The Portland Daily Sun, Friday, January 13, 2012

Page 1


VOL. 3 NO. 244





MLK monument ‘still a priority,’ city says After 14-month hiatus, MLK Commission expected to re-form. See the story on page 3

Suspect sought in Pine St. The cold after the storm — See page 7 armed robbery See page 3

City council to consider ‘corporate’ personhood resolution See page 6

ly Dai Deal

A 1989 Pontiac driven by David Harris of Northern Maine sits stuck in the ditch on Route 26 at Cumberland Thursday, as a winter storm created treacherous driving conditions. The National Weather Service is calling for sub-zero temperatures this weekend, particularly on Sunday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)


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Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

(NY Times) — A new poll of Mormons in the United States finds that while one of their own is making unprecedented progress in a bid for the presidency, many feel uneasy in the spotlight, misunderstood and unaccepted in the American mainstream. Despite this, a majority of the Mormons polled said they believed that acceptance of Mormonism was rising and that the American people were ready to elect a Mormon as president. It is a sunny outlook for a religion that is consistently ranked near the bottom, along with Muslims and atheists, on favorability surveys of various groups. “On the one hand, Mormons do feel they are discriminated against, and that their coverage in the news and, even more so, in popular culture isn’t helping,” said David Campbell, associate professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame and a Mormon who served as a consultant on the poll. “But you also find this strain of optimism that things are going to get better and this is an important moment for Mormonism.” The survey of more than 1,000 Mormons by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life was conducted between Oct. 25 and Nov. 16, 2011, by landline and cellphone and has a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points. Mormons make up less than 2 percent of the American population.


I don’t believe in God but I’m very interested in her.” —Arthur C. Clarke

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

In standoff with Iran, U.S. allies offer oil for Asia HOUSTON (NY Times) — Asian countries that are Iran’s biggest oil customers have been assured that if they yield to pressure from Washington to curtail the purchases, Saudi Arabia and its Arab neighbors will fill any gap in energy supplies, adding heft to the American efforts to choke off Iran’s petroleum exports, its primary source of revenue. The assurances, from the oil produc-

ers in the Persian Gulf, were offered to China, Japan and South Korea — which together buy about half of Iran’s oil — after each expressed concern that loss of energy resources could undermine their own economies. The United States, and Europe, have moved aggressively to block Iran’s ability to sell oil, hoping to create enough economic pain and social instability that Iran’s leaders abandon a nuclear program the west

says is aimed at building nuclear weapons, which Iran says is for peaceful purposes. China, which is Iran’s largest buyer, has said that it would not abide by any new sanctions against Iran. However, it has already begun to reduce its purchases of Iranian crude, and this weekend Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will begin a five-day visit to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, perhaps to explore the prospect of increased energy sales.

Outrage over video of marines Ethnic killings fray unity urinating on Taliban corpses marking birth of S. Sudan KABUL, Afghanistan (NY Times) — A video showing four United States Marines urinating on the bodies of three dead Taliban fighters provoked anger and condemnation on Thursday in Afghanistan and around the world. American officials said they feared the images could incite anti-American sentiment at a particularly delicate moment in the war effort. The Obama administration is struggling to keep President Hamid Karzai on its side as it carefully tries to open talks with the Taliban. Yet the video showing such a desecration — a possible war crime —

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is likely to weaken the American position with both. The Taliban and President Karzai were each quick to hold up the images as evidence of American brutality, a message with broad appeal in Afghanistan, where word of the video was slowly spreading on Thursday. Senior military officials in Kabul and at the Pentagon who were scrutinizing the video confirmed it was authentic and that they had identified the Marines as members of the Third Battalion, Second Marines, all of whom had completed a tour of Afghanistan this fall before returning to base at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

PIBOR, South Sudan (NY Times) — The trail of corpses begins about 300 yards from the corrugated metal gate of the United Nations compound and stretches for miles into the bush. How many hundreds are scattered, nobody really knows. South Sudan, born six months ago in great jubilation, is plunging into a vortex of violence. Bitter ethnic tensions that had largely been shelved for the sake of achieving independence have ruptured into a cycle of massacre and revenge that neither the American-backed government nor the United Nations has been able to stop. The United States and other Western countries have invested billions of dollars in South Sudan, hoping it would overcome its deeply etched history of poverty, violence and ethnic fault lines to emerge as a stable, Western-friendly nation in a volatile region. Instead, heavily armed militias the size of small armies are now marching on villages and towns with impunity, sometimes with blatantly genocidal intent.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 3


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Suspect sought in Cumberland Farms armed robbery BY MARGE NIBLOCK SPECIAL TO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Police said they are searching for a white male suspect after an armed robbery at the 49 Pine St. Cumberland Farms convenience store at about 10:25 p.m. on Wednesday. He is described as being between 5 feet, 9 inches and 6 feet tall with a stocky build. He wore a black sweatshirt and a black ski mask, which concealed his face, police said. The man threatened the clerk with a gun and demanded money from the register, police reported. After the robber had received an undisclosed amount of cash the clerk was told to get on the floor, and the man left the store, police said. A co-worker who had been out back didn’t witness the robbery, and there were no customers in the store at the time, police said. No one was injured, and the weapon was not fired. Anyone with information is asked to call Portland Police at 874-8584 or text “GOTCHA” to 274637. RIGHT: Police released this security camera image of a suspect in a Cumberland Farms convenience store robbery which took place at about 10:25 p.m. on Wednesday. (COURTESY IMAGE)

City: King memorial ‘still a priority’ BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A dormant city commission tasked with creating a permanent memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. is expected to re-form in the coming weeks, according to one of its co-chairs. Rachel Talbot Ross, a co-chair of the Martin Luther King Jr. Commission, said this week that support from Mayor Michael Brennan and City Manager Mark Rees should bring new energy and enthusiasm to the King memorial project. “We have not wavered in trying to get a permanent memorial for Dr. King,” said Talbot Ross, the state director for the NAACP and the director of the city’s Office of Equal Opportunity & Multicultural Affairs. She added that the commission and the monument are “still a priority for the city.” The 17-person commission was formed by the city council in January 2009 on the recommendation of a MLK Task Force. The commission’s goals are to raise funds and settle on a design for the memorial and also raise awareness for King’s principles of equality and nonviolence. The monument is planned for a plaza on the Bayside Trail situated between Planet Dog and Whole Foods. The MLK commission met regularly in 2009 and 2010, and ultimately received preliminary monument designs from seven artists. By Novem-

ber 2010, the commission had winnowed those entries to three finalists, and planned to offer $2,500 to the three artists to further refine their designs. But, the commission never met again, and the awards were never issued. Talbot Ross Talbot Ross, who co-chaired the committee with former city councilor Dan Skolnik, said the hiatus was due to changes in city leadership. Indeed, Skolnik did not seek re-election in 2010, and city manager Joe Gray announced his retirement a few weeks later. King, who is known to most people for leading the Montgomery Bus Boycott and his “I Have a Dream” speech, visited Maine at least twice, speaking at Bowdoin College and visiting the campus of what’s now University of New England in Biddeford. It’s not clear if he ever visited Portland. Although King lived in Atlanta and directed most of his energies toward racial and economic injustice in the American South, Talbot Ross says erecting a permanent monument in Portland is a fitting tribute, even if he had no direct connection to the city.

“I don’t know that Abraham Lincoln had a direct connection to that park over there,” she said, referring to Lincoln Park in downtown Portland. “Outside of Longfellow, I am not sure that is the criterion which one uses … to acknowledge impact and meaning.” “If you do your research, you will see that all over the world there are numerous memorials to Dr. King, and it just shows the breadth and the depth of a great man,” she added. “All of the George Washington memorials and statues I don’t think were based on the criteria that he actually walked

H a p p y H ou r S p e c ia ls M on d a y thru S a tu rd a y 4:0 0 p m - 8 :0 0 p m

in that space.” The only other King memorial in the state is located on the campus of University of Maine at Orono. Officially, the MLK Commission is still active, meaning it won’t require action by the city council for it to start holding meetings again. In the coming weeks, Talbot Ross planned to reach out to members who participated in the past and see who is still interested. As mayor, Brennan has authority see MEMORIAL page 6

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––

Public should urge city to adopt repeal of corporate personhood Editor, If you have any faith left in the American voting system, please come to the Jan. 18 City Council Meeting at the Portland Town hall at 7 p.m. to support an initiative to abolish corporate personhood in Portland and return elections to the people of Portland. Council member David Marshall will propose a resolution which states that corporations do not have the same voting rights as Portland citizens, and to facilitate a move towards clean elections in our city. People in Maine are concerned about the corruption of our government and the inability to get what we want from our politicians due to the corporate influence of money and power. Cities and states across the U.S. have taken it upon themselves to overthrow the “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling and adopt constitutional amendments which state that corporations do not have the same right to politics as people. Although a nationwide constitutional amendment has never been done at the state level, it is completely possible as states are adopting the amendment nationwide. The “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling has allowed corporations to twist their First Amendment rights in order to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections in their favor, as long as the corporation cannot be directly tied back to any candidate. This has allowed “Super Political Actions Committees” (i.e. Super-PACS) to form independently of candidates with an unlimited ability to influence politics with private donations. see LETTERS page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN,

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Founding Editor Curtis Robinson Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Denver boot delivers a nasty kick for local driver The Denver Boot is not a sports page headline about a last minute Bronco’s field goal capping yet another Tim Tebow comeback victory. It’s the name of the insidious device the City of Portland uses to immobilize your car for unpaid parking tickets, and it’s so named because it was conceived of and perfected in Denver, an otherwise blameless city known more for its thin air than for bringing trauma to people’s lives. What a feeling when you rush out in the morning to jump into the car and find it thusly immobilized. “What!?” Shock turns to outrage, the face reddens, the stomach tightens and your every instinct is to do battle with whatever and whomever. My car! My car! What right do they have! I’ll be late to work! What if I had been on my way to save a life! I wasn’t but I could have been! I could have been! Well, you can fume and you can fight but you’re not going to get your wheels back until you cough up a lot of dough down at City Hall. The total sum of all tick-

Cliff Gallant ––––– Daily Sun Columnist ets owed – they can boot when you have three tickets that are unpaid after ten days, including the one they put on the car when they booted it. The cost of the boot itself, which is $50. And possibly a $70 charge for towing if you don’t settle up before 5 p.m. Then there’s a $25 a day storage fee for every day you don’t retrieve your car. Ouch. Getting the boot delivers a dose of reality that we scofflaws weren’t quite ready for, but then it’s probably true that we’re not quite ready for a lot of other things either, financial or otherwise. Getting the boot is part of a larger picture. You may have fathomed that I got the boot recently and am trying very hard to be philosophical about it. Look to yourself, all that. Pogo said it best:

“I have met the enemy and he is me.” Well, it’s hard to know where the line between destructive selfflagration and healthy self-examination is, especially after you’ve been whacked and you know you deserve it, but, at a minimum, it does seem that a little adjustment in my parking habits might be in order. From now on I’ll be sure I’m parked on the proper side of the street for the night, and I won’t park illegally or fail to feed the meter when I bring the car downtown, even if I won’t be long. Responsible people don’t take chances. They don’t. They fret about parking a lot and even plan their whole outing around the issue. I’ve never given that sort of thing much thought. What I have on my mind at the moment always takes precedence over concern about getting a ticket. Chances are I won’t even get one, I tell myself. But then I do and then I get another and some fine morning when I’m rushing out my door there it is. Da boot. see GALLANT page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

The country needs a kamikaze party In December Congress and President Obama extended the 2011 payroll tax holiday into the first two months of 2012. This shaves 2 percent off workers’ tax rates. The ––––– GOP argued for Guest a full year’s tax Columnist holiday but, after much squabbling, agreed to the two month bill favored by President Obama and the Democrats. According to the 2011 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report, Social Security is now operating in the red. Last year its deficit was $49 billion, and this year it is expected to be $46 billion. The report projects a rapid growth in the deficit after 2014 as the number of beneficiaries grows faster than the number of workers subject to payroll taxes. The payroll tax holiday will add to the deficit. It follows that there must be tax increases in the future to pay for this two months’ reduction. There it is. The U.S. suffers from high unemployment, a sluggish economy, runaway deficits, and an entitlement bill estimated at $100,000,000,000,000 which no one knows how to pay. There is serious talk about the possibility of national bankruptcy. Congress responds with a piddling mini-micro-stimulus bill which no economist seems to take seriously. In truth, this tax cut is not about economic policy. It’s about politics and most political journalists discuss it in those terms. There has been relatively little talk about the economics of this tax cut and a lot bout how this will affect the electoral prospects of the Democrats and Republicans in 2012. Democratic strategists are gloating about forcing the Republicans to compromise. Some Republican leaders complain about the ‘Tea Party’

John Frary

faction jeopardizing the party’s electoral prospects with pointless talk about deficits. Most politicians in both parties and most political commentators have shifted their attention away from pressing national problems to the 2012 elections. As the campaigns gear up most candidates will deplore the deficits, promise fresh benefits and programs to their constituents, and promise to protect their existing benefits. I predict this pattern for Maine’s congressional candidates. No need to debate this since events will prove me right. This pattern is consistent with the desire to get elected. People like you when you “give” them things. They like you less when you take things away. Many idiots actually believe that a politician is “generous”when he offers them parts of other people’s

earnings. The airwaves and newspapers are full of rhetorical flourishes about “making the hard choices” but candidates rarely identify these choices if they affect voters’ interests adversely. The politicians’ hard choices are those which jeopardize their hopes of election and re-election. Few are inclined to make them. If you are a professional politician, Republican or Democrat, your career is about getting into office and staying in office. The standard justification for political pragmatism is that you can’t solve problems unless you get power and you can’t get power if you sacrifice your political career on principle. It follows that displaying political “courage” or making “hard-choices” is impractical and unrealistic. Congress addressed the country’s problem with this piddling little

payroll tax cut. It puts a little money in the voters’ pockets for a couple of months, makes them feel grateful and addressed the allimportant issue of getting re-elected. Faced with an Alpine Range of national problem our Congress scales a mole hill. Many voters, maybe most, sense this and begin to hope for some kind of third party option. This will not work. If a third party actually took off and gained electoral clout it will attract clever, energetic, ambitious candidates who, once they get a taste of power, will discover they like power more than they like reform. Political pragmatism asserts itself, and the can gets kicked down the road, again and again. The only solution seems to be the creation of a Kamikaze Party composed of candidates determined to make those hard choices, enact the necessary measures, and accept electoral defeat as a consequence. Such candidates won’t even need much courage if they are not ambitious for power and value self-respect more than popularity. If this is not the solution, and it probably isn’t, then I foresee no solution but national bankruptcy. (Professor John Frary of Farmington is a former U.S. congressional candidate and retired history professor, a board member of Maine Taxpayers United and an associate editor of the International Military Encyclopedia, and can be reached at: jfrary8070@

Getting the boot delivers a dose of reality to parking scofflaws GALLANT from page 4

There is an amusing sidenote to it all though. I’ve always chuckled when people declare that they resent the relish with which the parking patrol people go about doing their job. So they’re supposed to be glum faced out of a sense of decency? They’re supposed to look to the heavens and shake their

heads in sincere regret before they attach the boot? You want that they should make their way around the streets a little slower and be a little less efficient? Maybe not boot a car now and then because they have a feeling that its owner might have other bills to pay? That would be nice. But this whole thing is not an issue for me anymore anyway. My slate is clean. I’ve settled with the traffic

division at City Hall, I’ve got my car back, and unpaid tickets stuffed in my glove box are a thing of the past. Well, there’s one or two maybe, but there won’t be any more. I know that for a philosophical certainty. (Cliff Gallant of Portland is a regular columnist for The Portland Daily Sun. Email him at gallant.

Message to city: We need a populist influence over our politics LETTERS from page 4

Such an example is Mitt Romney’s Super-PAC named “Restore Our Future”, which contains at least three former Romney staff members. “Restore Our Future” ran dozens of attack ads on television the week of the primaries in Iowa. Even Newt Gingrich spoke out against the unlimited corporate influence over the vote due to the new addition of Super-PACS.

Even though “Restore Our Future” supports Mitt Romney, nothing that the Super-PAC campaigns for or even lies about to smear other candidates can be tied back or contributed to Romney or his campaign. Just as the cities of Los Angles, Oakland, Albany, Boulder and others, the city of Portland and the State of Maine needs to pass a constitutional amendment which will limit private campaign contributions. No matter what end of the political spectrum, every

American will benefit from ceasing the unregulated influence and manipulation of Super-PACs over our vote! We need a populist influence over our politics, so I will be at the city council meeting supporting the resolution pieced together with Marshall, several other writers including myself, and the League of Young Voters. Hope to see you there! Holly Seeliger Portland

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

‘Corporate personhood’ resolution nears vote BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Mitt Romney and the U.S. Supreme Court believe corporations are people, but a resolution expected to come before the city council next week urges support for a constitutional amendment to abolish the principle of “corporate personhood.” The non-binding measure, which will be introduced by Councilor David Marshall on Jan. 18, makes a distinction between people, which need clean air, water, food and housing to survive, and corporations, which it says are “human-made legal entities.” “The judicial bestowal of civil and political rights upon corporations usurps basic human and Constitutional rights guaranteed to human persons,” the resolution reads. “Corporations are not and have never been human beings, and are

legal creations rightfully beholden to the people and the governments that created them,” it goes on. The question of “corporate personhood” has been a political flash-point since the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens Marshall United v. The Federal Election Commission, which said limits on corporate and union spending in political races were unconstitutional. The court found, essentially, that corporations and unions are people, and any limits on their political spending amounted to limits on free speech. Polls have found that more than 80 percent of Democrats and Inde-

pendents and roughly 75 percent of Republicans oppose the ruling, which has been blamed for the rise of so-called SuperPACs, which support individual candidates without having to disclose donors. However, some Republicans, including U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and former Gov. Mitt Romney, who is seeking the GOP nomination for president, have applauded the ruling for ending restrictions on the First Amendment. Romney, a former executive at the firm Bain Capital, told a heckler at the Iowa State Fair last summer that “Corporations are people, my friend” — a position he has repeated several times in recent months. Marshall drafted the resolution in concert with representatives from the League of Young Voters and other groups. Marshall said he heard from

many residents who opposed the ruling during the fall mayor’s race. “I am really concerned about the court’s decision” and the impact of “allowing corporations to have unlimited spending in elections,” he said. Similar resolutions have been passed by city councils in New York, Los Angeles, Oakland and elsewhere. The movement gathered momentum nationally through the website The measure being introduced locally urges Maine’s congressional leaders to support a constitutional amendment abolishing corporate personhood. It also urges the expansion of Maine’s Clean Elections Fund “so as to keep private money from distorting elections.” The city council will meet at Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

Memorial to be ‘a space for community engagement, a place for reflection’ MEMORIAL from page 3

to appoint a new city council representative to the commission and replace any members who have left town or are unable to participate, city spokeswoman Nicole Clegg said. Justin Costa, a school board member and MLK commissioner, said the monument “is still on our radar.” “I think broadly it speaks to a set of values that are important in the city, and regardless of any time lapse I think we are still committed to those things,” he said. “If we have the resources to move forward

with it, we can come up with something that will be productive and meaningful at the end of the day.” Brennan and Rees did not respond to requests for comment yesterday. It’s not clear if any of the artists who submitted designs in the past are still interested. Talbot Ross said she and other commissioners were hoping for a design that speaks to King’s ideals, rather than just a basic statue of the man. With city budgets expected to remain tight for years to come, it’s not clear how the monument will be funded. And until a design is chosen, it’s not clear

how much it will cost. Talbot Ross expected that the local King monument, like the one that opened in Washington, D.C. last year, will require a wideranging fundraising effort that combines grants and public and private money. Given time and resources, Talbot Ross said she has “absolutely no doubt” that the project will become a reality. “Part of what we were hoping for is that the place would be a space for community engagement, a place for reflection … but also it would be a space that you would want to continue to come back to,” she said.

Target plans Apple mini-stores for ‘expanded displays’ BY STEPHANIE CLIFFORD THE NEW YORK TIMES

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Target said on Thursday that it planned to add Apple centers at 25 of its retail locations this year. A Target spokeswoman, Dustee Jenkins, described the tests as “expanded displays” of Apple products, but declined to say how the merchandise would be arranged or whether there would be Apple store-like displays to showcase it. Apple already has mini-stores within Best Buy locations, but enlarging its presence at Target would make the computer, phone and music brand more accessible to everyday shoppers who are not necessarily looking for electronics.

Target currently sells some Apple products, like iPads and iPods, but it does not sell Macintosh computers. Ms. Jenkins declined to comment on whether the test centers would include computers. The announcement confirmed rumors reported by AppleInsider and other technology blogs late last week. The Apple details came after Target described a separate program, called The Shops at Target, to open small boutiques in its stores. For the first round of the shops, which will open in May and run for six weeks, Target will showcase five local stores, like Polka Dog Bakery in Boston, which sells pet food and accessories, and The Webster in Miami, which sells clothing. Target plans to sell about 400 exclusive items that the retailers created with Target’s input. Prices on the first round of items range from $1 up to $159.99 for a pouf (a type of ottoman) from Privet House, a Connecticut-based home-goods retailer. Target plans to repeat the program in the fall, with a different set of stores, and continue it through at least 2013, Ms. Jenkins said. Stores-within-a-store, with dedicated floor space and


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signs and shelves designed by a brand, have been a popular strategy for a while. Department stores have long had small boutiques for designers like Ralph Lauren or Chanel. J. C. Penney, a Target competitor, has made its stores-within-a-store — for Sephora, Call It Spring, MNG by Mango and other brands — a centerpiece of its strategy. Target also said it would continue with its designer collaborations, where fashion designers make a lowpriced line for Target. When the Missoni for Target line was introduced in September, the Target Web site crashed under the huge demand and it took months for some consumers to get their orders. The next collaboration, to be sold in February, is with Jason Wu. Target made the announcement in the wake of disappointing holiday sales figures. Its December sales at stores open at least a year rose just 1.6 percent, versus expectations of a 3.1 percent increase among analysts tracked by Thomson Reuters. And Target warned last week that its fourth-quarter profit would be lower than it had previously estimated.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 7

Skiers, take heart! Peak spots abound BY MICHELLE HIGGINS THE NEW YORK TIMES

A lack of snow across much of the United States has ski resorts from Lake Tahoe to Vermont scrambling to make enough on their own. In Vermont, where unseasonably warm temperatures challenged snow-making in mid-December, Mad River Glen was forced to close for four days earlier this month. In the Lake Tahoe Basin, where the snowpack was 9 percent of normal on Jan. 1, Squaw Valley had just 4 of roughly 170 trails open. And resorts in Park City, Utah, have run snowmakers full blast for the last several weeks to make up for the dearth. “It’s been a crazy year because it’s been so dry for so many regions of the United States,” said Patrick Crawford, content director for Onthesnow. com, which provides reports on ski resorts around the world. “They’re all struggling.” Unseasonably warm temperatures and unusual jet stream patterns, which are sending storms to the far north and south instead of across the Great Basin, the Rocky Mountains, the mid-Atlantic states and New England, are to blame. Just a handful of places have benefited from the strange weather patterns, including New Mexico and

parts of the upper Northwest, which have received unprecedented snowfall. Resorts point out that weather patterns could change quickly. Already, parts of New England seem to be turning a corner, thanks to a recent cold spell, which allowed ski resorts to power up their snow guns. For now, here is where you can find the best snow. Teased by a record-breaking late-October snowstorm, which buried some northern New England towns in snow and allowed resorts like Killington in Vermont to open early, ski areas faced mild temperatures in mid-December that made snow-making difficult. But a few cold days after the first of the year helped resorts make up for lost time. For the best conditions, look for resorts with aggressive snow-making. “We have been blasting our guns for a total of 52 days since opening back in October,” said Darcy Morse, a spokeswoman at Sunday River in Newry, which had 15 out of 16 lifts operating last weekend and 60 of 132 trails open, compared with 89 open trails the same weekend a year ago. Some resorts are better equipped than others. Mad River Glen in Fayston, Vt., has just three snow machines. Mount Snow in West Dover, Vt.,

has 253 high-efficiency fan guns — the most, it says, in North America. Half of Mount Snow’s 20 lifts were open midweek in early January, as were 29 of 80 trails. Over all, about half of Vermont’s 1,200 trails were open during the first week of January, down less than 10 percent compared with a year earlier. “With 100-plus days left in the season, there’s plenty of winter to be enjoyed, and business to be recovered, yet,” Jen Butson, a spokeswoman for Ski Vermont, wrote in an e-mail. New Hampshire had 462 of 795 trails open on Jan. 5, thanks to “some nice long stretches of round-the-clock snow-making weather recently,” said Karl Stone, marketing director for Ski New Hampshire. “This means our ski areas are making all the snow they can.” Over half a foot of snow fell in yesterday’s storm. On Thursday, Shawnee Peak in Bridgton reported “beautiful dry powdery snow received just in time for MLK weekend.” Sugarloaf in the Carrabassett Valley reported, “Heavy snow should continue to fall throughout the afternoon and evening, with 8 inches looking like a solid bet before it all winds down later tonight!” For more information, visit

Storm eases, but sub-zero cold snap looms BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Friday the 13th couldn't just pass as another winter day in Portland. Snow from the messy winter storm that slowed down traffic and prompted a voluntary parking ban in Portland Thursday will begin to melt early today, and then more snow will fall by evening, according to Bob Marine, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Gray. "It will be kind of an interesting day," he said. There are no other storms in sight, but a bonechilling cold snap will set in over the weekend, Marine said. "It's going to be the coldest day of the season by the weekend. It's going to get really cold over the weekend," he said.

No snow in New York, but a wintry mix of opinion (The New York Times) Where is the snow? That is the question swirling — unlike the white stuff — across New York City and its suburbs, where sidewalks have been relentlessly gray and yards stubbornly green this winter. After a decade of higher-than-average snowfalls, including last year’s snowiest January ever, nary a flake has fallen since the freak October storm. The lack of wintry precipitation comes as a relief to many — no lost power, no snarled commutes, no lagoons of slush. The city, too, is saving on salt and overtime. But for others, the absence has upset the rhythms of the season, stealing the sense of giddiness and grace that accompanies a robust snow. And in what might be thought of as the snow-based sector of the economy — hardware stores, ski shops, snowplow services, even corner shoe-shine stands — the drought has been exceptionally bad for business. Making it even worse: After the generous helping of snow last winter — at 61.9 inches, more than double the annual average for the city — some businesses increased their inventories of snow-related merchandise. The winter is still young, of course. On Thursday, the rain that hit the city was mixed with snow farther north; the Adirondacks got several inches, though that was little solace for the snow-starved here.

By Sunday, the lows will be sub-zero in most spots, Marine said. Thursday's storm boosted monthly snowfall to above 5 inches, raising Portland's winter totals to above 15 inches. The weekend cold snap should pull down the monthly average temperature. On Thursday, members of the public were seen skiing on city trails — a sharp departure from months of generally dry conditions. In January, the average temperature was 28.5 degrees on Wednesday, which was still 5.6 degrees above normal, the weather service reported. The average temperature of 33.3 degrees in December was 4.5 degrees above normal, the weather service reported. Gregory Hughes, marketing director at the Portland International Jetport, said Thursday's storm

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caused a few inconveniences but no major disruptions. Early-afternoon flights to New York, Chicago and Philadelphia suffered delays or cancellations, see COLD page 8

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SUNDAYS 9am-3pm

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

LEFT: A Cumberland Police officer responds to a car crash on Route 26 Thursday. TOP: Portland Public Service plow crews prepare for yesterday’s storm. ABOVE: Reduced speeds were required on the Maine Turnpike yesterday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTOS)

City declares ‘voluntary parking ban’ in wake of storm COLD from page 7

but most flights weren't affected, he said. "Whatever is cancelled has nothing to do with the Portland Jetport," he said, saying rain in other urban airports slowed down arrivals and departures.

The weather service reported between 4 and 6 inches of snow around the Portland area by Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m., when snow began to stop. York County reported 5 and 8 inches of snow, and Androscoggin County was tallying between 2 and 5 inches by mid-afternoon, with snow still falling

there, Marine said. The city of Portland declared a "voluntary parking ban" ending at 7 a.m. this morning. All school lots and other parking areas used for parking bans were made available to residents if they chose to leave streets clear for city crews.


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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 9


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis that you’ll come out very much ahead if you seize this chance. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Gentle movement will bring harmony to your world. Walking is a kind of active meditation. Also, the sensory input of the changing scenery is like a wonderful workout for your brain. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Kindness is your calling card. You’ll embody the qualities of compassion, patience and love just when someone in your midst most needs this influence. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll have a competitive edge because you don’t mind seeing an endeavor for the competition it really is. Others might say it’s “just for fun,” but part of the fun is that only one team can win. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Mix with those who have experience in the realm in which you want to succeed. Learn from someone who has “been there and done that.” You’ll gain insights and create the same success for yourself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll be surprised by the shards of past pain that reemerge long after you thought you were past it. Be patient. Moving on is a process. You’re developing perfectly. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 13). You’ll be more perceptive and attuned to the world around you. In the next 10 weeks, you’ll seize an opportunity to make money. You’ll accept a proposition in March. Travel and adventure are connected to what’s going on with your family in April. You’ll be widening your skill base and experience in July. Aquarius and Taurus people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 10, 2, 13 and 28.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Bring your emotions to everything you do. You could miss something by living too much in your head or approaching every situation from an intellectual standpoint. Engage your body and feelings. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Something that only takes a moment or two -- for instance, keeping your keys in the same place consistently or writing down all appointments -- will yield a huge return on your investment of attention. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). An old saying goes “loose lips sink ships,” and that’s not all they sink. Relationships, opportunities and reputations also hang in the balance now. By remembering past mistakes, you’ll be careful of what you reveal and to whom. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You haven’t had the time to read as much as you would like. An obligation will drop from your schedule, and the ideal way to spend this newfound time will be with your nose in a book. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). One person sees a big dog and thinks: threat. Another person sees the same dog and thinks: friend. Either one could be correct. Realizing that others don’t perceive things as you do gives you an advantage today. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are those who will take up your time with pointless chatter. If it’s pleasant, you won’t mind. But if it’s both pointless and boring, you’ll take precautions not to be caught in the same situation again. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There will be an opportunity to make money while learning. You probably won’t be making much, but the education is so valuable

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 31 32 34 36 37

ACROSS Dog’s long doleful cry Stream Long-running Alan Alda TV series Villain Cut in two Bullets Wooden shoe Charge made against someone Baseball’s __ Griffey, Jr. Deadly snakes Move from a fixed position Singer Brooks __ person; apiece Infer; figure out Powerful Certain golf clubs __ one’s trade; works hard Miscalculate In a __; miffed __ Ste. Marie

38 Boyfriend 39 Relatives 40 Do the job of a blacksmith 41 Gruesome 42 Braggart 44 Interfere 45 To and __ 46 Cowboy’s rope 47 Restaurant cooks 50 Cabin wall pieces 51 Internet 54 Handicap 57 French mother 58 Viking explorer __ the Red 59 Honking birds 60 Kelp, for one 61 Celebration 62 Beginning; start 63 Clumsy oaf

1 2

DOWN Pawn, as one’s possessions Eye flirtatiously

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33

Misdeed Tibia’s location Immaculate Nader or Waite Perpendicular add-ons Actress Arden Beer barrel Not childish In the thick of Air pollution Sharpen Aids in crime Forms a band of sparks Bee, to Sheriff Andy Taylor Keats or Yeats Slipped __; back problem WWII journalist __ Pyle Stack Worthless lout Mountain path Split up Haul

35 37 38 40 41 43

Impolite Mediocre Flowers-to-be At __; initially Not as much Post __; mailing place 44 Refrigerator door stick-on 46 Baggy

47 48 49 50 52 53 55 56 57

Musical symbol Employ Give off rays Whoppers Thus Rosary piece In the past __-gallon hat Brit’s raincoat

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Friday, Jan. 13, the 13th day of 2012. There are 353 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Jan. 13, 1982, an Air Florida 737 crashed into Washington, D.C.’s 14th Street Bridge and fell into the Potomac River after taking off during a snowstorm, killing a total of 78 people; four passengers and a flight attendant survived. (Half an hour after the Air Florida crash, a Washington Metro train derailed during rush hour, killing three passengers.) On this date: In 1733, James Oglethorpe and 120 English colonists arrived at Charleston, S.C., while en route to settle in present-day Georgia. In 1794, President George Washington approved a measure adding two stars and two stripes to the American flag, following the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union. (The number of stripes was later reduced to the original 13.) In 1864, composer Stephen Foster died impoverished in a New York hospital at age 37. (In his pocket: a note which read, “Dear friends and gentle hearts.”) In 1945, during World War II, Soviet forces began a huge, successful offensive against the Germans in Eastern Europe. In 1962, comedian Ernie Kovacs died in a car crash in west Los Angeles 10 days before his 43rd birthday. In 1966, Robert C. Weaver was named Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by President Lyndon B. Johnson; Weaver became the first black Cabinet member. In 1978, former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey died in Waverly, Minn., at age 66. In 1987, West German police arrested Mohammed Ali Hamadi, a suspect in the 1985 hijacking of a TWA jetliner. (Although convicted and sentenced to life, Hamadi was paroled by Germany in Dec. 2005; he is on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list.) In 1990, L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia became the nation’s first elected black governor as he took the oath of office in Richmond. In 1992, Japan apologized for forcing tens of thousands of Korean women to serve as sex slaves for its soldiers during World War II, citing newly uncovered documents that showed the Japanese army had had a role in abducting the so-called “comfort women.” One year ago: Vice President Joe Biden became the first top U.S. official to visit Iraq since the country approved a new Cabinet; Biden emphasized to Iraqi leaders that the U.S. wanted nothing more than for Iraq to be free and democratic. Today’s Birthdays: Actress Frances Sternhagen is 82. TV personality Nick Clooney is 78. Comedian Rip Taylor is 78. Actor Billy Gray is 74. Actor Richard Moll is 69. Rock musician Trevor Rabin is 58. Rock musician James Lomenzo is 53. Actor Kevin Anderson is 52. Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 51. Rock singer Graham “Suggs” McPherson is 51. Country singer Trace Adkins is 50. Actress Penelope Ann Miller is 48. Actor Patrick Dempsey is 46. Actress Traci Bingham is 44. Actor Keith Coogan is 42. Actress Nicole Eggert is 40. Actor Orlando Bloom is 35. Actor Julian Morris is 29.


Dial 5 6

CTN 5 S. Katsos WCSH









8:30 Outlook

Chuck “Chuck Versus Bo” Chuck and Sarah go on one last mission. Kitchen Nightmares Ramsey tries to revive a restaurant. (N) Å Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Joplin Families Part 1” (N) Washing- Need to ton Week Know (N) Å (N) Å Priceless NH Outlook Antiques Special Roadshow Nikita “Sanctuary” Sean attacks Nikita and Michael. (N) Å A Gifted Man Michael and E-Mo clash over a patient. (N) Å Monk (In Stereo) Å








DISC Gold Rush Å


FAM Prince


USA Law & Order: SVU


NESN College Hockey


JANUARY 13, 2012

9:00 Comedy


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Midnight Mausoleum


Grimm “Game Ogre” An Dateline NBC (In Ste- News Tonight escaped convict terror- reo) Å Show With izes Portland. (N) Jay Leno Fringe Peter confronts News 13 on FOX (N) The Office The Office Walternate. (N) (In Ste“The Cli(In Stereo) reo) Å ent” Å Å Extreme Makeover: 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News 8 Nightline Home Edition “Joplin WMTW at (N) Å Families Part 2” (N) 11 (N) Maine Inside Great Performances “Let Me Down Easy” Anna Watch Washing- Deavere Smith portrays characters. (N) Å ton Å Great Performances “Let Me Down Easy” Anna Independent Lens South Deavere Smith portrays characters. Å Africa’s laws against nonwhites. Supernatural The God of Excused American It’s Always That ’70s Time sends Dean back to (N) Å Dad Å Sunny in Show Å 1944. (N) Å Phila. CSI: NY “Who’s There?” Blue Bloods “The WGME Late Show Investigating a home Uniform” Investigating a News 13 at With David invasion. (N) murder at a diner. (N) 11:00 Letterman Monk Scouting trip. Law Order: CI Meal Cops Å Gold Rush (N) Å

Flying Wild Alaska (N) Gold Rush Å

Movie: ›› “A Walk to Remember” (2002) Shane West.

The 700 Club Å

CSI: Crime Scene

White Collar Å




CSNE NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Boston Celtics. (Live)


SportsNet Sports


ESPN NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Boston Celtics. (N) (Live)

NBA Basketball: Heat at Nuggets


ESPN2 NFL Kickoff (N) Å

Cold Case Å

Law & Order: SVU


Boxing Teon Kennedy vs. Chris Martin. (N)

SportsCenter (N) Å

Flashpoint Å

Cold Case Å

Flashpoint Å




DISN Movie: “Frenemies” (2012) Å


TOON Star Wars

Generator King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy

NICK Sponge.

Kung Fu


36 37

MSNBC The Ed Show (N)





Good Luck ANT Farm Shake It

’70s Show ’70s Show Friends

Rachel Maddow Show Lockup Boston

Lockup Boston Erin Burnett OutFront


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360


CNBC American Greed

American Greed

Billions Behind Bars



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



Law & Order


LIFE Amer. Most Wanted



Say Yes

Say Yes

Greta Van Susteren

Amer. Most Wanted

The First 48 Å

Say Yes

Say Yes

Amer. Most Wanted Four Weddings (N)

AMC Movie: ›››› “There Will Be Blood” (2007, Drama) Daniel Day-Lewis. Å


HGTV Hunters


TRAV Ghost Adventures


A&E Beyond Scared


BRAVO Housewives/Atl.



Ghost Adventures

Housewives/Atl. Frasier

ANIM Infested! (In Stereo)

62 67 68 76




SPIKE Gangland Å

Ax Men “Ax is Back”






Movie: ›› “State Property 2” (2005) Å Movie: ›‡ “Wild Hogs” (2007) Tim Allen.



Movie: ››‡ “17 Again” (2009) Zac Efron.




Movie: ››› “The Rundown” (2003) The Rock.

Movie: “Unleashed”

House “Love Hurts”

House “Honeymoon”


OXY House “Kids” Å

TCM Movie: ››› “Conquest” (1937) Greta Garbo.



Face Off




Merlin (N) Å

Kevin Hart’s Stand-Up Playlist (N)

Movie: › “Old Dogs” (2009) John Travolta. Payne

Beyond Scared


Infested! (N) (In Stereo) Confessions: Hoarding Infested! (In Stereo)

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond TBS


Movie: “Doing Hard Time” (2004) Boris Kodjoe.


Ghost Adventures


SYFY WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) Å HIST American Pickers Å

The Dead Files Å Beyond Scared


COM Tosh.0

Say Yes Hunters




Say Yes Hunters

Pet Sem. 2


Beyond Scared

HALL Little House on Prairie Frasier



Tabatha Takes Over



The O’Reilly Factor “Fast & Furious”



Mad Money

Movie: ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003) Å

House “Three Stories”

Movie: ›››‡ “Love and Death”

ACROSS 1 Diminutive devils 5 Trample on 10 Up for the assignment 14 Horse of a different color 15 Marisa of “My Cousin Vinny” 16 Voting faction 17 Native American relics 19 Weightlifting exercise 20 Basic character 21 Actress Hayworth 23 Memorable time period 24 Implant 26 Fancy headband 28 Beer mug 30 Carson’s successor 31 Receding tide 34 Delegate 36 Noted fabulist 39 Mock turtle, e.g. 41 Helpers

43 44 46 48 49 51 53 56 60 61 63 64 66 68 69 70 71 72 73

1 2


Tight closure Shiny Some secretaries Kite backdrop Spoils Is on a quest for Do another take Part of an audio system Seth’s mother Fingerboard increment Faculty status BLT topper Indoor TV antenna Bright thought Sci-fi writer Asimov Bank opening Class struggle? Bruce and Laura Viscid residues

DOWN Tabriz resident Capone’s rival Bugs

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 25 27 29 31 32 33 35 37

Neck of the woods Noses Site of Napoleon’s last exile Front of a shoe Epps of “Scream 2” Military corpsman Six-shooter Natl. television network Prudes “Casablanca” co-star Conspicuous success Compose a letter Specialty Furiously angry Eleven’s numerals Centering points NASA’s ISS partner Soggy bottomland Perfect hits Affirmative responses Acorn dropper

38 40 42 45 47 50 52

Layer “Winnie the __” Habitual doubters Pound sound Shooting sport Intensely hot Superlatively sensible 53 Send (money) 54 Duck

55 Poke fun 57 __ Lumpur, Malaysia 58 Infielder’s bobble 59 Periods of inactivity 62 Slope device 65 Type of bran 67 Interdiction

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012



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For Rent


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Auctions NORTH Country Auctions, LLCJanuary 28st, 2012- 9am. Heavy equipment & general merchandise auction. To be held at our auction barn located at: 438 Plains Road, Tamworth, NH 03886. We are now accepting consignments! Heavy equipment, trailers, auto’s, industrial tools, building supplies, boats, farm equipment, landscaping equipment, and more! Call us today for more information: (603)539-5322 Email:

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Auctioneer: Doug Ryan Lic #2739.

Autos BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

A-TEAM Auto Recyclers paying cash. (207)615-6092.

Business Opportunities LAKE LOT- WILL TRADE (up) for commercial property or other? 207-754-1047.

For Rent 95 Congress St, 3 bedroom, heated, w/d hookup, parking, $1200/mo security deposit, no pets. Call (207)409-0879 or (207)874-2050. PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814.

ROOM for rent upper Sawyer St. South Portland, ME.. $120/wk. 6 month minimum. (207)233-6056.

Services WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

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I pay cash today for broken and unwanted Notebooks, Netbooks, and Macbooks. Highest prices (207)233-5381.

DEADLINE for classifieds is noon the day prior to publication




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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 13




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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I recently moved into an apartment with three other guys. We get along well and have fun together. One of my roommates is a serious player and has no qualms about dating six women at the same time. With each one, he implies that the relationship is exclusive. He told me he does this because he got burned once. I told him that’s a risk in any relationship and that he should stop being part of the problem. Now he brings his various girlfriends to the apartment. They think he’s a great guy who seems so genuine. I have to interact with them and feel horrible lying, smiling and pretending I don’t know what’s really going on. What should I do? If I expose him, it will sour our relationship. At the same time, I can’t keep pretending that his womanizing is OK. Do I really have to move again? -- New Yorker Dear New Yorker: You cannot become involved in every roommate’s issues, nor can you be every woman’s protector, although bless you for trying. These women are responsible for their own character judgments, good or bad. You have told The Snake how you feel about his behavior, and we think you should do so again, more forcefully, pointing out that he has become the type of person he detests. And when he brings a girlfriend over, we recommend you vacate the premises or retreat to your bedroom. You should not be forced to put on a phony face for his benefit. Dear Annie: My son recently married his longtime girlfriend. My wife and I paid for the rehearsal dinner and the honeymoon, and the bridal couple paid for the rest. The reception was small, and the ceremony even smaller. They also wanted no children younger than high-school age. We would have liked to expand the guest list, but it wasn’t our money, and we didn’t push. My sisters felt that their young children should have been

invited, and one boycotted the wedding in protest. Then, two months later, our cousin married, opting for a destination wedding. Neither my sisters nor I could make it. Afterward, the couple held a local reception and specifically said “no children.” The same sister who boycotted my son’s wedding was perfectly OK attending this childfree reception. My son is moving out of state next year, and my wife and I are retiring to Florida. I would just as soon write off that branch of the family, but my wife wants to make a big deal out of this snub. Your suggestions? -- Put Out in Peoria Dear Put Out: The two weddings are not exactly comparable in that your son is a closer relation to your sister’s young children than your cousin’s child is, and she was not as offended by their exclusion. However, boycotting your son’s wedding was petty and selfish. You need not make a big deal out of this or write them off. Moving away will take care of any regular contact while leaving open the possibility of reconciliation down the road. Dear Annie: “Worried Driver in Lafayette, Ind.” asked for a universal sign to get people to stop talking on their cellphones while driving. Despite all the hysteria, the fact is that in the 15 years that cellphones have become widespread, traffic accidents and fatalities have decreased 25 percent, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. -- Hawaii Dear Hawaii: The problem with quoting statistics is that you have to put them in context. Overall traffic fatalities did dip, but “distracted driving” accidents (e.g., eating, drinking, adjusting the radio and cellphone use) increased by up to 16 percent. Also, even though hand-held phone use decreased by 5 percent and is against the law in more states, 18 percent of distracted-driving fatalities involved cellphone use.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

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Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

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Friday, Jan. 13 Sea Dogs Hot Stove Dinner and Silent Auction 5:30 p.m. Boston Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine has been added to the Sea Dogs’ lineup of guests for the annual Hot Stove Dinner and Silent Auction. Valentine joins Red Sox catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia and Seattle Mariners pitcher and Maine native Charlie Furbush. The event benefits the Maine Children’s Cancer Program and will take place at the Sable Oaks Marriott in South Portland. Tickets for the event are $50 and are limited to 300. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Hadlock Field Ticket Office, by phone at 879-9500 or online at Everyone who attends will receive a signed 8 X 10 photo of Saltalamacchia. All proceeds from the dinner and silent auction will benefit the official charity of the Portland Sea Dogs’; the Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program. The Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program was established in 1995 to raise money for the Maine Children’s Cancer Program. For every strikeout that a Sea Dogs’ pitcher throws, money is raised through pledges. For more information on the Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program log onto www.

Free playtimes for children with autism at Children’s Museum and Theatre 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine will launch Play our Way, a series of free playtimes for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families. Funded by a grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Maine, Play Our Way expands upon previous private playtimes at the Museum by incorporating environmental modifications to make the Museum’s space more accommodating for children on the autism spectrum. These playtimes are free and take place when the Museum & Theatre is closed to the general public. Families will have opportunities to explore exhibits freely surrounded by others who understand their children’s unique behaviors. Free admission for children with autism and their families

‘Force of Nature’ 6:30 p.m. Movies at the Museum, “Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie,” Portland Museum of Art. Friday, Jan. 13, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 14, 2 p.m.; Sunday, Jan. 15, 2 p.m. NR. www.portlandmuseum. org/events

The Bad Luck Bazaar

featuring Vietnamese culture, music, fashion and food, organized by the VietnameseAmericans Association of Maine (VAAM), a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving Vietnamese heritage and promoting cross-cultural understanding among Maine communities. Free day event and night event from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Gold Room, 512 Warren Ave. For more information, or contact Renee Nguyen at

Confronting Race, Class and Power 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. NAACP Portland Branch 2012 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance. Martin Luther King Jr. Day commuity dialogue. Preble Street Resource Center, “the economic crisis in our own backyard, march for justice, Preble Street to Portland City Hall, toward a more perfect union.” Dialogue; 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., march. Homeless Voices for Justice, Learning Works, Maine Interfaith Youth Alliance, Maine Seeds of Peace, Portland Public Schools, Preble Street are organizers. “This program draws upon the growing demand to address economic inequity and the systems that have forced an increasing number of people to live within the shifting thin lines between middle class, working poor and poverty. The goal of this dialogue is to bring people of all ages together to not only challenge how we think about poverty and learn about current efforts to address it but to take responsibility as a diverse community to prioritize the fight against it. Students from around the state will facilitate the program in order to empower them as community leaders and help make a tangible connection between engagement and direct action. Utilizing several speeches given by Dr. King as our foundation, participants will learn more about his effort to incorporate class in the civil rights movement through the Poor People’s Campaign and adoption of an ‘Economic Bill of Rights’ as well as his shift to work on global human rights. We will also discuss data on poverty in Maine to better understand the impact of this.” Merrill Auditorium. “King And The Drum Major Instinct: Justice, Peace And Righteousness.” 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., MCs: Linda Abwoch, Rev. Jeff McIlwain, Choirs: Congolese Church Choir, Music Ministry of Green Memorial AME Zion Church, Pihcintu Multinational Children’s Chorus, Women in Harmony. Performers: Batimbo Beat, UNE Students. Tickets: $5 general admission.

‘Tap, Tap, Jazz’ by Maine State Ballet

4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Fresh off another run of “The 7 p.m. “Unlucky you! On Friday the 13th, The Dirty Nutcracker,” the dancers of Maine State Ballet Dishes Burlesque Revue, Pussyfoot Burlesque and kick off their 2012 season with the Broadway Eternal Otter Records proudly present The Bad Luck tunes, high energy and innovative choreograBazaar. Beginning with carnival of desires featuring phy of “Tap, Tap, Jazz.” Matinee and evening (mis)fortune tellers, kissing booths, and game tables “Puss ‘n Boots” playing Jan. 28 to Feb. 12 in Westbrook features eight students from the Acorn shows of “Tap, Tap, Jazz” will be performed on Acting Academy who have been affi liated with the company for the past three seasons in the by Nomia Boutique, USM’s Center for Sexualities and Saturday, Jan. 14, and Saturday, Jan. 21, at the Gender Diversity and other sex-positive local ven- company’s after school acting classes. The cast members come from a variety of communities recently renovated Maine State Ballet Theater in dors, the evening escalates into vaudeville theatrics in Greater Portland, and many of them have been featured in previous productions by the Fairy Falmouth. With several numbers packed within and full-blown burlesque histrionics as the Dishes Tale Players. The following student actors will be appearing in “Peter Pumpkin Eater”: Adrienne about an hour, the fast-paced show is designed and company perform alongside musical guests Cordes, Jaclyn Hazlewood, and Nate Jacobs who reside in Westbrook, Angela Moline from to entertain dance enthusiasts of all ages, said Over A Cardboard Sea and an aerially-fixated Appa- Lyman, Josh Cohen, a Scarborough resident, Isabella Levine (pictured) and Cameron Wood Linda MacArthur Miele, co-founder and artisratus Dance Theater, eventually leading to a climac- from Portland, and Alexandra Neudek who lives in Falmouth. (COURTESY PHOTO) tic director of Maine State Ballet. Performers tic and interactive showdown after which you may include the professional dancers of the Maine purchase tickets, contact PortTix at 842-0800 or visit the require a shower and a 13th hour dance party courtesy of DJ State Ballet Company, as well as advanced students from box office window at Merrill Auditorium. Tickets are also Trozzi, sponsored by Salacious Magazine.” SPACE Gallery. MSB’s School for the Performing Arts.” Tickets are $15 and available online at $7 Advance / $9 at the door, 18 plus. are available online at They can events.php also be purchased by calling the box office at 207-781Saturday, Jan. 14 3587, or by visiting the Maine State Ballet Theater, 348 U.S. Free Watercolor Painting demonstration Route 1, Falmouth. Performances are scheduled for 4 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free Watercolor Painting demonstration and 7 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 14, and 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sat., Lucid Stage’s LucidFest by Constellation Gallery artist Diana Ellis, Learn the basic Jan. 21. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Blvd. Portland. techniques and materials she uses to create dramatic and “Join us to celebrate the New Year! Stop by for a variety vivid paintings! Light refreshments served. http://constellaIn The Blood — Live: A ‘Docu-Exhibit’ of kid’s activities, white elephant sales, raffles and 7:30 p.m. SPACE Gallery screening of “In the Blood,” about formances including Running with Scissors; Druin Dance the Maine lumber industry. “Lumbermen began living in logPortland Ovations presents ‘Mamma Mia!’ Center; puppetry; live music.” General admission is free. ging camps in the Maine woods in the early 1800s. They 8 p.m. The smash hit musical based on the songs of ABBA were the pioneers who created a successful self-contained comes to Merrill Auditorium. Performances begin on Thursworking community in the woods, and on who’s backs the Making Faces: Photographic Portraits at PMA day, Jan. 12 and run through Saturday, Jan. 14 at Merrill state’s economy and history were largely established. ‘In 10 a.m. This winter, the Portland Museum of Art will Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. “Seen by over 50 million people The Blood,’ filmmaker Sumner McKane’s ambitious multishowcase its growing collection of celebrity portraits, around the world, Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus’ year project, takes the audience into this rugged environprompting a new look at the art of photographic portraiture global smash hit musical ‘Mamma Mia!’ is celebrating over ment — into the camps, onto the haul roads, landings and and highlighting two newly acquired portfolios of works 4,000 performances in its tenth smash hit year at Broadyards, rivers and lakes. Through rare archival film, digitally by artists Berenice Abbott and Robert Doisneau. Making way’s Winter Garden Theatre and remains among Broadrestored photography, raw and honest interviews, ambiFaces: Photographic Portraits of Actors and Artists, on way’s top selling musicals. The current North American Tour ent sound design and live scoring, this innovative and view Jan. 14 through April 8, will feature 35 black-andhas played over 3,700 performances in over 150 cities with white photographic portraits of recognizable television entertaining multimedia presentation, featured on NPR’s 145 repeat visits.” The performance schedule for “Mamma personalities and famous artists. For more information, call ‘Echoes,’ brings this lost world vividly into the present.” Mia!” at Merrill Auditorium is Thursday, Jan. 12 at 8 p.m., 775-6148 or visit Friday, Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets range from $45 to $59 for Portland OvaThird annual Tet Celebration see next page tions Members and $50 to $65 for the general public. To noon. Celebrate the Lunar New Year at a community event

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012— Page 15


EVENTS CALENDAR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

from preceding page

Monday, Jan. 16 31st annual MLK Holiday Breakfast Celebration 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The People’s State Of The State: What Does Equity Look Like In Maine? Holiday Inn By The Bay. MCs: Abukar Adan, Jocelyn Thomas. Tickets: $15 children’s program, $25 breakfast program. Programs: Children’s Program (ages 5-12, limited to 60). “UNE students will lead a program focused on the importance of living a healthy life in order to reach one’s fullest potential and to be the best ally or advocate in caring for others. The film ‘My Friend Martin’ will be shown before breaking into small age-appropriate groups to visit stations set up around the room on (1) nutrition/good food choices (2) physical activity/yoga (3) art/creative expression. All children will also get a chance to read and discuss the book, ‘I Have a Dream.’ This program including breakfast takes place on the ground level of the hotel.” Speakers will address three areas of concern: education, health/healthcare and the economy. www.

‘The Drum Major Instinct’ 1 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Day event. “The Drum Major Instinct.” Students from three Portland Housing Authority study centers will perform three unique plays based on Martin Luther King Jr.’s sermon “The Drum Major Instinct.” Each play was written and produced by study center students, volunteers, and coordinators. A mixture of music, dance, and theater; each play celebrates Dr. King’s devotion to community service and his principles of acceptance, love, and equality for all. Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo St., 615-3609. Free and open to the public.

A Charity Fashion Show 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Catholic Charities Maine will be hosting “Walking in the Light: A Charity Fashion Show” on Jan. 16 at One Longfellow Square, 181 State Street, Portland. “Catholic Charities has partnered with local high schools, colleges and boutiques in order to plan the event.” Contact Kerrie Keller, AmeriCorps VISTA at or 523-1156.

Tuesday, Jan. 17 Rape Aggression Defense Training 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This January, the Portland Police Department will offer its Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Training class. “R.A.D. provides women with the tools they need to both avoid dangerous situations and escape them. The course is specifically designed to help women survive situations in which their lives are in jeopardy. This class is open to all women, ages 13 and older, in the Greater Portland area who would like to develop real life defensive tools and tactics. The Basic Self-Defense Course consists of a series

of four classes and one scenario day. The class is scheduled for Jan. 17, 19, 24, and 26, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Jan. 28 from 8 a.m. to noon. All classes must be attended to complete the course. The classes will be held at the Portland Police Department, 109 Middle St., Portland. A donation of $25 for the course is suggested. All donations support the Amy St. Laurent Fund. Due to attendance issues, all donations must be paid prior to the first class (send checks to ASLF/PPD RAD Program, Portland Police Department, 109 Middle St., Portland ME 04101). To sign up for the class or receive more information about Portland R.A.D., e-mail or call 874-8643.”

Wednesday, Jan. 18 Atlantic Salmon Presentation 7 p.m. John R.J. Burrows, director of New England Programs for the Atlantic Salmon Federation will speak on “Atlantic Salmon Restoration — Successes and Challenges,” at the monthly meeting of the Saco River Salmon Club. 7 p.m. meeting, 7:30 presentation at Cabela’s on Hagis Parkway, Scarborough. Free.

‘Warriors Don’t Cry’ 7:30 p.m. “Portland Ovations in collaboration with NAACPPortland presents ‘Warriors Don’t Cry,’ a powerful onewoman play inspired by the award-winning memoir of the same title by Dr. Melba Pattillo Beals at Hannaford Hall, USM Portland. ‘Warriors Don’t Cry’ stars Almeria Campbell and recounts the courageous story of 15-year-old Melba, who endures violence and discrimination as she and eight other African-American students integrate Little Rock, Arkansas’ Central High School. Melba and her fellow student-warriors — known as the Little Rock Nine — captured the world’s attention in 1957 as they struggled and triumphed in pursuit of equal education. Themes of fear and courage, isolation and community, education, history, the family and the nation all come alive through Campbell’s compelling portrayal of 21 characters. A preview to the performance will take place during the NAACP’s 31st Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Breakfast Celebration at the Holiday Inn By The Bay on Jan. 16. Ovations Offstage will present a Pre-Performance Lecture Struggles for Civil Rights: Local Stories on Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Hannaford Hall, USM Portland. Students from King Middle School will discuss their expedition Small Acts of Courage: Memories of the Civil Rights Movement, a project that involves students learning and telling important stories of local citizens. Julia Adams, a member of the Portland String Quartet, will join the students to discuss her own experience during the Civil Rights Movement. Tickets for Warriors Don’t Cry are $23 for Ovations’ Members, $25 for the general public and a limited amount of $10 student tickets are also available. To purchase tickets, contact PortTix at 842-0800 or visit the box office window at Merrill Auditorium. Tickets are also available online at see next page

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Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, Janaury 13, 2012


EVENTS CALENDAR –––––––––– –––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Celebration of Robert Burns 8 p.m. Celebration of Scotland’s Poet Robert Burns. A concert of music and lore at Blue 650 Congress St., Portland featuring Castlebay — vocals with Celtic harp,guitar, fiddle, and woodwinds. Romantic love ballads, robust drinking songs, and moving humanistic anthems from the pen of Burns. Admission is by $8 suggested donation. Delicious food and drink available. The concert will be followed by a traditional Celtic session. Phone 7744111,, FMI

Thursday, Jan. 19 Forum — Financing Maine’s Clean Tech Sector 7:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine, Financing Maine’s Clean Tech Sector, Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine, Portland. “Compared to a year ago, venture capital investment in clean tech companies has increased 73 percent to $1.1 billion (Ernst & Young). Clean technology investments are on the rise but what does this mean for Maine? The Jan.19 forum, Financing Maine’s Clean Tech Sector will be a two-part event to explore the state of venture capital in Maine, as well as other sources of funding available to clean tech start ups, firms experiencing growth, and other businesses seeking capital. Part I: Panel (8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.) State of Giving: philanthropic and foundation grant support--Betsy Biemann, Maine Technology Institute. State of Lending: commercial and public loans and the political/regulatory environment’s influence — Mike Finnegan, Coastal Enterprises, Inc.; and, an overview of the steps necessary to access loans and other funding streams — Stephen Lovejoy, Maine Small Business Development Center, State of Capital: venture capital availability and angel investors -- Don Gooding, Maine Angels. Part II: Break Out Sessions (9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.).

Draw, Write & Publish! 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Maine College of Art presents a teen zine factory: “Come play with the creative possibilities of cut-and-paste, photocopied self-publication with illustrator and MECA professor Jamie Hogan. ... Using drawings, photos, rubber stamps, stickers, collage, found text, poetry, lyrics, or maybe your ex-best-friend’s diary, your zine will be your visual shout out to the world.” MECA, 522 Congress St.

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