The Berlin Daily Sun, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Page 1


VOL. 20 NO. 104




Conversion of boiler underway at mill BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM -- The new burners for the No 1 boiler at Gorham Paper and Tissue should be installed by the beginning of next week as the mill moves closer to switching over to natural gas. Plant Manager Willis Blevins said work on the boiler was underway yesterday and engineer

Andrew Hartford has assured him the conversion will be completed by Sept. 19. Once the conversion is complete, the boiler will be able to burn natural gas which is expected to save the plant as much as $1 million a month in lower energy costs. The mill has been burning No. 6 fuel oil. Blevins said he will be talking to Trans-Canada officials Friday to set up the schedule to do the tap-in for the gas line. The mill gas line will connect

in Berlin to the Portland National Gas Transmission System pipeline owned by Trans-Canada. The spur will travel from the PNGTS line across the Androscoggin River on an old railroad bridge to the mill. Blevins said work was also underway yesterday bringing the line across the bridge. Once the gas line is up and running to the mill, Blevins said the No 2 boiler will be converted to see MILL page 5

Babcock and Wilcox hired to construct biomass plant BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

BERLIN -- In 1993, Babcock & Wilcox installed the recovery boiler at the then James River pulp mill at a cost of almost $100 million. Now, almost 20 years later, the company’s con-

struction business has been awarded a $186 million contract to convert that boiler into a 75-megawatt biomass plant. The North Carolina-based company yesterday announced Babcock and Wilcox Construction Co. Inc., has agreed to engineer, procure, and construct

the biomass plant for Berlin Station. A subsidiary of B&W, Delta Power Services, was awarded a six year contract worth more than $19 million to provide operations and maintenance services for the plant. Babcock & Wilcox Construction will convert the see CONSTRUCT page 9

Council tackles redistricting again BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

Hot soup was handed out free by WREN volunteers at last week’s Farmers Market. Vendors and customers contributed vegetables to make the community “Stone Soup”. The popular weekly events comes to a close with the last market of the season this Thursday, Sept. 15. (BARBARA TETREAULT PHOTO).

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BERLIN -- City Planner Pamela Laflamme Monday night presented the city council with two more options for redistricting the city’s wards to conform to the new U.S. Census data. The council must select an option soon in order to get it approved by the N.H. Secretary of State’s office in time to get on the ballot for the presidential primary next January. Last month the council rejected the initial option developed by Laflamme because it would have moved Ward III Councilor Mike Rozek into Ward I. Laflamme was asked to come back with an option that did not dislocate any of the existing councilors. While the new options meet that goal, the council still expressed its displeasure with the need for widespread changes because of the presence of the state prison in Ward III. City Clerk Debra Patrick explained that the census counts inmates even through most can not vote. New Hampshire bans incarcerated felons from voting Patrick noted there are some inmates serving sentences for misdemeanors who can vote but the vast majority are felons. see COUNCIL page 3

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Page 2 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What’s a presidential library to do? SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (NY Times) — When Republicans gathered at the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum here for the presidential debate last week, the backdrop was an overhauled exhibition on the Reagan presidency, done under the watchful eye of Nancy Reagan. It is intended, in part, to be a more complete depiction of the Reagan presidency, replacing one that many had seen as a bit too worshipful and airbrushed. But another exhibition that just opened at yet another presidential museum not far away — the Watergate installation at the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda — has offered a stark challenge to the Reagan tribute here, exposing both the different ways that these two museums have chosen to remember their subjects. “The Reagan library is the way presidential libraries have been in the past,” said Jon Wiener, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine. “The Nixon library represents the new kind of museum that presents more of an historic view, warts and all.” The Watergate exhibition is so detailed, searing and unapologetic that it was shunned by Nixon loyalists. They did not attend the opening ceremony this year and provided it no financial support, and last week, one museum docent resigned his post in protest.


I can take it. The tougher it gets, the cooler I get.” —Richard M. Nixon

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Tonight Low: 49 Record: 28 (1963) Sunset: 6:58 p.m.




Today High: 71 Record: 92 (1931) Sunrise: 6:22 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 64 Low: 38 Sunrise: 6:23 a.m. Sunset: 6:56 p.m. Friday High: 56 Low: 33



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records are from 1886 to present

U.S. poverty rate at 15 percent ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

WASHINGTON (NY Times) — The percentage of Americans living in poverty last year rose to the highest level since 1993, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, fresh evidence that the disappointing economic recovery has done nothing for the country’s poorest citizens. Another 2.6 million people slipped below the poverty line in 2010, meaning 46.2 million people now live in poverty in the

United States, the highest number in the 52 years the Census Bureau has been tracking it, said Trudi Renwick, chief of the Poverty Statistic Branch at the Census Bureau. That figure represented 15.1 percent of the population, up from 14.3 percent in 2009, and 11.7 percent at the beginning of the decade in 2001. The poverty line in 2010 for a family of four was $22,113.

And in new signs of economic distress among the middle class, median household incomes adjusted for inflation declined by 2.3 percent in 2010 from the previous year to $49,400. That was 7 percent less than the peak of $53,252 in 1999. The report comes as President Obama gears up to pass a jobs bill, and analysts said the bleak numbers could help him make his case for urgency.

Obama looks for big health Libya’s war-tested women cuts, worrying Democrats hope to keep new power WASHINGTON (NY Times) — As Congress opens a politically charged exploration of ways to pare the deficit, President Obama is expected to seek hundreds of billions of dollars in savings in Medicare and Medicaid, delighting Republicans and dismaying many Democrats who fear that his proposals will become a starting point for bigger cuts in the popular health programs. The president made clear his intentions in his speech to a joint session of Congress last week

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when, setting forth a plan to create jobs and revive the economy, he said he disagreed with members of his party “who don’t think we should make any changes at all to Medicare and Medicaid.” Few Democrats fit that description. But many say that if, as expected, Obama next week proposes $300 billion to $500 billion of savings over 10 years in entitlement programs, he will provide political cover for a new bipartisan Congressional committee to cut just as much or more.

TRIPOLI, Libya (NY Times) — Aisha Gdour, a school psychologist, smuggled bullets in her brown leather handbag. Fatima Bredan, a hairdresser, tended wounded rebels. Hweida Shibadi, a family lawyer, helped NATO find airstrike targets. And Amal Bashir, an art teacher, used a secret code to collect orders for munitions: Small-caliber rounds were called “pins,” larger rounds were “nails.” A “bottle of milk” meant a Kalashnikov. In the Libyan rebels’ unlikely victory over Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, women did far more than send sons and husbands to the front. The six-month uprising against Colonel Qaddafi has propelled women in this traditional society into roles they never imagined. But in the emerging new Libya, women are so far almost invisible in the leadership. Libya’s 45-member Transitional National Council includes just one woman. The council’s headquarters does not have a women’s bathroom.

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THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 3

Flu shots available at CCFHS

BERLIN -- Flu shots are available through Coos County Family Health Services (CCFHS) at our three medical offices. The regular flu shot is approved for people aged 6 months and older. This protects against three strains of virus that are circulating in our community now. This year’s strains are the same as last year’s, so the vaccine is readily available. Vulnerable populations include pregnant women and children younger than 5 years old, people over 50, and people of any age living with chronic medical conditions should schedule an appointment as soon as possible. The best time to get vaccinated is now before the winter flu season begins. Most authorities are suggesting that the flu has mutated so much that there is no longer a “flu season.” Therefore it is best to take advantage of the flu clinics offered by CCFHS at the medical office COUNCIL from page one

When the census was conducted, the state prison housed about 700 inmates which inflated the population of Ward III. Counting the inmates, Ward III has a population of 3,193. The next closest ward is Ward II with 2,335 people. Based on the city’s population of 10,051, each ward should ideally have a population of 2,513. Patrick said the wards must be within five percent of that median number. The council seemed to favor the second option prepared by Laflamme. The option would move sections of Ward III to Ward II and Ward IV. Parts of Ward IV and Ward II would move to Ward I. The council rejected a third option, moving the prison into Ward IV. That option would require moving even more people than Option 2. Laflamme noted the task of redistricting is complicated by census criteria that require her to realign wards using census block lines and information. Blocks that are moved must be contiguous and touching the new ward. “There’s really no neat and tidy way to do it,” Laflamme said. “It’s kind of a tricky exercise at best,” she said. Rozek thanked Laflamme for the work she did, adding that he felt she had done a “terrific job”. He said he would like to see the federal statute that requires communities to count inmates in setting wards boundar-

nearest you. Vaccinations are free for those on Medicare. Most health insurance companies cover the flu shot as a preventive measure. For the uninsured who qualify for Coos County Family Health Services’ sliding fee scale, the costs can be scaled depending on income. If you decide to receive your flu vaccine from someone, other than your primary care provider at CCFHS, such as a pharmacist, please remember that you must bring or send the documentation to your primary care provider. CCFHS providers need to know whether patients have received a flu vaccine as they are deciding how to treat other acute illnesses that may occur in the next six months. This information will not get into your medical record any other way. For an appointment call one of our medical offices or 752-2040. ies. He said the situation will only get worst in the next census when the federal prison is on line with its 2,052 inmate capacity. Patrick said the council must make a decision on an option soon if it wants to avoid the expense of a special election. She said once the council approves an option, there is an 81-day process that has to take place. First there is a public hearing. Then the option must be reviewed by the city attorney and the Secretary of State and Attorney-General’s office before it can go as a referendum question on the ballot. The new wards must be in place for the November 2013 election. Mayor Paul Grenier predicted the redistricting debate will lead to setting up a charter commission to study the city’s political structure and how councilors are elected. “I think this creates the basis for some change,” he said. He said the city’s political structure was set up when Berlin had a population of about 20,000 and is now outdated. He said he could envision electing some of the councilors at large as the city does for the mayoral position and reducing the number of wards from four to two. Grenier asked Laflamme to develop the exact boundaries lines for Option 2 and identify what areas of the city will be affected by the redistricting. She said she would have that information for the next council meeting.



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Page 4 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

–––––––––––––––– LETTERS ––––––––––––––––

Legion membership rodeo is this weekend To the editor: On Saturday, September 17, the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #82 of Gorham will be having their annual Membership Rodeo/ Yard sale. It will be from 8:30-3:30 at President Linda Dupont home on Church St. in Gorham. This is a great opportunity to visit with our current members who can get their new 2012 membership cards as well as welcome new members into our Unit. All funds for the Yard sale are used to defray the cost of postage so that our members can receive their

monthly newsletters. Our Past President Parley Committee will be setting up a table to sell Raffle tickets for 50 NH Lottery tickets for our Nursing Scholarship Fund. The winner will be drawn our October 17th meeting. If any other Committees would like to set up a table please contact me you are all welcomed to participate. We truly hope to see you for this occasion. Diane Bouthot American Legion Auxiliary Unit #82 Membership Chairperson

Berlin and Coos Historical Society to hold barn sale BERLIN -- The Berlin & Coos County Historical Society will be holding its final barn sale for 2011 on Saturday, September 17. This is the annual Christmas sale. It will take place rain or shine from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the historic Brown Company barns on the East Milan Road in Berlin, across from the state prison entrance. There are Santas and Snowmen, dishes and linens, gift boxes and bags, wreaths and table top artificial trees, wrapping paper both unopened and partial rolls, and even Christmas stockings for your dog! Ornaments, jars, garlands, and lights, - oh, my!

There are also nonChristmas items: books, puzzles, electronics, picture frames, toys, salvage items - too numerous to list. Proceeds from these fund-raising yard sales go towards the expenses of both the barns and the Moffett House Museum & Genealogy Center. The museum, located at 119 High Street in Berlin, is the only museum in Coos County that is open year round five days a week. Donations, monetary or items, are always accepted, for either the Moffett House Museum or the barns. See you at the last sale of the season! We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication in Letters to the Editor. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address. Please provide a phone number for verification purposes. Limit thank you letters to 150 words. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letter without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: The Berlin Daily Sun, 164 Main Street, Berlin, NH 03570 or fax to 1-866-475-4429 or email to

by Ross Douhart The New York Times

The President’s Do-Over

A week after President Obama took the oath of office, Alice Rivlin, budget chief to President Bill Clinton, testified before a Congress that was about to consider sweeping stimulus legislation. In her remarks, Rivlin voiced her support for a swift and substantial federal intervention to prop up the sagging economy. But she offered lawmakers three warnings as well. The first warning was about the design of the stimulus. The ideal anti-recession package, Rivlin told Congress, would include aid to state governments, extended unemployment benefits, money for genuinely “shovel ready” projects and a payroll tax holiday. But she urged Congress to resist the temptation to combine these kinds of short-term recession-fighting measures with a larger and more costly investment in energy, education and infrastructure. Trying to rush a long-term spending package through in an atmosphere of crisis, she cautioned, would only guarantee that its contents would be poorly designed, and much of its spending wasted. The second warning was about setting expectations. Given the nature of the financial crisis and the nasty overhang of debt it left behind, any recovery would probably be slow even with a stimulus bill. Policy makers “should be skeptical of all forecasts,” she told Congress, “and especially conscious of the risk that things may continue to go worse than expected.” The third warning was about how to handle the problem of deficits, which already shadowed the stimulus debate. “We do not have the luxury of waiting until the economy recovers before taking actions to bring down projected future deficits,” Rivlin said. Instead, she urged Congress to take action “this year” on entitlement spending, and to prioritize Medicare reforms over a more comprehensive health care overhaul. With these three warnings, Rivlin anticipated everything that the Obama White House and the Democratic Congress would do wrong over the next two years. First, instead of passing a targeted antirecession package, Congressional Democrats crammed the stimulus bill with spending on everything from Head Start and Pell Grants to high-speed rail and renewable-energy projects. The hope was that the legislation would do more than just kickstart a recovery: It would lay a new foundation for the economy, with an electric car in every garage and a Solyndra solar panel on every roof. The

result, predictably, was a bill that looked less like a temporary exercise in crisis management and more like the Democratic Party’s permanent wish list. Second, instead of emphasizing the severity of the recession, the White House offered sunny — and, as it turned out, wildly mistaken — projections about how swiftly the stimulus would bring down the unemployment rate. Even once it became clear that the recovery wasn’t happening nearly as quickly as promised, the administration stuck to its Pollyannaish script, sending the president and the vice president out on an embarrassing “recovery summer” tour in 2010 and repeatedly projecting economic growth that failed to materialize. Finally, instead of pivoting from the Recovery Act to deficits and entitlement reform, the Democratic majority spent all of its poststimulus political capital trying to push both a costly new health care entitlement and a cap-and-trade bill through Congress. Both policies were advertised, intermittently, as deficit reduction, but neither came close to addressing the real long-term drivers of the nation’s debt. And they left Congressional Democrats to campaign for re-election in 2010 as the custodians of record deficits as well as sky-high unemployment. Now, nearly three years after Rivlin’s warnings went unheeded, President Obama has groped his way to an agenda that looks more like what she originally recommended. His speech to Congress last week suggested that he intends to campaign for re-election on what should have been the blueprint for his first four years in office: a short-term stimulus highlighted by a payroll tax cut, a medium-term push to overhaul the tax code and a plan for long-term entitlement reform. To Republicans, this agenda holds out the possibility that a second Obama term might feature more opportunities for compromise and common ground. But to voters pondering whether to make that second term happen, it amounts to a request for a presidential do-over — a tacit admission that the White House’s first-term agenda has been less than successful, and a plea for a second chance to get things right. If the answer to that plea turns out to be “no,” then President Obama’s political epitaph should be taken from the Victorian verse of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: “Look in my face; my name is Might-havebeen; I am also called No-more, Too-late, Farewell.”

by David Brooks The New York Times Rose Dodge, Managing Editor Rita Dube, Office Manager Theresa Johnson, Advertising Sales Representative Barbara Tetreault, Reporter Melissa Grima Reporter Jean LeBlanc, Sports John Walsh, Contributor “Seeking the truth and printing it” Mark Guerringue, Publisher Adam Hirshan, Editor THE BERLIN DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Friday by Country News Club, Inc. Dave Danforth, Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Founders Offices and mailing address: 164 Main Street, Berlin, NH 03570 E-Mail: Tel.: (603) 752-5858 FAX: (1-866) 475-4429 CIRCULATION: 8,925 distributed FREE throughout the Berlin-Gorham area. For delivery call 752-1005

If It Feels Right

During the summer of 2008, the eminent Notre Dame sociologist Christian Smith led a research team that conducted in-depth interviews with 230 young adults from across America. The interviews were part of a larger study that Smith, Kari Christoffersen, Hilary Davidson, Patricia Snell Herzog and others have been conducting on the state of America’s

youth. Smith and company asked about the young people’s moral lives, and the results are depressing. It’s not so much that these young Americans are living lives of sin and debauchery, at least no more than you’d expect from 18- to 23-yearsee RIGHT page 5

THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 5

Local students start at St. Michael’s College COLCHESTER, VT — The following local residents began their first year at Saint Michael’s College this semester: Danika LeBlanc, daughter of David LeBlanc of Berlin and Tina Lacasse of Milan, graduate of Berlin High School and Zachary Perreault, son of

Laurie Brodeur and Gerald Perreault of Berlin, graduate of Berlin High School.Saint Michael’s College, located in Burlington, Vermont, arguably the best college town in the country, is a distinctive Catholic liberal arts college that provides education with a social conscience.

RIGHT from page 4

sphere of extreme moral individualism — of relativism and nonjudgmentalism. Again, this doesn’t mean that America’s young people are immoral. Far from it. But, Smith and company emphasize, they have not been given the resources — by schools, institutions and families — to cultivate their moral intuitions, to think more broadly about moral obligations, to check behaviors that may be degrading. In this way, the study says more about adult America than youthful America. Smith and company are stunned, for example, that the interviewees were so completely untroubled by rabid consumerism. (This was the summer of 2008, just before the crash). Many of these shortcomings will sort themselves out as these youngsters get married, have kids, enter a profession or fit into more clearly defined social roles. Institutions will inculcate certain habits. Broader moral horizons will be forced upon them. But their attitudes at the start of their adult lives do reveal something about American culture. For decades, writers from different perspectives have been warning about the erosion of shared moral frameworks and the rise of an easygoing moral individualism. Allan Bloom and Gertrude Himmelfarb warned that sturdy virtues are being diluted into shallow values. Alasdair MacIntyre has written about emotivism, the idea that it’s impossible to secure moral agreement in our culture because all judgments are based on how we feel at the moment. Charles Taylor has argued that morals have become separated from moral sources. People are less likely to feel embedded on a moral landscape that transcends self. James Davison Hunter wrote a book called “The Death of Character.” Smith’s interviewees are living, breathing examples of the trends these writers have described. In most times and in most places, the group was seen to be the essential moral unit. A shared religion defined rules and practices. Cultures structured people’s imaginations and imposed moral disciplines. But now more people are led to assume that the free-floating individual is the essential moral unit. Morality was once revealed, inherited and shared, but now it’s thought of as something that emerges in the privacy of your own heart.

MILL from page one

hopes to decide by next week. “We think we’re there,” he said. The No. 4 paper machine closed down Sunday after a brief run but the No. 9 towel machine is operating. Blevins said he is hopeful the towel machine now has enough orders to run steady. “I don’t plan on shutting it down anymore,” he said.

olds. What’s disheartening is how bad they are at thinking and talking about moral issues. The interviewers asked open-ended questions about right and wrong, moral dilemmas and the meaning of life. In the rambling answers, which Smith and company recount in a new book, “Lost in Transition,” you see the young people groping to say anything sensible on these matters. But they just don’t have the categories or vocabulary to do so. When asked to describe a moral dilemma they had faced, two-thirds of the young people either couldn’t answer the question or described problems that are not moral at all, like whether they could afford to rent a certain apartment or whether they had enough quarters to feed the meter at a parking spot. “Not many of them have previously given much or any thought to many of the kinds of questions about morality that we asked,” Smith and his co-authors write. When asked about wrong or evil, they could generally agree that rape and murder are wrong. But, aside from these extreme cases, moral thinking didn’t enter the picture, even when considering things like drunken driving, cheating in school or cheating on a partner. “I don’t really deal with right and wrong that often,” is how one interviewee put it. The default position, which most of them came back to again and again, is that moral choices are just a matter of individual taste. “It’s personal,” the respondents typically said. “It’s up to the individual. Who am I to say?” Rejecting blind deference to authority, many of the young people have gone off to the other extreme: “I would do what I thought made me happy or how I felt. I have no other way of knowing what to do but how I internally feel.” Many were quick to talk about their moral feelings but hesitant to link these feelings to any broader thinking about a shared moral framework or obligation. As one put it, “I mean, I guess what makes something right is how I feel about it. But different people feel different ways, so I couldn’t speak on behalf of anyone else as to what’s right and wrong.” Smith and company found an atmoburn natural gas as well. He said it will serve as a back-up boiler. Gorham Paper and Tissue also plans to install a new tissue machine in the mill at an estimated cost of $35 million. Last month the company received six bids for a tissue machine. Blevins said the company is close to a decision on a tissue machine and

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Page 6 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rene J. Lafrancois

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OBITUARIES –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

BERLIN -- Rene J. Lafrancois of Gendron Street passed away Monday September 12, 2011 at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH. He was 88. Born on September 7, 1923 in Berlin, NH, he was the son of Robert and Odila (Goudreau) Lefrancois. Rene was a lifelong resident of Berlin. In his younger days, he was a boxer, played on local hockey teams as a goalie, and played baseball. On March 4, 1943, he entered the US Army during World War II. He served in the 15th Infantry and participated in the Rome Arno Rhineland Campaigns. He was awarded several medals including the Bronze Star, Good Conduct Medal, the American Theater Campaign Ribbon, the European African Middle Eastern Theater Campaign Ribbon, and the

Victory Medal. He was honorably discharged Feb 23, 1946. Returning from the war, he served in the Civilian Conservation Corps. On August 7, 1948, he married Elda Catherine Nicoletti of Berlin, they recently celebrated 63 years of marriage. Rene was employed with Brown Company. He worked in various positions at the mill and retired as a storekeeper from the James River Corporation. He also assisted his brother- in- law at Nicoletti Memorials in Berlin. He was a communicant of St. Kieran Church,now known as St. Anne Church of Good Shepherd Parish in Berlin. He was a great roller skater. He was a floor man-

ager for several roller skating arenas throughout the Northeast, presiding over games and dances. He served as a volunteer with community efforts including the American Cancer Society, local food pantries, and the Notre Dame Arena. He was an avid sports fan and enjoyed watching all sports. His favorite pastime was attending his grandchildren’s sporting events. Besides his parents, he is pre-deceased by two brothers, Paul and Oscar, and three sisters, Adrienne Dutil, Blanche Begin, and Juliette Tewksbury. He leaves his loving wife of 63 years, Elda (Nicoletti) Lafrancois; his son, Rene “Bo” Lafrancois and his wife Louise, and a daughter, Judy Roy and her husband Frank, all of Berlin; five grandchildren to whom he was affectionately known as “Papa”, Becky and Danny Lafrancois, and Katie, Heather, and Jennifer Roy; many nieces, nephews, and cousins. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Friday, Sept 16 at St. Anne Church of Good Shepherd Parish in Berlin. Rev. Mark Dollard will officiate. Burial with military honors will follow at the St. Kieran’s Cemetery in Berlin. Calling hours will be held from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Sept 15, at Fleury-Patry Funeral Home, 72 High St. Berlin, NH. (Use School St. entrance). Memorial donations may be made to the charity of one’s choice. Online guestbook at www.fleury-patry. com.

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Joseph A. Poulin BERLIN -- Joseph A. Poulin, a longtime resident of Kent Street in Berlin, passed away Monday evening, September 12, 2011 at St. Vincent de Paul Nursing Home. He was 89. Born on February 22, 1922 in St. Methode, PQ, he was the son of Edmond and Marie Anne (Roberts) Poulin. A resident of Berlin since the age of five, he attended local schools. He married Anita L. Bolduc on July 26, 1943 and raised their family in Berlin. Joseph was employed at Brown Company in the beater room retiring in 1970. He could be found later at the Eastern Depot Restaurant, which he

and his wife operated in the 80s and early 90s. He was a long time communicant of Guardian Angel Parish, and most recently of St. Anne Church of Good Shepherd Parish in Berlin. In his early life, he joined the Civilian Conservation Corp and was part of the Gale River Project, which was a very important part of his life. He was as an avid bowler, participating in bowling leagues throughout his life, as well as a lover of baseball. He cherished his time with his children, and especially his grandchildren in his later years. As a resident of St. Vincent’s for the past four years, he was very much loved by all who crossed

Else A. Palmer

SHELBURNE, NH -- Mrs. Else A. Palmer, 85, of 39 Meadow Rd. in Shelburne, NH, and formerly of West Long Branch, NJ, passed away on Sunday, September 11, at her home. She was born in Berlin, Germany, on September 29, 1925, the daughter of Kurt and Margarethe Drugemuller. She resided in Germany until 1961 when she came to the US and lived in New Jersey until she moved to Shelburne three years ago. She was a translator during World War II for the American government in Germany. She was a longtime attendant of the Oceanport United Methodist Church in New Jersey, where she was active in the church and taught Bible School.

Members of her family include her husband of 50 years, George R. “Archi” Palmer of Shelburne, NH; her daughter, Rosemarie VanSant and her husband Marc of Shelburne, NH; her granddaughters, Gabrielle VanSant and Rachelle VanSant both of Shelburne, NH. A graveside service will be held at the Wheeler Cemetery in Shelburne on Thursday, September 15, at 11 a.m. There will be no calling hours. Donations in her memory may be made to the Gorham Congregational Church, UCC, 143 Main Street, Gorham, NH, 03581. Arrangements are under the direction of the Bryant Funeral Home in Gorham, NH. o sign the online guestbook please visit

752-4419 • 151 Main St., Berlin, NH

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THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 7

his path, due to his warm smile and caring heart. He was loved by many and will be greatly missed by all. Joseph was predeceased by his loving wife on January 6, 2009. He was also predeceased by his parents, two brothers, Normand and Laurier Poulin, and two sisters, Alvine (Poulin) Leclerc Maynard and Rita (Poulin) Carrier Bijeau. He is survived by three sons, Richard Poulin of Gorham, NH, Donald Poulin and his wife Patricia of Conway, NH, and Michael Poulin and his partner John Flaherty of South Portland, Me., as well as three daughters, Louise Poulin of Berlin, NH and Denise Coulombe and her husband James of Gainesville, Fla., and Rachel (Deschamps) Gilbert and her husband Roger of Skowhegan, Maine.

He also leaves behind six grandsons, Greg Dobbin of Milan, NH, Joseph and Michael Coulombe of Gainesville, Fla., Sam and Dan Poulin of Conway, NH, and Jason Gilbert of Skowhegan, Me.; four granddaughters, Julie Provencher of Manchester, NH, Sarah Coulombe of Gainesville, Fla, Sophie Poulin of Conway, NH, and Georgia Poulin of Berlin, NH, as well as five great-grandchildren. He is also survived by two brothers, Robert Poulin of Berlin, NH, and Paul Poulin of Gorham, NH, his sister Loretta Gregoire of Littleton, NH, as well numerous in-laws, cousins, nephews, and nieces. Funeral arrangements and services will be made at a later time and notification provided via a subsequent obituary notice.

Page 8 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 9

CONSTRUCT from page one

existing black liquor recovery boiler to a bubbling fluidized bed boiler. It will also design and install a catalytic reduction system for nitrogen oxides control, a baghouse for the control of particulates emissions, an emissions monitoring system, and design and supply ash handling equipment. “This project is a continuing confirmation of B&W’s leadership in technology, construction and project management in the renewable biomass energy market,” said B&W Power Generation Group President and COO Richard L. Killion in a press release. B&W officials could not be reached yesterday for information on the construction schedule for the project or hiring practices. The release said engineering would begin immedi-

ately and the plant is scheduled to come on line in the fall of 2013. A spokesman for Cate Street Capital on Monday said crew leaders should be coming to the site this week to start planning specific schedules and make preparations to ramp up construction. Scott Tranchemontagne said construction work should begin in earnest during the last week of September and early October. Cate Street Capital has said construction of the plant will create approximately 400 jobs. When complete, it will be the largest biomass plant in the state and among the largest in the Northeast. It will purchase 750,000 tons of low grade wood annually. The plant is projected to employ about 40 people once it is operating

and inject $25 million annually into the North Country economy. Last week, Cate Street Capital

announced it had closed on financing for the $275 million project, securing about $200 million in senior notes

Joseph G. ‘Jerry’ Theriault BERLIN, NH -- Funeral services for Mr. Joseph G. “Jerry” Theriault, 87, of 457 Hillsboro St., Berlin, NH were held on September 3, 2011 at St. Anne Church of Good Shepherd Parish, following prayers at the Bryant Funeral Home. The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by Reverend Kyle Stanton. Interment was in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery, where Father Kyle read the committal prayers. The pallbearers were Dick Lafleur, Bobby Labonte, Ron Reardon, Curt

Cloutier, Paul Laflamme and Bob Morin. Full Military Honors were extended by members of the White Mountain Council, consisting of the White Mountain Post #2520 VFW and Cpl. Richard Demers Marine Corps. League, and the US Marine Corps. The American Flag was folded and presented to Mrs. Theriault by members of the US Marine Corps. Many relatives and friends attended the service.


by Lynn Johnston by Scott Adams


By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A new activity will renew your vigor. Because you’re not sure what to expect from this experience, your senses will be on high alert, ready to receive and react to the slightest input. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have made appointments you’d like to keep. Being on time requires that you resist the impulse to do “just one more thing” before the imaginary buzzer goes off. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Getting stressful work out of the way will be key. You’ll either do it now or decide to do it “never” -- both ways will eliminate the problem. Tonight, you’ll be a happy, peaceful version of yourself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll get closure on an emotional burden. This might be achieved by pouring your heart into a letter. You don’t even have to send it to get the full benefit of the exercise. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Conserve energy. Your brain is doing subconscious and creative work, and a slower pace allows it to happen unimpeded. Also, get to bed at a decent hour to set yourself up for big success tomorrow. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 14). You’ll conjure magic dreams from the very core of your being. These aims are mostly selfless and have little to do with superficial matters. A friend’s recommendation will open new resources. You’ll enjoy an ambitious project in November. A study pays off in February. Wedding bells ring in May. Aquarius and Capricorn people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 16, 4, 33, 29 and 20.

by Darby Conley

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You appreciate your position a lot better after spending time with someone who is not nearly as fortunate as you. It’s sometimes difficult to see what you have until you look through another person’s eyes. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have a clear idea of what your future will look like. You will take pleasure and pride in the fact that things seem to be shaping up right before your eyes. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your rational side will overpower your emotional side for now. In the end, though, emotions always win. If you temporarily bottle them up, just be sure to circle back and let them out when it’s appropriate. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You feel things deeply -- sometimes too deeply for your own good. You can quietly breathe through strong feelings, though, and soon the emotions become manageable. Ultimately, they will fuel you instead of drain you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You can’t help but bring your special “you-ness” to everything you do. Just being around you is healing for someone. Your laughter chases the blues away. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s always reassuring when you feel that people like you for who you are. But you are also wise to realize that “who you are” includes what you are able to do for the people in question. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s not your job to prop up everyone around you, and yet it comes naturally to you. You’re accustomed to having others lean on you. Caution: Whatever you do now will set a precedent for the future.

Get Fuzzy


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

For Better or Worse

Page 10 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 31 32 34 36 37 38

ACROSS After-dinner candy Web-footed aquatic animal Cancer the __; zodiac sign Concept Singer Donna Residence Got away Water barriers Nourished Not at all spicy Some golf tournaments Crummy Edison’s initials Detective Home of the Cowboys Composer and pianist Franz Passes over __ away with; eliminated Additionally Backbone Boy or man

39 Buddy 40 Gleamed 41 Poultry shop purchase 42 Young swan 44 Girl’s bow 45 Possessed 46 Main artery 47 Mistake 50 Spill the beans 51 Small flap 54 Truces 57 Evergreen tree 58 Male red deer 59 Turn aside 60 Charged atoms 61 Mine deposits 62 Gingrich and others 63 Tiny biting fly 1 2 3 4 5

DOWN Offend Twiddling one’s thumbs For no reason Small child Cold; unfriendly

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 37

Add up __ on; crushed underfoot Sense of selfesteem Curtain holder Small church Learned by __; memorized Sherman Hemsley series Mrs. Truman Hockey scores Mixed-breed dog Greek liqueur Scotch __; sticky strip Swat Purple shade Eat Movie based on a book, e.g. Tall, cylindrical storage towers Blemish Relatives Refuse to admit Lean-to

38 40 41 43 44 46 47 48

Shopping place Trap Sidewalk edge Phantoms Seashores On the ball Canyon sound Bring up the __; finish last

49 Uncommon 50 Make tea 52 __ Maria Alberghetti 53 Finest 55 Cooling device 56 TV’s “__ Got a Secret” 57 Sty resident

Yesterday’s Answer

THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 11

––––––––––––––––– DAILY CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––– Thursday, September 15, Free Small Business Counseling Stewart Gates of the NH Small Business Development Center (NH SBDC) will be available to meet with entrepreneurs, by appointment only, for no cost business counseling, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Business Enterprise Development Corporation (BEDCO), 177 Main Street, Berlin, New Hampshire. Call 7523319 for appointment. SAU #3 School Board Meeting, 6 p.m. in the Berlin High School library. American Red Cross Blood Drive: AVH, Appointments are available every 20 minutes from noon - 3:40 p.m.. La Leche League meeting from 10-11:30 on at the Family Resource Center. Come and talk with other nursing moms about nursing issues and have some of your questions answered! Call Wendy Beals for more info at 4665109. Friday, September 16 Red Cross Blood Drive: White Mountain Community College, Nursing Wing Rooms 143 and 145, 12 to 5:30 p.m. Enter to win an iPad2. Best of Broadway performance by Berlin natives Dan and Denise Marois and a new Art Exhibition by North Country Artists opens the fall series at St. Kieran Arts Center at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. and refreshments will be served. Tickets are $12 adults & $6 for students. 7521028. Saturday, September 17 Fundraiser Yard Sale/ Barn Sale: for the Berlin and Coos County Historical Society at the Brown Company Barn on East Milan Road, Berlin, across from the prison entrance from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain or shine. Final sale of the season.


FOX 4 WPFO Buried Treasure (N)


News 13 on FOX (N)


Ils dansent (N) (SC)


News Frasier

Primetime Nightline (N) News All Night

CBC 9 CKSH Les Enfants de la télé

Free Ag.

Letterman Jim Nightline


Jay Leno


George S

22 Minutes

Le Téléjournal (N)


PBS 10 WCBB Nature (In Stereo) Å (DVS)

Rock, Pop and Doo Wop (My Music) Å

PBS 11 WENH Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Live Å

Albert King-Stevie Ray

Incredible Health-Joel

CBS 13 WGME Survivor: South Pacific (N) Å

Big Brother The winner is revealed.


IND 14 WTBS Browns


Conan (N) Å


IND 16 WPME Burn Notice Å




Brain Letterman

Burn Notice Å


Honeymnr Paid Prog. Cops Å






The Saints Faith



Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

John King, USA



Dance Moms Å

Dance Moms Å

Dance Moms (N) Å

Roseanne Roseanne



MLB Baseball: Indians at Rangers






World Poker Tour: Sea Patriots Wednesday


SportsNet Sports




MLB Baseball: Blue Jays at Red Sox






Movie: ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993) Å

Movie: ›› “Fools Rush In” (1997) Å






My Wife








Movie: ››› “My Fake Fiancé” (2009)




Movie: ››‡ “Hoodwinked!” Å



NCIS (In Stereo) Å



The Mentalist Å

The Mentalist Å

Movie: ››› “Exiled: A Law & Order Movie”



Day Jobs (N)


GAC Collection



Ghost Hunters Å

Ghost Hunters Å

Paranormal Witness




Kate Plus 8 Å

Toddlers & Tiaras (N)



American Pickers Å

Scammed (N) Å



Sons of Guns Å

Sons of Guns (N) Å





Property Brothers

Property Brothers



Rat Busters NYC Å



Man, Food Man, Food Man v Fd



Border Wars

Border Wars

Border Wars



Deadliest Warrior Å

Deadliest Warrior (N)

Deadliest Warrior (N) Å



Teen Mom “Time Out”

True Life (In Stereo)

Movie: ›› “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” (2005)



Celebrity Rehab, Drew Ton of Cash (N)



Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Colbert










E! Special (N)



Movie: ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Talia Shire Å


105 “Story-Temple”


110 Movie: ››› “Silver City” (1984) Gosia Dobrowolska.


110 Movie: ››› “Megamind” (2010)


221 Movie: “Next Day Air”


231 Movie: ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”


248 Movie: ›››‡ “Jerry Maguire” (1996) Tom Cruise. Å

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Print answer here: A Yesterday’s


CBC 7 CBMT Dragons’ Den (N) Å

Find us on Facebook


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Big Brother The winner is revealed.

NBC 6 WCSH America’s Got Talent (N) Å

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

©2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Buried Treasure Å

ABC 5 WMUR The Middle The Middle Family




CBS 3 WCAX Survivor: South Pacific (N) Å

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



SEPTEMBER 14, 2011

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: HOIST HELIX LESSON OBJECT Answer: The doctor’s patients often ended up — IN STITCHES





Women of

MLB Baseball: Yankees at Mariners CrossFit

World, Poker

SportsCenter (N) Å Daily




Retired at

The Nanny The Nanny

My Wife





’70s Show ’70s Show


King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy



NCIS “About Face”


Fam. Guy

The 700 Club (N) Å Phineas



Necessary Roughness Burn Notice Å My Music Mix Ghost Hunters Å Kate Plus 8 Å Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Brothers

Sons of Guns Å House


Confessions: Hoarding Confessions: Hoarding Confessions: Hoarding Man v Fd


Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Deadliest

40 Greatest Pranks 3 Practical jokes. (In Stereo) Storage


E! Investigates (N)

Storage Wars (N) Å Chelsea

E! News

Movie: ››‡ “Rocky V” (1990, Drama) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Mating Season” (1951) Å


The Ray Lucia Show

Boardwalk True Blood Å

Inside the NFL (N)

Border Wars




It’s Com

Inside the NFL Å

Movie: “Good Intentions” (2010)


Movie: ›‡ “Money Train” (1995)

TWC - 23, CNN2 - 30, C-SPAN - 99, PAY-PER-VIEW - 59, 60, 61, 62

––––––––––––––– ONGOING CALENDAR –––––––––––––– Wednesday Cholesterol Clinic: Monday through Friday, Berlin Health Dept., city hall. By appointment only, Call 752-1272. All area residents welcome. Fee $15. Carving Club: Meeting every Wednesday, 5 p.m., E&S Rental, 29 Bridge St, Berlin. All welcome, prior experience not necessary. Open to all. Instructions to those new to carving. We hope to provide a wide range of carving experiences. FMI call Ed at 7523625. Harvest Christian Fellowship Soup Kitchen: Free community dinner every Wednesday night, 219 Willow St., Berlin. Doors open 4 p.m., dinner 5-6 p.m. FMI 348-1757. PAC Meeting. Child addicted to drugs? You’re not alone. Join us for the PAC (Parent of Addicted Children) meeting, 6 p.m., 151 Main Street, Berlin. FMI call 603-723-4949 or e-mail @ Bible Study: 6 to 7 p.m., Seventh Day Adventist Church, Mt. Forist St., Berlin. Weight Watcher’s Meeting at the Salvation Army, Berlin—9 a.m. meeting, 8:30 a.m. weigh-in Senior Meals: Guardian Angel School, MondayThursday Noon, Friday 8 a.m.-10 a.m. Suggested donations for 60 and over $3; under 60 $6. All are welcome. (FMI 752-2545). Gorham Public Library: Open M-F: 10am6pm, Saturdays: 10am-Noon. Children’s Story Time: Fridays, 1:30pm. View On-line Catalog at . FMI call 466-2525 or email Artisan Gift Shop: 961 Main St., Berlin. Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Family Involvement Group: a family support and activity group, meets the second Wednesday of each month from 6-8 p.m. in the downstairs hall of St. Barnabas Church, corner of High and Main Streets, Berlin. Light refreshments are served. FMI, call Linda at 752-7552. Reiki Sharing Gathering: Third Wednesday of each month, 7 to 9 p.m., Pathways for Thursday’s Child Ltd., 3 Washington Street, Gorham. Open to anyone who has at least first-level Reiki training. No charge. (FMI 466-5564) Awana Children’s Club - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Grades K-6th. Games, Worship, Bible Lessons, Workbook Time, Prizes, Fun. Community Bible Church. 595 Sullivan Street, Berlin. Call 752-4315 with any questions. AA Meetings: 12 to 1 p.m., Discussion Meeting, St. Barnabas Church, corner of Main and High Streets, Berlin. Step Book/Discussion Meeting, Tri-County CAP, Step I, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., 361 School St., Berlin. Women’s Relationship Support Group: CCFHS sponsoring. Group meets 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday. CCFHS will provide transportation as needed. Limited space available. Call Carolyn at 752-5679 for more information. Milan Public Library: Monday, 1:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday’s 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. VFW Post 2520: Monthly meeting third Wednesday of every month. VFW Ladies Auxiliary: Meets every third Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., post home, 1107 Main St., Berlin. All members encouraged to attend. Foot Clinics: Every second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, Berlin Health Department, Berlin City Hall, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 3:30 p.m. By appointment only. Call 752-1272. All area residents welcome. Fee: $15. Thursday Berlin LocalWorks Farmers’ Market: Mechanic Street, 3 p.m.-7.p.m. FMI: or 723-1004. TOPS NH 0057 Gorham: Meet every Thursday, 5:30 p.m., meeting room of the Gorham Public Library on Railroad Street, Gorham. FMI Call Carolyn at 3481416. Boy Scout Pack 207: meets every Thursday at 6:30 in the St. Michael’s School cafeteria. Berlin-Gorham White Mountain Rotary Club: Meets every Thursday 730 to 830 a.m., Town & Country Inn Shelburne. FMI email Senior Meals: Guardian Angel School, noon. Suggested donations for 60 and over $3; under 60 $6.

Page 12 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

by Abigail Van Buren


DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for 10 years, and it is a wonderful marriage. We love each other very much, never argue and get along great. We have a 2-year-old child. Recently I found a “sex tape” online of my wife with the guy she dated before me. This video was taken without her knowledge and is from 13 years ago, Because of this, I am not upset about it. My question is, should I bring this to her attention, and if so, how? I feel she needs to know it’s out there. I’m reacting to this as a man would. I don’t know how a woman would react. Please help. -- IT’S PRIVATE DEAR IT’S PRIVATE: Although there are no sex tapes of me floating around, I can tell you from a woman’s perspective that if there was one (and the lighting was unflattering), I’d be furious. Your wife has a right to know, so don’t keep her in the dark. P.S. How did you come across that video? I’m sure she will be interested to know. DEAR ABBY: A couple of years ago, my husband of 30 years became distant. He didn’t want to touch me, talk to me or spend time with me. I was devastated. An old boyfriend emailed me to offer condolences on the death of my brother. There were just chatty emails at the beginning, about our lives and how we had gone such separate ways in 40 years. The emails started becoming more intimate, as I was fed by his seeming “love” for me. He told me I was his “soul mate” and I fell for it. I took risks to see him, eventually slept with him and lied to everyone I know in the process. Recently my husband came across an email from the past boyfriend. My secret was out and the truth was ugly. I had betrayed God, my husband, my mother and my four beautiful children. My husband no longer trusts me and wants a divorce. Abby, please tell your readers to think long and hard be-

fore acting out of loneliness. It doesn’t just affect the husband and wife; it also has an impact on the entire family, circle of friends and standing within the community. -- ADULTEROUS WIFE IN FLORIDA DEAR WIFE: How sad that you didn’t get to the bottom of your husband’s distancing before it led to you having an affair. But before you allow your husband to place all the blame on your shoulders, you should make it your business to learn the reason for HIS behavior -- since “everything” is now out in the open. DEAR ABBY: I love my husband and, for the most part, we get along great. My only complaint is he stays neutral when someone hurts my feelings. The latest incident involved good friends of ours until the wife hurt me for the last time. She has a history of inviting me out, even talking me into changing my plans, then ditching me if something better comes along. This last time, I was invited to her house, only to learn (as I’m walking out the door) that she had left for the evening. I’ve had enough! I gave her as many chances as I did only because my husband said I “overreact” and shouldn’t let it be a big deal. This isn’t the first time he has chosen not to validate my feelings. The fact that my husband is never on my side hurts me more than what my “friend” has ever done. Am I right? -- GETS NO SUPPORT IN AZUSA, CALIF. DEAR GETS NO SUPPORT: Your husband may not want to be caught in the middle of a disagreement between two women, but that’s no reason for him not to tell you your feelings are appropriate when they are justified. He may be good friends with the husband, but the wife has shown she’s not much of a friend to you. Real friends don’t stand each other up if something “better” comes along. Her behavior is rude and insensitive, and I don’t blame you for being offended.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at: Dear Abby, c/o The Conway Daily Sun, PO Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860


by Gary Trudeau

For Rent

For Sale

BERLIN: 1-4 bedroom, apts. $475-$750 inlcudes heat, hot water, free moving truck, 723-3042.

2000 SkiDoo Formula Z700, $1500/obo; 723-9765.

BERLIN: 1st. floor, 2 bedroom, heat, hot water included, large storage room, w/d hookups $650/mo. small dog o.k., no cats, 603-348-5186, BERLIN: 2 story house, great neighborhood, 3 bedrooms, one bath, nice yard, $700/mo. 723-3042. BERLIN: 3 bedroom, 2 baths, 2 car garage, house on 1/4 acre, dead end Street, 723-3042. BERLIN: 3 story house, over 2300 sq. 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge yard $1200/mo. 723-3042. BERLIN: Room, $350/mo. includes everything, share 2 bedroom apt. w/ female, 723-3042.

CEDAR POND CAMP For rent: Milan, NH day/ week/ month, no pets, 603-449-2079. COMPLETELY renovated 1 bedroom apt. on 2nd floor. Call H&R Block (603)752-2372. GORHAM 1- 2 bedroom apts. Heat & hot water included. $550/mo. 978-726-6081. GORHAM 2 bedroom, heat, h/w, fully renovated, applianced, off street parking, snow removal, no pets, 723-6310. GORHAM: 2nd. floor, spacious three bedroom, newly renovated washer/ dryer hook-up, lg. porch, off street parking, w/ snow removal, attic for storage, no pet/ smoking, and utilities. 752-7096. GORHAM: 3 bedoom house, $795 completely remodeled, no utilities included, 84 Lancaster Road, 466-5933, 915-6216. GORHAM: Two second floor apartments, both 2 bedroom, in town. W/D hookup, parking, storage, $650-$700/mo. Heat included. No smokers for application call 723-7015.

$1-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 752-5858 DOLLAR-A-DAY: Ad must run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. REGULAR RATE: $2 a day; 10¢ per word per day over 15 words. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon two days prior the day of publication except for Monday’s paper when the deadline is Thursday, 11 a.m. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and of course cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 752-5858; send a check or money order with ad copy to The Berlin Daily Sun, 164 Main Street, Berlin, NH 03570 or stop in at our offices on Main Street in Berlin. OTHER RATES: For information about the professional directory or classified display ads call 752-5858.



GUINEA pig cage, 39X21-19, door in front and on top, excellent condition, $35, 752-7944.

2000 Ford Ranger XLT 4X4 V6.4.0, FMI 348-1212, asking $6000/OBRO.

Low Cost Spay/ Neuter

BUYING junk cars and trucks ME & NH. Call for price. Martin Towing. (603)305-4504.

Cats & dogs Rozzie May Animal Alliance 603-447-1373

Antiques ANTIQUES, glass, furniture, & collectibles of all kinds wanted by Bob Gauthier, 449-2542. Specializing in Estate and Business liquidation. Bonded.

Announcement GOT a problem? Pray the Rosary! THANKS, mom. For choosing life.

Autos JUNK car removal, best local prices, Roy's Towing 348-3403.

For Rent

For Rent BERLIN one bedroom, first floor, $600/mo.; studio first floor, $500/mo. electricity, h/w, heat included, 603-723-4724.

2ND. floor, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, heated, h/w, garage included, no pets, 752-3765.

Are you working in the area and need a room for a night, week or by the month? Stay at a DuBee Our Guest Bed and Breakfast in Milan. Fully furnished including paper goods, full use of kitchen, wireless internet, Direct TV, barbecue grill, and cleaning service. $35 per night or $135/week. Owners have separate living quarters FMI call 603-449-2140 or 603-723-8722

BERLIN 5 room, 2 bedroom, 1st floor, 2 family, walk to town, off street parking, w/d hook-up, no pets, no utilities, references and security $550/mo. (603)455-2245.

BERLIN 2 bedroom spacious apt. close to town, heat, hot water, garage, $550/mo. No pets. (603)752-3372.

BERLIN, NH- Northern Lights Housing- Free heat & hot waterWe are currently accepting applications. Northern Lights Housing is a development for seniors (age 62 or older) and people living with disabilities. Rent is 30% of income and includes all utilities. The property is centrally located close to downtown and offers on-site laundry facility, on-site maintenance staff, free parking and a beautiful community room. Call AHEAD Property Management today for an application and for more information 603-444-1377. Check out our other rental properties @ EHO ISA

BERLIN 2 bedroom house, lots of land, $700/mo.; 2 bedroom, first floor, apt. heat included, $600/mo. security, references, no pets, 714-5928.

BERLIN 2 plus bedroom house. $600/mo. plus utilities. Deposits required. (207)571-4001.

BERLIN- 2 bedroom, apt., Glen Ave., parking, $595/mo. Heat, h/w included. 1st month and security. 603-345-1416.

For Rent 2,3,4 bedroom apts. renovated, all have w/d hook-ups, heat & h/w, hardwood floors. Robert Reed. (603)752-2607, 723--4161.

5 drawer desk & chair, Dining table, chairs, TV set & stand, car cover, mattress set, 752-1177 AMAZING! Beautiful pillowtop matress sets, twin $169, full or queen $249, king $399. See AD under “Furniture”.

Chapel at Cedar Pond Milan, NH Waterfront Land & Building FMI call Marcel Nadeau 603-449-6602

FOUR new snow tires, 205/55R16 only used 1/2 season, $300, 752-4662. HUSQVARNA snow thrower, 10.5 H.P., hand warmers, paid, $1450, includes hood, asking $800/obro, 348-1212. MAYTAG washer & dryer $100; maple table set 4 chairs $100; Oak hand gun cabinet $125; crib free; pack & play $25; freezer chest $100. 752-7729. OAK Computer table, computer chair, like new, $75 for both. 752-3916. REFRIGERATOR, $100, kitchen range, $50, kitchen table with 4 chairs, $40, 19" Color TV, $30; all items, $200, 723-6276, 752-6276. TWO Canon electric downriggers, complete; assortment of spools and lures, 752-6024. TWO propane wall heaters, excellent condition, med. $125, lg. $250, both for $300/BO. 723-6276, 752-6276. WHIRLPOOL stove almond, $75, 4 burners, not glass top, electric good condition, 752-7927. WOOD Stove, Kings circulator, 24" logs, good grates and bricks, asking $200, 636-2944.

HOUSE for rent: 2 bedroom house with single car garage in Berlin. Stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer furnished. Lawn mower and snow blower also available. No pets, no smoking. Tenant pays water, sewer, heat and utilities. $700/month, security deposit and references required. Call 466-9999 or 723-4166.

VIETNAM veterans cap on Route 16 near Milan Village, 603-449-2757.

NEWLY renovated, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, hot water included, $450/mo. 3 bedroom $650/mo. 331 Pleasant Street 603-234-9507 Bruce.


ONE bedroom @ $495; 3 bed room @ $675 w/ heat, storage, w/d hook-up, parking included, 752-6243. ONE bedroom, deck, frig., stove, heaqt, h/w, parking, no pets, sec. deposit, references, $550, 723-3856.


Furniture Beautiful Queen or Full-size mattress set, Luxury Firm European Pillow-top style, Fabulous back & hip support, Factory sealed - new 10-Yr. warranty. Cost $1095, sell $249. Can deliver 603-305-9763.


ONE bedroom, very large, closets, big yard, frig, stove, heat, h/w, parking, no pets, sec. deposit, references, $625, 723-3856.

T&B Appliance Removal. Appliances & AC’s removed free of charge if outside. Please call (603)986-5506.

ONE or 2 bedroom apt. 1st. floor, $600, heat, h/w included. No smoking, no dogs, nice neighborhood, yard 326-3026. Ready Oct. 1st., security, references required.

Help Wanted

THREE rooms, one bedroom, heated, h/w, shed, $425/mo 2nd. floor, no pets, 752-3765. TWO apts., both 2 bedroom, both include oil, hot water, newly renovated, $600/mo. 603-887-0508.

For Rent-Commercial BERLIN: 1st. floor, commmercial space @ 1500 sq. ft. only $500, 723-3042.

CEMENT FINISHERS WANTED Bricklayers Local 3 is seeking journeyman cement finishers for upcoming projects in NH & ME. Union wages will be paid. Please contact BAC 3 at (603)334-6008 for more information.

THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPORTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Belanger, Wyman capture triple crown racing series titles at Riverside GROVETON -- Whitefield’s Ben Belanger captured top honors in round three of the Bond Auto Parts street stock triple crown racing series and Woodsville’s Jason Wyman had strong runner-up showing in his 100 lap event, capturing the Kids Only Day Care triple crown series for the Cyclones at Riverside Speedway Saturday. It was Jiffy Mart, Eastman Trophy, and Bond Auto Parts/Make-A-Wish night at the ¼ mile speed plant. Fans were treated to several distance features that had championship point battles on the line. The racing concluded in under four and a half hours with

plenty of side by side racing. In the Town & Country division, Belanger appeared to be heading for a runner-up finish in the 50 lap street stock main event. Team mate Nick Pilotte was out front and had mechanical problems rear its ugly head on lap 44. That shuffled the front runners with Belanger taking the front spot. Belanger finished the final eight circuits for the victory. The #16 of Dean Switser and the #7 of Cody LeBlanc took podium finishes. William Hennequen and Dana Graham rounded out the top five. Heat wins went to Graham and Jason Kenison.

Wyman and Pilotte were tied in points after two previous events in the Cyclone/Enduro triple crown series. Wyman took to the point in the 100 lap feature, after a great battle with Milan’s Chris Ouellette. Waterville Maine’s Jamie Heath worked past Wyman in the latter stages of the race to take the overall victory. Wyman, Ouellette, LeBlanc, and Lorin Vear all finished in the top five. The JA Corey/US Cellular Outlaw/Sportsman feature was an old fashioned hard driving event that had several point battles in the top ten on the line. When see RIVERSIDE page 15

Help Wanted

Home Improvements




Yard Sale

MILAN Luncheonette and Variety in need of a Breakfast/ Short Order Cook. Must be flexible and able to work in a fast paced environment. 21 to 28 hours. Some nights and weekends a must. Experience preferred. Pick up application at store. Please, no phone calls.





FRIDAY, Saturday and Sunday Sept 16, 17 and 18- 16 Mechanic St in Gorham, NH. All must go! Brick a brack, household, vintage clothes, rain or shine. 8-6pm.

THE WENTWORTH AM & PM Servers- Both full time and part time positions available. Line Cook- This is a full time year round position with excellent pay. Please call Irina at 383-9700 to schedule an interview, mail your resume to Box M, Jackson, NH 03846, or apply on-line at under career opportunities.

St. Judes - $5

Old & New- One call, We do it All! (603)752-1224.

Mobile Homes GORHAM: 4 bedroom, Gateway Trailer Park, asking $15,000/BO, FMI, 603-723-1480.

(603)447-1198. Olson’s Moto Works, RT16 Albany, NH.


Andy's Electric

MOBILE Home, Milan, NH 2 bedroom, no smoking, available in September. FMI 603-752-1871, leave a message.

Residential/Commercial Licensed and Fully Insured

TRAILER, 1980, 63ft. long, 10X10, heat source kerosene/ wood, 4 cords of wood included. Recently weatherized; Husky riding lawn mower, 2 yrs. Laflammes trailer park, West Stewarstown, NH, Lots of extras to go w/ trailer, $10,000/obo, 603-348-2461.

APPLIANCE Repair: Washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, best rates around. Steve 915-1390.

603-466-2584 603-723-4888

HYPNOSIS for habit change, stress, regression. Michael Hathaway, DCH, certified hypnotherapist. Madison (603)367-8851.

Highest quality craftsmanship. Fully Insured. Lowest prices guaranteed. FMI (603)730-2521. CLEANING services, specialties, stained carpet, scuff marks, aroma-therapy. Call June Bug Cleaners (603)348-3157.

16+ years experience! On-site computer repair, upgrades, wireless setup, virus removal, & more! (603)723-0918

GIGANTIC, East Milan Road, Berlin, Brown Co. barn across from prison entrance, Sat., Sept. 17, 9-3, benefit Berlin & Coos County Historical Society. Rain or shine, final sale of the season.


LAWN Care fall cleanup and carpentry, repairs, small tractor services, call 636-1741. LOCAL band looking for Bass, rythm singer, play classic rock and new, call Marc or Shawn 603-723-8447, leave message.

MOVING SALE: 17 Glen Road, Gorham, Sat. & Sun. 8-2, beauty shop equipment, dining room hutch, kitchen gadgets, card tables, folding chairs, tools, old trunk, chairs, other odds and ends.

MATT Christian Tree Care. Pruning, tree removal, stump grinding. Fully insured, free estimates. (603)476-3311. PROPERTY Maintenance/ Handyman. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical. Low rates. Any size job. Emergency service available (603)915-1390.

MOVING: Indoor/ outdoor, rain or shine, 9/16 & 9/17, 630 Rockingham Street, Berlin, lots of stuff, 9-4 p.m.

Wanted To Buy Knowledgeable and dependable automotive technicians needed for our service department. Applicants must possess a positive attitude and be able to work with others as a team. Experience and inspection certificate required. Strong diagnostic skills a plus. Must be willing to learn. Own tools required. Medical and dental plans available. Paid holidays, vacations and 401k.

Apply in person to Peter Fullerton at Profile Motors, Inc., Rt. 16 & 112, Conway, NH, Serious inquiries only please.

$425 for your unwanted vehicle call Rich 978-9079.

Full Time (35-40 hour) Service Coordinator/Case Manager Position We are looking for a team focused individual with great organizational and effective communication skills. This individual must be self-directed, have the ability to work independently with and able to facilitate group meetings. We are looking for someone who is flecible, willing to learn, demonstrate effective interpersonal skills, takes initiative, has some knowledge of Mental Health and Developmental Services, and is dependable. A Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services field is required. Valid driver’s license and car insurance are mandatory. Northern Human Services provides a good benefit package. Please send resume and cover letter to: Louise Johnson, Director of Community Support Services The Community Services Center 69 Willard Street, Berlin, NH 03570, (603)752-1005 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

BUYING junk cars/ trucks, heavy equip- farm mach., scrap iron. Call 636-1667 days, 636-1304 evenings. JUNK car removal, best local prices, Roy's Towing 348-3403.

TOOL sale, planer, jointer, com pound miter saw, wood lathe, sanders, drills, finish nailer, yard tools, hand tools, etc. Sat. 9/17, 9a.m. till noon 16 Pinecrest Ave. Berlin. YARD Sale- 16 Perkins Brook Road, Gorham, off Jim Town Road, Saturday 9-3pm. Cargo trailer, tools, record player with record collection.


PLANNING BOARD CLERK The Town of Gorham is seeking a detail-oriented individual to serve as the clerk for the Gorham Planning Board. The successful candidate would be able to work on an as-needed basis with flexible hours. Attendance at night meetings for taking minutes would be required and are usually limited to once or twice per month. Other duties would include application processing and organizing records and files. Applications should be filed at the Town Office no later than 5 pm on September 22nd. Application forms can be picked up at the Town Hall or downloaded from

Become a Community Integrator The Community Services Center is growing and we are looking to hire a Part Time Community Integrator to work as part of a team to teach and support individuals to acquire skills needed to live independently, to work/ volunteer, to develop community connections. A Community Integrator will be encouraged to share their skills and interests to contribute to the uniqueness of the job description. If you are a positive, self motivated, team player who is able to communicate, brainstorm, problem solve and creatively approach life, this position may be for you. Come share yourself with us and we will grow together. Applicants may be expected to work weekends, evenings and possible some holidays. A DS diploma, a reliable vehicle, driver’s license, good driving record, car insurance, and no criminal record are required. Please direct applications and inquiries to: Denise Gagnon, Program Director, Community Services Center 69 Willard Street, Berlin, NH 03570, (603)752-1005 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Page 14 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Outlaw winner Matt Leblanc with crew Cody Leblanc and Jerimiah Pinette (ALAN PLUMMER PHOTO)

18 Holes of Golf with Cart $35



Androscoggin Valley Country Club 603-466-9468• 2 Main St., P.O. Box 280, Gorham, NH 03581

You’ve been thinking about it… You’ve been meaning to do it… You know you should… You owe it to yourself... so just

do it!

We’ll make it EASY for you…

Just call us and we’ll take care of any transfer needs you may have! C A LL G O RH A M FA M ILY D E N TISTRY TO D AY! Schedu lean appoin tm en ttod ay to experien ced en talcare liken ever before!

Additions • Decks • Windows Ceilings • Siding • Painting Roofing • Garages • Sheet Rock Porches • Masonry & More


18 Park Street,Gorham • 466-2323 w w w.gorham fam

Fully Insured • Free Estimates



Starting on Monday, September 19th, Brookfield Power plans to lower the river headpond elevation above our Sawmill Dam (next to Heritage Park) to perform required maintenance. The headpond elevation is expected to remain lowered until mid-October. For your safety, please be aware of the lower water surface elevation if you’re on the river or shorelines.

Are available at Berlin Health Department

For further information contact (603) 479-3566.

Located in the basement of City Hall September 13th, 14th, and 15th 8:30-11:30am and 1:00-3:30pm Public Fee $ 27.00 Medicare and Medicaid billing available. IF YOU ARE COVERED BY MEDICARE OR MEDICAID PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR MEDICAL ID CARD. Please wear a short sleeve shirt. **NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY**

THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011— Page 15

RIVERSIDE from page 13

the dust settled, Gorham’s Matt LeBlanc worked his way on the outside of new comer Bruce Melandy to win his second feature of the year. Chan Davis, Melandy, Ron Watson, and Mike Paquett were all top five finishers. Heat victories were won by Melandy and Jourdon Davis. The Sign Depot/Caron Building Center Daredevils saw the rookie top three finish with the #82 Colby Bourgeios carrying the checkers. Cody Smith and Nicole Ouellette completed the top three. The #12 of Jared Plumley won the veteran race. Kristian Switser and Anthony Lacoss crossed the stripe behind Plumley. The Griffin Family Angels were thirteen strong for their day of racing. The ladies raced three 25 lap segments, inverting their field after each segment. At the end of the day, current point leader Shawna Whitcomb captured the overall title in her #21. 50/50 ticket seller, Heather Hodge had a solid day taking the runner-up spot with Vermont’s Vanessa Brown in the third finishing spot. 2010 champion Allison Barney, substituting for Carrie Dunn finished fourth, with Milan’s Tina Leveille completed the top five. The Speedway in Groveton, NH will be the place to be on Saturday September 17th. The ACT Tiger Tour will be making their annual visit to the high banks for the Johnny Clark Memorial 101. Riverside’s Late Models, Dwarf Cars, Street Stocks, Angels, Cyclones, and Daredevils, will also be on the card. Divisional point battles are on the line for several divisions. The racing action begins at 1 p.m. and has a rain date of Sunday September 18, beginning at 1 p.m.


There will be a 18U Girls Only Skate at the Notre Dame Arena Wednesday September 14, 2011 at 5:45 Monday September 19, 2011 at 5:45


The Berlin Supervisors of the Voter Checklists (all wards) will hold a session in the main lobby of City Hall Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 11:00 am until 11:30 am to register new voters and to make corrections to the voter checklists. No person shall be a candidate for election who is not a duly qualified voter. This is the last day you can register to vote to be eligible to file for office for the November 8, 2011 Municipal Election.

NEW 2011

2 Bedrooms, 1.5 baths -$49,900 181 Cole Street, Berlin, NH 603-752-7535

NHS and NANI Northern Human Services and National Alliance on Mental Illness Presentation Date: 9/29 Location: White Mountain Community College (Library) Time: 6-8 p.m. RSVP by 9/26 to Community Services Center 752-1005 Guest speakers will present: “In Our Own Voice” an education program given by trained presenters who themselves have struggled with mental illness and are in recovery. Family speakers will present “Life Interrupted” a way to educate their relatives, friends and communities about mental illness recovery.

Conway, NH • 603-447-8860 1-800-288-8860

South Pacific “The Musical” October 1, 2011

From the moment the actors take center stage, this musical revival will lift your spirits and cast a spell of sheer delight throughout the audience. Join us as we enjoy Rogers and Hammerstein’s beloved songs that include: “Some Enchanted Evening”, “Younger Then Springtime” and Bali Hai .


Les Misérables March 31, 2012

DREAM THE DREAM and celebrate the 25th Anniversary production of Les Miserable at the Boston Opera House.

Berlin Supervisors of The Voter Checklists



The filing period for the following elected positions will begin Monday, September 26, 2011at 9:00 a.m. and will end Monday, October 10, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. (RSA 652:18II) at the City Clerk’s Office. All candidates must be registered voters in the City of Berlin. Candidates for Mayor must have been a Berlin resident for two (2) years. Candidates for City Council must have been a Berlin resident for one (1) year and a qualified voter in the ward for which he/she is seeking election. The Municipal Election is nonpartisan. For more information call the City Clerk’s Office 752-2340.

Gayle Baker’s

Valley Travel




TERM 4 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 6 year 4 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 4 year 2 year 2 year 6 year 4 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 6 year 2 year

2 year 4 year 2 year 4 year 2 year

Beauty and The Beast June 2, 2012

“TALE AS OLD AS TIME, TRUE AS IT CAN BE” Join us as we enjoy Disney’s Award Winning fairy tale.

Escorted Motorcoach Tour Includes: VIP Luncheon: prior to production 2:00 pm Matinee at the Boston Opera House


RlVER CRUISING Unlike traditional cruise liners, river cruises are designed to provide a softer, more refined and intimate profile of the country that you are visiting. Exploring charming villages, sampling regional food and immersing yourself in the culture is part of this educational experience. While large cruise liners can have over 3,000 people, river cruises host between 150 and 300. This smaller passenger list creates a more casual atmosphere while providing exceptional and personalized service from the staff. Visiting large cities, small towns and everywhere in between vs. itineraries restricted to cities near the ocean and major bodies of water is one of the great benefits of river cruising. All in all “River Cruising” is unique. It is about relaxing, experiencing local customs, meeting new friends and creating a vacation that is second to none.

Cairo & The Eternal Nile River

15 Day River Cruise - March 9-23, 2012 In our small group, we do more than explore the grand and ancient monuments. We examine them up close with our Trip Leader who is a certified Egyptologist.

Highlights Includes:

• Roundtrip International air from Boston • 3-4 nights aboard the privately owned Nile River Ship M/S/Harbor • Accommodations for 4 nights in Cairo, 2 or 3 nights in Luxor and 3 nights in Aswan • 13 Breakfasts, 8 Lunches, and 9 Dinners (Including 1 Home-hosted Dinner.)

M/S River Harbor

River Cruise Travel Itinery Luxor • Edfu •Aswan


The Essence of the Elbe River River Cruise Hamburg to Prague October 17-29, 2012


CALL TODAY! 603-447-8860

Page 16 — THE BERLIN DAILY SUN, Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PROFILE PRE-OWNED SELECT VEHICLES Every Vehicle on this page is Sale Priced THOUSANDS below Current Market Value! 2007 Mini Cooper Coupe 2010 Mitsubishi Endeavor 4x4 2007 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X 4x4 6-Speed, Navigation, Dual Power Roofs, Leather, Alloy Wheels, Remote Keyless Entry, Loaded! Black, 60k miles, stk # 7885

(72 mos. at 6.99% APR)

6 Cyl, 6-Speed Manual, Air, AM/FM/CD, Soft Conv. Top, Sound Bar, Tilt, 4Dr, Black, 60K stk #7902

(72 mos. at 6.99% APR)

V6, Auto, Air, AM/FM/CD, Fog Lamps, PW, PL, PM, Tilt/Cruise, Alloys, 31k, White stk #7818

(75 mos. at 6.99% APR)

$15,994 $259/mo Sale $17,771 $289/mo Sale $18,998 $299/mo Sale Price includes a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty Price includes a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty Price includes a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty OR JUST


2004 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4

(48 mos. at 8.99% APR)

Sale Priced at Only...


WOW! Leather w/ 3rd Row Seating!

6 Cyl, Auto, Leather, Air, 3rd Row Seating, Trailer Tow, Alloy Wheels, AM/ FM/CD, PW, PL, PM, Cruise, Tilt, 105K, Black, stk #7903


2008 Saturn Aura XR Sedan

(75 mos. at 6.99% APR)



6 Cyl., Auto, Air, Leather, Power Moonroof, Backup Camera, PW, PL, PM, Loaded!, 32,500 miles, Black, stk #7845

Sale Price includes a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty

2006 GMC Sierra 1500 XC 4x4

2008 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 4x4

4.89L V8, Auto, Air, Tilt, Tube Steps, Trailer Tow, Soft Tonneau Cover, 81K,Dark Blue, stk #7900

(63 mos. at 7.99% APR)




(75 mos. at 6.99% APR)

V6, Air, Long Box, AM/FM/ CD, PW, PL, Bedliner, Tube Steps, Trailer Tow, 18k Silver, stk #7896

$269/mo Sale $23,881 $365/mo Price includes a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty



2009 Toyota Tacoma Crew Cab 4x4

(75 mos. at 6.99% APR)


2004 Chevrolet Cavalier Coupe

5.4 V8, Auto., Air, Power Sunroof, Heated Leather Seats, Back-up Camera, Power 3rd Row Seat, ABSOLUTELY LOADED, 49k, Black, stk #7795

$24,994 $399/mo $255/mo Sale Price includes a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty OR JUST

4 Cyl., Auto, Air, AM/FM/ CD, 31 MPG, 65 K, Tan, stk# 7892


(48 mos. at 8.99% APR)




The Managers Special ps 6.1 Litre Lam V8 og ,L ,F

Incredible Price!


rors, Remote Keyless En , Mir try, cks A M , Lo /F ws M /C do in D W

Stk #7879, Black, Only 28k


$200 over NADA Clean Trade In! PLUS you’ll receive a Lifetime Powertrain Warranty at no additional cost!

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We Service All Makes And Models

eer ilt St ing, Pow l, T er ro nt

‘07 Dodge Charger SRT-8

of, Power Seat, Alloy W unro hee ls, er S Cr ow P uis r, e e th Co a e

603-447-3361• Conway, NH Rte 16 & 112 (Kancamagus Hwy)

Sales Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 8am-4pm; Sun. 11am-3pm

2007 Dodge Charger Sedan 4D SRT-8 (V8)

9/2/2011 Price Report Average Trade-In

Clean Trade-In

Clean Retail

Base Price $20,700 Mileage $2,550 Options: Theft Rev. Sys $100 Leather Seats Std. Alum/Alloy Wheels Std. Power Sunroof $600

$22,050 $2,550

$26,125 $2,550

$100 Std. Std. $600

$125 Std. Std. $675


$23,950 $25,300 $29,475

• Factory Trained Technicians • Free Shuttle Service • Early Morning/Late Night Drop Off • We use genuine factory parts BUICK Beyond Precision

Service & Parts Hours

Mon-Fri 7:30 am-5pm; Sat 8am-4pm

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