two shows: 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; $3 kids/$6 adults. Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo St., Portland; 615-3609, “The Childrens’ Puppet Workshop presents ‘A Magic Carpet Ride with Pierre in the Air’ at Mayo Street Arts (MSA) in Portland. The puppet show for all ages will be performed by neighborhood youths who participated in the first season of the Childrens’ Puppet Workshop held at Mayo Street Arts. The youths perform with the puppets they made in the ten-week workshop. The show includes a variety of puppet skits, songs, and dance. Following the performances, the puppets go on display throughout the month of April in a gallery exhibit at Mayo Street Arts titled ‘Puppet Show.’ The exhibit features the youths’ puppets and original scripts, and also includes a variety of puppets made by professional puppeteers from Portland and beyond. The opening is April 1 from 5-7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. The exhibit, performance, and workshop are sponsored in part by the Maine Community Foundation, the Maine Arts Commission, the Maine Humanities Council, and the Portland Police Department.”

The Big Draw with Artist Kimberly Convery 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “The Big Draw with Artist Kimberly Convery: A Celebration of European Drawings from the Portland Museum of Art.” All children must be accompanied by an adult. “Follow the lead of Portland artist Kimberly Convery as you, in the words of Paul Klee, ‘go for a walk with a line,’ throughout the museum. First, you are invited to her drawing table to experiment with all sorts of drawing tools from the soft and chunky to the smooth and delicate. Then, families will fill all corners of the Museum as they become (as the artist describes herself) “fine art drawers.” Your many small drawings will combine into one as you help the artist create an oversized masterpiece.”

Acorn Productions presents the second production of the season by the “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of kids, teens and adults who have studied at the Acorn Acting Academy. The troupe’s new production is JoJo Dubois Meets His Match, an adaptation by local writer DeLorme Taylor of “Seven at One Blow,” the Grimm Brothers story featured in the Disney cartoon “The Brave Little Tailor.” (COURTESY PHOTO) Ground Fair, and a fourth book is expected to be released in 2012. Young Adult fantasy fiction as a genre has grown in popularity since the mid 1990s, many say due to the influence of the Harry Potter series.”

‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage 8 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Performances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matinees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. or call 899-3993

Kids Open Studio: Sketchbook Project

Maine Jewish Film Festival

noon to 4 p.m. $50/$3 members, all ages, SPACE Gallery. “In anticipation of the arrival of the 2011 Sketchbook Project starting on March 30, we will explore the idea of keeping a sketchbook. Providing kids with mock moleskins, art supplies, and lots of inspiration, we will talk about what it means to keep a sketchbook, how to maintain it and then begin working on them. Kids can bring their sketchbooks home to fill up, but make sure to come back through to check out the show and celebrate the art of sketching! Drop in any time from noon to 4 p.m.”

6 p.m. When the Maine Jewish Film Festival opens, it will mark its 14th year of bringing internationally and locally made independent films to Maine film-lovers. This year’s festival features films from Mexico, Argentina, Belgium, France, Israel, Ireland, Romania, and others. Two locallymade short films will also be featured in the festival. Overall, the MJFF will screen twelve features, selected episodes from one television series, and eight short films during its six day run from March 26-31. Visiting artists, panel discussions, and receptions are also an integral part of the festival schedule. The highly-lauded and award-winning film selections include documentaries, musicals, comedies, psychodrama, and animation. This diverse selection shares a skillful exposition of the global Jewish experience, through many cultural lenses and interpretations. Though all films are nominally Jewish, they are selected for their broad appeal and are exemplary for their era, their genre, and their provenance. All films featured in the 2011 Maine Jewish Film Festival are Maine premieres. The Festival opens on Saturday, March 26 with its annual kick-off party at Greenhut Galleries at 6 p.m. in Portland, followed by the Opening Night film premiere, an 8 p.m. screening of awardwinning Mexican film “Nora’s Will.” “Nora’s Will” won five of the Mexican Academy of Film’s Oscar equivalents, the Ariel Awards: Best Picture of the Year, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, and Best First Film. The film will screen at the Nickelodeon Cinemas in downtown Portland. For more about the festival, visit www.mjff. org/films.

Maine authors at Scarborough Bull Moose 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Three Maine women, all authors of popular juvenile and teen fantasy fiction, will be present for a book signing and reading at the Scarborough Bull Moose store, 456 Payne Road. “Maurissa Guibord (‘Warped’), Ellen Booraem (‘Small Persons with Wings’), and Carrie Jones (‘Entice,’ the third in the Need series) celebrate the release of their newest — and for Guibord, debut — novels with local fans. Guibord’s debut novel, ‘Warped,’ was released on Jan. 11. ‘Warped’ is the story of a girl who doesn’t believe in magic until she is pulled into a web of intrigue emanating from a mysterious tapestry. She has also published short mystery fiction in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, and was nominated for the Agatha Award. The Agatha Award, named for mystery author Agatha Christie, is awarded yearly to honor ‘traditional mystery’ in American writing. Booraem’s new novel, ‘Small Persons with Wings,’ draws inspiration from her own childhood in Massachusetts where her front wall had fairies living in it. The novel is the story of a young girl with a big imagination, and how it almost ruins her life. It was released in January. A life-long writer and word-lover, she formerly wrote for and edited newspapers. This is her second novel. Jones, author of the New York Times best-selling ‘Need’ and ‘Captivate,’ published the third in the series, ‘Entice,’ in December. The series is about high-schooler Zara and her involvement with less-than-friendly pixies. The series was inspired by a strange man the author saw at MOFGA’s annual Common

Freeport Lioness-Lions Club variety show 7 p.m. The Freeport Lioness-Lions Club will present their 25th Anniversary Variety Show “Still Crazy After All These Years” at the Freeport Performing Arts Center, FHS, Holbrook Street. Come join the fun as we take a look back over the last 25 years through song, dance and skits featuring Jeff Chipman on piano. Show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are sold at the door $10 adults/$3 children 12 and under. FMI call Cindi @ 865-3555 or Martha @865-6188.

Contra Dance with Big Moose Contra 7:30 p.m. Contra Dance with Big Moose Contra. Dance Band in College of the Atlantic’s Gates Center, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor. Lessons at 7:30 p.m., Dance begins at 8 p.m. $6. Children free. or 288-5015.

Sunday, March 27 Maine Maple Sunday 9 a.m. Join Maine’s maple producers to celebrate Maine Maple Sunday on March 27. It’s the day when sugar makers around the state open the doors of their sugarhouses for the public to join them in their rites of spring-making maple syrup. Area participants include: Jo’s Sugarhouse, Gorham: 443 Sebago Lake Road; Intersection of Rt. 35 and Rt. 237 (southern tip of Sebago Lake) go up Rt. 237 and 7/10 of a mile on the left. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact: www.;; 671-2189; Merrifield Farm, Gorham: Easily accessible from Rt. 35, Rt. 237 and River Road. Physical address is 195 N. Gorham Road. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact: 892-5061; Merfarm@aol. com; Nash Valley Farm, Windham: 79 Nash Road; From the rotary of Rts. 202 and 302, take Rt. 302 towards Portland for one mile. Turn left onto Nash Road, we are one mile on the right. Hours: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. on Maine Maple Sunday. Contact: 892-7019;; Coopers Maple Products, Windham: From River Road turn on to Chute road, we are 1 mile on right. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: 892-7276;;; Parsons Maple Products, Gorham: 322 Buck St. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: 831-4844;

‘The Late Henry Moss’ at Lucid Stage 2 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “The Late Henry Moss,” by Sam Shepard, March 10-27. Performances Thursday through Saturday evenings. Sunday matinees. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Boulevard, Portland. Playing times are Thursday: 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m.; and Sunday 2 p.m. For ticket information, visit www. or call 899-3993

Walk to remember Darien Richardson 2 p.m. There will be a walk to remember Darien Richardson around Baxter Boulevard. “Darien was shot during a home invasion last year and later died from her injuries. The case is still open and the investigation continues. We strongly encourage anyone with information to call 207-874-8584. You can also text information to CRIMES (274637) keyword GOTCHA or leave a tip at” See the Portland Police Department Facebook page. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, March 24, 2011— Page 15

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Young at Heart Is Alive & Well 2:30 p.m. Merrill Auditorium. Presented By Northeast Hearing & Speech and Volunteers of America. Tickets $52/$42/$32 (includes $5 service fee). “This is the first trip to Maine for the Young at Heart Chorus, which has travelled the world. With performers ranging in age from 73 to 89, and a repertoire that includes rock classics as varied as Radiohead and Talking Heads, Young @ Heart bridges the gap between modern and genuinely old school. The documentary, Young at Heart, has won many awards and been shown several times on MPBN. This concert is co-hosted by Northeast Hearing and Speech and Volunteers of America and proceeds will benefit local people served by these two non-profit organizations.”

Palestinian Christian speaking at USM 7 p.m. Leading Palestinian Christian voice, Mazin Qumsiyeh, will speak in Room 102 Wishcamper (Muskie Institute), Bedford Street, USM Portland campus. His topic is Connections: The Palestinian Question, Arab Popular Resistance, and the U.S. A professor at Bethlehem, Birzeit, and Yale, Qumsiyeh is author of “Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” (2004) and “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment” (2011) and over a thousand articles and interviews. He is on a book-signing tour. Qumsiyeh has long argued that Muslims, Christians, and Jews should share Palestine together and, as the American Jewish author of “Witness in Palestine,” Anna Baltzer, observes, his accounts of “both the everyday and the most extraordinary acts of Palestinian indigenous resistance to colonialism expose the misguided claims that Palestions have never tried nonviolence; in fact, they are among the experts, whose courage, creativity, and resilience are an inspiration to people of conscience everywhere.” Sponsors include the Political Science Department, Pax Christi Maine, Middle East Children’s Alliance, and the Episcopal Peace Fellowship. FMI l 773-6562 (Bill Slavick). william.slavick@

Monday, March 28 KinderKonzerts (Brass) 9:45 a.m. The last week of March will be filled with the sounds of brass buzzing thanks to Portland Symphony Orchestra’s “KinderKonzerts (Brass): Brought to You By the Letter “B”.” Concerts will take place in Brunswick, Saco, Lewiston, Portland, Oxford and Poland. “In the KinderKonzert Brass program, the PSO Brass Ensemble plays their instruments by buzzing and blowing, and blends these sounds to make beautiful, brilliant music.” Concertgoers will bop to the beat of Bach and Beethoven, and will leave shouting “Bravo!” This year’s PSO Brass Ensemble is made up of Betty Rines and Dana Oakes (trumpet), John Boden and Nina Miller (french horn), Tom Otto (trombone) and Don Rankin (tuba). Designed for children ages 3-7, KinderKonzerts are an entertaining, interactive musical experience. Attendees are encouraged to sing, dance, wiggle, clap and have fun listening and learning about music and instruments. KinderKonzert tickets are $4 per person. Monday, March 28, 2011 at 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., Oxford Elementary School, Oxford; Tuesday, March 29, East End Community School, Portland at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Reiche School, Portland at 1 p.m.; Thursday, March 31, at 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., Olin Arts Center, Bates College, Lewiston; Wednesday, April 13, at 9:15 and 10:15 a.m. at Poland Regional High School, Poland. For reservations or additional information, email or call 773-6128. KinderKonzerts have been a regular event at the Portland Symphony Orchestra since 1976. KinderKonzerts are sponsored by Time Warner Cable with additional support from Acadia Insurance, Target and Macy’s. The PSO’s 2010-2011 season is sponsored by IDEXX Laboratories and Wright Express.

‘Egypt in Transition’ 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. In conjunction with the University of Maine School of Law’s International Law Society, the World Affairs Council of Maine is pleased to present “Egypt in Transition: What does it mean for the Arab World and for US Policy?” “The 18 days that began with a protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square ended as the landmark event that will forever alter the political landscape in the Middle East. It may portend the tumultuous days and weeks ahead in the region as several other governments sit atop comparable political volcanoes wondering if they will be the next ousted ruler in the region. How will the new government in post-Mubarak Egypt change everyday life for the 80 million people who call Egypt their home? Cairo has been a priceless strategic asset to the United States during former President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year reign as the considerable diplomatic weight on Arab-Israeli affairs and a counterweight to Iran’s

regional ambitions. Did the world just witness the watershed event that has opened a completely new era in US presence in the Middle East? Will the new Egypt continue to play its familiar role as the interlocutor in Israeli-Palestinian talks as the dialogue progresses? For insight to these questions, please join a panel of Middle East experts in a scintillating conversation about the turbulent developments that have engulfed an entire region.” Moot Court Room, University of Maine School of Law, 246 Deering St., Portland. Admission: Free, donations gratefully accepted. Sponsors: The World Affairs Council of Maine and the International Law Society of the University of Maine School of Law.

Tuesday, March 29 The DownEast Pride Alliance ‘Business After Hours’ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. “Delicious appetizers, cash bar & media table will be provided. Havana South features a great atmosphere, extensive wine list, knowledgeable staff and a sophisticated Latin-inspired menu. See you at Havana South for cocktails and conversation! FMI: The DownEast Pride Alliance (DEPA) is a GLBTQ business networking group in Southern Maine meeting monthly at local establishments for ‘Business After Hours’ events that provide a safe forum for, and help strengthen, the local gay and gay-friendly business community. Bring business cards to share on our Media Table. No fees or RSVP to attend. All in the community are welcome to come for ‘cocktails & conversation.’”

‘Spirit in Matter’ art exhibit at COA 4 p.m. Shoshana Wish, a senior at College of the Atlantic, has spent the past nine months exploring ceramics as an Now an education professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, Bill Ayers helped found the Vietnam-era radical group the Weathermen, which carried out bombings at the Pentagon and the Capitol. He will speak at University of Maine at Farmington regarding education on Wednesday, March 30. (COURTESY PHOTO) apprentice to Bar Harbor potter Rocky Mann. The results of her work, “Spirit in Matter: Clay as a Medium for Chinese Calligraphy,” will be exhibited at the college’s Ethel H. Blum Gallery from March 28 through April 2. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Opening reception on March 29 from 4 to 6 p.m. 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor. For information contact, cclinger@, 288-5105 or 801-5733. Free.

‘Invisible Children’ screening at COA 8 p.m. “Invisible Children” presents stories of the child soldiers of Africa with a video and speakers. “Tony” is the story of an energetic boy from Uganda who each night had to leave his parents’ home, joining thousands of other children to sleep in shelters in the city, so as not to be abducted by the members of Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA. After the screening, another northern Ugandan, Robert Anywar, will talk about his life in Uganda, his work as a teacher in the region, and the Legacy Scholarship Program that Invisible Children has created. Gates Community Center, College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor., or 288-5015. Free; donations requested.

Wednesday, March 30 The Current State of the Economy in Portland noon to 1:15 p.m. Greg Mitchell of the City of Portland presents: The Current State of the Economy in Portland. Mitchell will be kicking off the Portland Regional Chamber’s spring lunch series on March 30. “He will discuss the current state of the economy in Portland. More specifically he will talk about the details of the Portland Economic Development Plan. The plan focuses on Portland’s strengths and economic diversity which include the creative economy, waterfront, industrial, commercial and retail sectors. The goal of this single plan is to enable the private and public sectors of Portland to be on the same page regarding how best to support Portland ’s economic growth.” $5 for PROPEL and Chamber Members, $10 for nonmembers.

Rooftop Energy course 12:30 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. University of Southern Maine’s Department of Environmental Science will be offering a new Rooftop Energy course. Students will learn about rooftop solar and wind energy systems and how sites are evaluated for potential installation. Using solar and wind measurement tools, students will work in teams to estimate solar and wind resource data on USM rooftops. The course will meet once per week for six weeks (Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. to 2:10 p.m., March 30 through May 4) at the Gorham Campus. The course will be part a new Certificate in Applied Energy. FMI: contact Daniel M. Martinez, email: daniel.m.martinez@, phone: 780-5444

USM Graduate Studies open house 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. University of Southern Maine Graduate Studies will be hosting an open house for prospective graduate students in Room 102, Wishcamper Center, Portland. Attendees will get a chance to meet the faculty and staff who teach and work in USM’s graduate programs. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 780-4386 or email at graduatestudies@usm. USM currently offers over 50 graduate degree programs, certificates of advanced study and certificates of graduate study. Graduate Studies will be introducing new certificates of graduate study this coming fall. To see the full list of USM’s graduate degree programs, please visit: http://

Ballet dancer Jacques d’Amboise at Bates 4:15 p.m. Acclaimed ballet dancer Jacques d’Amboise visit Bates College in Lewiston to discuss his work. A renowned dancer for the New York City Ballet, a choreographer and the founder of the National Dance Institute, d’Amboise reads from his new book, “I Was a Dancer,” and discusses his career in the Edmund S. Muskie Archives, 56 Campus Ave. The d’Amboise appearance is sponsored by the Bates dance program, the college’s humanities division and the Lewiston Public Library. Open to the public free of charge. For more information, please call 786-8294.

Rosemont Neighborhood issues meeting 5:30 p.m. City Councilor Ed Suslovic and members of the Portland Police Department and Department of Public Services will host a meeting to discuss the Rosemont Neighborhood Watch program as well as the proposed removal of the Woodfords Street traffic island. Earlier this year, the neighborhood met to establish a crime watch and this meeting will follow-up on the neighborhood’s efforts to make their community a safer place to live. Following the crime watch discussion, community members will have the opportunity to discuss city plans to remove the Woodfords Street traffic island located between Stevens Avenue and Brighton Avenue. 5:30 p.m. – Crime Watch; 6:30 p.m. – Woodford Traffic Island. At the Deering High School cafeteria, 370 Stevens Ave.

Stations of the Cross at OOB church 6 p.m. St. Augustine of Canterbury Church will hold traditional Stations of the Cross during the Lenten Season, each Wednesday at 6 p.m. “Also known as the Way of the Cross, the prayers and readings recall the final journey of Christ to His crucifixion. St. Augustine’s is a Sarum Rite Catholic Community and part of the worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion, with members in 44 countries. The Church seeks to uphold the Catholic Faith, Apostolic Order, Orthodox Worship and Evangelical Witness of the Anglican tradition within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. The Communion holds Holy Scripture and the ancient Creeds of the Undivided Church as authentic and authoritative, and worships according to the traditional Liturgies of the Church.” St. Augustine of Canterbury Church worships at 4 p.m. on Sunday at Cathedral Pines Chapel at 156 Saco Ave. in Old Orchard Beach. Father Jeffrey W. Monroe is Vicar. For additional information, contact 799-5141.

The Institute for Financial Literacy 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. “The Institute for Financial Literacy has launched a new interactive personal finance seminar series. Taught by certified educators and open to the general public, the seminars are designed to improve financial literacy in Maine. In this session, you will learn everything you always wanted to know about successful money management and more including budgeting, net worth, financial planning and goal setting. All seminars are being held at the Institute’s new campus conveniently located near the Maine Mall at 260 Western Ave. in South Portland. Cost is $50 per adult/$75 couple.” Attendance is limited and advance registration is required. To register, please call 221-3601 or email

Caitlin Shetterly at Longfellow Books 7 p.m. Caitlin Shetterly will read from her debut memoir, “Made for You and Me: Going West, Going Broke, Finding Home” at Longfellow Books. A writer and actor, Shetterly began blogging in 2009 during her and her husband’s return to Maine after the recession took the last of the young couple’s savings they’d put away for their California dreams. “A year after heading West, going broke and a surprising and difficult pregnancy, they were driving back East, with a new baby in tow, to move in with Caitlin’s mother. Caitlin quickly found her way into hearts across America turning her blog into an audio diary for NPR’s Weekend Edition. The response from listeners was immediate and astounding to Caitlin and her husband, Dan, as virtual strangers offered help, opening their hearts and their homes. Through the challenge of moving back into her mother’s small house in rural Maine, Caitlin learned to expand her vision of “the American dream,” to embrace the role of family in that vision and live in the present as much as the future.” see next page

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William Ayers to speak at UMF

Thursday, March 31 Cesar Chavez remembered

7 p.m. University of Maine at 9 a.m. Maine League of United Latin Farmington will host a presentaAmerican Citizens will honor Cesar tion by educator, author and activChavez (March 31, 1931-April 23, 1993) ist William Ayers titled: “Lesson in an event at historic First Parish in One: I Would Sing. (Re)Framing Portland, 425 Congress St. For more Education for Democracy and Libinformation, contact Dr. Ralph Carmona eration.” This event is sponsored at by two UMF student organizations: Falmouth Historical Card Party UMF’s Student Education Association of Maine (SEAM) and Peace Ellen Booraem, author of “Small Persons with noon to 4 p.m. “Do you play cards? Activists in Training (PAinT). It is free Wings,” will appear with Maurissa Guibord Join us at the Falmouth Historical Sociand open-to-the-public and will be (“Warped”) and Carrie Jones (“Entice,” the ety’s Biannual Fundraising Card Party held at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March third in the Need series) at the Scarborough and enjoy a light luncheon as you try to 30, in Lincoln Auditorium, in UMF Bull Moose store, 456 Payne Road, Saturday, beat your table. With door prizes and a 50-50 opportunity, you increase your Roberts Learning Center. Accord- March 26. (COURTESY PHOTO) chances of going home happy. All proing to Wikipedia, “William Charles ceeds help us continue the mission of “Bill” Ayers (born December 26, 1944) is an American the Falmouth Historical Society including providing geneelementary education theorist and a former leader in the alogical services and maintaining the Falmouth Heritage movement that opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam Museum.” Holy Martyrs Church, 266 Foreside Road (Route War. In 1969 he co-founded the Weather Underground, a 88), Falmouth. Reservations: Mary Honan 781-2705 or Bevself-described communist revolutionary group that conerley Knudsen 781-4988. ducted a campaign of bombing public buildings during the 1960s and 1970s, in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar. During the 2008 US presidential campaign, a controversy arose over his contacts with candidate Barack Obama. He is married to Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather organization.” UMF reports, “Ayers is a proponent of social justice, democracy and education, and the political and cultural aspects of schooling. In his presentation, he will talk about creating schools where democracy is lived and not merely talked about, practiced rather than ritualized. He will discuss creating schools and classrooms that assist in the formation of public citizens; where students and teachers alike can find socially meaningful work to do; and where children can read critically, speak openly, think freely and where everyone can find ways to make a difference. Ayers is currently the vice-president of the curriculum division of the American Educational Research Association.”

VentiCordi at First Parish

12:15 p.m. First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress St., Portland. Concerts are free and open to the public. For information call the Portland Conservatory of Music at 775-3356. VentiCordi (Winds and Strings) is a musical collaboration between oboist Kathleen McNerney and violinist Dean Stein, combining their love of chamber music with innovative programming that blends wind and string instruments. “Both Ms. McNerney and Mr. Stein performed nationally and internationally as members of professional chamber ensembles. Ms. McNerney played oboe with two woodwind quintets in Los Angeles; Imbroglio and Calico Winds, and Mr. Stein was a violinist with the DaPonte String Quartet. Their respective musical journeys prepared them to explore creative frontiers beyond the usual constraints of either format. This summer will mark their third season of summer concerts in Kennebunk and they are planning to add concerts in Harpswell. ... Kathleen and Dean are delighted to have the wonderful bassoonist Wren Saunders joining them for this program.”

Portland Public Schools Student Art Show 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Portland Public Schools Student Art Show will be held from March 31 through April 14 at Portland City Hall. An opening reception with cookies and punch will take place on March 31 from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The show features work by students from kindergarten through 12th grade. All of the Portland Public Schools are represented. The exhibit includes more than 400 drawings, paintings, sculptures and other pieces. The exhibit will be open during City Hall’s regular business hours. Admission is free.

‘I Shall Not Hate’ public lecture 6 p.m. Public Lecture, preceded by a reception, with Middle Eastern food and music, and book-signing, and an exhibit of drawings by Gazan children following the Gaza War. “I Shall Not Hate” by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, author of “I Shall Not Hate” and Gazan doctor who lost three daughters and a niece when an Israeli tank fired two shells into his home during the Gaza War of winter 2008-09. Reception 6 p.m. Lecture, 7 p.m.. Hannaford Hall/Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine/Portland. Convenient free parking available. Sponsored by Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights. For more info, contact Bob Schaible, 239-8060.

Gym Dandies Children’s Circus 6:30 p.m. The Gym Dandies Children’s Circus will hold its annual Community Performances at the Scarborough High School Gymnasium on Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1, beginning at 6:30 p.m. “This is a special occasion, as The Gym Dandies are celebrating their 30th anniversary! They plan to WOW audiences once again with more than 80 six-foot high ‘giraffe’ unicycle riders, over one hundred smaller unicycle riders, seventeen globe walkers, hundreds of jugglers, yo-yo artists and Chinese stilt walkers plus specialized stunt unicycle demonstrations. The Gym Dandies is the only performing group in the world that features 80 or more Giraffe unicycles in one routine.” 653-3740

‘Life Your Way’ author at Longfellow Books 7 p.m. Maine psychologist, Amy Wood will celebrate the release of her self-help book, “Life Your Way: Refresh Your Approach to Success and Breathe Easier in a Fast-Paced World,” at Longfellow Books. “With a firm conviction that every individual holds the ability to wade through the overwhelm of the information age and discover the path to happiness and success, Amy strives to assist others in removing life’s clutter that stands in the way of moving forward.”

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