The Portland Daily Sun 11-4-11

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A voice for every Portlander Paid for by Carmona for Mayor, Vana Carmona, Treasurer, PO Box 15111, Portland, ME 04112


VOL. 3 NO. 195





Foods with marijuana to face higher tax Legislative action needed to align sales taxes on medical marijuana and foods prepared with it BY MAL LEARY CAPITOL NEWS SERVICE

AUGUSTA – Lawmakers decided that marijuana sold for medicinal purposes would be subject to the 5 percent state sales tax. But Maine Revenue Services has issued an opinion that prepared foods, like brownies, that include medical marijuana will be taxed at the higher 7 percent rate, and that has some questioning the ruling “It again shows how disconnected some people in the taxing department are from the general will of Maine people, “said Paul McCarrier, a board member of Medical Marijuana Caregivers of Maine. He said medical marijuana is just what it says it is a medicine and should not be taxed at all. McCarrier said for some individuals, eating foods that contain medical marijuana is the best way for them to use

Benefit planned for OccupyMaine Story on Page 7

Question 2 about more than just jobs Column on page 4

Is local food elitist? Column on page 4

the medicine. He said smoking or using vaporizers do not work for everyone and patients should not have to pay an extra tax in order to use medicinal marijuana. “Sometimes it is the best delivery method for people,” he said, “they can ingest it and it helps with their various pains and afflictions. For some people it is their only delivery means.” In 2009 Mainers passed a referendum allowing medical marijuana dispensaries with nearly sixty percent of the vote. The initiated bill was re-worked by a task force named by then Gov. John Baldacci and became law in 2010 with the first dispensaries being opened this year. Peter Beaulieu, Director of the Sales, Fuel and Special Tax Division at MRS said the policy question of taxing medical marijuana was settled by legislation. A provi-

sion of the law clearly states the sales tax exemption for medicine does not apply to medical marijuana. “It is MRS’s position that a food product containing medical marijuana is not a grocery staple because it is not ordinarily consumed for human nourishment,” Beaulieu wrote. “The food product being prepared is not for general consumption. It is primarily prepared as an alternative form of delivering the medical marijuana into the body.” He said for prepared foods with medical marijuana to be exempted from taxes would take legislative action. He stressed MRS is just interpreting current law. “I think we are going to have to take another look at this whole area,” said Rep. Meredith Strang-Burgess, R-Cumberland, see TAXES page 6

Office building proposed along Commercial St. Site must first be rezoned, a process that begins Nov. 8 BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

J.B. Brown & Sons wants the city to rezone a 10.6-acre parcel on West Commercial Street to allow for a mixed-use development. J.B. Brown doesn’t yet own the parcel, which is vacant except for some leftover railroad infrasture, but it is planning to complete the deal later this month, said Vin Veroneau, the company president. But before any development can move forward, the parcel needs to be rezoned to allow for non-marine uses — a process set to begin Nov. 8 with a planning board workshop at City Hall. The meeting is set for 3:30 p.m. The land in question runs along Commercial Street between Portland see OFFICE page 6

A concert and open jazz jam session, with sound system, piano and drum set, will be held tonight at the nonprofit Mayo Street Arts Center in support of OccupyMaine. Musicians are invited to come anytime between 8 and 10 p.m (see story on page 7). Above, OccupyMaine protesters in Monument Square during the Wednesday farmer’s market (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

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Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011

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Google Changes Search Algorithm, Trying to Make Results More Timely SAN FRANCISCO — Google, acknowledging that some searches were giving people stale results, revised its methods on Thursday to make the answers timelier. It’s one of the biggest tweaks ever to Google’s search algorithm, affecting about 35 percent of all searches made. The new algorithm is a recognition that Google, whose dominance depends on providing the most useful results, is being increasingly challenged by sites like Twitter and Facebook, which have trained people to expect to be constantly updated with secondsold news. It is also a reflection of how people are using the Web as a real-time news feed — that if, for example, you search for a baseball score, you probably want to find out the score of a game being played right now, not last week, which is what Google often gave you. “This is the result of them saying, ‘We need to find a way to more effectively get fresh content up,’” said Danny Sullivan, editor of Search Engine Land and an industry expert. “It does help with the issue of people thinking, ‘Wow, if I need to find out about something breaking I’ll go to Facebook or Twitter for that.’” Google tried before to create real-time search, in 2009, when it introduced google. com/realtime, a service that incorporated Twitter posts that Google paid Twitter to use. But that contract expired in July and the two companies could not agree on terms to renew it, so Google disabled the site. For Internet users who want the latest chatter about events happening now, Google competes with Facebook, Twitter and Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, which unlike Google, includes Twitter and Facebook posts in search results.

SAYWHAT... A radical inner transformation and rise to a new level of consciousness might be the only real hope we have in the current global crisis brought on by the dominance of the Western mechanistic paradigm.” — Stanislav Grof


3DAYFORECAST Today High: 47 Record: 74 (1987) Sunrise: 7:21 a.m. Tonight Low: 29 Record: 19 (2002) Sunset: 5:29 p.m.

Tomorrow High: 49 Low: 29 Sunrise: 7:22 a.m. Sunset: 5:27 p.m.

DOW JONES 208.43 to 12,044.47

Saturday High: 53 Low: 35

S&P 23.25 to 1,261.15

NASDAQ 57.99 to 2,697.97



“More than ever before, Americans are suffering from back problems: back taxes, back rent, back auto payments.” — Robert Orben

Friday High: 7:03 a.m., 7:23 p.m. Low: 12:43 a.m., 1:10 p.m. Saturday High: 7:59 a.m., 8:22 p.m. Low: 1:41 a.m., 2:09 p.m.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Greek leader calls off referendum on bailout plan BY RACHEL DONADIO AND NIKI KITSANTONIS THE NEW YIORK TIMES

ATHENS — After a tumultuous day of political gamesmanship, Prime Minister George A. Papandreou called off his plan to hold a referendum on Greece’s new loan deal with the European Union and vowed to continue in office despite rumors he would resign and growing pressure from within his own party to do so. In an address to his party’s central committee on Thursday evening, Mr. Papandreou said there was no need for a referendum now that the opposition New Democracy Party had said for the first time on Thursday that it would back the loan deal. Trying to capitalize on what appeared to be a major political coup, the prime minister invited that party to become “co-negotiators” on the new deal and later said that talks on a unity government should begin immediately. Addressing lawmakers late on Thursday, he also suggested that he would be willing to step aside so that others could form a unity government, but only if he wins a crucial confidence

vote on Friday. “I am not clinging to my seat,” he said. Earlier, the Greek opposition leader, Antonis Samaras, strongly rejected his overtures, accusing him of “deception” and paving the way for more political turmoil ahead. Mr. Papandreou’s decision to call off the referendum follows three days of political volleyball that plunged world markets into turmoil, shook Europe to its foundations and drove enraged European leaders to issue an ultimatum Wednesday demanding that Greece decide once and for all if it wanted to remain a part of the European Union. But after a day of political horse-trading on Thursday, the political storms and Byzantine maneuverings were looking less like momentous points of departure for Europe than hastily considered parliamentary maneuvers by a prime minister looking desperately for a way to shore up support with both his Socialist Party and the opposition — or to negotiate a graceful exit. As has happened so often before in the euro crisis, the fate of the entire European enterprise seemed to hinge on the

Prime Minister George A. Papandreou of Greece arrived for a cabinet meeting on Thursday in Athens (REUTERS/NEW YORK TIMES PHOTO)

political machinations of one of the union’s smallest members. There were reports late Thursday that Mr. Papandreou has already agreed to step down following Friday’s confidence vote. Reuters reported that the finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos, told him during a cabinet meeting Thursday that he had to resign for the good of the party, and that the prime minister did not resist the idea. He has offered no hint of that in public, saying he is simply trying to do what is best for

Greece, which is keeping it in the European Union and the euro. “The question was never about the referendum but about whether or not we are prepared to approve the decisions on Oct. 26,” he said, referring to the European Union debt deal, which wrote down Greece’s privately held debt by 50 percent, cutting Greece’s overall private and public sector debt burden by about 30 percent. He added, “What is at stake is our position in the E.U.”

Report: extreme poverty spikes in U.S. Extension unlikely BY SABRINA TAVERNISE THE NEW YIORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — The number of people living in neighborhoods of extreme poverty grew substantially, by one third, over the past decade, according to a new report, erasing most of the gains from the 1990’s when concentrated poverty declined. More than 10 percent of America’s poor now live in such neighborhoods, up from 9.1 percent in the beginning of the decade, an addition of more than 2 million people, according to the report by the Brookings Institution, an independent research group. Extreme poverty — defined as areas where at least 40 percent of the population lives below the federal poverty line, which in 2010, was $22,300 for a family of four — is still below its 1990 level, when 14 percent of poor people lived in such areas.

The report analyzed Census Bureau income data from 2000 to 2009, the most recent year for which there is comprehensive data. The data captures the first part of the decade most clearly, when growth in concentrated poverty was highest in metropolitan areas in the Midwest. Of the neighborhoods where poverty became most acute, three were Midwestern: Toledo, Youngstown and Detroit. The report estimated that in metropolitan areas, worsening economic conditions in 2010 may have bumped up the portion of those living in concentrated poverty metro areas to 15 percent, a notch below the 1990 level, 16.5 percent. The biggest rises were in Sun Belt areas like Cape Coral, Fla., and Fresno, Calif., where the housing bust was biggest. The Census Bureau’s traditional measure of poverty tends to overstate poverty for some groups, because it

does not take into account noncash government assistance for the poor, like food stamps and the earned income tax credit. Those programs lift millions of people above the poverty line. The measure of concentrated poverty came into broad public use among academics in the 1960’s, when civil unrest, the decline of blue-collar jobs and the flight to the suburbs, left swaths of American cities stranded in deep poverty. Academics argued that residents of such areas were stuck in a cycle of joblessness, poor schools, broken families and high crime that led to worse outcomes “It’s the toughest, most malignant poverty that we have in the United States,” said Peter Edelman, the director of the Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy at Georgetown University. “It’s bad outcomes reinforcing each other.”

for deficit panel WASHINGTON — The Senate Republican leader said Thursday that he saw no possibility of extending the deadline for a powerful joint committee of Congress to recommend ways of reducing the federal budget deficit. The panel is struggling to find ways to cut future deficits by at least $1.2 trillion over 10 years and is supposed to vote on its final recommendations by Nov. 23. In an interview, the Republican leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said: “This is a deadline that can’t be missed. I don’t think the deadline can be or will be extended. I think we need to get a result.” Mr. McConnell said the law establishing the committee was written “in such a way to make it almost impossible to change the deadline.” And he added, “You would have to pass a new law for this deadline to be changed.” Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat, said Wednesday — in response to a question — that the committee could seek an extension of time if it was unable to meet its deadline, just three weeks off. Mr. Hoyer did not suggest that the committee should or should not seek more time. — The New York Times

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 3


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Voter rebellion over medical marijuana, petition drive challenges ban BY JESSE MCKINLEY THE NEW YORK TIMES

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Kern County is not exactly the kind of place where you would expect a voter rebellion, what with its conservative rural residents, its live-off-the-land values and its almost unshakable devotion to the Republican Party. But over the last several months, Kern County — located 60 miles north of Los Angeles and as far as it can get from San Francisco — has become the scene of a civil war of sorts over an issue, medical marijuana, whose supporters are often of a more liberal stripe. At stake is a controversial new law — passed unanimously in August by the county’s all-Republican Board of Supervisors — which would have effectively shut many of the three dozen or so medical marijuana dispensaries in the county. But a funny thing happened on the way to the ban: a group of medical marijuana advocates started a petition drive to challenge it, calling for a referendum on the law, something that could happen as soon as next year. In the meantime, the law is on hold. And while such an effort is nearly unheard of in Kern — perhaps the first time in modern memory that anyone can recall a board-passed law being so challenged — it is not the only place in California, the original medical marijuana state, where local regulation is meeting opposition. Laws passed in several other counties and cities have also been the subject of referendum movements, something permitted by California state law. In San Jose, for example, advocates for medical marijuana filed tens of thousands of signatures on Friday to try to force a vote on a new law that would have regulated dispensaries there, a development that Mayor Chuck Reed said could cost his cashstrapped city — facing a $100 million deficit next year — sorely needed finances to mount an election. “It’s definitely not a small number,” Mr. Reed said. “But that’s the choice we’ll have to make.” At the same time, some state officials in California are also increasingly perplexed about mixed signs from the federal authorities, who still view marijuana as illegal under federal law despite legislation in more than a dozen states allowing the drug’s medical use. The strongest indication of recent federal disapproval came in early October, when four United States attorneys in California said they would crack down on dozens of dispensaries — which sell

Lora Manlugot, left, helped Caydee Shelton and Elizabeth Robison, right, at a medical marijuana collective, Sweet Relief, in Oildale, Calif. Local advocates have started a petition drive to keep medical marijuana legal in Kern County, Calif. (NY TIMES/JIM WILSON PHOTO)

marijuana to anyone with a doctor’s recommendation — saying that many are operating as large-scale drug-selling operations, not medically minded collectives, as required by state law. And while state officials here admit that the current model of distribution is subject to manipulation by those simply wanting to buy marijuana for recreational use, they argue that the federal threats are endangering those who truly need it. “If there are abuses we should deal with those, but this is not the way to do it,” said Tom Ammiano, a state assemblyman from San Francisco, who called the federal threats thuggish. “I expect any day now for a droid to come down on some poor dispensary in Fresno or something and obliterate the people.” The two men at the heart of the battle over the Kern County ordinance have similar backgrounds — both with years of law enforcement experience — but with very different attitudes about California’s landmark medical marijuana law, Proposition 215, which was passed by voters in 1996. On one side is Sheriff Donny Youngblood, a former Army drill sergeant, who has made it very clear that he thinks the way Proposition 215 is being used now is a “sham” that flies the face of not only federal statutes, but also of common decency. “It’s not just a legal stand,” Sheriff Youngblood said. “It’s really a moral stand.” On the other extreme is Robert Wade, a narcotics officer turned entrepreneur, who says being laid off led him to open a medical marijuana dis-

pensary and clinic last year, an operation that now brings him a six-figure salary in what he calls “one of the few

growing industries in this country.” “Five years ago, I was living the American dream,” said Mr. Wade. “Now, I’m living the American dream, just in a different avenue.” Mr. Wade is just one of several dispensary owners and supporters who helped finance a movement to collect the 17,000 signatures — sometimes at booths in front of Wal-Mart — needed to put the new law to a vote. Those petitions were turned in early September, temporarily suspending the law’s implementation. The county board is now considering its next step, but a referendum could come as soon as next spring. And while the biggest block of Kern’s 310,000 registered voters are Republicans, national drug reformers say the vote here could be an indication of what they feel is increasing bi-partisan support for medical marijuana. “For Kern, as a red county, to step up and say, ‘Wait a minute,’ I think that would really resonate,” said Ethan Nadelmann, the executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which lobbies for more liberal drug laws.

November 12th, 2011 9:00 a.m. – Preview at 7:30 a.m.

Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011

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There’s a lot at ‘stake’ with Question 2 I had a lovely conversation yesterday with one of our most loyal and complimentary readers who, when the stars are properly aligned, I meet up with at the last delivery of the morning in Payson Park. I asked her what is now in Portland the question of the hour, “How are you ranking the mayor race?” She told me she wasn’t sure, and asked my opinion. I went over my feelings of my personal “top five.” We both agreed the Civic Center was a colossal waste of money, and that what little the state legislature could accomplish this year in the form of a voter registration over-haul should be left to stand. Then came question 2. Like most Portlanders I’ve ––––– spoken to, she was against Ayuh! voting to allow a replacement for the old, decrepit Scarborough Downs to be built in Biddeford, which along with it would come the preservation of the generations-old harness horse racing industry in the state and, oh yeah, slot machines. And when it came to gambling, I could see her point. We all feel Maine is better than having to allow cheap Atlantic City-like amusements to raise a few bucks, and

Jeff Spofford

see AYUH! page 5

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, You may FAX your letters to 899-4963, Attention: Editor.

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 181 State Street, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5801 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 15,100 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

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Is local food elitist? I’m not a jingoist, but I’d prefer that more of my food came from America. It’d be even better, really, if most of it came from within a few hundred miles of where we live. We’d be more secure and better served, and our land would be better used. And I’d feel prouder, as if we had a food culture rather than a food fetish. The Farm Bill [PDF], which is currently under negotiation for renewal — and is dangerously close to being pushed through without real debate — needs to address this issue head-on. But by subsidizing commodities, the existing bill (and food policy in general), pushes things in precisely the opposite direction. The vast majority of our farmland grows corn (we’re the world’s largest producer), soy and wheat, and these, along with meat and dairy, make us net exporters of foodstuffs. Incredibly, however, we are net importers of fruits and vegetables, foods that our land is capable of growing in abundance and once did. Most of our imports are from Mexico, Chile and Canada, but fresh fruits and especially vegetables are shipped here from all over the world, with significant quanti-

Mark Bittman ––––– The New York Times ties coming from as far away as India, China and Thailand. And those imports are growing. This is just plain embarrassing. Global trade is the norm, but for a country that likes to think of itself as the world’s leader in agriculture, to be unable to supply its own fruits and vegetables is pathetic. An older (2007) but likely still valid U.S.D.A. report [PDF] showed that if Americans were to meet the dietary recommendations for fruit and vegetables, we’d need to more than double our fruit and vegetable acreage. (We also must avoid the Santa Barbara syndrome. There, in one of our top fruitand vegetable-producing counties, as much food is shipped in as is shipped out, and nearly half the people have trouble affording food.) Of course we grow enough corn to feed not only us but many of the world’s hungry (it is a whole grain, after all, when it’s minimally

processed), but the majority of that corn is fed to animals and automobiles, and almost all of the rest produces junk food. What’s wrong with this picture? The notion of importing fruits and vegetables, the idea of having everything “fresh” all the time, was until recently inconceivable and is likely to become so again, as production and transportation costs rise and the absurdity of the “system” becomes evident even to those who now profit from it. When we ignore large-scale production of local food we invite apocalypse, or at least food shortages. By creating a perverted norm, in which everything is always everywhere and little is seasonal, we have ceased to rely upon staples: long-keeping foods like grains, beans and root vegetables, foods that provide nutrition when summer greens, fruits and vegetables aren’t readily available. We expect a steady supply of “fresh” Peruvian asparagus, Canadian tomatoes, South African apples, Dutch peppers and Mexican broccoli. Those who believe they’re entitled to eat any food any time seem to think see BITTMAN page 5

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 5

The overblown Islamist threat BY MARWAN MUASHER THE NEW YIORK TIMES Op-Ed Contributor

Tunisia’s election last month, in which the Islamist party Ennahda claimed more than 40 percent of the seats in the national assembly, reinforced the conventional wisdom that Islamists will be the biggest beneficiaries of the Arab Spring. Held down for years by autocratic regimes, so the argument goes, Islamists will be able to exploit their popularity in new elections and ultimately gain control. This raises fears among secular leaders in the region and in Western capitals. The West wants to pretend that Islamist parties don’t really exist. This won’t work. Political Islam will not go away because the West ignores it; Islamist parties will, however, become more moderate if they are included in government. Islamists are unlikely to take over new governments in the Arab world, and seeking to prevent Islamist parties from participating in governance would actually be counterproductive for several reasons. First, Islamists are not stupid. Arab countries face daunting challenges and whoever governs them will need to tackle tremendous political and economic problems. Islamists don’t want to be blamed for the mess. In Tunisia, Ennahda has made it clear that it’s uninterested in ruling the country alone. Second, Islamists are not as popular as Western pundits and policy makers think. Political Islam benefited from closed authoritarian systems throughout the Arab world because there was no

alternative; they were the only viable political opposition. Although Islamists in Egypt and Jordan enjoy no more than 15 to 20 percent of the popular vote, they are seen to have much wider influence on the street. Regimes couldn’t totally crack down on Islamists given the power of the mosques, so people unhappy with the status quo tended to cast protest votes in favor of Islamist parties. Now there are other options and new political parties will take some of the opposition votes away from Islamists. Third, the vast majority of protesters are not seeking to replace autocratic regimes with religious theocracies. Arabs — especially the young people and secular liberals who poured into the streets earlier this year — are not going to be satisfied with hardline ideological regimes. Islam as a solution is not enough for them; people want jobs and better lives and will demand results. Moderate Arab countries like Jordan have included Islamists in governments in the past. When Islamists were brought into the Jordanian government in 1990, they tried to introduce segregation between fathers and their daughters at school events. This backfired and citizens simply refused to go along with it. Jordan’s Islamists quickly backed down and dropped the demand. Political inclusion, it turned out, had a moderating effect on Islamists. Islamists have proved to be no better or worse than any other party in government. The best way to deal with Islamist parties, therefore, is to include them in government and hold them accountable. In Tunisia, Ennahda has already said that it

will respect personal rights and that the veil is a woman’s choice. Ennahda understands that it can’t ignore the secular part of the electorate. If the party wants to be as successful in Tunisia’s next election after a new constitution has been written, it knows it needs to present moderate views. Over the next few years, other parties will have a chance to develop in Tunisia and Islamists are likely to get a lower percentage of the vote next time around. They will start winning votes in relation to their actual strength on the ground. While they may be part of leading coalitions in various countries, they are unlikely to gain power outright in any country. In order to ensure peaceful political competition between Islamists and other political parties, the new Arab democracies need to enshrine two principles in their new constitutions: pluralism and a peaceful political landscape that is free of armed groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Pluralism would ensure that neither Islamists nor anyone else could come to power and then deny the right of political organization to others. And peaceful transfers of power are essential for any stable democracy. Countries in transition have no choice but to open up the political system. Excluding and marginalizing Islamists out of fear will only strengthen their appeal. Marwan Muasher, the former foreign minister and deputy prime minister of Jordan, is vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

A ‘yes on 2’ vote will help Biddeford residents gain employment AYUH! from page 4

that was her concern as well. But there are so many things at stake that are all loaded into this referendum. The issue of whether or not there should be gambling isn’t one of them. We’ve been there and done that when we voted to allow a casino to be built up in the boonies last year. I’ve grown to hate the word “jobs.” It’s the catchphrase for everything politics that will come to define “empty promises” by the time the politicians that abuse the word get into office to find they’re powerless and incapable of creating them. So for question 2, I’ll use the term “employment,” which is what a yes vote to question 2 will provide not just to the 300ish people working at the new Biddeford Downs or the hundreds of construction people it will take to build it, but the thousands of people that are supported by the harness racing industry the ‘evil’ slots that come with question 2 are designed to prop-up. A trip to the horse barns on the back lot of Scar-

borough Downs helps tell the story. There you will find hard working Maine families, their children in tow, tending to their horses. Horsemen, representing farms and thousands of acres of open farmland across our state, are there working at the site daily, not knowing whether they will have a job next year. Farmers that mow hay, employees at feed stores, blacksmiths and horse trainers are also at the edge of their saddles. It’s been argued that the owners of Scarborough Downs could build a new racetrack in Biddeford anyway. “They’re already operating a race track without slot machines now, so if they want a new facility, build it!” That’s a fair take for people who haven’t been to Scarborough Downs lately. With both off-track betting and just an overall dying interest in the sport, a Sunday race might attract one hundred people maximum. The grandstand at the Downs, once filled with people on a race day, stands deserted now as horses race by. To preserve the industry, the farms and the farmers in this state, they need another way to draw people in.

The median 55 year old female slot demographic, skipping a trip to Cumby’s for their Maine State Lottery scratch tickets and hauling their husbands to the track, is just the ticket, pun intended. Without that influx of people, a new facility would be almost as senseless as trying to keep the current one open and once the Scarborough property, up for sale, eventually is sold; sold-out and out-of-business will be the tradition that is harness racing in Southern Maine. Not only will the jobs created by establishing a new resort facility be lost, but ones that have existed for generations. All this, because some of us Portlanders would never dream of pulling the lever of a slot machine and think that no one else should either. Let’s help people in Biddeford gain employment and preserve the harness racing industry across our state with a ‘yes’ vote on question 2. Let’s get those scratchers to skip buying a ticket, take the Grand Marquis down to Biddeford, pull a lever and maybe watch a race or two. Cumby’s will do just fine.

There’s something more important to fear: when the food imports stop BITTMAN from page 4

that predominantly local agriculture is an elitist plot to “force” a more limited diet upon us. But there’s something far more important to fear: that when imports stop we won’t have the food to replace them, nor the farmers to grow that food. Besides, how limited was the old-fashioned diet of long-keeping fruits and vegetables (I can think of 20 in a few seconds), preserves like jams and sauerkraut (and kimchi!), and smoked or salted meats? Make that contemporary with the addition of those regional and national foods we freeze or can — every vegetable you can think of, many if not most fruits, a great deal of meat and fish — and you have essentially the diet you’re eating now. It may not be perfectly “fresh,” but it could be at least semi-local.

This kind of approach — grow what you can close to where you live and eat what you can grow — is obviously nothing new. (Even in my lifetime, I can remember seeing asparagus only in late spring, Macintosh apples in the fall and Empire apples — long keepers — through the winter.) What’s new is the lack of farmland, because much has been lost to sprawl or commodity crops, and farmers who can make it happen, farmers working on a scale between sustenance and industrial. It’s not backward-thinking to believe that this way is better; rather, it’s insane to think that abandoning regional agriculture is clever. Of course there are cultural reasons for wanting and adoring local food; your cuisine is part of your roots, even if your roots feed many trees, as they do here. Seasonality gives us reasons to cel-

ebrate what winter asparagus and spring apples cannot. But philosophical factors aside, wouldn’t you prefer to eat food that came from, say, your state, or one nearby? Or at least from within our national borders? Food you can touch, grown at farms you can visit? If our auto industry can have a renaissance, why can’t our fruit-and-vegetable production? We’ve seen that nothing is guaranteed: not energy, not water, not the financial system, not even the climate. Our food supply isn’t guaranteed either (remember 2008?), but it’s more likely to provide us with security if we focus more on regional agriculture and less on trade. For the new farm bill to serve us, it must address the issue of encouraging more farmers to produce more staples.

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011

Pot brownies face a 7 percent sales tax, medical marijuna at 5 percent TAXES from page one

co-chair of the legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee. She said the fact that medical marijuana is taxed at all has concerned her. She said it was not really discussed in any depth because it was part of the bill as submitted to implement the dispensary law voters had approved at referendum. “My personal opinion is that it should not be taxed,” said Rep. Deborah Sanderson, R- Chelsea. “If they were just making brownies as a snack, that’s one thing, but this is a way to deliver medicine. For many, this may be the only option because they can’t or do not want to smoke marijuana.” She said the ruling by Revenue Services does not seem logical to her because they are confusing a food product with medicine. She was the sponsor of legislation passed earlier this year that made several changes to the current law allowing dispensaries. “I would hope we could get legislation in this session to address this, “she said. “This really isn’t fair.” Rep. Anne Haskell, D-Portland, served on the task force two years ago that drafted the dispensary legislation following the referendum vote. She does not remember any discus-

“My personal opinion is that it should not be taxed,” said Rep. Deborah Sanderson, R- Chelsea. “If they were just making brownies as a snack, that’s one thing, but this is a way to deliver medicine. sion of taxing food used to deliver medical marijuana. “There was not much discussion of taxing medical marijuana at all, “she said, “it was in the bill and we had a lot of issues to resolve in not a lot of time.” Haskell agrees the legislature should consider the issue and agrees the taxing of a food because it is being used to deliver a medicine seems strange to her. “I think of the brownie as simply the delivery method, much as encapsulating a pill so you can swallow the powder you need to swallow, “she said. Haskell hopes legislative leaders would consider allowing a bill to be considered in January on the issue because lawmakers did not know of the Maine Revenue Services opinion before the deadline to submit bill requests.

J.B. Brown has option to buy parcel OFFICE from page one

Star Match Co. and Benny’s Fried Clams. The parcel is on the inland side of Commercial Street, not along the waterfront, and includes sections with a steep incline leading up toward Danforth Street in the city’s West End. Rezoning is being requested only on about 8.5 acres. The remaining land will retail its residential zoning, said Bill Needleman, a senior planner for the city. The land is currently owned by Pan Am Systems, a railroad operator, although J.B. Brown has an option to buy it. Veroneau said the company has received inquiries over the years about building something on the land, but hasn’t moved forward with any because the projects were not allowed under the current zoning, which is limited mostly to marine uses. Final decisions about what gets built on the parcel will be largely based on whether the city approves the zone change and who the tenant is, he said. “We’re not sure what the ultimate development of the site will be,” he said yesterday. “Market demand will determine what is actually developed there within the confines of the zoning.” He added, “The first step is to get the zoning changed on the property to allow us to develop it” once a tenant comes along. Veroneau said the company would not begin construction without a tenant in place. Needleman said the company has submitted a conceptual plan to the

city that calls for a three- to four-story building with about 60,000 square feet of office space. However, he said the company can submit new plans for the site at any time as long as the proposal meets the zoning. Needleman said a second development phase could also be added to the property sometime in the future.

Concerns about the city’s decision to hold a workshop on Election Day Jo Coyne, a Salem Street resident who heard about the project from a neighbor, said yesterday she was concerned that the first public unveiling of the project was happening on Election Day. “I don’t know much about the project itself,” she said, adding, “my main concern is that the city shouldn’t be scheduling meetings on Election Day.” Needleman said Tuesday’s meeting was just a workshop, and that no decisions would take place then. He said a subsequent public hearing would likely take place a month or so later. The city council has final say on rezoning issues. The planning board’s role it so issue an advisory to the council. J.B. Brown is one of the city’s largest property owners and already owns the Star Match Co. site. The company is named for John Bundy Brown, an industrialist who made his fortune manufacturing brown sugar in Portland in the 1800s, according to its website.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 7

Benefit concert tonight at Mayo Street Arts supports OccupyMaine protesters THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

play.” Facebook is one of primary ways OccupyMaine communicates (many of its solicitations for donated clothing and winter supplies came through the social-networking site). Schreiber found it indispensable. “It took me a year to embrace it, but once I did. …” he said, trailing off in amazement. “It’s so easy to communicate. If I had done this the oldfashioned way, it would have taken 20 hours of phone calls. ... Through Facebook, I knew within three hours that I could pull it off.” McGough, founder and executive director of Mayo Street Arts, said she has followed the Occupy movement, particularly since Maine’s encampment is a few blocks from the center. Tonight’s fund raiser was rapidly organized, she agreed. “Things just gained momentum, so it was decided, why not?” she said. Holly Seeliger, a representative from Occupy Maine, and Professor Ronald Schmidt will give brief 5- to 10-minute talks at 8:10 and 9:10 p.m. to inform the audience what Occupy Maine is, what they are doing, what they need and how the citizenry can get involved, Schreiber said. Cover charge is $10. Proceeds will go to OccupyMaine. For details, visit

A benefit concert for OccupyMaine comes together, with help from Facebook had a house rhythm section (Ben Laufer on Piano, Ken Lloyd on accoustic bass and yours truly, Rob Schreiber, on drums) for an organized jam session with some of the best jazz talent in the state — pianists Emmett Harrity and Sam Chandler, Guitarists Tony Gaboury, Mark Dennis and Lincoln Allen, and vocalist Hannah Kramer. Vocalist Dorie Barnes and saxophonist Jason St. Pierre may attend as well. “Needless to say, there will be a lot of good music with those that have committed to



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Jazz is free flowing, improvisational, often unpredictable. That’s the music that will play tonight in support of the OccupyMaine movement, a protest movement that’s unpredictable and free flowing in its own right. An anti-corporate protest movement that migrated first from Monument Square to Lincoln Park is now in the midst of donation drives and solicitations for materials so campers can prepare for the onset of winter. Tonight’s benefit will be an open jazz jam session, with sound system, piano and drumset available at the nonprofit Mayo Street Arts Center. Musicians are invited to come anytime between 8 and 10 p.m. “Simply put, I wanted to do something to support Occupy Maine,” said Rob Schreiber, organizer of the 8 p.m. benefit jazz concert. “I taught personal finance at Southern Maine Community College and saw how hard my students worked to be in school only to face an uncertain future in the workplace where wages have stagnated or declined the last 30 years.” A Democratic primary candidate for the Maine Senate, District 7, Schreiber lives in South Portland and advocates for a variety of causes, including conservation and green

building. He also has brought supplies to the OccupyMaine camp in Lincoln Park and said he appreciated how difficult a winter vigil could become. Organizing the benefit concert proved to be easier than expected in the age of Facebook. “This was much easier to organize than I thought,” he said in an email message to the Sun. “I simply Facebook-messaged the Mayo Street Arts Center, and Blainor (McGough, center director) messaged me back with a date and her number! Then I invited all the musicians I knew and quickly

Pizza - Pasta - Parmagiana - Espresso - Cannoli - Steak


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SUNDAYS 9am-3pm

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011

Two candidates vie for term as Portland Water District trustee BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

One of the city’s four seats on the Portland Water District’s Board of Trustees will appear on the upcoming election ballot, and two Portland residents — one a former educator, the other a contractor — are campaigning to fill the position. The 11-member board maintains Greater Portland’s treatment plant and pump stations, 1,000 miles of pipe and approves policies and water rates. Trustees are elected to five-year terms. The city seat is being vacated by trustee David Margolis-Pineo. Bradford Cleaves and John Safarik both say they have the knowledge and experience to represent Portland’s interests serving on the board that manages the Portland Water District.

Safarik, a retired computer programmer and former educator, said his focus as a trustee would center on maintaining what is already in place, and protecting it furCleaves ther down the line. “We’ve got a really good water supply and I’d like to see it stay that way,” Safarik said. “This area is blessed with an abundance of good water and I think that allows us to take if for granted.” Safarik explained he’s concerned about a rising suburban population

and preventing any commercial extraction of the area’s valuable resource. If elected, he said he plans to ensure the water supply is reliable and safe, first and foremost. “ W e ’ r e Safarik blessed with it but we shouldn’t be too complacent. I think the board should be a powerful watchdog,” he said. “People should be involved with civic decisions (and) I’m concerned about the long term.” Cleaves, a contractor and president and chief financial officer of D & C Construction Co., is campaigning on

his extensive work with infrastructure repair and maintenance. “That’s what we specialize in,” he said, adding, “My biggest focus would be on making sure that the Casco Bay watershed remains intact.” He explained his company has worked with hundreds of municipalities and said his background of more than 25 years of water, wastewater and alternative energy products experience makes him a knowledgeable source on the issues. “Also, trying to keep things in budget is a big issues,” said Cleaves, adding that he would bring “common sense business experience” to the position if elected. The trustees meet twice a month and monitor water infrastructure and manage rate increases. The election is Tuesday, Nov. 8.

City committee urges broad discussion on plastic bag usage BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

An outgoing City Council subcommittee wants its successors to continue the discussion next year on whether to regulate plastic bag usage within Portland. Members of the Energy and Environmental Sustainability Committee agreed Thursday night to recommend that the next committee keep the discussion moving forward. They

suggested the new committee members foster a broader discussion on how to best cut down on the number of plastic bags used by Portlanders. “(We should) have, at least, a roundtable discussion … and see where there might be some common ground,” Councilor Ed Suslovic said. The subcommittee concluded its final meeting Thursday before the upcoming elections, after which point a new mayor will decide which councilors will serve on the new subcom-

Benefit Arabic Dance Party With music provided by ALHAN Middle Eastern Music Ensemble & Jamileh performing the classical Egyptian Belly Dance. With teachers on hand, we’ll learn the simple dakbe dance together. It’s fun and invigorating for everyone…singles as well as the entire family!

Saturday Nov. 5, 2011, 7 p.m. Woodford’s Club 179 Woodford Street, Portland Adults $15 • Seniors & Students $8 • Under 12 free Discounts available to families We know these are difficult times economically No one will be turned away (pay what you can) Proceeds go to The Middle East Children’s Alliance Project to bring clean, safe drinking water to the children of Gaza.

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Sponsored by Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights For further information: 207-239-8060;

mittee. “I wanted the discussion to continue,” said Councilor Dave Marshall, the chairman of the subcommittee. “It should be a discussion about plastic bags and how we can curb the usage.” Marshall introduced the item on Thursday’s agenda, however there was no additional debate on the topic aside from agreeing that future talks should take place. The issue arose during the committee’s regular October when they were

given a presentation by a member of the Surfrider Foundation, a California group dedicated to clean oceans and beaches. Mathew Faulker, a volunteer with the group, gave a brief presentation last month outlining the negative impacts of plastic bags. He said plastic bags often end up in waterways and do not biodegrade over time. Also, he said that only about 10 percent of plastic bags ever get recycled. see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 9

Cain campaign lashes out at Rick Perry, but shifts message again BY MICHAEL D. SHEAR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Herman Cain lashed out again on Thursday at his accusers, his rivals and the news media, plunging back into the sexual harassment controversy swirling around his presidential campaign and casting himself as a victim of “gutter politics.” Just hours earlier, Mr. Cain’s chief of staff took a more conciliatory tone, backing away from accusations that Rick Perry‘s campaign had been responsible for leaking the allegations to the news media. But in a 30-minute interview on Sean Hannity‘s radio program, Mr. Cain returned to the confrontational tone that he had adopted earlier in the week. He accused Politico, which broke the story, of not having documentation for it. He accused the lawyer for one of his accusers of seeking fame. And he repeated his charge that Mr. Perry’s supporters were trying to undermine his campaign. “He’s out there trying to stir up some stuff because he’s out there trying to get famous and make some money,” Mr. Cain said of the lawyer, Joel P. Bennett. Asked whether he still thought Mr. Perry’s campaign planted the report, he said, “Let’s just say, there aren’t enough breadcrumbs that we can lay down that leads us anywhere else at this point in time.” Mr. Cain’s long interview with Mr. Hannity revealed an angry and frustrated candidate who railed against what he said was the unfairness of his treatment by reporters, especially compared with how they covered Barack Obama in the 2008 campaign. “They gave him a pass. They had a vested interest in having a liberal president,” Mr. Cain said. “He turned out to be the first African-American president — was a failed president.” Facing daily developments suggesting that more women had charged that he harassed them, Mr. Cain forcefully reasserted his innocence and accused the women of lying about their interactions with him. “I learned a long time ago that unless I am really, really comfortable with a fellow employee, unless I know them well enough to know they won’t take it the wrong way,” he would not compliment a female colleague or tell her that she looked nice, Mr. Cain said. In response to an Associated Press report that he

Discussion on plastic bags will likely have to wait until next year

had asked a woman up to his corporate apartment, Mr. Cain confirmed that he did have an apartment near National Airport in Washington. But he said he never invited a colleague up there. “I had an apartment near the airport because I traveled so much,” he said. “This is absolutely fabrication, man.” He accused Chris Wilson, a former pollster for the National Restaurant Association, of lying when he said he had witnessed an incident between Mr. Cain and a woman at the association. He noted that Mr. Wilson now works for a political action committee that backs Mr. Perry. “For him to say stuff like that, there again, where’s the documentation? Where’s the proof?” he said. “They don’t have any. It’s just another attempt to keep us distracted. As of today, we are back on message, and we are going to stay on message.” Mr. Wilson declined to comment. John Harris, the editor of Politico, said in a statement that his organi-

Italian Wine Tasting! FRIDAY, NOV. 4TH • 6-8PM Whites



Live Jazz

from preceding page

He described how a handful of U.S. communities, including San Francisco and Washington, D.C., and numerous countries, have adopted regulations that charge consumers a fee for plastic bags. In Ireland, the fee is 15 cents per bag; in Washington, it’s 5 cents. Reaction to Faulkner’s presentation and his suggestion that the city implement some sort of bag fee was mixed, and proposals to regulate or ban plastic bags in the city went nowhere during the meeting. Councilors agreed last night that stakeholders would include local business and business groups, as well as the Surfrider Foundation. They suggested that the next subcommittee form a round table discussion — not a standing task force that would meet regularly over a period of time.

zation “did review documents, as the story said.” “We declined a request from the Cain campaign to share those documents,” he continued, “as I would a request from anyone asking for our ... materials.” Mr. Harris added: “The Cain campaign is not aware of who we talked to. We are not in position to tell them who our sources are.” Mr. Bennett responded in an interview Thursday night. “With respect to fame, I have turned down numerous instances of appearing on television shows,” he said. He added that he was not charging his client for the hundreds of calls and e-mails he had received. “My client didn’t release this information. She didn’t seek publicity,” he said. “I am trying to help her, having represented her previously.” Meanwhile, a “super PAC” backing Mr. Cain’s campaign released a video on Thursday casting Mr. Cain as the victim of a “high-tech lynching” like that of Justice Clarence Thomas.

by Brian Callaghan



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by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis to stop the ruckus. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll be excited about teaching others what you know. You’ll move quickly and say much. Your “students” will absorb it, too, because you’re all on the same page. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll get serious about a goal. This is the part where the rubber meets the road. You realize that you are in a competition, and you have the instinct to get ahead. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You don’t know whether a person has the integrity to follow through on what he or she promised, and that is disconcerting. A clear communication channel will give you the best shot. Also, make a backup plan. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’re not looking for a quick fix or a comforting cliche. You want to live a great life, and that means accepting the complexities and moving forward anyway. Your faults may also be your best assets in the fight. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You have something in common with the Japanese goddess Okame. When the sun went into hiding and the world went dark, it was Okame’s wild dance that brought back the light. Your exuberance will save the day. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 4). You’ll engage life with full participation. This month you’ll change one physical habit -- perhaps dietary -- and this kicks off a wave of good fortune. Your commitment to positive thinking will jump-start your career in a different and improved direction at the start of 2012. A relationship will be healed in June. Libra and Leo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 20, 1, 24 and 18.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You don’t want to exhaust yourself chasing down every small lead that comes your way. You also don’t want to wait around for the big ship that may or may not come in. You’ll focus on the juiciest, most appealing job you see. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you are too aware of what a person can or can’t do for you, it will be challenging to loosen up and have fun. Better to assume that your contacts can’t do anything for you and think instead about what you might do for them. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You enter into friendship cautiously. You may even be feeling shy. But once the ice is cracked, you’ll become gregarious, sharing and interacting all day long. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You may feel like you are recovering from hurt feelings, as well you are. You may also be ignoring a certain person until you have fully recovered. You’ll come back to this person when you’re ready to talk unemotionally. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll be directing social happenings, and you want to prevent anyone from feeling uncomfortable or slighted. You’ll investigate matters of protocol and try to adopt the best method for your situation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You will look for a pattern in events so as not to be surprised at what is to come. Mostly, you will be able to accurately predict the next wave. Mostly... LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You feel older than all the people around you, or at least a lot more mature. You’ll stand back and watch them squabble like children on a playground. You may even have to blow a proverbial whistle

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011

1 4 9 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 29 34 35 36 37 38

ACROSS Scottish “no” Painful throbs Hoodlum Counts up Make a frog’s noise Ascend Painful spot Isle near Naples Daredevil __ Knievel Invoice Flower gardens Drinks slowly __ the line; obey Tiny bag of potpourri In need of ironing Miscalculated “__ by any other name...” “You __ My Sunshine” Like fine wine Kate or Jaclyn

3 4 5

63 64 65

Glasgow native Clean the floor Stage setting Napped leather Moving furtively Smaller Wynonna, to Ashley Daytime serial Narrow cut __ steel; tableware material Wisk rival __ to; because of Half-pints At any time Raised strip Yellowish-brown wood Cruel Look of contempt Pig’s home

1 2

DOWN Arrest Tumults

31 32 33

39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 51 56 57 58 60 61 62

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30

Blue-pencil Take willingly Studies at the eleventh hour Actress Lange Make money Jumpy Emcee Alex __ Bee colony __ up; spent Hardens Reduced sharply, as prices __ up; bound Dollar bill Stitched joinings Odorless gas found in the air Thin pancake Squeeze liquid from Learn by __; memorize Shoe tie-ups Eat away at Talk out of

35 38 39 41

Word of assent Shears Have an inkling Glide down the slopes 42 Make airtight 44 Toward the rear of a ship 45 No __; not any more

47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 59

Burn Flower stalk Not taped Concept Bed size Assistant Takes to court Tiff Firmament

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Friday, Nov. 4, the 308th day of 2011. There are 57 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Nov. 4, 1991, Ronald Reagan opened his presidential library in Simi Valley, Calif., with a dedication attended by President George H.W. Bush and former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford and Richard Nixon the firstever gathering of five past and present U.S. chief executives. On this date: In 1884, Democrat Grover Cleveland was elected to his first term as president, defeating Republican James G. Blaine. In 1922, the entrance to King Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered in Egypt. In 1924, Nellie T. Ross of Wyoming was elected the nation’s first female governor to serve out the remaining term of her late husband, William B. Ross. In 1939, the United States modified its neutrality stance in World War II, allowing “cash and carry” purchases of arms by belligerents, a policy favoring Britain and France. In 1942, during World War II, Axis forces retreated from El Alamein in North Africa in a major victory for British forces commanded by Lt. Gen. Bernard Montgomery. In 1979, the Iran hostage crisis began as militants stormed the United States Embassy in Tehran, seizing its occupants; for some, it was the start of 444 days of captivity. In 1980, Ronald Reagan won the White House as he defeated President Jimmy Carter by a strong margin. In 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli minutes after attending a festive peace rally. In 2008, Democrat Barack Obama was elected the first black president of the United States, defeating Republican John McCain. One year ago: Australian airline Qantas grounded all six of its Airbus A380 superjumbo jets after one of them blew out an engine over Indonesia; the plane made a safe emergency return to Singapore with 469 people aboard. Today’s Birthdays: Actress Doris Roberts is 81. Actress Loretta Swit is 74. Rhythmand-blues singer Harry Elston (Friends of Distinction) is 73. Blues singer Delbert McCLinton is 71. Former First Lady Laura Bush is 65. Actress Markie Post is 61. Rock singer-musician Chris Difford (Squeeze) is 57. Country singer Kim Forester (The Forester Sisters) is 51. Actress-comedian Kathy Griffin is 51. Actor Ralph Macchio is 50. “Survivor” host Jeff Probst is 50. Rock singer-musician Wayne Static (Static-X) is 46. Actor Matthew McConaughey is 42. Rapper-producer Sean “Puffy” Combs is 42. Rhythm-and-blues singer Shawn Rivera (Az Yet) is 40. Actress Heather Tom is 36. Rhythm-and-blues/gospel singer George Huff is 31.


Dial 5 6

CTN 5 S. Katsos WCSH









8:30 Outlook

Chuck Chuck becomes Morgan’s handler. (N) (In Stereo) Å Kitchen Nightmares Reviving Los Angeles’s Burger Kitchen. (N) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Hill Family” (N) Å Washing- Maine ton Week Watch (N) Å Priceless Antiques Antiques Roadshow Roadshow Å Nikita “Clawback” Alex encounters someone from her past. (N) Å A Gifted Man Helping a patient with a deadly virus. (N) Å Monk (In Stereo) Å

NOVEMBER 4, 2011

9:00 Comedy


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Midnight Mausoleum


Grimm Nick asks Monroe Dateline NBC (In Ste- News Tonight to protect Aunt Marie. reo) Å Show With (N) Å Jay Leno Fringe “Novation” Nina News 13 on FOX (N) The Office The Office Sharp visits Walter in the “Costume “Safety lab. (N) Å Contest” Training” Extreme Makeover: 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News 8 Nightline Home Edition “Hill FamWMTW at (N) Å ily” (N) Å 11 (N) Maine Inside Give Me the Banjo History of the banjo and roots Watch Washing- music. (N) (In Stereo) Å ton Å Give Me the Banjo History of the banjo and roots Independent Lens “Deaf music. (N) (In Stereo) Å Jam” American Sign Language Poetry. Supernatural Psychics Excused American It’s Always That ’70s are gruesomely mur(N) Å Dad Å Sunny in Show Å dered. (N) Å Phila. CSI: NY “Crushed” An Blue Bloods Jackie and WGME Late Show overcrowded party leads Danny track a serial killer. News 13 at With David to a death. (N) (N) Å 11:00 Letterman Monk (In Stereo) Å Law Order: CI Holiday Cops Å








DISC Gold Rush Å


FAM Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club (N) Å


USA NCIS “Nine Lives”


NESN College Football


CSNE Tailgate


ESPN College Football Live


ESPN2 College Football Central Michigan at Kent State. (N) (Live)




Flashpoint Å

Gold Rush (N) Å NCIS “Semper Fidelis” Quick


Flying Wild Alaska (N) Gold Rush Å NCIS Tense reunion.

CSI: Crime Scene





SportsNet Patriots

Outdoors SportsNet

College Football USC at Colorado. (N) (Live) Criminal Minds Å

SportsCenter (N) Å

Criminal Minds Å

DISN Wizards

ANT Farm Jessie (N) Fish


TOON Star Wars


King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK Fred 2


’70s Show ’70s Show George


Good Luck Shake It George



Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Documentary

MSNBC Documentary


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront


CNBC American Greed

American Greed

Porn: Business

Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor


MSNBC The Ed Show (N)


Flashpoint “Wild Card”




The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



Movie: ›› “Seven Pounds” (2008) Will Smith. Premiere.



Say Yes

Movie: ›› “Seven Pounds” (2008)

Reba Å

Reba Å

Reba Å

Reba Å

Reba Å

Reba Å

Reba Å

Say Yes

Say Yes

Say Yes



Say Yes

Say Yes




AMC Movie: ›‡ “Lake Placid” (1999) Bill Pullman.

The Walking Dead

Talk Dead Lake Plcd


HGTV Hunters




TRAV Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures

The Dead Files (N)

Ghost Adventures


A&E Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å






BRAVO Housewives/Atl.






HALL Movie: “Debbie Macomber’s Mrs. Miracle”

“Debbie Macomber’s Call Me Mrs. Miracle”


SYFY WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) Å

Sanctuary (N) Å

Fact or Faked


ANIM Fatal Attractions Å

Animal Phobia

Animal Phobia

Animal Phobia


HIST American


Hairy Bike Hairy Bike IRT Deadliest Roads



COM Tosh.0

67 68 76



Movie: ››‡ “Lean on Me” (1989) Å



American Tosh.0

Movie: ››‡ “Lockdown” (2000, Drama) Å


South Park Tosh.0


South Park Napoleon

How I Met How I Met Movie: ››› “Tropic Thunder” (2008, Comedy) Ben Stiller.

TVLND Married









Movie: ›››› “The Wizard of Oz” (1939)


SPIKE Gangland Å

Gangland Å

OXY Movie: ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Å TCM Movie: ›››› “The Invisible Man”


1 5 10 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 23 24 25 30 34 35 37 38


Tropic T Raymond

Movie: ›››‡ “The Fugitive” (1993)

78 146



Movie: ›››‡ “Little Miss Sunshine” (2006)

Movie: “Gold Diggers of 1935”

ACROSS Fruitless “Come Back, Little __” Pierre’s father Largest lake in Australia Soup scooper Oodles and oodles “Slaves of New York” author Janowitz Hunter in the night sky Dutch singer DeLange Keenly perceptive state Baltimore newspaper Utters Cunning Fraction of a baht Fashion designer Cassini Table seasoning Lowest point Hebrew letter


39 Prim and proper 41 Casino game 42 Strokes on the green 44 Trigonometric function 45 French islands 46 Co-founder of “The Tatler” 48 Apple-pie order 50 “Whip It” group 52 Archaeological site 53 Secretive condition 61 Seine tributary 62 River to the Gulf of Lions 63 Needle case 64 HST’s lady 65 Prognosticators 66 Tantrum 67 Small round bread rolls 68 Caravan stopovers 69 Quench DOWN

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 22

25 26 27 28 29 31

Nov. honorees Hindu nursemaid MacLaine film, “__ la Douce” Miniaturist’s asset? Snail characteristic Mata of spydom Revise text Ink stains Virgil’s hero Extremely careful quality Vogue competition “Upside Down” singer Summers on the Somme Play on words Cannon of “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice” Part of USMC Alaska resident “Beau __” Srs. exams Killed, as a dragon Fashion designer

Simpson 32 Golf course halves 33 Vulgar 36 Fork prong 40 Insensitivity 43 Coaster with runners 47 Very, very 49 Even score 51 Milo of “The

Verdict” Hall-of-famer Ty In __ of Part of AARP Pedal extremities With regard to Sicilian volcano Diamonds or spades 60 Place 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011


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PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 13


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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I have a year-old son whom I love more than anything in the world. My girlfriend, “Karen,” and I are trying to be good parents. The problem is, Karen and I have broken up several times due to arguments that got out of control. She has a terrible temper. Usually, a month after our breakups, she pulls out all the stops to get me back. Since our son’s birth, we’ve stuck together, but we still fight. Twice, Karen has threatened to take our son and leave. The fighting is wearing me down. I have considered proposing because I know it will make her happy. And she really is a great mother. But as soon as I consider finding a ring, we end up having another ridiculous fight. I’ve suggested counseling and church, and although she has agreed, I can’t get her to schedule anything. Should our son be exposed to our constant fighting and the possibility of a split, or is it better for him to grow up with separated parents who can be civil toward each other? -- Balancing on a Cliff in Connecticut Dear Cliff: It’s better for kids to grow up in a stable environment with two committed, loving parents. There is still a chance that you can achieve this, but it will require counseling. Don’t wait for Karen to schedule an appointment. She is too afraid that a counselor will blame her for all your troubles, and you should assure her that this is not what a good counselor does. Make an appointment on your own, and ask her to be there. If she refuses, please go without her. Dear Annie: All I want to do is get a job so I can have food on the table to feed my family. Yet, every time I fill out an application, they ask about college. If I don’t check the box that says I went to college or intend to go, I don’t hear from them. I am retired and need some extra money because my sons can’t find work and they are living at home, along with my

granddaughter. My wife is already working 60 hours a week. How am I going to support all of them if I can’t get some extra money? -- Proud Vet Who Can’t Find Work Dear Vet: You seem to be searching in the wrong places. Many jobs do not require a college degree. While the job market is tight right now, please check out these suggested websites for seniors and retirees who need assistance or training:, and experienceworks. org. We hope one of them will steer you in the right direction. Good luck. Dear Annie: “Miss My Sister” said her bipolar sister didn’t think she had any friends, but the funeral was standing room only. How many of those “friends” were in her sister’s life before she killed herself? I, too, have been contemplating suicide. I do not believe I am depressed, but I do feel invisible and that no one would miss me if I died. I have been divorced for five years. I have a good job, my own home, work out regularly and am active in my church. I am close with my family, have many acquaintances and a few good friends. I still feel alone. I would love it if someone would call once in a while and ask me to go to dinner or shopping. If I did commit suicide, it would not be to hurt my family, but to take the hurt away from me. -- Lonely Dear Lonely: You may not believe you are depressed, but your letter says otherwise. Someone who has close family and good friends should not feel invisible and alone. Sometimes it’s a matter of perspective or effort. But it could also be a medical or psychiatric problem. Make an appointment for a complete checkup, and then ask your doctor to refer you to a mental health professional. When suicidal thoughts crop up, please contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Report accuses China and Russia of spying WASHINGTON (NY TIMES) — American intelligence agencies, in an unusually blunt public criticism of China and Russia, reported to Congress on Thursday that those two foreign governments steal valuable American technology over the Internet as a matter of national policy. Both China and Russia hide behind the anonymity of proxy computers and dispersed routers in third countries to pilfer proprietary corporate information to accelerate their own economic development, according to the new intelligence assessment. They have also targeted the computer networks of government agencies and universities, the report said. American officials have for years hinted that China and Russia were leading suspects in the Internet theft of economic secrets, and those accusations have appeared as scattered commentary in government reports. Google has accused China twice in two years of broad Internet intrusions targeting its users. However, American officials, when pressed, have said that pinpointing the culprits remained difficult in cyberspace, and they also usually emphasized that specific complaints of computer-network espionage were best raised in private government-to-government channels. In contrast, the new intelligence study, compiled as a report to Congress on foreign economic and industrial espionage over the past two years, presents a pointed case that China and Russia are the leading actors in the Internet theft of economic secrets. “The computer networks of a broad array of U.S. government agencies, private companies, universities and other institutions — all holding large volumes of sensitive economic information — were targeted by cyber espionage,” the report said. “Chinese actors are the world’s most active and persistent perpetrators of economic espionage,” it added. “Russia’s intelligence services are conducting a range of activities to collect economic information and technology from U.S. targets.”

Growth in retail sales slowed in October (NY TIMES) — In a potentially troubling sign for the holiday shopping season, retailers released data on Thursday suggesting that Americans were slowing down spending and hunting for discounts. The retailers tracked by Thomson Reuters posted in October an average increase of 3.4 percent in sales at stores open at least a year compared with the same month last year, missing analyst estimates of 4.5 percent. The disappointing growth followed stronger results in August and September, when same-store sales rose 4.4 percent and 5.1 percent, respectively. Analysts and consulting firms have been putting together holiday-growth projections, and most numbers have been gaining in the 3 to 4 percent range. Yet other indicators suggest a weaker holiday season ahead. Consumer sentiment continues to be weak, and ports have been reporting that much less holiday inventory has been coming through their docks than expected. “I think it’s going to be a turbulent, tough holiday,” said David Bassuk, managing director and head of the global retail practice at AlixPartners, a consulting firm. “We’ve got the consumer in a real value mode.” A number of retailers were reported to be discounting even more than usual to pump up October sales. “Even retailers who reported significant upside to sales had to give up margin to drive the incremental sales,” Adrienne Tennant, an analyst at Janney Capital Markets who follows specialty retailers such as American Eagle Outfitters, Gap and Abercrombie & Fitch, wrote in a note to clients.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Friday, Nov. 4 Third annual Day of Free Dental Care 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year, 32 dentists in 11 locations will offer free dental care to adults. The event is the 3rd Annual Dentists Who Care for ME day of free care sponsored by the Greater Portland Dental Society. Last year the program treated over 600 people. “We have a huge group of volunteers in addition to the dentists and specialists,” says Dr. Barry Saltz, co-organizer. “Dental hygienists, assistants and others volunteer to help with all kinds of tasks from teeth cleanings to paperwork,” he adds. The free care is open only to adults who cannot afford regular dental care. The free care will include one treatment — cleanings, fillings, extractions or referral to a specialist, if necessary. Services are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Appointments will not be made for this day.People are urged to arrive at the dental offices when the doors open. Some people may be asked to return later if the lines are long. Dentists are participating from Falmouth to Gorham and Buxton. In certain situations, some people will be referred to one of more than 20 dental specialists who will also offer free care. Local care sites include: Buxton, 440 Narragansett Trail, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Jin Hwang, Dr. Wayne Lopez, Dr. Nicholas Roy; Cumberland, 323 Main St., Cumberland Center, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Michael Frost; Gorham, 94 Main St., Gorham, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Ted Morgan, Dr. Amanda Rockwood; Portland, 110 Auburn St., Portland, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Catalina Atienza and Dr. Alan Chebuske, and at 1334 Washington Ave. Portland, Dr. David Bagdasarian, Dr. Denise Caron and Dr. Shane Bryant; Scarborough, 40 Hannaford Drive, Scarborough, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Daniel R. Ravin, and at 618 U.S. Route 1, Suite 4, Dr. Colette Sirois, Dr. Joseph Penna, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, Dr. Nichol Penna, Dr. Barry Saltz, Dr. Jeffrey Brackett, Dr. Denise Theriault, Dr. Michael Cwiklinski, Dr. Andra Boak; South Portland, 463 Cottage Road, South Portland, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. James Ortengren, and at 265 Westbrook St., 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Stephen Palmer, Dr. Jonathan Shinay, 171 Maine Mall Road, Dr. Grace Thomas, Dr. David Jacobson, Dr. Alexandra Mann, Dr. Justin Griffee, Dr. Charles Sutera; Yarmouth, 70 Bayview St., Yarmouth, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dr. Alex Hutcheon, Dr. Amy Fuller, Dr. Robert Swan.

Lincoln Middle School indoor walking trail 10 a.m. Lincoln Middle School in Portland will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the school’s indoor walking trail. Teachers and students created the mile-long trail through Lincoln’s corridors as a way to promote physical activity during the school day. Lincoln received a $1,500 grant to help pay for the trail from 5210 Let’s Go!, a program in 12 greater Portland communities that encourages physical activity and healthy eating. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will include remarks by the staff of 5210 Let’s Go!, an appearance by the program’s mascot and a performance by the Lincoln school orchestra. At the ceremony’s conclusion, groups of students and teachers will walk quarter-mile segments of the trail. The school is considering several ways to promote use of the trail, such as starting a walking club and creating a history walk where students learn about a historical topic as they follow the trail. Lincoln joined the 5210 Let’s Go! middle school program three years ago. The school has organized walking field trips, a Hoops/Jump for Heart event, class tastings of produce grown in the school’s gardens, Bike and Walk to School Day, a Turn Off the TV campaign, a student wellness team and other activities to encourage students to exercise and eat healthy foods. Lincoln is located at 522 Stevens Ave. To find out more about 5210 Let’s Go!, please visit

On Saturday, Dec. 3, Bayside Bowl will host Viva Lebowski 2011, a tribute to the Coen Brothers’ cult classic, “The Big Lebowski.” See for details. (COURTESY IMAGE)

Book club, Jack Kerouac noon. Book club, Jack Kerouac, “On the Road.” Maine Charitable Mechanic Association. The MCMA library is starting a book club that will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at noon; bring a sandwich, dessert coffee and tea provided. Bring a list of what books you would like to read and discuss. For more information you can call Pat at 773-8396 during library hours, Tues., Wed., Thurs. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Poet and author Brigit Pegeen Kelly 2 p.m. Poet and author Brigit Pegeen Kelly: informal talk at 2 p.m.; 4 p.m. reading from her work; in seventh floor Events Room, Glickman Library, Portland campus of the University of Southern Maine. Free. Call 780-4291.

GLIMPSE at the Jetport 3 p.m. The Portland International Jetport will host a reception to celebrate and welcome the latest addition of sculpture, GLIMPSE by Wendy Klemperer, to the city’s public arts collection and featured at the airport. Meet and Greet area (first floor, adjacent to Shipyard Brewing Co.). GLIMPSE features an installation of sculpture including a herd of deer, a porcupine, and a wolf sited along the roadside of Jetport Boulevard (off the Congress Street entrance to the Jetport). The sculptures were donated to the City of Portland by arts patrons, William D. and Mary Louise N. Hamill in celebration of the new Jetport expansion in 2011.

Reiche School Garden Party

11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This Vermont Dance Company will do two performances and lead two dance workshops at Lucid Stage 29 Baxter Boulevard. Performances: Friday, Nov. 4 and Saturday, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. Call 899-3993 for reservations. Dance Workshops: Saturday, Nov. 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fee for workshops, $40. Call 899-3993 to enroll in the workshops.

3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Reiche Community School in Portland will host a garden party to honor the people and local businesses that helped design, build and maintain the school’s garden. The community is invited to attend. Those involved in the garden project will be recognized with bouquets of herbs grown at Reiche and thank-you letters from students. Refreshments will include carrots, radishes and edible flowers from the garden. Earlier in the day, members of the Reiche Green Team will work with teachers and parents to help students harvest produce. Potatoes and leeks will be sent to the school district’s central kitchen to make soup for teachers and students to sample the following week.

Annual Key4Women Forum

Margaritas visiting artists

Dance, storytelling with Winfield and Ahern

11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. KeyBank will host the Annual Key4Women Forum, “Creating a Culture of Courage: The New Leadership Challenge.” Leadership and customer service expert Cindy Solomon will discuss: four types of courage and when and how to invoke each for success in business, why finding the courage to move forward is the key to success in today’s new business economy, and how to inspire courage personally and professsionally. Women in business: business owners, leaders, decision makers and nonprofit directors. Marriott Sable Oaks, 200 Sable Oaks Drive, South Portland. $30, payable to McAuley Residence. Contact Sherry Brown, KeyBank, 207-874-7230, or register online at (Advance registration is required.)

4 p.m. to 9 p.m. “Margaritas Mexican Restaurant will play host to visiting artists Manuel Abeiro Horta and Modesto Horta, a team of mask making brothers from Tócuaro, Mexico. They will demonstrate crafting traditional Mexican fiesta masks using nothing more than a block of wood and some hand-made tools forged by a local blacksmith from their hometown. The lecture and demonstration is free and open to the public. There will also be children’s coloring and arts activities at the event.” Margaritas of Portland, 11 Brown St., Auburn.

First Friday at St. Lawrence Arts 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Paintings by Rosemont Market VIP and Munjoy Hill local Joe Fournier. 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for First Friday Art Walk with complimentary snacks and

wine on hand!! or St. Lawrence Arts at

‘Under the Tree’ art show 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk opening of “Pasi peMuti” “Under the Tree,” a one-man show of the work of Clyde Bango in the Museum of African Culture’s Contemproary Gallery. “Artist Clyde Bango is a native of Zimbabwe, and a recent graduate of Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Bango earned a double major in both biochemistry and visual arts, fulfilling his parents’ wishes for him to study science, and the artist’s own dream to study art. The artist’s wire sculptures feature portraits, figures and 3D sculptures. These wire sculptures draw an intricate attention to line and plane as fundamental units of structure, living or man-made. His magnificent wire tree in the show honors the late Wangari Maathai, Kenyan environmentalist and the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize.” The First Friday Art Walk at the museum will also feature the music of Jacob’s Marimba’s, an orchestra of beautiful wooden marimba’s, instruments that are in the xylophone family. The Museum of African Culture is at 13 Brown St. in Portland and open Tuesday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, noon to 4 p.m. Open each monthly First Friday Art Walk in Portland from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Phone: 871-7188. www.

First Friday: Jeni McLaughlin 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Opening Reception at Mayo Street Arts. “Starting to draw and paint as a therapeutic outlet, Jeni now finds inspiration more from the natural world and daily walks at the woods, beaches, and marshes. Currently residing in Portland, Jeni spends her days in the studio listening to cassette tapes, watching her pups play, and teaching herself new techniques. Jeni’s artwork can be seen in the private collections of her followers and can be purchased in a variety of new and recycled mediums at her booth at the Merchant Co. at 656 Congress St. in Portland, Maine.”

Back Cove Artists at MCMA 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk, Back Cove Artists showing their watercolors. Eight artists formed this group of watercolorists in 1987. Among the artists are Joan Bennert, Joan Connick, Bernie & Barbara Wall. The Maine Charitable Mechanic Association at 519 Congress St., Portland. www.

French Fashion exhibit at MHS 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk at Maine Historical Society. “Join us during Portland’s First Friday Art Walk to see two fabulous fashion-themed shows, ‘Having in Paris a Great Success’: French Fashion, 1928-1936, on display in the Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. Lecture Hall and Dressing Up, Standing Out, Fitting In: Adornment & Identity in Maine, on display in the museum. Mingle, enjoy refreshments and music, and discover Maine history.” see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

Meg Perry Center First Friday opening; Maine visual artist Kenny Cole 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. “An exhibition of gouache drawings on paper by Maine visual artist Kenny Cole. Portland, Maine is home to the largest community of refugees from the beleaguered Darfur region of the Sudan. Cole interviewed El Fadel Arbab, the community’s activist and lead spokesperson, about his life growing up in Darfur and the odyssey that led to his arrival in Maine. These drawings weave the hand rendered text of el Fadel’s interview into Cole’s invented acronyms, while text from various other sources are fitted in and around as a colorful array of amoeba-like puzzle pieces vying to tell the bigger story.” There will be an opening reception for the artist during Portland’s First Friday Art Walk. For more information visit:

The Beauty of Darfur; The Tragedy of Genocide at First Friday Art Walk


Neil Berg’s ‘101 Years of Broadway’ 8 p.m. “After their triumphant 2010 Portland Ovations debut, award-winning composer/ producer Neil Berg and his phenomenal cast of five Broadway stars return to Merrill Auditorium with their latest rendition, 101 Years of Broadway. Accompanied by an all-star New York band, 101 Years of Broadway is a sprawling revue showcasing the best of Broadway and the American songbook including songs by Irving Berlin and Andrew Lloyd Webber as well as dazzling tributes to Rodgers and Hart, George Gershwin, Stephen Sondheim, and Oscar Hammerstein. Berg and his veteran performers light up the stage with big personalities and even bigger talent.” Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St.

Saturday, Nov. 5 Funeral Consumers Alliance of Maine

8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Lisa Carlson, co-author of “Final Rights,” and past president of the Funeral Consumers Alliance is the featured speaker at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. As part of First Friday Art the Annual Meeting of the Funeral Consumers Walk, the Via Agency will open its doors at Alliance of Maine, at Allen Avenue Unitarian the Baxter building, 619 Congress St., PortUniversalist Church, 524 Allen Avenue, Portland to host a very special event to bring land. The business meeting will be from 8:45 awareness to and help efforts to end the a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Refreshments will be from genocide in Darfur. Come view inspiring 9:45 to 10:15 a.m., and the featured speaker and breath taking works of art created by at 10:15 will be followed by a panel discussion Falmouth and Yarmouth High School stuwith members of Last Things, Chuck Lakin, dent artists that feature contrasting work Klara Tammany, and Eva Thompson. Members representing Darfur’s beauty, and the are $5, non-members $10. Jessica Mitford’s tragic genocide. Tom Andrews, President The American Way of Death drew back the curand CEO of United to End Genocide* and tain on the funeral industry’s excesses. Josh former Maine Congressman will be on hand Slocum and Lisa Carlson’s Final Rights investifor conversation and will lead a dialog with gates the $15 billion funeral and burial industry Maine’s Sudanese Community. The Pihcintu in 2011, exposing consumer abuse, financial Multicultural Chorus, directed by Con Fullam, exploitation of the bereaved and how governaward-winning producer, musician, and ment regulators can’t be counted on to protect songwriter, will be lending their voices to this the grieving. The public is invited to attend. occasion and will be performing a selection of songs. Viewing the artwork, mingling with Occupy and March on Augusta the artists, survivors, and Tom will take place 9 a.m. “Return The People’s Mural!” and between 5-7:30 p.m. Student musicians will Joe Payne, the Casco Baykeeper, speaks about Gulf of Maine environmental restoration during a Occupy and March on Augusta, Nov. 5-Nov. perform light background music. At 7:30 p.m. press conference at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. On Saturday, Payne and Friends of Casco 8 Election Day.!/ there will be a performance by Pihcintu, an Bay will welcome the public to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, which will come to University of OccupyMaine international immigrants children’s choir. Southern Maine, Hannaford Hall, Portland. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) Home Grown Maine in Augusta At 7:45 p.m. there will be remarks by Tom 9 a.m. On Nov. 5 and 6, the Marijuana CaregivAndrews and a dialog with Maine’s Sudaheld on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4 and Nov. 5, as New ers of Maine association is hosting an event at the Augusta nese Community members. El-Fadel Arbab, a survivor of Englanders come together to celebrate the local Maine Civic Center, the first ever Home Grown Maine, “with a the genocide in Darfur, an educator, and secretary of the craft beer community. The Evening with the Brewers focus on Maine talent, Maine vendors and supporting the Fur Cultural Revival, met with students at Yarmouth and VIP Session will kick off the festival weekend on Friday Maine Medical Marijuana Community!” Medical Marijuana Falmouth to educated them about the genocide. It was from night, and the highly anticipated festival will begin on Caregivers of Maine is a trade association whose purpose those meetings and further research on the students’ part that Saturday afternoon with two high-energy sessions. Fesis to represent the interests of medical marijuana caregivers the art is being inspired and created. This event is in collaboratival attendees will receive a complimentary logoed tast(growers and providers) here in the state of Maine. Located tion with VIA Agency, Falmouth High School, Yarmouth High ing glass (real glass!) with tickets to enjoy 12, 4-oz pours School, USM Office of Multi-Cultural Student Affairs, Fur Culof Maine craft beer. Saturday Happy Hour Session: 1:30 at the Augusta Civic Center. 9 a.m. through midnight Saturtural Revival, Pihcintu, and NAACP Portland Branch. p.m. to 5 p.m.; doors open at 1 p.m. Food and store sales day; 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. start at 1 p.m. Taps open at 1:30 p.m. Evening Session: Children’s Nursery School 36th annual Second-year anniversary for Geno’s First Friday 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; doors open at 6 p.m. Food and Grand Bazaar & Silent Auction 5:30 p.m. Geno’s First Friday Rock Walk will be second store sales start at 6 p.m. Taps open at 6:30 p.m. Portanniversary. “To celebrate, we give you one of Geno’s 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Children’s Nursery School 36th land Expo. most talented - Mr. Dave ‘Grim Horror’ Bumpus, and a annual Grand Bazaar & Silent Auction at Williston West line-up of music that will satisfy every craving for sound ‘Betrayal’ by Harold Pinter Church, 32 Thomas St. The Grand Bazaar kicks off with a you could have! David ‘Grim’ Bumpus, 29, is an artist 7:30 p.m. November 4, 5, 10, 11, 12. Saco River Grange huge silent auction on Friday evening with refreshments and from Maine, who works primarily in black and white Hall, Bar Mills. The Originals present “Betrayal.” “The clasaffordable childcare and concludes with fun for the whole sketching mediums. He discovered a talent for working sic dramatic scenario of the love triangle is powerfully family on Saturday — children’s activities, music, and food. with the classic ‘Etch-A-Sketch’ toys several years ago manifested in Harold Pinter’s poignant and absorbing play, There is no better way to spend a weekend in November. while living in Boulder, Colo., and has since perfected a ‘Betrayal.’ ‘Betrayal’ exposes the painful truth that love Get your kids into a fun space, do a little holiday shopping, preservation process. The name ‘Tendonitis’ was inspired sometimes causes us to betray not only those we care and enjoy the sounds and spirit of a great West End tradiby the physical effects of turning little knobs for hours on about, but also ourselves. Sure to stimulate conversation. The proceeds raised allow for an assistant teacher in end. In his spare time, David enjoys cooking, drinking, tion, this elegant play is not to be missed. Featuring Jenwriting, bar-room darts and various other activities. He nifer Porter, Dana Packard and Rob Cameron. Tickets: $18 the classroom, new materials and activities. This year, our holds a bachelor’s degree in Film Sciences and a mas/ $15, Thursday, Nov. 10 is pay-what-you-can. Call 929three raffle items are 1) a case of assorted fine wines, 2) ter’s degree in Creative Writing. Art walk, 5:30 p.m. to 5412 for reservations. a $200 Whole Foods gift certificate and 3) a Casco Bay 8:30 p.m. Door at 9 p.m. for live music show! $5/ 21 plus. sailboat ride. Silent auction items include jewelry, artisan Jazz benefit concert to support Occupy Maine Bands are: Apocryphonic ( 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. At the Mayo Arts Center, 10 Mayo St., works, and gift certificates to Portland’s best boutiques Apocryphonic); Absence of the Sun (http://www.facePortland. $10 plus cover charge at the door to support and restaurants. Raffle tickets are available the day of; Johnny Cremains (http:// Occupy Maine. All ages welcome. Beer, wine, juice, the Bazaar or in advance by contacting Resa Jones at Geno’s is located spring water and snacks are available for purchase at 627 Congress St., right beside the Baxter Building. through Mayo Street Arts Center. “All musicians are ‘Thank You To All Who Served’ 838-7030 donating their talent and time. Please go to www.occu10 a.m. The New Gloucester Historical Society and LunnCladdagh Award Ceremony or OccupyMaine on Facebook to learn Hunnewell Amvets Post No. 6 will sponsor a ceremony 5:30 p.m. The Maine Irish Heritage Center, 34 Gray St., Portmore about the movement.” Contact Rob Schreiber at “Thank You To All Who Served” at the New Gloucester land, will host the fourth annual Claddagh Award Ceremony History Barn, behind the Town Hall on Route 231. The certo honor William J. Ryan and to raise funds for the MIHC. ‘Paul Goodman Changed My Life’ emony honors New Gloucester citizens who have served William J. Ryan is retired as Chairman of the Board of TD 6:30 p.m. “Paul Goodman Changed My Life,” Friday, Nov. Bank, N.A. Tickets are $75. This is the major fundraiser for and serve in the U.S. armed services, going back to our 4, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 5, 2 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 6, 2 the Maine Irish Heritage Center. nation’s earliest conflicts. Lists have been compiled and will p.m. Movies at the Museum, Portland Museum of Art, Fribe posted at the ceremony. The public is encouraged to Maine Brewers Festival days, Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets: $7 and available attend. 6:30 p.m. The 18th annual Maine Brewers Festival will be on the day of the show. For a complete list of movies,

art walk

Page 16 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, November 4, 2011


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“This Hour” Featuring Blue Butterfield N o vem ber 4th thro u gh N o vem ber 28th 584 Co n gress Street ~ Po rtla n d ~ 774 5948

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