The Portland Daily Sun Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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VOL. 3 NO. 236





Help wanted Debt Denial? See Krugman’s Column on Page 4

Leaders from Hollywood? See Kristof’s column on Page 5


Saving the planet, one spotless home at a timeSM Call or visit website for details


Donations to the city’s homeless shelters are ‘way down’ — Page 7

No answers in missing toddler case — Page 9

Angelo murder: Deadline passes but the reward still stands — Page 9

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In tight race, G.O.P. in Iowa hears closing arguments BY MICHAEL SHEAR THE NEW YORK TIMES

DES MOINES — The Republican presidential candidates made a frenetic final push Monday to woo Iowa’s fickle voters before time runs out, hoping to gain whatever edge they can in a race that defies easy predictions. The six Iowa contenders are fanning out across the state in 19 planned campaign rallies and meet-and-greets Monday, looking for anyone who might be willing to brave the newly frigid winter weather to caucus for them Tuesday night. At the Rising Sun Cafe in Polk City, Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania, dismissed concern about whether his scrappy campaign can go the distance against Mitt Romney in what could be a drawn-out primary battle. “We’ve raised more money in the last few days than we have in the last few months,” Mr. Santorum said, adding that the new national attention he is receiving will persuade donors to contribute to what he called a “conviction politician” in the race. “I’m hopeful what voters in Iowa will do is to raise us up there and say, take a look at this guy,” Mr. Santorum said. A poll released Sunday by The Des

Moines Register offered evidence of a powerful surge by Mr. Santorum in the final days of his campaign to overtake Mr. Romney and Representative Ron Paul of Texas for first place in the caucuses that kick off the Republican nomination contest. But the leading candidates remain bunched up and more than 40 percent of the likely caucusgoers surveyed by the paper said they could still change their minds. That has left a sense that there is come-from-behind potential for almost all the campaigns here. At an enthusiastic rally in Des Moines, Mr. Paul assailed his rivals as agents of the “status quo” and urged the raucous crowd to caucus for him on Tuesday as a way to defend personal liberty in the country. “This is what this campaign has been all about,” Mr. Paul said, interrupted by loud applause several times. “Are we sick and tired of the expansion of government?” Mr. Paul was introduced at the rally by his son, Rand Paul, a Republican senator from Kentucky. The younger Mr. Paul called his father “incorruptible” and said he is the “only one candidate in this race who would balance this budget in one term.” That got plenty of applause for Mr. Paul, who is running neck-and-neck with Mr. Romney and Mr. Santorum in Iowa. Mr. Paul expressed delight at

Mitt Romney signed campaign pins for supporters at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds in Davenport, Iowa. (NY TIMES/JIM WILSON PHOTO)

several hundred people who attended the morning event and said they are poised to send “a very big message” on Tuesday. “The American people are stirring,” Mr. Paul said. Mr. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, continued to largely ignore his rivals in favor of a continued critique of President Obama, betting that Iowa’s voters will choose the candidate they view as best able to defeat the Democratic incumbent in the White House.

At a stop at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds in Davenport, Iowa, Mr. Romney on Monday morning accused the president of failing to make good on the promises he made during the 2008 campaign. “He just doesn’t know what has to be done to get this country on track again,” Mr. Romney said, noting that Mr. Obama once said the economy’s struggles could lead to a “one-term proposition” for him. “I’m here to collect,” Mr. Romney said.

Los Angeles is set on edge Austerity reigns over Euro Zone as crisis deepens BY NELSON SCHWARTZ THE NEW YORK TIMES

Firefighters battling a carport blaze caused by one of dozens of car fires set around Los Angeles during the weekend. (NY TIMES/GENE BLEVINS PHOTO)

(NY TIMES) LOS ANGELES — For four unsettling nights, continuing through early Monday morning, police officers and firefighters have raced around the city, always one step behind the person, or persons, who has gotten people in Los Angeles to go to their windows repeatedly throughout the night in response to the slightest sound or change in light. “It’s pretty scary,” said Rebecca Asch, 29, who lives in West Hollywood. “I have a gated garage and it’s underneath my building, and if someone were to come in and light one of our cars on fire, it would probably set the whole building on fire. “Who would do that? Who is driving around setting cars on fire?” After another night of fires, the Los Angeles Fire Department

announced early Monday morning that a “person of interest” had been detained in connection with the case. “It is too early to speculate if this person responsible for spree,” the department spokesman, Erik Scott, said in a post on Twitter. That sense of confusion was heightened by the arrest early last week of two suspects in a run of arson fires in Hollywood, including a car fire. But the police do not believe there was any connection between those fires and the series of blazes that began early Friday morning. There have been no serious injuries. Still, Los Angeles is enduring its worst fires since the riots of 1992. Much of the city this weekend — particularly the lush green streets of West Hollywood and Hollywood — has felt something like a war zone.

Europe’s leaders braced their nations for a turbulent year, with their beleaguered economies facing a threat on two fronts: widening deficits that force more borrowing but increasing austerity measures that put growth further out of reach. Saying that Europe was facing its “harshest test in decades,” Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany warned on New Year’s Eve that “next year will no doubt be more difficult than 2011” — a marked change in tone from a year ago, when she praised Germans for “mastering the crisis as no other nation.” Her blunt message was echoed in Italy, France and Greece, the epicenter of the debt crisis, where Prime Minister Lucas Papademos asked for resolve in seeing reforms through, “so that the sacrifices we have made up to now won’t be in vain.” While the economic picture in the United States has brightened recently with more upbeat employment figures, Europe remains mired in a slump. Most economists are forecasting a recession for 2012, which will heighten the pressure governments and financial institutions across the Continent are seeing. Adding to the gloomy outlook is the prospect of a downgrade in France’s sterling credit rating,

a move that analysts say could happen early in the new year and have wide-ranging consequences on efforts to stabilize Europe’s finances. Despite criticism from many economists, though, most European governments are sticking to austerity plans, rejecting the Keynesian approach of economic stimulus favored by Washington after the financial crisis in 2008, in a bid to show investors they are serious about fiscal discipline. This cycle was evident on Friday, when Spain surprised observers by announcing a larger-than-expected budget gap for 2011 even as the new conservative government there laid out plans to increase property and income taxes in 2012. Indeed, even in the country where the crisis began, Greece, the cycle of spending cuts, tax increases and contraction has not resulted in a course correction, and the same path now lies in store for much larger economies like those of Italy and Spain. “Every government in Europe with the exception of Germany is bending over backwards to prove to the market that they won’t hesitate to do what it takes,” said Charles Wyplosz, a professor of economics at the Graduate Institute of Geneva. “We’re going straight into a wall with this kind of policy. It’s sheer madness.”

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 3


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Shiny patches in Maine streambeds are bright sign for salmon BY MURRAY CARPENTER THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Me. — Ernie Atkinson waded up Old Stream on a warm fall afternoon, peering through polarized sunglasses to scan the streambed. Before long, he pointed out a place where the bottom looked different. “You can see how the gravel is a lot cleaner right here — it kind of shines,” said Mr. Atkinson, a fishery biologist with the Maine Department of Marine Resources. “O.K., we’ve got one, two, four redds right here.” Redds are places where spawning salmon use their tails to dig holes in the gravel, deposit their eggs and bury them. For much of the past 20 years, counting redds here was a grim task; by 2000, the population of Atlantic salmon here had fallen so low that they were declared an endangered species in eight Maine rivers. Since then, despite millions of dollars in conservation spending, the runs improved only gradually. Until this year, that is. More than 3,100 salmon returned to the Penobscot River, the most since 1986, and nearly 200 ascended the Narraguagus River, up from the low two digits just a decade ago. “We’re pretty stoked, you could say,” Mr. Atkinson said. But while this year’s comeback has been a welcome surprise for conservationists and environmental officials, scientists caution that the long-term picture is still cloudy — and that much could depend on factors far from Maine. Atlantic salmon hatch in the rivers in spring, mature for two or three years, then swim to sea. Some return to the rivers after just one year, but most spend two years at sea, eventually gathering with salmon from all across the Atlantic in the waters west of Greenland. John F. Kocik, a research biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s fisheries service, says that in recent years salmon have been faring poorly during their time at sea. Waters have been too warm for salmon in some places and too cold in others, partly influenced by periodic weather patterns known as the North Atlantic oscillation and the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation. “Both of those seem to be coming into play,” Dr. Kocik said. He added that there was more to be learned. “There are also, we

Ernie Atkinson pointed to redds, places where spawning salmon use their tails to dig holes in the gravel, deposit their eggs and bury them. (MURRAY CARPENTER PHOTO).

believe, some more complex foodchain issues going on that we are trying to understand,” he said. Dr. Kocik noted that salmon from eastern Canada also seemed to be making a comeback this year. “The one thing it definitely shows is how connected all of the salmon — not only in New England, but in Atlantic Canada — are,” he said, “because they are having some pretty good returns this year as well.” Ever since the Maine salmon were listed under the federal Endangered Species Act, recovery efforts have been in high gear. Biologists have studied salmon habitat and migration routes, and stocked millions of juvenile salmon. Conservation groups protected lands along hundreds of miles of salmon rivers and fought for tighter regulations on salmon farms. In 2009, federal regulators expanded the listing to include salmon habitats in Maine’s largest rivers — including the Penobscot, where a dam-removal project will soon allow salmon better access to miles of spawning habitat. Andrew Goode, a vice president at the Atlantic Salmon Federation, a conservation group, said that the population had been gradually improving since it bottomed out around 2000, but that “this year was definitely off the charts.” But he added that this year might be an outlier, and said he was concerned that the increase was already prompting calls to reopen the commercial salmon fishery in Greenland, which has been closed in recent years. “It’s easy to say something has improved in the marine environment, but we want to know what’s

improving,” he said. “I think it’s going to take the hard-core science community several years to tease out what’s going on.” Kevin Friedland, a marine scientist with NOAA, said that although Maine salmon clearly got a reprieve

this year, climate projections mean the long-term prognosis is not good. “Warming in recent decades has not been good for salmon,” he said. “Further warming, we don’t know what that will do to salmon.” Dr. Friedland said one factor that contributed to Maine salmon’s decline is new challenges in their first weeks at sea. “In North America, we believe the fish are entering a warmer set of ocean conditions,” he said, “and with it is coming a more aggressive predator field.” He said tailwinds that help the migrating salmon move quickly offshore can improve survival. On Old Stream, Mr. Atkinson tallied eight redds in one short reach. Standing on the bank, he briefed a biology class from the University of Maine at Machias. He said his colleagues had found more redds downstream, and this small tributary to the Machias River is loaded with salmon. “As of last Friday, we were up to 50 redds, and they were still digging,” he said. “It’s a really good year.”

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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Nobody understands debt In 2011, as in 2010, America was in a technical recovery but continued to suffer from disastrously high unemployment. And through most of 2011, as in 2010, almost all the conversation in Washington was about something else: the allegedly urgent issue of reducing the budget deficit. This misplaced focus said a lot about our political culture, in particular about how disconnected Congress is from the suffering of ordinary Americans. But it also revealed something else: when people in D.C. talk about deficits and debt, by and large they have no idea what they’re talking about — and the people who talk the most understand the least. ––––– Perhaps most obviously, the The New York economic “experts” on whom Times much of Congress relies have been repeatedly, utterly wrong about the short-run effects of budget deficits. People who get their economic analysis from the likes of the Heritage Foundation have been waiting ever since President Obama took office for budget deficits to send interest rates soaring. Any day now! And while they’ve been waiting, those rates have

Paul Krugman

see KRUGMAN page 5

Sri Lanka’s Ghosts of War BY NAMINI WIJEDASA THE NEW YORK TIMES Op-Ed Contributor

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Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

THE Sri Lankan government’s defeat of the separatist Tamil Tigers in 2009 ended a three-decade war that took tens of thousands of lives. But only now is the government beginning to acknowledge its huge human cost. Two weeks ago, a governmentappointed reconciliation commission released a long-awaited report, giving voice to the war’s civilian victims for the first time. From August 2010 to January 2011, hundreds of people appeared before the commission in tears, begging for news of their loved ones, many of whom had last been seen in the custody of security forces. A doctor spoke of how they managed to survive under deplorable conditions in places “littered with dead bodies and carcasses of dying animals.” In October, I visited a rural school just 6 miles from Mullivaikkal, on the northeast coast of the island, where the army finally crushed the Tigers — an area still off-limits to civilians. The government says there are too many land mines to allow resettlement; critics say there are too many bodies in mass graves. The classroom had a new roof, but more than two years after the war ended, its walls were still pockmarked with shrapnel, a window was shattered and the floor was cracked. Most students’ uniforms were discolored; many wore flip-flops and carried tattered bags. A 7-year-old with a deep scar across his back stared at me. A shell had landed while his family slept and his sister was killed, he told me in a thin voice. One child after another spoke of injuries and deaths caused by shelling; of lingering wounds; of forced conscription by the Tigers; of poor widowed mothers; and of family members missing after being taken into state custody. Since Sri Lanka’s independence from Britain in 1948, members of the island’s Tamil minority have

insisted that they face linguistic, educational and employment discrimination from the Sinhalese majority, which controls the government. The Tigers — a sophisticated, well-financed guerilla group that formed in 1976 and pioneered the technique of suicide bombing — sought to redress their grievances by violent means, with the goal of establishing an independent Tamil state. They routinely recruited child soldiers, killed Tamil dissenters and massacred Sinhalese and Muslims. In 1991, the group went so far as to assassinate the Indian prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, for having sent Indian troops to Sri Lanka in 1987 to enforce a peace accord. The Tigers held out against the Sri Lankan military until they were decisively defeated in May 2009. Some journalists called Sri Lanka’s final battle with the Tigers a “war without witnesses.” Aid workers were asked to withdraw from the conflict zone months before the government defeated the Tigers. Only handpicked reporters, mostly from state media, were allowed to embed with troops. Those journalists knew what they must not write, for fear of losing access. The others relied on organized tours that were meticulously choreographed by the army — producing sanitized war coverage with the gory bits tucked away. As a result, there was no outside scrutiny of the controversial war. But that did not mean there were no witnesses. As the army attacked, hundreds of thousands of civilians were trapped in between. They were the Tigers’ “human shield,” and a source for forced conscripts, including children. They were also witnesses. More than 950 people testified before the commission and nearly 5,000 submitted written statements. Survivors spoke of displacement, incessant shelling and morbid fear. The commission’s report depicts a country where the rule of law is crumbling and where abductions, enforced or involuntary disappearances, protracted detention without charge and attacks on journalists continue. It proposes deposee GHOSTS page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 5

Angelina, George, Ben and Mia HERE’S a paradox: We’re finding authentic leadership these days not from our nominal leaders in Washington but from unelected (and mostly unelectable) figures whom we like to deride as self-indulgent narcissists. Congress is so paralyzed and immature, even sleazy, that we reporters sometimes leave a politician’s press conference feeling the urgent need to shower. But look at university and high school students. Sure, plenty still live for a party, but a growing number have no time for beer because they’re so busy tutoring prisoners, battling sex trafficking or building wells in Africa. Even more startling, we can now turn to moral leadership from — brace yourself — Hollywood’s “most beautiful people.” I know, I know. What we expect from celebrities is mostly scandalous sex lives and crackpot behavior, and some do oblige. But increasingly as our “leaders” debase the national conversation, sex symbols elevate it. Take Angelina Jolie, who is making her debut as a director and writer with the aching new movie “In the Land of Blood and Honey.” It’s a Bosnian love story set against genocide, and it illuminates the human capacity to both love and kill. Let me acknowledge that I regularly embarrass my kids with my ignorance of popular culture. The first time I met Jolie, four years ago, I was brought over to a couch where three women were seated — and realized, to my horror, that I had no idea which one she was. She rescued me by introducing herself. (Maybe I should warn of a conflict here. Jolie submitted a blurb for a book that my wife and I wrote

about empowering women. Better yet, she held our book, the cover perfectly upright for the cameras, as a shield when paparazzi were hounding her.) ––––– Jolie’s new movie doesn’t pander to The New York anyone. For starters, she isn’t in it. The cast is made up of unknowns from the Times Balkans, speaking foreign languages with subtitles. When Jolie wrote the screenplay and proposed filming it, she said, everyone thought she was nuts. The movie portrays the romance between a Bosnian Serbian man and a Bosnian Muslim woman. When the Bosnian war begins, he becomes an officer in a genocidal army and she becomes a survivor in one of the army’s rape camps. The couple reunites, but she is his prisoner as well as his lover. The army officer reminds me of war criminals I’ve interviewed: a good and decent guy when he’s not committing crimes against humanity. “How do people get to the point,” Jolie asks, “when they’re murdering the grandmother next door. How does that happen? If we can start to understand it, then maybe we can figure out how to address the signs earlier.” Jolie also wants viewers to meditate on humanitarian intervention and what can be done to prevent mass atrocities. “I hoped people would watch the film and think, ‘Why didn’t we stop it?’ ” she said. I started off rather scornful of celebrities dabbling in humanitarian causes. When Mia Farrow inquired about going to Darfur with me, I archly declined on the presumption that she couldn’t hack it. Then she traveled to the region on her own, and I began to run

Nick Kristof

into her anyway. Once Farrow consulted me about her plan to buy a donkey and hike off by herself across a desert occupied by murderous militias. She planned to travel without even a tent, just a rope to encircle her as she slept in the sand on the theory that snakes and scorpions would turn aside at the rope. Farrow has since become a friend, but I’m now afraid to travel with her. I might not be able to hack it. Likewise, the war in Congo is the most lethal since World War II, but it hasn’t been much covered by many news organizations. One person who has visited repeatedly is Ben Affleck. He has made himself an expert on Congo, and he plans to return this month. Or think of Sean Penn and Olivia Wilde, who have shown a more sustained commitment to Haiti than most news organizations. Look, as a journalist, I’m proud of my profession. Yet it’s also clear that commercial pressures are driving some news organizations, television in particular, to drop the ball. Instead of covering Congo, it’s cheaper and easier to put a Democrat and a Republican in a studio and have them yell at each other. Frankly, it’s just humiliating when news organizations cover George Clooney (my travel buddy on one Darfur trip) more attentively when he breaks up with a girlfriend than when he travels to Sudan and uses satellite photos to catch the Sudanese government committing mass atrocities. So here’s my hope for the new year. That our “leaders” in Washington will pause in their supercilious narcissism and show a hint of the seriousness and moral purpose of, yes, celebrities.

Yes, debt matters. But right now, we need more government spending KRUGMAN from page 4

dropped to historical lows. You might think that this would make politicians question their choice of experts — that is, you might think that if you didn’t know anything about our postmodern, factfree politics. But Washington isn’t just confused about the short run; it’s also confused about the long run. For while debt can be a problem, the way our politicians and pundits think about debt is all wrong, and exaggerates the problem’s size. Deficit-worriers portray a future in which we’re impoverished by the need to pay back money we’ve been borrowing. They see America as being like a family that took out too large a mortgage, and will have a hard time making the monthly payments. This is, however, a really bad analogy in at least two ways. First, families have to pay back their debt. Governments don’t — all they need to do is ensure that debt grows more slowly than their tax base. The debt from World War II was never repaid; it just became increasingly irrelevant as the U.S. economy grew, and with it the income subject to taxation. Second — and this is the point almost nobody seems to get — an over-borrowed family owes money to someone else; U.S. debt is, to a large

extent, money we owe to ourselves. This was clearly true of the debt incurred to win World War II. Taxpayers were on the hook for a debt that was significantly bigger, as a percentage of G.D.P., than debt today; but that debt was also owned by taxpayers, such as all the people who bought savings bonds. So the debt didn’t make postwar America poorer. In particular, the debt didn’t prevent the postwar generation from experiencing the biggest rise in incomes and living standards in our nation’s history. But isn’t this time different? Not as much as you think. It’s true that foreigners now hold large claims on the United States, including a fair amount of government debt. But every dollar’s worth of foreign claims on America is matched by 89 cents’ worth of U.S. claims on foreigners. And because foreigners tend to put their U.S. investments into safe, low-yield assets, America actually earns more from its assets abroad than it pays to foreign investors. If your image is of a nation that’s already deep in hock to the Chinese, you’ve been misinformed. Nor are we heading rapidly in that direction. Now, the fact that federal debt isn’t at all like a mortgage on America’s future doesn’t mean that the debt is harmless. Taxes must be levied to pay the interest, and you don’t have to be a right-wing

ideologue to concede that taxes impose some cost on the economy, if nothing else by causing a diversion of resources away from productive activities into tax avoidance and evasion. But these costs are a lot less dramatic than the analogy with an overindebted family might suggest. And that’s why nations with stable, responsible governments — that is, governments that are willing to impose modestly higher taxes when the situation warrants it — have historically been able to live with much higher levels of debt than today’s conventional wisdom would lead you to believe. Britain, in particular, has had debt exceeding 100 percent of G.D.P. for 81 of the last 170 years. When Keynes was writing about the need to spend your way out of a depression, Britain was deeper in debt than any advanced nation today, with the exception of Japan. Of course, America, with its rabidly antitax conservative movement, may not have a government that is responsible in this sense. But in that case the fault lies not in our debt, but in ourselves. So yes, debt matters. But right now, other things matter more. We need more, not less, government spending to get us out of our unemployment trap. And the wrongheaded, ill-informed obsession with debt is standing in the way.

Sri Lankans should no longer pretend the army didn’t shell civilians GHOSTS from page 4

liticizing the police, disarming illegal armed groups and allowing a more independent media. While the commission makes sensible recommendations and exposes grave atrocities committed by the Tigers against ordinary people, it also demonstrates that government troops shelled nofire zones in order to neutralize rebel attacks from within. The report is a valuable document, but regarding the war’s terrible final weeks, it is largely an apologia for the army. The commission admits only that “civilian casualties had in fact occurred in the

course of cross-fire,” and blames the Tigers for most of them. The commission asserts that the government was confronted with an unprecedented situation — a massive human shield — that left it no other choice but to respond as it did. However, on three separate occasions the government declared no-fire zones, giving the illusion of safety to hundreds of thousands of terrified civilians who fled into them. The rebels also went in, set up their heavy weapons among innocent men, women and children and proceeded to attack the military with gusto. The army retaliated and large numbers of civilians were killed. Sri Lankans no longer need to pretend that the

army didn’t shell zones where civilians were encouraged to gather, or subscribe to the fantasy that no innocents died when shells landed on or near hospitals. If Sri Lanka wants true reconciliation, simply blaming the Tigers is not enough. The government, and the country, must take responsibility for the dead, mend the lives of the survivors — whatever their ethnicity — and stop the vicious cycle of ethnic strife by arriving at a political solution that meets, if not all aspirations, most of them. Until then, the end of the war will not bring true peace. Namini Wijedasa is a journalist.

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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Giants-Cowboys was once a Super Bowl harbinger BY DAVE ANDERSON THE NEW YORK TIMES SPORTS COLUMNIST

Twice before Sunday night’s 100th Giants-Cowboys game, a victory created a one-way sign for each team on the road to a Super Bowl reign. In the half-century of their divisional rivalry before Sunday night’s kickoff at MetLife Stadium to determine the N.F.C. East title, the Cowboys had a 56-40-2 record during the regular season, the Giants a 1-0 edge in the postseason. But just as Sunday night’s outcome, a 31-14 victory by the Giants, lifted the winner into the playoffs and maybe further, two other memorable games started a championship run. With each team 11-4 before the 1993 season finale at Giants Stadium, the Cowboys won in overtime, 16-13, with Emmitt Smith leading them despite a separated shoulder. The Cowboys later conquered the Buffalo Bills, 30-13, in Super Bowl XXVIII in Atlanta. The wild-card Giants lost at San Francisco, 44-3, in what was Lawrence Taylor’s last game. In the 2007 playoffs, the wild-card Giants won, 21-17, at Texas Stadium. Eli Manning completed 12 of 18 passes for 163 yards and 2 touchdowns that preceded cornerback R. W. McQuarters’s game-saving endzone interception. The Giants then defeated the Packers, 23-20, in overtime at Green Bay, and stunned the previously undefeated New England Patriots, 17-14, in Super Bowl XLII, in Glendale, Ariz. Since their 31-31 tie with the Cowboys in 1960 at Yankee Stadium, the Giants have had other sweet moments in the rivalry, notably a 13-10 overtime victory in the 1981 season finale on Joe Danelo’s 35-yard field goal that put them in the playoffs for the first time in 18 years. But the 1993 season finale and the 2007

Emmitt Smith led the Cowboys to a 16-13 overtime win over the Giants in the 1993 regular-season finale, en route to a Super Bowl victory (NEW YORK TIMES PHOTO).

playoff matchup endure as the two most important games. Smith would emerge as the N.F.L.’s career rushing leader with 18,355 yards, but his numbers at Giants Stadium in that finale represented his finest hour: 168 yards rushing and 10 pass receptions for 61 yards, including a 5-yard reception for a touchdown. Tackled by Giants safety Greg Jackson, Smith fell hard on his right shoulder late in the first half and wobbled to the sideline, his right arm limp. “Something happened in my shoulder that I never felt before,” he said later. When X-rays showed a separated shoulder, the Cowboys’ doctors and trainers got “very creative,” as Smith said. “They got a set of knee pads, taped ’em together, cut a hole in the middle and put ’em on my shoulder pads,” he said. “They told me, ‘Now, you’re going to have some discomfort,’ and they were right. The whole second

half, I’m saying, ‘No pain, no pain,’ trying to convince myself.” Of his overall 229 yards against the Giants that day, Smith produced 78 after the injury. In overtime, he rushed or caught a pass nine times for 41 of the 52 yards that set up the Cowboys’ winning field goal. The victory gave the Cowboys a first-round bye and the home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. Against Green Bay two weeks later, Smith rushed for 60 yards and caught two passes for 27 yards. In the N.F.C. championship game against San Francisco, he rushed for 88 yards, caught seven passes for 85 yards and scored two touchdowns. In the Super Bowl against the Bills, he rushed for 132 yards, caught four passes for 26 yards, and scored two touchdowns. He had shoulder surgery a month later. In the 2007 season, the Cowboys swept the Giants — 45-35 in the opener at Texas Stadium and 31-20

at Giants Stadium. But in winning 10 of their last 14 games, including all seven on the road, the Giants earned a wild card. After a 24-14 victory in their playoff opener at Tampa Bay, the Giants were underdogs to the Cowboys, who were 13-3 with 11 Pro Bowl players (the Giants had one, Osi Umenyiora). The Cowboys took a 14-7 lead in the second quarter, but Manning, who had collaborated with Amani Toomer on a 52-yard touchdown in the first quarter, hit him with a 4-yard touchdown pass for a halftime tie. The Cowboys jumped ahead, 17-14, in the third quarter before Brandon Jacobs’s 4-yard touchdown early in the fourth quarter. In the final minutes, the Giants had to protect their 21-17 lead against Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo with a secondary riddled by injuries. The Cowboys took over at the Giants’ 48 with 1 minute 50 seconds remaining and moved to a secondand-11 at the 23. After two incompletions, Romo’s fourth-down pass toward wide receiver Terry Glenn was snatched by McQuarters in the end zone with six seconds remaining. Game over. The next week, the Giants won in overtime at Green Bay on Lawrence Tynes’s 47-yard field goal, then rallied to ruin the Patriots’ chance for an unprecedented 19-0 record. After escaping from a sack, Manning fired a third-down 32-yard pass that wide receiver David Tyree held against his helmet for a first down at the 24. A few plays later, Manning hit Plaxico Burress with a 13-yard pass in the left corner of the end zone. So the 2007 Giants won the Super Bowl after a big game with the Cowboys, just as the 1993 Cowboys won the Super Bowl after a big game with the Giants. Will this season’s Giants be as successful?

In New York and elsewhere, fee disputes lead to TV blackouts BY BRIAN STELTER THE NEW YORK TIMES

It has become a common warning blaring on TV stations near the end of the year: this station might be blacked out come New Year’s Day. Viewers are being caught in the cross-fire as television stations argued for higher fees from cable and satellite distributors in a system called retransmission consent. Scores of distribution deals were set to expire on Saturday night. On Sunday, however, there were almost no reports of station blackouts. As is normally the case, the warnings in public were superseded by successful negotiations in private. But in New York, at least, there was one prominent blackout on Sunday, though it involved a cable channel, MSG, not a broadcast station. MSG Networks, which carries New York Knicks games and other sporting events, was taken off Time Warner Cable’s system at midnight as a dis-

pute continued between the two companies. “Other than MSG, a quiet New Year’s,” said Alex Dudley, a spokesman for Time Warner Cable in New York. He said of MSG Networks, “We’re waiting for them to come back to the table.” MSG countered in a statement early Sunday morning, “We certainly hope Time Warner Cable returns to the negotiating table and reconsiders our good-faith proposals.” Time Warner Cable also has a continuing retransmission dispute with a station in Corpus Christi, Tex. A Foxowned station in Atlanta was blacked out in north Georgia on Sunday in a dispute with a small television operator there. In parts of rural Virginia, an ABC affiliate was blacked out in a similar dispute. With millions of dollars at stake, such issues are not likely to go away quickly. If the online comments from customers are any indication, the lasting effect of these fights may be public

antipathy for both the programmers and the distributors — potentially a costly outcome at a time when both sides are worried about the prospect of Internet alternatives to monthly TV subscriptions. The retransmission consent system has come under scrutiny in recent years from lawmakers and regulators; the Federal Communications Commission signaled last year that it would consider making changes to the rules that govern the process. The local stations that benefit from the process assert that the occasional blackouts that do happen overshadow the hundreds that do not. “These agreements invariably get done because there’s enormous incentive for both sides to do a deal,” Dennis Wharton, a spokesman for the stations’ trade group, the National Association of Broadcasters, said Sunday. “Yes,” he said, “there are often threats and overheated rhetoric, but you’ll find that almost every retrans-

mission consent deal gets successfully concluded. Think of these as marriages and carriages of convenience.” Television viewers have little visibility into the deals themselves. In fact, it is hard to assess how many such deals were struck last week because they mainly happen in secret. “Just because ‘deals got done’ does not mean the market is working or that the market isn’t saturated with anticompetitive conduct by broadcasters,” said Matthew M. Polka, chief executive of the American Cable Association, which represents small cable operators. He noted that major networks were insisting on sharing in the fees that stations received from distributors. “Instead of making investments in their news and public affairs programming, TV stations send their retransmission consent fees to the networks to help pay off the burden of extravagant contracts with professional sports leagues,” he said.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 7

Donations ‘way off’ at city shelters Dill mulls run hundreds of men, and sometimes women (in an BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN overflow setting) that are forced to stay at the shelter. The city’s homeless shelters are asking for donaGardner speculated that the same factors that tions amid an unexpected — and untimely — drop have driven up homelessness have led to a decline in charitable giving. in giving. Over the past six months, gifts of new bedding, “My guess is that … it’s the economy,” he said. toiletries, cold weather gear, and cash that help “Folks are struggling across the board. That, I homeless residents at the Oxford Street Street think, plays out in reduced donations and a reduced Shelter and the nearby Family Shelter, on Chestability to make a donation.” nut Street, have fallen by nearly a third. Cash To that end, the the shelter has released a list of donations are also well below average. items that it needs at both facilities. Gardner said Doug Gardner, the city’s director of Health and the city prefers new items, largely to prevent the Human Services, says the shelters have made up spread of bedbugs and other problems. for the lost donations by dipping into their operatThe city is seeking: blankets; medium and large ing budgets. bath towels, backpacks or gym bags; rain gear; “We are being forced to use day-to-day operatvests; gloves; cotton socks; men’s underwear; men’s ing resources and women’s for the personal long johns; hygiene items winter hats and and things like flip flops. coats, gloves, For toiletmittens, and ries, the city socks, particuis asking for: larly as head toothpaste, into winter,” floss, tooth Gardner said, brushes, shavadding that ing cream; dishomelessness posable razors; has increased deodorant; by about 20 percombs; Q-Tips; cent over the shampoo; soap past two years. and feminine “That need is hygiene prodnot going to go ucts. away, so we need Gift certifito somehow cates to local develop a strategy that allows Portland’s Oxford Street Shelter is among the city’s homeless shelters facing a drop in fast food restaurants and cash us to meet those charitable giving. (CASEY CONLEY PHOTO) are also appreneeds,” he conciated. tinued. Donations can be dropped off at either shelter. To be sure, private donations account for only a For large donations, the city urges people to call small fraction of each shelter’s annual budget. The ahead. family shelter typically receives only about $1,000 This holiday season, there was one area where or so in cash per year, while Oxford Street sees anydonations have not lagged: Christmas presents for where from $2,000 to $4,000 in a given year. kids staying at the family shelter. This year, like But these cash donations can have a big impact. every year, sponsors collected dozens of presents so Residents at the Family Shelter are required to that children staying at the shelter could have a aside money from each paycheck or assistance nice holiday, Gardner said. check to save for housing. Often, $25 here and $50 there can mean the difference between spending another week in the shelter or moving into a new apartment. NO LONGER AT Cash donations “pay for things we can’t pay for Now located at 193 Presumpscot St., Portland any other way,” Gardner said, adding that an ongoing decline in cash gifts could “mean folks stay in the shelter longer.” “They would be required to save an extra little bit, if that extra little bit is for a security deposit or rent for the last month or an application fee,” (207)756 -4817 he said. 30 Years Experience Meanwhile, fewer donations of bedding, towels, Domestic & Foreign toiletries and other items is also taxing the shelDependable Auto Repair ter. Most of the time, Family Shelter likes to outfit families they place in housing with basics to make for a smooth transition. But with fewer donations, the shelter is having to buy these items more and more. Those costs can add up fast: The family shelter placed 251 families in permanent housing in the year that ended July 1. A few blocks away, at the Oxford Street Shelter, the need is ever greater. The 129-bed facility has been dealing with overflow populations regularly since summer, yet donations of toiletries, gloves, underwear and socks that keep patrons safe through winder has declined by almost one-third, according to estimates by Josh O’Brien, the shelter director. So far this fiscal year, which began July 1, the shelter has only received about $500. At Oxford Street, most cash donations are used to buy toiletries and other hygeine supplies for the Media Sponsor:

P a u lP in kh a m A u to R ep a ir

for U.S. Senate STAFF REPORT State Sen. Cynthia Dill (D-Cape Elizabeth) is apparently considering a run for U.S. Senate. After less than seven months in the State Senate Dill, writes on her blog that she might seek the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe next November. “Against all odds I am considering running for the U.S. Dill Senate against Olympia Snowe, who has been in Washington D.C. since 1979 and is now one of the wealthiest U.S. Senators in America,” said Dill, whose blog can be Dill who was elected to the Maine House of Representatives in 2006, won a special election for state senate District 7 last May. The election was held after former state Sen. Larry Bliss, also a Democrat, moved to California. The district includes South Portland, Cape Elizabeth and parts of Scarborough. Other Democrats running for the party’s nomination include former Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap, of Old Town, and state Rep. John Hinck, of Portland. “Am I crazy? I want America to educate our children, protect our seniors, reward our veterans and keep people healthy and safe. I want corporations and wealthy people to pay their fair share of taxes, and I know that corporations are not people. I want a senator who will stand up for ordinary people and speak loudly for economic justice,” Dill writes in her blog. Sen. Snowe, a three-term Republican considered “moderate” by some, has challengers from her own party. Scott D’Amboise, of Lisbon Falls, and Andrew Dodge, of Harpswell, are also running. Regardless of the challengers, few people expect anyone other than Snowe to win next fall. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report considers the race “Likely Republican” in its Senate race ratings.

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Unseen injuries: Acting out war’s inner wounds BY JAMES DAO THE NEW YORK TIMES

DEXTER, Me. — The roadside bomb that separated Sgt. Matthew Pennington from his left leg in 2006 also shattered his right leg and scorched his lungs. Those injuries he understood. But then came the ones he did not, the ones inside his head. In the months after checking out of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, he found himself easily frustrated and, his wife said, perpetually angry. Envisioning threats in grocery stores and shopping malls, he stopped leaving his house and started drinking heavily. His marriage was near collapse when, in a fit of alcohol-fueled despair, he drove his car into a brick wall, emerging so dazed that he thought he was back in Iraq. “With a physical injury — three months, six months, whatever — your cuts will heal,” he said. But post-traumatic stress “is more difficult because people don’t see it.” Like Mr. Pennington, many veterans injured in combat are finding that their invisible psychological and neurological wounds are proving more debilitating than their obvious physical ones. About 1,700 American service members have lost limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan, most in roadside bombings that seared skin, shattered bones and damaged internal organs as well. Most of those troops also came home with traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder, which in many cases were not recognized for months. While advances in prosthetics have made it possible for many lower-limb amputees to regain full mobility, the track record for overcoming brain injuries and chronic P.T.S.D. — both capable of altering personality and hampering mental functioning — is more spotty, experts acknowledge. “I think the limiting factor for these people going back to their lives is not having lost a limb,” said Dr. Douglas Cooper, a neuropsychologist at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. “The P.T.S.D. symptoms and post-concussive symptoms are the ones that seem to get in the way.” For Mr. Pennington, medications seemed to worsen his depression and therapy did not ease his anxiety. He seemed headed for divorce, isolation and perhaps alcoholism. And there his story might have ended, a case study on the intransigence of war’s psychological scars. But it did not end there. In 2009, an unexpected opportunity landed in his e-mail inbox: a casting call, forwarded by a friend in Nashville, from an undergraduate filmmaker looking for someone to play a combat veteran who had lost a leg, had post-traumatic stress disorder and lived in Maine. This is my life, Mr. Pennington thought. So on a lark, Mr. Pennington — whose last appearance on stage was in middle school and who had become nervous in crowds and, indeed, avoided most human contact — decided that fixing his life depended on performing before a camera.

“I thought acting would be so out of the normal that it would force me to deal with things,” he recalled. “I wanted my life back.” The struggle by wounded veterans like Mr. Pennington to reclaim their lives is the unfolding next chapter in America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2001, 46,000 American service members have been injured in combat, perhaps a third or more seriously. Those veterans now face years of rehabilitation at a cost of billions of dollars annually. Mr. Pennington, 28, grew up in central Maine and Fort Worth, Tex., toggling across the continent between divorced parents. He was a talkative boy who loved the outdoors and was good in school, but bad at keeping the jobs that helped support him after he said he had problems with his alcoholic father. When he turned 17, he joined the Army. He fell in love with the life immediately. His first deployment to Afghanistan in 2002 with the XVIII Airborne Corps was uneventful, so he volunteered to go to Iraq almost as soon as he returned home. He lost a dear friend during that tour, but it did little to sour him on the adventure of war. He raised his hand a third time. On that third deployment, to Iraq in 2006, he was driving the lead Humvee in a convoy through the insurgentfriendly city of Samarra when a powerful bomb exploded beneath the engine. Through fire and thick smoke, he managed to maneuver the vehicle out of danger with a push from a truck behind. But when he went to slam on the brakes, he realized his left foot was gone, taken off by shrapnel that had penetrated the bottom of the truck. His rehabilitation at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington went relatively smoothly, fueled by his hatred of wheelchairs. He was discharged from the Army and returned to Maine in just a year. And there his problems really began. He grew more irritable, anxious and depressed, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. After he crashed his car into the wall, he told his wife, Marjorie, “I can’t do it anymore.” With the help of a nonprofit group, the couple moved to Houston in 2008, where he found the care at the veterans health center more to his liking. Doctors there got him off most of his medications, started treating him for traumatic brain injury for the first time and expanded his P.T.S.D. therapy. He felt he was getting better. But in 2009, Ms. Pennington’s brother committed suicide and the couple returned to Maine to help care for her nephew. Mr. Pennington again fell into a deep funk. He imagined people everywhere judging him, for having killed Iraqis, for being a “crazy veteran.” He spent more of each day in front of the television, afraid to leave home. Around that time, Nicholas Brennan was looking for actors for his senior project at New York University, a film about a wounded veteran struggling with the transition to civilian life. A casting call sent across a veterans’ e-mail network got about a

Mr. Pennington and his wife, Marjorie, who live in Maine, recovered from the near collapse of their marriage and renewed their vows. (NY TIMES/TODD HEISLER PHOTO)

Pennington lost his left leg while serving with the Army in Iraq. (NY TIMES/TODD HEISLER PHOTO)

dozen responses, mainly from soldiers who had lost legs or from out-of-work actors. But the last one, from Mr. Pennington, seemed the most poignant. At first, Mr. Pennington simply hoped that acting would force him out of his shell. But as he inhabited the role, he found himself not just identifying with Connor, but also realizing things about his P.T.S.D. After the film was finished last spring, Mr. Brennan and Mr. Pennington showed it publicly for the first time in Portland. The two men decided to create a Web site to distribute the film and offer their services as speakers. They have done about a dozen such engagements, including one at the Veterans Affairs Health Care Center in Augusta, where Mr. Pennington receives his care and has, at times, clashed with bureaucrats and doctors. For Mr. Pennington, the public engagements have been a form of exposure therapy, pushing him to articulate bad memories and buried feelings that he had avoided before. Experts say that public speaking alone is not a solution for the symptoms of P.T.S.D. But it can be therapeutic, helping people articulate their emotions and give meaning to their experiences. Recently, the Penningtons, who live in Dexter, renewed their wedding vows. He spends his days chain-smoking Marlboros, riding a mountain

bike for exercise and studying books on acting. He is considering joining a local theater group and doing stints as a regular guest on a radio station owned by the author Stephen King. He still wakes each morning hating his carbon-fiber leg, which gives him cysts under the skin of his stump. But it is a part of him now. His relationship with P.T.S.D. is more complicated. He is learning, he says, to talk about his darker memories of war. He is also learning how to talk about killing. It has not been easy, he says, because he still feels ashamed when acquaintances blithely ask how many Iraqis he killed. His solution has been to answer bluntly and without explanation: 18. But the best thing, he says, is that he has become more confident about offering advice to other veterans. During a recent trip to Augusta for a checkup, Mr. Pennington was approached by an older veteran, who pushed himself in a small cart. the man had diabetes, and doctors wanted to remove one of his legs. He nervously asked about what lay ahead. Balancing gracefully on his good leg, Mr. Pennington removed his prosthetic and described the various annoyances the silicone sleeve could cause. Then he put it back on and smiled. “It’s not so bad,” he said. “If this was my only problem, I’d be doing great.”

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 9

Still no answers in missing toddler case BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A new year brings the same, old questions about Ayla Reynolds, the 20-month-old toddler whose disappearance has become the focus of a criminal investigation and national media attention. “People may speculate this and that but we’ll just have to wait somberly and stand behind law enforcement until they’re willing and or able to give us answers,” said Glenn Parkhurst, a neighbor to 29 Violette Ave. in Waterville, where the girl went missing. “We’re all anxious to see this resolved especially because it happened in our midst.” On Friday, Waterville Police announced their belief “that foul play has occurred in connection with Ayla’s disappearance. The case has evolved from the search for a missing child to a criminal investigation.” On Saturday, New Year’s Eve day, Maine State Police, new lead agency investigating the Waterville girl’s disappearance, announced that no new developments could be reported. Reynolds, wearing a soft cast from a broken arm, was last seen sleeping in her bed at about 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16. Her father reported her missing Saturday at 8:51 a.m. when he found an empty bed. Waterville Police, State Police, the Maine Warden Service and the FBI all conducted searches and inquiries around 29 Violette Ave., while a Facebook page devoted to the missing girl, “Find Ayla Reynolds Missing Since 12/16/2011 From Waterville, Maine,” sprang up, drawing more than 11,750 followers. Facebook also has spawned thousands of online comments about the missing girl. A sequence of posts by Parkhurst read like a crime-novel narrative. “They have drained the Messalonskee Stream, the search plane is flying circles over the stream and the house is now being scoured by Maine state forensic unit,” he reported on Dec. 19. “I had hoped she had just been taken by a parent but it gives me the chills to see them searching the stream bed. Of course this is only observation, I don’t have any facts.”

Ayla Reynolds, shown above and at right, has been missing for more than three weeks (COURTESY PHOTOS).

The next day, Dec. 20, Parkhurst wrote, “I’ve never seen my neighborhood like this before and hope I never see it like this again. There are people searching every nook and cranny, somberly. I came home for lunch and there are hundreds of people scouring the area.” On Dec. 23, Parkhurst wrote, “Update on Violette Ave. They’re no longer posting officers at the house, everything is taped off and we (neighbors) have been asked to keep an eye out.” Later that day, he added, “Well, there were a LOT of police there all week collecting evidence so I don’t think there is much more they can do at the house. The trooper I spoke with today told me the costs of the investigation are already incredibly high and they can’t afford to keep officers posted but asked that if anyone sees unfamiliar vehicles near the house or cruising the street to take the plate # and report it.” In a message to The Portland Daily Sun, Parkhurst noted that Waterville is a “small community,” adding that “our street is a mix of retirees and young families. I can’t speak for everyone but none of us knew the parents or even that there was a child living there as they had only been there a few weeks. We don’t have television in our household and havent

seen any televised coverage or interviews with the mother.” The girl’s parents, Trista Reynolds of Portland and Justin DiPietro of Waterville, have issued statements or conducted interviews, fueling the online speculation and commentary. Trista Reynolds went on the “Today” show on NBC on Thursday, Dec. 29, and was interviewed by Matt Lauer in New York City. When asked what police tell her, she said, “The same thing that I hear on the news.” When asked whether she thought DiPietro had anything to do with her daughter’s disappearance, Trista Reynolds said, “I don’t know. Part of me feels yes, part of me feels no.” DiPietro, in statements to the media, has insisted he had nothing to do with Ayla’s disappearance. When probed about whether she has asked police to help communicate with DiPietro, Trista Reynolds told the “Today” show, “I’ve asked that question, and they tell me it’s between me and him.” Trista Reynolds also said that after she got out of drug rehab, her visits with Ayla included a Nov. 21 visit, when Trista Reynolds said she was worried that Ayla was not safe in her father’s care. “Just come talk to me, just talk to me,” Trista Reynolds urged DiPietro. “He was the last one to see her alive, just talk to me.” The Maine State Police Major Crimes Unit now has assumed the lead role in the investigation, and the State Police announced Saturday that any information about new developments would be released via email. Anyone with information regarding Ayla’s whereabouts is asked to call the Waterville Police Department at 680-4700.

Despite deadline, reward still offered in unsolved murder BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A cash reward for information that leads to an arrest in a 2008 unsolved murder was set to expire at the end of 2011, though officials say they’re still pledging support if a killer is brought to justice. James Angelo was a Mercy Hospital security guard conducting routine rounds in a Winter Street parking lot when he was gunned down at about 4 a.m. on Sept. 7, 2008. Angelo was shot once in the back and left behind a wife and young daughter. He was 27 years old. Police have discussed several theories about what happened before and during the shooting, though, more than three years later, little has been uncovered or released regarding a motive or identifying a suspect. In July, officials from Portland’s two hospitals announced a $30,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and prosecution. The reward money came with an expiration date, but now at least one of the hospitals pledging cash says the offer still stands. “If somebody came forward … and said, ‘I have the information,’ we would honor it,” said Eileen Skinner, president and CEO of Mercy Hospital, which was offering the bulk of the reward money. “The intent was to find the murderer or murderers, depending on how it unfolded, and bring some closure to the us, the Mercy family, but more importantly to his immediate family,” she said. Mercy Hospital contributed $20,000 to the reward. The other stakeholder was Maine Medical Center, which offered $10,000.

“I’ll have to check with our colwhat may compel someone to finally leagues at Maine Medical Center and come forward with information. just make sure they’re OK with it,” said “You never know when that person Skinner, though adding regardless of is going to remember something or what comes from the discussion, Mercy that person is going to be at a differHospital intends to keep their pledge ent point in their life to where maybe in the hopes of finding the killer. they’ll be willing to come forward with “It’s not something that any of information, Sauschuck said. us will forget,” she said, explaining “We just want to get the community she still keeps a photo of Angelo in as involved as humanly possible,” he her office as a daily reminder “life is continued. tenuous and that somebody that you Similarly, Skinner remains hopeful knew and cared about could all of the that, at some point, a level of closure sudden not be here.” will be brought to Angelo’s family and Officials from Maine Medical the hospital community. Center could not be reached for com“Why nobody has come forward? ment over the holiday weekend. Who can only guess,” she said, going Despite the incentives for people on to say that people may be more with knowledge of the murder to come willing to send anonymous tips to the forward, police say, ultimately, little police department once programs like Angelo has changed since the $30,000 reward “Text a Tip” have been around longer. was announced during the July news conference. “I think that people don’t really understand “We did receive some additional information that that it’s anonymous and that if you call your ID is we continue to work on,” said Michael Sauschuck, stripped off and all of that stuff,” Skinner said. “I Portland’s acting police chief. “(But), it is an ongoing think with more education, perhaps somebody will investigation and will remain so.” come forward.” And what may be equally discouraging is that Anyone with information on the Angelo killing is similar rewards have been offered in the past, only asked to contact Portland police department’s detecto expire without achieving the desired result. tive division at 874-8524. Rewards of $41,000 were offered immediately after To “Text a Tip” mobile phone users should text the the incident and again in June 2009. keyword “GOTCHA” plus their message to 274637 However, while police insist solving murders can (CRIMES), submitting an anonymous tip through the sometimes be a lengthy process, they also know cirdepartment’s website or by calling the tip line at 874cumstances change overtime and that it’s hard to say 8584.


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll likely find that you don’t have the time to indulge in media because real life will be more fascinating to you than any fictional entertainment out there. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). In one moment you think that a problem can’t be solved. In the next moment you realize that it’s the sort of thing that gets solved every day. You’re very close to the answer. Keep digging. Ask everyone around. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You do things differently from the way your parents did, and they did things differently from the way their parents did. Today you’ll note these differences with a sense of pride. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The things you can’t see or own or control are far more valuable than the material things that can occupy so much of your attention and time. You know this and will prioritize accordingly. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Handling what is going on now will be a bit of a challenge -- not because it’s a difficult circumstance, but because it’s so easy that you may mentally drift to another place in time while you work. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 3). You’ll sense which options will be the most prosperous and choose accordingly. Your practical approach to love will bond you firmly as a cohesive team. While you may appear to aim for materialistic goals, what’s accomplished will go beyond the tangible into the sublime. Joint ventures excel in March and April. Libra and Pisces people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 25, 4, 10 and 19.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). When was the last time you had endless stretches of hours and nothing to do to fill them? It’s been a long while. Rearrange things to give yourself more of that most opulent of luxuries: time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll spend much of your day in maintenance mode. This sends a signal to the universe that you’re happy with what you have, and you’ll soon wind up with even more of it. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). A kind gesture you made long ago will be reciprocated. The warm feelings have been simmering this whole time, though it wasn’t clear to the other person until now exactly how to give back. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You don’t feel responsible for all the ills of the world, but you still want to make it better. What you do to help others will bring immediate comfort. It will give you hope to see the signs that healing is taking place. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Someone who is very persistent may finally get your attention. There is a lesson for you in this, and you will be inspired to embody the spirit of persistence regarding another area of your life. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The one you adore needs you, too. There’s great alchemy at work in this relationship. What you have together is greater than the sum of its parts. A magical element rises from the mix. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Get organized. You have all the hard resources necessary to make a project work. All you need now is to line them up and point them in the same direction.

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25

26 29 30 34 35 36 37 38

ACROSS Sport for Phil Mickelson Lopsided Grave Bowled __; astonished Generous one Concept Alpha’s follower Slow, musically Early hours, for short Tasteless; dull Badly raised Blood analysis site __ panels; energy-saving roof toppers Chair & bench Envy or murder Discontinue Opie’s pa Actor McKellen Dissolved Flower garden Strenuous

40 41 43 44 45

50 51 54 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Boy Come forth Mr. Donaldson Island east of Java Rental truck company Hamster or pug Group formed to help a sheriff Neutral, first, reverse, etc. Massage Foremost Christening __ of Man Slugger Hank “Nay” voter Thirteen popes Burn with liquid Frosts Chances Bashfully Drinks like Fido

1 2

DOWN Asian desert Dutch __; cast-

46 47 48

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 35

iron kettle “Why don’t we!” Weakness Speak off the cuff Three-__ sloth Hotel Skin cream Misshapen folklore fellow Tambourine Smell French mother Musical group Faux __; social blunder Intertwines Nasal passages Sword with a curved blade Foe Also said Dejected Book of maps Barking marine mammals Actor __ Albert Rage

36 38 39 42 44

British mother Concur Cereal grain Backslide “...bells on __ ring, making spirits bright...” 46 Give a sermon 47 Young dog 49 Collect

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60

Singer Travis Grain tower Did drugs Trudge __ weevil Peruvian Indian Ladder rung Feel the loss of Sunbeam

Saturday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Tuesday, Jan. 3, the third day of 2012. There are 363 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Jan. 3, 1959, Alaska became the 49th state as President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation. On this date: In 1521, Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Leo X. In 1777, Gen. George Washington’s army routed the British in the Battle of Princeton, N.J. In 1861, more than two weeks before Georgia seceded from the Union, the state militia seized Fort Pulaski at the order of Gov. Joseph E. Brown. The Delaware House and Senate voted to oppose secession from the Union. In 1911, the first postal savings banks were opened by the U.S. Post Office. (The banks were abolished in 1966.) In 1938, the March of Dimes campaign to fight polio was organized. In 1949, in a pair of rulings, the U.S. Supreme Court said that states had the right to ban closed shops. In 1958, the first six members of the newly formed U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held their first meeting at the White House. In 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced the United States was formally terminating diplomatic and consular relations with Cuba. In 1967, Jack Ruby, the man who shot and killed accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, died in a Dallas hospital. In 1980, conservationist Joy Adamson, author of “Born Free,” was killed in northern Kenya by a former employee. In 1990, ousted Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega surrendered to U.S. forces, 10 days after taking refuge in the Vatican’s diplomatic mission. In 1993, President George H.W. Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a historic nuclear missile-reduction treaty in Moscow. One year ago: Prosecutors in Dallas declared Cornelius Dupree Jr. innocent of a rape and robbery that had put him in prison for 30 years, longer than any other DNA exoneree in Texas. Today’s Birthdays: Record producer Sir George Martin is 86. Actor Robert Loggia is 82. Actor Dabney Coleman is 80. Journalistauthor Betty Rollin is 76. Singer-songwriterproducer Van Dyke Parks is 69. Musician Stephen Stills is 67. Rock musician John Paul Jones is 66. Actress Victoria Principal is 62. Actor-director Mel Gibson is 56. Actress Shannon Sturges is 44. Jazz musician James Carter is 43. Actor Jason Marsden is 37. Actress Danica McKellar is 37. Actor Nicholas Gonzalez is 36. NFL quarterback Eli Manning is 31. Rhythm-and-blues singer Lloyd is 26. Actor Alex D. Linz is 23.




CTN 5 Lighthouse Aging







13 17


JANUARY 3, 2012




10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Thom Hartmann Show Grit TV

The Biggest Loser (Season Premiere) The trainers Parenthood “Road Trip” The entire family takes a WCSH split pairs into two teams. (N) (In Stereo) Å road trip. (N) Glee “Rumours” April New Girl Raising News 13 on FOX (N) Hope Å WPFO comes back to Lima. (In “Cece Stereo) Å Crashes” Last Man Work It “Pi- Celebrity Wife Swap Body of Proof “Falling WMTW Standing lot” (N) Å Gayle Haggard and Stef- for You” Megan investi(N) Å fanie Sampson. (N) gates a bride’s death. Egypt’s Golden Empire Egypt’s Golden Empire Frontline “Opium Brides” MPBN Egypt unites under Ah- Prosperity religious re- Counter-narcotics efmose. (In Stereo) Å form. (In Stereo) Å forts. (N) As Time Keeping The Old Outnum- Reggie The Red bered Å Perrin Green WENH Goes By Å Up Appear- Guys ances Show The Secret Circle Faye The Secret Circle Faye Excused (In American WPXT plots against her ex-boy- talks Cassie into throwing Stereo) Å Dad Å friend. Å a party. Å NCIS “Housekeeping” NCIS: Los Angeles Unforgettable A conHetty’s leadership comes struction worker is murWGME Investigating a Navy commander’s murder. under question. dered. (N) Å Cold Case Å Law Order: CI WPME Cold Case Å

Tonight Show With Jay Leno The Office The Office “The Alli- “Lecture ance” Circuit” News 8 Nightline WMTW at (N) Å 11PM (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å Globe Trekker “South Atlantic” Falkland Islands; South Georgia. It’s Always That ’70s Sunny in Show Å Phila. WGME Late Show News 13 at With David 11:00 Letterman Discovery Cops Å


DISC Dirty Jobs Å


FAM Switched at Birth (N)

Jane by Design “Pilot”

Jane by Design “Pilot”

The 700 Club (N) Å


USA Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU


NESN English Premier League Soccer


Hot Stove Daily



CSNE English Premier League Soccer


SportsNet Sticks



ESPN Pre/Post


ESPN2 College Basketball



Dirty Jobs (N) Å



Swamp Loggers (N)

Dirty Jobs Å

2012 Allstate Sugar Bowl Michigan vs. Virginia Tech. From New Orleans. (N) (Live)

Criminal Minds Å

Sup. Bowl NFL Live (N) Å

E:60 (N)

Criminal Minds “JJ”

SportsCenter (N) Å

Flashpoint (N) Å

Flashpoint (N) Å


Good Luck Good Luck


DISN Wizards

Movie: ››‡ “16 Wishes” (2010)


TOON Looney


King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy

NICK My Wife

My Wife

’70s Show ’70s Show George


36 37

MSNBC The Ed Show (N)

Jessie George


Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word

The Ed Show


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront


CNBC Biography on CNBC

60 Minutes on CNBC

American Greed

Mad Money



America’s Election HQ Hosts: Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly. (N) (Live)

Hannity (N)



Bones “Finder” Å


LIFE America’s Supernanny America’s Supernanny One Born Every Minute One Born Every Minute



What Not to Wear

Movie: ››› “300” (2007) Gerard Butler. Å What Not to Wear



AMC Movie: ›››‡ “The Fugitive” (1993, Suspense) Harrison Ford. Å


HGTV First Place My House Property


TRAV Mysteries-Museum

Hidden City (N) Å

Off Limits Å


A&E Storage





BRAVO Real Housewives

Property Storage


What Not to Wear





Movie: “The Fugitive”

Tabatha’s Salon Take Frasier


SYFY Movie: ›› “Outlander”

Movie: ›‡ “Primeval” (2007) Dominic Purcell.


ANIM River Monsters

Wild Amazon

Wild Amazon Å



Ancient Aliens Å

Ancient Aliens Å




COM South Park Futurama

62 67 68 76





Big Bang

SPIKE Auction


Movie: “Prey” (2007) River Monsters


Ancient Aliens Å


Daily Show Colbert

Movie: “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”



The Exes

Cleveland King

Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

Conan (N)




Flip Men

Flip Men



OXY Movie: ›› “Enough” (2002) Jennifer Lopez.


TCM Movie: ››‡ “Belle Starr” (1941)



Movie: ››› “The Brothers” (2001) Å

Movie: ››› “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (2008) Mila Kunis

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond


Tabatha’s Salon Take Frasier

HALL Little House on Prairie Frasier

Movie: ››‡ “Life” (1999) Eddie Murphy. Å


The Dead Files Å







1 5 9 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 26 31 33 35 36 39 40 44 45 46

Tori & Dean: Home

Movie: ››‡ “Annie Oakley” (1935) Å

ACROSS Waste catcher Aid a criminal Weasel family member Took a spin Bullpen success Broadcast sign Covertly Hidden shooter Crone Quirk Hemispherical roof Savings & Loan institution Abominable snowmen Actress Gabor Proof of ownership Having teeth Gold patch Not even worth loathing Diva’s offering Cicely Tyson movie Half-baked


Tori & Dean: Home Annie-Gun

48 Billy __ Williams 49 Polynesian island group 53 Playground ride 55 Polish prose 57 Tax letters 58 Use an axe 60 Kind of network 62 Not readily apparent 68 Marry, sans ceremony 69 Poet Khayyam 70 Goggle at 71 Last inning, usually 72 Open slipper 73 Ooze

1 2 3 4 5 6

DOWN Reliable Country singer Milsap Junkie Look furtively Elroy Jetson’s dog Scoffer’s comment

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 24 25 27 28 29 30 32 34 37 38 40 41 42 43

Holiday forerunner Software support person Being searched for New England cape Winged mammal Perjure Do it wrong Arm of the Indian Livestock tidbit Technique Displaced person Chita of “West Side Story” News bit Comic Wilson Camper’s quarters Standards of perfection Expiated PMs Last part Deep singer Cleveland’s lake Aswan’s river Battery accessory

47 God of the Hebrews 50 Desert illusion 51 Mouthpiece of the gods 52 Catching some Z’s 54 Sodden 56 Toughen 59 “For __ the Bell

Tolls” 61 Saucers without cups? 62 Big London bell 63 Wallach or Whitney 64 Actor Chaney 65 Make a choice 66 Outback nester 67 Maglie or Mineo

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012


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For Rent


Labradoodle Puppies

1999 Chevy Malibu- 80k original miles, one owner, brand new sticker and parts. $4000/obo (207)332-7989.

PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.



PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 3 bedroom heated. Large bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $1300/mo. (207)773-1814.

Ready to go Dec. 17th. $1200 heath certified. Non-shed hypoallergenic. For more info email: PIT Bull/ Bull Mastiff pups. Born Sept. 26th. Very friendly, nice colors, good with kids and other animals. Parents on premise. $600 or trade for hunting equipment/ tools, etc. (603)539-7009.

Auto Recyclers paying cash. (207)615-6092. BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051. BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

Auctions NORTH Country Auctions, LLCJanuary 21st, 2012- 9am. Heavy equipment & general merchandise auction. To be held at our auction barn located at: 438 Plains Road, Tamworth, NH 03886. We are now accepting consignments! Heavy equipment, trailers, auto’s, industrial tools, building supplies, boats, farm equipment, landscaping equipment, and more! Call us today for more information: (603)539-5322 Email:

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Auctioneer: Doug Ryan Lic #2739.

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WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 13



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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I am a 17-year-old girl with divorced parents. My dad lives with “Heather.” She is young, has three kids and is very irritating. Heather seems to think she has to make fun of people. Her favorite targets are my mom and my father’s family members. She’s always touching my dad and constantly picks fights with my sister and me, and sometimes Dad, too. She is always checking the numbers he calls and texts, because she is afraid he’s cheating on her. Once, Heather told me I was no longer welcome in her house. She told my father she hates me and would appreciate it if I left him alone. How can I tell her I don’t like it when she makes fun of the people I love, and that I’d prefer it if she’d simply ignore me rather than be all nice one minute and a wicked stepmother the next? -- Confused Teenager Dear Confused: Heather sounds a little insecure about her relationship with your father, and it’s unfortunate that you are on the receiving end. Right now, if you want to see your father, you’ll have to put up with Heather. But you should talk to Dad about how unwelcome she makes you feel, and say you’d appreciate it if he’d ask her to keep her snarky comments about the family to herself. Such remarks are inappropriate and damaging. Dear Annie: Recently, a dear friend and neighbor passed away. The family chose to have a get-together on Thanksgiving and invited another neighbor and me. They understood that we would spend dinner with our own families and said it would be perfectly fine if we showed up afterward. They said they’d be home all evening. The family mentioned the event several times and called to be sure we were coming. They even asked permission to use my driveway for their guests.

I had Thanksgiving dinner at my son’s house. When I arrived home, there were no cars in my driveway. My neighbor said there hadn’t been any cars there all day. I phoned the family twice and got voicemail. My neighbor and I rang their doorbell in case they couldn’t hear the phone, but there was no answer. When the family returned home, my neighbor was outside and asked if they’d had a nice day. They said yes. I am hurt and would like an explanation. Apparently, they changed the location and didn’t inform us. I would understand if they did that or decided just to have immediate family. But a phone call telling me this would have been nice, as I left my own family dinner early. I called the family again and left a message, but still have received no response. I don’t know what to make of the situation. -- Kentucky Dear Kentucky: Let’s be charitable and assume the family changed the location and forgot to notify those who wouldn’t also be attending their Thanksgiving dinner. When they returned to hear your messages, they were too embarrassed to call back and apologize. We hope you can forgive them. When there is a death in the family, people can sometimes be unintentionally inconsiderate. Dear Annie: I read the letter from “Need School Assistance,” whose second-grader was molested by a disruptive boy at his school. As a retired school social worker, all my red flags went up when I read this. “Boyd’s” behaviors are indicators of possible sexual abuse in his own home. For this young child to be suspended twice in a single semester perhaps to spend more time in a potentially abusive environment is heartbreaking. You said you hoped the school had called child welfare services to look into his home life, and I would say a call is certainly in order. -- Concerned in the Midwest

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Portland restaurants offer lunch items at calorie count price City: calories count lunch makes it easy to keep 2012 resolutions Four Portland restaurants are teaming up with the city of Portland and its obesity prevention initiative by offering lunch items at calorie count prices, today. Spartan Grill, El Rayo, Sebago Brewing Company and DiMillo’s On the Water will be taking part in Calories Count Lunch. The restaurants are offering a variety of lunch items at the price of the meal’s calorie count. The one day event runs between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., today. According to a city spokeswoman, patrons can enjoy a satisfying and healthier meal while saving a few dollars, from a falafel gyro (581 calories/$6.75, savings of $.94) to a carne asada taco (289 calories/$3.95, savings of $1.06). “The assistance we got from the city made it easy for us to provide nutritional information to our diners,” said Michael Roylos, owner of Spartan Grill, in a statement. “People want to make informed choices about what they eat and thanks to Smart Meals for ME, they have plenty of items to choose from at the Spartan Grill.” Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the US and is a leading cause of preventable death in the US, according to officials. Nearly 58 percent of the adult population in Cumberland County is either obese or overweight. The state pays more than $350 million a year in direct medical costs associated with obesity, according to the city. The city of Portland, through Healthy Portland, a local Healthy Maine Partnership and program of the Portland’s Health and Human Services Department, created the Smart Meals for ME program. The program’s aim is to make it easier for local restaurants to provide nutritional information to their diners, according to the city says. When provided calorie counts, officials say diners pay attention and often change their order to a lower calorie option. City officials also say research has found that Americans want nutritional information at restaurants and that 84 percent of Americans supporting menu labeling “With most Americans eating a third of their calories out at restaurants, we … feel it is our responsibility to procure and prepare local, sustainable food that tastes great and gives diner plenty of healthier, nutritional options,” El Rayo chef Cheryl Lewis said in a news release. Through Healthy Portland’s Communities Putting Prevention to Work obesity prevention grant, free assistance is available from a registered dietitian to analyze menus and create new lower calorie options, as well as assist in printing new menus with nutritional information, according to a city spokeswoman. The program also gives diners the opportunity to ask their favorite foodie destination to participate by leaving a Smart Meals for ME card when they pay their check. The card, available for printing through the Smart Meals for ME Facebook page, states their desire to see calorie information. For more information about Smart Meals for ME, email or become a follower on Facebook, www.facebook. com/smartmealsforme. — Staff Report

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Thursday, Jan. 5

‘Axed! Slashes Through Stereotypes’

Vein Healthcare Center free leg screenings 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Vein Healthcare Center will be giving free leg screenings. “Patient visits will include a venous exam of both legs, an overview of treatment options and an opportunity to have questions answered by Dr. Cindy Asbjornsen, one of the leading phlebology (vein health) specialists in Maine. Though the leg screening is free, an appointment is required.” Call the Vein Healthcare Center at 221-7799 to make an appointment, or visit for more information. The Vein Healthcare Center is located in South Portland at 100 Foden Road, Suite 307.

‘Preservation of Earth’ 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Opening Reception for Constellation Gallery artist Joanne Fitzpatrick, who presents “Preservation of Earth” — artistic renderings of pressed flowers accompanied by poetry reading. Light refreshments provided.

West Commercial St. zoning meeting 6:30 p.m. Neighborhood meeting for the J.B. Brown proposal on West Commercial St., hosted by the applicants. The meeting is on Jan. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room at Reiche Community Center. The Planning Board hearing on this proposal will be on Tuesday, Jan. 10. J.B. Brown & Sons, represented by Vincent Veroneau, seek a zone map change in the area of 113 to 201 West Commercial St. According to a planning board memo, “The site is a 10.65acre former rail yard and is predominantly vacant. The applicants propose to change the zoning on the majority of the site (plus or minus 8.5 acres) from Waterfront Port Development (WPDZ) and Residential R-4, to Mixed Use Commercial, B-5b. While no fixed plans are in place for a specific development, the applicant has provided conceptual master plans of the site showing commercial office buildings and surface parking along West Commercial Street.” WENA meetings are held in the community space on the upper level of the Reiche Community Center, adjacent to the Reiche Community School at 166 Brackett Street. Osprey parents feed their young in a nest on Googins Island at Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park. This raptor summers on Meetings are at 6:30 PM, generally on the the island and makes its annual trek to South America each fall. The Freeport state park is offering nature programs at second Wednesday each month. www. 2 p.m. on Sundays June 8 through Jan. 29, weather permitting. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Friday, Jan. 6 Auditions for Performance Troupes 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Auditions for Performance Troupes, Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine, 142 Free St. “Seeking actors ages 11-17 to join the Kids on the Block puppeteer troupe and/or the Youth Voices On Stage anti-bullying performance troupe. Audition will include improvisation. No experience necessary; new faces encouraged.” More information:, 828-1234, ext. 247.

Lucid Stage First Friday Art Walk 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Stop by Lucid Stage for a First Friday Art Walk reception from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The new show in the Lucid lobby gallery is “Trees” by artist Cindy Ciccotelli. Her medium is paper on canvas, and the subject is brightly colored, stylized trees.

First Friday Art Walk at Constellation 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk at Constellation. “Come watch Constellation Gallery artists create as you enjoy our art on display. Light refreshments.”

First Friday at the MCMA 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday at the Maine Charitable Mechanics Association, Jan. 6 will feature drawings from the MCMA drawing classes during the early 20th century. Architectural drawings of Will S. Aldrich (ca.1888), who was a student and draughtsman for MCMA past President and renown architect John Calvin Stevens, along with blueprints and instruction samples from the school. 519 Congress St., Portland. Second floor, elevator accessible. FMI call 773-8396.

‘Reflection, Revelation, Resolution’ 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Gallery at Harmon’s & Barton’s presents “Reflection, Revelation, Resolution,” a collection of

inspirational dance images by Maine photographer Arthur Fink and encaustic artist Lori Austill. 584 Congress St., Portland. First Friday Art Walk reception, exhibit and sale through January.

Refugee Women’s Craft Collective 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Meg Perry Center at 644 Congress St., Portland, First Friday Art Walk for The Refugee Women’s Craft Collective. “Imagine arriving in a country where everything, from language to social customs, is different from everything you have ever known. To a refugee, our country is another world. Many refugee women arrive uneducated and illiterate and have difficulty in adjusting to their new lives in America. It is difficult to find work because they are unable to afford childcare for their children. ... A group of refugee women have come together to form the Refugee Women’s Craft Collective as a way to support their families, eliminating the language barrier that they all face. The women in the group originate from areas such as, Burma, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. Please help us support the women as they work to rebuild their lives. You can make a difference in the lives of refugee women! For additional information on this event, please contact Jacqui Deveneau,, 772-1051.”

Tireless Device: A Living Paper Dress 5 p.m. “Tireless device, a work in progress by Maria Paz Garaloces, brings together a number of different media, such as sculpture, installation, performance and design, which are merged together to create a fictional scene that focuses on aspects of beauty, drama, obsession and imagination. It is a multidimensional piece that explores the relationship between body and object and the object in action. It also investigates the power of ‘the unexpected’ allowing the material to express itself, to express what was already hidden and had never been discovered.” Free at SPACE Gallery.

8 p.m. “Who was Lizzie Borden? ‘Axed!’ is an evening of one-act plays by Carolyn Gage that explore the identity of one of the most misunderstood women in New England history. The plays will be presented at Lucid Stage in Portland at 8 p.m. on Jan. 6 and 7, and in a matinee performance at 2 p.m. on Jan. 8. Both of the plays present the alleged ax murderer through the eyes of women who had intimate connections with her. The first play, ‘Lace Curtain Irish,’ is a one-woman play featuring Denise Poirier in the role of Bridget Sullivan, the Irish maid who was present on the morning of the murders. This production, directed by Ariel Francoeur, premiered this fall in an Off-Off Broadway Festival. The second play, ‘The Greatest Actress Who Ever Lived,’ directed by Gage, takes a look at Lizzie through the eyes of her lesbian lover — the famous actress Nance O’Neil. In this play, Karen Ball, in the role of Nance, spars with a closeted tabloid reporter played by Joseida Lord. The play also premiered this fall in New York at the Fresh Fruit LGBT Festival. The plays will be followed by a talk-back with the playwright and the actors.” Fundraiser for Lucid Stage, produced by Cauldron & Labrys Productions. Tickets for the event are $12 ($10 for students and seniors).

Saturday, Jan. 7 ‘The Real Stories of Incarcerated Women’

1 p.m. From Jan. 5 to Jan. 31, Freeport Library will be hosting Family Crisis Services’ “More Than a Rap Sheet: The Real Stories of Incarcerated Women,” an exhibit featuring photographs and the poems of Maine’s incarcerated women. The exhibit will officially open on Jan. 7. At 1 p.m., FCS staff and women from the project will be discussing the roots of the exhibit and reading select poems. The snow date for the opening is scheduled for Jan. 11 at 6:30 p.m. Family Crisis Services, the domestic violence agency for Cumberland and Sagadahoc counties, has been working with incarcerated women at Cumberland County Jail and Maine Correctional Center since 2000; a community where approximately 95 percent of the women have experienced domestic violence in their lifetimes.

Auditions for ‘Wiley and the Hairy Man’ 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Auditions for “Wiley and the Hairy Man” at the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine, 142 Free Street, Portland. Seeking actors ages 8 to 17. Audition will include improv games and movement. No experience necessary; new faces encouraged. More information: www., 828-1234, ext. 247.

22nd Annual Portland Bridal Show 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. “Don’t miss Maine’s most popular bridal show at the Holiday Inn By the Bay in Portland. Over 100 vendors and 900 brides will take part in this annual event. You can plan your wedding in one day! Talk to professional caterers, bakers, photographers, florists, spa experts, DJs, bands, and more. Saturday night is Lover’s Night where grooms get in free. Be sure to stop into our VIB Lounge (Very Important Bride) to sample drinks from Pinnacle Vodka and Pine State Beverage. Attend our ‘Ask Amber’ Q & A session with Amber Small from Sweetest Thing Weddings, Floral Design, and Events. Each bride will get a copy of the 2012 Real Maine Weddings magazine, and be able to enter the 2012 Real Maine Wedding of the Year contest!” Holiday Inn By the Bay, 88 Spring St., Portland. From Jan. 7 to Jan. 8. Saturday: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. $10 admission. $5 admission to the VIB Lounge Saturday night. Free for grooms on Saturday night. www. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Sunday, Jan. 8 Wolfe’s Neck Woods nature programs 2 p.m. Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, located in Freeport, is offering nature programs at 2 p.m. on Sundays through Jan. 29, weather permitting. Starting at the benches at the end of the second parking lot, one-hour-long guided programs may include a walk, short talks, and other activities. No reservations are needed except for group use. The programs are free with park admission. Admission is $1 for ages 5-11, $3 for Maine residents ages 12-64; $4.50 for non residents ages 12 – 64; $1.50 for non residents 65 and older; admission is free for those under 5 and Maine residents 65 and older. For more information or to arrange for group visits, please call 865-4465.

Monday, Jan. 9 Saint Mary’s Garden Club 11 a.m. “Saint Mary’s Garden Club will be presenting Rhonda Davis, from Harmon and Barton, inspiring us all to create beautiful arrangements to get us through the winter. Open to the public.” The Regional Learning Center at Tidewater Farm, Clearwater Drive, Falmouth. Contact: Wilma Sawyer, 781-4889. Fee: $10.

Full Moon Nature Walk At Maine Audubon’s Gilsland Farm Sanctuary, participants will take part in an exploration of nature at night.

Tuesday, Jan. 10 Historic Maine Storms 1:30 p.m. Falmouth Historical Society. “Meteorologist Joe Cupo, a member of WCSH Channel 6 News Center team, will discuss historic Maine storms. Joe enjoys studying history and especially how weather has played a role in historic events. Join us for this exciting presentation and hear about FHS future events while you enjoy the refreshments. Parking is on Blueberry Lane.” OceanView Community Room, 20 Blueberry Lane, Falmouth.

Film screening of ‘Dragonslayer’ 7:30 p.m. “‘Dragonslayer’ documents the transgressions of a lost skate punk falling in love in the stagnant suburbs of Fullerton, California in the aftermath of America’s economic collapse. Taking the viewer through a golden SoCal haze of broken homes, abandoned swimming pools and stray glimpses of unusual beauty, ‘Dragonslayer’ captures the life and times of Josh ‘Skreech’ Sandoval, a local skate legend and new father, as his endless summer finally collides with the future.” SPACE Gallery,538 Congress St., Portland. Admission $7; $5 for SPACE members.

Wednesday, Jan. 11 Meet the Mayor at SPACE Gallery 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Portland Arts and Cultural Alliance and Creative Portland are co-hosting a “Meet the Mayor” event for the local arts and cultural community. “Portland’s first elected mayor in 88 years, Mayor Michael Brennan was sworn into office on Dec. 6, telling Portlanders: ‘My success will also be your success, and I can only be successful with you.’ Expressing an interest in working across sectors to address community issues, Mayor Brennan also acknowledged the significant value the arts, culture, and creative economy add to the city. This event will provide Portland’s arts and cultural community an opportunity to meet the mayor, hear briefly about his priorities in the months ahead and to ask questions. Information about the hosts and the event can be found at and” Free, all ages.

U.S. Postal Service processing operations consolidation meeting in Brewer 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The U.S. Postal Service will hold a public meeting to discuss its proposal to move mail processing operations from the Eastern Maine Processing and Distribution Facility in Hamden to the Southern Maine Processing and Distribution Center in Scarborough. The public meeting originally scheduled for Dec. 29 to explain this proposal and to allow public input has been rescheduled for Jan. 11, 2012. The time and location remain the same: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Jeff’s Catering, East West Industrial Park, 5 Coffin Ave, Brewer. Anyone who wishes to submit comments in writing can send them to: Manager, Consumer and Industry Contact, Northern New England District, 151 Forest Ave., Portland, ME. All comments must be postmarked Jan. 13, 2012.”

‘God, Holy Scripture and Man’s Church’ 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. “St. Augustine of Canterbury Church has announced that it will hold a weekly adult study program titled ‘God, Holy Scripture and Man’s Church.’ The program is an exploration of our relationship with God, the Bible and the development and practice related to Church Tradition. The study is open to everyone and there is no cost. The study group will meet every Wednesday beginning Jan. 11 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Cathedral Pines Chapel, 156 Saco Ave. in Old Orchard Beach. There is plenty of parking available.”

Thursday, Jan. 12 Portland Ovations presents ‘Mamma Mia!’ 8 p.m. The smash hit musical based on the songs of ABBA comes to Merrill Auditorium. Performances begin on Thursday, Jan. 12 and run through Saturday, Jan. 14 at Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. “Seen by over 50 million people around the world, Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus’ global smash hit musical ‘Mamma Mia!’ is celebrating over 4,000 performances in its tenth smash hit year at Broadway’s Winter Garden Theatre and remains among Broadway’s top selling musicals. The current North American Tour has played over 3,700 performances in over 150 cities with 145 repeat visits.” The performance schedule for “Mamma Mia!” at Merrill Auditorium is Thursday, Jan. 12 at 8 p.m., Friday, Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets range from $45 to $59 for Portland Ovations Members and $50 to $65 for the general public. To purchase tickets, contact PortTix at 842-0800 or visit the box office window at Merrill Auditorium. Tickets are also available online at

Friday, Jan. 13 Sea Dogs Hot Stove Dinner and Silent Auction 5:30 p.m. Seattle Mariners pitcher and South Portland native Charlie Furbush has been added to the Sea Dogs’ lineup of guests for the annual Hot Stove Dinner and Silent Auction. Furbush joins Red Sox catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia and Red Sox outfielder and former Sea Dog Josh Reddick as the featured guests. The event will take place at the Sable Oaks Marriott in South Portland. Tickets for the event are $50 and are limited to 300. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Hadlock Field Ticket Office, by phone at 8799500 or online at Everyone who attends will receive a signed 8 X 10 photo of Saltalamacchia. All proceeds from the dinner and silent auction will benefit the official charity of the Portland Sea Dogs’; the Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program. The Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program was established in 1995 to raise money for the Maine Children’s Cancer Program. For every strikeout that a Sea Dogs’ pitcher throws money is raised through generous pledges of businesses and individuals. For more information on the Strike Out Cancer in Kids Program log onto

The Bad Luck Bazaar 7 p.m. “Unlucky you! On Friday the 13th, The Dirty Dishes Burlesque Revue, Pussyfoot Burlesque and Eternal Otter Records proudly present The Bad Luck Bazaar. Beginning with carnival of desires featuring (mis)fortune tellers, kissing booths, and game tables by Nomia Boutique, USM’s Center for Sexualities and Gender Diversity and other sex-positive local vendors, the evening escalates into vaudeville theatrics and full-blown burlesque histrionics as the Dishes and company perform alongside musical guests Over A Cardboard Sea and an aerially-fixated Apparatus Dance Theater, eventually leading to a climactic and interactive showdown after which you may require a shower and a 13th hour dance party courtesy of DJ Trozzi, sponsored by Salacious Magazine.” SPACE Gallery. $7 Advance / $9 at the door, 18 plus. www.

Free Watercolor Painting demonstration 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free Watercolor Painting demonstration by Constellation artist Diana Ellis, Learn the basic techniques and materials she uses to create dramatic and vivid paintings! All are welcome. Light refreshments served.

Saturday, Jan. 14 Lucid Stage’s LucidFest 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lucid Stage, 29 Baxter Blvd. Portland. “Join us to celebrate the New Year! Stop by for a variety of kid’s activities, white elephant sales, raffles and performances including Running with Scissors; Druin Dance Center; puppetry; live music.” General admission is free.

In The Blood — Live: A ‘Docu-Exhibit’ 7:30 p.m. SPACE Gallery screening of “In the Blood,” about the Maine lumber industry. “Lumbermen began living in logging camps in the Maine woods in the early 1800s. They were the pioneers who created a successful self-contained work-

ing community in the woods, and on who’s backs the state’s economy and history were largely established. ‘In The Blood,’ filmmaker Sumner McKane’s ambitious multi-year project, takes the audience into this rugged environment — into the camps, onto the haul roads, landings and yards, rivers and lakes. Through rare archival film, digitally restored photography, raw and honest interviews, ambient sound design and live scoring, this innovative and entertaining multimedia presentation, featured on NPR’s ‘Echoes,’ brings this lost world vividly into the present.”

Monday, Jan. 16 A Charity Fashion Show 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Catholic Charities Maine will be hosting “Walking in the Light: A Charity Fashion Show” on Jan. 16 at One Longfellow Square, 181 State Street, Portland. “Catholic Charities has partnered with local high schools, colleges and boutiques in order to plan the event. The show will feature clothes from the Catholic Charities thrift store in hopes to raise awareness to the need for warm, affordable winter clothing and to boost clothing donations. High school and college students with an interest in fashion will play key roles in making the whole show come together. If you would like more information or are interested in volunteering at this event, contact Kerrie Keller, AmeriCorps VISTA at or 523-1156.”

Tuesday, Jan. 17 Rape Aggression Defense Training 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This January, the Portland Police Department will offer its Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Training class. “R.A.D. provides women with the tools they need to both avoid dangerous situations and escape them. The course is specifically designed to help women survive situations in which their lives are in jeopardy. This class is open to all women, ages 13 and older, in the Greater Portland area who would like to develop real life defensive tools and tactics. The Basic Self-Defense Course consists of a series of four classes and one scenario day. The class is scheduled for Jan. 17, 19, 24, and 26, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Jan. 28 from 8 a.m. to noon. All classes must be attended to complete the course. The classes will be held at the Portland Police Department, 109 Middle St., Portland. A donation of $25 for the course is suggested. All donations support the Amy St. Laurent Fund, which sponsors the R.A.D. trainings. Due to attendance issues, all donations must be paid prior to the first class (send checks to ASLF/PPD RAD Program, Portland Police Department, 109 Middle St., Portland ME 04101). To sign up for the class or receive more information about Portland R.A.D., e-mail or call 874-8643.”

Wednesday, Jan. 18 ‘Warriors Don’t Cry’ 7:30 p.m. “Portland Ovations in collaboration with NAACP-Portland presents ‘Warriors Don’t Cry,’ a powerful one-woman play inspired by the award-winning memoir of the same title by Dr. Melba Pattillo Beals at Hannaford Hall, USM Portland. ‘Warriors Don’t Cry’ stars Almeria Campbell and recounts the courageous story of 15-year-old Melba, who endures violence and discrimination as she and eight other African-American students integrate Little Rock, Arkansas’ Central High School. Melba and her fellow student-warriors — known as the Little Rock Nine — captured the world’s attention in 1957 as they struggled and triumphed in pursuit of equal education. Themes of fear and courage, isolation and community, education, history, the family and the nation all come alive through Campbell’s compelling portrayal of 21 characters. A preview to the performance will take place during the NAACP’s 31st Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Breakfast Celebration at the Holiday Inn By The Bay on Jan. 16. Ovations Offstage will present a Pre-Performance Lecture Struggles for Civil Rights: Local Stories on Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Hannaford Hall, USM Portland. Students from King Middle School will discuss their expedition Small Acts of Courage: Memories of the Civil Rights Movement, a project that involves students learning and telling important stories of local citizens. Julia Adams, a member of the Portland String Quartet, will join the students to discuss her own experience during the Civil Rights Movement. Tickets for Warriors Don’t Cry are $23 for Ovations’ Members, $25 for the general public and a limited amount of $10 student tickets are also available. To purchase tickets, contact PortTix at 842-0800 or visit the box office window at Merrill Auditorium. Tickets are also available online at

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Tuesday, January 3, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Heads will be banging next weekend in Portland. “Let’s start off the new year with a headbang,” Maine’s hard-rock band Waranimal posts on Facebook. “Flannel Magazine is putting on a sweet show. It’s going to be awesome.” Flannel Magazine Presents: Last Chance To Reason, Waranimal and more on Friday, Jan. 6, at 9 p.m. at Geno’s Rock Club. (COURTESY IMAGE)

Thursday, Jan. 5 Naruse, Dan at noonday concert 12:15 p.m. Program: Sonatina in G major op.100, Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904); Sonata no.2 in Eb major op.120, Johannes Brahms (1833-1897). Chiharu Naruse holds a master’s degree in Music Performance and Instruction from the Hochschule fur Musik “Hanns Eisler” in Berlin. She has performed and toured extensively at numerous international venues in the United States, Japan and Europe. Chiharu has played with the Portland String Quartet, the DaPonte Quartet and performed Beethoven’s Fifth Piano Concerto, Mozart Piano Concerto K 466 and the Rachmaninoff Second Piano Concerto with the Augusta Symphony. Robert Dan, violist, was praised by the New York Times as “a consistently tasteful stylist.” Mr. Dan has appeared extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and Japan performing and giving master classes. He has performed on many prestigious music series in the U.S. including at Carnegie Hall and has been a member of the Theater Chamber Players of the Kennedy Center for many years. He has been an Artistin-Residence at Harvard University, inaugurating Harvard’s Blodgett Artist-in-Residence program and performing at the 350th anniversary of Harvard’s founding. First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress St., Portland. Concerts are free and open to the public. 775-3356.

Friday, Jan. 6 Jerks of Grass at the St. Lawrence 7:30 p.m. St. Lawrence Arts Center presents the Jerks of Grass. Set this evening aside as a time to relax and unwind with after the holidays with an evening of warm and traditional bluegrass. Jerks of Grass are a high-energy bluegrass quartet from Portland. Gathered around one microphone in traditional style the group blens in their progressive roots becoming a formidable purveyor of their own brand of bluegrass.

Flannel Magazine presents 9 p.m. Flannel Magazine presents: Last Chance to Reason, Fall of Rauros, WARANIMAL, Death Cloud. Geno’s, 625 Congress St. WARANIMAL is Maine’s first band. Finally now that we have electricity we decided to start shredding on the gnar axe. Comprised of former members of Eld/ Gift of tongues, Backstabbers inc, and Reunion, WARANIMAL formed in the hyborean age and is now ready to party with you.

Saturday, Jan. 7 Epiphany Celebration 7:30 p.m. The Choral Art Society’s annual Epiphany Celebration will be performed at the Williston-Immanuel Bap-

tist Church, 156 High St., Portland. This performance, conducted by Music Director Robert Russell, is one of The Choral Art Society’s most spiritual annual concerts and provides an opportunity to reflect following the busy holiday season. Tickets are available online at or by calling 828-0043. They are priced at $15 for advance sales and $20 at the door at time of the performance. The 2012 Epiphany Celebration features many works performed a cappella by the Camerata chorus, a small, select group of The Choral Art Society; the Meliora String Quartet: Robert Lehmann and Yasmin Craig-Vitalius, violin, Kimberly Lehmann, viola, James Kennedy, cello; and Neil Boyer oboe; Betty Rines, trumpet, and organist Dan Moore.

Thursday, Jan. 12 Atlantic Chamber Ensemble at noonday concert 12:15 p.m. Robert Lehmann is Director of Strings and Orchestral Activities at the University of Southern Maine School of Music. In addition to his duties at USM, he is Music Director of the Portland Chamber Orchestra, the North Shore Philharmonic Orchestra and the New Hampshire White Mountain Bach Festival. First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress St., Portland. Concerts are free and open to the public. 775-3356.

Friday, Jan. 13

Cinder Conk in New Gloucester 7:30 p.m. Balkan power-duo Cinder Conk will perform a concert at the New Gloucester Village Coffee House. Cinder Conk brings the brightness and energy of Eastern Europe’s music-centered culture to New Gloucester for a night that is sure to delight and transcend.

Down to the Well at Geno’s 8 p.m. Down to the Well, Yankee Cockfight, Devil Dinosaur and Filthy Still. Geno’s, 625 Congress St. Filthy Still: http://; Devil Dinosaur:; Yankee Cockfight: Down to the Well:

Acoustic Evening with Jacob Augustine 7:30 p.m. GFAC 207 Productions in association with WBLM and Maine Magazine present a very special Acoustic Evening with Jacob Augustine. This will be Augustine’s first Portland area concert since last fall’s triumphant CD release party at Port City Music Hall. Jacob Augustine is a singer, songwriter and musician from the Northern woods of Maine. He has lived all over the country, crisscrossing the United States performing for over a decade in various projects. While living in California in 2008, he recorded his first record under Jacob Augustine, entitled Harmonia, which was released in early 2009 to critical acclaim. $12 advance and $15 at the door. St. Lawrence Arts Center.

A Night of Dubstep

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8 p.m. 207 Nightlife Presents: A Night of Dubstep & EDM w/ DJ Dirty Dek and special guest Remote Kontrol, at Port City Music Hall. Advance: $10; door: $15; VIP: $20. Remote Kontrol has been seen all across the world and they will be live in Portland Jan 13. Remote Kontrol has appeared on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent,” FOX’s “So You Think You Can Dance,” “The Ellen Show” and “The Wendy Williams Show.”

Saturday, Jan. 14 Higher Organix and Leave It On Stage 8 p.m. Cyborg Trio, Higher Organix, Leave It On Stage at Port City Music Hall. Massachusetts’ Higher Organix plays psychdelic dance-fusion. Advance: $10; door: $15; VIP: $20. www.portcitymusichall. com

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