Canada lynx seen in nor thern New Hampshire. Page 3
VOL. 23 NO. 231
More guards, better fencing proposed at jail
Going to extremes
Jail break prompts look at security BY DAYMOND STEER THE CONWAY DAILY SUN
Skiers on the summit of Mount Washington. (BRIAN POST PHOTO)
Country Cabinets Holiday Offerings Bath Accessories ~ Mirrors Faucets and Sinks Interior Cabinet Organizers
Film features skiing ‘like there’s no tomorrow’ on Tuckerman BY ERIK EISELE THE CONWAY DAILY SUN
CONWAY — Eighty years after the first skier dropped over the Tuckerman Ravine headwall, Mount Washington is getting the recognition every ski icon deserves: a feature segment in a Warren Miller film.
And on Friday it debuts before the hometown crowd. “Like There’s No Tomorrow,” the first Miller movie to feature Mount Washington, includes a 10-minute segment where superstar skiers Chris Davenport and Hugo Harrisson take a pilgrimsee TUCKERMAN page 9
OSSIPEE — County commissioners are proposing to add two more corrections officers in the wake of a jail break earlier this month. David Hobson, 34, of York County, Maine, escaped from Carroll County's jail on Dec. 1. He was found on Dec. 6 in Rochester. Hobson was awaiting trial on burglary charges when he made his escape by climbing through razor wire and jumping off the jail's roof to freedom. On Monday, lawmakers met for the first time see JAIL page 8
Roemer still fighting to be seen and heard in presidential race Santa’s Wish List... Bar Stools A New Vanity Granite Counters A New Island New Appliances New Hardware New Master Closet Entertainment Center
Stop in, enjoy a cup of coffee, & sign up for our Holiday Basket Giveaway
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CONWAY — If the political playing field were level, you'd know a whole lot more about former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer, who is seeking the Republican Party nomination for president. An energetic Roemer concedes he's virtually invisible in the polls, but his audiences are growing despite the fact that he's had no luck getting on the debate stage with the other candidates. Roemer spoke at the Conway Cafe Tuesday
95 East Conway Rd. No. Conway, NH
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The Conway Daily Sun
for about 40 minutes, taking questions from three dozen voters. He also made a return visit with an editorial board at The Conway Daily Sun. He was the paper's first repeat candidate to visit. "The power of the debate has really diminished the role of New Hampshire in my opinion," Roemer said. "In the book that I'll write I'll say that, and it surprises me." Roemer aerved four terms in the U.S. Congress from 1981 to 1988 as a conservative Democrat who often broke ranks with his see ROEMER page 11
Buddy Roemer at The Conway Daily Sun.
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Page 2 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
The reverse gender gap
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
NEW YORK (NY Times) — As the year ends, much of the talk around women — at least in the United States — has moved from empowerment and global gender gaps to the trend of young single women out-earning men and the rise of female breadwinners. There are so many views and theories out there, some of them driven by independent research and others by personal experience and still others by a chatty blend of both, that we are getting a sometimes confounding, always provocative and occasionally contradictory picture. For starters, young women today — and not just in the United States — are moving quickly to close the pay gap, or in some cases have closed it already. They are marrying later and later, or not marrying at all. They no longer need husbands to have children, or want no children (40 percent of births in the United States each year are now to single women). Women are ahead of men in education (last year, 55 percent of U.S. college graduates were female). And a study shows that in most U.S. cities, single, childless women under 30 are making an average of 8 percent more money than their male counterparts, with Atlanta and Miami in the lead at 20 percent. Although that study of 2,000 communities was done only in the United States, it points to a global trend.
As far as I’m concerned, being any gender is a drag.” —Patti Smith
Today High: 41 Record: 51 (1993) Sunrise: 7:12 a.m. Tonight Low: 35 Record: -8 (1989) Sunset: 4:07 p.m.
Tomorrow High: 38 Low: 18 Sunrise: 7:13 a.m. Sunset: 4:07 p.m. Saturday High: 25 Low: 17
“I got into a car accident — not my fault. Even if it’s not your fault, the other person gets out of their car and looks at you like it’s your fault. ‘Why did you stop at a red light and let me hit you doing 80?’” — Dane Cook
DOW JONES 131.86 to 11,823.48 NASDAQ 39.96 to 2,539.31 S&P 13.91 to 1,211.82
records are from 3/1/74 to present
verb; 1. To adhere closely; stick; cling. 2. To remain faithful. 3. To split or divide by or as if by a cutting blow, especially along a natural line of division, as the grain of wood. — courtesy
Obama praises troops as Iraq War ends ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (NY Times) — President Obama observed the end of the war in Iraq on Wednesday before an audience of those who fought in it, telling a crowd of returning war veterans that the nearly nine years of conflict in Iraq, a war now indelibly imprinted on the national psyche, had come to a close. “As your commander in chief, and on behalf of a grateful nation, I’m proud to finally say these two words,” Obama told a
crowded hangar at this famed North Carolina army base that is home to the 82nd Airborne Division: “Welcome home.” Calling it a “historic moment,” Obama, who has over the years of his presidency had his ups and down with his own military leaders, if not the enlisted men and women, infused his remarks with far more shoutouts for the military than the usual few that he dispenses to local politicians at the beginning of most of his standard speeches.
Putin ally resigns as speaker of Parliament
MOSCOW (NY Times) — The chairman of Russia’s ruling party, United Russia, resigned from his post as speaker of the lower house of Parliament on Wednesday, an apparent effort to quell some of the uproar over perceived fraud in recent parliamentary elections. The chairman, Boris V. Gryzlov, is the highest ranking official in United Russia after Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who serves as the party’s leader but is not a member. Intensely loyal to Putin,
Gryzlov played a crucial role during his eight years as speaker in pacifying the Russian Parliament, which he once famously said “was no place for political battles.” Gryzlov’s decision underscores the pressure on United Russia, which lost its constitutional majority in elections this month, officially gaining 50 percent of the vote. But even that result has been called into question amid widespread accusations that the party engaged in ballot stuffing and other fraud.
Rush for gas rights ignites battles for control of land SOUTH FAYETTE, Pa. (NY Times) — As energy companies move to drill in densely populated areas from Pennsylvania to Texas, battles are breaking out over who will have the final say in managing the shale gas boom. The fight, which pits towns and cities against energy companies and states eager for growth, has raised a fundamental question about the role of local government: How much authority should communities have over the use of their land? The battle is playing out in Pennsylvania as the Republican-controlled legislature considers bills that would in their current form sharply limit a community’s right to control where gas companies can operate on private property. Critics say the final bill could vastly weaken local zoning powers and give industry the upper hand in exchange for a tax, which cash-strapped municipalities badly need.
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This time, he thanked the “legendary” 82nd Airborne Division. He thanked senior enlisted leaders. And the Sky Dragons of the 18th Airborne Corps. And the Special Operations Forces. And military families. In fact, the president wrapped himself in all of the storied patriotism and history of the country’s armed forces, congratulating the assembled troops for the job they did in Iraq — a war which he himself never approved.
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 3
Canada lynx in New Hampshire CONCORD — N.H. Fish and Game biologists have confirmed the presence of four Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in northern New Hampshire. The fact that the lynx appeared to be kittens is evidence that the wild cats are breeding in the Granite State, an expansion of the population across the border in Maine. This month and last, four lynx were seen and photographed in two locations in Pittsburg, on two different dates. It is unknown whether the four were the same on the two occasions, but it seems likely based on the close proximity of the sightings. “The presence of lynx in New Hampshire demonstrates the effectiveness of the wildlife and habitat work that’s been done in this region over many years. It’s exciting!” said Fish and Game wildlife biologist Will Staats. “We expected the population to expand into the state eventually, and we’ve been seeing signs for a few years that they were at least passing through.” Since 2006, there have been seven cases where lynx tracks have been seen and photographed in New Hampshire’s North Country. In spring of this year, Staats himself witnessed an adult lynx crossing a rural road up north. “Until now, we’ve considered lynx in New Hampshire to represent animals that were wandering from the larger lynx population that is present in Maine as a result of recent declines in snowshoe hare abundance,” said Anthony Tur, biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Lynx are highly reliant on snowshoe hare as a food source. There are an estimated 600 to 1,200 lynx in Maine, concentrated in the northern part of
the state. “Lynx are an amazing predator, and they were historically a small but significant part of the wildlife mix in New Hampshire,” said Steve Weber, chief of Fish and Game’s wildlife division. In partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Weber stated, “We’re actively monitoring lynx in the state and taking steps to ensure the health and growth of the population.” “Serendipitously, Fish and Game’s Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program recently received funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to initiate formal surveys for lynx,” John Kanter, nongame program coordinator, said. “The sightings add a note of excitement to our efforts. The nongame program’s recent fund-raising appeal centered on the lynx project, and the timing of this discovery will hopefully help to engage more wildlife enthusiasts as supporters and donors to the program.” Lynx are listed as “endangered” in New Hampshire and as “threatened” under the federal Endangered Species Act. They occurred in small numbers in New Hampshire through the 1960s; the last documented lynx in New Hampshire was a road-killed animal found in 1993. At about three feet long and 15 to 30 pounds, Canada lynx are at least twice the size of the average house cat. They have long, strong legs; short tails; prominent ear tufts; and long sideburn-style hair on the sides of their face. Lynx are often recognized by their huge, furry paws, which help them travel over deep snow. More information on lynx in the United States may be found at library.
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Page 4 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 Rising From The Book. Rising from the Book (an adult read aloud group) meets from 4 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays in November and December. On Dec. 8 and 15 the featured book will be Dickens’ “Christmas Carol.� Reducing the Risk of Child Sexual Abuse: What Parents and the Community Can Do. Starting Point will host an informative discussion about what parents and community members can do to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse at 6:30 p.m. at the Ossipee Public Library. The discussion will include what to do when you suspect abuse, how to support children who have been sexually abused, and beginning a healing process for children and families after abuse has occurred. Refreshments will be provided. Call 447-2494 for more information. This event is free and open to the whole community. Kennett High School Holiday Concert. The Kennett High School Music Department will present its annual Holiday Concert at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15 in the Loynd Auditorium at Kennett High School. A variety of holiday favorites and musical standards will be performed by the talented students in this year’s ensembles. Contact the Kennett High School Music Office with questions at 356-4343, ext. 2121. A $5 donation will be requested. Mediation Group. A Soulful Journeys Meditation Group meets at Spice & Grain in Fryeburg, Maine every other Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Participants should bring a mat, blanket, or pillow for the floor; chairs are also available. This week, Qigong with Karen McCarthy. Qigong is the study of universal energy which incorporates gentle exercises, meditation and breathwork. Enjoy the relaxing, healing benefits of this ancient Chinese modality. Regional Economic Development Meeting. The Lakes Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee will meet Thursday, Dec. 15, at 4 p.m. in the downstairs conference room of the Belknap County Economic Development Council (BCEDC), located at One Mill Plaza, Laconia. For more information, contact the Lakes Region Planning Commission at 279-8171. All CEDS meetings are open to the public. ’A Christmas Carol.’ M&D Productions will bring you a whole new spin on this timely heartwarming classic of scrooge and all his holiday cheer. Some of the valley’s best children and seasoned actors take the stage to give this gift to you this holiday season. The play will be performed at Your Theatre in Willow Common in North Conway at 7:30 p.m. Call today at 662-7591 for reservations to a show you will please audiences of all ages. Kennett High School Holiday Concert And Silent Auction. The annual Kennett High School holiday concert and silent auction will be held in the Loynd Auditorium at Kennett High School at 7 p.m. The evening’s events will feature traditional holiday and ensemble literature performed by a variety of musical groups. There will be performances by The Kennett High School concert choir; drumlines; stage band; the Kennett glee choir, Jubilation, and the symphonic band. The Tri-M Music Honor Society students will also be inducted at the event. There will be a silent auction and bake sale before the concert and at intermission to support the music department spring trip. Winners will be announced before the end of the evening. There will be a silent auction during intermission to support the spring trip. A $5 suggested donation is requested at the door to help fund music department projects throughout
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the New Year. For more information, contact Therese Davison or Holly Fougere at 356-4343, ext. 2121. Workshop On Spending And Saving Money. UNH Cooperative Extension and the Memorial Hospital are sponsoring a workshop on spending and saving money from 3:30 to 5 p.m., at the Memorial Hospital, in the conference room, in North Conway. The program will be presented by Extension Educator Ann Hamilton. A plan for spending and saving money can help individuals or families meet their household budget and stretch hard-earned dollars. Learn how to develop a usable spending/savings plan. Pre-register by contacting Katie O’Coyne, HR Assistant at 356-5461, ext 2384. Margarita Grill Celebrates Christmas With Artisan Fair and Ribbon Cutting. Margarita Grill, in Glen, will hold an artisan fair at the restaurant from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. A portion of the evening’s proceeds go to benefit the Angels and Elves program. Nordic Ski Team Night. Anyone on a nordic ski team is invited to Gorham Bike & Ski’s “Team Night� from 4 to 8 p.m. at Jackson Ski Touring Center in Jackson Village. Factory reps from Swix, Fischer and Salomon will be on hand to demonstrate new products. All ages are welcomed. For more information call 383-7100. Zumba For Angels and Elves. Dotti Aiello will offer a zumba class and party to benefit Angels and Elves at North Conway Community Center with zumba toning at 5:30 p.m. and a zumba fitness party at 6:05 p.m. A portion of the class fees will be donated to Angels and Elves. Additional donations accepted. For information call 383-8264 or email Story Time. The Jackson Public Library will hold its monthly story time at 10:30 a.m. (story time is held on the third Thursday of the month). The theme will center around the Holidays, including Christmas, Winter Solstice and Hanukkah.There will be stories and a craft too. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome with their caregivers for this fun, free event. Call 383-9731 for more information. Nook E-reader Class. The Jackson Public Library will hold a class for Nook users interested in learning how to borrow Library ebooks for free at 4pm. Bring your Nook and cord and a laptop if you have one. Be sure to bring your Library card and be prepared to create an Adobe ID in order to use the software necessary to check out ebooks. Get a head start by looking at the website The program is free and open to all, though a library card (not necessarily a Jackson card) is required to use this service. For more information call the library at 383-9731. Young Adults Movie Day. Young adults in grades six and up are invited to the Conway Public Library for movie day at 3:30 p.m. The feature is “The Santa Clause� starring Tim Allen and is rated PG. Free popcorn, too. Also during this season of giving, the young adult group of the Conway Library asks the public to contribute to their food drive by bringing a non-perishable food item to the library. The contribution box is in the front lobby. Check out the holiday book sale, too. To contact the library just call 447-5552 or visit
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 Huggins Hospital Aid Sale. Huggins Hospital Aid will hold a fundraiser sale at the collection center barn on Route 109A in Wolfeboro (first driveway after town garages) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Items include antiques, books, art, collectibles, furni-
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ture, household, sports, toys. For more information, visit the Facebook page Huggins Hospital Street Fair. Toddler Story Time. Madison Library holds toddler story tame at 10:30 a.m. at the library. Stories, rhymes, and movement for little ones with a seasonal theme. Call 367-8545 for more information. M&D Productions’ ’A Christmas Carol.’ M&D Productions will bring you a whole new spin on this timely heartwarming classic of scrooge and all his holiday cheer. Some of the valley’s best children and seasoned actors take the stage to give this gift to you this holiday season. The play will be performed at Your Theatre in Willow Common in North Conway at 7:30 p.m. Call today at 662-7591 for reservations to a show you will please audiences of all ages. American Legion Christmas Tree Sale. American Legion Post 46 Tasker Hill Road in Conway will be selling Christmas Trees until they are gone, Mondays and Tuesdays, 2-7 p.m.; Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 12-7 p.m. The cost is $25 a tree, any size; all proceeds will go to needy families for Christmas. Christmas Dinner. The Effingham Historical Society annual Christmas dinner and Yankee swap will be held at 6:30 p.m. There will be a turkey dinner with desserts and more. The cost is $5 for members and $10 non-members. Bring Yankee swap gift. Maximum of $5 per gift. For more information or questions you may call Grace Barter at 522-8417. Christmas Can Cure Flag Raising. The fourth annual Christmas Can Cure begins at 10 a.m. in front of the Jackson Town Offices with the raising of the U.S. flag and the Wounded Warriors flag by members of the local VFW Post. The community is invited to attend, and to welcome this year’s Christmas Can Cure recipients, as they receive a Proclamation from the Jackson Town Selectmen, declaring them to be Honorary Citizens of the Town of Jackson. Davenport MountainSport and Granite Films presents Warren Miller’s “Like There’s No Tomorrow� at Attitash. The event begins, 3:30 to 4 p.m., with a poster and book signing with big mountain skier Chris Davenport in Ptarmigan’s Pub at the Attitash Main Base Lodge prior to the film. Then at 6 p.m., doors open for film screening in the Attitash Grand Summit Ballroom at the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel. Admission: $10, Kids 12 and under free (all proceeds benefit Eastern Slope Ski Club). For more information and to purchase tickets in advance online, visit Zumba For Angels and Elves. Dotti Aiello will offer a Zumba class and party to benefit Angels and Elves at the Whitney Center in Jackson with zumba toning at 8:30 a.m. and a zumba fitness party at 9:05 a.m. A portion of the class fees will be donated to Angels & Elves. Additional donations accepted. For information call 383-8264 or email Letters To Santa. The Conway Recreation Department in partnership with the Friends of Conway Recreation will hold “Letters to Santa,� from 5-6 p.m. at the Conway Recreation Department in Center Conway. This event is open for new born to children age 9. Children are encouraged to bring their letter to Santa to be put in the mailbox and sent just in time to reach the North Pole. Santa will be on hand for pictures. In addition kids can decorate a Christmas ornament, decorate cookies and enjoy hot chocolate. All children who attend can expect a letter back from Santa. This event is free. For details contact Michael Lane at 447-5680.
see next page
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THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 5
from preceding page The Picket Fence Theater’s ‘A Christmas Carol.’ The Picket Fence Theater presents: Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” performed at The Eastern Slope Inn Playhouse by a talented array of local children and featuring Michael Murphy as Ebenezer Scrooge at 7:30 p.m. For more information or to order tickets, please call the Eastern Slope Theatre at 356-5776. Holiday Concert. Holland Hill Yoga Studio 97 Holland Street in Moultonborough presents a holiday concert featuring Audrey Drake Friday from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Drake will be joined by Neal Zweig, of Exeter, on lead guitar and her husband, Peter Lawlor, on percussion. For more information contact Holland Hill Yoga Studio at 476-2476. ‘A Christmas Story.’ The winter adventures of an all-American kid are told in “A Christmas Story.” The beloved classic will be performed at The Village Players Theater, 42 Glendon Street in Wolfeboro at 8 p.m. Tickets are sold online at
THURSDAYS RSVP Bone Builders. The RSVP program, Bone Builders, meets every Tuesday and Thursday, from 1 to 2 p.m. at the North Conway COmmunity Center. Everyone is welcome. Call 356-9331 for more information. Rising From The Book. Rising from the Book (an adult read aloud group) meets from 4 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays in November and December. On Dec. 8 and 15 the featured book will be Dickens’ ‘Christmas Carol.’ Mediation Group. A Soulful Journeys Meditation Group meets at Spice & Grain in Fryeburg, Maine every other Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Participants should bring a mat, blanket, or pillow for the floor; chairs are also available. Mineral Springs Cafe. The Mineral Springs Cafe, the student run kitchen and dining room at Kennett High School in North Conway is open from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information call Richard Mattei at 356-4370 Ext. 3107. Adult Open Gym. Ossipee Recreation holds an adult open gym time Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Ossipee Town Hall. Open Doors at the Conway Church of Christ. All are welcome to stop in at the Conway Church of Christ anytime between 7 a.m. an 7 p.m. to visit and pray for our community. Pastors and church leaders are invited to come at 7:30 a.m. for a time of fellowship. The church is also receiving food donations for a local area food pantry — all non-perishable items are needed at this time. Conway Church of Christ is at 348 East Main Street in Conway. For more information call 447-8855. Dress-up Drama Center for Kids. The Mount Washington Valley Childrens Museum located on Main Street in North Conway holds dress-up day for kids age 1 to 9. Dressup in a multitude of costumes and explore
ROB RAND Technician
the rest of the museum for hours of entertainment. Free admission with Health Kids Gold card. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call 356-2992 or visit www. Little Green Closet Thrift Store. The Thrift Store is now open seven days a week for discounted children/maternity clothes. Located in the Mount Washington Valley Childrens Museum on Route 16 North Conway next to Stan and Dan Sports. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call 356-2992 or visit Food Pantry. Vaughan Community Service, Inc. at 2031 white mountain highway in North Conway has a food pantry open from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry. The Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry at Chocorua Community Church meets every first and third Thursday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to knit prayer patches for soldiers and prayer shawls for the sick. Bring No. 11 knitting needles and three or four skeins of yarn. Chocorua Church is located on Route 113, east of Route 16 near Runnells Hall. Medicare Counselors. The NH State Health Insurance Program (NHSHIP) Certified Medicare Counselors are available at the Gibson Center for Senior Services in North Conway for anyone who may have questions about their Medicare benefits. Counseling is available for free from 12 to 1 p.m. in the dining room; no appointment necessary. For more information, call Heidi at the ServiceLink Resource Center of Carroll County at 323-2043 or toll-free (866) 634-9412 or e-mail Affordable Health Care. Ossipee Family Planning provides gynecological and reproductive health care and HIV/STD testing services from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by appointment. Sliding fee scale and same day appointments available. For more information call 539-7552. Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous Jackson Step Group meets at Jackson Community Church parish hall from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Group: Young at Heart meets at Conway Methodist Church hall in Conway Village from 7 to 8 p.m. New Sunlight Group meets at Christ Church Episcopal, North Conway, from 12 to 1 p.m. Big Book Step Study Group meets at Conway Village Congregational Church, Conway Village, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Come As You Are Group meets at United Methodist Church, Route 302, Center Conway Village, from 8 to 9 p.m. Mountain Top Music Classes for Kids. Pre-school music is from 9:30 to 10 a.m. This class is free. Babies from birth through 18 months of age play interactive games involving familiar songs, rhymes, and rhythms. Music for toddlers from 10:15 to 11 a.m. The cost is $8. Children and their caregivers dance, play rhythm instruments, sing, and play games using familiar songs. This class stimulates musical and cognitive development. Call 447-4737 to register.
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The Tamworth PTA and the K.A. Brett School would like to thank all those who supported and were able to attend the 4th Annual Brett School PTA Auction. We would like to extend our gratitude to the following Businesses and Individuals for their donations to the auction.
Tom Troon & Sons Auctioneers for their Auctioneering Services Dennis Quinn Mount Washington Radio Portland Sea Dogs Mount Washington Observatory Squam Lake Natural Science Center Saco Bound, Inc Manchester Monarchs Pats Peak Mt. Washington Railway Company Monkey Trunks Loon Mountain Saddleback Maine Robin Gifford Strawbery Banke Conway Scenic Railroad Plimoth Plantation The Hairitage House Creative Touch by Sandie Freedom Landscaping The Barnstormers Theatre Community Kids Preschool The Cut Off Salon & Day Spa Scizzors of Oz Riverside Service Eastern Mountain Sport ValuLand The Troon Family Friendly’s of North Conway Heidi Eberhardt Wild Things Kim Grace
Whitaker’s Farm Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory DMD Photography Old Strubridge Village Six Flags New England Silver Lake Woodworks Grow Good Greenhouses Hidden Automotive Tin Mountain Conservation Center Peking Sunrise Restaurant Café Noche Zeb’s General Store The Met The Tasker Family Holland Hill Studio Granite State Glass George Smith Karl Nordlund Swift River Wood Products Harriet Goodwin Asa & Ezra Grace Scott Eldridge Tracey Noyes Lorena Keeman Flatbread Company Purity Spring Resort Attitash & Wildcat Resorts Indian Mound Golf Club Elva’s Kitchen Hillside Farm Black Mountain Gourmet Gift Baskets Profile Motor, Inc. Common Man
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Page 6 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
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War on drugs should be against doctors To the editor: In response to Dr. Irwin’s column on flu vaccines: Please tell us exactly what else is in the flu vaccine everyone pushes ... and if you really don’t know, see: and www. f l u - t r e a t m e n t s. c o m / f l u shot-ingredients.html. Please also tell us the point of origin of the H1N1 and H3N2 virus. And if you don’t know, please read Dr. Michael Greger’s book, “Bird Flu, A Virus of Our Own Hatching.” His bio: “Michael Greger, M.D., is a physician, author, and internationally recognized professional speaker on a number of important public health issues. Dr. Greger has lectured at the Conference on World Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, and the International Bird Flu Summit, among countless other symposia and institutions, testified before Congress, and was invited as an expert witness in defense of Oprah Winfrey at the infamous “meat defamation” trial. Currently Dr. Greger proudly serves as the director of public health and animal agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States. Dr. Greger’s recent scientific publications in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, Family & Community Health, and the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition, and
Public Health explore the public health implications of industrialized animal agriculture. Dr. Greger is also licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition and was a founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. He was featured on the Healthy Living Channel promoting his latest nutrition DVDs and honored to teach part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s esteemed nutrition course at Cornell University. Dr. Greger’s nutrition work can be found at His latest two books are ‘Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching’ and ‘Carbophobia: The Scary Truth Behind America’s Low Carb Craze.’ Dr. Greger is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine. “ The war on drugs should be launched against the biggest drug pushers on earth, doctors. But only 100,000 people die every year from properly taken prescription drugs ( See the documantary, Food Matters, www. Dr. Irwin should take real health class at The Gerson Institute, The Hippocrates Institute, Tree of Life Rejuvenation Foundation, or Dr. John McDougall’s Health and Wellness Center. He might learn how to heal disease and build the immune system, rather then treat symptoms. Laura Slitt Bartlett
Mt. Washington Valley’s DAILY Newspaper Mark Guerringue Publisher Adam Hirshan Editor Bart Bachman Managing Editor Lloyd Jones Sports/Education Editor Alec Kerr Wire/Entertainment Editor Jamie Gemmiti Photography Editor Terry Leavitt Opinion Page/Community Editor Tom Eastman, Erik Eisele, Daymond Steer Reporters Joyce Brothers Operations Manager Frank Haddy Pressroom Manager Darcy Gautreau Graphics Manager Rick Luksza Display Advertising Sales Manager Heather Baillargeon, Frank DiFruscio Sales Representatives Jamie Brothers, Hannah Russell, Louise Head Classifieds Robert Struble Jr., Priscilla Ellis, Patty Tilton Graphic Artists Roxanne Holt Insert Manager Larry Perry Press Assistant “Seeking the truth and printing it” THE CONWAY DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Country News Club, Inc. Dave Danforth, Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan Founders Offices and Printing Plant: 64 Seavey St., North Conway, NH Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860 (603) 356-2999 Newsroom Fax: 356-8360, Advertising Fax 356-8774 Website: E-mail: CIRCULATION: 16,100 distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Mount Washington Valley
Tom McLaughlin
Cultural Clues As American culture gets more strange, went out of fashion as they inevitably will. people’s ideas about what is attractive get They’ll likely search for a plastic surgeon to more and more strange too. A couple of hours fix them. There are specialists who repair at the Maine Mall last week depressed me cleft upper lips on newborn children so I as I looked around at people and manneguess they could repair stretched-out lower quins. Sloppy is popular. People go to great lips on crazy people just as well. pains to look unkempt. They put enormous Speaking of which, there have been some time, money, and effort into trying to appear bizarre stories of botched plastic surgeries as though they don’t in the news lately. A care how they look. It’s woman in Miami imperoxymoronic. Jeans and sonated a plastic surShe must have thought “buns of hats look worn out, but geon and was arrested cement” would be a less strenuous after she had injected they’re for sale. Trendy stores sell clothing that “fix-a-flat” substance alternative to “buns of steel.” would be rejected at into the face of another the Salvation Army or woman. You know that Goodwill thrift stores, substance you can buy but they’re expensive at in a pressure can for $5 the GAP. at the auto parts store that will plug the hole Mannequins I saw there appeared unfinin a flat tire and inflate it as well? That’s the ished. It was as if clerks started to put clothstuff. The “patient” ended up with bubbles in ing on them but got called away before they her cheeks. The “doctor” had also injected fixhad time to button the shirt or tie the laces. a-flat mixed with cement into her own butt, The jeans had patches in them — crudely presumably to make herself look attractive. sewn at that. It’s fashionable to look like you How did she look? Just as if she’d injected don’t care how you look, but yet it’s obvious tire inflator into her butt, that’s how. She that the mall rats who dressed just like the must have thought “buns of cement” would mannequins cared very much about trying be a less strenuous alternative to “buns of to look that way. They were posing just as steel.” The arrest photo showed her dressed the mannequins were. The mall rats moved in stretch pants and a stretchy pullover around, but might otherwise be mistaken for items she’s going to have to stock up on in the headless plastic models. her wardrobe from now on. Hairstyles followed similar “I don’t care” A young man in New Jersey had silicone themes. Men, if one could call them that, injected into his penis by another woman stood around with affected carelessness. It pretending to be a doctor in New Jersey. seemed their intention was to look like they He later died of a blood clot and the woman didn’t have time to comb their hair after was arrested for manslaughter. It’s hard to getting out of bed. They had put some kind believe someone would be dumb enough to of stuff in it to make parts stand out perseek out that kind of service. Thinking about pendicular to their scalp, while other parts it though, it’s a relatively short step from stuck out at different angles. Many wore getting pierced or getting dye injected for their pants down below their butts as well. tattoos. I’ve heard that many have had these I’d hoped that trend would have died out by things done to intimate parts of their bodies. now, but no. On it goes. To a narcissist, silicone breast implants to Dye-jobs, tattoos and metal stuck in faces silicone penis injections would seem a short abounded. I wrote about this in a column step too. called “Skin Graffiti” last year and it annoyed All this makes me think I’m fortunate to the pierced and tattooed around the world for have been born before the 1960s. Though I months, as one can see in the comments that lived through them and their aftermath, I can still remember what it was like before followed. If you’re seeing this in a newspaper, that awful decade, and can hold out hope they can be found here: <http://tommclaughthat someday we’ll overcome the insanity it>. catalyzed. I described people who stretched out their ear lobes by painfully inserting ever-larger Tom McLaughlin lives in Lovell, Maine. discs into them. Others stretched out their He can be reached on his website at tomlower lips in the same way and I wondered what they were going to do when such things
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Santa’s visit to American Legion delayed by trouble with sleigh To the little believers and parents: Santa planned to stop in At Post 46 American Legion; To visit with kids and celebrate the season. Sorry to say, while on his way, Santa had trouble with his sleigh. The sleigh’s all fixed And ready to go. He’ll be here on Saturday, Ho! Ho! Ho!
Come by for a photo And bring Mom and Dad, A cup of hot cocoa, Lots of fun to be had. See you on Saturday from noon to 3 p.m. at the American Legion Post 46. For more information call447-3927. Santa’s helpers at the Legion Post 46, Mary Bulduc, Conway Charlene Fecteau, Chatham
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 7
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Auntie Cindy’s A LB A N Y PET C A R E C EN T ER
Isn’t it time that we give back to Americn heroes? To the editor: With the holidays upon us, it is the time to remember and give thanks for the blessings we have been granted due to the sacrifices of those who serve our country. Over a million American service members have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and while most of us won’t get the chance to thank each and every single one of them individually, here in the Valley we have a special opportunity to honor two such individuals and their families this holiday season. Retired Navy Lieutenant Commander John Oliveira and retired Army Specialist Eddie Platt, both of whom served in Iraq and Afghanistan, will be the guests of Christmas Can Cure, a 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to making the holiday season a little brighter for wounded warriors who have nobly served their country. Lieutenant Commander Oliveira and Specialist Platt will be welcomed during an official flag raising at the Jackson Town Offices at 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 16, an event to which we would like to welcome everyone. At that time, both veterans will also receive official proclamations from the Jackson Selectmen making them honorary citizens of Jackson. We must always remember, especially around the holidays, those who work diligently to allow us here at home to enjoy our safety and security, and the sacrifices they make as a result. This year, I am feeling that more than ever, as two people who mean a great deal to me will be leaving soon for Afghanistan. A good friend of mine from college, who holds a very special place in my heart, will leave for his third tour in Afghanistan less than a week before Christmas and will be gone for over a year. He will miss two Christmases at home. Shortly after the New Year, my cousin, who I think of as a brother, will also leave for Afghanistan and will be gone for around a year as well. I am grateful to be involved with Christmas Can Cure because I have been personally impacted by people who have served
and still are serving our country. It takes a truly remarkable person to accept that responsibility, and it is up to us to open our arms in support of them in return for their service to us, a cause Christmas Can Cure wholly embraces. It is in this spirit, during the most generous time of year, that I would like to reach out to all of you to implore to you to think of these families who are coming to spend time with us this holiday season. Isn’t it time that we give back? Service members and their families make such great sacrifices for us, and I would love nothing more than for this Valley, with its generous spirit, to make a lasting impact on Lieutenant Commander Oliveira, Specialist Platt, and their families. Many expenses go into making a memorable experience for the families, and although Dr. Gerry Carrier, his wife, Dolores, and their family have been instrumental in conceiving of this event and generously donating time, money, and facilities, donations are very welcome from the public to support this very worthy cause. If you are interested in making a donation, checks, payable to Christmas Can Cure, can be sent to PO Box 384, Jackson, NH 03846, or you can make a secure online donation via PayPal at Following a full schedule of winter sports and other fun activities, there will also be a flag lowering ceremony, which will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 20, also at 10 am, in the same location as the flag raising — the Jackson Town Offices. You, the citizens of the Mount Washington Valley, can make these veterans and their families feel welcome, and honor their service this holiday season. Remember, the flag raising is at 10 am on Friday, Dec. 16, at the Jackson Town Offices and will be a wonderful ceremony honoring two American heroes. Danielle Winters Hale’s Location
Advocating arrest of protesters is anti-American To the Editor, In response to Bill Catalucci; Last Sunday I took a shower, combed my hair, put on deodorant and attended the Occupy Wall Street rally in Conway at 1:00 PM. I didn’t see anyone “obstructing traffic, robbing, raping, destroying property, or drug dealing”. What I saw were concerned citizens trying to bring attention to numerous inequities in our society. The signs they carried didn’t promote, “anti-American, socialist/commie/Marxist” agendas. Most of the signs expressed concern over: the fate of the middle class, corporate political power, unregulated banking, trade policies affecting U.S. jobs, and special interest money influencing legislation.
The closest thing to a sign advocating revolution was one urging a “paradigm shift.” Bill, your comments advocating the arrest of protesters is more antiAmerican than anything I experienced on Sunday. Article One of the Bill of Rights protects Americans rights “to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Would you like to dispense with that right, or is your rant just a disgraceful, name-calling attempt at humor? So Bill, just sit on your couch and watch sports. You won’t be any different than the majority of Americans. But please Bill; spare us your “opinions.” Ken McKenzie Eaton
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Page 8 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
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since the jail break but went behind closed doors to discuss security at the county's corrections department. In county government, a group of 14 local state representatives approves county budgets, which county commissioners manage with help from department heads. Delegation vice chair Joe Fleck (R-Wakefield) said lawmakers decided to upgrade fencing at a particular section of the jail. Fleck declined to give details. Commissioners have been authorized to spend a small sum to make the upgrade. "It shouldn't be a problem to find the funding," said Fleck. Commission chairman David Sorensen told lawmakers the commission proposes to create two more corrections officer positions at the jail. That would bring the total to 31 corrections officers. Corrections department superintendent Jason Johnson said he would need 36 corrections officers to staff the jail effectively. In public session, lawmakers concerned themselves with the large increase in the heating budget at the department of corrections. The 2011 heating budget was $150,000, and $141,114 had been spent by the end of September. This year, the commission is seeking $187,000, which is almost twice as much as they spent on heating fuel in 2009. Rep. Chris Ahlgren (R-Wolfeboro) questioned if the increase could be partially attributed to a maintenance issue. A subcommittee of lawmakers will examine the heating fuel situation. Monday's meeting was an opportunity for the public to weigh in on the proposed 2012 budget. Former state representative Susan Wiley (D-Sandwich) urged lawmakers consider investing resources to address inmates' mental health problems at the corrections department. "We know that recidivism is a big
problem in New Hampshire and it's a big problem across the country," said Wiley. The average length of time an offender stays in the community before re-offending is 9.6 months. About 90 percent of people who re-offend will do so in less than two years, said Wiley citing statistics from the New Hampshire Department of Corrections. Former county commissioner Chip Albee questioned the $759,000 increase in the state's bill from the Department of Elderly and Adult Services. The county has no control over this expense because it's set in Concord. The total proposed appropriation for Department of Elderly and Adult Services is $3,959,704. "The commission needs to request an audit from the Department of Health and Human Services on the DEAS line," said Albee. "I don't see a 20 percent increase in the number of Medicaid residents at the nursing home I don't see a 20 percent in the amount of Medicaid being paid for residents at the nursing home. I think they need to justify that increase." Rep. David Babson (R-Ossipee) called Department of Health and Human Services about the Department of Elderly and Adult Services bill but hasn't gotten a response. The bottom line proposed county budget is $26,988,202, of which $11,701,494 will come from revenues besides property taxes. The remainder, $15,286,708, will come from property taxes. That amount represents a 19 percent increase. Sorensen said with 20011's budget, the commission used $2.5 million in surplus for reducing the tax rate. This year, the commission will likely return $500,000. So, the commission needs to make up $2 million. Lawmakers will work on the budget until the end of March. The percentage to be raised by taxes is expected to be decreased in the months ahead. A number of other uncontrollable see next page
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 9
TUCKERMAN from page one
age thousands of Eastern skiers will recognize: They hike into Tuckerman Ravine, camp at Hermit Lake, climb above the clouds to the summit, and — in classic Warren Miller style — ski lines most people would never dare. The movie also includes segments from Alaska, India, Chile and Norway, but many viewers will likely attend to see the terrain that lives just up the road. People will get a chance to see these professional skiers rip over the same lines they might themselves ski come springtime, said Jim Surette, one of the filmmakers who worked on the segment. “The guys are dropping right over Center Headwall, Right Gully, Left Gully,” he said, “just faster and more fluid. It’s a whole new level, for sure.” Surette, who lives in Intervale, will be at the showing, joined by Davenport, who grew up skiing in the Mount Washington Valley. Davenport will also be signing posters and copies
from preceding page
costs are going up, said Sorensen. Those include various types of insurances, heating fuel and the bill from the New Hampshire retirement system. Another uncontrollable cost is the payment for the nursing home, which was completed in September. The payment will be $1,970,594. Sorensen recommended putting $1.1 million of left over from the construction of the new nursing home toward the principal of the new nursing home. Sorensen predicted there would be a total of $2 million left over from the construction budget. Commissioners propose giving most non-union employees a 30 cent raise. Commissioners are giving raises based on a set amount rather than a percentage increase because applying a percentage increase to wages helps
of his new book that catalogs classic North American ski descents earlier in the day. This is the second time the two have collaborated on a ski film. Last year they teamed up on a movie that captured Davenport’s exploits near the southern tip of South America. This year’s project, however, had Surette camping and shooting in his own backyard. “It was just fantastic,” he said. “We didn’t want to come home. It was a mini-expedition.” Seven of them — two filmmakers, two skiers, a photographer, a cook and an assistant — went up onto the mountain for seven days and six nights last March, he said. “That was our core crew.” At the start conditions were not ideal. As every Tuckerman enthusiast knows, March can be hit or miss up high. “It was definitely early,” Surette said, “prior to the traditional spring see TUCKERMAN page 10
the most affluent employees disproportionately. "It's the people at the bottom who are really hurting," said Sorensen. Sorensen added that three or four employees have approached the commission with hardships like not being able to pay their heating bills or mortgages. In some cases, the commission has approved pay advances. "Carroll County board of commissioners looks after our employees," said Sorensen. "Whatever we can do to help them we will do it as long as it's documented and reasonable." Commissioners are drafting a formal policy to deal with employees facing hardships. The proposed budget doesn't include changes to the nursing home and jail union contracts because those contracts are still being negotiated, said Sorensen.
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Page 10 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
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Filming skiers trekking up Tuckerman for ‘Like There’s No Tomorrow.’ (BRIAN POST PHOTO) TUCKERMAN from page 9
skiing season.” The first days were a mix of rain and snow, a “pretty uninspiring start.” “We just kept plugging away,” he said. “In a way it worked out.” In the trailer Mount Washington’s clear white slopes stand stark against clear blue skies as Davenport and Harrisson tear over the legendary Tuckerman terrain. The segment showcases Mount Washington’s ski terrain, Surette said, but that’s not all. It also touches on the mountain’s ski history, something that is at least as much a part of the story for Eastern ski aficionados. The local showing of “Like There’s No Tomorrow” is at Ptarmigan’s at the Attitash base lodge. The doors open at 6 p.m. Friday, and the film starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10. The movie is free for kids 12 and under, and all pro-
The local showing of “Like There’s No Tomorrow” is at Ptarmigan’s at the Attitash base lodge. The doors open at 6 p.m. Friday, and the film starts at 7 p.m. ceeds will benefit the Eastern Slope Ski Club. Davenport will be at the base lodge between 3:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to sign posters and books. Trailers for the segment and the film are available through Surette’s website,, as are tickets. Warren Miller is a ski and snowboard filmmaker with over 750 sports films to his credit. According to Wikipedia, "His films are renowned for their stunning photography, witty narrative humor and the impressive talents of athletes."
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Thank You The family of Milton Prouty wish to thank everyone for the cards sent, food brought, and all the condolences to our family during this difficult time. Thank you for all the memories and paintings shared at Milt’s celebration of life. Special thanks to “Bear” Zaidman and Ed Rock from Shawnee Peak for allowing us to fulfill Milt’s last wishes. Catherine Prouty Karen and Tom O’Shea and family Bob and Teresa Prouty and family Stephen and Susie Prouty and family Paul and Judee Prouty and family Bob and Deb McHatton and family Elaine Roberts and family
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 11
ROEMER from page one
party to vote with President Reagan, and he served as the 52nd governor of Louisiana from 1988 to 1992. He was elected as a Democrat but switched to the Republican Party on March 11, 1991. On July 21, 2011, Roemer announced his entry into the presidential race at Dartmouth College in Hanover, and he has been stumping heavily in the Granite State ever since. He's running a campaign where he's seeking maximum financial donations of no more than $100 from any one person or business. "Please help elect a president who is free to lead America by making a personal donation up to $100," his website states. "When we break the stranglehold of special interest money on Washington, D.C., together we can tackle America's fiscal crisis, streamline government and restore opportunity and hope for our citizens." "In these debates there has not been a single question about campaign reform," he said. "Not one, as if there's not problem here." Roemer is the lone candidate to public support the Occupy Movement and contends the group has a lot of similarities to the Tea Party Movement although both sides may debate that. "It's like there are two active elements in American politics today," he said. "Everybody else is a spectator watching the debates. There are two groups out there raising a little bit of hell — Occupy in its various forms from Oakland to Boston, and Tea Party. I think they're the same movement. Neither one of them sees it. They both view me in some suspicion because I go and visit with the other group, too. "Here's what they have in common: They both smell the same smell, institutional corruption. They smell it. They phrase it differently. The Tea Party is less monetary driven and more structurally driven. The Occupy Wall Street has the wrong answer. They think we need bigger government and I whisper to them that we need better government. But they both smell something is rotten in Denmark and it's somewhere between Wall Street and K-Street. I'm glad it's happening. I share with both of them their concerns. Most of my adult life I've been concerned about corruption in high places. I think it's the biggest potential tyranny to our freedom. I think we Americans have just become spectators and allowed it to happen." Roemer has had to deal with corruption up close and personal. His father, Charles Roemer, while serving for former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards in 1981 as his commissioner of administration, was convicted of taking bribes and having connections with Mafia boss Carlos Marcello, according to the website Wikipedia. "He worked for a governor who was corrupt and he got caught up in it," Roemer said. "He was sentenced to a year and a half in jail for corruption in Louisiana along with a lot of other Louisiana politicians. The
Supreme Court ruled he was falsely accused and after 11 months he was let out of jail. But it was such a lesson for me, such a powerful lesson for me, and sometimes the lessons that come close to home are the ones remembered most often. "My father is still alive and I love my dad. I was a congressman when it happened. Publicly, as I said when I was running for Congress and my opponents would hit me with my dad's alleged corruption, I would say, 'I love my father, but he's not running, you're going to have to judge me.' But it did imprint on me the lesson of how corruption can show up unexpectedly and if unchecked can run rampant, and that's what happened in Louisiana." Roemer is convinced the political system is broken. "If the goal of a politician is to increase name recognition and then have voters know about him, the debates are not a passing phenomena, they are the campaign," he said.
With the New Hampshire primary five week away, Roemer said he's the only candidate stumping in the Granite State this week. "Politico called and said, 'Bud, you're the only one in New Hampshire, what's wrong with your campaign?' That was their take on it. Everyone else was preparing for a debate or a fund-raiser. I haven't had a single fund-raiser in this campaign. "My candidacy is handicapped by lack of information and the ability to get it out," he continued. "If the whole world is looking out the window and you're in the room shaking hands, it doesn't help because they're looking out the window. The first question asked me (Monday) at all 11 of my events was, 'Why haven't you been in a debate;, I like how you sound, but what's wrong with you?' Debate presence verifies who you are. It kind of certifies your candidacy. It says that some power, no see DEBATE page 12
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Page 12 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
ROEMER from page 11
one knows who they are, says that you're OK, let's hear from you." Roemer is not against money in politics, but he remains steadfast against getting it without full disclosure and in favor of setting financial limits to those contributions. "I made a chronological schedule of my debate attempts the other night," he said. "There have been 10 national debates and they are anywhere from five days to 10 days apart so fairly steady. The first three debates I was not a candidate for president. I was in the exploratory phase. I announced at Dartmouth about 12 weeks ago. I missed the first three debates because you have to be a formal candidate. I was not, I had no problem with that. I think that's a minimal requirement. "The next three debates, I called the debate sponsors and that was MSNBC, FOX and CNN and I was told they had agreed to certain rules and you had to have 1 percent (rating) in national polls. They actually said
five national polls and I was at zero. So I didn't like that. I said, 'Do you know that I'm the only person running who has been a congressman and a governor?' I said, 'Do you know I'm the only person running who has actually created jobs in a billion dollar bank that he started with no bailout money. Do you know that I'm the only person running who has been to China 20 times on his own ticket?' They said you can get 1 percent, get it and call us back. "We got it, I called them back and we were now at debate five, six and seven and they said we've raised the rule to 2 percent," Roemer continued. "OK, I was frustrated and when I put the phone down I cursed. I don't do that often, but I did it then. I said to Al Hunt at Bloomberg that I'm getting a pattern. I'm getting a pattern here that whatever I do it won't be quite good enough. He said, 'That's not true, Buddy. I'd love to have you, you would make this debate but we have these national rules and we have to follow them.' Bloomberg has signed on to them. So we went out and got 2 percent. We called for the last two debates, I was told they had one new requirement: You had to raise
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$500,000 in the last 90 days. So I've gone from no standards except announcing, to 1 percent, to 2 percent, to 2 percent with a $500,000 raised. In that time period, I had raised $330,000. My average contribution was $40.45. I was damn proud of it, no one else can match it, but it wasn't good enough. I took no PAC money, no Super PAC money. They've are raising a hurdle that for a candidate like me is hard to make." Roemer placed all of his political eggs in New Hampshire's basket, spending all his time here, but sadly believes New Hampshire's history of retail politics may be on its last legs. "Let me carefully but honestly answer you," he said. "I've gained a lot being here and I don't put New Hampshire down, but it's not a strategy that I would recommend to any other candidate ever again. The world has changed. It's Internet driven, it's television dominated and politics has adjusted. "One of the ways to clean up politics is to reduce the retail expenses," he said. "And so what these candidates do now rather than sell their soul as early as they used to to the special interest, they still collect the money, but their soul is sold to the debates. That's the way they've tried to adjust not having taking the special interest money. Now if you look at their contributions, they all have Super PACs. Jon Huntsman campaign is broke, it's been broke for seven weeks. He gets all his money from his Super PAC that his dad finances. It's illegal. It would be legal for his dad to give him money. He would have to pay taxes on it, but he could then spend it anyway he'd like, but if they want to avoid the taxes they do the super PAC. "The money game is still important," he added, "but the biggest game in town are the debates. I wouldn't suggest to New Hampshire that it quit being a lead state and being a retail state, but the power of that has diminished." Roemer said candidates are not spending advertising money in New Hampshire like they have in the past. "Most money in politics is spent now to get more money, the cost of fund-raising," he said. "Firms are hired, this is a business. Like all businesses that become monopolies, they end up being corrupt. You go to the same people over and over again for a check and they give the same amount to (Sen. John) McCain as they do to (President Barack) Obama; they win either way. I won't mention G.E.'s name or Goldman-Sachs, that's what they do. The reason (former Minnesota governor and one-time presidential candidate) Tim Pawlenty spent $4 million and got out is because he spent it poorly. The reason that Jon Huntsman is broke see next page
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THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 13
from preceding page
is he's not a good businessman, he spent it poorly. One quit and the other one is relying on the Super Pac. I mean (Texas governor and candidate) Rick Perry has disappeared. He's just storing up money in his three Super PACs, I mean seven Super PACs. Mitt Romney has three, Obama has two. "Here's the law," Roemer said. "Super PACs are legal if they are independent. The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United was that the greatest threat to democracy was corruption and the appearance of corruption, therefore Congress can broadly limit and require disclosure of direct contributions. That's the law, $2,500 is the limit. PACs are $5,000 and full disclosure. "Then I began to look at the Super PACs. Mitt Romey has three — one run by his business partner, one run by his former chief of staff, and one run buy his former campaign manager. Obama has two — one by his former campaign manager and one by one of his former chief of staff. Mitt Romney went to a fund-raiser for his Super PACs; he spoke at it. Wow! It is clearly illegal, these Super PACS. The American Bar Association and other uninterested lawyers are going to sue before the FEC and the Supreme Court the Super PACs are illegal, unconstitutional by the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling and the money has to be returned. This will be a powerful lawsuit, this is a train wreck waiting to happen. "This is why I'm running. I'm not running because I'm perfect. I'm not running because I'm the vestal virgin. I'm running because I've seen corruption in my state and fought it. I chose to fight it and I took a hammering doing it, but by God it had to be done and we cleaned up our state up, relatively speaking. I'm the only guy running who has been a congressman and seen it and who has been a governor and seen it. I decided to get back into the arena for one purpose, rebuild America, and the first step is to separate the special interest money. "I don't accuse Mitt Romney of being corrupt, I don't accuse Barack Obama of being corrupt. The system they play in is corrupt," Roemer added. Since leaving public office, Roemer has been involved in a number of business ventures. Most recently, according to his website, he served as the founder, CEO and president of Business First Bank, a smallbusiness community bank with approximately $650 million in assets that took no bailout money from the federal government. Businessman Donald Trump is holding a debate on Dec. 27, but has been turned down by Romney and Hunstman. Roemer said he's called Trump to get into the debate. "I'd love to get in on that debate," he said. "We've
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tried to called him, but not heard back. He's kind of a frivolous guy in many respects, in terms of politics, in terms of gravitas, but he is a successful businessman. Some of his issues are worth discussing. I do it all the time, fair trade with China. I'm hoping that he returns my call. I'm hoping that's an abbreviated shot, but one that I will take. You know beggars cannot be choosers." Roemer lives in Baton Rouge, La., with his wife Scarlett, and is the father of three children. He received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College and his MBA from Harvard Business School. If unsuccessful in winning the Republican nomination, Roemer said he may be open to using Americans Elect as his path to get on the presidential ballot. The organization purports to be the first political effort to create a "non-partisan" presidential ticket. "Founded and advised by a Who's Who of Ivory Tower political thought-havers, the organization has re-imagined the process of choosing a political candidate as something akin to online dating," according to the website Wikipedia. "Users sign up, assign priorities to broad issue portfolios, and then answer a series
of questions about how they feel about various things. From there, it generates a profile that's supposed to help you match yourself with a candidate. The most popular nominee will actually appear on the ballot on Election Day. "I like them, but I haven't finished vetting them, but I've said publicly last week that I would consider their nomination," Roemer said. "I would remain a Republican, but if they would like to join me in my efforts in the Republican Party then I would consider us getting together. That would require me to pair up with an Independent or a Democrat and have a Centrus party. "A third party is always a long shot but I think America is right for a change," he continued. "The biggest party in New Hampshire is Independent. The only party growing in America is the Independents. The way the Independents move will decide which party's nominee will win and if the Independents decide to move with my unity ticket, with my centralized theme about building government with socialists, leftists and conservatives, putting a team together, we could do it, it could be done. I'm excited about the thought."
A very Happy 50th Birthday to
Lionel (aka Pops aka Pepere) Here’s to
50 GREAT YEARS! Please wish him a Happy Birthday when you see him around town this week. Love, Steven, David, Alicia, Brittany, Callie, Mike, Sysca, and little kitty
Page 14 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
Memorial Hospital offers job shadowing opportunities for high school students Students of all ages can explore a possible future in health care at Memorial Hospital. Starting with children as young as 6, the opportunities abound. Elementary Schools in SAU9, SAU13, and SAD72 are welcome to participate in Memorial’s “Play Hospital” tours — a one-and-a half hour tour through various hospital departments that children are likely to encounter in real life. A visit to the emergency department might include a gentle explanation about stitches or casts. In the imaging department, children learn that X-Rays are painless and how their bodies look on the inside. Physical therapy reinforces the importance of safety and exercise. The tour concludes with a visit to the nursery and a snack in the cafeteria. For upper elementary, junior and senior high students, special tours are available to complement school-based learning activities. For example, a biology class may be interested in visiting the hospital’s clinical laboratory and the opportunity of talking with staff. An anatomy class might spend some time in memorial’s imaging department or physical therapy. For high school students, the hospital’s job shadow program can offer an opportunity for students to
Tina Delacruz (right), pictured with radiology staff at Memorial Hospital, completed her job shadowing in radiology during her senior year at Fryeburg Academy. She is currently enrolled in the University of Southern Maine’s Radiology program.
explore possible career paths in the healthcare industry. In order to qualify for the program, students are expected to: complete a formal application and screening process that should include: a statement of purpose and recommendations from teachers and or guidance counselors; attend a general orientation; and complete a TB screening test. The number of hours and days per week assigned are nego-
tiable and are based on the ability of each hospital department’s ability to accommodate student requests. For students enrolled in college or vocational/ technical schools, externships are available. This requires a longer time commitment and tasks that adhere to specific clinical needs as determined by the student’s school. Daniel Fritz, a student at Bucknell University, who spent last summer at Memorial Hospital, participating in the job shadowing program said: “The job shadowing at Memorial was a unique and valuable experience for me, as I was able to see and learn how a small, busy, rural hospital functions. It was especially helpful in understanding the relationships between the staff in the operating room, emergency department, and medical/ surgical floor. For the first time, I could see how everyone worked together to care for patients. Up to this point in my undergraduate studies, I had only spent time in larger medical centers. My time at Memorial definitely affirms my plan to continue studies in medicine after I graduate from Bucknell University.” Due to the special nature and confidentiality requirements of a hospital setting, Memorial Hospital reserves the right to refuse requests for placement that could compromise the best interests of the patients. Memorial Hospital, however, makes every effort to accommodate requests that introduce students to the health care environment subject to the special nature of the facility and department schedules. To arrange for any of the student opportunities, please contact Joan Lanoie in Volunteer Services at 603-356-5461, ext. 2291.
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THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 15
Diet Detective
Charles Stuart Platkin
The Diet Detective’s all-American diet
The following is a diet that can help jump-start to starting this diet. Keep in mind, you should your weight loss for the new year. It's based on always check with your physician before starting my new book, “The Diet Detective's All-American any diet — especially since this diet can be high Diet” (Rodale, 2012), and it's simple to follow. The in sodium. diet is all about buying foods you can prepare and 1. Make A Solid Commitment To Stick To eat fast. There are thousands of choices that allow The Plan. Mark the date you’ll begin on your calyou to create and build your very own daily menus endar (and don’t make it a month from now!). using frozen foods (including organic options), 2. Start with your 21-Day Jump-Start Proready-to-eat foods (e.g., soups, cereals, canned gram. Women should use the 1,200-calorie Build-afoods, fresh fruits and vegetables) and other foods Meal plan, and men should stick to the 1,600-calorie that are available at the local supermarket, casual Build-a-Meal plan. Abiding by these plans should dining restaurants, fast-food chains — even the result in the reasonable weight loss that will help local convenience store. The best part? It’s simple give you the confidence and motivation you need to and requires virtually no cooking. continue. After this “initiation” period, you’ll move I can already hear the chatter from nutrition on and figure out your daily calorie needs. and health critics. “How can you recommend 3. Go To The Supermarket. Choose and eating frozen foods? Canned soups? Fast foods? experiment. All you have to do is get off the couch Oh my gosh! You have a Ph.D. in public health and and take an extra half-hour or so to check out the this is what you’re advising people to do?” frozen food, soup, cereal and other packaged food Point well taken. This is not a “grow your own sections. Your research will pay off in the end, and organic garden, milk your own cow, raise your own that half-hour will translate into time, calories chickens” type of diet. That’s for sure. and money saved. It's more than worth the effort. The foods you’ll find in “The Diet Detective’s Many times, frozen foods and other supermarket All-American Diet” are stepping-stones. You may packaged foods are also cheaper than the prenot be able to go to the farmers market on a daily packaged foods offered by commercial programs basis and pick up organic produce. However, with such as Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem (plus, they're this diet you will lose weight, get more interested available at any grocery store). in fitness, gradually change your eating habits, On your first visit to the supermarket, look at and start living a brand new life. Also, there is nutrition labels. Pick a variety of healthy entrees plenty of strong research supporting this type of and dinners (e.g., Amy's, Healthy Choice, Lean diet. Cuisine, Smart Ones, Campbell's, etc.) that appeal For example, an article in the journal Obesity to your tastes and provide a satisfying portion. If Research states that “Consumption of portiona frozen meal tastes great but you need three of controlled entrees resulted in greater losses of them to fill you up and weight and fat, thereby reducing cardiovascular feel satisfied, it's not disease risk. Accurate portion control is an importhe one for you. tant factor in weight-loss success, and use of packMy recommendation aged entrees is an effective method of achieving is to make an initial this.” And another in “The Journal of the Amerione-time investment of can Dietetic Association” says, "Research shows about $55 to taste-test that single-serving packages may help reduce 20 entrees. The choices energy intake at breakfast." Finally, an article are endless, ranging in “Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism” concludes from Indian to Italian, that, “Our data suggest that the meal replacement Mexican to vegetarian, diet plan evaluated was an effective strategy Self Serve Save $$$ and do it yourself. for producing robust Dog Wash No appointment, everything provided. 7 Days 8am-6pm initial weight loss and for achieving ments in a number of health-related parameters during weight maintenance, including inflammation and oxidative stress, two key factors more recently shown to underlie our most common chronic diseases.” The plan I’ve laid out is a wonderful first step. If you follow it, you will lose weight. The question is: Can you follow it? The answer is “yes,” because I’ve designed it specifically so that you will not be hungry. And you will not have to rely on chance or your own judgment to make good decisions about what to eat. All you have to do is choose from a wonderful variety of familiar foods and follow the plan. Here is a quick guide
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and chicken to meat platters — all of which can add a little spice to your daily diet. Also, test the soups and other packaged foods. You just have to decide which ones you'll enjoy and can see yourself continuing to eat in the long run. 4. Find Your Favorites. Experiment and sample a variety of foods. Some of the entrees or sides will not be to your liking — that’s fine. Just don’t sample three or four meals at a time! Eventually you will find your favorites; stock up on those. You can even order them by the case if you want. For instance, offers Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, Amy’s (soups), Weight Watchers Smart Ones and many others. Ordering online means the foods will come directly to your door, which will make weight loss even easier. Once you figure out which meals you like, keep a supply in your freezer and fridge — that way, a healthy meal will always be just a few minutes away. It's a good idea to serve them on a plate. The volume of food appears bigger and fills up the plate, and as a result you will be more satisfied. 5. Create A Weekly Planning Guide. Make sure you fill in every detail. It's best to use a spreadsheet program to create a form. Planning your meals in advance is extremely important because it leaves less room for things to go wrong — which is usually when people fall off the wagon. 6. Create A Weekly Shopping List. This will ensure that all the foods on your weekly menu make it to your cupboard, fridge and freezer. see PLATKIN page 18
Page 16 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
Bridgton Hospital nurse anesthetist named Clinical Instructor of the Year
BRIDGTON, Maine — Thomas Nolan, a certified registered nurse anesthetist at Bridgton Hospital, has been named the recipient of the St. Rene ‘Clinical Instructor of the Year Award’ by the University of New England. The presentation was made at the Nov. 5 Class of 2011 commencement exercises for the University of New England Graduate School of Nurse Anesthesia. This is the first year for the award which has been established to recognize the value of the clinical instructors to the nurse anesthesia program. Nolan was given the award because of his didactic as well as clinical participation in student education. St. Rene was designated as the patron saint of nurse anesthetists in 1951 at the St. Mary's Hospital School of Nurse Anesthetists in Wausau, Wisconsin.
The school of anesthesia for nurses has clinical sites throughout the New England states including Bridgton Hospital, Central Maine Medical Center, Eastern Maine Medical Center, Maine Medical Center, University of Massachusetts, and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Other states where they have sites include Florida, Wisconsin and Maryland. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) represent a long-standing commitment to high standards in a demanding field. CRNAs were one of the first nursing groups to specialize beyond general nursing. They provide one-on-one care to their patients before, during and after surgery, delivering quality anesthesia and pain management services for surgical and obstetrical procedures combined with a personal concern for the health and welfare of the individual. Today,
Thomas Nolan, CRNA, first recipient of the St. Rene "Clinical Instructor of the Year Award" by the University of New England.
there are more than 45,000 CRNAs nationwide. Tom has been a nurse anesthetist for 28 years and has been practicing at Bridgton Hospital since 2006. He is a resident of Bridgton.
Community Health Center receives grant for children's services
CONWAY — The Robert and Dorothy Goldberg Charitable Foundation granted White Mountain Community Health Center $10,000 to help the center continue to provide services to needy children of Mount Washington Valley. These monies will continue to allow the center to provide programs helping local children and parents develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Programs provided to area children at White Mountain Community Health Center include pediatric care, children’s dental services, nutrition education and social work, Child Care Resource and Referral helping parents locate day care, and Partners in Health which is a program that assists families with children with a chronic illness. “We are grateful for the grant funds provided by the Robert and Dorothy Goldberg Charitable Foundation which signals their commitment to the local community. Their support of our mission means a great deal to the health center team.” remarks Patricia McMurry, executive director of White Mountain Community Health Center. The Robert and Dorothy Goldberg Charitable Foundation has been funded by Robert and Dorothy Goldberg and first became operational in mid 1999. The foundation provides grants to organizations who reflect the interests of the Goldberg’s during their lifetime including the welfare of local children.
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 17
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Page 18 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
Rotary grant buys trauma kit for Tamworth Community Nurses
TAMWORTH — The Tamworth Community Nurse Association recently received a grant from the Rotary Club of North Conway. This grant enabled them to purchase a wellequipped trauma kit, enabling their nurses to respond quickly and effectively to Tamworth residents requiring emergency first aid. "Previously, we had to make an additional stop at the office to gather specific trauma supplies before heading to a patient's home." said Jo Anne Rainville RN, executive direcPLATKIN from page 15
7. Weigh Yourself. Do this on the very first morning of your first day, before eating anything but after using the bathroom. 8. Put the Diet Detective’s Build-a-Meal Plan Into Action. Simply choose your breakfast entree and side, a midmorning snack, your lunch entree and side, an afternoon snack, your dinner entree and side(s) and a dessert, along with your beverages. You will see that even though fruits and vegetables are generally considered side dishes, I have listed them in a separate category. That’s because I want to make sure you include as many of them as possible in your meal plan. In selecting sides and snacks, always look at the fruits and vegetables first. Fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber, which helps fill you up — exactly what
tor of the Tamworth Community Nurse Association. "This kit will afford ready access to emergency supplies that might be required." Because of their accessibility to Tamworth residents, a TCNA nurse is frequently the first responder at the scene of an emergency situation. "Ideally, we would like to have a second trauma kit so that two nurses are prepared for those unexpected accidents." Rainville went on to say. If you would be interested in making such a
donation to TCNA, contact their office at 323-8511. The Tamworth Community Nurse Association is a unique service, providing skilled nursing care to Tamworth residents with no fee for service, saving individuals as well as our health care system millions of dollars over the years. 2011 marks their 90th birthday. If you would like more information about Tamworth Community Nurse Association visit their web site at
you are looking for when you’re trying to lose weight. Finally, keep in mind that condiments have calories, too, and need to be taken into account when planning your meal — that’s why they’re listed as sides. Here’s an example of how it works:
Cheese Wake-Up Wrap Drink: Dunkin’ Donuts Medium Iced Coffee Morning Snack: Mott’s NoSugar-Added Natural Apple Sauce Lunch: Entree: Subway Roasted Chicken Noodle Soup Drink: Club Soda Afternoon Snack: Ready Pac Carrots with Ranch Dip Snack Pac Dinner: Entree: Amy’s Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Vegetable: Fresh Express 5-Lettuce Mix (1 bag) Side: Wish-Bone Salad Spritzers Balsamic Breeze Vinaigrette Dressing (10 sprays) Side: Campbell’s Vegetable Beef Soup at Hand Dessert: Jolly Rancher Popsicle Ice Pops (1 pop) Drink: Water or coffee
1,200-Calorie Meal Plan Breakfast: (entree 250 calories; drink 25 calories) Midmorning Snack (fruit 50 calories) Lunch (entee 300 calories; drink 0 calories) Afternoon Snack (50 calories) Dinner (entree 350 calories; side(s) 50 calories; fruit or vegetable 50 calories) Dessert (50 calories) Drink (25 calories) Sample 1,200-Calorie Meal Plan Breakfast Entree: Dunkin’ Donuts Sausage, Egg White and
9. Walk. Yes, walk every single day for at least 30 minutes MORE than you were walking before you started the plan. Follow this plan and you will lose weight. Granted, this is a very basic version of the first phase of the program, but it should give you a jump-start. If you want to continue on the program, you’ll need to figure out your daily calorie needs, subtract 500 calories per day and develop a plan with the appropriate Phase 2 calorie levels. Go to this website: gl/cKKMg, and NEVER eat FEWER THAN 1,200 calories per day. Charles Stuart Platkin is a nutrition and public health advocate and founder of DietDetective. com. Copyright 2011 by Charles Stuart Platkin. All rights reserved. Sign up for the free Diet Detective newsletter at www.
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 19
‘You’ll shoot your eye out’
A birthday wish for our Poo A special wish just for you. This is sent from friends far & near. You’re 25! Oh my dear! Hope your day is a special one! From Chubba Steve & especially Mum.
Happy y Birthda ne L a- yn Amand
The winter adventures of an all-American kid are told in “A Christmas Story.” The beloved classic will be performed at The Village Players Theater, 42 Glendon Street in Wolfeboro Friday, Dec. 16, and Saturday, Dec. 17, at 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. Tickets are $12 and are sold online at (COURTESY PHOTO)
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BIRTHS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Avery Brook Jordan
Avery Brook Jordan was born to Kerry and Eugene Jordan, of Lovell, Maine, Oct. 7, 2011 at 5:06 p.m. at Memorial Hospital in North Conway. She weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces. She
joins Kassidy Jordan, 2. The maternal grandparents are Harold and Rose Stoddard, of North Yarmouth, Maine. The paternal grandparents are Gene and Sandy Jordan, of Hickory, N.C.
Rachel Ailis MacDonald Rachel Ailis MacDonald was born to Natalie R. and Timothy G. MacDonald, of Center Ossipee, Oct. 12, 2011 at 11:17 a.m. at Memorial Hospital in North Conway. She weighed 8 pounds
13 ounces. The maternal grandparents are Joseph and Jennifer Watson, of Laconia. The paternal grandparents are Douglas and Sheryl MacDonald, of Center Ossipee.
LOCATION: Tamworth Pines Cooperative, Inc. 1701 White Mountain Highway (Rt. 16), Lot 42/Tax Map 211, Tamworth, NH (formerly Skandia North – Located behind Dunkin Donuts). A very quiet and secure location. STARTING BID: $5,900 - A $1,000 deposit will be required (cash or certified funds). Remainder to be paid at closing (within 30 days of approval). COMMENTS: This home needs some repair. It is a great home for family, retired couple, or vacation home. Just off Route 16, it is within an easy commute to Mt. Washington Valley, Portsmouth and Meredith. And, is just a short drive to 5 major ski areas and Ossipee Lakes Region for year-round recreation. It is also near a major snowmobile trail system.
CONTACT: Property will be shown any time by appointment. Call Tom Troon, Auctioneer (603-447-8808) for more details. Other terms may be announced day of sale
Thomas D. Troon & Sons
PO Box 1457, Conway, NH 03818 NH License# 2320 • 603-447-8808 Phone •
Page 20 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
• W eddings • R eceptions • A nniversaries • A irport Service • Sporting Events • C orporate O utings • SeasonalP ackages • B achelor & B achelorette ble Availa ay lid P arties For Ho s!
Let U s M ake Your N ext O ccasion Special! 603-387-3663
O ffering A V ariety O f T ransportation, A ccom m odating P arty Sizes 1-54
Mountain Top Music Center’s Community Orchestra holiday concert Sunday, Dec. 18, at 3 p.m. at the Salyards Performing Arts Center in Conway Village.The program pairs the center’s full concert orchestra with the Mount Washington Valley Choral Society. (COURTESY PHOTO)
Community Orchestra, Choral Society join forces for holiday concert Sunday CONWAY — Mountain Top Music Center’s Community Orchestra holiday concert program is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 18, at 3 p.m. at the Salyards Performing Arts Center in Conway Village. “We’ve envisioned this very special event to be Mountain Top Music Center’s and the Choral Society’s holiday gift to the community with the hopes that it will become an annual tradition in the area,” Judy Kennedy, Mountain Top’s concert committee chairman, said. The program, pairing the center’s full concert orchestra
under the leadership of faculty member Chris Nourse with the Mount Washington Valley Choral Society directed by Nancy DuCette Farris, is a new partnership of its kind for the two groups. They and four exceptional soloists — Ellen Farnum soprano, Susan Brinker alto, Martell Spagnolo tenor, and Hans Stafford bass — will entertain with selections from Handel’s Messiah including the well-known “Hallelujah Chorus” and Dietrich Buxtehude’s Cantata “Rejoice, Beloved Christians.” The family-friendly concert is free of charge; however,
donations will be appreciated. “Joyful music is integral to this season and we are excited to bring a composition as majestic as the Messiah to our neighbors,” Kennedy said. "The holiday concert offers an opportunity to pause awhile and step away from the busyness of the holidays to be with family and neighbors for a few hours of uplifting music that showcases our many talented local artists.” To get involved with Mountain Top and for more information on all programs and class schedules call 447-4737 or visit
East Conway Community Hall SONATA HOUSING, INC.
Affordable Independent Living Communities for the Disabled, Handicapped & Elderly. For Info. Call 447-6827 or TTY 711
Gravel & Stone Products
Frost Mountain Quarry, Rt. 113 Brownfield
K&W Aggregates at Frost Mountain is offering fifteen percent (15%) off of any product from our gravel pit and quarry now through the rest of December. Just mention that you saw this ad to the quarry operator and he will apply the discount right there on the spot! That means winter sand, loam, crushed gravel, crushed stone, bank run, erosion control, reclaim tar- all selling at 15% off now thru the end of the year.
Discount is off of the 2011 price sheet listed on our website and not to be combined with any other offer or discount
207-452-8888 Pit Hours 6:30am – 4:30pm
Available for Family & Business Functions
Contact: Webster’s Store 603.939.2648
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 21
Bartlett Town Column
Amy Deshais
Rev. Andy Jepson discusses his year in Zimbabwe Sunday It is hard to believe that Christmas is only 10 days away. This time of year it is truly hard to find time to even breath, never mind getting everything that we need done. My Christmas shopping is almost done and this past Sunday we spent the day wrapping. This year we had the pleasure of shopping for a little boy whose parents signed him up for Angels and Elves. This is what Christmas is really all about, knowing that you made a child smile on Christmas morning. Just a couple of years ago, I was in a position of needing help from Angels and Elves. Now we were able to help them out. It is amazing how much life can change in a very short period of time. I am truly thankful for all that we have. I hope everyone is blessed this Christmas. The 2011 tax rate and annual property tax bills for the Town of Bartlett will be issued after Jan. 1, 2012. This delayed billing is due to the town’s re-assessment process and expenses from the aftermath of Hurricane Irene necessitating a special town meeting on Dec. 26, 2011. Residents will have 30 days from the date of the bill for taxes to be paid for the 2011 tax year.
If you have any questions, contact the tax xollector’s office at 3562300 or by e-mail at Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and 8 to 11 a.m. on Saturdays (Closed Thursday and Sunday). The Bartlett Village Church has been busy this holiday season and enjoyed a lively holiday sing-a-long after enjoying some great food last Saturday. This was followed on Sunday by our youth “hanging of the greens” and ringing of the bell. It’s an exciting time in the life of a church. Join in any Sunday at 10 a.m. or celebrate Christmas Eve on Dec. 24 at 7 p.m. A special event is being offered this Sunday, Dec. 18, at 6 p.m. Come to the Bartlett Village Church to hear about Rev. Andy Jepson’s year in Zimbabwe. She will have pictures of Zimbabwe on DVD and also hopes to have prints available for viewing. She plans to have random pictures playing as she speaks. Her letters describing some of her adventures are enjoyable and the impact they are having on the lives of many is substantial. It will be a very entertaining and
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educational travelogue. Bartlett Recreation Jr. Nordic will begin Jan. 4, 2012 for those who have registered. This program is a great opportunity for those children who might want to experience cross country skiing. Bear Notch Ski Touring Center provides us with rentals for those who may want to give it a try on Wednesday afternoons. A bus is provided to take the children to Bear Notch, however parent pick up is required at 4:45 p.m. Saturdays there will be skiing from the VFW Hall onto the trail, the skiers who participate on this day will need to have their own equipment. Our coach for the program is Gloria Brennan. If you need more information contact Bartlett Recreation at 374-1952. A children's shopping area will be set up for area children to purchase gifts for their family members. This event will occur on Thursday, December 15th following the concert in the cafeteria. We ask that parents wait in the hallway. We will have elves available to help the children with their selections, as well as gift wrap and tags for each item. All items are $1.50 each.
Stone Mountain Arts Center Coming Up! Hosting national acts up close and personal in the foothills of the White Mountains in Western Maine. This less than 200 seat timber frame music hall serves fine wines and imported beers as well as dinner before selected shows.
Holiday Countdown at Stone Mountain Arts Center! Friday & Saturday, December 16 & 17: Stone Mountain LIVE Annual Evening Christmas Shows... only 2 shows left!
Hosted by Carol Noonan and the Stone Mountain Boys with special guests and good friends, bluegrass greats The Gibson Brothers! You don’t have to go to Portland for the “Magic” anymore. This a great Christmas show for you, your office, your family, and friends. Make you holiday plans early with us!
December 21: SMAC Shop Till You Drop!!
Our Lobby in The Quisisana Barn will be open for all you last minute shoppers.. .we will have gift certificates, smac merchandise, CDs, staff offerings, and baskets and wrapping... Suzy and Marlies will help you tie up your loose Christmas ends from 12:00 to 7:00. Bar will be open at 3:00 for a libation too!!!
New Year’s Eve with Legendary Rocker Peter Wolf!! Featuring a band with our own Duke Levine and Kevin Barry on guitars!! Can’t imagine a more fun way to celebrate New Years’s Eve!! We are so lucky Pete wants to be here at SMAC for the last night of 2011! This legendary front man from the J. Geils Band, has an exciting solo show that is backed by some of the best session musicians the East Coast has to offer. Of course he is always his J.G. rockin’ self when it comes to his singing and live show, but the songs are fresh and full of rootsy angst and heart ache, and no one delivers it better than Peter Wolf. Awesome songs, wicked awesome singer, and a ridiculously awesome band... what else is there? Comes Highly SMAC Recommended. Selling Wicked fast!
see next page
Hood Cleaning Call The Boys in the Hood CLEANING AND MORE
Carol’s New Album is Done!!!
Only did a small pressing, so order now if you want to get one of the few copies and have it shipped out for Christmas. It’ll be a great holiday gift. And if you want us to ship it to someone for you or package it up with a SMAC mug, gift certificate, or a t-shirt... call us... we’ll customize it for you!! Order Today!!
2 0 12 S e a s o n ... Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 27
Aimee Mann - Grammy Award Winning Songwriter, Singer Marc Cohn - Singer Songwriter Livingston Taylor to Benefit the Sacopee Valley Health Cntr Waltzing’s for Dreamers FREE Music Series with Tricky Britches..........................................................Just Added! Jan. 28 Paula Cole - Singer Songwriter Feb. 3 Blues Barb Burner with Money Junk - Blues, Swamp Boogie, R&B...................................................Just Added! Feb. 4 Catie Curtis - Singer Songwriter Feb. 9 David Sanborn - Jazz Sax Feb. 10 A Barn Burner with Hoots and Hellmouth. .Just Added! Feb. 16 Sierra Hull - Young Mando Wiz Feb. 24 The Cottars - Canadian Celtic March 3 Lori McKenna - Singer Songwriter March 8 Waltzing’s for Dreamers FREE Music Series with The Nields March 9,10 Carolina Chocolate Drops - Soulful Traditional Folk and Jugband March 15 Comedian Bob Marley...................................Just Added! March 17 Carol Noonan and the Stone Mountain Boys host Stone Mountain LIVE for St. Paddy’s Day March 23 Leo Kottke - Amazing Guitarist ...................Just Added! March 24 Magnolia Sisters - Cajun Dance...................Just Added! March 30 A Barn Burner with the The Sweetback Sisters March 31 Connie Smith - Country Legend May 4 Cheryl Wheeler - Singer Songwriter.............Just Added! May 5 Judy Collins - Up Close and Personal..........Just Added! May 12 Shawn Colvin - Singer Songwriter May 18 Enter the Haggis - Celtic Canadian Rock May 19 Tom Rush - Folk Icon May 31 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Iconic Country Folk Rock June 2 Stone Mountain LIVE One Show Only - Carol Noonan and the Stone Mountain Boys host Stone Mountain LIVE Maine’s Own Musical Jamboree Show with special guests Knots and Crosses.............................................................Just Added Nov. 2 Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas - Master Scottish Fiddler and Cellist........................................................Just added
For tickets and more info about our events go to:
Stone Mountain Arts Center 695 Dugway Road Brownfield, ME 207-935-7292
Page 22 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
Jackson Town Column
Suzannah Stokes
Kids Ski Day at Great Glen Trails Sunday TD Bank Kids Ski Day will be returning to Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center on Sunday, Dec. 18, with a great opportunity for kids and families to enjoy a day of winter fun, with or without snow on the ground. Presented in conjunction with the New England Nordic Ski Association (NENSA), the TD Bank Kid's Ski Day is open to kids ranging in age from elementary to middle school. No preregistration is necessary and all activities and rentals for kids are free. Trail passes for all participating kids and adults will be only $5 (vs. $19 regularly). Rentals for participating parents will only be $10. The day's activities and games will include capture the flag; sharks and minnows; tag games; an
on snow obstacle course and snow tubing (weather permitting). Indoor fun will include using pine cones to make a natural bird food hanger and decorating Christmas cookies (supplied by Great Glen Trails). This year's event will also be open to adaptive athletes, who are welcome to contact Great Glen Trails or NENSA to coordinate their involvement. Any kids who are first time skiers will also be able to take a free mini-lesson to see just how easy and fun cross country skiing can be. "With the kind of activities we have planned for kids and families it really doesn't matter if we have snow or not — we can still play nearly all the games! If there is snow all the skiing and tubing will add a
Spread some Christmas-Time Cheer with a Double-Sized Holiday Ad Run your ad in our December 24th Holiday Guide with your holiday greeting and a picture and The Sun will double the size of the ad you purchase. You may use this Holiday Greeting ad throughout the Holiday Season for the same price. This promotion is open to businesses, organizations, families and individuals. Here are some examples: To wish a spouse or a friend a Merry Christmas, The Sun will double the dimensions of a $28. business-card size ad - a $56.00 value. Bigger ads more suitable for businesses and organizations will also be double. So an 1/8th page ad will be turned into a quarter page ad, a quarter page into a half page and so on. Doesn’t matter what the size of the ad, The Sun will double it.
So get the camera out and spread some Holiday Cheer.
lot, but it will be a great day in any event," said Sue Wemyss, Great Glen Trails ski school director. For more information call Great Glen Trails at 4662333 or visit online at and look under family programs, or visit the New England Nordic Ski Association website at Shannon Door hosts Jackson parentteacher organization fundraiser Dec. 15 Enjoy the Shannon Door’s great pizza on Thursday, Dec. 15, and a portion of every pie sold will benefit the Jackson parent-teacher organization. The fundraiser applies to pizza at the restaurant or takeout. Thank you to all the folks at the Shannon Door for supporting the parent-teacher organization and programming at the Jackson School. Thank you from Bartlett/Jackson Food Pantry The Bartlett-Jackson Food Pantry would like to thank the residents of Jackson for their support of the pantry in 2011. Your donations of money, canned goods, etc. were greatly appreciated. They would also like to add a special thank you to the Jackson Library and Jackson Community Church for serving as drop off areas for donated items. Also, thank you to the students and Jackson parent-teacher organization of the Jackson Elementary School for the food collection and delivery to the pantry. Oil Painting for Kids this Saturday This course is an introduction to oil painting for kids with Grant Hacking. Students will work on a landscape painting from a photograph. Grant will walk students through the steps of creating a finished piece with instruction in composition, color mixing, texture, and appropriate use of materials. All materials will be provided. Open to all levels. Each child will leave with their own masterpiece, framed and ready to take home. The course costs $65 (including all supplies and a frame) and is for children ages 7 and up. It will run from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., so participants will need to bring a snack and a drink. To register, call Jackson Art at 383-4868 or e-mail Melanie Levitt at Nook class and story time at the Library The Jackson Public Library will hold a class for Nook users interested in learning how to borrow Library eBooks for free on Thursday December 15 at 4pm. Please bring your Nook and cord and a laptop if you have one. Be sure to bring your Library card and be prepared to create an Adobe ID in order to use the software necessary to check out eBooks. You can get a head start by looking at the website nh.lib. The program is free and open to all, though a library card (not necessarily a Jackson card) is required to use this service. For more information call the library at 383-9731. The monthly story time will also be on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 10:30 a.m. (the third Thursday of the month). The theme will center on the holidays, including Christmas, winter solstice and Hanukkah. There will be stories and a craft too. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome with their caregivers for this fun, free event.
from preceding page
Call 356-3456 or your Sun Sales Representative Happy Holidays from The Sun’s Sales team. Standing L to R : Joyce Brothers, Frank Difruscio, Heather Baillargeon. Seated: Rick Luksza
The Town of Bartlett was recently given the very generous gift of land from the Morrell Foundation. We thank them for their generosity and the opportunities that this generous gift will provide to the entire community of Bartlett. A pizza fundraiser will be held on Jan. 12, 2012 at the Shannon Door Pub, with the proceeds to benefit Bartlett Recreation and its Field and Facility Fund. There are donations for snowmobile rentals, area restaurant gift certificates, Attitash lift tickets, massages and more. It is a school ski day, so plan on going skiing and then head right to the Shannon Door.
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 23
by Lynn Johnston
by Scott Adams
By Holiday Mathis issues over the next few days. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You aren’t born optimistic. You have to grow into the label by repeating the tendency to look on the bright side until it’s a habit. You’ll take hold of your thoughts and cultivate good will. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When you hear good news, take it as a sign. This is just the tip of the iceberg. From here on out, things get better and better. Believe and act in accordance, and it becomes true. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Recruiting is an art. Instead of merely asking people to join forces with you, turn it into an event. People are more seduced by celebration and ritual. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll see the charm in things that others don’t want to think about. This is what sets you apart as a friendly force and an artistic influence on the otherwise ordinary. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). When someone says “no” to you, you’ll be wise to take this as a good sign. A fast “no” is, after all, so much better than a “maybe” that drags on indefinitely. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 15). Entertaining and engaging social happenings will bring several opportunities to make useful connections and enjoy different scenery. You’ll dump old baggage in February. In April, you’ll be a part of a new team. June and July feature professional growth and a greater sense of community and contribution. Gemini and Libra people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 1, 24, 39 and 41.
Get Fuzzy
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Life isn’t a popularity contest, but if it were, you would win it today. You seem to have what people are looking for, and you’re willing to share it in just the right amount. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Avoid experiencing life in hyperbole. Discount exaggerations of the mind and word. When nothing is the best, worst, nicest or meanest, you can see it for what it really is. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You are constantly issuing statements to the world, even when you don’t realize it. Your attitude and appearance speak for you. You’ll find the response you get in return a little surprising now. CANCER (June 22-July 22). A burden is eased, and the relief you feel about this will bring about a surge of self-control. You’ll work for healthy payoffs instead of settling for unhealthy, temporary benefits. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You are highly involved in life, and the level of attention you give your interests can be personally demanding and sometimes downright inconvenient. But the joy you feel being in the mix of things makes it all worthwhile. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Everyone shows off when they want attention. You’ll be artful in your attempts to capture interest, and that will make all the difference in the quality of attention you receive. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). People want to be associated with winners, and yet close contact with big personalities often breeds jealousy and discontent. You’ll be sorting through such
by Darby Conley
by Chad Carpenter
Solution and tips at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.
For Better or Worse
Page 24 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
ACROSS Sheep’s coat Meg and Nolan Ticket’s end Actress Paquin Artist’s stand Easy gait Astonish Plenty Commotions Inns Priests’ talks Shade tree Nonsense Sneezy or Doc Prohibit Goes first Make a salary Actor Cruise Soap opera Grow gray Gang member Wipe dishes Buckingham Palace’s city 43 Afternoon social event 44 Orange rind 1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 40 41
45 Epitome of slowness 46 Upper house member: abbr. 47 Hot __; nightcap 48 __ Day; holiday in September 50 Actor’s signal 51 __ cavity; lung encasement 54 “...bells on __ ring, making spirits bright...” 58 Huge defeat 59 Large pig-shaped animal 61 Red Muppet 62 Villain 63 Arctic or Pacific 64 Baseball’s __ Musial 65 Actor James __ 66 Like a letter full of juicy info 67 Melody 1
DOWN Launder
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 35 36
Not fooled by Burden Portable light Empire Sweet potatoes Deadly snake Ozzie, Harriet, David or Ricky Smooth and glossy Jail __ list; paper full of chores “Once __ a time...” Mrs. Truman Leprechaun Measuring stick Small pet Good buys Covered __; pioneer vehicle Sports building Go up & down Lent a hand Was bold In a crafty way 2000 pounds Body of water
38 39 42 44 46 47 49 50
Back tooth Caesar’s X Watered down Dickinson or Angelou Comfort in grief Bather’s spot __ Rouge, LA Like jokes that elicit groans
51 52 53 54 55 56
Bow of a ship Trademark Dollar abroad Slant; prejudice Singing voice “__ old cowhand...” 57 Lengthy 60 Church seat
Yesterday’s Answer
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 25
Today is Thursday, Dec. 15, the 349th day of 2011. There are 16 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Dec. 15, 1961, former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death by an Israeli court for crimes against humanity. (Eichmann was hanged 5½ months later.) On this date: In 1791, the Bill of Rights went into effect following ratification by Virginia. In 1890, Sioux Indian Chief Sitting Bull and 11 other tribe members were killed in Grand River, S.D., during a confrontation with Indian police. In 1911, jazz musician, composer and bandleader Stan Kenton was born in Wichita, Kan. In 1938, groundbreaking for the Jefferson Memorial took place in Washington with President Franklin D. Roosevelt taking part in the ceremony. In 1939, the motion picture “Gone With the Wind” had its world premiere in Atlanta. In 1944, a single-engine plane carrying bandleader Glenn Miller, a major in the U.S. Army Air Forces, disappeared over the English Channel while en route to Paris. In 1965, two U.S. manned spacecraft, Gemini 6A and Gemini 7, maneuvered to within 10 feet of each other while in orbit. In 1971, the Secret Service appointed its first five female special agents. In 1989, a popular uprising began in Romania that resulted in the downfall of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu (chow-SHES’koo). In 1991, an Egyptian-registered ferry, the Salem Express, hit a reef and sank in the Red Sea; at least 470 people died, although some estimates are much higher. One year ago: The U.N. Security Council gave a unanimous vote of confidence to the government of Iraq by lifting 19-year-old sanctions on weapons and civilian nuclear power. Time magazine named Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old co-founder and CEO of Facebook, its Person of the Year. Today’s Birthdays: Actor-comedian Tim Conway is 78. Singer Cindy Birdsong (The Supremes) is 72. Rock musician Dave Clark (The Dave Clark Five) is 69. Rock musician Carmine Appice (Vanilla Fudge) is 65. Actor Don Johnson is 62. Actress Melanie Chartoff is 61. Movie director Alex Cox is 57. Actor Justin Ross is 57. Rock musician Paul Simonon (The Clash) is 56. Political strategist Donna Brazile is 52. Country singer Doug Phelps (Brother Phelps; Kentucky Headhunters) is 51. Movie producer-director Reginald Hudlin is 50. Actress Helen Slater is 48. Actress Molly Price is 46. Actor Michael Shanks is 41. Actor Stuart Townsend is 39. Figure skater Surya Bonaly is 38. “Crowdhyper” Kito Trawick (Ghostown DJs) is 34. Actor Adam Brody is 32. Actor George O. Gore II is 29. Actress Stefania Owen is 14.
DECEMBER 15, 2011
10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
Doc Martin Alcohol Islands in Zati Charlie Rose (N) (In problem. Å the Wind Stereo) Å Person of Interest The Mentalist “Fugue in WBZ News Late Show “Number Crunch” (N) Red” (N) Å (N) Å Letterman Without a Trace “Once Law & Order: Criminal Meal to Cops Lost” Undercover cop Intent A high-profile hip- Meal “Phoenix, goes missing. Å hop producer. Å Arizona” The Office Whitney Prime Suspect Investi- News Tonight (In Stereo) “A Decent gating a diamond dealer’s Show With Proposal” death. (N) Å Jay Leno Å The OfWhitney Å Prime Suspect “A Gor- 7 News at Jay Leno fice Å geous Mosaic” (N) 11PM (N) The Year With Katie Couric Newsworthy events of News 8 Nightline 2011. (N) (In Stereo) Å WMTW at (N) Å 11PM (N) A Charlie Brown Christ- The Year With Katie Couric Newsworthy events of News 9 To- Nightline mas Å 2011. (N) (In Stereo) Å night (N) (N) Å Roadside Windows to Nature The elephant ma- Frontline (In Stereo) Å Jerusalem: Center of Stories Å the Wild Å triarch Echo. (In Stereo) the World History of Jerusalem. Å Å (DVS) The Vampire Diaries The Secret Circle Excused American It’s Always That ’70s Spirits of the dead invade “Slither” Cassie wrestles “Classy vs. Dad Å Sunny in Show Å Mystic Falls. Å with secrets. Å Sassy” Phila. The Big Rules of Person of Interest The Mentalist “Fugue WGME Late Show Bang EngageDetective Carter faces in Red” Jane loses his News 13 at With David Theory ment (N) fallout. (N) Å memory after an attack. 11:00 Letterman Bones “Finder” A secu- News 13 on FOX (N) The X Factor “Live The Office The Office Results” The contestants rity guard’s remains are “Happy “Customer face elimination. (N) found. Å Hour” Survey” Broadside Business The Only News at 9 The Only News at 9 SportsNet SportsNet
Anderson Cooper 360
24 27 28 31
Maine ConversaWatch tions w/Me Big Bang EngageTheory ment Without a Trace “Wanted” Searching for a 13-year-old girl. Community Parks and (In Stereo) Recreation Å Å Commu- Parks and nity Å Recreation A Charlie Brown Christmas (In Stereo) Å
MSNBC The Ed Show (N) FNC
Piers Morgan Tonight
Anderson Cooper 360
Erin Burnett OutFront
Rachel Maddow Show
The Last Word
The Ed Show
The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)
ESPN High School Basketball
Greta Van Susteren High School Basketball Daily
OXYG Law Order: CI
Law Order: CI
Law Order: CI
TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond
Inside N.D. Daily
NICK My Wife
My Wife
’70s Show ’70s Show George
TOON Regular
King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy
45 47
Movie: ›››› “Beauty and the Beast” (1991) ››› “Finding Nemo” Movie: ›› “Santa Buddies” (2009) Wizards Shake It DISN Random TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang
Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: SVU
CSI: NY “Holding Cell”
CSI: NY “The Closer”
SYFY Movie: “Resident Evil”
“Wrong Turn 3”
Two Men
D.U.I. Å
D.U.I. Å
D.U.I. (N)
D.U.I. (N)
Cellblock 6
HIST Big Shrimpin’ Å
Swamp People Å
DISC Storm Chasers (N)
HGTV House
The Earth Wild Weed Wars (N) Å The Earth Wild Selling Spelling Manor Selling LA Selling NY House Hunters
Big Shrimpin’ (N) Å
Swamp Wars Å
No Reservation
D.U.I. Å D.U.I. Å The Universe Å
TRAV Bizarre Foods
Bizarre Foods
Jail Å
iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å
Movie: “Damage”
The Layover “Miami”
COM Futurama
Daily Show Colbert
Ron White: Fix Stupid
The First 48 Å
The First 48 (N) Å
Beyond Scared
Project Accessory
Project Accessory
Project Accessory (N)
E!: Fatal Teen Triangle E! Investigates
72 73 74 75
AMC Movie: ›››› “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947) BRAVO Housewives/Atl.
Real Housewives
TCM Movie: ›››‡ “Life With Father” (1947) Å HALL Movie: “The Christmas Pageant” (2011) Å
(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: ROBOT CHUNK LOCKED ROTATE Answer: When Amundsen finally reached the South Pole, all he could do was — LOOK NORTH
Two Men
Conan (N) Å Burn Notice “Fail Safe” Covert Affairs Å
CSI: NY Å Movie: ›› “Jeepers Creepers 2” (2003) Å
Fam. Guy
Two Men
A: A
Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
Good Luck
Two Men
Ned Bruha Ned Bruha Wildman
The 700 Club (N) Å
©2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SportsCenter (N) Å
NESN English Premier League Soccer
The O’Reilly Factor
Law Order: CI
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. Find us on Facebook
––––––– ALMANAC –––––––
Beyond Scared Project Accessory Chelsea
E! News
Movie: ›››› “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947) Housewives/Atl.
“The Girl Who Had Everything”
Mr Robrts
Movie: “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”
3: Valley Vision, 10: QVC, 16: RSN TV16 North Conway, 17: C-Span. 18: C-Span2, 20: HSN, 25: Headline News, 26: CNBC, 32: ESPN2, 36: Court TV, 37: TV Guide, 38: EWTN, 57: Food Network
1 7 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 26 30 32 33 36 38 39 40 41 44 46
ACROSS Out of the sun Gold container? Small drinks Actress Wright Magnetite or hematite Claire and Balin Expression of affection A/C figures Winning service Tibetan teacher Vote for Signified Shopaholic-to-be? Apartment building Farrow or Sara Tell secrets Bank payment Dynamic lead-in? Sandwich letters “__ Karenina” First-year student Cold season Aunt in Madrid
47 49 51 55 56 58 59 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 1 2 3 4 5 6
Right-of-way Emancipate Elderly person Large unruly crowd Moderate Writer Levin Done Edification __ it the truth! Back of the bus. Surrender by deed London gallery Ultimate math degree? New Orleans pros DOWN Stand-in Therefore Dale of “Flash Gordon” Actress Ruby NASA’s ISS partner One of Roseanne’s TV kids
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 24 25 27 28 29 31 33 34 35 37 39 42
Composition in verse Christmas tree decoration Vietnamese holiday Lady oracle Burial City near Bayonne Air-leak sound Fabricated Der __ (Adenauer) Preminger and Graham Part of AT&T Wee crawler Soissons’ river Mongolian invader Tigger’s creator William Howard and Robert F.O.E. chapter Just what the doctor ordered Talks wildly Substructure Band leader Alpert
43 West of “My Little Chickadee” 44 Some metal workers 45 Neither Rep. nor Dem. 48 Drop down? 50 Strong suit 52 Promo link 53 Dadaist Max
54 57 59 60 61 62
Service charges Craving Morsel for Swaps By way of Hopper Stephen of “Citizen X” 63 S. Kubrick’s movie?
Yesterday’s Answer
Page 26 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
$1-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 356-2999 DOLLAR-A-DAY NON-COMMERCIAL: Ad must run a minimum of 6 consecutive days. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. COMMERCIAL RATE: $2 a day; 10¢ per word per day over 15 words. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and of course cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 356-2999; send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, N.H. 03860, email ad to or stop in at our offices on Seavey Street in North Conway village. OTHER RATES: For information about the professional directory or classified display ads call Jamie or Hannah at 356-2999.
#1 A Petlovers Service Who Let The Dogs Out?
ANIMAL Rescue League of NHNorth has cats, kittens, dogs and puppies looking for a second chance. (603)447-5955 or visit online-
CFA Registered Maine Coon kittens. Vet checked, 1st shots, health guarantee. $400. All ready now. (207)693-4933.
6 new English Plott puppies, big ears. Very friendly, mellow, very colorful. Some blue ticks, some red ticks. Have been breeding this line for 15 years. Wormed, Vet checked & shots UTD. $250 for the boys, $300 for the girls. (207)935-4570.
AUNTIE CINDY'S Albany Pet Care Center
Kitties too! Pet sitters/ Pet taxi. Bonded and insured. Barbara Hogan. 383-9463.
AKC German Shepard puppy, pick of the litter, extra large male, $850. Call (603)369-1168. AKC Yellow and Fox Red Lab pups. Ready to go. $500/firm. (603)539-5559.
Affordable, Quality care for your "Kids". Stress free Grooming, Cage free Boarding and sandy Play Yards, Daycare. Open 6am-6pm. (603)447-5614.
Cats Only Neuter Clinic First Saturday of each month for low income families. Please call Harvest Hills Animal Shelter, between 10-3 Tues thru Friday 207-935-4358.
COME & GO PET CARE For when you have to be away! (Sit and stay overnights also available). Connie Stanford (603)733-8148.
Class starts Saturday, January 21st. Go to or call 207-642-3693 for information.
Quality Marble & Granite
Quality & Service Since 1976
LEGACY PAINTING and Remodeling Where Quality Prevails. Interior/Exterior. Fully Insured. Reasonable Rates. Cell 662-9292 HANIBAL
Sunshine Yoga Community Alliance & Massage
TREE REMOVAL 603-986-4096
B.C.’s Custom Colors Interior/Exterior Painting. Insured/Affordable Free Estimates 603-662-4301
Home Repairs, Plaster & Ceiling Repairs, Drywall, Insulation, Int/Ext Painting, Texture Removal & Wallpaper Res.
603-986-5143 • 207-935-5030
G SO IN Dwight LUT
IO & Sons N 603-662-5567 S
Call Damon’s Tree Removal 603-662-3445 • 603-447-4336
RODD ROOFING “Servicing the Area for 80 Years” Specialized Roofing System • 1-800-331-7663
Specializing in int/ext painting, kitchen remodeling, tile & hardwood flooring
Commercial, Residential, Industrial
Generator Hookups New Homes Remodeling
Conway Office 603-493-7527 Dave Duval
EE Computer Services
Est. 1980 - Fully Insured
HORSMAN BUILDERS New Construction • Renovations Remodeling & Finish Work Insured • Free Estimates
Damon’s Snow Removal
For your residential & light commercial needs • Plowing • Sanding • Roofs • Etc. Now quoting 2011-2012 winter season MC/VISA accepted
For All Your Home Renovations and Repair Honest Rates, Ref., Lead Lic., Insured
Scott Richard, Conway 662-5760
603-356-9058 603-726-6897
Dealers for Husqvarna, Troy Bilt & DR
Licensed and Insured MasterCard/Visa Accepted
Woodman’s Forge & Fireplace Wakefield, NH • 603-522-3028
Pop’s Painting
Steven Gagne
Hurd Contractors
Damon’s Tree Removal
Roofing • Siding • Flooring
Difficult Removals • Pruning Chipping • Stump Grinding
Roofing MW Valley since 1984 North Conway 447-3011
CHIMNEY CLEANING Safety Sweep Serving the Valley Since 1990
603-356-2155 - Fully Insured
Autos G.P. Auto is now buying junk vehicles at a fair price. We pay cash. (603)323-8080.
For all ages and abilities. Pet Dog 101 or 102, Canine Good Citizen, Reactive Dog, Therapy Dog, Attention, Rally, Agility & much more! Go to or call 207-642-3693 for details.
DOGGIE PLAYGROUP at Four Your Paws Only on Rte. 16 in N. Conway. New changes for 2011. 11-12 is for smaller, quieter dogs and puppies. 12-1 is for larger more active dogs and puppies. Playgroups are Free and run every Saturday. All dogs must be on a leash & utd on vaccinations. call 603-356-7297 fmi or Visit HARVEST Hills Animal Shelter, 5 miles east of Fryeburg, 1389 Bridgton Rd. Rte.302. 207-935-4358. 30 loving dogs and kittens and cats available. All inoculations, neutered. 10am-6pm, Mon. & Fri., 10am-3pm, Tue., Wed., Sat., Sun., closed Thursdays. HARVEST Hills Thrift Shop. Open daily, closed Thursday, new hours. 10am-3pm.
1999 Chevy Tahoe LS. 25,000 miles on new motor. Great shape, solid vehicle $2500/obo. 662-6482. 2001 Buick Regal. Strong motor, recent tires & brakes. Driven daily. $1250. (603)383-9057. 2001 Ford Ranger 4x4, x-cab, auto, black, 126K, $5400. (603)387-6779.
2003 Dodge 1500 pickup, 4x4, 8’ bed, 5 spd, great condition. $4900. (603)387-6779.
2004 Ford Explorer XLT 94,000 miles, V6, auto, power group, CD, stereo, 3rd row seat, 1 owner $9500/obo (603)662-8458.
Coming When Called- January 12th at 7pm. Loose-Leash Walking- January 19th at 7pm. Go to or call 207-642-3693 to register.
2005 Ford E250 cargo van, white, only 70k miles, new tires, runs great, professionally maintained. $9995. Call (603)356-3133, days.
HERMANSON!S AUTO WAREHOUSE, LTD Auto Sales & Repair Eastern Spaces Warehouse East Conway Road
Golden Paws, LLC. Conveniently scheduled private lessons. John Brancato, KPA training. (603)224-0736 PIT Bull/ Bull Mastiff pups. Born Sept. 26th. Very friendly, nice colors, good with kids and other animals. Parents on premise. $600 or trade for hunting equipment/ tools, etc. (603)539-7009. PUPPIES small mixed breed. See website for more details: (207)539-1520.
Getting a puppy before the end of the year? We have Pet Dog 101 Class just for you. Classes starting in January. Go to or call 207-642-3693 for information. TWO- 18 month Haflingers; mare & gilding. Very gentle, and easy to be around; just right for training your way. Makes a good team. $950 for the pair. RM Segal, Saddle Horses, Wells ME. (207)651-0472.
MATCHING buffet and china cabinet, 90-years-old. Asking $200. (207)935-3317.
Tim DiPietro
1998 Chevy Blazer 4x4, 4 door, blue, sunroof, very clean, no rust. $2800. (603)387-6779.
Low Cost Spay/ Neuter Cats & dogs Rozzie May Animal Alliance 603-447-1373
Residential & Commercial Insured • Master NH/ME
1997 Subaru Impreza Outback wagon. 162,500 miles, standard runs great. Asking $900. (603)491-9143.
2002 Toyota 4Runner 4x4 SR5. Sunroof, auto, good tires, great condition. $6800 (603)387-6779.
Carpentry • Interior Painting and Home Repairs Insured • Ron Poirier • Free Est.
Autos 1955 Chevy 4dr. Resasonable good shape, 350 2spd tran-automatic motor. Runs good, but knocks. $5000/obo. (207)625-8067, need to sell.
Ready to go Dec. 17th. $1200 heath certified. Non-shed hypoallergenic. For more info email:
603-383-9971 603-356-6667 • 800-564-5527
Auctions AUCTION- Dec 27th Tuesday 5pm- Huge Auction during vacation week at Gary Wallace Auctions in Ossipee NH- viewing starts at 2pm- Estate treasures, furniture, antiques, glass, China, items from many sources. Please attend- Gallery on Rt16 Ossipee- see or call 603-539-5276 NH lic #2735.
Labradoodle Puppies
Announcement PELVIC/ Transvaginal Mesh? Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and present time? If the patch required removal due to complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members 1-800-535-5727.
05 Chevy Suburban, 4x4, V8b, auto, leather, 3rd row, slver $8,200 04 GMC Envoy, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, pewter .................................$7,500 04 Jeep Gr Cherokee, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, silver...........................$6,750 03 Chevy Trailblazer, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, silver...........................$7,250 03 Chevy Trailblazer, 4x4, 6cyl, 3rd row, auto, blue ..............$6,450 03 Dodge Durango, 4x4, V8, auto, blue......................................$5,950 03 Mazda 6, 4dr, 4cyl, 5spd, red... ............................................$5,450 03 Subaru Legacy GT, sedan, awd, 4cyl, 5spd, silver.........$5,900 02 Chevy Suburban, 4x4, V8, auto, 3rd row, white.............$6,900 02 Chevy Trailblazer, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, black...........................$6,250 02 Dodge Grand Caravan, V6, auto,. Gold...........................$4,900 02, Ford Explorer, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, 3rd row, gold .......................$5,900 02 GMC Tahoe, 4x4, 3rd row, leather, silver.......................$6,900 02 GMC Yukon, 4x4, 8cyl, auto, pewter .................................$5,900 02 Nissan Xterra, 4x4, V6, auto, sliver....................................$6,900 02 Subaru Impreza Sport, auto, silver....................................$5,900 02 VW Passat SW, auto, 4cyl, black....................................$5,750 01 Dodge Caravan, 6cyl, auto, blue......................................$4,250 01 Dodge Durango, 4x4, V8, auto, black....................................$5,900 01 Nissan Pathfinder, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, silver...........................$4,900 00 Chevy Blazer, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, silver....................................$4,450 00 Jeep Gr Cherokee, 4x4, 6cyl, auto, black...........................$5,250 00 Pontiac Bonneville 6 cyl, auto. Silver ...................................$4,950 00 Subaru Outback, awd, 4 cyl, auto, black...........................$4,750 Our vehicles are guaranteed to pass inspection and come with a 20 day plate and 30 day mechanical warranty. In house financing with 50% down payment and a minimum $200/month payment at 0% APR for 12-18 month term. Please call Sales at 356-5117.
ALWAYS PAYING CA$H for junk vehicles. Fast and courteous pick up (603)730-7486. BUYING junk cars and trucks ME & NH. Call for price. Martin Towing. (603)305-4504.
I buy cars, trucks, SUV, foreign or domestic. 2000 or newer. Call (603)387-7766. PAY $250 minimum for your junk car/ truck picked up. Also buying junk vehicles, light iron, heavy iron over the scales. We also buy copper, brass, wire, aluminum, batteries and much more. Call for scale (603)323-7363.
WE SPECIALIZE IN S UBARUS we buy used and junk Subaru’s for parts. We also repair and sell Subaru’s. Call Shawn’s Auto (603)539-3571.
Child Care EFFINGHAM Daycare in business for 20 years has 1 opening, lots of TLC, playtime and learning. Meals and snacks included. Title 20 accepted. Call Elaine FMI (603)539-7574.
Employment Wanted COMPASSIONATE LNA/Care Giver. 30 years experience. Great references. Will travel, do overnight. 603-875-1232
For Rent
• 1 bdr cottage walking dis tance to Cranmore and the Village. Mostly furnished. No Pets/Smoke. $650/mo + util. • 3 bdr, 2 bath NEW CON STRUCTION home in NC Vil lage. Detached garage, plenty of space, and brand new. Fully applianced. No Pets/Smoke. $1,200/mo + util. • 3 bdr, 3 bath house in Con way. Fully furnished, spec tacular views, lots of space, rights to nearby ponds and more! $1,350/mo + util. No Pets/Smoke please. • 3 bdr, 2.5 bath beautifully furnished high end home in Conway. Waterfront, spectacular Mtn. views, detached ga rage + much more. $2,200/mo + utilities. No Pets/Smoke.
Please contact Brett at or (603)356-5757 ext 334
2-4 bedroom long term and seasonal. Starting at $750 call 603-383-8000, 6- bedroom farm house in Fryeburg available Jan. 1. Lots of nice space. $1400/mo incl. utilities. Respond w references to PO Box 535, Center Conway, NH 03813. BARTLETT 3 bedroom, 2 bath, immaculate Linderhof chalet. $1100/mo plus utilities. References. Dan Jones, ReMax Presidential (603)356-9444. BARTLETT- 2 bed, 1 ba $650 + utils, 1 yr lease, credit and refs a must. Call Jeana at Re/Max Presidential 603-356-9444 or BROWNFIELD- 3 bedroom mobile home, large addition, 2 car garage with openers, jacuzzi. No smoking, $850/mo. (207)697-2128. CENTER Conway Apt. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, w/d hookup. $600/mo plus utilities. (603)387-3571. CHOCORUA 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, 1 car garage, no pets, no smoking. $1000/mo plus utilities. First and security. (978)283-5651.
CONWAY 2 BEDROOM Village apt. newly renovated. 1st floor, yard, includes heat and plowing, lease, security. No smoking or pets $725. (603)447-6033.
CONWAY 1 BEDROOM 1st floor, $625/mo. Includes heat, plowing & trash. Security, lease, no smoking or pets (603)447-6033.
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 27
For Rent
For Rent
For Rent
For Rent-Vacation
For Sale
For Sale
CONWAY 3 bedroom, 2 bath, pet friendly, call Anne at (603)383-8000 or
GLEN- 2 bed, 2 bath, newly renovated house, w/d, dishwasher, 2 car garage. $950 plus utilities. (603)374-2391. CABIN for rent. One room cabin w/ loft. Small kitchen, electricity, wood or gas heat, carry in water. $300/mo. Glen/ Jackson area (603)733-7010 leave message.
CHOCORUA 2 bedroom house. Close to King Pine & Mt. Washington Valley. $700/wk. Also available weekends. (207)329-6433.
2 Mec reloaders, 20 ga. and 28 ga. Complete with owner’s manuals. Call for details (603)476-2271, (508)243-0349.
CONWAY Rt. 16 efficiency cabins. Single room w/ kitchenette and bath. Compact/ convenient. Starting at $400/mo. plus utilities. No Pets, no smoking. Credit/ security deposit required. Call 603-447-3815.
NORTH Conway charming 2 be carriage house apt. $695/mo including heat. References & credit check. No pets. Dan Jones, ReMax Presidential (603)356-9444.
GUNS, Guns, Guns. I trade, swap, exchange. I do not sell guns. This is a hobby. Please call if you want to trade. Please no junk. Tel. (603)367-8589.
CONWAY tri-level like new townhouse on the Saco River. 2 bdrm 1.5 bath, lg family room, w/d & economical heat. Canoe included! $850/mo, 1 year lease, no smoking. Select RE, Bonnie Hayes (603)447-3813. CONWAY Village: 2 bedroom apartment with gas heat. Coin operated laundry room on premises. Absolutely no pets. One year lease with $25/mo discount for automatic rent deposit agreement. Rent is $650/mo. Security, references and credit check are required. Please call Richard at 603-452-8422. CONWAY Village: Completely renovated, large 2 bedroom apartment with laundry room, and large storage area. Security deposit, references and credit check required. Gas heat. Absolutely no pets. One year lease, with $25/mo discount for automatic rent deposit agreement. Rent $675/mo with no utilities. Plowing included. Please call Richard at 603-452-8422. CONWAY- 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, pets considered, 1 year lease, unfurnished, $650/mo plus utilities, security deposit and credit check. Good credit required. Rich Johnson, Select Real Estate (603)447-3813. CONWAY- 3 bedroom house. $1100/mo. FMI (603)986-8497. CONWAY- Large 1 bedroom $650/mo. Includes heat, hot water, plowing, trash. Deposit/ references required. (603)447-6612. CONWAY- newly renovated 2 bedroom home close to Conway village. Spacious back yard, new efficient heat & hot water system, w/d hook up. $775/mo plus utilites. Security deposit & 1st month rent. No smoking or pets. (603)986-5500. CONWAYRooms for rentFridge, microwave, wifi, cable, phone, $150$175/wk. (603)447-5366. Conway: living room, kitchen & 1 bdrm apt. Heat, plowing, trash removal included. $850/mo. (603)662-9292. COZY riverside 2 bdrm cottage. Sundeck, Rt.302w/16, Glen. $650/mo plus utilities. 781-724-7741. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, dining room, Denmark, ME. $800/mo plus. (207)890-1910. EDELWEISS 3 bdrm, 1 bath on lake. Furnished, close to many ski resorts $850/mo. $850 deposit. (904)695-1412. 10 year old home for rent, year round. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath. One acre lot in Lake Ossipee Village, Freedom. No pets. $1000/mo plus utilities. Please call Kevin at (617)908-4085. FRYEBURG 2 bedroom, 1 bath apt. $700/mo, includes heat & hot water. Call Paul Wheeler Re/Max Presidential 603-356-9444 ext.206. FRYEBURG2 bedroom, 1st floor apt. $750. Security deposit, 6 month lease. Plowing included. Fryeburg Academy school system. (207)671-2578. FRYEBURG- 3 bedroom ranch with porch, close to town. $800/mo plus utilities. Non-smoker. (207)256-0077. 1 month free rent! Fryeburglovely 4 bedroom, 2 bath, a/c, w/d hook-up, deck, $1000/mo plus. No pets 207-935-3241.
HOUSE: Route 16A Intervale. Perfect ski house! Three bedroom, fireplace, hardwood floors, new windows and furnace, carport, 6/mo. lease, pet considered, non-smoking, $1000 plus utilities, security and first month, FMI 603-723-8722. INTERVALE private rooms: 1-2 beds, TV, fridge, Internet, utilities. Kitchen, phones, computers, laundry. $150-175/week (603)383-9779. INTERVALE- 2 bdrm, apt w/ office, lg. util. room, w/d hookup, deck/ mtn. views, no smoking/ dogs. $700/mo + util. References & security (603)383-4911. INTERVALE- 2 plus bedroom, 2 bath, ranch. Full basement, $1000/mo plus utilities. References. Dan Jones, ReMax Presidential (603)356-9444. INTERVALE: 2 bedroom, gas heat, garage for storage, w/d, $725/mo + utilities + security deposit. Call Dave (508)314-7699. JACKSON Ready for snow! Tyrol 2 bedroom, 1 bath chalet, December thru April, $6500 + tax and utilities. Alex Drummond RE/MAX Presidential, 603-356-9444 x240. JACKSON- 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, $1200/mo. Call Margie at Remax 520-0718. JACKSON: NEWLY REDUCED 2 bdrm ranch style house. 1 bath, 1 small office, easy basement access. No pets, no smoking. References, sec dep., lease. $800/mo (603)466-5841. KEARSARGE 1 bedroom apt. with bath, kitchen & livingroom, in nice neighborhood $650/month with heat. No pets or smoking. Electric not included, 1 year lease with security deposit (603)986-9069. LOOKING for roommate to share 12 room house in Fryeburg on Rt.302. Roommate gets the big master bedroom (17’x17’) with own access to house, kitchen and bathroom. Also dish Internet, power, heat, trash removal and storage all included. Big backyard, plenty of space. Need to see to appreciate. $575/mo. 207-256-8008. MADISON farmhouse- 2200sf, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, scenic 2 acres $1395/mo. 3 car barn and workshop $195/mo. (603)986-6555 Real Estate Agent. MADISON Spacious 2 bedroom apt., close to Conway Village. Deck, no smoking/ pets, $675/mo plus utilities. 367-9270. N Conway- 2 bedroom, 1st floor apt, screen porch, many updates $725/mo plus utilities, plowing & trash included, no pets. Available immediately. (603)986-6451. N. Conway- Sunny in-town 2 bdrm, 2nd flr. apt. No smoking or dogs. $550/mo. plus util. References & security. Available immediately. (603)383-4911. NORTH Conway 3- 4 bdrms, 1.5 bath house. Base of Cathedral Ledge with views, w/d, woodstove. No pets, no smoking. Credit check. $1000/mo (603)609-5858.
NORTH Conway home- 3 bedroom w/ family room, 2 full baths. Nice back yard. Walk to town. $1050/mo plus utilities. Available immediately. First month and security. References required. Mountain & Vale Realty (603)356-3300.
CHOCORUA- Ski/ shop/ snowmobile: 3 cottage rentals with 2, 3 or 4 bdrms. A short drive to several ski areas, miles of x-country ski trails & snowmobile trails with connection to the State trail system from cottage. Available weekends, weekly or monthly. (603)323-8536.
NORTH Conway unfurnished 2 bdrm, 1 bath condo. 2nd floor, 1 year lease. No pets or smoking. $700/mo + utility. Security & credit check. Rich Johnson, Select RE (603)447-3813.
CHRISTMAS Week rentalCondo (North Conway). Sleeps 8- 3 bedrooms- 2.5 bathswoodstove, jacuzzi tub, w/d in unit- heated pool onsite- very spacious- $2,100/wk- call Leah 617-803-2424.
NORTH Conway Village: 1 bdrm apt.; can be office or both. Charming; new paint, carpet, window and heating system. Rt.16 above well established business; parking. $725/mo +. (603)630-5162. NORTH Conway walk to everything village living. Wonderful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, North Conway Village home. Beautiful wood floors, tasteful updates, replacement windows throughout, large level yard, screened wrap-around porch and large deck. $900 + N/S. Call Josh at Pinkham Real Estate 603-356-5425 or 986-4210. NORTHBROOK 2 BR/ 2 BA, furnished or un-furnished, woodstove, washer/ dryer. Outdoor pool and tennis, views to Cranmore. No pets. $895/mo plus utilities. First month and security. References required. Mountain & Vale Realty 356-3300. NORTHBROOK Condominium. 2 BR w/ den, 2 bath. Outdoor pool and tennis. W/d, woodstove, views to Cranmore. Attached bath off master bedroom. $900/mo plus utilities. Furnished or unfurnished. Available immediately. No pets. First month and security. References required. Mountain & Vale Realty 356-3300.
RENTALS Wolfeboro, Ossipee, Tamworth, Effingham, Wakefield and Alton Largest selection of houses, apartments, office space, store fronts, storage units and mobile homes. Short or long term. No pets please. See our website for details. DuCo Property Services, (603)539-5577 Mon-Fri 9-5pm.,
TAMWORTH 2 bdrm. apt. avail. 12/1. $500/mo plus utilities. Propane monitor heat. No pets. (207)229-6749. TAMWORTH, 2 bdrm ranch house, 2 bath, nicely done, cathedral ceiling with garage. $900/mo. 1st & last month deposits & references required. (603)323-7497. TAMWORTH, NH studio apt. in private home, all new, only 5 years old. $685 with utilities. Call Steve at (781)910-3019. WASHINGTON Street Apts. Now available 1 bedroom, 2nd floor section 8, must be income eligible, 1 person annual $14,600, 2 people $16,650. Rent is 30 percent of adjusted monthly income including all utilities. For more info, call 1-800-850-3795, Lorraine. WASHINGTON Street Apts. Ya esta disponible 1 dormitorio, Seccion 2a planta 8, debe beincome elegible una persona anual de $14,600, 2 personas $16,650. La renta es del 30 por ciento del ingreso mensual ajustado incluyendo todas las utilidades. Para mas informacion, llame al 1-800-850-3795, Lorraine.
FRYEBURG, ME- Ready for ski season- Weekend or weekly rental. Beautiful 3 bedroom log home, 2 bath, fully furnished and applianced, gas fireplace, private paved road and driveway. Minutes to many major ski areas and tax free shops. (203)521-7607. JACKSON Ready for snow! Tyrol 2 bedroom, 1 bath chalet, December thru April, $6500 + tax and utilities. Alex Drummond RE/MAX Presidential, 603-356-9444 x240. SEASONAL- prime locations 1-4 BR properties. Some slopeside units 603-383-8000, email XMAS Vacation Week: 4 br/ 2 ba Adirondack style ski house on private acreage. Fully equipped & easy access to all skiing & valley attractions. FMI owner (603)387-2661.
For Rent-Commercial BUSINESS Opportunity. Auto Sales/ Repair shop. Customer waiting area, large heated shop with lift, compressr, oil tanks, etc. 2400sf with plenty of parking. Ctr. Conway 603-860-6608.
NORTH CONWAY VILLAGE Options from 250 sq. ft up Call or email for pricing Sheila 356-6321 x 6469
3 cord of firewood cut, split, delivered dry. $900 (603)730-2260. 4 used Winterforce snow tires, 215/70R15, used one season. $150. (603)539-2079. 50” HD TV like new $350. PS3 250gb, 10 games, 2 controllers almost new $300. State quarter sets; P&D mints gold & platinum sets unopened $250. All major credit cards accepted. (603)356-9982. 52" HD Mitsubishi projection TV on wheels. Works great $150. Call Jeff 662-6681. 75 gal aquariam fish tank with filter, glass cover, and light $100. (781)956-3775. AMAZING! Beautiful pillowtop matress sets, twin $169, full or queen $249, king $399. See AD under “Furniture”. AMERICAN Girl Doll clothes and accessories. Handmade, wide selection of styles $10-$20 per outfit. (603)356-2978. ARIENS snowblower ST 724 $450/obo. Husqvarna chainsaw $250/obo. (603)447-5091. ASHLEY wood burning stove, Model C60D $150. (603)356-7239. BEDROOM set: Bookcase headboard, chest of drawers, dresser w/ mirror, night table. Solid wood, walnut finish. $500/obo. (603)383-9396.
6x8 $1.95, 10x12 $4.80, 12x16 $7.70, 10x20 $8.00, 20x30 $24.00, 20x40 $32.00. (603)539-8005.
CARROLL COUNTY OIL Cash discount, senior citizen discount, prompt deliveries, pre-buy programs. 539-8332.
CHRISTMAS TREES Davis Sugar House, 8 Dundee Rd., Jackson. Christmas Trees 5’-9’ $18-$45. Freshly cut, hand made wreaths. Daily hours 8am- 8pm 383-4656. CURTIS Sander, 1.75 Yard, runs and spreads great. Minor cosmetic issues, $500/obo 603-986-6010.
D&D OIL GROW YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Garden shop & Landscaping? Christmas Trees? Winter equipment sales? Antiques? Crafts? Art Gallery? Insurance? Engineering? Food Service? Ice Cream? Retail? Lawyer? Ski Shop? Accountant? What ever you do, a new, highly visible location in the most affluent section of the Valley offers Opportunity! Attractively updated log commercial building in dynamite Bartlett location has 500’ frontage on Route 16 between Story Land and Jackson. 1598 SF. Lease for $1,500/mo. plus utilities. Rent-to-own? Or purchase now for $219,500 ($22,000+ under assessed value) E-mail interest and references to
Broker interest. Or call Peter at Pinkham Real Estate 603-356-5425. INTERVALE, NH Rt. 16A/302“Office space for rent” Single/ multiple rooms. For available rooms and rental price list see (207)636-7606.
For Sale 10 bunk beds. Double sz w/ ladders. Rough board construction, can be built-ins, $25ea. (603)694-2098. 12,000 btu Haier Air Conditioner. Like new $150/obo. Moving, must sell (603)522-2132. 4 studded snow tires, P235/75/RX15, $200. Call (603)662-4090.
Fuel oil and Kerosene, great prices. Call (207)890-6616 or (207)935-3834, or visit: DELTA Iron bed 1440 wood lathe. Like new, several chucks & high end turning tools $1200 (603)986-6995. DUNLOP 205/45 ZR17 run flat tires on BBS 4 lug rims. Like new. Can be seen in Conway. $1500 cash. (207)486-9353. FIREWOOD and more $185/cord, Ossipee area. Clean, green. Portable saw mill, logging. Snowplowing Ossipee area. Honest, reliable, great reputation. (603)539-9550. FIREWOOD cut, spit and delivered. 16”, 18”, 20”, 22” $275/cord. 12”, 14” also available (603)356-5923. HAY, horse hay $5/bale, mulch hay $2/bale. 383-8917.
EXCHANGE or trade for Hand Guns of same value. Ruger M.77 Mark II bolt act. cal. 338 win; Wertherby 300 mag. bolt act. scope mts. camo.s; Rossielever act. case harden receiver. Oct. barrel. Copy of 1892 win. in 44.40 or 44 mag. Cowboy Special. All new in box (603)367-8589. HOMELIGHT Briggs & Stratton 5500 generator $400. (603)374-2731, (603)986-7108 HOT tub for sale 5 person softub, runs great $1300. Snowmobile helmets $25/each. Antique Arctic Cat snowmobile $230. Power Wheels Barbie Jeep $80. (207)452-2144. KENMORE Elite HE washer $250. Kenmore 400 series dryer $150. Leather furniture $150 to $200 each. Lawnmower $100. (603)452-5290
LYMANOIL.COM Now offering propane sales and service. Call or visit Jesse E Lyman, North Conway (603)356-2411. NEED Cash? Sell your stuff on Ebay. We do the work. You get cash! 10 years experience. ABCybersell (207)925-3135 Mike. NEWMAC wood furnace, WB100E, used one season. Cost $3300 new, will sacrifice for $1795. Call Bob 356-3133 days. NINTENDO DS pink, 10 games, adapter, red black cushioned holder, extra stylus. $100/obo. (603)323-7178. PLAYSTATION 2 with 2 controllers, extra memory card, $50. (781)956-3775.
POOL TABLE 8’ custom built, full slate sup port. Exec condition. Includes all accessories; Balls, cue sticks, rack, brush, and custom made cover. Price $800. Call (207)925-3041, leave message. SKIS with boots Atomic 138 with bindings, Rossi boots size 7.5 Used once. $200. (781)956-3775. SNOWBLOWER- Ariens ST824 8hp, 32”, tuned last winter. $295. (603)662-9796. SNOWBOARD, Palmer Honeycomb 60” with Nidecker FR660 bindings and Burton bag. $600. (603)447-5107. SNOWBOARDS, Skis, snowshoes, helmets all sizes used. Burton, Forum, Nitro, Boots, Bindings- cheap. (603)356-5885. SPYDER GS suite. Red background, men’s small $150. (603)383-9396. TAKING orders for Christmas wreaths, greens, kissing balls, candy canes and garland. LCR Landscaping, 18 Wildwood St., across from Colemans, Albany, NH. Tel: (603)348-1947. TED’S Discount- Warehouse prices on gloves, tarps, gifts, tools, hardwood bundles. Over 1000 knives. (603)539-8005. TELEVISION: 57” Hitachi rear projection TV; asking $300. Good picture, must pick up. 781-789-2546.
TWO OFFICES AVAILABLE OFFICE SPACE IN BERLIN Spacious second-floor corner office in downtown Berlin. Known as the Sheridan Building, this classic revival structure built in 1905 and renovated in the 1980s and 1990s is located next to City Hall. Ceilings are high and windows are plentiful in this corner which includes one large room, one medium sized, and a private bathroom. $450 a month, and includes heat. Second floor, corner office, two rooms with shared bathroom. $350.
For a video tour go to: For more information call Mark 603-356-3456.
Page 28 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
by Abigail Van Buren
DEAR ABBY: “Saddened in New Jersey” (Oct. 2) complained that her sister’s 4-year-old daughter put stickers on the hands and face of her deceased grandmother during her wake. Perhaps the child’s mother didn’t anticipate her daughter’s actions. Children need to grieve, too. That said, they also should behave appropriately. I saw an article about one funeral home with an excellent solution. Before the dearly departed is placed in the casket, the inside fabric, pillow, etc. are removed. The children are then allowed to decorate the uncovered casket walls with farewell messages and drawings. The interior is then “reupholstered” and nothing is visible. The children are told that it is to keep their messages private. One story was particularly touching -- a little boy wanted his mommy to know how much he loved her and for it to be as close to her as possible. He wrote “I love you, Mommy” on the casket pillow that was placed beneath her head. At the service, only he knew about the secret message he had left for his mom for all eternity. -- A MOM IN TEXAS DEAR MOM: Thank you for sharing a clever solution. I felt that the child’s placing of stickers on her grandmother’s body was disrespectful and the mother was wrong to permit it in spite of the grandfather’s expression of disapproval. While I viewed it as a desecration of a corpse, readers felt differently. My newspaper readers comment: DEAR ABBY: “Saddened” should never have removed the 4-year-old from the casket. It was not her place. The child was giving her grandmother a goodbye gift. If the woman wanted to remove the stickers before the casket was closed, she should have done it after the child left the room. I have seen many friends and relatives place things in caskets as gifts and remembrances. It is not disrespectful to the deceased, but gives closure and a warm memory to those
who are still living. Putting stickers on Grandma was the child’s way of saying goodbye. A funeral is a celebration of life and no matter what their age, people are entitled to say goodbye in their own way. -- MELODY IN NEVADA DEAR ABBY: If the sticker incident is the worst that can be said about the 4-year-old’s behavior that day, what’s the harm? Had she thrown a tantrum during the service or before placing the stickers, I’d agree that the child should not have been there. But since the behavior took place after “Saddened” made an issue of the stickers, the situation could have been handled more effectively. All “Saddened” had to do was wait until the service was over, take the funeral director aside privately and ask him to remove the stickers before the deceased was interred. No drama, no scene, no tantrum, and everybody goes home in peace. Funerals, like any other event, are only as stressful as you want them to be. -- NO DRAMA, PLEASE DEAR ABBY: I own the West’s oldest funeral firm and I disagree with your answer. Funerals are about learning that we are mortal. To stand on ceremony when a young child is participating in one of life’s most important lessons misses the point. Memorials are not about formality but humanity. Let the child place those stickers and let everyone learn something from that. -- DAN IN SAN FRANCISCO DEAR ABBY: Our grandchildren love stickers, put them all over themselves and their clothing, and are thrilled if they can share them with me to “wear” for a while. If any of our grandkids are still young enough to want to “decorate” ME in my casket when I go, I would hope everyone around me would appreciate the gesture and smile at the loving relationship I had with that child. -- GRANDMA OF (ALMOST) 13
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at: Dear Abby, c/o The Conway Daily Sun, PO Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860
For Sale TOY JEEP Great Christmas gift for a little girl- Barbie 'Cruisin Tunes' Jeep. Brand New Condition. Call for details 986-1230. TREE-LENGTH FIREWOOD Tin Mountain Conservation Center is selling green, tree-length firewood by the truckload (8 cords at $140/cord or 14 cords at $135/cord) from a timber harvest on their timberlands. Call 603-447-6991 to arrange delivery.
TRUMPET with case, used by grammar school student. $200. (603)383-9396.
by Gary Trudeau
For Sale
WOOD HEAT Vigas Gasification Wood Boilers Call today for information & to see a live demonstration! Alternative Heating of Mt. Washington Valley
603 387-0553 Furniture AMAZING!
TV Cabinet, wood, antique red, good condition, folding doors, holds TV up to 34” wide. Has shelves and storage 60”t, 36”w, 25”d. $150. JVC 33” TV with remote, great working condition, fits in cabinet $80. Tamworth (603)387-5911. WATERBED mattress- Pleasant Rest, brand new, queen size, with heater and fill kit. $75/obo. Fryeburg, 207-215-3560. WHITE snowblower, 9.5hp, 28” wide. Track machine. Good condition. $495. (603)539-5410.
Beautiful Queen or Full-size mattress set. Luxury Firm European Pillow-top style. Fabulous back & hip support. Factory sealed - new 10-Yr. warranty. Cost $1095, sell $249. Can deliver 603-305-9763.
COZY Cabin Rustics- Mattress and furniture year end sell-off! All mattress sets 20% off! NH made Shaker furniture by Cedar and Oak 20% off! Log Hickory and Rustic Barnwood Furniture and Artwork 20% off! Recliners, Futons, Bunk Beds, Dining Room, Bedroom, Sofas, Platform Beds, MacMotion Chairs, occasional tables, art work. Unique, Locally made. Great Deals!! Call Jay 603-662-9066 or shop our website and email for special pricing, 517 Rte. 25, Moultonboro, NH
PAY $250 minimum for your junk car/ truck picked up. Also buying junk vehicles, light iron, heavy iron over the scales. We also buy copper, brass, wire, aluminum, batteries and much more. Call for scale (603)323-7363.
DEDE’S Cleaning Service is seeking part-time help in the Wolfeboro area. Evening hours, M-F, $10/hr. Background check must have own transportation. Experience preferred. (603)798-3315, leave message.
FREE removal of absolutely all unwanted metals. No matter how messy inside or outside. Immediate pickup. Please call 603-986-3842 Ken. G.P. Auto is now buying junk vehicles at a fair price. We pay cash. (603)323-8080.
CASH & Carry blow out sale! Chairs $5, sofas from $40 at the Glen Warehouse. 383-6665.
HAMMOND Spinet L Organ. Everything works. North Conway (603)662-6571.
HIGHEST cash price paid for your junk cars, farm equipment and scrap metal. Free removal, no job too big. (207)393-7318.
for classifieds is noon the day prior to publication
T&B Appliance Removal. Appliances & AC’s removed free of charge if outside. Please call (603)986-5506.
Help Wanted AVON: Earnings great! No door to door necessary. Choose your own hours. For information call 323-7361.
Front Desk Agent/ Room Attendant/ Banquet Server/ Accounting Clerk. Management Opportunities: Front Desk Mgr/ Restaurant Mgr/ Sales Mgr/ Food & Beverage Mgr/ HR Mgr. Great wages, benefits and work environment- employee meals provided on site! Must be flexible to work weekends and holidays. Apply at North Conway Grand Hotel, Route 16 Settlers Green, North Conway or
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
MAINTENANCE Position- Wildcat Townhouse Resort, Jackson, searching for knowledgeable maintenance person. Must be able to handle day-to-day maintenance including small plumbing, repairs, pool, snow removal, etc. $12 per hour, 30-40 hours per week to start. (603)383-0920.
HOUSEKEEPERS, Floor Techs & Laundry Aids wanted for Nursing home. Competitive wages and benefits. Apply in person at Mineral Springs of North Conway. 1251 White Mt. Hwy., North Conway, NH 03860.
PART time Office/ Front Desk person, must be dependable reliable, with customer service experience. Hours are Mon-Thurs 3-9pm plus. Occasional weekend. Please send resume to: Office/ Front Desk, PO Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860.
Interviewing for year round position in a high end, quiet, adult Inn. Experience and references required. We enjoy a small, efficient, reliable staff. Apply in person at the Snowflake Inn, Jackson Village.
MAGGIO Hair studio seeks booth renter. Call or stop by for details, 85 Main St, Conway, (603)447-2553.
St. Judes - $5
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 29
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Real Estate
NEW England Embroidery is looking immediately for the right person to operate high speed embroidery equipment. Attention to detail is critical. Must be able to lift up to 40 pounds. No nights or weekends. We will train the right candidate. Applicants must provide business references. Apply in person: 1511 NH Rt16, Madison, NH. (2 Miles south of Kennett Middle School).
SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST: Duties will include but not be limited to, answering phones, greeting customers, data entry, purchasing, filing, copying and general office duties. Applicant must be proficient in MS Word and Excel. We provide fully paid health insurance for the employee and offer 7 paid holidays with 1 week vacation after 1 year. Apply in person only at Tee Enterprises, 71 Hobbs Street in Conway.
SMALL Connections licensed Childcare is changing and growing. We are looking to add just the right people to enjoy and teach our small group of active learners. We are accepting letters of interest and/ or resumes at this time for a Part time associate level position (minimum of 9 ECE credits needed). Hours to be determined. Please send letters of interest/ resumes to: Barbara Duchesne, 40 Linden Road, North Conway, NH 03860. Call for more information or to answer any questions at (603)447-3290.
GUITAR or bass lessons with Ben White 330-221-2781. Voice or beginning piano with Sarah White (330)221-2038 (North Conway).
NO. Conway Timeshare. Unique opportunity at the Stonehurst. 1/10th ownership share, 5 full weeks in this great 3 bedroom 2.5 bath condo. Sleeps 10+ comfortably. Close to all valley activities yet very private location with pool and tennis court available. Walk to great restaurant at the Stonehurst Manor. Fully furnished and equipped. Call 781-603-8048 for details. Asking $12,000.
HYPNOSIS for habit change, stress, regression. Michael Hathaway, DCH, certified hypnotherapist. Madison 367-8851.
Special attention to detail. Looking for Friday’s only. References will be checked, bonded. Great hourly salary. Non-smoker (603)356-9897. PT Merchandiser Needed. Flex hours. Contact Coleen Walker SPAR group, Inc. (339)545-5053 SEARS of North Conway- Now hiring full or part time for sales plus. Send resume to: PO Box 835, North Conway, 03860.
WINTER/ FALL RUSH Permanent and holiday season help. Start immediately. Due to fall/ holiday season our company is experiencing a massive product demand opening various positions in all departments and must be filled this week. No experience required. Must be at least 18. Positions available: Customer Service/ set up and display/ appointment setting/ sales and marketing. Call today for immediate interview (603)822-0219. Or text anytime (603)930-8450.
Hampton Inn & Suites Waterpark Supervisor
Full time year round position in our indoor waterpark. Responsible, accountable, mature individual with supervisory and guest services experience preferred but we are willing to train the right person. Duties include waterpark staff supervision, scheduling, water sample testing, cleaning, and training protocol. Good people skills required as this is a high guest impact/guest interactive position. Mornings, nights, and weekend hours required. Benefits package available.
For more info, stop by our front desk to apply or call Patrick at (603)733-3023
Town of Eaton Board of Selectmen Town Administrator The small and beautiful Town of Eaton is looking for a Town Administrator. This position is the principal liaison and support person for the three member Board of Selectmen. The position is part time, approximately 25 hrs per week with regular evening meetings. Accounting, computer skills and experience of municipal government is required together with proficiency in oral and written communications. Salary and benefits dependent on qualifications. Email resume to with “Eaton Town Administrator” in the subject line. Closing date for applications is December 31st.
Home Improvements 1 CALL DOES IT ALL Ken Karpowich Plumbing and Remodeling. Licensed and insured in ME and NH. Repairs, installations, demo to finish remodeling. Call for a free estimate. I will call you back. 800-356-0315, 207-925-1423.
AM BUILDERS Full service contractor. All types roofing, siding, decks, remodeling, new homes and garages. (603)323-7519 View our website:
GRANITE COUNTERS A quality job for a quality price. Quality Marble and Granite, (603)662-8447.
Home Works Remodelers
All phases of construction, from repairs to complete homes. worksremodelers/ (603)455-7115, (603)447-2402,
J.C. HURD BUILDERS Custom homes & additions. (207)925-6127, (207)721-0875. Fully insured. No substitution for quality.
Siding, Decks, Additions, Kitchens, Baths, garages. Insured 603-662-9934.
356-2999 Classifieds
Horseback Riding Lessons
Riding lessons located in Conway. Christmas packages available. Call Shannon for more info. (603)662-2981.
Learn Tax Preparation Three licenses for online tax courses for sale. The first license gains you access to the online 2011 Comprehensive Income Tax Course which covers the basic tax prep of individual taxes including self-employment income, retirement plans, itemized deductions, employee business expenses and much more. The other two licenses gain you access to the 2011 Small business Tax Course which covers Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations, Employment Taxes, etc. Cost per license is $250. FMI call (603)447-2220. TUTOR- Math (specializing in Algebra). Reasonable rates. Lilian (603)662-3810.
Land CENTER Conway. Location, Location, Location! Jct. of 302 and 113. 78 acres. $299,000. 603-367-8054.
Lost REWARD- Lost- between Home Depot and Settlers’ Green. Leatherman- Sentimental value, 12/8 pm. (207)925-3242
Mobile Homes AUCTION 14’x66’ 3 bedroom mobile home, Tamworth Pines Cooperative, Inc. Lot 42, 1701 WM Hwy (Rt16), Tamworth, NH Saturday December 17, 2011. 2pm. Starting bid $5900, $1000 deposit required to bid. For info, contact Tom Troon, Auctioneer, NH #2320. PO Box 1457, Conway NH 03818 (603)447-8808. TWO homes to choose from in central North Conway park. New 2012 model Skyline, 14x72, two bedroom, 2 bath, workshop/ shed, gas heat, big lot $49,900. 1994 Astro, 14x56, two bedroom, 1 bath, washer dryer, new appliances, new furnace, new roof, new hot water heater $24,900. Both homes ready to be lived in! No dogs. Financing available, affordable living right in North Conway. Walk to shops, outlets, trails, river. Call 603-986-3991.
Rentals Wanted
Real Estate, Wanted
Snow removal, plowing, shoveling. Interior, exterior maintenance & renovations, property checks. Serving the Bartlett/ Glen area. A licensed & insured contractor since 1993. Carr Contracting. 603-383-4334.
LOOKING for a seasonal rental on Lovewell Pond, Fryeburg Maine. May through Oct. 207-890-2880
Roommate Wanted INTERVALE- 2 bdrm, apartment, seasonal okay. Unfurnished, must like pets. $400/mo + utilities. FMI (719)314-8105. ROOM for rent Madison, private bath, newly renovated, shared new kitchen, all utilities included. No smoking. Nice house, area. Professional woman preferred. $500/mo. 603-387-6354 SHARE single family home, nice neighborhood, nice home. Near the Kancamagus Highway $80/week. (603)986-0521.
Services #1 SANDY'S CLEANING Private, seasonal homes, rentals, commercial, construction cleaning. Security checks, maintenance. 30 years serving the valley. (603)383-9342.
A CLEAN HOME Preston’s Cleaning Service. Fall Cleaning. Cleaning residential/ commercial offices, providing security checks. Free estimates, insured. FMI (603)356-5075.
Affordable Handyman Senior discounts, interior/ exterior painting, windows, sheetrock, carpentry. Insured. Gary (603)356-3301. BILL B and Son Building/ Remodeling. 30 years experience. All your improvement needs. Insured. Call Bill Bochicchio (603)301-1236, (603)397-2284.
Buy • Sell • Trade
Cleaning & More
CONWAY Saco Woods 2 br. 2nd. fl. condo. New paint, carpet. $80,000. L. Davis, Broker/ Owner 919-259-0166. CTR Conway- 1984 Commodore- Mountain Vale (55 or older community). Includes w/d, full tank of fuel and propane. 5 year old furnace. New roof. $18000/obo. (603)449-3435.
PROCLEAN SERVICES Fall cleaning, windows, carpets, rental cleaning, condos, janitorial services, commercial, residential. Insured. (603)356-6098.
Amen Tube & Tile refinishing. Tub & tile refinishing $275 special (603)356-9982
Real Estate
PERSONAL care assistant, respite care, full-time, part-time days, nights, and fill-in. 25 years experience. 207-807-1011.
LOOKING to rent your vacation property for the season or long term. Call Anne @ (603)383-8000 or
2010 Dyna FXD. Black, 677 miles, $9500. (603)662-2813.
(603)447-1198. Olson’s Moto Works, RT16 Albany, NH.
KEN'S PLOWING Affordable rates. Ossipee & Madison area. (603)733-7751.
Vacation Rentals Private Homes Offices 24/7 Windows Carl & Dixie Lea 447- 3711 ~ credit cards accepted ~ ~ Est 1990 ~
Property Maintenance
“QUALITY” CLEANING Local family business. Office store, home, camp. Great references. John’s Cleaning. (207)393-7285.
THE HANDYMAN No job too small. Plus interior house painting. Reasonable rates. Conway and Freedom areas. Call George (603)986-5284.
TOTAL FLOOR CARE Professional Installation, sanding, refinishing and repair of wood floors. 447-1723.
VIDEO TO DVD All formats. Local- quick turnaround. (603)356-6274.
Wayne’s Light Trucking Specializing in real estate clean out, property cleanout, demolition of old structures, roof shoveling, etc. (603)730-2590.
Flexible hours, excellent references. 16 plus yrs experience. FMI call (603)986-4891.
Snowmobiles 2004 Polaris Classic Snowmachine, 550 miles, excellent condition $2500. (603)374-2731, (603)986-7108.
SERVICE AND REPAIRS Need to get your snow machines ready for winter at a great price? Also buying and selling used sleds. Serving the area for 6 years. Richard (207)890-3721, anytime. SNOWMOBILE repair & service. Ethanol solutions carb/ throttle body cleaning, clutch work, chaincase service, power valve cleaning. After market mods available/ installed, call us with your sled troubles, pick up & delivery. Kevin (603)662-2486.
Storage Space All your storage needs in the heart of the valley. Modern, clean, dry and secure. Mountain Valley Self Storage (603)356-3773. BROWNFIELD Self Storage. 10x10, 10x15, 10x20,10x30. Prepay 6 months- 7th month free! Call for prices. (207)625-8390.
FRYEBURG two- 3 br. mobile homes on 1.7 acres. $90,000. L. Davis Broker, Owner 919-259-0166.
ELDERCARE- Personal Care pro vided in the comfort of your own home. Excellent references. Amanda (603)986-7346.
LEARN how to invest in local real estate. Free, full length, online course offered by Tel: (603)356-5425.
EXPERIENCED, affordable cleaner. Flexible hours, rates starting at $15/hour, references available upon request. Katie (603)733-8339.
SACO Woods: First floor condo unit for sale. Asking $89,000. Email: for more info.
PLOWING/ R OOF SHOVELING Great pricing. Ct. Conway, Conway, North Conway, Interval areas. Call Tom! (603)662-6373.
COMMERCIAL Storage Units, centrally located in North Conway, 200 sq.ft. and up. Ideal for small businesses. Call Roger (603)452-8888. EAST Wakefield- Rt153- Located close to both Belleau and Province Lakes. Self storage units available 5x10, 10x10, & 10x25. 24 hour easy access. Call (603)539-5577. FREEDOM Storage. 5x5, 5x10, 10X10, 10X20, 20X25. We rent for less, Rte. 25. 603-651-7476.
Page 30 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
Storage Space
SEEKING Person familiar with electronics such as condensers, resisters, vacuum tubes, amplifiers, etc. Contact Howard Dearborn, PO Box 310, Fryeburg, ME 04037.
With move in. Climate Control Storage available. 5x5s all the way up to 10x30s for all your storage needs. Visit East Conway Self Storage 819 East Conway Road. (603)356-8493.
GLEN WAREHOUSE Storage, household, autos, motorcycles, RVs, snowmobiles. Discounted Penske Truck rentals (603)383-6665 JB Self Storage- Rt5 Lovell, 10x20, 10x24, 10x30, secure, dry, 24 hr access. (207)925-3045. NORTH Conway Storage; 24 hour access; secure, dry. $35 special 4’x10’ units. Climate controlled units. Larger units available also. Discounted Budget Truck Rentals Call Rachael at (603)383-6665. STORAGE trailers for rent, 27 to 45’. Good clean dry units. Call D. Rock. 1-800-433-7625.
U-STORE-IT Seasonal Storage Available. Great rates. 5x10- $39/month; 10x15$89/month Call U-Store-It (603)447-5508.
Wanted $250 & up for unwanted cars & trucks. Call Ricker Auto Salvage (603)323-7363. BOOKS puchased; AMC Guides, White Mountains, regional town state histories, others. Cash paid now (603)348-7766. CHRISTMAS cash; AMC Guides, White Mountains, regional town state histories, sets. Other nonfiction purchased (603)348-7766.
WANTED used skis & snowboards for trade in on new gear. Call Boarder Patrol (603)356-5885.
Wanted To Buy CASH for antiques, gold, silver, coins, furniture, etc. Conway Village Pawn, 150 Main St. Conway, (603)447-2255.
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON MONDAYS 14K Gold $28 per gram. Sterling Silver Flatware minimum $24 an ounce. Silver coins- 1964 and before $20 for $1 of coins. Also buying old costume jewelry & silver jewelry. Mon. special thru Xmas. Conway Village Pawn, 150 Main St. Conway, (603)447-2255.
Platinum, Jewelry, Watches & Antiques. Free estimates. North Country Fair Jewelers. Established 1969. 2448 Main St., North Conway (603)356-5819. LOOKING for trains, cars, boats, planes, teddy bears, thimbles, stamps. Hartmann Museum. Roger (603)356-9922
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPORTS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Tickets remain for Jeff Locke’s Meet and Greet BY LLOYD JONES THE CONWAY DAILY SUN
CONWAY — Pitcher Jeff Locke, of the Pittsburgh Pirates, will hold his first ever meet and greet on Sunday with all proceeds going to the Friends of Conway Rec. Inc. and the Conway Parks and Recreation Department. Admission to the Meet and Greet is $10 to the first 100 people who pre-register for either of the two 90 minute sessions. Session I is from 9 to 10:30 a.m. while Session II runs from 10:30 to 12 noon. You must pre-register by Friday, Dec. 16 and tickets will be numbered based on the order you register. For those who pre-register you will receive an autographed 5X7 photograph of Locke pitching for the Pirates; you’ll also take part in a 30 minute question and answer session with The Redstone Rocket; and all children 16 and under, who are pre-registered by this Friday, will be entered into a drawing to play catch with Locke for 15 minutes (from 8:30 to 8:45 a.m.). There will be a general admission session from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. for $15 per person. Those attend-
You clicked on WHAT!? Virus Removal & Prevention
Looking for a little bundle of love?
If a pet is what you need to make your life more complete, consider checking the Classifieds. You’ll be sure to find yourself a little furry (or feathery or scaly) creature to care for.
24-Hour Service 356-6767 Route 16/302 Intervale, NH
Yard Sale
The Classifieds Have It!
· Certified Community Water System Operator · Pumps and Controls - Water & Septic · Water Treatment and Conditioning
WANT to Purchase Wildcat Ski Gondola and/ or Cranmore Ski-mobile in reasonable condition. Please call Al at 603-534-0993.
Whatever You Need,
Water & Pump Services
We buy gold and silver, jewelry, flatware and coins! Conway Gold Buyers, Rt 16, 2 miles below Conway Village, (603)447-3422.
INDOOR yard sale Saturday 9-2pm. Hundreds of items. Cross Road, Madison, between Route 41 & Ossipee Lake Road. Gray warehouse (603)539-7054.
ing this session will receive an autographed 5X7 photo of Locke, however there will be no question and answer session. The recreation department will have additional items on hand for sale and autographing including a Pirates baseball with case for $15; a baseball bat for $40; and Locke will sign any additional item for $10 per item. Tickets for the special event are available at the Conway Recreation Department in Center Conway. For more information call 447-5680. All the money raised goes directly to support the programs of the recreation department. “I think it’s great that a young man of Jeff’s age is willing to give back to his community,” John Eastman, director of the Conway Recreation Department, said. “It shows that Jeff knows where he comes from and the importance of giving back and supporting the youth of our community. We’re very happy that he’s willing to do something like this. I think it should be a great event.” Locke, the son of Pam and Alan Locke and grandson of Greta Locke, all of Redstone, made his Major League debut for the Pittsburgh Pirates this fall.
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There will be an informational meeting on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at 10:00AM at Center Ossipee Fire Station regarding the FIRE DEPARTMENT SURVEY that was recently mailed. The financial impact and the anticipated effect on your taxes will be discussed, as well as answers to your concerns. Please attend to discuss the effect this proposed merger will have on the PRECINCT and your taxes. Commissioners, H. James Dolan, Robert Freeman, G. Michael Eldridge
Freedom Zoning Board of Adjustment PUBLIC HEARING The following Public Hearing will be held at the Freedom Town Hall on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 commencing at 7:00 pm.
Case #30-14-11 Nancy Miller – Continued - Applicant seeks a variance under Article 3 Table 304.2: To construct a deck within the setback. Case #05-05-11 Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of New England dba Camp Calumet – Continued - Applicant seeks a variance under Article 3 Table 304.5 and special exceptions under Article 3 Sections 304.6.3.1 and 304.6.5: To construct an addition to the dining hall, reconstruct an existing block wall and tree removal within the shorefront setback. Case #08-06-11 Arlene M and Paul W Knight Applicant seeks a variance under Article 3 Table 304.4: To construct a 10’ x 17’ addition within the front setback.
“We know computers… we build them.” 603.356.7161 • Between Shawʼs and Paris Farmers Now Open Saturday 9am-1pm
Other Business: • Home Occupations • Discussion of Wetlands Ordinance Scott Lees, Chairman
THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011— Page 31
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPORTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Eagles own the boards in 38-25 victory over Kingswood BY LLOYD JONES THE CONWAY DAILY SUN
CONWAY — The Kennett High girls basketball team opened its season on a winning note by topping arch-rival Kingswood 38-25 before a large, vocal crowd at The Nest on Tuesday. It was opening night for both Division II programs and it was the host Eagles who found a successful path to victory. The Kennett girls pulled down 50 rebounds, including 20 on the offensive glass, and had three players score in double figures in the win, which was the first for new head coach Larry Meader. “We know we have to control the boards if we are going to be successful,” Meader said. “It wasn’t pretty, but for the first game out, we did more good things than bad. We’re still a work in progress but we can take the positives and continue from here.” Kennett led from wire-to-wire in this one. Senior co-captain Jessie Wagner, who was playing through the pain of shin splints, put the home side in front with a running one-hander in the lane that drew nothing but net. Junior Lauren Kidder followed with a free throw and Lauren White added a rebound put back to jump out to a 5-0 advantage and the hosts never looked back. Junior co-captain Jordan Murphy gave the Eagles their first 10-point lead of the season when she buried her first three-point attempt late in the period. KHS led 13-6 after the opening eight minutes and went on to carry a 17-10 cushion into the locker room following a defensive-laden second quarter. “I think the key was rebounding and our play on the defensive end,” Coach Meader said. “I thought we looked pretty good defensively for most of the night. In the second period, (Kingswood) got a few more rebounds because Lauren (White) was out for most of that time. She had two fouls and I didn’t want her to pick up a third before halftime. We did a nice job of controlling the boards in the second half.” Kennett opened the third quarter just as it had in the first with a 5-0 run. Senior Casey Blakely converted a three-point play the old-fashioned way with a basket and free throw and then followed up 20 seconds later with a layup on a perfectly executed press break in which all five Eagles touched the ball without it hitting the ground. “That was just like how we drew it up,” Meader said, laughing. Our
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Meader said. “She finished with 10 points and 13 rebounds and really was a presence inside.” The teams swapped baskets early in the fourth frame until Wagner drained a long three-pointer to make it 36-21 and led to the first “Start the bus” chants of the season from the KHS Student Body. “Jessie was playing through pain,” Meader said. “When she was in there she gave us everything she had.” The lone blemish on an otherwise successful night came with 2:09 to play when Kidder took a wicked elbow to the face that immediately sent her to the floor and stopped the game for over five minutes. “She snapped her neck pretty good,” Meader said. “…Hopefully she’ll be good to go on Friday.” Taylor put the exclamation point on the victory with a huge blocked shot with 23 seconds to play that drew wide applause and cheers from the Kennett faithful. On the evening, Wagner, Taylor and Blakely each finished with 10 points while Murphy added 3; White, 2; Kaylin Samia, 2; and Kidder, 1. Blakely also pulled down 10 rebounds while Kidder and White each hauled in seven. Kennett returns to action tomorrow with a trip to Dover to play St. Thomas (0-2). The Saints dropped two games on the road, falling 51-39 at Coe-Brown Academy last Friday, and 45-34 at Portsmouth on Tuesday. Kennett High Junior Lauren Kidder helped the Eagles control the boards on Tuesday. “I’m in the process of trying to get Here, she pulls down one of her seven rebounds on the night. (LLOYD JONES PHOTO) a scouting report on them,” Meader Kingswood closed to within eight points with said. “They’re 0-2, but they’ve played two pretty three minutes to play in the third quarter, but backgood teams, Coe-Brown and Portsmouth. They’ll be to-back baskets by Kaitlin “Shaq” Taylor got the tough, especially on their court, which is always a advantage back up to 12 points, 28-16. tough place to play. They play a tight man-to-man “Shaq had a great game for us off the bench,” and like to pressure the ball all the time.”
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Page 32 — THE CONWAY DAILY SUN, Thursday, December 15, 2011
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