The Portland Daily Sun, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Panel endorses raw milk, alcohol sales at farmer’s market BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Raw milk and certain locallysourced alcoholic beverages could soon be found at the Portland Farmer’s Market alongside local beets, honey and other produce. The city council’s Health and Recreation Committee yesterday


endorsed a proposal to allow fermented beverages such as beer, mead and hard cider to be sold at the twice-weekly farmer’s markets as long as they meet existing standards. The committee also endorsed a separate measure allowing unpasteurized milk to be sold there. Currently, the farmer’s market

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ordinance includes a specific listing of items that are allowed to be sold there. These proposals would amend that list of items to include raw milk and specific fermented beverages. Because this requires an ordinance change, full city council is expected to begin debate on the amendments in the coming weeks.

Under existing rules, farmers must grow at least 75 percent of the products they sell at the farmer’s market. These products must also be local, meaning they must be grown in Maine. Those same rules would be applied to alcohol and raw milk sales, and then some. see RAW MILK page 15




City has no plans to roust protesters Amid crackdowns in other places, Portland officials try a different tack BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Nick Halperin (left) joins other supporters of OccupyMaine in Monument Square Tuesday, a day after police crackdowns in other cities’ Occupy encampments stirred up anger. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

As other cities across the country get tough with anti-Wall Street protesters, officials in Portland insist they have no plans to forcibly remove members of the OccupyMaine movement from an encampment in Protesters in Lincoln Park. “We are aware Portland bristle of what’s hapover NYC park pening in New clearing York City and Oakland, and at See story and photo this point our on page 3 approach has been to communicate with OccupyMaine about our concerns and have them address them,” said city spokesperson Nicole Clegg. She added that the city discusses the OccupyMaine protest regularly, but has continued to approach the see OCCUPY page 3

For first time, city’s Christmas tree will cross Casco Bay Bridge BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

For the first time in this city tradition, Portland's Christmas tree will roll into Monument Square Thursday morning after starting out at a home in South Portland, crossing the Casco Bay Bridge, proceeding along Portland's Commercial Street and traveling up Franklin Street on the back of a truck. "We have been in contact with Portland PD, they are going to have a detail assigned to do an escort for the tree, and we will assist them with whatever they need while they're over here in South Portland.

“Boats trump traffic. Even, I’m told, if Santa Claus is on that tree, the tree will have to wait.” — Ted Talbot, spokesman for the Maine Department of Transportation, on the scenario of an operator raising the Casco Bay Bridge drawbridge Thursday morning during the tree convoy It should have a very minor traffic impact," South Portland Police Chief Edward Googins said. The 55-foot Colorado Blue Spruce was donated by Lori and Allen Huff of 89 Evans St., South Portland. At 9 a.m. Thursday, crews from the forestry division

of the Portland Public Services Department will prepare the tree for transportation from 89 Evans St. in South Portland to Monument Square in Portland, the Portland Downtown District reported. Keely see TREE page 16

Let’s all feel superior Helping a special server in need Audit: FHA may need bailout Fishermen affected by bill See David Brooks on page 4

See Natalie Ladd’s column on page 7

See the story on page 9

See the story on page 15

Page Page22— —THE THEPORTLAND PORTLANDDAILY DAILYSUN, SUN,Wednesday, Wednesday,November November16, 16,2011 2011

Bishops open ‘Religious Liberty’ drive BALTIMORE (NY Times) — The nation’s Roman Catholic bishops opened a new front in their fight against abortion and samesex marriage on Monday, recasting their opposition as a struggle for “religious liberty” against a government and a culture that are infringing on the church’s rights. The bishops have expressed increasing exasperation as more states have legalized same-sex marriage, and the Justice Department has refused to go to bat for the Defense of Marriage Act, legislation that established the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. “We see in our culture a drive to neuter religion,” Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the bishops conference, said in a news conference Monday at the bishops’ annual meeting in Baltimore. He added that “well-financed, welloiled sectors” were trying “to push religion back into the sacristy.” Archbishop Dolan also came prepared to answer questions about the sexualabuse scandal at Penn State University, which has reminded so many observers of the Catholic Church’s own abuse scandal. He said that the accusations against a former university football coach were a reminder that sexual abuse is a universal problem that affects most institutions. “Every time that once again takes over the headlines we once again bow our heads in shame,” the archbishop said. “We know what you’re going through, and you can count on our prayers.” The bishops are struggling to reclaim the role they played in the 1980s and into the ’90s as a nationally recognized voice on the moral dimension of public policy issues like economic inequality, workers’ rights, immigration and nuclear weapons proliferation. Since then, however, they have reordered their priorities, with abortion and homosexuality eclipsing poverty and economic injustice.


All the religious thinkers were doubters.” —Isaac Bashevis Singer

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3DAYFORECAST Today High: 58 Record: 68 (1990) Sunrise: 6:36 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 50 Low: 29 Sunrise: 6:37 a.m. Sunset: 4:14 p.m.

Tonight Low: 40 Record: 10 (1933) Sunset: 4:15 p.m.

Friday High: 46 Low: 33

DOW JONES 17.18 to 12,096.16 NASDAQ 28.98 to 2,686.20 S&P 6.03 to 1,257.81



“I came up with an analogy of how much the world hates us. It’s pretty simple. It goes like this: New Jersey is to America as America is to the world.” — Rory Albanese

MORNING High: 2:10 a.m. Low: 8:03 a.m. EVENING High: 2:15 p.m. Low: 8:40 p.m. -courtesy of

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Judge backs camping ban at protest site in NYC NEW YORK (NY TIMES) — Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Tuesday defended his decision to clear the park in Lower Manhattan that was the birthplace of the Occupy Wall Street movement, saying “health and safety conditions became intolerable” in the park where the protesters had camped out for nearly two months. Mr. Bloomberg said the city had planned to reopen the park on Tuesday morning after the protesters’ tents and tarps had been removed and the stone steps had been cleaned. He said the police had already let about 50 protesters back in when officials received word of a temporary restraining order sought by lawyers for the protesters. The police closed the park again while a judge heard arguments in State Supreme

Court. But late Tuesday afternoon, the judge ruled for the city, saying the protesters could go into Zuccotti Park but could not take their tents and sleeping bags. The judge, Justice Michael D. Stallman of State Supreme Court, said that the demonstrators “have not demonstrated that they have a First Amendment right to remain in Zuccotti Park, along with their tents, structures, generators and other installations” to the exclusion of the landlord or “others who might wish to use the space safely.” Mr. Bloomberg had said at a City Hall news conference earlier in the day that in approving the police operation he had to balance free speech against concerns about what had been happening in the park.

“New York City is the city where you can come and express yourself,” the mayor said. “What was happening in Zuccotti Park was not that.” He said the protesters had taken over the park, “making it unavailable to anyone else.” The mayor’s comments at a City Hall news conference came about seven hours after hundreds of police officers moved in to clear the park, after warning that the nearly two-month-old camp would be “cleared and restored” but that demonstrators who did not leave would face arrest. The protesters, about 200 of whom have been staying in the park overnight, initially resisted with chants of “Whose park? Our park!” The police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, said that

nearly 200 people had been arrested, 142 in the park and 50 to 60 in the streets nearby. Most were held on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, among them City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez, a Democrat who represents northern Manhattan. He was with a group near the intersection of Broadway and Vesey Street that was trying to link up with the protesters in the park. The group tried to push through a line of officers trying to prevent people from reaching the park. Later in the day, the police cleared a lot about a mile away, where some of the protesters had gone after the sweep. About two dozen people were arrested there after protesters snipped a chain-link fence with bolt cutters.

Kansas City bishop makes deal Death toll mounts in Syria, to avoid more criminal charges along with outside pressure KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NY TIMES) — In a deal to avoid a second round of criminal charges, a Roman Catholic bishop in Kansas City has agreed to meet monthly with a county prosecutor to detail every suspicious episode involving abuse of a child in his diocese for the next five years. Bishop Robert W. Finn of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph was indicted in October by a grand jury in neighboring Jackson County for failure to report suspected child abuse by a priest he supervised. He is the first American bishop to face indictment on charges of mishandling an abuse case. The agreement announced on Tuesday between Bishop

Finn and the prosecuting attorney of Clay County, Daniel White, leaves the bishop open to prosecution for misdemeanor charges for five years, if he does not continue to meet with the prosecutor and report all episodes. Both cases relate to the bishop’s supervision of the Rev. Shawn Ratigan, who has been accused of taking pornographic photographs of young girls in local parishes and homes. The bishop learned of the pornographic photos last December after a technician fixing the priest’s computer expressed serious alarm, but the diocese did not turn them over to police until May. During that period more photographs of children were taken.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (NY TIMES) — As foreign pressure intensified on the Syrian government on Tuesday, rights activists said that the death toll from violent clashes there on Monday was much higher than first reported. They estimated that 50 to 71 people were killed, including 34 soldiers in clashes with army defectors. The total nearly matched the 72 deaths on April 22, the bloodiest day of the Syria uprising so far. The scope and severity of the latest violence came to light as the Syria government announced it had released 1,180 prisoners, in what appeared to be an effort to show flexibility and sincerity only hours before the Arab

League was set to suspend Syria as punishment for President Bashar al-Assad’s repression of dissent. A terse announcement of the prisoner release by the official news agency, Sana, said only that the freed prisoners had been “involved in recent events” and had not committed murder. Rights activists confirmed that the freed prisoners included Kamal Labwani, a prominent lawyer halfway through a 15-year incarceration for having insulted Mr. Assad. Reuters quoted his daughter as saying Mr. Labwani had no idea that Syria was in the throes of an upheaval, having been denied contact with the outside world.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 3

Protesters in Portland bristle over crackdowns across U.S. BY DAVID CARKHUFF THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

While city officials are communicating with Portland's OccupyMaine protesters on a day-to-day basis, supporters of the anti-corporate movement say they are watching crackdowns in others cities with a sense of outrage and determination. "You can move people out of an encampment, but you can't move the idea of a movement, and that's what's going to come back over and over again," said Jacqui Deveneau, who works with Peace Action Maine and also attends OccupyMaine's general assembly meetings. OccupyMaine's media team gathers at the Meg Perry Center, home to Peace Action Maine, but the bulk of the movement is encamped in Lincoln Park along Franklin Street. "Actually, there are a lot of people still at the encampment," Deveneau sad, estimating that more than 30 tents are erected in the park. Tim Sullivan of Rockland arrived at an OccupyMaine rally in Monument Square Tuesday with boxes of pizza and offered slices to anyone holding a sign. Sullivan said the city is being selective in its concern for outdoor campers. "The city, all of the sudden, they're concerned about people sleeping out in the cold, but the homeless have been suffering for years," he said. "The city doesn't have a lot of empathy for the homeless and the unemployed," Sullivan said. A city plan to inspect the OccupyMaine camp also should raise eyebrows, he said; "it's going to be an interesting meeting with them," he said. "I think they need to start looking at everyone who's sleeping out in the cold," Sullivan said. Deveneau said the movement won't fade away

in Portland, even as temperatures drop and crackdowns in places like New York City fuel anger and unease. "They are a group of over 30 tents' worth of people who have come together, who have lived through snowstorms, they have lived peacefully together and they've been able to make a difference, it's something that's never happened before," Deveneau said. "It's only going to grow from here. What they (political leaders) don't understand is incidents like this don't weaken, they only strengthen and bring more people out." New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will face political repercussions for the forced removal of protesters from Zuccotti Park, protesters here predicted. "I think it's an outrage because it was totally unnecessary," Deveneau said. "If it was a true fact that the mayor felt there were health issues or something was going to change, all they had to do was go down and address the peaceful protesters instead of coming in the middle of the night, knocking them out of their tents, dragging them away and taking all of their belongings and trashing them." Wells Staley-Mays of Peace Action Maine said Tuesday, "I do believe what happened last night in New York City will doom Michael Bloomberg's presidential ambitions." Whatever the fallout, the Occupy movement isn't about "people out camping, it's about what's happening in the United States," Deveneau said. "They're here to stay," she predicted of OccupyMaine. "Whether the weather in the long run drives them out, it will only be momentarily until the weather gets better here, and it will only drive them to encampments south of here that don't have the weather."

Tim Sullivan of Rockland arrives at an OccupyMaine rally in Monument Square Tuesday with boxes of pizza, offering slices to anyone holding a sign. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

OccupyMaine submitted a four-page plan with the city yesterday OCCUPY from page one

situation on a day-to-day basis. She also pointed out that OccupyMaine protesters have remained peaceful and responsive to city concerns. John Branson, an attorney representing OccupyMaine, said the group of several dozen protesters recognizes the city is taking a measured approach. “There is an increasing sense of respect and gratitude for how the city is handing this,” he said yesterday in a phone interview. “Let’s give the city credit and the police force credit for not following the model of some of the brutality and unnecessary force we’ve seen around the country.” He added that the group and the city have maintained “great channels of communication” during the roughly six weeks OccupyMaine has been camping in the park. Authorities have clashed with protesters in a number of U.S. cities recently. Monday morning, police in Oakland, Calif., cleared anti-Wall Street protesters from a downtown park, ultimately arresting 32 people, according to Reuters. Then yesterday morning, at about 1 a.m., hundreds of New York City police swarmed Zuccotti Park in downtown Manhattan, arresting more than 200 people, the New York Times reported.

Occupy Wall Street members sought a court order to allow them to return to the park, a privatelyowned space adjacent to Wall Street. But yesterday afternoon, a judge ruled that the city had authority to block them from returning to the park. (As an aside, Zuccotti Park is owned by Brookfield Properties, a subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management, a company that until recently owned two paper mills in the Millinocket region, a tidbit first reported by the Bangor Daily News.) Meanwhile, OccupyMaine submitted a four-page plan with the city yesterday detailing steps the group would take to keep members safe during winter, protect the park from damage and maintain certain standards of sanitation. The plan includes the mundane, such as the placement of exit signs, fire extinguishers and cans for cigarette butts around the park, as well as more serious concerns about people staying warm in the winter. The group says it has “sturdier tents” that can accommodate multiple people as well as a “network of local residents” who had agreed to house protesters on especially cold nights. The group says it is washing dishes at First Parish Church on Congress Street and has rented portable toilets that are cleaned twice weekly. Clegg said the report, which the city had requested

be filed no later than yesterday, was under review. City officials and city councilors admit they are receiving emails and phone calls from people on both sides of the OccupyMaine debate. “I am not sure there is an awful lot we can do at this point,” said Councilor Cheryl Leeman. “I think we are taking it a day at a time to see what happens.” Leeman believes the protesters have a right under the First Amendment to continue the protest, and says the city has done a “good job to make sure everything is in place.” “My only concern would be that as it gets colder, whoever organizes this makes sure that everybody is safe,” she said, adding that “we have been lucky to this point” with warm weather. Leeman and other city councilors contacted yesterday said they did not believe the council would debate any actions or resolutions related to the Occupy movement. Later this week, the city will conduct a walkthrough of the park to check for any code violations or other problems, Clegg said. “If we identify issues related to violation of city ordinances or any public health and safety concerns, we will bring those issues to the attention of OccupyMaine for them to promptly address,” she said.

After losing footholds, Occupy Wall Street movement faces test BY CARA BUCKLEY THE NEW YORK TIMES

The anti-Wall Street protests, which are being driven from their urban encampments across the nation, now face a pivotal challenge: with their footholds gone, will their movement wither? In New York, where the police evicted Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park early Tuesday, and in other cities, dozens of organizers maintained that the movement had captured the public’s imagination. They said it no longer needed to rely solely on seizing parks, demonstrating in front of the homes of billionaires or performing other acts of street theater. They said they were already trying to broaden

their influence, considering steps like supporting like-minded political candidates, increasing their involvement in community groups and spearheading what they described as direct action, like withdrawing money from banks. Still, some acknowledged that the crackdowns by the authorities in New York and other cities might benefit the movement, which may have become too fixated on retaining their outposts, they said. “We poured a tremendous amount of resources into defending a park that was nearly symbolic,” said Han Shan, an Occupy Wall Street activist in New York. “I think the movement has shown it transcends geography.”

Even before the police descended on Zuccotti Park overnight, some early proponents of Occupy Wall Street had begun suggesting that it was time to move on. On Monday, the Canadian magazine Adbusters, which conceived of the movement, indicated that the protesters should “declare victory” and head indoors to strategize. Marina Sitrin, a postdoctoral fellow at the City University of New York who is involved in the movement, said its influence would continue to ripple out. People are already assembling to address local issues in Harlem and Brooklyn, she said. “There’s so much more than Zuccotti Park,” she said.

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Parking over people? Housing scarcity is an artificially created problem Joe Lewis, the chair of our city’s Planning Board, ought to personally deliver some words of comfort during this holiday season to the homeless hordes that gather every evening on Oxford Street. Because in spite of all the recent budget cuts and the increasing difficulty of finding an apartment here, his colleagues and the planners in City Hall are working damned hard to make sure the increasing number of families who struggle with chronic poverty will have a free parking spot if they want one. That’s because Joe Lewis’s Planning Board, which approves and denies new construction projects, requires ––––– every new home and apartment Daily Sun built in our city to also build Columnist one parking space. Want to build a triple-decker on Munjoy Hill? You’ll need to make it a quadruple-decker for a three-car garage on the bottom floor. Want to build studio apartments for college students?

Christian Milneil

see MILNEIL page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN,

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Founding Editor Curtis Robinson Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

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Let’s all feel superior First came the atrocity, then came the vanity. The atrocity is what Jerry Sandusky has been accused of doing at Penn State. The vanity is the outraged reaction of a zillion commentators over the past week, whose indignation is based on the assumption that if they had been in Joe Paterno’s shoes, or assistant coach Mike McQueary’s shoes, they would have behaved better. They would have taken action and stopped any sexual assaults. Unfortunately, none of us can safely make that assumption. Over the course of history — during the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide or the street beatings that happen in American neighborhoods — the same pattern has emerged. Many people do not intervene. Very often they see but they don’t see. Some people simply can’t process the horror in front of them. Some people suffer from what the psychologists call Normalcy Bias. When they find themselves in some unsettling circumstance, they shut down and pretend everything is normal. Some people suffer from Motivated Blindness; they don’t see what is not in their interest to see. Some people don’t look at the things that make them uncomfortable. In one experiment, people were shown pictures, some of which contained sexual imagery. Machines tracked their eye movements. The people who were uncomfortable with sex never let their eyes dart over to the uncomfortable parts of the pictures. As Daniel Goleman wrote in his book “Vital Lies, Simple Truths,” “In order to avoid looking, some element of the mind must have known first what the picture contained, so that it knew what to avoid. The mind somehow grasps what is going on and rushes a protective filter into place, thus steering awareness away from what threatens.” Even in cases where people consciously register some offense, they still often don’t intervene. In research done at Penn State and published in 1999, students were asked if they would make a stink if someone made a sexist remark in their presence. Half said yes. When researchers arranged for that to happen, only 16 percent protested. In another experiment at a different school, 68 percent of students insisted they would refuse to answer if they were asked offensive questions during a job interview. But none actually

David Brooks ––––– The New York Times objected when asked questions like, “Do you think it is appropriate for women to wear bras to work?” So many people do nothing while witnessing ongoing crimes, psychologists have a name for it: the Bystander Effect. The more people are around to witness the crime, the less likely they are to intervene. Online you can find videos of savage beatings, with dozens of people watching blandly. The Kitty Genovese case from the ’60s is mostly apocryphal, but hundreds of other cases are not. A woman was recently murdered at a yoga clothing store in Maryland while employees at the Apple Store next door heard the disturbing noises but did not investigate. Ilan Halimi, a French Jew, was tortured for 24 days by 20 anti-Semitic kidnappers, with the full knowledge of neighbors. Nobody did anything, and Halimi eventually was murdered. People are really good at selfdeception. We attend to the facts we like and suppress the ones we don’t. We inflate our own virtues and predict we will behave more nobly than we actually do. As Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel write in their book, “Blind Spots,” “When it comes time to make a decision, our thoughts are

dominated by thoughts of how we want to behave; thoughts of how we should behave disappear.” In centuries past, people built moral systems that acknowledged this weakness. These systems emphasized our sinfulness. They reminded people of the evil within themselves. Life was seen as an inner struggle against the selfish forces inside. These vocabularies made people aware of how their weaknesses manifested themselves and how to exercise discipline over them. These systems gave people categories with which to process savagery and scripts to follow when they confronted it. They helped people make moral judgments and hold people responsible amidst our frailties. But we’re not Puritans anymore. We live in a society oriented around our inner wonderfulness. So when something atrocious happens, people look for some artificial, outside force that must have caused it — like the culture of college football, or some other favorite bogey. People look for laws that can be changed so it never happens again. Commentators ruthlessly vilify all involved from the island of their own innocence. Everyone gets to proudly ask: “How could they have let this happen?” The proper question is: How can we ourselves overcome our natural tendency to evade and self-deceive. That was the proper question after Abu Ghraib, Madoff, the Wall Street follies and a thousand other scandals. But it’s a question this society has a hard time asking because the most seductive evasion is the one that leads us to deny the underside of our own nature.

The office of the Second Mile foundation, a charity to benefit needy children that Jerry Sandusky started in 1977. Close to 10 additional suspected victims have come forward to the authorities since the arrest of Sandusky, former Penn State defensive coordinator, on Nov. 5 on 40 counts of sexually abusing young boys, according to people close to the investigation. Sandusky denies the charges. (Richard Perry/The New York Times)

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 5

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Forget tomorrow: How to help someone who’s ill Dear Maggie, A good friend of mine, who is only 38, was recently diagnosed with cancer. I have no idea how to help her. I am sorry that your friend is ill. My biggest piece of advice when someone you love is suffering: Don’t assume there is a tomorrow. It is so cliché. But after losing four people I was extremely close to in the past year, I offer my experience. I am (was, hopefully) the worst friend to have if you are sick. Not sick in the “cough, cough” way; no one is better at homemade soup or making you laugh, but don’t get some big, scary type because I shut down. It takes a really special spirit to be the person that is totally present for a loved one who is sick. Three of the people I lost had cancer that came and did its terrible work quickly. I would send cards and all that jazz, but I never went to see them. My empty promises haunt me everyday because suddenly there wasn’t a tomorrow. You and I are not alone in not knowing how to act when someone is sick. We don’t want to see someone we love weak and in pain. We feel hopeless, awkward and shy. We feel like our presence highlights the suffering or embarrasses them. We also don’t want to face our own mortality, the “What if that were me?” facet of illness. But, especially as we age and will have loved ones who get sick, it is really important to get over the awkwardness we let disable us from being

Maggie Knowles ––––– Use Your Outdoor Voice the friends we want to be. I asked people who have been through a rough illness what their friends did that made a difference. They are things you probably thought of doing but they seemed too simple. Be There: “This is really easy, just “Be” there, 100% and honestly so there,” says Rick H. “You listen like it’s birdsong and when you need to say something, it better be about the stuff you can hear just beyond your ears, i.e. the things you think etiquette would filter out. Being there for someone is something your soul naturally knows everything about.” Being alone is terrifying for someone who is going through illness. “Being There” comes in all forms. Hanging out to watch their college team play; sending cards with pictures of the two of you; texting that you saw something beautiful and thought of them. If you know they are expecting test results, call them. Drive them to appointments. Hold their hand. Smile at them. Let them know they are loved. Be Still: “Most of the women in my family work in health care in varied

regards,” says April P. “We tend to want to ‘fix,’ ‘comfort,’ ‘make it better,’ ‘cure’ and so on. When other members of my family have been ill, injured or dying it was important to not do those things I just mentioned but instead to show up and be entirely present as Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Grand Daughters, Aunts, friends and so on. ‘Meet me where I’m at (not where I was or where you’d like for me to be) is one of my favorite sayings especially when one is suffering.” That also goes for not being a Monday morning quarterback ... or doctor. Even if it seems logical that their nightly habit of steak frites led to heart surgery, don’t sit there and be a Mr. I Told You So. If they ask for your help to reconstruct their habits, you can gently guide and learn along side them. Be Normal: This isn’t to say ignore what they are going through, but don’t harp on it either. Restore some sense of normalcy to their lives by bringing gossip magazines, cupcakes, Scrabble ... whatever their formerly “mundane” daily rituals were. But try to avoid the “pop in.” Let them know you are coming. Surprising someone may seem like a good idea—but if they are exhausted, feeling gross or haven’t showered, they may be unable to appreciate your good intentions, cupcakes notwithstanding. Be The Help: Don’t think you are offending them by doing the daily tasks that keeps the family wheels

greased. And don’t ask passive questions that allow for a “no” response. Instead, “I am bringing dinner over on Friday. Would you prefer soup or fish?” There are organized sites (e.g. and where friends can sign up on a calendar to bring meals, help with the kids or drive to appointments. “When I do something for someone who is sick or just had a baby it is definitely cleaning,” says Tanya L. “Just tidying up, dishes, sweeping. No one likes to do it, especially when ill, and no one ever asks for help with cleaning. It is appreciated if you just roll up your sleeves and do it.” Be Charitable: When a person is ill and can’t work, financial stress can take a toll. Donate to researching whatever illness they have, pay some bills or fly in a family member that lives out-of-state. Be Honest: Sometimes the easiest thing to do is say, “I want to be here for you, but I don’t know how.” Instead of your friend thinking you are ready to bolt, they can be relieved that you do care and they can let you know how you can help. Whatever you choose to do, do it now. Even though it is easy to think about tomorrow, when someone is sick, they may only have today. (Maggie Knowles is a columnist for The Portland Daily Sun. Her column appears Wednesdays. Email her at

Average construction cost for one underground parking space is $25,000 MILNEIL from page 4

They probably don’t drive, but you’ll still be forced to build a parking lot that’s bigger than the building itself. The parking requirement is particularly onerous for builders who would like to build smaller, less expensive apartments, since it requires them to set aside nearly as much real estate for automobile storage (whether or not it’s needed) as they do for rentable living space. That’s the major reason why the nearly every new apartment building constructed here in the past decade has either required public subsidies, or been targeted and priced for the wealthy. The Planning Board’s obsession with building free parking literally makes it illegal for a private-sector builder to create affordable homes for the city’s thousands of non-motorist households. That’s been a challenge for organizations like Community Housing of Maine, a local nonprofit, which is currently trying to build a new apartment complex on Danforth Street with 38 units. The project has been the subject of some controversy: at a cost of $10 million, each apartment will cost more than $270,000. The price tag is justifiably raising eyebrows in Augusta, where the state government is being asked to provide $800,000 in scarce affordable housing funds to help finance this project. Part of the reason the Danforth Street project is expensive is because it’s going into a historic building. Preservation work can be more expensive up front, but these buildings provide better value to the community and more dignity to the tenants (they also bring in federal tax credits), so those costs can be justified. But there’s another big reason this project is so

pricey. In addition to 38 apartments, Community Housing of Maine is also proposing to build an underground parking garage for 11 cars. The average construction cost for one underground parking space is $25,000, which means that this project’s parking will cost over a quarter-million dollars. This is at a site within easy walking distance of thousands of jobs and nearly all of the city’s bus routes. According to Census data, even well-off households in this neighborhood are unlikely to own an automobile, and it’s a safe bet that not even the richest 1 percent of West Enders would spend $25,000 to store a car in an underground vault. So why do the theoretical cars that poor people theoretically want to park in downtown Portland deserve a Bruce Wayne treatment? More importantly, why are we spending a quarter million dollars of our city’s too-scarce affordable housing money on a parking garage that houses mute machines, instead of spending a quarter million dollars on apartments that house living, breathing, cold and destitute people? This problem isn’t limited to this particular project. I live next door to an apartment building for seniors on Smith Street in East Bayside. It was another expensive project, funded by PROP, one of the city’s most vital social service agencies, and completed in 2008. My neighbors who live there are great, and it’s a handsome building. But in the two years we’ve lived here, we’ve never seen more than six cars parked in the building’s outscaled, 20-space parking lot (and the on-street spaces in our neighborhood are also generally empty). So because of the city’s arbitrary parking quotas, PROP, an agency that ought to be spending its money to help desperate families, was instead forced to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on real

estate it didn’t need, in order to build a parking lot nobody uses. Today, thanks to the Planning Board, PROP has less money to spend on childcare services for single working parents, or to keep frail seniors from dying alone in frigid homes where the heat’s been cut off, and they’re spending more money to plow and maintain a quarter-acre of empty pavement in East Bayside. This month, Congress Street’s Walker Terrace, another newish apartment complex subsidized with public funds, is seeking city approval for new gates and higher fences around their city-mandated parking lot. This is because homeless vagrants are spending more time in the building’s ground-floor garage than auto-owning tenants. Which demonstrates that, one way or another, the destitute will find a way to shelter themselves. And that’s why Joe Lewis and his colleagues on the city’s Planning Board need to meet some of the people who sleep on the crowded floors of the Oxford Street shelter, or talk with some of the families who sleep in cars because it’s easier to find free parking in our city than it is to find an affordable home. Our honorable planners need to acknowledge the consequences that their own addictions to free parking have on people who struggle with darker addictions for lack of a stable home. And when they get back to their comfortable chambers in City Hall, those same planners need to stop telling our underfunded social service agencies to spend millions of dollars on empty parking garages, and liberate them instead to build more of the affordable housing our city really needs. (Christian MilNeil is a blogger at “The Vigorous North: A field guide to the wilderness areas of American cities,”

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Wednesday, Nov. 16 Falmouth Spur Northbound on-ramp closure 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Maine Turnpike Authority advises Falmouth Spur motorists that the northbound on-ramp at Exit 52 will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for paving, weather permitting. The closure is associated with the ongoing Presumpscot River Bridge project. “The MTA wants to emphasize that the southbound ramp will remain open. They advise motorists who use the northbound ramp to select an alternate route. Daylight paving is now necessary given current overnight low temperatures are below 45 degrees. Message boards are in place on Route 1 in Falmouth to inform travelers of the ramp closure. An overhead alert will warn approaching southbound motorists on I-295. Highway Advisory Radio broadcasts on 1610 AM will also be used to inform drivers.”

King Middle School hosts driver Cindy Gray 9:30 a.m. “King Middle School’s intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) class will host Hannaford nationalchampion truck driver Cindy Gray in support of their expedition, ‘Maps, Globes and Graphs: Studying the five themes of geography.’ The 12 grade 6-8 students, who represent six countries, are taking a comprehensive approach to the themes of movement, location, place, human-environment interaction and region. Gray will serve as a field expert for their study of movement, particularly as it relates to how goods are moved around the country. She will park a Hannaford Trucking Co. tractor-trailer in the parking lot of Fitzpatrick Stadium (the visit had originally been planned for the parking lot of the adjacent Portland Expo.), giving the students a handson laboratory to explore modern food transportation. ‘We are excited to have the support of a world-class driver like Cindy Gray from a great organization like Hannaford,’ said Catherine Paul, King Middle School intermediate ESL teacher.”

Homeless Sleep Out 4 p.m. to 6 a.m. (Thursday). On the lawn between Brooks Student Center and Upton Hastings Hall in Gorham, University of Southern Maine. “This is an opportunity for students to spend the night outside to reflect on and learn about homelessness. Students will need to bring their own bedding but some cardboard boxes will be provided for students to build shelters. Students can come and go as they please. Any student who stays for the evening will get a shirt. We will be watching the temperature and if it becomes too cold we will move to the student center.” Showing of “The Pursuit of Happyness” at 7 p.m., the lawn between Brooks and Upton Hastings. “We will be showing this movie outside to get students thinking more about homelessness.” Part of Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week, Nov. 14-18, at USM.

WENA Art At Work project workshop 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. West End Neighborhood Association is participating in the city’s Art At Work project “Meeting Place” and will be holding a first workshop at the Community Room upstairs at Reiche Community Center. From 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. will be the welcome and grab some food time, with 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. focused on the night’s workshop. Sign up online at meetingplace

Community Bicycle Center’s silent auction 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Run of The Mill Public House and Brewery, 100 Main St., Saco. The Maine Veterinary Referral Center is sponsoring the Community Bicycle Center’s second annual silent auction benefit at the Run of the Mill Pub & Brewery. Tickets are $12 or two for $20. Free appetizers and one free beverage of choice are complimentary with each ticket. Please purchase your tickets in advance by calling 282-9700 or visiting The Community Bicycle Center exists to empower youth through bicycles and bicycle-related experiences with a concentrated focus on youth considered “at-risk.”

Portland School of Ballet 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Portland School of Ballet presents a free program featuring highlights of well-known ballet classics and contemporary works as well as an introduction to the class structure of the pre-professional training program offered by PSB. This event is open to the public and is scheduled at John Ford Theater at Portland High School. The program opens with barrre work before moving into costumed excerpts from ballet standards Swan Lake, Don Quixote and Pas de Trois. In addition, the students will perform a Jazz piece, Know Your Enemy, and a modern piece, Para Sempre. The Jazz and modern dance pieces are choreographed by Portland School of Ballet staff members Vanessa Beyland and Nell Shipman, respectively.

Councilor Ed Suslovic district meeting 7 p.m. City Councilors and staff will be available to discuss neighborhood issues and answer questions from the public. These meetings are the public’s opportunity to meet

The city’s Christmas tree navigates along Congress Street in this scene from last year. Thursday around 10 a.m., the tree that signals the start of the holiday season in Portland will arrive in Monument Square, the Portland Downtown District announced. The 55-foot Colorado Blue Spruce was donated by Lori and Allen Huff of 89 Evans St., South Portland. “After an exhaustive search of Greater Portland, we found by far the best tree in South Portland,” said Jeff Tarling, city arborist. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) their district councilor, the mayor and representatives from the various departments within the city. District 3 Meeting hosted by Councilor Ed Suslovic, Deering High School Cafeteria, 370 Stevens Ave. For more information about these meetings, contact Mike Murray, the city’s Island and Neighborhood Administrator at 756-8288, or

Beekeeper, and many more, specializes in limited-edition vinyl recordings. For more information, contact Will Ethridge at or by phone at 210-2411.

India Jazz Suites

7 p.m. Due to construction of the new Veterans Memorial Bridge which began in July 2010, the existing Veterans Memorial Bridge which connects Portland’s West End to South Portland over the Fore River will be closed at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 16 and reopen the next morning at 6 a.m. During this overnight bridge closure, construction crews will conclude the installation of an underground communication conduit which crosses over existing travel lanes of the Veterans Memorial Bridge. For more up to date travel information and progress reports, please visit the project website at

7:30 p.m. Featuring Pandit Chitresh Das and Jason Samuels Smith, India Jazz Suites is a thrilling collaboration between one of India’s foremost Kathak masters and one of the world’s fastest, most explosive tap dancers. At its heart, India Jazz Suites is a dynamic conversation that uses rhythm and improvisation to communicate a deep appreciation of both traditions. The result is high entertainment that crosses all boundaries with its incredible speed and power, grace and beauty, epic storytelling and the pure joy of dance. Equally virtuosic, India Jazz Suites is accompanied by live music performed by three top Indian classical musicians and the Marcus Shelby Jazz Trio. Hannaford Hall, Abromsom Center, University of Southern Maine Portland Campus, 88 Bedford St., Portland. Tickets: $28 Students: $15.

‘August Osage County’

Saco River Salmon Club speakers

7 p.m. “August Osage County — Good Theater, St. Lawrence Arts Center.” “Good Theater’s acclaimed production of Tracy Lett’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play returns for three weeks. When the patriarch goes missing the matriarch gathers the family and all of the dirty littler secrets begin to emerge. Performances on Wednesday and Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. through Nov. 20.

7:30 p.m. Dr. Carrie Byron, “Salmon Smolt Migration and Survival in the Atlantic” and Dr. Katherine Mills, “Oceanographic and Environmental Conditions Affecting Atlantic Salmon” at the monthly meeting of the Saco River Salmon Club. Byron and Mills of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and University of Maine will be speaking on their related research on Atlantic salmon. Prior to the presentation, at 7 p.m., there will be a business meeting of the club. The meeting is free, open to the public and will take place at the conference center at Cabala’s (Corner of Haigis Parkway and Payne Road) in Scarborough.

Veterans Memorial Bridge closure

Eternal Otter Records celebration 7:30 p.m. Eternal Otter Records celebrates the release of treble treble vol. 3 with a retrospective style night of performances at SPACE Gallery at A three-year project made possible by support from the Maine Arts Commission, treble treble documents the contemporary underground music scene emerging in Maine. Volume 3., curated by Ian Paige (Planets Around the Sun) and pressed on blue vinyl, features songs by Big Blood, Samuel James, Wesley Hartley and Traveling Trees, Nasty Negligee, kent, Village of Spaces, Gay Camp, drab pony, Jakob Battick and Phantom Buffalo. The release show features performances from each of the treble treble compilations including Aleric Nez, Dead Man’s Clothe’s, Drab Pony and Jakob Battick. Complete with a record listening station, band artwork and special guest appearances, this show would be a perfect introduction into the dynamic underground music scene us Mainers can be proud of. More information available at www.space538. org The vinyl LP is also available for pre-order at All pre-orders will ship on Nov. 17. Eternal Otter Records, a Portland-based music label responsible for releasing records by Cerberus Shoal, Lady Lamb the

Thursday, Nov. 17 Today’s commercial lending market 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Turnaround Management Association/TMA Portland Maine Presents: Commercial Lending — Where Are We At Today? Marriott at Sable Oaks, South Portland. The TMA Portland Maine Chapter will present a panel discussion on the current commercial lending market. Expert members from the Maine banking industry and the Finance Authority of Maine will provide insider perspectives on the state of the market. “This will be an interactive discussion and we welcome your questions during the Q&A section. Sign up today to participate. Ample time will be provided for a Question and Answer session. Register at maine_details.html.” see EVENTS page 14

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 7

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RESTAURANT COLUMN –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FUNdraising effort helps a special server in need Dear Everyone who works in a restaurant, has ever worked in a restaurant or has ever dined in a restaurant and admired their server, Owner, Gary Manoogian and the entire staff at Casa Novello in Westbrook invite you to join us on Sunday, Nov. 27 from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for our first FUNdraising effort benefiting 33-year-old Ryann Chamberlain, who recently has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Our sense of urgency is great as the bomb was dropped less than a month ago and extensive surgery in Boston is scheduled for Dec. 6. None of us are professional fundraisers and we can barely get through a Thanks for Giving (the name we've given this thing) planning discussion without one of us dissolving into tears. Ryann is way braver than we are, insisting we don't tip-toe around the word Cancer and all the ramifications it implies. She insists on humor and

irreverent jokes, hoping to keep everyone "abreast" and in the loop. Basking in the love and support of her family (both biological and restaurant) and friends, Ryann has admitted she has questions and fears only others who have experienced Cancer can relate to. She has privately been doing nonstop research and frequenting the Community Cancer Center in South Portland, but still resolutely hates the color pink, thus I am investigating a nonprofit website with merchandise that says, "F--- Cancer" which is much more her style. Casa Novello will serve the full dinner menu and all payroll earnings, tips, raffle and silent auction proceeds will go directly to Ryann and her husband for medical and cost-of-living expenses. Manoogian is graciously donating 50 percent of the food and beverage profits, and Ryann is grateful. As she puts it, "Cancer is damn

Natalie Ladd ––––– What It’s Like expensive. It isn't just the money I'm missing from not working my shifts to go to Boston for tests and appointments. It's the gas for the road trips down, and I've just started." Ryann is a key member of the thicker-than-thieves restaurant consulting team that appears often in this column and is as good a server/ bartender as she is a friend. After almost six years of working together, she's the one who will turn to me during the heat of a line-out-the-door night and lovingly say, "Laddalie — Calm down and stop mumbling under

your breath, you can do this in your sleep." She's the one who plays King Solomon in our fleeting dysfunctional restaurant-family squabbles, always calling it like it is and rarely mincing words. She's the owner of a beagle named Peanut and as of late has been talking about squeezing out a few pups of her own. Articulate, funny and artistic (who else could freehand "Lohan — County Jail" on my orange jumpsuit Halloween costume?), Ryann does the crossword puzzle in minutes flat, smokes cigars while winning at poker, loves to make up pun-filled games during down time and, like many, is a collegeeducated career server by choice. She plans culinary events, weddings and caters private functions with attention to the most tedious of details and watches the Food Network with see LADD page 8

Company offers toys, money to Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital DAILY SUN STAFF REPORT As part of the company’s second charitable giving project in 2011, Molina Medicaid Solutions-Maine collected more than 500 toys and $200 to donate to the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital, the company reported. A group of employees created Halloween goody bags for each child and donated high chairs, strollers and Wii games and controllers to the hos-

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LEFT: As part of the company’s second charitable giving project in 2011, Molina Medicaid Solutions-Maine collected more than 500 toys and $200 to donate to the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital. Cleo visits with a patient at the hospital. (COURTESY PHOTO)

pital, Molina Medicaid Solutions stated. “More than a dozen of our employees have had children at Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital and wanted to give back to the hospital that gave them so much,” said Drew Gattine, executive account manager for MMS-ME. “With our donation, we hoped to make each child’s stay at the hospital feel a little more like home.” From well-child visits to specialized medical and surgical treatment of complex, life-threatening illnesses and injuries, Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital offers comprehensive, family-centered care from an exceptional team of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.

Two Great Bakeries under one Roof Choose from over 30 flavors including: Pumpkin White Chocolate, Turtle, B52, Chocolate Rasbberry, and award winning Triple Chocolate We ship anywhere! 797-9990

Aunt Kake’s is again taking orders for homemade pies! Choose from any of our 10 varieties of fruit, custard & cream pies 9” deep dish $15.00 And now offering homemade dinner rolls choose from 5 varieties 8” round $6.00approx. 7 rolls Place order by phone 766-8509 or on line

Open Mon.–Fri. 10:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Closed Thanksgiving Day through Sunday Nov. 27

135 Walton Street, Portland

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thanks for Giving: Sunday, Nov. 27 from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. LADD from page 7

a zealous frenzy. Ryann Chamberlain is the Dude of all Dudes, is requested by name by many regular customers and now, she has Cancer and we need

everyone's help. So, please call Casa Novello on Main Street in Westbrook at 854-9909 to make a reservation for Sunday, Nov. 27 or contact me at as soon as possible about

a raffle or silent auction item (restaurant gift certificates are always a hot commodity), or a much needed cash contribution. We all know someone who knows someone or perhaps we've lived

through Cancer ourselves. We are aware that funds are tight and the call to action is everywhere, so on behalf of Gary Manoogian and the staff at Casa Novello, we thank you in advance for your best thoughts and donations to Ryann Chamberlain via Thanks for Giving, as she moves from Restaurant Employee/Cancer Patient to Restaurant Employee/Cancer Survivor. With the deepest of gratitude and heartiest of Cheers, Natalie Ladd THE LOW DOWN: Reports on the success of Thanks for Giving as well as Ryann's journey and progress will be posted on a regular basis in What It's Like!

(Natalie Ladd is a columnist for the Portland Daily Sun. She has over 30 continuous years of corporate and fine-dining experience in all front-of-thehouse salaried, hourly and under-the-table Ryann Chamberlain of Portland is battling cancer. A benefit to help positions. She can be her with medical expenses will take place 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Casa reached at natalie@ Novello in Westbrook on Sunday, Nov. 27. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Animaine convention planned in SoPo





O ld O rchard B each N EW PRICE $89,900

P ortland $219,000

C ape E lizabeth $196,900


W aterboro $139,900

Scarborou gh $419,000 SE HOU PM OPENAY 12- 3 D SUN





From Friday, Nov. 18 through Sunday, Nov. 20, an industry-oriented anime and gaming convention, called Animaine, is planned in South Portland. “The convention is a sort of testing ground for all kinds of new ideas,” organizers said. “New panels, events, and technologies are tested at Animaine to see how they might be used at other conventions. On top of that, we’ve got great guests lined up. Plus, bring a badge from Anime Boston 2011, BakuretsuCon 2011, PortConMaine 2011, Connecticon 2011, or Another Anime Con 2011 and get $5 off your two- or three-day badge price.” The convention is at the Best Western Merry The Cohen -Tra cy Tea m Manor Inn & Conference Center, 700 Main St., South 7 5 John Roberts Rd., Portland. Cost is $ 25 for a one-day pass, $30 for a South Portland,M E 04106 two-day pass, and $35 for a three-day pass. 207 -831-0495 David Williams, known as one of the initial memw w w.thecohentracyteam .com bers of ADV Films and today for his work with Sentai Filmworks, will be presenting a number of panels at the convention. For details, visit — Staff Report

W ind ham $146,900

G ray $174,900

W estbrook Ju stListed !$169,750

Been think ing about buying a house or refinancing your current hom e? W hat are you w aiting for? Rates are low,low,low !D on’t w ait another day. Callm e! Linda C.Cohen Loan O fficer-N M LS # 7 92205 Cum berland County M ortg ag e, 207 -831-957 4 • 152 U.S.Route 1,Scarboroug h M E 0407 4

Food Fix Trivia Last week we asked readers what ingredient famed restaurant owner Eric Ripert claimed was overused and overrated during his appearance in Good vs. Evil at Merrill Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 3? No winners this week as the correct answer was: Truffle Oil. NEW QUESTION: Nationwide, what is the most popular Thanksgiving side dish? Visit us on Facebook and answer correctly to win a pair of Portland Pirates Quarter Deck Flex passes. Weekly winners and a new question will be announced in the paper and posted on Facebook each Tuesday.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 9

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BUSINESS AND REAL ESTATE BRIEFS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Federal Housing Admin. audit sees possible need for a bailout WASHINGTON (New York Times) — The Federal Housing Administration has a “close to 50” percent chance of requiring a bailout if the housing market deteriorates next year, the agency’s independent auditor said in a report released Tuesday. The F.H.A., which offers private lenders guarantees against homeowner default, has just $2.6 billion in cash reserves, the report found, down from $4.7 billion last year. The agency’s woes stem from the national foreclosure crisis. In the last three years, the F.H.A. has paid $37 billion in insurance claims against defaulting homeowners, shrinking its cash cushion. The auditors determined the agency’s level of supplemental cash reserves by projecting losses on its mortgage portfolio and counting them against expected premium revenue. This year, the audit found that the F.H.A. supplemental reserve was less than one-quarter of a percentage point of its current portfolio: $2.6 billion against a $1.1 trillion mortgage portfolio, as of Sept. 30. Legally, the housing agency is required to keep a 2 percent cash buffer, a target it has not met since 2008. F.H.A. officials argue that the likelihood the 77-year-old agency will need its first taxpayer bailout is slim. “It would take very significant home price declines to create a situation in which the portfolio would require any additional support,” said Carol Galante, acting commissioner. “There is no evidence or widespread prediction that home prices are going to decline to the kind of levels” requiring a bailout, she said. The baseline plan included in the report does not foresee the F.H.A.’s going into the red. It presumes that home prices will stabilize in coming months and start to rise in 2012. In that case, the agency’s capital ratio will increase to 1 percent in 2012 and 2 percent, the legal minimum, in 2014. But if housing prices decline, losses from an enormous cohort of loans, most originated between 2006 and 2009, could subsume the agency’s reserves. The audit contends that “significant declines of home prices” in fiscal year 2012 “would create a situation in which the current portfolio would require additional support” from the Treasury Department. In the worst case provided in the report, housing prices would continue to decline through 2014 and the agency would require a total of $43.2 billion from the Treasury. (Congress would not need to approve these funds.)

“We are especially happy to be recognized for our work in a large number of our practice areas,” he said. “This speaks to the quality of all of our attorneys and our ability to help a wide variety of clients with their legal needs.”

Mobilize Maine set to launch A new economic development strategy for Greater Portland and the Lakes Region, dubbed Mobilize Maine, is slated to kick off Thursday. Mobilize Maine was funded largely in part by a

$500,000 investment from FairPoint Communications in 2009. The launch of the local group will be held on the Southern Portland campus of Southern Maine Community College from 3 to 6 p.m., inside the Peter A. McKernan Hospitality Center. “In this economy, it is up to us to chart our own economic future,” said Ronald Cantor, president of Southern Maine Community College, in a statement. “By connecting education, business and public policy, we can build on what we have to create and fill hundreds of jobs right here in Southern Maine,” he said.

Portland area law firm named in top tier by U.S. News and World Report DAILY SUN STAFF REPORTS Law firm Murray, Plumb and Murray was recently named in the top tier of Portland-area firms by U.S. News and World Report. It’s the second time that U.S. News and World Report released a nationwide law firm ranking. The group reportedly complied its data from 3.9 million evaluations by clients, firms and peer reviews. Murray, Plumb and Murray was recognized in the fields of commercial litigation, copyright law, land use and zoning law, construction litigation, intellectual property and patent litigation, real estate, class action, patent law and trademark litigation. “As a full-service law firm dedicated to providing exceptional personal attention and legal expertise to our clients, we are very pleased to be acknowledged for our efforts by U.S. News and World Report,” said Drew Anderson, managing partner of Murray, Plumb and Murray, in a statement.


Leonard Scott, CDPE, CRS, GRI Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers Realty 170 US Route #1 ©2011 Distressed Property Institute, LLC All Rights Falmouth, Maine 04105 Reserved. The above brokerage assumes no respansibility nor guarantees the accuracy of this information and is not 207-781-2856 engaged in the proctice of law nor gives legal advice. It is strongly recommended that you seek appropriate professional counsel regarding your rights as a homeowner.


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Giving attention to the things you don’t want in your life is a sure way to make things hard for yourself. Instead, you will be a master of focus, putting your attention only on the things you want to develop. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Most people will not be able to keep up with your energy level now. They may look like they understand you, but this could be an act. Slow down, and give the other person a chance to follow you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You are as inspired by friendship as you are by loneliness. Complexities of character such as this will never cease to fascinate the people around you. You’ll attract new fans with your mysterious ways. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll field unexpected opportunities. It won’t be necessary to make a decision now. Keep thinking of your options. Tonight, you’ll apply your talents to turning an ordinary event into something remarkable. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You are loved, but for some reason, you may not feel like you can safely let that love in. The ones who disappointed you in the past may have something to do with this. Challenge yourself to open up today. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 16). Your social scene will sparkle with animated and attractive characters. You’ll love the feeling of belonging that grows through 2012. December brings the chance to vault financial obstacles. You’ll gain recognition for your talent in May. In June, physical and competitive efforts lead to increased vitality and success. Cancer and Aquarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 15, 3, 24 and 1.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Wanting something (or someone) too much isn’t good for you. There’s a difference between channeling your passion well and being needy. Relax, and you’ll play the game better. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Can you drown out a feeling with a thought? You can and do on a regular basis. Today, though, it might be simpler and healthier to let the feeling happen. In a moment, it will be over, and you’ll be lighter for the experience. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll exercise your will over your moods, the environment and whatever oppressive forces are around. You’ll do this just to prove to yourself and the universe who really is in charge. CANCER (June 22-July 22). There will be a mess to clean up. And though this is a normal and expected part of life, it doesn’t make it any more pleasant. You’ll get the job done by handling one small area at a time. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You love how life always gives you the next thing to do. Today you probably won’t see the succession clearly. You’ll have to handle the first and second tasks before the second and third tasks become clear. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You do need more peace and quiet than other people right now. Just make sure that you’re not running away from a problem or isolating yourself out of fear. Solitude will be healing when it’s a destination and not an escape. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The old influences just don’t excite you like they used to. There’s no time like the present to start a new collection of jokes that make you laugh, pictures that inspire you and sounds that make you want to move your body.

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1 5 10 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25

26 28 31

32 34 36 37

ACROSS __ house; Realtor’s event Pinnacles Students’ averages: abbr. Dog food brand Glow Lasso, for one Harness strap Gnu Made a lap Watermelon’s shell Assesses Met performance “In the beginning __ the word...” (John 1 start) Mr. Houston Best Has __ of one’s own; acts independently Housetops Pull hard Shiftless Free-for-all

38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 50 51 54 57 58 59 60 61

Actress Garr WSW plus 180˚ __ off; repels Plants with fronds Cling; stick Bust 1/3 and 2/3 Dictation taker Sir __ Newton Clog or loafer Little child Punishment Early harp Lawn trees In the know Ridiculed Prescribed amount 62 Encyclopedia volumes, e.g. 63 Mrs. Truman

1 2 3

DOWN Crew items Begging appeal Was the ideal example of

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33

Prefix for stop or profit Like a whirlpool Fine tableware Not spicy Call a halt to Behold Hit movie for Travolta and Newton-John Verse writer Projecting part of a cathedral Collections Outer layers of cereal grain Tall marsh growth Too small Husband & __ Store event Refrigerator brand Enemies Idea held as a standard Revolves France’s Coty Obsolete

35 37 38 40 41 43 44 46 47

Meaning Parisian mom Marine bird Lawn barrier Set __; release Raspy-voiced Makes amends TV’s Dinah __ __ tea

48 49 50 52 53 55 56 57

Song for one Upper limbs Thailand, once Raw minerals Knight & Turner Purring animal Deuce Blood analysis site

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Wednesday, Nov. 16, the 320th day of 2011. There are 45 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Nov. 16, 1961, House Speaker Samuel T. Rayburn, 79, died at his home in Bonham, Texas, having served as speaker since 1940 except for two terms as minority leader of the Democrats. On this date: In 1776, British troops captured Fort Washington in New York during the American Revolution. In 1907, Oklahoma became the 46th state of the union. In 1933, the United States and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations. In 1959, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music” opened on Broadway. In 1960, Academy Award-winning actor Clark Gable died in Los Angeles at age 59. In 1966, Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard was acquitted in his second trial of murdering his pregnant wife, Marilyn, in 1954. In 1973, Skylab 4, carrying a crew of three astronauts, was launched from Cape Canaveral on an 84-day mission. In 1981, the Senate confirmed Dr. C. Everett Koop to be surgeon general. Oscarwinning actor William Holden, 63, was found dead in his Santa Monica, Calif., apartment. On the ABC-TV soap opera “General Hospital,” Laura Webber (played by Genie Francis) married Luke Spencer (played by Anthony Geary). One year ago: President Barack Obama presented the Medal of Honor to Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, the first living service member from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars to receive the nation’s top military award. U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel was convicted on 11 of 13 charges related to financial misconduct, prompting fellow lawmakers to censure the 80-year-old New York Democrat. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Clu Gulager is 83. Blues musician Hubert Sumlin is 80. Blues musician W.C. Clark is 72. Actress Joanna Pettet is 69. Actor Steve Railsback is 66. Actor David Leisure is 61. Actor Miguel Sandoval is 60. Actress Marg Helgenberger is 53. Rock musician Mani is 49. Country singer-musician Keith Burns (Trick Pony) is 48. Tennis player Zina Garrison is 48. MLB All-Star pitcher Dwight Gooden is 47. Jazz singer Diana Krall is 47. Actor Harry Lennix is 47. Rock musician Dave Kushner (Velvet Revolver) is 45. Actress Lisa Bonet is 44. Actress Tammy Lauren is 43. Rhythm-andblues singer Bryan Abrams (Color Me Badd) is 42. Actress Martha Plimpton is 41. Actor Michael Irby is 39. Actress Missi Pyle is 39. Olympic gold medal figure skater Oksana Baiul is 34. Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal is 34. Pop singer Trevor Penick is 32. Actress Kimberly J. Brown is 27. Actor Noah GrayCabey (“Heroes”) is 16.




CTN 5 The Humble Farmer


Up All Up All WCSH Night (N) Å Night Å




NOVEMBER 16, 2011 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Portland Water District Thom Hartmann Show Grit TV


Harry’s Law “Insanity” Law & Order: Special News Cassie and Oliver clash Victims Unit “Educated over a case. (N) Å Guess” (N) Å The X Factor “Top Ten Perform” The top-10 con- News 13 on FOX (N) The Office “PDA” Å WPFO testants perform. (N) (Live)


WMTW “The Play”





The Middle Suburgatory (N) Å (N) Å Nature Writer Joe Hutto raises wild turkeys. (N) Å (DVS) Antiques Roadshow Stainless steel meat service. (N) Å America’s Next Top Model The women head to Greece. Å Survivor: South Pacific An alliance is threatened; elimination. (N) Burn Notice Å

Modern Happy End- Revenge “Treachery” News 8 Family ings (N) Å Emily’s plot continues to WMTW at (N) Å unravel. (N) Å 11PM (N) NOVA Brian Greene NOVA “The Elegant Uni- Charlie Rose (N) (In explores quantum me- verse: String’s the Thing” Stereo) Å chanics. (N) String theory. I Can Dance: Four Nazi Hunt: Elusive Justice Identifying Nazi fugiStories Amateur and pro tives. (In Stereo) (PA) Å (DVS) ballroom dancing. Å America’s Next Top Excused American It’s Always That ’70s Model Re-creating an- (N) Å Dad Å Sunny in Show Å cient Olympic sports. Phila. Criminal Minds “Hope” CSI: Crime Scene In- WGME Late Show A woman Garcia knows vestigation “Crime After News 13 at With David goes missing. (N) Crime” (N) 11:00 Letterman Burn Notice Å Law Order: CI Holiday Cops Å








DISC MythBust: Demo Derby MythBusters (N) Å


FAM Princess


USA NCIS “Ignition” Å


NESN College Basketball

Inside N.D. Hot Stove Daily

Red Sox


CSNE Patriots

Patriots Wednesday

SportsNet Sports


ESPN College Football Ohio at Bowling Green. (N) (Live)


ESPN2 College Football Western Michigan at Miami (Ohio). (N) (Live)

MythBusters Å

MythBusters Å

Movie: ›› “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement”


Update Tonight Show With Jay Leno The Office Ryan returns. Nightline (N) Å


Movie: ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” (1998, Action)

The 700 Club (N) Å

Psych (N) Å Sports

Burn Notice Å Daily

Dennis SportsNet

SportsCenter (N) Å NFL Live (N) Å

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å




DISN Jessie

Movie: ›‡ “College Road Trip”




King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK Sponge.

Kung Fu

’70s Show ’70s Show George



MSNBC The Ed Show (N)

Shake It

Shake It George

Random Friends

Good Luck

Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word

The Ed Show


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront


CNBC Best Jobs Ever

60 Minutes on CNBC

American Greed

Mad Money



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)

Greta Van Susteren



The Mentalist Å

Movie: ››› “Twister” (1996) Helen Hunt. Å


LIFE Unsolved Mysteries



The Mentalist Å

Movie: “We Have Your Husband” (2011) Å

Hoarding: Buried Alive Secretly Pregnant


The O’Reilly Factor Cold Case Files Å


Secretly Pregnant


AMC Movie: ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993, Science Fiction) Sam Neill. Å


HGTV House


TRAV Man, Food Man v Fd

Man v. Food Nation (N) Food Wars Food Wars Carnivore Carnivore


A&E Storage



Hunters Storage

BRAVO Top Chef: Texas


Kitchen Storage

Work of Art

“Jurassic Park III”

Property Brothers (N) Hoggers


Top Chef: Texas (N)

Hunters Hoggers

Property Hoggers

Top Chef: Texas


HALL Movie: “Cancel Christmas” (2010) Judd Nelson.

Movie: “The Good Witch’s Gift” (2010) Å


SYFY Ghost Hunters Å

Fact or Faked


ANIM Prostitutes to Parrots

River Monsters

River Monsters Å

Prostitutes to Parrots


HIST Ancient Aliens Å

Ancient Aliens (N)

Brad Meltzer’s Dec.

Brad Meltzer’s Dec.



61 62 67 68 76

Ghost Hunters (N)

Movie: ›› “Preacher’s Kid” (2009, Drama) Å

Ghost Hunters Å

Black Girls Rock! Å

COM Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park Swardson Daily Show Colbert FX

Movie: ››‡ “Twilight” (2008) Kristen Stewart.

TVLND Roseanne Roseanne Raymond TBS

Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy

SPIKE UFC Unleashed

Fam. Guy

Raymond Fam. Guy

American Horror Story American Horror Story Raymond


Big Bang

Big Bang



Conan (N)

UFC Unleashed

The Ultimate Fighter

BlueMount BlueMount

Law Order: CI

Law Order: CI

Law Order: CI


OXY Law Order: CI


TCM Movie: ›››‡ “Nothing Sacred”

Movie: ›››‡ “To Be or Not to Be” (1942)



BY WAYNE ROBERT WILLIAMS 1 5 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 34 35

Refuses to Inventer Howe Carpentry tools First name of 3D Like some poetry Actress Arden, casually Start of a Gore Vidal quote Norse goddess of fate Rapping Dr. Hankering “Five Easy __” Gunpowder ingredient Part 2 of quote Country singer K.T. __ Schwarz (toy store) Mongol invader Old Olds cars More hackneyed Mata Hari or 007, e.g. Part 3 of quote

38 41 42 46 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 61 62 63 64 65 66

1 2

She Done

Exactly suitable Pester persistently Neighbor of Tex. Untethered Lettuce variety Round dances Part 4 of quote Hungarian wines Next to Get-up-and-go Half an African fly? Hebrew letter End of quote Persian’s contemporary Dean Martin hit, “That’s __” Racetrack tipster Fruit drinks Outfit for C. Yeager Tolkien creatures




Ruling house of Great Britain Excessive exploitation

29 32 33 36

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 23 25 26

Classic Welsh actor Three in Italia “__ Gantry” Eagles hit, “__ Eyes” Apr. collector South American sloths British naval base, __ Flow One of the Finger Lakes Shorebirds with upturned beaks Bug Perceptual Distance runner Jim Musical lead-in Go angling Ammunition wagon Monopoly buildings Wall painting Dam-building grp. Devonshire river Leading

37 Castling piece 38 “The Closer You Get” group 39 Having bulging peepers 40 On deck 43 WWII soldier’s meal 44 Displays logically 45 Agrees 47 Fishing nets

49 Kachina doll maker 51 Mark sale prices 52 Fourth Jewish month 54 Actress Gilpin 58 Couple in common? 59 Brock of baseball 60 Sault __ Marie

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Yard Sale

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

CEREMONIES MARRIAGE, commitment and renewal ceremonies officiant. Will help you write your vows. Barbara (207)856-6876.

SOUTH Paris Coin/ Marble Show- 11/19/11, American Legion Post 72, 12 Church St, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179. Free admission.



For Rent

For Rent

For Sale

DACHSHUNDS puppies 5 months, all shots, health and temperament guaranteed. $250. (603)539-1603.

PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814.

PORTLAND- Woodford’s area. 3 bedroom heated. Large bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $1300/mo. (207)773-1814.

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PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814. PORTLAND- Munjoy Hill- 3 bedrooms, newly renovated. Heated, $1275/mo. Call Kay (207)773-1814.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 13


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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: My girlfriend, “Sophie,” and I broke up three months ago after a five-year relationship because of my inability to commit. While we were together, I was brutally honest about how I felt, even though I hated how unhappy she was listening to me. Sophie and I have taken multiple short breaks in the past. I saw her last month and apologized. I told her I had made the mistake of my life by letting her go. Apparently, I needed substantial time to realize what was important to me. Unfortunately, Sophie told me she no longer sees a future for us and asked me to stop calling. She said she’d contact me when she was ready to be friends. I want to give her the time she has asked for, but I’m afraid if I wait too long, I will lose her forever. I now realize I desperately want to spend the rest of my life with her. But I have inflicted so much damage. If I ignore Sophie’s request to give her time, it might only make matters worse. I would do anything to get her back. Should I go after her or wait for her to come to me? -- M in Hawaii Dear M: Are you going to propose? If so, go after her. If not, leave her alone. Your feelings are no longer trustworthy to Sophie. Unless you are ready for a lifetime commitment, ring in hand, do the girl a favor and let her find someone she knows won’t walk out when he feels overwhelmed. She deserves certainty and stability. Dear Annie: Recently, two of my cousins were in town. They come here frequently to visit their husbands’ families. I’m the only cousin who still lives in our hometown, but they have never once called to say hello or plan a get-together. All I want is a “Hi, how are you?” It only takes a few minutes to make a telephone call, and if I’m not at home, my an-

swering machine will get the message. I am family, too, and whenever I am in their area on business or vacation, I always make the time to visit. I also call frequently. Is it too much to ask that they do the same? Would plans for a family reunion be out of the question? -- In Need of Family Contact Dear Contact: Of course your cousins should call, but they may not realize how much you would appreciate it, even if they can’t arrange to see you. So tell them. Say you’d love it if they picked up the phone when they are in your area, just to say hello. And while you’re at it, ask if they’d be interested in a family reunion. We think they will. Dear Annie: I sympathize with “Maine Husband,” who is the caregiver for his wife with multiple sclerosis. I’m sure his wife is extremely grateful to have him in her life. My husband has had to take over more and more of the household chores because of my disabilities, and I am so honored to have him. He makes my life a joy. When we are invited out and I don’t feel well enough to go, I make sure I have everything I’ll need for the few hours my husband will be gone. Then he can go and relax. I can always call him if I have a problem, but he feels better for getting out of the house, and I feel better knowing I am not taking up all of his time. “Maine” has to speak up for himself. Maybe if he asked the relatives to watch his wife for a few hours, they would understand his position. If they sat in a wheelchair all day, they might see how hard it is to rely on someone else to do all the simple things they take for granted. There is a special place in heaven for people like my husband. -- C.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Insurance mandate may be health bill’s undoing WASHINGTON (NY TIMES) — As Barack Obama battled Hillary Rodham Clinton over health care during the Democratic presidential primaries of 2008, he was adamant about one thing: Americans, he insisted, should not be required to buy health insurance. “If things were that easy,” Mr. Obama told the talk show host Ellen DeGeneres in February of that year, “I could mandate everybody to buy a house, and that would solve the problem of homelessness. It doesn’t.” Now President Obama may wish he had stuck to those words. On Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to take up a constitutional challenge to his landmark health care bill, and a decision could come in the midst of Mr. Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. At the heart of the challenge is “the mandate” — a provision requiring nearly all Americans to buy coverage or pay a penalty — that he so vigorously opposed as a candidate. If it is struck down, much of his signature legislative achievement could fall with it in a decision that would undoubtedly be construed as a rebuke to the president. Polls show the mandate is by far the most unpopular provision of the 2010 bill, and now Mr. Obama, who ultimately embraced the idea, is in the awkward position of defending something he once rejected. “I think his political instincts were right,” said Paul Starr, a health policy expert at Princeton University who argues it is possible to expand coverage by other means. “I think he saw that there could be a backlash against a mandate and that there needed to be some other kind of approach. So in a way, I’m sorry he didn’t stick to his original position.” The theory behind the mandate, according to its proponents, is this: Requiring coverage brings both sick and healthy people into the pool of those insured, which is essential because premiums paid by the healthy offset the cost of covering the sick. Otherwise, healthy people wait until they are ill to buy insurance, which leads to what policy analysts call a “death spiral” in which premiums skyrocket out of control. As a candidate, Mr. Obama did favor requiring all children to have insurance. Once he took office, his top aides began examining other options, said Ezekiel J. Emanuel, a former health policy adviser to Mr. Obama. The aides studied the experience of Massachusetts, which has a mandate, and health laws in other states that do not. They considered voluntary incentives to get healthy people to enroll. Their internal modeling, Dr. Emanuel said, showed that a mandate would extend coverage to 32 million uninsured people. Without such a requirement, he said, the administration estimated it could cover 16 million people at three-fourths the cost of covering the 32 million. Mr. Obama reversed himself. “I don’t think it was a slam-dunk,” said Dr. Emanuel, now a vice provost at the University of Pennsylvania and a regular contributor to the New York Times Op-Ed page. “The president did take very seriously his reputation for following what he said, so he was very reluctant to change his opinion unless he was very convinced.” Health insurers also insisted on a mandate, as did the Democrats who controlled Congress. In July 2009, Mr. Obama told CBS News that he was “now in favor of some sort of individual mandate as long as there’s a hardship exemption” for people who truly could not afford to buy insurance. While the White House may have been prepared for the public unhappiness over the provision, it appears to have been caught off guard by the constitutional challenge — in part because Obama advisers regarded the mandate as a conservative notion. The idea gained currency in the early 1990s, when some Republicans proposed their own version of an “individual mandate” as an alternative to the “employer mandate” in President Bill Clinton’s health plan.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS from page 6

Maine Council of Churches breakfast

the USM School of Music’s youth programs and auditions, visit Sign up for e-notices, or find us on Facebook as USM School of Music,

Portland City Councilor 8:30 a.m. “Celebrating Community – Maine Council of Churches to Highlight Lewiston Cheryl Leeman district meeting Social Justice Leaders; Keynote Address by 7:15 p.m. City Councilors and staff will be Max Finberg, UDSA Director of Faith-Based available to discuss neighborhood issues and and Neighborhood Partnerships. The Maine answer questions from the public. These meetCouncil of Churches (MCC) invites the public ings are the public’s opportunity to meet their to its annual breakfast event to be held at the district councilor, the mayor and representaHilton Garden Inn, Freeport. Titled “Celebrattives from the various departments within the ing Community,” the event will highlight those city. District 4 Meeting hosted by Councilor whose faith inspires them to work for justice. Cheryl Leeman, Deering High School CafThe keynote speaker will be Max Finberg, USDA eteria, Presumpscot School, 69 Presumpscot Director of Faith-Based and Neighborhood St. For more information about these meetPartnerships. His talk, ‘Toward a Hunger-Free ings, contact Mike Murray, the city’s Island and Maine,’ will address the role of the government, Neighborhood Administrator at 756-8288, or community organizations, businesses and faith groups in eliminating hunger in our state. MCC Lily King at Fine Arts will honor outgoing Lewiston Mayor Larry Gilbert for his 40-plus year career in public serin Creative Writing at UMF vice. Lewiston’s Trinity Jubilee Center will also 7:30 p.m. The University of Maine at Farmingbe honored for its leadership and interfaith ton’s Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and community partnerships. The event also program presents award-winning author Lily includes a presentation by Secretary of State, King as the next writer in its 2011-12 Visiting the Honorable Charles E. Summers, recognizWriters Series. King will read from her work in ing the 100th anniversary of MCC’s incorporaThe Landing in the UMF Olsen Student Center. tion. Tickets to the breakfast event are $30 per The reading is free and open to the public and person. To register, or to obtain more informawill be followed by a signing by the author. tion go to or call 772-1918.” Event sponsors are WrightFriday, Nov. 18 Ryan Construction, AARP and Consumers for Enjoying a light moment on an otherwise emotional and difficult morning, gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler (right) shares a laugh with family friend Tim O’Neil before Cutler’s announcement Affordable Health Care (CAHC). that he would not seek a recount in the 2010 Maine gubernatorial election. For the Chamberlain Third Annual ‘Civic Matters’ at USM Developing Effective Strategies Lecture Series, Cutler, now involved with the OneMaine political movement, will speak at the 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A showcase of how stuto Reach Landowners Cumberland Club, 116 High St., Portland. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) dents apply what they are learning in the class8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This workshop is room to community projects, the third annual designed for consulting foresters, natural through Friday. Closed holidays. For more information, call University of Southern Maine “Civic Matters,” will be held in resource professionals, land trusts, and others who wish Carolyn Eyler at 780-5008, or visit the Art Gallery web page USM’s Wishcamper Center, Bedford Street, Portland. The to reach out to landowners about natural resource issues at event is free and open to the public. USM’s Office of Combut may find it difficult connecting with those landowners. munity Service Learning will host this year’s “Civic MatMECA Faculty Selects Exhibition “Brett Butler with the U.S. Forest Service, Dave Kittredge ters.” For more information, visit Civic Matters or call Alicia 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A Perpetual Present: 2011 Maine College with UMass Cooperative Extension, and Mary Tyrrell of Yale Sampson, service-learning coordinator for the Office of of Art Faculty Selects Exhibition, Nov. 16-Dec. 23, InstiUniversity will provide information and strategies that will Community Service Learning, at 228-8092 or asampson@ tute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art. Opening allow participants to develop more effective strategies to reception: Thursday, Nov. 17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. “2011 reach landowners. Participants will also hear about case marks a return to the MECA’s Faculty Selects exhibition 12th Annual Craft Championships studies of current projects in Maine attempting to reach series, which presents the work of MECA faculty alongside 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Associated Builders and Contractors out to landowners. To Register: Visit UMaine’s Center for professional peers of national/international regard. The artof Maine, the leading association representing Maine’s conResearch on Sustainable Forests Website: http://crsf. ists in A Perpetual Present will exhibit work that examines a struction industry, announced its plans for the 12th Annual of a sense of the past. Degrowth, preservaCraft Championships to be held at the Augusta Civic landowners-november-2011. Location: Fireside Inn, 81 tion of traditions, and investigations of the beginning stages Center. “Each year Associated Builders and Contractors Riverside St., Portland. Jane McComb, U.S. Forest Serof tragedies are all themes explored by the artists. Selected of Maine hosts Craft Championships at the Augusta Civic vice, (603) 868-7693 or email: Cost: artists include: Philip Brou will be exhibiting with Johan Center. Utilizing the Civic Center’s Main Auditorium, there $20/person (this includes breaks and lunch). Registration Grimonprez, Judith Allen-Efstathiou with Eirene Efstathiou, is over 24,500 square feet of hands-on activities for high is required. Co-sponsor: UMaine Center for Research on and Matt Hutton with Corey Robinson. Located in the heart school students to engage. Maine’s Craft Championships Sustainable Forests; UMaine Cooperative Extension; Maine of the Portland Arts District, Maine College of Art offers a is unique to any others in the nation because our industry Forest Service; U.S. Forest Service; Natural Resources Bachelor of Fine Arts, a Master of Fine Arts in Studio Arts, trades people work directly with high school students on Conservation Service. a Post-Baccalaureate in Art Education as well as Continua wide range of construction projects. ... Among the other Labyrinth Walk ing Studies for adults and youths, including a Pre-College activities that will occur on Nov. 18 is the annual Policy4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal at 580 Forest Ave. intensive for high school students. maker’s Breakfast, featuring the new President of Southern (entrance in rear) is offering its indoor Chartre-style labyrinth Maine Community College, Dr. Ronald Cantor. Dr. Cantor Visiting artist Sam Messer for meditative walks. This walk is dedicated to Children’s will speak to the importance of multiple pathways in edu6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visiting artist Sam Messer at Osher Hall. Grief Awareness Day and all donations collected will be cation and how to better connect Maine’s construction Sam Messer is associate dean and adjunct professor at given to the Center for Grieving Children. Allow about 30 and technical education programs (CTE) with colleges and the Yale University School of Art. He received a B.F.A. from minutes. FMI 772-7421. industry. Legislators, educators, and construction industry Cooper Union in 1976 and an M.F.A. from Yale University Juried Student Exhibition at USM professionals are expected to attend this important event.” in 1981. He is represented by Nielsen Gallery, Boston, and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The annual Juried Student Exhibition is To find out more about ABC, visit or www. Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles. His work may be about to open in the University of Southern Maine Art Gallery, found in public collections throughout the country. Mr. Gorham. This yearly event provides art students with the realMesser has received awards including a Louis Comfort Black Friday Coupon Book world experience of creating works of art that will be juried Tiffany Foundation grant, the Engelhard Award, a Pollock11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Save more than $1,000 by shopping by professionals in Maine’s art community. Like professional Krasner Foundation grant, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. downtown merchants this Black Friday Weekend with speartists, some students will be accepted into the exhibition, cial coupons from over 65 of local downtown businesses. Comprehensive Plan Forum in SoPo while others will not. The exhibition is opens Thursday, Nov. “Don’t miss out! A very special Black Friday Coupon Book 6 p.m. The Comprehensive Plan Project in South Portland 17 with a reception that runs from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Art will be handed out Friday, Nov. 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. will hold a forum at the Community Center. Community Gallery. The exhibition will be on display until Friday, Dec. in Monument Square. Limited to the first 500 people who Center, 21 Nelson Road, South Portland. “The forum will 9. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays-Fridays; 1 show up during this special promotion. ... These amazing deal primarily with future land use,” organizers said. “It may p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays. USM’s Art Gallery deals for downtown merchants will be valid Black Friday, result in significant zoning changes in a number of areas is free and open to the public. Closed holidays. This year’s Nov 25, through Cyber Monday, Nov. 28.” of South Portland, such as Knightville/Mill Creek; East End jurors are Joe Kievitt, USM’s 2011Spring Artist-in-ResiWaterfront; Broadway/Cottage Corridors; Main Street CorEliot Cutler at the Cumberland Club dence whose work will be on display in the Gallery lobby ridor; Established single-family neighborhoods; Maine Mall 5 p.m. Chamberlain Lecture Series, Eliot Cutler, Cumberduring the exhibition; Deborah Wing-Sproul, who teaches area.” land Club, 116 High St., Portland. 5 p.m., Cocktails; 5:30 at Maine College of Art and in the MFA Intermedia and New p.m., Presentation starts; 6:30 p.m., Elegant Dinner Buffet. Media program at the University of Maine; and Jane Bianco, USM Youth Ensembles Fall Concert “In 1877 The Cumberland Club was organized as a volunassistant curator of the Farnsworth Art Museum. At 11:45 7 p.m. Youth grades 12 and younger from all over the tary association “for the purpose of mutual enjoyment of a.m., Friday, Dec. 2, Art Lecturer Gideon Bock and Director northeast region will perform together in the USM Youth cultural and social amenities.” In that same year, the Club of Exhibitions Carolyn Eyler will discuss with students how Ensembles Fall Instrumental Concert, in Merrill Auditorium, was incorporated by a special act of the Legislature, markto prepare for the competitive process of juried exhibits in Myrtle Street, Portland. A suggested donation of $6/$3 will ing the beginning of a new social era for those who use the Art Gallery, Gorham. From Tuesday, Jan. 17 through be taken at the door. The USM Youth Ensembles are spontheir voice to influence Maine and enrich the communities Sunday, Feb. 19, the Juried Student Exhibition will be on sored by Macy’s. The USM Youth Ensembles include the the in which they live.” display in the Area Gallery of USM’s Woodbury Campus Portland Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Portland Youth Wind Center on the Portland campus. Also free and open to the Ensemble, the Portland Young People’s String Consort, and see next page public, Area Gallery hours are 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday the Portland Youth Junior Orchestra. For more information on

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011— Page 15

Lawmaker: Maine fishing boats exempted from new discharge rules BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

A federal lawmaker says coastal Mainers who use and operate fishing boats will benefit from legislation that would prevent certain environmental regulations of small vessels. Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine, announced Tuesday that legislation she cosponsored, which would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating certain discharge from fishing and commercial vessels less than 79 feet, passed a vote on the House floor. The bill covers incidental and normal operation discharge, including gray water from laundry and galleys or liquid waste from normal engine use,

according to the congresswoman's office. "I'm very happy this legislation passed. It's great news for the fisherman who make their living on the water," said Pingree in a prepared statement. "This legislation addresses that unneeded level of Pingree regulation," she said. The bill was modeled after a temporary exemption already in place, but slated to expire next year. Without the legislation, Pingree says certain smaller

vessels would be required to be permitted under the Clean Water Act. Friends of the Casco Bay say they are not concerned that the legislation would have a negative impact on the bay's environment. "It's really not an issue," said Mary Cerullo, associate director of the local organization, which monitors the bay's water quality, referring to gray water discharge from smaller vessels. She explained that gray water waste from larger ships, such as cruise ships that have thousands of passengers on board, have a real potential to harm the bay's environment — not smaller vessels. "Maine is one of the best regulated

states as far as vessel discharges," she said, adding that there are already rules in place that limit the larger polluters from discharging waste in the confines of the bay. "Gray water isn't really a big issue," she said. A spokesman from Pingree's office said the proposed permits that smaller vessels could be subject to are usually reserved for large-scale polluters. "The congresswoman feels that we do have to have some pretty sensible requirements on water pollution ... but this was using a rule intended to regulate the discharge, of say, power plants," said Willy Ritch, a Pingree spokesman.

Raw milk vendors would need to display placard RAW MILK from page one

For instance, vendors looking to sell alcoholic beverages would need to carry a state of Maine farmhouse winery license, which comes with several regulations. Raw milk vendors would need to display a placard explaining the risks associated with consuming raw milk. The exact wording of the placard, which was drafted by the city’s Public Health Division, has not been finalized. In its current form, it outlines potential effects of drinking raw milk as well as data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control indicating that raw milk consumption increases risk of certain illnesses. Councilor John Anton questioned the need for the placard at all, while Councilor Cheryl Leeman noted that plenty of things we buy come with warnings. “There are warning labels on all kinds of foods,” she said, adding that such a warning might be necLEFT: Doug Donahue of Balfour Farm in Pittsfield displays raw milk, which is part of an order from Rosemont Bakery. Donahue and other farmers believe the city should allow raw milk sales at the Portland Farmer’s Market. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

essary with raw milk because it is such an “unknown subject for (most) of us.” Lauren Pignatello, of Swallowtail Farm, worried that such a warning label might soon be extended to other items sold at the farmer’s market such as meat, honey or produce. Leeman responded that she did not envision similar warnings for other products, but wanted to “err on the side of caution” with raw milk sales. Raw milk is considered by some to be healthier than traditional pasteurized milk, while others worry that the lack of pasteurization allows some foodborne pathogens to be passed to humans. The question of alcohol sales at the farmer’s market, which was approved under a recent state law, was far less controversial. Although the measure initially was limited to allowing hard apple cider sales, the committee expanded it to include other fermented beverages allowed under state law, which includes mead, wine and beer. David Buchanan, who is affiliated with Urban Farm Fermentory, urged the council to include Kombucha as well as hard cider and mead. "They are really all in the same mold," he said.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

get a striking account of an often bitter reality no longer a common part of the American story. And why ‘Tough Island’ is such a gift.’”

‘Back to the Land’ Fine Art and Crafts Show

Michael Lane Trautman with Bad Clown

5 p.m. to 7 p.m. ‘Back to the Land’ Fine Art and Crafts Show, exhibit, sale, and silent auction benefits Skyline Farm, a nonprofit carriage museum in North Yarmouth that offers conserved land for public use. This 6th annual invitational exhibit is open from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays from Nov. 19 through Dec. 11 or by appointment. During that time, you can buy artworks or bid on silent auction items donated by the artists and artisans. Free admission. On Friday, Nov. 18 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., come enjoy light refreshments while meeting the show’s participants. Artists and artisans generously share a portion of each item’s sale and 100 percent of the funds raised from their Silent Auction donations to benefit Skyline Farm’s programs and operations. Original creations for every taste and budget are for sale just in time for the holiday buying season. The show is complemented by a display of horsedrawn carriages and sleighs from Skyline Farm Carriage Museum’s collection. Contact Pamela Ames at 829-5708,, or see for more information and directions to 95 The Lane, North Yarmouth.

8 p.m. Lucid Stage announces Michael Lane Trautman with Bad Clown. This is a benefit show for Lucid Stage. $15 adults, $12 Students and Seniors. R rated. No one under 18. It will be the Portland Premier of King Pong’s Ping Pong Rodeo! Michael Lane Trautman’s only Portland appearance this year!

‘The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland’ 6:30 p.m. “In Good Time: The Piano Jazz of Marian McPartland,” Friday, Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 19, 2 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 20, 2 p.m. Movies at the Museum, Portland Museum of Art, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets: $7 and available on the day of the show. For a complete list of movies, visit

Crash Barry in Brunswick 7 p.m. Crash Barry will read from his new memoir “Tough Island” at Gulf of Maine Books in Brunswick. “‘If you want a romantic memoir about life on a Maine island you won’t find it here,’ wrote the Progressive Review. ‘Instead, you’ll

‘Turkish National Security’ lecture at USM 7 p.m. The University of Southern Maine will sponsor a lecture by Taner Akçam titled “Turkish National Security and the Denial of Armenian Genocide.” This lecture, sponsored by the Armenian Cultural Association of Maine, will be held in the Hannaford Lecture Hall, Abromson Center, USM Portland campus. This event is free and open to the public. “Sociologist and historian Taner Akçam is widely recognized as one of the first Turkish scholars to write extensively on the genocide of Armenians by Ottoman Turkey in the early 20th century. Akçam’s latest book, ‘The Armenian Issue is Resolved: Policies Towards Armenians During the War Years,’ has been translated into seven languages.” For more information, contact Jeanette Andonian, USM associate professor of social work, at 780-4115 or andonian@

‘The Best Christmas Pageant Ever’ 7:30 p.m. Schoolhouse Arts Center will present “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” from Nov. 18 through Dec. 4. “‘The Best Christmas Pageant Ever’ by Barbara Robinson is a hilarious Christmas tale about a couple struggling to put on a church Christmas pageant while faced with casting the Herdman kids — probably the most inventively awful kids in history. You won’t believe the mayhem — and the fun — when the Herdmans collide with the Christmas story head on!” Performances of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

will be held Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for students and seniors. As part of our holiday celebrations, Schoolhouse Arts Center is teaming up with the Good Shepherd Food Bank to help alleviate hunger and build community relationships. With your gift of food for our holiday food drive, you will receive $1 off your ticket to see “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” Schoolhouse Arts Center is located at 16 Richville Road (Route 114) in Standish, just north of the intersection of Route 114 and Route 35. Call 642-3743 for reservations or buy tickets on-line at www.

‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf’ 7:30 p.m. Acorn Productions, a nonprofit company based in the Dana Warp Mill in downtown Westbrook, kicks off its second season of Studio Series presentations with Edward Albee’s classic play “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.” “This production is the most ambitious undertaking yet for the Acorn Studio Theater, which has hosted improv comedy shows, children’s theater productions, Phyzkidz events, fully-staged productions of new plays, and staged readings since its inception in 2009. Acorn’s Producing Director Michael Levine directs an ensemble of four actors in a treat for fans of intimate theater that focuses on character and storytelling.” Winner of the 1963 Tony Award for Best Play, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” shocked audiences when it first appeared on Broadway by debunking the myth of the nuclear family’s living room as a safe and happy place. Acorn’s production features company members Paul Haley, Kerry Rasor, and April Singley, along with guest artist Nicholas Schroeder. The show runs from Nov. 11 to Nov. 27, with performances Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, and may be purchased on-line at or by calling 854-0065.

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Police are searching for a man they say is responsible for breaking into the Mitpheap Market on Washington Avenue and walking off with batteries, cigarettes and the cash register. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Police search for Washington Ave. Mitpheap Market robbery suspect BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Diane Rood pauses at the High Street intersection with Congress Street as the city’s Christmas tree passes on its way to Monument Square last November. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Tree lighting ceremony is planned for Friday, Nov. 25 TREE from page one

Crane Services and Shaw Brothers Construction have donated staff, crane and transportation services to make this project possible, the district reported. At roughly 9:30 a.m., the tree will begin its trip down Broadway in South Portland and for the first time come into Portland across the Casco Bay Bridge, along Commercial Street and up Franklin Street, entering the downtown via Congress Street and arrive at its new home in Monument Square around 10:30 a.m., the district reported. If a ship is coming, the convoy will have to wait for the Casco Bay Bridge operator to raise and

lower the drawbridge. "Boats trump traffic. Even, I'm told, if Santa Claus is on that tree, the tree will have to wait," said Ted Talbot, spokesman for the Maine Department of Transportation. "They will wait for any boat or ship or tugboat." Will Ethridge, events manager for the Portland Downtown District, said, "It's the first time that it's going to go over the Casco Bay Bridge, which is pretty exciting. ... The truck will be escorted, but no streets will be closed." City officials started a search for a tree within 15 miles of Portland, and "after a pretty exhaustive search up to Falmouth, Cape Elizabeth and South Portland, city arborist Jeff Tarling decided this

was the best one," Ethridge said. The tree will be lit with over 1,500 energy-conserving lightemitting diode, or LED, lights, donated by Efficiency Maine, during an annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 25 at 5:30 p.m. Produced by the Downtown District, the ceremony includes entertainment by Rick Charette and the Bubblegum Band and the Maine State Ballet. "A Make-A-Wish child will light the tree this year with help from a very special guest," the district reported. "The tree will be surrounded by a white picket fence making it the perfect place for downtown holiday photographs." For more information, visit

Police are searching for a man they say is responsible for breaking into the Mitpheap Market on Washington Avenue and walking off with batteries, cigarettes and the cash register. Surveillance cameras at the market, located at 63 Washington Ave., captured the suspect carrying a bag that police say was filled with an assortment of stolen goods from the shop. The man reportedly made off with cartons of cigarettes, batteries, phone cards, jewelry and a cash register, said Lt. Gary Rogers, a police spokesman. Rogers said the thief likely broke into the store by smashing his way through a glass window. A passerby who noticed the broken window flagged down officers shortly before 1:30 a.m. on Veteran’s Day, Rogers said. Police are reviewing surveillance video that they say could lead them to a suspect. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Portland Police Department at 874-8533 or text an anonymous tip from a mobile phone using keyword “GOTCHA” plus the message to 274637 (CRIMES).

Riverton Elementary principal’s laptop goes missing from office The principal of Riverton Elementary School reported her $1,000 laptop was swiped from her office sometime last week, police said. The Portland Police Department responded to a call reporting a theft Monday after the school principal, Jeanne Malia, said her computer went missing. Malia told police it was taken from her office sometime during the day on Nov. 9, police said. The computer was valued at $1,000, police said.

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