The Portland Daily Sun, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

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Body scanner units in place at airport

VOL. 3 NO. 251

Snowe race has ripple effects in Maine See page 6

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Police: Woman beaten, raped while stranded on rural Sebago road Sheriff’s office issues sketch of suspect, seeks leads — See a story on page 3



ABOVE LEFT: A police “composite rendering” of the suspect. (COURTESY IMAGE) ABOVE RIGHT: Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Naldo Gagnon tells reporters about the incident in Sebago over the weekend. (MATTHEW ARCO PHOTO)

Pier review: Dredging plan revived — See page 8 ABOVE: A visitor to the OccupyMaine camp, who declined to give his name, studies a board titled, “Make camp awesome,” in the Lincoln Park encampment. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Occupy group gets its day in court See page 7 Boats line up at Union Wharf. Pier owners hope to restart an effort to dredge around private wharfs. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Penn State coach Paterno dies at 85 (NY Times) — Joe Paterno, 85, who won more games than any other major-college football coach, died Sunday in State College, Pa. His family announced his death in a statement released Sunday morning. The cause was lung cancer, according to Mount Nittany Medical Center, where he had been treated. Paterno’s family announced in mid-November that he had received a diagnosis of lung cancer after a visit to a physician regarding a bronchial illness a few days earlier. During his 46 years as head coach, Paterno became the face of Pennsylvania State University and a symbol of integrity in collegiate athletics only to be fired during the 2011 season amid a child sexual abuse scandal that reverberated throughout the nation. When Penn State defeated Illinois, 10-7, on Oct. 29, 2011, the victory was Paterno’s 409th, and he surpassed Eddie Robinson of Grambling for most career victories among NCAA Division I coaches. Penn State’s president at the time, Graham B. Spanier, presented Paterno with a commemorative plaque in a postgame ceremony shown on the huge scoreboard at Beaver Stadium. It would be Paterno’s last game. Within days his former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky was indicted and arrested on multiple charges of sexually abusing young boys extending back to his time on Paterno’s staff. On Nov. 9, Paterno and Spanier were fired by the university’s board of trustees because of their failure to go to the police after they were told of an accusation against Sandusky in 2002. Paterno’s abrupt firing at 84 was something that could hardly have been imagined, although he had stubbornly clung to the spotlight at an age when most head coaches, whatever their renown, had retired. He had held himself to an exceedingly high standard with what he called his “grand experiment”: fielding outstanding teams with disciplined players whose graduation rates far exceeded that at most football powers. His football program had never been tainted by a recruiting scandal. His statue stood outside Beaver Stadium alongside the legend “Educator, Coach, Humanitarian.”


Football is an incredible game. Sometimes it’s so incredible, it’s unbelievable.” —Tom Landry

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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Justices rule that police violated privacy rights with GPS tracker BY ADAM LIPTAK THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously ruled that the police violated the Constitution when they placed a Global Positioning System tracking device on a suspect’s car and monitored its movements for 28 days. But the justices divided 5-to-4 on the rationale for the decision, with the majority saying that the problem was the placement of the device on private property. That ruling avoided many difficult questions, including how to treat information gathered from devices installed by the manufacturer and how to treat information held by third parties like cellphone companies. Walter Dellinger, a lawyer for the defendant in the case and a former acting United States solicitor general, said the decision “is a signal event in Fourth Amendment history.” “Law enforcement is now on notice,” he said, “that almost any use of G.P.S. electronic surveillance of a citizen’s movement will be legally questionable unless a warrant is obtained in advance.” Though the ruling was lim-

ited to physical intrusions, the opinions in the case collectively suggested that a majority of the justices are prepared to apply broad Fourth Amendment privacy principles unrelated to such intrusions to an array of modern technologies, including video surveillance in public places, automatic toll collection systems on highways, devices that allow motorists to signal for roadside assistance and records kept by online merchants. The case decided Monday, United States v. Jones, No. 10-1259, concerned Antoine Jones, who was the owner of a Washington nightclub when the police came to suspect him of being part of a cocaineselling operation. They placed a tracking device on his Jeep Grand Cherokee without a valid warrant, tracked his movements for a month and used the evidence they gathered to convict him of conspiring to sell cocaine. He was sentenced to life in prison. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit overturned his conviction, saying the sheer amount of information that had been collected violated the Fourth Amendment, which

bars unreasonable searches. The Supreme Court affirmed that decision, but on a different ground. “We hold that the government’s installation of a G.P.S. device on a target’s vehicle, and its use of that device to monitor the vehicle’s movements, constitutes a ‘search,’ ” Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for the majority. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor joined the majority opinion. “It is important to be clear about what occurred in this case,” Justice Scalia went on. “The government physically occupied private property for the purpose of obtaining information. We have no doubt that such a physical intrusion would have been considered a ‘search’ within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment when it was adopted.” In a concurrence for four justices, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. faulted the majority for trying to apply 18th-century legal concepts to 21st-century technologies. What should matter, he said, is the contemporary reasonable expectation of privacy. “The use of longer term G.P.S. monitoring in investigations

of most offenses,” he wrote, “impinges on expectations of privacy.” Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer and Elena Kagan joined the concurrence. “We need not identify with precision the point at which the tracking of this vehicle became a search, for the line was surely crossed before the 4-week mark,” Justice Alito wrote. “Other cases may present more difficult questions.” The leading Supreme Court precedent in the area, United States v. Knotts in 1983, allowed the use of a much more primitive technology, a beeper that sent a signal that grew stronger as the police drew closer and so helped them follow a car over a single 100-mile trip from Minnesota to Wisconsin. The Knotts case was different, Justice Scalia wrote, because the police had placed the beeper in a container of chemicals before the suspect accepted it. In the Jones case, by contrast, “officers encroached on a protected area.” Justice Scalia added that the majority did not mean to suggest that its property-rights theory of the Fourth Amendment displaced the one focused on expectations of privacy.

For justices, State of the Union can be a trial BY ADAM LIPTAK THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has called the State of the Union address, which is being delivered Tuesday night, “a political pep rally.” For Justice Antonin Scalia, it is “a juvenile spectacle.” Justice Clarence Thomas said he could not abide “the catcalls, the whooping and hollering and under-the-breath comments.” Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. called the addresses “very political events” and “very awkward,” adding, “We have to sit there like the proverbial potted plant most of the time.” That particular potted plant spoke, sort of, at the 2010 State of the Union address, mouthing “not true” after President Obama took a shot at a six-day-old Supreme Court decision called Citizens United. Mr. Obama said the decision had “reversed a century of law” and would “open the floodgates for

special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.” On substance, Justice Alito probably had the better of the exchange: the law the decision partly struck down was enacted in 2002, and the older of the two precedents it reversed was from 1990. And the majority went out of its way to say it was not deciding “whether the government has a compelling interest in preventing foreign individuals or associations from influencing our nation’s political process.” And just two weeks ago, the court summarily affirmed a decision upholding a law that makes it a crime for foreigners to spend money to influence elections. But the public was not focused on substance that night. Rather, it saw an extraordinary tableau: a president criticizing six justices to their faces in harsh and specific terms. The justices’ public statements in the aftermath of the clash — at

law schools and to the Federalist Society and the Manhattan Institute — made one wonder why they turn up for the State of the Union address at all. And it made two scholars, Todd C. Peppers of Roanoke College and Micheal W. Giles of Emory University, undertake heroic work to assemble a mountain of data for a study on trends in this area based on videos, photographs and newspaper articles. They found that justices’ attendance had been falling. From 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson moved the address from the afternoon to the evening, through 1980, the attendance rate was 84 percent. Over the next two decades, the number dropped to 53 percent. Since 2000, the rate has fallen to 32 percent. In three of those years, only Justice Stephen G. Breyer attended. In 2000, when Justice Breyer stayed home with the flu, no justice was present.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 3


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VISIT PORTL A NDDA ILYSUN.ME FOR THIS A ND OTHER GRE AT OFFERS “We find this horrific in our community,” said Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Naldo Gagnon at a news conference Monday, as he described the case of a women who was beaten and raped in Sebago over the weekend. He said the unidentified assailant — who was driving a truck with New Hampshire license plates — fled the scene following the assault and after stealing money from the woman’s car. (MATTHEW ARCO PHOTO)



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TSA installs new full-body scanners at Portland Jetport BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Police: Woman beaten, raped while stranded on rural road A Maine women, stranded on a rural Sebago road after her vehicle was stuck on the ice Saturday, told police she was beaten in the face and raped by a passerby who pretended to offer assistance. The 41-year-old woman reportedly slid off the road and sat stranded until the suspect drove by and coaxed her out of the vehicle. The woman, who was on her way home, was then assaulted, said Chief Deputy Naldo Gagnon, of the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office. "She was beat(en) in her face as well as violently attached," he said. "We find this horrific in our community." The unidentified man fled the scene following the assault and after stealing money from the woman's car, Gagnon said. "She was treated and released from a hospital, and evidence was obtained, which we are going to have processed," he said, referring to DNA that was collected. Gagnon explained the DNA will be processed in a lab sometime today, adding he hopes to find that the suspect is "in the system," and that authorities will




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be able to find a match. one red and one yellow. "We believe him to be Gagnon said the dangerous," he said. truck also had New The attack happened Hampshire license in what police described plates, and that local as a "remote area" officials have already located in the town of been in contact with Sebago — located about New Hampshire 30 miles northwest of authorities. Portland. He said drivers Police would not say who find themselves where the vehicle went stranded on the side of off the road, but they Police released this the road in rural areas said that no other vehi- composite rendering of should be cautious of cles drove by during the the suspect in a week- people who approach attack. Officials also end attack on a woman their vehicle. declined to say how the in Sebago. (COURTESY Stay in the vehicle, woman eventually got IMAGE) keep it locked and home and called police. only roll down the window par"We're going to chase everytially, Gagnon said, noting that thing down we possibly can," a stranded motorist should Gagon said. exchange information and ask The sheriff's office released people to get help for them. a composite rendering of what "If it's a person in another the suspect may look like and vehicle who doesn't have a means described him as being 6 feet tall, to pull you back up on the road, approximately 170 pounds and I would ask anybody to call for wearing gold-framed glasses. (help instead) in those cases," The suspect was said to be Gagnon said. driving a grey or dark color GMC Anyone with information about full-size pickup truck that has this incident is asked to contact a "Ski-Doo" sticker on the right Det. Sgt. Jim Estabrook at 774lower corner of the back window, 1444 ext: 2108 or the sheriff's according to officials. The truck anonymous hotline at 774-1444, was towing two snowmobiles — ext: 2208.

PORTLAND — The Transportation Security Administration rolled out its new line of fullbody scanners at the Portland International Jetport Monday. The jetport recently received three scanners equipped with nondescript image technology that gives TSA officials a heads up if a passenger is carrying potentially dangerous items, though it doesn’t provide details of the person’s body. “The images themselves are computer generated non individual specific, so they’re the same for every passenger,” said Ann Davis, a Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman, who spoke to The Portland Daily Sun in December, when TSA announced the jetport would receive the machines. The scanners cost between $130,000 and $170,000. The machines screen passengers for metallic and non-metallic threats, including weapons and explosives. If a potential threat is found on a passenger, the item is identified on a computer screen that pictures a generic outline of a person. The agency says radiation doses emitted to bystanders and those being screened are well below limits specified by federal health agencies. They say the units emit 1,000 times less energy than a cell phone and produce the same amount of radiation exposure as two minutes of flying on an airplane.

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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

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Bomb-Bomb-Bomb, Bomb-Bomb-Iran? O.K., Mr. President, here’s the plan. Sometime in the next few months you order the Department of Defense to destroy Iran’s nuclear capacity. Yes, I know it’s an election year, and some people will say this is a cynical rally-round-the-flag move on your part, but a nuclear Iran is a problem that just won’t wait. Our pre-emptive strike, designated Operation Yes We Can, will entail bombing the yellowcake-conversion plant at Isfahan, the uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz and Fordo, the heavywater reactor at Arak, and various centrifuge-manufacturing sites near Natanz and Tehran. True, the Natanz facility is buried under 30 feet of reinforced concrete and surrounded by air defenses, but our new bunker-buster, the 30,000––––– pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, will turn the place into The New York bouncing rubble. Fordo is more Times problematic, built into the side of a mountain, but with enough sorties we can rattle those centrifuges. Excuse me? Does that take care of everything? Um, that we know of. Civilian casualties? Not a big deal, sir, given the uncanny accuracy of our precision-guided missiles. Iran will probably try to score sympathy points by trotting out dead bodies and wailing widows, but the majority of the victims will be the military personnel, engineers, scientists and technicians working at the facilities. Fair game, in other words. Critics will say that these surgical strikes could easily spark a full-blown regional war. They will tell

Bill Keller

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Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Founding Editor Curtis Robinson Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

To be sure, we could just let the Israelis do the bombing. Their trigger fingers are getting itchier by the day. But they probably can’t do the job thoroughly without us, and we’d get sucked into the aftermath anyway. you that the Revolutionary Guard — not the most predictable bunch — will lash out against U.S. and allied targets, either directly or through terrorist proxies. And the regime might actually close off the vital oil route through the Strait of Hormuz. Not to worry, Mr. President. We can do much to mitigate these threats. For one thing, we can reassure the Iranian regime that we just want to eliminate their nukes, not overthrow the government — and of course they will take our word for it, if we can figure out how to convey the message to a country with which we have no formal contacts. Maybe post it on Facebook? To be sure, we could just let the Israelis do the bombing. Their trigger fingers are getting itchier by the day. But they probably can’t do the job thoroughly without us, and we’d get sucked into the aftermath anyway. We might as well do it right and get the credit. Really, sir, what could possibly go wrong? The scenario above is extracted from an article by Matthew Kroenig in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs. (The particulars are Kroenig’s; the mordant attitude is mine.) Kroenig, an academic who spent a year as a fellow at the Obama administration’s Defense Department, apparently aspires to the Strangelovian superhawk role occupied in previous decades by the likes of John Bolton and Richard Perle. His former colleagues at Defense were pretty appalled by his article, which combines the alarmist worst case of the Iranian nuclear threat with the

rosiest best case of America’s ability to make things better. (Does this remind you of another pre-emptive war in a country beginning with I?) This scenario represents one pole in a debate that is the most abused foreign policy issue in this presidential campaign year. The opposite pole, also awful to contemplate, is the prospect of living with a nuclear Iran. In that case, the fear of most American experts is not that Iran would decide to incinerate Israel. (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does a good impression of an evil madman, but Iran is not suicidal.) The more realistic dangers, plenty scary, are that a conventional conflict in that conflict-prone neighborhood would spiral into Armageddon, or that Iran would extend its protective nuclear umbrella over menacing proxies like Hezbollah, or that Arab neighbors would feel obliged to join the nuclear arms race. For now, American policy lives between these poles of attack and acquiescence, in the realm of uncertain calculation and imperfect options. If you want to measure your next president against a hellish dilemma, here’s your chance. In the Republican field we have one candidate (Rick Santorum) who is about as close as you can get to the bomb-sooner-rather-than-later extreme, another (Ron Paul) who is at the let-Iran-be-Iran extreme, and Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are in between. Of particular interest is Romney, who see KELLER page 5

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 5

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Upheaval and human ‘murmuration’ On my Podcast last week, Duncan Crary and I yakked about an important concept introduced by Nicole Foss at The Automatic Earth blog site. This concept was “the trust horizon,” which outlines how legitimacy is lost in the political hierarchy. That is, people stop trusting larger institutions like the federal or state government and end up vesting their interests much closer to home. Thus, life de-centralizes and becomes more local by necessity. Your own trust horizon extends only as far as other persons, businesses, institutions, and authorities immediately around you — the banker who will meet with you face-to-face, the mayor of your small town, the local food-growers. At the same time, distant ones become impotent and ludicrous — or possibly dangerous as they flounder to re-assert their vanishing influence. It is obvious that we are in the early stages of this process in the USA (and Europe), as giant institutions such as the Federal Reserve, the executive branch under Mr. Obama, the U.S. Congress (the ECB), the SEC, the Department of Justice, the Treasury Department, and other engines of management all fail in one way or another to discharge their obligations. The people of the USA, having been let down and swindled in so many ways by the people they placed their trust in, and even freely elected, appear to be in a daze of injury. Maybe this accounts for the obsession with zombies and persons drained of blood — who yet seem to carry on normal lives (at least in TV shows). This odd condition is best defined by the familiar cry from non-zombies: “where’s the outrage?” Which brings me to today’s point. Investment guru James Dines introduced another seminal idea on a podcast hosted by Eric King last

James Howard Kunstler ––––– week. Dines’s work over the years has focused much more on human mob psychology than technical market analysis — which he seems to regard as akin to augury with chicken entrails. Dines now introduces the term “murmuration” to describe the way that rapid changes occur in the realm of human activities. The word refers to behaviors also seen in other living species, such as the way a large flock of starlings will all turn in the sky at the same instant without any apparent communication. We don’t know how they do that. It seems to be some kind of collective cognitive processing beyond our understanding. Dines goes on to suggest that the political stirrings and upheavals of the past year represent an instance of human “murmuration” that will lead to even greater epochal changes in geopolitical and economic life. Now, I’ve often said 1) history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes [thank you, Mark Twain], and 2) that these times are like the 1850s. To be more precise today, these two concepts of “the trust horizon” and “murmuration” point to a moment in time that I believe we are now rhyming with: the revolutions of 1848 and the events that grew out of it. The spring of that year was an inflection point when discontent over the changes sweeping through European society broke into open insurrection in France, Prussia, Austria, Italy, Poland, South America, and other places all seemingly at once despite the absence of television and

the internet. However, the upheavals of 1848 occurred not long after the first practical installation of a telegraph line from Annapolis, Maryland, to Washington, DC (and then in Europe). It was also a time when the first railroad networks were linking up. In February that crucial year, the liberal “Citizen King” Louis-Philippe of France was driven off the throne after an 18-year-reign characterized by tranquility and prosperity compared to the decades that preceded it. In March, street protests and violence spread through the grab-bag of kingdoms, dukedoms, and obscure principalities (Prussia ... Saxony ... Hesse ... Fulda ...) that would eventually make up the super-state of greater Germany. The Austrian empire began its slide into senility as its constituent states rioted. Even the people in Switzerland went batty. And so on. Enter, stage left, Marx and Engels with a new political theory, for the excellent reason that the industrial revolution was reaching its stride and the conditions of daily life were changing very rapidly. Country people left farms for factory jobs all over the continent, and the ill-effects of the new wageslavery drove them into solidarity. The uproar of 1848 was widespread and left many changes in its wake. But it was short and it produced odd instances of right-wing reaction. In France, for instance, LouisPhilippe was sent packing (to England), and a new republic was established — but the president it elected was Napoleon Bonaparte’s nephew, Louis Napoleon who, in a matter of months declared himself president-for-life, and then Emperor. He was not at all a bad ruler, as things turned out. Among other achievements, he presided over the massive physical renovation of Paris that produced the “city of light” beloved today.

But he was driven off his throne twenty-odd years later from the ill effects of the opera bouffe known as the Franco-Prussian War. In any case, the main point is that so many people across a continent got the same idea in the first weeks of a particular year, and then set about expressing themselves violently. More to my point is how things worked out in America. You have no doubt realized by now that there was no uprising in the USA in 1848 (though we did prosecute a war with Mexico). Yet, in the best “Fourth Turning” sense of history, a new generation had come of age and was producing the revolution in ideas that included Emerson and Thoreau’s Transcendentalism, and the abolition movement, dedicated to ending slavery. This combination of broadly-held idealistic notions boiled away for another decade and led to the “mumuration” that precipitated the biggest bloodbath of the civilized world in the 19th century: the American Civil War. The Revolution of 1848 expressed itself most horrifically in the place that thought itself most specially insulated from its effects. Hence, when you read an idiot such as Paul Krugman in Monday’s New York Times Op-Ed kindergarten, prating on the end of hard times in the USA, swallow a good half-pound of kosher salt. James Dines is right, a great human “murmuration” is underway, vibrating like a bass chord through bodies politic all over the world. Wait until you see what breaks loose at the Democratic and Republican conventions later this year. (James Howard Kunstler is the author of several books, including “The Long Emergency,” “The Geography of Nowhere,” and the “A World Made By Hand” series. You can hear his weekly podcast online at

In practice, Obama’s policy promises to be tougher than Bush’s KELLER from page 4

has performed the same rhetorical trick with Iran that he did with health care. That is, he condemns Obama for doing pretty much what Romney would do. Although much about Iran’s theocracy is murky, a few assumptions are widely accepted by specialists in and out of government. First, for all its denials, the Iranian regime is determined to acquire nuclear weapons, or at least the capacity to make them quickly in the event of an outside threat. Having a nuclear option is seen as a matter of Persian pride and national survival in the face of enemies (namely us) who the Iranians believe are bent on toppling the Islamic state. The nuclear program is popular in Iran, even with many of the opposition figures admired in the West. The actual state of the program is not entirely clear, but the best open-source estimates are that if Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered full-speed-ahead — which there is no sign he has done — they could have an actual weapon in a year or so. American policy has been consistent through the Bush and Obama administrations: (1) a declaration that a nuclear Iran is “unacceptable”; (2) a combination of sticks (sanctions) and carrots (supplies of

nuclear fuel suitable for domestic industrial needs in exchange for forgoing weapons); (3) unfettered international inspections; (4) a refusal to take military options off the table; (5) a concerted effort to restrain Israel from attacking Iran unilaterally — beyond the Israelis’ presumed campaign to slow Iran’s progress by sabotage and assassination; and (6) a wish that Iran’s hard-liners could be replaced by a more benign regime, tempered by a realization that there is very little we can do to make that happen. This is also the gist of Romney’s Iran playbook, for all his bluster about Obama the appeaser. In practice, Obama’s policy promises to be tougher than Bush’s. Because Obama started out with an offer of direct talks — which the Iranians foolishly spurned — world opinion has shifted in our direction. We may now have sufficient global support to enact the one measure that would be genuinely crippling — a boycott of Iranian oil. The administration and the Europeans, with help from Saudi Arabia, are working hard to persuade such major Iranian oil customers as Japan and South Korea to switch suppliers. The Iranians take this threat to their economic livelihood seriously enough that people who follow the subject no longer minimize the chance of a naval confrontation in the Strait of Hormuz. It’s not impossible that we will get war with Iran even

without bombing its nuclear facilities. That’s not the only problem with the current — let’s call it the Obamney — approach to Iran. The point of tough sanctions, of course, is to force Iranians to the bargaining table, where we can do a deal that removes the specter of a nuclear-armed Iran. (You can find some thoughts on what such a deal might entail on my blog.) But the mistrust is so deep, and the election-year pressure to act with manly resolve is so intense, that it’s hard to imagine the administration would feel free to accept an overture from Tehran. Anything short of a humiliating, unilateral Iranian climbdown would be portrayed by the armchair warriors as an Obama surrender. Likewise, if Israel does decide to strike out on its own, Bibi Netanyahu knows that candidate Obama will feel immense pressure to go along. That short-term paradox comes wrapped up in a long-term paradox: an attack on Iran is almost certain to unify the Iranian people around the mullahs and provoke the supreme leader to redouble Iran’s nuclear pursuits, only deeper underground this time, and without international inspectors around. Over at the Pentagon, you sometimes hear it put this way: Bombing Iran is the best way to guarantee exactly what we are trying to prevent.

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Candidates announce runs for legislature, county commission BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

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The race to unseat U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, has created ripple effects. Two candidates announced bids Monday to fill seats that will be vacated as a result of incumbents leaving their posts to wage races against Snowe. State Rep. Bryan Kaenrath, D-South Portland, announced Monday his candidacy for Maine Senate District 7, representing the communities of South Portland, Cape Elizabeth and parts of Scarborough. “I’m running for the Maine Senate to provide a voice for the residents of district 7,” said Kaenrath in a press release. “As I have in the Maine House, I’ll remain Dill focused on protecting our environment, supporting access to higher education, affordable health care, and growing our economy.” Democrat Cynthia Dill of Cape Elizabeth won the District 7 state Senate seat in a May 2011 special election. Now, she is waging a run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Snowe, creating the vacancy. Dillon Bates of Portland's West Hinck End also announced Monday his intent to run for a soon-to-bevacant seat, Maine State House seat from District 118. A registered Democrat, Bates said he has filed paperworkwith the state to appear on the ballot this June as a candidate for the Democratic nomination. The seat is being vacated by state Rep. Jon Hinck, who like Dill is vying for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Snowe. "State government has stagnated," Bates wrote in a press release. "It has grown farther and farther from the interests of the people it represents, and become infused with special interests and partisan

spitting contests. Upon graduation from the University of Maine, I weighed many options for my future. However, I can no longer reconcile my belief that government should be accountable to the people it represents with inaction. It is with great enthusiasm that I declare my candidacy for the Maine State House of Representatives from District 118, and I look forward to speaking with and working for my neighbors in the West End in the weeks and months to come." West End resident Tom MacMillan announced recently he is running for District 118. MacMillan, 25, is running as a Green Party candidate. He is officially kicking off his campaign with a meet and greet at Reiche Community Center from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28. Portland homebuilder, Ben Pollard, said he too will join the June 12 primary to become the Democratic nominee to run for Snowe's seat in Congress. The two will battle in the Democratic primary against Hinck and former Secretary of State Matt Dunlap of Old Town. Unrelated to the Snowe race is the news that former state legislator and chairman of the Legislator’s Transportation Committee, Boyd Marley, has announced his run to represent the new District 4 on the Cumberland County Commission. “I was surprised to hear of Commissioner Feeney’s retirement," Marley wrote in a press release. "Richard Feeney has had a long and distinguished career. His public service has been a tribute to his son, Peter.” Marley is a resident and longtime special educator in South Portland. “Cumberland County is a great area to live and work in," he said. "There are many opportunities and we need someone with proven leadership and experience to work with local, regional and state organizations or to advocate with the legislative delegation. I pledge to work hard everyday to make a difference for all the citizens of Cumberland County.”

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Man dies in Lisbon mobile home fire LISBON — A 41-year-old man was consumed by a blaze inside his Lisbon mobile home Monday morning, according to state officials. Richard Davis apparently alerted authorities of the fire shortly after midnight, said Steve McCausland, a Department of Public Safety spokesman. McCausland said Davis, the only occupant of the residence, called 911 to report the fire but was later found inside his bedroom. Officials suspect he was overcome by smoke and was not able to escape, McCausland said. “A team of three fire marshal investigators (are)

now attempting to pinpoint the cause,” McCausland said in a news release. It’s the first fire death of 2012, McCausland said.

School board to discuss building’s fate PORTLAND — The Portland School Board is expected to vote tonight whether to transfer the building that used to house Nathan Clifford Elementary School to the city of Portland. Ocean Avenue Elementary School took the place of the now retired school, and board members are expected to transfer the Nathan Clifford Elementary School building to the city. They hope revenues from either leasing or selling the building will be redistributed back to the school district, officials said. Any consensus between the city and school officials is far from certain. A city councilor indicated last week that any funds generated by the release of the building should go to benefit the entire city — whether it be schools directly or other areas of the city. The councilor, Ed Suslovic, accused the school board of “dragging their feet” in an effort to “get a commitment from the city that they get to hang onto all of the proceeds” from the sale of the building. Portland School Board Chairwoman Kathleen Snyder disagreed with Suslovic, and said the board has been in ongoing and productive discussions with the city about Nathan Clifford. Tonight’s school board meeting is slated for 7 p.m. at Casco Bay High School, room 250. — Staff Reports

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 7

OccupyMaine has its day in court BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

PORTLAND — The anti-Wall Street protest group OccupyMaine will have its day in court today. The group’s lawsuit against the city of Portland

is expected to go before a judge beginning at 9 a.m. Protesters camping in Lincoln Park say city officials are infringing on their rights by ordering them to leave and asked a judge to decide the fate of the encampment. Their lawsuit was filed just hours before the city’s December deadline, that told protesters to either file a claim with the court or face eviction from Lincoln Park, expired. OccupyMaine is largely challenging city ordinances that officials say prohibit the protesters from remaining in the park overnight. The protesters call these ordinances unconstitutional — citing both the state and federal constitutions. The city argues the protesters failed to establish in their lawsuit that camping in a public park is a constitutionally protected form of speech or expression, according to court documents. City attorneys claim, among other things, that it’s unlikely outsiders who observe the encampment will understand OccupyMaine’s message or that camping itself is a way to communicate a message. City attorneys also cited lawsuits filed by similar Occupy groups in Augusta, Boston and others across the country. They cited the cases when the city filed its response to the Occupy lawsuit. “As stated in our filing, there are significant cases with the state, federal and Supreme Court that supports the city’s position that enforcement of our park ordinance is legal,” said a city spokeswoman, Nicole Clegg, earlier in the month. According to people at the OccupyMaine camp Monday, the group planned to gather around 8 a.m. this morning and serve coffee to the public. The group’s Facebook page read, “Next to the Courthouse, Please Join OccupyMaine In Lincoln Park For Coffee,Tea And Conversation.”

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An unidentified member of OccupyMaine walks through the Lincoln Park camp Monday, before today’s court hearing over the city’s denial of a permit to camp there. The group describes itself as “the Mainers who stand in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement.” (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pier owners revive private bid to dredge One owner says revisiting potentially expensive effort ‘a work in progress’ BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

As a $13 million effort to dredge the channel in Portland Harbor awaits federal funding, a group of private pier owners began dipping their toes in the water last week to restart a separate, privately funded effort to remove silt and sedimentation around their wharfs. "We're just at the infancy of trying to get it done," said Dick Ingalls, chairman of the Portland Dredging Committee, a committee of the Waterfront Alliance. "It's a problem that isn't going to get better with time because we're on a river and the river tends to silt in," said Charlie Poole, president and general manager of Proprietors of Union Wharf. Union Wharf operators have dredged and moved sediment in the past, transporting the material as fill and placing it under a building, he said. "A pier is only as good as the ability to move the vessel whether going out or coming in," Poole said, explaining the need to maintain harbor depths for shipping. Ingalls said last Tuesday he asked for guidance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the natural resource management agency that oversees harbor dredging, to relaunch the private effort to dredge. Ed O'Donnell, chief of the navigation section with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in New England, said the private pier owners "are looking for a suitable disposal alternative for some of the berths," but acknowledged there are regulatory hurdles. A Portland disposal site has been established about 10 miles from the harbor, and the private pier owners and cities of Portland and South Portland could use that site, with proper permitting, to dump their dredged material. The most recent dredging of the 35-foot federal channel was done from November 1998 to April 1999 when approximately 409,700 cubic yards of material was dredged and dumped at that site, the Corps noted. But for private pier owners and the cities to use the site, they would need to comply with a requirement under the Marine Sanctuaries Protection Act, which assures material disposed in the ocean won't adversely affect local marine life. "The material is such, for material to be disposed at the Portland disposal site as we are proposing to do, you have to do biological testing," O'Donnell said. "We do biological testing, each sample is $50,000. Say you have 3,000 yards and you want to dump it at the Portland disposal site, you still have to spend $50,000," he said. For private pier owners, absorbing that cost could scuttle their hopes for dredging. Ingalls noted that pier owners tried to secure federal stimulus funding for a separate disposal area, called a "confined aquatic disposal'' cell, but they were unsuccessful. Historically, there was a stateregulated disposal site off Cape Elizabeth until 1941, where pier owners could face less rigorous regulatory hurdles, he noted. "We asked if we could open one of those. We're working with the Corps to find out just how to do it," Ingalls said. Poole said pier owners are dealing with "logistical challenges," but understand that dredging in tandem with other pier owners and with municipalities which maintain their own waterfront properties could yield cost savings. Still, the hard numbers are daunting. Poole estimated that a pier owner could pay $12 to $15 a yard to dig up sediment and place it in a barge. Then, disposing of the material becomes even more costly. "It's sort of a work in progress," Poole said of the exploration, adding the problem isn't going away. "Our fishermen sooner or later won't be able to tie up at docks," Ingalls said. "We're hoping to convene the private owners and

In mid-October, a Portland Fire Department boat navigates in front of a cruise ship in Portland Harbor at the site of a $6 million deep-water pier. Dredging around the deep-water pier is under review, according to a report last fall from the Maine Port Authority. The federal government, meanwhile, continues waiting for funding to conduct a $13 million channel dredge in the harbor. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

the municipalities ... to see if we can move this thing along," Poole said. "The need is there, the desire is there certainly for many of the people who own property, but finding the solution that is not so economically damaging to your business" — that's the challenge, Poole said. Separately, the Corps of Engineers plans to dredge 700,000 cubic yards out of the harbor channel. President Obama and the U.S. Congress failed to budget for the work in fiscal year 2012. Next month, O'Donnell said the Corps of Engineers will know whether President Obama included the project in his 2013 budget. "Right now we have no funds, the president's budget comes out in early February," O'Donnell said. "We can't say anything until the president issues his budget." Portland Harbor is the largest commercial port in Maine, and one of the largest in New England,

according to the Corps of Engineers. Oil tankers, cargo vessels, tugs and barges, fishing vessels, cruise ships and recreational boats use the harbor. In 2009, freight traffic at Portland Harbor totaled 3,583 thousand short tons. This included 1,644 outbound, 146 inbound in foreign goods; 1,280 in Canadian goods; and 1,024 in domestic shipping, according to the Waterborne Commerce of the United States report by the Corps of Engineers. Natural shoaling or sedimentation from the Fore River has reduced available depths in portions of the channel to approximately 33 feet, which could impede deep draft commercial vessels, the agency reported. "Portland is a deep-water port, it will have its ups and downs, I don't see it not being a viable port, but if we as a society, if we're going to embrace having commercial working ports, we need to embrace maintaining them," Poole said.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 9

Southwest plans to maintain AirTran in Portland Airport director: Local service is ‘great news for Portland’ BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

The director of the Portland International Jetport said Monday he was elated to find out Southwest Airlines will have local service to Portland. The airline made the announcement late last week, saying it plans to maintain AirTran Airways operations at 22 airports, including Portland. “It’s great news for Portland and it’s great news for the region,” said Paul Bradbury, the airport’s director, adding the addition could mean more competitive fairs and a busier Jetport. “They are the largest U.S. domestic airline,” he said. “So we think this is wonderful news.” The announcement came months after Southwest said it would begin merging the two airlines and after it began shutting down AirTran service in other cities. AirTran has operated at the Jetport for about five years for about five years. Bradbury says it’s too early to know whether Southwest will add additional service out of Portland or how the merger will benefit the Jetport. But he said Monday he suspects it will, and that loyal Southwest customers will hopefully be able to soon fly locally — instead of traveling to Boston or Manchester. Prior to the merger being signed off, the Jetport’s marketing director, Gregory Hughes, told The Portland Daily Sun that Southwest coming to Portland would be “a huge deal.” “Southwest is the largest domestic carrier, so it just opens up a multitude of potential for us,” he said in March. AirTran’s service to Atlanta is an incentive for Southwest to retain a spot at the Jetport, he said.

Southwest airlines announced late last week it intends to continue AirTran service out of the Portland International Jetport, paving the way for the airline to maintain a local presence. (SOUTHWEST AIRLINES COURTESY PHOTO)

“Southwest is really, really interested in Atlanta, and AirTran is giving them a big gateway into Atlanta,” he said. Also on Monday, Gov. Paul LePage expressed satisfaction about the announcement.

“The potential for expanded routes and more competitive fares is great news for the city of Portland, as well as the rest of the state, and certainly increases the possibility of more jobs at the Jetport,” he said in a prepared statement.

Ex-C.I.A. agent accused of leaking identity of covert officer WASHINGTON (The New York Times) — The Justice Department on Monday charged a former Central Intelligence Agency officer with disclosing classified information to journalists about the capture and brutal interrogation of a suspected member of Al Qaeda, Abu Zubaydah — adding another chapter to the Obama administration’s unprecedented crackdown on leaks. In a criminal complaint filed on Monday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation accused John Kiriakou, the former C.I.A. agent, of disclosing to several journalists the identity of a C.I.A. analyst who worked on a 2002 operation that seized and interrogated Abu Zubaydah, including using the suffocation technique known as waterboarding. The journalists included one at The New York Times, the complaint charged. “Safeguarding classified information, including the identities of C.I.A. officers involved in sensitive operations, is

critical to keeping our intelligence officers safe and protecting our national security,” said Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., in a statement. “Today’s charges reinforce the Justice Department’s commitment to hold accountable anyone who would violate the solemn duty not to disclose such sensitive information.” Mr. Kiriakou, 47, played an important role in the fight against Al Qaeda after the Sept. 11 attacks. He is the sixth person to be charged in connection with accusations of leaking classified information by the Obama administration, more than under any previous president. At the same time, the Justice Department cleared the American Civil Liberties Union of wrongdoing for its efforts, on behalf of defense attorneys representing Abu Zubaydah and other “high value” Qaeda suspects, to identify officials involved in their clients’ interrogations.

Food Fix Trivia Food Fix Contest: Where is your Super Bowl takeout/delivery coming from and why? What are you ordering? Share your meal game plan and be entered win a $10 gift certificate from Rivalries. The randomly drawn winner will be named in the Saturday, Feb. 4 paper and on Facebook.

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by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis you to steer the action with your higher mind. Get the sleep and sustenance you need now, and tomorrow you’ll have increased powers of self-discipline. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). In order to feel emotionally in control, you may have to deal with lingering childhood or family issues. This doesn’t have to excite drama or conflict. It can be done privately in your own journal or meditation practice. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You haven’t felt compelled to reach out to certain friends in a long time, though you do feel a strong kinship. The spirit of your love thrives sometimes in spite of evidence. But can the other person feel it, too? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be making fresh connections. Remember that other people don’t know what you know. Avoid slipping into talk that is so specific to your work or culture that outsiders won’t understand it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It will be helpful to acknowledge your own fears relating to security and your ability to earn. Take a practical look at the way you’ve been spending your money, and initiate a plan for stretching your resources. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 24). You have a strong instinct for making money in the first part of the year. Cut down on expenses so you can invest in yourself. You’ll have to work harder to stay on course in May, but in June, it will actually benefit you to give in to some of the delightful distractions around you. Seize the moment! Capricorn and Sagittarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 10, 49, 22 and 19.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll be highly productive, putting out a stream of quality work. Your creativity is matched by your marketing skills. You’ll present things in an irresistible light. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll find others who enjoy the same things as you do. The chance to talk about the specifics of your interest doesn’t come along every day, and you’ll enjoy getting into the deeper levels of knowledge on this topic. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Give your curiosity free rein, and you’ll find that you have many questions about those in your network of acquaintances. Start asking questions. There’s much to be mined there. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll be made aware of exciting options. Maybe the options were always available to you and you just didn’t realize it before. This new awareness gives you a fresh sense of freedom. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll feel more attuned to a loved one, and you’ll be compelled to watch this person with great attention. What you observe will increase your respect for this person. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Think about all of the people who profit from the work you do. Value your gifts, and they will, too. This is an excellent time to push for a much bigger share of the bounty. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The people in your life are a mix of wonderful and not so wonderful qualities. You wish you could take the good and leave the bad, but instead you have to accept the whole mix and strive to bring out the best in everyone. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Being well rested will make it much easier for

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1 4 9 13

15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 29 34 35 36 37

ACROSS Pull hard Pinnacles Facial spots Michigan’s __ Royale National Park Work hard Prison knife Strip More muted in color Only Benumbing Pitcher Stab of pain __-piercing; very loud Graduate student’s paper Sloping Reigns Covered with sharp thorns Singing pair In the center of

38 Self-reproach 39 Semester or trimester 40 Calico or lynx 41 Warn 42 Quit 43 Invigorate 45 Hair curler 46 Skirt’s edge 47 Work hard 48 __ child; one with no siblings 51 Be a regular customer of, as a store 56 Trench around a castle 57 “Beat it!” 58 Easy to reach 60 1/12 of a foot 61 Wear away 62 Donated 63 Abound 64 Talk out of 65 Went first

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30

DOWN Money left on a restaurant table Took advantage of Delight Fluttering trees Sound of a firehouse bell African nation Tied, as a score Corporal’s superior Declare Soldier’s meal Longest river Hardly __; seldom Passed, as time Speaker’s platform __ minute now; pretty soon Tiny remaining amount Person Upper crust Church steeple Uplifting tune

31 32 33 35 38 39 41

Just right Doctor’s helper TV’s “__ Pyle” Canal in Egypt Got a brief look at __ off; chiding Of __; no longer a minor 42 Nickel or dime 44 __ and blues

45 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 59

Lodger Exchange Leave out Zero Frilly trimming Unit of land Horse’s gait Passion Roof overhang TV’s __ Skelton

Saturday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Tuesday, Jan. 24, the 24th day of 2012. There are 342 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Jan. 24, 1942, the Roberts Commission, which had looked into America’s lack of preparedness for Imperial Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, publicly released its report placing much of the blame on Rear Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, the Navy and Army commanders. On this date: In 1742, Charles VII was elected Holy Roman Emperor during the War of the Austrian Succession. In 1848, James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter’s Mill in northern California, a discovery that led to the gold rush of ‘49. In 1862, author Edith Wharton was born in New York. In 1908, the Boy Scouts movement began in England under the aegis of Robert Baden-Powell. In 1922, Christian K. Nelson of Onawa, Iowa, received a U.S. patent for his Eskimo Pie. In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill concluded a wartime conference in Casablanca, Morocco. In 1961, a U.S. Air Force B-52 crashed near Goldsboro, N.C., dropping its payload of two nuclear bombs, neither of which went off; three crew members were killed. In 1965, Winston Churchill died in London at age 90. In 1978, a nuclear-powered Soviet satellite, Cosmos 954, plunged through Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrated, scattering radioactive debris over parts of northern Canada. In 1987, gunmen in Lebanon kidnapped educators Alann Steen, Jesse Turner, Robert Polhill and Mitheleshwar Singh. (All were eventually released.) In 1989, confessed serial killer Theodore Bundy was executed in Florida’s electric chair. In 1992, a judge in El Salvador sentenced an army colonel and a lieutenant to 30 years in prison for their part in the 1989 massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter. (However, Col. Guillermo Alfredo Benavides and Lt. Yusshy Mendoza were freed in April 1993 under an amnesty law.) One year ago: A suicide bomber blew himself up in Moscow’s busiest airport, killing 37 people; Chechen separatists claimed responsibility. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Ernest Borgnine is 95. Actor Jerry Maren (“The Wizard of Oz”) is 93. Actor Marvin Kaplan (“Top Cat”) is 85. Cajun musician Doug Kershaw is 76. Singer-songwriter Ray Stevens is 73. Singer-songwriter Neil Diamond is 71. Singer Aaron Neville is 71. Actor Michael Ontkean is 66. Actor Daniel Auteuil is 62. Country singer-songwriter Becky Hobbs is 62. Comedian Yakov Smirnoff is 61. Bandleader-musician Jools Holland is 54. Actress Nastassja Kinski is 53. Rhythm-and-blues singer Theo Peoples is 51. Comedian Phil LaMarr is 45. Olympic gold medal gymnast Mary Lou Retton is 44. Rhythm-andblues singer Sleepy Brown is 42. Actor Matthew Lillard is 42. Actress Merrilee McCommas is 41. Actor Ed Helms is 38. Actress Tatyana Ali is 33. Actress Mischa Barton is 26.


JANUARY 24, 2012




CTN 5 Lighthouse Aging


State of the Union “2012” President Obama addresses Congress. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å



10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 News

Remodeled A modeling Excused American school leaves Paul out- (N) Å Dad Å raged. (N) Å State of the Union “2012” President The Big Obama addresses Congress. (N) (In Bang Theory Stereo Live) Å Cold Case Å Law Order: CI

Globe Trekker “Antarctica” Sea kayaking; watching penguins. It’s Always That ’70s Sunny in Show Å Phila. WGME Late Show News 13 at With David 11:00 Letterman Paid Prog. Law CI

Dirty Jobs (N) Å

Thom Hartmann Show Grit TV



The Biggest Loser BatWCSH tering ram challenge. (N) (In Stereo) Å Glee “I Am Unicorn” WPFO Shelby Corcoran shows up at McKinley. Å Last Man Last Man WMTW Standing Å Standing Å


MPBN State

Tonight Show With Jay Leno State of the Union “2012” President News 13 on FOX (N) The Office Obama addresses Congress. (N) (In “The PromoStereo Live) Å tion” State of the Union “2012” President Modern News 8 Nightline Obama addresses Congress. (N) (In Family Å WMTW at (N) Å Stereo Live) Å 11PM (N) State of the Union “2012” President Obama adCharlie Rose (N) (In dresses Congress. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å



State of the Union “2012” President Obama addresses Congress. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å



State of the Nightly Business Report (N) As Time Keeping Goes By Å Up Appearances 90210 “Mama Can You Hear Me?” A discovery about Greg’s daughter. NCIS Evidence leads to McGee’s grandmother. (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Cold Case “Ravaged”








DISC Dealers

Ragin’ Cajuns (N) Å

Dirty Jobs Å


FAM Switched at Birth (N)

Jane by Design (N)

Switched at Birth Å

The 700 Club Å


USA Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU

White Collar (N) Å

Royal Pains Å


NESN NHL Hockey: Bruins at Capitals


CSNE Mountain


ESPN College Basketball


ESPN2 Pardon



Backyards Barclays Prem


Instigators Bruins

Hot Stove


SportsNet Sticks


SportsCenter (N) Å

College Basketball Kentucky at Georgia. (N)

Sport Sci. 2012 Australian Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. (N)

Criminal Minds “Coda” Criminal Minds

Flashpoint (N) Å

Flashpoint Å






DISN Wizards




TOON Level Up


King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK My Wife

My Wife




Wizards George

’70s Show ’70s Show Friends

MSNBC MSNBC Special Coverage President Obama addresses the nation. (N)


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Union Address & Rep Response


CNBC Best Buy: Big

State of the Union “2012” (N) Å



The O’Reilly Factor (N) State of the Union “2012” (N) Å



Movie: ›››‡ “The Shawshank Redemption”


LIFE Dance Moms Å



Dance Moms (N) Å

Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss Å

AMC Movie: ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser. Å HGTV First Place First Place Property TRAV Mysteries-Museum

Hidden City (N) Å

Off Limits Å


A&E Storage



BRAVO Real Housewives



Mad Money The O’Reilly Factor CSI: NY Å

Couponing All-Stars



Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å

America’s Supernanny Dance Moms Å



Good Luck

The Ed Show (N)

Southland (N) Å




Cake Boss: Next Baker

Movie: ››› “The Mummy” (1999) House


Love It or List It Å The Dead Files Å


Tabatha Takes Over

Storage Tabatha




HALL Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier


SYFY Face Off Å

Face Off Å

Lost Girl Å


ANIM Gator Boys Å

Planet Earth Å

Planet Earth Å

Gator Boys Å




Ax Men Å

Larry the Cable Guy

Modern Marvels Å




The Game The Game The Game Together

The Game Together


Daily Show Colbert

61 62 67 68 76


COM South Park Futurama FX


Movie: ››› “Taken” (2008) Liam Neeson.

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond TBS

Big Bang

Big Bang

SPIKE ››› “Kill Bill: Vol. 2”

Big Bang

Lost Girl Å


Justified “Cut Ties” (N) Justified “Cut Ties”



The Exes

Cleveland King

Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

Conan (N)

Ink Master (In Stereo)

Ink Master (N) Å


Tori & Dean: Home

Tori & Dean: Home

Tori & Dean: Home


OXY Bad Girls Club


TCM Movie: ››› “In Like Flint” (1967) Lee J. Cobb




Storage Happens

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 34 35 36 37 40


Movie: ››‡ “Where the Spies Are” (1966)

ACROSS Money owed Heated disagreement Shortened bullets? Nimbus Serengeti carnivore Salty droplet Fully Tugboat’s charge Learns monkeystyle Dillon and McCoy Votes against Fruity drinks Expenses Normand of silent comedies “48 Hours” network As far as Comfort CSA general Where one wanders Air circulation

device 41 Worshiper 42 Org. for seniors 43 Beatles hit, “__ Loves You” 44 Waistcoats 45 Pound and Cornell 46 Scant 47 Gusted 48 “Hedda Gabler” playwright 51 Ponzi scheme, for one 53 Botheration 56 Longest fall in the standings? 60 Canine friend 61 Cover loosely 62 Snaky swimmers 63 Affirmative votes 64 Force units 65 Arduous journey

1 2

DOWN Balmy New Continental currency

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Certain row house Highland cap Flotilla components Fictional Jane “__ of the d’Urbervilles” Big bang creator Horse morsel Bound map collection Carnivore’s choice Sail support Food scraps Weldon and Wray Brunch choice Minuscule particle Lessens Room scheme Trousers’ ends First name in talk shows Glum Eagle-eyed City on Tampa Bay Much quoted Yogi Oozes

35 38 39 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Jewish feast Lack Vague state Sailor’s saint Off. notes Hot tomatoes? Far from certain Semisoft cheese Scotch mixer Kyle’s friend on

“South Park” 52 Manage to handle somehow 54 Bob or Elizabeth 55 City on the Irtysh River 57 Unmatched 58 Nose into 59 Vietnamese holiday

Saturday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012




DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 13


For Rent

PIT Bull/ Bull Mastiff pups. Born Sept. 26th. Very friendly, nice colors, good with kids and other animals. Parents on premise. $600 or trade for hunting equipment/ tools, etc. (603)539-7009.

ROOM for rent upper Sawyer St. South Portland, ME.. $120/wk. 6 month minimum. (207)233-6056.

Complete (207)615-6092.

WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

For Rent-Commercial

ESTABLISHED remodeling company- Family rooms, baths, kitchens, painting. Call Phil (207)807-2586.


For Rent 95 Congress St, 3 bedroom, heated, w/d hookup, parking, $1200/mo security deposit, no pets. Call (207)409-0879 or (207)874-2050. PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s. 1 and 3 bedroom heated. Bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $775-$1300/mo. (207)773-1814.

Yard Sale


SOUTH Portland 4th Saturday coin show- Buying and sellingAmerican Legion Post 35, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179, free admission.



A-TEAM Auto Recyclers paying cash. (207)615-6092.


PORTLAND Art District- Art studios, utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 occupied studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

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Free 10 FREE FIREPLATES Save oil & money, make hot water with a Fireplate "water heating baffle for wood stove". Restrictions apply, Email: or Call: 207-935-2502 for complete details.

Wanted IRON cannonballs, circa 1755, used on the attack of Portland (Falmouth Neck), we will purchase, or trade hot sauce. Contact Captain Mowatt (207)773-8047. SMALL Portland company looking for styrofoam peanuts/ packing material. We will reuse/ recycle your peanuts. (207)773-8047.

Wanted To Buy I pay cash today for broken and unwanted Notebooks, Netbooks, and Macbooks. Highest prices (207)233-5381.

Your Classified Is Wired! The Sun’s classifieds now are on the Internet.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I am a man in my 50s with a lot of problems. First, my wife of nearly 20 years left me for a much younger man. (She now lives in a foreign country.) For three years, I’ve been raising three kids alone. I’m under-employed and nearly broke. Despite my education and years of experience, I can only find part-time, low-paying work. My kids and I greatly benefit from the love and generosity of my mom, who has allowed us to live with her. Aside from that, my wife refuses to sign divorce papers. I wasn’t looking to end my marriage, but I have told her that I don’t want to waste my life waiting for her to come back. She gives no indication that she wants to reconcile, but she procrastinates about the papers, and I can’t afford a lawyer. My few friends seem to be too busy or uncomfortable visiting me now that my life is mess and I am broke. I have gained too much weight and was drinking too much, although I am trying to control my bad habits. The women I meet seem to want someone thinner, richer and less complicated. To make matters worse, if a woman seems even remotely interested, I become nervous and run the other way. I have no health insurance, so I’m getting free psychological counseling at a local clinic, but it’s a long process. I feel hopeless and anxious. I don’t know what to do or where to turn. Any suggestions? -- Life Isn’t Easy Dear Life: Counseling is a good first step. You are understandably depressed and likely have been spiraling downward for three years, but it sounds as if you are finally ready to dig out of the hole. Contact any local bar association or law school for free or low-cost advice on extricating yourself from your marriage. Refresh your resume, network, check online work postings, and let friends and family know you are looking for a better job. Stop self-medicating with alcohol, which can exacerbate your depression, and start exercising. It not

only will help with your weight, but it will lift your spirits by boosting endorphins. A brighter attitude will attract people. We’ll be rooting for you. Dear Annie: We recently returned from a visit to my 66-year-old brother. He was rude, abusive and overbearing, all of which are way out of character. When I got home, I phoned him and suggested he get a checkup. I thought he might have developed a chemical imbalance. His doctor discovered that his medications needed to be adjusted. It was such a simple thing, but the effect of the change in meds has been dramatic. Please remind your readers that advancing age is not the only reason for unusual or erratic behavior. -- Been There Dear Been There: Any change in behavior or temperament -- at any age -- could have a medical basis, and it is always wise to check it out with a doctor. Thanks for saying so once again. Dear Annie: You suggested to “Give Me an Old-Fashioned Christmas” that in lieu of gifts for relatives, he could donate to a charity in their honor. I have had this “gift” given to me by friends and relatives, and I don’t like it. Often, the charity is not one I would choose, nor would I want to be on their list of donors so I can receive solicitations all year. And the donation provides a tax deduction for the givers, which makes it a gift to them, not me. If friends or relatives wish to do this instead of giving me a gift, fine, but please don’t say it’s “in my honor.” They should simply say they are giving their money to charity instead of using it on presents. I have no problem with that. -- Old Scrooge in Omaha Dear Scrooge: We’re sure you aren’t the only one who feels this way.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

–––––––––––––––– SPORTS ––––––––––––––––

And then there were two; Patriots, Giants BY LYNN ZINSER THE NEW YORK TIMES

In the end, the Super Bowl combatants were not decided by magnificent touchdowns or beautiful interceptions. They were chosen by fate seemingly for their grit and stubbornness, two teams that don’t question themselves when doubt starts raining down on them. They just dig in and refuse to go away. The Giants and Patriots won the two championship games by the flukiest of margins, the Giants twice snatching a slippery football from a flummoxed 49ers punt returner; the Patriots poking away a sure touchdown catch, then watching the Ravens’ kicker shank a sure field goal; and yet neither team could barely be called a fluke. They’ve been there before — against each other in fact — and simply willed their way into the rematch of their lives. The Giants victory in San Francisco was a heartpounder for the ages, as Mike Vaccaro writes in The Post, with the Giants’ adding a little luck to a lot of magic, Mike Lupica writes in The Daily News. Their hero was, of course, a battered Eli Manning, although he was as much a tackling dummy as a quarterback, and the little-known special teams player Jaquian Williams, who George Willis writes in The Post was ever-so close to giving up on football entirely in college. Manning, he wouldn’t dream of giving up, and when you match his stubbornness with that of Coach Tom Coughlin, writes Don Banks on, you get a team like the Giants, who were written off more times this season than a bad debt. As Dave D’Alessandro writes in The Newark Star-Ledger, Coughlin might have been one of the few who believed this turnaround was possible, but he counts the most. The Giants know the heartache on the other side of the field too, but the 49ers did not seem to know how to process it. They had orchestrated their own turnaround, from floundering franchise with a revolving door on the coaches’ offices to a magical season under new Coach Jim Harbaugh and an N.F.C. championship game in a crotchety, windy stadium only they could love. In the end, they were stunned by the Giants’ game-winning field goal, writes Gwen Knapp in The San Francisco Chronicle, and totally unable to appreciate everything it took to get there, writes Scott Ostler in The Chronicle. They now have a legendary playoff goat in punt returner Kyle Williams, whose spirits the 49ers were desperately trying to lift after the game, Tim Kawakami writes in the San Jose Mercury News, but a muff and a game-deciding fumble left him the loneliest man in football, Les Carpenter writes on In a few days, Williams might realize he has company on the Ravens, with kicker Billy Cundiff and receiver Lee Evans walking away from the A.F.C. championship knowing they had the game in their hands and feet and watched it slip away. Evans had a potential game-winning touchdown swatted from his hands in the final seconds, a final 11 seconds filled with so many mistakes, writes Greg Couch on Quarterback Joe Flacco had one of them, undoing his heroic effort to rehabilitate his reputation in the space of one game. Yes, the Ravens overachieved to get here and like the 49ers, had it all washed away in a river of agony, writes Peter Schmuck in The Baltimore Sun.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Tuesday, Jan. 24 SMCC offers free weatherization courses 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. “With a recent spike in oil prices and cuts to the Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP) threatening to leave many Mainers out in the cold, Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) is offering free weatherization courses to help ease the burden of the Maine winter. The classes, offered through SMCC’s Continuing Studies Department, will be taught at the Sustainable Energy Alternatives Center (SEA Center) on the South Portland campus.” The workshop will be offered on two dates: the first on Tuesday, Jan. 24 (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.) and the second on Saturday, Jan. 28 (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.). “The federal government recently announced that funding for Maine’s LIHEAP program would be reduced to $23 million, a $33 million cut from previous levels. In addition to reduced aid, Maine families are facing rapidly increasing fuel costs, with the price of heating oil increasing by $.13 a gallon during the month of January.”

Film: Urbanized at SPACE 7:30 p.m. SPACE Gallery film screening. “‘Urbanized’ (the third part of Gary Hustwit’s design film trilogy, joining ‘Helvetica’ and ‘Objectified’) is a feature-length documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. Followed by Q&A with Noah Chasin, Assistant Professor at Bard College and Mitchell Rasor of MRLD Landscape Architecture + Design. Co-Presented by AIGA Maine and MRLD Landscape Architecture + Urbanism.” $7/$5 for SPACE members, free for AIGA Maine, all ages. www.

Wednesday, Jan. 25 Walker Memorial Library computer classes 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Walker Memorial Library is deep into the digital age and invites you to learn more about computers with us. Starting Wednesday, Jan. 25, staff will offer computer discussion classes. Sign up and join us. 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. we will offer short discussion and demonstrations related to computers and what they can do for you. All sessions are free yet limited to six persons at each session. Signup for each session recommended. 854-0630, ext. 5.

Go Red For Women ‘tasting event’ noon to 1:30 p.m. Go Red For Women “tasting event,” presented by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and The American Heart Association, at Westbrook Technical School Culinary Arts Center, 125 Stroudwater St., Westbrook. “According to the AHA, heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. A healthy diet and lifestyle are the best weapons in the fight against heart disease. ... At this event, Chef Charles Limoggio and his students will prepare three heart-healthy meals. Students took on this project to learn more about how healthier ingredient substitutions can be used to create tasty and nutritious dishes. Students will have researched and modified recipes to reduce the unhealthy fat (such as trans fat and saturated fat), salt, cholesterol and/or sugar in their creations. These meals will be tasted and voted on by AHA volunteers. The winning meal will be served to 500 guests at the upcoming Go Red For Women Luncheon at the Holiday Inn By The Bay on Tuesday, March 6. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, the Maine Goes Red Statewide Sponsor, will proudly present a video of the tasting and the students’ work at the March 6 Luncheon.”

‘If A Tree Falls’ screening 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. “If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front,” at the Portland Public Library. The Portland Public Library announces its Winter Documentary Film Series, to be held Wednesday’s throughout the winter from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Rines Auditorium at the Main Library. Dates for the series are: Jan. 25, Feb. 1, Feb. 22 and Feb. 29, and March 7, March 21 and March 28. This series is made possible by a partnership between the Portland Public Library and POV (Point of View), Public Television’s premier documentary series. Films are offered free to the public and facilitated group discussions will be offered after select showings. The award-winning POV series is the longest-running showcase on American television to feature the work of today’s best independent documentary filmmakers. POV has brought more than 300 acclaimed documentaries to millions nationwide and has a Webby Award-winning online series, POV’s Borders. Since 1988, POV has pioneered the art of presentation and outreach using independent nonfiction media to build new communities in conversation about today’s most pressing social issues. For more information visit

Free For All opening reception 6 p.m. SPACE Gallery exhibit opening. “Come celebrate the

On Saturday Feb. 11, members of Maine Roller Derby will roll into Happy Wheels Skate Center in Portland to kick off their 2012 spring season. (Photo by Scott Lovejoy) opening of our salon style exhibit Free For All. The walls will be stacked with art from emerging and established artists, in a range of subject, size and medium. It’ a true Free For All!”

Tales of animals at storytelling circle 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Deena R. Weinstein storytelling event. “If you miss Deena’s Story*Telling*Circle on the third Thursday of the month at the Maine Jewish Museum, you can come to Dobrá Tea on the fourth Wednesday of the month! Discover the delight of telling and being told stories. Gather at 6:30 to schmooze (become acquainted) and enjoy tea! This month’s theme will be tales of animals. Perhaps you’ve had an adventure with a pet, a wild critter, a raven,or Big Foot (!) in the snowy woods or hot desert. Take us along through your story! Share up to a 10-minute story. All are encouraged to tell rather than read, but works-in-progress are encouraged in an environment supportive of learning storytelling, so notes are not discouraged.” Dobrá Tea, 151 Middle St., Portland.

Wind Power discussion 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Gilsland Farm Sanctuary, Falmouth, Maine Audubon. Kate Williams, Wildlife and Renewable Energy Program Director at the Biodiversity Research Institute, has worked with shorebirds, wading birds, seabirds, passerines, fishes, and mammals across Maine and internationally. Kate will be providing an overview of wildlife issues related to wind power development, both onshore and offshore, with a focus on birds and bats. She will also discuss current studies in this arena, and discuss proposals for offshore wind farms in Maine. Free.

‘Next Fall’ by Good Theater 7 p.m. “Next Fall” by Geoffrey Nauffts, Jan. 25 to Feb. 19. “Good Theater presents the Maine premiere of this recent Best Play Tony Award nominee. A charming, funny and touching play about life and love from one of the writers of the hit TV series, Brothers & Sisters.” Directed by Brian P. Allen and starring Joe Bearor, Rob Cameron, Matt Delamater, Moira Driscoll Abbie Killeen and Tony Reilly. St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St. Wednesdays 7 p.m. ($15), Thursdays 7 p.m. ($20), Fridays 7:30 p.m. ($20), Saturday 7:30 p.m. ($25), Sundays 2 p.m. ($25) with a special added matinee on Saturday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m. ($20). Reservations and information call 885-5883. Presented by Good Theater, a professional theater; the theater is in residence at the St. Lawrence Arts Center.

Andy Andrews at Merrill 7 p.m. Presented by Begin Doing, Andy Andrews is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker and peak performance coach to Fortune 500 companies. He appears consistently on CNN, FOX news and ABC’s Good Morning America. His book, “The Traveler’s Gift,” remained on the New York Times bestseller list for 17 weeks. “His keynote address will be a combination of pure entertainment mixed with the same tips he’s given Fortune 500 companies to create success: personal, financial, and in other facets of life.” For more information

please call 842-0800. show.asp

Thursday, Jan. 26 Mad Horse Theatre Company’s ‘Becky Shaw’ production 7:30 p.m. Mad Horse Theatre Company presents “Becky Shaw,” “the Pulitzer Prize finalist and smash hit by Obie Award winning playwright Gina Gionfriddo. In what The New York Times calls ‘a comedy of bad manners,’ a woman fixes up her romantically challenged best friend with her husband’s mysterious co-worker. The date goes horribly awry, forcing the matchmakers to examine their own relationship and leading the daters to an emotional detente.” Written by Gina Gionfriddo , directed by James Herrera. Previews begin Thursday, Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Opening night is Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $22 student/senior $20. The Maine Premiere of “Becky Shaw” marks the first time Mad Horse Theatre Company has produced a work by Gionfriddo. It also marks the directorial debut of company member James Herrera, who jumped at the chance to helm a cast made up entirely of Mad Horse Theatre Company members. According to Herrera, the cast made his transition from actor to director easier than it could have been.

Friday, Jan. 27 Portland Sea Dogs Food Drive 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Portland Sea Dogs have announced that the organization will hold its 12th annual Food Drive which will run from now through Friday, Jan. 27. All the collected food items will be donated to the Good Shepherd Food Bank. As in the past, this year’s food drive will be “Buy One, Bring One, Get One.” “For every ticket purchased and every donated food item you bring, you will receive a free Sea Dogs ticket to the same game. For example, if you buy three tickets to the June 7 game and bring in three food items, you will receive three additional complimentary tickets of equal or lesser value to the June 7 game. The offer is good for Box Seats, Reserved, General Admission, and Pavilion seating; subject to availability. Fans may take advantage of this offer by bringing their non-perishable food items to the Hadlock Field Box Office. The Sea Dogs Ticket Office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Each year the Sea Dogs have been able to donate hundreds of food items to the Good Shepherd Food Bank thanks to the generosity of Sea Dogs’ fans. The Sea Dogs open the 2012 season on the road with a 4:05 p.m. doubleheader in Reading, Penn., against the Reading Phillies. The home opener is slated for Thursday, April 12 at 6 p.m. against the Binghamton Mets at Hadlock Field. The 2012 season will be the Sea Dogs 19th year in Portland and 10th as a Boston Red Sox affiliate.” 879-9500, see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Movies at the Museum, ‘One for the Road’ 6:30 p.m. Movies at the Museum, “One for the Road,” Portland Museum of Art. “One for the Road sets out to capture the craziness, drama, and migratory nature of skiers chasing down a dream .... segments that will go down as some of the most intense, exciting, and jaw-dropping as anything ever filmed.” Friday, Jan. 27, 7 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 28, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday, Jan. 29, 2 p.m. NR.

‘Sailing with Paper’ at Constellation 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Sailing with Paper” at Constellation Gallery. Constellation artist Jos Ruks is offering a free demonstration and hands-on workshop “Sailing with Paper.” “Jos will be teaching you how to expand your paper-art horizons beyond traditional origami! Materials for attendees are provided free of charge. Light refreshments provided.” Constellation Gallery, 511 Congress St., Portland. 409-6617.

‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’ 8 p.m. “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by Portland Players continues through Jan. 29 with performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Portland Players is located at 420 Cottage Road in South Portland. Call 7997337 or go to

Saturday, Jan. 28 ‘Puss ‘n Boots’ 11 a.m. This winter, Acorn Productions’ “Fairy Tale Players,” an ensemble of children, teens and adults who have studied at the Acorn Acting Academy, continues its third season of productions with Producing Director Michael Levine’s adaptation of “Puss ‘n Boots.” “The production is suitable for audiences of all ages, and centers around the story of a clever cat who helps her mistress win the love of a prince by pretending to be the Marquis de Carrabas. Along the way, we meet a crazy cast of characters including spoiled sisters, a foolish hare, and a lonely ogre. Acorn’s comedic version of the well-known fairy tale is directed by Karen Ball, and the script includes references to King Lear and the Occupy Wall Street Movement for the more sophisticated audience members. There are 8 actors ranging in age from 9 to 17 in the show, which runs from Jan. 28 to Feb. 12 in the Acorn Studio Theater in Westbrook.” Saturday, Jan. 28 at 11 a.m.; Sunday, Jan. 29 at 2 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 4 at 11 a.m.; Sunday, Feb. 5 at 2 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 11 at 11 a.m.; Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. Acorn Studio Theater, Dana Warp Mill, 90 Bridge St., Westbrook. Admission: $8 adults; $6 kids 12 and under. FMI: or 854-0065

Club 86 comedy and music 7:30 p.m. Near Sighted Productions and SPACE Gallery present “Club 86,” an evening of comedy and music featuring special guest, Grammy award saxophone virtuoso, Charlie Neville of the Neville Brothers. The evening features the first live performance of “Club 86,” an exciting new radio series in the tradition of A Prairie Home Companion and The Vinyl Café. Charlie Neville will appear as himself in “Club 86” and will perform a solo set afterwards. Charlie Neville’s solo work as a jazz saxophonist has been hailed around the world. The evening includes music from the Club 86 Ensemble, led by noted jazz pianist Jesse Lynch plus music/ spoken word collaborations with a prominent member of Portland’s arts community, poet and spoken word performer Gil Helmick. Club 86 is a weekly series following the sometimes reluctant, sometimes clumsy, always entertaining reactions of employees and patrons of a local tavern in Lewiston as the new manager strives to re-brand the club as a showcase for local and national performing artists.

‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’ 8 p.m. “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by Portland Players continues through Jan. 29 with performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Portland Players is located at 420 Cottage Road in South Portland. Call 7997337 or go to

Sunday, Jan. 29 Swish-Out, Junior Swish-Out 7:30 a.m. Hill Gymnasium, University of Southern Maine, Gorham Campus. Maine’s longest-running, continuous three-on-three benefit basketball tournament will again take place at the University of Southern Maine in Gorham. The 18th Annual Dr. Noel Paradise Memorial Swish-Out and Junior Swish-Out Childhood Cancer Challenge is currently seeking teams to participate in this year’s event. “Coordinated by Maine’s credit unions, teams of businesses, friends and family, and or any other connection are once again sought to participate in the event which benefits the Maine Children’s Cancer Program. Since MCCP

treats children and families from Maine and New Hampshire, teams come from both states to participate. The tournament is a three-onthree, co-ed, double-elimination event and is open to adults 18 or older. The entry fee is $100 per team, and all funds raised go directly to the Maine Children’s Cancer Program. Since it began in 1994, more than $200,000 has been raised through the event. This year’s event also features the second annual Junior Swish-Out, open to middle school students (grades 6-8). The Junior Swish-Out format is similar to the adult tournament with a three-on-three, co-ed format. The Junior Swish-Out is limited to the first 12 teams to enter and the entry fee is $75 per team. In addition, there are again two divisions for the Adult Swish-Out Tournament with a 28 team ‘Just For Fun’ Division and an Elite 8 Division that is by invitation only once a team has registered.” For an entry form, sponsorship information and/or for more information, please contact Jon Paradise at the Maine Credit Union Gabriel the Messenger — Gabriel Croft of New Hampshire is shown in a clip from League at 773-5671, ext. 273 or e-mail jpara- “Fake It So Real,” a film on professional wrestling which will be screened at Entry forms may be down- SPACE Gallery on Tuesday, Feb. 14. (COURTESY IMAGE) loaded at underground film scene in New York City, which included ‘The Art of the Fugue’ such names as Ed Emshwiller, Bob Lowe, Jonas Mekas, 2 p.m. Violinist Patrick Doane and Colby College MusiTony Montanaro, and Stan Vanderbeek. cologist Dr. Steven Saunders at Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodfords St., Portland. “The concert Tuesday, Jan. 31 will present an in-depth exploration of J.S. Bach’s ‘The Art of the Fugue.’” Cost: $22 general admission, $20 seniors, Free for 21 and younger. LARK Society for Chamber Music, MHS Book Event: Celebrating A Maine Prodigy 761-1522, noon. Maine Historical Society book event. “Please join us to celebrate and hear the story behind Maine HistoriThe Titanic Centenary: A Survivor’s Story cal Society’s publication of ‘A Maine Prodigy: The Life and 2 p.m. Corner of State and Gray streets, Maine Irish HeriAdventures of Elise Fellows White.’ White was a violinist tage Center. Dr. Karen M. Lemke, Professor of Education at from Skowhegan whose musical talents and adventureSt. Joseph’s College. “The year 2012 marks the centenary some spirit took her around the country and abroad in the (hundredth anniversary) of the sinking of the Titanic — the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This new book has been legendary, ‘unsinkable’ ship built in Belfast, Northern Irecompiled by Dr. Houghton White from her autobiography, land. One of the survivors was an 8-year-old second-class diaries, letters, and photographs, now part of the MHS colpassenger from Westerly, Rhode Island, Marshall Drew. In lections. A Maine Prodigy was edited by MHS’s Candace 1986, Marshall Drew was again in the news. With the disKanes, who also wrote the introduction. White and Kanes covery of a shipwreck of an ocean liner on the sea floor, he will share background on Elise’s life.” was able to look at photographs taken by a robotic submersible device and identify the luxurious interiors of the Titanic see next page from his indelible childhood memories. Six weeks before his death, Marshall Drew spoke at length with Dr. Karen M. Lemke, now a professor of education at St. Joseph’s College. As part of the Maine Irish Heritage Center’s series of Dúchas (Heritage) talks, Dr. Lemke will recount Marshall Drew’s story — the very human tale of great resilLet Stones and Stuff show you the Rock Solid Love ience, told in the voice of an Edwardian lad. Drawing on Love Everyone Else, Love Your Self, and Love Heather’s hands-on this interview, she will look Alter-Building Workshop - Creating Your Sacred Space at the Titanic tragedy as a metaphor for changing times at Stones and Stuff on Thursday, February 2nd from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at the beginning of the 20th century, focusing on labor In this workshop you will: issues, matters of mari• Learn how to build an Alter in your own sacred space time safety, and the roles • Learn how to use your Alter to manifest Love & Self-Love that simple greed and arro• Learn what different stones & crystals can do to enhance your manifestations gance played in the loss of more than 1,500 lives.” The • Learn how the elements - Earth, Wind, Fire & Water tap into the Titanic Centenary: A SurviUniverse and what their balance means in your life vor’s Story will take place • Be provided with techniques to tap into your own ideas as you create on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 2 p.m. at the Maine Irish Heritage your Alter Center, at the corner of State and Gray streets in PortSo, it my be better to have loved and lost, but it won’t be better to land. Admission is free, and miss this workshop! Call 874-0789 ASAP as this workshop is all are welcome. For more intimate and space is limited. information, contact Ellen D. Murphy, 899.0505. Workshop cost of $45.00 also includes:

Stones & Stuff

Valentine’s Day is Coming!

Filmmaker Walter Ungerer featured at St. Lawrence Arts Center

7 p.m. Experimental Films by Filmmaker Walter Ungerer. Join the St. Lawrence Arts Center as the center presents a program of recent short films by renowned filmmaker Walter Ungerer. In the 1950s – 60s he was a fixture in The Village art community and

starter materials, a handout and suggested affirmations

Can’t make the workshop, but need a Valentine’s Day Gift? Bring in this coupon and get 20% off all non-consigned jewelry between now and February 29th.

Heather Nichols • 207-874-0789 • 556 Congress Street • Portland, ME

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 24, 2012

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and deepen their networks and connections through partnerships with local artists. Artists lead monthly workshops on topics designed to increase civic engagement, pride, and neighborhood knowledge. For more information, go to, Facebook. com/ArtAtWork or

Wednesday, Feb. 1 WorldQuest 2012 in Cumberland 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. WorldQuest 2012 — the Ultimate International Trivia Competition will be taking place at Greely High School in Cumberland. “Which two places besides Denmark use the Danish Krone as their primary currency? Feeling bewildered or feeling brilliant? Questions like this will be answered by teams competing on Wednesday, Feb. 1, in the annual WorldQuest International Knowledge Competition sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Maine and hosted by Greely High School in Cumberland. WorldQuest provides students and adults an opportunity to test their knowledge across a variety of international issues. The top high school team has the opportunity to compete in the spring 2012 national Academic World Quest competition in Washington, D.C. The competition is organized around teams of 4 to 8 players. High school and college teams compete against teams formed by sponsoring corporations. Individuals may also sign up for a modest fee and be assigned to a team. The game consists of six rounds of 10 questions that are answered by teams, not by individuals. This year’s categories are: Current Events; UN Millennium Goals: Child Health; China; NATO; US Economic Competitiveness, and the Middle East.” www.wacmaine. org/Events?eventId=396025&EventViewMode=EventDe tails

Seventh annual Maine Photography Show midnight. Deadline for submissions. “If you like photography you’ll like the Maine Photography Show. It is the premier state-wide juried exhibition of fine photography in Maine. Entries are being taken now-- the deadline is midnight February 1, 2012. Open to all amateur and professional photographers with a Maine address. There are four categories you can enter although you can enter only three pictures total. The categories are: Black & White, Color, Student (18 and under) which includes photography in any of the categories, and the themed category this year: Abstract.” The 2012 Maine Photography Show opens to the public Saturday, April 14 and continues to May 5. The exhibition is produced and presented by the MPS Committee of the Boothbay Region Art Foundation and takes place at its spacious gallery, One Townsend Ave., in midtown Boothbay Harbor. 633-2703. This year, the show is being judged by André Gallant. All entries are taken online and is very easy. To enter, or to get more information, or to see last year’s show-- just go to <

Thursday, Feb. 2 College Night 2012 at the PMA

Rotary Club of Casco Bay Social 5:30 p.m. 2012 MCCP Rotary Club of Casco Bay Social. The 14th annual Silent Auction and Wine Social to Benefit the Maine Children’s Cancer Program will be held at DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant. The 2011 auction was a huge success with over 200 attendees bidding on over 180 items we raised over $17,000 for MCCP. https://fundraising.mmc. org/netcommunity/sslpage.aspx?pid=283

‘Racing Dreams’ screening 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. “Racing Dreams,” at the Portland Public Library. The Portland Public Library announces its Winter Documentary Film Series, to be held Wednesday’s throughout the winter from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Rines Auditorium at the Main Library. Dates for the series are: Feb. 1, Feb. 22 and Feb. 29, and March 7, March 21 and March 28. This series is made possible by a partnership between the Portland Public Library and POV (Point of View), Public Television’s premier documentary series. Films are offered free to the public and facilitated group discussions will be offered after select showings. The award-winning POV series is the longest-running showcase on American television to feature the work of today’s best independent documentary filmmakers. POV has brought more than 300 acclaimed documentaries to millions nationwide and has a Webby Award-winning online series, POV’s Borders. Since 1988, POV has pioneered the art of presentation and out-

“The Big Snippah?!” by Bryony Urquhart and Dikkie Brett was one of the 2011 Winterush snow sculpture competition entries at Deering Oaks. Winterush is not happening this year, but Portland On Ice is a new winter festival from Portland’s Downtown District. The Portland On Ice festival kicks off with the Portland Harbor Hotel Ice Bar on Jan. 27, continues through February’s First Friday Art Walk, and ends on Saturday, Feb. 4. The full Portland on Ice schedule is available in downtown locations and online at (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) reach using independent nonfiction media to build new communities in conversation about today’s most pressing social issues. For more information visit

West End Meeting Place 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The next West End Meeting Place will be held at the Reiche Community Center. Meeting Place is an Art At Work project to help neighborhoods develop

7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Portland Museum of Art presents its College Night 2012. Cost: Free admission with valid student I.D. (or $5 at the door — cash only). “Maine college students are invited to the Portland Museum of Art for College Night 2012, featuring music by DJ Ponyfarm and live performances by The Milkman’s Union and Boy Without God, art projects sponsored by Artist & Craftsman Supply, free food and drinks, giveaways, and tons of prizes. Food will be provided by Leonardo’s Pizza, Flatbread Company, Amato’s, and drinks will be provided by Capt’n Eli’s Soda.”

CiRCA in Westbrook 7:30 p.m. “Combining ‘astonishing physical mastery’ and ‘poetic resonance’ (New York Times) with playful sensuality, Australia’s CiRCA breaks out of the big top to create a bold new vision of circus as a delightful, provocative and contemporary art form. Over the course of 80 intense minutes, the streamlined troupe of seven moves from highly connected acrobatic and tumbling sequences through fast-paced intricate scenes to a haunting finale. Blending bodies, lights, and sound — including tracks by Leonard Cohen, Sigur Ros and Cake — CiRCA’s boundary-pushing work plumbs the philosophical depths where cirque and dance collide.” Westbrook Performing Arts Center,. 471 Stroudwater St., Westbrook. Tickets: $28 $25 Students: $10. or 842.0800.

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Think Deals aren’t for you or your business? Let us help you come up with a cost effective, enticing Portland Daily Sun Deal that makes sense and will help kick off your New Year right!

Call Natalie at 699-5806 for more information and to book your Daily Deal today.

Friday, Feb. 3 Fourth annual Downtown Showdown 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Sunday River and Sugarloaf resorts will host their fourth annual Downtown Showdown rail jam event in Portland’s Monument Square on Friday, Feb. 3, from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. One of the few urban rail jams in the country, the resorts partner with the City of Portland to bring the mountains of Maine to the metropolitan streets in the form of a fivestory, snow-covered rail and staircase feature. For this invitation-only event, 30 of the region’s best skiers and snowboarders will be invited by Sunday River and Sugarloaf to compete and showcase their skills. Free to watch, last year’s rail jam drew in thousands of spectators who gathered around the manmade mountain to watch as athletes competed for more than $4,000 in cash and prizes. This year’s prize purse will be valued the same.

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