The Portland Daily Sun, Saturday, November 12, 2011

Page 1


VOL. 3 NO. 201





Campaigns: Bring on 2012

Voters gather to cast ballots at Reiche School Tuesday during the statewide and citywide elections. (CASEY CONLEY PHOTO)

Tuesday’s election fuels push for legislative gains Hinck seeks to topple Snowe See story on page 3

Maine’s gay marriage advocates sense opportunity See story on page 19

Groups debate meaning of same-day registration vote See story on page 19

Democrat Jon Hinck of Portland hopes to unseat U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe next November. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Fiddling with numbers Time for post-election spin See Bob Higgins on page 4

See Curtis Robinson’s column on page 5

Gov. LePage eyes Medicaid cuts Rumford shooting probed See the story on page 7

See the story on page 20

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

What’s in a brand name? BEIJING (NY Times) — After a hard day’s labor, your average upscale Beijinger likes nothing more than to shuck his dress shoes for a pair of Enduring and Persevering, rev up his Precious Horse and head to the pub for a tall, frosty glass of Happiness Power. Or, if he’s a teetotaler, a bottle of Tasty Fun. To Westerners, that’s Nike, BMW, Heineken and Coca-Cola, respectively. And those who wish to snicker should feel free: the companies behind these names are laughing too — all the way to the bank. More than many nations, China is a place where names are imbued with deep significance. Western companies looking to bring their products to China face a problem not unlike that of Chinese parents naming a baby boy: little Gang (“strong”) may be regarded quite differently than little Yun (“cloud”). Given that China’s market for consumer goods is growing by better than 13 percent annually — and luxurygoods sales by 25 percent — an off-key name could have serious financial consequences. And so the art of picking a brand name that resonates with Chinese consumers is no longer an art. It has become a sort of science, with consultants, computer programs and linguistic analyses to ensure that what tickles a Mandarin ear does not grate on a Cantonese one. Art “is only a very, very tiny piece of it,” said Vladimir Djurovic, president of the Labbrand Consulting Company in Shanghai, which has made a business of finding names for Western companies entering the Chinese market. Maybe. But there is a lot of artistry in the best of the West. The paradigm probably is the Chinese name for Coca-Cola, Kekoukele, which not only sounds like Coke’s English name, but conveys its essence of taste and fun in a way that the original name could not hope to match.


Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident.” —Mark Twain

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIGEST––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


3DAYFORECAST Saturday High: 50 Record: 66 (1909) Sunrise: 6:31 a.m.

Sunday High: 56 Low: 46 Sunrise: 6:32 a.m. Sunset: 4:18 p.m.

Saturday night Low: 35 Record: 16 (1976) Sunset: 4:19 p.m.

Monday High: 61 Low: 41

DOW JONES 259.89 to 12,153.68



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SATURDAY MORNING High: 11:33 a.m. Low: 5:23 a.m.

NASDAQ 53.60 to 2,678.75

SATURDAY EVENING High: 12:10 a.m. Low: 5:57 p.m.

S&P 24.16 to 1,263.85

-courtesy of www.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Markets rally as Italy and Greece move on austerity ROME (NY TIMES) — With Europe under mounting pressure to act quickly to tackle its debt crisis, the leaders of Italy and Greece moved forcefully on Friday to reinvigorate their governments and show their sincerity about economic austerity. Financial markets rallied on the news. The Italian Senate approved a package of austerity measures, a first step toward easing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi from office, while in Athens leaders of the parties in a new coalition of three parties finalized details of a national unity government. To speed the process in the Italian Senate, opposition lawmakers refrained from voting, allowing the legislation to pass by a margin of 156 to 12. The uncommon burst of activity will enable Italy’s

lower house to complete parliamentary approval of the package on Saturday. Mr. Berlusconi promised this week to resign once the measures were approved, permitting a new leader to be appointed as the head of a technocratic government. He is expected to step down either Saturday or Sunday. Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, has been widely mentioned as a likely front-runner, and he could take over as early as Monday. In Greece, following similar maneuvers to replace elected leaders with respected, veteran officials known for their expertise rather than their political skills, Lucas Papademos, the prime minister-designate chosen by the three-party coalition, unveiled his cabinet choices, who were sworn in by midafternoon.

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos — the public face of the country’s austerity effort — will remain in his post, as will other important ministers of the outgoing government of George A. Papandreou, the former prime minister. Mr. Papademos also brought in several members of opposition parties. Days of political turmoil roiled bond markets this week, pushing the cost of borrowing in Italy to levels that economists regard as unsustainable and adding to the pressures on politicians. The yield on Italy’s 10-year bond, a barometer of investor anxiety, eased back to about 6.6 percent Friday after having exceeded 7 percent at the height of the crisis. By other measures, the promised changes in Greece and Italy heartened investors as

well, at least for the moment: the leading stock market indexes in Britain, France and Germany all gained on Friday, and the rally extended to Wall Street, where the Dow Jones industrial average jumped more than 200 points, or nearly 2 percent, by midday. In foreign exchange trading, the value of the euro rose to nearly $1.37 from $1.35 the day before. Despite the financial market reaction Friday, deepseated worry persists about Europe’s efforts to prevent the debt crisis from plunging the entire global economy into retreat. In a sign of American impatience, President Obama called Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Giorgio Napolitano of Italy late Thursday.

Search for clean energy is a subsidy gold rush Mexican WASHINGTON (NY TIMES) — Halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, on a former cattle ranch and gypsum mine, NRG Energy is building an engineering marvel: a compound of nearly a million solar panels that will produce enough electricity to power about 100,000 homes. The project is also a marvel in another, less obvious way: Taxpayers and ratepayers are providing subsidies worth almost as much as the entire $1.6 billion cost of the project. Similar subsidy packages have been given to 15 other solarand wind-power electric plants since 2009. The government support — which includes loan guarantees, cash grants and contracts that require electric

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customers to pay higher rates — largely eliminated the risk to the private investors and almost guaranteed them large profits for years to come. The beneficiaries include financial firms like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, conglomerates like General Electric, utilities like Exelon and NRG — even Google. A great deal of attention has been focused on Solyndra, a start-up that received $528 million in federal loans to develop cutting-edge solar technology before it went bankrupt, but nearly 90 percent of the $16 billion in clean-energy loans guaranteed by the federal government since 2009 went to subsidize these lowerrisk power plants, which in many cases were backed by big

companies with vast resources. When the Obama administration and Congress expanded the clean-energy incentives in 2009, a gold-rush mentality took over. As NRG’s chief executive, David W. Crane, put it to Wall Street analysts early this year, the government’s largess was a once-in-a-generation opportunity, and “we intend to do as much of this business as we can get our hands on.” NRG, along with partners, ultimately secured $5.2 billion in federal loan guarantees plus hundreds of millions in other subsidies for four large solar projects. From 2007 to 2010, federal subsidies jumped to $14.7 billion from $5.1 billion, according to a recent study.

offical dies in crash MEXICO CITY — A helicopter carrying Mexico’s second most powerful official and seven others crashed in fog on Friday and the government said all aboard were killed. There was no immediate word on the cause of the crash, which shocked Mexico and could signal a severe blow to the country’s battle against a drug-and-crime scourge that has shaped President Felipe Calderón’s years in office. The top official aboard, Francisco Blake Mora, was secretary of the interior, a position that often made him the public face of the country’s battle against drug traffickers.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 3

Senate challenger sees Snowe’s votes as key Hinck blasts record, says ‘consequences of us going the wrong way are stunning and enormous’ BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Portland attorney and state legislator Jon Hinck admits that U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe's political biography can be summed up with one word: "Titanic." Hinck, who today is officially launching a bid to unseat Snowe, faces a formidable institution of sorts in the incumbent senator. According to her biography, with her election in 1994, Snowe became only the second female U.S. senator in history to represent Maine, following the late Sen. Margaret Chase Smith. She routinely racks up endorsements from disparate groups. She reportedly has raised over $3 million for re-election. "In November 2006, she was re-elected to a third six-year term in the U.S. Senate with 74 percent of the vote. ... She has won more federal elections in Maine than any other person since World War II," Snowe's biography states. But today, Hinck will roll out his bid to unseat Snowe, with an 11 a.m. rally at the University of Maine Memorial Student Union Building in Orono. Hinck has formed an exploratory committee for a potential run for the U.S. Senate. At today's event, he will retire the exploratory committee and officially announce his candidacy. Hinck is not alone among Democrats: Former Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap has filed the paperwork to challenge Snowe. (“We look forward to a potential Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate next year,” Hinck said in a statement about Dunlap’s entry.) Campaign manager of the Jon Hinck Senate Exploratory Committee, Sean Flaherty, said today's event is a "first step" as Hinck seeks to form a platform and cultivate a set of issues to present to voters. "How will we be able to shape the debate and have our values heard? We're going to take that all in stride and hopefully be able to get some traction," he said. Hinck, who represents Portland in the Maine House of Representatives, said he thinks Snowe's voting record is a key to convincing voters it's time for a change when they go to the polls next year. "She makes some really bad votes that cost us a lot," Hinck said in a sitdown interview with The Portland Daily Sun this week. "So I may as well say, for example, in the last 10 years, I would have voted against the Iraq War; I would have voted against the Bush tax cuts; I would have voted against Medicare Part D (prescription drug benefit). I am quite certain, I know that was my position when each of those came up. When the war came up, I was a lawyer in private practice, but I joined a rally and march in the streets of Portland, with my daughter, who was only five years old, I think. I saw her start to chant, 'No blood for oil.'" Congress "bends people," Hinck said, and suggested Snowe can be tripped up on conflicting votes. "She is kindly, and she has an impressive resumé, and we've known her for a long time. When you're wrong you shouldn't be re-elected," he said. In a written statement to The Portland Daily Sun, Snowe's campaign manager, Justin Brasell, stated, "Olympia Snowe has been an effective and independent voice for Maine, and she is focused on doing her job to look out for Maine’s interests in Washington. As always she looks forward to the opportunity in the campaign next year to showcase her many accomplishments on behalf of Maine workers, having led efforts to help protect and grow jobs in our forestry, fishing, farming and ship building industries, among her many other efforts that have served Mainers well." Snowe also focused on an impasse in Congress over the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP Heating Aid, a subject on the minds of Mainers as winter arrives. Sen. Snowe, in her weekly column issued Friday, wrote about reversing a reduction in funding for LIHEAP Heating Aid in President Obama's Fiscal Year 2012 budget. "In the Administration, the President’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget proposal to cut 49 percent of LIHEAP

resources exemplifies the misplaced priorities within the President’s budget and must be rejected," Snowe wrote. "While the President simultaneously proposed to increase taxes by $1.6 trillion for families and small businesses, he wants to make deep cuts to assistance for America’s low and middle income families and seniors Hinck hit hardest by the weak economy. The bottom-line is that our least fortunate should not carry the burden of budget cuts in this time of fiscal austerity, especially for a program that provides a basic necessity." Hinck said the current fiscal woes in Washington stem from bad votes in Congress — including votes by Snowe. Opposing the Bush tax cuts, Snowe he said, was a "no brainer" based on costs to the Federal Treasury and effects on the economy. Regarding the Medicare Part D benefit, "I'm not that keen on unpaid-for expensive things, I know that comes back to bite us later; and secondly it was a giveaway to the pharmaceutical companies, part of my legal career has been doing legal battle with pharmaceutical companies over defective drugs and medical devices, and I'm not inclined to sweeten the deal with taxpayer money and pay them off." Hinck's list of Snowe's wrong votes, he said, contributed to the current federal fiscal climate. "If we did not do those three things, if the votes against them had prevailed, we would not be in the budget crisis that we are today," he said. "Our current senator was on the wrong side of those votes, and the consequences of us going the wrong way are stunning and enormous." In November 2012, when Snowe will run for a fourth term, she will do so against the backdrop of the dueling Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party movements and heightened public unrest over the economy. Snowe also faces challenges from within her own party by Scott D'Amboise and tea party activist and Harpswell-based writer Andrew Ian Dodge, who describes her as a RINO (Republican In Name Only). "I welcome a wide field for the U.S. Senate, giving people as wide a choice as possible," Dodge wrote in a statement about Hinck's entry in the race. Hinck offered glimpses of his platform in a sitdown interview with The Portland Daily Sun. Following are excerpts: • President Obama's jobs bill — "If I was in Congress right now, there would be another vote for the jobs bill," Hinck said, arguing the stalled proposal would create 5,000 jobs in Maine. Opponents argue that it's a scaled-down version of the federal stimulus, which critics say failed to revitalize the economy. Hinck said Snowe didn't make a pragmatic argument about the effectiveness of the jobs bill but rather opposed the way that the plan was paid for. "This is where she breaks from a vast majority of Mainers. The proposal was a very small tax increase on the income someone makes above $1 million in a year," he said. "In this instance, the 5,000 jobs by far and away are a greater benefit than any possible harm from a small tax increase when someone has already made $1 million in a year," Hinck said. Snowe and fellow Maine U.S. Sen. Susan Collins both opposed the President's jobs bill, he said. "It is part of a bigger picture where unfortunately they're playing into an agenda which will not do the right thing for this country because they want to turn the president out of office. That, too, is grounds

not to rehire the incumbent." • Tea Party vs. Occupy Hinck said he understands the frustration reflected in the conservative and progressive public protest movements. "Hubris and greed and also corruption" possibly played a part in the corporate bailout policy that infuriates many Americans, Hinck said. "It seems to me that some of those bailouts were preventing an imminent financial disaster, and I bear in mind it's difficult for decision makers to get everything exactly right in an emergency like that. I can be harsh in criticism as other outsiders are. However, there's no way that taxpayer money can be forked over like that without conditions," Hinck said, noting that it's not right for bonuses to be covered by taxpayer money. • How will Democrats fare next year given the President's 42 percent approval rating and the struggling economy? Polls indicate low support for Congress and the government, Hinck conceded. "What we should agree on and I would certainly take to Congress is that we want our government to be extraordinarily efficient to the greatest degree possible. It's not something to be dispensed as favors, it's not something to build up an empire with." Regulation scale-backs are not the answer, he said. Hinck listed the Enron scandal, Savings and Loan debacle and the Bernie Madoff prosecution as arguments for government oversight. "We actually need better and smarter regulation." "If we were successful in making our government more consistently work for the people who are paying for it, then I think we could agree that there are things the government does better than other people," he said. • Bucking your own party "I have in the past been a registered independent, and I changed that because of how often the primaries are one of the critical areas in which voters make electoral decisions," Hinck said. While he more closely mirrors Democrats in philosophy, Hinck said, "They would have to convince me with reason and facts to change" if a well researched policy conflicted with party belief. Snowe voted to release the President's signature health-care reform law out of committee, but she also voted against it later. Hinck said he agreed with the initial vote to give the bill a hear- “What we should agree on ing but questioned and I would certainly take Snowe's motives. to Congress is that we "It's hard from afar to completely assess want our government to how Olympia comes to be extraordinarily efficient her positions. I think to the greatest degree it appears as though possible. It’s not somesome of her votes over the years have been thing to be dispensed as strong, perhaps even to the point of being favors, it’s not something courageous, but looked to build up an empire at in a different way, with.” — Jon Hinck there is some irony. Take for example the health care vote. ... If you look at Olympia's $3 million-plus war chest for her upcoming campaign, in which she has yet to find an opponent who is raising a fraction of that money, one of the biggest sectors of the donations that have come in have been health care. It looks like she may have ended up collecting donations on both sides of the health care bill, and she threw votes on both sides of the health care bill." (Efforts to contact Snowe's re-election campaign for responses to specific allegations were unsuccessful.) Hinck added that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's use of the term "death panels" in the health care debate should not have shaped political decision making. see SENATE page 20

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––

Muddled thinking with our elections does not bode well Editor, On Nov. 8, I fulfilled my duty as a citizen by voting at my customary West End location. Before being handed my ballot, I was not asked to show any identification. Only in America! Who knows why the powers that be chose Tuesday, a work day, as voting day. Why not Sunday when more people would be able to get to the polls? These are troubled times. Such muddled thinking on the part of our administrators does not bode well for our future. Lee Kemble Portland ––––––––––––– COLUMN –––––––––––––

A Democratic success I heard a lot of discussion and predictions among Republican activists about the outcome of the vote on Question 1. Some foresaw a narrow loss, some a narrow victory. No one I spoke with expected the People’s Veto to prevail with a 60 percent YES vote. A low turnout was expected. Some voters were expected to get into a tangle about what the actual meaning of the Yes or No might be. The biggest problem with prophecy was the general lack of excitement over the issue. Hopes for success were built on anecdotal evidence, rather than polling data. I heard frequent reports of Democrats or liberals, and even one Green who didn’t see why voters could not be expected to register before election day. There’s a lesson here. When ––––– your anecdotal evidence lines Guest up with your hopes, than selfColumnist deception is likely to ensue. The lesson will not endure. This will happen again. There’s no defense against it. Ben Grant, Maine’s Democratic Party Chairman, derives a more hopeful lesson. He tells us that “We felt good coming in and we knew we had run a better campaign. It feels good to get a win but this isn’t the last vote of 2011, it’s the first of 2012. We need to take this momentum into next year.” He and

John Frary

see FRARY page 5

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Founding Editor Curtis Robinson Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fiddling with the numbers Looking at the results of the Mayoral election this week got me to whipping out the old calculator this week. I decided to design a new metric or measurement of a campaign. This is a lofty goal, even on the local level. Ever since Ugg the caveman put on a set of hiking boots and decided to get a bunch of other cave dwellers to follow him across an ice floe to seek a land where nobody had ever heard of snow, politics has been diced and sliced in ever decreasing finite categories. So why not invent a new one? Seeing as we had a race with half a busload of candidates, and a triple gas tank of money involved, it seemed only logical to me. Take a candidate’s last spending report, divide the dollar amount by the number of votes they got to reach a per vote total. Then take THAT number, and divide their ending place on the ballot. With 15 candidates in the race plus a write-in, the metric measures how “effective” that dollar amount per vote was. In the case of a few, the numbers seemed wonky. Instead of whipping out the old spreadsheet, I did most of the calculations via the old calculator, my abacus being in the shop for a rebeading. Let’s take a look at the first

Bob Higgins ––––– Daily Sun Columnist category, the amount spent per vote. That is the traditional measure of just how the campaign thing went. Who spent the most per vote? Ralph Carmona comes in at a whopping $36.38 per vote for his total of 344 votes. That is a pretty nice meal at a local restaurant, so if he had just picked random voters off the voting list and taken them to dinner, he might have had a better result. His effectiveness rating came in at 3.31. Next up, Jodie Lapchick. She spent an average $24.97 per vote, which is still way up there on the list. An important thing to keep in mind is this is not just money spent, but money RAISED for the purpose of funding a campaign. Office space, phones, stamps, new shoelaces for Ugg the caveman ... they all add up. Her effectiveness rating came in at 1.66, not bad when you consider some of the other numbers of candidates who spent more, but by this new metric got a lot less. Next on the heavy spenders list

was Jed Rathband, with a total of $15.24 per vote with an effectiveness rating of 3.05. I’ll skip a bit, so your eyes don’t glaze over. Who raised the most campaign cash and got the worst results under this new metric? John Eder, spending $2.53 for each vote, but his low on the list finish (12th) knocked his effectiveness rating down to a microscopic .21. This might not be fair to John, who spent a total of $755 on his campaign, only to toss the towel in during the last week and ask his supporters to vote for one of the other candidates (Strimling); combining the two numbers leads you into that land of mathematics where multiplication and division are just mere dots in the rearview mirror, a land where Steven Hawking could get stumped. Not going to that land. Doing stuff like this post campaign is where a lot of the fun lies for me. It takes the edge off a loss by occupying your mind with things other than cheap beer. Perhaps this new metric will catch on. But don’t count on it. Ugg the caveman might have gotten folks to follow him, but it took many beatings with the fat club of statistics to keep them marching. (Bob Higgins is a regular contributor to The Portland Daily Sun.)

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Voter issue settled, bring on the voter issue Maine might not have one of those fancy CNN post-event “spin rooms,” but we sure have plenty of room for post-election spinning. One of my favorites after last week’s voting came with the voters’ sound rejection of an effort to change Election Day registration. Supporters of the “people’s veto” won with the very convenient total of 61 percent of the vote, a statistical similarity to the “61 percent” movement – that’s the percentage of Maine that did not vote for Gov. Paul LePage. You’ve seen the bumper stickers. Now, backed in no small part by that stat, the referendum backers are projecting the registration win into proof positive that Mainers feel the governor’s economic polices have failed, that the GOP legislature has overstepped its non-mandate and that six of every 10 Maines is ready to Occupy Augusta. Okay – but most of the voters I talked to just thought it’s cool and convenient to register on Election Day. And how did backers of the registration proposal respond? Well, faced with the voter’s clear message not to mess with how we vote, they decided it’s clearly a good time to mess with how we vote. In particular, GOP leaders are apparently ready to revisit the “Voter ID” issue, which got some attention in

Curtis Robinson ––––– Usually Reserved the last session before being bottled up in committee. How you feel about requiring voters to show ID at the polls depends mostly on this question: Do you personally know anyone who does not have government issued ID? For a surprising (to me, anyway) number of people, the very question brings the kind of blank stare usually reserved for Rick Perry debate performances: Who the heck doesn’t have a drivers license these days? With no ID, how do they check into hotels or board airplanes? Heck, they’re even checking ID with credit cards these days. Actually... in this economy, asking lots of folks how they check into hotels or board planes is about as sensitive as asking how they fuel the yacht. I’m told it sometimes works something like this: Say you don’t need your driver’s license because they towed your car two winters ago and you couldn’t afford the auto bail, or

maybe a few DUIs ended your motorized days. And then when your license expired you wondered about that court date you missed back in 2008, and maybe-just-maybe there’s a bench warrant out there somewhere. (Fear of relatively random bench warrants is enough to send a honey badger into a fetal position.) It can be challenging to consider many of our culture’s parallel universes, but I’m assured that getting along sans ID is easier than the identified might think. I certainly hope so. But if you don’t know anyone in that situation, then you’re likely to just figure “well, we show ID for everything else, why not voting?” And when we say that – and count me among the once-guilty – we break the hearts of high school civics teachers and American history professors everywhere. Really? We equate the democratic right to vote with putting another DVD player on our VISA? Granted, there’s room for debate over what is a “right” in this country. The Occupy Movement protesters, for example, sometimes contend that health care and jobs are a “right,” and you can discuss that... my grandfather liked to say “we don’t have a right to happiness, just a right to pursue it.” But voting is our most basic right,

not a privilege, and these ID efforts are part of a national effort to repress voter turnout among specific groups, including Bench Warrant Americans. Using boilerplate legislation, the exact same people who would oppose a National ID card are demanding its polling-place doppelganger. Maine amounts to a hold out against the trend. Some 31 states require ID, and most are headed toward requiring photo ID. Some estimates are that some 25 percent of urban African Americans fall short of strict ID standards. As for preventing voter fraud, it has been famously pointed out that the state of Kansas, an ID state, had more reports of UFOs than it had of voter identification fraud. It’s not a coincidence that the voter ID trend tracks with illegal immigration laws. My guess is that Voter ID has all the ingredients to become one of those Maine Madness issues: There’s plenty of out-of-state money and interest, there’s a cold undercurrent of animosity that can be hidden behind noble smoke and civic mirrors, and it’s at least partly symbolic of a wider struggle – for both sides. In other words, born to spin. (Curtis Robinson is the founding editor of The Portland Daily Sun.)

Does this victory really represent Democratic momentum? FRARY from page 4

his merry band were right to feel good as election day approached and he has a right to boast of running a better campaign. But does this victory really represent Democratic momentum? Prof. Melcher, who teaches political science at the University of Maine in Farmington, is not convinced that the vote was a show of support for the Democratic Party. He guesses that “it was Mainers voting to keep something that they are comfortable with.” His guess is but a guess; still it pleases me to think that the YES victory was the result of a kind of conservatism. The conservatism that follows Lord Falkland’s advise in 1641: “When it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change.” Chairman Grant’s observation that “it feels good to get a win but this isn’t the last vote of 2011, it’s

the first of 2012. We need to take this momentum into next year” confirms the comment from Charlie Webster, his counterpart as chairman of the Republican Party: “This was never about same-day registration. This was about overturning a Republican law.” Both chairmen are making sense here. The Democrats lost the House, they lost the Senate, the lost the governorship, they lost the constitutional offices, they lost on tax reductions, health insurance reform, pension reform. Ben Grant is entitled to take satisfaction in his party’s rare victory, all the more since the last People’s Vetoes campaigns were Democratic defeats. On the other hand the director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine, Shenna Bellows, is just silly: “Maine voters sent a clear message: No one will be denied a right to vote. Voters in small towns and big cities voted to protect our consti-

tutional right.” Does she really think that voters in liberal Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and 37 other states are being denied their constitutional rights with the complicity of their state civil liberties union chapters? And if she thinks being denied the right to register on election day is a denial of the right vote, what does she think of people being denied the right to vote the day after election day, of the right to register at 5 a.m. or 11:30 p.m.? (Professor John Frary of Farmington is a former congressional candidate and retired history professor, a board member of Maine Taxpayers United and an associate editor of the International Military Encyclopedia, and can be reached at: jfrary8070@

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

What to do with all the left-over campaign signs? Editor, Well, it appears that the mayoral race/election is now behind us ... congratulations, Mayor Brennan ... however, Portland is littered with all of the political trash (campaign advertising) left behind. Isn’t there some ordinance stating that “he who put up the sign needs to remove the sign within one day after the election”? If there isn’t then maybe there should be ... opportunity for Mayor Brennan. Some of these signs have become dangerous, the pointy ends of the metal frames sticking out of the ground (the adver-

tising medium has long been torn off or blown off) are hard to see even in the day time. Other wooden signs that were put together with decking type screws have blown over with the sharp ends of the screws expose. OK, maybe I am whining a bit, but the fact of the matter is is that this is a very beautiful city and it deserves to be respected and have those who enthusiastically put up all of the campaigning material take it down in the same spirit. Thank you, Ross Fields Portland

LEFT: What should happen to leftover political signs after an election. Here, a pedestrian passes through a field of signs on the island of Spring Street Tuesday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPORTS COLUMN –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Paterno at the end: not the coach we thought we knew BY GEORGE VECSEY NEW YORK TIMES SPORTS COLUMNST

What were the young scholars really saying Wednesday night when they massed at Penn State and threw cans at police officers? Were they reacting petulantly to the removal of Joe Paterno as football coach — maybe the overriding symbol of why they chose Penn State? By extension, they seemed to be saying that child abuse isn’t all that serious, what’s the big deal? Or maybe it was a warm night and they felt like being outdoors and throwing things. Whatever they were thinking, there was one person who could have sobered them up, and that was the man people wanted to believe in, a man named Joe Paterno. Good grief, he still doesn’t get it. That was the reaction to seeing him at home Wednesday after his dismissal, after 46 seasons as head coach. In front of his house, he did the cranky-old-man bit he has been doing for many years, telling the young scholars to go back to their rooms and study. But he did it without demonstrating a scintilla of gravitas about the horrendous events at Penn State in recent days, or, in fact, the last couple of decades The Jerry Sandusky scandal went public in March 2011 when The PatriotNews of Harrisburg, Pa., reported an

investigation. But nobody wanted to know. The trustees let it fester and Paterno achieved a record 409th victory, and suddenly a mob of scholars is overturning a media van out of some inchoate sense of victimization rather than reading the prosecutor’s presentation about the case. The trustees let journalism do the dirty work. The man people lovingly referred to as JoePa — father of all things Pennsylvanian — probably could have quieted the mob down by saying something like: “Hey, horrible things have happened here, children’s lives have apparently been scarred, and while I am not making any legal statement here, I can say that mistakes have been made, including by me, and the board has done what it needed to do by getting rid of me and the president. So please don’t make things worse by protesting. If you love your school, go back to the dorms and don’t make things worse.” In other words, don’t cry for me, Happy Valley. Unfortunately, the more it adds up, hour by hour, in this gruesome week, it appears that Joe Paterno has not been much in evidence for many years. In 2004, when the president, Graham B. Spanier, tried to get him to resign, Paterno hunkered down and resisted. Which raises the question about when the president and the icon had their Happy Valley standoff, did either think

that the other knew about the alleged, vicious preying on young boys by Sandusky, a longtime insider? If so, great way to keep a job. Fact is, we have not seen much evidence of the Joe Paterno we thought we knew: the Ivy Leaguer, the benefactor, the scholar, the man who took on President Richard M. Nixon back in 1973. Nixon, a football fan, stated in 1969 that the winner of the Texas-Arkansas game deserved to be voted national champion, which is how it happened, even though Penn State went undefeated, including a victory in the Orange Bowl. “I don’t understand how Richard Nixon could know so much about college football in 1969 and so little about Watergate in 1973,” Paterno, a Republican, said in June 1973. That was the Joe Paterno who appealed to a wide swath of the population. But over time, as Penn State began losing a game here and there, he became crusty, entrenched, distant. Was it age, or was it the need of any acknowledged Great Man — it is usually a Great Man — who takes his own image seriously? His urge to keep coaching despite injuries was almost Python-esque — the knight who kept fighting as his limbs were hacked off. Now there are the old Watergate questions of what did he know and

when did he know it. A young assistant, a surrogate son figure, came to him in 2002 and said he had seen something. The old Joe Paterno just might have asked the right questions and picked up the phone to call the police. We will never know. In the first hours after this scandal went public over the weekend, it seemed Paterno could, maybe should, stagger through to the end of the season. But as it happens in life and in journalism, things developed, things looked worse. Still, JoePa tried to pre-empt the developing realization of the blind cover-up and the responsibilities of the trustees. On Wednesday, he said, “At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status.” He added: “They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can. This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.” There is still the possibility that the legendary Joe Paterno will re-emerge from the mists and remind everybody this is much too serious to worry about his dismissal. That Joe Paterno could also remind us that this scandal was, as football coaches like to say, a team effort. Maybe then the scholars would stop throwing cans.

Owner’s final proposal puts entire NBA season on the line THE NEW YORK TIMES

After 23 hours of talks over two days, the league gave a revised offer to the players union, then said it was done negotiating. The union is expected to respond sometime next week, after a meeting of its executive board and player representatives. If the players approve the offer, a 72-game season could commence in mid-December. If they reject the deal, the N.B.A. will replace it with a significantly worse proposal, one that virtually guarantees cancellation of

the 2011-12 season and a legal battle. Commissioner David Stern specifically avoided terming this the N.B.A.’s last, best offer, although that was clearly what it was. “We have made our revised proposal, and we’re not planning to make another one,” Stern said late Thursday night, adding, “There’s really nothing left to negotiate about.” The offer is based on a 50-50 split of league revenues, which the union is resigned to accepting. But it also contains an array of new restrictions on player movement and team payrolls, all of which the union opposes, and • 775-0251 9 Custom House Wharf • Portland “While They Last”


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our membership. So that’s what we’re going to do.” The player representatives of all 30 teams will meet with the executive board in Manhattan on either Monday or Tuesday to deliberate. They could accept the offer as is, reject it outright or — most likely — ask for more changes, despite Stern’s vow not to negotiate further. “It’s not going to get approved, as is,” one person aligned with the union said Thursday. “They’ve basically forced the union’s hand, polling our guys to see what items are the dealbreakers.”

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which still threaten the approval of any deal. Those so-called system issues were the primary focus of the last two days of talks. The league moved slightly on one issue – the use of the midlevel exception by luxury tax-paying teams – and made other adjustments to its offer. Union officials were clearly disenchanted with the final version, however, and are reluctantly taking it to their members. “It’s not the greatest proposal in the world,” said Billy Hunter, the union’s executive director. “But I have an obligation to at least present it to

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 7

LePage says Medicaid benefits need to be cut, or education at risk when he says the state tax cuts for people on the has to reduce its Medicmore wealthy end of the aid costs and bring the spectrum and too much program within availblame on those that are able resources. looking for work and “We know the longer trying to get off welfare this drags into the new programs, “ she said. calendar year, the deeper Raye said the Goverthe hole gets,” he said. nor was right to point “I think it is important out that if Medicaid for the Appropriations spending is not brought Committee to start work under control; it is eduon this in December so cation programs that hopefully we can have will suffer. agreement early in Jan“That is where the uary.” money is in the state Rep. Emily Cain, budget, “he said, “those D-Orono, the House two items, Human SerLePage Minority Leader, agreed vices and Education are the DHHS budget shortby far the largest areas fall is a serious issue, but she said kickof the budget. I think we should take ing Mainers off the Medicaid program a very hard look within the DHHS will have a “ripple” affect throughout budget because that is where the the state on communities and families problem is occurring.” and needs to be carefully considered. But Cain said the approach to “Balancing a budget on the backs of solving the budget shortfall should the most vulnerable in our state is be broad based and look at all areas something that this legislature has of state spending and not expect the already rejected in this session in a poor to bear the burden alone. She bipartisan fashion” she said. said asking college and university Cain said it was not productive to presidents to lobby for cutting the pit one section of the budget, human Medicaid is just wrong services, against another part of the “We need to use them for the budget, education. She said the real resource they are,” she said, “not to solution to the problem is economic drive an ideological agenda that is a development and job creation. conservative and cynical approach to “We have had an over emphasis on social services.”

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(AUGUSTA) – Gov. Paul LePage told members of the Higher Education Council Wednesday that Maine is providing Medicaid and welfare benefits well above the national average and if lawmakers do not reduce those benefits education funding will need to be cut to bring the budget into balance. “Eighty percent of the budget is Medicaid and welfare and education,” he said. “If the legislature has the political will to fix the problem, education will keep the additional $63 million we gave it.” LePage urged the leaders of the state’s colleges and universities, public and private, to call their lawmakers and urge them to support his proposals to reduce Medicaid and welfare spending. He has not spelled out his proposals to address the projected $70.9 million shortfall in DHHS for the current budget year, but in his comments to the group he said Maine should not be providing coverage under Medicaid greater than the national average. “We are burning $6 to $7 million more in money a month than we have budgeted,” LePage said, “we can’t continue at this rate.” He said Maine is covering individuals at 200 percent of the federal poverty level. He said the national

average is 133 percent of the poverty level and Maine should move to the national average. Medicaid in Maine is called MaineCare and covers a wide range of programs from medical care for the poor to nursing home costs for poor seniors. “The national average of poverty right now, (including) entitlements, the national average is 19 percent of the population, “LePage said. “In Maine it is 27 percent of the population. We have got to fix that.” He said he plans to have a proposed supplemental budget to address the DHHS budget issues by the end of the month so that lawmakers can start working on the problem in December. He said he wants action as swiftly as possible because the budget overruns continue to mount every week. “This has to be fixed now, it can’t be allowed to continue,” LePage said. An estimate by Maine Equal Justice partners, a low-income advocacy group, done last May projected that just over 12,000 Maine parents would loose Medicaid coverage under a reduction to the 133 percent level. The federal poverty level is defined as income below $10, 890 a year. The Administration did not provide an estimate for the projected savings from such a move or an estimate of how many people would be affected. Senate President Kevin Raye, R-Perry, said the Governor is right

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Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

Police honor a decorated member of the force after 35 (dog) years of service BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A decorated member of the Portland Police Department will be honored this weekend for his 35 years of service. The PPD member is best known for his work on patrol and with the department’s narcotics division, and credited for saving the life of a stabbing victim in 2009. Never mind that the honoree in question has four paws, fur and the more than three decades of service is in dog years. Canine Officer Tony, of the department’s K-9 unit, is slated to be honored following his retirement last month. The German shepherd joined the department in 2006 and served alongside Officer Christopher Coyne. “The Portland Police Department if going to have to fill a void in its K-9 unit with Tony’s retirement,” stated Acting Police Chief Michael Sauschuck. “Since 2003, Chris (Coyne) and his dogs, first Beano and then Tony, have been an important asset within the department,” he said. “Tony will be missed, and I wish him the best in his retirement.” Over the years, Tony has been a part of searches, tracking suspects, recovering evidence and a strong deterrent in escalating situations. Additionally, he’s credited with

saving a life. In 2009, police responded to a report of a person severely bleeding beneath the Casco Bay Bridge. Coyne and Tony were able to track the victim to the railroad overpass near Beach Street, allowing first responders to administer life-saving treatment. The PPD has five K-9 teams, each consisting of a handler and a canine. “The dogs and officers go through a lengthy training process together, utilizing only ‘positive’ training methods, often using toys as an incentive,” stated Nicole Clegg, a city spokeswoman. “Currently, two teams are trained to search for lost people, articles, narcotics, and assist in suspect apprehension. The other three K-9 teams are trained in explosives and do much of their work at the Portland International Jetport.” The canine program is solely supported by community donations, Clegg said. Tony has retired to the Coyne family as part of an ongoing tradition and in recognition of the close bonds formed between officer and partner. Tony was funded by a series of donations totaling $6,000 from a number of local businesses and residents including Steve DiMillo and his family, Systems Engineering, Planet Dog and Brooklawn Cem-

The Portland Police Department is honoring a retired member of the force Sunday during a banquet for its K-9 units. (COURTESY PHOTO)

etery. Tony acquired his name from Tony DiMillo. Businesses or residents interested in making a donation to help fund Tony’s replacement should contact

the chief of police’s offcie at 874-8601. The banquet for the department’s K-9 units is 4:30 p.m. Sunday at the PPD’s auditorium located at 109 Middle St.



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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 9

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veteran’s Day in Portland

For the first time in its 90-year history, the Portland Veteran’s Day parade, held Friday, was headed by a female grand marshal. Pictured at right, Nancy Lee Kelley of Old Orchard, chaplain of the Kennebec Chapter of Maine Gold Star Mothers, presided at the Congress Street parade, now in its third generation. Here, she is given a bouquet of flowers. by the leaders of veterans groups. The Portland Veteran’s Day parade is one of the largest in the state. Since about 1920 it has been organized by the Harold T. Andrews American Legion Post No. 17, one of the first to be organized in Maine at the end of the First World War. The parade made its way from Longfellow Square to the steps of City Hall.

Photos by Casey Conley and Matthew Arco

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 11


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by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis dicament. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Though you like to travel, you can sometimes get more enjoyment within a few miles of home. You’ll see beautiful scenery that few people in the world know about. That’s the fine part about being a “local” and not a visitor. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Once you get on a certain path, you’ll find it hard to quit until you’ve reached a desired destination. However, to keep your energy up, you should make it a point to take breaks. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There’s someone who has the power to grant you the kind of perks you desire. With a little bit of coaxing, you may get this person to give you more attention or another commodity that is worth as much to you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Sometimes you just get a whim, and you have to follow it. Anyone who tries to reason this out or figure out why you do what you do is being foolish. The wise friend will simply go along for the fun. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). No one knows the parameters of your inner strength. Not even you. So waste no time in judging what you can or can’t do. Focus strictly on what you want, and assume that if it’s at all possible, you’ll be the one to make it happen. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 12). This is one of your most creative years to date. Furthermore, you really have the tenacity to follow through with your ideas until you see tangible results. There will be a windfall in November. You’ll have an improved work set-up in January. You’ll nurture a special relationship in February. Cancer and Leo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 19, 29, 41 and 6.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You could talk a bee out of his hive. Your words are like honey, and your deeds are even sweeter. Use your powers of persuasion for the good of you and your loved ones. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You wish that a miracle would happen, and maybe it will. Keep on believing. More importantly, know precisely, and think constantly about the evidence you will see that will indicate this miracle has occurred. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re an expert when it comes to knowing what doesn’t make you happy. Flip it around in your mind so that you are concentrating exclusively on what will make you happy, and you’ll attract favorable results. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Selfediting can limit your creativity and enjoyment. It also can lead you to make the appropriate choices that will increase your social status and opportunities. Use moderation to walk the fine line necessary to succeed. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The big steps seem unreasonable or impossible, so focus on the small ones. You may be tired from the get-go, but you’ll get your energy back when you succeed in little ways throughout the day. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ve been known to stick to a goal even after you’ve been advised that you’re not likely to succeed at it. You won’t, however, stick with a strategy that is clearly not working. You’ll reassess and make a new plan. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You don’t have the motivation to think through a problem because you’re too occupied with noticing all of the wonderful opportunities that are also present in this pre-

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

ACROSS 1 __ and pepper 5 Lopsided 10 __ milk; nonfat drink 14 Skunk’s defense 15 Benefactor 16 Singer Paul __ 17 Ascended 18 Thick 19 Golf pegs 20 Lavish country properties 22 Most uncanny 24 __ away with; abolished 25 Passion 26 No longer fresh 29 Burro 30 Where to find the Book of Job 34 Sported 35 2011, 2012, etc.: abbr. 36 Insect larva’s envelope 37 Yoko __

38 King Arthur’s castle 40 Hole in one 41 Comment 43 Apprehend 44 Stuff 45 Curtain 46 Pig’s home 47 In a lousy way 48 Book leaves 50 Blood analysis site 51 Blaze fighter 54 Island group SE of Florida 58 Notion 59 __ with; supported 61 Asian staple 62 Young horse 63 Thrill 64 Give off 65 Building wings 66 Nissan Sentra or VW Jetta 67 Turner & Knight


DOWN Painful

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 35

Hubbubs Misplaced Early sewing machine pedal __ up; totaled Foot digits Travel lodge Ne’er-do-wells Wooded Mockingly derisive __-highs; long socks Men for Mamie and Tina, once Ship’s spar Neckwear item Mechanical man Agrees Knight’s blade Contents of a printer cartridge Fragrance Ulna’s location Plank Of one’s region Foe Long-haired ox

36 38 39 42 44 46

Ear of corn Dairy product Set down __ to; attracts Musical for Liza Having been eroded to a plain 47 “__! Humbug!” 49 Helium & neon 50 Loaded down

51 52 53 54 55 56

Small flute “American __” Authentic Fraternity letter Silent actor Cause of heartburn 57 Collections 60 Papa

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 13

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Saturday, Nov. 12, the 316th day of 2011. There are 49 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Nov. 12, 2001, American Airlines Flight 587, an Airbus A300 headed to the Dominican Republic, crashed after takeoff from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, killing all 260 people on board and five people on the ground. (Investigators later determined that part of the tail assembly of the jetliner had fallen off, and blamed pilot error, inadequate pilot training and overly sensitive rudder controls.) On this date: In 1815, American suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born in Johnstown, N.Y. In 1927, Josef Stalin became the undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union as Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party. In 1936, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge opened as President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressed a telegraph key in Washington, D.C., giving the green light to traffic. In 1942, the World War II naval Battle of Guadalcanal began. In 1948, former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo and several other World War II Japanese leaders were sentenced to death by a war crimes tribunal. In 1982, Yuri V. Andropov was elected to succeed the late Leonid I. Brezhnev as general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party’s Central Committee. In 1990, Japanese Emperor Akihito formally assumed the Chrysanthemum Throne. In 1996, a Saudi Boeing 747 jetliner collided shortly after takeoff from New Delhi, India, with a Kazak Ilyushin-76 cargo plane, killing 349 people. One year ago: An old Chinese vase that had been tucked away unnoticed for years in a suburban London home was sold at auction for a record $83 million, scooped up by a Chinese buyer. Today’s Birthdays: Rhythm-and-blues singer Ruby Nash Curtis is 72. Actor-playwright Wallace Shawn is 68. Singer Brian Hyland is 68. Rhythm-and-blues singer Jimmy Hayes is 68. Singer-songwriter Neil Young is 66. Rock musician Donald “Buck Dharma” Roeser (Blue Oyster Cult) is 64. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., is 62. Country/gospel singer Barbara Fairchild is 61. Actress Megan Mullally is 53. Actor Vincent Irizarry is 52. Olympic gold medal gymnast Nadia Comaneci is 50. Actor Sam Lloyd is 48. Rock musician David Ellefson is 47. Actress Lourdes Benedicto is 37. Actress Tamala Jones is 37. Actress Angela Watson is 37. Singer Tevin Campbell is 35. Actress Ashley Williams is 33. Actress Cote de Pablo is 32. Actor Ryan Gosling is 31. Contemporary Christian musician Chris Huffman is 31. Actress Anne Hathaway is 29.




CTN 5 Alternate Route TV


College Football Maryland vs. Notre Dame. From Landover, Md. (N) (In WCSH Stereo Live) Å



NOVEMBER 12, 2011




MPBN Goes By Å Up Appear- (In Stereo) Å

As Time


13 17

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Minutes

Teen TV

News Saturday Night Live (N) Å Hell’s Kitchen The red and blue teams compete. Å News 8 WMTW at 11 (N) Masterpiece Contemporary “Page Eight” David Hare’s original spy thriller. (N) (In Stereo) Å (DVS)


Doc Martin “Old Dogs”

ances Poirot “The Chocolate WENH Box” Poirot faces an unsolved murder case. Family Family Guy Å WPXT Guy Å

Masterpiece Contemporary “Page Eight” David The Red Hare’s original spy thriller. (N) (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Green Show Community Kickstart Nite Show It’s Always It’s Always Auditions with Danny Sunny in Sunny in Cashman Phila. Phila. Republican Debate GOP NCIS “Broken Arrow” 48 Hours Mystery Police WGME suspect a soldier of mur- News 13 at WGME candidates discuss the Dinozzo’s father helps issues. (N) investigate. Å der. (N) Å 11:00 Chris Law & Order Å Sports WPME ’Til Death ’Til Death Chris Hogs Gone Wild Å


DISC Pig Bomb Wild pigs.


FAM Movie: ››› “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005) Rupert Grint


USA NCIS “About Face”


NESN NHL Hockey: Sabres at Bruins


CSNE College Football From Nov. 16, 2010.


ESPN College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live)


ESPN2 College Football

Movie: “Die Hard 2”

NCIS (In Stereo) Å Bruins

Movie: “Van Helsing”

NCIS “Endgame” Å

“Angels & Demons”





SportsNet SportsNet Patriots

College Football Idaho at BYU. (N) (Live) Psych (In Stereo) Å

Psych “Yang 3 in 2D”


DISN Good Luck ANT Farm Shake It



TOON “Looney Tunes”


King of Hill King of Hill Fam. Guy

NICK Big Time

Victorious iCarly



SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å



Psych “Pilot” Å

ANT Farm ANT Farm Good Luck Boondocks Boondocks

’70s Show ’70s Show Friends


Lockup Boston

Lockup Boston

Lockup Boston


CNN American Dream

Piers Morgan Tonight

CNN Newsroom (N)

American Dream


CNBC American Greed

The Suze Orman Show Debt/Part


MSNBC Lockup Boston

Globe Trekker “Egypt” Futurama (In Stereo) Å Ring of Honor Wrestling Raymond

Hogs Gone Wild Å

Animals Bite



Chatting with History

Cops “Do- Cops “Liar UFC on FOX Velasquez News 13 on The Big Bang WPFO mestic Dis- Liar No. 5” vs. Santos. From Ana- FOX putes” (N) (N) Å heim, Calif. (N) Å Theory College Football Oregon at Stanford. (N) (Live) Å




Just Coolin


Huckabee (N)



Movie: ›››‡ “The Matrix” (1999, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves. Å


LIFE Movie: “We Have Your Husband” (2011) Å



48 Hours: Left

Justice With Jeanine



48 Hours: Hard Evid.

The Five

American Greed Jour.

FOX News

Movie: “Watchmen”

Movie: ››› “Taken in Broad Daylight” (2009) 48 Hours: Hard Evid.

48 Hours: Left


AMC Movie: ››› “Open Range” (2003) Å


HGTV Design


TRAV Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures


A&E American Hoggers

American Hoggers

American Hoggers

American Hoggers



House (In Stereo) Å


High Low

BRAVO Matchmaker

Hell on Wheels “Pilot”

Color Spl. Dina Party Hunters


Movie: “Open Range” Hunters


Movie: “Lucky Christmas” (2011) Å


HALL Movie: “Lucky Christmas” (2011) Premiere.


SYFY Movie: “Behemoth”

Movie: “Rage of the Yeti” (2011) Premiere.


ANIM Pit Bulls and Parolees

Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Saved A Vietnam vet.


HIST Sniper: Bulletproof Å

“Love My Wife”

Black Girls Rock! Å




COM Movie: ›› “Sex Drive” (2008) Josh Zuckerman.

62 67 68 76


Movie: “Step Brothers” Big Bang

Big Bang

SPIKE UFC Unleashed

Aaliyah- Million Daniel Tosh: Happy

T.J. Miller: No

Movie: ››‡ “Pineapple Express” (2008) Seth Rogen.

TVLND Cleveland Cleveland Raymond TBS

“Killer Mountain” Å

Sniper: Deadliest Missions Å

Big Bang


Big Bang

Movie: ›› “Fred Claus” (2007) Vince Vaughn.

UFC Unleashed


OXY Movie: ›› “Monster-in-Law” (2005)


TCM Movie: ››› “The Bank Dick” Å


UFC Unleashed

1 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27

28 29 30



UFC Unleashed

Movie: ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Å Movie: “Trouble in Paradise”






Every once in a while Clothing in general Magnetization effect discoverer Family handle Character assassination Tail of a gun? Thoughtfulness letters Worldwide help grp. Serpent’s head? Burger holder City in central Vermont Gratify completely One to whom property is transferred Brandy cocktail Cleveland team, to fans Redbone and Russell

“The Producers” Å

31 “An American Tragedy” novelist 38 Becomes fatigued 39 Sandy tract near the shore, in Britain 40 Phylicia and Ahmad 43 Lettered Fords 46 Spurious reasoning 47 Stuff oneself 48 A/C measure 49 Man-mission connection 50 Bigwig in D.C. 51 Zilch 52 At a threshold 54 Painter Gorky 56 Spring (from) 57 Conceives 58 Snarls 59 Intersection elements


DOWN Like theoretical thinking

30 32 33


3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 24 26

Bankhead of “Lifeboat” Exerting a pull “The Highwayman” setting Strip on the highway Forever, in a poem Walked with long steps Estimated value for taxes Something that throbs when working Untouched Cape __, MA Motley collection Riot in Rouen “Brigadoon” lyricist Basutoland, today Accepted member of a group French article Oblique Arranged in rows

34 Establishes a new measure 35 Crystalline gypsum 36 Estate handler 37 Never still 40 Lamb cut 41 Nissan model 42 1988 PGA Championship

winner 43 Composite picture 44 Carry things too far 45 More tightly packed 53 Gerundial ending 55 Harrison’s “Star Wars” character

Yesterday’s Answer

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

Penn State abuse inquiry set tricky path for a governor versity officials at the center of the investigation doing little to address the substance of the inquiry. “He was upset about the inaction,” said Kevin Harley, who worked with Mr. Corbett in the attorney general’s office and is now his press secretary. “He knew what witnesses were going to the grand jury even though he was running for governor. So then he became governor, and he knew at some point that this day would be coming. He just didn’t know when it would be.” That day came last Friday, when the charges became public against the former coach, Jerry Sandusky, and two senior university officials.

Suddenly, though, Mr. Corbett faced a new challenge: as governor, he was effectively a member of Penn State’s board of trustees, the body that would decide how to handle the crisis, when to act and who, if anyone, to fire. But he also knew information about the investigation that he could not share with anyone, including other trustees, and was still bound by rules prohibiting prosecutors from making possibly prejudicial statements. Over the next four days, then, Mr. Corbett, a Republican, kept his public statements spare, calling on trustees to act quickly and aggressively. But privately, he worked to move the board in what he believed was the

right direction. He called multiple members, including Vice Chairman John P. Surma, the chief executive of U.S. Steel, and told them that the country was watching, that a change at the top was needed and that the issue was about more than a football program, according to a person with knowledge of his efforts. Mr. Corbett eventually decided to send a public signal: he formally announced he would attend the scheduled meeting of the trustees on Friday, something he had never done before. “It was indicative of him putting a thumb on the scale,” said a person with direct knowledge of the governor’s deliberations


(NY TIMES) — For months, Gov. Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania had reason to suspect a sexual abuse scandal was going to explode at Penn State University. He also had no way to talk about it, or to prepare for it. Mr. Corbett, as state attorney general, had begun an investigation in 2009 into allegations that a former Penn State assistant football coach had abused young boys, and that university officials might have covered up the scandal. He had convened a grand jury, and his prosecutors had taken testimony. But when he ran for governor, and even after he took office, he was obligated to keep the investigation secret, even as he saw the uni-




Business Opportunities

For Rent

Recreation Vehicles

DACHSHUNDS puppies 5 months, all shots, health and temperament guaranteed. $250. (603)539-1603.

BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

OWNER/ Operator- MC wants refer straight truck sub contractor for FT (Portland based) refer deliveries. (207)754-1047.

GORHAM- 1 bedroom apt, new carpet, large closet, big yard, off street parking, utilities not included. $535/mo (603)986-5800.

CHINOOKA classic motorhome. 21’, timeless design. Sleeps 2. Garaged, nearly mint. 58,600 miles. Photos and info at: under “1991 Chinook”. $12,250. (603)367-8753.

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I work in a small office with 10 people. We all work on commission. The problem is the boss’s nephew. “Randy” does as little as possible to get by and is a total leech. I know he doesn’t make much on commission, because he rarely gets any work done. He’s too busy on the Internet. Here’s the problem: We all bring snacks to leave in the kitchen. Randy eats everything. But if you ask him to contribute a dollar, he claims not to have any money. He looks like he’s starving, yet he manages to buy cigarettes and alcohol and will bum off of anyone for his lunch. I’m tired of buying snack food only to have it disappear. I have told Randy that if he doesn’t contribute to the pantry, he shouldn’t eat. How can I firmly get this across to him? -- Gloria Dear Gloria: You can’t get this across to Randy because he will ignore you. His approach to life is to get something for nothing. Those of you who contribute to the snacks should keep them under lock and key, or have them at your desks so you can control who gets them. Dear Annie: My brother and his wife have two preteen children. My sister-in-law is a rude, opinionated, controlling, unlikable woman. She seems to take pleasure in making nasty comments to shock people, and she belittles my brother in front of others. My brother is a nice man, but unfortunately, he’s meek and allows his wife to handle everything, including the childrearing. The children have never had any manners. They never say “please” or “thank you,” nor do they say hello to us or greet visitors. I realize they may be shy, but they won’t respond when asked a question, even by a waiter who wants to know what they are ordering. They glare instead. If we ask them to introduce their friends to us, they say, “No, I don’t want to.” Because my sister-in-law is always hovering, my siblings

and I don’t feel it is appropriate to correct them. We don’t want to create a problem. We also won’t say anything to my brother because he will tell his wife, who would become angry. We all realize that a lack of manners is quite common these days, and that most parents do not want others telling them how to raise their kids. Should we look the other way and watch the children grow up to be disagreeable adults like their mother? Should we have a talk with our brother? Can I say, “Johnny, why haven’t you said hello to Aunt Jane?” -Aunt Jane Dear Jane: It’s OK to say, “Johnny, I’d love it if you said hello to your Aunt Jane.” Beyond that, we strongly recommend you keep quiet. Not only will your sister-in-law resent your comments, but the kids will not respond well, either. When they are a bit older, you can stop giving them presents if they won’t acknowledge them and say “thank you.” But we hope you realize that whether they grow up to have their mother’s personality has little to do with their current manners. Dear Annie: I’m writing in regard to the letter from “Losing My Family,” the 16-year-old who is having a hard time with his mother. He is dealing with some teen issues, but it is not normal for Mom to yell at him for grades in the high 90s. Unfortunately, too many children have to deal with divorced parents who say bad things about the other parent. That mother sounds as if she is taking all of her anger out on her son. They both could benefit from counseling. But if Mom isn’t interested, “Losing” should see someone, even if it’s only the school counselor, as you recommended. I hope things get better for him. I do understand. I have two daughters and have been divorced and remarried. -- A Mom in Texas

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 3 bedroom heated. Large bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $1300/mo. (207)773-1814.

For Rent-Commercial PORTLAND Art District- Art studios, utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 occupied studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

For Sale CUSTOM glazed kitchen cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. May add/ subtract to fit kitchen. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,750. (603)833-8278.

Services COMPLETE DISPOSAL ASK about free removal. Cleanups, inside or outside. One truck, 2 men. (207)615-6092.

DB LAWNCARE Got leaves? Let me take them. Senior and veteran discount (207)232-9478.

DUMP GUY We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858. MARRIAGE, commitment and renewal ceremonies officiant. Will help you write your vows. Barbara (207)856-6876.

WET BASEMENTS, cracked or buckling walls, crawl space problems, backed by 40 years experience. Guaranteed 603-356-4759

STEEL BUILDINGS Reduced factory inventory 30x36– Reg. $15,850 Now $12,600. 36x58– Reg. $21,900 Now $18,800. Source# 1IB, 866-609-4321 WOOD and glass shelving, vari ous sizes with hardware. $175. (207)615-6295.

Help Wanted OWNER/ Operator- MC wants refer straight truck sub contractor for FT (Portland based) refer deliveries. (207)754-1047.

Wanted To Buy I buy broken and unwanted laptops for cash, today. Highest prices paid. ID required. (207)233-5381.

Yard Sale SOUTH Paris Coin/ Marble Show- 11/19/11, American Legion Post 72, 12 Church St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.

CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 699-5807 DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Saturday, Nov. 12 John McDonald 20th year 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. John McDonald 20th year radio broadcast and book signing, Nonesuch Books & Cards, Mill Creek Shopping Center, 50 Market St., South Portland. 799-2659. www. “Please join Maine radio host, humorist, and best selling author John McDonald for his 20th year anniversary radio broadcast and book signing. John combines two of his greatest passions, broadcasting and writing.”

Fall fair and silent auction 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fall fair and silent auction, Clark Memorial United Methodist Church, corner of Forest and Pleasant Street, Portland. Coffee and muffins, lunch from noon to 1 p.m. Tables include jewelry, plants, handmade knits, Christmas tables. Also baked food tables, country store, chili, cheese, apple cider, and more. Silent auction ends at 1 p.m. FMI, 773-5423.

Fall Craft Fair at Clark Memorial United Methodist 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fall fair, crafts, gifts and more, Clark Memorial United Methodist Church, Portland.

Tis The Season Craft Fair – Easter Seals Center 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 128 Presumpscot St. “‘A price for every purse!’ All proceeds will benefit Easter Seals Maine Center for Therapeutic Recreation! The center provides processional, community-based recreation and aquatic services for local families in Southern Maine. Free admission.”

The fourth annual Celtic Christmas Fair 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Now part of the State Street Stroll, the fourth annual Celtic Christmas Fair will be held at the Maine Irish Heritage Center. “There will be 25 crafters and various entertainment including Celtic Fiddlers and Irish Step Dancing performances at this daylong celebration. The sounds of bagpipes will be heard as Claddagh Mhor Piper Tom Ryan will be strolling State Street once again this year (weather permitting). Our luncheon menu will include homemade chili and hot dogs. Homemade baked goods and beverages will be available throughout the day. MIHC genealogist Matt Barker, editor of the monthly Downeast Shamrock genealogy newsletter, will be available for consultations in our library/genealogy center. Tours of the MIHC will be available. Come enjoy this unique Celtic Christmas Celebration and support the ongoing work of the MIHC. Park once and enjoy strolling and shopping along State Street.”

Friends of Feral Felines 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fall Feline Frolic Holiday Fair to benefit Friends of Feral Felines: Local artwork and crafts, books, thrift store and holiday items, cat-themed merchandise and more. Sat. 9-4, Sun .10-3. 651 Woodfords St. (corner of Forest, Oddfellows Building). Handicapped accessible. FMI: 797-3014,

Coast City Comicon

They’re talking turkey at Maine Audubon. A wild turkey prances around Gilsland Farm in Falmouth, headquarters for Maine Audubon. On Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Maine Audubon’s Gilsland Farm, Gilsland Farm Road (off Route 1), Falmouth, will host the sixth annual Museum Shopper’s Day. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) furniture with whimsical designs will be sold at the Painting for a Purpose auction on from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Rines Auditorium at the Portland Public Library’s main branch on Congress Street. The live and silent auction will raise money for community service projects planned by students in the Portland Public Schools. Admission is $10 per person and $25 for a family. Erin Ovalle, co-anchor of “News 8 This Morning,” will be the auctioneer. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Jane Ellis at 934-3616.

Bean supper in Westbrook 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Bean supper, Westbrook Eagles No. 2977, 89 Saco St., Westbrook. $7 for adults, $3.50 for 12 and under. Chop suey, cole slaw, pies.

10 a.m. Coast City Comicon will feature all that’s creative and comic book related in one monstrous weekend. On Saturday, Nov. 12, activities begin at 10 a.m. with vendor and artist tables running until 6 p.m.; from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., a Super Mario 3 Tournament will take place in the Dealer Room at the Eastland Hotel; and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the public can enjoy the Wet Paint Project demonstration. From noon to 1:30 p.m., a seminar on self publishing is planned at SPACE Gallery. From 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., participants can attend a Breaking into Comics panel at SPACE Gallery. From 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Comicon will show a “Deadly Spawn” screening at SPACE Gallery, followed by a Q&A w/director Ted Bohus. From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., it’s a Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tournament in the Dealer Room at the Eastland. At 9 p.m., doors open for a “Warren Ellis: Captured Ghosts” screening at SPACE Gallery. From 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., doors are open for the Comiccon Rock & Roll After Party (21 plus) at Empire Dine and Dance. www.

Greater Portland Signature Chef’s Auction

Outward Bound for Veterans

7 p.m. Portland Pirates vs. Providence at the Civic Center. The Portland Pirates of the American Hockey League open their 19th season of competition.

12:30 p.m. Veterans luncheon to benefit Outward Bound for Veterans at The Woods at Canco retirement community, located at 257 Canco Road in Portland. Veterans luncheon in support of the Outward Bound for Veterans program. The lunch includes steak. Donations are kindly requested. All proceeds benefit Outward Bound for Veterans, which helps returning service members and recent veterans readjust to life at home through powerful wilderness courses that draw on the healing benefit of teamwork and challenge through use of the natural world. Service members take part in wilderness expeditions that are physically, mentally and emotionally challenging in order to build the self-confidence, pride, trust and communication skills necessary to successfully return to their families, employers and communities following wartime service. Guests are asked to RSVP by calling The Woods at Canco at 772-4777. Donations can also be made online at www.

Auction for Portland Youth Service Projects 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. More than 70 pieces of hand-painted

5:30 p.m. The Maine Chapter of the March of Dimes presents the 11th Annual Greater Portland Signature Chef’s Auction at DiMillo’s on the Water (25 Long Wharf, Portland). The Greater Portland Signature Chef’s Event will feature tastings and samplings from Portland’s finest restaurants including: DiMillos; Nosh Kitchen Bar; The Salt Exchange; Figa; Diamond’s Edge/Chebeague Island Inn; Zapoteca; the Porthole and Hannaford; Exquisite wine tastings, Geary’s, and Doublecross Vodka cocktails; the chance to bid on unique and diverse packages including Walt Disney Park Passes; a Casco Bay Cruise trip with dining for six, Red Sox tickets and surprise autographed items; Luxury TD Garden Box for Foofighters concert and much more including fabulous culinary packages from local restaurants; fund the Mission Opportunities, where 100 percent of monies raised directly serve the March of Dimes. The evening will be hosted by Cindy Williams of WCSH6.

Portland Pirates vs. Providence

Annual Litterbox Auction 7 p.m. The Homeless Animal Rescue Team of Maine, a no-kill adoption center and shelter for cats and kittens, announced its plans for the Annual Litterbox Auction, a major fundraising event at the Italian Heritage Center in Portland, Maine. Tickets are $25 per person purchased in advance; $35 at the door. “The silent auction, which includes restaurant gift certificates, vacation rentals, sporting tickets, art work, jewelry, merchandise, and services from Southern Maine businesses, will be hosted by local radio personality Ethan Minton from Coast 93.1. Enjoy appetizers, cash bar, and music while you peruse the all the fabulous auction items. Proceeds from the event will go directly to the HART shelter to benefit the 125 plus cats and 100 kittens for food, veterinary expenses, vaccinations, medicine, supplies, and operating costs. The HART shelter has no paid staff, and is operated by volunteers.” Tickets and donations can be

made at:

York County Shelter benefit 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. The Third Annual Benefit Harvest Dance to help support the York County Shelter Programs’ Thanksgiving Basket Program will take place at Mousam View Place (formerly the Knights of Columbus Hall) at 47 High St. in Sanford. Tickets for this 21 and over fundraiser are $10 each. Tables can be reserved in advance for eight to ten people. Music for this Harvest Dance is provided by Ray and Debra Bourre of Expressive Sounds. Guests who bring a non-perishable food item will be entered into the drawings held throughout the evening. There will also be door prizes and a 50/50 drawing. Tickets are available from Patty Roux-Hambleton at 324-7156. Tickets can also be purchased at the door or at Garnsey Brothers Insurance at 909 Main Street in Sanford; Country Treasures on Route 11 in Shapleigh; or at Lakeside Sport.

‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf’ 7:30 p.m. Acorn Productions, a nonprofit company based in the Dana Warp Mill in downtown Westbrook, kicks off its second season of Studio Series presentations with Edward Albee’s classic play “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.” “This production is the most ambitious undertaking yet for the Acorn Studio Theater, which has hosted improv comedy shows, children’s theater productions, Phyzkidz events, fully-staged productions of new plays, and staged readings since its inception in 2009. Acorn’s Producing Director Michael Levine directs an ensemble of four actors in a treat for fans of intimate theater that focuses on character and storytelling.” Winner of the 1963 Tony Award for Best Play, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” shocked audiences when it first appeared on Broadway by debunking the myth of the nuclear family’s living room as a safe and happy place. Acorn’s production features company members Paul Haley, Kerry Rasor, and April Singley, along with guest artist Nicholas Schroeder. The show runs from Nov. 11 to Nov. 27, with performances Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, and may be purchased on-line at or by calling 854-0065.

‘August Osage County’ 7:30 p.m. “August Osage County — Good Theater, St. Lawrence Arts Center.” “Good Theater’s acclaimed production of Tracy Lett’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play returns for three weeks. When the patriarch goes missing the matriarch gathers the family and all of the dirty littler secrets begin to emerge. Performances on Wednesday and Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. through Nov. 20. see next page

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

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Lucid Stage announces Rory Raven 8 p.m. Mentalist and Mindreader Rory Raven, Lucid Stage, Nov. 12. Tickets $12. Proceeds benefit Animal Refuge League of Westbrook.

Sunday, Nov. 13 Bayside Trail 5K race 8 a.m. The second annual Bayside Trail 5K race will be held in Portland. The event, open to people of all ages and their dogs (on leash), benefits the Bayside Trail, Portland’s newest trail. The trail, which opened in August 2010, follows a unique path through a historically industrial neighborhood that is redeveloping as a diverse, mixed-use approach to downtown Portland. Hosted by Portland Trails, The Trust for Public Land, the Bayside Neighborhood Association, and Planet Dog, the race starts on the Maine State Pier on Commercial Street, follows the Eastern Promenade Trail around the Portland peninsula, and ends on the Bayside Trail between Chestnut and Elm streets. Joan Benoit Samuelson, the first-ever female marathon Olympic gold medalist, will serve as race starter. The entire race is on paved surfaces, with all street crossings closed by Portland police and race volunteers.

Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry drive 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Old Orchard Beach Food Pantry needs the public’s help. A food drive is planned at MacDonald’s Garage, 37 Saco Ave., Old Orchard Beach. “Let Us All Help Our Neighbors.”

Made in Maine Craft Show 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Made in Maine Craft Show and Fund Raiser for the Good Shepherd Food Bank and Harvest Hills Animal Shelter at The Wine Bar, 38 Wharf St., Portland.

Coast City Comicon finale noon. Coast City Comicon will feature all that’s creative and comic book related in one monstrous weekend. On Sunday, Nov. 13, the schedule includes: Noon to 1:30 p.m., Cryptozoology in Comics discussion panel at SPACE Gallery. From 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., there is a Philip K. Dick panel discussion at SPACE Gallery with giveaways from Houghton Mifflin’s new edition of Dick’s books, including copies of “Exegesis.” From 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., guests can attend a Guerilla Film-Making discussion panel at SPACE Gallery. From 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. is a “God of Vampires screening” at SPACE Gallery, followed by a Q&A with director Rob Fitz. From 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. is “Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods” screening at SPACE Gallery. From 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. is the Coast City Comicon wrap-up party (21 plus only) at Geno’s Rock Club, when the Geek Chorus will present “that awful Captain America movie from the ‘70s.” The Eastland Park Hotel is at 157 High St. in Portland. For details, visit Home.html.

Monday, Nov. 14 Saint Mary’s Garden Club talk 11 a.m. Saint Mary’s Garden Club will be presenting Cindy Stuchbury, houseplant expert, speaking on their use and care. She holds a degree in Horticulture from the University of Maine and has worked on interior landscaping and the production of flowering plants. Open to the public. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 43 Foreside Road, Falmouth. Contact: Wilma Sawyer at 781-4889. Fee: $10.

Co-Parenting with Addiction’ 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. “Co-Parenting with Addiction” presented by Suzanne Laberge, LCPC, and Timothy Robbins. This workshop is designed for both separating and divorcing parents and professionals who support children exposed to the effects of a parent with addiction issues. The focus of this workshop is on the child’s experience, struggles and challenges, as well as offering useful tools for the adults involved. Kids First Center, 222 St. John St., Suite 104 (classroom). Free.

USM hosts public lecture, ‘Green is the New Red’ 7 p.m. The University of Southern Maine will host a public lecture with award-winning journalist Will Potter in Luther Bonney Hall, USM, Portland. In his lecture, Potter will discuss his new book, “Green is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege.” This event is free and open to the public. “At a time when it seems that everyone is going green, most people are unaware that the FBI is using anti-terrorism resources to target environmentalists and animal rights activists. ‘Green is the New Red’ presents the story of how everyday people are prevented from speaking up for what they believe in. Potter outlines the political, legal and public relations strategies that threaten even acts of nonviolent civil disobedience with

the label of ‘eco-terrorism.’” For more information about the lecture, please contact Dusan Bjelic, professor of criminology, at 699-8271.

Life before Auschwitz presentation at Bates 7 p.m. Ann Weiss, who discovered at Auschwitz a cache of photographs from the lives of Jewish victims before they arrived at the death camp, speaks at Bates College at the Edmund S. Muskie Archives, 70 Campus Ave., Lewiston. “Confiscated from Jews deported to Auschwitz in 1943, the images reflect the memories that men and women sent to Auschwitz could not leave behind. A unique testament to the vitality of the victims’ lives, these photos are the only known surviving collection from a whole transport to a concentration camp. At Bates, Weiss will discuss her discovery of the photographs and the journey culminating in their publication in her 2001 book ‘The Last Album: Eyes from the Ashes of Auschwitz-Birkenau.’” The event is open to the public and will be followed by a book signing. For more information, contact 755-5980.

ing collaboration between one of India’s foremost Kathak masters and one of the world’s fastest, most explosive tap dancers. Come for the teacher workshop and then stay for the special program featuring conversation with two of the world’s most dynamic dancers. Contemporary Connections is made possible by Margaret Coleman Brown Fund at the Portland Museum of Art and by Portland Ovations: Kennedy Center Partners in Education.

Maine Jewish Film Festival submissions 5 p.m. “What does it mean to be Jewish in Maine? Make a film and tell the world! In celebration of 15 years of bringing the best in Jewish cinema to Maine, the festival seeks submissions from Maine filmmakers addressing the topic: Jewish in Maine. This is a juried competition; submissions must be received by Nov. 15.” Films can be no more than 10 minutes in length. All filmmakers will be notified by Jan. 5, 2012 and accepted films will be screened during the festival, at the Nickelodeon Cinemas, March 17-22, 2012.

Senator George J. Mitchell at Bowdoin

Living with Diabetes

7 p.m. Senator George J. Mitchell, a member of the Bowdoin College Class of 1954, will speak at the college in the Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall. “Sen. Mitchell plans to speak about his experiences in the Middle East, and the importance of education and his scholarships. Following his remarks, Mitchell will take questions from the audience. Mitchell’s talk coincides with the launch of the Bowdoin Library’s George J. Mitchell Oral History Project, the website for which goes live the day of the senator’s talk. Mitchell’s talk is open to the public free of charge.” www.

6:30 p.m. “Living with Diabetes – Insights from a Patient and a Physician. November is Diabetes Awareness Month and we’re excited to bring you an informative event! Dr. William Ervin from Intermed and Robert Coburn from Kennebunk will be joining us to offer both a clinical and patient perspective on living with and managing diabetes. Rob Coburn was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2005 at age 41 and needed to make big changes in his life to help manage his disease. Rob made a commitment to healthy eating and exercise and became an active cyclist. He had a baby at 45 last year and found new motivation to stay on top of his health and in control of his diabetes. ‘Coming to terms with my diabetes has been a difficult battle,’ he says. ‘But I want to use what I have learned to educate those in similar situations.’” Refreshments, appetizers and networking. Free. Location: Apothecary by Design, 84 Marginal Way in Portland. More info and to register:

Celtic Cosmos concert 7 p.m. At the Southworth Planetarium, 96 Falmouth St., Portland, the Celtic folk duo Castlebay will present a special concert featuring music, lore and imagery of the Celtic Cosmos. “Samhain is a time for both endings and beginnings; honoring the memory of things past and preparing for Spring’s rebirth. More than just a celebration of gathering the fruits of our physical labor, it was believed that we should show appreciation for our ancestors and reap the harvest of their wisdom and experience. The Cailleach or ‘Old Crone of Winter’ makes her appearance at Samhain as does the Hunter. It was also believed that this is a time when the door to the ‘otherworld’ is open and we have the opportunity to see both past and future. With this door open, the normal and supernatural mingle and all is not as it seems. Celtic music and poetry are rich with the symbols and imagery of this potent and mysterious time. This unique multi-media concert will explore the many aspects of the Samhain celebration through story, song and images. ... Come and enjoy an evening of entrancing Celtic music, myth and magic. Tickets are $8/$6 For more information call the Planetarium at 780-4249 or email

Israeli Folk Dance at Temple Beth El 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Israeli Folk Dance at Temple Beth El, lessons for beginners during the first 30 minutes followed by open dancing. Free.

Tuesday, Nov. 15 Building Maine’s Clean Tech Corridor 7:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. “The Clean Tech Corridor is open for business! Join E2Tech on Nov 15 to lean more about what this exciting new initiative means for you and the future of Maine’s economy. The Corridor has a simple purpose: to connect regional businesses with Maine resources to form, sustain and grow the clean technology (clean tech) sector throughout the Northeast. The Corridor is intended for businesses which require, but cannot easily access high quality research and development services, facilities, clusters, and other opportunities that support the growth and maintenance of the clean tech industry.” Location: Wishcamper Center, University of Southern Maine, Portland. Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine.

AARP Driver Safety Course 9:30 a.m. The Woods at Canco retirement community, located at 257 Canco Road in Portland, is offering an AARP Driver Safety Course for drivers 50 and older. This is a fourhour course that is interactive and designed to keep participants driving safely for as long as possible. Lunch will be provided and registration is $14 per person. Advanced registration is required. Veterans and spouses may take the class free of charge but must show military ID. To register, please call Angie Langley at 207-879-2531. The course is limited to the first 25 participants to register.

Contemporary Connections, teacher workshop 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free for Teachers. Join the Portland Museum of Art and Portland Ovations for a special K-12 teacher workshop exploring how the visual arts and dance preserve and transform cultural traditions. Discover a thrill-

Back and Forth: An Evening with Dancers 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This dynamic conversation between dancers Pandit Chitresh Das and Jason Samuels Smith explores how the unique collaboration of these exceptional artists transcends continents, generations, cultures, and communities. Together they create a new and distinct kind of dance. Individually in their home communities of India and the United States, each dancer works to preserve their individual dance traditions. Free. This program is presented by the Portland Museum of Art in collaboration with the Portland Ovations.

Wednesday, Nov. 16 Community Bicycle Center’s silent auction 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Run of The Mill Public House and Brewery, 100 Main St., Saco. The Maine Veterinary Referral Center is sponsoring the Community Bicycle Center’s second annual silent auction benefit at the Run of the Mill Pub & Brewery. Tickets are $12 or two for $20. Free appetizers and one free beverage of choice are complimentary with each ticket. Please purchase your tickets in advance by calling 282-9700 or visiting The Community Bicycle Center exists to empower youth through bicycles and bicycle-related experiences with a concentrated focus on youth considered “at-risk.”

Portland School of Ballet 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Portland School of Ballet presents a free program featuring highlights of well-known ballet classics and contemporary works as well as an introduction to the class structure of the pre-professional training program offered by PSB. This event is open to the public and is scheduled at John Ford Theater at Portland High School. The program opens with barrre work before moving into costumed excerpts from ballet standards Swan Lake, Don Quixote and Pas de Trois. In addition, the students will perform a Jazz piece, Know Your Enemy, and a modern piece, Para Sempre. The Jazz and modern dance pieces are choreographed by Portland School of Ballet staff members Vanessa Beyland and Nell Shipman, respectively.

Councilor Ed Suslovic district meeting 7 p.m. City Councilors and staff will be available to discuss neighborhood issues and answer questions from the public. These meetings are the public’s opportunity to meet their district councilor, the mayor and representatives from the various departments within the city. District 3 Meeting hosted by Councilor Ed Suslovic, Deering High School Cafeteria, 370 Stevens Ave. For more information about these meetings, contact Mike Murray, the city’s Island and Neighborhood Administrator at 756-8288, or see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 17

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Saturday, Nov. 12 Melvern Taylor and his Fabulous Meltones 8 p.m. Melvern Taylor and his Fabulous Meltones in Portland at Bayside Bowl, 58 Alder St. artist/6wHxhTV0CRbjknSt9N80rY; http://www.myspace. com/melvern. “Melvern Taylor and his Fabulous Meltones return to Portland, ME for the first time since his sold out performances at Local 188 over 2 years ago with a show at hippest Music Venue/Bowling Alley East of the Pacos. Come on down and see the show! Then hang out with Melvern and the boys for some bowling.”

The James Montgomery Band 8 p.m. Back in Portland after his great performance at Merrill Auditorium! When blues legend James Montgomery plays the harmonica, he “brings it on home.” Whether it’s recording with Kid Rock, sitting in with Gregg Allman, or fronting his hot band of thirty years, Montgomery plays with authority. While growing up in Detroit he learned first-hand from the masters — James Cotton, John Lee Hooker, and Jr. Wells — at the legendary “Chessmate.” Over the years, he’s carried on in the tradition and continues to be a vital presence in Blues as one of the most dynamic performers on the scene. One Longfellow Square.

Sunday, Nov. 13 Trampled By Turtles w/ Johnny Corndawg 7 p.m. Johnny Corndawg, Trampled By Turtles at Port City Music Hall. Duluth, Minn.’s Trampled by Turtles released their latest studio record, “Palomino” (Banjodad/Thirty Tigers), on April 10, 2010. Their blend of dazzling speedgrass coupled with thoughtful, Townes Van Zant-esque ballads launched them from hometown phenomenon to national status. Jonny Corndawg is a country singer, not a singer-songwriter. Born in Montana, raised in rural Virginia, Corndawg has been touring on his motorcycle since he dropped out of school in 2001. He’s played shows in every U.S. state, Canada and eleven European countries, Australia, Argentina and India. But you won’t find him on CMT.

Tuesday, Nov. 15 Straight No Chaser 7:30 p.m. If the phrase “male a cappella group” conjures up an image of students in blue blazers, ties, and khakis singing traditional college songs on ivied campuses… think again. Straight No Chaser (SNC) are neither straitlaced nor straight-faced, but neither are they vaudevillestyle kitsch. As original member Randy Stine comments, “We take the music very seriously; we just don’t take ourselves too seriously.” In the process, they are reinventing the idea of a cappella on the modern pop landscape. Merrill Auditorium.

David Peterson’s Old Time Country Revue 8 p.m. David Peterson has carved out his own special niche in Country and Americana music. In a time when country music has been hollowed out by mass-market radio and invaded by 1980s rock stars, Peterson’s profound respect for the bona fide tradition has created a refuge where the sounds and spirit of the Ryman-era Grand Ole Opry sing with the lungs of a young man. Something precious and endangered gets a fresh lease on life when Peterson performs. One Longfellow Square.

State Radio largely managed to avoid the usual post-Phish clichés, injecting a punk-influenced sound and politically charged viewpoint while staying true to the tenets of the band’s chosen style. They take the stage Saturday, Nov. 19 at the State Theatre. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Wednesday, Nov. 16 India Jazz Suites 7:30 p.m. Featuring Pandit Chitresh Das and Jason Samuels Smith, India Jazz Suites is a thrilling collaboration between one of India’s foremost Kathak masters and one of the world’s fastest, most explosive tap dancers. At its heart, India Jazz Suites is a dynamic conversation that uses rhythm and improvisation to communicate a deep appreciation of both traditions. The result is high entertainment that crosses all boundaries with its incredible speed and power, grace and beauty, epic storytelling and the pure joy of dance. Equally virtuosic, India Jazz Suites is accompanied by live music performed by three top Indian classical musicians and the Marcus Shelby Jazz Trio. Hannaford Hall, University of Southern Maine, Portland.

Thursday, Nov. 17 Matt Haimovitz ‘Flash’ Concert at SPACE Gallery 5:30 p.m. Innovative and acclaimed cellist Matt Haimovitz stops in at SPACE for a ‘flash’ concert in advance of his full Portland Ovations performance “Shuffle.Play.Listen” with pianist Christopher O’Riley the following day at Merrill Auditorium. Presented by Portland Ovations and 317 Main Street Community Music Center, this is a unique and intimate chance to check out Haimovitz’s virtuosic take on the contemporary and classical repertoire. Reception to follow, with specially discounted $10 tickets available for “Shuffle.Play.Listen.”

USM Youth Ensembles Fall Concert 7 p.m. Youth grades 12 and younger from all over the northeast region will perform together in the USM Youth

Ensembles Fall Instrumental Concert, in Merrill Auditorium, Myrtle Street, Portland. A suggested donation of $6/$3 will be taken at the door. The USM Youth Ensembles are sponsored by Macy’s. The USM Youth Ensembles include the the Portland Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Portland Youth Wind Ensemble, the Portland Young People’s String Consort, and the Portland Youth Junior Orchestra. For more information on the USM School of Music’s youth programs and auditions, visit Sign up for e-notices, or find us on Facebook as USM School of Music,

All Time Low with The Ready Set 7 p.m. State Theatre. Hailing from the suburbs of Baltimore, MD the group made up of singer/guitarist Alex Gaskarth, guitarist Jack Barakat, bassist Zack Merrick, and drummer Rian Dawson simply set out to make music people appreciated and what they found was something truly special. With unforgettable melodies, explosive guitar hooks, and relentlessly driving rhythms the message in their music is loud and clear, “We’re here and we’re here to stay.” www.

Eric Bettencourt CD Release 8 p.m. Eric Bettencourt is a songwriter at heart, expertly crafting a wide range of tunes around his scratchy, Janis Joplin-esque voice. Whether equipped with just an acoustic guitar, or with his whole backing band, Bettencourt combines folk, blues, and classic rock elements into alwayspleasing melodic concoctions. He has admittedly learned from the rock gods themselves — Hendrix, Clapton, Page, Dylan — but is able to stay contemporary, also drawing on current artists like Iron and Wine and Ray LaMontagne. One Longfellow Square. see next page

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Eternal Otter Records celebration 7:30 p.m. Eternal Otter Records celebrates the release of treble treble vol. 3 with a retrospective style night of performances at SPACE Gallery at A three-year project made possible by support from the Maine Arts Commission, treble treble documents the contemporary underground music scene emerging in Maine. Volume 3., curated by Ian Paige (Planets Around the Sun) and pressed on blue vinyl, features songs by Big Blood, Samuel James, Wesley Hartley and Traveling Trees, Nasty Negligee, kent, Village of Spaces, Gay Camp, drab pony, Jakob Battick and Phantom Buffalo. The release show features performances from each of the treble treble compilations including Aleric Nez, Dead Man’s Clothe’s, Drab Pony and Jakob Battick. Complete with a record listening station, band artwork and special guest appearances, this show would be a perfect introduction into the dynamic underground music scene us Main-

ers can be proud of. More information available at www. The vinyl LP is also available for pre-order at All pre-orders will ship on Nov. 17. Eternal Otter Records, a Portland-based music label responsible for releasing records by Cerberus Shoal, Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, and many more, specializes in limited-edition vinyl recordings. For more information, contact Will Ethridge at or by phone at 210-2411.

India Jazz Suites 7:30 p.m. Featuring Pandit Chitresh Das and Jason Samuels Smith, India Jazz Suites is a thrilling collaboration between one of India’s foremost Kathak masters and one of the world’s fastest, most explosive tap dancers. At its heart, India Jazz Suites is a dynamic conversation that uses rhythm and improvisation to communicate a deep appreciation of both traditions. The result is high entertainment that crosses all boundaries with its incredible speed and power, grace and beauty, epic storytelling and the pure joy

of dance. Equally virtuosic, India Jazz Suites is accompanied by live music performed by three top Indian classical musicians and the Marcus Shelby Jazz Trio. Hannaford Hall, Abromsom Center, University of Southern Maine Portland Campus, 88 Bedford St., Portland. Tickets: $28 Students: $15.

Saco River Salmon Club speakers 7:30 p.m. Dr. Carrie Byron, “Salmon Smolt Migration and Survival in the Atlantic” and Dr. Katherine Mills, “Oceanographic and Environmental Conditions Affecting Atlantic Salmon” at the monthly meeting of the Saco River Salmon Club. Byron and Mills of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and University of Maine will be speaking on their related research on Atlantic salmon. Prior to the presentation, at 7 p.m., there will be a business meeting of the club. The meeting is free, open to the public and will take place at the conference center at Cabala’s (Corner of Haigis Parkway and Payne Road) in Scarborough.

Page 18 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MUSIC CALENDAR ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Friday, Nov. 18 American pianist Christopher O’Riley 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Portland Ovations and Ovations Offstage offers a masterclass with American pianist Christopher O’Riley, featuring three accomplished Maine piano students at Merrill Auditorium prior to his collaborative concert of Shuffle.Play.Listen. with Matt Haimovitz. O’Riley, host of the popular NPR music program, “From the Top” is recognized as one of the leading American pianists of his generation. He tours extensively as a recitalist and chamber musician and has appeared with every major orchestra. Mr. O’Riley has released a set of highly regarded recordings of the music of Radiohead, Nick Drake, and others. His Masterclass at Merrill Auditorium will feature Allen Yu, Derek Herzer and Eric Peppe. Bowdoin student, Allen Yu began his study of piano at age six in Beijing, and won his first major competition at 10. Herzer from Portland is originally from Gaylord, Mich., and did his undergraduate work in piano at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. He moved to Portland this fall to begin graduate work in piano performance with Laura Kargul at the University of South-

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ern Maine and is a graduate assistant in accompanying at USM. Peppe from Westbrook is in his second year of the Master of Music program in piano performance at the University of Southern Maine School of Music. He has studied piano and composition with Bob Glover, Jeffrey Kahane, and Jerry Bowder, and currently studies with Laura Kargul and Dan Sonenberg. He has also worked with Frank Glazer, Igor Kipnis, James Barbagalo, and Jerome Rose, among others. The masterclass will feature works by Beethoven, Liszt, Mendelssohn and Nikolai Medtner and is open to the public for an observation fee of $10. For more information, please contact Ovations Offstage at 773-3150 or

The Maine Striper Sessions 8 p.m. With Jason Spooner Trio and Pete Kilpatrick Band. Port City Music Hall will host the First Annual Maine Striper Sessions — a unique benefit concert featuring two national artists with strong ties to Maine — The Jason Spooner Band and the Pete Kilpatrick Band. For the first time ever, both bands will take the stage at Port City; all proceeds from the concert will benefit the Maine’s Coastal Conservation Association, or “CCA,” which is the only grassroots volunteer and nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving Maine’s saltwater sport fishing and marine resources. The Maine Striper Sessions is brought to you by The Bank of Maine; other organizations supporting this unique event are Taylor, McCormack & Frame; MacDonald Page; HM Payson; and the Boulos Company.

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8 p.m. Christopher O’Riley and Matt “Prestigious artist, pianist and national media personality, Christopher O’Riley has dazHaimovitz join together in Shuffle.Play. zled the world over on stage, the radio and his records.” On Friday, Nov. 18, Portland Listen., a thoughtful collaboration that Ovations and Ovations Offstage will offer a masterclass with O’Riley at Merill Auditorium. weaves the works of J.S. Bach, Giovanni (COURTESY PHOTO) Gabrieli, and Frédéric Chopin with the more contemporary sounds of Astor (888) 702-7730. The concert is presented by 3 for 3 PartPiazzolla, Igor Stravinsky and Radiohead. Leading Amernered Events and MASISTA, and is a benefit concert for the ican pianist O’Riley is a prolific recitalist best known Freeport Performing Arts Center. for hosting the popular NPR program From the Top, State Radio at the State while innovative cellist Haimovitz revolutionizes what it 8 p.m. A WCYY Holiday Bizarre show, State Radio with means to be a classical musician today. With very limited The Parkington Sisters. A Boston based trio band led by engagements across the country, Shuffle.Play.Listen. singer and primary songwriter Chad Urmston (a former brings back two Ovations’ favorites to Portland for a truly member of Vermont jamsters Dispatch), State Radio unique concert experience. Merrill Auditorium. http:// largely managed to avoid the usual post-Phish clichés, injecting a punk-influenced sound and politically charged Drive-By Truckers at the State viewpoint while staying true to the tenets of the band’s 7:30 p.m. The Drive-By Truckers are country, they are soul chosen style, which infuses a blend of Roots-Reggae, and they are rhythm and blues. With Jessica Lea Mayfield. Ska, Punk and Rock. The Parkington Sisters create an State Theatre. aural experience that is both magnetic in its delivery and genuine in its emotional impact. Saturday, Nov. 19

3 p.m. Piano, chorus and orchestra unite in a special concert blending the talents of the Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra, conducted by University of Southern Maine School of Music faculty member Robert Lehmann, with the USM Chorale, under the direction of School of Music faculty member Robert Russell. The two groups will be joined by USM faculty artist Laura Kargul on piano to perform Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy, as well as Francis Poulenc’s Gloria, in the Freeport Performing Arts Center, 30 Holbrook St., Freeport. Tickets cost $12 general public; $10 seniors; with special ticket prices for students and arts organizations online. Visit or call

8 p.m. Sam Roberts Band with Zeus at Port City Music Hall. A rock band from Montreal, the Sam Roberts Band includes Sam Roberts, Dave Nugent, Eric Fares, James Hall and Josh Trager. Zeus hails from Toronto, and plays classic rock, indie music and

90s Nite presents: 90s Homecoming Dance Party 9 p.m. Bubba’s Sulky Lounge, 92 Portland St., Portland. “Traditionally, homecoming is an event that enthusiastically welcomes back alumni and former residents of a school. There is always a homecoming dance party where the new king and queen are announced. Our 90s Homecoming Dance Party welcomes dance party fans back, WAYYYY BACK, to the 1990s.”

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011— Page 19

Groups debate meaning of vote for same-day registration BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

When Maine voters Tuesday rejected a law curtailing when people could register to vote, groups on both sides of the debate over election-day voter registration sought meaning in the hotly contested people's veto. Question One, a People's Veto to preserve Election Day voter registration in Maine, passed by more than a 60 percent margin. But it's unclear if a Question 1 victory for proponents of same-day registration can translate into long-term gains on policy issues. "Tonight was the one of the first public acts of a new movement dedicated to protecting what's best about our state and to improving the lives of all Maine people," reported the progressive Maine People's Alliance in a Nov. 8 email message. The group received "hundreds of responses back" based on the issue of same-day voter registration, said Jesse Graham, Maine People's Alliance executive director. Asked about building on the success of Question 1, Graham said, "I think we're having that conversation." The alliance is working on "leadership development" and taking advantage of the excitement generated over the people's veto, he said. The alliance plans a rally about infrastructure and jobs next Thursday, Nov. 17 in Augusta. "I think we've got some work to do," Graham said.

“It was such an arcane issue, I don’t think there is really momentum involved.” — Lance Dutson, chief executive officer for the Maine Heritage Policy Center, on same-day voter registration But Lance Dutson, chief executive officer for the conservative Maine Heritage Policy Center, said it's hard to read too much into Question 1. "It was such an arcane issue, I don't think there is really momentum involved. Probably from an organizational standpoint, they get to get their people out," Dutson said of the alliance. Dutson said the policy center will turn its attention to a "photo identification" debate in January as well as "systemic changes through the Secretary of State's office" to strengthen voter verification. Starting with the second session in January, the Maine Legislature will take up LD199, "An Act To Strengthen Maine’s Election Laws by Requiring Photograph Identification for the Purpose of Voting." "Photo ID is the best step that we can take to make sure we deal with these issues," Dutson said. "We're disappointed in general by the vote (on Question 1), but we're encouraged we got to have a deeper conversation about our voting system," he said. "This vote showed that people really value the convenience of being able to register on Election Day, so that's that. But showing a photo ID, there's

Gay marriage advocates sense opportunity next election year BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Two groups considering whether to launch a citizens initiative next year to legalize gay marriage say that changing demographics and a successful voter education campaign is swinging momentum their way. “People are changing their minds on this issue, and we are a catalyst,” said Betsy Smith, executive director of EqualityMaine, a group that supports equal rights for gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender Mainers. “Across the county, this issue is becoming more acceptable. This is really part of a civil rights movement. You can see every year that more and more people come to the understanding that all people should be allowed to marry,” she continued. Over the past 10 weeks, organizers with EqualityMaine and Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, or GLAD, have collected 105,000 signatures ahead of a possible ballot initiative in November 2012 — three years after voters repealed a gay marriage law passed by the state legislature, by a 53 to 47 percent margin. Changing demographics and projections of high voter turnout gives organizers hope that a ballot measure could succeed in 2012 where it failed in 2009. “We wouldn’t want to be going forward if we didn’t think there was a very good chance it would pass,” Smith said. “The difference between 2009 and 2012 is that 2012 is a presidential election, and we know there is a higher turnout of young people during a presidential election, and younger people support this issue

overwhelmingly.” The success of Question 1 this week, which preserves same-day voter registration in Maine, is also seen as bolstering the chances of a referendum next year, Smith said. Beyond demographics, both groups believe that talking to Mainers over the past 18 months about marriage and the importance of letting samesex couples participate in that institution is paying off. Indeed, of those 105,000 signatures gathered ahead of a possible ballot measure, 35,000 were gathered on Election Day, many from people who told canvassers that they voted to repeal the gay marriage law in 2009. The groups have until January to decide whether or not to pursue a referendum on the November 2012 ballot. “We just saw example after example where people were coming up to our volunteers with story after story ... (telling us how they) voted against the measure in 2009 but signed the petition and said they would be with us if it goes to ballot in 2012,” said GLAD’s Matt McTighe. “We are feeling great, and what we are feeling great about in particular is the momentum shift and the energy,” he said. Smith says organizers will wait as long as possible to decide whether to pursue a ballot referendum, which under state law requires about 57,000 valid signatures. She says the groups will weigh public opinion and other factors before making a decision. “We did launch a campaign because we anticipate that we will be on track to where we said we would need to be to win in 2012,” she said.

“People are hungry to do what’s next.” — Jesse Graham, Maine People’s Alliance executive director not a convenience factor there, I think it's something that people expect to do anyway," Dutson added. Question 1 debate revolved around protecting the integrity of elections vs. preserving access to the polls. Now, the debate will shift to photo ID requirements. "If LD199 passes, Maine would join 15 other states that have passed similar measures, including a Democrat-sponsored measure that passed last year in Rhode Island," Dutson wrote in a report on election reform that was co-authored by Vice-President of Policy and Chief Economist Scott Moody and Research Associate Amanda Clark. In a Nov. 9 email message, post-Question 1, Graham wrote that the alliance will cast a wide net when focusing on policies to pursue in Maine. "I'm proud that Maine people were the first in the nation to fight back against the corporate-backed campaign to strip away voting rights. Even after floods of misleading attack ads paid for by secret, out-of-state money, Maine said yes to fairness and to democracy," he wrote. "Let's congratulate each other, get some rest, and then get right back at it. We all know that voting rights is just one of the areas that see VOTING page 20

Page 20 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Saturday, November 12, 2011

New flag pole at Lyman Moore Middle School

Probe into Rumford shooting of former patrolman is ongoing BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

The Harold T. Andrews American Legion Post No. 17 of Portland recently held a ceremony dedicating a new flag pole at Lyman Moore Middle School. Participating in the flag raising were Legionnaires Joe Rich, Mert Rutherford, Bill Chittick and Joe Bruni. Raising the flags were Commander Curtis Ballantine and Bob Wright. Hundreds were in attendance including the entire faculty and school population, parents of students, media and others. The school band played, “and there was a warm sense of patriotism everywhere,” the American Legion post reported. (Photo courtesy of Tim Flaherty)

Dutson: Photo ID legislation should be ‘no brainer’ in Maine VOTING from page 19

Governor LePage and conservative leaders in the legislature have targeted for attack." "There's definitely things on our plate, we're going to take part in the clean energy campaign. ... I think jobs is going to be a bigger theme for us moving forward," Graham said in an interview this week. "People are hungry to do what's next," Graham added. "We're going to continue to figure out health care" and try to push legislation to reverse

state Republican health-care reforms passed in the last session, he said. Dutson said the policy center's focus is on election reform, "knowing that people are who they say they are and that they're U.S. citizens." Maine's central voter registry is weak, Dutson said. "There's a new level of urgency in making sure there are not duplicate records and the information in the registry is accurate," he said. As for the photo ID legislation, Dutson predicted that this issue "should be kind of a no brainer."

A Rumford Police Department administrative officer was armed when officials say he was shot three times by a Maine warden Thursday following a nighttime search for the officer. Eric Richard, 46, had reportedly been assigned as a dispatcher more recently after years of working as a patrolman. He won a malpractice lawsuit in 2005 against a Waterville neurosurgeon, which reportedly left him unable to continue work as a patrolman, his lawyer in the suit told the Sun Journal. Richard died as result of the shooting, and officials said Friday that an investigation into the incident is ongoing. The night before the armed confrontation, the Rumford Police Department received a call regarding "a despondent man in the woods," said Brenda Kielty, a spokeswoman for the Maine Attorney General's office. State police and the Maine Warden Service also responded and used dogs

to help track Richard. The Sun Journal reported that Richard was in the woods nearby his Rumford home on Cedar Lane, where he lived with his wife. Shortly after 10 a.m. on Thursday, there was an armed confrontation and Richard was subsequently shot three times, according to the Maine Medical Examiner. The shots were fired by Warden Jeremy Judd. "The Maine Warden Service realizes the tragic circumstances that effect all the persons involved, including the family of the deceased (and we are) … fully cooperating with the investigation being conducted by the Office of the Attorney General," said warden service Col. Joel Wilkinson in a statement. "As defined by Maine Warden Service policy, Warden Judd has been put on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation," he said. Kielty said a detailed investigation into the shooting by the Attorney General's office could take months to be completed and released to the public.

‘If somebody labels something ‘death panels,’ do you have to run away ... ?’ SENATE from page 3

"It doesn't matter if someone labels looking at end of life care as 'death panels,' we probably have to do it to save money, and that's where it takes courage to be a legislator. If somebody labels something 'death panels,' do you have to run away afraid?" And on the issue of manmade climate change, Hinck asked, "Have we ever seen her publicly turn to her party and say, 'Folks, we can't deny

what the vast majority of serious scientists are telling us on this.'" • Why the U.S. Senate? Hinck said he has been approached to run for governor, but said the administrative job of governor doesn't play to his strengths. "Some of my constituents at the doors, you know what they often said to me was, 'Are you going to run for governor?' And to tell you the truth, I'm smarter than that. I would be a better U.S. senator than a Maine governor."

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