The Laconia Daily Sun, November 22, 2011

Page 1



VOL. 12 NO. 123


Thanksgiving Week Early Ad Deadlines 10:00 am Tues. (11/22) for Wed.(11/23) paper 10:00 am Wed. (11/23) for Fri. (11/25) paper



Anti-war Ron Paul attracting support from local left BY MICHAEL KITCH



LACONIA — Amid polling last week that showed Ron Paul running into the money in both Iowa and New Hampshire there were also signs that he was tapping support from an unexpected quarter — the left-wing of the Democratic Party. Lynn Rudmin Chong, former chair of the Belknap County Democratic Committee, has publicly endorsed Paul and said that “I have found other kindred souls.” The

Sanbornton resident said that she left the Democratic Party and changed her voter registration to “undeclared” in anticipation of taking a Republican ballot in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary and casting her vote for Paul. “He is the only one saying no more war,” Chong said. She spent two days in Washington with the “Occupy DC” movement, where she said that she was encouraged to see so many young people holding signs supporting Paul.

“I would definitely call myself a progressive,” said Will Hopkins of Belmont, who returned from a tour as infantryman in Iraq to become executive director of New Hampshire Peace Action, a group seeking to end foreign wars and cut defense budgets. “I supported Obama in 2008, but I’m supporting Ron Paul. That’s where I’m putting my eggs this year,” he said. “A lot of folks in the peace movement are taking a close look at Paul.” see RON PAUL page 14

Turkey Plungers raise more than $15,000 for Salvation Army

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Their is absolutely no question that the Laconia Middle School team has “RIGOR” as they take their dip into the cold waters of Lake Opechee on Saturday during the 7th annual Salvation Army Turkey Plunge. More than 100 volunteers rushed into the lake off the beach at Opechee Cove to collect on pledges that totaled more than $15,000. (Karen Bobotas/for the Laconia Daily Sun)

Survey finds more & more towns working together to reduce expenses NORTHFIELD — “Regionalization,” or partnerships between municipalities, are not uncommon according to a survey conducted by Chris Porter of the New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) and presented to the Lakes Region Planning Commission last night. Porter said that during the past several years the NHMA found itself fielding more and more quessee REGIONALIZATION page 12 GIFT IDEA

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Pay-as-you throw & land for parking decisions will have to wait for Cormier BY GAIL OBER


BELMONT — In the absence of Vice Chair Ronald Cormier, selectmen decided to table two of their agenda items at their regularly scheduled meeting last night. The the board members that were present couldn’t agree on how soon to propose pay-as-you-throw trash service or on whether or not a small property located adjacent to Town Hall should be purchased for its parking potential. The first tabled item was whether

or not to recommend to the Budget Committee to include a pay-as-youthrow trash initiative on the 2012 town warrant and include the program in the proposed operating budget. Arguing for including it was Selectman David Morse who, after looking at the updated numbers given to him by Town Administrator Jeanne Beaudin last night, said it appeared the program would save the average homeowner about $62 per $100,000 of property evaluation. see BELMONT page 13

Page 2 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hezbollah unravels CIA spy network in Lebanon WASHINGTON (AP) — Hezbollah has partially unraveled the CIA’s spy network in Lebanon, severely damaging the intelligence agency’s ability to gather vital information on the terrorist organization at a tense time in the region, former and current U.S. officials said. Officials said several foreign spies working for the CIA had been captured by Hezbollah in recent months. The blow to the CIA’s operations in Lebanon came after top agency managers were alerted last year to be especially careful handling informants in the Middle East country. Hezbollah’s longtime leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, boasted in June on television he had unmasked at least two CIA spies who had infiltrated the ranks of the organization, which the U.S. considers a terrorist group closely allied with Iran. Though the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon officially denied the accusation, American officials concede that Nasrallah wasn’t lying and the damage spread see SPIES page 10

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



Today High: 39 Record: 68 (1999) Sunrise: 6:51 a.m. Tonight Low: 28 Record: 7 (1989) Sunset: 4:14 p.m.

Tomorrow High: 38 Low: 27 Sunrise: 6:49 a.m. Sunset: 4:14 p.m. Thursday High: 39 Low: 26

DOW JONES 248.85 to 11,547.31 NASDAQ 49.36 to 2,523.14 S&P 22.67 to 1,192.98


“If life expectancy is 75 and you kill a 74-year-old, you only have to spend one year in prison. If life expectancy is 75 and you kill an 80-yearold, five years credit.” — Chad Daniels

records are from 9/1/38 to present


salvo noun;

1. Something to save a person’s reputation or soothe a person’s feelings. 2. An excuse. 3. A simultaneous or successive discharge of artillery.

— courtesy

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TOP OF THE NEWS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Super-size failure: Deficit cutting panel gives up WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress’ supercommittee conceded ignominious defeat Monday in its quest to conquer a government debt that stands at a staggering $15 trillion, unable to overcome deep and enduring political divisions over taxes and spending. Stock prices plummeted at home and across debt-scarred Europe as the panel ended its brief, secretive existence without an agreement. Republicans and Democrats alike pointed fingers of blame, maneuver-

ing for political advantage in advance of 2012 elections less than a year away. The impasse underscored grave doubts about Washington’s political will to make tough decisions and left a cloud of uncertainty over the U.S. economy at the same time that Greece, Italy, Spain and other European countries are reeling from a spreading debt crisis and recession worries. Lawmakers of both parties agreed action in Congress was still required, somehow, and soon.

“Despite our inability to bridge the committee’s significant differences, we end this process united in our belief that the nation’s fiscal crisis must be addressed and that we cannot leave it for the next generation to solve,” the panel’s two co-chairs, Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Tex., said in a somber statement. They added it was not possible to present “any bipartisan agreement” — omitting any reference to the goal of $1.2 trillion in see DEFICIT page 17

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Former FBI director Louis Freeh, tapped to lead Penn State’s investigation into the child sex abuse allegations against a former assistant football coach, said his inquiry will go as far back as 1975, a much longer period than a grand jury report issued earlier this month. Freeh was named Monday to oversee the university board of trustees’ internal investigation into the abuse allegations that ultimately led to the ouster of long-

time football coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier. Freeh said his goal was to conduct a comprehensive, fair and quick review. His team of former FBI agents, federal prosecutors and others has already begun the process of reading the grand jury report and looking at records. “We will immediately report any evidence of criminality to law enforcement authorities,” said Freeh, who has no direct connection to Penn State.

Penn State has faced criticism since announcing that its internal investigation would be led by two university trustees, Merck pharmaceutical company CEO Kenneth Frazier and state Education Secretary Ronald Tomalis. Faculty members on Friday called for an independent investigation of how the university handled abuse allegations, and the faculty senate endorsed a resolution asking for an independent investigation.

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s civilian Cabinet offered to resign Monday after three days of violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces in Tahrir Square, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. The Health Ministry and a doctor at an

improvised field hospital on the square said at least 26 people have been killed and 1,750 wounded in the latest violence as activists sought to fill the streets for a “second revolution” to force out the generals who have failed to stabilize the country, salvage the economy or bring democracy.

Throughout the day, young protesters demanding the military hand over power to a civilian government fought with blackclad police, hurling stones and firebombs and throwing back the tear gas canisters being fired by police into the square, which see EGYPT page 9

Penn State picks ex-FBI director to lead child abuse investigation

Egypt’s civilian government offers to resign as protests roll on

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 3


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Deerfield man said to have bludgeoned his sister to death because she overstayed her welcome

CANDIA, N.H. (AP) — An architect diagnosed with suspected early onset Alzheimer’s disease told police he fatally beat his visiting sister in the head with a baseball bat and a sledgehammer after she overstayed her welcome and started talking about money, a prosecutor said Monday. Jeffrey Cook is accused of second-degree murder in the Nov. 9 death of Sandra Griffin at his home in Deerfield, a small town a little more than an hour’s drive north of Boston. Assistant Attorney General Jane Young told a judge in nearby Candia on Monday that Cook, 55, said the siblings were chatting on the porch and when the conversation turned to money he “snapped” and struck his older sister in the head with a baseball bat, WMUR-TV reported. Cook told police he then dragged her behind his house while she pleaded for mercy and hit her with the sledgehammer, the station reported. Young said Cook, who complained his sister would visit him and stay too long, told police “I did it” and when they asked him what he had done he told them: “I killed her.” She said he covered his sister’s body with a tarp. Cook was held without bail Monday. As he was being led away by court officials, his relatives said, “Love you, Dad.” His attorney could not immediately be reached for comment by telephone. His wife, Barbara Cook, declined to comment. Griffin, 58, had traveled from Locust, N.C., to try to help arrange care for Cook, her husband told the Concord Monitor newspaper. She had planned to help her brother’s wife, who was trying to get him “into some kind of care facility,” Lane Griffin told the newspaper. Cook’s condition was deteriorating after his diagnosis, and his sister decided to visit him after getting a call from his wife, Lane Griffin said. “Sandy was the one who said, ‘I’m coming up,’” he said. “Barbara said no, and she said, ‘I’m coming.’” Jeffrey Cook had a firm in Lowell, Mass., but hadn’t worked in six months, Griffin said. Cook’s wife was working two jobs, one as a teacher at Deerfield Community School, and was trying to sell his architectural business and find a care facility for him, Griffin said.

14 UNH students among those arrested at weekend concert on Durham campus

DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — The University of New Hampshire says 14 students were among the 34 who either were charged or taken into custody during a weekend concert on campus. University spokeswoman Erika Mantz said Monday that 11 UNH students were arrested, most of them on alcohol-related charges. Three students were taken into protective custody, but were not charged. Students from other colleges were among the others charged and two were juvenile arrests. About 3,500 to 4,000 people attended the performance Saturday by Swedish disc jockey Avicii at the Durham campus’ Whittemore Center.

Obama in New Hampshire today; current poll shows Romney would beat him here by about 10 points MANCHESTER (AP) — President Barack Obama will visit a changed New Hampshire on Tuesday. The independent-minded presidential swing state he won in 2008 has shifted distinctly to the right since his last visit nearly two years ago. The local economy is struggling to grow and voters are increasingly unhappy with the president’s leadership. “He’s not getting my vote — no way,” construction worker Norman Berube, a 49-year-old registered independent, said while waiting for a booth at the Airport Diner recently. “This country is worse off.” Others say the same. Recent polls show that, if the election were held today, Obama would lose by roughly 10 percentage points to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the leading contender for the GOP nomination. That’s quite a slide for an incumbent who beat Republican Sen. John McCain here by nearly the same margin just three years ago. Still, a year before Obama’s re-election, Democrats aren’t panicking. In fact, Obama’s campaign is quietly confident that he can re-ignite voters’ passion the more they see him, which explains why Obama is venturing to Central High School to promote elements of his jobs plan that’s stalled in a divided Congress. His visit comes just as a special deficit-reduction supercommittee in Washington is on the brink of failing to reach an agreement on how to save taxpayers $1.2 trillion over the coming decade. A fundamen-

tal divide over how much to raise taxes — a salient issue in low-tax New Hampshire — was proving too high a hurdle to overcome. With finger pointing beginning in Washington, Obama was heading to New Hampshire, which his surrogates recently have showered with attention, as Republican candidates wielding anti-Obama messages swarm the state ahead of the Jan. 10 primary. “There have been a lot of Republicans up here,” said Kathy Sullivan, a New Hampshire-based member of the Democratic National Committee. “It’s a good time for the people of New Hampshire to hear from the president.” On Monday alone, four of the eight GOP contenders — Romney, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — campaigned in New Hampshire. Romney, speaking to voters in Nashua, used Obama’s visit to bash the president anew. “I’d like to hear what he has to say,” Romney said. “It’s very clear, we’re not better off than we were when he came into office.” Unemployment in the state was at 5.4 percent in September, well below the national average of 9 percent. Romney is expected Tuesday to begin airing his first TV ads in New Hampshire to reinforce that message. And while Obama’s job approval numbers here are weak, more alarming is polling suggesting that independents — a key voting bloc in the presisee OBAMA page 10

Page 4 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Michael Barone

Sacred Cow tax breaks should be on the table Supercommittee members Sen. Pat Toomey and Rep. Jeb Hensarling are taking flak from some conservatives for proposing a deal including increases in “revenues,” and a Washington Post reporter had some fun insinuating that they were backing a tax-rate increase. As this is written, no one knows what the supercommittee will do (or not do), but it’s worth taking a look at what Toomey and Hensarling actually were talking about. It may not matter now, but could after 2012. They were raising the possibility, as Barack Obama’s Bowles-Simpson commission did last December, of a tax reform bill that, like the 1986 tax reform act, would eliminate tax preferences and lower tax rates. The 1986 bill was passed with bipartisan support, and there’s a potential for bipartisan support again. The problem in putting such a measure together is that most really egregious tax preferences don’t add up to much money. Just as the big money for long-term spending cuts must come from changes in entitlements — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid — so the big money you can get from eliminating tax preferences comes from three provisions that are widely popular. The three are the charitable deduction, the home mortgage interest deduction, and the state and local tax deduction. The charitable deduction should probably be off the table. The Obama administration has proposed reducing it for high earners. But this obvious attempt to channel flows of money away from the voluntary sector and toward the federal government went nowhere even when Democrats controlled the House and had a supermajority in the Senate. It’s anathema to many Democrats and just about all Republicans. The home mortgage interest deduction may seem similarly sacrosanct. But the fact that the vast bulk of the “tax expenditures” — the money the government doesn’t receive because taxpayers deduct mortgage interest payments from total income — goes to high earners with big, expensive houses. Traditionally it’s been argued that government should provide incentives for homeownership because homeowners more than renters have a stake in their community. But it’s obvious now that we have overincentivized homeownership, with government encouraging loans to noncreditworthy borrowers. At the same time, high earners don’t need an incentive to buy a home. If we limit the mortgage interest deduction to some amount near the median housing price, some folks

will still buy $1-million homes, though they may finance them a little differently. And the government can get more revenue without an economy-crushing tax rate increase. Similarly, what about a cap on the state and local tax deduction? Initial conservative reaction will likely be hostile: Why increase some people’s federal tax bills? Isn’t that attacking a core Republican constituency? Actually, it’s not and not. The state and local tax deduction is worth a lot more to high earners than to modest earners, and it’s worth nothing to the nearly half of households that don’t pay federal income tax. But it’s worth the most to high earners in high-tax, high-spending states. Those people are more likely to be Democrats than Republicans. The 2008 exit poll tells the story. Nationally, voters with incomes over $100,000 voted 49-percent to 49-percent in the presidential race. Those with incomes over $200,000 voted 52-percent to 46-percent for Barack Obama. In high-tax, high-spending states, Obama did even better with high earners. He carried $100,000-plus voters with 55-percent in Connecticut, 56-percent in New York, 52-percent in New Jersey, 55-percent in Maryland, 54-percent in Illinois and 57-percent in California. All those states have high state income taxes except for Illinois, and it increased its income tax rate by two-thirds earlier this year. And those states contain a huge share of the nation’s highest-priced housing. In contrast, in low-tax, low-spending states with relatively inexpensive housing, $100,000-plus voters favored John McCain, who won 65-percent of their votes in Texas, 55-percent in Florida and 61-percent in Georgia. It is no coincidence that the hightax, high-spending states tend to have strong public employee unions. In effect, the unlimited state and local tax deduction is a federal subsidy of the indefensibly high pay, benefits and pensions of public employee union members. Limiting the state and local tax deduction would create a political incentive to hold those costs down. So ironically, limiting high earners’ lucrative tax deductions may prove a harder sell among Democrats than Republicans. But maybe Republicans should give it a try anyway. (Syndicated columnist Michael Barone is senior political analyst for The Washington Examiner, is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a Fox News Channel contributor and co-author of The Almanac of American Politics.)


LETTERS N.H. House & Senate broke the ‘social contract’ with hospitals To the editor, I felt compelled to challenge the remarks attributed to Sen. Jeanie Forrester about the LRGHealthcare decision to “deny access to health care for patients covered by Medicaid” as they were misleading and seemingly ill-informed. Sen. Forrester, who was on the Senate Finance Committee this past term, was one of the people most knowledgeable as to what type of fallout there would be from cutting over $250M to payback hospitals for their uncompensated care and to provide an adjustment for the exceedingly low Medicaid rates. The LRGHealthcare decision to reduce service to its local Medicaid patients was a difficult one and the hospital staff have been working hard to re-direct patients to other providers in Laconia, Franklin and Bristol. These re-direction efforts through their Medicaid hotline and HealthLink (an information and financial counseling referral service through LRGHealthcare ) will help provide the most affordable arrangements for as many patients and providers as possible. The net effect is that affected patients will NOT necessarily go to the ER as Sen. Forrester suggests. Rather, many patients will go to a provider where there is adequate funding and a more comprehensive array of support services. Just to size this issue, as can be found on the LRGHealthcare website, in 2010, the total cost to provide services to LRGHealthcare Medicaid patients was approximately $17.1-million. The state reimbursed LRGHealthcare $7.9-million, leaving a difference of $9.2-million in unreimbursed uncompensated care. Under the budget which went into effect on July 1, hospitals are being assessed a 5.5-percent tax on the net patient service revenue. With this tax, LRGHealthcare will be expected to pay approximately $10 million in taxes to the state resulting in a total of $19.2-million in 2011

unreimbursed uncompensated costs. Our state has been playing with federal funding sources for health care for many years. However, there was a “social contract” between the hospitals and the state whereby all benefited from receiving federal funds to provide some support for uncompensated care and Medicaid services. The state House and Senate however, unilaterally broke the agreement this past year, and used over $100M that should have gone back to hospitals to fund their uncompensated care and Medicaid services as a way to balance the state biennium budget. Sen. Forrester understood that there would be consequences and she should not be allowed to walk away from her accountability for what has happened — which is what I suggest was what she did at the meeting, per the article in the paper. This new tax plan/funding arrangement that is hitting hospitals across the state this year will hopefully be altered. Earlier in the year, LRGHealthcare joined nine other hospitals in filing litigation against the State of New Hampshire with the intent of having the state fulfill its obligation for funding Medicaid. This action, endorsed by the LRGHealthcare’s Board of Trustees, medical staff and leadership believed the action necessary in order to continue to provide access to all in our community and to preserve the values LRGHealthcare has long held. Overall, the juggling of money and the political ideology in Concord is hurting our communities, our families and patients. We should make our elected officials hear that we want them to change course and bring responsible leadership back to Concord which understands the importance of budgeting to protect the New Hampshire advantage. Liz Merry Laconia

How can school board encumber funds with no amount recorded? To the editor, Last year in February and March. the Gilmanton School board voted to both encumber and expend funds with no recorded amounts. This couldn’t possibly be an error in the minutes,

and corrected for errors? If you make motions to encumber funds or expend them without a stated amount isn’t that like issuing a blank check? Skip Houghton

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 — Page 5

LETTERS Bristol has never spent a penny of ‘rainy day’ fund on rainy days To the editor, It’s Monday, November 21. Within the week, Bristol’s selectmen will meet with a representative of the State Division of Revenue Administration (DRA) and determine a new property tax rate. Typically, nobody from the public attends this meeting, during which decisions are made that will either put money back in our pockets in the form of tax relief, or take more from us because someone from Concord recommends an arbitrary figure. This year is like no other in decades — the worst economic times in 80 years. If ever there were a time for our elected officials to use Bristol’s fund balance to dramatically reduce taxes, it’s now. They might use some of our money to offset taxes. Fair enough. But they’ll probably keep about a half a million dollars of taxpayer money in reserve, for no good reason. Fair enough, but not far enough — and nothing will change, unless Bristol’s taxpayers tell them it’s time for a change. I know well the position our selectmen will be in, and I know them very well. For the most part, they’re good hearted, well intentioned and pretty smart guys. They have more staying power than I did, to boot. But, I just can’t help thinking that — in the absence of public opinion from their constituents — these five good men will again succumb to the advice of a Concord bureaucrat. A bureaucrat who doesn’t live, vote, or pay taxes in Bristol. The advice that really matters, is that of Bristol’s electorate, and everyone who pays taxes. But these voices won’t be heard, I’m virtually certain. If you check the records, several years ago, I think the balance was reduced to $350K, plus or minus, without any ill effect. We could have, and should have, done more. But, because the selectmen are given only a few “recommended percentages”, they’ll just pick one in the middle, and play it safe. What is this fund that, once a year, selectmen can use to lower our taxes? It’s not Bristol’s money for discretionary use, it’s not for emergencies, doesn’t constitute a “rainy day fund”, and has nothing to do with cash flow. In all the history of Bristol, it’s never been used for anything except offsetting taxes.

How the selectmen purportedly tapped it to buy a riverfront parcel last year, I can’t imagine. When we previously sought to use it for huge unexpected (and unbudgeted) Mica Building remediation expenses, DRA told us to take a hike and have a special town meeting to ask for more taxes. The year that Bristol’s tax rate was lowered dramatically by offsetting from the fund balance, I asked the DRA rep a question about what this figure represents. At the time, the balance of the fund was approaching a million dollars. I remember distinctly the answer, because it reinforced my belief that we had a moral obligation to use it for tax relief. She said it was a “hypothetical” arithmetic calculation of what would be remaining if the Town of Bristol ever decided to go out of business. Last time I checked, turning out the lights and closing the doors to the town offices for the last time, isn’t reality. The DRA official said that offsetting taxes is the only other use for the money. It’s not for cash flow and -- given the several large problems we’ve had over the past decade (Mica, Hill Bridge, Sink hole downtown, and budget miscalculations blamed on the former town manager) it’s not for emergencies and/ or screw ups either. Many of Bristol’s elected officials — both on the Selectboard and Budget Committee — got our votes because they were self professed “fiscal conservatives”. Some of them have announced that they’re Republicans as well. I hope, for the sake of those struggling to make ends meet in these dire economic times, that our local government officials do the right thing — like they promised. But, I’m not holding my breath that they won’t fall for that annual DRA gobbledygook about “growing” fund balance percentages, with no legitimate underlying rationale. This isn’t like any other year. Our people need — deserve — to have their leaders use it to reduce their taxes and leave them more money in their pockets. At least that’s the conservative jingle. It’ll be interesting to see how well our selectmen carry the tune. Bruce Van Derven Bristol

What does LRGH mission statement say about care in our area? To the editor, Relative to the Meredith GOP ending up on the front page of The Citizen: What ends up on the front page of any newspaper is determined by the publisher of that paper. Relative to LRGH not being a state or government facility: LRGH is, I believe, a “not-for-profit” community hospital that falls under the auspices and regulations of state and federal government, not to mention each community it serves, which is governed by a “Board of Trustees” made up of members of its service areas. It is not a privately owned and operated facility. Meredith is part of LRGH service area, as are many other local towns. Expansion of services for any hospital in this state must be approved by the State of N.H. LRGH obviously got

that approval. LRGH does not wish to accept Medicaid patients. What does their “Mission” Statement say in regard to medical care for their service area? In my humble opinion, medical care should be available to ALL. Obviously the other hospitals in this state are accepting the state’s reimbursement rate for Medicaid patients, which also affects their bottom line. Better medical facilities should be something to benefit ALL, not just a chosen few. . . again, that is my opinion and obviously NOT a fact at LRGH. If the Board of Trustees at LRGH voted to take this action, then in effect they represent the entire service area of LRGH in that action. Frances Piche Laconia

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Page 6 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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LETTERS Bush didn’t blame Clinton for the crash he inherited To the editor, Are you concerned yet? The phrase, divide and conquer, has been used throughout history as a strategy in making war. Today, politicians use it to try and achieve their aims. And, to be truthful, they are making a war within our borders. Blame the rich if you are not similarly blessed. Blame the rich if you overspent your budget. Blame the rich if you can’t afford health care. Blame the rich if there are not enough jobs to go around. Blame the rich if businesses move offshore because their marginal tax rates are the highest in the world. Got a tummy ache? Blame the rich. Did the Red Sox lose? Blame the rich. Got a cold? Blame the rich. This morning I watched Senator Kerry spin his web of deceit as he appeared on various networks, blaming the “Super Committee’s” inability to achieve a deal, on the failure of Republicans to take away the “Bush tax cuts”. I gather Senator Kerry believes that adding even more uncertainty into our economy is going to make things better. For those who care, when Bush 43 took office, the Internet “Dot-Com bubble” had burst. Once substantial businesses that were riding the Internet growth wave saw their businesses drop like a rock and border on bankruptcy. Federal tax revenues also plummeted for the first two years of the Bush administration. Unlike

President Obama, President Bush did not go around the country blaming President Clinton for the mess he left. Rather, he petitioned for, and got, what we now call the Bush tax cuts. Those cuts included removing the income tax burden for about 50-percent of our citizens. The main result, however, was that those tax changes helped to turn around the economy and increased tax revenues. The economy, and tax revenues had sustained growth for over four straight years. President Obama has had three years to turn around the economy. He and his party have chosen to try and spend our way out of debt. It hasn’t worked! That strategy, combined with a strong-armed push for nationalized health care, has created a persistent uncertainty in the economy. Now, their desire is to add to that uncertainty by promising to increase taxes on businesses and the so-called “rich”. The Great Depression was made worse by the Smoot-Hawley act, which imposed higher tariffs on imports. It helped change a recession, into a worldwide depression that didn’t end until World War 11. Today we seem to have an updated version of SmootHawley, a divide and conquer bill called “blame the rich”. If you’re not concerned, you’re not paying attention. Bob Meade Laconia

Think long and hard before re-electing Gilmanton School Board To the editor, Gilmanton’s School Board is probably not very different from school boards in the surrounding towns. Each person seems to be hard working and usually has good intentions. What sets each town apart is the way they go about handling the budget. After attending our School Board meetings for an entire year, I can say they leave me cold on that issue. The Gilmanton School Board has shown that they are not clear or forthcoming. Last year one board member suggested that they submit a higher than necessary budget to the town Budget Committee because, no matter what they asked for, the Budget Committee would recommend that they reduce it. The School Board would then reduce it to where they wanted it to be and it would appear as if they were compliant. Our town must come together on this issue. It’s easy to do. Come to

some of the School Board meetings which are held on the second Tuesday of every month. Send correspondence to the School Board, not to the superintendent, asking for information about your particular school issues and ask them to discuss your issues at open meetings, not behind closed doors; or get on their agenda; and ask that all issues be reflected accurately in their online minutes. Let’s send a message to them that says we are not happy with the status quo and we demand a balanced, reasonable budget from them EVERY YEAR. Year after year their individual positions as elected members come up for vote at town elections on the 2nd Tuesday in March. Maybe we should think long and hard before re-electing these same people. We have the power. We just need to use it! Elena Ball Gilmanton Iron Works

Let’s not thank our soldiers, let’s apologize for sending them To the editor, Now that we may finally see the winding down of two awful wars of choice and occupation, predicated on lies, can we as a supposedly free people finally come to the realization that our young people, like the terrorists we’re at war with, have again been suckered into pointless carnage by leaders with their own obscure agendas, with meaningless slogans like “fighting for freedom” (do you feel more free now?) or “holy war” ( in which thousands of children are killed)? Rather than thanking our soldiers

for their service, which only serves to encourage the next generation to rally round the next immoral adventure, we should take part in their healing, and apologize to them for encouraging their soul-damaging part in these terrible crusades, crusades which most of us wouldn’t have been willing to sacrifice the family dog for. Please, think of all this very real suffering, here and over there, before rallying behind the next “fight for freedom”. Steve Orlich Ashland

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 — Page 7

LETTERS Global economy has changed all the rules of Great Depression era To the editor, England had the “Hound of the Baskervilles”. Tilton has literary junk yard dog James Veverka. He snorts, snarls, bays and barks at the moon, then gulps the purple, communal Kool-Aid, then finishes with an over night vein drip to be sure no cell gets missed.There is no other way any human being could become as delusional and donkey dopey as he is without complete absorption of the magic purple elixir. If Obama were president 20 years from now attached to the same failed economy it would still be all Bush’s fault, according to Jim. Even Obama is smart enough to know the only people sucking on the” blame Bush” nipple these days are the left wing nuts that talk to people from space with their tin foil antennas. Jim says we should focus on what Bush did wrong SIX years ago and FORGET what Obama did wrong LAST WEEK, LAST MONTH, LAST YEAR and THREE years before that. This is Jim. please come in captain video somewhere in outer space this is Jim speaking please come in — I think I need more tin foil. It is delusion on steroids. Jim says obstructionist Republicans are the REAL cause of Obama’s problems. He has a bit of a memory lapse. Democrats controlled all three branches of government for two full years. What did we get? 100-percent partisan, Obamacare passed with so many bribes they had names like “cornhusker kickback” and Louisiana purchase”. The latest NBC poll has 51-percent of Americans demanding Obamacare be repealed and 36-percent favoring. Jim says “it is Bush’s fault”. The man provides some of the best laughs I have ever had. Robin Williams is a piker compared to Jim Veverka. If Jim wants the sun to shine tomorrow and it rains “I am sure it is Bush’s fault”. Captain video please come in. Where the heck are you. I have used two rolls of foil. If the political roles were reversed James Veverka would be writing to this paper screaming, BARKING and SNARLING that at some point in every presidency the winning administration with all the IDEAS and PROMISES that got them elected OWNS the economy for BETTER or WORSE that it inherited. If you buy Jim’s tin foil induced delusion no new administration could EVER be held ACCOUNTABLE for it’s errors, actions or mistakes. Democrats cannot see the FAILURE of other Democrats. It is a donkey DNA DEFECT to which Jim Veverka was endowed with a triple dose. Candidate Obama campaigned around this nation promising repeatedly to fix all that ailed this country (over and over again for a year) including changing the failed WASHINGTON CULTURE. Am I wrong? All Obama has done is divide this nation at EVERY seam, pitting the rich against the poor, socialism against capitalism,

the public sector against the private sector and business against the government and on and on. Demonizing at full throttle all the way and then wondering why businesses won’t hire. The failure of his presidency and the economic destruction caused from it are unprecedented in history including with the frosting on the cake being the nations first debt downgrade in history under his watch. Jim suggests lessons from 60 years ago to get us out of our current trouble. He fails to recognize we are now a globalized economy which has changed all the rules of economics and trade. We have TWO BILLION more workers globally that we did just 30 years ago all looking for work, willing to work for less and many well educated. People free of the union cult mentality which does nothing but increase costs for everything it touches from education to an automobile. Jim lives in some fantasy that unions did not take down GM. I forgot, sorry, I am sure it was Bush’s fault. Give me a break from lunacy and lunatics. The man is a broken record of distorted, distilled donkey-doo facts and information focusing on everything except the SPECTACULAR FAILURE of our CURRENT PRESIDENT, Democrat Barack Obama. Jim does not want to talk about Obama and neither do current Democrats in the Senate or Congress. He is kryptonite to those seeking re-election. The ancient, democratic bleeding, liberal spend more solutions of more than a half century are SURE paths to the Greek tragedy we now watch being played out in Europe. If anyone needs a vivid picture of the economic ending for any country that follows the delusional, angry, fanatical, spend more, ratings of people like Jim Veverka one only needs to look to Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain to see where that story ends. These countries are among the most Kool-Aid drinking, free spending, inefficient, donkey looking economies on earth. All BANKRUPT or heading there and threatening to take the world economy with them. Did you notice AMERICA looking a lot like them since Obama got elected? Jim Ververka is still promoting ideas like two tin cans attached together with a piece of copper wire wrapped in foil to talk on while the world eats our economic lunch speaking on iPhones. Lessons from FDR, the WPA and PWA are about as relevant to today’s global economic challenges as spats and buggy whips but is in keeping with the donkeys never ending philosophy that you can spend your self into prosperity. Jim, lets talk about the economic accomplishments of Barack Obama. He is president now in his 4th year. I ask ALL America, who is BETTER OFF NOW than before Obama was elected. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS! There sure are not many! Tony Boutin Gilford

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Page 8 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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To the editor, It’s not enough that our beloved government acts as though it is now our supreme ruler and all adult citizens are just too stupid to manage their daily lives. Or that it can spend confiscatory taxes callously, secretly, incestuously and without apparent legal recourse. Now, our “nanny state government” is coming after our children with increasing arrogance and aggression. We’ve all heard the stories about school lunch mandates, salt restrictions, Happy Meals oversight, school vending machine rules, lemonade stand raids and the doubling of mandated childhood vaccines in the past few decades. Now comes a federal panel urging your family doctor to administer HPV vaccines to pre-pubescent boys. According to the CDC, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. They also assert that at least 50-percent of sexually active people will have genital HPV at some time in their lives. So what’s the harm in providing your middle school sons with “protection” for when they become sexually active? Well, I know this may shock you, but the feds tried to cover up the 26 deaths of little girls that have been linked to this vaccine. They may have succeeded except for “Judicial Watch”, who obtained a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which revealed the deadly details. This report also uncovered blindness, paralysis, seizures, speech problems and Guillain-Barre Syndrome which occurred in previously healthy young girls who had been given the Gardasil shots. This toxic brew is supposed to prevent cervical cancer in girls though the verdict is still out on that. Are you ready for this, the CDC panel says that this vaccine may lower the risk of anal cancer for males who

turn out to be gay. The CDC is reticent to mention that according to medical journals, anal cancer is extremely rare. This is corrupt and condescending central planning on steroids. Shouldn’t parents be provided with all the information about this and all other vaccines? Shouldn’t it be up to parents and not our government in deciding decisions regarding the vital health of our children? Of course it should and yet it seems to be less and less so with each passing year. There is still a push underfoot to put children on statin drugs after determining that they may be at risk of heart disease as an adult because of genetics and being an overweight child. This despite an abundance of emerging evidence that cholesterol is no longer considered an accurate marker for a potential heart attack. Is it just possible that this has something to do with the fact that 69-percent of the American Heart Association members have been reported to have financial links to drug makers. Objectivity when it comes to getting advice from our medical professionals is getting more difficult than finding a clean, non pot smoking demonstrator at an Occupy Wall Street rally. I’ve found a website that helps you find physicians who are not for sale — American College for Advancement in Medicine. I’m planning on doing just that myself. I can’t think of a more fundamental right than having complete control with regard to decisions about one’s own body and that of our precious children. I wish everyone a safe and healthy winter season and a 2012 year in which more citizens decide to take back control of our country from corrupt and bullying bureaucrats who falsely believe that they no longer serve us. Russ Wiles Tilton

A big thanks to MetroCast crew for hanging downtown lights To the editor, The Downtown Laconia Merchants would like to extend a huge thank you to our friends at MetroCast for helping with the holiday lights. Even though it was a cold rainy night they joyfully strung over 30,000 lights and didn’t stop until the job was complete.

It’s a huge task, but it’s dwarfed by their enthusiasm, and we couldn’t have done it without them. Thank you Rob Blanchard, Chris Boelig, Adam Brown, Bill DeRoy, Scott Gillis, Mark Lesko, Rich Nedeau and Jeff Winchell, we appreciate what you do! Downtown Laconia Merchants

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 9

Young woman arguing that police search of pocketbook that resulted in drug arrest was out of bounds By Gail OBer


LACONIA — The Gilford woman who is also facing three felony charges for her alleged role in a police standoff in Belmont in 2010, is also trying to get more recent drug charges against her dismissed. Ted Barnes, attorney for Diamond Morrill, 21, said in court pleadings filed in Belknap County Superior Court, the Laconia police search of Morrill, which turned up six polls of alprazolam — a schedule 4 prescription drug — and what the state lab later identified as trace amounts of cocaine was inappropriate. Barnes argued that there can be no dispute that Morrill was in custody and that she was not free to leave when Senior Patrol Officer Jeff Wholley began questioning her about the alprazolam and whether or not she had a prescription for it. Since, at that point of the discussion, Morrill had not be read her Miranda Rights against self incrimination, Barnes said her statements made during the booking process should not be allowed to be used against her. Wholley’s affidavits say he arrested Morrill after he recognized her as she was leaving a local drug store in July. He told the court he recognized her, verified her identification, and also verified that there was an outstanding warrant from Belmont for her failure to show in Laconia District Court on charges of disobeying an officer and driving after revocation. Outstanding bail was for $500. He said he placed Morrill in handcuffs, got her red pocketbook from the car she was sitting in, locked it the car and secured her with a seat belt in the back of the cruiser. The patrol officer said she began crying and swearing because she was claustrophobic and didn’t want to be restrained. He said Morrill initially objected to being searched for weapons, and Wholley said she was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt so he simply checked the pockets of the sweatshirt. After she sat down on a bench in the booking room at the police station Wholley noticed she was breathing with some difficulty and she told him she was having an asthma attack. He said he instructed her to breath through her nose and exhale through her mouth and he began looking through her pocketbook where he found the six pills wrapped in a cellophane wrapper. He said he asked her what they were and she told them they were alprazolam and she takes them for anxiety. He asked if she had a prescription and said she replied that she didn’t. Wholley said he also found an Albuteral inhaler in her pocketbook but he didn’t see a prescription with her name on it so he called the Laconia Fire Department and his see next page

N.H. Ball Bearing helping to restock shelves at St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry The St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry in Laconia yesterday accepted the first of two deliveries of foodstuffs from the employees of New Hampshire Ball Bearing, together with a $500 donation from the company. Presenting the check to Jo Carignan of St. Vincent De Paul (third from right) are NHBB employees from left Gary Groleau, Phil Anderson, Cheryl Paakkonen, , Dan Keniston, Dennis Eastman and Dennis Joyal. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/ Michael Kitch)

EGYPT from page 2 was the epicenter of the movement that ousted authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak. By midnight tens of thousands of protesters were in the huge downtown square. The clashes have deepened the disarray among Egypt’s political ranks, with the powerful Muslim Brotherhood balking at joining in the demonstrations, fearing that turmoil will disrupt elections next week that the Islamists expect to dominate. The protests in Tahrir and elsewhere across this nation of some 85 million people have forced the ruling military council as well as the Cabinet it

backs into two concessions, but neither were significant enough to send anyone home. The council issued an anti-graft law that bans anyone convicted of corruption from running for office or holding a government post, a move that is likely to stop senior members from the Mubarak regime from running for public office. Hours later, the Cabinet of Prime Minister Essam Sharaf submitted its resignation to the council, a move that was widely expected given the government’s perceived inefficiency and its almost complete subordination to the generals.

Page 10 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011


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OBAMA from page 3 dential race — have swung decidedly away from Obama after lifting him to victory in the state and across the country. Independent voters helped Republicans sweep the state’s congressional elections and win veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. It was a dramatic shift for a state many believed had been shifting to the left over the last decade. “New Hampshire is obviously going to be an important state in the general election, and it’s a state where voters keep pretty close tabs on how often you visit,” said Reid Cherlin, a former spokesman for Obama in New Hampshire and at the White House. “The White House sees New Hampshire as open-minded and independent — the kind of state that may be more open to Obama’s jobs pitch and less inclined to be governed by the passions of the moment, like tea party ideology.” In a likely nod to independents, Obama is expected Tuesday to prod Congress to extend a temporary cut in payroll taxes that has enjoyed bipartisan support. The tax cut will expire at the end of the year unless Congress extends it again. Obama supports an extension and on Monday previewed his likely pitch

in New Hampshire. “There’s no reason not to vote for these tax cuts,” he said. “If Congress doesn’t act by the end of the year, then the typical family’s taxes is going to go up by roughly $1,000. That’s the last thing our middle class and our economy needs right now.” Obama last visited New Hampshire in February of 2010 for a factory tour and town hall-style meeting. But the time that has passed since then doesn’t mean his team has forgotten about the state that offers just four electoral votes and has backed the winner in four of the last five general elections. Surrogates have been spreading Obama’s message. They include top political adviser David Axelrod, who addressed students in Manchester in late September, and Vice President Joe Biden, who has visited twice since then. The campaign also has been ramping up its operations. Spokesman Frank Benenati said more than 1,000 political events, including phone banks and voter registration drives, have been held since April. Supporters recently held 18 house parties across the state in one day. The campaign has an office in Manchester and will soon open another in Portsmouth.

SPIES from page 2 like a virus as Hezbollah methodically picked off the CIA’s informants. To be sure, some deaths are to be expected in these shadowy spy wars. It’s an extremely risky business and people get killed. But the damage to the agency’s network in Lebanon has been greater than usual, several former and current U.S. officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about security matters. The Lebanon crisis is the latest mishap involving CIA counterintelligence, defined as the undermining or manipulating of the enemy’s ability to gather information. Former CIA officials have said the once-essential skill has been eroded as the agency shifted from outmaneuvering rival spy agencies to fighting terrorists. In the rush for immediate results, former officers

say, tradecraft has suffered. The most recent high-profile example was the suicide bomber who posed as an informant and killed seven CIA employees and wounded six others in Khost, Afghanistan, in December 2009. Last year, then-CIA director Leon Panetta said the agency had to maintain “a greater awareness of counterintelligence.” But eight months later, Nasrallah let the world know he had bested the CIA, demonstrating that the agency still struggles with this critical aspect of spying and sending a message to those who would betray Hezbollah. It remains unclear whether anyone has been or will be held responsible in the wake of this counterintelligence disaster or whether the incident will affect the CIA’s ability to recruit assets in Lebanon.

from preceding page supervisor. Morrill was allowed to use her cell phone and she called Lakes Region General Hospital and Wholley said a nurse told him Morrill had just been given an Abuteral inhaler not long ago. Wholley left Morrill in the care of responding firefighters and Sgt. Gary Hubbard and said he verified with Poison Control the identity of the pills as alprazolam — an anti-anxiety medicine. When he returned to Morrill, the Fire Department had left, she had been allowed to use her inhaler and was much calmer. He said Hubbard read Morrill her rights and she willingly answered a series of questions without her lawyer present. She allegedly told him and Hubbard that the pills were alprazolam and that she didn’t have a prescription for them. Morrill was indicted for one count of unlawful possession of cocaine and one count of unlawful possession of alprazolam.

charges for reckless conduct for her alleged role in a September 2010 police standoff and the most recent update on those charges indicate Morrill had a competency hearing earlier this month but the results of the hearing are sealed. Earlier this month, Christopher Kelly, 34, another person who was in the Union Road home the night of the standoff was found guilty of misdemeanor resisting arrest. After hearing testimony regarding two felony charges of unlawful possession of a handgun and unlawful detention, Judge James O’Neill ruled the state had not met its burden and said the cases would not go to the jury. Fourth Circuit Court, Laconia Division Clerk Michelle Brown said the Morrill was found guilty of one count of driving after suspension in the Belmont charges and fined $620. Her records show that fine has been recently paid. Morrill, who is being held on $5,000 cash or surety, appears in Superior

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 11

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Cocktail Confections are created and baked by Kristin Gage of Sanbornton. (Courtesy photo)

Cocktail cupcakes: an upscale treat from Sanbornton BY ADAM DRAPCHO THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

SANBORNTON — Kristin Gage has been baking for as long as she can recall, learning the craft from her mother. However, is was only recently that she had an epiphany that has allowed her to transform her hobby to a home-based niche business, Cocktail Confections, that she hopes will take off this holiday season. Gage’s breakthrough moment came about a year ago when she was enjoying an otherwise mundane and relaxing evening, watching a cooking show on television. The program featured a baking competitions in which contestants were concocting cupcakes using alcohol as an ingredient. “I thought that was just genius. I thought, I could do that.” “When I started making them, I was like, wow, this is going to be something big.” For the next several months she played with the concept, using her friends and family as an informal focus group as she conceived and perfected cupcake recipes that borrowed flavors from her favorite libations. This summer, she founded her business, baking cupcakes out of her Sanbornton home, having certi-

fied her kitchen for commercial use. She first began marketing her cupcakes at bridal shows over the summer, where her treats were warmly received by brides and grooms to be who were looking for an unusual treat to serve their guests, one which would allow them to enjoy the flavors of a cocktail but which wouldn’t require them to take a taxi home. Though Gage’s cupcakes use bona fide cocktail ingredients, only trace amounts of alcohol remain once the cakes reach the diners. Any liquor included in the cake batter is rendered non-alcoholic through the baking process and a very small amount – less than a teaspoon per cupcake – is included in the frosting. She checked with state authorities and doesn’t need a liquor license or need to check IDs before serving her treats. So far, she’s developed seven flavors for her menu. The Kahlu cake has Irish cream frosting. The Irish car bomb features a Guinness chocolate cake with more Irish cream frosting. The Margarita includes tequila, grand marnier, margarita mix in the cake see next page

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Page 12 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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from preceding page and lime zest frosting. There’s also a Harvey Wallbanger, screwdriver, lemon drop martini, strawberry daiquiri and a piña colada. Gage’s cupcakes are baked to order. A dozen of regulation-size cupcakes costs $27, a half-dozen costs half that much and she also sells a dozen miniature cupcakes for $15. She can make non-alcoholic variations upon request and is willing to create a custom creation to accommodate a customer’s wishes. She asks for customers to place their order at least 24 hours in advance of their pick up or delivery time. With several bakeries that only make cupcakes opening throughout the state, Gage observes that the small treats, once reserved only for elementary school birthday parties, are finding popularity among adults looking for a whimsical, affordable luxury. “There is a big cupcake craze. It’s just so easy, it’s proportional to what people want to have, it’s just fun,” she said. With her unique angle on the industry, she thinks she can stand out among competitors. “I think that’s where I get my edge, I’ve got that extra little something.” As a first-time entrepreneur, Gage said going into business has been “a little scary” but she’s been encouraged to take the plunge by everyone who’s tried her product. “I just like to bake them. If people want to eat them, I want to bake them for them,” she said. “It’s a fun idea, I can have my cupcake and my cocktail, too.” For more information, visit www.cocktailconfecREGIONALIZATION from page one tions about regionalization. He said that local officials asked what arrangements had been reached between municipalities to share personnel, services, programs, equipment and facilities as well as to pool their purchasing power. “We didn’t have answers,” Porter admitted. The survey, undertaken in April and May, 2010, represents the first census of cooperative agreements, both formal and informal, as well as of partnerships under consideration. Porter said that the survey sought information about three types of agreements: shared positions, programs and functions, shared facilities and equipment and cooperative purchasing arrangements. All 234 cities and towns were surveyed, of which 130 — seven of the 13 cities and 123 towns — or 56-percent of all municipalities representing half the population of the state, responded. Of these, 95 reported having some sort of cooperative agreement in place. The most common partnerships ambulance and emergency medical technician services, which were shared by 38 municipalities, or 40-percent of those with cooperative agreements. Transfer stations and



Kristin Gage shows off two of her mini Kahlua cupcakes. Her Cocktail Confections venture brings the flavors of classic drinks to bite-sized baked goods. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho), email or call 496-0271. recycling facilities were shared by 34 municipalities, including Laconia and Gilford. Legal and prosecutorial services were shared by 23 municipalities, those in Merrimack, Cheshire and Strafford Porter said through agreements with the county and elsewhere through towns joining in prosecutorial associations. Parks and recreation facilities and personnel were shared in 15 municipalities while only 11 shared firefighting services and a half-dozen policing services. Porter said that transfer stations and ambulances were easily the most common examples of municipalities sharing facilities and equipment with only five-percent reporting cooperative agreements bearing on firefighting, roadwork and libraries. Altogether 17 municipalities were parties to cooperative purchasing agreements with vehicle fuel, heating oil and road salt representing the most common materials acquired. Porter pointed to the Suncook Valley Regional Town Association as the most notable municipal league in the state. Consisting of eight towns — Allenstown, Barnstead, Chichester, Epsom, Northwood, Pembroke, Pittsfield and Strafford — the association came together in 2007. Bruce Dyke of the Chichester Budget Committee said that the aim was to reduce expenses and enhance services while strengthening communication between adjoining towns. He said that cooperative agreements to purchase health insurance and road salt have been reached, but stressed that virtually all aspects of municipal operations — police, fire and ambulance services together with assessing, roadwork, information technology, utilities and see next page

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 13

She said Waste Management would be ready to renegotiate the contract to include the recyclables if the town was willing to extend the contract. Morse said the only thing that makes him uncomfortable is that Waste Management cannot provide a single split truck that can pick up both garbage and recyclables at the same time — something he feels would save the town some money. Beaudin said she was told by Waste Management that it would not save the Belmont taxpayers money because the costs of the split trucks would have to be factored into a new contract. Selectmen will next discuss the issue on Dec. 3. The next thing Morse and Pike were unable to agree on was the potential purchase of the house and quarter-acre lot at 4 Fuller St. — the house that is on the back side of the current Town Hall. “If I had my way, We’d own it and the other two,” said Pike who said he would support buying the property that is now in foreclosure, but not for the $70,000 asking price. Beaudin said Cormier told her that in his opinion, it was too much money to spend for parking uses. Morse was of similar feelings. “I’m not that enthusiastic. The parking problem is solved and the cost is too great for the limited space.” And that’s when Welfare Director and former Selectman Donna Cilley spoke. “I’m taken about that there appears to be a lack of

If an average family was to purchase two of required special-marked bags weekly, Morse reasoned “it would be a wash”. He also thought recommending the town go to a pay-as-you-throw system would be the environmentally correct thing to do. Chair Jon Pike said he would like to wait until the planned Penacook single-stream recycling facility is up and running — a date that is projected to be in December of 2012. He said waiting a year would give the town more of a chance to solicit additional bids — right now Waste Management is under a contract scheduled to expire in 2014 and Beaudin had said they would keep the price the same and the savings could come from reduced tipping fees for trash disposal. from preceding page Porter closed by listing the impediments to cooperation between muncipalities cited by local officials. These ranged from differences in the size and character of communities, along with their distance from one another, to questions of trust and control. Nevertheless, he said that more cities and towns appear to be exploring opportunities for cooperation and are seeking what he called “more role models and examples of success.” — Michael Kitch

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vision,” she said, noting how for the past few years all she’s heard anybody talk about is “The Village, The Village, The Village.” She said the recent charette distinctly called for more space in the immediate downtown and that the town’s purchase of the property could be very advantageous in both the short- and long term. “There’s plenty of land we can chase other than this small, residential home,” Morse said. “I think it’s a big mistake if you don’t seriously look at it,” Cilley said, triggering an angry outburst from Morse when she said she thought the board lacked “any thought process” regarding the property. “No thought process,” bellowed Morse. “How can you say we have no thought process?” “You need to look at the day-to-day needs as regards to municipal services,” said Cilley,who mentioned bringing back the recreation department, now at the old Winnisqaum Fire Station, to the center of the town. “There’s lots of potential,” she said. “I just don’t see the potential in this property,” Morse said. Pike made the motion to table the discussion until Dec. 3 and Cilley left the meeting. In other business, Selectmen chose Feb. 4 a Saturday at 10 a.m., for the town’s annual deliberative Town Meeting session that will be held at Belmont see next page


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Page 14 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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RON PAUL from page one Signs that liberals and progressives were flirting with Paul appeared last spring, when Robin Koerner, a British national who founded “Watching America,” which publishes foreign news about the United States in English, and blogs for the Huffington Post, described Paul as the “conservative champion of liberalism.” He coined the term “Blue Republican” to brand progressives for Paul, which was promptly promoted on Facebook, where his article was shared 11,000 times in less than a week. In July. Koerner posted “If you love peace, become a ‘Blue Republican’ (Just for a Year),” telling progressives they do not have to like the GOP “to sign up as a Republican for a year to help make sure that the Republican primaries are won by the one representative who has always been for peace, has always voted against bailouts, and has always opposed the reach of government into your bedroom, your relationships and your person.” On their website Blue Republicans describe themselves as “people who have never before thought of joining the Republican Party . . . who identify as Democrats or Independents and/or supported Obama in 2008.” Jim Forsythe of Strafford, the state senator from District 4 and chair of Paul’s campaign in New Hampshire, said that he was aware of independent voters, both conservatives and liberals, either eying or backing Paul. He said that some some liberals and progressives share Paul’s opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, eagerness to reduce the defense budget at home and military footprint from preceding page High School. Selectmen were able to agree to close School Street and part of Main Street for the Santa Parade that begins at 12:20 p.m. on Sunday Dec. the Belmont Middle School. Police Chief Vinnie Biaocchetti said if he needed some temporary help with traffic he would ask the Belmont Police Explorers. The two roads will be closed until 1:30 p.m. or until the parade is over. The rest of Santa’s Village Day will continue until 3:30 p.m. in and around the historic Belmont Mill area.

abroad, hostility to the Patriot Act and distrust of corporate power. “I’m being pragmatic,” said Chong, explaining that she would vote for Paul in the primary without showing her hand in the general election. However, she admitted “I am feeling way distanced from Obama.” Hopkins vowed to support Paul in the both the Republican primary and the general election. However, he said that if Paul loses the nomination to another Republican, he will throw his vote to a third party. Polls conducted by Bloomberg News last week put Paul in second place behind Mitt Romney in both New Hampshire and Iowa with 17-percent and 19-percent respectively. Unlike several other GOP candidates — Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich — whose polling numbers have waxed and waned, Paul has polled consistently, without, however, significantly expanding his support. Another Bloomberg poll indicated that if Paul bolted the GOP to run as a third-party candidate, he would capture 18-percent of the vote, effectively throwing the election to Obama, who would top Romney with 44-percent to 32-percent.

Verlander first AL pitcher to be MVP since Clemens

NEW YORK (AP) — Justin Verlander figured time had run out on his chance to become the first starting pitcher in a quarter-century to be voted Most Valuable Player. Last Tuesday, he found out about 12:40 p.m. that he was a unanimous winner of the AL Cy Young Award. It was closing in on 1 p.m. Monday, and he still hadn’t gotten word on the MVP. Not to worry, there was just a slight delay because Verlander didn’t give the Baseball Writers’ Association of America his telephone number, forcing the BBWAA to relay the news through Brian Britten, the Detroit Tigers’ director of media relations. Britten telephoned Verlander at 12:56 p.m., about one hour before the announcement. It was just a weight off my shoulders,” Verlander said, “and pure elation, really.”

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 15

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David Wiggins with a framed mural he created for the Farley Garrison House on Frisky Hill in Gilmanton which is owned by Doug Towle. (Roger Amsden/for The Laconia Daily Sun)

Gilmanton-based muralist follows in tradition of 19th Century fold art masters By RogeR Amsden FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

GILMANTON — Following in the same tradition of the itinerant artists of the early 19th century, David B. Wiggins has carved out a reputation over the last 40 years as one of the nation’s premiere folk art muralists. A self-taught artist who pokes fun at scholarly artistic categories, Wiggins prefers to call his work “Non-Academic Art’’ rather than folk art, and says that the early practitioners of the art, like Rufus Porter and Moses Eaton, blazed new trails for land-

scape murals by breaking with European tradition. “Instead of following a very clearly defined tradition, they established their own unique way of representing the world, using their own imaginations. Academics used to look down on folk art as something primitive and unpolished. But now there are lots of books documenting how people like Porter and Eaton were the pioneers in creating a new art form. People used to tear out and cover over folk art murals. But now they’re in demand everywhere,’’ says Wiggins, noting that a folk art tavern sign was see next page

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Page 16 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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from preceding page recently sold at an auction for a half million dollars. Wiggins has traveled extensively as an itinerant artist, living in people’s homes for weeks at a time while crafting his murals, in recent years teaming up with his daughter, Christina, who lives on Nantucket Island, off from Cape Cod. He’s traveled to Memphis, Chicago and Texas for his projects, and to homes all over New England. His work has been featured in Decorators Showcase, Classic American Homes, Antiques and Arts Week and on Martha Locally he’s done projects for Doug Towle at the Four Corners Brick House and at the Farley Garrison House atop Frisky Hill, a 1665 saltbox, originally from Billerica, Mass., and painstakingly restored by Towle to museum quality, as well as at the Smith Meetinghouse, the Col. Laflam house in Sanbornton and at the General John Stark House in Manchester. His work is so well known across New England that while being interviewed at the Four Corners Brick House recently, where he painted murals of Gilmanton in an upstairs bedroom, he was recognized by Joanne Corrigan of Chester, NH, who told him “I’ve been a fan of yours ever since I took architecture in college.” She said that she recognized him because her daughter and Wiggins’ daughter had taken ballet lessons together for years and that he had worked on a stairway for a friend of hers many years ago. “What he does completes a home,’’ said Corrigan. Wiggins says that he was raised in Sanbornton, where his father and uncle ran the well-known Wiggins Brothers antiques in Sanbornton Square and that his father had once owned the Lane Tavern building, which he later transferred at a bargain rate to the Sanbornton Historical Society. Somewhat of an indifferent student who was very much his own person and was always getting into trouble, Wiggins ended up going to private school, the Rudolph Steiner School in Wilton, now the High Mowing School, thanks to the generosity of a wealthy aunt. “I was focused on the arts and creativity,’’ says Wiggins, who says that he was encouraged by a German teacher at the school who was an artist to pursue art as a career. “That’s when I started painting seriously, doing abstract art,” says Wiggins, who traveled to Europe after graduating from the Steiner school, supporting himself by painting commercially, including murals in Greek taverns, while bouncing from London to Italy and Greece and meeting his future wife in London.

After his marriage in London in 1965 Wiggins returned to the United States and went into the antiques business with his father and uncle in Sanbornton, where he also worked with them restoring old houses. “We found old murals underneath the wallpaper in many homes. They were wonderful, freely done and no one knew who had done them. I started to restore them because I couldn’t stand to see them destroyed. And I used every technique I could find to make them look old, milk paint and burlap, whatever would retain that original look,” says Wiggins. It wasn’t long before Wiggins’s restoration work earned him a well deserved reputation for its authenticity and he began receiving offers for original work. Unlike many muralists, Wiggins doesn’t work from a preconceived idea of what the details of the finished work should look like, instead creating the elements as he goes along. “I just go to the wall and start painting. It’s all improvisation. I can’t work any other way. If someone gives me a picture of what they want, I have other people who work in an illustrative style do the mural,” says Wiggins. He will soon turn 70, but he’s lost none of his enthusiasm for the art form he has perfected. Some of his latest work is in the form of large, bordered murals which can be hung on the wall of an older home and will create the look and feel of a wall mural while still allowing the original features of the home to remain intact. Wiggins lived in an older home in Gilmanton until 1974 before selling it and moving back to Sanbornton so that his children could attend the Sant Bani School and the middle 1990s moved to Nantucket, where he bought a home that he later resold at a handsome profit. He then moved to Montpelier, Vermont, where he lived and worked for several years before moving back to Gilmanton, where he set up his own studio on Rte. 140, just east of Gilmanton Corners. He continues to work on the large hanging murals, which he says must look like they’ve been around for a long time and should even include elements that appear to be the result of having been painted years ago and exposed to the natural aging process of an older home. His knowledge of the early days of the antique and restoration business of the mid 1960s to the present make him much in demand as a speaker on the antiques circuit, where his many first hand stories of old-time antiques and antiquities dealers draw those interested in the fascinating history of the business.

Don’t forget your B.I.B.A. card this holiday season! Department of Public Works Christmas & New Year’s Solid Waste Collection Schedule NOTICE TO RESIDENTS ON CURBIDE COLLECTION ROUTES

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Patriots rally from shaky first half to rout Chiefs FOXBOROUGH, Mass.(AP) -— The Tom BradyRob Gronkowski connection kept clicking. The New England Patriots’ defense and special teams kept rolling, too. Brady threw two touchdown passes to Gronkowski, Julian Edelman returned a punt 72 yards for another score and Kyle Arrington had two interceptions to help the Patriots beat the Kansas City Chiefs 34-3 on Monday night. The Patriots (7-3) increased their AFC East lead to two games. The Chiefs (4-6) weren’t expected to do much on offense behind untested quarterback Tyler Palko, making his first career start with Matt Cassel injured. And they didn’t, managing just a 26-yard field goal by Ryan Succop with 1:30 left in the first quarter for their only lead. With Gronkowski collecting his ninth and 10th TD receptions of the year, the Patriots had their second straight dominant game after beating the New York Jets 37-16. The Chiefs lost their third straight. The Patriots didn’t generate much of an attack during their first four series. There were with three punts and a fumble by Brady that was recovered by Kansas City’s Allen Bailey on the first play of the second quarter. And on his next series, Brady was sacked twice. Then the protection improved and Brady, who had thrown for just 19 yards in the first quarter, took advantage, leading three consecutive scoring drives. He connected with Gronkowski for a 52-yard score when which the tight end caught the ball over the middle and scampered the last 35 yards, barely managing to remain inbounds on the right side as he neared the end zone. Arrington, who leads the NFL with seven inter-

ceptions, got his first of the game on Kansas City’s next series and Stephen Gostkowski made it 10-3 at halftime with a 21-yard field goal. The Patriots got the ball to start the third quarter and marched 85 yards on nine plays, scoring on Brady’s 19-yard pass to Gronkowski, who somersaulted into the right corner of the end zone after being hit by Derrick Johnson. Gronkowski has 20 touchdowns in 26 games, surpassing Mike Ditka’s mark of 31 for the fewest games needed by a tight end to reach 20 touchdowns. He also pulled within three of the single-season, tight-end record of 13 touchdown receptions held by Antonio Gates of San Diego and Vernon Davis of San Francisco. Just 1:03 after Gronkowski’s second touchdown, Edelman got his second punt-return touchdown of his career as the Patriots jumped to a 24-3 lead with 9:24 left in the third quarter. Arrington picked off another pass on the Chiefs’ next possession, leading to a 19-yard field goal by Stephen Gostkowski. And just when it looked as if Palko, who had thrown just 13 passes before Monday night, might direct his team to a touchdown, he threw an interception to Phillip Adams in the end zone with 10:50 left in the game. The Patriots finished the scoring on rookie Shane Vereen’s first NFL touchdown on a 4-yard run with 1:01 left. In the last meeting between the teams, Brady went down with a season-ending knee injury in the 2008 opener and was replaced by Cassel. But he injured his right throwing hand in the Chiefs’ last game, a 17-10 loss, and had season-ending surgery on Nov. 14.

DEFICIT from page 2 cuts over a decade that had been viewed as a minimum for success. President Barack Obama — criticized by Republicans for keeping the committee at arm’s length — said refusal by the GOP to raise taxes on the wealthy as part of a deal that also cut social programs was the main stumbling block. “They simply will not budge from that negotiating position,” he said. Obama pledged to veto any attempt by lawmakers to repeal a requirement for $1 trillion in automatic spending cuts that are to be triggered by the supercommittee’s failure to reach a compromise, unless Congress approves an alternative approach. Those cuts are designed to fall evenly on the military and domestic government programs beginning in 2013, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as well as lawmakers in both parties have warned the

impact on the Pentagon could be devastating. “In my four decades involved with public service, I have never been more concerned about the ability of Congress to forge common-sense solutions to the nation’s pressing problems,” Panetta, a former House budget committee chairman, said in a statement. “The half-trillion dollars in additional cuts demanded by sequester would lead to a hollow force incapable of sustaining the missions it is assigned.” In reality, though, it is unclear if any of those reductions will ever take effect, since next year’s presidential and congressional elections have the potential to alter the political landscape before then.

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 17

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Page 18 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011


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WINNISQUAM REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT The Winnisquam Regional School District Budget Committee has two vacancies on the committee it seeks to fill from the towns of Tilton (1) and Northfield (1) until the next annual meeting of the school district. Those wishing to apply must be a resident of Northfield and/or Tilton for the respective seats and registered voters. Interested candidates should send a letter stating intentions by November 30, 2011 to: Chairperson Winnisquam Regional School District Budget Committee 433 West Main Street, Tilton, NH 03276


Richard L. Davis, 70 MOULTONBOROUGH — Richard Lindsey Davis (Rick), age 70, died peacefully at home surrounded by family on November 17, 2011. Rick, a lifelong resident of Moultonborough, NH, was born on July 27, 1941 at Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro, NH. He was the son of Richard L. Davis and Melba M. Davis and attended Moultonborough Central School and Laconia High School before serving his country overseas in the U.S. Army. Rick was a devoted sportsman with a passion for hunting in the NH, Maine, and Canadian woods and fishing his beloved Lake Winnipesaukee, Lake Ontario in New York, as well as the Canadian waters. Early in his career Rick was a meat cutter, graduating from the National School of Meat Cutting in Toledo, OH, and attended Northeastern University studying retail management. Rick and his wife Dianne owned Paugus Bay Sporting Goods in Laconia, NH for 20 years followed by Wilderness Pursuits, a Canadian sports travel business, which he ran for 10 years. The Lakes Region Inland Fishing Association, also known as the Winni Derby, was founded by Rick 30 years ago. Recognized as the largest Landlocked Salmon and Lake Trout tournament in the Northeast, it brought thousands of anglers to Lake Winnipesaukee for a 3-day tournament annually. Rick co-founded the Winnipesaukee Sportsmen’s Club of Moultonborough, NH, was an honorary member of the NH Conservation Officer’s Relief Association, served as a member of NH Governor Meldrim Thomson’s Sportsmen’s Advisory Committee, and was a member of the NH State Rifle & Pistol Association. Additionally, Rick was a Hunter Safety Instructor, Aquatic Resource Instructor, and Let’s Go Fishing Program Supporter. In collaboration with the NH Fish & Game Department’s Inland Fishing Division, Rick initiated a smelt transfer effort to enhance the sustainability of the Salmon fisheries in major NH Salmon lakes. Rick is

one of the Master Anglers featured in Dr. Hal Lyons’ book, Angling in the Smile of the Great Spirit, and also was a NH State Police Auxiliary Trooper, life member of the North American Hunting Club, and life member of the NRA and the NRA Business Alliance. He is predeceased by his parents, sisters Bette G. Swett and Beverly F. Parker, and brother James O. Davis. Rick is survived by his loving wife and best friend of 47 years, Dianne (Fuller) Davis; his son and daughter-in-law, Glenn M. Davis and Kathryn Davis, of Moultonborough, NH; his daughter and her partner, Leslie (Davis) Sturgeon and Ken Canaway, of Bristol, NH; his sister, Brenda J. Lowry of Laconia, NH; brother, Steven R. Davis and his wife Stormy, of Waterville Valley, NH; sister-in-law, Sandra Davis of Bradenton, FL; brother-in-law, Robert Swett, of Meredith, NH; his grandchildren, Evan R. Davis and Scott Knapp of Moultonborough, NH and Michelle Cote and her husband Peter of West Newfield, ME; great-grandchildren, Peter (PJ) Cote and Lillie Knapp; several nieces and nephews; his close friend and former son-in-law Christopher Sturgeon, of Moultonborough, NH, as well as his loving Yellow Lab Maggie. There are no calling hours. A reception celebrating Rick’s life will be held on Saturday, November 26, 2011, from 2:00 through 5:00 pm, at Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant, Route 3 in Meredith, NH. A private graveside service with military honors will be held at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Rick’s memory to the Winnipesaukee Sportsmen’s Club, P.O. Box 192, Moultonborough, NH or Central NH VNA and Hospice, 240 South Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH 03894. Mayhew Funeral Homes and Crematorium of Meredith and Plymouth are assisting the family with arrangements.

Pauline G. Tilton, 93 31 Canal St. | Laconia, NH

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TILTON — Pauline Gladys (Lantz) Tilton, 93, died November 16, 2011 at the Taylor Community. Born in Melrose, Mass., she was the daughter of the late Gladys and Lindsay Lantz. She was predeceased by her husband of 57 years, Forest Manning Tilton and her brother, Laurence “Bud” Lantz. The Tiltons retired to West Alton on Lake Winnipesaukee in 1972, then moved to the Ledges in 1989. Family members include daughters Linda Coker of Landrum, SC, Marcia Johnson of Newton, MA, grandchildren Katrina McCarty Johnson, Jeff Johnson, first great grandchild Nina Isabel McCarty and

sister Eleanor Hull. There are no visiting hours. A memorial service will be Saturday, November 26, 2011at 11 AM at the Congregational Church of Laconia. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Congregational Church of Laconia, 18 Veterans Square, Laconia, NH 03246. Wilkinson-Beane-Simoneau-Paquette Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 164 Pleasant Street, Laconia, N.H. is assisting the family with the arrangements. For more information and to view an online memorial go to . ALTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS

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The Alton Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold Public Hearings on Thursday, December 1, 2011; during its meeting commencing at 7:00 p.m. at the Alton Town Hall to consider the following application (the applications listed in this notice are in no particular order) Case Z11-24 & Z11-25 Paul & Donna Fritz

Map 11 Lot 25 Variance 15 Lakewood Drive

On behalf of Paul & Donna Fritz, Regina A. Nadeau, Esq. is requesting two variances. Variance #1 is requested from Article 400, Section 401.3 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit; to allow an accessory apartment in Residential Zoning District. Variance #2 is requested from Article 400, Section 463:a.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit two dwelling units in the Rural Residential District on 1.9 acres, where 2.0 acres are required. Plans are on file in the Planning Department on the first floor of the Alton Town Hall. You are invited to come in to view them during our regular business hours of 8:30 to 4:00 Monday through Friday.

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 19


The Lakes Region’s Fly Shop!

Richard M. Aubut, 63 NORTHFIELD — Richard Michael Aubut, 63 of Northfield died Monday, November 21, 2011 at his home following a period of failing health. He was born in St. Johnsbury, VT, August 13, 1948. Richard spent his youth, and schooled in Laconia. Prior to moving to Northfield 12 years ago he had resided in Belmont for over 25 years. He retired from Pike Industries due to his health where he was a purchasing agent, employed with the company for over 37 years. Richard loved the outdoors and enjoyed gardening and fussing over his lawn. He looked forward to the hunting and fishing seasons each year. He was a U. S. Army Veteran. He was predeceased by his mother, Helen (Boucher) Aubut and his grandparents who raised him, Lucien and Alexina (Racine)Aubut and a sister, Marcella Morrissette. His family includes his wife of 41 years, Irene (Kustra) Aubut of Northfiel; sons, Kim Aubut of Concord and Tracy Aubut and his wife Michelle of Sanbornton; daughter, Shari Colby and hus-

band Travis of Moultonborough; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; brothers, Dennis Aubut of Florida; Todd Boucher of Laconia; Armand Boucher Jr. of Grafton; sisters, Barbara Goodwin of Groton, Nancy Rand of Gilford, Tina Fleck of Laconia, Anna Perkins of S. C.; nieces and nephew. Richard will certainly be missed by his close friends and companions, especially during his illness, his dogs Fred and Amber. Calling hours will be held Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the William F. Smart Sr. Memorial Home, Franklin-Tilton Road in Tilton. Private burial with honors will be held at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen for his family. Those wishing may make memorial contributions in Richard’s name to either the Franklin VNA and Hospice, 75 Chestnut Street, Franklin, NH 03235 or to the Make-A-Wish Foundation Of New Hampshire, 814 Elm St., Suite 300, Manchester, NH 03101. For more information go to

John A. DiBerto, Jr., 73

BELMONT — John A. DiBerto, Jr., 73, of 20 Tioga Drive, died at his home on Friday, November 18, 2011 surrounded by his wife and daughters. John was born October 9, 1938 in Billerica, Mass. the son of Zelma (Farnum) and John A. DiBerto, Sr. He had served in the US Army from 1955-1958. John had lived in Belmont since 1982 coming from Massachusetts. He had been employed at the Winnisquam School System for the past 19 years working at the High School and also the Middle School. John was a communicant of St. Joseph Parish in Belmont. Survivors include his wife, Angela (Gliniecki) DiBerto, of Belmont; 2 sons, John A. DiBerto, III of Lowell, Mass. and Scott A. DiBerto of Laconia; 5 daughters, Cheryl Ann Johnston, of Odessa, Fla., Cathy Ann DiBerto of Laconia, Jackie Dion of Odessa, Fla., Shirleen Lee Sanborn of Gilmanton Iron Works and Victoria Lee DiBerto-Howard of Beverly Hills, Fla.; 2 step-daughters, Tina Bolduc of Lebanon, Maine and Sandra Daoust of Concord; 2 brothers, George DiBerto of Dunstable, Mass. and

Robert DiBerto of Tewksbury, Mass.; 2 sisters, Lorraine DiBerto of Chelmsford, Mass. and Rose Gotsfredsen of Woburn, Mass.; 20 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren and many nephews and nieces. He was predeceased by his parents and his brother, Fred. There are no calling hours. A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 10:00 AM at St. Joseph Parish, 96 Main Street, Belmont by Rev. Paul B. Boudreau, Jr., Pastor of the Church. Burial will follow at 1:00 PM at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery, 110 Daniel Webster Highway, Rt. 3 Boscawen, NH. The family suggests that memorial donations be made to Community Health & Hospice 780 North Main Street, Laconia, NH 03246 or to the Concord Merrimack County SPCA 130 Washington Street, Penacook, NH 03303. The Wilkinson-Beane-Simoneau-Paquette Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 164 Pleasant Street, Laconia is assisting the family with arrangements. For more information and to view an on line memorial go to

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Page 20 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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67 Main Street, Meredith • 279-0985

~ Reservations required for parties of 5 or more. ~ *Some restrictions apply.


Gerald R. Robert, 85 NORTHFIELD — Gerald R. Robert, 85, of Northfield died, Thursday, November 17, 2011 following a sudden illness. Gerald was born in Tilton, January 15, 1926, son of Albert and Henrietta (King) Robert. He spent his youth in Northfield and attended local schools. He joined the U. S. Navy and retired as a Senior Chief Store Keeper, serving in WW II, Korea and Vietnam, totaling 22 years of service. He later retired from the U. S. Postal Service following 22 years, working as a carrier and later as a supervisor in Orange County, California. He and his late wife moved from Westminster, California back to Northfield 10 years ago. He was a member of the VFW, Post # 1698 and the Franklin Lodge of Elks, BPOE, # 1280 of Franklin and American Legion, Post # 49 in Northfield. He was predeceased by two daughters, Colleen Merrill of Pelham and Geraldine Gilmore of Alton. He was also predeceased by his wife, Beryl (Beattie)

Christmas Angel Program applications being accepted LACONIA — The Children’s Foundation Christmas Angel Program will be taking applications and handing out packages at the St. Vincent de Paul’s Thrift Store from Saturday, December 3 through Saturday, December 17. Sign up times are Tuesday - December 6 and 13, from 4:30-7 p.m., and Saturday, December 3, 10 and 17, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This program is available to families with children ages birth to 18 years old. An outfit of clothing, socks, and underwear/diapers will be given for each child.



The Children’s Foundation concentrates on providing children with necessities: clothing, socks, underwear, diapers and personal hygiene items. Tags, with clothing sizes, are hung on Christmas trees in local churches, stores and restaurants and are available for anyone wanting to donate an outfit of clothing for a child. Anyone wishing to make a donation of cash or clothing, can stop by the thrift store, at 1269 Union Avenue, Laconia (next to McDonald’s) or by mail to SVDP Children’s Foundation, PO Box 6123, Laconia, NH 03247.

Plymouth Chamber auction underway, runs to Dec. 4 PLYMOUTH — The Plymouth Regional Chamber of Commerce Auction has begun and will run through 8 p.m. on December 4. People looking for great deals and that always hard to find Christmas gift can go to myauction. and bid on one of a kind items like Patriots tickets, New Hampshire made items, gift baskets, dining gift certificates, romantic getaways, golf packages and other items donated by regional businesses.

Proceeds from the auction will benefit the Plymouth Regional Chamber of Commerce in support of its mission, many local programs and events. For more information, or to donate an item or service, email or call 536-1001. The Plymouth Regional Chamber of Commerce serves the business community by promoting the greater Plymouth area as a unique place to live, work, and play; recognizing its business, social, and economic opportunities.

Art show at Meredith Library opens on November 29 MEREDITH — Lakes Region Art Association members will participate in the fifth annual Meredith Public Library Art Show. The show will open on Tuesday, November 29 and run through Tuesday, December 27. Over 30 original oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, and etched copper plate prints will be available for view-


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Robert, February 11, 2011. His family includes his son in law, Ronald J. Merrill and his wife Lori of Pelham; grandchildren, Shannon Simon, Michael Rinker and Caitlin Merrill; two great-grandchildren; his sister, Sandra J. Conn of Concord; nieces, nephews and cousins. According to Gerald’s wishes there are no calling hours or services planned. A memorial gathering, with military honors, will be held Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 11:00 AM at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery, 110 Daniel Webster Highway in Boscawen. Arrangements are under the care of the William F. Smart Sr. Memorial Home in Tilton. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the charity of one’s choice. For more information go to

For several years now the Mrs. Santa Fund has provided gifts for children from Newborn to age 17. This list grows longer each year. Once again Mrs. Santa’s Elves need your generosity. New clothing and toys may be dropped off at the Town Hall until December 14. Cash donations are made payable to Mrs. Santa Fund and are sent to either: Alton Town Hall P.O. Box 659 c/o Sheri, Alton, NH 03809 or TD Banknorth c/o Karen, P.O. Box 998, Alton, NH 03809. If you are a resident of Alton and need help in providing necessities for your children or know of a family who would benefit from this program, contact Mrs. Santa’s Elves by December 8th. Elf #1-Sheri Emerson (875-0204), or Elf #2 –Paulette Wentworth, (875-0203). Please help make this holiday season a merry one for all of our friends.

ing and sale. Over the years as many as 30 Lakes Region Art Association artists have participated in this show. Art will be on all three floors of the library and can be viewed during regular library hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

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Make your reservation today! 524-0500, Ext. “0” Accepting Reservations for Your Holiday Party

Seatings at 12pm, 2:30pm & 5pm

516 Steele Hill Road, Sanbornton

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 — Page 21

$10 OFF* Brunch for Two

All You Can Eat Gourmet Brunch with Over 50 Items! Adults ~ $15 • Children ~ $8 The Best Sunday Brunch The Lakes Region Has Ever Seen!

* With this ad. Must be two guests per coupon. Not to be combined with any other offers. Limit 2 coupons per table. Expires 11/30/11. LDS

Buy One, Get One Free

Wednesdays 5-8pm ~ All You Can Eat Fresh Tossed Pasta Buffet

Featuring Chef Tossed Pasta, Homemade Sauces, Soups, Salads & More!

$12 pp or $6 pp wi th Coupon!

* $12 value. Expires 11/30/11. Limit 2 coupons per table. With coupon. Does not include tax and gratuity.


Buy One, Get One Free

Thursdays ~ Buy any entreé on the regular menu & receive one entreé of equal or lesser value FREE! Includes Lobster! Kellerhaus will be hosting a visit from Santa Claus and his elves on Friday, November 25 from 1-3 p.m. (Courtesy photo)

Free cookies & milk with Santa at Kellerhaus on Friday afternoon LACONIA — Santa Claus is coming to Kellerhaus along with his elves on Friday, November 25 from 1-3 p.m. Young children will be treated to cookies and milk and will get to visit with Santa, a memorable moment which vistitors are welcome to catch on their cameras. There will candy samples of some of the 115 deliciously different candies being made onsite daily. Visitors can enter to win raffle prizes at the free Elf Raffle Station and receive a gift from Santa and his Elves. Kellerhaus is celebrating 105 years of sweet confections in the Lakes Region this year. Using a ribbon candy crimper that was manufactured in 1886, Kellerhaus still makes fresh ribbon candy and old-fashioned

candy canes using the same candy making techniques, recipes and equipment that Otto G. Keller used in 1906. Kellerhaus is one of the few candy shops in New Hampshire still making ribbon candy and candy canes by hand While in our candy shop, be sure and take a moment to see Kellerhaus’ snowman non-pareils, chocolate covered cherries, chocolate trees and Santas are made first hand. Kellerhaus sits high above Lake Winnipesaukee on Route 3 between Meredith and Weirs Beach. It’s Alpine styled shop is open Wednesday through Monday from 10 a.m. to 6 pm. Shop online at for quick delivery or call 366-4466.

* Expires 11/30/11. With coupon. Not to be combined with other offers. Does not include tax and gratuity. LDS

Route 3, Winnisquam • • 524-1984 Advanced General Dentistry

Jean-Paul Rabbath DMD, MAGD, PLLC Master Academy of General Dentistry NH AGD Delegate & Membership Chair • Member AGD, ADA, CDA, NHDS, MDS

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Dentist also speaks French & Spanish! 468 W. Main St., Tilton, NH 03276

We’re with you through Good times and bad.

Belmont Hazard Mitigation Plan due for updating; meeting on 29th BELMONT — The Belmont Hazard Mitigation Plan Committee has begun to update its 2006 Hazard Mitigation Plan. The committee, which is represented by a variety of local interests, will focus on the natural and manmade hazards that put Belmont at risk as well as the development of recommendations to protect the safety and well being of town residents. The committee will have its first meeting on November 29 at 10 a.m. at the Belmont fire station. Residents of Belmont and representatives from neighboring communities are encouraged to attend and provide input.

Hazard mitigation planning is as important to reducing disaster losses, as are appropriate regulations and land use ordinances. The most significant areas of concern for Belmont will be determined as a result of this process. With the update to the Hazard Mitigation Plan, community leaders will be able to prioritize actions to reduce the impacts of these and other hazards. For more information call Chief David L. Parenti, Belmont Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director at 267-8333 or Dari Sassan, Regional Planner, Lakes Region Planning Commission at 279-8171.

4th Annual Trade Your Sweets for Treats Raffle Winners!

We’ve assisted the families of our community for many years. And during these uncertain economic times, we remain committed, more than ever before, to meeting the needs and budget of each and every family we serve.

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So whether you need immediate assistance or are interested in securing your family’s future, we are dedicated to providing the exceptional value and service you expect at a price you will appreciate. Call today and give us a chance to help you create a meaningful and affordable remembrance.

Thank you! From Dr. Everett Johnson & Staff 200 Union Ave., Laconia 524-8159

Laconia Monument Company & Capital City Monument Co. Have joined together at 150 Academy Street, Laconia, NH 03246

524-4675 • 1-800-550-4675

Order Your Holiday Pies, Breads, Rolls and Side Dishes! “Open For Pick-Up Till Noon Thanksgiving Day”


Farm Market ~ Garden Center ~ Greenhouse Grower ~ 279-3915 ~ Route 25, Meredith ~ Daily 8am-5:30pm SPECIAL THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS

HOLIDAY SPECIAL! November 25th-December 24th

Purchase a $50.00 Gift Card & We Will Put $5.00 on a Separate Gift Card to Be Used However You Want or On Your Next Visit!


Congratulations to our raffle winners Matt F., Grayson P., Jack C., and Cathrine P. We collected 121.46 lbs!!!

Major Credit Cards & Insurance Accepted

November 30th @ 6:00 pm

Making and Decorating 12” Fresh Boxwood Trees All Winter Squash .59/lb or Just Mix and Match a Bushel For $28.00

December 11th

“Childrens Day On The Farm” 2:00pm-4:00pm

ec ia ls A ll Sp hi le A re W Last lie s Supp

December 14th @ 6:00pm Ginger Bread House Decorating

December 18th

“Christmas On The Farm” 11am-3:00pm Santa Will Be Stopping In For A Visit From 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Still Picking From Our Field Growing Tunnels Our Own: Lettuce, Beets, Carrots, Spinach, Kale, Greenhouse, Tomatoes and more!

Fresh N.H. Balsam and Fraser Christmas Trees 4’-14’ Cider Bellies Doughnuts Fresh Balsam Wreaths 8”- 48” Fri. 7:30-2 and Sat. & Sun. 7:30-4 Plain or Decorated “Watch these tasty warm doughnuts being made right in front of you.” Poinsettias - 2.5” - 8.5” Great Selection of Colors Now Taking Holiday Orders ~ Gift Certificates Available Visit our website for more information on upcoming events!

Page 22 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Toys for Tots collection point open in Moultonborough Toys for Tots collection is now underway at Moultonboro Self Storage, a participant in the Toys for Tots Program, a national campaign to collect new unwrapped toys that will be given to less fortunate children in time for Christmas Day. The program is coordinated throughout the country by the United States Marine Corps. Shown with the collection box are Robert and Suzan Berthelette of Moultonboro Self Storage. (Courtesy photo)

The Season Sparkles...

at the Inn

Our doors are open at Lake Opechee Inn and Spa ~ visit us for our 5th Annual Open House.

Saturday, November 26, 2011 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Enjoy fun activities for all ages including holiday shopping and tastings from local craftmen, artisans and bakers. Experience Heritage Farms, Charles George Photography, Sweet LeaLea Cupcakes, Kellerhaus, Stonegate Winery, O Steaks & Seafood, Whittemore’s Flowers, breads & cheesecakes from Gilford Gourmet, Big Cat Coffee, Badger Hill Farms, Hannah Banana Baskets and more!

Tranquility Springs Wellness Spa PREMIERING OUR NEW SPA MENU

Enjoy complimentary mini spa services, and discounts on spa gift certificates and on all products during our open house! Spa tours and special giveaways available 12:00- 1:00pm. 62 Doris Ray Court, Laconia, NH

603.524.0111 ~

Giant Christmas tree with period ornaments will greet visitors to Castle in the Clouds

MOULTONBOROUGH — A visit to Castle in the Clouds will be a very special experience the last weekend in November and the first weekend in December. Lucknow, the home that Tom Plant built for himself and his young bride Olive, will be decorated to reflect the eras when they lived there in the 1900s, the teens, twenties and thirties. This will mark only the second time in history that the Castle has been open to the public at Christmas time. A giant Christmas tree, decorated with period ornaments, will stand in the sun porch where period craft projects await the children and a talk on Lucknow’s history will be given every half hour. Music will again fill the grand entrance hall and special room treatments will evoke this by-gone era. This is also an opportunity to experience the Castle in winter, with the frozen (mostly) lake and snow covered (maybe) mountains offering such a different scene. Complimentary light

refreshments will be offered by the crackling fireplace at the Carriage House where a Christmas gift shop and local crafters offering their special creations will help lighten the Christmas shopping task. Castle in the Clouds will be open for this special post-season event, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 25, 26 and 27 and December 2, 3, 4, Entry will be by the town road beginning at 10 a.m. The last trolley to Lucknow will leave the Carriage House at 2:30 p.m. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for kids. Call 476-5900 x 202 for group rates. Castle in the Clouds, a historic house museum in Moultonborough, is located at 455 Old Mountain Road (Route 171) two miles south of the intersection of Route 171 and Route 109. For further information on admissions and other events, visit the web site at www.castleintheclouds. org. To make reservations for special events call 476-5900.

GILFORD — The Carter Mountain Brass Band will present its 8th Annual Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 3 at 7 p/m. at the First United Methodist Church of GilfordLaconia. Special guests include Patsy Tacker as the narrator, and the Hallelujah Bell Choir. The suggested donation is $7. Entitled “Christmas Classics”, the concert is a multimedia event. The classic music of the season comes from the best of classical, traditional and Broadway tunes. Selections will feature the full brass band, a brass quintet, a low brass group, and a horn quartet with piano accompaniment.

The Hallelujah Bells will join the full band for “Merry Christmas” by Martin Shaw. Visual images that fit the theme of the concert and individual pieces of music will be projected on a screen by Phil Polhemus. Between each selection, Patsy Tacker will share poems and stories that may encourage a smile or laugh. For the past seven years, Carter Mountain Brass Band has presented a Christmas Concert on the first Saturday of December to signal the beginning of the holiday season. This year’s concert follows the tradition of previous concerts and promises to be every bit as entertaining.

PLYMOUTH — Students in the department of Music, Theatre, and Dance at Plymouth State University will perform November 29 and 30 and December 1 at the Silver Center for the Arts. The PSU Guitar Ensemble, directed by faculty member Jim Alba, will perform at 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 29 in the studio theatre. Alba describes

the program as a “classical, jazzy style of performance starring our own PSU Guitar Troop.” On tap are tunes from swing guitar Charlie Christian-style to quartet and solo classical compositions and blues. The Chamber Players, a collection of student ensembles, will perform at 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 30 in Smith Recital Hall at the Silver Center. Piano ensembles under the direction of Professor Carleen Graff will perform works by Schubert, Gershwin, Mozart and Debussy. The Woodwind Quartet, directed by faculty member Kenda Corcoran will perform music by Charles Gounod and Dimitri Kabalevsky, while the Flute Choir, directed by Aubrie Dionne will perform a work by Charles Cadman. Free tickets for this Guitar Ensemble and Chamber Playsee next page

Carter Mountain Brass annual Christmas concert in Gilford is Dec. 3

PSU music, theatre & art students will perform on November 29 & 30

Winnisquam FFA leaders share stage with governor TILTON — On November 14 the New Hampshire Veterans Home held a special Veterans Day ceremony featuring Governor John Lynch, Congressman Charlie Bass and two Winnisquam FFA members. Students Alex Heimlich and Tyler Davis were featured on the program and addressed the crowd of veterans, legislators and others gathered at the Veterans Home. Heimlich, a senior at Belmont High School and student in Janet Rosequist’s Plant Science Applications class at Winnisquam Regional High School in Tilton, expressed her belief that teenagers get so caught up in their day to day lives that they forget how their freedoms came to be. Davis, who is in the same ag class at Winnisquam but is from Franklin High School, said that it is a privilege for him to meet some of the men and women who have risked so much to keep Americans safe. Both students thanked the veterans for their sacrifices and dedication. Heimlich and Davis were representing nearly 100 students of agricultural education at the Winnisquam Agricultural Center. Six area high schools send students to Winnisquam to learn about agriculture and develop their leadership skills through participation in the FFA (formerly known as the Future Farmers of America). The FFA is a national youth organization of over 540,000 members preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology of

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 23

Working Class Music & Minerals Holiday Guitar Packages Starting at $99 • Amps • Accessories • Service Custom & Pre-Set Jewelry at Holiday Prices 73 Main St., Meredith, NH (across from P.O.) 677-7082

Alex Heimlich, Governor John Lynch, Tyler Davis at Veterans Day ceremony at the New Hampshire Veterans Home. (Courtesy photo)

agriculture. The organization has 7,489 local chapters located throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. FFA’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Local, state and national activities and award programs provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Visit for more information.

Holiday arts & crafts fair at Conference Center at Lake Opechee Inn & Spa this weekend; 80+ exhibitors expected LACONIA — The Lakes Region Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair will be held Nov 26-27 at the Opechee Conference Center. Hours are Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show will feature over 80 exhibitors, including Gloria and Michael Proulx with their folk art wood creations. Other exhibitors will feature handcrafted pottery, seasonal decor with wreaths and centerpieces, beautiful original jewelry designs, New England photogfrom preceding page ers concerts are available at the Silver Center Box Office,535-2787 or (800) 779-3869. Student jazz musicians take to the stage at 7 p.m., Dec. 1 in the studio theatre. Under the direction of Professor Mark Stickney, the Jazz Band will perform a wide variety of music from rock to swing, includ-



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raphy, embroidered clothing, soy candles, beaded shawls, quilts, totes and pocketbooks, many gourmet food items, American girl doll clothing, fine art paintings and themed birdhouses. There will be music provided by Tim Janis and Sergei Novikov and a large raffle to benefit the New Hampshire Humane Society. There is free admission and free parking. For more information call Joyce at 528-4014 or visit

ing “Sing, Sing, Sing,” “A Night in Tunisia,”, “‘Round Midnight,” and “Down by the Riverside.” The Jazz Combo, directed by Professor Rik Pfenninger will also perform on the program. Tickets for the jazz ensembles concert are $6 for adults and $4 for students and youth at the Silver Center Box Office.

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Asset Preservation Workshop Wednesday, November 30 • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Baptist Church, 21 Church Street, Franklin, NH

2011 Update of Federal Estate Tax Laws, Medicaid and Medicare Issues, taxation of Social Security Probate Laws Rules and Regulations to Help Protect You From Nursing Home costs.

Topics to be discussed: • Avoid Medicaid Trap: How to protect your assets from catastrophic illness and Nursing Homes without purchasing Nursing Home Insurance. • Learn : Facts about what is exempt from Nursing Home Attachment. • Taxes: How to lower or eliminate taxes on Social Security, interest income, capital gains. and taxes upon death. • How to: Increase your Spendable income.

Free Seminar for Seniors!

offer expires 11/30/11

• Probate: Trusts, Lawsuits and legal issues. • Wall Street: Learn how to protect your principal from market risks and downturns. • Banks: Advantages and disadvantages. There are federal tax laws that will enable you to avoid paying thousands of dollars out of your pocket for taxes, probate and nursing home costs. The government will not notify you of your eligibility. You must find out for yourself.

Learn how to avoid cracks in your nest egg!

Refreshments Served

Seating is limited - There is no admission charge - Nothing will be sold at this workshop. The best workshop you’ll ever attend. Reservations Required • 603-318-2066 - 24 hours

If married both should attend. - Presented by: Doug Wright, CRPC, Retirement Specialists Guest Speakers Rich D. Cohen, CLTC, national speaker on retirement issues and Jenny Milana, Estate Planning Attorney

Page 24 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011



A car under the Christmas tree? St. Andre Bessette Parish raffling a 23006 Chevy Impala





The Roman Catholic Parish of Saint André Bessette is raffling off a 2006 Chevrolet Impala. Tickets are $50 and sales are limited to 400. (Courtesy photo)

LACONIA — Those who would like a new or second car can achieve that goal for as little as $50 by taking a chance in a raffle being run by the The Roman Catholic Parish of Saint André Bessette in Laconia, Lakeport and Gilford. The Parish is raffling off a 2006 red Chevrolet Impala which has only 53,000 miles on it and was donated by a member of the Parish to use as a fundraiser for the church. The car can be seen in front of the Sacred Heart Church, 291 Union Ave. in Laconia. People can purchase the $50 tickets right next door at the Parish office or call 524-9609. Ticket sales are limited to 400 however, and the December 8 drawing is quickly approaching.

Santa Claus due at Belknap Mall at 11 a.m. on Friday

1428 Lakeshore Rd. • Gilford, NH


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BELMONT — The Belknap Mall will be welcoming Santa on Friday, November 25 at 11 a.m. Shaw’s will supply freshly baked cookies and drinks. Children of all ages will be able to visit with Santa and have their photo taken. He will be arriving with a little help from the Belmont Fire Department and will be brought to the mall on one of their shiny red fire trucks. Some stores will be open as early as 5 a.m. with

all stores offering holiday specials. Santa will be at the Belknap Mall for photos every Saturday from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sundays from noon- 4 p.m. for the month of December until returning to the North Pole to get ready for making his deliveries. Call the Belknap Mall office for more information, 524-5651

LRCC holding open house for students interested in nursing LACONIA — Lakes Region Community College (LRCC) is having a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) Program Open House on Wednesday, November 30, from 2-3 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. Individuals knowledgeable about LRCC’s LNA Program will be on hand to answer questions related to classes and clinical experiences one may expect in the College’s LNA Program. “Students completing LRCC’s LNA Program have obtained 100% employment for as long as I can remember,” says LRCC Academic Affairs Vice Presi-

dent, Tom Goulette of Belmont, a veteran of 30 years at LRCC. “The Open House is an excellent way to find out if indeed one wants to enter the medical profession.” LRCC’s LNA course of study consists of 106 hours of coursework: 46 hours of theory and lab held at the College and 60 hours of clinical at a local care facility. For additional information about LRCC’s LNA Program Open House, contact Goulette or Community Education Secretary, Andree Thibault at 524-3207.

Youth Football & Cheer will elect board members on Dec. 5 LACONIA — Laconia Youth Football and Cheer will hold its annual meeting to vote in new board members for the 2012 season on Monday December 5 from 7-9 p.m. at the Laconia Community Center.

LYFA would like to encourage anyone who wants to be part of this league to attend monthly meetings which are held the first Monday of every month at the Laconia Community Center from 7-9 p.m.


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Holbrook Insurance is pleased to announce that we have merged with Allen, Russell and Allen Insurance, LTD and will have consolidated offices to provide more competitive products for clients. Village West Office Park Suite 203, Gilford 293-0044 • 524-6404

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 — Page 25

$75 SAVINGS! Ashleigh F. Jones, D.M.D. ~ B. Chandler Jones, D.M.D.

This Holiday Season we ask for your help as we proudly support the Gilford Community Church Food Pantry. All New Patient Comprehensive Exams completed before December 25, 2011 will receive a Credit of $75 for donating a non-perishable food item on their first visit.

Pleasant Street teachers awarded LEEF grant At a recent meeting of the Laconia School Board, Mitch Hamel, chair of The Laconia Endowment Educational Foundation, presented a grant to Pleasant Street School teachers Kori Smith, left, and Linda Thanas, right, which enables them to purchase two i-pads for use in their kindergarten class. LEEF provides cash grants, once in the Fall and again in the Spring, to schools and teachers for purchasing equipment and supplies, or for funding activities or programs that contribute to enhancing the educational experience of Laconia’s students. These grants are awarded for requests that would not be funded through the school district’s budget. Teachers can apply for grants via applications available from the administrative office in each school or from the central S.A.U. office. The Laconia Endowment Educational Foundation is a charitable non-profit organization, run by volunteers, whose mission is to help secure quality education in Laconia schools by providing financial and other assistance, not funded by tax dollars, for programs and materials that significantly increase student achievement. (Courtesy photo)

New Meredith Center memorial to fallen Korean War hero to be dedicated MEREDITH — Dedication for the new Erwin C. Young, Jr. Memorial in the Meredith Center traffic triangle will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 1:30 p.m. Young was killed in action at a place known only as Hill 181 during the during the Korean War. A tree was

planted in the triangle in his honor many decades ago but the act was largely forgotten until a effort was made by residents to cut down the tree in order to improve traffic site lines. The tree is now gone but a permanent memorial will take its place.

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Go to Church Before Dinner Like the Pilgrims Did. Where? At the Christian Science Church 136 Pleasant Street, Laconia

When? Thursday November 24th 10:30am





p m t

B C s d

R t

t N

by Paul Gilligan

T t fi

s d t t g b

by Darby Conley

Get Fuzzy

H M 7 l J B F a i H i 6 A C b M H R 4 N 4 B ( i S

by Chad Carpenter

back to you and further engage you. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The way you speak will have a mesmerizing effect on others. You’ll entertain and enchant them. The best part is that you probably don’t even mean to have this effect. It happens naturally. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The term “personal responsibility” means something different to each person, although there’s certainly a consensus. You prefer to act in a manner that most would deem highly responsible. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The role you play in a group, especially a family, can change. The thing that makes it change is your decision to act a different part. You’ll bring about a new dynamic in the weeks to come. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Breakups are breakthroughs, and breakthroughs can cause breakups. Knowing this, you’ll be happy for the status quo. You’ll make a point of enjoying the relationships that are going well right now. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). A conversation plays out in pretty much the same way every time you connect with a certain person. It’s getting old, isn’t it? You’ll be the one who initiates something new to talk about. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 22). This will be a busy year for you. You will find new qualities to appreciate in yourself. You’ll look after yourself and do what’s best for you. The start of 2012 feels like you’re waking up to a dream. In March, your personal life sparkles with new characters. You’ll invest, and it will pay off for you in August. Aquarius and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 39, 1, 21, 30 and 16.

b d


ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your creative mind will start searching for ways to express what’s in your heart from the moment you get out of bed to the moment you get back into it and beyond. Even your dreams will be creative. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re stretched beyond comfort, and yet you don’t mind it so much. You realize that you must be challenged slightly more than is cozy in order to grow into the role you so desire. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You will be increasingly willing to explore what your senses are telling you. Whatever you feel, it informs you. Therefore, there are no inherently bad feelings, just feelings that give you different kinds of information. CANCER (June 22-July 22). No one will accuse you of being boring. Maybe you’ll say things that are even a little more “interesting” than you intended, producing a wave of publicity. If you believe the masters, any publicity is good publicity. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll be spending time with people who are difficult to get to know. You’ll just have to work a little bit harder to crack the code, that’s all. And only you can determine whether it’s really worthwhile to do so. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll try harder when you don’t think anyone is watching. Come to find out, people are. They can’t help themselves, as they are drawn to your intriguing and original way of going about your business. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your faith helps you focus, and your focus helps you have faith. You’ll find that whatever you gaze upon -- either with your actual eyes or with your mind’s eye -- will talk

By Holiday Mathis

n i s O

Pooch Café LOLA

Solution and tips at


d y

by Dickenson & Clark

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mastroianni & Hart

Page 26 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 40

ACROSS Actor __ Kristofferson One more time Snow toy Orient Tour leader Lima’s nation Christmas Actress Winona Passionate Coat parts Greed “As American as apple __” Department store employee Biblical hymn Faux __; social blunder From days of yore Speed contest Piece of china Sham; artificial __ loss for words Sea cow Used the teeth

41 43 44 45 46 47

59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Not at all wide Marsh Police spray Bread recipe verb Wily __ a hook; prepares to fish Confused riot Fond du __, WI Casino patron Obtain by trickery TV’s “American __” Moses’ brother Explosive noise Zero __ plug; fuel igniter Meander Inquires Takes care of Whirlpool

1 2 3 4

DOWN Door openers Late actor Julia __ of Capri Church spire

48 50 51 54 58

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 35 36

See eye to eye Fellows Kool-__; sweet drink mix High standards Audacity Glitter; dazzle One of Jacob’s twelve sons Explorer __ the Red __ ranch; rustic resort Energy Ascended Qualified Practical joke Hell’s ruler Without __; happy-go-lucky Play on words Persian Gulf emirate Official order Short letters Crow’s cry Cribbage piece

38 Small replica 39 Plaything 42 Talks on & on and digresses 44 Dwelling on the gruesome 46 Señor’s shawl 47 Embargo 49 Minimum 50 Golf course

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60

Ms. Lollobrigida Commotions Religious man Pres. Carter’s predecessor Well-behaved Burden TV show award Galloped

Saturday’s Answer

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 27

––––––– ALMANAC –––––––

Today is Tuesday, Nov. 22, the 326th day of 2011. There are 39 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated during a motorcade in Dallas; Texas Gov. John B. Connally was seriously wounded. A suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was arrested. On this date: In 1718, English pirate Edward Teach — better known as “Blackbeard” — was killed during a battle off the Virginia coast. In 1928, “Bolero” by Maurice Ravel (rahVEL’) was first performed, in Paris. In 1935, a flying boat, the China Clipper, took off from Alameda, Calif., carrying more than 100,000 pieces of mail on the first trans-Pacific airmail flight. In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek (chang kyshehk) met in Cairo to discuss measures for defeating Japan. In 1961, Frank Robinson of the Cincinnati Reds was named Most Valuable Player of the National League. In 1986, Elzire Dionne, who gave birth to quintuplets in 1934, died at a hospital in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, at age 77. In 1990, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, having failed to win re-election of the Conservative Party leadership on the first ballot, announced her resignation. One year ago: Thousands of people stampeded during a festival in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, leaving more than 350 dead and hundreds injured in what the prime minister called the country’s biggest tragedy since the 1970s reign of terror by the Khmer Rouge. Today’s Birthdays: Movie director Arthur Hiller is 88. Actor Robert Vaughn is 79. Actor Michael Callan is 76. Actor Allen Garfield is 72. Animator and movie director Terry Gilliam is 71. Actor Tom Conti is 70. Singer Jesse Colin Young is 70. Astronaut Guion Bluford is 69. International Tennis Hall of Famer Billie Jean King is 68. Rock musicianactor Steve Van Zandt (a.k.a. Little Steven) is 61. Rock musician Tina Weymouth (The Heads; Talking Heads; The Tom Tom Club) is 61. Retired MLB All-Star Greg Luzinski is 61. Rock musician Lawrence Gowan is 55. Actor Richard Kind is 55. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis is 53. Alt-country singer Jason Ringenberg (Jason & the Scorchers) is 53. Actress Mariel Hemingway is 50. Actor Winsor Harmon is 48. Actor-turned-producer Brian Robbins is 48. Actor Stephen Geoffreys is 47. Rock musician Charlie Colin is 45. Actor Nicholas Rowe is 45. Actor Mark Ruffalo is 44. International Tennis Hall of Famer Boris Becker is 44. Country musician Chris Fryar (Zac Brown Band) is 41. Actor Josh Cooke is 32. Actor-singer Tyler Hilton is 28. Actress Scarlett Johansson is 27.




WGBH Secrets of the Dead


7 8

WMTW Last Man

Man Up!

Dancing With the Stars (N) Å




WMUR Last Man

Man Up!

Dancing With the Stars (N) Å









90210 “Smoked Turkey” Liam plans a holiday dinner. (N) Å Are You Keeping Being Up AppearServed? ances Cold Case “Lover’s Lane” Rush and Valens reopen a murder case. NCIS (N) Å (DVS)






WTBS Big Bang

15 16 17

Big Bang

Hart of Dixie “Hart of Dixie” Dr. Zoe Hart accepts a job in Alabama. As Time OutnumGoes By Å bered Å

7 News at 10PM on Friends (In Everybody CW56 (N) (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Loves Raymond Reggie The Red Globe Trekker Pearl Perrin Green Harbor, Hawaii; Chuuk Show Lagoon. Å (DVS) Cold Case “Greed” A WBZ News The Office Seinfeld The Office wealthy stockbroker is (In Stereo) “The Butter “Money” Å murdered. Å Shave” Å NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Unforgettable (N) Å News Letterman Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang


ESPN College Basketball


ESPN2 College Football Miami (Ohio) at Ohio. (N) (Live)

College Basketball


CSNE Celtics Classics



NESN College Basketball


LIFE Movie: “Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage”



MTV True Life (In Stereo)





College Basketball

I Used to Be Fat

The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)

MSNBC The Ed Show (N)

Bones (In Stereo) Å

’70s Show


SportsNet Dennis

Movie: “The Christmas Blessing” (2005) Å E! Special Chelsea

E! News

I Used to Be Fat (N)


Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor

Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word

CNN CNN Republican National Security Debate (N)

TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å

SportsCtr SportsNet Sticks

College Basketball

Movie: ››‡ “The Girl Next Door” (2004) Emile Hirsch.

38 43

Conan Å

The X Factor “Top 9 Perform” The hopefuls perform Fox 25 News at 10 (N) Å Fox 25 News at 11 (N) CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings Law Order: CI News 10 Cash Cab Excused WBIN The Office 30 Rock WFXT for the judges. (N) (Live)

Anderson Cooper 360


The Ed Show Ntnl Security Debate



Movie: ››‡ “Con Air” (1997) Nicolas Cage.

Southland Å


USA Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU

Covert Affairs (N) Å

Psych Å

COM Work.






Daily Show Colbert


SPIKE Auction





Flip Men



BRAVO Matchmaker




Mad Fash. Fashion

AMC Movie: ››‡ “The Shadow Riders” (1982) Å



Movie: ››‡ “The Shadow Riders” (1982) Å

SYFY Grimm (N) Å

Grimm “Beeware” (N)

Grimm “Lonelyhearts”

Movie: “Grendel”


A&E Storage







HGTV First Place My House Property






DISC Auction Kings: 10 Odd Auction










Storage Property



19 Kids and Counting






NICK Sponge.


’70s Show ’70s Show George





TOON Looney


King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy


FAM Surf’s Up

Movie: ››› “Happy Feet” (2006) Voices of Elijah Wood.


DSN ANT Farm Movie: ›› “The Game Plan” (2007) Å

75 76 77

SHOW Shameless “Pilot”

Shameless Å

Fam. Guy

The 700 Club (N) Å

ANT Farm Good Luck Shake It Dexter Å

Homeland Å

HBO Movie: “The Dilemma” Enlighten 24/7 Cotto REAL Sports Gumbel Bored Movie: ››‡ “Event Horizon” Å MAX Movie: ››› “Unstoppable” (2010, Action) Å

Boardwalk Chemistry

CALENDAR TODAY’S EVENTS Lakes Region Community Services HomeAssist Program explained. 11:30 a.m. at Wesley Woods Community Room (United Methodist Church) in Gilford. Light lunch will be served. For more information and to RSVP call Stace at 528-2555. Chess Club meets at the Laconia Public Library on Tuesdays from 3 to 7 p.m. All ages and sill levels welcome. We will teach. Giggles & Grins playgroup at Family Resource Center in downtown Laconia (635 Main Street). Free group for parents children from birth through age 5. For more information call 524-1741. Hands Across The Table free weekly dinner at St. James Episcopal Church on North Main Street in Laconia. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Moultonborough Toastmaster meeting. 6 p.m. at the town library. Everyone from surrounding towns also welcome to attend. Toastmasters develop speech practice that is self-paced and specific to an individuals needs. For more information call 476-5760. Page Turners meeting at the Gilford Public Library. 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Meredith. 7 p.m. Members of the parish will be joined in worship by members from Trinity Episcopal Church and the First Congregational Church in Meredith. Donations for the Meredith Emergency Food Pantry will be accepted. Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recovery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA. Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. at St Joseph Church in Belmont. Call and leave a message for Elizabeth at 630-9969 for more information. Laconia Elders Friendship Club meeting. 1:30 p.m. at the Leavitt Park Clubhouse. People 55 and older meet each Wednesday for fun, entertainment and education. Meetings provide an opportunity for older citizens to to meet for pure social enjoyment and the club helps the community with philanthropic work. TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) group meeting. 5:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Meredith. Free knitting or crochet lessons. Drop in on Wednesdays any time between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Baby Threads workshop at 668 Main Street in Laconia (same building as Village Bakery). 998-4012. Separated/Divorced Persons Support Group meeting. 7 to 8:30 p.m. each Wednesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Belmont. Compassion, shared learning and confidentiality. For more information call the rectory at 2678174 or Ginny Timmons at 286-7066. Duplicate bridge at the Weirs Beach Community Center. 7:15 p.m. All levels welcome. Snacks.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 THANKSGIVING DAY in the U.S.A. 4th Annual Turkey Trot 5k Race and Family Walk in Gilford. 9 a.m. start (8:45 for the family walk). $22 per person ($60 family rate for up to 5). All proceeds benefit the Gilford Youth Center. Free Thanksgiving dinner at the Northfield-Tilton Congregational Church (283 Main Streeet in Tilton). Noon to 2 p.m. All are welcome. Annual Mae Hart free Thanksgiving Dinner at the Meredith Community Center. Noon. Call 279-5631 for reservations. 44th Annual Hazel Duke free Thanksgiving Dinner at the First Congreational Church of Laconia. 11:30 a.m. Call 524-0668 for reservations. Free Thanksgiving dinner served at American Legion Post 72 in Alton. Noon to 2 p.m. Donations welcome.

Edward J. Engler, Editor & Publisher Adam Hirshan, Advertising Sales Manager Michael Kitch, Adam Drapcho, Gail Ober Reporters Elaine Hirshan, Office Manager Crystal Furnee, Jeanette Stewart Ad Sales Patty Johnson, Production Manager & Graphics Karin Nelson, Classifieds Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: Saturday’s

Charlie Rose (N) Å WBZ News Late Show (N) Å With David Letterman NewsCen- Nightline ter 5 Late (N) Å (N) Å News Tonight Show With Jay Leno News Jay Leno

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10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Frontline Å

NCIS Tony’s father be-

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

©2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


WBZ comes a murder suspect. Debt” Hetty is forced to



NOVEMBER 22, 2011


Frontline (N) Å

NCIS: Los Angeles “The Unforgettable A second murder occurs at a crime (N) Å (DVS) fire Deeks. scene. (N) Å Last Man Man Up! Dancing With the Stars (Season Finale) The winner is chosen; Lady Antebellum. (N) (In Stereo WCVB Standing (N) Å (N) Å Live) Å The Biggest Loser The trainers make Thanksgiving Parenthood “Mr. Honesty” Crosby and Jasmine WCSH dinner. (N) (In Stereo) Å reconnect. (N) Parenthood (N) Å WHDH The Biggest Loser (N) (In Stereo) Å


Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: MOUTH WITTY AIMING PAUNCH Answer: It was easy for him to view the constellations because he was a — NIGHT WATCHMAN

“Seeking the truth and printing it” THE LACONIA DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Lakes Region News Club, Inc. Edward Engler, Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Founders Offices: 1127 Union Ave. #1, Laconia, NH 03246 Business Office 737-2020, Newsroom 737-2026, Fax: 527-0056 News E-mail: CIRCULATION: 18,000 distributed FREE Tues. through Sat. in Laconia, Weirs Beach, Gilford, Meredith, Center Harbor, Belmont, Moultonborough, Winnisquam, Sanbornton, Tilton, Gilmanton, Alton, New Hampton, Plymouth, Bristol, Ashland, Holderness.

Page 28 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Your Lakes Region Community Partners Today and Tomorrow

plus $_ _ _, _ _ _ Join the 30th LNH Children’s Auction December 6-10th

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011— Page 29


Dear Annie: I’m a young man fresh out of high school and taking life one day at a time. “Rachel” is my best friend. I’ve known her family for many years. We confide in each other and have no walls. She’s quirky and sometimes calls me when she’s home alone because she’s frightened of thunderstorms. She is often physically close and says she loves me because I don’t judge her. I’ve had feelings for Rachel for a long time. I’ve watched her date many guys over the years, and the relationships go nowhere. As far as I’m concerned, we’ve “dated” more than any of those other guys. I want to spend my life with someone who is also my best friend. But I have told Rachel how I feel, and she brushes it off. This has caused fights where I wouldn’t talk to her for weeks and found out from other sources that she was miserable. I don’t know what to do. Advice, please? -- Stop Kicking My Heart Around Dear Stop: Your feelings for Rachel are much more serious than hers, and she simply is not ready for such a relationship. It’s also likely the “love” she professes is not romantic, but the kind between close siblings. She is dating others. You should, too. You have focused so much on Rachel that you have excluded the possibility of finding someone who may be more interested in and equally suited to you. Please don’t rush your future. It will be easier for both of you to evaluate your relationship more realistically if you can create some emotional distance. Dear Annie: Can you help me come up with a socially acceptable but not obscene hand gesture that says “put your cellphone down and pay attention to your driving”? Maybe it could be the generally accepted sign for “phone,” with the thumb pointing toward the ear, the little finger toward the mouth and the three other fingers bent under. --

Worried Driver in Lafayette, Ind. Dear Worried: Actually, that’s the generally accepted sign for “call me,” and some distracted drivers might be confused and think you are asking for their phone number. Most places have laws prohibiting the use of hand-held cellphones while driving, but enforcement is inconsistent, so people feel free to ignore them. But talking on the phone can be a major distraction, and we won’t even get into people who text while driving, which is truly alarming and highly dangerous. If any of our readers have some good ideas to convey your message about putting the phones away, we’ll be happy to print them. Dear Annie: I read the letter from “Sad in the Suburbs,” who is having trouble making friends in her new East Coast location. I’d like to tell her to hang in there. Sixteen years ago, I, too, moved from the Midwest to the East Coast. I quickly noticed that the social climate is very different. I also had a difficult time connecting with others on a meaningful level. It took some time and persistence, but I now have close friends and a decent social life. I will say, though, that when I go back to visit family, it becomes apparent that there is a friendliness in the Midwest that does not compare. When going to a grocery store in my Minnesota hometown, I felt that the short interaction I had with the cashier was more genuine and meaningful than many I’ve had in my current location. The East Coast is different. It is a challenge. But there are people there hungering for friendship, too. -- A Midwesterner at Heart Dear Midwesterner: In some places, particularly large cities, people develop outer shells as a protective device. It doesn’t mean they aren’t friendly. It means you have to give those friendships time to develop. Thanks for giving “Sad” some encouragement.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

$1-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 527-9299 DOLLAR-A-DAY: Private Party ads only (For Sale, Lost, Autos, etc.), must run ten consecutive days, 15 words max. Additional words 10¢ each per day. does not apply to yard sales. REGULAR RATE: $2 a day; 10¢ per word per day over 15 words. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional bold, caps and 9pt type 10¢ per word per day. Centered words 10¢ (2 word minimum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once, and we do not offer refunds. DEADLINES: noon the business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa Mastercard and Discover credit cards and of course, cash. $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices at 527-9299 between 9 am & 5 pm, Monday through Friday; Stop by our office or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Laconia Daily Sun,1127 Union Ave, Laconia, NH 03246. You can email ads to, we will contact you for payment. OTHER RATES: For information about display ads or other advertising options, call 527-9299.



BEAUTIFUL puppies. Apricot, red, mini poodles. Champ background. Good price. Healthy, happy and home raised. 253-6373.

Siberian Huskies- 4-6 month old pups. Price reduced. Shots. 856-7423

Announcement WE Pay CA$H for GOLD and SILVER No hotels, no waiting. 603-279-0607, Thrifty Yankee, Rte. 25, Meredith, NH.

For Rent

2001 Chevrolet S-10 pickup extra cab. 2-wheel drive, 120K miles, tonneau cover, runs good! $1,495/BO. 603-848-0530

CENTER Harbor House- One bedroom, year-round, propane central heat, tenant pays all utilities, tenant does all yard maintenance. No pets/Smoking. credit report required, verified income, references. $400/Month, security. Call between 5PM-8PM 603-253-6924.

BUYING junk cars and trucks ME & NH. Call for price. Martin Towing. (603)305-4504.

LOST DOG: “Bud,” large yellow lab mix, missing since 10/21, from Northfield. Wearing Patriots collar and Halloween bandana. If you have him, please call. His family misses him. 387-9584. ROTTWEILER Pups, AKC, tails, shots done, parents on premises, $800-950. 340-6219


CASH paid for unwanted or junk cars and trucks. Same day service possible. 603-231-2859.

Autos 1993 CHEVY Pickup Truck- WT 1500 4.3, no rust, runs, needs motor work. $600. 524-9011 1995 Mazda pickup- 4x4, automatic, extra cab. Great Shape, new parts, 74K miles, $1,800. 343-3753 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport- 138K, loaded, maroon, alloy wheels, clean, runs perfect. $3,200. 524-9011

Chevy Blue Aveo 06 14200 miles, engine and timing belt replaced this year (mice damage). $7,350 or best offer. Gilford, call 293-8526 Jack or William. SALE/TRADE for good running car 1985 Cadillac Broham Limousine, black/gold, 35,000 original miles, runs good, TV, bar, maroon velvet interior, $2,900. 536-2779. TOP DOLLAR PAID for junk cars & trucks. Available 7-days a week. P3 s Towing. 630-3606

Center Harbor- 1 Bedroom quality house rent in quality location. No smoking/No Pets. References. $875 all inclusive. 387-6774 CLEAN UPDATED studio and one bedroom in Tilton. Heat/Hot Water included. $620-640/Month. 603-393-9693 or 916-214-7733

FRANKLIN Recently remodeled one bedroom with new appliances, gas fireplace, air cond., single car port and 10x12 ft. storage building. Very private. $120/ week includes electric and hot water.


Call 603-387-9041

1998 Ford GL. Electric tailgate lift. Van is loaded. 4.3 Liter engine, automatic, power steering/brakes with ABS, A/C, stereo with tape player, front & back bucket seats. Reeses frame tongue hitch. Maroon. 84K Miles. Priced to sell, asking $4,395. 528-8443

Franklin-Duplex/Condo- Large 4-bedroom 1-bath, deck, newly renovated, washer/dryer hook-up, 4-season porch, 2-car parking. Security & references required. No smoking/pets. $1,050/Mo. + utilities. 978-290-0801

Child Care CHILD CARE openings @ licensed home. FT Mon.-Fri. age 2 & up. PT Mon., all ages. PT Fri. 2 & up. Food & preschool program provided. Contact Holly Hancock 393-8116.

For Rent Alton- 3 bedroom home. Close to town & schools. $1,050/Month. 1st. Month + Security. 630-0675 APARTMENTS, mobile homes. If you need a rental at a fair price, call DRM Corp. Over 40 years in rentals. We treat you better! 524-0348 or visit M-W-F, 12-5, at

GILFORD 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Condo. Gunstock in backyard. Fireplace, gas heat, W/D hookup, no dogs/smoking. 1 year lease, $975/month + security. 455-6269. Gilford Room. Feel at home in premier location close to village, schools, shopping, lake, Gunstock w/beach access. $500 month includes utilities, private bath, heat, internet, beach, no-smoking. 520-6160 Gilford- 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath house, on brook across from Gunstock. $995/Month + utilities. No smoking/No pets. 978-914-4151 GILFORD: 2-bedroom apartment $250/Week. Heat & utilities included. Pets considered.

For Rent

For Rent

GILMANTON1 bedroom apartment with 1.5 baths in nearly new house. Private setting. $850/Month, includes heat/electric, no pets. Available immediately. 435-7089

LACONIA: For Rent/Sale Lakefront townhouse, 2-decks, 2-car garage, 2-bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, tennis/pool. $1,295./Month. Owner financing available. 225-5660

GILMANTON- Gorgeous Lake view 3-bedroom 2-bath house. Washer/dryer hook-ups, full basement. $1,385/Month + utilities. 603-382-4492

LACONIA: Gilbert Apartments. Call for available apartments. 524-4428

LACONIA 1+ bedroom apt. available immediately, includes Heat/ HW, washer/dryer. $800 monthly + security. 528-3840. LACONIA 1-Bedroom - Washer/ dryer hookup, storage, no pets. Security Deposit & references. $600/month + utilities. 520-4353

LACONIA 2 Bedroom Duplex Near Opechee, just remodeled. Garage, full basement, W/D Hook-ups. $800/Month + Security Deposit. No pets/Smoking.

603-520-2319 LACONIA 2 BR, $800/mo plus utilities, now pets. Security Deposit Required. 520-4353 Laconia Almost New Winnipesaukee Waterfront Luxury 2-Bedroom Condominium. Air, large deck. $1,200. No smoking. One-year lease. 603-293-9111 LACONIA FANTASTIC 2BR apartment 1,200 sf. Includes garage, laundry hookups, porch. No pets. $800/mo +utilities. 603-455-0874 LACONIA Large 3 bedroom 1st floor apartment with sunroom & storage. $850/Month, includes heat/hot water. Near hospital and stores. Good rental history and credit report required. 603-707-1510 or 530-474-1050

LACONIA Small 1 bedroom 2nd floor apartment near LRGH. No pets/smoking Heat/Hot Water Included $300/Bi-Weekly

Call David 524-9240 LACONIA, Clean, 1 Bedroom Apartment, First Floor, Small Porch, Walking Distance to Library, No Smoking, $695/Month, Includes heat. 524-2507

LACONIA: Large 2-bedroom apartment. Second floor, parking. $800 + utilities, security/backgound check required. 603-781-6294. LACONIA: Large 4-bedroom apartment. Second floor, parking. $850 + utilities, security/backgound check required. 603-781-6294. LACONIA: NICE 3 bedroom apartment. Clean, quiet, newly renovated, near park, short walk to town and schools. $1,000/month. Heat & hot water, Snow removal included. Washer & Dryer hookups, pets welcome. Call 524-0703. LACONIA: Sunny, small 2-bedroom, 2nd floor no smoking/dogs. $200 per week. includes heat/hot water. 455-5569. Lakeport- Freshly painted big 5-room, 2-bedroom apartment with lake view. Includes washer/ryer, hardwood floors, cabinet kitchen, 2 car parkeint, plowing and landscaping. Huge, bright and sunny master bedroom overlooking lake. $185/Week + 4-week security deposit. No utilities, no dogs, no smoking. Proper I.D., credit check and background check required. Showings on Friday only. Call Rob, 617-529-1838 MEREDITH CONDO- 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, garage. Non-Smoker. Quiet complex. $950/Month + utilities. Plowing, landscape included. 603-455-7591 MEREDITH One bedroom apartment on second floor. 16X22 ft. deck, Open concept, cathedral ceiling, very elegant and rustic. Plowing, parking and dumpster included, Pets? $850/month 455-5660. MEREDITH: 2-Bedroom House, 3/4 bath, washer/dryer hookup, oil FHW. $900/month. No pets. 279-8247, Jim. MOVE IN SPECIAL 1 BR at Opechee Gardens, $200 sec dep, $700 a month, no util incl. Call 238-8034

Laconia- 150 Messer St. 1 Bedroom, nice yard, parking & utilities included. No pets/No smoking. $700/Month. Call 630-3126

MOVE IN SPECIAL 2+ BR on Baldwin St., $200 sec dep, $650 a month, no util incl. Call 238-8034

Laconia- 20 X 40 garage/workshop- storage. $350/Month. 603-528-8005

MOVE IN SPECIAL 2BR at Opechee Gardens, $200 sec dep, $750 a month, no util incl. Call 238-8034

LACONIA- 3 bedroom house. $1,000/Month + utilities. Pets considered, references & deposit. 524-9665 LACONIA- Large Rooms for rent. Private bath, heat/hot water, electric, cable, parking included. Free WiFi Internet. $145/week, 603-781-6294 LACONIA-SUNNY large Victorian, 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, kitchen, livingroom, diningroom and den, hardwood floors, tin ceilings, totally redone, $900/ month including heat, 494-4346. LACONIA: Single family, freshly painted, 3BR, cozy cape near hospital. Non-smokers. No pets. . references. $1,000/month. Available December 1.. Call Bill at 528-3789. LACONIA: 1-bedroom for rent, heat/HW/electric included, no smoking, no pets, security deposit required. $750/month. 528-1685. LACONIA: Be warm & cozy this winter. 2nd floor 2-bedroom apartment. Walk to all downtown amenities. Ample off-street parking, coin operated laundry, heat & hot water included. $180/Week. Security deposit re-

MOVE IN SPECIAL 2BR on Dyer St., $200 sec dep, $775 a month, townhouse style, w/d hookup, full basement, no util incl. Call 238-8034 Newly remodeled Weirs Beach First Floor Two 2-Bedrooms Nice, washer/dryer hook-ups. $900/Month, Heat/hot water included, $500/security Call 279-3141. NORTHFIELD: 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, coin-op laundry & storage in basement, $215/week including heat, electric & hot water, 524-1234, NORTHFIELD: 2 bedroom trailer in small park with coin-op laundry on site, $225/week including heat, electric & hot water, 524-1234, TILTON: Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom apartments available. Heat and hot water included. Please call Mary at Stewart Property Management (603)641-2163. EHO. ROOM in quiet country setting, close to downtown. No unusual persons. Heat, electric, hot water incuded in rent. Room for a vehicle, plus. $425.

Page 30 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

For Rent

For Sale Custom Glazed Kitchen Cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. May add/subtract to fit kitchen. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,750. 833-8278 ELECTRIC Wheelchair: Never used, many extras, $1,500. 524-2877. ENERGYSTAR Whirlpool Washer, new and older Maytag dryer comes with hookups and paperwork. Both for $350. In Laconia 808-772-9212.

MEREDITH: Room for Rent,. $125/Week, utilities included. Smoking OK. Contact 707-9794 Sanbornton- Two Furnished Lakehouse Winter Rentals- Panoramic lake/mountain views. 2 or 3 bedroom. 781-334-2488 UNFURNISHED 3+bedroom, 2.5 bath condo. Central A/C, Master on 1st floor. Washer/dryer hookup. Water view. $1,200/month plus utilities. Sharon 603-420-8254. WAREHOUSE/SPACE Up to 4,000 sq. ft. available with on-site office on busy Rte. 3 in Tilton. Seasonal or long term. Relocate your business or rent a spot for your toys. 603-387-6827 WINNISQUAM: Small efficiency and a cottage including heat, hot water & lights. $150-$175/week. $400 deposit. Also 2BR single family house, $1,150/month, includes all utilities. $1,150 deposit. No pets. 387-3864.

For Sale

Help Wanted


BUYING Gold, (scrap rings, jewelry, etc.) Silver,

Support Provider Looking for an energetic, caring, patient person to assist a friendly young man to have a meaningful day for 30 hours a week. Do you like to swim? workout? Attend musical events? Enjoy sports? If so, this could be the job for you! Hours are 7:30-11:00am M-F with some flexibility for the additional 13 hours to be scheduled afternoons, weekends, or some evenings. Good starting wage plus mileage! Must have reliable transportation and be fully insured. Non-smokers living close to Meredith area only please . Contact Debra Lacey PHR, Lakes Region Community Services, PO Box 509, Laconia, NH 03247 or email EOE

MATURE, semi-retired, wifeless male seeking non-smoking female companion to share in and enjoy life together. I enjoy quiet times as well as various activities: boating, ocean beaches, movies, TV, dining out (or in) & hot weather. Interested? Drop me a line telling me about you: J.A.C., Box 8, Winnisquam, NH 03289.

(coins, flatware, etc. )

Antiques & Unusual Items Call 279-3087 or Stop In at

Waukewan Antiques 55 Main St. Meredith

FOR sale Cherry desk, Laundry sink w/faucet, Steel staging, construction heater, Inversion therapy table. Call Gary 279-7144

Women s Dansko tall brown boot size 10. Only worn a few times. $100. Women s Sketcher boot, brown, size 10. $25. Clothing sizes 24, 26 & 28. Great deals! 524-8306

John Deer LA135 22-HP V-Twin Hydrostatice 42in. riding mower. Used 2 seasons, very well maintained. $1,300. Paid $1,900 New. Moving, 524-3613


PARADIGM Home Audio/Theater: Full range tower speakers, model #Studio 100v.3, mint, 5-years old, $1,400. 496-8639. Pingpong Table $100. Air hockey $75, Auto-Start remote car starter with two remotes $110. 455-8601 REZNOR-UNIT heater, $150 Maytag LP Gas clothes dryer. $75 286-8020 after 5 pm SHELTERLOGIC Portable Garage: 12x20x8 feet (new), heavy duty steel frame, all weather cover. $399. 603-520-1607. SMALL white refrigerator in working condition $300. Please call 832-3063 or 671-3765. Ask for Michelle.

AMAZING! Beautiful Queen or Full-size mattress set, Luxury Firm European Pillow-top style, Fabulous back & hip support, Factory sealed-new 10Yr. warranty. Cost $1095, sell $249. Can deliver

Dining room set- Espresso, 59” X 36 ” rectangular. 6-matching chairs, faux leather seat/back. $450. 524-8306

Help Wanted

Steel Buildings

For Rent-Vacation KEY West Time Share 2012Choice of 2-bedroom deluxe condo at Coconut Mallory Resort. Sat.-Sat. Between Jan.-Dec..2012. Sleeps 6. $2,100. Call for details. 603-264-4060 KEY West Time Share-3rd floor corner 2-bedroom condo at Galleon Resort. Sleeps 6. Available Jan. 21-Jan. 28, 2012. $2,800. Call for details. 603-264-4060

For Rent-Commercial WAREHOUSE/SPACE Up to 4,000 sq. ft. available with on-site office on busy Rte. 3 in Tilton. Seasonal or long term. Relocate your business or rent a spot for your toys. 603-387-6827

For Sale 2000 toyota corolla/manual, 121K good condition, new tires, runs but needs engine work. $800 603-293-4423 2001 Dodge Durango SLT 4 x 4 7 passenger, 118K Miles, 5.9 V-8, remote starter. $3,000 . 860-4594 4 Tires, used one winter, Mastercraft 94T 215/60 R15, Glacier Grip II. Paid $425 new, asking $200. 737-2040. AMAZING! Beautiful pillowtop matress sets, twin $169, full or queen $249, king $399. See AD under “Furniture”.

Reduced Factory Inventory 30x36 – Reg. $15,850 Now $12,600. 36x58– Reg. $21,900 Now $18,800. Source# 1IB, 866-609-4321

CLEANER Franklin, Northfield Areas

Full time Cleaner

with Experience Preferred Must have valid driver's license and your own transportation. Apply in person to:

Used office furniture-Good Condition, desks, chairs, file cabinets, bookcases. Cash & Carry. 279-4650

Joyce Janitorial Service

WURLITZER console piano with bench, model 2760, excellent cond., $600. 253-7079

14 Addison St. Laconia, NH 603-524-8533

JOB OPENING TOWN OF ASHLAND TRANSFER STATION ATTENDANT The Town of Ashland is accepting applications for a transfer station attendant. This is a part time position, approximately 20 hours per week, including 8 hours on Saturday. The position answers to the Town Of Ashland Public Works Director and will be expected to perform routine work at the solid waste facility. Starting rate of pay is $10.09 per hour moving to a rate of $10.87 at completion of probation. Applications and complete job descriptions can be obtained from the Ashland Town Office Building during regular business hours. All applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 9, 2011, addressed to Timothy Paquette.

CHRISTMAS TREES & wreaths coming soon! Union Ave. across from Belknap Tire. Jim Waldron 279-8066 COIN Collection- Mostly silver. Serious collectors ONLY! Call 455-3372 Cuisinart Electric Pressure Cooker, $90. Kitchen Aid stand

Recreation Vehicles 1999 Forest River 27 ft. Travel Trailer. $5,600. 361-3801 CHINOOKA classic motorhome. 21’, timeless design. Sleeps 2. Garaged, nearly mint. 58,600 miles. Photos and info at: under “1991 Chinook”. $12,250. (603)367-8753.

Real Estate LAKEPORT- Sweet 2-bedroom 2-bath top floor suite for sale. Located near Park, Beach and Elm St. School in historic restored brick schoolhouse on Washington St. $95,000. 279-5787

528-2237 PART-TIME LNA Wanted: Reliable, dependable, mature, compassionate, patient for care of elderly woman, Saturdays 9am-7pm, and on call. Salary based on experience.


Permanent and holiday season help. Start immediately. Due to fall/ holiday season our company is experiencing a massive product demand opening various positions in all departments and must be filled this week. No experience required. Must be at least 18. Positions available: Customer Service/ set up and display/ appointment setting/ sales and marketing. Call today for immediate interview (603)822-0219. Or text anytime (603)930-8450.

Motorcycles 2000 Harley Davidson, Ultra Classic, metallic green & black, new motor, many accessories, asking $7950 Paul 603-752-5519.

Buy • Sell • Trade

Roommate Wanted Belmont: 2 adults seek 3rd person to share adorable, clean, 3-bedroom cape. $125/week includes utilities, laundry, parking. Non-smoker. 401-243-3237. GTTA a PIG RMMTE? Rm; #4 rnt, (143 sq ft.) w/crptng, Ht/Ht. wtr/ Elec/ Plwng/ Trsh Rmal inc. Lmtd. Stge. Aval. W/D on prmse. #1 st/ Lst Upfrnt Sec dep. & pets neg. 603-279-7919 LACONIA 2-roomates wanted clean, quiet, sober environment. All inclusive, must see, will go fast. $110-130/week. 455-2014 LACONIA- Visually impaired man looking for someone to share house. Not a job, preferably female, friendship, honest, references. $500/Month. 387-6524


(603)447-1198. Olson’s Moto Works, RT16 Albany, NH.



Quality Work Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Metal Roofs • Shingle Roofs

Store your bike in a heated and secure building in Laconia. $100 for season (now to June 1st). Space is limited. Call Rick at 491-9058 for 273-0215.

Major credit cards accepted

Qualifications: • Mature, dedicated, detail oriented individual • Prior payroll experience a must, experience with Microsoft Excel and Word necessary • Able to communicate effectively Please send resume with references and contact information to: Laconia Daily Sun BOX A 1127 Union Avenue #1 Laconia, N.H. 03246


SEASONAL TRUCK DRIVER Fred Fuller Oil & Propane Co., Inc. has an immediate opening for a truck driver to make heating oil deliveries. Qualified candidates must have a valid CDL with applicable endorsements and meet all DOT requirements. Please contact:

Fred Fuller Oil & Propane Co., Inc. 64 Primrose Drive N. Laconia, NH 03246

CALL Mike for fall clean-ups, scrapping, light hauling, snowblowing. Very reasonably priced. 603-455-0214

Ask for Nicole


BLACK motorcycle boots, men s size 12, $75/obo. Uphill Treadmill w/ instruction book, $75/obo. 552-5247. CARGO trailer (Carmate) 600 se ries, 6x12, single axle, excel cond., $2295. 524-8559

NEW OPPORTUNITY Company has Full Time/Permanent openings at our new office in Belmont for the following: • Outbound Cust. Service • Sales • Advertising • Marketing • Scheduling We are accepting applications Now and are eager to find a few great people to join our team! PLEASE CALL



Our Customers Don t get Soaked!


LACONIA ADULT EDUCATION WINTER SEMESTER 2012 SEEKING TALENTED PART-TIME ENRICHMENT INSTRUCTORS Photography - Accounting & Bookkeeping Basics Cake Decorating - Flower Arranging - Jewelry Making Furniture Upholstery - Crafts - Self Defense - Interior Decorating -Feng Shui - Garden Design & Landscaping


MAINTENANCE Plowing • Shoveling Lawn Care Now Scheduling Fall Cleanups

273-5139 Do you need your house cleaned? I can do it! Experienced, thorough, reliable. Please call Hillary 998-2601

FOREIGN LANGUAGES: German • French COOKING: French - Italian - Chinese - Vegetarian - Thai Pasta Paradise - Pizza & Calzones - Pasta & Sauces Nutrition & Eating Healthy - Soups & Chowders Classic French Desserts - Sushi Making - Cooking for One Chocolate Desserts COMPUTERS: CADD/SolidWorks - Computer Access & Excel - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator Computer Security

Call 524-5712

PROFESSIONAL painter seeking homeowners and landlords who are considering a paint renovation. Free estimates, and reasonable rates. 1-802-780-9040 PHOTOGRAPHER

available for

New England’s First Family of Gospel Music to perform concert at Leavitt Park on Saturday LACONIA — The Campbells, known as New England’s First Family of Gospel Music, will be in concert at the Leavitt Park clubhouse on Elm Street in Lakeport at 7 p.m. on Saturday, November 26. The Campbells are a full-time Gospel music ministry from the state


of Maine whose music legacy spans over 30 years. They travel extensively throughout the United States and Canada and have appeared on both local and national television and Gospel singing cruises. For more information call Pastor Robert Horne at 528-4535.




We will be closing our Indoor Yard Sale located at 57 Elm St. Lakeport, on November

Small Jobs Are My Speciality

30. Everything Must Go! Everything 1/2 Price! Hours: W, TH & F 12–3 p.m Sat & Sun 9-3 p.m.

Rick Drouin 520-5642 or 744-6277

MOVING SALE Dinette set Hex glass top with 4 upholstered chairs on casters, brass fireplace screen w/all accessories, modular desk, Black & Decker electric blower/vac., like new, 24! extension ladder, large Cantilever deck umbrella, pool or lake floats & floating chairs, 2 strobe lights & more! All Reduced! 264 Black Brook Rd. Sanbornton

Call First 524-1583

Home Care


Michael Percy

677-2540 Storage Space 1700 sq. ft space, residential/commerical storage, Belmont. Perfect for boat, auto or construction. Heat/ Electric available. $750/month. 718-5275.

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 — Page 31

Inns & Spa at Mill Falls hosting annual ‘Spalidays’ open house on November 30

special event.” MEREDITH — The Inns The Spa has been kick& Spa at Mill Falls is hosting off the holidays with ing its annual Spalidays Spalidays for the past Open House at Church six years, and the event Landing on November 30 has grown significantly from 5-7:30 p.m. over the years, attractAntonio Corral Calero, ing people from all over the International Creative the region and bringDirector for MOROCing world class industry CANOIL®, will speak experts and personaliat the “From Morocco to ties to Meredith. Hollywood” luncheon on “The original SpaliDecember 1 from noon to days event was held in a 1:30 p.m. small room off the lobby “Antonio talks about his own personal journey Antonio Corral Calero, the called the Oval Room as a humble immigrant International Creative Director and about 50 people for MOROCCANOIL®. attended,” said Zyla. from Barcelona who came to North America with big dreams “Now the event occupies over 4,000 and suddenly found himself part of square feet and welcomes hundreds of celebrity events and parties that in guests throughout the evening.” his wildest dreams never thought he To make reservations for Spalidays: would be part of,”” said Martha Zyla, Cascade Spa director. “He is a fun specials.htm. For information about and charismatic speaker and we are Cascade Spa: thrilled to have him with us for this

Page 32 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GOBBLE UP T HESE DEALS 2004 Chevrolet 3500 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Box Van factory warranty, power package, alloys, trailer brake aluminum body, roll up door, access ramp, cab rear door $269/Mo for 60 mos $409/mo for 72 mos stk#1B377A

Stk# 1B153B

2006 Toyota Tundra Reliability SR5 package, v-8, power package, $269/mo. for 72 mos stk# 1B224B

2007 Chevrolet C1500 Reg Cab gas saver, 6 cyl, standard trans,long bed, $189/mo. for 72 mos Stk # 1B382A

2003 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Ex Cab loaded, leather, power package, lt $249/mo for 60 mos

2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Ex Cab work truck, rubber lined floors, 4 x 4 tow package $269/mo for 72 mos

2004 GMC 1500 Ex Cab quadrasteer, denali package, leather, power everything $319/mo for 60 mos

2008 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Reg Cab

2006 GMC Sierra 1500 Ex Cab small v-8, power package, tow package, alloys $284/mo for 72 mos stk#1B259A

stk# P4711A


3/4 ton, power package, lt, tow package

$339/mo for 72 mos


stk# 1C053A

All payments reflect 10% cash or trade equity. Model years: 06-09 calculated for 72 mos @ 3.99 W.A.C. 03-05 calculated for 60 mos @ 6.99 W.A.C. ACROSS FROM HOME DEPOT


Left off Exit 20 Route 3 Tilton, NH 185 Laconia Road

Tha nksg ivi ng is a T i me to G ive a Great R ate 2011 Chevrolet Traverse AWD

2011 Chevrolet 1500 x-cab auto, a/c, pwr windows, locks, tilt, cruise, all star pkg.

1lt pkg auto, a/c, pwr windows, locks, tilt, cruise, personal connectivity pkg

2011 Chevrolet Suburban Z71 MSRP....................................................$34,725 Rebates & Discounts Up To ...................$6,433 Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000

$25,292 or $413/mo 72 mos

auto, a/c, pwr, wind, locks, tilt, cruise, sunroof, rear entertainment, second row buckets, luxury pkg MSRP....................................................$55,110

2011 Chevrolet 1500 Crew Cab

$45,307 or $677/mo 72 mos

2012 Chevrolet Equinox LS AWD

auto, pwr windows, locks, tilt, cruise, remote starter, all star pkg.

auto, a/c, 4 cyl, pwr windows, locks, tilt, AWD

MSRP....................................................$38,135 Rebates & Discounts Up To ...................$6,655 Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000

$28,480 or $459/mo 72 mos

2011 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 auto, a/c, pwr windows, locks, tilt, cruise, MSRP....................................................$53,100 sunroof, rear Rebates & Discounts Up To ...................$6,692 entertainment, second Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000 row bucket seats, luxury $43,408 or $651/mo 72 mos package.

MSRP....................................................$35,510 Rebates & Discounts Up To ...................$3,273 Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000

Rebates & Discounts Up To ...................$6,803 Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000

MSRP....................................................$26,010 Rebates & Discounts Up To ......................$500 Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000

$29,237 or $433/mo 72 mos

2012 Chevrolet Equinox LT AWD auto, a/c, pwr windows, locks, tilt, driver convenience pkg, remote starter, 8 way pwr seat MSRP....................................................$28,055 Rebates & Discounts Up To ......................$500 Cash Or Trade Equity.............................$3,000

ONLY $22,510

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